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Ironsworn: Starforged - PLAYKIT

Authors Shawn Tomkin

License CC-BY-4.0


              This file includes print-and-play materials for the
                     Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game.

                         CHARACTER SHEET
           Track your character’s status, condition, and experience.

                          RULES REFERENCE
                 One-sheet reference for core Ironsworn rules

                         MOVES REFERENCE
Printable reference sheets for Ironsworn moves. Keep this handy while you play.

              Track your progress for vows, journeys, and fights.

                       ORACLES WORKSHEET
                        Create your own oracle tables.

                           IRONLANDS MAP
                  Printable grayscale map of the Ironlands
                 Visit for a color version.

                      Copyright ©2018 Shawn Tomkin.
The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    International license. For details on licenses, visit
CHARACTER                                                          EXPERIENCE
                       EDGE         IRON            HEART     SHADOW         WITS
                       EDGE        HEART             IRON     SHADOW         WITS
                                                    VOWS                                         +2
                           TROUBLESOME  DANGEROUS  FORMIDABLE  EXTREME  EPIC                +1
 +4                                                                                             SPIRIT
  +3                                                                                             +5

  +2                                                                                             +4
                           TROUBLESOME  DANGEROUS  FORMIDABLE  EXTREME  EPIC                +3

  0                                                                                              +2

  -1                       TROUBLESOME  DANGEROUS  FORMIDABLE  EXTREME  EPIC                +1

  -2                                                                                              0
                                               DEBILITIES                                        +4
  -5                CONDITIONS                              BANES
                     WOUNDED         SHAKEN                MAIMED      CORRUPTED             +3
  -6                 UNPREPARED      ENCUMBERED           BURDENS
                                                             CURSED      TORMENTED             +2



             IRONSWORN                                                        ORACLES
                                                                              Ask the Oracle when you have questions in solo or co-op games, or to
             RULES SUMMARY                                                    provide inspiration for the GM in guided play.
                                                                              When you are prompted by a move or an oracle table to generate a result
                                                                              between 1 and 100, roll two ten-sided dice.
When you do something or encounter a situation within the scope of a          MOMENTUM
move, refer to the move and follow its instructions to see what happens.
When a move’s name is referenced within the rules or by another move,
                                                                              BURNING MOMENTUM
you’ll see it as italicized text.                                             You may cancel any challenge dice which are less than your momentum
                                                                              value. After you burn momentum, you must reset.
THE ACTION ROLL                                                               RESETTING MOMENTUM
Roll your action die (d6) and challenge dice (2d10). The total of your          • The default reset is +2.
action die, your stat, and any adds is your action score. Your action score     • One debility marked = your momentum reset is +1.
is never greater than 10—anything over that is ignored.                         • More than one debility marked = your momentum reset is 0.
                                                                              SUFFERING NEGATIVE MOMENTUM
                  STAT       ADDS                     4            7          When your momentum is less than 0, and it matches the value of your
   2         + 2 + 1 = 5                                                      action die, you must cancel your action die.
                                                                              When you suffer -momentum, and your momentum is already at -6, you
ACTION DIE                              SCORE         CHALLENGE DICE          will instead make the Face a Setback move.
  • Strong hit = Action score is greater than both of the challenge dice                                            Rank                     Harm / Stress
                                                                              SUFFERING HARM
  • Weak Hit = Action score is greater than one of the challenge dice                                               Troublesome              -1
                                                                              AND STRESS
  • Miss = Action score is not greater than either of the challenge dice
                                                                              When you face mental shock or         Dangerous                -2
PROGRESS TRACKS                                                               despair, make the Endure Stress       Formidable               -3
                                                                              move. When you face physical          Extreme                  -4
                          Troublesome:                         Dangerous:     injury or hardship, make the
                          mark 3 progress                      mark 2         Endure Harm move.                     Epic                     -5
        Formidable:                  Extreme:                  Epic:          INFLICTING HARM
        mark 1 progress              mark 2 ticks              mark 1 tick      • When you wield a deadly weapon (such as a sword, axe, spear, or
                                                                                  bow), you inflict 2 harm.
  • When a move tells you to mark progress, fill in the appropriate             • When you are unarmed, or wield an improvised or simple weapon
    number of ticks or progress boxes per the rank of your challenge.             (such as a shield, stick, club, staff, or rock), you inflict 1 harm.
  • When you inflict harm on your foe in combat, each point of harm is
    marked as progress on your foe’s progress track per their rank.           FOES
  • When you successfully Forge a Bond, mark 1 tick on your bond
    progress track.                                                            Rank             Type                       Progress               Harm
                                                                               Troublesome      Common enemies             3 progress per         Inflicts 1
PROGRESS MOVES                                                                                                             harm                   harm
Your progress score = +1 for every filled progress box (4 ticks). Roll         Dangerous        Capable fighters           2 progress per         Inflicts 2
your challenge dice (2d10) and compare to your progress score. Ignore                           and deadly                 harm                   harm
momentum when making a progress move.                                                           creatures
                                                                               Formidable       Exceptional                1 progress per         Inflicts 3
                  PROGRESS SCORE            6                                                   fighters and mighty        harm                   harm
                                                                               Extreme          Foes of                    2 ticks per            Inflicts 4
                                                                                                overwhelming skill         harm                   harm
                                                                                                or power
                                    4               6                          Epic             Legendary foes of          1 tick per harm        Inflicts 5
                                                                                                mythic power                                      harm

MATCHES                                                                       SUPPLY
When you roll a match on your challenge dice...                               You and your allies share the same supply value. When your supply falls
   • Strong hit: The match represents                                         to 0, all characters make the Out of Supply move.
     a twist in the narrative, something
     interesting, or a new opportunity.         5         =         5         COMPANIONS
   • Miss: The match represents a                                             If you roll a 1 on your action die when using a companion ability, any
     heightened negative outcome, a                                           negative outcome of the move should involve your companion.
     complication, or a new danger.                                           When a companion suffers physical damage, make the Companion
If you’re unsure what happens, Ask the Oracle.                                Endure Harm move.
FACE DANGER                                                                   RESUPPLY
When you attempt something risky or react to an imminent threat,              When you hunt, forage, or scavenge, roll +wits.
envision your action and roll. If you act...                                  On a strong hit, you bolster your resources. Take +2 supply.
  • With speed, agility, or precision: Roll +edge.                            On a weak hit, take up to +2 supply, but suffer -1 momentum for each.
  • With charm, loyalty, or courage: Roll +heart.
                                                                              On a miss, you find nothing helpful. Pay the Price.
  • With aggressive action, forceful defense, strength, or endurance: Roll
     +iron.                                                                   MAKE CAMP
  • With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow.
                                                                              When you rest and recover for several hours in the wild, roll +supply.
  • With expertise, insight, or observation: Roll +wits.
                                                                              On a strong hit, you and your allies may each choose two. On a weak hit,
On a strong hit, you are successful. Take +1 momentum.
                                                                              choose one.
On a weak hit, you succeed, but face a troublesome cost. Choose one.            • Recuperate: Take +1 health for you and any companions.
  • You are delayed, lose advantage, or face a new danger: Suffer -1            • Partake: Suffer -1 supply and take +1 health for you and any
     momentum.                                                                    companions.
  • You are tired or hurt: Endure Harm (1 harm).                                • Relax: Take +1 spirit.
  • You are dispirited or afraid: Endure Stress (1 stress).                     • Focus: Take +1 momentum.
  • You sacrifice resources: Suffer -1 supply.                                  • Prepare: When you break camp, add +1 if you Undertake a Journey.
On a miss, you fail, or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and         On a miss, you take no comfort. Pay the Price.
costly turn of events. Pay the Price.
                                                                              UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY
                                                                              When you travel across hazardous or unfamiliar lands, set the rank of
When you assess a situation, make preparations, or attempt to gain            your journey.
leverage, envision your action and roll. If you act...
                                                                                 • Troublesome journey: 3 progress per waypoint.
   • With speed, agility, or precision: Roll +edge.
                                                                                 • Dangerous journey: 2 progress per waypoint.
   • With charm, loyalty, or courage: Roll +heart.
                                                                                 • Formidable journey: 1 progress per waypoint.
   • With aggressive action, forceful defense, strength, or endurance: Roll
                                                                                 • Extreme journey: 2 ticks per waypoint.
                                                                                 • Epic journey: 1 tick per waypoint.
   • With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow.
                                                                              Then, for each segment of your journey, roll +wits. If you are setting off
   • With expertise, insight, or observation: Roll +wits.
                                                                              from a community with which you share a bond, add +1 to your initial
On a strong hit, you gain advantage. Choose one.                              roll.
   • Take control: Make another move now (not a progress move), and           On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint. If the waypoint is unknown to
     add +1.                                                                  you, envision it (Ask the Oracle if unsure). Then, choose one.
   • Prepare to act: Take +2 momentum.
                                                                                • You make good use of your resources: Mark progress.
On a weak hit, your advantage is short-lived. Take +1 momentum.                 • You move at speed: Mark progress and take +1 momentum, but
On a miss, you fail or your assumptions betray you. Pay the Price.                 suffer -1 supply.
                                                                              On a weak hit, you reach a waypoint and mark progress, but suffer -1
GATHER INFORMATION                                                            supply.
When you search an area, ask questions, conduct an investigation, or          On a miss, you are waylaid by a perilous event. Pay the Price.
follow a track, roll +wits. If you act within a community or ask questions
of a person with whom you share a bond, add +1.                               REACH YOUR DESTINATION
On a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific. The path        Progress Move
you must follow or action you must take to make progress is made
clear. Envision what you learn (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and take +2        When your journey comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and
momentum.                                                                     compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll.

On a weak hit, the information complicates your quest or introduces a         On a strong hit, the situation at your destination favors you. Choose one.
new danger. Envision what you discover (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and          • Make another move now (not a progress move), and add +1.
take +1 momentum.                                                               • Take +1 momentum.
On a miss, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an            On a weak hit, you arrive but face an unforeseen hazard or complication.
unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Pay the Price.                    Envision what you find (Ask the Oracle if unsure).
                                                                              On a miss, you have gone hopelessly astray, your objective is lost to you,
HEAL                                                                          or you were misled about your destination. If your journey continues,
When you treat an injury or ailment, roll +wits. If you are mending your      clear all but one filled progress, and raise the journey’s rank by one (if not
own wounds, roll +wits or +iron, whichever is lower.                          already epic).
On a strong hit, your care is helpful. If you (or the ally under your care)
have the wounded condition, you may clear it. Then, take or give up to +2
On a weak hit, as above, but you must suffer -1 supply or -1 momentum
(your choice).
On a miss, your aid is ineffective. Pay the Price.
COMPEL                                                                        FORGE A BOND
When you attempt to persuade someone to do something, envision                When you spend significant time with a person or community, stand
your approach and roll. If you...                                             together to face hardships, or make sacrifices for their cause, you can
  • Charm, pacify, barter, or convince: Roll +heart (add +1 if you share      attempt to create a bond. When you do, roll +heart. If you make this move
     a bond).                                                                 after you successfully Fulfill Your Vow to their benefit, you may reroll any
  • Threaten or incite: Roll +iron.                                           dice.
  • Lie or swindle: Roll +shadow.                                             On a strong hit, make note of the bond, mark a tick on your bond
On a strong hit, they’ll do what you want or share what they know. Take       progress track, and choose one.
+1 momentum. If you use this exchange to Gather Information, make that           • Take +1 spirit.
move now and add +1.                                                             • Take +2 momentum.
On a weak hit, as above, but they ask something of you in return.             On a weak hit, they ask something more of you first. Envision what it
Envision what they want (Ask the Oracle if unsure).                           is (Ask the Oracle if unsure), do it (or Swear an Iron Vow), and mark the
On a miss, they refuse or make a demand which costs you greatly. Pay the      bond. If you refuse or fail, Pay the Price.
Price.                                                                        On a miss, they reject you. Pay the Price.

SOJOURN                                                                       TEST YOUR BOND
When you spend time in a community seeking assistance, roll +heart. If        When your bond is tested through conflict, betrayal, or circumstance,
you share a bond, add +1.                                                     roll +heart.
On strong hit, you and your allies may each choose two from within the        On a strong hit, this test has strengthened your bond. Choose one.
categories below. On a weak hit, choose one. If you share a bond, choose        • Take +1 spirit.
one more.
                                                                                • Take +2 momentum.
On a hit, you and your allies may each focus on one of your chosen
                                                                              On a weak hit, your bond is fragile and you must prove your loyalty.
recover actions and roll +heart again. If you share a bond, add +1. On a
                                                                              Envision what they ask of you (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and do it (or
strong hit, take +2 more for that action. On a weak hit, take +1 more. On
                                                                              Swear an Iron Vow). If you refuse or fail, clear the bond and Pay the Price.
a miss, it goes badly and you lose all benefits for that action.
                                                                              On a miss, or if you have no interest in maintaining this relationship,
Clear a Condition                                                             clear the bond and Pay the Price.
  • Mend: Clear a wounded debility and take +1 health.
  • Hearten: Clear a shaken debility and take +1 spirit.                      AID YOUR ALLY
  • Equip: Clear an unprepared debility and take +1 supply.                   When you Secure an Advantage in direct support of an ally, and score
Recover                                                                       a hit, they (instead of you) can take the benefits of the move. If you are in
  •   Recuperate: Take +2 health for yourself and any companions.             combat and score a strong hit, you and your ally have initiative.
  •   Consort: Take +2 spirit.
  •   Provision: Take +2 supply.                                              WRITE YOUR EPILOGUE
  •   Plan: Take +2 momentum.                                                 Progress Move

Provide Aid                                                                   When you retire from your life as Ironsworn, envision two things: What
                                                                              you hope for, and what you fear. Then, roll the challenge dice and compare
  • Take a quest: Envision what this community needs, or what trouble
                                                                              to your bonds. Momentum is ignored on this roll.
    it is facing (Ask the Oracle if unsure). If you chose to help, Swear an
    Iron Vow and add +1.                                                      On a strong hit, things come to pass as you hoped.
                                                                              On a weak hit, your life takes an unexpected turn, but not necessarily for
On a miss, you find no help here. Pay the Price.
                                                                              the worse. You find yourself spending your days with someone or in a
                                                                              place you did not foresee. Envision it (Ask the Oracle if unsure).
                                                                              On a miss, your fears are realized.
When you challenge someone to a formal duel, or accept a challenge,
roll +heart. If you share a bond with this community, add +1.
On a strong hit, take +1 momentum. You may also choose up to two
boasts and take +1 momentum for each.
On a weak hit, you may choose one boast in exchange for +1 momentum.
  • Grant first strike: Your foe has initiative.
  • Bare yourself: Take no benefit of armor or shield; your foe’s harm is
  • Hold no iron: Take no benefit of weapons; your harm is 1.
  • Bloody yourself: Endure Harm (1 harm).
  • To the death: One way or another, this fight must end with death.
On a miss, you begin the duel at a disadvantage. Your foe has initiative.
Pay the Price.
Then, make moves to resolve the fight. If you are the victor, you may
make a lawful demand, and your opponent must comply or forfeit
their honor and standing. If you refuse the challenge, surrender, or are
defeated, they make a demand of you.
ENTER THE FRAY                                                                TURN THE TIDE
When you enter into combat, set the rank of each of your foes.                Once per fight, when you risk it all, you may steal initiative from your foe
  • Troublesome foe: 3 progress per harm; inflicts 1 harm.                    to make a move (not a progress move). When you do, add +1 and take +1
  • Dangerous foe: 2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm.                      momentum on a hit.
  • Formidable foe: 1 progress per harm; inflicts 3 harm.                     If you fail to score a hit on that move, you must suffer a dire outcome. Pay
  • Extreme foe: 2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm.                           the Price.
  • Epic foe: 1 tick per harm; inflicts 5 harm.
                                                                              END THE FIGHT
Then, roll to determine who is in control. If you are...
                                                                              Progress Move
  • Facing off against your foe: Roll +heart.
  • Moving into position against an unaware foe, or striking without          When you make a move to take decisive action, and score a strong hit,
    warning: Roll +shadow.                                                    you may resolve the outcome of this fight. If you do, roll the challenge
                                                                              dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll.
  • Ambushed: Roll +wits.
                                                                              On a strong hit, this foe is no longer in the fight. They are killed, out of
On a strong hit, take +2 momentum. You have initiative.
                                                                              action, flee, or surrender as appropriate to the situation and your intent
On a weak hit, choose one.                                                    (Ask the Oracle if unsure).
  • Bolster your position: Take +2 momentum.                                  On a weak hit, as above, but you must also choose one.
  • Prepare to act: Take initiative.                                           • It’s worse than you thought: Endure Harm.
On a miss, combat begins with you at a disadvantage. Pay the Price. Your       • You are overcome: Endure Stress.
foe has initiative.
                                                                               • Your victory is short-lived: A new danger or foe appears, or an
                                                                                  existing danger worsens.
STRIKE                                                                         • You suffer collateral damage: Something of value is lost or broken, or
When you have initiative and attack in close quarters, roll +iron. When           someone important must pay the cost.
you have initiative and attack at range, roll +edge.                           • You’ll pay for it: An objective falls out of reach.
On a strong hit, inflict +1 harm. You retain initiative.                       • Others won’t forget: You are marked for vengeance.
On a weak hit, inflict your harm and lose initiative.                         On a miss, you have lost this fight. Pay the Price.
On a miss, your attack fails and you must Pay the Price. Your foe has
initiative.                                                                   BATTLE
                                                                              When you fight a battle, and it happens in a blur, envision your objective
CLASH                                                                         and roll. If you primarily…
When your foe has initiative and you fight with them in close quarters,         • Fight at range, or using your speed and the terrain to your
roll +iron. When you exchange a volley at range, or shoot at an                    advantage: Roll +edge.
advancing foe, roll +edge.                                                      • Fight depending on your courage, allies, or companions: Roll +heart.
On a strong hit, inflict your harm and choose one. You have the initiative.     • Fight in close to overpower your opponents: Roll +iron.
   • You bolster your position: Take +1 momentum.                               • Fight using trickery to befuddle your opponents: Roll +shadow.
   • You find an opening: Inflict +1 harm.                                      • Fight using careful tactics to outsmart your opponents: Roll +wits.
On a weak hit, inflict your harm, but then Pay the Price. Your foe has        On a strong hit, you achieve your objective unconditionally. Take +2
initiative.                                                                   momentum.
On a miss, you are outmatched and must Pay the Price. Your foe has            On a weak hit, you achieve your objective, but not without cost. Pay the
initiative.                                                                   Price.
                                                                              On a miss, you are defeated and the objective is lost to you. Pay the Price.


Secure an Advantage: When acting to outwit or outmanuever your foe,           Suffer Moves (all): When facing physical damage, mental trauma, or lack of
or setting up another move.                                                   supply.

Face Danger: When overcoming an obstacle, avoiding a hazard, fleeing,         Pay the Price: When suffering the outcome of a move.
or evading an attack (without fighting back).
                                                                              Ask the Oracle: When asking questions about combat events or your foe’s
Aid Your Ally: When making a move to give your ally an advantage.             intent and actions.

Compel: When surrendering, coercing your foe to stand down, or
negotiating a truce.
ENDURE HARM                                                                   ENDURE STRESS
When you face physical damage, suffer -health equal to your foe’s rank        When you face mental shock or despair, suffer -spirit equal to your
or as appropriate to the situation. If your health is 0, suffer -momentum     foe’s rank or as appropriate to the situation. If your spirit is 0, suffer
equal to any remaining -health.                                               -momentum equal to any remaining -spirit.
Then, roll +health or +iron, whichever is higher.                             Then, roll +spirit or +heart, whichever is higher.
On a strong hit, choose one.                                                  On a strong hit, choose one.
 • Shake it off: If your health is greater than 0, suffer -1 momentum in       • Shake it off: If your spirit is greater than 0, suffer -1 momentum in
    exchange for +1 health.                                                       exchange for +1 spirit
 • Embrace the pain: Take +1 momentum.                                         • Embrace the darkness: Take +1 momentum
On a weak hit, you press on.                                                  On a weak hit, you press on.
On a miss, also suffer -1 momentum. If you are at 0 health, you must          On a miss, also suffer -1 momentum. If you are at 0 spirit, you must mark
mark wounded or maimed (if currently unmarked) or roll on the                 shaken or corrupted (if currently unmarked) or roll on the following
following table.                                                              table.

 Roll        Result                                                            Roll          Result
 1-10        The harm is mortal. Face Death.                                   1-10          You are overwhelmed. Face Desolation.
 11-20       You are dying. You need to Heal within an hour or two, or         11-25         You give up. Forsake Your Vow (if possible, one relevant to
             Face Death.                                                                     your current crisis).
 21-35       You are unconscious and out of action. If left alone, you         26-50         You give in to a fear or compulsion, and act against your
             come back to your senses in an hour or two. If you are                          better instincts.
             vulnerable to a foe not inclined to show mercy, Face Death.       51-00         You persevere.
 36-50       You are reeling and fighting to stay conscious. If you engage
             in any vigorous activity (such as running or fighting) before
                                                                              FACE DESOLATION
             taking a breather for a few minutes, roll on this table again
             (before resolving the other move).                               When you are brought to the brink of desolation, roll +heart.
 51-00       You are battered but still standing.                             On a strong hit, you resist and press on.
                                                                              On a weak hit, choose one.
FACE DEATH                                                                     • Your spirit or sanity breaks, but not before you make a noble
                                                                                  sacrifice. Envision your final moments.
When you are brought to the brink of death, and glimpse the world
                                                                               • You see a vision of a dreaded event coming to pass. Envision that
beyond, roll +heart.
                                                                                  dark future (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and Swear an Iron Vow
On a strong hit, death rejects you. You are cast back into the mortal             (formidable or extreme) to prevent it. If you fail to score a hit when
world.                                                                            you Swear an Iron Vow, or refuse the quest, you are lost. Otherwise,
On a weak hit, choose one.                                                        you return to your senses and are now tormented. You may only
 • You die, but not before making a noble sacrifice. Envision your final          clear the tormented debility by completing the quest.
    moments.                                                                  On a miss, you succumb to despair or horror and are lost.
 • Death desires something of you in exchange for your life. Envision
    what it wants (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and Swear an Iron Vow           OUT OF SUPPLY
    (formidable or extreme) to complete that quest. If you fail to score a    When your supply is exhausted (reduced to 0), mark unprepared. If
    hit when you Swear an Iron Vow, or refuse the quest, you are dead.        you suffer additional -supply while unprepared, you must exchange each
    Otherwise, you return to the mortal world and are now cursed. You         additional -supply for any combination of -health, -spirit or -momentum
    may only clear the cursed debility by completing the quest.               as appropriate to the circumstances.
On a miss, you are dead.
                                                                              FACE A SETBACK
COMPANION ENDURE HARM                                                         When your momentum is at its minimum (-6), and you suffer additional
When your companion faces physical damage, they suffer -health equal          -momentum, choose one.
to the amount of harm inflicted. If your companion’s health is 0, exchange      • Exchange each additional -momentum for any combination of
any leftover -health for -momentum.                                               -health, -spirit, or -supply as appropriate to the circumstances.
Then, roll +heart or +your companion’s health, whichever is higher.             • Envision an event or discovery (Ask the Oracle if unsure) which
On a strong hit, your companion rallies. Give them +1 health.                     undermines your progress in a current quest, journey, or fight. Then,
                                                                                  for each additional -momentum, clear 1 unit of progress on that
On a weak hit, your companion is battered. If their health is 0, they
                                                                                  track per its rank (troublesome=clear 3 progress; dangerous=clear
cannot assist you until they gain at least +1 health.
                                                                                  2 progress; formidable=clear 1 progress; extreme=clear 2 ticks;
On a miss, also suffer -1 momentum. If your companion’s health is 0, they         epic=clear 1 tick).
are gravely wounded and out of action. Without aid, they die in an hour
or two.
If you roll a miss with a 1 on your action die, and your companion’s health
is 0, they are now dead. Take 1 experience for each marked ability on your
companion asset, and remove it.
 QUEST MOVES                                                                    FATE MOVES
SWEAR AN IRON VOW                                                              PAY THE PRICE
When you swear upon iron to complete a quest, write your vow and give          When you suffer the outcome of a move, choose one.
the quest a rank. Then, roll +heart. If you make this vow to a person or        • Make the most obvious negative outcome happen.
community with whom you share a bond, add +1.                                   • Envision two negative outcomes. Rate one as ‘likely’, and Ask the
On a strong hit, you are emboldened and it is clear what you must do              Oracle using the yes/no table. On a ‘yes’, make that outcome happen.
next (Ask the Oracle if unsure). Take +2 momentum.                                Otherwise, make it the other.
On a weak hit, you are determined but begin your quest with more                • Roll on the following table. If you have difficulty interpreting the
questions than answers. Take +1 momentum, and envision what you do                result to fit the current situation, roll again.
to find a path forward.
                                                                                Roll       Result
On a miss, you face a significant obstacle before you can begin your
quest. Envision what stands in your way (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and         1-2        Roll again and apply that result but make it worse. If you
choose one.                                                                                roll this result yet again, think of something dreadful that
  • You press on: Suffer -2 momentum, and do what you must to                              changes the course of your quest (Ask the Oracle if unsure)
     overcome this obstacle.                                                               and make it happen.
  • You give up: Forsake Your Vow.                                              3-5        A person or community you trusted loses faith in you, or
                                                                                           acts against you.
REACH A MILESTONE                                                               6-9        A person or community you care about is exposed to danger.
When you make significant progress in your quest by overcoming a                10-16      You are separated from something or someone.
critical obstacle, completing a perilous journey, solving a complex mystery,
                                                                                17-23      Your action has an unintended effect.
defeating a powerful threat, gaining vital support, or acquiring a crucial
item, you may mark progress.                                                    24-32      Something of value is lost or destroyed.
   • Troublesome quest: Mark 3 progress.                                        33-41      The current situation worsens.
   • Dangerous quest: Mark 2 progress.                                          42-50      A new danger or foe is revealed.
   • Formidable quest: Mark 1 progress.                                         51-59      It causes a delay or puts you at a disadvantage.
   • Extreme quest: Mark 2 ticks.                                               60-68      It is harmful.
   • Epic quest: Mark 1 tick.
                                                                                69-76      It is stressful.
FULFILL YOUR VOW                                                                77-85      A surprising development complicates your quest.
Progress Move                                                                   86-90      It wastes resources.
When you achieve what you believe to be the fulfillment of your vow,            91-94      It forces you to act against your best intentions.
roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is               95-98      A friend, companion, or ally is put in harm’s way (or you are,
ignored on this roll.                                                                      if alone).
On a strong hit, your quest is complete. Mark experience                        99-00      Roll twice more on this table. Both results occur. If they are
(troublesome=1; dangerous=2; formidable=3; extreme=4; epic=5).                             the same result, make it worse.
On a weak hit, there is more to be done or you realize the truth of your
quest. Envision what you discover (Ask the Oracle if unsure). Then, mark
experience (troublesome=0; dangerous=1; formidable=2; extreme=3;               ASK THE ORACLE
epic=4). You may Swear an Iron Vow to set things right. If you do, add +1.     When you seek to resolve questions, discover details in the world,
On a miss, your quest is undone. Envision what happens (Ask the Oracle         determine how other characters respond, or trigger encounters or
if unsure), and choose one.                                                    events, you may…
   • You recommit: Clear all but one filled progress, and raise the quest’s      • Draw a conclusion: Decide the answer based on the most interesting
     rank by one (if not already epic).                                             and obvious result.
   • You give up: Forsake Your Vow.                                              • Ask a yes/no question: Decide the odds of a ‘yes’, and roll on the table
                                                                                    below to check the answer.
FORSAKE YOUR VOW                                                                 • Pick two: Envision two options. Rate one as ‘likely’, and roll on the
                                                                                    table below to see if it is true. If not, it is the other.
When you renounce your quest, betray your promise, or the goal is
lost to you, clear the vow and Endure Stress. You suffer -spirit equal to        • Spark an idea: Brainstorm or use a random prompt.
the rank of your quest (troublesome=1; dangerous=2; formidable=3;
                                                                                Odds                          The answer is ‘yes’ if you roll...
extreme=4; epic=5).
                                                                                Almost Certain                11 or greater
If the vow was made to a person or community with whom you share a
bond, Test Your Bond when you next meet.                                        Likely                        26 or greater
                                                                                50/50                         51 or greater
ADVANCE                                                                         Unlikely                      76 or greater
When you focus on your skills, receive training, find inspiration, earn
                                                                                Small Chance                  91 or greater
a reward, or gain a companion, you may spend 3 experience to add a
new asset, or 2 experience to upgrade an asset.                                On a match, an extreme result or twist has occurred.
IRONSWORN                                                 PROGRESS TRACK WORKSHEET

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

 EXTREME  EPIC                                     EXTREME  EPIC

 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10   +1   +2   +3    +4       +5   +6    +7    +8    +9   +10

                                                                           Troublesome:                    Dangerous:
                                                                                                           mark 2
 TROUBLESOME  DANGEROUS  FORMIDABLE                                     mark 3 progress
                                                         Formidable:                 Extreme:              Epic:
                                                         mark 1 progress             mark 2 ticks          mark 1 tick
 +1   +2   +3   +4   +5   +6   +7   +8   +9   +10
IRONSWORN                                                           ORACLES WORKSHEET

                 ORACLE:                           ORACLE:

                 ROLL    RESULT                    ROLL    RESULT

                 01-10                             01-10

                 11-20                             11-20

                 21-30                             21-30

                                  EQUALLY LIKELY
                 31-40                             31-40

                 41-50                             41-50

                 51-60                             51-60

                 61-70                             61-70

                 71-80                             71-80

                 81-90                             81-90
                 91-00                             91-00

                 ORACLE:                           ORACLE:

                 ROLL    RESULT                    ROLL    RESULT

                 01                                01

                 02-04                             02-04

                                  LESS LIKELY

                 05-09                             05-09

                 10-16                             10-16

                 17-25                             17-25

                 26-36                             26-36

                                  MORE LIKELY

                 37-49                             37-49

                 50-64                             50-64

                 65-81                             65-81

                 82-00                             82-00

                 ORACLE:                           ORACLE:

                 ROLL    RESULT                    ROLL    RESULT
