Minecraft +
Sonic Pi =
hours of
June 2016 geeky fun
UBUNTU 16.04
The world’s Now Ubuntu is
favourite Linux back, and it’s
distro launched come to reclaim
in 2004… its crown…
… and quickly It’s #1 in the
became cloud, with
synonymous business and
with the word on the server…
But its reign … and now
didn’t last for Ubuntu is
long, and it coming to
faded into the take back your
background… desktop!
It’s better, it’s bigger, it’s back!
MICROSOFT Has it really made its own Linux distribution?
PYTHON Write an image gallery controlled though a web app
GIMP Why this Free Software image editor is more than just a daft name
June 2016 £5.99 Printe d in the UK
Literacy, history and Coming soon to a
coding as a way of school near you – the
thinking – prepare to tiny machine to make
expand your mind. Britain great again!
A free evening of live Linux Podcasts
Saturday 6 August 2016
Plus Stuart Langridge and Dave MegaSlippers
The Harrison, 28 Harrison Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1H 8JF
Doors 5pm
The June issue What’s hot in LV#027
What is Microsoft up to? It’s
provided lots of open source
behind the Microbit (p42). But it’s
also re-aliging its business,
becoming more Linux-friendly.
We’ve delved into the details.
A free software advocate
and writer since the late
1990s, Graham is a lapsed
KDE contributor and author It’s easy to think that sysadmin is
of the Meeq MIDI step a specific set of difficult to learn
sequencer. skills, but our tutorial on
automating stuff with Vagrant
here’s an emphasis on Ubuntu this month, in part to shows that’s not always the case.
celebrate the release of 16.04 LTS. We often forget how It can actually be easy!
important Ubuntu is for users and for the broader technology p80
industry – it’s still a term synonymous with making Linux easy to
use. Yet, to its credit, Ubuntu is always changing, unafraid to try new MIKE SAUNDERS
ideas. It’s difficult to imagine what the Linux landscape would look In my opinion, Valentine’s
like without that garish brown and orange. in-depth look at Linux is always
On the subject of embracing change, this is going to be my last incredible. There’s always
issue of Linux Voice as the editor. I’ll still be contributing, writing and something new to learn, and this
doing the podcast, but I’ll no longer be chasing Simon Phipps for his month he really nails the
(admittedly wonderful) words on print deadline day. From next technical side of using Bash.
month, Ben will have that honour. I know it’s a cliché to say great
things about one’s successor, but Ben’s subtle understanding,
sceptical insights and unbridled zeal for all things Linux and open
source leaves me with no doubt he’ll do an amazing job.
Good luck Ben!
Graham Morrison
Editor, Linux Voice
Linux Voice is different.
Linux Voice is special. SUBSCRIBE
Editor Graham Morrison Here’s why… ON PAGE 56
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory
1 At the end of each financial year we’ll
give 50% of our profits to a selection of
Technical editor Ben Everard organisations that support free software, decided by a vote among our
Editor at large Mike Saunders readers (that’s you).
Games editor Michel Loubet-Jambert 2 No later than nine months after first publication, we will relicense all of our
Creative director Stacey Black content under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence, so that old content
can still be useful, and can live on even
Malign puppetmaster Nick Veitch
after the magazine has come off the
Editorial contributors:
Mark Crutch, Sebastian Göttschkes, 3 We’re a small company, so we don’t
Vincent Mealing, Simon Phipps, have a board of directors or a bunch of
Les Pounder, Mayank Sharma, shareholders in the City of London to
Valentine Sinitsyn keep happy. The only people that matter
to us are the readers. 3
Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be a geek, very heaven!
Regulars Cover Feature
News 06
One Debian fracas is cancelled out by an
outbreak of sensibleness elsewhere, SCO vs 14
IBM returns yet again, and Linus Torvalds in
happiness shocker!
Distrohopper 08
An alternative to Linux written in Rust,
Ubunt built on BSD and a distro made to
resemble Google’s Chromium OS.
Speak your brains 10
UBUNTU 16.04
What we’ve done wrong, what we’re doing
right, and what we should be doing in
future. Plus games!
Subscribe! 12/56
Save money, get the magazine delivered to
your door and get access to 27 issues of
It’s back – and it’s brilliant!
Linux Voice, in lovely DRM-free PDFs.
FOSSPicks 58
Ubuntu used to be synonymous with Linux – until Mate took its place.
Free as a bald eagle soaring over the Can Ubuntu 16.04 bounce back? Of course it can!
Grand Canyon, listening to Hotel California,
clutching a free beer in its mighty talons.
Interview Feature
Core Tech 94
Bash! Understanding it is fundamental
to the role of a sysadmin, but many of us
bodge through without understanding it. 34 22
Not Dr Valentine Sinitsyn though!
Geek Desktop 98
For the first time in our collective living
memory, our Malign Puppet Master,
Nick Veitch, writes about a device doing
something.... right!
Robert Lefkowitz MS and SQL Server
SUBSCRIBE The man better known as R0ml opens our The reports of a Linux distribution from Microsoft have been
ON PAGE 56 eyes to the wider world of coding. greatly exaggerated. OR HAVE THEY?!?!?!?
FAQ Group Test
Servo 32 Instant messaging clients 50
Mozilla’s got a brand-new Waste time chatting to your
browsing engine, and it eats colleagues when you should
multi-core CPUs for breakfast. be ignoring them.
Feature Tutorials
OpenBazaar 66
Peer-to-peer shopping on the internet
without the middle man taking your money.
Build a photo web app 68
Mike goes to Cebit Photo sharing without having to let Mark
Zuckerberg et al snoop on what you’re doing.
It’s the biggest tech trade fair in the world – and it’s full of Free Software.
Minecraft & Sonic Pi 72
Teach young minds how to program with a
Reviews combination of two fantastic projects.
GNU MediaGoblin 76
Add videos to your site without going
42 having to jump through YouTube’s hoops.
Micro:bit Vagrant 80
Keep a clean development environment by
After the success of the Raspberry Pi, installing Python 3 in a web browser.
the BBC has finally developed its own
educational computer, to be given out Coding
free to year 7 pupils in the UK. But is it
any good for home hackers?
Ubuntu Mate 16.04 44 OpenBSD 5.9 45
Linux is made for tinkerers; but if you want a Your common or garden Linux is secure, but
working environment that just works without your OpenBSD takes that security to another level.
having to mess about, Mate could be for you. Is it ready for general desktop use? Find out!
Rust 84
Code more secure applications – here’s an
example using Mozilla’s Rust language.
Gaming on Linux 46 Books 48
Payday 2: rob banks without the risk of incurring Design without the frustrations of CSS padding or Git 90
Her Majesty’s displeasure, in glorious multiplayer having to take different browsers into account; and Introduce all elements of your life to the
runny jumpy shooty technicolour. delve into the history of computer science. joys of version control with Git. 5
The Linux Voice view on what’s going on in the world of Free Software.
Open Source beyond code & licensing
Licensing Free Software is only the start of helping FOSS to flourish in the real world.
Simon Phipps very effectively. As lawyer Amanda Brock have not been abridged by community
is ex-president of the (once general counsel to Canonical) said governance. There are more places this is
Open Source Initiative
to me, “If lawyers can make this work, happening too – the Open Source Hardware
and a board member
of the Open Rights anyone can”. movement is also interpreting open source
Group and of Open This is all by way of suggesting that, now beyond code, for example.
Source for America. open source is so mainstream that it’s used So what is the essence of open source
by almost every business, now open source that all these examples are pursuing? I think
as a generalised principle is being applied to a primary goal is the unexpected innovation
so many other fields, we have to ask what it that arises from encounters with people,
actually means beyond licensing and code. ideas and technologies outside your own
’m writing while attending the tenth What are the attributes of open source we bubble. Having software freedom is a key
instance of an unusual conference. The are actually pursuing when we practice it? pre-condition, but the real win is the
FSFE Legal and Licensing Workshop
may not sound an exciting proposition The real win is the unexpected innovation
(despite being held this year in Barcelona),
but it’s a tremendous indicator of the that arises when others take your code,
progress that the Free Software and Open
Source movement has made.
improve it and share their improvements
The event gets a huge range of legal
experts attending from the global While Stallman’s Four Freedoms articulate unexpected innovation that arises when
community, both lawyers and specialists in how we can retain our liberty in connection others take your code, improve it and share
the dynamics of software freedom. They with software, there has to be more. Indeed, their improvements – enabling others to
gather to share their experiences supporting Stallman just published an essay about then amplify them by building on them. It’s
communities and businesses in their use of “trapped software” (“When free software also a crucial external indicator that the
open source software, exploring new ideas depends on nonfree”) which recognises that software freedom in a project is real.
and chewy problems together and sharing the lifecycle of usage, the practices of That’s also why the cult of open data that
and improving tools and techniques that supporting vendors and other factors have exists in the UK government’s industry and
make things better for everyone. It’s an to be considered beyond the licensing of the innovation functions is such a problem.
expression of the principles of open source, code itself. Innovate UK and its associated Catapult
but for legal work and other non-code organisations are keen proponents of open
aspects of software freedom. It’s not just the code data, but hardly mention open source and
Lawyers are not known for collaboration The need to define open source beyond frequently display a shallow understanding
or for freely sharing ideas and resources, but licensing is also visible at the Open Source of it. Open data is a good thing, as it creates
in the slightly safe environment of the Initiative, where a new working group (called both transparency and opportunities for
Workshop (which is conducted under the Beyond Licensing) has been formed to reuse, but without open source it leads to
Chatham House Rule so the proponents of discuss the attributes of open source isolated implementations. With no
ideas can’t be identified outside the event), projects that we should watch to know the opportunity for collaboration or for
they implement the open source approach freedoms we get from open source licences innovation amplification, the scope for
unexpected uses is limited to the
While Stallman’s Four Freedoms articulate imaginations of isolated parties. The UK
government needs to discover open source
how we can retain our liberty in connection not just in its internal administration but also
with software, there has to be more in its innovation investment strategy. The
reasons go well beyond code and licensing.
Ubuntu • Skype • Torvalds • SCO vs IBM • Gnome • Tablets • Firefox
CATCHUP Summarised: the biggest news
stories from the last month
Ubuntu comes to… XScreenSaver developer Skype for Linux – resting
1 Microsoft Windows?! 2 grumbles at Debian 3 or dead forever?
What a strange world we live Imagine you’ve written some Just a heads-up if you’re
in. Microsoft spent years bashing and software and it gets included in Debian running Skype on Linux: the software
fighting Linux, but recently has changed GNU/Linux – pretty cool, right? Well, not hasn’t received updates in a while, and
its tune enormously. The company has if Debian’s version is very much out of some users are reporting that it won’t
been working with Canonical to create date, and users are complaining about connect to the network. Time to find an
a system-call compatibility later (rather bugs that you’ve long since fixed. This is alternative VoIP application…
like Wine) which lets unmodified Ubuntu what happened with XScreenSaver, and
binaries run on Windows. That means its developer, Jamie Zawinski, decided
you can use Apt, SSH, Grep, Perl, Apache, to jump into a bug report and request
GCC, Vim, Emacs and many other tools that his software be removed from the
without needing to download native Debian distribution. This kicked off a bit
Windows binaries. Full details here: of a debate, as you can read here:
Torvalds: “I am very happy SCO vs IBM lawsuit Gnome 3.20 released
4 with the Linux desktop” 5 returns from the dead 6 Codenamed “Delhi”, the
Linux is everywhere: mobile Just when you thought the new version of the Gnome
gadgets, embedded devices, servers legal battles between SCO and IBM desktop brings a bunch of new
and much more. But it still hasn’t made were truly, finally, completely finished – features, including: the ability to
a big impact on desktop PCs. Still, that after 13 years of wrangling – SCO install OS updates via the Software
doesn’t bother kernel creator Linus comes back for another round. Back in app, improved support for Wayland,
Torvalds – in a recent interview, he the day, SCO claimed that Linux editing functionality in Photos, and new
claimed to be “very happy” with the infringed its intellectual property and “shortcut windows” that list keyboard
state of Linux on the desktop, and said sued IBM for megabucks. In the end, shortcuts and multi-touch gestures in
that after working for 25 years to bring SCO didn’t win anything, but keeps Gnome’s various apps. Expect it in the
the OS this far, he’ll keep going for dragging IBM in front of the courts. next round of distro updates, and for
another 25. “I’ll wear them down” he Nobody is quite sure why, or where the full list of changes, check out the
added, referring to the competition. (what remains of) SCO is getting the release notes: funding from… misc/release-notes/3.20
Canonical’s convergence Debian Iceweasel browser
7 tablet up for pre-order 8 reverts name to Firefox
“A tablet when you want it, Debian GNU/Linux has
a PC when you need it” – that’s the included Firefox for many years, but due
slogan behind the Aquaris M10 Ubuntu to licensing issues with the browser’s
Edition. It’s the “world’s first convergent name and logos, the Debian team
tablet”, which means you can use it as rebranded it as Iceweasel. This was
a mobile device on the go, but when potentially confusing for new users,
you connect a mouse and keyboard, its but now the Mozilla and Debian teams
interface switches into a more familiar have got together and ironed out their
desktop mode. Will it take off? That differences. The Firefox logo has been
remains to be seen, but we’ll give credit released under a free licence that’s
to Canonical for having a stab at this compatible with Debian’s guidelines, so
potentially useful type of device. in future releases of the distro, Iceweasel will be revert to the Firefox name. 7
What’s hot and happening in the world of Linux distros (and BSD!).
Arch-based elegance.
ntergos, previously called Cinnarch,
is an Arch-based distribution
focusing on aesthetics and a
comprehensive all-round desktop experience
for the average user, with the flexibility of
Arch. The distribution is available in two
editions: a minimal one with a 530MB ISO
and “Antergos Live”, which is 1.6GB in size.
These are both offered in 32-and 64-bit
versions, while the choice of desktop
environment is given upon installation, with
all the major environments covered in its
very nifty Cnchi installer instead of the
default Cinnamon and Gnome preferences
previously offered. Cinnarch previously used Cinnamon by default, then Gnome and now leaves it to the user.
The installer is one of the biggest selling
points and offers several extras ranging Like Arch, the distro uses the rolling desktop environments to choose from out of
from the usual proprietary packages to release model and provides a new snapshot the box. While there are a few prebuilt Arch
things like Steam and PlayOnLinux, as well every month or so. Antergos is very systems out there, none quite have the
as some extra customisability. One of those aesthetically pleasing, in part thanks to the appeal and ease of use of Antergos, which
options is support for ZFS in its partition developers teaming up with the Numix seems to combine the flexibility of the base
options during install, adding to its project, which delivers some nice and system for those who want that control,
customisability but also raising some consistant icons and themes. Also attractive with the usability of the big Debian-based
concerns recently voiced among the Linux is the notion of having a prebuilt Arch distros for those who just want a no-fuss or
community. system with a simple installer and variety of beginner-friendly desktop.
Cub Linux 1.0
Easier to pronounce than Chromixium OS.
he Ubuntu-based distro designed to rather using it as a base, with the added
look like ChromiumOS is back and advantage of being able to use things like
has been renamed Cub (Chromium LibreOffice or Steam which aren’t otherwise
+ Ubuntu = Cub) Linux. Version 1.0 of the usable on Chromium. This all makes a lot of Cub Linux looks almost identical to
operating system is based on Ubuntu 16.04 sense for Chromebook users who like the UI, ChromiumOS, but with the added flexibility of
LTS, and given the stability of the long-term but want to get a little extra mileage out of traditional Linux.
support releases, this seems like a good the hardware.
place to start anew. The distro uses Compton for rendering, visually from Chromium mainly in that
The operating system itself uses none of Openbox as the window manager and other right-clicking the desktop gives access to
the main components of ChromiumOS aspects of the desktop environment are another menu with traditional desktop Linux
except for the browser (and obvious ones pieced together from pieces of Xfce, LXDE applications, but on the surface appears to
like the kernel), and focuses more on and Gnome. Despite this sounding like a bit look exactly like ChromiumOS minus
obtaining a visual affinity to the distribution of a mess, the layout is slick and differs Google’s logo.
News from the *BSD camps
What’s going on in the world of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
f you think you’ve seen it all before, think
again. UbuntuBSD is a project that aims
to provide the ease of use and familiarity
of Ubuntu with the stability of the FreeBSD
kernel. The project – whose slogan is a
rather cheeky “escape from Systemd” – is
still in the beta stage, but it does indeed look
promising, providing an Ubuntu back-end for
BSD users. Similar things have been
attempted with Gentoo, Arch and the like
with little success, but Canonical has said
that it intends to treat UbuntuBSD as part of
the Ubuntu community, so that may help it
buck the trend.
While the name suggests it uses Unity, it
actually uses the Xfce desktop environment
by default, along with the ZFS filesystem.
The system comes with the Ubuntu
repositories and official packages and uses
APT, so even simple terminal commands like UbuntuBSD running the Xfce desktop environment and Ubuntu software centre.
installing packages should be familiar to an
Ubuntu user. This looks like an excellent Installation isn’t done through the graphical architecture, resulting in owners of
choice for less advanced Linux users looking installer, but one more akin to that used for cupboard-sized computers from the 1970s
to take their first steps into BSD without Debian or Ubuntu server. and 80s being left out in the cold or
being too overwhelmed, though those users On the more mainstream side of things, migrating to NetBSD, which still supports it.
will also want to wait until it’s out of beta. OpenBSD has dropped support for the VAX Also gone from OpenBSD is Linux emulation
through COMPAT_LINUX, which was very
Ubuntu BSD looks like an excellent choice out of date and supported only 32-bit
architecture, so developers have decided to
for less advanced Linux users looking to stop maintaining it. FreeBSD 10.3 has also
take their first steps into BSD been released in the run up to 11.0, which is
expected in July.
Rethinking Linux with Redox OS
Redox is an operating system written in Mozilla’s Rust language, intending to
provide a Linux alternative. Immediately there are a few very noticeable
differences from Linux, such as the use of a microkernel, use of the MIT licence
as well as its developers very clearly stating that they will not repeat what they
call “bad design choices [...] made by Linux, Unix, BSD, HURD and so on”.
This very new project aims to be a “next-gen” operating system, taking the
radical approach of doing away with many established Linux traditions, rather
than simply re-writing those aspects. For instance, rather than treating every
item as a file like in *nix systems, Redox treats every item like a URL,
simplifying handlers for events. At the same time, it aims to keep as much
compatibility with Linux as possible in order to offer a useful and easy-to-use
alternative, attempting to provide support for a lot of software as-is.
The OS comes with an optional in-house GUI called Orbital, and though in the
early stages, it can already run on a decent amount of existing hardware as well
as VirtualBox and Qemu, while work is underway in supporting the ZFS
filesystem. The ISO is just 26MB in size, and the developers state that Rust is
used primarily for security reasons, since it enables many vulnerabilities to be
mitigated by enforcing memory safety statically. Another security measure is
running drivers in userspace. Redox takes some fascinating approaches in
operating system design, and it’s well worth checking out the “Redox book” for Redox OS breaks from many long-standing Linux traditions that the
more details: developers see as drawbacks. 9
Got an idea for the magazine? Or a great discovery? Email us:
I think your magazine is great and also the website, I’ve
just been listening to the podcast season 4 episode 4 in
which you cover the case of the FBI vs Apple, which is in
STAR itself an interesting topic. However you introduce the item
LETTER by saying some guy was arrested and they got hold of his
iPhone, when in fact the individual concerned was shot
dead by police in a shootout after a terrorist attack where
14 innocent people lost their lives and 22 others were
injured. You then carry on the piece in a jovial manner
making jokes etc. If you’re going to cover something like
this on your podcast I feel you should a) Use the relevant
facts of the issue and b) show a bit more respect to the It turns out that the FBI paid hackers to crack the San
people who lost their lives through the behaviour of the Bernardino perpetrator’s iPhone – Apple’s hands are unsullied.
individual concerned. I hope you all the best for the future.
Sorry if this seems to be nit picking. our data by default makes us less safe, not more,
Thomas Allen as it creates a single point of failure that could be
exploited in future – whether by other terrorists or
Andrew says: Nit picking? Not at all. The by future governments, which will wish to restrict
perpetrators of the San Bernardino attack were our freedoms even if we can assume that their
killed during rather than arrested afterwards, motives are benign. We should, however, have
which is a huge difference. discussed the events leading up to the technical
I believe that our point stands that giving the question with more respect than we did, and for
security services the power to investigate all of that, I apologise. Thank you for pointing this out.
I’ve recently subscribed to the magazine and have all the divided into topics if possible
earlier PDF editions which I have now read and enjoyed. Ken Riley
However I occasionally want to reread an article because I
am doing something new and I know that the one I seek is Andrew says: You know, this is an excellent idea.
buried in that mass of PDFs. Now that we have over two years’ worth of back
Can we please have an index of all the articles? issues all free to download for subscribers, we
Preferably updated at least every six months. It should be should hack something together. It won’t be pretty,
possible to generate one from your database(s) and but it’ll be better than nothing.
Damn, look at
all this reading
matter. We’d
better get an
index or search
system shaped
up so we can all
find what we’re
looking for.
A word of warning – I ordered some stuff from the Free
Software Foundation’s website on 20 January. After a few
months it still hadn’t arrived.
So I contacted their sales office, with a view to sorting
out lost package compensation. The FSF sales office said
I had to apply for compensation. The Royal Mail said that
the sender (FSF) had to apply for compensation. Not very
good. This means that when you buy stuff from the FSF
and it gets lost in the post, you are out of luck.
Fortunately my package arrived today. It looks like they
mis-typed my country as “Gabon” instead of “GB” – and
yes, I have checked my receipt and I definitely gave the
destination country as “GB”.
Andrew says: Is this an illustration of the dangers
of autocorrect, not sanitising data input, or Support the Free Software Foundation – it does a lot of work for the essential
something more sinister? Answers on a postcard. liberties that our digital lives depend on. Just remember that GB ≠ GAB.
PLAY ON Bang! Whizz!
Pop! Bleep!
Dear Linux Voice, I wanted to thank you for the latest
issue, specifically the coverage on FOSS, open source and
indie games! That’s just what I want to find out more
about (especially with the state of consoles like the Xbox
One… oh dear).
Stephen Bell
Andrew says: Games are a big deal, a massive
industry and a huge drag on Linux adoption that is
rapidly shrinking thanks to the increasing quality
of gaming on Linux. That’s why gaming gets a
regular space in the magazine – should this be
larger, or are we getting the balance right? 11
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The world’s
Now Ubuntu is
favourite Linux
back, and it’s
distro launched
come to reclaim
in 2004…
its crown…
… and quickly
became It’s #1 in the
synonymous cloud, with
with the word business and
Linux. on the server…
But its reign … and now
didn’t last for Ubuntu is
long, and it coming to
faded into the take back your
background… desktop!
UBUNTU 16.04 It’s back – and it’s brilliant.
Ben Everard fell out
nce, the word Ubuntu was started to drop for the first time; and cloud
synonymous with Linux. For many computing became a popular way of
of love with Ubuntu – people, it represented the pinnacle managing servers. At the same time, the user
but the latest release of what Free Software could be; technical experience on most Linux distributions had
has him well and truly excellence married with ease of use. From the
first release (Warty Warthog in 2004) until the
improved to the point where it was difficult
for any distro to stand out from the crowd.
convinced again. end of the decade, Ubuntu continued to grow
in terms of popularity and mindshare. Then, in A change is gonna come
2011, something changed. For the first time In Ubuntu, mature, well-understood, but aging
in its history, Ubuntu slid down the Google technologies have made way for newer, less
Search trends, and it lost the top spot on the established tech. Releases 11.10 to 15.10 fell
Distrowatch chart to Linux Mint. into the middle ground where the
It would be easy to look to Ubuntu to see advancements weren’t yet mature enough to
what changed to lose users, but the truth pay off, but the older tech had already gone.
behind its slide in popularity is a little more This can’t go on forever, and in order for
complicated. 2009–2011 marked a turning Ubuntu to stay relevant, it needs something
point in the history of computing, and a whole to show for all this effort. With long-term
array of things changed quickly at almost support releases coming out every two years,
every level of computing. Smartphones if 16.04 doesn’t deliver, will anyone remember
changed from curiosities to almost the name Ubuntu by the time 18.04 comes
ubiquitous powerful computers; PC sales around? We have our own ideas…
A visual return to form.
Searches in
Unity’s Dash no
longer include
online results.
Sense prevails!
The Unity Dash
enables you to search
applications and files
from the same place.
There are two things about Ubuntu biggest new feature of Unity in 16.04 Mir
16.04 that may make Ubuntu-haters is some added customisation. You
reconsider their position: online can now change the position of the Many words have been written, said and shouted about the
future of display servers on Linux over the past five years.
searches are no longer included in the launcher from the left side for the The short version is that the old X Windows system is being
Dash; and Gnome 2 (in the form of screen to another edge, set it to auto- replaced, and most Linux distros are moving to Wayland while
Mate) is included for the first time for in hide and change the size. Let’s be Ubuntu is creating its own graphics server called Mir. However,
an LTS launch since 10.04). honest, Unity is never going to appeal to it’s very early days for both Wayland and Mir, and most stable
While Mate is an official spin, we’ll tinkerers. If you like to tweak things to distros – including Ubuntu 16.04 – are still using X.
If you want to try out Mir (and Unity 8), there’s a package in
look at Unity first, as this is still the make them unique to you, then there’s the repository called unity8-lxc that installs a containerised
default desktop environment. The nothing for you in Unity – and that’s OK. version for you to try. This is available in all Ubuntu versions
since 15.04, so you don’t have to upgrade to the latest version
to try it out.
If you like to tweak things to make At the time of writing, Mir is expected to be the default
display server in Ubuntu 16.10, but Mir’s release has been
them unique to you, there’s nothing pushed back in every release since 13.10, so we’re not overly
confident that it will come out in 2016. Users should hardly
for you in Unity – and that’s OK notice, but the change in display servers is such a big change
behind the scenes that we’d rather the devs take their time. 15
AMD graphics
The driver stack for AMD graphics cards is shifting from
closed source drivers to an open source driver stack. The
launch of 16.04 falls in the middle of this process with the If you don’t like the
older closed source drivers not supporting newer software but
launcher on the left of
the open source stack not yet fully capable. The result of this
the screen, simply move
is that AMD graphics cards won’t be quite as quick or capable
(particularly with regards to newer OpenGL features and
it to the bottom.
OpenCL) in 16.04 as they were in older releases of Ubuntu.
This should only be true until the work has finished on
the AMD open driver stack which should be towards the end
of 2016. At this point, the newer drivers will be brought into
Unity’s real strength is creating The launcher bar combines
Ubuntu 16.04, and AMD cards should work as well as they did a desktop that’s both simple for application shortcuts with the task
on older Ubuntu releases. If you rely on an AMD GPU, it’s worth beginners and complex enough manager in a way that makes it easy
waiting for this work to finish before switching to 16.04. for power users. Beginners are to launch common applications and
accommodated through the simple switch windows with the keyboard.
Launcher and Dash combination, Alt + <num> opens the corresponding
while power users are accommodated window counting down from the top.
through the key combinations that Since the applications with shortcuts
The official enable you to do almost anything are always locked to their position on
Kubuntu release of without moving your arms off your the launcher regardless of what other
16.04 is the first wrist rest. This keyboard navigation applications are open, this makes it
LTS release to use goes beyond simple window really easy to switch. On this writer’s
Plasma 5.0 management and permeates the setup, for example, Firefox is the second
applications themselves through the icon on the launcher, so Alt+2 will
Head Up Display (HUD). Tap the Alt key always switch to Firefox. These aren’t
and you’ll get a text-search box for the new features in 16.04, but they’ve been
current application’s menus. added gradually and, when combined
This means no more searching with the new flexibility, make an
through hierarchical menus trying to impressive desktop.
find the option that you’re sure you
remember seeing somewhere, but A bigger software ecosystem
doesn’t seem to be where you expect The only major change in the
(LibreOffice Calc graphs, we’re looking at applications that come with Unity is the
you – why aren’t you in the Data menu switch from the Ubuntu App Store to
like the pivot table?). the Gnome Software Centre. The new
The new software centre
looks much better and
makes it easier to find
great applications.
Mate isn’t a fork of Gnome 2, it’s
a continuation. It’s still getting
updates and new features, but it’s
keeping the tried and tested look.
Software Centre works in much the Mate is a continuation of Gnome 2, and
same way as the old store – it enables the removal of Gnome 2 from Ubuntu
users to browse and review software (replaced by Unity in 11.04) brought In almost all cases, Linux distros’ security works on a per-user
basis. There is one or more user, and each user has particular
– but it looks nicer and seems to be much criticism from the community.
permissions – they can execute certain pieces of software
attracting more developer attention. Although Unity is still the default and alter particular files and directories. Any software runs
This release is the first LTS Ubuntu to interface, having Mate as a first-class with the permissions of the person running it. In this way, any
launch with a Mate spin (this desktop desktop in the Ubuntu family will go software you run can alter any files in your home directory, or
has since been added to 14.04). This a long way to appeasing desktop access the network.
For along time this has been the way most operating
is symbolically important because traditionalists.
systems – not just Linux or other Unix-like systems – have
managed permissions. However, many mobile OSes – most
famously Android and iOS – work in a slightly different way.
Having Mate as a first-class They require applications to explicitly state the type of activity
they want permission to use and everything else is blocked.
desktop will go a long way to For example, a word processor may need access to the
Documents folder, but not network access.
appeasing desktop traditionalists The Snappy packaging system works in a very similar way
to these phone OS software managers; in fact, it’s derived
from the Click packaging system built for Ubuntu Touch. With
Snappy, software that you install doesn’t integrate with the
With KDE applications whole system, but remains standalone and can only perform
version 15.12, Kubuntu the actions explicitly allowed by the package.
16.04 brings the Qt-based With Snappy, packages include all the libraries needed
desktop bang up to date. along with the executables into a single package that can be
installed. Upgrades to this package are atomic, which means
that if anything goes wrong, the upgrade can be easily rolled
back to a working version.
Snappy has both good and bad points when compared
with the traditional packaging method. The downside is that
if there’s a vulnerability discovered in a library, every package
that uses the library needs to be updated. The upsides are
that a package will never get broken by an update to some
other part of the system, and the increased security focus
will mean that a compromised package will not mean a
compromised system.
Snappy is available on all versions of Ubuntu, although
it’s most widely used in Ubuntu Core, which is a minimalist
version of Ubuntu designed for Internet of Things (IoT)
devices, which are less likely to receive software updates than
desktop computers. That said, there are quite a few pieces
of software available for Snappy (
apps?type=snappy) that are for server and desktop use. 17
Software running in the cloud.
Juju makes installing
server software as
simple as clicking a few
When it comes to Linux servers, there these types of people have and
ZFS and the law are two types of people. Firstly, there important role to play. We run our own
The Linux kernel is released under the GPL v2 and ZFS is are those who like servers to continue servers in a traditional style, but we can
released under the CDDLv1 licence. Both of these are open to work as they have for the last couple certainly see the benefits of the new
source licences, because with both of them you can modify of decades or so. These people run web style, at least in certain types of servers.
the source code and redistribute your changes. However,
servers or database servers and have The biggest bit of news will be
with the CDDL you are permitted to include non-open source
code in a derivative product, provided that the parts originally an unholy knowledge of the syntax of a boon to both types of sysadmin:
covered by the CDDL are still open source. With the GPL, this the configuration of every piece of Ubuntu 16.04 will be the first major
isn’t allowed. The GPL also requires the entire work to be server software ever released. Linux distribution to come with the
covered by the GPL exclusively, so licences aren’t compatible The second type is chasing the latest ZFS filesystem installed and ready to
with the GPL unless they allow the work to be relicensed under
server tech. They like OpenStack, go. There isn’t a default filesystem for
the GPL, which the CDDL doesn’t. It’s therefore a breach of the
licence terms to combine CDDL and GPL software in the same Docker and containers. To this sort of Linux, but there are two next-generation
software product. person, a computer is never just a filesystems that are starting to be more
Canonical claims that ZFS is an entirely separate piece of computer, it’s a hive of many virtual widely used: ZFS and BTRFS. Sun
software to the Linux kernel, and the fact that it’s loaded by machines, and a part of the cloud. Here Microsystems originally developed ZFS
the kernel is irrelevant to this. It doesn’t really matter what
at Linux Voice, we’re not going to judge, for OpenSolaris, while BTRFS is written
the lawyers at Canonical think or what the authors of the GPL
thought when they wrote the GPL – it only matters what a because we understand that both of specifically for Linux. Both are copy-
judge or jury think should the case come before a court. The
arguments both ways depend on subtle interpretations of the
technical situation as well as the wording of a licence that’s
never been tested in court before.
Ubuntu 16.04 will be the first major
From a user’s point of view, it’s important to realise that
the terms of both licences only kick in when the software is
Linux distro to come with the ZFS
distributed. This means that whatever the outcome of this, no
one using ZFS in Ubuntu will find themselves in legal trouble.
filesystem installed and ready to go
on-write filesystems that enable you production-tested than BTRFS. Having
to create snapshots of the filesystem this filesystem included by default in Ubuntu on Windows
(or a portion of it) at a point in time in a Ubuntu is a major advantage to this Canonical (the company that develops Ubuntu) has joined
way that’s very efficient with both time distro, and one that will put Ubuntu at a forces with Microsoft to create a version of Ubuntu that runs
and space. They both also manage significant advantage over other distros on top of Windows. This uses an emulation layer to enable
filesystems across multiple physical until either they ship ZFS or BTRFS the binaries for Ubuntu command line tools (including
the Bash shell) to run on Windows 10. If you open Bash in
storage devices far better than older becomes more stable.
Windows, you’ll see the familiar commandline environment,
filesystems. While the inclusion of ZFS is an and a Linux-like directory structure. Windows filesystems can
Both BTRFS and ZFS are very update that differentiates Ubuntu from be mounted in the /mnt directory as though they were on a
capable filesystems, and both are the majority of Linux distros, another separate partition.
significantly better than the other change brings them into line with the This whole setup allows Windows users access to the whole
Gnu toolset running natively on Windows. At the moment, this
options for Linux. The biggest general consensus among enterprise
supports primarily command line tools (including apt-get). We
difference between them is that ZFS distros. Systemd has been around for a wouldn’t like to speculate whether support will ever come to
has been widely used in production couple of releases, but, let’s be honest, graphical tools, but at the very least, this isn’t likely to happen
for several years while BTRFS only no one runs non-LTS releases of Ubuntu soon. This is great news for Windows users, who get access
just on the cusp of becoming stable in server, do they? Ubuntu 16.04, then, will to a whole new set of powerful tools, and it’s good to see Free
Software spreading, even if it is only as applications on top of
2016. In 2016, we consider ZFS to be be the first release of Ubuntu Server
a closed-source kernel.
the better choice because it’s far more that’s widely used to ship with Systemd.
The first version
of Ubuntu,
codename Warty
Warthog, launched
in October 2004
Ubuntu is the
world’s most
popular platform
for OpenStack. 19
Beyond the PC.
Ubuntu is the second-most popular
operating system for the most
popular British computer ever made.
Raspberry Pi
has sold 5m units
– and a healthy
slice of them run
Ubuntu Mate
When it comes to modern computing long-promised convergence is due to
Angry Tux devices, Ubuntu officially supports debut in the tablet version. In this, you
No distro can please everyone, so in the interests of fairness, more platforms than any other Linux can connect your device to a monitor,
we searched the Linux Voice server room looking for our distro. You can run it on your server, mouse and keyboard and the interface
grumpiest team member. We stalked him through the pre- desktop, small-board computer or will transform from a touch-based
dawn haze before he’d had coffee in order to catch him at
phone. The only other distro that system into the full Unity desktop.
his weakest and found out his thoughts on the new Ubuntu
release. Here’s what he had to say: comes close to this is Arch, which also Microsoft currently offers a similar
“I’ve just checked my calendar and it really is 2016. I had runs on just about everything, but experience with Continuum, and Google
to make sure because we’re praising a desktop environment almost all builds other than x86 and is developing similar capabilities for
for allowing users to move the launcher to different parts of AMD64 are unsupported community Android, but both of these are restricted
the window. Yes, it’s a good feature – I really liked it when it
versions. to running mobile apps and only the
came to KDE some time in the late 90s. And while we’re here,
let’s just take a minute to consider that we’re talking about At the time of writing, Ubuntu ships display changes to take account
the removal of spyware as a good thing and not running on three different phones with a fourth of the larger screen, while Ubuntu
screaming because it was put there in the first place. shipping soon. There’s also a tablet convergence will enable you to run all
“Now, a lot of people are getting excited about ZFS, but device currently on pre-order. Of the the usual Ubuntu applications.
really, why is Ubuntu sticking in a potentially illegal filesystem
three recent Linux-based phone OSes,
rather than contributing to the effort to complete the next-
generation Linux filesystem BTRFS? Yes, ZFS is good, but Ubuntu is gaining the most traction. Ubuntu pie
BTRFS will be better, and it’s GPL, it will work across all Linux Firefox OS is no longer being developed The Raspberry Pi Foundation
distros and it’s almost production ready. If Canonical put for phones (though we may see it recommends only two desktop Linuxes
engineers to work on BTRFS in the same way they’ve put again in other devices), Sailfish OS is for its tiny machines: Raspbian and
lawyers to work on ZFS, we’d all be better off.
still under development and a phone Ubuntu Mate. And for good reason:
“Juju and Snappy? Have we as sysadmins really
deteriorated to the point where we need a fancy GUI to install is available for purchase, but Jolla the Ubuntu Mate team have done
applications? Since when was ./configure && make && sudo (the company behind it) has failed a great job of not just getting their
make install too hard to type? Need to replicate a procedure to deliver crowdfunded tablets – a distro to run on the Raspberry Pi, but
across a wide range of machines? Then write a script you lazy refund is underway – and has had doing the job well. Unlike Raspbian,
sod! All these things – Docker, Juju, Snappy and the rest – are
to lay off a large portion of its staff. the installer prompts you to choose
just more layers to obfuscate the code that’s running on your
server, and if you don’t know what’s running, how are you Ubuntu is still progressing and the a username and password, so you
supposed to fix things?”
He’s a bit gruff our angry reviewer, but he does make some
good points. While all these are legitimate criticisms, none of
them are really about Ubuntu. If you don’t like Unity, that’s fine,
The long-promised convergence
don’t use it. There are plenty of other options on Ubuntu. The
same goes for Juju and Snappy – they’re options for us to use
will transform a touch-based tablet
not things being thrust upon users (we would like to see more
love for BTRFS though).
system into the full Unity desktop
won’t get into trouble if you forget to Ubuntu for many years, and it will be
change the default and make the Pi the release that, we think, will define One Linux to rule them all
publically addressable (as you can with Ubuntu long after the next LTS release Traditional desktop PCs and laptops aren’t about to disappear,
Raspbian), and the default selection comes out. In order to stay relevant, but other computer devices are growing rapidly and account
of software is more suited to a home this release needs to regain some for an ever increasing amount of computer usage. If Linux is
user. Mate also seems to find the right slipping market share, or at least stop going to stay relevant in this new world of phones, tablets and
the Internet of Things, then it needs a distribution to champion
balance of eye candy and computing the decline, and it needs to achieve
it. Yes, there’s Android, but this is so different from other Linux
power for the Raspberry Pi 2’s quad- this in an increasingly competitive distros that it’s barely relevant.
core ARMv7 processor. Linux marketplace. On the desktop, Ubuntu – more than any other distro – is not just running
Almost all single-board computers Elementary, Solus, Mint, Arch and on other devices but adapting to the way they’re used and
come with Ubuntu, including the others are better than they’ve ever becoming a great distro far beyond its desktop and server
roots. This is good for all Linux users, not just those that use
ODroid, Banana Pi, Orange Pi and Udoo been. Meanwhile on the desktop,
Ubuntu, because it brings more people into the Linux fold, and
(the only major exception to this is CentOS is now aligned with Red Hat the more people we have within the community, the easier it is
the CHIP, which currently has its own to offer an alternative enterprise-class to get hardware manufacturers to support Linux, and the more
customised version of Debian as the distro backed by a major company, and users there are to test and develop software.
only recommended OS). CoreOS is pushing cloud computing in
There are actually two forms of new directions.
Ubuntu that run on the Pi. We’ve talked With 16.04, Ubuntu is rising to these
about Snappy’s potential on the server challenges, and at the same time,
and the desktop earlier, but the area pushing into new areas. Whether you
it’s moving into first is the Internet of love or hate Ubuntu, it’s great news,
16.04’s code
Things (IoT). There’s now an Ubuntu because a strong Ubuntu makes for a
name is the Xenial
spin called Snappy Ubuntu Core, better world for Ubuntu as a whole.
Xerus (apparently
which just contains a very basic OS In the competitive, fast-changing
a xerus is a bit like
with Snappy installed on top of it. It’s and fickle world of Linux distributions,
a meerkat).
designed for small devices such as the nothing is certain, but if it can continue
Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone. this level of progress, this release will
From desktops to servers to devices, mark the beginning of a glorious new
16.04 is the most important release of period for Ubuntu.
Mobile phones
outsell PCs 4 to
1, so even with
a small market
share, the Ubuntu
phone could be
huge. 21
Has Microsoft really made a Linux distribution, and should you
apt-get install sql-server? Valentine Sinitsyn finds out.
any human languages provide an idiom noticing it. Typically, such routers combine a relatively
saying “never”. In English, it’s “when pigs slow ARM or MIPS CPU with an Ethernet switch and a
fly”, my mother tongue has something that Wi-Fi access point. Packet switching and routing code
literally means “when a crayfish whistles on the hill”. (usually the Linux kernel) runs on the CPU alongside
Inside the Linux community, we often used “when other components like a PPPoE client or a DHCP
Microsoft come to Linux”, or words to that effect. That server. You configure these routers manually, and their
happened early spring 2016, and hell is probably settings change rarely, if ever.
frozen now. It generated a lot of buzz, naturally, which
made it difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. We Inside the data centre
did it and are happy to share our findings with you. Most home networks are simple, and all-in-one
First, let us begin with some background. devices work well. Things change drastically at data
Many of us have a home wireless router. Often, it centre level. Data centre switches are dedicated boxes
runs a specialised embedded Linux distribution, so with dozens of ports operating at impressive 10 or 40
many people across the globe use Linux without even Gbps. Even a powerful x86 CPU won’t cope with such
high rates, and they are only made possible with things changed, thanks to Broadcom’s OpenNSL and Above left: Many vendors
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). A Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI), led by Microsoft. today produce bare-
typical setup may involve hundreds of switches Around the same time, Facebook launched Facebook metal switches that are
whose settings are highly dynamic to deliver the Open Switching System (FBOSS), which is “a set of specifically designed to
performance and reliability that internet users applications, not an operating system”. HP started an run an OS of your choice.
demand. ill-named OpenSwitch project ( Above: In case you
Now, think of the switch that only runs pre-installed which aims to build a full-fledged community-based managed to miss the
fact that SONiC comes
software. To make it work the way you want, you NOS (and not to be confused with Open vSwitch).
from Microsoft, here is a
contact the vendor, put in a feature request, and wait. The Open Compute Project (OCP) made the Debian-
fat hint: the docs are in
There are no guarantees, though. The OpenFlow based Open Network Linux (ONL) available at http:// OOXML format.
protocol, once synonymous with Software Defined For Microsoft, which operates large
Networks (SDN), adds more flexibility. It decouples data centres for the Azure cloud, it was probably only
routing logic (the control plane) from vendor-specific a matter of time to join them.
packet switching code (the data plane). This facilitates
custom routing algorithms, managed from one What Microsoft did
central location. But in some cases, you need even Back in September 2015, Microsoft announced
more control. Perhaps you want to run existing and showcased Azure Cloud Switch (ACS). Yet it
server-based tools, like Chef or Puppet. Or you don’t wasn’t available to the public until March 2016,
want features (and associated bugs) that you won’t when Microsoft kicked off the SONiC project (http://
use. Running your own software on the switch is the SONiC stands for “Software
ultimate answer. If you ever used custom firmware on for Open Networking in the Cloud”. According to
your home router, you’ve got the idea. Microsoft, SONiC is ACS but without the company’s
Today, data centre operators can buy a bare-metal internal cloud management applications.
switch and install whatever Network Operating You may now think that Microsoft has released a
System (NOS) they need. If this NOS is open source, Linux distribution, perhaps a specialised one. Many
this adds the usual benefits. But it’s somewhat news sites suggest the same. That’s not true. Like
impossible to build an open-source NOS if the FBOSS, SONiC is a collection of services that run on
interfaces to program the ASIC are proprietary. top of existing Linux system. Currently, it’s Debian
Historically, this was the case, but a few years ago Jessie. Future versions may use ONL (also Debian-
SAI and OpenNSL in a nutshell
Separating switching logic from the hardware is important, but SAI ( relies
eventually, both ends need to meet each other. This implies on custom SwitchX APIs.
an API to handle port configuration and link state monitoring, While the interfaces themselves are open (often under
fill switching tables and forward selected packets to CPU for Apache 2.0), their implementations have no such obligation.
analysis. The situation largely resembles graphics drivers in Linux:
OpenNSL ( OpenGL is an open standard, but it is implemented in a
OpenNSL) and SAI are this API. OpenNSL provides support for proprietary Nvidia driver. OpenNSL, for instance, provides
Broadcom switching ASICs. SAI is generic, and most current GPLv2 Linux drivers (Broadcom ASICs are PCI devices)
implementations are really wrappers around vendor-specific and free (as in speech) header files, but the library itself is
APIs. For example, the Broadcom SAI ( generally available in binary form only. Open interfaces are a
Broadcom-Switch/SAI) builds on OpenNSL, and the Mellanox big step in right direction, but there is still a long way ahead. 23
based) or even Ubuntu. It doesn’t make SONiC a added), or other network applications. Say, Microsoft
distribution: if you Dockerise some application on top employs the Quagga suite (
of an Ubuntu base image, this doesn’t count as an and BGP protocol for dynamic routing in Azure data
Ubuntu derivative. So, Microsoft has not released its centres. Routing table updates are application events
own Linux flavour (yet). And unlike Facebook, which which end up in the key-value store. SONiC doesn’t
designed the Wedge switch to run FBOSS, Microsoft’s currently include an OpenFlow agent, as it isn’t
SONiC is purely a software offering. It runs on deemed necessary. If they have it, the agent would
commodity hardware such as the Dell S6000 or Arista also be the source of events.
7050 switches. Yet it’s really free, as in speech: the
sources (mostly C++ and Python) are released under Free as in… err, kind of
Apache 2.0 licence. There is another SONiC component, which subscribes
This being said, some essential SONiC bits were to database updates and applies changes to the
missing at the time of writing, though this doesn’t switch hardware. This is where SAI comes into play.
mean they won’t be released eventually. Most likely, ASIC is the most important to manage, but not the
Microsoft was in a hurry to have something ready only one. Switches contain LEDs, fans, power
for the OCP Summit 2016. The architecture is well supplies, transceivers and other “platform devices”.
documented (not surprisingly, in the DOCX file) and You want to configure and monitor this equipment, so
the code is unencumbered and easy to understand. SONiC should provide tools for that.
SONiC is all about building high-level abstractions, As it stands, SONiC is not rocket science, and
so the user can concentrate on network applications it won’t probably make big news if it weren’t from
logic, not hardware and low-level stuff. To that end, it Microsoft. It’s relatively small and simple, and tailored
has a bunch of daemons that listen to various events for specific requirements that Microsoft has for Azure
and maintain switch state in a key-value database data centres. But as it is free, things may change
(currently, Redis). Those events may come from quickly if Microsoft builds a vibrant community
the Linux kernel (if cable was plugged or IP address around the project.
SQL Server on Linux
Another Microsoft crown jewel coming to Linux is SQL Server languages, including Python, JavaScript/Node.js, and Ruby,
2016. While this isn’t going to happen until mid-2017, you can and are free (as in speech). This doesn’t mean that SQL Server
already apply for the private preview. It should start around itself would become free, of course.
the time you read this, but we already know enough to have a Why is Microsoft doing this? The reasons are likely
good idea of what’s going to happen. pragmatical. Linux is strong in clouds, including Microsoft’s
In the beginning, SQL Server will be available for Ubuntu own Azure, which we have to keep reminding ourselves is
(with Red Hat likely on the horizon) or as a Docker image. intimately bound with Linux. And it’s obviously an opportunity
Microsoft embraces Docker at large: it’s a first-class citizen in to grab a slice of Oracle’s pie, whose proprietary database has
Azure and found in many company’s projects, including SONiC run on Linux for many years. With Docker gaining popularity
and ASP.NET. SQL Server on Linux leverages existing open- as a deployment tool, people want SQL Server Dockerised as
source offerings in the field, like the FreeTDS protocol driver well. Finally, this move completes the ASP.NET stack on Linux,
( Client libraries are available for many expanding its reach and bringing Microsoft new developers.
Your pictures will never be the same again after you’ve gimped them up!
hen it comes to free software image editors, there’s one Gimp is a complex program. Here at Linux Voice, we think that it’s
name that always comes to mind, partly because it’s a well worth spending a little time becoming familiar with it. The skills
great bit of software and partly because it’s a wildly we’ve learned have paid off time and again in tweaking and
inappropriate name: The Gnu Image Manipulation Program (Gimp). modifying images, and not just because we run a magazine –
Since 1995, this has been the go-to application for Free Software personal photos and graphics of all descriptions can be improved
lovers who need to make changes to images, however large or small. with a little knowledge.
01 02
edit options are under Edit, and, well…
you get the idea.
Images can be built up of
different components.
There might be a background, a
foreground, and a series of changes to
Configurable user interface almost everything to build just the the foreground. All these components
Gimp is suited to a wide interface you need without any can go in different Gimp layers so that
range of image manipulation unnecessary clutter. you can treat them as individual images
tasks – it’s equally adept removing when editing, but render them together
red-eye from photographs as it is Plugins for the final picture. Layers enable you
creating sci-fi fantasy images from There are a huge number of to make changes to one aspect of an
scratch (in the right hands that is), and features in Gimp, but no image without altering the whole thing.
each use case requires a different set software can provide everything that
of tools. everyone will need. If you need Filters
Perhaps you want one big window something that isn’t in the default Filters are used to make
focused on the image you’re working version, you can usually find a plugin. automatic transformations
on, for example, or perhaps you want to Go to Help > Plugin Browser to see to an image. For example, the blur and
split the display between two monitors what’s available. If you switch to Tree sharpen filters can be used to make an
with one showing the image and one View, you’ll see them laid out in the image look less or more in focus. They
showing the tools. You can hide, menus that the new features will can be used to generate images as well
display, rearrange, dock and align appear in, so filters are under Filters, as modify them, and the Filter > Render
03 04
submenu includes options for creating to be displayed at 278x278 pixels, but 08
things including clouds and lava. want the image to be twice this size for
display on retina screens. You could
Batch mode work this out and type in the answer to
What’s the point of a fancy the Gimp size box, but there’s no need:
user interface if you’re an just enter the size as 267*2 and it’ll
elite Linux user? Well, actually, there are calculate the correct size for you.
plenty, but there are also times when it’s
better to run on the command line. If Python
you launch Gimp from the terminal with If you want to make a very
the -b flag, it’ll start in batch mode, specific set of adjustments
which runs operations from the to an image, it can be a waste of time to machine available. The Windows
command line. Usually, this is in the click around with the mouse, and it can version can come as a portable app
form of scripts. You can even use blobs be better to write a simple script. Gimp which means that all the necessary
to run the same action on a range of covers this with a choice of its own files can be stored in a single place,
files at once. With great power comes scripting language and Python. There such as on a USB drive. You can
great responsibility, so be careful with are consoles for both, so you can code download the application from
this and don’t convert all your holiday interactively from within the main
snaps into sepia without a backup. application. Go to Filters > Python-fu > graphics_pictures/gimp_portable.
Console to get started. Open this in Windows and Gimp runs
Maths in size boxes with no installation necessary. If you
Images are sized in pixels, Portability need image-editing capabilities, you can
but you might not always Gimp is easy to install on carry this with you in the knowledge
know the exact size you want. For Linux, but we don’t always that any PC you use can be turned into
example, you might know that it’s going have the luxury of having our own Linux an image-editing workstation. 27
The world’s largest computing expo took place in Hanover in
March, and Linux Voice was there to check out the Linux and
FOSS-related stands.
eBIT is all about superlatives. It’s the world’s CeBIT are based on proprietary technology and
biggest computer show, held at the world’s software, does it make sense to have open source
largest fairground. At the height of the there? Or is it a clash of cultures? Well, in our
dot-com booth it received a staggering 850,000 experience it’s a positive thing. Attendees can see
visitors – but in recent years the attendance has that open source isn’t just the domain of bedroom-
been more subdued at “just” 330,000. dwelling geeks, but actually produces professional
While CeBIT is very much about besuited business and highly regarded software that’s used around the
types impressing one another with shiny booths and world. Many businesses are using and contributing
even shinier business cards, this year’s event also to open source – even if the bulk of their work is
played host to various open source projects. Now, proprietary – so it makes sense to have FOSS
given that most of the companies exhibiting at represented at CeBIT.
There’s a growing trend for companies to take
Free Software and add value on top (such as long-term
support options) while the core product remains free
In this age of almost constant internet connections,
the whole idea of a computer expo where people meet
up in the flesh may appear arcane and unnecessary.
But sometimes communication is so much more
effective when done face-to-face rather than online.
If your company is looking to buy some new kit or
software, what’s better: sitting on the end of a phone
waiting to speak to some faceless sales rep, or
actually being able to see the product in question
being demonstrated and ask questions directly in
front of someone?
Money talks
So we went to Hanover to see how the GNU/Linux,
Free Software and open source ecosystems are
being represented at these big events. And CeBIT
certainly didn’t fail to disappoint on the wow
factor – clearly a lot of money goes in to making
shiny booths and even shinier presentations.
Sometimes it boggled the mind that companies
would invest so much for something that only
lasts for one week, but if it results in some major
contracts being won, it’s worth it…
While most space in the gargantuan expo
halls was devoted to proprietary products and
software, a sizeable area in one hall dedicated
itself to FOSS and was known as the “open
source park”. Many of the companies that
had booths there were active primarily in the
German market, such as B1 Systems, which
offers training, consulting and development
services for Linux and other open source
projects. Similarly, Arogorum was present with
open source document management software.
Some big-name open source projects showed their LibreOffice’s stand was part of a larger booth from
faces as well. LibreOffice had a small team from The CIB, a German software and consulting company The Document Foundation
Document Foundation along with supporters from that has been very active in LibreOffice development had a small stand
answering questions about
the wider community, answering questions, handing recently. This reflects a growing trend in the open
LibreOffice and handing
out flyers and trying to spread awareness of the source world: commercial companies taking FOSS, out flyers.
project. We were told that many people who visited adding value on top (such as long-term support
the stand simply wanted to say thanks for working on options or paid-for features) while the core product
the software, while others were still using the (largely remains free. Of course, in an ideal world everything The Open Source Park
dormant) Apache OpenOffice version and weren’t would be completely free (as in both beer and had plenty of booths
aware of the mighty strides LibreOffice is making. speech), but this seems like a healthy balance to us – devoted to companies
that develop and support
FOSS projects. 29
FOSS gets better and developers can still put bread on The Bavaria-based Tuxedo Computers had
Jon “Maddog” Hall gave their tables at the end of the day. laptops of varying sizes on show, each of which
an entertaining speech runs Linux out of the box (customers have a choice
explaining the history of
Shiny hardware of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or OpenSUSE). Each
Free Software and why it’s
Other open source projects that had booths at model is supplied with a two-year guarantee, and
CeBIT included MariaDB (the community-developed although the company is based in Germany and its
fork of MySQL), while on the hardware front Tuxedo website ( is currently
Computers was present with a bunch of laptops to only available in the German language, it’s possible to
try out. Linux on laptops has always been a bit of a order laptops with international keyboard layouts. We
thorny issue – although it has gotten a lot better in will try to get some laptops in to review in Linux Voice
recent years as hardware has standardised. But it – so watch this space.
has always been frustrating to find a decent, well-built Along with the stands and booths there were a
laptop that runs Linux flawlessly. There are usually number of open source-related presentations given
one or two niggling things that don’t quite work as in front of seated audiences. Jon “Maddog” Hall,
expected (eg Wi-Fi or suspend/resume), or you have the Executive Director of Linux International, gave a
Sadly, B1 Systems wasn’t
selling these large plush to download a poorly maintained proprietary blob, speech explaining why Free Software is important,
penguin toys. They which defeats the point of using open source in the how it’s developed and where it’s going – nothing new
could’ve made a fortune, first place. to long-term GNU/Linux fans, but useful for CeBIT
we reckon…
visitors who were still wary or even sceptical about
FOSS. Maddog did a good job of explaining both the
philosophical and practical benefits of Free Software.
Then there were some more technical talks, such as
the one from Thorsten Behrens, a prolific LibreOffice
developer. Behrens outlined some of the design
changes being made in the suite, while Italo Vignoli
from The Document Foundation gave a talk about
migrations to LibreOffice in Italy – focusing especially
on the bumper 150,000 PC migration of the Italian
Ministry of Defence.
Ein Weißbier, bitte
There was plenty of fun to be had at the end of each
day as well. An Oktoberfest-esque beer hall was set
up for plenty of boozing fun (certainly appreciated by
many visitors from the Far East who didn’t have time
to travel down to Munich), and the centre of Hanover
was fairly easy to reach with a 20-minute tram ride.
So on the whole, Linux and Free Software was
represented pretty well at CeBIT, even though it wasn’t
the main attraction. It would have been nice to see
more Linux distributions present, handing out DVDs
so that visitors could try the operating system on their
own machines, but we were told that the booth prices
are extremely expensive. But it was good to meet
some familiar faces from FOSS projects and hopefully
the talks from Maddog and co managed to convince
some attendees that open source works, it’s beneficial
to all, and it’s here to stay.
This has nothing to do with
Would we recommend visiting CeBIT next year to Linux, but we thought this
Linux Voice readers? If you’re Stateside or in Australia assistant robot was rather
then no – it’s a long way to travel for an event where cool.
FOSS only plays a small part. But if you can reach
Hanover within a few hours, keep an eye on www. later in the year for news about the 2017
event. If it looks like a lot of FOSS projects and related
companies will be present, it’s worth going along –
even just to be wowed by the sheer size of all the
halls. And who knows, maybe there will be even more
robots next year… 31
Servo The new browser engine from Mozilla built for security and speed.
the other hand, runs everything on a Servo break down the task in the
BEN EVERARD single CPU core. same way?
No. Servo breaks down the
Everything? processing load in a more
Actually, I know this. A servo fine-grained way. Individual tasks within
is kind of like a motor except it Well, almost everything. Some each page are handled separately. For
enables you to rotate to a particular plugins – such as Flash – run in example, HTML parsing, image
point. I remember them from your separate processes, but everything else decoding and layout can all be handled
walking robot tutorial in issue 18 runs on just a single core. This can lead by different threads.
Well, yes, those are servos, but to poor performance when you’ve got a
the Servo (note the capital S) lot of tabs open. But isn’t it also a good idea to
we’re talking about today is Mozilla’s How bad the performance is break down the different tabs
new browser framework that’s going to depends a lot on your CPU: if you’ve got into different processes?
bring parallelisation to web browsing. a powerful desktop CPU, then it can Yes it is, and Mozilla has a
probably open quite a few tabs without separate project for this called
Wait, bring parallelisation? a significant slowdown; however, if Electrolysis. You can try out Electrolysis
This is 2016 and I’ve had a you’ve got a slower CPU then the if you’re using one of the developer
multicore processor for the last slowdown can happen quite quickly. versions of Firefox (either Nightly or
decade. Are you telling me that I’ve Servo is being developed by Mozilla Aurora). Open Preferences and check
been only using one core for all that with support from Samsung with a the “Enable Multi-Process” checkbox,
bleedin’ time? view to it working on Android and Arm then restart your browser.
If you’ve been using Firefox then processors. These less powerful Servo is being built with support for
yes, you’ve only been using a processors stand to gain more by being Electrolysis, so as well as the
single core for your web browsing, able to split the load across cores. performance improvements in Servo,
wasting all that processing power. you’ll get these benefits as well.
Chrome (and Chromium) are multi- Chrome splits up the
threaded and balance multiple tabs processing load by running You’ve talked quite a lot about
across many cores of a CPU. Firefox, on each tab in a different thread. Does potential speedups, but not
mentioned just how much quicker it
Individual tasks within each page are handled is. What sort of performance can
you get out of Servo?
separately… HTML parsing, image decoding and This is quite a hard question to
answer. Most browser
layout can all be handled by different threads benchmarking focuses on JavaScript
performance, but this isn’t the main
area that Servo will speed up. It should
speed up the entire process of
rendering a website. A more significant
problem is that we found that the
current version of Servo struggled to
render many complex websites
correctly, which means that the sort of
situation that we would expect to see
Servo perform particularly well in, we
can’t yet try.
When splitting load across more than
one core, performance rarely improves
linearly. In other words, if you split a
task across two cores, it doesn’t usually
run twice as quickly, because there are
overheads in coordinating tasks
between the different threads. The
actual speedup depends a lot on the
particular task and the design of the
application. If we were a gambling
magazine, we’d bet on a 2–3 times
speedup across a four-core CPU, but Servo can display its own test page, but can’t manage the project’s GitHub site.
this really is just speculation.
been heavily tested in the crucible that This doesn’t just affect Servo, but it’s
Other than improved is the open web. Many security bugs coming to all versions of Firefox
performance, are there any have been found and fixed and now
other reasons to use Servo? Firefox is very secure. Even with the Hmm, I can cope with that. I
Speed is important for web additional security that comes through think it’s time for me to switch
browsers, and in order to be using Rust, it’s unlikely that Servo will over and get started.
quick, browsers tend to be written in be as secure as Firefox initially, because Hold your horses – Servo isn’t
quite low-level languages that give you security bugs can be subtle and take even in Alpha testing yet. Or, at
a lot of control over what’s running on time to find. In theory, however, Servo least it’s not as we’re discussing this. By
your machine, and especially, how should eventually mature into a the time you read this it might be, and
memory is handled. Firefox, for browser that’s more secure than Firefox. the first testing versions are expected in
example, is mostly written in C++. The June 2016.
problem with low-level languages is So far it’s been all good news We’re a bit skeptical of the release
that they tend to be prone to security about Servo. I get the feeling date, but you can compile the
problems, particularly around memory that there’s some bad news you’ve development from source even before it
management. Problems like buffer been avoiding telling me? reaches Alpha. There are detailed
overflows can enable attackers to With all the potential changes instructions for all major platforms on
run malicious code and missing coming with Electrolysis and the project’s GitHub page:
bounds checks that can lead to Servo, Mozilla has taken the drastic You’ll
information leaks. step of changing the way add-ons work, need a couple of gigabytes of disk
Mozilla developed the Rust language and is in the process of bringing them space (the exact amount changes from
specifically to solve the problem that into line with Chrome and Opera by day to day as it is being constantly
browsers have in that they need to be using the WebExtensions API. This updated).
both fast and secure. Without wanting interface gives the developer less Rust, the language of Servo, only
to be too technical, Rust enforces rules power than the XUL approach used reached the first stable version in May
around memory ownership that prevent previously, and the decision to change 2015, so the whole technology stack
many security problems while at the has met with ire from some within the down to the code is very young, and
same time don’t compromise add-ons community. there’s plenty of possibilities for
significantly on the amount of control a An easy way to tell if the extensions road-bumps along the way. Work on
programmer has. These same rules on which you rely will be affected is to Servo is being undertaken as an
also help multithreaded performance see if there’s currently an add-on for experiment to see if it works, and only if
because they ease the way data is Chrome that does the same thing. If it does prove to be superior will it be
shared between different threads. there is, then there’ll almost certainly considered as a replacement for the
Servo is written in Rust, so in continue to be a Firefox add-on to do Firefox rendering engine. Therefore,
principal, Servo should be more secure. the job. If not, you could be out of luck there’s no planned release date for a
However, Firefox is mature and is has once the change happens. stable browser based on Servo. 33
There are programmers of the mundane and then there are astral philosophers.
Graham Morrison finds an old-school hacker who inhabits both spheres.
rom linear algebra and
nuclear physics to Wall The important bit isn’t the explanation
Street and Haskell, all via
the Massachusetts Institute of
but the equation – once you’ve read the
Technology. Robert M Lefkowitz is a explanation you can throw it away
programmer who has been working
with computers since the 1970s. He’s
a proponent of both open source and
new development methodologies,
mostly from the unique perspective of
working within proprietary companies.
He’s also one of our favourite
people. He’s got some brilliant ideas
about how programming fits into a
grander literary landscape, and how
we seem to be entering an age of
immutability. The only problem he had
was getting him to admit whether this
was a good or a bad thing…
You’ve spoken before about we use copyright on the Free Software reason for that is that if you say it’s not
how you think technology side to be the instrument of defence, if a literary activity, it’s a mathematical
should make this the fourth age of you will. It’s the weapon of choice in activity, when you do equations, you
publishing, where readers are also staking out the landscape, and we see don’t want descriptive words: it’s not
the publishers. Do you think this is things through this copyright filter. We the words that are important, it’s the
still happening? can boil it down to ‘Patents Bad’, structure that’s important. It’s thing 1
r0ml: My thinking changed when I read ‘Copyright Good.’ And we worry about and then thing 2. You want to be able to
Deborah Brandt [professor emerita of copyrighting software licences, and manipulate the structure to create
English at the University of Wisconsin- there’s a lot of interest and activity equivalences. So you can say, “If we
Madison]. Her research area is around around copyright as it pertains to take this thing, and then we change it in
the distinctions between reading and software, which only makes sense if we this way, we have this thing which we
writing, the history of literacy, but view software as a literary, or have proven is exactly the same as that
differentiating between reading for expressive, activity. thing.” If you approach programming in
specific things and writing for specific that way (and Haskellers tend to
things. We often conflate the two but in Yet copyright is relatively unfit approach it that way) it’s manipulating
fact, reading and writing often are for purpose, and the people symbols where the symbols do not
different and many of the changes who need to change it are those who
associated with the literacy landscape
are related to the change in the balance
benefit most from it’s current state.
r0ml: But what if – and this is one of
Programming is not a
between reading and writing that has my interests in Haskell – Haskell is not literary activity, it’s a
happened recently and that is related to a ‘literary programming language.’ It is a
what is called “The rise of writing.” mathematical programming language, mathematical activity
Strangely enough, that intersects and so the sensibilities are completely
with my interest in Haskell. But the different. In every programming text, in necessarily have to have any
original conceit that I was working chapter one there is a section that goes relationship to reality, so you can be
along was not only the idea of reading into the importance of naming things manipulating abstract symbols. There
and then reading versus writing, which properly, that you need to name your was a British study where they were
threw a monkey wrench into it, but also functions and your variables for looking at this notion of whether
the idea of ‘literacy.’ There is a strong legibility, so that it’s understandable. everybody can be taught how to
current going back to [Gerald Jay] In real-world Haskell, there’s a line program. What they did was, for people
Sussman and [Donald] Knuth that where they say, “Always choose how had taken a programming class,
writing software is a literary activity, and extremely short names as it enhances they gave them a test before they did
certainly in the open source community readability.” And I thought, “Wow! That’s anything, and then gave them a test
we encourage that specifically because an interesting take on that.” And the afterwards, and then based on the
The essence of open source: “I’m working on
stuff, what you’ve done doesn’t do exactly what
I want but rather than patching and changing
yours, I’ll just copy the bits I need and bring
them over to mine and keep going.”
Should everyone be a
programmer? No!
people who had learned stuff – was apply! You can not copyright a different have it now, and you can see it in the
there anything about the test they had expression of an equation, since you symbols. If the code is the symbols and
given first to predict who was going to can show mathematically that they’re the mathematical explanations,
learn and who wasn’t before they took all equivalent. I copyright doesn’t apply. What does that
the class. The test was of the form, “A is mean for our concept of open source?
assigned 3. B is assigned 2. B is But that’s what we’ve all In the absence of needing to license
assigned to A. What’s the value of B.” thought for a long time. copyrights, what’s the difference
Half the people don’t get that r0ml: I would say that there are two between open source and not open
right. It may be obvious, but there’s a different sensibilities. You read the source, and how do you differentiate
huge body of people who don’t find introduction to Structure and between the two? There’s a cultural
it obvious. The conclusion was that Interpretation of Computer Programs thing about how we want it to be
there are people who want it to make [Gerald Jay Sussman, 1st ed. 1985], or literary, but what if it’s mathematical?
it sense. They want something to work Knuth’s work, and they start out by
a certain way and they build a mental saying that programming is not about We wouldn’t think there was a
model that’s associated with the things talking to the machine: programming is single answer to this. Not
they’re familiar with, and in the absence about explaining your algorithm to everyone who understands Python
of that mental model, they’re guessing. other humans so that they can needs to understand Calculus. But
understand it. So there’s this literacy there is a profound difference in the
That’s what people do! ethos, and in fact, Knuth’s book was procedural approach of Python and
r0ml: Right! So Haskell is for literate programming. the functional approach of Haskell.
people who don’t care – B doesn’t have How do you write things so that r0ml: You’re right. It’s not necessarily
to stand for anything. A doesn’t have to they’re publishable and understandable that there’s a right and a wrong answer
stand for anything. But you re-arrange as texts? The mathematical [way] says, – that it’s all one or all the other. But
the symbols and you move the thing “It can be extremely dense and bizarre then if you look at it in the literacy vein,
inside the A to the thing inside the B Greek symbols laid out on the page in we do say “Everybody should be literate
and what’s in B and A, I don’t know, but some way that then needs some and everyone should learn arithmetic.”
it doesn’t matter because it’s a game explanation so you can figure it out.” There’s some level of mathematics that
where you’re rearranging symbols. But nevertheless, the important bit isn’t everybody needs to learn and there’s
That’s what programming is, and it’s the explanation but the equation, so some level of mastery of their native
not a literary activity, it’s a mathematical that once you’ve read the explanation language that everybody needs to learn
activity. And then – copyright doesn’t you can throw it away, because you and both of these are good. 37
data is ‘append only. “Once it is writ, the
hand moves on.”
Functional languages are all about no
variables. Once you have bound a name
the hand has writ and you move on.
You can create a new one but you can
never change the old one. Docker, the
containerisation, it’s all about creating
this environment that you can deploy
as an immutable thing without making
changes to it. And git, in some sense,
is that as well. You never change stuff;
you always apply the patch and branch
again so you start from nothing, and
it’s all a sequence of patches that are
appended to the nothing until you arrive
at the current state, managing the path
that you have to take to arrive at your
destination, although there might be a
little conflict resolution. All of these are
all about immutability.
You said you were joking
earlier, but could this a threat
to the future of open source?
r0ml: I believe the way I phrased it was,
R0ml switched to Vim after
“It’s a threat to our current conception
32 years of using Emacs. His
fingers must hate him. of open source.” My interest in open
source, since the beginning, was the
educational value, and I subscribe to
Maybe that’s sufficiently similar that possibly we’re going about it the wrong those literary interpretations of
we can take it from there, but what way, because a lot of the easy-to-learn software. If I were attempting to solve a
does that imply for a long-range view? languages are less mathematically problem and other people had written
Does it mean there are different kinds rigorous and more, I would say, literary software to do that, I could read that
of programming languages or oriented. You have to learn what the software and I could learn from that. I
programming languages about maths? words mean and what the libraries believe the way we teach it is – you
There’s a programme that the United means and it’s about understanding a have a blank piece of paper, write me a
Nations is trying to achieve called large vocabulary of built-in libraries as program that does X. Starting from
Universal Literacy – do we have a opposed to understanding how to there you never have to read old code,
programme to achieve universal manipulate symbols. you just have to understand how the
numeracy and how do we define
numeracy? Literacy is more binary – Why do you think functional
you can or you can’t. Numeracy is a languages have become so My interest in open source,
little fuzzier because people can count
on their fingers, but is that enough? Or
popular recently?
r0ml: In my nth age of computing idea,
since the beginning, was
should people be able to add and I think the underlying theme that is the educational value
subtract three-digit numbers. Where do taking hold in computing across the
you draw the line? spectrum is immutability. That once it
is writ, the hand moves on! I would symbols manipulate, you make your
This is a similar question to the struggle with the idea of ‘Big Data’, and program, you run it against the test
one we asked Tim O’Reilly my new definition of big data is stuff, it works – you’re a programmer.
– should everyone be able to code? immutable data – it’s data that you Nobody does that anymore. What you
He said no. But he also said never update values, you only append really have is vast quantities of
everyone should be able to change as new information comes in. So all of software, and you have to navigate it
the way their computers worked. the three or four Vs of big data (Volume, and figure out where [to change it].
r0ml: In order to find the middle road, I Velocity, Variety and Variability) had We have this big mass of software
think we need to understand whether nothing to do with bigness. In fact, and we have to go there and change it
we’re trying to find a road that’s more you’d see 1.5MB data sets that they because it was immature and
like literature or a road that’s more like would argue were big data, so I think everything was growing quickly. So
maths, and if it’s more like maths then the attribute that is the essence of big another thing that functional
programming tries to encourage is
‘one-liners,’ functional expressions that
can be composed. That way I don’t
have to understand all of those bits, I
just have to say, “I want this bit, and this
bit, and this bit, and I’ll make my thing
which is a different composition of
those things that solves my problem.”
As we move to the idea of whether
it’s data or code, the way we make new
things is by composing these bits and
we in general have a distaste for
modifying things, it’s all about making
another thing atop that previous thing.
Our concept of open source – which is
people contributing patches, and
working to modify a codebase over
time – it instead becomes this
conception of things that have been
written and once writ the hand moves
“The sense of the age is
on. If you never have to look inside, the
immutability, and functional
source has no value. So you wouldn’t
programming fits into that
need to do that in order to build whole paradigm.”
software, although you might need to
do that in order to understand software.
having a closed society – going into a exploiting immutability more and more,
Does that mean a severance room and picking the next leader, kind and that becomes the threat. In privacy
with the old political ideology of thing. If it’s going to be open it needs and security terms, things become
behind Free Software? to be open and possibly the immutable and can’t be forgotten and
r0ml: The political ideology might shift. mechanisms need to be auditable. can’t be changed – there’s a good side
If it’s software that is deciding when to to that and a dark side to that. We’re
brake or swerve in your self-driving car, Do you think there are any new giddy with the prospects of the good
does it need to be publicly posted so freedoms that come with side, and the dark side is slowly
that people can evaluate it and so the modern development? revealing itself.
code is available for court cases? Is it a r0ml: Security and privacy are rising
legal requirement because of the way it concerns, and how they intersect with But there’s nothing unnatural
intersects with reality? You could argue this immutability notion, but this for the current generation
for public health reasons, or for voting immutability intersects with the right to when they think about Facebook’s
machines – to have it be closed is like be forgotten. At a technical level, we’re immutability and their online lives
living forever on the internet.
r0ml: But if there are dark
R0ml is a guru. Just out of shot
consequences that are not clear yet, in
were gathered multitudes come
to listen and learn. the long term. As a young child I
remember my mother taught the
history class… One of the stories she
told (which Wikipedia disagrees with,
but I grew up with) was this notion that
what caused the downfall of the
Roman Empire was plumbing. They
developed plumbing and they brought
water to the houses of the rich and
powerful, and it’s called plumbing
because it’s made from plumbum –
lead – so this poisoned the upper
classes and led to the fall of the Roman
Empire. So is plumbing a good thing or
a bad thing? They had some activity
that they felt was benign, or even good,
which turned out to be the thing that
caused the downfall of civilisation. 39
The latest software and hardware, rigorously bashed against a wall by our crack team.
On test this issue . . .
BBC Micro:bit
At last, the BBC is using some of its vast
wealth to foster computing in schools.
And by the looks of it, this little device
may well end up in a few sheds, garages
and workshops too.
Andrew Gregory
Is afraid of frosts in April and so is late getting
his potatoes in the ground.
he Linux desktop has changed
beyond recognition over the last
five years, when Gnome 3 was
released in April 2011. There are swishy
panels, full-screen by default, and new
ways of finding applications that
involve something more innovative Ubuntu Mate 16.04 44 OpenBSD 5.9 45
than using a boring old menu. But have Take Ubuntu, add the user-friendly Mate desktop. The latest desktop offering from the non-handholdy,
humans changed that much over the Marriage made in heaven or unholy alliance? ultra-secure Unix flavour, OpenBSD.
last five years? Of course not. We all put
so much effort into doing whatever else
we need to do that learning a new
interface is always at the bottom of our
priority list.
Group test and books
Back to the future
Hats off then to the Mate team for
delivering such a superb desktop.
Ignoring trends and looking extremely
like a bunch of luddites at first, they
stuck to a system that was tried and
trusted and have made it better slowly,
gradually, at a pace that our tiny human
brains can handle. That’s Linux for
human beings, and it’s why Ubuntu
Mate makes so much sense. Not all
change is good – remember that the Booooooooooooooks!!!! 48 Group test – Instant messaging clients 50
next time you see someone praising Juxtapose the vast bleakness of space with the Low bandwidth, no-fuss communication ideal for
modernisation for its own sake. claustrophobia of living on board ship, LibreOffice working from home/the pub. No wonder we love and computer science in our papery trio. instant messaging (and you should too). 41
BBC Microbit
Ben Everard investigates the first BBC computing device in 22 years.
Website he Microbit is a microcontroller developed by There are four officially supported languages: Code
Developer BBC the BBC to help children learn to program. It’s Kingdom’s JavaScript; Microsoft Block; Microsoft
Price Free to year 7 school
a bare circuit board about half the size of a Touch Develop; and Python. They all run in the
credit card, with an array of buttons, LEDs and output browser through, so there’s nothing
connectors (three programmable, a 3-volt and a to install or set up. On that website, you can write
ground). Flip it over and there’s a micro USB code, compile it, and download the result as a HEX
connector, reset button and a battery connector. file. Of the four languages, only Python is traditional
The board is powered by a small ARM Cortex M0 in the sense that you write code in text. In the Block
processor, which is designed for embedded language, you drag and drop bits of code together and
applications and doesn’t have the features needed you can create programs without ever needing to use
to run a full operating system such as Linux or the keyboard. Code Kingdom’s JavaScript is about
Windows. There are no ports to plug in your mouse, halfway between this graphical approach and writing
keyboard or monitor, so you need to write your code code, because although you drag and drop blocks,
The layout of the on a different computer and upload the compiler these blocks contain real JavaScript. Touch Develop
Microbit is well suited to output to the Microbit. has an on-screen keyboard that changes depending
making simple games. on what it expects you to type next. If the cursor is
next to a variable name, for example, the keyboard will
display all the options that could go next such as +, =,
> , etc.
But there’s no Basic!
Our inner geek is a little disappointed that BBC Basic
(the language of the much-loved BBC Micro used by
most British school children in the 80s and early 90s)
isn’t available for the Microbit, but it’s much better for
today’s programmers to learn with modern languages
rather than relics from the past. The four languages
do complement each other well, and between them,
they give a good range of options for all levels of
programmer. We’re a little concerned that half of the
Above left: The main pins
are large enough for
crocodile clips or banana
Above: Labelling the parts
on the board makes it less
intimidating than a bare
circuit board.
recommended programming tools come from We’d recommend sticking with the desktop for
Microsoft, but the languages are open source and development if at all possible.
available through Microsoft’s GitHub account. While the software setup is excellent and the
The initial setup of the hardware is just as easy hardware works well, the board is limited. With
as the software: you just plug the board into your just two buttons and a five by five grid of LEDs, an
machine via USB and it’ll appear as a USB storage interested child could quickly run out of things to play
device. Just copy any compiled code (a HEX file)
into the mounted storage, and the Microbit will run
your program. There’s nothing to install, and it works It’s much better for today’s programmers
on any modern OS. As well as USB, you can upload
programs via Bluetooth from phones and tablets
to learn with modern languages rather
using the Microbit app from Samsung (available for than relics from the past
Android version 4.4 and up and iOS version 8 and up).
The HTML interface that enables the Microbit it to with. There are also options using the compass and
work on most computers also runs on phones and accelerometer, though these are still held back by
tablets, but performance is poor. The development the lack of output hardware. Along the bottom of the
environments struggle to run on modest hardware, Microbit, there are an additional 16 GPIO pins that
and don’t work particularly well with touch input. could be used in more complex projects, but in order
to access them, you need additional hardware. There
will, no doubt, soon be a healthy market for add-on
boards to bring more features.
The Microbit doesn’t feel like a board to teach a few
students a lot about computing – it feels like a board
to teach a lot of students a bit about computing.
It’s an introductory device that many students will
outgrow, and that’s fine. There are loads of platforms
that students can use to grow the skills they first
learn on the Microbit. Getting children interested is the
hardest part of teaching anything, and the Microbit is
an exciting device for kids to play with.
Really easy to use and great way to get children
interested in computing.
The Block language enables children to code without
having to remember syntax. 43
Ubuntu Mate 16.04
With more features than a Yamaha DX7, Graham Morrison has got this one covered.
Web e know this is a rather Ubuntu-centric into an Ubuntu Unity look-alike, complete with a
Developers Martin Wimpress issue, but this release of the Mate edition is launch panel on the left. More than a joke, this layout
and an awesome team.
definitely worth the extra attention. In the will help people who have by now become used to
Licence Various open source
12 months since it became an official member of the Ubuntu’s default configuration and want a lighter
Ubuntu family, the distribution has been crammed full desktop. Lighter is emphasised in the distribution’s
of new features and usability improvement, making it breadth too, with added support for both the
one of our absolute favourite Linux distributions. Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3, complete with
At its core is Mate’s continuation of the Gnome 2.x video acceleration for VLC, FFmpeg and Kodi.
desktop, and this version, 1.12.1, is another reminder We didn’t have a multi-touch trackpad handy, but
that Gnome really was on to something with its we have tried an earlier beta running on Entroware’s
original twin-panelled desktop. Everything looks and excellent Apollo laptop, where the new touchpad
feels so intuitive. The unification here of GTK, GTK 3 tweaks make a huge difference. The ability to perform
and Qt applications, means they all look almost one-click PPA package installs via the human-curated
identical in their theming. And we’re big fans of the ‘Software Boutique’ is also unique, where adding even
default – it’s consistent, polished and professional, proprietary software, like Spotify, is simple (although is
and it’s the theme we’ve found anyone dumping there really no ‘Search’ function?).
Windows 10 feels most comfortable with. But the We love the desktop’s integrated tweaks tool, the
desktop is also configurable, and this release bundles monster list of settings and all the new panels. It’s
the (ironically named?) ’Mutiny’ layout that turns Mate also worth mentioning that the team’s primary
objective is to make Ubuntu Mate “Accessible to all,
regardless of language and physical ability,” and
there’s improved support for braille displays with the
new language packages adding 400MB to the size of
the ISO image. The overwhelming feeling is that this
release comes from a team that genuinely cares.
Not too taxing on your system or your brain,
Bundling a tweak tool that Ubuntu Mate is becoming the perfect distro for
gives you much finer people who like to get things done.
control over the display is
a brilliant idea.
OpenBSD 5.9
It’s free, Unixy and ultra secure – but how does OpenBSD 5.9 match up to Linux?
henever a new OpenBSD release comes Web
Platforms x86, amd64, SPARC,
out, we rush over to the FTP mirrors, grab ARM, PowerPC
the ISO and install it in VirtualBox. And one License BSD (some parts GPL)
thing always impresses us: the OS remains consistent
and stable despite all of the changes that go on under
the hood. OpenBSD is an open source Unix flavour
that runs pretty much everything you get on Linux (at
least FOSS), but it’s incredibly hardened out of the box
with security features that are optional bolt-ons in
most Linux distros (and the other BSDs).
OpenBSD doesn’t hold your hand: its simple text- Every OpenBSD release
mode command-driven installer assumes you know has a variant on the Puffy
exactly what you want to do, and gets out of your way. mascot – and songs as
After installation you have a very minimal bare-bones well!
Unix flavour – it’s your job to set it up as you like it.
So what’s new in this release? It arrived slightly likes of Firefox (especially when watching video)
earlier than expected, possibly to provide a longer choppier than when using Linux. The OpenBSD team
development cycle for the next version (which may recognises this as an issue. Similarly, releases are only
have some big changes to multi-processor support). supported for 12 months, and there’s no system of
The biggest change is the integration of the pledge binary updates built-in as standard.
system call, which restricts the system calls that a Still, OpenBSD is a very well curated Unix flavour
program can make for improved security. that mixes simplicity with useful security-oriented
On multi-processor (SMP) machines (ie pretty features. Tune in next month for a full tutorial…
much anything from the last few years) the network
stack’s performance has been improved, and then An elegant, well-engineered OS at the forefront
there are the usual small updates and bugfixes (see of security technology. Some issues with
performance and long-term support though. for the full list). But SMP
is still an issue on the desktop, though, making the 45
The tastiest brain candy to relax those tired neurons
Price £14.99
ayday 2 is one of the most popular
multiplayer games around, allowing up to
four players to carry out intricate heists or
simply go guns blazing when it all inevitably goes
Michel Loubet-Jambert is our Games
Editor. He hasn’t had a decent night’s wrong. The customisability is deep in this game,
sleep since Steam came out on Linux. with unlockables and perks allowing the player to
specialise or tweak equipment depending on the Graphically, the game does its job and should run
hings have been moving along heist. Seeing the player’s safehouse expand and well on older machines.
quickly with the Vulkan API, upgrade over time also provides a nice sense of
and AMD has now released a
progression on top of the levelling system, mode to keep things interesting. In fact, more
Vulkan driver. This comes shortly
after the fglrx driver was dropped keeping the game interesting and allowing for complicated missions can be nearly impossible
from Ubuntu, a decision which now many hours of gameplay. to complete in single player. However, at its
makes more sense. This should On the surface, Payday is simply a shooter, but best, when played with others online, Payday 2
hopefully also mean that AMD more experienced players will uncover a is deeply exhilarating, aided by its soundtrack,
graphics card owners should start to
multitude of strategic options, such as scouting which changes in intensity to match the situation.
see performance shift towards what
is seen on Windows, curbing the out locations and disabling security mechanisms If you’re looking for a strictly single-player
number of developers who simply before donning the mask and going in. experience then it’s best to give this a miss
don’t support the cards on Linux. The game is essentially an exclusive since it has little to offer in that regard. However,
To make it three out of three multiplayer experience, and while there is an Payday 2 is a great deal of fun played with
vendors, Intel has also gotten in on
offline mode, the AI does little more than serve friends, through communication and tactics can
the act, showcasing its open source
graphics drivers with Vulkan on Dota as some extra firepower, and there’s no story be somewhat more limited.
2 and some benchmarks comparing
Vulkan with OpenGL and OpenGL ES,
with some very hefty performance
increases in the region of 30% and
close to a threefold performance
increase on mobile. Wine gamers will
be pleased to know that it has also
added Vulkan support.
Meanwhile, many developers have
come out and expressed support for
the Vulkan API along with numerous
engines. With DirectX 12 only
supporting Windows 10 and the
recent controversy over the Universal
Windows Platform initiative, which
garnered a very negative response
from developers and the press, the
conditions do seem favourable for
Vulkan to become the API of choice.
Take hostages and crack
There are 1.2 million Linux users
safes or simply blow up
on Steam, up from around 630,000 in
October 2013, and this isn’t including everyone and everything.
SteamOS. The percentage has
dropped slightly, but this is due to the
increasing number of Steam users, At its best, when played with others online,
which has doubled in recent years.
Payday 2 is deeply exhilarating
A delightfully old-school city builder.
Website moot point since neither game is original,
Price £14.99
and as such, there is nothing particularly
groundbreaking here as the player builds
ity building god games seemed to up a settlement while contending with the
have died out some 15 years ago, elements, famine, wolves and disease.
after the likes of Populous, The Nevertheless, it’s great to see a return
Settlers and the like were extremely of this genre and Villagers does well
popular. Villagers recreates that feel, even in breathing new life into it, keeping
Out of the Park Baseball 17
down to its simple graphical style. it simple and not overloading it with This is worth picking up for fans of the sport
The game has received a fair bit of forced additions. There’s also a story management genre. However, if you already
flak for being similar to Banished, a game mode, which is worth playing through to have one of the older games you should note
whose Linux port is in the works but as yet get to grips with the mechanics before that the new installment consists mostly of a
uncompleted. This seems something of a embarking on a full sandbox mode. roster update, though there is a new 3D
ballpark view. If you haven’t tried the series,
and want a change from the likes of Football
Manager, this is for you.
Villagers is both graphically Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy
and mechanically reminiscent This beautiful point-and-click adventure game
of a bygone age in gaming. – based on the comic book of the same name
– is the first major game to use the FOSS
Godot engine. If that alone isn’t reason enough
to get it, it’s also worth noting that this has
Deponia Doomsday
some of the best visuals seen in an adventure
game, with its amazing pre-rendered
backgrounds. There’s also a nice film noir vibe
An unexpected encore. and a variety of intriguing characters.
Price £23.99
hose who played the hugely
successful Deponia adventure
game trilogy will know that the
ending was divisive among fans and a
sequel has been demanded for a long
time in order to amend this. Out of The plot centres heavily on time travel, but
nowhere, Deponia Doomsday was released, manages not to be too chaotic.
with the unfortunate precedent of creative Sheltered
The nuclear apocalypse has wiped everything
vision succumbing to fan pressure. The game won’t make a huge deal of
out and now it’s time to build and manage a
Although the game comes close to sense if you haven’t played Deponia: The bunker, ensuring the survival of family
needless fanservice, it ties everything Complete Journey, and is intended as a members and potential drifters. Like other
together nicely while surpassing its tongue-in-cheek love letter, delivering such games, Sheltered starts off simple
predecessors in many areas. The game’s more laughs, more characters and a enough, building and upgrading items in the
shelter, but quickly turns into a hugely
protagonist had been criticised for being bit of closure and doing most of these
addictive exercise in multitasking as it grows.
amoral and unintelligent, and this has better than before. Deponia Doomsday has It isn’t as deep as This War of Mine story-wise,
been toned down, while puzzles are more turned out to be a very decent addendum but it’s far less depressing.
streamlined, addressing concerns with the to a fantastic series, bringing its lovable
previous titles. characters back to life. 47
A Machine Made This Book
Ben Everard is a machine that converts noodle soup into words.
Author John Whitington
Publisher Coherent Press
Price $19.99
ISBN 978-0957671126
omputer science is an odd subject. everything from rendering fonts to text
It’s not really about how computers layout, and each task to be completed
work, or how to use them. The needs a separate computational solution.
introduction to this book quotes Edsger There’s no programming involved (computer
Dijkstra as saying “Computer science is no science isn’t about programming), but
more about computers than astronomy instead, Whitington looks at the underlying
is about telescopes.” Instead computer ideas behind the tasks. He also covers some
science is a highly theoretical subject of the history of the subject.
dealing with the very nature of computation. A Machine Made This Book is entertaining
That, of course, is a wholly unsatisfying to read and gives a good basic introduction
explanation of the subject, but we simply to the subject for anyone who hasn’t studied
don’t have enough space to explain it fully. A computer science. It won’t make you a
Machine Made This Book tries to explain the better computer user, but it will open your
fundamental principals of computer science eyes to a new way of looking at computing.
to a non-technical audience.
John Whitington tackles this by looking A readable foray into the often opaque
world of computer science.
at the various bits of computation involved Technically, several machines made that book,
in putting a book together. This covers but we aren’t going to be pedantic.
Designing With LibreOffice
Can LibreOffice styles save Ben Everard from CSS madness?
Author Bruce Byfield
Publisher Friends of OpenDocument, Inc.
Price Free or £15.08
ISBN 9781921320446
ibreOffice can be thought of as a can gradually build up your LibreOffice skills
communications tool. It can perform without having to commit weeks to
other tasks, but mostly it conveys the effort.
information from one person to another, You can download the source files for the
whether in the form of a letter, a slide show book (in the Free and non-DRM-encumbered
or a spreadsheet. Good design makes this ODT format, naturally) to take a look at
communication clearer and more attractive how the author, Bruce Byfield designs his
to your audience. LibreOffice provides many own documents. These source files are
tools to help you with this, such as the style licensed CC-BY-SA so you can also make
manager and templates. Use these well, and changes and release them if you wish. The
creating good-looking documents is easy. French LibreOffice documentation team are
Designing With LibreOffice shows you currently working on a translation, so if you
how to make the most of all the software have time on your hands and would like
in LibreOffice (except Base), though over to join them, download the files and start
two thirds of the book focuses on Writer. At spreading the word.
almost 500 pages long, it’s a bit daunting,
but the text is well structured, so you don’t If you use LibreOffice, this book will save you time and
make your work look better.
have to go through the whole thing in one You no longer have any excuses for sloppy-
go. By going through a chapter at a time, you looking documents.
Graham Morrison cancels his ticket for Elon Musk’s starship. Also released…
Author Kim Stanley Robinson
Publisher Orbit
Price £8.99
May 2016
ISBN 978-0356500485
Designed for Use
s regular readers will know,
we’re partial to a little science The world wide web has
been around for a while
fiction, and we’re not alone.
now, and yet it’s littered
Tim O’Reilly has a vast personal with poor design. Making
collection, and he even became friends sure products work the
with Dune author, Frank Herbert, while way your users expect
writing a book about him. The last them to seems like a
simple task, and yet it’s
sci-fi book we reviewed in Linux Voice
almost impossible. This is
was The Martian, a book recommend the premise of this book
to us at OggCamp, and we loved it. – now in its second
Aurora comes with similar praise. It’s edition – and we can only
an award winning novel from an award In space, no one can hear you scream or hope more designers and
web developers take its Bring back GeoCities!
winning novelist with glowing reviews. read your bad book reviews.
message to heart. (only joking).
It even has a somewhat similar
premise to The Martian. It’s set inside balanced against parts similar to
a ‘generational starship,’ designed to Prime Minister’s Questions in the UKs
accommodate several generations as Parliament. There’s lots of diplomacy,
they travel for 200 years to colonise lots of drama and lots of strategising. Designing Machine Learning Systems
Tau Ceti. But despite this interstellar For us, there’s too little classic sci-fi The full title of this book
setting, the story quickly becomes escapism. In particular, we were is Designing Machine
one of resources and resourcefulness, expecting a story more like Arthur C Learning Systems with
and depressingly, the fragile art of Clarke’s, Fall of Moondust, in which a Python, and it’s incredible
to see how popular Python
community. Perhaps the reason why Lunar tourist vessel becomes stuck has become. This has
The Martian’s biologist, Mark Watney, and submerged in a moon crater, or happened quietly, as a
was able to accomplish so much even Clarke’s Rendevouz with Rama, new generation of
alone on Mars was precisely because where a feeling of alien isolation developers discard
he was alone. Put 2,000 people on a pervades every sentence as the silly compilers and
complicated build
ship, it seems, and no one ever makes humans break into an unknown craft systems. And machine
a reasonable decision again. passing through the solar system. learning is another trend
Sadly, we found this all-too-earthly that’s just discovered the Teach the machines to
premise all too familiar. Aurora could Bustle in your hedgerow same thing. think for themselves!
have been set anywhere – on a small Our main problem with Aurora is
island, on a transatlantic voyage, in simple: we found it mundane. In all the
Cambridge. The science fiction feels various trials faced by the on-board
like a beautifully hung backdrop, like population ,travelling light years from Electronic Components vol 3
a Hubble image glimpsed through one star system to another, through
Soldering components
the starship’s dimly lit interior at the vast inky blackness of space, for and building electronic
night. There is plenty of science – the first time in human history, there things is a physical
we’re constantly reminded about was too little awe at the cosmos. process. It’s difficult to
the incredible balancing act required However, there was plenty of apathy, use a screen at the same
to maintain life, where biodiversity an all-too earthly trait. The in-flight time, so having a physical
encyclopedia to the
rules and where any change in one human machinations are far more components you’re using
of a million unknowable feedback probable, and may be interesting to is very helpful, especially
cycles can and will have catastrophic some, but we wanted more simple when it comes from a
consequences. But most of the book adventure and less political intrigue. publisher with the clout of
surrounds the humans and how And sadly, we didn’t get it. Make. Books like this also
make the perfect birthday
they arrange themselves for such an gift, so we’d suggest
arduous journey. A play in two acts that could have been leaving this page open… Build something now!
Predictably, there are parts similar set anywhere.
to William Golding’s Lord of the Flies 49
Mayank Sharma is as stingy as a Yorkshireman the day before pay day, and would
rather test different instant messaging clients than pay for a real phone.
On test Instant messaging clients
nstant messaging is probably one. Rather it’s determined by the
Gajim more prolific than email. It messaging service they choose to
URL started as a means for sending use for the correspondence. For this
Licence GNU GPL v3 simple text-only messages. But over reason, a majority of home users
Latest release 0.16.5 the years IM has evolved into a would prefer to use an IM client that
Can the lightweight app hold a full-fledged feature-rich medium of enables them to communicate on
candle to the biggies? communication that involves multiple different services.
images, audio and even video. Some corporate environments
Jitsi There are two very distinct prefer a protocol that excels at
URL settings for the use of IM, which transmitting audio and video, while
Licence Apache have a direct bearing on its features. others would be willing to accept
Latest release 2.8 The primary users of IM are a lag as long as the protocols
A Java-based IM client that began individual home users who use it guarantees security and privacy.
life to facilitate VoIP. for touching base with their friends In this Group Test we’ll look
and family. Increasingly, IM is also at some of the best IM clients
Kopete being adopted by institutional users
inside the corporate environment.
that’d best serve both of these
kinds of users. Besides their core
These of users have slightly different functionality and support for
Licence GNU GPL
requirements. One key differentiator multiple protocols, we’ll also be on
Latest release 1.7.2
It might be on the way out, but it between the two types of user the lookout for the IM client that you
still packs quite a punch. bases is the choice of IM protocol. can use in all sorts of environments
For home users, the choice of and for all kinds of uses, be it
Pidgin protocol isn’t usually a conscious personal or corporate.
Licence GNU GPL
Latest release 2.10.12
The primary users of IM are home
Can one of the oldest IM clients stave
off competition from the young ’uns?
users who use it to touch base with
their friends and family
URL Protocol stew
Licence GNU GPL v3
Before IM clients can stream your text, Protocol (XMPP). Despite their popularity
Latest release 1.3.0
audio or video over the internet, they in certain use cases, the majority of
The only client in this group test that need to first process and transform them free IM services by popular networks
doesn’t route IMs via a central server. into a form that is suitable for passing continue to use their own proprietary
over the network. This conversion is protocol. That said, many services have
Wickr handled by bits of code called codecs.
There have been several attempts to
taken steps to enable users on their
network to communicate with users on
URL create a unified standard for instant another network. None of the protocols,
Licence Proprietary messaging, including IETF’s Session however, has received the same level of
Latest release 2.6.0 Initiation protocol (SIP), SIP for Instant acceptance as XMPP, popularly known as
A proprietary software for secure Messaging and Presence Leveraging Jabber. Designed to be extensible, XMPP
Extensions (SIMPLE) and the XML-based has taken on new features and is today
communications sounds oxymoronic…
Extensible Messaging and Presence one of the best all-round IM protocols.
Go grab a Jabber
It’s free and interoperable.
abber came to life in 1998 and was Federation is one of the best things about registrations (
formalised as the XMPP protocol by XMPP/Jabber. Users registered with one php). Besides the link to the service, the
the Internet Engineering Task Force Jabber service can interact with users on directory also grades the services based on
(IETF). It is by far the most popular IM another Jabber service without any issues. a number of factors including their country
protocol and is implemented by several There are several XMPP servers on the of origin, the Certification Authority and
instant messaging servers. Google Talk also internet that enable you to register a free the XMPP server that powers the service.
uses XMPP. However, the service dropped account. is the original XMPP While you can register with any of the listed
XMPP federation in 2004, though users can service. Although it currently isn’t registering services directly by visiting their webpage,
still connect to their GTalk account using any accounts, the website hosts a list of several IM clients in this group test also allow
third-party XMPP clients. other XMPP services that allow public you to register with a public XMPP server.
One with everything.
he Java-based Jitsi IM client runs on
multiple desktop platforms and is
easy to install. When you launch it
for the first time, Jitsi opens up a window
where you can enter authentication
information for several different services and
protocols including Google Talk, Facebook
and XMPP. Furthermore, Jitsi is a full-fledged
VoIP client as well and also lets you make
calls using the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP). Unlike the other clients in this group
test, Jitsi started out as a SIP client (and was
in fact initially named the SIP Jitsi can help you create temporary and permanent private chat rooms.
Communicator) and was later renamed
because of its enhanced protocol support. over all the supported networks. Jitsi is also which lets you save the audio from the call
The client supports one-to-one and multi- one of the few clients that can also encrypt as an MP3. You also get buttons to create
user conference chats on the supported the audio and video calls as well using the a conference call or transfer a call, both of
services. You can use Jitsi to make audio SRTP and ZRTP protocols over both SIP and which open a dialog box to select contacts.
and video calls to one user or to several XMPP connections. The Jitsi developers have also created an
users on both SIP and XMPP networks. XMPP component called Jitsi Videobridge
During such an audio/video call, Jitsi can Sharing is caring that enables multi-user video calls. Jitsi
mute calls, put them on hold, transfer them, One of Jitsi’s unique features is its ability Videobridge receives video from every
and can also record them. Again this feature to stream and share your desktop without participant and relays it to the others. The
is available for SIP and XMPP networks using any of the traditional desktop app also has a range of narrowband and
depending on whether the service being streaming mechanisms such as VNC. wideband codecs, including the G.722, Speex
used supports the feature. One of the best Jitsi also lets you stream either the entire and Skype’s SILK codec. Jitsi integrates
features of the client is its ability to make desktop or a portion of the screen. You can nicely with the desktop. You get pop-up
registrar-less SIP calls to other Jitsi users on even enable your contact to remotely control messages to indicate when a contact is
the local network. your desktop. Moreover, users at both ends writing a message, as well as the message
Jitsi also has some of the best security of a call can share their desktops with the itself if the message window isn’t open. The
features. Not only does it store your login other person at the same time. app also has enterprise-friendly features,
details in an encrypted warehouse, it can Jitsi enables you to select contacts that such as support for LDAP directories.
also authenticate the identity of a contact you want in a conference call. The good
via their unique fingerprint. If your friends thing about Jitsi’s conference call is that it VERDICT
are using another client, Jitsi can also use lets you add contacts from different services The only thing you can
hold against this client is
the standardised Off-The-Record (OTR) and protocols and join them in a single that it’s resource hungry.
extension to encrypt instant messages conference call. One useful button is Record, 51
The ageing padawan.
he well-known Pidgin IM client its plugin infrastructure. Most Pidgin
quite possibly supports the installations come with a handful of
largest number of networks. It useful plugins, including an auto-accept
features a tab-based interface for plugin for file transfers, and a psychic-
hosting multiple conversations mode plugin, which pops up a window
simultaneously. You can use Pidgin to as soon as someone is typing out a
sign into multiple accounts and message to you. There’s even a plugin
services at the same time. On these that hooks up Pidgin with Rhythmbox
services, the app supports all the typical and updates your status automatically
IM features such as file transfers, away with the title of the track you’re currently
messages, buddy icons, custom listening to. One useful plugin is the Pidgin developers are quick to fix vulnerabilities in the app
smilies, and typing notifications. History plugin, which displays your last as well as in its libpurple library.
The default user interface of Pidgin is conversation with a contact whenever
easy to navigate. Settings that influence you open a new IM window. Some of Pidgin’s features work best
the app can be configured from the if the contact at the other end is also
app’s main window, while settings Third-party add-ons using the same client. This includes
pertaining to a particular chat can be Besides the ones supported officially, everything from minor features such as
tinkered with from the chat window. there are tons of third-party plugins the ability to buzz your contact to grab
One of the client’s best features is linked to on the project’s website. their attention to audio and video calls.
buddy pounce. Using the feature you However, be aware that not all of them
can configure Pidgin to perform an work on Linux. One useful plugin that is VERDICT
action when a buddy does something often available as a separate package A long-time Linux
mainstay that’s ideal for
like sign-in or send a message and on most distros is the Pidgin-OTR texting across networks.
so on. One of Pidgin’s strengths is plugin for encrypting the chat sessions.
The bantamweight pugilist.
his is another small but appearance, log conversations and
powerful XMPP/Jabber client. If change themes and skins with ease.
you aren’t already registered, Head to Help > Features to get a list
Gajim is aware of a large number of of all the supported features that can
Jabber services and can help you set be used in your setup. If some of the
one up with ease. However, the client features aren’t available, the window
doesn’t let you add accounts on will point you to the libraries you need
popular services such as MSN, ICQ, to install to get that feature to work.
AIM and others. To use it to connect
with buddies on these popular Make a noise and make it clear Gajim supports Bonjour/Zeroconf to discover other users
networks, you’ll have to rely on IM You can also use Gajim to have voice on the local network.
transports and gateways – but not all and video chat sessions with your
services support transports to other contacts. However, while Gajim works more security, Gajim also supports an
networks. Gajim includes the Discover on Windows as well, the multimedia experimental plugin for the OMEMO
Services option to list all supported ferrying sessions work best if both encryption, which as per the developers
transports on the connected service. clients are on Linux. One of the app’s gives better encryption features than
Like Pidgin, Gajim has a simple strong suits is its settings screen, which OTR. Another benefit Gajim has over
interface with a tabbed chat window. enables you to configure almost every Pidgin is that it lets you store passwords
It too offers group chats, file transfers single bit of the app such as preset in Gnome Keyring or KDE Wallet.
and other common IM features, such messages, notifications, and the port
as emoticons and avatars, that you’d used for file transfers. VERDICT
A wonderfully feature-rich
expect from any full-fledged IM client. Gajim also features an impressive and versatile IM client
Gajim lets you set status messages, list of plugins, including a version of especially for XMPP users.
manage contacts, customise the OTR plugin written in Python. For
Kopete IM vs VoIP
Kollect kall.
Two side of the same coin?
unctionally speaking, both instant
messaging and VoIP appear the same.
You can use both to exchange text
messages and files and make audio and video
calls. But in technical terms, the comparison is
akin to comparing apples and oranges. To
better understand the differences (and
similarities) let’s compare their protocols. The
main IM protocol is XMPP, while SIP does the
same job for VoIP.
Both XMPP and SIP are what are known
as signalling protocols. They are designed to
establish channels that allow two clients to
communicate packets of data with each other.
However, neither SIP nor XMPP technically
Kopete lets you have video chats, but only over Yahoo’s IM service. carry the actual voice/video data. This is left
up to other protocols, which are negotiated by
opete supports a wide variety of Talking of contacts, Kopete can group the signalling protocol.
protocols including AIM, ICQ, different contacts that correspond to The one major difference between the two
MSN, Yahoo, IRC and Jabber. The the same person on different networks is in terms of their design – SIP is a peer-
first step once you’ve installed the client is into one single meta-contact. So if you to-peer protocol and XMPP is client–server.
to add an account. This populates the have a friend who is on several networks, Furthermore, the two protocols have evolved
interface with your list of contacts. The instead of him hogging the app’s interface, differently. SIP was designed primarily with
interface also has easily accessible you can group all his identities into one just signalling as a goal, while XMPP was
buttons to change your status, add new single entry. Kopete can also stop all designed primarily with messaging and
contacts, and show all contacts. The chat notifications, except those of selected presence as a goal.
window is also pretty much like the other contacts. Then there’s the Highlight plugin, Over time both have gradually extended into
clients. There are options to insert smileys which will call for your attention when each others’ realm though: XMPP added an
and send files. If you’re in a group chat, the a message in a group chat matches a extension called Jingle for session negotiation
window will show a list of all participants. specified regular expression. Geekier and SIP added an extension called SIMPLE to
True to its name, Kopete is your users will recognise the benefit of such a support IM and presence.
typical KDE app and lets you customise feature, especially in an IRC chat room. All said and done, primarily due to their
virtually all aspects of the client. The In terms of security. Kopete can encrypt pedigree, SIP is particularly suited for
panel for configuration of notification your conversations once you’ve enabled telecommunications, and is offered by vendors
is overwhelming. Unlike the other the OTR plugin. In Kopete the OTR plugin for trunk services to and from the PSTN while
clients, Kopete has a highly useful offers four different enabling policies. The XMPP is primarily used for federated IM.
account management scheme. The app default policy labelled Opportunistic works
encourages you to first create identities best for a majority of users and will only
for your different circles of friends, such start the OTR session automatically but
as work, family, and friends. Next up, you only if the user on the other end also uses
should associate each identity with as the plugin. There’s also the Privacy plugin,
many accounts on any of the supported which helps filter certain messages.
networks. This scheme lets you sign into Kopete determines which messages to
multiple accounts and add people from filter by dividing your contacts into a
different services in such a manner so as whitelist and a blacklist. You can also filter
to never crowd the interface. messages by specifying a list of words
Unlike Pidgin and Gajim, Kopete doesn’t and ask Kopete to drop messages that
have many plugins, since the app itself support either some of these words or all
is so tweakable. There’s a plugin that of them.
does on-the-fly spell checking while
another aggregates statistics about your VERDICT
A highly konfigurable IM
conversations. There’s also a Contact client with exceptional Use the Tor Messenger to route OTR-encrypted
Notes plugin for adding personal notes to contact management. messages via the Tor network.
each contact. 53
qTox vs Wickr
Messengers for the post-Snowden internet.
here are several apps designed
to protect different facets of
your online life from unwanted
prying eyes. Wickr and qTox are two
popular apps that help safeguard IM
Wickr enables users to exchange
end-to-end encrypted messages that
besides text can include photos, videos,
and file attachments. Unlike the other
apps in this group test, Wickr enables
users to set an expiration time for their
encrypted communications. The app
is available for all major mobile and
desktop operating systems.
The service encrypts all
communications locally on each device
with a new key generated for each new
message. Furthermore, although Wickr Wickr gives each message a live countdown so you know how long you have until it disappears.
communication is routed through a
server, the service is designed so that Like Wickr, the Tox protocol also does users can simply fire up their Tox client
Wickr itself does not have access to end-to-end encryption of text, audio and add friends without signing up with
your passwords, encryption keys nor and video messages. However, Tox a service or configuring an account.
the messages. For further privacy, addresses the shortcomings of Wickr – Tox offers a couple of different clients
Wickr strips metadata from all content it’s open source and doesn’t route your for all the popular desktop and mobile
transmitted through its network. messages via a central server. platforms. The basic usability is pretty
You can get started with the service much the same across the clients. You
without giving out your name or Detox chatter launch the client and assign yourself
even your email address: just pick a The Tox protocol uses the same a nick that generates a Tox ID that you
username and password and you’re peer-to-peer technology used by can then pass on to friends. When your
good to go. But if you do give it your BitTorrent to provide direct connections friends add you, you get a notice, which
email address, the service can search between users. Instead of usernames, you’ll have to accept after verifying their
your contacts for people you know who every user in a Tox network is Tox ID, before you two are connected.
also use Wickr and automatically adds represented as a string of bytes, which If your friends are using a Tox mobile
them to your contacts list. Besides is their Tox ID. Also all chats are client, you can save and send them a
one-to-one chats, Wickr lets you chat encrypted using the NaCl encryption copy of the QR code image generated
securely with a group of up to 10 users. library. Since there’s no central server, by your Tox client. The Tox mobile
clients can scan the QR Code and add
users automatically.
Not all Tox’s features are available
across the clients. Text-based IM works
across all supported platforms and
their users can also securely share
images and screenshots. Additionally
desktop users across the clients can
make audio and video calls to each
other without any noticeable delay and
can also host group chats with others
users of the desktop clients.
QTOX Ideal client for WICKR The best option
exposing the best for sending amnesiac
features of the new instant messages.
The Tox protocol also supports the use of custom ‘tox:’ URIs to create links that’ll launch P2P protocol.
a user’s Tox client and automatically add you as a contact.
Instant messaging clients
here’s very little to choose real shortcoming is its inability
between Pidgin, Kopete and to do real-time audio and video
Gajim. All three are conversations. But if you wish
wonderful Jabber/XMPP IM clients to send snapchat style self-
and each has its own unique destructing messages, there’s no
features. Many distros have better secure option than Wickr. You can host video conferences on your own infrastructure by
replaced Kopete with Telepathy, but On the other hand, the Tox deploying JitMeet.
some like OpenSUSE continue to protocol is open source and uses
stick with the old but solid app that P2P technology instead of a
still works as advertised. centralised server. Like Wickr, Tox 1st Jitsi
Similarly, Pidgin and Gajim are also has clients for desktop and
exceptionally well performing mobile OSes. Unlike Wickr, however, Killer feature: ZRTP secured video calls.
IM clients that can take on new you can use the Tox desktop clients
features thanks to their diverse to have voice and video calls. An exceptional IM client that works well for all kinds of users.
list of plugins. While Pidgin is That leaves us with Jitsi, which
convenient for connecting with includes the best features of all
friends on well-known public the other clients. It’s open source, 2nd qTox
services, Gajim scores for being an supports multiple popular public
all-round XMPP client. networks and protocols including Killer feature: Full featured peer-to-peer IM sessions.
Similarly, there’s little to choose XMPP and SIP, and can be used to
between Wickr and qTox. Wickr send files. On top of this, Jitsi can The only IM client to avoid routing sessions via a central server.
is closed source and uses host individual as well as group
a proprietary algorithm but
comes from a developer with
voice and video chat sessions. The
app also implements the ZRTP
3rd Wickr
impressive security creds and security protocol designed by the
has been audited by several creator of PGP, Phil Zimmermann. Killer feature: Encrypted messages with an expiry date.
reputable organisations. In fact, Jitsi scales well and can be used for
Designed for paranoid users who prefer to put their privacy over
Wickr’s bounty for discovering everything from short text-based any other feature.
a vulnerability in the app is still chats to full-fledged multi-user
lying unclaimed. The app’s only video sessions.
4th Gajim
Jitsi implements the ZRTP security
protocol designed by the creator of Killer feature: Lightweight but with all the bells and whistles.
PGP, Phil Zimmermann Implements the best features of XMPP but works well only when
all parties are using the same client.
Your own private IM server 5th Pidgin
If you’re sold on the idea of offering an Prosody, which can even be run on a
IM service to users on your network, it’s Raspberry Pi. The Java-based Openfire is
Killer feature: Supports a wide range of networks and
best to roll your own IM server. resource-hungry but also offers its own
Just like the clients, there’s no cross-platform clients.
dearth of open source XMPP-based Deploying an IM server is pretty
IM servers. Some of the popular ones similar to deploying any other server Works well for traditional IM services, but getting audio and video
include Ejabberd, Prosody and Openfire. software. The Turnkey Linux project also to work is a black art.
All these servers offer IM services based produces a ready-to-roll JeOS appliance
on the XMPP protocol but come with for the ejabberd server (https://www.
their own unique set of features that You can 6th Kopete
make them suitable for different kinds use this appliance to evaluate the
of deployments. The feature-rich and server or even deploy it on a production
very extensible ejabberd is one of the environment inside your network or on Killer feature: Helps curb account proliferation.
most deployed servers. If you’re looking virtual and internet-based infrastructures
for a server for a small team, there’s such as Docker and OpenStack. A tweaker’s haven with its best days behind it. 55
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MS + Linux 4 ever
26 MAY The recent change in
attitude from
Microsoft towards
Linux has left us
confused, bemused
and bewildered. Is it
real love, or are we
being used?
Simon Phipps
The former president
of the Open Source
Initiative, advisor to
approximately 47%
of all Free Software
projects and
all-round good egg
pops in for a chat.
For bulletproof
security, a sensible
filesystem and a
pretty decent set of
If you use Linux, you’re an admin – even it native applications,
it’s just one machine with one user. Join us, why not give this
alternative operating
and discover the power at your fingertips. system a try?
Editor Graham Morrison Editorial consultant Nick Veitch through the use of advice in this magazine. Copyright Linux is a trademark of Linus Experiment with Linux at your own risk! Torvalds, and is used with permission.
Deputy editor Andrew Gregory Distributed by Marketforce (UK) Ltd, 2nd Anything in this magazine may not be All code printed in this magazine is licensed Floor, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, reproduced without permission of the editor,
Technical editor Ben Everard under the GNU GPLv3 London, E14 5HU until January 2017 when all content is re- Tel: +44 (0) 20 3148 3300 licensed CC-BY-SA.
Editor at large Mike Saunders Printed in the UK by ©Linux Voice Ltd 2016 Acorn Web Offset Ltd Circulation Marketing by Intermedia Brand ISSN 2054-3778
Creative director Stacey Black Marketing Ltd, registered office North Quay Disclaimer We accept no liability for any House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth PL4 0RA Subscribe:
loss of data or damage to your hardware Tel: 01737 852166 57
FOSSpicks Sparkling gems and new
releases from the world of
Free and Open Source Software
Our benevolent editorial overlord Graham Morrison tears himself away
from updating Arch Linux to search for the best new free software.
Photo stitcher
Hugin 2016.0.0
e’ve been using Hugin for used to make the composite. Hugin experience, especially when you
a long time. It’s the best is also capable of some rather zoom in and examine the details of
open source software clever projection mapping, such as a join. With a little tweaking in Hugin,
we’ve found for stitching together with vertical control points and can you can’t see them.
multiple photos taken at an offset generate high-dynamic range
and for turning them into a single photography. A stitch in time
panoramic image. It does this It does all this by offering dozens We’ve found that you can generate
brilliantly, working with 16 bits per of control options via lots of excellent panoramas by simply
colour channel to dynamically different panels. But these options importing a group of images,
adjust brightness, colour, angle, can be cleverly culled by allowing playing slightly with the alignment,
vignetting (brightness and darkness the user to select between Simple, and generating the large output file,
at the edge of an image) plus Advanced and Expert views in the with no specialist skills necessary.
various chromatic and visual GUI. ‘Simple’ is never going to be as In Simple mode, to stitch a couple
distortions, creating an output simple as the point-and-click of of photos together into a panorama,
that’s not just seamlessly stitched your smartphone’s camera use the Add Images button to insert
together, but also of a higher quality application, but Hugin’s output is your images and click on the Align
than any one of the single images always better, at least in our button. This process should
automatically detect and anchor
control points within the overlapped
2 parts of your images. You can then
1 3 play with the projection and the
cropping and generate the output.
Hugin is also an exceptional
application if you want to dive into
the details. There are major
improvements in this version to the
way colour profiles are managed
and used by the many command
line tools that augment Hugin’s GUI
7 functionality. There are lots of
bugfixes too, and this version is
noticeably more stable when
manipulating groups of massive
images. We also really like the
align_image_stack command for
merging bracketed images,
although the internal Align works
just as well. Nothing comes close
to Hugin for its stitching quality and
1 Simple Mode Import photos, click on Align, and mess around with the projection, crop and preview
output for panoramic or mosaic
2 Tabbed Windows Assist Mode will help with importing your photos 3 White Balance Each panel has a View Options –
White Balance for the preview 4 Panorama Editor More complex editing can be done from a different window, including
photo composition.
masks and manual stitching 5 Control Points Editable in either view, you can change how and were photos are welded
together. 6 Photo List Hugin works as well with two images as it does with 20, although everything takes longer Project website
7 Projection Even single images can be projected onto spheres.
System information
Neofetch 1.5
e often find ourselves and your terminal’s colour palette,
using a variety of but it’s also capable of a lot more. It
commands to retrieve can tell you what music the
basic system information, whether machine is playing, for example,
we’re trying to work out which and even display the cover art (and
version of Ubuntu we’re using, the other images) within the terminal.
type of kernel running, or how much The many arguments that can be
RAM there is on the system. used when launching are used to
There are lots of tools that change almost everything about
provide this information, especially what and how the data is displayed,
from the GUI, but it’s more common from the colour of the output and
for us to need these facilities from the kind of information displayed. If
the command line, where we can you need the same modified output
probe the status of a machine every time you run the command, We know of no other command that will reveal which icon set
remotely. Neofetch is one of the you can put all those arguments you’re using from the terminal!
nicest of these commands we’ve into a configuration file which will
found, providing all the information be used as the default when you arguments. You can even change
you need with just a simple run the command without further the order of the output and the
command, and presenting the data formatting, as well as remove
it gathers in a very photogenic way.
At its most basic, for example,
Neofetch provides all the information from the output you
don’t need.
typing neofetch will draw a logo for information you need in a
your chosen distribution, tell you
about the kernel, RAM, CPU, GPU very photogenic way Project website
Uber system monitoring
SystemTap 3.0
echniques like probing the we had little difficulty getting the
/proc virtual filesystem and tools installed and running on Arch.
tools like Neofetch, above, In particular, you need to make sure
are great if you need quick and you build the kernel module against
accessible information about your your kernel version, using the
Linux system. But if you need more staprun command, after which you
control and more data, you need a can run the script embedded within
more ambitious tool. the module with the stap
SystemTap does this and more command.
with the emphasis on ‘complexity’.
It’s akin to Sun Microsystem’s Power, absolute power!
revolutionary (and complex) DTrace. It’s perhaps best suited to a We could fill an entire issue on how to use SystemTap – it’s
SystemTap translates its own developer debugging their system capable of displaying almost every little thing about your system.
scripts into native C so that your applications, or an embedded Linux
system’s C compiler can run the engineer, but it’s also useful for excellent online documentation. In
script as a kernel module. This systems running containers or particular, the official website
means SystemTap can get many different Linux instances, as contains 156 examples, and
completely inside the running state you can monitor system resources includes samples on how those
of your system, from network outside of their execution scripts can be run and used, as well
packets and process latency to the environments. Despite this as how to interpret the output.
kernel and scheduler – like a series complexity , you may never need to
of nanorobots for your system. It’s write your own scripts, as there’s a Project website
best supported on Fedora, although brilliant community and some 59
Performance monitor
Speedtest-cli 0.3.4
e would all like to think transparently adjust broadband
that, in this world of speeds according to demand or
super-fast broadband, usage levels.
the specific speed you get isn’t as The solution is to use a speed
important as it used to be more. checker, and there are many. The
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. most common are either web
Even if you’ve got the best pages or apps for a mobile device,
connection possible, ensuring you but Speedtest-cli is one you can run
get what you pay for is just as from the command line. It’s as
important today as it was when you simple to use as typing its name,
had to listen out for the Hayes although a handful of arguments Use this simple command line utility to test your internet speed,
initialisation string to execute on enable you to change the testing and even automate speed checks over a period of time.
your modem. server, choose between bytes and
Your connection may be being bits and share your results via with both a download and upload
throttled or the speed may be way speed. But the best thing about this
off what you were sold. Bandwidth By default, after a few seconds simple utility is that using nothing
may also fluctuate throughout the (depending on the speed of your more than cron, you can automate
day, or week, or month, and without connection), you’ll be presented this test and simply log these
proper monitoring, you have neither speeds so you can see how the
feedback nor recourse with your
ISP. This is particularly true in the
Speedtest-cli is a broadband bandwidth available to you changes
over time.
UK, where the hyper-competitive speed checker you can use
market for ‘unlimited broadband’
means ISPs often try to from the command line Project website
USB file sorting
his is a brilliant little tool, and simple, in fact, that many devices
we owe a huge thanks to will read the filenames off a device
james_olympus on our IRC in the order that they’re written to
channel for its discovery. He the blocks on the device, rather
submitted this as a Find for our than sorting their names into
podcast, and it’s one of those small, something more logical. This is the
simple utilities that makes you order your files were physically
wonder how you ever did without it. written or copied, rather than
It fixes a small but annoying something sensible such as their
problem with the way some devices actual file name.
read file names off FAT12, FAT16 or This is particularly important with
FAT32 partitioned storage. Mostly, MP3 players, because many of us There’s not much to see, but FATSort will turn random lists of files
that means USB sticks and SD arrange our music collections into into files properly ordered by file name.
cards being read by music players, folders for each album, and prefix
such as those found in cars or each track name with the number ordering is ignored, so too is the
home stereos. But it also applies to order of each track, such as 01, 02, original ordering of the album.
lots of internal storage found on 03. This means that when filename FATSort solves this problem, and all
MP3 players. The problem is that you have to do is enter the device
while FAT is widely used, thanks to
its history with Microsoft Windows,
We owe a huge thanks to name following the command itself
– fatsort /dev/sda. Brilliant.
the filesystem itself is very simple, james_olympus on our IRC
and most implementations of the
filesystem are even simpler. So channel for this discovery Project website
Tiling Terminal Emulator
Terminix 0.56
e’ve noticed a Terminix is thoroughly modern and
resurgence in all things easy for any beginner to use. It’s
command-line. Perhaps built atop GTK 3/Gnome 3, which
it’s to avoid the constant distraction makes it particularly well suited for
of the internet via a browser, or the desktop users looking for a
way command line tools are powerful interface to the command
generally engineered to do one line, and it can replace your
specific job. Either way, many of us standard terminal without causing
are replacing gargantuan desktop you any transitional pain.
applications with simple utilities
rendered in 12-point Courier. Two worlds collide
We too are more productive with You can easily spawn new
these single-task tools, and sessions, splitting the display either
because many have been around horizontally or vertically, all without
for so long they have unrivalled remembering a single keyboard Forgive us for running a
stability, support and third-party command, and all with Gnome’s GTK 3 terminal emulator skip between open sessions and
integration. Terminix is a terminal lovely transitions. Sessions under KDE, but it was all everything works quickly and
emulator for these tools that acts themselves can be saved and we had to hand. without clutter. If you find yourself
like a tiling window manager, restored via simple Json-formatted using the terminal often, especially
enabling you to easily manage configuration files, and there’s full if you’re a Gnome user, we can’t
multiple terminal sessions in the support for terminal profiles, as well recommend Terminix enough.
same way you would using as light and dark themes for the
something like Xmonad on the remainder of the interface. A Project website
desktop. Unlike Xmonad, though, thumbnail overview enables you to
Super-powered terminal
Extraterm 0.6.0
eeping with the terminal although you couldn’t copy and
upgrade theme (see above), paste back then.
Extraterm is a new terminal There are also customisation
that attempts to power-up the old options for Bash, Zsh and the
model. Like Terminix, it supports up-and-coming Fish shells. These
splitting the view vertically and come packaged within a Zip file
tabbed sessions, but this layout downloaded from the project’s
frippery isn’t its only trick. GitHub page, and you can load their
There’s the selection mode, for settings by typing source followed
Extraterm is built using
instance: press Ctrl and space by the name of the file the output completely. There’s also
the Electron web
together and a blinking cursor corresponding to your shell – platform, which means additional show and from
appears. You can now move this source, it’s mostly JavaScript commands. The first will prettify the
around the console and use the for example. With this done, and you get all the display of a file, including syntax
Shift key to select areas of text. The commands are now framed by debugging tools for highlighting for code and embedded
usual shortcuts can be used to coloured backgrounds, which is free. images for pictures, whereas from
copy and paste, with the Ctrl+Space useful for clarity. You can also pop lets you easily use the output from
combination used to go back to the output into a new tab, or close one command as the input to
normal edit mode. It reminds us of another. It’s all quite esoteric, but
a similar mode on the Commodore powerful too, and worth a look if
64 where you could use the Extraterm is esoteric but you’re considering a new terminal.
shortcuts printed on the lower side powerful, and worth a look if
of the keys to move the cursor
you want a new terminal
Project website
away from its editing position – 61
Image viewer
PhotoQt 1.3
e know there are lots of this setting, along with plenty of
photo viewers available other options. Full-screen or
for the Linux desktop. windowed (better without the
Many of them are very good. But window borders), PhotoQt is
like music players, we feel there’s sublime. Move the cursor down to
always a place for something that’s the bottom of the window, and the
different or attempts to fill a niche current folder’s thumbnails appear.
not covered by the alternatives. Move it to the left and you get the
PhotoQt is a viewer that’s EXIF metadata for an image. Move
designed to be “good looking, highly it to the right, and a quick settings
configurable, yet easy to use and panel slides in. Despite the plethora of photo viewers for Linux, we feel there’s still
fast,” according to its website. We space for a minimal, quick, and accurate tool like PhotoQt.
downloaded, built and installed the Pretty as a picture
latest version, and the first thing You can also scale, flip and rotate image as wallpaper or trigger a
you notice when you run the images with an editable context slide-show.
application is that it’s full screen! menu that can also send the image PhotoQt does everything you
This isn’t unusual for photo viewers, to your pre-configured editor of need in a quick, concise and visually
especially of the Adobe variety, but choice, and you can easily set an appealing way, and leaves the
it’s still a shock to our windowed largest part of its display area to the
brains, which by nature and training
are fractured into different areas.
Full-screen or windowed most important job – viewing your
Fortunately, you can use the (better without the window
hover menu that appears in the
top-right of the display to change borders) PhotoQt is sublime Project website
Music player
Quod Libet 3.6.1
his is a major update to a centric, defaulting to playing an
music player that’s been entire album in order rather than
around for a long time. constantly adding to a dynamic
Picking up our dusty ‘Latin for playlist, but different views let you
Dummies’ book off the top shelf, it construct playlists, browse internet
reveals quod libet is Latin for radio stations or use the powerful
‘whatever you wish,’ which also tag system to find the music you’re
happens to be an old style of music looking for.
containing more than one melody. Quod Libet is one of the best players we’ve found for taking
All of which is a modest way of Power up with Python advantage of tags embedded within your music files.
saying this is a music player and The Python plugin system is
management application. It’s especially impressive, listing dozens makes it compatible with almost
designed to ‘Just Play Music,’ rather of different add-ons, including lyrics, any file type and desktop, although
than get between you and your equalisation, Squeezebox-export, it did have trouble with a few of our
collection, and it does this mostly song-lookup via acoustic fingerprint FLAC files.
by being quick and easy to use. and lots more. Its main audio However, if you’re looking for a
On first launch, you need to say back-end is GStreamer, which new music player with few
where your music files are stored. dependencies and a powerful
After your library has been scanned, minimal user interface, this latest
you can start listening to music. We Quod Libet defaults to version is highly recommended.
love the user interface. It’s simple playing an entire album in
while remaining powerful enough
order rather than a playlist
Project website
for our needs. It’s also album-
FOSSPICKS Brain relaxers
Gameplay streaming
Livestreamer Twitch GUI 0.12
ack in the old days, before the website. Livestreamer is a
the internet, before command line tool that grabs audio
anonymous trolling and and video data from websites like
the Snooper’s Charter, friends these and sends them on to your
would gather in a single place – favourite video player, and
not to talk conspiracies, but to Livestreamer Twitch GUI does
watch and play video games with exactly what it says – it’s a simple
each another. Now that kids can interface to the content available on
no longer go outside, the modern Twitch that when selected will open
analogy is watching other people the stream in your favourite player.
playing video games online, and It’s brilliantly simple to use, and Twitch is great for watching video games, but some crazy
the most popular service that much, much easier than trying to people use it to stream live from their Linux desktop too (thanks
facilitates this video game do the same thing in your standard to Ioangogo for this find!)
voyeurism is called Twitch. browser. With the video extracted
Twitch is actually quite from a browser and pushed into and far less demanding of your
compelling, with games like something like VLC, Twitch CPU. Whether watching other
Rocket League and Counter Strike becomes much more responsive people watching video games is
attracting the same online a good use of your own time, we
viewing devotion that you might
expect at a football match. The
This is a simple interface wouldn’t like to say!
only problem with Twitch, to open streams from Twitch Project website
especially for us Linux users, is
the lack of a non-Flash version on in your web browser
Retro game player
ScummVM 1.8.0
e know there can’t be gaming entertainment. Most
many people who importantly, these adventures are
haven’t tried just as good today as when they
ScummVM already. It’s a were made, and have been lovingly
wonderful system that runs on re-framed to work within
almost everything – from a ScummVM, saving you from
Raspberry Pi to any humble swapping floppy disks on a
Android device, and it enables 30-year-old Amiga 500.
you to play many of the point- Like the developers of interactive
and-click classic games from the fiction interpreters and arcade
80s and 90s that have never machines emulators, we’re The very latest version of ScummVM adds support for Myst.
been surpassed. supremely grateful that these Now if only the game itself could be updated for virtual reality.
Think of classics like Monkey experiences aren’t being lost to
Island 2, or Day of the Tentacle, or posterity. Which is why we’re of course, it still works brilliantly
the free Beneath a Steel Sky, or the highlighting this release, the first playing ‘Maniac Mansion,’ a game
older Kings Quest, Space Quest major update for a year. which our friend Richard Cobbett
and Manhunter series. You make There’s a graphical overhaul to once described as ‘one of the
your way by selecting items and the subsystems used to render most intricate and important
verbs and clicking through the games and support for 10 new adventure games ever made.’
artwork. It sounds simple, but titles, including ‘The Lost Files of
there are few genres that can Sherlock Holmes,’ ‘Broken Sword 2.5’ Project website
compete with this form of and two of the last Zork games. But 63
Warning: excessive Linux knowledge may lead to fun and more efficient computing.
In this issue . . .
66 68
Ben Everard
Looks deep into the tea leaves and sees an
open source future.
Decentralised Personalised photo
online shopping sharing for your events
Peer-to-peer internet shopping promises Building a photo sharing web app doesn’t have to
very one of the world’s major trustworthy sites without centralised control. be complicated. Ben Everard starts a series on
computing companies produces Ben Everard grabs his bag and goes browsing. mixing Python with Bootstrap.
open source code, as do almost
all the world’s major governments.
Almost every company uses FOSS to
some degree, and soon, every major
web browser will be open source. While
people who use exclusively Free
Software are still rare, almost every
person uses it so some degree, whether
consciously or not.
There wasn’t some big moment that Minecraft Mashup 72 Mediagoblin 76 Vagrant deployment 80
suddenly tipped the scales in favour of Les Pounder uses Sonic Pi to Mayank Sharma uses Gnu’s Hide your mess in virtual
open source. The situation we have create a musical instrument sharing platform to keep his machines. Sebastian GÖttschkes
today is the result of hundreds of inside a virtual world. media away from Google. keeps his main install tidy.
thousands of small decisions. Every
time anyone makes the decision to use
FOSS rather than some proprietary
software, they tip the balance ever so
slightly in the right direction. Every line
of open source code written and every
Get access to ev
bug report filed has added to the cause ery
Linux Voice tuto
and collectively, all these decisions have rial ever
published in ou
changed the world. As long as people r digital
library of back-i
keep choosing open source, and keep ssues
available exclus
supporting the cause, the world will ively to
subscribers – tu
keep changing for the better. Victory is rn to
page p56 to join
in sight – we just need to keep doing Recreate Tee in Rust 84 Getting started with Git 90 .
what we’re doing and the future will be Mozilla’s new language makes Never lose code again with
a freer place. safe programs. Amit Saha beats Graham Morrison’s guide to hackers one command at a time. versions control in Git. 65
Convert your Bitcoin stash into a collection of stuffed toys without the middle-man.
ebsites such as Amazon and Ebay enable (and what can’t be), and to take a chunk of the money
small businesses to set up shops and sell for themselves.
through their channels. Because we can OpenBazaar is a decentralised online marketplace
WHY DO THIS? trust the large company not to lie to us, we can put that enables us to find small shops and buy things
• Buy stuff without lining some trust in the user ratings and reviews of these without any centralised control. At the same time,
PayPal's pockets. small businesses in a way we wouldn’t be able to if if we trust the network, we can trust the ratings of
• Make money. they were on the business’s own website. a seller and avoid any malicious parties. In theory
• Keep the wheels of However, by allowing a company to control the at least, this gives us the benefits of a centralised
commerce turning. ecosystem, we allow them to decide what can be sold system without the control. Now let’s buy some tat!
Install the software 2
Create a profile
The first step, as always, is to grab the software. If When you first go online, you’ll need to create a profile.
you’re using Ubuntu or any other Debian derivative, This can contain a lot or a little information about you.
you can just download the Deb files from The very least it needs is your language and your By the time timezone, but you can also build up a full profile
you read this, there might also be install files for other including picture and biography if you want to.
distros there, so it’s worth checking even if you’re not OpenBazaar is almost a combination of shopping
on a Debian derivative. If aren't, it’s going to be more platform and social network, so how much
difficult to set up. The easiest option here is to create information you choose to put on will vary depending
a Debian or Ubuntu virtual machine and install on how you intend to use the site.
OpenBazaar in there. If you want to build from source, All the details of your profile are stored in
you’ll need two parts, the server (written in Python) the .openbazaar folder in your home directory.
and the client (running on Node.JS). Grab the server OpenBazaar is decentralised, and there’s no one to
from help you if you lose this, so it’s a good idea to keep this
Server and the client from file backed up. If you want more than one account,
OpenBazaar/OpenBazaar-Client. Both of these just create a new user on your Linux system and you’ll
repositories include build instructions, but neither get a new user in OpenBazaar as well.
appears to have been well tested on any distro other
than Ubuntu. Hopefully this will change as the project
becomes more mature.
Find goods and services 4
Research a seller
OpenBazaar is structured with a lot of small stores, but Shops on the internet trade on their reputation. If you
you can also search all the products from a single see a store on the web, or on OpenBazaar, you need to
search bar. Click on the eye in the top-right corner to know you can trust them before parting with any
enter Discover mode. Here you can type in whatever money. In time, sellers will be able to build up a
you want to find. By default, OpenBazaar only shows reputation on OpenBazaar, and you can see reviews of
results from shops that you follow, and when you first products in the items page. However, in the early days,
start, this won’t be anyone. Change Filtered Listings to it will be hard to know who to trust. Do a little research
Off and you can see results from all the stores. There to see what other people are saying about them.
aren’t many now, but the number is increasing quickly. The safest bet will be companies that exist outside
While OpenBazaar is decentralised, it’s not of OpenBazaar and already have a reputation, so check
anonymous, so while there are items of varying the profile of anyone you’re thinking of buying from
legality for sale, you are exposing your IP address to see if they link to a website (and make sure that
if you buy them. Everything’s charged in Bitcoin at the website also links back to the OpenBazaar page
the moment, so there’s no problem with currencies as there’s no security on this). If you’re still unsure
around the world. If you put an address in your profile, about someone, you can use a trusted third party to
you’ll see shipping details for each product. moderate the transaction (See next step).
Buy something 6
Set up a store.
Once you’ve found something you want to buy, the With OpenBazaar, anyone can set up a store, and that
final step is actually purchasing it. There are no includes you! There are no setup fees (or, indeed any
shopping carts, only the Buy Now button. First, you’ll fees at all except optional moderator fees). Go to your
be asked if you have a Bitcoin wallet, and since all profile (click the avatar icon in the top-right of the
payments are in Bitcoin, it’s essential that you get one screen), and press Become A Store. You’ll need to
before you can complete the transaction. The second enter your store name and a description of yourself,
step is to choose either a direct or moderated then click Next. The final step is to select which
payment. If it’s direct, the money goes directly to the moderators (if any) you want to trust. Once you’re a
seller; if it’s moderated, the money is first held by a store, you just need to enter the details of the items
trusted third party. you’re selling. Another option for the business-minded
Anyone can set themselves up as a moderator, so is to become a moderator. These are the people
make sure that you find one you trust before using responsible for solving and disputes that arise
this payment option. They each charge different between buyers and sellers. Click on your avatar and
fees to resolve disputes, so there’s also a secondary select Become a Moderator. The only information you
market for trusted moderators that are cost efficient. need is the fee you’ll charge to solve any problems.
Finally, you just have to enter your payment details Once this is set up, sellers will be able to add you as
and shipping information. an option for buyers. 67
Share photos without sending all the data to an advertising company.
his summer I’m getting married! Naturally, we sudo pip install tornado
want guests to be able to share their photos of Tornado is an HTTP server and web app framework
the day with us, and each other. There are in one, so we don’t need any additional software (as
WHY DO THIS? proprietary options for this – such as Facebook – and we would with, say, PHP), and this also means that
• Share your images with there are ready-made open source options such as everything is controlled from a single place.
family and friends… MediaGoblin (see page 76 for more on this excellent A web app in Tornado consists of one or more
• …without sharing them media platform). However, we wanted a web app classes, and each class is bound to a web address.
with Mark Zuckerberg. personalised to us that enabled people to share their When a browser requests that address, Tornado
• Amaze your in-laws! images as well as giving useful information about the creates an object of the corresponding class, and this
day. The solution was obvious: we'd write our own. object serves the page. This method enables Tornado
Python is a great choice for this task, because it to create multiple objects to handle requests. A really
helps us develop quickly and easily. We don’t want to simple website could be served by Tornado with the
worry about the nitty gritty, and with Python, we don’t following code:
have to. The Tornado web framework will provide the import tornado.ioloop
HTTP server, and give us the tools to build our web import tornado.web
app with just a few templates. class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
This is a three-part tutorial. In this first part, we’ll def get(self):
look at the main web app that enables people to self.write("<h1>Hello world</h1>")
browse and upload pictures. In part two we’ll look at def make_app():
Friendfeed (owned by
making the pages look better, and in part three we’ll return tornado.web.Application([
Facebook) developed
build a photobooth that will push pictures straight to (r"/", MainHandler),
Tornado in 2009. Yes, we
are aware of the irony of the web app from a camera with the help of a Wi-Fi- ])
using this social media enabled SD card. if __name__ == "__main__":
technology to avoid social First, let’s install Tornado. The easiest option is to app = make_app()
media. grab it via pip, the Python installer. app.listen(8888)
The make_app function creates a tornado.web.
Application object with a list containing all the
different web addresses we want our app to serve,
and the classes that will be used to serve them. In
this example, we only want one address (/), and it’s
served by the class MainHandler. The MainHandler
class inherits most of the functionality it needs from
the tornado.web.RequestHandler class, and the only
thing we need to define are methods that correspond
to the HTTP verbs we want that address to respond
to. For normal web pages, this will just be get, which is
called when a web browser requests a page, but we’ll
also use post, which is used to handle data sent to the
web server through forms in the web page.
As you can see, this allows us to use Python to
put together the web page we want to return. In this
case, it just returns Hello World when you visit the root
of the website. Start the server running with python, then point your browser to localhost:8888
to see the result.
If we just wanted to render the same website
every time someone visited our site, we could just
use a normal web server and not have to bother with
Python. The power of Tornado (and other frameworks)
is that it enables us to tailor the site depending
on what the visitor does. We’ll do this by passing
arguments between the web browser and the web
server (arguments are part of the URL that come after
a question mark). If we want to expand our simple
hello world example to greet visitors by name, we
URL parameters are the
just need to change the MainHandler class to the need to explicitly finish with {%end%}. Let’s now look
link between the browser
following: at how we want our web app to work. You’ll see these and the server, and you
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): work a little later. can use them to create a
def get(self): There will be three main pages: the front page, the personalised web page.
name=self.get_argument("name","world") gallery page and the upload page. The first one we
self.write("<h1>Hello "+name+"</h1>") need to get working is the upload page, because until
The get_argument method takes two parameters: this works, we won’t have any images with which to
the first is the name of the argument and the second test the other pages.
is the default value. This will return a string containing The UploadHandler class consists of two parts.
the text from the URL. If you make this change, The first is the get method, which returns a web page
then restart the Python program, you can get a with a form to upload the picture; and the second is
personal greeting from your web browser by going to the post method, which takes the uploaded picture,
This is the basic mechanics of Tornado – we create
a class to craft a web page for the visitor based on
The power of Tornado is that it enables
the arguments supplied in the URL. There is just one us to tailor the site depending on what
more thing to make the code a little cleaner. Most
web pages are quite long, and often have well over the user does
a hundred lines of HTML. We don’t want to include
all that in our Python code, so we use templates. saves a copy of it and also makes a thumbnail.
Templates are a way of combining HTML and Python The code for this is:
in a way that’s easy to maintain. class UploadHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
Templates are basically normal HTML files, but def get(self):
with bits of Python code interspersed. If you just self.render(web_root+"templates/upload.html", app_
want to insert a value from a variable, you can put title=app_title)
the name of the variable inside double braces. The def post(self):
following example would give us the same result as file_body = self.request.files['file1'][0]['body']
the previous code: fname = str(uuid.uuid4())
<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> img =
This same syntax can be used to put the result of"images/"+fname+"."+img.format,
any Python expression directly into the website. img.format)
Additionally, you can put more advanced bits of img.thumbnail((128,128))
code such as loops inside {% %} blocks. Since HTML"thumbnails/"+fname+"."+img.
doesn’t follow the same indenting as Python, you format, img.format)
Whenever you let a user send data to your web app, you need
to be aware of the potential security risk. The first example,
in which we took a user's name via a URL parameter, created
a cross-site scripting vulnerability, because the user can send
data that we include directly in the website, and this can
include JavaScript. They could then use this to make your
website appear however they wanted. If we put this on the
public web, we’d need to add some checking before we passed
the string on to the template.
File uploads can also present problems, because a hacker
could upload a malicious file. In our program, we run the
uploaded file through the Python Image Library which should Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities account for more
filter out any malware. reported vulnerabilities than any other type of attack. 69
generating the same name twice are tiny, so we’re
prepared to accept the small risk and save on the
effort (and processing time) of checking to make sure
this doesn’t already exist.
The self.requests.files variable holds all the files
that are uploaded by the user. In our template, we
called the file-input-box file1, so this is the name
we’re looking for. All we need is the body of the first
file uploaded in the box. You could put in more error
checking at this point to respond sanely if there were
a problem, but we’ll omit this for brevity. The Python
Image Library is then used to resize the file and save it
to the appropriate places.
As well as this class, we need a couple of bits to
make the upload work properly. First we need to
import some new modules and set a global variable.
It may not look good, but
self.redirect("/") All this can be done at the start of the file by adding
it works: our online photo
sharing site. You’ll need a First let’s look at the get method. This does no the following lines below the import lines already there
public-facing web server processing and just renders a template. If you want (we’ve put all the import and global variable lines here
to share this with the real to use variables in templates, you have to pass them even though some won’t be needed until later):
world. across from the main page, and in this case we import Image
pass app_title to a variable of the same name in the import StringIO
template. import uuid
The template stored in templates/upload.html is: import os
<h1>{{app_title}}</h1> import math
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/upload" app_title = "Photo share"
method="post"> pics_per_page_gallery = 4
<input class="btn btn-lg btn-success" type="file" webroot = "/home/ben/weddingtutorial/"
name="file1" accept="image/*"/> Second, we need to change the make_app function
<br /> to include the URL for the upload page.
<input class="btn btn-lg btn-success" type="submit" def make_app():
value="upload" /> return tornado.web.Application([
</form> (r"/", MainHandler),
For space reasons, we’ll only include the body of (r"/upload", UploadHandler),
the HTML templates we’re using. These will render ])
properly on most web browsers, but if you’re using You can now restart the Python command
templates for real work, they should include the full running the website and go to localhost:8888/
HTML header as well. upload and upload an image. Once it’s completed
We’re storing all our data in the filesystem rather successfully, you’ll be redirected to the main page
than a database, so at this point we need to define (which should still display 'hello world'). To make
our directory structure to stop things getting lost. sure that everything’s gone successfully, make sure
that the image has uploaded to both the images and
Our really simple photo sharing app thumbnails folders.
The next stage is building a gallery to display the
is built and ready to go. It’s simple, uploaded images. Before doing this, upload about 10
functional, and easy to use images through the uploader to make sure there are
some to display in the gallery. This time, let’s look at
the template for the gallery first:
Inside the main root directory, we’ll have a templates <h1>{{app_title}}: Gallery</h1>
folder, an images folder and a thumbnails folder. In <p class="lead">Add pictures to the gallery: <a class="btn
Tornado, these don’t have to correspond to the URLs btn-lg btn-success" href="/upload" role="button">Upload
that we use to serve the files (as these are defined in Pics</a></p>
the make_app function), however, it can make it easier {% for pic in pics %}
to see what’s going on if the directories do match. <a href="/images/{{pic}}"><img src="/thumbnails/
For the image upload to work, you need to create the {{pic}}"></a>
images and thumbnails folders. {% end %}
We’re using uuid to create a random name for {% if page > 0 %}
the image. Used in this way, it’s not completely <p><a href="/gallery?page={{page-1}}"
guaranteed to be unique, but the chances of it role="button">Previous Page</a></p>
{% end %}
{% if page < final_page %}
<p><a href="/gallery?page={{page+1}}" role="button">Next
{% end %}
This needs four variables passed from the main
code, app_title, pics, page and final_page. The first
of these is simply used in the title, and we store it in
a variable to enable us to easily change it across all
pages of the web app.
The pics variable contains a list of all the filenames
for the images to display. Images have the same
names as their thumbnails, they’re just stored in
different directories, so the name of an item in pics
refers to both.
Tornado inserts the lines between {% for pic in pics
%} and {% end %} once for every entry in the pics list.
Therefore, this code block will create a thumbnail that
links to the main image for every picture that we pass
across in pics.
We could just send every uploaded image across,
but this would mean the gallery web page quickly got
very large. Not only would this make it hard to view,
but it would increase the load on our server, because
60 lines of Python is all it takes to share pictures without surrendering them to an
each thumbnail has to be sent. Instead, we’ll only
advertising company.
display a small number of images and enable the user
to move forwards and backwards through the gallery. modified time for each file and perform a reverse sort
We’ll do this using a URL parameter called page. To based on this.
avoid the user scrolling out of the gallery, we need to def get_thumb_files():
hide the Next Page and Previous Page buttons when search_dir = "thumbnails/"
the user reaches the end of the gallery. This is done os.chdir(search_dir)
using the two {% if … %} blocks. Now, let’s take a look files = filter(os.path.isfile, os.listdir(search_dir))
at the code that makes all this work: files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x),
class GalleryHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): reverse=True)
def get(self): return files
page=int(self.get_argument("page", 0)) In order to make this work, we need to add the
files = get_thumb_files() appropriate lines to the make_app function:
final_page = int(math.ceil(len(files)/float(pics_per_ (r"/gallery", GalleryHandler),
page_gallery))) - 1 (r"/thumbnails/(.*)", tornado.web.
self.render("templates/gallery.html", StaticFileHandler, {'path': webroot+"thumbnails/"}),
page=page, final_page=final_page, app_ (r"/images/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,
title=app_title, {'path': webroot+"images/"}),
pics=files[((page)*pics_per_page_ This sends the /gallery path to the GalleryHandler,
gallery):((page+1)*pics_per_page_gallery) but it also creates paths for /thumbnails and /images.
This grabs the URL argument called page In both of these cases, we just want to serve the
(defaulting to 0, the first page, if there is none). images, so rather than create a new handler class, we
Then it calls a function called get_thumb_files. We’ll can use the built-in StaticFileHandler class to serve
create this below, but it gets a list of all the filenames up the files we’ve stored in the directory.
of thumbnails with the most recently modified at There we have our really simple photo sharing
position 0. The last bit of information needed is the app built and ready to go. It’s simple, functional,
total number of pages, which is calculated using the and easy to use. I showed it to my fiancée, and was
global variable pics_per_page_gallery (we set this to told in no uncertain terms that if we were going to
four to make testing easier, but will increase it before have a custom-written photo sharing website for
going live). The pics variable sent to the template is our wedding, it’d have to look quite a bit better than
the appropriate section of the thumbnail files for the this. Next month, then, we’ll look at using Twitter’s
page the user is requesting. Bootstrap library to make things prettier.
Now, let’s take a look at the get_thumb_files
function. This links together a few features of the os Ben Everard is a sensitive troubador who also builds robots,
module to find the files in the thumbnails directory. writes books (including the best-selling learn Python with
Raspberry Pi) and brews his own cider.
The sort uses a lambda function to extract the 71
Combine Sonic Pi and Minecraft to build a world of music!
inecraft is addictive – there, we said it. You
have a world that can be shaped and
changed using blocks which are one metre
WHY DO THIS? cubed. You can build a house, a bridge or a fire-
• Learn Sonic Pi. breathing dragon! Anything is possible with a little
• Learn Ruby. patience and planning.
• Use lists to organise data. Sonic Pi is the live coding music phenomenon that
• Use tuples to store values. has gripped coders of all ages and musical abilities.
• Store data in variables. With Sonic Pi you can write any form of music using a
simple-to-understand language based upon Ruby.
These two fantastic projects have one thing in Unlike some code editors, Sonic Pi has a clean interface
common: they can both make computer science that enables users to concentrate on their work. It is
TOOLS REQUIRED interesting to children and adults. highly configurable and very easy to learn.
• Any model Raspberry In a series of four tutorials we shall use both of
Pi running the latest these projects to create and shape Minecraft worlds composition. Musically minded children can use
Raspbian release.
and produce music, jingles and noise that interacts Sonic Pi along with music theory to compose pieces
• All of the code for this
project can be found with the code we write. in any style of music. The fact that Sonic Pi uses MIDI
at Over the course of the tutorials we will be (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) means that a
lesp/Linux-Voice-27- introduced to coding concepts such as learner can transfer that knowledge to and from the
archive/ Loops To repeat the code sequences. application.
Variables To store information such as individual Minecraft is also rather sneaky. 3D co-ordinates are
co-ordinates. not an easy subject to grasp in class but by using
Tuples To store comma separated values such as Minecraft as a delivery method kids can latch on and
x,y,z co-ordinates. understand this confusing subject.
Functions Used to group a sequence of code and So let's get hacking!
recall it using a name.
When you first use
Minecraft you will see the
Floats Numbers that have a decimal place. Project 1 – Teleport Jingle
world through the player's Integers Numbers that have no decimal place. Teleportation is no longer the preserve of Star Trek; in
eyes. To change this press Strings Characters of text, including numbers that Minecraft we can also send our avatar to anywhere in
Escape and click on the 3rd can be displayed on screen. the world, instantly. This simple project serves as an
person button. Sonic Pi is also a really clever way to teach musical introduction to using Sonic Pi with Minecraft. Before
we start you will need Sonic Pi open and Minecraft
should be open and your player in a world.
In Sonic Pi use any empty buffer. We shall start by
finding out our position in the world. To do this we use
the mc_get_pos function, which will return three
values (our x,y and z co-ordinates) which tell us where
we are in the world. We shall save these co-ordinates
to a tuple, a list of comma separated values, called
pos = mc_get_pos()
Now we need to split the values in pos into separate
x,y,z variables, as it makes them easier to work with.
We use slicing to precisely remove the values that we
need from the tuple.
x = pos[0]
y = pos[1]
z = pos[2]
With the co-ordinates split into their corresponding
axes we shall now play a little jingle that will indicate
that transport is under way. The jingle is comprised of
three notes played in rapid succession, with 0.2
seconds between each note. We play the notes C, D
and G as they are complimentary to each other.
play_pattern_timed [:c,:d,:g],[0.2]
Now we shall use the co-ordinates that we learnt
earlier. We shall keep the x and z co-ordinates as is.
But the y co-ordinate we shall change by 30 blocks,
roughly 30 metres, so that our avatar is teleported into
the air, ready to fall back to the ground.
Our last two lines for this project create a delay of
Teleportation is the “Hello
one second before printing a message to the Minecraft feet, so we can “get” the block type and then “set” the
World” of Minecraft hacks.
chat window. block above us. It offers something more
sleep(1) We start by using a live_loop, which is a way of interesting that simply
mc_message("Teleportation!!!") running multiple loops in Sonic Pi. Each of these loops printing text. How high can
With the code complete, click on Run in the top-left can be run simultaneously. A live_loop needs a name, our little man fly?
of the Sonic Pi window. Now quickly switch to and we called our first loop “duplicator” as it handles
Minecraft to see the poor little character fall to the duplicating the blocks.
ground with a little jingle. live_loop :duplicator do
Just as in project 1, we shall use a tuple to store the
Project 2 – The world at your feet location of our player before saving each of the
Have you ever wanted to have a Minecraft block follow co-ordinates as a separate variable.
you around, but above your head? Well in this project pos = mc_get_tile
we shall do just that. For this project it would be x = pos[0]
prudent to use another buffer in Sonic Pi. y = pos[1]
Our goal for this project is to replicate the block that z = pos[2]
we are standing on, but have it hover above our head. So now that we know where we are, let's create a
This shows that we can detect the type of block at our variable that will store the block type we are standing
on, which is 1 block beneath us; in other words “y-1”,
so to find out the block type.
What is Sonic Pi? below = mc_get_block(x,y-1,z)
Sonic Pi is the creation of Dr Sam Aaron from the University So now that we know what the block beneath our
of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Sam is a gifted coder feet is, let's change the block that is above our head to
and musician who regularly plays to audiences across the match. Our player is two blocks tall, so to give us a
world. Sam teamed up with the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s little space let's have the block appear one block
Education Pioneer, Carrie Anne Philbin, to produce an
application that was easy enough for children with no
above us. To do this we “set” the block and pass it four
coding experience to use, while remaining flexible for arguments: the type of block and our three co-
professional musicians to use. ordinates in the world, but with our y co-ordinate
Sam’s knowledge of code and music enabled him to altered by three blocks. We then add a short sleep to
add features that benefited all users. One area that is pace the speed of the project. Finally for this section
particularly hard for children to grasp is indentation, a vital
method to learn for languages such as Python, and so
we close the loop using end:
Sonic Pi has an alignment tool that will scan your code and mc_set_block(below ,x,y+3,z)
correct your alignment. Sam has also written a 30,000- sleep 0.1
word book that is located in the help system, enabling end
quick reference to coding concepts, language syntax and a For our next live_loop we will create a simple
plethora of example scripts that can be copied and pasted
into a blank buffer for a quick hit of inspiration.
melody to play as we walk around the world. Again we
But the biggest feature of Sonic Pi is the live coding name the loop, this time we use the name beat.
element. Live coding is where you use the computer as an live_loop :beat do
instrument – rather than manipulate an instrument, you For our beat we shall use one of the many
manipulate code in real time. In our projects we used the instruments built in to Sonic Pi. In this case the blade
live_loop to have code repeat inside of a loop, and any
changes made to the code inside the loop can be instantly
instrument replicates the violin drone heard in the
updated by clicking on Run during the playback cycle. This Blade Runner movie theme.
is great fun for instant feedback on your composition. use_synth :blade
Now that we have the instrument, lets write some 73
below = mc_get_block(x,y-1,z)
For the last section of this loop we set the block
under our feet to be a diamond block – yes, we can
have diamonds fall at our feet! We will then use a
sleep to delay the code before closing the loop.
mc_set_block(:diamond_block ,x,y-1,z)
sleep 0.1
For our final loop in the project we reuse the beat
loop from Project 2 but change the synth instrument
to fm, a suitably synthetic noise. We also changed the
notes played in the pattern to give a different sound
when walking in the air.
live_loop :beat do
use_synth :fm
play_pattern_timed [:a,:e,:g],[0.3,0.1,0.1]
Duplicating blocks above
music. We are going to use the play_pattern_timed sleep 0.5
our head is a great way
to understand how to function and repeat the C,D,G pattern from before, but end
detect the block that you now we shall alter the timings for each note, giving us And with the code complete, click Run and the
are standing on and then a subtle change to the music. switch back to Minecraft. Go for a walk, soar into the
change the block above play_pattern_timed [:c,:d,:g],[0.3,0.1,0.1] sky by double-tapping the Space bar. To go higher,
your head. Finally for this project we use a sleep to delay the press and hold the Space bar; to go lower, press the
pace of the code and then end the beat loop. Shift key while moving forward.
sleep 0.5
end Project 4 – Walking randomly
With the code complete, click on Run to launch the For our fourth and final project we will go a little
code and you should hear the beat play. Switch to further and use random choice to change aspects of
Minecraft and go for a walk; you will see blocks above our code. The goal of this project is to play random
your head. If you have a desert in your world, make notes as we fly through the air on a path of diamonds
sure you walk very quickly. or wood.
Use a new buffer in Sonic Pi. We start by upping the
Project 3 – Walking through the air tempo of our music. We will now be playing our beats
The goal for this project is to have a block appear at at 120 beats per minute (BPM).
our feet, enabling us to walk through the air and never use_bpm(120)
get our feet wet. We are now going to do something new – we're
To start, use a new buffer. We are going to reuse the going to create a series of functions, groups of code
live_loop structures from Project 2, but this time we that can be run just by calling their name. Our first
function is called bell, and we start by defining its
Four projects in Minecraft and we've name
def bell;
covered quite a few coding concepts In the previous project we used instruments to
inject a little noise into our code. But Sonic Pi also
with very little code comes with a series of samples – pre-recorded audio
files – that can be inserted into our project. In this
shall call the loop diamond as we shall be walking on function we shall use an electronic bell sample. We
a bridge made of diamonds. can control the rate of playback for a sample, with 1
live_loop :diamond do being normal speed, 2 double speed and -1 being
We will now get the tile position of the player. This is
a very coarse value when compared to get_pos, which
provides precise values using floats. get_tile returns
three integers that are rounded to the nearest tile
pos = mc_get_tile
Next we split the values stored in the pos tuple so
that we have individual values.
x = pos[0]
y = pos[1]
z = pos[2] Building a bridge through the air is a fun project that
Next we create a variable called below that will shows how easy it is to automatically build anything in
store the block under our feet. Minecraft.
Block types
Minecraft is an ordered world and has some similarities
to our own planet. First we have gravity, an attraction
between two bodies. In the instance of project 1, our player
is attracted to the world and will fall towards it. The world
is made up of a bedrock mantle with grass, deserts and
bodies of water upon the crust of the world. Water flows
following the path of least resistance, as does lava, with
both being capable of causing great destruction to a world.
There are many different types of blocks that can be
used to build with; stone_brick, wood_planks and glass can
be used to build a home. There are even special blocks to
add that personal touch to a home such as bed, door_wood
or door_iron. Rare blocks such as Nether_Reactor_Core
and Obsidian are typically mined at great expense, but with
a little Sonic Pi code we can generate many instances of
these blocks on a whim. After running project 4 for a while your world will be littered with lines of blocks – try
Blocks such as sand, water_flowing and lava_flowing can changing the block type to flowing_lava for a little destruction!
be quite troublesome to use as they obey the law of gravity,
meaning that if they are placed high up in a world, they will
inevitably flow around the world. Try using these blocks in x = pos[0]
project 2, duplicator, to see how powerful they can be. y = pos[1]
This is your Minecraft world and while it may obey z = pos[2]
certain laws of science, using Sonic Pi and Ruby we can
below = mc_get_block(x,y-1,z)
change our perception of this world, bending and shaping it
to our will. How will you wield that power? So far the code is the same as Project 3, but now
we add a new line, which will choose the block to be
used as our pathway. In this project we only used two
reverse playback at normal speed. It would be cool to block types in our list, but your list can be as long as
set the rate of playback, but perhaps we should use a you wish. In fact adding more items to the list will yield
little random choice to mix it up? The rates to be used more random results.
are stored in a list (identified by [ ]). By adding .choose mc_set_block([:wood,:diamond_block,].choose ,x,y-1,z)
to the end of the command we can let the Raspberry Lastly for this loop we control the pace with a sleep
Pi choose the rate of playback. and then close the loop.
sample :elec_bell, rate: [-1,1.5,0.5].choose sleep 0.2
Finally we add a delay to our code before ending the end
function. We now create another live_loop that will control
sleep 0.1 the music playback. In this loop we call each of the
end functions that we created earlier. Feel free to change
For our second function we use the fm synth to the instruments, synths and samples used in the
play a randomly chosen note from a list of D5, C5 or functions to make the music your own.
G5. We then sleep for a brief time before ending the live_loop :beat do
function. plinky
def fm; bell
use_synth :fm fm
play [:d5,:c5,:g5].choose end
sleep 0.1 With the code complete, click on Run and you will
end hear lots of random noise, which sounds almost like
For our third function we replace the single-note an amusement arcade. Switch to Minecraft and go for
instrument with a modulating note; again, we pick a a walk. The blocks that fall at your feet will be
note at random and play it for only a tenth of a second randomly chosen from the list of blocks that you
before the function ends. entered in the loop.
def plinky; So there we have it: four projects in Minecraft and
use_synth :mod_pulse we’ve covered quite a few coding concepts with very
play [:d5,:c5,:g5].choose little code – oh, and we had some fun making lots of
sleep 0.1 noise and hacking our own Minecraft world.
end Use this code as a basis for experimentation,
We reuse the duplicator code from Project 3 to change the instruments and co-ordinates and see
create a path at our feet. Again the code is contained what happens.
in a live_loop to constantly run the code, but enabling
us to edit the code on the fly, if we so wish. Les Pounder divides his time between tinkering with
live_loop :duplicator do hardware and travelling the United Kingdom training teachers
in the new IT curriculum.
pos = mc_get_tile 75
Share and stream your media without losing control.
dward Snowden’s NSA leaks saw a meteoric up the server atop an Ubuntu Server installation, but
rise in the demand for and usage of privacy- these instructions will work on any other distro with
first software. The GNU MediaGoblin project appropriate tweaks.
WHY DO THIS? was able to capitalise on this and managed to fund Begin by installing the dependencies with
• Learn a platform designed itself through two successful crowdfunding sudo apt-get install git-core python python-dev
for sharing media. campaigns. The project is spearheaded by two python-lxml python-imaging python-virtualenv npm
• Supports a variety of veteran Free Software advocates, Deb Nicholson and nodejs-legacy automake
popular formats and file Chris Webber, who wanted a platform that enabled Besides Python, we’ve installed the python-lxml
the discerning user to host, and more importantly package to enable Python to parse XML ,and the
• Offers the convenience
of popular media sharing share, their media without agreeing to the fine print on Python Imaging Library for processing images.
platforms without the popular centralised platforms. There’s also git for downloading a copy of GMG.
relinquishing control. GNU MediaGoblin (GMG) is written in Python and GMG houses its data inside a database and
can be deployed easily on any Linux server. Once it’s supports both PostgreSQL and SQLite. The latter is the
up and running, you can upload and share videos, default option and works well for smaller installations.
images, audio, PDF documents and other types of If you are planning to have more than a couple of
digital media. One of the key features of GMG is its users uploading and viewing content, it’s best to
Users can create a federation layer, which enables you to sync and share switch to PostgreSQL, which is what we’ll use in this
MediaGoblin account to content across different GMG installations. tutorial. You can install the database server with
upload media or comment Everything you need to deploy GMG is available sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
on existing ones. in your distro’s official repositories. We’ll be setting python-psycopg2
The installation process will automatically create
a new system user named postgres for managing
the database. However, to keep things streamlined
and secure, we’ll create a new database user with
restricted privileges, named mediagoblin, and a new
database named mediagoblinDB owned by the
new mediagoblin database user for our MediaGoblin
First, switch to the postgres system user with
sudo su - postgres
and then create a new database user with
createuser -A -D mediagoblin
After bringing the user to life, create the database with
sudo -u postgres createdb -E UNICODE -O mediagoblin
Next we’ll create an unprivileged system user
named mediagoblin, which we’ll use for the sole
purpose of running MediaGoblin. The user named
mediagoblin can be underprivileged, because
By default, GNU
MediaGoblin doesn’t need any privileges to run. issuing the
MediaGoblin will
Controlling the server via an underprivileged user also ./ automatically transcode
helps make the system secure. The command command. When it’s done type ./configure and all videos to WebM
sudo useradd -d /var/lib/mediagoblin -m -r -g www-data finally, compile all components with the make format. Refer to the
mediagoblin command. While you are here, create a directory documentation to disable
will create a user named mediagoblin and assign named user_uploads, which is where we’ll be storing this behaviour and save
it to a group that is associated with the web server all the uploaded media files with time and processing
(www-data). This will ensure that the web server can mkdir user_uploads power.
read the media files (images, videos, etc) that users Also remember to make sure it has the proper
upload. No password will be assigned to this account, permissions with
and you will not be able to log in as this user, but you chmod 750 user_uploads
can switch to it. The MediaGoblin developers recommend using
Next up, you’ll need to create a working directory for the FastCGI protocol to route requests from the web
MediaGoblin. This is where the Git repository will be server to MediaGoblin. This is done via a Web Server
downloaded. Create the directory and give it the right Gateway Interface (or WSGI) and one of the most
permissions with: popular ones is the Python module named Flup. The
sudo mkdir -p /srv/ latest version of Flup seems to only
sudo chown -hR mediagoblin:www-data /srv/ support Python 3 and newer versions, which is why we’ll install an older version PRO TIP
We’re now all set to clone GMGs online repository of the library with If Nginx complains while installing, before
into this folder. First switch to the mediagoblin user ./bin/easy_install anything else make sure you don’t have
another web server (such as Apache)
we created earlier with running on port 80.
sudo su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash
and then change the directory to the working directory Get set GMG
we just created with Now that GMG is installed, we will edit its
cd /srv/ configuration file as per our requirements. The main
and mirror the latest stable release with configuration file is named mediagoblin.ini and is
git clone git:// -b housed under the /srv/
stable mediagoblin directory. Begin by making a copy of the
This will create a directory named mediagoblin. file called mediagoblin_local.ini in the same directory.
Switch to this folder (cd mediagoblin) and then Then open the file in a text editor and scroll down to
initialise the repository with the [mediagoblin] section. Add the
git submodule init following line here to instruct GMG to
followed by use the PostgreSQL database we’ve set PRO TIP
git submodule update up for the server. For easier management, turn the
After it’s done we’ll deploy GMG via the bootstrap sql_engine = postgresql://mediagoblin@ MediaGoblin deployment into a service
with these init scripts (
scripts, which make use of the virtualenv tool to localhost/mediagoblinDB joar/mediagoblin-init-scripts).
create isolated Python environments. First make sure That’s all for now. Save the file and
you’re in the correct directory exit the editor. Before proceeding further,
(/srv/ before populate the data with 77
You can browse media
uploaded by other users ./bin/gmg dbupdate example, to upload audio files, install the necessary
and arrange them along That’s it. Now bring the server online with components with
with your own uploads into ./ --server-name=broadcast sudo apt-get install python-gst-1.0 gstreamer1.0-
collections. You should now be able to connect to the GMG plugins-{base,bad,good,ugly} gstreamer1.0-libav
installation by pointing the browser to localhost:6543. python-numpy python-scipy libsndfile1-dev libasound2-
You can also replace localhost with the IP address of dev
the server to connect to the GMG server from other Once the dependencies have been installed, open
computers on the network. Advanced users can refer the mediagoblin_local.ini configuration file, scroll
to the documentation on the project’s website and down to the [plugins] section and in a new line add
hook up GMG with a webserver like Nginx or Apache. [[]]. Now save the file
Before you start using the GMG installation, you’ll and apply the changes with the
have to create an account. When you do so, the server ./bin/gmg dbupdate
will display the link to authenticate the account on command. The audio plugin also needs a Python
the terminal. Click on it to verify your account. You library to display spectrograms for the audio files. You
can also manually add users from the can install it with
PRO TIP command line by issuing the ./bin/pip install scikits.audiolab
To minimise spam disable user ./bin/gmg adduser and then run the dbupdate command again.
registration by changing the command from under the Similarly, to enable support for video files, first
allow_registeration = true line to
allow_registeration = false in the
/srv/ install the dependencies, which are pretty the same as
mediagoblin_local.ini file. mediagoblin directory. the ones for the audio plugin. Then add [[mediagoblin.]] under the [plugins] section in the
Add media mediagoblin_local.ini file and run the
You can now log into your GMG account and start ./bin/gmg dbupdate
adding media. Click the button labelled Add Media and command.
use the Browse button to point to the file you wish to That’s all there’s to it. You should now be able to
upload. Then define the title of the media, add a brief upload audio and video files to the GMG installation.
description and a comma-separated list of tags. Refer to the documentation on the project’s wiki
Finally, use the pull-down menu to select the ( to further customise
appropriate licence for this media file before you click and expand your MediaGoblin instance to host other
the Add button to upload it. kinds of media files as well.
By default, the GMG server only allows image
uploads; support for other media types is bundled as Mayank Sharma has been messing with technology for
plugins. Enabling them is a two-step process. First decades, and spends his spare time burning rubber/getting
lost in his own personal Wacky Races.
you’ll have to install the required dependencies. For
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Run Python 3, IPython and NumPy in your browser all without installing them!
etting started with Python is fairly easy if your Jupyter (, you get a web-based
SEBASTIAN OS has Python pre-installed. But what about Python environment that lets you easily experiment
GÖTTSCHKES using Python 3 instead of 2, installing various with Python code and share the results in HTML.
libraries that may conflict with other projects you are To run both IPython and Jupyter with Python 3
WHY DO THIS? working on, and software not available for your distro? without touching the host system, we’ll first set up a
• Have a clean development Installing all those pieces can be a daunting task development environment inside a virtual machine
environment ready in and, depending on your OS, might require a good with Vagrant and then use the IPython notebook in our
deal of knowledge. With Vagrant you can put all those browser.
• Write Python code and
run it, all in your browser. parts into a virtual machine and not care about them Vagrant is configured using one file containing the
• Install different versions anymore. This VM does not need to run any specific details about the virtual machine, the base image to
of programming OS, so it can be any OS which makes it easy to install be used and the code to be run after the machine
languages and libraries. the software you need (like Ubuntu does). You don't is booted. This file can be shared and used to make
need Vagrant to boot up a virtual machine, install (almost) identical virtual machines on many hosts.
Ubuntu and add the software you need, but Vagrant You don’t need to mess with VirtualBox manually any
handles the tedious parts of virtual machines by more or copy virtual machine images to different
providing base images, taking care of booting them physical machines.
correctly and provisioning, which means installing the To get started, you need to have Vagrant installed
software you want onto the machine. As you script as well as one virtualisation provider. Vagrant can
all steps needed, they can be executed over and over be installed from the project homepage at www.
again and also shared, making it possible to have the or through your distro's repository.
same environment available on different machines. The most prominent virtualisation provider is
IPython ( is a tool for running VirtualBox, which can be installed through the
Python interactively that's more powerful than the repositories as well or downloaded from
standard Python interpreter. When combined with
Both Vagrant and
VirtualBox run on your
host, with the Browser
and a shell accessing the
virtual machine using http
and ssh. Inside the VM,
the Jupyter server runs the
IPython notebook.
Afterwards, you should be able to run You can see your virtual
vagrant --version machines in the VirtualBox
in your terminal and get back the version. For this GUI, and even interact with
tutorial, version 1.7.4 is assumed, but everything them if you like.
should run with Vagrant 1.5 and higher. The installed
VirtualBox version is 5.0.8, but Vagrant should be able
to work with Version 4 just as well.
Now, let’s create a folder for our project called
python-nb. Open up a terminal, navigate to this
directory and run
vagrant init bento/ubuntu-15.04
This tells Vagrant to create a configuration file
(which is called Vagrantfile) that has the base box
bento/ubuntu-15.04 already mentioned. Base
boxes are images of virtual machines created with
the provider you are using (in this case, VirtualBox). to execute inside the virtual machine and Vagrant
Vagrant downloads them automatically so they are executes them.
available for usage and imports the image to create We can use a sequence of shell commands to get
a new virtual machine. You can either use pre-build us from base image (the Ubuntu base box) to our final
base boxes (like we do in this tutorial) which you can state. The provisioning part inside a Vagrantfile looks
find at, like this:
or create your own (the Vagrant documentation has a config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
good introduction at apt-get update
boxes/base.html). apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev python3-
The next step would be to boot that box by pip
executing pip3 install ipython jupyter numpy
vagrant up SHELL
and waiting while Vagrant is downloading the base Put this before the last /end statement in your
box, importing it and setting everything up for you to Vagrantfile and run vagrant provision. What
use. Afterwards you can access your virtual machine happens is that Vagrant executes every statement
by running in the provision block. After updating the apt-cache,
vagrant ssh it installs a few apt packages we need for Jupyter
which opens an SSH connection into your VM. and NumPy and afterwards uses pip to install the
You could go ahead and install all the software you packages from pypi. It’s important to point out that
need by hand now, but if you do this your setup is by default, Vagrant executes those commands using
not reproducible, and next time you remove the box sudo. This is fine for us as both apt and pip need sudo
and create a new one, you'll just get the base image and it saves us a few characters.
again. That’s why Vagrant comes with provisioning, If you SSH into your box (again, using
which means you can write down the steps you want vagrant ssh
and run the iPython notebook server with
ipython notebook
Vagrant vocabulary
you’ll see the server starting and listening on
Vagrant comes with a set of commands used to interact localhost:8888. If you go to this address using your
with a virtual machine. It’s a good idea to know what they
favourite browser, you’ll not have any luck. Remember,
• vagrant up Boot the virtual machine. If the box doesn’t this isn’t running on your localhost but inside a virtual
exist yet, it’ll be created as well. machine, so there are two things needed to make it
• vagrant provision Run the provisioning scripts. This is accessible from outside.
done automatically if the box is booted for the first time. First, we need to tell Vagrant to forward the port
• vagrant ssh Establish an SSH connection with the VM.
8888 from our host to our guest. This can be done
This will take care of SSH configuration (the port and SSH
key) automatically. with one line in our Vagrantfile:
• vagrant halt Shut down the virtual machine. "forwarded_port", guest: 8888, host:
• vagrant reload Reboot the virtual machine. This is the 8888
same as a vagrant halt && vagrant up. Place this line somewhere below the
• vagrant destroy Remove the virtual machine completely. = "bento/ubuntu-15.04"
This will also destroy the virtual hard drive used, so all
data inside the VM is removed! line inside your Vagrantfile.
There are more commands to interact with Vagrant. You We can forward any port on the host to any port on
can view them using the guest. They do not need to match, but it’s often
vagrant help easier to forward to the same port so you don’t get
confused. We need to restart the virtual machine so 81
The final IPython notebook in a browser window.
Vagrant can pick up these changes. Run our host (this is a relative path to our Vagrantfile) at
vagrant reload /opt/notebooks inside the virtual machine. Do a
on your host to do that. vagrant reload
The second thing we need to do is tell the IPython on your host once more to restart the virtual machine
notebook server to run on host, which is so Vagrant can mount that folder. Execute
essentially telling it to accept connections from vagrant ssh
anywhere. This is important because “localhost” again and cd to /opt/notebooks. You should see an
on the guest means that the server only listens to empty directory. If you run the command to start the
requests from inside the VM and even with the port IPython server from above again and create a new
forwarded, the request is still coming from your host notebook, you’ll see it turn up both inside your VM and
machine. on your host.
Let’s SSH into the VM once more and run If you're done for the day, you can halt the VM using
ipython notebook --ip= --no-browser vagrant halt
and try to go to http://localhost:8888 in the browser. If you want to start all over, run
You should see the IPython notebook homepage, vagrant destroy
which means you can now run Python 3 with NumPy which removes the virtual machine and start from
(and any other package you install) in your browser by scratch with
creating a new notebook (click on New in the top-right vagrant up
corner and select Python 3 under the Notebooks Of course you can tailor your environment on your
heading) and writing code. guest machine just as you would a physical machine.
There is still one problem though: say you have To try this, let’s create an alias for starting the IPython
written some awesome code and you want to share notebook server with the correct parameters already
your notebook (it’s a text file intended to be shared set so you don’t need to remember them. On Ubuntu,
after all). It’s stored inside the VM in the same this can be done by writing into the ~/.bash_aliases
directory you were in when you started the IPython file. Let’s add another shell provisioner to our
notebook server, which is most likely: Vagrantfile:
home/vagrant config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline:
This path isn’t accessible from your host. Worse, if you <<-SHELL
destroy your VM, your notebooks are gone as well! echo ‘alias ipy="ipython notebook --ip=
Vagrant comes with shared folder support, which --notebook-dir=/opt/notebooks/ --no-browser
means you can mount folders from your host --port=8888"’ > /home/vagrant/.bash_aliases
machine inside the guest and use those to exchange SHELL
files. It’s common to mount a directory containing the This time, the shell command is run as the
project code into the virtual machine. On your host, vagrant user without sudo as we pass the privileged
create a folder called notebooks inside your project parameter. We do this so the .bash_aliases file has
directory. Add the following code to your Vagrantfile the correct permissions and because it’s not needed
below the to run this command as root. To provision an already existing VM use:
line: vagrant provision
config.vm.synced_folder "notebooks", "/opt/notebooks" This will execute all provisioner steps once again. If
This tells Vagrant to mount the folder notebooks on you have any shell command that fails the second
time they are run (eg creating a symlink), you will have
Different ways to provision
to change them. It’s a good idea to write provisioning
scripts in a way that they can be run any number of In this tutorial, the only provisioner we use is the shell
provisioner, which executes shell commands or scripts.
times and only execute code that’s needed. This can
There are many more provisioners built into Vagrant that
be done by checking whether a symlink already exists have advantages over using shell commands. For example,
before symlinking, for example. they’ll take care of all the details by providing modules
The complete Vagrantfile (with all comments or plugins to interact with apt. They might also offer a
removed for readability) would look like this: templating system so you are able to provide templates for
configuration files which are automatically put in the right
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
place inside your virtual machine.
# vi: set ft=ruby : If you want to start using a more sophisticated
provisioning provider, try Ansible ( This
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| tool keeps things simple while still providing powerful = "bento/ubuntu-15.04" features. Ansible is a tool to execute commands on
remote systems, so it’s possible to set up your staging and "forwarded_port", guest: 8888, host:
production environment and your development machine
8888 using the same tool and achieve a similar configuration.
config.vm.synced_folder "notebooks", "/opt/notebooks"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL Put this in your second cell:
apt-get update import numpy as np
apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
python3-pip a
pip3 install ipython jupyter numpy After running the cell, you’ll see the NumPy
SHELL array printed. The IPython interpreter takes care of
config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: outputting the result of the last line automatically
<<-SHELL without the need to put a print statement. In fact, the
echo ‘alias ipy="ipython notebook --ip= interpreter outputs many datatypes much more nicely
--notebook-dir=/opt/notebooks/ --no-browser than a simple print statement would.
--port=8888"’ > ~.bash_aliases We can use the variable a in another cell as well. In
SHELL Cell 3, let’s try putting
end a.shape
After this setup works, we can now go ahead and and see if this works. It does and prints (2, 3) to tell us
work with a new IPython notebook. After you have that the shape of the multi-dimensional NumPy array
SSH’d into your VM and run ipy to start the iPython is 2 rows, 3 columns.
notebook server, go to http://localhost:8888 and The great thing about IPython notebooks is that
create a new notebook on the right by clicking New you can add Markdown cells and mix those with your
and selecting Python 3. You are redirected to a new code. Use the Cell Type Dropdown in the toolbar to
screen which represents your notebook. Start writing change the type of a cell from Code to Markdown.
some code in the textfield next to In []: Markdown is a simple way to annotate your text with
print("Hello World!") just a little bit of styling while maintaining readability
Clicking the Run button will execute this line of code, of the text at the same time. Let’s add a headline as
show you the result and move the cursor to the well as some text:
next cell. # This is a iPython notebook
All modules that are available in Python will also It can be used to test stuff or write small pieces of
work inside an IPython notebook. As we've installed software which can be run in the browser.
NumPy already, we can use it without further changes. If you hit run again, you can see that the layout
changes a bit and the hash sign is gone. The
markdown has been converted to HTML, with the
Add version control
headline now being a h1. Move the cell up to the top
Both the Vagrantfile and the provision scripts are text by clicking it and then clicking the up arrow in the
files, which make them perfect for storing in a version
toolbar until the cell is at the top.
control system. You can use Git, Mercurial or SVN to hold
the versions of the files that build your virtual machine. Now that you've seen how to create a virtual
This makes it possible to destroy a virtual machine; go machine for IPython using Vagrant, you can apply the
back to a previous commit and build the box using those same techniques to manage almost any server-side
instructions. You can also share your environment using a software. Doing this, you'll gain the benefit of having
code repository.
reproducible machines that are easy to manage.
Just make sure to exclude the .vagrant folder as it
contains information about your host system. Having
this inside version control will mess things up for others Sebastian Göttschkes felt the pain of different development
checking out your code! environments early in his career and, looking for a solution,
found Vagrant. He now runs a VM for every project! 83
Learn the latest technology to come from the clever chaps and chapesses at Mozilla.
he Rust programming language (www. 32-bit version from is a systems programming downloads.html) and extract the gzipped tarball and
language which aims for three things – safety, run the script:
WHY DO THIS? speed and concurrency. If you are not familiar with it, $ tar -zxvf rust-1.7.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
• Reduce segfaults. one way to look at it is considering using it where $ cd rust-1.7.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
• Get a new job in Silicon perhaps the C programming language would be $ ./
Valley. otherwise suitable, but you want something safer. A ...
• Banish dangling pointers! few ways it leads to safer programming is by Rust is ready to roll.
disallowing usage of uninitialised variables, variables Let's verify that we have installed the tools we need
defaulting to being immutable and the notion of correctly:
ownership. Remarkably, all of these are achieved at $ rustc --version
compile time. rustc 1.7.0 (a5d1e7a59 2016-02-29)
In this article, we will write a program that will $ cargo --version
perform functionality similar to the tee program cargo 0.8.0-nightly (28a0cbb 2016-01-17)
( Figure 1 illustrates
the functionality of the tee program. During the course Hello world
of writing the program, we will learn about some of We will now write our first program in Rust. We don't
Rust's features I mentioned earlier. In addition, we will need to use cargo for a hello world program in Rust,
learn about Cargo, Rust's project management tool. however it is a scalable approach, especially when we
Let's get started! are working on non-trivial projects. Hence, we will get
familiar with the absolute basics of cargo in this
Installation and setting up tutorial. The first step is to create a project:
Before we can write our first program, we will need to $ cargo new helloworld --bin
install the Rust compiler (rustc) and cargo. We will be The new sub-command creates a new project, with
installing Rust 1.7, the latest stable release. Download the --bin switch specifying that we want to create an
Figure 1: Illustration of the Rust static binary for Linux from https://static. executable crate, rather than a library crate. (We
the functionality of the tee discuss crates later on in the article.) When you
command linux-gnu.tar.gz (or if you are using 32-bit Linux, the execute the command above, a new sub-directory,
Print to
Read from
standard input
Write to all
other files
helloworld, is created having a src/ sub-directory and returned value, we use a semicolon (;) to terminate the
a Cargo.toml file: expression and the expression is referred to as an
helloworld/ expression statement. The other type of statement is
Cargo.toml a declaration statement, which we will get to in our
src next program.
You will notice that helloworld is initialised with git User input, data types and handling results
version control. Thus, when the time comes, you can In our second program, we will write a program which
easily push your code into a remote repository. We will upon execution will take a line of input from the user
ignore Cargo.toml for now, since it gets interesting and simply print it back.
only when our project is dependent on others, or we Create a new project using cargo new input_string
plan to publish our library. Let's see what is generated --bin, which will generate a file in the input_
in the src/ file: string/src sub-directory. Next, we will type in the
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
We will write a program that upon
Since Rust is a compiled language, we first have to execution will take a line of input
compile it. To do so, we will use the build sub-
command of the cargo tool from the helloworld from the user and simply print it back
$ cargo build following program and save it.
.. use std::io;
Now that our program is compiled, we can run it,
using the run command: fn main() {
$ cargo run let mut line: String = String::new();
.. let stdin: io::Stdin = io::stdin();
Hello, world! let res: io::Result<usize>;
Congratulations, you have successfully run your res = stdin.read_line(&mut line);
first program. In the project directory, you will find a
new file, Cargo.lock and new sub-directory, target has if res.is_ok() {
been created. The .lock file created becomes // Unwrap the result to extract the value
important when we are using external libraries, so let nbytes: usize = res.unwrap();
once again we will ignore that for now. The target println!("{}({} bytes read)", line, nbytes);
sub-directory contains the executable for our program } else {
(target/debug/helloworld) along with other files. res.unwrap();
Let's now understand the program we wrote above. }
The first line declares the main() function – the entry }
point to our program. The main function doesn't take There are a bunch of new things we've introduced
any parameters, nor does it return any data. A above. Let's start off with the first line, use std::io. To
function that accepts arguments or returns any result understand what we are doing here, we have to very
will be defined differently (Figure 2). briefly discuss 'crates' and 'modules' in Rust.
A crate in Rust is equivalent to a package in Python
Curly braces ahoy! or a library in C. Each crate in turn consists of a main
The function body starts with an opening brace, ({) module and other modules. A crate can be either a
and ends with a closing brace (}). In the function body, binary crate or a library crate. We will only be
we have a single line: println!("Hello, world!");, which discussing binary crates in this article. In addition, all
prints the string "Hello, world!" to the standard output our crates consists only of the main
followed by a new line. module. The statement, use std::io; thus
println!() is a macro that prints a string to the tells the Rust compiler that we will be PRO TIP
standard output. For our purposes here, we will focus using the io module from Rust's Using 'cargo run', we can combine the
building and running steps into one. For
on just using this macro and not get into what a standard (std) library in our program. example, we can build and run the above
macro means in Rust and how you can define your The first statement in our main() project using 'cargo run'.
own. In general, however, when you come across a function:
function call where the "function name" has a trailing ! let mut line: String =String::new()
mark, you should know that it is a macro. declares a new mutable variable binding, line of the
Note how the line above is terminated by a type String and its initial value is an empty String
semicolon? Most of our lines will be terminated by a (which we can then append to later). By default,
semicolon. In Rust, every line is an expression and variables in Rust are immutable, meaning you cannot
returns a value. When we don't care about the assign a value to it more than once. To be able to do 85
Function name
Return type
fn myfun(var1: type1, var2: type 2..) -> return_type {
//function body
Figure 2: A function in Rust
so, we need to declare it as mutable. Rust supports successfully, we execute the following statements:
(please refer to the section
on functions in the Rust type inference, which means we could have omitted // Unwrap the result to extract the value
reference: https://doc. the type annotation from our earlier statement for let nbytes: usize = res.unwrap(); brevity. println!("{}({} bytes read)", line, nbytes);
html#functions to learn In the second statement, we obtain a reference to The first statement in this block is a demonstration
more). the standard input for reading using the stdin() of how we can write a comment in Rust. Rust also
function in the io module. This function returns a supports block comments:
reference of Stdin type defined in the io module, /* This is a comment split over
hence we declare a variable binding stdin to refer to multiple lines
this returned reference. */
The next statement declares a new variable binding, The next statement in the above block extracts the
res of io::Result<usize> type. The Result type defined number of bytes returned as a result returned by the
in the io module is used to return the result of any IO read_line() function using the unwrap() function and
operation which may result in an error. It is worth assigns the value to the nbytes variable. Next, we print
mentioning here that the Result type is an the line we read and the number of bytes we read
enumeration with the two variants, Ok and Err using the println!() macro. We call the macro with a
representing success and error respectively. A string that has two "placeholders", {}. This will be
successful result encapsulates a data item used to substituted by the value of the variables that follow
store the result of the operation. Thus, the string in order.
when we declare a variable binding of Let's now build and run the above project:
PRO TIP this type, we also need to specify the $ cargo run
The "let" keyword in Rust is used to data type of this result. This data type Hello
declare a new variable binding. It's generic
syntax is illustrated in Figure 3.
will depend on the result we want to Hello
store in this variable. In this case, it turns (6 bytes read)
out to be usize. We can of course even pipe the output from
The read_line() function reads a single line of input another command to our program and it will print the
from standard input and returns the number of bytes first line it read:
represented as data item of usize type. The bytes it $ cat src/ | cargo run
read will be stored in line. Note how we pass a ..
mutable reference to line when we call the read_line() Running `target/debug/input_string`
function. This is our way of telling that we allow the use std::io;
read_line() function to modify what is stored in line. (13 bytes read)
Now that we have a result in res, we need to check
if the call to read_line() was successful. We do so Using pattern matching to handle errors
using the if statement. The is_ok() function returns Using the if statement as above to check if the result
true if the result corresponds to a success and false if was a success or an error works, but Rust has
there was an error. If the read_line() function returns something more elegant for such tasks: the match
expression. Let's create a new project, input_string_ command line program like tee is to be able to read
match and then type in the following code into the user input supplied as command line arguments. We
src/ file: will create a new project, read_cmdline_args using
use std::io; cargo new read_cmdline_args --bin and replace the
fn main() { generated code in with the following:
let mut line: String = String::new(); use std::env;
let stdin: io::Stdin = io::stdin(); fn main() {
let res: io::Result<usize>; for arg in env::args() {
res = stdin.read_line(&mut line); println!("{}", arg);
match res { }
Ok(nbytes) => { }
println!("{}({} bytes read)", line, nbytes); The command line arguments supplied to a
} program upon execution can be accessed using the
Err(err) => { args() function in the env module of the standard
println!("{}", err); library. Hence, we start our program with the use
} std::env statement.
} In the main() function, we directly iterate over the
} result of calling the env::args() function using a for
We can see that the only difference between our loop and print each argument.
previous code and this is how we handle the result If we run the project using cargo run arg1 arg2 12, it
returned by the read_line() function. Here, we use the will print the path to the executable followed by arg1,
match expression to perform different actions based arg2 and 12 on separate lines:
on the result. If the result returned is a success, it
matches the Ok() block, else it matches the Err()
block. The match expression also takes care of
The most basic funtionality in a
creating the variable binding to the data returned upon command line program is the ability to
success or an error – nbytes and err respectively.
read user input specified as arguments
Vectors and iterators
Vectors in Rust is a growable list of elements of the $ cargo run arg1 arg2 12
same type and is created using the vec! macro. Let's ..
see an example – create a new project using cargo arg1
new vectors --bin and replace its src/ by the arg2
following program: 12
fn main() { If we don't supply any arguments, it prints only the
let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3]; path to the executable:
v.push(4); $ cargo run
for elem in v { target/debug/read_cmdline_args
println!("{}", elem);
} Creating and writing to files
} There is one missing piece left before we can write our
The first statement let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3] creates program to implement the functionality of the tee
a new mutable variable binding, v to vector, [1, 2, 3]. program – writing data to files.
Note how we did not declare any type of the elements We will create a new project using cargo new
that will be in the vector, but it was inferred from the file_write --bin and write the following program into
elements we initialised it with. We create a mutable the src/ file:
variable binding so that we can add and remove // Write some data into a file
elements from the vector later on. In the next // Usage: cargo run <file path> string
statement, we use the push() function to append use std::io::Write;
another element to the vector. use std::fs::File;
Next, we use a for loop to iterate over the vector, v use std::env;
and print each of the elements, elem. When you build fn main() {
and run the program, you will see the following output: let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
1 if args.len() < 3 {
2 panic!("Usage: cargo run <file path> string");
3 }
4 let file_name = args[1].clone();
let contents = args[2].clone();
Command line arguments match File::create(file_name) {
The most basic functionality we need to have in a Ok(mut f) => { 87
Optional, declares that this is a mutable binding
let <mut> variable_name: type = initial_value
Optional, type annotation
Figure 3: Generic syntax
match f.write_all(contents.as_bytes()) { the write_all() function. Since the write_all() function
of declaring a variable
binding in Rust. // _ is a throwaway variable since we don't expects the data as bytes instead of a string, we
// have anything to do if write_all() was convert the string to bytes using the as_bytes()
successful function.
$ cargo run /tmp/file.txt hello
Ok(_) => {} Running `target/debug/file_write /tmp/file.txt hello`
Err(error) => { The file /tmp/file.txt should contain the string hello.
println!("Error writing to file: {}", error); Note how we don't worry about closing the file
} explicitly in the above program. Rust automatically
} closes the file when all references to it go out of
} scope.
Err(error) => { The tee program
println!("Error when creating file for writing: {}", Now using all that we have learned so far, we are
error); ready to write the program to implement the basic
} functionality of the tee command. You can find the
} entire program at
} linux_voice_2/blob/master/tee/src/ We will
In the first statement of the program, we import the discuss the program in two snippets.
Write trait from the std::io module. A trait in Rust is We have a number of use statements at the top of
roughly equivalent to a behaviour certain types share. the program – where we import different modules
Next, we import the File type from the std::fs and types from the standard library. Next, the first
module and the std::env module. block of the main function opens the standard output
In the first statement of the main() function, we are for writing and any additional files that were specified
creating a vector of Strings from the command line as command line arguments:
arguments passed to the program. We do so using let mut stdout = io::stdout();
the collect() function. // Process any additional files specified
Next, we check the length of the vector using the let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
len() function, and if it is less than 3, we want to print a let mut files = Vec::new();
message and exit. We do so using the panic!() macro.
This prints the supplied string and exits the program. if args.len() > 1 {
Next, we create two new variable bindings, for file_name in args {
file_name and contents corresponding to the second match File::create(file_name) {
and third command line arguments. Ok(f) => {
We then use the create() function to open the file files.push(f);
for writing. If the file specified exists, it is truncated. If }
the file was opened successfully, we write to it using Err(error) => {
match f.write_all(line.as_bytes()) {
Resources Ok(_) => {}
• The Rust programming language book https://doc.rust- Err(error) => { println!("Error when writing to file: {}", error);
• Crates and Modules }
• Cargo
• Primitive types in Rust
primitive-types.html. // Clear the line we just read so that we don't keep
• Standard library modules // appending
std/#modules. line.clear();
• Reference
• Rust by example
Err(error) => {
• Rust for C/C++ programmers
r4cppp. println!("Error reading from stdin : {}", error);
• Error handling }
handling.html. }
• Linux coreutils written in Rust
• Rust learning An infinite loop in Rust is created by enclosing the
loop body within loop {} as follows:
loop {
println!("Error creating file for writing: {}", error); // This statement will be executed endlessly
} }
} The read_line() function we use to read from
} standard input keeps appending the lines read into the
} variable, line, hence we call the clear() function above
The first statement in the above block calls the to empty the string.
stdout() function in the io module to obtain a To execute the code for our tee program, clone the
reference to the standard output. A mutable variable repository from
binding, stdout is created to refer to it later on. linux_voice_2, change the directory to the tee
Next, we initialise an empty vector using the new() directory, and use cargo run to run the program. Of
function and create a mutable variable binding, with course, we can specify any additional files as
files to refer to it. Next, we check if any files were
specified. We open each of these files for writing, and We have a number of use statements
if successful, we save the opened file object to the
files vector. at the top of the program – where we
The next block of code reads from the standard
input endlessly, and for each line it reads, writes it to
import different modules and types
the standard output and any of the additional files that
was specified: command line arguments. For example, the following
// Read from standard input and write to all the files will execute the who program, print the output to the
let mut line = String::new(); standard output and to the file /tmp/who.output:
$ who | cargo run /tmp/who.output
loop {
match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) { Conclusion
Ok(n) => { In this article, we learned just enough of the Rust
// Have we read all the lines, if yes, break programming language while writing a program to tee
if n == 0 { output. However, our program lacks one major feature
break; – the option append to existing files. You can perhaps
} consider that an exercise to try next.
// Write to standard output You can find all the Rust projects we created in
match stdout.write_all(line.as_bytes()) { the article at
Ok(_) => {} voice_2.
Err(error) => { The resources section above lists a number of
println!("Error writing to stdout: {}", error); resources where you can learn more about Rust
} including and beyond all the features we have learned
} about and used in the article.
// Write to any additional files Amit Saha is the author of Doing Math with Python
// We obtain a mutable reference to the file from the (No Starch Press) and a software engineer. He blogs at
vector, tweets @echorand and can be reached
via email at
for f in &mut files{ 89
Git is taking over! Don’t get left behind: run your own server for fun and profit.
ersion control (also known as source control things, whether that’s a live website or your own
management) systems perform two essential configuration files. Being able to change things is one
tasks. First, they let you track changes to a file of the principles behind open source, and there’s no
WHY DO THIS? so that mistakes can be reversed. Second, they enable reason why this magical ability shouldn’t be confined
• Control all aspects of your lots of people to edit those files at the same time, to just programmers. There are even tools that put
computer setup. while maintaining an independent track of all those your entire /etc folder under version control, for
• Make it easier to chare changes. Mostly, those files and projects revolve instance, enabling you to roll forwards and backwards
code (and work on other around programming and development, but through any system changes, which is perfect for
development needn’t be the only case. precarious servers with their finely balanced Apache
In this issue’s interview, for example, old school and Postfix configurations. We’re going to install,
hacker ‘r0ml’ is convinced that version control could configure, serve and start using Git, most popular
be the enabler, allowing you to tinker and change version control system around.
What is Git? 2
Client Installation
Even if you don’t have any interest in development, Most distributions will either include the Git client or
you must have noticed that Git has taken over the make it very easy to install, and this is all you need to
world of version control. Before Git, there was a fragile communicate and collaborate with any other Git
ecosystem where Subversion, BitKeeper, Perforce and repository. Without a doubt, the most popular online
even the venerable CVS co-existed in quiet harmony. repository is now GitHub, which has become a huge
Git changed that, especially for open source projects. social network for developers. As of April 2016, it
When Linus Torvalds wrote Git his goal was to contains 35 million repositories serving 14 million
create something to replace the proprietary BitKeeper project collaborators who use it both for code
while keeping BitKeeper’s main advantage. That collaboration and for its wider infrastructure, such as
advantage was being decentralised so that 1,000 issue tracking and documentation. You can make
developers didn’t have to wait for a server while your own copy of any public project using the git
orchestrating a kernel release. This is what makes Git clone command directly followed by the project’s URL
different from Subversion; in Subversion, the server is (git clone https://). This will copy all the files into a
the gatekeeper to progress. With Git, every developer new local folder with the same name as the repository
gets their own copy, or repository, and they work on on the end of the URL, and you’ll be able to explore its
this independently. The clever bit happens when all contents, build the project and make your own edits to
these parts are merged together. the code, all without accessing the server again.
Terminology 4
File structure
Before we can start playing with this Git revolution, we Linus wanted Git to remain simple, and while its scope
should first cover some of the words used by Git to and capabilities have become complicated, the way it
explain its functions. If you’ve used some other works is still straightforward. Most of the magic
version control system, these terms can seem happens with the help of a .git folder hidden within
counterintuitive, so here are 10 of the one that we feel any repository you download. This folder contains
are the most important: everything Git needs to keep track of changes. config
branch In Git, this is a label used to delineate a holds the local configuration, for example; HEAD will
revision of a repository. contain a reference to the branch you’re currently
clone As we’ve just shown, this is a copy of an working in; while Index contains data on files you’ve
existing Git repository. saved to the staging area.
commit The process of saving your changes to The objects directory holds links to everything Git is
your local copy. managing, while refs and tags both hold references to
fetch Grabs changes from the online repository branches and tags, with tags being more like a
without merging them. snapshot of a branch at one moment in time rather
master The definitive branch for a project, usually than an isolated developmental revision. By default,
used for releases. the hooks folder contains sample scripts that can be
merge Combines the changes from one repository modified to trigger events after a commit and
with those in another (usually your local copy). becomes very powerful when you link Git against your
pull Grabs changes from the online repository and other systems.
merges them with your local repository.
pull request Mostly used collaboratively to notify
the maintainer of a repository to merge a
developer’s new change.
push: sends your local changes to the online
staging This is a half-way point between a commit
and a simple save, useful for partially implemented
How Git tracks changes 6
The anatomy of a ‘diff’
You may have noticed we’ve made lots of references The output of git show, with its lines starting with
to what we call ‘references’. These references are at ‘+++’,’---’ and ‘@@’, can be confusing. This is because
the core of how Git works. Unlike other systems, Git the output uses the unified format of the GNU/Linux
doesn’t store changes specifically. Instead, it acts stalwart diff command, where + is used to denote
more like a filesystem for all your variations, with the additional lines, - is used to show removed lines, and
key to each of those changes being a checksum of @ outputs the chunk of code that’s been affected by
the content. This checksum is a SHA-1 hash, and is each change. You can even see this command being
generated whenever you use git commit to finalise or executed early within the Git output (look for diff --git
stage your changes. You can see an ordered list of a/ b/) before the diff changes start to appear.
these hashes by typing git log, a command that You can see these changes much more clearly in
shows the various commits made on your repository GitHub, where clicking on a commit’s SHA-1 reference
up to that point. You can show the details of any displays the differences for each file; this output is
specific commit by typing git show followed by the coloured and grouped together to show the
first eight or so characters of the hash – whatever is differences in each file. If you ever really want to get
enough to uniquely identify it. GitHub displays these into the details, we’d recommend using a graphical
values too, and the output from any change is the diff tool, such as Kompare, to check the differences
same as the output from the diff command. between any two files. 91
Set up a server 8
Installing Git-o-lite
One of the biggest hurdles to using Git is getting Installing the git-core packages on Ubuntu is almost
practical experience of its commands and processes enough to get you a working server, but it won’t give
without breaking anything. You could set up your own you enough control or enough capabilities to manage
experimental online repository with a service such as different users and repositories, which is the main
GitHub, but we’ve found the best option is simply to reason for installing a Git server in the first place. For
install a Git server locally and play with it yourself. that reason, we’d recommend installing gitolite
That way you can set up a repository, import some instead. This makes it much easier to get complete
code, make all the changes you need, and then look at control over your new system and turn your server
how this affects both the server and the local storage. into a fully fledged secure source code repository with
If you can do this with one of your own projects, even multiple projects and users. On the Ubuntu Server, the
better, but you could just as easily import another main packages can be installed by typing sudo
project or simply play around by editing text files. We apt-get install gitolite, and we need to add a user to
installed Ubuntu Server 14.04 into a virtual machine run the server, which can be accomplished by typing:
with SSH already running, but you could use a VPS or sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash --system --group --home
real hardware too. /home/git git
Setting up SSH 10
Configure gitolite
Most configurations use SSH to deliver access The configuration process continues and first asks
credentials to a Git server. We’ve covered SSH quite a where to to put the configuration file before then
bit before, but essentially, typing ssh-keygen -t rsa on asking you for your favourite text editor. This is
your client will generate a key pair, where one key is important because the following step will open the
private and the other is public. Renaming the public configuration file in this editor, and you’ll need to be
key to something closer to your username will help able to navigate the text, save and close, so don’t be
with gitolite permissions configuration. tempted to choose Emacs unless you know Emacs.
Administrator authentication needs the public part It’s worth looking through the file, but we got a
copied onto the server – use sftp if you have trouble working configuration without changing any of the
with this – and we need the public key to complete options. Save or exit to quit back to the command line
the gitolite configuration. With the .pub key accessible as the git user, and exit from this too. You should now
on the server, type sudo su git to switch to the git user be able to access gitolite from the account and
we created earlier, and type gl-setup machine that generated the SSH key pair, which is
Change the path and filename so it points to the where we need to go next to instantiate gitolite’s own
location and name your public key. By adding the key Git-based management interface.
in this way, you can use the account with the private
key as the gitolite administrator.
Checkout the configuration 12
Creating a new repository
The great thing about gitolite is that itss configuration The configuration file within the conf folder needs to
is managed by Git itself, and your first step should be be edited to add a new repository, and each new
to check out this configuration from the account addition needs to be entered in the following format:
whose public key you’ve used by entering the repo meeq
following (changing the IP address to match that of RW+ = graham
your server): RW = andrew
git clone git@ R = mike
This will download a configuration file within its The format is easy to understand, and gitolite’s
own folder, which can now be changed locally, and permissions system is powerful, allowing for groups
another folder called keydir which can be used to add and fine control over branches and tags. Our
the public keys of any other users you’d like to give repository is for a project called ‘meeq’, which Graham,
access to. Any changes you do make to either will Andrew and Mike have various degrees of access to.
need to be committed (staged) and pushed The + allows a user to go backwards through the
(uploaded) before they can become active, and you commits, while the unused - symbol can deny access.
can do this by first adding new files, committing them Thse usernames need to correspond to the names of
and pushing them back to the online repository: the public keys you need to add to the keydir folder
git add keydir/ – Andrew’s should be, for example,
git commit -m “adding grahams key” allowing him to access the repository. For users, the
git push private key needs to be the first one selected by SSH.
Initialise your repository 14
Start playing with Git
To make sure you’ve got the correct rights, it’s easier You can now start experimenting with your Git
to use a different account with a separate private key. configuration and projects, safe in the knowledge that
Even if the public key is, its private key you won’t be affecting any other server installation.
can be the default id_rsa as long as it’s the first This means you can learn to fork, tag, release and
chosen by SSH. If everything is working correctly, you update your code, or even experiment with projects
can check out the new and empty repository with git that aren’t code, such as monitoring your configuration
clone git@ and switch to this files or even part of your home directory. If you want to
new empty directory. You can now import your code, make things a little easier, try using a GUI Git client,
not forgetting to use git add so that files can be such as gitk. Typing this in a project folder will open a
tracked, and create a new file for your new project. As GUI that lets you browse the branches and commits,
shown earlier, typing git commit -m “comment” will including details like the SHA-1 hash. If you want to
add those changes to the local staging environment take this further, there are several tools. Our favourite is
with a comment on the update, with git push git-cola, which should be easily installable from your
uploading them to the server. When you now edit distribution. When it starts, select Open and point the
those files, you just need to commit and push for your requester at one of your Git project folders. Not only
modifications to be tracked and uploaded. If you want will it make visualising differences much easier, but
to see the differences between your last two edits, just you can perform almost all the same actions as Git
use the git diff command without any arguments. with just a click of a menu. 93
Valentine Sinitsyn develops
high-loaded services and
teaches students completely
unrelated subjects. He also has
a KDE developer account that
he’s never really used.
Prise the back off Linux and find out what really makes it tick.
Bash beyond the basics
magine you just typed something at a shell Parameter expansion is perhaps the most
prompt and pressed Enter. First, the shell splits frequently used expansion in Bash. Does the $PATH
your input into words. Expansion is the next step, expression look familiar? It expands to the value of
and it comes in several forms. PATH variable, and is really parameter expansion in its
One expansion type you already know is the simplest form. You may enclose parameter name in
pathname expansion. Recall ls *.txt? If there are files curly braces. It's optional here, but consider this:
that end with .txt in the current directory, Bash puts $ hello=world
their names instead of the wildcard. If there are none, $ echo ${hello}_1
*.txt remains as is. So, if you forget to escape an world_1
asterisk in a command like find . -name *.txt, it may $ echo $hello_1
or may not work as expected. Besides *, Bash also Braces are often seen in more complex expansions,
understands ? (matches a single character) and [a–z] like ${cmd:-/bin/bash}. This expands to the value
(matches any character in a group). With the extglob of cmd if it is set and non-empty. Otherwise, /bin/
shell option enabled, you get some modifiers as well. bash is used. ${cmd:=/bin/bash} is similar, but it also
Say, you can negate an expansion: ls !(*.txt) lists all assigns to cmd the value specified. Both constructs
files that **do not** end with .txt. are common across command line arguments
Brace expansion is like pathname expansion, processing code. Two others, ${parameter#word}
although "file names" do not have to exist. Curly and ${parameter%word} remove the matching prefix
braces expand to the list of their comma-separated or suffix, as in pathname expansion. They may look
contents. So, diff -u /etc/foo.conf{,.new} shows counter-intuitive, yet are easy to remember. Hash
the difference between current config and a new marks usually come before numbers, so they are for
(perhaps, package-provided) one. Curly braces may prefixes; percentage signs comes after, and they are
also enclose a sequence expression: for suffixes. By default, the operation is non-greedy (a
$ echo file_{a..e}.txt shortest match is removed); use ## and %% to ask for
file_a.txt file_b.txt file_c.txt file_d.txt file_e.txt the longest match instead.
{1..5} would also work, and you can use another Not all of these may sound practical, so here
pair of dots to specify an optional step increment. are some examples. ${path%/*} is like a dirname:
Brace expansions occurs before any others, and they it strips everything after the last slash, including it.
The bash(1) man page
is a long read, but also can be nested. For example, ls /usr{/bin/{*.py,*.pl},/ ${path##*/} is a reverse: it strips everything up to
an ultimate guide to the sbin/{*.py,*.pl}} lists Perl and Python scripts under the last slash, like basename. If the path is /boot/
powers of Bash. /usr/bin or /usr/sbin. grub/grub.cfg, the former yields /boot/grub; the
latter is grub.cfg. As you've probably guessed, these
expansions are common across path handling code.
Sometimes, you want not to strip, but to substitute
some part of the parameter value. Imagine you need
to rename all .JPG files to .jpeg. The rename tool will
do that, but you may not have it installed. A simple for
loop does the same in pure Bash:
for name in *.JPG; do
mv ${name} ${name/.JPG/.jpeg}
Here, we look for a constant substring, but it could be
a pattern as well.
There are many other expansions in Bash. Say you
can get a substring instead of substituting it. Or, it is
possible to embed basic arithmetic expressions with
$((...)). Bash doesn't support floating point, and if you
need it, consider using external tools like bc. With
command substitution ($(...) or just backticks), you
can grab bc output into a variable: sine_pi_2=$(echo
's(2. * a(1))' | bc -l). Remember not to put spaces
around equals sign, or Bash would get confused.
Many more possibilities are detailed in bash(1) under
the EXPANSIONS section.
If you are serious about
numbers use different comparison operators: = and
Bash programming,
Terms and conditions != (strings) vs -eq/-ne/-gt/-lt etc for integers. Perl
remember to bookmark
Sequential scripts are good for the simplest tasks. borrows these semantics, but if your background http://wiki.bash-hackers.
Anything more or less advanced demands conditional is in some other language, it could be the source of org.
execution and branching. Many general-purpose hard-to-find bugs. Another subtle detail is that you
languages provide one or two constructs (say, if and should quote variables. If x is unset or empty, test $x
switch/case) for that purpose. Bash offers somewhat = "yes" sends test two arguments: = and yes; the first
more idioms to explore. operand is missing. With test "$x" = "yes", it will receive
Bash branches on whether a command executed an empty string, = and yes, which is just false. Should
successfully (exit code 0) or not: you want to test if something is empty (or non-empty),
if grep -q Linux file.txt; then use -z "$x" or -n "$x" (remember it like this "length
# Linux is in file.txt **z**ero/**n**on-zero").
fi Bash is a special-purpose language, so test also
From here, it feels natural to introduce a specific provides numerous filesystem-related operators.
command that tests conditionals and returns 0 (true) You can check if the file exists (-e) and whether it is
or 1 (false). This command is test, and it also has a a regular file (-f) or a directory (-d). Other operators
well-known synonym, [. Both are Bash built-ins, but check whether the file is readable (-r), writeable (-w)
you may also find the [ executable lying around for or executable (-x). You can find a complete reference
compatibility reasons: in the man page, but be careful: test(1) refers to the
$ whereis [ external test command, whereas Bash uses a built-in
[: /usr/bin/[ /usr/bin/X11/[ /usr/share/man/man1/[.1.gz described in bash(1).
When you encounter a construct like if [ "$x" = "yes" Let's have some examples. [ $i -lt 10 ] checks that
]; then ... fi, remember that brackets aren't special $i (which must be set) is less than ten. Another way
syntax. They are just an ordinary command, albeit [ to do it is $(( i < 10 )), but it expands to 1 (true) or 0
forces you to supply the closing ] (test doesn't). (false) literally, while test yields an exit code. [ -n "$file"
You specify conditions to check as test command- -a -x "$file" ] checks that $file stores a non-empty
line arguments. All basic comparisons are understood, string which refers to some executable. For a wrap-up,
and you can combine expressions with parenthesis (), [ "${file#.*}" = "zip" ] checks that the file's extension
logical AND (-a) and OR (-o). ! negates the expression's is .zip (case-sensitive). Note that spaces after [ and
value, as in C. Remember that parenthesis have before ] are required.
special meaning in the shell, so you'd probably want Often, you want to check that the file exists, and
to escape them (\(). Also remember that strings and complain if not. While certainly doable
with if, Bash favours a somewhat more
compact idiom for such one-liners. The
What's the $#@*? The `readonly` keyword marks variables
&& and || shell operators are short-
(and functions) immutable at or after
Bash has many predefined variables and special parameters circuit: they only execute operands creation. This helps to prevent accidental
with cryptic names that you may find useful in your scripts. required to compute the final value. Now, modification of important constants.
Here are some highlights:
• $0 | Expands to the name of the shell or shell script.
consider [ -e $file ] || exit 1. If the file
• $1, $2, ... $n | Positional parameters. Expand to the script exists, [ yields 0, and regardless what
or function arguments (see "Functions"). exit 1 will return, the expression will be true. So Bash
• $# | The number of positional parameters. won't execute exit 1 unless the existence test fails.
• $*, $@ | All position parameters together. The difference is Similarly, [ -d "$backups" ] && cp *.bak $backups
that the quoted "$*" expands to single word, and "$@" to
multiple ones.
copies backups to some directory, if it exists. && are
• $? | Last foreground command exit status. left associative, so expr1 && expr2 || expr3 works like
• $$ | The shell's process identifier (LV023). if-then-else.
• $HOME | The current user's home directory. Besides the test built-in command, Bash also
• $PS1–$PS4 | Command prompts templates. supports a conditional expression, [[ ... ]]. It's called
• $RANDOM | Expands to a random number. Unset and re-
create to make it a normal variable.
"new test" sometimes. It also evaluates expressions
and returns the status of 0 or 1. So, what's the 95
other types. To emulate this behaviour, you can
echo in a function and grab its standard output with
command substitution, like this:
say_hi() { echo hi; }
if [ "$(say_hi)" != "hi" ]; then
# oh, really?
Some functions are specific to the containing script;
others are more general-purpose. The latter are often
organized as libraries. In Bash, a library is a mere
shell script which doesn't happen to contain anything
except functions and (maybe) some bootstrapping
code. There are no namespaces, imports, header files
Bash scripts aren't solely
difference? First, [[ ... ]] is not portable – there are or whatever. Your system is likely to have a number of
about the command line –
you can make dialog-based shells that don't understand it. Second, it's not a Bash libraries lying around. For example, check if
interfaces as well. command. It has its own parse context, so you don't /lib/lsb/init-functions exists, and peek into it. You'll
have to quote arguments anymore. Third, conditional see functions like start_daemon() or pidofproc()
expressions are more advanced; for example, you defined inside. Traditional Unix initscripts rely on
can do pattern-matching with the = operator: [[ $file these to start daemons and perform other tasks in a
= *.zip ]]. Even regular expressions are available with consistent fashion. Try grep -R init-functions /etc/
=~. If the supplied regular expression is syntactically init.d to see how the library is included. Bash provides
incorrect (as per regex(7)), the conditional expression the source keyword for that, but an idiomatic way is to
returns status code 2. use . /path/to/, which is a synonym.
Bash also calls some predefined functions in
Functions response to various events. If you ever worked with
As in many programming languages, Bash lets you Ubuntu, you may recall a friendly note appearing when
wrap reusable pieces of code as functions. Each you type a command that is not currently installed:
function stores a sequence of shell commands to $ emacs
execute, and acts much like a command by itself. For The program 'emacs' can be found in the following
instance, the syntax for calling a function and running packages:
a command is exactly the same. You supply function * emacs24
arguments the same way you supply arguments * ...
for the command. Moreover, positional parameters Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>
and $# (see the boxout) in a function are overridden (yup, I don't have Emacs on my laptop). When Bash
to reflect the values and the number of arguments is unable to find a command in $PATH, it invokes the
passed to it. command_not_found_handle() function, passing the
Defining a function in Bash is straightforward: original command line as the function arguments. In
function read_pid() Ubuntu, it calls into the command-not-found tool (see
{ it yourself with type command_not_found_handle),
local pidfile which does all heavy lifting. It's easy to author a poor
# TODO: Check $# first man's variant though:
pidfile=/var/run/$ $ command_not_found_handle() { echo "Sorry pal, you
if [ -r "$pidfile" ]; then
# do something
Shell options
return 1 Bash understands quite a few options affecting the shell's
operation. We already met one of them, extglob, at the
beginning of this Core Tech. Its cousin, dotglob, includes
hidden files (they start with .) in pathname expansion, so
# usage: read_pid apache2 wildcards like * cover them as well.
There are a few things to note here. First, the Other options pertain to usability. cdspell tries to
leading function keyword is optional; read_pid() { ... } correct minor spelling errors (like missing or transposed
works just the same. Second, one can define function- characters) in directories you cd into. With autocd, you
can omit cd altogether: typing just directory name will be
local variables with the local keyword to prevent name enough. progcomp enables programmable completion you
clashes. Local variables aren't shared between the call with the Tab key.
function and outer context, even if they have the same To control all these options, use the shopt built-in
name. Third, the return keyword is used to terminate command. When called with no arguments, it prints valid
the function; the value you pass to it is returned as options and their statuses (on or off). You can also see
which options are enabled for the current session in the
a status code. If there is no return, the function exits $BASHOPTS variable. To enable (or set) an option, use
successfully (status code 0). Note that Bash functions shopt -s optname; shopt -u optname does the reverse.
(as well as commands) can't return strings or any
don't have $1 installed"; }
$ emacs
Sorry pal, you don't have emacs installed
Your script can even define custom signal handlers.
Bash provides trap built-in for these purposes. The
syntax is like this:
handle_sigusr1() { echo "Got SIGUSR1"; }
trap handle_sigusr1 SIGUSR1
To see which handlers are currently defined,
use trap -p. Handler could be any shell command,
not necessarily a function, although the latter is
a common choice. The trap mechanism extends
beyond Unix signals. DEBUG is breakpoint-like trap
which executes before each command in a script. You
may use it to watch how selected variables change
Want someone to explain
during the script's lifetime. RETURN is called when a Arrays aren't something you do in Bash every day.
what the command does?
function returns. EXIT – you guessed it – runs on the You don't want an array when you just need to iterate is
shell exit, which is handy for cleanup tasks. over a set of elements: use a string and let Bash do here to answer.
word splitting for you. Yet you may find arrays useful
Arrays in more complex scenarios. The following example
Believe it or not, Bash also supports arrays. Arrays comes from a fictional backup system which asks the
in Bash are one-dimensional, yet Bash 4 introduced user to choose compression level:
support for associative arrays (or hashes). Numeric declare -a comp_opt=("tee" "bzip2" "xz")
array indexes start at 0, as you'd expect. Associative tempfile=$(mktemp)
arrays are indexed with arbitrary strings. There is dialog \
more than one way to create an array in Bash: --menu "Please select compression level:" \
x[0]="The first one" 10 50 8 \
declare -a y=("And this is the second" "And the 3rd") 0 "No compression" \
declare -A z=([roses]=red [sky]=blue) 1 "Normal compression" \
Explicit declaration is required only for hashes, 2 "Maximum compression" \
indexed arrays are usually created in place. To retrieve 2> "$tempfile" || exit 1
an element, use ${x[0]} or ${z[roses]}; braces are choice=$(<"$tempfile")
required. "$y[*]" and "$y[@]" expand to all elements in tar --create $src | ${comp_opt[$choice]} >$backup
the array: either as one word (the former) or multiple dialog is a common tool to create interactive text-
words (the latter): mode dialogs in shell scripts. In this case, it prints
$ for i in "${z[*]}"; do echo $i; done either 0, 1 or 2 to stderr. We redirect this stream to a
red blue temporary file and read it back as dialog finishes to
$ for i in "${z[@]}"; do echo $i; done learn the user's choice. Finally, we call tar and pipe its
red output to the desired command. tee is used to pass
blue the tarball as is if no compression was chosen. $src
Similarly, ${!y[@]} expands to all keys (or indexes) in and $backup are presumed to have their values set
the array. ${#z[@]} yields the number of elements. outside this snippet.
Command of the month: shellcheck
How do you hunt for a bug in a Bash script, if it doesn't You'd probably agree that preventing a disease
behave the way intended? Perhaps the most popular is better than curing it. Many languages have static
answer would be "with echos", but Bash also has analysers or similar tools which detect "smells" in
some debugging aids and source code checkers. You your code. These could be common mistakes, or
already know about the DEBUG trap, but your first constructs that are likely not to work the way you
stop should be set -ex. set is a built-in command to think, code that is known to break under certain
tweak various low-level options. -e asks Bash to exit conditions and so on. Bash also has one: ShellCheck.
as soon as an error occurs (so you'd be certain where It's written in Haskell, and you may have tough times
it was). -x prints source lines of your script expanded. compiling it. Better use your package manager or give
Expansions could be tricky, but with set -x you'll know the whole thing a try online. Visit www.shellcheck.
what Bash tries to run. Just add set -ex to the net, paste your script, push the button – and you'll get
beginning of your script, and you'll be able to trace its detailed analysis within seconds! Now you have one
execution from Bash's point of view. less excuse for not quoting your variables properly. 97
Final thoughts, musings and reflections
Nick Veitch
was the original editor Linux Mint 17.2 Mate, main
Epson PC dual-booting with Manjaro
of Linux Format, a
scanner V300 Xfce (a trial - I like it!).
role he played until he
got bored and went
to work at Canonical
instead. Splitter!
Four-port USB
switch – Lacie
500GB – Card reader
ormally I blather on here about how – Samsung external
other people are idiots and they are DVD recorder
Monitor connected to
doing things wrong. Maybe it is
RPi2 – via Dvi socket
sleep deprivation, or the very nice gin I when needed.
picked up in South Africa, but I think I want
to break with tradition and blather on about
things that people have been doing right!
I have been playing around with the
Particle (formerly Spark) Photon for a while
and while I like it (a lot) it does annoy me a Home build Asus
tiny tiny bit. The Photon, in case it passed Monitor – RPi2 – Wacom tablet E45M1-I Deluxe
Bamboo – Wired KB & mouse to mobo – ITX.
you by, is basically a tiny Wi-Fi enabled RPi2 when needed – Wireless KB &
Arduino-alike. In fact if anyone can be said mouse – 2 PCs, a P4 1.7GHz & an
to have made a “better Arduino” this is Athlon 2800 box.
probably it.
Cunning firmware means, through its
cloud portal, you can do Wi-Fi updates to
your device, which is very handy if your
device now happens to be in the attic MY LINUX SETUP
somewhere under a box where a scary
spider lives. But I will still have to brave the
spider and find the right box when it comes
to change the batteries. Boo! Readers, send us words and pictures of your Linux dens!
The problem with Wi-Fi is that it uses
power. You don’t have to have it on all the What version of Linux are you What Free Software/open source
time, but even turning it on and off to send currently using? can’t you live without?
data to the cloud and listen for updates Linux Mint, Manjaro and OpenSUSE LibreOffice, Gimp, Bluefish, Filezilla,
wastes precious ergs. That’s why I got a 13.1. the Firefox web developer add-ons
Photon-sort-of-compatible Redbear Duo too and Inkscape.
( And what desktop are you using at
A Bluetooth LE radio in addition to Wi-Fi the moment? What do other people love but you
means I can send data on minuscule Mate, Xfce, and I loved #crunchbang can’t get on with?
amounts of power, and still turn on Wi-Fi to [which used the Openbox window I only stuck with Unity for months,
reflash the device if I want. The similarish manager]. because of setting everything up
Bluz DK ( does away with again. (If I could save my settings easily, I
Wi-Fi altogether, and uses a separate What was the first Linux setup you would have changed distro within two
gateway device (basically a Redbear Duo) to ever used? weeks.) I’m trying to improve my spelling,
sync with the Particle cloud. It may be years Ubuntu 2004. Can’t remember why I writing and my of reading speed, and Unity
before I have to see that spider again… didn’t stick with Knoppix. does not help. I love a good menu.
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