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Linux Voice [Issue 1]

Authors Linux Voice

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

The magazine that gives back to the Free Software community
April 2014
PRIVACY                        RASPBERRY PI                     YE OLDE CODE                114 PAGES
PGP                            BREWPI                           LOVELACE                    OF NEURAL
Stop President Obama           Brew fine ales with free          Tonight we’re going
from reading your emails       software. Mmm, beer…             to program like it’s 1843

Discover the 51 best
things about free
software right now with
our ultimate roundup

                                                                                     32+ PAGES OF TUTORIALS
PYTHON Pipe live data into your website
                                                                                             April 2014 £5.99 Printed in the UK

SYSADMIN Secrets from the server room revealed
BITCOIN Get your head around the gold bullion of the internet

 REVIEW                                              DON’T BE EVIL

 MAGEIA 4                                            OWNCLOUD 6
 The KDE 4 desktop is                                Free yourself from
 now a beautiful swan                                Google’s tentacles

Friends, geeks, hackers
The April issue

 Linux Voice is different.
 Linux Voice is special.
 Here’s why…                                                                              GRAHAM MORRISON
                                                                                          A free software advocate
 1  At the end of each financial                                                          and writer since the late
 year we’ll give 50% of our profits                                                       1990s, Graham is a lapsed
 to a selection of organisations                                                          KDE contributor and author
 that support free software,                                                              of the Meeq MIDI step
 decided by a vote among our                                                              sequencer.
 readers (that’s you).

                                                 s I write this, it’s a sunny Saturday morning and I’m sitting
 2   No later than nine months after             in the kitchen. The issue is 90% finished and we’ve got eight
 first publicaton, we will relicense             hours until the PDFs need to be at the printers. We’re used
 all of our content under the            to crunch times like this. Stacey is adding the barcode to the cover.
 Creative Commons CC-BY-SA               Andrew is working his magic. Mike is organising our online store
 licence, so that old content can        while Ben polishes the new website. It has been sometimes difficult,
 still be useful, and can live on even   sometimes challenging but always absolutely wonderful. We’ve
 after the magazine has come off         created the magazine we always wanted to create, which we hope
 the shelves.                            best represents the Linux and Free Software communities.
                                           Which is why there’s no better place to start than with a
 3  We’re a small company, so we         celebration of the very best that Free Software has to offer. For
 don’t have a board of directors or      our cover feature, (p38), we chose 51 of the most awesome
 a bunch of shareholders in the City     projects, but we could have chosen hundreds. The extent of                   SUBSCRIBE
 of London to keep happy. The only
 people that matter to us are the
                                         open source penetration is staggering, and it’s only going to
                                         become increasingly influential. The next few years will be the              ON PAGE 36
 readers (you again).                    most exciting and revolutionary yet – all of us at Linux Voice
                                         can’t wait to start making our own modest contribution.

                                         Graham Morrison
                                         Editor, Linux Voice
Editor Graham Morrison
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
                                         What’s hot in LV#001
Technical editor Ben Everard
Editor at large Mike Saunders
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
Creative director Stacey Black
Editorial contributors:                  ANDREW GREGORY                        BEN EVERARD                            MIKE SAUNDERS
Mark Crutch, Liam Dawe,                  She doesn’t get the credit she        For me, it’s the delicious fusion of   FOSDEM: so many passionate,
Juliet Kemp, John Lane,
                                         deserves, so it’s an honour to have   hardware hacking, the Raspbery         inventive and inspiring geeks
Vincent Mealing, Simon Phipps,
Jonathan Roberts,                        a tutorial on Ada Lovelace’s work     Pi and quiet inebriation promised      under one roof recharged my
Mayank Sharma                            with the Analytical Engine. p88       by Graham’s BrewPi guide. p76          passion for Free Software. p30


                                                                                                                            April LV001
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
                                                                                                     ON PAGE 36

                                                                                               Discover the 51
                                                                                               best things about
                                                                                               Free Software
                                                                                               right now.

     50                                                                                 REGULARS
                                                                                        06    News
                                                                                              To paraphrase Marvin Gaye:
                                                                                              what’s going on?

      BITCOIN                                                                           08    Distrohopper
                                                                                              The latest comings and
                                                                                              going on planet distro.

                                                                                        10    Gaming
      What in the name of                                                                     Yes! Linux is a serious
                                                                                              gaming platform, at last!
      Zeus is going on with                                                             12    Speak your brains
      this unregulated                                                                        Because ‘letters’ is an
                                                                                              archaic term for this bit.
      digital currency?                                                                 16    LV on tour
                                                                                              We go where others fear to
                                                                                              tread. Its name? Blackpool.
                                                                                        30    Group test
                                                                                              Find the best encryption
                                                                                              tool for you.
                                                                                        46    Interview
                                                                                              Florian Effenberger, on
                                                                                              forking OpenOffice.

                                                                                        106   Masterclass
                                                                                              This issue: say hello to
                                                                                              Vim and Firefox.
                                                                                        112   On your DVD
                                                                                              What’s inside your free
                                                                                              monster 8GB disc.
     LINUX VOICE             60
                                  FAQ Wayland: what        62   SYSADMIN                114   My Linux desktop
     The mad journey              is it, and why should         Jon Roberts on the            The bodger of Crunchbang
                                                                                              show us his man cave.
     we’ve been on so far.        we even care?                 brave new init world.

   74                                           76

                                                                                  22   Mageia 4 If you’re a desktop
                                                                                       magpie, constantly distracted
                                                                                       by new shiny things, this user-
PGP: Keep your                               BrewPi: Brew beer at                      friendly Linux flavour is for you.
messages secure                              home with a Raspberry Pi
Encrypt your emails and reclaim              Control and monitor the
a little bit of privacy from Big             brewing process with the help
Brother/the NSA/GCHQ.                        of a handy Linux-powered kit.

   84                                          88

                                                                                  24   LibreOffice 4.2 Better than
                                                                                       Microsoft Office? You bet your
                                                                                       life it is – the #1 office suite for
                                                                                       Linux is more than just a clone.
                                                                                  25   Lightworks Pro 11.5 Video
                                                                                       editing on Linux just got a hell
                                                                                       of a lot better. Now prepare for
OwnCloud: Say goodbye                        Old code: Ada Lovelace                    your close-up, Clooney.
to Google Docs & Gmail                       & the Analytical Engine              26   FreeBSD 10 We’ve always had
                                                                                       a soft spot for this stable Unix
Set up your own cloud services               Travel back to the dawn of time           derivative. You see, Linux is not
and get the convenience of the               to see how programming began              the only fruit…
cloud without the intrusive ads.             – then try it for yourself.

   92                              96
                                                               Code 101:

                                                            Learn Python from
                                                            the Ancient Greeks.
                                                                                  27   Google Nexus 5 We’ve lived
Arch Linux:      Python:                                      Bash: Fun
                                                                                       with the Nexus 5 for three
Installation and Build dynamic                              with regular               months – is it worth paying
                                                                                       300 Imperial Credits for?
setup made easy web pages                                   expressions
Stay effortlessly* up            Pipe live data into        Trust us: you can
                                                                                  28   Books From the Arduino to
                                                                                       OCaml to feudalism, there’s
to date. *Some effort required   your website.              enjoy using Grep.          something for everyone in the
                                                                                       Linux Voice library.


The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.

“…and the filters don’t work/
they just make it worse…”*                                                                            *sincere apologies to The Verve

Web filters to protect children from dodgy online content don’t work. Here’s why.

                           Simon Phipps             decide for us all? The answer in most cases       supplier may actually prohibit them from
                           is president of the      is “nobody knows”, since the ISPs are largely     helping me.
                           Open Source Initiative   buying the blocking facility from third party        Most content providers might not even
                           and a board member       suppliers rather than building it themselves.     think to check anyway, even if there were a
                           of the Open Rights
                                                    Statements by filtering advocates take it as      way to do so. Recently, the jQuery website
                           Group and of Open
                           Source for America.      read that there’s a consensus on what’s bad       was added to the block list for UK ISP Sky
                                                    are deceptive.                                    after the domain was mistakenly listed in the
                                                                                                      “malware and phishing” category. This
                                                    I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that                   unexpectedly broke many websites, since
                                                    The government proposes a whitelist of            over three-quarters of the top 10,000

         he UK government has pressured             sites that should never be blocked, but this      websites use
         ISPs into applying content filters to      approach is flawed too; partly because their      components. A church website in Sheffield
         their customers’ connections, in the       vision of which sites should be whitelisted       was blocked; my own company website was
name of protecting children from unsuitable         only includes obvious, politically appealing      blocked. The robots that do the ranking can
content. During 2014, ISPs will be                  cases like child welfare charities, omitting to   take potshots at pretty much anything, and
approaching their customers and trying to           mention harder cases such as mutual-              only the customers of the ISP involved could
persuade them to turn on filtering. But this is     support groups, political comment and             ever know.
a mistaken approach arising from magical            satire and completely ignoring the sort of
thinking – “this thing should exist so it must      free speech cases that are politically            Think of the children!
be possible”. Content filters can’t work, for       unappealing to the government. Indeed, a          Meanwhile, parents are lulled into a false
several reasons:                                    comprehensive whitelist is probably               sense of security. The web is something of a
   For the most part they can be avoided.           impossible, because the internet, like space,     mystery to many, and the assurance that
Techniques such as using a freely-available         is vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big.            “parental control filters” are keeping their
VPN tool such as TunnelBear, or switching              Even if a whitelist could work, most           children safe may well reduce the urgency of
to non-ISP DNS enable users to effortlessly         content providers won’t know they should          understanding how to supervise children on
route round filters. As a consequence,              be on it as blocking is invisible to them.        the web. The correct path is sitting with
relying on filters to do your parenting for you     Since the filter service is applied by ISPs to    children, assisting their use of technology,
is foolish. Not only are they no substitute for     their customers’ connections as part of the       explaining how to decide who to trust,
parental oversight and care, they inculcate a       service, they rely on customers raising the       explaining when to ask for help or
careless reliance.                                  alert on overblocking. As a web page              permission, applying discipline wisely.
   They attempt to make objective a task            provider, I have no way to know whether a           If it were possible to magically determine
which is subjective. For example, some              given ISP is blocking my site, and when I         the suitability of any random website for any
people will regard websites promoting gay           eventually find out there’s no deterministic      random web user, and if filtering could be
rights or giving information about abortion         way to get it fixed since neither the ISP nor     made uncircumventable without destroying
as unsuitable, while others will treat both         their third-party provider have any duty to       the utility of the internet, maybe it would be
topics as essential resources. Who gets to          help me; in fact, the ISP’s contract with their   OK to have a censorship switch that parents
                                                                                                      could flip. But none of that is possible, and
                                                                                                      the facilities we’re being sold will do more
“The government proposes a whitelist of sites that                                                    harm than good. You can help; check out
should never be blocked, but this approach is flawed.”                                       That will help practically,
                                                                                                      and also fuel the political battle.


SUSE • Firefox 27 • Valve • Tizen • Developers • OpenSSH • Chakra Linux • Kernel

CATCHUP                                     Summarised: the nine biggest news
                                            stories from the last month

         SUSE announces live kernel-patching system
   1     Imagine being able to patch your kernel without having to reboot. And imagine the
         staggering uptimes you’d be able to achieve… A few methods have been developed to
         do this, but they have never made it into the mainstream kernel. Now the SUSE team
         has announced kGraft, with a first release due in March.

         Firefox 27 released
   2     Given the break-neck pace of development in Firefox, it’s hard to keep track of all the new features. Firefox 27 enables
         you to run more than one service at a time with its Social API (so you can get notifications from multiple sites), and also
         enables support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 by default. SPDY 3.1 is included too.

         Valve offers free games to Debian developers
   3     SteamOS, Valve’s gaming platform based on Debian, could massively shake up the computer games market. Users will
         be able to play Valve’s ever-growing range of titles without having to even boot Windows. A healthy relationship between
         Debian and SteamOS is important, so Valve is now offering free subscriptions to Debian developers.

         First Tizen smartphone leaked
   4     We’ve seen a bunch of Linux-based mobile platforms come and go – Maemo, Moblin and Meego – and now we have
         Tizen. The Samsung ZEQ 9000 will be the first phone to run this operating system, sporting a 4.8-inch display and a
         2.3GHz processor. Physically, the phone looks a lot like the current Galaxy range; it’s due for launch later in the year.

         80% of kernel developers are paid
   5     Every year the Linux Foundation tracks changes to the Linux kernel source tree, and determines how much code is being
         contributed by commercial companies. Newly released stats show that over 80% of developers are being paid to work
         on the kernel, with Red Hat, Intel and Texas Instruments the three biggest contributors.

         OpenSSH 6.5 released
   6     You’d think OpenSSH is secure enough already, what with it being
         a product from the OpenBSD camp, but given the NSA spying
         revelations you can’t be paranoid enough. Version 6.5 includes new
         cyphers and key types, to reduce even further the chance of someone
         peeking at your remote login sessions.

         Chakra 2014.02 available
   7     With most distros you upgrade once or twice a year and get a bundle of new stuff. There are also rolling-release distros
         such as Arch, which give you a constant stream of new software. Chakra uses a “half-rolling release” model: the base
         system is updated only after extensive testing, whereas new desktop apps flow in all the time.

         Kernel 3.13 brings new packet filter
   8     One of the biggest new features in kernel 3.13 is nftables, the successor to iptables. This is a “packet classification
         framework” – ie, a system for choosing where network packets go, as used in routers and firewalls. Nftables compiles
         rules down to pseudo-bytecode, and promises to make life easier for administrators thanks to a simpler syntax.

         2014: the year of code
   9     After more or less being shamed into action by the efforts of Code Club, Young Rewired State and the Raspberry Pi, the
         UK government has launched something called the Year of Code, which is supposed to encourage more people to learn
         to program. According to the website, 1 in 6 adults lack digital skills, though what this actually means is anyone’s guess.


We’ve tapped GCHQ’s communications to find out what’s going on in distro land.

The end of the road for Pear OS
This slick desktop OS takes its final bow. Or does it?

          ear OS never really hit the big time,
          but it still managed to court more
          than it’s fair share of controversy.
Fans adored its slick good looks and
ease-of-use (both heavily influenced by
Apple’s OS X), while critics pointed out that it
was little more than a tweaked version of
ElementaryOS with an icon set that looked
suspiciously similar to Apple’s.
   Late January, Pear OS disappeared. The
website switched to a holding page saying
that a “very large company” had bought Pear
OS, and that its future was in the hands of
its new owner. The downloads were taken
offline, and anyone with data stored on the
Pear OS cloud servers had 10 days to
recover it before it was deleted. By the time               Pear Linux faced accusations that it wasn’t sharing its source code, as required under the GPL.
you read this, more may have been revealed
at                                     released until after Ubuntu 14.04 comes out              but still has a similar look and feel. Not only
   About a week after Pear’s mysterious                     in April. In the mean time, the Clementine               that, but it’s a much better open-source
disappearance, Clementine OS appeared at                    project is hosting the Pear OS ISO images,               citizen. Not only does it they produce its own promising to                         though we wouldn’t recommend people                      desktop environment, but it’s also helping in
continue PearOS. It’s not clear exactly how                 install a distro that won’t be supported.                the development of the Shotwell photo
they’ll do this, or if they have access to Pear’s              For people now at a loss with the passing             manager. Elementary OS also has a
source code that others haven’t been able to                of Pear OS, or who like the screenshot, we               substantial development team, and doesn’t
get. It’ll be a while before we find out though,            humbly suggest you take a look at                        just rely on a single person, so its unlikely to
since the first version isn’t scheduled to be               Elementary OS. It’s less Apple-like than Pear,           disappear overnight.

    Valve’s gaming distribution has dominated the news         In further Steam news, Valve has provided all         PC game modder community, which shares a
    recently, and we won’t rehash everything here.          Debian developers with free access to all Steam          tinkerer philosophy with the open source and free
    Instead, we’re going to talk about some smaller         games. Debian is known for its strong adherence to       software community.
    aspect of development. The original installer was a     the principles of free software, so it’s not clear how
    bit of a pain to use and required UEFI. This wasn’t a   many of the developers will take up this offer of
    huge problem, because it was only a beta release        commercial software, but we think it’s a nice
    aimed at experts.                                       gesture either way.
       However, as it’s built on Linux, the whole
    platform is open for tweaking. A group of users         How free is Valve?
    including directhex and ecliptik took to github to      Valve is a relative newcomer to the Linux world, and
    create a new version of the OS with support for         its background in proprietary software has led some
    non-UEFI devices, DVD installing, and other basic       people to question how well they’ll fit into the open
    features. They called their project ‘Ye Olde            source ecosystem. It’s too early to tell exactly, but
    SteamOSe’. Valve has now pulled these                   the early signs are about as favourable as they can
    improvements into a new version of Steam OS,            be for a proprietary software company. It’s worth         There are 302 games available for SteamOS,
    making it easier to get up and running.                 remembering that Valve’s history lies firmly in the       and it hasn’t even made it out of Beta yet.


System Rescue CD & Caine
Not a lot of people know about these super rescue distros.

           ardware failures are always difficult,      The first of these is pretty much the
           but they’re a lot less difficult now     standard in rescue discs, but the latter has
           than they were a few years ago,          some interesting uses. Caine is designed for
thanks to the advent of live distros. Almost        computer forensics -- think CSI but with
every distro now comes with a live version          computers. There’s a large cross over
that can be put into use should your hard           between this and extracting information
disk fail, or some other calamity befall your       from a breaking system. While System
system. However, there are a few Linuxes            Rescue CD remains our favourite for most
that are specially designed to help in this         repair jobs, Caine comes into its own when
case, and two of the more popular got an            you’re more interested in pulling data off a    It’s worth getting to know your way around a
update earlier this year: System Rescue CD          system than repairing it. It’s also got some    rescue distro before you have a system failure,
and Caine.                                          useful tools for investigating phones.          so you’ll know what to do when things go awry.

Gobo: rethinking the file structure                                                                   OPENBSD AND CASH

                                                                                                      Asking ‘How much money does it take to create
Everything you know about the Linux filesystem is wrong.                                              a distro?’ is a bit like asking ‘how long is a piece

                                                                                                      of string?’ Both can be as little or as long as
         he Linux filesystem is more or less        /Depot, /Files, /Mount, /Programs, /System        you like. If you really wanted, you could create
         the same in just about every distro.       and /Users. Perhaps /Programs is the best         a new distro based on something like Ubuntu
                                                                                                      or Fedora in a weekend with no budget, but
         This means you can switch between          example of how it differs. It doesn’t use a       it probably wouldn’t add much to the already
them and still know where to find things.           package database for package                      existing sea of distros.
You’ll even find your way around BSDs and           management because it doesn’t need one.               On the other hand, the OpenBSD foundation
Unixes without any major problems. Is this          The file hierarchy holds all the information.     is hoping to raise US$150,000 this year (that’s
standardisation holding back the evolution          For example, the program bash is held in          about £91,000 in old Imperial money). $20,000
                                                                                                      is needed just for electricity in the build farm.
of the system though? Does it still make            /Programs/Bash/<version-number>/ where            This all has to come from donations since
sense to split bits of programs up into /bin,       there’s a separate folder for each installed      the foundation doesn’t have any commercial
/etc and /usr/share? Is /opt really useful? Is      version. /Programs/Bash/Current is a link to      interests. It looked like it may be the end of
/var still relevant with modern hardware?           the folder containing the latest version.         the road for this security-centered Unix when,
The answer to all questions may well be yes,        Packages, then, are just archives that can be     late last year, a campaign to raise funds for
                                                                                                      the power bill failed. Early this year, though,
but can you really be sure without trying out       unpacked into this structure. Alternatively,      a final donation drive caught the attention
some alternatives? The answer to that is            any software you compile yourself can             of the internet and $100,000 flowed into the
definitely no.                                      simply be copied into the correct place.          foundations coffers in just the first three
  Gobo Linux is a distro that’s thrown out            The project has just sprung back to life,       weeks of the 2014 with donations from Google,
the old filesystem paradigm and invented its        and is working on its first new version since     Facebook and the MPEx Bitcoin Securities
                                                                                                      Exchange amongst others.
own. The root directory has six folders:            2008. We applaud this bold experiment!                This is good news not just for BSDers, as
                                                                                                      OpenBSD projects – most notably OpenSSH –
                                                                                                      are included in most Linuxes. The work by Theo
                                                                                                      de Raadt and the rest of the team help keep us
                                                                                                      all safe regardless of the kernel we use.

                                                                           GoboLinux wouldn’t
                                                                         start on our hardware,       OpenBSD’s may not be pretty, but it is
                                                                          but ran fine in Qemu.       secure (and other desktops are available).


The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons

                                            0 A.D.
                                            Battle in real time strategy like an Egyptian.

                                                    ike an overdue
                                                    Christmas present the
                                                    team at Wildfire Games
                                            has released the fifteenth alpha
                                            version of the epic open-source
                                            real time strategy game 0 A.D.
                                              The latest alpha version
 Liam Dawes is the brains behind, the home            added some really essential
 of Linux gaming on the interweb.           features that were previously
                                            missing, including a multi-          A new army is

         inux has long been a viable        player lobby, so it should now       readying for battle!
         platform for gaming, but it is     be a total cinch to find people
         only now that mainstream
                                            to play online.
 gamers are starting to sit up and take
 notice. Despite what many people             In addition to being easy to       0 A.D. aims to be of AAA          this strategy has paid off. They
 may think, the thanks for this             play online there is yet another   production quality, which           have run several successful
 shouldn’t solely go to Valve for using     playable civilisation – the        shows in abundance. It was          crowdfunding, and are now
 Linux as the basis of its Steam OS:        Ptolemaic Egyptians – with         originally closed source, but the   using it to fund programmers
 there’s a long history of gaming on
                                            unique units and gameplay          team opened it up with the aim      to make 0 A.D. even better!
 the Linux platform.
    Id Software was one of the first        features included for them.        of gaining new members, and
 major names to bring its games to
 our little platform, starting with Doom
 and ending with its latest Linux port
 of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Id’s
 involvement doesn’t end there though
 – it also open sourced many of its
                                            THE BATTLE FOR WESNOTH
 game engines, which have given rise        A seriously slick open-source turn-based strategy.
 to some of Linux’s best-known first

 person shooter, such as Xonotic.                   heering the cold,
                                                    dark winter months
 Not just Valve
 The flow of indie games coming to                  considerably, the team
 Linux prompted a leading game store        behind The Battle for Wesnoth
 to open up to Linux and push out the       have released a new version
 Desura Linux client, which was itself      of this well known turn-based
 open sourced enable others from the
                                            strategy adventure.
 community to help out; even though
 licensing issues meant that the               They have further tweaked
 number of contributors never really        the UI of the game to make
 took off, this was progress.               it more playable, including
    And we now have Steam, the              an overhaul of the mouse
 behemoth of PC gaming. Who would
                                            interaction in the game, and the
 have thought that Valve would bring                                             It’s like Game of Thrones
 its AAA games to Linux?                    Khalifate faction, which doesn’t     without Sean Bean.
    My question to you, readers, is: will   use magic, is now playable in
 Linux ever overtake Apple to become        more multi-player areas too.
 the second biggest desktop operating          Battle for Wesnoth has some     been around a few years now,          It’s currently Stable, meaning
 system? With Steam Machines using
                                            great single-player gameplay       but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t     game-breaking bugs should be
 the Debian Linux based SteamOS it
 could finally be a possibility.            alongside online multiplayer       aged well! It is updated all the    very hard to find, so feel free to
 Liam Dawes,              too, so you can play your          time with new features, tweaks      really enjoy this one.
                                            friends across the world. It has   and bugfixes to keep it fresh.

                                                                                                                GAMING ON LINUX

METRO: LAST LIGHT                                                                                ALSO RELEASED…
The most graphically intensive first-person shooter on Linux!

          raphics cards of a nervous
          disposition, look away now: what
          we have here is probably the most
demanding, hardware-punishing game
on Linux. You won’t be surprised to learn
that it’s a first-person shooter, from 4A
Games called Metro: Last Light, which
promises to simultaneously cooing with
delight at its prettiness while screaming                                                          Boom! Take that slaver scum!
with terror when an enemy jumps across
your screen.
   4A Games is a Ukrainian studio, and
                                                                                                 Faster Than Light
                                                                                                 Faster Than Light has announced a free DLC
Metro: Last Light draws on the the work                                                          expansion pack to this infuriating game.
of Russian novelist Dmitry Glukhovsky,                                                           Included in this free update are new ship
particularly his novel Metro 2033. Set in                                                        layouts, and a brand-new alien race called The
a bleak world that has been ruined by          We don’t care if the future’s an apocalyptic      Lanius, whose members don’t need oxygen to
                                               wasteland, as long as it looks as nice as this.   live. Not only that, but they will suck oxygen
nuclear weapons, the game forces you to
                                                                                                 out from any room that they are in. Scary!
rely on your wits as much as brute force,                                              
with limited ammunition forcing players to     just yet, it will hopefully only be a matter of
think rather than just run around shooting     time now that we have 4A Games bringing
at things.                                     its catalogue to Linux.
   While we Linux gamers don’t have the                                      Our hero catching up to his
                                                                                                                    minions for another fight.
prequel game (also called Metro 2033)          app/43160

CORSIX-TH                                      OPENMW
Bullfrog’s classic hospital sim brought        Massive open-world RPG engine brings
back to life. Ooh, matron!                     Skyrim predecessor.                               Dota 2
                                                                                                 Valve has graced us with another great
                                                                                                 free-to-play title: Dota 2. A multiplayer online
                                                                                                 battle arena (MOBA), Dota 2’s Linux version
                                                                                                 includes some pretty nifty features not
                                                                                                 available on other platforms, as well as a
                                                                                                 pop-up notification when a game is ready to
                                                                                                 play – very handy for serial Alt+Tabbers.

Remember Theme Hospital from Bullfrog?         The post-Christmas presents haven’t                                       Go red power ball, go!
Well Corsix-TH is an open source engine        stopped yet folks! There’s another open
for playing the comedy hospital simulation     source game engine with a brand-new
game natively on Linux, and it recently        release: this time it’s OpenMW, which
released version 0.3 which further             brings us The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
enhances the engine.                           RPG. This new version includes probably
   While the engine is free, you have to       the most important features, including
purchase the game assets from a site           combat AI and spell casting, including
such as This is one of the            visual effects for magic.                         Awesomenauts
awesome things about the Linux and                Much like Corsix-TH, OpenMW is an              There’s an expansion pack to Awesomenauts,
                                                                                                 titled Starstorm, which includes new playable
open source community – rather than            open-source engine designed to let you
                                                                                                 characters, game replays and custom game-
being forgotten, games that we loved           run Morrowind on your favourite open              modes. This is another MOBA although it’s
when we were younger get revived with          source operating system. It’s undergoing          far simpler than Dota 2 and plays like a
brand-new features.                            heavy development and missing some                platformer. The community is a little friendlier,
   It may be in beta, but Corsix-TH is fully   essential features from the original, but it’s    due to it being a simpler game to get into.
playable and extremely fun.                    well worth keeping an eye on.          


                             YOUR LETTERS
                               Got something to say? An idea for a new magazine feature?
                               Or a great discovery? Email us:

              LINUX VOICE STAR LETTER                                                                          ON A ROLL
                                                                                                               I have two computers here, one
                                                                                                               of which is running Mint. I have

  THE FIRST TASTE OF FREEDOM                                                                                   installed every version since
                                                                                                               Maya, the LTS release, and having
  I remember when I finally           community of enthusiasts            fears were dispelled and I           a separate home partition it has
  ditched Windows. At last            when something went                 found that the gamble had            been no problem. But, with each
  I’d broken free from the XP         wrong? Would I cope without         paid off.                            install, I have had to re-download
  safety net, but it felt a little    the comfort and security of a          Then I remembered all the         all the added programs from the
  bit like OS freefall. Could         familiar brand in a new world       headaches and issues I used          repositories. Not an intuitive task
  I really manage without a           where things weren’t the            to have with Windows which           for at least two people I have
  corporate-backed product?           same and sometimes broke?           lead me to this decision in          persuaded to try Linux.
  Could I genuinely rely on a         It didn’t take long before my       the first place. If any of the          Last year I came across
                                                                          above sounds strangely               SolydXK, ran the KDE version in
                                                                          familiar territory with your         VirtualBox, and was impressed by
                                                                          latest publishing venture,           the way everything was updated
                                                                          then fear not. You are still         every month. On behalf of novice
                                                                          among friends and we have            users, would it be better to have
                                                                          made this journey together,          a rolling release, or stick with an
                                                                          for the better.                      eighteen month-ish distribution?
                                                                          Chris Sandles                        Richard

                                                                          Graham says: Well said Chris.        Mike says: Novices are better off with
                                                                          The Linux and Free Software          the clearly defined releases, I think.
                                                                          community may be incredibly          Rolling distros are good for living on
                                                                          passionate and argue a lot,          the bleeding edge, but major kernel/X/
  Who needs Microsoft for technical support? Linux fans at user           but it’s also the most helpful       library updates can cause unexpected,
  groups help for free (photo credit:        community I’ve ever known.           hard-to-fix breakages.

It would be great if your magazine        Ben says: Thanks for the feedback
could review a few more Xfce              Alvin. You’re right that Xfce doesn’t
distributions. I noticed Xfce often       get as much attention as the
gets overlooked in comparison to          “big” desktops, but the times are
bigger desktop environments such          a-changin’. We’ve seen a large bunch
as Gnome and KDE.                         of former Gnome fans move to Xfce
   I was hoping you guys could            after the Gnome 3 redesign, as it
do an a round up of several               provides a lot of what Gnome 2 used
Xfce distributions and write a            to: a familiar-looking, reliable GTK-
comparison for your readers.              based desktop environment. We’ll
Looking forward to your                   keep an eye on Xfce-based distros;
magazine. I’ll be getting my digital      Xubuntu is the most notable, but we
subscription soon.                        always like to hear of others. If you     Xfce has come a very long way since its days as a clunky-looking
Alvin Wilson                              discover one, let us know!                clone of CDE (the Common Desktop Environment).


BANGIN’ CHOONS                                                                                                   THE CODE AHEAD
I wonder if readers would like to                                                                                Just a note on Linux and FOSS
share their favourite songs? I                                                                                   in general. I made the big move
love anything by GNU Kids on                                                                                     about five or six years ago.
the Block, and we should all be                                                                                  Since that time I started coding
grateful for the contribution that                                                                               again and have really started to
Kernel Parker made to modern                                                                                     enjoy computing again. In short,
music, but I think my all time bests                                                                             computing is fun again.
are Cliff Richard’s “She’s a                                                                                        I hope that you continue with
/dev/null Woman”, Buddy Holly’s                                                                                  coding tutorials in Linux Voice.
“Wake Up Little SUSE”, Paul                                                                                      They are great for those who have
Young’s “Wherever I Lay my Red             Andrew says: All groovy beats, but           Stallman can sing too:   an itch, but don’t where to start,
Hat” of course, and Phil Collins’          let’s not forget the classic “Stand by         and for those of us who have
breathtakingly un-annoying “Su             your man(page)”. If anyone can some-         watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw.     a favourite language, but don’t
Sudo”. In fact I like any cd.              how fit Slackware into a song title, let                              like change. We get to see how
Owain Clarke                               us know…                                                              the other language is structured,
                                                                                                                 which means we can then better
                                                                                                                 read source from other languages.

DISTRO HUNT                                                                                                         Do keep up the good work we
                                                                                                                 have all seen from you in the past.
I’ve been using Ubuntu for quite           (bundled monthly updates) may help                                    Bill Palone
some time, installed 13.10, and            to avoid the occasional breakage
got quite disappointed. So I had           that can afflict other rolling distros. If   SolydXK: not well        Mike says: Thanks for the feedback Bill.
to look for a new distro. After a          anyone else wants to check it out, the       known now, but could     Hopefully you’ll be glad to see a regular
little searching the net, I found          website is                  be a big distro soon.    coding section in Linux Voice, and in
a young KDE distro, based on                                                                                     next month’s cover feature we’ll have
Debian, inspired by Mint Debian                                                                                  programming projects for newbies as
edition, does monthly update-                                                                                    well as experienced hackers.
packs (semi-rolling releases), looks                                                                                I totally agree that coding makes
great, has the latest and greatest,                                                                              computing fun, and it’s great that the
comes with Firefox, Thunderbird,                                                                                 Raspberry Pi is encouraging kids in
LibreOffice… I think I found a new                                                                               schools to learn the art – apart from
home: SolydXK!                                                                                                   helping kids out in the job market,
Sofie Struyve                                                                                                    programming skills help language,
                                                                                                                 maths and logical thought. One of my
Mike says: Wow, that’s two mentions                                                                              next projects is to port MikeOS to the
of this distro in the same letters page!                                                                         Pi, but given that it’s all written in x86
SolydXK’s relatively conservative                                                                                assembly language and the Pi works on
approach to the rolling release model                                                                            an ARM chip, that’ll be a truly epic job…


            SATNAV SIGHS
            Linux Voice! I’d like to express my
            absolute disgust that your maga-
            zine isn’t called GNU/Linux Voice.
            I will be writing to my MP about
            this very important… Only joking.
            Good luck with the magazine, and I
            hope you do give credit to the GNU
            project when appropriate, even             The GNU/Linux naming FAQ weighs in
            though I think the naming debate           at over 9,000 words. Nomenclature is
                                                       a serious business indeed...
            is rather overblown.
            Dan Konovalov

            Andrew says: Rest assured, the GNU/        Software Foundation have contributed
            Linux FAQ on is my             hugely to the operating system we use
            bedtime reading material. One day          and love today. Big thanks to them.
            I’ll get to the end… In all seriousness,   But there must be a prettier name
            GNU, Richard Stallman and the Free         (and “Lignux” isn’t it).

            GNU’S TALKING?
            TomToms are very annoying; they
            may use a Linux kernel to work             the new magazine – I’m really
            but to update them you require             looking forward to the first (and
            a Windows or Apple computer.               subsequent) editions falling
            Their update program just will not         through my letter box.
            work with a Linux Box, even when           Ray Woods
            running with Wine.
               Plugging the satnav into the            Mike says: I’m not au-fait with sat-nav
            USB socket on my Linux Mint                systems, as I navigate by the moon,
            computer allows me to see                  the stars, and ancestral memory, but
            inside the TomTom just as if it            maybe one of our readers can write in
            were an attached disk. This is all         with a recommendation. Or you could
            fine and dandy but, unless you             perhaps add your name to the “Tom
            can download the appropriate               Tom Linux Support” petition online:
            files from TomTom and then       
            know what to do with them, it all             And yes, there is something very
            becomes a bit pointless.                   silly about devices that run Linux,
               Do you have any ideas? Is               but don’t actually integrate well with
            there such a thing as a Linux-             desktop Linux installations. It seems
            friendly satnav on the market              like manufacturers are missing an
            in the UK? And good luck with              opportunity for a big, easy win .

            Try to run
            software under
            Wine, and you
            may well get
            a “device not
            message. Fail.


HAPPY HACKING                               MATHS TIME
It is nice to show us some coding           I was wondering, since as far as
rules and some languages, but               I understand this publication is
what I really want to learn is how          aimed more at the intermediate
to help out existing projects.              user level, if you could perhaps
    Could the following be done?            do an extensive tutorial series
Review a piece of software, and             on algorithms. Kind of like a
find a bug or propose a new                 comprehensive guide from the
feature. Go through the particular          basics to advanced subjects.
case for raising the issue                  Algorithms are one of the most
(Launchpad, Gitorious, Bugzilla),           important and most fun parts of
find the bit of code that needs             being able to progam a computer,
changing, patch it or propose how           yet other publications seem to            Graham says: Wow – it’s like your          Poor Euclid didn’t have
to solve it (eg “the for loop does          largely ignore them or devote a           read our minds! Algorithms are a           access to Emacs, so he
not take into account iteration             couple of pages to them.                  fascinating subject, so turn to page       had to write his works
from zero and causes it to ignore           Tirab                                     100 for a look at Euclid’s.                on scraps of papyrus.
the first item of a list”) without
actually writing any code. Or
maybe correct a translation from
German in MikeOS, or go over
                                            WHAT CLOUD?
push, pull, SVN, CVS, Git or Bazaar,        I have recently bought a HP               format. Versioning would also be
or improve documentation. Or                Microserver, as my concern for            a bonus but not essential.
take the constructive criticism             privacy after the Snowden stuff           Andrew Walker
nicely even if a Linus-school-of-           came to light just kept growing.                                                     Seafile is an attractive
thought lead maintainer calls you           My dilemma now is which self-             Ben says: Great idea Andrew; we’ll try     and open source
a backbirth.                                hosted cloud storage solution             to include it in an upcoming issue.        alternative to DropBox.
    Anyway, please show us how to           to go with. The candidates are
be outstanding citizens of the free         SparkleShare, Seafile, Pydio,
software world!                             Syncany or git-annex assistant.
Andres                                      I’m struggling to decide and
                                            thought you may be able to do a
Mike says: This is a good idea. At          review. It has to be open source
FOSDEM I spoke to Wolfram Sang,             and needs to run on Arch.
a kernel hacker who gave a talk on             Ideally I would like to have
improving the kernel without having         the files stored in their normal
to contribute any code. I’d like to write   manner, so that I can put the
an article about this in an upcoming        drives in another PC and access
issue. There’s also a really niggling       them should my server die, ie
LibreOffice bug that I plan to fix –        not encrypted or some special
maybe I’ll document that. If I don’t get
totally lost in the huge codebase.

                                            OHHH VIENNA
                                            Mike, I wonder what you are do-
                                            ing in Vienna? Are you trying to
                                            change the civil service to Linux
                                            like it was done in Munich?
                                            Martin Domanski

                                            Mike says: Er, yes, that’s right.
                                            Honest. Nothing to do with the beer
                                            and Schnitzel or anything like that.
                                            Incidentally, Graham and I went to
                                                                                                                                 Munich has migrated
                                            Munich to interview the people behind
                                                                                                                                15,000 desktops from
Wolfram Sang wants to make kernel           the city’s Linux transition, so keep an                                            Windows to Linux – find
development more accessible – find          eye out for our full report next month.                                                out how next issue!
out more in the next few issues.            (And yes, we did drink Weißbier).

                                         LUGS ON TOUR

                                    LUGS ON TOUR
                                    Blackpool LUG
                                    Our Lancashire correspondent Les Pounder
                                    reports from Blackpool LUG & Makerspace.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo credit Les Pounder CC-BY-SA
                                             lackpool LUG meets once a      Arduino, but fully compatible with
                                             week, making it a rarity, as   the Uno range of Arduinos.
                                             most groups meet monthly.         Every week, there will be three or
                                    The venue is the business premises      four different projects on the go. For
                                    of Mike Hewitt, the LUG’s organiser,    example, the youngest member,
                                    and just happens to be a PC             Kieran, has been learning Python to
                                    recycling centre full of old kit that   augment his computing lessons at         The members working        unconference. Blackpool LUG have
                                    they can use for projects. A typical    school. His skill has grown each         on their individual        supported Oggcamp since 2011
                                    LUG meet involves brioche and           week and now he is readily creating      projects around the        and can be found working in the
                                    coffee, oh and quite a lot of hacking   his own programs such as a lottery       communal table notice      crew along with the other
                                    and making. Past projects include       number generator. Blackpool LUG’s        the coffee pot is empty.   magnificent volunteers.
                                    repurposing thin client computers       most senior member, Elizabeth, has                                     Linux is a community, and what
                                    (using Puppy Linux) for Oggcamp         been learning Grub and how to                                       makes a LUG so special are the
                                    signage, and a step-by-step video       configure it to maximise her                                        people, who all have a shared
                                    guide on how to dismantle and           workflow, while Mike and Donald,                                    interest in Linux and that bonds us
                                    rebuild a desktop computer.             our two electrical experts, have                                    together. But the friendships
                                       Blackpool LUG recently became a      recently repaired an old LCD TV to                                  created are more than this. I’d like to
                                    makerspace, growing with the            full working order, enabling the LUG                                say thanks to Mike Hewitt, for
                                    group’s interests in maker culture      to have a purpose-built Google                                      keeping the LUG open over the
                                    and hardware hacking. It now has        Hangout device on the main wall.                                    years and giving us a great home.
                                    lots of great facilities, such as a                                                                            If you have yet to find your local
                                    soldering room with extractor fan       BLUG on the road                                                    UK Linux user group, head over to
                                    and data sheets for all of the          Members of Blackpool LUG have                              and sign up to
                                    different microcontrollers that they    done many great things, both inside                                 your nearest meetings mailing list.
                                    tinker with. They especially enjoy      and outside of their meetings. They                                 Drop them a line and say hi.
                                    hacking with Arduinos, and now          have travelled the UK providing                                        If there isn’t a LUG in your area,
                                    everyone has an-Arduino                 logistical and technical support for                                why don’t you start your own? For a
                                    compatible device called “The           many high profile events, you might                                 venue, why not try a coffee shop or
                                    Shrimp”, which is a barebones           know of one, the mighty Oggcamp                                     local pub? Start small and build
                                                                                                                                                upon each success – that’s what
                                                                                                                                                Blackpool LUG have done.

                                                                                                                                                  TELL US ABOUT YOUR LUG!
                                                                                                                                                  Chances are that you are already a
                                                                                                                                                  member of a Linux User Group (LUG).
                                                                                                                                                  LUGs are all over the world and each
                                                                                                                                                  one has its own unique selling point,
Photo credit Les Pounder CC-BY-SA

                                                                                                                                                  which draws its members to meet
                                                                                                                                                  and discuss their favourite topic. We
                                                                                                                                                  want to know more about your LUG
                                                                                                                                                  or hackspace, so please write to us at
                                                                                                                     Kieran learning more and we might
                                                                                                                     about The Shrimp by          send one of our roving reporters to
                                                                                                                     building a Persistence       your next LUG meeting
                                                                                                                     of Vision kit.

                                                                                                                        LUGS NEWS

Sheffield LUG
Richard Ibbotson on the history of ShefLUG.

          remember back in the          step. In Sheffield at that time
          1990s helping Manchester      there were a few historians and
          LUG to come into              other academic people who had
existence. Dr Owen le Blanc, David      realised that open source and free
Clark, Dr Dave Gilbert, Professor Ted   software based on the General
Harding and some other notables         Public Licence was going to be
used to get together on Saturday        something more than a music hall
afternoons to create the first LUG      joke. Although, they hadn’t really
meeting in the UK. It was at about      understood what I understood.
this time (1992 to 1997) when the       Which was ? That open source
people at Manchester Computing          software is the future.                Rüdiger Berlich demonstrating SUSE 7.1 in front of Sheffield LUG.
Centre were working together with                                              Released in 2001, SUSE 7.1 was the first release to feature the
                                                                               Yast package manager/configuration centre.
Linus Torvalds that Dr Owen le          Gradual improvement
Blanc created MCC Interim Linux.        When I first started ShefLUG
A Dr Rüdiger Berlich arrived from       in 1999 we had a really nasty                                      based operating system and other
Germany. I helped him to start          website. This is much improved                                     things like tablets have come along.
SUSE Linux Ltd in London and also       in the present day. People didn’t                                  Recently people at the Linuxcon in
helped him with the same thing in       really know what they were doing                                   Edinburgh were saying “We won”:
California. The SUSE ethic at that      at meetings. We had to slowly                                      GNU/Linux has taken over the
time was “SUSE Linux. Have a lot        evolve a venue for meetings.                                       world. Whatever the truth might be
of fun”.                                Eventually we had a solid core                                     I find it best to remember one thing
   Since I am from Sheffield            of followers. Some of them are                                     throughout the FUD and fog that
originally I thought that creating      still around today. Times have                                     is out there. Which is ? GNU/Linux.
ShefLUG was the next logical            changed. The Android GNU/Linux                                     Have a lot of fun.”

Bradford LUG
John McLear and Shi Hussaini on a hive of activity.

        hi Hussaini got in touch with
        us from Bradford LUG to tell
        us about what they’re up to
in the land of dark satanic mills:
   “My husband and I have been                                                                                       The Pi is thriving
working on Swanky Paint, a Deluxe                                                                                    in its homeland
Paint clone (old school pixel editor                                                                                 of South Wales.
used in the games industry since
the 80s) targeting the Raspberry Pi
natively, as well as Linux, Android,                                           Pi Cymru
NaCl etc. but the Pi is our minimum     Wallow in the retrostalgia.            Doug Gore reports from South Wales.
spec. So far we have basic editing

and animated gif support so it’s        stored on their ring and when they             i Cymru, the               can put their Raspberry Pi
actually usable!”                       touch the TV it plays from a list of           Raspberry Pi               to good use. There will be
                                        tv shows recommended/streamed                  community for Wales,       talks, project demonstrations
One ring to rule them all               for them.”                             is hosting their first event - a   and open discussions on the
John McLear wrote to tell us about         We’ll admit that we didn’t really   Raspberry Jam at TechHub           Raspberry Pi. The event is
a cryotic Raspberry Pi/XBMC             understand this until we realised      in Swansea city centre on          free and open to everybody
project. “I have been hacking on Pi/    the NFC ring is a project that John    Saturday 8 March from              including families and
NXP Explore so I can use an NFC         funded on Kickstarter, raining         1.30 to 5.30pm. The event          children. You can register for
Ring to pause/play VLC/XBMC             almost a quarter of a million          brings Raspberry Pi users          the event at swanseajam.
videos by touching a panel under a      pounds to develop a ring that can      in the area together to meet, and find
TV. Next step is so each person in      be worn on your finger, and which      in person, learn from each         out more on our website at
my house can have a profile GUID        transmits data to nearby devices.      other and find out how they


                                                                                The crazy cats of The Document
                                                                                Foundation show us all how to run
                                                                                LibreOffice on a Raspberry Pi.

                                                                                    Semi-recursively, the Fedora
                                                                                    team used Fedora to print
                                                                                    little Fedora badges.

FOSDEM 2014 Free Software, free stickers and delicious beer – Mike Saunders
                      and Andrew Gregory just had to be there…

                 eeks work hard, but they play hard as well.     security, games and open hardware. Hackers could
                 While the vast majority of Linux and Free       watch presentations about new technologies, before
                 Software development takes place over the       exchanging ideas with other programmers and doing
         internet, real-life meetups are hugely important as     some on-the-spot coding.
         well. One of the biggest such European meetups is
         FOSDEM, which takes place every February in             Many, many speakers
         Brussels. We went along to see the action, and we       Michael Mrozek introduced the DragonBox Pyra, the
         didn’t come away disappointed.                          follow-up to the Pandora open source handheld
            Scattered across various halls of the ULB Solbosch   games console, while Daniel Naber explained how
         Campus, FOSDEM was packed with talks from               LanguageTool, a Free Software proofreading program,
         developers working on projects across the whole Free    has been used to find over a million style and
         Software spectrum: desktop applications, networking,    grammar errors in the English-language Wikipedia.

                                                                                                     FOSDEM SHOW REPORT

The latest build of
OpenSUSE works on ARM
chips, as shown here on a
humble Tegra laptop.

OpenMandriva and Rosa teamed up to talk about                We also spoke to Wolfram Sang, a kernel hacker
                                                                                                                    The relaxed crowds and
porting their distros to ARM devices, and Laurent         who is trying to get non-coders involved in kernel        fast-food vans give
Eschenauer showed off the Nodecopter, a drone that’s      development. How can you improve the kernel if you        FOSDEM the feel of a
programmable with JavaScript.                             don’t know any C? Well, Wolfram explained how it’s        music festival rather than
                                                          fairly easy to add new device IDs to drivers, so if you   a tech conference.
People power                                              buy a new webcam and it doesn’t work out-of-the-box
We met a bunch of awesome people on our travels.          in Linux, you may be able to add its device ID to an
Pieter Hintjens, anti-software patents campaigner and     existing driver to make it function. We’ll have more
author of the ZeroMQ distributed computing                from Wolfram in Linux Voice soon, so stay tuned.
framework, kindly gave us a copy of his latest book,
Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution (see page 28). Red   Take a stand
Hat evangelist and “transnational citizen” Jan            But our favourite part of FOSDEM 2014 was the
Wildeboer told us how he disabled the RFID chip in his    stands. Most computer shows tend to have boring
passport using his microwave – he’s a fascinating         stands with gelled-hair salesdrones parroting the
guy, and we hope to get an interview with him in the      latest blurb about their products, but it’s totally
next few months.                                          different at FOSDEM. Small projects are well
                                                          represented, and the people at the stands are the
                                                          geeks who work on them. Anyone could walk up and
                                                          chat to developers of the Enlightenment window
                                                          manager, for example, and the same goes for CentOS,
                                                          LibreOffice and OpenSUSE.
                                                             The OpenSUSE team showed us their VM-based
                                                          automated distro testing system (that sends
                                                          keyboard and mouse input to the VM window to
                                                          perform automatic installations), while the Fedora
                                                          stand wooed everyone with an awesome 3D printer
                                                          creating Fedora badges. Also present were the Free
                                                          Software Foundation Europe, the Mozilla Foundation,
                                                          and the Apache OpenOffice project.
                                                             Beer was tasty and plentiful; the WiFi network did a
                                                          good job as well, given that there were several
                                                          thousand geeks connected to it at any one time. It
                                                          was great to meet so many Linux Voice fans as well
The canteen, where all the best                           – your support and enthusiasm is amazing. So,
people hang out and much of the                           thanks to everyone who attended and showed off
unofficial ‘beer track’ takes place.                      their awesome work, and see you next year!

                                                                                                                           REVIEWS INTRO

                                    The latest software and hardware for your Linux box, reviewed
                                    and rated by the most experienced writers in the business

                                                On test this issue...
                                                   22                                                        24

Andrew Gregory
When he’s not gently massaging his Linux Mint
                                                Mageia 4                                                  LibreOffice 4.2
installation, Andrew enjoys a game of Oolite.   We still can’t agree on how to pronounce                  Ben dives head first into the latest
                                                its name, but this Mandriva spin-off has                  release of this mighty office suite – are
                                                lasted longer than some thought it might.                 the days finally numbered for Microsoft?

        ome things change without you
        noticing them. For years we’ve
        seen LibreOffice come on in                25                                     26                                27
leaps and bounds, adding stacks of
new features and better support for
non-native file formats. We’ve pored
over every update and marvelled at how
the suite has become a challenger to
– and in many ways the superior of –
Microsoft Office.                               Lightworks 11.5                        FreeBSD 10                        Nexus 5
   What hasn’t been so immediately
                                                It ain’t cheap, but this               Unix goodness with a more         Fancy hardware and no silly
evident is the vastly improved
                                                pro-level video editor is              conservative development          OEM bloatware: is this the
performance. I only thought about this
                                                brimming with features.                model. And some daft bugs.        perfect smartphone?
the other day: LibreOffice starts in a
couple of seconds now. OK, so I have a
fairly modern PC with an SSD drive, but
I thought back to the bad old days of           BOOKS AND ROUNDUP 1.x and 2.x, which would
                                                Trees are good. They release oxygen into the
take around 15 seconds to start.
                                                atmosphere and prevent us from dying of
   A huge amount of work has been               asphyxiation, and they can also be turned into thin
done under the hood of LibreOffice              slices containing written material. This month we
to enhance its performance. Our                 look at Culture and Empire: Digital Revolution, a great
good chum Michael Meeks has been                read explaining how the powers-that-be are waging
                                                war on the internet.
responsible for much of this work, and
                                                   Over in the Group Test we look at encryption
kudos to him: it’s not a glamorous job,         software: given the amount of spying going on, it’s the
but someone has to dig into the guts of         right time to start encrypting your communications.
the codebase and remove the cruft.              We look at the best tools for the job.


Mageia 4
Graham Morrison takes on the 64-bit version of one of the strongest
distributions to appear in recent years. Vive la différence!

                                          e dove straight into a fully fledged           minutes and 5.5GB to install from the DVD. After
  DATA                                    installation off the 64-bit DVD, rather than   package installation had completed, we did have
                                          playing around with the live CD first. As      problems telling the installer not to install a bootloader             ever with Mageia, the installation process looks            – see the box on EFI And GPT Partitions – but
  Developer                  fantastic. It recognised our drives and made it clear       otherwise, this was a first-class process.
  The Mageia Community       which drive we’d selected and what the consequences
  Price                      of installing might be. We used the manual                  Boot camp
  Mostly Free Software
                             partitioning option and created a new root partition        Our first boot was delayed for a considerable time in
                             from free space on our drive, although clicking on          the Checking For New Hardware state, but this didn’t
                             Done quickly brought up the formatting dialog without       happen with second and third boots, so we’re
                             any final chance to check the settings – a security         guessing this had something to do with the many
                             blanket we’d got used to with Ubuntu.                       USB devices we’ve got connected to our system.
                                We were also able to choose between a vast array         Logging into the default KDE desktop bought back
                             of desktops, which is a defining feature of Mageia 4.       many happy memories of Mandriva, mainly because
                             KDE and Gnome were the main options, but clicking           Mageia uses a similar blue colour scheme. But it’s
                             on ‘Custom’ brought us to the ‘Package Group                also that Mageia is augmented by many of the same
                             Selection’ screen, familiar to any former Mandrake          tools that made Mandriva so good. The Mageia
                             user. This page gives you a great overview of which         Control Center, for example, still has its own icon in
                             packages are going to be installed, enabling you to         the toolbar and provides easy access to software
                             freely change what you’d like. From here, for instance,     installation, hardware configuration, networking and
Mageia defaults to a great
                             you can install Xfce, Mate, Cinnamon, RazorQt, E17          system management, in exactly the same way
KDE desktop, but also
offers the most unrivalled   and LXDE without resorting to the package manager           DrakConf used to in the olden days.
selection of alternatives    after boot. We’ve never seen such a comprehensive             We also really like the MageiaWelcome application,
we’ve ever seen in a         selection of desktops from a single DVD, and we             which presents itself when you first reach the
distribution.                clicked on them all – which is perhaps why it took 80       desktop. This is a great tool for beginners, featuring

                                                                                                                         MAGEIA 4 REVIEWS

direct links to release notes, errata, how-tos, the wiki,
forums and chat rooms. Unfortunately, the last link            EFI AND GPT PARTITIONS
will only take you as far as launching X-Chat, leaving
the beginner to discover for themselves how IRC                It’s a little unfair to pick on Mageia for not     initramfs images from Mageia’s /boot folder
works and where to find Mageia’s support group. Not            working with GPT and EFI, because this is a        into our EFI partition, and created a simple
                                                               problem that’s only just beginning to emerge       configuration file for gummiboot that pointed
a great feature.                                               for many distributions. But its release notes      to the location of both, as well as set the root
   KDE 4.11 is the version shipped with Mageia 4. The          do boast ‘experimental support for UEFI’, so       device for our installation. As we were using
launch-menu is the classic ‘click and execute’ style, as       we’re going to mention it. GPT and EFI             Nvidia’s proprietary drivers, we also had to
you’d find on Windows 98, but we miss the pervasive            replace the old partitioning and boot              include nokmsboot as a boot option within
search of the application launcher – enabled with a            schemes that we’ve used for 20 years, and          the configuration file too. But after this was
                                                               it’s only now that PCs are appearing on the        set, booting was perfect and we had no
right-click whilst the widgets are unlocked. Sound             market that default to EFI rather than a           further issues. We’ll just have to keep an eye
works perfectly through the GStreamer back-end to              legacy BIOS option. With Mageia, one of the        on any kernel updates so we can copy the
PulseAudio, and it detected our complex array of               biggest problems we found installing on one        files over again if necessary.
kernel audio devices without difficulty.                       of these systems was that you couldn’t
   We wish a KDE distribution would be brave enough            choose to ignore the bootloader. The only
                                                               options were to install Grub, Grub 2 or even
to drop KDE’s default blue ‘Active Window Glow’,               Lilo! We wanted to skip this stage so we
inherited from the Oxygen window decorator, but this           could sort out our EFI bootloader ourselves,
can also be changed when you know where to look.               but in the end, the only way forward was to
There’s a great selection of the best KDE applications         install Grub 2 onto the partition itself, rather
including Amarok, Digikam, Kopete and KMail, but its           than the non-existent MBR.
                                                                   After installation, we were able to get
office suite is deprecated in favour of LibreOffice.           Mageia booting off GPT/EFI without too
                                                               much difficulty. Using gummiboot, a very           EFI support in modern distributions is
Desktopification                                               simple bootloader, we copied the kernel and        becoming increasingly important
The available software from a default installation is
fantastic, making Mageia a great one-click install
option for a comprehensive Linux/Open Source                 and panels. Openbox wins for absolute minimalism,
software suite. Having tools like Audacity, FileZilla,       so we’ll just say it works. More interesting was
Ekiga, Scribus and Abiword just a click away is great        RazorQt, and this is the first time we’ve tried this
for office environments, or for friends and family,          nascent Qt desktop from a default installation.
although we’d like to see VNC added to the mix. Our          Perhaps because we had so many others installed, we
installation had Kdenlive running in the background,         could choose between four different window
for some reason, taking up 99% of a single CPU core.         managers. The Razor desktop became our favourite
We then took a quick tour through the various                low-resource option simply because KDE apps felt
installed desktops; it’s great that you’re able to do this   almost native in this Qt environment. Finally, there’s
after only just installing the system from a DVD.            Xfce 4, which we also
    Cinnamon was nicely accelerated, although the
bottom panel was a little small on our high-resolution
                                                             love, because of its
                                                             great default options.          “The amazing selection of
screen. Enlightenment 17 was its minimalist self,               This amazing                 desktops available from a single
                                                                                             DVD is Mageia’s killer feature”
although asking us for our preferred size of window          selection of desktops
title bar was a nice touch. We’d have to question            available from a single
Inkscape’s high-priority placing in the toolbar, but         installation DVD is
Enlightenment on Mageia fels fantastic – slick,              Mageia’s killer feature, and serves a great purpose for
polished and lightweight.                                    people who may be finding their way with Linux
    Next up in the login menu is Gnome 3.x, which we         desktops. And this is definitely a distribution we’ll keep
have to admit is starting to make sense after years in       around for updates, because it bundles all these
the wilderness. Apart from the background and the            desktops together. But Mageia 4 is also a serious
welcome window, this is the default Gnome                    distribution, full of tier-one free software and a modern
experience. IceWM follows Gnome in the desktop               emphasis on kernel updates and security – Shorewall
selection menu, and this gives perhaps the most              is running, for example. It’s also one of the few
basic desktop experience of the lot. The background          distributions where suspend and resume has worked.
image isn’t scaled, for example, and there are no icons      With a few caveats about EFI installation and custom
in the launch menu. But that’s IceWM, and it’s good to       control panels, Mageia 4 is highly recommended.
have it here for low-powered Linux machines. We
prefer LXDE for the lightweight experience because it          LINUX VOICE VERDICT
has just a few more niceties, such as icons, but they
                                                               Despite a few rough edges, this has
both work well in Mageia. Mate, too, is a fuss-free two        to be the distribution to choose if
panel desktop. It’s quick and will feel familiar to            you’re a serial desktop swapper.
anyone used to an older version of Windows, and
looks great with reasonable sized anti-aliased fonts


LibreOffice 4.2
It’s not often an office suite excites us, but Ben Everard
discovers LibreOffice 4.2 has a trick up its sleeve.

                                       fter every new release of LibreOffice, reviewers
  DATA                                 talk about the same handful of things: code
                                       improvements, graphical improvements,         improved support for document formats. It’s all very
  Developer                   important and we’ll get to it in a bit. This time, though,
  The Document                there’s a new feature that’s genuinely exciting to us:
  Foundation                  GPU-accelerated spreadsheets. In a nutshell, the new
  Free under LGPL
                              version of Calc enables users to offload processor-
                              intensive calculations performed in the spreadsheet to
                              a GPU-compatible graphics card.
                                 This means that, for the first time, non-
                              programmers can harness the power of the graphics
                              card for non-graphics purposes. While it’s still early       LibreOffice Writer one of the key programs we use to
                              days, this could easily lead to speed improvements of        create Linux Voice. Thanks, Document Foundation!
                              a factor of ten or more for complex sheets holding a
                              lot of data. This is potentially a massive improvement       argument for using LibreOffice over commercial
                              not only over the old state of affairs, but over any         options even without considering the implications of
                              other spreadsheet out there.                                 free software.
                                 This is important because it shows that LibreOffice          Not only is the GPU-accelerated spreadsheet a
                              isn’t simply a clone of Microsoft Office, as some            great new feature, but it also shows the benefits of
                              people claim. It’s actually a project with its own ideas     open source code. It was developed in part by AMD,
                              about what makes a great office suite, and it’s              which could only do this because it had open access
                              implementing them regardless of what other office            to the code.
                              suites do. This is also one of a slowly increasing
                              number of areas where LibreOffice is noticeably better       Free as in better
                              than the Microsoft equivalent. When you couple it with       There have apparently been improvements to the
                              things like embedding Visio files in documents (only         import of MS Office files, though we’re not sure where,
                              possible in Office if you have Visio itself installed,       as it’s been a long time since we’ve had any problems
                              which isn’t cheap), there is an increasingly strong          importing files. Code re-factoring and translation of
                                                                                           German comments to English are both featured so

“LibreOffice isn’t simply a clone of Microsoft                                             much in LibreOffice press releases that they’ve

Office, as some people claim.”
                                                                                           become clichés, but they are of course important.
                                                                                           Once done (it’ll take a few more releases), this should
                                                                                           make it far easier for developers to add new features
                                                                                           (many more developers speak English than speak
                                                                                           German), so although it doesn’t sound exciting now,
                                                                                           it’s preparing the code for exciting things in the future.
                                                                                               The crux of any review is the question: should you
                                                                                           install this software? Unless you’re having issues with
                                                                                           the old version, or have a large spreadsheet you want
                                                                                           to offload to your GPU, there’s probably little to be
                                                                                           gained from rushing out and grabbing this version
                                                                                           rather than waiting for it to appear in your package
                                                                                           manager. What’s exciting is the way that, with this
                                                                                           release, LibreOffice has taken such a commanding
                                                                                           position in the office suite market.

                                                                                             LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                                                             Another solid release of LibreOffice
                                                                                             with a great new feature – exactly
                                                                                             what we’ve come to expect.

The smiley in LibreOffice 4.2 (shown here in Draw) has been improved to make it happier.

                                                                                               LIGHTWORKS PRO 11.5 REVIEWS

Lightworks Pro 11.5
It’s taken a long time and a metric ton of development work to get
here, but has Nick Veitch found the Final Cut Pro for Linux?

         ver recent months, we’ve learnt quite a bit
         about video editing. From lighting, sound and
         taking multiple shots, through to getting the
best from the software we use. And unfortunately, one
of the toughest lessons was that there just wasn’t a
good video editor for Linux. Lightworks could be our
saviour. It’s been around on Windows for a long time,
and a Linux version was announced way back in 2012
– alongside a commitment to release an open source
version, which has yet to materialise. After a beta
release last year, 11.5 is the first stable version for our
favourite operating system, and is something of a
milestone for non-linear video editing on Linux.
   Lightworks has a free version and a Pro version.
The free version features the same editing
environment but is restricted to web-friendly output
formats and a 720p output resolution. The Pro version
unlocks broadcast output formats and resolutions,             Lightworks defaults to using your entire screen, but it can be coaxed into a window.
and even 4K and 5K as image sequences. Ubuntu and
Fedora derivatives are officially supported, and we           images. We missed embedded thumbnails, but they’re
installed the 60MB download on 64-bit Mint 16 by              not essential, and it’s not always obvious where
simply clicking on it. The recommended computer               features hide. The all-important wipes and transitions,         Distros Ubuntu 13.10,
specification is on the demanding side (see side              for blending from one shot to another, are hidden               Mint 15, 16,
                                                                                                                              Fedora 18, 19
panel), but that’s not surprising. Video editing anything     behind a press of the F8 button, for example, with no
                                                                                                                              Intel i7 or AMD
other that cat videos from your smartphone requires           menu or icon we could see to indicate its existence.            equivalent
as much CPU and memory as you can throw at it,                The selection of effects is brilliant, and give the editor      3GB RAM or higher
with your GPU in particular used to accelerate many           a fantastic palette of powerful processing that                 1GB PCI-Express VGA
processing tasks.                                             remains functional rather than over-stylised, which is          NVIDIA or ATI with
                                                              the problem with many effects in Final Cut Pro. Our
The Final Countdown                                           favourite feature is the all-powerful keyframes, which          Developer EditShare
Coming from Final Cut Pro (Apple’s market leader),            can easily be used to change parameters over time,              Price £180 or £49.99pa
Lightworks takes some getting used to, although               creating slow-pans or focus effects with aplomb.
many of the same features and facilities are present.         Keyframes can even be edited from a graph, and while
Lightworks gives you more freedom to organise clips,          we couldn’t find an option for Bézier curves, there’s
create, composite and pull these together into edits,         more then enough detail
                                                              here to get exactly the
                                                                                               “Lightworks is a professional
which themselves can be stacked and re-used in a
very modular way. Clips can be dragged against one            results you need.
another, changing the time in both, or moved around              There’s nothing like
                                                              Lightworks on Linux. It’s a      video editing suite that really
                                                                                               does deliver results.”
on a timeline. Selecting Delete will split a clip, and you
can drag and drop other clips, transitions, audio and         professional video editing
                                                              suite that really does
                                                              deliver results. If you make
                                                              money from editing, you won’t begrudge the cost. If
                                                              you don’t, the free version is good enough for many
                                                              projects – with the ‘Creative Cloud’ like pricing giving a
                                                              reasonable entry point for one-off projects.

                                                                LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                                It’s the only application of its calibre
                                                                on Linux, and in terms of features,
                                                                we’ve barely scratched the surface.
Keyframes are brilliant for changing parameter values
over time. Look at that beautiful face.


FreeBSD 10.0
Without great fanfare, the FreeBSD project keeps pumping out releases.
Mike Saunders explores what’s new in version 10.

                                       or many of its users FreeBSD is a more
  DATA                                 traditional operating system than Linux: it’s
                                       Unix-like, it’s free, it’s open source, it’s reliable,             and it carefully integrates new features in a gradual
  Developer                   development cycle. The entire FreeBSD source code
  The FreeBSD Project         tree, including the kernel, core libraries and system
  Price                       utilities, is developed as a whole – in contrast to Linux,
  Free under the
  BSD license
                              where one group maintains the kernel, another
                              maintains glibc, and so forth.
                                 FreeBSD 10 is available in various formats, from
                              traditional CD/DVD ISOs to a .img file that can be
                              written to a USB key. The installer is largely                    The installer, bsdinstall, was originally created as a “stop
                              unchanged from 9.x; it’s a text-mode tool reminiscent             gap” tool but has stuck around since 2011.
                              of older Linux distro installers, and while it’s not pretty
                              it gets the job done quickly, and is much simpler than            been extensively improved, so FreeBSD now runs on
                              the plain text OpenBSD installer.                                 the Raspberry Pi, while a new type-2 hypervisor
                                 In general use, FreeBSD looks and feels much like a            (bhyve) has been added along with support for
                              GNU/Linux distribution. Almost all major open source              running on Microsoft’s Hyper-V.
                              programs have been ported to FreeBSD (often                           TRIM and LZ4 compression has been added to the
                              requiring no modification), and there’s a fairly reliable         ZFS filesystem, and FUSE (filesystem in userspace) is
                              Linux compatibility layer to run Linux-only binary                now in the base system, so you can use all of the
                              programs. As a desktop OS it’s close to Linux in                  awesome FUSE drivers that were developed on Linux.
                              features and performance – although hardware                      Then there’s USB audio 2.0 support, wireless
                              support isn’t quite as extensive. Under the hood many             networking improvements, and boot time speedups.
                              command options and filesystem locations are                      It’s an impressive bunch of enhancements touching
                              different, and the OS expects more prior knowledge                almost every area of the OS.
                              than a newbie-oriented Linux distro, but the great
                              documentation makes things clear.                                 Regrettable slip-ups
FreeBSD’s phenomenally
                                 Most notably, GCC is gone from FreeBSD 10’s base               A major setback for FreeBSD 10, though, is the
stable base system doesn’t
include anything graphical,   system, being replaced with LLVM/Clang. The                       embarrassing bugs that have somehow slipped into
but a quick ‘pkg install      FreeBSD team has wanted to switch to a BSD-                       the final release. Sure, major new versions of software
xorg xfce’ command will       licensed compiler for years, and now it has. (GCC is              are going to have some flaws, but the issues in
get you a usable desktop.     still available to install, though.) ARM support has              FreeBSD 10 should have been caught much earlier.
                                                                                                Look at
                                                                                                html and you’ll see alarming examples like this:
                                                                                                    “A bug in killall(1) has been discovered. It makes
                                                                                                killall -INT deliver SIGTERM rather than the desired
                                                                                                SIGINT, and may cause blocking behaviour for scripts
                                                                                                that uses it, as -I means ‘interactive’.”
                                                                                                    This is very alarming, and the same can be said of
                                                                                                the pw(8) bug, which changes the behaviour of a
                                                                                                critical system tool. When an OS prides itself on
                                                                                                stability and a conservative development process, for
                                                                                                such silly bugs to slip through is awkward. It doesn’t
                                                                                                mean that FreeBSD 10 is a disaster – far from it – but
                                                                                                it’s bad for the project’s image.

                                                                                                  LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                                                                  Plenty of new features to explore,
                                                                                                  but the silly bugs let it down. Here’s
                                                                                                  hoping it’s just a one-off.

                                                                                                                    NEXUS 5 REVIEWS

Google Nexus 5: three-month review
After some time with Google’s flagship smartphone, Graham Morrison
reaches a conclusion on whether it’s worth the upgrade.

         couple of us on the team have a Nexus 5. On
         paper, when value is a consideration, it’s the                                                                   DATA
         best phone you can buy, and will likely stay as                                                                  Web
Google’s flagship device for some time yet. But price/                                                          
specification comparisons don’t tell you the whole                                                                        nexus/5
story. You have to spend time with a device to be able                                                                    Manufacturer
to say whether it’s really a successful product. Which                                                                    LG
is exactly what we’ve done, reporting our findings on                                                                     £299 for 16GB version;
whether the Nexus 5 is still the go-to phone for                                                                          £339 for 32GB
Linux-loving smartphone users.
   After a flaky start, Android has become a wonderful
operating system. When notifications appear in the           Even though the screen on the Nexus 5 is larger, the
top-left of the display, they’re subtle, functional and      phone feels thinner and lighter than the Nexus 4.
easily swiped away. With a few choice applications,
such as ‘Status Agenda’ for adding appointments to               We do have problems with some aspects of
the notification area, a replacement launcher or a           Android, and by far our biggest is with its unrelenting
better text messaging application app than the default       appetite for personal data. Google Now begs you to
(the awful Google Hangouts) you can build an                 turn on browsing history, and refuses to unlock its
environment that works best for you, which is                best features until you do. Every time you open your
something that can’t be said about Apple’s iOS.              photos you’re pleaded with to enable online backup.
                                                             Many things seems enabled until you turn them off,
Hardware                                                     and you only have to look at your Google location
The hardware is fantastic. After three months’ daily         history to get a terrifying snapshot of where you’ve
use without a case, the screen is still unblemished.         physically been, helpfully logged by your phone even if
Nor have we noticed any problems being understood            it’s just down the road to get some milk.
through the diminutive microphone grille – which                 We’re uncomfortable with this, which is why
some users have complained about.                            Cyanagonmod may be our
   Speaker output is quite low for hands-free, and the
quality of audio recording is about only average – it’s
                                                             best option. Cyanogenmod
                                                             is Android with the Google    “Our biggest problem with
legible, but it’s not crystal clear. The headphone           cloud services taken out.
                                                                                           Android is its unrelenting
                                                                                           appetite for personal data.”
outputs are also on the low side, although subjective        Similarly, the F-Droid
audio quality is excellent. And the camera was vastly        repository seems to be
improved by an Android update. The screen, as it was         going from strength to
in the beginning, is stunning, but the auto-brightness       strength, and it’s become an essential resource for
setting can be hit and miss. With average use, our           open source apps and utilities. The OwnCloud app, for
phones last us about 40 hours without a charge,              example, automatically uploads photos to your server,
which is perfectly usable.                                   and is particularly helpful, as are the terminal and SSH
                                                             clients. We still don’t like SMS and chat integration, but
                                                             a small SMS icon now tells you whether you’re
                                                             chatting on your mobile network. Fortunately, you can
                                                             download the previous version of Messaging through
                                                             Google Play, thanks to again to Cyanogenmod.
                                                                 Not withstanding privacy issues, the ability to
                                                             customise nearly every aspect of your phone’s
                                                             operating system will appeal greatly to the average
                                                             Linux user. And we can’t argue with that.

                                                               LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                               A wonderful phone made even more
                                                               wonderful by the availability of
If you want to scare yourself, take a look at the location
history for your account. Google is watching you.


Real World OCaml
Mike Saunders starts learning his eighth programming language.

          ’Reilly doesn’t shy away from          users, but if you’re planning to learn OCaml
          covering esoteric topics. Few          for doing some cross-platform coding, it’s
          developers have ever dabbled in        worth bearing in mind.
OCaml, but this object-oriented, functional        Otherwise, the book is typical O’Reilly fare:
programming language has a lengthy               483 pages of minimal presentation and
history behind it, extending Caml (which         serious text, but it’s extremely clear, well
itself is a dialect of ML, stretching back to    written and authoritative. There’s no
the early 70s).                                  hand-holding here, so if you’re completely
   This book describes OCaml as “an              new to programming you might find the
industrial-strength programming language         pace too fast. But if you’re already well
designed for expressiveness, safety and          versed in a couple of languages and want to
speed”, and the opening chapters do a good       get into OCaml, this is a good choice.
job of setting out the advantages of using
the language.                                      LINUX VOICE VERDICT
   Weirdly, Real World OCaml avoids using the      Authors Yaron Minsky,
language’s standard library, instead basing        Anil Madhavapeddy and Jason Hickey
its teaching and examples on the Jane              Publisher O’Reilly
                                                   ISBN 978-1-449-32391-2
Street Core library, an alternative with more      Price US $39.99
features and syntax extensions. Fair enough        Typical O’Reilly: a no-nonsense, extensive
– but this Core library isn’t yet supported on     and confidently written guide to all aspects
Windows. Instead, the book recommends              of the language.
that Windows users install Linux in a virtual                                                      It had to be a camel, of course; but we wonder
machine. This isn’t a big deal for us Linux                                                        how Perl will feel about having to share?

Arduino Projects for Dummies
We’re not sure how many dummies use Arduino, so Ben Everard read it instead.

        rduino Projects for Dummies starts       section introduces both of these subjects.        you’d need if you wish to take things further
        with the assumption that the reader      The writing’s clear and easy to follow as you     by yourself. For example, I2C gets just one
        knows very little about either           might expect from an experienced teacher          paragraph, but this is still better than SPI,
electronics or the Arduino, and the first        like Brock Craft.                                 which merits only a single sentence.
                                                    The focus of the book, though, isn’t these       It would be unfair to heavily criticise the
                                                 introductory explanations, but a series of 12     book for these omissions though, because it
                                                 projects that get harder from simple LED          doesn’t claim to be an all-encompassing
                                                 controllers to a remote-controlled car and        guide to the platform, but a projects book to
                                                 GPS data loggers. The projects are all            help the reader quickly and easily get started
                                                 achievable for someone with limited               with fun builds. It does this admirably. In this
                                                 experience and time. After getting the basic      context, then, the focus on just what you
                                                 skills from the basic projects, most people       need to know, rather than getting bogged
                                                 should be able to take on even the more           down in excessive detail, is a point in its
                                                 advanced projects. The clear writing and          favour rather than a downside.
                                                 clear diagrams make them easy to follow.
                                                 Because of the ecosystem of Arduino                 LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                 shields and libraries, features like RFID tags      Author Brock Craft
                                                 and accessing Twitter are easily achievable         Publisher John Wiley & Sons
                                                                                                     ISBN 978-1118551479
                                                 and this book introduces them in a fun way.
                                                                                                     Price £17.99
                                                    The book does cover building projects
                                                                                                     Some useful projects to help you get started
                                                 well, and looks at a number of common               with the Arduino Uno.
                                                 shields and simple components. However, it
                                                 completely passes by some things that

                                                                                                                      REVIEWS BOOKS

Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution                                                                 ALSO RELEASED…
Andrew Gregory gets out his tin foil hat, then puts it away again.

         ulture & Empire: Digital Revolution, by
         Pieter Hintjens, is a remarkably
         clear-sighted overview of how
mass connectivity leads to social change
and provides an examination of why some
forces are resisting this change
                                                                            Culture & Empire
   Hintjens’ analysis is part sociology, part                               is licensed CC-BY-
free-market economics, part Marxist                                         SA-3.0, so the author                                   Get ahead of
theory, but it coalesces into a convincing                                  is practising what he                                   the curve by
argument (admittedly with the odd                                           preaches.                                               coding Glass
digression). If you’ve looked around you at                                                                                         apps today.
state surveillance, SOPA and David                 vocabulary. This book is the serious work         Programming Google Glass
Cameron’s Porn FilterTM with growing               that this serious subject deserves.               Even if Bruce Sterling isn’t a fan, there’s no
unease, this book is unlikely to make you                                                            doubt that Google’s wearable tech has already
feel more comfortable; instead it clarifies                                                          had a huge impact. You could probably use this
exactly why your gut feeling is right and            LINUX VOICE VERDICT                             book to write your own inane bird physics
                                                                                                     game and take over the world.
helps intellectualise the reasons why the            Author Pieter Hintjens
                                                     Publisher iMatix Global Services
powers that be want to control us.                   ISBN 978-1492999775
   If that sounds abstract and academic, it          Price £14.93 print
isn’t. For a work of social theory there’s           £1.90 (Kindle)
                                                     PDF download Free
very little of the made-up nonsense words
                                                     Goes on occasional flights of fancy, but
that usually pervade the subject; instead,
                                                     retains throughout a core of truth. Highly
the writing is clear, explaining complex             recommended.
ideas in simple terms that make you think
without having to work on your

Mediaeval technology & social change                                                                                                perl -n -e
Can Graham Morrison learn anything from Mediaeval tech?                                                                             [A-Z]/;print’

         his book was recommended to us                                                              Mastering Perl, 2nd Edition
                                                                                                     The definitive tome on Perl programming gets
         by Robert ‘r0ml’ Lefkowitz when                                                             an upgrade. This is not light reading for the
         we spoke to him last year. It was                                                           bath. It’s not even heavy reading. It’s about
published in 1962, but r0ml had us                                                                   Perl, and so exists on its own plane.
enraptured by its principle argument –
that the appearance of the horse stirrup in
medieval Europe was a precursor to                                          What can we learn
feudalism. The book’s thesis explains that                                  from the tech shifts
this form of combat, where a knight wields                                  of 1,200 years ago?
heavy weapons while remaining in full                                       Quite a bit, actually…
control of his steed, altered the structure
of society because it was such an effective        interested in the northward shift in
form of combat. Those knights were                 European powerplay. Regardless, it’s a
bribed into service by offers of land which,       fascinating book that’s easier to read than
                                                                                                                                    The cool kids
in turn, was farmed by peasants pledged            you might imagine for an old title devoted
                                                                                                                                    don’t use
to serve their master in battle.                   to constructing an academic thesis.
   r0ml was working on a theory that used                                                                                           They use Zsh.
some of these ideas, replacing the stirrup           LINUX VOICE VERDICT
with the computer and pondering feudal               Author Lynn White, Jr                           Learning Shell Scripting with Zsh
emancipation. It’s all about resources, and          Publisher Oxford University Press               Zsh is awesome – you don’t know it yet. It can
as long as open source exists and                    ISBN 978-0195002669                             do so many cool things that Bash can’t, and
                                                     Price £13                                       also makes you look more l337 at conferences
everyone is taught how to code, we’ll be                                                             and LUG meetings. This book should tell you
                                                     The perfect excuse to raid every second-hand
free from bondage forever – huzzah! Or               bookshop you see.                               everything you need to know.
something like that. Later chapters aren’t
quite so interesting, unless you’re


                  Mayank Sharma gathers the best file encryption tools
                  to help you take charge of your personal privacy.

 On Test                                              Encryption
                                                      Let’s define what we mean by this vague term.

                                                               he Snowden revelations                 Then there are applications that
                       Version 7.1a                            have reinvigorated interest          will help you create encrypted silos
                       Licence                                 in personal privacy. You can         within your filesystem, or entire
                       The TrueCrypt licence          control access to the data in your            partitions. The hallmark of these
                       Multi-platform graphical       computer with the use of file                 applications is that they can do
                       solution.                      permissions and user accounts.                on-the-fly encryption. This means
                                                      But this type of protection isn’t             they will automatically encrypt your

 BestCrypt                                            enough to deter a determined
                                                      intruder. The only sure way to keep
                                                                                                    data before writing it to the disk and
                                                                                                    decrypt it when called for, assuming
                       URL             your personal data to yourself is to          you have the right credentials.
                       Version 2.0-3                  encrypt it. Working with encrypted              On the downside, there’s usually
                       Licence Proprietary            data is an involved process, but it’ll        a performance hit with transparent
                       The paid-for solution –
                                                      go a long way in reinforcing your             encryption, depending on the type
                       does it offer enough to
                       justify the price tag?         security and insulating your data             of cipher you’ve used to scramble
                                                      from unwanted attention.                      the data. However some tools can
                                                         You’ll find lots of open source            take advantage of dedicated
 zuluCrypt                                            encryption software in your                   cryptographic hardware extensions
                                                      distribution’s package repository.            built into many modern desktop
                       com/p/zulucrypt                Some leading distributions, like              processors to minimise the
                       Version 4.4.7                  Fedora, Ubuntu and Linux Mint,                performance degradation.
                       Licence GNU GPLv2              even let you encrypt your entire disk           Now then: which of our chosen
                       Flexible, graphical and        while you are setting it up.                  contenders is best for you?
                       intuitive encription.

                                                      “You’ll find lots of encryption software
                                                      in your distribution’s package repository”
                       Version 103
                       Licence GNU GPLv2
                                                        THE CRUCIAL CRITERIA
                       Speedy encryption that
                       works at kernel level.           All the tools were installed using their    We also look at usability with respect
                                                        recommended installation mechanisms.        to their feature set: a feature-rich
                                                        Tools that were easier to install and use   command-line app isn’t necessarily a
                                                        were rated higher. However, encryption      better option than a simpler but intuitive
 EncFS                                                  is a complicated subject that needs         graphical tool that gets the job done.
                                                        to be handled with care, which is               Finally we also test the performance
                       URL           why we also looked at the help and          of each app by creating containers of
                       Version 1.7.4                    documentation offered.                      equal size using the default ciphers. We
                       Licence GNU GPLv2                   We didn’t test the security provided     then copy a bunch of small and large
                       Command-line utility             by the tools, because they all use          files and time the operation with the
                       powered by FUSE                  industry-standard ciphers to encrypt the    time command. This isn’t by any means
                       (filesystem in userspace).       data. We do however take note of the        a reliable benchmarking technique, but
                                                        ones that enable their users to select      it should give you an idea about the
                                                        the encryption cipher and its strength.     relative performance of each tool.

                                                                                                  ENCRYPTION GROUP TEST

Supported ciphers                                                                               What can it
Do they meet industry standards?
                                                                                                Disk, partitions, swap…

                                                                                                         he encryption tools in this group test
                                                                                                         can be classified into two types based
                                                                                                         on how they operate. TrueCrypt,
                                                                                                BestCrypt and zuluCrypt perform block device
                                                                                                encryption – that is, they encrypt everything
                                                                                                written to a certain block device. The block
                                                                                                device can be a whole disk, a partition or even
                                                                                                a file mounted as a loopback device.
                                                                                                   With block device encryption, the user
                                                                                                creates the file system on the block device,
                                                                                                and the encryption layer transparently
                                                                                                encrypts the data before writing it to the actual
                                                                                                lower block device. One advantage of this is
                                                                                                that attackers learn nothing about the
Attackers will try to break your password rather than the encryption, so make sure you use a    filesystem unless they have the means to
long and random password with special characters to mitigate dictionary attacks.                decrypt the data. They wouldn’t even know the
                                                                                                type of filesystem or the directory structure.

          ll encryption software relies on a       Another security feature that all these      – while encrypted it just appears like a large
          cipher to encrypt. A cipher is an     encryption tools offer is the use of key        blob of random data.
          algorithm that does the               files. A keyfile is a file whose content is        On the other hand, a disadvantage of block
encryption and decryption. Also important       combined with a password. Until the             device encryption is that a fixed region of
is the key size of the cipher that’s used to    correct keyfile is provided, no volume that     storage must be pre-allocated. That’s where
encrypt. As the key size increases, so does     uses the keyfile can be mounted.                stacked filesystem encryption solutions, like
the complexity of exhaustive search to the                                                      eCryptfs and EncFS, come into the picture.
point where it becomes impracticable to         Salt data                                       They add an additional layer to an existing
crack the encryption directly.                  TrueCrypt also supports adding salt data        filesystem. Files that are written to an
   The most popular encryption cipher is        to the encrypted container. The salt            encryption-enabled folder are encrypted on the
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)          comprises values generated by TrueCrypt’s       fly before the underlying filesystem writes
which is based on the Rijndael cipher. AES      random number generator, and makes it           them to disk. While they don’t need a fixed
with a key size of 256 bits is widely used      difficult to pre-compute all the keys for a     region of storage, on the downside they don’t
as it offers the right balance of speed and     dictionary attack (if a 512-bit salt is used,   hide file metadata such as the number of files,
security. Everything in this group test         there are 2^512 keys for each password).        directory structure, file sizes, permissions, etc.
defaults to this cipher combination.               We’d also like to point out that zuluCrypt       Using TrueCrypt and zuluCrypt you can
   Besides zuluCrypt, which only uses AES,      is a front-end to the cryptsetup utility,       create an encrypted disk within a file or within
all others offer additional ciphers. EncFS      which can setup encrypted LUKS volumes          a non-system partition or USB disk. They
and eCryptfs also support the Twofish           based on the dm-crypt kernel module.            cannot encrypt the boot partition or the boot
algorithm, while TrueCrypt additionally         LUKS is the Linux Unified Key Setup,            drive in Linux (TrueCrypt supports this feature
offers Serpent, and BestCrypt offers            which is a disk-encryption specification        in its Windows version), but you can use
Blowfish, CAST, and GOST 28147-89.              designed specifically for Linux. dm-crypt,      zuluCrypt to encrypt/decrypt any file with
   Serpent and Twofish are considered by        via the cryptsetup command-line tool, can       either a passphrase or a keyfile.
the US National Institute of Standards and      use any algorithm that are built into your         BestCrypt offers different encryption
Technology to have a higher security            kernel which you can find out with the cat      products but only the Containers app is
tolerance than AES, but are also slower.        /proc/crypto command. It can also add           available for Linux, which creates encrypted
   TrueCrypt is the only tool that supports     salt when creating LUKS containers.             containers in which to store files.
cascade encryption, which is the process
of encrypting an already encrypted                VERDICT                                         VERDICT
message, either using the same or a               TrueCrypt                                       TrueCrypt
                                                  BestCrypt                                       BestCrypt
different algorithm. It supports five             zuluCrypt                                       zuluCrypt
                                                  eCryptfs                                        eCryptfs
algorithms for this purpose, including            EncFS                                           EncFS
AES-Twofish and Serpent-Twofish-AES.


Noteworthy                                        Usability
features                                          Do you need a superior intellect to use these tools?

                                                          ools that encrypt your data should      This places even more responsibility on
                                                          be handled with care. The FAQs of     the developers of encryption software to
What makes our chosen few                                 encryption software deal with         make sure their users aren’t overwhelmed
stand out from the crowd?                         accidental data loss because of forgotten     by the tools at their disposal. In addition to
                                                  passwords, misplaced key files or             being easy to install, a well designed tool

        rueCrypt is the most portable solution    damaged headers. The same software            should expose its features correctly, so
        of all the tools in this group test,      that guards your data might also prevent      that it doesn’t force the user to look for the
        because you can use the application       you from accessing it ever again.             help file or support on the forums.
without having to install it. One of its most
notable features is the ability to create a
hidden volume inside another encrypted            TrueCrypt
volume. Although many experts have                Because of TrueCrypt’s unclear licensing      line. The step-by-step volume creation
played down this feature’s effectiveness          terms, the software isn’t available in the    wizard makes the tool ideal for new users.
in concealing the fact that there’s a hidden      repositories of any Linux distro and has to   TrueCypt also has an option to benchmark
container from a determined attacker, it          be downloaded from its website in the         the speed for encryption/decryption of
does provide plausible deniability to casual      form a compressed installation script. We     various supported encryption ciphers.
inspection. Under Windows you can even run        also don’t like it that TrueCrypt requires       You can use the software to organise
a hidden operating system from this partition,    you to either use a sudoers configuration     volumes and mount them with a single
though this functionality, as with many of        or run the tool as the root user.             click. The tool also lets you change the
TrueCrypt’s specialist features, is unavailable     The app has a graphical interface and       encryption password and add or remove
on Linux.                                         can also be controlled from the command       keyfiles to volumes.
   BestCrypt also enables you to create a
hidden container inside an already encrypted
volume. In fact, with BestCrypt, unlike
TrueCrypt, you can create multiple hidden
containers. BestCrypt also offers the ability
to protect existing hidden containers when
creating a new one. Using the tool you can
also encrypt the container headers, which                                                                      TrueCrypt suffers from its
conceals the fact that you have an encrypted                                                                   bespoke licence, which keeps
container. The tool also enables you to                                                                        it out of distro repositories.
re-encrypt containers, change their ciphers
and encryption keys, and also lets you add
multiple passwords.                               BestCrypt
                                                  The proprietary tool isn’t the easiest to     new container or load an existing one.
Zulus, Sir – faahsands of ’em                     install, but its documentation explains the   New users can create a container simply
zuluCrypt’s main attraction is that it lets you   process in detail. Like TrueCrypt, the app    by specifying a size and selecting the
manage different types of encrypted volumes,      has a graphical interface and a command-      location of the container. Advanced users
including those created by dm-crypt/LUKS          line utility, which has more functions than   can optionally bring up additional options
and TrueCrypt. It can also encrypt individual     the GUI. For example, you can benchmark       to select a filesystem for the container,
files with GPG.                                   the performance of the various ciphers        change its encryption algorithm and
   The one feature common to both                 supported by BestCrypt only via the CLI.      encryption mode.
stacked filesystem encryption tools is the           The graphical interface is pretty simple     You can perform various tasks on the
portability of the encrypted files that can be    to navigate. You get buttons to create a      container before mounting
decrypted on other operating systems as
well. Furthermore, eCryptfs lets you assign
independently revocable multiple keys for the
same encrypted data.

  zuluCrypt                                                                                                    BestCrypt costs €49.95, and
  eCryptfs                                                                                                     the Linux version doesn’t
                                                                                                               support full-volume

                                                                                               ENCRYPTION GROUP TEST

ZuluCrypt’s GUI isn’t as polished as
BestCrypt’s but is more intuitive than
                                               LUKS container, the app will remind you
                                               to back up its header immediately after        Support and
TrueCrypt’s. You get separate options to       creating the container. The tool also has
create an encrypted container in a file and    options to encrypt and decrypt standalone
in a partition. You can also create random     files and securely erase a device by writing
keyfiles and use these to encrypt the          random data to it, as well as a graphical
                                                                                              When you’re stuck and you need
containers. If you use the app to create a     tool for mounting and managing volumes.
                                                                                              help, where do you turn?

                                                                                                      rueCrypt includes a comprehensive
                                                                                                      150-page user guide, which provides
                                                                                                      detailed instructions on using the
                                                                                              application as well as educating users about
                                                                                              the precautions they must take when dealing
                                                              ZuluCrypt is a front-end to     with any kind of encrypted data. There’s also
                                                              the crypsetup utility, but it   a step-by-step beginner’s guide and an FAQ
                                                              also has its own CLI version.   that discusses common issues such as
                                                                                              forgetting encryption passwords and how to
                                                                                              use the software on a removable device. The
eCryptf                                                                                       forum on the website (
The best thing about eCryptfs is that it’s        When you create a new encrypted             has a dedicated board on problems related to
available in all major Linux distributions,    directory, the tool will take you through      the Linux version of TrueCrypt.
so you can install the ecryptfs-utils          a command-line wizard to help you                When we checked, the latest update was a
package using your distribution’s package      configure the directory. You’ll be asked to    week ago, whereas the Mac forum had been
manager. This will install a bunch of          select one of the six supported ciphers        updated that day. Either Linux users are better
individual utilities to create, mount, and     and its length to encrypt the directory        than Mac users at using encryption software,
manage all aspects of the file system level    and you can also choose to encrypt the         or there just isn’t as much interest in the Linux
encryption system.                             filename within this directory as well.        version. Or maybe it’s a bit of both.

                                                                                              Read the manual, and the FAQ
                                                                                              BestCrypt also has a detailed user guide as
                                                              eCrypt is simple to set up:     well as a quick start guide and a forum board,
                                                              just create a directory that
                                                                                              but no paid support, while the primary source
                                                              you want to encrypt and
                                                              mount it as the ‘ecryptfs’      of usage information about eCryptfs is in the
                                                              type. You can also use the      form of man pages for the various utilities. It’s
                                                              utilities to set up a private   the same with EncFS, although its website
                                                              directory and encrypt the       hosts some information about the tool for
                                                              swap.                           new users.
                                                                                                 Documentation is the weakest point of
                                                                                              zuluCrypt. It has no user guide and no
EncFS                                                                                         how-tos that explain basic usage of the
EncFS doesn’t have an official graphical       binary. EncFS also requires that two           application. However its developer makes up
front-end, but Gnome users can use the         directories are used to keep encrypted and     for that by being quite vocal and active on the
Gnome Encfs Manager to manage and              decrypted files. It’s common practice to       popular forum boards. From the Help menu in
mount directories with it. The EncFS utility   store the encrypted files inside a hidden      the app you can find out the default ciphers
comes in several distros, including Fedora.    directory. When you mount a new                for the various types of containers you can
   Setting up an EncFS-encrypted folder is     encrypted directory, you get two pre-          create with the app and some brief but
similar to eCryptfs, although instead of       configured settings with different             important information such as the
using mount you need to use the encfs          encryption settings.                           importance of backing up LUKS headers. The
                                                                                              FAQ on the zuluCrypt website answers some
                                                                                              pretty useful questions and is a must-read for
                                                                                              all users.

                                                              You can invoke EncFS in          zuluCrypt
                                                              expert mode, which lets you      EncFS
                                                              manually pick the various
                                                              encryption settings.


Performance                                                                   Mounting volumes
Do they add much overhead?                                                    Working with the encrypted containers.

AES is the fastest cipher, with Blowfish just behind. Twofish is              eCryptfs bundles a script that can use cryptsetup to encrypt the swap
relatively slower, and Serpent is the slowest.                                partition, as well as the more usual dasa partitions, such as /home.

T                                                                             T
        rueCrypt supports parallelised encryption for multicore                       o mount an encrypted volume you provide the correct
        systems. This means that it can use all the cores in a                        password and/or keyfile. Once mounted, an encrypted
        multicore processor in parallel to encrypt and decrypt the                    volume behaves like any other disk. You can even play or
data. Furthermore, header key derivation is also parallelised, which          record multimedia content, like a video from a mounted encrypted
means TrueCrypt can also mount volumes faster. However, one                   volume – the app will load bits of the video and decrypt it in RAM.
performance enhancing feature in TrueCrypt, pipelined read/write                 The biggest advantage with both eCryptfs and EncFS is that
operations, is only available on the Windows version of the tool.             they can be used to protect existing filesystems without block
   The Quad-Core AMD A8 processor on one of our test machines                 device access, such as Samba shares or cloud storage folders.
supports hardware-accelerated encryption, and thanks to this                  They also allow offline file-based backups of encrypted files.
instruction set, which makes the encryption/decryption several                eCryptfs has its own set of scripts to mount and unmount
times faster than when performed on a purely software                         encrypted directories. eCryptfs also has utilities that can mount
implementation. TrueCrypt isn’t the only app to take advantage of             the encrypted directories from an Ubuntu live CD to help you
hardware acceleration. So too can eCryptfs and BestCrypt.                     recover data.
However, we couldn’t find the option to control the state of the AES             EncFS also has its own CLI tool to mount encrypted folders. Like
hardware acceleration, either in the graphical front-end or the CLI           eCryptfs it also needs two directories -- one to hold encrypted data
version. There’s no information on whether zuluCrypt uses                     and the other to hold unencrypted data.
hardware acceleration but cryptsetup does support it.                            You can mount BestCrypt and TrueCrypt encrypted volumes
                                                                              from the graphical interface as well as the CLI. The graphical
FUSE boost                                                                    interfaces of both tools enable the user to mount the volumes as
Since EncFS ties in to the Filesystem in User-Space kernel (FUSE)             read-only. BestCrypt additionally lets you specify a mount point for
module, you should expect some drop in performance when using                 the container.
it. For the same reasons the authors of eCryptFS claim their tool is
faster than EncFS because there is no overhead caused by context              More Zulu excellence
switching between the kernel and userspace. Many tools have a                 But both are topped by zuluCrypt, which includes the zuluMount
benchmarking tool built into them to help you compare the                     tool. This is a general-purpose mounting tool that can mount all
performance of the various ciphers for your setup. Some tools,                encrypted volumes supported by zuluCrypt, including LUKS and
such as BestCrypt, measure performance by averaging the time it               TrueCrypt volumes. You can also mount volumes from the main
takes to encrypt small amounts of data several times, while others            zuluCrypt app, but zuluMount has a simpler interface and is
let you specify the size of the buffer you wish to encrypt.                   designed with the sole purpose of mounting and unmounting
    In our tests, TrueCrypt was the fastest, writing over a gigabyte of       filesystems. In fact zuluMount can mount and unmount
files in under a minute. eCryptfs was marginally slower while                 unencrypted volumes as well and can even manage plugged-in
BestCrypt took over three minutes and was the slowest of the lot.             devices. Like zuluCrypt, the zuluMount tool has a CLI interface as
EncFS, despite its userspace disadvantage, repeatedly edged out               well. zuluMount also lets you make a mount point public and share
zuluCrypt sometimes by as much as 20 seconds.                                 it with other users.

  VERDICT                                                                       VERDICT
  TrueCrypt                                                                     TrueCrypt
  BestCrypt                                                                     BestCrypt
  zuluCrypt                                                                     zuluCrypt
  eCryptfs                                                                      eCryptfs
  EncFS                                                                         EncFS

                                                                                                         ENCRYPTION GROUP TEST

Block device vs filesystem encryption.
                                                                                     If you are serious about encryption, pick a distro that offers the

        roadly speaking we have          platforms. In effect you can bundle         option to encrypt all contents in your disk.
        covered two types of             TrueCrypt executables in a
        encryption tools in this
group test. Three do block device
                                         removable device along with the
                                         encrypted containers and decrypt
                                                                                      1st zuluCrypt
                                                                                      Licence GNU GPL v2 Version 4.6.7
encryption and two do stacked            them under any OS.
filesystem encryption.                     The app also offers denial      
   You’d use the latter if you wanted    encryption just like BestCrypt. But         Built on a solid foundation, the tool’s intuitive graphical interface
to keep an encrypted folder within,      the use of hidden folders can be            makes up for the lack of documentation.
say, your home directory. For this       dangerous in the hands of
purpose you can use either
eCryptfs or EncFS. If you want
                                         inexperienced users: any changes
                                         you do to the mounted main part
                                                                                      2nd TrueCrypt
                                                                                      Licence TrueCrypt Licence Version: 7.1a
speed, go with eCryptfs, which           can overwrite and damage the
operates in the kernel space.            hidden part.                      
   The other three tools create            All things considered, zuluCrypt          One of the most popular encryption tools currently undergoing an
                                                                                     audit to iron out some long pending issues – such as its licensing.

“zuluCrypt gives you most of TrueCrypt’s
functionality with a clearer licence.”                                                3rd eCryptfs
                                                                                      Licence GNU GPL v2 Version 103
encrypted containers. In their           comes out on top, as it has several
encrypted form these file                distinct advantages over TrueCrypt.         One of the strengths of this tool are its wonderful utilities that can
containers appear like unintelligible    To begin with, the app doesn’t              also help locate and recover encrypted data.
files, and you can work with them        expect you to have a sudo setup
just like any other file on the
system, within your file manager.
                                         like TrueCrypt. Also with zuluCrypt
                                         you get most of TrueCrypt’s
                                                                                      4th EncFS
                                                                                      Licence GNU GPL v2 Version 1.7.4
                                         functionality with a clearer licence.
A worthy runner-up                       zuluCrypt can create encrypted    
The most popular tool for                volumes in both files and partitions        The lack of an official graphical tool is made up by the availability
creating such containers is              and allows the use of keyfiles.             of a pretty good third-party one.
TrueCrypt. The biggest advantage            zuluCrypt can also encrypt
of the app is its portable nature,
which means you can run in
                                         individual files and can read
                                         different types of containers. To top
                                                                                      5th BestCrypt
                                                                                      Licence Proprietary Version 2.0-3
without installing the app. This is      it off, it has a nice intuitive graphical
truly a useful feature especially        interface and a specialised tool for
when combined with the fact that         managing encrypted and                      The proprietary tool doesn’t offer anything worth recommending
the app is available on multiple-        unencrypted partitions.                     over its open source competitors. Did we mention it costs €49.95?

  zuluCrypt is a front-end to the cryptsetup and   utilities without the zuluCrypt GUI – that is,       uses the utility to encrypt the swap partition.
  tcplay command-line utilities. As we’ve          direct from the command line.                        It can also encrypt files as long as they
  mentioned earlier in the group test, the            dm-crypt/LUKS can be applied to any type          mounted as a loopback device (with the
  cryptsetup utility lets you create encrypted     of device that is natively understood by the         losetup utility), and thus available under the
  volumes based on the dm-crypt kernel             kernel. It can encrypt whole disks, removable        /dev directory. cryptsetup can take advantage
  module. Then there’s tcplay, which is a          media, partitions, software RAID volumes,            of accelerated encrypted hardware, and you
  feature-rich BSD-licensed implementation of      and logical volumes. It can also encrypt the         can format the container with any filesystem
  TrueCrypt. If you prefer you can use these       swap partition and in fact the eCryptfs tool         that’s supported by the kernel.



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  Editor Graham Morrison             Editorial consultant Nick Veitch                through the use of advice in this magazine.   Copyright Linux is a trademark of Linus                                 Experiment with Linux at your own risk!       Torvalds, and is used with permission.
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  Editor at large Mike Saunders      Printed in the UK by                                                                          ©Linux Voice Ltd 2014                Acorn Web Offset Ltd                            Circulation Marketing by Intermedia Brand     ISSN 2054-3778
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           This year will be the best ever for Linux and Free Software. Why?
                            Mike Saunders has 51 reasons…

                                                                                                   FREE SOFTWARE FEATURE

       or so long, it looked like Linux       While the almighty annihilation of         little Linux machines in their pockets.
       was on the cusp of causing a         Windows never happened, a much               And the Raspberry Pi has been a
       revolution, of pulling the masses    more subtle set of changes took              storming success, introducing children
away from Windows and introducing           place. Linux is everywhere now –             worldwide to open computing.
them to a new world of computing.           but not many people know it. GNU/                2014 has a huge amount in store for
Linux distributions were becoming           Linux powers many of the biggest             Linux users, and not just in terms of
easier to use by the month, desktop         websites in the world, serving up web        software – people, communities and
applications were being refined and         applications to hundreds of millions of      events will also shape the course of the
polished, and PC vendors were starting      users. Android dominates the mobile          year. So read on for 51 awesome things
to ship Linux with their machines.          scene, with countless people carrying        to look forward to…

FEDORA 21                    FIREFOX
Fedora 21 bucks the          VERIFIED BUILDS
trend of previous            Even if you’re running an
releases by having a         open source browser,
longer development           you can’t be 100%
cycle than usual             certain that the binary
which will hopefully         executable doesn’t
provide more time for        have an NSA backdoor
new technologies like        inserted, possibly via

Wayland to settle down.      a rogue compiler. Well,
All being well, the distro   this is changing: Mozilla
will arrive in August. And   is pushing ahead with                                                     Recent Fedora releases have been (in)
the lack of a codename is    Firefox verified builds,                                                  famous for their quirky codenames; it looks
                                                                                                       like Fedora 21 will be a lot more serious.
significant: some would      which means you’ll
argue that names like        be able to prove that
“Beefy Miracle” stopped      nothing dodgy has been        KDBUS

certain users from taking    added to the source code      Lennart Poettering is at it again. After causing a stir       INKSCAPE 0.91
Fedora seriously.            before it was compiled.       among boot script and sound server developers                 Hang on a minute –
                                                           with systemd and PulseAudio, the German coder is              hasn’t Inkscape been
                                                           now trying his hand at inter-process communication            at 0.48.x for years
FREEBSD 10                   GIMP 2.10                     (IPC) in the Linux kernel. Right now, applications            now? Well, yes, but
                                                                                                                         we’ve always thought

FreeBSD is more              Talk about development        and background processes can communicate with
                                                                                                                         this was unfair.
conservative than Linux      hell: GEGL, the Generic       one another via D-Bus, which Poettering describes             Inkscape is an excellent

in that it doesn’t get       Graphics Library for          as “fantastic”. But if it’s so good, why do we need to        vector editor already
fancy new features so        Gimp, has been in             replace it?                                                   used in production
quickly, but it’s more       development since 2000,          For starters, D-Bus is fine for sending short              environments, so

stable in the long run.      yet still isn’t an official   messages between programs (eg a desktop volume                we’re glad to see the
                                                                                                                         next release will get
FreeBSD 10 has just          part of the program.          applet telling the sound server to knock it down a            close to the magic
been released, with the      GEGL will support             notch), but it’s not so good for transporting data, as it     1.0 number. Version
GCC compiler suite being     images with higher bit        adds latency and complication. Kdbus (Poettering’s            0.91 will include:
replaced by Clang in the     depths, along with non-       project) is an in-kernel version of D-Bus, designed           Cairo rendering for the
base system, Raspberry       destructive editing. Parts    for shifting large (multi-gigabyte) quantities of data        display engine and PNG
                                                                                                                         export; a new grayscale
Pi support, and a new        of it were implemented in     with minimum overheads. It’s still very much in               display mode; and
bhyve hypervisor. See        Gimp 2.6, and we should       development, but providing it gets a (usually very rare)      heaps of performance    see the whole shebang         thumbs-up from Linus Torvalds, we might see it in the         improvements. It’ll use
WhatsNew/FreeBSD10.          rolled into Gimp 2.10.        mainline kernel tree by the end of the year.                  25% less RAM in some
                                                              Poettering is developing Kdbus with long-time              cases too, making it
                                                                                                                         better for older hardware.
                                                           kernel hacker Greg Kroah-Hartman and others; follow
                                                           its progress here:

                                                           Free software events are great. There’s      place from 6–12 September in Brno,

                                                           lots of hacking, lots of brainstorming,      second city of the Czech Republic, and
                                  Brno has Akademy,        and lots of beer. Akademy is the annual      a beautiful place at that. New features
                              good beer and horses –       summit for KDE developers: it’s a free       will be proposed and discussed, so
                                   what’s not to like?     and non-commercial event organised           head to if you
                                                           by the community. This year it will take     want to take part.


                               EDWARD SNOWDEN
  DEBIAN 8.0

                               To some he’s a true American patriot,       Microsoft, Apple, Google et al are really             BANSHEE 3.0
                               fighting to defend the US constitution      doing their best to defend my data?                   Hopefully we’ll see
  It looks like we won’t see   against attacks by a spy-crazy              How much are these companies                          version 3.0 of this
  Debian 8.0 this year,        government. To others he’s a thrice-        sharing with governments?                             awesome music
  which isn’t surprising       cursed traitor who revealed confidential       Linux and Free Software is no                      player very soon: it’s
  given the distro’s long
                               intelligence information to the rest of     panacea, but at least the openness of                 being ported to GTK 3,

  gaps between releases.
  One of the biggest           the world, harming American interests.      its source code provides reassurance                  and will also support
  changes will be the          In any case, there’s no doubt that          that dodgy back-doors added by                        synchronisation with
  switch to a new boot-up      Edward Snowden’s leaks have caused a        intelligence agencies would be spotted                Symbian devices. 37 bug
  system: the old init         huge debate – not just in the US but        quickly. The NSA revelations provide                  fixes have been made
  scripts will be replaced
  by systemd or Upstart
                               around the world.                           useful ammunition for Linux advocates:                since the 2.6 release too.
  (as used in Ubuntu). A          Whether it makes us safer or not, the    we can confidently say “Our software is
  debate is taking place       sheer amount of spying on their             very unlikely to be spying on us,
  about the possible boot      citizens that governments are doing is      because we can read the source code”.                 ENLIGHTENMENT
  systems, and Debian 8.0      shocking. Edward Snowden hasn’t                There are more Snowden leaks due in                E19
  won’t be frozen (closed
  for new features) until
                               come out waving Linux flags and             2014, and they will drive more people to              The next release of the
  November, so there’s         championing open source, but a lot of       investigate Linux and Fre Software.                   world’s fanciest window
  lots of time to decide.      people are starting to ask: can I really    There’s even a Snowden tribute distro:                manager will bring a new
                               trust my software? Can I be sure that                       compositor and better
                                                                                                                                 Wayland integration.
                                                                                                                                 Lead developer
DIGIKAM 4.0                    GNU HACKERS’                                                                                      Rasterman hopes to

Arguably the best open         MEETING 2014                                                                                      “close the feature

source photo manager           The GNU Hacker’s                                                                                  window sometime in
in existence, Digikam is       Meeting is an event to                                                                            February”, so we’re likely
going from strength to         discuss technical, social                                                                         to see the final release
strength. The 4.0 release      and organisational                                                                                hit the internet some
– due to be released in        issues relating to Free                                                                           time in the summer.
May – brings oodles of         Software and the GNU                                                                    

new features thanks to         Project. It will take place
the Google Summer of           on 15–17 September in
Code. Working with tags        Munich at the Technical
will be much easier via        University, and while it’s
a new hierarchical tags        free to attend, you have
manager and drag-and-          to register, at www.gnu.                               Edward Snowden’s leaks are                   CONFERENCE

drop capabilities in the       org/ghm/2014.                                          encouraging some people to                   Cars, washing machines,
                                                                                               try Free Software.                  fridges, doorbells – you
Tags Manager, while               Anyone can give                                          image: Laura Poitras / Praxis Films
                                                                                                                                   name it, Linux is in it.
Pick Labels can be used        presentations ranging
                                                                                                                                   The development scene
to auto-tag images.            from 30–60 minutes, so                                                                              for embedded Linux
Nepomuk support has            if you’ve been working on                                                                           devices is bustling, so if
been re-implemented,           a piece of software you’d     SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY                                                  you’ll be in San Jose
after being broken for a       like to see in GNU, let the   We all try to spread the word about Linux and FOSS,                   from 29 April – 1 May,
                                                                                                                                   check this event out.
while.         community know.               but sometimes it’s difficult, especially over the

                                                             internet. So every September, Free Software                           com/4gvlozz
                                                             supporters organise real-world events to promote the
                                                             benefits and values of FOSS, and everyone is
                                                             welcome to get involved. You could set up an
                                                             installfest, for instance, where curious Windows or
                                                             Mac users bring along their machines and you set
                                                             them up with a newbie-friendly Linux distribution.
                                                                Alternatively, you could give a presentation
                                                             explaining why Free Software is good for society and
                                                             encourages sharing. It’s a great way to demonstrate
                                                             that our community isn’t just a gaggle of geeks
                                                             fiddling with code via the internet – we’re real people
                                                             trying to make the world better.
                                                                This year’s Software Freedom Day will take place on
2013’s Software Freedom Day saw a huge number of             20 September, so to start your own event or join an
events across the whole globe.                               existing team, visit

                                                                                                     FREE SOFTWARE FEATURE

                                                                                           Few things in the recent history of Linux have been as

                                                                                           controversial as Mir. Ubuntu’s replacement for the
                                                                                           X Window System was met with widespread hostility:
                                                                                           why didn’t Canonical go with Wayland, like everyone
                                                                                           else? Was this a symptom of “not invented here”
                                                                                           syndrome, or is Canonical trying to distance itself
                                                                                           from the Linux mainstream?
                                                                                              Various technical reasons for the existence of
                                                                                           Mir were put forward, and Canonical hoped to have
                                                                                           Mir running by default in Ubuntu 14.04. This didn’t
                                                                                           happen, so maybe we’ll see it in Ubuntu 14.10, but
                                                                                           the controversy continues. An Intel developer working
                                                                                           on an open source graphics driver recently removed
                                                                                           support for XMir, a Mir compatibility layer for X
                                                                                           applications. Intel’s reasoning? “We do not condone or
                                                                                           support Canonical in the course of action they have
                                                                                           chosen”. Some Intel developers are working on the
                                                                                           Wayland project, so there’s plenty of politics involved.

Digikam 4.0 will feature much better tag management, and support for Nepomuk.

GNOME 3.12
Scheduled for release at the end of           files, while the Epiphany web browser
March, and due to land in the major           has seen some interface polish.
distros shortly after that, Gnome 3.12           Gnome Software will support a rating
will be largely an incremental rather         system along with the ability to launch      Say hello to Gedit’s new interface, debuting in Gnome
than a major improvement. That’s fine         installed apps, and the Gnome Online         3.12. Like Gnome 3, it might take some getting used to…
by us: plenty of people are still trying to   Accounts tool receives support for
get their heads around the Gnome 3            online bookmarking service Pocket. If
interface, so the more fine-tuning the        you’re a regular user of Gedit, be
developers do, the better. Overall            prepared for a big revamp of the
performance will be boosted thanks to         interface. There’s already a lot of debate                                   It’s going to be a huge
Gnome Shell becoming a single binary          about the UI changes, but you’ll be able                                     year for gaming on

                                                                                                                           Linux. Until very
file rather than a bunch of JavaScript        to try it for yourself very soon.
                                                                                                                           recently, PC gaming
                                                                                                                           was almost entirely the
                                                                                                                           domain of Windows, with
GCC 4.9                         HAIKU OS R1?                                                                               just a tiny slither of

The next version of the        We’ve been following the progress            to have some competition – and Haiku           triple-A titles making
                                                                                                                           their way to our choice
GCC will include support       of Haiku OS, an open source BeOS             is starting to provide it.

                                                                                                                           of operating system.
for OpenMP 4.0, along          clone, for as long as we can remember.          It’s still in the alpha stages of           Valve’s decision to use
with Intel’s Silvermont        The goal is noble: a lightning-fast,         development, but wrinkles are being            Linux for its Steam
and Broadwell                  trimmed-down, multimedia-friendly OS         ironed out and more native software is         Machines has caused
microarchitectures.            built specifically for the desktop (so it    arriving all the time. We hope to see the      quite a stir, though:
                                                                                                                           suddenly Microsoft isn’t
Our favourite feature?         doesn’t get sidetracked trying to be a       first beta release this year, and maybe
                                                                                                                           involved at all. SteamOS
Coloured warnings and          server OS as well). As much as we love       the first full one (R1) as well, if we’re      isn’t a typical distro and
error messages!                Linux on the desktop, it’s always good       lucky.                        won’t cause a mass
                                                                                                                           influx of Windows users
                                                                                                                           to Ubuntu or Fedora, but
                                                                                                                           it will show that Linux is
                                                                                                                           a great OS for gaming.


SCRIBUS 1.5                    LINUXTAG 2014                  CENTOS AND RED HAT
Scribus, the open source       Germany’s biggest Linux        For years, Red Hat quietly accepted the existence of          ROOTLESS X
desktop publishing app,        show (it’s been running        CentOS, a free rebuild of its Red Hat Enterprise Linux        Currently, some parts of
has been at version 1.4.x      since 1996) will take          (RHEL) product. Linux admins could do testing work            the X Window System
                                                                                                                            run as root, which opens
for over two years now,        place from 8–10 May            on CentOS builds, and pay Red Hat for commercial
                                                                                                                            up potential security

21                                                                                                                           24
so we’re eagerly awaiting      in Berlin. Droidcon, the       RHEL support subscriptions later if necessary. The            vulnerabilities. Hans de
the 1.5 release. It will       “world’s largest Android       two projects co-existed pretty well, and now they’re          Goede has patched X to
bring tabs for working on      developer event”, will         going to work together.                                       work with systemd-login
multiple documents, a          also be housed under             Red Hat is employing a bunch of CentOS                      and obviate its need for
                                                                                                                            root privileges entirely.

new Preferences dialog,        the same roof, so we can       developers who will continue to work full-time on
                                                                                                                            Maybe we’ll see it in
support for more colour        expect a feast of Linux-       CentOS, but who will also enjoy greater integration           distros this year…
palette formats, and a         related fun in Germany’s       with the RHEL and Fedora communities. It’s a bold
new picture browser.           counter-culture capital        move from Red Hat, but it makes sense: CentOS users              may not pay money to Red Hat now, but a healthy
canvas/1.5.x_Roadmap           2014/en                        CentOS community means more potential RHEL
                                                              customers in the future.

We’re (still!) really excited about Haiku, a streamlined OS
built from the ground-up for desktop use.

                                                                                                                          MAGEIA 4
  GOBOLINUX 015                                                                                                           We still can’t agree on
  After a five-year hiatus,                                                                                               how to pronounce it,
  GoboLinux is back.                                                                                                      but this Mandriva spin-
  Chances are you’ve
                                                                                                                          off is doing well, and
  never heard of this                                                         Richard Stallman constantly reminds
  distro, but it’s rather                                                                                                 version 4 will deliver a
                                                                              us not be sidetracked by gadgets and
  cool: it has an entirely                                                               walled garden ‘app stores’.      new welcome screen,
  different filesystem                                                                                                    software updates, and

  hierarchy to other                                                                                                      GTK 3 ports for most
  distros. Instead of
                                                                                                                          of its drak*/*drake
  program files being
  scattered across             RICHARD STALLMAN                                                                           configuration tools.
  /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/    Love him or loathe him, Richard              which described a futuristic world  
  share and so forth,          Stallman has a habit of getting things       where the sharing of books and written
  in GoboLinux every           right. The founder of the GNU project        information is punishable by law. Here
  program lives in its own
  directory. This makes it
                               (and Free Software Foundation) has           we are, 17 years later, and DRM-laden         PARALLELLA
  much easier to manage        been known to launch into rants about        eBooks are being sold by the millions.        This dinky credit card-
  installations by hand        topics that don’t seem immediately           Customers are buying materials that           sized computer has a
  and copy programs to         relevant, but a few years down the line,     they can’t share, sell or pass on to          lot in common with the
  other machines.              we all end up scratching our heads and       their kids without potentially landing        Raspberry Pi, but it’s
                               thinking, “Hmm, RMS was right”. His          themselves in legal trouble.                  designed for developing
                               uncompromising stance on freedom                Stallman saw this way down the             high-performance,

                               makes him hard to deal with at times         line, so it will be interesting to see what   parallel processing
                               – but he has a knack of spotting             topics he brings up this year. Even if he     applications. It comes
                               problems way down the line.                  talks about threats to our freedom that       with a 16- or 64-core
                                  Way back in 1997 he wrote a parable       don’t seem looming right now, you can         Epiphany co-processor,
                               called The Right to Read (www.gnu.           bet your bottom dollar/pound/euro that        and starts at $99.
                               org/philosophy/right-to-read.html),          they’ll come up in the future.      

  29 30
                                                                                                       FREE SOFTWARE FEATURE

OPENSUSE 13.2                   XFCE 4.12                                                                                    HURD 0.6?
We should have a new            Xfce picked up a bunch of new users in         the previous version and align windows
release of OpenSUSE to          the last couple of years, many of whom         next to each other (instead of putting        Development on GNU’s

                                                                                                                             own kernel has been
play with in July. It’s still   left Gnome after the radical Gnome 3           them in a random gap). Thunar, the file       stagnant for many years,
early in the development        redesign. Development is rather                manager, will support showing                 but the recent release
cycle, but it’s planned         conservative in the Xfce camp: the last        properties for multiple files                 of 0.5 could spur a bit
that the installer will be      major release arrived in April 2012, and       simultaneously, and also show                 more hacking activity.
simplified, and Plasma-         Xfce 4.12 won’t actually move to GTK 3,        mounted remote locations in the               HURD is a microkernel
                                                                                                                             that aims to be more
nm should replace               as some people expected. Instead it will       shortcuts pane.                               secure and stable than
NetworkManager-kde4.            stay with GTK 2, but put the framework                                                       microkernels like Linux.
The new installer could         in place to move to the newer toolkit at                                                     Maybe 0.6 will arrive
make its way into SUSE          a later date.                                                                                this year:
Linux Enterprise Server            Feature-wise, Xfce 4.12’s window                                                          software/hurd/hurd.html

12 as well, which should        manager (xfwm4) will sport a new
arrive around the middle        smart placement mode, which has
of the year.                    been rewritten to be more clever than

                                                                                             KERNEL 3.14...
                                                                                             Kernel 3.13 has only just been released as we write
                                                                                             this, but plans are already underway for 3.14. The
                                                                                             zRAM filesystem, which creates compressed RAM
                                                                                             filesystems (eg for use as high-performance swap
                                                                                             areas) is now in the official kernel source tree, and
                                                                                             we’ll see improved Intel Broadwell microarchitecture
                                                                                             support. Random number generation should be even
                                                                                             more random and performance of the SquashFS
                                                                                             filesystem has been boosted.
                                                                                                Other candidates for inclusion in 3.14 are
                                                                                             enhancements to power management on Intel chips,
                                                                                             support for dynamic refresh-rate switching in Intel’s

                                                                                             DRM driver, and Nvidia Tegra Prime support.

                                                                                             …KERNEL 4.0?                  LIBREPLANET 2014
                                                                                             While announcing kernel       On 22 and 23 March in
Parallella: it’s like the Raspberry Pi, but with a 16/64-core co-processor for parallel

processing applications to bump up the power (and the price tag).                            3.12, kernel maintainer       Cambridge, MA, USA, the
                                                                                             Linus Torvalds said that      LibrePlanet conference
                                                                                             he expects 4.0 to follow      will assemble activists
KDE                                                                                          3.19, probably some           and developers to

There are so many great KDE                        This means that many current KDE          time this year. It won’t be   discuss challenges to
applications out there, but if you use          apps can become Qt apps, making              a big change – just to        software freedom. This
a different desktop, they often don’t fit       them simpler to install and port to other    avoid the “crazy [version]    year’s topic government
in especially well with your graphical          platforms. A beta release is planned for     numbers we had in the         and corporate
environment. Typically they expect              April, with the final release scheduled      2.x series”. Stability will   surveillance. https://
various KDE services to be running and          for June, but as always these dates can      be a priority.      
depend on lots of KDE-specific libraries,       slip. The last major KDE architecture
bumping up RAM consumption.                     change (from 3.x to 4.x) wasn’t well
KDE Frameworks 5 aims to fix this               received at first, so hopefully this time
by moving lots of KDE’s functionality           the process will go more smoothly, and
into the Qt libraries – so pure Qt              it won’t take a couple more years before
applications can benefit from this too.         everyone is happy again.

                                                                                                                     LibrePlanet 2013 was a great
                                                                                                                  success, with 150 attendees and
                                                                                                                  35 talks, workshops and events.
                                                                                                      (Photo CC-BY-SA, Free Software Foundation).


X.ORG SERVER                     MAILPILE                     MACBOOK PRO SUPPORT

36 37
Due in July, the next            Sick of Google, Microsoft    Apple is the antithesis of Free Software in many
major update for the X           and governments              respects: the company is secretive, makes                   Btrfs (the B-Tree
Window System could              reading your emails?         proprietary software, and pushes developers into its        filesystem) is going to
include support for              Looking for an               highly controlled app store. Go to any major Linux          be big: it’s jointly
                                                                                                                          developed by Red Hat,
GLAMOR, an OpenGL-               alternative? Mailpile        conference, though, and you’ll see lots of MacBooks

                                                                                                                          SUSE, Intel, Oracle and
based acceleration               is a self-hosted, ad-        running Linux: the hardware itself is well regarded         other well-known
library that speeds              free and open source         for performance, weight and battery life. Kernel 3.13       companies. It’s still
up 2D operations. In             email system with            brings lots of fixes for Retina MacBook Pros, fixing        marked as experimental,
addition, veteran X              encryption built in. It’s    sound, display and power management issues. If you          but the cool features it
                                                                                                                          boasts (transparent
developer Keith Packard          still undergoing heavy       like Apple hardware but want to avoid OS X, grab a
                                                                                                                          compression, online
has reduced the build            development, but an          distro with the new kernel.                                 resizing and snapshots,
warnings from 1,047 to           alpha release is due very                                                                partitions spanning
zero. Nice one.                  soon.                                                                    multiple drives) mean
                                                              GUADEC 2014                  CRUNCHBANG 12                  that it’s getting a lot of
                                                                                                                          attention. Some of the
                                                              This year’s Gnome            It’s fast, it’s light, it
                                                                                                                          major Linux distros
                                                              Users and Developers         looks slick and it has         could move to Btrfs as
                                                              Conference takes place       Debian underpinnings:          the default filesystem

                                                              40 41
                                                              in Strasbourg, France,       CrunchBang is an               this year, providing it’s
                                                              from 26 July until 1         awesome distro.                stable enough.
                                                              August. The schedule         Version 12 will be based
                                                              hasn’t been decided          on Debian 8 (Jessie)
                                                              just yet, but there will     sources, and lead
                                                              be talks, presentations,     developer Corenominal
                                                              hackfests and parties.       is looking for new ideas

                                                          on the forums: http://

                                                              FIREFOX OS
                                                              We’re very happy to see more               May, should bring: creation of ringtones
                                                              competition in the mobile operating        from songs in the music app; sharing
                                                              system space. Android is great, but        ringtones via Bluetooth and other
                                                              if the market ends up dominated by         protocols; support for NFC payments;
                                                              just Android and iOS, things could get     application switching via edge gestures;
                                                              very stagnant. Firefox OS is currently     and remote wiping for security.
                                                              targeted at low-end devices, and              Keep an eye on https://wiki.mozilla.
                                                              enables developers to write ‘native’ web   org/B2G/Roadmap to see how the
                                                              apps by using APIs that communicate        1.4 release unfolds, and by the time
                                                              with the phone’s hardware.                 you read this, the first Firefox tablet
                                                                  Right now there are very few devices   (the snappily named InFocus New
                                                              running Firefox OS, but the range is       Tab F1) may be available for aspiring
It’s still early days for Firefox OS, but hopefully it will   slowly growing. Version 1.4, due in        developers to have a play with.
pump some innovation into the mobile OS market.

                                                                                                                   Explore and rebuild a gigantic
                                                                                                                     virtual world with Minetest.

Minecraft is one of the most addictive games ever
made – and in fact, it’s unfair to call it a game. It’s a
giant construction engine, a world simulator, and a
way of life. Minetest, an open source clone, is coming
along well although it’s still lacking many features and
only at version 0.4.9 right now. Future releases this
year should see a new map generation system, with
more variation between biomes (landscape types).

                                                                                                     FREE SOFTWARE FEATURE

REACTOS                       LIBREOFFICE 4.2
                                                                                                                           MATE 1.8
Creating a fully Windows-     The current major release of LibreOffice      Additionally, you can export .dot (MS
                                                                                                                           This fork of Gnome 2
compatible open source        arrived at the start of February, so it       Word document template) files. Calc
                                                                                                                           has done better than
operating system is a         should be in your distro by the time you      now has a random number generator,             many expected, with
mammoth task, but             read this. We’re always impressed by          together with statistics functions for         a healthy community
the ReactOS team is           the effort that goes into LibreOffice         data analysis. In Impress, a new icon is       building up around it.
chipping away at it.          releases, and 4.2 is no exception: it’s a     shown in the Slide Sorter if a slide has a     Version 1.8 will add
                                                                                                                           support for G-Streamer
Version 0.4 will include      goody bag of new features.                    transition or animation effect, while
                                                                                                                           1.0, panel background
better networking, sound         You can now format individual              integration with Gnome 3, MATE and             rotation, and the ePub
and USB support, and          characters with borders in Writer, while      Xfce has been improved. Then there’s           format in Atril (a fork

is due to arrive this year.   the spelling-checker pop-up menu now          an Expert Config panel in the Options          of the Evince document

                               47               lets you do change tracking operations.       dialog for under-the-hood tweaking.            viewer). In addition,
                                                                                                                           work is underway to add
                                                                                                                           support for Wayland and
                                                                                                                           the AccountsService
LLVM/CLANG                    SAILFISH OS                                                                                  from
GCC has been the              It’s still a baby and only                                                                   MATE 1.8 was originally
de-facto standard free        available for one phone,                                                                     planned to be included
                                                                                                                           in Mint 16, but we’ll have
compiler suite for years,     but Sailfish could be a
                                                                                                                           to wait a bit longer for it
but LLVM/Clang is             promising mobile OS in                                                                       now – it’ll be worth it.
catching up, offering a       2014. Built on a Linux

more modular design.          kernel with Wayland and

Work is underway to           Qt providing the interface,
make it compile the           Sailfish looks pretty, but it                                                              ELEMENTARY OS
Linux kernel, and perhaps     will have to work hard to                                                                  One of the prettiest
we’ll even see a Clang-       avoid becoming another                                                                     distros we’ve ever seen,
compiled distribution         Maemo/Meego/Moblin/             Elementary OS is still undergoing heavy development, but   Elementary OS’s website
before the year is out…       Tizen-like abandonware.         it already looks deeply gorgeous.                          (
                                                                                                                         is just as polished as the
                                                                                                                         software. This isn’t just
                                                                                                                         yet-another-distro with
                                                                                                                         some glitz sprinked on
                                                                                                                         top; it sports its own
                                                                                                                         applications. Another
                                                                                                                         beta is due soon.

                                                                                                                         Everyone loves talking
                                                                                                                         about wobbly windows
                                                                                                                         and desktop apps,
                                                                                                                         but this conference is
                                                                                                                         for hackers who work
                                                                                                                         on the guts of Linux:

                                                                                                                         kernel subsystems,
                                                                                                                         core libraries and so
                                                                                                                         forth. It’ll be held from

Some assumed that the MATE desktop wouldn’t last – but it’s thriving, with version 1.8 just around the corner.           15–17 October in
                                                                                                                         Düsseldorf, Germany.
Sure, it may be a bit cheesy to end with this,        seems to be slow and arguments break out,
but it’s true. It’s you, the Linux community, that    but providing we stick together, explain the
will make this an awesome year. Every little          advantages of Free Software and spread the
thing you do, whether it’s helping a newbie on a      word positively, we will succeed in the long run.
website forum, or submitting a bug report for           So, a hearty thank you to everyone in the
an app, adds up to make the Linux and Free            Linux community – every user, developer,
Software ecosystem even better. There are             documenter, designer and tester. Great times
times when it’s frustrating, when progress            are to come in 2014!


We approve of projects forking to do a better job
– and one of the best examples is LibreOffice…

       or our first magazine                committee. This is the non-profit
       interview, we got some cheap         organisation at the heart of
       flights and headed out to            LibreOffice, the famous fork of
Kaufbeuren, an attractive Swabian  now dominant in
city an hour’s train ride from Munich.      every Linux distribution. We were
This is where we met Florian                able to ask Florian about the split,
Effenberger, chairman of the board          about arguments over a new name
at The Document Foundation, and             and what wheat beer he’d
Alexander Werner from the                   recommend as a souvenir for our
Foundation’s membership                     journey home.

   The Document Foundation has a            for quite a while back then, and just by
board of directors, which includes          coincidence, I got into it. And when you
Michael Meeks works. What’s your            don’t say no fast enough, you can
job as head of the board?                   getsucked deeper inside. So I did quite
Florian Effenberger: I’m active in two      a job of marketing with them.              weren’t many user-friendly Linux
parts. One is lots of Foundation                                                       distributions as there are now. It was all
management handling, like trade and           What’s the biggest challenge when        quite uncommon.
operational tasks, going from tech staff,   marketing open source software?                That has changed. People accept
insurance, legal stuff, trademarks and      Florian: I think the market has            you and expect you to be at trade
all that goes with running such an          changed quite a lot over the last 10       shows and to have a photographer. We
entity. And the second part, which is the   years. When we started, it was basically   host our own conferences, also for
reason why I have Alex with me, is the      that people were looking at you and        professional audiences that had
infrastructure part. So I’m active in       asking questions like “Is it free?” and    changed a lot over the last years. And
those two different areas right at the      “How do you finance yourselves?”           so we have the challenges that we have
moment. The board runs the                  People were suspicious of free             to face. Like in the beginning, it was
Foundation’s daily operation to make        software.                                  explaining what we are, how we do that,
sure it works, overviewing things and                                                  and we weren’t so well structured.
overseeing things, budgeting, and all         People must think “What’s the            When you run your own conference,
the jobs like that.                         catch?”, especially with something a       when you have a target market like the
                                            big as an office suite!                    enterprise sector, you need to reach out
  Is it right that you did a lot of         Florian: Yes, it was always the same       and get them involved. The focus has
marketing for OpenOffice?                   question, like “How do you coordinate      not shifted, but has been widened so to
Florian: Indeed. It started about 10        yourselves?”. And it was rather new.       speak. So the challenges change over
years ago. I’d been an OpenOffice user      Linux on the desktop isn’t extremely       time. I see similarities with other
                                            popular today, but back in 2004 there      projects, facing the same issues.

                                                                               FLORIAN EFFENBERGER INTERVIEW

                                                                “When you have a target market like
                                                                the enterprise sector, you need to
                                                                reach out and get them involved”

           Are there any groups that you            level is, from what I can see, not so          a chunk of work and you really need to
        really focus on? Like getting               much represented at the moment. We             do professional work to set that up. It
        LibreOffice into schools or                 are running a trial in Stuttgart, trying to    gives you quite a lot of credibility.
        governments?                                gather some experience here. And                   Now, instead of questions like “How
        Florian: We are focused on everyone,        otherwise, there are a couple of events        can this be free” you have questions like
        because we have a rather wide target        we try to attend, but they mostly focus        “How do we do a migration?”, and that’s
        audience. What actually happens is          on the IT target audience.                     what we always try to tell people, “The
        governments are a rather large adopter                                                     software is free, you can use it free, you
        of free software, so we obviously cover       Do larger groups still have some             can edit it and all those freedoms, but if
        it a lot with them because they use it on   prejudices against open source?                you want to deploy it on a large scale,
        a wide scale. So to give you one            Florian: Not so much. Every once in a          you need some professional support.”
        example, we have a large list of            while of course such discussions pop           It’s the same as for proprietary
        adopters in various countries. The          up but they are not really to be taken         software, there’s no difference. That’s a
        occasional sector on the international      seriously. I think nowadays that               message that you’ve probably seen in
                                                    LibreOffice is an established presence.        our press releases recently. We also
                                                    And so, especially in the European             work on a certification program from
“Back in 2004 there weren’t                         market, with the creation of the
                                                    foundation of the Stiftung [a non-prefit
                                                                                                   the TDF side. So by having a good
                                                                                                   ecosystem and professional partners,
as many user-friendly Linux                         foundation], that’s rather a sign of           you are able to roll out large migrations
distributions as there are now”                     trustworthiness, because you don’t just
                                                    set up a Stiftung in five days. It really is
                                                                                                   and deployments. It’s an important
                                                                                                   message at each stage I think, and not


                                                                                                             LibreOffice has seen a huge increase
                                                                                                                    in the number of contributors
                                                                                                                         since the fork from OOo.

so much how good or bad free                open, independent project. So we took a        message when there are multiple
software is.                                decision and, looking at the numbers of        products doing the same thing.
                                            contributors and the feedback we got, I        Florian: Yeah, it’s not that easy to
   Have you seen a change in                think it was the absolutely right thing to     explain the story about what happened
attitude since the NSA and Snowden          do and still is the right thing to do [to      and why things have happened for
leaks last year?                            fork from OpenOffice]. If you look at          people who aren’t close to the project.
Florian: Yes, I think so. Looking at the    today’s market, what I can say from all        And of course, for legal reasons, we
press or at personal friends who are        the people I know in migrations when a         had to come up with a new brand, so
also not so much into IT, they are          new software release is due for roll out,      we came up with LibreOffice.
thinking twice about where to host their    like for the city of Munich, or when the          We’re geting good feedback about
data and what to do, and who to give        first initial steps to a free office are       the brand, especially here in Germany.
their data to.                              taken, in nearly all cases it’s LibreOffice.   People are very supportive of
   That makes quite a difference. In        So I’d like to not so much talk about          LibreOffice; we’ve seen the statement
terms of LibreOffice, I think that it’s a   what others do, but rather the good            from the city of Munich, which in
message we have been spreading for          things that we are doing.                      October 2012 said that it will migrate to
quite a while. Like, you have open                                                         LibreOffice with its next big IT rollout.
format, you have no Windows lock-in,           Do you speak to the OpenOffice              For us, that’s proof that we are doing
so we’ve giving exactly the same            guys? Is anyone else talking about             the right thing.
message. Of course, it’s been amplified     merging the two projects together?
these days by the concerns that have        Florian: I’m not aware of any talk of a          Were any other names considered
finally made it to the public.              merger. We of course have good                 apart from LibreOffice?
                                            contacts. They attend mostly the very          Florian: Quite a chunk!
  Let’s think about the current             same trade shows that we attend. We
situation with Apache OpenOffice            have good times, but we’re always                 Can you give us some examples?
and LibreOffice. It seems                   trying to focus on improving                   We interviewed Richard Stallman a
uncomfortable to have two projects          LibreOffice. What we always say is that        couple of years ago and he seems to
doing almost exactly the same               our door is always open. Our project is        regret using the term Free Software
thing. What’s your take on it? Could        really transparent and people can              because it gets mixed up with
they merge? LibreOffice seems to be         always contribute to it. And that is           shareware. He said, if he were
getting much more attention, so             working quite well. Speculating about          creating the term now, he would use
what do you think will happen?              what could happen, or what would have          Libre Software or something.
Florian: My take is that back in 2010       happened, is rather hard.                      Florian: This is reflected in our statute.
we had this hard decision to make:                                                         We have this mission statement of the
what should follow. Back then, there          Yes, but we just think about the             Foundation’s objectives. I don’t know it
was no realistic chance to have             effort that’s being duplicated. It             word-by-word, but it says we produce
ownership of the OOo project. A truly       often makes it hard to spread the              free open libre software, so we have all

                                                                                 FLORIAN EFFENBERGER INTERVIEW

       of those three words in our statement.
       Of course, we had a hard time coming
       up with a names. The problem was
       back then that we didn’t know how long
       they would last. There was a chance
       that we could work with the OpenOffice
       brand, and so we didn’t know how the
       time we invested would work out.

          There was quite a bit of negative
       feedback when you first forked.
       Florian: Look at! We
       lived with the brand for
       10 years and people were aware of that,
       and suddenly it had a different name! It
       was new – everything is new in the
                                                          LibreOffice has thrived since its
       beginning, it’s unfamiliar. I think that
                                                          fork from OpenOffice under the
       was to be expected, and it was only for            aegis of The Document Foundation.
       a few weeks and then that was over.
           Nowadays, it’s a strong brand, quite
       recognisable. Whatever name you                  to simply take the brand     wanted it to be there on the day we
       come up with, there will always be               and move forward with that, so despite      made the announcement, to prove that
       somebody saying that it is stupid or I           all the work invested in LibreOffice’s      we were serious.
       can’t pronounce it, or I don’t like it. But in   name we weren’t sure whether we
       the end, we took a fair amount of time           would keep it, whether we would keep          We had a big discussion about the
       to come up with the brand, and for TDF           that. And as history tells, we stuck with   name of our magazine. Half the
       we were sure we wanted to keep the               LibreOffice, and we’re quite happy.         challenge is just making the
       name. We needed an entity that was                   In the beginning, I wasn’t so happy     decision. Then once you’ve done
       short and even if we could have taken            with the LibreOffice name. At least, I      that you have something to get
       the brand, we wanted to           recently backed up a load of data and       behind, and we think that’s what’s
       have a different name for the overall            read some comments that people              happened with LibreOffice.
       entity. So that name was sure to be in           made about the choice of name and I         Florian: Indeed! Yes, we had a long list
       on the long term. For the software, we           think it was me saying, “oh it’s OK but     with nothing that had a majority. So we
       didn’t know whether we would be able             I’m not totally happy”, but nowadays I’m    had about five or ten candidates that
                                                        rather happy with the brand. It really      could have worked and in the end we
                                                        needs to grow, and you need to get          voted, but it was a big decision.
“We’re getting good feedback                            comfortable with it and familiar.
                                                                                                       A lot of people just don’t like
about the LibreOffice brand,                              Wasn’t LibreOffice a short term           change though. We remember
especially here in Germany.”                            name originally?                            seeing a while back on Mac
                                                        Florian: It wasn’t short term. We           Rumours, that Apple had changed
                                                                                                    the icon for iTunes for OS X v10 and
                                                                                                    there were 600 comments in the
                                                                                                    thread. And people were even saying
                                                                                                    they would never buy another Apple
                                                                                                    product again! It was quite scary.
                                                                                                    Florian: Absolutely, it needs to grow. If
                                                                                                    you get an agency to come up with a
                                                                                                    brand for you, it costs a fortune
                                                                                                    because they spend a considerable
                                                                                                    amount of time thinking and analysing.
                                                                                                    I think they just sit in a room around a
                                                                                                    table with a very large list of names, just
                                                                                                    like we did. I’m quite happy with our
                                                                                                    branding of LibreOffice. That reminds
                                                                                                    me: I’ve brought something for you,
                                                                                                    because I love LibreOffice! [Florian
                                                                 We loved Florian’s LibreOffice
                                                                                                    produces some LibreOffice stickers]
                                                               stickers, but didn’t get a decent
                                                              photo. Here’s some beer instead.
                                                                                                      Everybody loves stickers!


             What in the name
              of Zeus is it?
           Bitcoin is a digital currency that became popular in 2013. It’s not
           controlled by governments, banks, or anyone. It’s a decentralised
              currency designed to free our money from those who would
           oppress us. But how does a digital currency work? How can it be
                       valid if there’s no one to say who has what?
                                  Ben Everard investigates.

                                                                                                                                   BITCOIN FEATURE

                                                                      Hashing – sometimes known as one-way                   Hashes are used frequently in computer
                                                                      encryption – is a method for changing              security. For example, it’s how passwords
                                                                      something in one way that can’t be reversed,       are stored on Linux systems. The passwords
                                                                      but can be verified. Take for example a very       themselves are never store; instead, their
                                                                      simple hashing operator: modulo 10. In             hashes are. You can see them if you type:
                                                                      this, you divide something by ten and the          sudo cat /etc/shadow
                                                                      remainder is the hash – for example, 45                Every time you log in, your computer
                                                                      hashes to 5.                                       hashes the password you type and compares
                                                                         There are two crucial functions about           the result to these stored hashes. If the two
                                                                      the hash. The first is that it’s easy to verify.   hashes match, then it logs you in. The fact
                                                                      Every time you do it, it’s quick and you get       that you can see every hash on the system
Sellers can receive money in Bitcoin without having                   the same result. The second is that you can’t      (if you have superuser privileges) doesn’t
to deal with the currency itself, using services such as              reverse it. If someone tells you that the hash     make this any less secure because it’s so
BitPay (                                              is 5, it’s impossible to work out that they        hard to reverse these hashes. In fact, it’s only
                                                                      started with 45.                                   really possible if you can guess what the

                                                                         However, modulo 10 is a bad hashing             hashes might be (by checking with a list of
          here are, roughly speaking, three parts to
                                                                      algorithm because it’s easy to find something      dictionary words, for example).
          Bitcoin: the block chain, mining network, and               else that hashes to the same value. A good             In Bitcoin, hashes are used both to verify
          wallets. In order to understand how Bitcoin                 hash has both of the first two properties, but     the integrity of the block chain, and in the
works, you have to understand how each of these                       make it impossible to predict how the output       proof-of-work (see the boxout below). They
works. Make a cup of tea and settle in.                               will changed from a change in the input. A         work in the block chain by proving that none
                                                                      slight change in the input should result in a      of the blocks have been edited since they
   The block chain is a list of every single Bitcoin
                                                                      drastic change in the output.                      were first mined.
transaction that’s ever taken place. Until a transaction
is on the block chain, it hasn’t happened. It is quite
literally a chain of blocks – each block is a list of new           (or ‘mine’) new blocks. These new blocks contain
transactions, and a link back to the previous block.                any new transactions that have taken place. In
Anyone can then validate the block chain by following               compensation for mining these new blocks, they’re
it all the way back to the very first transaction when              rewarded with some Bitcoins. This acts as an
Satoshi Nakamoto created the first Bitcoins.                        incentive to make sure enough people keep mining to
   At this point, you’re probably wondering who’s                   keep the network working.
responsible for keeping the block chain. The scary
answer is: no one. There is no single organisation or
                                                                       That brings us to
                                                                    wallets. This is the part of        “The term ‘wallet’ is a bit of
person that holds a definitive copy of the block chain.             Bitcoin that regular users
                                                                                                        a misnomer, since they don’t
                                                                                                        actually store Bitcoins at all.”
Bitcoin is built to be distributed, so there’s no point of          see. The term wallet is a bit
failure that could maliciously or accidentally corrupt              of a misnomer, since they
the block chain. Instead, the block chain is held                   don’t actually store
separately by every single computer mining Bitcoins.                Bitcoins at all -- Bitcoins are stored only as a record of
                                                                    transactions in the block chain. The wallets store a
Where there’s silicon, there’s brass                                private key that authorises the user to add
These miners, then, are both the custodians of the old              transactions to the block chain for a given address
transactions, and the ones responsible for making                   (which is the public key that corresponds to the
sure new transactions are added. Their job is to create             private key).

  Hashcash is the proof-of-work system that miners use to           comes up with a hash below the set value. The faster you
  verify that they have actually mined a block before it can be     can generate hashes, the more likely you are to find one that
  included in the block chain. The basic function of this is to     satisfies this requirement. If you do come across a hash like
  make it computationally unfeasible to alter the block chain,      this, then you have mined that block and you can transmit it to
  because anyone seeking to alter a transaction would have to       all the other miners in the network.
  recalculate all the proof of works until they had a block chain       The rate at which miners are trying different hashes is
  longer than the previous one.                                     used to show the current speed of the network or the power
     It relies on hashing (see other boxout), specifically the      of a particular Bitcoin-mining computer (usually measured in
  SHA256 hash function. This takes an input and outputs             billions of hashes per second GHs)
  a 256-bit number. The inputs to the hash function are the             Miners don’t have to worry about their proof-of-work being
  block header (which contains a counter) and a hash of all         copied because, it includes a hash of all the transactions
  the transactions. The task of the miner is to find a value for    (in something called a Merkle Tree), and one of these
  the counter where the output of the hash function is below a      transactions is the miner paying themselves for mining the
  certain threshold. This threshold corresponds to the current      block. Anyone copying the proof-of-work can’t alter this
  difficulty setting, which changes every 2016 blocks.              without changing the resulting hash.
     The only way to calculate this is with pure computing              Note that the hashcash algorithm used in Bitcoin is slightly
  power. You have to generate as many hashes as possible with       different from the hashcash algorithm used to prevent email
  different values for the counter and hope that one of them        spam, though they both work in the same general way.


                                MAKING A TRANSACTION

                                When you make a Bitcoin transaction, you transmit it to the            Notice that nothing physically leaves your wallet other than
                                network of miners. However, there has to be some security to        this message to the block chain. The amount of Bitcoins in a
                                ensure that someone else can’t make transactions from your          wallet is calculated by seeing all the transactions in the block
                                wallet without you knowing.                                         chain. This means that anyone can know how much is in any
                                   Bitcoin transactions take place between two (or more)            wallet at any one time. It doesn’t necessarily mean they know
                                wallets. These, as we said before, are simply a public/private      who has how much money since it’s not always possible to
                                key pair and are used to encrypt data. They work in such a way      tie a specific wallet to a specific person, or know how many
                                that any data encrypted with the public key can be read with        wallets a person has.
                                the private key, and vice versa.                                       Once this transaction goes to the miners, it’s added to the
                                   In Bitcoin, you don’t have a pool of money that goes up          next block. However, as we’ve seen, the block chain can split
                                and down like a bank account. Instead, you have a specific          (and a malicious miner with a lot of computing power could
                                set of Bitcoins that can each be chained all the way back to        split it deliberately). There is no one point when it’s guaranteed
                                their original miner. When you make a transaction, you have         to always be in the block chain, but the assurance is calculated
                                to reference the transaction in which you got them (you can         by the number of blocks built on top of it. If it’s just one, then
                                reference more than one). You then have to digitally sign each      a lucky attacker may be able to outrace the rest of the mining
                                referenced transaction. This means that you hash the details        network. However, with each subsequent block that’s added to
                                of the transaction and encrypt them with your private key.          the block chain, the amount of work an attacker would have to
                                Since your public key is tied to your address (and therefore        do to reverse the transaction increases.
                                tied to the referenced transaction), this confirms that you            A depth of six blocks is usually considered enough to be
                                are authorised to make the transaction. The transaction also        sure that a transaction is properly added to the block chain.
                                includes the output address to which they are being sent.           At a block rate of one every ten minutes, this is an hour. For
                                   (This is a bit of a simplification. See   high-value transactions, you may wish to wait for more blocks
                                wiki/Transactions for a more complete explanation.)                 before considering the money truly transferred.

                                The previous four paragraphs have given a basic                     contains a hash of the previous block, and this can’t
                             overview of how Bitcoins work, and you could quite                     be changed without altering the current block’s hash
                             easily go about using or mining Bitcoins using only                    (which will be included in the next block). Anyone can
                             this knowledge. However, the chances are that you                      go and check that none of the transactions have been
                                                          wouldn’t trust the                        changed at any point. If they had, the hashes would

“The beauty of Bitcoin is in                              currency, since it sounds
                                                          suspiciously like it would
                                                                                                    no longer match up.
                                                                                                       The block chain is a publicly verifiable record of
the cryptographic techniques                              be easy somehow to                        every transaction that’s ever taken place. Each time

that protect the users.”
                                                          corrupt the system and                    you perform a transaction, details of that transaction
                                                          defraud users. The beauty                 are propagated to all the miners on the bitcoin
                                                          of the currency is in the                 network with a request to include it in the next block.
                             cryptographic techniques that protect users. Let’s go                     For a miner to get paid for mining a block two
                             back and look at in more detail to see how this works.                 things have to happen: they have to solve the
                                A huge part of the security of Bitcoin comes from
                             hashing, and it’s these hashes that are used to link                     SATOSHI NAKAMOTO
                             blocks together in the block chain. Each block
                                                                                                      Bitcoin has become a household name, and the currency is
                                                                                                      worth billions of pounds, but for all that fame, one thing still
                                                                                                      remains secret: the identity of the creator. They’re known
                                                                                                      only by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It’s not known
                                                                                                      for sure if Satoshi is male or female, or even if they’re a
                                                                                                      single person or a group.
                                                                                                         Satoshi mined many of the early Bitcoins (possibly up
                                                                                                      to a million), so at today’s exchange rate, he (or she, or
                                                                                                      they) is a very wealthy person. It’s possible that they have
                                                                                                      hundreds of millions of pounds worth of Bitcoins, but they
                                                                                                      have never spent any of them. Herein lies a problem. Since
                                                                                                      there’s a strong suspicion surrounding which addresses are
                                                                                                      Satoshi’s, if they ever spend any of their Bitcoins, they’ll
                                                                                                      reveal their identity. So far, they’ve preferred to keep their
                                                                                                      anonymity rather than cash in; but will this last?
                                                                                                         Of course, there’s been wild speculation about who could
                                                                                                      have created the currency, and several researchers and
                                                                                                      journalists have pointed the finger at various people, but all
                                                                                                      have denied it. Perhaps at some point in the future, the lure
                                                                                                      of money will be too strong and the mysterious creator will
                                                                                                      reveal themselves. We can only wait and see…
Multibit has all the usual wallet functions and can create QR codes to help someone
send you money. These include the receiving wallet address and the number of Bitcoins.

                                                                                                                            BITCOIN FEATURE


  Bitcoin has become the currency of choice for anonymous
  transactions online, most famously for illegal shops like
  Silk Road. However, it isn’t designed as an anonymous
  currency, and in fact doesn’t really fulfil the role particularly
  well because of the block chain. This records every single
  Bitcoin transaction and allows anyone to view the exact
  path that any Bitcoin has ever taken.
     The only mitigating factor in the public display of
  information is the fact that you can create a Bitcoin wallet
  without telling anybody who you are. In this sense, the
  wallets are private, but the currency is completely public.
  This means that if you get Bitcoins anonymously (for
  example, if you mine them, or buy them with cash in an
  untraceable way), spend them in an untraceable way (for
  example, paying for something that’s not delivered or tied
  to you personally in any way), and you don’t link the wallet
  to your physical location (for example, only connect it to
  the internet through Tor), then the transaction will probably
  be anonymous. However, that’s an awful lot that has to
  go right. If you slip up in any one of these ares, then the
  transaction is probably traceable back to you.
     It is possible to make an anonymous transaction
  with Bitcoin, but, in most cases it’d be far easier to stay
  anonymous with cash. The block chain is a big-data
  analyst’s gold mine and will almost certainly be used by law
  enforcement more and more in the future.

                                                                                                                                  A typical screen to pay by
hashcash proof of work, and that block has to be                      would be first to get the next block, so then the bitcoin
                                                                                                                                  Bitcoin. It contains all the
included in the block chain. The first is purely a                    miners would move over to that because anyone               information you need to
technical challenge, but the second is what forces                    mining in the shorter chain isn’t going to get paid for     make the transfer.
them to check everything. If the block contains invalid               mining unless it somehow overtakes the longer one,
transactions (for example, if someone is spending                     which will be increasingly unlikely as the longer one
coins they don’t have), and they do the proof-of-work,                gains more and more miners.
when they send the completed block to other miners,                      These rules ensure that a network of miners who
the other miners will reject it. This means that the                  are each out to maximise their own profit will keep the
original miner doesn’t get paid, and has wasted his                   integrity of the currency. A group of malicious miners
time. Therefore they will check every transaction to                  seeking to somehow undermine the system need to
make sure it’s valid before including it in a block.                  have more computing power than all the legitimate
                                                                      miners combined (so they can mine blocks at a faster
Honest self-interest                                                  rate and maintain the longest block chain). The
When a miner receives a block from another miner,
they have an incentive to try and find fault with it for
two reasons. Firstly, if they can reject the block, it
means that they are still in with a chance of mining it
themselves. Secondly if they accept a block that other
miners reject as invalid (if they don’t properly check it,
for example), then any mining they do that builds
upon that block will be wasted because it will never
main it into the main block chain.
  At the same time they have an incentive to accept
valid blocks, because if they reject a block that
everyone else accepts, then any subsequent blocks
they mine will be rejected by the rest of the miners.
  There is a slight issue that two miners could
generate the same block at roughly the same time
and send it out to all the other miners. At this point,
there would effectively be a split in the block chain.
Some miners would work on one, and some on the
other. The rules of Bitcoin say that the longest valid                You can buy Bitcoins from exchanges like this one ( They don’t all
block chain is the right one. One of the two splits                   have the same price or reliability, so it may pay to shop around.


                                                                    Bitcoin mining network hash rate



                                                                                                                                            Hash rate (giga hashes per second)




                                                    Time from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014

The strength of a
                                   hashcash proof-of-work, then, protects the Bitcoin                       run them, etc. Realistically, any attack on the block
cryptocurrency is in its
mining power. As you can           network through raw computing power.                                     chain would have to perform so much fraud to cover
see, this has increased               This is the reason Bitcoin mining has to remain                       its costs, that Bitcoin would crash in value, and the
dramatically in recent             profitable. As it currently stands, the Bitcoin network is               attack wouldn’t be worth it.
months.                            performing at about 15 peta hashes per second and
                                   rising fast (see above). To buy computing power to                       Fraud prevention
                                   beat this (if you bought the latest mining machines,                     However, the above only stays true while it’s
                                   although this would be impossible since there isn’t                      sufficiently profitable to mine bitcoins. Should this
                                   enough of them to do this many hashes), it would                         change in the future, then miners will take their
                                   cost around £150M (based on good Bitcoin-specific                        computing power elsewhere (or stop upgrading it).
                                   hardware). That’s just for the hardware to equal the                     This will then lead to a situation where the network
                                   mining pool at the time of writing. The power of the                     could be exploited.
                                   mining pool doubled in the last month, and it’s still                      The profitability of mining Bitcoins is controlled by
                                   increasing quickly. This also doesn’t take into account                  two factors: the difficulty in mining each block, and
                                   electricity (they use alot), storage, cooling, people to                 the number of Bitcoins the miner gets for each block.

  The crux of a currency, for most people, is how you           After creating a wallet, you need to get some         specified wallet. You then own the coins and can
  use it. For most real-world currencies, this involves      coins. For most people, this means buying them           transfer them to whoever you wish.
  handing over metal discs or pieces of paper, but           from an exchange such as                     Spending coins is far easier than buying them.
  there are no such things for Bitcoin.                      Unfortunately, this isn’t as straightforward as          More and more companies are accepting Bitcoins
      The first thing you need is a Bitcoin wallet. This     buying most goods, since it’s not usually possible to    every day. When you go to a checkout, you’ll be
  is really just a public/secret key pair that’s used to     buy them with a credit card or PayPal. This is           given a wallet address to transfer the funds to (this
  sign transactions. However, you need somewhere             because fraudsters have previously made money by         is usually a wallet created just for this transaction
  safe to store this because if you lose it, you can         buying via these methods, then complaining to the        so don’t try to reuse the same address in the
  never get the coins back. How safe depends on how          card company that they never got the coins, and          future). This is often expressed as a QR code. If you
  much money you want to store. There are wallets            reversing the charge leaving the seller out of           have a phone wallet, you can usually transfer the
  for almost all computing platforms, including              pocket. The credit card companies could easily           funds just by taking a picture of this code.
  smartphones. Remember that there’s no cost to              check the block chain, but in the past they’ve           Remember that you don’t send the transaction to
  setting up a wallet, so there’s nothing to stop you        chosen to side with the purchaser and now none of        the receiver, but rather to the mining network. The
  from having several. For example, you could store          the major exchanges accept card. The result is that      person receiving the money then gets the block
  some of it on your main computer and some on               generally you have to pay by bank transfer. As it        chain from the mining network and looks for a
  your phone, meaning that you can spend it on the           stands, this is probably the biggest thing putting       transfer into the appropriate wallet.
  go. It’s also possible to get wallets that are hosted      most people off buying Bitcoins [It put Ben off             The company receiving the funds will usually
  online, for example, at However           buying some for this feature, and in the last few days   wait until the transaction has reached a depth of six
  remember that with online wallets, the host                the price of Bitcoins has increased by 50%. Oh well,     or more blocks, which could take around an hour.
  potentially has access to your Bitcoins.                   never mind].                                             Once this is done, you should receive the product.
      All Bitcoin wallets work in roughly the same way,         When you buy Bitcoins, you’ll be asked to provide     Remember that bitcoins are like cash, and there’s
  and have all the information you need to send and          a wallet address. Once the bank transfer has taken       no way of getting them back should the person you
  receive Bitcoins, and to see previous transactions.        place, the exchange will transfer the coins to the       pay not supply you with the product.

                                                                                                                                  BITCOIN FEATURE

These two things also have to be balanced to account
                                                                     WHAT IS MONEY?
for rising computing power and the rising market
value of Bitcoins.                                                   One of the most common concerns with             your economic philosophy. On the positive
   The number of Bitcoins awarded per block changes                  Bitcoins is that they aren’t real money, just    side, no one can print excessive amounts of
                                                                     numbers on a computer. This, in a sense,         money leading to excessive inflation (like
at a fixed rate: it started at 50 and halves every
                                                                     is true, but what actually is money? Once        the German government did following World
210,000 blocks (approximately four years) until                      upon a time it was linked to physical goods,     War One). On the negative side, there is no
21 million Bitcoins have been mined, then no more                    and some of the currency names reflect this      one to step in and help stabilise it should
are awarded for mining subsequent blocks.                            (A British Pound was originally the value        things start to go wrong (for example, the
   The difficulty is varied every 2,016 blocks. The                  of a pound of silver). That link between         various governments that printed more
                                                                     currencies and physical goods, though, is        money to help ease the cash flow crisis in
network is designed to generate a new block every 10
                                                                     long since gone. The last major currency to      the ‘Credit Crunch’).
minutes on average. This time was picked to be a                     lose the link was the US Dollar, which was          In practical terms, the biggest difference
happy medium between two opposite forces: shorter                    tied to gold until 1971. Nowadays, currencies    between Bitcoin and most other currencies
times would make transactions happen more quickly,                   don’t have any value other than what people      at the moment is the wildly fluctuating
but are more likely to lead to more than one miner                   place in them, and the varying values people     exchange rate. The value of the currency
                                                                     place in them is what makes exchange rates       can double or halve in just a few days.
generating a block at the same time, which leads to
                                                                     change over time.                                Proponents say that this is likely to stabilise
wasted resources as the two block chains compete to                      The only real difference between Bitcoin     as the currency become more popular,
become longer. To keep this time period despite the                  and a national currency is that national         and this is probably true, at least to some
hash rate of the network varying wildly, the algorithm               currencies are backed by governments,            extent. In reality, though, no one knows
looks at the time it took to generate the previous 2,016             whereas Bitcoins aren’t really backed by         what will happen in the long run since
                                                                     anyone other than the miners. Whether or         currencies without the backing or a state or
blocks and tries to compensate for this.
                                                                     not this is a good thing depends entirely on     organisation haven’t been tried before.
   You may have noticed a slight flaw in the plan. First
we said that the security of the system was
dependent on the amount of computing power it had                  are more transactions than there is space in the block,
available which was in turn dependent on the                       they have to decide which ones to put in. Obviously
profitability of mining. Yet then we said that at some             the miner will go with the ones that have the highest
point in the future, when 21 million bitcoins have been            transaction fees. The other transactions won’t be lost,
mined, there will be no more rewards for mining.                   they’ll just be rolled forward into future blocks. Higher
   This isn’t quite true. There will be no more new                transaction fees will result in faster transactions.
bitcoin rewards for mining, but when you carry out a                   At the moment, most
transaction you can include a transaction fee, which
goes to the miner. At the moment this is rarely done,
                                                                   Bitcoin transactions have
                                                                   no transaction charge, but
                                                                                                     “When you carry out a
since mining is profitable enough that people do it                this isn’t a fundamental          transaction you can include a
without this additional incentive, and the transaction
volumes are low enough. However, each block is
                                                                   feature of the currency
                                                                   that will stay with it forever.
                                                                                                     fee, which goes to the miner.”
limited in size to 1MB (there is currently a debate                It remains to be seen
about whether to change this). This means there’s a                whether the transaction fees will be less or more than
fundamental limit on the number of transactions in                 for other payment methods in the future. I really wish
each block. If a miner reaches a situation where there             I’d bought some when I started writing this feature!

                                              Bitcoin price on the MtGox exchange




                                                                                                             Price on (USD)





                                  Time from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014

The dollar value of Bitcoins has increased by almost a factor of 100 over the last year. Some people see this as a
bubble set to burst, others as a sign of the currency coming of age.

                      FEATURE CROWDFUNDING

                      The total amount Linux Voice raised (yellow), and the
                      income by day (blue). We tracked these blue and yellow
                      lines hour by hour as the project progressed and learned
                      to love and hate them in equal measure.

                                              Launch day                                                                   Amount Raised (left axis)     Total Amount Raised (right axis)
                      £11,647            We took in over                                                                                                                                    £127,638
                      £11,000             £10,000 in the                                                                                                                                    £120,000
                                          first 24 hours.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cumulative Amount Raised
                                                                     Raspberry Pi
Daily Amount Raised

                       £9,000                                                                                                                                                               £100,000
                                                                     Liz Upton of the
                       £8,000                                        Raspberry Pi Foundation
                                              Good work, angry
                                                                     writes a very kind blog                                                                                                £80,000
                       £7,000                    Slashdotters.                                                                                         Success!
                                                                     post about us.
                                                                                                                                                       Secondary spike in
                                                                                                                                                       contributions as we
                       £5,000                                                                                                                          pass our £90,000 target.

                       £2,000                                                                                                                                                               £20,000
                          £0                                                                                                                                                                £0

                                storyso far
                         11 Nov 2013     16 Nov 2013        21 Nov 2013      26 Nov 2013       01 Dec 2013        06 Dec 2013        11 Dec 2013       16 Dec 2013          21 Dec 2013

                                                                                           Time Inexorably Ticking Away


                                                 This magazine crowdfunded its way into existence.
                                                   Ben Everard tells the story of how it happened.

                                          s long as there have been jobs, there have                            At midday on Monday 11 November 2013,
                                          been people sitting in pubs complaining about             went live announcing to the world our
                                          them. The Linux Format team had been                               intention to create a new magazine using Indiegogo to
                                  meeting in The Salamander in Bath to do just that                          crowdfund the launch. For us to be successful, we
                                  since long before I joined. It was a safe place that                       needed to raise at least £90,000 before 23 December.
                                  served good ale, and it provided a safe, warm place to                     If we didn’t hit that amount, then there’d be no
                                  moan over a pint. But there’s only so much moaning                         magazine and we’d all have to start looking for new
                                  you can do before you have to quit, which, being men                       jobs in the new year.
                                  of action, is what we did.
                                    But something carried on. We were all used to                            The floodgates open
                                  making a podcast together, so we continued; or rather,                     After what seemed like an eternal wait before we went
                                  we started a new one, called Linux Lifestyle. Yes, it’s a                  live, the subscriptions started coming in. One hour
                                  rubbish name, but the domain was cheap. After one                          after we went live, the total had reached £1,525. Not
                                  recording, back in the Salamander, we had an                               bad for an hour, but it still barely registered on the
                                  epiphany: if we could make a podcast together, we                          progress bar.
                                  could make a magazine together. Not all ideas from                            There are a lot of ways you can analyse the money
                                  the pub seem so good in the cold light of day, but this                    coming in. The simplest way is to say that we needed
                                  one did. Only one thing stood in our way: the lack of                      to raise £90,000 in 43 days, therefore we needed to
                                  money. We needed a plan.                                                   get a little over £2,000 each day. Looking at it this way,

                                                                                                                          CROWDFUNDING FEATURE

                                                                            TOP TIPS FOR CROWDFUNDING
                                                                            If you’ve got a project that you want to start,    pushing back against it. For example, the
                                                                            but not the money to start it, crowdfunding        Technology subreddit has an outright ban
                                                                            can be a great way of getting off the ground.      on crowdfunding stories. To get past this
                                                                            However, it doesn’t work for everyone. Here        fatigue, your product has to be exciting.
                                                                            are our top tips for a successful project:         Don’t rely on mainstream media. Maybe
                                                                               Give people a reason to love your product.      you’ll be picked up by newspapers and
                                                                               If you have a product ready to ship, then       television, but it’s more likely that you
                                                                               it’s enough to be a product that people like,   won’t. Have a plan in place to reach your
                                                                               but when you’re asking people to take a         intended audience.
                                                                               risk, you need them to love the product.        Leave no stone unturned when it comes
                                                                               Understand who the influential people are       to publicity, and don’t stop plugging away
                                                                               in your field and target them. People are       at everything.
                                                                               far more likely to trust them saying nice       Videos are far more convincing than text,
                                                                               things about your product.                      even when they say the same thing. It
                                                                               The internet is already starting to tire of     conveys a sense of personality that’s easily
                                                                               crowdfunding, and many social sites are         lost in the written word.

    United States          Sweden                  Other (35 countries)
    Australia              France                  Germany                was no ‘OK’ outcome, so it was all or nothing. At first
    New Zealand            Europe                  Canada                 though, my goal was much more modest. I simply
    United Kingdom         Netherlands
                                                                          didn’t want to be humiliated. Failing is one thing, but if
                                                                          we barely raised anything. It would be on the internet
                                                                          for all the world to see. All my friends and family were
A breakdown of our income by country. Thanks America!
                                                                          checking the site. If the progress bar never moved,
                                                                          and stayed firmly in the red, it’d be one very big, very
we’d almost reached our daily target in just one hour.                    public humiliation.
In fact, if things kept going like that, we’d raise over                     In truth, I don’t remember much more of that day
£1.5M! Of course, that’s an oversimplification. What if                   except bouts of fear and happiness. Looking back, I
we look at it another way? All the Linux Lifestyle                        can see that we sent out press releases and started to
podcast listeners would have just received an update                      get active on social media, but all I member is a
in their RSS readers telling them what was going on.                      quickened pulse and an abject fear of public
Pretty soon, that would get buried under newer items.                     humiliation. It took quite a lot of alcohol to calm me
What if this is now everyone who cares? What if the                       down enough to sleep that night.
rest of the world is perfectly happy with the status                         I woke at sunrise the following day. I didn’t even turn
quo? What if there simply isn’t a demand for a new                        the light on, I just reached for my phone and hit
magazine? What if the rumours are true and the                            refresh (it still had the crowdfunding page loaded from
magazine industry really is dead?                                         the night before). We’d
    For most of the remainder of the campaign, my
mental state fluctuated between euphoria and despair
                                                                          topped £9,000! 10% of our
                                                                          way there in just one day,          “All I remember is a
as I considered the good and bad possibilities. There                     and we’d almost hit five            quickened pulse and an abject
                                                                                                              fear of public humiliation.”
                                                                          figures! Whatever else
                                                                          happened, it wouldn’t be a
  WHAT IS CROWDFUNDING?                                                   humiliation.
                                                                             In hindsight, it probably should have been obvious
  If you’ve picked up this magazine in a newsagent, you may
  not realise that we launched it through crowdfunding.                   at this point that everything would work out, but it
      Crowdfunding is a way of raising money for a product or             wasn’t. I still struggled with the constant fear that we’d
  project by getting people who are interested in the project             run out of supporters. It would be another three weeks
  to put money towards it. In return, these funders get ‘perks’           until this finally abated and I believed it would happen.
  which can be anything from a word of thanks (see our
  Founders page) to a copy of the product, to anything else.
  In a sense, this is a bit like pre-selling a product before you         Getting heard
  produce it, but for legal reasons it’s a bit different because          Success in crowdfunding comes down to many
  there’s a chance that the product will never get made.                  things. You have to have a product that people love
      The two most popular websites for crowdfunding                      enough to take a chance on. We thought we had this
  are Kickstarter ( and Indiegogo
                                                                          because we’d had so much good feedback working
  ( These sites hold thousands of
  projects looking for supporters. Some, like the Pebble                  on our previous magazine, and we had some really
  watch, have raised millions of pounds.                                  excellent ways we could make Linux Voice better.
      This method of raising money has become particularly                However, it doesn’t matter how good the product is if
  popular with computer game makers and graphic novel                     no one hears about it. From day one onwards, we
  artists who can pitch their ideas directly to their fans rather
                                                                          devoted ourselves almost entirely to publicity.
  than having to go through publishers, who in turn have to
  guess what the audience will and won’t want.                               The majority of the publicity came from social
                                                                          media (though we did feature briefly on the Guardian


                                                                                     mental state continued to oscillate between joy (when
                   ANDREW SAYS…                                                      I realised that in just four days we’d raised almost a
                                                                                     quarter of the total) and despair (when I looked at how
                                           The thing that really hit me was that
                                                                                     much the cashflow was slowing down). By the middle
                                           many contributors were paying, say,
                                           £55 for a UK sub rather than £50. Every   of the day, I was spending more and more time in
                                           time it happened it felt as thought the   despair as I furiously hit F5 on the Indiegogo page
                                           internet was giving us a silent nod       waiting for the next donor. Each time the gap to the
                                           of approval; that there were people       next one got a little longer.
                                           out there who didn’t just want the
                   commercial exchange of getting a great magazine for a
                   good price, but who wanted us to succeed for some other           Breakthrough
                   reason. Every time my phone went off with an email from           Then, in the space of a couple of hours, everything
                   PayPal telling me that someone had chipped in an extra            changed. First, Tim O’Reilly tweeted “Linux Voice: A
                   pound or two, it felt like we were doing the right thing.         new Free Software and Linux magazine that gives
                      The low point came from a necessary evil: PayPal. On
                   15 December some international money laundering switch
                                                                                     profits back to the community. Its @indiegogo
                   triggered at PayPal, which stopped it taking payments,            campaign” to his 1.75 million
                   which in turn convinced IndieGogo to shut down the                Twitter followers. Two hours later, Linux Voice ended
                   campaign. We were stuck up a creek without a paddle,              up on the front page of Slashdot. Suddenly the cash
                   and even though it only took a couple of hours to fix the         trickle became a cash flood. In the peak hour that
                   problem, the fact that it happened at all was a huge fail; the
                   fact that nobody at PayPal or IndieGogo had got in touch to
                                                                                     evening we raised £1,680 – the best hour to date.
                   let us know what was going on, inexcusable.                          The feeling of sitting at your computer, pressing F5
                      We have so many milestones left to come. The first time        and watching you get closer and closer to your dream
                   we sponsor a project, the first articles we release as CC-        is like flying. You’ve done the enormous amount of
                   BY-SA, the first time we see someone else building on our         hard work to get airborne, then everything just comes
                   work, are all still to come, and it’s going to be fantastic to
                   see how the Linux Voice community grows. I can’t wait.
                                                                                     together and you cruise. You glide along and the
                                                                                     whole world is before you. It feels like anything’s
                                                                                     possible. It’s peaceful, yet produces a surge of
                 website and The Register). We quickly learned that                  adrenaline. A giddy, almost child-like excitement takes
                 each of these works in a slightly different way. Hacker             over and your cheeks ache from grinning so hard.
                 News is a brutal, fast-paced all-or-nothing ride. If your           Also like flying, it doesn’t last. We raised £6,399 on
                 article makes it to the front page (as a few of ours did),          Friday, but less than half this on Saturday. What was
                 you get a big hit of visitors, and a lot of comments                worse is that we felt we’d exhausted social media and
                 that need answering very quickly. Keeping on top of a               needed another source of potential new subscribers.
                 popular comment thread on Hacker News basically                        Despite being a member of a Linux podcast, I hadn’t
                 requires constantly typing as fast as you can for as                realised just how popular they were. Perhaps there’s
                 long as it stays popular.
                    Reddit, on the other hand, also commands a big
                                                                                       GRAHAM SAYS…
                 following, but it’s spread over a much longer time (at
                 least it is on /r/linux/). There are also lots of plenty of
                                                                                                              Launching a magazine through a
                 insightful questions, but they don’t all come at once.                                       crowdfunding campaign must be a
                 Twitter is different because it goes both ways. We                                           little like crowd surfing blindfolded.
                 could seek out people and people could seek us out.                                          You stand at the edge of the stage,
                 We never found Facebook worked for us at all.                                                interpreting the sound of the crowd
                                                                                                              in one way but not knowing whether
                                                    It wasn’t all about
                                                                                                              enough people are interested, or even
“The Linux podcasts supported                     new-fangled social
                                                  media though. Philip
                                                                                       listening. It’s not until you throw yourself from the edge that
                                                                                       you have some idea. But even then you don’t know how far
us with an enthusiasm that no                     Newborough (aka                      the crowd can take you, or what the landing will be like.

other media had.”                                 Corenominal) the creator                 Unlike Ben, Mike and Andrew, I had a non-compete
                                                                                       clause in the contract I had with our former employer. As
                                                  of the CrunchBang
                                                                                       I couldn’t be involved in the campaign, I had something of
                                                  distro, put a banner                 a different experience to the other three. I had assumed
                 advert on its website supporting us. I regularly                      that it would leave me with lots of free time for catching
                 searched Google to look for new mentions of Linux                     up on projects I’d neglected for years. In the end, those
                 Voice and found messages of support on forums                         weeks of the campaign were probably some of the most
                                                                                       unproductive of my life! I couldn’t concentrate on anything,
                 across the internet.
                                                                                       or plan anything, or write anything, or play anything. All I
                    As the first week went on the money kept coming                    could do was watch the campaign page and bore friends
                 in, but we got a bit less every day. From over £9,000                 and family with theories on how it might work out. They’d
                 on Monday, it went to £4,436 on Tuesday, £3,775 on                    always nod, dutifully. However, I genuinely believed in the
                 Wednesday and £2,959 on Thursday. We expected it                      idea – a magazine with great content that gives back what
                                                                                       it can to the community. Part of the growing distraction
                 to dip as the initial buzz wore off, but it was dropping
                                                                                       over those weeks wasn’t doubt, but excitement at the
                 away fast. If it kept going at this rate, it would die out            prospect that Linux Voice might really happen. And it has!
                 completely by the middle of week two. On Friday, my

                                                                                                          CROWDFUNDING FEATURE

                        Talk about a rollercoaster ride... At
                        the start of the campaign, we thought
                        we might be mad for even trying
                        something like this. What if we only
                        raised £5,000 of our £90,000 target?
                        Will we become the butt of jokes for
                        Linux journalists around the world? Will
  we all have to start new lives as goat farmers in Tajikistan?
     But no, it worked. And it worked spectacularly, because
  the Linux and Free Software communities really understood
  what we were doing. We weren’t just making yet another
  magazine – we wanted to do something different,
  away from the constraints of big businesses that didn’t
  understand our audience.
     Linux Voice has been a very personal project for me,
  because it’s exactly the sort of magazine that I’ve always
  wanted to create. I’ve been reading computer magazines for
  the last 25 years, from the ZX Spectrum through the Amiga
  to the PC, and one thing has always struck me about the
  Linux community: it is incredibly passionate.
     Sometimes there are arguments, and sometimes there            The campaign website got over 100,000 views during the campaign, which means one in
  are fallings-out. But we’re all on the same journey, trying      fifty people that saw the page contributed. Thanks everybody!
  to make computing more open, free, exciting and fun, and
  a truly great Linux magazine should reflect that. You, the
  readers will be a key component of Linux Voice – not just        put on a brave face and told them of the slump and
  consumers. We’re but a tiny acorn right now and we have          how every project hit it, and how people held out for
  a lot to do, but thanks to everyone who supported us for         when the deadline approached. As the week wore on, I
  making this dream a reality.
                                                                   struggled to believe this myself.
                                                                      On the 1 December, just £649 came in. Was this it, I
some form of brotherhood of the microphone that I’m                wondered? Had we finally run out of people interested
unaware of, but the Linux podcasts supported us with               in a new Linux magazine? For hours I sat pressing F5
an enthusiasm that no other media had. We made                     and nothing would change. Then maybe a digital
guest appearances and were featured many, including                subscription, then nothing for hours again. I stopped
the Ubuntu UK Podcast, Linux Outlaws, The Linux                    alternating between hope and despair and stuck
Action Show Unplugged, The Linux Link Tech Show,                   almost continuously in despair. This, I became sure,
Hacker Public Radio and TuxJam.                                    was us running out of supporters.
   Each time one of these shows aired, we saw a spike                 Crowdfunding, though, is a fickle mistress, and the
in subscriptions on the site. Without the support of               best piece of advice I could give to aspirant crowd
these guys, it would have been a lot harder. Not just              funders is to prepare for the unexpected. Two days
because they helped get the word out, but because                  after this low point, Liz Upton of the Raspberry Pi
hearing other people within the community get                      Foundation wrote a blog post supporting the project.
excited about the project was a huge psychological                 This was picked up by Twitter, Hacker News and
support for me.                                                    Reddit, and drove support faster than we’d seen so far,
                                                                   faster than we could have possibly dreamed. It
Bridging the gap                                                   peaked at £4,405 in a single hour (almost triple the
In crowdfunding, anything can happen, but we knew                  previous fastest rate) and at the end of the day, we’d
that most campaigns had a ‘U’ shaped cash flow                     raised another £11,647. This pulled the total to
graph. That is, they raised quite a bit at the start, and          £72,903. We now needed less than £20,000 with 20
quite a bit at the end, but not that much in the middle.           days to go.
This middle section is known as the slump.                            My girlfriend regularly asked me if I thought we’d
   By week three we were well and truly in the slump.              make it. That night I replied with an unqualified ‘Yes’
Income hovered around £1,500 a day, which was                      for the first time.
precariously close to the daily average we needed to                  The rest, as they say, is history. Following the
hit in order to make our target. Of course, the theory             endorsement from the guys at Raspberry Pi, the
said that we’d get a massive increase at the end, but              money kept coming in. Not at the same rate, but we
would we really? There was no way of knowing.                      made the final £18,000 in six days, and the total kept
   Around this time, when I spoke to people, they’d                rising until the campaign ended with £127,603. The
have a pitying expression on their face if the subject of          fruit of the campaign is now in your hands, and all of
Linux Voice came up, and I could tell that few of my               us at Linux Voice would like to say a hearty ‘thank you’
friends and family thought we’d reach the target at                to everyone who supported us. Even those of you who
this stage (though they only admitted it later). I always          waited until the last minute and made us sweat.


The Anglo-Saxon god powering your next generation graphical desktop.

                                                   Imagine it’s the 80s. You’re sitting   current system works. As long as the
GRAHAM MORRISON                                    in your bedroom prodding away          API supports Wayland, the applications
                                            at a Commodore 64, listening to the           will support Wayland and automatically
        Why does Wayland need two           Human League and staring through              look and feel awesome.
        pages of explanation?               thick-rimmed glasses at your 14-inch
        For most of us, Wayland is          colour television. You’re coding a game              Brilliant! So how come it hasn’t
        difficult to understand because     and working on the graphics. To get the              been adopted already?
there’s nothing tangible to click on.       best performance, your code is talking               It’s not immediately faster than
There’s no ‘About’ box to open or           directly to the graphics hardware, the               the alternatives, which
configuration panel to play with. But all   venerable VIC-II chip. One of VIC’s best      disappointed many early adopters. Nor
of these graphical elements can be          features was its ability to allow the         is Wayland network-transparent, which
displayed on your Linux desktop using       programmer to create a simple                 means it doesn’t include the ability to
Wayland – it’s just that Wayland hides      graphical element, perhaps a spaceship        serve desktop sessions across a
beneath the surface. The important          or a gold miner, called a sprite. All the     network in the way that early X11 did.
point is that it’s a big improvement over   programmer had to do was tell a sprite           The complexity that comes with
the way this was done before, and is        what to look like, what colour to be and      network transparency is a burden on
currently done now.                         where to appear. They helped the              the current system. That doesn’t mean
   In simple terms, Wayland has the         programmer forget about the nuts and          there won’t be an alternative, such as a
potential to make your desktops talk to     bolts of how their computer worked            more VNC-like approach to sharing the
your graphics hardware much more            and concentrate on the gameplay.              image buffer to a remote address. It
efficiently. Developers won’t have to          This is what Wayland helps to do for       just means that any solution won’t be
work with an arcane system that’s           the modern programmer. They can               as overbearing. In fact, the Wayland
massively over-engineered and               forget about the nuts and bolts of            community think that a remote desktop
complicated, while users should see         graphics and concentrate on usability.        solution using Wayland will be better
performance benefits and more eye           But because software stacks are now           than VNC on X11 anyway.
candy. It really could revolutionise the    several layers deep, Wayland isn’t
Linux desktop.                              aimed at the application programmer                  X11 is the system that
                                            most analogous to our 80s games                      Wayland is going to replace?
      That sounds promising. What           programmer. More often than not, it will             Yes. X11 was designed for a
      does Wayland actually do?             be toolkits such as Gnome’s GTK or                   different era of computing – the
                                            KDE’s Qt that need to talk to Wayland,        same 1980s of that old Commodore
“More often than not it will                and it’s these that need to be updated
                                            to accommodate its requirements.
                                                                                          64. And the key requirement for any
                                                                                          1980s-era enterprise computing
be toolkits such as GTK or Qt               Application developers shouldn’t need         installation was for remote graphical
that need to talk to Wayland”               to change their code, unless they’re
                                            using something specific to the way the
                                                                                          terminals. X11 was designed to work
                                                                                          across a network so that low powered,

                                                                                                                                                   FAQ WAYLAND

cheap terminals could connect to a            that means there’s no easy way of           by Samuel Csaba Otto Traian: GNU FDL 1.2+ and CC-BY-SA 3.0+; created 2013-08-28; updated 2013-10-30
centralised computing resource with           knowing which features you’re going to
                                                                                            GNOME Shell
lots of storage, CPU and RAM.                 get when your application supports a
                                                                                            Clutter 1.14            W2BGL                                                                         EGL
   The apps ran on the central                different version of a plugin to your X11     libwayland-client

computing resource and sent                   installation. Come the revolution,                                W                Nautilus
instructions back on what to be               though, you’ll still be able to run X11                                   GTK + 3.12             W2BGL                                        EGL
displayed to each terminal. You can still     tools and applications through a               W
                                                                                                                        libwayland-client      code

do this with X11 today. In fact, you are      compatibility layer called XWayland.                2                                                    KDE Plasma

doing this today: X11 uses the same                                                                                                                Qt 5.1                  W2BGL

                                                                                                                                  3                libwayland-client       code
client and server configuration even                 Does Wayland do away with                                                                 2
when everything is running on the                    the server and client model?                                                                                          EGL

same machine, making the separation                  No. But the client/server model                         libwayland-server

between the client and server a little               used by Wayland makes more                                                                                   libwayland-EGL     libEGL-mesa-drivers
                                                                                                                                                                  EGL                       libEGL-mesa
pointless. There are several other big        sense. The server is something called
                                                                                                           Weston, Mutter, KWin, Clayland,
                                                                                                                Enlightenment . . .                               OpenVG

                                                                                                                                                        Mesa 3D
chunks of X11 that have become                the Wayland Compositor, and desktops                                                                                Graphics
                                                                                                                                                                  Device Drivers:

redundant, such as its inclusion of           such as E17 or Gnome, going through                      1                    4     ioctl

some core fonts or big parts of the           their respective APIs, are considered the                                                                                     libDRM

rendering API – features that are now         clients. This is why you always see
                                                                                                      evdev                kms                                               drm
part of toolkits like GTK and Qt. Then        Wayland described as a ‘protocol’, rather                                                       Kernel
there are the four input subsystems.          than a way of rendering graphics. It’s
                                                                                                                   CPU (registers & L1 & L2 & L3 & L4) & main memory
And that network transparency we were         the protocol that defines how the clients                                   framebuffer          GPU (registers & L1 & L2) & graphic memory
just talking about? It won’t work when        speak to the server. A server could be
using modern modern systems with              replaced with another server, as long as
                                                                                          Wayland is mostly a protocol because it defines how the
X11 anyway, because of the way they           they understood the same protocol.          various components in the stack talk to one another
talk to the local graphics hardware.          Which is exactly what the people behind     [Image Credit: CC-BY-SA 3.0: ScotXW, based on work by
                                              Wayland hope will happen. E17 and           en:Kristian Høgsberg published at
          So what’s to stop Wayland           Gnome both have their own Wayland-
          from being just as bad?             compatible compositors.
         Apart from the simplicity, there’s                                                                                   If Compiz worked with X11,
          no legacy code to get in the way           Hang on a mo – what’s a                                                  why is Wayland any better?
of creating a modern graphical                       compositor?                                                              It simplifies the process. X11 was
subsystem. Just imagine what X11                     You might have first heard the                                           the gateway between the app
might be like in another 10 years, and               term when desktop effects                                          and the compositing. With Wayland, the
it’s difficult to think of how it might       started to become popular. Compiz, for                                    applications talk to the compositor
adapt to tablets and smartphones.             example, is perhaps the best-known                                        without having to go through X11.
    It’s also capable of using hardware       compositing window manager. It adds                                       Wobbly windows with a compositor in
specific backends. This won’t be              effects such as wobbly windows,                                           X11 worked, but it was much harder if
necessary for most installations, but         desktop shadows and transparency,                                         you wanted to tell the compositor you
there’s a backend for the Raspberry Pi        and it does this by compositing the                                       were working with hardware overlays to
that has considerably improved its            contents of the various windows under                                     play back video. Wayland’s direct line of
graphical prowess, when compared to           its control into a single image that can                                  communication is a much better way to
X11, so perhaps performance might             then be used as the desktop. That’s                                       accomplish the same tasks.
improve after all.                            why when you run Compiz, you have to
                                              replace whatever window manager                                                  Is 2014 going to be the year of
       If it’s so hopelessly crufty, how      you’re currently using.                                                          Wayland on the desktop?
       has X11 lasted so long?                   In Wayland, the compositor does the                                           We think so, yes. Gnome 3.12 can
       For one simple reason: it works.       same job, only without the help of X11                                           now operate as a Wayland
       That’s something that can’t be         to turn the final composited image into                                   compositor, bringing native support to
said for a great many other                   the desktop you see. It’s the server                                      the Gnome desktop. So too can
technologies. It’s stable, despite its        process that pulls all the graphical                                      Enlightenment’s compositor after a
complexity, and it’s a well understood        components together to create what                                        huge code dump in the middle of
and a well integrated part of the             you’d expect to see on the screen. For                                    January. The reference compositor for
system. Thanks to the development of          Wayland, that would mean the server                                       Wayland, named Weston, saw plenty of
many other modules that connect to            that composes the contents of the                                         updates in January’s 1.4 release, and
X11, it’s a modern and adaptable              various client application windows                                        there’s a new Qt 5.2 based desktop
solution. But it’s never going to get         before sending them on to the                                             called Hawaii that uses Weston. Even if
simpler nor better adapted to the kind        rendering stage. These elements                                           KDE’s Wayland support is slow in
of computing we do now. All those             already exist, and are not part of                                        making an appearance, you’ll definitely
extensions and plugins, for example,          Wayland. They’re used to get the output                                   be able to migrate to a Wayland-only
lack any kind of version control, and         from the compositor to your screen.                                       desktop in the near future.


System administration technologies brought to you from the coalface of Linux.

                                                 Don’t fear change
                        Jonathan Roberts
                        dropped out of an MA
                        in Theology to work
                        with Linux. A Fedora
                        advocate and systems     The init replacement for RHEL 7 and SUSE Enterprise Linux 12.
                        administrator, we hear

                        his calming tones
                        whenever we’re stuck              he arrival of a new Linux init system
                        with something hard.              has been a long time coming. It was
                                                          back in 2006 that Upstart was
 This is the first issue of Linux Voice, and     introduced to Ubuntu, and around the same
 I’m so pleased to be contributing to it         time that Fedora and others also started
 along with Graham, Andrew, Mike and Ben.
                                                 experimenting with new init systems. The
 It feels new and exciting, with all four of
                                                 reasons then are much the same as the
 them having poured so much enthusiasm                                                            Most of systemd’s tools feature tab-completed
 into the project, it can only work out well.    reasons now – sysvinit is old and doesn’t do
                                                                                                  sub-commands, which is indicative of the efort
    When Graham asked me to write the            everything a modern distribution needs it to.    that’s gone into making it a pleasure to use.
 first two pages of this new sysadmin            More specifically:
 section, I started looking around for ideas,       sysvinit can’t take account of hot-
 and I noticed that in the same way Linux        pluggable hardware devices and                   service status to the console and managing
 Voice represents a kind of transformation       filesystems, such as network mounts or           lock files, which were repeated in almost
 of a well loved thing, so Linux itself seems    USB sticks.                                      every init script.
 to be undergoing a similar transformation.         sysvinit doesn’t provide sufficient              Systemd removes the need for much of
    New technologies, like systemd (and its      supervision of processes, allowing double        the complexity in these init scripts by
 many associated subprojects, including
                                                 forked processes to become orphaned.             handling service status echoes and suchlike
 journald and logind), btrfs, cgroups and
                                                    sysvinit can’t parallelise boot services      itself. This means it can switch complex
 kdbus are slowly replacing older
 technologies and approaches that many           effectively, so it is slow.                      procedural Bash code for a clear, declarative
 people have long assumed to be                     sysvinit startup scripts are difficult to     configuration file. For example, here’s the
 synonymous with Linux.                          write, difficult to debug and can’t easily be    configuration for the syslog service on my
    Many sysadmins have been ignoring            shared between distributions – the               Fedora system:
 these new technologies, in part because of      Sendmail init script is over 1,000 lines long!   [Unit]
 all the controversies surrounding them,            Systemd fixes these problems and              Description=System Logging Service
 and in part because of inertia. But the         introduces a number of new features that         [Service]
 times, they are a changing.                     make the case for it even more compelling.       EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/rsyslog
                                                 Rather than explaining in great detail how       ExecStart=/sbin/rsyslogd -n $SYSLOGD_OPTIONS
 Something better change                         systemd works or how it fixes these              Sockets=syslog.socket
 With the announcement of Red Hat
                                                 problems (there’s plenty of information on       StandardOutput=null
 Enterprise Linux 7 Beta, with the emerging
 plans in Debian to replace its init system,     that in        [Install]
 and openSuse having seriously debated           systemd.html), we’re going to take a look at
 btrfs as its default filesystem, the time       a few key features of systemd that might         Alias=syslog.service
 has come for sysadmins to start taking          make sysadmins look forward to systemd,          All of the configuration options available in
 these technologies seriously, as the next       rather than dread having to learn a new tool.    these files are extremely well documented
 round of major distro releases are                                                               (systemd as a whole has some of the best
 certainly going to include some                 Configuration file format                        docs around) – see man systemd.unit or
 combination of them.                            As mentioned above, in sysvinit systems,         man systemd.service for details.
    So, a new and exciting magazine and a        configuration of services was complex and           What’s more, if you had to modify a
 new and exciting set of technologies –
                                                 error-prone. They were usually configured        sysvinit file, you’d have to be careful when
 seems like the perfect chance to take a
                                                 through a combination of arcane Bash             it came to package upgrades etc that your
 closer look. Look out for my coverage of
 some of these new technologies over the         scripts in /etc/init.d and some                  changes wouldn’t get overwritten. With
 next few issues of Linux Voice.                 environmental settings in /etc/sysconfig or      systemd, unit files get packaged into
                                                 /etc/defaults. These init scripts often did      /usr/lib/systemd/system, but if you want to
                                                 awful amounts of work, such as echoing           replace the default with your own, you can


put them in /etc/systemd/system and
whatever is there will take precedence over
the defaults.
  You can even include other unit
configuration files in yours, so you can easily
extend the default configuration:
include /usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-secure.service
#extra conf goes here

Resource controls
Why would you want to extend a service
configuration like that? Well, systemd
launches all processes inside their own
cgroup (and all processes spawned from
this end up in the same cgroup – this is also
useful as it stops double forking processes
from orphaning themselves), so you can               sysctemctl enables a user to easily inspect what units (services, in systemd speak) are loaded on
take advantage of this to use cgroups to             their system and what their current status is.
limit the resources that each process (and
its child processes) can consume.                    resource-control for further details. There        displayed, just as if you were looking at the
   Systemd not only makes this possible by           are also any number of security settings that      contents of /var/log/messages or similar.
the way it spawns processes, but it also             can be put in the configuration files like this.     This default view gives you some simple
makes it easy by exposing many of the most           For example, you can restrict a service from       improvements over the traditional
common bits of functionality in                      accessing a particular device, make                techniques, however. Error and higher priority
configuration directives. For instance, you          individual directory trees inaccessible or         messages are in red, notice and warning are
could limit the amount of CPU a process              read-only, create a private /tmp directory for     bold, timestamps are in your local timezone.
gets by dropping in a new unit configuration         a service or even stop a service, and all its      These are fairly cosmetic improvements.
file to /etc/systemd/system and adding:              child processes, from accessing the                What sets journald apart is that the logs are
[Service]                                            network. In the example below, we’ve               kept on disk in a binary format, which means
  By default, systemd gives all processes
(well, cgroups), an equal share of the               “Another aspect of systemd is that it collects all
processor (1024). By setting CpuShares to            output from processes that it starts.”
200, you’re restricting this process to about
20% of CPU time. What’s more, this isn’t             configured a service to have a private /tmp        that the journal entries can be indexed on all
applied just to the parent process but to all        directory. See how simple it is:                   fields, making them quick to search and easy
child processes. So if you have Apache               [Service]                                          to filter. For example:
running with many hundreds of spawned                PrivateTmp=yes                                     journalctl PRIORITY=7 —since=yesterday
CGI processes, this would restrict all of                                                                   Will show all messages of debug priority
those processes to about 20% of CPU time.            Journal                                            received by the journal since yesterday. If
  With the configuration file in place, you’d        Another aspect of systemd is that it collects      you tried to do this with standard syslog
just need to tell systemd to reload it, with         all output from processes it starts – whether      messages or the like, you’d have to concoct
systemctl daemon-reload, and then restart            that’s through syslog() calls, messages            your own grep or awk command, or hook it
the service, with systemctl restart httpd.           emitted to STDOUT or STDERR, initial RAM           in to a system like Logstash or Splunk.
service, for example.                                disk or kernel messages. It does this through          There are loads of fields on which you can
  You can also set memory limits                     one of its components, journald. To see the        filter that come direct from the messages
(MemoryLimit) and IO limits                          contents of the logs, you can just type            themselves, as well as a lot of metadata that
(BlockIOWeight). See man systemd.                    journalctl as root and you’ll get the results      the journal inputs in to each log message
                                                                                                        itself, including SELinux context, hostname,
                                                                                                        transport etc. To see the full details, you can
                                                                                                        read man systemd.journal-fields. Journalctl
                                                                                                        even features tab completion of possible
                                                                                                        field names, so you can get a quick look too
                                                                                                        by typing
                                                                                                        journalctl <tab><tab>.
                                                                                                          There are many other great features in
                                                                                                        systemd that, if you take the time to look
                                                                                                        around, will make your life as a sysadmin
The other contender for the next generation of Linux init systems, Upstart, is the Ubuntu’s choice      better. We hope this article has at least given
and involved in a hotly contested debate in the Debian project over what they should choose.            you the motivation to take a closer look.


Nick Veitch opens your eyes to the technology behind the cloud server revolution

The cloud at last
All DevOps is headed to the clouds, but that doesn’t mean abandoning open source platforms.

        eople used to eye the sky               and of course, indirectly many consumers         by accident that the pioneers in much of this
        nervously and then fix you with a       do too, whether it is for simple file storage,   computing-as-a-commodity revolution are
        slightly menacing stare when you        backup of mobile devices or cloud-based          an online bookstore rather than one of the
mentioned you had anything to do with           music streaming. In fact it is pretty hard to    major IT players. Though of course, Amazon
clouds. Fortunately it is now a well-known      escape clouds, even if you want to.              now is a major IT player.
word bandied about by IT types. Last                                                                The good news for open source in all
year, Forbes reported that over half of US      So what is cloud computing?                      this is that the up and coming platform
businesses used cloud services in some          The basics behind cloud computing are that       of choice with which to build OpenStack.
form or another (          it is an elastic resource, a commodity, where    The project began life as a collaboration
reuvencohen/2013/04/16/the-cloud-hits-          you can consume, on demand, resources            between NASA and the hosting company
the-mainstream-more-than-half-of-u-s-           such as computing power and storage. As          Rackspace. The idea was simply to build a
businesses-now-use-cloud-computing),            such it has been highly disruptive – it isn’t    suite of open source tools that could provide
                                                                                                 the infrastructure to deliver cloud services,
                                                                                                 whether that be a private, internal, cloud
“With our OpenStack cloud, we’ve been able to offer                                              (such as the original NASA project on which
                                                                                                 OpenStack is based) or a public-facing
physicists the resources they need to analyse and                                                cloud, like the one developed by HP
model data from the Large Hadron Collider.”                                                      (

                                                                                                 Why open matters
                                                                                                 Openness in the cloud matters just as much
                                                                                                 as openness in an operating system. In
                                                                                                 fact, a cloud platform performs very much
                                                                                                 the same function as an OS – it enables
                                                                                                 the user to deploy software to perform
                                                                                                 some task. On a desktop, that might be
                                                                                                 image editing in Gimp; on a cloud it might
                                                                                                 be hosting a global payment platform or
                                                                                                 similar. With an open solution, it is at least
                                                                                                 theoretically possible to move your workload
                                                                                                 from one provider to another.
                                                                                                    That may not seem to matter much (and
                                                                                                 indeed, it is currently difficult to achieve) but
                                                                                                 it will matter more as startups may need
                                                                                                 to shift workloads from local hardware to
                                                                                                 a more resilient cloud provider, or larger
                                                                                                 companies invest in hardware and pull
                                                                                                 services out of public clouds. It also provides
                                                                                                 a level playing field for innovation – many
                                                                                                 companies now contributing to OpenStack
                                                                                                 are developing a powerful and rich
                                                                                                 ecosystem of possibility. These companies
The OpenStack dashboard can be used to manage every aspect of your cloud deployments, and it’s   include huge players in the IT field. The
also possible to control it through an API, for great automation wins.                           list is quite long and includes names like


  Cloud anatomy
  OpenStack is a suite of software tools                 Block Storage (Cinder) This type of             network topologies there too (Virtual LANs),
  designed for specific purposes. Each                storage simulates a block-level device, such       and indeed virtualise other functionality
  workload, and perhaps an entire cloud,              as you would find attached to your /mnt            (intrusion detection, DNS etc).
  may not need all of the components. New             directory in Linux. As such it is transparent         Identity (Keystone) Managing access
  components are also being developed as the          to applications accessing it and can be much       to cloud services is a key concern.
  need for them arises. Here are the current          faster than object storage, but it also requires   Keystone is a directory mapping users (and
  ones (and their OpenStack names!)                   slightly more overhead in resources. Like          software) access to the services deployed.
     Compute (Nova) One of the primary                ordinary block devices, it needs a filesytem.      Authentication can be configured to accept a
  requirements of any work you may want to do            Image server (Glance) In dynamic clouds         variety of methods – passwords, tokens, etc.
  in the cloud, the Nova component allocates          where nodes might be scaled out at any                Dashboard (Horizon) The dashboard or
  compute resources (ie processing power to           time, it is useful to have a store for images of   control panel is just an easy to use interface
  run software). Nova is designed to be very          particular devices (eg. a backup of a virtual      for tweaking the cloud (or your part of it)
  efficient at scaling horizontally (across many      server or a filesystem). This is a sort of         as well as controlling the automation of
  nodes, rather than adding more resources to a       specialised version of Swift (indeed, Glance       some services. It is of course possible to
  single node).                                       often uses Swift as its storage medium), but       use software tools to access all of this
     Object Storage (Swift) Object storage is         with extra functionality, such as an API for       functionality through the API.
  storage that can store and retrieve blobs of        querying what images are stored.                      Metering (Ceilometer) Openstack describes
  data. They might be big blobs- a huge video            Networking (Neutron) Software-defined           this as a telemetry service, but in simpler
  file for example, or little blobs, like the Linux   networking was first cooked up in 2008,            terms it is basically the equivalent of an
  Voice payroll. The advantage of this sort           and was joined later by Network Functions          electricity meter, collecting data on what was
  of storage is that it is easily mirrored and        Virtualisation. Simply put, in an age where        used when and by whom. Although designed
  replicated, and may be split easily across          complex workloads are being defined in             primarily for billing users, it provides auditing
  many actual nodes.                                  software, it makes sense to create the             information for plenty of other purposes.

There is a very excellent website for OpenStack
at, and a very useful wiki

Rackspace, HP, IBM, AT&T, Canonical, Dell,
Cisco, SUSE, Intel, VMWare, RedHat, NEC,              The Canonical’s Juju GUI view of a deployed OpenStack instance. Other configurations are pos-
Hitachi and more.                                     sible! Visit and search for OpenStack bundles.

Loads of work                                         more benefits to realise for software that has     differentiation and confusion about the
In many ways it is not the platform that is so        some mechanism for horizontally scaling –          services offered by various participants,
interesting as the workloads that are                 distributed, highly-available applications that    and that the business model isn’t clear.
deployed on it. There are inherent                    run on multiple nodes. In future workloads         Uncannily, that is almost exactly what they
advantages to deploying even traditional              will be written specifically for cloud use and     used to say about Linux…
server solutions on a cloud. If you run a             take better advantage of the provided APIs            It is true that OpenStack is maybe not
simple LAMP stack on the cloud, it can                to dynamically control aspects of their            as mature as Amazon’s Web Services, but
automatically take advantages of features             deployment.                                        the project is just over three years old, and
that the cloud provides for it – the underlying          Not everyone is a fan of OpenStack.             there are a ridiculous number of companies
platform can make it more resilient, and              Analysts at Gartner have continually               committed to driving it forward. If you
vertically scale resources (storage,                  downplayed the success of the platform,            want to play with the clouds of the future,
processing power) if required. There are              suggesting that there is a lack of                 OpenStack is a great place to start.


FOSSpicks                                                                                        Sparkling gems and new
                                                                                                 releases from the world of
                                                                                                 Free and Open Source Software

             Mike Saunders has spent a decade mining the internet for open
             source treasures. Here’s the result of his latest haul…

Connection problem solver


         imp, Firefox, Evolution,        Your mail client might just throw up
         Scribus – all great free        a generic “Connection failed” error
         software projects, but          message, which is about as much
their names say very little about        use as a chocolate teapot. Where
what they actually do. That’s not        exactly is the connection failing? Is
a criticism we can level at Why          the problem with the IMAP server,
Can’t I Connect (WCIC), however,         or something else in between
because it does exactly what it says     on the net? If you’re massively
on the tin. WCIC attempts to help        knowledgeable about the particular
you pinpoint problems when you’re        protocol you’re using, you might
connecting to servers across the         be able to Telnet into the remote
                                                                                 Never struggle with lame error messages again: WCIC tells you
internet, providing more information     machine and work it out from there,
                                                                                 what’s really happening with your connections.
than you might otherwise receive         but not everyone can do this.
from your usual applications.              WCIC makes things much easier.
   Say for instance that you’re trying   You tell it to initiate a connection                               out lots of feedback and detailed
to set up a mail program, and you        with a remote machine, and it                                      descriptions of error messages. It
can’t connect to an IMAP server.         steps through the process, spitting                                supports a bunch of protocols out
                                                                                                            of the box: MS SQL, MySQL, (S)FTP,
                                                                                                            SMTP, IMAP, POP3, IRC, NNTP and
                                                                                                            LDAP. Just supply a hostname/
                                                                                                            IP address and a port number, and
                                                                                                            WCIC will sort out the rest.
                                                                                                               If you want to investigate
                                                                                                            connection problems with a
                                                                                                            different protocol, you can go into
                                                                                                            the Advanced menu and look
                                                                                                            through the connection process
                                                                                                            step-by-step, sending textual data
                                                                                                            from a file to see how the remote
                                                                                                            server responds. It’s even possible
                                                                                                            to set up WCIC as a bridge between
                                                                                                            a client and a server, so you can
                                                                                                            look at the data that the machines
                                                                                                            are exchanging in real time.
                                                                                                               WCIC is one of those helpful
                                                                                 Set timeout limits
                                                                                 and fine-tune how          tools that we’d love to see included
                                                                                 WCIC interacts with        by default in mainstream desktop
                                                                                 remote servers via the     distributions - so make it happen,
                                                                                 Preferences pane.          distro devs!


Free-form data organiser

TREESHEETS 26-10-2013

         ake a spreadsheet, mix                   bring it up at another time, hit F1.
         in some mind-mapping                     Essentially, TreeSheets works as a
         elements, add a few to-do                souped-up spreadsheet, letting you
list and text-editor features, and                enter data into cells and move them
what do you get? The result might                 around. Click on the edge of a cell
sound like a hideous mish-mash of                 and its border turns into a dotted
programs, but it’s actually a rather              line: start typing and new data is
awesome fusion that works really                  added into a new cell. Hit the Insert
well. TreeSheets’ author describes                key (or go to Edit > Insert New Grid)
it as “suitable for any kind of data              to add data to a new table – like a
organisation”, such as calendars,                 spreadsheet inside a spreadsheet.
to-do lists, project management
charts and brainstorming diagrams.                Lookin’ good
   The key to all this flexibility is             You can format these grids in                  The built-in tutorial is
hierarchy: items can be embedded                  various ways via Edit > Layout                 one of the best we’ve        can be marked as operations (eg
inside other items.To get it                      Render Style. With these features              ever seen, getting you       addition or multiplication) and then
running you just need to grab                     alone you can come up with novel               hands-on with the            generate results from neighbouring
the treesheets_linux.tar.gz file                  ways to present data such as                   program right from the       cells. Once you have everything in
                                                                                                 first step.
and extract it – this produces a                  contacts lists, to-do lists, project                                        place, click the Run button on the
directory called TS. In here, run                 plans and even algorithms – see                                             toolbar to calculate results. The
./treesheets, a pre-compiled binary.              the examples/ folder for inspiration.                                       complex_eval.cts example sheet
This worked without any fuss on                      But TreeSheets can do a lot                                              demonstrates these features well.
our Xubuntu 13.10 test machine,                   more. It’s possible to filter content                                          Ultimately, TreeSheets is only
and providing you have GTK 2 and                  based on edits, eg showing only                                             limited by your imagination. It might
its dependencies installed, you                   the cells that have been edited in                                          seem like an app without a specific
shouldn’t have any problems. (If the              this session. The early phases of                                           purpose at first, but once you’ve
binary doesn’t work, you can still                a simple programming system                                                 browsed the examples you’ll see
compile from source.)                             have been included, where cells                                             how the program’s features could
   Excellently, TreeSheets is                                                                                                 be applied to your own data. We’ve
supplied with an in-depth tutorial
that doesn’t just show you how
                                                  “The key to TreeSheets’ flexibility                                         already started using it as a to-do
                                                                                                                              list manager on steroids, and as the
to do things, but encourages you                  is hierarchy: items can be                                                  programming features get more
to experiment by hand. It’s shown
automatically on the first launch; to
                                                  embedded inside other items”                                                fleshed-out, its range of uses will be
                                                                                                                              nigh-on endless.

How it works: Adding data

  1 Create a grid                                             2 Add a sub-grid                                        3 Format it
       Click on File > New to create a blank 10x10 cell            Click Edit > Insert New Grid to create a grid           Click on blank space in the outer grid, then
grid. Start typing, and the first cell will expand to fit   inside the current one. Type some text, click on the    Edit > Layout Render Style > Vertical Layout With
the data that you enter.                                    lower edge, and type again to add a new cell.           Line Style to display the items in a tree-like format.


Graphical disassembler


        ome under-the-hood things        to File > Open and locate a binary
        are worth understanding,         executable on your filesystem. On
        even if they’re not especially   a Linux box this executable will be
useful on a day-to-day basis. One        in the ELF format, but EmilPRO can
of these, if you’re a programmer,        also read Windows and Mac OS X
is assembly language. Sure, very         executables using its own version
few people write substantial code        of Binutils, which it builds during the
in assembly nowadays (apart              compilation process.
from embedded device and                                                           Looking inside /bin/ls:
driver developers), but it’s worth       The interface                             the code here shows        mean, you’re probably not
understanding what goes on after         The top-left panel shows a list           a subroutine, which        interested in looking at assembly
you compile your high-level code.        of sections and symbols in the            hands control back         language – but from inside the
    EmilPRO is a GUI disassembler:       executable, while the panel to the        to the calling code        app you can submit more relevant
                                                                                   with the “ret” (return)
it takes binary machine code             right refers to the currently selected                               descriptions to EmilPRO’s website.
executables, identifies the chunks       symbol. Underneath, on the left, you                                    EmilPRO works well enough,
that are code (instead of data), and     have the disassembled code (or a                                     although the interface could do with
shows the human-readable CPU             hex dump if it’s a data section), and                                some polish. The program’s author
instructions contained therein.          the right-hand side shows some                                       admits that he’s not an expert with
    The README file explains the         information about the currently                                      GTK, so if you are, dear LV reader,
dependencies required and how            selected instruction. We’re not sure                                 hop over to
to compile the program. Once you         how useful this is – after all, if you                               SimonKagstrom/emilpro/wiki/
have EmilPRO up and running, go          don’t know what the instructions                                     TODO to lend a helping hand.

Super-simple cron job creator

EVERY 0.1.0

           ne of the best things about   of tasks that should be executed at
           Linux (and most Unix-like     specified intervals, and it updates
           systems in general) is        your crontab accordingly.
the widespread use of plain text           Get the latest release like so:
configuration files. Look in /etc, for   wget ‘
instance, and you’ll see that almost     Every/master/packed/every’                Every shows you its
everything is readable and editable      Then make it executable (chmod            generated entry before     right? You can replace “hour” with
in a standard text editor. Contrast      +x every) and copy it into /usr/          adding it to the crontab   “minute”, “day”, “week” or “month”,
this to Windows, with its dreaded        bin or somewhere else in your             – use the --dry-run        and even specify a day of the week
registry… Ugh. Let’s not go there.       $PATH. Using it is really simple:         option to preview the      (eg “every thursday”). Additionally,
    It’s not a total utopia in Linux     let’s say that you want to run /usr/      entry.                     you can specify units like so:
though: most configuration files         bin/ every hour. All you                                  every 23 minutes /usr/bin/
are text-based, but the syntax and       need to enter is this:                                                  When you run Every, you’ll see
formatting in them can vary wildly.      every hour /usr/bin/                                      that it spits out a crontab entry,
If you’re a seasoned Linux admin         And that’s it – you don’t get much                                   and it also automatically updates
then you can probably write cron         more human readable than that,                                       the crontab for your user account
entries in your sleep – but if you                                                                            (edit it manually with crontab -e).

                                         “Most config files are text-based,
always end up having to consult                                                                               Every sets up the $PATH and your
the manual page, Every is for you.                                                                            filesystem location exactly, so you
It’s a small Perl script that lets you
enter human-readable descriptions
                                         but their syntax can vary wildly”                                    can guarantee that the command
                                                                                                              will run exactly as intended.


Log file monitor


         eeping tabs on log files is    Beobachter can view multiple log
         just one of the many jobs a    files simultaneously; you can save
         hard-working sysadmin has      your session (so that all your log
to do. The trusty tail command line     files are re-opened when you next
tool (with the -f flag) does a decent   start the app) via the File menu.
job here, but it’s plain, and doesn’t      Where Beobachter really comes
help you to spot critical information   to life is with the formatting rules.
when text is whizzing by. A more        Under Options > Manage Log
elegant solution is to use a log file   Types you can create custom              Its default interface is
monitor, and Beobachter (from the       rules to apply to specific log files     very ugly (it’s written in   to be alerted when the word “error”
German “beobachten, to observe)         (or groups of log files), so that        Java), but you can tell it   crops up.
has a few aces up its sleeve.           lines are highlighted when they          to adopt some elements         With the formatting rules feature,
   To run Beobachter, grab the .jar     contain specified words or regular       of your GTK theme in         you could set lines that contain
file and enter:                         expressions. For instance, you                                        the word “error” to have a red
java -jar Beobachter-1.7.8-jar-with-    might be watching a log that’s                                        background, so they’re easier to
dependencies.jar                        updated often, so you don’t have                                      spot. After some tweaking, you
   Click File > Open and select         time to read every line, but you want                                 can have a full-screen Beobachter
a log file (eg /var/log/syslog).                                                                              session set up with multiple log files

                                        “Where Beobachter really comes
Beobachter will then show updates                                                                             being viewed and errors leaping out
to the log file in real time, so as                                                                           of the screen. Not only does this
soon as anything is added to the
log, you’ll see it in the window.
                                        to life is with the formatting rules”                                 make your life as an admin easier, it
                                                                                                              looks pretty l33t too.

Browse inside zip files

FUSE-ZIP 0.4.0

            ost modern file             make release to build it resulted in
            managers let you browse     an error that UINT16_MAX was not
            inside compressed           defined; we fixed it by adding this to
archives. Gnome and KDE have            the top of lib/fileNode.cpp:
services to give seamless access to     #define UINT16_MAX 65535
compressed archives, for instance,         Once you have it built, run make
but standalone non-Gnome/KDE            install as root and you’re ready to
programs can’t use them without         go. Mounting a zip file in a directory
pulling in loads of dependencies.       is as easy as pie:
   fuse-zip fixes this problem by       mkdir mytmp                              In the background
letting you manually mount .zip         fuse-zip mytmp              terminal we mount            equivalents, with plenty of stats to
archives as normal directories,           Now you’ll be able to seamlessly, add          back it up. You can even use it to
without the need for any major          browse the contents of somefile.         NEWFILE to it, and           create new zip files, eg fuse-zip
dependencies. The only thing it         zip via the mytmp directory. Any         unmount it. And the some-directory. When
                                                                                 foreground terminal
requires is FUSE (Filesystem in         edits that you make to files will be                                  you unmount some-directory,
                                                                                 shows it has been
Userspace) which is included by         stored back in the .zip file when you                        will be created.
                                                                                 added to the .zip.
default in many major distributions.    unmount the directory, which you         Awesome.                        It all runs like clockwork,
To build fuse-zip, you’ll need at       can do like this:                                                     so if you’ve been avoiding the
least version 2.7 of libfuse-dev and    fusermount -u mytmp                                                   heavyweight desktop environments
version 0.11 of libzip-dev. On our          fuse-zip’s developer claims that                                  but you still like this feature of their
Xubuntu 13.10 test box, entering        it’s faster than the Gnome and KDE                                    file managers, give fuse-zip a go.


Crazily tiny PC emulator


       ook at this snippet of source       that’s generated from a single
       code and see if you can             4043-byte C source code file. It’s
       guess what language it is           the obfuscation that keeps the code
*i+=262*o*z(F((*E&15)>9|42[E])),*E&=15))   so small – in human-readable C it’d
i(SP,(w(7),R&&--                           be a lot bigger – but regardless of
1[i]&&o?R++,Q&&Q++,M--:0))DX()             how the code gets mangled, it’s an
{$,O*=27840;O--;                           impressive project nonetheless. All
  If you’re feeling particularly           you need to build it is the SDL
snarky, you might say “It’s Perl, with     development libraries, so once you        It’s a bit rough around the edges, but squeezing an entire PC
some extra formatting to make it           have them installed, just enter           emulator into 4k of code is an astonishing achievement.
more readable than a typical Perl          make. You can then run the
program”. But no, it’s actually C -        emulator by supplying a BIOS                                          CPU, 1MB of RAM, a Hercules
and completely valid C. Each year,         image and a floppy disk image at                                      graphics card, a floppy drive and a
the International Obfuscated C             the command line; see the runme                                       hard drive controller. So it’s not
Code Contest (               script for an example.                                                particularly powerful compared to
asks programmers to submit the               Cable3 emulates a mid-1980s-                                        the likes of QEMU and VirtualBox,
most weird, messed-up and                  era PC, complete with an 80186                                        but it’s capable of running lots of
preprocessor-abusing code                                                                                        programs such as early versions of
possible, and some of the results
are truly astounding.                      “Cable3 emulates a mid-1980s-era                                      Lotus 1-2-3 and Flight Simulator. It’s
                                                                                                                 even possible to coerce Windows
  The above snippet is from
Cable3, a fully fledged PC emulator
                                           PC, complete with an 80186 CPU”                                       3.0 into running – don’t expect
                                                                                                                 great performance though.

MS Paint-esque graphics editor


            icrosoft Paint is a pretty     for photos, rather than on plotting
            rubbish image editor,          individual dots in images. So if
            but if you’ve ever spent       you’re designing sprites for video
time in Windows, you’ve probably           games or icons for programs and
used it in an emergency. It’s basic,       you haven’t found any useful tools
it’s uncomplicated and it has hardly       just yet, this could be a big help.
any features – but it’s always there.        Although Paint.JAVA is still in
An enhanced version called Paint.          beta, it’s already quite usable. To
NET has been in development                run it, grab the .jar file, make sure     Enabling a temporary
over the past few years, with a            you have a JRE (Java Runtime              grid helps enormously       eraser. A handful of basic effect
similar interface but much more            Environment) installed, and enter:        when you’re plotting        filters are included, and you can
functionality included, and now we         java -jar Paint.JAVA.jar                  individual pixels and       enable a grid mode, which helps
have a Java-based clone of it.                Don’t expect much from the             aligning things.            when you’re trying to keep various
    Paint.JAVA was borne of                interface right now – it’s very bare,                                 elements of a picture aligned.
frustration with existing pixel-           and lacking the icon-laden toolbars                                       Paint.JAVA isn’t the prettiest
editing tools. “Pinta is horrible,         you would expect to see in an                                         pixel editor out there, but it has all
and Gimp is over-complicated               image editor. Fortunately, there’s                                    the basics covered and thanks to
and sucks at pixel art”, says the          still plenty of functionality tucked                                  its Java roots it runs pretty much
developer. That’s fair enough: Gimp        away in the menus, so click around                                    everywhere. With a few refinements
is designed to be like Photoshop           and you’ll find pencil and brush                                      and decent selection of plugins, it’ll
and focus on filters and effects           tools, shape creation tools, and an                                   be a great little app one day.


Mascot-happy racing game


       uperTuxKart has been           him by winning races. The level
       doing the rounds for           of graphical and audio polish now
       many years, so if you          approaches commercial games,
haven’t played it for a while,        especially during the intro, and the
you might remember it as a            presentation is pretty slick too.
rough-edged Mario Kart clone
with bits missing and gameplay        Still game
flaws. That’s certainly how we        With 20 courses and 16 playable
remembered it, until we tried the     characters, there’s plenty of variety
latest release. SuperTuxKart has      in the game, and many of the
come on in leaps and bounds           courses unlock as you progress            Yipes! The GNU mascot     can’t produce games that rival
over the last couple of years,        through the game. The controls are        is being beamed up into   commercial counterparts in
thanks in part to its acceptance      just about perfect now: the karts         a sinister spacecraft.    terms of polish, but SuperTuxKart
in Google’s Summer of Code            react well and don’t slip and slide as    Get your racing gloves    shows otherwise. It’s fun, it’s
scheme – but also because it has      they did in early releases. If you find   on and free him…          pretty, it’s silly, and racing as Tux
a story mode now.                     the going tough, though, you can                                    against the FreeBSD daemon
   And this story mode is really      try a tutorial mode which takes you                                 represents what Free Software is
well done: the GNU mascot             through the controls step-by-step.                                  all about: different projects often
(a gnu, unsurprisingly) gets             It’s often said that part-time,                                  battling each other, but all with
kidnapped, and your job is to free    hobbyist Free Software developers                                   the same target in the end.

Object-hunting fest

E.T. GAME 1.03

         ld games on Linux never      GLX installed, you’ll be able to get it
         die – they just need to be   built with a single make command.
         recompiled for the latest    If the build is successful, enter
distros. Providing that the games     sh runme to start playing.
are open source, of course. E.T.          Your goal is to collect 10
GAME hasn’t changed much              randomly placed red crystals that
since its original release in 2003,   are scattered around the playing
but today the code is enjoying        area. This is trickier than it looks,     Use the arrow keys
retirement in a GitHub repo,          with some crystals tucked away            to look around, and           E.T. GAME won’t last you long,
receiving the occasional update       inside rooms and crannies, and            F and B to move           but if you’ve ever fancied doing
to make sure that it works with       once you have them all you need           forward and back.         some 3D programming, the
the latest versions of everything.    to find a hidden exit. Nine levels        Hold Shift + left or      source code is worth exploring
   As you can see from the            are included – and there’s even an        right to sidestep         for ideas. It demonstrates how
screenshot, E.T. GAME is totally      editor to make your own.                  instead of turn.          to get a simple 3D engine up
retro in appearance – and this                                                                            and running without pulling in
visual simplicity also means that
it has very few dependencies.         “Old games on Linux never die –                                     shedloads of dependencies, so
                                                                                                          you can easily modify it to turn
Providing that you have the           they just need to be recompiled”                                    it into a first-person shooter or
development headers for X and                                                                             maze exploration romp.


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                                                                                                                            TUTORIALS INTRO

                                    Dip your toe into a pool full of Linux knowledge with eight
                                    tutorials lovingly crafted to expand your Linux consciousness.

                                              In this issue…
                                                 74                                                          76

Ben Everard
has been busy brewing ‘special’ open source
                                              PGP                                                        BrewPi
cider for the Linux Voice launch party.       Keep your emails safe from prying                          Like beer? Like the Raspberry Pi?
                                              eyes using state-of-the art encryption                     Graham Morrison uses the latter to keep
                                              techniques – with Ben Everard.                             an eye on the former as it ferments.

         here seems to be a link between
         Linux users and good beer.
         Of course, not all Linux users          84                                     88                                     92
drink, and not all drinkers use Linux, but
there’s definitely a higher than average
percentage of Linux users who like a
really good pint. Quite naturally, geeks
who like to tinker with their operating
system also like to tinker with their
beer. Graham’s been going high-tech,          OwnCloud                               Ada Lovelace                           Arch
and you can find out all about how to
                                              Take control of your email,            Juliet Kemp tips her hat to            Take your first steps with
follow in his footsteps using the BrewPi
                                              file storage and calendars             this Victorian genius and              with power users’ distro –
kit and a Raspberry Pi to monitor the
                                              – with Mike Saunders.                  progenitor of programming.             with Graham Morrison.
temperature of the brew on page 76.
   I’ve been keeping things a little more
low tech, but also experimenting to
find the best brew. As I’m based in           PROGRAMMING
Gloucester, It seems appropriate that
I’ve been focusing on cider. It tastes        Dynamic web pages                      Euclid’s algorithm                     Bash
delicious, but can leave you with a                  Perhaps the greatest thing            We like to think of data                The Linux command line is
                                               96                                     100                                   102
sore head in the morning. This coming                about the web is how easy it          encryption as being a                  useful for many things:
                                              is to quickly create a page to share   modern invention, and it is, but the   managing files, automating tasks,
month I hope to try out some different
                                              information. However, keeping the      mathematical foundations on            solving word puzzles. OK, that last
malt combinations as I try to design          data in your pages up to date can      which it’s built go back for           one may not be the most common
my ultimate beer. I’ll let you know how       be a real chore, unless you have       centuries. Graham Morrison             use of the GNU toolset, but it is a
it goes – it should help me judge the         the skills to do it automatically.     introduces an Algorithm from 3rd       useful way of learning to work
results of the Bash regular expressions       Ben Everard shows you four             century Alexandria that can still      with regular expressions.
                                              painless ways to keep information      be used to attack modern               Ben Everard sets some challenges
competition on page 102!
                                              current.                               encryption methods.                    to test your skills.


                                KEEP MESSAGES
                                SECURE WITH PGP
                                The Feds (and GCHQ, and the NSA) are snooping on our
                                communications, but we can fight back with encryption

                                           ormal email is one of the least secure forms
                                           of communication available – less secure
                                           even than post cards. These mails can
                                typically be read by anyone on the same network as
                                you, anyone at the ISP, anyone at your mail provider,
                                anyone at the recipient’s ISP and anyone on the same
                                network as the recipient, as well as anyone with
                                access to the various networks between the two ISPs.
                                    If you use SSL or TLS to connect to your inbox, then
                                it improves things a little, but it’s still vulnerable as
                                soon as it leaves your mail provider.                            The colour and message in the top-right corner are
                                    PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a program designed to           a random security code so you can distinguish real
                                remove these weaknesses. It uses the normal email                Mailvelope messages from spoofs.
                                system, but adds a layer of encryption to protect them
                                in transit. These days, PGP is usually used to refer to          key encryption comes into play. Everyone who uses
                                the OpenPGP format for these encrypted messages,                 PGP first creates a public/secret key pair. The public
                                rather than the PGP program specifically.                        key is made public while the secret key is known only
                                    The OpenPGP format uses two different types                  to the user. However, anything encrypted with the
                                of encryption: symmetric key and public key. In                  public key can be decrypted only with the secret key
                                symmetric key encryption the same key (basically                 and visa versa.
                                just a binary string that’s used as a password) is used
                                to encrypt and decrypt the message. In public key                Public and private keys
                                encryption, two different keys are used (one to encrypt          The solution is to encrypt the key for the message
                                and one to decrypt). The phrase ‘private key’ can refer          with the recipient’s public key. When they receive
                                to either the key in symmetric encryption, or the secret         the message, they can then decrypt the key for the
                                key in public key encryption. To avoid this ambiguity,           message, and then decrypt the message itself. This
                                we won’t use the phrase in this article, but you may             is a bit convoluted, but it’s much less processor-
                                come across it in software.                                      intensive than encrypting the whole message using
                                    When encrypting a message with an OpenPGP-                   public key encryption.
                                compatible program, the software generates a                        You can use OpenPGP in most mail clients, but
                                random symmetric key and encrypts the text. This                 we’ll look at doing it in webmail. Since OpenPGP is
                                ciphertext forms the bulk of the message.                        purely a text format, you could generate the encrypted
                                    The problem is that the recipient of the message             message elsewhere and copy and paste it into your
                                has to know the key, but it can’t be included in the             email. That’s exactly what we’ll do, but instead of copy
                                message otherwise anyone who intercepts the                      and paste, we’ll use a browser extension to convert
                                message will be able to read it. This is where public            the plaintext to encrypted ciphertext.
                                                                                                    Mailvelope ( works with
                                                                                                 Chrome/Chromium and Firefox, and it comes pre-
                                                                                                 configured to work with some of the most popular
 We’ve described the process for working        mentioned in the main text, you should be        webmail providers (Gmail, Yahoo,
 with Mailvelope, but the process is almost     able to transfer keys between these pieces       and GMX). Installing it is no more challenging than
 identical for all OpenPGP-compliant            of software so you can access the same mail      downloading the extension from its Releases section
 software. You shouldn’t have any problems      account through different programs.
 following along using Thunderbird or              Mailpile is a mail client designed to bring
 Evolution, or even AGP and K9 for Android or   PGP to the masses by making it easier            and opening the file with the appropriate web browser.
 Cyanogenmod.                                   to set up OpenPGP encryption, even for              The first step is to generate a public/secret key pair.
    Regardless of the software, you’ll still    new users. The project raised just over          In Chrome/Chromium, you can get to this by clicking
 have to go through the same process of         $163,000 in crowdfunding and is currently in     on the padlock icon that should have appeared to the
 generating and exchanging keys before          development, and you can track its progress
 you can communicate with someone. As           at
                                                                                                 right of the address bar. In Firefox, this options menu
                                                                                                 is a little more hidden. First, you’ll need to go to view

                                                                                                                             TUTORIAL PGP


  OpenPGP encryption ensures that only the intended
  recipient can read the message; however, it doesn’t
  guarantee that they receive the message, or prove who sent
  the message. Encryption can’t help with the first of these,
  but there is something you can do about the latter measure.
     In many OpenPGP mail clients (and the gpg command
  line tool), you can add a digital signature to a clear-text
  message. It does this by leaving the message in plain text,
  but also encrypting a hash of the message with your secret
  key. This encrypted hash is known as a digital signature.
  Since it’s encrypted with your secret key, it can be
  decrypted with your public key. Any recipient that knows
  your public key can then decrypt this hash and check it
  against the message. If they match, the recipient knows
  that it really came from you.

> Toolbars > Add-on bar. This will make the Add-on              or Of course, it is possible that        You can send encrypted
bar appear at the bottom of the screen, and then you            some attacker could take control of one or more of           messages to several
should find the padlock icon on the right-hand side of          these key servers and put fake keys in them. Webs            people at once, and
this. This icon will bring up a menu, and you’ll need to        of trust have a decentralised method of verifying            Mailvelope encrypts it for
                                                                                                                             each of them.
select Options (see the image, left).                           keys. It’s done by people digitally signing the keys of
   In the Options screen, you can create a new public/          people they’ve met and exchanged keys with. If you
secret (private) key pair by selecting Generate Keys.           need to communicate with someone, you can then
Once you’ve done this, you can go to the Display Keys           tap into this web of trust and see who trusts them.
screen to see it. This screen will show all the keys            Perhaps someone you trust also trusts them. Perhaps
that Mailvelope knows, whether they’re other people’s           someone you trust trusts someone who trusts
public keys or your own public/secret key pairs.                them. If this chain is short enough, then you can be
   Before you can receive emails, you have to send              confident that you can trust the person. Unfortunately,
your key to the people you want to communicate with.            Mailvelope doesn’t currently support webs of trust.
The key file can be exported from the Display Keys
screen (you can also export your public/private key             Keep it secret, keep it safe
pair here and import them into another mail program).           As is so often the case, the decision on which way to
   Getting the public key to the recipient can be a             distribute your key comes down to security versus
challenge. The best way to do this is to physically             convenience. If you’re concerned, you could always
transport the key, as you can be completely sure that           follow up with another method such as a phone call to
they got it correctly. The easiest way is just to email         confirm the key. Once someone has sent you their key,
them the keyfile. However, it’s possible for some               you just need to load it into Mailvelope using the
malicious attacker to intercept this message and                Import Keys screen in the Options.
change the keyfile.                                                Getting set up with keys is the hardest (or at least,
   There are two other options: key servers and webs            most inconvenient) part of using any OpenPGP-based
of trust. Key servers are databases of keys that you            communication. Once you’ve done this, it’s easy. With
can add your keys to, and retrieve other people’s keys          the Mailvelope extension running, just use your mail
from. For example, try                 provider’s web page as normal (if your mail provider
                                                                isn’t already on the Mailvelope watch list, you’ll need to
                                                                add it in the Options). When you get to the compose
                                                                page, you’ll see a floating icon of a pen and paper.
                                                                Click on this and it will open a new window to let you
                                                                enter the text for the message. Once you’ve written
                                                                the message, click on the padlock, and add one or
                                                                more people to the list that it’s encrypted
                                                                for, then Transfer to put the ciphertext into the email.
                                                                   If you receive an encrypted message, Mailvelope
                                                                will display a decrypt icon; click on this to enter the
                                                                passphrase you entered when you generated the key.
                                                                This password gives you some security even if an
                                                                attacker gets access to your machine.
You can use gpg to create signed documents from the                Provided you exchange keys securely, and keep
command line. Just run gpg --clear-sign <text-file> to          your keys safe, OpenPGP provides security that is
generate a file containing the plain text and a signature.      thought to be unbreakable with current technology.


                                BREW PERFECT BEER WITH
                                HELP FROM THE RASPBERRY PI
                                We love beer, we love the Raspberry Pi and we love the Arduino
                                – so we’re bringing them together for one awesome project.

                                         eer is lovely. But when you’re making it at
    7 STEPS TO BEER                      home, the biggest challenge (after discovering
    • Brewing                            a way to boil vast quantities of water) is always
    • Cooling                   finding somewhere to leave your brew to ferment. It’s
    • Fermenting                this stage of beer-making magic that turns what’s
    • Priming                   known as wort into beer, creating alcohol and oodles
    • Bottling                  of flavour. And for this stage to work well, you ideally
    • Ageing                    need to be able to manage the temperature of the
    • Drinking                  environment your beer is sitting in. In the UK, many
                                amateur brewers resort to using an ‘airing cupboard’,
                                normally situated next to the hot water tank and used
                                for drying clothes. This isn’t a bad place, because it’s     The various bits of the BrewPi give little indication that
                                warmish – many beer kits like to ferment at around           they can be put together to create something awesome.
                                20 degree centigrade – and the temperature doesn’t
                                fluctuate massively. But it still fluctuates, and it may     has its creator, Elco Jacobs, built an incredibly
                                even prove too warm. Many yeasts, especially for ale,        effective system for fermenting beer, he’s created an
                                prefer things a little cooler (18–20 degrees, ideally, but   extremely helpful community of BrewPi enthusiasts,
                                this depends on the beer). And lifting 25 litres of wort     an online shop and an assembly system for easy
           HARDWARE             into a first-floor cupboard could break your back, and       access to all of the bits and pieces you’ll need.
                                you’ve got a hygiene nightmare if it falls over, or falls
                                through the flimsy shelf its sitting on.                     What you’ll need
                                    BrewPi is the answer to this conundrum. It’s a           While you will need a fair bit of kit, it needn’t cost very
                                brilliant project that brings together a love of Linux, a    much. The fridge or freezer is the biggest
                                little hardware hacking and plenty of beer into one          consideration, as well as somewhere to put it. We
                                fermenting barrel of hoppy goodness. It’s essentially a      asked the internet, and Mark Einon in Wales very
                                device that controls the environment surrounding the         generously obliged with a freezer he was going to give
    DISCLAIMER                  fermenting bucket of beer, enabling you to make              to the local freecycle initiative (thanks Mark!) Almost
                                perfect beer every time, regardless of climate and           any fridge or freezer will do, as long as it’s working,
    The following tutorial
    mixes liquid, electricity   house heating cycles. Many people use an old fridge          and you should be able to find someone willing to let
    and DIY modifications,      or freezer as the surrounding container and connect          an old model go for very little. You need enough space
    all of which can create     the BrewPi to a cooling and heating mechanism to             within the freezer to stand your fermenting bin, and as
    a lethal cocktail of
                                enable its clever algorithms to create the perfect           our freezer’s shelves were made from coolant pipes,
    danger. Don’t make any
    modifications yourself      environment for your beer. The BrewPi itself is a            we had to bend these back before there was enough
    unless you’re certain       mixture of hardware, software and initiative. Not only       room. Fortunately, the pipes were easily pushed back.
    they’re safe, and get a                                                                  We then slotted in an old wooden shelf to stand the
    qualified electrician to
    check any modifications                                                                  fermenting bucket on, as they can be very heavy when
    you do make.                                                                             full of 25 litres of brewing beer.
                                                                                                If the fridge or freezer has an inside light, this can be
                                                                                             coerced into another essential task – heating up the
                                                                                             inside environment. If not, you’ll need some other kind
                                                                                             of heating mechanism. Some people use a reptile mat
                                                                                             wrapped around the fermenting bin, but we plumped
                                                                                             for a 60W waterproof greenhouse heating bar, which
                                                                                             cost us £15 new on eBay, and slotted nicely into the
                                                                                             bottom of the freezer with plenty of room. You will
                                                                                             also need both a Raspberry Pi, complete with a > 2GB
                                                                                             SD card, and either an Arduino Duo or an Arduino
                                This shows the rear of the LCD connecting to the Arduino     Leonardo microcontroller. If you’re anything like us,
                                and the shield, with the OneWire connector above.            you’ve got an old Duo tucked away in a drawer

                                                                                                                 BREWPI TUTORIAL

somewhere and a Raspberry Pi going spare. And
despite the name of the project, there’s no specific
reason for requiring a Raspberry Pi – any Linux device
with a USB port capable of running the Apache web
server and some Python scripts should be up to the
job. You might want to try a NAS, for example, if you’re
running one already. But the Pi is well suited to being
tucked away in the garage, and it’s relatively cheap, so
it’s still a great option. Most of the hard work is done
by the Arduino, as this interfaces with the various
sensors and relays and runs the complex controlling
algorithms that adjust the temperatures within your
freezer. Your brew will even keep brewing if the Pi
crashes, which is handy if there’s a power failure and
your Pi develops a read/write error. The Pi is really just
logging and serving up the data for the web portal.
    Unless you’re an expert who’s happy building
circuits, you’ll also need the BrewPi kit (
This includes everything you need to turn your
Arduino into a sensor-wielding beer factory. It includes     the process first, and then experiment a little with an     The BrewPi isn’t an easier
the shield, a PCB that slots onto the two compatible         old circuit board and some wire. You’ll then be set for     way of making beer. It’s
Arduino form factors, along with the LCD, the sensors,       the main event.                                             an easier way to make it
the actuators (more details later if none of this makes        The shield is the bit that attaches to the Arduino,       perfect.
sense) and the other fiddly bits that may otherwise          and it’s probably the most complex part of the whole
take an afternoon to source. It’s even possible to buy       assembly, so let’s get this out of the way first. The
the whole thing pre-constructed, but we think that’s         main instructions can be found at
missing half the fun, especially when the build itself       brewpi-soldering-guide, but we’re going to cover the
isn’t that difficult.                                        broad detail of the process, along with any particular
    We’d also highly recommend buying the case kits.         notes we make along the way. The official instructions
These lasered bits of plastic encase both your               are made up of photos, and while they’re great if you
Raspberry Pi and your Arduino to create a sleek,             know what you’re doing, we want to make the project
professional solution that looks great sitting atop your     as accessible as possible by making fewer
freezer. They also stop bits getting bashed about or         assumptions about the builder than the official site.
falling off. Expect to pay around £70 for the shield and
case kits together. You’ll also need a miscellany of         Forging the shield
common tools to put the whole thing together; a              First, lay out all the components on a table top,
soldering iron and solder, maybe a solder sucker,            grouping them together so you can check they’re all
some tweezers, a range of differently sized                  there. This also makes it easier to install. Now start by
screwdrivers and a steady hand.                              being brave – you’ve got to snap the shield apart into
    Did we just say soldering iron? Yes! You’ll need to      four separate boards. It’s a little like breaking bonfire
solder the various components on to the Arduino              toffee. The large board that breaks off (labelled with
shield. But it’s straightforward, and this should make connects directly to the Arduino.
an ideal first project if you’ve not done any soldering      Then there’s a long strip embedding seven columns of
before. All the components are large and there’s no          three holes, a medium-sized rectangle of a board with
fiddly soldering required. Try watching a couple of          a surface mounted integrated circuit, and a tiny
YouTube soldering videos to familiarise yourself with        rectangle that will host the rotary encoder.
                                                                Break off the broken tabs remaining on the boards
                                                             with a pair of pliers or a small pair of cable cutters so
                                                             that the edges are as smooth as possible. Some of
                                                             the pin arrays – the ones with the two collars of black
                                                             plastic – are designed to fit on to your Arduino board
                                                             so that it can connect to the holes on the shield. There
                                                             are five of them, and you should find there’s one for
                                                             every header on the Arduino. These need to be
                                                             connected to the Arduino first, before being soldered
                                                             into the shield – this locks their orientation and
                                                             connection. The longer pin goes into the Arduino,
                                                             while the shorter piece goes into the shield. As we
The Raspberry Pi can also fit on top of the BrewPi case,     were using an ancient Arduino Uno, there were fewer
in a separate box or au naturel. Cases are good.             power headers on the circuit board that pins allocated,


                                                                                             Next is what’s known as the OneWire distribution
                                                                                          board (the only board remaining). Sometimes it’s
                                                                                          written as ‘1-Wire’, and it’s a standard protocol for
                                                                                          communicating with devices from Dallas
                                                                                          Semiconductor (such as the temperature sensors we
                                                                                          need for our BrewPi), using a single connector, hence
                                                                                          its name. This needs seven of the three-pin green
                                                                                          connectors – two shaped at right angles for the edge
                                                                                          connectors, and the other five directly pointing up (you
                                                                                          can see this illustrated on the board itself now you
                                                                                          know what to look for, and that’s the side they need to
                                                                                          be connected to). Official instructions suggest starting
                                                                                          with the two outer connectors, as these are oriented
                                                                                          outwards lengthways. The other five all face upwards
                                                                                          with their pins on the left when you’re looking at the
                                                                                          text on the board. The green ‘AT-AT’ connectors (for
Red or blue LEDs on the       but the eight-pin array still fitted over the power pins    that is what they look like, not an official designation)
shield indicate whether the   and the 10-pin header still fitted across the IO pins       then plug into these and the two end connectors.
BrewPi is currently heating   without getting in the way of everything coming                Now it’s the turn of the rainbow-coloured ribbon
or cooling your brew.
                              together. Don’t forget there’s also smaller six-pin         cable, which we need to turn into something a little
                              rectangular connector. Fortunately, the shield only fits    more civilised to enable it to connect to the ports
                              one way. Start your soldering at the corners to make        we’ve been soldering. If you’ve ever made your own
                              sure all the pins stay aligned.                             IDE cable for an ancient PC, this is very similar. The
                                 Now solder the single green connector onto the           black plastic connectors that attach themselves to the
                              ACT1–ACT 4 shield holes, with the component                 ribbon cable have teeth that penetrate the insulation
                              attached to the side with the website URL. Connect a        on the outside of the wire to make a connection
                              three-pin green connector to one side, and one of the       without soldering anything. Just make sure the
     PRO TIP
                              two-pin connectors to the other (they all offer ports at    triangles on the connector align with the black wire in
 Soldering tips; heat up
 the destination first,       right angles to the board, and have the same                the flat cable. Push the cable through until it just
 dab the solder onto the      connector form factor as the eight-pin one you’ve just      protrudes from the other side, and taking the advice of
 joint, make sure it flows    connected). Ours wobbled slightly while fitting them,       the official instructions again, place the smaller edge
 into the joint naturally
 and try not to bridge any    so it’s best to solder one of the middle pins first and     on a table and use something flat to put considerable
 connections. If you do,      wiggle the connector into alignment, before soldering       pressure onto the connector. It should just about
 heat and remove using a      any remaining pins. Flip the shield over and solder one     come together, and in so doing, connect the pins to
 solder sucker.
                              of the 10-pin block connectors to the header labelled       the cable. When this seems secure, fold the long end
                              “To the LCD backpack”, and make sure you’ve got the         of the cable up and over the back of the connector
                              gap in the right place (facing the edge).                   before sliding the remaining black connector to hold
                                 That’s all that needs to be done to the main board!      the cable together. This needs to be done on both
                              Congratulations. Now might be a good time for a cup         sides of the ribbon cable, and both connectors need to
                              of tea before moving on to the LCD backpack itself.         point the same way so that the cable won’t twist. That
                                                                                          last bit can be a little mind bending as you try to work
                              Glowing electronic display
                              The LCD board is the one with the small integrated
                              circuit already on it. The circular speaker fits into the
                              middle with the upwards side on the same side as the
                              chip, and after soldering, you need to cut the
                              protruding pins from the other side. Another 10-pin
                              header comes next, with the gap facing the integrated
                              circuit. Flip this small board over (to the side without
                              any components), and fit the 16-pin header into the
                              holes. Solder from the other side.
                                 The tiny board for the rotary encoder is up next. The
                              official instructions mention that the biggest two pins
                              on the encoder need to be squeezed slightly to fit into
                              the holes. We didn’t need to do this, but we did need to
                              use a fair amount of strength to get the encoder into
                              position. Make sure the side with the handle is the one
                              with the circle on the board, and solder the joints from
                              the other side. A washer, a nut and then the handle         We had to bend one of the shelves in our freezer to make
                              can be slipped over the encoder when you’ve finished.       enough room for the fermenting bin.

                                                                                                               BREWPI TUTORIAL


  The flat packed                                                                                                        The LCD, which fits
  Raspberry Pi and                                                                                                       into the hole in one
  Arduino shield cases.                                                                                                  of the case panels.

  Shield parts are
  mostly soldered
                                                                              Temperature sensors are
  onto the shield,
                                                                              used to measure the beer
  but our kits had a
                                                                              temperature, the freezer
  few bits left over.
                                                                              temperature and the
                                                                              outside temperature.
                                                                                                                       The shield itself.

out which way to put the connector on so that the          enough to solder the lone pin alongside the others.
black cables stay in the same place and the connector      Solder these pins on the top surface (the same side as
is pointing in the same direction after you’ve twisted     the LCD itself), and you can now attach the LCD to the
the cable back over the connector. You can now             female header.
connect both of the boards with the correctly sized            The final stage of shield forging is to take the
connector together with the cable, and we felt slightly    sensors and strip the insulation off the end of the
more optimistic after testing the continuity of the        wires – a couple of millimeters will do. Each cable has
connections to make sure we’d pushed through the           three ‘cores’, and each core needs to be screwed into
connectors to the ribbon cable with enough pressure.       a three headed ‘AT-AT’ green connector, so that when
   For the other ribbon cable, pull off the ends where     these plug into the OneWire board, red is at the top
they’ve been cut and wiggle this into the underside of     (marked 5V – this is important), and yellow at the
the rotary controller board. Pin 4 should always be red.   bottom. The official instructions note that the colour
Then solder the pins to the board, The other end of        order of the yellow and green wires has changed, so
this cable goes to the LCD board, parallel to the          it’s worth making doubly sure if you’re reading this in
rainbow ribbon cable, and connected to the same            the distant future, as the sensors might not be able to
side. Make sure pin 4 lines up and solder this as well.    take 5V going in the wrong cable. To make the ends of
   The next stage is the LCD, and you first need to        the wires easier to insert into the tiny screw holes, and
break off 16 pins for the LCD itself. The official guide   to make them more resilient, it’s worth dabbing them
has a great tip, where you connect the whole header        in a little molten solder.
to the female header on the other board and use this
as a guide for snapping the 40-pin header at the right     Porter, Stout, IPA – and the case
place with your hands. This didn’t quite work for us, as   You now have a choice. You can either keep the
we broke the header one pin short, but it was easy         OneWire connector close to the rest of your BrewPi
                                                           hardware, or place it closer to where the sensors are
                                                           going to be. This might be useful if you wanted to
                                                           position the OneWire board within the fridge, for
                                                           example, but we decided to go with the official
                                                           instructions and wire up a short three-core cable
                                                           (maybe 20cm), with AT-AT connectors at either end, to
                                                           connect the OneWire board to the BrewPi. We used an
                                                           old power cable with earth for easy access to three
                                                           cores with insulation attached. This cable eventually
                                                           loops outside the case from the main board to the
                                                           OneWire connector.
                                                               The cases are all made from various bits of lasered
                                                           plastic, and it’s never clear exactly what goes where.
To make the sensors inside the fridge easily removeable,   It’s like a BrewPi 3D jigsaw puzzle. The Raspberry Pi
use a connector like this within a container.              case is a good place to start, as this is emblazoned


                                                                                                            audio connectors, the opposite just an HDMI
                                                                                                            connector. Lengthways, theres a micro USB at one
                                                                                                            end and USB and Ethernet at the other. It’s also a good
                                                                                                            idea to push out any of the small bits of plastic that
                                                                                                            are used to create airflow through the case, as the Pi
                                                                                                            can be prone to overheating, but we couldn’t remove
                                                                                                            some of these pieces as they weren’t separated
                                                                                                            enough from the borders of the plastic. This may have
                                                                                                            been why two extra end pieces, with all the bits
                                                                                                            removed, were hidden away in one of the part bags.
                                                                                                              It all goes together easily enough when you’ve
                                                                                                            worked out up and down and where each side fits. Be
                                                                                                            careful with the side containing the HDMI connector,
                                                                                                            as it’s not immediately obvious when it aligns and you
                                                                                                            may not notice it’s reversed until the end. When you’ve
                                                                                                            got everything held together, you’ve got to now use
                                                                                                            the long screws, two at each long end, to go through a
                                                                                                            washer, then into the case, and then through a nut you
                                                                                                            hold in the small vertical gap before tightening the
You can check your sensor           with the Raspberry Pi logo flanked by some hops, and                    whole thing up. It’s fiddly and frustrating, so we’d
devices are working by              it’s also obvious which way the pieces should go when                   suggest focusing on the beer.
enabling the ‘Read values’          you attempt to fit your Pi into the case. The feet of all
option before refreshing            the cases are half-circles, which is another good way                   Construction time again
the device list.
                                    of orienting yourself with the 13 or more pieces used                   This leaves you with significantly fewer bits to worry
                                    to construct each of the cases.                                         about for the other case, which is going to contain our
                                        As we we’re using an early Pi, lacking holes on the                 BrewPi shield. Now, for some reason, our case is a
                                    PCB, there’s no way of mounting the board inside the                    hybrid of an earlier revision with a few differences
                                    case. The official instructions show a couple of                        between both the earlier version and the 2.0 cases, so
                                    spacers and screws mounting the Pi to the lower case                    there’s no point telling you how to put the case
                                    panel. Our case design didn’t have a hole even if we                    together. In fact, the 3.0 case was announced in
                                    did want to connect the Pi. But thanks to the various                   January, and is smaller again. We were able to make it
                                    prominent ports and connectors on the Pi, it was held                   up as we went along because it’s much easier than
                                    firmly in place regardless. One side has the video and                  building the shield, and mostly common sense. There

  Before we move on to software, you need to give            two.To update Raspbian, type:                            Select your Arduino from the drop-down menu, then
  some consideration to how you’re going to power            sudo apt-get update                                      select the downloaded hex file. Make sure ‘No’ is
  both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. In theory,          sudo apt-get upgrade                                     answered for both the ‘Restore Old Settings After
  you could power the Arduino from the Raspberry                                                                      Programming’ and ‘Restore Installed Devices After
                                                             To update the firmware, type:
  Pi’s USB, using only a single hub or adaptor. We                                                                    Programming’ options and click on the ‘Program’
                                                             sudo apt-get install rpi-update
  tried this with as many milliamps as we could                                                                       button. You’ll see the output of what’s happening
  muster, but the LCD on the Arduino still dimmed            sudo rpi-update                                          in the black box below, but with a bit of luck, the
  when we did anything. Rather than take any risks           We now need to grab the latest installation tools.       BrewPi will beep a couple of times and a few
  with our beer, we decided to power both separately.        To do that, just enter the following and leave all the   minutes later, you’ll have a programmed BrewPi.
  As we all know, the Raspberry Pi is very susceptible       answers at their default values:
  to irregularities in power, so it’s best not to take any   git clone
  risks – use a high amperage USB hub or adaptor for         git ~/brewpi-tools
  the PI, and an appropriate adaptor for the Arduino.        sudo ~/brewpi-tools/
     It’s now time to test whether your soldering                After this has completed, reboot your Pi. You
  skills have been good enough, and to stretch a few         will now be able to point a web browser on your
  of those Linux skills too! The first step is to get        LAN to the IP address of your BrewPi. Don’t (yet)
  a working Raspberry Pi configuration, complete             get distracted by the blinking lights, as they’re not
  with your chosen method of network connection.             doing anything meaningful. Instead, you need to
  This has been documented many times, so we                 upload the BrewPi firmware to the Arduino before
  won’t go into the details – plus, downloading and          anything can happen. First download the firmware
  installing NOOBS onto your Raspberry Pi makes              file itself (here’s the link:
  the whole process easier than ever. Just make              brewpi-avr/stable), and make sure you get the
  sure the Raspbian installation and the firmware is         correct file. The file depends on your Arduino type
  up to date, because there are some known issues            and revision – ours is an Arduino Uno Rev A, for
  with Raspberry Pi stability, especially with older         instance. To upload this to your BrewPi, click on        When you update the firmware of the BrewPi,
  versions. And stability is key when you’re asking a        the ‘Maintenance Panel’ button on the right of the       the output console keeps you updated on
  Raspberry Pi to control temperatures for a week or         web interface, then click on ‘Reprogram Arduino’.        progress. It only takes a couple of minutes.

                                                                                                                    BREWPI TUTORIAL

are three different kinds of bolt – two of identical
length but slightly different widths, which you’ll find
out when you try to squeeze a larger one into the
smaller holes, but you might notice the other way
around, so it’s still worth laying everything out before
you start, Similarly, there are two different kinds of nut,
although on first glance they all look identical, and the
case building consists of two separate small phases
– connecting the Arduino to the case followed by the
LCD panel we built into the shield earlier. The grey
threadless spacers are used to distance the LCD from
the edge of the case, while the threaded white spacers
are used for the Arduino. The position of the holes
through the Arduino PCB mean that it can only be
                                                                                                                           The BrewPi is brilliant at
fitted onto the case one way – with the power and             of these panels have a thin layer of plastic that can be
                                                                                                                           controlling temperature.
USB connector along the rear edge.                            removed, along with a few squares for the joints that
                                                                                                                           Here’s the sensor output
   As we mentioned earlier, you also have the choice          may not have fallen out with the laser cutting.              after we put a bin of 50°C
of whether to mount the OneWire board to the top                Eight of the remaining screws now pull the case            water into the fridge and
panel or mount this inside your freezer cabinet so that       together, in the same way that they did for the              asked the BrewPi to take
the sensors plug directly into this within the freezer. As    Raspberry Pi case. The official instructions suggest         the temperature down to
we opted to mount it to the case, and you need to use         using a magnet to hold the nut in place, but we we           21°C.
the provided small plastic panel (with OneWire                found it easier to push the bolt in until it reaches the
embossed onto its top surface, along with numbers             gap for the nut, then ease the nut into place using the
for each input). Two of the narrow bolts go through           nut to make sure it doesn’t go too far and drop inside
the PCB, through the small plastic panel, through the         the case (which is going to happen with the last one
case, through a washer and finally onto a nut to make         anyway – stay calm and think of beer). A quick tip if
this happen.                                                  one does fall in, you can play an amusing game with
   After connecting the Arduino to the case and               yourself and attempt to bounce the nut back out of
making a decision about the OneWire connection, we            the same hole - it’s not that difficult but looks a little        PRO TIP
now need to put everything together like a simple 3D          deranged. Sensible people will loosen the bolts at one        Although not essential,
jigsaw puzzle. The half-circle plastic nodules are the        end to separate the box enough, which is also a good          a cheap multimeter
feet, and to get ours together, we first fitted the rear      way of taking the top of the case without removing            can make testing much
                                                                                                                            easier – especially if it
panel. This is the one with the holes for power, USB          any of the bolts. And don’t forget the washers on the         makes a sound when the
and the controller connectors, and after you’ve placed        outside. They’re needed to make the bolt fit.                 two contacts connect.
it over the Arduino ports, you can hold it in by plugging                                                                   This is called testing for
                                                                                                                            continuity, and it’s a great
in the green ‘AT-AT’ connectors to the outside of the         Loose fit                                                     way to make sure dodgy
case. They fit in pairs with the exception of the single      But we’d suggest maybe loosely taping the case                soldering is working.
three-pin connection on one edge. The two side                together for now, until you’ve been able to test out
panels then slid into the rear panel, followed by the top     your BrewPi with the software to ensure that
and finally the LCD, which slid onto those to all of the      everything works. That way you don’t get doubly
other panels to make the front. Don’t forget that many        frustrated by something not working and having to go
                                                              through the whole unscrewing process again. You
                                                              now need to connect the two SSR blocks to the
                                                              outputs on the shield, making sure you get the
                                                              positive cable going to the positive input and the
                                                              negative cable going t the negative input on the SSR.
                                                              These solid state relays perform a simple job, turning
                                                              the power going through the other two points either
                                                              on or off. This is used by the BrewPi to automatically
                                                              turn on refrigeration or heating. Some BrewPiers have
                                                              reverse engineered their refrigeration units and
                                                              heaters to splice these connections into the most
                                                              efficient place. We cut open the power cables to both
                                                              the freezer and the heater, took out and cut the
                                                              negative wire, and used this on other side of the power
                                                              output on both SSRs. The power output was on the
                                                              top of our SSRs, while the control inputs were in the
                                                              bottom. Make sure you get this correct and that your
Our first brew started at 20 degrees and lowed to 18 after    wiring is safe, because you could easily create a
48 hours, to create the best temperature for the beer.        hazard at this step. You should also consider the


The algorithm that                                                                        checked sensor was working by plugging each in turn
controls the BrewPi is                                                                    and refreshing the device list to make sure a
complex, but you can even                                                                 temperature value was being read. We also identified
fine tune this from the                                                                   each sensor by heating or cooling the sensor and
Maintenance panel if you                                                                  wrote down which one was which.
so desire.                                                                                   You need two sensors for the BrewPi to work
                                                                                          properly. One measures the ambient temperature
                                                                                          within your fridge or freezer, while the other measures
                                                                                          the temperature within the beer. For the beer
                                                                                          measurement, it’s recommended you use a
                                                                                          ‘thermowell’ to keep the sensor separate from your
                                                                                          beer. You also need to solve the problem of getting the
                                                                                          sensor cables into the fridge or freezer cavity. Some
                                                                                          users piggyback their wires onto any wires they can
                                                                                          already find going into fridge. Our approach was to
                                                                                          butcher an Ethernet cable – there are more than
                            location of the SSRs, as they’re usually exposed and          enough cores within one of these for 2 of the sensors
                            obviously shouldn’t go anywhere near liquid.                  – and drill a tight-fitting hole for both this cable and
                                Back on the BrewPi shield, one output to the SSR          the power cable for the heating unit, into the side of
                            triggers a red LED while the other triggers a blue LED,       the freezer. This has worked with no problems so far,
                            so it’s worth getting them correctly connected as you         and not affected the insulation of the freezer.
                            can then see when your device is heating or cooling.
                            These connections are on the backside of the shield,          Brewing your first beer
                            not on the OneWire connector – that’s just used for           With sensors in place and the software running on
                            the sensors at the moment, although there’s talk of           your BrewPi, you’re ready to brew. Despite the slightly
                            adding a hydrometer reader to measure the alcohol             intimidating appearance of the web interface, it’s very
                            content, which is something we’d love to see.                 straightforward to use. Click on the ‘fermenting’ link
                                Now stop. It’s time to admire your work. The tough        just below the BrewPi logo and you’ll be given the
                            bit is over with, as the BrewPi is now built, waiting only    option of starting a new brew. You can do this to log
                            for a little Linux magic to bring it life. And you know all   the details of each brew, as well as clear the data for
                            those holes in the top of the BrewPi case? And the            the start of a new fermentation cycle. The main
                            weird semi circle feet on the Raspberry Pi case? They         display area is taken up by a graph showing the
                            fit together! Your Raspberry Pi should sit snugly to the      changes in beer temperature (green) and freezer
                            top of the case like the Boeing 747 of brewing.               temperature (blue), as well as the temperature outside
                                                                                          the fridge, although this isn’t used by its algorithms.
                            Configuring devices                                           At the bottom, along the timeline, blue and red blocks
                            The very final step (we promise!), is to tell your BrewPi     show when the cooling and heating was engaged.
                            exactly what you’ve got connected, and we found it               There are three modes for fermenting your brew;
                            easier to start with a blank canvas. Click on ‘Device         Beer Constant, Fridge Constant and Beer Profile. Beer
                            Configuration’ button from the Maintenance panel              Constant simply keeps the beer at a specific
                            and you’ll see a list of devices your BrewPi thinks are       temperature, which you dial into the large number bar
                            connected. The devices are the switches to control            at the bottom of the screen. Expanding on this, the
                            the heating and cooling, plus the two or three sensors        Beer Profile setting enables you to set a desired beer
                            you’ve got connected. If any devices appear in the            temperature for each day. This is useful if you want to
                            Installed Devices list, set their function (a drop-down       try a slightly warmer environment at the beginning
                            list on the right of each entry) to ‘None’ and click Apply.   and end of the fermenting cycle. When either of these
                            This will move them from the ‘Installed Devices’ box to       beer profiles are active, the LCD display shows the
                            the ‘Detected Devices’ box, from where we can now             absolute temperature as well as the temperature for
                            add them as we need to. Enable ‘Read Values’ and              the profile. This is the target temperature for the
                            click on Refresh Devices. Click on the ‘Refresh Device        algorithm, and you’ll find the BrewPi will cool or heat to
                            List’ button and enable the ‘Read Values’ check box.          nudge the temperature closer to the desired value.
                            This will list connected devices along with a number             The Fridge Constant setting does what it says,
                            to indicate what the switch or sensor is reading. You         keeping the temperature of the fridge at a specific
                            can easily detect and check your sensors are                  value. This might be useful for the couple of days after
                            functioning in this way. OneWire works with unique            you’ve bottled your beer, or put it in a cask, as you
                            identifiers embedded within each device, so the device        usually have a couple of days of secondary
                            ID is unique for each sensor, not for the BrewPi              fermentation. But it could be equally useful for cooling
                            configuration. That means if you identify which sensor        your final product for the final, essential step of
                            you’re going to use within your fermenting bin, you           brewing beer – keeping your home-brew ready to
                            can plus this into any of the OneWire connectors. We          drink at a perfect temperature, all year round.

The world of homebrew will feel familiar – it’s full of people who
obsess over details and argue endlessly about packages.

           omebrew forums across
           the internet are full of
           enthusiasts arguing over
every detail of the brewing
process. And we mean every
detail. Fermentation temperature
is a dark art of its own, as is the
amount of priming sugar to use
– we’ve seen simpler algorithms
explain Bézier curves in OpenGL!
   As with Linux, all this data and
debate can be totally
overwhelming to the beginner. But
again like Linux, it’s worth
struggling through to the other          Just like open source software, you can create your own recipe or you can
side. Just think of the beer.            stand on the shoulders of giants. Image credit
    We also see no shame in
starting small. Beer kits are perfect        Sanitiser                           pressure barrel) with Vaseline, as
for this. They can be a little pricey,   Everything that comes into              this helps to keep them airtight.
but they’ll take the pain out of your    contact with your developmental            After you’ve whetted your
first brew. To get started, you’ll       beer has to be free of any              appetite with a beer kit or two, it’s
need some simple pieces of kit.          harmful bacteria. Bacteria and          time to move up to replacing the
Here’s what we recommend:                wild yeast kill beer over the period    kit with your own. There are
                                         it is stored, leading to feelings       thousands of years of experience
   A 25-litre fermentation bin           similar to a hard drive failure.        on the subject, and to be honest,
This doesn’t need to be absolutely                                               we’ve only just started. But a good
airtight, as the brewing process will      A syphon and hydrometer.              place to look for your first brew is a
create C02, which sits on the top to     The syphon is to transfer your          recipe that is itself open source.
create an airlock. We drilled a hole     beer from the fermentation bin to
in the top to encase one of our          the pressure barrel or bottles,         Free Beer
BrewPi sensors within its own well.      while the hydrometer is to              This is exactly what is offered at
                                         calculate how much alcohol is in, a tested and refined
   A similar sized pressure barrel       your brew. You must measure             recipe for making excellent beer
The pressure part is important for       the gravity at the beginning and        that’s been released CC-BY-SA.
the secondary fermentation               the end of the process for this to          The ingredients list five different
preocess, because it’s what              work – taking a measurement at          types of malt, Guaraná beans for
carbonates your beer and keeps           the end isn’t enough.                   added spice and energy and
your beer fresh. We’d recommend                                                  London ale yeast. This is followed
a pressure valve with a connector           The biggest threats to your          by step-by-step instructions that
for a C02 canister. These are            beer are sanitisation, as we’ve         will take your beer from mash to
relatively cheap, and they’re used       already mentioned, and                  wort to fermentation to beer in as
to create a C02 buffer when the          temperature fluctuation, which is       little as three weeks, all in the
pressure gets too low to push the        solved with the BrewPi. Another         name of Free Beer. If you do get
beer out effectively. If you don’t       tip we’ve found helpful is to cover     around to making some, and you
want to use a pressure barrel, you       all threads (such as those for the      have a bottle left over, you know
can use bottles with caps.               tap, the top and the valve on the       where to send them.


                             OWNCLOUD 6:
                             RUN YOUR OWN CLOUD
                             Love having your data in the cloud? Scared that the NSA and
  MIKE SAUNDERS              GHQC are tapping it all? Then it’s time to set up your own server!

                                          e’re not big fans of buzzwords at Linux           then it’s wise to be cautious, especially in the wake of
 WHY DO THIS?                             Voice. We don’t leverage synergies, we            the Snowden revelations and US constitution-burning,
 • Share and sync files,                  don’t harness data silos, and we most             NSA-spying shenanigans.
   contacts and calendars
   across all your devices   certainly don’t streamline our paradigms. At first, the
 • Collaborate on shared     term “cloud computing” came under this umbrella of             Do it yourself
   ODF documents with        linguistic silliness, because it basically meant “doing        One way around this is to host your own cloud
   multiple users            stuff on someone else’s computers”, like many people           services. It sounds like a contradiction in terms: isn’t
 • Keep your data safe       have already been doing for years. But over time the           the point of “cloud computing” that you offload all the
   from the prying eyes of
   big businesses            term has become widely accepted, so we’ll grudgingly           work to someone else? Well, yes, but by hosting your
                             use it. Bah humbug!                                            own cloud you can still have some of the benefits,
                                Now, there are many providers of cloud-like services        such as sharing data and providing collaboration
                             on the net. DropBox, for instance, provides data               services across multiple machines and users. You
                             storage and file sharing, while Google’s ever-growing          control the hardware and software, and determine
                             range of services includes document collaboration              who accesses your data, but you still have the
                             (Google Drive) and calendars. Many of these third-             convenience of cloud-like facilities.
                             party services are packed with features and are easy              Arguably the best open source cloud package at
                             to use, but they all have one problem in common: they          the moment is ownCloud, which reached version
                             all have access to your data. If your files consist of         6 in December. It’s loaded with useful features for
                             nothing more than lolcat pictures, and your calendar           file storage, file sharing, calendars and document
                             is simply used to plan your pub visits, you’re probably        collaboration, all accessible through a web browser,
                             not concerned about this. But if you’re storing                so here we’ll show you how to set it up and explore the
                             sensitive information – such as business plans –               goodies contained therein.

                               1    GET IT INSTALLED
                             You can install ownCloud on wide range of distros,             some extras for generating thumbnail images of files
                             and if you’re just playing around to learn the software,       and speeding up PHP scripts. Once these packages
                             it doesn’t matter if you’re using a rapidly changing,          are installed, Apache should be started automatically
                             cutting-edge distro – Arch Linux, for example. If you’re       – you can check that Apache is running by accessing
                             planning to use ownCloud for real work, however,               the IP address of the Apache server in your browser
                             we recommend using a highly stable and long-term               (or going to if you’ve installed it on
                             supported distro such as Debian or CentOS – we’ll be           your local machine).
                             using Debian 7.3 in this tutorial.
                                OwnCloud is written in PHP and can use a variety            Tarball time
                             of web servers and databases. For simplicity’s sake,           Next, grab the .tar.bz2 file of the latest ownCloud
                             we’ll be using the well-known Apache web server here,          release from At the time of
                             along with SQLite to store metadata for the files. This        writing, this was owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2, but by the
                             is perfectly fine for a typical setup; if you end up really    time you read this a newer version may be available. If
                             hammering your ownCloud server, though, you may                so, just replace the version number accordingly in the
                             want to switch to a more lightweight web server (such          command below. Extract the archive into your web
                             as Nginx) and a full-on database such as MySQL for             server’s document directory, eg:
                             extra performance.                                             cd /var/www/
                                To get the dependencies on Debian 7.3, use the              tar xfv /path/to/owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
                             following command:                                               A bare installation takes up 155MB. We’re almost
                             apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-sqlite   ready to start using ownCloud now, but beforehand
                             php5-common php5-gd php-xml-parser php5-intl php5-mcrypt       we have to make a few tweaks. First, we need
                             php5-curl ntp curl php5-imagick php-apc                        to create a “data” directory inside the ownCloud
                             Along with Apache, PHP and SQLite, this also adds              installation, and make it (along with the “apps” and

                                                                                                        OWNCLOUD 6 TUTORIAL

“config” directories and the .htaccess file) writeable by
the web server, which uses the “www-data” account
in Debian:
mkdir owncloud/data
cd owncloud
chown -R www-data:www-data data apps config .htaccess
  Note that some other distros use different user
accounts to “www-data” for Apache, such as “http” or
“apache”. To find this out, run ps aux and look for the
apache2/httpd processes, and then the username in
the first column from the output.
  Now we need to add some extra options to the
Apache configuration file, which in Debian is
/etc/apache2/apache2.conf. If you’re using Apache
2.2 (the default in Debian 7.3) then add this to the
bottom of the file:
<Directory /var/www/owncloud>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride All
                                                                                                                       If all has gone smoothly
  Order allow,deny                                          a2enmod rewrite
                                                                                                                       with the Apache setup,
  allow from all                                            service apache2 restart                                    you’ll see this screen
</Directory>                                                (For distros using systemd, try systemctl restart          when you first browse to
   If you’ve installed ownCloud in a different directory,   httpd.service to restart Apache.)                          the server. Now the fun
change the path in the first line. And for Apache 2.4         That’s it – all the command line preparation is          begins…
systems, you’ll need to change the “allow from all”         done now. Access the server in your web browser
line to read “Require all granted” instead. Once you’ve     (eg if it’s installed on your
made the changes, enable URL rewriting and restart          local machine) and you should see the ownCloud
Apache with the following commands:                         login screen, as per the screenshot above.

  2    SET IT UP
The first thing you’ll need to do is create an admin           A good way to understand the relationship between
username and password. ownCloud will do some                the different features is to click on the “photos”
background work, setting up its database, and you’ll        directory and then the up arrow, and upload a random
be dropped into the main screen. A pop-up will point        image from your collection. If you now go click the
you to a selection of desktop and mobile apps you           Pictures icon on the left, you’ll see your newly
can use to access your ownCloud installation. If you        uploaded image, albeit presented in a much more
have a smartphone, it’s worth trying these out.             attractive manner than in the normal file manager.


  Create                                                                                                                  User menu
  Click New to create a                                                                                                   Click here to change
  new folder or text file,                                                                                                settings or log out.
  or the up arrow button
  to upload a file from                                                                                                   File options
  your computer into the                                                                                                  Hover the mouse over
  current directory.                                                                                                      a folder or file, and
                                                                                                                          you’ll be presented
                                                                                                                          with extra options
                                                                                                                          to rename, share or
  Features                                                                                                                download. Click the X
  These icons switch                                                                                                      button to delete.
  between the different
  features provided by                                                                                                    Browse
  ownCloud, such as the                                                                                                   Click on folders to
  document editor and                                                                                                     open them, and on
  contacts list.                                                                                                          files to preview them.


                 While you’re here, click on Activity on the left and you’ll
                 see a list of changes to your files. If you go back into         What’s new in ownCloud 6?
                 the Files view and delete your image (via the X button),
                 you’ll see a “Deleted files” button appear in the                If you’ve been running ownCloud for a while, and
                 top-right, from which you can restore files to their             you’re still using version 5, it’s well worth upgrading
                                                                                  to the latest release. Major new features include:
                 original locations.
                                                                                    ownCloud Documents Edit rich text documents
                 Performance tuning                                                 with other users. It’s not as featureful as Google
                                                                                    Drive just yet, but it’s a major boost for ownCloud
                 Periodically, ownCloud needs to execute some
                                                                                    and takes it way beyond just storage and
                 background jobs to manage its database and keep
                                                                                    calendars. The back end uses ODF, the same file
                 things running smoothly. By default this background                format used by Open/LibreOffice, so you can easily
                 job is run every time you load a page in ownCloud, but             export your documents for local editing.
                 this impacts performance – it’s much better to do it
                                                                                    User avatars User accounts can now be
                 via a Cron job. In Debian, run crontab -u www-data -e              accompanied by pictures. While this isn’t a
                 as root, and then add this line to the bottom of the file:         massive productivity boost, seeing images and not
                 */15 * * * * php -f /var/www/owncloud/cron.php                     just names makes the interface nicer to work with.
                     This runs ownCloud’s cron.php script every 15                  Activities A new view shows you recent activity in
                 minutes. If your distro runs Apache under a different              your account, such as changes to files.
                 username, change it in the crontab command, and
                                                                                    Better conflict handling Previous ownCloud
                 alter the path for owncloud/cron.php if you installed              releases were a bit rubbish if you tried to upload a
                 it in a different directory. Back in the ownCloud web              file that already existed, but you can now choose to
                 interface, click the admin username (top-right), Admin,            replace or rename a file when you’re uploading.
                 and scroll down to the Cron section. Make sure the
                 Cron option is ticked (instead of AJAX or Webcron).
                 By default, ownCloud’s upload limit is set to 513MB            /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, changing these lines:
                 (and potentially made even smaller by PHP’s settings),         upload_max_filesize
                 which isn’t very useful if you plan to use it for backups      post_max_size
                 and video files. To fix this, go to the “File handling” sec-   output_buffering
                 tion of the Admin page in ownCloud, and update the               For the first two, set them to “8G”, and for the last
                 number to something more flexible (eg 8GB). You’ll             one use “8192”. Restart Apache (as described earlier)
                 also need to change PHP’s settings as well – so edit           and you’ll be able to upload much larger files.

                   3    AND EXPLORE IT!
                 It’s not a good idea to use the administrator account          in the address area and enter:
                 for day-to-day work, so click on the Admin button in           webdav://
                 the top-right and then Users from the menu. Here                  After logging in with your ownCloud username
                 you can type in a login name and password, and click           and password, you’ll be able to browse your files and
                 the Create button to add the user to the database.             upload new ones by dropping them into the window.
                 If needed, you can also limit the amount of storage               To share files with the outside world, hover over
                 space allocated to the account.                                a file and click the Share button. You can either
                     So, click Admin > Log Out, and then log in with            share the item with another user on the ownCloud
                 your normal user account. You’re now ready to start            installation, or generate a link (optionally password
                 exploring ownCloud’s features in depth. You already            protected) to give to anyone on the internet.
                 have a bit of experience with the Files view: it acts as
                 a simple file manager, and is a good way to organise
                 your files so that you can access them from any
                 machine on your network via a web browser.
                     But wouldn’t it be better if you could access
                 ownCloud data in a proper desktop file manager?
                 Well, that’s possible thanks to ownCloud’s WebDAV
                 support. In Gnome 3’s Nautilus file manager, click
                 Files > Connect To Server and enter the following:
                   Replace the IP address if necessary, and if you’ve
                 enabled SSL support (as per the boxout), change
                 “dav” to “davs” here. Xfce users can browse ownCloud           We’re logged in as “admin”, and our changes are marked
                 shares in Thunar by clicking Go > Open Location and            with light green. User “mike” is also logged in, and has
                 using the above address, while in KDE’s Dolphin, click         selected some text marked with pink. Collaboration ahoy!

                                                                                                              OWNCLOUD 6 TUTORIAL

   OwnCloud’s calendar is simple, but useful: you can
switch between day, week and month views, and click              How to enable secure (SSL) connections
on an empty space to add an event. It’s possible to
set these events as all-dayers and make them repeat              If you plan to access your ownCloud           order allow,deny
across multiple days. Under the Advanced button                  installation from the outside world,          Allow from all
                                                                 you’ll want to enable SSL connections         </Directory>
you’ll find options for adding extra information such
                                                                 to encrypt your data as it travels across     </VirtualHost>
as a location, category and description.
                                                                 the internet. Here’s how.                        If you’re not testing ownCloud on
   If one calendar doesn’t suffice for your work, click             First, make sure that you have             your local machine, replace
the cog (settings) icon in the top-right, just beneath           OpenSSL installed (apt-get install            in the first line with the IP address of
your username. Here you can add extra calendars and              openssl) and enabled in Apache                the ownCloud server (you can discover
also customise your time zone and time format. As                (a2enmod ssl). Then create a self-            this by running the ifconfig command
with the Files view, you can also access your calendar           signed SSL certificate as follows:            on the server). And, of course, change
from external apps: in the same settings panel,                  mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl                        the paths to the ownCloud installation
scroll down to the bottom where you’ll see a URLs                openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes       where necessary. Restart Apache
section. This provides you with CalDAV addresses                 -out /etc/apache2/ssl/owncloud.pem            and access ownCloud via HTTPS, eg
that you can use with CalDAV-compatible apps such                -keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/owncloud.key
as Kontact and Evolution. Many mobile apps also                    Now create /etc/apache2/conf.d/
support CalDAV, so you can keep your ownCloud                    owncloud.conf with the following
calendar up to date when you’re on the road.                     contents:
   In the Contacts view you can add entries and group            <VirtualHost>
them together. The cog button here also provides                 SSLEngine on
some useful features – for instance, a CardDAV URL               SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/
that you can input into external contact management              owncloud.pem
apps (click the globe icon). It’s also possible to export        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/
your contacts list in .vcf format.                               owncloud.key
                                                                 DocumentRoot /var/www
Documents                                                        <Directory owncloud>                          You can tell your browser to accept the
And here we come to the final big feature of                     AllowOverride All                             self-signed SSL certificate – it’s safe.
ownCloud: document collaboration. This was
introduced in version 6 (see the boxout, left), and while
it’s not especially useful for complicated documents          created one user account). Then, in a different web
at the moment, it does a decent job for basic rich-text       browser (so that you can have multiple sessions
editing jobs. When you click the Documents view,              going), log into your ownCloud installation as that
you’ll see that a sample has already been provided for        other user and go to the Documents view. You can
playing around with – example.odt.                            now edit the document in both browser windows,
    Click on it and you’ll see a minimalist word              seeing the changes that each user makes.
processor-esque interface, letting you add basic                 OwnCloud Documents is still in its infancy, but it
formatting to the text. But the most interesting part         already provides a great escape from Google Drive for
of this is the collaboration: start editing the text, and     many jobs, and it will just keep on getting better and
you’ll see a coloured bar appear on the left-hand side,       better. If you love Google Drive’s convenience but hate
next to the paragraph that you modified. You’ll notice        the thought of being spied on, why not give it a go?
that the colour of the bar matches the outline for your
user icon on the right.
    Click on Share in the top-left, and enter the name         Mike Saunders uses ROT13 encryption everywhere for
                                                               maximum security. Abg ernyyl – ebg26 vf zhpu fnsre!
of another user (or the administrator, if you’ve only

  ownCloud on the Raspberry Pi?
  Yes, it’s possible. And no, the         power-efficient ownCloud server            better to move this directory off the
  performance isn’t great. If you’ve      that you can plug into your network        SD card and onto an external drive.
  overclocked your Pi, you’re using       somewhere and then forget about.           You can do this in the initial part of
  SQLite and you’ve set up the Cron          Because current versions of             ownCloud configuration: when you
  job as described in the main text,      Rasbian are based on Debian 7.x,           access the web interface for the
  your ownCloud installation will be      you will be able to follow this tutorial   first time to create an administrator
  fine for light usage, but you’ll have   without major alterations. One thing       username and password, click
  to accept some sluggishness here        you may want to change, however,           Advanced underneath and you’ll be
  and there. Of course, there are         is the location of the ownCloud            able to assign the data directory to
  advantages to installing on a Pi: you   data directory. If you’ll be using         a different location. Just make sure
  end up with a silent, tiny and very     ownCloud for storing large files, it’s     that it’s writable by Apache.


                             ADA LOVELACE AND THE
                             ANALYTICAL ENGINE
                             Use the Linux Voice time machine to take a trip to Victorian
                             England, and visit one of the pioneers of the computer age.

                                      ack in the 19th century, if you wanted to do         The Notes, importantly, contained the first
                                      complicated mathematical calculations you          computer algorithm — a series of steps of operations
                                      had to do them by hand. To speed things up,        to solve a particular (in this case mathematical)
                             you could buy printed tables of specific calculations       problem. This is what any computer program does,
                             such as logarithms — but as these too were                  and is what makes Ada the first computer
                             calculated by hand, they were full of errors.               programmer, even if she was never able to run her
                                Enter Charles Babbage, mathematician,                    program on a real machine.
                             philosopher, engineer and inventor, who in the early
                             1820s designed a Difference Engine to do these              Installing the Analytical Engine
                             calculations automatically. The Difference Engine           Although no physical Analytical Engine exists (the
                             could only add up, so it wasn’t a general-purpose           Science Museum in London has a working replica of
                             ‘computer’. It also never existed in Babbage’s time,        the Difference engine), Fourmilab Switzerland have an
                             although part of a prototype was constructed.               emulator available. It runs on Java, so all you need to
                             Babbage fell out with his engineer and ran out of           run it is a JDK. Download the emulator object code
                             funding, so construction stalled around 1833 and was        from,
                             finally abandoned in 1842.                                  unzip it, and type java aes from that directory
                                Meanwhile, in 1834 Babbage began to design a             to run the card file
                             more complex machine called the Analytical Engine.             The emulator is the best guess, based on Babbage’s
                             This would be able to add, subtract, multiply, and          drawings and papers over the years, of how the
                             divide, and it is the Analytical Engine that can be         Engine would have worked. You can also use it as an
                             considered as the first general-purpose computer. Or        applet, for which you’ll have to download and compile
                             could, if it had ever existed: Babbage built a few pieces   the source code, but we couldn’t easily get this to
Ada Lovelace was             of prototype, and carried on refining the design until      compile. The applet gives a more visual interface.
the daughter of Lady         his death in 1871, but never found funding for the full
Annabella Byron, who         thing. But despite its lack of concrete existence, other    Basic operations and a first program
was deeply interested in     mathematicians were interested in it, including Louis       The Analytical Engine consisted of the Mill (where
mathematics, and Lord
                             Menebrae, and Ada Lovelace, who was already                 processing was done) and the Store (where numbers
Byron. What would she
have thought of the person   corresponding with Babbage.                                 and intermediate results were held). The Store had
who’s produced Engine                                                                    1,000 registers (a far bigger memory than the first
code that draws a cat?       Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace                      ‘real’ computers had), and the Mill could take in two
                             Lovelace had had extensive mathematical training as         numbers, conduct an operation on them, and output a
                             a child. She first met Babbage in 1833, aged 17, and        single number. The Engine would also run a printing
                             corresponded with him on mathematics and logic.             device for output, to avoid errors in transcription. It
                             Around 1841 Luigi Menabrae wrote a ‘Sketch’ of the          would be operated by punch cards, as were used in
                             Analytical Engine, describing its operation and how         Jacquard looms to weave complex patterns.
                               one might use it for a calculation. Lovelace was             To use the emulator, then, we type in punch-card-
                                 asked to translate it into English; not only did she    type instructions to be run one at a time. For ease, you
                                  do that, but at Babbage’s request she added her        can put any number of cards into a single text file.
                                    own extensive Notes, which went much further            There are three types of punch cards:
                                    than Menabrae had.                                      Operation Cards Tell the Mill to add/subtract/
                                     Lovelace probably saw more in the Analytical        multiply/divide, and can also move the chain of cards
                                     Engine than Babbage himself had. She                forwards or backwards (like a jump or loop
                                    suggests, for example that it might act upon         instruction).
                                   ‘other things beside number’, and that it might be       Number Cards Supply numbers to the Store as
                                  possible to compose music by representing it in        necessary.
                                terms of the Engine’s notation and operations. This         Variable cards Transfer values between the Mill and
                              jump from a mathematical engine to one that could          the Store.
                             act on symbols of any sort was visionary and well              For engineering reasons Babbage intended these to
                             ahead of her time.                                          have three separate hoppers, but in the emulator they

                                                                                                          TUTORIAL ADA LOVELACE

go in a single stream. (This is also how Menabrea and                                                                        The Analytical Engine
Lovelace expressed their example programs.) The                                                                              emulator running a test
emulator ‘cards’ also allow some flexibility in format.                                                                      card (in the Vim window),
Numbers aren’t right-justified and there’s no need for                                                                       which subtracts 38888
leading zeros, as there would be in a real punch card.                                                                       from 0.
  A number card looks like this:
N001 3
This sets column 1 in the Store (which has 0–999
columns) to the value 3.
   The Mill has two Ingress Axes and an Egress Axis
(plus two auxiliary axes for division, which we’ll look at
shortly). Once an operation is selected, the Mill will
keep doing that until another is selected. The
Operations cards are +, -, x or *, and / or the divison
sign, which all do what you’d expect.
   Finally, the Variable Cards transfer things in and out    this zeros the Store column after transfer. This card
of the Mill:                                                 also includes a comment line. Comments begin with a
L Transfer from Store to Mill Ingress Axis, leaving          space or a dot in column 1 of the card.
Store column intact.                                            To do more operations, you need to replace both
Z Transfer from Store to Mill Ingress Axis, zeroing          values on the Ingress Axes – they are discarded after
Store column.                                                their use in a computation. Each time two arguments
S Transfer from Mill Egress Axis to Store column.            go in, the current calcuation is applied.
The letter is followed by a number specifying the Store
column.                                                      Menabrae and simultaneous equations
   A program on the Analytical Engine consists of a          Menabrae in his Sketch described an algorithm to
chain of cards; each text line in an emulator file is a      solve a pair of simultaneous equations. He divided the
single card. You submit a card chain to the Attendant,       process of solving the equations into a series of
who will check it for errors and ‘requests for actions’      individual operations, and tabulated them as
(such as inserting manually generated loops and              Analytical Engine operations. This is handily arranged
subroutines). The chain of cards is then mounted on          so that all the multiplications happen, then the
the Engine and processed.                                    subtractions, then the divisions, minimising the
   Let’s give it a go! Since The Analytical Engine           number of Operations cards.
doesn’t lend itself to Hello World, we’ll add 2 and 2.         Let’s translate this into Analytical Engine code. See
Save this as                                       the LV website for the whole thing; I’ll look at the
N000 2                                                       structure and a couple of operations here. Here are
N001 2                                                       our sample equations:
+                                                            2x + y = 7
L000                                                         3x - y = 8
L001                                                            First, we put all the numbers (2, 1, 7; 3, -1, 8) into the
S002                                                         Store. Then, following Menabrae’s calculations, cards
P                                                            1–6 do all the multiplying and store the results. Cards
   This code puts 2 in column 0 of the Store, 2 in           7–9 are subtractions. Then cards 10 and 11 generate
column 1 of the Store, sets the operation to add,            and print the results. (I’ve described each operation as
transfers column 1 and then column 2 to the Ingress          a ‘card’, as Lovelace does, although in the terms of the
Axes (whereupon the operation will be applied), then         emulator, each line is a card.)
the result back to the Store in column 2. P prints the         Card 10 - gives x value
result of the last operation to standard output. Run it      /
with java aes to see what happens.                  L013
   In fact, you could miss out the second line, and          L012
transfer the value from Store column 0 twice, and it         S015’
will automatically be transferred into both Ingress          P
Axes. So this will work fine:                                  Card 11 - gives y value
N000 2                                                       L014
+                                                            L012
. About to put values into Mill                              S016’
L000                                                         P
L000                                                         If you’re debugging, it’s useful to print at every step.
S001                                                            Division is a little more complicated than other
P                                                            operations. The format is roughly the same, but
  Replacing the first L000 with Z000 won’t work, as          dividing uses the Primed Egress Output. Specifically,


Ada Lovelace’s equation                                                                      However, Ada Lovelace refers to them as B1, B3, etc. I
for deriving the Bernoulli                                                                   will refer to them here by the modern numbers (so
numbers.                                                                                     subtract one if you’re comparing with the Notes
                                                                                             directly). There are many ways to derive them, but the
                                                                                             equation that Lovelace uses is shown, left. Note that
                                                                                             the very last Bernoulli number has no accompanying
                                                                                             A-equation. What we’re trying to calculate.
                                                                                                The important point is that from A2 onwards, each
                                                                                             following A-value takes the preceding one and
                                                                                             multiplies by another two terms. This makes it
                                                                                             possible to construct an iterative process to calculate
                                                                                             each succeeding term.
                                                                                                Onwards then to the code! Following Lovelace’s
                             the remainder from the operation goes on the regular            diagram, we will put in an already-calculated version
                             Egress Output, and the quotient (which is usually what          of B2, B4, and B6, and will calculate B8, so n is 4. As
                             you want) goes on the Primed Egress Output. You get             Lovelace was keen to point out, in a ‘real’ calcuation
                             at this by using an apostrophe. (Very large numbers             the Engine itself would have already calculated these
                             can also use the Primed Ingress Axis.) Run this with            values on a previous round of the program, so they’re
                             java aes and you should get two                    stored in a later register. The first section of the code,
                             numbers output: 3 (the x value) and 1 (the y value).            then, sets up our numbers. Register 3 holds our n, and
                                The dividing shown works fine if you have integer            registers 21–23 the first 3 Bernoulli numbers,
                             results or only need integer precision. But what if you         multiplied by 10,000 (to allow for later dividing, as
                             want a greater precision? The Analytical Engine uses            discussed above).
                             fixed point arithmetic: like a slide rule, it calculates only   Cards 1-6 calculate -1/2 x (2n - 1)/(2n + 1). The last three are
                             in whole numbers, and it is the programmer’s                    the most interesting:
                             responsibility to keep track of decimal places. So there          Card 4: (2n - 1) / (2n + 1)
                             is a “step up” and a “step down” operation, which shifts        /
                             the decimal point either to the right (stepping up x            L004
                             times, or multiplying by 10x) or to the left (stepping          <5
                             down, or dividing by 10x). We just need to change the           L005
                             last two cards:                                                 S011’
                               Card 10 - gives x value                                         Card 5: 1/2 * (2n - 1) / (2n + 1) Y
                             /                                                               L011
                             L013                                                            L002
                             <5                                                              S011’
                             L012                                                              Card 6: -1/2 * (2n - 1) / (2n + 1) Y
                             S015’                                                           -
                             P                                                               L013
                               Card 11 - gives y value                                       L011
                             L014                                                            S013
                             <5                                                                 In Card 4, we step the first value up 5 places before
                             L012                                                            dividing, to avoid a rounding error. In Card 5, we take
                             S016’                                                           the value stored in the previous step and overwrite it,
                             P                                                               since it won’t be needed again. In Card 6, we take
                               We must put the decimal point back in to the output           advantage of the fact that any unused register reads
                             ourselves, by manually dividing by 100,000 (105).               0, to get a minus number by subtracting register 11
                                                                                             from zero. Effectively this switches the sign of the
                             Ada and the Bernoulli numbers                                   value in step 5, but we store this result in register 13.
                             The most interesting part of Ada Lovelace’s notes on               Card 7 subtracts one from n. This isn’t used in the
                             the Menabrae paper describes how to calculate the               code as it stands, but it is a notional counter to keep
                             Bernoulli numbers (a set of numbers of deep interest            track of whether we need to do another round of
                             to theoretical mathematicians) using the Engine. Her            calcuation. If we were calculating B2 (so n = 1), then
                             diagram of the process is too complicated to                    card 7 would give the result 0, and we would be done.
                             reproduce here, but can be seen (with the rest of the           Otherwise, it should add 1 to n and go round again.
                             Notes) at It              Lovelace presupposed that the Analytical Engine
                             can, however, be translated into code for the Analytical        would have a way of detecting a specific result and
                             Engine emulator. Download the full code from the LV             acting accordingly. (The emulator provides an
                             website; here we’ll look at the structure and ideas.            alternation card to do exactly this.)
                               The non-zero Bernoulli numbers are usually referred              Steps 8–10 produce (2n / 2) * B2 (the latter being
                             to by modern mathematicians as B2, B4, B6, etc.                 stored already). Card 11 adds the value from the first

                                                                                                                TUTORIAL ADA LOVELACE

stage (A0), and card 12 again checks whether we’re            L001
finished yet.                                                 L007
   The intriguing part is the next stage, cards 13–23.        S007
This is the section that could be repeated almost               Card 19: (2n - 2) / 4 Y
exactly for any stage of the process, however many            /
numbers you wanted to calculate. What you need to             L006
calculate each time is:                                       <5
2n . (2n - 1) . (2n - 2) ... / 2 . 3 . 4 ...                  L007
   This is equivalent to                                      S009’
2n / 2 . (2n - 1)/3 . (2n - 2)/4 ...                            Card 20: (2n / 2) * (2n - 1)/3 * (2n - 2)/4 Y
   The first time we go through the loop, when                *
calculating A3, we can forget about 2n / 2 as we              L009
already calculated that on card 9, and saved it in            L011
location 011. So we work out 2n - 1 (card 13) and 2 +         >5
1 (card 14), divide them and save the result (card 15;        S011
note again that we step up 5 decimal places), and               Card 21: B(4) * [Card 20]
then multiply it with A0 and save this new value in           L022
location 11. We then repeat the exercise, with cards          L011
17-20, with (2n - 2) / 4, multiply it with the previous       >5
result, and overwrite location 011 again. So, once            S012
again, our A-value is stored in location 11.                    Card 22: A0 + B2A2 + B4A4 Y
   In card 21, we multiply with our pre-saved value for       +
B4, then add the whole sequence up and save it in             L012
location 13. Card 23 once again checks for 0.                 L013
   At this point, all we need to do is to run cards 13–23     S013
all over again. Because we saved 2n - 2 as our ‘new’             There’s only one new thing to notice, which is that in
2n, in location 6, applying cards 13–16 produces the          cards 20 and 21 we have to step our result from the
result (2n - 4)/ 5, just as we want. And the same again       multiplication back down by five decimal places, as
for cards 17-20, with (2n - 5) / 6 multiplied in this time.   we’re multiplying two stepped-up values together.
The only change is that in card 21, we have to grab B6           The final step is 24, in which we add our saved
from its location rather than B4. Then we add it all          value from step 23 to a zero register, to give our
together again. In the code, these second-time-around         calculated Bernoulli number. In actual fact, we should
cards are labelled 13B-23B.                                   be subtracting this from zero to get the sign of the
  Card 13: 2n - 1 Y                                           number correct, but Lovelace explicitly chose to ignore
L006                                                          this. Once the result is output, remember that you’ll
L001                                                          also need to manually put in the decimal point, five
S006                                                          places to the left. So our result is -0.03341.
  Card 14: 2 + 1 Y                                             This is not far off the ‘official’ -0.033333333. Try
+                                                             altering the accuracy of our calculations (remember
L002                                                          also to alter the accuracy of the stored Bernoulli
L001                                                          numbers) to improve the accuracy of the result.
S007                                                             The Analytical Engine emulator also supports
  Card 15: (2n - 1) / (2 + 1)                                 looping code, using conditional and unconditional
/                                                             cycle (backing) cards, and straightforward backing/
L006                                                          advancing cards; and an if/then clause with the
<5                                                            alternation card. See the website for more details, and
L007                                                          have a go at rewriting the provided code to loop over
S008’                                                         one Bernoulli number at a time, up to a given n,
  Card 16: (2n / 2) * ((2n - 1) / 3) Y                        generating the result and storing it for the next loop
*                                                             around. Remember that you’ll need to calculate A0,
L011                                                          A2, and B2 separately, as here (cards 1–12), before
L008                                                          you can get into the real ‘loop’ part. As the emulator is
S011                                                          Turing-complete you can also, as Lovelace suggested,
  Card 17: 2n - 2 Y                                           produce anything you can translate into Engine-
-                                                             operations; or, as we now think of it, assembly
L006                                                          language. In theory you could even write a compiler in
L001                                                          Engine code…
                                                               Juliet Kemp is a scary polymath, and is the author of
  Card 18: 3 + 1 Y
                                                               O’Reilly’s Linux System Administration Recipes.


                      ARCH LINUX: BUILD A
                      POWERFUL, FLEXIBLE SYSTEM
                      Install the rolling release distro of the moment and you’ll never
                      have to wait for a package upgrade again.

                           nstalling Arch is the Linux equivalent of base           getting your hands dirty with an operating system can
                           jumping. You organise yourself. Surround yourself        be a revelation. Not only will you learn a great deal
                           with everything you need, stick the installation         about how Linux works and what holds the whole
                      media on to a USB stick and jump. You never know              thing together, you’ll get a system you understand
                      how an installation is going to go until you try it, and it   from the inside-out, and one that can be instantly
                      will always involve a bit of ad-hoc hacking, Googling         upgraded to all the latest packages. You may also
                      and troubleshooting. But that’s the fun of it, and that’s     learn something about yourself in the process. And
                      what makes Arch different.                                    despite its reputation, it’s not that difficult.
                         With Arch, you’re on your own. In a world where               If you’re a complete beginner, you may need to hold
                      where technology is taking your personal                      on to your hat, because installing Arch is an
                      responsibility and giving it to the cloud, or to an           uncompromising adventure in core tools and
                      internet search filter or the device manufacturers,           functions. It’s a jump into the unknown.

                        1    CREATE THE INSTALL MEDIA
                      We’ll start with the ISO, which you can either find on
                      our cover DVD or download from your local Arch
                      mirror (see If
                      you’re going to install Arch onto a machine with a
                      DVD/CD drive, you could simply burn the ISO to a
                      blank CD, but we’re going to write the ISO file to a USB
                      thumb drive as this saves wasting a disc. You’ll only
                      need a 1GB thumb drive but this process will remove
                      all data from the device, so make sure there’s nothing
                      on there you want to keep first.
                         There are many ways of transferring an ISO image           Whenever a new USB device is connected, your system
                      to a USB drive, although copying the ISO onto the             logs become a hive of activity
                      filesystem isn’t one of them. Normally, our preferred
                      method is to use the graphical tool UnetBootin, which         include the characters ’sd’. What you need to look for
                      is available for nearly all distributions, including those    is the letter that comes after ‘sd’, as this is the device
                      two alien environments, OS X and Windows. Sadly,              node of the USB stick after it’s connected to your
                      Unetbootin won’t work with Arch unless you manually           system, and we need this device name for the next
                      edit the syslinux.cfg file afterwards, as this is             command, which is going to write the Arch ISO image
                      overwritten in the transfer process. This leaves you to       to the USB stick. Also be aware that this device node
                      the mercy of dd, a crude command that copies the              can change, if you come back to this process after
                      raw data from one device to another. It works, but            adding or removing another USB device. Here’s the dd
                      there’s no sanity checking of the output device you           command for writing the ISO:
                      choose, so you have to make sure you’re writing to            sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/arch.iso of=/dev/sdx
                      your USB stick. If you get this wrong, you’ll copy the           Replace the x in sdx with the letter for your device
                      raw bits and bytes of the Arch ISO to another storage         and press return. You should see the activity LED on
                      device on your system, overwriting any data that              your USB stick start to flicker as data is written. If not,
                      might have been there before.                                 press Ctrl+C immediately to stop the process and
                         Here’s our system for getting the correct device:          double-check everything (such as whether your USB
                         sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep sad                    stick has an activity LED). After the process has
                         Clear your terminal window buffer                          completed, which should only take a few moments on
                         Plug in your USB drive and watch the output                a modern machine, type sync to make sure the write
                         You’ll see several lines appear as your system             buffers are flushed, and remove the stick. It’s now
                      negotiates with the new USB device and, all output will       ready to be used to install Arch.

                                                                                                                     ARCH TUTORIAL

Before you plug the USB stick into the machine on                                                                     We used GParted to create
which you’re going to install Arch, make sure you                                                                     a GPT partition scheme
know which hard drive you’re going to use. If your                                                                    and a 200MB EFI partition
machine has several drives, make a note of the                                                                        (type ef00, labelled ‘EFI”).
                                                                                                                      But it might be easier to
capacity and model of the drive you want to use, and
                                                                                                                      stick with old-school MBR
make sure you don’t have an identical drive. If you’re
                                                                                                                      and Grub.
going to use a partition on a drive, or use up free
space, we’d recommend using GParted from a live CD
to set up your partitions first, or at least resize other
partitions to leave enough space.
   Along with a 200MB EFI partition for GUID, you’ll
need at least a root partition and a small swap
partition. It may also help to have a separate home
partition, as this makes upgrades to the root
filesystem easier to handle. Most machines will boot        interface by typing ip link. It’s usually the second
off the USB drive by selecting the custom boot menu         device listed, because you should ignore the first one
from your machine’s boot flash screen. It’s usually         called lo (this is a system loopback device). Our PC’s
done by pressing the F12 key. This will present you         network device is called enp7s0, which you’ll need to
with a list of connected drives, and you should be able     replace in the commands below. To get it working, we           PRO TIP
to select the USB device from there. If all goes well, a    stop the non-functioning DHCP service, bring up the        In this tutorial we’ve
moment later you’ll see the Arch boot menu and you          Ethernet interface, manually assign this to a valid IP     chosen EFI booting and
need to select the first option, ‘Arch Linux archiso’.      address on our network and add the router as a             the GUID partitioning
                                                                                                                       scheme, as this is likely to
                                                            default gateway. If you know your router’s IP address,     be compatible with most
Networking                                                  you can normally connect to its web interface to           hardware available now,
Your first mission is to get to the internet. We’d          check which IP ranges are suitable for your machine,       and more future proof
                                                                                                                       than MBR partitioning.
recommend installing the system using a wired               and use its IP address as the router IP address. Here
connection if at all possible. With the system up and       are the three commands to do what we just explained
running, it’s then much easier to configure your            – replace IP addresses to suit your own network.
wireless device, but if you need to configure wireless      ip link set enp7s0 up
now, check out the excellent Arch Beginners’ Guide.         ip addr add dev enp7s0
   With a bit of luck wired internet should be working      ip route add default via
already, because Arch runs the dhcpd daemon at                 The final step is to type nano /etc/resolv.conf and
startup, which in turn attempts to get an IP address        add the line nameserver to add one of
from whatever router your kernel-configured network         Google’s nameservers to the mix. This will convert the
interface can find. Try typing ping to       alphanumeric URLs we normally use to the IP
see if any packets are returned. If this doesn’t work       addressees used by the network, and you should now
– and it didn’t for us – first get the name of your         find that pinging a domain name works.

You should now have a fair idea at how Arch does            that they can be absolutely sure they won’t get the
things. It basically leaves you to do your own research     wrong drive and overwrite their 500-hour Skyrim save
and make your own decisions while creating the most         position on Windows 7.
common-sense environment it can. We’re going to
assume you’ve already partitioned the drive, so the         Choose your filesystem
first step is to make sure you know which drive to          You should now format the partition. The safest and            PRO TIP
target. The best command to achieve this is fdisk -l.       most sensible filesystem to use is ext4, and you can       Arch’s own docs are
                                                                                                                       absolutely excellent.
This lists all your drives, their partitions and the        format your chosen partition by typing mkfs.ext4 /         They’re also very
filesystems they’re using, alongside their device           dev/sdx2 – again, replace x2 with your own partition.      comprehensive, so don’t
nodes. Unless you’ve got two identical drives, you          You should do this for your home partition too, and        allow them to put you off.
should be able to work out which one to use without         you will also want to format and define your swap
too much difficulty. And if you haven’t formatted your      partition. The command to do this is mkswap /dev/
new partitions yet, they should stick out like a sore       sdx3. You can turn this on with swapon followed by
thumb. If you’re only using a single drive, you’ll have     the device node. If you created an EFI partition
even fewer problems. We do know people who                  yourself, rather than another OS doing this, you can
disconnect all other drives whilst installing Linux so      format it with the command mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdx.


Our automatically                                                                           be left with all the packages you need. However, unlike
generated fstab file didn’t                                                                 with other distributions, that doesn’t mean it’s actually
need any further edits                                                                      usable for anything yet. Following the Arch Beginners’
                                                                                            Guide, we’ll next create the fstab file, as this tells the
                                                                                            distribution where to find its dependent filesystems. In
                                                                                            the old days, we’d use labels to represent partitions,
                                                                                            but labels can be changed or duplicated and break an
                                                                                            fstab file, so we now use UUIDs. These are basically
                                                                                            hashes derived from partition data, so Arch should
                                                                                            never get confused unless something changes with
                                Now mount the partitions by typing:                         the partition scheme. The correct file with the correct
                              mount /dev/sdx2/ /mnt                                         mount points and UUIDs can be generated
                              mount /dev/sdx3 /mnt/home                                     automatically by typing:
                              With GUID and an EFI system (rather than using the            genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
                              old BIOS), you’ll also need to mount the EFI partition:          You can see that this file is created in your new root
                              mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/boot                                     filesystem, and as the file was generated
                                If you’re not using a separate home partition, type         automatically, you should check it’s not complete
                              mkdir /mnt/home to create a home folder in the root           insanity (try cat /mnt/etc/fstab). It will show your
                              partition. These are the fragile beginnings of your Arch      mounted filesystem along with the EFI partition we
                              installation. We’re going to make more of an impact           mounted on /boot – this should be formatted and
                              with the next command:                                        listed as vfat, as per our formatting command earlier.
                              pacstrap -i /mnt base                                         With all that set up, we’re now going to teleport
                              This command installs a basic Arch system to your             ourselves into the new Arch system using ‘chroot’ with
                              drive. We leave the installer at its default settings so it   the following command:
                              can grab and install all the default packages, and you’ll     arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/bash

                                4    POST-CONFIG
                              How does it look inside your new Arch installation?
                              Not that different than from the USB stick, except for
                              now you’re executing code from your hard drive.
                              There’s obviously lots we can do here, but we’re
                              mostly interested in getting the system up and
                              running as quickly as possible. It’s worth giving your
                              machine a hostname, which can be done with a
                              command like echo linuxvoice > /etc/hostname.
     PRO TIP                  Networking too should be solved in exactly the same
 Despite updates being        way we got networking working earlier. If DHCP
 easy to apply on the         worked, just type systemctl enable dhcpcd.service to
 command line, it’s always    make the required link to get it running at boot.
 worth checking that
 nothing requires your
 intervention before you      Enable network profiles                                       We had to create a static networking configuration file
 do the upgrade. The best     An alternative to this generic solution, which didn’t         and remove the DHCP service to get networking working.
 way we’ve found to stay
 in touch is to peruse        work for us, is to enable network profiles, such as the
 Arch’s Twitter account:      ones mainstream distributions use to quickly switch           systemct | grep dhcp when you next boot. If you want
 @archlinux.                  between network settings. First copy the /etc/netctl/         netctl to automatically bring up a connection for your
                              examples/ethernet-dhcp file to /etc/netctl/ directory,        interface, whether you’ve configured it for a static or
                              open your new file with Nano and change the device            dynamic connection, type the following, but replace
                              from eth0 to whatever your machine uses (take a look          enp7s0 with the name of your device:
                              at the output from ip link), then enable the connection       systemctl enable netctl-auto@enp7s0.service
                              for your next boot with netctl enable ethernet-dhcp. If          Before leaving the chroot environment, set a
                              you want to do the same with a static IP address, use         password by typing passwd, then exit and reboot.
                              the static Ethernet example configuration. But for this,         We’ve now got to the state where we’ve got enough
                              you have to make sure DHCP isn’t running when the             installed and configured that we can finally breathe
                              system starts. To remove it, and any other service you        some native life into our distribution. But before we
                              no longer require, the command is systemctl disable           can reboot, we need to install a bootloader. If you’ve
                              dhcpcd.service. Arch now uses systemd, which is               already got Linux installed, or you’re sharing an
                              why this syntax may look unfamiliar. You can check            installation with Windows, you’ll need to be careful.
                              the service isn’t started automatically by typing             Installing a bootloader over a part of the disk used by

                                                                                                                             ARCH TUTORIAL

another operating system will stop that other                   install to run the simple setup procedure. It will fail if
operating system from booting. If you’ve dedicated a            an EFI-compatible partition can’t be found, or isn’t
new single drive to Arch, which is what we’d                    mounted. If that happens, you should install Grub.
recommend, you can install the bootloader onto this                The only other step to getting gummiboot to work
drive only – whether that’s old-school MBR or newer             is to create a simple configuration file called /boot/
GUID. This way, you won’t break anything; your drive            loader/entries/arch.conf. It should contain the
will boot if it’s the first boot device, and it will boot if    following information:
you use your system’s BIOS boot menu and select an              title     Arch Linux
alternative drive. If you want to add your Arch                 linux     /vmlinuz-linux
installation to another Grub installation, you’ll need to       initrd    /initramfs-linux.img
boot into that system and re-generate the                       options   root=/dev/sda2 rw
configuration – many distributions, such as Ubuntu,                 Replace the sda2 part with the device node for your
can do this with a minimal of effort.                           root partition and your new system should work. If it
                                                                doesn’t (and we don’t want to be negative, but this is
Install a bootloader                                            Arch we’re talking about), the great thing about the
As we’re using a modern system with EFI and GUID                Arch USB installer is that you can easily use it to
partitioning, we’re going to install a simple EFI               troubleshoot your installation using the skills you’ve
bootloader rather than the more commonly used                   already learnt. Just reboot from the USB stick, mount
Grub. If you are using older partition, however, Grub           the drive and chroot into your new Arch installation.
can be installed with the following two command                 Many serious problems can be solved this way, and
after changing sdx to your device:                              it’s much quicker than using a live CD. Remember this
                                                                                                                                  PRO TIP
pacman -S grub                                                  as you type exit to quit the chroot environment and
                                                                                                                               Pacman is Arch’s package
grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/sdx                reboot to restart your machine, because if your new            manager, and is relatively
  For EFI systems, type pacman -S gummiboot to                  Arch installation doesn’t appear, you’ll need to boot          straightforward to use. -S
install the EFI bootloader package, and gummiboot               again from the USB stick and check the configuration,          will search for and install
                                                                                                                               packages; -Ss will search
                                                                                                                               for package names and
  5    BUILD YOUR OWN HOME                                                                                                     their descriptions; -R will
                                                                                                                               remove them and -Syu
                                                                                                                               will perform a system
You now need to log in as root, and you should check              With X running, it’s now time to install a graphical
that networking is working. If not, you need to go              environment. Obviously this is a contentious issue, but
through the same steps we went through with the                 here’s the basic procedure. KDE, for example, can be
USB installer.                                                  installed by typing:
  At its most basic level, Arch is now installed and            pacman -S kde-meta
ready for you to sculpt into your perfect distribution.           Meta packages encapsulate other package
There are many ways to do this – you may even want              collections, so you can fine-tune your installation. A
to remain on the command line, but we’re going to               basic KDE installation can be accomplished by
assume you’ll want a graphical environment and your             grabbing the kde-base package, for example.
hardware working. Xorg, the graphical display server,           kde-meta on the other hand downloads over 700MB
can be installed with the following command:                    of data and installs over 2GB from 558 packages. It
pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-xinit xterm mesa   takes a while. For Gnome, gnome-shell contains the
   As long as you’re happy using open source drivers            basics, gnome has the desktop environment and the
for your graphics hardware, this is all you need for a          applications, while gnome-extra contains all the tools.
working X session. Many of the open source drivers                The final steps to Arch nirvana are to create a new
are good enough for desktop work, and only lack 3D              user with useradd -m graham, give them a password
performance. A simple test to make sure all this auto           with passwd graham and then to launch the KDE/
configuration is going to work is to type startx to bring       Gnome login manager by typing kdm or gdm. You’ll
up the most basic of X sessions. Unfortunately for us,          get a fully functional login and desktop. But as you’ll
it didn’t work and we got a ‘no screens found’ error.           soon discover, this is only the end of the very
This is probably because our screen is rubbish and              beginning. With Arch, you’ve only just got started.
isn’t communicating its capabilities back to the
graphics hardware. The solution is to create your own config file. We’re using Nvidia hardware and are
happy to use Nvidia’s proprietary drivers. The drivers
for any modern Nvidia GPU can be installed by simply
                                                                                                                              This being Arch, you don’t
typing pacman -S nvidia, and rebooting your system.
                                                                                                                              have to install KDE. But
Nvidia’s drivers are also better at detecting displays,                                                                       when was the last time
so it might be worth trying startx again to see if                                                                            you saw a gratuitous
anything has changed. You can quit the X                                                                                      screenshot of the desktop
environment by exiting all of the terminal sessions.                                                                          cube looking so good?


                              PYTHON: BUILD
                              DYNAMIC WEB PAGES
                              Keep your websites up to date by harnessing
                              live data piped from Python’s web services.

                                         TML is one of the greatest developments in
 WHY DO THIS?                            computing. It’s so simple, anyone with a text
 • Keep your websites up                 editor can knock up a simple web page with
   to date with the latest
   information                text, pictures, and links to other sites. This simplicity
 • Pull data from across      gives the web the potential to grow to encompass
   the web and feed it into   almost the whole of humanity. However, its original
   your programs              developers intended it for content that doesn’t change
 • Discover the powerful      very often. Every change to a page of HTML needs the
   combination of Python
   and Tornado                file to be modified and resaved, which is fine for some
                              purposes; but sometimes you need something a little
                              more dynamic. In this tutorial we’re going to look at
                              four different methods for including constantly             A good text editor will highlight different parts of the
                              changing content in your website.                           code, so you can see what part does what.
                                 Since we’ve got a lovely new magazine, we’re going
                              to create a lovely new website to help us keep track of     <tr>
                              everything that’s going on. The skeleton code for this      <td>Data1</td>
                              website is:                                                 <td>Data2</td>
                              <html>                                                      </tr>
                              <head>                                                      <tr>
                              <title>All About Linux Voice</title>                        <td>Data3</td>
                              </head>                                                     <td>Data4</td>
                              <body>                                                      </tr>
                              <h1>All About Linux Voice</h1>                              </table>
                              <table>                                                         If you haven’t come across HTML before, everything
                                                                                          is kept between pairs of angular bracketed tags that
                                                                                          describe what the content is. For example, <h1>
                                Useful Tornado template                                   marks the start of heading 1 (the biggest heading),
                                                                                          and </h1> tells the browser that we’ve finished the
                                Tornado templates are based on Python, but they
                                have their own simple language. Here are a few of         heading. The <table></table> tags describe a table,
                                the most useful commands:                                 <tr></tr> describe a table row, and <td></td> describe
                                                                                          a table cell. The skeleton code can be found on the
                                   {% set var_x = a_value %} Sets local variable var_x
                                   to the value a_value.                                  coverdisc or at as lv-skeleton.html.
                                                                                              In this skeleton, Data1 to 4 are the places we’ll put
                                   {% if condition_1 %} … {% elif condition_2 %} … {%
                                                                                          four different pieces of dynamic content.
                                   else %} … {% end %} An if statement. elif and else
                                   are optional.                                              As a British magazine, the most important thing to
                                                                                          us is obviously the weather, and this changes a lot. If
                                   {% while condition_1 %} … {% end %} A normal
                                                                                          we kept looking out of the window, and updating our
                                   while loop.
                                                                                          website every time the weather changed, we’d have
                                   {% import a_module %} Import the Python module
                                                                                          no time to make tea, let alone a magazine. Fortunately,
                                                                                          though, we don’t have to. The first, and easiest,
                                   {% include a_template %} Copy the contents of
                                                                                          method of including dynamic content we’ll look at is
                                   a_template to this point in the file.
                                                                                          an iframe. These enable you to embed other websites
                                There are full details of the template syntax at          inside yours. In this case, we’ll embed a weather
                                                                                          forecast. You can put in any website, though it’s best
                                In general, it’s best to do as much of the processing
                                                                                          to do it with one designed for the purpose, otherwise
                                as possible in the web server, and use the template
                                just to display the data. You can use the included        it’s unlikely to look good. For our purposes,
                                commands to create various components that you   provides exactly what we
                                can combine in different ways on different pages.         need. The website
                                                                                          data/2.5/weather?q=Bath,uk&mode=html is a

                                                                                                                              PYTHON CODING

compact forecast for the beautiful city of Bath,
designed for embedding.
   In the skeleton, you can change Data1 to the
<h2>The Weather In Bath</h2>
<iframe src=”
weather?q=Bath,uk&mode=html” scrolling=”no”
   This will embed the weather forecast in our website.
The scrolling value tells the browser that we don’t
want a scroll bar on the iframe, and seamless tells it
that it should be integrated into our page seamlessly.
Not all browsers recognise these, so it will appear
slightly different on different platforms.

Keepin’ Tweetin’
Iframes are the most basic way to grab data and
                                                                                                                                You can create Twitter
serve it in a web page. For simple things like weather         we used was:
                                                                                                                                widgets to show anyone’s
forecasts they work great, but sometimes they’re a bit           <a class=”twitter-timeline” href=”         tweets, but if they post
lacking. Some data providers provide ‘widgets’ that            LinuxVoice” data-widget-id=”419158898222698496”>Tweets           something inappropriate,
you can put in your page. These are generally small            by @LinuxVoice</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.        it will be displayed on your
chunks of HTML, usually with some JavaScript to                getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.                    site as well.
grab data and display it in a useful way. For our Linux        location)?’http’:’https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.
Voice website, we’ll add a widget that grabs the Linux         createElement(s);;js.src=p+”://
Voice Twitter feed.                                            widgets.js”;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}
   You can create Twitter widgets for any Twitter              (document,”script”,”twitter-wjs”);</script>
account. On the Twitter web page, just go to the cog              Of course, you can create your own.
menu icon, then Settings > Widgets > Create New. By               Don’t worry about trying to understand this script
default it’ll set it to the currently logged-in account, but   (unless you’re a JavaScript masochist) as it’s
you can change this to whatever you like. We also              computer generated and not meant to be human
changed ours to have a height of 300. Once you’ve              readable. Save the file and refresh your web browser
entered the details and hit Create, the appropriate            and you should now have the weather and the latest
code will be displayed below the preview. You just             news from Twitter all without having to handle any of
need to copy and paste it in place of Data2. The code          it yourself. There are a few options on the Create
                                                               Widget Twitter page to help you control the look and
                                                               feel of this datastream, so see which settings work
  Make it more dynamic                                         best with your page.

  Server-side processing is great for keeping a site           Get more control
  updated, but it has one fatal flaw: it only updates          The problem with the two previous methods is that
  the information every time the website is loaded.            they pull everything from the other website, so as well
  Sometimes you need to keep a page’s information              as the data you get the
  fresh even if the user leaves it loaded.
     The simplest solution is simply to tell the browser
                                                               other site’s formatting too.
                                                               Sometimes this isn’t a
                                                                                                “You may find that you want
  to keep refreshing the page. This is incredibly simple
  – just add the following tag inside the <head>
                                                               problem and the simplicity       more control over how the
  </head> tags of the template:
                                                               is worth it. Other times you
                                                               may find that you want
                                                                                                content is displayed”
  <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”60” >
  The content value is the number of seconds after             more control over how the
  loading you want it to refresh.                              content is displayed, or even the ability to process it
     This method is a little crude, but it will work. A        before putting it on the screen. Another risk in putting
  more advanced technique is to keep a connection              content from other places on your website is that they
  open between the browser and the server and                  could maliciously alter your page using JavaScript. It’s
  continue to send data between them. There are ways           unlikely that either Twitter or OpenWeatherMap would
  of doing this using HTTP, but a better solution is to        do this deliberately, but if hackers managed to break
  use websockets. These require both code on the               into the main system, they could use this to attack all
  server and JavaScript running in the browser in order
                                                               the web pages that pull data from there.
  to work properly, and they’re a bit beyond the scope
                                                                  Therefore, it’s better if you don’t just put other
  of this tutorial, but you can find out how to use them
  on the Tornado website at             people’s content directly into your site, but process the
  stable/websocket.html.                                       data and produce HTML that uses the raw data. For
                                                               this we’re going to use Python.


                                                                                             We won’t go into everything that’s going on here
                                                                                          (you can learn more about Tornado from the excellent
                                                                                          documentation at,
                                                                                          but simply put, this starts a web server on port 8888 of
                                                                                          localhost. It has a class called MainHandler, which is
                                                                                          used every time someone visits the root of this web
                                                                                          server (ie r”/” in the above code). The method get of
                                                                                          this class is called every time someone sends a GET
                                                                                          HTTP request to this address, and it renders the
                                                                                          template lv.html. (Make sure the HTML file you created
                                                                                          before is called lv.html). As long as you save this in the
                                                                                          same directory as lv.html, you can run it from a
                                                                                          terminal in the same directory with:
If there’s a problem with
                                  The Tornado module contains a web browser that            Once that’s running, you can point a web browser to
the template, the site
won’t load. You’ll get         lets you modify templates by passing more                  http://localhost:8888 and it’ll display the same page
Python errors, but they        information to them. To start with, you’ll need to make    as before. The difference is that it’s now a Tornado
aren’t usually very helpful.   sure you have the appropriate Python modules               template, which has more power than regular HTML,
                               installed. We’ll be using Tornado and Feedparser (as       and you can pass it data from the Tornado server.
                               well as some modules from the Python standard
                               library). These are available through the PIP (Python      A Yen a Mark a Buck or a Pound
                               Install Python) package manager for Python, but it’ll      As Linux Voice does a lot of business in the USA,
                               be easier to keep them up to date if you install them      changes in the exchange rate between the Dollar and
                               through your distro’s package manager. On Debian-          the Pound make a difference to our income. Keeping
                               based systems you can do this with:                        tabs on this is important, so the next bit of data we
                               sudo apt-get install python-tornado python-feedparser      pull in will be the latest exchange rate.
                                 Once this is done, you just need a simple Python   operates a service
                               program to serve the website. We’ve called this code       that enables you to grab the latest exchange rate data
                      and it’s on the DVD and website.        (you’ll need to register for an API key before you can
                               import tornado.ioloop                                      use it though). There are various levels, but the free
                               import tornado.web                                         one is suitable for our needs, and you can sign up for
                               class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):             it here:
                                  def get(self):                                             The data comes in JSON (JavaScript Object
                                     self.render(“lv.html”)                               Notation) format. While this was designed for
                               application = tornado.web.Application([                    JavaScript, it also works really well with Python.
                                  (r”/”, MainHandler),])                                     There are a couple of Python modules that help us
                               if __name__ == “__main__”:                                 get and access the data: urllib2 and json. The code to
                                                                                          grab and access the data is:
                                                                                          import urllib2
  Data sources                                                                            import json
                                                                                          def getRate() :
  There are loads of places you can get          The BBC (among others) publishes an                   url = “
  information for dynamic websites.              RSS feed of the latest news. It also
  OpenWeatherMaps provide JSON-                  has a few APIs to help you access
                                                                                                       req = urllib2.Request(url)
  encoded weather data for forecasts as          information about what’s happening.
  well as current weather. Twitter also          Reddit can be browsed through JSON.                   response=urllib2.urlopen(req)
  has an API that’s easy to use through a        For an example, take a look at                        return json.loads(“UTF-8”))
  module such as python-twitter                 [‘rates’][‘GBP’]
  (              For more information see                 This piece of code needs to go into the webserver-
  twitter).                                     file between import tornado.web and class
     In addition to the ones we’ve looked        StopForumSpam hosts a database of        MainHandler. Change YOUR_API_KEY to the one you
  at here, these are some more that you          known spammer IPs that you can use       got when you signed up for the service.
  may find useful:                               to vet visitors, though there are some     urllib grabs and opens the resource, then the json
    Facebook Graphs API                          restrictions on use. Take a look at      module converts it into a Python dictionary. This has
                                                                                          the key rates, which is another dictionary, and the key
    docs/graph-api)                               These are just a few examples;
                                                                                          GBP returns the Dollars–Pounds exchange rate. You
    IPInfoDB (          there is a huge range of data sources
    location_api_json.php) enables you to      available. Many offer free access, but     then need to pass the latest data across to the
    check the location of an IP address.       some are only for paying customers.        template by changing the line self.render(“lv.html”) to:
                                                                                          self.render(“lv.html”, rate = getRate())

                                                                                                                             PYTHON CODING

You’ll find a comprehensive list of useful data sources at
                                                                                                                               We focused on simplicity
  This created the global variable rate that you can         lv_feed = feedparser.parse(‘’)     so it’s not pretty to look at,
access in the HTML template with {{ rate }}. Change          self.render(“lv.html”, feed = lv_feed, rate = getRate())          but there are plenty of CSS
Data3 to:                                                    You don’t need to use urllib2 to get the document with            and HTML tricks to sort
                                                                                                                               that out.
<h2>The Exchange Rate</h2>                                   RSS, as the feedparser module handles everything.
One dollar is {{rate}} pounds                                  On our page, we want to loop through every entry in
   After you make any changes to either the webserver        the RSS file and display the post title as a link to the
code or the template, they won’t take effect until you       post on In the template, you can
restart the web server (a simple Ctrl+C to stop it, then     include Python code inside {% %} brackets.
re-running python does this). You can            Indentation doesn’t work; instead, blocks of code are
then refresh the website in the browser. If everything’s     ended using {% end %}. This is done with the following
worked correctly, you should see the exchange rate           code (in place of Data4):
displayed. You can use this method to put whatever           <h2> The latest news from RSS:</h2>
you want into the web page. This could be things             <ul>
you’ve just pulled from a database, or information           {% for entry in feed.entries %}
about the computer that you’re running on as well as         <li>
data grabbed from other sources.                             <a href=”{{}}”>{{ escape(entry.title) }} </a>
Going Loopy                                                  {% end %}
Tornado templates can do far more than just display          </ul>
the values that are passed to them. They can also               The final version of is on the website
include bits of Python code that can manipulate the          and DVD as
data. The final piece of our datastream will                    <ul></ul> creates an unordered (ie bullet pointed)
demonstrate this. We’ll pull in the latest posts from        list, and <li></li> tag items in the list.
the Linux Voice website using RSS and the feedparser            This for loop repeats every line between it and the
module. This works a bit like the json module in that it     end, including the HTML lines. This will then create a
pulls in data and converts it into a Python dictionary.      new list item for every item in feed.entries. The
However, unlike in the previous example, this time we’ll     escape() function just adds escape characters to the
pass the entire dictionary to the template and process       text before passing them across so they display
it there. You’ll need to add the line                        correctly in the browser.
import feedparser                                               As you can see, any data that you can access with
 To the start of, then change the get           Python, you can display on a website. Tornado
method of MainHandler to:                                    templates give you complete control over how these
                                                             are displayed. If you’re already running a website with
                                                             Apache, it isn’t easy to incorporate this last technique
  XML                                                        into it, though you could do something similar with
                                                             PHP or even JavaScript. If you’re using Nginx as a
  We’ve looked at JSON, HTML and RSS for data
  sources, but they’re not the only options. XML is also     web server, you could set it up to reverse-proxy a
  a common format for data on the web, though it can         Tornado server for some pages while retaining the
  be a little more complex than the others. It’s often       speed of Nginx for simpler pages.
  done using ElementTree. As the name suggests, this
  converts the XML into a tree from which you can
  then extract the information you need.                      Ben Everard is the co-author of Learning Python With
                                                              Raspberry Pi – coming soon to an Amazon near you.


                              EUCLID’S ALGORITHM:
                              RECURSION AND PYTHON
                              Learn a wonderfully simple algorithm that teaches as
                              much about Python as it does about mathematics.

                                           e’re about to go back to the year 300 BC. A    longwinded – you could easily see that the solution
  WHY DO THIS?                             time when much of the world looked like        was going to be 10 in the previous example, for
  • You’ll learn ancient                   the cover of the Led Zepplin album Houses      instance, but it always works regardless of how big
    wisdom about numbers
    and their factors.        of the Holy. This is the time of Euclid; mathematician,     the numbers are you choose. The next question we
  • This is a great way       Greek geek and founder of all things geometrical.           should be asking is, why? The solution is to do with
    to see how Python            The problem that Euclid’s algorithm solves is easy       common divisors, the group of numbers that can be
    deals with Boolean        enough to understand: what is the largest common            equally divided into both of our values. The common
                              divisor of two integers? Take the numbers 100 and 80,       divisor of a (assuming a is largest number in the pair),
  • While at the same
    time, see the danger of   for example: what’s the largest number that divides         is also a common divisor of a - b (assuming b is the
    putting everything into   into both? You can make some assumptions about              second number). In the first line of our previous
    one line.                 what that number might look like – it’s going to be         calculation, that’s the number 10 (60-50). 10 has its
                              even and less that 40, obviously, and maybe more            own set of devisors – 1,2, 5 and 10, and this process
                              than 20 – but to get any closer is going to require a       of subtraction doesn’t change the set of common
                              brute-force approach. Does 25 work? No. 30? Nope.           divisors. This makes sense because when you
                              Looks like it might be 20 then, as this divides into both   subtract the difference you are subtracting a number
                              and it doesn’t look like there can be a higher number.      that shares the common divisors of both numbers.
                                 How about if the two numbers were 50 and 60? It’s           It might help if you think about this in terms of
                              not obvious what the common divisor might be for            reversing the calculations with addition:
                              these two, which introduces more guesswork. Or              10 + 10 = 20
                              what if the numbers were 123456 and 654321?                 20 shares the common divisors of 10, because we’ve
                                                                                          just doubled it.
                              Adding and subtracting                                      20 + 10 = 30
                              For all the non-Euclids, the most basic algorithm may       Each addition sharing the same common factor that
                              simply halve the smallest number and then start             we started with, until…
                              counting down, checking whether the new number              50 + 10 = 60
                              divides into both. It will work OK for small values, but    We now have our original two values, and you can see
                              it’s obviously a computationally expensive approach         where the common divisors came into the equation
                              that will become unrealistic very quickly. There has to     and how the reversal of this reveals them.
                              be a better way, and that’s where Euclid comes in.             The next job is to put this idea into code, and you
                              Euclid discovered that if you compare the smaller           should be able to see that we’re on the verge of
                              number with the difference between the smaller and          replacing our numbers with variables anyway, so we
                                                            the larger number, 50         just need to add some logic. We’re going to use

 “We’re going to use Python,
                                                            compared to 10 in our         Python for this example, as it’s installed on virtually
                                                            second example, and then      everything – from the Raspberry Pi to Apple’s OS X

 for this, as it’s installed on                             carried on doing the same     and your Linux distribution. If you’ve not used the

 virtually everything”
                                                            comparisons, smaller          Python interpreter before, just type python on the
                                                            compared against the          command line and make sure you follow our syntax
                                                            remainder of the previous     and indentation exactly. Here’s the Python code:
                              subtraction, until you could continue no further, the       def euclid(a, b):
                              previous remainder is the largest common divisor. For                   return b and euclid(b, a%b) or a
                              the numbers 50 and 60, here’s what happens:                 Woah! Those two lines of code do what we’ve just
                              60 - 50 = 10                                                spent 700 words trying to explain!
                              50 - 10 = 40                                                   If this is your first foray into Python, we’ll try to take
                              40 - 10 = 30                                                it as slowly as we can, starting off with what we’ve
                              30 - 10 = 20                                                just created. def euclid(a, b): defines a function called
                              20 - 10 = 10                                                euclid that takes two arguments: a and b. These
                              10 - 10 = 0                                                 values are the same two values we were using before
                              So the largest common divisor between the numbers           in our explanation. If you’ve just typed this into Python,
                              50 and 60 is 10. Try it for yourself. It may get a little   you can type euclid(100,140) to execute the function.

                                                                                                                               EUCLID CODING

euclid(100,140)                                                   13 - 5 = 8
The interpreter will spit out the answer, which in this           8-5=3
case is 20. Now let’s look at what the function is doing,            But when will this recursion stop? When will the
one word or character at a time. return is how                    function stop calling itself and start returning values
functions are halted when retuning results from an                back up the chain? That’s where the final or a comes
evaluation. If this line were return 1234, the output             into play, and it’s an evaluation connected to the earlier
from the function would always be 1234. But that                  and statement. In most programming languages, an
doesn’t include any evaluating, which in our example, is          or evaluation will only return true if one or the other of
done with the remainder of the line. The next character           the arguments is true – so (1 or 0) would equal true,
is b, our second number, followed by the word and.                but (0 or 0) would be false. In Python, you get better
                                                                  value from the same statement because it returns the
Boolean operators                                                 first value if it’s false and the second value if its not.
In programming terms, and is a Boolean operator.                  Here’s another quick example from the interpreter:
With most other programming languages, for an                     >>> def ortest(a,b):
evaluation to be true both sides of a Boolean and need            ... return a or b
to be non-zero. (1 and 1) is true, for example, whereas           ...
(0 and 1) is false, and those languages would typically           >>> ortest(1,2)
return a 1 for true and a 0 for false. Python is slightly         1
different in the way it handles return values because it          >>> ortest(0,2)
packs more features into a single operation. If the first         2
value is non-zero, it will return the second value from              If the evaluation of the recursively embedded
the evaluation. If it’s false, it will return the first. Here’s   function returns zero, the and evaluates the value of a
a simple function definition and the output from the              against the value of b, effectively returning the next to
interpreter to show you what we mean:                             last value for b before the final evaluation returned 0.
>>> def andtest(a,b):                                             That’s exactly the same result we got when we first
... return a and b                                                worked out Euclid’s algorithm manually, but it’s quite
...                                                               difficult to imagine. To make things clearer, here’s
>>> andtest(1,2)                                                  some pseudo code for what happens when we call
2                                                                 the function with the values of 60 and 50, showing
>>> andltest(0,2)                                                 each recursive step on a line with a number and the
0                                                                 values Python is calculating. When a value is finally
This facility gives you the same output you get from              returned, we change the line number with the returned
other languages – if both values are non-zero, you’ll             value inserted into the evaluation so you can see
get a non-zero value returned, which is effectively the           what’s happening and how we step back through
same as (1 and 1) = true. If either the first or the              recursion to the final number:
second values are zero, these will be returned,                   a = 60 b = 50
effectively making (3 and 0) = false.                             1: 60 and euclid(50, 10) or 60
   But you get more because you get the value of the              2: 50 and euclid(10, 40) or 50
second number for free, and this is how our code is               3: 40 and euclid(10, 30) or 40
working. But there’s another trick immediately                    4: 30 and euclid(10, 20) or 30
afterwards – recursion:                                           5: 20 and euclid(10, 10) or 20
euclid(b, a%b) or a                                               6: 10 and euclid(10, 0) or 10 (RETURNS 10 )
   The second argument to the first and evaluation                5: 20 and 10 or 20 (RETURNS 10)
calls the function again from within itself. That’s the           4: 30 and 10 or 30 (RETURNS 10)
recursion part. The arguments for this second call of             3: 40 and 10 or 40 (RETURNS 10)
the function are the second value itself and the                  2: 50 and 10 or 50 (RETURNS 10)
remainder of a division between the first and second              1: 60 and 10 or 60 (RETURNS 10)
number. This remainder of a division, otherwise                     You can test the logic of that comparison yourself
known as a modulo operation, is a different method to             without the recursive element:
the one we outlined earlier. It’s the same theory, only           >>> def eval(a,b,c):
made more efficient. This is because equal divisions              ... return a and b or c
of the lower number into the higher number – such as              ...
5 into 28 – help us to fast forward a few steps without           >>> eval(20,10,20)
losing the common divisor. 28%5=3, which is because               10
28 divided by 5 = 5, with a remainder of 3. You get the              The end result is the product of thousands of years
same result as the remainder from the subtractions                of thought – a concise algorithm that performs a
we were doing earlier, only without all the effort:               useful operation, all on a single line, while at the same
28 - 5 = 23                                                       time teaching a little about how Python maximises
23 - 5 = 18                                                       functionality with its Boolean operations (and also
18 - 5 = 13                                                       makes itself quite difficult to read in the process).


                               SOLVE WORD
                               PUZZLES WITH BASH
                               The humble command line interface is amazingly powerful,
                               for both real work and playing games.

                                    t’s no secret that Bash, the shell on most Linux       only match words of exactly four characters:
 WHY DO THIS?                       systems, is an incredibly powerful tool, however       egrep “^[aedh]{4}$” /usr/share/dict/words
 • Get to grips with egrep          it’s one that many Linux users don’t take the time       This is a bit better, but there are still some with
   and extended regular
   expressions                 to fully learn. A lot of tutorials focus on boring but      repeated characters. To solve this we’re going to pipe
 • Never get stuck on word     practical uses like managing log files, but it doesn’t      the output into a second instance of egrep, like this:
   puzzles again               have to be this way. Bash can be fun.                       egrep “^[aedh]{4}$” /usr/share/dict/words | egrep -v “(.).*\1”
 • Search through all the         Here at Linux Voice, we want to give this tool some         If you run this, you’ll find that it only returns one line,
   text files on your system   love, so we’re inaugurating the Grep Games. This is an      the anagram of aedh. The second egrep has the -v
   with ease
                               event where you use Bash together with grep to solve        flag, which means that it works in reverse; that is, it
                               the sort of word puzzles you find in glossy magazines.      only outputs lines that don’t match the pattern. The
                                  Here’s an example: what is aedh an anagram of? To        pattern (.).*\1 matches any line with a repeated
                               solve this, you’re going to need a list of English words.   character in it because (.) matches any character, .*
                               This comes as standard on most Linuxes, and can             matches any string of any length (including nothing)
                               usually be found at /usr/share/dict/words or /usr/          and \1 is a back reference to the first character. For
                               dict/words. If it’s not there, check for a words or         more details on this, see backreferences in the boxout
                               wordlist package in your package manager. Failing           on Grep and regular expressions.
                               that, you can grab it from the DVD or          Sometimes an anagram will contain a repeated
                               In this article, we’ll use /usr/share/dict/words, but you   letter, and that would be missed by the above. Take,
                               should change this if your words file is elsewhere.         for example, eeeddh. The previous method won’t
                                  We’ll use egrep (like grep but uses extended regular     work, so instead we need to match different letters
                               expressions, which have a cleaner syntax than plain         different numbers of times. The code for this is:
                               regular explessions) to find the right words. If you        egrep “^[edh]{6}$” /usr/share/dict/words | egrep “*^[^e]*(e[^e]*)
                               haven’t come across this tool before, take a look at the    {3}[^e]*$” | egrep “^[^d]*(d[^d]*){2}[^d]*$” | egrep -v “([^ed]).*\1]*”
                               boxout on grep and regular expressions, right.                 Here the second and third egreps both work in the
                                  You can find any word that contains just the letters     same way. They make sure that a particular letter is
                               aedh with this line:                                        repeated exactly a certain number of times. [^e]
                               egrep “^[aedh]*$” /usr/share/dict/words                     matches any character except e, so the second egrep
                                  The ^ matches the start of the line, $ the end of the    matches any string that starts at a new line, has any
                               line and [aedh]* matches any string of the letters          character other than a letter ‘e’ zero or more times
                               aedh. However, these aren’t all anagrams. Any               followed by three occurrences of the bracketed
                               anagram must be exactly four letters long, so let’s         expression (which contains e once and any string of
                                                                                           other characters), then anything that isn’t an e zero or
                                                                                           more times followed by an end of line.
                                                                                              The final egrep makes sure that nothing other than

                                                             f                             e and d are repeated.

                                                                                           I’ll have a vowel please Carol

                                          t                                  e
                                                                                           This solves complete anagrams, but that’s not always
                                                                                           what you want to do. In the UK there’s a quiz show

                                                                                           called Countdown, in which the contestants have to
                                                                                           make the longest word they can out of a given
                                                                                           sequence of nine letters.
                                                                                             You can solve this in a similar manner to the above

                                               p                         d
                                                                                           problem, but by using ranges for the number of
                                                                                           characters rather than an absolute number. Take a
                                                                                           look at this example for the letters a,e,e,f,d,m,t,t,i
Word wheels: a                                                                             egrep “^[aefdmti]{1,9}$” /usr/share/dict/words | egrep
challenging mental puzzle                                                                  “*^[^e]*(e[^e]*){0,2}[^e]*$” | egrep “^[^t]*(t[^t]*){0,2}[^t]*$” | egrep
or a simple command?                                                                       -v “([^et]).*\1]*”

                                                                                                                                        GREP GAMES CODING

  However, this doesn’t quite solve our problem. We
don’t want all the words that match, just the longest
one. To get this, we need to go beyond a single line
and create a script.
while read word
 if (( ${#word} > longestLength ))
done                                                                       into words, you start with a word, then each rung of
                                                                                                                                                       an online tool to help
echo $longestWord                                                          the ladder you change a single letter from the word
                                                                                                                                                       you understand regular
  This code reads each line from standard in (while                        above until you end up with a final word.                                   expressions. Unfortunately
read line) and checks its length against the previous                         There are two separate parts to look at. The first                       it uses regular expressions
longest word. At the end, it echos (prints) the longest                    part is finding all the words that can follow a particular                  from PHP, Python and
word its found. To include this with the previous egrep                    word. The second part is finding out if a particular                        JavaScript, which are
commands, just use:                                                        word can precede the final word.                                            slightly different from
egrep “^[aefdmnti]{1,9}$” /usr/share/dict/words | egrep                       Let’s try the ladder:                                                    egrep.
“*^[^e]*(e[^e]*){0,2}[^e]*$” | egrep “^[^t]*(t[^t]*){0,2}[^t]*$” | egrep   live
-v “([^et]).*\1]*” | bash                                       ----
  Where is the filename of the above                            ----
script (it’s on the website and DVD).                                      ----
  Another puzzle similar to Countdown is the word                          raft
wheel. This is where there’s a series of letters on the                       To solve this you have to come up with three words.
outside of a circle and one in the middle. You then                        #!/bin/bash
have to find as many words as possible that contain                        for x in $(egrep “^liv.$|^li.e$|^$|^.ive$” /usr/share/dict/words)
the letter in the middle and two or more of the letters                    do
on the outside. The example puzzle on the facing                               query=’^.’${x:1:3}’$|^’${x:0:1}’.’${x:2:2}’$|^’${x:0:2}’.’${x:3:1}’$|
page can be solved with:                                                   ^’${x:0:3}’.$’
egrep “^[fedpt]*i[fedpt]*$” re/dict/words | egrep -v “(.).*\1” |               for y in $(egrep $query /usr/share/dict/words)
egrep “.{3,}”                                                                  do
  Word ladders are a bit different to the puzzles we’ve                              query2=’^.’${y:1:3}’$|^’${y:0:1}’.’${y:2:2}’$|^’${y:0:2}’.’${y:
looked at so far. Instead of arranging various letters                     3:1}’$|^’${y:0:3}’.$’

   Grep and regular expressions
   Grep is a popular tool for finding particular                line and $ matches the end of the line, so ^abc              starts and finishes with a letter a. ^a.+a$
   pieces of text. As well as solving word games,               matches any line that starts with abc, abc$                  matches any line that starts and ends with an
   it’s also useful in finding particular messages              matches any line that ends with abc and ^abc$                a and has at least one character in between.
   in log files and other ‘real’ work. egrep is like            matches any line that contains just abc. The                 You can also specify a range of the number of
   grep, but it uses extended regular expressions               “.” character matches any character, so ^a.c$                matches you want by using {}. For example,
   rather than ordinary regular expressions.                    will match abc, adc, aac, but not ac. This is                ^a{2,3}$ will match the lines aa and aaa, but
   These have a cleaner syntax, so it’s these that              known as backreferencing.                                    nothing else. You can bracket parts of regular
   we’ll use here.                                                 You can also match groups of characters,                  expressions as well. This is useful because it
       The basic usage is:                                      eg ^[ab] will match any line that starts with a              allows you to refer to particular matches. \1
   egrep <pattern> <file>                                       or b, while ^[^ab] will match any line that starts           matches whatever the first bracketed
      This will output every line in the file that              with any character other than a or b. ^[a-z] will            expression matched, \2 matches what the
   matches <pattern>. It can also be used in a                  match any line starting with a lower-case                    second matched and so on. For example, (.).\1
   pipe like this:                                              letter. There are also a few special options                 will match any two characters that are the
   cat <file> | egrep <pattern>                                 here such as [[:space:]], which matches any                  same separated by a character, such as bob,
   This just prints every line that cat outputs that            whitespace (space, tab, etc) and [[:lower:]]                 did, aaa, but not abc.
   matches <pattern>.                                           which matches any lower-case letter.                            The final part of extended regular
     The trick with egrep is in mastering                          You can match characters more than once.                  expressions that we’ll look at is |. This allows
   extended regular expressions.                                * matches zero or more times, + one or more                  you to match against more than one pattern.
     A letter just matches itself, so for example,              time, and ? zero or one time. So, ^a*$ matches               For example, ^ab|^bc will match anything that
   abc will match any line that contains the string             a line that contains a number of a’s but no                  starts with either ab or bc, but not ac or
   abc anywhere in it. ^ matches the start of the               other characters. ^a.*a$ matches a line that                 anything else. ^(ab|bc) does the same thing.


                                          for z in $(egrep $query2 /usr/share/dict/words | egrep
                                                          if [ $x != $y ] && [ $x != $z ] && [ $x !=
                               “live” ] && [ $x != “raft” ] && [ $y != $z ] && [ $y != “live” ] && [ $y
                               != “raft” ] && [ $z != “live” ] && [ $z != “raft” ]; then
                                                          echo “live”
                                                          echo $x
                                                          echo $y
                                                          echo $z
                                                          echo “raft”
                                                          echo “---”
                                    done                                                                  Many programs have some form of regexes built in. Here,
                               done                                                                       gvim is finding all USB messages for user ben in the syslog.
                               This code performs three for loops, one for each of
                               the missing words. The first for loop runs on every                        hello, my name is ben
                               word that matches the regular expression “^liv.$|^li.                      because h=1, e=2, l=3, o=4, m=5, y=6, n=7, a=8, i=9,
                               e$|^$|^.ive$” this is effectively four different                       b=a.
                               regular expressions separated by |. Together, it will                        Now take a look at the following:
                               return any word that matches any one of these                              123452 672 8298a2 bc 9889dbeb9c
                               sub-expressions.                                                             The main clue here are repeated letters which you
                                 Inside this for loop it runs the line                                    can match using back references. You could try to
                               query=’^.’${x:1:3}’$|^’${x:0:1}’.’${x:2:2}’$|^’${x:0:2}’.’${x:3:1}’$|^’$   build a script to match the whole lot in one go, but it’s
                               {x:0:3}’.$’                                                                far easier and quicker to pick on part with quite a few
                                 This just builds up a regular expression equivalent                      repeated characters and just match that. Once you’ve
                               to the first one but for every word returned. x is the                     got that, it should be quite trivial to finish it off. We
                               variable holding the word, and ${x:1:3} (for example)                      decided to work with the final two words. A script to
                               returns characters 1 through 3 of the word held in                         solve them is:
                               variable x (the first character is 0). The second for loop                 #!/bin/bash
                               works in exactly the same way as the first.                                list2=$(egrep “(.)(.)\2\1.(.).\3\1.” /usr/share/dict/words)
                                 The final for loop is a bit different because it not                     for word1 in $(egrep “^.{2}$” /usr/share/dict/words)
                               only has to match the word above it, but the word                          do
                               below it as well. For this reason it runs two egreps on                                 for word2 in $list2
                               the words: one to match the words above, and the                                        do
                               second to match the words below. The if statement                                                    echo $word1” “$word2 | egrep “^(.)(.)
                               simply removes any solutions that repeat words.                            [[:space:]](.)(.)\4\3.\1.\1\3\2$”
                               Playing GCHQ                                                               done
                               Substitution ciphers are easy-to-break encryption                           The first loop goes through every two letter word
                               systems where you take each letter of the alphabet                         while the second one loops through every word that
                               and represent it with a different symbol. The point of                     matches the particular pattern of backreferences.
egrep will highlight the       the puzzle is to work out what letters the symbols                          The guts of the code is the line:
particular part of each line   represent. As an example, the cipher:                                      echo $word1” “$word2 | egrep “^(.)(.)[[:space:]](.)
that matches the regular       12334, 56 7852 90 a27                                                      (.)\4\3.\1.\1\3\2$”
expression.                    could correspond to:                                                         It checks every pair of words generated by the two
                                                                                                          wloops for a particular pattern of back references
                                                                                                          which correspond to repeated characters in the
                                                                                                            This method could be expanded to match three or
                                                                                                          more words, though it will slow down significantly
                                                                                                          with each new word.
                                                                                                            Once you’ve got some of the letters, you should be
                                                                                                          able to come up with patterns based on the letters
                                                                                                          you know to find the other words.

                                                                                                           Ben Everard is the co-author of Learning Python with
                                                                                                           Raspberry Pi, soon to be published by Wiley. He’s also pretty
                                                                                                           good at turning foraged fruit into alcohol.

                                                                                                                        GREP GAMES CODING

                     Test your skills by writing scripts to solve the following word puzzles

   Anagrams                                 Countdown                               Encryption
   ainpprss                                 tnxpamies                               1 2134 567894550 518824 1a4 a546b4
   abeprrrsy                                dimtescat                               1234 34 5641 127 879300309
   bbceirssu                                hofanescp                               123 456 4 378936 8708a8034b

    Word wheel

                i            p                                      m             c                                         a            f
        t                             r                     i                              e                        t                            e
                       s                                                   a                                                     m
            a                    n                              g                     d                                 b                    s
                      o                                                    l                                                       i

    Word ladder
    band                                               brag                                                  wire
    ----                                               ----                                                  ----
    ----                                               ----                                                  ----
    ----                                               ----                                                  ----
    meat                                               plan                                                  pant

                                                       Find words, win clothing!
The final challenge is something different, one we   lhzniphoto                                                  To be eligible, your program must be licensed
haven’t covered so far: a word search. To make       rlightovqx                                              under an OSI-approved licence compatible with the
matters a little easier, there are only horizontal   yelsocketn                                              GPL v2 or v3. We recommend using GPLv3.
words, and none of them are backwards. The           fbicycleow                                                  All entries must be sent to
challenge is to write a Bash script that can go in   ykerolbuha                                              by 31 March, and the winner will be announced in
the following pipe:                                      To make things interesting, there will be two       issue 3 (and on You don’t have to
cat wordsearch.txt | bash              prizes, one for the smallest (in terms of characters    have bought a magazine to enter (details will be
and output all of the three- or more letter words    in the Bash script), and one for the one that runs      posted to the website) so feel free to pass details
from the words list (/usr/share/dict/words or        fastest (completes execution with all the words         of the competition
usr/dict/words) that are in the file.                found in the shortest time). The words must be          on others.
   The word search is (on the DVD and website as     found with a form of GNU grep (egrep, pgrep, etc.)          In the event of
wordsearch.txt):                                     matching a regular expression.                          a tie, the solution
zfghellohb                                               There are few differences between versions of       that was sent in
binarytwno                                           Bash on different Linuxes, so we’ll be testing on a     first will win. In
thisenthat                                           fresh install of Debian Unstable. This is only likely   all matters, the
dfjunglwmr                                           to matter if you’re relying on particularly new or      editor’s decision
scoffeeqwj                                           exotic features.                                        will be final.


                               Essential Linux tools explained – this month, say hello to
   BEN EVERARD                 the Vim text editor and some advanced features in Firefox

 Whatever Unix system you’re using, it will probably have Vim – let’s learn this essential editor.

                                        im, which is a hugely flexible text editor for
                                        Linux, is “Vi Improved”. It carries a legacy that
           JOHN LANE
                                        can be traced back to the 1970s, when Vi was
                               born as the ‘visual mode’ for the Unix line editor, Ex (Ex
                               itself was the eXtended version of the editor, Ed). The
                               most jarring part of that legacy for new users is that
       PRO TIP                 Vim has two main operating modes.
  “:help vim-modes” helps         Command Mode is where you interact with Vim to
  to explain Vim’s operating
                               move around, alter, save and exit; pretty much
                               everything you can think of except the one thing you
                               might want to do: type text into it. That’s what the
                                                                                            Vim benefits from many online learning resources, like
                               other mode (Insert Mode) is for. Sadly, many people
                                                                                            this interactive tutorial (
                               take the time to learn one command at this point: :q,
                               the quit command, so they can go off and find
                               another editor. But Linux Voice readers are a hardy          Mode. For basic navigation, you use the hjkl keys to
                               bunch, so we’re staying with it…                             move left, down, up and right within the file or there
                                                                                            are commands that navigate words, sentences,
                               Getting around                                               paragraphs and pages.
                               Another surviving part of its legacy is its quirky use of       Commands are case-sensitive so j and J do
       PRO TIP
                               the h, j, k and l keys to move around the file. This can     different things. Most commands are one or two
  Most linux distros alias
  “vi” to “vim”                be traced back to Vi’s creator using a terminal that         keystrokes and the first you’ll want to learn is i, which
                               didn’t have separate cursor arrow keys but used these        enters Insert Mode. Once in Insert Mode, anything
                               keys instead. Vim supports the normal arrow keys as          typed will be entered into the file until you press the
                               well, but it’s worth learning to use those letter keys       Escape key, which returns you to command mode.
                               because they’re there directly underneath your               Insert Mode is meant for short bursts of text entry –
                               fingertips and it’ll make you much quicker once you’ve       you’re meant to place the cursor, enter Insert Mode,
                               trained your muscle memory. For die-hards, the arrow         type some text and Escape back to Command Mode.
 Vim’s Command Mode            keys can be turned off.                                      New users might try to enter Insert Mode and then
 offers heaps of powerful         Quirks aside, let’s get into Vim:                         work as if they are using a simpler text editor such as
 commands to manipulate        vim myfile                                                   Notepad, but to do so misses the point and power of
 files.                        Like we mentioned, you’ll find yourself in Command           Command Mode.
                                                                                               The next characteristic of Vim to understand is its
                                                                                            ability to repeat commands. Any keystroke command
                                                                                            given may be preceded with a number and that
                                                                                            command will be repeated that many times. For
                                                                                            example. enter 5h to move left five characters. Using
                                                                                            repeats like this with the navigation commands can
                                                                                            help you move around your file very quickly.
                                                                                               Moving around is fine, but command mode also
                                                                                            offers many ways to make modifications to your file.
                                                                                            Begin with the basic (i)nsert, (r)eplace and e(x)tract.
                                                                                            Some commands, like (c)hange and (d)elete, are

                                                                                                                  VIM MASTERCLASS

followed by a mandatory operator specifying what to          buffers using :ls and navigate between them with :b.
operate on – these operators are the same as the             Split windows is a feature of Vim that enables you to
navigation commands, so 3dw deletes three words,             view the file being edited in multiple places, or even
5x deletes five characters.                                  view multiple different files. To split the window, enter    Do you want to
   A more sophisticated way to modify files is to use        :sp for a horizontal split or :vs for a vertical one. This
                                                                                                                          know more?
Ex commands. These hark back to the days before Vi           will display the current buffer twice. Append a
when people used teletypes and didn’t even have a            filename to instead load another file into the split          The Vim Tips Wiki
monitor in front of them. Ex commands are typed at a         window. If two windows display the same buffer,               http://vim.wikia.
prompt and perform modifications to the file being           changes made in one will be reflected in the other.           com/wiki/Vim_
edited. You enter an Ex command from Vim’s                   Window control commands are initiated with Ctrl+W.            Tips_Wiki
command mode by first entering a colon (:) and then          Moving between windows involves using Ctrl+W                  Open Vim Tutorial
the command. Ex commands take the form                       followed by a movement key, for example Ctrl+W k              http://openvim.
:[range] command [args]                                      moves to the window above.                                    com
where the range and arguments are optional. The                 The other way to organise multiple files is to use         ViEmu cheat
range defines the line, or lines, to perform the             tabs. You can have multiple tabs, each displaying             sheet and tutorial
command on, and can be specified using line                  multiple windows and, remember, each of those       
numbers, marks or special symbols: a full stop               windows can display content from any buffer. Tab              Vim website at
character represents the current line and $ represents       commands begin with :tab.                           
the last line. % is equivalent to 1,$. You can create
marks to represent lines of your choice: to define a         Pimp your Vim
mark, a, at your current position in a file, enter ma and    One of the big features of Vim is that it is heavily
you can then refer to that line as a. You can also use       customisable. You can view and change settings with
simple expressions like +3 to refer to the line three        the :set command. To see all settings:
ahead of the current line, or $-10 to refer to the           :set all
tenth-before-last line. Probably the most commonly           And to enable a setting, for example:
used ex-command is to perform a global search and            :set number
replace: :s/%/foo/bar/g replaces all occurrences of          will display line numbers. Prefix the setting name with
foo with bar. foo is a regular expression.                   no to disable it:
   Vi has commands to cut or copy and paste text but         :set nonumber
it calls the copy action Yank instead. The commands             To apply your setting preferences when starting
are (d)elete, (y)ank and (p)aste. Deleting and yanking       Vim, you can store them in a file called ~/.vimrc. This
place the affected text into a general purpose buffer        file can do more than just settings, though: by writing
(which is not the desktop’s clipboard). You can also         Vimscripts, you can create new functionality or modify
use a named buffer by prefixing a command with ”             existing features.
and a character (which names the buffer).                       A good place to start customising is by key
“a3dw                                                        mapping. Any Command-Mode key sequence can be
“byy                                                         mapped to a key:
will delete three words into buffer a and yank the           :map - dd
whole line into buffer b.                                    will cause Vim to delete the current line (that’s the dd
                                                             command) whenever you press -. Beware, however,
Buffers, windows and tabs                                    mapping single keys will remap the main commands
When Vim loads a file, it reads it into a buffer, which is   (there are no free single characters). To help avoid this
the in-memory copy of the file that is altered as you        you can use modifiers:
edit it. The original file is only modified when you write   :map <c-d> dd
the buffer back to disk. You use the :w command to           will map Ctrl+d to perform dd, which deletes the
do this. Vim can have many files open at the same            current line. You can also map multiple characters but
time, each being held in its own buffer. You can list all    you’ll need to type them quickly to get their effect:
                                                             :map ,d dd

                                                             A coder’s paradise
                                                             You can control whether tabs are hard or soft
                                                             (implemented with spaces, often preferable these
                                                             days). You can set up automatic indentation and code
                                                             folding (hiding function bodies). The = command will
                                                             indent the current selection. :fold will fold any selected
                                                             block; zo opens a fold and zc closes it.
                                                                Finally, this tour would be incomplete without
                                                             mentioning Gvim, which wraps Vim in a GUI window
                                                             and exposes some of its commands through a
There are lots of ways to organise multiple files in Vim.    traditional menu interface.


Get more out of the flagship free software project’s hidden features.

                                 f statistics are to be believed, the Mozilla Firefox   such as universities, governments and businesses.
                                 web browser enjoys around a 20% share of the           Each ESR release is supported for one year, however it
                                 browser market, lagging behind Google’s Chrome         only receives high-risk/impact security fixes or major
                           browser, with its more polished look and feel. But           stability fixes.
                           Firefox offers more power-user features through its
                           ability to be tweaked and customised.                        A quick tour
                              The name Firefox (which is another name for the           Central to the Firefox experience is what Mozilla calls
                           red panda) was chosen after earlier names, including         the Awesome Bar, a combined URL and search box.
                           Phoenix and Firebird were dropped due to trademark           You start typing what you want and the Awesome Bar
                           disputes. More on that later…                                displays possible matches from your browsing history,
                              Mozilla releases Firefox versions at four stages in       bookmarked sites and open tabs. When a page is
                           its lifecycle. Known as channels, they are:                  displayed, its URL is prefixed with its ‘favicon’, the small
                              Firefox Nightly, a developer-focussed release aimed       icon used by some websites to give a brand identity to
                           at “extremely technical” early adopters. It’s updated        the URL. If you connect to a secure site, the identity
                           every night and contains the latest changes.                 information can be revealed by clicking on the favicon.
                              Firefox Aurora is a pre-beta release every morning           Bookmarking is quick and easy, thanks to the
                           for technical early adopters.                                one-click bookmark feature accessed via the star icon
                              Firefox Beta is a weekly beta release aimed at            at the end of the Awesome Bar. Click once to create a
                           non-technical early adopters.                                bookmark, click again to edit or remove one.
                              Firefox Final is the official public release version         An extension to bookmarking is Quick Search. Say
                           intended for everyday, mainstream users. It is released      you frequently look up content on Wikipedia; if you
                           on a six-week schedule.                                      browse to that site, right-click in its search bar and
                              Functional changes and enhancements move                  select Add A Keyword For This Search, you’ll then be
                           through the four channels, being initially available in      able to search it directly by entering wikipedia
                           the nightly build and moving through Aurora and Beta         my-search-term in the Awesome Bar.
                           before eventually making it into a new public release.          Firefox was one of the first browsers to offer the
                           The release schedule is maintained on the Mozilla            now-common tabbed browsing model. It extends the
                           Wiki (                               concept by enabling the user to pin certain tabs,
                              In addition to the four main channels there’s             meaning that they become permanent fixtures on the
                           another version, called Firefox Extended Support             user interface where they space-efficiently display
                           Release, which is intended for large organisations           only the site’s favicon on the left-hand end of the tab

                                                                                          Our favourite add-ons
                                                                                          There are thousands of add-ons available through
                                                                                 and everyone will have
                                                                                          their own favourites. Here are some of ours.
                                                                                            Pentadactyl aims to make more efficient and
                                                                                            keyboard accessible by bringing Vim-like
                                                                                            keybindings and Ex-like commands to Firefox with
                                                                                            a neat, minimalist GUI. This is a must-have add-on
                                                                                            for Vim lovers
                                                                                            Lightbeam uses interactive visualisations to show
                                                                                            you the first and third-party sites you interact with
                                                                                            on the web.
                                                                                            AdBlock Plus enables you to filter out unwanted
                                                                                            parts of websites that you visit, such as noisy ad.
                                                                                            Abduction lets you easily select an area of a web
                                                                                            page with your mouse and save it as an image.
                                                                                            Firebug is a web development tool that you can
Firefox’s releases are                                                                      use in addition to, or instead of, the integrated
fed through four release                                                                    developer toolbox.

                                                                                                                       FIREFOX IN DEPTH

                                                           stored within a profile that you’ll find under your home
  Web developer tools                                      directory in a path similar to
  Web developers have another good reason to use               The exact path contains a random string that
  Firefox. Its integrated Toolbox for web developers,      serves two purposes: it makes the profile directory
  accessible via the Tools > Web Developer menu, has       unique and obfuscates it to reduce of the risk of
  improved over time, obviating the need for
                                                           malware locating it on platforms where that kind of
  extensions such as Firebug. You can inspect
                                                           thing is an issue. Most users will have one profile but
  elements and even make changes to HTML and CSS
  on the page that you are viewing – full details at       it is possible to have many and you may find this                              useful if you are experimenting with extensions or
                                                           settings. To find the profile directory that Firefox is
                                                           using, you can browse to URL:about:support and
                                                           click the Open Directory button, which is next to the
                                                           Profile Directory label.
                                                               Settings are stored in your profile in a plain-text file
                                                           called prefs.js. You can look at this file in any text
                                                           editor but changes are
                                                           best made using the
                                                           application. There are
                                                                                            “Firefox was one of the first
  Firefox’s Toolbox is great for web developers.
                                                           many more settings than          browsers to offer the tabbed
                                                           you can access via the
                                                           Preferences dialog – you
                                                                                            browsing model.”
bar. They don’t have a close button, thus avoiding         instead enter about:config
accidental closure, and they glow blue when the page       into the URL bar, whcih will bring up a huge range of
updates. Links on pinned tabs are opened in a new          preferences to tweak (if you accept the risk of
tab so that the pinned tab doesn’t change (although        potentially breaking things, of course!).
beware, if you browse elsewhere while viewing a                To set an option, search for it and click the value to
pinned tab, it changes the pinned tab!).                   change it. For an example, search for ‘animatefade’
                                                           and change its value from the default false to true, to
Manage your tabs                                           get some fun eye candy.
Tab addicts will like tab groups, (also known as a
panorama). This is a great feature that you’ll want to     Privacy and security
use if you often end up with more tabs than will fit on    The awesomeness of the Awesome Bar, and other
the tab bar, or if you want to organise tabs by task. To   things, require Firefox to collect data about your
create tab groups, enter Ctrl+Shift+E or click the small   browsing habits. But you have control over this. One
                                                                                                                               PRO TIP
icon at the right-hand end of the tab bar. This will       way is to use Private Browsing, which enables you to             Start with Firefox from
                                                                                                                            the command line with
display your tabs as thumbnails that you can drag          browse the internet without saving any information               firefox -P to manage
around and collect into groups. You select a tab to        about which sites and pages you visit. It doesn’t make           profiles.
display by clicking its thumbnail, which returns to the    you anonymous on the internet, however. The
main display with that tab open and the tab bar only       keystroke Ctrl+Shift+P starts private browsing in a
showing tabs from the same group.                          new window (a small mask icon to the left of the tab
  Firefox is a feature-rich application but we can         bar identifies it as being private). Firefox won’t track
extend, bend and manipulate it to customise the            browser, search, download and web-form histories,
browsing experience. This is made possible by its          cookies, or temporary internet files (any files you
extendable architecture and by tweaking its internal       specifically download or bookmarks you make will be
settings. Everything you do to customise Firefox is        kept). You close the window to stop Private Browsing.
                                                              Firefox can tell the sites that you visit that you do
                                                           not want to be tracked, however it doesn’t do this by
                                                           default so you should go to Preferences > Privacy to
                                                           select this option. There is, however, no requirement
                                                           that web sites honour this setting. An extension called
                                                           Lightbeam can reveal the sites that are tracking you
                                                           online. Privacy is a balancing act: read the Mozilla
                                                           page at to get the current
                                                           Firefox privacy policy.

                                                            John Lane is a technology consultant with a penchant for
                                                            Linux. His Firefox has a penguin theme.
The panorama: ideal for users who like lots of tabs.


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                                                                                                             FOUNDERS PAGES

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Distros, videos, applications, games, podcasts and more…
                                                                                   DVD 001
                                   A NUGGET OF PUREST GREEN
                                   Welcome to the very first DVD from       You’ll also find some exclusive      releases. So our plan is to have
                                   Linux Voice! This is a dual-layer      Linux Voice videos that we’ve made     a killer disc three or four times a
                                   8GB disc, so you get twice as much     specially for this disc, showing       year, gathering together the best
                                   data as in normal DVDs, and we’ve      some of the programs covered in        distro releases, and rolling in much
                                   packed it with the best from the       the magazine. If you find them         more as well. Oh, and if you’re
                                   Linux and Free Software world.         useful, let us know and we’ll make     reading the digital version of Linux
                                   Along with big-name distros, we’ve     even more of them!                     Voice, you can grab the DVD ISO
                                   also included the latest FreeBSD         We won’t be having a DVD             image from our website at
                                   release for those who want to          on every issue of Linux Voice,
                                   expand their skillset into other       because some months are very           Mike Saunders, Disc Editor
                                   Unix flavours.                         quiet for distro and software

Desktop polish

Linux Mint 16 “Petra”
The latest and greatest from the world’s most talked-about distro.

         here seems to be no stopping Linux          releases). System requirements are:
         Mint. It has evolved from a simple             512MB RAM
         fork of Ubuntu into a major project,           5GB hard drive space
with a bustling community and well-received             That will get you by, although we
releases. Mint takes the best of Ubuntu and          recommend a minimum of 1GB RAM for
Debian, mixes in its own software and adds           smooth running. To install Linux Mint, just
a hugely polished interface on top. It’s easy        boot your PC from the Linux Voice DVD – ie
to install, easy to use and easy to love – and       start your PC with the disc in the drive. (On
it’s suitable for both new and experienced           some older PCs, you may need to change
Linux users alike.                                   the boot order in your BIOS so that the DVD
    On this issue’s Linux Voice DVD you’ll find      drive boots first, so consult your PC
the new release of Linux Mint, codenamed             documentation or your local Google.)              Installing Mint to your hard drive only takes a
“Petra”. It’s the 32-bit version with the               Choose “Start Linux Mint” from the boot        few clicks, and you can keep Windows if you
Cinnamon 2.0 interface (which has gone               menu; if you have any problems booting,           want a dual-boot system.
through a lot of refinement since earlier            restart and choose the Compatibility Mode
                                                     option. When you reach the desktop, you
                                                     can explore the software in Live mode, or
                                                     double-click the installer icon on the desktop
                                                     to install Mint to your hard drive. If you’re a
                                                     new Linux user, chances are that your PC
                                                     already has Windows installed – in this
                                                     case, you can shrink the Windows section of
                                                     your drive and install Linux Mint alongside it.
                                                     Then, when you start your PC, you can
                                                     choose between Linux and Windows.
                                                        Mint is one of the most user-friendly
                                                     distros around, but if you need any help, visit
It’s pretty, fast, easy to use and it has loads of
apps – Mint is one of our favourite Linux distros.   for a great user guide.


Developers’ paradise

Fedora 20
Cutting-edge software with a lovely Gnome 3 desktop.

            e weren’t all big fans of Gnome 3       graphics mode” option.) System
            when it arrived: major features         requirements are:
            had been removed from the 2.x             1GB RAM
series of the desktop, and the new interface          10GB hard drive space
design was hard to understand. That was               We recommend a minimum 1.5GHz 32-bit
years ago, though, and Gnome 3 has come             or 64-bit processor. While Gnome is the               If you hated earlier versions of Gnome 3, it’s
on in leaps and bounds. Arguably the best           default desktop environment, if you’re on a           worth giving the desktop another chance.
showcase of Gnome 3 has been Fedora, and            low-spec machine you can install and switch
from the LVDVD you can install the new              to a lighter desktop such as Xfce.                    Fedora, or you can install it alongside an
release of this popular desktop distro.               Anyway, once Fedora has booted from the             existing Linux or Windows installation, giving
   Fedora 20 is bootable directly from the          DVD, you’ll be given the option to either use         you a boot menu when you start your PC.
disc, so start your PC with the disc in your        the distro in live mode or install it to your            Fedora has one of the most active
drive and choose it from the boot menu. (If         hard drive. If you choose the latter, you’ll be       communities of any Linux distro, so if you
you encounter graphics problems when                given options for how you want to partition           need any help or support, you’ll be able to
starting up, reboot and choose the “basic           your hard drive: you can devote it entirely to        find help at

Strap here strap here

Other distros
Arch, FreeBSD, SystemRescueCD

          longside the two big desktop distros         Then there’s FreeBSD 10, supplied in two
          in the shape of Fedora and Mint, we       formats for writing to a USB key or CD-R.
          have some extras worth exploring. If      The README.TXT file explains how to do
you’re looking for a power-user distro that’s       the former, and we’ve also included the
constantly up to date, try Arch. This has a         fantastic FreeBSD Handbook that explains
rolling release model, where instead of             all aspects of the OS (extract book.                  SystemRescueCD can be a godsend for fixing
getting a bunch of new software every six           html-split.tar.bz2 and open index.html in             broken machines – it’s well worth keeping
months or a year, you get the latest                your browser).                                        around on an old USB key.
packages when the Arch team releases                   Finally we have SystemRescueCD, a
them. We’ve provided an ISO image of the            useful little distro that can get your PC out of      comes with various other recovery tools. On
latest installer – try our tutorial on page 92      tough times. You can use it to fix filesystem         the LVDVD you’ll find an image that you can
to discover how best to install it.                 problems (both Linux and Windows), and it             write to a USB key or a CD-R.

  And there’s more!
  Videos, podcasts, software, oh my!
  There’s much more on the DVD as well: we’ve        years now, and every two weeks we gather
  made five videos exploring some of the             round microphones to chew over the big
  software covered in the magazine, so you can,      issues in Linux and Free Software. Expect a
  for instance, see the awesome new document         lot of opinions, a lot of rants, and a lot of off-
  collaboration feature in OwnCloud 6 without        topicness as well.
  installing it. These videos are in Ogg Theora/        And then we have new software releases,
  Vorbis (.ogv) format, and will play directly in    FOSSpicks, games, the latest GCC and kernel
  Firefox – so there’s no need to install extra      source code (if you love to keep your base
  media players or codecs.                           system bang up-to-date) and more LInux
     Then we have the latest Linux Voice             essentials. Enjoy exploring the DVD, and stay
  podcasts. If you’ve never heard them before,       tuned for another bursting-at-the-seams disc         Our pub podcasts are especially popular –
  we’ve been recording podcasts for several          in a few issues’ time!                               here we are at The White Hart in Calne.


Final thoughts, musings and reflections
                          Nick Veitch
                          was the original editor
                          of Linux Format, a
                          role he played until he
                          got bored and went
                                                                                                                       Pinboard and Star
                          to work at Canonical
                                                                                                                       Wars 3D poster.
                          instead. Splitter!

                                                                                                                         Raspberry Pi with 2.8” LCD,
                                                                                                                         PiHub with 2x32GB thumb
                                                                                                                         drives & 2TB external drive.
                                                                                                                         Used as web dev server,

                                                                                                                         running Raspbian.
       had intended to write a sort of profit/loss
       account of open source for recent history
       – some small way of seeing where the big
wins were for free software and where things
could be better. But before I put fingers to
keyboard, something happened to change that.
    I came across something called Kafka, which
is a cunning message filtering server – services                       Lenovo ThinkPad T400,
publish messages to it, and listeners can filter                       docked and connected          Lenovo ThinkPad X61s, used
                                                                       to dual monitors. Runs        for Arduino prototyping. It’s
on various tags or topics to receive a stream of                       CrunchBang Waldorf            an oldie but a goodie. Runs
relevant messages (                          (Debian Wheezy).              CrunchBang Waldorf.
It is the sort of glue service that drives social
media newsfeeds, or possibly anti-social media
too if you wanted it to.
    Kafka is cunning, but that isn’t why it stopped

                                                      My Linux setup Philip Newborough
me writing my profit and loss story. The startling
thing about Kafka isn’t that it’s good software,
but where it came from. Any guesses? Google?
Some group of ambitious hackers? No, the Kafka        The creator of Crunchbang Linux show us his den.
project was founded and is maintained by that
bastion of free software, LinkedIn.                          What version of Linux are you                    What was the first Linux setup
    Why is this useful piece of technology open              using at the moment?                             you ever used?
sourced under the Apache 2.0 licence? Because                Debian Wheezy, in the form of                    SUSE 6.3 in 1999, it was a PITA to
people at LinkedIn recognised that it’s a great              CrunchBang Waldorf – I love the                  set up, but also a lot of fun.
way to get better code. That by allowing liberal      stability that Debian affords me.
usage and community review, they end up with                                                                 What Free Software/open source
better software to do the things they do. If other          What desktop do you use?                         can’t you live without?
people also end up with better software, that’s             We’re guessing OpenBox, as                       Tough question, I rely on so much. I
all to the good, and in fact helps test, refine and   that’s what desktop Crunchbang uses                    automate/script a lot of tasks, so
make the service the best available.                  by default.                                      Bash, GNU Coreutils and OpenSSH would
    So, it sort of makes the whole profit and loss          It depends – are we talking virtual or     have to figure in the equation.
idea a bit redundant. I don’t think anyone would            physical? Virtually, I use OpenBox,
claim that LinkedIn’s dev team is comprised of        yes. Physically, I use a Lenovo ThinkPad                What do other people love but
starry-eyed idealists who sing the GNU song           X220 as my daily driver, but switch to                  you can’t get on with?
every morning before settling in to code under        my Lenovo ThinkPad T400 when I’m in                     I have no idea!
wall-sized portraits of RMS (but, you know, if you    my cave.
are reading, LinkedIn people, do tell. Send pics),
which only makes it even more obvious that
open source just simply makes sense.                  Follow us on Twitter @linuxvoice!

             Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A
Data from Chandra X-Ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/D.Patnaude et al.
        Contour mapped with Luminance-HDR 2.4.0