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It's Not Copyleft

Authors Jason Self

License GPL-3.0-or-later


It's Not Copyleft                                                                            Home

Sat, 1 Oct 2016                                                                              Linux-libre
Someone recently pointed me to Jonathan Riddell's blog post "In Defence for
Permissive Licences; KDE licence policy update."                                             GitWeb

In there he seems to be claiming that any free software license that requires                How To
preservation of the license notice (and almost all do) means that anyone getting a
copy gets those original permissions. Essentially that all such licenses are some form       Articles
of copyleft. This is nonsense, as I'll explain.

But first I wanted to mention that he seems to contradict himself.                           RSS Feed

In paragraph #3, while he's making the claim, he talks of misconceptions: "One is that       About Me
it allows you to claim additional restrictions to the code and require anyone you pass it
onto to get a different licence from you. This is nonsense..."                               Contact Me
But then when talking of MIT he says "you can even sublicence it, make a additional
                                                                                             GPL enforced
licence with more restrictions..."

So which is it? Can you add more restrictions or not?
                                                                                              If you appreciate any of the things I
Anyway: You can, as I'll explain.                                                             am doing you can make a donation.

His whole point is that the license requires the notice to remain there. So what? Yes,
someone may voluntarily pass on the source code and the freedoms to copy, modify,
etc. but they're not required to. They're only required to include that particular blob of
text, not to actually give you those permissions. There is a subtle difference.

Because, just like the license says, it can be sublicensed. Let's imagine a program
under a proprietary software license that also just happens to incorporate some code
under MIT. Let's also imagine that said proprietary program just happens to come with
source code and so you can see the source and that blob of text from the MIT license.

Let's further imagine that this proprietary software license came with terms that,
among other things, said "you agree not to share any part of the software (including
by extension the MIT-licensed parts because it's part of the software), and also not to
modify it. If you do not agree you may not get or use our software. If you use the
software outside of these license conditions we shall call you a "pirate" and put you in
jail for years." Clearly non-free. And yet it doesn't contradict anything that the MIT
license has said because it did say I could sublicense and, in this imaginary scenario,
in my sublicense I grant only the right to "run" the software.

Further, that license says only that I have to leave that blob of text in there. It doesn't
say I actually have to give you those rights. It doesn't say can't require you to give up
those rights as a condition of getting my source-available-but-proprietary program. It
also doesn't forbid someone from requiring you to agree to terms to not exercise your
free software rights as a condition of getting their proprietary program.

Sure that blob of text may be in there but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Because, just like Jonathan said, it can be sublicensed. And so as a result while the
text may be present it's inoperative in those cases where you've agreed to different
terms to not exercise any rights you may have otherwise had.

And that's really the crux of the issue, I think.

In order to qualify as a copyleft, the original license would have needed to have terms
requiring that the operative license to be the original license and not something else
and a requirement that someone can't forbid you those rights or ask you to give them

This is precisely what the GPL does. You can combine other things into GPLed works
(as long as they have license terms compatible with the GPL) but the GPL requires
that the operative license when you distribute it be the GPL and to actually grant those

If you want to be sure that everyone has the right to run, study, and share the software
then use a strong copyleft license like the GNU GPL and support enforcement efforts
to ensure that it actually happens in practice. (An unenforced GPL is, similarly, just lip

This is why things like the GPL are longer: Because they try to address more things
than the permissive licenses do.

Copyright © 2016 Jason Self. See license.shtml for license conditions. Please copy and share.