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Linux Voice [Issue 20]

Authors Linux Voice

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

                                                                                     BLENDER CREATE
                                                                                    3D JENGA BLOCKS
                                                                                   SUSE STUDIO BUILD
                                                                                    YOUR OWN DISTRO
                                                                                        WRITE A GAME
                                                                                         WITH GODOT
November 2015                                       

                         BEST LINUX
       Discover the best eye candy known to mankind – and it’s all
                right here on your humble Linux machine

SYNCTHING Share files and folders across machines without Dropbox
PICADE The Pi-powered arcade machine that fits on your desk                  32 PAGES OF TUTORIALS
YUBIKEY Two-factor authentication for the masses

FREE=SECURE                                        LOAD NEW COMMANDER?
MATTHEW GARRETT                                    FREE GAMES
                                                                                         November 2015 £5.99 Printe d in the UK

Meet the geneticist                                Waste time playing
turned software guru                               games without
keeping an eye on our                              spending a single penny
digital freedoms                                   at the Steam store


Try something different
The November issue

Linux Voice is different.
Linux Voice is special.
Here’s why…                                                                              GRAHAM MORRISON
                                                                                         A free software advocate
      At the end of each financial                                                       and writer since the late
      year we’ll give 50% of our                                                         1990s, Graham is a lapsed
profits to a selection of                                                                KDE contributor and author
organisations that support free                                                          of the Meeq MIDI step
software, decided by a vote among                                                        sequencer.
our readers (that’s you).

                                          I                                                                             SUBSCRIBE
                                               f you’re new to Linux, the idea that you need to decide which
       No later than nine months               desktop to use before you can start using Linux must seem
       after first publication, we will
relicense all of our content under
                                               counterproductive. Most people want to dive in and start
                                          clicking on things straight away. It’s also an idea that must appear
                                                                                                                        ON PAGE 60
the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA             completely alien to users of Apple’s OS X or Microsoft Windows, or
licence, so that old content can          even iPhones and Android. Computing has become a world where
still be useful, and can live on even     you have no choice, with even updates becoming mandatory. But
after the magazine has come off           what might appear an initial hurdle - choosing a desktop - is
the shelves.                              actually the perfect initiation. Choice is what makes Linux and Free
                                          Software so powerful.
      We’re a small company, so              The best antidote to feeling overwhelmed is to give something a
      we don’t have a board of            try. Different desktops appeal to different kinds of people, just like
directors or a bunch of                   different operating systems or styles of music. In a world where
shareholders in the City of London        computing is becoming more homogenous than ever before, a
to keep happy. The only people            world where we’re fighting for the ability to control our own
that matter to us are the readers.        hardware and our own data, open source means you will never
                                          again not have a choice, and that’s worth celebrating.

THE LINUX VOICE TEAM                      Graham Morrison
Editor Graham Morrison                    Editor, Linux Voice
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory

                                          What’s hot in LV#020
Technical editor Ben Everard
Editor at large Mike Saunders
Games editor Michel Loubet-Jambert
Creative director Stacey Black
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
Editorial contributors:
Mark Crutch, Andrew Conway, Juliet
Kemp, Vincent Mealing, Travis ‘TT’        ANDREW GREGORY                      BEN EVERARD                          MIKE SAUNDERS
Mooney, Simon Phipps, Les Pounder,        “LibreOffice is full of so many     “Matthew Garrett’s responses         “It’s been 25 years since Monkey
Mayank Sharma, Valentine Sinitsyn.        great features, it’s difficult to   to the challenges Free Software      Island. Ben’s ace tutorial on game
                                          know which to highlight.            faces are full of insight and just   design means you could be the
                                          Somehow, we managed it.” p30        a little urgency.” p40               next Ron Gilbert .” p84


                                                                                                                                  November LV020
It was a bright cold day in September, and the clocks were striking Thursday…
     REGULARS                                      18
                                                                                                                      ON PAGE 60
     Just like the News at Ten but with
     less doom-mongering and more
     Linux happenings.

     Quick! Grab the latest and greatest
     distro before it’s superseded by the
     next big thing.

     Summer’s over. Prepare for the
     long, dark winter months with the
     latest Linux games.

     Speak your brains
                                                         Enhance your Linux experience with the best
     Vent your spleen, share your                           environment open source has to offer.
     opinions, let us know what you’ve
     been thinking.

     Secrets of LibreOffice Calc                   40
     Spreadsheets are for more than just

                                                   Mathew Garrett:
     tables and graphs. Find out how to
     unlock the full power of Calc.

     Linux, cloud computing and
                                                   geek, hacker,
     containers come together for three
     sleepless days in Seatle.
                                                   good guy
     Group test
     We look beyond Linux and BSD into
                                                   Linux Voice chats
     the wider world of free software              CoreOS, security,
     operating systems and find some
     surprisingly good alternatives.               ethics and philosophy.
     Save money, get Linux Voice
     delivered to your door, and get
     access to every singe one of our
     back issues.

     The free-est, freshest software on
     the internet, corralled into six pages
     of pure excellence.                      26
                                                   DISTRO CREATION        32
                                                                               GAMES GALORE            38
                                                                                                            FAQ: VULKAN
     My Linux desktop                              Fed up with Fedora?         Like games but hate          3D graphics drivers
     Matthew Garrett is the latest mega            Stymied by SUSE?            proprietary software?        are getting a
     geek to show us inside their coding           Upset with Ubuntu?          We check out the             makeover and it’s
     fortress of solitude.
                                                   Spin your very own          best games that              nothing to do with
                                                   Linux the easy way!         respect your freedom.        Spock.

TUTORIALS                                                                  REVIEWS
     70                                                Share your
                                                       files using
                                                       Keep your files
                                                       up to date on all
                                                       your computers
                                                       without having
                                                                           48   KDE Plasma 5.4
                                                                                The latest shiny desktop from
                                                       to hand your             the KDE project is prettier than
                                                       data over to a           a puppy with a bow on its head,
                                                       spy agency or            and twice as useful.
                                                       an advertising

     72                                  76

                                                                           49   Cyberfox 40.0
                                                                                Firefox isn’t the speedy, lean
                                                                                web browser it once was – so
Scan barcodes for virtual 3D physics and beautiful                              some developers have forked it
                                                                                to go back to its roots.
supremacy                 graphics in Blender
Python + Raspberry Pi + camera = Inflict the tyranny of gravity on
90s-style entertainment.         your virtual worlds.

     80                                  84

                                                                           50   Picade
                                                                                A miniaturised arcade machine
                                                                                with a heart of Pi brings retro
                                                                                gaming joy to your desktop or
                                                                                kitchen table.
Upgrade your security                 Make games using the
with YubiKey                          Godot engine                         52   Books Everthing the aspiring
                                                                                programmer needs to know
Frustrate hackers with easy           Point, click and type your way to         inscribed on cellulose.
two-factor security.                  an interactive masterpiece.

88   HTTP by hand                     90 Smalltalk

     Learn to speak the protocol of      Idle chatter about the original
     Xxxxweb so you
          xx xxx    can converse
                 xxxxx                   general-purpose
                            Xxxx xx xxx xxxxx        Xxxx object
                                                          xx xxx xxxxx
     xxxx browsers and servers.
          xxxxxx xxxx       xxxx xxxxxx orientated
                                         xxxx       language.
                                                     xxxx xxxxxx xxxx


The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.

On the software that masquerades as Free
Good intentions are all very well, but the only way to protect software is to make it open source.

                         Simon Phipps             database startup FoundationDB                       That’s true; they can. They have the liberty
                         is ex-president of the   mysteriously vanished at the start of the        to choose a business model that denies you
                         Open Source Initiative
                                                  year (         yours. But if you care about the flexibility of
                         and a board member
                         of the Open Rights       database/whats-behind-nosql-maker-               your business, you’ll also want to protect
                         Group and of Open        foundationdbs-disappearing-act.html), with       your liberty. Open source does not inherently
                         Source for America.      the downloads of its proprietary database        need monetising; choosing to do so is only
                                                  and its open source projects disappearing.       one of the options open to developers. It is
                                                  Apparently, Apple bought the technology for      possible to release substantial open source
                                                  internal use. When Forbes initially discussed    code in full without reserving special
                                                  the purchase (              privileges. Facebook and Twitter do it all the

            hat happens when a software           benkepes/2015/03/25/a-cautionary-open-           time, for example.
            company is acquired by a              source-tale-apple-buys-and-shutters-                The lesson to draw, in my view, is that
            corporate behemoth that doesn’t       foundationdb) it made a mistake because it       companies like FoundationDB that “wrap
actually need their software? It happens all      thought FoundationDB was all open source.        themselves in the flag” but actually have no
the time, and when the software that’s            It was an easy mistake to make; the              intention of delivering the four freedoms
involved is proprietary there’s no recourse       company used the language of developer           should be avoided at all costs. It’s really
for anyone (apart maybe from a lawsuit).          communities in many places, and many of          important to check that the liberties that
But when the software is open source,             us assume “open” when we hear                    deliver customer flexibility are actually
things are different. I learned this from         “community”, because open source is so           present, every time. By contrast, genuinely
personal experience. When Oracle acquired         much the default these days.                     open source code — even when delivered
Sun Microsystems, it simply walked away                                                            questionably — can always be forked and
from a number of projects they didn’t think       Quasi-open                                       sustained, like Forgerock did with Sun’s
would be profitable. But in many cases, the       But the only open source code it offered, as     identity middleware. It’s good for it to
fact the code was out in public under an          is clear from its (now deleted) FAQ, was         additionally be managed by an independent
OSI-approved licence meant that it endured.       helper code mainly intended to draw you          community entity – a “Foundation” – but
The identity middleware products were             into the FoundationDB sphere of influence. If    what matters first is having the full source
picked up very successfully by ForgeRock;         you used that code for your own project, you     code to the entire project under an OSI-
the code in OpenSolaris lives on in products      can carry on doing so as long as you kept a      approved copyright licence.
from Nexenta, Joyent and others, co-              copy, but the central repository is gone.
ordinated through the Illumos project;               This is all by way of explaining why          Semi-open has flourished at The              “open-washing” is a problem. It happens          While I remain a proponent of anchoring
Document Foundation as LibreOffice.               when companies offer things like “free           open source communities in not-for-profit,
   There are more examples, some showing          versions”, “gradual opening”, “community         community-accountable entities, it’s not a
good practice and some bad. Good practice         projects” and “open source parts” but don’t      Foundation that protects code; it’s being
was demonstrated around Etherpad. Google          actually deliver open source code for the        fully, genuinely open source. The role of a
didn’t need the Etherpad project to continue      whole offering. All these practices have their   Foundation is then to sustain the protection
when it acquired the team behind it to work       defenders. Businesses have to make money,        under the direction of the community
on Google Drive, but graciously enabled the       after all. “It’s their code, they can do what    benefiting from it. When Apple walked away,
community to carry on. As for bad practice,       they want”, people add.                          we found that FoundationDB was not flawed
                                                                                                   because it was in a for-profit entity; it was
                                                                                                   flawed because it delivered at best partial
“Google didn’t need the Etherpad project, but it                                                   software freedom. And as it turns out,
graciously enabled the community to carry on.”                                                     software freedom is your best guarantee of
                                                                                                   business value.


               Kernel • Online privacy • LLVM • Systemd • Ubuntu • Firefox

CATCHUP                                        Summarised: the biggest news
                                               stories from the last month

          Linux kernel 4.2 released                    EFF’s Privacy Badger                           LLVM/Clang 3.7 is here
   1      with bags of goodies                  2      takes on spying websites                3      Competition for GCC: new
           Some kernel versions are                     Advertising on the web may                    features include OpenMP 3.1
rather boring, with little more than         be a necessary evil so that we can all         support, an On Request Compilation JIT
bugfixes and driver tweaks, but Linux        continue to enjoy “free” content, but the      API, control flow integrity checks, and
4.2 brings loads to the table. Many          amount of tracking that ad companies           more optimisations.
new ARM boards and system-on-chips           do is alarming. So the Electronic
are supported, there’s a new random          Frontier Foundation has launched
number generator based on CPU                Privacy Badger, a browser extension that
execution time jitter, the AMDGPU            “stops advertisers and other third-party
DRM driver is now included, and per-file     trackers from secretly tracking where
encryption has been added to the F2FS        you go and what pages you look at
flash filesystem. For a detailed list of     on the web”. It’s similar to Ghostery,
the changes, see Linux Kernel Newbies:       Disconnect, and related extensions.

          Ubuntu by far the most                       Systemd gets new                               Lilo bootloader says
   4      popular cloud OS                      5      “su”-like functionality                 6      farewell to the world
           According to a report by                      Systemd, the init and base                    Lilo, the “Linux Loader” and
Cloud Market, which looks at operating       system attempting to replace the “bag          for many years the default bootloader
system usage on Amazon’s EC2                 of bits” in the lower levels of Linux, now     in Linux distributions, has done a
(Elastic Computer Cloud) platform,           has its own “su”-like feature. Using the       stellar job. We have fond memories of
Ubuntu has an enormous lead.                 machinectl shell command, users can            hacking its config files to set up dual-
Currently there are around 135,000           create a privileged session that’s fully       boot systems back in the days of Red
instances of Ubuntu on EC2, followed         isolated from the original session.            Hat Linux 5.2. But Grub is pretty much
by 54,000 for Amazon’s own Linux             Systemd developer Lennart Poettering           ubiquitous now, so Lilo’s lead developer
distro, then Windows with 17,500 and         describes “su” as a “broken concept”, in       has said that he’ll be handing in the
CentOS with 8,500. Canonical has been        that it starts a session with an ill-defined   towel at the end of the year, unless
pushing Ubuntu in the cloud for the last     mixture of old and new execution               another developer steps up and decides
few years, so it looks like the investment   context parameters (UID, ENV, cgroup           to keep hacking on the code.
has really paid off.                         etc).    

          Former Mozillians fork                                                                      Firefox 42 and later to
   7      Firefox OS into H5OS                                                                 8      require signed extensions
          Well, that didn’t take long.                                                                 Upcoming versions of Firefox
While Firefox OS is struggling to get                                                       will require that all extensions are
established in the smartphone market,                                                       signed via AMO (,
a bunch of ex-Mozilla employees have                                                        with no way to disable this feature.
set up a new company, Acadine, to                                                           The goal? To stop users from installing
develop a fork called H5OS. Very little is                                                  rogue extensions from other sources
known about the fork yet, but Acadine                                                       that contain spyware, malware or other
has managed to secure a healthy                                                             nefarious code. We understand the
$100 million in funding from Tsinghua                                                       intention, but it all sounds rather Apple-
Unigroup International, a Chinese                                                           esque “walled garden”, especially with
state-controlled company that’s                                                             no option to switch it off…
based in Hong Kong.                                                                                                                           Extension_Signing


What’s hot and happening in the world of Linux distros (and BSD!).

Ubuntu 15.10 Beta 1
October is coming…

            e don’t normally cover in-
            development and beta releases
            in Distrohopper, but with Ubuntu
and its various respins still being the most
prominent distributions out there, we
thought we’d look at what’s to come in
Ubuntu 15.10.
   Kubuntu features the Plasma 5.4 beta
desktop, along with KDE Applications 15.05
and some non-KDE programs including
LibreOffice 4.4 and Firefox 38. We can expect
LibreOffice 5.0 to be included in the final
release of Kubuntu 15.10, however.
   Ubuntu Gnome includes Gnome Shell
3.16 and most of the Gnome 3.16 release;
Gnome Music is now included and Shotwell
has been replaced by Gnome Photos. Over in
the Ubuntu Mate world, their 15.10 beta
includes the Mate 1.10 desktop, better
multi-monitor support, an extension               Mate, the continuation of the Gnome 2 codebase, is coming on in leaps and bounds.
manager for the Caja file manager, and
many bugfixes and plugs for memory leaks.           Finally, the biggest change in Xubuntu is         beta for these distros is due on 24
Of all the Ubuntu flavours in beta, this one is   the replacement of Gnumeric and AbiWord             September, with a release candidate
making the most rapid progress.                   with LibreOffice Calc and Writer. The next          following on 15 October.

Quirky 7.1
Mini distro puts on weight to support Android app developers.

         emember Puppy Linux? It was a            enormously, so that it’s now a 1GB
         lightweight distro geared towards        download, but the goal is to have an
         older machines, but with enough          all-encompassing Android development
useful software to make it suitable for daily     platform that requires no extra packages.
computing. Quirky is a spin-off of Puppy, a          And it’s designed for all kinds of               Get started with Android app development with
“plaything” and avenue to try out new ideas,      developers, from beginners to long-time             Quirky 7.1 “Appril”.
as its developer puts it. Starting with version   hackers. App Inventor lets non-coders create
7.0, Quirky releases are known as the “April”     apps using visual building blocks, whereas            Appril is a great idea and we’d like to see
series, and now we have “Appril 7.1” [sic].       those who prefer to get their hands dirty in        more distros focused on a particular
   This release is targeted at Android app        real source code can fire up Android Studio         developer audience. For more information
developers, and to this end it includes the       and start hacking. An image is available for        and download links, visit the blog of Barry
Android SDK, Android Studio, App Inventor,        16GB SD cards or USB sticks, while it’s also        Kauler, the lead developer of Quirky (and
Oracle JDK and LiveCode out of the box.           possible to install to a drive or partition using   Puppy) at
This has increased the size of the distro         the installquirky.x86 executable.                   news/?viewDetailed=00236.


News from the *BSD camps
What’s going on in the world of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

         reeBSD 10.2 was released in
         mid-August, and was a fairly
         conservative release with few major
features to shout about. The Linux
compatibility layer was updated to work with
CentOS 6 binaries, while DRM code from
Linux has also been imported enabling
multiple X servers to run simultaneously.
Improvements have been made to ARM
support, while in filesystem terms, ZFS is
faster and more reliable. If a file called
/firstboot exists when the system boots, the
root filesystem will expand to fill the device.
   Not long after, PC-BSD, the desktop-
friendly spin-off of FreeBSD, issued its 10.2
release. Along with all the updates in
FreeBSD, PC-BSD 10.2 also sports a                        Fancy trying a BSD flavour? Want an easy introduction? PC-BSD ( is your best bet.
CD-sized network installation medium,
installed fixes (making it easier to create               project leader Theo de Raadt has dismissed       without security holes.” However, he has
dual-boot setups), and better support for                 virtualisation as a means to better security,    more recently stated that OpenBSD should
HiDPI displays. PC-BSD ships with Firefox 40,             stating: “You are absolutely deluded, if not     step up to the “virtualisation challenge”, and
Chromium 44, Gnome 3.16 and its native                    stupid, if you think that a worldwide            Larkin’s work is already capable of booting
Lumina desktop version 0.8.6.                             collection of software engineers who can’t       an OpenBSD kernel. Incidentally, this work
   Over in the OpenBSD camp, developer                    write operating systems or applications          was funded by the OpenBSD Foundation
Mike Larkin has started working on a native               without security holes, can then turn around     – to which Microsoft recently contributed!
hypervisor for the OS. In the past, OpenBSD               and suddenly write virtualisation layers         What a time to be alive...

  Linux turns 24

  How time flies. On 25 August 1991, a budding hacker called Linus
  Benedict Torvalds visited the comp.os.minix newsgroup (see our Group
  Test on page 54 for more information on Minix). Torvalds posted the
  following message:
     “I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and
  professional like GNU) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
  since April, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on things
  people like/dislike in Minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same
  physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other
  things). I’ve currently ported Bash (1.08) and GCC (1.40), and things seem
  to work. This implies that I’ll get something practical within a few months,
  and I’d like to know what features most people would want. Any
  suggestions are welcome, but I won’t promise I’ll implement them :-)”
     Note the reference to the GNU project at the start. Back in 1991, it was
  generally assumed that GNU would finish its own kernel and develop into a
  complete operating system, far more advanced than what Torvalds was
  working on. You can see that Torvalds had also ported some GNU
  programs such as Bash and GCC to run on his kernel as well.
     In the end, however, the Linux kernel paired so well with the GNU
  project that GNU/Linux was born, and Torvalds’s work did indeed develop
  into something “big and professional”, especially as large companies such
  as IBM, Intel, Red Hat and Google started contributing code. Oh, and a bit
  of trivia: originally Linux was known as Freax, but an admin of the FTP site
  hosting the kernel convinced Torvalds to rename it. Thankfully!

  This wee laddie wrote the kernel that made GNU/Linux complete,
  and the rest is (very awesome) history. (Photo: Lars Wirzenius)


The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons

                                           Dirt Showdown
                                           Finally a big-title racing game on Linux!

                                                     acing games on Linux are in short
                                                     supply, but Dirt Showdown should satisfy
                                                     some cravings. While the realistic racing
                                           simulator gap is not filled by this game, it does
                                           very well at providing a fairly casual arcade racer.
                                               That said, traditional racing is only one aspect,
                                           with game modes varying from demolition derby
 Michel Loubet-Jambert is our Games
 Editor. He hasn’t had a decent night’s    to drifting and elimination racing.
 sleep since Steam came out on Linux.          The two major annoyances with Dirt are
                                           the way in which it bombards the player with            DiRT Showdown focuses less on realism and more

           raphics hardware has been far   advertisements and product placement, and               on car-smashing fun.
           more divisive for Linux         how it goes to cringeworthy lengths to be cool.
           gamers than it has been on
                                           The soundtrack seems like it is designed to get         unplayable and crashes aren’t unheard of.
 other operating systems. On one
 hand we have Nvidia, whose                pensioners shaking their fists in disapproval,          Though performance is mostly very good, the
 proprietary drivers are on par with       while the game’s announcer seems almost                 odd problem should be expected.
 those on Windows; however the             desperate to conveying how “extreme” the game              Overall, the game is a great deal of fun and
 Nouveau open source drivers make          is to the player with words like “carnage” and          with its issues aside, it is certainly worth the
 hardly any use of the hardware. On
                                           “mayhem” repeated on loop. The advertising is           price. It’s one of those games that can sit in your
 the other is AMD, whose proprietary
 drivers have been criticised for          also as in-your-face as the announcer.                  library for a while, being visited whenever a dose
 having lower performance than those           It’s worth remembering that the game is not         of mindless fun is required, of which
 on Windows, while the open source         a straight port, but uses a compatibility layer         Dirt Showdown provides plenty.
 Radeon drivers are making serious         like that used in Bioshock Infinite and The Witcher
 performance advances. On Linux, the                                                                 Website
                                           II. More often than not the game does feel like
 drivers, rather than the hardware,                                                                  app/201700 Price £9.99
 often seem to be the deciding factor      a straight port, some settings make the game
 in choosing graphics cards.
    Unsurprisingly, this shows up in a
 couple of surveys where the hardware
 of Linux users differs from Windows
 users. This is exacerbated now that
 lack of support for AMD cards has
 unfortunately been the rule rather
 than the exception lately with AAA
 games landing on Linux. Graphics
 drivers as a whole have been a major
 source of complaint from developers
 working with Linux, particularly with
 many distributions shipping with
 dated drivers by default.
    The replacement of OpenGL by
 Vulkan should improve things
 somewhat, given the lower driver                                                                                               The game’s tracks and
 overhead, as should the steady                                                                                          vehicles are varied, providing
 advance of integrated graphics                                                                                               something for everyone.
 technology and recent moves by
 distributions like Ubuntu which have
 made it easier to update drivers.
 However, for now, the situation serves
 as a reminder that Linux gaming is
                                           “Dirt Showdown’s game modes vary from demolition
 still in its infancy.                     derby to drifting and elimination racing.”

                                                                                                               GAMING ON LINUX

Shadowrun: Hong Kong                                                                           ALSO RELEASED…
A very solid (but somewhat wordy) futuristic cRPG.

        ollowing the success of Shadowrun       game. Like the other Shadowruns, it
        Returns and Shadowrun Dragonfall,       features a great soundtrack, tactical
        the revamped series has returned        combat and an intricate and intriguing
for another installment. Right off the          world where a high-tech society functions
bat, the game throws the player into            alongside magic, though we’d prefer a few
a dystopian futuristic Hong Kong                more cutscenes and a little less text.
Free Enterprise Zone, ruled by mega-              Fans of story-driven cRPG games and
corporations, corrupt government officials      the Shadowrun series should certainly          OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
and a dark underworld.                          pick this one up, though those without the     The sequel to the hit indie skateboarding game
  Those who played the previous two             patience to go through pages and pages         adds a lot to the original. It feels far more
games will find themselves in familiar          of dialogue should think twice.                polished, while gameplay is still tons of fun.
territory, with the gameplay and graphics                                                      The fast-paced side scrolling is very appealing,
                                                                                               while local multiplayer support with controllers
essentially the same, though the new              Website
                                                                                               makes this one of the few games beginning to
                                                  app/346940 Price £14.99
story and setting do warrant a standalone                                                      break with the PC’s antisocial past. Its
                                                                                               addictive nature makes this a great game for
                                                                                               split-screen sessions with friends.

                                                                         The pre-rendered
                                                                 backgrounds are excellent     Fallen: A2P Protocol
                                                                                               This post-apocalyptic RPG with XCOM-like
                                                                   and bursting with detail.
                                                                                               tactical turn-based combat is a little rough
                                                                                               around the edges, but should please fans of
                                                                                               the original Fallout and XCOM games.

                                                                                               Resources are scarce, and scavenging for
                                                                                               ammo and weapons is a big part of the game.
                                                                                               Unfortunately, it does still feel like it’s in Early
                                                                                               Access, so those looking for a more polished
A quirky and minimalistic exploration-adventure game.                                          experience may want to keep an eye on it and

                                                                                               wait for patches.
         his sci-fi exploration-adventure                                            
         game puts the player in a yurt
         on the Mongolian steppes in the
year 2076, the challenge being to make
sense of it all and piece together the
protagonist’s memories. It is clear from
the start that Cradle takes inspiration from
dystopian classics such as Brave New
World, adopting many of the undertones of       Much of the game’s story develops through
a society led astray by technology.             rebuilding a mysterious female android.
   Like other such games, it rewards the
curious player. Those who take the time to      a limited field of view, particularly in       Beyond Eyes
                                                                                               Beyond Eyes takes the player through the
examine objects, read notes and engage          platforming parts of the game. Similarly,      journey of a Rae, blind girl looking for her
in additional dialogue will find a far richer   the lack of clear instructions can cause       missing cat. The game looks stunning and
experience than that provided through the       confusion at times. Nonetheless, if you        uses some quirky mechanics in that the world
ambient storytelling and dialogue.              like a game which isn’t afraid of pushing      seen by Rae can often differ from reality and
   However, Cradle has its flaws. The           boundaries and doesn’t hold your hand,         requires extra effort to explore. It’s hugely
                                                                                               immersive and aided greatly by its soundtrack.
main issue is gameplay, which can be            it’s worth picking up.                         This is one of the more creative titles out there
infuriating at times, mostly because it                                                        and is thus highly recommended.
feels as though it should be a third-person       Website
                                                  app/361550 Price £9.99
game or in the very least not have such


                             YOUR LETTERS
                               Got something to say? An idea for a new magazine feature?
                               Or a great discovery? Email us:

  Now that Windows 10 is out               a secure distro like Tails when it
  and rolling I have to wonder how         will not boot on the newer UEFI
  many of those who upgraded are           and Secure Boot systems?
  having problems with their dual          Steve Cox
  boot systems? I also wonder if
  there is any experience on how to        Graham says: This is a very good
  dual boot Windows 10 and Linux?          question, and it’s one that Matthew
  I know this is compounded with           Garrett partly tackles in this
  UEFI and Secure Boot, which              issue’s interview (see page 40),
  adds more to solve. I abandoned          Our experience is that you can still
  two installs of Linux because of         disable Secure Boot and even bypass
  these problems and am giving             UEFI if you need to, and we’ve had
  Windows 10 a shot. I think we            no problem dual/triple/quad booting
  are headed towards only getting          alongside Windows 10 (really!). But
  Linux if you build or buy a specific     we have heard from a couple of          Microsoft isn’t going out of its way to make things easier for
  computer for that purpose. As an         readers who have had problems, so       Linux users; however, we should be grateful that it’s getting
  additional thought, what good is         we’re currently investigating.          easier to buy a PC without Windows pre-installed.

DIGITAL PANIC!!!                                                                                                              For too long, we have
                                                                                                                              been a passively
Before I retired I worked for a           many other terrorist groups. One                                                    tolerant society, saying
                                                                                                                              to our citizens: as long
manufacturing company, where              further thought: there are now
                                                                                                                              as you obey the law, we
we talked a lot about getting             a very large number of people
                                                                                                                              will leave you alone…
to the root cause of a problem,           engaged in gathering information
about cause and effect, and about         about others. Never again will
critical paths. To me the internet        someone who has arranged for an
is just another tool: if there is a job   incriminating email to go missing,
to do, you use the most effective         be sure that a copy will not re-
or convenient tool available; if this     surface. And whose information is
tool is not available you use the         worth the most, David Cameron’s
next most effective or convenient         and other people in the public eye
tool, and so on. The important            of course. David, you have created
bottom line being that human              a monster and you are nearest to         Snowden leaks was that it would have
ingenuity will always ensure that         its teeth.                               been impossible to steal/liberate
the job is done no matter what            John Bourne                              that amount of data if it were stored
tools are or are not available.                                                    on paper files like in the olden days,
So why is David Cameron (and              Andrew says: Fair points all, though     so digital files’ ease of duplication
others) getting so fixated on the         I do think that files are always going   is already having the effect you
internet? As far as terrorism is          to be much easier to reproduce than      describe. It’ll only take a couple of
concerned the IRA managed quite           physical discs. One of the things        generations of politicians before they
well without the internet, as did         that struck me about the Edward          cotton on to this!


PIPELIGHT AND TELEVISION                                                           LIBREOFFICE
I just tried to watch a documentary      any of the previous 18 issues of LV.      The short answer to Ms Mckie’s
I missed on Channel 5. I found my        Topic for an article perhaps?             post on getting more out of
way to the episode I wanted at           David Tarrant                             LibreOffice is that there is a very and got                                                       good series of tutorials at
a notification that I needed Adobe       Andrew says: Installing software via, but it
Flash 16. I’m using Firefox on           PPAs isn’t ideal, but the ability to      is well hidden. Once at the
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, so I googled for       install Pipelight through from your       website “Get Help” followed by
more information.                        distro’s package manager isn’t idea       “Documentation”. The documents
   To my horror I uncovered a            either: what we really want is for        can be downloaded or can be
viper’s nest of suggestions to           Flash to go away for ever, so we won’t    bought on paper. I hope this of
install PPAs, HAL, Pipelight and         need to install any more potentially      help.
a custom version of Wine. What           leaky plugins in order to watch TV.       J Brian Slinger
a mess! Sounded like a major             And while we can tolerate using Wine      PS for Andrew
security vulnerability to me.            occasionally when there’s something       It could be that a database
Needless to say I didn’t attempt         that we really need to use, there are     approach might be better than
any of this. Instead I wondered          plenty of native video formats that       spreadsheets?
what Linux Voice might have to           Channel 5 could have chosen (and
say on the subject. I don’t recall       plenty of other channels to watch than    Andrew: The LibreOffice docs are
you ever mentioning Pipelight in         Channel 5).                               indeed detailed, but anything that
                                                                                   runs to 389 pages can not in any way
                                                                                   reasonably describe itself as a getting
                                                                                   started guide. And that was Sarah’s
                                                                                   point; the information is out there,
                                                                                   but there’s far, far to much of it. And
                                                                                   if I can’t handle the complexity of a
                                                                                   spreadsheet, I doubt that a database
                                                                                   would make things any easier.

Pipelight provides a wrapper for Windows plugins – but come on Netflix, your       So much power, so much
customers deserve better than that.                                                documentation, so mcuh confusion.



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                                                                                      Last year’s SUSECon was held in Orlando,
                                                                                      and included talks about up-and-coming
                                                                                      technologies such as Docker.

                       Developers and partners get the chance
                       to put their questions to the SUSE team.

                   Distro vendor SUSE is holding its big yearly conference
                    in early November. And you can attend by winning a
                                  free ticket worth €895!

                  inux wouldn’t be possible without the internet.   work – and for customers, partners and the press
                  The ability of tens of thousands of developers    to delve deeper into the latest developments. Linux
                  to work together on free software, without        Voice will be there, of course, and you can join too
         having to be in the same room, has made the world of       by registering at You even have
         desktops, distros and software repositories a reality.     a chance to attend for free by winning a conference
         But still, sometimes it’s good to put faces to names,      pass – but more on that in a moment!
         meet up with other Linux users and developers, learn
         about upcoming trends and technologies, and grab a         Location and schedule
         beer at the end of the day. That’s why Linux and open      SUSECon 2015 will be held in the Beurs van Berlage
         source conferences are mightily useful for the             building (, an imposing
         software we all use.                                                                       former commodity
             SUSE, the creator
         of SUSE Enterprise       “It’s good to put faces to names,                                 exchange just a few
                                                                                                    hundred meters from
         Linux, OpenSUSE, Yast    learn about upcoming trends and                                   Amsterdam’s central
         and other well-known
         software, is gearing     grab a beer at the end of the day.”                               train station, so it’s easy
                                                                                                    to get to the event from
         up to hold its yearly                                                                      the city’s main airport
         conference. This year, it will take place from 2–6         (Schiphol). If you’re looking for accommodation, the
         November in Amsterdam. SUSE describes the event            Beurs van Berlage staff provides assistance via this
         as “the annual global technical conference for SUSE        page:
         customers, partners and community enthusiasts,               If you arrive on Monday 2 November, you can
         geared to the needs of the enterprise IT consumer”.        register and attend some of the pre-conference
         It’s a place for the SUSE team to show off its latest      workshops looking at SUSE OpenStack Cloud and

                                                                                                            LINUX CONFERENCE

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12. These
sessions run from 8.30am through to 5.30pm.
The main part of the conference kicks off on
Tuesday with the opening keynote, followed
by breakout sessions, technology showcase,
and a conference party in the evening. The
following two days feature more sessions
and technology showcases, and the event
officially closes on Thursday 5 November with
a keynote at 4.30pm. Note that there will be
some final breakout sessions on Friday, along
with Certification Testing for those doing
the Certified Linux Administrator or Certified
Linux Professional courses.
   So in total that’s over 120 hands-on,
tutorial, case study, future outlook and
business overview sessions – plenty to see
and do. Some of the highlights include:
  Hands on session on Docker Everything
  you need to know to start using Docker
  Software Defined Everything -
  Management, Cloud, Containers and Storage The
  latest advances in data centre virtualisation and the     filesystems (btrfs, ext4, xfs), and parameters which
  management tools needed to deploy, monitor and            should be considered when doing performance               SUSECon 2015 will
  maintain an increasingly complex environment.             comparisons.                                              be held in the Beurs
  Linux Kernel Audit Framework How to use the               SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 A one-day class           van Berlage, a
  Linux audit framework for compliance and security.        designed for SUSE Linux Enterprise Administrators         former commodity
  SUSE Virtualisation Technologies Roadmap A                who are new to the technology changes released in         exchange.
  high-level look at the virtualisation technologies        SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12. It combines
  available in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, including      lectures and hands-on learning, and covers the
  KVM, Xen, LXC, and Docker.                                installation, initialisation, services, filesystems,
  Industry Efforts To Make Open Source More                 software management and desktop changes.
  Secure See what the open source ecosystem and             Best Practices in Monitoring Keeping an eye on all
  industry consortium are doing to help prevent             devices and services inside your infrastructure is
  similar incidences in the future and see what steps       critical. This talk gives an overview about a
  you should take to minimise your risk.                    high-availability monitoring setup that helps
  A comparison of filesystems This presentation             administrators better understand their environment.
  provides an overview about the “big” Linux                 For a full list see https://susecon2015.
                                                , and
                                                          for the complete agenda visit
Ever fancied a trip to Amsterdam?                         agenda.html. In addition to all these sessions, there
Now’s your chance!                                          are 14 hours of time for “networking with peers
                                                            and partners” – in other words, meeting other
                                                            developers, admins and users – plus the ability to
                                                            do the certification exams as mentioned before.
                                                             Additionally, SUSE will hand out six awards for its
                                                             best customers and partners of 2015. So in all,
                                                              there’s a huge amount to see and do.

                                                             Attend for free!
                                                             If you’re interested in attending, and register before
                                                             1 November, you can do so for €895 at
                                                     But! Linux Voice is also
                                                              offering three free conference passes as part of a
                                                               prize draw, so if you’d love to go but you or your
                                                               company don’t have the funds, there’s still a
                                                               chance to attend the sessions and get hands-on
                                                               with new tech. For a chance to win, visit:


                    BEST LINUX

             Ben Everard searches for the perfect software to
              meld human and machine in perfect harmony.

                         esktop environments          yet at the same time it shouldn’t     more familiar with the concepts
                         provide the bridge between   overly tax the limited capacity of    involved. For most computer
                         our soft, fleshy minds and   the CPU in the box.                   users, moving a mouse is as
                the cold, hard logic of the                                                 familiar as moving a pen across a
                computer. It’s the difference of      Back to the future                    piece of paper.
                these two processing units that       This seemingly intractable                Despite all these advances,
                makes them hard to design well:       contradiction isn’t as dire as        it’s still not completely clear how
                our gooey brains like elegant         it may seem, though. It’s been        the perfect desktop environment
                graphics, and can struggle to         almost 50 years since Douglas         should operate. Some people like
                remember complex operations; the      Engelbart revealed mouse-driven       a keyboard-driven interface, others
                silicon brain inside the computer,    window-based computing to the         prefer to use the mouse; some
                on the other hand, don’t care a jot   world in a presentation at the Fall   people like big, chunky icons,
                for this and just want to be told     Joint Computer Conference that’s      others smaller unobtrusive ones;
                what to do.                           become known as The Mother            some people like graphical effects,
                   A good desktop environment         Of All Demos. While we may still      others prefer simplicity.
                should appease both sides. They       operate in the same graphical             Fortunately, Linux enables
                shouldn’t overly tax our minds        paradigm almost half a century        us to use different desktop
                and should help to keep us calm       later, we’ve refined the system       environments depending on our
                and relaxed even after an eight-      immeasurably. The software            preferences. So, this leaves every
                hour day of staring at confusing      and hardware is now better            user with the question, what’s
                symbols on a bright LCD screen,       suited to the tasks, and we’re all    the right desktop for me? We’re
                                                                                            going to look at the software from

         “Linux enables us to use different desktops                                        four different angles: lightweight,
                                                                                            traditional, touchable and
         depending on our preferences – this raises the                                     tweakable, and see which desktop

         question: what’s the best desktop for me?”                                         best fits the bill in each area. Read
                                                                                            on to find out our favourites…

                                                                                                                   THE BEST DESKTOP 2015

The best interfaces for computers with limited resources.

            e’ll start our look at desktops with the
            lightweight contenders. This is, perhaps,
            the hardest of all the categories, because
we’re looking for a desktop that has all the features we
want, looks good, but at the same time doesn’t tax
resources. A good lightweight desktop should run
quickly on anything from an ageing laptop to a
Raspberry Pi.
   We started by shortlisting our three favourite
lightweight desktops: Moksha, Xfce and LXDE.
   Moksha is a fork of the discontinued E17 desktop
by the team behind Bodhi Linux. As the E17 project
moved on to E18 and E19, the Bodhi team found that
the desktop lost the key features that made it great:
stability and lightness. Rather than give up on the
project altogether, they decided to go back the last
version they liked (E17), and continue to maintain the
code that the original project had given up on.
                                                                                                                                         LXDE with PCManFM
Low-fat, lean meat                                                  more to it than that. LXDE is simple and easy to use,
                                                                                                                                         and Leafpad: lightweight
The first version of Xfce came out in 1996, making                  but lacks some of the configurability and graphical                  perfection.
it one of the oldest Linux desktops. In that time                   niceties of the other two in this category.
it’s changed significantly from a clone of the Unix                    For us, LXDE is the perfect balance of features and
Common Desktop Environment (CDE), which had                         elegance. Everything in the desktop serves a purpose,
a series of drawers along the bottom and windows                    so we feel like every CPU cycle and megabyte of
minimised to the desktop (the term “desktop” was                    memory is being put to good use. Xfce has a bit more
taken more literally in those days), to a more standard             power and a few more configuration options, but we
environment based on panels, task managers and                      don’t feel that these add sufficiently to the desktop
applications menus.                                                 experience to justify their inclusion in a lightweight
    LXDE is probably the most standard of the three                 desktop. Moksha packs an impressive amount of
desktops we’ve looked at here. By default, it comes                 graphical niceties into a lightweight desktop, and it’s
with a panel along the bottom and an applications                   worth considering if you like animations and other
menu in the bottom-left corner. There’s not too much                visual effects but have limited processing power.

Lightweight desktop environments at a glance
LXDE No frills, no wasted CPU cycles                     Xfce Lightweight needn’t mean simple                    Moksha Graphics galore

This desktop is balanced for simplicity rather than      Lighter than most, but customisable enough to really    Great-looking graphics and light weight are two
features, but is still powerful enough for most needs.   let you take control of the desktop, Xfce is the most   qualities that rarely go together, but they do in
Along with being one of the lightest desktops around,    tweakable desktop in the lightweight category. You      Moksha. The animations and transitions make this
LXDE is also one of the easiest to use. LXDE is also     can customise almost everything and not bog down        desktop easy on tired eyes. Could this fork finally take
the default environment on Raspian, and therefore the    your CPU or graphics card. The Xfce applications are    the spirit of Enlightenment mainstream?
first desktop a generation of Linux users will try.      also built with heavy use in mind.                        Try on: Bodhi
   Try on: Lubuntu, Raspbian                                Try on: Xubuntu, Debian                                Best for: Graphics on limited hardware
   Best for: Running with minimal drain on resources        Best for: Frugal power users                           Avoid if: You want applications and desktop to
   Avoid if: You like graphical effects                     Avoid if: You need to run on very limited hardware     form a cohesive whole

      THE BEST DESKTOP 2015

Desktops so good they leave smears on your screen.

                                                  hen we talk about touchable interfaces, we              windows and combines the window decoration,
                                                  don’t mean phones: we’re talking about the              menu and toolbar into a single widget. Combined with
                                                  new breed of desktop interfaces that                    the clean interface of Gnome Shell, this leads to a
                                    eschew the traditional desktop paradigm and seek to                   minimalist experience that is still powerful when you
                                    find a more effective way of interacting between man                  poke below the surface.
                                    and machine. We’re looking for desktops suitable for                     The idea behind Ubuntu’s Unity interface is to create
                                    general-purpose computing, which should also work                     a single interface that’s equally at home on a desktop,
                                    well with a mouse on non-touchable computers. The                     phone, tablet, TV, or any other device with a graphical
                                    three contenders for best touchable desktop are                       interface. However, at the moment, only the desktop
                                    Gnome 3, Unity and Android.                                           version has any real traction. There are phones
                                       Gnome 3 took a lot of criticism when it first came                 running Unity available, but these aren’t yet common.
                                    out. The previous version was well known and loved
                                    by a huge proportion of Linux users, and Gnome 3                      Unity – a brave new world
                                    threw out this popular software and started again                     Unity introduces a few concepts that aren’t in other
                                    in a very different manner. Early versions of Gnome                   desktops, so they can take some time to become
                                                                    3 also performed badly,               familiar with. Most of the action happens in the Dash,
ALSO CONSIDER                                                       had some odd design                   which is a menu that pops up when you click on the
• KDE Plasma Mobile (previously known as KDE Plasma                 decisions (such as                    Ubuntu button in the top left-hand corner of the
  Active) is the touch-based desktop from KDE. As the name          removing the shutdown                 screen. This menu enables you to search for things
  suggests, it’s primarily designed with phones in mind,            option) and broke                     both on your computer and on the wider internet.
  but also works well on anything with a touchscreen, from
  tablets to laptops and desktops. The interface looks great,       useful features between               Inside the Dash you can uses scopes to search for a
  but isn’t yet widely adopted.                                     releases (this was                    particular type of item (for example, the applications
                                                                    particularly problematic              scope and the images scope both work as you’d
                                                                    for extensions that many              expect). Canonical, the parent company behind
                                    people relied upon). The desktop of Gnome 3 (Gnome                    Ubuntu, came under heavy criticism from the
                                    Shell) came out before many of the applications had                   Electronic Frontier Foundation and others for
                                    moved over to the newer style of working, so users                    including a shopping scope in the default scope, as
                                    were left with a new (and unintuitive) desktop with the               this meant that private desktop searches were being
                                    same applications.                                                    sent to remote servers (this feature can be disabled).
                                       Since its first release in 2011, Gnome 3 has                          In addition to scopes, you can use lenses to focus
                                    matured significantly. The newer software feels more                  in on the results produced by a search. These can be
                                    at home on the desktop as the new GTK 3 applications                  used to make the results returned in a dash search
                                    now use the header bar, which sanitises the top of                    more interactive. In practice, there is some overlap

Touchable desktop environments at a glance
Unity Can you master the Dash?                              Gnome 3 Big, bold and beautiful                         Android From phones to desktops

From the company that brought you Linux for                 The latest incarnation of Gnome is rapidly improving,   Android is the master of maximising the value of
Human beings, Unity is a reimagining of the desktop         though not everyone appreciates the direction it’s      a small screen and touch input. Perhaps, though,
interface for every device from phones to desktops.         going in. Big icons, powerful header bars and hidden    it’s best to leave it to phones, as it doesn’t have the
That’s a huge task, but one that Unity accomplishes         complexity come together to create a visually           power of desktop interfaces designed for desktop
impressively.                                               impressive desktop that’s designed to focus the user    computers.
   Try on: Ubuntu                                           to the current task.                                       Try on: Nexus devices
   Best for: Trend setters with a penchant for orange         Try on: Fedora                                           Best for: Making phone calls
   and purple                                                 Best for: Maximising the use of screen space             Avoid if: You need proper multitasking or a wide
   Avoid if: You don’t like a panel on the left-hand side     Avoid if: You like a tweakable desktop                   range of applications

                                                                                                                     THE BEST DESKTOP 2015

 The all-powerful Dash is             Scopes in the Dash enable you to search a         The launcher and task             Early versions of Unity always placed
 the way of controlling the           particular type of data, which could be on        manager are combined              the menu bar at the top of the screen
 OS. Learn to use it well,            the computer or on a remote site. If you          into a single applet.             rather than on the window, but this is now
 and it’s a hugely powerful           don’t like the default setup, you can add         Arrows next to icons              customisable, and you can change the
 interface.                           and remove scopes to fit the data you want.       indicate open windows.            menu position with the flick of a switch.

 The panel is fixed to the left-hand side of          The orange and purple             Lenses give you more information about              Unity utilises some Gnome
 the screen, and this isn’t changeable. This          colour scheme that’s the          the results returned by a search, and can           applications, including
 can feel a little strange if you’re used to top      default on Ubuntu looks           display content. When combined with                 Nautilus as a file manager,
 or bottom panels, but works well with the            great on Unity. Other             scopes, they enable you to instantly analyse        though with some custom
 square icons.                                        distros use other colours.        the results of your search.                         patches.

between lenses and scopes, and this can lead to                       closed source and much
confusion about what’s going on. Scopes can be                        of it ships with adverts.             ADVANTAGES OF TOUCHABLE DESKTOPS
useful on the desktop, but they really shine on mobile.                                                     • Big, chunky icons are the defining feature of touchable
Scopes can be used to play music, collate all your                    And the winner is…                      desktops.
messages from various different apps, find nearby                     We can’t recommend                    • These newer desktops are designed for modern users.
attractions and many other things.                                    Android for serious
  Our final consideration, Android, often isn’t                       computing purely
                                                                                                          • Touchable desktops are all radically different from the
considered a desktop environment, but it is. It’s most                because of the lack of                desktops that came before. They can feel uncomfortable
used on phones and tablets, but can also work on                      free software options for             and strange to some people.
desktops and can handle mouse and keyboard input                      many major computing
as well as touch. HP and Lenovo (among others) sell                   tasks, and while Gnome
laptops with Android running on them.                                 3 has come on in leaps and bounds, Unity wins this
  Although the interface is different from other Linux                category because it manages to blend the best of old
desktop environments, the biggest difference with                     and new desktop paradigms, and it works well across
Android is that there’s a completely separate set of                  a range of devices. The concept of scopes can be
software. Very few of the usual desktop programs                      confusing, but when it’s properly set up, it makes the
that we’ve come to know and love will run on Android,                 Dash searches incredibly powerful and gives you a
and most software that is available on Android is                     single portal to all the data you need.


We haven’t changed, so why should our desktops?

                                                f all the desktops here, the entries in the        of users took the code, rebranded it Mate (pronounced
                                                traditional category are the strongest. This is    Mah-tay), and kept the spirit of Gnome 2 alive. The
                                                largely because this style of desktop has          change in developers has injected new life into the
                                      matured for longer than the others. The current style        Mate/Gnome 2 project and although the bulk of the
                                      of bottom panel was first popularised in Windows 95,         code is the same, the newer graphics give the project
                                      though even this borrows heavily from earlier                a modern look. The new project has not just
                                      environments such as RISC OS. A desktop in this              maintained the old code, but continues to improve it.
                                      category should be instantly familiar to just about any      By version 1.10, Mate could be built against both GTK
                                      computer user.                                               2 and 3, so the project will be able to incorporate
                                         When Gnome 3 came out and shifted away from               features from newer versions of the GTK tookit.
                                      the traditional desktop, the Linux Mint project                  The outsider in this category is the Budgie desktop.
                                      developed a set of extensions known as the Mint              It’s built specifically for SolusOS, which has had a
                                      Gnome Shell Extensions. These were designed to               tricky few years. The original developer of the project,
                                      convert the desktop back to a more familiar layout.          Ikey Doherty, left the project and shut down SolusOS
                                      Over time, the required changes became too big for           in October 2013. Ikey then started a new distro named
                                                                     extensions, and the Linux     Evolve OS in December of the same year. This point
ALSO CONSIDER                                                        Mint team forked Gnome        also marked the start of development of the Budgie
• LXDE. It’s lightweight, but also traditional in style. Perfect     3 to create Cinnamon.         desktop. The distro then rebranded to SolusOS in May
  for users who like unfussy environments.                           This desktop environment      2015, and it’s this new SolusOS that is the basis for
• KDE. Depending on how you tweak it, KDE can be very                used all the newer            our testing of Budgie.
  traditional.                                                       technologies of Gnome 3
• Pantheon. Not quite as traditional as most, but Elementary         that created great            Enter, stranger…
  OS’s desktop still follows the same basic principals.
                                                                     graphical effects, but with   Out of the three desktops in this category, Budgie is
                                                                     a more traditional desktop    definitely the least traditional. There are elements of
                                      layout. This good-looking but familiar desktop helped        Gnome 3 (such as the window styling with header
                                      make Linux Mint the go-to distro for people seeking          bars) and Unity (the abundant use of square icons
                                      respite from the new world of desktops pushed                with rounded corners). Despite these modern touches,
                                      forward by Unity and Gnome 3.                                Budgie is ultimately still a traditional interface with a
                                         The Mate project is a continuation of Gnome 2. The        panel and an application menu. Budgie is far younger
                                      Gnome project moved on to version 3, but the source          than the others in this category, but this is as much of
                                      code for version 2 remained available. Despite               an advantage as a disadvantage: the modern look will
                                      developers moving on, Gnome 2 remained popular               appeal to many people too young to remember the
                                      and many people weren’t yet ready to let it go. A group      origins of the traditional desktop.

Traditional desktop environments at a glance
Mate The brand-new old desktop                         Cinnamon A desktop with spice                         Budgie Where traditional meets modern

We loved Gnome 2, and we still love Mate. Even         Linux Mint’s flagship desktop has attracted a lot     The new desktop developed for SolusOS stretches the
though we sometimes leave this safe haven for newer    of fans for good reason. It rose up to provide a      definition of traditional a bit as it fuses new and old
desktops, it still feels great to come back. Some      haven of traditional interface as others we turning   style interfaces. We love Budgie, but it does break a
people always search for new desktops, but why         modern. Cinnamon now has more competition, but        little from the pure traditional look. We’re excited to
bother when the old ones are this good?                nothing else can match its combination of looks and   see how it develops.
  Try on: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Arch Linux.              comfortable, familiar style.                             Try on: SolusOS
  Best for: People who want a desktop environment        Try on: Linux Mint                                     Best for: Cutting-edge junkies always looking for
  that just works                                        Best for: Looking good in a familiar setting           the next greatest thing
  Avoid if: You’re addicted to graphical effects         Avoid if: You’re running on older hardware             Avoid if: You’re a stanch traditionalist

                                                                                                                  THE BEST DESKTOP 2015

   All the entrants are good, and there’s no bad choice            can leave a little to be
in this category. However, there has to be a winner,               desired. That said, it            ADVANTAGES OF TRADITIONAL DESKTOPS
and for us, Mate just nudges ahead of its rivals. There            should run without                • The panel-and-apps-menu design is tried, tested and
isn’t a killer feature to push it into first place, it’s just      problems on any machine             familiar to most computer users.
slightly better in a lot of areas. All three are available         from the past five years          • Why change something that works well?
on a wide range of distros, though perhaps Mate                    or so.                            LIMITATIONS
leads the field in this regard, as not being tied to a                Budgie is shaping up to
                                                                                                     • Traditional desktops only work well with mouse or
particular distro give Mate a wider range of developers            be a really good-looking            trackball input. Keyboard- or touch-driven devices need a
working on the project. Mate is also a bit kinder to               desktop. At this stage, it’s        different approach.
older machines as it isn’t so resource heavy. It runs              still a little hard to say
happily even on the limited resources of the humble                exactly how it will pan out,
Raspberry Pi.                                                      but our early impressions are that it will be best suited
   If you’re keen on graphical niceties, you may find              to light and moderate computer users; power users
that you prefer Cinnamon. This desktop makes good                  may be better served by one of the other options. The
use of the additional graphical features in GTK 3 to               clean, well-thought-out desktop means that Budgie
enhance the look. The biggest downside of this                     could seriously contend with Mate for the top spot in
desktop is its performance on older machines, which                this category in a few years’ time.

 Pluma, the text editor           The name Mate comes from a type of tea             Caja, the fork of Nautilus      Mate doesn’t overly tax your computer and
 forked from Gedit is             popular in South America and parts of the          used in Mate, retains many      runs well even on modest machines. This
 powerful enough for              Middle East. A cup of Mate is often shared         of the older features that      is why Ubuntu Mate is the first desktop
 basic programming and            between a group of people. Unfortunately,          newer versions of Nautilus      version of Ubuntu to run on the Raspberry
 configuration tasks.             biscuits are not typically dunked.                 have shed.                      Pi (version 2 only).

 You can set the desktop          Thanks to its heritage, there are a wide           Mate has a range of             The applications menu is the heart of every
 wallpaper to be any image        variety of themes available for Mate if you        layout options including        traditional desktop. They should be simple,
 you like, and most distros       don’t like the one that comes in your distro.      the single bottom panel         functional and easy to use. Mate’s is a
 come with a wide variety         The default Ubuntu Mate theme is shown in          (shown here), and the           classic and allows you to find and launch
 for you to choose from.          this picture.                                      classic Gnome 2 look.           programs with ease.


The desktop environments that put you in control

                                              his is the category for people who want                 also run it on its own. After all, what is a window
                                              ultimate control over their desktop. The                manager if not an extremely customisable desktop
                                              options are all a little different.                     environment?
                                       KDE is quite close to a traditional desktop, however              Starting from scratch with just a window manager
                                   it’s far more configurable than any of the other                   like Openbox can take quite a bit of effort to reach a
                                   desktops in the traditional category. For the purposes             usable desktop, so another option (at least initially)
                                   of this competition, we’re looking at KDE 5 rather than            is to use a distro that comes with Openbox pre-
                                   version 4 despite the fact that not all distros have               configured. Traditionally, the best choice for this is
                                   upgraded to this latest version yet.                               CrunchBang, but development of this distro has come
                                       We’ve always felt that while KDE can create a                  to an end. The spirit of CrunchBang, however, lives
                                   wonderful desktop, the default settings leave quite                on in other distros. CrunchBang++, ArchBang, and
                                   a lot to be desired. The newest version does a lot to              the soon-to-be-released product of the CrunchBang
                                   improve that, and now KDE looks good out of the box                community, Bunsen. All of these feature a minimal
                                   in most instances.                                                 Openbox-based desktop with lightweight apps pilfered
                                                                        Depending on your             from other desktop environments.
ALSO CONSIDER                                                         point  of view, the range of       Like Openbox, i3 is a window manager, though
• Xfce isn’t as customisable as some options, but does have           configuration    options in     i3 is a little more complete than Openbox in that
  a lot of scope for modification.                                    KDE could be described          you can install it and run it without any additional
• You can start your customisation quest with any other               as comprehensive or             configuration. While Openbox is probably run more
  window managers rather than Openbox.
                                                                      excessive. There are a lot      frequently as part of a larger desktop environment,
• AwesomeWM is another option for tweakers who like i3’s
  keyboard-driven tiled interface.                                    of possibilities that we        i3 is almost solely run as a standalone desktop. The
                                                                      can’t imagine anyone ever       one thing that really distinguishes i3 from the other
                                                                      wanting, such as using          desktops we’ve looked at here is that it’s a tiling
                                   your mouse wheel to change the opacity of a window.                window manager that’s primarily keyboard driven. It
                                   Still, this range of options is the point of KDE. It’s the         is also highly customisable, hence its inclusion in this
                                   desktop that doesn’t try to force you into a particular            category.
                                   way of working; instead, it adapts to your processes.
                                       Some people may argue that Openbox on its own                  And the winner is
                                   isn’t a desktop environment, but a window manager.                 Given how different the entrants in this category are, it
                                   It doesn’t have all the extra bits that run alongside it           may seem a little churlish to pick a winner. They’re all
                                   to make it as powerful as some of the entrants here.               great options, but very different, and will suit different
                                   You can run Openbox inside one of the other desktops               people. However, the category is Tweakable, so we
                                   here (this is especially popular in LXDE), but you can             used that to guide our decision. We’re going with KDE

Tweakable Desktops at a glance
KDE Everything you need                                 Openbox A blank slate                                  i3 Keyboard-driven customisation

The archetypical tweakable desktop, KDE includes all    Rather than starting with a complete desktop you       If keyboard-driven interfaces are your thing, then
the components you need, but each one is tweakable      can start your quest for the ultimate personalised     i3 lets you customise a tiled-window interface in
to the extreme so you can bend the desktop to almost    desktop with a window manager, like Openbox, and       innumerable ways. There’s not much in the way
any look or method of working. With a bit of effort,    build upwards from there. This method gives you a      of graphics, but i3 is all about taking ultimate
you can make KDE as plain or as complex as you want     complete choice of what goes in, but can be a lot of   control of your desktop, and to help you do this, the
it to be.                                               work to get everything just right.                     configuration possibilities are almost endless.
   Try on: OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Kubuntu                    Try on: CrunchBang ++                                   Try on: Arch
   Best for: People who like to adjust everything         Best For: Tweakers with limited hardware                Best for: Keyboard lovers
   Avoid if: You have limited processing power            Avoid if: You don’t like configuration files            Avoid if: You like graphics or mouse-driven apps

                                                                                                                     THE BEST DESKTOP 2015

 The cashew button has gone in KDE 5, but           There are heaps of widgets in KDE, which              There are many options to         This shows the default
 the menu remains, this time behind an              can be used to display information (such              add graphical effects, but        Kubuntu desktop. Other
 obscure icon with three lines. The menus           as RSS readers and weather forcasters), or            use these with caution as         versions could be tweaked
 is the powerhouse of KDE and is used to            be productivity-sapping distractions. The             they can slow down your           so much that they aren’t
 control the desktop, widgets and activities.       choice is yours.                                      machine’s performance.            recognisable.

 All KDE’sapplications              Activities enable you to create specific            The KDE menu doesn’t suit          KDE includes a wide entirety of software
 are highly configurable            desktop setups for specific purposes. While         everyone, but it’s easily          including a web browser (Rekonq) and
 including Dolphin (the file        they are quite powerful, we find it hard to         changeable, so you should          an office suite (Calligra). Part of KDE’s
 manager) and Kate (the             set them up in a way that really improves           find a look that works for         tweakability is the option to leave out parts
 text editor).                      the desktop experience.                             you.                               that you don’t want.

as it is, in our view, the ultimate tinkerer’s desktop.             mouse with i3 , though
Almost everything can be tuned to the user’s desires.               if that’s your preferred      ADVANTAGES
It wasn’t really a fair fight because KDE contains                  way of working, you’re        • Tweakable desktops can be moulded to your particular
much more than the other two options, and by virtue                 probably better off with        working style and graphical taste.
of this, has more to configure.                                     a different desktop. The      • You can tailor the graphical effects to your hardware.
   All three of these desktops suit power users, though             reliance on the keyboard
not all power users are the same. Openbox enables                   means that i3 is most
                                                                                                  • Finding exactly the right look and feel for you can take
you, with a little effort, to create a very sleek desktop           efficient for people who        time. Sometimes it’s easier to let the desktop’s developers
that’s tailored to exactly your use, and this is probably           mostly use keyboard-            do the hard work for you.
more efficient than KDE when you use it for a narrow                driven apps. Sysadmins
range of tasks.                                                     running tasks over SSH
   A desktop based on the i3 window manager is                      and programmers using Vim are the most likely
definitely one for keyboard fans. You can use a                     contenders here.

  The ability to choose your own desktop                 have the same range available. As a Linux user,          environment. There are also plenty of websites that
  environment is something that sets Linux aside         it’s well worth taking full advantage of this to find    that help people share ideas about setups online
  from all other popular operating systems – even        the one that’s right for you. Don’t be afraid to step    (such as Go forth and
  other open source OSes such as the BSDs don’t          outside the mainstream in your pursuit of the right      find your perfect desktop environment!


Greenhorns rejoice! Mayank Sharma has found a way for
you to spin your very own distro without much fuss.

                                      ver the years there have been several excellent     these templates. To begin with it’s a good idea to
                                      tools that’ll help you build a customised distro.   select a template from within the current OpenSUSE
                                      None however, is, as intuitive as SUSE Studio.      13.2 release. There are four base templates
                            The tool creates custom images based on both the              underneath every release.
                            community supported OpenSUSE distro and its                     The Just Enough OS (JeOS) template is ideal for
                            suit-wearing cousin SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLES).             building a minimalistic system. Then there’s the
                            What makes it especially endearing to first-time              Server template, which helps you build text-only
                            customisers is the lack of a build environment. All you       server distros. Finally there are templates that help
                            need is a web browser and bandwidth to download               customise a Gnome 3 or KDE 4-based desktop distro.
                            your creation. SUSE Studio takes care of the rest. The        Round off the process by selecting a processor
                            service has an easy-to-navigate tabbed interface that         architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) for your distro at
                            helps you define several aspects of your distro. When         the bottom of the page. Use 32-bit for maximum
     PRO TIP                you’re done, the service will spin your distro and even       compatibility and 64-bit for optimised performance on
 If a package conflicts     lets you test it on its own remote virtual machines. It       newer machines. Then alter the name for your distro,
 with an existing one,
 you’ll get options to      really doesn’t get simpler than this.                         or just go with the default value for the time being, and
 resolve the issue by          To get started, fire up the web browser head to            press the Create Appliance button.
 removing one of the two. and log in with an existing
                            account on one of the supported OpenID services               Be the change
                            or create a new one. Once you’re signed in, click on          The service then takes you to the main dashboard,
                            ‘Create New Appliance’ under Actions. In SUSE Studio          from where you can customise the different aspects
                            everything is an appliance even if you’re designing the       of the distro using the various tabs on the page. First
                            distro for use on physical hardware.                          up is the Software tab, which lets you add apps to
                               You’ll then have to select a base distro for your          your distro from different sources. The primary source
                            customised one. The service supports the current              is the group of official distro repositories that provide
                            and previous versions of OpenSUSE (13.2 and 12.3              software based on the base template. In case the
The SUSE Studio
Dashboard lists all your    respectively). There are also templates that use              software you wish to add isn’t in the default
images along with basic     various current and stable SLES release, but you’ll           repositories, you can also add additional repos, either
information about each.     need to have a licence to use the distros created with        from the OpenSUSE Build Service or a third-party, with
                                                                                          the Add Repositories option. Once added, these
                                                                                          repositories will be listed under the Software tab and
                                                                                          you can search for packages inside them.
                                                                                             Once you’ve set up the sources, use the Find box
                                                                                          on the page to look for packages in the repositories.
                                                                                          When you find what you’re looking for, just hit the
                                                                                          corresponding +add button, which will auto-resolve
                                                                                          dependencies and include it in your distro. Finally, you
                                                                                          can also upload an RPM or bunch multiple RPMs in a
                                                                                          compressed archive.
                                                                                             When you are done adding software, switch to the
                                                                                          Configuration tab to tweak the different aspects of
                                                                                          your distros. Head to the General tab to localise the
                                                                                          distro and select the default language and keyboard
                                                                                          layout and your timezone. On this page you can also
                                                                                          configure the network, enable the firewall and open

                                                                                         BUILD YOUR OWN DISTRO FEATURE

The SUSE Studio interface lacks any ‘Save’ buttons – the changes you          If you have an appliance that’s based on an older version of OpenSUSE,
make are saved automatically.                                                 you can upgrade the underlying base with a single click.

the SSH and HTTP ports for remote access, and add              and don’t need the live environment. These disk
users and groups.                                              images are wrapped in a simple bootable installer and
  Next, switch to the Personalise section to choose            you only need to point them to a target hard disk for
the artwork for your distro. You can either select one         installation, which is ideal for deploying servers.
of the listed ones or upload your own. SUSE Studio                In order to create a traditional installation image,          PRO TIP
will use these and show a preview of how your                  select the live CD/DVD option from the pull-down              From the Server tab
                                                                                                                             you can add data from
appliance will appear at various stages such as at the         menu. You can also get your distro in more formats            an existing database
Grub bootloader screen, and at the login screen.               by selecting additional formats using the checkbox.           by uploading its SQL
  The Startup tab determines the runlevel of the                  After you’ve selected the formats, hit the Build           dump and adding users
                                                                                                                             and defining their
distro. By default it’s set to Runlevel 5, which means         button to create your distro, which will only take a          permissions.
your distro will boot to a graphical login screen. You         few minutes. The SUSE Studio service also assigns
can select a different runlevel by using the pull-down         a version number to your distro. Every time you
menu, which briefly describes each of the available            modify the distro, it
runlevel options. You can also use this page to insert a
EULA, which will be shown on your distro’s initial boot.
                                                               will increment the
                                                               version number
                                                                                      “With SUSE Studio,all you need is
The user must agree to the EULA to be able to use              and automatically      a web browser and bandwidth to
your distro. You can safely ignore this section.
  First-time users and those setting up a distro for
                                                               generate a
                                                               changelog that’ll
                                                                                      download your creation.”
desktops should head to the Desktop tab, from where            list all the changes
you can select any of the users added via the General          since the last version. Once the image in the default
tab to automatically log in and also specify programs          format selected from the pull-down menu has
that you want to auto-start when they log in.                  been created you can click on the Build additional               PRO TIP
  Finally, round off the customisation process by              button to ask the service to build images in the other        Advanced users can
                                                                                                                             take a look at the Scripts
switching to the Files tab. From this page you can             selected formats as well. Every build image has three         section under the Startup
optionally add either single files or an archive of files to   corresponding links. The Testdrive link will launch a         tab to point to custom
your custom distro. In addition to uploading files from        flash-based VNC session and boot your distro inside           scripts that run every
                                                                                                                             time the distro boots up.
your computer, you can also add files by specifying a          the web browser. The service also has instructions,
URL. All files are added to the root directory. However,       under the Networking tab inside the Testdrive, for
once they have been uploaded you can select the files          connecting to the test drive via a regular desktop VNC
and move them into other locations. For example, if            client or through an SSH connection. All testdrive
you wish to include a file on the Desktop it should be         sessions remain active for an hour.
placed under /etc/skel/Desktop.                                   After you’ve fiddled with your customised distro and
                                                               are satisfied with your creation, use the Download link
Ready for production                                           to grab the image in the corresponding format. Once
That takes care of the customisation steps. Now it’s           you have the image, you can use it as you would any
time to ask SUSE Studio to convert it into a usable            other distro image. You can also share your distro
distro. You can build your distro in several formats by        with other SUSE Studio users by heading to the Share
switching to the Build tab. You can, for example,              tab. Once your distro is listed in SUSE Studio’s gallery,
create a live ISO image of your distro meant for optical       other users can clone your image and use it as a base
drives as well as live images for USB and images for           to build their own custom distros. Similarly, if you like
virtually every virtualisation software available,             someone’s image in the gallery, click on the Clone
including KVM, VirtualBox, VMware, Xen and more. The           button to create a replica under your account. You can
Preload ISO option comes in handy if you are planning          now modify the cloned image just as you would any
to do installations of your distro on physical machines        of the other images you’ve created from scratch.


For experienced campaigners who need more
control and flexibility.

                                       ancy something more robust and malleable           you stick with the Stable branch. You can then use the
                                       than SUSE Studio? Then let’s switch gears,         --config option to select the default desktop
                                       along with the base distro, and build              environment for your distro.
                              customised spins of the venerable Debian distro. The           The --cgipackages.list.chroot field is used for
                              Debian Live Systems project is responsible for              specifying any particular packages that you wish to
                              maintaining the tools and components required to            be available straight out-of-the-box in your distro. Use
                              build all types of live Debian images, including the        the field to write the exact names of the packages
                              official live images themselves. However, in addition to    separated by a space, such as vnc sudo iceweasel
                              the command-line tools, the Live Systems project also       gnupg. Make sure you correctly spell the names of the
                              hosts a web-based builder that lets you create              packages or the build might fail.
                              everything from basic netbook images to hybrid ISO             That takes care of the basic options. Let’s expand
                              images that can boot from USB disks.                        the sections marked Advanced, which give us some
                                 To get started, point your web browser to http://        more important customisation settings.
                     Here, click on the Build tab in the          The Advanced Bootstrap Options is a fairly simple
                              top bar and select the Debian option to view the web-       section that lets you decide the architecture of your
     PRO TIP                  based interface of the Live Systems project. Enter          custom distro. By default it’ll spit out i386 images
 If you install the live-     your email address in the first field and select the type   that are more universal and will work on old and new
 build package on a           of image you wish to build. The default iso-hybrid          computers. But for optimised performance on newer
 Debian install, the build
 lists are available under    option creates an ISO image that you can use to boot        machines it’s best to create 64-bit (amd64) images.
 /usr/share/live/build/       from optical drives as well as USB disks.                      An important extension to the --architectures field
 lists/. Here’s an example:                                                               in the Advanced Bootstrap section is the --linux-
 com/7qgpdBSz.                Lay the foundation                                          flavours field in the Advanced Chroot Options
                              Next you have to pick a base distro for creating your       section. Using this option you can specify a sub-
                              custom ISO. You can select between Debian’s                 architecture for your distro to further optimise it for
                              Unstable branch, called Sid, and the Stable branch,         the target machine. If you selected amd64 earlier,
                              which is currently dubbed Jessie. Unless you know           then make sure you select the amd64 option here as
                              what you’re doing, for maximum stability it’s best if       well. However if you’ve selected i386 in the previous
                                                                                          section, the --linux-flavours field gives you several
                                                                                          options to choose from. For example, you can select
                                                                                          486 to make sure the image works on really older
                                                                                          machines, while the 686-pae option ensures it can
                                                                                          properly use the available RAM on the computer.
                                                                                             The section also houses the --chroot-filesystem
                                                                                          field, which determines the root filesystem of the
                                                                                          image. It defaults to SquashFS, which is what you
                                                                                          should stick to.

                                                                                          Where geeks dare
                                                                                          Next up is the Advanced binary options section, which
                                                                                          further tailors your distro for your intended use. For
                                                                                          the initial few builds it’s best to leave these at their
                                                                                          default values until you get familiar with the process.
                                                                                          First up is the --bootappend-live field, which you can
The --cgipackages.list.chroot textbox will only take up to 255 characters.                use to add any extra boot options to the distro you’re

                                                                                          BUILD YOUR OWN DISTRO FEATURE

The default username and password for the Live distros are user:live.         Images are deleted after 24 hours.

creating, such as the default locale and keyboard                  The last section, titled Advanced Source Options is
language (for example, locales=en_GB keyboard-                 another minuscule one. It lists options that determine
layouts=gb). For a complete list of valid keyboard             whether or not you’ll have source code inside your
options look at the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.             live image and in what form. By default the --source
lst file inside any Debian-based Linux distro.                 parameter is set to false, which means that you won’t
   Next up is the --bootloader field. The default option       have any source code in your distro. But if you toggle
is Syslinux, which is the standard bootloader for live         it to true, the --source-images parameter determines
distros. However you can instead switch to the Grub            the format of the source code. By default, your distro            PRO TIP
bootloader if you need the additional options and              will include a .tar file with the source code of the distro.   You can use your custom
flexibility that come with it. Unless your use case                                                                           live CD as a base for
                                                                                                                              further customisations.
demands the use of Grub, Syslinux is the safe choice.          It’s alive!
   Then there’s the --debian-installer field, which            That’s it. Run through all the options again and make
determines whether or not you can install your                 sure they’re in order, since an incorrect option can
custom distro and how. It offers three choices. The            result in a failed
default false option doesn’t bundle the installer and          build process.
boots straight into the distro. The live option is almost      When you’re          “You can deploy your custom ISO on
always the better option, since it enables you to use          satisfied, click     the intended machine or use it as a
the distro and then install without rebooting.                 the Submit
   The iso-application, iso-preparer, iso-publisher,           button to ask the    base for further customisation.”
and iso-volume options are all for just labelling the          system to build
resulting ISO. You can leave these to their suggested          your images on the remote Debian build machine. As
values or change them if you plan to create multiple           your image enters the build queue, you’ll be taken to a
                                                                                                                                 PRO TIP
versions and want some extra info to be in there to            page which lists a couple of URLs. You can use the
                                                                                                                              If you’re going to do
distinguish them. The --iso-volume defines the name            first to check on the progress of the build, while the         multiple builds of Debian
of the actual ISO file. You can also set a few extra           other is link to the build directory that’ll house the         Live, make sure you
options, such as whether or not the memtest memory             generated ISO along with its md5 checksum.                     spend some time and set
                                                                                                                              up an apt-cacher server
diagnostic tool is included in the ISO or not.                    The build process can take anywhere from five               to churn out builds faster
                                                               minutes to an hour and it varies depending on the              and also ease the load on
                                                               time of the day and the number of builds in the queue.         the Debian mirrors.
  Further customisations
                                                               You’ll get an email when the system has generated
  The developer of a minimalist Debian-based distro called     your distro along with the result of the build. If the
  Star Linux ( has created a
                                                               status is ‘maybe-successful’ then you can click on the
  live-build development environment that simplifies the
  process of using the Live-Build tools. He has documented     link in the email to download the image. However, if
  the process of using his build environment on the forums     the status is ‘maybe-failed’ the link will not list the ISO
  of CrunchBang Linux (           image. In such a case read through the build and log
  viewtopic.php?id=39907).                                     files to figure out the reason for failure and try again.
     Among other things, you can use the build environment
                                                                  After downloading your image, fire it up in VirtualBox
  to configure the live user account, place files inside the
  Live environment and install all kinds of packages. The      and make sure it contains the customisations that
  environment consists of three directories. You make          you specified using the web-based form. You can
  your modifications in the diy-source directory, then run     also use a command line and graphical installer from
  the setup script, which creates a diy-build directory. If    the boot menu if you want to skip live boot. Once
  you make any modifications to the diy-source directory,
                                                               you’ve checked your custom ISO you can deploy it on
  use the update script to make changes to the diy-build
  directory. Once you’ve made all changes, run the build       the intended machine or use it as a base for further
  script to create the custom iso.                             customisations.


The popular spreadsheet is more than just a tool for making tables.

        ibreOffice is familiar to most Linux users as the default office     Spreadsheets, for example, are probably the quickest way of
        suite in most distros. It’s easy to use, but also hugely             analysing data if you know how to use them properly, so to save
        powerful. If you spend a little time to get to know LibreOffice,     time/effort/sanity, here are some of the most useful features of
office tasks become quicker, easier and more interesting.                    LibreOffice’s Calc spreadsheet that you may have missed.

  01                                                                                           02

              01                                                                                           04
                          Conditional Formatting              aggregate the data into an easy-to-read                   Auto Filter
                          You probably know how to            table. For example, if you have a list of                 The simplest way to
                          assign formatting to cells to       sales by salesman, item and amount, a                     explore tables of data is
               change the typeface, colour,                   pivot table can show you the amount          through the Auto Filter tool. Just
               background, etc. However, a useful             per item per salesman.                       highlight the data (or the whole sheet),
               feature that’s got a lot of attention over                                                  and go to Data > Filter > Auto Filter. This

               the last few years is the ability to alter                   Macros                         will add dropdowns to the title row, and
               this formatting depending on the                             LibreOffice includes its own   in these dropdowns are options to filter
               contents of the cell. Want negative                          programming setup in the       and sort the data in any way you wish.
               values in red? Large values in bold? No        form of the Macro IDE. This enables you      Using the Standard Filter option, you
               problem. You can even turn your cells          to write programs that interact with the     can define the filter in almost any way
               into mini bar chats (as shown in the           main application. Unfortunately, this        you wish.
               image). To set up conditional                  hasn’t had much attention in recent

               formatting, go to Format > Conditional         years, so it can be a bit buggy. Don’t be                Android
               Formatting.                                    too discouraged though, macros do still                  Need to view a document
                                                              run, and there are loads of resources                    on the go? LibreOffice runs

                           Pivot Tables                       online for writing code in LibreOffice       on Android as well as Linux, OS X and
                           If you have a list of data         Basic (which is the same as OpenOffice       Windows. The ability to run on this
                           that includes multiple             Basic). Take a look at our tutorial in       mobile OS is a recent addition, so at the
               columns, but with some values                  issue 19 for more details. Other             moment, it’s quite basic, but it should
               repeated, pivot tables enable you to           languages are supported.                     improve in future versions. For more

                                                                                        SECRETS OF LIBREOFFICE CALC

  03                                                        04



office on the go, there’s a cloud-based                  Templates
version of the office suite in the works                 You don’t need to start
that will enable you to access and edit
your documents from any internet-
                                                         every project from a blank
                                           sheet. Instead, you can use a template       08
connected device. You’ll be able to        to set the document up before you even
access your date everywhere!               start it. You can either create these
                                           templates yourself (useful if you do the

             Extensions                    same task many times, or you need
             Do you find that you really   other people to fill out a spreadsheet to
             need a feature that’s just    your specifications), or download an
not in Calc? Well you might still be in    existing sheet from http://templates.
luck, as there’s an extensions system to
enable you to add extra capabilities.

You can create your own, or head to                      Image Editor                       No, we’re not joking!
extension-center to find ones that                       Libreoffice Calc includes an
other people have created. We can’t        image editor. It can’t do much more
promise you that it will solve every       than resize, crop and compress images,
problem, but there are a boatload of       but this is still useful enough to allow
useful features there to make Calc even    you to make many of your image
more powerful than it normally is.         changes from within the application.


               Thought gaming on Linux was all about Steam? Think again –
              there are many great FOSS gems, as Mike Saunders discovers.

              n the space of a few years, Linux’s image in the        source alternatives as well. And there are some
              gaming world has been completely transformed.           absolute gems out there; sure, they’re often not quite
              Beforehand, it was seen as a geeky operating            as polished as their commercial counterparts, but
          system with a few quirky text-mode adventure                what they may lack in spit-shine, they make up in
          games, and the possibility to run some “real” titles        depth, challenge and replayability.
          with the Wine emulator. Today – and largely thanks             We thought we’d gather a compilation of the best
          to Steam – Linux is an                                                                       FOSS games and
          excellent platform for       “There are some old classics                                    show you why they’re
          gaming, and arguably                                                                         worth trying out. If
          better than Windows.         that will get a tear of nostalgia                               you’re a hard-core
          After all, it’s easier to    rolling down your cheek.”                                       gamer, you’ll find
           customise (so you can                                                                       plenty here to whet
               remove cruft you                                                                        your appetite – many
                     don’t want), it’s secure, and it’s not leaking   of the puzzles and strategy games may interest you.
                       everything you do to a giant corporation.      And then there are some fantastic remakes of old
                               We’ve covered a lot of games           classics that will get a tear of nostalgia rolling down
                            provided through Steam in our regular     your cheek… By and large, these games are available
                            Gaming on Linux section, but we’ve        in the package repositories of most major distros, so
                            also had requests from readers to         you should be able to download them quickly
                            cover purely free software and open       and easily.

                                                                                                              FOSS FUN FEATURE

                  TORCS                                                               SuperTux

TORCS (The Open Racing Car Simulator) is actually two programs              No collection of games would be complete without a 2D
in one: it can be enjoyed as a traditional racing game, battling            platformer, and in the FOSS world, nothing beats SuperTux. This
other cars on a variety of courses in single races or championship          Mario-inspired cutesy run-and-jumper has over 50 levels to explore
modes. A huge amount of attention has been paid to the physics,             and plenty of slippy-slidey action in ice worlds. As with Super Mario
with wheel types, suspension stiffness and aerodynamics all                 Bros 3 (and later games), SuperTux has a top-down overworld view
playing a part in how the cars behave.                                      for switching between levels. When you’re dropped into a level,
   Developers can create AI drivers in C++ in C++ (see www.berniw.          you’re put in control of Tux, the Linux penguin mascot, and your
org/tutorials/robot for an introduction), which has led to TORCS            job is to collect coins, bash blocks, and reach the level’s exit. We
being the base of several projects at the yearly IEEE Conference            don’t think any game will ever beat SNES Mario World as
on Computational Intelligence and Games. The program has also               the pinnacle of 2D platforming, but SuperTux
been used to study algorithmic generation of tracks.                        puts in a darn good effort.

          FlightGear                                                                  Hedgewars

Like TORCS, FlightGear is much more than a game. Its developers             Worms was a huge success in the glory days of the Amiga, and
describe it as “an open flight simulator framework for use in               spawned a number of playalikes. Hedgewars is our favourite of
research or academic environments, pilot training, as an industry           these, combining cute graphics with terrific weaponry and game
engineering tool, and last but a fun, realistic, and challenging            modes. It’s a turn-based action game, in which you control a group
desktop flight simulator”. It’s a vast and incredibly detailed piece        of pink hedgehogs on a 2D side-on-view map. Your goal is to
of software with over 20,000 airports, multiple flight dynamics             destroy enemy hedgehogs using a variety of weapons – but you
models, and a huge range of aircraft to explore.                            have to be careful when launching certain weapons, as they can
   If you’ve ever tried to play a flight simulator, you’ll know that they   destroy the ground on which you’re standing, leading to death.
have exceptionally steep learning curves. Sadly, FlightGear’s wiki            You can play against other humans or CPU opponents, and
was down as we wrote this, but the full (and very detailed) manual          while 48 pre-made maps are included, there’s also a random map
is available at                   generator for effectively infinite variations in design.



Side-scrolling motorbike games are as old as the hills. Some of           X-Moto is all about physics; in order to reach the strawberries,
you may remember Kickstart on the ZX Spectrum, or Motocross             you have to perform some delicate manoeuvres. Using the up and
Maniacs on the Game Boy. X-Moto shares many similarities with           down arrow keys to accelerate and break respectively, and the left
these, but here the objective isn’t to reach the goal as quickly as     and right keys to rotate the bike, you can use bumps and hills to
possible. Instead, you have to collect strawberries (don’t ask us       get lift for your motorbike and grab difficult-to-reach fruit. X-Moto
why) which are scattered across a course – a job that’s made            has thousands of user-created levels available online, and you can
rather more difficult by various obstacles and jumps in the way.        even download replays to watch your fellow riders do tricks.

          Frozen Bubble                                                           Freeciv

Frozen Bubble is one of those action puzzle games that looks            Avid gamers of the 1990s may recall Civilization, a turn-based
deceptively simple from the outside, but is hugely taxing and           strategy game in which you guide a group of people from
addictive. You fire coloured balls from the bottom of the screen,       prehistory onwards and help them develop new technologies
which stick together in the well at the top – and if three or more of   throughout the ages. Freeciv is inspired by various games in the
the same colour touch, they explode and are removed.                    Civ series, but in particular Civilization II, and has a huge amount of
  You can move your weapon left and right before firing the ball,       flexibility (eg whether or not there should be computer controlled
and then another one (usually of a different colour) gets loaded. If    players, how continents are developed and so forth).
you waste time, more balls are added to the well at the top, and the       It’s a hugely engrossing game with very modest system
whole kaboodle gets closer and closer to your weapon before you         requirements. It’s even possible to play it in a web browser,
run out of space and lose. Frozen Bubble requires a combination of      thanks to Freeciv-web, a HTML 5 implementation, so you don’t
skills: good aim, good timing, and good planning.                       even need to install anything –see

                                                                                                          FOSS FUN FEATURE

          SuperTuxKart                                                            Oolite

Imagine Nintendo’s famous Mario Kart franchise, but with our            Elite is arguably the most impressive game ever written. Released
favourite Tux penguin mascot (and other characters from the             in 1984, it boasted 3D graphics, spaceships, trading, dogfighting
FOSS world). You race around a number of tracks, competing              and a large galaxy to explore – all in just 32k of RAM. Oolite is
against other drivers – or against your own best times. You             essentially an open source spin-off of Elite, with much of the same
can also play against the person next to you with a split-screen        gameplay, but vastly improved graphics and more to do.
multiplayer mode. SuperTuxKart features over 20 courses and                Well, that’s when you spruce it up with some add-ons. Out
a variety of gameplay modes. The kart handling feels solid, the         of the box, Oolite is rather plain, but you can expand the game
graphics are generally very slick, and overall it’s a great racing      enormously: fancy textures, extra missions, and much more. As
game. It doesn’t take itself seriously like TORCS, but if you’re        with the original Elite, it takes a while to master the controls and
looking for something based around power-ups rather than lap            understand how the game works, but it’s well worth it (see
times, especially to play with the kids, SuperTuxKart is superb fun.


                                                                        been playing NetHack for
                                                                        decades, but still haven’t
                                                                        completed it.
                                                                           So what’s it all about?
                                                                        Essentially, NetHack
                                                                        is a dungeon romping
                                                                        game. You explore
                                                                        your surroundings,
                                                                        collect items, upgrade
                                                                        your abilities and
                                                                        fight enemies. That’s all
                                                                        there really is to it – but
                                                                        NetHack’s magic lies in its
                                                                        complexity. The dungeon
                                                                        is designed randomly
          If there’s one game you could spend the rest of your life     each time you play, and
                      playing (and indeed in the afterlife, if that’s   there are many thousands of combinations of items, monsters
                      your belief), it’s NetHack. This text-mode        and manoeuvres. No two games are the same, and you can spend
                           command-driven game looks incredibly         several weeks in a single game, even if you play an hour
                           primitive by today’s standards – like        every evening.
                           something whipped up by a 13-year-old           The biggest downside to NetHack is that it has a monumentally
                           over a couple of weekends. But NetHack       steep learning curve. But it’s well worth learning to play, so read
                           is very special, very deep, and takes a      our feature from issue 5 to get started with the game, or check it
                           lifetime to master. Many people have         out here:

                                                                                     For those that couldn’t make it to Seattle, there are
                                                                                     slides available at

                                                                                         The next LinuxCon event is LinuxCon Europe in
                                                                                         Dublin, Ireland, 6–7 October 2015 (http://events.

        (and CloudOpen, and
           Travis ‘TT’ Mooney packs his plaid shirt and Singles soundtrack
                   for this year’s North American Linux Conference.

                 inuxCon, combined with CloudOpen and             have contributed to the kernel recently. Unless that is
                 ContainerCon, took over the Seattle Sheraton     exactly the reason it’s easier. As Linux Foundation
                 on 16–19 August 2015. Home of grunge,            head honcho Jim Zemlin pointed out in his keynote
         Starbucks, and the fish-throwing fishmongers of Pike     address, the real story behind Linux (and the
         Place Market, the Emerald City is a hub of technology,   Foundation) could be that it’s the first collaborative
         with Amazon occupying more than 13% of the city’s        development project at scale. And, with 23 projects
         total office space, Microsoft just up the road in        currently under the banner of the Linux Foundation,
         Redmond, and O’Reilly and the Linux Foundation not       and 400 member organisations, he is probably
         far south in Portland.                                   allowed an opinion along those lines.
           From 10,000 to 19 million lines of code, the Linux        Attendees in search of a pure Linux conference
         kernel is a complex software project, which isn’t made   weren’t going to find it here. Like Cerberus, the
         easier by the fact that more than 4,000 developers       conference was three-headed: Linux, the Cloud, and

                                                                                                   LINUXCON SHOW REPORT

                                                                                                      New members supporting the Linux
                                                                                                      Foundation include Alibaba, DCHQ Inc,
                                                                                                      MediaTek Inc, PayPal and Wuhan Deepin
                                                                                                      Technology Co. Ltd.

Containers all shared top billing. With a marked lack
of Linus Torvalds on days one and two, a one-on-one
in place of the regular kernel panel, and a
programme that added a full schedule of container
talks, some attendees felt that Linux was under-
represented at its own show.
   But they needn’t have feared. IBM, a stalwart of
the Linux world, came through with a new
hardware offering to spice things up: Linux-only
mainframes in the form of LinuxOne systems.
Adding LinuxOne to OpenPower, IBM is continuing
to reduce its reliance on internal proprietary
operating systems in zOS and AIX, respectively,
while harnessing the power of systems that scale
beyond x86. And while OpenPower was a
pure-play open specification from last-year’s             about funding projects that are important, but
                                                                                                                      The Linux

                                                                                                                                              Images courtesy of Linux Foundation.
LinuxCon, which is already in products you can buy,       perhaps not quite sexy enough to attract direct
the mainframe will take longer to unravel, and will be    funding. In addition to the new security badge
                                                                                                                      announced a new
done by the Open Mainframe Project, which as you          programme, it announced support for the network             project, IO Visor,
might have guessed will be administered by the Linux      time protocol daemon. And it’s a measure of the             designed to help
Foundation.                                                                                 maturity of the Linux     developers enable
   Digging a little                                                                         Foundation that it is     a new way to
turned up some         “We learned that containers,                                         able to do so, with       innovate, develop
other hardware         currently the hotness of the devops                                  other grants to           and share IO and
topics, from Red Hat                                                                        OpenSSL, Frama-C,
talking about the      world, don’t really interest Linus.”                                 OpenSSH, GnuPG
enterprise-isation of                                                                       and Debian
ARM Linux (coming soon, really), to a clean-room (and     Reproducible Builds, and the Fuzzing Project.
patent-free) open hardware project that is cloning the
SuperH processor (they have the sh2 working, as           Where was Linus?
found in the Sega Saturn, and next year will tackle the   Dogs, like some technology aficionados, have a
sh4, which was featured in the Dreamcast), and an         limited concept of persistence, and don’t understand
discussion of what exactly we can use our idle TPM        that when people aren’t right in front of them. When I
modules for (the answer: lots of keying and hardware      come home, perhaps from LinuxCon, my dog jumps
encryption). With Linux powering so much of the           and carries on like she hasn’t seen me for years. And
infrastructure that makes up the cloud, there was also    when Linus showed up on day three of the conference
plenty on the devops side, including extensive            there was a similar whooping and hollering from a
coverage of OpenStack and Containers (Docker,             crowd of devotees. From his one-on-one session with
Docker, seems to be everywhere). There were also          Jim Zemlin, we learned that containers, currently the
talks on Mesosphere, Packer, Container security, and a    hotness of the devops world, don’t really interest Linus
run-down of the Sony hack by security specialist          all that much. They’re neat, but he is really only
Bruce Schneier — supporting the Core Infrastructure       concerned about the kernel. Along with recent
Initiative’s new security badge programme.                comments he’s publicly made about being a manager,
   There was lots of important non-Linux stuff, too.      not a coder, and how Linux will survive him, it’s fair to
The Core Infrastructure Initiative — founded in the       say that although Linux was an amazing effort by one
aftermath of the Heartbleed OpenSSL bug — is all          man, Linux is not Linus, nor vice-versa, anymore.


     Vulkan                      The final frontier of computer graphics APIs.

                                               screen, work out which bits of it            from the same hardware, but otherwise
BEN EVERARD                                    correspond to the triangle you wish to       it will work more or less the same. The
                                               draw, then set them to the value you         exact improvement in Vulkan will
                                               want them to be. A graphics API may          depend a lot on the specific load.
      I know this one! It’s the name           give you the ability to just call a single      From the developer’s perspective,
      of a planet and the alien race           function with the details of the triangle,   things are very different. Each graphics
from there are emotionless beings              and the API will take care of everything     card contains many processing units
who follow only logic and reason.              else for you.                                that are very efficient at processing the
     Hang on, that’s Vulcan. Vulkan is                                                      sort of data that you get in 3D models.
      the new graphics API from                       Isn’t that what my graphics           When you write a program using
Khronos (the people behind OpenGL).                   card does?                            OpenGL, you also have to write a
                                                      Sort of. Your graphics card driver    program that runs on these processors
       Ah. My years as a trekkie                      implements a standard API. At         so that the data you send to the card is
       haven’t taught me much about            the moment, this is probably OpenGL,         handled correctly. These programs are
this. What’s an API, and why do I              but in the future it will be Vulkan. The     called shaders. When you write your
want one for graphics?                         specific implementation in the driver is     program, you don’t know what
       API stands for Application              designed to do as much of the                hardware it’s going to run on, and
       Programmer’s Interface. The idea        processing as possible on the graphics       different graphics cards have different
behind an API is that it allows people         card and do as little as possible on the     architectures. This means you can’t
writing software to easily perform             CPU. This means that the person              compile the shaders. Instead, the
complex actions by calling pre-existing        writing the software can just program        shaders are written in GL Shader
functions rather than having to do             using this standard API and the              Language (GLSL), and the source code
everything from scratch. For example,          software will work on whatever               to the shader is included along with the
suppose you wanted to draw a triangle          graphics hardware the user has.              program. When you first start a
on the screen. To do this from scratch,                                                     program that uses OpenGL, the
you’d have to find the piece of memory               So, what’s special about               graphics driver compiles this shader
that stores the data that’s sent to the              Vulkan?                                for the particular graphics hardware
                                                     From a user’s perspective, there’s     being used.
                                                     not much different between                Vulkan works in a different way.
“Vulkan will enable developers                 OpenGL and Vulkan. You’ll still be able
                                               to use a graphics card to generate 2D
                                                                                            Instead of specifying a language that
                                                                                            shaders have to be written in, it
to create better graphics from                 or 3D graphics without putting much          specifies a binary format that the
the same hardware.”                            load on your CPU. Hopefully, Vulkan will
                                               enable you to create better graphics
                                                                                            shaders have to be compiled to when
                                                                                            the program is written. This is known as

                                                                                                                             VULKAN FAQ

Standard Portable Intermediate
Representation Five, or SPIR-V. As the
name suggests, SPIR-V is an
intermediate representation that’s a
halfway house in the process of
compiling software. It should be quite
close to fully compiled code, so the task
of the driver in converting this SPIR-V
binary code into executable code for
the hardware is much simpler than
compiling GLSL from scratch. SPIR-V
code can, in theory at least, be compiled
from any language provided that
someone create a compiler for it. This
means that developers can write their
shaders in the language of their choice.                     Intel’s Vulkan demo shows that we may be about to get a 50% speedup in our Linux
   Vulkan is also more efficient at                          games (you can watch the benchmark at
splitting up any code that does have to
run on the CPU across multiple cores.                        other people modelling large systems           at least one developer (Pierre Moreau)
This can make a dramatic difference on                       and not too applicable to everyday             working on Vulkan support for the open
systems with low-power processors                            computer users.                                source Nouveau driver for Nvidia cards.
such as embedded devices.                                       Vulkan itself won’t change the way
                                                             either OpenCL or CUDA work, however,                  My phone uses OpenGL ES.
        Graphics cards can also be                           OpenCL is a product of Khronos just as                How does this fit into things?
        used for more general purpose                        OpenGL and Vulkan are, so there are                   ES stands for Embedded
computing as well. How does Vulkan                           some links between the two.                           Systems. OpenGL ES is a
fit in with OpenCL and CUDA?                                                                                stripped-down version of OpenGL
        As we said earlier, a graphics card                          Will I need to get a new               designed for low-power devices such
        contains a lot of processors that                            graphics card to use Vulkan?           as phones and just about anything else
are very efficient at processing the sort                            Not necessarily. It will be possible   using an ARM processor (including the
of data needed for 3D graphics. In                                   for the hardware manufacturers         Raspberry Pi). Vulkan will run across all
simple terms, they’re very good at                           to create new drivers that will support        devices so there will be only one version
applying the same numerical                                  Vulkan provided that the graphics card         for both embedded systems as
operations to large quantities of data.                      has the right features (any card that          desktops. Google has announced that
There are a couple of methods for                            currently supports OpenGL 3.1 or newer         Android will support Vulkan (although
doing general-purpose computing on                           should). Of course, this will be up to the     at the time of writing, it hasn’t said
graphics cards: OpenCL and CUDA. The                         manufacturer and they may not do this          which version of Android this will start
first of these is hardware agnostic and                      for all their hardware.                        with). As with PCs, it will be up to the
the latter is Nvidia specific. These tend                      At the time of writing, there is a driver    hardware manufacturer to provide new
to be most useful for scientists and                         for Intel integrated graphics, and there’s     graphics drivers to support Vulkan, so it
                                                                                                            may not work on all existing phones.

                                                                                                                    Faster graphics, easier
                                                                                                                    development, more device
                                                                                                            support; where can I get started?
                                                                                                                    Well the specification for Vulkan
                                                                                                                    isn’t yet finalised, so don’t expect
                                                                                                            to see and hardware or drivers officially
                                                                                                            released for Vulkan yet. If you want to
                                                                                                            keep tabs on development, check out
                                                                                                            the Vulkan section of the Khronos
                                                                                                            website (
                                                                                                               If you’re a game developer and want
                                                                                                            to take advantage of the newer
                                                                                                            features, you’ll just have to wait for your
                                                                                                            game engine to include support for the
                                                                                                            API. Valve has confirmed that the
                                                                                                            Source 2 engine will support Vulkan
Valve has demonstrated Dota 2 running on Vulkan, although at the time of writing, the general public        and we expect other engines to follow
can’t get drivers to play this.                                                                             suit. Live long and prosper!


Graham Morrison meets outspoken ex-kernel
contributor, staunch defender of Secure Boot and
recipient of the FSF’s Free Software Award.

        oftware is complex, keeping               at the Free Software Foundation, a
        that complexity secure takes              fierce advocate for Free Software, and
        this complexity to a whole new            a developer who isn’t afraid to call out
level. This is the domain of Matthew              hypocrisy when he sees it. All of which
Garret. A former member of the Ubuntu             makes Matthew one of our favourite
Technical Board and now working on                people, which is why it was such a
security for container super-startup,             great pleasure to meet him again and
CoreOS, he’s a one-time contributor
to Gnome, the Linux kernel, Debian,
                                                  ask him about his new job, Secure Boot,
                                                  and how we fight against ignorance for
                                                                                                    “We might assume that
Ubuntu and Red Hat. He’s a director               control of our own hardware.                      government is good, but
                                                                                                    history has shown us that
      What is it you’re doing at                  checked, and then written to disk, and            we can’t always trust that
      CoreOS?                                     then you immediately reboot into the
                                                                                                    our governments will
                                                                                                    remain good.”
Matthew Garrett: I’m working on                   new version of CoreOS. So all our
security, which has been my thing for a           upgrades are atomic. There’s no
while. CoreOS has always been                     piecemeal upgrade. There’s no risk that
designed with security in mind. One of            you’re still running the older version of a
the distinctions between the appc                 piece of software. But that was all in
container format and the Docker format            place before I got there. I’ve been there     policy they want, who they want to
was that appc was designed to be                  a little over three months now and I’ve       trust. If they want their hardware to only
cryptographically verifiable, so you can          been working on securing the boot             boot CoreOS, that’s something they can
make sure that the containers you                 process.                                      do. They can configure their system
receive are the containers that you                                                             such that CoreOS will boot and nothing
thought you were going to be running.                   Is this still around the Grub           else will. But if they want their systems
You can choose who to trust; there’s no                 bootloader?                             to boot both CoreOS and Windows, or
blanket. It came from here, it must be            MG: Yes. I’ve been implementing UEFI          any other Linux distribution, again that’s
trustworthy. It’s signed with a key I’ve          boot support for CoreOS so we can             also completely fine. But once we’ve
explicitly said is trustworthy.                   now build images that are signed, that        booted the operating system, you still
                                                  have a completely verified boot               have the problem of, well how do you
       How much of a challenge is                 process. Which means that, even if            secure the rest of user space? Rocket [a
       that?                                      someone does manage to break out of           runtime app container alternative to
MG: It’s something that needs to be               a container, there’s no way that they         Docker’s] verifies all the keys, but what
considered from the beginning. Once               can persistently get at your system.          stops someone from gaining root and
you’ve made the decision to have that                                                           then modifying Rocket?
kind of verifiable format, it’s not too                 So this is why you’ve said in
difficult to do it. But it’s quite difficult to         the past that Secure Boot is a                 And skips the key check…
go back and add it later.                         good thing?                                          MG: Right! Or that it does the key
                                                  MG: Absolutely. This is a case where          check but if it’s a specific key it’s a
      Yes, because it becomes kind                our customers are in control of the           special case. If there’s a single bit set, a
      of immutable as soon as you                 secure boot keys that they trust, which       single key is much harder to find. What
set the container in stone.                       means that they are still completely in       we’re using is the dm-verity code from
MG: Right. Our aim has always been to             control of what their system runs. We         Google’s Chrome OS, which means that
handle that. The CoreOS update                    don’t want to define a policy ourselves       every block that is read from the hard
processes, again, the images are signed           around that, we want our customers to         drive is verified against a cryptographic
and verifiable, they are pulled down,             be able to choose what kind of security       action. If it matches then it just behaves

                                                                                   MATTHEW GARRETT INTERVIEW

                                                                                                 This is where we start getting into the
                                                                                                 use of TPMs (Trusted Platform Module,
                                                                                                 an on-board crypto processor for
                                                                                                 embedding keys into a device). Ten
                                                                                                 years ago, we were very concerned that
                                                                                                 TPMs were going to be used to lock
                                                                                                 systems down, that TPMs were going
                                                                                                 to be used against you. These days, that
                                                                                                 hasn’t ended up happening and it turns
                                                                                                 out it’s very very difficult for people to
                                                                                                 use TPMs to restrict users. There are
                                                                                                 some special cases where you can do
                                                                                                 it, but it terms of general-purpose
                                                                                                 computers, you can’t. It’s also, it turns
                                                                                                 out, far too easy to surf around those
                                                                                                 restrictions using a TPM, so the media
                                                                                                 industry didn’t end up doing it. But what
                                                                                                 has then happened in the past ten years
                                                                                                 was that we discovered that while, yes,
                                                                                                 the media industry is an enemy of user
                                                                                                 freedom, in many cases, criminals and
                                                                                                 intelligence organisations are perhaps
                                                                                                 much more of a threat to user freedom.
                                                                                                 So we have bigger problems now, and
                                                                                                 we can use the TPMs to verify the state
                                                                                                 of the system. We can use TPMs to say
                                                                                                 the firmware has not been modified.
                                                                                                 There are some subtleties involved in
                                                                                                 doing that. You have to somehow
                                                                                                 determine that you’re talking to the TPM
                                                                                                 and verify that the TPM is giving you
                                                                                                 correct information back.
                                                                                                     And if the firmware has been
                                                    root hash is embedded within the kernel      modified, the firmware could modify
“We want our customers to be                        and the kernel is signed and verified by
                                                    the firmware as part of the secure boot
                                                                                                 your operating system. The traditional
                                                                                                 approach with TPM was to do remote
able to choose what kind of                         process. So you know that the key was        attestation, where a remote server
security policy they want.”                         good, and you know that everything           communicates with your TPM and then
                                                    else chains back to that and it’s correct.   there’s a cryptographically verifiable
                                                    So that makes the entire process from        communication between the two, so
       exactly as it should.                        the point where the firmware hands           the remote server can tell that it’s
              Is that at the filesystem level?      over control to Grub, every single part of   talking to the real TPM. And then the
              MG: It’s underneath the               the boot process is now                      TPM hands back some data that only
       filesystem. The filesystem ends up           cryptographically verified, all the way up   the TPM would know, and then you can
       being read only. There’s a series of         to when you run Rocket, which is             say I’m talking to the TPM, I’m not
       hashes that go down to a single boot         cryptographically verified against again     talking to the operating system
       hash and you verify that every block         virty, and then Rocket verifies your         pretending to be a TPM. That’s not
       then has a hash. When the kernel reads       containers.                                  particularly convenient for most users
       that block, it can hash that block and          So you can have a policy where every      because of the privacy and, even now,
       verify that it matches. So there’s a small   single part of the process is verified.      there isn’t always a network available,
       amount of CPU overhead with this, but        And the next step is, like I said,           so how do you perform that
       on the other hand, even an SSD isn’t         everything is verified from when the         verification? Do you use your phone as
       fast compared to the speed of CPUs.          firmware hands over control to the boot      a verification device?
       The amount of data you’re pulling off        loader. A big question is, can you trust
       there is not large. And this is only used    your firmware? And this is something               Yeah, I use FreeOTP.
       for applications and operating system-       I’m going to be talking about in my                MG: Right! So what I’ve come up
       level data: it’s not used for container      presentation [at OSCON], but it’s also       with was a technology to basically
       images. So it’s when you launch              something that I’m very interested in        encrypt the TOTP secret with the TPM
       applications from the filesystem, then       working on the wider scale, so not just      and configure it such that the TPM will
       those end up being verified. Then the        in CoreOS but in my other interests.         only decrypt that secret if the firmware


  One of these men has a PhD
  in genetics (clue – it’s not

hasn’t been tampered with.                   that you’ve got a good Grub, but you          customers, the NSA have intercepted
      That’s really good.                    couldn’t verify that your kernel and initrd   those shipments and modified the
      MG: So you run this and it just        hadn’t been tampered with. So I’ve just       systems. In some cases by adding
prints a QR code, you stamp the QR           finished adding support to Grub for this      extra hardware, in some cases by
code and on every boot a number              TPM integration code and I’ll see if we       modifying the firmware. Just because
comes up before you type. So you have        can get that upstream. I really hope that     you’re an enterprise customer, it doesn’t
your disk decryption prompt and there’s      distributions show interest in this kind      mean that this isn’t something that
a number there, and you just look at         of work. In making it more                    should concern you. We’ve also seen
your phone and you verify that the two       straightforward for Linux to be used as       cases where malware has been used to
numbers are the same, and if they are        a trustworthy operating system, for it to     take advantage of security
then you know that you can type in your      be much more difficult for attackers to       vulnerabilities in system firmware and
passphrase. So that’s not obviously          subvert your systems.                         then modify the firmware and inject
practical for CoreOS. We’ll probably be                                                    itself there. So that, even if you replace
using the more traditional remote                   Which has now become a very            the hard drive, you can still be infected.
access station approach, so as each                 real threat.
CoreOS node comes up, if it’s                MG: It certainly has! I know several               It’s a bit like the Lenovo
configured properly, it’ll be able to call   people who have had their computers                machines with subverted and
back to the central management server        taken away from them when they’ve             replaced parts of Windows.
and say, “Hi, I’ve just booted and this is   crossed international borders. And, at        MG: Have you seen any of the stuff
me proving that I’m a legitimate device.”    the moment, they have no real way of

                                                                                           “We can’t allow the threat of
                                             verifying that they haven’t been
      What firmware would those              tampered with. Sure they could x-ray
      nodes by running?                      them. I know a couple of people who do
                                                                                           terrorism to be sufficient to
                                                                                           destroy our freedoms.”
MG: The firmware would be whatever           in fact x-ray their systems to make sure
the vendor has installed.                    no additional hardware has been added,
                                             but that won’t show you if the
      Can desktop/laptop/server              firmware’s been tampered with. That’s         coming out of the Hacking Team leaks?
      Linux users have this kind of          the kind of issue we have to deal with.             Yes, we have.
two-factor authentication?                                                                       MG: One of the ways they had for
MG: Yes, just use it. As long as you’ve             This is really important.              deploying that was an exploit that they
got a TPM, then that’s it. The UEFI                 MG: I’m interested in this             could insert into system firmware. Now
firmware or the BIOS that’s in the           because of the user freedom aspect,           their method for deploying this involved
system already supports all the              but it’s also something that’s really         having physical access to the system,
management code for this. What was           important in the data centre. In that         being able to dump the firmware, being
missing was that Grub didn’t support         case, again we’ve seen cases when             able to modify it and then being able to
the measurements. So you could verify        systems are being shipped to                  reflash it. Now that’s not something

                                                                             MATTHEW GARRETT INTERVIEW

that could have been used as an             we’ll be able to look at what the              pressure.
automated attack factor, but that           manufacturer provides and say yes, this        MG: Right. If you go back to at least the
meant that when the system started it       matches this or no, this firmware              mid 90s, there was the clipper chip,
would mount the Windows system              claims it’s this version but has the           which was going to be a graphics
partition because it targeted Windows,      wrong hash so that’s something we              accelerator that would have a backdoor
they included a read/write NTFS driver      should be concerned about.                     that the government would always be
in this firmware module so they could          I think, over the next few years, there’s   able to use. And there was fear that it
mount the filesystem and then drop          going to be a lot of interest from             would be the only permitted crypto in
their malware into the filesystem,          enterprise users for that kind of              the US. Then obviously we had the RIPA
modify the registry so that it would be     functionality. Almost undetectable             in the UK and the fear initially that we
started on boot and then unmap the          firmware malware is something you              would have forfeit keys if you used
filesystem and boot. And this took less     have very little defence against. CoreOS       cryptography – you would have to give
than a second, and there is no visible      is designed to be as secure, as                a copy of your key to the government.
trace.                                      verifiable, as possible and this is the        And things didn’t end up that badly.
                                            kind of work we’re going to be doing to           But the analogy that she made in this
       You’re never gonna realise with      integrate this into the product in the         article was that, yeah cryptography
       Windows anyway.                      future protect customers.                      does make the job of police more
MG: (laughs) So we assume that it may                                                      difficult, but being able to whisper
well have been used by governments or              How do you think we can                 makes it more difficult for law
by law enforcement agencies against                educate politicians who are             enforcement to do their job, and we
people. Once you see people that are        completely ignorant of encryption,             don’t outlaw whispering. Locking doors,
doing this then, realistically, organised   for example in the UK, and whether             meeting in private, curtains, all of these
crime is also going to be doing this.       citizens should have access to                 things make it harder for law
   And the worst thing is that if a         end-to-end encryption?                         enforcement to see what we’re doing
server’s been compromised in this way       MG: Sarah Jeong wrote an excellent             but we don’t argue that they have to be
at some point in the past, there’s no       short article in Forbes last week (end of      made illegal, because the greater social
straightforward way of cleaning it. You     July, 2015) on this topic. We have US          good for all of these outweighs the cost
may reformat the drive, you may             newspapers calling for encryption              to law enforcement. And it’s going to be
repurpose it for something else, you        experts and IT companies to develop            possible for people to do bad things
may never notice that this has              golden keys that the US government             with cryptography. That’s an inevitability.
happened. So the long-term thing is         can then use to always decrypt                    The risk of forbidding all the good
obviously for us to work with               anything they want to. People have             things cryptography allows is so much
manufacturers to good lists of all the      wanted this for a long time.                   worse. The lack of reassurance – you
firmware measurements so we can say                                                        can look at this from an economic
this is a legitimate firmware image. And          Yes, PGP was under the same              perspective: if people can’t trust crypto
                                                                                           then people are not going to do
                                                                                           business online. Either they’ll go
                                                                                           somewhere that they can or they’ll fall
                                                                                           back to putting information into tamper-
                                                                                           evident envelopes, just anything that
                                                                                           makes it more difficult for people to do
                                                                                           this. There’ll be a huge cost to that, but
                                                                                           it will be seen as a better than the
                                                                                           alternative. But you also don’t want a
                                                                                           situation where, right now, we might
                                                                                           assume that government is good, but
                                                                                           history has shown us that we can’t
                                                                                           always trust that our governments will
                                                                                           remain good. And there are many
                                                                                           countries where the governments have,
                                                                                           for periods, behaved in a way that is not
                                                                                           in the benefit of the majority of the
                                                                                           population. And we don’t want to hand
                                                                                           over this stuff to a government and say,
                                                                                           “OK, we trust you at the moment,” and
                                                                                           then discover, in 15 years time, that the
                                                            Both of these men have         ability to decrypt this is now used to
                                                     installed Linux on an Amiga –
                                                                                           assault some undesirable section of
                                                   only one of them has worked for
                                                               Ubuntu and Red Hat.         the community, who, 15 years
                                                                                           afterwards, we think of as a terrible


tragedy that this was allowed to
happen. There’s a strong incentive for
us to fight back against this, and we
can’t allow the threat of terrorism to be
sufficient to destroy our freedoms.

       There seems to be a significant
       move from copyleft to
permissive licensing, which worries
us. How do we make the case for
copyleft beneficial and not political?
MG: I think I’d slightly disagree with
your premise. Percentage-wise certainly
copyleft is a smaller percentage of the
free software market, compared to
permissive licences, than it was in the
past. But I think all the numbers show
that the quantity of copylefted code is
continuing to increase. It’s just that, as
a percentage of the market, the market
is growing so much faster. And some of
that is because companies are coming
in and are releasing stuff under
permissive licences because that’s in
their corporate interests, they want to
encourage this.

       CoreOS being a case in point.
       MG: Yeah. A lot of the ecosystem
around the work we’re doing is
Apache-esque permissive licences and
                                               According to Matthew, the GPL makes
we don’t step outside the community
                                               vertain things easier for the bad guys –
bounds. But we also work on a number
                                               and it makes things easier for the good
of copylefted projects and we                  guys too.
participate enthusiastically in that. We
have code for the Linux kernel and we
have code for Grub, and we work with         bad ones. We still see people habitually     understands open source.
the communities that exist. Part of it is    infringing the GPL.                          MG: Google’s generally good. But when
just that companies come in and use                 And we don’t have the                 you’re dealing with other
permissive licences because, that way,              resources to fight it.                manufacturers, things become much
if anyone else contributes back, they        MG: But the fact that the Linux kernel is    less positive there. But something else
can still use that code in open-core type    under the GPL and the fact that there        that I think was important, again going
things, they can still build proprietary     are people working on enforcing the          back to the Hacking Team leaks, many
services and products around that. So        GPL…                                         of the mobiles that they were shipping
the shift in demographics is one thing                                                    were in fact using GPLed code. And
but there are so many people coming                  But only around 40 people in         some people found their code in this
into this community that it makes                    total!                               and were very angry that their software
sense that people have grown up with         MG: …is the entire reason why we have        was being used to do bad things, to
source code being available, and have        such a vibrant Android modding               make it possible for evil governments to
always grown up being able to use that       community. It’s the sole reason why          hunt down pro-democracy activists and
source code as they see fit. And GPL, in     people who have had phones                   imprison them. And that’s horrifying. So
some ways, stands against that.              abandoned by their manufacturers are         people are now starting to think, well
                                             still able to get updates and security       should I have used a licence that had
       The GPL is more complicated           updates. If we didn’t have that kind of      some type of ‘don’t be evil’ clause.
       than permissive licenses.             enforcement, there would be many
MG: It adds a barrier. And it is             more useless phones in the world than              But the Hacking Team don’t
absolutely true that it adds a barrier for   there actually are.                                care about licences.
the good guys. But the entire point is                                                    MG: Well that’s the point. They chose to
that it does add a barrier for the good           But Android’s owner, Google,            ignore this because they thought
guys, but it also adds a barrier for the          can be good. Chris DiBona               nobody was ever going to notice. But

                                                                                     MATTHEW GARRETT INTERVIEW

                                                                                                      Matthew doesn’t contribute patches to
                                                                                                   Intel’s code any more, after that company
                                                                                                   pulled its advertising from the Gamasutra
                                                                                                         website over the gamergate failfest.

                                                    make the source code available to me            it much more difficult for someone to
“If you want to use GPL code                        or you violate the licence. And if I have
                                                    the code then I can look at that code
                                                                                                    take those freedoms away from me.
                                                                                                    And that has always been the
for evil you have to violate                        and I can determine whether this                meaningful difference and that will
the licence in the process.”                        software is in my best interests or not,
                                                    and if it’s not, then I can modify it or pay
                                                                                                    continue to be the meaningful
                                                                                                    difference, and we need to argue on
                                                    someone to modify it and then replace           that front.
        the problem we face now is that, sure,      it on my device or choose to stop using                Should we be setting the best
        we can argue about whether they             that device.                                           example that we can?
        breached any European laws – they               So obviously, if you want to use GPL        MG: I think so, yeah.
        probably did – but they’ll probably get     code for evil then you have to violate
        away with it because it’s embarrassed       the licence in the process and that                    Because that’s not always
        too many governments too afraid to          leaves you open to legal recourse. And I               done.
        talk about this.                            think that’s actually an important part         MG: Not at all. But we’ve pretty much
           But on the other hand, they engaged      of this that we’ve ignored: the licence         just missed having this discussion.
        in massive copyright infringement,          you choose for your software is not just        We’re concerned about user privacy.
        sufficiently so that if copyright holders   about what kind of businesses can use           We’re very concerned about user
        care to, they could probably now be         it, it’s not just about which kind of           security. And we’re terrified that these
        sued out of existence, purely on the        developers can use it, it’s about what          people are able to do this evil things.
        grounds of copyright infringement.          level of freedom you want and what              But we’re not doing any of the things
        Without the GPL, we would have no           rights you want to ensure are passed            that we could do to make that more
        recourse against that. The GPL is           down to the recipient of the software.          difficult for them. It’s worth doing a
        intended, not just to benefit developers        We often lose that in these                 better job of security on our side.
        who are then able to participate in the     arguments because we’re developers                 So, releasing software under licences
        wider ecosystem because people              talking to developers, we’re not users          that make it more difficult for people to
        continue publishing their code, it’s        talking to users. For users, the GPL is         behave in ways that hurt users. And I
        designed to benefit the recipient of the    an ambiguous whip and we need to do             think that’s a strong argument. It’s an
        software. And that makes it much more       a better job of talking about it from that      argument that people can understand. I
        difficult for that software to be used in   perspective again. Given the choice of          think that’s an argument that we need
        ways you disagree with.                     being given some code under a                   to make clearly and loudly and as often
           If I receive a copy of some GPL code,    BSD-type licence or some code under             as possible while this is still something
        then you have two choices: you either       the GPL, the GPL is the one that makes          people are worried about.




                                                                                                                             INTRO REVIEWS

                                                   The latest software and hardware for your Linux box, reviewed
                                                   and rated by the most experienced writers in the business

                                                    On test this issue...
                                                       48                                                      49

Andrew Gregory
Wise man say, done is better than perfect. But I
bet Keats never had that defeatist attitude.

           s we were working on this
           issue, Linux passed its 24th             KDE Plasma 5.4                                          Cyberfox 40.0
           birthday. Since 25 August 1991           We’ve devoted eight pages to desktops                   Tired of the cruft that Firefox keeps
it’s gone from a student project to an              this issue, but Graham Morrison reckons                 accumulating, Mike Saunders tries a
enabler of an enormous ecosystem of                 there is only one: the beautiful KDE 5.4.               stripped-down alternative.
free software, the way that coral
provides a substrate for the rest of the
little fishies that live on the reef. Well             50
done to Mr Torvalds, and well done to
anyone who’s ever submitted a bug,
introduced a friend to Linux, developed
software that runs on Linux, or just
chooses to use it. We’ve all played our
part, however small.
    With maturity comes great
usefulness. Linux is everywhere, quietly
and modestly, powering phones,
routers, televisions – everything except            Pimoroni Picade
the vast majority of home PCs, which                Les Pounder isn’t allowed to get a full-sized
still overwhelmingly use some version               arcade cabinet, so it’s lucky for him that this tiny
of Windows.                                         alternative exists for authentic 80s thrills.

Tomorrow belongs to us!
It’s been a couple of years since I saw             BOOKS AND GROUP TEST
the words “Will 20XX be the year of
                                                    Monocultures are unhealthy, so let’s cross-fertilise
Linux on the desktop” written in                    the gene pool of Linux development with a bit of
anything other than jest, probably                  inspiration derived from some of the other free
because we just don’t care any more.                software desktops out there on the internet. We can
But the more people get used to                     all learn from the OSes in this Group test – or maybe
                                                    you just want to be able to boast that you use an
Android in their pockets, the more alien
                                                    industrial-strength OS written for medical hardware
Windows will appear on their desktop.               powering your bog-standard Dell box?
It’s inevitable, and when it happens, the               In a similar vein, why not implant some new ideas
masses will wonder why they resisted                into your soft squidgy brain? We find a good way to
the true path for so long.                          do this is by reading books, so we’ve reviewed some
                                                    on page 52.


KDE Plasma 5.4
The otherwise ever-professional Graham Morrison fails to remain impartial while
reviewing his favourite desktop environment.

                                       DE Plasma 5.4, which most other desktops
  DATA                                 would refer to as the KDE desktop, has solved
                                       the problem with Linux and high-DPI displays.                These displays were expensive and unique just a
  Developer                  couple of years ago. Even then, however, we were
  KDE Team                   worried that unlike Windows and OS X, Linux desktops
  Licence                    were ill prepared for 200+ pixels per inch. When your
                             13-inch display is 2560 pixels wide, fonts, windows,
                             icons and toolbars that were designed for screens
                             that stretched 1024 pixels across a 15- or 17-inch
                             screen looked tiny. The only solution was to manually
                             increase the size of everything, from fonts to icons.       KDE is considering using EGL (rather than GLX), for
                             But this was an ugly kludge, and rarely worked across       accelerated graphics rendering, and Plasma 5.4 even
                                             toolkits and different desktop              includes experimental Wayland support.

“KDE has been making                         environments. Now that even mobile
                                             phones are starting to appear with 4K       for applications that aren’t specific to KDE, such as
phenomanal progress                          screens, Plasma’s new scaling slider        Firefox and LibreOffice.

with recent releases.”                       can’t come soon enough. It goes from a
                                             scale factor of 1:1 (no scaling) through    Kool for Kats
                                             to 1:3, with 0.1 increments that put the    For the last couple of years, Plasma has been playing
                             crude granularity of Apple’s OS X to shame.                 with the idea of a touch-based full-screen application
                                It doesn’t solve the problem of other toolkits (only     launcher, but with this release, it becomes a fully
                             working with applications using KDE’s native Qt             implemented idea. Like Gnome 3 or Unity, launching
                             toolkit) and desktops, and you’ll still need to configure   the launcher takes over your screen, presenting you
                             Firefox manually, for example, but it’s the simplest        with a list of installed applications and documents
                             and easiest solution we’ve seen, and it works. The          that can be filtered as you type. Finding this feature
                             KDE display team seem to have had a productive              is a little unintuitive – it’s a widget that needs to be
                             few months, as they’ve also added a new colour              added to your panel or background, but it can then be
                             calibration tool alongside the scaling, although            assigned a shortcut or easily clicked on to activate.
                             for serious work we’d like it to be compatible with         We used it to replace the traditional Start-like launch
                             common profile formats.                                     menu and gave it a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Space. In
                                For those of us who appreciate lovely graphics,          fact, we were surprised that the application launcher
                             there’s also a new vector-drawn network monitor, a          didn’t use KRunner’s command interpreter for adding
                             new audio volume and on-screen display that works           useful functionality like the calculator, web searches
                             natively with PulseAudio, and 1,400 new icons, many         and dictionary definitions. That would make the
                                                                                         launcher closer to Unity in functionality.
                                                                                            There are always going to be Linux users who don’t
                                                                                         get along with KDE. Perhaps the desktop feels too
                                                                                         corporate, or flat. Or there are just too many options to
                                                                                         contend with. Whatever their reasons, there’s nothing
                                                                                         wrong with disliking KDE. Choice is our friend, and we
                                                                                         all need to embrace it. But it’s also a minor tragedy,
                                                                                         because KDE has been making phenomenal progress
                                                                                         with recent releases, and Plasma 5.4 really delivers
                                                                                         on its promises. It’s stable, looks incredible, tentatively
                                                                                         runs on Wayland and is rapidly developing.

                                                                                           LINUX VOICE VERDICT
The new full-screen                                                                        Fast, stable and full of important
application launcher                                                                       additions. Combined with the new
makes it easy to see and                                                                   applications, KDE is becoming brilliant.
start your applications or
edit your documents.

                                                                                                            WEB BROWSER REVIEWS

Cyberfox 40.0
This Firefox spin-off promises better performance and a return to the classic layout.
Mike Saunders checks out the hype.

         he Mozilla Foundation, and specifically its
         Firefox web browser, has been going through a
         rough time recently. Its market share is falling
(as Google Chrome continues to flourish, and Microsoft
is winning some converts with Edge). Many long-time
users have been frustrated by changes in recent
releases, such as the Australis theme, removal of
options, and the upcoming “walled garden” policy
where only signed extensions will be allowed. And
Firefox OS is hardly taking the world by storm either.
   So several readers have asked us to look at Firefox
spin-offs, based on the Firefox codebase but with
optimisations and tweaks to make the browser more
appealing to power users. One name that has come
up a few times is Cyberfox, from 8pecxstudios in
Australia. The developers describe it as a browser that
“takes over where Mozilla left off, working to make a
fast, stable and reliable 64-bit web browser accessible
to all”.
   Installation is fairly simple: once you’ve downloaded
                                                                                                                         See that tiny Firefox icon
the .tar.bz2 tarball, extract it, jump into the Cyberfox     another Settings button at the bottom (yes, settings
                                                                                                                         to the left of the back
directory and run ./Cyberfox. The browser stores its         for the settings), choose Classic Preset, and then          button? That’s how you
settings and separately to Firefox, in ~/.8pecxstudios,      restart the browser. None of this was obvious when          switch themes in Cyberfox.
so you can run it both browsers safely alongside each        we started Cyberfox – it’s all hacked together in a
other. By default, Cyberfox shares a similar design and      rather ugly fashion.
layout with Firefox – although there’s an add-on bar at         Next, let’s look at the performance gains that
the bottom enabled by default.                               8pecxstudios have made from recompiling the code              DATA
                                                             with extra optimisations. With only the                       Web
World of confusion                                  website open, Cyberfox                     https://cyberfox.8pecx
Now, how do you switch to the classic theme? Go to           consumes 213MB of RAM, whereas a stock Firefox      
Menu > Add-ons > Appearance, right? Nope. Instead,           installation uses 231MB. So it’s a small but significant      Developer
you have to click the Firefox icon to the left of the back   improvement, which adds up when you have multiple
button (which is rather ironic, given that this browser      tabs open. We ran the Browsermark benchmark from              Mozilla Public Licence
tries to remove all Firefox branding) which opens a, which performs multiple
menu of options. Go to Customise Cyberfox, which             tests such as CSS transforms, and Cyberfox came
presents a huge number of settings for tweaking              out 4% faster than Firefox. So again, a relatively small
the browser’s appearance and behaviour. Then click           boost but helpful over long browsing sessions.
                                                                Ultimately, Cyberfox is a promising project and that
                                                             delivers on being (slightly) faster and lighter than
                                                             Firefox, while providing more customisation ability. It
                                                             could turn out to be a valuable alternative to Firefox if
                                                             the Mozilla team spends more time on side-projects
                                                             such as Pocket integration rather than the browser
                                                             itself. However, the software’s presentation needs a
                                                             lot of work, with decent English on the website, some
                                                             documentation, and a more defined interface.

                                                               LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                               A tad zippier than Firefox, and friendlier
                                                               to your RAM banks – but rough around
                                                               the edges and in need of some polish.
The Customise Cyberfox window has hundreds of settings
to tweak, and then its own settings dialog too. Fear it.


Pimoroni Picade
Les Pounder finds out if he’s still any good at Street Fighter 2.

                                    rom the late 1970s to the early 2000s, the
  DATA                              humble arcade was a cacophony of sounds
                                    and flashing lights designed to entice you to
  http://shop.pimoroni.    play the latest game. Since this golden age we have
  com/products/picade      seen arcades close across the world, with online
  Developer                gaming now becoming the norm. But the enthusiasts
  Pimoroni                 of old are now restoring cabinets and reliving their
                           past thanks to emulation – the only problem being the
                           size, condition and cost of cabinets.
                              In December 2012, the original Picade became
                           the UK’s first Kickstarter and offered a solution for
                           enthusiasts, and in August 2015 we see the latest
                           version of this project. Picade is a tabletop arcade      Picade is a smart table-top cabinet that offers an
                           cabinet that comes as a kit, measuring 27.6cm in          authentic gaming experience in a compact size.
                           width, 39.2cm tall and 28.1cm deep.
                              What really makes a true arcade experience are         contains a 3W amplifier for the two speakers attached
                           the controls, and Picade comes with a Zippyy brand        to the inside of the cabinet, and the sound quality is
                           joystick that delivers a true microswitch-powered         clear with plenty of bass for explosive gaming action.
                                                    experience, with each click
                                                    bringing back a childhood        Pi power
“Picade is unbeatable for                           memory. The controls and         Powering Picade is rather simple thanks to the
those wishing to dip their                          artwork are sandwiched
                                                    between MDF and acrylic
                                                                                     Raspberry Pi. Power is supplied to the Pi and from
                                                                                     there the Picade PCB and the screen are powered via
toe into arcade emulation.”                         protecting the artwork from      the USB ports on the Pi. In our tests we tried to power
                                                    sweaty palms.                    a Wi-Fi dongle, but this resulted in the screen shutting
                              Building Picade takes around three hours and is        off, so it’s worth investing in the official Raspberry Pi
                           a relatively painless undertaking with the trickiest      power supply as it can provide a consistent 2 Amps.
                           part, the wiring of the controls, taking the most time.      Picade works with all models of Raspberry Pi, but
                           All of the buttons and the joystick are wired into a      for the best experience it’s worth buying a Raspberry
                           specially designed Arduino-type board powered by          Pi 2 as it is significantly more powerful. Picade also
                           an Atmel MEGA32U4 microcontroller, the same that          works with Beaglebone boards and has space for a
                           is found in the Arduino Leonardo, and using this chip     Mini ITX-powered computer. The operating system
A good control setup
makes any gaming session   the Picade PCB (Printed Circuit Board) can emulate a      for Picade is RetroPie. Rather than a traditional
better and Picade comes    USB keyboard. So when we press one of the buttons         desktop environment, RetroPie uses a front-end called
with the classic arcade    the Picade PCB interprets this and sends a keyboard       Emulation Station, which offers a joystick-friendly
setup.                     press to the Raspberry Pi. The Picade PCB also            method of input. From the 1970s to the Playstation

                                                                                     The Picade PCB is an Arduino-compatible board that
                                                                                     handles input from the controls and the audio.

                                                                                                                       MINI ARCADE REVIEWS

  Picade: what’s in the box?








  1  Picade’s frame is made of powder-coated MDF panels bolted together.              and sends the appropriate keyboard sequence to your Raspberry Pi.
  2  The controls are classic arcade components that use microswitches rather          5 Two speakers provide an authentic and bassy sound to your gaming

  than analog inputs to simulate the controls of that era.                            sessions. They connect to the Picade PCB via screw terminals and are powered
   3 Picade comes with its own artwork, but there are templates on the Pimoroni       by a 3W amplifier.
  website to design your own custom artwork.                                           6 Picade can work with two sizes of screen: an 8-inch 800x600 screen or a

   4 The Picade PCB is the heart of the build; it interprets the input of the user    12-inch screen with a resolution of 1024x768, available separately.

era there were many systems and each can be                               As a starter-to-intermediate package Picade
emulated using RetroPie, and all you need to do is                     is unbeatable for those wishing to dip their toe.
provide a ROM image for the game.                                      Solid build quality, great hardware and the ability to
                                                                                                                                            Use the discount
  Picade works beautifully with RetroPie and during                    customise Picade using off-the-shelf components                  code LINUXVOICE to get
our tests we successfully played a few rounds of                       make Picade one of a kind. The flexibility to use                  10% off everything at
Street Fighter 2 and Sonic The Hedgehog. The joystick                  hardware other than the Raspberry Pi is a welcome                  Pimoroni’s wonderful
and buttons for each emulator required configuration                   addition as mini ITX computers running Linux are                        swag palace
before we could play, which was straightforward.                       exceptionally powerful for their size.                
                                                                          Picade comes in a few configurations. For this
                                                                       review we built the £180 cabinet, but there are versions
                                                                       at £135 (where you supply your own screen) and £90
                                                                       (which is just the controller and PCB). The Picade
                                                                       PCB can also be bought for £22 for those who wish
                                                                       to build a system from scratch. All of the components
                                                                       are provided and instructions are available from the
                                                                       Pimoroni website. Even at £180 Picade is a cost-
                                                                       effective entry into building an arcade cabinet.

                                                                         LINUX VOICE VERDICT
                                                                         A solid platform for beginner and
                                                                         intermediate hackers looking to build
                                                                         their own arcade experience.
The Picade frame is marked with the positions of major
components such as the PCB, Raspberry Pi and controls.


Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
Ben Everard now knows how to store anything, but has nothing to store.

         ver the last decade there’s been an      be completed over a long weekend (the
         explosion in options for storing data    authors don’t offer advice on how a reader is
         driven by both demand for big data       supposed to get seven long weekends).
solutions and websites needing data stores           Though you don’t need to be an expert
that can cope with very high demand. Where        to use this book, the reader is expected
as once databases were synonymous with            to be familiar with the basic concept of
SQL, newer databases have eschewed                a database and be able to program. The
the traditional relational approach and are       information is tightly packed in, but there are
adhering to new approaches collectively           plenty of exercises you can use to practise
known as noSQL.                                   your new-found knowledge. If you make it
    Thanks in part to the mobile/tablet and       to the end, you’ll have a good knowledge of
smartphone revolution, noSQL is now               how to best store your data and use modern
probably used in more places than those           software to its best effect.
databases of old. That means that even if
you’re not planning to implement a database         LINUX VOICE VERDICT
under the new regime, understanding what            Author Eric Redmond and Jim R Wilson
it’s capable of is still a good strategy. noSQL     Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks goes                 Price £23.50
                                                    ISBN 978-1934356920
through all of the popular database styles
                                                    This book is an excellent introduction to the
(relational, key-value, document, graph and         current state of database technology, but don’t
columnar) and looks at how they differ. The         expect to become an expert in each one.
book is structured into seven sections each                                                           Struggling to fill your CV? Add seven bullet
one is designed to take three days so it can                                                          points in under two months.

Effective Modern C++
Graham Morrison finds an antidote to his worst programming habit:
he writes C++ code just like it’s verbose C.

             e suspect that many of us are C      you’re already an experienced C++
             and C++ programmers because          programmer. While the text is often
             that’s what you had to do to write   lighthearted and the examples short, the
applications at a certain time. For us, this      book deals with the finer nuances of a
started with C in the late 80s and became         language that many beginners will find
C++ when the idea of object orientation took      confusing, and may perhaps (rightly?) put
hold. It has meant that while we’ve used          them off programming C++ for life.
many of the newer features to be found in            For us, though, this book is an excellent
C++, such as threading in C++11, we’ve never      primer for the new bits of C++ we’ve been
properly re-studied what C++ has become           ignoring, and while it may not change our
and its best practices for modern usage.          style or approach, we feel better for being
   Effective Modern C++ is pitched exactly        properly informed.
right for us, going into exhaustive detail and
providing examples for many of the newer            LINUX VOICE VERDICT
aspects to be found in C++, aspects that            Author Scott Meyers
we’ve avoided or glossed over for the last ten      Publisher O’Reilly
years. There’s a great chapter on smart             Price £33.50
                                                    ISBN 978-1491903995
pointers, for example, and another on the
                                                    If you write C++ code for a living, we’re sure
concurrency API. And we finally learnt how          you’ve already got this book.
to use constexpr.                                                                                     In a world where Python is becoming the
   You’ll get the most out of this book if                                                            default, C++ is still reassuringly complicated.

                                                                                                                        REVIEWS BOOKS

IQ84 (Trilogy)                                                                                        ALSO RELEASED…
Graham Morrison dares to enter the world of Haruki Murakami.

         his is an oldish work of fiction,
         with the final part of the trilogy
         being translated to English (from
Japanese) in 2011. But as we’ve just
finished reading it, and as it has left a
lasting impression, we wanted to cover it                                                                                          Be the next
here in case you were looking for a break                                                                                          Lavabit by taking
from books about systemd or mazes.                                                                                                 privacy seriously.
   Murikami always writes about fractured                                    This isn’t the 1984 of                                Then see what
versions of the world as he sees it. His                                     George Orwell.                                        happens.
passion for jazz is one of the few elements                                                           The Architecture of Privacy
of his worlds that remains unchanged,             hold onto it like your gin and tonic on a           This is a rather grandiose title for a book, but
and IQ84 is no different. It’s a surreal vision   flight through a hurricane. Its enough to           we approve of the subject. Privacy needs to be
of a story set in 1984, where the acts of         sustain the reader and enough to warrant            taken more seriously. This is a book aimed at
                                                                                                      engineers who new to the issue, hopefully
a religious cult splits reality into two. The     it’s inclusion here.
                                                                                                      doing enough to convince a few more
overarching premise is that you can’t                                                                 developers to create better solutions.
count on your senses, or even logic, to             LINUX VOICE VERDICT
reveal the truth. At some point, you’ve got         Author Haruki Murakami
to simply believe.                                  Publisher Vintage
   What we liked most was that there’s              Price £12.99
                                                    ISBN 978-0099578079
a simple story at the heart of the trilogy.
                                                    A surreal and fractured dose of story telling
Murikami mostly follows this thread                 that only Murakami could write.
without putting it through his Kandinsky
reality distortion field, and that means you
                                                                                                                                      Lego is now
                                                                                                                                      a protoyping
Mazes for Programmers                                                                                                                 for Minecraft.

Ben Everard learns the best algorithms to find the babe.                                              Beautiful Lego: Wild.
                                                                                                      We love the idea that you can now say, “If you

                                                                                                      like Minecraft, you should try Lego.” And if
         enerating and solving mazes may                                                              you’re looking for inspiration, this new book
         seem like too specialised an area                                                            could be a great Christmas present for nature
         for its own book. Perhaps it is.                                                             lovers, featuring lots of designs for both
This book is about more than just creating                                                            wildlife and scenery.
mazes, it’s about using algorithms to solve
problems. Those problems just happen to
be maze-based. Mazes for Programmers
is a good follow on from an introduction
to programming book. Once you’ve
mastered the basics, it’s good to have
some practise putting programming skills
into action. Mazes are actually a good
area for this because the data structures         Visual algorithms help you grasp the
you’re manipulating are visual so it’s easy       principles of computing.                                                          Gaff had been
to get a feel for what’s going on.                                                                                                  there, and let
   The examples in this book are in the             LINUX VOICE VERDICT                                                             her live.
Ruby programming language, but it would             Author Jamis Buck                                 Jump Start Git
be fairly easy to follow the book using             Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf                     Git has become almost as fundamental to
                                                    Price £25.50
a different language (indeed, this might                                                              development as Linux has. Two remarkable
                                                    ISBN 978-1680500554
even be a better option to help you work                                                              achievements from the same person, and we
                                                    Some interesting problems to help                 should all take some time learning about how
on your coding skills), however you will            intermediate-level programmers develop            it works. As a short getting started guide with
need to be familiar with object-orientated          their skills.
                                                                                                      origami on the cover, this looks good.


 OPERATING We all love Linux, but there’s plenty going on with other free software
   SYSTEMS operating systems. Mike Saunders checks them out.

 On test                                                       Alternative OSes
                                                                        NU/Linux is our bread and           that aren’t based on Linux. It’s
 Haiku                                                                  butter. It runs on our              somewhat hard to compare these
             URL                                       desktops, our servers, and          head-to-head, as they all have
             LICENCE MIT                                       on our phones. It’s by far the most          different goals and target users,
             LATEST RELEASE Alpha 4                            successful open source operating             but one way we can judge them is
             Snappy and lightweight desktop OS                 system out there, and we’d even              how ready they are for daily usage.
             originally inspired by the BeOS.
                                                               argue that it’s the most important           Compared to Linux, the operating
                                                               software project in the world.               systems we’re examining here have
 KolibriOS                                                        But it’s just one of many OSes            very small development teams, so
             URL                             in development. While we tend                we accept that development moves
             LICENCE GPL                                       to focus on Linux distributions in           more slowly and the of features are
             LATEST RELEASE Daily builds                       this magazine (which is hardly               often limited in comparison.
             Written entirely in assembly language, this       surprising, given the name), we                  On the other hand, some of these
             OS is tiny and blazingly fast.                    do keep a canny eye on other free            OSes offer features and benefits
                                                               software operating systems as                that could be useful in Linux as
 Plan 9                                                        well. Some of them share a lot of
                                                               code with Linux, especially when
                                                                                                            well. And while we’re very happy to
                                                                                                            see Linux flourish as the dominant
                                                               it comes to drivers, while others            FOSS platform for years to come,
             LICENCE Lucent Public Licence
             LATEST RELEASE Fourth edition                     have been written completely                 monocultures are best avoided, so
             The successor to Unix, with unique                from scratch, and take radically             it’s good if other operating systems
             features and an adorable bunny mascot.            different approaches to design and           develop interest and support. So
                                                               implementation than the Unix way             we’ve chosen six OSes with unique
                                                               we’re all used to.                           backgrounds and featuresets – and
 RISC OS                                                          So for this month’s Group Test,           you can download them and try
             URL                            we thought we’d look at some of              them out straight away. So, without
             LICENCE Shared Source                             the most promising up-and-coming             further ado, let’s boot up the first
             LATEST RELEASE 5.22
                                                               open source operating systems                and see what it can do!
             Originally written for Acorn machines,

                                                               “We’ve chosen six operating systems with
             now sort-of open and runs on the Pi.

 AROS                                                          unique backgrounds and featuresets.”
             LICENCE AROS Public Licence
             LATEST RELEASE 1.2 (Icaros)                         Where are the BSDs?
             The Amiga lives! Well, sort of. AROS is
                                                                 You may have noticed that we haven’t           But ultimately, they’re all rather
             like a modern version of AmigaOS for
                                                                 included any of the BSD flavours in        similar to Linux due to their Unix
             PCs.                                                this month’s Group Test. We don’t          heritage. In this Group Test, we wanted
 Minix                                                           have anything against them: FreeBSD
                                                                 is a great alternative to GNU/Linux,
                                                                                                            to look further afield at open source
                                                                                                            operating systems with unique designs
             URL                                  especially on servers, while OpenBSD       and histories – OSes which take
             LICENCE BSD                                         excels with its security features and      different approaches and have their own
             LATEST RELEASE 3.3.0                                NetBSD is ideal for running on your        sets of strengths and weaknesses. After
             Microkernel-based OS, used by Linus                 toaster. Then there’s DragonFly BSD, the   all, nobody’s perfect and maybe we in
             Torvalds in the development of Linux.               FreeBSD spin-off created by ace former-    the Linux world can learn something
                                                                 Amiga-coder Matt Dillon.                   from them too.

                                                                  ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP TEST

Finding the future
How to hunt down the operating systems of tomorrow.

        he OSes on test here are fairly well Specifically, check          you’ll see that someone is starting a new OS
        known, at least among free software        out the Announcements subforum – new                 project, either based on an existing kernel
        fans, and they’ve been in                  projects and developers looking for help pop         or written completely from scratch using an
development for a while. But there’s a whole       up very often there.                                 in-vogue language like Go or Rust. And for
bunch of new projects cropping up that,               Another good source for fledgling                 an example of the latter, check out Rustboot
while still in the very early stages of            projects is Hacker News at https://news.             (
development right now, could be worthy of This is a fast-moving                   If you decide to start your own OS project,
attention in the future. A good place to start     news feed and stories don’t stay on the              it’s worth posting on those sites to get other
OS hunting is the OSDev Forum at                   front page for very long, but periodically           developers involved.

Haiku OS
Based on the BeOS.

          lthough the Linux kernel has been in
          development since 1991, and the
          GNU project many years before
that, it was only in the late 90s that it really
started to gain serious mindshare. But it
wasn’t the only operating system battling
against Microsoft’s staggering dominance
of the time: BeOS, a multimedia-oriented OS
built from the ground up for the desktop,
was also starting to win some small-scale
   However, Microsoft made life difficult
for the newcomer. In 2002, the makers
of BeOS took Microsoft to court, claiming
that the Redmond giant had strong-armed
companies such as Compaq and Hitachi               Haiku’s desktop isn’t jazzed up with eye candy, but it’s clean, simple and very fast to work with.
into not selling PCs with BeOS pre-installed.
Ultimately, Microsoft paid $23m to settle out      the file manager, and everything else. The           capable WebKit-based web browser, an email
of court and avoid any admission of guilt –        end result is an OS that feels remarkably            client and a media player. You can even fire
but by that point, BeOS’s fate was sealed.         well engineered and put together, rather             up a terminal and start Bash – but note that
   On a happier note, the FOSS community           than being a collection of bits and bobs             while Haiku has some POSIX compatibility
had also started work on an open source            from various scattered projects, like we             and can run a few FOSS command line
clone around that time, and today Haiku            sometimes get in Linux distros.                      programs, it’s not a flavour of Unix.
OS is at version alpha 4: usable for day-to-                                                               There’s not much native software for
day tasks, but with features missing and           Seventeen on                                         Haiku, and this poses a problem. Some
bugs to be expected. It’s available as a USB       Haiku is extremely snappy, booting up in             developers are tempted to port GTK or Qt to
flash key image or a CD ISO, and its system        a few seconds (even in live mode from                Haiku to bring loads of big-name FOSS apps
requirements are impressively slim, with           the CD), and the desktop and supplied                to the platform, but if you end up running all
128MB of RAM and a Pentium II 400MHz               applications react very swiftly. To explore          sorts of other libraries and toolkits on top of
CPU sufficing for basic tasks.                     the included software, click the leaf icon           Haiku, you might as well just run Linux/BSD
                                                   in the top-right, and then delve into the            in the first place. Haiku needs native apps
Unique benefits                                    Applications, Demos and Preferences                  that integrate tightly with the OS and its
So, what makes Haiku notable? Like BeOS,           subfolders that appear. Beneath the leaf is          features – then it can really take off.
it’s fully focused on desktop computing, and       a system tray-like area containing a clock
doesn’t strive to be a good server or mobile       and some status icons, beneath which sit               VERDICT
platform as well. So everything is designed        buttons to switch between programs.                    Tantalisingly close to
                                                                                                          being a great slimline
accordingly: the 64-bit journalling filesystem        Along with the usual desktop utilities              desktop OS, but lacking
with extended metadata, the object-oriented        such as a text editor, calculator and sound            triple-A native apps.
API and toolkit, the window management,            recorder, Haiku is bundled with a fairly


Written in assembly language and insanely fast.

            perating systems were once         KolibriOS boots in just a few seconds,
            written entirely in assembly       and it’s insanely responsive. Sure, it’s
            language, in order to squeeze      not doing anywhere near as much work
the maximum performance out of the             as a fully-fledged desktop operating
computers at the time (and often               system like Ubuntu or Fedora, but
because high-level languages simply            nonetheless the speed makes you rub
weren’t available). Today, you’d have to       your eyes.
be stark raving bonkers to write an
entire desktop OS in assembly: sure,           Just enough
you might save a few CPU cycles here           The included programs – text editor,
and there, but the downsides (non-             assembler, very primitive web browser,
portable code, much harder to                  video player and games – are limited in
maintain) mean it’s not worth it in the        terms of features, but the pre-emptive       It makes you wonder why modern OSes need gigabytes of
long run.                                      multitasking kernel has support for          space, when KolibriOS does all this on a floppy disk.
    Still, this hasn’t stopped the KolibriOS   USB, TCP/IP, multiple filesystems,
team from giving it a go. A fork of            and popular (mostly older) hardware                        something charmingly minimal and
MenuetOS, KolibriOS is written in              devices, so KolibriOS is more usable                       pure about it, especially when you know
100% assembly language – including             than just a tech demo. There’s                             it’s not being crufted up with multiple
the kernel, desktop and included                                                                          levels of abstraction.
applications. As such, it manages to
fit onto a 1.44MB floppy disk, and is          “KolibriOS is an almighty                                   VERDICT
an almighty demonstration of what              demonstration of what                                       Not suitable as a daily

                                               programmers can acheive.”
                                                                                                           desktop OS, but a
programmers can achieve when they’re                                                                       phenomenal achievement.
thinking about every single bit and byte.

Because the Amiga never died in our hearts.

        inux Voice and the Amiga range            AROS has USB support and a TCP/
        of computers have a very special       IP stack, along with drivers for various
        connection, as many of us on           video cards and other devices. It runs
the team were huge Amiga fans in the           at a blazing pace and for the most
early to mid 90s. We’ve all long since         part looks and feels like AmigaOS, with
put our A1200s and A4000s in the               similar utilities, shell and filesystem
cupboard – and we’re not even sure if          layout. While you can download AROS
they work any more – but some                  nightlies from the main site, it’s a
die-hard fans have tried to keep its spirit    much better idea to get a fine-tuned
going one way or another.                      distribution such as Icaros Desktop Live
   AROS, which originally meant the            ( This lets you
Amiga Research Operating System (but           try it out in live mode without installing
is now a recursive acronym, with AROS          to see what it’s capable of.
replacing Amiga) is an open source
reimplementation of AmigaOS 3.1, the           Back in time!                                AROS has a souped-up Workbench-like desktop with extra
last release before Commodore went             Although AROS is an incredibly niche         panels and buttons to prod.
down the pan after agonising years of          project, the Icaros distro shows that
terrible decisions and lame marketing.         there are still plenty of people writing                   stayed up all night playing the Amiga
AROS is designed to run on modern kit          AmigaOS software, and it’s actually a                      version of Frontier.
such as x86 PCs and the Raspberry Pi,          usable desktop OS if you don’t mind
but still maintain compatibility with the      the limitations (such as the lack of                        VERDICT
                                                                                                           Surprisingly feature-
original AmigaOS, so that (in theory)          proper memory protection). For us, it’s a                   packed, but getting crusty
programs only need to be recompiled to         grin-generating trip down memory lane                       around the edges.
work on it.                                    and a reminder of the times when we

                                                                      ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP TEST

RISC OS                                                                                        Open source
Given new life thanks to the Raspberry Pi.
                                                                                               Efforts to revive OS/2,
                                                                                               VMS and others.

                                                                                                        emember OS/2, IBM’s attempt to be
                                                                                                        the dominant PC operating system
                                                                                                        before Microsoft Windows budged
                                                                                               it out of the way? It’s being kept on a life
                                                                                               support machine in the form of eComStation
                                                                                               (, but it hardly has the
                                                                                               most promising future. There is, however, an
                                                                                               open source clone in development called
                                                                                               osFree ( Currently this is in
                                                                                               the very early stages of development, with
                                                                                               version being the most recent release,
                                                                                               and it can’t do much aside from booting a
                                                                                               simple kernel and running rudimentary
                                                                                               text-mode OS/2 programs. If you were a fan of
                                                                                               OS/2 back in the day, and you’re looking for a
                                                                                               project to sink your teeth into, the osFree team
Because RISC OS was designed for low-res displays, it works well on a Pi connected to a TV.    would appreciate your contributions.
                                                                                                  VMS, meanwhile, is doing somewhat better

     n last issue’s cover feature, we talked    ARM-based computer arrived. Millions of        in the form of OpenVMS (which isn’t actually
     about technology that was born and         them were sold, primarily to run Linux. But    open source, despite its name). This operating
     bred in the UK. One of the biggest         some developers started work on porting        system is now owned by HP and sees use
British contributions to the computing          RISC OS to this gizmo, the Raspberry           in the medical industry and other areas that
world is the ARM chip, which originally         Pi, and suddenly its outlook was vastly        require high uptime. An open source clone
powered Acorn Archimedes computers in           more positive. Anyone could go out and         called FreeVMS ( has
the 80s and 90s and turned out to be such       buy a mass-produced RISC OS-capable            been doing the rounds for many years, but
a good design that it’s now used in             computer for around £35 – rather than          development is very slow and the chances of it
millions of (predominantly mobile) devices      struggling on with old hardware or             hitting 1.0 any time soon are practically nil. It’s
today. But while everyone knows about           spending megabucks on machines made            a shame, as VMS has an interesting heritage
ARM, not so many have spent time with           for a tiny group of people.                    and inspired the design of Windows NT – but
RISC OS, the operating system originally                                                       as a relatively obscure platform, it’s not hugely
written for it.                                 Take a RISC                                    surprising that few developers want to work
   RISC OS had some innovative features         But why would you want to run RISC OS          on a FOSS version. Who knows, perhaps HP
for its time, such as anti-aliasing, textured   instead of Linux? What advantages does it      will open up some of the OpenVMS code one
UI elements, and an interface driven by         offer? To be honest, not a great deal: Linux   day, and it can be given a new lease of life in
context menus and a three-button mouse.         has more software, more documentation,         the FreeVMS project…
It also provided a certain amount of            and a bigger supporting community on
backward compatibility with BBC BASIC           the internet. But RISC OS has some plus
programs – the ones that many of us             points though, in that it’s very lightweight
used to type in from magazines, back in         and swift (even compared to the LXDE
the day. Ultimately, Acorn followed up the      desktop), it can run some older and
Archimedes line with the RiscPC, but the        specialised Archimedes/RiscPC software,
market for RISC OS severely dwindled            and it can boot straight up into BASIC, like
and Acorn was snapped up by another             the old 8-bit computers. Which is very nice
company. Some hardcore RISC OS                  if you fancy a bit of nostalgia, or want to
fans battled on through the 2000s, and          show the kids what computing was like in
occasionally a new RISC OS machine              the glory days.
(such as the very expensive £1,249 Iyonix)
appeared, but the future looked bleak.            VERDICT
                                                  Fast, quaint and full of
   And then something bizarre happened            goodness. It really needs                    That’s not a fridge – VMS ran primarily on VAX
– an almighty coincidence. In February            modernising, though.                         computers in the 70s and 80s.
2012, a new, small and extremely cheap


Plan 9 vs Minix
Two attempts to modernise Unix.

         here’s a lot of talk at the           running Plan 9 to share these resources
         moment about the “Unix                simply and efficiently. Additionally,
         philosophy”, especially as            Plan 9 was designed from the start
Systemd is becoming the norm in                to run a windowing system, Rio, in
almost every major Linux distribution.         contrast to Unix, where graphics were
For some, this philosophy is all about         added on later.
small tools working together to create a         Plan 9 is fascinating to explore and
greater whole – which Systemd                  learn about, but the last release was
arguably does. For others, it’s about          back in 2002 and it’s rather fiddly to
using and piping text around the               get working in Qemu or VirtualBox.
system, something Systemd eschews              A more modern fork called 9Front
in favour of binary logging. In any case,      ( sees regular code
there are lots of opinions on it, and even     updates, but the website is so bizarre
more on how Linux and Unix in general          and full of geek humour that you might
should develop in the future.                  just go mad exploring it.
   In the 1980s, some of the developers
that had worked on Unix and the C              Minix
programming languages at Bell Labs             Minix, meanwhile, is the most Unixy
in the USA decided to make a new               of the operating systems on test
operating system called Plan. It would         here. It started as a simple and tidy
take the best elements of Unix and             Unix clone, written from scratch and
update them to make use of new                 well documented, in order to teach
hardware – specifically, networked             university students how an OS works.
environments where users had                   Linus Torvalds used Minix during his                        This is Glenda, the Plan 9 mascot. In some
graphical displays. (Remember that             studies, but became frustrated with its                     respects it’s very cute; in others it deeply
Unix was developed in the days when            design (and had a big online flamewar                       disturbs us.
teletype terminals were the norm.)             with its author) which prompted him to
   So in Plan 9, the Unix concept of           create the Linux kernel – and the rest,                     as regular “user mode” processes (just
“everything is a file” was expanded            as they say, is history.                                    like normal software such as Apache
considerably. So even resources like              Minix’s kernel is a microkernel, which                   and Firefox). This means that these
network connections can be accessed            means that many hardware drivers,                           drivers and features are more isolated
as part of the filesystem, and a network       filesystem drivers, network stacks and                      and can’t easily take down the whole
protocol called 9P was developed,              other features don’t actually run inside                    OS, but there’s a context switch penalty
which allows multiple machines                 the kernel itself, but are separated out                    when the OS has to regularly jump
                                                                                                           between kernel and user modes.
                                                                                                              So for performance, most big-name
                                                                                                           Unix flavours such as Linux and
                                                                                                           FreeBSD opt for monolithic kernels
                                                                                                           where everything runs in the same
                                                                                                           space. Minix version 3 is pushing the
                                                                                                           boundaries with microkernels, however,
                                                                                                           and it’s now capable of running several
                                                                                                           thousand applications thanks to
                                                                                                           support for NetBSD’s pkgsrc software
                                                                                                           build system. Minix isn’t going to pose a
                                                                                                           big challenge to Linux or the BSDs any
                                                                                                           time soon, but it’s still an ideal platform
                                                                                                           for doing research into operating
                                                                                                           system development.

                                                                                                            PLAN 9 Takes Unix in       MINIX Goes all out for
                                                                                                            an intriguing new          reliability with its
                                                                                                            direction, but fiddly to   kernel, and the NetBSD
                                                                                                            get working.               packages are a bonus.

For the most part, Minix works like a regular Unix flavour – its biggest differences are under the hood.

                                                                             ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP TEST

Alternative OSes
        o, what have we learnt from            and design, along with developing
        looking at these operating             new features.
        systems? One thing is clear:              Then we have RISC OS, which
they all lag behind Linux when it              suffers from setbacks in its
comes to daily usability.                      cooperative multitasking and lack               Haiku still has a long way to go, but it’s on the right track. We hope
   But while these OSes may not                of full memory protection, but still            the team can get R1, the first proper release, out of the door some
be bursting with features, they’ve             has plenty of apps and a highly                 time next year.
all carved out their own little niches         loyal userbase. AROS is very similar
and are well worth exploring.
We’re putting Haiku in first place
                                               in that it’s not bleeding-edge tech,
                                               and provides some retro respite
                                                                                                1st Haiku
                                                                                                Killer feature: desktop simplicity
this month as it’s the project with            for those of us who remember the
the most potential to provide a                90s, while KolibriOS shows what’s      
first-rate alternative to Linux on             possible when you master the art of              We look forward to reviving our old netbooks with this when it
the desktop. It needs some polish,             assembly language.                               (finally) hits R1.
more drivers, and above all more                  Finally there’s Plan 9, an intriguing
native applications, but when it’s             project that’s worthy of a lot more
ready it will be a finely-tuned and            attention, but falls down the list
                                                                                                2nd Minix
well engineered platform especially            here simply due to the lack of                   Killer feature: maximum reliability

“Haiku has the most potential to provide
                                                                                                We’re still not sure if microkernels are the future, but Minix is a

a first-rate alternative to Linux.”
                                                                                                great technology demo.

suited to low-spec machines.                   development activity.                            3rd RISC OS
    Minix is a lot more mature than               Kudos to the Haiku team for                   Killer feature: booting to BASIC
Haiku, and its microkernel approach            inching ever closer to the first
makes it stand out among the                   release, and to the developers of                Old tech meets an insanely popular £35 computer and brings
usual crowd of Unix-like OSes, even            the other open source OSes. Even if              back memories of typing in code.
if it doesn’t have the oomph and               you don’t have many users, drivers
long-term support to battle the                or apps, you’re still contributing
likes of Debian and CentOS. It gets            something back to the FOSS                       4th AROS
second place for being an OS that’s            ecosystem and giving us plenty of                Killer feature: tears of nostalgic joy
ideal for studying its source code             variety and innovation to explore.
                                                                                                Everything we loved (and hated) about the Amiga, rewritten to
  Windows and DOS                                                                               work on modern PCs.
  We’ve covered ReactOS (www.reactos.          running legacy applications instead of
  org) a few times in Linux Voice already      “real” Windows?
  so we didn’t want to give it a full page        We in the FOSS world also have an             5th KolibriOS
  here, but it’s worth giving it a quick       open source MS-DOS clone in the form
  mention for those who’ve never heard         of FreeDOS ( This is
                                                                                                Killer feature: crazy performance
  of it. This is a free software clone of      very mature at version 1.1, but that’s not
  Windows, so it’s much more than just         surprising given that cloning DOS is a
                                                                                                In a world of bloatware and wasted CPU cycles, KolibriOS is
  Wine: it has its own bootloader and          much easier job than Windows or BeOS.
                                                                                                refreshingly minimal and to-the-point.
  kernel, and aims to be compatible with       FreeDOS is useful for running old DOS
  Windows drivers as well as applications.     applications and games, and it’s often
  Currently it’s at version 0.3.17, and        used by PC vendors to install BIOS and
  can run an impressive range of older         firmware updates. If you’re looking for          6th Plan 9
  Windows programs, although it’s not          the quickest way to play some classic            Killer feature: fixing up Unix
  stable enough for daily use. There are       DOS games, however, we recommend
  some legal questions in its future too –     DOSBox ( You can       
  it’s not big enough to be on Microsoft’s     mount any directory in your Linux                Hasn’t been updated in donkeys’ years, but packed with features
  radar yet, but who knows if it gets closer   installation as the C: drive, switch to it in    that Linux could consider borrowing.
  to 1.0 and companies consider it for         DOSBox, and launch your games.


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                                                                                                                                         NEXT MONTH

                                 NEXT MONTH IN

ON SALE                                                                                   EVEN MORE AWESOME!
                                                                                                                                            Allison Randal
22 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                  Prepare your mind
                                                                                                                                            for a tale of
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Get complete privacy and security!                                                                                                          gets better. Here’s
Be free as Richard Stallman intended!                                                                                                       how you join in and
                                                                                                                                            help heal the world.

Editor Graham Morrison           Editorial consultant Nick Veitch                through the use of advice in this magazine.   Copyright Linux is a trademark of Linus                               Experiment with Linux at your own risk!       Torvalds, and is used with permission.
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory                                                     Distributed by Marketforce (UK) Ltd, 2nd      Anything in this magazine may not be            All code printed in this magazine is licensed   Floor, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf,       reproduced without permission of the editor,
Technical editor Ben Everard     under the GNU GPLv3                             London, E14 5HU                               until June 2016 when all content (including                                                               Tel: +44 (0) 20 3148 3300                     our images) is re-licensed CC-BY-SA.
Editor at large Mike Saunders    Printed in the UK by                                                                          ©Linux Voice Ltd 2015              Acorn Web Offset Ltd                            Circulation Marketing by Intermedia Brand     ISSN 2054-3778
Creative director Stacey Black                                                   Marketing Ltd, registered office North Quay            Disclaimer We accept no liability for any       House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth PL4 0RA       Subscribe:
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FOSSpicks                                                                                          Sparkling gems and new
                                                                                                   releases from the world of
                                                                                                   Free and Open Source Software

             Our editor Graham Morrison is a fearless explorer of the internet – look,
             he’s found some excellent Free Software on his travels!
Algebra system

Maxima 5.37
            e like maths. The           calculate exact integers, fractions
            apparent order in           and work with high-precision
            numbers and the             floating point numbers. 2D and 3D
patterns they exhibit seem to hint at   plotting are also supported if you’ve
a deeper resonance connected to         got GNUplot installed. For us,
the nature of our perceived             Maxima works best when combined
universe. And as computers              with a graphical front-end. Of
themselves owe their existence to       course, to get anything out of
mathematics, they’re the perfect        Maxima you need some
laboratory and testing platform.        mathematical insight. But it works
   The proprietary and costly           great as a simple calculator too, so
(unless you’ve got a Raspberry Pi)      you can start with simple functions
Mathematica is the best-known           and work your way towards
toolkit for mathematicians, but         cracking the secrets of the universe.
there are plenty of open source
alternatives too. Maxima is one of       PROJECT WEBSITE                          Forget the HP 48G, render your superior intellect directly into an
those. It can solve equations,                                                    anti-aliased PDF.

Curve calculator

Kartesio 1.0
       kipping happily onward from      points plotted, Kartesio can perform
       the fabric of time to the        lots of tricks for drawing those lines,
       construction of perfect          but the complex magic comes from
curves, Kartesio is an application      neural network analysis, thanks to
designed to take a set of points and    the ZorbaNeuralNetwork library. We
draw the best fitting curve that cuts   had a lot of fun looking at curves
a swathe through those points.          generated by data downloaded
These are the curves you see on         from (there were 81,232
election nights, or when the latest     property sales in June, ranging in
set of house sales figures are          value from £6,000 to £40,300,000)
released. They enable you to see        and trying to make some sense of
                                                                                  Kartesio’s author, Luca
how the data is evolving, especially    the world.                                Tringali, used the curves   from the author-provided deb and
when matches against existing              With just a couple of                  for his chemistry study     RPM binaries. Hopefully, it won’t be
curves whose properties are better      dependencies, Kartesio is easy            after finding office        too long until this excellent piece of
understood.                             enough to install from source, or         suites lacking.             software makes it into your local
   To perform this magic, it needs                                                                            distribution’s repository.
Maxima (see above) to solve the
analysis equations, and a dataset,      “Kartesio is designed to take a set                                     PROJECT WEBSITE
which you can type in manually or
import via a CSV file. With the
                                        of points and draw the best curve.”                           



Helm 0.4.1
          elm is one of the finest       as aggressive as some synths, it’s                                          started afresh with the start of each
          examples of a software         full of character. The unusual                                              new note.
          synthesizer we’ve seen. It’s   addition of shelf filters sounded                                              Defining how the LFOs modulate
beautifully designed and it’s            great too, and are another way that                                         parameters reveals Helm’s most
powerful, whether standalone or as       Helm differentiates itself from more                                        powerful feature - its ability to
a LADSPA plugin.                         traditional designs. The effect of the                                      modulate almost any parameter
   The raw sound starts with two         filter can be controlled both                                               with any other parameter. This is
oscillators, each with 12 different      negatively and positively by a                                              semi-modular synth territory, where
waveforms. These waveforms can           second envelope before the final                                            you use a patch cable to take the
be overdriven and cross modulated        classic element that goes into                                              signal from one part of the
so that the output from one              making the sounds; low-frequency                                            synthesizer and patch that into
oscillator can be used to modulate       oscillators (LFOs). These can be                                            another part. In Helm, this is done
the shape of the other, often            used to change (modulate)                                                   by clicking on the spanner icon next
creating additional harmonics or         parameter values such as the                                                to each section. This turns every
random textures. You can even fold       frequency of the filter or the attack                                       patchable parameter green and
back the output from the oscillators     time of an envelope. There are two                                          you simply click and drag the
back into the oscillators – a trick as   monophonic LFOs and one                                                     destination to both select it and to
old as the Minimoog.                     polyphonic LFO, each with the                                               define how much you want that
   Yet this updated version allows       same selection from before along                                            parameter to be changed. Add to
you to adjust the pitch and the          with two additional sample-and-                                             this delay and reverb effects, an
saturation of the return signal,         hold waveforms. The difference                                              arpeggiator with random mode, a
resulting is much more dramatic          between monophonic and                                                      step-sequencer and a formant filter,
changes in timbre. There’s also a        polyphonic is that when you’re                                              and you’ve got what we think is the
sub oscillator for adding bass           playing more than one note at a                                             best sounding Free Software synth
                                                                                     Helm really is incredibly
frequencies from waveforms that          time, the monophonic LFOs will be           powerful, flexible              for Linux. It’s utterly refreshing.
can be ‘shuffled’, which seems to        synchronised against every note,            software, as you can
mean the waveform’s cycle is cut         performing the same action at the                                            PROJECT WEBSITE
                                                                                     see from a glance it its
into chunks and randomised. The          same time. The polyphonic LFO is            knob-tastic interface.
effect is a thick muddying of the         1 Presets Save and categorise your creations. 2 Display See parameter names. 3 Oscilloscope View the shape of your
sound in the lower octaves, which is
                                         sounds. 4 Oscillators 2 x 12 waveforms. 5 Sub-oscillator Add some serious bass. 6 Envelopes Control amplitude and
perfect for that classic cover of        filter over time. 7 LFOs Modulate parameters. 8 Filter 7 different types. 9 Step sequencer More modulation. 10
Tangerine Dream’s Rubycon.               Arpeggiator Auto-generate note data. 11 Effects Delay, reverb and filter effects. 12 Keyboard control QWERTY or MIDI.

Helm’s deep
The sound travels out of the                                      1
oscillator section and into the                                                                2                 3                                10
amplitude envelope. This is of the
classic ‘ADSR’ type – attack, decay,                               4
sustain and release, and shapes the
volume of the sound over time. It’s
capable of both ultra-fast                                                                                                                11
percussive attacks and slow
evolving string and ‘pad’ sounds,                             5                                    8
and uncommonly, it uses
logarithmic curves in the transition
between each level to create a very
smooth sound. From the envelope                                                  6
the audio enters perhaps the most
important part of any synthesizer,
the filter. Helm offers seven                                                                                                             12

different types, from the classic
                                                                   7                                    9
low-pass to a band shelf. It does
vintage sounds incredibly well, and
while the low pass isn’t as steep or


Music player

Qmmp 0.8.8
        ack in the late 1990s, when       the spirit of XMMS is still alive,
        relatively ordinary humans        especially in a modern
        started to use the Linux          interpretation called Qmmp.
desktop, the music player of choice          As you’d expect from something
for most was XMMS. It looked like         beginning with ‘Q’, this is a Qt-based
the product of the demo-scene – a         recreation of XMMS that does far
pixel-painted Winamp clone, and it        more than you’d expect of any
                                                                                   Party like it’s 1999, with
didn’t take too many pixels from our      reanimated music player.                                                 On modern screens, it takes a tiny
                                                                                   an updated Qt re-spin of
1024x768 displays either.                 Depending on which supported             XMMS.                        amount of screen real-estate, which
   While packing essential features       libraries you have installed, Qmmp                                    is a good thing, although a better
like a parametric equalizer, playlist     supports any audio sub-system you                                     scaling algorithm would help for
and plugin system, XMMS remained          can throw at it, including PulseAudio                                 HiDPI. The plugin system is great,
kind on your system’s resources.          and Jack, and plays back nearly all                                   and includes audio visualisation
This was fundamental to its               the popular audio formats. It’s great                                 and processing. There’s even the
success because, at the time,             to see support for Ogg Opus, Flac                                     option to add LADSPA effects to the
single-core CPUs needed every             and Musepack, for example, and in                                     audio output. It’s perfect for a
cycle just to decode an MP3 during        hat tip to its XMMS heritage, there’s                                 low-powered system, or low
playback. XMMS is still available in      support for lots of old-school game                                   resolution screen, and left us
most package repositories, but it         music and demo formats too.                                           wondering why we use a much
hasn’t been updated for many                                                                                    larger, more complex tools to
years, and the emergence of huge                                                                                achieve identical results.
libraries and desktop integration         “The spirit of XMMS is still alive in
has led many of us to more
application-style music players. But
                                          this modern interpretation .”                                          PROJECT WEBSITE

File sync

OwnCloud Client 2.0
             e couldn’t make this         GitHub source. By the time you read
             magazine without             this the stable version should be
             OwnCloud. We use it to       easily downloadable without
store and share the documents             compiling anything.
we’re all working on, in all their
various states of progress.               Winning new feature
   Most of us use the web interface,      You can now use more than one
which enables us to install web           OwnCloud account with the client.
applications and do things like           That means, for example, we can
collaborative document editing. But       sync with both the Linux Voice
the native client is also essential,      server and our own personal
syncing working folders from our          servers, all without any complex
                                                                                   Version 2 of the client
computers to our servers (kindly          reconfiguration or user juggling.                                     understand and use. Additionally,
                                                                                   adds the much
provided by Bytemark – thanks             When adding a new account, you           anticipated support for      another great new feature is that
Bytemark!). Over the last few             get to choose a new folder for local     syncing with more than       the client will confirm the size of a
months, we’ve noticed the standard        synchronisation as well as add the       one OwnCloud account.        folder before you decide to sync it,
client becoming more stable, and          new server credentials.                                               which is also very useful, making
specifically, taking less of our          After that, the client will happily                                   2.0 the best release yet for a project
system resources when it’s been           watch for changes and upload or                                       that gets better ever month.
running for a long time. So this          download to the correct account
release of version 2.0 is a               accordingly. It all worked perfectly
significant milestone. We tested the      for us, and the tabbed pages for                                       PROJECT WEBSITE
first release candidate, built from its   different accounts were easy to


Guitar effects

Guitarix 0.33.0
        lectric guitars. They’re         (such as fuzz, reverb, distortion et
        awesome. But the effects         al), which you drag and drop from
        and techniques that turn the     the categorised list on the left of the
twang of the naked strings into the      main window. Each effect has its
sound of planets colliding can be        own design, a set of effect-specific
costly and complicated. They             controls and a preset library. All of
typically involve acres of foot-         these effects also appear
pedals connected to a stack of           separately to LADSPA hosts such
amplifiers and speakers that             as Qtractor, and you can even add
stretch from the floor to the moon.      external LADSPA effects to your
   This is where Guitarix comes in. It   own Guitarix rack.
recreates this stack in software,           When you’ve created your own
                                                                                    Commercial guitar
turning any humble Free Software         stack by dragging and dropping the                                 audio hardware, as you’ll need a
                                                                                    effects software can
advocate into Jimmy Page. Guitarix       various modules, changing their            cost a small fortune.   decent configuration to limit the
is an audio plugin that can be           order and adjusting their                  Guitarix is free and    time it takes for sound to enter your
inserted into any application that       parameters, you can save the entire        spectacular.            computer and then leave after
supports LADSPA, such as Qtractor        ensemble as a global preset. The                                   being processed (aka audio
or Ardour, or it can be run against      quality of the output is exceptional                               latency), but as you’ve just saved
Jack so that you can connect the         – the only limit is likely to be your                              hundreds of pounds in audio
inputs and outputs with anything                                                                            effects, you can now afford a
else in your Jack configuration.                                                                            decent USB audio interface.
    The sound travels first through      “Guitarix recreates the stack of
the amp simulator and then
through any number of effects
                                         amps and effects in software.”                                      PROJECT WEBSITE

Command-line Google

google-cli (git)
         his is a small but useful       want quick access to the wisdom
         command-line tool that          of the hive mind by switching to
         does what you’d expect          command mode.
from its name: it lets you search          Clicking on a link will still load the
Google from your terminal.               result in your default browser. It
Recently resurrected by Arun             also means you can Google from a
Prakash Jana after the old project       remote server, free of your local
had been left languishing for seven      cookies and search history. If that
years, google-cli still has an           server is in a different country, even
important role to play.                  better, as you’ll get the same results
   Searching from the command            you would were you running
                                                                                    Pretend the web never
line is a surprisingly decent upgrade    through a VPN, and the results can                                 stories containing the word
                                                                                    happened by turning
to your workflow, whether you’re a       be easily opened or even                   Google into a gopher-   ‘interview’ from the last 2 months,
terminal-only person or someone          incorporated into your own macros          alike command-driven    returning 5 results. Adding -j will
who only types occasionally. When        or scripts.                                search engine.          open the first result in your browser
you’ve no desktop available, such                                                                           for that ‘I Feel Lucky’ effect that’s
as when your graphical interface is      Keys not clicks                                                    also great for scripts. You can even
refusing to boot, a quick search is      The latest version supports HTTPS                                  search for specific file types with -f
better than launching a terminal         for encryption and a good variety of                               and page through results with the N
web browser, especially when the         different search types. Typing                                     and P keys.
results are displayed so neatly. The     google -n 5 -t m2 interview
same is also true if you’re using, for example,                                   PROJECT WEBSITE
screen or tmux, or even Emacs, and       will search for


Audio production

Qtractor 0.7.0
             hen it comes to            and flexible while remaining
             recording and editing      powerful enough to perform nearly
             audio multiple tracks of   all tasks you need to take a musical
audio files, Linux has some             idea and create a recording. It’s also
fantastic software, and much of it is   great for MIDI editing and for a
open source. Ardour is the best         foundation for running software
known, but its considerable learning    synthesizers.
curve does little to make audio
production easy or spontaneous.         Join up with Jack
                                                                                   With support for lots of
It’s perhaps most suitable for audio    The only hitch is that Qtractor uses                                  multitrack recoders. You simply add
                                                                                   effect and instrument
engineers rather than musicians, as     Jack, the audio connection layer           formats and even           new tracks, decide whether those
it gives you control over configuring   that requires direct access to the         audio-clip time            tracks should contain audio or MIDI
a recording, capturing sound, and       ALSA drivers for your audio                stretching, Qtractor is    data, and then start importing or
mixing and mastering the audio          hardware. Jack needs to be running         one of the best music      recording. There’s also a great
into its final output.                  before you can run Qtractor. This          production applications    loop-recording mode, activated via
    The typical musician-friendly       means you need to pause or                 for Linux.                 the General options page, which
approach is to limit your editing and   disable the PulseAudio system, used                                   enables you to record one take after
production to an arrangement view,      by most distributions for desktop                                     another without having to touch
where the audio and MIDI tracks         audio, and use a Jack front-end                                       your computer.
are laid out vertically and blocks of   such as QJackCtl (version 4 is just                                      When tracks are recorded, you
audio and note data horizontally.       out – to start and maintain the                                       can then edit them without
Most audio production                   jackd process. PulseAudio can be                                      affecting the original data. Blocks
environments do this, and Ardour        paused by changing the jackd                                          can be trimmed, copied, pasted and
also works in this way. But Ardour’s    command to pasuspender -- jackd,                                      dragged into other tracks. You can
flexibility makes the task much         but it’s still a hurdle too far for many                              lock their movement to the time
harder. Alternatives such as Muse       people who just want something                                        signature and edit the MIDI notes
and Rosegarden use a more               simple for creating music – Ardour                                    and velocities with the MIDI editor.
                                                                                   The bus and plugin
traditional audio application layout,   did away with the Jack requirement                                       Qtractor has a long history, and
                                                                                   system is incredibly
much more like the applications         in version 4.0.                            flexible, and almost       each new release is packed with
you’ll find running on Windows or          With Jack running and the               every kind of virtual      features, including time-stretching
OS X, but it’s Qtractor that’s our      application launched, Qtractor             effect and instrument is   pitch shifting, support for LADSPA,
current favourite. Qtractor is fast     operates just like many other audio        supported natively.        DSSI, VSTi and LV2 plugins and
                                                                                                              excellent automation control, so
                                                                                                              that synth and effect parameters
                                                                                                              can be adjusted over time. New for
                                                                                                              this release is MIDI controller
                                                                                                              mapping for all the main menu
                                                                                                              commands, so you can use your
                                                                                                              remote keyboard or controller to
                                                                                                              manage a recording session, much
                                                                                                              as you would in a studio.
                                                                                                                 And when your track is finished,
                                                                                                              there’s almost as much control as
                                                                                                              Ardour for custom busses and
                                                                                                              routing before output to almost any
                                                                                                              open audio format. If you like
                                                                                                              tinkering with music and need
                                                                                                              something that’s straighforward
                                                                                                              and powerful, we Qtractor is highly

                                                                                                               PROJECT WEBSITE


  FOSSPICKS Brain Relaxers
 Starship simulator

 Space Nerds in Space
               e have to thank         their own computer and views
               Ioangogo on our IRC     another shared screen or desktop
               channel (#linuxvoice    that acts as the management
 Freenode) for this discovery. They    interface view of the ship.
 let us know about this brilliant         It is possible to run all the
 game when we asked for ‘Finds’        stations and the server on a single
 for series 3, episode 13 of our       machine, but the game only really
 podcast. Space Nerds in Space is      makes sense with a group of
 a remarkable labour of love for its   people. One can even act like a
 developer, Stephen Cameron, and       Dungeon Master, injecting new          Argh. I’m givin’ her all   update even adds the ability to
 it’s a game quite unlike any other.   threats and objects into the gaming    she’s got, Captain!        mine asteroids using the ship’s
     It’s a multiplayer starship       environment. The vector-style used                                little autonomous robots. If
 simulator where you and a few         by each station gives a lovely retro                              you’ve got a few friends who have
 friends can live out your Star Trek   feeling to the game, from the                                     perhaps enjoyed Kerbal Space
 fantasies. It does this by            globules of data in the science                                   Program and want to try
 simulating the computers for          module to the vector text of the                                  something equally geeky but
 each station on the bridge of a       communications station. The                                       cooperative, Space Nerds in Space
 single ship, such as navigation,      outside views look fabulous too,                                  is definitely worth the compilation
 weapons or engineering, and           with 3D semi-realistic rendering of                               time.
 linking those stations to a central   the galaxy, local planets and the
 server for managing the outside       various effects, such as the warp                                  PROJECT WEBSITE
 universe. The idea is that each       drive or the twinkle of the                              
 friend runs a different station on    background stars. The latest

 Playstation 2 emulator

 PCSX2 1.3.1 (git)
        ony’s Playstation 2 became     and allowing you to ramp up the
        the biggest selling games      quality of the graphics output.
        console of all time,              As with most emulators,
 pushing more than 155 million         copyright governs what you can
 units. The 3D graphics looked         and cannot do. Helpfully, if you’ve
 fabulous at the time, often           still got a PS2 stuck in the attic,
 enhanced by digital surround          PCSX2 provides a tool for ripping
 sound and the RGB video output.       the BIOS out of your own console,
   The passage of time means           rather than having to resort to
 we can now emulate what was           legally dubious sources. You’ll need
                                                                              Modern shaders and
 once cutting-edge with an             access to the original games too,                                    It’s worth using a USB adaptor
                                                                              resolutions can
 everyday GPU. Even better, in an      and while PCSX2 can read an            transform old PS2          to connect a controller, and
 era when old classics are being       optical drive directly (PS2 games      games – even without a     defining its buttons in the pad
 remade and sold as reincarnated       came on normal CDs and DVDs),          costly HD remake!          module. After that, browse to your
 ‘HD’ versions, modern GPUs are        you get far better results by                                     disc image and select the fast
 often capable of upgrading old        creating an ISO of the game with                                  reboot. The game will load much
 resolutions and textures, making      something like Brasero first.                                     quicker than it did on the old
 those classic games look far                                                                            console, and look much better.
 better than they did on the                                                                             Welcome to PS2 heaven!
 original console. That’s exactly      “We can emulate what was once
 what PCSX2 does – emulating
 old Playstation 2 components
                                       cutting-edge with an everyday GPU.”                                PROJECT WEBSITE

                                                                                                                               TUTORIALS INTRO

                                                 Dip your toe into a pool full of Linux knowledge with seven
                                                 tutorials lovingly crafted to expand your Linux consciousness

                                                  In this issue…
                                                     70                                                         72

Ben Everard
Is on a misson to find a new mascot to replace
that blasted penguin.

A                                                 Syncthing                                                  Barcode Battles
           s we prepared this issue, tech
           giant Google revealed to the
           world a new logo. This new logo        Graham Morrison protects his privacy and                   Les Pounder brings together a Raspberry
featured sans-serif type that, to my              his data, and you should too. Share files                  Pi a camera and some Python code to
eyes, looked like something from Toys             between computers without handing them                     create a 90s-influenced game for fighting
’r’ Us. My dislike of the new logo isn’t          to third parties using Syncthing.                          using supermarket produce.
something that I want to focus on here
though. Companies change their logo
                                                     76                                       80                                    84
from time to time. This occasional
refreshing of the image helps a brand
feel modern and relevant
    Open Source projects, however, very
rarely change their logo. Whatever
image first became associated with a
project usually stays regardless of
whether it’s any good. Tux, for example,
                                                  Blender Jenga                            YubiKey                              Godot Games
has stirred a debate on our letters page          Follow Graham Morrison as                On a quest for ever greater          Learn to program the fun
with may people thinking that an                  he delves into the world of              security? Mark Crutch                way by making games
overweight penguin is no longer the               ridged body physics using                shows you how to add two-            you can play. Ben Everard
best image for Linux.                             Blender 3D models. Games                 factor authentication using          wastes time productively
    I’m firmly in the anti-Tux camp. He’s         and movies await!                        additional hardware.                 with Godot.
cute and loveable but comes from a
time when Linux was a small project.
He doesn’t represent what makes Linux             PROGRAMMING
great today. We need an icon to
emphasise community cooperation,                  HTTP by hand                                               Smalltalk
technical superiority and ethical purity.          88 The web is the most popular communication               90    Journey back in time to see the language that
                                                          medium that’s ever been created. We do                     created modern programming. Smalltalk was
Something that manufacturers are
                                                  business on it, watch TV on it, chat with friends on it,   the first general-purpose object-orientated language,
proud to put on their machines and                even get magazines from it. Surely, then, it must be       and the first to feature an Integrated Development
software vendors want to showcase on              underpinned by a complex protocol to handle all            Environment (IDE). These two things are now so
their websites.                                   these different use cases? Nope. HTTP, the protocol        heavily ingrained in programming that it’s hard to
    It’s time to re-brand Linux, but let’s        behind it all, is simple and text-based. Discover just     imagine a time before they existed. Not only is
                                                  how simple it is by writing raw HTTP by hand on            Smalltalk historically important, it’s still being used
not make it look like a child’s plaything
                                                  the fly, and do so by talking directly with web servers    today. One of its modern incarnations, Squeak, still
in the process.                                   and browsers.                                              attracts developers and keeps moving forward.


                                ACCESS YOUR FILES FROM
                                ANYWHERE WITH SYNCTHING
                                Replace proprietary Dropbox or BitTorrent Sync with an open
                                source upgrade that puts your security and privacy first.

                                         ropbox is a fantastic service. It allows you to    and privacy of your data, we think that hosting your
                                         easily access your files from anywhere, keep       own open source solution is a much better option.
   • Replace proprietary
                                         them up-to-date, and share selected files and      And there are lots of options to choose between. One
     software like Dropbox
                                folders with other people. With clients for almost every    is OwnCloud, for instance, the comprehensive server
   • Take control of your own
     privacy and security       computing platform, ubiquity and convenience have           suite that enables online document editing, cloud
   • Brilliant for syncing      conspired to make Dropbox a huge success. But it’s          applications and file syncing. However, OwnCloud can
     encrypted passwords        also proprietary.                                           be overkill if all you need is the file synchronisation
   • Remove data storage           Regardless of the assurances of Dropbox, Inc., you’ll    part. Which is where Syncthing makes sense. It’s a
     limits and charges
                                never know how secure your data is, or whether your         small, brilliant, cross-platform, open source file
                                files have been compromised. Dropbox has no                 synchronisation tool that’s easy to install and easy
                                obligation to tell you. If you care about the security      to use.

                                    Step by step: Set up Syncthing
                                    Core installation                                       2
                                                                                                First run
                                You can run Syncthing on almost any computer,               To run the core back-end, you just need to run the
                                including Windows, OS X, Solaris, BSD and Android           syncthing executable. For most Linux users, this is
                                (and of course, Linux), and you can share files and         best done from the command line by simply typing
                                folders as and when you need them. But as there’s           syncthing. The reason for this is that you’ll get to see
                                neither a central server providing access to your data,     the output as the core initiates itself, first by
                                nor a management server for pointing clients in the         generating its own RSA key and certificate, then by
                                direction of where your data is stored, Syncthing works     generating a unique identification code before
                                best when you can install one instance on a machine         launching the web interface. Finally, the process
                                that’s going to be available all of the time. This could    attempts to discover your network configuration so
                                be a PC you leave powered on and connected, or a            that it can use UPNP to dynamically set firewall
                                cheap hosted low-end box online you can use to              permissions to allow access to your new instance
                                access and store content.                                   from outside your local network.
                                   Installation of the core back-end should be easy, as        You can see which ports are assigned to the
                                there are packages for most distributions. There’s an       syncthing process in the port mapping information
                                official Debian repository, but you might also want to      update. If you need to configure a firewall manually,
                                install the GTK 3 GUI and separate notifier, if these are   Syncthing uses port 22000 on TCP, and 21025 UDP.
                                available. If you’re used to the Dropbox client, these      The web portal uses porst 8384, but if this is needed
                                can make Syncthing feel similar from your desktop.          outside your LAN, we’d recommend tunnelling it via
                                                                                            SSH or a VPN.

                                                                                                           SYNCTHING TUTORIAL

    Open the web interface                                 4
                                                               Sharing a folders
If a web browser doesn’t open the correct page, you        To share a folder, click on ‘Add Folder’. You’ll then need
can manually access the admin interface by entering        to enter a few details into the pop-up window that
http://localhost:8384 as the URL in any browser            appears. The first asks for a unique name for this
running on the same machine you’ve run the core on.        share. This could be as simple as the folder name, but
The web interface shows what system resources your         if you’re planning to have two separate folders called
Synthing process is using, including CPU and RAM           ‘photos’, you’ll need to differentiate between them
utilisation, as well as upload and download bandwidth.     here. The second field asks for the path, and will
With a fresh installation, you won’t be sharing files or   auto-complete as you navigate the filesystem. You
folders, so you need to add a the folder you wish to be    can enter ~ to quickly move to your home folder. The
synchronised. Just as OwnCloud or Dropbox does             only other option you might want to enable is File
automatically, it’s often better to create a folder        Versioning. We’d recommend enabling the Trash Can
specifically for sharing. Synthing will automatically      option, as this will temporarily store deleted files from
create a new folder called Sync and add this to the        any synced device in the .stversions folder
local configuration so you can use it immediately.

    Access from another device                             6
                                                               Sync files across devices
You can now install Syncthing onto your second             Before you can finally share files across devices, you
machine. When the browser opens this time, the             need to edit the share you want to synchronise. To
global discovery process should detect a second            add the second machine to the share we created
Syncthing on the network, but you’ll still have to add     previously, or the default ‘Sync’ folder, click on Edit on
the device manually. On the second machine, click on       the first machine’s share. You should find the new
Add Device. On the first machine, click on Actions >       machine is now listed beneath ‘Share With Devices’,
Show ID. Don’t worry, despite this being a large           and you just need to enable this. Syncthing will then
unwieldy code, you don’t have to manually copy this        ask to be restarted to launch the new configuration,
over: on the second machine, cursor down and the           and when it comes back online, the status view
code appears. Just make sure they’re the same.             should update to reflect the new files that have been
Clicking on Add Device will prompt the first machine       added and synced to the second machine. It will also
to ask whether this is something you really want to do     state whether a device is up to date with the latest
– select Add to make it so. You’ll now see the new         changes, which is a great way of checking whether
machine and the old machine listed as new devices,         your mobile has got the updates keyfiles you’ve just
although they’ll also say Unused for now.                  added, for instance.


                             RASPBERRY PI:
                             BATTLING WITH BARCODES
                             Can a tin of beans grant you unlimited power? Les Pounder raids
                             the store cupboard for powerful artefacts.

                                      he humble barcode is all around us. Initially      processes the data. To install ZBar, open a terminal
                                      developed as a means to enable a quick             and type the following.
 • Use different forms of             experience at the checkout, the barcode has        sudo apt-get update
                             become a data cataloging system for many different          sudo apt-get install python-zbar
 • Learn Python and
   Pygame                    types of products and services. In 1991 a Japanese          After a few moments ZBar will be installed and ready
 • Create an algorithm       company, Epoch, released a handheld console that            for use.
                             used barcodes as a means of generating player                 The latest Raspbian image comes with the Pygame
                             statistics. The barcodes were used in an algorithm to       set of Python modules pre-installed, but if you're using
 TOOLS REQUIRED              simulate a fight between the player and randomly            an older version you'll need to install Pygame via this
                             generated enemies.                                          command in the terminal.
 • A Raspberry Pi 2
                                In this project we shall create our own version of       sudo apt-get install python-pygame
 • An internet connection
                             this retro oddity and along the way learn how to input        To code this project we'll be using Python 2. To
 • A webcam or official Pi
   camera                    barcode data and manipulate it for use in the game.         launch Python 2, go to the Programming menu in the
 • Lots of barcodes             We're using the latest version of the Raspbian           top-left of the screen, and select Python 2.
 • A print of our warrior    distribution on our Raspberry Pi 2. To install it on your
   card                      Raspberry Pi, head over to https://www.raspberrypi.         Our game
                             org/downloads. To scan barcodes we shall use a              Our game uses QR codes to generate a player with a
                             webcam rather than the official Pi camera. In our tests     random number of health points. Weapons and
                             we found that using a webcam yielded better results         equipment are selected by scanning any barcoded
                             due to it having an auto focus unlike the Raspberry         products. So let’s get into the code.
                             Pi camera, which has a fixed focus. To test that our        from sys import argv
                             webcam works with Raspbian we need to install               import zbar, random, pygame, time
                             fswebcam, a small webcan application for Linux. To             We start by importing a number of external
                             do so, open a terminal and type the following:              modules. First we import the argv function from sys,
                             sudo apt-get install fswebcam                               this is a list of command line arguments passed to
                               Once this is installed, type the following in the same    our script. We use this to work with the Linux terminal
                             terminal to test your webcam:                               via Python. The second line imports the zbar, random,
                             sudo fswebcam /dev/video0 test.jpg                          pygame and time modules, which all form major
                             Your webcam will come to life and take one picture,         parts of our project.
Our warriors are our very
                             which you can view using the file manager.                  pygame.init()
own Linux Voice team
members. Each has a            With our webcam connected and working, our                pygame.mixer.init()
QR code, which is used       focus shifts to setting up the software that will handle        In order to use Pygame we must first initialise it, and
to choose them as the        scanning barcodes. For this, we're going to use ZBar,       because we're using two parts of Pygame, we also
player's avatar.             which uses a webcam to scan barcodes and then               have to initialise the audio mixer Pygame element.
                                                                                             We now create a series of variables, but these are a
                                                                                         little different. In order to use our variables both inside
                                                                                         and out of the functions that we shall create later, we
                                                                                         must set them to be a global variable, otherwise we
                                                                                         cannot reference them from inside our functions. Here
                                                                                         we create variables for our player and enemy names,
                                                                                         health points for both, weapons and equipment for
                                                                                         the player and finally the code generated by scanning
                                                                                         a barcode.
                                                                                         global player, HP, enemyHP, enemy_name, weapon, equip, code
                                                                                           In the next section of code we create a number of
                                                                                         functions to compartmentalise the code that handles
                                                                                         each of the actions in our project.
                                                                                         def picture(img,w,h):
                                                                                                       pic = pygame.image.load(img)

                                                                                                             EDUCATION TUTORIAL

  In this tutorial we used a Microsoft LifeCam webcam rather
  than the official Raspberry Pi camera. The reason for this
  was autofocus. The official Pi camera has a fixed focal
  length, so would require the barcode to be scanned from a
  fixed distance. Using a webcam with an autofocus enabled
  the camera to adjust and capture the barcode successfully.
  There's a great resource for webcams at
  RPi_USB_Webcams. It is best practice to check that your
  webcam is supported before you buy.
     The official Raspberry Pi camera can be used with ZBar,
  but it will require a software modification that involves
  loading a new module into the kernel.
     To enable an adjustable focus on the Raspberry Pi
  Camera you can hack the camera hardware, but this is
  delicate work. The guide for this hack can be found in the
  bird box project resources on the Raspberry Pi website                                                                 Testing our webcam using
                                                               device has been found correctly. Next we initialise
                                                                                                                          fswebcam enables us to
                                                               the camera and then launch a preview window. We            make sure that we do not
                                                               instruct ZBar to scan one code before closing the          have a hardware fault. In
            background = (0, 0, 0)                             preview window. A for loop finally handles the code        this pic we can see a slight
            screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h))            that has been discovered by ZBar.                          issue but nothing to worry
            screen.fill((background))                          def scanner():                                             about.
            screen.blit(pic,(0,0))                                          global code
            pygame.display.flip()                                           proc = zbar.Processor()
            time.sleep(3)                                                   proc.parse_config('enable')
            pygame.display.quit()                                           device = '/dev/video1'
   Our first function handles displaying an image;                          if len(argv) > 1:
you can see that the function is called picture and                            device = argv[1]
has three arguments that we can pass, these are the                         proc.init(device)
filename, the width and the height.)                                        proc.visible = True
   We then use the pic variable to store the output                         proc.process_one()
of loading the image into Pygame, then we use the                           proc.visible = False
background variable to store the RGB colour code                            for symbol in proc.results:
0,0,0 which refers to black. We then set the Pygame                            code =
screen to match the resolution of the image, passed               The next function handles creating a player based
via the arguments w and h. To display the image on             upon scanning a QR code via the scanner function.
screen we must “blit” the image into memory, and               We simply compare the information stored in the code
then flip the image to ultimately show the image. This         variable against the values hard coded. If the code
is then shown for three seconds before the image is            scanned matches the string “Andrew” we print the
removed and the function ends.                                 response to the Python shell for debugging purposes.
                                                               The HP variable is updated with a random integer
Scanner sounds                                                 between 10 and 100, this range can be changed to           Scanning a barcode
Using Pygame we can also play audio files. We create           make the game easier or harder. The player variable        presents a preview window
the audio function with an argument, which will be the         is updated to contain the name of the player. We then      which helps to aim your
filename of the audio file. We ensure that the Pygame          print the player name and their health points, note that   camera to the barcode.
audio mixer is active, then load the audio file ready
for playback. Finally we play the audio file with the
(1) value identifying the number of times to play the
def audio(music):
   To use ZBar in our project we create a function
called scanner. We use the global variable code in
this function. We start ZBar by calling its processor
function, then we enable the webcam with ZBar. We
next create a variable called device, which stores the
location of our camera, which in this case is /dev/
video0. We now use an if condition to check that the


                                                                                                           global weapon
                                                                                                           value = int(code) / 13000000000 / random.
                                                                                                           if value > 0 and value < 39:
                                                                                                                print("You have a basic wooden sword")
                                                                                                                weapon = ("wooden_sword")
                                                                                              The next function, equip, is used to give the player
The webcam captures                                                                        a special item based upon a barcode scanned. This
the barcode with great       to print an integer inside a string we must convert the       is handled via an identical means to the weapon
accuracy but the framerate   integer to a string using the str() function.                 function. You can see the function in the full code
is rather slow, at around    def player():                                                 listing, details of which are at the end of this tutorial.
5–10 frames per second.                      global code,player,HP                         def player_attack():
                                             if code == "Andrew":                                          global enemy_name
                                                   print("Andrew is your warrior")                         global enemyHP
                                                   HP = random.randint(10,100)                             chance = ["attack","miss"]
                                                   player = "Andrew"                                       chance = random.choice(chance)
                                                   print(player+" has "+str(HP)+" HP")                     if chance != "miss":
                                             elif code == "Ben":                                                damage = random.randint(0,10)
                             ...                                                                                enemyHP = enemyHP - damage
                                For our enemy we use the global variables created                          elif HP < 1:
                             earlier. We then create a list of possible enemies                                 print("YOU'RE DEAD")
                             and then update the enemy_name variable with a                                     game_over()
                             randomly chosen enemy. An if loop is then used to                             else:
                             play an audio file announcing the enemy just before                                print("Player misses the opponent")
                             its image is displayed on screen. For debugging                  Our next function handles the player attacking
                             purposes the shell outputs the HP of our enemy. For           the enemy. We use a list called chance from which
                             each enemy we repeat the code via a series of else..if        we make a random choice, so a player can miss the
                             statements, which are visible in the full code.               enemy. If the chance does not equal a miss then we
                             def enemy():                                                  hit the enemy with a random amount of damage from
                                             global enemy_name                             a range of 1 to 10. We then update the enemyHP
                                             global enemyHP                                variable to show the damage. An else if condition
                                             enemy_names = ["Windows10","MegaDave","Open   handles what happens if the player HP drops below
                             Sourcerer"]                                                   zero, and an else condition is used to handle missing
                                             enemy_name = random.choice(enemy_names)       the enemy.
                             ...                                                              The enemy_attack function is similar to the player_
                                             if enemy_name == "OpenSourcerer":             attack function, but it refers to the player's HP for any
                                                  print("They have "+str(enemyHP)+" HP")
                                Our player needs a weapon, and this is generated
                             by scanning a barcode and doing a little maths. We
                             start by scanning a barcode and storing the value
                             as a variable, code. We then convert the code into
                             an integer and perform some basic maths to give
                             us a realistically usable score. Barcodes are large
                             numbers, so to make them easier to work with we
                             reduce their value using division and include a random
                             integer between 1 and 10 as a final divider. An if..
                             else if condition is then used to compare the integer
                             stored in value against a series of ranges. So if your
                             score is between 0 and 39 you will be equipped with
                             a basic wooden sword and an image and audio file is
                             displayed to inform the player.                               Our webcam is a Microsoft LifeCam HD, which has
                             def weapon():                                                 a maximum resolution of 1280 x 720, but we set the
                                             global code                                   resolution to its lowest to gain more speed.

                                                                                                                  EDUCATION TUTORIAL

damage taken by the player.                                                                                                    We used a number of
def prepare():                                                                                                                 images and audio files
               red = 255                                                                                                       from online resources,
               green = 255                                                                                                     all of which are Creative
               blue = 255
                                                                                                                               Commons. In the project
                                                                                                                               downloads you can find our
                                                                                                                               attribution to the original
               screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (800,600) )                                                                   authors – this wizard is by
               for i in range(127):                                                                                  
                  red -= 2                                                                                                     user-detail/Moini.
                  green -= 2
                  blue -= 2
                  screen.fill( (red,green,blue) )
                  myfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 60)
                  info1 = myfont.render("PREPARE FOR
                  screen.blit(info1, (150,300))
   The prepare function handles a gentle fade
animation that readies our players for battle. Using
three variables for the background colour, we initiate
a display of 800 by 600 pixels and use a for loop                          screen.blit(warriorpower, (0,200))
to change the colour mix from white to black by                            screen.blit(enemypower, (0, 400))
subtracting 2 from the r,g,b values each time the loop                     pygame.display.flip()
is run. We also display the PREPARE FOR BATTLE                             pygame.time.delay(32)
text using the Pygame font function. The code in this                      time.sleep(2)
function is reused for the warrior function.                               pygame.display.quit()
def battle_graphics():                                            Our final function, battle_graphics handles the
              global enemyHP, HP, player, enemy_name           battle itself and is a reuse of the prepare for battle
              pygame.font.init()                               function but with the fade animation removed.
              screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (800,600) )       Now we need to thread these functions together
              screen.fill( (255,255,255) )                     into a sequence to form the main body of code. We
              myfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 60)              start by playing the title music, followed by the Linux
              warriorpower = myfont.render(player+" has        Voice logo. After pausing for 15 seconds we play
"+str(HP)+"HP",1,(0,0,0))                                      the audio file and display the characters available.
              enemypower = myfont.render(enemy_name+(" has     Our webcam scanner is activated and we can scan
")+str(enemyHP)+"HP",1,(0,0,0))                                the QR code from a printed sheet of characters. The
                                                               player function is run followed by the warrior function
                                                               announcing the choice. The next function chooses
  Barcodes                                                     an enemy for our player then pauses for five seconds
  Barcodes are all around us, from tins of beans to            before running the weapon and equip functions for
  televisions, and what was once used as a method to           our player. We are then prepared for battle, which is a
  catalogue an inventory has now been adapted for other        simple if..else condition wrapped in a while True loop.
  uses. Take for example the humble QR code, which can be      The battle is run until either combatant reaches zero
  found on many products. It has been used for inventory/
                                                               HP – when this occurs the winner is announced and
  asset tags and as a means to deliver content to mobile
  devices by encoding a URL, which can be scanned by many      the game ends.
  different devices.                                              So with the code completed. Save your work, plug in
     QR codes, along with barcodes, are an excellent method    your webcam and build your own epic battle between
  to introduce new methods of input to children, so how can    good and evil. Click on Run > Run Module to play.
  we make our own? One site is www.barcode-generator.
                                                                  All of the code for this project can be found at
  org, which can generate barcodes of many different
  specifications, from the simple code 39 barcode that we      our GitHub repository
  see on beans to industrial standards. What's handy for       LinuxVoice_Issue_20, and you can download the
  QR codes is that we can specify the type of content they     project as a Zip file from
  contain. So we can encode a URL to direct a user to our      LinuxVoice_Issue_20/archive/
  website, a Vcard that contains our contact information
  in a digital business card, or we can even encode an SMS
                                                                Les Pounder divides his time between tinkering with
  message into a QR code to instruct a user's mobile device
                                                                hardware and travelling the United Kingdom training teachers
  to send an SMS to a specific number.
                                                                in the new IT curriculum.


                                    BLENDER: BUILD AND BREAK A
                                    TOWER OF BLOCKS
                                   Play with 3D-modelled cubes and rigid body physics to create a
                                   collapsing tower of fun.

                                           lender is an incredible piece of open source                    interaction of rigid bodies as they collide and move.
                                           software. It’s enormously powerful, but can do                  It’s been part of Blender since version 2.66 and there
    • Learn the basics of                  so may things so well that our tiny human                       are two things about it that make it brilliant: it’s easy to
                                   minds find it difficult to pick up its nuances. But as                  use and incredibly fun to play with. It gives you a
    • Playing with physics is
      lots of fun                  Mary Poppins sang, a spoonful of sugar helps the                        reason to learn how Blender works – to learn the
                                   medicine go down. For us, that spoon full of sugar is                   shortcuts, for example, as you spend hours messing
                                   something called ‘rigid body dynamics’. This is one of                  with an infinite tower of bricks, which is exactly what
                                   Blender’s physics models, used to calculate the                         we’re going to do over the next few pages.

    Blender Overview









     1 Tool Shelf Press T to toggle the tool shelf. Many of its functions can be           5 Properties This area is usually used to display context-dependent properties.

    found in context menus, or are commonly performed as keyboard shortcuts.              In our screenshot, these properties are for the final output render, which can be
     2 Menus/Layouts The top menu is not really there. It’s just another pane             created by pressing F12.
    switched to ‘info’ for access to screensets and view modes. All panes behave in        6 Timeline When animating your scene, a cursor will scroll to illustrate which

    the same way.                                                                         frame you’re viewing, as well as the location of cached renders and key frames.
     3 Viewport The 3D window into your scene can be split and changed. It’s best          7 Interaction mode Most commonly switched between object and edit mode

    to use NumPad shortcuts for navigation: front(1), top(7) and side(3) views,           with the Tab key, this menu changes how the cursor interacts with objects in
    rotation(2,4,6,8) and perspective switch (5).                                         your scene.
     4 Outliner/Scene list This is a list of objects in your scene, enabling you to        8 Tool properties This will change depending on the current action. It will show

    select individual components without clicking on them in the main view.               the coordinates of a transformation (T), the angles of a rotation (R) or the
    Objects can be hidden to improve preview speed and legibility.                        extent of the scale (S), for instance, and lets you enter the numbers manually.

                                                                                                              BLENDER TUTORIAL

    Use the views                                           2
                                                                Blank the slate
Before we get started, it’s worth taking some time to       The default scene includes a few objects, such as a
familiarise yourself with the user interface. One of the    cube, a light and the camera, but we’re going to
problems people have with Blender is that it assumes        remove everything so that nothing gets in the way.
some knowledge of how 3D modelling and rendering            Press A to select everything. The 3D view will paint a
applications work. That assumption is visible in the        border around the select objects. Now press X. The
default user interface, which will be overwhelming if       delete menu will appear and you need to press Return
the closest you’ve come to 3D graphics is the               to remove the selected items.
perspective tool in Gimp, especially as almost every           The first object we’ll now create is going to act as
aspect of Blender can be re-configured, dragged,            the ground, which will stop various blocks falling into
adjusted and saved as a screen preset.                      infinity. Press Shift+C to centre the view and move the
  Every element in Blender is selected from the editor      cursor to the middle of the scene. Now press Shift+A.          PRO TIP
type list. The top menu is the Info pane, for example,      This brings up the ‘Add’ menu, which is perhaps the         Blender has an excellent
                                                                                                                        hover-over help system.
while the viewport is the 3D editor – its menu is           most common menu you’ll access. From here, select           Just rest the cursor over
beneath rather than above the view area, and you can        ‘Mesh’ then ‘Plane’. You should see the small square        something you want to
see the location of the other editors by looking for the    of the floor appear in the 3D view. We want to make         know about and a small
                                                                                                                        window will appear with
same types of drop-down icon menus. Most people             this larger, and you can do this easily by pressing S to    the details.
use keyboard shortcuts, and so will we.                     enable the scale transformation and ‘16’ to make the
                                                            plane 16 times the size of the original.

    Enable physics                                          4
                                                                Adding a cube
While the floor plane is selected, click on the ‘Physics’   Back to the 3D view. Press A to deselect everything.
view in the property pane (it’s the right-most icon). You   Now press Shift+A again and add a Mesh > Cube.
should see that ‘Plane’ is selected and appears as a        Because its centre is at the cursor, the lower half will
word just below the icons for the various property          appear below the ground. Press Z to toggle between
types. Names for your objects can be changed with a         wireframe and solid fill to see what we mean. We now
right-click and ‘rename’ on the object in the Outliner      need to move the cube to a corner of the floor. Press G
pane. As we’ve already mentioned, we’re going to use        to enter grab and move mode. As you move the
the ‘rigid body’ model. When we start the simulation,       cursor, you’ll see that the cube will follow. To restrict
we obviously want the floor plan to remain static. The      movement to a single axis, press X, Y, or Z. There’s a
easiest way to do this within Blender is to make the        handy axis guide in the bottom-left of the view if you
floor plane ‘passive’. This will make it visible to the     need to see which direction is which. To snap
other elements of the simulation, but it won’t be           movement to the grid and or other objects, press
controlled by it, effectively leaving it in place without   Shift+Tab. Pressing Escape will revert the cube to its
causing too much additional processor overhead.             original position, and you can always undo.


                                 Make more cubes                                         6
                                                                                             Separate the cubes
                             Our building blocks of destruction are going to be          To turn our array into a batch of separate cubes, make
                             cubes. The easiest way to create lots more cubes in         sure you’re in ‘Edit’ mode and that the cube is selected,
                             Blender, just like in programming, is to use an array.      and press P. This will open the separation menu, and
                             With the cube selected, click on the spanner icon to        you want to select ‘By Loose Parts.’ This may take a
                             open the Modifier pane. Click on the Add Modifier           little while, depending on the number of cubes you’ve
                             drop-down list, and select Generate Array. Change the       made and the speed of your machine. The cubes will
                             amount to 7 and see our cube stretch into a block           now appear in the Outliner and you should be able to
                             across the x axis. This is really 7 cubes joined            select them within the view. With all the cubes
                             together, and we need to add a little separation, both      selected, go back to the ‘Rigid Body’ pane and ensure
                             to see them and for the rigid body model to work.           they’re both Active (rather than the floor’s Passive),
                                You can do this by increasing x’s relative offset to a   then reduce the mass of each cube to 0.005.
                             figure like 1.020. Now click on ‘Copy’ to create another        To make sure they all have the same settings, select
                             array modifier, and in this one change the ‘x’ relative     ‘Physics’ on the left-hand panel and click ‘Copy From
                             offset to ‘0’ and the ‘y’ to 1.020. Finally, do the same    Active’. Finally, we need to move the origin point for
                             for ‘z’ to create a cube of cubes. You may want to have     the collection of cubes, which is currently centred on
                             more ‘z’ pieces to create a tower. Click on ‘apply’ in      the first cube we made. To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+
                             each modifier pane when you’re happy with the view.         Alt+C and select the origin to geometry option.

                                 Let’s get physical                                      8
                                                                                             Bigger cube
                             We’re almost ready to add some destruction. If you          To turn the falling motion of the sphere into sideways
                             want to test your tower of cubes to make sure it holds,     motion that will hit our tower of cubes we’re going to
                             press Alt+A to start the animation. If the cubes start to   create a simple ramp out of a large cube. Place the
                             fall, you might want to reduce the gap between them         cursor as we did before and use the Add menu to
                             or make sure all cubes have a central origin point.         create a mesh > cube. This will need to be scaled with
                             How you destroy your tower is up to you: you could          the S key and also rotated around the y axis using the
                             create a cannon, for example. We’re going to start by       R key. You can lock rotation axes in the same way you
                             dropping a sphere into a cube that’s been angled to         can lock the movement axes. Keep using the Alt+A
                             direct the sphere at our tower. To create the sphere,       combination to test your animation and to make sure
                             we first need to position the cursor so the sphere will     everything is being calculated as you’d expect it to be.
                             appear in the best position. This is best achieved          To speed up the rendering, don’t forget you can switch
                             using the side (1) and top views (7) to position the        between wireframe and solid previews with the Z key.
     PRO TIP
                             sphere into the correct z and x positions. Apply the        If you need your animation to last longer, change the
 Many view controls are
 on the NumPad of a
                             rigid body model to the sphere and increase its mass.       end frame to something like 1,000 in the timeline pane
 keyboard. If you’re using   The heavier it is, the more destructive it will be.         at the bottom of the window.
 a laptop or a keyboard
 without one, open
 the User Preferences
 pane, switch to Input
 and enable ‘Emulate’
 Numpad’. Numbers will
 now act like the NumPad.

                                                                                                             BLENDER TUTORIAL

     Add a camera                                           10
                                                                 Let there be light
Hopefully, your ball will now fall and hit the cube         Just like the planes, cubes and the camera, light
before rolling with some speed into your tower of           sources are added to the scene by pressing Shift+A.If
cubes, which will then artistically collapse and tumble     you imagine lighting a real scene, you can create and
all over the place. The next step is going to turn this     place lamps to light up areas of shadow and dark for
sequence of destruction into a properly rendered            best effect through your frame. As you might imagine,
video you can share. At the moment, it exists within        Blender has several types of light source, and these
Blender purely as a scene. We need add a camera and         create different kinds of light. Five types are listed
adequate lighting before Blender can number crunch          from the ‘add’ menu, along with a brief description of
the values in the scene to create some output.              what makes them different. Rendering engines work
   Use the ‘add’ pop-up menu to add the camera. It          differently too. The ‘cycles’ engine, for example, is
can be manipulated just like any other object, and you      generally more photo-realistic. This can be selected
will want to move and rotate it to capture the drama.       from the top bar where it currently says ‘Blender
Pressing ‘0’ on the NumPad will show you the framed         Render’. For our project we’ve opted to use a single
view from the camera, and you can make all the same         lamp configured as ‘sun’ and to use the cycling
adjustments while looking through the virtual lens.         rendering engine. It takes longer to make the
Move and angle the view until you can see all the           calculations necessary to render a scene but we think
action through this window. You can press F12 for a         the results are work it. Test it out by pressing F12 or
final render, but you’ll see the output will be too dark.   using the ‘Render’ properties page.

                                                                                                                          PRO TIP
                                                                                                                       By default, only 250
                                                                                                                       frames of rigid body
                                                                                                                       calculations are created.
                                                                                                                       To increase this, open the
                                                                                                                       scene properties page,
     Render the output                                      12
                                                                 Extra credit                                          open ‘Rigid Body Cache’
                                                                                                                       and change the ‘End’
The render page is used to get your final output. You       Our next step should be to add some texture and            value to the number of
need to make sure you’ve run through the animation          colour to the various elements within the scene. This      frames you need.
to the end point so that the cache contains the             is accomplished through Blender’s use of materials. To
physical interactions between the various objects. If       change the colour of a cube, for example, make sure
you’re happy with the physics, you can fix them into        it’s selected and use the Materials property to create a
your project by ‘baking’ the animation. You can set a       new material and adjust its properties. You might also
start and end frame for the animation and either            want to animate other aspects of the scene, such as
define the output size and quality using the drop-down      moving the camera. This is accomplished by using
presets or by entering your own values. By default,         keyframes. These are basically a snapshot you make
each frame of the animation will be saved as a single       of the camera, or any other object, at a different frame
PNG image at the location specified in the ‘Output’         within an animation. Blender will tween the movement
section. Use the drop-down list here to change this to      between the snapshots to create a smooth animation,
a video format such as H.264.                               letting you take that step closer to Stanley Kubrik.


                              YUBIKEY AND U2F: LOCK DOWN
                              YOUR LOGINS
                              Add second-factor authentication to your logins with a USB
                              hardware device.

                                    n issue 18 we reviewed the YubiKey Edge – an           U2F logins, however, you can use any U2F key,
                                    authentication device that plugs into a USB port       including the super-cheap £5 model from Happlink
 • Secure your SSH                  and supports a variety of different protocols. While   (formerly Plug-Up, with devices still being sold under
                              it’s an interesting product if you already use web-          that name).
 • Stop the kids using sudo
                              based services that support it, we noted that it can be         We’ll need to add a source for the Yubico support
 • Learn more about PAM
                              made even more useful by adding an extra level of            software, which is all in its GitHub repository and PPA.
                              protection to your Linux logins. In this tutorial we’ll      As we’re using Mint, the PPA will do the job nicely.
                              show you three ways to set up such a system.                 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yubico/stable
                                  The machine we’ll be using is running Linux Mint         sudo apt-get update
                              17 and these instructions should work on Ubuntu                 The PAM modules we’ll use in this tutorial have a
                              and Debian derivatives with very little tweaking. The        debug option. This requires a specific world-writeable
                              applications and libraries we’ll use are also available      debug file to be created, otherwise the messages
                              as BSD-licensed source files, hosted at Yubico’s             are sent to the screen, leading to valuable diagnostic
                              comprehensive GitHub repository (https://github.             information getting lost too easily.
                              com/Yubico), so you can build them yourself if you           touch /var/run/pam-debug.log
                                                                  prefer.                  chmod go+w /var/run/pam-debug.log
                                                                     To hook the              This file may not persist through reboots, so if you
“Make sure you have a recovery                                    YubiKey into our login   start to see a lot of debugging information sent to the
plan in place before you begin                                    system we’ll use         screen when trying to log in, you’ll have to create the
                                                                  PAM – an acronym         file again. With the prerequisites in place, let’s secure
editing files, just in case.”                                     for “Pluggable           our console…
                              Modules”. Messing with login authentication could            Method 1: Yubico OTP
                              result in you being locked out of your machine entirely,     The first method we’ll try uses Yubico’s proprietary
                              so we’ll add the YubiKey requirement to just the             one-time password (OTP) protocol. For this to work
                              console at first, ensuring we always have a working          you must have one of the slots configured to use the
                              fallback to log in graphically or via SSH if things go       Yubico OTP protocol, with the credentials uploaded to
                              wrong. In the event that they go really, really badly,       the Yubico servers. Keys are delivered with slot 1
                              though, booting from a live CD or USB key should             already pre-configured in this manner, so this should
                              enable you to change the files back to a working state.      only be a concern if you’ve modified your device’s
                              Make sure you have a recovery plan in place before           settings. To use this method you’ll also need an API
                              you begin editing files, just in case.                       key, which can be obtained from here:
                                  The main prerequisite for this project is that you
                              have a suitable authentication device. For the first           You’ll have to provide an email address, and use
Yubico OTP strings contain    two parts of this tutorial you’ll need a YubiKey that        your YubiKey to supply a Yubico OTP. The page will
the key ID as the first 12    supports programmable “slots” – essentially any              generate a Client ID and a Secret Key, which you’ll
characters.                   recent device except the blue U2F-only model. For            need to copy into a file somewhere. Note that the key

                                                                                                               YUBIKEY AND U2F TUTORIAL

includes the terminating = character – it’s easy to lose
track of that when using the key in a config file that
also uses the equals character in other ways.
   Next we’ll install the PAM module itself:
sudo apt-get install libpam-yubico
   Now we’re ready to edit /etc/pam.d/login and, as
you might expect, it requires superuser access to
modify it. Open the file in a text editor (eg sudo nano
-w /etc/pam.d/login), and add the following, all on
one line, replacing the id and key values with your own
Client ID and Secret Key, respectively:
auth required id=123456 key=afibsdrhwRRkZ5wr
inKVrTJCA9Y= urllist=
   Where in the file should this line be added? That
depends on the PAM stack you want to end up with,
but a good rule of thumb is to insert the new line just
after the standard Unix password prompt. On our
                                                                                                                                       Yubico OTP logins even
Mint installation that means just after the @include                  device, touch the button for a second or two, and you
                                                                                                                                       work via the popular
common-auth directive.                                                should be successfully logged in. If not, double-check           Windows SSH client, Putty.
   Although PAM is now set up to authenticate using                   that your API Client ID and Secret Key are correct,
YubiKeys in general, we still need to tell it which                   confirm the mapping in the authorized_yubikeys
particular key is ours. We’ll need the unique ID code                 file, and make sure you’ve got a connection to the
that the key exposes as part of its one-time password.                internet so that the PAM module can contact Yubico’s
Open a text editor, insert your YubiKey, and touch the                authentication servers. The log file you created earlier
button for a couple of seconds. The key should “type”                 may give you some clues as to what has gone wrong,
a long OTP into the text editor. We just need the first               as could any general PAM log file on your system
12 characters, which constitute the key’s ID. This has                (/var/log/auth.log on our box).
to be associated with your user account by creating                      Once you’re happy that console logins are working,                PRO TIP
a simple configuration file in your home directory,                   check that they’re also stopped if you don’t have the             The Happlink U2F key has
replacing USERNAME with your username, and the                        right key. Then it’s time to tidy up and think about              no button on it. Instead
key ID (cccccceflluj) with the one you obtained from                  expanding your ambitions. First of all, log out of the            it will authenticate only
                                                                                                                                        once after it powers up.
the OTP:                                                              console and switch back to the graphical screen                   To authenticate again,
mkdir ~/.yubico                                                       (probably using Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8). Then edit the PAM             remove and reinsert it.
echo ‘USERNAME:cccccceflluj’ > ~/.yubico/authorized_yubikeys          login file again, to remove the debug parameter. Save
  If you wish to add multiple YubiKeys to your                        the file and check that everything’s still working.
account, so that you can also authenticate with a                        If you take a look in the /etc/pam.d/ directory, you’ll
backup key, edit this file and add the extra IDs to the               find a number of files that define how PAM should
end of the line, separated by colons.                                 deal with different services. For our purposes the
  With this file in place, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and try to               most interesting ones are sshd, su, sudo and the login
log in. You should be prompted for your username                      file we’ve been working with so far. By copying the
and password, then for your YubiKey. Insert the                       new configuration line to one or more of these other

  U2F: Not quite plug-and-play
  Although U2F is sold as being cross platform, that doesn’t          replaced with any group you’re a member of – use the groups
  mean you can plug a USB device into your Linux box and have         command to get a list):
  it work immediately. At least, not yet. Until Linux distros start   SUBSYSTEMS==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”2581”,
  to include U2F support by default, you’ll need to add a udev        ATTRS{idProduct}==”f1d0”, MODE=”0660”, GROUP=”plugdev”
  rule in order for your device to be recognised. For Yubico’s           You can copy and paste this code from the FAQ section of
  U2F-enabled keys you need to save the following into       – although at the time of
  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rules:                                     writing the accompanying description is in French.
  # this udev file should be used with udev 188 and newer                Finally you have to get udev to notice the change. Yubico
  ACTION!=”add|change”, GOTO=”u2f_end”                                suggests rebooting the machine, but in our experience running
  KERNEL==”hidraw*”, SUBSYSTEM==”hidraw”,                             sudo udevadm trigger usually does the job.
  ATTRS{idVendor}==”1050”, ATTRS{idProdu                                 If you have both types of device, just change the middle of
  ct}==”0113|0114|0115|0116|0120|0402|0403|0406|0407|0410”,           the filename for one of them (eg 70-u2f-yubikey.rules). For
  TAG+=”uaccess”                                                      any other device, check the vendor’s website for details.
  LABEL=”u2f_end”                                                        The easiest way to test that everything is working is to
     You can copy and paste this from             use Chrome or Chromium to visit Yubico’s demo site (which
  Yubico/libu2f-host/blob/master/70-u2f.rules. For Happlink/          also works with non-Yubico U2F keys): https://demo.yubico.
  Plug-Up devices, the rule is this (where plugdev should be          com/u2f.


                                                                                        but it’s a rather involved process if all you want to do is
                                                                                        stop the kids using sudo.
                                                                                           An associated issue is the requirement for an
                                                                                        internet connection to make the authentication
                                                                                        request. What happens if your network goes down, or
                                                                                        you’re using a laptop without a network connection?
                                                                                        Finding yourself unable to log in without a working
                                                                                        network is an obvious limitation to this approach.
                                                                                           As an alternative, you can use the YubiKey in
                                                                                        challenge-response mode. In this case the computer
                                                                                        sends a random string to the key, which responds by
                                                                                        encrypting it and returning the result. If the response
                                                                                        matches the one that the computer is expecting, the
                                                                                        authentication succeeds. There are no other machines
                                                                                        involved, and no need for a network connection.
                                                                                           To use this method, we’ll activate challenge-
                                                                                        response mode on slot 2 of the YubiKey. This is done
                                                                                        via a configuration tool that allows you to control a
                                                                                        wide variety of options on your key. There are both
                                                                                        graphical and command-line versions in the PPA we
                                                                                        added previously. We’ll install both, but you can just
                                                                                        use one or the other if you prefer.
You can use the GUI
                             files you can ensure that a hardware key is required to    sudo apt-get install yubikey-personalization yubikey-
Personalisation Tool
to configure challenge-      make an ssh connection, or to gain superuser rights.       personalization-gui
response mode on a           If you want to add YubiKey support to your graphical          If you use the GUI, launch the application then insert
YubiKey.                     login the file you’ll need to modify will depend on the    your YubiKey and wait for its details to appear in the
                             X display manager you use, but will likely be gdm,         right of the window. Select Challenge-Response from
                                                                kdm, mdm, lightdm       the top of the application, then click the HMAC-SHA1
                                                                – or some other file    button. Choose Slot 2 and leave the Require User
“A small amount of information                                  ending in “dm”.         Input option unchecked. Click the Generate button to
leakage is worth the trade-off for                                 To get this
                                                                working with the
                                                                                        create a secret key for your device. Finally, click on the
                                                                                        Write Configuration button. If you prefer to use the
the extra security it adds.”                                    OpenSSH server,         command line, this will do the same job:
                                                                you’ll also need to     ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64
                             modify your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, setting the         -oserial-api-visible
                             ChallengeResponseAuthentication parameter to yes.             Now you can record an initial random challenge,
                             While changes to the PAM files don’t require anything      and the response that the key should produce. If you
                             to be restarted, modifying sshd_config won’t have          already have a .yubico directory from trying Method 1,
                             any effect until you restart the SSH daemon. Once it’s     you can skip the first line.
                             set up, however, the great thing about Yubico’s OTP        mkdir ~/.yubico
                             implementation is that the YubiKey just acts like a        ykpamcfg -2 -v
                             keyboard. There are no drivers to install, regardless of      A file will be created called challenge-0123456
                             OS, and it even works with “foreign” SSH clients, such     where the numbers correspond to the serial number
                             as PuTTY on Windows.                                       of your YubiKey. If you’ve configured your key to hide
     PRO TIP
                                                                                        its serial number, or you want to use a system-wide
 You can make a cheap
 U2F key feel less flimsy
                             Method 2: Challenge–response                               directory for storing the challenge-response files
 by using Sugru to mould a   Unfortunately there’s a rather large elephant in the       (required if your home directory is encrypted), things
 more robust body.           room. Once you enable Yubico OTP, every time you log       are slightly different. Take a look at the docs on
                             in using your YubiKey a request is sent to Yubico’s        GitHub, or the ykpamcfg man page, for more details.
                             servers to authenticate you. This means that they             It’s time to edit /etc/pam.d/login once again.
                             know when you logged in, and the public-facing IP          Comment out your line from Method 1, if you have
                             address of the machine you logged into. They can’t tell    one, by putting a # in front of it, then add this below it:
                             why you’re authenticating: it could be an SSH              auth required mode=challenge-response debug
                             connection, a local login, or even a WordPress                Switch to the console, insert your YubiKey, and log
                             installation that has nothing to do with PAM. They         in. You shouldn’t see any additional YubiKey prompt
                             also can’t tell the IP address of the client machine       this time, as the challenge-response communication
                             you’re using SSH on. Nevertheless, many of our             all happens in the background, with the PAM module
                             readers will be rightly concerned about leaking any        talking directly to your key. In fact it talks to the
                             additional information to a third party. You can run       key twice – first to confirm the current challenge-
                             your own private authentication server to avoid this,      response, then once it knows the device is the

                                                                                                  YUBIKEY AND U2F TUTORIAL

  The pros and cons

                                                     Yubico OTP                      Challenge-Response                 U2F
     Local authentication                            ✔                               ✔                                  ✔
     (console, GUI, sudo)
     SSH authentication                              ✔                               ✘                                  ✘
     Uses a 3rd party server, requres network        ✔                               ✘                                  ✘
     Uses up a slot on the Yubikey                   ✔                               ✔                                  ✘
     Requires Yubikey to be reconfigured             ✘                               ✔                                  ✘
     (compared with default configuration)
     Cross-vendor open standard                      ✘                               ✘                                  ✔
     Minimum hardware price                          £21 (YubiKey Standard)          £21 (YubiKey Standard)             £5 (Happlink/Plug-Up)
                                                                                                                        £13 (Yubico U2F Key

right one it issues a new challenge and records its        the credentials for multiple users in a single common
response, in preparation for the next login. That’s the    file and, again, this is essential if your home directory
reason for not enabling the Require User Input option      is encrypted. See the pam-u2f documentation on
– you end up having to press the button for each           GitHub for more details, as well as for other options
conversation, which can lead to confusion and failed       that you might want to use in your PAM configuration.
logins if you don’t get the timing right.                     You’re now ready to log in. Switch to a console
                                                           screen, insert your U2F key, and enter your username
Method 3: U2F                                              and password. If you’re using a YubiKey, touch the                    PRO TIP
We covered U2F in our FAQ in issue 18. Suffice to say      panel when the LED starts to flash. Hopefully you’ve               For an alternative
that it’s a cross-vendor protocol intended primarily for   logged in successfully. Log out, try it without the key,           take on second-factor
                                                                                                                              authentication with PAM,
use as a second factor on the internet. In practice,       and confirm that everything’s working as expected,                 see our FreeOTP tutorial
however, it’s really just another variant of challenge-    then remove the debug option from the PAM config                   in issue 18.
response, with a few extra protections thrown in. As       and copy the line to other files to secure su, sudo, your
such, it can be used in a similar way to Method 2, for     display manager or screensaver.
completely offline authentication.
   First you’ll need to ensure that your device is         Which should I choose?
working on your Linux machine. The U2F PAM                 With our own YubiKey Edge we’ve opted to use Yubico
module is in a separate package to the general Yubico      OTP for SSH connections, and U2F for local
module, so run the following to add it to your system,     authentication. If our network is down the fact that we
together with the configuration tool you’ll need to        can’t use OTP is irrelevant, as we won’t be able to get
initially generate the cryptographic data:                 an SSH connection in the first place. And we feel that                PRO TIP
sudo apt-get install libpam-u2f pamu2fcfg                  a small amount of minor information leakage is worth               YubiKeys can also be
                                                                                                                              configured for a static
  Then it’s back to editing /etc/pam.d/login. Once         the trade-off for the extra security it adds. For local            password, or OATH-HOTP
again, you should comment out any previous lines           logins, though, either U2F or challenge-response are               and TOTP (with a support
you’ve added then put this one in place:                   better options, with U2F slightly edging ahead by not              application), giving them
                                                                                                                              plenty of uses beyond
auth required debug                             using up a slot on the YubiKey.                                    PAM logins.
  As with the other two methods, you now have to             But that’s just how we’re using this technology, and
associate a particular key with your user account. This    there are plenty of other combinations to consider. For
goes into a different directory than the credentials       example, you could issue your kids with cheap U2F
we’ve used previously. Replacing USERNAME with             devices for logging in, but configure su and sudo to
your local username, run the following:                    use challenge-response mode: everyone’s logins are
mkdir ~/.config/Yubico                                     protected, but only the holder of the Edge can gain
pamu2fcfg -uUSERNAME > ~/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys           superuser rights.
  If you want to allow more than one U2F device              However you use it, adding second-factor
for a single account, you’ll need to run pamu2cfg -n       authentication to PAM via a relatively cheap hardware
and append the output to the end of the line in the        device is a simple way to ensure that access to your
u2f_keys file. Make sure you’re using a text editor        computer is made substantially more secure.
that allows for very long lines with no word wrap, as
the whole series of key credentials needs to be on
a single line, whether you use one key or twenty! As        Mark Crutch has a computer secured with multiple hardware
                                                            devices. If only he could remember where he put his keys…
you might expect by now, it’s also possible to store


                             GODOT: BUILD A GRAPHICAL
                             GAME WITH AN OPEN ENGINE
                             Games ain’t what they used to be – so let’s recreate an 80s classic
                             with sprites, graphics and a little code.

                                      useful games engine should, broadly               block (which takes up the entire left-hand side of the
                                      speaking, make it easy for a user to add          screen) is the designer. Here you’ll be able to move
 • Games are cool                     graphics to a program and move the graphics       the different parts of your game around. On the top
   therefore people who
   create games are cool.    about. Usually, there’ll be support for collision          of the right-hand side is the Scene, in which you’ll add
   Following this tutorial   detection, and possibly some form of physics model         the various parts that will come together to make your
   could be the first step   as well. The game engine we’ll use this tutorial, Godot,   game. Below this is the properties editor where you
   towards acquiring a
   legion of fans            has all of these and more, though we’ll only use a         can fine-tune the components.
 • Because someone needs     small amount of its power in this tutorial. Godot
   to make Grand Theft       contains everything from the development                   Somebody set us up the bomb!
   Penguin and it may as     environment to the libraries to the runtime for its own    There are also a few useful controls at the top of
   well be you
                             language (GDScript). We’ll get onto all these in due       the screen including the play and stop buttons for
                             course, but first of all, you’ll need to install the       launching your game, and the Scene menu, where the
                             software. If it’s not in your distro’s repositories, you   save function and game preferences are.
                             can grab Godot from                   Games in Godot are comprised of a tree of nodes.
                             download.                                                  Every part of the game is included as a node that’s
                                When you first start Godot, you’ll need to create a     branched off the root node. Our game is very simple,
The Godot engine is used     new project and associated directory. We called ours       and will only have a few of these nodes, but if you
in commercial games such     SpaceRunner and stored it in ~/games/SpaceRunner.          start to use Godot more, you’ll learn how to wield the
as Dog Mendonça and Pizza       With the project created, you’ll see the main           different node types to create complex scenes. The
Boy by Okam Studio.          interface, which consists of three parts. The largest      root node for our game (and for most 2D games) is a

                                                                                                                       GODOT TUTORIAL

Node2D. To add this to game, go to the Scene tab at
the top right-hand side of the screen and click the Add
button (with the rectangular icon). In the popup, you
will find Node2D in the list; highlight it and click Create.
    This will add the node to the scene list and the
design pane. We want this node to take up the whole
of the screen, so in the design pane, resize it so that it
fills the blue rectangle. You can change the name of
nodes by double clicking on their entry in the scene
list. You should change them to something more
memorable than the generic names they’re given. The
Node2D is the container for the whole game, so we
called ours wholeGame.
    Now you have the main game node, you need to
add sub nodes for the items in the game. Different
nodes have different properties that you can use. We’ll
keep things simple and just add sprites that are used
                                                                                                                             Figure 1. This is how your
to display images on the screen.                                   tools, but we prefer to grab open source artwork from
                                                                                                                             game should look with the
    The game we’re going to create is a simple space      There’s a load of graphics on there      asteroids and spaceship
flight game. The aim is to pilot a spaceship through               if you want to search for your own, but we went with      laid out. You can change
a field of asteroids without hitting any of them. The              the yellow spaceship from         the sizes to make the game
longer you go without hitting any, the faster the                  content/spaceship-fighter-ipod1, and the asteroid         harder or easier.
asteroids will come at you and the harder it will get.             from The
Therefore we’ll need sprites for the ship and the                  latter of those links downloads a Zip file, and we used
asteroids. For now, we’ll just add one asteroid but we’ll          the image medium/a0001.png, though you could use
clone this later to create more.                                   others if you wish.
    These sprites need to be created directly under the
main Node2D node, so with that highlighted, click on               For great justice…
the Add Node icon again and select Sprite. You’ll need             These images need to be copied into the game folder
to do this twice to create both sprites. If you’ve done            that you selected
this correctly, the wholeGame node will now have an                when you first
arrow next to it to collapse and expand the list. If any           created the project.    “The aim is to pilot a spaceship
of the other nodes have arrows next to them, then
you’ve added a node at the wrong level and you’ll
                                                                   Once they’re there,
                                                                   you can add them
                                                                                           through a field of asteroids
have to delete it and start again, making sure that the            to the sprite. First    without hitting any of them.”
wholeGame node is highlighted before you click on                  highlight the sprite
the Add Node icon. Once you’re created the sprites,                in the Scene list, then in the Properties pane, use
rename them Ship and Asteroid0.                                    the dropdown on the Textures property to select
    The main property the sprites need is the images               Load File. This will open a dialog box where you can
they’ll display (we need one to have a spaceship icon              select the appropriate image. Once you’ve done this
and one to have an asteroid icon). You could create                for both sprites, resize them in the design pane to
these yourself if you’re handy with digital drawing                the appropriate size for the game. You can also add

  Features of Godot Everything you need to create a AAA masterpiece
  When you’ve created your first project, you can go a little
  deeper into the Godot game engine. There are a wide variety of
  features that we haven’t covered here, including:
    Animated Sprites The simplest way to give your images a
    little more interest is to make them move.
    Parallax backgrounds Move the background at different
    speeds to give the illusion of depth in 2D games.
    Physics engine Our game has an incredibly simple physics
    rule where everything just gets faster until you hit
    something. Most games will need a more complex
    approach, and Godot has everything you need built in.
    Import Blender models You can bring in assets from most
    popular 3D tools.
    Skeleton deforms Give your 3D models realistic movements
    by building them around an interconnected rigid structure.
    User interface builder Help your users get the best out of     You can download a set of demos from the Godot website
    your games with a custom-made GUI.                             that demonstrate the features of the engine.


                                                                                            The script editor is a text editor with syntax
                                                                                          highlighting and code completion. The blank script will
                                                                                          extend the Node2D class and have a function called
                                                                                          _ready(). The structure of our code will be:
                                                                                          extends Node2D
                                                                                          #setup variables
                                                                                          func _ready():
                                                                                                     #initialise data
                                                                                          func _process(delta):
                                                                                                     #move ship
                                                                                                     #for each asteroid
                                                                                                                  #move asteroid
                                                                                                                  #check if asteroid has hit ship.
                                                                                                     #speed up
                                                                                            Each of the comment lines (which start with a
                                                                                          hash) will be replaced in our final program with a block
                                                                                          of code. Like Python, GDScript uses indentation levels
                                                                                          to determine which block a particular line of code is in,
                                                                                          so it’s important to keep consistent in your use of tabs
                                                                                          or spaces when following this tutorial.
Godot is well documented
                              more asteroids by highlighting the asteroid sprite and        First we need to set up the variables. In GDScript,
on the project’s GitHub
wiki at   pressing Ctrl+D. You should spread the asteroids out        variables need to be declared using the var keyword,
okamstudio/godot/wiki.        across the scene, and place the spaceship sprite near       but only global variables need to be declared at the
                              the bottom edge. It should all look like figure 1.          start. Local variables (as you will see) can be declared
                                 As well as controlling graphics, a game engine           as and when they’re needed. To define the global
                              should usually help you get input from the user. In         variables we’ll use, change the #setup variables line to:
                              Godot this is done with named controls. This enables        var ship_size
                              you to create a specific action that you want the user      var ship_speed = 20
                              to be able to perform, then easily link it to different     var rock_speed = 20
                              input methods such as a keypress or joystick                  The two speed variables can be tweaked to change
                              movement. Our simple game has just two controls:            the gameplay if you like. The ship_size variable holds
                              left and right spaceship movements. To create these         the size of the ship, and we’ll use it later on when
                                                                  controls go to Scene    working out the interactions with the asteroids. It’s
                                                                  > Project Setting >     calculated in the _ready function, which is also used
“Like Python, GDScript uses                                       Input Map. In the       to start the _process running. Once this is set, Godot
indentation levels to determine                                   action box, enter       will continue to loop through the function until it’s
                                                                  move_left, then click   stopped. The ready function is:
which block a line of code is in.”                                Add. This will add an   func _ready():
                                                                  entry to the actions               ship_size = get_node(“ship”).get_texture().get_size()
                              list. Click on the plus icon next to the new action,        * get_node(“ship”).get_scale()
                              select key input and then press the key you want to                    set_process(true)
                              use to move the ship left. Once this is set up, repeat        As you can see, GDScript can interact with the
                              the procedure to create the move_right action.              nodes in the game using functions and methods to
                                                                                          get particular pieces of information. This can be used
                              All your sprites are belong to us                           to grab any of the properties of the node. In this case,
                              This is everything set up for our game. We just need to     we just need the size and scale of the ship sprite.
                              write the code to bring everything together.                  The last bit of our code is the _process function.
                                 GDScript is a dynamically-typed interpreted              Each time this runs, it gets passed a single parameter,
                              language loosely based on Python. You can use it to         which is the time it took to run the previous iteration
                              create scripts attached to nodes that run as callbacks      of the loop. We call this delta, and it’s used to calculate
                              when things happen, which means that the typical            how far to move the sprites. By using this value, we
                              game will be made up of many small scripts rather           can ensure that we keep moving at a fixed speed (in
                              than one large one. Our game, though, is so basic           terms of pixels per second) regardless of how fast the
                              that it’ll just be a single simple script, attached to      particular computer runs at.
                              the Node2D node called wholeGame. To create it,               The _process function will hold most of our game
                              highlight the wholeGame node in the scene list and          logic, but let’s just start with moving the ship. All we
                              click on the script icon (the stylised S on the right-      do in this bit of code is get the current position of
                              hand side of the toolbar). In the popup, you’ll need        the code, check that the ship isn’t on the edge of the
                              to enter a path (this can be the same as the game           screen and that the input button is pressed (based on
                              directory) then click on Create.                            the actions we set up earlier). If this is the case, then

                                                                                                                               GODOT TUTORIAL

we move it by the appropriate distance based on the
speed and the delta value. The code to do this is:
func _process(delta):
           var ship_pos = get_node(“ship”).get_pos()
           if (ship_pos.x > -30 and Input.is_action_
           if (ship_pos.x < 30 and Input.is_action_

           #move asteroid group
   This code is now complete enough to run (although
the program won’t do anything other than move the
ship). First you need to save the scene by going to
Scene > Save and giving the file a name. Once it’s                                    var rock_pos = rock.get_pos()
                                                                                                                                 The code editor is powerful
saved, you need to tell the game engine that this is the                              rock_pos.y = rock_pos.y + rock_
                                                                                                                                 enough for most purposes,
first scene you want the program to run. Go to Scene           speed*delta                                                       but you can edit the GD file
> Project Settings > General and edit the Main Scene                                  if (rock_pos.y > 35):                      in the text editor of your
attribute to the file you’ve just saved. With this all in                                         rock_pos.y = -35               choice if you prefer a more
place, you can press the Run icon at the top of the                                               rock_pos.x = randf()*60-30     customised programming
main window to run the game. You can stop the game                                    rock.set_pos(rock_pos)                     experience.
by either pressing the Stop icon or closing the game                                  #check for collisions
window.                                                        This moves the asteroid downwards, then checks if
                                                               it’s moved off the bottom of the screen. If it has, the
Asteroids!                                                     code moves the asteroid back to the top of the screen
With the ship now animated, the next task is to make           and sets it to a random position across the width of
the asteroids move. The easiest way to do this is              the screen (so that the pattern doesn’t just repeat).
to loop through all the asteroids, and in order to do              The ship and asteroids now move, but nothing
that, we need a way to select all the asteroid nodes.          actually happens if one of the asteroids hits the ship.
Godot enables us to do this by adding all the asteroid         In order to make the game work, we need some
nodes to a group. Go to the Scene tab, select the first        method of identifying whether a collision has taken
asteroid and click on the group icon (two intersecting         place. There are loads of ways of doing this, but we’re
circles). In the new dialog, you can enter a new               going to use a simple approximation. If the centre of
group name and click on Add (we called the group               an asteroid is inside the rectangle around the ship,
asteroids). Repeat this for each of the asteroid sprites.      we’ll consider it a collision. This means that there can
   The group enables us to iterate through the                 be a small overlap between the two and the ship will
asteroids using a for loop as shown in this code:              survive the near miss.
           #move asteroid group                                    Another thing we have to decide here is what
           for rock in get_tree().get_nodes_in_                happens if the ship hits an asteroid. In other words,
group(“asteroids”):                                            what is the gameplay? We decided to make the game
                                                               work by gradually speeding up the asteroids, making
                                                               it harder and harder to avoid them. Hitting one of the
  Deployment Share your creation                               asteroids returns the speed to the initial speed.
                                                                   This is done with two bits of code. The first to reset
  If you wish to share your games (or even sell them), Godot   the speed after a collision:
  can help. First, you need to make sure all the components
                                                               #check for collisions
  you’ve used are licensed for re-use in the way you plan
  to share your game. Godot itself is BSD licensed, so you                if (ship_rect.has_point(rock_pos)):
  can do whatever you want with games made using this                                  rock_speed = 20
  toolkit. Any graphics and other artefacts you use may have       The second goes at the end of the _process
  licences that restrict their use in some way.                function and increases rock_speed slightly each time
      Providing everything is OK, you can then export your
                                                               it runs:
  game for a wide variety of platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac
  OS X, HTML 5, iOS or Android). You need to get the export               #speed up
  templates from, and                     rock_speed+=0.02
  incorporate them into Godot by going to Settings > Install     That’s it! A fully functional, graphical space game in
  Export Templates. With this done, you can export the game    just 26 lines of simple GDScript.
  by pressing the Export button on the main screen. There’s
  some help on how to export on the Godot wiki:                 Ben Everard wrote a book about programming Python on the              Raspberry Pi once, and now he won’t shut up about it.


                               CODE NINJA:
                               BECOME A WEB SERVER
                               Delve deep into the heart of the web – and understand how it
                               works – by writing raw HTTP requests.

                                        he Hyper Text Transport Protocol, or HTTP as          distribution’s package manager if it’s not already in
 WHY DO THIS?                           it’s commonly known, is one of the most               there by default.
 • Gain a better                        widely used protocols. Almost every time you             TCP, like HTTP, is client–server. This means that one
   understanding of how
   the web works               visit a website, you start by entering HTTP which              machine (the server) must be set up to wait for a
 • Learn to use Netcat, the    signals that you’re trying to get a document via this          communication while the other machine (the client)
   Swiss Army knife of TCP     protocol. HTTP is so ubiquitous that even if you don’t         must initiate the communication. When you’re
   connections                 type this into your browser’s address bar, you’ll default      browsing the web, you are the client and the various
 • Strike up a conversation    to this protocol.                                              websites you visit are the servers. To use Netcat to get
   with web servers around
   the world                      One of the factors in HTTP becoming so popular is           content from a website, we must first establish a TCP
                               its simplicity. It’s incredibly easy to add HTTP support       connection with the server. You can do that with the
                               to your software. These days, that almost universally          following command:
                               comes from incorporating a library that handles                nc 80
                               details of the protocol, but even before there were                The number 80 at the end of the command refers
                               quality libraries available, it was simple to add HTTP.        to port 80. TCP uses ports to allow a single server to
                               We’ll take a look at how to interact with the protocol         host content on many different protocols. Ports are a
                               using just common command line tools.                          little like the flat or apartment number in a postal
                                  HTTP itself runs on top of Transmission Control             address. The domain name tells nc which machine to
                               Protocol (TCP), which is a method for connecting two           connect to just like an address tells a postman which
                               machines together over a network and providing a               building to go to. The port number tells nc what to
                               two-way data stream between them. We won’t get                 connect to on that machine just like the flat number
                               into the nitty-gritty of TCP here; instead we’ll use a         tells a postman which place to deliver the letter. The
                               program that can create a TCP connection and enable            sysadmin can put any piece of software they like at
                               us to use it from the Linux command line. Netcat (nc)          any port, just like the building manager can put
                               is the easiest option for this and should be in your           anyone in any flat.

                                                                                              Pass the port
                                                                                              HTTP servers usually listen on port 80, while (for
                                                                                              example) SSH servers usually listen on port 22.
                                                                                              There’s nothing special about these numbers other
                                                                                              than the convention. You can start an HTTP server on
                                                                                              any other port if you wish to (and we’ll see how this
                                                                                              works a little later).
                                                                                                 Running the command won’t do anything obvious.
                                                                                              In the terminal you should just see a blank line appear
                                                                                              under the text. In the background, nc has made a TCP
                                                                                              connection to port 80 on Since HTTP
                                                                                              is client–server based, the server is still waiting for us
                                                                                              (the client) to tell it what we want. HTTP is a text-
                                                                                              based protocol which is human readable, so we can
                                                                                              type commands into this session. The following will
                                                                                              get the main page from the Linux Voice website:
                                                                                              GET / HTTP/1.1
                                                                                                GET is the HTTP verb. It tells the server that we
                                                                                              want information. You can also send information to
                                                                                              the server using the POST verb, which is what
If you open developer tools in Firefox and click on Console, you can see all the HTTP         happens usually when you submit a form online. The
requests that have been used to render the page. Clicking on one of the entries in the list   forward slash after the GET is the content that we
will open the details of the request and response headers.                                    want (in this case, the main page). We then tell the

                                                                                                                          NINJA CODING

server that we’re talking to version 1.1 of the HTTP
protocol. In this version of HTTP, the Host parameter
is mandatory, so on the next line, we set that to the
host we’re querying. This might seem odd since we’re
connecting to this host; however, it’s common
practice to host more than one domain on a single
machine, so this makes sure that the web server
knows which domain we’re requesting.
   This is called the HTTP request header. It’s all the
details that you send to the server. In the real world,
headers are usually more complex than this. They can
include, for example, cookie values and details of
which compression algorithms the browser accepts.
   After you’ve typed this, press Enter twice and you
should then get a response from the server. The first
part of this response will be the HTTP response
header, which contains all the details about the
information being sent back. It should be something
like the following:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                             HTTP 2 can run much faster than HTTP 1.x. Put the two protocols to the test yourself at
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2015 12:38:02 GMT               
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked                                  what port to use. Once this is done, you’ll see the
Connection: keep-alive                                      request header appear in the Netcat session.
Last-Modified: Tue, 01 Sep 2015 12:28:03 GMT                  There are two crucial elements in the response
ETag: W/”22407c-be87-51eaeae6bdac0”                         header: the response code and the content type. After
Cache-Control: max-age=3, must-revalidate                   the header, there is a blank line, then the content itself.
Expires: Tue, 01 Sep 2015 12:28:45 GMT                      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept-Encoding,Cookie                                Content-type: text/html
Server: cloudflare-nginx
CF-RAY: 21f107aae1290a90-LHR                                <h1>Hello World!<h1>
  The first line includes the status code for the              After pressing
response. 200 means that the server has processed
the response correctly; anything else is an error code.
                                                            Return on the final line,
                                                            hit Ctrl+C to kill the
                                                                                       “The manual approach to HTTP
404 (content not found) is the most famous HTTP             TCP connection, and        can be useful for debugging
error code, but there are others. Much of the rest of
the response header gives details about how the page
                                                            this will let the browser
                                                            know that the full page
                                                                                       errors in web servers.”
was served by the server. Below this, you’ll see the        has loaded so it can be
content of the web page. Note that a single request         rendered.
will only receive a single response so it’s up to the web      This manual approach to HTTP isn’t just an
browser to make additional requests for images, CSS,        academic exercise: it can also be useful for debugging
scripts, etc.                                               errors in web servers. Going down this route, you have
                                                            much more visibility of what’s going on, and subtle
Switching roles                                             errors can be more obvious.
Let’s flip sides now and take a look at what it takes to       There are lots more bits that can be used in HTTP
create a HTTP server. This time, we’ll use nc to listen     (most notably compression and encryption), but at its
on a particular port and respond to a request from a        heart, it’s a simple text-based protocol. While this was
web browser. When we requested a web page, we               a big advantage when small amounts of data were
requested it from port 80, since that’s the port that’s     being sent over networks, these days there are
usually used for HTTP. However, it’s possible that          libraries to handle all the complexity and large
something’s already serving HTTP through port 80 on         amounts of documents being sent. The initial trade
your machine and only one program can use a port at         off of simplicity over performance is no longer seen as
a time. Just to be safe, we’ll serve our HTTP on port       a good option. The latest version of the protocol,
1500, though you can use a different port if you wish.      HTTP 2, is more complex and binary rather than
You can start Netcat listening on this port with the -l     text-based. Simple clients and servers like the ones
flag to listen and -p1500 to set the port:                  we’ve used here won’t work with HTTP 2, although
nc -l -p 1500                                               similar things will still be happening at a lower level.
  This won’t do anything until we request content.          With the adoption of HTTP 2, a little bit of the
You can do this by pointing your browser to http://         readability of the web is dying, so have a chat with a
localhost:1500. The colon 1500 tells the browser            web browser or server while you still can.


                           SMALLTALK: THE ORIGINAL
                           OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGE
                           Meet the grandfather of the Scratch visual programming language
                           and remember – everything is an object.

                                   malltalk, famously, was the result of a bet. Alan   object-orientation as being a way of scaling things
                                   Kay, working at Xerox PARC in the early 70s,        easily: if everything is an object, you can easily create
                                   had been thinking about Simula (the first           whole virtual machines engaging with one another
                           object-oriented language, created for doing                 via messages. Kay has described objects as “real
                           simulations, and itself based on ALGOL 60), FLEX, and       computers all the way down”, able to represent
                           LISP. He’d been constructing the basic ideas behind         anything at any point.
                           Smalltalk for a while, but hadn’t actually gotten into         Smalltalk stayed inside PARC for the rest of
                           implementing it. Kay asserted, in a discussion with         the decade, evolving over the years to include a
                           Dan Ingalls and Ted Kaehler, that you could define “the     development environment, enabling the coder to
                           most powerful language in the world” in “a page of          browse code libraries (included in Smalltalk-76) and
                           code” (about the same as McCarthy’s self-describing         inspect objects. This was a brand-new idea, and it
                           LISP interpreter). They challenged him to prove it. Kay     was dependent on the existence of a GUI (graphical
                           set to work, from 4am to 8am daily for the next couple      user interface). The Xerox PARC team had created a
                           of weeks. During the second week, a working version,        GUI for the Xerox Alto in 1973. The majority of modern
                           Smalltalk 71, had emerged. And a few days after that,       GUIs derive from this; and it meant that Smalltalk
                           Dan Ingalls had coded it up in BASIC and had it             could have a visual IDE in an era when coding was
                           working, albeit very, very slowly; and from there, they     otherwise strictly text-based. Dan Ingalls was centrally
                           just kept going.                                            involved in this development of Smalltalk into a usable
                              The idea of message-passing is fundamental to            language with a good user interface, and Alan Kay
                           the concept of object-oriented programming; and             has written a fantastic and detailed article on its early
                           Smalltalk was really the first general OO language          history (
                           (Simula was quite specialised), and certainly the           EarlyHistoryST.html).
                           first popular one. In Smalltalk, everything, and I really      Early projects included a text editor (which could
                           do mean everything is an object, and the only way           also handle multimedia); data retrieval; music
                           to engage with an object is to exchange messages            synthesiser; score capturing; and animations.
                           with it. (Kay, in fact, felt that the message-passing       Smalltalk could do pretty much anything.
                           aspect was more important than the object aspect.)
                           Everything is of the same fundamental type, and             Smalltalk in the wild
Alan Kay with a Dynabook   everything communicates in the same fundamental             The first Smalltalk to escape into the wider world was
mockup (image CC-BY 2.0,   way. You can’t reach in and change things; you have         Smalltalk-80, which was given out for implementation
Magnus Manske).            to message them. It’s an elegant idea. Kay saw              on non-Xerox platforms, and to get some more
                                                                                       feedback. An image was released more widely in
                                                                                       1983. After that, various versions went off in slightly
                                                                                       different directions. We’ll be using Squeak, an open-
                                                                                       source implementation derived from Smalltalk-80
                                                                                       version 1, firstly by a group at Apple (who produced
                                                                                       Apple Smalltalk), and then by the same group at Walt
                                                                                       Disney Imagineering. Kay has been a contributor to
                                                                                       the project.
                                                                                          It’s worth noting that Kay is on record as saying
                                                                                       that he thinks Smalltalk to some extent got stuck
                                                                                       in 1972 when they had a helpful working system at
                                                                                       just the point when it was most needed. He says
                                                                                       that improvements after that were pragmatic ones,
                                                                                       whereas when he was initially thinking theoretically
                                                                                       about Smalltalk there were many other ideas that
                                                                                       were abandoned. He says he doesn’t much rate any
                                                                                       modern language including Smalltalk; in particular,
                                                                                       he is disappointed that the perfectly-scaling virtual

                                                                                                                       SMALLTALK CODING

                                                                Kay and the Dynabook
                                                                There were a lot of ideas flying around at       you can write apps for Android or iOS, but
                                                                Xerox PARC in the 70s, and Alan Kay was          you have to do it on a ‘proper’ computer and
                                                                involved with many of them. One idea I found     upload; you can’t fiddle directly with the code
                                                                particularly fascinating was the Dynabook:       that you’re running on the device itself. Kay,
                                                                Kay’s version of the iPad, but in 1972. His      in a 2010 interview (www.tomshardware.
                                                                paper is available online (        com/news/alan-kay-steve-jobs-ipad-
                                                                diplom/gui/kay72.html) and well worth a          iphone,10209.html), talks a bit about this
                                                                read, but basically what he was describing       and about how he feels it misses what’s
                                                                was a portable interactive device with a         special about computers as tools.
                                                                network connection, which could be used             Kay at one point in his paper says: “On
                                                                for writing, reading, sharing, playing games,    the other hand, the computer also aids in
                                                                coding, and (most importantly for Kay)           the formation of skills concerning ‘thinking’:
                                                                learning. Kay’s description of adults using      strategies and tactics, planning, observation
                                                                his imagined Dynabook is intimately familiar     of casual chains, debugging and refinement,
Alan Kay circa 1974 – copyright Alan Kay. -
                                                                to a 2015 owner of a smartphone or tablet.       etc. Rarely does a child have a chance to
                                                                And lots of the ideas around touchscreens        practice these skills in an environment that
                                                                and GUIs in use today arose from the same        is patient, covert and fun!”. At their best,
internet of machine objects he was thinking of back
                                                                research projects. The Dynabook, sadly,          tablets do provide exactly that for children
then never arose.                                               never made it to development as described.       (and adults!); and they’re not passive in the
                                                                   The big difference – and it is an important   way that TV, for example, can be. But Kay
Hello World                                                     one – between the Dynabook and a modern          was right that more ability to engage directly
You may be able to install Squeak via your package              tablet is that Kay described a machine that      with the code would be a big improvement.
                                                                was fundamentally programmable by the            You can at least get Squeak and eToys on
manager if you want to try it out, but we found it
                                                                user. Modern tablets don’t offer that. Sure,     tablets now, so perhaps there is hope yet.
easier to download the all-in-one Zip file from the
website. (Debian has the squeak-vm package
available, but you need to download a Squeak image              You can edit the button label by right-clicking and
from somewhere anyway to use that, and when we                choosing “Change label”; you’ll see that there are also
tried it, it wanted sources too.) Unzip it, go into the       other options available.
new directory, and run ./
   The Squeak IDE will appear: a blank screen with a          Creating a to-do list
few coloured tabs around the edges and some menus             We’re going to start writing a basic to-do list now, to
up top. First, create a new project, with the Projects >      try out some more features of Squeak. Open up a new
New Project > Morphic Project menu option. For now,           Morphic project and put this code into the Workspace:
click anywhere on the window to get a World menu.             | todoList item |
Choose Workspace, then Transcript. You now have a             todoList := OrderedCollection new.
Workspace window, in which you can write code, and            item := ‘Finish article’.
a Transcript window in which code results and errors          todoList add: item.
will appear.                                                  Transcript show: (todoList at: 1).
   Type this in the Workspace window:                             This creates an OrderedCollection, adds a string to             Hello World! There’s also
Transcript show: ‘Hello World’.                               it, and outputs that string to the Transcript window.               a System Browser window
    Squeak commands end with a full stop; use single          The first line declares two temporary variables,                    open in the Squeak IDE.
quotes not double, as double quotes in Squeak are
used to surround comments. Right-click, choose ‘do
it’, and you’ll see the output in the Transcript window.
    This demonstrates basic Squeak syntax: object
message. Here, Transcript is the object, and show:
‘Hello World’ is the message, which in this case is a
method, show, and a string argument.
    Let’s try using the Objects tab to edit a button. Click
on Objects, and drag a Button onto your workspace.
Middle-click to get the halo of actions around it, and
click on the light green one. This shows the script for
this button. Click on the little square to toggle from
‘tile’ mode to ‘text’ mode, and edit the code to read:
  Transcript show: ‘Hello World’.
   Right-click and choose ‘accept’, then clicking the
button and Hello World will show in the Transcript
window. Note that you can’t revert to tile mode
without losing these changes (tile mode is more
limited than text mode).


                                                                                                              You can also add a comment (good practice!).
                                                                                                           We’ve created a subclass of BorderedMorph (morphs
                                                                                                           are graphical objects used in the Morphic graphics
                                                                                                           system), and named it ToDoList. We’ve also added a
                                                                                                           mouseAction instance variable (that is, a variable that
                                                                                                           exists in each instance of the class), which allows us
                                                                                                           to have class methods that react to mouse actions.
                                                                                                           Right-click and click on ‘accept’ to save the changes.
                                                                                                              Now create a method to initialise the list. Highlight
                                                                                                           the new class, then click on ‘all’ in the next window
                                                                                                           along. This gives you a method outline. Replace it with
                                                                                                              | item item2 |
                                                                                                              super initialize.
                                                                                                              itemTextList := OrderedCollection new.
                                                                                                              itemList := OrderedCollection new.
                                                                                                              item := ‘First thing to do’.
                                                                                                              item2 := ‘Second thing to do’.
Trying out code in the
                                   todoList and item. Other than that, it’s pretty                            itemTextList add: item; add: item2.
Workspace, and using
the System Browser for             straightforward; notice that OrderedCollection is                          This sets up our object. The first line declares two
information. Note the              indexed from 1, not from 0. To find out more about the                  local variables, and the second calls up to the parent
errors showing up in               OrderedCollection methods, or about any other class,                    initialize method (almost always a good idea). We
Transcript from previous           click on the workspace and open a browser to see all                    then set up two OrderedCollections, one to hold
tries.                             the available classes. You can right-click to search.                   a text representation of the list, and the second to
                                      However, a better idea is to create a new class to                   hold the list items as objects. When you save, you’ll
                                   hold our to do list. Open up the System Browser to                      need to declare these as instances. We then create
                                   see all the available Squeak classes. Right-click on the                two strings and add them to the text list (this is for
                                   category pane (far left), and choose ‘Add item’. Name                   demonstration purposes and would come out in later
     PRO TIP                       your new category (eg ToDo) and hit Accept. The                         stages of developing this code).
 Xerox PARC, and other             category is now in the list, but without any members.                      Next, let’s create an ‘item’ class, ToDoItem, to
 ARPA-funded research                 The template in the bottom pane is the class editing                 present our items, in the same way as we created
 institutions at the
 time, had an impact on            pane. This template describes a method that sends                       ToDoList:
 some hugely important             a subclass message to the Object class, with the                        SimpleButtonMorph subclass: #ToDoItem
 computing developments.           parameter #NameOfSubclass. This tells the Object                          instanceVariableNames: ‘mouseAction cellHeight’
 (ARPANET was one of the
 precursors of the internet,       class to create a new subclass of itself with that                        classVariableNames: ‘’
 and developed TCP/IP.)            name. You can also subclass other classes if you                          poolDictionaries: ‘’
                                   want to be more specific. Edit the template like this:                    category: ‘ToDoList’
                                   BorderedMorph subclass: #ToDoList                                          We also need an initialise method for this class:
                                     instanceVariableNames: ‘mouseAction’                                  initialize
                                     classVariableNames: ‘’                                                   super initialize.
                                     poolDictionaries: ‘’                                                     self label: ‘’.
                                     category: ‘ToDoList’                                                     self borderWidth: 5.

  The Squeak IDE
  Smalltalk pretty much invented the IDE, so it’s not       two are sometimes swapped, so experiment.
  surprising that Squeak is an IDE-only language.              When you start a new project, you’ll see various
  (You can run ‘headless’ servers for some Smalltalk        tabs on the screen edges. The Objects tab gives
  versions, and it is possible to hack a Squeak image       you objects (like buttons and arrows) that you can
  to use from the command line, but the default             drag into the screen; Tools, Widgets, and Supplies
  image doesn’t allow it.) Compared to modern               are specific Object subsets, which, again, can all be
  IDEs, it can look and feel a little clunky, but the       dragged onto the screen to instantiate them. Right-
  functionality works fine.                                 click and choosing ‘inspect’ or ‘explore’ on a new
     Squeak assume that you have a three-button             object will show you information about it, including
  mouse, and will map key combinations as                   a code window at the bottom where you can try
  necessary to fake this if you don’t. Left-click is used   out code. This tutorial will focus on coding using
  for selecting, and if you left-click on the workspace     the System Browser, which enables you to add
  you get a global menu. Right-click usually brings up      classes and code in a more flexible (and likely more
  an options menu, and middle-click (try Alt+click or       familiar) way; but it’s possible to do a lot using the
  Ctrl+click if you don’t have a middle button) brings      Morphic graphics system, and it’s worth playing
  up the ‘halo’ of buttons around an object; but these      around a bit with it.                                    The Squeak window, with the Object tab open.

                                                                                                                       SMALLTALK CODING

  self width: 50.
  self height: self cellHeight.
  color := Color paleBlue.
  self useSquareCorners.
   Most of these methods belong to the parent class,
SimpleButtonMorph, and you can find out more
about them using the System Browser. However,
if you try to save this, you’ll get an error telling you
that Squeak doesn’t know about cellHeight. Choose
‘declare instance’ to declare this as an instance
variable, then add another new method:
   ^value means ‘return value’. This is the
recommended way to deal with instance variables
in Squeak: create a class method to return them. It
would be a good idea to deal with the hard-coded
values for borderWidth and width similarly.
   So far, we have no connection between ToDoItem
and ToDoList. Let’s go back to ToDoList and create a
                                                                                                                            List showing in top
method to fix that:                                             setLabel has a single argument (message), and
                                                                                                                            left; note debug lines
createList                                                    uses this to set its label. It also resets the cell height    in Transcript window.
  | origin |                                                  as otherwise it will rescale to fit the label, and we want    Squeak also has a proper
  origin := 50.                                               our cells to stack up neatly so they need to be the           debugger.
  itemTextList                                                same height.
     doWithIndex: [:each :i |                                   Finally, we need a method to show the list in the
     | itemCell |                                             workspace, again in ToDoList:
     itemCell := ToDoItem new.                                showList
     itemCell setLabel: each.                                   itemList do: [:each | each openInWorld ].
     itemCell position: origin @ (origin * i).                  This uses do to iterate over each item in the list and
     itemList add: itemCell. ]                                show it in the workspace using openInWorld; the code
   This uses one of the standard methods for indexed          structure is the same as doWithIndex.
collections, doWithIndex. It iterates over the collection,      To create and show the list automatically, add a
returning each item and its index one by one (there’s         couple of lines to ToDoList initialize:
also do, which just iterates over any collection without      initialize
an index), and then applies the code within square               ... code as before ...
brackets to each item in turn.                                   self createList.
   In the bracketed code block, we first deal with the           self showList.
two variables which doWithIndex returns on each                  Try running it in the workspace with these lines:
iteration, labelling them [:each :i]. This section of         | myList |
the code block is divided from the actual performed           myList := ToDoList new.
code by a pipe (|). The first line of performed code             As ever, this is just a starter, to give you the idea of
creates a new local variable, itemCell, which is a            how Smalltalk works. There’s a lot more you could do
new ToDoItem. We then use each (the text returned             with this project, if you want to experiment more, such
by the iterator) as the cell label, and use the index         as:
to set the position. position refers to the top-left             Add a mouse action to the list cells.
corner of the morph, and x @ y gives a point that is             Write a method to add a new list item.
x pixels along and y down from the top-left corner of            Write methods to edit and delete list items.
the whole Squeak workspace. Here we use a fixed                  Find out how to store the list between invocations.
value (50) to shift the list to the right, and then that         Check out the excellent Squeak By Example
fixed value multiplied by the index to stack the items        (available free online or as a download) for more
underneath one another. This must be the same value           information on Squeak code, which could help you
as cellHeight to work properly; try editing the code to       with all of the above. And if you have kids, or even if
use that value explicitly.) Finally, we add the cell to the   you don’t, you can check out Etoys or Scratch, both
OrderedCollection of item objects.                            Smalltalk-based coding projects aimed at children.
   We haven’t yet written the setLabel method in              (Even two- or three-year-olds can engage with Scratch
ToDoItem. Here it is:                                         on a tablet.) Morph on…
setLabel: text
  self label: text.                                            Juliet Kemp is a scary polymath, and is the author of
                                                               Apress’s Linux System Administration Recipes.
  self height: self cellHeight.


Valentine Sinitsyn develops
high-loaded services and
teaches students completely
unrelated subjects. He also has
a KDE developer account that
he’s never really used.                  Prise the back off Linux and find out what really makes it tick.

Network tunnelling
Establish ad-hoc secure connections over untrusted networks with OpenSSH.

     nternet of Things” is your new                        compromised. It is also ubiquitous, and                       all data to remote party. So, the CRM guys
     smartphone: first a toy, then a                       you’ll hardly find a Linux box without the                    generated a pair of keys and we set up a key-
     convenience, and finally a necessity.                 sshd daemon running.                                          based authentication (see the boxout). Then
Imagine one day you go to work and realise                                                                               the customer’s administrator forwarded all
you forgot to turn the iron off. With an                   Down the rabbit hole                                          SSH traffic from his NAT firewall/router to
old-style appliance, that’s a problem. With a              Some years ago, I worked for a company                        the PBX box. Finally, the CRM box made an
smart one, you just Telnet into it from your               developing a small office PBX solution.                       SSH connection to the PBX box, and the
smartphone and tell it to switch off. Brilliant!           Naturally, we used Linux and Asterisk as a                    CRM software connected to a local TCP port
   Well, not exactly, if the guy next to you               base. The PBX was usually installed behind                    thinking that Asterisk was listening there. In
can switch your iron back on from his                      the firewall, and the Asterisk Management                     fact, Asterisk was running 1,000 miles away,
smartphone. And that’s essentially what                    Interface (AMI) socket was not accessible                     but it was happy to accept that the client
network tunnelling is all about. You want                  from the outside. However, one of our                         connections came from the localhost.
your internal hosts (not necessary irons!)                 customers used a cloud CRM solution, and                         There are several things to note in
accessible over public networks, but still                 he wanted some sort of Asterisk integration                   this setup. First, the port opened in the
private. There are numerous ways to get                    via AMI.                                                      customer’s firewall wasn’t 22/tcp. This
this in Linux. We’ll stick to OpenSSH, and                    That was a good use case for SSH port                      helps to keep away bots that scan common
for a good reason. SSH is strong enough                    forwarding. Port forwarding is a way to bind                  services like SSH, trying to brute-force
for you not to worry about privacy being                   SSH to a local port that securely forwards                    them. It’s harmless unless you use weak
                                                                                                                         passwords (you shouldn’t), but creates noise
                                                                                   sshd                                  in the logs. So, forwarding a non-standard
                                                                                                                         port is a somewhat standard trick; you can
   ssh -L                                                                             also consider tools like fail2ban to harden
                                                 Encrypted SSH channel                                                   things even further. Second, only one port
                                                                                                                         was forwarded on the firewall, but it gave the
                                                                                                                         CRM box the potential to access the whole
                                                                                                                         of the customer’s network. Sometimes you
     Local network traffic

                                                                                                 Local network traffic

                                                                                                                         want just that, but in our case that was a
                                                                                                    mostly negative side-effect.
                                                                                                                            A key to this type of “point-to-point”
                                                                                                                         tunnelling is the -L switch. A typical
                                                                                                                         invocation looks like this:
                                                                                                                         $ ssh -L 5038: -f -N
                                                                                                                            No root permissions are required unless
                                                                                                                         you bind to a privileged port. The first
                                                                                                                         number is a port to bind at the local side,
                                                                                                   followed by the remote host’s address and
                                                                                                                         port. Note that ports do not need to be the
                                                                                               same: -L 5555: would work
                                                                                                                         fine, too.
                                                                                                                            You can also specify the local IP address
Two SSH boxes act like intermediaries for machines wanting a secure point-to-point connection.                           to bind to: -L


0.1:5038. This can be useful on a multi-
homed machine, or if you’d like to share a
tunnel with another box on a local network.
Alternatively, you can leave out the bind
address and use the -g command line
switch. In the example above, if the box
next to you (say, connects to                    SOCKS Client                                        Proxy, it will be really speaking                  (                                (
to `` over a secure channel.                                           CONNECT
Naturally, you’ll need to allow incoming
connections from the local network                                             OK, use                            Allocate port 10000,
to, port 5038/tcp, in the                                                                                              connect to
system’s firewall first.                                                            ...FTP commands...
   Finally, you can play the same trick
at the remote side. Say, if you use -L
5038:, SSH will forward
your connections to host, port
5038/tcp, over the remote network. With
all four pieces in place, you can easily build
a point-to-point tunnel between two hosts,
using SSH boxes as intermediates.                                                   PORT
   The -f and -N flags are popular
companions to -L. The former tells SSH                                                  ...FTP data...
to fork and release the terminal. The
latter prevents it from executing remote
commands, so you can use a shell-less                    An artificial SOCKS-proxied FTP session. SOCKS messages are in black, FTP messages are in green.
account to forward ports.
   This is how you create a tunnel between               chooses one and replies, then the                             It can also work another way around
two endpoints known a priori. But what if you            authentication process occurs. In simplest                with a BIND request. In this case, the
want to decide on remote party “in flight”?              case, no authentication is performed. Note                client informs the proxy which address
                                                         that there is also no built-in encryption.                and port it will listen on. The proxy replies
Knitting socks                                             Next, the client normally sends a                       with the address and port that the client
In the preceding example, sshd was                       CONNECT request. It specifies the                         should advertise to the remote party. All
effectively running as a proxy. So if there              destination address (IPv4/IPv6 or even a                  traffic coming from the outside to a proxy-
were a way to proxy an arbitrary TCP                     domain name like and                  allocated port is relayed to the client. This
connection, we’d be all set.                             TCP port that the client wants to connect                 way, SOCKS can support active-mode FTP
   One solution is known as SOCKS (short                 through the proxy. SOCKS v5 adds UDP                      and alike.
for SOCK-et-S), and moreover, it’s an internet           support, but won’t touch it. Then, the proxy                  Many popular clients applications,
standard.                                                connects to this endpoint. If it succeeds,                including the Firefox web browser (and, with
   SOCKS proxies usually listen on port                  the client receives the reply saying which IP             minor issues, Chromium), the Thunderbird
1080/tcp. A client opens a connection to                 address and port should be used to talk to                email client, the Pidgin IM client and many
this port and sends a handshake message                  the desired server. Now, all traffic coming               others, already come with SOCKS support.
containing the list of authentication                    to the proxy-allocated port is relayed to the             It is also quite easy to find an anonymous
methods that it supports. The proxy                      remote party.                                             SOCKS proxy in any location around the
                                                                                                                   globe. Many websites provide up-to-date
                                                                                                                   anonymous proxy lists either gratis or for
  Password-less SSH
                                                                                                                   a subscription fee. You may use them to
  In the simplest case, SSH uses password-based          probably cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remoteuser@          improve privacy (albeit Tor would probably
  authentication. However, it’s neither convenient       hostname ‘cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys’. Close           do better) or to circumvent government/
  nor very secure. Key-based authentication is           the SSH session and try again - you should now
                                                                                                                   organisational restrictions, eg to access a
  often a better approach. With it, your private key     connect without any password prompt. If this fails,
  is your identity, and you can have as many of          check that the keypair files and ~/.ssh/authorized_       resource that is otherwise unavailable where
  them as you want. Private keys are usually also        keys have the correct permissions. The private key        you are. (The legal consequences of doing
  passphrase-protected, but there are workarounds        should be only owner-readable, and neither file           this are always on you.)
  (see Command of the Month), so you can enjoy a         should be group writable.                                     Other programs may not come with
  pure password-less authentication.                        If you have multiple identities, use ssh -i to
                                                                                                                   SOCKS support built-in. But the trick is that
     First, run ssh-keygen -t rsa to generate an SSH     choose the correct one. Alternatively, add this:
  keypair. If you already have a default identity (~/.   Host hostname
                                                                                                                   SOCKS maps well to socket API functions
  ssh/id_rsa), add the -f switch to store the new         User remoteuser                                          (LV006). For example, CONNECT is
  keypair under a different name.                         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_remoteuser                    connect(3) and BIND is bind(3). So you can
     Now, transfer the *public* key to the host you      to ~/.ssh/config. Now, plain ssh hostname should          override these functions with their SOCKS-
  are going to connect to. The simplest way is           suffice.
                                                                                                                   aware counterparts via the LD_PRELOAD


                                                                                                  that this is the case, run tshark or any other
                                                                                                  sniffer of your liking and try to open a web
                                                                                                  page. If all you see are encrypted packets
                                                                                                  between you and the remote SSH box,
                                                                                                  everything is fine. Occasional DNS requests
                                                                                                  mean that Remote DNS is probably off.
                                                                                                     This way, you can regain your privacy over
                                                                                                  an insecure connection. But even if you are
                                                                                                  on a trusted network, there are times you
                                                                                                  may want to access intranet resources like
                                                                                                  your company wiki, which are not available
                                                                                                  from the outside. Usually, field workers use
                                                                                                  VPNs for these purposes (and we’ll also
                                                                                                  discuss it shortly). But if you can SSH into
                                                                                                  your office box (running Linux – what else?),
                                                                                                  you already have all you need.
                                                                                                     When you’re done with the tunnel, use kill
With SSH escape sequences, you can destroy port forwardings and create new ones at run time.      $(pidof ssh) to terminate it.

trick we discussed back in LV018. Dante          that there is no SOCKS-level authentication      Ad-hoc VPN
(, which is a free (as         in SSH. Unless you want to share the tunnel      Linux has plenty of VPN solutions.
in speech) SOCKS server and client library       with nearby machines (which is unlikely),        A de facto standard is probably OpenVPN
implementation for Unix, comes with the          bind to and make sure it’s properly    (, which is easy to deploy,
socksify script, which works just this way.      firewalled.                                      works well across NATs and is, of course,
It should be available in your distribution’s       You can combine our old friends -f and -N,    free. However you must still have it installed
repositories as dante or dante-client. When      with -D the same way you do for -L. Given        and configured at both sides before using.
it’s installed, try:                             all of these, a typical command line can look    Generally, this is not a problem, but
$ SOCKS_SERVER=<address:port> socksify wget      like this:                                       sometimes you may want an ad hoc VPN
<url>                                            $ ssh -f -N -D            without any additional software. For these
wget doesn’t support SOCKS natively, but            Now let’s make our client applications        cases, it’s good to know that OpenSSH also
this request should go via the SOCKS proxy       use the tunnel. In Firefox and Thunderbird,      has built-in VPN capabilities.
specified.                                       navigate to Edit > Preferences > Advanced,          This works by creating TUN/TAP
                                                 choose Network (or Network & Disk Space          network interfaces on both sides of an SSH
Dynamic port forwarding                          in Thunderbird) and open Connection              connection. TUN/TAP interfaces are virtual
Imagine you’re on a public Wi-Fi                                                                            devices designed for userspace
hotspot. Such networks are usually
unencrypted, so anyone with the
                                        “You may just be reading the news,                                  networking; TUN is useful for IP
                                                                                                            TUNnelling, while TAP works with
wit to use Kismet can sniff your        but why tolerate a stranger looking                                 raw Ethernet frames. Both use
traffic. You may think HTTPS
protects you, and it’s certainly true,
                                              over your shoulder?”                                          /dev/net/tun device: what you write
                                                                                                            to it appears as an IP datagram in
but there are nuances. First, it                                                                            tunX virtual network interface, and
doesn’t cover DNS requests. This means           Settings. You should see the dialog shown        vice versa. To make the ssh command open
anyone can know which sites you are              in the screenshot, right. Switch to Manual       a TUN/TAP device, use the -w command-line
visiting, and it’s bad for privacy. You may be   Proxy Configuration, fill in the “SOCKS          switch. The exact type of the device depends
just skimming news, but why tolerate a           Host” with and “Port” with 1080.
stranger reading over your shoulder?             Leave the SOCKS v5 Switch option as it
                                                                                                    A secret control panel
   Again, Linux comes with the solution.         is, and ensure the other proxy fields are
OpenSSH can act as a SOCKS v5 proxy,             empty. Newer Firefox releases will also have       Now you’d probably agree that OpenSSH has
                                                                                                    many hidden gems. There is one more for you:
albeit feature-limited: it provides no           “Remote DNS” checkbox in this dialog. Turn
                                                                                                    escape sequences.
authentication and implements the                it on, or your DNS traffic will go outside the        Sometimes, an SSH session just hangs and
CONNECT method only. However, since it           tunnel unencrypted (not what you want).            Ctrl+C doesn’t help. When this happens, press
uses the SSH channel as a transport, it’s        With Thunderbird, or older Firefox versions,       Enter then type ~.. This will force a disconnect.
automatically encrypted and secure.              open the Config Editor (also known as              Typing ~? brings the list of supported
                                                                                                    escape sequences. You can move SSH to the
   To enable it, simply add the -D switch to     about:config) and make sure ‘network.proxy.
                                                                                                    background if you forgot the -f flag with ~^Z
the ssh command line. Officially, this feature   socks_remote_dns’ is set to true. If you find      or list currently forwarded connections (~#),
is called “dynamic application-level port        yourself changing these settings too often,        among other things. ~C opens a command line
forwarding”, so the abbreviation does make       consider using one of the proxy switching          where you can create new port forwards or
sense. You should also specify a port that       add-ons available for Firefox.                     cancel current ones. The syntax is similar to
                                                                                                    SSH itself, eg -D [bind address]:port, and you
the proxy will listen on, and (optionally) the      Now you should have all your web traffic
                                                                                                    can get a full reference with the help command.
local address it should bind to. Remember        forwarded through the tunnel. To check


on the TunnelDevice configuration option.
For simplicity, we’ll stick to TUN, which is
the default and should work well unless you
want broadcasting or non-IP protocols. -w
accepts the interface number to create on
the local, and (optionally) the remote side;
use any if you don’t care. On the server side,
set PermitTunnel to yes in sshd_config
and make sure the user you connect as can
create TUN devices (see tunctl(8)).
  To make the setup usable, you’ll also need
to configure IP addresses at both sides. This
means the -N switch is no longer suitable.
Also, as network configuration is a privileged
operation, you’ll need sudo (or similar) on
both parties. A typical command to create
an SSH-based VPN would then be:
ssh -w 0:0 -f \
   -o PermitLocalCommand=yes \
   -o LocalCommand=’sudo ip addr add peer dev tun0; sudo ip
link set up dev tun0’ \ \
   ‘sudo ip addr add peer
dev tun0; sudo ip link set up dev tun0’
   We request tunnel device (tun0)
forwarding with -w. For this to succeed,
the tun kernel module must be loaded, and
the tun0 device shouldn’t be up at either
side. Then we override two configuration
options (PermitLocalCommand and
LocalCommand), so ssh will execute the
ip command locally upon successful
connection. This is to configure the local
tun0 interface. is just a
stub; you should use real user/host name
here. Finally, a similar ip invocation occurs
at the remote side to configure the tun0
device there. TUN interfaces are assigned              You may need to use the Config Editor when using Mozilla-based products with a SOCKS proxy.
addresses from the
network (which was chosen arbitrarily).
   You may also want to add routes to                  similar to what we had in SOCKS case.              accessing the internet through the remote
make a remote network accessible from                  The difference is that now there are no            network, while VPNs are designed for giving
your place via OpenSSH VPN. This sounds                intermediates. SOCKS works best for                access to the remote network itself.

Command of the month: ssh-agent
Typing a private key passphrase each time              -c or -t switches are used. These enable           the beginning of a user session, from the
is annoying and undermines the very idea of            confirmations and key storage timeout,             xinitrc or bash_login scripts. It prints shell
password-less logins. On the other hand,               respectively. To list keys (or identities) known   commands to set up the environment,
ditching passphrases altogether hurts                  to the agent, use ssh-add -L.                      which are evaled. Alternatively, ssh-agent
security. ssh-agent is a small program that               ssh-agent` creates a Unix domain socket         can run as a session’s parent, so the
tries to resolve this. It stores your private          and stores its path in the SSH_AUTH_SOCK           variables are inherited.
keys in memory and services related                    environment variable. The socket file has            With ssh -A, you can forward a local agent
operations (like signing) on ssh’s behalf.             strict permissions, so only the user executed      to a remote host. This is convenient (if you
   You add keys manually with ssh-add,                 ssh-agent can access it. Later, ssh connects       make a multi-hop connection) yet insecure,
which of course asks you for the passphrase.           to this socket and requests the agent’s            as agent forwarding creates a Unix socket
However, it does this only once unless the             services. ssh-agent is usually started at          on intermediate boxes.


Final thoughts, musings and reflections
                           Nick Veitch
                           was the original editor
                           of Linux Format, a
                           role he played until he
                           got bored and went
                           to work at Canonical
                           instead. Splitter!

                                                                    Dell XPS 13
                                                                                                                       A pile of TPMs for Grub

                                                                                                                       development work
               hich is more popular – Opera or
               Firefox? It seems like a dumb
               question. Opera all but disappeared
from the discerning desktop quite some time
ago after all, and Firefox is the browser app of
choice on the desktop of the cognoscenti. Well,
apart from those who use Chrome. And possibly
excepting the people who run something other
than Linux on their desktop. In fact, our Linux-
centric world view is at odds with the rest of
                                                                                                                            Company branded pint
    But it turns out that actually, our desktop-                                                                            glass (US pint)
centric world view is at odds with humanity.
Mobile phones are the number one method by                                                     A Minnowboard Max for
which people access the web – in many parts of                                                 firmware development
the world, the cellphone network is much more
reliable and a whole lot cheaper than the
alternatives. Google recently revealed that it
serves up more search results to mobile users
than desktop users. Now you aren’t so confident        My Linux Setup Matthew Garrett
in your assumptions, are you…
    But never mind. it probably doesn’t matter. As     CoreOS employee, security expert and FSF board member, now
it turns out, thanks to the popularity of mobile       internet famous in Linux Voice.
usage, the world wide web isn’t as relevant
anyway. Who wants to browse eBay or Facebook                 What version of Linux are you             replaced with the then just-frozen Debian
or Amazon in the browser when there is a special             currently using?                          Slink, and everything went downhill after
(faster) app to do it? The internet may be more              Fedora 22. I’ve been using Fedora         that.
relevant than ever, but web browsers are not.                since shortly before I started
Does it matter? Maybe. And probably to more            working at Red Hat: it’s still not annoyed            What Free Software/open source
folks than the ones working at Mozilla and             me enough to switch.                                  can’t you live without?
Opera. At least the WWW is a fairly transparent,                                                             Tough one. Let’s say GCC, because
open and easily examinable protocol; who knows               And what desktop do you                         we couldn’t have the rest without it
what those apps are really doing?                            currently use?
    [Firefox is still way ahead of Opera by a factor         Stock Gnome 3.16.                               What do other people love but
of at least five, but due to better mobile exposure                                                          you can’t get on with?
(there are other choices than Android or iPhone!)            What was the first Linux setup                  Tiling window managers. Ugh..
the latter is doing a lot better than you may think,         you ever used?
depending on what statistics you ingest (about               Suse 5.2, in the middle of 1998. It
twice as well as it was doing 5 years ago).]                 lasted until Halloween when it got

Used with permission: Claudio Ferreia Filho