This file includes print-and-play materials for the
Ironsworn: Starforged tabletop roleplaying game.
For more downloads, visit
Printable reference sheets for Starforged moves. Keep this handy while you play.
Track your character's status, condition, and experience.
Create sector maps and make note of important locations.
Track your connections as you establish and build relationships.
Track your progress in quests, expeditions, fights, and other challenges.
Develop your own custom oracle tables.
Track dangers, deadlines, and faction projects in your campaign.
Track your progress against an urgent challenge.
The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license. For details on licenses, visit
Copyright ©2022 Shawn Tomkin
Updated January 2023
Category Page Category Page
Session Moves 1 Suffer Moves 6
When you begin a significant session or chapter of play, do all of the following.
Adventure Moves 2 Threshold Moves 7
Quest Moves 3 Recover Moves 7
✴ Identify or adjust flagged content and Set a Flag.
✴ Review or recap what happened last session.
Connection Moves 3 Legacy Moves 8
✴ Set the scene by envisioning your character’s current situation and intent.
Exploration Moves 4 Fate Moves 8
Combat Moves 5
In addition, you may spotlight a new danger, opportunity, or insight. This can
include a scene hidden from your character’s perspective. If you do, envision a brief
vignette (you may roll or choose on the table below for inspiration). Then, all players
MOVES A–Z take +1 momentum as you return to play from the viewpoint of your characters.
Move Category Page
1–10 Flashback reveals an aspect of your background or nature
Advance Legacy 8
11–20 Flashback reveals an aspect of another character, place, or faction
Aid Your Ally Adventure 2
21–30 Influential character or faction is introduced or given new detail
Ask the Oracle Fate 8
31–40 Seemingly unrelated situations are shown to be connected
Battle Combat 5
Begin a Session Session 1 41–50 External factors create new danger, urgency, or importance for a quest
Change Your Fate Session 1 51–60 Important character is put in danger or suffers a misadventure
Check Your Gear Adventure 2 61–70 Key location is made unsafe or becomes mired in conflict
Clash Combat 5 71–80 Unexpected return of an enemy or threat
Companion Takes a Hit Suffer 6 81–90 Peril lies ahead or lurks just out of view
Compel Adventure 2 91–100 Unforeseen aid is on the way or within reach
Confront Chaos Exploration 4
Continue a Legacy Legacy 8
Develop Your Relationship Connection 3
Earn Experience Legacy 8
When you identify situations or topics you don’t want to include, don’t want
End a Session Session 1
to envision in detail, or otherwise may need mindfulness when approaching,
Endure Harm Suffer 6 that content is now flagged.
Endure Stress Suffer 6
When you encounter content flagged as something to approach mindfully, pause
Enter the Fray Combat 5
to consider or discuss its role in your story. When you come across flagged content
Explore a Waypoint Exploration 4
that you would rather adjust or omit, Change Your Fate.
Face Danger Adventure 2
Face Death Threshold 7
Face Defeat Combat 5 CHANGE YOUR FATE
Face Desolation Threshold 7 When you encounter flagged content, reject an oracle, resist a consequence,
Finish an Expedition Exploration 4 or otherwise need to shift your circumstances within the game for your
Forge a Bond Connection 3 comfort or enjoyment, pause and identify what needs to be changed. Choose as
Forsake Your Vow Quest 3 many options as appropriate.
Fulfill Your Vow Quest 3 ✴ Reframe: This didn’t happen the way you first thought. Envision the moment
Gain Ground Combat 5 from another perspective in a way that diminishes or changes the content.
Gather Information Adventure 2 ✴ Refocus: This is not the most important thing happening right now. Envision
Heal Recover 7 how the spotlight shifts to change the focus.
Hearten Recover 7 ✴ Replace: This happens but with a small adjustment. Switch out an element
Lose Momentum Suffer 6 and envision how this new detail changes the scenario.
Make a Connection Connection 3 ✴ Redirect: Adjust the trajectory to involve a helping hand. Envision how another
Make a Discovery Exploration 4 person or party becomes involved.
Overcome Destruction Threshold 7 ✴ Reshape: The situation changes completely. Envision what happened instead.
Pay the Price Fate 8
Reach a Milestone Quest 3
React Under Fire Combat 5 TAKE A BREAK
Repair Recover 7 When you resolve a progress move or complete an intense scenario, take a
Resupply Recover 7 few deep breaths and take some time to attend to the needs of your body. Reflect
Sacrifice Resources Suffer 6 on what just happened and how it made you feel. Then, choose one.
Secure an Advantage Adventure 2 ✴ Move on: Continue the session. You or an ally may add +1 on the next move (not
Set a Course Exploration 4 a progress move), bolstered by your reflection and past experiences.
Set a Flag Session 1 ✴ Stop for now: End a Session.
Sojourn Recover 7
Strike Combat 5
Swear an Iron Vow Quest 3 END A SESSION
Take a Break Session 1 When you end a significant session or chapter of play, reflect on the events of
Take Decisive Action Combat 5 the game and identify any missed opportunities to mark progress.
Test Your Relationship Connection 3 ✴ If you strengthened your ties to a connection, Develop Your Relationship.
Undertake an Expedition Exploration 4 ✴ If you moved forward on a quest, Reach a Milestone.
Withstand Damage Suffer 6 If there is a quest, connection, or other situation you would like to give focus in your
next session, make note of it and take +1 momentum.
When you check to see if you have a specific helpful item or resource, roll
When you attempt something risky or react to an imminent threat, envision On a strong hit, you have it, and are ready to act. Take +1 momentum.
your action and roll. If you act… On a weak hit, you have it, but must choose one.
✴ With speed, mobility, or agility: Roll +edge ✴ Your supply is diminished: Sacrifice Resources (-1)
✴ With resolve, command, or sociability: Roll +heart ✴ It’s not quite right, and causes a complication or delay: Lose Momentum (-2)
✴ With strength, endurance, or aggression: Roll +iron On a miss, you don’t have it and the situation grows more perilous. Pay the Price.
✴ With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow
✴ With expertise, focus, or observation: Roll +wits
On a strong hit, you are successful. Take +1 momentum.
On a weak hit, you succeed, but not without a cost. Make a suffer move (-1). “WHEN YOU…”
On a miss, you fail, or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. This is a move trigger. When you do this thing, or encounter this situation,
Pay the Price. make the move.
SECURE AN ADVANTAGE This is the basic action roll. Most action rolls are made by adding the value
When you assess a situation, make preparations, or attempt to gain of a stat to your action die. Moves may indicate a stat you should use, such
leverage, envision your action and roll. If you act… as “roll +iron.” If it doesn’t, or gives you a choice, use the stat that best fits
✴ With speed, mobility, or agility: Roll +edge the situation and your approach.
✴ With resolve, command, or sociability: Roll +heart Some moves and asset abilities will prompt you to use a condition meter or
✴ With strength, endurance, or aggression: Roll +iron other value instead of a stat.
✴ With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow
✴ With expertise, focus, or observation: Roll +wits “ADD +X”
On a hit, you succeed. On a strong hit, take both. On a weak hit, choose one. Add this value to your action die. For most action rolls, your action die + stat
✴ Take +2 momentum + adds is your final action score. If you gain multiple prompts to “add +x” for
a single action, those bonuses stack.
✴ Add +1 on your next move (not a progress move)
On a miss, you fail or your assumptions betray you. Pay the Price. “TAKE +X”
Add this number to the indicated meter. For example, “take +2 momentum”
tells you to add 2 to your current momentum meter.
When you search for clues, conduct an investigation, analyze evidence, or Your assets may offer additional bonuses for a move. Unless stated
do research, roll +wits. otherwise, this bonus is added to anything else you gain as a result of the
action. If you take +2 momentum as part of a move, and you are aided by
On a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific. The path you must
an asset that tells you to “take +1 momentum” on the same move, you gain
follow or action you must take to make progress is made clear. Envision what you
a total of +3 momentum.
learn. Then, take +2 momentum.
On a weak hit, the information provides new insight, but also complicates your “MARK PROGRESS”
quest. Envision what you discover. Then, take +1 momentum.
When a move or asset ability prompts you to mark progress, check the rank
On a miss, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth of the challenge and fill in the appropriate number of boxes or ticks in your
that undermines your quest. Pay the Price. progress track.
If a move prompts you to mark progress, and you have an asset ability that
COMPEL also instructs you to mark progress for that action, you may mark progress
When you try to persuade someone or make them an offer, envision your again. In other words, “mark progress” stacks. Every instance of progress
approach. If you… earned within the same action allows you to mark the appropriate number
of boxes or ticks per the rank of the challenge.
✴ Charm, pacify, encourage, or barter: Roll +heart
✴ Threaten or incite: Roll +iron “MARK PROGRESS TWICE”
✴ Lie or swindle: Roll +shadow
If a move or asset ability prompts you to “mark progress twice,” mark
On a strong hit, they’ll do what you want or agree to your conditions. Take +1 double the number of ticks or boxes per the rank of the challenge. For
momentum. example, marking progress twice on a troublesome challenge would mean
On a weak hit, as above, but their agreement comes with a demand or complication. marking 6 boxes (instead of 3). Any additional instances of “mark progress”
Envision their counteroffer. in the same action stack on top of this reward.
On a miss, they refuse or make a demand that costs you greatly. Pay the Price.
This is a special type of move to resolve the outcome of a goal or challenge.
AID YOUR ALLY When you make a progress move, tally the number of filled boxes on your
When you act in direct support of an ally, envision how you aid them. Then, progress track as your progress score. Only add fully filled boxes (those
Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground to take action. If you score a hit, they (instead with four ticks). Then, roll your challenge dice, compare to your progress
of you) take the benefits of the move. score, and resolve a strong hit, weak hit, or miss as normal.
If you Gain Ground and score a strong hit, you are both in control. On a weak hit, You may not burn momentum on this roll, and you are not affected by
your ally is in control but you are in a bad spot. negative momentum. In addition, assets abilities do not affect progress
rolls unless they define a specific benefit for a progress move.
When you swear upon iron to complete a quest, write your vow and give it a When you search out a new relationship or give focus to an existing
rank. Then, roll +heart. If you swear this vow to a connection, add +1; if you share relationship (not an ally or companion), roll +heart.
a bond, add +2. On a strong hit, you create a connection. Give them a role and rank. Whenever
On a strong hit, you are emboldened and it is clear what you must do next. Take your connection aids you on a move closely associated with their role, add +1 and
+2 momentum. take +1 momentum on a hit.
On a weak hit, you are determined but begin your quest with more questions than On a weak hit, as above, but this connection comes with a complication or cost.
answers. Take +1 momentum, and envision what you do to find a path forward. Envision what they reveal or demand.
On a miss, you must overcome a significant obstacle before you begin your quest. On a miss, you don’t make a connection and the situation worsens. Pay the Price.
Envision what stands in your way.
REACH A MILESTONE When you reinforce your relationship with a connection by doing any of the
When you make headway in your quest by doing any of the following… following…
✴ overcoming a critical obstacle ✴ swearing a vow to undertake a perilous quest in their service
✴ gaining meaningful insight ✴ completing a quest to their benefit
✴ completing a perilous expedition ✴ leveraging their help in desperate circumstances
✴ acquiring a crucial item or resource ✴ giving them something of worth
✴ earning vital support ✴ sharing a profound moment
✴ defeating a notable foe ✴ standing with them against hardship
…you may mark progress per the rank of the vow. ✴ overcoming a test of your relationship
…you may mark progress per the rank of the connection.
If you already share a bond with the connection, do not mark progress. Instead,
FULFILL YOUR VOW roll +their rank to learn the impact on your legacy: troublesome=+1; dangerous=+2;
Progress Move formidable=+3; extreme=+4; epic=+5. On a strong hit, mark 2 ticks on your bonds
When you reach the end of your quest, roll the challenge dice and compare to legacy track. On a strong hit with a match, you may also envision how recent
your progress. events bolstered your connection’s standing and raise their rank by one (if not
On a strong hit, your vow is fulfilled. Mark a reward on your quests legacy track already epic). On a weak hit, take +2 momentum. On a miss, take no lasting benefit.
per the vow’s rank: troublesome=1 tick; dangerous=2 ticks; formidable=1 box;
extreme=2 boxes; epic=3 boxes. Any allies who shared this vow also mark the
On a weak hit, as above, but there is more to be done or you realize the truth of When your relationship with a connection is tested through conflict,
your quest. If you Swear an Iron Vow to set things right, take your full legacy reward. betrayal, or circumstance, roll +heart. If you share a bond, add +1.
Otherwise, make the legacy reward one rank lower (none for a troublesome quest). On a strong hit, Develop Your Relationship.
On a miss, your vow is undone through an unexpected complication or realization. On a weak hit, Develop Your Relationship, but also envision a demand or
Envision what happens and choose one. complication as a fallout of this test.
✴ Give up on the quest: Forsake Your Vow. On a miss, or if you have no interest in maintaining this relationship, choose one.
✴ Recommit to the quest: Roll both challenge dice, take the lowest value, and ✴ Lose the connection: Envision how this impacts you and Pay the Price.
clear that number of progress boxes. Then, raise the vow’s rank by one (if not ✴ Prove your loyalty: Envision what you offer or what they demand, and Swear
already epic). an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) to see it done. Until you complete the
quest, take no benefit for the connection. If you refuse or fail, the connection
is permanently undone
When you renounce your quest, betray your promise, or the goal is lost to
you, clear the vow. FORGE A BOND
Then, envision the impact of this failure and choose one or more as appropriate Progress Move
to the nature of the vow. Any allies who shared this vow may also envision a cost. When your relationship with a connection is ready to evolve, roll the challenge
✴ You are demoralized or dispirited: Endure Stress dice and compare to your progress.
✴ A connection loses faith: Test Your Relationship when you next interact. On a strong hit, you now share a bond. Mark a reward on your bonds legacy track
✴ You must abandon a path or resource: Discard an asset. per the connection’s rank: troublesome=1 tick; dangerous=2 ticks; formidable=1
✴ Someone else pays a price: Envision how a person, being, or community bears box; extreme=2 boxes; epic=3 boxes. Any allies who share this connection also
the cost of the failure. mark the reward. Then, choose one.
✴ Someone else takes advantage: Envision how an enemy gains power. ✴ Bolster their influence: When they aid you on a move closely associated with
✴ Your reputation suffers: Envision how this failure marks you. their role, add +2 instead of +1.
✴ Expand their influence: Give them a second role. When they aid you on a move
closely associated with either role, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
On a weak hit, as above, but they ask something more of you first. To gain the bond
and the legacy reward, envision the nature of the request, and do it (or Swear an
Iron Vow to see it done).
On a miss, they reveal a motivation or background that puts you at odds. If you
recommit to this relationship, roll both challenge dice, take the lowest value, and
clear that number of progress boxes. Then, raise the connection’s rank by one
(if not already epic).
When your exploration of a waypoint uncovers something dreadful, decide
the number of aspects: one, two, or three. Roll that number of times or choose that
UNDERTAKE AN EXPEDITION number of aspects on the table below. Then, envision how the encounter begins.
When you trailblaze a route through perilous space, journey over hazardous
terrain, or survey a mysterious site, give the expedition a name and rank. For each result, when you first confront that aspect within the scope of the
encounter, you and your allies may mark one tick on your discoveries legacy track.
Then, for each segment of the expedition, envision your approach. If you…
✴ Move at speed: Roll +edge 1–4 Baneful weapon of mass destruction
✴ Keep under the radar: Roll +shadow 5–9 Cataclysmic environmental effects
✴ Stay vigilant: Roll +wits 10–12 Dead given unnatural life
On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint. Envision the location and mark progress per 13–17 Destructive lifeform of monstrous proportion
the rank of the expedition. 18–20 Dread hallucinations or illusions
On a weak hit, as above, but this progress costs you. Choose one. 21–24 Harbingers of an imminent invasion
✴ Suffer costs en route: Make a suffer move (-2), or two suffer moves (-1). 25–27 Horde of insatiable hunger or fury
✴ Face a peril at the waypoint: Envision what you encounter. 28–32 Horrific lifeforms of inscrutable purpose
On a miss, you are waylaid by a crisis, or arrive at a waypoint to confront an 33–36 Impostors in human form
immediate hardship or threat. Do not mark progress, and Pay the Price. 37–41 Machines made enemy
42–45 Malignant contagion or parasite
EXPLORE A WAYPOINT 46–50 Messenger or signal with a dire warning
When you divert from an expedition to examine a notable location, roll +wits. 51–53 Passage to a grim alternate reality
On a strong hit, choose one. On a strong hit with a match, you may instead 54–58 People corrupted by chaos
Make a Discovery. 59–63 Powerful distortions of time or space
✴ Find an opportunity: Envision a favorable insight, situation, resource, or 64–68 Signs of an impending catastrophe
encounter. Then, take +2 momentum. 69–72 Site of a baffling disappearance
✴ Gain progress: Mark progress on your expedition, per its rank. 73–77 Site of a horrible disaster
On a weak hit, you uncover something interesting, but it is bound up in a peril or 78–82 Site of terrible carnage
reveals an ominous aspect of this place. Envision what you encounter. Then, take 83–87 Technology nullified or made unstable
+1 momentum.
88–92 Technology warped for dark purpose
On a miss you encounter an immediate hardship or threat, and must Pay the Price.
93–96 Vault of dread technology or power
On a miss with a match, you may instead Confront Chaos.
97–100 Worshipers of great and malevolent powers
When your exploration of a waypoint uncovers something wondrous, roll on FINISH AN EXPEDITION
the table below or choose one. Then, envision the nature of the discovery and how Progress Move
it is revealed. When you first experience or engage with the discovery, you and your When your expedition comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and compare to
allies may mark two ticks on your discoveries legacy track. your progress.
On a strong hit, you reach your destination or complete your survey. Mark a
1–4 Advanced technology waiting to be harnessed or salvaged reward on your discoveries legacy track per expedition’s rank: troublesome=1 tick;
5–9 Ancient archive or message dangerous=2 ticks; formidable=1 box; extreme=2 boxes; epic=3 boxes. Any allies
10–12 Artificial consciousness evolved to a higher state who shared this expedition also mark the reward.
13–17 Clues to a crucial resource or uncharted domain On a weak hit, as above, but you face an unforeseen complication at the end of
18–20 Envoy from another time or reality your expedition. Make the legacy reward one rank lower (none for a troublesome
21–24 Extraordinary natural phenomenon expedition), and envision what you encounter.
25–27 First contact with intelligent life On a miss, your destination is lost to you, or you come to understand the true
nature or cost of the expedition. Envision what happens and choose one.
28–32 Gateway to another time or alternate reality
✴ Abandon the expedition: Envision the cost of this setback and Pay the Price.
33–36 Key to unlocking a language or method of communication
✴ Return to the expedition: Roll both challenge dice, take the lowest value, and
37–41 Lost or hidden people
clear that number of progress boxes. Then, raise the expedition’s rank by one
42–45 Majestic or unusual lifeforms (if not already epic).
46–50 Marvel of ancient engineering
51–53 Miraculously preserved artifact or specimen
54–58 Monumental architecture or artistry of an ancient civilization SET A COURSE
59–63 Mysterious device or artifact of potential value When you follow a known route through perilous space, across hazardous
terrain, or within a mysterious site, roll +supply.
64–68 New understanding of an enduring mystery
On a strong hit, you reach your destination and the situation there favors you. Take
69–72 Pathway or means of travel to a distant location
+1 momentum.
73–77 Person or lifeform with phenomenal abilities
On a weak hit, you arrive, but face a cost or complication. Choose one.
78–82 Place of awe-inspiring beauty
✴ Suffer costs en route: Make a suffer move (-2), or two suffer moves (-1).
83–87 Rare and valuable resource
✴ Face a complication at the destination: Envision what you encounter.
88–92 Safeguarded or idyllic location
On a miss, you are waylaid by a significant threat, and must Pay the Price. If you
93–96 Visions or prophesies of the future
overcome this obstacle, you may push on safely to your destination.
97–100 Roll twice
When you are in control and assault a foe at close quarters, roll +iron; when
ENTER THE FRAY you attack at a distance, roll +edge.
When you initiate combat or are forced into a fight, envision your objective On a strong hit, mark progress twice. You dominate your foe and stay in control.
and give it a rank. If the combat includes discrete challenges or phases, set an On a weak hit, mark progress twice, but you expose yourself to danger. You are
objective with a rank for each. in a bad spot.
Then, roll to see if you are in control. If you are… On a miss, the fight turns against you. You are in a bad spot and must Pay the Price.
✴ On the move: Roll +edge
✴ Facing off against your foe: Roll +heart
✴ In the thick of it at close quarters: Roll +iron CLASH
✴ Preparing to act against an unaware foe: Roll +shadow When you are in a bad spot and fight back against a foe at close quarters,
roll +iron; when you exchange fire at a distance, roll +edge.
✴ Caught in a trap or sizing up the situation: Roll +wits
On a strong hit, mark progress twice. You overwhelm your foe and are in control.
On a strong hit, take both. On a weak hit, choose one.
On a weak hit, mark progress, but you are dealt a counterblow or setback. You stay
✴ Take +2 momentum
in a bad spot and must Pay the Price.
✴ You are in control
On a miss, your foe dominates this exchange. You stay in a bad spot and must Pay
On a miss, the fight begins with you in a bad spot. the Price.
When you are in control and take action in a fight to reinforce your position Progress Move
or move toward an objective, envision your approach and roll. If you are… When you seize an objective in a fight, envision how you take decisive action.
✴ In pursuit, fleeing, or maneuvering: Roll +edge Then, roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress.
✴ Charging boldly into action, coming to the aid of others, negotiating, or If you are in control, check the result as normal. If you are in a bad spot, count a
commanding: Roll +heart strong hit without a match as a weak hit, and a weak hit as a miss.
✴ Gaining leverage with force, powering through, or making a threat: Roll +iron
On a strong hit, you prevail. Take +1 momentum. If any objectives remain and the
✴ Hiding, preparing an ambush, or misdirecting: Roll +shadow fight continues, you are in control.
✴ Coordinating a plan, studying a situation, or cleverly gaining leverage: Roll
On a weak hit, you achieve your objective, but not without cost. Roll on the table
below or choose one. If the fight continues, you are in a bad spot.
On a hit, you stay in control. On a strong hit, choose two. On a weak hit, choose one.
✴ Mark progress 1–40 It’s worse than you thought: Make a suffer move (-2)
✴ Take +2 momentum 41–52 Victory is short-lived: A new peril or foe appears
✴ Add +1 on your next move (not a progress move) 53–64 You face collateral damage: Something is lost, damaged, or broken
On a miss, your foe gains the upper hand, the fight moves to a new location, or you 65–76 Others pay the price: Someone else suffers the cost
encounter a new peril. You are in a bad spot and must Pay the Price. 77–88 Others won’t forget: You are marked for vengeance
89–100 It gets complicated: The true nature of a foe or objective is revealed
REACT UNDER FIRE On a miss, you are defeated or your objective is lost. Pay the Price.
When you are in a bad spot and take action in a fight to avoid danger or
overcome an obstacle, envision your approach and roll. If you are…
✴ In pursuit, fleeing, dodging, getting back into position, or taking cover:
Roll +edge When you abandon or are deprived of an objective, envision the consequence
of this failure, clear the objective, and Pay the Price.
✴ Remaining stalwart against fear or temptation: Roll +heart
✴ Blocking or diverting with force, or taking the hit: Roll +iron If the fight continues, you may create a new objective and give it a rank to represent
✴ Moving into hiding or creating a distraction: Roll +shadow the changing situation. If any objectives remain, the fight continues and you are in
a bad spot.
✴ Changing the plan, finding a way out, or cleverly bypassing an obstacle: Roll
On a strong hit, you succeed and are in control. Take +1 momentum. BATTLE
On a weak hit, you avoid the worst of the danger or overcome the obstacle, but not When you fight a battle and it happens in a blur, envision your objective and
without a cost. Make a suffer move (-1). You stay in a bad spot. roll. If you primarily…
On a miss, the situation worsens. You stay in a bad spot and must Pay the Price. ✴ Fight at range, or using your speed and the environment to your advantage:
Roll +edge.
IN CONTROL / IN A BAD SPOT ✴ Fight depending on your courage, leadership, or companions: Roll +heart.
✴ Fight in close to overpower your foe: Roll +iron.
In a fight, your character is in one of two positions: in control or in a bad ✴ Fight using trickery to befuddle your foe: Roll +shadow.
spot. If you are in control, you can make proactive moves such as Gain ✴ Fight using careful tactics to outsmart your foe: Roll +wits.
Ground and Strike. When in a bad spot, you must make reactive moves
such as React Under Fire and Clash. The outcome of a combat move will On a strong hit, you achieve your objective unconditionally. You and any allies who
describe your current position. joined the battle may take +2 momentum.
On a weak hit, you achieve your objective, but not without cost. Pay the Price.
When you make a move that doesn’t define your position (such as a suffer
On a miss, you are defeated or the objective is lost. Pay the Price.
move), follow these guidelines: On a strong hit, you are in control; on a
weak hit or miss, you are in a bad spot.
When your companion faces physical hardship, they suffer -1 health for minor
LOSE MOMENTUM harm, -2 for serious harm, or -3 for major harm. If your companion’s health is 0, Lose
Momentum equal to any remaining harm.
When you are delayed or disadvantaged, suffer -1 momentum for a minor
setback, -2 for a serious setback, or -3 for a major setback. Then, if their health is 0 or you choose to test their resilience, roll +your companion’s
When your momentum is at its minimum (-6) and you must suffer -momentum,
choose one. On a strong hit, your companion rallies. Give them +1 health.
✴ Envision how the price is paid and apply the cost to a different suffer move. On a weak hit, if your companion’s health is not 0, you may Lose Momentum (-1)
✴ Envision how this undermines your progress on a vow, expedition, and give them +1 health. Otherwise, they press on.
connection, or combat. Then, clear 1 unit of progress on that track per its rank: On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. They suffer an additional -1 health or you
troublesome=3 boxes; dangerous=2 boxes; formidable=1 box; extreme=2 ticks; Lose Momentum (-2). If your companion’s health is 0, they are out of action until
epic=1 tick. given aid. If their health is 0 and you rolled a miss with a match on this move, they
are dead or destroyed; discard the asset.
When you face physical injury, fatigue, or illness, suffer -1 health for minor SACRIFICE RESOURCES
harm, -2 for serious harm, or -3 for major harm. If your health is 0, Lose Momentum When you lose or consume resources, suffer -1 supply for a minor loss, -2 for a
equal to any remaining harm. serious loss, or -3 for a major loss.
Then, if your health is 0 or you choose to resist the harm, roll +health or +iron, If your supply is exhausted (reduced to 0), mark unprepared. When you suffer a
whichever is higher. loss of resources while unprepared, envision how this causes you hardship and
apply the cost to a different suffer move.
On a strong hit, choose one.
✴ Shake it off: If you are not wounded, take +1 health
✴ Embrace the pain: Take +1 momentum WITHSTAND DAMAGE
On a weak hit, if you are not wounded, you may Lose Momentum (-1) in exchange When your vehicle faces a damaging situation or environment, suffer -1
for +1 health. Otherwise, press on. integrity for minor damage, -2 for serious damage, or -3 for major damage. If your
On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. Suffer an additional -1 health or Lose integrity is 0, Lose Momentum equal to any remaining damage.
Momentum (-2). If your health is 0, you must also mark wounded or permanently Then, if your integrity is 0 or you choose to resist the damage, roll +integrity.
harmed, or roll on the table below. On a strong hit, choose one.
1–10 You suffer mortal harm. Face Death. ✴ Bypass: If your vehicle is not battered, take +1 integrity
✴ Ride it out: Take +1 momentum
11–20 You are dying. Within an hour or two, you must Heal and raise your
health above 0, or Face Death. On a weak hit, if your vehicle is not battered, you may Lose Momentum (-1) in
21–35 You are unconscious and out of action. If left alone, you come back to exchange for +1 integrity. Otherwise, press on.
your senses in an hour or two. If you are vulnerable to ongoing harm, On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. Suffer an additional -1 integrity or Lose
Face Death. Momentum (-2). If your integrity is 0, also suffer a cost according to the vehicle type.
36–50 You are reeling. If you engage in any vigorous activity before taking a ✴ Command vehicle: Mark the vehicle as battered or cursed, mark a module
breather, roll on this table again (before resolving the other move). as broken, destroy a broken module by discarding it, or roll on the table below.
51–100 You are still standing. If the command vehicle is destroyed, Overcome Destruction.
✴ Support vehicle: Mark the vehicle as battered or roll on the table below. If
the vehicle is destroyed, discard the asset.
ENDURE STRESS ✴ Incidental vehicle: Roll on the table below.
When you face mental strain, shock, or despair, suffer -1 spirit for minor stress,
1–10 Immediate catastrophic destruction. All aboard must Endure Harm or
-2 for serious stress, or -3 for major stress. If your spirit is 0, Lose Momentum equal
Face Death, as appropriate.
to any remaining stress
11–25 Destruction is imminent and unavoidable. If you do not have the means
Then, if your spirit is 0 or you choose to resist the stress, roll +spirit or +heart,
or intention to get clear, Endure Harm or Face Death, as appropriate.
whichever is higher.
26–40 Destruction is imminent, but can be averted if you Repair your vehicle
On a strong hit, choose one. and raise its integrity above 0. If you fail, see 11–25.
✴ Shake it off: If you are not shaken, take +1 spirit 41–55 You cannot Repair this vehicle until you Resupply and obtain a crucial
✴ Embrace the darkness: Take +1 momentum replacement part. If you roll this result again prior to that, see 11–25.
On a weak hit, if you are not shaken, you may Lose Momentum (-1) in exchange for 56–70 The vehicle is crippled or out of your control. To get it back in action,
+1 spirit. Otherwise, press on. you must Repair and raise its integrity above 0.
On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. Suffer an additional -1 spirit or Lose 71–85 It’s a rough ride. All aboard must make the Endure Harm, Endure Stress,
Momentum (-2). If your spirit is 0, you must also mark shaken or traumatized, or or Companion Takes a Hit move, suffering a serious (-2) cost.
roll on the table below. 86–95 You’ve lost fuel, energy, or cargo. Sacrifice Resources (-2).
96–100 Against all odds, the vehicle holds together.
1–10 You are overwhelmed. Face Desolation.
11–25 You give up. Forsake Your Vow.
26–50 You give in to fear or compulsion, and act against your better instincts.
51–100 You persevere.
When you receive medical care or provide treatment, envision the situation
and roll. If you…
When you encounter a situation where death is an immediate and ✴ Receive treatment from someone (not an ally): Roll +iron
unavoidable outcome, you are dead. When you are instead brought to the ✴ Mend your own wounds: Roll +iron or +wits, whichever is lower
brink of death with a chance for recovery or redemption, roll +heart. ✴ Obtain treatment for a companion: Roll +heart
On a strong hit, you are cast back into the mortal world. ✴ Provide care: Roll +wits
On a weak hit, choose one. On a strong hit, the care is helpful. If you (or the ally under your care) are wounded,
clear the impact and take or give +2 health. Otherwise, take or give +3 health.
✴ You die, but not before making a noble sacrifice. Envision your final moments.
✴ There is more to be done. Envision what is revealed or asked of you at death’s On a weak hit, as above, but the recovery costs extra time or resources. Choose
door, and Swear an Iron Vow to complete an extreme quest. You return to the one: Lose Momentum (-2) or Sacrifice Resources (-2).
mortal world and must mark doomed. When you complete the death-bound On a miss, the aid is ineffective and the situation worsens. Pay the Price.
quest, clear the impact.
On a miss, you are dead.
When you socialize, share intimacy, or find a moment of peace, roll +heart.
FACE DESOLATION On a strong hit, you find companionship or comfort and your spirit is strengthened.
When you are brought to the brink of desolation, roll +heart. If you are shaken, clear the impact and take +1 spirit. Otherwise, take +2 spirit. If you
On a strong hit, you resist and press on. make this move as you Sojourn, take +1 more.
On a weak hit, choose one. On a weak hit, as above, but this indulgence is fleeting. Envision an interruption,
complication, or inner conflict. Then, Lose Momentum (-1).
✴ Your spirit breaks, but not before you make a noble sacrifice. Envision your
On a miss, you take no comfort and the situation worsens. Pay the Price.
final moments.
✴ You see a vision of a dreaded event coming to pass. Envision that dark future,
and Swear an Iron Vow to prevent it through an extreme quest. You return to
your senses and must mark tormented. When you complete the soul-bound
quest, clear the impact. When you attempt to bolster your readiness, envision the opportunity and your
approach. If you…
On a miss, you succumb to despair or horror and are lost.
✴ Barter or make an appeal: Roll +heart
✴ Threaten or seize: Roll +iron
OVERCOME DESTRUCTION ✴ Steal or swindle: Roll +shadow
Progress Move ✴ Scavenge or craft: Roll +wits
When your command vehicle is destroyed or irrevocably lost, you must On a strong hit, choose one.
discard the asset, along with any modules and docked support vehicles. ✴ If you are unprepared, clear the impact and take +1 supply. Otherwise, take
If you survive, you may use your connections to replace some of what was lost. To +2 supply.
learn the cost, roll the challenge dice and compare to the progress on your bonds ✴ If you are in need of a specific item or resource that can reasonably be
legacy track. obtained, you acquire it. Take +1 momentum.
On a strong hit, you may call in a favor. This comes without conditions. On a weak hit, as above, but you must first deal with a cost, complication, or
On a weak hit, you owe someone. You must mark indebted and Swear an Iron demand. Envision the nature of this obstacle.
Vow to complete an extreme quest in their service. When you complete the duty- On a miss, you encounter an unexpected peril. Pay the Price.
bound quest, clear the impact.
On a miss, as with the weak hit result, but this quest is against your nature, forces
you to Forsake Your Vow on another quest, or is in the service of an enemy. REPAIR
If you accept the cost, take 1 experience for every marked ability on the discarded When you make repairs to your vehicles, modules, mechanical companions,
assets (minimum 3 experience). Spend this experience only on a new command or other devices, envision the situation and roll. If you…
vehicle, modules, and support vehicles. ✴ Make your own repairs, or direct a companion to make repairs: Roll +wits
✴ Obtain repairs from someone (not an ally): Roll +supply
On a hit, you gain repair points as appropriate to the situation, per the table below.
RECOVER MOVES Additionally, you may Sacrifice Resources and exchange each -1 of supply for 1 extra
repair point (up to 3 points).
When you spend time recovering within a community, roll +heart. Situation Strong Hit Weak Hit
On a strong hit, this is a safe refuge. You and your allies may each choose two At a facility 5 points 3 points
recover moves: Heal, Hearten, Repair, or Resupply. Instead of rolling, assume an In the field 3 points 1 points
automatic strong hit for each. An individual move can be taken more than once. Under fire 2 points 0 points
On a weak hit, as above, but time is short or resources are strained. You and your
allies each make one recover move instead of two, with no more than three moves Spend repair points as follows. Unused points are discarded.
total among the group. ✴ Clear the battered impact on a vehicle: 2 points
On a miss, choose one. ✴ Fix one broken module: 2 points
✴ Take +1 integrity on a vehicle: 1 point
✴ The community needs your help, or makes a costly demand in exchange for
✴ Take +1 health for a mechanical companion: 1 point
safe harbor. Envision what they ask of you. If you do it, or Swear an Iron Vow to
see it done, resolve this move as a strong hit. ✴ Repair any other device: 3 points
✴ You find no relief, and the situation grows worse. Pay the Price. ✴ Repair any other device, but with a complication or malfunction: 2 points
On a miss, the repairs are not made and the situation worsens. Pay the Price.
When you fill a box (four ticks) on any legacy track, take 2 experience. This When you seek to resolve questions, reveal details, discover locations,
experience may be spent when you Advance. determine how other characters respond, or trigger encounters or events,
Once you completely fill the tenth box on any legacy track, clear that track. You you may…
may start again marking progress on the cleared track, but earn experience at a ✴ Draw a conclusion: Decide the answer based on the most interesting and
reduced rate of 1 experience (instead of 2) for each filled progress box. If you make obvious result.
a progress roll against this track, resolve the outcome as if at 10 progress. ✴ Spark an idea: Use an oracle table or other random prompt.
✴ Ask a yes/no question: Decide the odds of a yes, and roll on the table below
to check the answer.
ADVANCE ✴ Pick two: Envision two options. Rate one as likely, and roll on the table below
When you develop your abilities, improve your resources, gain a reward, to see if it is true. If not, it is the other.
or boost your influence, you may spend 3 experience to add a new asset, or
2 experience to upgrade an asset. Choose from the following categories as Odds The answer is yes if you roll…
appropriate to your focus and opportunities. Small Chance 10 or less
✴ Module: Upgrade your command vehicle Unlikely 25 or less
✴ Support Vehicle: Acquire or improve a secondary vehicle 50/50 50 or less
✴ Path: Bolster your personal capabilities or follow a new calling Likely 75 or less
✴ Companion: Gain or improve a trusted helper Almost Certain 90 or less
✴ Deed: Learn from your experiences or build a legacy
On a match, envision an extreme result or twist.
Progress Move PAY THE PRICE
When you suffer the outcome of an action, choose one.
When you retire from your life as Ironsworn, or succumb to death or
desolation, you may create a new character in your established setting. If you do, ✴ Make the most obvious negative outcome happen.
roll the challenge dice and compare to each of the former character’s legacy tracks: ✴ Ask the Oracle for inspiration. Interpret the answer as a hardship or
quests, bonds, and discoveries (one roll per track). complication appropriate to the situation.
For each strong hit, choose one from below, or one from the weak hit or miss ✴ Roll on the table below. If the result doesn’t fit the situation, roll again.
1–2 A trusted individual or community acts against you
✴ Follow their path: Take one path or companion asset from the former character
(at no cost), including any marked abilities. 3–4 An individual or community you care about is exposed to danger
✴ Share a connection: Take one connection from the former character, including 5–7 You encounter signs of a looming threat
any accrued progress or bond benefits. 8–10 You create an opportunity for an enemy
✴ Accept an inheritance: Take the former character’s command vehicle and one 11–14 You face a tough choice
module or support vehicle (at no cost), including any marked abilities. 15–18 You face the consequences of an earlier choice
For each weak hit, choose one from below, or one from the miss options. 19–22 A surprising development complicates your quest
✴ See it through: Choose one of the former character’s unfinished quests, and 23–26 You are separated from something or someone
Swear an Iron Vow (with an automatic strong hit) to see it done. You may 27–32 Your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect
immediately mark up to half their earned progress (round down) on this quest.
33–38 Something of value is lost or destroyed
✴ Rebuild a connection: Name one of the former character’s connections, and
envision how time or circumstances have changed them in a dramatic way. 39–44 The environment or terrain introduces a new hazard
When you Make a Connection with them, take an automatic strong hit and 45–50 A new enemy is revealed
mark two ticks on your bonds legacy track. 51–56 A friend, companion, or ally is in harm’s way (or you are, if alone)
✴ Explore familiar ground: Name a location that was meaningful to the former 57–62 Your equipment or vehicle malfunctions
character. When you first visit that place, envision how it has changed or is 63–68 Your vehicle suffers damage
endangered. Then, mark two ticks on your discoveries legacy track.
69–74 You waste resources
For each miss, choose one.
75–81 You are harmed
✴ Deal with the aftermath: Envision how one of your former character’s foes has
82–88 You are stressed
gained power or influence.
89–95 You are delayed or put at a disadvantage
✴ Switch loyalties: Envision how you begin in opposition to your former
character’s beliefs, goals, or allegiances. 96–100 Roll twice
✴ Open Pandora’s Box: Envision how an advancement or discovery has unleashed
unexpectedly dire consequences.
NAME Characteristics
+10 5
+8 3
+7 2
+6 1
+5 0
1–10 1–10
11–20 11–20
21–30 21–30
31–40 31–40
41–50 41–50
51–60 51–60
61–70 61–70
71–80 71–80
81–90 81–90
91–100 91–100
1–10 1–10
11–20 11–20
21–30 21–30
31–40 31–40
41–50 41–50
51–60 51–60
61–70 61–70
71–80 71–80
81–90 81–90
91–100 91–100
1–5 1–5
6–10 6–10
11–15 11–15
16–20 16–20
21–25 21–25
26–30 26–30
31–35 31–35
36–40 36–40
41–45 41–45
46–50 46–50
51–55 51–55
56–60 56–60
61–65 61–65
66–70 66–70
71–75 71–75
76–80 76–80
81–85 81–85
86–90 86–90
91–95 91–95
96–100 96–100
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
rulebook for details on scene challenges.