The smart way
to run virtual
April 2016
on Linux
HACKERS Run a honeypot server
Detect intruders
Learn their tricks
Protect your data
Build 3D-printable HACKERES EUNT DOMUS
models from a
bunch of photos
Why you should WITH TURTLE
be running your SPORT p66
own server 32 PAGES OF TUTORIALS
A pril 2016 £5.99 Printe d in the UK
Share a pot of tea Draw patterns and lines
with Red Hat’s senior with a robot mind, a
director of open source Raspberry Pi and a bit
and standards of human creativity
Beep Beep Yarr!
An adventure story for young minds – featuring pirates,
robots and computer programming.
Order from
28 Jan on
*With your help!
The April issue What’s hot in LV#025
Ben has done an incredible job at
visualising the types and
numbers of attacks registered on
our honeypot server over the last
couple of months. Hopefully, this
data will keep you safer online.
A free software advocate
and writer since the late BEN EVERARD
1990s, Graham is a lapsed I’ve used ‘make’ hundreds of
KDE contributor and author times to build software, but it’s
of the Meeq MIDI step always appeared too complicated
sequencer. to understand. We set out to
solve this problem with a tutorial,
’m writing this the day after the Laser Interferometer and I think we’ve succeeded.
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced it had p84
detected gravitational waves passing through the universe, 100
years after Albert Einstein predicted them. I can’t even begin to MIKE SAUNDERS
comprehend the magnitude of energy released by two black holes With the launch of virtual reality
spiralling towards one another 250 times a second. But 1.3 billion headsets like HTC’s Vive, 3D
years later, LIGO felt it as a disturbance in the fabric of space-time. scanning has become super
Linux and open source is at the heart of endeavours like these. exciting and fun, and our tutorial
There’s a great video of scientists at LIGO pointing at their oversized on photogrammety explains how
Ubuntu desktops, for example, and you can download the same to make models from photos.
image of Scientific Linux, complete with LIGO’s scientific
collaboration software toolkit, to try yourself. Open source works for
the same reason modern science works – collaboration and sharing
knowledge accelerates progress. It’s as simple as that.
Graham Morrison
Editor, Linux Voice
Linux Voice is different.
Linux Voice is special. SUBSCRIBE
Editor Graham Morrison Here’s why… ON PAGE 56
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
1 At the end of each financial year we’ll
give 50% of our profits to a selection of
Technical editor Ben Everard organisations that support free software, decided by a vote among our
Editor at large Mike Saunders readers (that’s you).
Games editor Michel Loubet-Jambert 2 No later than nine months after first publication, we will relicense all of our
Creative director Stacey Black content under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence, so that old content
can still be useful, and can live on even
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
after the magazine has come off the
Editorial contributors:
Mark Crutch, Juliet Kemp, 3 We’re a small company, so we don’t
Vincent Mealing, Simon Phipps, have a board of directors or a bunch of
Les Pounder, Mayank Sharma, shareholders in the City of London to
Valentine Sinitsyn, Mihalis Tsoukalos. keep happy. The only people that matter
to us are the readers. 3
The world’s your hard drive. Download, install, play – break things!
Regulars Cover Feature
News 06
LibreOffice is taking over the free world. Qt
is even free-er-er. Brendan Eich builds a 14
new ad-swapping browser and is SCO
finally dead? Plus, sensible words from
Mr Phipps.
Distrohopper 08
The latest penetration testing suite from
the people behind BackTrack, plus Deepin: a
Chinese-made distro.
Speak your brains 10
Microsoft’s legacy revisited, discoveries,
pendandtry, and a work of praise for the
Creative Commons licences.
Subscribe! 12/56
Save money, get the magazine delivered to
your door and get access to 25 issues of
Linux Voice, in lovely DRM-free PDFs.
We set up a honeypot to watch what hackers get up to when they try to
FOSSPicks 58 break into your machine. The results will bewilder you…
Free-range Free Software, raised in the
wild, fed on organic fillet steak and groomed
to sleek perfection. Interview Feature
Core Tech 94
Dr Valentine Sinitsyn’s a lumberjack and
he’s OK, he logs all night and he logs all day 36 28
– and here’s how your servers keep their
logs, and how you can read them.
Geek Desktop 98
India has done the sensible thing for
net neutrality, and we’re looking for your
desktops to use in future issues.
Deborah Bryant OwnCloud
SUBSCRIBE Meet the chief community wrangler at Jos Poortvliet gives us the lowdown on what is still the best
ON PAGE 56 Free Software behemoth Red Hat. way to escape Google’s clutches – OwnCloud.
FAQ Group Test
ELF 32 Media players 50
Inside the executable file format Why watch Justin Bieber videos
that helps your system work – on anything other than the best
even whin it isn’t Christmas. sottware available?
Feature Tutorials
Turtle Sport 66
Track your movements and turn exercise
into a (grim, sweaty) game.
Desktop showcase: KDE
Blue blue, electric blue, that’s the colour of the KDE desktop. Photogrammetry 68
Take photos of things in real life, then turn
them into a 3D model for computer fun.
Raspberry Pi 72
Add a HAT to a Raspberry Pi and program
42 your own robot artist.
LibreOffice SASS 76
Tame unruly CSS and save your sanity with
Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets.
The premier Free Software office suite,
Philips Hue 80
standard bearer of the open way, gets
Write a nice web app to control your Linux-
a chunky upgrade, a new look and
powered lightbulbs.
improvements to its file compatibility.
Now go and do some work!
Remix OS 43 DeadBeef 44 Renoise 3.1 45
Linux distro for make benefit A simultaneously light and It’s a digital audio workstation,
glorious People’s Republic of feature-packed media player – but what does it bring to the Linux
China. Yes, really. and it’s Free Software. recording studio?
GNU Make 84
Manage your software builds for
consistency and quality.
QML 88
Qt and JavaScript blend into a super way of
building desktop and mobile applications.
Gaming on Linux 46 Books 48
Glory be, for the source code to Unreal Tournament Today’s subjects include programming in Elixir, Esoteric languages 90
is up in GitHub for all to tinker with. Or we could all being agile, and getting started with both 3D Melt your brain with a selection of silly
just play it and gang up on Mike. modelling and Blender - a tough challenge! languages, punctuation and Arnie quotes. 5
The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.
Using community money
Too much money in the wrong hands is bad – see imperial Spain for more.
Simon Phipps
is ex-president of the
Open Source Initiative
and a board member
of the Open Rights
Group and of Open
Source for America.
hould you donate to your favourite projects where the community entity funds make this easier, for example). While it’s OK
open source project? This may seem development – a tiny percentage. When a to also contribute to the central entity so
counter-intuitive (and please read to charity or trade association supports a they can pay their staff, it’s best to do that
the end), but being given a load of money community, it typically does so by employing after you’ve started buying from or donating
can prove more a challenge than a blessing administrative, legal and financial staff, with to the community members as they conduct
to an open source project. The challenge is a view to supporting the technical, the external interest that motivates them to
spending it in ways that are good for the community and market operations of the work in the community.
long-term interests of the project. community and freeing community Having said all that, making a direct
While open source projects are created by members to focus on the project itself. donation can make a great difference. The
members of their co-developer community, Document Foundation (TDF) receives many
that does not mean the development is Direct contributions donations from grateful individuals, and has
funded through that community. An open If you’re grateful that an open source project worked out how to spend that money
source community involves many parties exists and you want to support it financially, making LibreOffice better for everyone. As
coming together around a source code the very best thing you can do is buy things well as paying for administration and
commons and synchronising the from members of the community (or infrastucture, TDF also makes grants for
overlapping parts of their interests. As they support their charitable work if they are a activities that would otherwise not happen.
do so, they each pay their own way from non-profit). Doing so grows the market and That’s how the LibreOffice port to Android
their own resources. For anyone to be the supply of cash to spend on the project and LibreOffice Online were both
centrally funded would upset the balance, for which you’re grateful. Buy a subscription. bootstrapped. When it was clear there were
disrupt the community and probably offend Buy training. Buy anything that the project’s no volunteers to create the core code, TDF
and alienate the participants who aren’t co-developers make outside of their work in created tender documents, received bids for
being centrally funded. the project. the work and then paid developers to create
Since you can’t promise to fund all In general, the people paying for the it. Their work enabled the community to take
participants in an open source community, administration of the community entity will over, and since then both projects have been
it’s better to fund no participants so that be the people supplying those things (do powering ahead.
everyone is equal within the boundaries of check they are of course; LibreOffice certifies To sum up: if you are grateful for some
the community. I can think of very few providers as community contributors to open source code, volunteer. If you can’t
volunteer, buy from core community
The Document Foundation receives many members. And if you can’t find something
you can afford to buy, make a donation, as
donations from grateful individuals, and long as the project has a track record of
spends that money making LibreOffice better responsible spending.
Brave • Htop 2.0 • The Linux Foundation • LibreOffice • rm -rf • Qt • SCO
CATCHUP Summarised: the biggest news
stories from the last month
LibreOffice 5.1 released Running “rm -rf /” can Qt is now even freer
1 Six months on from the 2 brick your Linux box! 3 Qt, the application framework
previous release, LibreOffice It’s no surprise that the above most famously used by the
5.1 is here with a bag of new goodies. command will severely damage a KDE desktop, is now even more Free
The interface has been simplified, with Linux installation (if run as root), but Software than before: commercial add-
menus cleaned up – which may take in some cases it may even make a PC ons will now be released under the GPL.
some learning for those used to the completely unable to run any OS. If your
old structure. In Writer, mail merge is PC uses UEFI instead of the traditional
now much simpler, while Calc has new BIOS, that command may delete UEFI
context menu options for managing variables in the /sys directory, which
rows and columns. Impress has new means the PC won’t even have any
features for equalising the sizes of firmware to boot from external media.
multiple objects, while the suite as a In other words, no recovery. So take
whole is now considerably faster. For care! For more information, read:
our full review, turn to page 42.
Linux Foundation scraps Microsoft open sources Htop 2.0 released
4 individual membership 5 its JavaScript engine 6 We don’t normally report on
The Linux Foundation, a The “new” Microsoft under releases of small command
non-profit consortium “dedicated to CEO Satya Nadella is taking baby steps line tools in Catchup, but we’re going
fostering the growth of Linux”, has to be more Linux and open source- to make an exception for Htop as it’s
shifted its focus in a more commercial friendly, although we’re still keeping a something we install on pretty much
direction. Individual members – who sceptical eye on the company. Still, every Linux installation we have. Htop is
will now be known as “supporters” – Microsoft has just released Chakra, its an interactive process manager, much
can no longer elect board members, JavaScript engine as used in the Edge like Top, but with a zillion extra features
meaning that the 500+ corporate web browser, under the MIT licence. (and it looks pretty to boot). Version 2
members have more power. Some “Going forward, we’ll be developing the is multi-platform, supports mouse
argue this makes sense as Linux grows key components of Chakra in the open”, wheel scrolling, and makes it easier to
and wins more market share, but others says the principle project manager of manage meters and columns in the set
are concerned about the lack of the Chakra engine. up screen. Grab it from here:
community representation.
New Brave browser offers SCO suffers (another)
7 tolerable adverts 8 defeat against IBM
Adverts on the web are You may be rubbing your
something of a thorny issue: they help eyes reading that headline, but no, the
to fund much of the free content we SCO vs IBM legal battle is still going on.
enjoy, but can be intensely annoying Really. Although it looks like the final,
and even security risks. Now Mozilla definite, absolute end may be here:
co-founder Brendan Eich has started a US judge has thrown out the two
a new browser project, Brave, which remaining arguments that SCO was
will replace intrusive trackers and ads using against IBM in the debate over
with better curated ads from Eich’s who really owns Unix. IBM still has three
company. A crazy idea, or the future of live counterclaims in the case, so it may
ad-supported free content on the web? drag on for a little while yet – hard to
It’s early days, but you can try it here: believe this started back in 2003. 7
What’s hot and happening in the world of Linux distros (and BSD!).
Deepin 15.1
With a slick homegrown DE.
he number of desktop environments
and forks thereof seem to have
grown exponentially in recent years,
but the Deepin Desktop Environment seems
like a worthy addition.
Late last year, Deepin switched from being
an Ubuntu-based to a Debian-based distro
and it has been steadily building its own
roster of applications to go along with the
DE, developed after dropping Gnome 3. The
applications themselves – including music
library and video player programs – are
nothing groundbreaking, but they provide a
refreshing sense of uniformity lacking from
many distributions. WPS Office (previously
Kingsoft) is the default office suite, which is
proprietary, so free software purists beware.
A cross-platform startup disk creator for
Windows and OS X users is also available,
while installation itself is also extremely The user-friendly Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) is intended to capture new users.
straightforward as it aims to grab users of
other operating systems. X-style dock, which may provide mixed the environment are created in HTML 5, the
The desktop is essentially a multi tasker’s reactions among established Linux users idea being to allow for Java plugins; again,
dream, made even better by just how but would certainly be popular with the making clear that the install base is unlikely
intuitive the system is. There’s also an OS target audience. Unusually, many parts of to be established Linux enthusiasts.
Kali Linux
The successor to the BackTrack pentesting distro.
ali Linux is one of those security Xfce (Kali Linux Light) flavours. On top of
penetration and digital forensics that, pretty much every desktop
distributions, which comes bundled environment out there is supported through
with a bunch of software designed to test the 32MB Kali Mini net-install image, which Kali Linux is maintained by Offensive Security,
vulnerabilities and do penetration testing lets you pick out components or build an information security company.
and the like. In this scenario, it makes perfect something pretty bare bones. Essentially
sense for all this software to be up-to-date though, Kali is a compilation of all the tools interesting project. What does have a similar
as the systems that are being tested receive one might need for these tasks, packed up in vibe though is Kali’s forensic mode live boot,
security patches. So, Kali uses a rolling a convenient distribution. which ensures that the hard drive is never
release system. Support for ARM chips is quite an enticing touched or auto-mounted, which also
The Debian-based distribution – which feature and conjures up images of firing up applies to any removable media. Check out
evolved from the Ubuntu-based BackTrack Metasploit on a James Bond style custom- the development blog at
– comes in both Gnome 3 (Kali Linux) and made device, which would make for an for a fuller list of features and updates.
News from the *BSD camps
What’s going on in the world of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
n a nice little tidbit, a server running
FreeBSD 2.2.1 (the current version is
10.2) was retired in January after a hefty
18 years and 10 months in service and with
no downtime, which speaks volumes for the
stability of the operating system. According
to The Register, the custom-built box carried
out tasks such as collecting user session
data and holding copies of invoices. The
Intel Pentium 200MHz machine was finally
put out of commission when its 4GB hard
drive started to act up, which is hardly
surprising, even though every other
component was still fully functional.
Also in FreeBSD land, OPNsense (a
firewall and routing distribution forked from
pfSense, which in turn was forked from
Monowall) has released a pretty heft update
in the form of version 16.1, which was in
development for six months. The project
started just over a year ago, mostly in a bid
to clean up the pfSense codebase and
create a new reinvigorated community built
on providing the same features as expensive
commercial firewalls. The list of changes is The PIC32 board is testament to the benefits of MIPS architecture, and RetroBSD.
pretty significant, ranging from translations
to updating to the latest FreeBSD version. designed for the operating system. This BSD system (still being patched today) to a
These can be seen in full here: means that developers can run a *nix modern PIC32 microcontroller. This was not operating system on as little as 128kB of only possible, but was extremely successful,
In the RetroBSD camp, Oilmex has RAM. RetroBSD was born in 2011 when meaning that it’s not only in the Linux realm
released the PIC32-RETROBSD board based MIPS developer Serge Vakulenko wanted to where crazy things are being done with
on the MIPS M4K architecture, specifically see if it was possible to port a 16-bit 2.11 embedded devices.
Darwin: the missing link
In the late 1990s it seemed that Apple was going the way of the dodo and
Microsoft seemed unstoppable. It’s no secret that OS X is based on BSD, and it
was at this point that the company decided to ditch OS 9 and develop
something else to regain lost ground. At this time Linus Torvalds was offered a
job at the company, which he subsequently turned down since he claims it
would have meant him not working on Linux-related things, but rather help
develop Apple’s new operating system. It’s fascinating to ponder how the world
of operating systems may look like today if that decision had been different.
Enter Darwin, an open source BSD operating system developed by Apple and
released in 2000. Add a fancy GUI and some other proprietary pieces and you
get OS X, whose stable version was released a year later – the rest is history.
Darwin itself isn’t released as a working operating system by Apple, but rather
as the open source foundation of its proprietary operating system. However,
over the years there have been numerous projects that have attempted to ship
Darwin as a full package, replacing things like the Aqua desktop environment
with Gnome, for example
These include PureDarwin, but none have yet shipped a bootable ISO, making OpenDarwin running Gnome 2. This project ultimately failed in 2006.
it more appealing to enthusiasts than those trying to use a workable operating
system. In recent years we’ve become spoilt and accustomed to just slotting in of the APIs required to do so are proprietary parts of that operating system.
a USB drive to get an OS running, but none of that here. Even if a stable release This probably explains why most projects have failed and Darwin has been
appeared, you would have no luck running OS X applications, considering most somewhat of an evolutionary dead end. 9
Got an idea for the magazine? Or a great discovery? Email us:
Hi Linux Voice Team, contribute to compensate for the ones who wait for the
I would like to congratulate you all for your excellent free issues (that are from their perspective a better deal).
work! Not only for the content of the articles, both variety By the way, I took out a one-year digital subscription
STAR and technical detail (in the case, for instance, of the (because I think we should start to leave the trees alone)
LETTER section “Core Technology”). But also for the audacity of and this was my very first subscription of any magazine in
having it published under a CC-BY-SA licence. You really my entire life, so thank you very much.
make a stand in favour of freedom. This business model Daniel Santos
is very interesting but also a very risky one, since you
strongly depend on new and fresh work, and also depend Andrew says: Obrigado Daniel! CC-BY-SA makes
on buyers who are fully conscious of the importance of sense for us, because we don’t just want to make a
their contribution and the reasons for which they are magazine: we want to contribute to the ecosystem.
contributing. Year-old articles aren’t going to make us any
I don’t know how this is seen there in UK, but here in money sitting on a file server somewhere, so it’s no
Portugal it seems to me that people are not all aware of skin off our nose if someone wants to take them,
this. In fact when I made the Linux Voice subscription I use them, share them and keep the knowledge
asked some people their opinion on it and the answer was they contain useful. We want to be useful. We
always something around “why would you pay for want Linux Voice to mean something, and it’s only
something that will be free in a few months?”. I hope that because thousands of people buy the magazine
you have and continue to have enough people who every month that we can do it; so thanks everyone.
Sir, Andrew says: In all seriousness I do have a small
No adornments were mentioned in the Pendants Corner inner smirk every time I hear someone say “I was
(letters, LV023). Pendants are to be hung (literally); those sat” instead of “I was sitting”; even better when it’s
who confuse pendants with pedants are to be hanged “I was laid” rather than “I was lying”. Thanks to
(figuratively). Otherwise, an excellent magazine as usual. Mr Hudson of A-level English teaching fame for
Leslie Swan that eternal gem.
Congratulations on assembling such a great magazine
every month! I’ve been impressed since the first edition by
the wide range of topics covered. After reading the second
part of Mike’s tutorial on databases, I would like to share a
related find: AutoMySQLBackup (
projects/automysqlbackup). This neat tool cleverly takes
care of compressed/encrypted/rotated backups of your
precious data. I’m running it from a Docker container, the
Dockerfile of which is safely stored in a Git repository.
While you can ask what’s the point of this seemingly (over)
complicated setup, I feel it’s absolutely fantastic to be able
to use these pieces of Free Software together as I see fit.
Google protocol
For a future tutorial, I would like to suggest covering the awesome Python tool for compiling and uploading
buffers are in
concept of Google’s protocol buffers (https://developers. firmware to a wide range of embedded boards. There’s the Linux Voice Transferring structured just so much great software out there to play with, so to pipeline –
data between programs written in Java, Python or C++ speak with your own words: “what a time to be alive!” Keep thanks for the
has never been so much fun. Amazingly, the lightweight up the good work! suggestion, Rik!
implementation nanopb ( Rik (a Dutch linux fan living in Scotland)
nanopb) even allows protocol buffer bassed
communication on an Arduino (eg over Serial)! Finally, I’d Andrew says: Top discoveries (er, I mean finds) Rik.
like to mention PlatformIO (!/), an Thanks for the ideas!
HALLOWEEN IS COMING “This is a message
from your in-car
I’m writing to chime in my agreement with Graham Lee Andrew says: I agreed with Graham last issue,
system. Would
[Letters, LV024]. Microsoft isn’t the bogeyman anymore – and I agree with you now. The internet of you like to go to
it’s cloud services, taking away our freedom without most things is a coming security and privacy McDonalds?”
people even noticing. It’s smart TVs that bombard you nightmare. Advertisers, hackers
with banner ads that you can’t turn off. and governments will get loads
What’s the betting that driverless cars won’t take you more opportunities to gain
the slowest route unless you pay for the ‘premium’ information about us,
navigation services? Or even show you ads while you’re and their abuses will
trapped in the car – in your own car? make Microsoft’s look
Rob, Hitchin charmingly quaint. 11
Ben Everard turns detective, lays his plans against the ne’er-do-
wells and shows how we can all make the internet a safer place.
he internet is a dangerous after, we made one of our computers users. This trap is called an honeypot.
place. Hackers, crackers and vulnerable to common attacks – or so Over the past couple of months, we’ve
script kiddies of all descriptions we wanted it to appear. This machine been catching hackers in our honeypot
are constantly trying to break into any now seems to be vulnerable to brute to see the current tactics and
computer connected to the net, and the force SSH attacks and some web approaches used by digital attackers.
servers at Linux Voice are no exception. exploits, but it’s not really. The results of our experiment should
We decided that the best defence is a In reality, it traps attackers in a help you plan your digital defences, so
good offence, so we set a trap. In order sandbox where we can observe what join us as we turn the tables on the
to find out what these attackers are they’re up to without risking our data or criminals and attack the attackers.
Seventy years of electronic mischief and mayhem.
omputing is born of war. Even intelligence. First with special purpose One person’s freedom fighter is
before the first computers were machines known as bombes, and another person’s terrorist. There is a
built, the UK government funded later with the first general-purpose long tradition of electronic attackers
the first mechanical computational computer (Colossus), the allies were working illegally for morally noble
machine – Charles Babbage’s able to intercept the Axis powers’ goals. René Carmille, the first of these
Difference Engine – in the hope that communications and gain the upper ethical hackers, used his position in the
logarithm tables produced by the hand in the conflict. Demographics Department in Nazi-
machine would give the empire a occupied France to hack punch card
tactical advantage on the battlefield. Weapons of war machines so that they would never
Although Babbage was never able to Computers, like all weapons, don’t know record people’s religious affiliation. He
build this machine, nor its successor the motives with which they’re being died in Dachau. It should come as no
the Analytical Engine, the link between used. To silicon, warfare and crime are surprise that the birth of electronic
computers and violence was forged. indistinguishable. A CPU doesn’t know hacking (for noble goals or otherwise)
Decades passed before the next if it’s decrypting a totalitarian dictator’s coincided almost exactly with the birth
major breakthrough in the world of communication revealing intelligence of the general-purpose computer.
computing, this time precipitated that will save lives, or if it’s decrypting a As computers have become more
by the Second World War and the banking transaction enabling a thief to common, so has computer-related
need to break codes to gain valuable steal money: it’s all just ones and zeros. crime, though the most common types
days, many of these viruses were
written by mischievous or malicious
people seeking to test out their skills or
reek pointless damage.
Around 2004, virus writers realised
that they could do more than just
spread damage, and began to use the
now-popular internet to take control of
the machines they infected. These so-
called botnets of computers infected by
viruses were initially used to send spam
emails, but as anti-spam techniques
became better, and the market for
spam advertising became smaller,
botnet controllers shifted towards
using their prey for distributed denial of
service (DDOS) attacks.
A new frontier
Computer crime has almost always
been about intercepting, disrupting or
stealing information and computer
services. In 2010, computer malware
crossed into the physical world. The
Stuxnet targeted the control systems
of a uranium enrichment facility in Iran.
With much of the world’s infrastructure Infected systems operated abnormally
and caused physical damage to the
controlled by computers, another hardware. At the time of writing, this is
the only known case of a cyber attack
physical attack is only a matter of time damaging physical infrastructure, but
with so much of the world controlled
have varied significantly over the years. spread extensively, and it caused havoc by computers, it’s only a matter of time
In the 1950s and 60s, phone phreaking with Unix machines connected to the until there are more similar attacks.
– where telecommunications systems internet. This software earned Robert The huge increase in attack vectors
were disrupted by playing specific Morris 400 hours community service means that we’ll see cybercrime
audio frequencies down a telephone and a $10,050 fine. Since then, viruses increase every year for the foreseeable
line – became common. In the 70s have caused constant problems for the future. But is there anything we can do
and 80s, cybercrime came into the computing community. In the early about it?
public eye for the first time, and hackers
were portrayed as people who could
magically open digital doors and
explore systems at will – often for
monetary gain.
The virus spreads
1988 marked a shift in the world of
computer security. Robert Morris, a
graduate student at Cornell University,
created a program that would
automatically attack other computers
attached to the internet through
vulnerabilities in Sendmail, fingerd and
rsh. The program would attack the
victim by copying itself to the new
machine, and this copy would then
begin attacking other computers. It was
a self-replicating program that grew
exponentially. Although this wasn’t the
first self-replicating computer virus (aka shows worldwide DDOS attacks in real time. This picture shows an unusually
virus), the Morris Worm was the first to large attack that took place on Boxing Day 2013. 15
How did people try to break into our machines? Let us count the ways…
The 49 most common usernames tried via SSH after root. If we plotted The default password of any device will be cracked very quickly if left
the most popular username (root) at the same scale, this graph would exposed on a public SSH port. We strongly recommend setting up SSH
take up 10 times the space of the entire magazine. certificates to avoid this problem.
Every 6 Every 20
Every hour Every day
seconds minutes
One attempt to log into One web-based attack on One new security vulnerability or One new Debian security
our honeypot. exposure is found. patch is issued.
Running a honeypot
A honeypot is a machine designed to lure choose, the basic technology is the same: you need passwords, and when one of these is used, it creates
in attackers. A good honeypot should be some software that mimics the behaviour of a server a fake shell environment for the attacker that
indistinguishable from a real machine, but at the that could be attacked. appears to be a Linux terminal.
same time, trap any attackers so that they can’t In the interests of security, it’s best to run a Once you’ve got Honeeepi on your SD card, boot
cause any damage. honeypot on a dedicated machine. When it comes you the Raspberry Pi. Before starting Kippo, you’ll
There are two places you can deploy a honeypot: to dedicated machines for small workloads, the need to move the actual SSH service to a different
inside a local network with no direct link in from the Raspberry Pi is always our first option, mostly port so that you can run Kippo’s fake SSH server on
general internet; or with a public IP address that can because we usually find that someone else has the standard SSH port (22). Open the file /etc/ssh/
be reached by anyone online. There are different done the hard work of setting everything up. In this sshd_config and find the line containing
reasons for using each of these. A honeypot that case, that’s the folks at Honeeepi (https://redmine. port 22
can only be reached from inside your local network From the Change the number to another port. We opted for
will only ever be attacked by hackers who have above website, you can download an SD card image 2345. Once you’ve saved the file, restart SSH with:
already broken into your network by exploiting some for a Pi that has a selection of honeypots installed sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
other computer. Any activity on it is a signal that and ready to run. Just dd the unzipped image Now you’re ready to launch the honeypot.
something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed onto an SD card for your Pi, then boot up and log There’s a special user called kippo with the correct
urgently. On the other hand, a honeypot that can be in with Pi and Raspberry. There are a selection of permissions for this, so you just need to run:
reached from the outside internet will be attacked honeypots, but the best one for getting started sudo su kippo
frequently and can be used to monitor the general is Kippo, which mimics an SSH server. You can cd /honeeepi/kippo
state of threats on the internet. Whichever you configure it to accept a range of usernames and ./ (script start process as background)
China (including Hong Kong) was
by far the largest source of attacks
on our machines, although we have
no way of knowing if these attacks
originated in China or were routed
through Chinese machines.
The most popular hardware SSH agents by platform
and software targeted by
Raspberry Pi Windows
Ubiquity Network Hardware Linux
Polycom SIP Phone Cross-platform
Nagios Infrastructure Monitor
Apache HTTP Server
Vyatta Firewall
Many attackers sought to exploit the default credentials of particular 3.5% of attacks came from Linux while only approximately 1.5% of
pieces of hardware or software. These devices are particular targets, so computers use Linux. This means that, proportionally speaking, we got
be sure to change the login details if you use them. twice as many attacks from Linux as Windows.
6: service 7: ls -la /var/
1: ls 2: passwd 3: uname -m 4: id 5: w 8: uname -a 9: ifconfig 10: cd /tmp
iptables stop run/
Once they’ve broken in, most hackers first seek out as much information about the system as possible. 17
What are hackers looking for when they break in?
rime aside, the most common An increasingly common reason how they work and what effect they
reason people tried to exploit for breaking into machines is targeted can have.
our honeypot was gaming. We exploitation and economic espionage. While there were a lot of attacks,
don’t mean that the act of hacking was We didn’t see any of this on our there were only a few different pieces
a game, but that hackers are scanning honeypot because the IP address of botnet software installed. The
the IP address space looking for used wasn’t linked to any organisation, most popular of these identified
vulnerable machines to run their games but if you run a company’s server, itself as Devising’s Modded Perlbot
servers. The most popular game was a you’ll probably see this sort of attack. v2 (DMP2). As the name suggests,
modded version of Grand Theft Auto: According to the FBI, cases of this is written in Perl which, as it’s an
San Andreas. There is, perhaps, economic espionage are increasing interpreted language, means we also
something slightly poetic about running by 53% per year, and former NSA got full access to the source code.
a game about hijacking on a server director General Keith Alexander called The advantage of this language for
that’s been hijacked. online theft of intellectual property “the the botnet creators is that it’s installed
More popular than games greatest transfer of wealth in history”. on most Linux and Unix machines,
themselves though, were Teamspeak Although a major concern for any and because it’s interpreted rather
servers. This software creates an audio sizeable company, you’re unlikely to than compiled, the same file will run
on 32- and 64 bit machines or even
There’s something slightly poetic ARM and other architectures. (We
did come across a few bots written
about running a game about hijacking in C – typically these came with the
source code and were compiled on the
on a server that’s been hijacked victim to avoid the issues with different
chatroom that players can use to encounter economic espionage when The variable names in DMP2 suggest
communicate while they’re playing. running a honeypot. it originated in Spain, Portugal or Latin
Servers for games and chatrooms America, although there are some
require a machine with a public IP Running a botnet English words in the source code as
address. Not all ISPs provide home The most popular attempted use for well. The only credited authors are
users with a publicly routable IP or our honeypot was attackers trying given as Devising and LiGht.
address, and even those that do don’t to add our machine as a drone in a The overwhelming majority of
always provide enough upload botnet. We looked at this area in a little the botnet clients we came across
bandwidth for servers to run on. more detail. Kippo enables us to see (including DMP2) used an IRC
A second use was running speed what files attackers are trying to run server for command and control. A
tests. Because of the way the Kippo on our machine, and so we grabbed fundamental challenge with botnets is
honeypot works, none of the speed some of the most popular files used for the need to control your drones without
tests ran, but we could see attackers creating botnets and set about building exposing your location. Most drones
attempt to run them. Had they run our very own. Just to be clear to any end up on home computers that are
successfully, the attackers would most law enforcement officials reading this, behind a router, which means that you
likely have then put the machines to we did so on our penetration testing can’t directly connect to them. You
use as game or chat servers. lab using only machines we run to see could program them to directly connect
Our ddos bot can act as a terminal, just passing any messages through to the shell.
The help system on the DDOS bot is better than that of some mainstream open source software.
back to your command and control used had capabilities for sending spam, lot of upload bandwidth (which means
server, but if you do this, you’ll expose running shell commands and some a lot of bots working in unison) before
your IP address to anyone who finds basic hacking tools as well as DDOS-ing they can really make a dent in a decent
the script. options. It’s an all-round cybercrime datacentre internet connection.
Using a public IRC server (of which toolkit controlled by IRC. The HTTP flood was able to take
there are many, and not all are well The command -shell @ddos down our server by maxing out the
policed), you can control your bots provides an overview of the different CPU. In the real world, though, we
without letting the whole world know types of DDOS that are available to us. would expect a DDOS protection
your location. For added security, These are: UDP flood, TCP flood, HTTP service to easily block this attack,
you can connect to the IRC server flood and SQL flood. The UDP flood and because the HTTP requests had an
through Tor and remain completely TCP flood both attempt to take down obvious signature that could be filtered
anonymous. The drones themselves a server by simply overwhelming its out without difficulty. The attacks
are programmed to connect directly internet connection. The HTTP flood appeared in our Apache logs as:
to a particular channel on a particular and SQL flood try to take down a server <ip-address> - - [23/Jan/2016:15:50:03
server and only take commands from by making requests that take memory +0000] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 13939 “-” “-”
a particular user. All this is configurable and CPU power to serve, in the hope However, we can’t confirm this
in the source code, so we just needed that they can exhaust these resources. because none of the major DDOS
to change the server to point to one With several of our drones up and protection service providers were willing
that we controlled, and set it up to take connected to our IRC channel, we can to let us test out their services with real
commands from our users. It took a issue commands either to the whole attacks. Those that were willing to let
total of five lines changed in the source channel (where all drones execute us test at all wanted control over the
tests that were run, which would have
made the testing meaningless.
A single command could launch an The current prevalence of DDOS
attack from thousands of compromised attacks stem from the problem that
there are a lot of unsecured machines:
computers simultaneously even if you have good security, you
can still be attacked by a botnet of
code to create a botnet client for us to them), or in private chats with an thousands of machines that aren’t
use. These are: individual bot. properly secured. As we’ve seen, it’s
my @adms=(“benev”); For example, the format of the HTTP trivial to set up and control a botnet
my @canais=(“#testchannel”); flood command is: provided you can find a way of running
my $chanpass = “”; @httpflood <host> <time> code on other people’s computers.
$servidor=’’; Where host is the domain name Every organisation needs to make sure
my $porta=’6667’; or IP address of the target, and time that their infrastructure can handle this
With these changed, we only had to is the number of seconds to perform style of attack.
run the script on our test machine and the attack for. Since this will trigger all Our experience running Linux Voice
it connected to our IRC server. the bots in the IRC channel to begin tells us that, despite the reluctance of
an attack, that single command could DDOS protection providers to help out
Taking control easily launch an attack from thousands with our testing, their services really
With our bots up and running on our of computers simultaneously. do work, and are becoming essential
own IRC channel, we started exploring We tested these powers on a backup to anyone running a website that can’t
the capabilities of our little botnet. The version of our main WordPress website. afford significant downtime. It’s far
software included a fairly The server is a modest virtual machine better to set up DDOS protection in
comprehensive help system, so we with two CPU cores and 4GB of RAM. advance than wait until you need it,
found it easy to get started (and we Neither of the UDP or TCP floods had because it can require changes to your
could refer to the source code if we any significant effect on the server. hardware or DNS setup, which may be
were unsure of anything). The client we They’re brute force attacks and need a impossible once an attack is underway. 19
The terror that lurks below port 80.
nline attackers target every pages. Both are done by sending web We’ve looked at data from two
possible route into a server. requests that are designed to subvert sources: a web server honeypot called
So far, most of the attacks the program that creates the web page. Glastopf; and the logs of our website
we’ve looked at come through SSH, Just as with the SSH attacks, most Our main
but attacks on websites are also web attacks aren’t well thought out and server attracts far more traffic – both
popular. There are a few different styles targeted at a particular server, but are legitimate and malicious – than the
of attack that can be launched on a instead scattergun-style attacks that honeypot, but the main server distorts
website, but they can be grouped into very quickly try to identify if a server is the results slightly because it’s running
two broad categories: those where vulnerable to common attacks. Also as real server software, so naturally
attackers try to compromise the server with SSH, attackers constantly scan the attracts certain types of attack.
and those where the attackers try to whole internet looking for vulnerable On, most of the
inject content into the server’s web machines. attacks are naturally directed at the
Web attacks on our honeypot by targeted software
General web attack
Most scans that reached our Glastopf honeypot were looking for PHPMyAdmin. This web app, if vulnerable, would give attackers
complete control over the system. If you use it, make sure you use strong login credentials and keep it up to date.
Project Honeypot
After DDOS attacks, the two biggest threats to websites are
comment spam and email harvesting. Here, honeypots are
helping webmasters defend against hackers and catching
them in the act. Running a single website, it can seem
impossible to take the fight back to the huge numbers of
cybercriminals, but by banding together, websites can identify
who’s using the web maliciously, and block them. This is the
aim of Project Honeypot (
Project Honeypot produces web pages that can be hidden
inside a larger site in such a way that no regular user should
go there. These web pages, should a normal user see them,
will be obvious honeypots, but they do allow visitors to post
to them in a similar way to posting comments on a web page.
Any posts to them capture the visitor’s IP address and add
it to the central database. Any member of Project Honeypot
can then use this database to block persistent comment
spammers from posting on their website. There is just such a
honeypot running on (though you’d have to
The highest number of attacks on the Linux Voice forums came from the Netherlands… look very carefully to notice it).
A second way Project Honeypot catches spammers is
through email harvesters. Here, whole subdomains are used
as honeypots for people who harvest email addresses from
websites. For example, at this magazine, we use the main
domain for email, so this writer’s email address is ben@; however, you can also use subdomains,
such as We’ve donated one of
the subdomains of to Project Honeypot. It’s
now scattered around the web on sites run by other members
of Project Honeypot, and if any emails are sent to it, this
automatically alerts the project to a new email harvester.
Using these two techniques, Project Honeypot is able to
gather a huge amount of data on cybercriminals including
over a million comment spammers, over a hundred million
spam servers, and almost 27 million hackers.
… while the highest number of attacks on the WordPress site came from the UK.
software we’re running (WordPress of attacks. The biggest attacking
for the main website and PHPBB for country on the forums, on the other
the forums). WordPress is well known hand, was the Netherlands followed
among web developers for being the by the USA with notable numbers also
target of vulnerability scans. This coming from France and Germany. This
reputation stems from the days when data was all gathered during a month-
WordPress was far less secure than long investigation, and can change over
it is now, and such scans had a good time. The only successful attack on our If you run a website, you can also help make the web a
chance of working. Recent releases server (a short lived DDOS attack that little more secure by joining Project Honeypot.
of WordPress are much improved, and briefly took our server offline but didn’t
most WordPress users have now clued compromise any information or do any
onto the fact that you shouldn’t use lasting damage) was launched against You can also use a compromised web
lots of plugins developed by people WordPress from the Netherlands. server to host your own malicious
you don’t trust. As a result the number website or take control of the existing
of attacks against WordPress has Look after yourself website and access its users.
diminished significantly. Webservers are high-value targets for If you run a website, its log files are a
Attacks on the two different pieces cyber criminals because they’re great place to start looking to see what
of software came from different places. versatile. They typically have high- attacks you’re currently getting. It’s vital
About half of all attacks on WordPress speed internet connections so they can that you keep it secure both for your
came from the UK, with France and the provide a powerful boost to a DDOS own security and for the good of the
USA also mounting significant numbers attack, or send a high volume of spam. internet as a whole. 21
Run machines within machines like penguin-shaped Russian dolls.
irtualisation is the method used to run operating systems memory and number of CPU cores can be scaled up on demand.
inside other operating systems. A computer runs one Virtualisation also enables you to isolate particular pieces of
operating system normally (this is known as the host OS), software that may be dangerous to run. For example, if you need to
and inside this, the user can boot additional operating systems run an executable file that you got from a source you don’t trust, you
(known as guest OSes). These guest OSes run exactly as if they can run it in a virtual machine and if it’s malicious, it won’t infect your
were running on a regular computer. They might be server OSes and main system. There’s a Linux distro called Qubes that’s built
not have anything to display on screen, or they could be desktop specifically to allow you to separate software in this way. Here at
OSes, in which case, there’ll be a window on the host that acts like Linux Voice, we like virtualisation because it makes it really easy for
the screen of the guest. us to try out different distros, and to install all sorts of software
This all might seem a little mad, but there are a few really good without bloating our main machines.
reasons to run virtual machines in this way. They enable you to VirtualBox is by far the easiest virtualisation software to use. It
share one powerful server between many users and still let each provides you with a graphical interface that walks you through most
user have complete control of their OS. In fact, many web servers tasks including creating virtual machines and editing their settings.
now run on virtual machines, because it’s cost effective, and the Let’s look at some of the more powerful features of VirtualBox 5.
01 02
desktop as though they were running
on the host machine. The effect is a
little clunky, because it relies on
VirtualBox cutting out the appropriate
section of the display, but it does work
and it’s especially useful because it
Copy and paste clipboard as though the two machines enables you to run software for one
Sharing information between were the same. Copy something on one operating system on a different host
the host and the guest is a and paste on the other – it really is OS. Seamless mode works especially
constant challenge for people who use wonderfully simple. well when combined with a shared
VMs of desktop OSes. In the past, this clipboard and drag and drop, and you
has involved re-typing text, or even Seamless mode can almost forget that you’re not using
starting a web server to push files VirtualBox allows you to a ‘real’ OS at all.
around. Thanks to the shared clipboard display the virtual
in VirtualBox, you can now just use the machine’s windows on the host Snapshots
Snapshots are like a
Snapshots are like a combination of backups supercharged combination
of backups and hibernate. They enable
and hibernate, enabling you to save the complete you to save the complete state of the
machine and return to it later. If you
state of the machine and come back to it later snapshot a machine while it’s running, it
03 04
will preserve everything including Export/Import
programs that are running. Snapshots The most common way of
are great when you’re trying something sharing virtual machines
unusual and you want to be able to roll between different host machines is to
back to a previous state. make a copy of the virtual hard drive.
This works, but it doesn’t copy across
Drag and drop any settings which may be needed to
This works a little like the
shared clipboard. Simply
make the operating system work
properly. VirtualBox enables you to 08
drag and drop between applications on export a complete copy of a machine
different OSes as though they were on and wraps up everything – the hard
the same machine. As with the shared drive and the settings – into a single file
clipboard, you can configure if you want that you can copy between machines.
this to go from host to guest, from Just don’t forget to enable encryption if
guest to host, or in both directions. the machine contains any sensitive
These settings let you ensure that you information and will be transmitted over
don’t accidentally leak information to a an insecure network.
VM that you don’t trust.
07 08
Record video Graphics acceleration
Disk encryption VirtualBox enables you to Typically, virtual machines
Not all operating systems capture video output can only access the CPU of
have the ability to securely directly from the guest operating the host machine, but if you’re running
encrypt the hard drive. A new feature of system. This means that any graphical graphically intensive tasks then it’s best
VirtualBox 5 is the ability to encrypt the output from the guest is displayed in a to enable 3D acceleration on your
machine so that it can remain secure, window on the host desktop at the guests. This is done in Settings >
even on off-site backups. The same time as it’s sent directly to a video Display > Screen. Also in this
encryption is done using the AES-XTS file. You can set various options configuration window, you can allocate
encryption algorithm, which provides including the size and quality of the more memory to your guest’s graphics
high security and makes it easy to video by going to Settings > Display > which can give them an additional
modify the VM while it’s encrypted. Video Capture. power boost. 23
FOSDEM 2016 Linux Voice attended the biggest European geek gathering
of the year – here’s what we found.
ay “computer conference” to many people and
their eyes will glaze over as they think of
besuited business types waffling buzzwords
about harnessing leverages or leveraging harnesses.
And indeed, many conferences are like this, especially
those selling business-to-business. But FOSDEM is
different: it’s a conference by geeks, for geeks, and
full of geeks from across the entire Free Software
and open source world. It’s not about making
money – you don’t need to register, and many
non-profit open source projects are represented.
You just walk in and geek out.
As in previous years, FOSDEM 2016 was held
at the Université libre de Bruxelles in its Solbosch
campus. This provided ample space for projects
to show off their latest developments, along
with full-scale presentations from developers
and companies, plus lightning talks discussing
the state of technologies and development
approaches used in the Free Software ecosystem.
While many of the talks and presentations are
fascinating, we had the most fun simply walking Systemd lead developer Lennart Poettering was also Looking for swag? Many
around the different stands and booths, talking to at FOSDEM, and wished for a panel session where projects and distros had
developers. Systemd’s pros and cons could be discussed. Not stickers, T-shirts, DVDs and
Gentoo, the Linux distro that originally popularised a bad idea, actually – but as we’ve seen on mailing even beer…
the rolling release concept (and which subsequently lists across many distros, such debates can turn sour
lost a lot of developers to Arch Linux) had a small very quickly. Still, the Gentoo developers showed a
While many of the talks were fascinating, we had the
most fun simply walking around the different stands
and booths, talking to developers
stand with little in the way of merchandise, but a lot good sense of humour, and told us that they created
in the way of passion. The stand proudly proclaimed a “Genvuu” IRC channel for a non-existent Systemd-
that Gentoo can be used without Systemd, the set free version of Gentoo, in a tilt of the hat towards the
of base system tools and startup services that has Devuan Debian fork (see
been adopted by most major distros but still sparks
flamewars due to its alleged overengineering and Goodies to grab
stubborn developers. Meanwhile, the OpenSUSE team has really upped
One Gentoo developer was especially unhappy its marketing in recent years, and its FOSDEM stand
about Systemd, saying it broke his workflow in his was piled up with merchandise, some free and As usual, O’Reilly was
day job of managing many servers. He knew that some to buy: T-shirts, stickers, DVDs, leaflets and present selling a vast
range of books on all
manner of topics. 25
Here’s the Tizen test bed –
blinking lights everywhere. other goodies. Because many SUSE employees are customers). Richard also
based in Nuremberg in German Franconia, an area noted that the pace of change in OpenSUSE Leap is
well known for its small breweries, there was SUSE- even quicker than he expected, so there’s plenty to
branded beer on hand for €1 a pop. Unfortunately it look forward to in the next few releases of that distro.
had ran out by the time we got to the stand, but we’ve One stand that particularly caught our attention
tried it before and can heartily recommend it if you was from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
ever meet the SUSE team elsewhere. (aka HOT). For those not in the know, OpenStreetMap
We also had a chance to catch up with SUSE ( is an online maps service,
developer Richard Brown, who at the OpenSUSE similar to Google Maps, but using data that anyone
conference in Amsterdam a few months earlier can edit, update and share. So it’s very much in the
(see Linux Voice issue 23) stated his belief that spirit of Free Software, and for some areas of the
“rolling releases are the future of all distros”. Yes, world – especially European cities – it provides far
even enterprise distros – at least, somewhere down more detail than Google’s service.
the line. Richard still stands by this, and noted that HOT “applies the principles of open source and
some hardware manufacturers are now shipping the open data sharing for humanitarian response and
Tumbleweed rolling-release SUSE distro with their economic development”. So if a major crisis or
kit. SoftIron, for instance, sells ARM-powered servers disaster hits an area of the world, HOT volunteers can
Trying to find a distro that’s
up to date but doesn’t use with Tumbleweed pre-installed (although SUSE work on maps to enable responders to reach those
Systemd? The Gentoo guys Linux Enterprise is still available for ultra-cautious in need. For instance, when the West Africa Ebola
would like to talk to you…
epidemic hit in 2014, HOT worked with organisations it was a fairly small collection of kit, for pure
like the Red Cross to help doctors travel quickly Blinkenlights appeal it was rather cool. Perl hackers, users and
through areas and locate those who needed help. We also had a chat with the BBC Open Source consultants were touting
Other projects are more long-term, such as building chaps, who were at FOSDEM primarily to show off their wares, although we
up-to-date maps for troubled countries such as the their continuous integration system for testing mobile didn’t see Larry Wall this
Central African Republic, or creating a map for the apps such as iPlayer running on Android and iOS. But
public transport network in Managua, Nicaragua they also brought a Micro Bit, a simple ARM-based
(despite having 42 bus lines, no proper transport map embedded platform designed by the BBC for use in
exists, which reduces the sense of mobility for many education in the UK. This particular Micro Bit was
of the city’s two million inhabitants). So in all, HOT is a hooked up to a two-player game, where lights appear
great project that combines the benefits of open data and you have to hit them with toy hammers. Whoever
and collaboration with real world life-saving initiatives, hits the light first wins a point.
There were so many talks and presentations that we
sometimes wish FOSDEM were spread out over four or
five days instead of two, so we could see more stuff
and to find out more (and get involved) visit Other big-name open source projects were present: The Document Foundation (LibreOffice), the Apache
Software Foundation, Mozilla (with Firefox and Firefox
Tech toys galore OS), IllumOS (based on OpenSolaris), Cacert, Perl,
But FOSDEM wasn’t just about software and services. Python and many others. Plenty of distros had DVDs
No, there was plenty of hardware to see as well. The and merchandise to give away including Debian,
team behind the Tizen Linux-based mobile OS had a Fedora and Mageia.
miniaturised test lab, featuring lots of SBCs (single Talks and presentations on all manner of topics
board computers like the Raspberry Pi) linked together were held including writing games in Python,
and making sure that everything works. Even though using Docker, contributing to open source projects,
developing LibreOffice extensions, and reverse
engineering. While many of the talks were highly
technical in nature, others looked at social and legal
aspects of open source. Indeed, there are so many
talks and presentations that we sometimes wish
FOSDEM were spread out over four or five days
instead of two, so that we can attend more of them.
In any case, FOSDEM 2016 was another success
and we’re already looking forward to next year’s event.
If you’ve never been to an open source conference
before, we highly recommend it – especially for FOSS
fans in Europe who can get to Brussels fairly easily.
There’s no better way to meet developers, supporters
and advocates of Linux and Free Software, and to top
it off there’s some of the best beer in the world as well.
Another Karmeliet, anyone? 27
Jos Poortvliet, OwnCloud’s community manager, lists even more
reasons to look into running your own server this year.
here is a wide range of solutions out there for made for consolidating these tools into one solution
keeping your data secure and private, with OwnCloud.
including alternative social media, secure chat OwnCloud is, by far, the most used open source file
applications, encryption tools and software to sync and share technology. With over eight million
With account federation,
you can share some of exchange files while keeping prying eyes out. users, it provides control over your own data for home
your own files and folders Meanwhile, you have to react to security problems, and enterprise users alike. It delivers all the basic
with folders on a different make sure you can trust the services’ developers and functionality you’d expect from a tool that keeps
OwnCloud server. that they are well maintained. There is a case to be your data in sync across devices. Install the desktop
Installing new ‘apps’ within OwnCloud is as simple as
clicking to enable the feature you’re interested in.
client, pick some local folders and keep them in sync
Put the demise of Google’s
with folders on OwnCloud; install the mobile (Android, bar on the right of your window, where your contacts
RSS reader behind
iOS) clients to upload your images and videos reside. Chats open as separate windows in the main you with the excellent
automatically and share them with other users on OwnCloud window. The XMPP compatibility makes it OwnCloud news app
your cloud or via a public link. As OwnCloud is building easy to use this app with mobile devices, and because
a federated network, you can even collaborate with it runs through your own server and has OTR support,
people on other OwnCloud servers. With OwnCloud your conversations are perfectly secure!
apps, much more is possible, extending OwnCloud There is a wide variety of applications to view or
far beyond a mere Dropbox alternative into your own read documents. OwnCloud has a built-in Gallery
cloud server. app and a PDF reader as well as a text editor. On
the app store you can find OwnCloud Documents, a
Calendar, contacts and email collaborative document editor compatible with ODF
OwnCloud has apps available for managing your files. If you have LibreOffice on your server you can
calendar and contacts, and reading email. The open enable automatic DOC(X)ODF conversion, so you
source webmail platform, Horde, is partially integrated can seamlessly edit Microsoft Word documents. The
into OwnCloud Mail, having been announced at the ‘collaborative’ element shows when you share the
OwnCloud Contributor Conference in 2014, but it is document, either from within OwnCloud or via a shared
With OwnCloud apps, much more is possible,
extending OwnCloud far beyond a mere Dropbox
alternative into your own cloud server
blessed with an active community of contributors. link: multiple people can edit the same document
The app is currently strictly IMAP-based and still at the same time. Selections and cursors show as
needs work, but integrates well in OwnCloud, supports different colours, changes can be tracked and you can
multiple mail accounts and works with the Mailvelope see who is in the document, editing with you.
browser extension to support encrypted emails. During 2016, Collabora will make its Collabora
If you’re currently using another webmail provider, Cloud Suite available, offering LibreOffice Online
this is the self-hosted application you’re waiting for. integration in OwnCloud. While a bit harder to install
Calendar and Contacts have been around for quite a than the Documents app, it will deliver full-featured
while longer than Mail. Both apps seem to have been document, spreadsheet and presentation support.
rather quiet lately, only implementing some bugfixes. Another app that you might find interesting is the
The Calendar app efforts have been targeting a major EPub and Comics Online Reader. The name says
rework, promising to bring new features and a more it all: this app lets you view EPub and comic books
modern, more robust codebase. The first fruits of this from your OwnCloud. The News app is an RSS/Atom
will appear with the OwnCloud 9.x series this year. feed reader, which can be synced with many mobile
Another very popular OwnCloud app is the XMPP- devices. It is among the most popular OwnCloud apps.
compatible OwnCloud chat app, excitingly named ‘the OwnCloud News requires Cron to be set up properly
JavaScript XMPP Chat app’. This app shows a side and can be your FeedReader for Firefox. 29
Email integration is one
of the most anticipated Another important capability of OwnCloud that
features of OwnCloud, and helps you help you manage your data from multiple
tentative support for Horde locations in one place is OwnCloud’s support for
webmail is now here. external storage. An admin or user can add an (s)FTP It’s now easy to see what’s been done to each of your
location, Samba share, Dropbox, Google Drive or one OwnCloud-managed files.
(or more!) of the other external storage mechanisms
to an installation. Users who have access to this will session data. However, it is not impossible to read the
see a folder show up in their Files listing. Whenever keys from a logged-in user from memory. This risk is
they enter this folder, OwnCloud will request the files inherent to server-side encryption. When there are no
listing from the external storage system and display logged-in users on the OwnCloud server or the server
it. It shows thumbnails (can be disabled) and allows is turned off (for example in case the server itself
working with the files as if they were residing on or its storage drives are stolen), the data is securely
the internal OwnCloud storage. The folder itself can encrypted, as is data on any external storage.
be manipulated like any other: renamed, moved to Finally, a problem all private cloud technologies
another location or synced through the sync client. and even the big ones suffer from is the network
effect: if another user isn’t on “your cloud” you can not
Encryption effectively work with them. External storage helps you
OwnCloud uses encryption to keep your data secure. connect different cloud storage systems together.
First, it uses the encryption offered by the web server But there is also a technology that lets you connect
for transferring files over HTTPS. On top of that, the different OwnCloud servers together: Federated Cloud
OwnCloud’s growing user base results in a growing
ecosystem of support and apps, bringing more and
more functionality to your own cloud server.
OwnCloud Encryption app can encrypt files on your Sharing. This is as simple as sharing with other
OwnCloud server, and files on remote storage that is users on the same server. All OwnCloud users have a
connected to your OwnCloudserver. With encryption ‘Federated Cloud ID’ that can be used to share files
and decryption happening on the OwnCloud server, with them! You can find it on your personal settings
a remote storage provider will not be able to access page, including easy “share with me” invitations for
any data. The downside is that you can’t access them social media or for inclusion on your home page.
directly anymore, as the key to decrypt the data never Simply entering this Federated Cloud ID
leaves the OwnCloud server. (<username@owncloudserver.example>) in the
OwnCloud’s server-side encryption generates a Share dialog works, and the recipient will receive a
strong encryption key, which is unlocked by user’s notification that a file or folder was shared. OwnCloud
passwords. Users don’t need to track an extra 9.0 brings auto completing the names of users on
password, but simply log in as they normally do. The remote OwnCloud servers and further improvements
Encryption app encrypts only the contents of files, and in this area are coming.
not filenames and directory structures. Moreover, by Above is just a snapshot of how you can customise
storing the encryption keys on the OwnCloud server, a OwnCloud for your own needs. It is a highly versatile
sufficiently advanced attacker who compromised the solution, built on world wide web standards and
OwnCloud server can get at the data. This is not trivial, thus easily interoperable with other tools and
as OwnCloud encrypts the encryption keys themselves solutions. The growing user base results in a growing
with the user passwords and is careful to avoid ecosystem of support and apps, bringing more and
storing the key anywhere in unencrypted form, like in more functionality to your own cloud server!
Issue 22
competition winners
Penguins were on pages 11, 17, 31, 42, 44, 49, 69, 89, 93 and 98, but there were many other
penguins in the magazine and we accepted any page with a penguin on as being correct.
Picade (inc. 8-inch screen) Raspberry Pi 2 + Pibow Coupe Raspberry Pi 2 Starter Kit +
Raspberry Pi 2 + Pibow Coupe and Picade Console Piano HAT, Display-O-Tron HAT,
Explorer HAT Pro + Parts Kit and
1. Fred Fiene, Toronto, Canada 1. Makis Chourdakis, Heraklion, Greece
2. Peter Cave, Coventry, UK 2. Peter Nissen, Wolverton, UK Unicorn HAT
3. Peter Maunder, Cirencester, UK 3. Adrien Sirjacques, Leixlip, Ireland
4. Arron Gourlay, Corby, UK 4. Tony Clay, Walkley, UK 1. Mike Eichler, London, UK
5. José González Oliva, Barcelona, Spain 5. Thomas Byrne, Hoddesdon, UK 2. Peter Ruczynski, Reading, UK
3. Adam Brown, Carabooda, Western
4. Belen Gonzalez, The Hague,
The Netherlands
RUNNER UP PRIZE BUNDLE 5. Greg White, Sault Ste Marie, Canada
Thanks to Pimoron
Piano HAT, Display-O-Tron HAT, i
for providing the
Explorer HAT Pro + Parts Kit and acres of swag for th
Unicorn HAT is
1. Ian Bradby, Richmond, UK https://shop.
2. William E Pflum Jr, Reading,
United States
3. Douglas Cooper, West Calder, UK
4. Tobias Bhend, Aarburg, Switzerland
5. Neal Cox, Keighley, UK
6. Andrea Keightley, Kettering, UK
7. Paul Wootton, Reigate, UK
8. Ian Grant, Christchurch, UK
9. G. Barnes, Flaxley, UK
10. Cyprian Lam, Elstree, UK
11. Steve Page, Leighton Buzzard, UK
12. Roel Janssen, Margraten,
The Netherlands
13. Charlie Ogier, Guernsey, Channel Islands
14. Dimitris Liapis, Athens, Greece
15. Jaakko Kulju, Tupos, Finland 31
Without the help of lots of hard working ELFs, your Linux system
wouldn’t run half as smoothly.
memory, and then the CPU would be a file manager or other utilities to guess
MIKE SAUNDERS pointed to that location and be told to the file format – apart from looking at
start executing. Nice and simple. As an the extension, which is never a fully
example, take MS-DOS COM files: reliable method.
What’s going on here? Is that a they’re extremely simple “flat” binary Additionally, a GIF file also has
typo and your magazine is now files with no extra information – just sections describing its dimensions,
about Dungeons and Dragons or code and data. Many operating colour palette and so forth. So it’s not a
something? systems of the 70s and 80s (and some “flat” file, unlike the aforementioned
Worry not, readers. While there’s hobbyist projects today) still use these MS-DOS COM executable files, which
plenty of discussion to be had “flat” binaries for loading and executing are executed from the very first byte.
about Elves and the like, here we’re programs.
focusing on ELF: the Executable and OK, so ELF files are more like
Linkable Format. This is the most What’s “flat” though? Aren’t all GIFs then?
common format for binary executable files just a series of numbers, Yes, in that they have multiple
files (ie programs run by the CPU on and therefore “flat”? sections and not just executable
your computer) across all Linux distros Yes, but in this sense the “flat” binary code mixed in with data such as
and the vast majority of Unix-like means that the file is not split up text strings. The flat executable design
systems in the world today. ELF is used into any sections. It’s just data from the is acceptable for very simple operating
by executables, shared libraries and first byte to the end. Contrast this with, systems, but advanced platforms such
core dumps. for instance, a GIF image: those files as Unix need more complicated
don’t just contain raw pixel data, but executable formats that provide more
Back up a second. Why do we also additional sections providing extra information and have their resources
need a special file format information. A GIF file starts off with the split up appropriately.
anyway? Isn’t an executable file just ASCII letters “GIF87a” or “GIF89a” – you ELF was developed in the late 90s to
a bunch of numbers that the CPU can see for yourself if you use the less provide a common executable binary
sucks in and processes? command on such a file. format across multiple Unix-like
Well, back in the olden days it In this way, a file manager (or indeed systems, including Linux, FreeBSD and
was a lot like that. An executable the file command) can inspect the first SCO Unix. The steering committee that
file would simply contain code and data few bytes of a file and determine that worked on the format included many
(such as text strings or images) that yes, it is a GIF file. If that file started off big-name developers and Free Software
would be loaded to a specific location in with raw pixel data, it would be hard for advocates such as Linus Torvalds and
Bruce Perens. Today, you can find ELF
ELF was developed in the late 90s to provide files being used in all sorts of devices
including the Nintendo Wii and
a common executable binary format across PlayStation 4. Some non-Unixy OSes
have adopted it as well, such as AROS
multiple Unix systems, including Linux and OpenVMS.
So what funky skillo
awesomeness does ELF bring
to the table?
ELF is extremely flexible. Not only
does it run on many different
operating systems as mentioned, but it
isn’t tailored to any specific CPU
architecture. ELF files can be produced
for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 CPUs, SPARC,
PowerPC, MIPS, IA64 and other
architectures. ELF files contain a
header including the ASCII characters
“ELF” (so that file managers and utilities
can identify them), along with
information on whether the file uses
32-bit or 64-bit addresses to describe
locations of sections, whether to use
little or big-endianness, the location in
the file where execution should begin,
and so forth.
Along with that header, ELF files
include two main sections: text and
data. Rather confusingly, text doesn’t
actually contain textual ASCII data, but
rather binary data to be executed by the
CPU. The data section, in contrast,
contains non-executable information The OSDev wiki explains how ELF files are structured when they are loaded into RAM and parsed.
such as text strings. Take the classic C
Hello World program, for instance: the foo ELF file we just compile, run that goes into ELF headers and
#include <stdio.h> objdump -d foo, and note the list of sections, you can strip out a surprising
sections that appear. If you scroll down amount of information. Brian Raiter has
int main() you’ll see “Disassembly of section .text”, written a detailed description of his
{ which then contains the CPU efforts to miniaturise an ELF file at
puts(“Hello World”); instructions generated from the main(), in which he
} function in our C program. (You’ll see takes a small C program that results in
If you save this as foo.c and compile that there are other sections as well to a 3998-byte executable and manages
it (gcc -o foo foo.c), the resulting “foo” perform some setup and clean-up to shrink it down to just 45 bytes.
ELF executable file will contain the code routines alongside the main code.)
to set up the program and call the C To view the contents of the data Wow, I never thought I could
library’s puts routine in the text section, section, we use another utility called find executable file formats
and the “Hello World” string in the data readelf like so: even remotely interesting, but now I
section. You can see the sections in the readelf -x .rodata foo want to poke around more.
ELF file by running objdump -h foo. If you do this, you’ll see a bunch of Excellent! We’ve only looked at
numbers followed by the “Hello World” the basics of ELF here, but there’s
So if ELF files are neatly split string we included in our C program. So a lot more to it and plenty to learn if you
up into these sections, is it you can use the objdump and readelf ever want to make a compiler or linker
easy to pluck data out of them? utilities if you want to pluck out specific that generates ELF files. (Or indeed,
Exactly. With the old flat binary bits of information from a program maybe you have a grand plan to write
files, there was no easy way to – eg to see the assembly source for your own operating system that loads,
distinguish between CPU instructions how a compiler optimises a chunk of parses and then executes them.) As
and textual or numerical data. You code, or to grab some text strings usual, the wiki is a good
could try to disassemble the file – ie embedded inside an ELF file. source of information, so take a look at
convert the binary data into human- for specific
readable assembly language – but the Can I generate ELF files by information on what all of the sections
disassembler would usually get hand? do. An even more detailed – albeit
confused and interpret textual data as It’s possible, but tricky. It’s rather dry – resource can be found at
CPU instructions. normally best to let a compiler
Because ELF uses clearly defined and linker do all the dirty work, but if you ELF_Format.pdf, which contains a vast
sections, you can extract exactly what want to create extremely small amount of information on every last
information you want. To disassemble executable files without a lot of the fluff nook and cranny of ELF files. 33
The best tweaks and customisations for the KDE desktop.
While KDE is best known
for being massively
configurable with zillions
of things to play around
with, Kubuntu takes a
minimalist approach to
the desktop.
The current release of this
Mandriva-based distro uses
KDE 4.14, which is reliable
but starting to show its age
now that the newer Plasma
5 is wooing everyone.
Historically, SUSE (and
OpenSUSE) has provided
one of the best KDE
experiences out of the box.
In 42.1 Leap, the distro has a
flat and minimalist desktop
This distro puts “an
emphasis on KDE and Qt
technologies”, and opts
for a dark and moody
theme with a flat design
that’s popular at the
moment. 35
Linux Voice’s senior director of editing (Graham Morrison) meets the senior
director of Red Hat’s Open Source and Standards group.
eborah Bryant is one of those Code for America; board director for After helping to develop Oregon State
hugely influential people you DemocracyLab and board director for University’s Open Source Lab, she’s
seldom hear about, especially the Open Source Initiative (OSI). She’s currently holed up at Red Hat, where
in Europe. She’s a board adviser for been involved with open source and she manages a global team of open
the Open Source Elections Technology standards for many, many years and source luminaries, including Dave Neary,
(OSET) Foundation; co-chair of the started her computing odyssey by Brian Proffitt and Joe Brockmeier. And
National Steering Committee for Open looking at emerging technologies back when we met, we first wanted to know
Source for America; board adviser to in the 1980s. how this new direction came about.
How did your job at Red Hat anyone can make money selling free How does Red Hat enshrine
come about? software. So Red Hat for me was open source values within the
Deborah Bryant: I got a call from probably the clearest example of a way company structure?
someone at Red Hat who I’d never met. that you could have both open source DB: Well maybe enshrine is actually a
They asked me if I would be interested and commercialised services coexist. good term. They really are embedded in
in coming to Red Hat. I wasn’t really But I had never given any thought to their core values, and they continue to
looking for a job and I hadn’t thought working for Red Hat until someone re-voice those core values, whether it’s
about working for a corporation in a approached me. through the introduction and
number of years. I was in the telecom This particular job was up purely onboarding of people who come into
industry at a time that was post because it is about fostering and the company, like they’ll spend several
deregulatory. There were not the most supporting the upstream communities days talking about those core values
ethical business models and I had left in Red Hat, which the commercialised and the history of the company.
the corporate world for that reason. It services rely on, so it appealed to my And they’re consistently woven into
wasn’t compatible with my own values. sense of community. And it also took the way the company’s culture works,
So I didn’t have the most positive advantage of my career and transparency, the way decisions are
experience working for what was a background in terms of being a made. I have to say that I’ve been
publicly traded company. Coming back manager at a large company. So it was deeply impressed at the inclusion of
to a company was a big decision for the best of both worlds. I was able to voices and the access to what we
me. At the same time, Red Hat was a help the people I work with through my would consider seemingly executive-
company that had consistently been management experience and, at the level decisions. The company takes a
used as a reference model to help same time, to stay in the heart of the wide berth for criticism and questioning
people understand how it was that open source community. how decisions are made or what the
direction of the company is, so I think
it’s through the way they bring people
into the company, the values they instill,
the way they think about how you get
people together and of course the way
they support the upstream
communities that their existence
depends on.
We feel there’s been a cultural
shift from more copyleft
licences to permissive licences.
Have you seen things change during
your involvement in open source and
Red Hat is the single biggest
free software?
corporate contributor to the
Linux kernel. DB: The most significant changes I’ve
seen are of course in the mainstream
adoption. At the same time there’s that distinctly addressing open source. So it appropriately. But for a community to
risk of deluding the open source took a while for the students who were flourish it needs to have a diverse
definition of the core values of open doing open source to educate the community and so we try to be a good
source, being kept motivated, university professors and press them to participant in that community.
transparency and all those things. update their curriculum so they would Red Hat is a large company and it
That’s why I’ve spent time on the Open graduate with skills. I still think that the does have financial resources that
Source Initiative (OSI) board, because workforce is behind.
it’s an important thing for me to I’ve seen a huge uptake
participate in. Even though I’m not an Is your role at Red Hat going to
attorney and I’m least qualified to speak help? in the adoption of open
on licences, it’s been really important.
And it’s been a consistent thread.
DB: My team is the open source and
standards team. Our direct
source in business
We’ve seen an update in the adoption responsibility is making sure we’re good
in all sectors: government, they’re stewards and supporters of the maybe some others don’t – we do
certainly doing more than ever. I’ve seen upstream communities that Red Hat things like supporting conferences and
a huge uptake in the adoption of open relies on – Atomic, for example, and meetups. We have a team that are
source in the business sector. And then even CentOS – it’s now part of the Red expert in social media, we send Red Hat
we’re seeing an increasing amount in Hat family. Our main responsibility is engineers who are contributing to the
the [school] curriculum and higher making sure those communities thrive code base, also we will help them get to
education. But for a time early on, the and that Red Hat participates in those a conference. We organise Flock [the
programming curriculum wasn’t communities and standards bodies annual Fedora Contributor Conference]. 37
You said earlier that standards room and being part of the involved in their community. They live
becoming increasingly conversation. The folks in my team where their children go to school. They
important at Red Hat – in what way? aren’t always directly involved in those like surfing on that beach. And we want
DB: They’re very important, especially standards organisations. What we do a culture of employees who have a rich
in the emerging technology areas. for the company is that we make sure life and that should include life outside
We’re seeing open source being used in that if we do belong to a standards of Red Hat. If they want to work from
industries that if they were previously body then we’re active in it, and if it’s not Santa Cruz, California, or somewhere in
using open source they didn’t relevant or if our voice isn’t needed we Belgium, then we want to go where the
necessarily have an awareness of make sure we’re not just another pretty talented people are and include them.
standards being important. So name on a roster. And then we help We have a very rich number of people
telecommunications and networking, evaluate whether those standards
software defined networks, they’re organisations are worth contributing to. We make sure that if we
emerging technologies and also
emerging standards. ETSI – the We’re heard that your team are do belong to a standards
European Standards body – is now
thinking about open source as a
distributed across the globe.
How does that work?
body, we’re active in it
strategy. We have someone in Europe DB: We have 25 people who don’t work
whose been involved with defining in an office. Red Hat actually has a very who work remotely, especially in the
standards for a long time. He’s been strong culture for people to work engineering team. In my team, we have
part of the Red Hat voice that can remotely – it’s always been part of their people in China, Belgium, several in the
participate and lead an active culture, and back when I was United States, they’re in the Bay Area,
discussion about what open source interviewed for a job, that was really they’re in Texas, they’re in the Mid-West,
can mean to that particular standards one of the questions I had, particularly the United Kingdom, France. One of
organisation. But we know standards for someone who’s a manager. How them works out of the Paris office
are really critical. Open standards and effective can I be if I’m not in the office sometimes.
open source create interoperability. walking the halls? Red Hat has built the
organisation to be incredibly inclusive. How do you manage a team
Has it become easier for Red One of the values, in terms of like that?
Hat to exert its influence over a recruitment and bringing new people DB: The good news is that we’re spread
standards body? into the company is that we feel that out over time zones. The bad news is
DB: I think so. Standards are always a there are people who are brilliant, that that’s more challenging, but it gives
diplomatic process. When we exert our talented and passionate who don’t us great coverage. If there’s ever an
influence, a lot of it is just being in the necessarily want to move. They’re emergency or a panic, someone
Red Hat passed $1bn in
revenue a few years ago and is
now well on its way to turning
over $2bn a year.
Then we’ve got Brian Proffitt – he
The cloud may be other works with the OVirt community and
people’s computers, but any he’s also an extraordinary writer – a
community is built on its prolific writer – and a great mentor, on
own users – and they need social media and such. Joe Brockmeier
to be nurtured.
is our community team lead. He also
has Atomic in his portfolio. Remy
DeCausemaker – he was with the
Rochester Institute of Technology for
some time, and was instrumental in the
Red Hat-supported minor in open
source program. We grabbed him and
hired him as our Fedora impact and
community lead.
We have a leadership team that’s
focused on communications and
events. We have a team of people who
will go out and help support events, but
we also have the engineering team who
are scattered all around Red Hat,
because that’s where a lot of our
community contribution comes from.
We try to make sure we take advantage
of their expertise and their ability to
support these communities.
Does your team have much
involvement with the wider
DB: Oh, yes. Definitely. Although
somewhere is on IRC at pretty much for all community focus events and communities have unique attributes,
any hour of the day, although we don’t conferences. there are some things that are global to
run operations so we don’t have that every community. Some of these
kind of criticality. But it does give us Can you tell us anything about communities have different governance
exposure. Our work process is an active what your team does? models. The Fedora community, for
IRC channel, we have a staff calendar DB: We have a team of community example, has a council. And we help
so people know when they’re on the management leads. Dave Neary, for support their goals.
road, or at a conference, or personal instance, had an interest in doing
time off. We have weekly meetings in a something new. He’s taken on a new What’s next for Red Hat and
time zone that’s a little late for some, and thorny problem which is SDN and your team?
but it’s still within a normal working NFV [network virtualisation] – those are DB: In the next 12 months I’d like to see
hour. We use video conferencing for emerging technologies and we don’t us increase the factors in the way we
team calls – I initiated that after I know where the standards are… we support communities. The
joined. People are a little startled at first have to make big decisions what communities have different challenges,
but after they’d discovered it, they felt direction we’d like to move in. and we’re listening to what some of
less isolated. This is something that Dave thought their concerns are. I’m an ecosystem
Most of the time we get together and would be an interesting problem. He person, so I think about the various
check the events of the week and partners with another fellow who’s players/stakeholders – the people who
because people are available based in Germany who was with a telco participate in the ecosystem.
constantly, the decisions, advice, is all for 10 years and has a deep We’ve seen an increase of projects
pooled. If you have a question about understanding and also has standards happening in the Linux Foundation, for
something, you ask on the list and then body experience. It’s part of the charm. instance. Some of those are asking
you have 30 potential answers instead So the two of them form our SDN and how this works and will they continue
of one potential answer. IRC, video, NFV team and they participate in the to have a voice, and the good news is
mailing lists and we maintain a list OpenDaylight Foundation project, and that I can’t think of anyone in that
internal to the company for those OPNFV (both projects deal with the ecosystem that isn’t really highly
interested in what we’re working on. standardisation surrounding software supportive of the open source
We coordinate efforts across the defined networking). Dave is also doing community and we can always serve to
company for education and outreach, some part-time work helping the raise that voice and make sure it’s well
coordinate efforts across the company OpenDaylight community. served as a vital part of the system. 39
The latest software and hardware, rigorously bashed against a wall by our crack team.
On test this issue . . .
42 LibreOffice
A neater interface, better
interoperability with foreign
(Microsoft) file formats
and speedier code all make
their way to this, the mother
of all Free Software office
Andrew Gregory suites. Now, must make a
Is baffled by the idea of metaprogramming. start on that novel…
s I write this, a man who
inherited a huge amount of
money is trying to persuade his
party to let him become a candidate in
an upcoming election. I refer not to
Donald Trump, but to Zac Goldsmith,
who announced in front of an audience Remix OS 43 DeadBeef 44 Renoise 3.1 45
of 600 representatives from the A desktop version of Android – Pile a bunch of media plugins Recreate the crazy days of
technology sector that technology may all the fun of Linux, but far fewer onto a framework, and you’ll get 8-bit music in a full-fat studio
as well be Swahili to him. of the apps. something like this. environment. Sounds good!
Goldsmith is trying to win his party’s
favour to run as Mayor of London.
London, the most economically
important city in Europe. London, where
Group test and books
digital technologies (I know this is a
vague term; it comes from a
TechNation report issued this February)
account for £62.4bn worth of turnover.
Yet he, and many others, still wear their
ignorance of the sector with pride.
There’s a weird disconnect with how
important tech is and the way that
important people insulate themselves
from it. Decisions such as broadband
provision get taken only after they’ve
been obfuscated by committee.
However, in other news, our laws will no Booooooooooooooks!!!! 48 Group test – media players 50
longer have to written out onto calfskin. Read, digest, and expand your mind – specifically Your music and movies are important to you –
Huzzah for progress! the Blender, agile programming and Elixir-related so treat them with some respect and play them areas of the brain. through the best software you can. 41
LibreOffice 5.1
The flagship office suite has received a big update. Graham Morrison investigates.
Web hen The Document Foundation came to users’ workflows and no doubt complaints will pour in.
Developer The Document life in 2010, to provide a healthy future for But a sizeable portion of LibreOffice’s design hasn’t
the (and previously changed in many years, so efforts to improve usability
Licence MPL v2.0
StarOffice) codebase, it faced an uphill struggle. While are welcome.
the office suite itself was robust and featureful, it In Writer, there’s a new Hide Whitespace option
contained a vast amount of code going back years, which cuts out gaps between pages to help users
and was notoriously sluggish in certain operations. focus purely on document content, while Mail Merge
Today, the situation is significantly better. LibreOffice has been simplified hugely. In addition, in the Print
is used by pretty much every major Linux distro, and Preview mode there’s a box for quickly switching to a
some canny developers such as Michael Meeks have specific page number.
got their hands dirty in the project’s internals, Calc now has new context menu options for adding
removing old cruft and speeding up the suite. rows and columns, along with the ability to export
LibreOffice is working on a six-month release schedule, spreadsheets in PNG format. A statistics dialog box
and version 5.1 arrived bang on time. So what’s new? has been implemented via the Data menu for
For starters, the menus across the major calculating linear, logarithmic and power regression.
components – the word processor, spreadsheet and Over in Impress, a new feature to equalise the lengths
presentation tool – have been rearranged and cleaned and widths of objects has been added, along with the
up. This is a controversial move, as it will break some ability to export the background image from a slide.
With complex shapes, finer control over Control Points
has been added too.
Under the hood, LibreOffice 5.1 has seen many
bugfixes and performance improvements. It’s still not
the perfect office suite, with more work needed to
make the design cleaner and file format compatibility
even more exact, but it’s by far the best release yet
and a highly recommended upgrade from 5.0.
In Calc, the Properties Faster, simpler and with some useful new
sidebar now lets you features – a good show from the team. Needs
quickly switch between some more UI refinements to really shine.
different styles, and
change the font size.
Remix OS for PC
If Androids had windows, what would they look at, Ben Everard wonders.
emix OS is a souped-up version of Android Web
Developer Jide
designed for desktop PCs. By far the biggest Licence Mix of GPL and closed
difference between Remix and stock Android source
is that in the former, apps have their own windows
rather than taking up the whole screen. This new
feature makes it far more suitable for general work
than the mobile OS. Jide, Remix’s developer, released
the first version of Remix OS for PC without the
source code, in direct violation of the GPL. Fortunately,
the company has now caught up and Remix OS is
fully GPL compliant. By using Remix OS, you
The biggest problem with Remix at the moment is have to agree not to harm
that it doesn’t come with an app store (it is possible the national honour of the
to install the Google Play store manually). Let’s forget People’s Republic of China.
that for a moment, and imagine that it comes with a
well stocked app store. Would it be any good? the apps are still designed with a touchscreen in mind,
Back in 2012, the answer to this question would so the end result is going to feel uncomfortable with a
have been yes. There were some things that were mouse and keyboard.
possible on Android that weren’t in mainstream Linux While Remix OS is a technically intriguing project,
– Netflix and having a good selection of commercial it’s hard to see a place for it in the modern computing
games were probably the biggest of these. However, world, and we can’t think of a single occasion where
times have moved on, and now there are better we’d recommend this rather than a lightweight Linux
solutions to both these issues than a desktop version distro. Unless this release spurs development of a
of Android. In every area from productivity to games, large number of mouse-friendly apps, it’s hard to see
desktop Linux software is as good as, or better than, how this will change.
the Android equivalent.
A second problem with the Remix OS apps is that
Remix OS for PC fulfils a niche that doesn’t exist.
they’re all taken from an OS based on touchscreens.
Even if the main user interface works well on a PC, all 43
DeadBeef 0.7
Ben Everard milks some puns out of an udderly lightweight moo-sic player.
Web http://deadbeef. eadBeef is a music player that somehow 32 bits, which was for a long time the most popular
Developer Alexey Yakovenko manages to be both full of features and size of CPU.
and contributors stripped down. It achieves this feat of DeadBeef is really just a thin frame on which to hang
License GPLv2 and ZLib contortion through a carefully designed codebase that plugins, and it’s these plugins that make the software
passes most of the workload onto plugins. useful. The extensible architecture means that this
Vegetarians need not worry, there’s no bovine music player can be as simple or as complex as
residue in this software. The name comes from the you like. Want to download album art from the web?
olden days when all this were fields, men were men, There’s a plugin for that. Want to relive the sounds
and programmers wrote in hexadecimal. This code of the 80s with chiptunes? There’s a plugin for that.
has 16 different characters: 0 to 9 and A to F. Each Want to stream music over the internet? You won’t be
pair of characters corresponds to a byte of binary, and shocked to learn that there’s a plugin for that too.
it’s a more concise way of editing binary data than
pure 1’s and 0’s. Streamlined sounds
Data files, when displayed in hex, can look a mess At the same time, though, if you don’t want to do
so programmers would occasionally insert words that these things, you can get rid of the plugins and
made it easy to find parts of a file, but these words have a music player without unnecessary bloat. Of
could only use the letters A to F. DeadBeef is just such course, shrinking down your music player to the bare
a word, and it also happens to be four bytes, which is essentials is an act of optimisation bordering on
obsessive. Yes, it will cut down on your RAM footprint,
and it may even free up a few CPU cycles, but unless
you’re short of either of these, it’s not going to make
any difference.
For ultra-lightweight desktops running on
constrained hardware, DeadBeef is probably the best
choice, but unless you’ve already cut everything else
back to as lean as possible, you’re probably better
off spending the extra resources and using a full-fat
music player.
Even critical music player The best light-weight music player currently
functions like MP3 available for Linux.
playback are handled by
Renoise 3.1
After 30 years, Graham Morrison finally finds a replacement for NoiseTracker.
enoise helps you to make music, much like Web
Developer Renoise Team
Ardour or Bitwig Studio. But instead of the Price £65 (approx.)
tracks of audio or the looping clips you’d
expect, Renoise imitates the tracker interface made
famous by the Commodore Amiga in the late 1980s.
Trackers were the best way to exploit an audio
system that could only play 4, 8 or 12 sounds at once
Renoise can be run with or
and store very little sample data. Each pitch was without Jack, and can also
entered as a number into a finite column sequence, be controlled by a variety
along with parameters to change its sound. Each of MIDI devices and
column could sequence a sound that could play keyboards.
alongside the other columns and pages of these
sequences could themselves be sequenced into a
finished track. These limitations were born of the features in an old MIDI sequencer called Music-X,
hardware, but they forced musicians to be inventive, and it’s brilliant to see a modern interpretation here
often via the subtleties of a tracker interface. in Renoise. The new preset system is also significant.
You can now store and recall almost anything, and the
Blood on the tracks preset browsing reminds us of the all-powerful preset
To call Renoise a tracker is a massive understatement. navigation in Bitwig Studio. The only negative was that
The note input and programming are the same, we couldn’t scale the user interface for our high DPI
but the amazing effects, instruments, signal flow, display, which made things difficult to see on a screen
DSP programming, mixing and remote control are with a high resolution but a small physical size. Other
exactly what you’d find in a more traditional digital than this, if you’re looking for the best tracker software
audio workstation such as Ardour. The new filters in ever made, here it is. And it runs on Linux.
the sampler, for example, sound amazing, and we
love the new phrase editing options. Phrases are like It’s commercial and not particularly cheap, but
sequences you can trigger from within sequences, if you’re into electronic music, nothing can
touch Renoise.
and are a great way of adding an unpredicable
complexity to your music. This was one of the best 45
The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons
GOING ON A BLENDER Unreal Tournament
One of the biggest FPS franchises has gone open source.
Licence Custom
t’s pretty awesome that one of the biggest
arena shooter franchises has made its way
onto Linux, but even more so that the source
code for the latest installment is up on GitHub
Michel Loubet-Jambert is our Games
Editor. He hasn’t had a decent night’s for anyone to take a look at or play around with.
sleep since Steam came out on Linux. Linux gamers have seen first hand in ARK:
Survival Evolved what the Unreal 4 engine can
ith all the larger releases do graphically and the new Unreal Tournament
making their way onto also looks very slick, even in pre-alpha. It’s very There’s some pretty heavy community involvement,
Linux, it’s sometimes easy
much a working game with plenty of people to ranging from maps to custom assets.
to forget the humble beginnings of
Linux gaming, or indeed those games play against online and the main hitch being
more true to the open source spirit of just a few levels consisting of grey squares The developers have stated that when
the operating system. That’s why where the textures have not yet been added. completed the game shall remain “free”
we’re taking advantage of the Gameplay-wise, it essentially updates and rather than “free to play”, meaning that
post-holiday release hangover to
modernises the arena gameplay of the previous microtransactions galore won’t take hold and
focus on open source games, with
some lesser-known ones as well as installments, though it must be said that it is paid content will be limited to player-designed
updates on familiar favourites. a little sad to see the hoverboards from UT3 levels and outfits. This can also be done through
Software like SDL and Blender left out. It’s extremely hectic, with bullets and Linux thanks to the Unreal Engine editor now
have been pretty commonplace in players flying everywhere, and unless you’re being native, and all in all this seems like
game development for years now, but
an FPS veteran, it’s worth taking some time a good deal since microtransactions
we’re also starting to see other
aspects of the open source spirit practicing with bots before going online and “pay to win” do have a habit of
make their way into what has and dying repeatedly. ruining otherwise good games.
traditionally been a walled garden.
There have been a few commercial
games released on the GPL-licensed
Blender Engine, and we’re soon to see
the first commercial games running
on the MIT licence Godot Engine.
What is perhaps more surprising is
what mainstream adoption this
worldview has attained. Though not
“libre”, the Unreal engine is one
example where serious moves have
been made towards opening up
source code and making its use
“gratis” for small developers. Not to
mention that this engine and others
like Unity now have native Linux
editors, meaning that for the first
time, large commercial games can be
Unreal Engine will be one
developed fully on a free OS.
of the first games to ship
With developments like these, we
can expect the industry to make a with the Vulkan API.
few more advances in this direction.
We can only hope that with this
momentum, we’ll have more games Paid content will be limited to player-designed
like these to cover regularly.
levels and outfits. This seems like a good idea…
FOSS greatness with commercial production values.
Website/store Access, there would undoubtedly be many
Licence GPL
people out there who would pay retail
price and give it solid reviews.
A.D. looked very impressive when That isn’t to say that bugs won’t
it first surfaced back in 2009, but it be found, and though the game can
was more of an exciting prospect be played through, it is inevitable to
than a playable game. Though the game encounter problems. It does feel like
is still in Alpha, it is reasonably well development has been going on forever
The Battle for Wesnoth
polished and provides a satisfying real with 0 A.D., but with something so Wesnoth has been around since 2003 but is
time strategy experience. ambitious, it hardly comes as a surprise. still very much in active development. The
What is most striking with this game Nevertheless, updates are being pushed game has been translated to an impressive
is its production values. If the game out at a steady pace and it’s worth array of languages and has been worked on by
were released tomorrow on Steam Early checking up on if you’re not already. a mind boggling number of developers over the
years. Despite its dated graphics, it’s still
highly recommended for those seeking some
turn-based goodness and online multiplayer.
0 A.D. looks pretty incredible and SuperTuxKart
puts certain other AAA strategy We’ve covered it before, but it would be a crime
games to shame. to miss out one the best-known and mature
FOSS games on Linux. The game got a hefty
graphical upgrade last year, making it almost
unrecognisable, and in a good way.
Development has been picking up and the
game might even see a Steam version at some
point. If you haven’t given it a try in a while,
An open source remake of the Chris Sawyer classic. you really should.
Licence GPL
good game never stops being
good, but as operating systems
get newer and the games
get more difficult to run, a project like
OpenTTD can find a niche. As is often the
case, the original Transport Tycoon came
with its quirks and missing features, Behold a true simulation game in all its
which this game has certainly addressed isometric glory! Xonotic
This arena-style FPS combines traditional
and which make this far more appealing
fast-paced action with a large roster of
than simply running the original through Playing through OpenTTD, we realised weapons with which to blow other players to
DOSBox. that isometric graphics are one of the bits. The arenas are very well designed and
Unlike other excellent projects like reasons this genre has gradually faded balanced, much like Unreal Tournament, and it
CorsixTH and OpenMW, which require into obscurity. While many of the classic comes with all the usual game modes one
would expect in such a game. Development has
the original game assets (and thus an simulation games from this era have seen
been somewhat slow these last couple of
original copy of the game) to run, OpenTTD modern iterations, none quite capture years, but even in its current Beta state,
contributors finished re-creating the the magic of simple right angles. Playing Xonotic is still tonnes of fun.
original assets back in 2009 and made something old-school like OpenTTD may
that step redundant. be the best we can get with such a game. 47
The Dream Team Nightmare
Ben Everard learns that being agile doesn’t always mean wearing lycra.
Author Portia Tung
Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
Price £15.99
ISBN 978-1937785710
hile we as programmers often agile software development. It’s not a gentle
focus on writing great code, the book to read before bed, because it forces
truth is that the success or failure you to think through exactly what agile
of a software engineering project often has is and how to make it work. That mental
more to do with the team organisation and process of deciding for yourself and seeing
development methodology than a really the outcomes mean that you’re far more
cool hack that cuts 50 lines of code down likely to really learn the agile process than if
to 10. In The Dream Team Nightmare, you you were just reading and not taking it in.
play the role of Jim Hopper, an agile coach- In order to get the most out of this book,
consultant brought in to help a software you’ll need to have some experience with
development team hit their potential. Play is agile development, and it will most benefit
the key word in that last sentence, because people shifting from traditional software
this book is a pick-your-own-adventure development to more modern approaches.
where the story changes depending on the
If you’re struggling to cope with the shift to
choices you make. agile software development, this is the
The interactive approach of The Dream book for you.
Team Nightmare means that it’s far more The Dream Team Nightmare will suit people who
mentally engaging than most books about struggle to engage with linear books.
Metaprogramming Elixir
Ben Everard’s never met a better metaprogramming language.
Author Chris McCord
Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
Price £11.50
ISBN 978-1680500417
lixir is a language unashamed of By taking programming up a level like this,
it’s bare naked body. While most metaprogramming is a powerful tool that
programming languages keep their has to be used responsibly. It enables you
internals respectably hidden inside the to either create very efficient code, or if
compiler, Elixir flaunts its most private parts you’re not careful, create entirely unreadable,
to any developer who cares to look. The unmaintainable code.
private part of a language is, of course, the Metaprogramming Elixir is a guidebook to
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This is the data help you create the former and not the latter,
structure that the compiler converts the and in order to get the most out of this book,
source code into before generating machine you’ll need to already be familiar with the
code. Usually, the AST is hidden from sight Elixir programming language: this isn’t
and is part of the magic that happens when a guide for beginners, but a book to take
you compile your code. In Elixir, however, you your programming from good to the heights
can create macros that have direct control of greatness.
over this AST.
By deftly altering the AST, injecting code This can be a confusing subject, but
Metaprogramming Elixir guides the student as gently
and otherwise meddling with the very as possible through this minefield.
fabric of the language, metaprogramming If you drink this potion, you’ll become a
enables you to write code that writes code. programming genius – it is an Elixir elixir.
Blender 3D By Example
Graham Morrison takes a step closer to entering virtual reality. Also released…
Authors Romain Caudron & Pierre-Armand Nicq
Publisher Packt Publishing
Price £28.99
April 2016
ISBN 978-1785285073
Building Tools with GitHub
e have fond memories of
when we first had access To say GitHub is huge is a
massive understatement.
to a computer containing a
What was basically a
powerful graphics card/GPU. We used version control system
it to play Unreal at a crazy resolution has turned into a social
and at maximum quality, and it was network for developers
fun. We installed and configured that also happens to act
as the QA system for a
Compiz, enabling far too many
million startups. But to do
graphical desktop effects. Never had perform that trick, you
the 3D virtual desktop looked so good. need to understand
But nothing compared to the GitHub’s API, which is
experience of launching Blender, The book contains four projects and exactly where this new
title comes in – learning “Rich gifts wax poor when
downloading a scene, and moving steps the reader through each one.
how to hack GitHub . givers prove unkind.”
around the 3D models. Everything
was rendered with plenty of textured Dummies book, despite a general
details – a far cry from the ordinary feeling of malaise for the range in
black vectors we’d used before. It general. Which is why it’s great to see
transformed Blender from niche another title with a similar approach. Data Wrangling with Python
and complicated into niche and The ‘By Example’ of the title is We’re the first to admit
complicated, but fun! certainly true, and it takes compete that spreadsheets perform
The problem with Blender, as has beginners step by step through the an essential function, and
often been said, is that the user ideas behind 3D, and consequently, we’re grateful to both Dan
Bricklin and Bob
interface doesn’t hide the complexity much of Blender’s complexity. It does Frankston for inventing
from you. In some ways, it makes this by using four projects as a them with VisiCalc. But
it worse. This is because almost framework, and we like the way that there is always a point
everything is configurable and Blender is always used as a tool to get when a spreadsheet
changeable. Panels can be split a job done, rather than the book being becomes too large and
complicated, and most of
horizontally and vertically. Windows a missing manual. That means iit’s us sail past this point like
can show one of a dozen different also suitable for complete beginners we sail past deadlines.
views, and in some cases, views to 3D in general, where Blender is just Python and this book may Don’t delay – export your
within views. Things have got better one particularly good (and open offer the solution. spreadsheets to Python.
with recent releases, but the average source) possible tool for the job.
user is going to have no idea what This may hold back readers who
Blender is capable of from simply already have experience with other 3D
launching the application, and no idea, software, and simply want to learn the Learning Linux Binary Analysis
for example, that alongside its brilliant Blender way of doing things, but it’s a
Mike’s recent tutorials on
modelling and rendering tools, it’s also great option for the many new users assembler have been
an excellent non-linear video editor. attracted to the new and free games really popular, despite the
toolkits who now need a modeller for applications for assembler
Absolute beginners building their games. We like the being limited. The same
This is why books for beginners are so projects too, and they’re never over could be said for binary
analysis. We’ve always
important. Of course, there are lots of simplified or impractical. By the 18th wanted to know what
YouTube videos and online tutorials page, you’re already modelling a rather makes an ELF an ELF. It’s
(we even used Blender this month to complex robot, and the book’s ‘By a fascinating subject that
build a 3D model from a series of Example’ ethos continues all the way we’d love to learn more
photos – see p68), but books are like through to the video editing of the final about, even if its practical
applications aren’t always
print magazines. In our opinion, the ‘Rat Cowboy’ project. apparent. Hopefully, this Think ELF is a good
information they contain is more book has the answers. film? Read this book.
Great for total newbies to the 3D world.
readily absorbed. For that reason,
we’re big fans of the Blender for 49
Still using your distro’s default video player? Mayank Sharma helps you pick a better
alternative with useful bells and whistles.
On test Video players
ou’ll find a video player in several of the players on test here,
Kodi virtually every distro to give users the freedom to read
URL designed for desktop use. content in virtually all formats.
Licence GPL v2 But there’s more to playing video in Furthermore, these players help
Latest release 15.2 Linux, thanks to the murky waters revitalise and visualise your video
Can the HTPC app work on the desktop? of patent encumbered codecs and libraries in exciting new ways. They
proprietary container formats. Most can pull in cover art, show notes,
MPV mainstream Linux distros, like
Fedora and Debian, have a strict
synopsis, subtitles and various
other kinds of information for better
URL policy against such restrictive management and cataloging of
Licence GPL v2
formats which limits the ability of your library. In addition to local
Latest release 0.14.0
How does a CLI app compare with the their default players. playback, these apps let you stream
graphical ones? The good news is that patent media to other computers and
laws vary wildly between devices over the local network and
jurisdictions, and in many countries even over the internet.
Plex patents on algorithms are not In addition to their graphical
URL recognised, which enables projects interfaces, these apps can also be
Licence Proprietary like FFmpeg to produce libraries for controlled via the command line or
Latest release 0.9.15 handling all types of multimedia remotely from a web browser. They
Do we really need a proprietary app? content. In fact FFmpeg’s also rope in the conveniences of
libavcodec library of codecs is associated apps such as an RSS
used by a majority of open source feed aggregator and podcatcher,
SMPlayer multimedia projects, including and can be extended with plugins.
Licence GPL
Latest release15.11 A good media player will let you
Can its impressive credentials trump the
stream media to other computers
and devices over a network
URL Free your videos
Licence GPL v2.1+
No matter how much we abhor it, a video on the current crop of multicore
Latest release 2.2.1
proprietary and patent-encumbered computers. Best of all you don’t need
Will the popular video player pass the multimedia content is a fact of life. Most an external transcoder as some of the
LV test? digital cameras record videos in such players on test here include the ability
formats, which are also popular with to convert a file, most notably VLC. All
several video sharing websites. transcoding apps worth their salt offer
Xine To work around this situation, you can several predefined settings optimised
use a transcoder to convert the file from for particular devices or use case. VLC,
its original proprietary format into one for example, has over a dozen presets
LicenseGPL v2
of the high-quality open source codecs including a bunch of presets for popular
Latest release .99.9 and formats, such as x264, x265, xvid, audio, and video codecs for different
The Rocky Balboa of video players that and libtheora. These apps are easy to containers, such as Theora+Vorbis in
just refuses to go down. use and don’t take much time to convert Ogg or VP80+Vorbis in WebM.
Hardware acceleration for video
Equip your distros with the right APIs.
ost modern GPUs from AMD, Nvidia’s VDPAU, as the name suggests, source libva-vdpau-driver package. On the
Nvidia and Intel support some is designed specifically for Unix-like OSes other hand, VDPAU is not available on Intel
form of acceleration, enabling including Linux and BSD. The VA API graphics cards. However there is an open
programs to offload portions of the video specification was originally designed by Intel source VDPAU-based backiend driver for use
decoding process and video post- for its GMA series of GPUs. However, the with the VA API library, called libvdpau-va-gl.
processing tasks to the GPU video- royalty-free specification is now available The procedure to install these drivers
hardware. The enhancements are exposed to other hardware manufacturers as well. varies, and they work with both the open
through two APIs – the Video Acceleration For example, AMD’s Radeon 9500 and source and proprietary drivers for your
API (VA API) and the Video Decode and newer GPUs and Nvidia’s GeForce 8 and Nvidia and AMD cards. Refer to your distro’s
Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU). newer cards are supported by the open wiki pages to install the driver for the GPU.
The gift that keeps on giving.
he cross-platform VLC player is a
Linux stalwart and is available in the
official repos of a majority of distros.
At first launch VLC isn’t much to look at, but
behind its archaic-looking interface is the
app’s robust dexterity in playing video
content. In fact, VLC was one of the first
open source media players to get encrypted
DVD playback capability. It can play any file
you throw at it, as it uses the FFmpeg library,
which supports a large number of codecs as
well as a wide variety of video (MPEG1/2/4,
DivX, WMV, Theora, etc) and audio (AC3, In addition to video playback, VLC media player can create screencasts by recording the desktop.
AAC, FLAC, MP2/3, etc) formats. It can also
resume playback from where you left, which device. VLC also offers a mobile web over a dozen more. VLC has over a dozen
is a major convenience feature in addition to interface for smartphones as well as remote presets including a bunch of presets for
the ability to control playback speed and control apps. There’s also a command line popular audio, and video codecs for different
drag and drop subtitle files. interface for expert users. Keyboard-oriented containers and also for several devices
While we may not be fans of its interface, users can control VLC using customisable such as Android, iPod and iPhone to FullHD
VLC’s menus are logically arranged and offer shortcuts and hotkeys. and HD-Ready TVs, and even SD and HD
quick access to frequently used options. It versions for YouTube. You can use the
also bundles loads of options and tweakable An all-rounder feature to save streaming videos and live
parameters for advanced users and video VLC is a multimedia mega mall. Besides shows and extract audio tracks from videos.
connoisseurs. By default the app only local playback, you can use the player to The VLC project backs up its feature-
exposes the basic commonly understood stream videos to multiple devices and rich app with loads of documentation,
settings, but expert users can access tons platforms across the local network and including detailed multi-lingual user guides
of others with a click of a button. the internet using a variety of protocols for different platforms. There’s also a large
You can customise the interface too in including HTTPS, RT and DLNA. and active community based on the project,
a couple of ways. There’s a toolbars editor, Another hidden talent of the app is that whose members are connected via active
which lets you rearrange the layout of the it can be used as a very capable media forums, and you can find tips, tricks and
buttons and toolbars. Secondly, you can conversion utility. You can use it to add tweaks all over the internet.
switch VLC to the skinnable mode and use an additional audio track to the video as
any of the dozens of skins to change the well. Best of all, VLC can apply all kinds of VERDICT
app’s look and feel. Furthermore, the app filters to the video. For example, you can VLC has made a name for
itself across various
also has a web interface, which lets you give it an old movie effect, or a warmer platforms, with good
access VLC and control playback from a web tone with the sepia effect, or augment reason.
browser on the local or a remote network contrast by sharpening the video, and 51
Rock solid foundations.
front-end to the venerable users can also pass extra options to
MPlayer command-line media the MPlayer back-end. Talking of back-
player, SMPlayer can play ends, newer versions of the app now let
virtually all formats. While the default you switch to MPV instead of MPlayer.
interface lacks finesse and looks like an The MPV back-end offers several new
over glossed cousin of VLC, you can features such as the ability to display
change its look and feel by selecting multiple subtitles and play videos from
one of the four alternative interfaces. websites like Vimeo, DailyMotion and
Besides a minimal interface, there’s others while taking away the ability to
also one that lets you drape it in a new browse DVD menus.
skin. You can also switch to a custom The app also has a command line SMPlayer can play videos from YouTube thanks to an
icon set and widget style. Just like VLC, interface and lets you define keyboard additional component called SMTube.
SMPlayer remembers the last position shortcuts and custom actions for the
in a previously played file. However, mouse and the mouse wheel. First SMPlayer has a good support structure
unlike VLC, which starts playback from time and inexperienced users will with forums and FAQs, and there’s a
the beginning but gives you the option appreciate the helpful tooltips in the resourceful Help section within the app
to resume playback from where you left Options window that help determine as well. The developers engage with
off, SMPlayer jumps to it automatically. the purpose of the various parameters. their community via a blog, a public bug
On first launch, the app also fires tracker and a feature request page.
up a web browser and takes you to a On first launch, SMPlayer
page that has some getting-started VERDICT
information, including a couple of launches a browser with Makes up for its
cheesy-looking UI with a
useful tips to improve performance
on multicore processors. Advanced
getting-started info solid foundation.
Minimalism is a virtue.
ompared with some of the other handle DVD tables of contents. You
players on test here, MPV is a can manipulate the player’s OpenGL-
relatively newer addition. It’s based video output in a variety of
based on the MPlayer 2 player (which popular ways including scaling, colour
was forked from MPlayer) and management, interpolation and more.
continues the tradition of the extremely
popular command line app by Minimal management
introducing optimised and cleaned-up MPV’s settings are managed via a
code with new configuration options bunch of configuration file. There’s
and features. The cross-platform player one to manage global settings, one
hosts links to the latest version of the for keyboard bindings and a third for MPV has a detailed user manual but little else in terms of
app for various distros on its website. the Lua-based on-screen display. The documentation and support.
MPV offers a minimal user interface player has support for both VAAPI and
that lets you watch your videos without VDPAU hardware acceleration, and a In essence, the VapourSynth scripts can
distraction, only popping up when special key combination for quitting the be used as video filters for MPV. You
you move the mouse around during app while saving the current position to can find various scripts on the internet
playback. It includes the essentials – resume playback from this point. MPV that automatically apply different kinds
playback control, a seek bar, a full- can also use the youtube-dl command of filters on the video during playback to
screen button and buttons to switch line tool to view videos on YouTube and improve its quality.
audio and subtitle tracks. directly open a Twitch stream.
MPV is built on FFmpeg, so it supports For best video quality, advanced VERDICT
This fully functional CLI
files in nearly all codecs and formats. users can use MPV with VapourSynth, app is the spiritual
As noted in the SMPlayer section above, which is an alternative to AviSynth, and successor to MPlayer.
the one caveat to MPV is that it doesn’t manipulates video via Python scripts.
Xine Bomi – close but
Still going strong.
no cigar
Here’s why you should support
your favourite applications
omi is one of the best front-ends to
MPV, masking several useful features
behind a minimalistic user interface.
The player would have surely made it to our
list if it weren’t for its halted development and
unsure future. The app’s lone developer has
stopped working on the player for the
foreseeable future as he struggles with a
“serious financial problem” according to the
project’s news feed.
So while Bomi works flawlessly as of now,
we couldn’t really include it in the group test
One of Xine’s hallmarks is its distinctive GUI, which is styled like a DVD player. given its unclear future. That said, the player
is loaded with features and makes full use
ine is one of the oldest video playback controls, and the buttons to of its powerful backend. Bomi has a neat
players available on Linux and has adjust the brightness, contrast, volume, interface and exposes all of its features via the
been chugging along ever since etc are also easily accessible. You can context menu.
the days when playing multimedia on control Xine with the keyboard, and every The playback controls, playlist and file
Linux was hard work. Once a mainstay on option is also accessible via the right-click history are accessible via hot corners – or
the Linux desktop, the player has fallen out context menu. It’ll also follow your orders rather, hot sides: when you slide your mouse
of favour with the distros of late. Yet Xine via a LIRC-compatible infrared remote. to either side or the bottom of the playback
is still pretty good at playing multimedia, One of the best features of Xine is that it window, the player unveils a flap with the
and can give the newer players a run for automatically tries to correct sync issues requisite controls. Bomi keeps a record of
their money. with damaged videos, and does a pretty all the files you’ve ever played and resumes
There are two main components to good job of it. Its also got a self-diagnostic playback from where it left off. It also
Xine. The first of these is xine-lib, which script that you can run if you have trouble generates a playlist automatically and can be
contains the core engine handles tasks with video playback. One of the weakest controlled via the keyboard. In addition to the
such as synchronising audio and video, features in Xine is the playlist. While the usual controls, the playback control panel also
and maintains communications between player does have a playlist editor, its has buttons to switch audio tracks and scale
the various Xine modules. It also contains behaviour is inconsistent, which makes subtitles. The app features an equaliser with
the input plugins that help the core adding and removing files quite a chore. dozens of presets and can also play Blu-Ray
interact with the real video source, which Like VLC, Xine has elaborate discs and videos from URLs.
could be an optical medium such as a configuration options. These are cleverly
BluRay or DVD, or individual files and even exposed to the user depending on your
network streams. The other component level of expertise and range from Beginner
is the graphical frontend. Xine ships with to Advanced to Master of the Known
an xlib-based graphical user interface that Universe. The options are housed under
hasn’t changed much in the last decade 10 tabs and let you influence everything
but is still fairly intuitive. You can optionally from the user interface to the audio and
use a different front-end such as GXine, video settings, such as whether to use
which is based on the GTK 2 toolkit. hardware acceleration. The helpful tooltips
Xine uses libraries from other projects do a nice job of explaining the different
such as liba52, libmpeg2, FFmpeg, libmad, options. Besides this a majority of the
FAAD2, Ogle, and gets binary Windows documentation on the project’s website
codecs from the win32codecs package, is geared towards developers instead of
which powers the player’s impressive end users.
support for a wide variety of formats.
The player can also play seekable HTTP VERDICT
Show its age and missing
streams and files in many of the newer some of the conveniences Bomi lets you make quite a few adjustments to the
formats thanks to the libav library. of the others. video during playback.
The graphical interface features 53
Kodi vs Plex
The 10-feet entertainers.
lex and Kodi are both home
theatre apps that enable you to
manage your library of videos,
TV shows, movies, as well as music,
and photos from one place. Both use
codecs from FFmpeg and other open
source libraries to handle a wide variety
of multimedia formats. Both also sport
a slick interface that’s easy to navigate
and can be operated with a variety of
devices such as IR remotes and even
smartphones. However, despite a
shared ancestry and goals, both project
go about the task differently.
Plex began life as a fork of XBMC, but
it’s become so distinct you’d be hard
pressed to notice any similarities. The
USP of Plex is that it makes the process
of syncing and streaming media to any Plex also provides a service called Plex Pass, which provides several additional benefits.
device dead simple.
Plex uses a server–client deployment Unlike Plex, Kodi, which was earlier locally stored files, you can use Kodi to
mode, and it’s up to the server to known as XBMC, is a standalone, stream videos to another computer via
manage your library. When setting up open source app. It’s very flexible and the UPnP protocol and even browse
the server, you’re prompted to create customisable and is available for a the libraries on another UPnP-enabled
an account with Plex. The server and variety of platforms including Linux, network device.
the apps will use that account to BSD, Windows, OS X, Android and even One of the areas where Kodi really
sync your library and stream between our favourite, Raspberry Pi. shines is with the ability to fuse
various devices. third party add-ons to the base Kodi
One of the best features of Plex is What’s in a name? installation. There are add-ons that
that the server transcodes media on the Kodi, like Plex, helps organise your expand the functionality of existing
fly, which lets you stream, for example, media by scraping all sorts of metadata features and bring in content from
HD content to the most minuscule of from various online services. You can online content providers.
devices on the slowest of networks. then organise, categorise and even Then there are add-ons that help turn
Plex also automatically organises your use this information to display and your Kodi installation into a video game
library by reading various metadata off browse your media library. Kodi can emulator or let you record TV, much
the files, which lets you browse videos also create smart playlists that use a like a DVR. The internet is peppered
by categories such as genre, title, set of rules to display a subset of files with lists of favourite and useful Kodi
actors, and such. from the libraries. In addition to playing add-ons. Kodi also enables complete
customisation of its look and feel
through dozens of skins.
Also unlike Plex, which offers
many features via its subscription-
based service called Plex Pass, Kodi
is completely free both in terms of
licensing and cost, irrespective of
the number of apps you are using.
Neither project has any shortage of
documentation and support avenues,
including helpful videos.
PLEX An easy-to-use KODI A feature-rich
platform that helps app that can be
view the library across customised and
all devices. extended.
Kodi now supports a number of passive 3D video formats including .sbs and .tab.
Video players
ike with most desktop apps, advantages over the top three apps.
managing and viewing In a similar vein, SMPlayer despite
multimedia involves an standing on solid foundations
element of personal preference. We and capable of the things you’d
all have our own way of consuming use a video player for, misses out
multimedia and there’s no one because it lacks some of the more The upcoming version of Kodi has several features for improved
perfect app for everyone. This is modern and advanced features that video playback especially on supported 4K devices.
especially true given the fact that you find in the top two players.
we can’t really differentiate between Despite its choice of a traffic
them based on their format support cone as icon, which our brains are 1st Kodi
prowess, which is virtually identical wired to avoid, VLC is perhaps the
among all of them. best video player package available. Killer feature: Endless supply of add-ons.
So instead let’s try and work our In addition to its role as video
way to the winner by the process player, the app can moonlight for Helps you experience your video library in an immersed theatre-
of elimination. First one out is about half a dozen more apps by like fashion.
Plex. There’s really no room for a performing ancillary functions to
proprietary app in the race when help transform multimedia content. 2nd VLC
it doesn’t seem to have any clear But it still isn’t our top pick.
advantage over the open source We like watching videos to be an
Killer feature: The easy-to-use transcoder.
alternatives. Next up is MPV, which immersive experience. Whether
loses out because it’s a CLI app we’re watching a homemade Wonderfully adept at playing multimedia and is pretty good at
and will only appease the seasoned video or a big-budget film, we want several other things as well.
connoisseurs who have the the multimedia app to mask the
patience and the skill to configure desktop. In that aspect there’s
the app and take advantage of its nothing that beats Kodi. The app 3rd SMPlayer
video-enhancing abilities. does a wonderful job of visualising
Xine is perhaps one of the most the video library and bundles all the Killer feature: The ability to switch back-ends.
unfortunate apps in this Group features and conveniences you’d
One of the best graphical front-ends to MPlayer that exposes
Test. It’s been around for years, expect from any of the other video
most of its useful functions.
but doesn’t offer any compelling players on test.
Kodi does a wonderful job of 4th Xine
bundling all the features and Killer feature: Support for Blu-ray.
conveniences you’d expect
Nothing much here except nostalgia.
Set up a dedicated HTPC 5th MPV
While a video player makes sense on the being available for the PC, the project
desktop, if you regularly use your PC to also makes images for the Raspberry Killer feature: VapourSynth video filters.
watch videos, it’s a good idea to spend Pi and other embeddable devices. The
some time setting up a Home Theatre distro uses the just enough operating Lacks the bloat of the graphical apps and can help enhance the
PC (HTPC). There are several distros system (JeOS) principle to deliver a fast- quality of videos with little effort.
designed with this intention, and many of booting HTPC distro that uses very few
them are powered by some of the players resources. In addition to all the features
we’ve tested in this group test, including
our winner Kodi.
you get with Kodi, the distro also bundles
a host of OpenELEC-branded add-ons.
6th Plex
Several projects have woven Then there’s Mythbuntu, which makes
HTPC distros around Kodi, which can available the VLC player in addition to Killer feature: Ease of use.
also be found on several third-party a host of other media related apps –
commercially available HTPC devices. most notably MythTV, which is a fully Doesn’t really offer anything noteworthy over Kodi that justifies
One of the most popular Kodi-based integrated suite of software for watching the use of a proprietary app.
HTPC distro is OpenELEC. In addition to and recording TV. 55
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FOSSpicks Sparkling gems and new
releases from the world of
Free and Open Source Software
Our benevolent editorial overlord Graham Morrison tears himself away
from updating Arch Linux to search for the best new free software.
Pixel art editor
Aseprite 1.1.1-dev
hirty years ago, each hardware, we get very close to the so popular. Forcing yourself to work
hardware upgrade in artificial reality we wanted. within strict limitations can be its
computing performance And yet, those pixels won’t go own reward.
meant we were a step closer to away. There are probably more
hiding the visible pixels on the people creating pixellated artwork Pixel perfect
screen. Each step was a sign of now than in the 1980s, and it’s not Aseprite is a graphics editor created
progress and a move towards more just for indie games with an 8-bit entirely for pixel artists. It’s so
realistic graphics. It’s taken nearly aesthetic. There’s something skilled committed to the cause that the
all of those 30 years to get to a and compelling about an image or user-interface even mimics a
point where high-DPI displays an animation crafted out of raw, fictional 8 bit windowed
make most pixels invisible, and large blocks of hand anti-aliased environment, from the image tabs
when combined with the latest colour. It’s the same reason why and tool palette right down to the
rendering algorithms and 3D chiptunes and mod music are still menus and application icon. It all
helps with the authenticity. But the
huge list of features is definitely
from the 21st century. There’s
2 layers, blending and opacity, just
like in Photoshop or Gimp, and there
are gradients and an undo history.
4 Most impressively, Aseprite is
built to create animations. You can
instantly duplicate an image, make
modifications, play back through
the animation and make further
changes. There’s a tool to help you
generate natural pixel shading and
an onion skin layer for animations.
These features are perfect for
games development where these
sprites can take up their roles as
invading aliens or jumping avatars,
but it’s also immediate, creative and
fun. And because resource usage is
so low, everything runs at light
5 speed, making drawing and
creation near instant. Even with our
limited artistic capabilities, we could
create something passable. The
documentation is also excellent,
1 Colour palette Unlike 30 years ago, you can now have more than 4, 8 or 16 colours. 2 Menus Everything is dripping which helps if you want to take
with pixellated nostalgia. 3 Image tabs You can work on more than one sprite at a time. 4 Tool palette Select, pen, things further.
eraser, move, fill, line, square, contour and blur. 5 Preview See your sprite at closer to real size. 6 Canvas Draw at any
size either with or without a grid and snapping 7 Animate Duplicate frames and display the difference between them with
an onion skin layer. 8 Transport control Play and loop through your sprite animation.
Media player
QMPlay 2
ver since the first days of FOSDEM videos and ASMR stimuli.
computers, tools have been With QMPlay 2, you’re allowed to
made to make things play form your own opinion free of the
– whether that was 8-bit sprites, comments.
animated ANSI files from your local QMPlay 2 uses a modular widget
BBS or tentative 12-bit MP3 system that enables you to add and
playback on your 680060 Amiga. remove parts of the main window,
Even the do-everything VLC is now and move those parts to different
15 years old. That means any new areas as well as overlap widgets to
player needs a unique feature. create a tabbed interface. There are
And that’s exactly what QMPlay 2 widgets for visualising audio,
has got. It’s brilliant at playing playing internet radio, creating
Bypass YouTube’s toxic
anything supported by the FFmpeg playlists and even downloading immediately. The information
comment section by
library, which is almost everything, online content, and of course, using a desktop app for widget includes useful data on the
including audio CDs, raw files and there’s also the YouTube widget. video viewing and codec settings and the playback
even ancient chiptunes. But its USP This enables you to search and download. widget includes how much of the
is that it’s even better at playing page through results, adding video has been buffered ahead of
YouTube videos. This might not videos to a playlist or playing them the current position, which is useful
seem such an important feature if for quickly skipping ahead. Overall,
you think of YouTube as the
ultimate time sink, but there are
QMPlay 2 is brilliant at it’s a great upgrade on accessing
YouTube on Flash with a browser.
thousands of hours of useful playing anything supported
content alongside Zayn Malik’s PROJECT WEBSITE
latest single – from TED talks to by the FFmpeg library
SoundCloud player
Soundnode App 0.6.2
oundCloud has become the listenable without a monthly
social network of alternative contract, along with a well
music. Despite starting off implemented visualisation, sharing
as a site where musicians could and commenting system.
share their recordings with one
another – sidestepping the thorny The sound of the cloud
subject of usage rights and Soundnode is the application
copyright – it soon became the equivalent of Spotify’s desktop
new Myspace for audio without a application, and it performs a
label. This shift happened to similar function. It gives you quick
coincide with the iPad and tablet and easy access to SoundCloud’s
revolution, bringing with it a new vast catalogue, allowing you to
generation of ‘lap’ musicians. create playlists, ‘like’ tracks, follow
This has helped SoundCloud’s artists and leave comments – all
popularity reach such a critical without using your browser. You do
If you look closely, you’ll
mass that many mainstream need an account for this to work, offer are mostly mashups and
find some tracks from
artists now use it to showcase their and its weird window-manager- our editor secreted tech-savvy artists, the quality these
music. The Aphex Twin famously ignoring interface makes it a away within productions rivals that of music
used it to dump 173 of his difficult proposition for a modern SoundCloud’s archives. streamed from a paid-for service.
previously unreleased tracks, for desktop, but it looks fantastic and
instance, and the service now can even be run off a USB stick. It’s PROJECT WEBSITE
offers a genuinely wide and a great way of discovering new
dynamic range of audio delights, all music, and while the genres on 59
Note taking
QOwnNotes 0.89
t’s taken us some time to weigh want our notes to be available on
the advantages and the move, and synchronised to
convenience of cloud-based those browser entered notes.
data storage against the potential On Android, there’s now a brilliant
for lack of privacy and control. open source note editor called
OwnCloud has helped massively ‘OwnCloud Notes’. With a little
with this conundrum by providing a configuration (especially if you use
genuine open source alternative self-signed SSL on your server), it
that, with each release, gets closer will accesses and edit your
to providing a one-stop replacement cloud-based notes. It’s a perfect
for nearly every service we use. open source note-taking
Alongside the versioned file replacement, and with this installed,
Using Markdown, you
synchronisation that has been the the only piece missing was when you point it at your Notes
can create simple
mainstay of OwnCloud for years, we something for the desktop. elegant designs that OwnCloud sub-folder. It also helps
now use its document editing, QOwnNotes is that missing still have all the having the related API package
shared calendars (Calendar Plus), application. Built for a slightly advantages of a text file installed on your server, as this will
contacts lists, Firefox bookmarks different OwnCloud app (OwnNote), – including raw give the app access to versions and
and RSS newsreader, and we’re it will still work with the default readability. other updates. The app is simple to
always looking for more integrated use – it’s everything you need to
solutions we can install on our
phones, laptops and server.
OwnCloud is getting closer to ditch another service in favour of
The Notes app has been part of providing a replacement for PROJECT WEBSITE
OwnCloud for some time, and it
works well within a browser. But we every online service we use
Arch package manager
Pacman 5
ep, its name is still that does the updates, but the only
confusing. This isn’t the problem we had this time was with
latest sequel to the famous the package-query dependency.
80s arcade game (Ms Pac-man This is used by the yaourt tool for
was better anyway). It’s the installing AUR packages and falls
package manager for the Arch outside of the core responsibilities
Linux distribution, which has just of the Arch team, so it shouldn’t
had a major upgrade. Pacman is a affect ordinary users.
big part of what makes Arch
Our favourite feature in
unique, as it’s the interface between What’s yoghurt got to do with it? the new Pacman is the
use scripts installed by other
your installed distribution and the The first new feature that makes ability to search for packages.
constantly rolling updates that get this worth the upgrade is the specific files within Our second favourite addition is
pushed to the Arch repositories. addition of ‘hooks’. These are packages – something the ability to search a repository for
Pacman cleverly hides this scripts that can be triggered within we’ve wanted to do for a specific files. Other package
complexity while also enabling you the installation process, and they long time. managers have done this for years,
to revert to previous package can be incredibly useful. There are and it’s an essential ability if you’re
versions from a local cache, and already examples for rebuilding hunting down a specific
install home-rolled rolled and caches, taking filesystem dependency or locating a specific
community packages locally. snapshots and updating mime package.
Version 5 is a big update, and it’s databases. Hooks are preferable to
one of the first we’ve been able to scripts embedded within the PROJECT WEBSITE
upgrade without too many issues. installer because they don’t always
It’s always tricky updating the tool have to be triggered, and they can
Duplicate file remover
rmlint 2.4.2
espite the price of solid state At its simplest,you just need to
storage coming down, we’re type rmlint on the command line.
still not at a point where can rmlint will obediently start scanning
store everything we create and your home folder. It scanned our
download indefinitely. Even if we do 17GB in just a couple of seconds.
ever get to that point, simply storing Don’t worry – despite the
everything isn’t wise from a privacy, command including those dreaded
security and Zen mentality letters ‘rm’ (the command used to
perspective. It’s far better to remove remove files), rmlint won’t touch
the files you no longer need, and the anything; it only reports on its
easiest target is those files you findings and outputs that report
already have copies of. into a script file you can check and
The problem is, how can you be execute to remove those
sure which files really are copies? duplicates.
rmlint’s GUI visualises the space your files are taking in a similar
This is what rmlint does, much like a As you’d expect, there are many
way to KFileLight.
similar file remover called fdupe. other options for fine-tuning your
Where rmlint excels though is in duplicate searches and ensuring
pure speed, which is exactly what the correct files get removed. There’s even a GUI if you execute
you need when your hard drive is the command with the --gui option,
full to bursting point, your swap
space is full, and you need to free
rmlint has many options for allowing you to visualise which files
have been detected.
up an extra 50MB for the latest PDF fine-tuning your searches
download (DRM-free, remember) of PROJECT WEBSITE
Linux Voice. and removing duplicate files
Vector image generator
his isn’t our usual ordinary
executable and ln is nothing go-cairo-example. You then just
to do with the linking need to download ln itself.
command line we’ve all got
installed. This ln is instead a line LN for LINE
drawing tool that takes functions The ln command needs to be run
you write and turns them into with Go against the file containing
beautiful black-and-white vector art your function, such as go run
– the kind of art that would look example.go. The package includes
We used Blender to save
perfect printed on a plotter and several excellent and concise takes a 3D obj file saved from
a variety of obj files that
hung up in the shed. examples, which are easily ln could then render to something like Blender and turns
To make this happen, you’ll need modifiable. Even if you don’t get the vectors on the this into gorgeous output. It’s
Google’s Go programming maths, you can easily play around command line. surprisingly useful to have
language, along with Go bindings with the variables and generate something like this on the
for Cairo, the open source vector some very impressive output, either command line, and even without
drawing API. If your distribution as a PNG bitmap or preserved as writing functions yourself, is reason
doesn’t have packages for this, you SVG vectors. Our favourite example enough to give this tool a try. All we
can install them by first setting your need now is a reasonably priced
local gopath with export 36-inch plotter.
GOPATH=~/go (create a go folder You can easily generate
in your home directory first) impressive output, either as PROJECT WEBSITE
followed by go get
ungerik/go-cairo and install a PNG bitmap or SVG vectors 61
Guitar tablature
TuxGuitar 1.3.1
hile many technology-
driven musicians will
naturally gravitate
2 3
towards synthesizers or turntables,
there’s also a huge number of
guitarists who now rely on
computers to get the most out of
their instruments, whether that’s for
digital effects or for learning, 4
practice and composition.
For learning, practice and
composition, guitarists need
software that’s sympathetic to their
specific requirements, rather than a
generic application that shows
notes on a matrix, or renders them
as a musical score. This primarily
means something that works with
7 6
Guitar Tablature, the now standard
notation for guitarists. The brilliant
thing about tablature is that it
shows you where to put your
fingers on the fret board. It’s
become so popular that there’s 1 Tabbed songs Open and work on more than one tune at a time. 2 Note palette Drag and drop notes and enter the
been a surge in online sites that appropriate string. 3 Play live Hear your music played with internal guitar sounds. 4 Tuner Tune your strings within the
allow you to download amateur app. 5 Notation/Tablature The rendering is beautiful and can be output as SVG, PDF, LilyPond and audio. 6 Bar view Skip
transcriptions of popular guitar through your song and select notes to hear them played. 7 Instrument Choose from any sound in the General MIDI
music, from Guns N’Roses to Nick specification. 8 Fretboard Visualise notes, chords and scales, which are displayed automatically.
Drake, quickly followed by the
publishers and copyright holders
trying to close them down.
also got TuxGuitar, and 1.3.1 is the
first release for over six years.
If you’ve used Guitar Pro with
The application of choice for TuxGuitar will load tablature files guitar tablature, you’ll feel
generating and playing this exported from Guitar Pro, as well as
tablature is called Guitar Pro, and its its own formats, and that means it right at home with TuxGuitar
files have become synonymous will load almost any file you can
with online/shared guitar tablature. find from one of the many tablature transport control and you’ll hear
There’s even a Linux version of sits on the internet. your music through the speakers of
Guitar Pro, but the application itself If you’ve used Guitar Pro, you’ll your laptop, PC or even Android
is proprietary. Fortunately, we’ve feel right at home with TuxGuitar. device. It’s also possible to slow
The main view is taken up by the down this playback, making it a
notation, which you can create by perfect way of learning new tracks
selecting the note type, dragging up and parts, and there’s even a guitar
and down in the score for the pitch, tuner secreted away in the Tools
and then entering the string number menu for tuning up.
for each note. TuxGuitar helps with When you’re happy with your
each string, and can display scales authoring, the upgraded PDF
too. It’s just like word processing, support looks fabulous and the
and you can transcribe music overall quality of both the input and
quickly like this. the output gives no indication this is
A virtual fretboard can be enabled an open source application and not
Alongside the score and tablature to help you visualise the notes and, something you’d typically pay for.
window, you can view a note matrix, a best of all, you can play back your
composition without touching a PROJECT WEBSITE
piano keyboard and a scale list, and
change the playback speed. real guitar. Just click on Play in the
FOSSPICKS Brain relaxers
Terminal Doom
orget Oculus Rift and fully home on the command line and
immersive 3D graphics. why some developers like to push it
Forget 360 degrees of to the limits.
movement and tracking
controllers, or the cost of an More retro than retro
Nvidia GTX 970 graphics card. All With the small Awkaster script
we really need to be happy is to downloaded, it can be run easily by
play Doom or Wolfenstein in our typing gawk -f awkaster.awk. As
terminal. Which is exactly what long as you’ve enough room on
Awkaster does, only it’s even your terminal for 128 characters,
cleverer than that and the clue is you’ll see what immediately
in its name. reminded us of 3D Maze on Acorn’s
There are four different
There’s a single dependency in BBC Model B microcomputer. finite countdown, but what
rendering modes in
getting Awkaster to work, and Just like Doom, you can use the Awkaster, including makes this interpretation
that’s Awk. Awk, or more WASD keys to move about, along modes with blocks and different is that the display only
accurately Gawk for the GNU with J and L for rotation. This is a modes with pure updates after you press a key,
implementation, is the all- full 3D environment you can move characters. due to Awk’s processing, turning
powerful programming language around. Ray casting has been used Awkaster into a turn-based
that’s been part of almost every for lighting, and there are even shooter.
Unix and subsequently Linux monsters you can shoot at (press
installation since the late 1970s. Space). Just like with the original, PROJECT WEBSITE
Its forte is text processing and you need to find the elevator to take
reporting, which is why it’s so at you to the next level – and there’s a
Indie game portal
his isn’t a game, as such, option for listing and publishing
but it is a way of getting open source titles, but supporting
new games onto your indie development is also valuable
system. is an online portal, and the interface makes it easy to
or an app store, for indie games preview and download those
on all kinds of platforms, packages. More importantly, it
including many for Linux. You enables developers to create a
need to first create an account community for the titles, as players
online, and enter your details into leave comments and feedback in
the login page of the app. the pages of the web portal. It’s
We installed the app through your chance to shape how the final
Arch’s AUR, but there are game will play.
If you love indie games,
packages for other popular The app acts as a container, or a is an online
distributions too. The local app An enchanted portal shopping portal and package manager, as all the files
acts as a client for games you When you add games to a desktop client that are downloaded to a folder within
add to your collection from the collection, those collections are makes it easy to find your .config directory from where
online portal, whether those are listed in your desktop app where and play games you’re you can also run the games
paid-for or free. There’s a huge they’ll include the ‘Install’ option. interested in. manually.
selection, and fortunately there’s This side-steps the manual
a good filter and tags system for downloads offered from the site PROJECT WEBSITE
finding something you might be and makes it easy to see what
interested in. We’d love to see an you’ve got installed on your system. 63
Warning: excessive Linux knowledge may lead to fun and more efficient computing.
In this issue . . .
66 68
Ben Everard
Squints hard and tries to see the new
technology of the future.
Monitor your fitness with Build 3D worlds using
Turtle Sport your camera
Ben Everard is still trying to lose the weight he put After decades of living a 2D existence in text
efore moving along and reading on over Christmas. Now he’s getting some help editors, Graham Morrison discovers a whole new
the tutorials section of this from GPS trackers and software monitoring. dimension of space.
month’s Linux Voice, take a
moment to realise just how much you
can archive with the power of free
software. This month, we’re looking at
everything from tracking fitness to
controlling your lights. We’re creating
robots and building 3D worlds.
The sheer range of things you can do
with technology these days is
phenomenal, and the fact that you can Robot artist 72 SASS-y style 76 Hue part two 80
do almost all of it with open source Les Pounder builds a robot to To keep his website looking great, Mark Crutch takes his Linux-
software is really the icing on the cake. help children learn to program as Marco Fioretti uses SASS – now controlled lights and builds a web
What really makes all this exciting for they create art. you can too! app to make access easier.
me is the knowledge that we’re not at
the end point. All the technology we
cover in this tutorial is constantly
evolving and improving. In another
year’s time, what we’ve looked at today
will be old hat and there’ll be a whole
range of new and exciting things to try.
Perhaps it’ll be importing your 3D
models into an immersive virtual reality
world. Perhaps it’ll be a quick and
simple way to add vision to your
Raspberry Pi robots. (It probably won’t
be some crazy new feature of Make, Compiling with Make 84 QML for quick coding 88 Weird languages 90
because the only thing better than Keep your software building with Graham Morrison programs Things take a turn to the strange
improved software is stable software.) Mihalis Tsoukalos’s guide to cross-platform apps the easy as Juliet Kemp investigates GNU Make. way with QML. esoteric programming languages. 65
Geek out when you work out and collect statistics on your exercise regime.
f you're reading Linux Voice, there's a pretty good services where you have to surrender your data in
chance that you spend most of your day sitting at order to track your progress. It doesn't have to be like
your desk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it that though, as the standard GPS tracker file format
WHY DO THIS? can help your health and wellbeing if you step outside (GPX) is an open XML format that's easy to read with
• Stave off dementia and get some exercise from time to time. open source software. In this tutorial, we're going to
• Healthy muscles means This doesn't have to mean time away from use a healthy dose of free software to monitor your
better posture and less geekiness though: there's a whole world of fitness- progress as you walk, cycle or run your way to a
back pain related gadgetry that you can use to plot, map and healthier lifestyle. If you want to get more advanced,
• Don't get too fat to fit into track your progress. Most sports-tech hardware is tied the software we'll be using (Turtle Sport) can also get
your favourite trousers.
to proprietary services and closed source cloud input from a range of heart rate monitors.
Install Turtle Sport 2
Install a GPS tracker
The vast majority of sports trackers are online-only Turtlesport is only half the software you need to keep
affairs where you have to upload your data and track of your exercises, the other half is something to
consent to it being sold to advertisers in order to view actually monitor your activity. Turtle Sport really works
your progress. These are very convenient, but we best for monitoring cycling, running and walking – in
prefer to retain control over our wellbeing, so we're other words, activities that can be monitored by GPS.
going to stick with open source software that we run If you happen to have GPS tracking hardware and it's
on our own computer. The first piece of the puzzle is supported by Turtle Sport, you just need to plug it into
Turtle Sport: your computer and hit the Upload button (shaped like
home.html. From that website you can download the a play icon in a media player). If you don't, the best
software in RPM, Deb or Tar format (there are also option is to install GPS logging software on your
builds for OS X and Windows). phone. There are loads of options available for just
Once installed, you can launch the software with the about every phone out there, and almost all of them
command turtlesport. By default, the interface will can export GPX files. GPSLogger (from the Google Play
load in French. To change this to English, go to Aide > Store) is great for sharing files over the internet (either
Préférence > Géneral and change Langue to Anglais. through proprietary channels such as Dropbox, or
You then have to click OK followed by Cancel (the more open options such as email). We found OSM
translation seems a little off – Cancel really means Tracker (from F-Droid) a better option for saving to the
close the window rather than cancel any changes). phone's memory and uploading via a USB cable.
Record and share 4
Import file
Now you've got all the software installed, it's time to In Turtle Sport terminology, all tracks are races. It
step away from your computer and do some exercise! doesn't matter if it was a leisurely walk around the
Just make sure you open your GPS logging software block or a the Olympic marathon, it's all a race.
on your phone and start it logging before you set off. Importing files, then, is done in the Race menu. Go to
Walk, run or cycle – it doesn't matter as long as you Race > Import, and select your GPX file. On the Import
get your heart rate up while saving a series of GPS screen, you can enter more information about the
tracking points. event including the activity, the athlete and the
Once you're back, you need to transfer your file from equipment. The wording on this screen is a little
your phone to your computer. How you do this will confusing, the Import button will enable you to add a
depend on your GPS tracking software. If you've used new file to this importing session. Instead, make sure
an app that can share over the internet, it should just that the Save checkbox is ticked, and press Save to
be a case of clicking a button. If not, connect your bring the GPX file into Turtlesport. Press OK on the
phone to your computer via USB and copy the next dialog window to return to the main application.
necessary file across. Whichever way you do it, you You should now see the exercise session appear on
should end up with a GPX file on your main computer. the calendar, and when you select it, you can see in
This is what we need for the next stage. greater detail what you did. This should include the
route taken overlaid on an OpenStreetMap view.
Generate races 6
Glory at your fitness
You won't always have your phone on you when you Steps one to five should have been quite quick, but
go out exercising. In these cases, you can manually this step will take a long time. In fact, it'll never really
enter the details of what you've done so that your finish. Now you've got Turtle Sport and your GPS
record is complete. Of course, this does give you the tracker working, all you need is data, and that comes
opportunity to enter exercise that you haven't done, from running, walking and cycling. The more exercise
but, as our old headmaster used to say, you're only you track, the more data you'll have in Turtle Sport and
cheating yourself. the more you'll be able to monitor your fitness. The
To manually add a new piece of exercise, go to graph view (click on the pie chart in the top-left corner)
Race > Add. You don't need to populate all the boxes shows you how you're progressing in terms of time
in the popup, so it doesn't matter if you don't know spent exercising, or distance covered.
your heart rate or how many calories you burned. Just The software can help you track your progress, but
enter the activity, date, time and distance, then click the rest is up to you. Unless you get out and make
Save and it'll be added to your calendar. yourself sweaty, Turtle Sport won't be able to help you.
Step away from the keyboard, set forth into the world
and exercise. You might even find that it makes you
more productive when you get back to your desk. 67
Scan your home into virtual reality so you’ll never need to leave the bed again.
hotogrammetry is the science of making printing a model house, within a model house, like a
measurements from photographs,” says set of Russian dolls, but with houses.
Wikipedia. And this is true. But out here on the It’s a fascinating process, and a cutting-edge
WHY DO THIS? wild technology frontier, those measurements are technology that’s only going to become more
• Create hyper-realistic 3D being made by clever computerised algorithms to important as virtual reality headsets become more
models extract fully textured 3D models from those common. We’re going to use a digital camera to take
• … which you can use with photographs. Those models can then be used by a 3D a series of photos and turn those photos into a fully
a 3D printer… printer, or within Blender for hyper-realistic rendering, textured 3D model. But first a word of warning; part of
• … or within Blender or even within the latest generation of virtual reality the software we’re using, VisualSFM, isn’t open source.
headsets where you’re free to wander and look It’s free to use, but it’s a pain to install its
beneath virtual tables. There are probably loads of dependencies. Some need to be built from source and
useful applications for this, but the one idea we can't many will need to be installed. But the results and
get out of our heads is scanning the house and 3D effort are definitely worth it.
Install the many, many dependencies 2
Download VisualSFM
We’re using a 64-bit installation of Ubuntu 15.04 with VisualSFM is the reason we’re going to all this trouble.
an Nvidia graphics card, which we’d recommend. It’s a brilliant tool that helps you generate 3D points
Instructions for other distributions should be similar. and textures from an array of photos. But it doesn’t do
Here’s a list of the packages we needed to install this alone. It uses a host of complex open source
alongside a build environment: gtk2.0-dev, software to do the calculations, and because
libglew1.6-dev, libglew-dev, libdevil-dev, libboost-all- VisualSFM is closed source, it’s not included in any
dev, libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev, libatlas-dev, imagemagick, package managers. Which is a real shame, because
libatlas3gf-base, libcminpack-dev, libgfortran3, far more people would use it.
libmetis-edf-dev, libparmetis-dev, freeglut3-dev, To get started, download the latest binary from
libgsl0-dev, liblapacke-dev, libdevil1c2, libdevil-dev, and unzip this to a
freeglut3-dev, libjpeg62, libmetis-dev, libboost- folder where you can place all the other dependencies.
graph-dev, meshlab, cmake, and finally git. The unzipped folder will be called vsfm, and while the
Install from your package manager, or by typing executable is ready to run from the bin folder, it’s going
sudo apt-get install followed by the above list on the to need a few things first: SiftGPU for processing, a
command line. Many of these dependencies are the tool called CMVS for image clustering and another tool
‘dev’ packages, as these include the header files that to help spread the load across multi-core CPUs.
other packages will require. If you hit an error, it’s
highly likely that your installation is missing a
package. Search for the error and install the missing
‘dev’ version of the package.
Install and build SiftGPU 4
Building CMVS and PMVS2
SiftGPU provides the library that performs lots of the The easiest way we’ve found to build CMVS, which
calculations within the pixels of the photos we’re comes packaged with PMVS, is to install git and
going to take. Download the Zip package from http:// cmake and type the following: and unzip to a folder. For git clone
Nvidia devices, install the (proprietary) nvidia-cuda- cd CMVS-PMVS
dev and nvidia-cuda-toolkit packages. Type whereis mkdir OutputLinux
nvcc to get the location of the nvcc command and cd OutputLinux
open makefile with a text editor. Search for nvcc, cmake . ../program/
changing its location to match where your binary is. make
We entered NVCC = /usr/bin/nvcc. Save any changes We hope we’ve covered all dependencies, but most
to the makefile and type make (you’ll need build- problems can be solved by searching to find which
essential installed for this to work). With a bit of luck, package a missing file belongs to and installing the
SiftGPU should build correctly and leave you with development version of that package. Just re-type
some binary files in the bin folder. You need to copy make to attempt to build the project again. After the to the vsfm/bin folder. We also needed build process succeeds, copy the cmvs, pmvs2 and
to copy SimpleSIFT and rename this sift. genOption binaries from the main folder to vsfm/bin.
One further dependency 6
Take the photos
We’re still not quite done with the dependencies. The First, congratulate yourself. You’ve just successfully
final package we need to manually build is called the navigated one of the most convoluted installations
‘Multicore Bundle Adjustment’. This is a library that we’ve had to tackle for a while. Now get ready to take
helps VisualSFM exploit the multi-core capabilities of some photos. Your smartphone camera is more than
most modern CPUs. Download and unzip the Zip file good enough, and they key to good output is to take
from many photos of a clearly defined subject. We took
and cd into the pba directory that’s created. If you’re around 60 of Ben’s robot and a magazine, rotating
using a GPU, type make to build the bundle. If you’re around the focal point at three different heights, plus
not using a GPU, type make -f makefile_no_gpu. We images from the top and sides.
had no problems quickly building the source, which We kept the distance roughly the same, but you
generates either or library don’t have to worry about the order. It helps if the area
binaries within the bin folder. Just like the other is well lit, and we probably wouldn’t place objects on
binaries we’ve built, copy the library to vsfm/bin to the carpet next time. If you can lock exposure for each
hopefully finish giving VisualSFM everything it needs to shot, that will help too. But even with our dodgy
run. But before we can start playing with the software, collection, we didn’t perform any post processing – we
we need to take a few photos. just took the photos and copied them to our desktop. 69
Importing photos into VisualSFM 8
Compute missing matches
Before you can run the VisualSFM executable in the Click on the weird-looking icon that may or may not
vsfm/bin folder, you need to add the folder to your represent an arrow, and be prepared to wait a few
path so that the other tools and libraries we’ve minutes – our 60 photos took three minutes to
installed will be found. You can do this with the process on a fast machine, although our photos were
following two commands, which assumed the vsfm large (5184x3456). VisualSFM is looking for paired
folder is located in your home folder: images and it will hopefully report a healthy number of
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/vsfm/bin matches when the process has completed. We had
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_ 990 in our collection.
PATH:$HOME/vsfm/bin With this done, the next step is to map your photos
Now that VisualSFM is in your path, you can run this into a three-dimensional point cloud. Click on the
from your desktop or anywhere else. double-arrow icon labelled ‘Compute 3D
When the application window appears, the first Reconstruction.’ This is remarkably fast, and you can
thing we need to do is import all the photos we’ve just use your mouse to scroll around the view as it’s
taken. Choose either ‘Open+Multi Images’ from the generated. When the original position of a photo has
File menu or use the Folder with a plus icon from the been detected, you’ll see the image inserted as a
toolbar. Make sure you select all your photos in the viewpoint facing at the point cloud being generated by
requester that appears. the complex calculations.
Import into Meshlab 10
Cleaning up in Meshlab
The final process within VisualSFM is to run the data We first need to replace the sparse dataset with the
through the CMVS executable we built earlier. This dense dataset we generated with the previous CMVS
can be done by pressing the ‘Run Dense step. To do this, open the layer dialog by clicking on
Reconstruction’ button, which looks like two parallel the toolbar icon and right-click on the ‘0 model’ item.
vertical lines. You’ll be asked for a filename, which is Select ‘Delete Current Mesh’ then use File > Import
used to save the dense cloud point and the process Mesh to import Models > option-0000.ply from within
can take some time. Ours took 14.933 minutes. When the previously used dense cloud folder. You’ll see
complete, press Tab to look at the dense cloud. there’s far more detail now. If there are points you
We’ll now load these points into Meshlab, a brilliant don’t need, remove them by first selecting the ‘Select
application for editing dense points of 3D data. Open Vertices’ cursor from the toolbar followed by the
Meshlab and use the Open Project requester to open ‘Delete The Current Set Of Selected Vertices’ button.
the bundle.rd.out file located within the 00 Finally, we want to turn our point data into an actual
subdirectory of your dense cloud point folder 3D mesh that applications like Blender can use. To do
generated with your filename. You’ll also be asked for this, select Filters > Point Set > Surface
list.txt, containing your list of images. You’ll then see Reconstruction Poisson. Higher Octree Depth and
the sparse point cloud for your project. Solver Divide values give more polygons.
Export Mesh and Textures 12
Import our object into Blender
The new mesh is now listed below the cloud point in All the pieces are now in place. We’ve generated and
the layer dialog, and you need to remove the original saved a mesh object in a format that Blender can load,
cloud point layer as we did earlier. You should also linked it to a texture we’ve generated and also saved
trim the points in the Poisson mesh to make the as a PNG file. It’s now time to load these parts up and
object cleaner again. Select and remove non-manifold play with them in a 3D environment. Load up Blender
edges by using the Filter > Selection menu followed by and remove the cube that accompanies the default
the same delete button we used before. environment (click on it and press X). Use the Import
We’re going to export a montage of our photos as a menu to load your new obj file. It will probably be quite
texture that can be applied to our model. Select Filter large – ours is 300MB. When it has loaded, press
> Texture > Parameterization + Texturing From Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C to move the origin to the centre of
Registered Rasters. In the window that appears, your geometry, and use the G (Translate) and R
increase the texture size (we used 4096), enable all (Rotate) keys to move and orient your object into the
options and click ‘Apply.’ The result will be a texture file centre of your scene. Don't forget that you can lock
in the models folder with the name from the panel. axes when moving/rotating with the X, Y and Z keys.
Finally, export our new object using File > Export Mesh
As and choose the Alias Wavefront obj file format.
Apply the texture 14
Render the final image
To load an apply the texture we created, switch the If you now select the Material object mode, you
main Blender view to UV/Image Editor using the small should see a realistic preview of your new object,
icon near the bottom-left above the timeline. To the complete with a perfect version of your texture. You
right of this, click on ‘Open’ and navigate to the can now save your object or your scene for use within
texture.png created in step 11. The image will be other projects, or you can animate and render output
displayed and it should look like it's being reflected in a within Blender. To generate a high-resolution image,
a broken mirror. Go back to the 3D view and make you need to manipulate the camera object.
sure your object is selected, then click on the ‘Texture’ You can easily select the camera from the scene list
panel button over on the right. Click on the ‘New’ in the top-right. Press 0 to see the camera view, and
button and make sure it’s of the ‘Image or Movie’ type. use the same keys as before to get your object into
Use the drop-down menu in the ‘Image’ pane below the view. When you’re happy with the layout, switch to
to select the texture.png file that we just loaded — you the Render panel and set a resolution from the render
should see it as a thumbnail – and make sure presets. When that’s done, click on the Render button
‘Mapping’ is set to UV below. Click on the Material tab to generate your final output and rejoice in your ability
to the left-hand side and make sure Shadeless is to scan objects using nothing more than your camera
selected. and Linux. 71
Get instant feedback from a programmable artist.
hildren are taught to identify and put into
practice key concepts such as sequences,
loops and conditionals. Initially they will learn
WHY DO THIS? these concepts using Scratch, which provides a great
• Learn Python 3 way to interact with code. But when moving to a typed
• Learn logic language, such as Python, children lose the
• Build a robot immediate feedback that they thrive upon. So how
can we make learning to code more interesting? Well,
one way is to use the Turtle Python module, which
can be imported into Python and used to create
TOOLS REQUIRED shapes, patterns and art based upon code. Children
• A Raspberry Pi running can be instructed on how to create a simple shape
the latest Raspbian
using a sequence of instructions, which can then be
• An internet connection
expanded to include loops that will automate the
• Explorer pHAT or Explorer
creation of shapes.
HAT Pro from Pimoroni This is great fun, and a great step into helping the
• 2 x Micro Gear Metal children to understand concepts and can also be used Building a robot is an entirely creative process – you can
Motors to demonstrate maths based knowledge such as design your machine as you see fit.
• Wheels angles, area and the diameter/circumference/radius
• A chassis of a circle. It can also be used artistically to create art to solder wires from the motor terminals. For ease of
• A USB battery pack based on code. use you can use hookup wire or chop the end off a
• Soldering equipment But how can we make this exciting? Well, with a male to female/male jumper wire. The chopped end of
• All of the code for this Raspberry Pi, a robot chassis and a motor controller the wire should be inserted into one of the terminals
project can be found at we can build a robot that will draw the art that we and secured using a generous amount of solder.
LV25 and a ZIP archive at create on the screen. All we need is a large piece of Repeat for all the motor terminals. For a more robust paper and a marker pen attached to the front of our solution consider using a blob of hot glue to secure
robot. In this project we'll create a robot that will draw the soldered wires to the terminals.
shapes and patterns in the real world, while displaying The Explorer HAT/pHAT board simply fits on top of
the same shape on our screen. all 40 of the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. (If you purchase
All of this will be controlled remotely via an the Explorer pHAT then you will need to exercise
application coded in Python. So let's get making! your soldering skills to attach the GPIO and other
connectors to the board.) With the board soldered,
Hardware setup attach your motor terminals to the Motor 1 and 2
For our robot we used a Pololu Zumo chassis that outputs on the Explorer HAT. For each motor you'll
was meant for an Arduino board, but your chassis can insert one wire into + and the other into -.
be anything that you wish. You can purchase robot Power for your Raspberry Pi will also power your
chassis kits from eBay ranging in price from around motors, so a decent power supply is essential. For
£5 to £50. Some robot chassis from China that retail best results use a USB phone charger. The small
at around £10 come with everything you need, except "lipstick" sized batteries are fit for purpose and should
for the Raspberry Pi and Explorer HAT board. No provide over an hour of constant motoring, but if you
matter what chassis you pick you'll need to do a little can get a larger size battery then this will extend the
soldering. life of the project.
The motors come with two terminals to the rear; Your robot will need a Wi-Fi connection, as we shall
these terminals do not have a polarity, enabling us be controlling it from afar. To check your IP address
to switch the direction of the motor by reversing the open a terminal and type
polarity via the Explorer HAT board. For now you need \#\#\#Letter after - is a capital i \#\#\# //
Micro gear metal motors
hostname -I
are small yet powerful.
Write down your IP address, as you will need it later.
They work well with the
With all these tasks completed we can finally boot up Explorer HAT and can also
our Raspberry Pi and start coding this project. be used with other motor
kits such as the CamJam
Software setup EduKit 3.
With our Raspberry Pi powered up and logged into the
desktop we first need to open a new terminal session.
You can find the terminal application via its icon,
which looks like an old monitor, in the top-left of the
screen. With the terminal open we now issue a
command to download the software for the Explorer
HAT. This is different to other means of installation,
typically using apt-get; here we use the curl
command to download a script from Pimoroni's
website and then run the script in the terminal.
Normally we would never do this for untrusted want to do is test that they spin. So with the motors
sources, but Pimoroni is a trusted source to install inserted and Python 3 open we shall start testing.
from. When the script runs it will ask a series of For this portion of the tutorial we'll work in the
questions, to which you can answer yes. Python Shell, this is the default window that opens
curl | bash with Python 3. The window should say "Python
Once the installation is complete, reboot your Shell" at the top. In the shell any command typed will
Raspberry Pi and return to the Raspbian desktop. present an immediate response. Code is typed onto
Now go to the Programming menu, found in the main the line that starts >>>, and it is executed by pressing
menu, and select Python 3. Enter. Our first line of code is to import the Explorer
HAT library
Testing the motors import explorerhat
When controlling hardware with software it is vitally After pressing Enter the shell will import the library
important to ensure that the hardware works as and return control to you.
expected before it is placed into a project. In this Now we need to instruct the Explorer HAT to turn
project we shall be using two micro-gear metal on motor one. To do this we must tell the board which
motors to power our robot. These motors are direction we would like to travel and how fast, with 0
connected to the Explorer HAT; it doesn't matter being no movement and 100 being full throttle!
which way round the wires go at this stage, all we
After pressing Enter you should see the motor
attached to Motor 1 spring to life; if not, check that it is
Running your robot via Windows in the right connectors. Perform the same test on the
Some of you may wish to run this project using a Windows motor attached to Motor 2. Both wheels should rotate
PC, and to do so you will need to install some extra in the same direction to enable your robot to move
software. In the project we used X forwarding, which forward. If the wheels move in opposite directions,
sends the windows of an application running on our just swap the wires for the motor that is spinning the
Raspberry Pi over a network and to our Linux PC. There
wrong way, effectively reversing the polarity of the
we can control the application as if we were sitting at the
machine. Linux has the X Window System and SSH baked motor. Perform your checks again and when you're
into it, but Windows needs an application called Xming to happy turn off the motors by typing.
act as a server on your Windows machine. Download the explorerhat.motor.stop()
server from and
install. If you are using Portable PuTTY, select that from
the Components list. Once it's installed, choose to autorun
Coding the project
Xming and a Windows Firewall warning will pop up; ensure In this project we'll be drawing shapes on our screen
that the Private and Public tick boxes are ticked before using the Turtle library, which is very similar to LOGO, a
clicking on Allow Access. language used in many schools. But we'll also be
Now install PuTTY, which can be downloaded from drawing the shapes upon a large piece of paper using\_portable.
the robot and a marker pen. All of this is controlled
Open PuTTY and change the Hostname (or IP address) to
that of your Raspberry Pi robot. Now look to the left and using a graphical user interface that will automate the
you'll see a list of configurations. Click on the + next to SSH process.
and select X11. In the new screen you'll see an option to With the Python 3 shell open from our testing,
'Enable X11 Forwarding'. Put a tick in this box, then scroll click on File > New to open a new blank document.
back to the top of the list and click on Session. Finally click
Immediately save via File > Save and call the file
on Open to login. Follow the login details from the tutorial
to log in to your Raspberry Pi and run the code. Subsequent saves will now be
quicker and require no filename. 73
need tweaking depending on the surface travelled
upon, but typically one second with a fast motor is
plenty. Our last line of code turns the motors off.
def fwd(screen,move):
Next we'll create a function to handle turning the
robot left. This time we call the function l, which also
takes two arguments: one that turns the on-screen
Turtle (screen); and one for our robot to rotate (move).
This new function is very similar to our previous
function, but there is a subtle difference. Rather than
drive both of the motors forward, we instruct motor
one, which drives the left-hand side of our robot,
to operate in reverse. Motor two remains moving
forward giving us a quick on-the-spot rotation. To
rotate our physical robot we use the amount of time
We soldered a switch
We'll start by importing the libraries for Turtle, that our motors are turned on for, this will need a little
between the 5V battery
pack to the micro USB timing, Explorer HAT board and the EasyGUI menu tweaking depending on your motors and the surface
OTG port, and connected system. We start by importing the whole of the on which your robot is running.
Ground from the batteries turtle library (this is identified by the \* at the end def l(screen,move):
to the OTG, enabling of the command). Next we import sleep from the left(screen)
control of the power. time library. We import the explorerhat library before
importing the easygui library and renaming it to eg. explorerhat.motor.two.forwards(100)
from turtle import \* sleep(move)
from time import sleep explorerhat.motor.stop()
import explorerhat The functions for right and reverse are very similar
import easygui as eg to those previously created, they merely use a reversal
In order to control the project we must first create of the motor directions to achieve the desired effect
a series of functions. Functions are small sections of So we've created four functions that cover the basic
code that are programs within a program. To use a movement of our on-screen turtle and the robot; now
function we must call it by its name and for each of we use these functions inside a series of commands
the functions that we will create, we shall define the that will draw shapes and patterns.
name and the actions of each function. We shall start Our first shape is the humble square, which as we
know has four sides of equal length and each rotation
We'll use the functions we've created is 90 degrees. Using a for loop we shall iterate four
times using a range, which will perform the indented
inside a series of commands that will tasks four times before finishing. Inside the for loop
we use the fwd function with the argument 100,
draw shapes and patterns which is the number of pixels that the turtle will travel
on screen, we also pass 1 as the duration of time
by creating functions that will enable easy control of that the motors will operate for. We will next turn left
our robot. First we create a function called fwd, which 90 degrees on screen, which is roughly 0.5 seconds
is used to move the robot forward. This function for the robot. Once the for loop has completed four
takes two arguments: in this case screen, which is times, the loop ends and the final instruction is done(),
used to pass a numerical value to the Turtle forward() which is used to instruct Turtle that we have finished
function used to draw on screen; we also pass move drawing upon the screen.
to control the duration of time that the motors are
turned on for. Moving inside the function we use the
turtle library, specifically the forward function, to
move the turtle forward on screen. The next two lines
control motors one and two attached to the Explorer
HAT, so that they move forwards at full speed (100);
if this is too quick, reduce the value to say (50) and
try again. Next we delay the code using sleep() and
passing the value of move to it; this enables the robot We've used EasyGUI in previous tutorials. It offers a great
to travel for any length of time. This distance may mix of instant menu creation and ease of use.
def square():
for i in range(4):
Our next shape is a little trickier: we'll draw a star.
We shall use a for loop that will iterate five times; on
screen it will move 100 pixels forward, and the robot
will move forwards for 1 second. Next we rotate right
144 degrees. The for loop will do this five times before
ending and using the done() function to stop drawing.
At the same time the robot will also draw the star on
the paper. This will require a series of tests to ensure
that your star is drawn correctly. Remember that the
timing for each rotation is different depending on the
surface travelled upon and the type of motors used.
def star():
Turtle draws the shapes
for i in range(5): to test, until a condition evaluates as true or none
and patterns upon the
fwd(100,1) of the conditions match and it then defaults to else
screen at the same time
r(144,0.4) and exits the application. Finally we use the except as the robot drives around
done() KeyboardInterrupt to handle the user pressing Ctrl+C, the paper.
Our last shape is a hexagon, which has six sides, effectively stopping the program.
indicating that we need to create a for loop that will try:
iterate six times. Again we move forward on-screen while True:
100 pixels, and the robot will travel forward for one choice = eg.choicebox(title="Robo-Artist",msg="Choose a
second. We next turn left 60 degrees, which was pattern to draw",choices=("square","star","hexagon"))
around 0.2 seconds in our test but your value will vary. if choice == "square":
def hexagon(): square()
for i in range(6): elif choice == "star":
fwd(100,1) star()
left(60,0.2) elif choice == "hexagon":
done() hexagon()
That is all of our functions completed so now our else:
attention turns to the main body of code, which is break
run inside a try...except structure, which handles except KeyboardInterrupt:
errors and exceptions. Inside this structure we use eg.msgbox(title="Program Exit",msg="Thanks for
a while True loop to continually run the code. We playing")
start by creating a variable called choice, which will With the code completed, save your work and
store the answer to a question posed to the user. In shut down the Raspberry Pi. Assemble the robot
this case the question is a choice, of which pattern/ into its final form and when ready boot up. We shall
shape to draw. The answer selected is then used connect to the Pi using SSH, so we'll need to use the
in an if..elif...else conditional statement where we IP address that we wrote down earlier. Using a Linux
check the value stored in the variable choice against computer connected to the same network as the
the values for each condition. If the value compared robot, open a terminal and type the following
is not true, the test passes on to the next condition ssh -X pi@IP ADDRESS OF YOUR ROBOT
Once you are successfully logged in run the
following command to load the robot GUI.
python3 -i
On your Linux PC you'll now see the GUI that we
earlier created and you can control the robot using
the GUI. Remember that your robot will need a little
tinkering to ensure that it draws the correct shapes,
the speed of the motors and the duration that they are
on for will dictate the distance and angles created.
Congratulations: you have built a GUI-controlled
robot artist!
We can also control the project from a Windows Les Pounder divides his time between tinkering with
hardware and travelling the United Kingdom training teachers
machine using PuTTY and Xming to SSH and forward the
in the new IT curriculum.
application via a network. 75
How make your web pages look really good, without going mad in the process.
ascaded Stylesheets (CSS) are the files that
define the layouts and looks of web pages and
apps. Without CSS you cannot transform dull
WHY DO THIS? blobs of text into something that is a pleasure to read
• You can't do without CSS in a browser, or bunches of menus and buttons into
if you have a website, and user-friendly web applications. SASS is a tool that
you need something like makes it much easier to write and maintain good CSS.
SASS to keep CSS under
control This tutorial provides the basic SASS concepts you
• Many of the most need to test new looks for your web pages, and then
beautiful features in try SASS libraries such as Compass for yourself.
modern website are much
easier to implement with
SASS extensions such as Life before CSS…
Compass In order to understand the need for SASS, you also
• Styling your site with need to know how CSS eventually became more of a
SASS is also a great way liability than an asset. Before CSS, in the late 90s/early
to document what you did
and why 2000s, if you wanted to write great web content and You can't appreciate how important CSS is until you
make it look good you only had one choice: insert lots load the same web page with or without CSS. The same
of (often non-standard) HTML markup directly inside content looks much better with the right styles!
your text. CSS provided a standard language to define
backgrounds, layout and typographical properties all SASS, that is Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
together in a separate file, which was much better. ( is a way to write and manage
With CSS stylesheets, authors can mark text as just CSS that overcomes the problems above. When
“bold”, maybe clicking one button, and (in theory...) any written all in capital letters, the word SASS indicates
browser would learn from the CSS file how to render an extension of the CSS language. One too complex
“bold” exactly as intended by the webmaster. for a web browser to parse efficiently, but much easier
CSS alone was enough for a web without mobile for humans to write and maintain, thus making, as
devices, and without any expectation that websites they say, “writing CSS fun again”.
SASS (Syntactically Awesome What is SASS, and why is it good?
When used all in lowercase, sass is the name of the
Stylesheets) provides us with a better most commonly used SASS preprocessor: an open
source Ruby program that reads your SASS code and
way to write and manage CSS generates a CSS file that any browser can understand.
Since learning to run this program is much simpler
should be as interactive, polished and sophisticated than actually writing the SASS code it should convert,
as real desktop programs, or mobile “apps”. Then let's get that out of the way first. The sass software
cloud computing, plus screens with all possible sizes, can be used as a Ruby module or as a standalone
resolutions and orientations came and completely command line tool, as these examples show:
changed the game. To keep doing their job in today's #> gem install sass
web, CSS files must be so large and complex that #> sass input.scss output.css
using and, above all, maintaining them is more often a #> sass --watch input.scss:output.css
nightmare than sensible work. In 2016, taking #> sass-convert style.sass style.scss
responsibility of an existing CSS stylesheet likely #> sass --help
means falling into a mess of cut-and-paste code, The first command installs the Ruby sass
where every little change may have unexpected side preprocessor, while the second shows how to use
effects. it to generate a CSS stylesheet (output.css) from a
SASS tools
Besides the command line preprocessor described To test your SASS skills, go to SassMeister Compass contains lots of reusable functions that
in the main article, there are several tools that you (, which does the opposite really facilitate the creation of all sorts of graphic
should at least try if you want all the benefits of work: you write SASS in the left-hand half of the elements: buttons, boxes, menus, backgrounds and
SASS. The first one is… a good cheat sheet (www. window, and SassMeister shows you the resulting page layouts, image and colour processing… there CSS and how it renders HTML. Besides plain is really a bit of everything in Compass.
sass-functions)! Next come the online CSS to SASS in both the syntax forms, SassMeister also Less eclectic than Compass, but even more
SASS converters at supports conversion of several SASS extensions. useful, is Sassline ( With its
css2compass and One of these is the Open Source Compass library set of functions and mixins you can define and
these are very handy starting points if you have to (, which you should really tweak beautiful typographic styles, which remain
rewrite an existing stylesheet in SASS. try once you have mastered the bases of SASS. consistent whatever the resolution or screen size.
SASS source file (input.scss, see next paragraph). $background : nth($colours, 2);
Sass works more or less like a standard software the statement above assigns to $background the
compiler. It caches already converted material, to value pink, because in SASS list indexes start at 1, not
make consecutive generations of large stylesheets 0 as in most programming languages. Other basic list
faster; and can run in the background, standing watch functions are append and join:
(as in the third command) on SASS source files, to append($list1, $val);
regenerate the corresponding CSS only when it is join($list1, $list2);
actually needed. The fourth command converts files which append a single value at the end of a list and,
from one SASS syntax to another (see below) and the respectively, merge two lists into one.
last shows the inline documentation. SASS maps are lists of values indexed by key
instead of a numeric index:
Nature and syntaxes of SASS $area_colours_map: (content: red, menu: black, sidebar:
The first thing to know about SASS is that it can yellow);
appear in two distinct syntactical forms. The oldest $background: map-get($area_colours_map, content);
one, with the .sass extension, separates statements The second statement uses the map-get function
with newlines and indentation, instead of semicolons to extract from $area_colours_map
and parentheses. Code like that is very easy to read, the value associated to the key named
but nowadays most web developers and tutorials content, thus making $background
SASS is so powerful that it is easy to
seem to prefer “Sassy CSS” (extension .scss). SCSS is go red. In general, maps are perfect to overdo it, and create CSS that slows down
exactly the same as plain CSS, plus SASS functions associate readable, easy to remember every browser. Do not add a CSS feature
and keywords. Therefore, in this tutorial we only show names to otherwise hermetic values with SASS unless you are really sure you
need it.
the SCSS syntax. that you need to use many times in your
The point of SASS is to generate CSS code stylesheets. As an example, let's assume
automatically, according to your instructions. It does that your website is divided in four sections: Work,
this by means of operators, functions and directives, Family, Hobbies and Books, and that you want each of
that is keywords marked with the @ symbol, them, and each link to each of them, have a separate
corresponding to the most powerful SASS colour. A SASS map like this:
capabilities. Before looking at some of those features, $area-colours: (Work: #FF0000, Family: #00FF00,
however, we must introduce SASS variables, which Hobbies: #3FF00FF, Books: #0000FF);
have the following types: will let you say (and understand) things like:
Boolean (true or false). $background: map-get($area_colours, Work);
Number, with or without measure units (eg 5px). every time you need it. While the keys in a map must
Colour, defined by name or numeric codes: red, blue,
#FF00FF or rgba(20,0,130,0.5).
Text strings, in single or double quotes if they
contain spaces.
SASS also supports a null (which is different than
false) value for variables, and composite variables,
namely lists and maps. Lists are ordered sequences
of values, separated by spaces or commas:
The first lines of the
$colours: "emerald green” “light blue”, “pink";
CSS stylesheet for the
This statement also introduces the SASS way to
image opposite show that
identify variables, with a dollar sign, and to assign CSS is relatively easy to
them values, that is with a colon instead of an = understand. SASS also
character. There are several functions to access SASS makes styles much easier
list elements, like nth: to maintain. 77
sidebar {
float: right;
width: 31.25%;
as simple as this code sample is, it shows how
efficient working with SASS can be. It won't matter
how many times certain values have to be repeated,
or influence each other, throughout your CSS
stylesheet: write everything in SASS, replacing the
recurring numeric values with variables defined at the
beginning of the file, and you will be able to vary the
whole look and feel of your website by just editing a
few lines of code.
The directive called @function lets you make
the next step – efficiently packaging and reusing
repetitive calculations. First, you define the function
you need with a name, input arguments and a
final @return directive that passes the result of the
Even small details like (obviously!) be unique, both values AND keys can calculations back to the calling code:
rounded corners on a box be any SASS type… including lists and other maps. @function background_generator($var1,$var2) {
make a web page look
Unless you get really serious with SASS, you will // calculate $newbackground according
much more polished, and
with SASS libraries like hardly need to use lists or maps as keys. Using such // to the values of $var1 and $var2
Compass it's easy to add data types as map values, instead, will let you you use @return $newbackground; }
them. complex, multi-level data structures very easily. Then, you can invoke that function, each time with
different parameters, as many times you want:
Making SASS do the math (and more) for you
Great-looking web pages depend on a lot of carefully Flow control
calculated and more or less interdependent numeric SASS would be almost useless if it did not offer
values, from font sizes to variable column widths. several ways to generate code under certain
With CSS, you should calculate and balance all these conditions. The simplest feature of this kind is the
values manually, put the results in the stylestheet built-in if() function:
and... repeat the whole procedure again whenever if(SOME-CONDITION, $var1, $var2)
you want to change one of them, because they are which returns $var2 if SOME-CONDITION is null or
all interconnected. Unless you use SASS, of course, false, and $var1 in any other case. Things get even
which supports the basic arithmetic operators and better with SASS directives like @if, @for and @each.
knows when it makes sense to convert their results to They all generate whole chunks of code into your
percentage values. These snippets of SASS code and stylesheet, which generate chunks of code depending
their CSS equivalents, from the official documentation, on certain conditions, or for every member of a list or
show what we mean: map:
article { @if ($somevariable > 5) { BIG_BLOCK_OF_CSS_CODE }
float: left; @for $i from 1 through 20 {
width: 600px / 960px * 100%; .item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; }
} }
sidebar { BIG_BLOCK_OF_CSS_CODE will be inserted in your
float: right; spreadsheet only if $somevariable is greater than five,
width: 300px / 960px * 100%; and the @for directive will generate lines like these,
} each with the right value of $i in the right place:
This code basically says “I want two areas, one for
articles on the left, and a sidebar on the right. The
sidebar must be half the width of the article area
(300 vs 600 pixels), no matter how wide the browser
window is, and there must be a gap between the
two areas 60 pixels wide (960 – (600 + 300), or the
equivalent percentage if the window is resized”. With
that input, the sass preprocessor will produce this
article {
float: left; Even traditionally dull components become much more
width: 62.5%; readable, when the right CSS (again, courtesy of the
} Compass library) gives them a proper look.
.item-1 { width: 2em; } Do you have an old CSS
.item-2 { width: 4em; } file that still works,
// ETC ETC.. but needs converting
In the example above, the @for directive will to SASS to become
generate 20 items. Had we written “from 1 to 20” it more manageable? No
problem, with the CSS to
would have generated nineteen, with indexes from 1
SASS online converters,
to 19. The @each directive does the same thing, but
which also give you lots
looping on all elements of a list or map: of information on the
@each $team in Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal { properties of the code.
.#{$team}-icon { background: url('(/graphics/#{$team}.
jpg'); } }
and the resulting CSS is a series of statements like
These last examples have introduced a function
(url) and above all another important capability of
SASS – interpolation. You can use the value of a
variable not only to do some calculation, or to assign
it to another variable, but also to build the names of
the receiving variable, or in general any CSS keyword,
on the fly. It is thanks to interpolation that .item-#{$i}
becomes .item-1, .item-2 etc and .#{team}-icon
becomes .Liverpool-icon, .Chelsea-icon and so on.
Nesting One more form of nesting is the one that uses the &
Another way to save time with SASS is its support for prefix to indicate all the “ancestors” of the current
nesting CSS selectors and properties. If you write selector. This SASS:
properties with a common prefix in this way: #main {
#body{ //properties of #main here...
font: { &-sidebar {
family: Arial; //properties of the sidebar here...
weight: bold; produces CSS with the complete, correct name of
} each selector, that is:
} #main-sidebar {
You will get a CSS with all the right property names: //properties of the sidebar here...
#body { Let us repeat what we wrote a few
Use one of the “CSS to SASS” converters
font-family: Arial; lines above: besides typing less, the mentioned in the “SASS Tools” box to
font-weight: bold; real advantage of nesting, and SASS quickly convert your existing stylesheet to
} in general, is that it forces you to keep SASS. It's also a great way to learn SASS.
The most common kind of SASS nesting, however, things organized, instead of ending up
is the one that follows the same hierarchy as your with the code for #main p in one part of
HTML code: your CSS and the one for “main span”
#main { two screenfuls later, something that can happen
p{ frequently when people start “patching” CSS files.
font-size: 3em; The only problem with nesting is that if you use it too
margin-bottom: 20px; much it will generate CSS with so many not always
} necessary definitions that parsing and applying it may
span { slow down browsers.
font-size: 5em; So nest your definitions, but don't overdo it, please.
padding-left: 30px; Especially because there are also other ways to share
} properties among selectors and other CSS elements,
} that may be better suited to your needs.
Here's the resulting CSS:
#main p { The conclusion? Start playing with SASS!
font-size: 3em; We have just scratched the surface of SASS, but by
margin-bottom: 20px; now you should know enough to fruitfully play with it,
} and make the best of the many SASS resources
#main span { available online. Have fun!
font-size: 5em;
Marco Fioretti is a campaigner and writer on issues
padding-left: 30px;
surrounding Free Software, ethics and the environment.
} 79
Take your next steps in home automation by using Linux to control your lights.
ast month we introduced the Philips Hue and
Lux range of “smart” bulbs. We used the API
provided by the Hue bridge to create an
WHY DO THIS? authorised user, turn lights on and off and change
• Control your lights from a their brightness and colour. This month we're going to
browser switch languages in order to create a simple web
• Learn some cutting-edge page that can control multiple lights.
JavaScript We're going to assume that you've read and
• Use CSS to turn a understood last month's article, especially with regard Our initial HTML page is a good start, but won't do a thing
plain HTML page
into something more to setting up a new user and accessing the API on without some code behind it.
interesting the bridge. Once again we'll use hard-coded values for
the bridge address and user ID. We'll need the classic Open the page in a web browser; it's only a local
triumvirate of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, so run file, so you can drag and drop it, use the File menu, or
this terminal command to create them. press Ctrl+O. You should see an empty popup menu
touch hue.{html,css,js} (the <select> element) and a couple of buttons. The
With your text editor of choice, open hue.html and buttons have “onclick” attributes, but until we've
enter the following to set up the basic user interface added some JavaScript they won't do anything. Open
we'll begin with: the hue.js file and populate it with this (replacing the
<!DOCTYPE html> host name and hexadecimal user ID with your own):
<html> var sHost = "philips-hue.lan";
<head> var sUser = "1c4eb44d1be8dc071e7bed091946e023";
<title>Hue Lighting Controller</title> var sBaseURL = `http://${sHost}/api/${sUser}`;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="hue.css" /> function $(sID) { return document.getElementById(sID); }
<script type="text/javascript" src="hue.js"></script> function main()
</head> {
<body> var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights`;
fetch(sURL).then(function (oResponse) {
The web page is only a local file, so you return oResponse.json();
}).then(function (oJSON) {
can drag and drop it into your browser var oSelect = $("lights");
for (var sLightID of Object.keys(oJSON)) {
<div id="div-lights"> var oOption = document.createElement("option");
<select id="lights"></select> oOption.setAttribute("value", sLightID);
</div> oOption.innerHTML = oJSON[sLightID].name;
<div id="div-buttons"> oSelect.appendChild(oOption);
<button id="lamp_on" onclick="light_on_ }
off(true);">On</button> });
<button id="lamp_off" onclick="light_on_ }
off(false);">Off</button> function light_on_off(bOn)
</div> {
</body> var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights/${$("lights").value}/
<html> state`;
The code is quite simple: the <head> section var sPayload = `{"on":${bOn}}`;
provides a title for the page, and links to the css and js fetch(sURL, {method: "PUT", body: sPayload});
files. The body just has a couple of <div> elements to }
group the three UI widgets. window.addEventListener("load", main);
This code uses some cutting-edge JavScript
features: template strings, fetch() and “promises”.
This does mean that it requires a recent copy of
Firefox (>=39), Chrome (>=42) or Opera (>=29). See the
boxouts for more details about these features, and
how to replace them if you want to rewrite the code to
work on older browsers.
The first two lines just set up our hard-coded
variables, while the third assembles them into the
base URL that will be used throughout the code. Note
that the quotes at each end of the string are actually
backticks, denoting a template string, giving us the
ability to substitute variables into the string using the
${} syntax. Our basic page is fully
The next line is a convenience function to let us before it's sent. In this case we want to send a PUT functional, even if it
write $() rather than document.getElementById() request, and supply our payload as the request's body. doesn't look very inspiring.
every time we want to reference an element on the We're not concerned with the return value, so we
page. If you extend this example to use JQuery or simply fire the fetch() and forget about it. The last line
some other JavaScript library there's probably a of the file just kicks everything off by calling the main()
similar convenience function you can use instead, function when the page has loaded.
usually with a $ somewhere in the name. We'll skip the
main() function for now and come back to it shortly. Promises, promises
The light_on_off() function takes a single Boolean Returning to the main() function you can see that
parameter, to indicate which button was pressed. fetch() is used again. In this case there's no body to
We use of a version of Hungarian notation to identify send and we're using the default GET request type,
Booleans with a leading “b”, strings with an “s” and so we haven't provided a second parameter. This
so on. This approach is redundant in languages with time we're interested in the return value; however, we
strong variable typing, but in an untyped language haven't assigned it to a variable as you
such as JavaScript it can help the developer to keep might normally expect. That's because
track of what type a variable is expected to be. the returned value is a “Promise” – a
You could copy these files to each device
The first line of the function just constructs a URL, relatively new type of JavaScript you own and run them locally, but it's
using a template string once again. This time we use object used to simplify asynchronous better to put them onto a server in your
the ${} substitution syntax to insert the value of the programming. A succinct description house to be able to control your lights
from any device in your network – that
<select> element, which corresponds to the number from simply says, way there's only one set of code to update
of the light. The <select> element itself is found using “A Promise object represents a value or modify.
our $() convenience function. The second line sets up that may not be available yet.” Given that
the JSON payload, passing the supplied Boolean into network requests take time, having a
the template string. way to deal with values that may not be available yet
The last line uses the new fetch() API to actually is generally a good thing.
send the request to the bridge. It takes a URL to Promises expose a then() method that will be called
request, plus an object that lets us modify the request when the Promise's value becomes available. So in
You can teach an old browser new tricks
Our JavaScript code makes use of a couple of new function rename() }
features to the language. Support can vary widely { }
between browsers, but often it's possible to create a var sName = prompt("Please enter the new name for }
compatibility layer, or “polyfill”, which enables even this bulb"); It's barely any more complex than the fetch-
older browsers to use new features. Both Promises if (sName && /\S/.test(sName)) { based alternative, so why bother with the new
and the fetch() method can be polyfilled in this way, var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights/${$("lights").value}`; APIs at all? With code that just makes a single
so you can use our code on an older browser by var sPayload = `{"name":"${sName}"}`; asynchronous request, the need to have a separate
importing the necessary files and slightly adjusting var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); callback function (do_rename() in this example)
the syntax to suit whichever polyfills you use. oReq.onload = do_rename; isn't too bad. But imagine a series of asynchronous
An alternative is to rewrite the code to use"PUT", sURL); calls, each with a separate callback function –
older JavaScript features that are more widely oReq.send(sPayload); some of which might fire off requests of their own.
available. The fetch() call is simply an easier to } The code quickly becomes hard to read as you have
use replacement for the old XMLHttpRequest() function do_rename() { to jump back and forth between functions to follow
method – and as that older method just returns a // "this" is the request object the flow of the program. Promises simplify this by
normal object, we don't need to use promises at if (JSON.parse(this.responseText)[0]["success"]) { letting you write your handler functions as a chain
all. Here's our rename() function, rewritten to use $("lights").childNodes[$("lights").selectedIndex]. of then() methods, keeping the appearance of a
XMLHttpRequest instead: innerHTML = sName; linear flow through the code. 81
our case we fire off our request then, at some point var sName = prompt("Please enter the new name for
later when the response is returned, the content of this bulb");
our then() method is executed. This method expects if (sName && /\S/.test(sName)) {
at least one parameter: a function that is called when var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights/${$("lights").value}`;
the Promise completes. That function, in turn, has var sPayload = `{"name":"${sName}"}`;
a single parameter that receives the value of the
completed Promise. Therefore our then() method has fetch(sURL, {method: "PUT", body: sPayload}).
to be passed a function, and that function has a single then(function (oResponse) {
parameter. In our code we've used an anonymous return oResponse.json();
function which takes an “oResponse” parameter to }).then(function (oJSON) {
hold the request object returned by our original fetch() if (oJSON[0]["success"]) {
call. We want to work with the JSON $("lights").childNodes[$("lights").selectedIndex].
data returned from our fetch() call, so the innerHTML = sName;
anonymous function calls oResponse. }
Don't have a web server? You can put the
files on a NAS or another file server and
json() and returns the result… });
access them via a Samba share – they can But! oResponse.json() doesn't }
then be loaded using a file:// URL rather simply return a parsed JSON object, }
than http://.
it returns another Promise! And so we The code is very similar in structure to our main()
descend further down the rabbit hole function. The principal difference is that we use
with another then() method containing a JavaScript prompt() call to ask the user for the
another anonymous function that receives the JSON new name for the bulb. If the user cancels the
object. Now we can, at last, do something with the dialog, sName will be null. We check for this in the
data. We just loop over the keys in the JSON object, if statement, as well as using a regular expression (
and create a new <option> element for each of them, /\S/ ) to test that the new name contains at least one
adding it as a child of the <select>. Each option is non-space character. This catches the situation where
given a value that corresponds to the ID of the light the user clicks the OK button without entering a new
– this is the value that we use in the name – as well as preventing daft names that consist
PRO TIP light_on_off() function. We also provide of only spaces.
No web server and no NAS? Upload the some content for the <option> by filling If the new name passes then our request is made.
files to a web host. The whole world will its innerHTML property with the user- The URL is the same as the one we used to get
be able to access them, but the local friendly name of the light, taken from our information about a specific light in last month's
server address and user ID will ensure
that they'll only work when accessed from JSON object. article, but we're making a PUT request, rather than a
inside your local network. You won't get If you reload the page you should now GET, in order to submit the new name.
strangers controlling your lights from see a list of lights in your pop-up menu. We wait for a response by using the then() method
across the internet!
Selecting one allows you to use the on the Promise and, once again, we parse the
On and Off buttons to control the light. JSON resulting in another Promise. Finally we test
We're presenting the user-friendly names so that you the content of the JSON object, and if it contains a
can turn on “Bedroom light” rather than “Light 3”. You success property, we modify the text in the <option>
can set these names via the official Hue app, but let's element to display the updated name.
add the capability to our application. First we'll need Next we'll add a brightness control, using an input
another button in the HTML, so add this after the On field with the HTML 5 “range” type – in a modern
and Off buttons, within the same <div>: browser this will be displayed as a slider. Add the
<button id="lamp_rename" following to the end of your HTML file, just before the
onclick="rename();">Rename</button> closing </body> tag:
As this calls a rename() function when clicked, we'd <div id="div-brightness">
better add that to our JavaScript file: <label id="label-brightness"
function rename() for="brightness">Brightness:</label>
{ <input id="brightness" type="range" min="1" max="254"
You can't teach an old browser new tricks
Historically strings in JavaScript have been Our code uses the ability to include substitutions If template strings can't be polyfilled, you might
delimited using single- or double-quotes, but our within a template string, so that anything inside a be wondering how our code could be modified to
code uses “template strings”, which are delimited ${} section is replaced. We've used this to substitute work in older browsers. Because we're just using
by backticks. It's not possible to polyfill them, variables and properties, but you can put any some simple substitutions, you could achieve the
because they represent a low-level syntactic JavaScript expression in there. With the prevalence same result with a little concatenation instead:
addition to the language, rather than just a few of $-prefixed function names in JavaScript libraries, // Template string version
new function calls. For example, unlike their however, be careful not to confuse ${} with $() or var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights/${$("lights").value}`;
predecessors, template strings can span multiple its variants – especially where (as in our code)
lines, though you need to watch out for any tabbing a $() function is used within a template string // Older JS equivalent
you use, as white space is also preserved. substitution! var sURL = sBaseURL + "/lights/" + $("lights").value;
onchange="set_brightness(this.value);" />
Once again we need to add a function to the
JavaScript that will be called when the slider value
changes. This occurs when you release the mouse
button, not as you move the slider, so we don't need
to worry about sending too many messages to the
lights. The new code is almost identical to the light_
on_off() function:
function set_brightness(nValue)
var sURL = `${sBaseURL}/lights/${$("lights").value}/
var sPayload = `{"bri":${nValue}}`;
fetch(sURL, {method: "PUT", body: sPayload});
As a nod to user-friendliness, we should really set
the brightness whenever we switch a light on, so
that the light more closely matches the state of the
With some CSS added, the
UI. This can be done with a simple change to the font-size: 12px;
page is a lot more inviting.
sPayload variable in the light_on_off() function: }
var sPayload = `{"on":${bOn}, "bri":${$("brightness"). The last thing we'll do is hide the brightness label,
value}}`; and replace it with an icon at each end of the slider
instead. Ideally we'd use the Unicode symbols for
Adding some style “Low Brightness” (U+1F505) and “High Brightness”
What we've got at the moment is plain and functional, (U+1F506), but few fonts support them. Instead we
but hardly good looking. Everything on the page has used “Black sun with rays” (U+2600), in a small size
an ID to make it easier to target in a stylesheet, but for the dim end of the scale, and a large size for the
so far we haven't put anything into the CSS file. Let's bright end. These are inserted using the ::before and
correct that now by editing hue.css: ::after CSS pseudo-selectors, which is a handy way to
body { background-color: #ddf; } inject extra content into a page.
div { #label-brightness { display: none; }
text-align: center; #div-brightness::before {
margin: 20px; content: "\2600";
} font-size: 18px;
#lights { font-size: 20px; } cursor: not-allowed;
button { }
width: 150px; #div-brightness::after {
height: 100px; content: "\2600";
font-size: 20px; font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold; cursor: not-allowed;
} }
#lamp_on { color: green; } Unfortunately there's no way to make our injected
#lamp_off { color: red; } content behave like a button, hence the cursor: not-
We've added a bit of breathing room around the allowed rules. An improvement on this page would
divs, centred the content, and made our controls a lot be to add a pair of real buttons to the HTML to allow
bigger. A background colour softens the distinction the brightness to be nudged up and down. There's
between the UI widgets and the page, making it feel plenty of scope for other improvements, too: selecting
less harsh. Although things are looking better already, a different lamp could update the brightness slider
does the rarely-used “Rename” button deserve to be with the new light's value; the On/Off buttons could be
as prominent as the On and Off buttons? We can add turned into a single toggle switch; the <select> could
another section to the CSS to reduce it to a secondary be replaced entirely with a series of radio-buttons,
button, and make it slip below the others by changing tabs or icons to make it easier to choose a light to
its display mode to “block”: operate on; and, of course, the bridge's address and
#lamp_rename { the user ID could be changed from hard-coded values
display: block; to something more flexible.
margin: 10px auto;
height: auto; Mark Crutch has just finished replacing some light sockets,
width: auto; at a cost of £18, in order to save £20 by buying screw-
connector Hue bulbs instead of bayonet fitting.
font-weight: normal; 83
Compiling software from source code? You'll need to get your head around makefiles.
ake is a powerful build automation tool that files. Targets are the files that you want GNU Make
was first created by Stuart Feldman at Bell to generate, and they're placed left of the colon in a
Labs back in April 1976. GNU Make is the rule. Usually, each rule has a single target; however,
WHY DO THIS? standard implementation of Make for Linux and Mac multiple targets are also allowed. A Dependency is
• Save time by automating OS X with many improvements and is required for defined in a rule on the right-hand side of the colon
the build process of your compiling the Linux kernel. Its main purpose is to and shows which files or other targets can trigger
projects using make. determine automatically which pieces of a large the execution of the commands in the rule when
• Once you create the right program have changed and issue the commands to changed.
Makefile for your project,
you cannot make any recompile them. We've created a simple example project consisting
mistakes in the build Make is configured using appropriately named of four C++ files (you can get the source code from
process. makefiles, which help you organise and execute a This file
group of commands all at once. Now, let's take a contains the code for all the examples we'll look at in
closer look at what goes inside this makefile. Be this tutorial. The first one is in the folder called simple.
careful with your spacing, because GNU Make treats The makefile for this project is:
different kinds of whitespace in different ways, so RM = /bin/rm
a tab character is different from 4 or 8 consecutive
space characters. This is important because each program: file1.cpp file1.h file2.o file3.o file4.o
line of a makefile with a command begins with a Tab g++ file2.o file3.o file4.o file1.cpp -o program
character. file2.o: file2.cpp file2.h
Makefiles manage the build process using g++ -c file2.cpp
dependencies, targets and rules. Rules tells GNU file3.o: file3.cpp file3.h
Make when, why and how to execute a series of g++ -c file3.cpp
commands in order to generate something from other file4.o: file4.cpp file4.h
g++ -c file4.cpp
$(RM) file2.o file3.o file4.o program
$(RM) *.gch
Then run make.
What should happen?
You are now ready to execute make. Executing make
program produces the following output:
$ make program
g++ -c file2.cpp
g++ -c file3.cpp
g++ -c file4.cpp
g++ file2.o file3.o file4.o file1.cpp -o program
$ ls -l program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mtsouk mtsouk 8992 Nov 10 11:35 program
The output of ls verifies that everything worked as
expected and that you got the desired result.
The make clean command, which cleans things,
produces the following output:
$ make clean
The make man page is a /bin/rm file2.o file3.o file4.o program
handy reference. /bin/rm *.gch
/bin/rm: cannot remove ‘*.gch’: No such file or directory This figure presents an
Makefile:14: recipe for target 'clean' failed interaction with a makefile
where the cleverness of
make: *** [clean] Error 1
make can be easily seen.
You shouldn't worry about the error messages – they
are produced because some files were not generated
and are missing.
The main() function can be found inside file1.cpp;
therefore the last two files that need to be processed
will be file1.cpp and file1.h. The project is pretty
simple as each .cpp file, except file1.cpp, contains
just one class, which is defined in the related .h
file and used inside file1.cpp. This creates a set of
dependencies that's encoded in the makefile.
Inside the makefile
The first line of the makefile declares the RM variable,
which is the full path of the rm utility, which is used for
deleting files. In order to get the value of RM and use it
in your Makefile you should follow the $(RM) notation.
We'll cover variables in more detail in the next section.
Line 3 defines a target called "program" that has five
dependencies, three of which are other targets
(file2.o, file3.o and file4.o) and the other two are a
C++ source file and a header file. The "program" target
has only one command that needs to be executed,
which is defined at line 4. However, as you can see in
the clean target (looking at the makefile presented
before), a target can run more than one command.
Lines 6 through 10 tell GNU Make how to create the
object files for the three classes defined in file2.cpp,
file3.cpp and file4.cpp C++ source files, respectively.
The last rule deletes all temporary files – it is a
common practice for a makefile to have a "clean"
target, because the target deletes all unnecessary files
without touching any important files and enables you following message:
to build your project from scratch. $ make file2.o make: 'file2.o' is up to date
The -c option of GCC is mainly used for processing Let's now take a look at a slightly more complex
files that do not contain a main() function, because it example for a project in the C language. This is in
tells the GNU C++ compiler to only run the preprocess, the advanced folder in the download from www.
compile and assemble steps. The -o <name> option
used in the "program" target tells g++ and gcc to write
the output to a file called <name>. If you try to make
The -c option of GCC is mainly used
a target that is up to date, you are going to get the for processing files that do not contain
a main() function
Debugging makefiles
A makefile can have syntactical or logical errors and not The makefile will
work as expected. The single most useful command line compile the project files and generate an executable
parameter of make for debugging and trouble shooting file, as it did in the last example, and this time it will
is -n, as it just prints the commands that are going to be also copy the generated executable to the another
executed without actually executing them. Another useful
directory with the help of the "install" target. The /
option is -d, which prints extensive debugging information
in addition to normal processing (although this information tmp directory is used as an example here to stop you
can be interesting, it is not always useful). clogging up your machine, but usually you would use
The final useful option for debugging is -p, which prints /usr/local/bin.
the database – that is all the rules and the variable values The first part of the makefile declares lots of
that result from reading a makefile before performing the
variables that will be used in the rest of the makefile,
requested actions. Should you wish to print the database
without processing any rules and files, you should execute and they fall into two types. Some set the location of
make -p -f/dev/null commands (which makes the makefile portable to
different operating systems). For example: 85
to generate unique filenames or directories.
This makefile includes a variable that keeps the
version of your program. This variable can be either
changed from the command line or by editing the
makefile. If you want to bypass a variable –in this
case the VERSION variable– that is defined in a
makefile from the command line, you can invoke GNU
Make as follows:
make VERSION=1.2 backup
However, this capability should be used with care
when you're dealing with versioning or other crucial
options, as you might lose track of the most recent
version of your program.
GNU Make variables are also called macros. The
following rule implements the make all target:
all: executable
This is a simple target that creates the final
product just by passing the control to another rule
(executable). It is compulsory for all GNU programs to
have a target named all.
The following rule implements the make clean
functionality to clear out any files that have been
created by earlier makes:
@$(RM) a.o b.o c.o
This is a pretty simple rule because it just deletes
everything the other steps produced. The @ character
tells GNU Make to execute a command silently.
The install rule just copied the compiled files to the
appropriate place. We can implement this with the
following rule.
install: executable
The install target should depend on the executable
This figures shows an GCC = /usr/bin/gcc target, because without an executable you cannot
advanced Makefile for a C Others build up the filenames for the new files install anything!
project in action.
based on other settings, such as the date and the Usually you need special privileges in order to copy
backup location. For example: a file to a location outside your home directory. The
RELEASE_FILE = $(EXECUTABLE)-$(VERSION)-$(DATE) /tmp directory used here is an exception to this rule;
As you can see, you can combine multiple variables however, the /tmp directory is usually emptied after
a system reboot. If you installed to /usr/local/bin,
The golden rules of make
When writing a new makefile, the first task is to create all
the macros (variables) needed to contain the full paths
of all the commands. The main reason for this is so you
should know what is going to be executed instead of
depending on the PATH environment variable.
It is better to start with a small and working makefile and
add rules and dependencies little by little. Each time you
add something, you should test it before continuing. This
way you will know exactly when a bug was first introduced
to your makefile. Please remember that the commands
of a rule will be executed if a target is out of date on a
dependency, not the sources.
Do not try to use GNU Make on a huge project while you
A sample output of GNU are still learning it; try smaller projects first before going
make's -n, -p and -d into complex ones. Last, recognise that variables are your
command line options, friend and can save you time so use them as much as
which are mainly used for possible.
debugging purposes.
as you would normally, you would need to run make
install either as root or with sudo.
The following commands implement the make
backup functionality and generate a backup file that
is uniquely identified by the time and the date of its
$(TAR) cvf $(BACKUP_FILE) .
It's good to store backup files in a directory outside
the project directory. The presented makefile uses
/tmp but you can use anywhere you like.
Another variable that appears often when compiling
C or C++ code is CFLAGS, which holds the flags used
in the compilation process. For example you can turn
on all warnings, and include the symbol information
for debugging with:
CFLAGS = -Wall -g
You usually change the CFLAGS variable to support
code debugging, code optimisation or a different CPU
Make scales to almost any
To stop you having to create large numbers of very The produced output is huge, as it also prints all shell
level of complexity. Even
similar rules, make allows wildcards. For example, environment variables. Nevertheless, it is very helpful the mighty Linux kernel
the % character matches anything. This is useful, when you are trying to debug a makefile. has a makefile in the
for example, if you want to compile all C files into You can make the output a little more manageable source tree.
corresponding object files: by using a filter to limit what's printed. For example,
%.o: %.c should you wish to print all variables that begin with
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ the letter A, you can use the following version, which
You can also see here how the CFLAGS variable
is used, which is standard practice. It's up to you to
decide whether to manually write the rules for creating
It's up to you to decide whether to
the object files or use pattern matching. Generally manually write the rules for creating
speaking, the pattern-matching approach is better
when you have a large number of files to process. Of the object files or use pattern matching
course, if you use a pattern you should change the
make clean implementation to something like the uses pattern matching and regular expressions:
following: printa:
clean: $(foreach v, $(filter A_%,$(.VARIABLES)), $(info $(v) =
@$(RM) *.o $($(v))))
@$(RM) $(EXECUTABLE)* As you can see, a makefile can become fairly
The following target prints all variables in a makefile: complex after adding targets, rules, dependencies and
printallvariables: variables, just like a file that contains normal source
$(foreach v, $(.VARIABLES), $(info $(v) = $($(v)))) code. Therefore, you should structure
it properly and, when needed, add
comments, which begin with the hash
Various useful command line options Make does not check the contents of a file
character. in order to decide if it is going to rebuild
Should you wish to use a makefile with a filename other Although the main use of make is something or not – it just checks the
than makefile or Makefile, you can do it with the -f option timestamps of the various files.
in automating the build process of
followed by the name of the file. The --file=aFILE and
--makefile=aFILE options are equivalent to -f. The -k software projects, Unix administrators
option tells make to continue as much as possible despite and normal users can also benefit from
the errors it might find. The -t option touches the files make. You can use it to back up configuration files
instead of running their commands; the purpose of this is after they have been updated, install a new version of
to pretend that the commands were executed and therefore
a shell script, generate new Postfix lookup tables and
trick future invocations of make. The --trace option shows
information that tells you why the target is being rebuilt and restart Postfix, create a given directory structure for
what commands are run to rebuild it. The --trace command each new user, generate documentation, etc – the
can also be used for troubleshooting GNU make. possibilities are endless; you can even find new ways
You can easily read or override the value of an existing to use GNU make.
environment variable by defining it inside your Makefile.
Should you wish to disable this capability, you should Mihalis Tsoukalos is a Unix administrator, a programmer and
execute make with the -e option. a mathematician who also enjoys writing technical articles. 87
Discovery the power behind Ubuntu Unity, Ubuntu Phones and KDE widgets.
ML is a powerful, quick and an easy language
to learn and use, with a focus on building
dynamic graphical applications. It’s the power
WHY DO THIS? behind Canonical’s Unity and Canonical’s plans for
• Turn your JavaScript cross-platform convergence. It’s also the technology
knowledge into apps. that creates KDE’s panel and background widgets.
• Populate the app But understanding where QML fits into the Linux
ecosystem of the world's and language ecosystem can be difficult, and that’s
favourite Linux distro.
because modern languages reflect the turbulence of
modern technological development. There are almost
as many programming and scripting languages
for Linux as there are text editors, and the reason
why there are so many of both is often the same. Write your Qt Quick/QML applications from Qt Creator
Most text editors are used for programming, and for the best experience. It’s code correction and
each addresses a particular usage scenario that the documentation is fantastic.
others can’t quite satisfy. Editors and languages have
developed to accommodate the technologies of their framework, where QML (Qt Modelling Language) is
times, whether that’s LISP programming in Emacs in the dynamic interpreter for developing user interfaces.
the 1980s or modern JavaScript in 2016’s Atom editor. You can get started with QML very easily, as long
Its ubiquity on the web has made the JavaScript as you’ve got the latest version of Qt installed along
way of doing things an ad hoc standard for quick with the developer packages. All distributions should
scripts, prototyping and other powerful interpreted include these, and you can also make life easier for
languages – including QML. It’s a byproduct of yourself by installing the Qt IDE, Qt Creator.
the Qt project and has already been around for a As you’d expect, QML is a first class citizen within
substantial number of years. Qt is a very powerful Creator, and you can write and run scripts from there
all-encompassing API that’s the backbone of the without ever bothering the command line. It’s also
KDE project, as well as being used in countless got brilliant code completion, syntax highlighting and
other applications. Its strength is that it can create reference documentation, so it’s the best one-stop
great looking, cross-platform applications, and can starting square. Use the ‘New’ requester and wizard
handle everything from string concatenation and UTF to create a ‘Qt Quick Application’ and the editor will
encoding to audio playback and OpenGL acceleration pop-up pre-populated with QML’s “Hello World.” Click
while providing a vast library of graphical widgets and on the small Play/Run button to execute the code and
layout engines. open the window. But you can also do the same thing
from the command line. Just fire up your favourite
The QML way text editor and enter the following:
QML is a language that borrows syntax from import QtQuick 2.3
JavaScript. It’s also a lot simpler to use and manage import QtQuick.Window 2.2
than the large toolchain and build environment that Window {
you need for the typical C++ project that most Qt visible: true
users are working on. When we first saw examples Text {
of QML running, the Qt team were keen to point out text: qsTr("Hello World")
that designers could work on the user interface with anchors.centerIn: parent
QML while the C++ programmers would only need }
to be called upon to add the final functionality, and }
even then functionality can be added with JavaScript. Save the file with a .qml extension, and as long as
This idea is still a huge part of the larger Qt Quick you’ve got all the development files installed, you can
execute the script by typing qmlscene filename.qml.
The code itself should be easy enough to understand.
The import statement, just like the include and import
statements of other languages, will make external
functions and objects accessible within your code. We
import version 2.3 here, but this may depend on what
you’ve got installed. We import the Window object to
create a top-level window for our scene, but Window
is usually reserved for a desktop installation. Qt Quick
and QML are more often used outside of a window
context, such as on a smartphone, or as part of a KDE
widget. You can easily see this by replacing Window
with the word ‘Rectangle’ and removing the Window
import line. There’s little difference in the output, but
your QML is using a completely different class to
hold the text. If you look up the API reference for a
rectangle, for example, you’ll see it can take a colour
attribute, along with others including width and height.
Add the following beneath the Rectangle opening
statement to see their (predictable) effects:
color: “yellow”
width: 400
height: 400
The colons here assign the values to properties You can run QML scripts from the command line by preceding the script’s filename with
belonging to the Rectangle class, such as its colour the qmlscene command.
and size. The Hello World example also does this in
the Text block, where the anchor property is used Finally, there’s one more thing QML is very good at,
to position the text within the centre of the parent and that’s super-smooth animations and transitions.
Rectangle, and the text property is used to hold the These are also very easy to implement and are perfect
“Hello World” string. We could expand on this idea by for dynamic mobile user interfaces and desktop eye-
displaying the current date, for instance. Update the candy. We can add them to our current date project by
text bock to look like the following: adding the following to the end of the text block:
Text { MouseArea { id: mouseArea; anchors.fill: parent }
id: myDate
property var locale: Qt.locale() states: State {
property date currentDate: new Date() name: "down"; when: mouseArea.pressed == true
property string dateString PropertyChanges { target: myDate; rotation: 180; color:
anchors.centerIn: parent "red" }
dateString: currentDate.toLocaleDateString(locale, 'dd/ }
MM/yy') transitions: Transition {
text: dateString from: ""; to: "down"; reversible: true
} ParallelAnimation {
The Date class lives in the standard Qt Quick API, NumberAnimation { properties: "rotation";
so we don’t need to import anything else. In the code duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
above, we are using both properties and var variables, ColorAnimation { duration: 500 }
and the difference is that we define something as a }
property when we know a value is going to be used }
as part of an object. Doing this properly, we use Qt to This chunk of code is doing three things. The
tell us our current locale and then grab the current MouseArea is defining a region where mouse
date using the Date() method. We format this when movements should be watched. The State method
converting the date to the current locale. Qt’s standard waits for mouseArea.pressed == true when you
API documentation contains all the information you click the mouse within the Rectangle and finally the
need on how you can format dates, as well as all property of myDate is changed via a transition defined
the other methods you can use. This is the brilliant in the last block of code. When you execute the QML
thing about QML – like Python bindings for Qt, you file, click and hold on the date and you’ll see it both
get complete access to the entire Qt API, and if your rotate 180 degrees and turn red, accordingly.
project ever needs more, you can easily continue
working in native code and either incorporate or Graham Morrison is summoning the courage to port his KDE
photo application, Kalbum, to Qt 5. One day soon…
convert your Qt Quick/QML elements quickly. 89
Some languages are a bit, well, odd. And some of them are really odd.
f you go looking, you will find that there are an Language With No Pronounceable Acronym") is
unfeasibly large number of computer languages arguably the progenitor of all the many and various
to try out. Most of them are fairly sensible, weird programming languages we have today. It was
WHY DO THIS? although they may be very different from one another; written in 1972 by Don Woods and Jim Lyon,
• Demonstrate the power of designed for different problems, by different people, freshmen students at Princeton at the time, and its
your superior mind! working in different paradigms. main, perhaps only, ambition was to have absolutely
• Which you will lose, as The more unusual languages are known as esoteric nothing in common with any other major languages
these languages will drive programming languages: ones which are designed as (including FORTRAN, BASIC, ALGOL, COBOL, LISP, and
you insane.
an experiment with unusual ideas, to be deliberately a bunch of others extant at the time and now sunk
• Actually, best not…
difficult to code in, or as a joke. (Or, occasionally, all into the mists of history).
three.) As a rule, esolangs are not expected to be To quote the manual: For the most part, INTERCAL
useful for programming, though people may choose has remained true to this goal, sharing only the basic
to write all sorts of things in them as an experiment. elements such as variables, arrays, and the ability to
Esolangs that are not merely joke languages are do I/O, and eschewing all conventional operations
generally aiming to be Turing-complete, that is to be other than the assignment statement. For full details, I
able to perform any calculation that a universal Turing highly commend the manual, which is an entertaining
machine can. Some don't quite make this, being finite- read; but here are a few highlights:
state and thus having theoretical boundaries, but It has only two variables, both integer types, which
can still be usable for computation. Turing tarpits, in must have a umber as a name; and five operators, all
turn, are languages which aim to be Turing-complete of which are peculiar.
whilst being as small as possible. Esolangs of all sorts INTERCAL likes you to be polite. PLEASE, PLEASE
For some reason, there's can be intellectually interesting even if you wouldn't DO, and DO all identify a statement; but if you have
no Vim syntax file for dream of working in them on a day to day basis; and insufficient PLEASEs your code will be rejected for
INTERCAL. The good news constructing them can be a fascinating exercise too. bad manners, and if you have too many it will be
is that, in comparison Here are a few to check out. rejected for being too smarmy.
to some languages, Other commands include ABSTAIN FROM, IGNORE,
INTERCAL is positively Intercal and REMEMBER
sane and straightforward. INTERCAL (which is an acronym for "Compiler GOTO, as we are all aware, is considered harmful.
C-INTERCAL (an update of the original INTERCAL)
avoids this with the COME FROM instruction. If
a COME FROM [x] statement exists, when code
execution reaches point [x], it will jump to the COME
FROM line. This leaves no trace at point [x], and
is therefore 'pleasingly challenging' for the next
programmer along to encounter when trying to
understand your code. (Don't try to understand
someone else's INTERCAL code. For preference, avoid
understanding your own.)
Numerical input must be written out in full (one,
two, three, etc). But if you don't like English, you can
use Sanskrit, Basque, or Tagalog (among others)
instead. For more information on INTERCAL, there is
an INTERCAL information collection available online
which includes the manual.
The C-INTERCAL compiler is available via the
Debian/Ubuntu package manager (as intercal), or
from which also Running code in the
contains other INTERCAL resources. Here's Hello website (Javascript)
interpreter. Writing a BF
World in INTERCAL:
interpreter is moderately
straightforward and an
PLEASE DO ,1 <- #13
interesting introduction to
DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238 interpreters.
DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #112 Thanks to the Esolangs
DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 wiki for the code, and
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 Wikipedia for code
DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 interpretation.
DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #238
DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #26
DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #248
DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #168
DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #24
DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #16
DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #158 backwards, to reach 18 it must move 256-18 = 238
DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #52 places. So we put 238 in 1[1]. (INTERCAL arrays are
apparently indexed from 1.) The next letter is E, which
PLEASE READ OUT ,1 is 0100 0101, so reversed is 1010 0010 = position
PLEASE GIVE UP 162. The head must move (256-162)+18 = 112 places.
(Thanks for this code to Clemens Meier, though I And so on You may now see why, if you want to use
also found it uncredited elsewhere. Deep gratitude I/O, you should just give up on INTERCAL and use
for a comprehensible explanation of INTERCAL text another language.
output to Clinton Forbes, at http://divingintointercal. Compile with ick hello.i. If you get a 'random compiler bug', just compile again. About once in 10
INTERCAL uses numbers for variable names, with times, your program will fail to compile for no reason,
a prefix that indicates the variable type. The very first which does at least mean that the 'perhaps if I just try
command, DO ,1 < #13 creates ,1 (our output array) again…' reaction is actually useful in INTERCAL.
as a 16-bit array of 13 elements. We use <- to assign
a value, SUB to indicate an array subscript, and # to Brainf***
indicate a constant. So DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #108 assigns BF is one of the better-known bizarre languages. Its
108 to location 3 of the array ,1. main claim to fame is that it has only eight characters.
If the INTERCAL text output can be thought of as a This makes it, to say the least, hard to read; but it's
head going round a 256-place tape loop, the text input actually not that bad to program in. Its creator, Urban
is a head going round the inside of the same tape. Müller, aimed to create a Turing-complete language
This means that it sees everything in reverse, and it for which he could write the smallest compiler ever for
travels backwards. So if we wish to output H, which the Amiga. It came in at 296 bytes, and later compilers
in binary is 0100 1000, we need instead to travel to have come in at under 200 bytes; the smallest is 100
binary 0001 0010, which is position 18 on the tape, bytes. BF is a variation on an earlier language, P''
and reverse it. Since the head starts at 0, and travels (Corrado Böhm, 1964) which had only six commands
(it has no I/O).
BF's eight commands all act on the pointer or the
Things that are oddly Turing-complete
byte it points at:
Turing-completeness is not restricted to things that one >: Increment pointer.
might call 'computer languages'. It can be found in the
<: Decrement pointer.
strangest of places:
Magic: The Gathering (yes, the card game) is Turing- +: Increment byte at pointer.
complete, as proven by Alex Churchill. -: Decrement byte at pointer.
Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton, can be used to .: Output byte at pointer.
implement a Turing machine, as designed by Paul Rendell ,: Input byte and store it in byte at pointer.
and discussed at .
[: Jump forward past matching ] if byte at pointer is
You can add rules to that turn Sendmail into
a Turing machine. Sendmail, quite clearly, deserves its zero.
alarming reputation. [: Jump backwards to matching [ unless byte at
People have built various forms of computer in Minecraft. pointer is zero.
There are lots of video examples to be found on YouTube. At the start of a program, the pointer is at the first
A paper by Todd L Veldhuizen outlines a proof for the
command and all the bytes are zero. The pointer
Turing-completeness of C++ templates. (With thanks to Jon
Chin for an illuminating conversation on this matter.) executes each command and then moves to the next
(unless acting on a [ or ] command), much like an
idealised Turing machine. 91
PietDev is an online IDE for instruction), byte #0 is 70, #2 is 100, #3 is 30, and #4
Piet. This program asks for is 10.
an input number and adds The next lines increment the bytes again and output
it to itself. (With thanks to them. If you look through the comments, you'll see
Didier Dedes' tutorial.) that byte #1 ends up as 72 (H); byte #2 as 101 (e), 108
(l twice), then 111 (o); byte 3 as 32 (space); byte #1
as 87 (W); byte #2 is still 111 (o) and is output again
without alteration, then becomes 114 (r), 108 (l), 100
(d); byte #3 becomes 33 (!); and finally byte 4 gives
us 10 (newline). The numbers stored in the bytes are
ASCII codes.
Two-dimensional code
The critical difference between Befunge and other
more normal programming languages is that Befunge
programs are two-dimensional; that is, instead of
progressing through a list of statements top to
bottom (loops notwithstanding), one proceeds
through Befunge programs variously left, right,
Its simplicity makes it hard to read, as doing upwards, and downwards. It was designed in 1993 by
anything requires a lot of commands, and there is Chris Pressey in an attempt to create a language that
no state information in the code. (You can however was as hard to compile as possible. (Compilers have
add comments; see below.) The classic version had since been created.) As well as its program grid, it is
only 30,000 cells in the array, which did limit it; if the also self-modifying, with the p command. Arrows
instruction array becomes unlimited on the right then send the instruction pointer around the instruction
it becomes Turing-complete. grid. Numbers and characters can be pushed off and
You can run BF code in your browser (which is what onto the stack; for obvious reasons, commands are all
I did). You could also try the Portable BF Compiler if single-character. Apart from the directionality, the
you'd rather stick to the command line. You'll need to actual commands are pretty basic, covering stack
compile it with make. manipulation, basic arithmetic and logic operations,
+++++ +++++ Increment byte #0 by 10 input, and output.
[ >+++++ ++ Increment byte #1 by 7 Piet is similar but prettier; Piet programs look like
>+++++ +++++ Increment byte #2 by 10 abstract paintings (as in, Piet Mondrian, geometric
>+++ Increment byte #3 by 3 abstract art pioneer). Each pixel has meaning, and
>+ Increment byte #4 by 1 the basic unit of Piet code is a colour block of one of
<<<<- ] Return to byte #0 and decrement it 20 colours, representing an integer (other than white
by 1 blocks, which are 'free' zones, and black blocks, which
>++. Increment byte #1 by 2 and output it control program flow). The colour block controls,
>+. Increment byte #2 by 1 and output it among other things, the direction in which the pointer
+++++ ++.. +++. Increment byte #2 by 7 and output it travels; so Piet, like Befunge, is two-dimensional.
twice, then by 3 and output Commands are defined by colour transitions, and
>++. Increment byte #3 by 2 and output specifically by how many hue or lightness changes
<< Back to byte #1 there are between two colour blocks. Like Befunge,
+++++ +++++ +++++. then increment by 15 and output the actual commands are quite simple.
>. Output byte #2
+++. ----- -. ----- ---. Increment byte #2 by 3 and output, Malbolge
decrement by 6 and output, decrement by 8 and output Then there's Malbolge. While BF isn't readily human-
>+. Increment byte #3 by 1 and output readable, and Befunge and Piet are challenging,
>. Output byte #4 Malbolge is explicitly designed not to be even
This could just as well all be on the same line and human-writable. It's named after the 8th circle of Hell
without any spaces; I've split it up to add comments in Dante's Inferno. It's not strictly Turing-complete, due
and make it more readable. BF cares not in the to its memory limitations; a theoretical version called
slightest about whitespace of any kind. Similarly, Malbolge-T, which resets the I/O stream when the end
as long as your comments don't include any of the is reached should be Turing-complete.
commands, you can add them at will (remember not Here are a few things that make Malbolge so
to use full stops!). challenging: it uses ternary (base-three) arithmetic
The first six lines loop round 10 times, incrementing and data representation, so 3 is 10, and 5 is 12.
bytes 1–4 as in the comments. So by the time that The same memory space stores both data and
loop has completed (when byte #0 is zero, the loop instructions. Before starting a Malbolge program,
will be skipped next time the pointer reaches the [ the memory space is filled with the program, and
then everything else is filled with values obtained It can be argued that Malbolge represents the
by applying the crazy operation to the previous two ultimate in test-driven development, because creating
address values – which could therefore also be programs is a matter of creating tests for your desired
interpreted as instructions. result, then searching for a program which passes
It has eight instructions (numbers 4, 5, 23, 39, them.
40, 62, 68, and 81), but they're less sensible than
BF's: instructions include jump, output, a rotation LOLCODE and others
instruction, copy, crazy, and end. There are a whole class of esoteric languages that
The instruction to execute is chosen by adding basically draw their keywords from a specific themed
the value of the c register, the value at that address, source, but otherwise operate similarly to any general
dividing it by 94, and using the remainder to pick an programming language (though often have a more
instruction. The other two registers, a and d will then limited set of keywords). One such is LOLCAT, which
be acted upon. looks a bit like this:
The crazy operation uses a ternary table to HAI 1.2
combine the value pointed to by register d and the CAN HAS STDIO?
address stored in register a, then stores the result in VISIBLE "HELLO WORLD!"
both places. KTHXBYE
After an instruction is executed, either that The compiler can be downloaded from GitHub;
instruction, or another related one (if a jump has follow the build instructions there. (You will need the
happened) is encrypted, so it won't do the same thing cmake and build-essentials packages.)
next time. Then both c and d are incremented and the Alternatively, if you're more of a Terminator type,
program moves on to the next location. try ARNOLD-C, where commands are replaced with
If you find all that implausibly baffling, you are Arnold Schwarzenegger movie quotes.
not alone. The author of Malbolge has never written
a program in it, and the first Malbolge program Whitespace
didn't appear until two years after the language was Most languages are written in text characters, and
released. It was also generated by a beam search either ignore whitespace or at most use it for
algorithm rather than written by a human. This is that statement or keyword termination. Whitespace
first program, which is of course Hello World: (created in 2002 by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris)
(=<`$9]7<5YXz7wT.3,+O/o'K%$H"'~D|#z@ turns this around, and ignores all non-whitespace
b=`{^Lx8%$Xmrkpohm-kNi;gsedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQP characters, assigning meaning only to spaces, tabs,
ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543s+O<oLm and newlines (linefeeds). Interestingly, this means that
It's by Andrew Cooke, who writes about it here you can write a program in another language (which
( He also links to doesn't attach meaning to whitespace) and format it
pages by other folk who have written Malbolge code. such that it also contains a Whitespace program.
Which is neat, and makes it a polyglot, a program valid
Miscellaneous others in more than one language. It also means you could
hide secret programs in other programs.
Some languages are non-deterministic, that is, the
same answer will not always be produced in the same Whitespace commands are written as an
circumstance. An example is Whenever, whose programs Instruction Modification Parameter followed by an
consist of a list of statements that the interpreter can operation. There are five IMPs – Stack Manipulation
execute in any order (though some may have specific (space), Arithmetic (tab, space), Heap Access (tab,
conditions which must be met for their execution. Some
tab), Flow Control (linefeed), and I/O (linefeed) – each
non-deterministic languages are probabilistic, such as
Knight Shuffling Tower, which uses an unusual data with several defined operations. Data is represented
structure in which values are initially assigned at random, in binary, by Space (0) and Tab (1), and terminated by
and can be shuffled thereafter. a linefeed.
Deque languages use a double-ended data structure There's a collection of Whitespace interpreters
which can behave like either a queue or a stack; so data
available on GitHub, but code is (of course) very
can be added to the front or the back, and popped off from
the front or the back. BrainCurses, a BF-derived language difficult to display, or indeed to write. Unfortunately,
whose commands are largely punctuation marks, uses a the Whitespace homepage was unavailble at time
deque and a single variable. of writing (and looks like it might have vanished
Then there's Unlambda, which is an obfuscated altogether), but a tutorial is still available.
functional lanugage. The only object that exists in
If you've got the esoteric language bug, check out
Unlambda is the function (no variables, data structures, or
control structures). The most important of its handful of the comprehensive list, and the further information,
built-in functions are S (which applies two functions in turn available at the Esolangs wiki. You too could write
to a third), and K (which takes two functions and returns the your own strange oddity for others to break their
first). It transpires that you can produce a Turing-complete brains on…
language with only these two built-in functions. See the
website for more, including abstraction elimination, which
Juliet Kemp is fluent in over 6,000,000 forms of
is how you manage to actually do anything with Unlambda. communication, including esoteric languages such as Perl. 93
Valentine Sinitsyn develops
high-loaded services and
teaches students completely
unrelated subjects. He also has
a KDE developer account that
he’s never really used.
Prise the back off Linux and find out what really makes it tick.
Logs are a bit like backups: you hardly remember their existence
until you need them. Read on, and you'll be ready for any surprises.
ometimes things go wrong. As a server (LOG_USER) and some options. An ident is what
sysadmin, you want means to investigate what identifies the application which sent a message.
happened, what was the cause, and finally to Typically, it's a program's name. The facility is roughly
ensure that everything has been fixed. Log files should a subsystem the message comes from. LOG_USER
be your first stop here. Properly written daemons log the default) is for generic user-level messages.
events like remotes connections, resources requests, openlog(3) lists many more facilities, say LOG_KERN
and errors raised during processing. Ideally, every for kernel messages or LOG_DAEMON for system
action that may have an impact on your system daemons. In fact, RFC 5424 defines 24 facilities, albeit
should leave a trace in log files. That's why intruders only a handful of them are usually seen in practice.
put many efforts into deleting or at least tampering LOG_PID includes the process ID in log messages.
with them. Ident differentiates applications; PID differentiates
application instances. LOG_NDELAY means to open
Logger that syslog connection immediately. The default behaviour
A classical logging mechanism in Unix (and Linux) is is to wait for the first message sent.
called Syslog. Eric Allman introduced it for Sendmail, syslog() sends the message. LOG_INFO is a priority.
and it evolved into de-facto standard. There are eight priorities, ranging from LOG_EMERG
Your standard C library (most likely Glibc) provides (the system is unusable) to LOG_DEBUG (debug-level
several logging functions. The following example messages). Debug messages are usually discarded in
shows the most important of them: production. The rest of the syslog() function is like
#include <syslog.h> printf(): it takes the format string and data to format.
int main() Calls to openlog() and closelog() are optional. If
{ your miss them, Glibc will set ident to the program's
const char *greeting = "Hello, logging world!"; name and use the LOG_USER facility automatically,
openlog("hello", LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_USER); among other defaults.
syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", greeting); What will happen if you run this code? It depends on
Anatomy of a syslog
closelog(); syslog settings. On my Ubuntu 14.04 system it yields:
message. It's both
structured and human- return 0; $ tail -n 1 /var/log/syslog
readable, and looks } Nov 27 10:19:20 laptop hello[26470]: Hello, logging world!
roughly the same in the First, we open the log. What is it exactly is irrelevant On your system, the location, name and contents of
wire. now, but we do specify an "ident" (hello), a facility the file may differ. However, the log message will look
similar, as it has a well-defined structure.
Now, let's use strace (as seen in LV016) to peek into
Hello, logging world! the logger's operation:
$ strace -e trace=network ./logger-sample
connect(3, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/dev/log"},
110) = 0
Host name
sendto(3, "<14>Nov 27 10:28:19 hello[26698]"..., 55, MSG_
Timestamp NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 55
+++ exited with 0 +++
You see that it opens a Unix datagram socket
connection to /dev/log and sends some text starting
with a number in angle brackets. This is an example of
BSD syslog protocol, a lingua franca for all syslog
daemons in Linux today.
Protocols Relay #1
BSD syslog is a text-based transport-agnostic (forwards messages)
protocol, which you can use to convey log messages
using whatever transport you see fit. In the example
above, Glibc used a Unix socket to talk to a local
syslog daemon. However, you can use UDP or TCP
Originator Collector
sockets to work with remote syslog servers.
(produces log messages) (stores log messages)
In BSD syslog, each message begins with PRI,
which is the number in angle brackets. To calculate
the PRI, you take the facility, multiply it by eight, and
add the priority. LOG_USER is 1 and LOG_INFO is 6, so
PRI is 14 in our case. Then follows the header,
Relay #2
containing the timestamp and hostname. The latter is
(forwards messages)
missing from our example: a syslog daemon assumes
local hostname for messages coming from /dev/log.
A sample centralised
Alternatively, it may contain a name or IP address, and First, it often re-uses port 514/tcp, which is really for
network logging setup.
the syslog daemon may issue a reverse DNS query the Remote Shell (rsh). It's not a big deal, as SSH Inspired by RFC 5424,
(see LV024) to resolve it. largely superseded rsh. Second, TCP is a stream- which describes many
Next comes the MSG part, consisting of a tag and oriented protocol with no natural framing like more options.
message content. The fields we discussed so far have datagram boundaries. So we need a way to separate
been space-delimited, but a tag ends with the first consequent log messages from each other. The
non-alphanumeric character. It is for storing the name original BSD syslog used newline (LF, ASCII 0x0A) or
of the program that generated the message, so it's NUL (ASCII 0x00) special characters for these
much like ident in openlog(). A process ID is not part purposes. However, they could legally appear within
of a tag, as it is enclosed in square brackets. Usually, the log message itself, which would break the parser.
an opening square bracket or a semicolon are the The new syslog protocol introduces octet counting-
characters that terminate tag. The newer syslog based framing (RFC 6587), which is not susceptible to
protocol sees it different, as we'll learn shortly. this. Each log message simply starts with the length
The same protocol is used to talk to remote syslog (in bytes), followed by space. Most syslog servers in
servers. Traditionally, you send log messages to port Linux support both methods, so you don't have to care
514/udp, one per datagram. It is fast, but unreliable, so about these details.
many syslog servers also implement TCP support.
There are two issues peculiar to TCP-based syslog. Server side
Linux doesn't come short of syslog daemons. First,
there is venerable sysklogd, which has its roots in
Logging in Python
original BSD syslog. A newer generation, syslog-ng
Python provides its own advanced logging subsystem. It (
is available as a part of standard library via the logging ng), uses totally different configuration syntax that
module. Logging in Python is built around a hierarchical
structure of logger instances (usually one per application's
"was written by programmers for programmers".
module). It also has its own set of log message priorities. And there is also rsyslog (, which
You use loggers to generate messages and pass them maintains some compatibility with syslogd, but is
around, but the handler is what specifies how to persist also modular, adds many new features, and claims to
the message. Python comes with various log handlers. be "rocket fast". No modern Linux distribution comes
Perhaps the simplest one, logging.StreamHandler, just
prints messages to a file stream (sys.stderr by default). The
with sysklogd, but syslog-ng is the default in Arch
formatter is what controls the appearance of a message, Linux. rsyslog seems to be the most popular choice
and you can also use filters to mangle messages internally. among all three, as it comes with Ubuntu.
As you may have guessed by now, one of the logging The most important bit of a syslog daemon
handlers is logging.SysLogHandler, which sends messages configuration maps the sources of log messages to
to syslog. It's a pure Python BSD syslog implementation
supporting both local and s transport. By default, it sends
destinations. A classical way to do it is as follows:
logs in UDP datagrams to, so you should /var/log/daemon.log
configure your syslog daemon appropriately. You may also Here, all messages coming from the daemon
tell SysLogHandler the facility it should use, as Python facility with priorities info and higher end up in /var/
logging has no notion of such concept. The default is log/daemon.log. You can use an asterisk (daemon.*)
LOG_USER, which looks sensible.
to make the rule work for any priority or facility. An 95
The number in brackets is the number of seconds
passed since the system booted. dmesg -c clears the
buffer and requires root privileges to run. Most syslog
configurations also store kernel messages alongside
other logs in /var/log. This way, you get centralised
storage and management for all logs in your system,
regardless of their origin.
How do dmesg and syslog daemons get the ring
buffer, you ask? Linux has several mechanisms for
that. First, there is a syslog() system call. As Glibc
already provides a function under this name, it wraps
it as klogctl(). It is an ioctl()-like multiplexor whose
rsyslog sports a web-based
equals sign prefix (daemon.=info) enforces an exact first argument determines the behaviour, and two
GUI to make authoring the
match (no "and higher" logic). A few extensions to this others provide a userspace buffer to store the result.
daemon's configuration
file a snap. See www. syntax exist; refer to the documentation of your syslog One can use klogctl() to read the ring buffer, clear it, daemon of choice. and choose which kernel messages would go to the
configuration-builder. File is not the only possible destination. Both console. Traditionally, Linux sends system-critical
syslog-ng and rsyslog can post messages to events directly to the terminal to draw maximum
databases or message queues. Moreover, you can attention to them. We won't discuss this mechanism
send messages to remote syslog instances via UDP here, but you can find the relevant details in klogctl(3).
(the default) or TCP. The syntax is as follows: Older dmesg implementations rely on syslog() for
kern.* @loghost:514 their operation. However, neither of the syslog
A single @ implies UDP transport; @@ means TCP. daemons we discussed, nor newer versions of dmesg
This way, you can aggregate all logs on some central do this. The ring buffer is available via two file-like
servers in your network. This improves manageability, interfaces: /proc/kmsg, and since Linux 3.5, /dev/
but also security, as intruders supposedly can't kmsg. Of these two, /proc/kmsg is just a thin wrapper
tamper logs on remote machines. on what syslog() reads. You can see it yourself with a
Each syslog implementation is free to define its mere cat command:
own syntax. Below is an rsyslog-specific snippet $ sudo cat /proc/kmsg
which sends all messages carrying the "hello" tag to ... many lines skipped ...
/var/log/hello.log: <6>[ 46.938564] virbr0: port 1(virbr0-nic) entered
:syslogtag, startswith, "hello", /var/log/hello.log disabled state
&~ <6>[ 47.036788] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP):
The second line prevents further processing of docker0: link is not ready
matching messages, so they appear in hello.log and Note how the protocol is similar to BSD syslog.
nowhere else. Messages start with the priority again, and are
delimited with a newline character.
Kernel logging /dev/kmsg is a newer and more advanced
So far, we talked about userspace logging, but your mechanism. It supports multiple readers and allows
kernel may also have something to say. For these you to inject messages into the kernel ring buffer from
reasons, it maintains a dedicated ring buffer. On userspace. Systemd and udev do this, for instance.
the laptop I'm using now it's 256KB in size, and new /dev/kmsg also sets a new protocol where each
messages simply evict old ones if there is no space message carries a sequence number:
left. Any part of the Linux kernel can write a message $ cat /dev/kmsg
to the buffer with the printk() function, like this: ... many lines skipped again ...
"CPU: vendor_id '%s' unknown, using generic init.\n" \
"CPU: Your system may be unstable.\n", v); Logging with Systemd
KERN_ERR is a priority, much like LOG_INFO we
Many distributions today come with Systemd. Being a one-
saw earlier (note there is no comma after it). In fact,
thing-to-rule-them-all sort of service, Systemd comes with
KERN_ERR is a string macro containing an embedded its own logging daemon, journald. It gathers events from
marker that the kernel uses to detect the start of a log many sources: traditional /dev/log socket, Systemd's native
record. Perhaps the easiest way to work with the protocol (sd_journal_print(3)), stdout and stderr of the
printk() buffer is by using the dmesg command. daemons (LV019), and the Linux kernel.
All of it is stored in a binary format that you read with
Called with no arguments, it just prints log messages:
the journalctl tool. It is somewhat unusual for Linux, which
$ dmesg | tail relied on text files for a long time. However, journalctl is
[ 41.065971] Bridge firewalling registered capable, allows for precise filtering, and can even dump
[ 41.635606] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, your logs to JSON for further processing.
65536 max)
6,811,30177913,-;IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: Rotated logs on a typical
link is not ready Ubuntu system. Note
6,812,30335360,-;tg3 0000:07:00.0 eth0: Link is down rotation frequency is per
log file, and older logs are
So, if the buffer got overwritten and some
messages were lost, the reader can recover. You can
also seek /dev/kmsg to get all messages, or only new
ones since the buffer was reset. /dev/kmsg is the
most flexible way to interact with the kernel ring
buffer. Both rsyslog and syslog-ng support it, and
dump the kernel ring buffer contents to logs in a
timely manner. The newer dmesg reads /dev/kmsg
as well, but you can force the old syslog()-based /bin/kill -HUP $(cat /run/syslog-ng.
operation with the -S command line switch. pid 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null || true
Rotating logs }
As new messages come, they grow in size until all This defines rotation rules for the /var/log/
space is consumed. Even worse, some unusual messages.log file. The log is rotated weekly, and its
conditions may induce tons of messages that compressed copies are retained for the preceding four
fill /var/log very quickly. Application developers weeks. It's OK if this log file is missing (alternatively,
employ techniques like rate limiting, and system logrotate could issue an error). You can also rotate
administrators often have a dedicated /var/log logs based on their size, not age. This is useful for logs
filesystem for that reason. This doesn't help with that could grow unevenly.
monotonic log growth over time, however. But wait, why do we need postrotate to send a
A de-facto standard tool for rotating logs is SIGHUP to the syslog daemon? This tells it to reload
logrotate. It usually runs as a daily cron job, or from a the configuration, and re-open log files it maintains.
Systemd timer. Logrotate takes a set of log files, Many daemons behave this way, albeit exact signals
copies them with optional compression, deletes back could differ. The reason is how Linux work with files.
copies that are too old, and does other things. It reads Once a file is opened, its handle stays valid until it is
its configuration from /etc/logrotate.conf, but in most closed. So, even if logrotate renames the file, syslog
Linux distributions you don't edit this file directly. will continue to store messages in it, as the daemon
Instead, you create files in /etc/logrotate.d, and the keeps the opened file handle. We need some way to
tool takes care to include everything in this directory tell syslog that the file has changed, and it has to
into the main config. Here is an example: reopen it to write data to a new location.
/var/log/messages.log { Although the example above was about the syslog
weekly daemon, logrotate is not tied to syslog in any way.
rotate 4 You can use it to rotate web server logs, or database
compress logs, or in fact any files in your system. Just
missingok remember the logrotate usually runs with hours-level
sharedscripts granularity, so even a size limit won't help to mitigate
postrotate the effect of occasional message bursts.
Command of the month: logger
Sometimes you may want to log a message from the the command line, logger will read it from standard
shell script. Granted, most often you'll do it with a input, or file you supply with -f.
simple echo, but you may also want the flexibility and By default, the command talks to the local syslog
features that syslog delivers. In these cases, the daemon listening at /dev/log socket. Remote servers
logger command is your best friend. are also supported. -n sets logging host, -P redefines
logger provides features of a decent logging library the destination port, and -d switches from default TCP
wrapped in a single Unix command. In the simplest transport to UDP. So logger -n -P 514 -d
case, you use it like this: sends a message you type to local syslog via the UDP
$ logger "This came from a shell" connection, provided it accepts them.
By default, logger sends its messages as user. You can even set a tag and PID for messages you
notice, but you can redefine the facility and priority as send. For instance logger -t hello -i "Hello, logging
you see fit with -p; for instance logger -p world!" is almost equivalent to the example that
"Some message". If you don't provide the message on opened this Core Tech. 97
Final thoughts, musings and reflections
Nick Veitch
was the original editor
of Linux Format, a
role he played until he
got bored and went
to work at Canonical
instead. Splitter!
ongratulations India! In what is seen
by some as a rather bold and out of
character move, the Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India has effectively
banned the “Free Basics” program from
operating in that country; a program that
was designed to ‘enrich’ the lives of that
subcontinent’s burgeoning numbers.
I am not being sarcastic. ‘Free Basics’ is
not a scheme designed to altruistically help
the needy, it is an arrogant and somewhat
cynical manipulation to carve the internet up
into “what we want to give you” and “what
we want you to pay for”, which opens the
door to tiered pricing plans everywhere.
Make no mistake that this is what the
world’s ISPs would dearly love – a chance
for people to further self-descriminate on
pricing above the usual options of speed
and bandwidth, which is why India has
rightly rejected it. Worse than that though, it
is an attempt to hijack content. Leaf through
the terms and conditions of submitting your Take a photo of your desk.
site for this scheme (which does, actually,
include some great advice for designing a And answer these awesome
site to work well on mobile (
gjFCNc)) and you will find that Facebook (for
it is they!) basically reserves the right to own
anything, manipulate content, strip out any
ads, etc etc. Of course, you can trust them > What version of Linux are
not to do that, can’t you? you currently using?
I can’t help but think if this organisation Tell us a little about the > What desktop are you using
things we can see.
really wanted to help the poor they might at the moment?
provide a clean water supply or better > What was the first Linux
sanitation or medical supplies, but I guess setup you ever used?
there isn’t as much opportunity for > What Free Software/open
brainwashing that way. Let’s hope the other Then send your photos and text to: source can’t you live without?
35 countries in which the project is active > What do other people love
come to similar conclusions. but you can’t get on with?
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