DOKK Library

Linux Servers

Authors Paul Cobbaut

License GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later

Linux Servers
  Paul Cobbaut
Linux Servers
Paul Cobbaut

Publication date 2015-05-24 CEST


This book is meant to be used in an instructor-led training. For self-study, the intent is to read
this book next to a working Linux computer so you can immediately do every subject, practicing
each command.

This book is aimed at novice Linux system administrators (and might be interesting and useful
for home users that want to know a bit more about their Linux system). However, this book
is not meant as an introduction to Linux desktop applications like text editors, browsers, mail
clients, multimedia or office applications.

More information and free .pdf available at .

Feel free to contact the author:

• Paul Cobbaut:,

Contributors to the Linux Training project are:

• Serge van Ginderachter:, build scripts and infrastructure setup

• Ywein Van den Brande:, license and legal sections

• Hendrik De Vloed:, script

We'd also like to thank our reviewers:

• Wouter Verhelst:,

• Geert    Goossens:,

• Elie De Brauwer:,

• Christophe Vandeplas:,

• Bert Desmet:,

• Rich Yonts:,

Copyright 2007-2015 Paul Cobbaut

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled 'GNU Free Documentation
Table of Contents
 I. apache and squid .......................................................................................................................................... 1
        1. apache web server ............................................................................................................................ 3
              1.1. introduction to apache ........................................................................................................... 4
              1.2. port virtual hosts on Debian ................................................................................................ 11
              1.3. named virtual hosts on Debian ........................................................................................... 15
              1.4. password protected website on Debian ............................................................................... 17
              1.5. port virtual hosts on CentOS .............................................................................................. 18
              1.6. named virtual hosts on CentOS .......................................................................................... 22
              1.7. password protected website on CentOS .............................................................................. 24
              1.8. troubleshooting apache ........................................................................................................ 26
              1.9. virtual hosts example ........................................................................................................... 27
              1.10. aliases and redirects ........................................................................................................... 27
              1.11. more on .htaccess ............................................................................................................... 27
              1.12. traffic .................................................................................................................................. 27
              1.13. self signed cert on Debian ................................................................................................ 28
              1.14. self signed cert on RHEL/CentOS .................................................................................... 30
              1.15. practice: apache ................................................................................................................. 32
        2. introduction to squid ..................................................................................................................... 33
              2.1. about proxy servers ............................................................................................................. 33
              2.2. installing squid .................................................................................................................... 34
              2.3. port 3128 .............................................................................................................................. 34
              2.4. starting and stopping ........................................................................................................... 34
              2.5. client proxy settings ............................................................................................................ 35
              2.6. upside down images ............................................................................................................ 37
              2.7. /var/log/squid ........................................................................................................................ 39
              2.8. access control ...................................................................................................................... 39
              2.9. testing squid ......................................................................................................................... 39
              2.10. name resolution ................................................................................................................. 39
 II. mysql database .......................................................................................................................................... 41
        3. introduction to sql using mysql .................................................................................................... 43
              3.1. installing mysql ................................................................................................................... 44
              3.2. accessing mysql ................................................................................................................... 45
              3.3. mysql databases ................................................................................................................... 47
              3.4. mysql tables ......................................................................................................................... 49
              3.5. mysql records ...................................................................................................................... 51
              3.6. joining two tables ................................................................................................................ 54
              3.7. mysql triggers ...................................................................................................................... 55
 III. dns server ................................................................................................................................................. 57
        4. introduction to DNS ....................................................................................................................... 59
              4.1. about dns .............................................................................................................................. 60
              4.2. dns namespace ..................................................................................................................... 63
              4.3. caching only servers ............................................................................................................ 68
              4.4. authoritative dns servers ...................................................................................................... 71
              4.5. primary and secondary ........................................................................................................ 71
              4.6. zone transfers ....................................................................................................................... 71
              4.7. master and slave .................................................................................................................. 73
              4.8. SOA record .......................................................................................................................... 73
              4.9. full or incremental zone transfers ....................................................................................... 74
              4.10. DNS cache ......................................................................................................................... 75
              4.11. forward lookup zone example ........................................................................................... 76
              4.12. example: caching only DNS server .................................................................................. 77
              4.13. example: caching only with forwarder ............................................................................. 79
              4.14. example: primary authoritative server .............................................................................. 81
              4.15. example: a DNS slave server ............................................................................................ 85
              4.16. practice: dns ....................................................................................................................... 87

                                                                  Linux Servers

            4.17. solution: dns ...................................................................................................................... 88
      5. advanced DNS ................................................................................................................................ 89
            5.1. example: DNS round robin ................................................................................................. 90
            5.2. DNS delegation ................................................................................................................... 91
            5.3. example: DNS delegation ................................................................................................... 92
            5.4. example: split-horizon dns .................................................................................................. 94
            5.5. old dns topics ...................................................................................................................... 96
IV. dhcp server ............................................................................................................................................ 100
      6. introduction to dhcp .................................................................................................................... 102
            6.1. four broadcasts .................................................................................................................. 103
            6.2. picturing dhcp .................................................................................................................... 104
            6.3. installing a dhcp server ..................................................................................................... 105
            6.4. dhcp server for RHEL/CentOS ......................................................................................... 105
            6.5. client reservations .............................................................................................................. 106
            6.6. example config files .......................................................................................................... 106
            6.7. older example config files ................................................................................................. 107
            6.8. advanced dhcp ................................................................................................................... 109
            6.9. Practice: dhcp .................................................................................................................... 110
V. iptables firewall ...................................................................................................................................... 111
      7. introduction to routers ................................................................................................................ 113
            7.1. router or firewall ............................................................................................................... 114
            7.2. packet forwarding .............................................................................................................. 114
            7.3. packet filtering ................................................................................................................... 114
            7.4. stateful ................................................................................................................................ 114
            7.5. nat (network address translation) ...................................................................................... 115
            7.6. pat (port address translation) ............................................................................................. 115
            7.7. snat (source nat) ................................................................................................................ 115
            7.8. masquerading ..................................................................................................................... 115
            7.9. dnat (destination nat) ......................................................................................................... 115
            7.10. port forwarding ................................................................................................................ 115
            7.11. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward .......................................................................................... 116
            7.12. /etc/sysctl.conf .................................................................................................................. 116
            7.13. sysctl ................................................................................................................................ 116
            7.14. practice: packet forwarding ............................................................................................. 117
            7.15. solution: packet forwarding ............................................................................................. 119
      8. iptables firewall ............................................................................................................................ 122
            8.1. iptables tables .................................................................................................................... 123
            8.2. starting and stopping iptables ............................................................................................ 123
            8.3. the filter table .................................................................................................................... 124
            8.4. practice: packet filtering .................................................................................................... 129
            8.5. solution: packet filtering ................................................................................................... 130
            8.6. network address translation ............................................................................................... 131
VI. Introduction to Samba ........................................................................................................................... 134
      9. introduction to samba .................................................................................................................. 137
            9.1. verify installed version ...................................................................................................... 138
            9.2. installing samba ................................................................................................................. 139
            9.3. documentation .................................................................................................................... 140
            9.4. starting and stopping samba .............................................................................................. 141
            9.5. samba daemons .................................................................................................................. 142
            9.6. the SMB protocol .............................................................................................................. 143
            9.7. practice: introduction to samba ......................................................................................... 144
      10. getting started with samba ........................................................................................................ 145
            10.1. /etc/samba/smb.conf ......................................................................................................... 146
            10.2. /usr/bin/testparm ............................................................................................................... 147
            10.3. /usr/bin/smbclient ............................................................................................................. 148
            10.4. /usr/bin/smbtree ................................................................................................................ 150
            10.5. server string ..................................................................................................................... 151
            10.6. Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) .................................................................... 152

                                                          Linux Servers

        10.7. practice: getting started with samba ................................................................................ 153
        10.8. solution: getting started with samba ............................................................................... 154
11.   a read only file server ................................................................................................................ 156
        11.1. Setting up a directory to share ........................................................................................ 157
        11.2. configure the share .......................................................................................................... 157
        11.3. restart the server .............................................................................................................. 158
        11.4. verify the share ................................................................................................................ 158
        11.5. a note on netcat ............................................................................................................... 160
        11.6. practice: read only file server ......................................................................................... 161
        11.7. solution: read only file server ......................................................................................... 162
12.   a writable file server .................................................................................................................. 163
        12.1. set up a directory to share ............................................................................................... 164
        12.2. share section in smb.conf ................................................................................................ 164
        12.3. configure the share .......................................................................................................... 164
        12.4. test connection with windows ......................................................................................... 164
        12.5. test writing with windows ............................................................................................... 165
        12.6. How is this possible ? ..................................................................................................... 165
        12.7. practice: writable file server ............................................................................................ 166
        12.8. solution: writable file server ........................................................................................... 167
13.   samba first user account ........................................................................................................... 168
        13.1. creating a samba user ...................................................................................................... 169
        13.2. ownership of files ............................................................................................................ 169
        13.3. /usr/bin/smbpasswd .......................................................................................................... 169
        13.4. /etc/samba/smbpasswd ..................................................................................................... 169
        13.5. passdb backend ................................................................................................................ 170
        13.6. forcing this user ............................................................................................................... 170
        13.7. practice: first samba user account ................................................................................... 171
        13.8. solution: first samba user account ................................................................................... 172
14.   samba authentication ................................................................................................................. 173
        14.1. creating the users on Linux ............................................................................................. 174
        14.2. creating the users on samba ............................................................................................ 174
        14.3. security = user ................................................................................................................. 174
        14.4. configuring the share ....................................................................................................... 175
        14.5. testing access with net use .............................................................................................. 175
        14.6. testing access with smbclient .......................................................................................... 175
        14.7. verify ownership .............................................................................................................. 176
        14.8. common problems ........................................................................................................... 176
        14.9. practice : samba authentication ....................................................................................... 178
        14.10. solution: samba authentication ...................................................................................... 179
15.   samba securing shares ............................................................................................................... 180
        15.1. security based on user name ........................................................................................... 181
        15.2. security based on ip-address ........................................................................................... 181
        15.3. security through obscurity ............................................................................................... 182
        15.4. file system security .......................................................................................................... 182
        15.5. practice: securing shares ................................................................................................. 184
        15.6. solution: securing shares ................................................................................................. 185
16.   samba domain member ............................................................................................................. 187
        16.1. changes in smb.conf ........................................................................................................ 188
        16.2. joining an Active Directory domain ............................................................................... 189
        16.3. winbind ............................................................................................................................ 190
        16.4. wbinfo .............................................................................................................................. 190
        16.5. getent ................................................................................................................................ 191
        16.6. file ownership .................................................................................................................. 192
        16.7. practice : samba domain member .................................................................................... 193
17.   samba domain controller ........................................................................................................... 194
        17.1. about Domain Controllers ............................................................................................... 195
        17.2. About security modes ...................................................................................................... 195
        17.3. About password backends ............................................................................................... 196

                                                                    Linux Servers

             17.4. [global] section in smb.conf ............................................................................................ 196
             17.5. netlogon share .................................................................................................................. 197
             17.6. other [share] sections ....................................................................................................... 197
             17.7. Users and Groups ............................................................................................................ 198
             17.8. tdbsam .............................................................................................................................. 198
             17.9. about computer accounts ................................................................................................. 199
             17.10. local or roaming profiles ............................................................................................... 199
             17.11. Groups in NTFS acls ..................................................................................................... 200
             17.12. logon scripts .................................................................................................................. 201
             17.13. practice: samba domain controller ................................................................................ 202
      18. a brief look at samba 4 ............................................................................................................. 203
             18.1. Samba 4 alpha 6 .............................................................................................................. 205
VII. selinux .................................................................................................................................................. 207
      19. introduction to SELinux ............................................................................................................ 209
             19.1. selinux modes .................................................................................................................. 210
             19.2. logging ............................................................................................................................. 210
             19.3. activating selinux ............................................................................................................. 210
             19.4. getenforce ......................................................................................................................... 211
             19.5. setenforce ......................................................................................................................... 211
             19.6. sestatus ............................................................................................................................. 212
             19.7. policy ............................................................................................................................... 212
             19.8. /etc/selinux/config ............................................................................................................ 212
             19.9. DAC or MAC .................................................................................................................. 213
             19.10. ls -Z ............................................................................................................................... 213
             19.11. -Z .................................................................................................................................... 213
             19.12. /selinux ........................................................................................................................... 214
             19.13. identity ........................................................................................................................... 214
             19.14. role ................................................................................................................................. 214
             19.15. type (or domain) ............................................................................................................ 215
             19.16. security context .............................................................................................................. 216
             19.17. transition ........................................................................................................................ 216
             19.18. extended attributes ......................................................................................................... 217
             19.19. process security context ................................................................................................ 217
             19.20. chcon .............................................................................................................................. 217
             19.21. an example ..................................................................................................................... 218
             19.22. setroubleshoot ................................................................................................................ 220
             19.23. booleans ......................................................................................................................... 222
VIII. introducing git ..................................................................................................................................... 223
      20. git ................................................................................................................................................. 225
             20.1. git ..................................................................................................................................... 226
             20.2. installing git ..................................................................................................................... 227
             20.3. starting a project .............................................................................................................. 227
             20.4. git branches ...................................................................................................................... 230
             20.5. to be continued... ............................................................................................................. 231
             20.6. ....................................................................................................................... 232
             20.7. add your public key to github ......................................................................................... 232
             20.8. practice: git ...................................................................................................................... 233
IX. ipv6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 234
      21. Introduction to ipv6 ................................................................................................................... 236
             21.1. about ipv6 ........................................................................................................................ 237
             21.2. network id and host id .................................................................................................... 237
             21.3. host part generation ......................................................................................................... 237
             21.4. ipv4 mapped ipv6 address ............................................................................................... 238
             21.5. link local addresses ......................................................................................................... 238
             21.6. unique local addresses ..................................................................................................... 238
             21.7. globally unique unicast addresses ................................................................................... 238
             21.8. 6to4 .................................................................................................................................. 238
             21.9. ISP .................................................................................................................................... 239

                                                                      Linux Servers

               21.10. non routable addresses ..................................................................................................                       239
               21.11. ping6 ..............................................................................................................................            239
               21.12. Belgium and ipv6 ..........................................................................................................                     240
               21.13. other websites ................................................................................................................                 240
               21.14. 6to4 gateways ................................................................................................................                  242
               21.15. ping6 and dns ................................................................................................................                  242
               21.16. ipv6 and tcp/http ............................................................................................................                  242
               21.17. ipv6 PTR record ............................................................................................................                    242
               21.18. 6to4 setup on Linux ......................................................................................................                      242
X. Appendices ..............................................................................................................................................          245
     A. cloning ...........................................................................................................................................           247
               A.1. About cloning ...................................................................................................................                 247
               A.2. About offline cloning .......................................................................................................                     247
               A.3. Offline cloning example ...................................................................................................                       247
     B. License ..........................................................................................................................................            249
Index .............................................................................................................................................................   256

List of Tables
 4.1.   the first top level domains ..................................................................................................................... 65
 4.2.   new general purpose tld's ....................................................................................................................... 65
 7.1.   Packet Forwarding Exercise ................................................................................................................. 117
 7.2.   Packet Forwarding Solution ................................................................................................................. 119

Part I. apache and squid
Table of Contents
 1. apache web server ..................................................................................................................................... 3
       1.1. introduction to apache ..................................................................................................................... 4
       1.2. port virtual hosts on Debian ......................................................................................................... 11
       1.3. named virtual hosts on Debian ..................................................................................................... 15
       1.4. password protected website on Debian ........................................................................................ 17
       1.5. port virtual hosts on CentOS ........................................................................................................ 18
       1.6. named virtual hosts on CentOS .................................................................................................... 22
       1.7. password protected website on CentOS ....................................................................................... 24
       1.8. troubleshooting apache ................................................................................................................. 26
       1.9. virtual hosts example .................................................................................................................... 27
       1.10. aliases and redirects .................................................................................................................... 27
       1.11. more on .htaccess ........................................................................................................................ 27
       1.12. traffic ........................................................................................................................................... 27
       1.13. self signed cert on Debian .......................................................................................................... 28
       1.14. self signed cert on RHEL/CentOS ............................................................................................. 30
       1.15. practice: apache ........................................................................................................................... 32
 2. introduction to squid ............................................................................................................................... 33
       2.1. about proxy servers ....................................................................................................................... 33
       2.2. installing squid .............................................................................................................................. 34
       2.3. port 3128 ....................................................................................................................................... 34
       2.4. starting and stopping ..................................................................................................................... 34
       2.5. client proxy settings ...................................................................................................................... 35
       2.6. upside down images ...................................................................................................................... 37
       2.7. /var/log/squid ................................................................................................................................. 39
       2.8. access control ................................................................................................................................ 39
       2.9. testing squid .................................................................................................................................. 39
       2.10. name resolution ........................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 1. apache web server
 In this chapter we learn how to setup a web server with the apache software.

 According to NetCraft ( about
 seventy percent of all web servers are running on Apache. The name is derived from a
 patchy web server, because of all the patches people wrote for the NCSA httpd server.

 Later chapters will expand this web server into a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, Mysql, Perl/

                                     apache web server

1.1. introduction to apache
1.1.1. installing on Debian
 This screenshot shows that there is no apache server installed, nor does the /var/www
 directory exist.
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /var/www
 ls: cannot access /var/www: No such file or directory
 root@debian7:~# dpkg -l | grep apache

 To install apache on Debian:
 root@debian7:~# aptitude install apache2
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   apache2 apache2-mpm-worker{a} apache2-utils{a} apache2.2-bin{a} apache2.2-com\
 mon{a} libapr1{a} libaprutil1{a} libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3{a} libaprutil1-ldap{a}\
 0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 1,487 kB of archives. After unpacking 5,673 kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

 After installation, the same two commands as above will yield a different result:
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /var/www
 total 4
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177 Apr 29 11:55 index.html
 root@debian7:~# dpkg -l | grep apache | tr -s ' '
 ii apache2 2.2.22-13+deb7u1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server metapackage
 ii apache2-mpm-worker 2.2.22-13+deb7u1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server - high speed th\
 readed model
 ii apache2-utils 2.2.22-13+deb7u1 amd64 utility programs for webservers
 ii apache2.2-bin 2.2.22-13+deb7u1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server common binary files
 ii apache2.2-common 2.2.22-13+deb7u1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server common files

                                    apache web server

1.1.2. installing on RHEL/CentOS
 Note that Red Hat derived distributions use httpd as package and process name instead of

 To verify whether apache is installed in CentOS/RHEL:
 [root@centos65 ~]# rpm -q httpd
 package httpd is not installed
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls -l /var/www
 ls: cannot access /var/www: No such file or directory

 To install apache on CentOS:
 [root@centos65 ~]# yum install httpd

 After running the yum install httpd command, the Centos 6.5 server has apache installed
 and the /var/www directory exists.
 [root@centos65 ~]# rpm -q httpd
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls -l /var/www
 total 16
 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Apr     3   23:57   cgi-bin
 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 May     6   13:08   error
 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Apr     3   23:57   html
 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 May     6   13:08   icons
 [root@centos65 ~]#

                                      apache web server

1.1.3. running apache on Debian
 This is how you start apache2 on Debian.
 root@debian7:~# service apache2 status
 Apache2 is NOT running.
 root@debian7:~# service apache2 start
 Starting web server: apache2apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's \
 fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

 To verify, run the service apache2 status command again or use ps.
 root@debian7:~# service apache2 status
 Apache2 is running (pid 3680).
 root@debian7:~# ps -C apache2
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  3680 ?        00:00:00 apache2
  3683 ?        00:00:00 apache2
  3684 ?        00:00:00 apache2
  3685 ?        00:00:00 apache2

 Or use wget and file to verify that your web server serves an html document.
 root@debian7:~# wget
 --2014-05-06 13:27:02--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 177 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html'

 100%[==================================================>] 177             --.-K/s     in 0s

 2014-05-06 13:27:02 (15.8 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [177/177]

 root@debian7:~# file index.html
 index.html: HTML document, ASCII text

 Or verify that apache is running by opening a web browser, and browse to the ip-address of
 your server. An Apache test page should be shown.

 You can do the following to quickly avoid the 'could not reliably determine the fqdn' message
 when restarting apache.
 root@debian7:~# echo ServerName Debian7 >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
 root@debian7:~# service apache2 restart
 Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .

                                    apache web server

1.1.4. running apache on CentOS
 Starting the httpd on RHEL/CentOS is done with the service command.
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd status
 httpd is stopped
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd start
 Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualifie\
 d domain name, using for ServerName
                                                            [ OK ]
 [root@centos65 ~]#

 To verify that apache is running, use ps or issue the service httpd status command again.
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd status
 httpd (pid 2410) is running...
 [root@centos65 ~]# ps -C httpd
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  2410 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2412 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2413 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2414 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2415 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2416 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2417 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2418 ?        00:00:00 httpd
  2419 ?        00:00:00 httpd
 [root@centos65 ~]#

 To prevent the 'Could not reliably determine the fqdn' message, issue the following
 [root@centos65 ~]# echo ServerName Centos65 >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd:                                            [ OK ]
 Starting httpd:                                            [ OK ]
 [root@centos65 ~]#

                                     apache web server

1.1.5. index file on CentOS
 CentOS does not provide a standard index.html or index.php file. A simple wget gives an
 [root@centos65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-06 15:10:22--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
 2014-05-06 15:10:22 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

 Instead when visiting the ip-address of your server in a web browser you get a noindex.html
 page. You can verify this using wget.
 [root@centos65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-06 15:16:05--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 5039 (4.9K) [text/html]
 Saving to: “noindex.html”

 100%[=============================================>] 5,039               --.-K/s    in 0s

 2014-05-06 15:16:05 (289 MB/s) - “noindex.html” saved [5039/5039]

 [root@centos65 ~]# file noindex.html
 noindex.html: HTML document text
 [root@centos65 ~]#

 Any custom index.html file in /var/www/html will immediately serve as an index for this
 web server.
 [root@centos65 ~]# echo 'Welcome to my website' > /var/www/html/index.html
 [root@centos65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-06 15:19:16--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 22 [text/html]
 Saving to: “index.html”

 100%[=============================================>] 22                  --.-K/s    in 0s

 2014-05-06 15:19:16 (1.95 MB/s) - “index.html” saved [22/22]

 [root@centos65 ~]# cat index.html
 Welcome to my website

                                     apache web server

1.1.6. default website
 Changing the default website of a freshly installed apache web server is easy. All you need
 to do is create (or change) an index.html file in the DocumentRoot directory.

 To locate the DocumentRoot directory on Debian:
 root@debian7:~# grep DocumentRoot /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
         DocumentRoot /var/www

 This means that /var/www/index.html is the default web site.
 root@debian7:~# cat /var/www/index.html
 <html><body><h1>It works!</h1>
 <p>This is the default web page for this server.</p>
 <p>The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.</p>

 This screenshot shows how to locate the DocumentRoot directory on RHEL/CentOS.
 [root@centos65 ~]# grep ^DocumentRoot /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

 RHEL/CentOS have no default web page (only the noindex.html error page mentioned
 before). But an index.html file created in /var/www/html/ will automatically be used as
 default page.
 [root@centos65 ~]# echo '<html><head><title>Default website</title></head><body\
 ><p>A new web page</p></body></html>' > /var/www/html/index.html
 [root@centos65 ~]# cat /var/www/html/index.html
 <html><head><title>Default website</title></head><body><p>A new web page</p></b\
 [root@centos65 ~]#

                                      apache web server

1.1.7. apache configuration
 There are many similarities, but also a couple of differences when configuring apache on
 Debian or on CentOS. Both Linux families will get their own chapters with examples.

 All configuration on RHEL/CentOS is done in /etc/httpd.
 [root@centos65 ~]#   ls -l /etc/httpd/
 total 8
 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root   root 4096 May     6   13:08   conf
 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root   root 4096 May     6   13:08   conf.d
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root   root   19 May     6   13:08   logs -> ../../var/log/httpd
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root   root   29 May     6   13:08   modules -> ../../usr/lib64/httpd/modu\
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root   root   19 May     6 13:08 run -> ../../var/run/httpd
 [root@centos65 ~]#

 Debian (and ubuntu/mint/...) use /etc/apache2.
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /etc/apache2/
 total 72
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9659 May 6          14:23   apache2.conf
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6          13:19   conf.d
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1465 Jan 31         18:35   envvars
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31063 Jul 20         2013   magic
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6          13:19   mods-available
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6          13:19   mods-enabled
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   750 Jan 26        12:13   ports.conf
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6          13:19   sites-available
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6          13:19   sites-enabled

                                      apache web server

1.2. port virtual hosts on Debian
1.2.1. default virtual host
 Debian has a virtualhost configuration file for its default website in /etc/apache2/sites-
 root@debian7:~# head -2 /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

1.2.2. three extra virtual hosts
 In this scenario we create three additional websites for three customers that share a clubhouse
 and want to jointly hire you. They are a model train club named Choo Choo, a chess club
 named Chess Club 42 and a hackerspace named hunter2.

 One way to put three websites on one web server, is to put each website on a different port.
 This screenshot shows three newly created virtual hosts, one for each customer.
 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/choochoo
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/choochoo
 <VirtualHost *:7000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/choochoo
 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/chessclub42
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/chessclub42
 <VirtualHost *:8000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/chessclub42
 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/hunter2
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/hunter2
 <VirtualHost *:9000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/hunter2

 Notice the different port numbers 7000, 8000 and 9000. Notice also that we specified a
 unique DocumentRoot for each website.

 Are you using Ubuntu or Mint, then these configfiles need to end in .conf.

                                     apache web server

1.2.3. three extra ports
 We need to enable these three ports on apache in the ports.conf file. Open this file with vi
 and add three lines to listen on three extra ports.
 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf

 Verify with grep that the Listen directives are added correctly.
 root@debian7:~# grep ^Listen /etc/apache2/ports.conf
 Listen 80
 Listen 7000
 Listen 8000
 Listen 9000

1.2.4. three extra websites
 Next we need to create three DocumentRoot directories.
 root@debian7:~# mkdir /var/www/choochoo
 root@debian7:~# mkdir /var/www/chessclub42
 root@debian7:~# mkdir /var/www/hunter2

 And we have to put some really simple website in those directories.
 root@debian7:~# echo 'Choo Choo model train Choo Choo' > /var/www/choochoo/inde\
 root@debian7:~# echo 'Welcome to chess club 42' > /var/www/chessclub42/\
 root@debian7:~# echo 'HaCkInG iS fUn At HuNtEr2' > /var/www/hunter2/index.html

                                     apache web server

1.2.5. enabling extra websites
 The last step is to enable the websites with the a2ensite command. This command will create
 links in sites-enabled.

 The links are not there yet...
 root@debian7:~# cd /etc/apache2/
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# ls sites-available/
 chessclub42 choochoo default default-ssl hunter2
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# ls sites-enabled/

 So we run the a2ensite command for all websites.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# a2ensite choochoo
 Enabling site choochoo.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# a2ensite chessclub42
 Enabling site chessclub42.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# a2ensite hunter2
 Enabling site hunter2.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload

 The links are created, so we can tell apache.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# ls sites-enabled/
 000-default chessclub42 choochoo hunter2
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# service apache2 reload
 Reloading web server config: apache2.

                                    apache web server

1.2.6. testing the three websites
 Testing the model train club named Choo Choo on port 7000.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# wget
 --2014-05-06 21:16:03--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 32 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html'

 100%[============================================>] 32                    --.-K/s    in 0s

 2014-05-06 21:16:03 (2.92 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [32/32]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# cat index.html
 Choo Choo model train Choo Choo

 Testing the chess club named Chess Club 42 on port 8000.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# wget
 --2014-05-06 21:16:20--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 25 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html.1'

 100%[===========================================>] 25                    --.-K/s    in 0s

 2014-05-06 21:16:20 (2.16 MB/s) - `index.html.1' saved [25/25]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# cat index.html.1
 Welcome to chess club 42

 Testing the hacker club named hunter2 on port 9000.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# wget
 --2014-05-06 21:16:30--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 26 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html.2'

 100%[===========================================>] 26                    --.-K/s    in 0s

 2014-05-06 21:16:30 (2.01 MB/s) - `index.html.2' saved [26/26]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# cat index.html.2
 HaCkInG iS fUn At HuNtEr2

 Cleaning up the temporary files.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# rm index.html index.html.1 index.html.2

 Try testing from another computer using the ip-address of your server.

                                      apache web server

1.3. named virtual hosts on Debian
1.3.1. named virtual hosts
 The chess club and the model train club find the port numbers too hard to remember. They
 would prefere to have their website accessible by name.

 We continue work on the same server that has three websites on three ports. We need to
 make sure those websites are accesible using the names choochoo.local, chessclub42.local
 and hunter2.local.

 We start by creating three new virtualhosts.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        vi choochoo.local
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        vi chessclub42.local
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        vi hunter2.local
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        cat choochoo.local
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName choochoo.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/choochoo
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        cat chessclub42.local
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName chessclub42.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/chessclub42
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available#        cat hunter2.local
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName hunter2.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/hunter2

 Notice that they all listen on port 80 and have an extra ServerName directive.

1.3.2. name resolution
 We need some way to resolve names. This can be done with DNS, which is discussed in
 another chapter. For this demo it is also possible to quickly add the three names to the /etc/
 hosts file.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# grep ^192 /etc/hosts choochoo.local chessclub42.local hunter2.local

 Note that you may have another ip address...

                                      apache web server

1.3.3. enabling virtual hosts
 Next we enable them with a2ensite.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# a2ensite choochoo.local
 Enabling site choochoo.local.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# a2ensite chessclub42.local
 Enabling site chessclub42.local.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# a2ensite hunter2.local
 Enabling site hunter2.local.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 reload

1.3.4. reload and verify
 After a service apache2 reload the websites should be available by name.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# service apache2 reload
 Reloading web server config: apache2.
 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# wget chessclub42.local
 --2014-05-06 21:37:13-- http://chessclub42.local/
 Resolving chessclub42.local (chessclub42.local)...
 Connecting to chessclub42.local (chessclub42.local)||:80... conne\
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 25 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html'

 100%[=============================================>] 25              --.-K/s   in 0s

 2014-05-06 21:37:13 (2.06 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [25/25]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat index.html
 Welcome to chess club 42

                                     apache web server

1.4. password protected website on Debian
 You can secure files and directories in your website with a .htaccess file that refers to a
 .htpasswd file. The htpasswd command can create a .htpasswd file that contains a userid
 and an (encrypted) password.

 This screenshot creates a user and password for the hacker named cliff and uses the -c flag
 to create the .htpasswd file.
 root@debian7:~# htpasswd -c /var/www/.htpasswd cliff
 New password:
 Re-type new password:
 Adding password for user cliff
 root@debian7:~# cat /var/www/.htpasswd

 Hacker rob also wants access, this screenshot shows how to add a second user and password
 to .htpasswd.
 root@debian7:~# htpasswd /var/www/.htpasswd rob
 New password:
 Re-type new password:
 Adding password for user rob
 root@debian7:~# cat /var/www/.htpasswd

 Both Cliff and Rob chose the same password (hunter2), but that is not visible in the
 .htpasswd file because of the different salts.

 Next we need to create a .htaccess file in the DocumentRoot of the website we want to
 protect. This screenshot shows an example.
 root@debian7:~# cd /var/www/hunter2/
 root@debian7:/var/www/hunter2# cat .htaccess
 AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
 AuthName "Members only!"
 AuthType Basic
 require valid-user

 Note that we are protecting the website on port 9000 that we created earlier.

 And because we put the website for the Hackerspace named hunter2 in a subdirectory of the
 default website, we will need to adjust the AllowOvveride parameter in /etc/apache2/sites-
 available/default as this screenshot shows (with line numbers on Debian7, your may vary).
 9          <Directory /var/www/>
 10                  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
 11                  AllowOverride Authconfig
 12                  Order allow,deny
 13                  allow from all
 14          </Directory

 Now restart the apache2 server and test that it works!

                                      apache web server

1.5. port virtual hosts on CentOS
1.5.1. default virtual host
 Unlike Debian, CentOS has no virtualHost configuration file for its default website. Instead
 the default configuration will throw a standard error page when no index file can be found
 in the default location (/var/www/html).

1.5.2. three extra virtual hosts
 In this scenario we create three additional websites for three customers that share a clubhouse
 and want to jointly hire you. They are a model train club named Choo Choo, a chess club
 named Chess Club 42 and a hackerspace named hunter2.

 One way to put three websites on one web server, is to put each website on a different port.
 This screenshot shows three newly created virtual hosts, one for each customer.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoo.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoo.conf
 <VirtualHost *:7000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/choochoo
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/chessclub42.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/chessclub42.conf
 <VirtualHost *:8000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/chessclub42
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/hunter2.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/hunter2.conf
 <VirtualHost *:9000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/hunter2

 Notice the different port numbers 7000, 8000 and 9000. Notice also that we specified a
 unique DocumentRoot for each website.

1.5.3. three extra ports
 We need to enable these three ports on apache in the httpd.conf file.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 root@debian7:~# grep ^Listen /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 Listen 80
 Listen 7000
 Listen 8000
 Listen 9000

                                       apache web server

1.5.4. SELinux guards our ports
 If we try to restart our server, we will notice the following error:
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd:                                            [ OK ]
 Starting httpd:
        (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
 no listening sockets available, shutting down

 This is due to SELinux reserving ports 7000 and 8000 for other uses. We need to tell SELinux
 we want to use these ports for http traffic
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 7000
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 8000
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd:                                            [ OK               ]
 Starting httpd:                                            [ OK               ]

1.5.5. three extra websites
 Next we need to create three DocumentRoot directories.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# mkdir /var/www/html/choochoo
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# mkdir /var/www/html/chessclub42
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# mkdir /var/www/html/hunter2

 And we have to put some really simple website in those directories.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# echo 'Choo Choo model train Choo Choo' > /var/www/html/chooc\
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# echo 'Welcome to chess club 42' > /var/www/html/chessclub42/\
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# echo 'HaCkInG iS fUn At HuNtEr2' > /var/www/html/hunter2/ind\

1.5.6. enabling extra websites
 The only way to enable or disable configurations in RHEL/CentOS is by renaming or
 moving the configuration files. Any file in /etc/httpd/conf.d ending on .conf will be loaded
 by Apache. To disable a site we can either rename the file or move it to another directory.

 The files are created, so we can tell apache.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# ls /etc/httpd/conf.d/
 chessclub42.conf choochoo.conf hunter2.conf               README   welcome.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# service httpd reload
 Reloading httpd:

                                    apache web server

1.5.7. testing the three websites
 Testing the model train club named Choo Choo on port 7000.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-11 11:59:36--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 32 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html'

 100%[===========================================>] 32            --.-K/s   in 0s

 2014-05-11 11:59:36 (4.47 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [32/32]

 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat index.html
 Choo Choo model train Choo Choo

 Testing the chess club named Chess Club 42 on port 8000.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-11 12:01:30--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 25 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html.1'

 100%[===========================================>] 25            --.-K/s   in 0s

 2014-05-11 12:01:30 (4.25 MB/s) - `index.html.1' saved [25/25]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# cat index.html.1
 Welcome to chess club 42

 Testing the hacker club named hunter2 on port 9000.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# wget
 --2014-05-11 12:02:37--
 Connecting to connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 26 [text/html]
 Saving to: `index.html.2'

 100%[===========================================>] 26            --.-K/s   in 0s

 2014-05-11 12:02:37 (4.49 MB/s) - `index.html.2' saved [26/26]

 root@debian7:/etc/apache2# cat index.html.2
 HaCkInG iS fUn At HuNtEr2

 Cleaning up the temporary files.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# rm index.html index.html.1 index.html.2

                                          apache web server

1.5.8. firewall rules
  If we attempt to access the site from another machine however, we will not be able to view the
  website yet. The firewall is blocking incoming connections. We need to open these incoming
  ports first
  [root@CentOS65   ~]#   iptables   -I   INPUT   -p    tcp   --dport   80 -j ACCEPT
  [root@CentOS65   ~]#   iptables   -I   INPUT   -p    tcp   --dport   7000 -j ACCEPT
  [root@CentOS65   ~]#   iptables   -I   INPUT   -p    tcp   --dport   8000 -j ACCEPT
  [root@CentOS65   ~]#   iptables   -I   INPUT   -p    tcp   --dport   9000 -j ACCEPT

  And if we want these rules to remain active after a reboot, we need to save them
  [root@CentOS65 ~]# service iptables save
  iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[                   OK   ]

                                      apache web server

1.6. named virtual hosts on CentOS
1.6.1. named virtual hosts
 The chess club and the model train club find the port numbers too hard to remember. They
 would prefere to have their website accessible by name.

 We continue work on the same server that has three websites on three ports. We need to
 make sure those websites are accesible using the names choochoo.local, chessclub42.local
 and hunter2.local.

 First, we need to enable named virtual hosts in the configuration
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# grep ^NameVirtualHost /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 NameVirtualHost *:80
 [root@CentOS65 ~]#

 Next we need to create three new virtualhosts.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoo.local.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/chessclub42.local.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/hunter2.local.conf
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoo.local.conf
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName choochoo.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/choochoo
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/chessclub42.local.conf
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName chessclub42.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/chessclub42
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/hunter2.local.conf
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         ServerName hunter2.local
         DocumentRoot /var/www/html/hunter2
 [root@CentOS65 ~]#

 Notice that they all listen on port 80 and have an extra ServerName directive.

1.6.2. name resolution
 We need some way to resolve names. This can be done with DNS, which is discussed in
 another chapter. For this demo it is also possible to quickly add the three names to the /etc/
 hosts file.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# grep ^192 /etc/hosts choochoo.local chessclub42.local hunter2.local

 Note that you may have another ip address...

                                    apache web server

1.6.3. reload and verify
 After a service httpd reload the websites should be available by name.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# service httpd reload
 Reloading httpd:
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# wget chessclub42.local
 --2014-05-25 16:59:14-- http://chessclub42.local/
 Resolving chessclub42.local...
 Connecting to chessclub42.local||:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 25 [text/html]
 Saving to: âindex.htmlâ

 100%[=============================================>] 25                  --.-K/s   in 0s

 2014-05-25 16:59:15 (1014 KB/s) - `index.html' saved [25/25]

 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat index.html
 Welcome to chess club 42

                                     apache web server

1.7. password protected website on CentOS
 You can secure files and directories in your website with a .htaccess file that refers to a
 .htpasswd file. The htpasswd command can create a .htpasswd file that contains a userid
 and an (encrypted) password.

 This screenshot creates a user and password for the hacker named cliff and uses the -c flag
 to create the .htpasswd file.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# htpasswd -c /var/www/.htpasswd cliff
 New password:
 Re-type new password:
 Adding password for user cliff
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /var/www/.htpasswd

 Hacker rob also wants access, this screenshot shows how to add a second user and password
 to .htpasswd.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# htpasswd /var/www/.htpasswd rob
 New password:
 Re-type new password:
 Adding password for user rob
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /var/www/.htpasswd
 [root@CentOS65 ~]#

 Both Cliff and Rob chose the same password (hunter2), but that is not visible in the
 .htpasswd file because of the different salts.

 Next we need to create a .htaccess file in the DocumentRoot of the website we want to
 protect. This screenshot shows an example.
 [root@CentOS65 ~]# cat /var/www/html/hunter2/.htaccess
 AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
 AuthName "Members only!"
 AuthType Basic
 require valid-user

 Note that we are protecting the website on port 9000 that we created earlier.

 And because we put the website for the Hackerspace named hunter2 in a subdirectory of the
 default website, we will need to adjust the AllowOvveride parameter in /etc/httpd/conf/
 httpd.conf under the <Directory "/var/www/html"> directive as this screenshot shows.

                                    apache web server

[root@CentOS65 ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

<Directory "/var/www/html">

#   Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
#   or any combination of:
#     Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
#   Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
#   doesn't give it to you.
#   The Options directive is both complicated and important.   Please see
#   for more information.
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
#   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride Authconfig

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


Now restart the apache2 server and test that it works!

                                     apache web server

1.8. troubleshooting apache
 When apache restarts, it will verify the syntax of files in the configuration folder /etc/
 apache2 on debian or /etc/httpd on CentOS and it will tell you the name of the faulty file,
 the line number and an explanation of the error.
 root@debian7:~# service apache2 restart
 apache2: Syntax error on line 268 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error o\
 n line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/chessclub42: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled\
 /chessclub42:4: <VirtualHost> was not closed.\n/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ches\
 sclub42:1: <VirtualHost> was not closed.
 Action 'configtest' failed.
 The Apache error log may have more information.

 Below you see the problem... a missing / before on line 4.
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/chessclub42
 <VirtualHost *:8000>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot /var/www/chessclub42

 Let us force another error by renaming the directory of one of our websites:
 root@debian7:~# mv /var/www/choochoo/ /var/www/chooshoo
 root@debian7:~# !ser
 service apache2 restart
 Restarting web server: apache2Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/choochoo] does n\
 ot exist
 Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/choochoo] does not exist
   ... waiting Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/choochoo] does not exist
 Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/choochoo] does not exist

 As you can see, apache will tell you exactly what is wrong.

 You can also troubleshoot by connecting to the website via a browser and then checking the
 apache log files in /var/log/apache.

                                      apache web server

1.9. virtual hosts example
 Below is a sample virtual host configuration. This virtual hosts overrules the default Apache
 ErrorDocument directive.

 DocumentRoot /home/paul/public_html
 ErrorLog /home/paul/logs/error_log
 CustomLog /home/paul/logs/access_log common
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/paul/cgi-bin/
 <Directory /home/paul/public_html>
  Options Indexes IncludesNOEXEC FollowSymLinks
  allow from all
 ErrorDocument 404

1.10. aliases and redirects
 Apache supports aliases for directories, like this example shows.
 Alias /paul/ "/home/paul/public_html/"

 Similarly, content can be redirected to another website or web server.
 Redirect permanent /foo

1.11. more on .htaccess
 You can do much more with .htaccess. One example is to use .htaccess to prevent people
 from certain domains to access your website. Like in this case, where a number of referer
 spammers are blocked from the website.
 paul@lounge:~/$ cat .htaccess
 # Options +FollowSymlinks
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www\.)?*$ [OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
 RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

1.12. traffic
 Apache keeps a log of all visitors. The webalizer is often used to parse this log into nice
 html statistics.

                                        apache web server

1.13. self signed cert on Debian
 Below is a very quick guide on setting up Apache2 on Debian 7 with a self-signed certificate.

 Chances are these packages are already installed.
 root@debian7:~# aptitude install apache2 openssl
 No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.

 Create a directory to store the certs, and use openssl to create a self signed cert that is valid
 for 999 days.
 root@debian7:~# mkdir /etc/ssl/localcerts
 root@debian7:~# openssl req -new -x509 -days 999 -nodes -out /etc/ssl/local\
 certs/apache.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.key
 Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
 writing new private key to '/etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.key'
 You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
 into your certificate request.
 What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
 There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
 For some fields there will be a default value,
 If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
 Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:BE
 State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Antwerp
 Locality Name (eg, city) []:Antwerp
 Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]
 Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
 Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Paul
 Email Address []:

 A little security never hurt anyone.
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /etc/ssl/localcerts/
 total 8
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1704 Sep 16 18:24 apache.key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1302 Sep 16 18:24 apache.pem
 root@debian7:~# chmod 600 /etc/ssl/localcerts/*
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /etc/ssl/localcerts/
 total 8
 -rw------- 1 root root 1704 Sep 16 18:24 apache.key
 -rw------- 1 root root 1302 Sep 16 18:24 apache.pem

 Enable the apache ssl mod.
 root@debian7:~# a2enmod ssl
 Enabling module ssl.
 See /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/README.Debian.gz on how to configure SSL\
  and create self-signed certificates.
 To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
   service apache2 restart

 Create the website configuration.
 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/choochoos

                                    apache web server

root@debian7:~# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/choochoos
<VirtualHost *:7000>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/choochoos
        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.key

And create the website itself.
root@debian7:/var/www/choochoos# vi index.html
root@debian7:/var/www/choochoos# cat index.html
Choo Choo HTTPS secured model train Choo Choo

Enable the website and restart (or reload) apache2.
root@debian7:/var/www/choochoos# a2ensite choochoos
Enabling site choochoos.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  service apache2 reload
root@debian7:/var/www/choochoos# service apache2 restart
Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .

Chances are your browser will warn you about the self signed certificate.

                                      apache web server

1.14. self signed cert on RHEL/CentOS
 Below is a quick way to create a self signed cert for https on RHEL/CentOS. You may need
 these packages:
 [root@paulserver ~]# yum install httpd openssl mod_ssl
 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base:
  * extras:
  * updates:
 base                                                         | 3.7 kB     00:00
 Setting up Install Process
 Package httpd-2.2.15-31.el6.centos.x86_64 already installed and latest version
 Package openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.15.x86_64 already installed and latest version
 Package 1:mod_ssl-2.2.15-31.el6.centos.x86_64 already ins... and latest version
 Nothing to do

 We use openssl to create the certificate.
 [root@paulserver ~]# mkdir certs
 [root@paulserver ~]# cd certs
 [root@paulserver certs]# openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
 Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
 e is 65537 (0x10001)
 [root@paulserver certs]# openssl req -new -key ca.key -out ca.csr
 You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
 into your certificate request.
 What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
 There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
 For some fields there will be a default value,
 If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
 Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:BE
 State or Province Name (full name) []:antwerp
 Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:antwerp
 Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:antwerp
 Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:paulserver
 Email Address []:

 Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
 to be sent with your certificate request
 A challenge password []:
 An optional company name []:
 [root@paulserver certs]# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ca.csr -signkey\
 y -out ca.crt
 Signature ok
 Getting Private key

 We copy the keys to the right location (You may be missing SELinux info here).
 [root@paulserver certs]# cp ca.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/
 [root@paulserver certs]# cp ca.key ca.csr /etc/pki/tls/private/

 We add the location of our keys to this file, and also add the NameVirtualHost *:443
 [root@paulserver certs]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

                                    apache web server

[root@paulserver certs]# grep ^SSLCerti /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key

Create a website configuration.
[root@paulserver certs]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoos.conf
[root@paulserver certs]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/choochoos.conf
<VirtualHost *:443>
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key
        DocumentRoot /var/www/choochoos
        ServerName paulserver
[root@paulserver certs]#

Create a simple website and restart apache.
[root@paulserver certs]# mkdir /var/www/choochoos
[root@paulserver certs]# echo HTTPS model train choochoos > /var/www/choochoos/\
[root@paulserver httpd]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                            [ OK ]
Starting httpd:                                            [ OK ]

And your browser will probably warn you that this certificate is self signed.

                                       apache web server

1.15. practice: apache
 1. Verify that Apache is installed and running.

 2. Browse to the Apache HTML manual.

 3. Create three virtual hosts that listen on ports 8472, 31337 and 1201. Test that it all works.

 4. Create three named virtual hosts startrek.local, starwars.local and stargate.local. Test that
 it all works.

 5. Create a virtual hosts that listens on another ip-address.

 6. Protect one of your websites with a user/password combo.

Chapter 2. introduction to squid
2.1. about proxy servers
2.1.1. usage
 A proxy server is a server that caches the internet. Clients connect to the proxy server with
 a request for an internet server. The proxy server will connect to the internet server on behalf
 of the client. The proxy server will also cache the pages retrieved from the internet server.
 A proxy server may provide pages from his cache to a client, instead of connecting to the
 internet server to retrieve the (same) pages.

 A proxy server has two main advantages. It improves web surfing speed when returning
 cached data to clients, and it reduces the required bandwidth (cost) to the internet.

 Smaller organizations sometimes put the proxy server on the same physical computer that
 serves as a NAT to the internet. In larger organizations, the proxy server is one of many
 servers in the DMZ.

 When web traffic passes via a proxy server, it is common practice to configure the proxy
 with extra settings for access control. Access control in a proxy server can mean user account
 access, but also website(url), ip-address or dns restrictions.

2.1.2. open proxy servers
 You can find lists of open proxy servers on the internet that enable you to surf anonymously.
 This works when the proxy server connects on your behalf to a website, without logging
 your ip-address. But be careful, these (listed) open proxy servers could be created in order
 to eavesdrop upon their users.

2.1.3. squid
 This module is an introduction to the squid proxy server ( We
 will first configure squid as a normal proxy server.

                                    introduction to squid

2.2. installing squid
 This screenshot shows how to install squid on Debian with aptitude. Use yum if you are
 on Red Hat/CentOS.
 root@debian7:~# aptitude install squid
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   squid squid-common{a} squid-langpack{a}
 0 packages upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 1,513 kB of archives. After unpacking 4,540 kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
 ...output truncated...
 Setting up squid-langpack (20120616-1) ...
 Setting up squid-common (2.7.STABLE9-4.1) ...
 Setting up squid (2.7.STABLE9-4.1) ...
 Creating squid spool directory structure
 2014/08/01 15:19:31| Creating Swap Directories
 Restarting Squid HTTP proxy: squid.

 squid's main configuration file is /etc/squid/squid.conf. The file explains every parameter
 in great detail.
 root@debian7:~# wc -l /etc/squid/squid.conf
 4948 /etc/squid/squid.conf

2.3. port 3128
 By default the squid proxy server will lsiten to port 3128.
 root@debian7:~# grep ^http_port /etc/squid/squid.conf
 http_port 3128

2.4. starting and stopping
 You can manage squid with the standard service command as shown in this screenshot.
 root@debian7:~# service squid start
 Starting Squid HTTP proxy: squid.
 root@debian7:~# service squid restart
 Restarting Squid HTTP proxy: squid.
 root@debian7:~# service squid status
 squid is running.
 root@debian7:~# service squid stop
 Stopping Squid HTTP proxy: squid.

                                   introduction to squid

2.5. client proxy settings
 To enable a proxy server in Firefox or Iceweasel go to Edit Preferences and configure as
 shown in this screenshot (replace with the ip address of your proxy server).

 Test that your internet works with the proxy enabled. Also test that after a service squid
 stop command on your proxy server that you get a message similar to this schreenshot.

                                  introduction to squid

To enable a proxy server with Google Chrome (or Debian Chromium) start the program
from the command line like this:
paul@debian7:~$ chromium --proxy-server=''

Disabling the proxy with service squid stop should result in an error message similar to
this screenshot.

                                     introduction to squid

2.6. upside down images
 A proxy server sits inbetween your browser and the internet. So besides caching of internet
 data (the original function of a proxy server) and besides firewall like restrictions based on
 www content, a proxy server is in the perfect position to alter the webpages that you visit.

 You could for instance change the advertising on a webpage (or remove certain advertisers),
 or like we do in this example; change all images so they are upside down.

 The server needs command line tools to manipulate images and a perl script that uses these
 tools (and wget to download the images locally and serve them with apache2). In this
 example we use imagemagick (which provides tools like convert and mogrify).
 root@debian7:~# aptitude install imagemagick wget perl apache2
 ...output truncated...
 root@debian7:~# dpkg -S $(readlink -f $(which mogrify))
 imagemagick: /usr/bin/mogrify.im6

 The perl script that is shown in the screenshot below can be found on several websites, yet
 I have not found the original author. It is however a very simple script that uses wget and
 mogrify to download images (.jpg .gif and .png), flip them and store them in /var/www/
 root@debian7:~# cat /usr/local/bin/
 $count = 0;
 $pid = $$;
 while (<>) {
   chomp $_;
   if ($_ =~ /(.*\.jpg)/i) {
    $url = $1;
    system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg", "$url");
    system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg");
    print "$pid-$count.jpg\n";
   elsif ($_ =~ /(.*\.gif)/i) {
    $url = $1;
    system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif", "$url");
    system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif");
    print "$pid-$count.gif\n";
   elsif ($_ =~ /(.*\.png)/i) {
    $url = $1;
    system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png", "$url");
    system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png");
    print "$pid-$count.png\n";
   else {
           print "$_\n";;

 Change (or enable) also the following line in /etc/squid/suiqd.conf.
 http_access allow localnet
 http_port 3128 transparent

                                   introduction to squid

url_rwwrite_program /usr/local/bin/

The directory this script uses is /var/www/images and should be accessible by both the
squid server (which uses the user named proxy and by the apache2 webserver (which
uses the user www-data. The screenshot below shows how to create this directory, set the
permissions and make the users a member of the other groups.
root@debian7:~#   mkdir /var/www/images
root@debian7:~#   chown www-data:www-data /var/www/images
root@debian7:~#   chmod 755 /var/www/images
root@debian7:~#   usermod -aG www-data proxy
root@debian7:~#   usermod -aG proxy www-data

Test that it works after restarting squid and apache2.

                                     introduction to squid

2.7. /var/log/squid
 The standard log file location for squid is /var/log/squid.
 [root@RHEL4 ~]# grep "/var/log" /etc/squid/squid.conf
 # cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
 # cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
 # cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

2.8. access control
 The default squid setup only allows localhost access. To enable access for a private network
 range, look for the "INSERT YOUR OWN RULE(S) HERE..." sentence in squid.conf and
 add two lines similar to the screenshot below.

 acl company_network src
 http_access allow company_network

2.9. testing squid
 First, make sure that the server running squid has access to the internet.
 [root@RHEL4   ~]# wget -q
 [root@RHEL4   ~]# ls -l index.html
 -rw-r--r--    1 root root 2269 Sep 18 13:18 index.html
 [root@RHEL4   ~]#

 Then configure a browser on a client to use the proxy server, or you could set the
 HTTP_PROXY (sometimes http_proxy) variable to point command line programs to the
 [root@fedora ~]# export HTTP_PROXY=
 [root@ubuntu ~]# export http_proxy=

 Testing a client machine can then be done with wget (wget -q is used to simplify the
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# > /etc/resolv.conf
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# wget -q
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# ls -l index.html
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2269 Sep 18 2008 index.html
 [root@RHEL5 ~]#

2.10. name resolution
 You need name resolution working on the squid server, but you don't need name resolution
 on the clients.
 [paul@RHEL5 ~]$ wget
 Resolving failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
 [paul@RHEL5 ~]$ export http_proxy=
 [paul@RHEL5 ~]$ wget

                               introduction to squid

Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 5390 (5.3K) [text/html]
Saving to: `index.html.1'

100%[================================>] 5,390          --.-K/s   in 0.1s

14:38:29 (54.8 KB/s) - `index.html' saved [5390/5390]

[paul@RHEL5 ~]$

Part II. mysql database
Table of Contents
 3. introduction to sql using mysql .............................................................................................................             43
       3.1. installing mysql .............................................................................................................................    44
       3.2. accessing mysql .............................................................................................................................     45
       3.3. mysql databases .............................................................................................................................     47
       3.4. mysql tables ..................................................................................................................................   49
       3.5. mysql records ................................................................................................................................    51
       3.6. joining two tables ..........................................................................................................................     54
       3.7. mysql triggers ................................................................................................................................   55

Chapter 3. introduction to sql using
 mysql is a database server that understands Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL
 was developed by the Swedish Company MySQL AB. The first release was in 1995. In
 2008 MySQL AB was bought by Sun Microsystems (which is now owned by Oracle).

 mysql is very popular for websites in combination with php and apache (the m in lamp
 servers), but mysql is also used in organizations with huge databases like Facebook, Flickr,
 Google, Nokia, Wikipedia and Youtube.

 This chapter will teach you sql by creating and using small databases, tables, queries and a
 simple trigger in a local mysql server.

                                introduction to sql using mysql

3.1. installing mysql
 On Debian/Ubuntu you can use aptitude install mysql-server to install the mysql server
 and client.
 root@ubu1204~# aptitude install mysql-server
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   libdbd-mysql-perl{a} libdbi-perl{a} libhtml-template-perl{a}
   libnet-daemon-perl{a} libplrpc-perl{a} mysql-client-5.5{a}
   mysql-client-core-5.5{a} mysql-server mysql-server-5.5{a}
 0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 25.5 MB of archives. After unpacking 88.4 MB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

 During the installation you will be asked to provide a password for the root mysql user,
 remember this password (or use hunter2 like i do.

 To verify the installed version, use dpkg -l on Debian/Ubuntu. This screenshot shows
 version 5.0 installed.
 root@ubu1204~# dpkg -l mysql-server | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -c-72
 ii mysql-server 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 MySQL database server (metapacka

 Issue rpm -q to get version information about MySQL on Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS.
 [paul@RHEL52 ~]$ rpm -q mysql-server

 You will need at least version 5.0 to work with triggers.

                               introduction to sql using mysql

3.2. accessing mysql
3.2.1. Linux users
 The installation of mysql creates a user account in /etc/passwd and a group account in /
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ tail -1 /etc/passwd
 mysql:x:120:131:MySQL Server,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ tail -1 /etc/group

 The mysql daemon mysqld will run with the credentials of this user and group.
 root@ubu1204~# ps -eo uid,user,gid,group,comm | grep mysqld
   120 mysql      131 mysql    mysqld

3.2.2. mysql client application
 You can now use mysql from the commandline by just typing mysql -u root -p and you
 'll be asked for the password (of the mysql root account). In the screenshot below the user
 typed exit to exit the mysql console.
 root@ubu1204~# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 43
 Server version: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

 mysql> exit

 You could also put the password in clear text on the command line, but that would not be
 very secure. Anyone with access to your bash history would be able to read your mysql root
 root@ubu1204~# mysql -u root -phunter2
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

                                introduction to sql using mysql

3.2.3. ~/.my.cnf
 You can save configuration in your home directory in the hidden file .my.cnf. In the
 screenshot below we put the root user and password in .my.cnf.
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ pwd
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ cat .my.cnf

 This enables us to log on as the root mysql user just by typing mysql.
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ mysql
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 56
 Server version: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)

3.2.4. the mysql command line client
 You can use the mysql command to take a look at the databases, and to execute SQL queries
 on them. The screenshots below show you how.

 Here we execute the command show databases. Every command must be terminated by a
 delimiter. The default delimiter is ; (the semicolon).
 mysql> show databases;
 | Database           |
 | information_schema |
 | mysql              |
 | performance_schema |
 | test               |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 We will use this prompt in the next sections.

                               introduction to sql using mysql

3.3. mysql databases
3.3.1. listing all databases
 You can use the mysql command to take a look at the databases, and to execute SQL queries
 on them. The screenshots below show you how. First, we log on to our MySQL server and
 execute the command show databases to see which databases exist on our mysql server.
 kevin@ubu1204:~$ mysql
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 57
 Server version: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

 mysql> show databases;
 | Database           |
 | information_schema |
 | mysql              |
 | performance_schema |
 | test               |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.3.2. creating a database
 You can create a new database with the create database command.
 mysql> create database famouspeople;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql> show databases;
 | Database           |
 | information_schema |
 | famouspeople       |
 | mysql              |
 | performance_schema |
 | test               |
 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

                                introduction to sql using mysql

3.3.3. using a database
 Next we tell mysql to use one particular database with the use $database command. This
 screenshot shows how to make wikidb the current database (in use).
 mysql> use famouspeople;
 Database changed

3.3.4. access to a database
 To give someone access to a mysql database, use the grant command.
 mysql> grant all on famouspeople.* to kevin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "hunter2";
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

3.3.5. deleting a database
 When a database is no longer needed, you can permanently remove it with the drop database
 mysql> drop database demodb;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

3.3.6. backup and restore a database
 You can take a backup of a database, or move it to another computer using the mysql and
 mysqldump commands. In the screenshot below, we take a backup of the wikidb database
 on the computer named laika.
 mysqldump -u root famouspeople > famouspeople.backup.20120708.sql

 Here is a screenshot of a database restore operation from this backup.
 mysql -u root famouspeople < famouspeople.backup.20120708.sql

                                 introduction to sql using mysql

3.4. mysql tables
3.4.1. listing tables
  You can see a list of tables in the current database with the show tables; command. Our
  famouspeople database has no tables yet.
  mysql> use famouspeople;
  Database changed
  mysql> show tables;
  Empty set (0.00 sec)

3.4.2. creating a table
  The create table command will create a new table.

  This screenshot shows the creation of a country table. We use the countrycode as a primary
  key (all country codes are uniquely defined). Most country codes are two or three letters, so
  a char of three uses less space than a varchar of three. The country name and the name of
  the capital are both defined as varchar. The population can be seen as an integer.
  mysql> create table country (
      -> countrycode char(3) NOT NULL,
      -> countryname varchar(70) NOT NULL,
      -> population int,
      -> countrycapital varchar(50),
      -> primary key (countrycode)
      -> );
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)

  mysql> show tables;
  | Tables_in_famouspeople |
  | country                |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)


  You are allowed to type the create table command on one long line, but administrators often
  use multiple lines to improve readability.
  mysql> create table country ( countrycode char(3) NOT NULL, countryname\
   varchar(70) NOT NULL, population int, countrycapital varchar(50), prim\
  ary key (countrycode) );
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)

                              introduction to sql using mysql

3.4.3. describing a table
 To see a description of the structure of a table, issue the describe $tablename command
 as shown below.
 mysql> describe country;
 | Field          | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | countrycode    | char(3)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
 | countryname    | varchar(70) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
 | population     | int(11)     | YES |      | NULL    |       |
 | countrycapital | varchar(50) | YES |      | NULL    |       |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.4.4. removing a table
 To remove a table from a database, issue the drop table $tablename command as shown
 mysql> drop table country;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

                                introduction to sql using mysql

3.5. mysql records
3.5.1. creating records
 Use insert to enter data into the table. The screenshot shows several insert statements that
 insert values depending on the position of the data in the statement.
 mysql> insert into country values ('BE','Belgium','11000000','Brussels');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

 mysql> insert into country values ('DE','Germany','82000000','Berlin');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

 mysql> insert into country values ('JP','Japan','128000000','Tokyo');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

 Some administrators prefer to use uppercase for sql keywords. The mysql client accepts
 mysql> INSERT INTO country VALUES ('FR','France','64000000','Paris');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 Note that you get an error when using a duplicate primary key.
 mysql> insert into country values ('DE','Germany','82000000','Berlin');
 ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'DE' for key 'PRIMARY'

3.5.2. viewing all records
 Below an example of a simple select query to look at the contents of a table.
 mysql> select * from country;
 | countrycode | countryname   | population | countrycapital |
 | BE          | Belgium       |   11000000 | Brussels       |
 | CN          | China         | 1400000000 | Beijing        |
 | DE          | Germany       |   82000000 | Berlin         |
 | FR          | France        |   64000000 | Paris          |
 | IN          | India         | 1300000000 | New Delhi      |
 | JP          | Japan         | 128000000 | Tokyo           |
 | MX          | Mexico        | 113000000 | Mexico City     |
 | US          | United States | 313000000 | Washington      |
 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

                                introduction to sql using mysql

3.5.3. updating records
 Consider the following insert statement. The capital of Spain is not Barcelona, it is Madrid.
 mysql> insert into country values ('ES','Spain','48000000','Barcelona');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)

 Using an update statement, the record can be updated.
 mysql> update country set countrycapital='Madrid' where countrycode='ES';
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
 Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

 We can use a select statement to verify this change.
 mysql> select * from country;
 | countrycode | countryname   | population | countrycapital |
 | BE          | Belgium       |   11000000 | Brussels       |
 | CN          | China         | 1400000000 | Beijing        |
 | DE          | Germany       |   82000000 | Berlin         |
 | ES          | Spain         |   48000000 | Madrid         |
 | FR          | France        |   64000000 | Paris          |
 | IN          | India         | 1300000000 | New Delhi      |
 | JP          | Japan         | 128000000 | Tokyo           |
 | MX          | Mexico        | 113000000 | Mexico City     |
 | US          | United States | 313000000 | Washington      |
 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.5.4. viewing selected records
 Using a where clause in a select statement, you can specify which record(s) you want to see.
 mysql> SELECT * FROM country WHERE countrycode='ES';
 | countrycode | countryname | population | countrycapital |
 | ES          | Spain       |   48000000 | Madrid         |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 Another example of the where clause.
 mysql> select * from country where countryname='Spain';
 | countrycode | countryname | population | countrycapital |
 | ES          | Spain       |   48000000 | Madrid         |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

3.5.5. primary key in where clause ?
 The primary key of a table is a field that uniquely identifies every record (every row) in
 the table. when using another field in the where clause, it is possible to get multiple rows
 mysql> insert into country values ('EG','Egypt','82000000','Cairo');

                                introduction to sql using mysql

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.33 sec)

 mysql> select * from country where population='82000000';
 | countrycode | countryname | population | countrycapital |
 | DE          | Germany     |   82000000 | Berlin         |
 | EG          | Egypt       |   82000000 | Cairo          |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.5.6. ordering records
 We know that select allows us to see all records in a table. Consider this table.
 mysql> select countryname,population from country;
 | countryname   | population |
 | Belgium       |   11000000 |
 | China         | 1400000000 |
 | Germany       |   82000000 |
 | Egypt         |   82000000 |
 | Spain         |   48000000 |
 | France        |   64000000 |
 | India         | 1300000000 |
 | Japan         | 128000000 |
 | Mexico        | 113000000 |
 | United States | 313000000 |
 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 Using the order by clause, we can change the order in which the records are presented.
 mysql> select countryname,population from country order by countryname;
 | countryname   | population |
 | Belgium       |   11000000 |
 | China         | 1400000000 |
 | Egypt         |   82000000 |
 | France        |   64000000 |
 | Germany       |   82000000 |
 | India         | 1300000000 |
 | Japan         | 128000000 |
 | Mexico        | 113000000 |
 | Spain         |   48000000 |
 | United States | 313000000 |
 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.5.7. grouping records
 Consider this table of people. The screenshot shows how to use the avg function to calculate
 an average.
 mysql> select * from people;
 | Name            | Field     | birthyear | countrycode |
 | Barack Obama    | politics | 1961       | US          |
 | Deng Xiaoping   | politics | 1904       | CN          |

                                introduction to sql using mysql

  | Guy Verhofstadt | politics | 1953       | BE          |
  | Justine Henin   | tennis    | 1982      | BE          |
  | Kim Clijsters   | tennis    | 1983      | BE          |
  | Li Na           | tennis    | 1982      | CN          |
  | Liu Yang        | astronaut | 1978      | CN          |
  | Serena Williams | tennis    | 1981      | US          |
  | Venus Williams | tennis     | 1980      | US          |
  9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql> select Field,AVG(birthyear) from people;
  | Field    | AVG(birthyear)    |
  | politics | 1967.111111111111 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  Using the group by clause, we can have an average per field.
  mysql> select Field,AVG(birthyear) from people group by Field;
  | Field     | AVG(birthyear)      |
  | astronaut |                1978 |
  | politics | 1939.3333333333333 |
  | tennis    |             1981.6 |
  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.5.8. deleting records
  You can use the delete to permanently remove a record from a table.
  mysql> delete from country where countryname='Spain';
  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

  mysql> select * from country where countryname='Spain';
  Empty set (0.00 sec)

3.6. joining two tables
3.6.1. inner join
  With an inner join you can take values from two tables and combine them in one result.
  Consider the country and the people tables from the previous section when looking at this
  screenshot of an inner join.
  mysql> select Name,Field,countryname
      -> from country
      -> inner join people on people.countrycode=country.countrycode;
  | Name            | Field     | countryname   |
  | Barack Obama    | politics | United States |
  | Deng Xiaoping   | politics | China          |
  | Guy Verhofstadt | politics | Belgium        |
  | Justine Henin   | tennis    | Belgium       |
  | Kim Clijsters   | tennis    | Belgium       |
  | Li Na           | tennis    | China         |

                                 introduction to sql using mysql

  | Liu Yang        | astronaut | China         |
  | Serena Williams | tennis    | United States |
  | Venus Williams | tennis     | United States |
  9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  This inner join will show only records with a match on countrycode in both tables.

3.6.2. left join
  A left join is different from an inner join in that it will take all rows from the left table,
  regardless of a match in the right table.
  mysql> select Name,Field,countryname from country left join people on people.countrycode=countr
  | Name            | Field     | countryname   |
  | Guy Verhofstadt | politics | Belgium        |
  | Justine Henin   | tennis    | Belgium       |
  | Kim Clijsters   | tennis    | Belgium       |
  | Deng Xiaoping   | politics | China          |
  | Li Na           | tennis    | China         |
  | Liu Yang        | astronaut | China         |
  | NULL            | NULL      | Germany       |
  | NULL            | NULL      | Egypt         |
  | NULL            | NULL      | Spain         |
  | NULL            | NULL      | France        |
  | NULL            | NULL      | India         |
  | NULL            | NULL      | Japan         |
  | NULL            | NULL      | Mexico        |
  | Barack Obama    | politics | United States |
  | Serena Williams | tennis    | United States |
  | Venus Williams | tennis     | United States |
  16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  You can see that some countries are present, even when they have no matching records in
  the people table.

3.7. mysql triggers
3.7.1. using a before trigger
  Consider the following create table command. The last field (amount) is the multiplication
  of the two fields named unitprice and unitcount.
  mysql> create table invoices (
      -> id char(8) NOT NULL,
      -> customerid char(3) NOT NULL,
      -> unitprice int,
      -> unitcount smallint,
      -> amount int );
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

  We can let mysql do the calculation for that by using a before trigger. The screenshot below
  shows the creation of a trigger that calculates the amount by multiplying two fields that are
  about to be inserted.
  mysql> create trigger total_amount before INSERT on invoices

                                introduction to sql using mysql

     -> for each row set new.amount = new.unitprice * new.unitcount ;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

 Here we verify that the trigger works by inserting a new record, without providing the total

 mysql> insert into invoices values ('20090526','ABC','199','10','');
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

 Looking at the record proves that the trigger works.
 mysql> select * from invoices;
 | id       | customerid | unitprice | unitcount | amount |
 | 20090526 | ABC        |       199 |        10 |   1990 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

3.7.2. removing a trigger
 When a trigger is no longer needed, you can delete it with the drop trigger command.
 mysql> drop trigger total_amount;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Part III. dns server
Table of Contents
 4. introduction to DNS ................................................................................................................................        59
       4.1. about dns .......................................................................................................................................   60
       4.2. dns namespace ..............................................................................................................................        63
       4.3. caching only servers .....................................................................................................................          68
       4.4. authoritative dns servers ...............................................................................................................           71
       4.5. primary and secondary ..................................................................................................................            71
       4.6. zone transfers ................................................................................................................................     71
       4.7. master and slave ............................................................................................................................       73
       4.8. SOA record ...................................................................................................................................      73
       4.9. full or incremental zone transfers .................................................................................................                74
       4.10. DNS cache ..................................................................................................................................       75
       4.11. forward lookup zone example ....................................................................................................                   76
       4.12. example: caching only DNS server ............................................................................................                      77
       4.13. example: caching only with forwarder .......................................................................................                       79
       4.14. example: primary authoritative server ........................................................................................                     81
       4.15. example: a DNS slave server .....................................................................................................                  85
       4.16. practice: dns ................................................................................................................................     87
       4.17. solution: dns ................................................................................................................................     88
 5. advanced DNS ..........................................................................................................................................     89
       5.1. example: DNS round robin ...........................................................................................................                90
       5.2. DNS delegation .............................................................................................................................        91
       5.3. example: DNS delegation .............................................................................................................               92
       5.4. example: split-horizon dns ............................................................................................................             94
       5.5. old dns topics ................................................................................................................................     96

Chapter 4. introduction to DNS
 dns is a fundamental part of every large computer network. dns is used by many network
 services to translate names into network addresses and to locate services on the network
 (by name).

 Whenever you visit a web site, send an e-mail, log on to Active Directory, play Minecraft,
 chat, or use VoIP, there will be one or (many) more queries to dns services.

 Should dns fail at your organization, then the whole network will grind to a halt (unless you
 hardcoded the network addresses).

 You will notice that even the largest of organizations benefit greatly from having one dns
 infrastructure. Thus dns requires all business units to work together.

 Even at home, most home modems and routers have builtin dns functionality.

 This module will explain what dns actually is and how to set it up using Linux and bind9.

                                      introduction to DNS

4.1. about dns
4.1.1. name to ip address resolution
 The domain name system or dns is a service on a tcp/ip network that enables clients to
 translate names into ip addresses. Actually dns is much more than that, but let's keep it
 simple for now.

 When you use a browser to go to a website, then you type the name of that website in the
 url bar. But for your computer to actually communicate with the web server hosting said
 website, your computer needs the ip address of that web server. That is where dns comes in.

 In wireshark you can use the dns filter to see this traffic.

4.1.2. history
 In the Seventies, only a few hundred computers were connected to the internet. To resolve
 names, computers had a flat file that contained a table to resolve hostnames to ip addresses.
 This local file was downloaded from hosts.txt on an ftp server in Stanford.

 In 1984 Paul Mockapetris created dns, a distributed treelike hierarchical database that will
 be explained in detail in these chapters.

 Today, dns or domain name system is a worldwide distributed hierarchical database
 controlled by ICANN. Its primary function is to resolve names to ip addresses, and to point
 to internet servers providing smtp or ldap services.

 The old hosts.txt file is still active today on most computer systems under the name /etc/
 hosts (or C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/hosts). We will discuss this file later, as it can
 influence name resolution.

                                     introduction to DNS

4.1.3. forward and reverse lookup queries
 The question a client asks a dns server is called a query. When a client queries for an ip
 address, this is called a forward lookup query (as seen in the previous drawing).

 The reverse, a query for the name of a host, is called a reverse lookup query.

 Below a picture of a reverse lookup query.

 Here is a screenshot of a reverse lookup query in nslookup.
 root@debian7:~# nslookup
 > set type=PTR

 Non-authoritative answer:          name =

 This is what a reverse lookup looks like when sniffing with tcpdump.
 root@debian7:~# tcpdump udp port 53
 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
 listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
 11:01:29.357685 IP > 14763+ PT\
 R? (44)
 11:01:29.640093 IP > 14763 1/0\
 /0 PTR (76)

 And here is what it looks like in wireshark (note this is an older screenshot).

                                     introduction to DNS

4.1.4. /etc/resolv.conf
 A client computer needs to know the ip address of the dns server to be able to send queries
 to it. This is either provided by a dhcp server or manually entered.

 Linux clients keep this information in the /etc/resolv.conf file.
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

 You can manually change the ip address in this file to use another dns server. For example
 Google provides a public name server at and
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

 Please note that on dhcp clients this value can be overwritten when the dhcp lease is

                                     introduction to DNS

4.2. dns namespace
4.2.1. hierarchy
 The dns namespace is hierarchical tree structure, with the root servers (aka dot-servers) at
 the top. The root servers are usually represented by a dot.

 Below the root-servers are the Top Level Domains or tld's.

 There are more tld's than shown in the picture. Currently about 200 countries have a tld. And
 there are several general tld's like .com, .edu, .org, .gov, .net, .mil, .int and more recently
 also .aero, .info, .museum, ...

4.2.2. root servers
 There are thirteen root servers on the internet, they are named A to M. Journalists often
 refer to these servers as the master servers of the internet, because if these servers go
 down, then nobody can (use names to) connect to websites.

 The root servers are not thirteen physical machines, they are many more. For example the
 F root server consists of 46 physical machines that all behave as one (using anycast).

                                    introduction to DNS

4.2.3. root hints
 Every dns server software will come with a list of root hints to locate the root servers.

 This screenshot shows a small portion of the root hints file that comes with bind 9.8.4.
 root@debian7:~# grep -w 'A ' /etc/bind/db.root
 A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
 M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A

4.2.4. domains
 One level below the top level domains are the domains. Domains can have subdomains
 (also called child domains).

 This picture shows dns domains like,, (there are
 millions more).

 DNS domains are registered at the tld servers, the tld servers are registered at the dot

                                       introduction to DNS

4.2.5. top level domains
 Below the root level are the top level domains or tld's. Originally there were only seven

 Table 4.1. the first top level domains
    year       TLD      purpose
   1985        .arpa    Reverse lookup via
   1985        .com     Commercial Organizations
   1985        .edu     US Educational Institutions
   1985        .gov     US Government Institutions
   1985        .mil     US Military
   1985        .net     Internet Service Providers, Internet Infrastructure
   1985        .org     Non profit Organizations
   1988         .int    International Treaties like

 Country tld's were defined for individual countries, like .uk in 1985 for Great Britain (yes
 really), .be for Belgium in 1988 and .fr for France in 1986. See RFC 1591 for more info.

 In 1998 seven new general purpose tld's where chosen, they became active in the 21st

 Table 4.2. new general purpose tld's
    year       TLD      purpose
   2002        .aero    aviation related
   2001        .biz     businesses
   2001        .coop    for co-operatives
   2001        .info    informative internet resources
   2001      .museum    for museums
   2001       .name     for all kinds of names, pseudonyms and labels...
   2004        .pro     for professionals

 Many people were surprised by the choices, claiming not much use for them and wanting
 a separate .xxx domain (introduced in 2011) for adult content, and .kidz a save haven for
 children. In the meantime more useless tld's were create like .travel (for travel agents) and
 .tel (for internet communications) and .jobs (for jobs sites).

 In 2012 ICANN released a list of 2000 new tld's that would gradually become available.

                                    introduction to DNS

4.2.6. fully qualified domain name
 The fully qualified domain name or fqdn is the combination of the hostname of a machine
 appended with its domain name.

 If for example a system is called gwen and it is in the domain, then the
 fqdn of this system is

 On Linux systems you can use the hostname and dnsdomainname commands to verify
 this information.
 root@gwen:~# hostname
 root@gwen:~# dnsdomainname
 root@gwen:~# hostname --fqdn
 root@gwen:~# cat /etc/debian_version

4.2.7. dns zones
 A zone (aka a zone of authority) is a portion of the DNS tree that covers one domain name
 or child domain name. The picture below represents zones as blue ovals. Some zones will
 contain delegate authority over a child domain to another zone.

 A dns server can be authoritative over 0, 1 or more dns zones. We will see more details
 later on the relation between a dns server and a dns zone.

 A dns zone consists of records, also called resource records. We will list some of those
 resource records on the next page.

                                     introduction to DNS

4.2.8. dns records
A record
  The A record, which is also called a host record contains the ipv4-address of a computer.
  When a DNS client queries a DNS server for an A record, then the DNS server will resolve
  the hostname in the query to an ip address. An AAAA record is similar but contains an ipv6
  address instead of ipv4.

PTR record
  A PTR record is the reverse of an A record. It contains the name of a computer and can be
  used to resolve an ip address to a hostname.

NS record
  A NS record or nameserver record is a record that points to a DNS name server (in this
  zone). You can list all your name servers for your DNS zone in distinct NS records.

glue A record
  An A record that maps the name of an NS record to an ip address is said to be a glue record.

SOA record
  The SOA record of a zone contains meta information about the zone itself. The contents of
  the SOA record is explained in detail in the section about zone transfers. There is exactly
  one SOA record for each zone.

CNAME record
  A CNAME record maps a hostname to a hostname, creating effectively an alias for an
  existing hostname. The name of the mail server is often aliased to mail or smtp, and the
  name of a web server to www.

MX record
  The MX record points to an smtp server. When you send an email to another domain, then
  your mail server will need the MX record of the target domain's mail server.

                                   introduction to DNS

4.3. caching only servers
 A dns server that is set up without authority over a zone, but that is connected to other
 name servers and caches the queries is called a caching only name server. Caching only
 name servers do not have a zone database with resource records. Instead they connect to
 other name servers and cache that information.

 There are two kinds of caching only name servers. Those with a forwarder, and those that
 use the root servers.

                                       introduction to DNS

4.3.1. caching only server without forwarder
 A caching only server without forwarder will have to get information elsewhere. When it
 receives a query from a client, then it will consult one of the root servers. The root server
 will refer it to a tld server, which will refer it to another dns server. That last server might
 know the answer to the query, or may refer to yet another server. In the end, our hard working
 dns server will find an answer and report this back to the client.

 In the picture below, the clients asks for the ip address of Our caching only
 server will contact the root server, and be refered to the .be server. It will then contact the .be
 server and be refered to one of the name servers of Openminds. One of these name servers
 (in this cas will answer the query with the ip address of
 When our caching only server reports this to the client, then the client can connect to this

 Sniffing with tcpdump will give you this (the first 20 characters of each line are cut). > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.domain: 37279% [1au] A? linux-tr\ (46)
 M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.domain > 37279- 0/11/13 (740) > 38555% [1au] A? linux-training.\
 be. (46) > 38555- 0/7/5 (737) > 60888% [1au] A? linux-train\ (46) > 60888*- 1/0/1 A 188.93.155.\
 87 (62)

                                     introduction to DNS

4.3.2. caching only server with forwarder
 A caching only server with a forwarder is a DNS server that will get all its information
 from the forwarder. The forwarder must be a dns server for example the dns server of
 an internet service provider.

 This picture shows a dns server on the company LAN that has set the dns server from their
 isp as a forwarder. If the ip address of the isp dns server is, then the following
 lines would occur in the named.conf file of the company dns server:
 forwarders {;

 You can also configure your dns server to work with conditional forwarder(s). The
 definition of a conditional forwarder looks like this.
 zone "someotherdomain.local" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {; };

4.3.3. iterative or recursive query
 A recursive query is a DNS query where the client that is submitting the query expects a
 complete answer (Like the fat red arrow above going from the Macbook to the DNS server).
 An iterative query is a DNS query where the client does not expect a complete answer (the
 three black arrows originating from the DNS server in the picture above). Iterative queries
 usually take place between name servers. The root name servers do not respond to recursive

                                     introduction to DNS

4.4. authoritative dns servers
 A DNS server that is controlling a zone, is said to be the authoritative DNS server for that
 zone. Remember that a zone is a collection of resource records.

4.5. primary and secondary
 When you set up the first authoritative dns server for a zone, then this is called the primary
 dns server. This server will have a readable and writable copy of the zone database. For
 reasons of fault tolerance, performance or load balancing you may decide to set up another
 dns server with authority over that zone. This is called a secondary dns server.

4.6. zone transfers
 The slave server receives a copy of the zone database from the master server using a
 zone transfer. Zone transfers are requested by the slave servers at regular intervals. Those
 intervals are defined in the soa record.

 You can force a refresh from a zone with rndc. The example below force a transfer of the
 fred.local zone, and shows the log from /var/log/syslog.
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# rndc refresh fred.local

                               introduction to DNS

root@debian7:/etc/bind# grep fred /var/log/syslog | tail -7 | cut -c38-
zone fred.local/IN: sending notifies (serial 1)
received control channel command 'refresh fred.local'
zone fred.local/IN: Transfer started.
transfer of 'fred.local/IN' from connected using
zone fred.local/IN: transferred serial 2
transfer of 'fred.local/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 10 records, 2
zone fred.local/IN: sending notifies (serial 2)

                                     introduction to DNS

4.7. master and slave
 When adding a secondary dns server to a zone, then you will configure this server as a
 slave server to the primary server. The primary server then becomes the master server
 of the slave server.

 Often the primary dns server is the master server of all slaves. Sometimes a slave server
 is master server for a second line slave server. In the picture below ns1 is the primary dns
 server and ns2, ns3 and ns4 are secondaries. The master for slaves ns2 and ns3 is ns1, but
 the master for ns4 is ns2.

4.8. SOA record
 The soa record contains a refresh value. If this is set to 30 minutes, then the slave server
 will request a copy of the zone file every 30 minutes. There is also a retry value. The retry
 value is used when the master server did not reply to the last zone transfer request. The value
 for expiry time says how long the slave server will answer to queries, without receiving
 a zone update.

 Below an example of how to use nslookup to query the soa record of a zone (linux-
 root@debian6:~# nslookup
 > set type=SOA
 > server
         origin =
         mail addr =
         serial = 2321001133
         refresh = 14400
         retry = 3600
         expire = 604800
         minimum = 3600

 Zone transfers only occur when the zone database was updated (meaning when one or more
 resource records were added, removed or changed on the master server). The slave server

                                     introduction to DNS

 will compare the serial number of its own copy of the SOA record with the serial number
 of its master's SOA record. When both serial numbers are the same, then no update is needed
 (because no records were added, removed or deleted). When the slave has a lower serial
 number than its master, then a zone transfer is requested.

 Below a zone transfer captured in wireshark.

4.9. full or incremental zone transfers
 When a zone tranfer occurs, this can be either a full zone transfer or an incremental zone
 transfer. The decision depends on the size of the transfer that is needed to completely update
 the zone on the slave server. An incremental zone transfer is prefered when the total size
 of changes is smaller than the size of the zone database. Full zone transfers use the axfr
 protocol, incremental zone transfer use the ixfr protocol.

                                       introduction to DNS

4.10. DNS cache
 DNS is a caching protocol.

 When a client queries its local DNS server, and the local DNS server is not authoritative
 for the query, then this server will go looking for an authoritative name server in the DNS
 tree. The local name server will first query a root server, then a tld server and then a domain
 server. When the local name server resolves the query, then it will relay this information to
 the client that submitted the query, and it will also keep a copy of these queries in its cache.
 So when a(nother) client submits the same query to this name server, then it will retrieve
 this information form its cache.

 For example, a client queries for the A record on to its local server.
 This is the first query ever received by this local server. The local server checks that it is
 not authoritative for the domain, nor for the .be tld, and it is also not a root
 server. So the local server will use the root hints to send an iterative query to a root server.

 The root server will reply with a reference to the server that is authoritative for the .be
 domain (root DNS servers do not resolve fqdn's, and root servers do not respond to recursive

 The local server will then sent an iterative query to the authoritative server for the .be tld.
 This server will respond with a reference to the name server that is authoritative for the domain.

 The local server will then sent the query for to the authoritative server
 (or one of its slave servers) for the domain. When the local server receives
 the ip address for, then it will provide this information to the client
 that submitted this query.

 Besides caching the A record for, the local server will also cache the
 NS and A record for the name server and the .be name server.

                                      introduction to DNS

4.11. forward lookup zone example
 The way to set up zones in /etc/bind/named.conf.local is to create a zone entry with a
 reference to another file (this other file contains the zone database).

 Here is an example of such an entry in /etc/bind/named.conf.local:
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local
 // Do any local configuration here

 // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
 // organization
 //include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
         allow-update { none; };

 To create the zone file, the easy method is to copy an existing zone file (this is easier than
 writing from scratch).
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# cp db.empty db.paul.local
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# vi db.paul.local

 Here is an example of a zone file.
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# cat db.paul.local
 ; zone for classroom teaching
 $TTL    86400
 @       IN      SOA     debianpaul.paul.local. root.paul.local (
                         2014100100      ; Serial
                         1h              ; Refresh
                         1h              ; Retry
                         2h              ; Expire
                         86400 )         ; Negative Cache TTL
 ; name servers
         IN      NS      ns1
         IN      NS      debianpaul
         IN      NS      debian7
 ; servers
 debianpaul      IN      A
 debian7         IN      A
 ns1             IN      A
 ;www            IN      A

                                     introduction to DNS

4.12. example: caching only DNS server
 1. installing DNS software on Debian
 root@debian7:~# aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
 root@debian7:~# aptitude install bind9
 root@debian7:~# dpkg -l | grep bind9 | tr -s ' '
 ii bind9 1:9.8.4.dfsg.P1-6+nmu2+deb7u2 amd64 Internet Domain Name Server
 ii bind9-host 1:9.8.4.dfsg.P1-6+nmu2+deb7u2 amd64 Version of 'host' bundled...
 ii bind9utils 1:9.8.4.dfsg.P1-6+nmu2+deb7u2 amd64 Utilities for BIND
 ii libbind9-80 1:9.8.4.dfsg.P1-6+nmu2+deb7u2 amd64 BIND9 Shared Library use...

 2. Discover the default configuration files. Can you define the purpose of each file ?
 root@debian7:~# ls -l /etc/bind
 total 52
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2389 Sep      5   20:25   bind.keys
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 237 Sep       5   20:25   db.0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 271 Sep       5   20:25   db.127
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 237 Sep       5   20:25   db.255
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 353 Sep       5   20:25   db.empty
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 270 Sep       5   20:25   db.local
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3048 Sep      5   20:25   db.root
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root bind 463 Sep       5   20:25   named.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root bind 490 Sep       5   20:25   named.conf.default-zones
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root bind 374 Oct       1   20:01   named.conf.local
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root bind 913 Oct       1   13:24   named.conf.options
 -rw-r----- 1 bind bind   77 Oct      1   11:14   rndc.key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1317 Sep      5   20:25   zones.rfc191

 3. Setup caching only dns server. This is normally the default setup. A caching-only name
 server will look up names for you and cache them. Many tutorials will tell you to add a
 forwarder, but we first try without this!

 Hey this seems to work without a forwarder. Using a sniffer you can find out what really
 happens. Your freshly install dns server is not using a cache, and it is not using your local
 dns server (from /etc/resolv.conf). So where is this information coming from ? And what
 can you learn from sniffing this dns traffic ?

                                   introduction to DNS

4. Explain in detail what happens when you enable a caching only dns server without
forwarder. This wireshark screenshot can help, but you learn more by sniffing the traffic

You should see traffic to a root name server whenever you try a new tld for the first time.
Remember that dns is a caching protocol, which means that repeating a query will generate
a lot less traffic since your dns server will still have the answer in its memory.

                                     introduction to DNS

4.13. example: caching only with forwarder
 5. Add the public Google dns server as a forwarder. The ip address of this server is .

 Before the change:
 root@debian7:~# grep -A2 'forwarders {' /etc/bind/named.conf.options
         // forwarders {
         // };

 root@debian7:~# vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options

 After the change:
 root@debian7:~# grep -A2 'forwarders {' /etc/bind/named.conf.options
          forwarders {

 Restart the server:
 root@debian7:~# service bind9 restart
 Stopping domain name service...: bind9.
 Starting domain name service...: bind9.

 6. Explain the purpose of adding the forwarder. What is our dns server doing when it
 receives a query ?
 root@debian7:~# nslookup
 > server
 Default server:

 Non-authoritative answer:

 This is the output of tcpdump udp port 53 while executing the above query for linux- in nslookup.
 root@debian7:~# tcpdump udp port 53
 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
 listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes

 You should find the following two lines in the output of tcpdump: > 18237+% [1au] A? \ (46) > 18237 1/0/1 A 188\
 .93.155.87 (62)

                                   introduction to DNS

Below is an (old) wireshark screenshot that can help, you should see something similar (but
with different ip addresses).

7. What happens when you query for the same domain name more than once ?

8. Why does it say "non-authoritative answer" ? When is a dns server authoritative ?

9. You can also use dig instead of nslookup.
root@debian7:~# dig @ +short

10. How can we avoid having to set the server in dig or nslookup ?

Change this:
root@debian7:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

into this:
root@debian7:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

11. When you use dig for the first time for a domain, where is the answer coming from ?
And the second time ? How can you tell ?

                                    introduction to DNS

4.14. example: primary authoritative server
 1. Instead of only cachng the information from other servers, we will now make our server
 authoritative for our own domain.

 2. I choose the top level domain .local and the domain paul.local and put the information
 in /etc/bind/named.conf.local.
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local
 // Do any local configuration here

 // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
 // organization
 //include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
         allow-update { none; };

 3. Also add a zone database file, similar to this one (add some A records for testing). Set
 the Refresh and Retry values not too high so you can sniff this traffic (this example makes
 the slave server contact the master every hour).
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/bind/db.paul.local
 ; zone for classroom teaching
 $TTL    86400
 @       IN      SOA     debianpaul.paul.local. root.paul.local (
                         2014100101      ; Serial
                         1h              ; Refresh
                         1h              ; Retry
                         2h              ; Expire
                         900 )           ; Negative Cache TTL
 ; name servers
         IN      NS      ns1
         IN      NS      debianpaul
         IN      NS      debian7
 ; servers
 debianpaul      IN      A
 debian7         IN      A
 ns1             IN      A
 ;www            IN      A

 Note that the www record is commented out, so it will not resolve.

                                    introduction to DNS

4.14.1. using your own DNS server
 If you are confident that your dns server works, then set it as default and only dns server
 in /etc/resolv.conf.
 root@debian7:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

 In case you also use dhclient, you will need to add your dns server to /etc/dhcp/
 root@debian7:~# diff /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf.original
 < prepend domain-name-servers;
 > #prepend domain-name-servers;
 < #      domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
 <        domain-name, domain-search, host-name,
 >        domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,

 The above screenshot shows that is now a default option that the dhcp client
 should no longer request from the dhcp server.

 Adjust /etc/hosts to reflect your domain name and verify with hostname and
 root@debian7:~# grep debian7 /etc/hosts debian7.paul.local debian7
 root@debian7:~# hostname
 root@debian7:~# hostname --fqdn
 root@debian7:~# dnsdomainname

                                      introduction to DNS

4.14.2. using your own domain
 Consider the following screenshot:
 root@debian7b:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
 root@debian7b:~# ping -c1 www
 ping: unknown host www
 root@debian7b:~# vi /etc/resolv.conf
 root@debian7b:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
 domain paul.local
 root@debian7b:~# ping -c1 www
 PING www.paul.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.021 ms

 --- www.paul.local ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.021/0.021/0.021/0.000 ms

 Adding the domain paul.local directive to /etc/resolv.conf allows omitting the domain
 when using hostnames.

 You can accomplish this feature automatically by adjusting dhclient.conf.
 root@debian7:~# grep paul.local /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
 prepend domain-name "paul.local";
 prepend domain-search "paul.local";

                                   introduction to DNS

4. Restart the DNS server and check your zone in the error log.
root@debian7:~# service bind9 restart
Stopping domain name service...: bind9.
Starting domain name service...: bind9.
root@debian7:~# grep paul.local /var/log/syslog
Oct 6 09:22:18 debian7 named[2707]: zone paul.local/IN: loaded seria\
l 2014100101
Oct 6 09:22:18 debian7 named[2707]: zone paul.local/IN: sending noti\
fies (serial 2014100101)

5. Use dig or nslookup (or even ping) to test your A records.
root@debian7:~# ping -c1 ns1.paul.local
PING ns1.paul.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.006 ms

--- ns1.paul.local ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.006/0.006/0.006/0.000 ms
root@debian7:~# ping -c1 www.paul.local
ping: unknown host www.paul.local

Note that the www record was commented out, so it should fail.
root@debian7:~# dig debian7.paul.local

; <<>> DiG 9.8.4-rpz2+rl005.12-P1 <<>> debian7.paul.local
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 50491
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 2

;debian7.paul.local.               IN           A

debian7.paul.local.       86400    IN           A

paul.local.               86400    IN           NS       ns1.paul.local.
paul.local.               86400    IN           NS       debian7.paul.local.
paul.local.               86400    IN           NS       debianpaul.paul.local.

ns1.paul.local.           86400    IN           A
debianpaul.paul.local.    86400    IN           A

;;   Query time: 4 msec
;;   SERVER:
;;   WHEN: Mon Oct 6 09:35:25 2014
;;   MSG SIZE rcvd: 141


6. Our primary server appears to be up and running. Note the information here:
server os :    Debian 7
ip address :
domain name:   paul.local
server name:   ns1.paul.local

                                     introduction to DNS

4.15. example: a DNS slave server
 1. A slave server transfers zone information over the network from a master server (a slave
 can also be a master). A primary server maintains zone records in its local file system. As
 an exercise, and to verify the work of all students, set up a slave server of all the master
 servers in the classroom.

 2. Before configuring the slave server, we may have to allow transfers from our zone to this
 server. Remember that this is not very secure since transfers are in clear text and limited to
 an ip address. This example follows our demo from above.

 Imagine a student named Jesse having completed the setup as shown before, with the domain
 name jesse.local and the ip address The goal is to have a slave server of
 paul.local on Jesse's computer and a slave zone of jesse.local on my computer.

 Below is an example of an allow-transfer statement. Careful, maybe the default allows
 transfer to any.
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.local
 // Do any local configuration here

 // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
 // organization
 //include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
         allow-update { none; };
         allow-transfer {; };

                                    introduction to DNS

3. With the configuration below I can make my server a slave for the jesse.local zone.
root@debian7:/etc/bind# tail -6 named.conf.local
zone "jesse.local" IN {
        type slave;
        file "/var/cache/named/db.jesse.local";
        masters {; };

root@debian7:/etc/bind# mkdir /var/cache/named/
root@debian7:/etc/bind# chown bind:bind /var/cache/named/
root@debian7:/etc/bind# ls -ld /var/cache/named/
drwxr-xr-x 2 bind bind 4096 Oct 1 20:01 /var/cache/named/

Note that we put the slave zones in /var/cache/named and not in /etc/bind.

4. Restarting bind on the slave server should transfer the zone database file. Verify this in /
var/log/syslog. (time and date are truncated from the screenshot, and Jesse did not use the
current date in the serial number...)
root@debian7:/etc/bind# grep jesse /var/log/syslog
named[2731]: zone jesse.local/IN: Transfer started.
named[2731]: transfer of 'jesse.local/IN' from connected u\
named[2731]: zone jesse.local/IN: transferred serial 20110516
named[2731]: transfer of 'jesse.local/IN' from Transfer co\
mpleted: 1 messages, 8 records, 239 bytes, 0.001 secs (239000 bytes/sec)

And the contents of the slave zone:
root@debian7:/etc/bind# cat /var/cache/named/db.jesse.local
$TTL 604800     ; 1 week
jesse.local              IN SOA ns.jesse.local. root.jesse.local.jesse.local. (
                                20110516    ; serial
                                300         ; refresh (5 minutes)
                                200         ; retry (3 minutes 20 seconds)
                                2419200     ; expire (4 weeks)
                                604800      ; minimum (1 week)
                         NS     ns.jesse.local.
$ORIGIN jesse.local.
anya                     A
mac                      A
ns                       A
ubu1010srv               A
www                      A

                                     introduction to DNS

4.16. practice: dns
 1. Install bind9 and verify with a sniffer how it works.

 2. Add a forwarder and verify that it works.

 3. Create a primary forward lookup zone named yourname.local with at least two NS
 records and four A records.

 4. Use dig and nslookup to verify your NS and A records.

 5. Create a slave of your primary zone (on another server) and verify the zone transfer.

 6. Set up two primary zones on two servers and implement a conditional forwarder (you
 can use the two servers from before).

                                     introduction to DNS

4.17. solution: dns
 1. Install bind9 and verify with a sniffer how it works.
 You should see queries to the root name servers with tcpdump or wireshark.

 2. Add a forwarder and verify that it works.
 The forwarder van be added in named.conf.options as seen in the theory.

 3. Create a primary forward lookup zone named yourname.local with at least two NS
 records and four A records.
 This is literally explained in the theory.

 4. Use dig and nslookup to verify your NS and A records.
 This is literally explained in the theory.

 5. Create a slave of your primary zone (on another server) and verify the zone transfer.
 This is literally explained in the theory.

 6. Set up two primary zones on two servers and implement a conditional forwarder (you
 can use the two servers from before).
 A conditional forwarder is set in named.conf.local as a zone.
 (see the theory on forwarder)

Chapter 5. advanced DNS
 This chapter expands your DNS server with topics like round robin dns for load balancing
 servers, dns delegation to delegate child domains to another team and split horizon dns so
 you can provide local service locations to clients.

 There is more to dns, content will be added rsn.

                                      advanced DNS

5.1. example: DNS round robin
 When you create multiple A records for the same name, then bind will do a round robin of
 the order in which the records are returned. This allows the use of DNS as a load balancer
 between hosts, since clients will usually take the first ip-address offered.

 Consider this example from the /etc/bind/db.paul.local zone configuration file. There are
 two A records for www pointing to two distinct ip addresses.
 root@debian7:~# grep www /etc/bind/db.paul.local
 www             IN      A
 www             IN      A

 Below a screenshot of nslookup querying a load balanced A record. Notice the order of ip
 addresses returned.
 root@debian7:~# nslookup www.paul.local

 Name:   www.paul.local
 Name:   www.paul.local

 root@debian7:~# nslookup www.paul.local

 Name:   www.paul.local
 Name:   www.paul.local

 Try to set up a website on two web servers (with a small difference so you can distinguish
 the websites) and test the round robin.

                                     advanced DNS

5.2. DNS delegation
 You can delegate a child domain to another DNS server. The child domain then becomes
 a new zone, with authority at the new dns server.

 When delegation is properly set up, then clients that query your parent zone will also be
 able to resolve the delegated child zones.

                                       advanced DNS

5.3. example: DNS delegation
 We have another Linux server named debian7b and we want to make it responsible for the
 child domain test42.paul.local.

 Note the name of the servers in the screenshots are either debian7 (hosting the parent
 domain) or debian7b (hosting the child domain).

 We start by adjusting the /etc/bind/named.comf.local file (on the server hosting the parent
 domain) to make sure that no forwarder will be used when resolving authoritative names.
 root@debian7:~# grep -A4 paul.local /etc/bind/named.conf.local
 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
         allow-update { none; };
         allow-transfer {; };
         forwarders { };

 Technically, you could also set allow-transfer to { any; }; while troubleshooting and then
 refine it later, but this is not needed for delegation.

 Then we add the delegation to our zone database:
 root@debian7:~# tail -3 /etc/bind/db.paul.local
 $ORIGIN test42.paul.local.
 @       IN      NS      ns2.test42.paul.local.
 ns2     IN      A    ; the glue record

 Don't forget to restart bind and verify /var/log/syslog.
 root@debian7:~# service bind9 restart
 Stopping domain name service...: bind9.
 Starting domain name service...: bind9.
 root@debian7:~# grep paul.local /var/log/syslog | cut -c28- | tail -2
 named[3202]: zone paul.local/IN: loaded serial 2014100801
 named[3202]: zone paul.local/IN: sending notifies (serial 2014100801)

 Note that on your terminal you can type tail -40 /var/log/syslog because the only reason I
 use grep, cut and tail -2 is to limit the size of the screenshots in this book.

                                      advanced DNS

Next we create a zone database file on the second server, as seen in this screenshot:
root@debian7b:~# cat /etc/bind/db.test42.paul.local
; child zone for classroom teaching
$TTL     86400
$ORIGIN test42.paul.local.
@        IN      SOA    ns2.test42.paul.local. root.test42.paul.local. (
                        2014100802      ; Serial
                        1h              ; Refresh
                        1h              ; Retry
                        2h              ; Expire
                        900 )           ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers
         IN      NS     ns2.test42.paul.local.
         IN      NS     debian7b.test42.paul.local.
; servers
ns2              IN     A
debian7b         IN     A
testsrv          IN     A

The second server also needs a zone definition in named.conf.local, followed by a restart
of bind.
root@debian7b:~# cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local
// Do any local configuration here

// Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
// organization
//include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

zone "test42.paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.test42.paul.local";
        allow-update { none; };
        allow-transfer { any; };

Testing on the parent server:
root@debian7:~# dig ns1.paul.local +short
root@debian7:~# dig ns2.test42.paul.local +short
root@debian7:~# dig debian7b.test42.paul.local +short

                                       advanced DNS

5.4. example: split-horizon dns
 Suppose you want to answer dns queries depending on who is asking. For example
 when someone from the network (managed by Jesse) asks for the A
 record www.paul.local, then dns answers with But when someone from the network (managed by Keith) asks for the same A record of www.paul.local,
 he will get as an answer.

 A split-horizon setup can be used to redirect people to local copies of certain services.

 In this example we want to decide on specific answers for two networks (Jesse's and Keith's)
 and prevent them from using our dns server for recursion, while maintaining the capability
 to resolve the internet and our paul.local zone from our own network.

 We start by creating three view clauses in named.conf.local.
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.local
 view "paul" {
 match-clients {; localhost; };
 include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";
 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
         allow-update { none; };
 };      // end view internal

 view "jesse" {
 match-clients { 10.104.15/24; };
 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local.jesse";
         allow-update { none; };
 };      // end view jesse

 view "keith" {
 match-clients { 10.104.42/24; };
 zone "paul.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local.keith";
         allow-update { none; };
 };      // end view keith

 Note that we included the default-zones in the internal zone. It is mandatory to put all zones
 inside views when using a view.

 The zone files are identical copies, except for the www record. You can see that the
 round robin is still active for internal users, computers from (Jesse) will
 always receive while computers from (Keith) will receive
 root@debian7:/etc/bind# grep www db.paul.local db.paul.local.[jk]*
 db.paul.local:www               IN      A
 db.paul.local:www               IN      A
 db.paul.local.jesse:www         IN      A
 db.paul.local.keith:www         IN      A

advanced DNS

                                        advanced DNS

5.5. old dns topics
 All the dns things below this paragraph are old and in urgent need of review.

5.5.1. old example: reverse DNS
 1. We can add ip to name resolution to our dns-server using a reverse dns zone.

 2. Start by adding a .arpa zone to /etc/bind/named.conf.local like this (we set notify to no to
 avoid sending of notify messages to other name servers):
 root@ubu1010srv:/etc/bind# grep -A4 arpa named.conf.local
 zone "" {
  type master;
  notify no;
  file "/etc/bind/db.192";

 3. Also create a zone database file for this reverse lookup zone.
 root@ubu1010srv:/etc/bind# cat db.192
 ; BIND reverse data file for network
 $TTL 604800
 @ IN SOA ns.cobbaut.paul root.cobbaut.paul. (
    20110516 ; Serial
     604800 ; Refresh
      86400 ; Retry
    2419200 ; Expire
     604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
 @ IN NS ns.
 37 IN PTR ns.cobbaut.paul.
 1 IN PTR anya.cobbaut.paul.
 30 IN PTR mac.cobbaut.paul.

 4. Test with nslookup or dig:
 root@ubu1010srv:/etc/bind# dig AXFR

                                        advanced DNS

5.5.2. old DNS load balancing
 Not as above. When you have more than one DNS server authoritative for a zone, you can
 spread queries amongst all server. One way to do this is by creating NS records for all servers
 that participate in the load balancing of external queries.

 You could also configure different name servers on internal clients.

5.5.3. old DNS notify
 The original design of DNS in rfc 1034 and rfc 1035 implemented a refresh time in the
 SOA record to configure a time loop for slaves to query their master server. This can result
 in a lot of useless pull requests, or in a significant lag between updates.

 For this reason dns notify (rfc 1996) was designed. The server will now notify slaves
 whenever there is an update. By default this feature is activated in bind.

 Notify can be disabled as in this screenshot.
 zone "" {
         type master;
         notify no;
         file "/etc/bind/db.192";

5.5.4. old testing IXFR and AXFR
 Full zone transfers (AXFR) are initiated when you restart the bind server, or when you
 manually update the zone database file directly. With nsupdate you can update a zone
 database and initiate an incremental zone transfer.

 You need DDNS allowed for nsupdate to work.
 root@ubu1010srv:/etc/bind# nsupdate
 > server
 > update add 86400 A
 > send
 update failed: REFUSED

5.5.5. old DDNS integration with DHCP
 Some organizations like to have all their client computers in DNS. This can be cumbersome
 to maintain. Luckily rfc 2136 describes integration of DHCP servers with a DNS server.
 Whenever DHCP acknowledges a client ip configuration, it can notify DNS with this clients
 ip-address and name. This is called dynamic updates or DDNS.

5.5.6. old reverse is forward
 Reverse lookup is actually iomplemented as a forward lookup in the domain.
 This domain has 256 child domains (from to, with each
 child domain having again 256 child domains. And this twice more to a structure of over
 four billion (2 to the power 32) domains.

                                       advanced DNS

5.5.7. old ipv6
 With rfc 3596 came ipv6 extensions for DNS. There is the AAAA record for ipv6 hosts on
 the network, and there is the domain for reverse lookup (having 16 child domains
 from to, each of those having again 16 child domains...and this 16 times.

5.5.8. old DNS security: file corruption
 To mitigate file corruption on the zone files and the bind configuration files protect them
 with Unix permissions and take regular backups.

5.5.9. old DNS security: zone transfers
 Limit zone transfers to certain ip addresses instead of to any. Nevermind that ip-addresses
 can be spoofed, still use this.

5.5.10. old DNS security: zone transfers, ip spoofing
 You could setup DNSSEC (which is not the easiest to maintain) and with rfc 2845(tsig?) and
 with rfc 2930(tkey, but this is open to brute force), or you could disable all zone transfers
 and use a script with ssh to copy them manually.

5.5.11. old DNS security: queries
 Allow recursion only from the local network, and iterative queries from outside only when
 necessary. This can be configured on master and slave servers.
 view "internal" {
 match-clients { 192.168.42/24; };
 recursion yes;


 view "external" {
 match-clients { any; };
 recursion no;


 Or allow only queries from the local network.
 options {
       allow-query {; localhost; };

 zone "cobbaut.paul" {
       allow-query { any; };

 Or only allow recursive queries from internal clients.
 options {
         allow-recursion {; localhost; };

                                      advanced DNS


5.5.12. old DNS security: chrooted bind
 Most Linux distributions allow an easy setup of bind in a chrooted environment.

5.5.13. old DNS security: DNSSEC
 DNSSEC uses public/private keys to secure communications, this is described in rfc's 4033,
 4034 and 4035.

5.5.14. old DNS security: root
 Do not run bind as root. Do not run any application daemon as root.

Part IV. dhcp server
Table of Contents
 6. introduction to dhcp ..............................................................................................................................     102
       6.1. four broadcasts ............................................................................................................................    103
       6.2. picturing dhcp .............................................................................................................................    104
       6.3. installing a dhcp server ...............................................................................................................        105
       6.4. dhcp server for RHEL/CentOS ...................................................................................................                 105
       6.5. client reservations .......................................................................................................................     106
       6.6. example config files ....................................................................................................................       106
       6.7. older example config files ..........................................................................................................           107
       6.8. advanced dhcp .............................................................................................................................     109
       6.9. Practice: dhcp ..............................................................................................................................   110

Chapter 6. introduction to dhcp
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (or short dhcp) is a standard tcp/ip protocol that
 distributes ip configurations to clients. dhcp is defined in rfc 2131 (before that it was defined
 as an update to bootp in rfc 1531/1541.

 The alternative to dhcp is manually entering the ip configuration on each client computer.

                                     introduction to dhcp

6.1. four broadcasts
 dhcp works with layer 2 broadcasts. A dhcp client that starts, will send a dhcp discover
 on the network. All dhcp servers (that have a lease available) will respond with a dhcp
 offer. The client will choose one of those offers and will send a dhcp request containing
 the chosen offer. The dhcp server usually responds with a dhcp ack(knowledge).

 In wireshark it looks like this.

 When this procedure is finished, then the client is allowed to use that ip-configuration until
 the end of its lease time.

                                    introduction to dhcp

6.2. picturing dhcp
 Here we have a small network with two dhcp servers named DHCP-SRV1 and DHCP-
 SRV2 and two clients (SunWS1 and Mac42). All computers are connected by a hub or switch
 (pictured in the middle). All four computers have a cable to the hub (cables not pictured).

 1. The client SunWS1 sends a dhcp discover on the network. All computers receive this

 2. Both dhcp servers answer with a dhcp offer. DHCP-SRV1 is a dedicated dhcp server
 and is faster in sending a dhcp offer than DHCP-SRV2 (who happens to also be a file server).

 3. The client chooses the offer from DHCP-SRV1 and sends a dhcp request on the network.

 4. DHCP-SRV1 answers with a dhcp ack (short for acknowledge).

 All four broadcasts (or five when you count both offers) can be layer 2 ethernet broadcast
 to mac address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff and a layer 3 ip broadcast to

 The same story can be read in rfc 2131.

                                   introduction to dhcp

6.3. installing a dhcp server
 dhcp server for Debian/Mint
 debian5:~# aptitude install dhcp3-server
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Reading extended state information
 Initializing package states... Done
 Reading task descriptions... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:

 You get a configuration file with many examples.
 debian5:~# ls -l /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3551 2011-04-10 21:23 /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

6.4. dhcp server for RHEL/CentOS
 Installing is easy with yum.
 [root@rhel71 ~]# yum install dhcp
 Loaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager
 Resolving Dependencies
 --> Running transaction check
 ---> Package dhcp.x86_64 12:4.2.5-36.el7 will be installed
 --> Finished Dependency Resolution

 Dependencies Resolved

  Package    Arch         Version                 Repository                Size
  dhcp       x86_64       12:4.2.5-36.el7         rhel-7-server-rpms       510 k

 Transaction Summary
 Install 1 Package

 Total download size: 510 k
 Installed size: 1.4 M
 Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
 Downloading packages:
 dhcp-4.2.5-36.el7.x86_64.rpm                                  | 510 kB    00:01
 Running transaction check
 Running transaction test
 Transaction test succeeded
 Running transaction
   Installing : 12:dhcp-4.2.5-36.el7.x86_64                                        1/1
   Verifying : 12:dhcp-4.2.5-36.el7.x86_64                                         1/1

   dhcp.x86_64 12:4.2.5-36.el7

 [root@rhel71 ~]#

 After installing we get a /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf that points us to an example file named

                                     introduction to dhcp

 [root@rhel71 ~]# cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
 # DHCP Server Configuration file.
 #   see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.example
 #   see dhcpd.conf(5) man page
 [root@rhel71 ~]#

 So we copy the sample and adjust it for our real situation. We name the copy /etc/dhcp/
 [root@rhel71 ~]# cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.2.5/dhcpd.conf.example /etc/dhcp/dhcp\
 [root@rhel71 ~]# vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
 [root@rhel71 ~]# cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
 option domain-name "";
 option domain-name-servers;
 default-lease-time 600;
 max-lease-time 7200;
 log-facility local7;

 subnet netmask {
   option routers;
 [root@rhel71 ~]#

 The 'routers' option is valid for the subnet alone, whereas the 'domain-name' option is global
 (for all subnets).

 Time to start the server. Remember to use systemctl start dhcpd on RHEL7/CentOS7 and
 service dhcpd start on previous versions of RHEL/CentOS.
 [root@rhel71 ~]# systemctl start dhcpd
 [root@rhel71 ~]#

6.5. client reservations
 You can reserve an ip configuration for a client using the mac address.
 host pc42 {
 hardware ethernet 11:22:33:44:55:66;

 You can add individual options to this reservation.
 host pc42 {
 hardware ethernet 11:22:33:44:55:66;
 option domain-name "";
 option routers;

6.6. example config files
 Below you see several sections of /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf on a Debian 6 server.
 # NetSec Antwerp Network

                                    introduction to dhcp

 subnet netmask {
   option domain-name-servers ns1.netsec.local;
   option domain-name "netsec.local";
   option routers;
   option broadcast-address;
   default-lease-time 7200;
   max-lease-time 7200;

 Above the general configuration for the network, with a pool of 180 addresses.

 Below two client reservations:
 # laptops

 host mac {
   hardware ethernet 00:26:bb:xx:xx:xx;
   fixed-address mac.netsec.local;

 host vmac {
   hardware ethernet 8c:7b:9d:xx:xx:xx;
   fixed-address vmac.netsec.local;

6.7. older example config files
 For dhcpd.conf on Fedora with dynamic updates for a DNS domain.
 [root@fedora14 ~]# cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
 include "/etc/rndc.key";

 log-facility local6;

 server-identifier    fedora14;
 ddns-domainname "";
 ddns-update-style interim;
 ddns-updates on;
 update-static-leases on;

 option domain-name "";
 option domain-name-servers;
 option ip-forwarding off;

 default-lease-time 1800;
 max-lease-time 3600;

 zone {

 subnet netmask {

 Allowing any updates in the zone database (part of the named.conf configuration)
 zone "" {

                                    introduction to dhcp

 type master;
 file "/var/named/";
 allow-transfer { any; };
 allow-update { any; };

Allowing secure key updates in the zone database (part of the named.conf configuration)
zone "" {
 type master;
 file "/var/named/";
 allow-transfer { any; };
 allow-update { key mykey; };

Sample key file contents:
[root@fedora14 ~]# cat /etc/rndc.key
key "rndc-key" {
 algorithm hmac-md5;
 secret "4Ykd58uIeUr3Ve6ad1qTfQ==";

Generate your own keys with dnssec-keygen.

How to include a key in a config file:
include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";

Also make sure that bind can write to your file (using chmod/chown). For Ubuntu
this can be in /etc/bind, for Fedora in /var/named.

                                    introduction to dhcp

6.8. advanced dhcp
6.8.1. 80/20 rule
 DHCP servers should not be a single point of failure. Let us discuss redundant dhcp server

6.8.2. relay agent
 To avoid having to place a dhcp server on every segment, we can use dhcp relay agents.

6.8.3. rogue dhcp servers
 Rogue dhcp servers are a problem without a solution. For example accidental connection of
 a (believed to be simple) hub/switch to a network with an internal dhcp server.

6.8.4. dhcp and ddns
 DHCP can dynamically update DNS when it configures a client computer. DDNS can be
 used with or without secure keys.

 When set up properly records can be added automaticall to the zone file:
 root@fedora14~# tail -2 /var/named/
 ubu1010srv         A
                    TXT   "00dfbb15e144a273c3cf2d6ae933885782"

                                     introduction to dhcp

6.9. Practice: dhcp
 1. Make sure you have a unique fixed ip address for your DNS and DHCP server (easier
 on the same machine).

 2. Install DHCP and browse the explanation in the default configuration file /etc/dhcp/
 dhcpd.conf or /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.

 3. Decide on a valid scope and activate it.

 4. Test with a client that your DHCP server works.

 5. Use wireshark to capture the four broadcasts when a client receives an ip (for the first

 6. Use wireshark to capture a DHCPNAK and a DHCPrelease.

 7. Reserve a configuration for a particular client (using mac address).

 8. Configure your DHCP/DNS server(s) with a proper hostname and domainname (/etc/
 hosts, /etc/hostname, /etc/sysconfig/network on Fedora/RHEL, /etc/resolv.conf ...). You
 may need to disable NetworkManager on *buntu-desktops.

 9. Make sure your DNS server still works, and is master over (at least) one domain.

 There are several ways to do steps 10-11-12. Google is your friend in exploring DDNS with
 keys, with key-files or without keys.

 10. Configure your DNS server to allow dynamic updates from your DHCP server.

 11. Configure your DHCP server to send dynamic updates to your DNS server.

 12. Test the working of Dynamic DNS.

Part V. iptables firewall
Table of Contents
 7. introduction to routers ..........................................................................................................................           113
       7.1. router or firewall .........................................................................................................................         114
       7.2. packet forwarding .......................................................................................................................            114
       7.3. packet filtering ............................................................................................................................        114
       7.4. stateful .........................................................................................................................................   114
       7.5. nat (network address translation) ................................................................................................                   115
       7.6. pat (port address translation) ......................................................................................................                115
       7.7. snat (source nat) ..........................................................................................................................         115
       7.8. masquerading ...............................................................................................................................         115
       7.9. dnat (destination nat) ..................................................................................................................            115
       7.10. port forwarding .........................................................................................................................           115
       7.11. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ....................................................................................................                  116
       7.12. /etc/sysctl.conf ...........................................................................................................................        116
       7.13. sysctl ..........................................................................................................................................   116
       7.14. practice: packet forwarding ......................................................................................................                  117
       7.15. solution: packet forwarding ......................................................................................................                  119
 8. iptables firewall ......................................................................................................................................     122
       8.1. iptables tables ..............................................................................................................................       123
       8.2. starting and stopping iptables .....................................................................................................                 123
       8.3. the filter table ..............................................................................................................................      124
       8.4. practice: packet filtering .............................................................................................................             129
       8.5. solution: packet filtering .............................................................................................................             130
       8.6. network address translation ........................................................................................................                 131

Chapter 7. introduction to routers
 What follows is a very brief introduction to using Linux as a router.

                                     introduction to routers

7.1. router or firewall
 A router is a device that connects two networks. A firewall is a device that besides acting
 as a router, also contains (and implements) rules to determine whether packets are allowed
 to travel from one network to another. A firewall can be configured to block access based
 on networks, hosts, protocols and ports. Firewalls can also change the contents of packets
 while forwarding them.

7.2. packet forwarding
 Packet forwarding means allowing packets to go from one network to another. When a
 multihomed host is connected to two different networks, and it allows packets to travel from
 one network to another through its two network interfaces, it is said to have enabled packet

7.3. packet filtering
 Packet filtering is very similar to packet forwarding, but every packet is individually tested
 against rules that decide on allowing or dropping the packet. The rules are stored by iptables.

7.4. stateful
 A stateful firewall is an advancement over stateless firewalls that inspect every individual
 packet. A stateful firewall will keep a table of active connections, and is knowledgeable
 enough to recognise when new connections are part of an active session. Linux iptables is
 a stateful firewall.

                                     introduction to routers

7.5. nat (network address translation)
 A nat device is a router that is also changing the source and/or target ip-address in packets.
 It is typically used to connect multiple computers in a private address range (rfc 1918) with
 the (public) internet. A nat can hide private addresses from the internet.

 It is important to understand that people and vendors do not always use the right term when
 referring to a certain type of nat. Be sure you talk about the same thing. We can distuinguish
 several types of nat.

7.6. pat (port address translation)
 nat often includes pat. A pat device is a router that is also changing the source and/or target
 tcp/udp port in packets. pat is Cisco terminology and is used by snat, dnat, masquerading
 and port forwarding in Linux. RFC 3022 calls it NAPT and defines the nat/pat combo as
 "traditional nat". A device sold to you as a nat-device will probably do nat and pat.

7.7. snat (source nat)
 A snat device is changing the source ip-address when a packet passes our nat. snat
 configuration with iptables includes a fixed target source address.

7.8. masquerading
 Masquerading is a form of snat that will hide the (private) source ip-addresses of your
 private network using a public ip-address. Masquerading is common on dynamic internet
 interfaces (broadband modem/routers). Masquerade configuration with iptables uses a
 dynamic target source address.

7.9. dnat (destination nat)
 A dnat device is changing the destination ip-address when a packet passes our nat.

7.10. port forwarding
 When static dnat is set up in a way that allows outside connections to enter our private
 network, then we call it port forwarding.

                                   introduction to routers

7.11. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 Whether a host is forwarding packets is defined in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward. The
 following screenshot shows how to enable packet forwarding on Linux.

 root@router~# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 The next command shows how to disable packet forwarding.

 root@router~# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 Use cat to check if packet forwarding is enabled.

 root@router~# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

7.12. /etc/sysctl.conf
 By default, most Linux computers are not configured for automatic packet forwarding.
 To enable packet forwarding whenever the system starts, change the net.ipv4.ip_forward
 variable in /etc/sysctl.conf to the value 1.
 root@router~# grep ip_forward /etc/sysctl.conf
 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

7.13. sysctl
 For more information, take a look at the man page of sysctl.
 root@debian6~# man sysctl
 root@debian6~# sysctl -a 2>/dev/null | grep ip_forward
 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

                                   introduction to routers

7.14. practice: packet forwarding
 0. You have the option to select (or create) an internal network when adding a network card
 in VirtualBox or VMWare. Use this option to create two internal networks. I named them
 leftnet and rightnet, but you can choose any other name.

 1. Set up two Linux machines, one on leftnet, the other on rightnet. Make sure they both
 get an ip-address in the correct subnet. These two machines will be 'left' and 'right' from
 the 'router'.

 2. Set up a third Linux computer with three network cards, one on leftnet, the other on
 rightnet. This computer will be the 'router'. Complete the table below with the relevant
 names, ip-addresses and mac-addresses.

 Table 7.1. Packet Forwarding Exercise
        leftnet computer     the router                                rightnet computer

 3. How can you verify whether the router will allow packet forwarding by default or not ?
 Test that you can ping from the router to the two other machines, and from those two
 machines to the router. Use arp -a to make sure you are connected with the correct mac

                                  introduction to routers

4. Ping from the leftnet computer to the rightnet computer. Enable and/or disable packet
forwarding on the router and verify what happens to the ping between the two networks. If
you do not succeed in pinging between the two networks (on different subnets), then use a
sniffer like wireshark or tcpdump to discover the problem.

5. Use wireshark or tcpdump -xx to answer the following questions. Does the source MAC
change when a packet passes through the filter ? And the destination MAC ? What about
source and destination IP-addresses ?

6. Remember the third network card on the router ? Connect this card to a LAN with internet
connection. On many LAN's the command dhclient eth0 just works (replace eth0 with the
correct interface).
root@router~# dhclient eth0

You now have a setup similar to this picture. What needs to be done to give internet access
to leftnet and rightnet.

                                    introduction to routers

7.15. solution: packet forwarding

 1. Set up two Linux machines, one on leftnet, the other on rightnet. Make sure they both
 get an ip-address in the correct subnet. These two machines will be 'left' and 'right' from
 the 'router'.

 The ip configuration on your computers should be similar to the following two screenshots.
 Both machines must be in a different subnet (here and I
 created a little script on both machines to configure the interfaces.
 root@left~# cat
 pkill dhclient
 ifconfig eth0 netmask

 root@right~# cat
 pkill dhclient
 ifconfig eth0 netmask

 2. Set up a third Linux computer with three network cards, one on leftnet, the other on
 rightnet. This computer will be the 'router'. Complete the table below with the relevant
 names, ip-addresses and mac-addresses.
 root@router~# cat
 ifconfig eth1 netmask
 ifconfig eth2 netmask
 #echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 Your setup may use different ip and mac addresses than the ones in the table below.

 Table 7.2. Packet Forwarding Solution
    leftnet computer                        the router                    rightnet computer
    08:00:27:f6:ab:b9      08:00:27:43:1f:5a          08:00:27:be:4a:6b   08:00:27:14:8b:17       

                                 introduction to routers

3. How can you verify whether the router will allow packet forwarding by default or not ?
Test that you can ping from the router to the two other machines, and from those two
machines to the router. Use arp -a to make sure you are connected with the correct mac

This can be done with "grep ip_forward /etc/sysctl.conf" (1 is enabled, 0 is disabled) or
with sysctl -a | grep ip_for.
root@router~# grep ip_for /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

4. Ping from the leftnet computer to the rightnet computer. Enable and/or disable packet
forwarding on the router and verify what happens to the ping between the two networks. If
you do not succeed in pinging between the two networks (on different subnets), then use a
sniffer like wireshark or tcpdump to discover the problem.

Did you forget to add a default gateway to the LAN machines ? Use route add default
gw 'ip-address'.
root@left~# route add default gw

root@right~# route add default gw

You should be able to ping when packet forwarding is enabled (and both default gateways
are properly configured). The ping will not work when packet forwarding is disabled or
when gateways are not configured correctly.

5. Use wireshark or tcpdump -xx to answer the following questions. Does the source MAC
change when a packet passes through the filter ? And the destination MAC ? What about
source and destination IP-addresses ?

Both MAC addresses are changed when passing the router. Use tcpdump -xx like this:
root@router~# tcpdump -xx -i eth1

root@router~# tcpdump -xx -i eth2

                                  introduction to routers

6. Remember the third network card on the router ? Connect this card to a LAN with internet
connection. On many LAN's the command dhclient eth0 just works (replace eth0 with the
correct interface.
root@router~# dhclient eth0

You now have a setup similar to this picture. What needs to be done to give internet access
to leftnet and rightnet.

The clients on leftnet and rightnet need a working dns server. We use one of Google's
dns servers here.
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf

Chapter 8. iptables firewall
 This chapter introduces some simple firewall rules and how to configure them with iptables.

 iptables is an application that allows a user to configure the firewall functionality built into
 the Linux kernel.

                                        iptables firewall

8.1. iptables tables
 By default there are three tables in the kernel that contain sets of rules.

 The filter table is used for packet filtering.
 root@debian6~# iptables -t filter -L
 Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target     prot opt source                         destination

 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
 target     prot opt source                         destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target     prot opt source                         destination

 The nat table is used for address translation.
 root@debian6~# iptables -t nat -L
 target     prot opt source                         destination

 target     prot opt source                         destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target     prot opt source                         destination

 The mangle table can be used for special-purpose processing of packets.

 Series of rules in each table are called a chain. We will discuss chains and the nat table
 later in this chapter.

8.2. starting and stopping iptables
 The following screenshot shows how to stop and start iptables on Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS
 and compatible distributions.
 [root@centos6 ~]# service iptables stop
 [root@centos6 ~]# service iptables start
 iptables: Applying firewall rules                                         [ ok ]
 [root@centos6 ~]#

 Debian and *buntu distributions do not have this script, but allow for an uninstall.
 root@debian6~# aptitude purge iptables

                                        iptables firewall

8.3. the filter table
8.3.1. about packet filtering
  Packet filtering is a bit more than packet forwarding. While packet forwarding uses only
  a routing table to make decisions, packet filtering also uses a list of rules. The kernel will
  inspect packets and decide based on these rules what to do with each packet.

8.3.2. filter table
  The filter table in iptables has three chains (sets of rules). The INPUT chain is used for any
  packet coming into the system. The OUTPUT chain is for any packet leaving the system.
  And the FORWARD chain is for packets that are forwarded (routed) through the system.

  The screenshot below shows how to list the filter table and all its rules.
  [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -t filter -nL
  Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
  target     prot opt source                        destination

  Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
  target     prot opt source                        destination

  Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
  target     prot opt source                        destination
  [root@RHEL5 ~]#

  As you can see, all three chains in the filter table are set to ACCEPT everything. ACCEPT
  is the default behaviour.

                                         iptables firewall

8.3.3. setting default rules
 The default for the default rule is indeed to ACCEPT everything. This is not the most secure

 A more secure setup would be to DROP everything. A package that is dropped will not
 continue in any chain, and no warning or error will be sent anywhere.

 The below commands lock down a computer. Do not execute these commands inside a
 remote ssh shell.
 root@debianpaul~# iptables      -P INPUT DROP
 root@debianpaul~# iptables      -P OUTPUT DROP
 root@debianpaul~# iptables      -P FORWARD DROP
 root@debianpaul~# iptables      -L
 Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination

 Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination

8.3.4. changing policy rules
 To start, let's set the default policy for all three chains to drop everything. Note that you
 might lose your connection when typing this over ssh ;-).
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -P INPUT DROP
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

 Next, we allow the server to use its own loopback device (this allows the server to access
 its services running on localhost). We first append a rule to the INPUT chain to allow
 (ACCEPT) traffic from the lo (loopback) interface, then we do the same to allow packets to
 leave the system through the loopback interface.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

 Looking at the filter table again (omitting -t filter because it is the default table).
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -nL
 Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination
 ACCEPT     all --               

 Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
 target     prot opt source                          destination
 ACCEPT     all --               

                                     iptables firewall

8.3.5. Allowing ssh over eth0
 This example show how to add two rules to allow ssh access to your system from outside.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

 The filter table will look something like this screenshot (note that -v is added for more
 verbose output).
 [root@RHEL5   ~]# iptables -nvL
 Chain INPUT   (policy DROP 7 packets, 609    bytes)
  pkts bytes   target prot opt in    out      source      destination
     0     0   ACCEPT all -- lo      *
     0     0   ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 *  tcp dpt:22

 Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
  pkts bytes target prot opt in    out   source           destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP 3   packets, 228 bytes)
  pkts bytes target prot opt   in    out   source         destination
     0     0 ACCEPT all --     *     lo
     0     0 ACCEPT tcp --     *     eth0 tcp spt:22
 [root@RHEL5 ~]#

8.3.6. Allowing access from a subnet
 This example shows how to allow access from any computer in the network, but
 only through eth1. There is no port (application) limitation here.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -s -p tcp -j ACCEPT
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -d -p tcp -j ACCEPT

 Together with the previous examples, the policy is expanding.
 [root@RHEL5   ~]# iptables -nvL
 Chain INPUT   (policy DROP 7 packets, 609    bytes)
  pkts bytes   target prot opt in    out      source        destination
     0     0   ACCEPT all -- lo      *
     0     0   ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 *  tcp dpt:22
     0     0   ACCEPT tcp -- eth1 * 

 Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
  pkts bytes target prot opt in    out   source             destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP 3   packets, 228 bytes)
  pkts bytes target prot opt   in    out   source           destination
     0     0 ACCEPT all --     *     lo
     0     0 ACCEPT tcp --     *     eth0 tcp spt:22
     0     0 ACCEPT tcp --     *     eth1

                                      iptables firewall

8.3.7. iptables save
 Use iptables save to automatically implement these rules when the firewall is (re)started.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# /etc/init.d/iptables save
 Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:                 [   OK   ]
 [root@RHEL5 ~]#

8.3.8. scripting example
 You can write a simple script for these rules. Below is an example script that implements
 the firewall rules that you saw before in this chapter.
 # first cleanup everything
 iptables -t filter -F
 iptables -t filter -X
 iptables -t nat -F
 iptables -t nat -X

 # default drop
 iptables -P INPUT DROP
 iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

 # allow loopback device
 iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

 # allow ssh over eth0 from outside to system
 iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

 # allow any traffic from to system
 iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -s -p tcp -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -d -p tcp -j ACCEPT

                                    iptables firewall

8.3.9. Allowing ICMP(ping)
 When you enable iptables, you will get an 'Operation not permitted' message when trying
 to ping other hosts.
 [root@RHEL5 ~# ping
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
 ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

 The screenshot below shows you how to setup iptables to allow a ping from or to your
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT

 The previous two lines do not allow other computers to route ping messages through your
 router, because it only handles INPUT and OUTPUT. For routing of ping, you will need
 to enable it on the FORWARD chain. The following command enables routing of icmp
 messages between networks.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT

                                       iptables firewall

8.4. practice: packet filtering
 1. Make sure you can ssh to your router-system when iptables is active.

 2. Make sure you can ping to your router-system when iptables is active.

 3. Define one of your networks as 'internal' and the other as 'external'. Configure the router
 to allow visits to a website (http) to go from the internal network to the external network
 (but not in the other direction).

 4. Make sure the internal network can ssh to the external, but not the other way around.

                                       iptables firewall

8.5. solution: packet filtering
 A possible solution, where leftnet is the internal and rightnet is the external network.

 # first cleanup everything
 iptables -t filter -F
 iptables -t filter -X
 iptables -t nat -F
 iptables -t nat -X

 # default drop
 iptables -P INPUT DROP
 iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

 # allow loopback device
 iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

 # question 1: allow ssh over eth0
 iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

 # question 2: Allow icmp(ping) anywhere
 iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT

 # question 3: allow http from internal(leftnet) to external(rightnet)
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth2 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth2 -o eth1 -p tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT

 # question 4: allow ssh from internal(leftnet) to external(rightnet)
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth2 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth2 -o eth1 -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

 # allow http from external(rightnet) to internal(leftnet)
 # iptables -A FORWARD -i eth2 -o eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
 # iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth2 -p tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT

 # allow rpcinfo over eth0 from outside to system
 # iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
 # iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth2 -p tcp --sport 111 -j ACCEPT

                                       iptables firewall

8.6. network address translation
8.6.1. about NAT
 A NAT device is a router that is also changing the source and/or target ip-address in packets.
 It is typically used to connect multiple computers in a private address range with the (public)
 internet. A NAT can hide private addresses from the internet.

 NAT was developed to mitigate the use of real ip addresses, to allow private address ranges
 to reach the internet and back, and to not disclose details about internal networks to the

 The nat table in iptables adds two new chains. PREROUTING allows altering of packets
 before they reach the INPUT chain. POSTROUTING allows altering packets after they exit
 the OUTPUT chain.

 Use iptables -t nat -nvL to look at the NAT table. The screenshot below shows an empty
 NAT table.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# iptables -t nat -nL
 target     prot opt source                        destination

 target     prot opt source                        destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target     prot opt source                        destination
 [root@RHEL5 ~]#

                                       iptables firewall

8.6.2. SNAT (Source NAT)
 The goal of source nat is to change the source address inside a packet before it leaves the
 system (e.g. to the internet). The destination will return the packet to the NAT-device. This
 means our NAT-device will need to keep a table in memory of all the packets it changed, so
 it can deliver the packet to the original source (e.g. in the private network).

 Because SNAT is about packets leaving the system, it uses the POSTROUTING chain.

 Here is an example SNAT rule. The rule says that packets coming from network
 and exiting via eth1 will get the source ip-address set to (Note that this is a
 one line command!)
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -s -j SNAT \

 Of course there must exist a proper iptables filter setup to allow the packet to traverse from
 one network to the other.

8.6.3. SNAT example setup
 This example script uses a typical nat setup. The internal (eth0) network has access via
 SNAT to external (eth1) webservers (port 80).
 # iptables script for simple classic nat websurfing
 # eth0 is internal network, eth1 is internet
 echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
 iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
 iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -p tcp \
 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -d -p tcp \
 --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -s -j SNAT \
 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

                                     iptables firewall

8.6.4. IP masquerading
 IP masquerading is very similar to SNAT, but is meant for dynamic interfaces. Typical
 example are broadband 'router/modems' connected to the internet and receiving a different
 ip-address from the isp, each time they are cold-booted.

 The only change needed to convert the SNAT script to a masquerading is one line.
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -s -j MASQUERADE

8.6.5. DNAT (Destination NAT)
 DNAT is typically used to allow packets from the internet to be redirected to an internal
 server (in your DMZ) and in a private address range that is inaccessible directly form the

 This example script allows internet users to reach your internal ( server via
 ssh (port 22).
 # iptables script for DNAT
 # eth0 is internal network, eth1 is internet
 echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
 iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
 iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 22 \
 -j DNAT --to-destination
 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Part VI. Introduction to Samba
Table of Contents
 9. introduction to samba ........................................................................................................................... 137
       9.1. verify installed version ............................................................................................................... 138
       9.2. installing samba ........................................................................................................................... 139
       9.3. documentation ............................................................................................................................. 140
       9.4. starting and stopping samba ....................................................................................................... 141
       9.5. samba daemons ........................................................................................................................... 142
       9.6. the SMB protocol ........................................................................................................................ 143
       9.7. practice: introduction to samba .................................................................................................. 144
 10. getting started with samba ................................................................................................................. 145
       10.1. /etc/samba/smb.conf .................................................................................................................. 146
       10.2. /usr/bin/testparm ........................................................................................................................ 147
       10.3. /usr/bin/smbclient ....................................................................................................................... 148
       10.4. /usr/bin/smbtree ......................................................................................................................... 150
       10.5. server string ............................................................................................................................... 151
       10.6. Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) .............................................................................. 152
       10.7. practice: getting started with samba ......................................................................................... 153
       10.8. solution: getting started with samba ......................................................................................... 154
 11. a read only file server ......................................................................................................................... 156
       11.1. Setting up a directory to share ................................................................................................. 157
       11.2. configure the share .................................................................................................................... 157
       11.3. restart the server ........................................................................................................................ 158
       11.4. verify the share ......................................................................................................................... 158
       11.5. a note on netcat ......................................................................................................................... 160
       11.6. practice: read only file server ................................................................................................... 161
       11.7. solution: read only file server ................................................................................................... 162
 12. a writable file server ........................................................................................................................... 163
       12.1. set up a directory to share ........................................................................................................ 164
       12.2. share section in smb.conf ......................................................................................................... 164
       12.3. configure the share .................................................................................................................... 164
       12.4. test connection with windows .................................................................................................. 164
       12.5. test writing with windows ........................................................................................................ 165
       12.6. How is this possible ? ............................................................................................................... 165
       12.7. practice: writable file server ..................................................................................................... 166
       12.8. solution: writable file server ..................................................................................................... 167
 13. samba first user account ..................................................................................................................... 168
       13.1. creating a samba user ............................................................................................................... 169
       13.2. ownership of files ..................................................................................................................... 169
       13.3. /usr/bin/smbpasswd .................................................................................................................... 169
       13.4. /etc/samba/smbpasswd ............................................................................................................... 169
       13.5. passdb backend ......................................................................................................................... 170
       13.6. forcing this user ........................................................................................................................ 170
       13.7. practice: first samba user account ............................................................................................ 171
       13.8. solution: first samba user account ............................................................................................ 172
 14. samba authentication .......................................................................................................................... 173
       14.1. creating the users on Linux ...................................................................................................... 174
       14.2. creating the users on samba ...................................................................................................... 174
       14.3. security = user ........................................................................................................................... 174
       14.4. configuring the share ................................................................................................................ 175
       14.5. testing access with net use ........................................................................................................ 175
       14.6. testing access with smbclient .................................................................................................... 175
       14.7. verify ownership ....................................................................................................................... 176
       14.8. common problems ..................................................................................................................... 176
       14.9. practice : samba authentication ................................................................................................. 178
       14.10. solution: samba authentication ................................................................................................ 179
 15. samba securing shares ........................................................................................................................ 180

                                                             Introduction to Samba

      15.1. security based on user name .....................................................................................................                  181
      15.2. security based on ip-address .....................................................................................................                 181
      15.3. security through obscurity ........................................................................................................                182
      15.4. file system security ...................................................................................................................           182
      15.5. practice: securing shares ...........................................................................................................              184
      15.6. solution: securing shares ...........................................................................................................              185
16. samba domain member .......................................................................................................................                187
      16.1. changes in smb.conf ..................................................................................................................             188
      16.2. joining an Active Directory domain .........................................................................................                       189
      16.3. winbind ......................................................................................................................................     190
      16.4. wbinfo ........................................................................................................................................    190
      16.5. getent .........................................................................................................................................   191
      16.6. file ownership ............................................................................................................................        192
      16.7. practice : samba domain member .............................................................................................                       193
17. samba domain controller ....................................................................................................................               194
      17.1. about Domain Controllers .........................................................................................................                 195
      17.2. About security modes ...............................................................................................................               195
      17.3. About password backends ........................................................................................................                   196
      17.4. [global] section in smb.conf .....................................................................................................                 196
      17.5. netlogon share ...........................................................................................................................         197
      17.6. other [share] sections ................................................................................................................            197
      17.7. Users and Groups ......................................................................................................................            198
      17.8. tdbsam .......................................................................................................................................     198
      17.9. about computer accounts ..........................................................................................................                 199
      17.10. local or roaming profiles ........................................................................................................                199
      17.11. Groups in NTFS acls ..............................................................................................................                200
      17.12. logon scripts ............................................................................................................................        201
      17.13. practice: samba domain controller ..........................................................................................                      202
18. a brief look at samba 4 .......................................................................................................................            203
      18.1. Samba 4 alpha 6 .......................................................................................................................            205

Chapter 9. introduction to samba
 This introduction to the Samba server simply explains how to install Samba 3 and briefly
 mentions the SMB protocol.

                                   introduction to samba

9.1. verify installed version
9.1.1. .rpm based distributions
 To see the version of samba installed on Red Hat, Fedora or CentOS use rpm -q samba.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# rpm -q samba

 The screenshot above shows that RHEL5 has Samba version 3.0 installed. The last number
 in the Samba version counts the number of updates or patches.

 Below the same command on a more recent version of CentOS with Samba version 3.5
 [root@centos6 ~]# rpm -q samba

9.1.2. .deb based distributions
 Use dpkg -l or aptitide show on Debian or Ubuntu. Both Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) and Ubuntu
 12.04 (Precise) use version 3.6.3 of the Samba server.
 root@debian7~# aptitude show samba | grep Version
 Version: 2:3.6.3-1

 Ubuntu 12.04 is currently at Samba version 3.6.3.
 root@ubu1204:~# dpkg -l samba | tail -1
 ii samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix

                                   introduction to samba

9.2. installing samba
9.2.1. .rpm based distributions
 Samba is installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If Samba is not yet installed,
 then you can use the graphical menu (Applications -- System Settings -- Add/Remove
 Applications) and select "Windows File Server" in the Server section. The non-graphical
 way is to use rpm or yum.

 When you downloaded the .rpm file, you can install Samba like this.
 [paul@RHEL52 ~]$ rpm -i samba-3.0.28-1.el5_2.1.rpm

 When you have a subscription to RHN (Red Hat Network), then yum is an easy tool to use.
 This yum command works by default on Fedora and CentOS.
 [root@centos6 ~]# yum install samba

9.2.2. .deb based distributions
 Ubuntu and Debian users can use the aptitude program (or use a graphical tool like
 root@debian7~# aptitude install samba
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   samba samba-common{a} samba-common-bin{a} tdb-tools{a}
 0 packages upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 15.1 MB of archives. After unpacking 42.9 MB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

                                     introduction to samba

9.3. documentation
9.3.1. samba howto
 Samba comes with excellent documentation in html and pdf format (and also as a free
 download from and it is for sale as a printed book).

 The documentation is a separate package, so install it if you want it on the server itself.
 [root@centos6   ~]# yum install samba-doc
 [root@centos6   ~]# ls -l /usr/share/doc/samba-doc-3.5.10/
 total 10916
 drwxr-xr-x. 6   root   root    4096 May 6 15:50 htmldocs
 -rw-r--r--. 1   root   root 4605496 Jun 14 2011 Samba3-ByExample.pdf
 -rw-r--r--. 1   root   root 608260 Jun 14 2011 Samba3-Developers-Guide.pdf
 -rw-r--r--. 1   root   root 5954602 Jun 14 2011 Samba3-HOWTO.pdf

 This action is very similar on Ubuntu and Debian except that the pdf files are in a separate
 package named samba-doc-pdf.
 root@ubu1204:~# aptitude install samba-doc-pdf
 The following NEW packages will be installed:

9.3.2. samba by example
 Besides the howto, there is also an excellent book called Samba By Example (again
 available as printed edition in shops, and as a free pdf and html).

                                   introduction to samba

9.4. starting and stopping samba
 You can start the daemons by invoking /etc/init.d/smb start (some systems use /etc/init.d/
 samba) on any linux.
 root@laika:~# /etc/init.d/samba    stop
  * Stopping Samba daemons                                            [ OK ]
 root@laika:~# /etc/init.d/samba    start
  * Starting Samba daemons                                            [ OK ]
 root@laika:~# /etc/init.d/samba    restart
  * Stopping Samba daemons                                            [ OK ]
  * Starting Samba daemons                                            [ OK ]
 root@laika:~# /etc/init.d/samba    status
  * SMBD is running                                                   [ OK ]

 Red Hat derived systems are happy with service smb start.
 [root@RHEL4b ~]# /etc/init.d/smb start
 Starting SMB services:                                           [    OK   ]
 Starting NMB services:                                           [    OK   ]
 [root@RHEL4b ~]# service smb restart
 Shutting down SMB services:                                      [    OK   ]
 Shutting down NMB services:                                      [    OK   ]
 Starting SMB services:                                           [    OK   ]
 Starting NMB services:                                           [    OK   ]
 [root@RHEL4b ~]#

                                    introduction to samba

9.5. samba daemons
 Samba 3 consists of three daemons, they are named nmbd, smbd and winbindd.

9.5.1. nmbd
 The nmbd daemon takes care of all the names and naming. It registers and resolves names,
 and handles browsing. According to the Samba documentation, it should be the first daemon
 to start.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# ps -C nmbd
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  5681 ?        00:00:00 nmbd

9.5.2. smbd
 The smbd daemon manages file transfers and authentication.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# ps -C smbd
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  5678 ?        00:00:00 smbd
  5683 ?        00:00:00 smbd

9.5.3. winbindd
 The winbind daemon (winbindd) is only started to handle Microsoft Windows domain

 Note that winbindd is started by the /etc/init.d/winbind script (two dd's for the daemon and
 only one d for the script).
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# /etc/init.d/winbind start
 Starting Winbind services:                                         [   OK   ]
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# ps -C winbindd
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  5752 ?        00:00:00 winbindd
  5754 ?        00:00:00 winbindd

 On Debian and Ubuntu, the winbindd daemon is installed via a separate package called

                                   introduction to samba

9.6. the SMB protocol
9.6.1. brief history
  Development of this protocol was started by IBM in the early eighties. By the end of the
  eighties, most develpment was done by Microsoft. SMB is an application level protocol
  designed to run on top of NetBIOS/NetBEUI, but can also be run on top of tcp/ip.

  In 1996 Microsoft was asked to document the protocol. They submitted CIFS (Common
  Internet File System) as an internet draft, but it never got final rfc status.

  In 2004 the European Union decided Microsoft should document the protocol to enable
  other developers to write compatible software. December 20th 2007 Microsoft came to an
  agreement. The Samba team now has access to SMB/CIFS, Windows for Workgroups and
  Active Directory documentation.

9.6.2. broadcasting protocol
  SMB uses the NetBIOS service location protocol, which is a broadcasting protocol. This
  means that NetBIOS names have to be unique on the network (even when you have
  different IP-addresses). Having duplicate names on an SMB network can seriously harm

9.6.3. NetBIOS names
  NetBIOS names are similar to hostnames, but are always uppercase and only 15 characters
  in length. Microsoft Windows computers and Samba servers will broadcast this name on
  the network.

9.6.4. network bandwidth
  Having many broadcasting SMB/CIFS computers on your network can cause bandwidth
  issues. A solution can be the use of a NetBIOS name server (NBNS) like WINS (Windows
  Internet Naming Service).

                                    introduction to samba

9.7. practice: introduction to samba
 0. !! Make sure you know your student number, anything *ANYTHING* you name must
 include your student number!

 1. Verify that you can logon to a Linux/Unix computer. Write down the name and ip address
 of this computer.

 2. Do the same for all the other (virtual) machines available to you.

 3. Verify networking by pinging the computer, edit the appropriate hosts files so you can
 use names. Test the names by pinging them.

 4. Make sure Samba is installed, write down the version of Samba.

 5. Open the Official Samba-3 howto pdf file that is installed on your computer. How many
 A4 pages is this file ? Then look at the same pdf on, it is updated regularly.

 6. Stop the Samba server.

Chapter 10. getting started with

                                 getting started with samba

10.1. /etc/samba/smb.conf
10.1.1. smbd -b
 Samba configuration is done in the smb.conf file. The file can be edited manually, or you
 can use a web based interface like webmin or swat to manage it. The file is usually located
 in /etc/samba. You can find the exact location with smbd -b.
 [root@RHEL4b ~]# smbd -b | grep CONFIGFILE
 CONFIGFILE: /etc/samba/smb.conf

10.1.2. the default smb.conf
 The default smb.conf file contains a lot of examples with explanations.
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ ls -l /etc/samba/smb.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10836 May 30 23:08 /etc/samba/smb.conf

 Also on Ubuntu and Debian, smb.conf is packed with samples and explanations.
 paul@laika:~$ ls -l /etc/samba/smb.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10515 2007-05-24 00:21 /etc/samba/smb.conf

10.1.3. minimal smb.conf
 Below is an example of a very minimalistic smb.conf. It allows samba to start, and to be
 visible to other computers (Microsoft shows computers in Network Neighborhood or My
 Network Places).
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
 workgroup = WORKGROUP
 path = /srv/samba/public

10.1.4. net view
 Below is a screenshot of the net view command on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 sp2.
 It shows how a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 and a Ubuntu 9.04 Samba server, both with a
 minimalistic smb.conf, are visible to Microsoft computers nearby.
 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net view
 Server Name            Remark
 \\LAIKA                Samba 3.3.2
 \\RHEL53               Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5
 The command completed successfully.

10.1.5. long lines in smb.conf
 Some parameters in smb.conf can get a long list of values behind them. You can continue a
 line (for clarity) on the next by ending the line with a backslash.
 valid users = Serena, Venus, Lindsay \

                                 getting started with samba

                Kim, Justine, Sabine \
                Amelie, Marie, Suzanne

10.1.6. curious smb.conf
 Curious but true: smb.conf accepts synonyms like create mode and create mask, and
 (sometimes) minor spelling errors like browsable and browseable. And on occasion you
 can even switch words, the guest only parameter is identical to only guest. And writable
 = yes is the same as readonly = no.

10.1.7. man smb.conf
 You can access a lot of documentation when typing man smb.conf.
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# apropos samba
 cupsaddsmb       (8) - export printers to samba for windows clients
 lmhosts          (5) - The Samba NetBIOS hosts file
 net              (8) - Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers
 pdbedit          (8) - manage the SAM database (Database of Samba Users)
 samba            (7) - A Windows SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIX
 smb.conf [smb]   (5) - The configuration file for the Samba suite
 smbpasswd        (5) - The Samba encrypted password file
 smbstatus        (1) - report on current Samba connections
 swat             (8) - Samba Web Administration Tool
 tdbbackup        (8) - tool for backing up and ... of samba .tdb files
 [root@RHEL4b samba]#

10.2. /usr/bin/testparm
10.2.1. syntax check smb.conf
 To verify the syntax of the smb.conf file, you can use testparm.
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ testparm
 Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section "[firstshare]"
 Loaded services file OK.
 Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

10.2.2. testparm -v
 An interesting option is testparm -v, which will output all the global options with their
 default value.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# testparm -v | head
 Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section "[pub0]"
 Processing section "[global$]"
 Loaded services file OK.
 Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

  dos charset = CP850
  unix charset = UTF-8
  display charset = LOCALE
  workgroup = WORKGROUP

                                   getting started with samba

  realm =
  netbios name = TEACHER0
  netbios aliases =
  netbios scope =
  server string = Samba 3.0.28-1.el5_2.1

 There were about 350 default values for smb.conf parameters in Samba 3.0.x. This number
 grew to almost 400 in Samba 3.5.x.

10.2.3. testparm -s
 The samba daemons are constantly (once every 60 seconds) checking the smb.conf file, so it
 is good practice to keep this file small. But it is also good practice to document your samba
 configuration, and to explicitly set options that have the same default values. The testparm
 -s option allows you to do both. It will output the smallest possible samba configuration file,
 while retaining all your settings. The idea is to have your samba configuration in another
 file (like smb.conf.full) and let testparm parse this for you. The screenshot below shows you
 how. First the smb.conf.full file with the explicitly set option workgroup to WORKGROUP.
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# cat smb.conf.full
 workgroup = WORKGROUP

 # This is a demo of a documented smb.conf
 # These two lines are removed by testparm -s

 server string = Public Test Server

 path = /srv/samba/public

 Next, we execute testparm with the -s option, and redirect stdout to the real smb.conf file.
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# testparm -s smb.conf.full > smb.conf
 Load smb config files from smb.conf.full
 Processing section "[firstshare]"
 Loaded services file OK.

 And below is the end result. The two comment lines and the default option are no longer
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# cat smb.conf
 # Global parameters
 server string = Public Test Server

 path = /srv/samba/public
 [root@RHEL4b samba]#

10.3. /usr/bin/smbclient
10.3.1. smbclient looking at Samba
 With smbclient you can see browsing and share information from your smb server. It will
 display all your shares, your workgroup, and the name of the Master Browser. The -N switch

                                    getting started with samba

 is added to avoid having to enter an empty password. The -L switch is followed by the name
 of the host to check.
 [root@RHEL4b init.d]# smbclient -NL rhel4b
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.9]

 Sharename       Type       Comment
 ---------       ----       -------
 firstshare      Disk
 IPC$            IPC        IPC Service (Public Test Server)
 ADMIN$          IPC        IPC Service (Public Test Server)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.9]

 Server                 Comment
 ---------              -------
 RHEL4B                 Public Test Server

 Workgroup              Master
 ---------              -------
 WORKGROUP              WINXP

10.3.2. smbclient anonymous
 The screenshot below uses smbclient to display information about a remote smb server (in
 this case a computer with Ubuntu 11.10).

 root@ubu1110:/etc/samba# testparm smbclient -NL
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[LINUXTR] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.11]

  Sharename       Type         Comment
  ---------       ----         -------
  share1          Disk
  IPC$            IPC          IPC Service (Samba 3.5.11)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[LINUXTR] OS=[Unix]    Server=[Samba 3.5.11]

  Server                  Comment
  ---------               -------

  Workgroup               Master
  ---------               -------
  LINUXTR                 DEBIAN6
  WORKGROUP               UBU1110

10.3.3. smbclient with credentials
 Windows versions after xp sp2 and 2003 sp1 do not accept guest access (the
 NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error). This example shows how to provide credentials
 with smbclient.
 [paul@RHEL53 ~]$ smbclient -L w2003 -U administrator%stargate
 Domain=[W2003] OS=[Windows Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 2] Server=...

  Sharename        Type        Comment
  ---------        ----        -------
  C$               Disk        Default share

                                   getting started with samba

  IPC$               IPC         Remote IPC
  ADMIN$             Disk        Remote Admin

10.4. /usr/bin/smbtree
 Another useful tool to troubleshoot Samba or simply to browse the SMB network is smbtree.
 In its simplest form, smbtree will do an anonymous browsing on the local subnet. displaying
 all SMB computers and (if authorized) their shares.

 Let's take a look at two screenshots of smbtree in action (with blank password). The first
 one is taken immediately after booting four different computers (one MS Windows 2000,
 one MS Windows xp, one MS Windows 2003 and one RHEL 4 with Samba 3.0.10).
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ smbtree
  \\RHEL4B                        Pegasus Domain Member Server
 Error connecting to (Connection refused)
 cli_full_connection: failed to connect to RHEL4B<20> (
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$

 The information displayed in the previous screenshot looks incomplete. The browsing
 elections are still ongoing, the browse list is not yet distributed to all clients by the (to be
 elected) browser master. The next screenshot was taken about one minute later. And it shows
 even less.
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ smbtree
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$

 So we wait a while, and then run smbtree again, this time it looks a lot nicer.
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ smbtree
  \\RHEL4B                        Pegasus Domain Member Server
   \\RHEL4B\ADMIN$                  IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
   \\RHEL4B\IPC$                    IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
   \\RHEL4B\domaindata              Active Directory users only
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ smbtree --version
 Version 3.0.10-1.4E.9
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$

 I added the version number of smbtree in the previous screenshot, to show you the difference
 when using the latest version of smbtree (below a screenshot taken from Ubuntu Feisty
 Fawn). The latest version shows a more complete overview of machines and shares.
 paul@laika:~$ smbtree --version
 Version 3.0.24

                                  getting started with samba

 paul@laika:~$ smbtree
   \\W2000\C$              Default share
   \\W2000\ADMIN$          Remote Admin
   \\W2000\IPC$            Remote IPC
 cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine WINXP.
  \\RHEL4B                         Pegasus Domain Member Server
   \\RHEL4B\ADMIN$                  IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
   \\RHEL4B\IPC$                    IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
   \\RHEL4B\domaindata              Active Directory users only
 cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine HM2003.

 The previous screenshot also provides useful errors on why we cannot see shared info on
 computers winxp and w2003. Let us try the old smbtree version on our RHEL server, but
 this time with Administrator credentials (which are the same on all computers).
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$ smbtree -UAdministrator%Stargate1
     \\WINXP\C$              Default share
     \\WINXP\ADMIN$          Remote Admin
     \\WINXP\IPC$            Remote IPC
   \\RHEL4B                  Pegasus Domain Member Server
     \\RHEL4B\ADMIN$         IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
     \\RHEL4B\IPC$           IPC Service (Pegasus Domain Member Server)
     \\RHEL4B\domaindata     Active Directory users only
     \\HM2003\NETLOGON       Logon server share
     \\HM2003\SYSVOL         Logon server share
     \\HM2003\WSUSTemp       A network share used by Local Publishing ...
     \\HM2003\ADMIN$         Remote Admin
     \\HM2003\IPC$           Remote IPC
     \\HM2003\WsusContent    A network share to be used by Local ...
     \\HM2003\C$             Default share
 [paul@RHEL4b ~]$

 As you can see, this gives a very nice overview of all SMB computers and their shares.

10.5. server string
 The comment seen by the net view and the smbclient commands is the default value for
 the server string option. Simply adding this value to the global section in smb.conf and
 restarting samba will change the option.
 [root@RHEL53 samba]# testparm -s 2>/dev/null | grep server
  server string = Red Hat Server in Paris

 After a short while, the changed option is visible on the Microsoft computers.

                                  getting started with samba

 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net view
 Server Name            Remark

 \\LAIKA                Ubuntu 9.04 server in Antwerp
 \\RHEL53               Red Hat Server in Paris

10.6. Samba Web Administration Tool
 Samba comes with a web based tool to manage your samba configuration file. SWAT is
 accessible with a web browser on port 901 of the host system. To enable the tool, first find
 out whether your system is using the inetd or the xinetd superdaemon.
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# ps fax | grep inet
  15026 pts/0    S+     0:00                      \_ grep inet
   2771 ?        Ss     0:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
  [root@RHEL4b samba]#

 Then edit the inetd.conf or change the disable = yes line in /etc/xinetd.d/swat to disable
 = no.
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# cat /etc/xinetd.d/swat
 # default: off
 # description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
 #               to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
 #               connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
 service swat
   port            = 901
   socket_type     = stream
   wait            = no
   only_from       =
   user            = root
   server          = /usr/sbin/swat
   log_on_failure += USERID
   disable         = no
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
 Stopping xinetd:                                            [ OK ]
 Starting xinetd:                                            [ OK ]
 [root@RHEL4b samba]#

 Change the only from value to enable swat from remote computers. This examples shows
 how to provide swat access to all computers in a /24 subnet.
 [root@RHEL53 xinetd.d]# grep only /etc/xinetd.d/swat
  only_from =

 Be careful when using SWAT, it erases all your manually edited comments in smb.conf.

                                     getting started with samba

10.7. practice: getting started with samba
 1. Take a backup copy of the original smb.conf, name it smb.conf.orig

 2. Enable SWAT and take a look at it.

 3. Stop the Samba server.

 4. Create a minimalistic smb.conf.minimal and test it with testparm.

 5. Use tesparm -s to create /etc/samba/smb.conf from your smb.conf.minimal .

 6. Start Samba with your minimal smb.conf.

 7. Verify with smbclient that your Samba server works.

 8. Verify that another (Microsoft) computer can see your Samba server.

 9. Browse the network with net view, smbtree and with Windows Explorer.

 10. Change the "Server String" parameter in smb.conf. How long does it take before you see
 the change (net view, smbclient, My Network Places,...) ?

 11. Will restarting Samba after a change to smb.conf speed up the change ?

 12. Which computer is the master browser master in your workgroup ? What is the master
 browser ?

 13. If time permits (or if you are waiting for other students to finish this practice), then install
 a sniffer (wireshark) and watch the browser elections.

                                 getting started with samba

10.8. solution: getting started with samba
 1. Take a backup copy of the original smb.conf, name it smb.conf.orig
 cd /etc/samba ; cp smb.conf smb.conf.orig

 2. Enable SWAT and take a look at it.
 on Debian/Ubuntu: vi /etc/inetd.conf (remove # before swat)

 on RHEL/Fedora: vi /etc/xinetd.d/swat (set disable to no)

 3. Stop the Samba server.
 /etc/init.d/smb stop (Red Hat)

 /etc/init.d/samba stop (Debian)

 4. Create a minimalistic smb.conf.minimal and test it with testparm.
 cd /etc/samba ; mkdir my_smb_confs ; cd my_smb_confs

 vi smb.conf.minimal

 testparm smb.conf.minimal

 5. Use tesparm -s to create /etc/samba/smb.conf from your smb.conf.minimal .
 testparm -s smb.conf.minimal > ../smb.conf

 6. Start Samba with your minimal smb.conf.
 /etc/init.d/smb restart (Red Hat)

 /etc/init.d/samba restart (Debian)

 7. Verify with smbclient that your Samba server works.
 smbclient -NL

 8. Verify that another computer can see your Samba server.
 smbclient -NL 'ip-address' (on a Linux)

 9. Browse the network with net view, smbtree and with Windows Explorer.
 on Linux: smbtree

 on Windows: net view (and WindowsKey + e)

 10. Change the "Server String" parameter in smb.conf. How long does it take before you see
 the change (net view, smbclient, My Network Places,...) ?
 vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

 (should take only seconds when restarting samba)

 11. Will restarting Samba after a change to smb.conf speed up the change ?

                                    getting started with samba

12. Which computer is the master browser master in your workgroup ? What is the master
browser ?
The computer that won the elections.

This machine will make the list of computers in the network

13. If time permits (or if you are waiting for other students to finish this practice), then install
a sniffer (wireshark) and watch the browser elections.
On ubuntu: sudo aptitude install wireshark

then: sudo wireshark, select interface

Chapter 11. a read only file server

                                      a read only file server

11.1. Setting up a directory to share
 Let's start with setting up a very simple read only file server with Samba. Everyone (even
 anonymous guests) will receive read access.

 The first step is to create a directory and put some test files in it.
 [root@RHEL52   ~]# mkdir -p /srv/samba/readonly
 [root@RHEL52   ~]# cd /srv/samba/readonly/
 [root@RHEL52   readonly]# echo "It is cold today." > winter.txt
 [root@RHEL52   readonly]# echo "It is hot today." > summer.txt
 [root@RHEL52   readonly]# ls -l
 total 8
 -rw-r--r-- 1   root root 17 Jan 21 05:49 summer.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1   root root 18 Jan 21 05:49 winter.txt
 [root@RHEL52   readonly]#

11.2. configure the share
11.2.1. smb.conf [global] section
 In this example the samba server is a member of WORKGROUP (the default workgroup).
 We also set a descriptive server string, this string is visible to users browsing the network
 with net view, windows explorer or smbclient.
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# head -5 smb.conf
  workgroup = WORKGROUP
  server string = Public Anonymous File Server
  netbios name = TEACHER0
  security = share

 You might have noticed the line with security = share. This line sets the default security
 mode for our samba server. Setting the security mode to share will allow clients (smbclient,
 any windows, another Samba server, ...) to provide a password for each share. This is one
 way of using the SMB/CIFS protocol. The other way (called user mode) will allow the
 client to provide a username/password combination, before the server knows which share
 the client wants to access.

11.2.2. smb.conf [share] section
 The share is called pubread and the path is set to our newly created directory. Everyone is
 allowed access (guest ok = yes) and security is set to read only.

 path = /srv/samba/readonly
 comment = files to read
 read only = yes
 guest ok = yes

 Here is a very similar configuration on Ubuntu 11.10.

                                    a read only file server

 root@ubu1110:~# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
 workgroup = LINUXTR
 netbios name = UBU1110
 security = share
 path = /srv/samba/readonly
 read only = yes
 guest ok = yes

 It doesn't really matter which Linux distribution you use. Below the same config on Debian
 6, as good as identical.
 root@debian6:~# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
 workgroup = LINUXTR
 netbios name = DEBIAN6
 security = share
 path = /srv/samba/readonly
 read only = yes
 guest ok = yes

11.3. restart the server
 After testing with testparm, restart the samba server (so you don't have to wait).
 [root@RHEL4b readonly]# service smb restart
 Shutting down SMB services:                                        [   OK   ]
 Shutting down NMB services:                                        [   OK   ]
 Starting SMB services:                                             [   OK   ]
 Starting NMB services:                                             [   OK   ]

11.4. verify the share
11.4.1. verify with smbclient
 You can now verify the existence of the share with smbclient. Our pubread is listed as the
 fourth share.
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient -NL
 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]

  Sharename       Type      Comment
  ---------       ----      -------
  IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Public Anonymous File Server)
  global$         Disk
  pub0            Disk
  pubread         Disk      files to read
 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]

  Server                  Comment
  ---------               -------
  TEACHER0                Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5

  Workgroup               Master
  ---------               -------
  WORKGROUP               W2003EE

                                      a read only file server

11.4.2. verify on windows
 The final test is to go to a Microsoft windows computer and read a file on the Samba server.
 First we use the net use command to mount the pubread share on the driveletter k.
 C:\>net use K: \\teacher0\pubread
 The command completed successfully.

 Then we test looking at the contents of the share, and reading the files.
 C:\>dir k:
  Volume in drive K is pubread
  Volume Serial Number is 0C82-11F2

  Directory of K:\

 21/01/2009    05:49    <DIR>         .
 21/01/2009    05:49    <DIR>         ..
 21/01/2009    05:49               17 summer.txt
 21/01/2009    05:49               18 winter.txt
                  2 File(s)             35 bytes
                  2 Dir(s) 13.496.242.176 bytes free

 Just to be on the safe side, let us try writing.
 K:\>echo very cold > winter.txt
 Access is denied.


 Or you can use windows explorer...

                                   a read only file server

11.5. a note on netcat
 The Windows command line screenshot is made in a Linux console, using netcat as a pipe
 to a Windows command shell.

 The way this works, is by enabling netcat to listen on the windows computer to a certain
 port, executing cmd.exe when a connection is received. Netcat is similar to cat, in the way
 that cat does nothing, only netcat does nothing over the network.

 To enable this connection, type the following on the windows computer (after downloading
 netcat for windows).
 nc -l -p 23 -t -e cmd.exe

 And then connect to this machine with netcat from any Linux computer. You end up with
 a cmd.exe prompt inside your Linux shell.
 paul@laika:~$ nc 23
 Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
 (C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

 C:\>net use k: /delete
 net use k: /delete
 k: was deleted successfully.

                                        a read only file server

11.6. practice: read only file server
 1. Create a directory in a good location (FHS) to share files for everyone to read.

 2. Make sure the directory is owned properly and is world accessible.

 3. Put a textfile in this directory.

 4. Share the directory with Samba.

 5. Verify from your own and from another computer (smbclient, net use, ...) that the share
 is accessible for reading.

 6. Make a backup copy of your smb.conf, name it smb.conf.ReadOnlyFileServer.

                                        a read only file server

11.7. solution: read only file server
 1. Create a directory in a good location (FHS) to share files for everyone to read.
 choose one of these...

 mkdir -p /srv/samba/readonly

 mkdir -p /home/samba/readonly

 /home/paul/readonly is wrong!!

 /etc/samba/readonly is wrong!!

 /readonly is wrong!!

 2. Make sure the directory is owned properly and is world accessible.
 chown root:root /srv/samba/readonly

 chmod 755 /srv/samba/readonly

 3. Put a textfile in this directory.
 echo Hello World > hello.txt

 4. Share the directory with Samba.

 You smb.conf.readonly could look like this:
  workgroup = WORKGROUP
  server string = Read Only File Server
  netbios name = STUDENTx
  security = share

  path = /srv/samba/readonly
  comment = read only file share
  read only = yes
  guest ok = yes

 test with testparm before going in production!

 5. Verify from your own and from another computer (smbclient, net use, ...) that the share
 is accessible for reading.
 On Linux: smbclient -NL

 On Windows Explorer: browse to My Network Places

 On Windows cmd.exe: net use L: //studentx/readonly

 6. Make a backup copy of your smb.conf, name it smb.conf.ReadOnlyFileServer.
 cp smb.conf smb.conf.ReadOnlyFileServer

Chapter 12. a writable file server

                                    a writable file server

12.1. set up a directory to share
 In this second example, we will create a share where everyone can create files and write to
 files. Again, we start by creating a directory
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# mkdir -p /srv/samba/writable
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# chmod 777 /srv/samba/writable/

12.2. share section in smb.conf
 There are two parameters to make a share writable. We can use read only or writable. This
 example shows how to use writable to give write access to a share.
 writable = yes

 And this is an example of using the read only parameter to give write access to a share.
 read only = no

12.3. configure the share
 Then we simply add a share to our file server by editing smb.conf. Below the check with
 testparm. (We could have changed the description of the server...)
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# testparm
 Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section "[pubwrite]"
 Processing section "[pubread]"
 Loaded services file OK.
 Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

  netbios name = TEACHER0
  server string = Public Anonymous File Server
  security = SHARE

  comment = files to write
  path = /srv/samba/writable
  read only = No
  guest ok = Yes

  comment = files to read
  path = /srv/samba/readonly
  guest ok = Yes

12.4. test connection with windows
 We can now test the connection on a windows 2003 computer. We use the net use for this.
 C:\>net use L: \\teacher0\pubwrite
 net use L: \\teacher0\pubwrite
 The command completed successfully.

                                     a writable file server

12.5. test writing with windows
 We mounted the pubwrite share on the L: drive in windows. Below we test that we can
 write to this share.
 L:\>echo hoi > hoi.txt

  Volume in drive L is pubwrite
  Volume Serial Number is 0C82-272A

  Directory of L:\

 21/01/2009   06:11    <DIR>         .
 21/01/2009   06:11    <DIR>         ..
 21/01/2009   06:16                6 hoi.txt
                 1 File(s)              6 bytes
                 2 Dir(s) 13.496.238.080 bytes free

12.6. How is this possible ?
 Linux (or any Unix) always needs a user account to gain access to a system. The windows
 computer did not provide the samba server with a user account or a password. Instead,
 the Linux owner of the files created through this writable share is the Linux guest account
 (usually named nobody).
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# ls -l /srv/samba/writable/
 total 4
 -rwxr--r-- 1 nobody nobody 6 Jan 21 06:16 hoi.txt

 So this is not the cleanest solution. We will need to improve this.

                                     a writable file server

12.7. practice: writable file server
 1. Create a directory and share it with Samba.

 2. Make sure everyone can read and write files, test writing with smbclient and from a
 Microsoft computer.

 3. Verify the ownership of files created by (various) users.

                                     a writable file server

12.8. solution: writable file server
 1. Create a directory and share it with Samba.
 mkdir /srv/samba/writable

 chmod 777 /srv/samba/writable

 the share section in smb.conf can look like this:

  path = /srv/samba/writable
  comment = files to write
  read only = no
  guest ok = yes

 2. Make sure everyone can read and write files, test writing with smbclient and from a
 Microsoft computer.
 to test writing with smbclient:

 echo one > count.txt
 echo two >> count.txt
 echo three >> count.txt
 smbclient //localhost/pubwrite
 smb: \> put count.txt

 3. Verify the ownership of files created by (various) users.
 ls -l /srv/samba/writable

Chapter 13. samba first user account

                                     samba first user account

13.1. creating a samba user
 We will create a user for our samba file server and make this user the owner of the directory
 and all of its files. This anonymous user gets a clear description, but does not get a login shell.
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# useradd -s /bin/false sambanobody
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# usermod -c "Anonymous Samba Access" sambanobody
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# passwd sambanobody
 Changing password for user sambanobody.
 New UNIX password:
 Retype new UNIX password:
 passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

13.2. ownership of files
 We can use this user as owner of files and directories, instead of using the root account. This
 approach is clear and more secure.
 [root@RHEL52   samba]# chown -R sambanobody:sambanobody /srv/samba/
 [root@RHEL52   samba]# ls -al /srv/samba/writable/
 total 12
 drwxrwxrwx 2   sambanobody sambanobody 4096 Jan 21 06:11 .
 drwxr-xr-x 6   sambanobody sambanobody 4096 Jan 21 06:11 ..
 -rwxr--r-- 1   sambanobody sambanobody    6 Jan 21 06:16 hoi.txt

13.3. /usr/bin/smbpasswd
 The sambanobody user account that we created in the previous examples is not yet used
 by samba. It just owns the files and directories that we created for our shares. The goal of
 this section is to force ownership of files created through the samba share to belong to our
 sambanobody user. Remember, our server is still accessible to everyone, nobody needs to
 know this user account or password. We just want a clean Linux server.

 To accomplish this, we first have to tell Samba about this user. We can do this by adding
 the account to smbpasswd.
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbpasswd -a sambanobody
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 Added user sambanobody.

13.4. /etc/samba/smbpasswd
 To find out where Samba keeps this information (for now), use smbd -b. The
 PRIVATE_DIR variable will show you where the smbpasswd database is located.
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbd -b | grep PRIVATE
    PRIVATE_DIR: /etc/samba
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# ls -l smbpasswd
 -rw------- 1 root root 110 Jan 21 06:19 smbpasswd

 You can use a simple cat to see the contents of the smbpasswd database. The sambanobody
 user does have a password (it is secret).
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# cat smbpasswd

                                   samba first user account

 sambanobody:503:AE9 ... 9DB309C528E540978:[U                  ]:LCT-4976B05B:

13.5. passdb backend
 Note that recent versions of Samba have tdbsam as default for the passdb backend
 root@ubu1110:~# testparm -v 2>/dev/null| grep 'passdb backend'

  passdb backend = tdbsam

13.6. forcing this user
 Now that Samba knows about this user, we can adjust our writable share to force the
 ownership of files created through it. For this we use the force user and force group options.
 Now we can be sure that all files in the Samba writable share are owned by the same
 sambanobody user.

 Below is the renewed definition of our share in smb.conf.

  path = /srv/samba/writable
  comment = files to write
  force user = sambanobody
  force group = sambanobody
  read only = no
  guest ok = yes

 When you reconnect to the share and write a file, then this sambanobody user will own the
 newly created file (and nobody needs to know the password).

                                   samba first user account

13.7. practice: first samba user account
 1. Create a user account for use with samba.

 2. Add this user to samba's user database.

 3. Create a writable shared directory and use the "force user" and "force group" directives
 to force ownership of files.

 4. Test the working of force user with smbclient, net use and Windows Explorer.

                                   samba first user account

13.8. solution: first samba user account
 1. Create a user account for use with samba.
 useradd -s /bin/false smbguest

 usermod -c 'samba guest'

 passwd smbguest

 2. Add this user to samba's user database.
 smbpasswd -a smbguest

 3. Create a writable shared directory and use the "force user" and "force group" directives
 to force ownership of files.

  path = /srv/samba/userwrite
  comment = everyone writes files owned by smbguest
  read only = no
  guest ok = yes
  force user = smbguest
  force group = smbguest

 4. Test the working of force user with smbclient, net use and Windows Explorer.
 ls -l /srv/samba/userwrite (and verify ownership)

Chapter 14. samba authentication

                                     samba authentication

14.1. creating the users on Linux
 The goal of this example is to set up a file share accessible to a number of different users.
 The users will need to authenticate with their password before access to this share is granted.
 We will first create three randomly named users, each with their own password. First we
 add these users to Linux.

 [root@RHEL52 ~]# useradd -c "Serena Williams" serena
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# useradd -c "Justine Henin" justine
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# useradd -c "Martina Hingis" martina
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# passwd serena
 Changing password for user serena.
 New UNIX password:
 Retype new UNIX password:
 passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# passwd justine
 Changing password for user justine.
 New UNIX password:
 Retype new UNIX password:
 passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# passwd martina
 Changing password for user martina.
 New UNIX password:
 Retype new UNIX password:
 passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

14.2. creating the users on samba
 Then we add them to the smbpasswd file, with the same password.

 [root@RHEL52 ~]# smbpasswd -a serena
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 Added user serena.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# smbpasswd -a justine
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 Added user justine.
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# smbpasswd -a martina
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 Added user martina.

14.3. security = user
 Remember that we set samba's security mode to share with the security = share directive in
 the [global] section ? Since we now require users to always provide a userid and password
 for access to our samba server, we will need to change this. Setting security = user will
 require the client to provide samba with a valid userid and password before giving access
 to a share.

 Our [global] section now looks like this.

                                    samba authentication

  workgroup = WORKGROUP
  netbios name = TEACHER0
  server string = Samba File Server
  security = user

14.4. configuring the share
 We add the following [share] section to our smb.conf (and we do not forget to create the
 directory /srv/samba/authwrite).

 path = /srv/samba/authwrite
 comment = authenticated users only
 read only = no
 guest ok = no

14.5. testing access with net use
 After restarting samba, we test with different users from within Microsoft computers. The
 screenshots use the net useFirst serena from Windows XP.

 C:\>net use m: \\teacher0\authwrite stargate /user:serena
 The command completed successfully.


 M:\>echo greetings from Serena > serena.txt

 The next screenshot is martina on a Windows 2000 computer, she succeeds in writing her
 files, but fails to overwrite the file from serena.

 C:\>net use k: \\teacher0\authwrite stargate /user:martina
 The command completed successfully.


 K:\>echo greetings from martina > Martina.txt

 K:\>echo test overwrite > serena.txt
 Access is denied.

14.6. testing access with smbclient
 You can also test connecting with authentication with smbclient. First we test with a wrong

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U martina wrongpass
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

                                    samba authentication

 Then we test with the correct password, and verify that we can access a file on the share.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U martina stargate
 Domain=[TEACHER0] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]
 smb: \> more serena.txt
 getting file \serena.txt of size 14 as /tmp/smbmore.QQfmSN (6.8 kb/s)
 smb: \> q

14.7. verify ownership
 We now have a simple standalone samba file server with authenticated access. And the files
 in the shares belong to their proper owners.

 [root@RHEL52   samba]# ls -l /srv/samba/authwrite/
 total 8
 -rwxr--r-- 1   martina martina 0 Jan 21 20:06 martina.txt
 -rwxr--r-- 1   serena serena 14 Jan 21 20:06 serena.txt
 -rwxr--r-- 1   serena serena   6 Jan 21 20:09 ser.txt

14.8. common problems
 You can get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME when you forget to create the
 target directory.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# rm -rf /srv/samba/authwrite/
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U martina stargate
 Domain=[TEACHER0] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]
 tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

 You can get NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE when you type the wrong password or
 when you type an unexisting username.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U martina STARGATE
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

14.8.3. usernames are (not) case sensitive
 Remember that usernames om Linux are case sensitive.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# su - MARTINA
 su: user MARTINA does not exist

                                  samba authentication

[root@RHEL52 samba]# su - martina
[martina@RHEL52 ~]$

But usernames on Microsoft computers are not case sensitive.

[root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U martina stargate
Domain=[TEACHER0] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]
smb: \> q
[root@RHEL52 samba]# smbclient //teacher0/authwrite -U MARTINA stargate
Domain=[TEACHER0] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5]
smb: \> q

                                     samba authentication

14.9. practice : samba authentication
 0. Make sure you have properly named backups of your smb.conf of the previous practices.

 1. Create three users (on the Linux and on the samba), remember their passwords!

 2. Set up a shared directory that is only accessible to authenticated users.

 3. Use smbclient and a windows computer to access your share, use more than one user
 account (windows requires a logoff/logon for this).

 4. Verify that files created by these users belong to them.

 5. Try to change or delete a file from another user.

                                     samba authentication

14.10. solution: samba authentication
 1. Create three users (on the Linux and on the samba), remember their passwords!
 useradd -c 'SMB user1' userx

 passwd userx

 2. Set up a shared directory that is only accessible to authenticated users.
 The shared section in smb.conf could look like this:

  path = /srv/samba/authwrite
  comment = authenticated users only
  read only = no
  guest ok = no

 3. Use smbclient and a windows computer to access your share, use more than one user
 account (windows requires a logoff/logon for this).
 on Linux: smbclient //studentX/authwrite -U user1 password

 on windows net use p: \\studentX\authwrite password /user:user2

 4. Verify that files created by these users belong to them.
 ls -l /srv/samba/authwrite

 5. Try to change or delete a file from another user.
 you should not be able to change or overwrite files from others.

Chapter 15. samba securing shares

                                      samba securing shares

15.1. security based on user name
15.1.1. valid users
  To restrict users per share, you can use the valid users parameter. In the example below,
  only the users listed as valid will be able to access the tennis share.
   path = /srv/samba/tennis
   comment = authenticated and valid users only
   read only = No
   guest ok = No
   valid users = serena, kim, venus, justine

15.1.2. invalid users
  If you are paranoia, you can also use invalid users to explicitely deny the listed users access.
  When a user is in both lists, the user has no access!
   path = /srv/samba/tennis
   read only = No
   guest ok = No
   valid users = kim, serena, venus, justine
   invalid users = venus

15.1.3. read list
  On a writable share, you can set a list of read only users with the read list parameter.
   path = /srv/samba/football
   read only = No
   guest ok = No
   read list = martina, roberto

15.1.4. write list
  Even on a read only share, you can set a list of users that can write. Use the write list
   path = /srv/samba/golf
   read only = Yes
   guest ok = No
   write list = eddy, jan

15.2. security based on ip-address
15.2.1. hosts allow
  The hosts allow or allow hosts parameter is one of the key advantages of Samba. It allows
  access control of shares on the ip-address level. To allow only specific hosts to access a
  share, list the hosts, separated by comma's.

                                   samba securing shares

 allow hosts =,

 Allowing entire subnets is done by ending the range with a dot.
 allow hosts = 192.168.1.

 Subnet masks can be added in the classical way.
 allow hosts =

 You can also allow an entire subnet with exceptions.
 hosts allow = 10. except

15.2.2. hosts deny
 The hosts deny or deny hosts parameter is the logical counterpart of the previous. The
 syntax is the same as for hosts allow.
 hosts deny =,

15.3. security through obscurity
15.3.1. hide unreadable
 Setting hide unreadable to yes will prevent users from seeing files that cannot be read by
 hide unreadable = yes

15.3.2. browsable
 Setting the browseable = no directive will hide shares from My Network Places. But it will
 not prevent someone from accessing the share (when the name of the share is known).

 Note that browsable and browseable are both correct syntax.
  path = /srv/samba/readonly
  comment = files to read
  read only = yes
  guest ok = yes
  browseable = no

15.4. file system security
15.4.1. create mask
 You can use create mask and directory mask to set the maximum allowed permissions for
 newly created files and directories. The mask you set is an AND mask (it takes permissions
  path = /srv/samba/tennis
  read only = No

                                   samba securing shares

  guest ok = No
  create mask = 640
  directory mask = 750

15.4.2. force create mode
 Similar to create mask, but different. Where the mask from above was a logical AND, the
 mode you set here is a logical OR (so it adds permissions). You can use the force create
 mode and force directory mode to set the minimal required permissions for newly created
 files and directories.
  path = /srv/samba/tennis
  read only = No
  guest ok = No
  force create mode = 444
  force directory mode = 550

15.4.3. security mask
 The security mask and directory security mask work in the same way as create mask
 and directory mask, but apply only when a windows user is changing permissions using
 the windows security dialog box.

15.4.4. force security mode
 The force security mode and force directory security mode work in the same way as force
 create mode and force directory mode, but apply only when a windows user is changing
 permissions using the windows security dialog box.

15.4.5. inherit permissions
 With inherit permissions = yes you can force newly created files and directories to inherit
 permissions from their parent directory, overriding the create mask and directory mask
  path = /srv/samba/authwrite
  comment = authenticated users only
  read only = no
  guest ok = no
  create mask = 600
  directory mask = 555
  inherit permissions = yes

                                     samba securing shares

15.5. practice: securing shares
 1. Create a writable share called sales, and a readonly share called budget. Test that it works.

 2. Limit access to the sales share to ann, sandra and veronique.

 3. Make sure that roberto cannot access the sales share.

 4. Even though the sales share is writable, ann should only have read access.

 5. Even though the budget share is read only, sandra should also have write access.

 6. Limit one shared directory to the subnet, and another share to the two
 computers with ip-addresses and

 7. Make sure the computer with ip cannot access the budget share.

 8. Make sure (on the budget share) that users can see only files and directories to which
 they have access.

 9. Make sure the sales share is not visible when browsing the network.

 10. All files created in the sales share should have 640 permissions or less.

 11. All directories created in the budget share should have 750 permissions or more.

 12. Permissions for files on the sales share should never be set more than 664.

 13. Permissions for files on the budget share should never be set less than 500.

 14. If time permits (or if you are waiting for other students to finish this practice), then
 combine the "read only" and "writable" statements to check which one has priority.

 15. If time permits then combine "read list", "write list", "hosts allow" and "hosts deny".
 Which of these has priority ?

                                     samba securing shares

15.6. solution: securing shares
 1. Create a writable share called sales, and a readonly share called budget. Test that it works.
 see previous solutions on how to do this...

 2. Limit access to the sales share to ann, sandra and veronique.
 valid users = ann, sandra, veronique

 3. Make sure that roberto cannot access the sales share.
 invalid users = roberto

 4. Even though the sales share is writable, ann should only have read access.
 read list = ann

 5. Even though the budget share is read only, sandra should also have write access.
 write list = sandra

 6. Limit one shared directory to the subnet, and another share to the two
 computers with ip-addresses and
 hosts allow = 192.168.1.

 hosts allow =,

 7. Make sure the computer with ip cannot access the budget share.
 hosts deny =

 8. Make sure (on the budget share) that users can see only files and directories to which
 they have access.
 hide unreadable = yes

 9. Make sure the sales share is not visible when browsing the network.
 browsable = no

 10. All files created in the sales share should have 640 permissions or less.
 create mask = 640

 11. All directories created in the budget share should have 750 permissions or more.
 force directory mode = 750

 12. Permissions for files on the sales share should never be set more than 664.
 security mask = 750

 13. Permissions for files on the budget share should never be set less than 500.
 force security directory mask = 500

 14. If time permits (or if you are waiting for other students to finish this practice), then
 combine the "read only" and "writable" statements to check which one has priority.

                                  samba securing shares

15. If time permits then combine "read list", "write list", "hosts allow" and "hosts deny".
Which of these has priority ?

Chapter 16. samba domain member

                                    samba domain member

16.1. changes in smb.conf
16.1.1. workgroup
 The workgroup option in the global section should match the netbios name of the Active
 Directory domain.

 workgroup = STARGATE

16.1.2. security mode
 Authentication will not be handled by samba now, but by the Active Directory domain
 controllers, so we set the security option to domain.

 security = Domain

16.1.3. Linux uid's
 Linux requires a user account for every user accessing its file system, we need to provide
 Samba with a range of uid's and gid's that it can use to create these user accounts. The range
 is determined with the idmap uid and the idmap gid parameters. The first Active Directory
 user to connect will receive Linux uid 20000.

 idmap uid = 20000-22000
 idmap gid = 20000-22000

16.1.4. winbind use default domain
 The winbind use default domain parameter makes sure winbind also operates on users
 without a domain component in their name.

 winbind use default domain = yes

16.1.5. [global] section in smb.conf
 Below is our new global section in smb.conf.

  workgroup = STARGATE
  security = Domain
  server string = Stargate Domain Member Server
  idmap uid = 20000-22000
  idmap gid = 20000-22000
  winbind use default domain = yes

                                  samba domain member

16.1.6. realm in /etc/krb5.conf
 To connect to a Windows 2003 sp2 (or later) you will need to adjust the kerberos realm in
 /etc/krb5.conf and set both lookup statements to true.

  default_realm = STARGATE.LOCAL
  dns_lookup_realm = true
  dns_lookup_kdc = true

16.1.7. [share] section in smb.conf
 Nothing special is required for the share section in smb.conf. Remember that we do not
 manually create users in smbpasswd or on the Linux (/etc/passwd). Only Active Directory
 users are allowed access.

  path = /srv/samba/domaindata
  comment = Active Directory users only
  read only = No

16.2. joining an Active Directory domain
 While the Samba server is stopped, you can use net rpc join to join the Active Directory

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# service smb stop
 Shutting down SMB services:                                     [   OK   ]
 Shutting down NMB services:                                     [   OK   ]
 [root@RHEL52 samba]# net rpc join -U Administrator
 Joined domain STARGATE.

 We can verify in the aduc (Active Directory Users and Computers) that a computer account
 is created for this samba server.

                                   samba domain member

16.3. winbind
16.3.1. adding winbind to nsswitch.conf
  The winbind daemon is talking with the Active Directory domain.

  We need to update the /etc/nsswitch.conf file now, so user group and host names can be
  resolved against the winbind daemon.

  [root@RHEL52 samba]# vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
  [root@RHEL52 samba]# grep winbind /etc/nsswitch.conf
  passwd:     files winbind
  group:      files winbind
  hosts:      files dns winbind

16.3.2. starting samba and winbindd
  Time to start Samba followed by winbindd.

  [root@RHEL4b samba]# service smb start
  Starting SMB services:                                           [   OK   ]
  Starting NMB services:                                           [   OK   ]
  [root@RHEL4b samba]# service winbind start
  Starting winbindd services:                                      [   OK   ]
  [root@RHEL4b samba]#

16.4. wbinfo
16.4.1. verify the trust
  You can use wbinfo -t to verify the trust between your samba server and Active Directory.

                                    samba domain member

  [root@RHEL52 ~]# wbinfo -t
  checking the trust secret via RPC calls succeeded

16.4.2. list all users
  We can obtain a list of all user with the wbinfo -u command. The domain is not shown when
  the winbind use default domain parameter is set.

  [root@RHEL52 ~]# wbinfo -u

16.4.3. list all groups
  We can obtain a list of all domain groups with the wbinfo -g command. The domain is not
  shown when the winbind use default domain parameter is set.

  [root@RHEL52 ~]# wbinfo -g
  BATMAN\domain computers
  BATMAN\domain controllers
  BATMAN\schema admins
  BATMAN\enterprise admins
  BATMAN\domain admins
  BATMAN\domain users
  BATMAN\domain guests
  BATMAN\group policy creator owners

16.4.4. query a user
  We can use wbinfo -a to verify authentication of a user against Active Directory. Assuming
  a user account harry with password stargate is just created on the Active Directory, we get
  the following screenshot.

  [root@RHEL52 ~]# wbinfo -a harry%stargate
  plaintext password authentication succeeded
  challenge/response password authentication succeeded

16.5. getent
  We can use getent to verify that winbindd is working and actually adding the Active
  directory users to /etc/passwd.

                                  samba domain member

 [root@RHEL52 ~]# getent passwd harry
 harry:*:20000:20008:harry potter:/home/BATMAN/harry:/bin/false
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# getent passwd arthur
 arthur:*:20001:20008:arthur dent:/home/BATMAN/arthur:/bin/false
 [root@RHEL52 ~]# getent passwd bilbo
 bilbo:*:20002:20008:bilbo baggins:/home/BATMAN/bilbo:/bin/false

 If the user already exists locally, then the local user account is shown. This is because
 winbind is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf after files.

 [root@RHEL52 ~]# getent passwd paul
 paul:x:500:500:Paul Cobbaut:/home/paul:/bin/bash

 All the Active Directory users can now easily connect to the Samba share. Files created by
 them, belong to them.

16.6. file ownership
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# ll /srv/samba/domaindata/
 total 0
 -rwxr--r-- 1 justine 20000 0 Jun 22 19:54 create_by_justine_on_winxp.txt
 -rwxr--r-- 1 venus    20000 0 Jun 22 19:55 create_by_venus.txt
 -rwxr--r-- 1 maria    20000 0 Jun 22 19:57 Maria.txt

                                  samba domain member

16.7. practice : samba domain member
 1. Verify that you have a working Active Directory (AD) domain.

 2. Add the domain name and domain controller to /etc/hosts. Set the AD-DNS in /etc/

 3. Setup Samba as a member server in the domain.

 4. Verify the creation of a computer account in AD for your Samba server.

 5. Verify the automatic creation of AD users in /etc/passwd with wbinfo and getent.

 6. Connect to Samba shares with AD users, and verify ownership of their files.

Chapter 17. samba domain controller

                                  samba domain controller

17.1. about Domain Controllers
17.1.1. Windows NT4
 Windows NT4 works with single master replication domain controllers. There is exactly one
 PDC (Primary Domain Controller) in the domain, and zero or more BDC's (Backup Domain
 Controllers). Samba 3 has all features found in Windows NT4 PDC and BDC, and more.
 This includes file and print serving, domain control with single logon, logon scripts, home
 directories and roaming profiles.

17.1.2. Windows 200x
 With Windows 2000 came Active Directory. AD includes multimaster replication and group
 policies. Samba 3 can only be a member server in Active Directory, it cannot manage group
 policies. Samba 4 can do this (in beta).

17.1.3. Samba 3
 Samba 3 can act as a domain controller in its own domain. In a Windows NT4 domain, with
 one Windows NT4 PDC and zero or more BDC's, Samba 3 can only be a member server.
 The same is valid for Samba 3 in an Active Directory Domain. In short, a Samba 3 domain
 controller can not share domain control with Windows domain controllers.

17.1.4. Samba 4
 Samba 4 can be a domain controller in an Active Directory domain, including managing
 group policies. As of this writing, Samba 4 is not released for production!

17.2. About security modes
17.2.1. security = share
 The 'Windows for Workgroups' way of working, a client requests connection to a share
 and provides a password for that connection. Aanyone who knows a password for a share
 can access that share. This security model was common in Windows 3.11, Windows 95,
 Windows 98 and Windows ME.

17.2.2. security = user
 The client will send a userid + password before the server knows which share the client
 wants to access. This mode should be used whenever the samba server is in control of the
 user database. Both for standalone and samba domain controllers.

17.2.3. security = domain
 This mode will allow samba to verify user credentials using NTLM in Windows NT4 and
 in all Active Directory domains. This is similar to Windows NT4 BDC's joining a native
 Windows 2000/3 Active Directory domain.

                                   samba domain controller

17.2.4. security = ads
 This mode will make samba use Kerberos to connect to the Active Directory domain.

17.2.5. security = server
 This mode is obsolete, it can be used to forward authentication to another server.

17.3. About password backends
 The previous chapters all used the smbpasswd user database. For domain control we opt
 for the tdbsam password backend. Another option would be to use LDAP. Larger domains
 will benefit from using LDAP instead of the not so scalable tdbsam. When you need more
 than one Domain Controller, then the Samba team advises to not use tdbsam.

17.4. [global] section in smb.conf
 Now is a good time to start adding comments in your smb.conf. First we will take a look at
 the naming of our domain and server in the [global] section, and at the domain controlling

17.4.1. security
 The security must be set to user (which is the default). This mode will make samba control
 the user accounts, so it will allow samba to act as a domain controller.
 security = user

17.4.2. os level
 A samba server is the most stable computer in the network, so it should win all browser
 elections (os level above 32) to become the browser master
 os level = 33

17.4.3. passdb backend
 The passdb backend parameter will determine whether samba uses smbpasswd, tdbsam
 or ldap.
 passdb backend = tdbsam

17.4.4. preferred master
 Setting the preferred master parameter to yes will make the nmbd daemon force an election
 on startup.
 preferred master = yes

17.4.5. domain logons
 Setting the domain logons parameter will make this samba server a domain controller.

                                  samba domain controller

 domain logons = yes

17.4.6. domain master
 Setting the domain master parameter can cause samba to claim the domain master
 browser role for its workgroup. Don't use this parameter in a workgroup with an active
 domain master = yes

17.4.7. [global] section
 The screenshot below shows a sample [global] section for a samba domain controller.

 # names
  workgroup = SPORTS
  netbios name = DCSPORTS
  server string = Sports Domain Controller
 # domain control parameters
  security = user
  os level = 33
  preferred master = Yes
  domain master = Yes
  domain logons = Yes

17.5. netlogon share
 Part of the microsoft definition for a domain controller is that it should have a netlogon
 share. This is the relevant part of smb.conf to create this netlogon share on Samba.

 comment = Network Logon Service
 path = /srv/samba/netlogon
 admin users = root
 guest ok = Yes
 browseable = No

17.6. other [share] sections
 We create some sections for file shares, to test the samba server. Users can all access the
 general sports file share, but only group members can access their own sports share.

 comment = Information about all sports
 path = /srv/samba/sports
 valid users = @ntsports
 read only = No

 comment = Information about tennis
 path = /srv/samba/tennis
 valid users = @nttennis
 read only = No

                                     samba domain controller

 comment = Information about football
 path = /srv/samba/football
 valid users = @ntfootball
 read only = No

17.7. Users and Groups
 To be able to use users and groups in the samba domain controller, we can first set up some
 groups on the Linux computer.

 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   groupadd   ntadmins
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   groupadd   ntsports
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   groupadd   ntfootball
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   groupadd   nttennis

 This enables us to add group membership info to some new users for our samba domain.
 Don't forget to give them a password.

 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntadmins Administrator
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,nttennis venus
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,nttennis kim
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,nttennis jelena
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,ntfootball figo
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,ntfootball ronaldo
 [root@RHEL52   samba]#   useradd   -m   -G   ntsports,ntfootball pfaff

 It is always safe to verify creation of users, groups and passwords in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow
 and /etc/group.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# tail -11 /etc/group

17.8. tdbsam
 Next we must make these users known to samba with the smbpasswd tool. When you add
 the first user to tdbsam, the file /etc/samba/passdb.tdb will be created.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# smbpasswd -a root
 New SMB password:

                                   samba domain controller

 Retype new SMB password:
 tdbsam_open: Converting version 0 database to version 3.
 Added user root.

 Adding all the other users generates less output, because tdbsam is already created.

 [root@RHEL4b samba]# smbpasswd -a root
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 Added user root.

17.9. about computer accounts
 Every NT computer (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista) can become a member of a domain.
 Joining the domain (by right-clicking on My Computer) means that a computer account will
 be created in the domain. This computer account also has a password (but you cannot know
 it) to prevent other computers with the same name from accidentally becoming member of
 the domain. The computer account created by Samba is visible in the /etc/passwd file on
 Linux. Computer accounts appear as a normal user account, but end their name with a dollar
 sign. Below a screenshot of the windows 2003 computer account, created by Samba 3.

 [root@RHEL52 samba]# tail -5 /etc/passwd

 To be able to create the account, you will need to provide credentials of an account with
 the permission to create accounts (by default only root can do this on Linux). And we will
 have to tell Samba how to to this, by adding an add machine script to the global section
 of smb.conf.

 add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/nobody %u

 You can now join a Microsoft computer to the sports domain (with the root user). After
 reboot of the Microsoft computer, you will be able to logon with Administrator (password
 Stargate1), but you will get an error about your roaming profile. We will fix this in the next

 When joining the samba domain, you have to enter the credentials of a Linux account that
 can create users (usually only root can do this). If the Microsoft computer complains with
 The parameter is incorrect, then you possibly forgot to add the add machine script.

17.10. local or roaming profiles
 For your information, if you want to force local profiles instead of roaming profiles, then
 simply add the following two lines to the global section in smb.conf.

                                   samba domain controller

 logon home =
 logon path =

 Microsoft computers store a lot of User Metadata and application data in a user profile.
 Making this profile available on the network will enable users to keep their Desktop and
 Application settings across computers. User profiles on the network are called roaming
 profiles or roving profiles. The Samba domain controller can manage these profiles. First
 we need to add the relevant section in smb.conf.

  comment = User Profiles
  path = /srv/samba/profiles
  readonly = No
  profile acls = Yes

 Besides the share section, we also need to set the location of the profiles share (this can be
 another Samba server) in the global section.

 logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U

 The %L variable is the name of this Samba server, the %U variable translates to the
 username. After adding a user to smbpasswd and letting the user log on and off, the profile
 of the user will look like this.

 [root@RHEL4b samba]# ll /srv/samba/profiles/Venus/
 total 568
 drwxr-xr-x 4 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Application Data
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Cookies
 drwxr-xr-x 3 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Desktop
 drwxr-xr-x 3 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Favorites
 drwxr-xr-x 4 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 My Documents
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 NetHood
 -rwxr--r-- 1 Venus Venus 524288 Jul 5 2007 NTUSER.DAT
 -rwxr--r-- 1 Venus Venus    1024 Jul 5 2007 NTUSER.DAT.LOG
 -rw-r--r-- 1 Venus Venus     268 Jul 5 10:03 ntuser.ini
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 PrintHood
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Recent
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 SendTo
 drwxr-xr-x 3 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Start Menu
 drwxr-xr-x 2 Venus Venus    4096 Jul 5 10:03 Templates

17.11. Groups in NTFS acls
 We have users on Unix, we have groups on Unix that contain those users.

 [root@RHEL4b samba]# grep nt /etc/group

                                    samba domain controller

 [root@RHEL4b samba]#

 We already added Venus to the tdbsam with smbpasswd.
 smbpasswd -a Venus

 Does this mean that Venus can access the tennis and the sports shares ? Yes, all access
 works fine on the Samba server. But the nttennis group is not available on the windows
 machines. To make the groups available on windows (like in the ntfs security tab of files
 and folders), we have to map unix groups to windows groups. To do this, we use the net
 groupmap command.

 [root@RHEL4b samba]# net groupmap add ntgroup="tennis" unixgroup=nttennis type=d
 No rid or sid specified, choosing algorithmic mapping
 Successully added group tennis to the mapping db
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# net groupmap add ntgroup="football" unixgroup=ntfootball type=d
 No rid or sid specified, choosing algorithmic mapping
 Successully added group football to the mapping db
 [root@RHEL4b samba]# net groupmap add ntgroup="sports" unixgroup=ntsports type=d
 No rid or sid specified, choosing algorithmic mapping
 Successully added group sports to the mapping db
 [root@RHEL4b samba]#

 Now you can use the Samba groups on all NTFS volumes on members of the domain.

17.12. logon scripts
 Before testing a logon script, make sure it has the proper carriage returns that DOS files have.

 [root@RHEL4b netlogon]# cat start.bat
 net use Z: \\DCSPORTS0\SPORTS
 [root@RHEL4b netlogon]# unix2dos start.bat
 unix2dos: converting file start.bat to DOS format ...
 [root@RHEL4b netlogon]#

 Then copy the scripts to the netlogon share, and add the following parameter to smb.conf.
 logon script = start.bat

                                    samba domain controller

17.13. practice: samba domain controller
 1. Setup Samba as a domain controller.

 2. Create the shares salesdata, salespresentations and meetings. Salesdata must be accessible
 to all sales people and to all managers. SalesPresentations is only for all sales people.
 Meetings is only accessible to all managers. Use groups to accomplish this.

 3. Join a Microsoft computer to your domain. Verify the creation of a computer account
 in /etc/passwd.

 4. Setup and verify the proper working of roaming profiles.

 5. Find information about home directories for users, set them up and verify that users receive
 their home directory mapped under the H:-drive in MS Windows Explorer.

 6. Use a couple of samba domain groups with members to set acls on ntfs. Verify that it

 7. Knowing that the %m variable contains the computername, create a separate log file for
 every computer(account).

 8. Knowing that %s contains the client operating system, include a smb.%s.conf file that
 contains a share. (The share will only be visible to clients with that OS).

 9. If time permits (or if you are waiting for other students to finish this practice), then
 combine "valid users" and "invalid users" with groups and usernames with "hosts allow"
 and "hosts deny" and make a table of which get priority over which.

Chapter 18. a brief look at samba 4

a brief look at samba 4

                                      a brief look at samba 4

18.1. Samba 4 alpha 6
 A quick view on Samba 4 alpha 6 (January 2009). You can also follow this guide http://

 Remove old Samba from Red Hat
 yum remove samba

 set a fix ip address (Red Hat has an easy GUI)

 download and untar, click 'download info', choose mirror, dl samba4 latest alpha

 once untarred, enter the directory and read the howto4.txt
 cd samba-4.0.0alpha6/

 more howto4.txt

 first we have to configure, compile and install samba4
 cd source4/



 make install

 Then we can use the provision script to setup our realm. I used booi.schot as domain name
 (instead of

 ./setup/provision --realm=BOOI.SCHOT --domain=BOOI --adminpass=stargate \
 --server-role='domain controller'

 i added a simple share for testing
 vi /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf

 then i started samba
 cd /usr/local/samba/sbin/


 I tested with smbclient, it works
 smbclient //localhost/test -Uadministrator%stargate

 I checked that bind (and bind-chroot) were installed (yes), so copied the srv records
 cp /var/named/chroot/etc/

 then appended to named.conf
 cat named.conf >> /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf

                                     a brief look at samba 4

I followed these steps in the howto4.txt

vi /etc/init.d/named [added two export lines right after start()]
chmod a+r /usr/local/samba/private/dns.keytab
cp krb5.conf /etc/
vi /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
 --> remove a lot, but keep allow-update { any; };

restart bind (named!), then tested dns with dig, this works (stripped screenshot!)

[root@RHEL52 private]# dig _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.booi.schot SRV @localhost

; (1 server found)
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 58186
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.booi.schot. IN SRV


;;   Query time: 54 msec
;;   SERVER:
;;   WHEN: Tue Jan 27 20:57:05 2009
;;   MSG SIZE rcvd: 124

[root@RHEL52 private]#

made sure /etc/resolv.conf points to himself

[root@RHEL52 private]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search booi.schot

start windows 2003 server, enter the samba4 as DNS!

ping the domain, if it doesn't work, then add your redhats hostname and your realm to

join the windows computer to the domain

reboot the windows

log on with administrator stargate

start run dsa.msc to manage samba4

create an OU, a user and a GPO, test that it works

Part VII. selinux
Table of Contents
 19. introduction to SELinux ..................................................................................................................... 209
       19.1. selinux modes ............................................................................................................................ 210
       19.2. logging ....................................................................................................................................... 210
       19.3. activating selinux ...................................................................................................................... 210
       19.4. getenforce .................................................................................................................................. 211
       19.5. setenforce ................................................................................................................................... 211
       19.6. sestatus ....................................................................................................................................... 212
       19.7. policy ......................................................................................................................................... 212
       19.8. /etc/selinux/config ...................................................................................................................... 212
       19.9. DAC or MAC ........................................................................................................................... 213
       19.10. ls -Z ......................................................................................................................................... 213
       19.11. -Z ............................................................................................................................................. 213
       19.12. /selinux ..................................................................................................................................... 214
       19.13. identity ..................................................................................................................................... 214
       19.14. role ........................................................................................................................................... 214
       19.15. type (or domain) ..................................................................................................................... 215
       19.16. security context ....................................................................................................................... 216
       19.17. transition .................................................................................................................................. 216
       19.18. extended attributes .................................................................................................................. 217
       19.19. process security context .......................................................................................................... 217
       19.20. chcon ....................................................................................................................................... 217
       19.21. an example .............................................................................................................................. 218
       19.22. setroubleshoot .......................................................................................................................... 220
       19.23. booleans ................................................................................................................................... 222

Chapter 19. introduction to SELinux
 Security Enhanced Linux or SELinux is a set of modifications developed by the United
 States National Security Agency (NSA) to provide a variety of security policies for Linux.
 SELinux was released as open source at the end of 2000. Since kernel version 2.6 it is an
 integrated part of Linux.

 SELinux offers security! SELinux can control what kind of access users have to files and
 processes. Even when a file received chmod 777, SELinux can still prevent applications
 from accessing it (Unix file permissions are checked first!). SELinux does this by placing
 users in roles that represent a security context. Administrators have very strict control on
 access permissions granted to roles.

 SELinux is present in the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian, CentOS,
 Fedora, and many other distributions..

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.1. selinux modes
 selinux knows three modes: enforcing, permissive and disabled. The enforcing mode will
 enforce policies, and may deny access based on selinux rules. The permissive mode will not
 enforce policies, but can still log actions that would have been denied in enforcing mode.
 The disabled mode disables selinux.

19.2. logging
 Verify that syslog is running and activated on boot to enable logging of deny messages in
 [root@rhel55 ~]# chkconfig --list syslog
 syslog          0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

 Verify that auditd is running and activated on boot to enable logging of easier to read
 messages in /var/log/audit/audit.log.
 [root@rhel55 ~]# chkconfig --list auditd
 auditd          0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

 If not activated, then run chkconfig --levels 2345 auditd on and service auditd start.
 [root@rhel55 ~]# service auditd status
 auditd (pid 1660) is running...
 [root@rhel55 ~]# service syslog status
 syslogd (pid 1688) is running...
 klogd (pid 1691) is running...

 The /var/log/messages log file will tell you that selinux is disabled.
 root@deb503:~# grep -i selinux /var/log/messages
 Jun 25 15:59:34 deb503 kernel: [    0.084083] SELinux:          Disabled at boot.

 Or that it is enabled.
 root@deb503:~# grep SELinux /var/log/messages | grep -i Init
 Jun 25 15:09:52 deb503 kernel: [    0.084094] SELinux: Initializing.

19.3. activating selinux
 On RHEL you can use the GUI tool to activate selinux, on Debian there is the selinux-
 activate command. Activation requires a reboot.
 root@deb503:~# selinux-activate
 Activating SE Linux
 Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
 Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default
 Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst
 Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...
 Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686
 Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done

 SE Linux is activated.     You may need to reboot now.

                                  introduction to SELinux

19.4. getenforce
 Use getenforce to verify whether selinux is enforced, disabled or permissive.
 [root@rhel55 ~]# getenforce

 The /selinux/enforce file contains 1 when enforcing, and 0 when permissive mode is active.
 root@fedora13 ~# cat /selinux/enforce
 1root@fedora13 ~#

19.5. setenforce
 You can use setenforce to switch between the Permissive or the Enforcing state once
 selinux is activated..
 [root@rhel55   ~]# setenforce Enforcing
 [root@rhel55   ~]# getenforce
 [root@rhel55   ~]# setenforce Permissive
 [root@rhel55   ~]# getenforce

 Or you could just use 0 and 1 as argument.
 [root@centos65   ~]# setenforce 1
 [root@centos65   ~]# getenforce
 [root@centos65   ~]# setenforce 0
 [root@centos65   ~]# getenforce
 [root@centos65   ~]#

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.6. sestatus
 You can see the current selinux status and policy with the sestatus command.
 [root@rhel55 ~]# sestatus
 SELinux status:                      enabled
 SELinuxfs mount:                     /selinux
 Current mode:                        permissive
 Mode from config file:               permissive
 Policy version:                      21
 Policy from config file:             targeted

19.7. policy
 Most Red Hat server will have the targeted policy. Only NSA/FBI/CIA/DOD/HLS use the
 mls policy.

 The targted policy will protect hundreds of processes, but lets other processes run
 'unconfined' (= they can do anything).

19.8. /etc/selinux/config
 The main configuration file for selinux is /etc/selinux/config. When in permissive mode,
 the file looks like this.

 The targeted policy is selected in /etc/selinux/config.
 [root@centos65 ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config
 # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
 # SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
 #       enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
 #       permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
 #       disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.
 # SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:
 #       targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.
 #       strict - Full SELinux protection.

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.9. DAC or MAC
 Standard Unix permissions use Discretionary Access Control to set permissions on files.
 This means that a user that owns a file, can make it world readable by typing chmod 777

 With selinux the kernel will enforce Mandatory Access Control which strictly controls
 what processes or threads can do with files (superseding DAC). Processes are confined by
 the kernel to the minimum access they require.

 SELinux MAC is about labeling and type enforcing! Files, processes, etc are all labeled with
 an SELinux context. For files, these are extended attributes, for processes this is managed
 by the kernel.

 The format of the labels is as follows:

 We only use the type label in the targeted policy.

19.10. ls -Z
 To see the DAC permissions on a file, use ls -l to display user and group owner and

 For MAC permissions there is new -Z option added to ls. The output shows that file in /root
 have a XXXtype of admin_home_t.
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls    -Z
 -rw-------. root root    system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0 anaconda-ks.cfg
 -rw-r--r--. root root    system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0 install.log
 -rw-r--r--. root root    system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0 install.log.syslog

 [root@centos65 ~]# useradd -m -s /bin/bash pol
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls -Z /home/pol/.bashrc
 -rw-r--r--. pol pol unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 /home/pol/.bashrc

19.11. -Z
 There are also some other tools with the -Z switch:
 mkdir -Z
 cp -Z
 ps -Z
 netstat -Z

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.12. /selinux
 When selinux is active, there is a new virtual file system named /selinux. (You can compare
 it to /proc and /dev.)
 [root@centos65   ~]# ls -l /selinux/
 total 0
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 access
 dr-xr-xr-x. 2    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 avc
 dr-xr-xr-x. 2    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 booleans
 -rw-r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 checkreqprot
 dr-xr-xr-x. 83   root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 class
 --w-------. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 commit_pending_bools
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 context
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 create
 -r--r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 deny_unknown
 --w-------. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 disable
 -rw-r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 enforce
 dr-xr-xr-x. 2    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 initial_contexts
 -rw-------. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 load
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 member
 -r--r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 mls
 crw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root 1, 3 Apr 12 19:40 null
 -r--------. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 policy
 dr-xr-xr-x. 2    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 policy_capabilities
 -r--r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 policyvers
 -r--r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 reject_unknown
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 relabel
 -r--r--r--. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 status
 -rw-rw-rw-. 1    root   root    0 Apr 12 19:40 user

 Although some files in /selinux appear wih size 0, they often contain a boolean value. Check
 /selinux/enforce to see if selinux is running in enforced mode.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# ls -l /selinux/enforce
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 29 08:21 /selinux/enforce
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# echo $(cat /selinux/enforce)

19.13. identity
 The SELinux Identity of a user is distinct from the user ID. An identity is part of a security
 context, and (via domains) determines what you can do. The screenshot shows user root
 having identity user_u.
 [root@rhel55 ~]# id -Z

19.14. role
 The selinux role defines the domains that can be used. A role is denied to enter a domain,
 unless the role is explicitely authorized to do so.

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.15. type (or domain)
 The selinux context is the security context of a process. An selinux type determines what a
 process can do. The screenshot shows init running in type init_t and the mingetty's running
 in type getty_t.
 [root@centos65 ~]# ps fax -Z | grep /sbin/init
 system_u:system_r:init_t:s0         1 ?         Ss              0:00 /sbin/init
 [root@centos65 ~]# ps fax -Z | grep getty_t
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1307 tty1    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty1
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1309 tty2    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty2
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1311 tty3    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty3
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1313 tty4    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty4
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1320 tty5    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty5
 system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0   1322 tty6    Ss+             0:00   /sbin/mingetty   /dev/tty6

 The selinux type is similar to an selinux domain, but refers to directories and files instead
 of processes.

 Hundreds of binaries also have a type:
 [root@centos65 sbin]#    ls -lZ useradd usermod userdel httpd postcat postfix
 -rwxr-xr-x. root root    system_u:object_r:httpd_exec_t:s0 httpd
 -rwxr-xr-x. root root    system_u:object_r:postfix_master_exec_t:s0 postcat
 -rwxr-xr-x. root root    system_u:object_r:postfix_master_exec_t:s0 postfix
 -rwxr-x---. root root    system_u:object_r:useradd_exec_t:s0 useradd
 -rwxr-x---. root root    system_u:object_r:useradd_exec_t:s0 userdel
 -rwxr-x---. root root    system_u:object_r:useradd_exec_t:s0 usermod

 Ports also have a context.
 [root@centos65 sbin]# netstat -nptlZ | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f6-

 Foreign Address State PID/Program name Security Context
 LISTEN 1096/rpcbind system_u:system_r:rpcbind_t:s0
 LISTEN 1208/sshd system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
 LISTEN 1284/master system_u:system_r:postfix_master_t:s0
 LISTEN 1114/rpc.statd system_u:system_r:rpcd_t:s0
 LISTEN 1096/rpcbind system_u:system_r:rpcbind_t:s0
 LISTEN 1666/httpd unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
 LISTEN 1208/sshd system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
 LISTEN 1114/rpc.statd system_u:system_r:rpcd_t:s0
 LISTEN 1284/master system_u:system_r:postfix_master_t:s0

 You can also get a list of ports that are managed by SELinux:
 [root@centos65 ~]# semanage port -l | tail
 xfs_port_t                     tcp      7100
 xserver_port_t                 tcp      6000-6150
 zabbix_agent_port_t            tcp      10050
 zabbix_port_t                  tcp      10051
 zarafa_port_t                  tcp      236, 237
 zebra_port_t                   tcp      2600-2604, 2606
 zebra_port_t                   udp      2600-2604, 2606
 zented_port_t                  tcp      1229
 zented_port_t                  udp      1229
 zope_port_t                    tcp      8021

                                    introduction to SELinux

19.16. security context
 The combination of identity, role and domain or type make up the selinux security context.
 The id will show you your security context in the form identity:role:domain.
 [paul@RHEL5 ~]$ id | cut -d' ' -f4

 The ls -Z command shows the security context for a file in the form identity:role:type.
 [paul@RHEL5 ~]$ ls -Z test
 -rw-rw-r-- paul paul user_u:object_r:user_home_t                 test

 The security context for processes visible in /proc defines both the type (of the file in /proc)
 and the domain (of the running process). Let's take a look at the init process and /proc/1/ .

 The init process runs in domain init_t.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# ps -ZC init
 LABEL                                   PID TTY             TIME CMD
 system_u:system_r:init_t                  1 ?           00:00:01 init

 The /proc/1/ directory, which identifies the init process, has type init_t.
 [root@RHEL5 ~]# ls -Zd /proc/1/
 dr-xr-xr-x root root system_u:system_r:init_t                    /proc/1/

 It is not a coincidence that the domain of the init process and the type of /proc/1/ are both

 Don't try to use chcon on /proc! It will not work.

19.17. transition
 An selinux transition (aka an selinux labelling) determines the security context that will be
 assigned. A transition of process domains is used when you execute a process. A transition
 of file type happens when you create a file.

 An example of file type transition.
 [pol@centos65 ~]$ touch test /tmp/test
 [pol@centos65 ~]$ ls -Z test
 -rw-rw-r--. pol pol unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 test
 [pol@centos65 ~]$ ls -Z /tmp/test
 -rw-rw-r--. pol pol unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0 /tmp/test

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.18. extended attributes
 Extended attributes are used by selinux to store security contexts. These attributes can be
 viewed with ls when selinux is running.
 [root@RHEL5   home]# ls   --context
 drwx------    paul paul   system_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t paul
 drwxr-xr-x    root root   user_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t project42
 drwxr-xr-x    root root   user_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t project55
 [root@RHEL5   home]# ls   -Z
 drwx------    paul paul   system_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t paul
 drwxr-xr-x    root root   user_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t project42
 drwxr-xr-x    root root   user_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t project55
 [root@RHEL5   home]#

 When selinux is not running, then getfattr is the tool to use.
 [root@RHEL5 etc]# getfattr -m . -d hosts
 # file: hosts

19.19. process security context
 A new option is added to ps to see the selinux security context of processes.
 [root@RHEL5 etc]# ps -ZC mingetty
 LABEL                              PID TTY                 TIME CMD
 system_u:system_r:getty_t         2941 tty1            00:00:00 mingetty
 system_u:system_r:getty_t         2942 tty2            00:00:00 mingetty

19.20. chcon
 Use chcon to change the selinux security context.

 This example shows how to use chcon to change the type of a file.
 [root@rhel55 ~]#   ls -Z /var/www/html/test42.txt
 -rw-r--r-- root    root user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/test4\
 [root@rhel55 ~]#   chcon -t samba_share_t /var/www/html/test42.txt
 [root@rhel55 ~]#   ls -Z /var/www/html/test42.txt
 -rw-r--r-- root    root user_u:object_r:samba_share_t    /var/www/html/test42.txt

 Be sure to read man chcon.

                                   introduction to SELinux

19.21. an example
 The Apache2 webserver is by default targeted with SELinux. The next screenshot shows
 that any file created in /var/www/html will by default get the httpd_sys_content_t type.
 [root@centos65 ~]# touch /var/www/html/test42.txt
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls -Z /var/www/html/test42.txt
 -rw-r--r--. root root unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 /var/www/h\

 Files created elsewhere do not get this type.
 [root@centos65 ~]# touch /root/test42.txt
 [root@centos65 ~]# ls -Z /root/test42.txt
 -rw-r--r--. root root unconfined_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0 /root/test42.txt

 Make sure Apache2 runs.
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd:                                                      [    OK   ]
 Starting httpd:                                                      [    OK   ]

 Will this work ? Yes it does.
 [root@centos65 ~]# wget http://localhost/test42.txt
 --2014-04-12 20:56:47-- http://localhost/test42.txt
 Resolving localhost... ::1,
 Connecting to localhost|::1|:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 0 [text/plain]
 Saving to: “test42.txt”

 Why does this work ? Because Apache2 runs in the httpd_t domain and the files in /var/
 www/html have the httpd_sys_content_t type.
 [root@centos65 ~]# ps -ZC httpd | head -4
 LABEL                             PID TTY                  TIME   CMD
 unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 1666 ?                00:00:00   httpd
 unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 1668 ?                00:00:00   httpd
 unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 1669 ?                00:00:00   httpd

                                  introduction to SELinux

So let's set SELinux to enforcing and change the type of this file.
[root@centos65 ~]# chcon -t samba_share_t /var/www/html/test42.txt
[root@centos65 ~]# ls -Z /var/www/html/test42.txt
-rw-r--r--. root root unconfined_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0 /var/www/html/t\
[root@centos65 ~]# setenforce 1
[root@centos65 ~]# getenforce

There are two possibilities now: either it works, or it fails. It works when selinux is in
permissive mode, it fails when in enforcing mode.
[root@centos65 ~]# wget http://localhost/test42.txt
--2014-04-12 21:05:02-- http://localhost/test42.txt
Resolving localhost... ::1,
Connecting to localhost|::1|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2014-04-12 21:05:02 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

The log file gives you a cryptic message...
[root@centos65 ~]# tail -3 /var/log/audit/audit.log
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1398200702.803:64): arch=c000003e syscall=4 succ\
ess=no exit=-13 a0=7f5fbc334d70 a1=7fff553b4f10 a2=7fff553b4f10 a3=0 it\
ems=0 ppid=1666 pid=1673 auid=500 uid=48 gid=48 euid=48 suid=48 fsuid=4\
8 egid=48 sgid=48 fsgid=48 tty=(none) ses=1 comm="httpd" exe="/usr/sbin\
/httpd" subj=unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 key=(null)
type=AVC msg=audit(1398200702.804:65): avc: denied { getattr } for p\
id=1673 comm="httpd" path="/var/www/html/test42.txt" dev=dm-0 ino=26324\
1 scontext=unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:objec\
t_r:samba_share_t:s0 tclass=file
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1398200702.804:65): arch=c000003e syscall=6 succ\
ess=no exit=-13 a0=7f5fbc334e40 a1=7fff553b4f10 a2=7fff553b4f10 a3=1 it\
ems=0 ppid=1666 pid=1673 auid=500 uid=48 gid=48 euid=48 suid=48 fsuid=4\
8 egid=48 sgid=48 fsgid=48 tty=(none) ses=1 comm="httpd" exe="/usr/sbin\
/httpd" subj=unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 key=(null)

And /var/log/messages mentions nothing of the failed download.

                                    introduction to SELinux

19.22. setroubleshoot
 The log file above was not very helpful, but these two packages can make your life much
 [root@centos65 ~]# yum -y install setroubleshoot setroubleshoot-server

 You need to reboot for this to work...

 So we reboot, restart the httpd server, reactive SELinux Enforce, and do the wget again...
 and it fails (because of SELinux).
 [root@centos65 ~]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd:                                                  [FAILED]
 Starting httpd:                                                  [ OK ]
 [root@centos65 ~]# getenforce
 [root@centos65 ~]# setenforce 1
 [root@centos65 ~]# getenforce
 [root@centos65 ~]# wget http://localhost/test42.txt
 --2014-04-12 21:44:13-- http://localhost/test42.txt
 Resolving localhost... ::1,
 Connecting to localhost|::1|:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
 2014-04-12 21:44:13 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

 The /var/log/audit/ is still not out best friend, but take a look at /var/log/messages.
 [root@centos65 ~]# tail -2 /var/log/messages
 Apr 12 21:44:16 centos65 setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/h\
 ttpd from getattr access on the file /var/www/html/test42.txt. For complete \
 SELinux messages. run sealert -l b2a84386-54c1-4344-96fb-dcf969776696
 Apr 12 21:44:16 centos65 setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/h\
 ttpd from getattr access on the file /var/www/html/test42.txt. For complete \
 SELinux messages. run sealert -l b2a84386-54c1-4344-96fb-dcf969776696

 So we run the command it suggests...
 [root@centos65 ~]# sealert -l b2a84386-54c1-4344-96fb-dcf969776696
 SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/httpd from getattr access on the file /va\

 *****   Plugin restorecon (92.2 confidence) suggests          *********************

 If you want to fix the label.
 /var/www/html/test42.txt default label should be httpd_sys_content_t.
 Then you can run restorecon.
 # /sbin/restorecon -v /var/www/html/test42.txt

                                 introduction to SELinux

We follow the friendly advice and try again to download our file:
[root@centos65 ~]# /sbin/restorecon -v /var/www/html/test42.txt
/sbin/restorecon reset /var/www/html/test42.txt context unconfined_u:objec\
[root@centos65 ~]# wget http://localhost/test42.txt
--2014-04-12 21:54:03-- http://localhost/test42.txt
Resolving localhost... ::1,
Connecting to localhost|::1|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

It works!

                                  introduction to SELinux

19.23. booleans
 Booleans are on/off switches
 [root@centos65 ~]# getsebool -a | head
 abrt_anon_write --> off
 abrt_handle_event --> off
 allow_console_login --> on
 allow_cvs_read_shadow --> off
 allow_daemons_dump_core --> on
 allow_daemons_use_tcp_wrapper --> off
 allow_daemons_use_tty --> on
 allow_domain_fd_use --> on
 allow_execheap --> off
 allow_execmem --> on

 You can set and read individual booleans.
 [root@centos65 ~]# setsebool httpd_read_user_content=1
 [root@centos65 ~]# getsebool httpd_read_user_content
 httpd_read_user_content --> on
 [root@centos65 ~]# setsebool httpd_enable_homedirs=1
 [root@centos65 ~]# getsebool httpd_enable_homedirs
 httpd_enable_homedirs --> on

 You can set these booleans permanent.
 [root@centos65 ~]# setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs=1
 [root@centos65 ~]# setsebool -P httpd_read_user_content=1

 The above commands regenerate the complete /etc/selinux/targeted directory!
 [root@centos65 ~]# cat /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/booleans.local
 # This file is auto-generated by libsemanage
 # Do not edit directly.


Part VIII. introducing git
Table of Contents
 20. git ...........................................................................................................................................................   225
       20.1. git ...............................................................................................................................................       226
       20.2. installing git ..............................................................................................................................             227
       20.3. starting a project .......................................................................................................................                227
       20.4. git branches ...............................................................................................................................              230
       20.5. to be continued... .......................................................................................................................                231
       20.6. .................................................................................................................................              232
       20.7. add your public key to github ..................................................................................................                          232
       20.8. practice: git ................................................................................................................................            233

Chapter 20. git
 This chapter is an introduction to using git on the command line. The git repository is hosted
 by github, but you are free to choose another server (or create your own).

 There are many excellent online tutorials for git. This list can save you one Google query:


20.1. git
 Linus Torvalds created git back in 2005 when Bitkeeper changed its license and the Linux
 kernel developers where no longer able to use it for free.

 git quickly became popular and is now the most widely used distributed version control
 system in the world.

 Geek and Poke demonstrates why we need version control (image property of Geek and
 Poke CCA 3.0).

 Besides source code for software, you can also find German and Icelandic law on github
 (and probably much more by the time you are reading this).


20.2. installing git
  We install git with aptitude install git as seen in this screenshot on Debian 6.
  root@debian6:~# aptitude install git
  The following NEW packages will be installed:
    git libcurl3-gnutls{a} liberror-perl{a}
  0 packages upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  Processing triggers for man-db ...
  Setting up libcurl3-gnutls (7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2) ...
  Setting up liberror-perl (0.17-1) ...
  Setting up git (1: ...

20.3. starting a project
  First we create a project directory, with a simple file in it.
  paul@debian6~$ mkdir project42
  paul@debian6~$ cd project42/
  paul@debian6~/project42$ echo "echo The answer is 42." >>

20.3.1. git init
  Then we tell git to create an empty git repository in this directory.
  paul@debian6~/project42$ ls -la
  total 12
  drwxrwxr-x 2 paul paul 4096 Dec 8          16:41 .
  drwxr-xr-x 46 paul paul 4096 Dec 8         16:41 ..
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 paul paul    23 Dec 8         16:41
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git init
  Initialized empty Git repository in        /home/paul/project42/.git/
  paul@debian6~/project42$ ls -la
  total 16
  drwxrwxr-x 3 paul paul 4096 Dec 8          16:44    .
  drwxr-xr-x 46 paul paul 4096 Dec 8         16:41    ..
  drwxrwxr-x 7 paul paul 4096 Dec 8          16:44    .git
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 paul paul    23 Dec 8         16:41

20.3.2. git config
  Next we use git config to set some global options.
  paul@debian6$ git config --global Paul
  paul@debian6$ git config --global ""
  paul@debian6$ git config --global core.editor vi

  We can verify this config in ~/.gitconfig:
  paul@debian6~/project42$ cat ~/.gitconfig
   name = Paul
   email =
   editor = vi

20.3.3. git add
  Time now to add file to our project with git add, and verify that it is added with git status.


  paul@debian6~/project42$ git add
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
  # On branch master
  # Initial commit
  # Changes to be committed:
  #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
  # new file:

  The git status tells us there is a new file ready to be committed.

20.3.4. git commit
  With git commit you force git to record all added files (and all changes to those files)
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git commit -m "starting a project"
  [master (root-commit) 5c10768] starting a project
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
   create mode 100644
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
  # On branch master
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)

20.3.5. changing a committed file
  The screenshots below show several steps. First we change a file:
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
  # On branch master
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)
  paul@debian6~/project42$ vi

  Then we verify the status and see that it is modified:
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
  # On branch master
  # Changes not staged for commit:
  #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  # modified:
  no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

  Next we add it to the git repository.
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git add
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git commit -m "adding a she-bang to the main script"
  [master 86b8347] adding a she-bang to the main script
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
  paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
  # On branch master
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)

20.3.6. git log
  We can see all our commits again using git log.


 paul@debian6~/project42$ git log
 commit 86b8347192ea025815df7a8e628d99474b41fb6c
 Author: Paul <>
 Date:   Sat Dec 8 17:12:24 2012 +0100

     adding a she-bang to the main script

 commit 5c10768f29aecc16161fb197765e0f14383f7bca
 Author: Paul <>
 Date:   Sat Dec 8 17:09:29 2012 +0100

     starting a project

 The log format can be changed.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git log --pretty=oneline
 86b8347192ea025815df7a8e628d99474b41fb6c adding a she-bang to the main script
 5c10768f29aecc16161fb197765e0f14383f7bca starting a project

 The log format can be customized a lot.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git log --pretty=format:"%an: %ar :%s"
 Paul: 8 minutes ago :adding a she-bang to the main script
 Paul: 11 minutes ago :starting a project

20.3.7. git mv
 Renaming a file can be done with mv followed by a git remove and a git add of the new
 filename. But it can be done easier and in one command using git mv.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git mv
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git status
 # On branch master
 # Changes to be committed:
 #    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
 # renamed: ->
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git commit -m "improved naming scheme"
 [master 69b2c8b] improved naming scheme
   1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   rename => (100%)


20.4. git branches
 Working on the project can be done in one or more git branches. Here we create a new
 branch that will make changes to the script. We will merge this branch with the master
 branch when we are sure the script works. (It can be useful to add git status commands
 when practicing).
 paul@debian6~/project42$    git branch
 * master
 paul@debian6~/project42$    git checkout -b newheader
 Switched to a new branch    'newheader'
 paul@debian6~/project42$    vi
 paul@debian6~/project42$    git add
 paul@debian6~/project42$    source
 The answer is 42.

 It seems to work, so we commit in this branch.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git commit -m "adding a new company header"
 [newheader 730a22b] adding a new company header
   1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git branch
 * newheader
 paul@debian6~/project42$ cat
 # copyright

 echo The answer is 42.

 Let us go back to the master branch and see what happened there.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git checkout master
 Switched to branch 'master'
 paul@debian6~/project42$ cat
 echo The answer is 42.

 Nothing happened in the master branch, because we worked in another branch.

 When we are sure the branch is ready for production, then we merge it into the master branch.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ cat
 echo The answer is 42.
 paul@debian6~/project42$ git merge newheader
 Updating 69b2c8b..730a22b
 Fast-forward |    4 ++++
   1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
 paul@debian6~/project42$ cat
 # copyright

 echo The answer is 42.

 The newheader branch can now be deleted.


 paul@debian6~/project42$     git branch
 * master
 paul@debian6~/project42$     git branch -d newheader
 Deleted branch newheader     (was 730a22b).
 paul@debian6~/project42$     git branch
 * master

20.5. to be continued...
 The git story is not finished.

 There are many excellent online tutorials for git. This list can save you one Google query:


 Create an account on This website is a frontend for an immense git server with
 over two and a half million users and almost five million projects (including Fedora, Linux
 kernel, Android, Ruby on Rails, Wine,, VLC...)

 This account is free of charge, we will use it in the examples below.

20.7. add your public key to github
 I prefer to use github with a public key, so it probably is a good idea that you also upload
 your public key to

 You can upload your own key via the web interface:

 Please do not forget to protect your private key!


20.8. practice: git
 1. Create a project on github to host a script that you wrote. Have at least two other people
 improve the script.

Part IX. ipv6
Table of Contents
 21. Introduction to ipv6 ............................................................................................................................           236
       21.1. about ipv6 ..................................................................................................................................       237
       21.2. network id and host id ..............................................................................................................               237
       21.3. host part generation ...................................................................................................................            237
       21.4. ipv4 mapped ipv6 address ........................................................................................................                   238
       21.5. link local addresses ...................................................................................................................            238
       21.6. unique local addresses ..............................................................................................................               238
       21.7. globally unique unicast addresses .............................................................................................                     238
       21.8. 6to4 ............................................................................................................................................   238
       21.9. ISP .............................................................................................................................................   239
       21.10. non routable addresses ............................................................................................................                239
       21.11. ping6 ........................................................................................................................................     239
       21.12. Belgium and ipv6 ....................................................................................................................              240
       21.13. other websites ..........................................................................................................................          240
       21.14. 6to4 gateways ..........................................................................................................................           242
       21.15. ping6 and dns ..........................................................................................................................           242
       21.16. ipv6 and tcp/http .....................................................................................................................            242
       21.17. ipv6 PTR record ......................................................................................................................             242
       21.18. 6to4 setup on Linux ................................................................................................................               242

Chapter 21. Introduction to ipv6

                                      Introduction to ipv6

21.1. about ipv6
 The ipv6 protocol is designed to replace ipv4. Where ip version 4 supports a maximum
 of four billion unique addresses, ip version 6 expands this to four billion times four
 billion times four billion times four billion unique addresses. This is more than ipv6 addresses per square cm on our planet. That should be
 enough, even if every cell phone, every coffee machine and every pair of socks gets an

 Technically speaking ipv6 uses 128-bit addresses (instead of the 32-bit from ipv4). 128-bit
 addresses are huge numbers. In decimal it would amount up to 39 digits, in hexadecimal
 it looks like this:

 Luckily ipv6 allows us to omit leading zeroes. Our address from above then becomes:

 When a 16-bit block is zero, it can be written as ::. Consecutive 16-bit blocks that are zero
 can also be written as ::. So our address can from above can be shortened to:

 This :: can only occur once! The following is not a valid ipv6 address:

 The ipv6 localhost address is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001, which can be
 abbreviated to ::1.
 paul@debian5:~/github/lt/images$ /sbin/ifconfig lo | grep inet6
           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

21.2. network id and host id
 One of the few similarities between ipv4 and ipv6 is that addresses have a host part and a
 network part determined by a subnet mask. Using the cidr notation this looks like this:

 The above address has 64 bits for the host id, theoretically allowing for 4 billion times four
 billion hosts.

 The localhost address looks like this with cidr:

21.3. host part generation
 The host part of an automatically generated (stateless) ipv6 address contains part of the hosts
 mac address:
 paul@debian5:~$ /sbin/ifconfig | head -3

                                      Introduction to ipv6

 eth3       Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:ab:67:30
            inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
            inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:feab:6730/64 Scope:Link

 Some people are concerned about privacy here...

21.4. ipv4 mapped ipv6 address
 Some applications use ipv4 addresses embedded in an ipv6 address. (Yes there will be an
 era of migration with both ipv4 and ipv6 in use.) The ipv6 address then looks like this:

 Indeed a mix of decimal and hexadecimal characters...

21.5. link local addresses
 ipv6 addresses starting with fe8. can only be used on the local segment (replace the dot with
 an hexadecimal digit). This is the reason you see Scope:Link behind the address in this
 screenshot. This address serves only the local link.
 paul@deb503:~$ /sbin/ifconfig | grep inet6
    inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe8e:8aa8/64 Scope:Link
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

 These link local addresses all begin with fe8..

 Every ipv6 enabled nic will get an address in this range.

21.6. unique local addresses
 The now obsolete system of site local addresses similar to ipv4 private ranges is replaced
 with a system of globally unique local ipv6 addresses. This to prevent duplicates when
 joining of networks within site local ranges.

 All unique local addresses strat with fd...

21.7. globally unique unicast addresses
 Since ipv6 was designed to have multiple ip addresses per interface, the global ipv6 address
 can be used next to the link local address.

 These globally unique addresses all begin with 2... or 3... as the first 16-bits.

21.8. 6to4
 6to4 is defined in rfc's 2893 and 3056 as one possible way to transition between ipv4 and
 ipv6 by creating an ipv6 tunnel.

 It encodes an ipv4 address in an ipv6 address that starts with 2002. For example will be encoded as:

                                     Introduction to ipv6


 You can use the command below to convert any ipv4 address to this range.
 paul@ubu1010:~$ printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%04x::1\n" `echo \
 |tr "./" " "`

21.9. ISP
 Should you be so lucky to get an ipv6 address from an isp, then it will start with 2001:.

21.10. non routable addresses
 Comparable to for DNS, the following ipv6 address ranges are reserved for
 examples, and not routable on the internet.

21.11. ping6
 Use ping6 to test connectivity between ipv6 hosts. You need to specify the interface (there
 is no routing table for 'random' generated ipv6 link local addresses).
 [root@fedora14 ~]# ping6 -I eth0 fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc
 PING fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc(fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc) from fe80::a00:27ff:fe3c:4346 eth0: 56
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.586 ms
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.95 ms
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.53 ms

 Below a multicast ping6 that recieves replies from three ip6 hosts on the same network.
 [root@fedora14 ~]# ping6 -I eth0 ff02::1
 PING ff02::1(ff02::1) from fe80::a00:27ff:fe3c:4346 eth0: 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fe3c:4346: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.598 ms
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.87 ms (DUP!)
 64 bytes from fe80::8e7b:9dff:fed6:dff2: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=535 ms (DUP!)
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fe3c:4346: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.106 ms
 64 bytes from fe80::8e7b:9dff:fed6:dff2: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.79 ms (DUP!)
 64 bytes from fe80::a00:27ff:fecd:7ffc: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.48 ms (DUP!)

                                     Introduction to ipv6

21.12. Belgium and ipv6
 A lot of information on ipv6 in Belgium can be found at

 Sites like, and are enabled for ipv6. Some
 Universities also: (Namur) and (Liege).

21.13. other websites
 Other useful websites for testing ipv6 are:

 Going to the website will test whether you have a valid accessible ipv6

 Going to the website will also test whether you have a valid accessible ipv6

Introduction to ipv6

                                    Introduction to ipv6

21.14. 6to4 gateways
 To access ipv4 only websites when on ipv6 you can use (more specifically http:// as a gatway.

 For example use instead of

21.15. ping6 and dns
 Below a screenshot of a ping6 from behind a 6to4 connection.

21.16. ipv6 and tcp/http
 Below a screenshot of a tcp handshake and http connection over ipv6.

21.17. ipv6 PTR record
 As seen in the DNS chapter, ipv6 PTR records are in the domain, and have 32
 generations of child domains.

21.18. 6to4 setup on Linux
 Below a transcript of a 6to4 setup on Linux.

 Thanks to and
 Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/ and!
 root@mac:~# ifconfig
 eth0      Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:bb:5d:2e:52
           inet addr: Bcast:          Mask:

                               Introduction to ipv6

          inet6 addr: fe80::226:bbff:fe5d:2e52/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:5926044 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2985892 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:4274849823 (4.2 GB) TX bytes:237002019 (237.0 MB)
          Interrupt:43 Base address:0x8000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
          RX packets:598 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:598 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:61737 (61.7 KB) TX bytes:61737 (61.7 KB)

root@mac:~# sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=1
net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding = 1
root@mac:~# ip tunnel add tun6to4 mode sit remote any local
root@mac:~# ip link set dev tun6to4 mtu 1472 up
root@mac:~# ip link show dev tun6to4
10: tun6to4: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1472 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
     link/sit brd
root@mac:~# ip -6 addr add dev tun6to4 2002:51a5:657d:0::1/64
root@mac:~# ip -6 addr add dev eth0 2002:51a5:657d:1::1/64
root@mac:~# ip -6 addr add dev eth0 fdcb:43c1:9c18:1::1/64
root@mac:~# ifconfig
eth0       Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:bb:5d:2e:52
           inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
           inet6 addr: fe80::226:bbff:fe5d:2e52/64 Scope:Link
           inet6 addr: fdcb:43c1:9c18:1::1/64 Scope:Global
           inet6 addr: 2002:51a5:657d:1::1/64 Scope:Global
           RX packets:5927436 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:2986025 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:4274948430 (4.2 GB) TX bytes:237014619 (237.0 MB)
           Interrupt:43 Base address:0x8000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
          RX packets:598 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:598 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:61737 (61.7 KB) TX bytes:61737 (61.7 KB)

tun6to4   Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Compat
          inet6 addr: 2002:51a5:657d::1/64 Scope:Global
          UP RUNNING NOARP MTU:1472 Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@mac:~# ip -6 route add 2002::/16 dev tun6to4
root@mac:~# ip -6 route add ::/0 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1
root@mac:~# ip -6 route show
::/96 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 256 mtu 1472 advmss 1412 hoplimit 0
2002:51a5:657d::/64 dev tun6to4 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1472 advmss 1412 hoplimit 0
2002:51a5:657d:1::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 0

                              Introduction to ipv6

2002::/16 dev tun6to4 metric 1024 mtu 1472 advmss 1412 hoplimit 0
fdcb:43c1:9c18:1::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 0
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 0
fe80::/64 dev tun6to4 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1472 advmss 1412 hoplimit 0
default via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1 mtu 1472 advmss 1412 hoplimit 0
root@mac:~# ping6
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=42.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=43.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=57 time=43.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=57 time=43.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=57 time=45.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4006ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.485/43.717/45.632/1.091 ms

Part X. Appendices
Table of Contents
 A. cloning ....................................................................................................................................................   247
       A.1. About cloning .............................................................................................................................            247
       A.2. About offline cloning .................................................................................................................                247
       A.3. Offline cloning example ............................................................................................................                   247
 B. License ....................................................................................................................................................   249

Appendix A. cloning
A.1. About cloning
 You can have distinct goals for cloning a server. For instance a clone can be a cold iron
 backup system used for manual disaster recovery of a service. Or a clone can be created to
 serve in a test environment. Or you might want to make an almost identical server. Let's take
 a look at some offline and online ways to create a clone of a Linux server.

A.2. About offline cloning
 The term offline cloning is used when you power off the running Linux server to create the
 clone. This method is easy since we don't have to consider open files and we don't have to
 skip virtual file systems like /dev or /sys . The offline cloning method can be broken down
 into these steps:

 1. Boot source and target server with a bootable CD
 2. Partition, format and mount volumes on the target server
 3. Copy files/partitions from source to target over the network

 The first step is trivial. The second step is explained in the Disk Management chapter. For
 the third step, you can use a combination of ssh or netcat with cp, dd, dump and restore,
 tar, cpio, rsync or even cat.

A.3. Offline cloning example
 We have a working Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 server, and we want a perfect copy of it on
 newer hardware. First thing to do is discover the disk layout.

 [root@RHEL5 ~]# df -h
 Filesystem            Size       Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda2              15G       4.5G 9.3G 33% /
 /dev/sda1              99M        31M   64M 33% /boot

 The /boot partition is small but big enough. If we create an identical partition, then dd should
 be a good cloning option. Suppose the / partition needs to be enlarged on the target system.
 The best option then is to use a combination of dump and restore. Remember that dd copies
 blocks, whereas dump/restore copies files.

 The first step to do is to boot the target server with a live CD and partition the target disk.
 To do this we use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 install CD. At the CD boot prompt we
 type "linux rescue". The cd boots into a root console where we can use fdisk to discover
 and prepare the attached disks.

 When the partitions are created and have their filesystem, then we can use dd to copy the /
 boot partition.


ssh root@ "dd if=/dev/sda1" | dd of=/dev/sda1

Then we use a dump and restore combo to copy the / partition.

mkdir /mnt/x
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/x
cd /mnt/x
ssh root@ "dump -0 -f - /" | restore -r -f -

Appendix B. License
 GNU Free Documentation License

 Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

 Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
 license document, but changing it is not allowed.


 The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
 functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
 assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
 with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
 Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
 to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
 for modifications made by others.

 This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
 works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
 complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
 license designed for free software.

 We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
 software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
 program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
 software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
 can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
 whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
 principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


 This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
 contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
 distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a
 world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
 work under the conditions stated herein. The "Document", below, refers
 to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee,
 and is addressed as "you". You accept the license if you copy, modify
 or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright

 A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
 Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
 modifications and/or translated into another language.

 A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
 the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
 publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
 subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
 directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in
 part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
 any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
 connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
 commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding

 The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles


are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
that says that the Document is released under this License. If a
section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero
Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant
Sections then there are none.

The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be
at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
represented in a format whose specification is available to the
general public, that is suitable for revising the document
straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
of text. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of
transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats
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proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
processing tools are not generally available, and the
machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
processors for output purposes only.

The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

The "publisher" means any person or entity that distributes copies of
the Document to the public.

A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose
title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a
specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".) To "Preserve the Title"
of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.

The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty
Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
no effect on the meaning of this License.


You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either


commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no
other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
you may publicly display copies.


If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the
full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible.
You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with
changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of
the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim
copying in other respects.

If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent

If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
a computer-network location from which the general network-using
public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
edition to the public.

It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the


You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

   * A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History
section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous
version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.


   * B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors
of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than
five), unless they release you from this requirement.
   * C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
Modified Version, as the publisher.
   * D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
   * E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
adjacent to the other copyright notices.
   * F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under
the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
   * G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
   * H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
   * I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title,
and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors,
and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
Version as stated in the previous sentence.
   * J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it
was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may
omit a network location for a work that was published at least four
years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the
version it refers to gives permission.
   * K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the
substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
dedications given therein.
   * L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the
equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
   * M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
may not be included in the Modified Version.
   * N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
"Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
   * O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a

You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,


you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
Entitled "Endorsements".


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
documents released under this License, and replace the individual
copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules
of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all
other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a
copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this
License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
derivative works of the Document.

If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole



Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
the original English version of this License and the original versions
of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between
the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise
to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will
automatically terminate your rights under this License.

However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
60 days after the cessation.

Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.

Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
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not give you any rights to use it.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the
GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
detail to address new problems or concerns. See

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies


that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be
used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version
permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A
public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A
"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site
means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

"CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
published by that same organization.

"Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in
part, as part of another Document.

An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this
License, and if all works that were first published under this License
somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole
or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections,
and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site
under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009,
provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

                                                 CIFS, 143
Index                                            CNAME (DNS record), 67
                                                 context type(selinux), 215
                                                 create(mysql), 47, 49, 55
Symbols                                          create mask (Samba), 182
/etc/apache2, 10
/etc/bind/named.conf.local, 76
/etc/group, 45
/etc/httpd, 10                                   delete(mysql), 54
/etc/inetd.conf, 152                             deny hosts (Samba), 182
/etc/init.d/samba, 141                           describe(mysql), 50
/etc/init.d/smb, 141                             dhclient, 118
/etc/init.d/winbind, 142                         dhcp server, 62
/etc/nsswitch.conf, 190, 192                     directory mask (Samba), 182
/etc/passwd, 45, 199                             directory security mask(samba), 183
/etc/resolv.conf, 62                             DNAT, 115
/etc/samba/passdb.tdb, 198                       dns, 60, 60
/etc/samba/smb.conf, 146, 147, 148, 164, 188     dnsdomainname, 66
/etc/samba/smbpasswd, 169, 196                   dns namespace, 63
/etc/selinux/config, 212                         dns server, 62
/etc/squid/squid.conf, 34                        domain (dns), 64
/etc/sysctl.conf, 116                            domain name system, 60, 60
/etc/xinetd.d/swat, 152                          dpkg, 138
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, 116               dpkg(1), 44
/selinux, 214                                    drop(mysql), 48, 50, 56
/selinux/enforce, 214
/var/log/audit/audit.log, 210                    F
/var/log/squid, 39                               filter table (iptables), 123
.htaccess, 27                                    firewall, 114
.htpasswd, 17, 24                                force create mode(samba), 183
.my.cnf, 46                                      force directory mode(samba), 183
                                                 force directory security mode(samba), 183
A                                                force group(samba), 170
A (DNS record), 67                               force security mode(samba), 183
AAAA (DNS record), 67                            force user(samba), 170
allow hosts (Samba), 181                         forwarder (dns), 70
apache2, 6                                       forward lookup query, 61
aptitude, 138, 139, 227                          fqdn, 66
aptitude(8), 44                                  fully qualified domain name, 66
auditd, 210
authoritative (dns), 71                          G
authoritative zone, 66                           getenforce, 211
axfr, 74                                         getent(1), 191
                                                 getfattr(1), 217
B                                                git, 226
bind, 64                                         github, 232
bind(DNS), 90                                    glue record (dns), 67
browsable (Samba), 182                           grant(mysql), 48
browseable (Samba), 182                          group by(mysql), 54
browser master, 196                              guest ok (Samba), 157

C                                                H
cahing only name server, 68                      hide unreadable (Samba), 182
chain (iptables), 123                            host (DNS record), 67
char(mysql), 49                                  hostname, 66, 143
chcon(1), 216, 217                               hosts.txt, 60
chkconfig, 210                                   hosts allow (Samba), 181
chmod, 213                                       hosts deny (Samba), 182


htpasswd(1), 17, 24                    packet forwarding, 114
httpd, 7                               passdb backend (Samba), 170
                                       PAT, 115
I                                      Paul Mockapetris, 60
IBM, 143                               php, 43
id(1), 216                             ping, 117, 118
identity(selinux), 214                 port forwarding, 115
idmap gid(samba), 188                  primary dns server, 71
idmap uid(samba), 188                  primary server (DNS), 73
inetd(8), 152                          proxy server, 33
insert(mysql), 51                      ps(1), 217
integer(mysql), 49                     PTR (DNS record), 67
invalid users (Samba), 181             public key, 232
iptables, 122, 123
iptables save, 127                     Q
iterative query, 70                    query (dns), 61
ixfr, 74
L                                      read list (Samba), 181
LAMP, 43                               read only (Samba), 164
ls, 213                                recursive query, 70
ls(1), 217                             reverse lookup query, 61
                                       roaming profiles(samba), 200
M                                      role(selinux), 214
mac address, 117                       root(DNS), 63
mangle table (iptables), 123           root(mysql), 44
masquerading, 115                      root hints, 64
master server (DNS), 73                root server (dns), 69
MX (DNS record), 67                    root servers (dns), 63
mysql, 43, 45, 46, 47                  router, 114
mysql(group), 45                       rpm, 138
mysql(user), 45                        rpm(1), 44
mysql-client, 44                       rpm(8), 139
mysqld, 45
mysql-server, 44
                                       samba, 138
N                                      secondary dns server, 71
NAPT, 115                              secondary server (DNS), 73
NAT, 115                               security(Samba), 157
nat table (iptables), 123              security mask(samba), 183
NetBIOS names, 143                     security mode(samba), 174
netcat, 160                            select(mysql), 51, 52, 52
net groupmap, 201                      SELinux, 209
net rpc join(samba), 189               selinux, 212
net use(microsoft), 159, 164, 175      selinux-activate, 210
net view(microsoft), 146, 151          service(8), 141
nmbd(8), 142                           sestatus, 212
NS (DNS record), 67                    setenforce, 211
nslookup, 61                           show(mysql), 47, 49
NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME, 176        slave server (DNS), 73
NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE, 176           SMB, 143
                                       smbclient, 149, 158
O                                      smbclient(1), 148, 175
order by(mysql), 53                    smbd(8), 142, 146, 169
                                       smbpasswd(1), 201
P                                      smbpasswd(8), 169, 174
packet filtering, 114, 124             smbtree, 151


smbtree(1), 150
smtp, 67
SNAT, 115
soa (dns record), 71
SQL, 43, 51
squid, 33
stateful firewall, 114
swat(8), 152
sysctl, 116

tcpdump, 61, 118
tdbsam, 170, 196, 198
testparm(1), 147, 147, 148
tld, 65
TLD (dns), 65
top level domain, 65
transition(selinux), 216
trigger(mysql), 55
triggers(mysql), 44
type(selinux), 215

update(mysql), 52
use(mysql), 48

valid users (Samba), 181
varchar(mysql), 49
virtualbox, 117
vmware, 117

wbinfo(1), 190, 191
webalizer, 27
winbind(8), 190
winbind(samba), 188
winbindd(8), 142, 142, 190
wireshark, 118
workgroup, 157
writable (Samba), 164
write list (Samba), 181

xinetd(8), 152

yum, 139

zone (dns), 66, 71
zone transfer (dns), 71
