Discover the best Linux for
you right now with our pick
of the distro landscape
Track your location Musical Minecraft Docker
Collect and edit your Enhance Minecraft Provision many servers at
own data for open with sound effects once, the easy way, with this
mapping applications courtesy of Sonic Pi CV-enhancing tool – Docker
LINUX IN THE MOVIES Free Software on film, from Tron to The Matrix
IPYTHON Expand the power of Python with this superb interactive mode
July 2015 £5.99 Printed in the UK
ASSEMBLER Draw graphics on-screen with our homemade operating system
Inside the world’s Tinker, tailor and modify to
biggest, most important your heart’s content with the
Free Software project best KDE desktop ever
Distros, distros, distros!
The July issue
Linux Voice is different.
Linux Voice is special.
A free software advocate
At the end of each financial and writer since the late
year we’ll give 50% of our 1990s, Graham is a lapsed
profits to a selection of KDE contributor and author
organisations that support free of the Meeq MIDI step
software, decided by a vote among sequencer.
our readers (that’s you).
hankfully, Linux is now very easy to install and use (if you
No later than nine months want it to be). I’ve not counted how many clicks are
after first publication, we will
relicense all of our content under
required by the Ubuntu installer, but it’s probably less than
10. That makes it considerably easier than installing one or two
the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA commercial operating systems I could mention. But one thing that
licence, so that old content can doesn’t necessarily get easier is finding the confidence to take that
still be useful, and can live on even first step, whether it was Debian 1.1 in 1996 or Debian 8 in 2015.
after the magazine has come off There’s something empowering about installing your choice of
the shelves. operating system. But the knowledge that you’re moving into new
and unknown territory can also be a little scary.
We’re a small company, so We feel the solution to this problem is simple. It’s support; to
we don’t have a board of know that you’re not alone. And it’s this solution we’re trying to
directors or a bunch of nurture at Linux Voice, and why we try to cover as wide a range of
shareholders in the City of London subjects as possible, for all kinds of readers – from beginners (see
to keep happy. The only people p32), tinkerers (p84) and coders (p106), to advanced users (p68).
that matter to us are the readers. Linux and open source is an adventure, and the more people who
come along for the ride, the better that ride will be for all of us.
Editor Graham Morrison Editor, Linux Voice
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
What’s hot in LV#016
Technical editor Ben Everard
Editor at large Mike Saunders
Games editor Michel Loubet-Jambert
Creative director Stacey Black
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
Editorial contributors:
Mark Crutch, Andrew Conway, Marco
Vincent Mealing, Simon Phipps, “Until reading Ben’s tutorial on “Juliet Kemp’s series on old “Our interview with the new
Gregory Pittman, Les Pounder, Docker, I’d wrongly assumed it programming languages is Debian Project Leader is a great
Mayank Sharma, Valentine Sinitsyn. was yet another catchy buzword. brilliant, especially as I’ve got a reminder of just how awesome
But it seems rather ace.” p96 soft spot for Lisp.” p92 the Debian project really is.” p42 3
July LV016
Rejoice, for Debian Jessie is here and the green shoots are showing.
ON PAGE 66 Rumours, whispers and
analysis of the latest
happenings on Planet Linux.
08 Distrohopper
Brought to you by Fedora 22
and a version of Ubuntu LTS
tweaked for web apps.
10 Gaming
Including the one game that’ll
get UK Linuxers into the
wonderful game of baseball.
12 Speak your brains
Discord, praise for Ubuntu, and
a super find for organising your
Delight in the tasty smorgasbord essay’s bibliography.
that is the Linux desktop. LV on tour
Calling out to Pycon in
Florence and the Libre
Graphics Meeting in Toronto.
Group test
Neil McGovern
Share files without letting
Google read them first, with a
file sync client.
The Debian Project
Leader on running a 66 Subscribe!
Never miss an issue – and
volunteer get every back issue as a
digital download.
organisation and
Core technologies
what’s next for 68
The essential plumbing
Debian GNU/Linux. of asynchronous network
72 FOSSPicks
Free software rounded up
from the wilderness of the
internet, presented to you
with pride.
110 Masterclass
Edit sound files the graphical
way with Audacity and on the
command line with Sox.
FAQ: ARDUINO My Linux desktop
One day you might Show this to your The open source Neil McGovern, Debian Project
be stuck on an island friends and help free microcontroller Leader – plus a warning that
not everyone provides the goals
full of Velociraptors another Windows working its way into a from their crowdfunding projects
and save the day with user from proprietary hardware hacking on time…
your Linux skills… clutches. project near you.
82 Multitrack
audio with
Take sound from
more than one
source, edit it
and export it as a 50 Ardour 4
single file. It’s like Edit sound and add effects with
layers in Gimp, this enormously powerful audio
but with audio. editor – there’s a tutorial on p82!
84 88
52 Debian 8 Jessie
For stability, for freedom, and
for a huge variety of software,
Raspberry Pi: GPX processing: create, vote Debian.
Minecraft & Sonic Pi edit and share GPS data
53 Visual Studio Code
Add sound effects to events in Add detail to maps with A closed source code editor?
every 10-year-old’s favourite game. open, editable GPS data. From Microsoft? Good luck to
them in a competitive field.
92 96
54 KDE Plasma 5.3
The KDE desktop is improving
rapidly – try it today. We
promise you’ll love it.
55 Synfig Studio 1.0
A hugely powerful (and just
as complex) Free Software
animation tool.
Lisp: let’s program Docker: roll out apps
Books Paper is still a winning
like it’s 1958 consistently and quickly
way to get information into your
Learn the language of artifical Ensure a cosy environment for brain, as we find out.
intelligence research. your applications.
IPython: Python 104
Code ninja: 106
and more Boolean logic language
Interactive Simplify your Add graphics to
computing for all. coding. your basic OS. 5
The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.
Free to scam
With great freedom comes great opportunity to swindle unsuspecting computer users…
Simon Phipps money monthly. The scammers often direct at Mozilla’s strong trademark policy. But
is president of the enquiries to the OpenOffice community it’s paid dividends. Mozilla’s (excellent)
Open Source Initiative legal advocate has repeatedly shut down
public mailing lists, where confused users
and a board member
of the Open Rights show up assertively demanding refunds Firefox scams, in one case partnering with
Group and of Open believing they are addressing a private the German public prosecutor to secure
Source for America. customer service address. both a conviction and damages against a
The same pattern also holds for Mozilla’s substantial scam that had been preying on
Firefox. Mozilla’s legal representative the public for years.
Anthonia Ghalamkarizadeh of law firm
Hogan Lovells told me “Mozilla is regularly We are not alone
pen source software is made receiving reports through its online abuse Not all projects can afford to instruct
available without any restrictions to reporting system from users. Most users dedicated legal counsel to defend their good
everyone. Permission is granted in won’t be able to tell, or won’t notice, that the name and user community. The US-based
advance to do whatever you want with it. download is not for the original version but Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC) will
That’s great! But that freedom also offers a either for one with modified default settings usually help with the early stages of
resource for scammers to deceive and (such as different home page and different trademark enforcement for open source
defraud the unwary. Freely licensed inbuilt search engine features) or comes projects, but they do need to have clear
copyrights are freely licensed to the bad with bundled third-party software.” trademark use and enforcement policies.
guys as well. There are plenty of them VLC scams go even further. Using publicly But as open source grows ever stronger, we
exploiting this gift to society for harm available source code, the scammers can expect the problem to grow, so now is
instead of for good as it’s intended. build binaries that insert adware (or even the time to make sure your trademark policy
OpenOffice scams have been a sad malware) into Windows systems. They then is concrete if you are involved in a project.
fact of life for many years. Since users of buy Adwords credit from Google, placing Google also just accidentally helped
office productivity suites are conditioned advertisements for “VLC” and “Videolan” as matters get better. At the end of April,
to expect substantial payments and well as the names of various hard-to-view Google quietly changed its rules for Adwords
regular updates, the scammers create video formats, so that people searching advertisers who link to software. In the
professional-looking websites that offer a for a download of a media player or codec process, it has helped reduce the fraudulent
subscription to OpenOffice. They usually are deceived into downloading the trojan- abuse of open source software. The new
use the trademarked name and graphics in infected rebuild of VLC. They then profit from rules disallow “Promotion of free desktop
a way that would make anyone think they the malware – injecting adverts, stealing software, unless the ad includes the name
were the owner or licensee of the product. credit card details and personal information of the specific software being promoted and
The most frequent pattern then offers “free” and even participating in paid botnets – and leads to the authoritative online distribution
downloads, but require downloaders to use part of the profits to buy more adverts. source for the software. The authoritative
pay a fee for an account to the download What can we do about this? Mozilla source must not have a history or reputation
service. That fee is often modest, but hidden spends big money trying to protect us all, of policy violations.”
in the terms of use is an agreement that using trademark law as the lever. That led Maybe these changes by Google, intended
the fee is actually a recurring charge. Users to a falling-out with the Debian project, to protect it from ad-injection malware, will
who pay for the fee via credit card discover which decided to make a running fork of make a difference. But the scammers will
that they are charged the same amount of Firefox rebranded as IceWeasel in protest go where the money is to be made, and as
open source grows so will their target. Take
care out there, and help educate your friends
“The Mozilla Foundation spends big money trying to and family to always download open source
protect us all, using trademark law as the lever.” direct from the project and never from any
other site.
Releases • Endless • Cyanogen • Mint • Xubuntu • Qt • Microsoft
CATCHUP Summarised: the biggest news
stories from the last month
New releases galore! 78% of businesses use Endless: a Linux computer
1 It’s been a busy month for 2 open source software 3 for the whole world
FOSS projects. Debian 8 was That’s what a survey by This kickstarter aims to bring
released after two years of development Black Duck Software, an open source Linux to the 5 billion people who don’t
(and plenty of flamewars over Systemd). consulting firm, says. However accurate have a computer. It’s a cheap and
See page 52 for our review. Around the it is, there’s no denying that FOSS is cheerful box that plugs into a TV and
same time, Ubuntu 15.04 arrived (more playing an increasingly vital role in many uses a mobile phone-type low-power
on that in our cover feature), along with businesses. In fact, we find it hard to CPU.
its variants in the form of Kubuntu, imagine any business that doesn’t use
Xubuntu and Lubuntu. On the desktop FOSS such as OpenSSH, Apache, PHP,
front, KDE Plasma 5.3 was released, Perl, MySQL and other well-known tools.
and we have the full lowdown on that Or perhaps those 22% of businesses
on page 54. And by the time you read that claim they don’t use FOSS simply
this, Fedora 22 will be close – turn over don’t realise that it’s inside many apps
the page to find out what’s new. and products that they depend on…
Cyanogen partners up Linux Mint gets cash Xubuntu announces Core,
4 with… Microsoft 5 boost from VPN service 6 unrelated to Ubuntu Core
This news had the internet Ubuntu spin-off Linux Mint Xubuntu is already one of
exploding with rage, but it was largely has announced a new primary sponsor, the lighter mainstream distros, but the
misinterpreted. Cyanogen Inc., which PrivateInternetAccess. This company is newly announced Core version will fit
makes mobile OSes based on Android, one of the biggest VPN providers, and onto a CD and offer just the basics.
has announced that it will bundle claims to offer extremely high levels of Users can then download what they
Microsoft apps and services with its security, never logging anything that its want, without having to remove bundled
Cyanogen OS platform. But note: this is users do. However, it’s based in the USA apps. The choice of “Core” as the name
not the same as CyanogenMod, the and could be served with secret court is crazy though – even the Xfce team
Android variant that many of us run on orders to hand over any data it has, admits that it could get confused with
our smartphones and tablets. The latter without telling the public. In any case, Ubuntu Core, a very different project!
will remain “neutral on services”, while this is great news for the popular Mint “Xubuntu Mini” would be better, we
Cyanogen OS will chase the big bucks. distro, and should ensure a healthy reckon.
So breathe a sigh of relief… future for a few years to come at least. introducing-xubuntu-core
Qt slips up with installer Microsoft in actually-
7 account requirement 8 liking-Linux shocker
Qt, the framework used Flying pigs have had to
by KDE and other FOSS projects, wrap up well during the cold spell in
has always occupied a difficult spot hell recently. Not only did Microsoft
between the free and commercial hold a launch party for Debian 8 at a
software worlds. For the latest release, Linux event in the US, the notoriously
the Qt Company changed the installer non-FOSS-friendly company has also
so that it asked users to log in with a released a code editor for Linux (see
Qt account before proceeding. This our review on page 53). Maybe this
smacked of “registration” or “activation” is down to the new CEO, who has a
for many users, who complained markedly different attitude to “Linux is
bitterly. In the end, the Qt Company cancer” Steve Ballmer, or perhaps it’s
wisely backed down and removed the just acceptance that yes, Linux is here
login requirement. to stay, so let’s all get along nicely. 7
What’s hot and happening in the world of Linux distros (and BSD!).
Fedora 22
Bleeding-edge Linux.
edora 22’s final release date has
slipped by a week, but it should
almost be ready by the time you read
this; it’s due on 26 May. We’ve come to
expect plenty of cutting-edge goodies in
Fedora releases, but 22 goes a step further
with major updates all over the distro.
Wayland takes a prominent role, being the
default display subsystem for the login
screen, although is still used for
regular desktop sessions. It feels like we’ve
been waiting for Wayland for aeons, so this
is a small but significant step forward, and
will provide the Fedora and Wayland teams
with plenty of real-world feedback. Fedora 22 showcases the latest Gnome, along with Wayland and the new DNF package manager.
Then there’s a big change to Yum, the
package manager. This has been replaced On the server, there’s a new Database role kernel, Glibc and Systemd, so it’s pretty much
by DNF, the “Dandified Yum”, which offers (utilising PostgreSQL) and improvements to the most bleeding-edge distro you can get.
better performance for such things as the Cockpit web-based management tool. If you try Fedora 22 and have any issues
dependency resolution, but also maintains Fedora 22 will be available in three flavours at the login screen, it’s well worth letting the
most of the same command line options. – Workstation, Server and Beta – the first of developers know (http://bugzilla.redhat.
Then there’s the new Gnome release with its which is provided as a 1.3GB DVD ISO com). The more users that test it on a wide
improved notifications, plus enhancements download. All flavours are built from the range of hardware, the closer we’ll get to
to the bug reporting tool and other apps. same core, using the latest versions of the Wayland replacing on the desktop.
Chromixium 1.0
A web-centric OS based on Ubuntu’s LTS releases.
oogle’s Chromebook laptops have middle ground: it “combines the elegant
taken off in a big way. They do simplicity of the Chromebook with the
almost everything that a typical flexibility and stability of Ubuntu’s Long Term
non-technical user needs, and they have Support release”. By and large, it looks
some benefits from being locked down and similar to Chrome OS, with a very
limited in scope, in that users can’t double- minimalistic panel sitting on the bottom of Like the idea of Chrome OS, but want more
click random .exe files in emails and clog the the screen, providing access to various web Linux behind it? This could well float your boat.
machine up with spyware. apps (from Google, of course).
Now, as Linux geeks we have our issues But it’s still Ubuntu, so you can load it up documentation. We’re also unsure about the
with such restrictive devices, and while with LibreOffice, Skype, Steam and other name: not only is it a mouthful, but it’s close
Google has generally been a good ally of the popular apps. Right now it’s only available as enough to Google’s own wares (Chromium,
free software community, its vast data a 32-bit ISO download, and the distro’s Chrome OS, Chromebooks) that users could
collection mechanisms cause us a bit of website is rather lacking, but the team conceivably see it as an official project, and
concern. Chromixium looks like a healthy promises to do a lot more work on not something spun-off by the community.
News from the *BSD camps
What’s going on in the world of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
HyVe, FreeBSD’s native hypervisor for
running virtual machines, is a
relatively new project (having first
appeared in FreeBSD 10.0) but it’s making
rapid progress. Until a few weeks ago, it was
capable of running FreeBSD, OpenBSD and
Linux as guests, and a recent update has
added support for Windows as well. In the
past, it was possible to run Windows on
FreeBSD via VirtualBox, but the new BHyVe
support should boost performance on the
guest and means that extra software won’t
be required.
Also on the FreeBSD front, the project has
issued its first quarterly status report for
2015, detailing work that’s taking place all
over the codebase. LLVM/Clang, the default
compiler toolchain in recent FreeBSD
releases (replacing GCC), has been updated A few OpenBSD hackers will be financially rewarded for their work this summer thanks to Google.
to 3.6.0, while some developers have been
beavering away on a new bootloader. certain bits of code are stored in memory, SD card controllers on ARM devices, and a
There’s also a push for ASLR – address making it harder to perform exploits. port of DragonFly BSD’s Hammer 2
space layout randomisation – which A number of OpenBSD projects have been filesystem. Oh, and the EU published a study
improves security by randomising the accepted in the Google Summer of Code in favour of financially supporting open
location of executables and libraries in RAM. 2015. Projects include asynchronous USB source projects – including OpenBSD – so
With ASLR, crackers can’t guarantee where transfers from userland, better support for maybe more funding will come from there.
Debian 1.1 – actually the first Debian release!
Yes, it sounds odd, but there was no such thing as Debian 1.0. At
least, not officially. Back in 1995, the newly assembled Debian team
was grafting away on the distro’s first release, and then a CD vendor
called InfoMagic took a development branch, accidentally labelled it
“1.0”, and started shipping it. This major slip-up could’ve ruined the
fledgling project’s reputation, but both Debian and InfoMagic quickly
announced that the so-called 1.0 wasn’t actually a proper release,
and the first real version of Debian would now be called 1.1 to avoid
any confusion.
Released on 17 June 1996, Debian 1.1 included Linux kernel 2.0
and a whopping 474 packages. (Contrast this with the newly released
Debian 8, which has over 43,000 packages in its repositories – that’s
growth!) The distro also used the ELF binary format throughout, in
comparison to a.out that some other distros were still struggling
along with, so in that respect it was fresh and modern.
You might expect such an early Linux distro to lack a proper
installer, providing instead just a list of steps to go through, but
Debian’s setup tool was impressive at the time. It’s a colourful
menu-driven program that’s not a million miles away from what we
have today, helping you to partition your hard drive and copy files
over. If you want to give it a go, grab the floppy disk images from – you may be able
to get it up and running in Qemu or VirtualBox. Or if you have an
ancient PC sitting around doing nothing useful, try that instead!
Cosmetically, the text-mode variant of Debian’s
installer has barely changed in the last 20 years. 9
The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons
Pillars of Eternity
An epic CRPG that sucks you into its rich fantasy world.
espite all the vapourware that Kickstarter
games give us, when something like
Pillars of Eternity comes out it makes all
that seem worthwhile. Obsidian Entertainment
promised a classic CRPG experience, and that’s
exactly what they delivered.
Story-wise the game puts you in control of a
Michel Loubet-Jambert is our Games
Editor. He hasn’t had a decent night’s character of your creation, and lets you choose
sleep since Steam came out on Linux. their backstory, gender and race among other
things, but the character is always a “watcher” The character creation screen provides plenty of
t the time of writing, Steam – someone who can see past lives. The story options – massive heads are ill advised.
has almost 1,200 Linux unfolds in The Dyrwood, a land at the edge of
games in its store, and while
civilisation and troubled by strange goings on of metagame extras remind us that this is a
this is far from a comprehensive
figure of all the games on Linux, it’s a which you have to get to the bottom of. product of the 21st century rather than the 20th.
pretty good indicator. To put this into Pillars proves that the vapid eye candy of multi- The stronghold sidequest, which allows the
perspective, the Xbox One has just million dollar graphics offered by the AAA game player to take over a castle, restore it, upgrade it
under 200 games, while there are industry don’t make a good game alone, and one and oversee its management is the cherry on the
around 1,700 OS X games on Steam.
that uses isometric graphics and has the player icing of this game, not to mention the vast multi-
Linux gaming is becoming a big
deal, and if Valve decides to market reading novels of text can provide a far more floor mega-dungeon underneath it, which again
its Steam Machines as consoles, it meaningful and captivating experience. provide elements of digression which make the
will have the biggest launch lineup in This doesn’t mean that the game looks game more welcoming to newer players.
history by a long, long way. If Valve’s particularly dated, since some very pretty
own figures are to be believed, there Website
particle effects, solid voice acting in certain
are currently between 1.25 and 1.5 app/291650 Price £34.99
million active Linux gamers on quests, a professional musical score and plenty
Steam, which is a pretty sizeable
figure but again most likely falls
short, especially considering users
tend to steer clear of DRM.
All hail Linux!
Linux is becoming a force to be
reckoned with and is an increasingly
attractive market to developers now
that porting and cross-platform
development is becoming easier and
cheaper. With this in mind, it seems
likely that even if Steam Machines
are a complete flop – though we may
not continue getting some of the
bigger titles which were ported based
on its potential success – we’ll still
get a decent number of games. In
The fantasy setting is often
the worst-case scenario, we’ll have
mesmerising and full of detail.
1,200 games to play, plus the
countless other great open source
projects like 0 AD and OpenMW,
though it’s more likely that little Tux
icons will become a common sight at
“The story unfolds in The Dyrwood, a land at the edge of
games vendors. civilisation and troubled by strange goings on.”
A solid turn-based strategy game in a fantasy setting.
ge of Wonders III provides a it a bit intimidating. However, this can
welcome addition to the 4X genre be overlooked when taking into account
(that’s eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, the things the game does very well, such
eXterminate). In particular, it excels in as heroes leading troops into battle or
“selling” the world to its players by creating a vast underworld as big as the above-
a backstory and lore for the different ground world. The battles are epic affairs
characters and races; without this, a 4X with detailed character models and vast
game in an alternate world can often armies, which introduce an element of SuperTuxKart
feel like micromanaging numbers (as it skill rather than the units with the most hit Our favourite open source kart racing game
did with Beyond Earth), rather than a fun points being assured victory. has reached version 0.9, and has implemented
strategy game. a new rendering engine which makes the
Players familiar to the genre will get to Website graphics look stunning and on par with many
app/226840 Price £29.99 commercial games. This release candidate
grips with it very quickly; others may find version may pave the way for releases on
platforms like Steam, as developers have
hinted, which would be a big breakthrough for
open source gaming.
The game provides a new setting
for those bored with building
StarDrive 2
In this strategy game you lead a spacefaring
empires as Romans or Greeks. civilisation and form a galactic empire, taking
part in epic space battles against pirates and
rival civilisations with highly customisable
ships along the way. The usual 4X tech trees,
Out Of The Park Baseball 16 building mechanics and exploration are very
well executed, not to mention an excellent
tutorial which helps the player get to grips with
An addictive addition to the Linux management sim roster. things right from the start. Very nice musical
score too!
OTP 16 is the third iteration of the
game we’ve seen on Linux, but
unfortunately the franchise has
gone largely unnoticed.
So should this game be discarded for
those who know nothing about baseball?
The short answer is no. The long answer
is no, and you didn’t need to be a GP to
enjoy Theme Hospital or a theme park
aficionado to enjoy Roller Coaster Tycoon. OOTP 16’s level of detail won’t disappoint
The game is not only impressive for those who obsessively go over statistics.
containing basically every baseball league The Banner Saga
Trudging through the cold northern lands with
on earth, but also for being able to play top of that learning a lot about baseball. a Viking caravan, in a world where the sun has
historical games going all the way back to Soon enough it turns into one of those stopped and falling apart at the hands of a
1871, making it in some ways a historical games where every time you look at the terrifying foe, this game puts you in the thick
strategy game which lets the player clock a couple of hours have passed. of it right from the start. The story is well put
change the course of history as well as a Be warned if you still intend on being a together, the animation is spectacular and the
tactical combat is extremely satisfying. The
sports management sim. productive and sociable person. Banner Saga is a great RPG experience which
It really is incredibly satisfying to see also suits casual gamers.
your little team climb the league as a Website
app/333820 Price £29.99
result of your managerial skills, while on 11
Got something to say? An idea for a new magazine feature?
Or a great discovery? Email us:
Great to see the article on LyX;
just one quibble though. Nobody
seriously uses Aspell with LyX.
The default is Hunspell, which
uses the LibreOffice dictionaries.
One LaTeX feature not
mentioned (I know you
cannot mention everything in
a short article) is BibTeX, the
bibliographic database system
which is second to none for source of information, particularly is indeed the default spellchecker for
LyX and LaTeX give
anyone in academia. on more specialist features. Lyx, to the extent that it’s not compiled
you much more
There are some PDFs at John R Hudson into the Lyx binaries for Windows. Not control over your that we need spellcheckers anyway… documents than
computing.html, which may be Andrew says: Much as my heart Now BibTeX, that’s a golden discovery. a typical word
useful for people wanting to go trembles at the thought of using a References are an absolute pain to get processor.
further with LyX. The LyX wiki spellchecker originally written for the right, so anything that helps there is is also a great Hungarian language, it looks like this worth its weight in electrons.
I like to buy second hand PC computer for five years and I’ve got
games on disc, usually four or five alot of catching up to do.
years old and mystery or puzzle Mark Alexander
games. On the box it says they
can be used with XP, Vista and Graham says: PC games on disc are
Windows 7. getting rarer and rarer. Most games
My questions are: will these are delivered as digital downloads
games run if I use Linux as my through a website or application.
OS; and if not, is it possible to buy Steam is the most popular, with over
mystery/puzzle games, on disc, 1,100 Linux games now listed. GOG.
that will work with Linux. com is another but with an emphasis
I saw in your most recent edition on old games. This sounds much
that more games are now available more your kind of thing (games are
to use with Linux, including a city typically cheap too). You can run
builder game which I would love. some old XP, Vista and Win 7 games
Do you have to download these discs on Linux, but it’s a case-per-case
games from websites or can you situation and you’ll need to run them
buy them on disc? through something called Wine. This
Sorry if my questions seem is actually a really good idea for a
obvious, but I’ve only owned a tutorial, so keep an eye out! Emulators (such as Nestopia) can bring old games to life on Linux.
I seem to remember, years ago, a Guys, why no presence?
certain magazine ran with a cover You’re on Twitter and Google+
asking “Has Ubuntu Lost it?”. – why do you support those big
This was in response to the old corporations and not the
dummy-spitting that went free software equivalent. You’re
on when Ubuntu changed supposed to be about Free
from Gnome to the Unity Software and free speech, so do
desktop. If the geeks something about it!
don’t like it (and a lot Richard Hirst
of geeks didn’t like
it), then it must be Andrew says: You’re right. Mea culpa.
rubbish, right? If it helps us reach more people and
Well, no, not supports free software, we should be
really. Old-time doing it.
Unixers getting When Twitter goes the way of
upset about Facebook and starts charging you
change to send out messages to all your
are the followers, when it’s invading your
equivalent privacy, selling your details to
of comic advertisers, and constantly bugging
geeks getting upset because Traditional WIMP you to get in touch with people you
the costume of their favourite deserves. interface? No. Perfect don’t like or have never met, we’ll all
character is a different shade of David Ross, Dundee for mobile, touchscreen wish we did more to support Identica.
red than it was in the comics. It’s computing? Yes.
not about them; it’s about the kids Andrew says: To be fair to the
who’ve come to see the Hulk and excellent editorial team who asked
Thor and the boring one with the the question ‘Has Ubuntu Lost It?’,
bow and arrow. the answer to that rhetorical question
Anyway, I think we can all see was a firm ‘no’. Any change is always
with the benefit of hindsight that going to ruffle feathers (see below),
Unity was not meant to satisfy but if you ask the people what they
existing Linux users, but to bring want, all they’ll say is ‘faster horses’.
Ubuntu and Linux to a wider It’s to Canonical’s credit that it’s stuck
audience, and if you think about to its guns and produced something
it that way it’s been a massive so touchably lovely that, even without Perhaps one reason we haven’t joined
success. It’s just a shame that Android’s massive app ecosystem, Identica is that we’re put off by its dire
more people can’t acknowledge the Ubuntu phones are destined to website.
this and give it the credit it do well. 13
Just another conversion story What’s all the fuss about
here folks. My wife bought a Systemd? I’ve been listening to the
laptop by accident; she needs Linux Voice podcast for years now
a machine to do her marking (and the Tuxradar podcast that
on (she’s a teacher), but it can’t you chaps used to do), and you
be ‘mobile’. Never mind that a all seem to make a teeth-sucking
desktop tower is just as mobile noise whenever Systemd comes
as a laptop to anyone with the up, like a mechanic about to
strength to pick one up, but the overcharge me.
education authority has its rules Surely it’s not the end of the
that must be obeyed. Anyway, world if your init system changes?
she needs Microsoft Windows Surely nobody even needs to know
to access the marking software, what in init system is if they’re just
The latest version of
but as the laptop became surplus a common or garden desktop user David Ross’s point, that any change
Debian has made the
to requirements I quickly loaded like most of us are? Do Windows is going to ruffle feathers. Imagine switch to Systemd,
it with Linux Mint Mate, installed users need to know what startup you’ve spent years learning how a in the teeth of fierce
all the codecs at boot time, and scripts are running on their system works, its every intricacy, opposition from a group
let her have it. No support, no machines? Of course not. This is and then someone comes along with of developers.
guidance, no sitting down with quite apart from the abuse that an innovation that improves on that
her to show her what all the the developers have been getting, system, but makes all your years of
buttons do – she just gets it. which is another issue entirely. learning worthless. That’s the only
This is how things should be. As civilised adults, we should be way I can make sense of all the rage
It’s not going to get slowed down able to separate the technical around a bit of plumbing on my Linux
by viruses, or weighed down by discussion from personal attacks. machine. The irony is that it’s so
an increasingly bloated operating Unfortunately many people are not contrary to the spirit of Free Software,
system, so I’m expecting the new civilised adults. where everyone contributes and the
machine to last a lot longer than Robert O’Sullivan, Cork best code wins; clinging to the past
its predecessor. Never mind next is something you’d expect a near
year being the year of Linux on Andrew says: I too find it baffling. monopoly to do in order to stifle more
the desktop – in our house, it’s But I think a lot of it comes back to advanced competition…
this year.
Brian Holgate
Graham says: Mint really is
fantastic for a beginner-level Linux Can we have a beginner’s tutorial
distribution, even though in our on doing stuff with LibreOffice
feature on page 32 Mike backs please? It’s a huge piece of
Ubuntu as the best for newbies. software, and I get the feeling that
However, this is partly because I only ever use a tiny slice of what
Ubuntu has the biggest support it can do. There must be so many
community; if your wife has in-house ways of saving time and effort that
support (ie you), she’s winning I don’t know about – share the
already. Well done at keeping another secrets with us!
precious computer away from Sarah McKie
Microsoft’s clutches!
Andrew says: There must be. I
understand the importance of
LibreOffice to a lot of people, but I’ve
never really had to use it that much.
In the days when it was bloated old
It’s one of the
OpenOffice I always used to use the the two use cases. That said, the
flagship free software
AbiWord word processor, as it was development team is adding features applications –
much, much faster. Nowadays I use all the time, so we should take a look LibreOffice is proof that
InDesign when I want words to look at some of those soon. I don’t think you don’t need to pay to
If you need to breathe new life into nice, and a text editor when I want there’s too much call for a beginner’s get excellent software.
old hardware, there’s a flavour of to write something quickly – for my tutorial though – does anyone out
Linux out there for you. needs, LibreOffice falls in between there disagree?
Email to advertise here 15
Pycon Sei
Josette Garcia reports on what’s new in Python or how to enjoy a bunch of friends.
few weeks ago, I received Pycon Cinque. During that year, the
the most wonderful email Associazione Python Italia with
– an invitation to attend Tinker Garage APS also organised
Pycon Sei in Florence. Who could Django Village.
refuse such an invitation – not me For 2015, they decided to
for sure! combine the two conferences
I could spend weeks there and produced Pycon Sei with a
enjoying the views, the food and minimum of four tracks: Python,
going mad at the number of Django, PyData and Odoo.
tourists! Unfortunately Florence Lots of the talks were in English.
is loved by many people and My favourite speaker, Alex Martelli,
sometime you feel that you are not started the day with Modern Python
going where you want to but you patterns and idioms first in Italian
Over 1,000 delegates
are carried somewhere. and later on in English – I do not by Giulio Calacoci; Does Python
attended Pycon Sei – so
In Italy the Pycon meetings understand Italian nor Python but many that the venue stand a chance in today’s world of
started in 2007 in the centre of to see Alex’s passion is pure magic needed to be changed. data science by Radim Rehurek;
Florence and continued until – all of his body is moving. He is the Packaging Django projects for PyPI
Pycon Quattro – I fell in love with epitome of Italians, the way we like by Roberto Rosario, and more.
Florence during Pycon Due when them and sometime make gentle Saturday saw a recruiting
Richard Stallman gave a talk at fun of them. session – it was fascinating to see
the Palazzo Vecchio. In 2011, Other good presentations the different ways that companies
Florence hosted EuroPython – a try to entice new recruits. It went
partnership that lasted three years
(pretty good when EuroPython
“There are no techie conferences from the big PR spiel to the down-
to-earth approach: that’s the job,
had to move on to another city without networking, and the first that’s what we want from you,
after three years). Unfortunately
the hotel in the centre could not
event was PyBeer on Friday.” that’s what you get from us. The
companies hiring included InfoCert,
cope with 1,000 delegates and Zalando, Kuldat, Develer and
the conference was moved to the included Asynchronous Web 2ndQuadrant.
Grand Hotel Mediterraneo, a few Development with Python 3 by There are no techie conferences
yards from the Arno and almost Anton Caceres; PostgreSQL 9.4 for without networking, and the first
opposite the Piazzale Michelangelo. Devops by Gabriele Bartolini; Odoo event was PyBeer on Friday,
2014 saw the return of Pycon with disaster recovery con Barman which took place at the James
Joyce pub. To consolidate our
new friendships, on Saturday we
met at the Ristorante Zazà for
PyFiorentina. There you can taste
the famous bistecca alla Fiorentina
– a T-bone steak grilled over a wood
or charcoal fire, to be eaten with a
glass of wonderful Italian red wine.
Just delicious!
Despite our not
Pycon Italy is organised by the
understanding his
Italian, Alex Martelli’s Python Association of Italy, and
talk on modern Python Develer SRL (
patterns looked spends a lot of time and resources
fantastic! putting the show together.
Libre Graphics Meeting 2015
Greg Pittman reports on this year’s finest open source graphics event
GM 2015 has just taken
place in surprisingly sunny
Toronto, Canada, from 29
April to 2 May, at the University of
Toronto. It was a smaller crowd
than at some previous LGMs, yet a
dedicated one, and we saw an
impressive array of presentations.
Not only did we find, as expected,
that our major projects such as
Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus and Blender
are very much alive and still
developing after this decade of
LGMs, but we continue to see new
ideas coming to the open source
graphics community. Lively
discussions occurred following
presentations, and in various formal
and informal meetings.
Blender, Gimp, Inkscape
Early on we received some for making use of the advanced like loading a JPEG into Audacity,
and other teams get
encouragement and prodding for together once a year features of OTF fonts. editing there, and seeing what
the vector graphics artists out to synergise their happened.
there to submit work to Wikimedia awesome visions! Animation and video editing From some ideas coming out of
Commons in order to improve Blender continues to rise in its steganography we get to new ways
the quality of Wikipedia articles. stature in the world of not only open, to compress 3D images into 2D
We also learned about an Android but also commercial animation. A image formats, which leads to
app (The List) in development new open source video editor, ideas on image manipulation. And
so that users can learn about Natron, is working on closer LGM wouldn’t be LGM without
image requests from Creative connections with Blender for various some selected sessions on small
Commons, take photos with their video compositing tasks. Pitivi bits of code having powerful
phones, then automatically submit effects, like graphically
them. From the W3C we learned
about developing guidelines for
“We continued to see new ideas manipulating the code itself
(Microraptor GUI). GEGL on a server
accessibility features for the web, coming to the open source can be used to automatically
even some ideas about considering
how to make graphics accessible
graphics community.” modify images on a web page
(imgflo). LibreOffice is undergoing
to the visually impaired. Also from some major changes in its
W3C we learned that an effort seems to have gotten some rendering scheme, promised to
has begun to create guidelines to renewed energy in recent years, and bring improvements in results as
encourage the ability to read ePubs is now approaching version 1.0. We well as cross-platform economies
and other ebooks within browsers. also heard from a university of coding. The Documentation
Work on font creation, educator using open source Liberation Project continues its vital
manipulation, and usage has software, finding he not only work on unlocking proprietary and
become a major part of Libre empowers his students, but they aging file formats, and managing
Graphics Meetings in the past seem more creative, and are colour in all of our various devices
several years. Although work encouraged to interact with the continues to become easier with
continues on FontForge, others are projects. A group (Theory the availability of open source
working in other directions, such as Animation) has managed to create software and hardware.
the ability to edit entire character a virtual animation studio by LGM 2016 will take place in
sets at once by manipulating regularly interacting online from London, at the University of
various font metrics (metapolator), numerous sites on three continents, Westminster (Harrow). Anyone
and OSP continues their pioneering using Blender to create animations. interested in open source graphics
work on font creation, usage, and We learned about glitch art, is encouraged to attend.
publishing. A concerted effort has various ways to “mess up” image www.libregraphicsmeeting.
begun to start the groundwork files for interesting effects – things org/2015 17
The Linux Voice team selects the cream of the Linux crop
for 2015 – there’s something here for everybody.
e don’t need much of an excuse to start Installing and playing with all these distributions
playing with lots of different Linux has also reminded us about just how much has
distributions. It’s one of the best ways of changed. Many distributions are now offering rolling
spending a wet afternoon, especially if you’ve been releases, for instance, where you don’t have to go
using the same clutch of distributions for a while. through a monumental system upgrade just to get
Trying something different opens up all kinds of new the latest version of Firefox. And there are now more
perspectives on the software we all use and love, desktop environments than ever before, with some
and that’s why we’ve put so many together here. distributions remaining the ideal choice for users of
We’ve forgone any ranking of the distributions, one desktop or another.
instead focusing on a selection we find fascinating We often joke about the vast number of
and worthy of your consideration, from distributions distributions there are. When you look at the
that take up less huge list curated by
space than an email, you
attachment to one “We’ve focused on a selection can’t help but wonder
that’s helping
decode the secrets
we find fascinating and worthy why so many have been
created, especially when
of the universe. of your consideration.” the effort involved in their
Considering the creation is so huge. But if
vast majority are built around the same software, the there’s one thing we’ve learnt by installing and using
breadth of Linux (and a few non-Linux) distributions such a huge number for this issue, it’s that they each
you can download and try is staggering, and there’s have a job to do, and each distribution we’ve chosen
always something new to discover. Each distribution does its job brilliantly. If you ever wanted proof for
is like an evolutionary branch, even if it leads to a the success of Linux and open source, we’d argue it
dead end. is its sheer diversity.
Ubuntu 15.04
Ubuntu is a perfect place for us start our
epic dive into the world of distributions
because this is the one that’s done more
than most to make Linux accessible, easy to
use and friendly. It pioneered installation
from a live CD or DVD, and would even ship
these out for free if you simply asked. In a
recent post on,
Canonical has also stated that Ubuntu now
has more than 25 million users, making it
the distribution most people are likely to
have heard the most about.
The latest version of Ubuntu is codenamed
‘Vivid Vervet’ – a ververt being a kind of
monkey. The word ‘vivid’ could also be a
reference to the latest colour scheme,
because Ubuntu is definitely getting less
brown and more saturated purple with each With the new version of Unity, you can now place menus within an application’s title bar.
release. Prince in his Purple Rain phase
would be very pleased with the new hard to see. As you’d expect, all the main helped give Linux Mint so much momentum,
backdrop, and we like it too. applications have been updated, and the and it’s great to see the work the team has
There isn’t a huge amount of difference Unity interface has a few tweaks. It runs well done, as well as the acknowledgement that
in this release compared to either 14.10 and we’re getting used to it, especially after some people just prefer the old desktop
or 14.06; it feels more like a staging using the Ubuntu Phone for a while now metaphor, being recognised and supported
environment for the migration to the by the original distribution.
Systemd boot system. Everyday users don’t Spin-off flavours The question of whether it’s worth
need to know about this, and won’t see any Of course, alongside the main distribution the upgrade or not has more to do with
operational changes, but for the engineering there’s also the officially recognised Ubuntu support than new features. And with the
teams, there’s a huge amount of effort spins. Kubuntu is one of our favourite KDE non-LTS releases getting only nine months
involved migrating from the old system to distributions, for example, and 15.04 is the of updates, we’d suggest holding back on
the new, and 15.04 is proof that the team first release of the newly ordained Ubuntu upgrading unless you enjoy experimenting
has done a good job. We experienced Mate. Mate is the continuation of Gnome 2, with new features and getting the latest
no problems on our installation, and the prior to the huge user-interface changes that applications. But as an indication of where
4 5
distribution upgrade even worked. Other came in with both Gnome 3 and Unity, as Ubuntu is headed, this is still a great distro.
than the background, visible differences are used in modern versions of Ubuntu. It’s what
NIXOS 14.12 SOLYDXK 201501
This is a fascinating distribution built around
LINUX MINT 17.1 There are probably more Debian-derived
The most successful offshoot of Ubuntu, Mint
its own package manager that uses a distributions in this feature than any other,
at times rivals its progenitor for popularity and
declarative language to satisfy the desired influence. Despite early versions defaulting especially if you include Mint and Ubuntu.
configuration. Packages are then installed to KDE, it was Ubuntu’s gamble on dumping Solyd’s (the X or K above is for Xfce or KDE)
into their own isolated sandbox, making it Gnome 2.x for its own Unity desktop that gave killer feature is that it’s a rolling release
ideal as an alternative to containers on a Mint its biggest boost, and both the Cinnamon distro. You install once and simply upgrade
and Mate desktops offered and co-developed
server. The downloadable VirtualBox image to get the latest packages. It accomplishes
by Mint are still the best reasons for using it.
made testing much easier for us, before this brilliantly, making it an easy alternative
In our opinion, they’ve even helped smooth the
deciding on a fully fledged installation. acceptance of the rather revolutionary Gnome to something more technical, such as Arch. 3.x by providing a well-supported alternative
to the older version while the Gnome team got
SCIENTIFIC LINUX 7.1 their act together.
Mint installs easily and complements
Produced by the Fermi National Accelerator Ubuntu’s packages with its own apps and Revolutionary from the beginning, Knoppix
Laboratory, Scientific is (like CentOS) built design, and it also runs well on older hardware. was one of the first distributions to run in a
from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Support comes from an excellent community live environment directly off a USB stick or
Linux, which are only available as binaries and the distribution is well funded, which CD/DVD. It used to default to a KDE desktop,
means you can rely on a Mint installation
with a subscription from Red Hat. This but the move to LXDE was a sensible one, as
providing a straightforward productive desktop
makes it incredibly stable, scalable and environment that’s going to last. It would be it runs much better from slow media. The
adaptable. It’s used by many science labs unfair to describe it as the Windows XP of Linux, latest release is excellent, but you’ll need to
around the world and is also a good choice especially as XP is no longer supported, but it’s wait for a distribution exclusivity agreement
for austere office environments and servers. close. The Debian edition is also worth a try. to expire before being able to download it. 19
Arch Linux
We’re big fans of Arch here at Linux Voice
but it’s not for everybody. For a start, in an
era where distributions are often installed
with one or two clicks of the mouse,
installing Arch needs time and patience.
You’ll need to read the installation guide
carefully (or take a look at our own guide in
CrunchBang, the name for the # and ! symbols
you typically find at the beginning of a script,
was a hugely popular Debian-based distribution.
It didn’t need much in the way of system
resources, and its minimal Openbox desktop
attracted many users who wanted function over
form. But when its creator, Philip Newborough,
decided to call it a day, we all thought
our very first issue) and adapt the
CrunchBang’s days were over.
installation for your own hardware. It’s not Amazingly, CrunchBang’s ethos has been
difficult but it requires a different kind of Arch is one of the only distributions that has preserved, with new developers and a new
mental approach, and the same could be the latest and greatest KDE 5 packages. version of Debian from which to draw packages.
said for running and maintaining the system After negotiating the standard Debian installer,
version 1.0 looks fabulously minimal, from the
after you get it installed. If you like building and modifying, the
login screen to the desktop; everything looks
There are several huge advantages to source and build trees that can be created like a shinier version of the command line. Many
explain why you might want to do this. are also very powerful, enabling you to things can be launched with a simple keyboard
The first is that you’ll learn a lot about automagically handle dependencies and shortcut with everything else though a right-
how Linux works. Just connecting to the patch only specific files. click of your mouse. And because this release
is built on the latest Debian, CrunchBang is now
internet, for example, will teach you about Finally, the quality of the documentation
bang up to date with all the latest packages,
your hardware, the kernel drivers and is unparalleled, whether it’s explaining how making it perfect for power users who want a
the commands needed to configure and to get networking working or the differences quick installation and a desktop with minimal
connect them. It’s the same for installing a between the various audio layers. This is distraction or interference.
graphical environment or building your own a huge part of the project but it requires
packages. And you’ll be left with a system some skill to find the pieces relevant to your
fine-tuned to your exact requirements, which installation and requirements, as well as
means the typical Arch installation will navigating the occasional contradictions or CHAKRA 2015.03 “EULER”
occupy less space and boot faster. out of date material. This is a great KDE distribution that’s low on
Another huge advantage is that Arch is Every upgrade needs preparation, system resources and provides one of the
a rolling release distribution. Packages are which means Arch needs some serious easier ways of staying on top of KDE 5
constantly updated and can be constantly commitment. But get past the relative development through a specific repository.
upgraded. Even hourly, if you so choose. You complexity and labour of running an Arch Another great feature is that while the
often need to proceed with caution, but it installation and we feel you have one of the foundation packages are updated only every
makes Arch the best distribution for cutting- best distributions available, whether that’s six months, other packages for many
edge releases and upgrades. The package on a Raspberry Pi or the latest PC hardware. applications are updated quickly, making
manager is also very powerful, enabling you If all this sounds too complex, there are this a great half-rolling release distro.
to roll back and forward through your locally some easier-to-maintain alternatives, such
cached downloads, and the user repository as Manjaro or KaOS. These can offer many
of unofficial packages has the largest of the advantages without the install and PORTEUS 3.1
breadth of choice we’ve seen, with even the update hassle. But for purists like us, nothing Because Porteus is a minimal, fast booting
11 12
most esoteric of projects getting a relatively quite beats the real thing. live distro, we love the way you select what
painless installation package. you want before you even download, from
EFI to desktop. You then get a personalised
STEAMOS PCLINUXOS 12-18-2014 image. Our no-frills LXQt build was just
Valve’s reputation is mythical. It’s a games As old Mandrake users, will still remember 150MB and booted to a fully functional
company that has not only created some of Texstar’s brilliant set of KDE packages that desktop within just 12 seconds, making it
the best games ever made, but also the transformed the appearance and our go-to distribution when we need
games platform at the heart of PC gaming. capabilities of that old distribution. And it something quick and clickable.
When Valve announced it was moving to was these packages that led to the creation
Linux, bringing its games, APIs and gaming of PCLinuxOS over 10 years ago. The
partners with it, there was a huge wave of package manager may have changed, and ANDROID X86 4.4-R2
expectation. SteamOS is its Linux distro, its old muse has fallen on hard times, but Why include a Linux ‘distribution’ developed
created to deliver seamless integration PCLinuxOS is still a distribution with the by Google to run on smartphones? It runs
between your PC, your games and the same emphasis on a great-looking desktop. surprisingly well and is useful even without a
community. It’s perfect on a powerful box There’s now a choice between KDE, Mate touchscreen (although this does help).
tucked beneath your TV, and is now relatively and LXDE, all of which feature similar styling Android’s full-screen apps and streamlined
easy to install. It streams games from other and all the packages you’ll ever need. KDE 5 task switching makes it a great option for
machines, and can be augmented with has yet to make an appearance, which we’re distraction free working, and if you get
standard Debian repositories. We can’t wait surprised at considering the distro’s heritage, Google Play working, there are many
for commercial boxes to appear. but it will be a great upgrade when it does. different apps you can install and play with.
14 16 17
This is a distribution with only one job – to
FEDORA 22 WORKSTATION Despite being based on Ubuntu 14.04,
Fedora should need no introduction. It’s
run the Kodi media centre, and it does this Puppy is so tiny it should even fit on a
a candidate for being one of the most fun
job perfectly. It’s ideal if you want to turn distributions to try, mainly thanks to the 256MB USB drive. 256MB is not a typo
your low-end box or Raspberry Pi into a cutting-edge nature of many of its packages. – with that you get a fully functional
movie, music and photos powerhouse, and It also does a brilliant job of remaining true to desktop, a startup wizard and barking
its minimal install and automatic updates the projects it packages, meaning the Gnome samples. There are many apps including
experience is very close to what the Gnome
means you can stick it onto your computer AbiWord and the Pale Moon browser, based
team see themselves, with the exception of the
and forget about it. If you need some help, on Firefox. If you ever need a desktop on a
traditional change in background. By the time
see our comprehensive guide in issue 12. you read this, Fedora 22 should be released, USB stick, this should always be in your bag. but at the time of writing, we could only play
with early-May beta version. This included
SYSTEMRESCUE CD the latest Gnome 3.16 and the new kernel, DAMN SMALL LINUX 4.11RC2
as well as Fedora’s updated fork of the Yum
Sooner or later, something is going to go package manager, DNF. DNF should feel almost If you think Puppy’s 256MB footprint is
wrong with your Linux installation, and you’ll identical to Yum, but there’s a lot going on in the small, wait until you try this – a full Linux
need a distro with lots of tools to get you out background, including a much more efficient environment from 50MB. Sadly, DSL hasn’t
of trouble. Ubuntu is a good option, but approach to dependency resolution. been updated since 2012, but it still
DNF has been available for some time, but
SystemRescueCD is our favourite. We’ve deserves a place here simply because of its
this is going to be the first release where it’s the
used this after deleting files by mistake, and default tool for package management, and we size and functionality; MP3 playback, web
even repartitioning the wrong drive. It’s quick experienced no issues with the beta. If you’ve browsing, SSH, email and text editing. It’s
to download, fits on almost any USB key. yet to try Fedora, version 22 is shaping up to be not pretty, but what do you expect for a
(435MB) and is crammed full of hope. a great update. distro smaller than the PDF version of this magazine?
Elementary OS Freya
Elementary is an Ubuntu LTS (14.04) based
distribution that’s trying to do things a little
differently. This is obvious when you take a
look at its home page, as it proudly lays
down the gauntlet by stating it’s “A fast and
open replacement for Windows and OS X.”
There’s only a single mention of Linux on
this page, and that’s in the small paragraph
headed “Safe & Secure.”
The team has also courted controversy
recently. To get to the SourceForge hosted
download link, you need to navigate through
a payment box that defaults to $25. If you
want the download link without paying
anything, you need to escape this box,
choose ‘Custom’ and enter $0 manually.
This is a process the developers originally
described as ‘cheating’ in a part of a blog Freya looks beautiful, runs well on older hardware and offers access to Ubuntu’s repositories.
post now deleted.
One of the reasons for this is that same applications loaded faster and were appearance for email, and the terminal
Elementary OS is attempting to be a slightly more responsive. emulator is one of our favourites. Everything
commercial success, using paid developers about Freya is easy.
to create a custom desktop environment Custom applications Thanks to its Ubuntu heritage, installation
and user interface, complete with its own Applications themselves are launched from is a breeze. You can connect to your
modified window manager and desktop a simple panel that hides itself at the bottom wireless network and download updates,
interface. This desktop is definitely one of of the screen. The top panel is equally and Freya detected our Mint installation with
the best reasons to install Elementary OS unobtrusive, defaulting to transparency and a warning about not overwriting it. Package
because it looks beautiful. And unlike the showing just the time, status icons and repositories are also Ubuntu’s, giving plenty
good looks that come with something like the applications launch menu. It all looks of choice for software and PPAs. Freya is
KDE, appearances in Elementary are mostly fantastic and is very easy to use. a seriously strong contender for non-Linux
good design choices rather than eye candy. OS X migrants in particular are going users and Linux users with an appreciation
We installed the latest release on a low to feel at home with the grey window for aesthetics – if you’re prepared to forgive
powered (Atom-based) Samsung NC-10 decoration, settings panels and task the developers for their occasional lack of
netbook and performance was better than switcher. The choice of applications is also tact in getting people to pay for their work.
running Mint on the same machine. The good, with Geary making a well deserved 21
CentOS, or the Community Enterprise
Operating System, is a distribution built on
the code to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
(RHEL). That means it’s just as secure and
reliable as RHEL, and also gets updates for
10 years, but unlike RHEL, CentOS is
available for free. This combination of
features means it’s ideal for servers for any
organisations that don’t need the level of
support that Red Hat offers. In fact, we trust
CentOS so much, it’s the distro we use for
our Linux Voice servers. We’re not alone in
this. According to, CentOS is
the third most popular Linux distro for web
servers (after Debian and Ubuntu) and 20%
of all Linux webservers run CentOS.
The only real differences between CentOS
and RHEL is in the branding (the Centos CentOS 7 comes with a Gnome 3 desktop that’s been customised to the Gnome 2 style.
team have to remove all trademarks before
they recompile the source of RHEL and Originally, the CentOS project ran entirely processors as well (both 32-bit and 64-bit),
release the binaries). The two distros behave separately from Red Hat. However, in but at the time of writing, there were no
the same in almost all technical areas, so January 2014, CentOS announced that it official version for this architecture.
CentOS is also an excellent choice for any was joining Red Hat (although it will still While CentOS is often seen as a server OS,
aspiring sysadmin. This compatibility also remain separate from RHEL). This should it can also be used as a desktop. The long,
means that almost all Linux server software mean that updates continue to come in a slow release cycle means that you won’t
is supported on, and packaged for, CentOS. timely manner, and it guarantees that the have the latest software (including drivers
Whether you’re running the latest-and- project will continue and not wind up leaving for newer hardware), but once it’s installed,
greatest open source code, or some closed- CentOS installs unsupported. you don’t need to worry about upgrading
source proprietary server, you can guarantee the distro for a long time. Leaving a desktop
that if it runs on Linux servers, there’ll be Enterprise features – for free! operating system installed for over five years
a version for RHEL and Centos. The Extra The most recent version (7) only supports might seem anathema for most geeks, but
Packages For Enterprise Linux (EPEL) 64-bit x86 processors, but anyone still for ordinary desktop users, this isn’t unusual.
repositories that are provided by the Fedora running 32-bit servers can continue to run We wouldn’t recommend CentOS for
project to provide additional software for CentOS 6, as support will continue until everyone, but it certainly has a place.
RHEL are compatible with CentOS. 2020. There are plans to support ARM
Tiny Core’s special feature isn’t just that it’s
BODHI Between 1992 and 1995 Yggdrasil was one
Bodhi Linux is a distro for the Enlightenment
really small, it’s that it’s small enough to run of the most popular Linux distros, but there
desktop. Or at least it was until 28 April 2015,
entirely from memory. This means that the when the developers decided to switch to hasn’t been a release in 20 years. Back then,
entire OS is loaded into RAM at boot time, the Moksha desktop. This isn’t really much Linux was a bit rougher around the edges,
and the result is a blazingly fast system. of a change, as Moksha is a fork of the E17 and supported less hardware, but the brave
Even on a slow computer, Tiny Core can Enlightenment desktop. Moksha is born out of soles who ran Yggdrasil despite its many
a frustration with a deterioration in the stability
start in just a few seconds, and applications limitations, fixing bugs as they came up
in more recent version of the Enlightenment
open almost instantly. By keeping things against them, are the pioneers of the Linux
desktop, so it aims to go back to simpler, more
really simple, Tiny Core speeds up old PCs. stable times and provide users with what they systems we have today. really want: a desktop that looks incredibly No website
pretty and that just works.
The great feature of Enlightenment (and we
hope Moksha) is that it provides a good-looking
Clonezilla only does two things: it makes interface without overly taxing the CPU. The Linux is about choice, right? Not according
clone images of hard drives; and it re-images amount of eye candy Bodhi manages to pack in to this distro. The Kaos developers have
hard drives. It may seem strange to build an while barely taxing the CPU is truly impressive, selected what they view as the best
entire distro just to do this, but that’s especially on older computers that struggle applications available for each task and only
to run KDE with any form of effects enabled.
because to work with hard drives at this packaged them. For example, KDE is the
It goes to show that clever coding, not more
level, they have to be unmounted. By running graphical processing power, is the best way to only desktop. This means that the
as a live distro, Clonezilla allows its tools full get a great desktop experience. While other repositories contain much less software
access to the hardware. It’s a great example distros have Enlightenment in their libraries, than most distros, but it’s all the best of its
of how the flexibility of Linux pays off. Bodhi is built specially for it. type, leading to a very focused distro.
26 27
Most Linux distros are designed to run on a
Android is the most popular Linux distribution, variety of computers, but not Raspbian: this
but like all popular Linux distributions, it
distro is carefully crafted for just one device,
has derivatives. The best known of these is
CyanogenMod. This is built from the source the Raspberry Pi. Actually, that’s five devices
code from the Android Open Source Project (the Raspberry Pi models A, B, A+, B+ and
(AOSP), which contains the code to the core version 2 model B), but they all share a lot of
of Android. Not everything in the commercial common hardware. Some other
version of Android is in the AOSP; many of the
manufacturers have managed to persuade
default apps such as the mail reader and the
camera are proprietary, so new versions of Raspbian to run on their hardware, but the
these have been written for CyanogenMod, and distro is so closely tied to the Raspberry Pi
in most cases they’re more powerful than the that this is never going to be a good idea. The LXDE desktop in Raspbian is simple, easy
default Android ones. By focussing on just a single hardware to use and runs well on low-powered hardware.
There are community builds of CyanogeMod
platform, the distro can take full advantage
for a huge variety of devices (see http://wiki. for details). There of it. Since the Pi has, by modern standards, languages). This is particularly appealing to
is often support for more recent version of quite a low-power processor, Raspbian is children starting programming.
Android than the device manufacturers provide, adept at squeezing as much power out
so it can be a great way of getting the latest- of it as possible, and runs more efficiently Another child of Debian
and-greatest features on older phones. It’s also
than most distros. It contains drivers for Raspbian also comes with a special build
a good way of getting a version of Android that
doesn’t have all of Google’s services syphoning the VideoCore graphics processor; much of Wolfram’s Mathematica (a mathematical
off data for their advertising engine (although of the software contains platform-specific programming system). This is widely used
you can install Google services if you wish). optimisations; and the repositories contain in schools because of its ease of use, and utilities for controlling the GPIO pins. the amount of data included as well as
Raspbian’s web browser is a perfect mathematical functions.
example of how targeting just a single The Raspberry Pi Foundation continue
ROSA hardware platform benefits the distro. to push more optimisations into Raspbian,
Rosa is developed by the Russian company Raspbian comes with a fork of the Epiphany so more recent versions run faster than
Rosa Labs as a cutting-edge KDE browser (aka Gnome Web) that’s been older ones even when running on the same
distribution. Its best feature is that it has a modified run far better on the Raspberry hardware. Raspbian isn’t built from scratch.
really good-looking desktop right out of the Pi’s unique hardware. This means it is As the name suggests, it’s based on Debian,
box, including a large number of optimised for ARM v6 and v7 processors, so as well as all the additional Raspberry Pi
customisations to the default KDE look. It’s a while also offloading graphical processing to software, there’s also the full set of Debian
great option if you like the idea of KDE, but the VideoCore. The result is a far nicer web software. You should find whatever you
struggle to find a setup that you like. experience than you should really expect need in the repositories.
29 given the rather limited hardware. There are other distros available for the
The Raspberry Pi is designed for Raspberry Pi, but for most users, most of
education, and Raspbian comes with the time, Raspbian is the best option. In fact,
CORE OS some software that’s custom-made for it’s so good, it’s arguably the best reason to
The future of the data centre is in containers this. There’s a special Raspberry Pi build choose the Raspberry Pi over other small
31 32
– at least, it is if you believe the hype. Core of Minecraft that enables users to interact ARM-based computers.
OS is a distro built from the ground up for with the world through Python (and other
this new world of Docker (or Docker-like)
applications running in isolation from each TAILS TRISQUEL
other (see the tutorial on Docker on page We’re being spied on. Our internet providers Most distros include some non-free
96). CoreOS is designed to run in large are keeping detailed records of what software, often for device drivers or media
groups of containers all intercommunicating websites we visit. Our governments are players. Trisquel is different. It includes only
to make the cloud run smoothly. monitoring who we’re contacting. 100% free software, and doesn’t have any Advertising companies know more about us non-free repositories. This does mean it
than our closest friends. It’s time to fight works with less hardware than other distros,
OPEN MEDIA VAULT back. Tails is a distro built around Tor to but you’re fully in control of your computer.
A Network Attached Storage unit (NAS) is a make it easy to browse the web without
device that you plug into your house’s being tracked. We like to keep a copy of the
network, sharing some hard disk space with latest Tails ISO in a virtual machine when we ZORIN OS
all the other computers that are connected. want a private web browsing session. Zorin is a distro built to ease the journey into
This makes it easy to back up and share Tails includes software for encryption Linux from Windows. It focuses on providing
files between all the computers in the and private instant messaging, so it’s got a familiar interface so that new users aren’t
building. Open Media Vault (OMV) is a distro a full suite of privacy tools to keep any put off, and using the Zorin Look Changer
that converts a regular PC into a NAS with communications secure. Download Tails application, you can customise the distro to
an easy-to-use web interface. and protect yourself from prying eyes. match different versions of Windows. 23
Computer security is possibly one of the
most important issues facing the digital
world. Governments are attacking each
other; companies are attacking each other;
and bands of digital bandits are attacking
regular web users. If you work in computing
in any way, it’s important that you
There are many reasons to create an operating
system: a desire for freedom, a belief that you
can do it better than the existing options, and
as a hobby. MikeOS was created to demonstrate
the usage of x86 assembly language. The
standout feature of MikeOS isn’t any technical
aspect, or a flashy user interface, but the
fact that the source code is clear and well
understand the issues in computer security,
and to do that, you need a distro built for IT Linux Voice’s Mike Saunders created Mike
security professionals. That distro is Kali OS. You may have read his series on assembly
Linux. Kali’s main function is to help Kali Linux provides everything a penetration programming (continued in this issue), where he
penetration testers – the people who try to tester may need in a live-booting distro. goes through the techniques he used to develop
Mike OS. If you have, and you want to learn
break into an organisation’s computer
more about how to program on bare metal, then
systems in order check the defences. view because they’re small enough to be MikeOS is the best place to start.
Kali includes the Metasploit Framework hidden inside an office and will run for a As operating systems go, MikeOS is quite
(which we looked at last issue) for attacking considerable amount of time on battery limited: there’s a text editor, and a few other
servers, the Social Engineer’s Toolkit (SET) power alone. Using Kali in this way enables utilities, but not much in the way of general
productivity software. Mike tells us that
for attacking personnel, tools for making penetration testers to make devices that
networking is possible, but it’s not easy. In other
malicious hardware, and dozens of other will capture information about wireless words, don’t install it and expect it to replace
pieces of security software, all set up traffic, or attempt to break in from inside a general purpose OS (even Mike uses a Linux
and ready to go. Most useful tools come a building with no one physically present. distro for most of his work).
installed by default, so you just need to There have even been some projects that
browse the menus to find the best tool for have performed penetration tests by putting
the job and you’re ready to start attacking. these small computers inside remote
In fact, browsing the menus of Kali is a great control planes, and launching them from MINIX
way of seeing all the open source security a distance. Originally, Minix was a purely academic
tools that are available. Kali also runs on mobile devices such distro created by Andrew Tanenbaum to
as tablets and Chromebooks. These give help teach students about OS kernel design.
Industry standard attackers the power of a full pen testing However, in recent versions (starting with
Since it’s so widely used, most books and environment while maintaining the Minix 3 in 2005) the aim has shifted to
other resources on penetration testing appearance of performing some mundane creating a real-world OS. The main
use Kali (or BackTrack as it used to be task. After all, who would suspect that advantage of Minix over other Unix Kernels
known) in their examples, so it’s the easiest someone tapping away at a tablet has is that it’s designed using the microkernel,
penetration testing distro to get started with. access to a range of sophisticated pen model which should, theoretically, lead to a
There are builds of Kali for quite a lot of testing tools? far more stable and self-healing OS.
different platforms, including small ARM- Kali Linux is a distro that every security- The code is now available under the
based computers such as the Raspberry minded Linux user should try out – if only so BSD licence, and version 3.3 (released in
Pi, the Odroid U2 and the Beaglebone they can see the range of tools available to september 2014) came with support for the
37 38 39
Black. These small devices are particularly attackers ARM architecture as well as x86.
interesting from an attacker’s point of
OpenIndiana is a distribution of Illumos, When GNU first launched its project to If you like the idea of Gentoo, but don’t want
which is itself a fork of Open Solaris. This re-implement UNIX in the 80s, it needed a to install everything from scratch, Sabayon
means it’s a Unix OS that’s from a separate kernel. At this point the Linux kernel didn’t is for you. It sticks close to the bleeding edge
lineage to Linux and the BSDs. Perhaps the yet exist and the BSD kernels were legally of software development, but also tries to be
two best reasons for using OpenIndiana uncertain, so GNU set out on a new project: stable. The team pride themselves on how
(aside from academic interest) are that it’s Hurd. It’s taken a long time to become good the distro looks out-of-the-box, so just
Solaris that gave us the ZFS filesystem and useable, but version 0.6 (released in April install and go.
Solaris Jails (a sandboxing environment). 2015) brought in more stability.
Other free Unixes are catching up in this Hurd isn’t the kernel itself, but a set of
area now, but Solaris and derivatives were servers and protocols that sit on top of the DEEPIN
for a long time significantly more advanced Mach microkernel. This microkernel model Deepin isn’t well known in the English-
than their cousins. All these technical is often cited as the cause for delays in the speaking world, but it’s popular in China. As
differences aren’t immediately apparent as kernel’s release, since it has led to more well as a customised desktop, it features the
OpenIndiana boots up to a Gnome 2 complexity than the monolithic architecture Deepin Software Centre, which enables users
environment that will be familiar to many of Linux. However, you can now try the Hurd to rate and comment software. Most of the
Linux users, so it’s easy to get started. in a port of Debian. comments are written in Chinese.
Debian GNU/Linux
Virtually everyone has heard of Debian, and
most Linux users have tried it at least once,
but what makes it so successful? It’s not
backed by a big company, it’s rarely the
starting point for new Linux users, and it
lacks the snazz and pizazz that many other
distributions have.
Well, we’d say this: Debian is the closest
thing we have to a “standard” among
distributions. It’s one of the longest-
running distros out there, it’s incredibly well
respected, and along with CentOS it’s the
go-to distro when you want to put Linux on a
box and then forget about it for the next five
years – updates included.
Debian is conservative and slow moving,
but you know that it has been extremely
Some Debian developers have welcomed the switch to Systemd. Others fear a total-control 1984-
well tested and won’t break with the next like scenario, engineered by Red Hat. (Image credit:
round of updates. A Debian release will
stay the same across its lifespan; patches kFreeBSD (the Debian and GNU userland Now imagine such a scenario happens
are provided to plug security holes and combined with the FreeBSD kernel). Many again, with a much bigger company trying
fix critical (ie data-loss) bugs, but you pundits have criticised Debian for putting to assert ownership of Linux, or even have
won’t have to deal with software versions time and effort into these niche projects, but Linux declared as a copyright-infringing
changing under your feet. we think they’re important. work. This is very unlikely, but crazier things
Debian also prides itself on being a have been known to happen…
“universal” operating system. In other words, Freedom is strength If the Linux kernel somehow gets tangled
it’s designed for everyone, and not just Sure, very few people are going to use up in these legal wranglings, and they
a niche of users. This manifests itself in Debian GNU/Hurd or the FreeBSD variant. take years to sort out, thanks to the other
multiple ways: Debian puts great effort into But consider the IBM vs SCO lawsuit back in Debian offerings we’ll still be able to enjoy
supporting users with disabilities, so that the 2000s, when the latter company insisted the benefits of a free operating system. The
people with vision problems, for instance, that proprietary Unix code had somehow FreeBSD kernel is very well regarded, and
can still install it. Similarly, Debian has goals found its way into the Linux source tree. SCO combined with the GNU userland you have
beyond merely providing a Linux distro, and effectively tried to own Linux and get users an extremely impressive OS. Bring on more
43 44
tries to be a framework for other operating to pay licence fees. Those were bad times, projects like that, we say!
system projects, such as Debian GNU/ but IBM came out on top.
Many Arch fans claim that the distro is easy
GENTOO This isn’t Linux-based, but it’s a project with
Back in the early 2000s, Gentoo was the
to install, thanks to its extensive and superb bags of potential nonetheless. Haiku is an
absolute darling of power users – and for good
documentation, and there’s some truth in reason. It was immensely configurable, as open source reimplementation of BeOS, a
that. But you still need a good grounding in you were encouraged to build everything from desktop OS that gained mild popularity in
Linux and related technologies, and if you scratch. You could change CFLAGS to compile the late 90s. BeOS was strikingly fast and
just want to set up a box with a rolling packages with specific optimisations for your multimedia-friendly back in the day, and
CPU, and you could enable or disable custom
release distro in 10 minutes, the process is while Haiku is still undergoing heavy
features for your setup. On top of this, it was
somewhat long-winded. one of the earliest rolling-release distros: you development, it could prove to be a great
Manjaro is one of many Arch forks that got new software as it came down the pipeline lightweight OS one day.
aim to preserve the best aspects of the from upstream developers, instead of waiting
distro, but make them more accessible for another big distro upgrade in six months.
So what happened? Why isn’t Gentoo
to new and intermediate Linux users. So
dominating today? Well, a big chunk of its
Manjaro has a graphical installer, hardware userbase moved over to Arch Linux. While Debian’s switch to Systemd wasn’t received
detection tools, and other features that playing around with CFLAGS was fun, many of well by the whole distro community. A few
simplify and accelerate the process of the optimisations made very little difference, disgruntled developers left the Debian
getting the distro installed. and the most passionate Gentooers were project to start Devuan, a distro for “init
mocked as “ricers” – in other words, the Linux
Although Manjaro hasn’t hit version 1.0 freedom lovers”. Whether this will turn out to
equivalent of car modders who add go-faster
yet, it’s already a very polished and usable stripes. Still, Gentoo lives on and is one of the be a serious project – or just a knee-jerk
linux distribution, and well worth a try if few distros that hasn’t adopted Systemd by reaction that leads to nothing – remains to
you’re tempted by Arch Linux but want default, so we’re sure it’ll be around for a while. be seen, but there has certainly been plenty
something easier. of chatter on the mailing lists. 25
46 48 49
Before the KDE and Gnome dektop
LXLE Ask database giant Oracle what the best OS
Talk about standing on the shoulders of giants.
environments took off in the late 90s, is for running its products, and you’ll be told:
LXLE is based on Lubuntu, which is based on
Enlightenment was the top-tier window Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. It might Solaris, of course! But Oracle has had to
manager in Linux, with impressive effects seem crazy to have so many spin-offs in the accept that its proprietary Unix isn’t the
such as window translucency and gorgeous distro world, and we’d agree that some distros be-all and end-all on servers, and many
themes. Enlightenment is still going today, offer little more than wallpaper changes, but people want to run Oracle’s DB on Linux. So
LXLE is well worth looking at. The developers
and Elive uses it on top of a Debian base to the company forked Red Hat Enterprise
have put great effort into a consistent theme
create a distro that’s good looking, featureful Linux (see opposite page) and added kernel
and layout for the LXDE desktop, while the
and relatively low on system requirements. default app selection has been carefully chosen. tweaks to handle huge workloads. Most importantly, LXLE is great for reviving
older machines that have limited RAM: it will run
pretty well in just 512MB. So if you have an old
netbook lying around doing nothing especially
Chromebooks are increasingly popular useful, pop LXLE on it and bring it back to life. It’s not Linux, but it’s a free and open source
among non-technical users, offering a Or if you know someone still running XP on an Unixy operating system – very much like
stripped-down operating system that older box, you could install LXLE for them and Linux. In FreeBSD, the whole operating
provides most of its functionality via web bring them up to date. There are plenty of other system is developed inside a single source
lightweight distros out there, but LXLE is one
apps. Peppermint does a similar job as a code tree, in contrast to Linux where the
of the most polished we’ve come across, and
“web centric operating system”, except you as it’s based on the LTS releases of Lubuntu kernel, C library and base utilities are from
don’t have to submit to Google’s giant data (for long term support), you know it will receive separate projects. FreeBSD sees plenty of
collection machine. It’s based on Ubuntu’s security patches for many years to come. use on servers, and it’s fairly good on the
Long Term Support releases. desktop with the right hardware.
Mah-jee-a? Ma-gay-a? Mah-gaia? There’s no
official way to pronounce this distro’s name,
which we regard as something of a
marketing fail, but we’ll let that minor
grumble pass. Mageia is one of the most
prominent forks in Linux distro history, and
unlike many projects, it didn’t just happen
because of a squabble between developers.
No, Mageia came about from necessity.
In the 2000s, one of the most popular
distributions among new users was
Mandriva, formerly known as Mandrake
Linux. This was a long-running distro
originally based on Red Hat Linux, and
was noted for its slick desktop, excellent
hardware detection and newbie-friendly
Windows Control Panel-esque setup
tool. Also, it was one of the few distros to Mageia’s Control Center is a one-stop shop for all things system configuration.
offer snazzy boxed sets with CDs, printed
manuals and customer support. specific theming, and the development forks happen in the free software world, and
We were big fans of Mandriva back in team has done a good job pumping out often for good reason, but is it ever possible
the day, but unfortunately the company regular releases over the last few years. In for two projects to merge?
wrestled with financial problems for many a fascinating turn of events, the Mandriva We asked the Mageia team about this at
years and ended up laying off most of company, which still exists (albeit in a much the FOSDEM conference in February, and
its distro developers. A bunch of them smaller form than in the past), is now using yes, there had been talks in the past about
wanted to carry on with their work, however, chunks of Mageia in its own Business Server merging the projects, but today their goals
and Mageia was formed. Initially, many product. Who knows – maybe the projects are increasingly diverging. Mageia is largely
observers suspected that the Mageia project could join together again one day... focused on being the spiritual successor to
would go nowhere, but time has proven Mandriva, targeting new and intermediate
them wrong and it’s a very fine distro today. Mandriva lives on! desktop users, while OpenMandriva is doing
Like its predecessor, Mageia excels with There’s another spin-off of Mandriva called, much more experimental work by switching
its Mageia Control Center configuration tool innovatively enough, OpenMandriva. Initially to the LLVM/Clang compiler and targeting
and novice-friendly installer. Users can the goals of that distro and Mageia were so ARM devices. Don’t expect a merge any time
choose between KDE, Gnome and Xfce well aligned that it seemed crazy to have soon, but both projects are doing great work.
desktops, all of which are given Mageia- two distros doing exactly the same job. Sure,
“Your Linux, always fresh, never frozen.”
That’s the motto for Antergos, and reflects
that it’s a rolling-release distro based on Arch
Linux. But unlike Arch, it tries hard to attract
new and intermedite Linux users, with an
attrative website and polished desktop
environment configurations. Antergos has
If you were using Linux in the late 90s and
early 2000s, you may recall the chunky
boxed sets you could buy from various
distro vendors, containing CDs/DVDs, books,
stickers and other goodies. OpenSUSE
(known back then as just SUSE) was the
best distro in this respect: you’d get a shiny
its own installer, Cnchi, and could be a big card wallet jammed with discs containing
player over the next few years. thousands of packages, along with three thick manuals teaching you everything you
needed to know about the OS. Getting one OpenSUSE is still available in boxed set form –
NETRUNNER of these boxed sets through the door was at least, for the German market.
There are a million and one KDE-based bliss, especially if you had only a dialup
distros out there, but Netrunner modem connection. tools work together, but we can see the
distinguishes itself by actively supporting OpenSUSE is one of the longest running attraction in Yast. Whenever you need to do
KDE with financial help – a rarity in Free distros, coming to life in Germany in 1992 some kind of administration work on your
Software. There are two flavours of as “Software und System Entwicklung” installation, you know exactly where to start.
Netrunner: one is based on Kubuntu and has (software and systems development), and
regular six-monthly releases, while the other originally based on Slackware. The SUSE Roll your own
is based on Arch and is therefore a rolling- company grew quickly, establishing itself Another ace that OpenSUSE has up its
release distro. as the main competitor to Red Hat, and sleeve is its Open Build Service. This is was eventually bought by Novell in 2003 an online resource where developers
for a cool $210m. Novell itself was later can upload code and build packages for
AROS snapped up by The Attachmate Group, and OpenSUSE and other distributions including
We have to include this here (even though today SUSE operates as a subsidiary, selling Fedora and Debian, without having to
it’s not based on the Linux kernel), just enterprise Linux solutions to big business. install the distros and the (often rather
because we still get misty-eyed when Amongst hobbyists, however, the complicated) set of build tools manually. It’s
thinking about the Amiga. Yes, this is an OpenSUSE distro is still going strong. great to see the OpenSUSE team playing
open source implementation of AmigaOS, Its flagship feature is Yast (Yet another such an active role in distro cross-pollination
running on modern PCs. It’s lacking a lot of Setup Tool), a graphical and command efforts – and making life easier for app
hardware support compared to Linux, but it’s line program which handles virtually every developers who want to package up their
impressive and brings back great memories aspect of system administration. While work for as many distros as possible.
of the glory days of Workbench. most distros have a disparate bundle of Along with the regular release versions tools for handling such things as user of OpenSUSE, there’s also a “tumbleweed”
management, startup services, package flavour that’s a rolling release, much like Arch
installation and so forth, Yast provides all Linux. It’s not guaranteed to be as stable as
SLACKWARE of these facilities – and much more – from the well-tested releases, but it’s great if you
Slackware is the oldest Linux distribution that’s the same place. Yes, some would argue want to live on the bleeding edge and get the
still running, and is largely the project of one
that such a large, monolithic program goes latest and greatest applications.
man: Pat Volkerding. This might seem like an
impossible feat given the huge teams behind against the philosophy of Unix, where small
Debian, Fedora and other big-name distros,
but Slackware is very simple under the hood. RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX SLITAZ
Its packages are tarballs with some metadata, Here’s a distro that gets relatively little Desktop Linux in just 35MB – is that even
its boot scripts are short and BSD-like, and
coverage in Linux Voice, as we tend to focus possible? With SliTaz, yes. You get a very
the whole distro has an air of simplicity and
elegance that makes it a joy to work with. It’s on home users and tinkerers, but it’s the trimmed-down GUI with a handful of apps
not easy going for newbies, but because it biggest flavour of Linux in the corporate such as the Midori web browser, and it all
doesn’t make big changes to upstream code, world. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is runs in RAM at lightning speed. It’s great to
you get a very vanilla Linux experience without based on work done in the Fedora project, carry on a USB key and boot up on someone
distro-specific “features” causing trouble.
and comes with support contracts that can else’s PC to show Linux’s awesomeness.
Indeed, one of the favourite sayings among
users of this distro is: “With Red Hat you learn cost a bunch of bucks.
Red Hat. With Ubuntu you learn Ubuntu. But But why pay for Linux when you can get
with Slackware, you learn Linux.” Slackware it for free? Well, with RHEL you know there’s LINUX FROM SCRATCH
fans are noted for their eclectic taste in humour someone on the phone to fix any problems So those are 58 distros – and now it’s time
(see the Church of the Subgenius) and general
you may come across. Businesses need to create your own to add to the pantheon!
apathy towards converting others. Have you
ever seen a foaming Slacker trying to win over this, or at least someone they can point the Linux From Scratch is a guide and repository
users on an internet forum? Of course not – finger at. Red Hat Enterprise Linux gets 10 of source code, explaining in detail how to
that simply ain’t the Slackware way. years of support as well, so while costly, it’s install Linux by hand, piece by piece. Give a sound investment. it a go – you learn a lot… 27
Graham Morrison spends a week on YouTube to discover the
ghostly corners where Linux has appeared on the big screen.
ack in the late 1980s, I worked in what used to closer to the theatrical release, which made videos
be known as a ‘Video Shop’, or a ‘Video Rental feel rather exclusive for those who may have missed
Store’. This was a real, physical place you the cinema release.
could visit by walking down your High Street, or by
taking a short drive to your local strip mall, and Stars of screen and stage
entering an actual door. These places would let you For those of us into computers, conversations around
browse and borrow the latest films for a single night, video often surround the depiction of computers on
usually for around £2.99, with a discount for a second the screen. This being the late 80s/early 90s, there
title on Sunday. You’d be handed the film and were an increasing number of films about and
expected to return it the following morning, either by featuring computers, and it was also obvious that
going back to the shop or by slotting it through an computers and the way they were portrayed in film
appropriately sized hole in was becoming a
the door. reflection of how
We issued fines for “Some computers, such as IBM’s computers were
people who didn’t rewind
their films (they were all
AN/FSQ-7, bridged decades with perceived and how that
perception was
on bulky VHS cassettes), its on-screen menace.” changing. A couple of
or were late, or who failed decades before, that
to collect a reserved title. meant a background of
Despite a salary that barely covered Thursday’s vacuum tubes and blinking lights, or a room full of
night’s Pernod and black, this was one of the three clinical white hardware. HAL in Stanley Kubrik’s 1969’s
coolest jobs in town (the other two being similar science fiction classic 2001, for example, was
positions at the other video rental stores in Ashby- famously authoritarian and represented a scary
de-la-Zouch). You could watch whatever you wanted, dystopia for the new machines taking over payroll and
usually as soon as it was released, and spend quiet banking. Some computers, such as IBM’s AN/
days drinking tea and watching child-friendly titles FSQ-7, bridged decades with its menace – from
on the in-store screen; Labyrinth, Short Circuit, The Fantastic Voyage in 1966 to Dr Evil’s
Neverending Story, Indiana Jones, Twins... I can still
remember the rental number attached to the spine of
submarine lair 2002’s Austin Powers.
But the microcomputer changed MAY
each case. It was a time before the pressure of online
piracy brought the consumer releases of films far
all that with its increasing
affordability. 1983’s War Games , for
instance, bridged the gap between the old menace to generate the scenes and animation, to the user-
of technology and the rise of this new subculture. interfaces behind the custom software for studios
Its virtual protagonist was WOPR, a pseudo- that would rather not mention it.
intelligent computer system designed to predict war
strategies while having a Telnet connection to the Fame at last
nuclear button. Mutually assured destruction was There are lots of brief appearances on screen though.
a simulation away. But its depiction of Matthew It’s seen in 2010’s film about the creation of Facebook,
Broderick’s hacker, using an IMSAI 8080 to dial into The Social Network, for example, and even features in
random computers, is relatively accurate and more the official trailer (skip to 1:04). The character based
representative of what other crackers were doing. This on Mark Zuckerberg uses KDE 3 pimped out with the
focus on what the population were doing with their Keramic theme to browse the internet. And Linus
new computers was the beginning of a new age. Torvalds was rumoured to have bumped up the kernel
The early microcomputers, there was no choice version to 4 in preparation for meeting the exact
of operating system: you got whatever came with version number, 4.1.15-1.1381_SKYN12nnmp, spotted
your Apple II, Commodore Amiga or Macintosh. But running on the T-800 in the film Terminator: Salvation.
by the 90s, that the operating system was becoming Plus there’s been plenty of mentions on geek-centric
a choice, and a choice that filmmakers could use TV, in particular “They even had Gnome 2.0 the day
within their films. Windows, for example, was often Warty Warthog came out.” on Veronica Mars, and
the backdrop for business, whereas Mac OS was Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory: “Oh Ubuntu,
seen with designers. Linux and UNIX, when they you are my favourite Linux-based operating system.”
appeared, were for geeks. And its appearance over We’re going to take a look at some of our favourite
the years says something about how Linux and open Linux-appearances, but to set the scene, we’re going
source has been viewed by outsiders and how it’s to choose a film where it doesn’t. Before Linux could
finally being represented as a technology core to their become usable, the operating system it was based
use and development. This is partly because many upon – UNIX – was already being associated with
people are now aware of what Linux does and what the geeky side of computers, preparing the stage for
it is, but it’s also because Linux and open source has a time when Linux itself could make an entry. And
for a long time been used in film production itself, its most mention has become both a meme and a
from 3D modelling and the complex calculations used subreddit, and it comes from the biggest film of 1993.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Surely everyone knows the plot to this blockbuster, rendering quality typical in the early 90s. What’s
based on a novel by Michael Crichton. The film itself unusual is that while it’s easy to scoff at this 3D
is set on a fictional island called Isla Nublar where a representation of a filesystem and accessing
bioengineering company has created a unique theme locations in this way, the tool they’re using was real
park. Instead of roller coasters and over salted fries and contemporary to the SGI machine being used
next to expensive drink stands, this theme park is in the movie.
inhabited by a variety of genetically cloned dinosaurs
built from DNA extracted from ancient mosquitoes The velociraptors are coming!
caught in amber. What could possibly go wrong? Of The tool was called File System Navigator,
course, it all goes wrong and the dinosaurs begin to abbreviated to fsn, and was developed by
rampage, spoiling the trip for a number of actors. Silicon Graphics as a proof of concept. What’s
The clip we’re after appears towards the end of the particularly awesome is that there was a port of
film, where one of the young people in the surviving this to Linux and an updated version of that port
group recognises the computer sitting in the room that still compiles today. It’s called 3D File System
by saying, “It’s a UNIX system, I know it.” She’s then Visualizer, or fsv, and the latest version is fsv2 (see
able to awkwardly use the mouse to navigate a 3D We needed
map of the filesystem, switching to a Motif-like GUI to build the executable from the source code
that displays the local area in 2D and allows the locks and because of its age, we needed to add -lGLU
to be activated, saving the group moments before to the next but last build step, but otherwise,
A version of the 3D
an extra wearing claw gloves can get into the room. it’s still fully functional. You can’t quite lock the doors filesystem viewer used in
The machine itself is a Silicon Graphics Crimson, with it, but fsv2 still does a good job of showing you Jurassic Park can be built
and befitting a system with the best graphics of the which folders have the most files and presenting your and installed on a modern
time, the 3D rendering on the screen has that lovely filesystem in a nicely drawn OpenGL window. Linux system. 29
Antitrust (2001)
Antitrust is a big-budget film with a ridiculous people actually used, and seeing those scenes now is
script, hammed-up acting and a plot that quite nostalgic if you happen to remember the Gnome
combines pre-dot-com bubble startup culture of the day. Also, in our opinion, the film has its faults
with a Microsoft-gone-bad alike corporation and a but it’s also quite good fun to watch, especially after
megalomaniac CEO. all this time. Microsoft is no longer using the same
Unlike the majority of films, where Linux is strategies it did 15 years ago and the world of big data
but a brief screenshot and a prop for a hacker’s and governmental snooping makes our old worries
credentials, however, the story manages to portray about corporate monopoly seem rather quaint. (Also,
some understanding of what open source is Mr Veitch, if you’re reading this. I’ve still got the copy
about, even squeezing in a few cameos from you lent me almost 10 years ago along with your copy
prominent open source figures of the timesuch of Dark Star).
as Miguel de Icaza (next to Sun’s Scott McNealy
no less). Open source was also talked up as
part of the pre-release marketing, perhaps in an
attempt to generate interest within the Linux
The film also has plenty of Linux screen
action, and as you might expect from a film
showing Miguel set in a period where the Eazel
Perhaps the most company was raising millions of dollars to help
remarkable thing about develop Gnome’s file manager, Nautilus, this screen
Antitrust is that it’s action mostly shows Gnome. What’s great about
directed by Peter Howitt the depiction in Antitrust though isn’t that it’s being
who mid-life UK readers used to lend credibility, but because it’s actually what
will know as Joey Boswell the people depicted in the movie would use to work
in 80s sitcom, Bread. on the ideas they worked on. It’s the desktop those
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Like many of the films here, The Matrix is likely to need she wants to access is running SSH on port
little introduction. A total of three films were made, 22, the default port for SSH. Trinity then runs
and the impact the first had in both its visual style (the a fictitious exploit called ‘sshnuke’ against the
ultra-slow bullet time), and its mind bending narrative server, presumably setting the root password
has been seen in countless films since. Written and ‘Z10N0101’ as this is the value she passes in
directed by the Wachowski Brothers, the first film the argument. This exploit then outputs that
eventually became part of a trilogy that explored our it’s successful taking advantage of ‘SSHv1
influence over the nature CRC32’ before
of reality while a war enabling Trinity
rages between the tiny “What we see has all the to issue a normal
percentage of humans
who escape slavery
hallmarks of Linux with a tiling SSH command to
access the root
and their machine-like or minimal window manager.” account of the
controllers. server.
Linux makes an entry around two thirds of the Nearly everything covered in this brief
way through the second film in the trilogy, The Matrix sequence is very close to being realistic. And
Reloaded. Trinity, played by Carrie-Anne Moss, needs while the operating system could feasibly
to break into a supercomputer, and she does so by be something like Mac OS X, which was
using an old-school green phosphor terminal. The released a year or two earlier, what we see
display you see on the film shows the results of a has all the hallmarks of Linux with a tiling or minimal Could the password, Zion,
command you don’t see her type, but the output is window manager. The display could even have been followed by the binary
what you’d get from the network portscanner nmap. constructed using a text interface such as curses on value for 5 be a coded
This output includes the discovery that the server the command line, for instance. message?
Tron: Legacy (2010)
The first Tron film was made in 1982 and with it, and operating system being used. For the film,
Disney become one of the first studios to successfully this is SolarOS 4.0.1, which probably a reference
blend live action with computer-generated graphics. to Solaris, hinted at with the sun4m kernel running
The scene in which Jeff Bridges races his Light Cycle surprisingly in 32-bits (i386), also seen in the
across the neon vector wasteland is burned into our output from iostat running in another terminal.
collective memories. Tron also had a compelling plot, Sam then uses some neat Bash skills by typing
involving a malevolent computer system going out bin/history. This isn’t perfect, but the output
of control and a brilliant soundtrack by synth pioneer is the slowed-down output of the real history
Wendy Carlos. The film’s slow burning success led to command, which will list all your previously logged
an eventual sequel in 2010, commands. Those
Tron: Legacy.
The sequel isn’t as
“The sequel to Tron isn’t as displayed on screen
include vi ~/last_
good, but it does feature good as the original, but it will_and_testament.
our favourite operating
system, in a clip where
does feature our favourite OS.” txt, ps -a -x -u for
listing processes
Sam, the son of the and the utterly
protagonist in the the original film, uncovers his feasible kill -9 2207. Sam then manually types
father’s large touchscreen computer. He removes dust the output from the final command output in the
from the screen with his hand to reveal a relatively history, the implication being this was the last
monochrome X11 environment. In the film, there are thing his father typed on the computer. This may not have been
a few windows open, including a terminal showing a The only thing we could have improved from a a real theme at the time
process list thanks to the top command, and another Linux point of view – and this would admittedly look the movie was made,
terminal that the protagonist types in using the on- less cool on screen – is that Sam could have done the but you can now get the
screen keyboard. His interaction with the terminal is same thing much more quickly by typing ! followed Tron Legacy look on both
relatively realistic, first typing whoami to return the by the number of the command he needed from the Gnome and KDE.
name of his father, and uname -a to return the kernel history output.
Citizenfour (2014)
Citizenfour is a vital documentary that follows Linux and open source in Citizenfour is the only
Edward Snowden in the days up to and trusted method for sending this information, and for
immediately following his whistleblowing on the that reason, this is the best film with which leave the
activities of the NSA and the extent of its global story arc of this feature. From the fiction of a dinosaur
surveillance. It’s filmed in Hong Kong before he theme park to the reality of governmental data
fled to Russia and before he knew what the world’s collection and spying, the portrayal of UNIX/Linux
response would be to what he reveals. has come a long way. And now that open source has
The big difference in Citizenfour, of course, is effectively won in the world of development, mobile
that while nearly every other film uses Linux, and servers, it much more likely to be realistically
UNIX or the command line to imbibe the viewer portrayed in the future.
with a sense of computing literacy, in Citizenfour
Ed Snowden is simply using Linux and open
source for real. It’s not a set up. It’s not there to
add pseudo credibility. It’s there because it’s the
best tool for the job. He uses it for GPG email
encryption when contacting the film’s director,
Laura Poitras, and he uses the Tails distribution
to connect to the Tor network. There’s also plenty
of Rsync action on screen – used to transfer
While the other films are an archive securely, and SSH is mentioned as
primarily entertainment, an alternative method in an email. We even see how
Citizenfour uses Linux to difficult it is trying to tutor Guardian journalist, Glen
make a very serious point. Grenwald, into how to use all this technology. 31
New to Linux? Or want to convert your
friends and colleagues? Our guide has
everything you need to know.
inux Voice is unashamedly a geeky magazine.
We don’t shy away from advanced topics such
as assembly programming and kernel hacking.
But we were all beginners once, so this month we’ve
decided to help newbies get into Linux with a special
guide. If you’ve never used Linux before but want to
dip your toes into its glistening waters, we’ll
get you started over the next six pages. Or
if you’re a regular Linux Voice reader who
already knows his or her way around the
operating system, cut out this guide and
give it to friends, family and colleagues
– or make photocopies and convert Commons
everyone you know!
Before we get started, though, what
exactly is Linux? Where did it come photocopy this guide
from? Well, Linux is an operating system, and spread the love!
much like Windows and Mac OS X. It runs on your
computer, acting as a middleman between your
hardware and your applications. It manages your
computer’s memory, helps different programs to run operating system that totally dominates
together, and has drivers for your hardware. smartphones and tablets.
Linux has many strengths, such as security and What we call “Linux” today is the work of
performance, as we’ll see in a moment. It runs its own multiple projects that have been running since the
software, although it 1980s, all of which have
can also run a selection
of Windows programs.
“Linux is a secure, reliable worked together to
create a free, open and
Linux is great as a desktop operating system, and shareable computing
secure and reliable
desktop operating
it also powers the internet.” platform. The GNU
project played a huge
system, but it also role in this, which is why
powers the internet: Google runs Linux on tens of you sometimes see Linux referred to as GNU/Linux,
thousands of servers, for instance. And you might and today the operating system has hundreds of
not know it, but Linux forms the basis of Android, the thousands of developers around the globe.
Why use Linux?
The four big reasons why you should make the switch.
1 It’s free
Linux is free (as in zero-cost). That’s right, you don’t
have to pay a penny to use it. But how on earth is
such a large body of software completely free – who
pays for its development?
Much of the work on Linux is done by volunteers
around the world, working over the internet. But an
increasing number of contributions come from large
companies such as IBM, Intel, Red Hat and Canonical.
They don’t make money from selling the operating
system itself, but they generate revenue by offering
support contracts, services, documentation etc.
So if you just want to use Linux on your home
computers, you can download and use it for free.
If you want to deploy it across 5,000 PCs in an
enterprise, and need someone on the end of the
phone who will fix any potential problems, you can
pay IBM, Red Hat or other companies to provide
support. Many volunteer Linux developers and
projects also raise money via donations or selling
merchandise such as T-shirts and mugs.
2 It’s open and secure
This is hugely important. Linux is open source, which
While many Linux
means anyone can study its inner workings. You can working on its codebase, bugs are found very quickly, developers are volunteers,
download the source code (the original human- and because it’s open source, anyone can fix a bug. the system is also backed
readable recipe) of Linux, change it, and recompile it to Even if you’re not a programmer yourself, you can pay by some of the biggest
run on your computer. Now, few people have the someone to fix an issue or add a feature you need. companies in IT.
technical nous to do this, but it’s essential With Microsoft? Good luck, unless you have tens of
nonetheless: you have full control over your computer. thousands of pounds to wave around…
With Windows, Mac OS X or iOS, you can never A properly set up Linux system simply won’t crash
be sure what the software is doing – you can’t unless something is wrong with your hardware. We
get the source code, and you can’t fix it know people who’ve been running Linux servers
yourself. It’s like buying a car with the bonnet for several years without a single reboot. Linux is
welded shut. designed in such a way that its various components
With Linux, anyone can look inside and improve are well isolated from one another, so if there’s an
it. The knowledge encapsulated in its millions of issue with one part of the operating system (such as
lines of source code is there for the whole world to the graphical user interface), the rest of it carries on
benefit from. And because its code is in the open, chugging away.
it’s almost impossible for government agencies or
other nefarious types to sneak in back-doors or other 4 It’s compatible
ways to monitor you. With many thousands of people Linux may be a different operating system to
studying new code as it’s added to Linux, security Windows and Mac OS, and doesn’t run all of the same
holes are usually spotted very quickly. Who knows programs, but it’s the most compatible OS in
what’s lurking inside Windows and Mac OS? You existence. You can open your Microsoft Office
can’t find out. In short: with Windows and Mac OS documents in LibreOffice, you can play all your videos
X, someone else is in charge of your computer. With and music in the VLC media player, and there are Linux
Linux, you have total control. equivalents for pretty much every application in the
Windows and Mac OS worlds – we’ll explore the best
3 It’s reliable software later on. Whereas paid-for software often
Linux is well known for its reliability and general tries to lock you in to closed file formats, Linux
crash-proofness. Its overall design is based on that of applications respect that we all like freedom of
Unix, a family of operating systems that goes back to choice. And Linux happily co-exists with Windows or
the 1970s, so it’s built on mature and well-established Mac OS X, so you can have both on your computer
foundations. With developers all over the world and choose when you power it on. 33
Which distribution?
Linux comes in many flavours – here are the biggest names.
Because the Linux source code is free and There are hundreds of distributions out distributions are geared towards new users,
open for everyone to share, anyone can also there, some made by big companies and others for servers and software
package it together and make their own some made by small groups of volunteers, development workstations – everyone has
“distribution” (aka “distro”), which is an but they’re all Linux at the core and their favourite. Here are the main ones you
installable version of the operating system. compatible with each other. Some need to know about.
Ubuntu Fedora OpenSUSE
This is by far the best-known distribution, This is from Red Hat, the makers of Red Hat Developed in Germany, OpenSUSE is one of
and is a great all-round operating system. Enterprise Linux, a distribution focused on the longest-running Linux distributions,
Ubuntu is primarily geared towards servers and business usage. Fedora is a having started life in the mid 90s. It’s popular
desktops and laptops, although it’s making community-supported distribution known among intermediate Linux users, sporting
gains on tablets and phones as well. With for incorporating cutting-edge technologies, an excellent configuration tool called Yast
Ubuntu, you can get a modern, shiny and and makes new releases every six months. that lets you tweak all aspects of your
well-tested version of Linux on your PC Like Ubuntu, Fedora focuses on having an system from within a single program. Great
within just a few mouse clicks. attractive and versatile interface. for control freaks.
Debian Arch Linux Linux Mint
Debian is released rather slowly (once every Arch can be complicated to install but it Mint is based on Ubuntu, but provides a
two years), but is well known for its stability teaches you a huge amount about how different interface and set of default
and is therefore used on tens of millions of Linux works under the hood. Arch Linux is a software. It’s popular among new users and
servers around the world. Debian is rolling release distro, so instead of having has a very helpful, supportive community.
compatible with many kinds of computer big updates every six months like most Various versions of Mint exist with different
hardware, and provides the basis for many other distros, it’s constantly changing with interfaces – the most popular at the
other distributions, such as Ubuntu. the latest software. moment is the traditional Mate version.
So which one should I choose?
We’ll make this simple: Ubuntu. You’ll see community on the web (eg www.askubuntu. so we think it’s the best way to start. After a
people recommending other distributions as com). The Ubuntu team puts a lot of effort few months with Ubuntu, you’ll be confident
well, but Ubuntu is the best known, is very into its interface and makes sure that the enough in Linux to try other distributions and
polished, and has a huge supporting operating system works well out of the box, expand your horizons.
Install Linux! Follow our step-by-step guide and get Ubuntu onto your PC.
Requirements: 1GHz Intel/AMD CPU, 2GB RAM, 10GB drive space
Download 2
Go to and get the latest Boot your PC from the DVD-R or USB key; you normally need to
version (15.04 at the time of writing). You’ll download a .iso file, press a key on your keyboard when your computer starts to do this,
which is a disc image that can be burned to a DVD-R using your so consult your PC’s documentation to find out how. After a few
regular disc burning software. If you want to use a USB key to install moments, Linux will run from the DVD and this screen will appear –
Linux, follow the instructions at click Install Ubuntu to begin the installation process.
Settings 4
The Ubuntu installer will check that your machine has sufficient hard Now choose where to install Linux on your PC’s hard drive. You can
drive space to install Linux. If you’re connected to the internet, you install it alongside Windows, and have a menu when you start your
can download updates and extra drivers and media file codecs PC to choose your operating system, or you can dedicate the whole
(recommended) during installation; click on the network icon in the hard drive to it. Choose “Something else” if you’re experienced with
top-right to set up a Wi-Fi connection if necessary. partitioning and want full control of where the systems end up.
User account 6
And you’re done!
Now the Linux files will be copied to your hard drive, and you’ll be Once all the files have been copied over (depending on your PC, this
asked to set your location and keyboard layout. You will also be can take a few minutes), the installer will prompt you to reboot the
prompted to set up a user account so that you can identify yourself machine, so click on Restart Now and remove the DVD or USB key
to the operating system and log in – don’t forget your password! You once the PC restarts. Then you can choose Ubuntu from the boot
can also choose to encrypt your personal files here. menu that appears, and turn over the page to start exploring. 35
Explore Linux
Discover your new operating system and its included software.
Congratulations – you now have Linux directory is like My Documents in Windows OS X. Firefox is arguably the best browser
installed! Log in with the username and – it’s where your personal files are stored. If out there, combining good performance
password that you specified during the you insert a DVD or plug in a USB key, a and thousands of extensions with excellent
installation, and the Unity desktop will window will pop up showing its contents, privacy settings. And underneath Firefox
appear. You’ll notice that it looks quite and on the left-hand panel of the file you’ll see three icons for LibreOffice, opening
different to Windows and Mac OS X – but manager, you can also access resources on the word processor, spreadsheet and
it’s also very easy to pick up. the network. presentation tool respectively.
To access your personal files, click the Underneath the drawer button you’ll see LibreOffice is the flagship office suite
drawer button underneath the Ubuntu an icon for Firefox, a web browser you’re on Linux, and is tremendously capable,
button on the left-hand panel. Your “home” probably familiar with from Windows or Mac having seen decades of development in its
Exploring the Ubuntu desktop
4 5
2 3
1 Ubuntu button This is similar to the Start button choose “Lock to Launcher” to keep it there after 5 System tray This is where you’ll find icons for
in Windows. Click on it to browse included software closing the app. audio levels, power management and networking.
(go to the Applications button at the bottom of the 3 Windows Click and drag the title bars to move Click on the cog icon on the far right to log out or
window after clicking it, and then Installed to see them, and use the edges to resize them. The red shut down the machine.
what’s included by default). You can also type to button on the top bar closes windows, while the 6 Settings Click this cog-and-spanner icon to open
search and run programs. other buttons minimise and maximise respectively. up the Systems Settings window, from which you
2 Applications These buttons are shortcuts to 4 Menu bar Ubuntu has a global menu bar, like in can configure your installation, manage your
useful programs. When you start a new program, its Mac OS X; when using an application, move your hardware, and add new user accounts, if more than
icon will appear on this bar; right-click it and mouse pointer to the top bar to show menu entries. one person will be using the PC.
previous incarnations as OpenOffice and StarOffice. LibreOffice is compatible
LibreOffice does a great job of opening Microsoft Office with Microsoft’s suite,
documents – although there can be slight formatting and has excellent word
issues with some very complicated documents. Still, processing, spreadsheet
if you open an Office doc from one version of the suite and presentation tools.
in a different version, you’ll likely experience the same
thing, so this is something even Microsoft gets wrong!
For email, click on the Ubuntu button and search for
Thunderbird. This is an email client from the makers
of Firefox, and is mature and very stable. Other pre-
installed software worth exploring is Rhythmbox (a
music player), Empathy (for instant messaging) and
Shotwell (a photo manager). Of course, you’ll find
plenty of small tools such as a calculator and text
editor as well. for instance, while the Tab key auto-completes file
or directory names. Say you have a directory called
Command line basics MyPhotosFrom2007, and you want to switch into
While it’s perfectly possible to use Linux without the it with cd. Instead of having to type the full directory
command line, many advanced features and name, enter cd My and hit Tab – it will auto-complete
shortcuts are accessible through it. So it’s worth the directory so you can just hit Enter.
learning the basics, even if you spend 99% of your In guides and tutorials on the web (and in this
time doing things via the graphical user interface. In magazine), you’ll often see commands beginning with
Ubuntu, you can open up a command line by clicking sudo. This performs the command as the “root” user,
the Ubuntu button and searching for Terminal. Click which is the administrator, so it should only be used
this, and a window with a prompt will appear. for commands that make important system changes.
By default, this starts in your home directory (aka After hitting Enter, you will be prompted to enter your
home folder), which as mentioned is akin to My password before the command is executed; in this
Documents on Windows. This is in way, random pieces of software can’t change your
/home/<username>, where <username> is replaced operating system without your permission.
by the name you gave during the installation. Enter ls
(list files) to see files and directories (coloured in blue) Where to go from here?
in the current directory. To switch into a directory, use So, you have Linux installed, you’ve explored the
cd, eg cd Downloads. To switch back into the previous desktop and supplied software, and you’ve learned the
directory, use cd ... (note the two full stops). command line basics. Good work: you’re now a Linux
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Discover one of the world’s simplest single-board computers.
way of using them is to compile code sound appalling by the standards of
BEN EVERARD on a separate computer and copy it modern computers, but remember that
directly into the flash memory. When its main function is to monitor sensors
the Microcontroller is powered on, it just and control simple hardware. It’s more
Ard-what? how do you even executes the single program stored in than powerful enough for most
pronounce that? this memory. projects.
It’s Ard-WEE-no. The project got Physical computing is computing As well as the Uno, there are 20 other
its name from the bar where the that interacts with the real world in official boards that all work in the same
founders used to meet, and the bar got some way. For example, a physical way, but are different sizes and have
its name from Arduino, Margrave of computing system might use sensors different configurations of pins, and
Ivrea and King of Italy (from 1002 to to measure the environment, and then different power processors. For
1014 AD). respond by lighting up different things example, there’s the Arduino Nano,
depending on what readings it received. which is much smaller than the Uno but
Right, what is this Ard-WEE- The Arduino project has created a has fewer inputs and outputs; the
no thing then? series of small boards that contain a Arduino Due, which is larger and has
Arduino is a project to make microcontroller, and a large number of more input and outputs a more
microcontroller boards, to make connectors to which you can add powerful ARM processor; and the
physical computing more accessible. sensors. Programs can be written in the Arduino Lilypad which is designed to be
Arduino IDE on another computer and sewn into clothing.
That answer just confused me uploaded to the Arduinos via a USB
more! What’s a microcontroller, cable. Typically, Arduino programs run I like the idea of physical
and what’s physical computing? without prompting by the user and computing, but I don’t know
A microcontroller is a chip that without a keyboard or mouse (though the first thing about electronics. Is
contains a processor along with sometimes buttons or joysticks are there an easy way to get started?
some flash memory and RAM. Typically, added to allow some user input). The headers on the Arduino allow
the processors in microcontrollers are specially designed add-on boards
far simpler than the sort of CPUs that That sounds cool. What are called shields to be plugged in. These
you find in regular computers, so don’t these Arduino boards like? enable you to add extra hardware to
have all the features necessary to run a The most popular Arduino board your Arduino with no electrical
fully fledged OS like Linux. The normal is the Arduino Uno Revision 3. knowledge at all. There are loads of
This is small enough to fit in the palm these shields from a wide range of
of your hand. It’s got 14 programmable manufacturers. They can be as simple
“The Arduino’s headers enable digital input/output pins and 6 analogue
input pins. It’s all based on an ATMega
as a few buttons to add input, or as
complex as modems that interact with
you to add extra hardware with 328 8-bit microcontroller which has a mobile phone network. Perhaps the
no electrical knowledge at all.” 32K flash memory, 2KB of RAM and
runs at 16MHz. These specs may
most common use of shields is to add
environmental sensors, or output
displays to your Arduinos.
Shields can be stacked, so it’s
possible to connect more than one to
an Arduino at a time, but not all are
compatible with each other when
stacking as they may use the same
pins to communicate.
I already have a Pi, which has
input and output pins. What
are the advantages of an Arduino?
There are quite a few advantages,
depending on what projects
you’re doing. The Raspberry Pi runs
Linux, which is a general-purpose OS,
and has a whole heap of software
running at once, and a kernel that allots
processor time to different pieces of
software. This means that it can be
hard, or even impossible to perform Most Arduino boards have rows of connectors to allow shields to push straight in.
precisely timed actions. On the other
hand, and Arduino doesn’t run an OS, so All the boards are programmed in the quality as well). There are also many
every CPU cycle is devoted to just one same way. The IDE has a menu where boards that modify the basic Arduino to
piece of software. If you need to switch you select the target hardware, and it include additional features, or fit into
a pin on or off with millisecond compiles it appropriately. Most code other form-factors.
accuracy, the Arduino’s microcontroller will run on any of the boards unless it Several of what are now official
approach will do the job far better. requires a hardware feature that’s not Arduino boards were designed by other
On the other hand, if you’re doing any present on some. organisations to fulfill niches that
processing that requires high-level weren’t well satisfied by existing
functions, particularly anything that Is the Arduino IDE open microcontroller boards. Others have
needs significant processor power, or source? taken the Arduino hardware in entirely
interaction using a monitor or keyboard, All the Arduino software and new directions. For example, there’s the
the Raspberry Pi will be a better option. hardware is open source. This Udoo, which is a single-board computer
means the IDE that’s used to program that combines an ARM CPU running
How do you program these the boards, the bootloader that enables Linux with a microcontroller setup
Arduino boards? uploading the software via USB, and the that’s based on the Arduino Due.
All the boards can be designs of the boards themselves. Together this gives you a computer that
programmed using the Arduino runs a Linux desktop, but also has a
IDE, which uses a dialect of C++ and The designs of the boards are high level of control over the input and
runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. open source? I thought open output pins.
source was just about software. Sometimes it feels like there’s a new
Although open source software is Arduino-based board coming out every
the most common embodiment day, and there are regular crowdfunding
of the open source principles, there’s campaigns by people trying to launch
also a growing movement for open new boards. They mostly have a project
source hardware. To be open source, name ending in -duino.
hardware has to release the schematics
and design files under a licence that The Arduino project sounds
allows modification and redistribution. awesome. Is there a website I
That way, just as people can modify can go to and find out more?
FOSS, they can create new pieces of Ah! This is a slightly thorny
hardware based on the originals. question at the moment. There’s
a bit of a dispute between the founders
If it’s open source, does that of the project. The project’s website has
mean there are other boards always been, but one
based on the Arduino hardware? founder has set up,
Yes, loads! There are lots of and is claiming to be the rightful heir to
clones of the Arduino products the project. For tradition’s sake, we’ll
The Arduino IDE includes a wide range of programs to that are often far cheaper than the stick with, as this has the
help you access the features of the hardware. originals (though they’re usually lower most active community. 41
Ben Everard and Graham Morrison head to the
city of Cambridge in a big week for the world’s
biggest Linux distribution.
ebian is one of the oldest days of releasing Debian 8. It’s the
Linux distributions. It’s also Project Leader’s job to ensure Debian’s
one of the most widely used community and engineers are listened
and adapted, being at the core of to, and to provide a public face for the
more derivatives than our immediate project, which is a huge challenge for
memory cache can count. It’s also a something as important as Debian.
one of the most democratic, and the Which is why, when we found the new
project has just elected a new Project project leader was based in Cambridge
Leader to take over from previous – a mere three-hour drive away – we
incumbent Lucas Nussbaum, all within had to make the trip.
“Debian Project Leader is
Can you tell us about what you Are you allowed to work on
do for a day job and how that Debian as part of your daily
relates to your work with Debian?
Neil McGovern: Yeah, sure absolutely.
9 to 5 job?
NMcG: Yes, we’ve got a few schemes
more of a figurehead role.
When I first thought about running, I called community days where I take You don’t get to direct the
first checked with the CEO and CTO of time to go and do it. Basically, our CEO
way the project goes, but
you can set your ideas out.”
my employer, Collabora, who both said as long as it doesn’t cause a
started as free software developers problem, it’s fine. If it does start to
themselves. At Collabora, one of the key cause a problem, we’ll just have a chat
things we try to do is accelerate the use and work something out. At Collabora,
of open source in the industry. So, not we make sure it actually happens and
only using free software, but the carries on. It’s really good. to people online is one of the key things
methodologies behind it and trying to I have to do every day.
bridge the gap between this huge Maybe it’s early days, but it
collection of free software and it being feels like, on the surface How do you do that? Is that
used in real life. So I’m in charge of all anyway, that there’s quite a lot of through IRC?
our engineers here. overlap between what you do at NMcG: Yeah, lots of IRC. In Debian,
Collabora, such as managing there are lots of email lists. And just
That’s a huge job in itself! engineers, and what your job is and simple things like after someone’s done
NMcG: It is, yeah. It has been will be at Debian? quite a bit of work, just send them a
useful and been described as herding NMcG: The difference with Debian is quick thank you email can work
cats a lot before. We try to hire the best that it’s entirely voluntary driven, so you wonders really.
open source people out there, so the can’t just tell people that they need to At Debian, it’s an interesting role,
bosses are more than happy with me do something by a date or something being project leader. It’s more a
doing work with Debian. It’s quite similar. But a lot of what I do is trying to figurehead role. You don’t necessarily
important for Collabora as well, encourage our developers to grow and get to direct the way the project goes,
because lots of our customers end up see what they want to do in the future, but you can set your views out, where
using Debian or Debian-based rather than just say ‘that’s your project, you think the project should go and just
distributions. So they’re certainly very go on and do it’. My job is more to try to sort of speak to lots of other
happy with it. We’ve got a really good ensure that people get career organisations and groups around
policy of giving back to the community development and things like that, so it Debian, and act as that liaison.
and trying to stay involved with the works well.
upstream policies rather than As we’re locally distributed both in Would these other organisation
disappearing off somewhere. Debian and Collabora, being able to talk be people that already work
Can you tell us why you
thought at this point you
wanted to go for it?
NMcG: Yeah, so I’ve been involved with
Debian for about 12–13 years or so,
and I’ve done various bits and pieces,
and for the last five years or so I was
release manager. So I had – not Jessie,
that’s just gone out – but the previous
three releases I’ve been involved with. I
finally stepped down from that as that’s
also a considerable amount of work. It’s
not the nicest job in the world to have to
say no to people when they want their
new package in and you’re in a freeze
and you’re trying to stabilise the
Debian’s very clear on this,
isn’t it?
NMcG: Yes, it is. But there is tension
there, and just trying to bring that
together is, well, I think we’re over
45,000 binary packages now in the
latest release, so trying to bring it all
together is a lot of work and it takes
some time. Just trying to make sure
you have that stable, reliable system
that carries on working is a trade-off for
being able to bring in the new things.
So what is it that you feel you
can bring to Debian from
maintaining those releases?
NMcG: I think that mostly it’s my
relationships with all the people in
“We’re over 45,000 in the
NMcG: I did get quite a good handover Debian. So not only the release
from Lucas, which is fairly unusual. And managing, I’ve done lots of press work,
latest release – bringing that he’s still around, so I can still talk to him secretary work, before that I was one of
all together is a lot of work.”
as well. Lots of the previous DPLs the founding people of the secure
(Debian Project Leads) do talk to one testing teams, and I’ve written policy for
other and share ideas. It’s quite a broad web apps and various things. So I’ve
job; there are lots of demands on your interacted with so many people over
with and know Debian? time and it’s hard to fit it all in. the years that it’s a thing I think I can
NMcG: So my handover involved a lot help with, which is basically getting
of speaking to the Free Software It sounds like one of those jobs people to talk to each other and work
Foundation, the SFLC… that suck up any time that you with each other well, because I know
have if you want it to. everyone so I can go and talk to FTP
To say hello? NMcG: Yep, absolutely. Previously, masters who I’ve had beers with in
NMcG: To say hello and to work when I was involved in quite a lot of Mexico or Edinburgh or all over the
with them, because there are various politics, the one things that’s said when world at DebConf. And just being able
things that we try to work together to you ask “Oh, what about doing this”, and to use that personal relationship to try
try and increase the use of free they’ll say “take as much time as you and help things along and get progress.
software, and make sure that works want or as little time as you want”, and
really well. it’s always a lie. It’s always a lot of time Is it something that you’ve
that you need to spend doing it, but it always wanted to do, or is it
Did Lucas Nussbaum have any can certainly grow to a large amount of just something that felt like a
pearls of wisdom for you when time if you need it, but at the moment natural fit considering what you’ve
you took up his old job as DPL? it’s fairly manageable. done before? 43
Neil is the first Debian Project
Leader since the anti-
Systemd faction left to fork
the Devuan distribution.
NMcG: I certainly didn’t enter Debian just going to see how it goes? project in the past and it’s caused a lot
thinking that. It’s something that, NMcG: For the moment, a year. Next of disagreements within the project on
certainly at the moment, is the right time the elections come up, I’m going to how we do that, because there’s a real
thing for the project and for me to be pretty much do the same thing – try risk that you create two classes of
able to do. We’ll see in 12 months if it and work out whether I still think I’m developers: the normal everyday
was a horrible mistake or something, doing a great job, would the project still volunteers, and those who are blessed
but I’ve always been aware of the benefit from me doing this role or is to be paid by the project. In a volunteer
amount of time it takes and the amount there anyone else that would be better, project, that can create a lot of tension.
of dedication that’s needed to actually and if there’s someone else that I think But there are things we can try and
do the job well, and making sure I was will be better then I’ll back them and do to improve Debian and the way it
able to do that. The time was right to do help them do it as well. Yeah, I certainly works. We work online entirely, through
that, and it’s always a case of seeing don’t want to bite off more than I can email, sometimes IRC, but our primary
who else is running and working out if chew, and commit to doing something mechanism is mailing lists. And the
you think you could do a better job or if too long really. best way of getting progress is to get
you believe that, you can lead the people together, actually sitting around
project then. One of the things you said you the table and working together at it. So
want to do is spend some of a lot of our funding goes for helping
Was there a point when you the money that Debian has. Where
“I’m not keen on employing
thought “Oh no, I’ve gone and do you see that money going – is
done it now”? that employing developers,
NMcG: Probably about five minutes developing the infrastructure?
developers… In a volunteer
project, that can create tension.”
after the election results came out! NMcG: A lot of our infrastructure
There were mixed emotions. The comes from machines that have been
election results came out late on donated to us, and a lot of our hosting
Tuesday evening and I took my new comes very nicely from ISPs that use things like DebConf, which is our annual
post on Friday morning, so there were a Debian and like it so we get a lot of that. conference. This year it’s in Heidelberg,
few days to try to work out what was But hard drives need replacing and Germany, and next year it’s in Cape
going on. It’s slightly daunting I guess, upgrades need to happen and Town in South Africa. Some of the new
the amount of work, but it’s also machines get old so that they contributors can’t afford to go there, so
exciting that I’m going to actually go eventually need replacing, and we do there are some programs to help pay
and do this. quite a lot of that. for their plane tickets. It’s really
I’m not particularly keen on important that people get together.
Have you started it with a employing developers as a whole. The other thing I’m keen on is
duration in mind, or are you That’s been a thing we’ve looked at as a average. I’m sure we know that female
and minority representation in software want to come can do that and it doesn’t about Debian and they’d all heard the
is pretty bad, and in open source cost them anything. news. And so sometimes I think we do
software it’s even worse. Debian has never really solicited forget about how well known Debian is
And so there are programs like the donations, apart from DebConf, and we now. It doesn’t go out and trump its
Outreach, which started out as the haven’t really ever asked for any. own horn, and try and do lots of
Outreach Program for Women. Debian I know for such a hugely vital marketing and drive it. But it is the basis
this year will be funding a minimum of distribution… of a lot of these systems that are out
four slots and is about to try and NMcG: Yeah, I think the last time I there, and lots of other distributions as
improve it. Hopefully we can use some checked we get about 40 or 50 well. It’s quite an important distribution,
of the funds that have kindly been thousand pounds a year of unsolicited we’ve found.
donated to us for that. donations, so making sure we’re able to
spend that effectively and actually use It would be a good contender
Do you know where the funds that for good projects is important. for the most important
for Debian come from? Is it distribution in the whole world!
basically individuals, is it Do you think that reflects the NMcG: Yes, it’s certainly one of the
companies? nature of Debian itself? That earliest and the basis for a lot of things.
NMcG: The vast majority of our it’s such an important distribution,
everyday unallocated funding comes you’d expect it to have a formal What made you chose Debian?
from individuals. We do have some structure and be much more worried So, 12 years ago, what was
corporate sponsorships, but that’s about donations, but it does there… Mandrake… there was no
mostly for the conference itself everything at its own pace. Ubuntu…
because we don’t charge for NMcG: Yeah, it kind of hit me a couple NMcG: My first install I think was
attendance. We have to pay for the of days after I was elected – I went to Mandrake. I was at the University of
venue and various things, and also a lot the pub and five or six people who I Sheffield as part of the IT committee
of the accommodation is paid for by know all came up to me and offered to there, which basically ran the web
the organisation, so that people that buy me a pint, because they’d all heard servers for people to put up their
websites because there wasn’t any
student web offering in those days. And
then my housemate who I moved in
with during the second year happened
to also be a Debian developer. I’d used
Debian a few times before but they
encouraged me to get into that and I
think I packaged an application called
Drivel, which was a LiveJournal client at
the time. So that was my earliest
That must have been quite
difficult to put together?
NMcG: Yeah, it’s become a lot easier
now. The installer hasn’t changed much
since then. It’s all been fairly well put
together, and fairly stable, but it just
requires a lot of work to make sure that
the system as a whole can be installed
easily. Certainly over the years, it’s got a
lot easier to install and put together. I
mean you can just insert a CD, say ‘go’,
accept the defaults and you know that
in the end you’ll have a really good
working system.
So is there something about
Debian that you particularly
Owing to its stability and NMcG: I think the primary thing about
number of packages, Debian is
Debian is that it makes the decisions
a popular base system for other
distros – such as Ubuntu. that are most technically correct
beyond all levels. 45
Even when it comes to
something like Systemd?
NMcG: Yeah. And, as a community, we
make decisions and we do it on the
basis of getting it right and making sure
things are aligned.
We’re not a distribution that hides its
problems. We do everything in the open,
and that way of working together works
really well. The Debian mailing lists
have been less intense recently than
they were about five or six years ago,
and the project’s calmed down a lot and
is working.
Oh really?
NMcG: Apart from the rather
large Systemd [disagreement]; that
used to be a fairly common
atmosphere on the lists but it’s become
a lot more calm and people just work
together to do it. But even despite those
huge flamewars that you used to get,
we still produce the right solution and
try to make sure things are stable and
we carry on going together. We make it
a distribution that people can rely on.
And do you have to remain
impartial on decisions like
that, now that you’re the leader, or
do you have to ensure there’s debate
and everyone gets heard?
NMcG: I think my role is to help lead
discussion. I’m not a leader who says
“We’re doing this – follow me!”.
Despite RPM being officially adopted
Obviously, on some issues, I have my
by the Linux Standards Base as the
own views on where we go… standard Linux package format, Debian’s
Deb format is still extremely popular.
And do you still state those?
NMcG: Yes, absolutely. But part
of my role is to represent the views of stage a new version of a library or a recently, and just being able to see that
the project as a whole, and to make new version of, say, Gnome or KDE, and that works stable and testing and
sure the project has the discussions make sure it works altogether before unstable, all at the same time, being
and that we come to a good we move it into our own stable able to use that to make sure nothing’s
consensus. distribution. And that should help us all going to break.
ensure that things remain working a lot
One of the things Debian is better, it’s all about quality and making it Would Debian’s PPAs require
trying to do is PPAs (Personal easier for people to test things and anything from Launchpad to be
Package Archives). Why is that create stuff. able function properly?
important? NMcG: No, but there are a few systems
NMcG: It’s a way of easing the Are you planning to do the out there that we’re looking at and so
development that we do, and making it same as Ubuntu has done, and we could write our own which goes
easier to stage things and how we do it. have all the software hosted in the with our own software. There are other
We have a slightly different plan from same place? build softwares that we could pull in. I
the way Ubuntu does it. I don’t plan to NMcG: Yeah, it’s already fairly easy for think we looked at Launchpad, which is
pushing something where anyone can people to create their own repositories fairly tightly integrated into Ubuntu.
have their own PPA with different anyway, but being able to create a new Obviously, that’s a bit of a deal breaker
software from anywhere. version of, say, Chromium, or I think for us. It’s been something we’ve been
For example, you could have a PPA to there was a new WordPress release out looking at for a long time. And it’s
dependencies between them, and make
sure things don’t break, they stay there.
What do you think your biggest
challenge will be over the next
12 months?
NMcG: Well there are a few things that
have come out recently. Just before
Lucas left, he was talking with various
people about things like including ZFS
on Linux, which is a tricky one because
it’s CDDL licenced [Common
Development and Distribution Licence]
As a defender of the free software flame,
rather than GPL, so there could be
Debian takes a firm stance on copyright
some licensing incompatibilities there.
issues – which is why Firefox in Debian
is rebranded Iceweasel, for example. And it’s the start of a new release, and
so this is about the right time for a lot of
something that the project and the kind of containerisation and Trying to make sure that we get
members of the project want. It’s just sandboxing of some packages so those good foundations in and trying to
trying to make sure we can accelerate that different libraries can be work out how we can deal with, for
the process. installed alongside one another. example, the Free Software Foundation
NMcG: Yeah, there are advantages and not agreeing that ZFS is compatible
Do you think people will be disadvantages of having that. A few even as module. Although, on the other
installing stable versions of years ago, there was a big security hand, people do it all the time. And so
Debian alongside PPAs to get the vulnerability in Zlib, which affected there is that pressure from both sides
latest version of, say, Chromium, or almost every package out there. The to try and marry up those two, and
are you going to want people ability to update that and manage that, make sure Debian remains a free
if you have to do it in essentially every software distribution.
“I don’t want to go back to the application, is a huge hassle. Being able
to maintain that sort of level of core Is it possibly the most
days of finding a random system is important. important thing, that Debian
application on a website.” And that’s how it should stay.
remains true to its origins as a
defender of software freedoms,
NMcG: Yeah, and there’s also an rather than taking the easy road?
experimenting? issue with trust when it comes to NMcG: I think so. From a philosophical
NMcG: That can happen already, random packages from the internet. I point of view, it is right that we do
because we have the backports don’t want to go back to the Windows produce a good software distribution,
system, where we take things and do it days of finding random application on a so you don’t end up with vender lock-in
that way. It’s a way of making it easier, website and you download it. In Debian, and people can have that trust in what
so for example, I think the Mozilla people trust Debian to do it. you do. And additionally, what we’re
packaging team have mozilla.debian. We have security updates that we starting to see now is that since the
net and they put their latest ones and backport and we don’t break the Snowden days, there has been a lot of
the backport things to stable, so it’s software, and that doesn’t really come concern over privacy and what happens
making it easier for that. from using containers in that way. I with your data. By making sure we have
And for some people, it is important think it reflects Debian’s focus on that in free software, you know what’s
to get hold of the new versions and try producing those stable systems and happening with your data and that
and run them alongside the stable making sure people can rely on and there’s nothing untoward going on.
versions. But I think it’s something that trust their systems. But also I think that being a free
will complement stable, rather than software distribution has been one of
change it, because all the larger And Debian doesn’t feel any the reason that Debian has been so
organisations don’t want to upgrade pressure just to go along with successful in corporate environments,
their software every six months and the current trends… because people know they’re not going
have a new distribution, so it’s trying to NMcG: Yeah, we created the .deb to be stuck when something like a
keep that adequate. format and there have been lots of company CEO is going to change and
changes, like RPMs and various they’re going to be left high and dry. Or
Do you think package updates, but I still think the .deb format also creating downstream distributions
management in general can is one of the best package formats out as well because, when Debian says it is
change? For instance, there are there for managing packages. The free software, they know they can trust
things like Snappy Ubuntu Core and complex way you can portray that. People can rely on Debian. 47
The latest software and hardware for your Linux box, reviewed
and rated by the most experienced writers in the business
On test this issue...
50 52
Andrew Gregory
Reminder for the lazy: Hadrian’s Wall does not
mark the border between Scotland and England.
egardless of the result of the
latest UK general election, we Ardour 4 Debian 8 Jessie
should all be able to agree that Dedicated beeps-and-bleeps producer Debian releases don’t come around too
the BBC’s graphics department is doing Graham Morrison needs no excuse to often, so Mike Saunders is taking a
a fantastic job. The weirdly blinking CGI fiddle with audio, so this Free Software moment to appreciate one of the oldest
mannequins of our politicians were multitrack editor is music to his ears. distributions in existence.
uncannily lifelike, and somehow looked
more human than the real-life leaders
of the party. It’s also extremely likely 53 54 55
that without Linux and Free Software,
these graphics wouldn’t look anywhere
near as good.
Sure, the BBC has money to burn and
can afford to buy in whatever expensive
solution it wants, but in the world of
graphics, Linux is king. The BBC pays
Visual Studio Code KDE Plasma 5.3 Synfig Studio 1.0
for its own developers to produce Ben Everard is confused: a Graham Morrison is fond of Cartoon Inkscape-style
whatever its election coverage team code editor for Linux, from the KDE desktop; even more editing is an awful lot of
requires, and Free Software gives it a Microsoft, and released so now that there’s decent fun. Mike Saunders making
fantastic base on which to work – under a proprietary licence? power management. The his own Jessica Rabbit fan
without it, it would be forced to develop What does it mean? future is here, and it’s kool. fiction, for example.
from scratch (costly) or buy off the
shelf (limiting).
Will it blend?
Sharing documents, calendars and photos via
This freedom gives benefits all the way
Dropbox is convenient, but as it’s a closed-source
down to smaller organisations and service, you have no idea who’s rummaging through
individuals. Anyone can download your files. Condoleeza Rice could be reading all your
Synfig Studio, for example, watch a few shopping lists, for example. The way to alleviate this
video tutorials and start using an fear is to choose some other software that will do the
same job, so we’re looking at some of the best
incredibly powerful professional-quality
solutions for Linux to preserve your peace of mind
animation tool. Free doesn’t mean and get all the features you need. And in the world of
cut-down – it’s what gives software the books, we find out who Anonymous are, and learn Qt
potential to be excellent. coding and teach our addled minds how to think. 49
Ardour 4
If you’re wondering why this issue is late, blame Graham Morrison
and his obsession with audio software.
usic production is no longer niche. Thanks
DATA to a proliferation of apps, synths and
effects on tablets and smartphones, and a new fervour for both old gear and new bits of dinky
Developer hardware, lots of people are making lots of music. But
Ardour community before you can share your music and become
Licence famous, you need to pull everything from these
various sources into one place, mixing your tracks into
a single file that can then be shared on SoundCloud or
listened to on your phone.
The applications that do this are called ‘Digital
Audio Workstations’ (or, DAWs), a term that pre-
dates phones having more processing power Ardour’s GUI makes few concessions to the modern world,
than a Commodore Amiga. These are powerful, all except the inclusion of exporting audio directly to the
conquering tools that skilled engineers use to coax service.
harmony from discord. But they’re essential for us
mortals too, because mixing and mastering your and comes two years after version 3.0. The Windows
sounds is beyond the scope of Audacity. And in version is important, but the major feature for us is
another throwback to that a previous reliance on Jack has been removed.
a bygone era, these Jack is a powerful piping system for audio, letting
“Ardour is a digital audio applications can still be you take an audio stream from your microphone,
workstation for Linux, OS X, and expensive. The latest
version of one of the
push it through some echo effect (for example) and
pipe it back to Ardour. But Jack is tricky to get running
for for the first time, Windows.” market leaders, Cubase, properly and doesn’t work well alongside other audio
for example, is £370. layers, such as PulseAudio. You’d typically have to kill
Ardour is one of off any other audio before launching Ardour, which
those applications for Linux, OS X, and for the first always diminished its quick-fix effectiveness.
time, Windows (thanks to a Google Summer of Code
project). It’s open source and it’s free. But it’s also Sound has been simplified
the full time occupation for its lead developer, Paul Ardour will now use your ALSA drivers, just like most
Davis. While Ardour is free in all senses of the word it’s other audio applications. The low-level nature of its
definitely worth giving a little back when you do make access means desktop audio may stop, which
your fortune. happened in our case, but service is resumed after
Ardour is already widely used, both in commercial quitting Ardour again. With our hardware, both on a
studios and as the framework for other commercial laptop and a semi-pro Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, we had
software, and version 4 is a major new release with better stability with ALSA than we did running through
many contributions from lots of different developers, Jack, especially with low latency settings. Latency is
the delay between the sound going in and the sound
going out, and we were able to get this down to a
barely perceptible 10ms, even with the laptop’s Intel
HDA audio.
This direct access to ALSA is a huge advantage,
and there’s obviously been a lot of work in the
background helping to make this happen. All of
Ardour’s internal routing previously used Jack to avoid
re-inventing wheels, but you can now interface with
your audio hardware directly and still use Ardour’s
incredible routing and connection windows to pipe
audio wherever you need it within the application, all
The monitoring sections
are clearer than ever, and without Jack running. Running Ardour without Jack
give you the perfect also means there’s less distraction because you’re not
overview of your track piping audio into external effects, keeping you within a
levels, input and output. single application for longer.
There has also been a graphical overhaul in version
4, with subtle improvements made to contrast, Dialling in the effects
colour vibrancy and highlighting. Behind the scenes,
rendering has moved to APIs like Cairo for great
output and better performance on high-resolution
displays. It looks more professional and much more
like its commercial competitors, but Ardour is still
an application that makes too few concessions for
newcomers. Each track has the letters P, A, G, M and
S, for instance, alongside the fader and track name.
These represent Playlist (what source this track is
playing), Automation, Grouping, Mute and Solo, but
you’d never know. The learning curve is very steep
when you’re trying to figure out the meaning of letters
while at the same time mastering a new environment.
Nearly every other application we can think of uses Dexed, seen running here as a VST within Ardour, is a complete recreation of a
more illustrative icons for these functions. Yamaha DX7 synth and sounds wonderful.
This austere approach can be seen in many
aspects of Ardour’s GUI, and while we appreciate One area where Linux can’t yet compete with Fortunately, there’s still a small selection
other operating systems is in the quality and of open source alternatives that are worth
that mixing consoles can be incredibly complex, range of the audio effects you often need it. In particular, VST library compatibility
we’d love to see Ardour become more accessible. It’s to use to make your audio sound good. You means we get the GUI bundled for the first
almost impossible to divine functionality from the GUI need decent compression for most tracks, time. Dexed is the best example of this and
alone, and that’s a huge shame because it hides a for example, as well as some mastering is capable of fantastic output. And of course,
remarkable amount . The online manual is excellent, compression and limiting for when the there are commercial options too. Our
audio goes through the master bus before favourite come from Loomer
but we’re as bad as most people at reading the things a final file. On both OS X and Windows, ( and includes a gorgeous
before diving into a major project. there are hundreds of effects to choose string machine. For some professional
from, but often, the majority of these will be mastering effects, take a look at those from
Living colour closed source, commercial and expensive. OverToneDSP (
You’ll spend most of your time editing – the process
of trimming blocks of audio (known as regions in
Ardour), moving those regions slightly to change their multiple regions at the same time, which is something
timing and cutting mistakes out. (This is what we do we rely on, and we still would love to see region
when we produce the Linux Voice podcast.) selection locked so we can simply split and move new
The already ultra-powerful editing facilities have regions without reselecting the same audio with every
had a few upgrades. Automation lines are easier to single operation. We also wish tracks could be moved
edit, which is important, because they enable you to into a folder, not a group or a bus, so they can be
fine tune your mix without moving the faders during hidden unless unfolded, much like in an IDE.
playback, and the rather unintuitive use of the S key to If you prefer putting your hands on real sliders
split blocks beneath the cursor has been made more and keys, Ardour still has good support for physical
accesible with a real ‘cut’ mouse tool, complete with external remotes, and there’s new 14-bit support for
a ‘scissors’ vector-based icon in the toolbar. However, controllers like our Behringer BCR2000. MIDI regions,
we couldn’t find a way of using this tool and selecting the biggest new feature for Ardour 3, now co-exist
with audio groups and tracks, and Ardour can now
use Linux VST synthesisers when Steinberg’s VST
development libraries are installed, alongside native
LV2 audio generators and effects. MIDI editing itself is
still secondary, and we’d rather use a MIDI sequencer
for composing rather than the strained track view in
Ardour. This release also takes 80% less memory, at
least in the beginning of a project, and after you’ve
spent some time memorising the keyboard shortcuts,
the application feels brilliant to use. In short, Ardour is
complicated, but there’s nothing else like it.
You need the training, precision and
skills of a surgeon. But Ardour is
capable of awesome results.
Even without Jack connection system, you can still
connect any source to any other input. 51
Debian 8 Jessie
After fierce debates about the switch to Systemd, Debian 8 is finally here.
Mike Saunders checks out one of the most significant distro releases of the year.
ebian 8, codenamed Jessie, is the most like almost every other major distro; try an alternative
DATA controversial release in Linux distribution such as Upstart from Ubuntu; or just remain with
history. That sounds rather tabloid-esque, but the tried-and-tested SysVinit. After countless it’s true: in the last two years we’ve seen giant arguments and developer spats, the Debian Technical
Developer flamewars on the web, developers quitting the project Committee voted to switch to Systemd – a vote that
Debian Project due to hate mail, and a fork of the distro in the name was accepted by most of the community, but led to
Licence of Devuan. The reason for all this? Systemd, the init the creation of Devuan, a Debian-based distro that
FOSS licences
system replacing the “bag of bits” that was SysVinit. features “init system freedom”.
This release adds support for 64-bit ARM machines,
but drops the Sparc and IA-64 (Itanium) architectures Out with the old
due to insufficient developer support. Desktop-wise, But why is Systemd so controversial? Until now, Linux
Gnome 3.14, KDE 4.11 and Xfce 4.10 are available, has been very much a traditional Unix system: a
and these run on a base of Linux kernel 3.16 and Glibc bunch of shell scripts start up the machine, various
2.19, compiled by GCC 4.9.2. So as expected, it’s fairly disparate tools handle things like resource allocation,
up to date, but as with previous Debian releases the logging and timed events (cron), and log files are
focus is on maximum stability rather than providing scattered around several directories. Systemd replaces
the latest bleeding-edge software. all of this with an integrated set of tools built from the
Debian 8 will be supported with security and critical ground up. The upsides: administrators and app
bugfixes until April 2020 – so it’s playing in the same developers don’t need to worry so much about the
league as RHEL, CentOS and Ubuntu LTS as a reliable niggling differences between distros. They can write
distro you can install and forget about, running the Systemd unit files to start and manage their software
occasional apt-get without worrying if they’re running on Fedora, SUSE or
“Debian 8 is playing in the same update && apt-get
upgrade command.
Debian. It’s also much easier to sandbox processes.
Systemd keeps track of the state of the system, so
league as RHEL, CentOS and Indeed, the distro has it can restart programs that stop or crash, and handle
Ubuntu LTS as a reliable distro.” proven to be robust
in our testing, as
hotplugging events very quickly. The journal brings
log files together and means you don’t need to juggle
expected from Debian, regular expressions to say: “show me all warning
despite the fact that it was released with 78 “critical” messages from PID X in the last five boots.”
bugs still open. If you’re running a bunch of servers The downsides: it’s not really Unixy in many
Gnome is Debian 8’s
that simply can’t afford any glitches, you’re better off respects. Logs are stored in binary format, the
default desktop, and apart
from a dab of distro waiting for Debian 8.1 to really polish the edges. interpreted shell scripts have been replaced by
theming it’s largely a Now, let’s talk about Systemd. The Debian project compiled C code, and Systemd is very much tied to
vanilla setup. had a choice: switch to this new suite of base tools, the Linux kernel. This is why an online war broke out,
why developers left and forks appeared, but time will
tell if switching to Systemd was the right decision. Still,
Systemd has been used by distros like Arch for several
years now, so it’s fairly mature, and most admins
are learning to live with it – even if they don’t love
it. If you’re a hardcore SysVinit fan and Debian lover,
however, you’ll have to do some distro-hopping now.
On the whole, it’s a solid release that handles the
transition to a new init system well, and while some
of the bugs are cause for concern, nothing dodgy
manifested itself in our testing. Kudos to the Debian
team for (mostly) surviving a very difficult two years.
The last big-name distribution to
switch to Systemd, and the transition
has gone well.
Visual Studio Code
After scanning the horizon for airborne pork, Ben Everard installs
Microsoft’s coding environment in Linux.
o, your eyes do not deceive you. We really are
reviewing a Microsoft programming
environment on Linux. In a move that
surprised many people, including us at Linux Voice,
Microsoft has announced a cross-platform
development environment. Visual Studio Code
(VSCode) runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. At
the time of writing, there was only a preview release
available, which ran for us without any problems.
The install process isn’t a great introduction to the
software. VSCode comes as a Zip file that extracts into
the current directory without creating a subdirectory
for its files (as most Linux programs do). Once you’ve
decompressed it, there’s no instructions file to let you
know what to do. Fortunately, it’s quite simple: you
just execute the binary called Code, and it starts.
Aside from the name, Visual Studio Code has very
little in common with the Visual Studio IDE. It’s a
programmers’ text editor with integrated debugger.
It feels surreal running
VSCode is based on Electron, the engine behind said that its debugger will work with other text editors
something called Visual
GitHub’s Atom text editor. At a technical level, this such as Vim and Atom, but at the time of writing there Studio on Linux, even if it is
means it’s built on Node.js using web technologies. weren’t any details on this. a stripped-down code
The user interface defaults to light-grey code on a editor rather than the full
dark grey background. This is easy on the eyes, but if Grudging praise IDE.
you don’t like it, you’re out of luck: you can configure Code completion is also restricted to the same
quite a bit about the editor in the settings.json file, but languages as the debugger. The completion run well
at the moment, there isn’t the option to change the even on low-powered machines, and worked DATA
colour scheme. intuitively to speed up our coding. The editor can
The best feature of VSCode is the debugging connect to a Git repository to enable you to version
support. At the moment, this is limited to, C# control your code. Once connected, staging and
and Node.js JavaScript, but Microsoft promises pushing changes just take a few mouse-clicks. Developer
support for more languages in the future. You can set Some people may find it a little galling that Visual Microsoft
breakpoints, and examine variables. It’s easy to Studio Code is closed-source despite the fact that it’s Price
Free (closed source)
control and doesn’t contain any surprises. If – and this largely based on open source components. However,
is a big if – Microsoft can extend this debugger it doesn’t violate any of the licences (for example,
support to more languages, then this will be an Node.JS and Electron are MIT licensed), so they
important feature for future releases. Microsoft has Microsoft has the right to do this.
All told, Visual Studio Code is a good programmer’s
text editor. But it’s entered an enormously competitive
arena: the existing text editors for Linux are mature
and highly tuned to developers’ needs. For a new
editor to stand out, it needs to really have something
special. For Visual Studio Code, this could be the
integrated debugger. However the current limitation to
just a few languages and frameworks mean it’s not
yet useful to most programmers.
A good editor, but not good enough to
tempt us from our regular development
Visual Studio Code’s code completion ran well, though
many programmers editors have a similar feature. 53
KDE Plasma 5.3
Christmas has come early for Graham Morrison.
he components that come together to make
DATA KDE are going through a prolonged phase of
rapid development. These components are KDE Frameworks 5, KDE Plasma 5 and the suite of
Developer KDE applications ported to the new environment. KDE
Team KDE Frameworks 5.9 was released on 10 April, with the
Licence 15.04 applications suite of 72 ported KDE programs
released almost a week later.
Many old applications, such as Telepathy and
Kdenlive, have now been ported to Frameworks 5.9,
but the ports of both the Dolphin file manager and
KMail have yet to be completed, which is what we Background widgets in the new KDE can be moved
miss most. KDE Plasma 5 is the closest to what used without unlocking the panel. Just press, hold and drag.
to be just the KDE desktop,
“There’s a new info module, and when we looked at KDE
Plasma 5.2 in issue 13, we
sessions get suspended on AC power, on battery
power and on low battery. You can even create
so you can quickly see concluded that KDE was now different settings for different activities, perhaps
what’s killing your battery.” good enough to replace those
aging KDE 4.x desktops you
adding more aggressive power management in an
activity you can use while travelling, for example. The
might be still using, and this is icing on the power management cake is that there’s a
exactly what’s happened with the release of Kubuntu new info module that lists processes by energy
15.04, which now defaults to its version of Plasma 5.2 consumption, so you can quickly see what’s killing
for the first time. your battery.
But development has continued apace, and Plasma
5.3 sports some decent upgrades that might make it Touch and go
worth Kubuntu users hunting out the Kubuntu Sticking with modules, we can finally dump the
Backports PPA. We were complaining about the lack synclient script we were using to configure our
of power management in KDE only six months ago, Synaptics touchpad: there’s now a touchpad module
for instance. Our specific complaint was that you for the settings panel. Alongside the regular controls,
couldn’t even get an estimate of how much battery life such as tap to left click and pointer acceleration,
you might have left. And Plasma 5.3 goes well beyond there’s two-finger and reverse scrolling, as well as
The battery icon will show
you if any applications are this requirement by not only providing ‘time until noise cancellation and palm detection.
blocking the sleep process charged’ and ‘time until empty’ statistics from the Finally, there are two experimental features added
from activating (as VLC is panel widget, but also letting you control screen and to this release. The first is a new media centre
doing here). keyboard brightness, button events and when application called Plasma Media Centre. This runs
full screen and is designed to be used as a new
session from your login manager when your KDE box
is connected to a TV or large screen. It’s currently
difficult to see why you’d want a KDE solution over
something like Kodi, which does an almost perfect
job. The KDE version rifles your storage for audio and
visual content and presents thumbnails of its finds
like a robot pet with a pack of cards. The second
experimental feature is that the window manager and
compositor can now use a nested Wayland session.
We weren’t able to test this, but it’s great to see KDE
one step closer to the replacement we’ve all got
such high hopes for.
This release is made for laptop users –
it’s difficult to resist the upgrade
Synfig Studio 1.0
Mike Saunders finally puts his crayons and tracing paper away.
ynfig Studio has quite a lot in common with the
3D studio and rendering powerhouse, Blender.
They’re both graphical applications that
generate animations, they’re both notoriously difficult
for beginners to get started with and they both started
life as proprietary software within a commercial
setting before being open sourced after their
custodians experienced financial difficulty.
In Synfig’s case, it’s taken almost 10 years to get
from proprietary beginnings to a 1.0 release, and while
development has sometimes been slow, its release is
a monumental achievement. But Blender and Synfig
are also very different. Synfig Studio is specifically
developed to generate 2D animations, as you’d find in
cartoons, rather than the 3D you now find in
everything from Jar Jar Binks to Jurassic World IV.
In use, Synfig is much more like Inkscape than any
other application, and Inkscape even supports Synfig’s
file format. This is because it deals mostly with vector
Cairo is used as the
images. These are pictures that can be infinitely speed of the animation. As a crude example, if you put
rendering engine, and
scaled because they’re constructed by joining points, a circle at x=10 in the first keyframe and x=20 in the complex views and
lines and curves together, just like fonts. second, Synfig would move the circle across points animations can take their
Alongside the essential drawing tools for creating x=11, 12… 18, 19 to complete the animation. Synfig toll on your system.
various shapes, lines, curves and gradients, Synfig enables you to define how you want this transition to
uses a timeline for plotting changes in these points happen. Choosing ‘Ease in/out’, for instance, would
over time. Just like the timeline in Blender, Ardour or accelerate and brake the animation rather than
Kdenlive, the timeline is used to map changes which moving at a constant rate. And you can do this with
are played back as a cursor travels from left to right. many other elements within an image too, such as an DATA
object’s fill colour or the blend method. Web
Cross keys Getting to grips with all this potential is difficult. We
As with any modern animation studio, these changes watched several excellent tutorial videos on YouTube Developer
Robert B Quattlebaum
occur at points you create known as keyframes. to get ourselves familiar with the application, and
Jr., Adrian Bentley &
Anything that changes between one keyframe and these helped immensely. So too did the online help, team.
the next will be interpolated, or tweened, to create which includes some great tutorials to help you get Licence
smooth transitions from one keyframe to the next. started. If you’ve used Inkscape or even Gimp, the GUI GPL
This helps the animator avoid having to create every itself is fairly easy to understand. There are layers and
single frame, and can also aid in the generation of the sets, where you group objects together such as with
animation by adding effects such as friction to the an eye or an ear. We liked the sketch tool for mapping
out ideas without having to include them or remove
them for the final image and the timeline itself is
relatively straightforward.
Unless you know what you’re doing, things can get
out of hand. Images are made up of dozens of spline
points and vertices, all of which can be animated,
and it’s difficult to know where to start. However, this
shouldn’t put off potential animators, as it’s wonderful
having this kind of power in an open source tool.
More than a simple point-and-click
animator, this is a serious tool that
needs some skill to use.
There are plenty of export options, but no animated SVG. 55
We Are Anonymous
Ben Everard is anonymous… wait, no he’s not.
or about a year, the hacking (which come from interviews with the people
collective known as Anonymous involved, chat logs, and court records)
made headline after headline in portray a very different story than the one
newspapers around the world for their cyber given by the media at the time.
insurgency. In We Are Anonymous, Parmy Not everything was as it appeared.
Olson uncovers what went on behind the Some of this is due to certain members of
scenes. Much of the action took place in IRC anonymous deliberately trolling the news
chatrooms as people planned, coordinated media at the time and feeding them false
and executed attacks on targets around the stories, while other parts of this are just due
world, bringing online services to their knees. to the full picture not being available to
Olson follows some of the inner core of anyone at that time.
Anonymous through from the early days to
the splinter groups such as LulzSec that Anonymous claimed they don’t forgive and they
terrorised parts of the internet. She follows don’t forget. Neither did the FBI.
them through message boards, public IRC,
and private IRC channels to discover what LINUX VOICE VERDICT
really happened for the brief period when it Author Parmy Olson
seemed that they had mastered the internet. Publisher William Heinemann
It’s a bittersweet tale of righteous anger, Price £12.99
ISBN 978-0434022083
good-old-fashioned anarchism and petty
A revealing peek deep inside the secretive world
squabbles. Most of the protagonists are in of the hacking collective.
jail now, so the truth can come out without
fear of repercussions. The details in the book
Qt 5 Blueprints
GTK or Qt? Ben Everard ponders the eternal question
t is one of the most important explained. Perhaps the biggest problem with
widget toolkits for Linux and any book on Qt is the sheer size of the toolkit:
cross platform development in it would be impossible to cover everything. Qt
general. It runs on most desktop operating 5 Blueprints sticks to using just a few of the
systems and some mobile ones, and it’s basic widgets, and trusts that once the user
easy to use once you’ve learned your way fully understands those, they won’t have too
around the labyrinthine tree of classes much difficulty picking up the others.
available to developers. In other words, it’s This book is probably best suited to people
a really important graphical toolkit for any with a little C++ experience, but not much
programmer to know. knowledge of GUI programming. After all,
Qt 5 Blueprints is an easy introduction to Qt Qt 5 is well documented, and experienced
for C++ programmers. You can use Qt 5 with programmers will want something with
other languages, but you’ll be better served more depth than this book.
by a different book, as this one is closely tied
to the language. The examples it gives are LINUX VOICE VERDICT
straightforward, so you don’t need to be a Author Symeon Huang
skilled C++ programmer to follow it, but you’ll Publisher Packt Publishing
probably struggle to get the most out of the Price £32.99
ISBN 978-1784394615
toolkit unless you’ve got a reasonable grasp
A gentle introduction to Qt for C++
of that language. programmers.
Huang does a good job of going through There are Qt bindings for many languages, but
his examples slowly, and everything is well Qt 5 Blueprints focuses on C++.
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript… ALSO RELEASED…
Graham Morrison finally gets beyond using <tables> for everything.
f you’re just discovering how the
World Wide Web works, you could
be forgiven for thinking that web
development is no longer something a
beginner could get into. You could argue
that you’re better off learning WordPress or Even without
If we’d typed the
a shiny and modern web framework. snooping,
title out in full,
However, we’d argue that it’s still worth there’s a lot of
we’d have written
learning the basics. information about
half the review
all of us online.
This is a book that encapsulates what already.
we’d describe as the basic technologies of Hacking Web Intelligence
the web, and it does it for the complete to nothing about Linux. But what we liked We love the idea behind this – delving into the
beginner, starting with programming most is that it makes building your own web to uncover data most of us don’t know
concepts and moving through PHP, dynamic website feasible, which is both exists – something called open source
intelligence and web reconnaissance. We’re off
MySQL and JavaScript before ending up liberating and an important idea in itself.
to find a black beret and a suitable location
with HTML 5. We like the way it builds up with internet in the Vercors Massif.
your skills, and while the book is LINUX VOICE VERDICT
undoubtedly large, it tackles so many core Author Robin Nixon
technologies that each section is Publisher O’Reilly
manageable. If you get a taste for web ISBN 978-1-491-94946-7
Price £33.50
development, you’ll certainly want to
A brilliant overview that gives you everything
augment what you learn here with more you need to build an online empire.
specific titles. We’d also like to see
something on sysadmin, and there’s next
Python’s quick
style is perfect
for test-driven
Functional Thinking development.
Never again will Graham Morrison mistake functional for functions. Test-Driven Python Development
Python has been a serious development tool
for some time. This book will show you how to
rogramming with a functional build a project around the test-driven
language is now more popular development process, which Python is perfect
than ever, but if you’ve been raised for as it revolves around short, testable
in a diet of procedural programming, as programming cycles.
most of us have, it’s a difficult concept
to grasp. Which is why we keep reading
books about it (see Becoming Functional in At only 164
issue 9). pages, it’s a
Functional Thinking is a good attempt. book that’s
Each chapter in this small book, is full of quick to read.
practical examples, mostly pointing out
how terrible the procedural or object mathematical background, putting Linux runs on
oriented approaches are by comparison. functional languages in context. But all the fastest
There’s no single instance or page most of all, for us, it’s also missing the computers.
where we had a Eureka moment. But as spirit of adventure. But it can still
you work through the chapters, the ideas go faster.
slowly percolate through your brain matter LINUX VOICE VERDICT Power and Performance
until they do start to have an effect. This is Author Neal Ford If you take a look at our sysadmin section this
evident by our imagination working on Publisher O’Reilly month (p68), you’ll see it tackles the complex
ISBN 978-1-4493-6551-6 issues surrounding asynchronous networks
problems we’d previously solved
Price £26.60 and the many ways you can make mistakes or
procedurally. But it is hard work, and for us
A useful and persuasive resource, but too dry improve things. Here’s a book to outline many
at least, not much fun – we enjoy hacking for us, and not great value. of the other possible pitfalls and upgrades.
around with procedures too much. What
we imagine is missing is a more formal 57
MANAGERS Mayank Sharma likes his data to be nimble and omnipresent, and
is on the lookout for the ultimate data sync solution.
On test File sync managers
ack before there was SD card with your vacation pics to
Dropbox Dropbox, the only practical friends and family: it’s preposterous.
URL solution to sharing files was In the same way, these services
VERSION 3.4.3 to roll up your sleeves and configure automatically sync the documents
LICENCE Proprietary a file server. It wasn’t for the faint of you’re working on, along with the
The closed source segment leader faces heart, especially if you wanted to ebooks you’re reading and the
stiff open source competition.
share and sync beyond the music you’re listening, to the online
confines of your local network. Not storage spaces and make them
Seafile only was the process an involved available on across your devices.
URL one, it demanded a certain level of
VERSION 4.0.6 expertise that you couldn’t expect Privacy vs convenience
LICENCE GPL v3 from an average desktop user. Then In this group test we examine
It doesn’t offer much free storage, but Dropbox came along and made the six top rated storage and sync
could it impress with its features? process idiot-proof. Suddenly solutions that make data
sharing files and syncing them omnipresent. Broadly speaking, you
SparkleShare between computers and devices
became a no-brainer.
can divide these services into two
categories. On the one hand we
Dropbox ushered in an era of have proprietary services that keep
LICENCE GPL v3 cloud storage and sync services. It the data on remote storage servers
Will it be able to cash in on the popularity makes even more sense in these outside your and control. For the
of its Git underpinnings? days of universal access when privacy conscious, we also have
everyone owns multiple computing open source services that offer all
devices of all shapes and sizes and the convenience of an omnipresent
BitTorrent Sync they’re all hooked up to the internet. storage service, while keeping
URL Shuttling around data on USB the data within the confines of
VERSION 2.0.82 drives as you move from the your firewall. Can the self-hosted
LICENCE Proprietary
computer to the tablet makes about solutions match the convenience of
Does this serverless tool have an edge
as much sense as snail mailing an an online storage service?
over the others?
OwnCloud “These services automatically sync your
URL documents, ebooks, music and more.”
It’s going from strength to strength, but Cloud host vs self host
how does it match up to its peers?
We’re testing two types of services in may expose your potentially sensitive
this group test, both of which have their data to risk. Also, most of the
SpiderOak advantages and disadvantages that you proprietary services have price-bound
should be aware of before homing in on features and storage space restrictions.
one. The biggest advantage of cloud The extra effort required to set up your
storage services like Dropbox is the own storage server eliminates both
LICENCE Proprietary convenience of a quick rollout. However, these factors. Furthermore, it ensures
Proprietary service known for its on the downside you have to agree to full privacy and mitigates the risk of
privacy-respecting features. their terms for hosting your data, which unexpected downtime.
Outside the network
Access your personal cloud from the internet.
y default self-hosted solutions like firewall. Or, you can set up Dynamic DNS in individuals. Fire up a terminal and install
OwnCloud and Seafile will only be your router or local machine. PageKite with
accessible from computers and The smarter way though is to use a curl -s | sudo bash
devices within the local network; you don’t tunnelling service such as PageKite. The Assuming your cloud server is running on
get the benefit of connecting from service uses a pay-what-you-want model. port 8000, make it public with
anywhere, as you do with Dropbox. As a non-commercial user, you can use the 8000
But that’s not to say that you can’t access service for free by filling out a form once That’s it. Your private server is
your private cloud from the internet. One a month, telling PageKit how you use the now publicly accessible on https://
solution is to get a static IP address from service, but it’s definitely worth more than Remember to
your ISP and then poke holes in your router’s the $3/month minimum they request from replace ‘mycloudserver’ with any name.
Splash and dash.
eafile is an open source solution that
works pretty much like Dropbox and
offers two rollout options. If you want
the convenient option, you can download a
client and set it up to sync across either of
the two online storage servers -- one in
Germany and one in the US -- that offer 1GB
of free storage space. The other option is to
set up a Seafile server within your firewall
and extend the same sync facilities as any
other cloud sync service.
Setting up a Seafile server doesn’t
take much effort. While the process is Regularly check the integrity of your file using the included fsck tool.
well documented it obviously requires
a familiarity with configuring network- group can have a public discussion with share single documents with another user.
based software. For small installations, each other. Members can upload, download and edit
you can deploy Seafile with the SQLite Seafile offers flexible options to share files online or even download the whole
database, while larger setups can use full- these libraries with other users, who can libraries from the cloud.
fledged databases like MariaDB, MySQL or hook to the server via the Seafile clients. The Seafile client doesn’t integrate with
PostgreSQL. The detailed manual also has Seafile has clients for all the popular the file manager, but you can use it to share
instructions on hooking it up with existing desktop and mobile platforms, though the a folder on the desktop by uploading its
web servers, including Nginx and Apache. Seafile client for Linux is only available as contents into a shared library. You can also
Seafile also lets users collaborate precompiled Debs, so you’ll have to rely on use it to create new libraries and download
on documents, which is a very handy external repositories for RPMs. Every Seafile existing ones, and keep tabs on the file
feature. New versions of documents desktop client has a unique private key. transfers.
are automatically generated after each When a client and a server connect, they Also, the service has a flexible version
modification, and you can easily switch to exchange the public key and negotiate a control system that lets you browse the
an older version without much effort. session key. This session key is then used to history of a file and restore the file content
encrypt the data transfer. to an old version. By default, Seafile will
Easy to manage The service offers flexible options to preserve the entire history of a file. However,
You can use Seafile to create libraries that share libraries or individual files with users you do have the option to specify a period of
can optionally be encrypted with AES-256, or groups of users. You can also transfer time for preserving old files per library.
and then add files to them. You can add ownership to other registered users and
users and organise them into groups and even allow them to create libraries. The
share libraries with groups, and enable the service gives you the option to share a VERDICT
A well rounded solution
optional wiki module to enable users to library with specific contacts or groups of with features to impress
collaborate on a wiki. Additionally, users can users and enable read-write or read-only all kinds of users.
also message each other and members of a access to different libraries. You can even 59
Not much glitter.
ust like with Dropbox and Seafile, add-ons. Also, unlike other services,
SparkleShare offers the option to SparkleShare doesn’t have a web-based
sync via protected storage interface and all the administration
spaces or set up your own tasks must be done from the CLI.
SparkleShare server. The service has a desktop client
When you create a project, that can be used to connect to a
SparkleShare displays the SSH address SparkleShare and displays notifications
of the host and the location to the about the sync tasks as well as lists
shared directory. The service houses changes across all shared directories.
all shared directories inside the /home/ Since it’s based on Git, SparkleShare
storage user directory, which it creates has version control built-in. Using
during installation. the tool, you can share some of your The SparkleShare client can connect to the host as well as
You can install SparkleShare clients projects with other users, while keeping to other hosting sites, including GitHub and Bitbucket.
from your distro’s repository or compile others private. However, unlike other
it yourself, following instructions on the options you can’t share files with links. SparkleShare isn’t great for storing
website. To hook up these clients to the Also while the file transfers and sync photo or music collections and large
SparkleShare host, you’ll need to know worked as advertised in our tests, the binary files that change often, such as
the host’s public SSH key and location, developers themselves admit that video editing projects, which would rule
which was displayed earlier when you it out for most desktop users.
created the share.
Unlike some of the other services on “Since it’s based on Git, VERDICT
test, SparkleShare is a pure file sharing SparkleShare has version It’ll appeal to developers
control built-in.”
but isn’t as complete as
service that doesn’t offer any other some other solutions.
features and facilities even as optional
BitTorrent Sync
Peer-to-peer version 2.
itTorrent Sync is the proprietary the option to limit access permissions.
decentralised file-sharing The service encrypts all traffic using
service from the developers of a private key derived from the shared
the popular peer-to-peer file sharing secret key.
technology. The USP of the service is
that it employs no server and the files Keep it simple
are securely transferred between users. The service offers no add-ons and is a
This makes BitTorrent Sync one of the pure file sharing and sync service. Also
easiest services to get started with. it isn’t quite as easy as some of the
The service has clients for all the other services on test for some tasks
popular platforms, however, the such as backups. Plus, if you want to
Linux flavour is web-based. There is share files with other people, they’ll You can freely test the £26/year Pro service which offers
no installation involved and you just need to install the BitTorrent Sync client more granularity to folder syncing.
download, extract and run the server. and equip it with the code for the folder
Then head to its web interface and you wish to share. two versions. The Free version lets you
create an admin user. You can then To simplify the process, the service share up to 10 folders, while the paid
add folders that you want to sync. Each lets you generate links for sharing. Pro version offers advanced features
folder has a unique key that must be You can set expiration times for the such as on-demand access and folder-
passed on to any other device that you links you create so that the link is only level access control.
wish to sync with. You can email the active for a specific length of time.
key as text or scan a QR code if you’re You can also optionally configure the VERDICT
Interesting solution but
setting up sync on the mobile version service to notify you when a link is requires everyone to use
of the service. While creating a key to clicked and you can approve and deny the client.
share a folder, the service gives you access accordingly. The service has
Owncloud Other options
Overcast forecast. Sync clients of all shapes
and sizes.
f you don’t have any issues keeping the
data you want to sync in a drive on the
other side of the planet, you can use any of
the cloud storage services that suit your
budget. Almost every cloud storage service
now supports Linux, so you have plenty of
options, including CloudMe and Mega.
The geekier ones can use the venerable
command-line rsync utility or its graphical
cousin LuckyBackup (as seen in LV015’s
Masterclass). Both are wonderful tools for
backing up data and keep folders in sync
across machines but lack features such as the
ability to share files with links.
There’s also Syncthing, which is often
OwnCloud also has an impressive browser-based interface and a file manager that can handle described as the open source alternative to
files in most popular formats. BitTorrent Sync. Syncthing is well designed
with security and privacy in mind and works
wnCloud is perhaps the most old versions). Another advantage that we across all major platforms. Setting it up is
popular DIY storage and sync like is that OwnCloud lets you mount similar to the process used with BitTorrent
solution on test here. You can external cloud storage drives, such as Sync, and the services uses a global discovery
manually install the OwnCloud server on Google Drive, Amazon S3, Dropbox, and server to connect clients anywhere on the
your machine or from the official OpenStack Swift, and can seamlessly internet. However, it didn’t always work during
repositories for popular distributions. manage data on these along with that in our tests and we also had trouble connecting
Installing the server is straightforward and your private cloud. a PC to the alpha Android client.
well documented. Just like Seafile, by OwnCloud’s impressive desktop client
default, OwnCloud uses the SQLite displays notifications, shows you a The cloud at home
database and the Apache web server, but summary of sync activity, and offers the Another option for the more hands-on among
it can plug in to an existing MySQL ability to throttle upload and download us is to set up a NAS (Network Attached
database and will also work with other bandwidth, and pause and resume Storage) that offers syncing facilities. One of
web servers, including Nginx and Lighttpd. transfers. The client also lets you add local the easiest options if you go down this path
Owncloud’s biggest feature is its folders and specify patterns for files or is the proprietary freeware Tonido software.
extensibility. It’s much more than a file directories that shouldn’t be synced. Unlike other synchronisation tools, Tonido
storage and sync server. It ships with a If you have a large group of users, doesn’t store the data on its public cloud and
photo gallery app, uses Ampache for OwnCloud will impress you with its user only relays it through Tonido’s servers.
music streaming and has a web-based management options. While adding users Then there’s the open source
PDF viewer and ODF viewer. in OwnCloud, you can restrict their storage OpenMediaVault distro, which has plugins
There’s also a task scheduler, an online space and organise them into different to sync data to USB drives. You can even
text editor, and an app to store groups. You can share your admin configure something like BitTorrent Sync to
bookmarks. Plus, you can download other responsibilities with other users and make sync data from your NAS.
apps from its app store. It hosts certain users group admins, and can
productivity tools such as a select which users or groups you want to
URL shortener and the Roundcube mail share files with and whether you want to
server, multimedia tools such as the give them permission to modify the files.
JW Player-based video player, and tools to You can share an item with someone who
visualise storage space and scan files isn’t on your OwnCloud server by sharing
with the ClamAV virus scanner. a URL to that file on your server. You can
also password-protect the link and set an
All encompassing expiration date.
You can use OwnCloud to create
encrypted storage spaces, and the server VERDICT
The most comprehensive
also keeps tracks of all versions of files. Its storage and sync server Syncthing is shaping up to be a very useful and
versioning mechanism ensures you never on test here. apt replacement for BitTorrent Sync.
run out of space (by automatically deleting 61
Dropbox vs SpiderOak
The proprietary behemoths.
ropbox is one of the most
widely used storage and sync
services. It has clients for all the
major operating systems and offers
2GB of free storage space with paid
plans starting at $10/month for 1TB.
The service creates a ~/Dropbox folder
under your home directory, and any files
you drop here and automatically
synced to the online Dropbox account
and from there to all the devices
connected to your Dropbox account.
The service installs a system tray
icon with which you can keep track
of the syncing status and view a list
of recently changed files. The icon
also lets you change your Dropbox
preferences, including the location The Dropbox client only supports a limited number of Linux desktops.
of the synced Dropbox folder, and
network settings. You can also use it Dropbox has partnered with It encrypts data before uploading it, and
to configure Dropbox’s selective sync Microsoft to enable you to edit any does so without missing out on
feature to only sync a selection of Microsoft Office documents in your advanced features such as versioning.
folders to your computer. Dropbox from within your web browser. The service also implements data
Unlike other similar services, Dropbox Dropbox keeps multiple versions of all deduplication to minimise the drain on
has only a minimal client for Linux, and files and from its web interface you can bandwidth and also save storage
even that client officially only supports view several versions of deleted files space. The service offers 2GB of free
Gnome’s Nautilus file manager. Using and easily restore the one you want. storage space and has plans starting at
the right-click context menu you can $7/month for 30GB.
move any folder on your computer to Rich oaky flavour Unlike Dropbox, SpiderOak can be
the Dropbox folder. Once inside the The other proprietary service, used to back up the contents of any
Dropbox folder, you can use the context SpiderOak, has crafted a name for itself folder on your computer and even
menu to share them with links and view with its impressive list of features and external and network drives. The
older versions of the file. its focus on ensuring its users’ privacy. service has an advanced filtering
mechanism, and you can use wildcards
to exclude particular files and folders
from the backup. Furthermore, instead
of sharing single files, SpiderOak lets
you arrange the files in your SpiderOak
account that you wish to share inside
virtual silos known as ShareRooms.
Every ShareRoom has a unique
URL that enables recipients to view
and download its contents. You can
optionally password-protect these
virtual storage areas as well.
To top it all, SpiderOak’s interface lets
you keep an eye on all ongoing tasks
as well as the current downloading and
uploading queue, and much more.
offer any feature that set up with impressive
you can’t get privacy protection
elsewhere. measures.
SpiderOak’s client offers complete control over all aspects of the service.
File sync managers
f you want a solution that’s full unsuitable for other tasks such as
of features and can do a lot backups. Other factors that tick us You can demo Seafile on its website before deploying it.
more than just sync files, there’s off are the fact that it’s a proprietary
no beating OwnCloud – we use it at
Linux Voice to share documents,
client that you should have on all
your devices to sync and share –
1st Seafile
Licence GPL v3 Version 4.0.6
and it works brilliantly for our needs. we’ll always choose the best tool
But the purpose of the group test is for the job, but the idea of becoming
to find a tool that primarily syncs reliant on a proprietary solution The right mix of features and usability.
files and offers related makes us a little uncomfortable.
conveniences. With that criterion, Of the two proprietary clients 2nd SpiderOak
OwnCloud is overkill, and despite on test, we were surprised by Licence Proprietary Version 5.2.0
being fans we can’t get ourselves to SpiderOak. It’s well designed and
recommend it to users who are takes steps to ensure our privacy. If
looking for a simple solution to keep you don’t mind offloading your data For convenience seekers who aren’t averse to proprietary
data between their devices in sync. to the cloud for a price, take your
The problem with SparkleShare business to SpiderOak.
is its involved process, which might This leaves us with Seafile, 3rd BitTorrent Sync
Licence Proprietary Version 2.0.82
“Seafile offers advanced features such
as client-side encryption.” The ideal solution for easily syncing files, but closed source.
not be very intuitive to new users. which aces this test. For the extra 4th Owncloud
Also, it involves finding a way to configuration steps it requires Licence AGPL v3 Version 8.0.2
securely transfer the public SSH you to undertake, Seafile offers
keys between the host and the more than enough features to Feature-rich software that’s probably overkill for simply syncing
client. Then there’s the fact that compensate, such as client-side and sharing.
the developers have themselves encryption. It offers you all the
admitted that SparkleShare isn’t
really suitable for storing images
advantages you get with other
services, such as an extensive
5th SparkleShare
Licence GPL v3 Version 1.4.0
and audio nor for large binary file-revision history and the ability
files that change often. On top of to selectively share files with links.
that the developers have put the You can deploy Seafile for personal Loses out because of its geeky bent and lack of mobile clients.
development of the Android client use or easily scale it up as a
on hold, which undermines the collaboration server for a whole lot 6th Dropbox
benefit of being able to sync all your of users. Licence Proprietary Version 3.4.3
files across all of your devices. All factors considered, Seafile is
BitTorrent Sync loses out for a robust file synchronisation tool
being entirely focussed on one that’ll meet the expectations of the This is 2015 and we know better.
task – to sync files. This makes it greatest number of users.
Self-hosted Cloud server Sync files Share files Back up data Add-ons Mobile client
OwnCloud Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Seafile Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
SparkleShare Y Y Y Y N N N
BitTorrent Sync Y N Y N N N Y
Dropbox N Y Y Y N N Y
SpiderOak N Y Y Y Y N Y 63
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Asynchronous network programming
You know what a network socket is. Now, let’s learn how to juggle with thousands of them.
omputers are meant to compute. But (say, Asterisk) happily follow this route. mechanism is probably the select(2)
quite often programs just pump However, you won’t build the next Twitter system call. It’s been present in Unix since
loads of data from here to there and this way. And this is where asynchronous 4.2BSD (circa 1983). select(2) receives
back again without incurring much CPU I/O comes into play. three sets of file descriptors: the first
load. This is known as an I/O-bound task, The idea is to do multiplexing yourself: one is monitored for read availability, the
and there are several ways to do it in Linux. while your code is waiting for A to reply, it second for write availability, and the third is
The simplest way is to block I/O. Traditional can serve B and C. Asynchronous code is watched for errors. Each set is represented
read(2) and write(2) system calls are usually built around an event loop concept: as a bitmask. When you call select(2), it
blocking, and the socket samples from first, it checks if there are any requests ready blocks until either event you are waiting for
LV006’s Core Tech ( to read, and processes them. Then it checks occurs or timeout fires, or the process is
core-technology-6) and LV007 were if it can write any responses. Finally, if there interrupted with a signal (as we looked at
blocking as well. are no more items to handle, the process is in LV011). With pselect(2) you have greater
In blocking I/O, the operating system put to sleep until some event (or timeout) control over signals, but we won’t cover this
multiplexes data coming from various occurs. Unix systems provide various ways variation here.
sources for you. It’s easy but not very to do asynchronous I/O. They have different A typical select(2)-based event loop may
scalable. To handle N simultaneous client scalability characteristics, and here we’ll look like this:
connections, you’ll need roughly N OS-level cover three that are most important for #include <sys/select.h>
processes or threads (internally, both are Linux. int main() {
just “tasks” in Linux). A typical server can fd_set rfds;
handle up to several hundred threads. This You are selected int fds[NUM_FD];
may be enough already, and some services The most traditional multiplexing struct timeval tv;
int i, retval, max_fd = -1, done = 0;
/* Fill fds[] with file descriptors */
while (!done) {
0 1 4 7 8
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
max_fd = -1;
0 struct file for (i = 0; i < NUM_FD; i++) {
1 struct file FD_SET(fds[i], &rfds);
2 struct file if (fds[i] > max_fd)
3 max_fd = fds[i];
4 struct file }
tv.tv_sec = 3;
fd = 4 tv.tv_usec = 0;
retval = select(max_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL,
8 ...
if (retval > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < max_fd + 1; i++)
This is how fd_set, the file descriptor (fd) and struct file relate to one another. Bit 4 is set, so if (FD_ISSET(i, &rfds)) {
select(2) uses the struct file’s poll() method to check if fd 4 is ready /* Data has come, handle it */
} else if (retval == 0) {
/* Timeout happened */
} else {
/* Error occurred */
return 0;
The lines beginning FD_ are macros to deal
with file descriptor sets. If a bit number N is
raised (set to1) in fd_set, select(2) watches
for the file descriptor number N.
We start with clearing the bitmask with
FD_ZERO() and setting bits corresponding
to fds[i] with FD_SET(). Then we call
select(), which returns -1 on failure or
number of ready file descriptors on success.
In the latter case, we check for descriptors
having events with FD_ISSET(), and handle
data. Here, we focus solely on readability, but
it is readily extensible to a real-world case. Both tmux and screen are similar, but the more recent tmux uses poll(2) via libevent, while the
Returning a value of zero means timeout older screen relies on select(2).
(tv, which is three seconds here). We also
pass select(2), the highest file descriptor event loop. It’s fatal, as select(2) won’t be across veteran Unix system that lacks it.
number in the set. Note that we have to called again, and we’ll miss events on all For Linux, it doesn’t matter: both poll(2) and
recreate arguments at every loop iteration file descriptors. In other words, one client select(2) are supported, and both are in
as select(2) overwrites them, including tv. will ban all others, effectively making a DoS POSIX 1003.1g standard. Unlike select(2),
select(2) is “level-triggered”. This term attack on our server. poll(2) accepts an array of struct pollfd
is attributed to BSDCON 2000 presenter items that can be as small or as large as you
Jonathan Lemon, and comes from the Flexible fishing need. Without initialisation, the rest of the
design of hardware interrupts. It means that select(2) has one limitation you’ve probably usage is similar:
the system call will signal readiness for a already spotted. Bitmasks are not very #include <poll.h>
file descriptor as long as it will be readable, flexible data structures, and they have a int main(int *fds) {
not when it starts to be readable for the first hard-coded maximum length (typically struct pollfd pfds[NUM_FD];
time. The alternative design to this is known 1024 bits). This means file descriptors int i, retval, done = 0;
as “edge-triggered”. having numbers of 1024 and greater can’t int timeout_msec = 3000;
It’s important to make file descriptors be watched, which may pose problems to int fds[NUM_FD];
non-blocking with fcntl(fds, F_SETFL, long-running daemon processes. Moreover,
O_NONBLOCK) or similar before starting fd_set can’t have any gaps. So, if you’re /* Fill fds[] with file descriptors */
the event loop. The reason is that readiness interested in a single file descriptor number for (i = 0; i < NUM_FD; i++) {
signalled from select(2) is only a hint from 1023, you waste more than thousand bits. pfds[i].fd = fds[i];
the kernel, not a strong guarantee. Another It’s not only memory space that’s wasted, pfds[i].events = POLLIN;
process can get in and read the data before however. select(2) will also need to loop }
we have the chance to do it, for instance. If through the whole mask just to see that all
you’re interested in how the file descriptor bits but the last one are not set. This is not while (!done) {
can make its way into a separate process, good for performance either. retval = poll(pfds, NUM_FD, timeout_msec);
see Core Technology in LV015. In this poll(2) is a more flexible alternative. It’s if (ret_val > 0) {
case, a call to read(2) will block a whole younger than select(2) so you can come for (i = 0; i < NUM_FD; i++) {
if (pfds[i].revents & POLLIN) {
/* Data has come, handle it */
Flying higher }
Being system calls, select(2), poll(2) and epoll(7) C++ libraries that do this job, but libevent and } else if (retval == 0) {
are among the lowest-level mechanisms you can libev are arguably most popular. Both provide /* Timeout happened */
get in Linux. The last one is also OS-dependent: it a platform-independent event loop API that is } else {
won’t work in FreeBSD or Solaris, not to mention callback-based. You assign C functions that act as
/* Error occurred */
Microsoft Windows. callbacks to events, you start the event loop, and
If you think it would be good to have some the library does the rest. This way, you get all the }
way to abstract these differences and low-level benefits of asynchronous I/O without having to }
complexity, you’re not alone. There are several C/ bother with platform details. return 0;
} 69
the process is resumed. For poll(2) and
select(2) it’s the same and quite simple,
but epoll(7) registers its own sophisticated
callback. The process fishing for events
with epoll(7) is added to two wait queues.
One is per-file descriptor watched, like in
poll(2) or select(2), and another is per epoll
instance. When the kernel detects activity
on a watched file descriptor, it calls ep_
poll_callback(), which adds the descriptor
to a so-called “ready-list” and wakes up
the process sleeping on the epoll instance
queue. Then the ready-list is scanned, and
if there is anything of interest to userspace,
the syscall returns. Otherwise, the process is
put to sleep again.
Twisted is an old but very powerful way to do asynchronous network programming in Python. Note that this never requires the
kernel code to loop over the whole file
Each struct pollfd contains the file operations is poll(): usually, it adds a calling descriptor set. It only scans the ready-list,
descriptor (fd) to watch and the bitmask process to the wait queue and returns the which requires O(NumReady) steps, with
of events to wait for (events). Events are bitmask representing the current struct NumReady being the number of descriptors
described with flags like POLLIN (data file state. ready. Under the assumption that it doesn’t
can be read), POLLOUT (the descriptor is select(2) and poll(2) call f_op->poll() depend on how many descriptors you watch
writable) or POLLERR (error occurs). On for each descriptor in the set, and return (which sounds reasonable), this yields ‘O(1)’
output, revents will contain the events if there is anything ready. Otherwise, the performance. select(2) and poll(2) are just
occurred. As with select(2), on success the process is put to sleep (syscall blocks) until multiplexers, whereas epoll(7) is event-
number of file descriptors ready is returned. another part of the kernel (like the network driven. Moreover, in epoll(7), the in-kernel
Zero means timeout and -1 signifies an subsystem in the case of a socket) detects representation of the descriptor set and
error (errno stores the details, as usual). The activity on the file or a timeout elapses. related data structures are preserved across
timeout value is passed to poll(2) as a plain When the process wakes up, the syscall system calls, thus reducing setup and
number of milliseconds; -1 means infinity resumes and once again loops over the teardown costs per each call.
and 0 forces poll(2) to return immediately. entire descriptor set checking for events,
This is not what you usually want, but it’s as it has no idea what caused the wakeup. Event loop revisited
useful for “peeking”, event loop integration If there were any events the caller wants Now, when we understand how the whole
and other hardcore stuff. to know, control is returned to userspace. thing works, let’s learn how to use it.
Having a flexible array instead of a fixed- Otherwise the process sleeps again. As each Compared to poll(2) or select(2), epoll(7) is
size bitmask is certainly a step forward. file descriptor takes about the same time to not a single system call but a set of three.
However, both select(2) and poll(2) suffer handle, the overall loop time grows linearly The first one, epoll_create(2), creates an
the same scalability issue. Namely, their with the descriptor set’s size. epoll file descriptor (epoll_fd), which is
time complexity is about ‘O(N)’ where N is In high-loaded services, ‘O(N)’ behaviour basically a handle for the in-kernel epoll
the number of file descriptors watched. This is not what you want, as it puts a limit on instance. When the last process closes
means that the time needed to poll() a file how many concurrent connections you can epoll_fd, the epoll instance is also freed.
descriptor set is proportional to its size. It’s handle. Another mechanism is required, Then, epoll_ctl(2) is the way to add and
a challenge for high-loaded services, known and it comes in many OS-specific forms. remove file descriptors or otherwise modify
as the “C10k problem”, and you can find a FreeBSD has kqueue, Solaris offers /dev/ the file descriptor set. Finally, epoll_wait(2) is
good overview of it here: poll. In Linux, we have epoll(7). Originally, what you call to fish for events.
c10k.html. it was also implemented as /dev/epoll This is what a typical epoll(7)-based event
in the Solaris spirit, but Linus banned the loop (without most of the error checking)
Down to the kernel idea so it was rewritten as a set of system may look like:
To understand why select(2) and poll(2) calls, similar to FreeBSD’s. The best thing
behave this way, we’ll need to learn how about epoll(7) is that it allows for ‘O(1)’s #include <sys/epoll.h>
they are implemented at kernel level. In performance. This means it runs roughly #include <unistd.h>
Linux, each open file has a corresponding the same length of time regardless what int do_epoll(int *fds) {
struct file instance in kernel space, and the size of descriptor set is. We’ll show you struct epoll_event ev, events[NUM_FD];
a file descriptor is basically an index into some examples shortly, but let’s discuss int i, retval, done = 0;
an array of these objects. This structure how epoll(7) achieves this result first. int timeout_msec = 3000;
provides file operations (f_op) whose actual The key to epoll(7)’s scalability is clever int fds[NUM_FD];
implementation depend on whether the use of callbacks and a bit of indirection. Wait int epoll_fd;
descriptor in question is for a socket, a pipe, queues in the kernel have an associated
an on-disk file or anything else. One of these callback function, which is called when /* Fill fds[] with file descriptors */
epoll_fd = epoll_create(NUM_FD);
Isn’t everything a file already?
for (i = 0; i < NUM_FD; i++) { If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like as coming from the same family, as they share a = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; a nail. If your program is built around an event common suffix: fd. Their names are signalfd(2), = fds[i]; loop, it’s very convenient to have every input as a timerfd, and eventfd(2). The first one delivers Unix
epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fds[i], &ev); pollable file descriptor. signals, the second is for timers and the third is
Luckily, almost everything in Linux is already suitable for posting application-level events or as
a file. Signals are notable exceptions here, but an IPC mechanism (see LV015). It can also serve
Linux has several mechanisms that can come to as an event channel between userspace and the
while (!done) { the rescue. They appeared first in kernel 2.6.22, kernel. For instance, it is the mechanism QEMU
retval = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, NUM_FD, and are very similar in their operation. You are and KVM use for bi-directional notifications. It is
timeout_msec); given a way to obtain a special file descriptor that also employed in high-speed kernel-space device
becomes readable when some event occurs. This emulation (the VHost and VFIO subsystems).
if (retval > 0) {
can be a signal delivered to your process, a timer Consult the corresponding man pages for
for (i = 0; i < retval; i++) { expiration or some other event that needs your details and usage examples. For timerfd, try man 2
if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) { attention. You can think of these mechanisms timerfd_create.
/* Data has come, handle it */
} else if (retval == 0) {
/* Timeout happened */ “edge-triggered”, which is another distinctive On the Python side
} else { feature of epoll(7). poll(2) and select(2) are The code samples we’ve seen so far used
/* Error occurred */ always level-triggered, meaning that they C, but that doesn’t mean you can’t write
} will signal the event as long as the condition asynchronous code in a high-level language
} holds – if, for example, there is data to read. such as Python. In this case it is unlikely
close(epoll_fd); With EPOLLET, only events that change the you’ll do system calls directly, however. Most
return 0; descriptor state (eg from empty to readable) probably, you’ll rely on some asynchronous
} are signalled. It may be tempting to use framework or networking library, like Gevent,
it for new data indication, and it will work. Tornado or Twisted. Let’s have a sneak peek
The only argument epoll_create(2) However, you should always keep in mind on what happens behind the curtains here,
receives used to be a hint for descriptor set that the event is signalled on a state change. taking the latter as an example.
size. Modern kernels ignore it (albeit it must If 5k of data arrived in a socket, and you Twisted is a callback-based framework.
be non-zero for backward compatibility), and read only 3k of it before calling epoll_wait(2) When asynchronous operation (say, socket
there is newer epoll_create1(2) that doesn’t again, you’ll lose the event for the next 5k of read) starts, you get a ‘Deferred’ object that
take this argument. Events are represented data coming. That’s yet another reason to you can attach your callbacks to. Those are
with struct epoll_event, which again stores set file descriptors to non-blocking state, so called when the data is ready.
a file descriptor to watch and the events you can drain the descriptor safely. Twisted can preserve an illusion of
mask, as in poll(2). You add these structures epoll_fd is itself pollable. You can add it synchronous code execution. It relies on
to epoll_fd with epoll_ctl(2). Other possible to the file descriptor set, and it will become co-routines, the yield keyword and a custom
arguments include EPOLL_CTL_DEL to readable if there are any events signalled. decorator (@defer.inlineCallbacks). Instead
remove descriptors, and EPOLL_CTL_MOD It’s not a good idea to add an epoll file of attaching callbacks yourself, you ‘yield’ the
to change the events mask. descriptor to its own set, however. ‘Deferred’, and the decorator does this for
Most event mask flags are quite While select(2), poll(2), and epoll(7) work you. When the value is ready, the decorator
descriptive. For instance, EPOLLIN is for well on sockets or pipes, you shouldn’t takes it and sends it back to the yield
readability test, and EPOLLOUT is for assume the same for regular files. Carefully expression, or injects an exception in case of
writeability. Note the use of EPOLLET, use non-blocking disk access, yielding an error. All this runs in a loop which terminates
however. As the example shows, it can be event loop when necessary, or try POSIX when the wrapped function returns a value
combined with other flags. ET stands for Asynchronous I/O here. or simply ends.
Command of the month: strace
This month, we’ve learned several ways to program_name, but more importantly, you 11:35:57 poll([{fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6,
create event loops in a Linux application. can also connect to the process already events=POLLIN}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 3, 145) = 0
How do you know which one the given running with strace -p PID. You can also (Timeout)
program uses? add -e desc to filter out everything but file Here I traced the update-notifier process
Try strace(1), a small tool that does a descriptor-related system calls. on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system, and I also
great job tracing system calls live. It requires Consider the following: added -t for timestamps. We see update-
root permissions to run, because snooping $ sudo strace -p 3492 -e desc -t notifier relies on poll(2), and you can also
on another user’s processes is certainly 11:35:56 poll([{fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, note how strace(1) decodes the arguments
a privileged operation. You can trace a events=POLLIN}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 3, 1065) = and return values for you. We’ll come back to
process you start yourself with strace 1 ([{fd=6, revents=POLLIN}]) strace(1) next issue. 71
FOSSpicks Sparkling gems and new
releases from the world of
Free and Open Source Software
Hunting snarks is for amateurs – Ben Everard spends his time in
the long grass, stalking the hottest, free-est Linux software around.
here are two different types Hurd is a set of servers and
of code running on a related protocols that run on top of
computer: kernel space the Mach microkernel to enable
code and userspace code. Code in userspace software to run
the kernel space is held in memory everything that’s needed.
and has full access to the hardware, The easiest way to try Hurd is to
while code in userspace is download a Qemu image file from
controlled by the kernel and can https://people.debian.
access the hardware by calling org/~sthibault/hurd-i386. Once
procedures in the kernel. However, unzipped, this can be run with:
there’s also a large grey area where qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 debian-
code could live either in kernel hurd-20150105.img
space or userspace – filesystem
drivers, for example. Most operating A work in progress…
systems have these in the kernel; At the time of writing, there isn’t a The Debian Hurd image doesn’t come with much by default, but it
however, there’s no reason they build using the latest 0.6 kernel, but does have IceWM and the w3m text-based web browser.
can’t live in userspace. this may change by the time you
Linux, BSDs, and almost all read this. This is built on Debian, but software/hurd/hurd/running/
modern operating systems have a with Hurd and Mach instead of the qemu.html.
lot of systems functionality in the Linux kernel. There aren’t as many Mach and Hurd have been in
kernel. Theoretically, there may be packages as in the Linux version of development for 25 years, but it’s
an advantage to shifting this out Debian, because some software not particularly stable, and there’s
into userspace: doing so would requires features that aren’t yet in limited hardware support. Hurd
keep the kernel smaller and could Hurd. If you’re a glutton for simply doesn’t have enough
increase security. These minimalist punishment, you can build a developers to realise its vision in the
kernels are known as microkernels, system yourself from the short term, a problem that’s
and Mach is one of these. instructions at exacerbated by the complexity of
the microkernel model.
There are versions of Debian and
Arch that use Hurd and Mach in
place of the Linux kernel, though
without a mature kernel, and a
software stack designed to take
advantages of the specific features
that a microkernel would give, it’s
hard to realise the potential of Hurd.
For the time being, Hurd is an
interesting idea, but it’s not yet a
serious kernel for real work. Of
Arch Hurd doesn’t get
course, there was a time when the
much development, but
the most recent update same could be said of Linux…
on the website assures
us that the project isn’t
Video editor
nce upon a time, video
production was a specialist
activity which only a few
highly skilled individuals ever dared
to try, but now, with YouTube, Vine
and other user-generated video
sites, it’s becoming more common
for ordinary people to produce
videos for themselves. Kdenlive is a
video editor for the masses.
Kdenlive is a non-linear video
editor for KDE. The non-linear part
of the name means that it’s not
destructive of the source material
(almost all digital video editors are
Version 15.04 is the first release
of Kdenlive since the project
became an official part of KDE. This
change should mean that we see The Kdenlive interface is welcoming for beginners, but doesn’t hide anything away from the user.
more frequent updates than
previously, as it will keep pace with Kdenlive can use either FFmpeg or transitions. As well as merging
the official KDE release schedule. It Libav to convert tracks as they’re tracks, you can add various effects,
also means that the software’s imported or exported, so it supports such as colour transformations or
switched to using the Qt 5 graphical a huge range of video file formats. spatial distortions.
toolkit, so it might be quite some In its basic usage, Kdenlive enables For many years, we’ve been put
time before the latest build makes it you to take a series of video and off Kdenlive because it hasn’t been
into the more conservative distros, audio tracks and combine them to stable. In fact, once we had to
but users of Arch and other make a whole video. Each clip can abandon a project because we just
cutting-edge distros should already be as short as a single frame or as couldn’t get it to work with the video
have it. long as you like, and you can merge files we needed. However, the last
The interface is nicely laid out, between them with a range of few releases have seen a noticeable
with the default layout giving you rise in stability, and it’s been a while
tracks at the bottom and the clips, “Kdenlive enables you to combine since it’s crashed on us.
The last couple of years have
effects and preview in a line across
the top. This gives you access to a series of video and audio tracks seen a considerable amount of
what you need without over- to make a whole video.” interest in video editing on Linux,
and people are putting money into
complicating the window.
creating better software. Kdenlive
raised almost $7,500 in an
Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign,
while more recently Pitivi (a
competing open source video
editor) raised over €23,000.
We’re starting to see the fruits of
this cash injection, and the
standard of all tools in the field is
rising. Perhaps we’ll get to a day
when the quality of tools for video
production on Linux is as good as
Kdenlive includes a title the quality of the developer tools.
clip editor for creating
simple text overlays for
your videos. 73
Private file sharer
ave you ever tried to share the shared file (known as a storage
a large file with someone locker), and create a password.
and found that none of the Your files will be encrypted on your
existing solutions really worked? device, and uploaded to a locker.
Email just won’t handle it. There are You can share a link with anyone,
some cloud-based options (Google give them the password, and they
Drive and Dropbox to name but can download the contents of that
two), but these require you to hand locker, and after 24 hours, the files
your data over to organisations that are deleted.
are known to data-mine for profit, Encryption is done client-side
so may not be suitable for private using the Stanford JavaScript
data. There are other solutions that Crypto Library using 512-bit AES. The web interface is simple and easy to use, because Lockee
provide more security, but require This should be sufficient for most focuses on doing just one thing, and doing it well.
the person you’re sharing the data security needs, but we can’t
with to install software, and that’s guarantee that there aren’t any with any of the settings (such as
not always possible. weaknesses in it. the amount of time files are held for
In other words, there are lots of The server-side software is all before they’re deleted). It’s based on
ways you can share large files over open source, so you can deploy it to node.js, and can be installed with
the internet, but none of them work your own server if you wish to tinker the npm package manager, so you
well. Enter Lockee. This solves the can your own private file sharing
problem by providing temporary running in just a few minutes.
encrypted online storage. You can “Lockee encrypts your files
use the public instance at www. just think up a name for
and uploads them to a locker.” PROJECT WEBSITE
Backup tool
sync is arguably the best Since Rsnapshot uses Rsync and
tool for making copies of SSH to do the backups, you can
filesystems. It’s almost save files from a server with just
endlessly configurable, but as a these two utilities installed, so
consequence of this power, it can there’s no need to put extra
also be complex to fine-tune. software on the machine you want
Rsnapshot is a set of shell scripts to back up. You just need to install
that wrap around Rsync to provide Rsnapshot onto the machine that
easy access to some of its most will save the backups, and you can
useful backup features. set it running.
As well as providing the ability to There are lots of wrappers
create a snapshot, Rsnapshot lets around Rsync. Rsnapshot’s main
Rsnapshot is configured
you create incremental backups selling point is its simplicity, and the by the file /etc/ never need to worry about your
based on this snapshot. With clever fact that it’s command-line based, rsnapshot.conf. Using backups. Just install it and forget
use of hardlinks, this means you so it can be run from Cron (or this, you can tune its about it. Then, should the
can store the state of the backed- Systemd timers if you’re cutting- behaviour however you unfortunate happen, just browse
up directory at any point of time edge). Once it’s set up, it will just want. through the backups (which are just
with very little extra space. It continue running, meaning you a clone of the backed-up
maintains the permissions of the directories), and restore anything
original files, so if you’re running you need.
locally, the owners of the files can “Rsnapshot is a set of shell scripts
restore them without the root user
having to get involved.
that wrap around the Rsync utility.” PROJECT WEBSITE
eBook editor
Pub, the most popular Amazon’s Kindle Store using the
format of eBooks, is a Calibre eBook manager).
format that uses Zip files to You can create your books using
bring together HTML documents either WYSIWYG editing or HTML
and associated content (CSS, editing of the files, but Sigil’s best
images, etc) into a single file that features are its ePub checking
can be saved to a device. This tools. The ePubs standard is stricter
format means you can use than standard HTML, and some
standard web technologies, but still viewers have very pedantic
read the contents offline. Since rendering engines, so it’s important
ePubs use HTML, you can create to thoroughly check them before
them with any HTML authoring tool, sending them out into the world.
however, a specialist ePub creator
makes it easier to bring everything Sigil + Calibre
We use Sigil in the
together into a single file. We use Sigil as well as Calibre for recommend any prospective eBook
process of creating the
Sigil has everything you need to this when we produce the Linux Linux Voice ePub. editors try out both to see which
create your own ePub files. These Voice ePubs, which are available to works best for them. Since the
could be ones your want to share subscribers. Each has different ePub format is standard, it’s trivial
with your friends, or your strengths, so we’d strongly to work on a single book using both
groundbreaking first novel that you tools, and we haven’t had a problem
want to publish online (Sigil can doing so.
create files for Google Play Books, “Sigil has everything you need
and Sigil’s ePubs can be converted
into the appropriate format for
to produce your own ePub files.” PROJECT WEBSITE
Wikipedia reader
ikipedia is probably the when you’re offline. This is,
greatest single obviously, a huge amount of data,
information repository so it does require a large download
mankind has ever created. It holds when you install the wiki, but once
a frankly mind boggling amount of you’ve got the data, it’s available
information, and despite the whether or not you’re connected.
potential for vandalism, maintains a
high level of accuracy. There’s only Knowledge of the world
one problem with it: you have to be If you can get the database, you
online to access it. can store it for use offline. This
For most situations, this isn’t a means that as well as working with
problem. In todays always-online, Wikipedia in any language, you can
smartphone-connected world, use it to grab wiki dictionaries
many people are connected to the (wiktionaries) or any of the other
internet every second of every day. sources from WikiMedia. Xowa’s help files are themselves wiki pages; they’re included in the
However, there’s a significant There are links to the appropriate standard install, while you have to download other wikis.
proportion of the world where that downloads in the Tools > Import
simply isn’t the case. This is true in Online menu. It lists all the options would tell you what articles are in
rural parts of rich countries, and in by size, so you can get anything the latter one, but we couldn’t find
huge swathes of the developing from the full English Wikipedia an Arpitan reader to translate for us.
world. (11GB) to the Arpitan (a language
Xowa allows you complete from Provence) version of the PROJECT WEBSITE
access to the whole of Wikipedia dictionary that’s just 1MB. We 75
Integrated development environment
Qt Creator
riting software requires a more cross-platform capabilities, Qt
few different tools. Creator supports building HTML
Depending on your exact apps, which provide a great option
requirements, you may need a text for cross-platform development.
editor, build system compiler (or Although Qt Creator can work
interpreter), interface designer and with other languages and
source code manager. There are platforms, it’s designed to work with
two options: you can find separate C++ and the Qt toolkit. Version 3.4
tools for each task, or you can find comes with improved support for
one powerful tool that does it all. If refactoring, and smarter syntax Drag-and-drop your own
you find yourself going down the highlighting. As well as the FOSS GUIs, and let Qt Creator The biggest advantage of using
latter route, you’ll need an version, there are commercial generate all the code for Qt Creator is probably the designer,
Integrated Development versions of Qt Creator with better you. which lets you drag-and-drop your
Environment (IDE). integration with testing tools, and user interface. This integrates well
Qt Creator, as you may have support from the makers. The with the rest of the software, so you
guessed from the name, is an IDE community version is perfectly can easily build quite complex user
for the Qt toolkit. This means it’s usable for most people, and doesn’t interfaces. Fans of the GTK toolkit
ideal for building software for KDE feel deliberately crippled to generate will have to wait for the soon-to-be-
and LXQt as well as any of the sales of the commercial version. released Gnome Builder IDE to have
mobile environments built on Qt, the same level of functionality.
such as Sailfish. In fact, Qt is an
excellent option for cross-platform “Qt Creator is an integrated PROJECT WEBSITE
development, and runs on most
modern OSes. It you need even
development environment for Qt.”
Network graphical configurer
rch Linux uses netctl, a tool Usually, the solution is simply to
to help you configure your look it up on the Arch Wiki, but you
network containers using can’t until you get your computer
profiles and Systemd’s networkd connected. In this situation, NetCTL
daemon. NetCTL GUI is a graphical GUI would save you fiddling around
tool that lets you do all this without trying to read the wiki on your
having to dig down to the phone, or – even worse – turning to
command line. a Macbook using friend and
Of course, some people may uttering the most embarrassing
argue that if you don’t like digging words a Linux user ever has to say
down to the command line, then to a non-Linux user “Can I borrow
Arch Linux probably isn’t the right your computer for a second? I’ve
distro for you. Maybe they have a forgotten how to configure
point, but there are a few situations networking on Arch Linux”. NetCTL NetCTL GUI is possibly the most important piece of software to
when we think NetCTL GUI could GUI can save you this humiliation stop Arch Linux users losing face.
come in handy. For example, you – install it now. You may never need
arrive at a coffee shop and take out it, you may never even open it, but GTK-based desktop. We tested it on
your laptop. You go to connect to in case you do, you’ll thank us. the Mate desktop, and it worked
the wireless network. Can you without problems.
remember the syntax for the Safety first!
profiles or the arguments for netctl? NetCTL GUI is written using Qt, but PROJECT WEBSITE
Perhaps you can, but we find that it’s such a simple application that it
we forget stuff like this all the time. shouldn’t look out of place on a
FOSSPICKS Brain Relaxers
Run and gun
C-Dogs SDL
riginally a shareware than the original game, including
game for DOS, C-Dogs is Linux. There’s even an Android
a fast-paced running and version for those of you who use
shooting game for one to four Linux on the go.
players. It’s a straightforward The graphics are true to the
game of keeping on the move game’s 90s heritage, and won’t tax
and shooting anything else that your graphics hardware, or require a
moves. You can play as several high-res screen. Simple and
different characters, and the pixellated are the two adjectives
multiplayer options enable you to that best capture the visual feel of
play either with or against the the game. Of course, as every retro
other players. gamer knows, you can’t judge a
The name C-Dogs
The original game was game by the graphics, and the get bored too soon. It’s probably
comes from Cyberdogs
available until 2001, and at the simple visuals belie great gameplay. (the games doesn’t not the game for epic weekend-
end of its commercial life, Ronny There’s no real plot to follow, or feature any pirates). long sessions, but a quick stress
Wester, its programmer, open complex manoeuvres to master: reliever after a long day… just
sourced the code. Naturally, this just keep moving, and keep what arcade games were
was picked up by a few shooting. It’s the way games used intended for.
developers, and soon the code to be.
was ported to the SDL game C-Dogs SDL is easy to pick up, PROJECT WEBSITE
library. C-Dogs SDL was born, and and quick to play, but also
it worked on far more platforms entertaining enough that you won’t
Turn-based strategy
The Battle for Wesnoth
he Battle for Wesnoth is a its effectiveness. The similarity
turn based strategy game ends there though, because in The
set in a Tolkien-esque Battle for Wesnoth, you can play with
fantasy realm. You play as one of whichever pieces you like, since you
six factions, which are made up amass your army by paying gold to
by various combinations of men, recruit troops. Now I think about it,
elves, goblins, orcs, trolls, that could make chess a little better
dragons, skeletons, mermen and as well. I never could work out a
others. There isn’t a central good way of using knights.
theme, but a series of 16 Wesnoth walks the line of not
campaigns that you can play, being too hard to put off beginners
each with its own storyline. and at the same time not being so
Who needs Steam, or
You take it in turns (against the easy as to get boring. Even Once you’ve completed the 16
friends, or the outside
computer) to make your moves newcomers to the turn-based official campaigns, you can
world? Not us. We just
and plan your attacks, much like strategy genre should find it a need The Battle For continue with user-generated
a graphically-appealing game of entertaining game. Wesnoth. ones – there are enough of these
chess played on a hexagonal that even avid gamers should be
grid. Like chess, different players playing for a long time.
have different abilities, and the “… a turn-based strategy game
key to success is to learn how to
use each piece so as to maximise
set in a Tolkien-esque world.” PROJECT WEBSITE 77
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Inside the kernel
Delve inside the
project that everyone
relies on – the Linux
kernel. Be advised
that there may be
swearing and
intolerance for low
quality code…
Robot takeover
Ben is still in his
shed, working on an
army of Linux-
powered robot super
soldiers. Who knows
what he’s planning in
the fug of flux and
Profits giveaway
At Linux Voice, we
BE YOUR OWN SYSADMIN like to put our money
where our mouth is,
Run your own servers, manage your own and we’re giving half
our (modest) first
data, and take control over all your digital year’s profits to help
happening – all with Free Software. Free Software. Here’s
where it’s going.
Editor Graham Morrison Editorial consultant Nick Veitch through the use of advice in this magazine. Copyright Linux is a trademark of Linus Experiment with Linux at your own risk! Torvalds, and is used with permission.
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory Distributed by Marketforce (UK) Ltd, Blue Anything in this magazine may not be All code printed in this magazine is licensed Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, reproduced without permission of the
Technical editor Ben Everard under the GNU GPLv3 SE1 0SU editor, until February 2016 when all content Tel: +44 (0) 20 3148 3300 (including our images) is re-licensed CC-
Editor at large Mike Saunders Printed in the UK by BY-SA. Acorn Web Offset Ltd Circulation Marketing by Intermedia Brand ©Linux Voice Ltd 2014
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Dip your toe into a pool full of Linux knowledge with eight
tutorials lovingly crafted to expand your Linux consciousness
In this issue…
82 84
Ben Everard
Does his computing on an abacus. It may be
basic, but the hardware is open.
I Ardour multitrack audio Sonic Pi and Minecraft
’ve been writing about Linux for
almost half a decade, and I honestly
never thought I’d report on Graham Morrison likes nothing more than These two programs are arguably the best
Microsoft’s Visual Studio for Linux. This open source software and making music. two pieces of software to get kids coding.
issue I’ve done exactly that (albeit in a Join him, and indulge your creative side by The ever-youthful Les Pounder brings
stripped-down programmer’s editor, not making multi-track music. them together for the geeks of tomorrow.
the full Visual Studio IDE). This raises so
many questions. Is this a cynical
88 92 96
marketing move or a genuine change of
strategy? Will we see more Linux
software from Microsoft? What does
this mean for Linux as a desktop
operating system? For now, we can
only speculate wildly, so here are my
bold predictions for the future.
GPX data Coding Lisp Docker
Speculation Use open standards and Juliet Kemp travels back Discover the latest
I think that this is a genuine change satellites to track your in time to look at the first buzzwords in system
from Microsoft, and will likely be movements. Marco Fioretti functional programming administration as
accompanied in the future by more unleashes the power of language and see how it Ben Everard reveals the
software releases for Linux, and XML and GPX. affects coding today. secrets of containerisation.
continued support. However, it will be
several years before we see a major
Microsoft product (such as the full PROGRAMMING
Visual Studio, or Office) released on
desktop Linux. We’ve seen Linux grow IPython Logic ASM School
slowly but steadily in market share for 100 Interactive programming is 104 True and False; 1 and 0: 106 In the final part of the
the last ten years. This release is an the process of exploring these are the building series on assembly
data by running code one line at a blocks of computers, but how can language programming, we extend
acknowledgement of Linux’s increasing
time. There are a few tools availble you manipulate them? What do the operating system that we built
importance, and I think the trend’s likely for this, but IPython is the best AND, OR, and NOT have to do with last month by introducing system
to continue for some time (at least five open source option. It can run in it all? Is XOR really a word? From calls, which enable programs to
years). Will we see a dramatic increase either a terminal or a web browser. Boolean algebra to bitwise masks, interact with your OS. We also add
in the uptake of Linux in this time Combining it with Python’s we uncover the techniques that a simple graphics driver to add
excellent numerical modules make logic useful to programmers some colourful images, and give
frame? Only time will tell.
makes a great analytical platform. of all levels. the potential for a GUI system. 81
A great new release gives the perfect excuse to explore some of
the new features in this Free Software audio editor.
ontinuing our loose theme of looking at open Jack as a pre-requisite. Jack is the audio connectivity
source applications capable of competing with layer that’s powerful but complicated. Its requirement
• Add effects to
the very best commercial alternatives, this by Ardour added a considerable hurdle for users who
month we’re going to examine the new version of just wanted to try the application. But you can now
• Edit out dead air and
other mistakes Ardour. Ardour is an audio powerhouse, capable of simply launch Ardour just as you would a similar
recording, editing and mastering music that could be application such as Audacity. We’ll use our standard
released professionally (see our review on p50). laptop hardware to record a few tracks of audio and
Like Gimp, it’s difficult to work out how to use it use Ardour to mix these down to a single audio file.
simply by loading the application, but the new version It’s the audio equivalent of creating and merging
has made things considerably easier by removing layers in Gimp.
Step by step: Record and edit an audio track
Connect to your audio 2
Explore the interface
When Ardour launches, you’ll be asked where you Click on OK and you’ll be presented with a warning
want to create a new session. It’s worth doing this in about memory limits. We’d recommend disabling this
a separate folder, because there are usually lots of and closing it. The main application window will then
files associated with a single project. After giving appear. First appearances can be intimidating
your new session a name, the ‘Audio/MIDI Setup’ because Ardour gives you no clues about what to do
wizard appears. This is where you tell Ardour which next, so we’re going to use this as an excuse to
audio hardware and driver to use, as well as the provide a brief overview of the interface.
sample rate and buffer size. Now that you no longer In the very top-right of the window, you’ll find
need to run Jack in the background, you can select various stats about the recording format, CPU state
ALSA as the audio subsystem and you shouldn’t (labelled as DSP) and how much recording time is
need to make any other system changes. Sample available in your hard drive, labelled as ‘Disk’. The
rate is usually best at 44.1kHz (the same as a CD) multi-coloured LED is clickable and will be off when
and the buffer size is fine at 1024 samples. there are no messages, yellow when there’s an update
A larger buffer will help with audio glitches, and red if there are problems. The two large number
especially on slower machines, but a larger fields are for the cursor position within the recording,
buffer also increases the time it takes for audio as a time and as bars/beats. Transport controls are to
generated in Ardour to make a sound – known as the left and beneath there’s cursor, snapping and
latency. The buffer latency is shown to the right of mouse options. Finally, the entire lower section of this
the buffer size field. By default this is 23.3ms window is for each of your recorded audio tracks,
(1 second = 1000ms). which we’ll create now
Audio connections 4
Recording audio
Before you can record anything you have to add a Ardour will always attempt to make sensible
track to record something into. There’s already a connections by default, but you can always go into the
single entry labelled Master. All tracks and audio will Connections window and change them, much as you
be mixed into this Master bus and sent to your would in a recording studio by unplugging one cable
headphones/speakers. To get a clearer idea of this, from a mixer channel and connecting it somewhere
add a new audio track from the Track menu. else. This is how you’d set up multiple inputs to be
A new red track will be added, and you should notice recorded at the same time on different tracks, for
a volume meter bouncing up and down on both this example. Hopefully, your microphone or other input is
track and the Master bus. This is the input from your already connected to the input and the volume meter
microphone connected by default to the new track. All is bouncing around on the track. This means you’re
connections within Ardour are configurable from the ready to record, and to make a recording you need to
Window > Audio Connections panel. Currently, the ‘Record Enable’ the new track by pressing the red
hardware ‘Source’ is connected to the track button and then press the large red recording button
‘Destination’, the Source > Track is connected to the in the transport section followed by ‘Play’. As the
Destination > Master bus and the Source > Master bus recording progresses you should see the amplitude
is connected to the Destination > Hardware Output. waveform drawn into your record enabled tracks.
Editing your masterpiece 6
Mastering and output
The next step is editing, and just like you’d edit out The final step is mastering your edit into a single file.
errors with Gimp, it’s now time to edit your recordings. To start, open the mixer view from the Window menu.
Use the cursor to trim the beginning and end of the You can adjust the relative volume and left/right
audio, or move blocks against one another in time to balance of your tracks here. If you’ve got any LADSPA
improve timing. Drag corners to add fade-in and effects installed, you can use them too. If you want to
fade-out effects. Press C for cut mode, which will let make changes happen over time, you’ll need to use
you split blocks so you can remove or edit only one automation, enabled back in the track view by pressing
part. Press T to enter stretch mode. This will let you the A button. Select Fader to adjust the volume and
drag blocks to fit the time/space, but doesn’t sound use the Write mode, which will record changes in the
so great with extreme stretches. You can get a better fader level as you adjust them during playback.
view of your editing by changing the zoom level with To export your creation, select Session > Export >
your mouse wheel, or adjust the vertical height of Export to Audio. Change the format to WAV or Ogg
each track using the right-click menu, and can group Vorbis and make sure the time span covers your whole
tracks together and edit across the multiple tracks project. Now click Export. Ardour will play through your
when more than one is selected. recording and write the output to a single audio file. 83
Learn a new way to hack Minecraft, using Sonic Pi. Shape your
world and make a lot of noise doing it!
wo applications on the Raspberry Pi have
ignited imaginations more than any others:
• Merging Minecraft Minecraft and Sonic Pi. Minecraft is the open
and Sonic Pi into one
project is a genius way world sandbox game in which you can build anything;
of introducing coding, it even has its own Python API that enables anyone to
music and game design. shape their world using programming. Sonic Pi is a
popular music creation tool that uses Ruby as its
programming language. But what if we could merge
TOOLS REQUIRED them together and control Minecraft using Sonic Pi,
• A Raspberry Pi 2. while programming music? Well now we can!
• Keyboard,mouse and In this tutorial we will be using the development In our first project we create a teleporter that plays music
monitor with sound version of Sonic Pi, as at the time of writing it is the upon a successful teleport. Beam us up, Mr Scott!
capabilities. only version capable of talking to Minecraft.
• If your monitor does Setting up Sonic Pi Dev requires a little command Sonic Pi contains eight workspaces, and each
not have sound, plug
in headphones to your line magic. So on your Raspberry Pi 2, connected to workspace has its own programming panel.
Raspberry Pi 2 and use the internet, open a terminal and issue the following Workspaces can be played simultaneously and will
Sonic Pi preferences to command. automatically save when Sonic Pi is closed.
change output.
git clone git:// Just above the programming panel are four buttons
• You can download the
completed code from cd sonic-pi/app/gui/qt used to play and stop your composition, save your sudo ./rp-fetch-deps work to a file, and lastly to record your composition to
LinuxVoice_Issue16_ ./rp-build-app a WAV file for use in another application.
Education/archive/ cd ../../server/bin/ With Sonic Pi Dev ready to go, let's fire up Minecraft
./compile-extensions.rb Pi; you can find it in the menu under Games. Create a
cd ../../../ new world in Minecraft Pi and wait for it to load. When
./bin/sonic-pi it's ready we need to switch our focus back to Sonic Pi
So what have we just done? Well, we've used Dev, and the easiest way to do this is by pressing the
git clone to download the code from GitHub, then Tab key on your keyboard. This will release the mouse
changed directory and run a script to download the and enable us to select the Sonic Pi Dev window.
The two towers use
dependencies for Sonic Pi Dev to work. We have then In Sonic Pi Dev we'll write a line of code in
different block types to
built the application from source, and finally run Sonic Workspace 0 to test that the connection between
give them a different
colour. There are lots of Pi Dev from its directory rather than call the version of Sonic Pi Dev and Minecraft Pi is complete. The most
block types for you to use, Sonic Pi that's installed by default on Raspbian. basic test is to push a message to the Minecraft chat
just be careful with the window and we do this as follows.
flowing lava and water. Sonic Pi mc_message(“Hello World”)
Press Run and change your focus back to the
Minecraft Pi window. You will see “Hello World” on the
screen, proving that the connection has been made.
Unlike the Python API, which requires us to import
the Minecraft library, Sonic Pi 2.5.0 Dev is already
configured to connect to Minecraft if we give it a
command that will output in the Minecraft world.
Project 1 – Mixing music with worlds
Our goal for this project is to teleport the player from
one place to another and to play a jingle at the same
time. Let’s begin with our first line of code, which is the
start of an infinite loop – but not your typical “while
True” loop. Rather, we use.
live_loop :NAME do
#Code to loop indefinitely
This loop enables us to update its contents on the
fly, an increasingly popular and challenging practice
known as live coding, where changes to code are
instantly reflected and shown to a live audience. A live
loop needs a name, so we'll call this one “project1”.
Once you make changes to the code you'll need to
reload the code using the Play button; it will take effect
the next time the code is loaded, with no break in the
music. At the end of a loop we must make sure that
we close the loop using end, otherwise we'll generate
an error in Sonic Pi.
Inside the loops we'll add the code that we wish to
repeat, which will be as follows.
Find the position of the player
In Project 2 the towers
Teleport them 5 blocks in every direction With the code in place, let's test it out. Click on the
are 100 blocks high, with
Play a sample to indicate success. Play button and switch your focus to Minecraft. Every each block being 1m high.
Teleportation is achieved by changing the player's two seconds your player will be teleported to a new This means that we have
x,y and z positions in the world, and we can do this location. With that test successfully under our belt created 200m of blocks in
in two ways: using a relative position to our current press the Stop button to cease teleporting the player. less than a second!
position, or with an absolute position. The benefit Now we need to add the sound effect to accompany
of using a relative position is that we can transport the teleport. There are many different samples that
the player around the map no matter where they are, come with Sonic Pi, but one of the most recognisable
whereas an absolute position will return our player to is called Amen, used since 1969 as a drum solo and
the same place in the map. a sample added to hip hop music. In our code it looks
In order to teleport a player to a relative position like this.
we'll need to know where they are in the Minecraft live_loop :project1 do
world. We can find this out using mc_location, which sample :loop_amen
will return the player's coordinates in the world. In x, y, z = mc_location
order to breakout the coordinates into each axis we mc_teleport(x + 5, y + 5, z + 5)
will create three variables called x, y and z. Now our sleep 2.2
code will look like this. end
live_loop :project1 do Now click on the Play button to restart the code,
x, y, z = mc_location and we should see our player teleport along with a
end brief sample of the Amen loop.
Now each time the loop iterates we will update
the variables with the player's current location. Let's Project 2 – Create to the beat
use these positions to teleport our player using mc_ One of the most exciting areas for merging Sonic Pi
teleport from the current position to 5 blocks in every and Minecraft is creating interactivity between the two.
direction, effectively moving us in a 3D movement to In this project we'll show how we can synchronise the
the top-right of a 5x5x5 cube – that is, until gravity beat of the music to activity in the world. Let's start
takes hold and drops you to the ground. We’ll include with a blank workspace and a Minecraft world open
a two-second delay to enable the teleport to be and ready. The first line of code is a simple post to
successfully displayed on the screen. chat message welcoming the player to the project.
live_loop :project1 do mc_chat_post("Hello welcome to Project 2")
x, y, z = mc_location Next we will teleport the player to a location:
mc_teleport(x + 5, y + 5, z + 5) mc_teleport(14,6,-88)
sleep 2.2 With these two lines completed we now turn our
end attention to the loop. Again we will use the same live
Sonic Pi and Ruby
Developed by Dr Sam Aaron as a personal project to create Matsumoto as a personal project to help create an object-
music using programming logic, Sonic Pi’s is now part of the oriented scripting language. Sonic Pi is a great gateway to
default Raspbian operating system, bringing it into the homes learning more about Ruby, and there are two great resources
of many thousands of eager Raspberry Pi users. we'd recommend if you're just starting out: an application
It's powered by Ruby, and its ease of use and clear called Kids Ruby, available from, and the
syntax enables anyone to compose their own music. The book Ruby Wizardry, written by Eric Weinstein and published
Ruby language was created in the 1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" by No Starch Press. 85
number 60 is equivalent to a middle C. After the note
has been played we instruct the project to pause for a
second. This helps us to control the beat.
We will now alter the blocks that make up our
towers, by changing the block type, but keeping the x, y
and z coordinates the same. In this case we swapped
the diamond for obsidian and the gold for melon.
mc_set_area(:obsidian, 12, 6, -90, 12, 106, -90)
mc_set_area(:melon, 13, 6, -91, 13, 106, -91)
We now play a D# note and again instruct Sonic Pi
to wait for 1 second.
play 63
sleep 1
Finally we close the two loops that make up the
project; these are live_loop do and with_fx.
Our towers rise menacingly
loop as per project ,1 but we'll call the loop project2. end
from the ground and dwarf
the course for Project 3! live_loop :project2 do With the code complete, click on the Play button
In the loop we will create another loop to handle and then change your focus to the Minecraft window.
playing any samples of audio with effects, in this case You'll see your player teleported to the location of the
reverb to give the audio a presence and gravity. The towers and a 24-esque booming noise will sound to
sample that we will play is a boom, and we will play it the beat.
once per second.
with_fx :reverb, room: 1 do Project 3 – Crazy platforms
sample :bd_boom, amp: 10, rate: 1 For the last project we will create our own platform
Now we change our focus to building the towers of game along with a soundtrack. We start with a new
blocks. The towers are built at absolute coordinates, workspace and Minecraft open with a new world. Our
so they will appear at the same place every time. first few lines of code again use the chatbox to
We first create the two towers using the command introduce the project.
mc_set_area and then specify the type of block to use. mc_chat_post("Welcome to project 3 - can you make it to the
We then provide the starting x,y and z coordinates end")
and then the finishing coordinates. So our first tower mc_chat_post("without falling off?")
is made of diamond and starts at x12, y6 and z-90 on Next up we level out the playing area by turning a
the map. We then specify that the x and z coordinates big cube of the world into air.
remain the same, but the tower will be 100 blocks tall, mc_set_area(:air, -12, 8, -81, 3,20,-56)
this is done by setting the final y value to 106. Now we teleport the player to the start of our
mc_set_area(:diamond, 12, 6, -90, 12, 106, -90) platform game.
mc_set_area(:gold, 13, 6, -91, 13, 106, -91) mc_teleport(-12,8,-81)
With the first tower complete, you can see that This time we start the live loop process again,
our second tower is made of gold and has the same renaming the loop to project3. We also create another
height, but the start and finishing x and z coordinates loop to handle the reverb audio effect and reuse the
are next to the main tower. Now that we have created boom sample from project 2.
the towers we'll play a note to create the beat of our live_loop :project3 do
project. with_fx :reverb, room: 1 do
play 60 sample :bd_boom, amp: 10, rate: 1
sleep 1 Now we create the first few platforms, these are
Sonic Pi uses MIDI numbers to identify notes that how our player can jump from place to place. We
you can play in your compositions, and the note create them using the mc_set_area function that we
This course resembles a typical platform game, with
Our towers are so high that they exceed Minecraft's draw hazards around every corner! It would look rather good
distance, creating a fog effect for objects too far away. with lava underneath it.
In classic homage we’ve
included a yellow power
up box with a mushroom
inside it. Remember kids,
don’t eat any mushrooms
that you cannot identify.
A player's-eye view of the course – this is similar to what
Mario can see. That platform looks rather narrow!
mc_set_area(:mushroom_red, -2, 19, -65, -2, 19, -65 )
learnt in Project 2. The first platform will be made We now create a platform to the right of the original
of grass and be three blocks long; the next two will path, requiring the player to side step off at their peril.
be made of wood and made to hover in the air by mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -3, 13, -59, -3, 13, -61, )
changing their y coordinates. mc_set_area(:diamond_block, -3, 13, -58, -3, 13, -55 )
mc_set_area(:grass, -12, 8, -81, -12, 8, -83, ) We change the block type to redstone and drop a
mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -10, 9, -81, -10, 9, -83, ) block in the line, we’ll use it later on.
mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -8, 10, -81, -8, 10, -83, ) mc_set_area(:redstone_ore , -3, 13, -54, -3, 13, -54 )
To make it a little tricky our next block is only two A few more diamond blocks to make up a path to
units long, controlled by the z axis. the end of the course.
mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -6, 11, -81, -6, 11, -82, ) mc_set_area(:diamond_block , -3, 13, -53, -3, 13, -48 )
Our next portion of code creates a larger platform mc_set_area(:diamond_block , -3, 14, -47, -3, 14, -46 )
by expanding the x and z coordinates but keeping the mc_set_area(:diamond_block , -3, 15, -45, -3, 15, -44 )
y coordinate the same. The goal for our course is the large stone dance
mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -4, 12, -81, -2, 12, -83, ) floor; we'll reuse the same technique that made the
Now we create a long thin row of wooden blocks. large wooden platform earlier.
mc_set_area(:wood_plank, -2, 13, -81, -2, 13, -70, ) mc_set_area(:stone_slab , -1, 14, -43, -6, 14, -38 )
On top of some of the wooden blocks we add some Remember that block of redstone we used earlier?
diamond blocks to create a raised platform. Then we The next portion of code will change it to a block of air
create a gap between them by ending the first row every second, effectively creating a trapdoor – sneaky!
at z -69 and starting the next at z -66. We also create sleep 1
some air blocks in between them. mc_set_area(:air , -3, 13, -54, -3, 13, -54 )
mc_set_area(:diamond_block, -2, 14, -71, -2, 14, -69 ) sleep 1
mc_set_area(:diamond_block, -2, 14, -66, -2, 14, -60 ) For our last portion of code we create another
mc_set_area(:air, -2, 14, -68, -2, 14, -67 ) live_loop to handle the music, which is a mix of an
Now we create a yellow block and mushroom as an industrial-sounding sample and an electric guitar
homage to the Mario games. This will appear above playing chords. We use the reverb effects to give it an
our diamond path. ominous twist.
mc_set_area(:melon, -2, 18, -65, -2, 18, -65 ) live_loop :industrial do
with_fx :echo, mix: 0.3, phase: 0.25 do
#sleep 2
Sonic Pi resources sample :loop_industrial, rate: 0.5
The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s education team have created sample :guit_e_fifths, rate: 0.5
a series of worksheets that are free to use and download end
from their website: sleep 4
Key computing concepts such as loops, variables etc are
explained using musical composition, helping children to
understand both music and coding, but with a heavy slant With this code complete, press the Play button in
upon the musical elements. Sonic Pi and you will see that the Minecraft window will
The Sonic Pi website at is also a great update to show the game. Can you make it to the end
resource, with code snippets and audio samples on the site without falling off?
for you to insert into your own compositions. There are also
sections covering the use of Sonic Pi in the classroom along
And that’s it! We have taken our first steps with
with guides for teachers to use when planning lessons. Sonic Pi and Minecraft. If you'd like to know more,
Sonic Pi can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and there's a handy resource provided by the Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi from the Sonic Pi website. At the time of Foundation at
writing there are no prepackaged versions for Linux
distributions other than Raspbian, but you can download
Les Pounder divides his time between tinkering with
the source code from
hardware and travelling the United Kingdom training teachers
pi and build it from source.
in the new IT curriculum. 87
Don’t get lost on the way to the shops – keep an (open, editable)
record of your movements with GPS.
s anyone who’s studied the golden age of
Elizabeth the first knows, maps are important.
• Make sure that all your The Spanish maps of the time were more or
GPS data will always
remain available less green blobs, while the English and Dutch maps
• Prepare high-precision were superbly accurate for the time, enabling an era of
digital routes for your maritime dominance. Those days are gone now, and
future vacations in the past they must remain, but maps are still
• Share GPS data with important. Remembering the exact path followed
others, or create it
to geotag your own during a trekking, for example, lets you give safer
photographs advice to friends interested in the same route. Detailed
analyses of walks or biking trips may provide useful
inputs for staying in good physical shape. Automatic
comparison and processing of travel logs from many
people are essential in many important activities, from
mapping to traffic predictions and planning of public The GPSPrune main window, showing how it renders a
transport. GPS track downloaded from, and how much
Any scenario like these relies on the same data: detail can be hidden in each trackpoint of a GPX file.
sequences of location/time pairs, which can be
recorded in real time by Global Positioning System Language: plain text, with each type of data enclosed
(GPS) devices or generated by software. by appropriate markers. Of course, this doesn’t explain
If you really want or need This tutorial describes GPX – the GPS eXChange why anyone but GPS maniacs would want to mess
to do it, both GPSPrune (in Format. Many products with GPS capabilities store with GPX files in the first place. The point is that
the screenshot) and Viking
data in their own format. Therefore, an open GPS knowing GPX is essential to obtain GPS data good
will let you edit waypoints
interchange standard like GPX is the best way to make enough to be useful for you, in ways that you may
directly. These operations,
however, can be often done sure that your GPS data will remain fully reusable with never have imagined. Even where there was no data
much more efficiently at any other GPS software or navigator. at all to begin with!
the command line, with GPX is also very easy to hack, because it’s just Good GPX tracks are usable for creating custom
GPSBabel. another dialect of XML, the eXtensible Markup maps of your trips, or routes for your GPS navigator.
They are also essential for geotagging; that, is giving
geographical coordinates to photographs and other
documents, so they can show up on any digital,
interactive map.
Unfortunately, most of the GPS tracks recorded in
real time by ordinary navigators and smartphones
are not reusable in any meaningful way. Real GPX
files often contain redundant data (such as duplicate
points where you stopped to enjoy the scenery,
or roads already saved), errors (points with bogus
coordinates, caused by poor signal reception) and
actual holes, where there was no satellite signal at all.
This unfortunate fact of life, which has nothing to do
with file formats, is why you want to be able to create
and edit, not just use, GPX files.
The GPX format
Let’s start by looking at a very short snippet of a basic
GPX file (edited for clarity!):
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<gpx version=”1.0” creator=”Viking”
xmlns=”” Micro GPX/GPS glossary
xsi:schemaLocation=”http://www... “>
<trk> GPS is a complex technology, heavily based user-specific locations, like your home or
on very complicated calculations and place of work.
mathematical models. In order to use it as Route A series of waypoints that
<trkseg> we propose here, however, you only need correspond to the exact path one intends,
<trkpt lat=”42.202982878” lon=”11.882421524”> to know the meaning of a few key terms or should follow to go from one point to
<name>Beginning ofthe hike</name> explained here. However, in other GPS- another, eg from home to office. Internally,
<time>2015-03-20T09:09:18Z</time> related contexts, several of the terms below a route can be divided in several legs.
can, and do, have additional meanings! Track A series of trackpoints that describe
Geodetic Datum A mathematical model of exactly the path that somebody has
</trkpt> the real surface of Earth, which is not a already followed to go from one place to
ETCETERA... perfect sphere or ellipsoid. Several datums another, including when he or she moved
Not really hard to understand, is it? The initial header exist, partly for historical reasons and through each point. In other words, while
may also contain, among other things, a detailed parthly because each of them describes routes are suggestions of directions for
some part of the planet better than the the future, tracks are logs of actual travels,
description of the file, author name, or keywords.
others. All GPS coordinates are based on already happened. Tracks can be divided
After the header, a GPX file may contain any the WGS-84 datum surface. into segments.
combination of waypoints, tracks and routes. The Waypoint A single point, defined by its Trackpoint Just like a waypoint, but with
example shows the beginning of a track called latitude, longitude and elevation, of the more data, because it must describe when
mignone-track-1, with name, coordinates, elevation Earth’s surface. GPS files and devices someone passed there, at which speed,
store generic landmarks as waypoints, how the GPS signal was received, and
and creation time of the first point (trkpt) of its first
from monuments to restaurants, as well as other stuff.
segment (trkseg).
GPX files use the WGS 84 datum (see the box, right,
for what this means), storing latitude and longitude Let’s now take a quick look at how to increase the
in decimal degrees and elevation in metres. Times, in quality and usability of the GPX files you already have.
the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ, are always Some operations are much faster at the command
in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. line with GPSBabel, and some with the other tools.
A point may also contain data including GPS signal Once you start, you’ll quickly find out which tool is
strength and a specific place (the <extension></ better at each task, for your actual needs and taste.
extension> tag) for, you guessed it, data from third- Here, we give more examples with GPSBabel simply
party extensions. because it is the least intuitive program of the bunch.
All the examples focus on tracks, because they
Three great GPX free software tools usually need much more editing, much more often,
There are several programs for GPX editing on Linux. than waypoints and routes. Most of what follows,
Three of the best are: GPSBabel (, however, also applies to those other kinds of data.
gpsprune), and our personal favourite, Viking Metadata It’s an absolute must to
give each item a coherent
( The best way to make GPX files useful and reusable is
name and set of labels,
GPSBabel is a universal GPS converter and to add rich and consistent tags and other metadata. if you want to keep your
processor that can work with literally hundreds of GPS Unfortunately, this is also a task that’s better done the collection under any
semblance of control.
formats beside GPX. The only way to convert many “dirty” way – adding them manually with a text editor,
This is also true with GPX
GPS tracks at once is to use scripts, and the only tool or writing shell scripts that perform the same tasks. files, so plan carefully
usable with these scripts is GPSBabel, so you’d better This is much easier than you may think, since GPX is how to organise yours
before you start.
focus on how it works at the prompt. plain text. And even if there were full-featured GUIs for
The simplest GPSBabel commands just convert GPX metadata, you would have to do a lot of manual
formats, and all take this form: work inside them anyway. No software may decide
-gpsbabel -i INPUTFORMAT -f INPUTFILE -o OUTPUTFORMAT -F autonomously, for example, what it should write as
OUTPUTFILE “author” or “licence” if you combine many tracks from
where the -f and -F switches define the names of the different sources. Scripts or manual editing may also
input and output files, and -i and -o their respective be mandatory to remove sensitive data before sharing
formats. The real power of GPSBabel, however, is its the files.
collection of filters, which we will show in a moment.
GPSPrune, which runs anywhere there is Java 1.5 Track transformations
or later, is great for editing already-existing GPX files. A common need with GPX files is to combine multiple
Viking, on the other hand, lacks some of the niftiest tracks (maybe recorded simultaneously by different
functions of GPSPrune (including a real undo feature), GPS navigators) into a single one that fully describes
but being a native Linux application it fits better with the whole trip. With GPSBabel, you can do this with the
most Linux desktops. Besides, it’s great for drawing merge or pack options, as in these examples that
GPX tracks and routes from scratch, and can create introduce the general syntax of GPSBabel filters:
maps with the Mapnik toolkit, search tracks by date gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f track-1.gpx -i gpx -f track-2.gpx -x
and plenty of other things. track,merge,title=”FULL TRIP” -o gpx -F full-trip.gpx 89
transforms a track or set of waypoints into a route,
or vice versa. Reversion produces instructions to, so
to speak, “get back home”, by reverting the order of
all the points into a track or route. To transform, for
example, a set of waypoints into one route, use:
gpsbabel -i gpx -f myfile.gpx -x transform,rte=wpt
In the other case, type:
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f myfile.gpx -x reverse -o etc etc...
in GPSPrune you could do the same, selecting the
track as a range of points and then clicking on
Reverse Range in the Range menu.
Removing cruft
As we said, it is extremely common for a real GPX
track to contain many points that shouldn’t be there.
Can we find and remove them efficiently?
Viking can only remove points with exactly the same
position or time. GPSPrune can create a new point
whose coordinates are the average of all the points
Drawing tracks and routes
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f track-1.gpx -i gpx -f track-2.gpx -x you had previously selected. This program also has
in Viking is a pleasure. Do
you see the street names? track,pack,title=”FULL TRIP” -o gpx -F full-trip.gpx four cleaning options under the Track > Compress
That’s OpenStreetMap In the first case, the track, merge, title part tells Track menu option, called Duplicate, Wacky, Singleton
layered over right over GPSBabel to take all the input tracks, filter them by and Nearby. Duplicate, as the name suggests, only
satellite pictures, to let you merging all their points into one sequence sorted by finds exact duplicates. Wacky and Singleton identify
see as exactly as possible timestamps, and put that sequence into one new outliers – points too far from the adjacent ones to be
where each trackpoint track called FULL TRIP. The pack filter of the second genuine. The Nearby filter marks as likely duplicates
should go. command is more efficient, as it simply appends all points that are closer to each other than a given
tracks to one another as they come. For the very ‘span factor’, which is related to the total area covered
same reason, however, it will produce correct output by the whole track. Whatever option you choose, you
only if applied to tracks that never overlap in time! must then click on Track > Delete Marked Points to
Combining multiple tracks is as common a need as remove the points that were selected.
PRO TIP its opposite – splitting single GPS tracks. Many such
Many GPX operations tracks, in fact, contain different independent paths Interpolation
can only be done in a that have no real reason to stay together, like trips to As well as having to get rid of errant points, you may
graphical interface, with a
good map as background. unrelated places. Splitting those tracks, in the same or find that some of your tracks contain too few points to
For many others, though, different files, makes them more searchable and can be useful. Points that are one or more mile apart, for
shell scripts remain a be done in several ways. GPSPrune and Viking both example, may be too few to get accurate directions on
much more efficient.
If you want to become have relatively intuitive commands for this, but may the ground. The solution in these case is to interpolate
a serious GPX hacker, be much slower to use with the required accuracy. – to tell your software to automatically fill the track
refresh your scripting GPSBabel filters, instead, can automatically split tracks with more points. This is quite easy in GPSPrune (look
skills first!
according to time and distance, exactly as you need: for ‘Interpolate’ in the Range menu) and with
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f in.gpx -x track,split,title=”LOG # %Y%m%d” GPSBabel. The latter can interpolate between every
-o gpx -F out.gpx
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f in.gpx -x track,split=4h,title=”LOG # %c” -o
gpx -F out.gpx
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f in.gpx -x track,sdistance=0.5k” -o gpx -F
The first command creates one separate track per
day, titled LOG of YYYYMMDD. The second starts a
new track every time two consecutive points have
timestamps at least four hours apart. The sdistance
filter does the same thing every time the distance
between consecutive points is above the given
threshold (500 meters in the example). The split
and sdistance filters can be combined (written one
after the other) separated by a comma: this makes
GPSBabel create new tracks only if both time and Once you have finished drawing or cleaning up a GPX
distance intervals exceed their thresholds. track or route, getting a 3D version of it that you can
Two other important transformations are data rotate as you want only takes a few more clicks in
structure conversion and reversion. Conversion GPSPrune.
two adjacent points that are too far either in distance
(10km in the first example) or time (10 minutes in the
second one):
gpsbabel -i ... -x interpolate,distance=10k -o ...
gpsbabel -i ... -x interpolate,time=600 -o ...
Whatever tool you use, it will place the new points
along a straight line, at regular intervals. Therefore,
you may need to adjust some of those points by
moving them manually in the GUI editors.
Going 3D
Since we don’t live in a flat world, elevation matters.
You can’t estimate speed or travelling time, or draw a
3D map of a track if you don’t know the altitude of all
its points. GPS navigators will add such data
automatically, but tracks you drew in your computer
need to get them from some other source. The
easiest way we found to add elevations to tracks and
routes is the Online > Get Altitudes From SRTM
Viking and GPSPrune can
function in GPSPrune. reach the borders of the window, click on the Pan
geotag all the points in a
button to move the map, and then again on Create photograph automatically,
How to create tracks from scratch (and why) Track. When you’re done, click on the track name in or let you manually place
Drawing tracks and routes from scratch isn’t just fun: the left-hand pane, select Finish Track and save. You each one of them in the
sometimes it’s absolutely necessary. Viking is great for can also add existing tracks or waypoints in their own right place.
drawing tracks and routes, thanks to its layer system. layers, to use them as reference.
Here’s how to use it: first, pan and zoom the Default What’s the point of a good track if you can’t show it
Map (OSM) until you are exactly where you want to off? The 3D-View panel of GPSPrune (which requires
draw. Next, select Layers > New Map Layer and the j3d library) can display tracks on a 3D terrain that
choose Bing, or any other set of satellite/aerial you can rotate at will and export in various graphic
photographs. Then select the Default Map layer in the formats. If privacy isn’t a problem, uploading a GPX
left-hand pane, click on Layers > Properties and file to will produce reports
change its transparency, setting its alpha value to with several statistics, and better graphics than those
something around 120 or 130. you can get from GPSPrune or Viking.
By doing this, that is, by laying OSM right over
actual photographs of the area, the actual drawing Geotagging
will be really accurate and easy: add and select a new Once you have a good GPX track complete with
‘TrackWaypoint’ layer, click on the Create Track button, timestamps, you can use it to automatically geotag
and start clicking where the track should pass. If you pictures. Viking, GPSPrune and photograph managers
such as Digikam all have interfaces that enable you to
GeoJson and KML write the geographical coordinates into each picture
of a given folder the point of the track that has the
While GPX is the lingua franca of GPS, there are at least same, or the closest timestamp.
two other geographic formats that you should know about: 3D images will appear much faster, printouts will be
GeoJSON ( and the Keyhole Markup
much clearer and geotagging really accurate, only if
Language (KML,
documentation). The first is widely used in OpenStreetMap you’ve created te best tracks possible. To continue on
applications such as Umap, and the second in Google Maps this path, first read the right stuff – all the GPSBabel
and Google Earth. examples here are samples of the great
GeoJSON can describe all kinds of location-related data, documentation at Other must-
from country boundaries to the history of tourist locations.
reads are the GPX homepage (
You can move from GPX to GeoJson and vice versa (see gpx.asp) and the tutorials at,
and, respectively,, but which is also a web-based GPX editor. Invite all your
the second procedure often loses information, because relatives, high school friends and so on to go there
GeoJson is much more complex than GPX. and draw the places and walks you did together in the
KML is another XML format for waypoints, tracks and
old days, and send you the results. With any luck, and
routes, with the important difference that, unlike GPX, it
was specifically designed for annotating maps. This is why without asking anybody to install any software, you
KML files come in two flavours: .kml and .kmz. The first should receive lots of GPX files to combine and reuse
of these are plain text files, while files ending .kmz are ZIP as shown in this tutorial!
archives that may also contain icons, full text documents or
image overlays. GPSBabel can, of course, convert data from Marco Fioretti is a free software campaigner and one of the
one format to the other. instigators behind the Digital DIY project – 91
A language created for artificial intelligence research sounds
modern – but Lisp comes from 1950s…
isp is the third of the big four early languages, a
year younger than FORTRAN and about the
same age as ALGOL. But unlike ALGOL, Lisp
has been in use ever since that its first
implementation, and is undergoing something of a
revival in recent years. Lisp stands for List Processing,
and as you’ll see when you read on, lists are what Lisp
is all about.
John McCarthy began thinking about an algebraic
language in 1956, and he and colleagues spent the
next couple of years looking at conditional
expressions and the possibility of writing a list
processing language in FORTRAN. When McCarthy
started at MIT in 1958, he began both working on an Lisp Slime; note the use of the quote evaluator with car
artificial intelligence project, and implementing Lisp, and cdr; when I missed it out the first time, it produced an
based around the vital idea of using a list for both error. The quote tells Lisp that this is data not code.
code and data.
Initially, his team postponed the idea of writing a that one could build a Turing-complete algorithm
compiler in favour of hand-compiling Lisp functions language with only a very few simple operators and a
and subroutines in assembly language, making for a function notation. (See the boxout for more detail.)
kind of Lisp ‘environment’ used by stringing functions As part of this paper (
together. Various simplifying decisions which resulted jmc/recursive/recursive.html), McCarthy described
from this made Lisp into a neat way of describing an eval function, written in Lisp. Steve Russell
computable functions, and McCarthy published a noticed that this would, if implemented, act as a Lisp
paper in 1960 focussing on this. The paper showed interpeter, and went ahead and implemented it on the
The theory of Lisp
The basic Lisp building block is an expression, which is either Part of Register Number, and cdr for Contents of the
an atom (a sequence of letters, like name) or a list (() is a zero- Decrement Part of Register Number.)
length list; (a b (foo bar)) is a 3-element list, one of whose 6 (cons x y) concatenates the elements of the list y after the
members is a 2-element list). (Note that to evaluate these in value of x.
Slime you’ll need to quote them; see below.) 7 (cond (p1e1) ... (pnen)) evaluates each p expression in turn
Expressions also have values: an expression e returns until it finds one which evaluates true. The corresponding e
a value v. McCarthy established seven basic (axiomatic) expression is then returned as the value of the whole cond
expressions. In each case the expression is a list, with the expression.
operator as the first element of the list and the arguments the Finally, McCarthy defined a function expression:
rest of the list. ((lambda (x y) e) a b)
1 (quote x) or (‘ x) returns x. quote protects a list from being x and y are parameters, e is an expression, and a and b are
evaluated, meaning it is treated as data instead of as code. values (which may be expressions that first must be evaluated
Since in Lisp both code and data are lists, quote enables us to give their values). e is evaluated with a substituted for x and
to tell the difference. b substituted for y wherever they occur. A function can have
2 (atom x) returns t if x is an atom, or the empty list. If x is a as many parameters and values as you like.
list, it returns (). In Lisp, t represents truth and () represents Functions can also refer to themselves using the notation
falsity. label, but in Lisp this is usually written as:
3 (eq x y) returns t if x and y both evaluate to () or to the same (defun f (x y z) e)
value, and () otherwise. then the function is called as (f a b c) with a substituted for x
4 (car x) returns the first element of the list x. in e, and so on. Paul Graham’s excellent paper
5 (cdr x) returns everything after the first element of the list x. ( – to which I owe
(car and cdr originate from the initial IBM 704 hand-coding thanks for the above) goes on to explain in detail how this
of Lisp, which used two assembly language macros to setup enables McCarthy to define a function which evaluates
decompose lists. car stood from Contents of the Address any Lisp expression; so Lisp can interpret itself.
project’s IBM 704. (Somewhat to McCarthy’s surprise;
until Russell succeeded, he didn’t believe that the eval Modern Lisp dialects
in the paper could be translated into machine code.) There are currently three well-known dialects Python and Ruby VMs. It’s influenced by
This was slow, but it was a genuine Lisp interpreter. of Lisp (and a collection of less-well-known Haskell and keen on immutability. It provides
It was an exciting step forward, but McCarthy has ones as well). direct access to Java libraries, to speed up
commented that the existence of the interpreter did Common Lisp has a large language links with Java code.
also have the less-desirable effect of freezing the standard with lots of built-in types, There are also a handful of Lisp dialects
functions, macros, etc, and an object system. used as scripting languages. The best known
existing form of the language. The first complete It has also borrowed some features from the is of course Emacs Lisp, but others include
compiler (also written in Lisp) was also implemented Scheme programming language. the embedded Gimp Script-fu, and embedded
at MIT, in 1962, by Tim Hart and Mike Levin. Scheme was designed to be clear, simple, languages in Audacity, AutoCAD, and other
Lisp development continued, and during the 1960s and minimalist. It can express numerous CAD apps. Lisp is used on running on top of
and 1970s, Lisp was heavily used in AI research, different programming styles. It does JVMs in Clojure, and Common Lisp is used in
however have a smaller set of standard financial institutions.
which required significant processor time and vast features than Common Lisp. Any of the major three dialects can be
(for the time) memory space. This was made more Clojure compiles directly to Java Virtual useful, and any of them will teach you Lisp
difficult because machines were usually optimised for Machine bytecode, and also targets the basics. Here I’ll use Common Lisp.
Fortran or assembler, rather than for Lisp. Initially, too,
Lisp, being interpreted rather than compiled, ran much
more slowly; and garbage collection was a problem, boxout for more on currently available dialects of Lisp.
though this was improved by the routines developed For a rundown of Lisp’s early history from McCarthy
at MIT by Daniel Edwards. himself, check out
Trying to resolve these issues, in 1973, two MIT history/lisp/lisp.html.
AI researchers built a machine with some Lisp
operations as part of the hardware rather than Installing and getting started
software. Towards the end of the decade, this The most popular Linux implementation of Common
led to the creation of Symbolics, a commercially Lisp is SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp). You can
funded company aiming to produce Lisp machines. make do with just this (install via your package
Various other manufacturers followed suit through manager or from the website), but installing Emacs
the early/mid 1980s. Lisp machines were briefly and Slime – the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for
successful, and they really were very good at what Emacs – as well will give you a more functional dev
they did, but the advent of the microcomputer meant environment.
that by the end of the decade they were largely Once you’ve installed them, add these lines to your
obsolete. Symbolics no longer exists as a computer ~/.emacs:
manufacturer, but a private company owns its assets ;; Set up Common Lisp
and continues to sell the Genera Lisp machine OS, (add-to-list ‘load-path “/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/”)
which runs on various Symbolics Lisp machines (setq inferior-lisp-program “/usr/bin/sbcl”)
and DEC Alpha. It also sells the Macsyma computer (require ‘slime)
algebra system. ( was the first ever (slime-setup)
.com domain, registered on 15 March, 1985.) ;; Use highlight colors
Interest in Lisp declined in the 1990s, but recently (global-font-lock-mode t)
there has been an increase of interest again. See the Start emacs, type M-x slime, and you’ll see a CL-USER (or *)
prompt. This is your Lisp command prompt. Try typing some
> (* 2 3)
> (car ‘(1 2 3))
> (cdr ‘(1 2 3))
(2 3)
As discussed in the boxout, everything in Lisp is a
list, surrounded by brackets. Operators go at the start
of a list.
What about Hello World?
> (print “Hello World”)
“Hello World”
“Hello World”
The interpreter prints the string twice, because
it executes the function (printing the string), then
Trying out hash tables. Note the undefined variable outputs the return value (which is also the string).
warning; the code does work anyway, but we’ll look at To run a ‘real’ program (one that won’t go away
defining variables a bit later. when you quit the interpreter), open up a new file 93
DEFVAR defines the dummy variable myword
without setting it, so we don’t get a warning about
it. DEFUN shows that we’re defining a new function.
The next symbol after that is the function name,
make-word, and the list after that is the parameter
list. Everything after that is the body of the function.
Mostly, this just consists of putting the parameters
into the SETF calls we used above. However, note that
final line, myword. The return value of a Lisp function
is the last expression evaluated. We want that to be
the new hash table itself, and without that final line, it
would be the return value of the last call to SETF.
The general form of a function definition, then, looks
like this:
(DEFUN name (parameter_list)
Like everything else in Lisp, it’s a list.
That’s a single database entry defined; we want lots
of them, so we need a global database variable, and a
function to add entries to it:
Outputting all the data.
hello.lisp: (defvar *wordlist* nil)
Note the DIY loop code
commented out in the #!/usr/bin/sbcl --script (defun add-word (myword) (push word *wordlist*))
code window, showing (write-line “Hello World”) DEFVAR is the macro that defines a variable (but
another (less neat) way to Run it from the command line with chmod u+x only if it hasn’t already been defined; to override an
do it. hello.lisp; ./hello.lisp. Note s WRITE-LINE outputs existing variable use DEFPARAMETER), and the Lisp
the string with a newline and with no quotes around it, naming standard for global variables is *name*. The
unlike PRINT. add-word function simply uses the PUSH macro to
add its single parameter to *wordlist*.
A little more complicated Add a few words, then (if in Slime) type *wordlist* to
For a more complicated project, let’s try a foreign see them all:
language flashcards game. I’ve gone for Russian (add-word (make-word “house” “дом”))
(which means Unicode; see the box). It’ll show you a (add-word (make-word “hello” “привет”))
word in Russian, you type in the English equivalent, (add-word (make-word “river” “река”))
and it tells you whether you were right or wrong. If you’re not in Slime, you’ll want a way to output
The first step is to define a database entry. We’re the list (and if you are in Slime, you’ll want a way that
going to use a hash table, which is a data type that doesn’t just give you lots of hash parameters). The
contains a set of keys and their associated values. best bet for this is the function maphash:
This Slime code creates a hash table word, with keys (defun print-hash (key value)
english and russian: (format t “~5t~S - ~S~%” key value))
> (setq word (make-hash-table :test ‘equal))
> (setf (gethash “english” word) “house”) (defun show-single-word-details (myword)
> (setf (gethash “russian” word) “дом”) (maphash #’print-hash myword))
When making the hash table, passing in :test ‘equal
defines the equality test, so Lisp knows how to test (defun show-all-word-details (mylist)
the lookup value against the stored hash keys (in (dolist (myword mylist)
order to return the correct value). GETHASH returns (show-single-word-details myword)))
a key value, and SETF sets it (in this case, creating it
first). To return a value, use GETHASH, which returns (show-all-word-details *wordlist*)
both the value, and T (true, because found): print-hash defines how to output a key/value pair,
> (gethash “russian” word) using FORMAT. FORMAT controls string format
This will be a bit time consuming to do by hand for Unicode
every entry, so let’s create a function to handle it: To enter Russian letters (or any other Unicode symbol) in
(defvar myword) Emacs, type C-x 8 RET then the Unicode hex code or full
(defun make-word (english russian) name (Tab-completion works):
(setf myword (make-hash-table :test ‘equal)) C-x 8 RET 0434
(setf (gethash “english” myword) english)
both give д. Modern Linux boxes should automatically
(setf (gethash “russian” myword) russian) have Unicode support in XEmacs and in the terminal.
output and is therefore, as with all format functions in Testing in action!
all languages, somewhat confusing to the untrained
eye. t outputs to standard out; ~5t tabs in 5 spaces,
~S consumes the arguments after the format string
(here key first and value second), and ~% is the
show-single-word-details passes the print-hash
function into maphash together with the hash to
print. Note that print-hash is quoted here, so that it is
passed on as data, rather than being evaluated there
and then. Finally, show-all-word-details uses dolist to
iterate over the list and show each word in turn.
User input ‘else’ (this part is optional; you don’t always want an
Finally, we need the bit where it asks you what the ‘else’). However, it has two really useful points:
word means. Here’s the code: 1
You can have multiple statements in the “things to
(defvar answer) do” part (just put them all in the appropriate
(defun show-user-word (myword) brackets).
(write-line (gethash “russian” myword)) 2
Lisp doesn’t have an elseif, so if/then can only have
(write-line “Enter English translation: “) one if, one then, and an else. cond can have as
(setq answer (read)) many tests as you like.
(cond 3
If you have multiple tests, more than one of them
((equalp (string-trim “\n” answer) (gethash “english” myword)) may be true for each thing tested (eg testing if a
(write-line “Correct!”)) number is less than 10, less than 50, less than
(t (write-line “Wrong!”)))) 100), and you want to go through all the tests, not
drop out at the first ‘true’, cond does this too.
(defun show-user-all-words (mylist) Here it’s more straightforward: we test whether
(dolist (myword mylist) the string is equal to the ‘english’ value from the hash
(show-user-word myword))) (note the use of string-trim to trim off the newline
at the end of the user input), and output Correct or
(show-user-all-words *wordlist*) Wrong accordingly.
In show-user-word we output the Russian part of show-user-all-words then iterates over the list, so the user is
the hash, output a message to the user, then use read asked about each word in turn.
to get the user input and setq to set it. If you want to carry on experimenting with Lisp,
cond is a neat function, but it can look a little here are a few improvements you could try making to
complicated. Its basic structure is: this code:
(cond ((predicate1) (things to do in this case)) Ask the words in a random order.
((predicate2) (things to do in this case)) Keep track of how often a word is asked or is
(t (else this))) answered correctly. (You’ll need to find some way
It works, as you can see, a lot like if/then, with the to read data in and out to keep track of this over
t acting as an always-true condition that provides an multiple instances of running the code.)
Pick out only the words that haven’t been asked
recently, or which have been answered wrongly in
Lambda functions
the past. Try using REMOVE-OR-NOT swith a
A particularly neat Lisp-ism, and one that has made its lambda function to do this.
way into many other languages, is lambda functions, Allow the user to add more words.
or anonymous functions. (The word ‘lambda’ is used For more information on programming Lisp, try
after Church’s lambda calculus.) Here’s a very simple
the very readable introduction (free online) Practical
mathematical example:
* (remove-if-not #’(lambda (x) (= 3 x)) ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) Common Lisp.
(3) Once you get used to the syntax, Lisp has a real
REMOVE-IF-NOT simply returns a list of anything that elegance, and there are certain classes of problem
matches its function parameter (removes the things that that it is truly well suited to and by its current
do match). So (remove-if-not #’oddp ‘(1 2 3)) would return
resurgence as an active language. Try out Scheme or
(1 3). Here, the lambda function is effectively a temporary
function: Clojure if you want a change from Common Lisp; or
(lambda (x) (= 3 x)) one of the many other minor variants. For a language
lambda (x) means “anything that matches 3”, and so the that’s now coming up on 60 years old, it’s impressively
function as a whole returns (3). A lambda function, then, evergreen.
is a neat way of creating a function to plug into a bigger
function, and you’ll find them all over Lisp code as well as in
Juliet Kemp is a scary polymath, and is the author of
other languages. Apress’s Linux System Administration Recipes. 95
Make sure your software runs consistently in any environment by
packaging it up with Docker.
ocker enables you to bring together your
WHY DO THIS? environment and your code into a single
• Ensure consistency package that you can take and run on any
when setting up multiple Linux distro. You don’t have to worry about which
environments libraries are installed on the host, or which versions of
• Enhance your CV with what other software are available: you just start your
this great buzzword!
package with Docker and it will work.
• Automation is always
good It does this by using containers to encapsulate
a separate environment running on top of the host
kernel. This environment runs parallel to the host
operating system, but is partitioned off by the Docker
tools. It has its own filesystem and own software
that’s nothing to do with the operating system running
on the host system.
Let’s look at a quick example to see why this is
useful. Suppose a company is building a new web
app on top of Node.js. They’ve got a server running The Docker Hub holds a wide variety of official and user-
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, a developer running Arch contributed images to make it easy to get started.
Linux and a freelancer running Ubuntu. There are
Node.js packages for all of these different Linuxes, so builds the latest version of Node from source, and
they could all install Node.js and start programming. they get going.
The developer using Arch makes a start and sends Once they’ve developed the web app, they deploy it
Shipyard is a Docker his work to the freelancer. However, the freelancer to the server, but again it doesn’t work. The package
web front-end that is finds that it doesn’t run properly. After some for RHEL doesn’t have the features they need. They’ve
conveniently distributed investigation, they find that it’s because Arch has a dealt with this before, so they try to build Node.js from
via Docker. newer build of Node.js than Ubuntu. The freelancer source. However, it needs newer versions of some
libraries than are available in RHEL. They end up
having to build several packages from source in order
to make the app work. This means that they can’t use
the package manager to stay up to date, and have
to continue re-building the app every time a security
patch is released.
The Docker way
Obviously this isn’t great, but it’s also not necessarily
the way it had to work. The developers and server
maintainers could have standardised on a distribution
from the start – one that they could all have running in
a virtual environment if they didn’t want to install it
natively – and this would have bypassed the issues
with versioning. However, there would still be work to
make sure that it was set up in the same way, that
they had the same repositories available, and have the
same software installed.
With Docker, the process works like this:
Create a Docker image for the project.
All developers/testers work with this Docker image.
Once the software is developed, deploy this image
to the server.
By using the same Docker image, you guarantee
that everything is the same on every developer’s Docker Hub The joys of sharing
instance, on every tester’s instance, and the final One of the great features of Docker is the container, you can download one ready-
instance that is deployed. There are also a few added ability to share your images with other made. A user “l3iggs” has an image called
benefits, such as that Docker can be used to package people. This means there are loads of ready owncloud that they keep as the most up-to-
made images for you to use. There are also date version. You can run this with:
software to be released in a distro-agnostic way.
official images from many projects including docker run -d -p 7000:80 l3iggs/owncloud
That’s enough about why to use Docker, let’s get Linux distros (such as Ubuntu and CentOS), This will download and run the OwnCloud
started with how to use it. Once you’ve installed web apps (such as WordPress), and server Docker instance, and expose the webserver
Docker through your distro’s package manager (note: software (such as Node.js or MongoDB). All on port 7000 (you can change this to another
it could be in a package called, you can these are hosted through the Docker Registry port if you wish). If you point your web
( browser to localhost:7000/owncloud, you
start a new Docker container with:
You can install images from these should see a form inviting you to create an
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash repositories by calling them by name in admin password, and then you can complete
The first thing you should notice about this is that docker run commands (like we did in the the owncloud install.
it doesn’t matter what distro you’re running on, this main text with the Ubuntu images), or by You can upload your containers to the
will get and run the latest version of Ubuntu. The using docker pull <image-name> (which Docker Hub. First you need to create an
downloads the image but doesn’t run it). account at,
download should be fairly small by distro standards
As well as the official images, you can then you can log in your machine with the
(about 200MB). That’s because it’s just a bare-bones get images that users have uploaded. This command:
version of Ubuntu, and you’ll need to install whatever is done by putting <user-name>/ in front of docker login <username>
applications you want on top of it. The -t option tells the image name. For example, if you don’t Once you’re logged in, you can push
Docker that you want a TTY (console), and -i tells want to go through the rest of this tutorial images to the Docker Hub with:
and learn how to create an OwnCloud Docker docker push <username>/<imagename>
Docker to keep STDIN attached ( -it are the standard
options for starting an interactive session) and the
final argument tells Docker what command you want exit the original Ubuntu session, and go back with:
to run; in this case, it just starts a Bash shell. docker runt -it testubuntu /bin/bash
Using this approach, you can build an image with
Consistent environment whatever software you want. However, it’s not very
Once Docker’s downloaded what it needs, it’ll launch convenient. For example, if you want to rebuild your
an interactive shell in the Ubuntu container. In here server using Debian rather than Ubuntu, you’d have to
you can make changes and install whatever you like. manually go through all the steps again. A better way
However, any changes you make will only be for that of creating your own Docker images is by building You can run GUI
session. If you exit the shell with the exit command, them using Dockerfiles, which state the start image, applications in Docker.
This is Firefox running
then restart it in the same way, you won’t get any of and then all the steps needed to install everything
in Docker showing a
your changes. Docker works with images, and it will you want. Docker can build from these file by running
web page about running
always start the image that’s saved, rather than as it through them like a script. Firefox in Docker
last was. This means you know you’re always starting To recreate the same image as above using a (
in a consistent environment. Dockerfile, you’ll first need to create a directory in blog/2014/09/11/running-
You can save your changes to a new Docker image which to do the build. The directory name is the gui-apps-with-docker).
by committing it. To do this, you need to know two
things: the ID of the container and the name you want
to commit to.
If you don’t have an Ubuntu docker container still
running, start it as you did before, then make a change
that you can check is saved:
cd ~
mkdir test
While that container is still running, open another
terminal window, and type:
docker ps
This will list all the currently running Docker
containers. It will probably only have one entry so
far. That’s the container you need. It will have an
alphanumeric ID assigned to it, which is the ID you
need. The name to save the container to can be any
you like – we’ll just call ours testubuntu. You can save
your changes with:
docker commit <image-id> testbubuntu
Where <image-id> is the ID from the previous
docker ps output. This saves the current state of that
image, so you should have it running in the current
state you want it in. Once you’ve committed it, you can 97
What we’ve done so far more or less the ‘Hello
world’ of Docker. Hopefully you should have a bit of an
idea how it works, but this particular example is a bit
Serving the world
In order to make our container more useful, there are a
couple more arguments to docker run that we’ll need.
-d (daemonise) This runs the Docker container in
the background and doesn’t put you to a prompt like
the first example. This is useful for running servers
where you don’t want to interact with them, you just
want them to start and continue running.
-p <external-port>:<container-port> This is used
to connect the Docker container to the real world. It
links a particular port on the Docker container to a
port on the host.
We’ll use these to containerise a website. First, we’ll
need a new directory to build our image in. We’ll call
ours helloweb. Then, in that, we’ll need a Dockerfile to
The docker images
name your Docker image will have; we’ll call ours build our website. We’ll start with Ubuntu, then we’ll
command will list all the
images you currently have testubuntu2. Inside this directory, you’ll need to create install Apache, then we’ll include a simple web page.
installed on your computer. a text file called Dockerfile, which will contain all the The Dockerfile for this is:
build instructions. In this case it should contain the FROM ubuntu
following: MAINTAINER Ben Everard <>
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Ben Everard <> RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
RUN mkdir ~/test RUN apt-get install apache2 -y
The first line tells Docker what to use as our base
image; the second tells anyone working with this ADD website/* /var/www/html/
who to contact if there’s a problem; and the final line ADD apache-config.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-
tells Docker to run the mkdir command in the image default.conf
before finishing. You can now create the image using
the docker build command. The format is: EXPOSE 80
docker built -t <image-name> <image-directory> CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
We’ve used the directory ~/testubuntu2 and we The first section of this looks roughly like the first
want to call the image testbuntu2, so the command is: Dockerfile we made. It uses RUN commands to
docker build -t testubuntu2 ~/testubuntu2 execute instructions inside the container, but in this
You can now run the image testubuntu2 exactly as case, it uses them to grab the latest packages, and
you did testubuntu. install Apache. The -y flag on apt-get makes it run
automatically without asking for input.
The rest of the Dockerfile is a little different. ADD
Alternative containers
commands are used to copy files from the build
It should come as no surprise to anyone Rocket is still under heavy development, directory to the Docker container (we’ll look at these
paying attention to the init wars that the so not ready for production use just yet. At a little later). EXPOSE 80 tells Docker to open port
ever-expanding Systemd project includes a a lower level, there’s also Linux Containers 80 (the HTTP port) on the container, and CMD is the
container controller. The nspawn command (LXC). This technology enables you to create
default command to run when Docker starts. In this
enables Systemd to automatically launch and manipulate containers. With LXC, you
and control containers in a very similar way have a lot of control, but it’s not as easy to case, it just runs Apache in the foreground.
to Docker. What nspawn lacks, however, is get started as with the other options. There’s As you’ve seen, this needs extra files for the website
an elegant system for making and sharing a new tool from the LXC project called LXD, and for the Apache configuration. The website is in
containers, though it is possible to use which aims to provide easier access to LXC a directory called website inside the Docker build
Docker containers. containers in a more Docker-like way.
directory. The Dockerfile will contain whatever you put
CoreOS, a project that’s building a minimal At the time of writing, Docker has far more
Linux distro just for cloud servers, is also traction than its competitors both in terms of in this directory, so it could be as complex as you like,
working on a container control tool called the number of people using the software, and but we’ve just included a single file called index.html,
Rocket (aka rkt). This works in a similar way the number of images available. However, which contains:
to Docker, but it’s much more stripped down, containers are a young technology and few <html>
and without many of the more complex places are entrenched with Docker, so there’s
features of Docker that some people feel still time for one of the other technologies to
are leading to bloat on the original platform. become the Next Big Thing in containers. <title>HelloWeb!</title>
Security Keeping containers safe
You may be tempted to think that by running software in
different Docker containers, each piece is isolated from the
others and therefore a compromise in one Docker container
won’t allow an attacker to access another. In an ideal world
this would be true, but the underlying technologies behind
Docker (namespaces, cgroups and others) have not yet
been adequately tested from a security point of view to
make this claim. There’s a high probability that a talented
hacker could break out of the Docker container and
compromise the rest of the system.
In other words, don’t run anything in Docker that you
wouldn’t run on your system normally. Virtualisation
provides a much higher degree of security and has been
tested far more thoroughly than containerisation, so this is
a better option if you want to run code you don’t trust.
<h1>Hello Web!</h1>
The Apache config file sits in the Docker build
directory (but not in the website directory) and
<VirtualHost *:80> According to Docker,
ServerAdmin RUN wget -q -O - the logo communicates
DocumentRoot /var/www/html owncloud-latest.tar.bz2 | tar jx -C /var/www/html expedition, automation,
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/owncloud encapsulation and
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log ADD apache-config.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000- simplification. To us it
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined default.conf communicates a whale
</VirtualHost> EXPOSE 80
that’s more buoyant than it
should be.
With all those files in place, you can build the Docker CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
container from a terminal with: Here, we use wget to grab the latest version from
docker build -t helloweb ~/helloweb the OwnCloud website. This is the best option for
Then run it with: OwnCloud, but other projects deploy in different ways.
docker run -d -p 7777:80 helloweb For example, you could replace the wget line with a
You can then point your web browser to git clone command to grab the latest version of the
localhost:7777 and view your website. Notice that some software that’s kept on GitHub.
the external port is 7777 despite the fact that Apache Notice that this also requires the apache-config.
is listening on port 80 in the container, because conf file that we used in the previous Dockerfile, so
when we ran the container, we used the argument -p you’ll need to copy this into the same directory for
7777:80, which maps the external port 7777 to the it to run. If you build and start this in the same way
container port 80. This means that you can run the as before, but using the
Docker container unmodified on machines with other
services running on port 80 and not have conflicts.
external port 7778, you’ll
find OwnCloud at http://
“You can wrap your software
localhost:7778/owncloud. up to make it easy to deploy
pwn the cloud
The previous example built a trivial website, but we
That’s all you need to
know to use Docker. Its
across any Linux platform.”
can use it to deploy a more complex web app. In this main selling point is that
case, it may be better not to copy in files as we did it makes containers easy to use. With just a few lines
before, but to grab the latest version from an online of easily understood Dockerfiles, you can wrap your
repository. For example, to install OwnCloud, you software up to make it easy to deploy across any
could use the following Dockerfile: Linux-based platform. It also makes it easier than
FROM ubuntu ever before to install the latest versions of web apps
MAINTAINER Ben Everard <> (see boxout on the Docker Hub), so you can test out
software without having to first install and configure
RUN apt-get update all the requirements.
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y apache2 php5 php5-gd php-xml-parser
Ben Everard is the best-selling co-author of the best-selling
php5-intl php5-sqlite smbclient curl libcurl3 php5-curl bzip2 Learning Python With Raspberry Pi, published by Wiley.
wget sharutils 99
From trying out code snippets to solving differential equations:
IPython is a tool that has something to offer for any problem.
ne thing that’s great about Python is its
WHY DO THIS? immediacy: you think of something, you type
• Improve your Python the commands and see if it works or not.
shell experience
There‘s no compilation, no deployment, no whatever,
• Build a computer
algebra system and it’s all great for quick prototyping.
completely free However, for ideas larger than a one-liner, things
• Create interactive aren’t so good. The Python shell is not very good with
tutorials with live code multiline history: if you spot a bug in a class definition,
you can’t fix it easily. There are no writing aids, like
code completion. If your idea turns out to be good,
you can’t easily export it to a script, and there’s no
straightforward way to share you findings with others.
By itself, IPython is just a sophisticated Python shell, The IPython console sports bright colours and many
but that’s only a part of the story. Being free software, interactivity features.
it enjoys a vast library ecosystem. With these third-
party add-ons, you can turn IPython into your testbed library for high-level network communications. We’re
for programming ideas, an interactive tutorial or even not going to cover it here, but you should be aware
a computer algebra system (CAS). that ZeroMQ lacks built-in security mechanisms. So, if
you’re really going to run IPython in distributed fashion,
Getting ready be sure to read the relevant parts of the official
As an IPython user, you usually work in a console or in documentation. In a nutshell, securing IPython kernel
a web-based notebook. IPython comes with two connections boils down to creating SSH tunnels and
consoles: traditional and a graphical Qt-based one. forcing IPython to listen on loopback addresses.
There are several processes involved in a typical
IPython session. The most important one is the kernel First steps
(not to be confused with an OS kernel) which actually With everything in place, your first step into the
executes your code. For the notebook, there will be IPython world is straightforward:
also a Tornado-based web server. This is known as val@y550p:~$ ipython
decoupled process architecture: client and Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 11 2014, 04:42:00)
computational core are separated. You can even run Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
them on different machines.
IPython components are glued together with IPython 3.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
ZeroMQ, which is a popular “sockets on steroids” ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython’s features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python’s own help system.
Project Jupyter
object? -> Details about ‘object’, use ‘object??’ for extra details.
Some pillars IPython stands on are Python- and factors them out. IPython remains the In [1]:
specific, such as SymPy or Matplotlib. The default Python kernel, but you can switch to You’ll see a banner revealing some of IPython’s
others, like decoupled protocol or web Ruby or anything else if you wish.
powers. % is the so-called “line magic”, because it
notebooks, are language-agnostic, so it’s If you are using IPython 3.0, you’ve
natural to extend IPython’s beyond Python. probably spotted the Jupyter logo in the web works on a single line, and can be used inside blocks
This is exactly what project Jupyter does. notebooks already. Plans are to finish the of code. There are also “cell magics” that start with
It takes the IPython environment, notebook split by IPython 4.0, so version 3.x will likely %% and work multiline. Below is a command prompt
document format and various other bits be the last “monolithic” one. which behaves as you might expect:
In [1]: print ‘Hello world!’
Hello world!
Things will be different however, if your expression
produces a value:
“Project Jupyter” sounds cooler than “IPython without Python”. In [2]: 2+2
Out[2]: 4
PdfFileReader complains
Graphics covered about a malformed file,
IPython sports a thing called “GUI integration”. In plain
but Tab completion makes
words, it means that you can create Qt, GTK and some other fixing it easy.
graphical UI applications straight from the console. It’s a
useful feature for introspection, especially given the fact
that IPython can be embedded in your own programs. It
also comes handy when you need to quickly create a widget
and test its behavior.
To use it, nothing is required on your side. Just execute
%gui qt (or other toolkit). Don’t start the main loop
(QApplication(sys.argv)._exec() or similar) as it will block
the console. Create your widgets and do other things as if it
were already running, and IPython will take care of the rest.
Here, output appears in its own cell. To suppress the input. Now, press Ctrl+P: you’ll get back to your
this, end the expression with a semicolon (;). The last function and can change it as you like. The only
output is always available via the special variable, _. inconvenience is that it is really a long wrapped line,
In [3]: _ not a multiline text. You can navigate it with the Left
Out[3]: 4 and Right keys, Ctrl+A/Ctrl+E (or Home/End), but
object? prints details about an object. IPython pressing Up or Down still switches to another history
gathers these from docstrings, introspection and item. For a real multiline editor, do %edit In[N]. This
other means, and ?? tries to be even more verbose opens input N in a default text editor (likely Vim). Qt
(though it doesn’t necessarily succeed). This feature Console and Notebook can edit multiline cells with no
isn’t much help on standard library objects, but is external aids.
quite wordy with IPython’s own ones and various It is also possible to get one of your previous inputs
IPython-aware third-party libraries. editable at the command prompt. %recall N is the
A double underscore __ refers to the output before magic you need here. It comes in handy when the
the last one. To get an arbitrary output, use Out[N] or input you need is buried too deep in the history. If you
_N, where N is the output’s number (2 below): only need to rerun the input, use %rerun N.
In [4]: Out[2] IPython also provides some writing aids, like Tab
Out[4]: 4 completion. If you forget a method’s name, type some
Note that you can’t refer to printed text this way, as first letters then tap Tab to see the options. Even
print yields no value – it just puts characters on the better, you can use shell wildcard syntax and ? to
screen. Similarly enough, you can use _i, __i, and In[N] search through Python objects:
(or _iN) to retrieve previous inputs: In [7]: itertools.c*?
In [5]: In[1] itertools.chain
Out[5]: u”print ‘Hello world!’” itertools.combinations
A magic called %history prints all inputs in the
current session. This comes in handy when you’ve
Need more terminals
tried some idea and decide it’s worth putting into
standalone script. The magic accepts various options IPython Notebook 3.0 comes with a built-in terminal,
(like the range of inputs to export) which you can which is like Chrome Secure Shell but works in any modern
browser. This requires the python-terminado package, and
examine with %history?. For more sophisticated
you can create terminals in Dashboard the same way as
session logging, consider the %logstart and %logstop notebooks. It may come in handy for working remotely, but
magics. They also produce logs that are valid Python keep in mind that this opens shell access to anyone who
code you can readily use. connects to your IPython Notebook server. Be careful not to
leave your system vulnerable.
Writing aids
Session history is also easy to navigate the same way
you do it in Bash. In fact, both shells relies on the
readline library for all heavy lifting. Use the Up and
Down keys (or Ctrl+P/Ctrl+N) to select previous
inputs, or type some words and press Ctrl+R to search
history. Unlike the standard Python interactive shell,
this works multiline.
In [6]: def f(x):
...: return 2 * x
...: IPython’s web terminal is good enough to run the
Note that IPython automatically indents code when ipython console.
you press Enter. The first empty line terminates 101
Interactive plots work even latter form. There is also a convenient SList.grep()
in mobile browsers, but method, which behaves the same way as the shell
you’ll need a live kernel command.
connection for them. Next, we’ll loop through reports, getting the number
of pages in each document. It’s not straightforward
to do in a shell, but the pyPDF library makes it a
snap. You can probably find it in your distribution’s
repositories, and the code we need looks like this:
In [3]: from pyPdf import PdfFileReader
In [4]: from os import path
In [5]: for p in reports.p:
...: with open(p, “rb”) as f:
# skipped for brevity ...: print PdfFileReader(f).getNumPages()
IPython ignores prompts like >>>, In [] or ... in code Check that it works (it should). Finally, return to the
you enter. It’s very useful for pasting doctests and fourth import and change the last line to:
code snippets you find online. In[6]: # original code here
So far we’ve discussed the IPython console, but ...: if PdfFileReader(f).getNumPages() < 5:
all tricks you’ve learned work in Qt Console (ipython ...: !cp “$p” ~/somewhere/”{path.basename(p)}”
qtconsole) as well. History in IPython is per kernel, $p is substituted with the string value of the Python
so it is shared between consoles. For instance, run variable p before the code reaches the shell. You can
ipython console in the terminal, then use %qtconsole also embed Python expressions into shell commands
to start Qt Console connected to the same kernel. with curly braces. Quotes account for shell-escape
You should be able to see your previous commands. characters, such as spaces.
Instead of %qtconsole, you could also use the The code we wrote isn’t error-proof. If you happen to
%connect_info magic, which displays the kernel have a .pdf file that PdfFileReader can’t parse (maybe
connection information and a command line you can an incomplete download), it will raise an error. When
run to connect to the existing kernel. this happens, note how exceptions are rendered in
To exit the IPython console, press Ctrl+D. IPython. They’re usually quite detailed, but if you want
more, try %xmode verbose. Exception tracebacks are
Magic in a shell also coloured so you can grasp them more easily.
IPython provides basic shell command equivalents.
You can do things like cur_dir = %pwd, %cd another_
dir and %cd - to return back, if you need. Shell Notebooks beyond IPython
scripting language is certainly powerful, but not
The more you get used to IPython, the more likely is you’ll
necessarily intuitive. If you mix and match it with
want to share a notebook with someone who doesn’t have
Python, you get best of both worlds. (and doesn’t want) IPython installed. You can always use
Think of the following problem. You want to find all ipython nbconvert, but in the cloud era, there’s a better way.
PDF reports in your Downloads folder that are less NBViewer ( is the closest
than five pages long, and copy them somewhere. To alternative to an online nbconvert. If you have your IPython
notebook available online (maybe shared in Dropbox) or on
make it a bit simpler, let our reports have the report_
GitHub/public Gist, simply paste its URL or Gist ID into the
prefix in their names. textbox and you’re done. You can now send your contact
Open the IPython console (Qt Console will do as well) a link that’s viewable in any browser. The major limitation
and let’s begin with: is that you must have your IPython notebook public, and
there’s also no kernel connection available.
PRO TIP In [1]: reports = !ls ~/Downloads/report_*.pdf
If you’re a professional Python developer, chances are
Tab completion in IPython ! denotes a shell command expression. It passes
you use the PyCharm IDE. It’s commercial, but there’s a
also works for files. the command line to the shell, captures standard free (as in beer and as in speech) variant called PyCharm
Press Tab and you’ll see
output and returns it as the result. The actual type of Community Edition. Both support IPython notebooks, so you
suggestions, like in a
regular shell. ‘reports’ is SList, as you can easily check with ?: can enjoy great interactivity with high-end IDE features like
In [2]: reports? code suggestions. However, my experience is that you may
have trouble getting PyCharm’s IPython support to work.
Type: SList
PyCharm will also use IPython as a Python shell if available.
File: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/utils/
List derivative with a special access attributes.
SList is IPython’s own type that derives from list.
You can use it as a normal Python list (reports.l),
a newline-separated string (reports.n), a space-
separated string (reports.s), or a list of Python’s path
objects (reports.p). For our purposes, we’ll prefer the
If want a whole block of pure Bash code in your Latex makes formulas look
IPython session, use the %%bash cell magic. nice even on the web.
Everything you enter in that input will go to Bash
directly, and the output will be printed. Similar cell
magics exist for Perl and Ruby.
Pretty plotting
IPython consoles are good for us geeks, but for many
others around IPython is a synonym for web-based
Notebook. It’s a great tool for interactive tutorials,
presentations, and online learning. It also provides
scientific computing environment rivalling commercial
tools like Maple or Wolfram Mathematica. import numpy as np
Start the service via ipython notebook, and you’ll import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
see the web browser window with Dashboard. def trajectory(velocity, angle):
Dashboard displays IPython documents in the current g = 9.8
directory and enables you to create new ones. IPython t = np.linspace(0, 2 * velocity * np.sin(angle) / g, 100)
Notebook documents (sometimes also called IPython x = velocity * np.cos(angle) * t
notebooks) are just JSON files. You can convert them y = velocity * np.sin(angle) * t - g * (t ** 2) / 2
to other formats like HTML or Latex with ipython plt.plot(x, y)
nbconvert. However, in this case you’ll lose much of We simply find out how long the body will go and
Always run ipython
the interactivity. calculate its x and y coordinates in 100 consecutive notebook under tmux
Notebook itself is a collection of cells. Cells have a moments of time during the flight. Now, if you call or screen (LV013). This
type: code cells contain Python code, heading cells trajectory(5, np.pi/4), you’ll see a curve. But how way, you won’t interrupt
a session if you close the
give your document a structure, Markdown cells are would a change of velocity or angle affect its shape? terminal occasionally.
used for formatted texts and so on. To change a cell’s It’s a good question, and IPython has the answer. You
type, use the drop-down under the main menu bar. may be surprised, but making the plot interactive is
When you’re in command mode (hello Vim!), you can mostly a matter of a one-liner:
move between cells, create, and cut and paste them. from IPython.html import widgets
However, you can’t cut and paste multiple cells, and widgets.interact(trajectory,
there is no multi-level undo. Clicking on a cell switches velocity=widgets.FloatSliderWidget(min=0, max=20),
you to edit mode, where you can change the cell’s angle=widgets.FloatSliderWidget(min=0, max=np.pi/2))
contents. interact takes a function and creates widgets to
To execute a cell, press Shift+Enter or use the main manipulate its arguments. It tries to guess appropriate
menu. It will be evaluated, and the output (if any) will widget types (eg uses checkboxes for Booleans), but
appear beneath. All history-related commands you you can always override the defaults as we do here.
know work in notebooks, too. Cell evaluation may You can also apply it as a decorator:
take time, and a circle at the top-right corner indicates @widgets.interact
whether the kernel is currently busy or not. If it is, def trajectory(velocity=1, angle=np.pi/4):
the circle will be filled. You can interrupt the current # function body
operation via Kernel > Interrupt or Ctrl+M I. Play with the plot: for instance, set velocity to some
Let’s write a simple example that draws the fixed value and drag the angle slider to see which
trajectory of a small body (like a stone) thrown at value gives you the longest flying distance (measured
some angle above the horizon. For that, we’ll need along the x axis). You should get something around
plotting facilities. Matplotlib is the de facto standard 0.78 (np.pi/4). Note however that this will work only
plotting tool in Python. It’s modelled after Matlab (but if you are connected to the kernel, as the function is
provides a fully pythonic API as well) so drawing re-evaluated every time you change its arguments.
anything is very easy. First of all, we need to enable IPython encompasses many good technologies,
Matplotlib in the session. To do this, run: and if you want to know more about Matplotlib, SymPy
In[1]: %matplotlib inline or whatever, please drop us a line. In the meantime,
“Inline” here means that graphs we plot will appear have a look at
in the notebook and not in a separate window. wiki/A-gallery-of-interesting-IPython-Notebooks.
Two main factors affect trajectory shape: the initial Here, IPython authors collect notebooks from various
velocity and the angle. The x and y coordinates are fields that you can use as a starting point for your
then easily found as time functions (consult the own work, or just for learning. IPython welcomes
physics textbook of your liking). From a mathematical contributions, and if you do something that’s accepted
viewpoint, this means the trajectory y(x) is given as upstream, please share it with us!
parametric function. Matplotlib can draw it as well as
2D/3D plots, histograms and more exotic plot types. Dr Valentine Sinitsyn teaches Physics, develops high-loaded
services and does other clever things with Python.
All we need is to write a simple function: 103
Understand True and False, and program using the very essence
of computer logic.
f you’ve done even a little programming before, True
WHY DO THIS? you’ll probably have come across the basic logical >>> print (True ^ True) and (False ^ False)
• Master the building operators AND, OR, NOT and XOR at some point. False
blocks of computation
They operate on values that can be either True or In the last example, the is used to denote XOR.
• Improve your programs
by manipulating raw bits False. These values are known as Boolean (after the
mathematician George Boole). For example, take a Logical operators
look at the following Python code: As well as these operators that take two inputs, there’s
if first_name == “Ben” or first_name == “Mike”: the NOT operator, which acts on just a single input
print “Cool name!” and changes it, so if it’s True it returns False and if it’s
This uses the variable first_name and first False it returns True:
compares it to the string “Ben”. This comparison will >>> print not True
either return True or False depending on whether or False
not first_name contains “Ben”. Then it will compare >>>print not False
the variable to “Mike” and again it will return either True
True or False. The OR operation then looks at the two There are three more logical operators that are
values returned, and if either of them is True, the created by combining the two-input operators with
whole statement returns True. If neither of them is not. NOR is not and OR, in other words (NOT (a OR B))
True, then the whole expression returns False is the same as (a NOR b).
(actually, there’s a little white lie in this – see the So far, we’ve been looking at logical operators that
boxout for more details). work with single values, True or False. At a lower level,
The operators AND and XOR (exclusive OR) work in usually, a binary 1 represents True and 0 represents
a similar way. AND returns True if both inputs return False. Since everything in your computer is also
True, and False otherwise. XOR returns True if either stored in binary, you can use logical operators on the
one of the inputs returns True, but False if either none bits that make up larger values.
or both of the inputs return True. The full range of As an example, the number 4, when represented in
outputs from all the logical operations is given in the binary is 100, while the number 3 is 011. If you start
truth tables below. with the left-most bit of both numbers, you get 1 (or
You can combine these to build up complex True) from 4, and 0 (or False) from 3. True OR False is
expressions. Python’s interactive shell is a great place True, so the first bit of our output is 1. Then focus on
Truth tables give the to experiment with these. For example: the next bit along. From the 4, this is 0, while from the
outputs of logical >>> print False or True 3 you get 1. Again, these OR together to produce 1,
operators for every True and likewise with the last bit. The output of 4 OR 3 is 7
possible set of inputs. >>> print (False and True) or (False or True) when done bitwise. In Python, this is:
First input Second input Output First input Second input Output First input Second input Output
False False False False False False False False False
False True True False True False False True True
True False True True False False True False True
True True True True True True True True False
First input Second input Output First input Second input Output First input Second input Output
False False True False False True False False True
False True True False True False False True False
True False True True False False True False False
True True False True True False True True True
>>> print 4|3
Notice that we used the operator | (the pipe symbol)
rather than OR. That’s because OR works on whole
values while | operates at bit-by-bit level. Bitwise AND
is done with & and bitwise NOT is done with ~. XOR is
still done with ^.
Binary Booleans
Using bitwise operators on whole numbers works, but
it looks a bit strange. It’s easier to see what’s going on
if you view everything in binary, and Python lets you
do this. Firstly, anything starting with 0b will be treated
as binary. Secondly, the bin(function) can be used to
convert a number to binary. So, to display a bitwise OR
of 4 and 3, but display everything in binary, you can do:
>>> bin(0b100 | 0b011)
This performs exactly the same function as the
previous bit of code; the only difference here is that
we’ve told Python to display everything in binary.
The most common use of bitwise operations is
applying masks to a value when you are only
interested in a few of the bits. The two most common
If you struggle to
operators for this are AND and XOR. AND can be used >>>bin(0b10101010 ^ 0b11110000)
understand binary
when you only want to remove some of the values. 01011010 numbers, the Cisco Binary
It’s quite common to transmit Boolean values in Another feature of bitwise XOR is anything XOR’d Game is a great way to
8-bit sequences that are usually interpreted as with the same value twice is unchanged. This can be learn (
numbers. For example, if you’re controlling hardware, used to create a simple (and not particularly secure) com/CertCom/game/
you might have eight outputs that you can switch on form of encryption. If you pick a key that’s the same binary_game_page.htm).
or off. You can send a byte of data to tell the controller length as the message (or repeat a shorter key), you
which ones should be on and which ones should be can XOR the message and the key once to get an
off. Each bit would correspond to a particular pin. encrypted message. You can then bitwise XOR the
In order to extract the value for a pin (eg pin 4), you encrypted message with the key again to get the
could use the following Python code (where the original message. So:
variable data_byte contains the data for which pins message = 0b10101010
to switch on) key = 0b11001100
>>> data_byte & 0b00010000
This can be incorporated into an if function. For encrypted_message = message ^ key
example (where the function set_pin() is used to bin(encrypted_message ^ key)
control the hardware): Bitwise operations can cause some strange
if data_byte & 0b00010000: problems because of the way numbers are stored. For
set_pin(4, “ON”) example:
The if statement works because Python considers >>> print ~1
anything other than 0 to be -2
You can use bitwise OR in a
“It’s common to This is because Python stores
numbers using a method known
similar way because anything transmit Boolean values as two’s complement, where the
OR’d with True is always True,
and anything OR’d with False
in 8-bit sequences.” largest binary digit is negative
and subtracted from the rest of
is its original value. This way the numbers. For example, in
you can manipulate individual bits in the byte. For 4-bit two’s complement, 1000 is -8, 1001 is -7 (-8 + 1)
example, to set the fourth bit of data_byte to 1 but and 0111 is 7. In this case, NOT 0001 is 1110, which
leave the rest unchanged: is -8 and 6, or -2. Python stores numbers in a slightly
>>> data_byte = data_byte | 0b00010000 unusual way. Instead of allocating a fixed number of
Bitwise XOR has a couple of interesting properties. bits to a variable (as C does for example), Python
Firstly, anything XOR’d with 0 is itself, while anything increases the number of bits depending on how large
XOR’d with 1 is its opposite. This can be used to the number stored is. This makes two’s complement a
selectively apply NOT operations to some bits in a little unusual, so carefully test any bitwise functions
byte. For example: that may operate on negative numbers. 105
Part 5: We finish off this series by making system calls accessible
to user programs, like in a full operating system.
ast issue we put together a simple operating That’s all good and well, but it means our OS is just
WHY DO THIS? system, using the techniques and tricks we a glorified program launcher at this stage. Proper
• Learn what compilers do explored over the last four issues. This OSes provide facilities to programs, however, so that
behind the scenes
miniature OS consists of a tiny bootloader that loads a they don’t have to implement everything themselves.
• Understand the
language of CPUs kernel from a FAT12 formatted floppy disk, and the For instance, every standalone program shouldn’t
• Fine-tune your code for kernel then displays a prompt and takes input. If you need its own string printing routine – our OS can
better performance enter the ls command you get a list of files from the provide that, among other features. So in this final
disk – or if you enter a filename, the OS will load it and instalment of our assembly tutorial series, we’ll beef
try to execute it. up our kernel with routines that programs can call.
We’ll be working from the codebase used last month, available in most distros.) Now you boot floppy.img in
so grab it from a PC emulator such as QEMU or VirtualBox – eg As a quick reminder, here’s a list of the qemu-system-i386 -fda floppy.img. So, we have our
files included and what they do: codebase and build instructions. Let’s build MyOS 2.0!
boot.asm The 512-byte bootloader that’s injected
into the start of the FAT12 floppy disk image. What’s our vector, Victor?
bpb.asm The BIOS parameter block, a chunk of Imagine that test.asm wants to use the lib_print_
disk-identification information that is embedded string routine inside our kernel. What does it need to
into boot.asm during assembly. do? Well, it has to use the call instruction followed by
disk.asm FAT12 file-reading routines, as used by the address in memory of lib_print_string. But there’s
boot.asm. a major problem here: test.asm has no idea where
mykernel.asm Our OS kernel, including a simple lib_print_string is. If we disassemble our kernel using
command line and program execution facility. ndisasm mykernel.bin, and search for “pushaw” (the
lib.asm A set of useful first instruction in the
routines for screen,
keyboard and disk “Every program shouldn’t need lib_print_string routine),
we can see that the code
handling, which gets its own string printing routine for lib_print_string starts
included into mykernel.
asm during assembly. – our OS can provide that.” at position 557
(hexadecimal, in the
test.asm A test column on the left).
program that our OS can load and launch – it just So, that’s a start – test.asm could just put a string
prints the letter ‘X’ and exits. location in SI and use call 0x557 to print a string,
To assemble the bootloader, use: right? That may indeed work, but here we bump into
nasm -f bin -o boot.bin boot.asm another problem: the location of lib_print_string will
To create a virtual floppy disk image called floppy. change as we make modifications to the kernel. It
img in MS-DOS format, and inject our bootloader into could move by just a few bytes if we make a minor
the first 512 bytes, do this: alteration, or it could jump by several kilobytes if we
mkdosfs -C floppy.img 1440 add loads of code to lib.asm before it.
dd conv=notrunc if=boot.bin of=floppy.img Fortunately, however, there’s a way to fix this: using
To assemble the kernel and test program, and add vectors. If we put a series of jmp instructions at the
them to the floppy disk image: beginning of our kernel, which jump to different
nasm -f bin -o mykernel.bin mykernel.asm routines in lib.asm, these will always stay in the same
nasm -f bin -o test.bin test.asm place. These jumps are called vectors and redirect call
mcopy -i floppy.img mykernel.bin ::/ instructions from programs to the appropriate places.
mcopy -i floppy.img test.bin ::/ Let’s see this in action. Edit mykernel.asm and add
(Note that mcopy is part of the GNU Mtools package, three jmp instructions and a “start” label to the very
top so that it looks like this:
jmp start ; 0x0000
jmp lib_print_string ; 0x0002
jmp lib_input_string ; 0x0005
mov ax, 2000h
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, prompt
call lib_print_string
The hexadecimal numbers in the comments
alongside these jmp instructions show exactly where
they’ll be in RAM when the kernel is loaded. So, the
jmp start instruction is at position 0 (as it’s right at the
start of the kernel), while jmp lib_input_string is at
position 0x0002, and the next jmp is at 0x0005. (The
first jmp instruction is only two bytes, as it’s jumping
to a very close address, just a few bytes ahead,
whereas the other jmps use three bytes and go to
code further away, and therefore use longer
addresses.) You can find out the location of these
jump instructions using ndisasm mykernel.bin – the
locations are in the left-hand column.
Make it easier for other developers
More real-hardware fun, this time showing the use of graphics routines we’ve added to
So, we’ve created three vectors here: if a program
our simple operating system.
wants to use lib_print_string, instead of using that
routine’s exact address in memory, it can simply call But now imagine that you want to get other people
the vector at position 0x0002, which then redirects to to write software for your OS. If you tell them to call
lib_print_string. This vector will always remain at various hexadecimal numbers, it all looks a bit hacky,
0x0002, unless we change the order of the vectors – so we can make our pseudo-API more attractive by
but as Linus Torvalds always says with colourful aliasing proper names to the numbers. Alongside
language, you NEVER break userspace – so our test.asm, create a file called with the
vectors won’t change location. We can add more of following contents:
them, but that doesn’t change the location of the lib_print_string equ 0x0002
previous ones. lib_input_string equ 0x0005
Try this out by modifying test.asm like so: The equ here simply means: the string on the left is
ORG 32768 equivalent to the number on the right. So now you can
modify test.asm as follows:
mov si, string %include “”
call 0x0002
ret ORG 32768
string db “Ciao!”, 0 mov si, string
Assemble the kernel and test.asm and then copy call lib_print_string
them to the disk image as per the previous ret
instructions, and boot up the OS. Run test.bin and
voilà: it uses the kernel’s lib_print_string routine. It string db “Ciao! inc”, 0
doesn’t care where that routine is in RAM, but knows By including into our test.asm file, we can
that it can call the vector at 0x0002, which will then use human-readable names for the routines and not
jump to the right place. just the hexadecimal numbers (although those will
And the same is true of lib_input_string – we’ve still work, of course). As you add more routines to
also added a vector for that. You can now go ahead lib.asm and make them accessible via vectors at the
and add other vectors for routines in lib.asm, making start of your kernel code, you can add more equ
them available to standalone programs. Yes, our statements to and make it easier for people
project really is becoming a proper operating system! to write programs for your OS. 107
We’ve worked hard over the last five issues, so it’s
time to play hard as well by adding some graphics lib_plot_pixel:
capabilities to our OS. As with the keyboard, screen pusha
and disk routines, the BIOS can help out here – mov ah, 0Ch
although it’s not especially fast. If you had wanted to mov bh, 0
write lightning-fast games back in the glory days of int 10h
MS-DOS, you’d have worked with video RAM directly, popa
but in our case we can ask the BIOS to plot pixels for ret
us and do the grunt work. The first of these, lib_gfx_mode, uses the BIOS (int
First up, we need to create three routines: one to 10h, routine 0) to switch to 320x200 pixel mode with
enable graphics mode, one to plot a pixel with the 256 colours at your disposal. Sure, it’s very low-res by
specified colour and location on the screen, and one modern standards, but plenty of great games were
to return to text mode. Open lib.asm and add the written in this limited environment! The second routine
following routines: switches back to text mode, and the third plots a pixel
lib_gfx_mode: and takes three parameters: the colour in the AL
pusha register, the X (horizontal) location in the CX register,
mov ah, 0 and the Y (vertical) location in DX.
mov al, 13h Next up, add vectors to these at the start of your
int 10h kernel. If you haven’t added any other vectors for
popa routines in lib.asm yet and you only have the three we
ret created earlier, you can add them onto the end like so:
jmp lib_gfx_mode ; 0x0008
lib_text_mode: jmp lib_text_mode ; 0x000B
pusha jmp lib_plot_pixel ; 0x000E
mov ah, 0 (Again, the vectors are three bytes apart; use
mov al, 3 ndisasm to see where all the jmps are in mykernel.bin
int 10h if you’re not sure.) Now open and add the
popa appropriate equ lines for these routines, so that other
ret programs can use them, and then edit test.asm. Here
What’s next?
So, where do you go from here? The next step is to explore instructions and registers from x86, most of the concepts you
some other x86 real-mode 16-bit operating systems, such as learn are the same in any assembly language. (Well, unless
MikeOS ( No, that isn’t just a cheap plug you start coding for extremely limited embedded chips that
– MikeOS is very similar to the mini OS we’ve made here, albeit don’t even have multiply instructions!)
with many more library routines and kernel features. But the Once you’re up to speed on ARM, you could try making your
memory layout and use of vectors is the same, the code is well own OS for the Raspberry Pi. This is considerably more
commented, and there’s plenty you can nab for your own OS involved than our tutorial series, as you have no BIOS to help
(it’s under a BSD-like licence). you out – indeed, you have to write your own video driver early
After that, you’ll want to explore something more powerful. on just to display anything on the screen! But it’s good fun, so
KolibriOS ( is a mightily impressive check out this guide:
graphical desktop operating system written in assembly tutorials/os.
language, which features pre-emptive multi-tasking, various
filesystem drivers, and other cool features. KolibriOS is a fork
of MenuetOS (, which is open source in its
32-bit incarnation, and includes extra sound and network
drivers. It’s insanely fast, but still rather limited compared to
the likes of Linux and the *BSDs.
Of course, x86 isn’t the be-all and end-all of assembly
language. In fact, many coders regard it as a very ugly
language, due to all the cruft that has been added onto it since
the 1980s (the upside of this is excellent backward
compatibility). ARM chips are everywhere these days, and
while most of them are in embedded or locked-down devices
such as phones and tablets, if you have a Raspberry Pi you
can start hacking ARM assembly code straight away.
There’s a good starting tutorial at
nsgzq89, which explains how to assemble and link binaries,
and then moves on to the specifics of the ARM chip in the The Raspberry Pi rocks for many reasons, but it’s also
subsequent chapters. Note that while ARM has different the ideal platform for learning ARM assembly.
we’re going to write a program that draws horizontal
lines of pictures on the screen, from top to bottom,
changing colour each time. This program makes use
of an inner and outer loop, so it’s a good way to beef
up your assembly knowledge with concepts you’ve
probably come across in higher-level languages.
Here’s the code:
%include “”
ORG 32768
call lib_gfx_mode
mov al, 0
mov cx, 0
mov dx, 0
Steve Ballmer was right – it’s all about developers, developers, developers, developers!
inc al
Win them over with an API for your operating system.
inc dx
cmp dx, 199 return to the outer loop for the next line. Build the OS
je $ and boot it, and you’ll see results like in the picture –
not bad for such a small program, is it?
call lib_plot_pixel Custom lines and shapes
inc cx With this knowledge, you can now build some custom
cmp cx, 319 routines to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines,
jne innerloop and even filled or outlined boxes. But what about
arbitrary lines from one point to another? This is a bit
mov cx, 0 more complicated, but one solution is to use
jmp outerloop Bresenham’s line algorithm. This determines the pixels
Here, after switching to graphics mode, we set our that need to be plotted on the screen when a straight
colour, X position and Y position registers to zero. line is drawn from one point to another. The maths
Then we begin our outer loop, which bumps up the involved in this is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but
colour by one and moves on to the next line. If we’ve there’s some pseudocode at
reached line 199 (the bottom of the screen), then we k6qsxty, which will help you to implement it.
execute jmp $, which jumps to the same instruction in The web is full of x86 assembly language
the code – thereby setting up an infinite loop. (Yes, the implementations of the algorithm, such as http://
only way out of this program is to reset the machine!), so do a bit of
If we’re not at the bottom-most line, however, we Googling and see how it’s done. You can find similar
begin an inner loop. This plots a pixel at the current code chunks explaining how to draw circles and other
location and then adds 1 to the CX, moving to the right shapes. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, and
each time. When we hit the right-hand side (319) the have plenty of time, you could even try adding mouse
loop ends, so we reset the X position back to zero and support. The BIOS doesn’t provide any routines for
this, but you can write a simple PS/2 mouse driver
and many PCs will emulate USB mice as PS/2 ones
(in 16-bit real mode). See
Mouse_Input to get started – and note the links at the
end of the page, which include example code listings.
And that’s it! We’ve come to the end of our journey
through the awesome land of assembly language,
and hopefully it has whetted your appetite to explore
even further. Keep banging those bits and bytes on
bare metal, and if you ever happen to land a six-figure
salary from an assembly language-related job, this
author wouldn’t object to a free beer in the post…
happy hacking!
It’s a good idea to document your system calls so that
Mike Saunders is now moving on to coding mostly in 1s and
you (and others) know exactly which registers they take
0s, with the odd 2 thrown in for good measure.
and return. 109
Manipulate sound, filter the noise and rub some funk on your
BEN EVERARD masterpiece.
Your one-stop tool for melodiously enhancing recordings and audio files.
udacity is one of those rare breed of open
MAYANK SHARMA source software that Linux users love to
flaunt. It runs across platforms and packs in
more tricks than Gandalf. You can use the incredibly
powerful and versatile application for everything from
recording music, vocals, instruments and other
sounds and editing them into a professional sounding-
mix. One of the most popular uses of Audacity is to
churn out podcasts, though you can also use it to
compose tracks for your garage band, record
voiceovers, capture audio from apps, make ringtones While exporting a recording you can also attach various
PRO TIP and do a lot more. optional metadata with the file.
You can tell if a track is All this robustness hides behind an interface that
active by the colour of the might appear cryptic to new users, but it’s also fairly the pop-up menu next to the microphone icon in the
track menu — an active
intuitive and grows on you when you start using it. top bar and select the Start Monitoring option. Now
track’s menu is a darker
shade than an inactive Grab Audacity from your distro’s official repository, speak into the microphone and if the input meters
track’s menu. either with respond, your recording hardware is properly hooked
sudo apt-get install audacity up. Note however that the meters shouldn’t hit 0dB. If
if you use a Debian-based distro or they do, lower the record volume using the Input
sudo yum install audacity Volume slider on the right, or using your distro’s Sound
on Fedora-based distros. While Audacity is equipped Settings dialog.
to export Ogg files, if you wish to save your recordings Before you capture any audio, make sure the audio
in other formats such as MP4 you’ll need to make sampling rate is set higher than 22050Hz. By default
sure your distro includes the FFmpeg libraries. the app sets this to 44100Hz (in the bottom-left
Similarly, for saving as MP3 you’ll need the Lame corner of the interface) and you should leave it as is.
encoder. You can install them both from your distro’s Now click the red button and start talking. Use the
package manager. Pause button to take a break and resume recording
The first thing you should do when you launch from where you left off. When you’ve finished, click the
Audacity is to check your recording hardware. Bring up Stop button. If you press the Record button again,
Audacity will record the audio in a new track. Instead,
to continue recording from the end of the original
Enhance with effects track press and hold the Shift key before clicking the
One of the coolest features of Audacity are pitch of your voice without changing the
Record button again.
the dozens of effects housed under the tempo. Use the Echo effect to dramatise
Effect menu. Besides the Noise Removal announcements, or the Reverse effect to play Polish your recordings
effect that we’ve demonstrated in these a track back-to-front for fun. There’s also the If your cat pounced on you in the middle of a sentence
pages, there are several other useful ones Compressor effect, which equalises volume and you let out a PG-13 utterance or an R-rated
that you can use to enhance your recordings. variations in the track by effectively making
The Change Pitch effect lets you alter the the quiet parts louder.
expletive, you can continue recording and easily take
them out later. When you’re done recording, select the
zoom tool from the Tools toolbar and highlight the
portion of the track that contains the aberration. Then
activate the selection tool, carefully select just the bit
that you want to zap, and hit the Delete key. You can
also remove unnecessary portions from the recording
using Audacity’s trim tools. Suppose a track has a lot
of silence at the beginning and the end. In such a
case, select the region of the audio that you’d like to
keep and click the Trim Outside Selection button from
the Edit toolbar to trim all audio not in the selection.
Another common editing task is to remove
background noise. Using Audacity’s Noise Removal
tool, which has been significantly improved in the
latest version, you can take out constant background
sounds such as fan noise, carrier noise and such.
If you plan to work with
Head over to Effect > Noise Removal, click on the Get and head to File > Import > Audio and select the first
Audacity on a regular basis,
Noise Profile button and select a region of the audio track. Repeat the process to import all three
make sure you familiarise
recording that only contains the noise. Then head tracks and then hit Play to enjoy your masterpiece. yourself with its keyboard
back to Effect > Noise Removal and experiment with Another use of the mixing tracks features is when shortcuts.
the noise removal parameters. Use the Preview button you wish to mix narration with some background
to listen to a few seconds of audio and tweak the music or overlay section announcements on top of a
parameters accordingly until you’re satisfied. longer podcast. On the left of each track is the Track
Sometimes you might want to reposition sections Control Panel. It presents relevant information about
within your recording. For example, if you’ve recorded each track, including its sample rate and bit depth.
a podcast with multiple sections in a particular order Use the pull-down menu next to the Track title to
and then later decide to rearrange the order of these rename the track.
sections. Instead of re-recording the podcast, you can Then there’s the Mute button, which cuts the audio
cut-copy-paste sections of the track just like you of the track from the mix when you hit the Play button.
would in a text editor. Select the portion you wish to Conversely, the Solo button cuts out the rest and only
move and press Ctrl+X to cut it. Then move to the plays the audio from the corresponding track. At the PRO TIP
position where you want to insert it and press Ctrl + V bottom is the track’s Pan Control, which lets you Go to Tracks > Add Label
to paste it. adjust the track’s audio either to the left or right. Above At Selection to mark
this is the track’s Gain Control, with which you can positions in a track. This
is useful for annotating
Mixing tracks control the relative volume of the track. bits in a long piece of
If you wish to record from two microphones, you’ll In order to blend tracks, begin by first splitting the audio such as an
need a soundcard that can record from multiple main track into multiple clips. Use Edit > Clip interview.
channels or you can connect the microphones to a Boundaries > Split and insert a split where you need to
mixer which you can then hook up to your computer. If insert audio from another track. You can split a track
you’re on a budget, you can record different sources in into as many clips as you want. Similarly split the
multiple tracks and then combine them with Audacity. other track, then use the Time Shift tool from the
So if you have a band, you can record vocals in one Tools toolbar, at the top of the Audacity interface,
track, the guitar on another and the drums on the third. make room for the bits from the other track.
Once you have the three tracks, start a new project If you have places in the track where the music PRO TIP
overpowers the voice, you can fade down the music Go to Tracks > Mix and
when the voiceover begins and turn it back up at the Render before exporting
your recording. This will
end. For this, select the Envelope tool, next to the
merge all your tracks into
selection tool. When you activate the tool you’ll notice one single track that you
horizontal lines at the top and bottom of each track. can then clip, normalise,
and enhance as a whole.
These are representations of the track’s volume,
which by default are at 100%. Then in the music track,
head over to the area where you need to fade the
music and click, hold and drag at either the top or the
bottom line to reduce the volume of the music. You
can also click inside the music track envelope to add
control points and drag the envelope to create a
desired shape. Experiment with the shape of the
envelope until you’re satisfied.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the tweakable parameters of the All this might sound a bit confusing at first, but this
various options and effects. Most of them can be applied flexibility enables you to create complex compositions
only after trial-and-error. by mixing multiple smaller tracks. 111
Surgically manipulate audio with this command-line gem.
ox is the Swiss Army knife of command-line on-the-fly processing. For example, we use the PiFM
sound editing tools. While it lacks the more script, which enables us to use the Raspberry Pi as a
MAYANK SHARMA powerful features and the graphical interface of low-power FM transmitter. It’s very easy to implement
Audacity, Sox is incredibly versatile and has the and enables us to listen to audio even on older FM
batch-processing advantage of a command line utility. players that don’t have Wi-Fi. However, the script can
The tool is adept at several common sound editing only play audio files that are 16-bit 22050Hz mono
tasks such as converting files into different formats and in the WAV format. Instead of first converting all
and applying sound effects. our music into WAVs to conform to these restrictions,
Grab Sox from your distro’s mirrors either with sudo we use Sox to process the file on the fly and then pass
apt-get install sox or sudo yum install sox depending it on to the script. The command:
on your distro. Also grab the libsox-fmt-all package, sox -t ogg SomeSong.ogg -t wav -r 22050 -c 1 - | sudo ./pifm
PRO TIP which includes all of the Sox libraries and the ability to - 100.1
Use the avg parameter work with various file formats including MP3. will translate the Ogg file into a WAV file, change its
when converting a Once you have the tool and the libraries, converting sampling rate to 22050Hz and down mix the track to
multi-channel Stereo files from one format to another is a simple affair. The a mono channel. The converted audio is sent to the
track to Mono.
command sox some-file.mp3 great-file.ogg will standard output, denoted by the hyphen sign (-) and is
encode the MP3 file into Ogg. As you can see, Sox then piped (|) into the standard input of the pifm
recognises the formats of the input file and the output command. The script will then broadcast it on the
file from the extension of the file. 100.1 FM frequency.
Before you can manipulate a file, you’ll need to You don’t even need the file on your disk. If you wish
know its encoding information. The command to broadcast the Linux Voice podcast, you can do so
sox --i some-file.ogg with the command:
will list various details about the file including its sox -t ogg -t
sample rate, file size, bit rate, and more. wav -r 22050 -c 1
If you wish to reduce the size of the audio files on The only difference between this command and the
your disk, one way to do so is to reduce their sampling previous example is that instead of pointing to a local
rate. The command Ogg file, we are now pointing to one that resides
sox some-file.ogg -r 16k downsampled-file.ogg online. Similarly, you can use Sox to convert an online
will change the sampling rate of the file down to radio station and pipe it to the PiFM script, like so:
16kHz. Now check the file again with the --i switch sox -t ogg
Use the -S switch to keep and note the changed sampling rate and the reduction live.pls?service=a6bb -t wav -r 22050 -c 1
an eye on the progress of in file size. Not all stations broadcast Ogg streams. To convert
ongoing activity. One of the most popular ways of using Sox is to do MP3 streams all you need to do is change the type of
the input file you are converting with Sox, like so:
sox -t mp3
ndrloop5.m3u -t wav -r 22050 -c 1
Audiophiliac remedies
Besides converting music, there are various other
ways you can manipulate audio with Sox. You can, for
example, use it to extract a part of audio with the trim
switch. The trim switch accepts two parameters: the
starting point of the portion you wish to keep and the
second denotes its length. For example,
sox original.ogg beginning.ogg trim 0 10
will extract the first 10 seconds from the original.ogg
file. Conversely, if you wish to clip the first 10 seconds
and keep the rest, first find the duration of the track in
seconds with the
sox file.ogg -n stat
command. Make a note of the value listed next to the
Length (seconds) parameter. Let’s assume ours reads
2965.12. Then use the command
sox original.ogg silence-clipped.ogg trim 20 2945.12
You can use Sox to start
recording when it detects
audio and stop when it
detects a specified length
of silence.
Here 20 is the starting point of the recording we wish the clip by half.
to preserve, and 2945.12 is the original length minus Sox also includes two other command-line utilities.
the first 20 seconds. There’s the play utility, which is basically just a shell
An easier way to do this is to specify the length of script that calls Sox to play an audio file over the
the track you wish to clip. So if you wish to lop off the default audio device. So
first 10 seconds, use play some-audio.ogg
sox original.ogg start-clipped.ogg trim 10 will play the file. Since it’s just a script around Sox you PRO TIP
Similarly you can also clip from the end of the track. can use play to hear a file without actually modifying Add a small amount of
The command it. So if you wish to boost the bass of a song but aren’t stereo reverberation
sox original.ogg end-clipped.ogg reverse trim 5 reverse sure of the value you want to boost it by, you can use effect to a mono file with
the -w switch to make it
will reverse the track, trim 5 seconds from the the play command. The command sound more natural.
reversed track and reverse it back again, which play some-audio.ogg bass +3
effectively removes the last 5 seconds of audio. will play the file after boosting the bass 3 notches
You can also use Sox to merge multiple audio files without touching the original file.
into one. The command Sox also comes with a recording utility. The
sox -m background-music.ogg commentary.ogg great-show.ogg command
will combine the background- rec voice.ogg
music.ogg file with
commentary.ogg so that they
“If you need to modify an will start recording from the
default recording device. It’ll
overlap each other in the audio file chances are you record until you use the Ctrl +
great-show.ogg file.
Sox also lets you add a
can do it with Sox.” C hot key to abort the
operation. The recorded
fade-in and fade-out effect to clip will be saved in the voice.
a track. The command ogg file. You can also limit the duration of the PRO TIP
sox music.ogg with-fade-in.ogg fade 10 recording. The command You lose some
will slowly raise the volume from zero to maximum in rec record-voice.ogg trim 0 10 information when
converting to some
10 seconds. If you wish to add a fade-out effect as will record for only 10 seconds. And you can even use
formats, such as like
well, you’ll need to know the length of the track. other switches as well. The command MP3, that compress
Assuming the length of the track to be 400 seconds, rec -r 16k -c 1 voice.ogg trim 0 10 audio. Know that
converting back again
the command will record for 10 seconds and then downsample
from such formats will
sox music.ogg with-fades.ogg fade 10 400 5 the recording to a single channel audio with a 16k not produce an exact
will add a 5 second fade-out at the end of the track in sample rate. copy of the original.
addition to the 10 second fade-in. There’s so much more that you can do with Sox.
There are several other ways you can alter the We’d run out of paper if we attempt to cover
audio, some more useful than others. For example, everything you can do with the utility. But rest assured
you can also speed up or slow down a file by that if you need to modify an audio file, chances are
changing its pitch by a particular factor. The default you can do it with Sox .
pitch factor of a file is 1.0. The command
sox normal.ogg faster.ogg speed 2.0 Mayank Sharma has been finding productive new ways to
mess about with free software for years now.
will double its speed and also reduce the duration of 113
Final thoughts, musings and reflections
Nick Veitch
was the original editor Sennheiser HD25-1
of Linux Format, a headphones – in a
role he played until he previous life I was a
got bored and went sound engineer…
to work at Canonical
instead. Splitter!
ast year I backed a Kickstarter for a 3D
printer. In fact I backed several, but there
was one I was particularly keen on seeing.
Lenovo X220 –
Everything would be straightforward and ‘Just works flawlessly!
Work’, etc. So far it’s six months late, but hey, I
was expecting that.
What I wasn’t expecting was the slide on their
promises. When I backed the Kickstarter, it
proclaimed it would work with Windows/Mac/
Linux. I didn’t pay that much attention to it at the Mechanical keyboard
time, because after all, what idiots would from Filco, with cherry
produce a 3D printer without making it brown keys, but also I’ve always preferred
rubber dampers. trackballs to mice – they
compatible with all the industry-leading 3D
seem to work better.
software out there. Let’s face it, home 3D printing
was invented (whatever those Makerbot sell-out
turncoats would have you believe) by the
RepRap project, using open hardware and open
source software. In Bath, as it happens.
Fast forward a few seasons, and a website is
My Linux Setup Neil McGovern
duly created. Worryingly it now says “Windows/
Mac. Linux support is also likely”. When the
The Debian Project Leader shares his hacking environment.
printers start shipping, I discover that they have
spent at least 12 months hiring developers and What version of Linux are you and have been running that ever since.
writing their own software! Not their own currently using?
front-end or anything, but a complete Windows I’m currently running the latest What Free Software/open source
application, helpfully written in something that release of Debian 8 “Jessie”, can’t you live without?
will be hard to port to Linux. unsurprisingly. As most of my job involves
The developers have kindly enabled an option communications, and a lot of it, I’ll
not to ship the printer before the software is And what desktop do you have to go with a combination of Irssi for
ready for those platforms, but as they can’t say currently use? IRC and Mutt for email. Text-based
when that will be, and haven’t even started I’m using Gnome 3.14 – I’ve tried a interfaces are the only way I’m able to stay
working on it, I don’t want to wait another year… few different ones, and it seems to on top of things!
The worst part of all is that all this info has had be the most complete at the moment.
to be dragged out of them. The ‘we are too busy What do other people love but
to respond’ excuse is pointless and foolish when What was the first Linux setup you can’t get on with?
you have a website and a forum – it actually you ever used? Not wanting to cause a holy war, but
saves time! If you are starting a Kickstarter, don’t The first install I did was Mandriva, I guess Emacs. I’m a Vim user, and I
be an idiot. And also, remember to reply to all the about 13 years ago. However, I just never seem to have enough fingers to
backers. Even the idiots. moved on to Debian after about a year, make Emacs work for me.