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Linux Voice [Issue 24]

Authors Linux Voice

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

                                                                  Python, Perl –
                                                                   which is right
March 2016                       

                                                                       for you?

The complete guide to keeping your data
private – no matter who’s looking


                                                                                                          Cover image: iStock

Build a practice
cadaver for home
surgery fun

THE SNOOPER’S                       YOUR BEST
CHARTER                            DESKTOP EYE
                                    CANDY p22
Why it’s an utterly
rubbish idea                                             31 PAGES OF TUTORIALS

JOIN US NOW                     FIAT LUX
                                                                    March 2016 £5.99 Printe d in the UK

On community, human             Control the lighting
nature, leadership              in your hollowed-out
and the importance              volcano base with
of failing properly             Linux and Python


            Beep Beep Yarr!
           An adventure story for young minds – featuring pirates,
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                                *With your help!
                                                                                                  ISSUE 24 WELCOME

The March issue                                                                          What’s hot in LV#024
                                                                                                  ANDREW GREGORY
                                                                                                  Most of us don’t have the time to
                                                                                                  go through bureaucratic edicts to
                                                                                                  check their sanity. But this is
                                                                                                  what Ben’s done with the UK’s
                                                                                                  ‘Snoopers’ Charter’ and the
                                                                                                  ineptitude he’s found is stagging.
                                            GRAHAM MORRISON                                       p28
                                            A free software advocate
                                            and writer since the late                             BEN EVERARD
                                            1990s, Graham is a lapsed                             As I’m in the process of
                                            KDE contributor and author                            automating my home, our tutorial
                                            of the Meeq MIDI step                                 on controlling Philips Hue
                                            sequencer.                                            lightbulbs with Linux comes at

                                                                                                  exactly the right time. Forget
         his is our 24th issue. That means it’s been two years since                              Netflix and chill – UNIX and chill!
         we launched, exactly as promised, after a successful                                     p80
         crowdfunding campaign. It’s a cliché and too often repeated,
but we couldn’t have done this without you. Without your backing we                               MIKE SAUNDERS
simply wouldn’t be here. I know of no other magazine, anywhere,                                   I loved playing the board game
that has been able to do this, let alone one that gives old issues away                           ‘Operation’ when I was a lad, and
for free (even for commercial use!) and shares in any profits.                                    it’s great to see our own DIY
  These are ideas that run totally against traditional publishing                                 Operation game is way better
wisdom, and once again, it’s the Free Software, Linux and open                                    than the modern version of the
source communities that have made the impossible possible. It’s                                   same game. Upgrades!
you that has made this possible. So, thank you. All of us here at Linux
Voice are incredibly grateful.

Graham Morrison
Editor, Linux Voice
(ps we’re attempting to crowdfund a book that will teach children
programming via pirates and robots – see our advert on the left.

                                            Linux Voice is different.                      SUBSCRIBE
                                            Linux Voice is special.
  Editor Graham Morrison
                                            Here’s why…
                                                                                           ON PAGE 56
  Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
                                             1 At the end of each financial year we’ll
                                            give 50% of our profits to a selection of
  Technical editor Ben Everard              organisations that support free                        software, decided by a vote among our
  Editor at large Mike Saunders             readers (that’s you).
  Games editor Michel Loubet-Jambert         2 No later than nine months after first                     publication, we will relicense all of our
  Creative director Stacey Black            content under the Creative Commons                     CC-BY-SA licence, so that old content
                                            can still be useful, and can live on even
  Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
                                            after the magazine has come off the
  Editorial contributors:
  Mark Crutch, Marco Fioretti,               3 We’re a small company, so we don’t
  Juliet Kemp, Vincent Mealing, Simon       have a board of directors or a bunch of
  Phipps, Les Pounder, Mayank Sharma,       shareholders in the City of London to
  Valentine Sinitsyn.                       keep happy. The only people that matter
                                            to us are the readers.


                          Welcome to the 24th issue of Linux Voice. Blimey, two years eh?

    Regulars                                     Cover Feature
News                                    06
The PlayStation 4 has been hacked to run
Linux, the Dutch government has donated                                                                                                            14
€500,000 to OpenSSL, and Apple has open
sourced its Swift language.

Distrohopper                               08
Featuring a genuine advancement in Linux
distros – Solus 1.0. You’re going to hear a
lot more about this new Linux flavour.

Speak your brains                         10
Is Microsoft still the enemy? Should your

fridge watch your waistline for you? And
what’s Zen for Slackware?

Subscribe!                            56/93
Save money, get the magazine delivered to
your door and get access to 24 issues of
Linux Voice, in lovely DRM-free PDFs.

FOSSPicks                                58
                                                Keep the man out of your personal emails and off your hard drive with our
Wild picks, purse-seined off the cold           in-depth guide to data encryption. Information wants to be private!
Icelandic waters, battered and served with
Maris Piper chips. Fresh, and also Free.
                                                 Interview                                       Feature
Core Tech                                 94
DNS is more than just the addressing
system that tells the internet where you are
– it’s the key to understanding what’s going                                          34                                                           22
on in cyberspace.

Geek Desktop                              98
Andrew Gregory, permanent newbie of
the Linux Voice team, shows off his repro
mahogany furniture.

                                                Leslie Hawthorn                                 Desktop showcase
        SUBSCRIBE                               Fail properly, then get up and carry on being   Send us your best-looking Linux desktops, so we can drool
        ON PAGE 56                              awesome again. Cheers Leslie!                   over them – and print them in the magazine.

                                                 FAQ                                   Group Test
                                                CHIP                            32   Software licences                50
                                                It’s got a rubbish, un-Googleable    If you’re ready to set your code
                                                name, but this $9 computer is        free in the wild, think about what
                                                absolutely worth knowing about.      licence you’re going to use.

                                                                                                     LUGS p12
                                                                                                ISSUE 24 MARCH 2016 CONTENTS

 Feature                                                                                                             Tutorials


                                                                                                                    Fog                                      66
                                                                                                                    Clone machines by transmitting entire hard
                                                                                                                    drives over a network.

Inside the Snoopers’ Charter                                                                                        Squid                                     68
                                                                                                                    Control your web traffic using a proxy server
Why the UK Government’s plans to spy on its subjects is misguided, muddled and mad.                                 to save on precious bandwidth.



Ardour 4.6                                                                                                          Raspberry Pi
                                                                                                                    Bring computing into the physical world

The leading digital audio workstation for                                                                           with some tin foil and a cardboard box.
Linux has several new features, plugins
and other improvements to help you                                                                                  MariaDB                                   76
unleash your inner Visconti/Ronson/                                                                                 Data, data everywhere, and you can control
Rogers/Stock/Aitken/Waterman.                                                                                       it all with a powerful open source database.

Tails 2.0                         43   Wine 1.8                         44   NodeMCU                           45   Philips Hue                               80
If you want privacy the easy way,      Remember, Wine is not an              Single-board computing with            Control the lights in your smart dwelling
here’s the Tor network, with all the   emulator. It just smells, looks and   built-in Wi-Fi for only $9? Shut up    with Python and these hackable bulbs.
hard work done for you.                tastes very much like one.            and TAKE MY MONEY!

                                                                                                                    Sed                                        84
                                                                                                                    More than just a text processing language –
                                                                                                                    infact, we’ve turned it into a web server.
Gaming on Linux                                      46   Books                                             48
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream. Or        Make your users awesome by going beyond legacy            Scripting languages                        88
kill things, shoot big guns and put loads of salt on      code and reacting to Java. Or something like that –       Python, JavaScript and Perl – the ins, the
the popcorn to sell more soft drinks.                     you’ll never know unless you turn to p48.                 outs, and the what’s that squiggle doings?


The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.

Remembering Ian
Without Ian Murdock, Linux would be nowhere near the success story it is today.

                           Simon Phipps
                           is ex-president of the
                           Open Source Initiative
                           and a board member
                           of the Open Rights
                           Group and of Open
                           Source for America.

        long with my former colleagues at
        Sun Microsystems, I was horrified
        at the start of the year to hear of the
death of Ian Murdock. There have been
plenty of other comments written about him,
so you will be aware of his work establishing
Debian, and maybe of his own company
(Progeny) and his work at what would
become the Linux Foundation. While you’ll
remember Ian as the spirit and name behind          directions of their previous management. He      discussed and addressed in advance is the
the Debian project, I got to know him in 2004       showed determination and vision, and used        key legacy Ian leaves us.
when he joined Sun Microsystems. I was the          his experience at the convergence point of          We take it for granted today that we can
head of open source activities at Sun, while        business and technology to talk round both       simply add a package to our operating
Ian was hired a little later to head up the         the engineering genius and the pointy-           system with a single command and without
transformation of Solaris into an open              headed boss.                                     destroying the system or spending the rest
source operating system.                               The key vector from Debian that was           of the day resolving dependencies and
                                                    introduced to OpenSolaris was the need for       incompatibilities, and we are extending that
Linux for the people                                the software to be delivered in the form of      concept further into containers and cloud
The outcomes from each of our jobs are              installable packages from an open                deployment. But when Ian started his Linux
stories for another time, but I was struck by       repository, rather than the previous vision of   distribution, that was not the received
the quiet force Ian brought to his role. Amid       a tightly-controlled single source for           wisdom, and I credit him with proving it was
a good deal of scepticism and hostility –           componentry.                                     crucial and showing how to lead a
after all, Ian’s creation was a driving force                                                        community to make it real.
behind the demise of Solaris – Ian was able         The importance of packages                          More than that, Ian was also a great friend
to shape the work that the OpenSolaris team         That vision of an operating system built         to many of us. While his history with Linux
was doing, driving them in directions far           from packages with their dependencies            may have aroused suspicions in the team at
more likely to result in community                  automatically resolved and with the legal        a traditionally proprietary software vendor,
engagement than the instincts and                   and social issues related to each element        we all quickly realised that Ian was a warm,
                                                                                                     kind and complex person who we enjoyed
    We take it for granted today that we can                                                         being with.
                                                                                                        To lose him so early is a tragedy; while I
    simply add a package to our operating                                                            have the greatest respect for his technical

    system with a single command                                                                     legacy, what I will miss in the future is the
                                                                                                     opportunity for his friendship.

                                                                                                      ANALYSIS NEWS

        Kernel • Swift • IPv6 • LibreOffice • Ian Murdock • PlayStation 4

CATCHUP                                                        Summarised: the biggest news
                                                               stories from the last month

          Linux kernel 4.4 released                      Debian Founder Ian                          PlayStation 4 gets hacked
   1        To ring in the new year, we           2      Murdock passes away                  3      to run Linux
            have a shiny new kernel                       Just after Christmas 2015,                  It’s been a while coming, but
release. Linus Torvalds announced              Ian Murdock, founder of the Debian          finally an exploit for Sony’s console
kernel 4.4 on 10 January 2016 with             GNU/Linux distribution, died in San         has been developed to enable low-level
a boatload of new features: support            Francisco at the age of 42. The cause of    access to the hardware, and therefore
for direct I/O and asynchronous I/O            death is as yet unknown: hours before       the ability to run Linux on the machine.
in the loop block device, 3D support           he had been threatening suicide on
in the virtual GPU driver (for hardware        Twitter after alleged mistreatment by
accelerated graphics in virtualisation         police forces. According to the police,
guests), support for open-channel              he had been detailed for attempting to
SSDs, and many improvements in                 break in to an apartment while
drivers, filesystems and memory                drunk. It’s a sad loss for the Linux
management. See here for details:              community – for a look back on Ian’s             work, see Simon’s words left and p9.

          Dutch government                               IPv6 celebrates 20th                        Apple’s Swift language
   4      supports encryption                     5      birthday with 10% usage              6      comes to Linux
           At at time when many                             Version 4 of the internet                 Originally unveiled at Apple’s
governments are eager to sneak                 protocol has done us well over the          2014 Worldwide Developer Conference,
backdoors into encryption software,            decades, but its mere 4.3 billion IP        Swift is a programming language
ostensibly to “protect us”, the Dutch are      addresses is becoming a severe              created for iOS, OS X and the Apple
taking a different approach. The powers        limitation with the Internet of Things      Watch. It was designed to be more
that be there have stated that “it is          coming into full flow. IPv6 offers vastly   concise and safe than Objective C,
currently not appropriate to adopt             more addresses (and many other              which the company had been using for
restrictive legal measures against the         features) but has seen slow adoption.       many years. Now the language is open
development, availability and use of           Still, as of December 2015 it is now 20     source, and can be used to develop
encryption within the Netherlands”. And        years old and has reached 10%               software on Linux as well as Apple’s
on top of that, the government has             adoption according to Google. Is this the   proprietary platforms:
approved a €500,000 grant to the               start of a widespread switchover? The
OpenSSL project.                               next 12 months will tell…                   blog/?id=34

          Mozilla stops working on                                                                   LibreOffice Online joins
   7      Firefox OS smartphones                                                              8      up with OwnCloud
            This isn’t entirely unsurprising                                                          Collabora, the company
news, given how utterly dominant iOS                                                       working on an online version of the
and Android are in the mobile space,                                                       LibreOffice suite, has teamed up with
but it’s a shame nonetheless. The                                                          OwnCloud to create a virtual machine
Mozilla Foundation has announced                                                           test image that combines both projects.
that it will stop developing and selling                                                   This lets you share, sync and manage
smartphones with Firefox OS, leaving                                                       your files in OwnCloud, and also
the fledgling platform a possible future                                                   edit them from your web browser in
on smart TVs and other devices. Which                                                      LibreOffice. It’s early days, but it shows
poses the question: is there room in the                                                   great potential and could be a big
smartphone market for another OS?                                                          challenger to Microsoft Office 365.
Can anyone else break the duopoly that                                           
iOS and Android enjoy?                                                                     online-has-arrived-in-owncloud/


What’s hot and happening in the world of Linux distros (and BSD!).

Solus 1.0
Featuring the Budgie desktop.

              ost “new” Linux distributions that
              come onto the scene are based
              on other distros – standing on
the shoulders of giants, if you will. This
makes a lot of sense in most cases, but
sometimes it’s good to start completely
from scratch and build a distro from the
ground up. That’s what the developers of
Solus have done, and now they’ve finally got
version 1.0 out of the door.
   Codenamed “Shannon” (after the longest
river in Ireland), Solus 1.0 aims to be an
attractive and user-friendly desktop distro
that’s focused on the x86-64 architecture.
One of Solus’ most notable features is
Budgie, a custom desktop environment
that’s built on top of GTK and Gnome. Budgie       Raven (on the right-hand side) is the Budgie desktop’s panel containing applets and notifications.
is designed with accessibility in mind
(especially for visually impaired users).            Given that there are so many top-quality          vision for their distro, and have paid plenty of
   One feature unique to Solus is its package      Linux distros out there, we’re often sceptical      attention to presentation and marketing,
manager, called eopkg. This supports the           when we see new ones being created from             something lacking from so many smaller-
usual functionality of adding, removing and        scratch, as they tend to exhibit a lot of “not      name projects.
searching for packages, and these packages         invented here” syndrome – ie being built for           We wish the project luck. To try out Solus
are neatly organised into categories that          the sake of it, rather than to fix any particular   and read more about it, visit the distro’s main
show what they provide).                           problem. But the Solus team have a solid            website at

OpenSUSE Li-f-e 42.1
Education distro with long-term support.

         elease numbering and naming in the           What makes Li-f-e shine for education use
         Linux distro world is often… creative,    is the software selection. Li-f-e includes a
         to put it mildly. Not only did            range of packages designed for learning,            Why should schools pay for Windows when
OpenSUSE recently make the giant leap              such as the Parley vocabulary trainer and           there are better, cheaper alternatives?
from version 13.2 to 42.1, now a bunch of          Marble virtual globe.
developers have created a new spin-off                Some of the other education-oriented               Linux distros such as Li-f-e are much safer
focused on education and schools.                  packages include GCompris, a set of learning        than Windows and provide boatloads of
OpenSUSE Li-f-e 42.1 (the Li-f-e means             games geared towards young children, and            great software for kids out of the box, so we
“Linux for education”) is described as “the        Little Wizard, a kid-friendly introduction to the   welcome attempts by the major distro
only enterprise-grade long-term supported          concepts of programming. Then there’s               vendors to get involved. To find out more
Linux distribution for education”, and it’s a      TuxPaint, iGNUit (a flash card tool),               and download the release, check out
live DVD/USB image that can also be                gElemental (a periodic table viewer) and  
installed to a hard drive.                         Stellarium (for exploring the stars).               announcing-li-f-e-42-1.

                                                                                                    LINUX DISTROS DISTROHOPPER

News from the *BSD camps
What’s going on in the world of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

          ow small can a BSD be? Well, if you
          take the (rather ancient) source
          code to 2.11 BSD, update it for
modern compilers and hardware, and
squeeze it down a bit more, you can get it
running on a device with just 128k of RAM.
That’s a full BSD operating system with
memory protection, multitasking and POSIX
compatibility. All of this is thanks to the work
of the RetroBSD project (,
which is targeting microcontrollers such as
the Microchip PIC32.
   This might seem like a rather pointless
task in this day and age, but it’s quite the
opposite – consider how much work is
going into embedded devices, especially as                While DragonFly BSD is often overshadowed by FreeBSD, it has plenty of unique features to
the much-lauded “Internet of Things” starts               warrant trying it out.
to take off.
   Meanwhile, DragonFly BSD saw a new                     different approach to FreeBSD in dealing             and checksums to ensure data integrity.
release in December: 4.4. For those who’ve                with some key architectural issues, such as          Version 4.4 of the operating system includes
never heard of it before, DragonFly is a fork             threading and symmetric multiprocessing              better support for Intel and Radeon graphics
of FreeBSD that came to life in June 2003                 (SMP).                                               (thanks to drivers from the Linux kernel),
after a fall-out among developers. Its chief                 Although DragonFly is still a much smaller        improved CPU power saving settings, and a
coder is Matt Dillon, who some long-time                  project than FreeBSD, it has pioneered plenty        vastly enhanced regular expression library.
hackers may remember from his work on                     of technologies such as the 64-bit HAMMER            For the full release notes and links to
the Amiga (such as the DICE C compiler).                  filesystem featuring infinite NFS-exportable         downloads, visit the project’s website:
With DragonFly BSD, Dillon wanted to take a               snapshots, configurable history retention, 

  In memory of Ian Murdock (1973–2015)
  Anyone can start a Linux distribution – but few can make it a long-term
  success. Back in the early 1990s, as the GNU/Linux combination was still
  very much a baby, the only ‘distributions’ around were small, hobbyist
  hackish projects for getting the operating system onto your hard drive one
  way or the other. But Purdue University student Ian Murdock saw the
  chance to create a new kind of distro: one that focused on the community
  and spirit of Free Software. As he wrote in the Debian Manifesto in 1993:
     “Debian Linux is a brand-new kind of Linux distribution. Rather than
  being developed by one isolated individual or group, as other distributions
  of Linux have been developed in the past, Debian is being developed
  openly in the spirit of Linux and GNU. The primary purpose of the Debian
  project is to finally create a distribution that lives up to the Linux name.
  Debian is being carefully and conscientiously put together and will be
  maintained and supported with similar care.”
     Debian was named after Ian and his then-partner Debra, and the
  distribution picked up support from the Free Software Foundation early
  on. Since then it has become an enormous success, not just as a distro in
  its own right, but as the basis for Ubuntu, Mint and many other derivatives.
  Debian’s consistent and stringent focus on democracy, community,
  engineering and freedom has produced a distro that millions now rely on
  for their day-to-day work.
     So thanks, Ian, for having the foresight and skills to start such a
  monumental project. And although everyone will remember you for
  Debian, thanks for your additional work in the Free Standards Group, Linux
  Standards Base and Linux Foundation. The world of Free Software is so
  much stronger due to your efforts.                                             Ian Murdock started Debian, arguably the most important Linux distro ever
                                                                                 (photo: Ilya Schurov, CC-BY-SA,


Got an idea for the magazine? Or a great discovery? Email us:

             HALLOWEEN IS OVER
             LV issue 023 contained, as have prior numbers, many jabs
             at Microsoft as the natural enemy of the Free Software
             believer. It’s time to accept that the world has changed.
STAR            Like many among your staff and readers, I remember
LETTER       that period when the infamous Halloween memos were
             leaked, and we realised joyfully that the Free Software
             movement was big enough to concern the biggest
             software company in the world.
                I remember this not because it was recent, but because
             I am old: this happened in 1998. Large companies like
             Microsoft can be slow to change, so it is right that we
             remain sceptical of their intentions with Free and open
             source software, but we need to remember that if we
             define our movement as Anti-Microsoft, it will live or die by
             their fortunes alone.
                While we jab at Azure for their plush Tux swag, Apple
             has become one of the largest companies on the planet. It
             has done this with its proprietary iPhone and iOS
             platforms, which lock in more first-party applications than
             1990s Windows did when the antitrust cases started
             flying. You can download alternatives from its store (and
             its store alone), but the terms of business on that store
             prohibit copyleft software. The downloads obtained by
             Apple’s users are restricted by DRM to particular Apple
             accounts.                                                       Should we move on from our obsession with Microsoft, or is it
                Meanwhile, Apple co-opts open source projects like           useful to have such an incompetent enemy?
             Clang and LLVM to replace successful Free Software
             components like GCC. How does the availability of a             movement, then we will not win. Rather we will become
             cuddly Tux with Microsoft branding stack up to these            irrelevant at the same time as our nemesis in Redmond.
             actions in respect to the FSF’s four freedoms?                     You may think that Steve Jobs is an unlikely role model
                We celebrate Google for popularising the Linux kernel        for someone in my position, but I will end by paraphrasing
             through its Android mobile OS, and companies like it,           his statement on his return to Apple. We need to get out of
             including Facebook and Twitter, for their contributions to      the mindset that for the Four Freedoms to win, Microsoft
             open source software. However, these companies thrive           has to lose.
             by providing proprietary services from their own server         Graham Lee
             farms. None has embraced the AGPL, a licence that
             extends freedom to remote users of a hosted service [and        Andrew says: I had never stopped to consider
             which Mike talks about in this issue’s Group Test on page       this, but what you say makes 100% sense. In
             50]. Is it meaningful to have the freedom to use a browser      practice though, for most people Microsoft is still
             or a mobile device for any purpose, if the available            the embodiment of proprietary software. Apple
             purposes involve using non-free services?                       is arguably a more serious threat, but Microsoft
                So yes, Microsoft is still important, and its proprietary    keeps shooting itself in the foot, so it’s an easier
             Windows and Office products are still huge obstacles to         target for us. Apple at least makes a lot of good
             the freedom of computer users everywhere. On the other          products along with its egregious attitudes towards
             hand, Microsoft is no longer the headline company               compatibility, planned obsolescence and forced
             defining the computing landscape for many people. If the        upgrades; Microsoft seems to be successful only by
             Free Software movement is the “say no to Microsoft”             abusing its market position.

                                                                                                      YOUR LETTERS MAIL

My idea is to make dumb fridges smarter by creating an
inventory management gadget from a Raspberry Pi or
Arduino, a barcode scanner and a display.
   People waste a lot of money because they throw away
food that’s gone off. I think in most cases they forget
about the expiry date of food they put into the fridge.
That’s why I think a little computer could help out, if it
could keep track of expiration dates of various foods and
issued alerts before a configured number of days.
   I’ve found a post about this idea, but I think the work
was either never done or never published. See
                                                                                                                         In the internet
php?f=41&t=50916.                                               all food in my house goes in my belly. However,
                                                                                                                         of things, your
   So I would like to see a tutorial about something like       this project does sound like a far more worthwhile       healthcare
that in the magazine.                                           project than the ludicrous sugar app that’s recently     provider knows
Géza Búza                                                       been developed at UK taxpayers’ expense. We’ll see       how much sugar
                                                                if Ben wants to give it a go in his Internet-of-Things   you’re consuming.
Andrew says: I would have no interest in this, as               robo-house.

I was rather taken aback to see your reference (February        Frank Bell
2016 issue, page 8) to Slackware as a “fairly minimalist”
distro. Slackware comes with much more out-of-the-box           Graham says: The minimalism to which
capability that most distros. In addition to a full KDE         we referred was to do with the way it treats
desktop and application suite, six desktop environments,        its packages. Rather than adding bits and
multiple media players, and almost every text editor            bobs, renaming features and fiddling with
known to geekdom, Slackware includes the complete               configuration files (like some distros do to the
LAMP stack, the OpenSSH server, CUPS server, Samba              software in their repositories) Slackware
server, all the libraries needed for compiling from sources,    keeps them clean, unadorned and as the
and other functionality that, with most distros, requires       developer intended. One might almost
obtaining additional packages after the initial install.        say that this approach to packaging is
   Slackware may be many things, but “minimalist” is not        minimalist, but ‘elegantly simple’ fits the
one. Let me suggest instead “elegantly simple.”                 bill much better.


The 2015 LinuxBierWanderung
Jason Irwin reports from an event that combines three of our favourite things.

        he LinuxBierWanderung is
        an “unconference” with no
        fixed fee, just a voluntary
donation towards costs. There’s no
central organisation beyond those
who have taken it upon themselves
to arrange that year’s event. The
three components mesh together
to provide an event with wide-
ranging scope that suits the geek,
the family and even the dog. Yes,
delegates from various species
were in attendance.
   Most delegates to this year’s
LinuxBierWanderung stayed in
‘Camping Kaul’, which offered
excellent facilties and even laid on
a Letzebuergian three-course meal
on Friday that was simply superb.
Camping Kaul also provided a
                                                                                 Wiltz is a charming town
decent Wi-Fi service over the site,      hands-on sessions with “Microtek”                                  exceptionally popular as not only
                                                                                 in the Ardennes where,
this meant there was no need for a       routers (including how to break         through a quirk of         was the beer of good quality, but
rustled-up radio link back to the hall   everything by creating packet           geography, the direction   there was plenty of it!
as in previous years.                    storm) and a detailed run-down on       of travel between two        There was the traditional “Pot
                                         how the hall infrastructure had         points is always uphill.   Luck” where delegates used the
Linux                                    been installed and configured after                                well appointed kitchen to lay on
Talks this year covered everything       it had been lifted off the roof of a                               veritable banquet of dishes from
from designing for extreme               trusty Land Rover.                                                 their home nations.
performance, the legalities and                                                  Below left: Iggy Pup         Usually a “Pub of the Day” is
                                                                                 and Alice Pooper
intricacies of professional drone        Bier                                                               appointed, but this year it began as
                                                                                 contemplate BRAAS
flying, computer vision with a           This year’s organisers had arranged                                more of a “Restaurant of the Day”,
                                                                                 (Belly-Rubs As A
Lego-sorting Lego-bot and all the        a hot-line to the local brewery,        Service).                  and over the course of the week
way to packing for multi-day             Simon, which was always prepared        Below right: A             delegates mostly elected to simply
adventures with less than 5kg of         to slake the thirst of the delegates.   hexacopter on display –    hang out at the hall to chat, play
equipment. There were also               This meant the in-hall bar proved       assemble before use.       games and (of course) do their very
                                                                                                            best to drain Simon.

                                                                                                            The final component in this triptych
                                                                                                            are the walks and other outdoors
                                                                                                            activities. This year took in the
                                                                                                            stunning scenery around Lac Haute
                                                                                                            Sûre, as well as the historic towns
                                                                                                            of Esch-sur-Sûre and Bastogne.
                                                                                                              The 2016 LBW will be held in
                                                                                                            Laxley, Isle of Man from 30 July to 7
                                                                                                            August. See you there!


         Keep your data secure, safe and private, with a little help from Linux
                               and Graham Morrison.

                   ncryption isn’t just important: it’s vital. It’s as   of knowing when software is sending information to
                   vital as free speech. It enables free speech. Not     a third party, or when a data vulnerability hasn’t been
                   just for people struggling in places where their      patched, or whether the encryption is as strong as
         voices can’t be heard, but for people who want to keep          its developer says it is. Without open source, there’s
         their voices private. It’s also vital for security, keeping     no peer review, transparency or even accountability.
         your data locked when even the data itself is stolen.           But open source encryption is still a minefield of
         It’s vital for online commerce, banking, mobile phones          technology, terminology and complexity, diminishing
         and digital media, and it’s vital for almost everything         its effectiveness and veracity. We should all be able
         else we do in the 21st century. Without encryption, we          to use encryption without any specialist knowledge
         wouldn’t have the internet revolution.                          or training, and that’s our target for the this feature –
             But the only way to trust encryption is through Linux       demystifying what encryption is all about so we can
         and open source. Without open source there’s no way             all take advantage and put these ideas into practice.

                                                                                           ENCRYPT EVERYTHING FEATURE

Never again get your private keys muddled with your public keys.

         here are a couple of reasons
         for the aura of complexity that
         hangs over encryption. The first
is that the complicated maths behind
encryption. But unlike the complex
management systems that control your
car, for example, in encryption those
systems aren’t always hidden, exposing
the user to ideas and concepts that
aren’t necessary for its use.
   Another reason for this complexity
is the difficulty in creating a system
that effectively hides these parts while
maintaining trust. Without trust, there’s
no encryption. So, until some clever
startup solves the problem of creating
easy encryption that everyone can
trust without requiring any specific
knowledge, it’s worth taking a little
time to understand some of the key
                                              It was Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman’s hugely influential 1976 paper on key
concepts behind encryption, and how           exchange that led to the proliferation of asymmetric encryption algorithms.
you can make it work for you.

Encryption in three terms                     between two types: asymmetric and             Public Key/Private Key These terms
Encryption This is the idea that you can      symmetric. Asymmetric algorithms              often cause confusion. It may be
encode something such that it can only        are perhaps better known, thanks              because most of us expect encryption
be decoded by someone holding a               mostly to SSH and GnuPG/OpenPGP.              to behave the way doors do where
specific decoding key, an idea that has       These use what’s known as a private/          the same key is used to both lock and
been around for thousands of years.           public key system implemented by              unlock the door. This is the equivalent
This is the art of cryptography,              the DSA algorithm, although this can          of a symmetric algorithm (see above),
practised by everyone from the ancient        be changed. The most important                but it’s not the only case. Asymmetric
Egyptians to the Third Reich.                 characteristic of this algorithm is that      algorithms allow data to be decrypted
  But it’s the mathematical prowess of        one key can’t be derived from the other,      with a key that’s different to the key
computers that have defined the               and because the private and public            used to encrypt the data, and vice-
                                                                                            versa, to use the key to encrypt a
   Asymmetric algorithms allow data to                                                      message that can only be decrypted
                                                                                            by another. Both these keys could be
   be decrypted with a key that’s different                                                 secret, but the revolution came when
   to the key used to encrypt the data                                                      one of the keys was allowed to be
                                                                                            pubic. This meant you didn’t need a
                                                                                            secret exchange of keys to be able to
modern era of cryptography, replacing         keys are different, the algorithm is          decrypt a message. You could grab just
initiate hieroglyphics or positional rotors   ‘asymmetric’.                                 the public key. And you could use the
with a complex series of substitution            Symmetric encryption uses the same         public key to send a message, or more
and permutation processes (depending          key to encode and decode the data. The        importantly your own public key, to
on the algorithm) that aim to make the        best known use of a symmetric system          someone you knew held the private key.
translation of values from ‘plaintext’ to     is HTTPS, used to secure the web via
‘ciphertext’ and back to ‘plaintext’ as       either the Transport Layer Security or
difficult and as provably mathematically      the Secure Sockets Layer. Although a
rigorous as possible.                         certified public key is used as part of
Algorithm This is the part that turns         the negotiation process, they keys for
plaintext into ciphertext and back.           the communication itself are generated
The algorithm will depend on how              uniquely for each connection. This
you want your encryption to be used.          is because symmetric encryption is
Mostly, these algorithms are split            simpler and faster to implement.


Start with the best known technology for chatting as securely as in your living room.

                         or Linux users and open source               difficult subject. For that reason, we’d
                         enthusiasts, GnuPG is the                    recommend starting your encryption
                         default choice for nearly all                adventure with a GUI front end that
                  encryption duties. It’s capable of both             enables you to point and click your way
                  symmetric and asymmetric encryption,                through the configuration – that way
                  and while it’s often used to encrypt local          you’ll always have a visual overview of
                  data, you’ll mostly find it being used to           your settings.
                  encrypt communication channels.                        Of course, there’s a huge variety to
                    GnuPG is compliant with OpenPGP,                  choose between, all in various stages of
                  the encryption standard derived from                development, using Gnome, KDE and                 While the command line version of GnuPG
                  Phil Zimmermann’s work on the original              lots of other different environments.             is relatively straightforward to use, we’d
                  PGP. That means GnuPG works with                    But because they’re all using GnuPG,              recommend beginners use a GUI at first.
                  any OpenPG-compliant application –                  and placing their key files and
                  including email clients such as KMail,              configurations into the same .gnupg               You can do this by meeting in person by
                  Evolution and Sylpheed, password                    folder, you’ll be able to switch between          accepting a key over a network such as
                  managers and chat applications such                 them without breaking compatibility.              email, OwnCloud, or file transfer.
                  as Gabber, and compatible proprietary                                                                    In order to have ultimate trust in
                  software too.                                       Graphical tools                                   those networked methods, you’ll need
                    GnuPG support is also built into both             Both Gnome’s Seahorse and KDE’s KGpg              to verify the key that was received
                  Gnome (via its keyring manager,                     are excellent applications, but we’d              was the key transmitted and from the
                                                                      recommend GPA, because it’s as close              person you know. This is called a ‘web
GnuPG support is built in                                             to a default user interface as you can            of trust’, and while HTTPS solves this
                                                                      get. Standard applications will detect            with certificates signed by an authority,
to Gnome and KDE, so you                                              your configuration and use your keys              personal exchanges are different. The

may be using it already                                               automatically, asking for your
                                                                      passphrase when needed. Some,
                                                                                                                        simplest way is to check via a phone
                                                                                                                        call, verifying the short fingerprint that
                                                                      including most email clients, will also be        accompanies any public key. If the
                  Seahorse) and KDE’s KWallet, which                  able to import a contact’s public key.            fingerprint is the same then you have
                  means you may already be using it                   But you can always go back and check              the same keys and you can encrypt
                  without realising it.                               GPA to see what’s been added and                  messages to your contact safe in
                    The default way of interacting with               whether the configuration is working.             the knowledge that only they can
                  GnuPG is via the command line, where                   After you’ve created your secure               decrypt the message. Similarly, if you
                  the minutiae of every feature and                   key pair, you’re capable of secure and            get a message that’s signed with the
                  component is best exploited. But the                trusted communication with your                   a private key that the public key can
                  command line can add to the                         contacts. For this to work, you’ll also           decrypt, you can be certain it can only
                  complexity of dealing with an already               need their public GnuPG/OpenPGP key.              be from your contact.


    Install GPA                                            2
                                                               Enter your details                                 3
                                                                                                                      Generate the keys
The closest thing to a standard GUI for GnuPG is a         When asked for your name and email address, you        This is where you need to enter the passphrase, and
tool called GPA (GNU Privacy Assistant). You need          should use your real details. These are used by your   this is more than just a password: not only is it used
to install this, and when first launched, it will ask      contacts to ascertain the validity of your public      to encrypt your keys, it’s used to unlock your identity.
whether you need a key pair generating if a pair           key. Names and email addresses are obviously not       The strength of GnuPG relies on this being unique
wasn’t already found. Select ‘Generate Key Now’ to         enough, but they’re a good reminder. You should also   and unguessable, while at the same time, you need to
launch the wizard that will create the key pair for you.   accept the option to create a backup key.              remember it without writing it down.

Public and private keys in practice.

            e’ve seen how important it is
            to encrypt your data, as well      
            as some of the theories                      As we’ve mentioned, one of the problems with public         repository of public keys linked to email addresses
behind how it all works. You’ll be                       keys is being certain the copy you hold is the definitive   and names. You can publish your own to a keyserver
reassured to learn that putting these                    key of the contact you want to email. Meeting up or         directly from GnuPG’s GPA tool and most GUI clients,
ideas to use is straightforward; but how                 speaking via Skype is only really viable for contacts       as well as download the public keys of contacts.
                                                         you have a relatively close relationship with, which           But key servers don’t solve the fundamental trust
you do it will depend on your email
                                                         means there’s a real problem if you want to send a          problem: you can’t be sure the person who uploaded
client of choice.                                        message encrypted with the public key of someone            the key is the person you think they are. This is
   KDE’s KMail, for example, integrates                  else you want to email, or if you’ve received a signed      where Keybase ( comes in. It’s a
GnuPG without any further                                email from them and want to verify the veracity of your     key server that works by linking public keys to their
requirements. All you need to do is                      sender. One solution is called a key server, a simple       respective online personas. If you follow someone
                                                                                                                     on Reddit, Twitter and GitHub, and their accounts are
associate the key you’ve just generated
                                                                                                                     linked via Keybase, you can be almost certain that
with your email account, and you can                                                                                 those keys are for the correct person. There’s even a
do this from the Configure dialog by                                                                                 keybase command line tool for extracting keys and
clicking on Identities followed by the                                                                               sending messages – all you need to import those
Cryptography tab. Use the Change                                                                                     keys into your system and use them yourself. Adding
                                                                                                                     yourself to Keybase is almost as simple (although it’s
buttons next to the OpenPGP
                                                                                                                     currently Private Beta). You link your Keybase account
encryption and signing fields to choose                                                                              to your various networks by posting a Keybase-
your key.                                                                                                            generated proof to those channels. This is validated
   You can change how messages are                                                                                   automatically and your credentials are added to your
handled with the Security > Composing                                                                                account. The final important ingredient works a little
                                                                                                                     like a social network. People who trust your account
panel. Signed messages will glow green                   You can even use Keybase to generate key pairs              link their identity to yours, building an all-new peer-to-
if you’ve got the correspondent’s public                 and encrypt stuff, but we’d still recommend                 peer web of trust out of the humble GnuPG.
key in your GnuPG configuration, yellow                  keeping your private key decryption local.        
if not, and you can use the Sign and
Encrypt toolbar buttons to sign or
encrypt your own emails. When signing                  restart of the client, you’ll be presented           Write Message toolbar, and encrypted
or encrypting, you’ll be prompted to                   with the Enigmail Setup Wizard. Choose               messages you receive will be decrypted
enter your key’s passphrase before the                 the Standard configuration and, thanks               automatically, just like with KMail.
message is sent to your contact.                       to the magic of open standards, the                  Both apps will attempt to download
                                                       next step should automatically detect                a public key from a key server if you
Encryption add-ons                                     your default key pair. Select this and               don’t have someone’s public key in
If your email client is Mozilla’s                      Thunderbird is now configured.                       your configuration. This is convenient if
Thunderbird, you’ll first need to install                When you go back to the inbox view                 you need to read a message, but can’t
the Enigmail add-on via the Settings >                 you’ll now have the option to encrypt                as trusted as a key you’ve exchanged
Addons menu. With this installed and a                 or sign your own emails from the                     yourself or through some other method.


    Export your key                                         2
                                                                Import a key                                           3
                                                                                                                           Viewing a key
One of the best ways of swapping public keys with          Your contact will have done the opposite, exporting        With the third-party key imported, it will be listed
someone is to swap while you’re both physically            their public key to device from which you can now          within GPA along with some information about the
together. That way you can be certain the key you’re       import it using Import Keys from the Keys menu. A          contact, such as the encryption used and their key’s
getting belongs to who you think it does. To share         status pane will inform you if they key was imported       fingerprint. This is a ‘hash’ value for the entire key
your key, select Keys > Export Keys from GPA and           successfully. You can always import more than one, if      that’s often used a shortcut to quickly check whether
place the resulting file on a USB stick.                   you’re at a gathering where keys are typically shared.     someone’s key is valid or has changed.


Even if you’re not sending files across the internet, it’s worth keeping your data safe.

                            here are many tools created
                            specifically for encrypting your
                            data, and one of the best things
                  you should do is take advantage of your
                  distribution’s installer to encrypt your
                  home folder/partition. Ubuntu, in
                  particular, has a great system for
                  encrypting your home folder using
                  eCryptfs (see next page). That way, if
                  you ever lose your laptop, your data will
                  remain secure. But it’s also reasonable
                  to take a more ad-hoc approach, only
                  encrypting those files or folders you
                  want to keep secure. That way, those
                  files are easier to back up, copy or
                  transfer. As you’ve now invested lots of
                  mental energy in understanding how                   There should be no patterns or discernible information in encrypted data. It should
                  GnuPG works, this is probably the                    appear as random as the output from /dev/urandom, as shown here.
                  easiest way to start with file encryption.
                     GnuPG can use the same public and                 is whether you need to compress your               file manager. This simple utility lets
                  private keys to sign or encrypt files as it          files first. Properly encrypted data               you add unencrypted files using a
                  does email. But equally, there’s nothing             should look no different to a random               simple requester, and a button in
                  stopping you creating a separate key                 stream of data. But file compression               the toolbar lets you use your GnuPG
                  pair purely for dealing with files,                  only works when there’s duplication,               keys to create an encrypted version,
                  although you will lose the ability to sign           which makes post-encryption                        saved automatically with the gpg
                  files you may want other people to                   compression a waste of time. For that              extension. It will also decrypt files
                  authenticate.                                        reason, you’ll need to gzip or bzip2 your          in the same way. And this being
                     It’s also possible to create sub-keys             files and folders before encrypting                GnuPG, anyone will be able to work
                  off your main key, using sub-keys for                them, or use your favourite GUI tool.              with the same files, regardless of the
                  different purposes or devices without                   Encrypting the files is easy, especially        application or utility, if they’ve got the
                  losing the original authenticity. The only           now we’ve already created a pair                   prerequisite private or public keys. It’s
                  special consideration you should make                of keys and the GPA tool includes a                a great way of backing up important
                                                                                                                          files, for example, but it does make
                                                                                                                          it more vital that you remember the
The configuration files of GnuPG                                                                                          passphrase to your key. If this is lost,
                                                                                                                          there’s no way of decrypting your
Even with the GUI approach, it still helps to have some      you’ll make a mistake (such as publishing your private       privately encrypted files. To solve this,
understanding of what files and folders are typically        keys on GitHub).
                                                                                                                          ensure your encrypted key is saved
stored in .gnupg and what part of the encryption             pubring.gpg This file contains your collection of
process they’re responsible for, regardless of whether       public keys. These are public keys from people you           in several places. Due to the strength
you use the command line or a GUI tool. In doing so,         meet, people who contact you with their key, and keys        of the encryption some people even
you’ll find using GnuPG easier, and it will be less likely   downloaded from a trusted key server.                        leave these in plain sight, such as
                                                             secring.gpg Along with pubring.gpg, this is the other        synchronised to their public GitHub
                                                             vital component in a configured GnuPG setup. It
                                                                                                                          accounts, but cloud-based email is
                                                             contains your secret key. However, from GnuPG version
                                                             2.1 onwards, this file becomes deprecated in favour of       another good option.
                                                             a new agent that automatically places secret keys into
                                                             a folder called private-keys-v1.d (any files you have will   Encrypt your home folder
                                                             be automatically moved).                                     Taking file encryption a step further, you
                                                             crls.d The crl in this folder name represents ‘Certificate
                                                                                                                          might want to consider encrypting your
                                                             Revocation List’. It’s a way of marking keys you have
                                                             generated as invalid - you might have sent a private key     home folder, decrypting it live as you
                                                             by mistake, or lost the passphrase, for example.             log in. This is what Ubuntu does when
                                                             gpg.conf This is standard Linux procedure – the              you enable the aforementioned
                                                             configuration file that tells GnuPG what it needs to         installation-time encryption.
GnuPG can be used to encrypt and sign your                   know. If you use the command line, you can use it to
files, using the command line or one of its front-                                                                          Its obvious advantage over per-file or
                                                             hold your preferred values – such as which key to use
ends.                                                        by default, or which keyserver you prefer.                   per-folder encryption is that you don’t
                                                                                                                          have to think about what you need to

                                                                                            ENCRYPT EVERYTHING FEATURE

keep secure: everything is secure. If          your system starts, making it much             Encrypting passwords
your laptop is off, your data is               easier to manage and copy encrypted            There are many ways of storing important information like
inaccessible without your passphrase,          data. Before mounting, the encrypted           your various password and passphrase, but the best we’ve
which is usually configured to be your         data can be found in a user’s .Private         found is a small tool called simply pass. The great advantage
                                                                                              with pass is that it uses your filesystem to store and organise
login password. However, you still need        folder, but after mounting, your home
                                                                                              files that contain the data. You could create a folder called
to make sure temporary files or caches         folder will look just as it should.            Shopping, for instance, and use this to hold password to your
used by your system are either saved to                                                       Amazon, eBay and Google accounts.
your home folder or deleted on                 John the Revelator                                 As the passwords themselves are encrypted using
shutdown. You also need to make sure           Choose a user whose home folder you            the same GnuPG utilities we’ve already covered, you can
                                                                                              access their contents even when you’re not using the pass
you enable swap partition encryption,          want to encrypt (we’re going with ‘john’),
                                                                                              command. It works particularly well when you use a remote
as the swap file contains data shuffled        and without the user being logged in,          synchronisation service, such as the one offered by OwnCloud,
in and out of your system memory.              check to make sure they’ve no                  to automatically copy the contents of your password folders
We’ve been using an SSD laptop                 processes running. You can do this by          to an online backup or remotely shared storage. We covered
without a swap partition for a couple of       typing ps -u john. John should also            the specifics of pass in issue 19’s FOSSPicks, but you can
                                                                                              skip the command line entirely by using one of the many GUIs
years without issue, which does                make sure their password is tough yet
                                                                                              created to handle the complexity automatically. Our favourite
sidestep this problem.                         memorable, as this will be used as the         for any desktop is QtPass, and we use an app called Password
                                                                                              Store on Android to access the same shared passwords.

   If your laptop is off, your data is                                              

   inaccessible without your passphrase,
   which is usually your login password
    The tool we’re going to use is the         passphrase to encrypt their data.
aforementioned eCryptfs. Ubuntu                Depending on the size of that user’s
configuration is easy, thanks to               home folder – you can check by typing
Canonical’s developers. But those easy         du -h /home/john – it may be quicker
scripts for creating and managing              and easier to move out the majority of
eCryptfs have been migrated to most            that user’s data. The first stage of
other distributions too, so it’s almost        encryption will be far quicker, and the
as easy on Fedora and even Arch. Just          user can then move the data back as            Pass transparently uses the power of GnuPG and
search for and install the ecryptfs-utils      they need it. There’s no point encrypting      your filesystem to intelligently store passwords and
package, which should also ask for             a download folder full of ISOs, for            any other in data you want to keep secret.
rsync and lsof to help with locating a         example. You can now instantiate the
user’s open files. eCryptfs itself is part     migration process with a single
of the kernel, and the module needs to         command:                                     it’s hidden in the /home folder for
be loaded before you can start (sudo           sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u john           now, just in case something has gone
modprobe ecryptfs), although this                You’ll be asked for John’s login           wrong. John should log in and type
will be done automatically after you’ve        password before the encryption               ecryptfs-mount-private to mount the
created an encrypted folder.                   process kicks off. When it’s finished,       decrypted folder and check it contains
    It’s also important to note that           text output will inform you of the next      the expected files. Follow this with
eCryptfs sits on top of the filesystem –       step, and if you check, you’ll see the       ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase to reveal
it’s not formatting your data at the block     contents of John’s home folder has           the master key in the encryption. Keep
level. It’s mounted using FUSE after           now disappeared. Don’t worry, though,        a note of this, as it will be required if you
                                                                                            need to access the data outside of the
                                                                                            login account environment, perhaps
                                                                                            using GnuPG to keep it safe and stored
                                                                                            somewhere else.
                                                                                                Finally, when you’re happy that
                                                                                            the configuration is working, remove
                                                                                            the hidden /home folder with the
                                                                                            unencrypted versions and reboot.

Thanks to some excellent eCryptfs utility scripts, encrypting any folder is an easy task.


Secure your connection with the magic of OpenVPN.

                           our home network is mostly a              or access machines behind a firewall.                 The vast majority of VPNs support
                           trusted environment. You can              When you’re connected to a VPN, your               OpenVPN, an open source VPN
                           plug devices into your network            local connection behaves exactly as if it          that uses OpenSSL for encryption.
                  and not worry too much about the data              were physically relocated to the remote            OpenVPN is almost ubiquitous on
                  as it travels between your NAS, your               location, accessing those boxes and                Linux systems, which means that
                  light switches and your Raspberry Pi.              services without further configuration.            configuration should be straightforward
                     Your router to the internet is your             If you access your BrewPi at home with             whether you’re connecting via the
                  firewall, and most things behind it are            the IP address, you’ll use           desktop, a Cyanogenmod phone
                  safe. But as soon as your data passes              the same IP address if you use a VPN               or a Linux router. We’ve found the
                  through that firewall, as soon as you              to access your home network from a                 most reliable method for configuring
                  try to turn up the heating from your               remote location.                                   and enabling OpenVPN is via the
                  office before heading home, that data                                                                 openvpn command line tool. With
                  is subjected to the wilds of the internet,         Connecting to a VPN                                this installed and the ovpn file bundle
                  a place where no packet is safe. And               It’s highly likely you’ve already used a           downloaded from your VPN provider
                  that’s before we’ve even factored in the           VPN for work, as they enable remote                and unzipped, simply configure an
                  nightmare of open Wi-Fi access points.
                     The solution is to tunnel your data                 The vast majority of VPNs support
                  from your machine to your remote
                  trusted network. This is what a VPN                    OpenVPN, an open source VPN that
                  does, and it’s what SSH does too, to a
                  lesser extent. The tunnel is protected                 uses SSL for encryption
                  from the wilds of the internet by
                  encryption, with keys at either end of             workers to access the same facilities              OpenVPN connection by typing sudo
                  the tunnel encrypting and decrypting               as when they’re in the office, only                openvpn --config ‘path-to-file.ovpn’.
                  the data for transmission and upon                 securely from a remote location. But               Within a few moments your network
                  arrival. Anything looking at the data              over the last couple of years there’s              connections will become re-routed
                  in-between will see a stream of random             been a proliferation of low-cost private           through the VPN. The best way of
                  bits and bytes. They won’t even be able            VPN providers offering to tunnel                   proving this from the command line
                  to tell which protocols you’re using or            your connection to some remote                     is to try and access a few sites, or
                  how you’re using them.                             geographical location while also vetting           use a website to check your IP and
                     VPNs are becoming incredibly                    your data for security and privacy, as             geographical location. If the VPN is
                  popular because they’re the most                   well as ad blocking. These are perfect             working, your location will appear to be
                  comprehensive solution when you                    for side-stepping online restrictions and          where the VPN exit is located, not the
                  need to leapfrog an insecure network               local security issues.                             location of your local network provider.


    Connection editor                                     2
                                                              Configuration                                        3
                                                                                                                       Test VPN
Most distros have now moved to Systemd’s network          Taking KDE as an example, open the connection            After connecting to your network, you can activate
manager for their networking duties. Both Gnome’s         editor and use the File menu to select Import VPN.       the OpenVPN connection by clicking on the
and KDE’s GUI for this will let you add OpenVPN           Navigate to the location of your ovpn file – unzipping   configuration in Network Manager. When this is
connections and import a config file. You’ll first need   the download archive if necessary, and let the           running, you should see a padlock added to your
to download the certificate and ovpn file bundle          connection manager import your settings. We needed       connection and it should be obvious your data is
available from most OpenVPN servers.                      to to add a username and password.                       going through this tunnel.

Talk to your Linux machines across the wild, wild internet.

             e couldn’t write about         makes your server more secure, as you
             encryption without             can’t get access simply by guessing           Further reading
             looking into the open          a password. To do this, on your client        Encryption, security and privacy have been an important
implementation of the SSH protocol,         machine (not the server), type ssh-           part of our editorial coverage these last two years, and our
which is also a great place to end our      keygen -t rsa to generate the keypair.        old articles are the best place to start if you want to take
encryption coverage for this issue. This    Enter a passphrase if you want the            encryption further (quick plug: all subscribers get access to
                                                                                          our entire back issue catalogue).
wonderful offshoot of the OpenBSD           added security of requiring both the
                                                                                             In particular, in issue 15 Jake Margason wrote a brilliant
project is one of the most used and         key and a password. By default, it will       tutorial on hiding encrypted volumes in plain site, so that
useful tools of the Linux stack, enabling   save both keys into your .ssh folder.         even the presence of your data becomes ambiguous. We
any two Linux boxes, or OpenBSD             You can automatically copy the public         also covered the popular password store, KeePassX, in issue
boxes, to talk securely to one another      key to your server with the following         19, which is a great alternative to the humble pass tool we
                                                                                          mention here. Issue 17 was dedicated to privacy, and Ben’s
across the wilds of the internet.           command: ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rda.
                                                                                          excellent cover feature goes in-depth on how snoopers get
   Because SSH uses very little             pub user@server.                              access to your data and how how to use tools like Tor to keep
bandwidth to give you a remote                 You can now connect to your remote         prying eyes away. There’s also a great interview with Cory
terminal, you can perform almost any        server without entering a password. If        Doctorow. Finally, as one last tip – keep your distribution up
task that you can locally, even on a        not, make sure the permissions are set        to date. Vulnerabilities will be found even in tools like GnuPG
                                                                                          and SSH, and the only solution is to replace those old versions
desktop, using nothing but a mobile         correctly (chmod 770 .ssh). Finally, if
                                                                                          with new ones.
phone and a local GPRS network. We          everything is working, disable password
doubt you need reminding of how             logins on the server by commenting
it works, but things don’t get much         out the PasswordAuthentication line
simpler than typing ssh followed by the     in the server’s /etc/ssh/sshd_config
IP address of your server. If you’ve got a  configuration file – and don’t lose your
user account with the same username,        local SSH keys!
you’ll only need to enter your password        One feature of OpenSSH that isn’t
to get access.                              often mentioned is that it’s also capable
                                            of acting as a cheap VPN, tunnelling
Passwordless login                          general requests through the same
A much quoted improvement you               SSH session you’re using for terminal
should make is to disable password          access. It’s not a fully fledged solution
logins like these and replace them with     in the same way as OpenVPN – it uses
the magic of a public/private key pair      TCP, for a start, and OpenVPN should
that not only automates SSH login, but      ideally be configured to use UDP, as it’s
                                                             faster and better suited
                                                             to passing through
                                                             NAT connections, but
                                                             it’s ideal for ad-hoc        If you want to stay ahead of security and privacy
                                                             connections when             issues, we can think of no better source than Bruce
                                                             you’re away from home,       Schneier’s blog (
                                                             or need to jump a
                                                             geographical restriction
                                                             to your low-end-box.       and click on the Settings button to the
                                                             The command for doing      right of Connection. From the window
                                                             this is ssd -D 8080        that appears, enable manual proxy
                                                             username@server,           configuration and enter ‘localhost’
                                                             setting up a SOCKS         and 8080 as the port. This will re-
                                                             proxy on port 8080 of      route all web traffic through the SSH
                                                             your local machine.        tunnel. You can also do this for a
                                                             You then need to           single port with the command ssh
                                                             configure either your      -L 8080:localhost:8080 username@
                                                             computer (desktop)         server, which is useful if you want to
                                                             or web browser to          tunnel a single service from far away to
                                                             pass traffic through       your local machine. We use this feature
                                                             this. In Firefox, open     to access our router configuration page
You can easily tunnel web requests through SSH with the      the Advanced settings      from a firewall we’ve configured to only
-D option to create a SOCKS proxy.                           pane, click on Network     allow through SSH.


Want to change the way your desktop looks? Searching for a new Linux
setup? Here’s a selection from Linux Voice readers to inspire you…

 Michael White:
 Nothing too fancy.
 Just Ubuntu Mate
 15.10 with the Numix
 Circle icon set and
 flat window borders.
 I like it all to look like
 paper. It pleases me.

 Qkiel: Ubuntu 14.04
 LTS with little tweaks
 to the Unity launcher.
 The icons are Gorts
 Icons Vol. 6 (www.
 icons). Wallpaper:
 “My Cathedral by the
 Sea” by Artur Rosa

                     DESKTOP SHOWCASE FEATURE

                                   Mike Saunders:
                                   Xubuntu 15.10 on my
                                   ThinkPad X200. I’ve
                                   to made the theme
                                   lighter and brighter,
                                   and I’m checking out
                                   #linuxvoice on chat.
                         , waiting
                                   for the next SpaceX

                                   Matt B: I’m currently
                                   running Cinnamon
                                   on Debian testing,
                                   along with the Orchis
                                   GTK theme and
                                   Numix circle icons,
                                   and Conky in the
                                   background.                                         23

 Sandersson: Xubuntu
 with panel in the
 button. Wallpaper
 from WallBase.
 Conky/Gotham and
 TeejeeTech Process
 Panel. GreyBird Style.
 Elementary icons.

 Frank Bell:
 Mint 17.1 with
 Fluxbox, Terminator,
 and GKrellM.

                     DESKTOP SHOWCASE FEATURE

                                      Want your desk
                                                         top or
                                window manag
                                                 er featured in th
                                  magazine? Take                   e
                                                     a full-screen
                                screenshot in PN
                                                     G format and
                               mail it to mike@
                               Add some word                       .
                                                s (max 50) abou
                                 your setup, such                 t
                                                     as the WM/
                                desktop you’re
                                                 using and any
                                         you’ve made!

                                         Steve Newbury:
                                         Ubuntu 15.10 with
                                         Gnome 3.16 – added
                                         Numix-Circle Icons,
                                         Dash-To-Dock and
                                         Dropdown terminal
                                         extensions. Solarized
                                         Dark terminal theme
                                         in Gnome terminal.

                                         Pickfire: DWM tiling
                                         window manager
                                         org), doing some work
                                         on Makefiles.                                               25

Master your media playback.

         LC is among the most popular open source tools on any                Fear not! For brave Sir Ben has trawled the graphical and
         platform. It works even with files that many other video          command line interfaces of this incredibly useful media player to
         players struggle to read, and has a simple, clean interface       find the eight most useful of these hidden features covering
that’s easy to use. Below this simple interface, however, there lurk       everything from new media sources to easy control when away from
many more powerful features, but they’re not always easy to find.          your desk. Never before has watching Monty Python been easier!

                                               01                                                                                        02

                            Play from YouTube              web server that can host a simple web       Convert / Save, then select the file to be
                            The YouTube web page           page with controls for the video. The       converted and then press, Convert/
                            works well for short videos,   easiest way to start this is by launching   Save. In the new window, select the
              but if you’re settling down for              VLC from the command line with the          output options and press start Start.
              something longer, you might want a           following:                                  This method can also be used to save
              little more control, perhaps over the         vlc -I http --http-password pass -I Qt     network videos such as those from
              audio and video (see tip 7) or over            This uses pass as the password; if        YouTube.
              playback control (see tip 2). In these       you’re on a public network, you may

              cases, you can use VLC as the playback       want to use something more secure.                       Capture video
              device for YouTube videos. First, you        Open http://<ip-address>:8080 to use                     As well as playing video,
              need to use your browser to navigate to      the controls.                                            VLC can help you shoot
              the video you want to watch, then open                                                   one. Go to File > Open Capture Device,

              VLC and go to Media > Open Network                         Convert formats               select the capture mode you want
              Stream. Paste in the YouTube link, and                     Video players are fickle      (probably either Video Camera or
              it will play in the application.                           beasts, and just because      Desktop), and you can start recording. It
                                                           you use VLC, which plays just about         won’t be able to replace proper

                          Browser remote                   everything under the sun, that doesn’t      recording software for serious users,
                          When watching videos, it’s       mean you can ignore the problems of         but it’s more than capable for simple
                          often not convenient to use      others. Fortunately, VLC can convert        messing about.
              your mouse or keyboard to control            between formats to make movies more

              playback, but fortunately VLC includes a     friendly for other devices. Go to File >                  Listen to radio and

     Sometimes videos may need cropping, noise                                                                       VLC is a general media
                                                                                                       player, and as well as video, it plays
     reduction or adjusting the sync between video                                                     audio files. You can play these in the
                                                                                                       same way you would with videos, or
     and audio – VLC can do all this on the fly                                                        grab them from the internet. If you

                                                                                                                        VLC SECRETS

                                                                             03              04



listen to podcasts (such as the              they’re good to watch. This could be
fortnightly Linux Voice cast), go to View    some judicial cropping, noise removal
> Playlist, then in the internet section,    from the audio or adjusting the sync
click the plus icon next to Podcasts and     between the video and audio. There’s
enter the RSS URL for the cast. You can
also use this section to listen to an
                                             no need to reach from some complex
                                             video editor though, because VLC can                                                      08
internet radio station.                      do all this on the fly. Just go to Tools >
                                             Effects and Filters to set up whatever

              Record current video           you need.
              You can record sections of

              the currently playing video                   Bookmark a video
by clicking on the record button (a red                     If you find yourself needing
circle) in the control panel at the bottom                  to go to specific scenes in a
of the VLC window. If you don’t see the      video frequently (perhaps you’re
button, go to the View menu and click        watching Gladiator and need time to
on Advanced Controls.                        take in the magnificent ‘husband to a          Manage to set up the bookmarks, and
                                             murdered wife’ speech), you can make           you’ll be able to return to those points

            Audio and video effects          your life a little easier by bookmarking       with a single click. There’s no need to
            Sometimes, videos need a         particular points in the playback. Go to       scroll back and forwards seeking out a
            little treatment before          Playback > Custom Bookmarks >                  particular scene again.


The UK government
want to watch what
its subjects do on the
internet – wrongly,
says Ben Everard.

        echnology changes quickly.
        Law, on the other hand, changes
        slowly. The laws we abide by
today are roughly the same as the ones we
followed last year, and the year before; in
contrast, if we look back 10 years, the way we
use tech has changed hugely.
   Take smartphones, for instance. In 2006
Google showed the world its first prototype                law determining the UK government’s access to
phone, and the Android operating system hadn’t even        our communications – was passed. It was written
been released. 2006 was also the year rumours              at a time when few could even conceive of a world
surfaced that Apple was working on a phone (which          where people routinely checked a collectively edited
                                                                                      encyclopedia from their
                                                                                      phones, and the idea of a
     The UK Home Secretary says that we                                               social network hadn’t yet
     need a new law to govern surveillance                                            germinated.
                                                                                         Theresa May, the UK
     on the internet, and she’s right                                                 Home Secretary, says that
                                                                                      we need a new law to govern
would be release the following year). Contrast that        surveillance on the internet, and she’s right. However,
with 2016, when Google and Apple combined have             we need to be careful: any new powers granted to the
over half the world market share for mobile phones.        state are likely to stay for a long time, and will apply
   Look at the web and a similar thing is true. In 2006,   even when our use of technology has changed even
Facebook opened to the public after having previously      more than it has since 2000.
been limited to academic institutions. YouTube, now
the third most visited site on the web, was less than a    Who knows what tomorrow brings?
year old and first caught the public imagination. 2006     It’s impossible to say what the future will hold, but
was also the first year of Twitter.                        looking back at the change from 2000 to 2016 and
   Go back a further six years and things seem even        extrapolating forward, it seems almost certain that
more distant. Only four of 2015’s most popular             technology will become even more integrated into our
websites even existed in 2000 (Google, Yahoo,              daily lives in ways we can’t yet comprehend. It’s with
Tencent QQ and Amazon). There wouldn’t be a                this technology of the future that any new law will
Wikipedia for another year. Windows 2000 and ME            interact, so we need to ensure that it will enable us
were the dominant new operating systems. Sun               privacy and security in a future world in which the
open sourced, though the 1.0 release        amount of data about us stored online will be almost
wouldn’t be out for another two years. Napster was         inconceivably large. The draft Investigatory Powers
still less than a year old.                                (IP) bill released by the government in November 2015
   This year, 2000, was also the year that the             gives the state sweeping new powers, but does it
Regulation of Investigatory Powers act – the main          adequately protect our privacy?

                                                                                                  THE SNOOPER’S CHARTER FEATURE

What’s in the new law that the powers that be want to pass?

If the draft IP bill came into effect, it would allow the                                                Global Internet Traffic
state to compel “anyone providing communications                                  180,000
services” to take “all reasonably practicable steps” to
intercept the data of their users. Here there are two
terms that have very loose definitions that will allow                            140,000
the bill to be applied in a huge range of cases.

                                                            Petabytes per month
“Communications service provider” is a term that can
be applied to just about anyone who has anything to                               100,000
do with any form of data exchange, from an internet
service provider to an app developer, and “reasonably
practicable” covers a lot of things that are easy to do                           60,000
but ethically wrong, such as deliberately switching to
a weak encryption algorithm.                                                      40,000

The section of the bill covering bulk data collection                                  0
                                                                                           2014   2015        2016           2017        2018          2019
is the most worrying aspect to us at Linux Voice.
It allows the government to require anyone who
handles communications to hand over vast swathes
                                                                                                                                    Global internet traffic is
of data about people who aren’t suspected of any            terrorists and serious criminals. While this is true,                   growing by 23% per year.
wrongdoing. The explanatory notes accompanying              it is based on the logic that violating people’s rights                 If this continues, then
the bill attempt to justify these with the following:       is acceptable if you violate enough people that you                     any interception laws will
     “Access to bulk data is crucial to monitor known       happen to also violate the rights of criminals and                      become 23% more invasive
  and high priority threats but is also a vital tool in     terrorists – also know as the ‘if you arrest everyone,                  every year.
  discovering new targets and identifying emerging          you’re sure to arrest all the criminals’ argument.
  threats. The law provides for the use of interception,        Perhaps the most revealing aspect of this passage,
  communications data and equipment interference            however, is revealed when you look at it as a whole.
  powers in bulk. These can be used to obtain               “Access to bulk data… is also a vital tool in discovering
  large volumes of data that are likely to include
  communications or other data relating to terrorists
  and serious criminals. Robust safeguards govern
                                                                        Access to bulk data is absolutely not
  access to this data to ensure it is only examined                     crucial to monitoring known and
  where it is necessary and proportionate to do so.”
   This is probably the most misleading passage                         high-priority threats
in the notes. The first part of the first sentence is
demonstrably false: access to bulk data is absolutely       new targets and identifying emerging threats…
not crucial to monitoring known and high-priority           Robust safeguards govern access to this data to
threats, because if a threat is both know and high-         ensure it is only examined where it is necessary and
priority (it can’t be high-priority without being known),   proportionate to do so.”
       then there is no need for bulk collection – an          This implies that the government wants to use
        individual warrant for the data on the known        the bulk data to look for targets and threats that it
         threat would equally suffice.                      doesn’t yet know about. However, the assurance that
            The above quote then points out that if they    bulk data will be used only where “necessary and
          grab enough data,                                  proportionate” creates a contradiction, since you can
          they’ll probably get                                              never know when it’s necessary and
          some relating to                                                                proportionate to examine
                                                                                            data if you don’t know
                                                                                            the targets and threats
                                                                                           that you’re examining it
                                                                                         for. The only way that bulk
                                                                                        data can be used to identify
                                                                                       new targets and emerging
                                                                                     threats is if there aren’t robust
                                                                                   safeguards ensuring that it’s


                                                     only examined where      bulk equipment interference powers that this new bill
                                                      it is necessary and     confers, they’re unlikely to back off when they have
                                                     proportionate. Any       more powers to attack computers in vast numbers.
                                                    robust safeguard             Another aspect of the bill requires ISPs to hold onto
                                                  would ensure that           everyone’s internet connection records (ICRs) for a
                                                security services only        year. These ICRs will detail every communication
                                              filtered the data for           you sent, including web requests. This part of the bill
                                             known targets and already        makes a distinction between metadata (that is, data
                                           identified threats.                about the communication, including which machines
                                                                              took part and when it happened), and the contents
                                  Hacked off                                  of the communication. In the case of web browsing,
                         The equipment interference aspects of the bill       this means that the ISP will record every site you
                     allow the government to alter either the software or     requested data from, but not the actual page you
                  hardware of your machines in order to extract               requested. In other words, if you visit a BBC news
                  information. In other words, it gives them the right to     page, the ISP will record a visit to, but
                  hack computers.                                             not the story that you visited. The explanatory notes
                     It may be useful to target individual equipment          describe ICRs thus:
                  when done in accordance with proper safeguards;                  “An ICR is not a person’s full internet browsing
                  however, there is no situation where bulk equipment           history. It is a record of the services that they have
                  interference can ever be justified. It is never               connected to, which can provide vital investigative
                  appropriate for security services to routinely hack the       leads. It would not reveal every web page that they
                                                                                visit or anything that they do on that web page.”

     The government will be able to build                                        This requirement for only the metadata means
                                                                              that sites can still be served over secure connections
     up a far more detailed picture of your                                   (HTTPS) without violating the law. However, it’s
                                                                              actually a more nuanced situation than this, because
     browsing habits than first appears                                       a web page isn’t a single entity that you download in
                                                                              one go: it’s made up of images, scripts and styles that
                  software and hardware of innocent people who aren’t         all come in different requests.
                  suspected of any wrongdoing. It was under a similar            Each of these requests will go on your ICR, and
                  bulk warrant that GCHQ hacked into the computers            by looking at the pattern of all these requests, the
                  of Privacy International, a charity dedicated to the        government can build up a far more detailed picture
                  right to privacy. At the time of writing, this hacking      of your browsing habits than first appears. Depending
                  is under investigation by the Investigatory Powers          on the website visited, our tests showed that this
                  Tribunal, because GCHQ didn’t have the powers that          pattern of request was often sufficient to distinguish
                  it would have under the new bill. If GCHQ hacked            the category of page visited within the site, and
                  into the computers of charities before they had the         sometimes the actual pages visited.

                                               Left: Theresa May is the current Home Secretary, but the powers in the bill will allow any
                                               future Home Secretary to authorise spying of the entire populus. Above: GCHQ, based in
                                               Cheltenham, carries out much of the government’s most invasive spying.

                                                                                            THE SNOOPER’S CHARTER FEATURE

Bulk collection does not and cannot stop terrorism.

The current UK government is trying hard to convince
the population that bulk collection is an essential tool
in the fight against terrorism: that by collecting
enough information, and by analysing it carefully
enough, the security services will be able to work out
who’s a terrorist and stop them before they commit
an act of terror. The problem with this is that it’s
mathematically wrong.
   The first thing to take into account is that terrorists
are rare. In the year ending in March 2015, 118 people
were charged with terrorism offences in the UK. No
attacks happened in the UK in the same period, so                                                                                Thomas Bayes developed
there can’t be a significantly higher number of active                                                                           his theorem in the 18th
terrorists than this. The UK population is about 64                                                                              century, and it still has
million people, which means that, even if we play safe                                                                           applications in bulk
and scale up our estimate of terrorists by a factor of                                                                           surveillance and spam
10, terrorists only account for one in 64,000 people.                                                                            filtering.
   Now let’s consider the algorithm that the state will
use to process this bulk data and find terrorists. This             effective algorithm will actually be wrong 99.8% of
isn’t an especially easy problem, since terrorists will             the time. The reason for this apparent contradiction
be attempting to blend in, and many ordinary people’s               is because there are so few terrorists. The 1% of the
curiosity takes them to websites about terrorism.                   time that the algorithm falsely flags a non terrorist
The algorithm will never be 100% accurate, so what                  as a terrorist (1% of 64 million) vastly outweighs the
happens if it’s not? What happens if the algorithm is,              proportion of the time that it correctly flags a terrorist
say, 99% effective at finding terrorists?                           (99% of 1,000).
                                                                       If this terrorist search filter were used as an input
Enter Bayes’ theorem                                                for a more involved investigation, the problems
Bayes’ theorem tells us that the probability of a person            wouldn’t get any better. With a success rate of 0.0015,
being both a terrorist and flagged by an algorithm                  the security services would have to investigate on
that’s 99% effective can be calculated by multiplying               average 667 people for every terrorist they caught.
the probability of a person being a terrorist by the                With the UK police officer numbers having declined
probability of a terrorist being flagged by the algorithm           by 17,000 (about 12%) between 2010 and 2015, the
(0.99), then dividing the result by the probability of              police don’t have the manpower to chase up this
someone being flagged regardless of whether or not                  number of inaccurate leads. GCHQ is expanding
they’re a terrorist (0.01). The result is 0.0015. In other          by 1,900 anti-terror spies, but even these numbers
words, the chances are that your theoretical 99%                    fall far short of the number required to make their
                                                                    way through the sheer number of leads that a 99%
  Safe spaces                                                       effective algorithm would generate. Even if all these
  Speaking in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in              leads were followed up completely correctly and every
  January 2015, David Cameron reiterated his desire to be           flagged terrorist were apprehended, the algorithm still
  able to intercept the entirety of online communications:          missed 1% of terrorists, so this would leave 10
  “But the question is are we going to allow a means of             free to carry out an attack.
  communications which it simply isn’t possible to read.
                                                                       Not only does bulk
  My answer to that question is: no, we must not.” The Draft
  Investigatory Powers Bill is the fruit of that desire. However,   collection not work,
  the Prime Minister’s ambitions are not met by this new bill       but it cannot work.
  for two simple reasons:                                           Targeted, individual
  • It places the requirement to intercept data on the              surveillance coupled
  telecommunications operator, but in the case of user-
                                                                    with traditional
  implemented end-to-end encryption (such as GPG), this
  operator has no capabilities to intercept the plain text.         methods of intelligence
  • It only has the capability to force companies with              gathering and police work
  operations in the UK to comply with warrants. Any non-UK          are the only effective ways
  citizen could set up an organisation outside the UK offer         of tackling the problem.
  truly private communications without the need to comply
                                                                    Now write to your MP and tell
  with this law.
                                                                    them so!

     FAQ CHIP

     The Raspberry Pi Zero isn’t the only ultra-cheap single board computer in town.
                                 Say hello to the $9 CHIP.

                                                       Next Thing Co, a small startup       to sound wasteful, but there was
MIKE SAUNDERS                                          founded in 2013 and based in         something especially appealing about a
                                               Oakland, California. The company’s first     computer that you can break, throw
                                               product was the Otto, a customisable         away and replace for a pretty small
       Isn’t a chip just a part of a           digital camera that’s powered by – of all    outlay. The CHIP takes this to the next
       computer? What’s the deal               things – a Raspberry Pi. By connecting       level: want to use a tiny Linux-based
with the name?                                 the Otto to your smartphone, you can         computer for home brewing, monitoring
       We don’t think it’s a great name        add filters, perform post-processing         wildlife or doing other tasks where it
       either – the CHIP has several           effects and do other tricks without          could end up broken? Buy a few CHIPs
chips on it, and searching for support         having to be an expert in photography.       and if one buys the farm, just swap it
on the internet is going to be tricky.         You can even use the camera to take          out for another. (And go without the
Googling for “CHIP not working” is             videos in animated GIF form, which is        couple of beers at the pub that night to
going to bring up lots of unrelated            ideal if you’re looking to build up sweet,   claw back the cash.)
results, although it’s not as bad as the       sweet karma on Reddit’s /r/gifs forum.
situation in Gnome (“Web won’t connect                                                             Fair enough, but the Pi Zero
to the, er, web…”)                                    What is it that makes the CHIP               beats it in that respect now,
   But anyway. CHIP (or officially                    so special?                           doesn’t it? Doesn’t that mean the
C.H.I.P., but we get a headache from                  First and foremost, the price. We     CHIP is obsolete?
seeing it written like that all the time) is          may all be cooing over the $5                Well, yes and no. Both prices are
an ultra-cheap, $9 single-board                Raspberry Pi Zero now, but back when                astonishingly low, and it’s true
computer very much like the Raspberry          it was announced, the $9 price point for     that the Pi Zero has the edge if you
Pi Zero. Indeed, it was announced and          the CHIP raised plenty of eyebrows in        really want to save every penny. But
crowdfunded on Kickstarter back in             the wider computing world. Just the          there are also some substantial
May 2015, half a year before the Pi Zero       fact that a fully functional, usable         differences to the hardware. Both
was revealed to the world, and the team        computer (running Linux of course)           devices have single-core 1GHz ARM
behind it managed to get over                  would be available for under a tenner        CPUs backed up with 512MB of RAM
$2,000,000 from almost 40,000                  was brain-bending for many people.           – but while the Pi Zero requires a Micro
backers.                                       That’s a real computer for the price of a    SD card for storage, the CHIP has 4GB
                                               couple of beers at the pub.                  of flash memory built in.
      Wow, that’s not bad. Who’s                  Part of the original Raspberry Pi’s          Similarly, CHIP has a single full-size
      making it?                               appeal was its low price. We don’t want      USB port, in comparison to the Micro
                                                                                            USB socket on the Pi Zero, so that’s one
     CHIP supports wireless networking and                                                  fewer adaptor you may need to buy.
                                                                                            And then the CHIP supports wireless
     Bluetooth out of the box, whereas the                                                  networking and Bluetooth out of the
                                                                                            box, whereas the Pi Zero has neither of
     Raspberry Pi Zero has neither of these                                                 these. So while the Pi Zero may look like

                                                                                                                                 CHIP FAQ

the cheaper option at first glance, when
you start to think of the adaptors you
may need to kit it out with USB and
Wi-Fi support, its price can match (or
even exceed) that of the CHIP.
   Video-wise, the Pi Zero has a Mini
HDMI port (again, requiring an adaptor
in most use cases) whereas the CHIP
just has composite video with the
option to convert to HDMI via another
adaptor. And in terms of GPIO, the Pi
Zero has the lead with 40 pins, in
contrast to the CHIP’s 8 (although this
may change as the product reaches
widespread production).
   So both boards have their upsides
and downsides. The CHIP is more
capable out of the box, but the lack of a
Micro SD card slot means you have to
deal with the 4GB storage limit or start
adding a USB flash drive or SD card
reader – which again bumps up the
total price.                                 You’ll have to wait a few months to get your hands on a CHIP, but it will give the Pi Zero some friendly
                                             competition when it comes to embeddable computing power.
       And what about those
       all-important shipping costs?         hacking and others. We look forward to                         QWERTY keyboard, GPIO breakouts
       At the time of writing, delivery of   seeing the CHIP hacked into old ZX                             and 5-hour battery. You can order one
       CHIP to addresses in the United       Spectrum and Commodore 64 cases,                               now, but it costs more than five times
Kingdom and United States costs $6.22        running emulators and hooked up to                             as much as the CHIP itself at $49.
using the charmingly named Super             televisions.                                                      In addition, Next Thing Co sells
Standard Shipping method. For the Pi                                                                        various converters and add-ons such
Zero, our friends at Pimoroni charge                OK, I’m sold! How do I get hold                         as a HDMI adaptor for $15, VGA
£2.50 to post orders under £50 to the               of one?                                                 adaptor for $10, composite video cable
UK, or £4 to the US. So again, the prices           Well, you’ll have to be patient.                        for $5 and a case for $2. As with the
aren’t drastically far apart in this                Next Thing Co is working on                             Raspberry Pi, we expect to see plenty of
department, and you could save on the        getting its first batch of shipments out                       third-party add-ons and accessories
postage by ordering a bunch of CHIPs         to the Kickstarter backers – so those                          once the supply chain for the device
or Pi Zeros at the same time.                are taking priority. You can order a CHIP                      itself becomes stable and lots of people
                                             from the website at,                           have the devices in their hands.
       What versions of Linux run on         but you may have to wait until at least
       the CHIP?                             June before it will arrive in your letter                             I don’t know what to buy – tell
       Out of the box, the device will run   box. In the meantime, Next Thing Co                                   me how to spend my money!
       Debian GNU/Linux. Next Thing          has promised to send a review unit to                                 Why not get both? Just like with
Co is keen to position the CHIP as a         Linux Voice Towers, so we’ll have a                                   KDE vs Gnome, Emacs vs Vim
general-purpose computer, capable of         closer look at the machine next issue                          and Z80 vs 6502 (at least for us retro
surfing the web, playing games and           and you can start thinking about CHIP                          fans), there are zillions of debates
editing documents in LibreOffice. Given      projects before yours arrives.                                 concerning CHIP vs the Pi Zero raging
the computer’s very modest                                                                                  on the internet. Teams have assembled
specifications (and our experiences                 And what comes next? Is there                           on both sides trying to win over
with the original Raspberry Pi), we think           going to be a CHIP 2? Or a                              undecided buyers, but given the crazily
this might be overly ambitious – but         CHIP Zero for 99 cents?                                        low prices, we really don’t see the need
we’ll know for sure when we spend                   Maybe one day! There are no                             for flame wars.
more time with it.                                  public plans for a followup device                        Competition is good, so we hope this
   But outside of home desktop usage,        right now, but the Next Thing Co team                          spurs on the development and release
the CHIP could be a great alternative for    aren’t sitting around twiddling their                          of even more ultra-cheap single board
many of the jobs at which the                thumbs. The PocketCHIP (www.                                   computers. Unlike with high-end
Raspberry Pi excelled: robotics, home                                  smartphones or laptops, you don’t just
media servers, simple network attached       converts the device into a fully fledged                       need to settle for one – build up a little
storage devices, classic 8/16-bit            handheld computer, adding a resistive                          arsenal of low-cost Linux-powered
console emulation, ARM assembly              4.3-inch touchscreen, miniature                                devices and share the love.


Graham Morrison meets an award-winning Free Software/open source advocate
and community manager extraordinaire.

        eslie Hawthorn has been involved         the Oregon State University, as its Open          Wikimedia, StumbleUpon, Mozilla and Etsy.
        with open source for a long time.        Source Lab Community Manager, Leslie              Her personal emphasis has always been
        She spent five years as Google’s         is now the Community Manager for                  on cultivating open source communities
program manager for its brilliant Summer         Elasticsearch, the open source company            to create productive and inclusive
of Code project. After stints at Red Hat,        responsible for the ultra-scalable search         environments for Free Software. And that’s
as its Engineering Team Manager, and             platform that powers search on sites like         exactly where our conversation starts.

      Do you think the open source           be difficult is that because discussions     and open source software is that you
      community is becoming more             are more prominent, they are much            can give back, and this is another way
inclusive?                                   more politicised. If the dialog constantly   in which you can give back.
Leslie Hawthorn: I think the                 is perceived by you as being ‘you are a
community is slowly and surely               bad person because you fall into a                 It’s becoming increasingly
becoming more inclusive, which I find        privileged group’, you’re just not going           intimidating to get involved in
to be quite good. There are certain          to listen. You simply will not listen. Why   the community – everything is out
debates that we were never having            should anyone feel bad for having had a      in the open now and your CV is
before that I think are important. The       good life? That’s not a reasonable           online. Do you think this is a good
idea of, “Let’s talk about a lack of         request to make.                             place for us to have gone?
women in tech,” or, “Let’s talk about a         I think it’s more about changing the      LH: I think that’s tough. On the one
lack of people of colour in tech”. This is   dialog from ‘as a privileged person, you     hand, it’s wonderful to be able to say
not a new debate by any stretch of the       are an oppressor’, to ‘you are a             your work is available publicly and you
imagination, or Anita Borg wouldn’t          privileged person, you are in a powerful     can stand on your own merits because
have created the Systers email list,         position to be able to ensure that other     everyone has access to see what you
what, 30 or 25 years ago. It’s certainly     people can enjoy the successes that          are capable of doing, and to some
not new. One of the things that I find to    you have’. One of the beauties of free       degree you can say that this removes

                                                                                                            Leslie won O’Reilly’s
                                                                                                        prestigious open source
                                                                                                    award way back 2010 for her
                                                                                                     work making Free Software
                                                                                                            communities better.

                                LESLIE HAWTHORN INTERVIEW

    “People get over their intimidation
  factor a lot more quickly when they
feel like they’re dealing with a human
 being who cares about their success.”


bias, because then people can               don’t necessarily have time to prioritise     to help everyone get into the tent and
objectively judge the quality of my work.   putting together cool sample                  be successful. It’s not because Python
And yet there is a whole lot of             applications on GitHub so everyone            is easy: it’s because we as geeks value
problematic stuff involved in the idea of   knows that I’m fantastic. I’m fortunate       things that are really difficult and really
saying ‘well, I don’t need you CV           in that I don’t have to worry about that, I   challenging and for which you have to
anymore, I just want to see what’s          have other ways in which I’ve built a         be a super genius, because that’s part
available to you on GitHub’.                reputation within the community that          of how we define ourselves, and there’s
    Not everyone has had the privileged     speak for themselves and not everyone
position of working in a company in
which they were encouraged to do
                                            is in that position. I think it’s a double-
                                            edged sword.
                                                                                             Fundamentally, geeks are
open source software development.                                                            profoundly insecure; we
That’s gaining traction and much more              Especially for people who want
prominence now but that certainly has              to get in who may not be                  just don’t want to admit it
not always been the case. Depending         versed in the way that it works.
on the organisation you work with, they     LH: If you look at the rise in programs       a kind of mismatch there.
may have a wonderful dedication to          to help new people get into open source          Fundamentally, geeks are profoundly
publishing open source software but         – so this is everything like the Google       insecure; we just don’t want to admit it.
that doesn’t mean that all of their         Summer of Code spin offs like Rails           And part of what drives us and our
software is published as open source,       Girls Summer of Code, Django Girls etc        success is that insecurity. I think it’s OK
so that should not diminish the quality     – they are a phenomenal set of tools to       to be insecure; just own that insecurity,
of your work.                               help people begin the on-boarding             know what it is, know how it acts and
    And then there’s the question of how    process and get into open source              operates in your life, and don’t let your
much time you have to devote to             software development.                         tools use you. But if it’s a tool to
effectively writing software for fun or        On the other hand, if you also look at     become more ambitious, more
for a hobby or to scratch your own itch     the (there’s no nice way to say this)         successful, to learn new things, then
if that’s not part of what you’re paid to   critiques of people who go through            great – that’s wonderful. If it puts you in
do during your day job. I know that I       those programs… Python is considered          a position where you need people to be
have commitments to taking care of          to be an easy programming language,           less successful than you in order for
family members, I have commitments          and I think it’s considered an easy           you to feel good about yourself, that’s
to volunteer work that are not about        language because the Python                   when it becomes problematic. If you’re
coding projects but they are about          community has very deliberately, from         competing with yourself, that’s one
helping more software developers. I         very early on, made a concerted effort        thing. If you’re competing with everyone

  A San Fransisco Bay area
  native, Leslie has upped sticks
  to beautiful Amsterdam, the
  home of ElasticSearch BV.

                                                                            LESLIE HAWTHORN INTERVIEW

                                                                                          Code program, we tell people just
Outreach programmes such                                                                  Google it and you can find the answer.
as Google’s aren’t enough                                                                 If it’s a specific error message then, fine,
to foster a more inclusive                                                                sometimes that will work for you, but
environment in Free                                                                       how well are error messages written?
Software – a deeper cultural                                                              [much laughter]. Someone who is not
shift is required.                                                                        intimately familiar with your project – to
                                                                                          the point where they know all of the
                                                                                          gaps that you’ve already forgotten
                                                                                          because you’ve created workarounds in
                                                                                          your head already – they don’t know
                                                                                          what to search for.

                                                                                                  So a new user or contributor
                                                                                                  might have no knowledge or
                                                                                          context of anything. Being in that
                                                                                          situation is awful because you don’t
                                                                                          want to look ignorant, like you’ve
                                                                                          missed something on the FAQ, or
                                                                                          whatever people will say.
                                                                                          LH: Absolutely. There are a couple of
                                                                                          different things that I’ve seen be very
                                                                                          successful and there are arguments for
                                                                                          and against each of these tasks, but
                                                                                          there are some projects, like the Drupal
                                                                                          world where they have a channel that’s
                                                                                          for Drupal newbies if hanging out in the
                                                                                          regular Drupal channel is difficult for
                                                                                          you either because it’s noisy, because
                                                                                          there’s several people on there on any
else in situations where it’s not really a    documentation is broken or, potentially,    given day, or it’s difficult because you’re
competition, it’s a situation where a         the software is broken.                     intimidated because the creator of the
rising tide lifts all boats, that’s when it                                               Drupal project is in there and maybe
becomes problematic.                                 But the documentation is             you don’t want to ask the silly question
                                                     nearly always broken.                in front of [him]. Fair enough, then
       So to give people the toolkits         LH: Exactly. There’s a gentleman by the     maybe you can ask in the Drupal
       to improve their communities           name of Rich Bowen who is a docs guy        Newbies channel. And there’s also
and make them more approachable               for the Apache Software Foundation. I       always the encouragement that it’s
and less intimidating, what should            just ran across a presentation he did       great that you’re in here, you can also
those communities do? More                    and it was so incredibly good about the     go over there too, you can play on
outreach programs like Google’s               importance of documentation to your         Drupal, it’s cool.
Summer of Code?                               free and open source software project.         Other projects have a human who is
LH: I think Google’s pretty much alone           About two slides in, when he’s talking   dedicated to be the welcome wagon, so
doing projects like that for a couple of      about DocBook and what not, he talks        if someone new turns up on a mailing
reasons. One, Google being Google,            about the importance of empathy and         list or IRC or the issue tracker, and
people figure ‘OK, Google’s got it’:          creating good documentation, being          they’re asking questions that are clearly
Google’s got my email, Google’s got my        able to see things through the eyes of      well thought out but under informed
documents.                                    your user. He also says that the            then it’s their responsibility to welcome
   And I don’t think that outreach            response ‘RTFM’ is the height of            this person [and let them know that]
programs like that are the sole means         arrogance because, one, you’re              1) their ideas are valued, and 2) they’re
to make communities more welcoming.           assuming that someone hasn’t read the       not dealing with a bunch of people who
I also think it’s as simple as making         manual, which isn’t fair because often      were sprung full born from the head of
your documentation approachable and           documentation is broken, and you’re         Zeus knowing absolutely everything
also inviting people who don’t have           also making a whole huge load of            (because that’s not actually a thing).
expertise in your project whatsoever to       assumptions about what someone has             Amazingly enough, people get over
go through your documentation,                as knowledge in their heads.                their intimidation factor a lot more
because if somebody is not able to               One thing that that I think that we      quickly when they feel like they’re
effectively do the task that is               forget constantly, and this was brought     dealing with a human being who cares
documented, it’s not because this             home to me very sharply during my           about their success instead of dealing
person is foolish, it’s because the           time running the Google Summer of           with a wall of super geniuses sort of


  “That Thomas Edison quote: ‘I didn’t
  fail 10,000 times, I found 10,000 ways
  that didn’t work on the way to making it
  work’ – that’s on posters for a reason.”

staring down at them saying ‘why are           holding and hugs when they’re doing           a former site reliability engineer there
you wasting my time’.                          well. They need it when they’re doing         and still has great ties there, and I have
                                               poorly. I think as human beings we’re         friends there because, you know, the
       And the same thing could be             neurally geared as well as financially        ex pat life. They actually find that 19
       said of failure in all of those         incentivised to focus on all of the bad       out of 20 of their deployments that are
projects and workplaces.                       parts about failure, as opposed to what       customer facing have a net negative
LH: Absolutely. And the thing that I           we get out of it, which is new                impact on revenue, sometimes into
would like to tease out of these               knowledge.                                    the millions of dollars over the space
examinations of failure is that a good                                                       of 5–10 minutes before they’re rolled
leader’s job is to help the people around             People have been thinking              back, and that they have a great deal
them get through their failures. If you               about this for a very long time.       of tolerance for that risk because the
are a capable competent human – and            LH: Yes, and clearly it’s easy to say and     1 out of 20 deploys that actually have
really all colleagues are capable              hard to do, as with many good things. If      a positive impact on revenue can
competent humans – you don’t need              it were easy to do, everyone would            move the needle in terms of millions or
your manager to help you be                    already be doing it.                          billions because they have found that
successful. You don’t, you can go                 We’re moving into an era where we          one thing that actually works.
succeed on your own.                           have a wonderful set of guidelines, such
    You all need to get together and form      as the Agile manifesto or DevOps                     That’s a cultural thing. Your
a plan about what needs to happen, but         methodologies, you know: fail fast/                  theme mostly seems to be
it is not your manager’s role to help you      recover quickly; make it graceful; it’s not   about empathy, because empathy is
succeed. It’s your manager’s role to help      when your systems will fail or when you       something you can’t put in a
you when you have failed to figure out         as a human being will fail. And that’s all    spreadsheet.
what that graceful recovery looks like,        lovely and we pay lip service to all these    LH: Absolutely. Interestingly enough, I
and also to help you realise that the fact     ideas, but then we still operate in these     will be giving a talk at Eurocamp with a
that this issue has come to pass is not        ways that clearly subvert that as an          wonderful gal named Dajana Günther
the end of the world, it is not a reflection   idea, such as telling all of your team        who is on the board of Ruby Berlin,
on you, it is a reflection on the outcome      that it’s totally OK to fail – that’s not a   which is the non-profit organisation that
of that situation. OK, so you made a           problem, we just fix the problem, and         looks after all of the Ruby activities in,
mistake, OK so you failed; well that’s         then, instead of that actually being the      obviously, the city of Berlin, but they’re
fine, what did you learn from it? If you       way things are executed, instead we           also highly involved in Rails Girls
didn’t learn from it, here are some of the     micro-manage every bit of the process         Summer of Code and it’s all about
things I learned from it, perhaps I            and so people get the same message,           empathy and why this is a valuable skill,
should not assign you a deadline two           which is that’s it’s not OK to fail.          but also how to cultivate empathy if you
hours in the past, for example. Again,            And I also have a great case study         don’t necessary think of yourself as
people don’t need a lot of wisdom, hand        in So, my partner was            terribly empathetic.

                                                                                         LESLIE HAWTHORN INTERVIEW

                   How can you cultivate                  that people often chose not to be            it’s easy to succeed in the free and open
                   empathy?!?                             empathetic because they’re not               source software world. I was fortunate
             LH: This is terrific! This is actually       financially incentivised to do so. The       to have a mother who worked for one
             something you can learn, so this is          interesting thing that rolls out of that     of the large telecommunications firms.
             great because just telling people to be      is the need to create team structures,       I had access to the command line when
             empathetic is not terribly helpful. I have   organisations or structures of any kind      I was three, and I’m (now) almost 40.
             a personal pet peeve against going to        that specifically incentivise empathetic
             talks and people are like, do this, and      behaviours, because clearly as humans               And you used the command
                                                          we are hard-wired to do this, but again,            line at the age of three?
                                                          it needs to be learned and we need to        LH: Oh yeah! I think I was a strange
A leader’s job is to help                                 have it proven that it will benefit us.      three-year-old, and I stayed strange! It’s
the people around them                                            Do you think recent inclusivity
                                                                                                       very easy to think, “Well, I succeeded so
                                                                                                       anyone can succeed.” And we like to
get through their failures                                        issues within the open source        think of ourselves as being special but
                                                          community are unique to the                  not the special snowflakes, right?
                                                          personality types it attracts?                  We’re special human beings because
             give no information on how. So there         LH: Yes and no. The challenges to            we have this great gift, which is the
             are actually a couple of great ways to       empathy are not unique to the Free           FOSS ecosystem, both in terms of the
             cultivate empathy, one of which is fairly    Software/open source world at all. I         great tools we can use and the great
             easy for us, which is read fiction.          think they are the result of increasing      community we have. And yet none of
                                                          pressures on all social systems period.      us wants to think that maybe we were
                    Really?                                  I think we can just blow this out to      deeply successful, not because we
                    LH: Researchers have                  the whole world and go, wow, there’s         were super awesome but because of
             demonstrated that reading fiction helps      now seven billion+ people, if you have       the tools we had to be successful with
             you to be more empathetic because the        concern over your livelihood you will        that no-one else had. That’s not a
             process of fiction and actually going        tend to be less empathetic. One of the       comfortable position to be in.
             through the cycles of imagining the          things that I think is a unique challenge       Frequently people look at
             scenario in your head, while you’re          for our domain is that we have a             meritocracy, and meritocracy is a very
             consuming the text, causes you to go         rhetoric of openness, inclusivity,           comforting concept, because it means
             through the thought exercise of, “What       meritocracy. Anyone can come and             that I have succeeded because I am
             is this character experiencing?”. I can      participate in this process, and that is     terrific and it’s very hard to disassociate
             empathise with that because I’m              true up to a point. There are certainly no   the notion of that you are terrific and
             internalising it – use those same            rules saying that you may not                you also have more advantages that
             lessons you learn while reading fiction      participate. But, because we have that       allowed you to succeed. That’s not a set
             and apply them to the real world             as our rubric for understanding              of ideas that people are very
             [Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory    participation in FOSS, we don’t realise      comfortable holding their minds on.
             of Mind, David Comer Kidd and                that that in itself is a problematic
             Emanuele Castano, www.sciencemag.            statement to make. It’s not as simple as            It requires a personal level of
             org/content/342/6156/377.abstract).          [assuming that] everyone is able to do              abstraction that a lot of people
                There’s also some other cool              this. There are various types of privilege   aren’t equipped for.
             scientific studies where people have         that mean people are not able to             LH: Yes, and self awareness is hard,
             noted that empathy is a choice and           engage, so it’s easy for me to say that      just in general. And I think we’re not
                                                                                                       taught exercises in self awareness
                                                                                                       frequently [enough]. It’s empathy for
                                                                                                       oneself and one’s willingness to be
                                                                                                       humane towards oneself rather than
                                                                                                       simply brush all of our feelings under
                                                                                                       the carpet and pretend they don’t exist.
                                                                                                       And honestly, empathy starts with the
                                                                                                       ability to show care for the self and
                                                                                                       really understand: these are my areas
                                                                                                       of success; these are my areas of
                                                                                                       failure; here’s what I want to do to
                                                                                                       increase my successes; mitigate the
                                                                                                       places where I’m not doing as well as I
                                                                                                       want to do. Until you’re able to do that
“These are my areas of
                                                                                                       with yourself, being able to provide that
failure; here’s what I want
                                                                                                       as a baseline of compassion for other
to do to increase my
successes.”                                                                                            people is, well, I won’t say impossible,
                                                                                                       but it’s certainly much harder.




                                                                                                                       INTRO REVIEWS

The latest software and hardware, rigorously bashed against a wall by our crack team.

                                               On test this issue . . .
                                                                                                                            Better plugin integration,
                                                                                                                            hardware controllers
                                                                                                                            for faders, easy track
                                                                                                                            duplication and the ability
                                                                                                                            to save plugin templates are
                                                                                                                            the stonking new features
Andrew Gregory                                                                                                              in the latest release of
is 82.3972223% of the way through                                                                                           this essential digital audio
Dry January. But who’s counting?                                                                                            workstation.

      t’s a new year, so let’s make some
      predictions! I predict that Apple will
      release a cable for its devices that
won’t fit any of its old devices, so
‘forcing’ its customers to buy a load of
new stuff to replace the perfectly good
old stuff. This will take place, ooh, in       Tails 2.0                     43    Wine 1.8                       44   NodeMCU                          45
spring. March maybe.                           The Anonymous, Incognito Live       Need Windows software to run        A single-board micocontroller
   In August Microsoft will launch a           System gets even easier. Privacy    on Linux? Try Wine – but only if    with Wi-Fi for only £3? This is the
partnership/foundation/call it what you        for the masses, here we come.       you have the patience…              stuff of a madman’s dreams!
will, with an organisation nobody’s
heard of, that purports to represent Free
Software standards. This organisation
will conclusively prove that MS loves
                                               Group test and books
Linux. Again.
   A company with the info security of a
wet paper bag will leak a load of
customer data some time in October.
This will be blamed on ‘hackers’, and
not the use of passw0rd123 as their
admin password. And more car makers
will be sucked into the emissions
scandal, as we pretend that the
combination of the human nature and
closed source software makes this
anything other than inevitable.
Meanwhile, unnoticed, Linux will               Booooooooooooooks!!!!                             48   Group test – software licences                  50
continue to power everything from              A welcome return to badass form from Kathy Sierra,     The licence under which software is released
fridges to the internet. Carry on!             plus some other books that aren’t by Kathy Sierra,     can make or break it. Here are some of the most                          but will also help you write better code.              important in Free Software and beyond.


Ardour 4.6
Graham Morrison finds another excuse to turn on his immense synthesizer collection.

Web                    e don’t always agree with the monetising       studio. We use it to record our podcast. It’s brilliant,
Developer Paul Davis                     methods of Ardour’s author, Paul Davis. At     and recent releases have taken the application from
Licence GPLv2
                                         the moment, for example, it’s impossible to    a difficult niche to what we feel is imminent
                           download a binary of Ardour from its main website            mainstream recognition.
                           without going through several nag screens, paying a             4.6 is a huge step forward too, mostly in the way
                           one-off (low) fee or buying a subscription.                  Ardour handles plugins. These essential components,
                               It’s completely within Paul’s rights to do this, and     like filters in Gimp, enable you to process audio,
                           there’s nothing stopping anyone downloading the              changing the perceived volume of a track, add echo,
                           code from GitHub and compiling the packages                  or distortion, or whatever else the plugin developer
                           themselves (as we did). But binary obfuscation isn’t         has imagined. There are hundreds available for Linux
                           going to help Ardour’s cause. We don’t think making          and they’re fundamental to Ardour’s functionality – we
                           something harder to access is going to improve Paul’s        can’t believe Ardour doesn’t include its own
                           profits, especially when Linux distributions are going       compressor, gate and equaliser, for instance. But
                           to bundle their own versions anyway and OS X or              these external plugins are now a lot easier to use. The
                           Windows users will just pirate something else. We            main mixer view even lists your favourites, right where
                           humbly suggest that Ardour needs to get more, rather         you can drag them into your audio tracks. You can
                           than less, exposure, and another solid update like this      even drag and drop presets too, enabling you to
                           is a great advertisement.                                    quickly save and retrieve your hard-tweaked
                               Ardour is a multi-track audio editor. Unlike Audacity,   parameters. The mixer view in general is now 25%
                           it’s designed to record and mix multiple recordings          smaller, and the GUI has had lots of minor tweaks to
                           together, much as an engineer would in a recording           make things look better. We also appreciated the
                                                                                        ability to turn off all plugins when loading a project, as
                                                                                        some plugins can cause a project to crash. Most
                                                                                        similar applications have had this feature for years.
                                                                                           Ardour is developing at an incredible rate, and the
                                                                                        quality of each release is staggering. All we can add is
                                                                                        that if you use Ardour professionally, it’s entirely worth
                                                                                        spending your money on.

This release also has                                                                   Paul Davis and the Ardour team are doing an
support for a major                                                                     amazing job, creating a powerful open source
                                                                                        audio editor to rival Cubase, Logic or Pro Tools.
external controller, the
Presonus Faderport.

                                                                                       PRIVACY-CENTRIC DISTRO REVIEWS

Tails 2.0
A new release of this Tor-based distro keeps Mike Saunders safe online.

          or is a fascinating project. It aims to provide a                                                              Web
                                                                                                                         Developer Tor and Tails teams
          certain level of privacy and anonymity online                                                                  Platforms IA32
          by routing traffic through a network of
thousands of relays scattered around the globe, but
it’s being attacked from all sides. Sure, there may be a
few bad eggs using Tor for nefarious purposes, but it
helps countless people in not-so-democratic
                                                                                                                         While Tor Browser is the
countries communicate and get access to
                                                                                                                         star of the show, there are
information that would normally be blocked.
                                                                                                                         other programs included
    Installing Tor manually can be rather fiddly, so one                                                                 for communicating
solution is the Tor Browser, a pre-packaged bundle of                                                                    securely online, such as
Firefox and Tor. Just launch it and start browsing – it’s                                                                Icedove (a rebranded
then very difficult for websites you visit to determine                                                                  Thunderbird).
who you are. But still, if there’s other unsecure
software on your system (especially if you’re running         Icedove (an unbranded version of Mozilla Thunderbird),
Windows), using Tor Browser alone isn’t enough.               while the Tor Browser itself has been updated to
    Here’s where Tails comes into play. “The Amnesic          version 5.5a6.
Incognito Live System” is, as its name suggests, a live          We’ve always been fans of Tails, as it really focuses
Linux distro that routes all its network traffic through      on making privacy and security accessible to the
Tor. Because it runs in live mode from a DVD or USB           masses. This new release upgrades the distro with a
key, it leaves no trace on your hard drive (unless you        better desktop environment and email client (nothing
explicitly choose to save files manually), so you can         against Claws, but Thunderbird is a better choice
boot up a PC with it, do your work, and then power            for less technical users). With certain governments
down the machine as if it hadn’t been used.                   desperate to monitor everything we do and put back
    So, what’s new in Tails 2.0? The biggest change           doors into encryption, we need distros like this.
is the switch to Gnome 3 as the desktop. Sensibly,
the Tails team is using the “Classic” mode of Gnome,          The switch to Gnome 3 and Thunderbird keeps Tails
                                                              fresh, modern and ideal for private browsing.
so that it looks and behaves more like a traditional
desktop. Claws Mail has been junked in favour of

     REVIEWS WINE 1.8

Wine 1.8
Ben Everard messes about with some Windows software – all in a good cause!

Web              he name Wine originally stood for Windows       and changing. Wine is incomplete and probably
Developer Wine Authors
Licence LGPL                            Emulator – however, this changed when it        always will be, but it doesn’t have to be perfect: it just
                                        became clear that the project wasn’t, and       has to be good enough to run the software you want
                              wouldn’t become, an emulator. The project kept the        to run, and each release, Wine gets a little closer to
                              same name, but switched to the recursive acronym          matching Windows, and so more and more software
                              Wine Is Not an Emulator. Instead, it’s a compatibility    runs. You can find out whether a particular piece of
                              layer that enables the user to run Windows software       software runs or not by looking at the application
                              on Linux.                                                 database (, but bear in
                                 At its heart, any piece of software (whether it’s      mind that this is based on people’s experiences and
                              compiled to run on Linux or Windows), is just made        may be wrong or out of date.
                              up of machine code instructions. These are for the          Perhaps the biggest challenge for anyone using
                              CPU and don’t care about the operating system             Wine is working out how to configure it for each
                              running. The only compatibility problems arise when       application. This can be a significant challenge, and
                              this machine code tries to access the library of code     the simplest way around it is to use Play On Linux
                              that the operating system supplies, as these libraries    (POL). This contains configurations for many popular
                              differ between Linux and Windows. Wine is an attempt      applications (as you may guess from the name,
                              to recreate the Windows libraries (and other APIs) in     many of them are games). POL uses known-good
                              Linux so that executable files for Windows will run in    versions of Wine for each application, so you won’t
                              Linux. The problem for the Wine developers is that this   immediately benefit from Wine 1.8 using this until the
                              set of libraries is huge, complex, poorly documented      configurations are updated.
                                                                                          The development of Wine never stops, and version
                                                                                        1.9 is already out, however, this is a development
                                                                                        snapshot rather than a stable release. The next main
                                                                                        version will be 1.10 which is scheduled for release in
                                                                                        December 2016.
                                                                                          Wine 1.8 is the most complete release to date, and
                                                                                        well worth an upgrade if you need to run Windows
                                                                                        software. However, until the configuration is easier, we
                                                                                        can’t recommend vanilla Wine for regular users.

With Wine you can enjoy                                                                 An excellent way to run Windows software
                                                                                        without having to dual boot, but let down by
classic Windows games                                                                   complex configuration.
such as Microsoft’s Pinball
on Linux.

                                                                                                             NODEMCU REVIEWS

Ben Everard tests out a small board with big ambitions.

          computer with Wi-Fi for £3 including tax and                                                            Web
          delivery might seem like an impossible dream                                                            Developer NodeMCU team
          – after all, most USB Wi-Fi dongles cost more                                                           Price From £3
than this. However, the NodeMCU really does deliver
this as promised with one caveat: it’s not a fully
featured desktop computer, but a microcontroller.
Don’t expect to be able to run your favourite Linux
distro on this, or any other Linux distro for that matter,
but you can program it to run a single application.
                                                                                                                  The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
   The primary way of interacting with the NodeMCU
                                                                                                                  provides all features of the
is via a Lua command line interface that you can                                                                  NodeMCU. Both the
access over the USB port using either standard serial                                                             processor and the Wi-Fi
port software (such as screen), or specialist software                                                            connection come from
designed for this module such as ESPlora. Using                                                                   here.
either of these methods, it’s possible to program your
NodeMCU to send and request data over the network.              The downside to the NodeMCU is that it’s still
Coupled with the networking functions are eight              quite new and not as popular as some other
digital input/output pins, one analogue output, an SPI       microcontrollers (such as the Arduino), so there’s
bus and an I2C bus. To make using the module easy,           not much other hardware designed to work with
version 2 of the board comes with a USB port for             it at the moment. There’s also not much useful
power and communication, so no other hardware is             documentation for people new to microcontrollers.
needed to program the device.                                However, if you have some experience with similar
   The connectivity, small size and low cost of the          devices and are looking for a Wi-Fi platform, the
NodeMCU make it ideal for building internet-of-things        NodeMCU may be the best option available.
devices. For just a few pounds more, you could buy
a whole host of sensors to keep track of almost any          A price and performance that is unequalled in
aspect of your environment. The microcontroller is           wireless microcontrollers, but better
                                                             documentation for beginners is needed.
perfectly capable of running a web server to provide
an interface to any device you can connect it up to.


The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons

 PASS ME THE WINE                            Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition
                                             A true overhaul of a classic formula.

                                                          any games have claimed to bring the
                                                          dated CRPG genre into the 21st
                                                          century, but few have really followed
                                             up on those claims as well as Divinity: Original Sin.
                                             From its fantastic fully-3D graphics to its usage
                                             of full voice acting, it is clear that the game
                                             doesn’t simply seek to cash in on nostalgia.
 Michel Loubet-Jambert is our Games
 Editor. He hasn’t had a decent night’s        This is most evident from the incorporation
 sleep since Steam came out on Linux.        of controller support, something that previously
                                             seemed impossible to do in such a game                  The game is highly immersive, but does not shy

          nce a must-have for Linux          without dumbing it down significantly. Though           away from humour.
          gaming, Wine has become            there are still needlessly clunky inventory menus
          increasingly redundant of
                                             found in CRPGs, navigation is streamlined and           pacing that has traditionally been the bane of
 late. This is not just due to the
 increasing number of native titles          easy to use. The drawback of using a controller         such games.
 available, but also to the lack of          though is that text boxes get enlarged during             Divinity is still nonetheless very immersive,
 DirectX 11 support, which is now            dialogue and cover the whole screen, killing            with plenty of digressing and sidequesting.
 essential for most AAA titles.              much of the immersion – something that seems            This is enhanced further with the rich, colourful
    While the compatibility layer is still
                                             completely redundant given the full voice acting.       world, which is second-to-none in the genre.
 excellent for older titles that are
 unlikely to ever get Linux support,           Though the story follows many of the usual            Furthermore, the ability to zoom right into
 such as Skyrim, gamers are going to         fantasy tropes involving dark guilds and plots          the characters to the point of a third-person
 be bitterly disappointed if trying out      to doom the world, it doesn’t come off as overly        perspective is a very nice touch, adding even
 something like Fallout 4, which             dense given the presence of lighthearted gags.          more immersion.
 doesn’t support DirectX 9. There is
                                             Similarly, the game at no point bombards the
 simply no way to run such games, let                                                                  Website
 alone well, and with the release of         player with countless text boxes describing
                                                                                                       app/230230 Price £29.99
 DirectX 12 right around the corner,         banal details, and thus does away with the slow
 Wine is lagging behind.
    Support for the API has been in
 “experimental” stages for a while
 now, and developers have been
 working hard to address this elephant
 in the room. That said, once support
 is available, we’re unlikely to see a
 bunch of DX11 games working
 overnight. With this in mind, the
 software has been taking more of a
 “legacy” role for older titles.
    While a cross-platform API such as
 Vulkan (successor to OpenGL) would
 be the ideal long-term solution, and is
 likely to gain traction over DX12 (if
 only for its cross platform support)
 this will also take a while to become
 an industry standard.
                                               Even up close, the
    With this in mind, Wine is unlikely
                                               imgery is stunningly
 to disappear any time soon, since
 easily portable AAA games are still a         vibrant.
 while off, and there will always be a
 demand to play classic titles of
 yesteryear such as The Sims without            The story follows the usual fantasy tropes
 the need to install Windows.
                                                involving dark guilds and plots to doom the world

                                                                                                              GAMING REVIEWS

Saints Row IV                                                                                   ALSO RELEASED…
Some crass sandbox silliness.

        aints Row goes all out with the        the game’s brash humour, silliness and
        sandbox genre, giving the player       parodies of popular culture. Every aspect,
        unbridled freedom in its world,        down to the intricate character creation,
which includes the ability to jump atop        its dialogue and characters, are designed
skyscrapers and run faster than cars.          to have the player in stitches.
However, the game’s biggest selling point          In the end, Saints Row IV delivers exactly
is also one of its biggest weaknesses,         what it promises: a healthy dose of fun.
since these abilities are available near the   It is for this reason, along with its very       Valhalla Hills
beginning of the game, which gives little      attractive price tag, which has made this        This nice little city builder requires the player
sense of progression and challenge.            game so popular.                                 to expand a Viking settlement up a hill to the
   As is expected with the genre, the story                                                     point where it reaches Valhalla. Inspired by the
                                                                                                likes of The Settlers, it incorporates strategy
is lacklustre, though this is made up for by     Website
                                                                                                and resource management elements. However,
                                                 app/206420 Price £10.99
giving the player plenty to do and through                                                      be warned that a few of its mechanics,
                                                                                                particularly the pathfinding, tend to be a little
                                                                                                on the clunky side and can often be frustrating,
                                                                                                though its graphics are certainly relaxing.

                                                            Saints Row IV doesn’t reinvent
                                                                                                Dreamfall Chapters
                                                             the wheel, but instead straps      This game perhaps deserves more attention,
                                                                           fireworks to it.     but was plagued with performance issues
                                                                                                which have only recently been solved. It’s a
                                                                                                worthy successor to the Longest Journey
                                                                                                adventure games, featuring a rich story,

Grid Autosport                                                                                  memorable characters and extremely
                                                                                                intriguing world. Though the puzzles can be a
                                                                                                bit hit and miss, the game more than makes up
Easily the most realistic racing simulator to be released on Linux.                             for it with its excellent plot and narrative.

         he car-shaped gap in Linux
         gaming is gradually being filled,
         and Grid addresses the part of
that gap concerned with realistic driving
simulation, adding to the battle and
arcade racers released recently.
  Grid features everything one could
want from a racing game: plenty of tracks
and cars, realistic physics and satisfying     The game features many well known cars
graphics. There’s a wide range of classes      and tracks to enjoy.
to choose from, including touring cars and                                                      Vendetta – Curse of Raven’s Cry
                                                                                                This game has a troubled history, being
endurance.                                     following a crash and display ideal racing
                                                                                                released early last year and universally panned
  The online multplayer can be very            lines on the track.                              for its numerous bugs. This re-release
enthralling, but a little intimidating to         It’s hard to pick any holes in Grid           addresses those issues and demonstrates that
begin with. For the lone wolves, there’s a     Autosport. It’s a must have for those more       behind all the issues was a very decent RPG
hefty career mode where the player can         serious about their racing games, while          involving pirates, ship-to-ship combat and a
                                                                                                satisfying open world. However, it still isn’t
advance among the different classes and        also recommended to those seeking
                                                                                                without its issues and those looking to dabble
get signed to bigger and better teams          something more casual.                           in a bit of piracy may want to wait for a sale or
as the career progresses. This can be                                                           price drop.
challenging, but for casual players there        Website
                                                 app/255220 Price £24.99
are options such as the ability to rewind


Beyond legacy code
Ben Everard avoids legacy code problems by using low-quality hard drives.
Author David Scott Bernstein
Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
Price £25.50
ISBN 978-1680500790

       egacy code refers to the vast number       out the importance of actually being agile,
       of programs running today that             not just adding an agile veneer to outdated
       are hard to maintain and prone to          software development methodologies. His
breaking. They’re a huge source of problems       approach is summed up in nine practices
for anyone working in the IT industry, from       that, when properly understood, ensure that
developers who have to wrestle with them in       not only is agile development used, but its
order to add new features to sysadmins who        benefits are actually realised.
have to keep old distros running because            Bernstein’s advice is based on a huge
the legacy code relies on an end-of-lifed         amount of experience, and it’s not only
package. Beyond Legacy Code isn’t a book          easy to follow, but easy to understand.
about how to solve the problem with the           This is important because it’s only with this
legacy code we have now, it’s about how to        understanding that the principles can be
solve the problem we will have with legacy        properly applied to each project.
code in the future. In other words, it’s about
                                                  Fewer than half of all software projects are
writing code that will stand the test of time     successful. If more people followed the
and remain useful for years.                      book, that would increase dramatically.
  David Bernstein prescribes an agile                                                              Learning to write easy-to-maintain code is a gift
approach to this problem. He is keen to point                                                      to your future self.

Reactive Programming with RxJS
Ben Everard attempts to code using Newton’s third law of motion.
Author Sergi Mansilla
Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
Price £12.18
ISBN 978-1680501292

         on’t be confused: this is a book         wastes no time in getting down to the
         about JavaScript with the word           nitty gritty of RxJS and how it can create
         Reactive in the title, but it’s not      readable, clean code where before lay a
a another book about building reactive            mess of callbacks and event listeners.
websites. RxJS is about a the reactive               While Reactive Development exists in
style of programming (this is not unique to       most languages, this book is probably a little
JavaScript; it originated in .NET), rather than   too tied to JavaScript to be useful to anyone
website design. In this style of programming,     looking to gain the advantages in other
data is dealt with in streams that can be         languages. However, Reactive Programming
filtered and acted upon. These streams            with RxJS does cover RxJS in Node.js
(known as observables) are particularly           as well as the browser, so with this one
effective for dealing with asynchronous data      tome, you gain the skills to implement the
sources.                                          programming style both on the server and
    Reactive Programming with RxJS focusses       for your end users.
specifically on Reactive development
rather than on general JavaScript, so the
                                                  A straightforward guide to get you
reader has to be familiar with the language,      started with RxJS quickly.
and it will help if they have experience in                                                        RxJS: Code as neat as a knot of rainbow-
asynchronous programming. Sergi Mansilla                                                           coloured cables.

                                                                                                                       BOOKS REVIEWS

Badass: Making Users Awesome
Graham Morrison finally gets another Kathy Sierra book.                                      Also released…
Author Kathy Sierra
Publisher O’Reilly
Price £19.99
                                                                                             March 2016
ISBN 978-1491919019

                                                                                             Building a Quadcopter
               e’ve been huge fans of
               Kathy Sierra for a long                                                       This book promises to go
                                                                                             through the nuts and bolts
               time. We first discovered
                                                                                             of building a quadcopter
her work through O’Reilly’s ‘Head First’                                                     based on the Arduino
series of books, which Kathy helped                                                          micro-controller. We really
to formulate after co-authoring the                                                          like this idea, because
first title, Head First Java, back in 2003.                                                  quadcopters are becoming
                                                                                             very popular, which has
Written by Kathy and her partner,
                                                                                             made the hardware cheap
Bert Bates, it combined her extensive                                                        and accessible. Putting
Java training experience (from                                                               one together yourself or
Sun Microsystems) with her ability                                                           as a project with your kids
maximise attention and concentration,         “Too often, the goals of a company and         is a great way of breaking
                                              the goals of its users aren’t just different   down a complex problem      Build your own open
perhaps thanks to her prior experience
                                                                                             into simple parts.          source quadcopter!
as a games programmer.                        but mutually exclusive.”
     That first book contained many
of the elements that have gone on to          stepped out of the limelight, and it
make the series so useful. But mostly,        has understandably taken her a long
it was successful because of what             time to venture back – first with some         Android Programming
it did not contain: in comparison to          excellent blog posts, then with some           This is a book aimed at
the average O’Reilly book, there were         presentations, and now finally with            beginners, written by an
far, far fewer words. There were no           a new book very much in the Head               author who we like, with
lengthy essays, no wordy diatribes on         First… style.                                  plenty of experience. This
                                                                                             is all good news, because
language syntax, no backgrounds or               Badass: Making Users Awesome is             mobile operating systems
biography and definitely no reference         a worthy return, and it’s wonderful to         like Android are the new
material. Each book was composed              see her and her trademark teaching             semi-closed PC platform.
of simple ideas linked together by            approach back in print. Badass doesn’t         The more of us writing
meme-like images, phrases, charts             take on the complexity of a language           open source software for
                                                                                             it, the better the future of
and remarkable insight. These                 like Java, but it does attempt to              the platform and our
components were sewn together to              answer a vital question relevant to            hardware. It’s also a great
engage the reader from the beginning          many of us, “Given competing equally-          way of making you more         Need a new career? Why
right through to the end.                     priced, equally- promoted products,            employable.                    not try Android coding?
     In theory, tackling big subjects like    why are some products far more
Java in this way shouldn’t work. It’s a       successful than others?”.
complex language that can take years             Whether your product is an app, a
to master. But Head First… succeeds,          game, a blog post or a print magazine,         BIND/DNS Admin Reference
not because it’s a sugar rush of              Badass takes an othogonal approach
                                                                                             This month’s sysadmin
quick and clever ideas, but because           to helping you understand how best to          pages, at the back of the
it understands the limitations of             reach your audience, purely from your          magazine, dive into the
teaching a subject through words. The         potential user’s/reader’s perspective. It      complex world Domain
writers probably assume, for example,         does this by persuading you to forget          Name Servers and the
that most people who start a complex          the ‘brand’ and concentrate on making          Berkeley Internet Name
                                                                                             Daemon, two fascinating
O’Reilly book don’t finish a complex          your users ‘feel’ awesome after using          and powerful services that
O’Reilly book. Yet most of us shouldn’t       your creation. Only then will they             hold the web together.
have trouble finishing any Head First…        become your ‘badass’ users and help            There are plenty of books
title, and even re-reading it several         your endeavour to succeed. It’s a noble        on the subject, for further
times over. And that’s the series’ killer     approach that’s utterly right.                 reading, but this second
                                                                                             edition is the latest if you
feature; accessibility via a ‘natural                                                        want to take your DNS        It’s difficult, but that
language’ style of teaching.                                                                 learning further.            makes it special.
                                              A fabulous read, although it’s unlikely to
    After suffering serious online            make us awesome overnight.
harassment in 2007, Kathy Sierra


If you’re starting a new Free Software or open source project, you need
to pick an appropriate license for it. Here are our recommendations.

 On test                                                    Free software licences
                                                                  n the proprietary software              rather than take them away, and
 GNU GPL                                                          world, very few people read             they’re usually written with real
             URL                            software licences. Many of us           people in mind and not just lawyers.
             gpl-3.0.en.html                                who occasionally spend time on                They’re shorter, they’re clearer,
             Originator Free Software Foundation            Windows or Mac OS X are familiar              and they try to explain how they
             The license behind the Linux kernel and        with huge EULAs (End User Licence             want to help developers, users and
             other big-name projects.
                                                            Agreements) which go on for                   (sometimes) software vendors
                                                            thousands of words and contain                benefit from access to source code.
 Affero GPL                                                 ridiculous amounts of jargon and                But there are many licences –
             URL             legalese. So virtually everyone just          and the differences can have a big
             Originator Free Software Foundation            clicks “I accept” without paying              impact on the success of an open
             Like the GNU GPL, but with extra clauses       proper attention.                             source project. So for this month’s
             to make sure our freedoms are not                  In fact, the situation is so bad          Group Test, we thought we’d step
             curtailed by “software as a service”.          that one company, PC Pitstop, put a           aside from software and look at
                                                            note in its software’s EULA saying:           the licences behind it. It’s good to
 BSD Licence                                                the first person to email a specific
                                                            address will get $1,000. It took four
                                                                                                          be aware of the differences as a
                                                                                                          regular Linux users, but it’s even
                                                            months and over 3,000 downloads               more important if you plan to start
             Originator Regents of the University of        before someone actually read the              an open source project in the future,
             California                                     EULA in full and requested the prize.         or at least contribute to one. We’ll
             An open source licence allows code to be           Here in the GNU/Linux world,              focus on picking out the ones
             pulled in to proprietary apps.                 it’s very different. Our licences are         that are the most beneficial to our
                                                            intended to protect our freedoms,             software ecosystem as a whole.
 Artistic Licence 2.0
             license_2_0                                      There are many licences, and the
             Originator The Perl Foundation
             Written by Larry Wall and used for many
                                                              differences can have a big impact on
             Perl implementations and modules.                the success of a project
 GNU Lesser GPL                                              Free Software vs Open Source
             Originator Free Software Foundation             The terms “Free Software” and “open          term that was developed in the 1990s
             A version of the GPL that lets                  source” may seem interchangeable, but        to make the concept of Free Software
             Free Software libraries be used by              there are some subtle differences in their   more business friendly. It focuses on
                                                             philosophies.                                the practical aspects of software whose
             proprietary software.
                                                                Free Software is the name used by         source code you can view, change
                                                             the Free Software Foundation and GNU         and distribute: better reliability, more
 Mozilla Public Licence                                      project from their early days, and it
                                                             means “free as in speech, not as in beer”.
                                                                                                          security, and more eyeballs looking at
                                                                                                          the code. Many people use “FOSS” (Free
             URL              The Free Software Foundation is keen         and Open Source Software) as a term to
             Originator Mozilla Foundation                   to stress the importance of freedom,         encapsulate both approaches. You may
             Used by Firefox, Thunderbird,                   community and sharing in its software        even come across “FLOSS”, where the “L”
             LibreOffice and other apps, aiming to           – social benefits that improve the world.    stands for “libre” – emphasising freedom
             bridge the gap between GPL and BSD.             Open source, on the other hand, is a         of speech and not just zero cost.

                                                                              FREE SOFTWARE LICENCES GROUP TEST

A single-clause licence
Do What the ‘Flip’ You Want to Public Licence.

           ost of the licences in this Group       with your work (especially if it’s longer than         In other words, no worrying about rights
           Test are geared towards large           the code itself)?                                  for distribution, modification, linking,
           Free Software and open source              Here’s where you could use the WTFPL,           patents or anything like that – developers
projects with multiple developers and              or Do What the ‘Flip’ You Want to Public           can simply take the code and do anything
thousands or millions of lines of source           Licence. (You’ve probably gathered by now          with it. Effectively, it’s very much the same
code. But what if you’ve written some small        that ‘Flip’ is actually another word in the real   as putting your code in the public domain.
snippet of code that you want to share with        licence text…) It’s a single-clause licence that   It’s not very popular, though, as most open
the world, but you don’t want the complexity       has a tiny preamble and then says:                 source developers still want some credit for
of picking a licence, making sure all your         0. You just DO WHAT THE ‘FLIP’ YOU WANT            their work, even if they don’t want to impose
code is compliant with it, and distributing it     TO.                                                any other restrictions.

Freedom through copyleft.

          he GNU project has contributed so        GPL, it will always remain open
          much to what we call ‘Linux’ today       for anyone to download, study,
          (hence the use of ‘GNU/Linux’ by         modify and redistribute
some advocates): the GNU C library, GCC                But what part guarantees
compiler suite, Emacs and many other major         these freedoms? Well, Stallman
software components that make up a free            craftily used copyright law –
operating system. But equally important is         usually intended to prevent people
the licence that GNU created: the General          from copying material – and used
Public Licence. This is not just a piece of text   it to ensure that freedoms can’t be
describing what you can and cannot do with         taken away. Because GPL-licenced
source code, but a powerful document               software is copyrighted (eg by the
taking important social and ethical positions,     program’s author or by the Free Software
with a goal of preserving and furthering our       Foundation), and the GPL is a copyrighted
software freedoms.                                 document as well, users of GPLed code
    Back when Richard Stallman originally          cannot omit any of the four essential rights
developed the GPL, the main other ‘open            when modifying or distributing it.
source’ licence was the BSD Licence. This
was just a few paragraphs saying: here’s           The four freedoms                                  The GNU Project has brought us many awesome
some source code, do what you want with            And these four rights are: the right to run        components for a free OS, but also a philosophy
it, but give the original developers credit        the program as you wish; the right to study        and licences to match.
(we cover this licence and its impact in           how it works and modify it; the right to
detail later). While this licence provided         distribute copies; and the right to distribute        Ultimately, the GPL is a rather long
developers with plenty of freedoms, it didn’t      your modified version. The GPL guarantees          document at 5,645 words (although still
forcibly preserve those freedoms. Anyone           that these freedoms are preserved, which is        far shorter than many proprietary app
could take BSD-licenced code and tuck it           a boon for most of us, but can cause issues        EULAs), and some developers take issue
away in proprietary software, so the original      for some developers working on projects            with its political stance and “enforcement”
developers couldn’t benefit from updates.          containing a mixture of open source and            (rather than optional offering) of freedoms.
    Right from the start, the GPL takes a          proprietary code.                                  But we think it’s an incredibly well thought-
different approach. One of its opening lines          Indeed, many proprietary companies have         out document that has made the FOSS
is: “The licences for most software and            put into place a “no GPL” policy – don’t even      community so strong, and just keeps getting
other practical works are designed to take         look at or touch any GPLed code, because if        more useful with each year.
away your freedom to share and change              it somehow ends up in our product, we may
the works. By contrast, the GNU General            have to release the whole thing under the           VERDICT
Public Licence is intended to guarantee your       GPL. We don’t find this a big issue, however        The GPL embodies the
                                                                                                       principles of sharing and
freedom to share and change all versions           – the GPL is all about our freedoms as users        community that are so
of a program.” This “guarantee” is crucially       and hackers, and not to make life easier for        vital to Free Software.
important: if you release your code under the      megacorps.


Artistic Licence
As used by Perl and many modules.

         erl may look rather old-school    Super Nintendo emulator already use
         today when everyone is raving     this newer version.
         about hot and trendy languages       So, what does the licence specify?
such as Go and Rust, but it’s still an     Well, it’s very heavily focused on what
important language that’s doing plenty     you can do with modified versions
of work on servers around the world        of a program. You’re allowed to take
– especially in text processing jobs.      some code released under the Artistic
Some coders criticise Perl for looking     Licence and make another program
like line noise, whereas others praise     out of it, providing that you “clearly
how much functionality the language        document how it differs from the
can pack into just a few characters.       standard version”. In other words, you     Perl 6 will use version 2.0 of the Artistic Licence. Here’s
   Perl is released under the Artistic     demonstrate what you’ve changed,           the language’s cheerful mascot, Camelia.
Licence, a curious text that has gone      what you’ve added, what features
through some major modifications           you’ve implemented and so forth.                           Perl, for instance, you need to make
over the years. The original 1.0 version      You must also ensure that users                         sure that your new version doesn’t
received a lot of criticism for being      can run both the original version of the                   trample all over the official release (and
too vague in places; Bradley Kuhn          software and your modified version                         Perl programs on a freshly installed
(as interviewed last issue) worked         simultaneously. So if you decide to fork                   Linux installation don’t run your version
with the Perl team and Free Software                                                                  by default).
Foundation to create the Clarified            It’s focused on what you
Artistic Licence, which is the current                                                                  VERDICT
one used by Perl. Future versions of          can do with modified                                      Worth using if your code
                                                                                                        is likely to be modified or
Perl will use Artistic Licence 2.0, and
some other apps such as the SNEsE
                                              versions of a program                                     forked in future.

Mozilla Public Licence
As used by Firefox and LibreOffice.

         s we’ve seen, the GPL is the      Software developers. So the Mozilla
         best choice of license if your    Public Licence (MPL) was born, and it
         priority is freedom for end       takes a clever approach: code that is
users – that is, the freedom to study      licensed under the MPL must remain
and modify all parts of your software,     under the MPL, even after modification,
and these freedoms cannot be taken         so it always remains free like in GPLed
away. The BSD Licence, in contrast,        code. But! It is possible to mix MPLed
focuses more on freedom for                code with proprietary code, creating a
developers; specifically, the freedom to   proprietary product. If you make such
use code in proprietary products if        a product, you don’t have to release the
desired. Both of these licences serve      proprietary code you wrote yourself, but
their target groups well, but is there a   you must make available the MPL code
middle point?                              you used along with any changes to it.
   The Mozilla Public Licence may be                                                  Want to keep your code open, but don’t mind it being
the solution here. This was originally     Caudine fork                               combined with proprietary code? Mozilla has the solution.
written by Mitchell Baker of Netscape      In this way, commercial developers can
back in the late 90s, as the browser       use MPLed code such as the source                          code created by the community, we
developer was toying with the idea         tree for Firefox, LibreOffice and other                    must get the changes back to benefit
of going open source. In its first         flagship open source apps, and build                       us too.
incarnation as the Netscape Public         products on top of it. If they add their
Licence, it allowed code developed         own separate features, they don’t have                       VERDICT
                                                                                                        A healthy compromise
in the open source community to be         to release the code for those, and they                      between Free Software
incorporated into proprietary products,    get a commercial benefit over the                            and proprietary.
which didn’t win applause from Free        competition. But if they modify MPLed

                                                                              FREE SOFTWARE LICENCES GROUP TEST

BSD Licence                                                                                       Another perspective
Permissive and proprietary friendly.
                                                                                                  on BSD
                                                                                                  How the licence encourages

                                                                                                            ne argument in favour of BSD-style
                                                                                                            permissive licences that often comes
                                                                                                            up is adoption of key technology and
                                                                                                  standards. If you want to get the whole world
                                                                                                  using a certain protocol, library or piece of
                                                                                                  software, you want to use the licence that’s
                                                                                                  palatable to as many people as possible.
                                                                                                     One example of this is OpenSSH, the
                                                                                                  secure remote shell tool ubiquitous in every
                                                                                                  modern-ish operating system (even Microsoft
                                                                                                  is starting to use it). BSD fans have often
                                                                                                  claimed that the permissive licence has helped
                                                                                                  with its adoption, because any company can
                                                                                                  start using it without having to think of legal
                                                                                                  issues or releasing changes back to the world.
                                                                                                     OpenSSH is a well tested and engineered
The FreeBSD operating system is the most prominent example of a BSD Licensed project.             piece of software, and thanks to the BSD
                                                                                                  licence, very few people have a beef using it.

         ike the GNU GPL, this licence was       spin-off. Note that unlike the GNU GPL,          Had it been released under the GPL, a lot of
         originally drafted with a specific      there is no clause here saying that source       companies and software vendors could have
         operating system in mind, although      code must be supplied. It’s a permissive         had concerns using it, and so created their
today it is used by thousands of projects.       licence – there are very few requirements        own versions and we’d have lots of potentially
BSD refers to the Berkeley Software              compared to the GPL.                             insecure, slightly incompatible versions all over
Distribution, a flavour of Unix that was                                                          the internet. Maybe some companies would
developed at the University of California,       Who wins in the end?                             have forked older BSD Licensed versions and
Berkeley, from 1977 to the mid 90s.              Now, the side effect of this licence is clear:   the situation would be a jolly big mess.
Although BSD itself is no longer                 any company can take BSD-licensed code              But as it is, OpenSSH has become the de
developed, a handful of forks developed          and incorporate it in a proprietary product.     facto standard for command line access to
from it in the early 90s, most notably           This has happened many times, such as            remote machines, and with pretty much the
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD (famous              when Microsoft built a networking stack          whole world using (and examining) the same
for being portable to almost anything).          for Windows using BSD code, or more              codebase, we have a strong project with a
   As it stands today, the licence has           recently with the PlayStation 4, which runs      good security track record and no major forks.
three requirements. You’re allowed               a modified version of FreeBSD. For some
to redistribute the software in source           people, this makes the BSD licence
and binary formats, with or without              severely flawed – after all, why should we
modification, providing that:                    help companies that often don’t provide a
   The source code contains a copyright          penny or single line of code back?
   notice and disclaimer (the latter saying         Well, it depends on your perspective.
   that the software is provided as-is, and      The BSD Licence is arguably better
   with no warranty).                            than the GNU GPL in that it gives other
   If distributed in binary only (ie             developers increased freedom and
   proprietary software), the same               choice (although at the expense of user
   copyright notice and disclaimer is            freedoms). So if you’re writing some code
   included in the documentation.                and simply want to get it out there and
   The names of the original developers          used as much as possible, without any
   cannot be used to endorse or promote          philosophy or politics, it makes sense.
   software derived from it without specific
   written permission.                            VERDICT
                                                  A minimal, simple choice
   So in short: do what you want with it,         if you just want to get                         The BSD Licence has helped one open source
give us credit for writing it, don’t sue us if    your code out there.                            project to utterly dominate in a certain task.
it breaks, and don’t claim we support your


GNU Lesser GPL vs Affero GPL
What do these two derivatives offer?

         ichard Stallman and the Free
         Software Foundation often get
         flak for not budging one inch
when it comes to other philosophies
and ideas. But we think this is unfair,
and one example of when the FSF has
been able to compromise is the GNU
Lesser GPL (aka LGPL).
   Essentially, the LGPL is very much
identical to the regular GPL, but
includes an exception: it lets proprietary
software link to LGPLed software so
that the former can use the facilities of
the latter. This is especially important
in terms of libraries – collections of
software routines that an end-user
doesn’t run on their own, but which
provide support for other programs.
   For instance, the GNU C Library
(Glibc), which provides various input,
maths and other routines, is released
under the LGPL. So a proprietary
program can link to it and use its            The GNU C Library is an important component of the GNU/Linux system, and is released under the LGPL.
routines, without that program having
to be Free Software (released under the       proprietary app developers? Well, when                     your computer, they must (on request)
GPL) as well. Many other libraries have       a Free Software library doesn’t offer                      give you the source code and licence
been made available under the LGPL,           many more features than a proprietary                      as well. But what if you’re not running
so it’s not uncommon to have a piece of       one, it’s the lesser of two evils if a                     GPLed software directly, but over the
proprietary software that spends most         proprietary app uses the free library.                     internet? Think of all the web apps out
of its execution time inside routines                                                                    there, like web-based email clients:
provided by LGPLed libraries.                 The Affero alternative                                     you’re not technically running the
   Now, given that the goal of the GNU        The Affero licence tackles a different                     software on your machine, but merely
project is to have a completely open          problem. If someone gives you the                          viewing the results of it running on a
source operating system, why cater to         binary of a GPLed program to run on                        remote one, so should you then be able
                                                                                                         to request access to the source if that
                                                                                                         code is GPLed?
                                                                                                            Long before the emergence of cloud
                                                                                                         computing, which brings up this very
                                                                                                         issue, Richard Stallman and others
                                                                                                         had noticed that it could become a
                                                                                                         problem. So work began on the Affero
                                                                                                         Public Licence (aka AGPL), which is
                                                                                                         very similar to the standard GPL but
                                                                                                         includes an extra clause dealing with
                                                                                                         “remote network interaction” and says:
                                                                                                         if people interact with your AGPLed
                                                                                                         software over a network, they have the
                                                                                                         right to request the source code to that
                                                                                                         software – and at no extra charge.

                                                                                                          LGPL Makes some          AFFERO A simple and
                                                                                                          compromises to           effective solution to
                                                                                                          proprietary developers   the use of GPLed
                                                                                                          for the greater good.    software in web apps.

Launchpad, Canonical’s service to help developers collaborate, is released under the AGPL.

                                                                                       FREE SOFTWARE LICENCES GROUP TEST

Free software licences
              hich license is                  GPL, the world would look very
              intrinsically ‘best’ is very     different today. Sure, we’d still have
              much a matter of                 some open source projects like
opinion, and we know that some                 the BSDs, but thanks to the GPL
readers may disagree with our                  we have an enormous tapestry of
findings here. And ultimately,                 source code out there that was, is,
different types of project have                and always will be free. The GPL
different licensing requirements, so           makes us think about the social
we won’t say that one is simply                benefits of Free Software, not just          The GNU General Public License does the most to preserve and
worth using over another in every              the practical ones, so for that it           promote our freedoms in the long run.
single possible circumstance. What             should be praised highly.
we at Linux Voice can say, however,               Of course, the other licences
is that the GNU GPL is the one that            have their benefits as well. Although         1st GNU GPL
has really helped us to get where              we regard the GPL as the ultimate
we are today.                                  licence for our freedoms, the BSD   
   Yes, it’s wordy. Yes, it’s political.       Licence is still a great choice when          A cornerstone of the modern Free Software movement, and a
And yes, it causes consternation               you simply want your code to                  license that puts users’ freedoms at the forefront.
for some software developers who               be used anywhere, regardless of
also work on proprietary products.             whether the end result is open or
But it’s not some crusty old text that         closed. The BSD Licence is clear,             2nd BSD Licence
we still use out of habit: it’s a very         simple and short, and in many
well thought-out document that                 cases companies that use BSD        
deals with today’s concerns despite            code still contribute their changes           Has very few requirements and permits use in proprietary
originally being written decades               back (such as LLVM/Clang).                    products. But as we’ve seen, that’s not always bad.
ago. Richard Stallman foresaw how                 Artistic, Mozilla, LGPL and AGPL
the software world would develop,
and created a licence to protect his
                                               all have their goals and purposes
                                               too. But ultimately, the original GPL
                                                                                             3rd Mozilla Public Licence
work against it.                               embodies the spirit and community
   Without a powerful, copyleft,               of Free Software to the largest
                                                                                             A clever licence that helps to bridge the gaps between two
freedom-centric licence like the               extent, and that’s why we love it.            approaches to software development.

   Without a powerful, freedom-centric
                                                                                             4th Affero GPL
   licence like the GPL, the world would
   look very different today                                                       
                                                                                             An important fork of the GPL that deals with something we’re
                                                                                             seeing more of: apps running in our browsers.
  The MIT Licence
  Some readers may be wondering why we
  haven’t included the MIT Licence here,
                                               original developers cannot be used to
                                               endorse software based on it. So it’s
                                                                                             5th GNU Lesser GPL
  given that it has become one of the most     a slightly simpler version of the BSD
  popular for open source development in       Licence, and is otherwise the same. Is
  the last few years. Well, we’ve omitted it   it a big deal? Well, in most cases, no. If    GPLed software is the best, we feel, but sometimes an LGPLed
  for the simple reason that it’s almost the   you have a popular piece of MIT Licenced      library is the lesser of two evils.
  same as the BSD Licence, but with one        source code and someone makes a fork
  clause removed. Like the BSD Licence,        that’s utterly rubbish but says you’re
  the MIT Licence says you can do what
  you want with the software, there’s
                                               championing it, very few people will
                                               believe that person.
                                                                                             6th Artistic Licence
  no warranty provided with it, and you            If you’re working on something new,
  must include a copyright notice and the      however, and don’t want lots of half-
  licence with the software.                   quality forks cropping up with people         This licence has worked well for Perl and many of its modules
     However, the MIT Licence omits the        using your name to promote them, the          over the last few decades.
  clause stating that the names of the         BSD Licence is a more sensible choice.


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                       LINUX VOICE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY
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FOSSpicks                                                                                                   Sparkling gems and new
                                                                                                            releases from the world of
                                                                                                            Free and Open Source Software

               Out benevolent editorial overlord Graham Morrison tears himself away
               from updating Arch Linux to search for the best new free software.
Circuit simulator

Hardware designer
            ore of us than ever              you’re using. They’re roughly                                             to PCB layout, and while it will
            before are now messing           analogous to IDEs for                                                     struggle with large projects it’s more
            around with electronics,         programmers, with automated                                               than capable of handling
whether that’s building a 3D printer         layout and component libraries                                            homegrown projects. There’s even a
for your local hackspace or creating         replacing syntax highlighting and                                         3D viewer, which is perfect for
your own circuits for short                  API reference material.                                                   studying other designs or
production runs. But unlike learning                                                                                   visualising your own prototypes.
to program, where mistakes are a             Better by design                                                          The only disadvantage is that these
part of the learning process, the            KiCad is one of the most                                                  capabilities come with complexity,
consequences for mistakes in                 comprehensive EAD suits we’ve                                             and it’s a difficult suite to get started
circuits can be more serious.                found. It’s got a long history – the                                      with. The schematic designer is
   Circuit simulators (or Electronic         initial release was in 1992 – and                                         very powerful, for example, letting
Design Automation suites) can help           recent development has been                                               you drag and drop components into
with this, not only by error checking        partly funded by CERN.                                                    your designs and change their
your designs, but by understanding              It’s capable of serious results too,                                   values easily, but you still need a
the properties of the components             taking you from schematics design                                         good grounding in electronics for
                                                                                                                       those circuits to make sense, even
                                                                                                                       with the Electrical Rules Checker,
                                                                                                                       which checks for logic errors
                                                                                                                       against component and pin types.
                                        2                                                                                 Even if you are a beginner, KiCad
                   1                                                                                                   is a worthwhile installation, and this
                                                                                                                       being open source, many designers
                                                                                                                       have shared their own schematics
                                                                                                                       which can be altered relatively
                                                                                                                       easily. Version 4.0 is a major update
                                                                                                                       and includes OpenGL accelerated
                                                                                                                       Cairo-enabled rendering, new
                                                                                                                       libraries and the excellent 3D board
                                                                                                                       rendering, which looks brilliant on
                                                                                       5                               complex circuits. There’s also
                                                                                                                       CERN’s interactive Push and Shove
                                                                                                                       router, which has been part of the
                                                                                                                       alpha/beta since 2013. This is for
                                                                                                                       advanced users, and way above our
                                                                                                                       electronics ability, but it promises
                                                                                                                       automatically ‘pushed’ track routing
                                                                                                                       when creating your own designs,
1 Project Overview Each project contains lots of different elements, from the schematics to a Bill of Materials
                                                                                                                       which at least looks really
2 Library You can install additional component libraries that list capability and common part numbers
3 Schematics Designer Drag and drop components and join them together to make circuits, then test them using the ERC
                                                                                                                       impressive in the YouTube videos
4 Router The push and shove router can make sure your connections are placed as efficiently as possibly                explaining its function.
5 3D View Visualise your project, including all your components, in lovely 3D OpenGL 6 Circuit Diagrams Dropped
                                                                                                                        PROJECT WEBSITE
components from the library can be connected to each other, or imported from other libraries
7 PCB Calculator Great for quick reference and for checking and calculating the values of any components you need


Latex editor

Texmaker 4.5
       atex is a brilliant tool for      xelatex generated predictable
       styling documents, despite        output from our Latex files first, for
       sometimes feeling more like       example. This is one of the
programming than authorship. It’s        configuration paths that Texmaker
capable of stunning results, and         can use to generate its previews.
unlike the output from a word            But with everything installed,
processor, layouts are dynamic,          creating documents is as a simple
responsive and adaptable,                as editing HTML.
especially when citing or cross-            The preview window defaults to
referencing other documents.             the right, while the text editor lives
                                                                                  The package for Arch
   While some purists write Latex        on the left. Clicking ‘Quick Build’                                 document. The vast majority of
                                                                                  Linux is the only one to
from Emacs and Vim, there are            generates a PDF by default, which        have made the leap         markup options are easily
several great graphical applications     is then previewed. For most              from Qt 4 to Qt 5,         accessible, with the most common
that make things easier, with            documents this is almost                 although you can build     embedded within the left-hand
Texmaker being our current               instantaneous, and Texmaker will         your own from source if    border of the editor itself, and many
favourite. It doesn’t exactly make       highlight any problems it finds,         you want to.               more are listed in the border of the
Latex easy – you’ll still need to hunt   such as text taking up too much                                     structure pane. This really helps if
down and install your own                space or syntax errors in your                                      you’re just beginning with Latex, as
packages and dependencies, and                                                                               you don’t need to worry about
the real time previews within the
application depend on a working
                                            Creating documents in                                            memorising syntax or using two
                                                                                                             windows for writing.
configuration outside of the                Texmaker is as simple as
application. We spent some time                                                                               PROJECT WEBSITE

making sure the command line tool           editing HTML                                            

Screen capture

         here’s been little recent       Spectacle. Spectacle has been
         innovation in screen            freshly developed to take advantage
         capture tools. This might       of the new KDE 5 frameworks, and
seem a little unfair considering their   was originally called KScreenGenie.
basic and utilitarian function, but      Spectacle’s developer, Boudhayan
we feel there’s still plenty of          Gupta, had intended to simply clean
potential for new features,              up KSnapshot for the new KDE
especially as we typically take          versions, but thought it better to
dozens of grabs a week.                  start from scratch after finding bits
   Our screengrabber of choice, at       of code as old as KDE 3.5 in its
least for the KDE desktop, is the        source tree.
default KSnapshot. It does
                                                                                  The only problem we
everything we need quickly and           Taking pictures                          have with replacing
                                                                                                             such a problem while Wayland
efficiently – it’s triggered by a        Despite the complete overhaul, it’s      KSnapshot with             remains in beta, but will become
hotkey, enables you to grab the          almost functionally identical to         Spectacle is               important as more KDE users
contents of the entire screen, a         KSnapshot. The only differences we       remembering                switch over to the already functional
window or a draggable rectangle,         can spot are a neater GUI and more       Spectacle’s name.          technology preview supported by
and saves consecutive images             naming options for automatically                                    the last few KDE releases. At least
without interaction and with             saved screenshots. It’s potentially                                 Spectacle has this potential,
sensible file names.                     capable of taking shots of other                                    whereas KSnapshot does not.
   But KSnapshot’s days appear to        desktop back-ends, such as
be over. A recent KDE 5 update has       Wayland, though support for this                                     PROJECT WEBSITE
swapped it with a tool called            hasn’t been added yet. This isn’t


Command trigger

         vent Notify Test Runner –       detects changes in the filesystem.
         entr – is one of those          You could, for instance, force a
         command line tools that         document viewer to reload when a
sticks to tradition – doing one thing    file is updated, or rebuild a project
well so that lots of other tools can     from source when the code is
be augmented with its functionality.     modified. Or trigger an automatic
The old-school charm even applies        backup. Or copy files to a remote
to the project name, where the           server. Or transcode a new video or
                                                                                   entr will watch for
developer has included the ‘(1)’ to      audio download from one format to                                   this is cat hello.txt. This simple
                                                                                   changes or new files in
show where the man page                  another. Or shut down your system         a folder and execute a    construction will display the
documentation should be found on         after a file appears.                     command when a            updated contents of the hello.txt
your system, and subsequently,               What’s more impressive is that        change is detected.       file whenever the file is changed.
what category of tool you’re using.      it’s really easy to use. Typing ls                                  Additional arguments include -d for
(1) is for general commands such         hello.txt | entr cat hello.txt will ask                             watching a directory of files, -p to
as this, for example, while (6) is for   entr to watch the piped output from                                 avoid running the output command
games like Nethack and (8) for           the ls command, and when a                                          until a file is modified, -c to clear the
system administration. It’s a quick      change is detected, run the                                         display before running the output
way of knowing what kind of tool         following command. In our example                                   and -r to reload a persistent child
you’re looking at, and entr definitely                                                                       process. With these simple
fits into the general category. When
you understand what it can do,
                                            entr enables you to run a                                        additions, you can automate almost
                                                                                                             any task with a single command.
there’s no limit to its possible uses.      command when it detects                                           PROJECT WEBSITE
   Put at its simplest, entr enables
you to run a command when it                changes in a filesystem                                 


Free Pascal Compiler 3
         etro gaming is big business.    fundamentals of programming. Like
         There are online stores built   BASIC’s revival, it’s just as good at
         specifically to sell old        teaching those procedural
games, and re-issues and                 concepts today as it was in the
remasters of classic titles seem to      1980s. Which is where this major
be released every week. The same         update to the Free Pascal Compiler
is also true of old computers,           comes in. Unlike Turbo Pascal, it’s
operating systems and languages.         just a compiler. There’s no IDE or
Or perhaps, more accurately, the         editor for working with Pascal, but it
                                                                                   Relive those magical
decline of old programming               will turn your source code into an                                  decade chasing after languages like
                                                                                   days where your code
languages just hasn’t happened.          executable binary. And it can build       needed to be compiled     JavaScript, C# and Swift. Version 3
   Lots of us still play with old        binaries on almost any platform,          and linked before being   of FPC, as it’s known and used on
languages for a variety of reasons.      from the Raspberry Pi to the              executed.                 the command line, is a big update
Our recent series on x86 assembler       Nintendo Gameboy.                                                   that has excellent compatibility with
has been incredibly popular, for                                                                             Turbo Pascal 7, and while we’ve
example, despite assembler having        Learn from the past                                                 joked about Pascal’s age, we know
limited modern uses.                     Free Pascal Compiler also comes                                     it’s still being used in many serious
   Pascal is another language worth      with a wonderful set of                                             applications and projects, which
reminiscing over. It’s still used in     documentation, and while                                            really gives you the perfect excuse
lots of places, but most of us           programming in Pascal does                                          to revisit this gem of a language.
remember it fondly as Turbo              indeed bring us a sense of
Pascal. It was used in many              nostalgia, it’s also educational,                                    PROJECT WEBSITE
universities to teach the                especially if you’ve spent the last


Audio effects

EQ10Q Plugin Pack v2
             hen listening to music or
             working with audio, most
             of us will adjust the EQ
of the audio to better suit our tastes
and listening environment, even if
that’s just the dub crowd ramping
up the bass for their speaker stack.
But outside of boom boxes and
Hi-Fis, equalisation is a serious tool
that’s used both creatively and
practically. It’s the audio equivalent
of adjusting the colour saturation
and contrast in an image.
   Adding bass and high frequency
boost is the audio equivalent of
making the black and white
elements of an image more
pronounced, for example. As such,
EQ is an absolutely essential step in
any audio production. It’s why
there’s EQ on each of the 24 inputs
found on the EMI TG12345, the first
solid-state mixing console and the
one used to mix both The Beatles’
Abbey Road and Pink Floyd’s
                                                                                 Any LV2 compatible
The Dark Side of the Moon.               for modifying 1, 4, 6 and 10                                       those in between. You can quickly
                                                                                 host, such as Audacity
                                         frequency ranges – you might need       or Ardour, can be used     switch between two alternate
The Equaliser                            a single filter to cut out a 50Hz       to pipe audio through      configurations with A/B.
Equalisation is basically filtering.     buzz, for example, or roll off          the wonderful effects in      The equaliser is the main
You highlight a range of frequencies     frequencies higher than 18kHz,          this bundle.               component in a small package of
in the audio spectrum and choose         whereas 10 will let you sculpt the                                 effects that also includes a brilliant
to either boost or lessen these          sound into whatever shape you                                      compressor and an absolutely
frequencies.                             need. Each filter can be enabled                                   essential noise gate. The
    Old hardware was cherished for       and disabled, dragged across any                                   compressor will make the quieter
the character that this process          frequency and boosted/diminished                                   parts of audio louder using a curve
exerted on the audio in much the         with a drag up or down.                                            to describe which amplitudes are
same way that a synthesizer’s                But there’s a lot more on offer                                curtailed and by how much. The
filters define its sound, and modern     too. You can enable a spectral view                                noise gate is best used on a noisy
digital audio engineers have similar     of the audio, or a real-time                                       mic or guitar input, as it will mute
preferences for the computational        frequency plot, both of which                                      the audio when the level falls below
algorithms doing the same thing in       respond to your changes. These                                     a certain threshold.
software. This is why there’s such a     help you easily spot hums and                                         All three filters are vital for any
huge difference in sound between         buzzes, for example, and work just                                 audio work, especially with an
the practical qualities of Audacity’s    like colour curves in Gimp. Each                                   application like Ardour that doesn’t
default EQ, and the sound you get        filter can be switched between one                                 include any if its own effects at all
from EQ10Q, a spectacular open           of six different types – low-pass for                              – the gate, for example, is
source EQ LV2 plugin that’s part of      high frequencies, high-pass for low,                               absolutely necessary for podcasts
a small bundle with the same             and peaks, notches and shelves for                                 and yet there’s no other open
emphasis on sound and control.                                                                              source gate we’ve been able to find
    EQ10Q can genuinely rival                                                                               for our own recordings. As a result,
expensive alternatives, not only in         EQ10Q rivals alternatives for                                   this is a brilliant package.
its sound characteristics but also in       its sound characteristics and                                    PROJECT WEBSITE
the incredible amount of control it
offers. There are different instances       the control it offers                                  


Digital television recorder

TVHeadend 4.1
             e’ve been using              frequency, polarity and FEC for
             TVHeadend for a couple       satellite transmissions. This data is
             of years. For us, it is      all available online, and TVHeadend
without doubt the best system for         is good at scanning automatically.
recording digital television, whether     After a scan, your mux should yield
that’s terrestrial, cable or satellite.   services that can be mapped to
Its best feature is a low resource        actual channels that should then
overhead. TVHeadend takes up very         begin to populate themselves with
little RAM and CPU and can easily         programme data. If not, you’ll need
be installed on a Raspberry Pi or         to install and configure XMLTV too.
even a humble NAS.
    You start off by making sure your     After the setup…
TV-grabbing hardware is                   You’ll be able to browse the EPG,
                                                                                    Whether you want to
automatically detected by Linux.          record individual programs or an                                     with. We use ours in combination
                                                                                    record a TV series or
With TVHeadend installed and              entire series, or even set up a           stream live to VLC and     with a TVHeadend PVR plugin for
running, you’ll then be able to select    search term to schedule recordings        Kodi, TVHeadend is the     Kodi, allowing us to hide the
this as a DVB input though its web        automatically. Profiles can be used       best television recorder   recording equipment away from the
interface. After this, create a           to process these files differently, or    we’ve ever used.           Raspberry Pi connected to the
network and add a ‘mux’ that              save them in different locations                                     screen, and it works as if both were
connects to the network and the           – we use one for movies, for                                         local to one another. There’s also a
device itself. Muxes are bundles of       example. You can watch recordings                                    great Android app.
digitally transmitted channels, and       or live transmissions from a
you may need specific information         browser and create accounts for                                       PROJECT WEBSITE
on their formatting, such as the          people you’d like to share access

Image viewer

imv 1.2
         here have been many image           Not only can imv display images
         viewers. We fondly               using Wayland, it can display
         remember Xv on the Amiga,        animated gifs and many different
and the way the same program              image formats including RAW and
could be found in Mandrake Linux,         Photoshop PSD files. It can overlay
helping with the transition from one      information about an image and
system to another. This is where          change the way it scales an image
imv is going to help too. Not only is     to fit. Thanks to the command line,
this a rather nifty image viewer that     you can get lots of added
                                                                                    Imv is the first image
you mostly launch from the                functionality for free. You can give it                              background according to whichever
                                                                                    viewer we’ve found
command line, it’s also compatible        a wildcard, such as *.jpg, and jump       that’s developed to work   image you choose. Most
with both X11 and Wayland. This           between a collection of images            on the new windowing       importantly, it’s the quickest image
means it’s going to be a perfect          using the cursor keys to create an        system, Wayland            viewer we’ve used for years, even
utility as we hope to move from the       ad hoc slideshow, for instance, or                                   with large images, and isn’t tied to
increasingly decrepit X11 to the          use the output of the find                                           any particular desktop or toolkit. It
new Wayland display system.               command to display an image                                          would be ideal on a low-powered
   Despite stability still being some     without knowing its location.                                        device such as a Raspberry Pi,
way off, tentative Wayland support           Cleverly, you can also use the P                                  especially as it’s likely that Wayland
can already be found in GTK and Qt,       key to send the current image to the                                 will run must faster on the Pi and
and subsequently, Gnome and KDE,          standard output, which lets you                                      will need an image viewer.
and its slimmed down remit and            construct commands that will
high-performance code promises to         automatically email the selected                                      PROJECT WEBSITE
revolutionise desktop performance.        image or change your desktop


  FOSSPICKS Brain Relaxers
 First person shooter

 Warsow 2
              e know there are still    comparison than two different first
              people devoted to         person shooter types – Unreal
              Counter-Strike after 15   Tournament was a stalwart of the
 years; people who flinch when a        old Linux games scene before
 fizzy drink can is opened thinking     Unreal Tournament 3 failed to make
 it’s a grenade. People like these      its way to Linux in 2007, despite
 still meet virtually every week and    years of vague promises that
 chat over Teamspeak while they         followed. Team Fortress 2 was one
 plan their next conquest. This         of Valve’s flagship titles when it
                                                                              Unless they cripple you
 doesn’t quite describe us; instead,    started its great SteamOS                                         we’ve always had a soft spot for
                                                                              with motion sickness,
 we enjoy first person shooters for     campaign, turning Linux into a        first person shooters       Warsow, which has just
 what they offer the casual gamer       games console and changing many       like Warsow are brilliant   celebrated a major milestone
 – an intense rush of adrenaline.       attitudes towards Linux games         fun.                        with the release of 2.0.
     No other type of game can          development almost overnight.
 bring a group of strangers                Between those two games, the                                   Atrocity Exhibition
 together to defend a pretend flag,     vacuum of commercial releases                                     Despite our always mistaking the
 or run from one side of the map        was taken up by the open source                                   title with the capital of Poland (or
 to the other while trying to target    community. Alien Arena and Red                                    the prototype Joy Division),
 an almost identically equipped         Eclipse are two open source                                       Warsow is a brilliant FPS, similar
 opposition. They can be great          shooters that we love to play, but                                in playing style and frenzy to the
 fun, which is why they’re still a                                                                        much loved Unreal Tournament.
 major part of the games industry.                                                                        Its combat is well enough
     Linux has had its fair share of      Warsow is similar in playing                                    established that even those old
 classics, from Unreal Tournament
 to the more recent Team Fortress
                                          style to the much-loved                                         Counter-Strike players will
                                                                                                          recognise its tournament
 2. But there’s more to this              Unreal Tournament                                               potential. There’s a great tutorial
                                                                                                          to ease you into the game, and
                                                                                                          you can then join what of the
                                                                                                          several games that always seem
                                                                                                          to be running, or create your own
                                                                                                          local instance for friends and
                                                                                                          colleagues to join.
                                                                                                              The cell shading effect used for
                                                                                                          the graphics looks fantastic, even
                                                                                                          on modest modern hardware
                                                                                                          running at a high frame rate.
                                                                                                              There’s also more to the game
                                                                                                          than shooting, with some
                                                                                                          excellent platform elements such
                                                                                                          as double-jumps and wall jumps,
                                                                              Top: Even if you’ve         and thanks to the JavaScript-
                                                                              never played a game         based scripting engine, there are
                                                                              like this before,           lots of different game types. The
                                                                              Warsow’s excellent          icing on the cake is that unlike
                                                                              beginner’s tutorial will    many other open source games,
                                                                              guide you through the       nearly all the media assets are
                                                                              basics of control and
                                                                                                          released under the terms of the
                                                                                                          Creative Commons, making this
                                                                              Bottom: The combat in
                                                                              Warsow is exceptionally     an exceptionally open FPS.
                                                                              fast, and relies on quick
                                                                                                           PROJECT WEBSITE
                                                                              reactions and mastery
                                                                              of the weapons on offer.

                                                                                                                          INTRO TUTORIALS

Warning: excessive Linux knowledge may lead to fun and more efficient computing.

                                                     In this issue . . .
                                                                                                 66                                                     68

Ben Everard
believes in a future where all technology is built
to make us happy.
                                                     Transmit entire hard                                   Control your web traffic
                                                     drives over a network                                  with a Squid proxy

                                                     Recreate your perfect setup on every machine           With Squid as a gatekeeper to the web, Ben Everard
             orking on a magazine about              with Mayank Sharma’s guide to cloning disks.           saves bandwidth, protects innocent eyes, and
             Linux, you have to assess a             Sheep not supported.                                   avoids unnecessary distractions.
             huge range of technology.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the
only thing that matters when deciding if
a device is good or bad is the answer to
the question ‘Does it improve my life in
any way?’ Here are the three bits of tech
that improve my life the most.
   An Intel CPU with integrated 3D
   graphics. I install a lot of distros, and
   (even without taking free software                Physical games in Scratch 72         Unleash MariaDB                76   Let there be light              80
   concerns into account), life’s too                Wannabe surgeon Les Pounder          Dive deep into your server and      Mark Crutch links his lightbulbs
   short to have to worry about                      builds a practice cadaver using a    grapple with the database.          with his Linux box for penguin-
   proprietary drivers.                              Raspberry Pi.                        Marco Fioretti leads the way.       based illumination.
   An Arduino Uno. This microcontroller
   opened up a whole world of tinkering
   with programmable circuits that I
   thought was beyond my reach.
   Plugging your own circuits into a USB
   port and running custom code on
                                                                                                                                         Get access to ev
   them is my view of geek heaven.                                                                                                                         ery
                                                                                                                                     Linux Voice tuto
   Over-ear head phones. They they                                                                                                                     rial ever
                                                                                                                                      published in ou
   make listening to Linuxy podcasts                                                                                                                  r digital
                                                                                                                                      library of back-i
   while shopping in Tesco far more                                                                                                                     ssues
                                                                                                                                     available exclus
   enjoyable.                                                                                                                                         ively to
                                                                                                                                      subscribers – tu
   I would encourage you to think about                                                                                                                 rn to
                                                                                                                                        page p56 to join
which bits of tech you have that                     Build a webserver in Sed        84   Scripting languages           88                                .
improve your life the most to help you               Ben Everard tests the limits of      Find your perfect language and
make better choices in the future.                   this text processing language by     accelerate your coding with                                   serving HTML.                        Juliet Kemps guide to scripting.


 Walk the fine line between being lazy and slick with the agility of a tightrope walker.

                                           anaging a lab full of computers can be         most useful features of the Fog server, especially for
                                           quite tiring. The constant barrage of          admins of larger networks, is the multicast ability.
                                           repetitive tasks can sap the energy out of     Using this feature you can deploy multiple machines
 WHY DO THIS?                  any sysadmin, irrespective of the size of their realm.     in one go. To supplement it on such large networks,
 • Deploy any number of        Thank heavens then for the Fog project, takes the pain     you can have multiple Fog installations configured as
   machines without any        out of regular admin tasks such as installing software,    storage servers that help take the load of the main
   hassle                      and can even manage printers on the network.               Fog server when imaging computers. However, Fog’s
 • Easily image critical         The Fog server is scalable and can manage large          most essential task is to image an installation and to
   installations to minimise
   downtime                    networks spread over multiple locations in the same        deploy it to other computers on the network, which is
 • Works with heterogeneous    building or on the other side of the planet. One of the    what we’ll cover in this tutorial.
   networks comprising
   Linux, Windows and OS X
                               STEP BY STEP: IMAGE AND CLONE A COMPUTER
                                   Set up the image server                                2
                                                                                              Create base image
                               Before installing Fog, make sure the server has a static   After it’s fetched and installed any required
                               IP address, which can be easily ensured from your          components, the installation script will display a URL
                               router’s admin page. Also make sure that all the           for Fog’s dashboard. Open the link in your web
                               machines in your network are configured to boot from       browser and log in with the default credentials
                               the network card. Finally, remember to disable any         (fog:password). Before going further head to User
                               existing DHCP servers on the network, as we’ll set up      Management > Create New User to define a new
                               the Fog server as a DHCP server and dole out               administrator.
                               addresses to all the computers on the network.                To begin the process of imaging a computer, head
                                  Once you have your network set up, head to the          to Image Management > Create New Image. Use the
                               machine that you’ve earmarked as the Fog server            fields in the form to describe the image. For example,
                               and download the latest stable Fog release from            let’s assume we're creating an image of an OpenSUSE
                               SourceForge (              42.1 installation that we’ll then use on all our
                               freeghost/files/FOG). Then fire up a terminal and          workstations. We can name the image ‘Workstations/
                               extract the downloaded tarball with                        Desktops’ and use the Operating System pull-down
                               tar zxvf Fog_1.2.0.tar.gz -C /opt                          menu to specify the operating system of this image,
                                 Change into the bin/ directory under the extracted       that is Linux. Finally, select the correct disk layout
                               tarball, and fire up the installation script with          scheme from the Image Type pull-down menu. Our
                               sudo ./                                       OpenSUSE installation is on a single disk with multiple
                                  The installation script will prompt you for several     partition so we’ll select the second option.
                               bits of information. They are self-explanatory, and in
                               most cases it’s best to go with the default options.

                                                                                                                      FOG TUTORIAL

    Register host and associate image                     4
                                                              Image the host
Now head to the computer with OpenSUSE 42.1 that          We’re now all set to image the OpenSUSE installation.
you wish to use as the base image and boot it up.         Head to Task Management > List All Hosts, which will
Since the computer is set to boot from the network        list the recently added OpenSUSE 42.1 machine.
card, it’ll display the PXE boot environment from the     Under the Task section, click on the green upload
Fog server. Scroll down the Fog menu and select the       arrow corresponding to this image. Fog will give you
‘Quick Registration and Inventory’ option. The Fog        multiple options to schedule the upload task. You can
server will now scan the computer and add it to its       tinker with these in the future, but for now it’s best to
repository of known hosts.                                go with the default option for instant deployment.
   When it’s done, power down the OpenSUSE                   Now head to the OpenSUSE machine and boot
computer and head back to the Fog server. Fire up         it up. It’ll again detect Fog’s PXE and automatically
the dashboard and head to Host Management >               image the machine and upload it to the Fog server.
List All Hosts. You should now see the OpenSUSE           The process will take some time depending on
machine listed here, which by default is identified by    the size of the disk it has to image, the processing
its MAC address. Click on the edit icon to change it      capabilities of the computers involved and the speed
to something more identifiable, like ‘OpenSUSE 42.1’.     of the local network. The OpenSUSE computer will
Most importantly, use the Host Image pull-down            restart once it’s done uploading the image. That’s all
menu and select the Workstations/Desktops option          there’s to it. Repeat steps 2–4 to similarly image any
for the image you created earlier.                        other computer on the network.

    Register target machines                              6
                                                              Deploy the image
Before you can deploy an image to another computer,       Now to replicate the OpenSUSE image onto the other
you need to first register it with the Fog server. The    computers, head to Task Management > List All
registration process is the same as before. Boot the      Hosts. Browse the list of hosts to find the entry for the
new computer from the network which should detect         computer to which you wish to deploy and hit the
Fog's PXE environment. And when it does, select the       corresponding down arrow Download image button.
‘Quick Registration and Inventory’ option.                Now head to this workstation and power it on. The
   Once the computer has been added to Fog’s              computer’s PXE environment will automatically detect
repository of known computers, log in to the Fog          the task from the Fog server and begin copying the
dashboard and head to Host Management > List              image from the server on to the local machine. When
All Hosts. Just like before, click on the edit icon       it’s done, you’ll end up with a mirror copy of the
corresponding to the newly added machine and              OpenSUSE 42.1 installation on this workstation.
rename it so that it’s more identifiable, and associate       Besides deployment tasks, you can create various
the Workstations/Desktops image with this computer        other types of tasks to check up on the computer and
using the Host Image pull-down menu. Repeat               its installation. Click on the gears icon to bring up a
the process to register all the computers with the        list of several deployment options, such as Test Disk
Fog server, then edit them in the Fog dashboard           or Password Reset. Select one and then power on the
to give them a name and associate them with the           machine to automatically launch the task.
appropriate image.


Shield your browser from the ravages of the web and use a proxy as protection.

                                        proxy is something (or someone) that               before, you get the best out of Squid when it's shared
                                        performs an action on your behalf. In the case     between many computers. In order for this to work,
                                        of a web proxy such as Squid, it fetches web       you need to have a computer that's usually turned on
WHY DO THIS?                   pages for you. If you configure your browser to             and attached to your local network. If you've already
• Save bandwidth               connect to a proxy rather than the internet, it doesn't     got a home server, that's the ideal machine to use as
• Block web adverts            download the pages directly. Instead, it sends a            a Squid proxy. It's really easy to copy the configuration
• Be more productive           message to the proxy indicating which pages are             over from one machine to another, so if you're not
                               needed, and the proxy gets them and sends them to           sure, you can just install it on your main machine to
                               the web browser.                                            try it out, and then change over to a different machine
                                  This may all sound very pointless, but by having a       later if you find it useful.
                               proxy between your browser and the web, you can                Once you've installed Squid from your package
                               fine-tune the way you connect. Since many machines          manager, you'll need to make sure the service is
                               can share a proxy (it doesn't have to be running on         started. The method for this varies a little, but the
                               the same machine that uses it), you can quickly             following will work on most modern distros:
                               configure the way your web connections work across          sudo service squid3 restart
                               a range of devices.                                            You can check that it's running correctly by trying
                                  Squid is the most popular proxy for Linux, and is        to connect your web browser. In Firefox this is in Edit >
                                                                                           Preferences > Advanced > Network > Settings. Select

     As many machines can share a proxy,                                                   Manual Proxy Configuration and enter the HTTP Proxy
                                                                                           as localhost (or wherever you installed Squid) and the
     you can configure the way your web                                                    Port as 3128. Press OK to accept the settings. If you
                                                                                           use Chrome or Chromium, you'll have to set the proxy
     connections work on several devices                                                   details at the OS level. The method for this differs
                                                                                           between distros and desktops, but should be possible
                               available in most distros' package managers in a            in your network settings app.
                               package called squid or squid3. Before jumping in and          If you can still view web pages, then everything's
Configuring your proxy at
                               installing Squid, it's worth thinking a little about what   worked. You can also double-check that everything's
OS level will ensure that it
                               machine you want to install it on. If you only want         going through the proxy by looking in the access log.
gets picked up by all your
software that connects to      to use a proxy on a single machine, you may as well         You can do this with:
the internet.                  just install it on that machine. However, as we said        sudo tail /var/log/squid3/access.log
                                                                                           Distros other than Debian or Ubuntu may store the log
                                                                                           in a different place.
                                                                                              That's all there is to getting a web proxy running
                                                                                           on Linux. However, to really get the most our of your
                                                                                           proxy you need to configure it to your needs.

                                                                                           Getting personal
                                                                                           Traditionally, the most common use for a proxy has
                                                                                           been to reduce the bandwidth used, by sharing a
                                                                                           temporary store. If one person connected to the proxy
                                                                                           requests, for example,, then the
                                                                                           proxy fetches this from the internet and passes it on.
                                                                                           If a second person requests the same page, the proxy
                                                                                           already has the data for this site, so it doesn't need to
                                                                                           request it from the website again: it just passes it
                                                                                           straight from the proxy cache to the second person's

                                                                                                        SQUID PROXY TUTORIAL

web browser. The advantage of this varies a lot
depending on who's using the web connection. If
you're managing a corporate or school network,
there's a good chance that you could save quite a bit
of bandwidth. If you're managing a home network for
just one or two people then the benefits are likely to be
less, but it can still be worth doing especially if it's not
as fast a connection as you'd like.
   By default, Squid will only proxy files in 256MB of
memory. This isn't very much, so it probably won't
have a noticeable effect on your web browsing. There
are two options to increase it: you can increase the
amount of memory available or you can configure
Squid to use the hard drive for the cache. Both of
these are configured in the squid.conf file, which is
usually found in /etc/squid3.
   To make more memory available (for example,
1GB), open this config file with your favourite text
editor, such as with:
sudo nano /etc/squid3/squid.conf
and find the line:
# cache_mem 256 MB
   The hash at the start of the line means that it's
commented out; however this is also the default
amount, so deleting the hash won't immediately
change anything. Instead, change the line to give a
different amount of memory to the proxy such as:
cache_mem 1024 MB
  To change the disk caching, find the line that starts
                                                                                                                         The Firefox configuration
with:                                                          people to create content, so in this regard, they're
                                                                                                                         needs both HTTP and SSL
# cache_dir                                                    something that we all benefit from. However, through      proxies set to capture all
The options on this configuration line allow for very          2014 and 2015 there was a massive increase in             traffic.
fine-tuned control over the cache. The first argument          invasive advertising, where adverts blocked large
is the storage method to use. There are several                portions of the site and aggressively tracked people
options that each have different payoffs in terms              on the site in an attempt to squeeze pennies out of
of space efficiency and time efficiency and other              them. The result is that now a sizeable proportion of
aspects, but unless you're running a really high-traffic       bandwidth and CPU power is spent on rendering
proxy, the default of usf (Unix File System) should            adverts that the viewer didn't want in the first place.
work fine.
   The second argument is the location of the cache.           Admonish ads
It will be a directory structure rather than just a single     There are already a number of options for blocking
file, and the default location is in /var/spool, though        adverts, including web browser plugins; however,
anywhere to which the Squid user has write access              many of these plugins are themselves nefariously
is fine. Following this are the arguments for UFS.             tracking users and feeding this data back to the
These are three numbers, the first of which is of              advertisers. If you run a network either at home or
most interest to us, as it's the total amount of space         work, you probably also have a number of devices
that Squid can use on the disk. The second number              – and wouldn't it be much easier if all of them could
is the number of subdirectories that can be in the             have their adverts blocked at a central point? If you
cache root, and the third number is the number of              do it with your proxy, every machine that connects
subdirectories allowed inside the first set. The defaults      through the proxy automatically has adverts removed.
for these two are fine for most uses. To create a 1GB             Squid uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) to decide
disk cache, change the line to the following:                  which traffic to let through and which to block, so to
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid3 1024 16 256                    block adverts, we just need an ACL that will identify
   Once you've saved your changes, you just need to            which bits of traffic are adverts, and block these.
tell Squid to reload the configuration file with:              In web access lingo, this is termed a blacklist. The
sudo squid3 -k reconfigure                                     opposite of a blacklist is a whitelist, which contains
   Advertising provides a good way for a website to            details of traffic that we do want to let through.
make a little money to cover the cost of hosting the              Blacklists are available online both for free and
site. Popular websites can also earn enough to pay             commercially, and which one is right for you will


                                                                                         ad-domains of the type dstdom_regex and loads
                                                                                         the data from the file /etc/squid3/advertsdomains.
                                                                                         The quote marks around the file name are important,
                                                                                         because without them, Squid will attempt to interpret
                                                                                         the file location rather than the file contents as the
                                                                                         blacklist data. The second line creates a rule for http_
                                                                                         access. If you wanted to create a whitelist rather than
                                                                                         a blacklist, you could use allow rather than deny.
                                                                                           Once you've saved those changes, you can reload
                                                                                         the Squid configuration using:
                                                                                         sudo squid3 -k reconfigre
                                                                                         Now adverts should be blocked on all browsers that
                                                                                         are routing through the proxy.

                                                                                         Access denied
                                                                                         Our above method of blocking adverts was easy to
                                                                                         set up because we had a ready-made blacklist in the
                                                                                         right format. However, if you want to block other
                                                                                         categories of content, you won't always find blacklists
                                                                                         in formats that Squid can understand. Fortunately,
By default, users visiting
                             depend on what level of blocking you need. If you're        Linux gives us plenty of text processing tools that we
blocked sites will be
served an error page.        blocking adverts (like we are here), a free blacklist       can use to transform everything we need into a
This is configurable in      is probably sufficient, since it's not a problem if the     format that Squid can work with.
squid.conf.                  occasional advert slips through. If you find yourself          There's a great set of blacklists put together by
                             relying on Squid to enforce network policies, then it's     Shalla Secure Services are available at
                             worth investigating further options.               This website has a download link
                                 We'll use the blacklist from   that will grab a tarball you can extract to get blacklists
                             It's quite comprehensive and uses regular expressions       for a range of different categories of material. In each
                             to keep up to date with changing subdomains.                subfolder of the main BL folder, you'll find a domains
                             You'll need to select the type as 'Squid – As Squid         text file containing one domain per line of content
                             Dstdom_regex File', tick the View List option as Plain      that should be avoided in this category. There are two
                                                                                         problems with this. First, Squid won't automatically
                                                                                         exclude subdomains unless the domain is preceded
     You may want to block Facebook during                                               with a dot; and second, Squid will throw an error if the

     weekdays, and only allow access in the                                              list includes both a subdomain and a higher domain
                                                                                         preceded by a dot. If we want to use the Shalla list, we
     evening and at weekends                                                             need to remedy these two problems. Open a terminal
                                                                                         and navigate to the subfolder you want to ban.
                             Text and then press Go. This will open the file in your        To add a leading dot to all the lines, use the
                             browser, so save it to your hard drive with the name        following command, which matches the start of a line
                             advertdomains.                                              character (^) and inserts a dot:
                                You can configure Squid to look anywhere you like        cat domains | sed 's/^/./' >domainsquid
                             for this file, but in the interests of keeping everything     Solving the second problem is a little trickier. We
                             contained, it's best to place it in the Squid config        need to remove any lines that are subdomains of
                             directory, so copy it and change the owner of the file      domains that are included in the file. The first task
                             to the Squid user with:
                             sudo cp advertdomains /etc/squid3/advertdomains
                             sudo chown proxy /etc/squid3/advertdomains
                               This should work on Ubuntu- and Debian-based
                             systems. If you're on a different distro, you may need
                             to change the location of the config directory and
                             the username of the Squid user. Check your distro's
                             documentation if you have issues with this.
                               Now you need to open squid.conf in your favourite
                             text editor and add the lines to load and act on the
                             acl ad-domains dstdom_regex "/etc/squid3/
                             advertdomains"                                              Sarg (Squid Analysis Report Generator) will parse your
                             http_access deny ad-domains                                 Squid logfile to create a report to help you understand
                             The first line creates an access control list called        how your internet connection is used.

                                                                                                               SQUID PROXY TUTORIAL

here is to make sure that the file is sorted so that all
the subdomains are listed underneath the original
domains. A normal sort won't help us here, because
the subdomains are on the left of the domain, and
sort organises a list using the leftmost character. The
easiest way around this is just to reverse each line
before the sort, and then reverse again at the end. We
can do this using the rev command. Once this is done,
we can use awk to match the domain against the
same number of characters on the line below. If the
two match then the second line is a subdomain of the
first line and it shouldn't be output. All together, this is
done with the following command:
rev domainsquid | sort | awk 'NR!=1&&substr($0,0,length(
p))==p{next}{p=$0".";print}' | rev > newdomainsquid
  This list is a dstdomain type in Squid, so you need to
add the following lines to your squid.conf:
acl blocksites dstdomain "/etc/squid3/newdomainsquid"
http_access deny blocksites
   When you reload the Squid configuration, this will
block all the domains listed in newdomainsquid.
                                                                                                                                The squid.conf file
You can have as many of these blacklists as you                  which enable you to alter which sites are blocked
                                                                                                                                includes detailed
like provided you give each of them a different name             based on the time of day or day of the week. For               comments about all the
(blocksites is the name here).                                   example, you may want to block the Facebook                    options, so you should be
                                                                 website during weekdays, and only allow access in              able to get things working
Fine tuning                                                      the evening and at weekends. You could do this by              even if you've broken your
Access Control Lists enable more nuanced control                 adding the following to your squid.conf file.                  internet connection.
than simply allowing or blocking. One of the most                acl facebooktime time MTWHF 18:00-23:59
useful alternatives is the use of time-based controls,           acl facebookdomain dstdomain

                                                                 http_access allow facebookdomain facebooktime
  Running a dedicated proxy server
                                                                 http_access deny facebookdomain
  The setup we've done here has been based on running your          The first line defines an ACL with the time type, and
  proxy locally, but if you want your proxy to be available to
                                                                 this takes two arguments. The first argument is the
  all devices on the network, you'll need a machine that's
  always on (or, at least, is turned on as often as you want     list of days to match on (this is the first letter of the
  the network to be on). Obviously, when choosing a machine      day, except for Thursday, which is a H, and Saturday,
  to be turned on constantly, power consumption is an issue,     which is an A). The second argument is the time
  so any of the small ARM boards (such as a Raspberry Pi or      period to allow.
  Odroid) make an excellent choice. Another option is to run
                                                                    The first http_access line combines two ACLs and
  Squid directly on your network router. Most ISP-supplied
  router firmware doesn't come with this option, but if your     only lets a web request through if it matches both of
  router is capable of running OpenWRT (     the ACLs. We also need the final line to deny other
  you can run Squid on the same box that that handles your       requests to this domain. In this example, we've just
  main network connection.                                       used a single domain, but exactly the same approach
      Other than running the machine, the configuration is
                                                                 could be used with one of the domain lists from Shalla
  exactly the same as we've described here, so you just need
  to copy across your squid.conf file and any associated         to (for example) block all web chat at certain times.
  black and whitelists, and Squid will be ready to run.             Squid's http_access doesn't allow a way of
                                                                 combining ACLs so that access is granted if either
                                                                 one or the other ACLs is matched; instead, this can
                                                                 be done by creating a http_access allow line for each
                                                                 allowable combination of ACLs, followed by a
                                                                 http_access deny line. Facebook is served over
                                                                 HTTPS, so in order for this block to work, you have
                                                                   to make sure that your browser is configured to
                                                                    send encrypted pages to the proxy as well as
                                                                    unencrypted ones. In Firefox, this is set in the proxy
                                                                  configuration page on the SSL line.

                                                                  Ben Everard intends to monetise Squid by selling Daily Mail
                                                                  blockers for people who need to keep their minds clean.


Remember Operation? Of course you do – now make your own!

                                        or this issue we are going to create one
                                        hardware project, in this case a homemade
                                        "Operation" game where we have to save the
WHY DO THIS?                   robot. We have three lives and if we touch the metal of
• Control hardware using       the robot we lose a life, which is indicated by one of
  the GPIO                     three LEDs turning off and the buzzer sounding. This
• Learn logic                  project uses a simple method of input: the surgery
• Transfer knowledge           tool is turned on with current, and when we touch the
  across languages             foil around the robot, we connect to Ground, causing
                               the tool to turn off, triggering the code to execute.
                                  To code this project we'll use two methods, each
                               one aimed at a different level of user. For example,
                               beginners can learn to hack with Scratch, whereas
• A Raspberry Pi running
  the latest Raspbian          more competent coders can use the new GPIO Zero            Our finished project is a mix of arts materials, electronics
  release                      Python library, which removes a lot of the hassle of       and aluminium foil circuits and uses many different skills
• 3 x LED                      using the old RPi.GPIO Python library.                     across the curriculum.
• 3 x 220Ω resistors              The circuit diagram for this project, along with the
• Male–female jumper           full code listings and other images, can be found          to turn on three LEDs – more on that later. So you
  cables                       via our GitHub repository at           should have
• Male–male jumper cables      lesp/LV24-Dr-Robot, or you can download a Zip file         When Green Flag Clicked
• A buzzer                     containing all of the project files from https://github.   broadcast gpioserveron
• Breadboard                   com/lesp/LV24-Dr-Robot/archive/                 broadcast config17out
• Masking Tape                                                                            broadcast config27out
• Aluminium Foil               PROJECT 1 – SCRATCH                                        broadcast config22out
• Wire                         You'll find Scratch in the Programming menu of the         broadcast config10out
• Glue                         latest version of Raspbian (Jessie). To start coding we    broadcast config9in
• A plastic case (we used an   shall use blocks from the left of the screen and drag      broadcast 3LED
  A4 document holder)
                               them into the centre coding area. We start with a hat        Now let's create a new section of code. Grab
                               block: in the Control palette, Look for "When Green        another When Green Flag Clicked block from the
                               Flag Clicked" and drag it into the coding area. Still in   Control palette, then a Forever loop and attach it to
                               the Control palette look for "broadcast"; we're going to   the Green Flag block. In the Control palette you will
                               create seven broadcast blocks, each used to                see Repeat 10 – drag it inside the Forever loop and
                               configure the GPIO.                                        change 10 to 2, as we're going to sound the buzzer
                                  Our first turns on the GPIO server, a script behind     attached to GPIO 10 twice for half second intervals,
                                                                                          add the following blocks.
     Beginners can learn with Scratch, while                                              broadcast gpio10on
                                                                                          wait 0.5 secs
     more competent hackers can use the                                                   broadcast gpio10off
                                                                                              Now we come out of the Repeat 2 loop, but still
     new GPIO Zero Python library                                                         inside the Forever loop. Drag a Repeat Until loop from
                                                                                          the Control palette so that it is under the Repeat 2
                               the scenes that enables Scratch to talk to the GPIO.       loop, and inside the Forever loop. We now need to
                               We are next going to create four configurations for        create a variable, so go to the Variables palette and
                               GPIO pins numbered 17,27,22 and 10, turning them           create a variable for all sprites called Lives. Once
                               into outputs. We configure GPIO 9 to be an input for       it's created, drag the Lives block to the coding area
                               our surgery tool, before finally we create a broadcast     and put it somewhere safe. Now from the Operators

                                                                                                               EDUCATION TUTORIAL

palette drag the \_\_ = \_\_ block and place it inside
the blank space at the top of the Repeat Until block.
In the right-hand blank space of \_\_ = \_\_ type the
number zero, and in the left drag the Lives variable
and drop it inside. Now any code inside this section
will run until the user runs out of lives.
   We next need to drag an If block, placing it inside
the Repeat Until block. We also need another \_\_ =
\_\_ in the blank space of the If block. Add a zero (0)
to the right-hand side of the \_\_ = \_\_ block. For the
left-hand side we need to read the state of our surgery
                                                                                                                 Connects to all foil
tool, which will be 1 (on) or when touching the foil, 0                                                          using multiple wires
(off). This block will be in Sensing, but first we need                                  Connects to surgery
to activate our code to register the GPIO pins, so click                                 tool (Tweezers)
on the Green Flag in the top-right of your screen. Now
                                                                                                                                 Our project is a rather
return to Sensing and look for the Slider Sensor Value          for 2 secs" and use that to say Game Over; we next               simple circuit that sits
block. Click on the drop-down and you'll see GPIO9.             change the Lives variable so that we have 3 lives.               inside an A4 document
Change the block to GPIO9 and drag it into the left             Lastly we create a broadcast "3LED".                             holder, with a lovely picture
blank of \_\_ = \_\_.                                              Remember all those 0LED, 1LED broadcasts                      of a robot stuck upon it.
   Inside this If condition we'll create another Repeat         that we created earlier? Now we're going to create
loop, this time for three iterations. Each time it will turn    sequences of code that respond to those broadcasts.
on GPIO 10, wait for 0.2 seconds, and then turn it off          In the Control palette look for the "When I receive"
before waiting and repeating the sequence.                      hat block. Drag it to the coding area and change it to
   Breaking out of the Repeat 3 loop but still inside           3LED, then underneath the block add three broadcasts
the If condition we now need to change the value of             and edit them as follows.
the Lives variable by -1. In the Variables palette you          broadcast gpio17on
will see "change lives by 1" – drag it under the repeat         broadcast gpio27on
3 and change the value to -1. Now drag a "Say for 2             broadcast gpi22on
secs" block from the Looks palette and use it to tell           This turns every LED on; to turn an LED off we simply
the player they have lost a life.                               swap the on for off.
   Under the Say block we now place an If condition                Now repeat this structure for 2LED, 1LED and 0LED,
that will compare the value of lives against an integer,        remember to be consistent in which LED are turned
we will need the \_\_ = \_\_ block from Operators and           off. So that's it, save your work and click on the Green
the Lives variable, which goes in the left \_\_ = \_\_ (in      flag to play the game.
the right-hand side, type "2"). Inside the If condition
we will create a new broadcast block called 2LED.               PROJECT 2 – GPIO ZERO
Repeat these steps for 1LED and 0LED. Place each If             We covered GPIO Zero in LV23, and since then it has
condition under one another.                                    been included as standard in the latest version of
   We now break out of the "Repeat Until Lives" loop            Raspbian, so no installation is required. For those
but stay in the Forever loop. We drag another "Say              using an older version, please refer to https://
                                                       for installation
  Crafty hacking                                                   From the Programming menu open the Python 3
                                                                > Idle application. You'll see a Python shell open; click
  Using craft equipment from art and design lessons is a
  great way for children to incorporate a hack into their       on File > New Window to open a new project window.
  curriculum. For example, in science lessons the class could   Before you progress, save the blank document as
  learn about Mars and its inhospitable terrain; in art they and remember to save your
  could design the terrain of Mars; and in computing they       work regularly.
  can learn to program a Raspberry Pi robot. This joined up
                                                                   We start the project by importing three classes
  "cross curricular" methodology can help put the classes
  knowledge into practice and still remain a fun activity.      from the GPIO Zero library, handling the LEDs, the
     At the Picademy training events we have a session          buzzer and our surgery tool, which is classed as an
  where the class are shown how to use a motor controller       input (button). We also import the time library to
  and are then given 30 minutes to build a moving gadget        control our game pace.
  using nothing more than arts and craft materials that can
                                                                from gpiozero import LED
  be found in any school. The results of this experiential
                                                                from gpiozero import Button
  activity are wide ranging– from simple roulette wheels to
  interactive goal line technology – but the most important     from gpiozero import Buzzer
  outcome of the session is for learners to try out hacking a   import time
  project to life and solving problems as they occur.            Next we create five variables that will each store the
                                                                GPIO pin used for the LEDs, buzzer and surgery tool.


Programming the project
with the latest version of   We call the relevant class LED, Buzzer and Button, and      lives = 3
Scratch is an excellent      pass the class the GPIO pin as an argument.                 life_counter(lives)
introduction to coding for   life1 = LED(17)                                               So now we move into the logic that forms our
                             life2 = LED(27)                                             game. We start by using an infinite loop, while True,
                             life3 = LED(22)                                             which will constantly run the code. We introduce a
                             buzzer = Buzzer(10)                                         0.01 second delay to reduce the hit on the CPU and
                             tool = Button(9)                                            ensure that our code runs smoothly.
                               Now we create a function to handle turning on             while True:
                             multiple LEDs to represent the number of lives we                       time.sleep(0.01)
                             have left. The function is passed an argument,                 Still inside the infinite loop we now create a for
                             being the number of lives we have. Then an if..elif         loop, a loop that will iterate a set number of times. In
                             conditional statement is used, the number of lives          this for loop we shall instruct the buzzer to sound,
                             passed as an argument is compared to hard-coded             indicating that the game is ready to be played. We turn
                             values, and the correct number of LEDs are lit.             on the buzzer, then create a 0.5 second delay before
                             def life_counter(lives):                                    turning it off, followed by another delay.
                                       if lives == 3:                                    for i in range(2):
                                                   life1.on()                                        buzzer.on()
                                                   life2.on()                                        time.sleep(0.5)
                                       elif lives == 2:
                                       elif lives == 1:
                                       elif lives == 0:
                               Next we create another variable to store the number
                             of lives, in this case three. We then use the variable as   Between the robot picture and plastic case we have
                             an argument and call the function that we have just         aluminium foil connected to the Ground of our Pi.
                             created.                                                    Touching the foil is hazardous to the robot's health.

                                                                                                            EDUCATION TUTORIAL                                                                                                               More foil is used for each
time.sleep(0.5)                                                                                                            hole, to create a single
  We now come out of the for loop and create a new                                                                         circuit for each hole.
loop inside the infinite loop. Here we use a 'while the                                                                    Each circuit connects to a
number of lives is greater than zero' loop. We evaluate                                                                    Ground pin on your Pi, but
                                                                                                                           you could link all the holes
the value of the lives variable each time and check
                                                                                                                           together and use just one
that it is greater than 0; if that is the case, the loop
                                                                                                                           Ground pin.
repeats. We also introduce a delay to pace our code.
while lives > 0:
   Inside the while lives > 0 loop we create a condition
to check against; this time we are checking to see if
the surgeon has touched the aluminium foil, triggering
a loss of life. When the foil is touched, the GPIO pin
attached to the surgery tool goes from on to off (True
to false, 1 to 0) and this is a change of state used to
indicate an error.
if tool.is_pressed:
   So if the surgeon makes a mistake and touches the
metal, the tool.is_pressed condition is true and we
create a for loop that will beep the buzzer three times
in quick succession.
for i in range(3):
           buzzer.on()                                     lives = lives - 1
           time.sleep(0.2)                                 life_counter(lives)
                                        In our final section of code we break out of if tool.
           time.sleep(0.2)                                 is_pressed condition and return to the infinite loop.
  Breaking out of the for loop we next create a delay      We now have a condition that will activate when the
before printing that the user has lost a life. We adjust   user has no lives left. If that's true, the text 'Game Over'
the lives variable and one life from its current value.    is printed to the screen. A three-second delay takes
Finally we call the life_counter function and pass it      place before we change the lives variable, restoring
the number of lives that the player has left.              the three lives that the player receives; this is then
time.sleep(0.1)                                            indicated by illuminating the LEDS.
print("You lost a life")                                   if lives == 0:
                                                                       print("Game Over")
                                                              Ensure that your code is saved and when ready
                                                           click on Run > Run Module to start the game.

                                                           What have we learned?
                                                           For this issue we highlighted how one hardware
                                                           project can be coded using two different methods.
                                                           Scratch is great at illustrating how the sequence of
                                                           code works as it is very visual with the design of
                                                           blocks and loops, and GPIO Zero enables anyone to
                                                           dip their toe into hardware hacking with Python, which
                                                           is great for children who want immediate results from
                                                           their projects.
                                                              Coding is a great activity but we should not remain
                                                           tied to just one language. Once you understand the
                                                           logic of programming then this knowledge can be
                                                           transferred to other languages such as Ruby, Perl or
                                                           JavaScript, and this is key skill for children to grasp in
                                                           the new Computing curriculum.

A breadboard is an ideal place to build your project.       Les Pounder divides his time between tinkering with
                                                            hardware and travelling the United Kingdom training teachers
You can quickly test and take apart your project for the
                                                            in the new IT curriculum.
optimum layout.


How to live happy with MariaDB, and reuse its data in ways you didn't know existed.

                                                                                          testdb                                       friends table
MARCO FIORETTI                      f you use any Linux desktop, or have any kind of
                                    dynamic website, you're using a database. And         E_ID    Birthdate   Place       Name                Address
                                    the more you go on, the more likely it is that you
                                                                                           5     1980-03-25 college Fred Smith          Cambridge St, 540
WHY DO THIS?                   will have to recover those databases from some
                                                                                           6     1985-06-30 work      Nick Williams     Oxford St, 34
• MariaDB databases            disaster, or process them in ways that are not
                                                                                           7     1987-01-14 work      Joan Walters      Cambridge St, 601
  probably power websites      possible using only database software.
  that you already have. The      A database is an archive of data, structured in          Foreign Key?                                    Foreign Key?
  sooner you learn how they
  work, the better for you     tables and stored in low-level binary containers. If you
• Because being able to        could look inside a database, each of its tables would            hobbies table
  quickly get every kind of    resemble a spreadsheet, with data of the same kind in      H_ID     Past_hobbies       Present_hobbies        Friend Name
  data in or out of a real     their separate columns, and different data about the
  database is a skill that                                                                 5     Cooking, jogging     Hockey, chess           Fred Smith
  may save you a lot of        same entity (in database lingo: entry, or record) all in
                                                                                           6     Writing              Cooking, carpentry      Nick Williams
  work                         the same row. The "Customers" table of a shop
                                                                                           7     Chess, bowling       Free climbing,          Joan Walters
• MySQL/MariaDB                database, for example, may have columns like
                                                                                                                      crossword puzzles
  knowledge is something       "Customer code", "Customer name" and "Unpaid
  employers like…
                               orders", and each row (each record), would describe        The logical partitioning of data in tables and, above
                               one different customer.                                    all, the possibility to define, and enforce, relationships
                                  A database is what's known as relational when           between tables by means of keys, that is related fields
                               you can define and use precise relationships among         that connect them.
                               its tables, and the software that manages this is
                               called an RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management            MariaDB is relatively easy to use thanks to its
                               System). A column that uniquely identifies each            programming interfaces in many languages. The
                               record in a table of a relational database is called       client–server architecture means that, in order to
                               its primary key. Relations between tables can be           create and use any database with MariaDB, you must
                               enforced by defining some columns of one table             install and run at least two programs. The first of
                               as foreign keys in another. In the shop database           these is the default command line MariaDB client,
                                                                                          which, somewhat confusingly, is called mysql, for
                                                                                          compatibility with MySQL. The server, which for the
     A database is an archive of data,                                                    same reason is still called mysqld, is the part that is
     structured in tables and stored in                                                   always running, and that accesses each database, to
                                                                                          execute the requests coming from different clients,
     low-level binary containers                                                          which may be on the same or on another computer.

                               above, this would ensure that you cannot enter, in the     MariaDB commands
                               "Orders" table, a new order from a customer who does       Installing the MariaDB server and/or client is no
                               not already exist in the "Customers" table.                problem at all, unless you are using a niche, or
                                  The standard way to work with relational databases      experts-only version of Linux. In 2016, all the most
                               is via commands in an ad hoc Structured Query              popular distributions should offer binary packages for
                               Language, or SQL for short. You may issue those            both programs in their standard repositories. You may
                               commands indirectly, through a graphical interface, or     have to explicitly enable the server to start at each
                               directly type them inside some MariaDB client.             boot, but that's all there is to it.
                                                                                            The SQL commands to create or delete databases,
                               Enter MariaDB                                              tables and users are all thoroughly explained in the
                               MariaDB ( is the Open Source,          Documentation section of the MariaDB Knowledge
                               client–server RDBMS most popular on Linux these            Base (
                               days. Born as a drop-in replacement for MySQL              documentation) or in the latest MySQL Reference

                                                                                                                          MARIA DB TUTORIAL

manual ( We're only
going to look at their most basic forms, to give you
an idea of how they work and help you understand
the manuals (throughout the tutorial, #> indicates the
Linux prompt; & is the MariaDB one. Most MariaDB
output was also removed for brevity):
 #> mysql
 & USE MySql;
 & CREATE USER 'linuxvoice'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED
BY PASSWORD 'testpw';
 & GRANT ALL ON testdb.* TO 'linuxvoice'@'localhost';
   The first line launches the MariaDB client.
Depending on your MariaDB default settings, you may                                                                                 You can browse and
have to run it as root, whenever you want to create or                `place` enum('work','high school',                            edit MariaDB tables with
delete databases or users. Remember that MariaDB                    'college','neighborhood') DEFAULT 'neighborhood',               LibreOffice, as in this
users only exist inside MariaDB, but have nothing                     `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,                             screenshot, but only raw
to do with ordinary Linux accounts, including the                     `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,                          SQL and the other methods
administrator one which, like in Linux, is called "root".             ...                                                           described here can process
The five commands above are what you should type                    These commands create a table inside testdb called              them automatically.
at the MariaDB prompt in order to:                                  friends, along with its first five columns, each with
   Go into the "main" database of your installation,                a different meaning and a matching
   which stores metadata about all the others.                      MariaDB data type: a unique numeric
   Create a new database, called testdb.                            identifier, a date in YYYY-MM-DD format,          PRO TIP
   Add a MariaDB user called linuxvoice, with                       a predefined set of text constants and            You can use everything here to deal with
                                                                                                                      MySQL database, for now – be prepared
   password testpw.                                                 finally two strings, to hold each friend's
                                                                                                                      for the future, and keep an eye on the
   Grant that same user all privileges on all the tables            name and address. As above, this is an            MariaDB/MySQL incompatibilities that will
   in the testdb database. You can create as many                   incomplete snippet of code, only meant            surely arrive in the future
   databases and users as you want, and then restrict               to show the look and feel of MariaDB.
   what each user can see or do, with the right options
   to the GRANT command.                                            Playing with records
   Tell the MariaDB server to flush the old privileges              If the friends table above only had those five columns,
   configuration, to load the new one.                              you could add a friend named Fred like this:
   Once you have created a database, you can log in                  & INSERT INTO friends VALUES(NULL, '1980-03-25',
to MariaDB as a normal user, type the corresponding                 'college', 'Fred Smith', 'Oxford Street, 21');
password, and start creating tables, which you may                  where the NULL value tells MariaDB to increment and
then fill with data:                                                set the numeric identifier itself. Now uppose Fred
 #> mysql -u linuxvoice -p                                          moves house? No problem. Assuming that MariaDB
 & USE testdb;                                                      gave Fred 5 as F_ID value, just update Fred's record:
 & CREATE TABLE friends (                                            & UPDATE friends set address = 'Cambridge Street, 540'
  `F_ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,                           WHERE F_ID = 5;
  `Birthdate` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',                     Should you and Fred cease to be friends, you may

  MariaDB/MySQL compatibility
  The MariaDB project was launched six years ago with the goal      MariaDB server (but not the MySQL one) restart automatically
  of becoming “a complete drop-in-replacement for MySQL”.           at every reboot. MariaDB also has more storage engines
  Some day that aim will be abandoned, but today it still is 100%   available, at least in the official package, than MySQL. In a
  true between corresponding versions of the two databases.         MariaDB/MySQL installation, the storage engine is the set of
  The names of the server and client programs, as well as those     algorithms and low-level libraries that actually create and
  of all the configuration and raw, binary files, and of all the    manage the binary data structures.
  common configuration variables, are identical.                       There are storage engines optimizsd for speed, others for
     The same applies to the SQL syntax, and to the binary          robustness and many other scenarios. If you used MySQL to
  interfaces that were originally developed to talk directly to a   manage a database with certain non-default storage engines,
  MySQL server from most programming languages. It is still         you may be forced to manually recompile MariaDB to migrate
  possible to talk to a MariaDB server from the MySQL client,       that same database. Finally, MariaDB has different defaults
  and vice versa. In spite of all these efforts, really 100%        values for certain variables, and more options than MySQL.
  compatibility is not guaranteed. On some Linux distributions,     To know more, read
  for example, some extra manual work is required to make the       mariadb-vs-mysql-compatibility.


                                                                                                     All commands concatenate rows in such a way that a
                                                                                                     friends row with a certain value goes side by side with
                                                                           Your custom script        the row from hobbies in which friend_name has that
                                              text file with               and/or commands
                                                                                                     same value. What changes from one JOIN example to
                                                 output                                              the other (and remember, these are just three of the
         database                                                                 "Process           available variants) is which rows are considered, and
                                                                                  & Format
                                                                                                     how "holes" in the temporary table are filled.
                                                  SQL                                                   The temporary table created by the INNER JOIN
                                                SELECT                                               concatenates only the rows of friends and hobbies
                                              statement(s)                                           that a) have the same value in the name and friend_
                                                                                                     name fields (without the ON clause, you'd get every
         Possible destinations                                                                       row of friends concatenated to every row of hobbies)
                                                                                                     and b) a list of present_hobbies that includes the
                                                                                                     string hockey.
                                                                                                        The second command produces a table that has
                                                                                                     all the rows from the table on the left of the JOIN
                                                                                                     keyword (that is friends) each concatenated with:
   SQL INSERT    HTML pages      GNUPLOT csv text files for          Twitter              text
                                                                                                        The row with the same friend_name, if such a row
  commands to    for dynamic      Graphs! spreadsheets             Command            or slides in
   OTHER DBs      Websites                                         Line clients     OpenDocument
                                                                                        format          A row with some or all fields set to NULL otherwise.
                                                                                                     The RIGHT JOIN does the same thing, just reversing
                                                                                                     the tables.
                                 remove him from your table:                                            Now, before moving to the next part, let's learn the
From graphs to web pages,
                                  & DELETE FROM friends WHERE F_ID = 5;                              most important things, that is how to back up your
when you know the basics
of SQL and scripting, it's         To list the name and addresses of all your friends                MariaDB database with mysqldump. Typing this in a
easy to transform MariaDB        who are more than 25 years old, sorted by street, you               Linux shell:
database, or their textual       could ask MariaDB to:                                                #> mysqldump -u linuxvoice -p --extended-insert=false
backups, into almost              & SELECT address as A, name as N FROM friends                      friends> friends-backup.sql
everything.                      WHERE Birthdate <= '1990-01-01' ORDER by address;                   would save all the SQL instructions to rebuild from
                                  +-----------------------+---------------+                          scratch all the content of your friends database in the
                                  |A             |N            |                                     text file friends-backup.sql, when loaded from the
                                  +-----------------------+---------------+                          MariaDB prompt:
                                  | Cambridge Street, 540 | Fred Smith |                              #> mysql -u linuxvoice -p friends
                                  | Cambridge Street, 601 | Joan Walters |                            & source friends-backup.sql;
                                  | Oxford Street, 34      | Nick Williams |
                                                 The WHERE clause is essential. Without              Why bother with all this?
                                                 it, MariaDB would display, delete or alter          There are lots of programming languages with
                                                 every record of the selected table!                 MariaDB/MySQL interfaces. Raw SQL commands are
Always try a SELECT before an UPDATE
or DELETE query, with the same clauses,              All SQL statements share the same               plain text strings, and the whole content of a MariaDB
to be sure that those operations will only       basic structure shown above: you first              database can be dumped into one file, as a sequence
alter the records you do want to alter!
                                                 define which columns you want to see,               of plain text commands, each with a well defined
                                                 how to format each field if necessary,              structure. Taking all that into account, it's easy to
                                                 and from which table(s) MariaDB should              realise that creation, recovery and reuse of MariaSQL
                                   get them. To see only the records that match certain              databases, are much easier than you may suspect.
                                   conditions, describe all of them in the WHERE clause.                Because the commands are plain text, we don't
                                                                                                     need to use SQL to manipulate them; we could, for
                                 The real power of SQL: joining tables                               example, dump the whole content of the database, or
                                 The SQL JOIN operator places two or more tables of                  of a single table, into a flat text file, one record per line,
                                 a database side by side, to create one temporary,                   whith MySqldump. At that point, it will be easy to cut,
                                 virtual table, that you may filter and display as if it             slice, combine, alter and reformat that text with tools
                                 were a normal one. These examples introduce three                   like sed, awk or grep, inside shell scripts.
                                 common types of JOIN:                                                  The other method consists of querying the
                                  & SELECT * FROM friends INNER JOIN hobbies ON                      database from inside a script, using the MariaDB/
                        = hobbies.friend_name WHERE hobbies.                   MySQL libraries for the chosen language, and playing
                                 present_hobbies like '%hockey%';                                    with the results. Listing 1 shows some lines of Perl
                                  & SELECT * FROM friends LEFT JOIN hobbies ON                       that detect, format and display, more flexibly than SQL
                        = hobbies.friend_namename;                             could do, the duplicate entries in a budget database:
                                  & SELECT * FROM friends RIGHT JOIN hobbies ON                       Listing 1
                        = hobbies.friend_name;                                    1     use DBI;

                                                                                                                                  MARIA DB TUTORIAL

    2       use DBD::MySql;
                                                                          Unix log fixes         OpenDocument          Backups         EXIF/IPTC      Website mirrors
    4       my $database = "budget";                                                           spreadsheets texts,     of other      metadata from    made with wget
    5       my $host             = "localhost";                                                       etc             databases       photographs
    6       my $port             = "3306";
    7       my $user             = "budget_user";
    8       my $pw               = "budget_password";
    9       my $dsn              = "dbi:MySql:$database:localho
   10         my $DB             = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pw);
   12         my $query = qq~select b_date, b_item, b_                                         Possible sources

amount, b_id from budget_list where b_date >= '2006-01-
01' order by b_date;~;
   13       my $query_handle = $DB->prepare($query);
                                                                                    "Process               SQL INSERT
   14         $query_handle->execute();                                                                    statement(s)
                                                                                    & Format
   15       $query_handle->bind_columns(\$b_date,                                     code"
\$b_item, \$b_amount, \$b_id);
                                                                                                       Your custom script                  MariaDB
   17       while($query_handle->fetch()) {
                                                                                                       and/or commands
   19             if ($DOUBLE_ITEMS{"$b_date|$b_amount"}                                                                                   database
{'exists'} eq 'Y') {
   20                 print $DOUBLE_ITEMS{"$b_date|$b_
amount"}{'value'};                                                       Even the inverse passage from CSV to database is                  A few lines of SQL
   21                 printf "     %10.10s : %-40.40s %8.2f %-8s\n",   simple, once you know the basic trick. These few lines              commands and glue code
   22                            $b_date, $b_item, $b_amount, $b_id;   of code, again in Perl:                                             can load everything, from
                                                                                                                                           photo metadata to system
   23             } else {                                              1 while (<>) {
                                                                                                                                           logs, into a MariaDB
   24                 $DOUBLE_ITEMS{"$b_date|$b_amount"}                2 chomp;
                                                                                                                                           database, for further
{'exists'} = 'Y';                                                       3 ($b_date, $b_item, b_amount) = split/\s*,\s*/;                   analysis.
   25                 $DOUBLE_ITEMS{"$b_date|$b_amount"}                4 # process date, item and amount as you wish!
{'value'} =                                                             5 print "INSERT INTO budget_list VALUES(NULL,'$b_
   26                   sprintf "ORIG: %10.10s : %-40.40s %8.2f        date', '$b_item','$b_amount');\n";
%-8s\n",                                                                6}
   27                  $b_date, $b_item, $b_amount, $b_id;             are (almost) all you'd need to read a CSV file, one line
   28             }                                                    at a time, load its fields in Perl variables, process them
   29         }                                                        as needed, and generate the valid SQL statements
   The first ten 10 of Listing 1 show one way to load                  that would insert them in a MariaDB
Perl modules that talk to MariaDB, initialising all the                database.
necessary variables and using them to connect to a                        Last but not least, websites. Many                PRO TIP
database called budget. The next four statements                       dynamic websites are powered by                      The MariaDB command line client keeps a
                                                                                                                            history of its commands, just like the Unix
prepare a query, execute it and bind the columns it                    MariaDB or MySQL. When we had to                     shells. Use it!
returns to Perl variables with the same names. In line                 resurrect an old Drupal website, for
17, the script loops through each row returned by the                  example, a quick look at its mysqldump
query. If the %DOUBLE_ITEMS array already contains                     backups showed that these three Perl statements:
an entry with the same combination of date and                          $PRINT = 'y' if ($_ =~ m/^CREATE TABLE `node`/);
amount, both that and the current record are printed,                   $PRINT = 'n' if ($_ =~ m/^CREATE TABLE `performance_
as possible duplicates. Otherwise, the current record                  detail`/);
is reformatted, and inserted into %DOUBLE_ITEMS.                        print "$_" if ('y' eq $PRINT);
   With the same base technique you may quickly                        were all we needed to print only the SQL commands
write code (in Perl or many other languages!) that,                    containing the fields with the full, actual text, and
in the same run, connects to different MariaDB                         nothing more, of all its pages. After that, less than one
databases (or other data sources!), processes all their                hour of trial and error later we had other 50 lines of
contents as you wish, and prints out the results as                    code that gave us a folder with all those web pages,
you want. More detailed, useful outputs that a script                  each in a separate file named after their title and
like that may generate include:                                        publication date, ready for reuse. The gory details
   Actual SQL statements that you may execute from                     and full source code are available online at http://
   the same script, with the same connection                  Take it from us:
   technique, or print out to a text file.                             knowing how to talk to MariaDB and reuse its data can
   A CSV (Comma Separated Values) text version,                        save you lots of time, and be a lot of fun.
   directly usable in spreadsheets like Calc or Excel, of
   any data generated from processing the same                          Marco Fioretti is a campaigner and writer on issues
                                                                        surrounding free software, ethics and the environment.


Take your first steps in home automation by using Linux to control your lights.

                                           e're fed up with the term “Internet of
                                           Things”. Yes, a new wave of low-power
                                           devices and ubiquitous wireless
WHY DO THIS?                 connections mean that ever more devices are able to
• Gain control over your     report their status to the world. However, we've been
  lights                     using Arduinos and Raspberry Pis to add “intelligence”
• Get on the IoT bandwagon   to dumb devices for long enough that this isn't really
• Party like an old school   anything new. To be quite frank, we're very much
  disco                      looking forward to the day when internet
                             connectedness comes as standard, and we can go
                             back to just using the term “things”.
                                As jaded as we are by the terminology, we still feel a
                             thrill every time we're able to control a physical device
                             with just a few lines of code. It's an empowering
                             skill – being able to link the wider world of data and
                             messages with changes in your physical environment.
                             Perhaps there's no easier way to get a feel for that        The default bridge homepage lists the open source
                             power than to control your own domestic lights.             projects that it's based on.
                                We opted to use the Philips Hue range of “smart”
                             bulbs. These sell for a ridiculous £50 per bulb, or a          To control the lights from a Linux box, we'll use the
                             slightly more reasonable £15 for the Lux range –            RESTful API exposed by the bridge, which requires
                             white bulbs that can be dimmed but can't change             us to find the bridge's IP address or hostname. Ours
                             colour. You also need a “bridge” to control the lights,     exposed itself via Zeroconf as philips-hue.lan, but
                             which can only be purchased as part of a Starter Kit,       you can probably get its IP address from your router's
                             setting you back £150 just to get going (three Hue          web interface. The bridge also communicates back
                             bulbs and a bridge), or £50 for the Lux option (two         to Philips, telling them its local IP address. This does
                                                                                         mean that you can find it by browsing to https://
     The bulbs form a mesh network, which                                       from within your
                                                                                         network, but we'd still prefer it if our hardware didn't
     makes it easier to extend your lighting                                             talk to an external server behind our backs! Pointing a
                                                                                         web browser at either the IP address or the Zeroconf
     system around the house                                                             hostname displays the default web page for the
                                                                                         bridge, which just shows some details about the open
                             bulbs and a bridge). You can use Hue bulbs with the         source components it uses.
                             bridge from a Lux kit, and vice versa, so you can at
                             least start off with a Lux kit and add colour later.        Let there be light!
                                The system uses a low-power wireless protocol            Although it's refreshing to see a product so openly
                             called ZigBee. Although it's wireless, it's not the         presenting this information, we can't help feeling that
                             same as Wi-Fi – hence the need for the bridge,              the bridge could benefit from serving a password-
                             which connects the lights' ZigBee network to a wired        protected administration interface to let you easily
                             Ethernet cable that plugs into your router or switch.       turn lights on and off from a browser. What it does
                             This enables any device on your network to send data        have, however, is a debugging screen that lets
                             to the bridge, which then routes it to the lights. The      you submit commands to the bridge and view its
                             bulbs themselves form a mesh network, which makes           responses. It's not linked to from the main page, so
                             it easy to extend your lighting system around the           you'll have to modify the URL in the browser to visit
                             house, even to those corners that Wi-Fi never reaches.      http://philips-hue.lan/debug/clip.html – replacing

                                                                                                       CONTROL SMART BULBS TUTORIAL

philips-hue.lan with the bridge's IP address, if                                                                                                The CLIP screen lets
necessary. You should see the “CLIP API Debugger”,                                                                                              you send arbitrary data
                                                                                                                                                packets to the bridge for
which we'll simply refer to as the CLIP screen from
                                                                                                                                                testing and debugging.
now on.
   Most things in the API are restricted to registered
users to prevent a malicious program from playing
havoc with your lights, so we need to create a user
account on the bridge. New users can only be created
in a 30-second window after pressing the hardware
button on the bridge, so we'll prepare the data we
want to send first, then press the button, and then
finally send the request. The address to enter into the
“URL” field of the CLIP screen couldn't be simpler:
  The API requires a devicetype parameter, which
consists of a pair of strings to identify the name of
your application, and the name of the device you're
using it on. For our simple test purposes the values
aren't terribly important, so we'll use LV_Hue as the
application name, and linux_box as the device. These
are separated by a hash character, then wrapped as a                     which contains just a single entry: an object with
JSON object, resulting in the following string that has                  a property called success whose value is another
to be entered in the Message Body box:                                   object with a property called username. The value of
{"devicetype": "LV_Hue#linux_box"}                                       that property is the long hexadecimal string, which is
  Now's the time to put on your running shoes, enlist                    the real payload we need. That string will form part
the help of a glamorous assistant, or just move your                     of every other call we make, so that the bridge will
laptop closer to the bridge; firmly press the button in                  accept our instructions as coming from an authorised
the middle of the bridge then, within 30 seconds, click                  application.
on the “POST” button in the CLIP screen. You should
see the Command Response panel fill with something                       Put some colour in your life
similar to this:                                                         From now on you'll need to not only replace the
[                                                                        hostname in our code, but also swap the hexadecimal
    {                                                                    string for the one that your own bridge
        "success": {                                                     returned. For the sake of space we've
                                                                                                                         PRO TIP
            "username": "1c4eb44d1be8dc071e7bed091946e023"               abbreviated ours to 1c4...023, but you
                                                                                                                         You can use the CLIP screen to test any
        }                                                                should use your full value. Let's start         of the Hue's APIs without writing a single
    }                                                                    by getting a list of all the lights that are    line of code.
]                                                                        connected to the bridge. Enter your
  Both this and the parameter you sent in the                            version of this URL into the CLIP screen:
Message Body are encoded in JSON format. This is                         http://philips-hue.lan/api/1c4…023/lights
a simple serialisation of JavaScript data structures,                       Then click the GET button. You should receive a
where items in curly braces represent objects                            lengthy response detailing the state and capabilities
(collections of name:value pairs), and items in square                   of the lights that your bridge knows about. Each
brackets represent arrays. In this case we sent an                       light is represented by a numbered property in the
object with a single property called devicetype whose                    top-level JSON object, and the value of each property
value was LV_Hue#linux_box. We received an array                         is an object, which descends even further into more

        Why choose Hue?
        There are plenty of manufacturers selling allegedly    that we've used in this tutorial, and LIFX bulbs        scheduled lighting changes continue to occur even
        “smart” bulbs. At the cheap end of the market          (, which started out as a Kickstarter      if our network is down. The mesh network formed
        you can find colour-changing bulbs that are            project but are now available for general purchase.     by the bulbs means that we have no problem with
        controlled via a dedicated infrared remote control.    In both cases the price per bulb is similar, but the    signal propagation, even in areas that have no Wi-Fi
        Slightly more expensive are similar bulbs with         LIFX bulbs are connected via Wi-Fi, with no need for    signal. Finally the bridge offers a simple RESTful
        Bluetooth controls. These are intended to appeal       a bridge. You can therefore get started with a single   API that's available locally. LIFX does have a similar
        to smartphone users, but rarely offer an open or       LIFX bulb, compared with Philips' requirement for       API, but only via its own servers; if your internet
        documented API, and suffer from range limitations.     you to buy a whole starter kit.                         connection is down, or their servers are unavailable,
           We prefer something more sophisticated which           Although it's more expensive to get started, there   you can't use it to control the lights. There is a
        is designed to work as part of a larger network. Two   are some advantages to the Hue bulbs, which led to      UDP-based protocol that can be used for local
        contenders stand out: the Philips Hue/Lux range        us choosing them. The use of a bridge means that        applications, but it's not so developer-friendly.


                                 properties and objects. You can request the details             might choose to do something else as well. Finally,
                                 for a single light by appending its number to the end           press Control+D to end. The at command can take
                                 of your URL (eg http://philips-hue.lan/api/1c4…023/             a variety of different time definitions, allowing you to
                                 lights/1) and sending a GET request. To switch the              execute the command at a specific time, or to include
                                 light on, we need to PUT a vaue of true into the on             a relative offset – which is what we've done here by
                                                 property of the state object. Enter the         setting the specific time to now, then adding a 20
                                                 following two lines into the URL and            minute offset to it.
                                                 Message Body fields, respectively, then            Controlling your lights from the command line has
Check the dimensions of the bulbs before
                                                 press the PUT button.                           its uses, but we want to be able to trigger changes
ordering – not all light fittings will take
them, even if the connector is the right             http://philips-hue.lan/api/1c4e…023/        from a variety of different inputs. For that kind of task,
type.                                                lights/1/state                              we prefer to use a language such as Python. To make
                                                     {"on":true}                                 the code simpler we'll use the requests library, so the
                                                       Note that there are no quotes around      first step is to install that:
                                     the value, as this is a JavaScript Boolean, not a string.   pip install requests
                                     To turn the light off again, change the value to false,        Now we can write a simple Python program to turn
                                     then press the PUT button again. If the light's too         a light on at half brightness. Save the following as
                                     bright, try this payload to both turn it on and set it to
                                     half brightess (on a scale of 1 to 254):                    #!/usr/bin/env python
                                     {"on":true, "bri":127}                                      import requests
                                        The CLIP screen is great for experimenting with          host = 'philips-hue.lan'
                                     the API, but we really want to put the power of our         user = '1c4eb44d1be8dc071e7bed091946e023'
                                     lights to practical use. Because all we're doing is         light = 1
                                     sending HTTP requests, you can control the lights           payload = '{"on":true, "bri":127}'
                                     from just about any programming language, or even           api = 'lights/{}/state'.format(light)
                                     directly from the command line. Create the following        url = 'http://{}/api/{}/{}'.format(host, user, api)
                                     Bash script as, changing the first three       r = requests.put(url, payload)
                                     variables to reflect your own setup and the number of         You can run this using python, or
                                     the light you want to affect.                               by making the file executable as we did with the shell
                                     #!/bin/bash                                                 script previously. If you're having trouble getting the
                                     HOST=philips-hue.lan                                        code to work, and want to see the error messages
                                     USER=1c4eb44d1be8dc071e7bed091946e023                       coming back from the bridge, add the following line to
                                     LIGHT=1                                                     the end of the code.
                                     API=lights/$LIGHT/state                                     print r.text
                                     PAYLOAD='{"alert":"select"}'                                  You'll notice a lot of similarity between the Bash
                                     URL=http://$HOST/api/$USER/$API                             script and the Python version. It makes sense to split
                                                     curl -X PUT -d $PAYLOAD $URL                the host, user and light values out into variables at the
                                                     sleep 1                                     top of the file, to make it easier to reuse the code. After
PRO TIP                                              curl -X PUT -d $PAYLOAD $URL                that, it's just a case of compiling the parts together to
Make sure you order the correct lights               sleep 1
for the fittings you have. You can buy
                                                     curl -X PUT -d $PAYLOAD $URL
adaptors but they increase the overall                                                             Accessing the complete API
length of the bulb.                                  Make it executable using chmod u+x
                                          You'll also need to install       The Hue API is documented at www.developers.meethue.
                                                   curl from your package manager if it's          com. There is a “Getting Started” section which describes
                                                                                                   enough of the API to let you create a user on the bridge
                                     not already on your system. Running this command
                                                                                                   and change the state of your lights. More extensive APIs,
                                     – using ./ from the directory it's saved          to control groups of lights or whole lighting scenes are
                                     in – should flash your light three times. Where it really     available if you create a free account on the site. This
                                     becomes useful, however, is in a situation like this:         requires you to agree to some terms and conditions, which
                                     ./ && ./                    won't affect you when developing normal applications,
                                                                                                   but it does prevent anyone legitimately creating a bridge
                                        Start your long-running script like this and you can
                                                                                                   emulator or proxy using the documented APIs on the site. A
                                     head down to the living room to watch TV knowing              proxy would greatly open up the possibilities of the system,
                                     that the lamp in the corner will flash when your script       allowing commands to be intercepted and modified, or
                                     has completed. Or how about using the venerable at            offering additional input and control options. It would
                                     command to flash the lights at a particular time. Need        also allow Hue apps to control non-Philips lights, which
                                                                                                   probably explains the restriction, but we reckon Philips
                                     a reminder to do something in 20 minutes?
                                                                                                   would actually sell even more lights if they make it easier to
                                     at now+20min                                                  interface them with other software and hardware.
                                     at> ./                                               Despite this restriction, there are a couple of Hue
                                     at> ^D                                                        emulators available on the internet, so a Pandora's box of
                                        Enter the first line and press the Return key. Then        bulbs has already been opened. Come on Philips, remove
                                                                                                   this silly restriction and get behind the creativity of your
                                     type in a series of commands to execute, one per
                                                                                                   developer community!
                                     line. This example just flashes the lights, but you

                                                                                         CONTROL SMART BULBS TUTORIAL

make a simple HTTP request. It is important to use
the correct request type, though, as the bridge will
just return an error message if you try to send a GET
request to an API that expects a POST, or a PUT to
one that expects a DELETE.
  So far we've used commands that work with either
Hue or Lux lights, but if you've spent the extra money
on a Hue bulb you probably want to know how to get
some colour out of it. Let's start by giving you a bright
blue light. Modify the payload line to this:
payload = '{"on":true, "hue":46920, "sat":254, "bri":254}'
   Run the script and you should find that your light
changes to blue. Obviously we've turned it on and
set it to full brightness, but what of the hue and sat
values? The former sets the basic colour of the light
on a scale from 0 to 65535. The scale wraps round,
so that both ends are red, green is at 25500, and blue
is the value of 46920 that we've used in our script.
Try modifying it to turn the light green or red – then
try other values to find oranges, purples and more.
The sat value, refers to the saturation of the colour:
254 gets you 100% colour, while lower values result in
                                                                                                                           We used a Raspberry Pi
less colour and more white. At a value of 0 you'll get a     of 0.1 to whatever random number is used for the
                                                                                                                           A+, an E-Ink screen (www.
completely white light.                                      sleep() call. As we've used an infinite loop for the
                                                             main part of the code, you'll need to press Ctrl+C to         and some custom code
Shades of light and dark                                     quit. We'll leave it up to you to put in nicer keyboard       based on the Python in
Sometimes there's a need to increase or decrease             handling or extend it to multiple lights.                     this article to create our
the brightness of a bulb by a relative amount, rather           The snippets of code we've presented here are only         own wall-mounted lighting
than set it to an absolute value. We could do this in        intended as the basic building blocks of something            controller.
code using the parameters we've looked at so far,            more comprehensive. A real application should find
but there's also a bri_inc property that simplifies
the process. Despite the name, it can also be used
to decrease the brightness by passing a negative
                                                                You can watch TV knowing that the
number. This payload will nudge the brightness down:            lamp in the corner will flash when your
payload = '{"on":true, "bri_inc":-30}'
    There are equivalent parameters for adjusting the           script has completed
hue (hue_inc) or saturation (sat_inc). The hue_inc
parameter wraps its result, so adding 45,000 to a red        the bridge and register a new user ID automatically
hue will give you something blue, whether your red           the first time it is run. It should also query the bridge
value is 10 or already up at 65,000.                         for information about the lights, to determine how
    With our hue_inc parameter and a little randomness       many are available, as well as their capabilities. Each
it's easy to simulate some disco lights. Save this as        light has a “friendly” name that should be presented to and execute it as usual:                        the user, rather than just referring to them by number.
#!/usr/bin/env python                                            But don't let all that put you off throwing together
import requests                                              a few little scripts for your own use, with hard-coded
import random                                                user IDs and bridge addresses. The Internet of Things
import time                                                  is all about getting disparate devices to talk to each
host = 'philips-hue.lan'                                     other to make our lives a little better. It's about lights
user = '1c4eb44d1be8dc071e7bed091946e023'                    that change colour when you're mentioned in a tweet,
light = 1                                                    or that turn off automatically when your phone is
payload = '{"on":true, "hue":0, "sat":254, "bri":254}'       taken out of range of your Wi-Fi access point. We're
api = 'lights/{}/state'.format(light)                        a long way from cross-device protocols that enable
url = 'http://{}/api/{}/{}'.format(host, user, api)          such capabilities with ease, so until then we may have
while True:                                                  little choice but to hack things together with some
 r = requests.put(url, payload)                              less than perfect shell scripts. Which suits us fine,
 payload = '{{"hue_inc":{}}}'.format(random.                 because that's the fun bit.
 time.sleep(random.random() + 0.1)                            Mark Crutch has recently cancelled his holiday to Iceland,
Philips recommends that a light shouldn't be changed          now that he can recreate the aurora borealis in his living
                                                              room, any time he wants.
more than 10 times a second, hence the addition


Who needs Apache and PHP when you've got Bash and Sed?

                                    ed, the Stream Editor, is one of the tools that       issue a simple print statement. We have to write a
                                    you find on almost every Linux system. Its            program to manipulate the lines until we get as far as
                                    basic purpose is to edit a piece of text based on     'hello world'.
WHY DO THIS?                 a set of rules that are usually built around regular            Let's take a look at one option:
• Get a better               expressions (often shortened to the snappier                 echo "hello" | sed "s/$/ world/"
  understanding of text      'regexes'). In this tutorial, we're going to abuse Sed to       Here, we pipe the text hello into the Sed program
  processing on Linux        build a web framework that can serve up HTML pages           “s/$/ world/”. The s character means search and
• Learn how the web works    and generate dynamic content, but before we dive into        replace. Following the s we need two arguments that
                             the web side of things, let's start by taking a look at      are separated by forward slashes – the first is the
                             Sed itself.                                                  regular expression to search for and the second is the
                                Sed works by taking input either from a file or           text to substitute for this expression. In this particular
                             standard input, applying a set of transformations, then      case, the $ character matches the end of a line, so
                             outputting the result. The format for this is:               this program simply adds <space>world to the end
                             sed <program> <file>                                         of a line. If you run this command, it will output hello
                                The program is written in the Sed programming             world, but it's not a true 'hello world' because you have
                             language, and if <file> is omitted, Sed takes its            to pipe in hello in order for it to work.
                             input from Standard Input (Stdin). Sed is a highly
                             specialised programming language designed just to            Primitive, yet functional
                             apply transformations to text; however, it is Turing         A slightly more advanced option is as follows:
                             complete, which is a computer science way of saying          echo "anything" | sed "s/.*/hello world/"
                             that anything that can be programmed in another                 This uses the regular expression .*, where the dot
Wireshark's 'follow TCP
stream' feature is a great   language can also be programmed using Sed .                  character matches any single character and the
way to get to know text-        The standard first program with any language is           asterisk following it tells Sed to match that character
based protocols such as      'hello world', but this poses us a little bit of a problem   zero more times. In other words, .* matches anything
HTTP.                        in Sed because, unlike most languages, we can't just         at all including nothing. In this case, Sed has to decide
                                                                                          what to match .* to. It could match the first character,
                                                                                          or any number of characters on the line. When it has
                                                                                          a choice like this, Sed will always match the highest
                                                                                          number of characters possible; therefore .* will always
                                                                                          match the entire line.
                                                                                             This is a little better than our first example, but it's
                                                                                          still not a proper hello world program because it will
                                                                                          output hello world once for every line that's sent into
                                                                                          the program. For example, if you run the following,
                                                                                          you'll get a screen full of hello worlds:
                                                                                          dmesg | sed "s/.*/hello world/"
                                                                                             The dmesg command outputs all the messages
                                                                                          from the Linux kernel. It can be useful in diagnosing
                                                                                          hardware problems, but here we're just using it to
                                                                                          output large amounts of text.
                                                                                             We can make our 'hello world' program a little better
                                                                                          by chaining commands. A semicolon can be used to
                                                                                          join more than one Sed command together, and they
                                                                                          will then run one after another. The q command quits
                                                                                          Sed, so we can match, then replace the first line and
                                                                                          then quit with the following:

                                                                                                                               SED CODING

dmesg | sed "s/.*/hello world/;q"
  Another approach that gets the same result is to
use Sed's range function to only match the first line.
The problem with this that even if you only tell Sed to
change the first line, it will still print every other line. To
get around this we need two things: the command line
argument -n, which tells Sed not to print out every line
by default; and the p argument to s, which tells Sed to
explicitly print any lines that have been changed.
dmesg | sed -n "1,1 s/.*/hello world/p"
   The range of lines that we want to search comes
before the main command. In this case, we've used
line numbers, so this matches just the first line (1,1).
Another way of using ranges in Sed is to enter two
regular expressions separated by a comma. When
you do this, Sed will start processing at the first
instance of the first regular expression and finish at
the last instance of the last regular expression.
   That's enough about Sed to get us started. Let's see
how to misuse this editor to make a web server.                    request to an external process. On Ubuntu-based             The sed command at the
                                                                   systems, you'll need to install the netcat-traditional      bottom replaces every
Built to serve                                                     package and use the command nc.traditional as we            input line with "hello world"
Our Sed server needs a way of attaching to a TCP port              have done here. On other distros, you may be able to
so that anything that's sent into the port gets sent to            use the regular nc command.
standard input, and anything that Sed outputs gets                   All this script does is run an infinite loop passing
sent through the TCP stream. If we were building a                 each new request onto the script (which will
server to be deployed across many machines that
needed to be managed, we'd use the init process for
this. Both init.d scripts and Systemd services can
                                                                      A semicolon can be used to join more
handle this easily. However, since we're just using our               than one Sed command together, and
server for a bit of fun, there's no need to go to this
effort. The Netcat (nc) tool offers us the functionality              they will then run one after another
we need, so we just need a wrapper script to attach
our server to the port:                                            contain our Sed program). We've used port 8889 here,
#!/bin/bash                                                        but it will work equally well on any port that's not
while true ; do nc.traditional -l -p 8889 -e ''; done        currently in use.
  There's more than one version of nc and not all                    We now just need to create a Sed script that takes
of them understand the -e flag, which attaches the                 incoming HTTP requests and replies with the data
                                                                   we want. To do this, we need to know what these
                                                                   HTTP requests will look like, so let's take a look at the
  Regular expressions                                              requests that are coming in. We can grab the HTTP
  Much of Sed's power comes from regular expressions               request by creating and entering the following:
  (or regex). This allows us a very powerful method of             #!/bin/bash
  defining what text we want to match our Sed rules. Regular       cat >> httpoutput
  expressions define a pattern against which a given piece of         Save this as, save the first Netcat script
  text is matched. Here, we'll give a really quick overview, but
                                                                   as and make them both executable with
  for a more detailed look at regular expressions, see the Grep
  tutorial from Linux Voice issue 1, which is available at         chmod +x *.sh. Then start our web server with                          ./ and point your browser to localhost:8889.
      Any letter matches itself (the matches are case              This won't actually load a page (since our server is
  sensitive), but many symbols have special meanings. A            only saving the contents of the request). Once the
  dot matches any single character; ^ matches the start of a
                                                                   page is trying to load, take a look in httpoutput and
  line; $ matches the end of a line; and * means 'match the
  previous character zero or more times'.                          you should see something like:
      Here are a few examples:                                     GET / HTTP/1.1
  • ^hello will match any line beginning with hello.               Host: localhost:8889
  • ^hello$ will match a line that contains only hello.            User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64;
  • ^a.*b$ will match any line that begins with an a and ends
                                                                   rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
    with a b regardless of the characters in between.
  • ^...$ will match any line containing exactly three             Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/
    characters.                                                    xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
                                                                   Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5


                                                                                             The only difference between the above response
                                                                                           and a web page response is that a web page is
                                                                                           written in HTML. We could put all of our web page
                                                                                           HTML in the Sed line, but it would rapidly become
                                                                                           unmanageable. To make like a little easier, we'll allow
                                                                                           ourselves to use Bash variables as well as Sed. A
                                                                                           simple HTML hello world can then be done with:
                                                                                           httpheader="HTTP\/1.1 200 OK \n\n"
                                                                                           htmlbody="<body><h1>Hello World<\/h1><\/body><\/
                                                                                           sed "s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader$htmlbody/;q"
                                                                                           We have to escape the forward slashes, but otherwise,
                                                                                           we can pass normal HTML straight to Sed.
                                                                                              We've now created a web server capable of
                                                                                           serving a single page. This is fairly impressive given
The developer tools in
                                Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate                             the limitations of Sed, but it's far short of the web
Firefox will give you details
of the HTTP requests            DNT: 1                                                     framework we set out to create. In order to be able
sent and the responses          Connection: keep-alive                                     to serve up different pages, we need to be able to run
received.                       Cache-Control: max-age=0                                   multiple search and replace rules. We can do this in
                                  This is an HTTP request. It contains all sorts of        Sed by putting each rule on a separate line, but we
                                useful information for a web server, and fully featured    can't do it with our current setup because we end the
                                web servers will use the different parts in different      rule with the quit (q) command. Using this, it will exit
                                ways. Our server isn't going to speak the full HTTP        Sed whether the line is matched or not after the first
                                protocol, but just enough of it to allow a web browser     rule. Sed can selectively run blocks of code only on
                                to successfully request a page. For this, we'll use a      lines that match a particular regular expression using
                                single bit of information: the first line. In the above    the format:
                                example, it tells us that the web browser is requesting               /<regex>/ { <sed code> }
                                the root (/) of our web page. The Sed script just has         We can now write our code to serve up different
                                to read this and reply with an appropriate HTTP            pages when the browser requests different URLs in
                                response containing our web page.                          different code blocks. The below code serves up two
                                  An HTTP response containing just the text 'hello         different pages, one at localhost:8889/test and one
                                world' would look like this:                               at localhost:8889/helloworld. Since both of these will
                                HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                            quit Sed if they match the URL, we know that we'll only
                                                                                           reach the bottom of the Sed script if none of the URLs
                                hello world                                                match. If this is the case, we'll serve up a 404 error
                                  We only need to send this once, so this is actually      message.
                                the same as our 'hello world' example from earlier.        httpheader='HTTP\/1.1 200 OK \n\n'
                                The Sed program for this is:                               htmlheader="<html><head><title>hello<\/title><\/head>"
                                sed 's/.*/HTTP\/1.1 200 OK\n\nhello world\n/;q'            htmlbody1="<body><h1>"
                                   You can see here that the forward slash has to          htmlbody2="<\/h1><\/body><\/html>"
                                be escaped with a backslash, and new lines can be          httpnotfound='HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found \n\n404-not
                                introduced with \n. If you put this into in place   found'
                                of the cat line, you should find that you can reload
                                localhost:8889 in your browser and see the 'hello
                                                                                             Extra Sed features
                                world' message. There's no need to stop and restart
                       as soon as the changes to are              We've focussed on the features of Sed that we need to
                                saved, any new requests will go to the new script.           make our web framework. It just so happens that this
                                                                                             also covers the parts of Sed that make is useful for text
                                   TCP streams are a little different to files, because      processing, but there are a couple of useful features that
                                they don't terminate in the same way. When the               we've overlooked. These are:
                                server sends the HTTP request, it doesn't close the          • The -i command line flag is used to edit a file in place.
                                stream, because if it did, it wouldn't be able to get          With this, the changes are written back to the source of
                                the response. Instead, it expects the server to close          the text rather than send to standard output.
                                                                                             • The g flag to the s command applies the transformation to
                                the stream once the entire HTTP response is sent.              all occurrences of the regular expression on a line rather
                                Because of this, we have to explicitly quit Sed before         than just the first. For example:
                                the browser will display the data. If we used the            $ echo 'eeeee' | sed 's/e/f/'
                                alternative Sed hello world (based on ranges), then          feeee
                                our server would send the data to the browser, but the       $ echo 'eeeee' | sed 's/e/f/g'
                                browser wouldn't load it because it'd be constantly
                                waiting for more HTTP data from the server.

                                                                                                                          SED CODING
                                                                                                                          Who would have thought
                                                                                                                          you could build a complete
                                                                                                                          web framework in 14 lines
                                                                                                                          of Bash and Sed ?

sed -n "s/GET//                                            references. If you put an ampersand character in the
          s/HTTP\/1.1//                                    replace section of an s line, Sed will put in the entire
          /^ \/test / {s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader$htmlb   text that the regular expression matched. For this to
ody1 test $htmlbody2/p;q}                                  work properly, we first have to strip out everything
          /^ \/helloworld / {s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader   from the URL that we don't want included in the final
$htmlbody1 helloworld $htmlbody2/p;q}                      page. Our final Sed script is:
          s/.*/$httpnotfound/p;q"                          sed -n "s/GET//
   The first two lines of this code strip out the GET                s/HTTP\/1.1//
and the HTTP/1.1 from the request by replacing them                  /^ \/test / {s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader$htmlb
with empty strings. This isn't completely necessary,       ody1 test $htmlbody2/p;q}
but it makes our URL matching a little less cluttered.               /^ \/helloworld / {s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader
   The caret character (^) at the start of the regular     $htmlbody1 helloworld $htmlbody2/p;q}
expression that matches /test and /helloworld is                     /^ \/name.*/ {
there to match the start of the line. Matching in this                           s/\/name//
way means that there can't be an accidental match                                s/.*/$httpheader$htmlheader$htmlb
against another URL that also includes the string          ody1 Hello & $htmlbody2/p;q}
/test. There's also a space after the URL, which                     s/.*/$httpnotfound/p;q"
means that the URL will only match if it's complete, as       This simple Sed web framework could easily be
spaces aren't allowed in URLs. (Actually, the situation    expanded to serve complex web apps, though it's
is a little more nuanced than this. While you can't have   probably best to stick to a more conventional web
a space character in a URL, you can encode a space         framework for this. We created this as a fun way to
as %20, which your browser will display as a space, so
even though it sometimes looks like there are spaces
in URLs, the space is never sent to the server in a           We created this as a fun way to learn
HTTP request).
   This Sed web server can be expanded to serve up
                                                              Sed, not as a safe, secure web server
as many pages as you like, and although our pages
are quite simple (to save space in the magazine), they     learn Sed, not as a safe, secure web server.
could be as complex as you like. The Bash variables            Technically, it's not written completely in Sed, since
make it quite easy to reuse different parts of the         it requires a little help from Bash and Netcat, but Sed
page (such as, for example, creating a standard            does all the heavy lifting. The small codebase shows
sidebar), however, it's still not quite a web framework.   just how powerful Sed can be once you properly
We should enable our server to create dynamic              understand the paradigm of stream editing. Using the
content based on values that the user supplies. A          techniques we've used here, you could easily convert
simple example of this is where a browser goes to          a logfile into a report, tidy up your source code, or do
the URL localhost:8889/nameben and the server              all manner of text processing tasks.
responds with hello ben. In order to do this, we have
to be able to capture part of the URL and include it in     Ben Everard is porting to Sed. He expects to
                                                            finish the project shortly after hurd 1.0 is released.
the response. Sed allows us to do this using back-


Why go to the extra effort of compiling your code?

                                    cripting languages seem to be everywhere
                                    these days; but what exactly is a scripting
                                    language? Ultimately, it's not so much any
WHY DO THIS?                feature of the language itself, as what it's used for:
• Pick the right language   creating and running scripts (roughly, an automated
  for you                   series of commands).
• Spread information           This generally means that a language used for
  asynchronously over the   scripting will be interpreted rather than compiled, and
                            dynamically typed. (In theory you could write a 'script'
                            in pretty much any language, but Java, for example,
                            would be a bad fit.) The usage-based definition does
                            mean that the line between a scripting language and
                            a general-purpose language is a little vague. A 'script'
                            usually means a single piece of code, which runs
                            start to finish, but general-purpose high level scripting   Running the Perl script
                            languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby can be used
                            to write 'scripts' that are thousands of lines long and     compiled programs matters; and the more important
                            have many different components.                             the development speed becomes. Missing out the
                               As a rule, scripting languages are designed to           compiling step makes for a much faster development
                            be fast to learn and fast to write. Being interpreted       cycle, which also fits well with modern programming
                            languages (in general; Ruby can be either, depending        practices like XP. The larger and more complex the
                                                                                        software, though, the more sensible it may become to
     The increasing popularity of                                                       use a compiled language again.
                                                                                           The big-hitters in the scripting language world
     scripting languages reflects gradual                                               are high-level general-purpose dynamic languages,

     improvements in computer hardware                                                  often thought of as 'glue' languages, connecting
                                                                                        things together. Many other scripting languages are
                                                                                        domain-specific, such as Sed or Awk, or (rather more
                            on its implementation), however, they're likely to be       up-to-date) JavaScript. JavaScript is an embedded
                            slower to execute than a compiled language. Their           language, used only within a particular application or
                            increasing popularity reflects gradual improvements         set of applications. Emacs Lisp is another application-
                            in computing hardware. The faster a computer runs,          specific language, and many games have their own
                            the less the speed difference between interpreted and       scripting language or dialect. Finally, job control
                                                                                        languages and shells, like Bash, are another form of
                                                                                        scripting language, which are often also used as glue
                                                                                        languages and command-line interpreters.

                                                                                        The Start of Scripting
                                                                                        Early mainframes didn't have significant (or,
                                                                                        sometimes, any) direct user access; instead, they
                                                                                        batch processed jobs. To make this easier, various
                                                                                        languages including IBM's Job Control Language were
                                                                                          Batch processing languages were followed in
                                                                                        the 1960s by interactive shells, and shell scripts to
Running the Python script                                                               automate running programs. These accreted more

                                                                                                   SCRIPTING LANGUAGES CODING

and better features as programmers hacked on                        from the Enlightened Perl Organisation are attempts
them. TRAC, by Calvin Mooers, invented the idea of                  to make this easier.)
command substitution, which interprets a command                       Perl 6 is in active development, but is now
within a script and uses its output in the containing               considered to be a separate language; backwards
script – like the backtick operator in a modern shell.              compatibility with Perl is not a goal, but Perl 6 is
  Stuart Madnick at MIT wrote the CMS EXEC                          supposed to be recognisably "a Perl programming
scripting language (originally called COMMAND) for                  language". The changes are largely aimed at
the IBM VM/CMS OS in the late 60s. This included                    normalising the language. It's been in development
control statements of various types (including                      since 2000 and still isn't fully ready.
conditional statements and loops) and a few built-in                   Perl is still in active use, and will
functions. You can see the bones of modern scripting                doubtless remain so for a long time.                PRO TIP
languages beginning to emerge.                                      However, it's less popular than it used             sed and awk might be domain-specific
                                                                                                                        languages, but if you want to see some
                                                                    to be, especially for new projects. The             general-purpose sed and awk code, check
Perl                                                                Perl motto, There's More Than One Way               out the Rosetta Code website!
Larry Wall released version 1.0 of Perl in 1987. His aim            To Do It, still sums up the immense
was to create a general-purpose Unix scripting                      flexibility which is both Perl's biggest
language to make report processing easier.                          advantage and its biggest disadvantage.
Improvements in computer hardware meant that
efficient programming practices were becoming more                  Perl code
important than super-efficient code, and Wall wanted                Nearly all Linux systems will already have Perl
to support this. Perl's ancestors include Awk (1977),               installed; if not, get it via your package manager.
and the Unix shell sh (1978), and it predates Linux                 Here's Hello World:
(1991) by several years. (See              #!/usr/bin/perl -w
PerlTimeline.html for a cool timeline including Unix/               print "Hello World\n";
Linux and newsgroup history.)                                          #! is the shebang, which tells the system to treat the
   Perl 2 (1988) and Perl 3 (1989) followed quickly.                rest of the line as the interpreter and pass the script
Perl 4 (1991) got its version number bumped solely                  pathname into it. So when we run, the first
to clearly identify it as the version documented by                 line tells the system to fire up /usr/bin/perl, and feed
Programming Perl (aka the Camel Book), the canonical       in to be interpreted. Language interpreters
Perl reference.                                                     ignore the shebang, either because # is a comment
   Perl 5 (1994) included a comprehensive rewrite of                indicator, or as a special case.
the interpreter, and a whole bunch of new features,                    The -w switch turns on warnings, which is good
including objects and module support. This in turn                  practice. (You can also add the line use strict; just
gave rise to CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive                   underneath that, to catch certain types of compile-
Network, created as a Perl and Perl module repository               and run-time errors in advance.) You'll see that Perl
in 1995. CPAN is both an incredible resource, and a                 statements end with ;. Make the file executable and
place to get catastrophically lost; it has incredible               run it with ./
157,742 (at time of writing) modules, but the standard                 This slightly more interesting code outputs the
of those modules varies dramatically, and it can be                 Mandelbrot set to your terminal screen:
hard to navigate and to find high-standard modules.                 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
(The MetaCPAN project and the Task::Kensho module                   use strict;

  The Mandelbrot Set
  The Mandelbrot Set is defined on the plane of complex
  numbers (represented as an (x,y) grid). For each complex
  number c, iterate:
  zk+1 = zk2 + c
     If the iterative sequence stays close to c, then c is in the
  Mandelbrot set. If the sequence spirals off and away, c is
  not in the set.
     When calculating this, we'll iterate the sequence 50
  times, and if zk+1 leaves a circle of radius 2 around c, we'll
  conclude that c is not in the set.
     Our grid will have the x axis running from -2 to 1, and
  the y axis running from -1 to 1. We'll draw it as ASCII art,
  starting from the top-left corner (x=-2, y=1), one y-line at
  a time. Each ASCII character (space or *) will represent
  a move of 0.05 along the grid. You can change the hard-           With an appropriate program, you can generate the set
  coded values to see what happens, or add colour to make it        and then zoom in to see more and more fractal detail.
  more visually complex.                                            Licence: CC-SA


                                                                                               core datatypes, and a module system. In 1994,
                                                                                               version 1.0 was finally released, including the lambda
                                                                                               and map, filter, and reduce functions, courtesy of a
                                                                                               Lisp hacker's patches. Initially, Python's clean syntax
                                                                                               was intended to make it accessible to non-
                                                                                               programmers; these days it is still designed to be
                                                                                               accessible and easy to learn, but non-programmers
                                                                                               are no longer a specific target market.
                                                                                                   Python is highly extensible, and modules can be
                                                                                               written in either Python or C; which meant that Van
                                                                                               Rossum's C programmer colleagues could start
                                                                                               working with it straight away. One of Van Rossum's
                                                                                               aims was to create a bridge between the shell and
                                                                                               C; a second language for C/C++ programmers to
                                                                                               use in situations where C would be overkill. Python's
                                                                                               ancestors include ABC (a language intended for non-
                                                                                               programmers), C, Bash, Lisp, Perl, and Java.
                                                                                                   Version 2.0, in 2000, introduced list
                                                                                               comprehensions, an idea borrowed from functional
                                                                                               programming that enables you to easily create
                                                                                               lists. Version 3.0, released in 2008, was a bigger
Bugfixing can be difficult
                               use Math::Complex; # deals with complex numbers                 change, aiming to reduce the redundancy that had
as errors don't show up
on the displayed page; try     sub mandelbrot {                                                accumulated in previous versions of Python (and
JSLint                             my $z = 0;                                                  ditching backwards-compatibility in the process). In
( or the            my $c = shift;                                              contrast to the Perl approach, the design philosophy
JavaScript console in your         for (1 .. 50) {                                             behind Python 3 was "there should be one – and
browser to help.                       $z = $z * $z + $c;                                      preferably only one – obvious way to do it". But it
                                       return 1 if abs $z > 2; # if it's bigger than two it    retained its multiple paradigms, an approach common
                               escapes                                                         to general-purpose scripting languages; you can
                                   }                                                           still write object-oriented Python, structured Python,
                                   return 0;                                                   functional Python, and so on. This flexibility is great,
                               }                                                               but it can make it hard, especially for beginners, to get
                               for (my $y = 1; $y >= -1; $y -= 0.05) {                         to grips with other people's code.
                                   for (my $x = -2; $x <= 1; $x += 0.05) {                         Python code is compact (you need fewer lines of
                                       print mandelbrot($x + $y * i) ? ' ' : '*';              code to do the same amount of work than, say, Java)
                                   }                                                           and readable, runs fast, is quick to develop (like other
                                   print "\n";                                                 scripting languages), works well with object-oriented
                               }                                                               programming, and has broad applicability. However,
                                      Functions/subroutines are identified with sub            it's still slower than compiled languages, though
                                   name. Parameters are passed in as a list, and can           optimisation can help, and it's not a client-side web
                                   be retrieved by Shift-ing off the list one at a time.       language. The huge recent increase in the number
                                                  However, they don't have to be identified    of libraries available has greatly helped its uptake; it's
                                                  in the function name. The subroutine         always been accessible for beginners but now it is
                                                  here returns non-zero if the number is       more powerful for pros.
Perl's unofficial backronym is Practical
Extraction and Reporting Language,                not part of the Mandelbrot set, and zero         There's a fascinating interview with Van Rossum
though Wall prefers his own Pathologically        if it is.                                    at on the
Eclectic Rubbish Lister.                              for loops have a three-part structure:   beginnings of Python.
                                                  for (start, end, increment) {..}. You can
                                                  increment or decrement in a for loop,        Python code
                                   and you can nest them, as here.                             You'll probably have Python already on your Linux
                                      The ?: operator shown here is a shorthand way of         system too (if not, check your package manager).
                                   writing if-then-else. If the function call here returns     Here's Hello World:
                                   true (the value escapes, so is not in the set), we print    #!/usr/bin/python
                                   an empty space; otherwise (else), we print an asterisk.     print "Hello World"
                                                                                                 You don't need to specify the newline at the end
                               Python                                                          of the output string. Nor do you need a semicolon to
                               Python is nearly as old as Perl; Guido van Rossum               terminate the statement, as Python uses whitespace
                               (Python's Benevolent Dictator for Life) started                 to terminate statements.
                               implementing it in 1989, and released version 0.9.0 in            Here's the Mandelbrot Set code in Python:
                               1991. It had classes and class inheritance, functions,          #!/usr/bin/python

                                                                                               SCRIPTING LANGUAGES CODING

  Bash is slightly different to Perl, Python, and JavaScript,
  being a job control/command execution languages. But it's
  still a complete language, although not a great choice for
  more than a page or two of code.
     The Bourne shell, sh, was released in 1977 in Version
  7 of UNIX, for use as an interactive command interpreter
  and scripting language. It became the default UNIX shell
  and was used for a whole host of practical jobs across the
     The GNU project, aiming to produce an entirely free
  software system, needed a FOSS drop-in replacement for
  sh. Brian Fox, funded by the Free Software Foundation,
  released Bash (standing for Bourne-again shell) in beta
  in 1989. It's been the standard Linux shell ever since
  (though shells such as tcsh and zsh are also popular). To
  check which shell you're using, type echo $SHELL. If it's
  something else, type /bin/bash to try Bash.
     Bash handles command-line input:
  $ echo "Hello World"
  Alternatively, you can create a file:
  #!/bin/bash                                                    Bash doesn't require semi-colons, but instead treats a
  echo "Hello World"
                                                                 newline as starting a new command.

import math                                                      as a marketing ploy. It's interpreted, client-side, and is
def mandelbrot(z, c, n=50):                                      executed directly in the web browser.
  for a in range(1, n):                                             Microsoft reverse-engineered JavaScript to produce
       z = z ** 2 + c                                            JScript, which they released in 1996 as part of IE3 and
       if abs(z) > 2:                                            IIS. The differences between the two implementations
         return z                                                made it hard to design websites that worked well
  return 0                                                       in both browsers, and JavaScript began to get a
print("\n".join(["".join(["*" if not mandelbrot(0, x + y * 1j)   bad reputation for blocking cross-browser support.
else " "                                                         Netscape submitted it to the international standards
  for x in [a * 0.05 for a in range (-40, 20)]])                 organisation ECMA, and the ECMAScript official
   for y in [a * -0.05 for a in range (-20, 20)]])               standard was released in 1997. JavaScript is the best
   )                                                             known implementation of this standard; ActionScript
   As with Perl, we import a library (here the math              3 is another.
library) to handle complex numbers. In Python you                   JavaScript relies on the browser providing objects
write x + yi as x + y * 1j.                                      and methods to enable it to interact with the browser
   Functions are defined with the def keyword. for               environment. This does make for potential security
loops use the range keyword. The value in the range              risks, which is part of why JavaScript has had
must be an integer, but if, as here, you want a non-             problems in the past. Bad coding can make users
integer loop, you can multiply the range value by a              vulnerable to malicious scripts, and there have been a
non-integer and feed that into your loop value.                  lot of problem developers and companies.
   As Python automatically adds a newline after a print             This was perhaps made worse because JavaScript
statement, to get the output we want we have to use              was initially seen as the province of 'amateur' creators
join. Note that the for loops are inside the print/join          of websites, not professional programmers. Many of
statement, and also the use of if not … else. This uses          these 'amateurs' just pasted someone else's scripts
list comprehensions to create a list of all the outputs          straight into their website, without checking the
from the Mandelbrot function, and join them together.            quality or security of those scripts.
                                                                    However, with the rise and rise of the web, and
JavaScript                                                       helped by the introduction of Ajax (Asynchronous
JavaScript was, famously, developed in 10 days in                JavaScript and XML: basically a way to communicate
1995 by Brendan Eich at Netscape. Netscape at the                with the server asynchronously, thus updating a page
time was offering a server with a portable version of            without having to refresh it, which is great from a user
Java to run server-side applets, and wanted an easier,           experience perspective), JavaScript has become a
interpreted, language to go alongside it, aimed at               more respected, and more professional, language.
non-programmers. Initially it was called LiveScript and          Dynamic web apps and web pages rely heavily on
first shipped in Netscape Navigator in 1995, but it was          JavaScript -- it's nearly essential to use JavaScript if
later renamed JavaScript, at the same time as                    you want your webpage to look remotely up-to-date.
Netscape added Java support to Navigator, possibly               Node.js has also finally allowed JavaScript to jump


                 from client-side to server-side, and the new HTML                  }
                 5 APIs offer more options for controlling webpages,                document.write("\n")
                 making it ever more useful – as long as you're careful         }
                 with the security.
                 JavaScript code                                                </body>
                 You can't run JavaScript from the command line; to             </html>
                 try it out, open this hello.html page in your browser.            As in the first line of the script, you can set
                 <!DOCTYPE HTML>                                                document values in JS. (Note that the body element
                 <html>                                                         has to have an id value for this line to work.)
                 <head></head>                                                     Functions in JS use the function keyword, and you
                 <body>                                                         can pass in multiple parameters.
                                                                                   As with Python, JS variables don't need any
                 <script>                                                       signifiers, but should be declared with var the first
                 alert("Hello World")                                           time they're used (though this isn't essential).
                 document.write("Hello World")                                     for loops work in very much the same way as
                 </script>                                                      the other two languages. Since JS lacks a complex
                 </body>                                                        number library, we have to fake it by handling the real
                 </html>                                                        and complex parts separately. document.write didn't
                   This very minimal HTML just runs the script,                 want to output whitespace, so the space is a backtick
                 wrapped in a <script> tag. In fact, this says Hello            here instead.
                 World twice: the alert line pops up an alert dialog (with         If you'd prefer to make better use of HTML and draw
                                                                                a prettier (non-ASCII) version of this, there's some
 Stats from 2015 suggest that JavaScript,                                       code on the Rosetta Code website (
                                                                                And, as with Perl and Python, there are plenty of online
 Python, Ruby and PHP are all in the top                                        resources if you want to explore JavaScript further.

 10 most popular languages                                                      And there's more…
                                                                                The advantage of scripting languages is their speed of
                 an OK button automatically attached); the document.            development, and a big part of that is their dynamic
                 write line writes it as HTML body text. Like Python,           typing. The popularity of scripting languages is thus
                 JavaScript doesn't generally require (but will accept)         arguably associated with the rise of unit tests in
                 a semicolon to end a statement, but there is some              modern programming; unit tests make type safety
                 debate about whether it's better to include them or            less valuable, because they (should…) pick up that sort
                 not. You can also write a separate file.js script and          of error, and others besides. Dynamic languages are
                 include it in the HTML.                                        faster to write, the lack of compile time with
                   Here's the Mandelbrot set:                                   interpreted languages makes it faster still, and the
                 // HTML and head tags to start file as above                   speed of modern computer hardware means that run
                 <body id="mandelbrot">                                         speed (which is slower in interpreted languages) is
                 <script>                                                       less important. Or that's the theory; it certainly doesn't
                                                                                apply to every project.
                 document.getElementById("mandelbrot").style.                      GitHub and StackOverflow stats from early 2015
                 fontFamily = "courier";                                        suggest that JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP are
                                                                                all in the top 10 most popular languages, more than
                 function mandelbrot(c_real, c_img) {                           holding their own with Java and C/C++. Job surveys
                     var x = 0                                                  also show much the same thing. (Stats compiled
                     var y = 0                                                  by
                     for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {                             language-learn-2015 and
                         var x_tmp = x * x - y * y + c_real                     blog/8-most-in-demand-programming-languages-
                         y = 2 * x * y + c_img                                  of-2015.) Web 2.0 and associated new technologies
                         x = x_tmp                                              place an emphasis on scripting langauges, and new
                         if (x * x + y * y >= 4) { return 1 }                   languages such as Lua, a very light and adaptable,
                     }                                                          dynamically typed, general embeddable extension
                     return 0                                                   language, are on the rise. Scripting languages may
                 }                                                              not, contrary to some of the hype, be about to take
                                                                                over the programming world, but 30 or more years in,
                 for (var y = 1.0; y >= -1.0; y -= 0.05) {                      they're more important and more flexible than ever.
                     for (var x = -2.0; x <= 1.0; x += 0.05) {
                         if (mandelbrot(x, y) == 1) { document.write("`") }         Juliet Kemp is a computing polyglot, having fun with coding
                         else { document.write("*") }                               one language at a time.


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Valentine Sinitsyn develops
high-loaded services and
teaches students completely
unrelated subjects. He also has
a KDE developer account that
he’s never really used.
                                  Prise the back off Linux and find out what really makes it tick.

                                  Domain names
                                  Explore the nuts and bolts of DNS, the quiet workhorse of the
                                  internet that too many of us take for granted.

                                               hile many people think of DNS exclusively                  A name server can handle one or more zones, and
                                               in the context of mapping host names to                    a single zone is often serviced by multiple servers
                                               IP addresses, in fact, "DNS is a general (if               for reliability reasons. A server that stores data for a
                                  somewhat limited) hierarchical database, and can                        given zone is referred to as being "authoritative" for
                                  store almost any kind of data, for almost any                           it. Other name servers may cache its responses and
                                  purpose". By analogy, responding to DNS queries                         re-use them in their own answers; those answers are
                                  often involves talking to several sources. In this Core                 non-authoritative. They are no evil; in fact, we often
                                  Tech, we'll learn how it happens, both internet-wide                    use name servers on wireless routers that aren't
                                  and in your home network.                                               authoritative for anything. Sometimes, these servers
                                     Once upon a time, there was a single file named                      are called "caching".
                                  HOSTS.TXT. It contained names for all hosts on the                          A domain name consists of one or more dot-
                                  internet, and the network information centre (NIC)                      separated labels. Names read right to left: com,
                                  kept it current. Connected hosts updated this file via                  linuxvoice, www. In fact, each name ends with the dot
                                  FTP. Everything went fine, until things started to grow                 that separates an empty label denoting namespace
                                  big. Needless to say, the HOSTS.TXT approach didn't                     root. User-friendly resolvers (that is, programs that
                                  scale well. Networks of the 80s had limited capacity,                   resolve names) don't force us to type it, but many
                                  and HOSTS.TXT updates consumed their scarce                             other tools prefer this final dot explicit. A domain
                                  bandwidth. A new system (DNS) had to be global,                         name that starts at root is called "fully qualified"
                                  distributed to handle increasing load, and generic, to                  (FQDN); everything else is unqualified or relative.
                                  support emerging applications. Today, DNS facilitates                   When Linux encounters an unqualified name, it tries to
                                  name resolution, but also spam protection and service                   make it into an FQDN. To do so, it appends domains
                                  discovery, among other things.                                          from the system-configured search list. So, www on
                                     DNS builds on the concept of a hierarchical,                         a corporate network may open company's website,
                                  single-rooted namespace. A section of this tree                         as often comes first in the search list.
                                  (spanning one or more domains) is called a "zone".                      Search lists are convenient, but may cause resolution
                                                                                                          slowdowns if configured improperly.

                                                                (namespace root)
                                                                                                          On a good record
                                                                                                          As the DNS is the database, it can also be viewed as
                                      Top-level                                      Delegation
                                    domains (TLD)                                                         a set of records. A resource record (RR) essentially
                                                                                                          maps a name to some data (RDATA). Each RR also
                                                    com.              net.                  org.
                                                                                                          has a class (typically 'IN', or Internet), a TTL (time to
                                                                                   Delegation             live, a number of seconds for the record to stay valid
                                                                                                          in cache), and, last but not least, type. There are many
                                                                RR types defined, and in this Core Tech we'll cover
                                                                                                          most important ones.
DNS namespace in a                                                                                 DNS
nutshell. Different colours                                                                        Zone      Let's begin with 'A'. Records of this type map
represent separate zones,                                                        domain names to IPv4 addresses. A's cousin, 'AAAA',
solid arrows indicate                                                                                     does the same for IPv6:
domain delegation.                                                                                   300   IN    A

                                                                                                                         CORETECHNOLOGY         300     IN    A
   The above is standard textual representation of
an RR. It begins with the owner's name (note the
trailing dot), followed by TTL, class, type and RDATA,
which is just an IP address in this case. Note that really has two IPv4 addresses.
This yields a simple load balancing scheme: one
connecting client will resolve it as, while
another will get It would spread the load
on two boxes. Also note that addresses may change
by the time you read this, yet names will stay the
same. DNS provides an abstraction that makes IP
address changes transparent to end users.
   The MX (Mail eXchange) record is what mail agents
use to find a host accepting email for a given domain:         300    IN     MX      10 smtp.
   Here, RDATA is the host name and 16-bit number
(10) dubbed priority. A mailer should contact a
highest-priority (lowest numbered) mailserver first. So,
if one wants to deliver mail for,
                                                                                                                                 Wireshark network
it should talk to, port 25/tcp.        5 IN   PTR    tiz-korg-pub.
                                                                                                                                 analyser can easily decode
   Now, consider what really is:                                                             both DNS queries and their         599 IN CNAME              PTR is for Pointer; such records just point to some        responses. 599 IN A                other RR. To do a reverse mapping, reverse the
  CNAME stands for Canonical Name. Put simply, this                 IPv4 address octets and append the
record says that is just an alias for                suffix. Recall that right-to-left is the natural DNS label, which resolves to               processing order. So, one can map IPV4 subnets to
Note that IP address comes from a separate 'A' record.              DNS zones and delegate them to different servers.
  DNS also supports reverse mapping, or finding a                     Resource records may even contain some arbitrary
name by IP address. Naturally, there are hosts that                 data. The TXT type is reserved for that. Several
don't have a registered name, but those that do should              technologies rely on TXT records, including DKIM and
also have a PTR record in the domain:                  SPF, which help fight spam.
                                                                      I hope you'd agree now that DNS is little bit more
                                                                    than an internet-scale phonebook. If so, let's learn how
  Resolving in Glibc
                                                                    DNS questions get their answers.
  Glibc, the most popular C library in Linux so far, provides its
  own stub DNS resolver. Available via gethostbyname() and          A day with DNS resolver
  related library functions, it comes as a part of the Name
  Service Switch (NSS) subsystem.
                                                                    DNS messages are usually UDP datagrams coming
     NSS exists because DNS is not the only way to resolve          from (or sent to) port 53. A maximum message size
  host names in Glibc. Other means, say, looking up the /etc/       is 512 bytes. TCP connections are supported as well.
  hosts file, are also possible. New methods are installed as       However, they are mainly useful for data-intensive
  NSS plugins and configured via /etc/nsswitch.conf:                operations, like zone transfers which happen between
  hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
     This is the typical configuration for host name resolver.
                                                                    name servers.
  The routine starts at /etc/hosts then proceeds to mDNS. If           RFC 1035 defines a single message format for
  the name is in the local. domain, but nss-mdns was unable         queries and responses. It includes a header with
  to find it, the procedure terminates. Otherwise, a "normal"       several bit fields (flags) and four sections: Question,
  DNS query is made. Glibc uses another configuration file,         Answer, Authority and Additional. Question consists
  /etc/resolv.conf, to learn which DNS servers to contact and
  which domains to try for unqualified names:
                                                                    of a class, type and name of the record we're looking
  search                                                for. The answer section contains records (if any)
  nameserver                                               that directly answers the query. Authority refers to
      You are unlikely to edit /etc/resolv.conf on your Linux       authoritative name servers for the target domain. It
  desktop, as various tools like NetworkManager take care of        doesn't mean that any of this servers answered the
  it automatically. To resolve a name via NSS, use the getent
  command we introduced back in LV023:
                                                                    query; if so, an AA bit would be set in the response
  $ getent hosts                                 flags. An additional section provides related records
  2400:cb00:2048:1::681c:612                     that the name server thought would be helpful for the
     You see that Linux prefers IPv6 addresses where they are       client. For instance, it may contain A records for name
  available. /etc/nsswitch.conf is also "in charge" for other       servers referenced in the Authority section.
  system names, like users and groups. See nsswitch.conf(5)
  for details.
                                                                       Queries are resolved recursively. If a server is not
                                                                    authoritative for the domain in query, and it doesn't


                                                                                             VeriSign hosts com., but many of its subdomains
                                                                                          are delegated. So dig learns that there are two name
                                                                                          servers at CloudFlare that are authoritative for the
                                                                                       172800 IN        NS    heather.ns.
                                                                                       172800 IN        NS    yichun.ns.
                                                                                          ;; Received 677 bytes from
                                                                                 in 97 ms
                                                                                           The only thing left is to ask one of them for the
                                                                                 IPv4 address:
                                                                                       300     IN    A
                                                                                       300     IN    A
                                                                                          ;; Received 79 bytes from
                                                                                 in 86 ms
                                                                                            Phew! That was quite a job, and it's probably why
A simple DNS-based load                                                                   most operating systems (Linux/glibc included) today
balancer: connecting                                                                      come with a stub resolver.
clients resolve one                      DNS servers are very important bits of the internet.
hostname to different IPs.                                                                But in fact, you can create a working DNS system
                                                                                          without any servers at all. Moreover, this thing is
                             have a relevant record in its cache, it refers to another    essential for zero-configuration networking. And it
                             server that may have the information. It could be an         involves lemurs. Prepare to say:
                             authoritative server for some "intermediate" domain,
                             like, or one of the root DNS servers. A recursive      "Bonjour, Avahi!"
                             DNS server would follow the referral itself (and cache       Apple calls it Bonjour, Linux implementation is
                             the response), while non-recursive may simply return         codenamed Avahi. Either is a piece of software that
                             it to the client. Server-side recursion is optional, and     wraps Multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS-Based Service
                             clients indicate their intention to use it with the RD       Discovery (DNS-SD) protocols.
                             (Recursion Desired) bit in the header. An RA bit set            IP multicasting is like broadcasting in that a
                             in response means Recursion is Available. Iterative          single packet reaches multiple recipients. But unlike
                             clients can do recursion themselves; stub resolvers          broadcasting, a host must explicitly subscribe to a
                             rely on servers.                                             multicast group before it gets any data. It is akin to a
                                 Let's do a live experiment. We'll take dig and           radio exchange where all peers must tune to the same
                             trace how it resolves a name. dig is a sophisticated         frequency channel to hear each other. IPv4 reserves
                             recursive resolver that builds on the same codebase          addresses in the range–
                             as BIND, "the most widely used name server software".        for multicast traffic.
                                 Resolving a name with dig is as simple as typing:           mDNS uses IP multicast as a primary transport. All
                             $ dig +trace                             mDNS-capable hosts join the multicast
                               The +trace bit commands dig to trace the domain            group and send messages to port 5353/udp. Peers
                             delegation path from the root. It produces a lengthy         can see each others' questions and answers and learn
                             output, so I've cut many lines from the samples below.       from them, effectively working as a distributed DNS
                             ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3 <<>> +trace            server with no central authority.
                             ;; global options: +cmd
                             .                142   IN   NS
                                                                                            Name servers galore
                             ;; Received 913 bytes from
                             in 21 ms                                                       Linux isn't short of name server implementations. BIND
                                These are NS records for root DNS servers. They             ( is the de-facto
                                                                                            standard. It has many features, and you may think it's a way
                             are authoritative for the '.' domain, and play a crucial       too much for your small home or office network.
                             role in internet operation. Thirteen root DNS servers             If this is the case, try Dnsmasq (
                             exist, so their names fit in one DNS message. A                uk/dnsmasq/doc.html). This daemon provides all-in-one
                             cluster of boxes is really running under each name, so         infrastructure for small networks, including caching DNS
                             real redundancy is even greater.                               and DHCP server. Chances are you already use Dnsmasq
                                                                                            without even noticing it, as it comes bundled in many
                                dig chooses one of these servers, which happens             wireless routers. Virt-manager also relies on Dnsmasq to
                             to be from University of Maryland, and asks it for a           provide name services in its virtual networks. There is
                             referral for the com. domain:                                  also Unbound (, a caching DNS resolver
                             com.               172800 IN     NS     library. It provides C and Python APIs, along with a caching
                             ;; Received 742 bytes from      recursive resolver daemon built on top of these APIs.
                             net) in 500 ms


   mDNS operates in a special domain, local.. It                                                                               Avahi includes graphical
provides flat namespace, so laptop.local. is permitted,                                                                        tools to browse networks
but mediaserver.livingroom.local. isn't, although                                                                              for various services,
DNS-SD introduces more levels. mDNS names don't                                                                                including SSH.
have to be unique. In fact, DNS-SD PTR records are
purposely shared. Shared host names don't make any
sense though, and there are mechanisms to ensure
this doesn't happen.
   When an mDNS host becomes online, it sends
probe queries for names it wants to be unique. Any
host on the net that already owns such a name
should promptly reply to "defend" it. If this doesn't
happen within a second, the first host assumes there
is no conflict and makes an announcement. Should a
conflict arise at some later point, there is an arbitration
algorithm to solve it.                                        printing support. Underscores aren't permitted in DNS,
   mDNS also introduces new "ongoing query"                   so they are introduced to prevent name clashes.
mechanics, which fits well into the network browsing             This PTR record resolves to instance._printer._tcp.
use case. The query doesn't stop with the first answer,       local. The instance part is end-user visible, so it
but repeats at predefined intervals to learn about            should be descriptive. An SRV record must exist for
changes in the network. To advertise support for              this name, providing both host and port the service is
this feature, mDNS peers send datagrams from port             available. Optionally, the name may also have a TXT
5353/udp. Otherwise, mDNS messages are almost                 record, containing additional connection data. This is
the same as DNS messages, so you can use dig to               useful for legacy protocols, like LPR.
make mDNS "legacy" (ie non-continuous) queries.                  Let's try it in action. First, I'll run dig to see which
Just use as the 'server' and 5353 as              printers are available in the vicinity:
target port.                                                  $ dig @ -p 5353 -t ptr _printer._tcp.local.
   In Linux, two components implement mDNS. nss-              ;; ANSWER SECTION:
mdns is an mDNS resolver wrapped as a Glibc NSS               _printer._tcp.local. 10        IN        PTR   EPSON\032WF-
plugin. Add it to /etc/nsswitch.conf, and you'll be able      2010\032Series._printer._tcp.local
to use local. names like any other:                             -t ptr tells dig that I want a PTR record; -p specifies
[val@y550p ~]$ ping -c 1 y550p.local                          the port. Now we know there is at least one printer
PING y550p.local. ( 56(84) bytes of data.          nearby. There could be more, but dig doesn't speak
64 bytes from y550p.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64     mDNS well enough to find them all. Still, I can use it to
time=0.082 ms                                                 query for the printer's details:
    Avahi provides an mDNS responder that registers           $ dig @ -p 5353 -t any 'EPSON WF-2010
your names and services on the network and answers            Series._printer._tcp.local.'
mDNS queries as they come. Usually, it requires no            ;; ANSWER SECTION:
manual setup: that's the point of zero-configuration,         EPSON\032WF-2010\032Series._printer._tcp.local. 10 IN
after all. Avahi also provides some tools, like avahi-        SRV 0 0 515 EPSON4E85C9.local.
browse to browse for services, or avahi-publish to            EPSON\032WF-2010\032Series._printer._tcp.local. 10 IN
publish them. Although the examples below use dig,            TXT "txtvers=1" "priority=50" "rp=auto" ...
it's purely for illustration purposes. Avahi tools are the    ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:
way to go in real-world scenarios.                            EPSON4E85C9.local.        10        IN    A
                                                                 In mDNS, the ANY record type yields all records
Hunting for printers                                          for the given name. As you might expect, there
DNS-SD is a generic DNS-based mechanism to                    are two. The SRV record says that the printer is at
browse for network services. It's not tied to mDNS,           EPSON4E85C9.local., port 515. Two zeroes are the
but both are often found together. Put simply, mDNS           service's priority and weight. The TXT record contains
is about naming in general, and DNS-SD is about               many key-value pairs I omitted for brevity. Among
naming (and locating) services. A service can be              them, rp stores the queue name for the printer driver
almost anything: a workstation, a file server, a printer,     to use. An mDNS responder on the printer was also
or even an SSH instance running at some Linux host.           kind enough to include an A record in the Additional
    Imagine you have a network printer. When you start        section and save us an extra DNS query.
it, the printer claims ownership over some unique                That's it! Now we can open a TCP connection to
mDNS hostname, but also announces shared a PTR       and submit a printer job. No
record for a specifically crafted name, _printer._tcp.        end-user setup was necessary. Also note how the
local.`The . _tcp means that the printer is available         instance name differs from abbreviations like prn120
over TCP. Anything else would use _udp, regardless of         that you usually encounter in a "big" DNS. Zero-
the actual transport protocol. _printer advertises LPR        configuration magic in action!


Final thoughts, musings and reflections
                           Nick Veitch
                           was the original editor       Headphones and                                             Beer Street, by Hogarth. A
                           of Linux Format, a            microphone – my desk                                       reminder of what can be achieved
                           role he played until he       is also the northern                                       if you drink enough beer.
                           got bored and went            studio of the Linux
                           to work at Canonical          Voice podcast.
                           instead. Splitter!

                                                                                                            Acer Aspire 5742 running Ubuntu
                                                                                                            14.04 Trusty. 320GB hard drive, still
                                                                                                            not filled after about five years’ use.

      remember an acquaintance of mine
      telling me about his unfortunate
      experience with a sort-of-smart car. It
                                                                        The shatter’d visage
was the old story of the “service me now”                               of my Nexus 5 Google
light coming on, and being ignored to the                               spy device. Fixing it
                                                                        was enormous fun.                             Begbie Thin White Duke
point where, once stopped for a rest-break,                                                                           Henderson-Gregory, my black
the vehicle decided it was no longer going to                                                                         pudding-loving spirit animal.
move until it had been properly seen to by a
qualified engineer with the magic box
necessary to talk to the car into resuming
normal service.
   Sadly in this case, the rest-stop was just        MY LINUX SETUP
the side of the road in the middle of a South
African desert, a good few miles from the
nearest qualified engineer, any engineer, or
                                                     REV. ANDREW J GREGORY
possibly any other person at all.                    Podcaster, editorial director, permanent Linux newbie.
   Smart cars should be smart, not just at
leveraging profit for their overlords. Maybe in           What version of Linux are you              others until I got SUSE working. I stuck with
the future when we can talk to our vehicles,              currently using?                           SLED until Novell signed a patent
we may be able to talk them out of being so               These days I flit back and forth           partnership with Microsoft in late 2006,
stubborn. In the meantime, one of the best                between Ubuntu and Mint, and at the        which led me to Debian, then to Ubuntu.
ways to ensure that the ever-more                    moment it’s Ubuntu 14.04. It’s an old version   You’ve got to vote with your feet sometimes.
computerised cars of the future aren’t               because I fear change.
crippled by DRM-like lock-in, crippleware and                                                               What Free Software/open source
worse is to promote the idea of open source                And what desktop are you using at                can’t you live without?
and open standards. Not everyone is looking                the moment?                                      LibreOffice. It’s amazing that this
forward to the day when you have to run a                  That would be Unity. It has its faults,          brilliantly useful software is available
virus-check or watch a sponsored ad before                 and I really should get round to          to us all for free. And it’s not so much
the school run in the morning.                       switching to Mate, which has become the         software, but the lack of viruses means that
   It is gratifying then that at least some          future of the Linux desktop by sticking with    I can eke out hardware for longer than I
collaborative efforts are taking place in this       and refining all the things that were good      would otherwise, which saves me £££s.
arena. The Linux Foundation has its                  about desktops in the past – namely, it’s
Automotive Grade Linux project, which                simple to use and looks good.                         What do other people love but you
seems to have the backing of many players                                                                  can’t get on with?
in this space, including several big-name                  What was the first Linux setup you              I only ever use a text editor to tweak
manufacturers. you may get some idea of                    ever used?                                      configuration files now and then, so
what the commute of the Tux-based future                   Oooh, Mandrake something or other,        the continuing saga of Vim vs Emacs leaves
might look like here:                                      in 2005. Well, I say used – there was a   me baffled. Gedit does the job just fine, (or                              graphics incompatibility, so I tried a few      Sublime Text if you’re feeling fancy).

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