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Motion Mountain Physics Textbook Volume 3 - Light, Charges and Brains

Authors Christoph Schiller

License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0

Christoph Schiller

the adventure of physics – vol.iii
light, charges and brains
                  Christoph Schiller

Motion Mountain

                  The Adventure of Physics
                  Volume III

                  Light, Charges and Brains

                  Edition 31, available as free pdf
                  with films at
Editio trigesima prima.

Proprietas scriptoris © Chrestophori Schiller
primo anno Olympiadis trigesimae secundae.

Omnia proprietatis iura reservantur et vindicantur.
Imitatio prohibita sine auctoris permissione.
Non licet pecuniam expetere pro aliqua, quae
partem horum verborum continet; liber
pro omnibus semper gratuitus erat et manet.

Thirty-first edition.

Copyright © 1990–2021 by Christoph Schiller,
from the third year of the 24th Olympiad
to the first year of the 32nd Olympiad.

This pdf file is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
Licence, whose full text can be found on the website,
with the additional restriction that reproduction, distribution and use,
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electronically, but only in unmodified form and only at no charge.
To Britta, Esther and Justus Aaron

         τῷ ἐμοὶ δαὶμονι
Die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären.

                                                “                                                      ”
                                                     Primum movere, deinde docere.*

        his book series is for anybody who is curious about motion in nature. How do
        hings, people, animals, images and empty space move? The answer leads

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        o many adventures, and this volume presents the best ones when exploring
everything electric. They lead from the weighing of electric current to the use of mag-
netic fields to heal bone fractures and up to the use of light to cut metals and the
understanding of the human brain.
    In the structure of physics, shown in Figure 1, motion due to electricity is the most
fascinating aspect of the starting point at the bottom. Indeed, almost everything around
us is due to electric processes. The present introduction to electricity, magnetism, light
and the brain is the third of a six-volume overview of physics that arose from a threefold
aim that I have pursued since 1990: to present motion in a way that is simple, up to date
and captivating.

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the
necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over
using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.
    In order to be up to date, the text is enriched by the many gems – both theoretical and
empirical – that are scattered throughout the scientific literature.
    In order to be captivating, the text tries to startle the reader as much as possible. Read-
ing a book on general physics should be like going to a magic show. We watch, we are
astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick.
When we look at nature, we often have the same experience. Indeed, every page presents
at least one surprise or provocation for the reader to think about. Numerous interesting
challenges are proposed.
    The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement
on pedagogy, translates as: ‘To fortify people, to clarify things.’ Clarifying things – and
adhering only to the truth – requires courage, as changing the habits of thought produces
fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we grow in strength. And we
experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and
exploring motion is one of them. Enjoy it.

                                                              Christoph Schiller
* ‘First move, then teach.’ In modern languages, the mentioned type of moving (the heart) is called motiv-
ating; both terms go back to the same Latin root.
8                                                                                           preface

                             Complete, unified description of motion
                             Adventures: describing precisely all motion, understanding
                             the origin of colours, space -time and particles, enjoying
                             extreme thinking, calculating masses and couplings,
                             catching a further, tiny glimpse of bliss (vol. VI).

PHYSICS:                                                                       An arrow indicates an
Describing motion with precision,                                              increase in precision by
i.e., using the least action principle.                                        adding a motion limit.

                                                 Quantum theory
General relativity                               with classical gravity        Quantum field theory
Adventures: the                                   Adventures: bouncing         (the ‘standard model’)
                                                     neutrons, under-          Adventures: building

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
night sky, measu-
ring curved and                                         standing tree          accelerators, under-
wobbling space,                                            growth (vol. V).    standing quarks, stars,
exploring black                                                                bombs and the basis of
holes and the                                                                  life, matter & radiation
universe, space                                                                (vol. V).
and time (vol. II).

Classical gravity                              Special relativity              Quantum theory
Adventures:                                   Adventures: light,               Adventures: biology,
climbing, skiing,                             magnetism, length                birth, love, death,
                                           c contraction, time

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
space travel,                                                                  chemistry, evolution,
the wonders of                         limits dilation and                     enjoying colours, art,
astronomy and               G            fast E0 = mc2        h, e, k          paradoxes, medicine
geology (vol. I).           limits    motion (vol. II).    limit               and high-tech business
                             uniform                    tiny                   (vol. IV and vol. V).
                                 motion             motion

                             Galilean physics, heat and electricity
                             The world of everyday motion: human scale, slow and weak.
                             Adventures: sport, music, sailing, cooking, describing
                             beauty and understanding its origin (vol. I);
                             using electricity, light and computers,
                             understanding the brain and people (vol. III).

F I G U R E 1 A complete map of physics, the science of motion, as first proposed by Matvei Bronshtein
(b. 1907 Vinnytsia, d. 1938 Leningrad). The Bronshtein cube starts at the bottom with everyday motion,
and shows the connections to the fields of modern physics. Each connection increases the precision of
the description and is due to a limit to motion that is taken into account. The limits are given for
uniform motion by the gravitational constant G, for fast motion by the speed of light c, and for tiny
motion by the Planck constant h, the elementary charge e and the Boltzmann constant k.
preface                                                                                    9

Using this b o ok
Marginal notes refer to bibliographic references, to other pages or to challenge solutions.
In the colour edition, marginal notes, pointers to footnotes and links to websites are
typeset in green. Over time, links on the internet tend to disappear. Most links can be
recovered via, which keeps a copy of old internet pages. In the free
pdf edition of this book, available at, all green pointers and
links are clickable. The pdf edition also contains all films; they can be watched directly
in Adobe Reader.
   Solutions and hints for challenges are given in the appendix. Challenges are classified
as easy (e), standard student level (s), difficult (d) and research level (r). Challenges for
which no solution has yet been included in the book are marked (ny).

Advice for learners
Learning allows us to discover what kind of person we can be. Learning widens know-

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
ledge, improves intelligence and provides a sense of achievement. Therefore, learning
from a book, especially one about nature, should be efficient and enjoyable. Avoid bad
learning methods like the plague! Do not use a marker, a pen or a pencil to highlight or
underline text on paper. It is a waste of time, provides false comfort and makes the text
unreadable. And do not learn from a screen. In particular, never, ever, learn from the in-
ternet, from videos, from games or from a smartphone. Most of the internet, almost all
videos and all games are poisons and drugs for the brain. Smartphones are dispensers of
drugs that make people addicted and prevent learning. Nobody putting marks on paper
or looking at a screen is learning efficiently or is enjoying doing so.

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
   In my experience as a pupil and teacher, one learning method never failed to trans-
form unsuccessful pupils into successful ones: if you read a text for study, summarize
every section you read, in your own words and images, aloud. If you are unable to do
so, read the section again. Repeat this until you can clearly summarize what you read in
your own words and images, aloud. And enjoy the telling aloud! You can do this alone
or with friends, in a room or while walking. If you do this with everything you read, you
will reduce your learning and reading time significantly; you will enjoy learning from
good texts much more and hate bad texts much less. Masters of the method can use it
even while listening to a lecture, in a low voice, thus avoiding to ever take notes.

Advice for teachers
A teacher likes pupils and likes to lead them into exploring the field he or she chose. His
or her enthusiasm is the key to job satisfaction. If you are a teacher, before the start of a
lesson, picture, feel and tell yourself how you enjoy the topic of the lesson; then picture,
feel and tell yourself how you will lead each of your pupils into enjoying that topic as
much as you do. Do this exercise consciously, every day. You will minimize trouble in
your class and maximize your teaching success.
   This book is not written with exams in mind; it is written to make teachers and stu-
dents understand and enjoy physics, the science of motion.
                10                                                                                preface

                The latest pdf edition of this text is and will remain free to download from the internet.
                I would be delighted to receive an email from you at, especially
                on the following issues:
Challenge 1 s   — What was unclear and should be improved?
                — What story, topic, riddle, picture or film did you miss?
                Also help on the specific points listed on the web
                page is welcome. All feedback will be used to improve the next edition. You are welcome
                to send feedback by mail or by sending in a pdf with added yellow notes, to provide
                illustrations or photographs, or to contribute to the errata wiki on the website. If you
                would like to translate a chapter of the book in your language, please let me know.
                    On behalf of all readers, thank you in advance for your input. For a particularly useful
                contribution you will be mentioned – if you want – in the acknowledgements, receive a

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                reward, or both.

                Your donation to the charitable, tax-exempt non-profit organisation that produces, trans-
                lates and publishes this book series is welcome. For details, see the web page www.
       The German tax office checks the proper use of
                your donation. If you want, your name will be included in the sponsor list. Thank you in
                advance for your help, on behalf of all readers across the world.
                   The paper edition of this book is available, either in colour or in black and white,

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                from, in English and in certain other languages. And now, enjoy the

7    Preface
          Using this book 9 • Advice for learners 9 • Advice for teachers 9 • Feedback 10 •
          Support 10
11   Contents
15   1   Liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Fields: amber, lodestone and mobile phones 16 • How can one make light-
           ning? 19 • Electric charge 22 • Electric field strength 25 • Pumping charge 29 •
           What is electricity? 30 • Can we detect the inertia of electricity? 30 • Feeling
           electric fields 32 • Magnets and other magnetic materials 36 • How do animals
           feel magnetic fields? 39 • Magnetism and electricity 42 • How can one make
           a motor? 42 • Which currents flow inside magnets? 44 • Describing magnetic
           fields 45 • Electromagnetism 48 • The invariants and the Lagrangian of elec-
           tromagnetic fields 49 • The uses of electromagnetic effects 51 • How do nerves
           work? 51 • How motors prove relativity to be right 53 • Curiosities and fun chal-
           lenges about things electric and magnetic 56 • A summary: three basic facts about

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           electricity 75
76   2   The description of electromagnetic field evolution
           The first field equation of electrodynamics 76 • The second field equation of elec-
           trodynamics 78 • The validity and the essence of Maxwell’s field equations 79
            • Colliding charged particles 81 • What is contact? 82 • The gauge field – the
           electromagnetic vector potential 82 • The Lagrangian of electromagnetism 86 •
           The energy–momentum tensor and its symmetries of motion 88 • Energy and
           momenta of the electromagnetic field 89 • What is a mirror? Is nature parity-
           invariant? 90 • What is the difference between electric and magnetic fields? 91 •
           Could electrodynamics be different? 92 • The brain: the toughest challenge for
           electrodynamics 93 • Challenges and fun curiosities about electrodynamics 95 •
           Summary on electromagnetic field motion 96
97   3   What is light?
          What are electromagnetic waves? 98 • Experiments with electromagnetic
          waves 99 • Light as a wave 101 • Light and other electromagnetic waves 106 •
          Polarization of electromagnetic waves 111 • The range of electromagnetic radi-
          ation 115 • The slowness of progress in physics – and relativity 118 • How does
          the world look when riding on a light beam? 119 • Can we touch light? 120 • War,
          light and lies 124 • What is colour? 125 • Fun with rainbows 130 • What is the
          speed of light? What is signal speed? 133 • Signals and predictions 136 • Aether
          good-bye 136 • Challenges and fun curiosities about light, polarization and the
          geometric phase 138 • Summary on light 144
12                                                                                  contents

145   4   Images and the eye – optics
             Ways to acquire images 145
147       Light sources
             Why can we see each other? Black bodies and the temperature of light 147 • Limits
             to the concentration of light 151 • Measuring light intensity 152 • Other light and
             radiation sources 154 • Radiation as weapon 155
156       Images – transporting light
             Making images with mirrors 156 • Does light always travel in a straight line? – Re-
             fraction 157 • From atmospheric refraction to mirages 160 • From refraction to
             lenses 162 • Bending light with tubes – fibre optics 167 • 200 years too late – neg-
             ative refraction indices 168 • Metamaterials 169 • Light around corners – diffrac-
             tion 170 • Beating the diffraction limit 171 • Other ways to bend light 173 • Using
             interference for imaging 175 • How does one make holograms and other three-
             dimensional images? 175 • Images through scanning 180 • Tomography 185
187       The eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing
             Do we see what exists? 187 • The human eye 190 • Human versus other eyes 193 •

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
             How can we make pictures of the inside of the eye? 196 • How to prove you’re
             holy 200
201       Displaying images
             Hopping electrons and the biggest disappointment of the television industry 201 •
             Challenges and fun curiosities about images and the eye 202 • Summary on applied
             optics 216
218   5   Electromagnetic effects
            Is lightning a discharge? – Electricity in the atmosphere 218 • Does ball light-
            ning exist? 222 • Planetary magnetic fields 223 • Levitation 226 • Does gravity
            make charges radiate? 230 • Matter, levitation and electromagnetic effects 231 •

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            All bodies emit radiation 239 • Challenges and curiosities about electromagnetic
            effects 239
246   6   Summary and limits of classical electrodynamics
            Space is curved, not flat 247 • Charge values are discrete, not continuous 247 •
            How fast do charges move? 249 • What motion occurs inside atoms? 250 • Chal-
            lenges and curiosities about charge discreteness 250
253   7   The story of the brain
            Evolution 254 • Children, laws and physics 254 • Polymer electronics 257 •
            Why a brain? 259    • Neurons and networks 261 • What is information? 264
            • What is memory? 265 • The capacity of the brain 268 • Curiosities about the
            brain and memory 271
277   8   Language and concepts
            What is language? 277      • Language components and their hierarchy 279         •
            Is mathematics a language? 282             • What is a concept? 284 • What are
            sets? What are relations? 285      • Infinity – and its properties 288 • Functions
            and structures 289 • Numbers 290 • Is mathematics always useful? 295             •
            Curiosities and fun challenges about mathematics 297
300   9   Observations, lies and patterns of nature
            Are physical concepts discovered or created? 301          • How do we find physical
            concepts, patterns and rules? 303           • What is a lie? 304 • What is a good
            lie? 305    • Is this statement true? – A bit about nonsense 309      • Curiosities
contents                                                                                    13

           and fun challenges about lies and nonsense 311
316      Observations and their collection
           Did instruments collect enough observations? 316         • Are all physical observ-
           ables known? 317 • Do observations take time? 319 • Is induction a problem in
           physics? 320
321      The quest for precision and its implications
           What are interactions? – No emergence 322 • What is existence? 323 • Do
           things exist? 325 • Does the void exist? 326 • Is nature infinite? 327 • Is the
           universe a set? 328 • Does the universe exist? 330 • What is creation? 330         •
           Is nature designed? 332 • What is a description? 333 • Reason, purpose and
           explanation 334        • Unification and demarcation 335        • Pigs, apes and the
           anthropic principle 336          • Do we need cause and effect in explanations? 338
            • Is consciousness required? 339 • Curiosity 340          • Courage 342
344   10 Classical physics in a nutshell
           What can move? 344 • Properties of classical motion 345 • The future of planet
           Earth 347 • The essence of classical physics – the infinitely small and the lack

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           of surprises 349 • Summary: Why have we not yet reached the top of the moun-
           tain? 350
352   a Units, measurements and constants
          SI units 352 • The meaning of measurement 355 • Precision and accuracy of meas-
          urements 355 • Limits to precision 357 • Physical constants 357 • Useful num-
          bers 365
366   Challenge hints and solutions
387   Bibliography

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
415   Credits
          Acknowledgements 415 • Film credits 416 • Image credits 416
421   Name index
432   Subject index
Light, Charges and Brains

In our quest to learn how things move,
the experience of hiking and other motion
leads us to discover that images are produced by charges,
that charges move, accumulate and interact,
and that there is a smallest charge in nature.
We understand what love has to do with magnets and amber,
why the brain is such an interesting device,
and what distinguishes a good from a bad lie.
                   Chapter 1

                   L IQU I D E L E C T R IC I T Y, I N V I SI BL E
                   F I E L D S A N D M A X I M UM SPE E D

                               hat is light? The study of relativity left us completely in the dark, even though
                              e had embarked in it precisely to find an answer to that question. True,
                             e have learned how the motion of light compares with that of objects. We also
                   learned that light is a moving entity that cannot be stopped, that light provides the speed

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   limit for any type of energy, and that light is our measurement standard for speed. How-
                   ever, we haven’t learned anything about the nature of light itself, nor about colours, nor
                   about how rain drops** and other matter produces them.
                       A second question is open: what is contact? We still do not know. In our exploration
                   of relativity we learned that all interactions, including contact, are due to exchange of
                   something. But of what? We only learned that truly mechanical interactions do not exist.
Vol. II, page 83   What is the nature of contact?
                       A third question also arises: how do we sense contact or touch? What are sensors and
                   how is their output, the data, processed in the brain or in machines? Not only the brain,
                   also all other data processing systems use electricity. What is data and what is electricity?

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       The answer to the questions about the nature of light, contact and the brain is not re-
Vol. I, page 233   lated to gravitation. If we make a list of motors found in this world, we notice that gravita-
                   tion hardly describes any of them. Neither the motion of sea waves, fire and earthquakes,
                   nor that of a gentle breeze is caused by gravity. The same applies to the motion of light
                   in a rainbow or to the motion of muscles. Have you ever listened to your own heart beat
 Challenge 2 e     with a stethoscope? You can also use, as many medical doctors do now, a mobile phone
                   to record your heart beat.) Without having done so, you cannot claim to have experi-
                   enced the mystery of motion. Your heart has about 3000 million beats in your lifetime.
                   Then it stops.
                       It was one of the most astonishing discoveries of science that the origin of heart beats,
                   fire, light and thought itself is connected to observations made thousands of years ago
                   using two strange stones. These stones show

                      ⊳ All those examples of motion that are called mechanical in everyday life are,
                        without exception, of electrical origin.

                   In particular, the solidity, the softness and the impenetrability of matter are due to in-
                   ternal electricity. But also the emission of light, the formation of colours and the work-

                   ** The photograph of a circular rainbow on page 14 was taken in 2006 from the Telstra Tower in Canberra
                   (© Oat Vaiyaboon).
         16                                                                     1 electricity and fields

         F I G U R E 2 Objects surrounded by fields: amber (c. 1 cm) attracts sawdust, lodestone (c. 1 cm) attracts
         iron filings and a mobile phone (c. 10 cm) attracts other mobile phones and people (© Wikimedia,

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                        on wool

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         F I G U R E 3 How to amaze kids, especially in dry weather (photo © Robert Fritzius).

Ref. 1   ing of our nerves and brains are due to electrical processes. As these aspects are part of
         everyday life, we can leave aside all complications due to gravity and curved space-time.
            Exploring light, contact and the brain implies to explore how magicians levitate ob-
         ject. Indeed, the most productive way to study electrical motion is to start, as in the case
         of gravity, with those types of motion which are generated without any contact between
         the bodies involved. This can happen in three ways.

         Fields: amber, lodestone and mobile phones
         You can always surprise children with the effect shown in Figure 3: a comb rubbed on
         wool deviates running tap water. The same effect can be produced with an air-filled rub-
         ber balloon rubbed on wool. Everybody can deviate water streams without any contact.
             The Greeks had already observed this effect a long time ago. In fact, the story of elec-
         tricity starts with trees. Trees have a special relation to electricity. When a tree is cut, a
         viscous resin appears. With time it solidifies and, after millions of years, it forms amber.
         When amber is rubbed with a cat fur, it acquires the ability to attract small objects, such
         as saw dust or pieces of paper. This was already known to Thales of Miletus, one of the
         original seven sages, in the sixth century b ce. The same observation can be made with
         many other polymer combinations, for example with combs and hair, with soles of the
                liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                      17

                shoe on carpets, and with dust and a lens or a cathode ray tube inside an old television.
                Another interesting effect can be observed when a rubbed comb is put near a burning
Challenge 3 s   candle. (Can you imagine what happens?)
                    Another part of the story of electricity involves lodestone, an iron mineral found in
                certain caves around the world, e.g. in a region (still) called Magnesia in the Greek
                province of Thessalia, and in some regions in central Asia. When two stones of this min-
                eral are put near each other, they attract or repel each other, depending on their relative
                orientation. In addition, lodestone attracts objects made of cobalt, nickel or iron.
                    Today we also find various small objects in nature with more sophisticated properties,
                such as the one shown on the right of Figure 2. Some of these objects allow you to talk
                with far away friends, others unlock car doors, still others enable you to switch on a
                    In short, in nature there are situations where bodies exert influence on others at a
                distance. The space surrounding a body exerting such an influence is said to contain a
                field. A (physical) field is an entity that manifests itself by accelerating other bodies in a

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                given region of space.

                   ⊳ A field is space that changes momenta.

                If you prefer, a field is space that exerts forces. Or again, a field is space with some extra
                structure. Despite this extra structure, fields, like space, are invisible. The three objects
                just mentioned produce three types of fields.
                1. The field around amber – called ἤλεκτρον in Greek, from a root meaning ‘brilliant,

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   shining’ – is called an electric field. The name is due to a proposal by the famous phys-
                   ician and part-time physicist William Gilbert (b. 1544 Colchester, d. 1603 London).
                   Objects surrounded by a permanent electric field are called electrets. Electrets are not
                   so common; among others, they are used in certain loudspeaker systems. Electrets
                   can be certain crystals or polymers.
                2. The field surrounding the mineral found in Magnesia is called a magnetic field and
       Ref. 2      the objects producing a permanent field are called magnets. Most magnets, but not
                   all, are made from metals.
                3. The field around a mobile phone is called a radio field or, as we will see later, an
                   electromagnetic field. In contrast to the previous fields, it oscillates over time. We will
                   find out later that many other objects are surrounded by such fields, though these are
                   often very weak. Objects that emit oscillating fields, such as mobile phones or lamps,
                   are called radio transmitters or electromagnetic emitters. Certain radio transmitters,
                   as we will see, are already familiar from everyday life: lamps and lasers.
                Experiments show that fields have no mass and no material support. Fields influence
                bodies over a distance. Since fields are invisible, to make them imaginable, we need to
                colour them. Ways to colour electric fields are shown in Figure 4. The colourings are
                inspired by the experiments with seeds or dust. Visualizations for magnetic and radio
                fields follow below. These figures are the best way to visualize electric fields; also the
                researcher who first proposed the field concept, Michael Faraday, used such images.
                    Exploring visualizations of fields, we note that we can visualize electric fields either as
18                                                                        1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 4 Visualizing what is invisible with computer graphics (left) and with seeds in oil (right): an
electric field is space with a structure. Top: the field around a point or spherical charge; second row: two
or three charges of different signs; third row: two charges of the same sign; bottom: a charge in an
external field E, and the field between two plates. The charge will feel a force F directed along the
so-called electric field lines; the density of the lines gives the intensity of the field and thus the strength
of the force (© MIT, Eli Sidman, MIT).
         liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                      19

                                                                          F I G U R E 5 Lightning: a picture taken
                                                                          with a moving camera, showing its
                                                                          multiple strokes (© Steven Horsburgh).

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         a tiny arrow or vector attached to every point of space, or as a bundle of lines in every
         region of space. Both visualizations are useful. We will encounter further visualizations
             For a long time, electric, magnetic and radio fields were rarely noticed in everyday life.
         Indeed, in the past, most countries had laws that did not allow producing such fields! Still
         today, laws severely restrict the properties of machines that use and produce such fields.
         These laws require that for any device that moves, produces sound, or creates moving

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         pictures, fields need to remain inside the device. Also for this reason a magician moving
         an object on a table via a hidden magnet still surprises and entertains his audience. To
         feel the fascination of fields more strongly, we take a deeper look into a few experimental

         How can one make lightning?
         Everybody has seen a lightning flash or has observed the effect it can have on striking a
         tree. Obviously lightning is a moving phenomenon. Photographs such as that of Figure 5
         show that the tip of a lightning flash advance with an average speed of around 600 km/s.
         But what is moving? To find out, we have to find a way of making lightning for ourselves.
         In 1995, the car company Opel accidentally rediscovered an old and simple method of
         achieving this.
            Opel engineers had inadvertently built a spark generating mechanism into their cars;
         when filling the petrol tank, sparks were generated, which sometimes lead to the explo-
Ref. 3   sion of the fuel at the petrol station. Opel had to recall 2 million vehicles.
            What had the engineers done wrong? They had unwittingly copied the conditions for
         a spark-generating device which anyone can build at home and which was originally
         invented by William Thomson:* the Kelvin generator. Repeating his experiment today,
         we would take two water taps, four empty bean or coffee cans, of which two have been
         * William Thomson (b. 1824 Belfast, d. 1907 Largs), important physicist and professor at Glasgow University.
         He worked on the determination of the age of the Earth, showing that it was much older than 6000 years,
                20                                                                       1 electricity and fields

                                      water pipe
                     nylon ropes      or tank        nylon ropes

                                   metal cylinders

                                    metal wires

                                     metal cans

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                F I G U R E 6 A simple Kelvin generator; the one on the right lights a fluorescent light bulb using dripping
                water (photograph © Harald Chmela).

       Ref. 4   opened at both sides, some nylon rope and some metal wire. Putting this all together
                as shown in Figure 6, and letting the water flow, we find a strange effect: large sparks
                periodically jump between the two copper wires at the point where they are nearest to
                each other, giving out loud bangs. Can you guess what condition for the flow has to be
Challenge 4 s   realized for this to work? And what did Opel do to repair the cars they recalled?
                    If we stop the water flowing in a Kelvin generator just before the next spark is due,

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                we find that both buckets are able to attract sawdust and pieces of paper. The generator
                thus does the same that rubbing amber does, just with more bang for the buck(et). Both
                buckets, and the attached metal pieces, are thus surrounded by electric fields. The fields
                increase with time, until the spark jumps. Just after the spark, the buckets are (almost)
                without surrounding electric field. Obviously, the flow of water somehow collects some-
                thing on each bucket; today we call this electric charge. We also say that such bodies are
                electrically charged. This and other experiments also show that charge can flow in metals.
                When the electric fields are high enough, charge can also flow through air, leading to
                sparks or lightning.
                    We also find that the two buckets are always surrounded by two different types of elec-
                tric fields: bodies that are attracted by one bucket are repelled by the other. The universal
                genius Charles Dufay (b. 1698 Paris, d. 1739 Paris) discovered:

                as several sects believed, but also (falsely) maintained that the Earth was much younger than geologists and
                Darwin (correctly) had deduced. He strongly influenced the development of the theory of magnetism and
                electricity, the description of the aether, and thermodynamics. He propagated the use of the term ‘energy’
                as it is used today, instead of the confusing older terms. He was one of the last scientists to propagate mech-
                anical analogies for the explanation of phenomena, and thus strongly opposed Maxwell’s description of
                electromagnetism. It was mainly for this reason that he did not receive a Nobel Prize. He was also one of
                the minds behind the laying of the first transatlantic telegraphic cable. Victorian and religious to his bones,
                when he was knighted, he chose the name of a small brook near his home as his new name; thus he became
                Baron Kelvin of Largs. Therefore the unit of temperature obtained its name from a small Scottish river.
                liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                     21

                    ⊳ There are two different types of electric charge.

                In a long and careful series of experiments he confirmed that all materials he could get
                hold of can be charged electrically, and that all charges can be classified into two types.
       Ref. 5   He was the first to show:

                    ⊳ Bodies of the same charge repel each other, and bodies of different charge
                      attract each other.

                Dufay showed in detail that all experiments on electricity can be explained with these
                statements. Dufay called the two types of charges ‘vitreous’ and ‘resinous’. Unfortu-
                nately, Dufay died at a young age. Nevertheless, his results spread quickly. A few years
                later, Georg Bose used them to develop the first electrifying machine, which then made
                the exploration of sparks and the science of electricity fashionable across Europe.*
                   Twenty years after Dufay, in the 1750s, the politician and part-time physicist Benjamin

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                Franklin (b. 1706 Boston, d. 1790 Philadelphia) proposed to call the electricity created
                on a glass rod rubbed with a dry cloth positive instead of vitreous, and that on a piece
                of amber negative instead of resinous. Thus, instead of two types of electric charge, he
                proposed that

                    ⊳ There is really only one type of charge.

                Bodies can either have too much or too little of it. With the new terms, bodies with
                charges of the same sign repel each other, bodies with opposite charges attract each other;

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                charges of opposite sign flowing together cancel each other out. Large absolute values of
                charge imply large charge effects. It then took over a hundred years for these concepts to
                be unanimously accepted.
                   In summary, electric effects are due to the flow of charges. Now, all flows take time.
                How fast is electricity? A simple way to measure the speed of electricity is to produce
                a small spark at one end of a long metal wire, and to observe how long it takes until
                the spark appears at the other end of the wire. In practice, the two sparks are almost
                simultaneous; the speed one measures is much higher than everything else we observe in
                our environment. How would you measure the speed? And why did different researchers
Challenge 5 s   get very different speed values in this experiment? The result of these experiments is that
                the speed of electricity is often a large percentage of the speed of light – though never
                faster than it.
                   Sparks, electric arcs and lightning are similar. Are they flows of charge? In 1752, exper-
                iments performed in France, following a suggestion by Benjamin Franklin, published in
                London in 1751, showed that one can indeed draw electricity from a thunderstorm via a
                long rod.** Thunderstorm clouds are surrounded by electric fields. These French exper-

                * In fact, the fashion still goes on. Today, there are many additional ways to produces sparks or even arcs,
                i.e., sustained sparks. There is a sizeable subculture of people who build such high voltage generators as a
                hobby at home; see, for example, the website There is also a sizeable subculture of
                people who do this professionally, paid by tax money: the people who build particle accelerators.
                ** The details of how lightning is generated and how it propagates are still a topic of research. An introduc-
                tion is given on page 218.
                22                                                                   1 electricity and fields

                                     on the roof
                with metal

                                       in the hall

                                                     F I G U R E 7 Franklin’s personal lightning rod – a copy of
                                                     Gordon’s electric chime – is one of the many experiments that
                                   in the ground
                                                     shows strikingly that charge can flow.

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                iments made Franklin famous worldwide; they were also the start of the use of lightning
       Ref. 6   rod all over the world. Later, Franklin had a lightning rod built through his own house,
                but of a somewhat unusual type, as shown in Figure 7. This device, invented by Andrew
                Gordon, is called an electric chime. Can you guess what it did in his hall during bad
Challenge 6 s   weather, all parts being made of metal, and why? (Do not repeat this experiment; any
                device attached to a lightning rod can kill.)
                   In summary, electric fields start at bodies – provided they are charged. Charging can
                be achieved by rubbing and other processes. There are two charge signs, negative and

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                positive. Charge can flow: it is then called an electric current. The worst conductors of
                current are polymers; they are called insulators or dielectrics. A charge put on an insulator
                remains at the place where it was put. In contrast, metals are good conductors; a charge
                placed on a conductor spreads all over its surface. The best conductors are silver and
                copper. This is the reason that at present, after two hundred years of use of electricity,
                the highest concentration of copper in the world is below the surface of Manhattan. Also
                air is usually an insulator. However, charges can flow through air if the electric field is
                strong enough; this produces a spark or, when the spark is large, a lightning bolt.

                Electric charge
                Because all experiments with electric charge can be explained by calling the two charges
                positive and negative, we deduce that some bodies have more, and some less charge than
                an uncharged, neutral body. Electric charges thus only flow when two differently charged
                bodies are brought into contact. Now, if charge can flow and accumulate, we must be able
                to somehow measure its amount. Obviously, the amount of electric charge on a body,
                usually abbreviated 𝑞, must be defined via the influence the body, say a piece of sawdust,
                feels when subjected to a field. Charge is thus defined by comparing it to a standard
                reference charge. For a charged body of mass 𝑚 accelerated in a field, its charge 𝑞 is
                determined by the relation
                                                      𝑞      dp/d𝑡
                                                          =           ,                               (1)
                                                     𝑞ref dpref /d𝑡
         liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                     23

                                                                                 F I G U R E 8 A simple set-up to
                                                                                 confirm electric charge
                                                                                 conservation: if rubbed fur is
                                                                                 moved from the first pot to the
                                                                                 second, the charge taken away
                                                                                 from the first pot is transferred to
                                                                                 the second, as shown by the two
                                                                                 electrometers (© Wolfgang

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         TA B L E 1 Properties of classical electric charge: a scalar density.

         Electric                    Physical                    M at h e m at i c a l         Definition
         charges                     propert y                   name
         Can be distinguished        distinguishability          element of set                Page 285
         Can be ordered              sequence                    order                         Vol. IV, page 224
         Can be compared             measurability               metricity                     Vol. IV, page 236
         Can change gradually        continuity                  completeness                  Vol. V, page 364
         Can be added                accumulability              additivity

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                               Vol. I, page 81
         Can be separated            separability                positive or negative
         Have no orientation         scalar                      number                        Page 291
         Do not change               conservation                invariance                    𝑞 = const

         i.e., by comparing its momentum change with the momentum change of the reference
         charge. Charge thus determines the motion of bodies in electric fields in the same way
         that mass determines the motion of bodies in gravitational fields. Charge is therefore the
         second intrinsic property of bodies, after mass, that we discover in our walk.
             In practice, electric charge is measured with electrometers. A few such devices are
         shown in Figure 9. The main experimental properties of electric charge that are dis-
         covered when experimenting with electrometers are listed in Table 1.
             The unit of charge, the coulomb, is defined through a standard flow through metal
         wires, as explained in Appendix A. This is possible because all experiments show

             ⊳ Charge is conserved, flows and can accumulate.

         In other words, if the electric charge of a physical system changes, the reason always
         is that charge is flowing into or out of the system. This can be checked easily with two
Ref. 7   metal pots connected to two electrometers, as shown in Figure 8. Charge thus behaves
         like a fluid substance. Therefore we are forced to use for its description a scalar quantity
24                                                                   1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 9 Various electrometers: a self-made electrometer based on a jam pot, an ancient (opened)
high precision Dolezalek electrometer, the Ampullae of Lorenzini of a shark, and a modern digital
electrometer (© Harald Chmela, Klaus Jost at, Advantest).

𝑞, which can take positive, vanishing, or negative values on a physical body.
   Describing charge as a scalar quantity reproduces the behaviour of electrical charge
in all everyday situations. However, as in the case of all previously encountered classical
concepts, some of the experimental results for electrical charge in everyday situations
from Table 1 will turn out to be only approximate. More precise experiments will require
a revision of the idea of continuous change of charge value. Nevertheless, no counter-
example to charge conservation has as yet been observed.
   In summary, electric charge is a scalar quantity that describes the origin of electric fields.
Electric charge is conserved. There is no way to destroy or create electric charge. We men-
tioned above that objects without electric charge are called neutral. Also neutral bodies
are influenced by electric fields. This happens because a charged object that is brought
near a neutral body polarizes it. Electrical polarization is the separation of the posit-
ive and negative charges onto different regions of a body. For this reason, neutral ob-
jects, such as hair or a water stream, are usually attracted to a charged body, such as a
rubbed comb. Both insulators and conductors can be polarized; and polarization occurs
for single molecules, everyday bodies and whole stars.
                liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                       25

                TA B L E 2 Values of electrical charge observed in nature.

                O b s e r va t i o n                                                   Charge

                Smallest measured non-vanishing charge                                 1.6 ⋅ 10−19 C
                Charge per bit in computer memory                                      down to 10−15 C
                Charge in small capacitor                                              10−7 C
                Charge flow in average lightning stroke                                1 C to 100 C
                Charge stored in a fully charged car battery                           0.2 MC
                Charge of planet Earth                                                 −1 MC
                Charge separated by modern power station in one year                   3 ⋅ 1011 C
                Total charge of positive (or negative) sign observed in universe       1060±1 C
                Total charge observed in universe                                      0C

                Electric field strength

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                Charges produce attraction and repulsion on other charges. Equivalently, charges change
                momenta; charges exert forces on other charges. This happens over large distances. Ex-
                periments that explore energy and momentum conservation show that the best descrip-
                tion of these interactions is as told so far: a charge produces a field, the field then acts on
                a second charge.
                   Experiments such as those of Figure 4 show:

                    ⊳ The electric field forms lines in space.

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                As a consequence, the electric field behaves like a small arrow fixed at each point 𝑥 in
                space. Electric fields are described by a direction and a magnitude. The local direction of
                the field is given by the local direction of the field line – the tangent of the field line. The
                local magnitude of the field is given by the local density of the field lines. The direction
                and the magnitude do not depend on the observer. In short

                    ⊳ The electric field 𝐸(𝑥) is a vector field.

                Experiments show that it is best defined by the relation

                                                            𝑞𝐸(𝑥) =                                         (2)
                taken at every point in space 𝑥. The definition of the electric field is thus based on how
                it moves charges. In general, the electric field is a vector

                                                          𝐸(𝑥) = (𝐸𝑥 , 𝐸𝑦 , 𝐸𝑧 )                            (3)

Challenge 7 e   and is measured in multiples of the unit N/C or V/m.
                  The definition of the electric field assumes that the test charge 𝑞 is so small that it does
                not disturb the field 𝐸. We sweep this issue under the carpet for the time being. This is
                26                                                                   1 electricity and fields

                TA B L E 3 Some observed electric fields.

                O b s e r va t i o n                                                     Electric field

                Field 1 m away from an electron in vacuum                                Challenge 9 s
                Field values sensed by sharks                                            down to 0.5 μV/m
                Cosmic noise                                                             10 μV/m
                Field of a 100 W FM radio transmitter at 100 km distance                 0.5 mV/m
                Field inside conductors, such as copper wire                             0.1 V/m
                Field just beneath a high power line                                     0.1 to 1 V/m
                Field of a GSM antenna at 90 m                                           0.5 V/m
                Field inside a typical home                                              1 to 10 V/m
                Field of a 100 W bulb at 1 m distance                                    50 V/m
                Ground field in Earth’s atmosphere                                       100 to 300 V/m
                Field inside thunder clouds                                              up to over 100 kV/m

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                Maximum electric field in air before sparks appear                       1 to 3 MV/m
                Electric fields in biological membranes                                  10 MV/m
                Electric fields inside capacitors                                        up to 1 GV/m
                Electric fields in petawatt laser pulses                                 10 TV/m
                Electric fields in U91+ ions, at nucleus                                 1 EV/m
                Maximum practical electric field in vacuum, limited by electron          1.3 EV/m
                pair production
                Maximum possible electric field in nature (corrected Planck              1.9 ⋅ 1062 V/m
                electric field 𝑐4 /4𝐺𝑒)

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                a drastic move: we ignore quantum theory and all quantum effects in this way; we come
    Page 248    back to it below.
                    The definition of the electric field also assumes that space-time is flat, and it ignores
                all issues due to space-time curvature.
                    By the way, does the definition of electric field just given assume a charge speed that
Challenge 8 s   is far less than that of light?
                    To describe the motion due to electricity completely, we need a relation explaining
                how charges produce electric fields. This relation was established with precision (but not
                for the first time) during the French Revolution by Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, on
                his private estate.* He found that around any small-sized or any spherical charge 𝑄 at
                rest there is an electric field. At a position 𝑟, this electric field 𝐸 is given by

                                                 1 𝑄 𝑟                    1
                                       𝐸(𝑟) =                  where          = 9.0 GV m/C .                        (4)
                                                4π𝜀0 𝑟2 𝑟                4π𝜀0

                Later we will extend the relation for a charge in motion. The bizarre proportionality con-
                stant is universally valid. The constant is defined with the so-called permittivity of free

                * Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (b. 1736 Angoulême, d. 1806 Paris), engineer and physicist, provided, with
                his careful experiments on electric charges, a firm basis for the study of electricity.
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                  27



                                                                                4A                     9A

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 F I G U R E 10 A visualization of Coulomb’s formula and Gauss’ law.

                 space 𝜀0 and is due to the historical way the unit of charge was defined first.* The essen-
                 tial point of the formula is the decrease of the field with the square of the distance; can
Challenge 10 s   you imagine the origin of this dependence? A simple way to picture Coulomb’s formula
                 is illustrated in Figure 10.
                     The two previous equations allow us to write the interaction between two charged

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 bodies as
                                                 d𝑝1      1 𝑞1 𝑞2 𝑟      d𝑝
                                                      =               =− 2 ,                              (5)
                                                  d𝑡    4π𝜀0 𝑟2 𝑟         d𝑡

                 where d𝑝 is the momentum change and 𝑟 is the vector connecting the two centres of
                 mass. This is the famous expression for electrostatic attraction and repulsion. It also due
                 to Coulomb. The relation is valid only for charged bodies that are either of small size or
                 spherical, and most of all, only for bodies that are at rest with respect to each other and to
                 the observer. The exploration of interactions among charges at rest is called electrostatics.
                     Electric fields accelerate charges. As a result, in everyday life, electric fields have two
                 main properties: they contain energy and they can polarize bodies. The energy content
                 is due to the electrostatic interaction between charges. The strength of this interaction is
                 considerable. For example, it is the basis for the force of our muscles. Muscular force is a
                 macroscopic effect of Coulomb’s relation (5). Another example is the material strength
                 of steel or diamond. As we will discover, all atoms are held together by electrostatic at-
                 traction. To convince yourself of the strength of electrostatic attraction, answer the fol-

                 * Other definitions of this and other proportionality constants to be encountered later are possible, lead-
                 ing to unit systems different from the SI system used here. The SI system is presented in detail in Ap-
                 pendix A. Among the older competitors, the Gaussian unit system often used in theoretical calculations,
                 the Heaviside–Lorentz unit system, the electrostatic unit system and the electromagnetic unit system are
        Ref. 8   the most important ones.
                 28                                                                          1 electricity and fields

                 TA B L E 4 Properties of the classical electric field: a (polar) vector at every point in space.

                 Electric                              Physical               M at h e m at i c a l         Definition
                 fields can                            propert y              name

                 Attract bodies                        accelerate             coupling                      equation (4)
                 Repel bodies                          accelerate             coupling                      equation (4)
                 Be distinguished                      distinguishability     element of set                Page 285
                 Change gradually                      continuum              real vector space             Vol. I, page 80, Vol.
                                                                                                            V, page 364
                 Point somewhere                       direction              vector space,                 Vol. I, page 80
                 Be compared                           measurability          metricity                     Vol. IV, page 236
                 Be added                              additivity             vector space                  Vol. I, page 80

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Have defined angles                   direction              Euclidean vector space        Vol. I, page 81
                 Exceed any limit                      infinity               unboundedness                 Page 286
                 Change direction under                polarity               parity-odd vector             Page 90
                 Keep direction under time             polarity               time-even vector              Page 90

                 lowing: What is the force between two boxes with a gram of protons each, located on the

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 11 s   two poles of the Earth? Try to guess the result before you calculate the astonishing value.
                     The electric attraction is thus much stronger than the gravitational attraction. What
Challenge 12 e   is the ratio between the two?
                     Coulomb’s relation for the field around a charge can be rephrased in a way that helps
                 to generalize it to non-spherical bodies. Take a closed surface, i.e., a surface than encloses
                 a certain volume. Then the integral of the electric field over this surface 𝐴, the electric
                 flux, is the enclosed charge 𝑄 divided by 𝜀0 :

                                                         ∮                   𝐸 d𝐴 =      .                                      (6)
                                                           closed surface𝐴            𝜀0

                 This mathematical relation, called Gauss’s ‘law’,* is equivalent the result of Coulomb.
                 * Carl-Friedrich Gauß (b. 1777 Braunschweig, d. 1855 Göttingen) was, together with the Leonhard Euler, the
                 most important mathematician of all times. A famous child prodigy, when he was 19 years old, he construc-
                 ted the regular heptadecagon with compass and ruler (see
                 html). He was so proud of this result that he put a drawing of the figure on his tomb. Gauss produced many
                 results in number theory, topology, statistics, algebra, complex numbers and differential geometry which are
                 part of modern mathematics and bear his name. Among his many accomplishments, he produced a theory
                 of curvature and developed non-Euclidean geometry. He also worked on electromagnetism and astronomy.
                     Gauss was a difficult character, worked always for himself, and did not found a school. He published
                 little, as his motto was: pauca sed matura. As a consequence, when another mathematician published a new
                 result, he regularly produced a notebook in which he had noted the very same result already years before.
                 These notebooks are now available online, at
                   liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                29

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   F I G U R E 11 Various types of charge pumps: a bicycle dynamo, an alternator in a power station, a
                   Wimshurst machine, an electric eel, a voltaic cell, a leaf and a solar cell (© Wikimedia, Q-Cells).

 Challenge 13 s    (Note that in the simplified form given here, it is valid only for static situations.) Since
                   inside conductors the electrical field is zero, Gauss’s relation implies, for example, that
                   if a charge 𝑞 is surrounded by an uncharged metal sphere, the outer surface of the metal
 Challenge 14 e    sphere shows the same charge 𝑞.
                       Do uncharged, neutral bodies attract one other? In first approximation they do not.
Vol. V, page 122   But when the question is investigated more precisely, we will find that they can attract
 Challenge 15 s    one other. Can you find the conditions for this to happen? In fact, the conditions are quite
                   important, as our own bodies, which are made of neutral molecules, are held together in
                   this way.

                   Pumping charge
                   Owing to the high strength of electromagnetic interactions, separating charges is not an
                   easy task. This is the reason that electrical effects have only been commonly used for
                   about a hundred years. Humanity had to wait for practical and efficient devices to be
                 30                                                             1 electricity and fields

                 invented for separating charges and putting them into motion: to use electric effects,
                 we need charge pumps. Some devices are shown in Figure 11. Can you explain whether
Challenge 16 s   batteries or any other of these devices are sources of charges?
                    Of course, every charge pump requires energy. Batteries in mobile phones and the ion
                 channels in living cells use chemical energy to do the trick. Thermoelectric elements, as
                 used in some watches, use the temperature difference between the wrist and the air to
                 separate charges; solar cells use light, piezoelectric elements use stress and dynamos or
                 Kelvin generators use kinetic energy.

                 What is electricity?
                 The term electricity is also used as the name for a field of inquiry. Usually, the term is used
                 to refer to electric current. In general, the term is used to refer to the effects of electric
                 charges, of their motion and their fields.
                    In fact the vocabulary issue hides a deeper question: what is the nature of electric
                 charge? In order to solve this extremely difficult issue, we start with the following ques-

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                 C an we detect the inertia of electricity?
                 If electric charge really is something flowing through metals, we should be able to observe
                 the effects shown in Figure 12: electric charge should fall, should have inertia and should
                 be separable from matter. And indeed, each of these effects has been observed. For ex-
                 ample, when a long metal rod is kept vertically, we can measure an electrical potential
                 difference, a voltage, between the top and the bottom. In other words, we can measure

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 the weight of electricity in this way. Similarly, we can measure the potential difference
        Ref. 9   between the ends of an accelerated rod. Alternatively, we can measure the potential dif-
                 ference between the centre and the rim of a rotating metal disc. The last experiment was,
                 in fact, the way in which the ratio 𝑞/𝑚 for currents in metals was first measured with
                 precision. The value for the inertia of electricity is

                                                  𝑞/𝑚 ≈ −1.8(2) ⋅ 1011 C/kg                                 (7)

                 for all metals, with small variations in the second digit. The minus sign is due to the
                 definition of charge. In short, electrical charge in metals has mass, though a very small
                    If electric charge has mass, whenever we switch on an electrical current, we get a recoil.
       Ref. 10   This simple effect can easily be measured and confirms the mass to charge ratio just given.
                 Also, the emission of current into air or into vacuum is observed; in fact, every cathode
                 ray tube inside an old television used this principle to generate the beam producing the
       Ref. 11   picture. The emission works best for metal objects with sharp, pointed tips. The rays
                 created this way – we could say that they are ‘free’ electricity – are called cathode rays.
                 Within a few per cent, they show the same mass to charge ratio as expression (7). This
                 correspondence thus shows that charges move almost as freely in metals as in air; this is
                 the reason that metals are such good conductors of electric current.
                    If electric charge falls inside vertical metal rods, we can make the astonishing deduc-
                 tion that cathode rays should not be able to fall through a vertical metal tube. As we
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                            31

                                                If electric charge in metals moves
                                                               like a fluid, it should:

                                        fall and increase in pressure under gravity

                                                      be subject to centrifugation

                                                 a                resist acceleration

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                             lead to recoil just after
                                   a                        switching on a currrent

                                                               spray when pumped

                                                            prevent a free charge q
                                                               from falling through       F I G U R E 12

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                 a thin hollow tube       Consequences of the
                                                                                          flow of electricity, as
                                                                                          discussed in the text.

                 will see later, cathode rays consist of free electrons. The name ‘electron’ is due to George
                 Stoney. Electrons are the smallest and lightest charges moving in metals; they are, usually
                 – but not always – the ‘atoms’ of electricity. In particular, electrons conduct electric cur-
                 rent in metals. The charge of an electron is small, 0.16 aC, so that flows of charge typical of
                 everyday life consist of huge numbers of electrons; as a result, electrical charge effectively
                 behaves like a continuous fluid. The particle itself was discovered and presented in 1897
                 by Johann Emil Wiechert (b. 1861 Tilsit, d. 1928 Göttingen) and, independently, three
                 months later, by Joseph John Thomson (b. 1856 Cheetham Hill, d. 1940 Cambridge).
                     Cathode rays should not be able to fall through a vertical metal tube because the acce-
                 leration by the electrical field generated by the displaced electricity in the metal tube and
Challenge 17 e   the gravitational acceleration cancel. Thus electrons should not be able to fall through a
                 long thin cylinder. This would not be the case if electricity in metals did not behave like
       Ref. 12   a fluid. The experiment has indeed been performed, and a reduction of the acceleration
                 of free fall for electrons of 90 % has been observed. Can you imagine why the ideal value
Challenge 18 s   of 100 % is not achieved?
                     Precision experiments with charges ejected from metals show that they have a charge
                 32                                                           1 electricity and fields

                 to mass ratio of
                                           𝑞/𝑚 = −1.758 820 150(44) ⋅ 1011 C/kg                           (8)

                 The particles with this property are called electrons. Other types of charges, with different
                 charge-to-mass ratio, also exist in nature. Examples are the ions found in batteries and
                 leaves, the muons found in cosmic rays, and the mesons produced in particle accelerators.
                 We will meet these particles later in our adventure.
                     Since electric current behaves like a liquid, we should be able to measure its speed. The
                 first to do so, in 1834, was Charles Wheatstone. In a famous experiment, he used a wire
                 of a quarter of a mile length to produce three sparks: one at the start, one at the middle,
                 and one at the end. He then mounted a rapidly moving mirror on a mechanical watch.
                 By noting how much the three spark images were shifted against each other on a screen,
                 he determined the speed to be 0.45 Gm/s, though with a large measurement error. Latter,
                 more precise measurements showed that the speed is always below 0.3 Gm/s, and that
                 it depends on the metal and the type of insulation of the wire. The high value of the

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 speed convinced many people to use electricity for transmitting messages. In fact, these
                 experiments measure the signal speed of electromagnetic waves carried by metal wires.
     Page 249    The actual speed of electric charges is much lower, as shown below. A modern version
                 of the signal speed experiment, for computer fans, uses the ‘ping’ command from the
       Ref. 13   UNIX operating system. The ‘ping’ command measures the time for a computer signal to
                 reach another computer and return back. If the cable length between two computers is
Challenge 19 e   known, the signal speed can be deduced. Just try.
                     The speed of electricity is too slow for many people. Computer chips could be faster if
                 it were higher. And computers that are connected to stock exchanges are located as near

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 as possible to the stock exchange, because the time advantage the short communication
                 distance (including the delay inside switching chips) provides is essential for getting a
       Ref. 14   good financial performance in certain trading markets.
                     In summary, experiments show that all charges have mass. And like all massive bodies,
                 charges move slower than light. Charge is a property of matter; images and light have no

                 Feeling electric fields
                 Why is electricity dangerous to humans? The main reason is that the human body is con-
                 trolled by ‘electric wires’ itself. As a result, electricity applied to human bodies from the
                 outside interferes with the internal signals. This has been known since 1789. In that year
                 the medical doctor Luigi Galvani (b. 1737 Bologna, d. 1798 Bologna) discovered that elec-
                 trical current makes the muscles of a dead animal contract. The famous first experiment
                 used frog legs: when electricity was applied to them, they twitched violently. Subsequent
                 investigations confirmed that all nerves make use of electrical signals. Using electricity,
                 one can make fresh corpses move, for example. Nerves are the ‘control wires’ of animals.
      Page 51    We will explore nerves in more detail below.
                     Being electrically controlled, all mammals can sense strong electric fields. Humans
                 can sense fields as low as 10 kV/m, when hair stands on end. In contrast, several animals
                 can sense much weaker electric (and magnetic) fields. This ability is called electrorecep-
                 tion. Sharks, for example, can detect fields down to 0.5 μV/m using special sensors, the
          liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                             33

                      TA B L E 5 Some observed electric current values.

                      O b s e r va t i o n                                Current

                      Smallest current ever measured (for one             3 aA
                      moving electron)
                      Human nerve signals                                 20 μA
                      Lethal current for humans                           as low as 20 mA, typically
                                                                          100 mA
                      Current drawn by a train engine                     600 A
                      Current in a lightning bolt                         10 to 100 kA
                      Highest current produced by humans                  20 MA
                      Current inside the Earth, at the origin of its      c. 100 MA
                      magnetic field
                      Maximum possible current in nature (cor-            1.5 YA
                      rected Planck electric current 𝑒√𝑐5 /4ℏ𝐺 )

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          TA B L E 6 Some sensors for electrical current.

          Measurement                               Sensor                          Range

          Conventional 20 euro multimeter           voltage drop over resistor      up to c. 3 A
          Feeling threshold                         human nerve                     felt from 0.1 mA upwards
          Reversible muscle contraction             human nerve                     up to 10 mA over long
          without danger                                                            times, or up to 200 mA for
                                                                                    at most 10 ms

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          Rhythm change                             human heart                     heart stops when about
                                                                                    20 mA flow through it
          Strong muscle contraction with            human nerve                     up to 100 mA over long
          some damage                                                               times, or up to 1 A for at
                                                                                    most 200 ms
          Smoke emission, strong burns          human flesh                         from 1 A
          Fire                                  trees                               from 1 kA
          Electric eel Electrophorus electricus built-in                            up to 1 A and 500 V

Page 24   Ampullae of Lorenzini, which are found around their mouth. Sharks use them to detect
          the field created by prey moving in water; this allows them to catch their prey even in
          the dark.
              The muscles in living prey generate electric fields. Various water animals have de-
          veloped electric field sensors to detect prey in water which is too muddy to see through.
          The salamander is an example, as is the platypus (Ornithorhyncus anatinus), the famous
          duck-billed mammal can also sense electric fields; but they achieve only sensitivities of
          the order of mV/m. In fact, only few mammals are known to be able to sense small elec-
          tric fields: apart from the the platypus also the echydnas can sense electric fields with
          their beaks. In 2011, it was discovered that the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, can
          sense fields as low as 0.5 mV/m with organs on their snout. It is conjectured that other
                 34                                                            1 electricity and fields

                 dolphins also have the ability.
                     Numerous fish, the so-called strongly and weakly-electric fish, are able to generate elec-
                 tric fields in order to achieve even better prey detection.* This approach is used, for ex-
                 ample, by the elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii). The achieved sensitivity is be-
       Ref. 15   low 2 mV/m. In fact, various electric fish use time-varying electric dipole fields to com-
                 municate! They tell each other their species, their sex, their identity, and communicate
       Ref. 16   about courtship, aggression, appeasement and dangers. The frequencies they use are in
                 the range between a few and 200 Hz, and the fields are dipole fields created between the
                 anterior and posterior sections of their bodies.
                     The most fearsome – and the most ugly – electric animal is the electric eel, Electro-
                 phorus electricus. It can be 2 m long and weigh up to 20 kg. Because electric fields have
                 stronger effects in air than in water, when a prey wades into its territory, the eel often
                 jumps out of the water and against the prey, so that it can kill more easily using its built-
                 in 500 V and 1 A high-voltage, high-current producing organ. It is able to kill horses in
                 this way.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     No land animal has special sensors for weak electric fields, because any electric field in
                 air is strongly damped when it encounters a water-filled animal body.** Indeed, the usual
                 atmosphere has a low, vertical electric field of around 100 V/m; inside the human body
                 this field is damped to the μV/m range, which is far less than an animal’s internal electric
                 fields. In other words, humans do not have sensors for low electric fields because they
                 are land animals. (Do humans have the ability to sense electric fields in water? Nobody
Challenge 20 r   seems to know.) However, there are a few exceptions. You might know that some older
                 people can sense approaching thunderstorms in their joints. This is due the coincidence
     Page 108    between the electromagnetic field frequency emitted by thunderclouds – around 100 kHz

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 – and the resonant frequency of nerve cell membranes.
                     The water content of the human body also means that the electric fields in air that are
                 found in nature are rarely dangerous to humans. But whenever humans consciously sense
                 electric fields, such as when high voltage makes their hair stand on end, the situation is
                 potentially dangerous.
                     The high impedance of air also means that, in the case of time-varying electromag-
                 netic fields, humans are much more prone to be affected by the magnetic component
                 than by the electric component.
                     Plants also sense and even produce electric fields. Inside many large plants, electrical
                 signals are exchanged, for example, to inform about insect damage. In 2016, researchers
                 finally discovered the molecular mechanism with which plant cells sense electric fields.
                 It was known for a long time that flowers are often negatively charged. In 2013, it was
                 shown that bees are able to sense these fields. Bees are usually positively charged, due to
                 aerodynamic effects. The negative charge of the plants also makes the pollen stick better
                 to the bee.
liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                             35

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F I G U R E 13 Various types of magnets and effective magnets: the needle in a compass, some horseshoe
magnets, two galaxies, the magnetic organ of a dove, the Earth, a lifting magnet, and the Sun.
(© Wikimedia, Shambhavi, Anthony Ayiomamitis, NASA).
36                                                                       1 electricity and fields

TA B L E 7 Searches for magnetic monopoles, i.e., for magnetic charges, in over 140 experiments.

Search                                                                   Magnetic charge

Smallest magnetic charge suggested by quantum theory                      𝑔 = ℎ𝑒 = 𝑒𝑍
                                                                                        = 4.1 pWb
Search in minerals, from mountains to the deep ocean                      none, only dipoles Ref. 17
Search in meteorites and moon minerals                                    none, only dipoles Ref. 17
Search in cosmic rays                                                     none (one false alarm in the
                                                                          1970s), only dipoles Ref. 17
Search with particle accelerators                                         none, only dipoles Ref. 17

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 14 Visualizing magnetic fields around magnets and coils – with iron filings, with compass
needles and iron filings, and with computer graphics (© Wikimedia, MIT).

Magnets and other magnetic materials
The study of magnetism progressed across the world independently of the study of elec-
tricity. Towards the end of the twelfth century, the compass came into use in Europe.
At that time, there still were heated debates on whether it pointed to the north or
* It took until the year 2000 for technology to make use of the same effect. Nowadays, airbag sensors in cars
often use electric fields to sense whether the person sitting in the seat is a child or an adult, thus changing
the way that the airbag behaves in an accident.
** Though a few land animals that swim a lot under water have electric field sensors.
          liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                        37

          TA B L E 8 Some observed magnetic fields.

          O b s e r va t i o n                                                   Magnetic field

          Lowest measured magnetic field (e.g., fields of the Schumann           1 fT
          Magnetic field produced by brain currents                              0.1 pT to 3 pT
          Magnetic field produced by single muscle action                        1 pT
          Intergalactic magnetic fields                                          1 pT to 10 pT
          Magnetic field in the human chest, due to heart currents               100 pT
          Magnetic field of our galaxy                                           0.5 nT
          Magnetic field due to solar wind                                       0.2 to 80 nT
          Magnetic field directly below high voltage power line                  0.1 to 1 μT
          Magnetic field of Earth                                                20 to 70 μT
          Magnetic field inside home with electricity                            0.1 to 100 μT

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          Magnetic field near mobile phone                                       100 μT
          Magnetic field that influences visual image quality in the dark        100 μT
          Magnetic field near iron magnet                                        100 mT
          Solar spots                                                            1T
          Magnetic fields near high technology permanent magnet                  max 1.3 T
          Magnetic fields that produces sense of coldness in humans              5 T or more
          Magnetic fields in particle accelerator                                10 T
          Maximum static magnetic field produced with superconducting coils      22 T
          Highest static magnetic fields produced in laboratory, using hybrid    45 T

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          Highest pulsed magnetic fields produced without coil destruction       76 T
          Pulsed magnetic fields produced, lasting about 1 μs, using imploding   1000 T
          Field of white dwarf                                                   104 T
          Fields in petawatt laser pulses                                        30 kT
          Field of neutron star                                                  from 106 T to 1011 T
          Quantum critical magnetic field                                        4.4 GT
          Highest field ever measured, on magnetar and soft gamma repeater       0.8 to 1 ⋅ 1011 T
          Estimated magnetic field near atomic nucleus                           1 TT
          Maximum possible magnetic field in nature (corrected Planck            6.3 ⋅ 1053 T
          magnetic field 𝑐3 /4𝐺𝑒)

          the south. Then, in 1269, the military engineer Pierre de Maricourt (b. 1219 Maricourt,
Ref. 18   d. 1292 unknown) published his study of magnetic materials. He found that every mag-
          net has two points of highest magnetization, and he called them poles. He found that
          even after a magnet is cut, the resulting pieces always retain two poles: when the stone is
          left free to rotate, one points to the north and the other to the south.
38                                                            1 electricity and fields

  magnet                                  magnet                     F I G U R E 15 The two basic
                                                                     types of magnetic material
                                                                     behaviour (tested in an
                diamagnetic                          paramagnetic    inhomogeneous field):
                material                             material        diamagnetism and

     ⊳ All magnets are dipoles.

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
The two poles are called the north pole and the south pole. Maricourt also found that

     ⊳ Like poles repel, and unlike poles attract.

As a consequence, the magnetic north pole of the Earth is the one near the south pole,
and vice versa.
   Magnets are surrounded by magnetic fields. Magnetic fields, like electric fields, can
be visualized with field lines. Figure 14 shows some ways to do this. We directly note the
main difference between magnetic and electric field lines: magnetic field lines have no

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
beginning and no ends, whereas electric field lines do. (However, magnetic field lines are
usually not closed; this only happens in very special cases.) The direction of the field lines
gives the direction of the magnetic field, and the density of the lines gives the magnitude
of the field.
   Many systems in nature are magnets, as shown in Figure 13. The existence of two mag-
netic poles is valid for all magnets in nature: molecules, atoms and elementary particles
are either dipoles or non-magnetic.

     ⊳ There are no magnetic monopoles.

Magnetic field lines could start or end at a magnetic monopole – if one existed. Despite
the promise of eternal fame, no magnetic monopole has ever been found. The searches
are summarized in Table 7.
   Magnets have a second important property, shown in Figure 15: magnets, through
their magnetic field, transform non-magnetic materials into magnetic ones. There is thus
a magnetic polarization, similar to the electric polarization. The amount of polarization
depends on the material; some values are given in Table 9.
— Certain materials, the so-called diamagnetic materials, are repelled by magnets,
    though usually only by weak forces.
— Others, the so-called paramagnetic materials, are attracted to magnets.
— Some important materials, the ferromagnetic materials, such as steel, retain the in-
liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                             39

            TA B L E 9 The magnetic properties of materials – for static fields at room

            M at e r i a l                                R e l at i v e m a g -
                                                          netic permeabil -
                                                          i t y 𝜇r
            Diamagnetic materials 𝜇r < 1, repelled by magnets
            Type I superconductors                  0
            Highly oriented pyrolitic graphite      0.999 55
            Bismuth                                 0.999 83
            Graphite                                0.999 84
            Gold                                    0.999 966
            Copper                                  0.999 9936
            Water                                   0.999 9912
            Usual animals and plants                like water

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            Paramagnetic materials 𝜇r > 1, attracted by magnets
            Air, oxygen                             1.000 0019
            Biomagnetic particles in living         1.000 006
            Aluminium                               1.000 022
            Platinum                                1.000 26
            Ferromagnetic materials 𝜇r ≫ 1, able to form magnets
            SmCo                                    c. 1.04
            NdFeB                                   c. 1.15

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            Cobalt                                  80 to 200
            Nickel                                  100
            Iron                                    300 to 10 000
            Permalloy                               c. 8 000
            Ferrites                                up to 15 000
            𝜇-metal                                 up to 140 000
            Amorphous metals                        up to 500 000

   duced magnetic polarization: they become permanently magnetized. This happens
   when the atoms in the material get aligned by an external magnet. Ferromagnetic
   materials are used to produce permanent magnets – thus artificial lodestone.
Magnetic materials are essential for the industrial production of electric current and are
part of most devices that use electricity.

How d o animals feel magnetic fields?

                                                  Any fool can ask more questions than seven

                                                  sages can answer.
          40                                                                   1 electricity and fields

                      TA B L E 10 The dielectric properties of materials – for static fields at room

                      M at e r i a l                                 R e l at i v e e l e c t r i c
                                                                     p e r m i t t i v i t y 𝜀r
                      Dielectric materials
                      Vacuum                                     1
                      Air                                        1.0006
                      Teflon                                     2.1
                      Graphite                                   10 to 15
                      Silicon dioxide                            3.9
                      Silicon                                    11.7
                      Methanol                                   30
                      Water                                      80.1
                      Titanium dioxide                           86-173

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      Paraelectric materials
                      Strontium titanate (a perovskite)          310
                      Barium strontium titanate (a               500
                      Ferroelectric materials 𝜀r ≫ 1, able to form electrets
                      Lithium niobate (below 1430 K)             ...
                      Barium titanate                            1 250 to 10 000
                      Ferroelectric polymers                     up to 100 000
                      Calcium copper titanate                    over 250 000

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      Note: the values of the electric permittivity depend on the frequency
                      of the applied field and on the temperature. The values given here are
                      only for static electric fields at room temperature. Values for higher
                      frequencies or other temperatures show strong variations. Page 74

          It is known that honey bees, sharks, pigeons, the sandhill crane, various other birds, sal-
Ref. 19   mon, trout, sea turtles, dolphins and certain bacteria can feel magnetic fields. One speaks
          of the ability for magnetoreception. All these life forms use this ability for navigation. The
          most common detection method is the use of small magnetic particles inside a cell; the
          cell then senses how these small built-in magnets move in a magnetic field. The magnets
          are tiny, typically around 50 nm in size. These small magnets are used to navigate along
          the magnetic field of the Earth. For higher animals, the variations of the magnetic field
          of the Earth, 20 to 70 μT, produce a landscape that is similar to the visible landscape for
          humans. They can remember it and use it for navigation.
              In fact, migrating birds like the sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) seem to have two
          ways to sense magnetic fields. First of all, they have small iron crystals located inside
          neurons that provide a magnetic map that is used for local navigation. For a long time,
          it was thought that these neurons were located in the skin above the beak. In recent
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                          41

                                                                        F I G U R E 16 Stained cells from the inner
                                                                        ear of pigeons; the used chemical gives
                                                                        iron particles a blue colour. The
                                                                        magnetic particles, one in each cell, lie
                                                                        just beneath the hairs (© Institute of
                                                                        Molecular Pathology, Vienna).

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                            F I G U R E 17 The magnetotactic bacterium
                                                            Magnetobacterium bavaricum with its magnetosomes
                                                            (© Marianne Hanzlik).

                 years, it finally appeared that this often-cited ‘fact’ was a collective mistake; the true
                 magnetic sensor particles are probably located in the neurons inside the ears of the birds,
       Ref. 20   just below the hairs, as shown in Figure 16. The second magnetic sense of migrating
                 birds is an inclination compass that tell them the angle between the magnetic field lines
                 and the vertical. This system is based on magnetically sensitive protein molecules, so-
                 called cryptochromes. The mechanism is located in the eye and is based on blue light.
                 This second magnetic sense, which is still not properly understood, is used by birds to
       Ref. 21   decide the general direction in which to fly.
                     Can humans feel static magnetic fields? So far, there is no definite answer. Magnetic
                 microcrystals are present in the human brain, but whether humans can feel magnetic
Challenge 21 r   fields is still an open issue. Maybe you can devise a way to test the this possibility?
                     In contrast, oscillating or pulsed magnetic fields can be felt by humans. There is an-
                 ecdotal evidence that 0.2 T oscillating at 170 kHz leads to numbness in fingers for a few
                 days. Beneficial effects of pulsed fields on well-being are also claimed, but are question-
                 able; on the other hand, oscillating magnetic fields have positive effect on bone fracture
42                                                                       1 electricity and fields

Magnetism and electricit y
Are magnetism and electricity related? In the early 19th century, François Arago* dis-
covered that they were. He explored a ship that had survived a bad thunderstorm. At
that time, ships where made of wood. The ship had been struck by lightning; as a result,
the ship needed a new compass. Thus lightning has the ability to demagnetize compasses.
Arago knew that lightning is an electrical phenomenon. He concluded that magnetism
and electricity must be related.
   In short, magnetism must be related to the motion of electric charges. If magnetism is
related to motion, it must be possible to use magnetism and electricity to move matter.

How can one make a motor?

                                                      Communism is the power of the local councils

                                                      plus electricification of the whole country.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
The reason for Lenin’s famous statement were two discoveries. One was made in 1820
by Hans Christian Oersted*** and the other in 1831 by Michael Faraday.**** The con-
sequences of these experiments changed the world completely in less than one century.
   On the 21st of July of 1821, Hans Christian Oersted published a leaflet, in Latin, which
took Europe by storm. Oersted had found – during a lecture demonstration to his stu-
dents – that when a current is sent through a wire, a nearby magnet is put into motion.
In other words, he found

     ⊳ The flow of electricity can move bodies.

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Due to Oersted’s leaflet, everybody in Europe with a bit of dexterity started to exper-
iment with electricity. Further experiments show that two wires in which charges flow
attract or repel each other, depending on whether the currents are parallel or antiparallel.
These and other experiments show that

     ⊳ Wires that carry an electric current behave like magnets.

* François Arago (b. 1786 Estagel, d. 1853 Paris) was physicist and politician; he was a friend of Alexander
von Humboldt.
** Lenin (b. 1870 Simbirsk, d. 1924 Gorki), founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in 1920 stated
this as the centre of his development plan for the country. In Russian, the local councils of that time were
called soviets.
*** Hans Christian Oersted (b. 1777 Rudkøbing, d. 1851 Copenhagen) physicist and professor, founded the
school that later became the Technical University Denmark.
**** Michael Faraday (b. 1791 Newington Butts, d. 1867 London) was born to a simple family, without
schooling, and of deep and naive religious ideas. As a boy he became assistant to the most famous chemist
of his time, Humphry Davy (b. 1778 Penzance, d. 1829 Geneva). Faraday had no mathematical training, but
became an influential physicist and late in his life he even became member of the Royal Society. A modest
man, he refused all other honours in his life. He worked on chemical topics, the atomic structure of mat-
ter and, most of all, he developed the idea of (magnetic) fields and field lines. He used fields to describe
all his numerous experimental discoveries about electromagnetism, such as the Faraday effect. Fields were
later described mathematically by Maxwell, who at that time was the only person in Britain to take over
Faraday’s field concept.
liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                       43

     Oersted's motor            Modern motor

                 wire                N S                                 battery
                                                                                    wire         needle
     N S                                                                            or coil
     magnet                       current-carrying
                                  metal wire or coil

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 18 An old and a modern version of electric motor, and a mirror galvanometer with limited
rotation range used for steering laser beams. Sizes are approximately 20 cm, 50 cm and 15 cm

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
(© Wikimedia, Honda, Wikimedia).

In fact, the opposite is also true: if we imagine tiny currents moving in circles inside
magnets, we get a unique description for all magnetic fields observed in nature. In other
words, Oersted had found the definite proof that electricity can be turned into magnet-
   Shortly afterwards, Ampère* found that coils increase these effects dramatically com-
pared to wires.

    ⊳ Coils behave like small magnets.

* André-Marie Ampère (b. 1775 Lyon, d. 1836 Marseille), physicist and mathematician. Autodidact, he read
the famous Encyclopédie as a child; in a life full of personal tragedies, he wandered from maths to chemistry
and physics, worked as a school teacher, and published nothing of importance until 1820. Then the discov-
ery of Oersted reached all over Europe: electrical current can deviate magnetic needles. Ampère worked
for years on the problem, and in 1826 published the summary of his findings, which lead Maxwell to call
him the ‘Newton of electricity’. Ampère named and developed many areas of electrodynamics. In 1832, he
and his technician also built the first dynamo, or rotative current generator. Of course, the unit of electrical
current is named after him.
   Ampère had two cats, which he liked dearly, a large one and a small one. When he was doing his exper-
iments in his laboratory, they wanted to come in, and when they were in, they soon wanted to go out. One
day he was fed up. He made two holes in his door, a large one and a small one.
            44                                                                   1 electricity and fields


                                thin wire

                                metal rod

                                electric current

                                                         F I G U R E 19 Current makes a metal rod rotate.

            In particular, current-carrying coils, like magnets, always have two poles, usually called
            the north and the south pole. Opposite poles attract, like poles repel each other. Ampère

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            was so proud of his discovery that he invented a special name for electrically conducting
            coils; he called them solenoids.
                As is well known, the Earth is itself a large magnet, with its magnetic north pole near
            the geographic south pole, and vice versa. Every compass shows this. However, the mag-
            netic field of the Earth is not due to a solid permanent magnet inside it. The Earth’s
            solid core, at 6 ± 1 kK, is too hot to be a permanent magnet; instead, the magnetic field
            is due to circulating currents in the outer, liquid core. The Earth is thus more similar
            to a solenoid than to a magnet! By the way, the power to keep the geodynamo running
            is estimated to be between 200 and 500 GW and is due to the heat in the centre of the

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Page 224    Earth. We explore the geodynamo below.
                All the relations between electricity and magnetism can be used to make electric mo-
            tors. First, electric current in a coil is used to generate a magnetic field; then the field is
            used to move a magnet attached to the motor axis. The details on how to do this effect-
            ively depend on the size of the motor one is building; they form a science on its own:
            electric engineering. Figure 18 shows some examples of electric motors.

            Which currents flow inside magnets?
            Magnetic monopoles do not exist. Therefore, all magnetic fields in nature are due to mov-
            ing electric charges. But that is strange; if all magnetic fields are due to the motion of
            charges, this must be also the case inside lodestone, or inside a usual permanent magnet.
            Can this be shown?
               In 1915, two men in the Netherlands found a simple way to prove that in any perman-
            ent magnet, charges are moving. They suspended a metal rod from the ceiling by a thin
            thread and then put a coil around the rod, as shown in Figure 19. They predicted that
            the tiny currents inside the rod would become aligned by the magnetic field of the coil.
            As a result, they expected that a current passing through the coil would make the rod
            turn around its axis. Indeed, when they sent a strong current through the coil, the rod
  Ref. 22   rotated. (As a result of the current, the rod was magnetized.) Today, this effect is called
            the Einstein–de Haas effect after the two men who imagined, measured and explained it.*
            * Wander Johannes de Haas (b. 1878 Lisse, d. 1960 Bilthoven) was a physicist who is most known for two
                    liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                      45

                    The effect thus shows that even in the case of a permanent magnet, the magnetic field
                    is due to the internal motion of charges. The magnitude of the Einstein–de Haas effect
                    also shows that the moving particles are electrons. Twelve years later, in 1927, it became
                    clear that the angular momentum responsible for the effect is a mixture of orbital and
                    spin angular momentum; in fact, the electron spin plays a central role in the effect. We
                    will explore electron spin in the volumes on quantum theory. In short,

                        ⊳ Magnetic poles are due to the rotation axis of the charges.

                    In particular, a magnet has two poles because rotation axes have two ends.
                        Permanent magnets are made from ferromagnetic materials. Their permanent mag-
                    netization is due to the alignment of microscopic rotational motions. Due to this connec-
                    tion, an even more surprising effect can be predicted: Rotating a piece of non-magnetized
                    ferromagnetic material should magnetize it, because the tiny rotating currents would
          Ref. 23   then be aligned along the axis of rotation. This effect has indeed been observed; it is

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    called the Barnett effect after its discoverer. Like the Einstein–de Haas effect, the mag-
                    nitude of the Barnett effect can also be used to determine the gyromagnetic ratio of the
Vol. IV, page 107   electron. In short, also the Barnett effect proves that the spins of electrons (usually) play
                    a larger role in magnetism than their orbital angular momentum.

                    Describing magnetic fields
                    All experiments show that the magnetic field has a given direction in space, and a mag-
                    nitude common to all (resting) observers, whatever their orientation. We are thus temp-
                    ted to describe the magnetic field by a vector. However, this would be wrong, since a

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    magnetic field does not behave like an arrow when placed before a mirror. Imagine that
                    a system produces a magnetic field directed to the right. You can take any system, a coil,
                    a machine, etc. Now build or imagine a second system that is the exact mirror version of
                    the first: a mirror coil, a mirror machine, etc. The magnetic system produced by the mir-
                    ror system does not point to the left, as maybe you expected: it still points to the right.
 Challenge 22 e     (Check by yourself.) In simple words, magnetic fields do not fully behave like arrows.
                       In other words, it is not completely correct to describe a magnetic field by a vector
                    𝐵 = (𝐵𝑥 , 𝐵𝑦 , 𝐵𝑧 ), as vectors behave like arrows. The magnetic field is a pseudovector or
                    axial vector; angular momentum and torque are also examples of such quantities. The
                    precise way is to describe the magnetic field by the quantity*

                                                                 0 −𝐵𝑧 𝐵𝑦
                                                           𝐵 = ( 𝐵𝑧 0 −𝐵𝑥) ,                                                   (9)
                                                                −𝐵𝑦 𝐵𝑥 0
                    additional magneto-electric effects named after him, the Shubnikov–de Haas effect (the strong increase of
                    the magnetic resistance of bismuth at low temperatures and high magnetic fields) and the de Haas–van
                    Alphen effect (the diamagnetic susceptibility of bismuth at low temperatures is a periodic function of the
                    magnetic field).
                    * The quantity 𝐵 was not called the ‘magnetic field’ until recently. We follow here the modern, logical
                    definition, which supersedes the traditional one, where 𝐵 was called the ‘magnetic flux density’ or ‘magnetic
                    induction’ and another quantity, 𝐻, was called – incorrectly, but for over a century – the magnetic field. This
                    quantity 𝐻 will not appear in this walk, but it is important for the description of magnetism in materials.
                    46                                                                                    1 electricity and fields

                    TA B L E 11 Properties of the classical magnetic field: an axial vector.

                    Magnetic                                     Physical                M at h e m at i c a l                Definition
                    fields can                                   propert y               name

                    Attract currents                             deflect charges         coupling                             equation (10)
                    Repel currents                               deflect charges         coupling                             equation (10)
                    Be distinguished                             distinguishability      element of set                       Page 285
                    Change gradually                             continuum               real vector space                    Vol. I, page 80, Vol.
                                                                                                                              V, page 364
                    Point somewhere                              direction               vector space,                        Vol. I, page 80
                    Be compared                                  measurability           metricity                            Vol. IV, page 236
                    Be added                                     additivity              vector space                         Vol. I, page 80
                    Have defined angles                          direction               Euclidean vector space               Vol. I, page 81
                    Exceed any limit                             infinity                unboundedness                        Page 286

                                                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Keep direction under reflection              axiality                parity-even vector,                  Page 90
                    Change direction under time                  axiality                time-odd vector                      Page 90

                    called an antisymmetric tensor.
                       The magnetic field is defined by the acceleration it imparts on moving charges. This
                    acceleration is observed to follow

                                                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                             𝑎=     𝑣×𝐵                                                         (10)
                    for a charge 𝑞 with mass 𝑚. The relation is often called Lorentz acceleration, after the
                    important physicist Hendrik A. Lorentz* who first stated it clearly.** The Lorentz acce-
                    leration, also called the Laplace acceleration, defines the magnitude and the direction of
                    the magnetic field 𝐵. The unit of the magnetic field is called tesla and is abbreviated T.
                    We have 1 T = 1 N s/C m = 1 V s/m2 = 1 V s2 /A m.
                       The magnetic field is defined and measured by its influence moving charges. Let us

 Vol. II, page 40   * For more details about Hendrik A. Lorentz (b. 1853 Arnhem, d. 1928 Haarlem), see the volume on relativity.
Vol. I, page 115    ** The expression 𝑣 × 𝐵 is the vector product of the two vectors. The most practical way to calculate the
                    vector product 𝑣 × 𝐵 component by component is given by the determinant
                                                  󵄨󵄨 𝑒      𝑣𝑥    𝐵𝑥 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨                                  󵄨󵄨 +      −    + 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨
                                                   󵄨󵄨 𝑥                                                     󵄨󵄨
                                                    󵄨                   󵄨                                    󵄨                  󵄨
                                       𝑣 × 𝐵 = 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑒𝑦      𝑣𝑦    𝐵𝑦 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨   or, more sloppily   𝑣 × 𝐵 = 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑣𝑥      𝑣𝑦   𝑣𝑧 󵄨󵄨󵄨 .
                                                                                                                                󵄨                 (11)
                                                    󵄨󵄨 𝑒    𝑣𝑧    𝐵𝑧 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨                                    󵄨󵄨 𝐵    𝐵𝑦   𝐵𝑧 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨
                                                     󵄨󵄨 𝑧                                                     󵄨󵄨 𝑥
                    This is easy to remember and easy to perform, both with letters and with numerical values. (Here, 𝑒𝑥 is the
                    unit basis vector in the 𝑥 direction.) Written out, it is equivalent to the relation

                                                       𝑣 × 𝐵 = (𝑣𝑦 𝐵𝑧 − 𝐵𝑦 𝑣𝑧 , 𝐵𝑥 𝑣𝑧 − 𝑣𝑥 𝐵𝑧 , 𝑣𝑥 𝐵𝑦 − 𝐵𝑥 𝑣𝑦 )                                   (12)

                    which is harder to remember.
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                             47

                 TA B L E 12 Some sensors for static and quasistatic magnetic fields.

                 Measurement                        Sensor                             Range

                 Voltage                            Hall probe                         up to many T
                 Induced electromotive force        doves                              from a few nT
                 Bone growth stimulation            piezoelectricity and               from 50 mT
                                                    magnetostriction of bones
                 Induced electromotive force        human nerves                       from a few T
                 Sensations in thorax and           human nerves                       strong switched gradients
                 Sharks                             induced voltage when               a few nT
                                                    waving left to right
                 Plants                             unclear                            small effects on growth

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 explore the definition. Does the definition of magnetic field given here assume a charge
Challenge 23 s   speed much lower than that of light?
                     The definition of the magnetic field assumes, like that of the electric field, that the test
                 charge 𝑞 is so small that it does not disturb the field 𝐵 to be measured. Again, we ignore
     Page 248    this issue, which means that we ignore all quantum effects, until later in our adventure.
                     The definition of the magnetic field also assumes that space-time is flat, and it ignores
                 all issues due to space-time curvature.

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     The Lorentz acceleration is the fundamental effect that a magnetic field has on a mov-
                 ing charge. The Lorentz acceleration is the effect at the root of any electric motor. An
                 electric motor is a device that uses a magnetic field as efficiently as possible to acceler-
                 ate charges flowing in a wire. Through the motion of the charges, the wire is then also
                 moved. In an electric motor, electricity is thus transformed into magnetism and then
                 into motion. The first efficient electric motors were built already in the 1830s.
                     Moving charges produce magnetic fields. Like for the electric field, we need to know
                 how the strength of a magnetic field is determined by a moving charge. Experiments such
                 as Oersted’s show that the magnetic field of a point-like charge 𝑞 moving with velocity
                 𝑣 produces a field 𝐵 given by

                                                   𝜇0 𝑣 × 𝑟                  𝜇0
                                          𝐵(𝑟) =      𝑞 3          where        = 10−7 N/A2 .                      (13)
                                                   4π   𝑟                    4π
                 This is called Ampère’s ‘law’. Again, the strange factor 𝜇0 /4π is due to the historical way
                 in which the electrical units were defined. The constant 𝜇0 is called the permeability of
                 the vacuum and is defined by the fraction of newton per ampere squared given in the
                 formula. It is easy to see that the magnetic field has an intensity given by 𝑣𝐸/𝑐2 , where 𝐸
Challenge 24 e   is the electric field measured by an observer moving with the charge. This is one of the
                 many hints that magnetism is a relativistic effect.
                     We note that equation (13) is valid only for small velocities and accelerations. Can you
Challenge 25 s   find the general relation?
                 48                                                                     1 electricity and fields

                 In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered an additional piece of the jigsaw puzzle formed by
                 electricity and magnetism, one that even the great Ampère had overlooked. He found

                      ⊳ A moving magnet causes a current flow in an electrical circuit.

                 Magnetism can thus be turned into electricity. This important discovery allowed the pro-
                 duction of electrical current flow by generators, so-called dynamos, using water power,
                 wind power or steam power. In fact, the first dynamo was already built in 1832 by Ampère
                 and his technician. Dynamos jump-started the use of electricity throughout the world.
                 Behind every electrical wall plug there is a dynamo somewhere.
                    Oersted had found that electric current can produce magnetic fields. Faraday had
                 found that magnetic fields could produce electric currents and electric fields. Electric

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 and magnetic fields are thus two aspects of the same phenomenon: electromagnetism. It
                 took another thirty years to unravel the full description.
                    Additional experiments show that magnetic fields also lead to electric fields when one
                 changes to a moving viewpoint. You might check this on any of the examples of Figures 18
                 to 44.

                      ⊳ Magnetism is relativistic electricity.

                 Electric and magnetic fields are partly transformed into each other when switching from
                 one inertial reference frame to the other. Magnetic and electrical fields thus behave like

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 space and time, which are also mixed up when changing from one inertial frame to the
                 other. In such a case, the theory of special relativity thus tells us that there must be a single
                 concept, an electromagnetic field, describing them both. Investigating the details, one
                 finds that the electromagnetic field 𝐹 surrounding charged bodies has to be described
                 by an antisymmetric 4-tensor

                              0     −𝐸𝑥/𝑐 −𝐸𝑦 /𝑐 −𝐸𝑧 /𝑐                          0    𝐸𝑥 /𝑐 𝐸𝑦 /𝑐 𝐸𝑧 /𝑐
                      𝜇𝜈     𝐸𝑥 /𝑐    0      −𝐵𝑧       𝐵𝑦                     −𝐸𝑥 /𝑐    0     −𝐵𝑧 𝐵𝑦
                  𝐹 =(                                     ) or 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = (                                  ) .
                             𝐸𝑦 /𝑐   𝐵𝑧        0      −𝐵𝑥                     −𝐸𝑦 /𝑐 𝐵𝑧         0    −𝐵𝑥
                             𝐸𝑧 /𝑐 −𝐵𝑦        𝐵𝑥        0                     −𝐸𝑧/𝑐 −𝐵𝑦 𝐵𝑥             0
                 Obviously, the electromagnetic field 𝐹, and thus every component of these matrices, de-
                 pends on space and time. Above all, the matrices show that electricity and magnetism are
                 two faces of the same effect.* In addition, since electric fields appear only in the topmost
                 row and leftmost column, the expressions show that in everyday life, for small speeds,
Challenge 26 s   electricity and magnetism can be separated. (Why?)
                    Using relativistic notation, the electromagnetic field is thus defined through the 4-

                 * Actually, the expression for the field contains everywhere the expression 1/√𝜇o 𝜀0 instead of the speed of
                 light 𝑐. We will explain the reason for this substitution shortly.
                   liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                49

                   acceleration 𝑏 that it produces on a charge 𝑞 of mass 𝑚 and 4-velocity 𝑢:

                                         𝑚𝑏 = 𝑞𝐹𝑢 or, equivalently, in 3-vector notation
                                         d𝐸/d𝑡 = 𝑞𝐸𝑣 and d𝑝/d𝑡 = 𝑞(𝐸 + 𝑣 × 𝐵) .                                        (15)

                   The expressions show how the power d𝐸/d𝑡 (the letter 𝐸 denotes energy, whereas 𝐸 de-
                   notes the electric field) and the three-force d𝑝/d𝑡 depend on the electric and magnetic
                   fields.* The 4-vector expression and the 3-vector expression describe the same content;
                   the simplicity of the first one is the reason for the involved matrices (14) describing the
                   electromagnetic field 𝐹.
                       We stress that the extended Lorentz relation (15) is the definition of the electromagnetic
                   field 𝐹, since the field is defined as that ‘stuff’ which accelerates charges. In particular,
                   all devices that put charges into motion, such as batteries and dynamos, as well as all
                   devices that are put into motion by flowing charges, such as electric motors and muscles,
                   are described by this relation. That is why this relation is usually studied, in the 3-vector

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   form, already in secondary school. The Lorentz relation describes all cases in which the
                   motion of objects can be seen by the naked eye or felt by our senses, such as the move-
                   ment of an electrical motor in a high speed train, in a lift and in a dental drill, the motion
                   of the picture generating electron beam in a cathode ray tube inside an old television, or
Ref. 24, Ref. 25   the travelling of an electrical signal in a cable and in the nerves of the body.
                       In summary, we found that the interaction between charges can be described in two
                   statements: First, charges produce electric and magnetic fields; second, charges are af-
                   fected by electric and magnetic fields. Charges move and the fields depend on time. Their
                   study is thus called electrodynamics.

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   The invariants and the L agrangian of electromagnetic fields**
                   The electromagnetic field tensor 𝐹 is an antisymmetric 4-tensor. (Can you write down the
Challenge 27 e     relation between 𝐹𝜇𝜈 , 𝐹𝜇𝜈 and 𝐹𝜇 𝜈 ?) Like any antisymmetric tensor, the electromagnetic
                   field has two invariants, i.e., two deduced properties that are the same for every observer.
                   The first invariant is the expression

                                                             𝐵2 − 𝐸2 /𝑐2 = tr 𝐹2                                       (17)

                   * In component notation, using the convention to sum over Greek indices that appear twice, the definition
                   of the Lorentz force is

                                          𝑚𝑏𝜇 = 𝑚   = 𝑞𝐹𝜇 𝜈 𝑢𝜈 or
                                               𝛾𝑐            0    𝐸𝑥 /𝑐      𝐸𝑦 /𝑐   𝐸𝑧 /𝑐   𝛾𝑐
                                           d  𝛾𝑣𝑥          𝐸𝑥 /𝑐   0          𝐵𝑧     −𝐵𝑦    𝛾𝑣𝑥
                                          𝑚 ( ) = 𝑞(                                      )( ) .                       (16)
                                           d𝜏 𝛾𝑣𝑦          𝐸𝑦 /𝑐 −𝐵𝑧          0       𝐵𝑥    𝛾𝑣𝑦
                                              𝛾𝑣𝑧          𝐸𝑧 /𝑐   𝐵𝑦        −𝐵𝑥      0     𝛾𝑣𝑧

                   ** This section can be skipped at first reading.
                   50                                                                         1 electricity and fields

                   and the second invariant is the product

                                                                 4𝐸𝐵 = −𝑐 tr 𝐹∗ 𝐹 .                                            (18)

                   Can you confirm the two invariants, using the definition of trace tr as the sum of the
Challenge 28 s     diagonal elements?
                      The first invariant expression, 𝐵2 − 𝐸2 /𝑐2 = 12 tr 𝐹2 , turns out to be (proportional to)
                   the Lagrangian density of the electromagnetic field. In particular, this first invariant is
                   a scalar. This first invariant implies that if 𝐸 is larger, smaller or equal to 𝑐𝐵 for one
                   observer, it also is for all other observers. Like for all intensive quantities that evolve,
                   the Lagrangian is proportional to the square of the intensive quantity. The minus sign in
                   the expression is the same minus sign that appears also in 𝑐2 𝑡2 − 𝑥2 : it results from the
                   mixing of electric and magnetic fields that is due to boosts.
                      The Lagrangian density can be used to define the classical action of the electromag-
                   netic field:

                                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                          𝜀         1 2
                                                    𝑆 = ∫ 0 𝐸2 −       𝐵 d𝑡d𝑉 .                            (19)
                                                           2       2𝜇0

                   As usual, the action measures the change occurring in a system; it thus defines the
Vol. IV, page 47   amount of change that occurs when an electromagnetic field moves. (The expression for
                   the change, or action, of a moving light beam reduces to the product of its intensity and
                   total phase change.) The action of an electromagnetic field thus increases with its intens-
                   ity and with its frequency. As usual, this expression for the action can be used to describe
                   the motion of the electromagnetic field by using the principle of least action. Indeed, the
                   principle implies the evolution equations of the electromagnetic field, which are called

                                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Maxwell’s field equations of electrodynamics. This approach is the simplest way to deduce
       Page 76     them. We will discuss the field equations in detail shortly.
                       The second invariant of the electromagnetic field tensor, 4𝐸 ⋅ 𝐵 = −𝑐 tr 𝐹∗ 𝐹, is a
                   pseudoscalar; it describes whether the angle between the electric and the magnetic field
                   is acute or obtuse for all observers.*

                   * There is in fact a third Lorentz invariant, far less known. It is specific to the electromagnetic field and is a
                   combination of the field and its vector potential:

                                 𝜅3 =     𝐴 𝐴𝜇 𝐹𝜌𝜈 𝐹𝜈𝜌 − 2𝐴 𝜌 𝐹𝜌𝜈 𝐹𝜈𝜇 𝐴𝜇
                                        2 𝜇
                                                                                   𝜑               𝜑 2
                                    = (𝐴 ⋅ 𝐸)2 + (𝐴 ⋅ 𝐵)2 − |𝐴 × 𝐸|2 − |𝐴 × 𝐵|2 + 4 (𝐴 ⋅ 𝐸 × 𝐵) − ( ) (𝐸2 + 𝐵2 ) .              (20)
                                                                                   𝑐               𝑐

        Ref. 26    This expression is Lorentz (but not gauge) invariant; knowing it can help clarify unclear issues, such as the
                   lack of existence of waves in which the electric and magnetic fields are parallel. Indeed, for plane mono-
       Page 86     chromatic waves all three invariants vanish in the Lorentz gauge. Also the quantities ∂𝜇 𝑗𝜇 , 𝑗𝜇 𝐴𝜇 – 𝑗 being
Challenge 29 s     the electric current – and ∂𝜇 𝐴𝜇 are Lorentz invariants. (Why?) The last one, the frame independence of the
                   divergence of the four-potential, reflects the invariance of gauge choice. The gauge in which the expression
                   is set to zero is called the Lorentz gauge.
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                     51

                 The uses of electromagnetic effects
                 The application of electromagnetic effects to daily life has changed the world. For ex-
                 ample, the installation of electric lighting in city streets has almost eliminated the pre-
                 viously so common night assaults. These and all other electrical devices exploit the fact
                 that charges can flow in metals and, in particular, that electromagnetic energy can be
                 — into mechanical energy – as done in loudspeakers, motors and muscles;
                 — into light – as in lamps, lasers, glass fibres, glow worms, giant squids and various deep
                   ocean animals;
                 — into heat – as in electric ovens, blankets, tea pots and by electric eels to stun and kill
                 — into chemical effects – as in hydrolysis, battery charging, electroplating and the brain;
                 — into coldness – as in refrigerators and Peltier elements, but in no known living system;
                 — into radio wave signals – as in radio and television, but in no known living system;

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 — into stored information – as in magnetic records, computers, animal and human
                 Due to all these options, electrical light, lasers, batteries, electric motors, refrigerators,
                 radio, telephones, X-rays, television and computers have changed human life completely
                 in less than one century.
                    Electromagnetic effects are thus useful to perform something at a specific place and
                 time, thus to realize actuators. In addition, electromagnetic effects are useful so capture
     Page 231    information from the environment, thus to realize sensors.
                    Many of these uses of electromagnetism also occur in biological systems. However,

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 30 s   no biological system makes use of X-rays, though. (Why?) No living being seems to use
                 electric cooling. (Why?) And could there be biological systems that communicate via
Challenge 31 s   radio waves?

                 How d o nerves work?
                 Nerves are wonders. Without nerves, we would not experience pleasure, we would not
                 experience pain, we would not see and we would not hear. Without nerves, we would
                 not live. But how do nerves transport signals?
      Page 32       In 1789, as mentioned above, Luigi Galvani discovered that nerves transport electric
                 signals, by doing experiments with frog legs. Are nerves wires? One and a half centuries
                 after Galvani it became clear that nerves, more precisely, nerve axons, do not conduct
                 electricity using electrons, as metal wires do, but by using ions. Nerve signals propagate
                 using the motion of sodium Na+ and potassium K+ ions through the cell membrane
                 of the nerve. The resulting signal speed is between 0.5 m/s and 120 m/s, depending on
                 the type of nerve. (Nerve axons coated with myelin, a protein that acts as an electric
                 insulator, are faster than uncoated axons.) The signal speed is sufficient for the survival
                 of most species – it helps the body to run away in case of danger.
                    Nerves differ from wires in another aspect: they cannot transmit constant voltage sig-
                 nals, but only signal pulses. The first, approximate model for this behaviour was presented
       Ref. 27   in 1952 by Hodgkin and Huxley. Using observations about the behaviour of potassium
          52                                                                     1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          F I G U R E 20 The electrical signals calculated (above) and measured (below) in a nerve, following
          Hodgkin and Huxley.

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          and sodium ions, they deduced an elaborate evolution equation that describes the voltage
          𝑉 in nerves, and thus the way the signals propagate. The equation reproduces the char-
          acteristic voltage spikes measured in nerves, shown in Figure 20.
             The precise mechanism with which ions cross the membranes, using so-called channel
          proteins, was elucidated only twenty years later. Despite this huge body of work, and even
          though Hodgkin and Huxley received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work, the
          model cannot be correct. The model does not explain the reversibility of the propagation
          process, the observed thickness change of the nerve during propagation nor the excit-
          ation of nerves by simple deformation or temperature changes; most of all, the model
          does not explain the working of anaesthetics. The detailed working of nerves remained
             Only around the year 2000 did Thomas Heimburg and his team discover the way sig-
Ref. 28   nals propagate in nerves. He showed that a nerve pulse is an electromechanical solitonic
          wave of the cylindrical membrane. In the cylindrical membrane, the protein structure
          changes from liquid to solid and back to liquid. This short, slightly thicker ring of solid
          proteins propagates along the cylinder: that is the nerve pulse. In short, the nerve pulse
          does not make proteins move, but makes the region of solidity move. The model is shown
          in Figure 21. (The term ‘solid’ has a precise technical meaning in two-dimensional sys-
          tems and describes a specific ordered state of the molecules.) This propagation model
          explains all the properties of nerve pulses that were unexplained before. In particular, it
          explains that anaesthetics work because they dissolve in the membrane and thus block
          the formation and the propagation of the rings. All quantitative predictions of the model
          liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                     53

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          F I G U R E 21 Top: A biomembrane, with solid-type lipids (red), liquid lipids (green) and various dissolved
          proteins (yellow, blue, white). Bottom: a nerve pulse propagating as a two-dimensional phase
          transformation liquid/solid/liquid along a cylindrical nerve membrane (© Thomas Heimburg/Wiley-VCH).

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          match observations.
             In summary, nerve signals are electromechanical pulses; they are a mixture of current
          and sound waves. The electromechanical model of nerves explains how signals propag-
          ate, how pain is felt and why no pain is felt during anaesthesia.
             Interestingly, the electromechanical model of nerve pulse propagation does not (yet)
          explain why we loose consciousness during anaesthesia. This is an additional process that
          takes place in the brain. It is known that loss of consciousness is related to the change
          of brain waves, but the details are still a topic of research. Brains still have wonderful
          properties to be explored.

          How motors prove relativit y to be right

                                                                The only mathematical operation I performed

                                                                in my life was to turn the handle of a calculator.
                                                                                                Michael Faraday

          All electric motors are based on the result that electric currents interact with magnetic
          fields. The simplest example is the attraction of two wires carrying parallel currents. This
          observation alone, made in 1820 by Ampère, is sufficient to make motion larger than a
Ref. 29   certain maximal speed impossible. The argument is beautifully simple.
              We change the original experiment and imagine two long, electrically charged rods
          of mass 𝑚, moving in the same direction with velocity 𝑣 and separation 𝑑. An observer
                 54                                                              1 electricity and fields

                      𝑑         charged rods

                                                      𝑣               F I G U R E 22 Charged rods moving in parallel
                                                                      illustrate the relativistic aspect of magnetism,
                                                                      as explained in the text.

Challenge 32 e   moving with the rods would see an electrostatic repulsion between the rods given by

                                                                 1 2𝜆2
                                                     𝑚𝑎𝑒 = −                                                     (21)

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                4π𝜀0 𝑑

                 where 𝜆 is the charge per length of the rods. A second, resting observer sees two effects:
                 the electrostatic repulsion and the attraction discovered by Ampère. The second observer
Challenge 33 e   therefore observes
                                                             1 2𝜆2 𝜇0 𝜆2 𝑣2
                                               𝑚𝑎𝑒𝑚 = −             +          .                      (22)
                                                           4π𝜀0 𝑑     2π 𝑑

                 This expression must be consistent with the observation of the first observer. This is the

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 case only if both observers find repulsions. It is easy to check that the second observer
                 sees a repulsion, as does the first one, only if

                                                       𝑣2 <         = 𝑐2 .                                       (23)
                                                              𝜀0 𝜇0

                 This maximum speed 𝑐, with a value of 0.3 GM/s, is thus valid for any object carrying
                 charges. But all everyday objects contain charges: there is thus a maximum speed for
                    Are you able to extend the argument for a maximum speed to neutral particles as
Challenge 34 d   well? We will find out more on this limit velocity, which we know already, in a minute.
                    Another argument for magnetism as a relativistic effect is the following. In a wire with
                 electrical current, the charge is zero for an observer at rest with respect to the wire: the
                 wire is neutral for that observer. The reason is that the charges enter and exit the wire at
                 the same time for that observer. Now imagine an observer who flies along the wire. The
                 entrance and exit events do not occur simultaneously any more; the wire is charged for a
                 moving observer. (The charge depends on the direction of the observer’s motion.) Now
                 imagine that the moving observer is electrically charged. He will be attracted or repelled
                 by the wire, because for him, the wire is charged. The moving observer will say that the
                 attraction is due to the electric field of the wire. The observer at rest will also note the
                 attraction or repulsion of the moving observer, but since for him, the wire is neutral, he
                 will deduce that moving charges experience a force – possibly with a slightly different
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                55

                 TA B L E 13 Voltage values observed in nature.

                 O b s e r va t i o n                                                                       Vo lta g e

                 Smallest measured voltage                                                                  c. 10 fV
                 Human nerves                                                                               70 mV
                 Volta cell                                                                                 1V
                 Voltaic cell (‘battery’)                                                                   1.5 V
                 Mains in households                                                                        230 V or 110 V
                 Electric eel                                                                               100 to 600 V
                 Tramway supply                                                                             500 V
                 Sparks when rubbing a polymer pullover                                                     1 kV
                 Electric fence                                                                             0.7 to 10 kV
                 Train supply                                                                               15 kV
                 Ignition plug in cars                                                                      15 kV

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Colour television cathode ray tube                                                         30 kV
                 X-ray tube                                                                                 30 to 200 kV
                 Electron microscopes                                                                       0.5 kV to 3 MV
                 Stun gun                                                                                   65 to 600 kV
                 Lightning stroke                                                                           10 to 100 MV
                 Record accelerator voltage                                                                 1 TV
                 Maximum possible voltage in nature, the corrected Planck voltage √𝑐4 /16π𝜀0 𝐺              5.2 ⋅ 1026 V

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 value, but this is a technicality – due to the electric current in the wire; the observer at
                 rest will thus say that a wire with a current is surrounded by a magnetic field which only
                 produces an effect on charges that move.
                    In summary, electric effects are due to more or less static electric charges and to their
                 electric fields; magnetism, magnetic effects and magnetic fields are due to moving electric
                 charges.* The existence of magnetic fields is a relativistic consequence of the existence of
                 electric fields. In particular, magnetism is not due to particles with magnetic charges.
                 Such particles, called magnetic monopoles, do not exist. (Magnetic charges can be in-
      Page 96    troduced as a mathematical tool, though, for the description of materials.) The strength
                 of magnetism, used in any running electric motor, including your electric toothbrush,
                 proves relativity right: there is a maximum speed in nature for all masses and charges.
                 Both electric and magnetic fields carry energy and momentum. They are two faces of the
                 same coin.

     Page 249    * ‘Electrons move in metal with a speed of about 1 μm/s; thus if I walk with the same speed along a cable
                 carrying a constant current, I should not be able to sense any magnetic field.’ What is wrong with this
Challenge 35 d   argument?
56                                                                       1 electricity and fields

                                  capacitive head
                             (c.10-20 pF to earth)

                                                                c.1000 turns                large sparks

      230 V                c.10 kV                                c.10 turns
      50 Hz                50 Hz      spark gap
                                      for switching               resonance frequencies
                                                                  100 - 500 kHz

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 23 The schematics, the realization and the operation of a Tesla coil, including spark and corona
discharges (photographs © Robert Billon).

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t things electric and

                                                 “                                                          ”
                                                       Alii vero et facta mirati et intellecta assecuti.*
                                                                                      Augustine of Hippo

Before we study the motion of an electromagnetic field in detail, let’s have some fun with
Nowadays, having fun with sparks is straightforward. Tesla coils, named after Nikola
Tesla** are the simplest devices that allow long sparks to be produced at home. Atten-
tion: this is dangerous; that is the reason that such devices cannot be bought (almost)
anywhere. The basic diagram and an example is shown in Figure 23. Tesla coils look like

* ‘Others however marvelled about the facts and understood their meaning.’ Augustine, Sermon 98, 3.
Augustine of Hippo (b. 354 Tagaste, d. 430 Hippo Regius) is an influential moral theologian. Despite this,
he did not take care of his extramarital son, nor of his son’s mother, because his own mother had forbidden
him to do so.
** Никола Тесла (b. 1856 Smiljan, d. 1943 New York City), engineer and inventor. He invented and pro-
moted the polyphase alternating current system, the alternating current electric motor, wireless commu-
nication, fluorescent lighting and many other applications of electricity. He is also one of the inventors of
radio. The SI unit of the magnetic field is named after him. A flamboyant character, his ideas were some-
times unrealistic; for example he imagined that Tesla coils could be used for wireless power transmission.
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                      57

                 large metal mushrooms (to avoid unwanted discharges) and plans for their construction
                 can be found on numerous websites or from numerous enthusiast’s clubs, such as www.
                 In 1722, George Graham discovered, by watching a compass needle, that the magnetic
Challenge 36 s   field of the Earth shows daily variations. Can you imagine why these variations occur?
                 If even knocking on a wooden door is an electric effect, we should be able to detect fields
Challenge 37 d   when doing so. Can you devise an experiment to check this?
                 Birds come to no harm when they sit on unprotected electricity lines. Nevertheless, one
                 almost never observes any birds on tall, high voltage lines of 100 kV or more, which

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 38 s   transport power across longer distances. Why?
                 How can you distinguish a magnet from an non-magnetized metal bar of the same size
Challenge 39 s   and material, using no external means?
                 In the basement of a house there are three switches that control three light bulbs in the
                 first floor. You are in the basement and are allowed to go to the first floor only once. How

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 40 s   do you find out which switch controls which bulb?
                 How do you wire up a light bulb to the mains and three switches so that the light can be
                 switched on at any of the switches and off at any other switch? And for four switches?
Challenge 41 s   Nobody will take a physicist seriously who is able to write Maxwell’s equations but can-
                 not solve this little problem.
                 The first appliances built to generate electric currents were large rubbing machines. Then,
                 in 1799 Alessandro Volta (b. 1745 Como, d. 1827 Como) invented a new device to generate
                 electricity and called it a pile; today its basic element is called a (voltaic) cell, a primary
                 cell* or, less correctly, a battery. (Correctly speaking, a battery is a collection of cells,
                 as the one found in a car.) Voltaic cells are based on chemical processes; they provide
                 much more current and are smaller and easier to handle than electrostatic machines. The
                 invention of the battery changed the investigation of electricity so profoundly that Volta
                 became world famous. At last, a simple and reliable source of electricity was available
                 for use in experiments; unlike rubbing machines, cells and piles are compact, work in all
                 weather conditions and make no noise.
                     An apple or a potato or a lemon with a piece of copper and one of zinc inserted is one

                 * A secondary cell is a rechargeable cell.
                 58                                                                     1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                      F I G U R E 24 A
                                                                                                      common playground
                                                                                                      effect (© Evan Keller).

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 of the simplest possible voltaic cells. It provides a voltage of about 1 V and can be used
                 to run digital clocks or to produce clicks in headphones. Volta was also the discoverer
                 of the charge ‘law’ 𝑞 = 𝐶𝑈 for capacitors (𝐶 being the capacity, and 𝑈 the voltage) and
                 the inventor of the high sensitivity capacitor electroscope. A modest man, nevertheless,
                 the unit of electrical potential, or ‘tension’, as Volta used to call it, was deduced from his
                 name. A ‘battery’ is a large number of voltaic cells; the term was taken from an earlier,
                 almost purely military use.* A battery in a mobile phone is just an elaborated replacement

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 for a number of apples or potatoes.
                 Voltaic cells exist in all biological cells. For halobacteria, the internal voltaic cells are even
                 essential to survival. Living in saltwater, internal voltaic cells help them to avoid death
                 due to osmosis.
                 An famous challenge: Do full and empty alkaline batteries, e.g., of the AA type, behave
Challenge 43 s   differently or the same when falling on a stone (hard) floor?
                 What happened in Figure 24? Why are most of such pictures taken in good weather and
Challenge 44 d   with blond children?
                 A PC or a telephone can communicate without wires, by using radio waves. Why are
                 these and other electrical appliances not able to obtain their power via radio waves, thus
Challenge 45 s   eliminating power cables?

                 * A pile made of sets of a zinc plate, a sheet of blotting paper soaked with salt water and a copper coin is
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                59

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 F I G U R E 25 Top: how to see the information stored in the magnetic stripe on a credit card without any
                 electronics, just using a lens, a polarizer and a magneto-optic layer; bottom: how to see the information
                 on a hard disk in the same way, by adding a simple coated glass plate to a polarizing microscope
                 (© Matesy).

                 Magnetic storage looks far less mysterious if it is visualized. Figure 25 shows how
                 simply with can be done. The method also allows taking films. What happens in-
                 side a metal when it is magnetized? The beautiful films at
                 v=HzxTqQ40wSU and, taken by Hendryk
                 Richert of Matesy, show how the magnetization regions change when a magnet is ap-
                 proached to a piece of metal. Also these films have been made with a simple microscope,
                 using as only help a polarizer and a layer of yttrium iron garnet deposited on glass.

Challenge 42 e   easily constructed at home and tested with a calculator or a digital watch.
                 60                                                                    1 electricity and fields

                 F I G U R E 26 A Gauss rifle, made with a few steel balls and four magnets attached to a ruler with scotch
                 tape (© Simon Quellen Field).

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Also plants react to magnetic fields. In particular, different magnetic fields yield different
                 growth patterns. The mechanisms, related to the cryptochrome system, are still a subject
                 of research.
                 Magnets can be used to accelerate steel balls. The most famous example is the Gauss rifle
                 shown in Figure 26. If the leftmost ball is gently rolled towards the first magnet, the third

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 ball is strongly kicked away. Then the process repeats: the speed increases even more for
                 the fifth, the seventh and the ninth ball. The experiment never fails to surprise whoever
Challenge 46 e   sees it for the first time. Where does the momentum of the final ball come from?
                 Objects that are not right–left symmetric are called chiral, from the Greek word for
                 ‘hand’. Can you make a mirror that does not switch chirality (i.e., does not ‘switch left
Challenge 47 s   and right’)? In two different ways?
                 An adhesive tape roll is a dangerous device. Pulling the roll quickly leads to light emission
                 (through triboluminescence) and to small sparks. It is suspected that several explosions
                 in mines were triggered when such a spark ignited a combustible gas mixture.
                 Take an envelope, wet it and seal it. After letting it dry for a day or more, open it in the
                 dark. At the place where the two sides of paper are being separated from each other, the
Challenge 48 s   envelope glows with a blue colour. Why? Is it possible to speed up the test using a hair
                 A charge in an electric field feels a force. In other words, electric field produce a poten-
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                        61

                                                                           F I G U R E 27 A dangerous hobby,

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                           here demonstrated by Robert
                                                                           Krampf (© Wikimedia).

                 tial energy for charges. Since energy is conserved, electric potential energy can be trans-
                 formed into kinetic energy or in thermal energy. What do these possibilities allow doing?
Challenge 49 e   What do they prevent from doing?

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Electromagnetism is full of surprises and offers many effects that can be reproduced
                 at home. The internet is full of descriptions of how to construct Tesla coils to produce
                 sparks, coil guns or rail guns to shoot objects, electrostatic machines to make your hair
                 stand on end and much more. If you like experiments, just search for these terms. Some
                 people earn their living by showing high voltage effects on stage, such as long discharges
                 from their fingers or hair. A well-known example is Robert Krampf, also called ‘Mr. Elec-
                 tricity’, at Do not emulate these performers; it is rarely told that
                 several of them have suffered dangerous accidents while doing so.
                 The moving discharges seen in so many displays, called plasma globes, are produced in a
                 glass bowl filled with helium, neon or another inert gas at low pressure, typically 0.1 to
                 10 kPa, an applied voltage of 5 to 10 kV and usually a frequency of 30 to 40 kHz. At these
                 conditions, the ion temperature of the discharges is room temperature, so that there is no
       Ref. 30   danger; the electron temperature, which cannot be felt, is around 20 000 K. Approaching
                 the hand to the sphere changes the electric potential and this also the shape of the dis-
                 charges. If you approach a fluorescent tube to such a set-up, it will start glowing; and by
                 moving your finger on the tube, you can ‘magically’ change the glow region. The internet
                 is full of information on plasma globes.
62                                                                    1 electricity and fields

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F I G U R E 28 A low pressure glass sphere, or plasma globe, with a diameter of 30 cm and a built-in high
voltage generator, showing its characteristic electric discharges. In a usual plasma globe, the discharges
move around – slowly and irregularly. (© Philip Evans).

A high voltage can lead to current flow through air, because air becomes conductive in
high electric fields. In such discharges, air molecules are put in motion. As a result, one
can make objects that are attached to a pulsed high tension source lift up in the air, if
one optimizes this air motion so that it points downwards everywhere. The high ten-
sion is thus effectively used to accelerate ionized air in one direction and, as a result,
an object will move in the opposite direction, using the same principle as a rocket. An
example is shown in Figure 29, using the power supply of a PC monitor. (Watch out:
danger!) Numerous websites explain how to build these so-called lifters at home; in Fig-
ure 29, the bottle and the candle are used as high voltage insulator to keep one of the
two thin high voltage wires (not visible in the photograph) high enough in the air, in
order to avoid discharges to the environment or to interfere with the lifter’s motion. Un-
fortunately, the majority of websites – not all – give incorrect or confused explanations
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                       63

                                                                                        F I G U R E 29 Lifting a
                                                                                        light object – covered
                                                                                        with aluminium foil –
                                                                                        using a high tension
                                                                                        (© Jean-Louis Naudin

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 of the phenomenon. These websites thus provide a good challenge for one to learn to
Challenge 50 e   distinguish fact from speculation.
                 The electric effects produced by friction and by liquid flow are usually small. However, in
                 the 1990s, a number of oil tankers disappeared suddenly. The sailors had washed out the
                 oil tanks by hosing sea water onto the tank walls. The spraying led to charging of the tank;

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 a discharge then led to the oil fumes in the tank igniting. This led to an explosion and
                 subsequently the tankers sank. Similar accidents also happen regularly when chemicals
                 are moved from one tank to another.
                 Rubbing a plastic spoon with a piece of wool charges it. Such a charged spoon can be used
                 to extract pepper from a salt–pepper mixture by holding the spoon over the mixture.
Challenge 51 s   Why?
                 When charges move, they produce a magnetic field. In particular, when ions inside the
                 Earth move due to heat convection, they produce the Earth’s magnetic field. When the
                 ions high up in the atmosphere are moved by solar wind, a geomagnetic storm appears;
                 its field strength can be as high as that of the Earth itself. In 2003, an additional mech-
                 anism was discovered. When the tides move the water of the oceans, the ions in the salt
                 water produce a tiny magnetic field; it can be measured by highly sensitive magneto-
                 meters in satellites orbiting the Earth. After two years of measurements from a small
                 satellite it was possible to make a beautiful film of the oceanic flows. Figure 30 gives an
       Ref. 31   impression.
                 The magnetic field of the Earth is clearly influenced by the Sun. Figure 31 shows the
                 64                                                            1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                       F I G U R E 30 The magnetic field due to the
                                                                       tides (© Stefan Maus).

                 details of how the stream of charged particles from the Sun, the solar wind, influences
                 the field lines and a several processes occurring in the higher atmosphere. Figure 32

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 shows the effects. The details of these fascinating processes are still a subject of research.
                 The names electrode, electrolyte, ion, anode and cathode were suggested by William
                 Whewell (b. 1794 Lancaster, d. 1866 Cambridge) on demand of Michael Faraday; Faraday
                 had no formal education and asked his friend Whewell to form two Greek words for
                 him. For anode and cathode, Whewell took words that literally mean ‘upward street’
                 and ‘downward street’. Faraday then popularized these terms, like the other words men-
                 tioned above.
                 The shortest light pulse produced so far had a duration of 100 as. To how many
Challenge 52 s   wavelengths of green light would that correspond?
                 How long can batteries last? At Oxford University, in Clarendon Hall, visitors can watch
                 a battery-operated electric bell that is ringing since 1840. The two batteries, two Zamboni
                 piles, produce a high voltage and low current, sufficient to keep the bell ringing. Several
                 other similar devices, using Zamboni piles, have worked in Italy with the same batteries
                 for over 100 years.
liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                65

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F I G U R E 31 Top: the interaction of the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field. Bottom: the magnetic
environment of the Earth (courtesy NASA).
                 66                                                                                   1 electricity and fields

                 600 km

                 300 km                                                       F

                 85 km

                 45 km

                 12 km
                                                                  4      5         6
                             300    600    900   1200   1500   10      10         10
                                     Temperature (K)           Electron density
                                                                      (cm )

                 F I G U R E 32 The names of the layers around the Earth and a photograph of the cold plasma, or

                                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 magnetosphere, surrounding the Earth, taken in the extreme ultraviolet, and showing both the ring at
                 the basis of each aurora and a tail pointing towards the Sun (courtesy NASA).

                          battery                    wire

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                      F I G U R E 33 A unipolar motor.                                      F I G U R E 34 The simplest motor (© Stefan

                 Why do we often see shadows of houses and shadows of trees, but never shadows of the
Challenge 53 s   electrical cables hanging over streets?
                 How would you measure the speed of the tip of a lightning bolt? What range of values
Challenge 54 s   do you expect?
       Ref. 32   One of the simplest possible electric motors was discovered by Faraday in 1831. A magnet
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                    67

                 suspended in mercury will start to turn around its axis if a current flows through it. (See
                 Figure 33.) In addition, when the magnet is forced to turn, the device (often also called
                 Barlow’s wheel) also works as a current generator; people have even tried to generate
Challenge 55 s   domestic current with such a system! Can you explain how it works?
                    The modern version of this motor makes use of a battery, a wire, a conductive
                 samarium–cobalt magnet and a screw. The result is shown in Figure 34.
       Ref. 33   The magnetic field of the Earth has a dipole strength of 7.8 ⋅ 1022 A m2 . It shields us,
                 together with the atmosphere, from lethal solar winds and cosmic radiation particles, by
                 deflecting them to the poles. Today, a lack of magnetic field would lead to high radiation
                 on sunny days; but in the past, its lack would have prevented the evolution of the human
                 species. We owe our existence to the magnetic field of the Earth. At present, the magnetic
                 field decreases by about 5 % per century. It seems that it might disappear temporarily in
                 1500 years; it is unclear whether this will lead to an increase of the cosmic radiation

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 hitting the Earth’s surface, or if the solar wind itself will take over the shielding effect.
                 Comparing electricity with water is a good way of understanding electronics. Figure 35
                 shows a few examples that even a teenager can use. Can you fill in the correspondence
Challenge 56 s   for the coil, and thus for a transformer?
                     The picture also includes the transistor. This device, as the hydraulic component
                 shows, can be used to control a large current by using a small current. Therefore, tran-
                 sistors can be used as switches and as amplifiers. This is the reason that all electronic

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 circuits, from radios to mobile phones and computers – make heavy use of transistors. A
                 modern mobile phone or computer typically contains several million transistors, mostly
                 assembled inside so-called integrated circuits. The design of these devices is a science on
                 its own.
                 There is even a way to push the previous analogy in another direction: it is possible to
                 produce a mathematically consistent analogy between electric circuits and continuous
                 fields. The required circuits are infinite grids or meshes in all directions of space, and
                 are called mimetic discretizations. If you like to think in electric terms, you might enjoy
                 pursuing this. Just search for the term on the internet.
                 The ionosphere around the Earth has a resonant frequency of 7 Hz; for this reason any
                 apparatus measuring low frequencies always gets a strong signal at this value. Can you
Challenge 57 s   give an explanation of the frequency?
                 The Kirlian effect, which allows one to make such intriguingly beautiful photographs, is
                 not a property of objects, but a result of the applied time-varying electric field.
                  68                                                                 1 electricity and fields

                                                Electrical                    Hydraulic
                                               component                     component
                            current,                                                           mass flow,
                            voltage                                                            pressure

                            wire                                                               tube

                            resistor                                                           porous filter

                                                                                               flexible &
                            capacitor                                                          elastic

                            battery                                                            pump

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                            diode                                                              valve

                            transistor                                                         valve

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                            inductor                                         challenge

                  F I G U R E 35 The correspondence of electronics and water flow.

                  At home, electricity is mostly used as alternating current. In other words, no electrons
                  actually flow through cables; as the drift speed of electrons in copper wires is of the order
      Page 249    of 1 μm/s, electrons just move back and forward by 20 nm. Nothing flows in or out of the
                  cables! Why do the electricity companies require a real flow of money in return, instead
 Challenge 58 e   of being satisfied with a back and forth motion of money?
                  Do electrons and protons have the same charge? Experiments show that the values are
Challenge 59 ny   equal to within at least twenty digits. How would you check this?
                  Charge values are velocity-independent, even near the speed of light. How would you
Challenge 60 ny   confirm this?
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                69

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 F I G U R E 36 The floating bed problem: while the left model, with a length of around 40 cm and a
                 floating height of a few centimetres, exists and has been admired by many, the scaled-up, real-size
                 version on the right is impossible (© Janjaap Ruissenaars at The two
                 images on the right are not photographs: they show a dream, not reality. Why?

                 Magnets can be used, even by school children, to climb steel walls. Have a look at the

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Can magnets be used to make a floating bed? In 2006, a Dutch architect presented to
                 the public a small model of a beautiful floating bed, shown on the left of Figure 36, kept
                 floating in the air by permanent magnets. To prevent that the model bed falls over, it is
                 fastened to the ground by four ropes. On his website, the architect also offers a real-size
                 version of the same bed, for a price of over one million US dollars. However, the images
                 of the scaled up bed – the only two images that exist – are not photographs, but computer
Challenge 61 s   graphics, as this dream bed is impossible. Why?
                 Extremely high magnetic fields have strange effects. At fields of 1010 T, vacuum becomes
     Page 111    effectively birefringent, photons can split and coalesce, and atoms get squeezed. Hydro-
                 gen atoms, for example, are estimated to get two hundred times narrower in one direc-
                 tion. Fortunately, these conditions exist only in specific neutron stars, called magnetars.
                 Ohm’s ‘law’, the observation that for almost all materials the current 𝐼 is proportional
                 to the voltage 𝑈, is
                                             𝑈 ∼ 𝐼 or         = 𝑅 = const.                           (24)
                   70                                                           1 electricity and fields

                   and is due to a school teacher. Georg Simon Ohm (b. 1789 Erlangen, d. 1854 Munich),
                   was a school teacher and physicist. He explored the validity of the proportionality in
                   great depth and for many materials; in those days, such measurements were difficult to
                   perform. Ohm discovered that the proportionality applies to most materials and to many
                   current levels, as long as the temperature, the material density and the charge densities
                   remain constant. The proportionality is thus not valid for situations with sparks or in
                   semiconductors. But it is valid for most solid conductors, in particular for metals.
                      Ohm’s efforts were recognized only late in his life, and he eventually was promoted to
                   professor at the Technical University in Munich. Later the unit of electrical resistance 𝑅 –
                   this is the official name for the proportionality factor between voltage, which is measured
                   in volt, and current, which measured in ampere – was named after him. One ohm is
                   defined and written as 1 V/A=1 Ω.
                      Today, Ohm’s relation is easy to measure. Recently, even the electrical resistance of
        Ref. 34    single atoms has been measured: in the case of xenon it turned out to be about 105 Ω. It
                   was also found that lead atoms are ten times more conductive than gold atoms. Can you

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 62 ny    imagine why?
                   Since many decades, Ohm’s ‘law’ is taught in secondary school until every pupil in a
                   class has lost his interest in the matter. For example, the electric power 𝑃 transformed
                   into heat in a resistor is given

                                                      𝑃 = 𝑈𝐼 = 𝐼2 𝑅 =      .                              (25)

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Vol. I, page 354   We mentioned this relation already earlier on; have a look. Now you know everything
                   that needs to be known on the topic. Above all, the expression for electric power in a
                   resistor describes electric heating, for example the heating in a modern kitchen stove or
                   in a coffee machine.
                   Ohm’s ‘law’, so simple it seems, has many fascinating mathematical aspects. For ex-
                   ample, in 1958, the Dutch physicist J.L. van der Pauw proved an astonishing formula and
                   method that allows measuring the specific resistance 𝜌 of material layers of any shape.
                   One only needs to attach four gold wires to the layer anywhere on its border. The spe-
                   cific resistance is then given by the expression shown in Figure 37. Can you imagine how
Challenge 63 d     the formula is deduced? (This is not an easy problem.) The formula reduced the work-
                   load in laboratories across the world by a significant amount; before the formula had
                   been discovered, in every experiment, researchers also had to produce separate, ded-
                   icated samples that allowed measuring the specific resistance of the material they were
                   A good way to make money is to produce electricity and sell it. In 1964, a completely new
                   method was invented by Fletcher Osterle. The method was presented to a larger public in
        Ref. 35    a beautiful experiment in 2003. Larry Kostiuk and his group took a plate of glass, added
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                    71

                     π𝑑𝑈34  π𝑑𝑈41
                    e 12 + e 𝐼23 𝜌 = 1
                      𝐼 𝜌                               𝜌 = π𝑑𝑈34 /(𝐼12 ln 2)

                                                         1                      2
                     1                                                                 F I G U R E 37 Can you
                                                 3                                     deduce Van der Pauw’s
                                   4                                                   formula for the specific
                                                                                       resistance 𝜌 of
                                                                                       homogeneous layers
                    material thickness 𝑑
                                                         4                      3      of any shape (left) or
                                                                                       its special case for a
                                                                                       symmetrical shape

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 a conducting layer on each side, and then etched a few hundred thousand tiny channels
                 through the plate: 450 000 microchannels, each around 15 μm in diameter, in the 2 cm
                 diameter plate. When water is made to flow through the channels, a current is generated.
                 The contacts at the two conducting plates can be used like battery contacts and generated
                 1.5 μA of electric current.
                    This simple device uses the effect that glass, like most insulators, is covered with a

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 charged layer when it is immersed in a liquid. Can you imagine why a current is gener-
Challenge 64 s   ated? Unfortunately, the efficiency of electricity generation is only about 1 %, making the
                 method much less interesting than a simple blade wheel powering a dynamo.
                 For beautiful animations about magnetic and electric fields, see the website
                 Electrostatics is sometimes counter-intuitive. Take an isolated, conducting sphere of ra-
                 dius 𝑅, and a point charge located outside the sphere, both with the same charge. Even
                 though charges of equal sign repel each other, at small distances from the sphere, the
Challenge 65 s   point charge is attracted to the sphere. Why? At which distance 𝑑 do they repel?
                 Gallium arsenide semiconductors can be patterned with so-called quantum dots and
                 point contacts. These structures allow one to count single electrons. This is now routinely
                 done in several laboratories around the world.
       Ref. 36   The charges on two capacitors in series are not generally equal, as naive theory states.
                 For perfect, leak-free capacitors the voltage ratio is given by the inverse capacity ratio
                  72                                                                1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                  high voltage line

                                                                                              neon lamp

                  F I G U R E 38                                    F I G U R E 39 A neon lamp hanging from a high
                  Capacitors in series.                             voltage line.

                  𝑉1 /𝑉2 = 𝐶2 /𝐶1 , due to the equality of the electric charges stored. This is easily deduced
                  from Figure 38. However, in practice this is only correct for times between a few and a

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
 Challenge 66 s   few dozen minutes. Why?
                  On certain high voltage cables leading across the landscape, small neon lamps, called
                  balisors, shine when the current flows, as shown in Figure 39. You can see them from the
 Challenge 67 s   train when riding from Paris to Roissy airport. How do they work?
                  During rain or fog, high-voltage lines often make noises; sometimes they even sing. What

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
 Challenge 68 s   is going on?
                  Electric polarizability is the property of matter responsible for the deviation of water flow-
       Page 16    ing from a tap caused by a charged comb. It is defined as the strength of electric dipole
                  induced by an applied electric field. The definition simply translates the observation that
                  many objects acquire a charge when an electric field is applied. Incidentally, how pre-
                  cisely combs get charged when rubbed, a phenomenon called electrification, is still one
                  of the mysteries of modern science.
                  A pure magnetic field cannot be transformed into a pure electric field by change of ob-
                  servation frame. The best that can be achieved is a state similar to an equal mixture of
 Challenge 69 s   magnetic and electric fields. Can you provide an argument elucidating this relation?
                  Calculating resistance of infinite grids is one of the most captivating problems in electri-
Challenge 70 ny   city, as shown in Figure 40. Can you find the solution?
                  To every limit value in nature there is a corresponding indeterminacy relation. This is
                  also valid also for electricity and the lower charge limit. Indeed, there is an indeterminacy
          liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                                    73

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          F I G U R E 40 An electrical problem that is not easy (© Randall Munroe).

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                    F I G U R E 41 The change of the relative
                                                                    permittivity (real and imaginary) with
                                                                    frequency for an abstract material (mix), and
                                                                    the general processes responsible for the
                                                                    different domains (© Kenneth Mauritz).

          relation for capacitors, of the form

                                                         Δ𝐶 Δ𝑈 ⩾ 𝑒                                             (26)

          where 𝑒 is the positron charge, 𝐶 capacity and 𝑈 potential difference. There is also an
          indeterminacy relation between electric current 𝐼 and time 𝑡

                                                         Δ𝐼 Δ𝑡 ⩾ 𝑒 .                                           (27)

Ref. 37   Both these relations may be found in the literature.
                 74                                                           1 electricity and fields

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                             F I G U R E 42 Maxwell’s unsuccessful
                                                                             model of the vacuum.

                 Electric properties of materials, in contrast to their magnetic properties, vary strongly
                 with the frequency of the applied electric field. Figure 41 illustrates how the permittivity
                 changes with frequency, and which microscopic processes are at the basis of the prop-
                 erty at a specific frequency. The graph is only schematic: it shows features from different
                 materials combined together. In nature, the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 are related by the so-called Kramers-Kronig relations, which are important for many ma-
                 terial topics related to wave phenomena. The two curves in the graph do not follow them
                 If an axis rotates, one can attach a magnet to its end. With such a rotating magnet an
Challenge 71 e   extremely cheap tachymeter can be realized. How?
                 In Maxwell’s 1861 paper on electromagnetism, he includes Figure 42 as a model of mag-
                 netic and electric fields of the vacuum. What is the biggest problem of this model of the
Challenge 72 s   vacuum?
                 For how long can silicon-based integrated circuits be made smaller and smaller? The
       Ref. 38   opinions on this matter differ. Optimistic predictions, often called Moore’s ‘law’, altern-
                 ate with predictions that from 2011 onwards, the size reduction will be moderate due to
                 the high cost of the required equipment. For example, the next generation of wafer step-
                 pers, the most expensive machines in the production of silicon chips, must work in the
                 extreme ultraviolet – usually 13 nm – in order to achieve small transistor sizes. At this
                 wavelength air is an absorber, and lenses have to be replaced by mirrors. It is unclear
                 whether this will be technically and economically feasible. Future will tell.
                 liquid electricity, invisible fields and maximum speed                                   75

                 In the 1990s, microscope images showed, surprisingly, that the tusks of narwhals are full
                 of nerve endings. Thus the tusk may be a sensory organ. However, the details and the
Challenge 73 s   exact use of the organ is not understood. How would you find out?

                 A summary: three basic facts ab ou t electricity
                 The experiments we have described so far show three basic results:
                     ⊳ Electric charges affect, thus exert force on other charges.
                     ⊳ Electric charges are conserved.
                     ⊳ Charges, like all matter, move slower than light.
                 From these three statements – the definition of charge, the conservation of charge, and
                 the invariance of the speed of light – we can deduce every aspect of classical electrodyna-
                 mics. An alternative summary would be: charges are conserved; their effects obey relativity.
       Ref. 39       In particular, the Lagrangian of electrodynamics and Maxwell’s field equations can

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 be deduced from these three statements; they describe the way that charges produce any
                 electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field. Also the Lorentz force can be deduced; it
                 describes how the motion of massive charges and the motion of the electromagnetic field
                 is related.
       Ref. 39       The proof of the connection between charge conservation and the field equations can
                 be given mathematically; we do not present it here, because the algebra is somewhat
       Ref. 40   involved. The essential connection to remember is: all of electrodynamics follows from
                 the properties of charges that we have discovered so far.

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Chapter 2

                    T H E DE S C R I P T ION OF
                    E L E C T ROM AG N ET IC F I E L D
                    EVOLU T ION

                          lectric and magnetic fields change: simply said, they move. How
                          xactly does this happen? In the 1860s, James Clerk Maxwell** collected all
                          xperimental knowledge he could find, and deduced the precise description of
                    electromagnetic field motion. Twenty years later, Heaviside and Hertz extracted the

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    main points of Maxwell ideas from his difficult papers written in unusual quaternion
Vol. IV, page 232   notation and called their summary Maxwell’s theory of the electromagnetic field.
                       The motion of the electromagnetic field is described by a set of evolution equations.
                    In the relativistic description, the set consists of two equations, in the non-relativistic
                    case of four equations. All observations of classical electrodynamics follow from these
                    equations. In fact, if quantum effects are properly taken into account, all electromagnetic
                    effects of nature are described.

                    The first field equation of electrodynamics

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    The first relativistic field equation of electrodynamics is the precise statement that elec-
                    tromagnetic fields originate at charges, and nowhere else. It can be written***

                                                   𝑑𝐹 = 𝑗𝜇0
                                                   or, equivalently
                                                           𝜌             1 ∂𝐸
                                                   ∇⋅𝐸 =       and ∇×𝐵 − 2    = 𝜇0 𝑗 .                                     (28)
                                                          𝜀0            𝑐 ∂𝑡

                    ** James Clerk Maxwell (b. 1831 Edinburgh, d. 1879 Cambridge) is one of the most important and influential
                    physicists. He founded electromagnetism by theoretically unifying electricity and magnetism, as described
                    in this chapter. His work on thermodynamics forms the second pillar of his activity. In addition, he studied
                    the theory of colours and developed the colour triangle; he was one of the first people to make a colour
                    photograph. He is regarded by many as the greatest physicist ever. Both ‘Clerk’ and ‘Maxwell’ were his
                    family names.
                    *** There is a certain freedom in writing the equations, because different authors absorb different combin-
                    ations of the constants 𝑐 and 𝜇0 into the definitions of the quantities 𝐹, 𝐴 and 𝑗. The one given here is the
                    most common version. The equations can be generalized to cases where the charges are not surrounded
                    by vacuum, but located inside matter. We will not explore these situations in our walk because, as we will
                    discover later on, the seemingly special case of vacuum in fact describes all of nature.
                 the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                                                 77

                                    electric field E
                                                                                    wire with                          current I
                                                                                    current I

                                        object with                                                 speed v        N          S
                                        charge ρ

                                                                       magnetic field B

                   Charges are sinks or sources             Currents have magnetic vortex           Changing electric fields
                   of electric field lines.                 field lines wrapped around them.        produce magnetic fields.

                 F I G U R E 43 The first of Maxwell’s field equations of electrodynamics illustrated in three drawings.

                                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Each of these two equivalent ways* to write the first Maxwell equation makes a simple

                     ⊳ Electrical charges carry the electromagnetic field. They carry it along with

                 For example, this first equation describes the attraction of dust by electrically charged
                 objects and the working of electromagnets.
                     This first field equation is equivalent to the three basic observations illustrated in Fig-

                                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 ure 43: Coulomb’s ‘law’ on the attraction and repulsion of charges, Ampère’s ‘law’ on the
                 attraction and repulsion of current-carrying wires, and Maxwell’s addition, the obser-
                 vation that changing electric fields induce magnetic effects. More precisely, if we know
                 where charges are and how they move, we can determine the electromagnetic field 𝐹 that
                 they generate. Static charges, described by a density 𝜌, produce electrostatic fields, and
                 moving charges, described by a 3-current density 𝑗, produce a mix of electric and mag-
                 netic fields. Stationary currents produce magnetostatic fields. In general, moving charges
                 produce moving fields.
                     The first field equation also contains the right hand rule for magnetic fields around
Challenge 74 e   wires, through the vector product. And as already mentioned, the equation also states,
                 most clearly in its last form, that changing electric fields induce magnetic fields. The effect
                 is essential in the primary side of transformers. The small factor 1/𝑐2 implies that the
                 effect is small; therefore coils with many windings or strong electric currents are needed
                 to produce or detect the effect.
                 * In component form, the first equation can be written

                                      𝑑𝜇 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = 𝑗𝜈 𝜇0 = (𝜌𝑐, 𝑗)𝜇0 = (𝜌0 𝛾𝑐, 𝜌0 𝛾𝑣)𝜇0       or
                                                                0      −𝐸𝑥 /𝑐   −𝐸𝑦 /𝑐    −𝐸𝑧 /𝑐
                                                               𝐸𝑥 /𝑐     0       −𝐵𝑧       𝐵𝑦
                                      (∂𝑡 /𝑐, ∂𝑥 , ∂𝑦 , ∂𝑧 ) (                                  ) = 𝜇0 (𝜌𝑐, 𝑗) .                   (29)
                                                               𝐸𝑦 /𝑐     𝐵𝑧       0        −𝐵𝑥
                                                               𝐸𝑧 /𝑐    −𝐵𝑦      𝐵𝑥         0
          78                         2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                         magnetic charges                                 I1(t)                I2(t)

                                                                             Changing magnetic fields
                                                                             lead to electric fields.

          F I G U R E 44 The second field equation of electrodynamics.

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          The second field equation of electrodynamics
          The second of Maxwell’s field equations, illustrated in Figure 44, expresses the obser-
          vation that in nature there are no magnetic charges, i.e., that magnetic fields have no
          sources. As a result, the equation also gives a precise description of how changing mag-
          netic fields create electric fields, and vice versa – often called Faraday’s ‘law’. The second
          of Maxwell’s equations for electrodynamics can be written

                                            𝑑 ∗ 𝐹 = 0 with           ∗ 𝜌𝜎
                                                                      𝐹       = 12 𝜀𝜌𝜎𝜇𝜈 𝐹𝜇𝜈

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                            or, equivalently
                                            ∇⋅𝐵 = 0 and ∇×𝐸 = −                      .                           (30)

          The second field equation* thus expresses the lack of sources for the dual field tensor ∗ 𝐹.
          In other words,

               ⊳ In nature there are no magnetic charges, i.e., no magnetic monopoles.

          * In component form, the second Maxwell equation can be written

                             𝑑𝜇 ∗ 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = 0     or
                                                      0     −𝐵𝑥      −𝐵𝑦        −𝐵𝑧
                                                     𝐵𝑥      0       𝐸𝑧 /𝑐     −𝐸𝑦 /𝑐
                             (∂𝑡 /𝑐, ∂𝑥 , ∂𝑦 , ∂𝑧 ) (                                 ) = (0, 0, 0, 0) or
                                                     𝐵𝑦    −𝐸𝑧 /𝑐     0         𝐸𝑥 /𝑐
                                                      𝐵𝑧   𝐸𝑦 /𝑐    −𝐸𝑥 /𝑐       0

                             𝜀𝜎𝜇𝜈𝜌 ∂𝜇 𝐹𝜈𝜌 = 0      or

                             ∂𝜇 𝐹𝜈𝜌 + ∂𝜈 𝐹𝜌𝜇 + ∂𝜌 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = 0 .                                                       (31)

          We note that the dual tensor ∗ 𝐹 follows from the field tensor 𝐹 by substituting 𝐸/𝑐 by 𝐵 and 𝐵 by −𝐸/𝑐. This
Page 91   is the so-called duality transformation. More on this duality below.
                  the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                                             79

                  There are no sources for magnetic fields. The second field equation thus states that cutting
                  a magnet with a north and a south pole in any way always produces pieces with two poles,
                  never a piece with a single pole.
                     Since there are no magnetic charges, magnetic field lines have no beginning and no
                  end; not only the magnetic field lines induced by charges, no, all magnetic field lines
                  have no beginning and no end. For example, field lines continue inside magnets. The
                  lack of beginnings and ends is expressed mathematically by stating that the magnetic flux
                  through a closed surface 𝑆 – such as a sphere or a cube – always vanishes: ∫𝑆 𝐵 d𝐴 = 0.
                  In other words, all field lines that enter a closed volume also leave it.* No magnetic flux
                  leaves a volume. This is often called the magnetic Gauss ‘law’.
                     Furthermore, the second field equation expresses

                      ⊳ Changes in magnetic fields produce electric fields.

                  This effect is used in the secondary side of transformers and in dynamos. The cross

                                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  product in the expression implies that an electric field generated in this way – also called
                  an electromotive field – has no start and end points. The electromotive field lines thus can
                  run in circles: in most practical cases they run along electric circuits. In short, an electric
                  field can have vortices (like the magnetic field), but only when there is a changing mag-
Challenge 75 ny   netic field. The minus sign is essential to ensure energy conservation (why?) and has a
                  special name: it is called Lenz’s rule.
                      In practice, the second Maxwell equation is always needed together with the first. Can
Challenge 76 ny   you see why?

                                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The validit y and the essence of Max well ’ s field equations
                  We saw above that Lorentz’ evolution equation

                                              𝑚𝑏 = 𝑞𝐹𝑢
                                              or, equivalently
                                              d𝐸/d𝑡 = 𝑞𝐸𝑣 and              d𝑝/d𝑡 = 𝑞(𝐸 + 𝑣 × 𝐵)                               (32)

                  describes how charges move given the motion of the fields. Together with Lorentz’ evolu-
                  tion equation, the two Maxwell’s evolution equations (28) and (30) describe all electro-
                  magnetic phenomena occurring on everyday scales, from mobile phones, car batteries,
                  to personal computers, lasers, lightning, holograms and rainbows. In other words, this
                  description of electromagnetic fields is complete for everyday life. Only quantum effects
                  and the effects of curved space-time are not included.
                     Maxwell’s equations seem very complex. But we should not forget that they contain
                  only four basic ideas.

                  * In contrast to what is often said and written in physics books, magnetic field lines are, in general, not closed
        Ref. 41   lines; they are not, in general, loops or vortex lines. Closed magnetic field lines occur only for straight wires;
                  they are not even loops for simple helical coils. In fact, in all usual, non-academic situations, magnetic field
                  lines start and end at spatial infinity.
                      Magnetic field lines are a mathematical tool, they do not provide a completely useful description of the
                  magnetic field. The magnetic field is best described by its vector field.
          80                       2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

              1. Electric charges follow Coulomb’s ‘law’.
              2. Electric charges moves slower than light.
              3. Electric charges are conserved.
              4. Magnetic charges do not exist.
          If we want to be really simplistic, Maxwell’s equations are just the relativistic formulation
          of Coulomb’s ‘law’. Indeed, as we have seen before, Maxwell’s equations follow from
Ref. 39   charge conservation alone.
              Maxwell’s equations remain fascinating to this day. Their applications are numerous,
          from industry to life-saving medicine, from toys and music to materials science, fusion
          research and astronomy. Transport, telecommunication, computers, electronics, most
          jobs, human life and practically all of its pleasures depend on electricity and magnet-
          ism. Already in 1899, after Heinrich Hertz put Maxwell’s equations into modern form,
          he said and wrote:

                 Man kann diese wunderbare Theorie nicht studieren, ohne bisweilen die

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Empfindung haben, als wohne den mathematischen Formeln selbständiges
                 Leben und eigener Verstand inne, als seien dieselben klüger als wir, klüger
                 sogar als ihre Erfinder, als gäben sie mehr heraus, als seinerzeit in sie
                 hineingelegt wurde. *

          When Ludwig Boltzmann wrote his book about electromagnetism in 1893, he added the
          following lyrical motto at the beginning of the chapter on Maxwell’s equations:

                 War es ein Gott der diese Zeichen schrieb,

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Die mit geheimnisvoll verborgnen Trieb
                 Die Kräfte der Natur um mich enthüllen
                 Und mir das Herz mit stiller Freud erfüllen?**

          Indeed, the Maxwell’s formulae have retained their fascination. New applications are
          still being found and developed every year, all over the world.
              In this adventure, will not explore many applications of the field equations. We leave
          most of them aside and continue directly towards our aim to understand the connection
          between electromagnetic fields, everyday motion and the motion of light. In fact, the
          electromagnetic field has an important property that we mentioned right at the start:
          the field itself can move. In particular, the field can carry energy, linear momentum and
          angular momentum.

          * ‘One cannot study this wonderful theory without sometimes having the feeling that these mathematical
          formulae contain independent life and their own intelligence, that they are smarter than us, smarter even
          than their discoverers, and that they give us more than was originally put into them.
          ** ‘Was it a god who wrote these signs / which with secret hidden drive / uncover nature’s forces around
          me / and fill my heart with silent joy?’ These four lines by Boltzmann are a paraphrase of four lines from
          Goethe’s Faust.
                  the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                                     81

                              m, q              m, q

                          v                            v

                                0    distance    r
                                                                   F I G U R E 45 Charged particles after a collision.

                  C olliding charged particles
                  Electromagnetic fields move. A simple experiment clarifies the meaning of motion for
                  fields: When two charged particles collide, their total momentum is not conserved. Let

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  us check this.
                      Imagine two particles of identical mass and identical charge just after a collision, when
                  they are moving away from one another. The situation is illustrated in Figure 45. Ima-
                  gine also that the two masses are large, so that the acceleration due to their electrical
                  repulsion is small. For an observer at the centre of gravity of the two, each particle feels
                  an acceleration from the electric field of the other. This electric field 𝐸 is given by the
Challenge 77 ny   so-called Heaviside formula
                                                           𝑞 (1 − 𝑣2 /𝑐2 )
                                                       𝐸=                  .                                (33)
                                                               4π𝜀0 𝑟2

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  In other words, the total system has a vanishing total momentum for this observer.
                      Take a second observer, moving with respect to the first with velocity 𝑣, so that the
                  first charge will be at rest. Expression (33) leads to two different values for the electric
        Ref. 42   fields, one at the position of each particle. In other words, the system of the two particles
                  is not in inertial motion, as we would expect; the total momentum is not conserved for
 Challenge 78 s   this observer. The missing momentum is small, but where did it go?
                      This at first surprising effect has even been put in the form of a theorem by Van Dam
        Ref. 43   and Wigner. They showed that, for a system of particles interacting at a distance, the total
                  particle energy–momentum cannot remain constant in all inertial frames.
                      The total momentum of the system is conserved only because

                     ⊳ The electromagnetic field itself also carries some momentum.

                  In short, momentum is conserved in the experiment, but some of it is carried by the field.
                  The precise amount depends on the observer.
                     Two colliding charged particles thus show us that electromagnetic fields have mo-
                  mentum. If electromagnetic fields have momentum, they are able to strike objects and
                  to be struck by them. As we will show below, light is also an electromagnetic field. Thus
                  we should be able to move objects by shining light on to them. We should even be able
                  to suspend particles in mid air by shining light on to them from below. Both predictions
      Page 120    are correct, and some experiments will be presented shortly.
                   82                         2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                      We conclude that any sort of field leading to particle interactions must carry both
                   energy and momentum, as the argument applies to all such cases. In particular, it applies
                   to nuclear interactions. Indeed, in the quantum part of our adventure we will even find
                   an additional result: all fields are themselves composed of particles. The energy and
                   momentum of fields then become an obvious state of affairs. In short, it makes sense to
                   say that electromagnetic fields move, because they carry energy and momentum.

                   What is contact?
                   The exploration of collisions, together with the result that matter consists of charged
                   particles, allows us to deduce

                        ⊳ Everyday contact is the exchange of electromagnetic fields.

                   In particular, we learn that actual contact does not exist in everyday life.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                        ⊳ In everyday contact, nothing actually touches anything else.

                   We have to bury a dream that has guided thinkers for centuries: the world is not mech-
                   anical. All processes around us are either electric or gravitational.

                   The gauge field – the electromagnetic vector potential*
                   The study of moving fields is called field theory and electrodynamics is the prime ex-
                   ample. (The other classical example is fluid dynamics; moving electromagnetic fields

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   and moving fluids are very similar mathematically.) Field theory is a beautiful topic;
                   field lines, equipotential lines and vortex lines are some of the concepts introduced in
                   this domain. They fascinate many.** However, in this mountain ascent we keep the dis-
                   cussion focused on motion.
                       We have seen that fields force us to extend our concept of motion. Motion is not only
                   the change in state of objects and of space-time, but also the change in state of fields. We
                   therefore need, also for fields, a complete and precise description of their state.
                       The observations using amber and magnets have shown us that electromagnetic fields
                   possess energy and momentum. Fields can impart energy and momentum to particles.
                   The experiments with motors have shown us that objects can add energy and momentum
                   to fields. We therefore need to define a state function which allows us to define energy
                   and momentum for electric and magnetic fields. And since electric and magnetic fields
                   transport energy, their motion must follow the speed limit in nature.
                       Hertz and Heaviside defined the state function of fields in two standard steps. The first
                   step is the definition of the (magnetic) vector potential, which describes the momentum

                   * This section can be skipped at first reading.
Challenge 79 s     ** What is the relation, for static fields, between field lines and (equi-) potential surfaces? Can a field line
                   cross a potential surface twice? For more details on topics such as these, see the free textbook by B o Thidé,
                   Electromagnetic Field Theory, on his website. And of course, in English, have
 Ref. 1, Ref. 24   a look at the texts by Schwinger and by Jackson.
                  the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                         83

                               current                                    current               magnet

                                                    vector                                         N

                  F I G U R E 46 Vector potentials for selected situations.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Ref. 44   per charge that the field provides:
                                                                      𝐴=        .                          (34)

                  When a charged particle moves through a magnetic potential 𝐴(𝑥), its momentum

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  changes by 𝑞Δ𝐴; it changes by the difference between the potential values at the start
                  and end points, multiplied by its charge. Owing to this definition, the vector potential
                  has the property that
                                                    𝐵 = ∇ × 𝐴 = curl 𝐴                               (35)

                  i.e., that the magnetic field is the curl of the magnetic potential. In most other languages
                  the curl is called the rotation and abbreviated rot. To visualize what the curl or rotation
                  is, imagine that the field vectors are the velocity vectors of flowing air. Now put a tiny
                  paddle-wheel at a point, as shown in Figure 47. If it turns, the curl is non-zero. The ro-
                  tation speed of the paddle-wheel is maximal for some direction of the axis; this maximal
                  speed defines both the magnitude and the direction of the curl at the point. (The right-
                  hand rule is implied.) For example, the curl for the velocities of a rotating solid body is
Challenge 80 ny   everywhere 2𝜔, or twice the angular velocity.
        Ref. 45       The vector potential for a long straight current-carrying wire is parallel to the wire; it
Challenge 81 ny   has the magnitude
                                                                   𝜇𝐼    𝑟
                                                         𝐴(𝑟) = − 0 ln ,                                  (36)
                                                                   4π   𝑟0

                  which depends on the radial distance 𝑟 from the wire and an integration constant 𝑟0 .
                  This expression for the vector potential, pictured in Figure 46, shows how the moving
                  current produces a linear momentum in the (electro-) magnetic field around it. In the
                  case of a solenoid, the vector potential ‘circulates’ around the solenoid. The magnitude
                 84                         2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                                   Field lines
                                   imagined as
                                   water flow


                 F I G U R E 47 Visualizing the curl of a vector field. Imagine the field to be flowing air and check whether
                 the small paddle-wheel rotates; if it does, the local curl is non-zero. The direction of the curl is the
                 direction of the paddle-wheel axis that yields the highest rotation velocity.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                 𝐴(r) = −        ,                                           (37)
                                                                            4π 𝑟
                 where Φ is the magnetic flux inside the solenoid. We see that, in general, the vector
                 potential is dragged along by moving charges. The dragging effect decreases for larger
                 distances. This fits well with the image of the vector potential as the momentum of the
                 electromagnetic field.
                     This behaviour of the vector potential around charges is reminiscent of the way honey

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 is dragged along by a spoon moving in it. In both cases, the dragging effect decreases with
                 distance. However, the vector potential, unlike the honey, does not produce any friction
                 that slows down charge motion. The vector potential thus behaves like a frictionless
                     Inside the solenoid, the magnetic field is constant and uniform. For such a field 𝐵 we
Challenge 82 e   find the vector potential
                                                       𝐴(r) = 𝐵 × 𝑟 .                                   (38)
                 In this case, the magnetic potential thus increases with increasing distance from the ori-
                 gin.* In the centre of the solenoid, the potential vanishes. The analogy of the dragged
                 honey gives exactly the same behaviour.
                    However, there is a catch. The magnetic potential is not defined uniquely. If 𝐴(𝑥) is a
                 vector potential, then the different vector potential

                                                             𝐴󸀠 (𝑥) = 𝐴(𝑥) + ∇ Λ ,                                           (39)

                 where Λ(𝑡, 𝑥) is some scalar function, is also a vector potential for the same situation.
                 (The magnetic field 𝐵 stays the same, though.) Worse, can you confirm that the corres-

                 * This is only possible as long as the field is constant; since all fields drop again at large distances – because
                 the energy of a field is always finite – also the vector potential drops at large distances.
                  the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                                      85

Challenge 83 ny   ponding (absolute) momentum values also change? This unavoidable ambiguity, called
                  gauge invariance or gauge symmetry, is a central property of the electromagnetic field.
                  We will explore it in more detail below.
                     Not only the momentum, but also the energy of the electromagnetic field is defined
                  ambiguously. Indeed, the second step in the specification of a state for the electromag-
        Ref. 44   netic field is the definition of the electric potential as the energy 𝑈 per charge:

                                                                   𝜑=                                                  (40)

                  In other words, the potential 𝜑(𝑥) at a point 𝑥 is the energy needed to move a unit charge
                  to the point 𝑥 starting from a point where the potential vanishes. The potential energy
                  is thus given by 𝑞𝜑. From this definition, the electric field 𝐸 is simply the change of the
                  potential with position corrected by the time dependence of momentum, i.e.,

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                             𝐸 = −∇𝜑 −          𝐴,                                     (41)
                  Obviously, there is a freedom in the choice of the definition of the potential. If 𝜑(𝑥) is a
                  possible potential, then
                                                    𝜑󸀠 (𝑥) = 𝜑(𝑥) − Λ                                    (42)
                  is also a potential function for the same situation. This freedom is the generalization of
                  the freedom to define energy up to a constant. Nevertheless, the electric field 𝐸 remains

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  the same for all potentials.
        Ref. 44       To be convinced that the potentials really are the energy and momentum of the elec-
Challenge 84 ny   tromagnetic field, we note that for a moving charge we have

                                                   𝑑 1 2            ∂
                                                     ( 𝑚𝑣 + 𝑞𝜑) = 𝑞 (𝜑 − 𝑣𝐴)
                                                   d𝑡 2             ∂𝑡
                                                        (𝑚𝑣 + 𝑞𝐴) = −∇𝑞 (𝜑 − 𝑣𝐴) ,                                     (43)
                  which show that the changes of generalized energy and momentum of a particle (on the
                  left-hand side) are due to the change of the energy and momentum of the electromag-
                  netic field (on the right-hand side).*
                      In relativistic 4-vector notation, the energy and the momentum of the field appear
                  together in one quantity. The state function of the electromagnetic field becomes

                                                               𝐴𝜇 = (𝜑/𝑐, 𝐴)                                           (44)

                  and is called the 4-potential. It is easy to see that the description of the field is complete,

                  * This connection also shows why the expression 𝑃𝜇 − 𝑞𝐴𝜇 appears so regularly in formulae; indeed, it plays
                  a central role in the quantum theory of a particle in the electromagnetic field.
                 86                        2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                 since we have

                              𝐹 = 𝑑 𝐴 or 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = ∂𝜇 𝐴𝜈 − ∂𝜈 𝐴𝜇                (and 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = ∂𝜇 𝐴 𝜈 − ∂𝜈 𝐴 𝜇 ) ,             (45)

                 which means that the electromagnetic field 𝐹 is completely specified by the 4-potential
                 𝐴.* But as just said, the 4-potential itself is not uniquely defined. Indeed, any other
                 equivalent 4-potential 𝐴󸀠 is related to 𝐴 by the gauge transformation

                                                            𝐴󸀠 𝜇 = 𝐴𝜇 + ∂𝜇 Λ                                           (46)

                 where Λ = Λ(𝑡, 𝑥) is any arbitrarily chosen scalar field. The new field 𝐴󸀠 leads to the same
                 electromagnetic field, and to the same accelerations and evolutions. The 4-potential 𝐴 is
                 thus an overdescription of the physical situation as several different gauge choices corres-
                 pond to the same physical situation.** Therefore we have to check that all measurement
                 results are independent of gauge transformations, i.e., that all observables are gauge in-

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 variant quantities. Such gauge invariant quantities are, as we just saw, the fields 𝐹 and
                   𝐹, and in general all classical quantities. We add that many theoretical physicists use
                 the term ‘electromagnetic field’ loosely for both the quantities 𝐹𝜇𝜈 and 𝐴𝜇 .
                    There is a simple image, due to Maxwell, to help overcoming the conceptual diffi-
                 culties of the vector potential. It turns out that the closed line integral over 𝐴 𝜇 is gauge
Challenge 86 e   invariant, because

                                             ∮ 𝐴𝜇 d𝑥𝜇 = ∮(𝐴𝜇 + ∂𝜇 Λ)d𝑥𝜇 = ∮ 𝐴󸀠𝜇 d𝑥𝜇 .                                  (47)

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 In other words, if we picture the vector potential as a quantity allowing us to associate
                 a number to a tiny ring at each point in space, we get a good, gauge invariant picture of
                 the vector potential.***
                     Now that we have defined a state function that describes the energy and momentum
                 of the electromagnetic field, let us look at what happens in more detail when electromag-
                 netic fields move.

                 The L agrangian of electromagnetism****
                 Instead of using the field and Lorentz equations, the motion of a charged particle and the
                 related motion of the electromagnetic field can also be described using a Lagrangian. It
                 is not hard to see that the action 𝑆CED for a particle in classical electrodynamics can be

                 * The connection between 𝐴 𝜇 and 𝐴𝜇 , the same as for every other 4-vector, was mentioned earlier on; can
Challenge 85 e   you restate it?
                 ** Choosing a function Λ is often called choosing a gauge; the 4-potential 𝐴 is also called the gauge field.
                 These strange terms have historic reasons and are now common to all of physics.
       Ref. 46   *** In the part of the text on quantum theory we will see that the exponent of this expression, namely
                 exp(𝑖𝑞 ∮ 𝐴 𝜇 d𝑥𝜇 )/ℏ, usually called the phase factor, can indeed be directly observed in experiments.
                 **** This section can be skipped at first reading.
                   the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                                     87

Challenge 87 ny    symbolically defined by*

                                              𝑆CED = −𝑐2 𝑚 ∫ d𝜏 −        1
                                                                              ∫ 𝐹 ∧∗𝐹 − ∫ 𝑗 ∧ 𝐴 ,                       (48)

                   which in index notation becomes

                                              ∞          d𝑥𝜇𝑛 (𝑠) d𝑥𝜈𝑛 (𝑠)
                             𝑆CED = −𝑚𝑐 ∫         √𝜂𝜇𝜈                     d𝑠 − ∫ ( 4𝜇1 𝐹𝜇𝜈 𝐹𝜇𝜈 + 𝑗𝜇 𝐴𝜇 ) d4 𝑥 ,        (49)
                                             −∞            d𝑠       d𝑠           M     0

                   or, in 3-vector notation

                                                                         𝜀        1 2
                               𝑆CED = −𝑐2 𝑚 ∫ d𝜏 + ∫(𝑞𝑣𝐴 − 𝑞𝜑) d𝑡d𝑉 + ∫ ( 0 𝐸2 −     𝐵 ) d𝑡d𝑉 .                         (50)
                                                                          2      2𝜇0

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   The new part is the measure of the change – or action – due to the electromagnetic field.
                   The pure field change is given by the term 𝐹 ∧∗𝐹, and the change due to interaction with
                   matter is given by the term 𝑗 ∧ 𝐴.
                      The least action principle, as usual, states that the change in a system is always as small
                   as possible. The action 𝑆CED leads to the evolution equations by requiring that the action
                   be stationary under variations 𝛿 and 𝛿󸀠 of the positions and of the fields which vanish at
                   infinity. In other terms, the principle of least action requires that

                                    𝛿𝑆 = 0 when 𝑥𝜇 = 𝑥𝜇 + 𝛿𝜇                  and 𝐴 𝜇 = 𝐴 𝜇 + 𝛿𝜇󸀠      ,

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                               provided      𝛿𝑥𝜇 (𝜃) → 0 for |𝜃| → ∞
                                               and     𝛿𝐴 𝜇 (𝑥𝜈 ) → 0         for |𝑥𝜈 | → ∞ .                           (51)

Vol. I, page 254   In the same way as in the case of mechanics, using the variational method for the two
Challenge 88 ny    variables 𝐴 and 𝑥, we recover the evolution equations for particle position and fields

                                           𝑞 𝜇 𝜈
                                    𝑏𝜇 =    𝐹 𝑢        , ∂𝜇 𝐹𝜇𝜈 = 𝑗𝜈 𝜇0         , and    𝜀𝜇𝜈𝜌𝜎 ∂𝜈 𝐹𝜌𝜎 = 0 ,             (52)
                                           𝑚 𝜈
                   which we know already: they are the Lorentz relation and the two field equations. Obvi-
                   ously, they are equivalent to the variational principle based on 𝑆CED . Both descriptions
                   have to be completed by specifying initial conditions for the particles and the fields, as
                   well as boundary conditions for the latter. We need the first and zeroth derivatives of the
                   position of the particles, and the zeroth derivative for the electromagnetic field.
                      With the Lagrangian (48) all of classical electrodynamics can be described and un-
                   derstood. For the rest of our exploration of electrodynamics, we look at some specific
                   topics from this vast field.

                   * The product described by the symbol ∧, ‘wedge’ or ‘hat’, and the duality operator ∗ have a precise math-
         Ref. 48   ematical meaning. The background, the concept of (mathematical) form, carries us too far from our walk.
                    88                    2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                    The energy–momentum tensor and its symmetries of motion
                    We know from classical mechanics that we get the definition of energy and momentum
                    by using Noether’s theorem. In particular, both the definition and the conservation of
                    energy and momentum arise from the Lorentz symmetry of the Lagrangian. For ex-
                    ample, we found that relativistic particles have an energy–momentum vector. At the
                    point at which the particle is located, it describes its energy and momentum.
                       Since the electromagnetic field is not a localized entity, like a point particle, but an
                    extended entity, a full description is more involved. In order to describe the energy–
                    momentum of the electromagnetic field completely, we need to know the flow of en-
                    ergy and momentum at every point in space, separately for each direction. This makes
                    a description with a tensor necessary, the so-called energy–momentum tensor 𝑇 of the
Vol. II, page 196   electromagnetic field.
                       The electric field times a charge is the force on that charge, or equivalently, its mo-
                    mentum increase per time. The generalization for the full electromagnetic field 𝐹, and
                    for the full power–force (or 4-force) vector 𝐾 is

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                     𝐹𝜇𝜈 𝑗𝜇 = 𝐾𝜈 = ∂𝜇 𝑇𝜇𝜈     .                           (53)

                    This short equation, which can also be derived from the Lagrangian, contains a lot of
                    information. In particular, it expresses that every change in energy of the field is the
                    sum of the energy radiated away (via the energy flow described by the Poynting vector
                    𝑆) and of change in the kinetic energy of the charges. The equation also makes a similar
                    statement on the momentum of the electromagnetic field.
                       The detailed parts of the energy–momentum tensor 𝑇 are found to be

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                         energy        energy flow or
                              𝜇𝜈         density      momentum density
                            𝑇      =(                                  )
                                      energy flow or    momentum
                                     momentum density   flow density
                                                          (𝜀0 𝐸2 + 𝐵2 /𝜇0 )/2       𝜀0 𝑐𝐸 × 𝐵
                                       𝑢 𝑆/𝑐 = 𝑐𝑝
                                   =(            )=(              𝜀0 𝑐⋅        −𝜀0 𝐸𝑖 𝐸𝑗 − 𝐵𝑖 𝐵𝑗 /𝜇0 )    (54)
                                      𝑐𝑝    𝑇
                                                                𝐸×𝐵           1/2𝛿𝑖𝑗 (𝜀0 𝐸2 + 𝐵2 /𝜇0 )

                    where 𝑆 = 𝐸 × 𝐵/𝜇0 is the Poynting vector that describes the energy flow density of the
                    electromagnetic field. The energy–momentum tensor 𝑇 obeys a continuity relation: it
                    describes a conserved quantity.
                       We can sum up by stating that in nature, energy and momentum are conserved, if
                    we take into account the momentum and energy of the electromagnetic field. And the
                    energy–momentum tensor shows again that electrodynamics is a gauge invariant de-
                    scription: the energy and momentum values do not depend on gauge choices.
                       The energy–momentum tensor, like the Lagrangian, shows that electrodynamics is
 Challenge 89 e     invariant under motion inversion. If all charges change direction of motion – a situation
                    often confusingly called ‘time inversion’ – they move backwards along the same paths
                    they took when moving forward. Every example of motion due to electric or magnetic
                   the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                            89

                   causes can also take place backwards.
                      On the other hand, everyday life shows many electric and magnetic effects that are
                   not time invariant, such as the breaking of bodies or the burning of electric light bulbs.
Challenge 90 s     Can you explain how this fits together?
                      We also note that charges and mass destroy a further symmetry of the vacuum that we
Vol. II, page 89   mentioned in special relativity: only the vacuum is invariant under conformal transform-
                   ations. In particular, only the vacuum is invariant under the spatial inversion 𝑟 → 1/𝑟.
                   Any other physical system does not obey conformal symmetry.
                      To sum up, electrodynamic motion, like all other examples of motion that we have
                   encountered so far, is deterministic, slower than 𝑐, reversible and conserved. This is no
                   big surprise. Nevertheless, two other symmetries of electromagnetism deserve special

                   Energy and momenta of the electromagnetic field
                   All moving entities have energy, momentum and angular momentum. This also applies

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   to the electromagnetic field. Indeed, the description so far allows us to write the total
                   energy 𝐸nergy of the electromagnetic field as

                                                               1 𝜀0 2 2 2
                                                   𝐸nergy =     ∫ (𝐸 + 𝑐 𝐵 ) d𝑉 .                               (55)
                                                              4π 2

                   Energy is thus quadratic in the fields.
                     For the total linear momentum 𝑝 we obtain

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                         𝑝=      ∫ 𝜀 𝐸 × 𝐵 d𝑉 .                                 (56)
                                                              4π 0

                   The expression inside the integral is the momentum density. The related vector 𝑆 =
                   𝐸 × 𝐵/𝜇0 , is called the Poynting vector* and describes the energy flux; it is a vector field
                   and has the units W/m2 . The Poynting vector is the momentum density divided by 𝑐2 ;
                   indeed, special relativity implies that the momentum and the energy flow for electro-
                   magnetic fields are related by a factor 𝑐2 . The Poynting vector thus describes the energy
                   flowing per area per time, in other words, the power per area. As shown below, the
       Page 88     Poynting vector is a part of the energy–momentum tensor.
                      Can you produce a graph of the Poynting vector field for a cable carrying direct cur-
Challenge 91 s     rent? For a transformer?
        Ref. 47       For the total angular momentum we have

                                                 𝜀0              𝜀
                                            𝐿=      ∫ 𝐸 × 𝐴 d𝑉 = 0 ∫ 𝑟 × (𝐸 × 𝐵) d𝑉 ,                           (57)
                                                 4π             4π

                   where 𝐴 is the magnetic vector potential.
                      In summary, the electromagnetic field has linear and angular momentum and energy,
                   with well-defined values. Nevertheless, for most everyday situations, the actual values

                   * John Henry Poynting (b. 1852 Monton, d. 1914 Birmingham) introduced the concept in 1884.
                   90                       2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                   F I G U R E 48 Which one is the original landscape? (NOAA).

 Challenge 92 e    are negligibly small, as you may want to check.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   What is a mirror? Is nature parit y-invariant?
                   We will study the strange properties of mirrors several times during our walk. We start
                   with the simplest one first. Everybody can observe, by painting each of their hands in a
                   different colour, that a mirror does not exchange right and left, as little as it exchanges
                   up and down; however, a mirror does exchange right and left handedness. In fact, it does
                   so by exchanging front and back.
                       Electrodynamics give a second answer: a mirror is a device that switches magnetic
                   north and south poles but does not switch the sign of charges. Can you confirm this

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
 Challenge 93 s    with a diagram?
                       But is it always possible to distinguish left from right? This seems easy: this text is
                   quite different from a derorrim version, as are many other objects in our surroundings.
                   But take a simple landscape. Are you able to say which of the two pictures of Figure 48
                   is the original?
                       Astonishingly, it is actually impossible to distinguish an original picture of nature
                   from its mirror image if it does not contain any human traces. In other words, every-
                   day nature is somehow left–right symmetric. This observation is so common that all
                   candidate exceptions have been extensively studied. Examples are the jaw movement of
Vol. V, page 259   ruminating cows, the helical growth of plants, such as hops, the spiral direction of snail
                   shells or the left turn taken by all bats when exiting their cave. The most famous example
                   is the position of the heart. The mechanisms leading to this disposition are still being in-
                   vestigated. Recent research discovered that the oriented motion of the cilia on embryos,
 Vol. V, page 27   in the region called the node, determines the right–left asymmetry. We will explore the
                   issue later on.
                       Most human bodies have more muscles on the right side for right-handers, such as
                   Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, and correspondingly on the left side for left-handers,
                   such as Charlie Chaplin and Peter Ustinov. This asymmetry reflects an asymmetry of the
                   human brain, called lateralization, which is essential to human nature.
                       Another asymmetry of the human body is the hair whirl on the back of the head; the
                   majority of humans have only one, and in 80 % of the cases it is left turning. But many
 Challenge 94 s    people have more than one. Can you name additional body asymmetries?
                   the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                        91

                       The left–right symmetry of nature appears because everyday nature is described by
                   gravitation and, as we will see, by electromagnetism. Both interactions share an import-
                   ant property: substituting all coordinates in their equations by the negative of their values
                   leaves the equations unchanged. This means that for any solution of these equations, i.e.,
                   for any naturally occurring system, a mirror image is a possibility that can also occur
                   naturally. Everyday nature thus cannot distinguish between right and left. Indeed, there
                   are right and left handers, people with their heart on the left and others with their heart
                   on the right side, etc.
                       To explore further this strange aspect of nature, try the following experiment: imagine
                   you are exchanging radio messages with a Martian; are you able to explain to him what
                   right and left are, so that when you meet, you are sure you are talking about the same
 Challenge 95 s    thing?
                       Actually, the mirror symmetry of everyday nature – also called its parity invariance –
         Ref. 49   is so pervasive that most animals cannot distinguish left from right in a deeper sense.
                   Most animals react to mirror stimuli with mirror responses. It is hard to teach them dif-

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   ferent ways to react, and it is possible almost only for mammals. The many experiments
                   performed in this area gave the result that animals have symmetrical nervous systems,
                   and possibly only humans show lateralization, i.e., a preferred hand and different uses
                   for the left and the right parts of the brain.
                       To sum up this digression, classical electrodynamics is left–right symmetric, or parity
 Challenge 96 s    invariant. Can you show this using its Lagrangian?
                       Why do metals provide good mirrors? Metals are strong absorbers of light. Any
                   strong absorber has a metallic shine. This is true for metals, if they are thick enough,
                   but also for dye or ink crystals. Any material that strongly absorbs a light wavelength

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   also reflects it efficiently. The cause of the strong absorption of a metal are the electrons
                   inside it; they can move almost freely and thus absorb most visible light frequencies; this
                   leads to evanescent waves in the material and strong reflection. Strong reflection appears
                   as soon as the absorption length is as low as about one wavelength. This is the reason that,
                   for example, strong coffee, strong tea and dense alkali vapour work as mirrors. (However,
                   strong reflection is also possible without strong absorption, as the ubiquitous dielectric
                   multilayers show.)
        Page 90        Here is a puzzle: a concave mirror shows an inverted image; so does a plane mirror
                   if it is partly folded along the horizontal. What happens if this mirror is rotated around
 Challenge 97 s    the line of sight?

                   What is the difference bet ween electric and magnetic fields?
                   Obviously, the standard answer is that electric fields have sources, and magnetic fields
                   do not; as a result, magnetic fields are small relativistic effects of importance only when
                   charge velocities are high or when electrical fields cancel out.
                      For situations involving matter, fields can indeed be distinguished with their sources.
                   Up to the present day, no particle with a magnetic charge, called a magnetic monopole,
                   has ever been found, even though its existence is possible in several speculative models
Vol. V, page 269   of particle physics. If found, the action (48) would have to be modified by the addition
                   of a fourth term, namely the magnetic current density. However, no such particle has yet
                   been detected, despite intensive search efforts.
                 92                       2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                    In empty space, when matter is not around, it is possible to take a completely different
                 view. In empty space the electric and the magnetic fields can be seen as two faces of the
                 same quantity, since a transformation such as

                                                              𝐸 → 𝑐𝐵
                                                              𝐵 → −𝐸/𝑐                                             (58)

                 called (electromagnetic) duality transformation, transforms each vacuum Maxwell equa-
                 tion into the other. The minus sign is necessary for this. (In fact, there are even more such
Challenge 98 s   transformations; can you spot them?) Alternatively, the duality transformation trans-
                 forms 𝐹 into ∗ 𝐹. In other words, in empty space we cannot distinguish electric from
                 magnetic fields. In particular, it is impossible to say, given a field line in vacuum, whether
                 it is a magnetic or an electric field line.
                     Matter would be symmetric under duality only if magnetic charges, also called mag-
                 netic monopoles, could exist. In that case the transformation (58) could be extended

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                                                     𝑐𝜌e → 𝜌m      ,   𝜌m → −𝑐𝜌e .                                 (59)

                 For a long time, it was thought that duality can be used in the search for the final, unified
       Ref. 50   theory of physics. However, this hope has evaporated. The reason for this failure can be
                 traced back to a small but ugly fact: the electromagnetic duality transformation changes
Challenge 99 e   the sign of the Lagrangian, and thus of the action. Therefore, electromagnetic duality is
                 not a real symmetry of nature, and thus does not help to reach a deeper understanding

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 of electromagnetism.
                    Duality, by the way, is a symmetry that works only in Minkowski space-time, i.e., in
                 space-times of 3 + 1 dimensions. Mathematically, duality is closely related to the exist-
                 ence of quaternions, to the possibility of interpreting Lorentz boosts as rotations in 3 + 1
                 dimensions, and last, but not least, to the possibility of defining other smooth mathem-
                 atical structures than the standard one on the space 𝑅4 . These mathematical connections
                 are mysterious for the time being; they somehow point to the special role that four space-
                 time dimensions play in nature. More details will become apparent in the last volume of
                 our adventure.

                 C ould electrodynamics be different?
       Ref. 39   We saw that electrodynamics is based on three ideas: the conservation of charge, the
                 speed limit for charges and Coulomb’s inverse square relation. Could any of these be
                 wrong or need modification?
                    Experiments imply that the only candidate for modification is Coulomb’s relation.
                 Indeed, any interaction, such as Coulomb’s relation (4), which acts, for one given ob-
                 server, between two particles independently of 3-velocity, must depend on 3-velocity for
                 other inertial observers.* Such an interaction must also depend on the 4-velocity, to en-
                 sure the requirement from special relativity that the 4-acceleration must be 4-orthogonal
                 * This can be deduced from special relativity, from the reasoning of page 53 or from the formula in the
                 footnote of page 83 in volume II.
          the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                      93

          to the 4-velocity. The simplest case of such an interaction is an interaction in which the
          acceleration is proportional to the 4-velocity. Together with the request that the interac-
Ref. 51   tion leaves the rest mass constant, we then recover electrodynamics. Other interactions
          do not agree with experiment.
             In fact, the requirements of gauge symmetry and of relativistic invariance make it
          impossible to modify electrodynamics. In short, it does not seem possible to have a
          behaviour different from 1/𝑟2 for a classical interaction.
             Maybe a tiny deviation from Coulomb’s relation is possible? An inverse square de-
          pendence implies a vanishing mass of light and light particles, the photons. Is the mass
Ref. 52   really zero? The issue has been extensively studied. A massive photon would lead to a
          wavelength dependence of the speed of light in vacuum, to deviations from the inverse
          square ‘law’, to deviations from Ampère’s ‘law’, to the existence of longitudinal electro-
          magnetic waves and more. No evidence for these effects has ever been found. A sum-
          mary of these studies shows that the photon mass is below 10−53 kg, maybe even below
          10−63 kg. Some arguments are not universally accepted, thus the limit varies somewhat

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          from researcher to researcher.
             A small non-vanishing mass for the photon would change electrodynamics some-
          what. The inclusion of a tiny mass poses no special problems, and the corresponding
Ref. 52   Lagrangian, the so-called Proca Lagrangian, has already been studied, just in case.
             Strictly speaking, the photon mass cannot be said to vanish. In particular, a photon
          with a Compton wavelength of the radius of the visible universe cannot be distinguished
          from one with zero mass through any experiment. This gives a limit mass of 10−69 kg for
          the photon. Photons with such a small mass value would not invalidate electrodynamics
          as we know it. We note that at present, the experimental limits are still much larger. A

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          surprise is still possible, in principle.
             Interestingly, a non-zero mass of the photon would imply the lack of magnetic mono-
          poles, as the symmetry between electric and magnetic fields would be broken. It is
          therefore important on the one hand to try to improve the experimental mass limit for
          photons, and on the other hand to explore whether the limit due to the universe’s size
          has any implications for this issue. The question is still open.
             In summary, it seems extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find modifications of
          electrodynamics that agree with experiment. Electrodynamics is fixed once for all.

          The brain: the toughest challenge for electrodynamics
          Researchers working on classical electrodynamics still face a fascinating experimental
          and theoretical issue: understanding the process of thought. Researchers face two chal-
          lenges in this domain. First, they must find ways to model the thought process. Second,
          the technology to measure the currents in the brain must be extended. In both domains,
          recent progress has been spectacular.
             Important research has been carried out on many levels of thought modelling. For
          example, research using computer tomography, PET scans and MRI imaging has shown
          that the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious can be measured: it has a
          biological basis. Conscious and unconscious thoughts happen in different brain regions.
          Psychological processes, such as repression of unpleasant thoughts, can actually be ob-
          served in brain scans. Modellers of brain mechanisms are learning that various concepts
            94                        2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

            F I G U R E 49 Typing a letter and playing video tennis using thought alone (© Fraunhofer FIRST).

            of psychology are descriptions for actual physical processes. This research approach is
            still in its infancy, but very promising.
                About the specific aspects of the working of the brain, such as learning, storage, re-
            cognition of shapes, location of sound sources or map formation, modern neurobiology

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            and animal experimentation have allowed deducing models that make quantitative pre-
Page 271    dictions. More on this will be told below.
                On the experimental side, research into magnetoencephalography devices is making
            rapid progress. The magnetic fields produced by brain currents are as low as 10 fT, which
            require sensors at liquid helium temperature and a good shielding of background noise.
            Improving the sensitivity and the spatial resolution of these systems is a central task. Also
            computer models and algorithms are making rapid progress.
                The whole programme would be complete as soon as, in a distant future, a sensit-
            ive measuring apparatus could detect what is going on inside the brain and then could

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            deduce or ‘read’ the thoughts of a person from these measurements. Thought read-
            ing might be the most complex of all challenges that science and technology are facing.
            Clearly, such a feat will require involved and expensive machinery, so that there is no
            danger for a misuse of the technique. There are good reasons to believe that full thought
            reading will never be possible in this way, due to the lack of localization of cognitive
            thought inside the brain and due to the variations in cognitive processing from one per-
            son to another. But the understanding and modelling of the brain will be a useful tech-
            nology in a number of aspects of daily life, especially for the disabled.
                On the path towards thought reading, the small progress that has been achieved so
            far is already fascinating. Wearing a cap full of electric contacts – a so-called brain–
            computer interface – and looking at a computer screen, it is now possible to type letters
            using the power of thought alone. Such a system is shown in Figure 49. The user controls
            the computer simply by imagining that he turns the arrow on the screen with his right
            hand. The brain currents created by the imagination process are read out and translated
  Ref. 53   into computer commands by an electronic device. The system, based on neural network
            algorithms, works after only 20 minutes of training with a particular person. In this way,
            the system allows people who are fully paralysed to communicate with others again. The
            system is so fast that it allows playing ‘mental video tennis’ on a computer screen.
                Typing with thought alone is possible because the brain region responsible for the
            hand is near the skull, so that signals for hand rotation can be read out with sufficient
            spatial resolution by the electrodes on the cap. Researchers know that resolution limita-
            tions do not allow reading out the commands for single fingers in this way. For such high
                  the description of electromagnetic field evolution                                        95

                  resolution tasks, electrodes still need to be implanted inside the relevant brain region.
                  However, at present the functional lifetime for such electrodes is only a few months, so
                  that the dream of controlling machines or even artificial limbs in this way is still distant.
                     Recent research with brain–computer interfaces suggests that in a not-too distant fu-
                  ture a computer might be able to read out a secret number, such as a credit card PIN,
        Ref. 54   that a person is thinking about. The coming decades will surely yield more such research

                  Challenges and fun curiosities ab ou t electrodynamics
                  Not only animals, also plants can feel electric and magnetic fields. At least for magnetic
                  fields, the sensors seem to use very similar mechanisms to those used by animals and
                  For everyday size – and larger – systems, electromagnetic motors are most effective. For

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  microscopic sizes, electrostatic motors are more effective. They are used in sensors and
                  small actuators. In contrast, large power systems use alternating current instead of direct
                  If you calculate the Poynting vector for a charged magnet – or simpler, a point charge
                  near a magnet – you get a surprising result: the electromagnetic energy flows in circles
                  around the magnet. How is this possible? Where does this angular momentum come
Challenge 100 s   from?

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      Worse, any atom is an example of such a system – actually of two such systems. Why
        Ref. 55   is this effect not taken into account in calculations in quantum theory?
                  Perfectly spherical electromagnetic waves are impossible in nature. Can you show this
Challenge 101 s   using Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetism, or even without them?
                  Mirrors exist in many forms. An important mirror for radio waves is the ionosphere; es-
                  pecially during the night, when certain absorbing layers disappear, the ionosphere allows
                  receiving radio stations from far away. When the weather is favourable, it is possible to
                  receive radio stations sending from the antipodes. Another radio mirror is the Moon;
                  with modern receivers it is possible to receive radio signals and, since a few years, even
                  television signals reflected by the Moon.
                  In the past, textbooks often said that the Poynting vector, the electromagnetic energy
                  flow, was not uniquely defined. Even Richard Feynman talks about this issue in his Lec-
                  tures on Physics, in section 27-4. Can you show that there is no such ambiguity in the
Challenge 102 s   Poynting vector, and that those textbooks are all wrong?
                  96                    2 the description of electromagnetic field evolution

                  No magnetic charges exist. More precisely, no particles with a single, non-zero magnetic
                  charge exist. But we can introduce the mathematical quantity ‘magnetic charge’ never-
                  theless – it is usually called ‘magnetic pole strength – as long as we require that every ob-
                  ject always has equal amounts of opposite magnetic charge values. With this condition,
        Ref. 56   the magnetic charge is the divergence of the magnetization and obeys the magnetostatic
                  Poisson equation, in a striking parallel to the electric case.
                  A recent object of research are solutions to the vacuum field equations that have knotted
        Ref. 57   field lines. Such solutions do exist in theory, as shown by various authors. However,
                  nobody has been able to realize such a solution in an experiment.
                  Any wall plug is a dipole driven by an alternating electric field. Why does a wall plug,

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 103 s   delivering 230 V or 100 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, not radiate electromagnetic fields?
Challenge 104 e   Why does a voltage transformer contain a ferromagnetic core?
Challenge 105 s   Are there electromagnetic motors in biological systems?

                  Summary on electromagnetic field motion

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  In summary, the electromagnetic field carries energy, linear momentum and angular mo-
                  mentum. It is thus appropriate to say that the electromagnetic field moves. The motion
                  of the electromagnetic field is described by a least action principle, or equivalently, by
                  Maxwell’s equations.
                      The motion of the electromagnetic field can be visualized as the motion of its elec-
                  tric and its magnetic field lines. The motion of the fields conserves energy and mo-
                  mentum. The motion of electromagnetic fields is continuous, relative, reversible and
                      These results directly lead to ask: What is the nature of light?
            Chapter 3

            W HAT I S L IG H T ?

                 he nature of light has fascinated explorers of nature since at least the time of
  Ref. 58        he ancient Greeks. The answer appeared in 1848, when Gustav Kirchhoff noted
                 hat the experimental values on both sides of the following equation agreed within
            measurement errors:

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                𝑐=           .                                (60)
                                                    √𝜀0 𝜇0

            This equality suggested the answer to the question asked two thousand years earlier:

               ⊳ Light is an electromagnetic wave.

            Ten years later, in 1858, Bernhard Riemann** proved mathematically that any electro-
            magnetic wave in vacuum must propagate with a speed 𝑐 given by the above equation.
            We note that the quantities on the right-hand side are electric and magnetic, while the

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            quantity on the left-hand side is optical. The expression of Kirchhoff and Riemann thus
            unifies electromagnetism and optics. The modern value for the speed of electromagnetic
            waves, usually called 𝑐 from Latin celeritas, is

                                                    𝑐 = 299 792 458 m/s .                                      (61)

            The value for 𝑐 is an integer number, because the meter is nowadays defined in such a
Page 352    way as to exactly achieve this number.
               In 1865, Maxwell summarized all data on electricity and magnetism collected in the
            previous 2500 years in his equations. Almost nobody read his papers, because he wrote
            them using quaternions. The equations were then simplified independently by Heinrich
            Hertz and Oliver Heaviside. They deduced the original result of Riemann: in the case of
            empty space, the equations of the electromagnetic potentials can be written as
                                                               ∂2 𝜑 ∂2 𝐴 𝑥 ∂ 𝐴 𝑦 ∂2 𝐴 𝑧
                        ◻ 𝐴 = 0 or, equivalently          𝜀0 𝜇0 2 +       +     +       =0.                    (62)
                                                               ∂𝑡    ∂𝑥2    ∂𝑦2   ∂𝑧2

            ** Bernhard Riemann (b. 1826 Breselenz, d. 1866 Selasca), important mathematician. A path-breaking
            mathematician, he also studied curved space, providing several of the mathematical and conceptual found-
            ations of general relativity, but then died at an early age.
                   98                                                                      3 what is light?

                                                                                            F I G U R E 50 White
                                                                                            light travelling
                                                                                            through a glass prism
                                                                                            (photograph by Susan
                                                                                            © Exploratorium

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 106 e    This evolution equation is a wave equation, because it admits solutions of the type

                           𝐴(𝑡, 𝑥) = 𝐴 0 sin(𝜔𝑡 − 𝑘𝑥 + 𝛿) = (𝐴 0𝑥 , 𝐴 0𝑦 , 𝐴 0𝑧 ) sin(2π𝑓𝑡 − 2π𝑥/𝜆 + 𝛿) ,   (63)

                   which are commonly called harmonic plane electromagnetic waves. We recall that a wave
Vol. I, page 293   in physics is any propagating imbalance, and that a harmonic wave is a wave described
                   by a sine curve.
                      Such a harmonic plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum satisfies equation (62) for
                   any value of amplitude 𝐴 0 , of phase 𝛿, and of angular frequency 𝜔, provided the angular

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   frequency and the wave vector 𝑘 satisfy the relation

                                                     1                       1 √ 2
                                          𝜔(𝑘) =          𝑘   or 𝜔(𝑘) =           𝑘 .                       (64)
                                                   √ 0 𝜇0
                                                    𝜀                      √ 0 𝜇0

                   The relation 𝜔(𝑘) between the angular frequency and the wave vector, the so-called dis-
                   persion relation, is the main property of any type of wave, be it a sound wave, a water
                   wave, an electromagnetic wave, or any other kind.
                      The specific dispersion relation (64) is linear and implies a phase velocity 𝑐, the ve-
                   locity with which wave crests and troughs move, given by 𝑐 = 𝜔/𝑘 = 1/√𝜀0 𝜇0 , thus
                   reproducing the result by Kirchhoff and Riemann.
                      Experiments in empty space confirm that the phase velocity 𝑐 is independent of the
                   frequency, amplitude or phase of the wave. This constant phase velocity 𝑐 thus charac-
                   terizes electromagnetic waves, and distinguishes them from all other types of waves in
                   everyday life.

                   What are electromagnetic waves?
                   To get a clearer idea of electromagnetic waves, we explore their properties. The wave
                   equation (62) for the electromagnetic field is linear in the field; this means that the sum
                   of two allowed situations is itself an allowed situation. Mathematically speaking, any
                   superposition of two solutions is also a solution. We therefore know that electromagnetic
           what is light?                                                                                               99


                                        Electric field

                  wavelength 𝜆

                                                                                            F I G U R E 51 The general
                                                                                            structure of a plane,
                                               Magnetic Field                               monochromatic and
                                                                                            linearly polarized
                                                                                            electromagnetic wave at
                                                                                            a specific instant of time.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 52 A plane, monochromatic and linearly polarized electromagnetic wave, showing the
           evolution of the electric field, the magnetic field, and again the electric field, in a further visualization
           (Mpg films © Thomas Weiland).

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           waves must show interference, as all linear waves do.
               Linearity also implies that two waves can cross each other without disturbing each
           other, and that electromagnetic waves can travel undisturbed across static electromag-
           netic fields.
               Linearity also means that every electromagnetic wave can be described as a superpos-
           ition of harmonic, or pure sine waves, each of which is described by expression (63), with
           its own frequency, amplitude and phase. It thus makes sense to talk about the spectrum
           of electromagnetic waves, i.e., about the range of frequencies and their properties.
               The simplest possible electromagnetic wave, the harmonic plane wave with linear
Page 111   polarization, is illustrated in Figure 51. Note that for this simplest type of waves, the
           electric and the magnetic field are in phase. (Can you prove this experimentally and by
           calculation?) The surfaces formed by all points of maximal field intensity are parallel
           planes, spaced by (half the) wavelength; these planes move along the direction of the
           propagation with the phase velocity.

           Experiments with electromagnetic waves
           After Riemann and Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, in the
           years between 1885 and 1889, Heinrich Hertz* discovered and studied them. He fabric-

           * Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (b. 1857 Hamburg, d. 1894 Bonn), important theoretical and experimental phys-
           icist. The unit of frequency is named after him. Despite his early death, Hertz was a central figure in the
100                                                                               3 what is light?

                      F I G U R E 53 Heinrich Hertz (1857 –1894).

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

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            battery                                                 receiver 1        receiver 2

F I G U R E 54 A reconstruction of one of the first transmitters and receivers of electromagnetic waves by
Heinrich Hertz (© Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi).

ated a very simple transmitter and receiver for 2 GHz waves, shown in Figure 54. Such
waves are still used today: cordless telephones and the last generation of mobile phones
work at this frequency – though the transmitters and the receivers look somewhat dif-
ferently nowadays. Such waves are now also called radio waves, since physicists tend to
call all moving force fields radiation, recycling somewhat incorrectly a Greek term that
originally meant ‘light emission.’
   Today Hertz’s experiment can be repeated in a much simpler way. As shown in Fig-
ure 55, a budget of a few euro is sufficient to remotely switch on a light emitting diode
with a gas lighter. (After each activation, the coherer has to be gently tapped, in order to
get ready for the next activation.) Attaching longer wires as antennas and ground allows
this set-up to achieve transmission distances up to 30 m.

development of electromagnetism, in the explanation of Maxwell’s theory and in the unfolding of radio
communication technology. More about him on page 236 in volume I.
what is light?                                                                                           101

spark transmitter


F I G U R E 55 The simplest radio transmitter possible, a gas lighter and a wire, together with the simplest
radio receiver possible, built from a battery pack, a light emitting diode, and a simple coherer made
from a ball pen housing, two screws and some metal powder (© Guido Pegna).

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    Hertz also measured the speed of the waves he produced. In fact, you can also meas-
ure the speed at home, with a chocolate bar and a (older) kitchen microwave oven. A
microwave oven emits radio waves at 2.5 GHz – not far from Hertz’s value. Inside the
oven, these waves form standing waves. Just put the chocolate bar (or a piece of cheese)
in the oven and switch the power off as soon as melting begins. You will notice that
the bar melts at regularly spaced spots. These spots are half a wavelength apart. From
the measured wavelength value and the frequency, the speed of light and of radio waves
simply follows as the product of the two.
    If you are not convinced, you can measure the speed directly, by telephoning a friend

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
on another continent, if you can make sure of using a satellite line (choose a low cost
provider). There is about half a second additional delay between the end of a sentence
and the answer of the friend, compared with normal conversation. In this half second,
the signal goes up to the geostationary satellite, down again and returns the same way.
This half second gives a speed of 𝑐 ≈ 4 ⋅ 36 000 km/0.5 s ≈ 3 ⋅ 105 km/s, which is close to
the precise value. Radio amateurs who reflect their signals from the Moon can perform
a similar experiment and achieve higher precision.
    In summary: electromagnetic waves exist and move with the speed of light.

Light as a wave
The electromagnetic wave equation is not limited to radio waves; it has even more inter-
esting stories to tell. Above all, the wave equation confirmed earlier predictions that light
itself is an electromagnetic wave, albeit with a much higher frequency and much shorter
wavelength than radio waves. We check this in two steps: we first show that light is a
wave and then show that it is electromagnetic.
    The first to suggest that light is a (kind of) wave was, around the year 1678, the im-
portant physicist Christiaan Huygens.* You can confirm that light is a wave with your

* Christiaan Huygens (b. 1629 ’s Gravenhage, d. 1695 Hofwyck) was one of the main physicists and math-
ematicians of his time. Huygens clarified the concepts of mechanics; he also was one of the first to show that
light is a wave. He wrote influential books on probability theory, clock mechanisms, optics and astronomy.
                  102                                                                                3 what is light?

                                                                                                           F I G U R E 56
                                                                                                           Diffraction lines
                                                                                                           can be seen
                                                                                                           between the

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                           fingers, if one
                                                                                                           looks carefully
                                                                                                           (© Chuck Bueter)

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 57 The primary and secondary rainbow, and the supernumerary bows below the primary bow
                  (© Antonio Martos and Wolfgang Hinz).

                  own fingers. Simply place your hand one or two centimetres in front of your eye, look
                  towards the sky through the gap between the middle and the index finger and let the two
                  fingers almost touch. You will see a number of dark lines crossing the gap. These lines
                  are the interference pattern formed by the light behind the slit created by the fingers. Fig-
                  ure 56 shows an example. Interference is the name given to the effect and the amplitude
                  patterns that appear when several waves superpose.* The interference patterns depend
                  on the spacing between the fingers. This experiment therefore allows you to estimate the
Challenge 108 s   wavelength of light, and thus, if you know its speed, its frequency. Can you do this?
                     Historically, another effect was central in convincing researchers that light was a wave:

                  Among other achievements, Huygens showed that the Orion Nebula consists of stars, discovered Titan, the
                  moon of Saturn, and showed that the rings of Saturn consist of rock. (This is in contrast to Saturn itself,
                  whose density is lower than that of water.)
Challenge 107 s   * Where does the energy go in an interference pattern?
                   what is light?                                                                                             103

                                                                                 F I G U R E 58 The light power transmitted
                                                                                 through a slit as function of its width

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                 (© Nature).

                   supernumerary rainbows, the additional bows below the main or primary rainbow. If we
                   look carefully at a rainbow, below the main red–yellow–green–blue–violet bow, we ob-
         Ref. 59   serve weaker, additional green, blue and violet bows. Depending on the intensity of the
                   rainbow, several of these supernumerary rainbows can be observed. They are due to
                   interference of light triggered by the water droplets, as Thomas Young showed around
       Page 130    1803.* Indeed, the repetition distance of the supernumerary bows depends on the radius
                   and shape distribution of the average water droplets that form them. (Details about the

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         Ref. 60
       Page 125    normal rainbows are given below.) Both supernumerary rainbows and Thomas Young
                   were essential to convince people that light is a wave. It seems that in those times scient-
                   ists either did not trust their own eyes or fingers, or did not have any.
                       There are many other ways in which the wave character of light can be made apparent.
                   Maybe the most beautiful is an experiment carried out by a team of Dutch physicists in
         Ref. 61   1990. They simply measured the light transmitted through a slit in a metal plate. It turns
                   out that the transmitted intensity depends on the width of the slit. Their surprising result
                   is shown in Figure 58. Can you explain the origin of the unexpected intensity steps in
Challenge 109 ny   the curve?
                       Interference of light is a common effect. It is commonly seen when lasers are used. A
                   few examples are shown in Figure 59. Both white light interference and laser interference

                   * Thomas Young (b. 1773 Milverton, d. 1829 London), read the bible at two, spoke Latin at four; a doctor of
                   medicine, he became a professor of physics. He introduced the concept of interference into optics, explain-
                   ing Newtonian rings and supernumerary rainbows; he was the first person to determine light’s wavelength,
                   a concept that he also introduced, and its dependence on colour. He was the first to deduce the three-colour
                   vision explanation of the eye and, after reading of the discovery of polarization, explained light as a trans-
                   verse wave. In short, Young discovered most of what people learn at secondary school about light. He was
                   a universal talent: he also worked on the deciphering of hieroglyphs, studied languages and introduced the
                   term ‘Indo-European’, explored ship building and many engineering problems. Young collaborated with
                   Fraunhofer and Fresnel. In Britain his ideas on light were not accepted, since Newton’s followers crushed all
                   opposing views. Towards the end of his life, his results were finally made known to the physics community
                   by Fresnel and Helmholtz.
                  104                                                                           3 what is light?

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 59 Some interference patterns: the interference that a playing guitar produces in laser
                  holography that show how the body vibrates, the interference produced by a good parabolic telescope
                  mirror of 27 cm diameter, a speckle laser pattern on a rough surface and the diffraction pattern
                  produced by two parallel narrow slits illuminated with green light and with white light respectively
                  (© Bernard Richardson, Cardiff University, Mel Bartels, Epzcaw and Dietrich Zawischa).

                  are used for measurements; nowadays, a whole industry makes use of interference effects.
                     Given an interference pattern like the green one in Figure 59, you may wish to calcu-
                  late the distance between the lines, given the slit distance 𝑠, the colour and the distance
                  𝑑 to the screen. (This experiment was used to determine the wavelength of the light for
Challenge 110 s   the first time.)
                     Another proof that light is a wave is the discovery of light polarization. We will ex-
                  plore it shortly. Numerous other experiments on the creation, detection and measure-
                  ment of light waves were performed between the seventeenth and the twentieth century.
                  For example, in 1800, William Herschel discovered infrared light using a prism and a
                  what is light?                                                                                105

                                           primary               secondary
                                           infrared              infrared
                                           rainbow               rainbow



                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                 F I G U R E 60 The same rainbow
                                                                                 in the visible and in the infrared,
                                                                                 showing how infrared comes
                                                                                 before red (© Stefan Zeiger).

Challenge 111 s   thermometer. (Can you guess how?) In 1801, Johann Wilhelm Ritter (b. 1776 Samitz,
                  d. 1810 Munich) a more than colourful figure of natural Romanticism, discovered ultra-

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  violet light using silver chloride, AgCl, and again a prism. Modern cameras can image
                  infrared light, as shown beautifully in Figure 60.
                      At the end of the twentieth century a beautiful confirmation of the oscillations in light
                  waves became possible. Using quite sophisticated experiments, researchers measured the
        Ref. 62   oscillation frequency of visible light directly. They actually managed to count how often
                  light wave oscillate in a second! The frequency value, between 375 and 750 THz, is exactly
                  as predicted. The frequency value is so high that its detection was impossible for a long
                  time. But with these modern experiments the dispersion relation of light, 𝜔 = 𝑐𝑘, has
        Ref. 63   been confirmed in all its details, and to extremely high precision.
                      The result of all these experiments is: light waves, like all other waves, can be dis-
                  tinguished by their wavelength or frequency values. The most important categories are
      Page 108    listed in Table 14. For visible light, the wavelength lies between 0.4 μm, corresponding
                  to violet, and 0.8 μm, corresponding to red. The wavelength of a visible harmonic light
                  wave determines its colour.
                      Light is a wave. This statement also ends a discussion that led to intense debate in
                  the Middle Ages: How narrow can a light beam be? A light beam cannot be arbitrarily
                  narrow. The wave properties of light imply that any attempt to produce an extremely
                  narrow beam of light, say by shining light on a tiny hole in a wall, produces a strongly
                  divergent beam. A light beam cannot even have a sharp border. Also every attempt to
                  concentrate light of a single wavelength on a tiny spot has its limits, as Figure 61 shows:
                  with a factor of order 1, the product of the two transverse quantities 𝑤𝑑 equals that of
                  the two longitudinal quantities 𝜆𝑓. In short,
                  106                                                                              3 what is light?



                                                               𝑤 = 𝑘𝜆𝑓/𝑑

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 61 The focus of a converging light beam has a minimum size, the waist radius 𝑤, given by the
                  wavelength and the geometry. The waist radius also depends on a number 𝑘, of order 1, that describes
                  how the light intensity changes transversally to the beam. Note that the transition between the green
                  beam and the background is never sharp, in contrast to the drawing.

                     ⊳ Light beams cannot be arbitrary narrow lines.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The diameter of a light beam is both determined and limited by the wavelength and by
                  the geometric arrangement that produce it.

                  Light and other electromagnetic waves
                  The experiments mentioned so far showed that electromagnetic waves exist, that they
                  move with the same speed as light, and that light is a wave. To confirm that light waves are
                  indeed electromagnetic is more difficult. The most convincing proof would be to repeat
      Page 100    Hertz’s experiments for light. In Hertz’s experiment, shown in Figure 54, the receiver is
                  a simple open metal circle; when the wave – more precisely, its magnetic field – arrives,
                  a spark is generated and the wave is thus detected.
                     In an almost incredible feat of miniaturization, in 2009, the research group of Ko-
        Ref. 64   bus Kuipers managed to make metal rings much smaller than a micrometre, and repeat
                  Hertz’s experiment for light. An impression of their experiment is given in Figure 62.
                  They could clearly discern the maxima and minima of waves, as well as their polariza-
                  tion. They thus showed that light is an electromagnetic wave in exactly the same way as
                  Hertz did for radio waves.
                     Of course, people in the 19th century had less technology at their disposal and were
                  not easily convinced. They had to look for other ways to show that light is electromag-
                  netic in nature. Now, since the evolution equations of the electrodynamic field are linear,
Challenge 112 e   additional electric or magnetic fields alone do not influence the motion of light. On the
                  other hand, we know that electromagnetic waves are emitted only by accelerated charges,
          what is light?                                                                                      107

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          F I G U R E 62 An experiment measuring the electric and magnetic field of light. Top left: the general
          set-up; top right: the antenna, indicated by an arrow; bottom: the measurement data (© Kobus Kuipers)

          and that all light is emitted from matter. It thus follows that matter is full of electromag-
          netic fields and accelerated electric charges. This in turn implies that the influence of
          matter on light can be understood from its internal electromagnetic fields and, in par-
          ticular, that subjecting matter to an external electromagnetic field should change the light
          it emits, the way matter interacts with light, or generally, the material properties as a
              Searching for effects of electricity and magnetism on matter has been a main effort of
          physicists for over a hundred years. For example, electric fields influence the light trans-
          mission of oil, an effect discovered by John Kerr in 1875.* Also the discovery that certain
          gases change colour when subject to a field yielded several Nobel Prizes for physics. With
          time, many more influences on light-related properties by matter subjected to fields were
          found. An extensive list is given below, in the table on page 231. It turns out that apart
          from a few exceptions the effects can all be described by the electromagnetic Lagrangian
Page 87   (48), or equivalently, by Maxwell’s equations (52). In summary, classical electrodyna-
          mics indeed unifies the description of electricity, magnetism and optics; all phenomena

          * John Kerr (b. 1824 Ardrossan, d. 1907 Glasgow), was mathematician and physicist, as well as friend and
          collaborator of William Thomson.
108                                                                               3 what is light?

in these fields, from the rainbow to radio and from lightning to electric motors, are found
to be different aspects of the evolution of the electromagnetic field.
    After two centuries of research, it became clear that light and radio waves form only
a small section of the full spectrum of electromagnetic waves, which contains the waves
from the smallest possible to the largest possible wavelengths. The full spectrum is given
in the following table.

TA B L E 14 The electromagnetic spectrum.

Fre -  Wa v e - Name Main        Appearance                                       Use
quency length        propertie s
3⋅ 10−18 Hz 1026 m       Lower frequency limit           see the section on cosmology
< 10 Hz     > 30 Mm      Quasistatic fields              intergalactic,           power transmission,
                                                         galactic, stellar and    accelerating and
                                                         planetary fields,        deflecting cosmic

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                         brain, electrical fish   radiation
                         Radio waves                     electronic devices
10 Hz–      30 Mm–       ELW      go round the           nerve cells,             power transmission,
50 kHz      6 km                  globe, penetrate       electromechanical        communication
                                  into water,            devices                  through metal walls,
                                  penetrate metal                                 communication with
                                                                                  submarines www.vlf.
50 –        6 km–        LW         follow Earth’s       emitted by               radio

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
500 kHz     0.6 km                  curvature, felt by   thunderstorms            communications,
                                    nerves (‘bad                                  telegraphy, inductive
                                    weather nerves’)                              heating
500 –       600 m–       MW         reflected by night                            radio
1500 kHz    200 m                   sky
1.5 –       200 m–       SW         circle world if      emitted by stars         radio transmissions,
30 MHz      10 m                    reflected by the                              radio amateurs,
                                    ionosphere,                                   spying
                                    destroy hot air
15 –    20 m–2 m         VHF        allow battery        emitted by Jupiter       remote controls,
150 MHz                             operated                                      closed networks, tv,
                                    transmitters                                  radio amateurs, radio
                                                                                  navigation, military,
                                                                                  police, taxi
150 –    2 m–0.2 m UHF              idem, line of                                 radio, walkie-talkies,
1500 MHz                            sight propagation                             tv, mobile phones,
                                                                                  internet via cable,
                                                                                  bicycle speedometers
what is light?                                                                             109

Fre -  Wa v e - Name Main        Appearance                              Use
quency length        propertie s
1.5 –     20 cm–2 cm SHF      idem, absorbed      night sky, emitted radio astronomy,
15 GHz                        by water            by hydrogen atoms used for cooking
                                                                     (2.45 GHz),
15 –      20 mm–     EHF      idem, absorbed
150 GHz   2 mm                by water
                     Infrared allows night        emitted by every       satellite photography
                              vision              warm object            of Earth, astronomy
0.3 –     1000 –3 μm IRC or                       sunlight, living       seeing through
100 THz              far                          beings                 clothes, envelopes
                     infrared                                            and teeth

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
100 –     3 μm–      IRB or                       sunlight               used for optical fibre
210 THz   1.4 μm     medium                                              communications for
                     infrared                                            telephone and cable
210 –     1400–      IRA or   penetrates for      sunlight, radiation    healing of wounds,
384 THz   780 nm     near     several cm into     from hot bodies        rheumatism, sport
                     infrared human skin                                 physiotherapy,
                                                                         hidden illumination
375 –     800–       Light    not (much)          heat (‘hot light’), definition of
750 THz   400 nm              absorbed by air,    lasers & chemical   straightness,

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                              detected by the     reactions           enhancing
                              eye (up to over     e.g. phosphor       photosynthesis in
                              900 nm at           oxidation, firefliesagriculture,
                              sufficient power)   (‘cold light’)      photodynamic
384 –     780–       Red      penetrate flesh     blood               alarm signal, used for
484 THz   620 nm                                                      breast imaging Ref. 65
          700 nm     Laboratory primary red       filtered tungsten   colour reference for
                                                  lamp                printing, painting,
                                                                      illumination and
484 –     620–       Orange                       various fruit       attracts birds and
511 THz   587 nm                                                      insects
511 –     587–       Yellow                       majority of flowers idem; best
525 THz   571 nm                                                      background for
                                                                      reading black text
110                                                                       3 what is light?

Fre -  Wa v e - Name Main        Appearance                               Use
quency length        propertie s
525 –      571–488 nm Green      maximum eye       algae and plants       highest luminous
614 THz                          sensitivity                              efficiency response
                                                                          (‘felt brightness’) per
                                                                          light energy for the
                                                                          human eye
           546.1 nm     Laboratory primary green   mercury lamp           colour reference
614 –      488–         Blue                       sky, gems, water
692 THz    433 nm
           435.8 nm     Laboratory primary blue    mercury lamp           colour reference
692 –      433–         Indigo,                    flowers, gems
789 THz    380 nm       violet

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
789 –      380–      UVA       penetrate 1 mm emitted by Sun,             seen by certain birds,
952 THz    315 nm              into skin, darken stars, lasers and        integrated circuit
                               it, produce        flames                  fabrication
                               vitamin D,
                               suppress immune
                               system, cause
                               skin cancer,
                               destroy eye lens
0.95 –    315–280 nm UVB       idem, destroy      idem                    idem
1.07 PHz                       DNA, cause skin

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
1.07 –    280–       UVC,      form oxygen        emitted by Sun,         disinfection, water
3.0 PHz   100 nm     VUV       radicals from air, stars, lasers and       purification, waste
                               kill bacteria,     welding arcs            disposal, integrated
                               penetrate 10 μm                            circuit fabrication
                               into skin
3 –24 PHz 100–13 nm EUV                                                   sky maps, silicon
                        X-rays   penetrate         emitted by stars,      imaging human
                                 materials         plasmas and black      tissue
24 –       13–1.3 nm    Soft     idem              synchrotron            idem
240 PHz                 X-rays                     radiation
> 240 PHz < 1.2 nm      Hard     idem              emitted when fast      crystallography,
or > 1 keV              X-rays                     electrons hit matter   structure
> 12 EHz < 24 pm        𝛾-rays   idem              radioactivity,         chemical analysis,
or                                                 cosmic rays            disinfection,
> 50 keV                                                                  astronomy
2 ⋅ 1043 Hz ≈ 10−35 m   Planck limit               see the last volume of this series
                  what is light?                                                                                      111

                  F I G U R E 63 Antennas for horizontally and vertically polarized electromagnetic waves (© Martin
                  Abegglen, K. Krallis).

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Polarization of electromagnetic waves
                  The electric field in light or in an electromagnetic wave looks like the amplitude of a
       Page 99    water wave, generalized to three dimensions, as shown in Figure 51 and Figure 52. The
                  same is valid for magnetic fields, and the two fields are perpendicular to each other.
                      One question about light and all other electromagnetic waves arises: In which spa-
                  tial direction does the oscillation occur? The answer is hidden in the parameter 𝐴 0 in
                  expression (63), but shown in Figure 51 and Figure 52. Generally speaking, the fields in
                  electromagnetic waves oscillate in directions perpendicular to their motion. Therefore,

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  we follow:

                     ⊳ Even for identical frequency and phase, waves can still differ: they can have
                       different polarization directions.

                  For example, the polarization of radio transmitters determines whether radio antennas
                  of receivers have to be kept horizontal or vertical, as shown in Figure 63. For all elec-
                  tromagnetic waves, the polarization is defined, by convention, by the orientation of the
                  electric field vector, because practically all effects of electromagnetic waves are due to the
                  electric field.
                     Polarization is easily achieved also for light, e.g., by shining it through a stretched
                  plastic film, called a polarizer, or by using glass, water or some special stones. After
                  the physician and physicist Thomas Young understood that light is a transverse wave in
                  1803, Louis Malus discovered polarization by reflection in 1808 by Louis Malus (b. 1775
                  Paris, d. 1812 Paris). Malus discovered and described polarization when he explored the
                  strange double images produced by calcite, a transparent crystal found in many miner-
                  als. Figure 64 shows two examples. Calcite (CaCO3 ) splits light beams into two – it is
                  birefringent – and polarizes them differently. That is the reason that calcite – or feldspar,
                  (KAlSi3 O8 ), which shows the same effect – is part of every crystal collection. If you ever
Challenge 113 e   get hold of a piece of transparent calcite or feldspar, do look through it at something
                  written on paper, and rotate the crystal around the vertical. Its properties are intriguing.
                  112                                                                                  3 what is light?

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 64 Birefringence in crystals: calcite lying on crossed lines (top left, crystal size around 4 cm),
                  rutile lying on an ink spot, photographed along the optical axis (middle) and at an angle to it (top right,

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  crystal size around 1 cm), and an octagonal sodium vanadate crystal doped with manganese, showing
                  three different behaviours (bottom, crystal diameter 1.9 cm) (© Roger Weller/Cochise College, Brad
                  Amos, Martin Pietralla).

                  (Can you show that trirefringence, if defined as the appearance of three images, cannot
Challenge 114 d   exist?)
                     When Malus discovered the polarization of light, he did not know yet that light was
                  electromagnetic. But his discovery definitively settled the wave nature of light.
                     The light from the sky – not that from the Sun – is partially polarized. The polariz-
                  ation occurs when the light is scattered by the molecules in the air. The polarization is
        Ref. 66   perpendicular to the direction towards the Sun, as illustrated in Figure 65. The shape is
                  easy to remember with the following connection: A rainbow is polarized everywhere in
                  tangential direction. Photographers know that when the Sun is rising or setting, the sky
                  is mainly polarized in north-south direction. This fact can make a lake or a digital watch
                  look black when observed in the evening in northern or southern direction – at a certain
                  observation angles.
                     Also the sunlight below water is partially polarized. David Brewster (1781 Jedburgh-
                  1868 Allerly) discovered this effect in 1812. Brewster, who was clergyman and physicist,
                  found that when a light beam is partially transmitted and partially reflected at an inter-
                  face, the polarization changes. Figure 67 shows an extreme example. The effect is used
                  in many optical devices.
                  what is light?                                                                                             113

                  F I G U R E 65 Left: the polarization of daylight in the clear sky as a solar elevation of 53°. The orientation
                  and the thickness of the blue bars illustrate the orientation and degree of polarization of the electric

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  field as seen by an observer in the center C of the sphere. The orientation is always perpendicular to a
                  great circle (red) that is defined by connecting a given observation point in the sky O with the position
                  of the Sun S. SAz indicates the solar azimuth of the Sun. Right: the zenithal projection of solar elevation
                  and electric field orientation for different light colours at four times of August 1, at 23.4° N, 5.2° E. Circles
                  represent elevation and the straight lines represent azimuth. The circular polarization pattern of the sky
                  is used by photographers to modify sky photographs and by insects and birds to navigate. (© Keram

                    Haidinger’s brush
                     (color intensity                                                                      human eye

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                                                                           polarized light



                                                                                             and lens,
                          2° to 4°                                                           with their
                                                                                             radial structure

                  F I G U R E 66 Haidinger’s brush and its origin in the human eye.

                     Many insects, spiders, certain birds and certain shrimps can detect polarization with
                  their eyes. Honey bees and many other insects use polarization to deduce the position of
        Ref. 67   the Sun, even when it is hidden behind clouds, and use the effect for navigation. Some
                  beetles of the genus Scarabeus even use the polarization of moonlight for navigation, and
                  many insects use polarization of sunlight to distinguish water surfaces from mirages.
Challenge 115 s   (Can you find out how?)
                     In 1844, the mineralogist Wilhelm Haidinger (b. 1795 Vienna, d. 1871 Dornbach)
          114                                                                                   3 what is light?

                              light beam
                              with both
                                                         surface                              beam with
                                                         normal            transparent        only one
                                                                           surface, e.g.,     polarization
                                                                           water or glass

                                                           α α

                                          Brewster angle α

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                       beam with
                                                                                       only one

          F I G U R E 67 For every transparent material, at the so-called Brewster angle, only the horizontally

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          polarized light is reflected; the vertically polarized light is then fully refracted. The Brewster angle is a
          material-dependent quantity. The value for water is, for most wavelengths, 53° and for glass 56(1)°,
          measured from the line that is normal to the surface.

Ref. 68   discovered that there is a way to observe the polarization of light with the unaided hu-
          man eye. The best way to observe the effect is by looking at a distance of about an arms’s
          length on a white LCD screen and slowly tilt your head. You will note an extremely faint
          yellow or yellow-blue pattern, about two fingers wide, that is superimposed on the white
          background. This pattern is called polarization brush or Haidinger’s brush. A rough illus-
          tration is given in Figure 66. The weak effect disappears after a few seconds if the head
          stops rotating along the line of sight. Haidinger’s brush is due to the birefringence of
Ref. 69   the cornea and the lens of the human eye, together with the morphology of the macula
          lutea inside the eye. The cornea acts as a radially oriented, colour-dependent polarizer,
          whereas the yellow spot acts as a radially oriented analyser. In short, the human eye
          is indeed able to see the directions in which the electric and magnetic field of light are
              Haidinger’s brush, being yellow, is also visible in the blue sky, provided that the air
          is clear. (Indeed, it is easily drowned out by multiple scattering, and therefore provides
          a test of atmospheric transparency.) In the sky, Haidinger’s brush is barely the size of
          a thumbnail at arm’s length. (The angular size is the angular size of the macula.) The
          yellow arm of the cross points to the Sun, if you look about 90° away from it, high in the
          what is light?                                                                          115

          sky. To see it really clearly, hold a polarizer (or polarizing sunglasses) upwards and look
          through it, and then rotate it about the line of sight.
              When polarized light is directed to a transparent medium, the ratio between the re-
          flected and the transmitted light intensity depends on the polarization. The transmitted
          intensity can be zero or near zero for certain critical combinations of angles and po-
          larizations. When the engineers at the Mercedes Benz car company forgot this, it cost
          the company millions of Euros. Behind the windshield, one of their car models had a
          sensor that detects whether it is day or night. The photodiode sensor worked well, ex-
          cept when the weather was extremely good, with a blue sky and no clouds; in that case,
          the sensor gave “night” as output. The mystery was solved when people recognized that
          the geometry was near the Brewster angle, that in such weather, the light from the sky
          is polarized and had a low amount of infrared light, at which the – wrongly chosen –
          photodiode was most sensitive. As a result, tens of thousands of cars had to be repaired.
              Note that all possible polarizations of light form a continuous set. However, a gen-
          eral plane wave can be seen as the superposition of two orthogonal, linearly polarized

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          waves with different amplitudes and different phases. Mathematically, all linearly polar-
          ized electromagnetic waves with the same frequency and direction for a two-dimensional
          vector space.
              Light can also be unpolarized. Unpolarized light is a mixture of light of various po-
          larizations. Light from the Sun and from other hot sources is typically unpolarized, due
          to the Brownian motion of the emitting sources. Partially polarized light is a mixture of
          polarized and unpolarized light.
              In summary, for a wave in three-dimensional space, there are two basic types of po-
          larization. One often classifies them into horizontal and vertical polarization, or, with

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          other terms, into parallel and perpendicular polarization. A generally polarized wave
          is a superposition of these two basis states. These are the so-called linear polarization
              Interestingly, a generally polarized plane wave can also be seen as the superposition
          of right and left circularly polarized waves. An illustration of a circularly polarized wave
          is given in Figure 68. In nature, circular polarization is extremely rare. Firefly larvae
          emit circularly polarized light. The light reflected by many species of scarab beetles is
Ref. 70   circularly polarized, as is the case for various stomatopod crustaceans, such as the mantis
          shrimp. The latter – and probably the former – are also able to detect circularly polarized

          The range of electromagnetic radiation
          Electromagnetic waves of lower frequency, or radio waves, are commonly used to trans-
          mit mobile phone signals as well as television, radio and satellite programs. Like light,
          radio waves are due to moving electrons. In everyday life, light is (usually) generated
          by electrons accelerated inside atoms or molecules. Radio waves, which have lower fre-
          quency and thus larger wavelength, are more easily generated by electrons that are ac-
          celerated in metals roughly of the size of the wavelength; such pieces of metal are called
             Radio waves emitted by a hand-held device can carry signals round the Earth. In
          other words, radio waves have a large range. How is this possible? After all, a static
                  116                                                                                  3 what is light?

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 68 Left: the electric field of a Gaussian, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave (a beam); right:
                  a Gaussian, circularly polarized beam (QuickTime film © José Antonio Díaz Navas).

                  electric field is usually unmeasureable after a distance of a dozen meters. It turns out
                  that the field strength of radio waves decreases as 1/𝑟, where 𝑟 is the distance from the
                  source. The field strength thus decreases much more slowly than for static fields, which
        Ref. 71   decrease as 1/𝑟2 . Why is this the case?
                     The slow 1/𝑟 dependence of radio waves can be understood qualitatively from the
                  drawing shown in Figure 69. It shows the electric field around a charged particle that
                  undergoes the simplest possible accelerated motion: a bounce on a wall. In fact, the
                  last, lower diagram is sufficient to show that the transverse field, given by the kink in the
Challenge 116 d   electric field lines, decreases as 1/𝑟. Can you deduce the dependence?
                     If we perform the construction of the field lines for a charge that undergoes repeated
                  bounces, we get field lines with regularly spaced kinks that move away from the source.
                  For a charge undergoing harmonic motion, we get the field lines shown in Figure 70.
                  The figure thus shows the mechanism of the simplest antenna (or light source) one can
                     The magnitude of the transverse electric field can also be used to deduce the relation
                  between the acceleration 𝑎 of a charge 𝑞 and the radiated electromagnetic power 𝑃. First,
what is light?                                                                                    117

circle radius is ct, where t is the time
since the bounce took place

                  actual charge


                  charge position
                  had it not

                                                        electrical field lines

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                 F I G U R E 69
                                                                                 Constructing, in three
                                                                                 steps, the electrical
                                           complete                              field around a
                                           electrical field lines                charged particle
                                                                                 bouncing from a wall.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                                                    F I G U R E 70 The electrical field around a
                                                    particle oscillating in vertical direction
                                                    (QuickTime film © Daniel Schroeder).
118                                                                          3 what is light?

                                                          F I G U R E 71 The electrical field around
                                                          an oscillating dipole (QuickTime film
                                                          © Daniel Weiskopf ).

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
the transverse electric field (calculated in the last challenge) has to be squared, to give
the local electric energy density. Then it has to be doubled, to include magnetic energy.
Finally, we have to integrate over all angles; this gives a factor of 2/3. In total we get

                                               𝑞2 𝑎2
                                         𝑃=           .                                         (65)
                                              6π𝜀0 𝑐3

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The total radiated power 𝑃 thus depends on the square of the acceleration and on the
square of the charge that is being accelerated. This is the so-called Larmor formula. It
shows why radio transmitters need power supplies and allows deducing how large they
need to be. Note that Figure 69 and Figure 70 and also show that transmitter antennas
have a preferred direction of power emission.
   Usually, the source of electromagnetic radiation is described more accurately as an
oscillating dipole. A visualization of the electric field in this case is given in Figure 71. At
large distances, a wave section can be approximated as a plane wave.
   In all cases, we find that the intensity of radio waves decrease slowly with distance and
that radio communication is possible.

The slowness of pro gress in physics – and relativit y
Gustav Kirchhoff’s and Bernhard Riemann’s expression from the 1850s for the speed of
light and all other electromagnetic waves

                                         𝑐=                                                     (66)
                                              √𝜀0 𝜇0

is so strange that we should be intrigued whenever we see it. Something essential is
missing. The expression states that the speed 𝑐 is independent of the proper motion of
the observer measuring the electromagnetic field and independent of the speed of the
                    what is light?                                                                         119

                    emitting source. In other words, the speed of light is predicted to be independent of
                    the lamp speed and independent of the observer speed. This is indeed confirmed by all
 Vol. II, page 22   experiments, as explained in the volume on relativity.
                       In addition, expression (66) implies that no observer can outrun light. In other words,
                    light does not behave like a stream of bullets: the speed of bullet depends on the speed of
                    the gun and of the target. A target can always outrun a bullet, if it moves rapidly enough.
                    The speed of light is a limit speed.
                       Experiments confirm that also the speed of radio waves, of X-rays and of γ-rays is
                    independent of the transmitter and the receiver. Experiments confirm that these speeds
                    have the same value as the speed of light. All this is contained in expression (66). In

                       ⊳ The expression 𝑐 = 1/√𝜀0 𝜇0 shows that speed 𝑐 is invariant and is the limit
                         energy speed in nature.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Incredibly, nobody explored the consequences of this invariance until Lorentz and others
                    started doing so in the 1890s, triggering Einstein until he settled the issues in 1905. The
                    theory of relativity remained undiscovered for two generations! As in so many other
                    cases, the progress of physics was much slower than necessary.
                       The invariance of the speed of light 𝑐 is the essential point that distinguishes spe-
                    cial relativity from Galilean physics. Since every electromagnetic device – such as every
                    electric motor – makes use of expression (66), every electromagnetic device is a working
                    proof of special relativity.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    How d oes the world lo ok when riding on a light beam?
                    At the end of the nineteenth century, the teenager Albert Einstein read a book series by
         Ref. 72    Aaron Bernstein discussing the speed of light. The book asked what would happen if an
                    observer moved at the same speed as light. Einstein thought much about the issue, and
                    in particular, asked himself what kind of electromagnetic field he would observe in that
                    case. Einstein later explained that this Gedanken experiment convinced him already at
                    that young age that nothing could travel at the speed of light, since the field observed
Challenge 117 s     would have a property not found in nature. Can you find out which one he meant?
                       Riding on a light beam situation would have strange consequences:
                    — You would have no mirror image, like a vampire.
                    — Light would not be oscillating, but would be a static field.
                    — Nothing would move, like in the tale of sleeping beauty.
                    But also at speeds near the velocity of light observations would be interesting. You would:
                    — see a lot of light coming towards you and almost no light from the sides or from
                      behind; the sky would be blue/white in the front and red/black behind;
                    — observe that everything around happens very very slowly;
                    — experience the smallest dust particle as a deadly bullet.
Challenge 118 s     Can you think of more strange consequences? It is rather reassuring that our planet
                    moves rather slowly through its environment, when compared to the speed of light.
                  120                                                                                    3 what is light?


                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                 light                  light

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 72 Levitating a small glass bead with a laser from below and with two opposed horizontal
                  laser beams (© Mark Raizen, Tongcang Li).

                  C an we touch light?
       Ref. 73    If a little glass bead is put on top of a powerful laser, the bead remains suspended in
                  mid-air, as shown in Figure 72.* This example of optical levitation proves that light has
Vol. I, page 98   momentum. Therefore, contrary to what we said in the beginning of our mountain as-
                  cent, images can be touched! In fact, the ease with which objects can be pushed even has
                  a special name. For planets and planetoids, it is called the albedo, and for general objects
                  it is called the reflectivity, abbreviated as 𝑟.

                  * The heaviest object that has been levitated with a laser had a mass of 20 g; the laser used was the size of a
                  building, and the method also made use of a few additional effects, such as internal shock waves, to keep
                  the object in the air.
                  what is light?                                                                                    121

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 73 The tail of comet McNaught, photographed in Australia in 2007 (© Flagstaffotos).

                     Like each type of electromagnetic field, and like every kind of wave, light carries en-

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 119 e   ergy; the energy flow 𝑇 per surface and time is

                                           1                                             1
                                     𝑇=       𝐸×𝐵       giving an average       ⟨𝑇⟩ =      𝐸 𝐵      .               (67)
                                           𝜇0                                           2𝜇0 max max

                  Obviously, light also has a momentum 𝑃. It is related to the energy 𝐸 by

                                                                   𝑃=     .                                         (68)

Challenge 120 e   As a result, the pressure 𝑝 exerted by light on a body is given by

                                                               𝑝=     (1 + 𝑟)                                       (69)
                  where for black bodies we have a reflectivity 𝑟 = 0 and for mirrors 𝑟 = 1; other bodies
                  have values in between. What is your guess for the amount of pressure due to sunlight on
Challenge 121 s   a black surface of one square metre? Is this the reason that we feel more pressure during
                  the day than during the night?
                     If lasers are not available, rather delicate equipment is needed to detect the mo-
                  mentum or the radiation pressure of light. Already in 1619, Johannes Kepler had sug-
                  gested in De cometis that the tails of comets exist only because the light of the Sun hits
                  122                                                                              3 what is light?


                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 74 A commercial light mill turns against the light (Wikimedia).

                  the small dust particles that detach from it. For this reason, the tail always points away
Challenge 122 e   from the Sun, as you might want to check at the next opportunity. Today, we know that
                  Kepler was right; but proving the hypothesis is not easy.
                      In order to detect the radiation pressure of light, in 1873, William Crookes* invented
                  the light mill radiometer. The light mill consists of four thin plates, black on one side and
                  shiny on the other, that are mounted on a vertical axis, as shown in Figure 74. However,

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  when Crookes finished building it – it was similar to those sold in shops today – he
                  found, like everybody else, that it turned in the wrong direction, namely with the shiny
Challenge 123 s   side towards the light! (Why is it wrong?) You can check it by yourself by shining a laser
                  pointer on to it. The behaviour has been a puzzle for quite some time. Explaining it
                  involves the tiny amount of gas left over in the glass bulb and takes us too far from the
        Ref. 74   path of our adventure. It was only in 1901, with the advent of much better pumps, that the
                  Russian physicist Pyotr Lebedew managed to create a sufficiently good vacuum to allow
        Ref. 75   him to measure the light pressure with such an improved, true radiometer. Lebedew
                  also confirmed the predicted value of the light pressure and proved the correctness of
                  Kepler’s hypothesis about comet tails. Today it is even possible to build tiny propellers
                  that start to turn when light shines on to them, in exactly the same way that the wind
        Ref. 76   turns windmills.
                      But light cannot only touch and be touched, it can also grab. In the 1980s, Arthur
                  Ashkin and his research group developed actual optical tweezers that allow one to grab,
        Ref. 77   suspend and move small transparent spheres of 1 to 20 μm diameter using laser beams. It
                  is possible to do this through a microscope, so that one can also observe at the same time
                  what is happening. This technique is now routinely used in biological research around

                  * William Crookes (b. 1832 London, d. 1919 London), chemist and physicist, discoverer of thallium, mis-
                  taken discoverer of other ‘elements’, convinced believer in spiritualism and president of the Society for
                  Psychical Research. For this bizarre mix of achievements he was elected to the Royal Society and received
                  numerous prizes and other honours.
          what is light?                                                                                     123

              Light can rotate                 Light can rotate
              macroscopic objects:             tiny objects, such as
                                               carbon nanotubes:


                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                           light beam

                                                                                  F I G U R E 75 Light can
                                                                                  rotate objects (© A.C.

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                         F I G U R E 76 Umbrellas decompose white light: look at a small lamp
                                         through a black umbrella at night (© Wikimedia).

          the world, and has been used, for example, to measure the force of single muscle fibres,
          by chemically attaching their ends to glass or Teflon spheres and then pulling them apart
          with such optical tweezers.
              But that is not all. In the last decade of the twentieth century, several groups even
Ref. 77   managed to rotate objects, thus realizing actual optical spanners. They are able to rotate
          particles at will in one direction or the other, by changing the optical properties of the
          laser beam used to trap the particle.
              In fact, it does not take much to deduce that if light has linear momentum, circu-
          larly polarized light also has angular momentum. In fact, for such a wave the angular
                   124                                                                       3 what is light?

                   momentum 𝐿 is given by
                                                              𝐿=     ,                                       (70)

 Challenge 124 e   where 𝐸 is the energy. Equivalently, the angular momentum of a wave is 𝜆/2π times its
         Ref. 78   linear momentum 𝑝. For light, this result was already confirmed in the early twentieth
Challenge 125 ny   century: a light beam can put certain materials (which ones?) into rotation; in liquids,
         Ref. 79   this is now standard practice in laboratories. Two examples are shown in Figure 75. Of
                   course, the effect is even stronger with a laser beam. But already in the 1960s, a beautiful
                   demonstration was performed with microwaves. A circularly polarized microwave beam
                   from a maser – the microwave equivalent of a laser – can put a metal piece absorbing it
                   into rotation. Indeed, for a beam with cylindrical symmetry, depending on the sense
                   of rotation, the angular momentum is either parallel or antiparallel to the direction of
                   propagation. All these experiments confirm that light also carries angular momentum,
                   an effect which will play an important role in the quantum part of our mountain ascent.

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      We note that not for all waves in nature is angular momentum given by energy per
                   angular frequency. This is only the case for waves made of what in quantum theory will
                   be called spin 1 particles. For example, for gravity waves the angular momentum is twice
                   this value, and they are therefore expected to be made of spin 2 particles.
                      What does this mean for the comet tails mentioned above? The issue was settled def-
         Ref. 80   initely in 1986. A satellite was shot up to an altitude of 110 000 km and made to release a
                   cloud of barium. The cloud was visible from the Earth, and it soon developed a tail that
                   was visible from Earth: that was the first artificial comet. It turns out that comet tails
                   shapes are partly due to hitting photons, but also partly to the solar wind and even to
                   magnetic fields.

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      In summary, light can touch, light can rotate, and light can be touched. Obviously, if
                   light can rotate bodies, it can also be itself rotated. Could you imagine how this can be
 Challenge 126 s   achieved?

                   War, light and lies
                   From the tiny effects of equation (69) for light pressure we deduce that light is not an
                   efficient tool for hitting objects. On the other hand, light is able to heat up objects, as
                   we can feel in the sun or when the skin is touched by a laser beam of about 100 mW or
                   more. For the same reason even cheap laser pointers are dangerous to the eye.
                       In the 1980s, and again in 2001, a group of people who had read too many science
                   fiction novels managed to persuade the military – who also indulge in this habit – that
                   lasers could be used to shoot down missiles, and that a lot of tax money should be spent
                   on developing such lasers. Using the definition of the Poynting vector and a hitting time
                   of about 0.1 s, are you able to estimate the weight and size of the battery necessary for
Challenge 127 ny   such a device to work? What would happen in cloudy or rainy weather?
                       Other people tried to persuade NASA to study the possibility of propelling a rocket
 Challenge 128 e   using emitted light instead of ejected gas. Are you able to estimate that this is not feasible?
                  what is light?                                                                                         125

                     1. Colour-dependent refraction in glass

                                    glass                      green

                     2. Internal reflection and colour-dependent
                     refraction in the primary rainbow
                                                       white (Sun)
                     water droplet
                                                                            3. Colour-dependent refraction in the eye:
                                            40.5°                           watch pattern at 1 cm distance


                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                     2b. Internal reflection and colour-dependent
                     refraction in the secondary rainbow
                                                      white (Sun)
                     water droplet

                                            50.3°      53.6°

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                  F I G U R E 77 Three proofs that white light is a mixture of colours (with exaggerated angle differences):
                  prism decomposition, rainbow formation (simplified, as explained in the text) and the coloured borders
                  seen on a circular black and white pattern (photograph by Susan Schwartzenberg, © Exploratorium

                  What is colour?
                  We saw that radio waves of certain frequencies are visible. Within that range, different
                  frequencies correspond to different colours. (Are you able to convince a friend about
Challenge 129 s   this?) But the story does not finish here. Numerous colours can be produced either by
                  a single wavelength, i.e., by monochromatic light, or by a mixture of several different
                  colours. For example, standard yellow can be, if it is pure, an electromagnetic beam
                  of 575 nm wavelength or it can be a mixture of standard green of 546.1 nm and standard
                  red of 700 nm. The eye cannot distinguish between the two cases; only spectrometers
                  can. In everyday life, all colours turn out to be mixed, with the exceptions of those of
                  yellow street lamps and of laser beams and of laboratory spectra. You can check this for
                  yourself, using an umbrella or a compact disc: they decompose light mixtures, but they
                  do not decompose pure colours, such as those from a laser pointer or an LED display.
                  126                                                                                3 what is light?

Challenge 130 e   Even the colours of the rainbows are impure, because they are mixed with the white light
                  of the background sky and because the diameter of the Sun smears the spectrum.
                      In particular, white light is a mixture of a continuous range of colours with a specific
                  intensity per wavelength. If you want to check that white light is a mixture of colours
                  without any light source, simply hold the lower right-hand side of Figure 77 so close to
                  your eye that you cannot focus the stripes any more. The unsharp borders of the white
                  stripes have either a pink or a green shade. These colours are due to the imperfections
                  of the human eye, its so-called chromatic aberrations. Chromatic aberrations have the
                  consequence that not all light frequencies follow the same path through the lens of the
                  eye, and therefore they hit the retina at different spots. This is the same effect that occurs
                  in prisms or in water drops showing a rainbow.
                      The left-hand side of Figure 77 explains how rainbows form. Above all, the internal
                  reflection inside the water droplets in the sky is responsible for throwing back the light
                  coming from the Sun, whereas the wavelength-dependent refraction at the air–water
                  surface is responsible for the different paths of each colour. The first two persons to

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  verify this explanation were Theodoricus Teutonicus de Vriberg (c. 1240 to c. 1318), in
        Ref. 81   the years from 1304 to 1310 and, at the same time, the Persian mathematician Kamal
                  al-Din al-Farisi. To check the explanation, they did something smart and simple that
Challenge 131 e   anybody can repeat at home. They built an enlarged water droplet by filling a thin spher-
                  ical (or cylindrical) glass container with water; then they shone a beam of white light
                  through it. Theodoricus and al-Farisi found exactly what is shown in Figure 77. With
                  this experiment, each of them was able to reproduce the opening angle of the main or
                  primary rainbow, its colour sequence, as well as the existence of a secondary rainbow,
                  its observed angle and its inverted colour sequence.* All these rainbows are found in

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Page 102    Figure 57. Theodoricus’s beautiful experiment is sometimes called the most important
                  contribution of natural science in the Middle Ages.
                      By the way, the shape of the rainbow tells something about the shape of the water
Challenge 133 s   droplets. Can you deduce the connection?
                      Incidentally, the explanation of the rainbow given in Figure 77 is not complete. It
                  assumes that the light ray hits the water droplet at a specific spot on its surface. If the
                  light ray hits the droplet at other spots – technically, at other impact parameters, the
                  rainbows appear at other angles; however, all those other rainbows wash out. Only the
                  visible rainbow remains, because its deflection angles are extremal. The primary rainbow
                  is, in fact, the coloured edge of a white disc. And indeed, the region above the primary
                  bow is always darker than the region below it.
                      Water droplets are not the only prisms found in nature. At sunset, the atmosphere
                  itself also acts as a prism, or more precisely, as a cylindrical lens affected by spherochro-
                  matism. Therefore, especially at sunset, the Sun is split into different images, one for
                  each colour, which are slightly shifted with respect to each other; the total shift is about
        Ref. 84   1 % of the diameter. As a result, the rim of the evening Sun is coloured. If the weather is

Challenge 132 s   * Can you guess where the ternary and quaternary rainbows are to be seen? There are rare reported sightings
                  of them; only two or three photographs exist world-wide. The hunt to observe the fifth-order rainbow is
        Ref. 82   still open. (In the laboratory, bows around droplets up to the thirteenth order have been observed.) For
                  more details, see the beautiful website at There are several formulae for the angles
                  of the various orders of rainbows; they follow from straightforward geometric considerations, but are too
                  involved to be given here.
                   what is light?                                                                                      127

                   F I G U R E 78 A green flash above the setting Sun and one above the Moon, showing also the colour
                   change of the Moon rim (© Andrew Young and Laurent Laveder/

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                                                  F I G U R E 79 Milk and water simulate the evening sky (© Antonio

                   favourable, if the air is clear up to and beyond the horizon, and if the correct temperature
                   profile is present in the atmosphere, a colour-dependent mirage will appear: for about a
                   second it will be possible to see, after or near the red, orange and yellow images of the
                   setting Sun, the green–blue image, sometimes even detached. This is the famous green
        Ref. 83    flash described by Jules Verne in his novel Le Rayon-vert. The green flash is often seen
Ref. 84, Ref. 85   on tropical beaches, for example in Hawaii, and from the decks of ships in warm waters.
                       Even pure air splits white light. However, this effect is not due to dispersion, but to
                   scattering. Wavelength-dependent scattering, mainly Rayleigh scattering, is the reason
                   that the sky and distant mountains look blue and that the Sun looks red at sunset and
                   sunrise. (The sky looks black even during the day from the Moon.) You can repeat this
                   effect by looking through water at a black surface or at a lamp. Adding a few drops of
                   milk to the water makes the lamp yellow and then red, and makes the black surface blue
                   (like the sky seen from the Earth as compared to the sky seen from the Moon) as shown
                   in Figure 79. More milk increases the effect. For the same reason, sunsets are especially
          128                                                                      3 what is light?

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                              F I G U R E 80 Two of the

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                              many ways to illustrate the
                                                                              set of all possible human
                                                                              colours: (top) as mixtures of
                                                                              red, green and blue values
                                                                              that increase along the
                                                                              three coordinate axes, and
                                                                              (bottom) using hue,
                                                                              saturation and brightness
                                                                              value coordinates
                                                                              (© SharkD).

          red after volcanic eruptions.
              In the evening, however, the sky is blue for another, far less known reason: at the time
Ref. 86   around sunset, the sky is blue mainly because of the ozone layer. Ozone is a blue gas.
          Without ozone, the sky would be yellowish during sunsets.
              In summary, light is, in general, a mixture of wavelengths. As a result, light wavelength
          or frequency are not sufficient to describe colour. Colour experts call hue that aspect of
          colour that matches most closely the change with wavelength. But every colour has two
          additional characteristics. For example, any given colour can be bright or dark; brightness
          is a second, independent property of colour. A third independent property of colour is
          its saturation; it expresses how strongly a colour differs from white. A strongly saturated
          colour is the opposite of a pale, or weakly saturated colour.
          what is light?                                                                                            129

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          F I G U R E 81 A unique colour book that illustrates, on each page and on all its outside surfaces, the
          three-dimensional colour space of humans (© Tauba Auerbach).

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              Human colour space is three-dimensional. Humans are thrichromatic. Figure 80 illus-
          trates the point. Every colour we see is described by three independent parameters, be-
          cause the human eye has three types of cones, thus three types of colour-sensitive cells.
          This is the reason that any colour selection scheme, for example on a computer, has –
          at least – three parameters that can be varied. A modern artist, Tauba Auerbach, even
Ref. 87   produced a beautiful book version of the colour space, shown in Figure 81. The number
          three is also the reason that every display has at least three different types of pixels. These
          three parameters do not need to be hue, saturation and brightness value. They can also
          be taken to be the intensities of red, green and blue. Many other colour properties can
          be used to describe colour, such as lightness, chroma, purity, luma and others. Also de-
          scriptions with four and more parameters – which then are not independent from each
          other – are used, especially in the printing industry.
              Many birds, reptiles, fish and various insects have four-dimensional colour spaces that
          include the ultraviolet; butterflies and pigeons have five-dimensional colour spaces, and
          other bird species have even higher-dimensional colour spaces. Mantis shrimps pos-
          sibly have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom, with up to twelve-dimensional
          colour spaces. (One species of mantis shrimps, Gonodyctylus smithii, can also detect cir-
          cular and linear light polarization in complete detail.) In contrast to humans and apes,
          most mammals have only two-dimensional colour spaces. Also colour-blind persons can
          have lower-dimensional colour spaces. In other terms, the number of dimensions of the
          perceived colour space is not a property of light, nor a property of nature, but a specific
          property of our human eyes. Colours in nature and colours perceived by humans differ.
            130                                                                          3 what is light?

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            F I G U R E 82 Exceptionally many supernumerary rainbows (© Denis Betsch).

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            There is no colour space in nature.
               Colours in nature and colours in human perception differ in an additional way, dis-
            covered by linguists. In human language, colours have a natural order. All people of the
            world, whether they come from the sea, the desert or the mountains, order colours in
            the following sequence: 1. black and white, 2. red, 3. green and yellow, 4. blue, 5. brown,
            6. mauve, pink, orange, grey and sometimes a twelfth term that differs from language
            to language. (Colours that refer to objects, such as aubergine or sepia, or colours that
            are not generally applicable, such as blond, are excluded in this discussion.) The precise
            discovery is the following: if a particular language has a word for any of these colours,
            then it also has a word for all the preceding ones. The result also implies that people use
            these basic colour classes even if their language does not have a word for each of them.
  Ref. 88   These strong statements have been confirmed for over 100 languages.

            Fun with rainb ows
            The width of the usual, primary rainbow is 2.25°, for the secondary rainbow it is about
            twice that value (which is one reason why it is less bright). The width is larger than the
            dispersion angle difference given in Figure 77 because the angular size of the sun, about
            0.5°, has (roughly) to be added on top of the angle difference.
               The finite size of droplets leads, via interference, to the supernumerary rainbows, as
Page 102    mentioned above. If the droplets are small and all of the same size, the number of super-
                  what is light?                                                                                       131

                  F I G U R E 83 Five rare types of rainbows: a fogbow (top left), an irregular, split rainbow in a windy     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  situation due to non-spherical rain drops (top right, shown with increased colour saturation), a six-fold
                  rainbow (middle left), a red rainbow at sunset (middle right), and a moonbow, created by the Moon,
                  not by the Sun, and brightened digitally (© Michel Tournay, Eva Seidenfaden, Terje Nordvik, Zhu XiaoJin
                  and Laurent Laveder).

                  numerary rainbows increases, as Figure 82 shows strikingly.
                     If the droplets are extremely fine, the rainbow becomes white; it is then called a fog-
                  bow. Such bows are also often seen from aeroplanes. If the droplets are not round, for
        Ref. 60   example due to strong wind, one can get a so-called irregular or twinned rainbow. An
                  example is shown in Figure 83.
                     Light from the rainbow is tangentially polarized. You can check that easily with po-
Challenge 134 e   larizing sunglasses. During the internal reflection in the water droplets, as the reflection
                   132                                                                                3 what is light?

                                                                           F I G U R E 84 A composite photograph showing
                                                                           the parhelia, the light pillars, the halo and the
                                                                           upper tangent arc formed by ice crystals in the
                                                                           air, if they are all are oriented in the same
                                                                           direction (© Phil Appleton).

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
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                   F I G U R E 85 A rare circumzenithal arc formed by hexagonal ice crystals in upper regions of the
                   atmosphere (© Paul Gitto).

                   angle is very near to the angle at which total reflection sets in, light gets polarized. (Why
Challenge 135 ny   does this lead to polarization?)
                      If the air is full of ice crystals instead of droplets, the situation changes again. One can
                   then get additional images of the sun in the direction of the sun. They are called parhelia,
                   sometimes also Sun dogs. This happens most clearly with no wind, if the crystals are all
                   oriented in the same direction. In that case one can take photographs such as the one
                   shown in Figure 84.
                      Rare bows and other astonishing atmospheric effects are best explored on the web-
                   what is light?                                                                             133

                   site providing the ‘optical picture of the day’ at There
                   one can find third- and fourth-order rainbows, fogbows that include supernumerary
                   bows, lunar fogbows, rainbows whose secondary bow has supernumeraries, irregular
                   rainbows, moonbows, circumzenithal arcs, Sun’s halos, Sun’s pillars, green flashes, and
                   much more. The website presents the beauty of light in nature – and all effects are also
                   explained in detail.

                   What is the speed of light? What is signal speed?
                   Physics talks about motion. Talking is the exchange of sound; and sound is an example
                   of a signal.

                      ⊳ A (physical) signal is the transport of information using the transport of en-

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Vol. I, page 306   There are no signals without a motion of energy. Indeed, there is no way to store inform-
                   ation without storing energy. To any signal we can thus ascribe a propagation speed. We
                   call it the signal speed. The highest possible signal speed is also the maximal velocity
                   of the general influences, or, to use sloppy language, the maximal velocity with which
                   effects spread causes.
                       If the signal is carried by matter, such as by the written text in a letter, the signal
                   velocity is the velocity of the material carrier. Experiments show that this speed is limited
                   by the speed of light.

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       For a wave carrier, such as water waves, sound, light or radio waves, the situation is less
                   evident. What is the speed of a wave? The first answer that comes to mind is the speed
                   with which wave crests of a sine wave move. This already introduced phase velocity is
                   given by the ratio between the frequency and the wavelength of a monochromatic wave,
                   i.e., by
                                                               𝑣ph = .                                       (71)
                   For example, the phase velocity determines interference phenomena. Light in a vacuum
                   has the same phase velocity 𝑣ph = 𝑐 for all frequencies. Are you able to imagine an
Challenge 136 s    experiment to test this to high precision?
                      On the other hand, there are cases where the phase velocity is greater than 𝑐, most
                   notably when light travels through an absorbing substance, and when at the same time
                   the frequency is near to an absorption maximum. In these cases however, experiments
         Ref. 89   show that the phase velocity is not the signal velocity. For such situations, a better ap-
                   proximation to the signal speed is the group velocity, i.e., the velocity at which a group
                   maximum will travel. This velocity is given by

                                                                   d𝜔 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨
                                                           𝑣gr =         󵄨 ,                                 (72)
                                                                   d𝑘 󵄨󵄨󵄨𝑘0

                   where 𝑘0 is the central wavelength of the wave packet at which the derivative is taken.
                   134                                                                           3 what is light?

                                                                    F I G U R E 86 A visualisation of group velocity (dark
                                                                    blue) and phase velocity (bright red) for different
                                                                    types of waves (QuickTime film © ISVR, University
                                                                    of Southampton).

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                v ph

                                                           v gr

                                                                       v So            F I G U R E 87 The definition of
                                                                                       the important velocities in
                                                                              v fr     wave phenomena: the phase
                                                                                       velocity, the group velocity,

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                       Sommerfeld’s front velocity
                                                                                       and the forerunner velocity.

                   We observe that 𝜔 = 𝑐(𝑘)𝑘 = 2π𝑣ph /𝜆 implies the relation

                                                          d𝜔 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨            d𝑣ph
                                                  𝑣gr =         󵄨󵄨 = 𝑣ph − 𝜆      .                                 (73)
                                                          d𝑘 󵄨𝑘0 󵄨            d𝜆

                   This means that the sign of the last term determines whether the group velocity is larger
                   or smaller than the phase velocity. For a travelling group, as shown by the dashed line
                   in Figure 87, this means that new maxima appear either at the end or at the front of the
                   group. Experiments show that this is only the case for light passing through matter; for
                   light in vacuum, the group velocity has the same value 𝑣gr = 𝑐 for all values of the wave
                   vector magnitude 𝑘.
                      You should be warned that many publications are still propagating the incorrect state-
                   ment that the group velocity in a material is never greater than 𝑐, the speed of light in
Challenge 137 ny   vacuum. Actually, the group velocity in a material can be zero, infinite or even negative;
                   this happens when the light pulse is very narrow, i.e., when it includes a wide range of
                   frequencies, or again when the frequency is near an absorption transition. In many (but
                   not all) cases the group is found to widen substantially or even to split, making it dif-
                   what is light?                                                                                          135

                   ficult to define precisely the group maximum and thus its velocity. Many experiments
                   have confirmed these predictions. For example, the group velocity in certain materials
         Ref. 90   has been measured to be ten times that of light. The refractive index then is smaller than
                   1. However, in all these cases the group velocity is not the same as the signal speed.*
                       What then is the best velocity describing signal propagation? Arnold Sommerfeld**
                   almost solved the main problem in the beginning of the twentieth century. He defined
                   the signal velocity as the velocity 𝑣So of the front slope of the pulse. The definition is illus-
         Ref. 89   trated in Figure 87. The definition cannot be summarized in a formula, but it does have
                   the property that it describes signal propagation for almost all experiments, in particu-
                   lar those in which the group and phase velocity are larger than the speed of light. When
                   studying its properties, it was found that for no material is Sommerfeld’s signal velocity
                   greater than the speed of light in vacuum.
                       Sometimes it is conceptually easier to describe signal propagation with the help of
                   the energy velocity. As previously mentioned, every signal transports energy. The energy
                   velocity 𝑣en is defined as the ratio between the energy flow density 𝑆, i.e., the Poynting

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   vector, and the energy density 𝑊, both taken in the direction of propagation. For elec-
                   tromagnetic fields – the only ones fast enough to be interesting for eventual superluminal
                   signals – this ratio is
                                                             𝑣en =         .                                   (74)

                   However, as in the case of the front velocity, in the case of the energy velocity we have
                   to specify the underlying averaging procedure, denoted by ⟨⟩, i.e., whether we mean the
                   energy transported by the main pulse or by the front of it. In vacuum, neither speed is
                   ever greater than the speed of light.*** (In general, the velocity of energy in matter has a

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         Ref. 89   value slightly different from Sommerfeld’s signal velocity.)
                      In recent years, the progress in light detector technology, allowing one to detect even
                   the tiniest energies, has forced scientists to take the fastest of all these energy velocities
                   to describe signal velocity. Using detectors with the highest possible sensitivity we can
                   use as signal the first point of the wave train whose amplitude is different from zero, i.e.,
                   the first tiny amount of energy arriving. This point’s velocity, conceptually similar to
                   Sommerfeld’s signal velocity, is commonly called the front velocity or, to distinguish it

                   * In quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger proved that the velocity of an electron is given by the group
Vol. IV, page 94   velocity of its wave function. Therefore the same discussion reappeared in quantum theory, as we will find
                   out in the next volume of our mountain ascent.
                   ** Arnold Sommerfeld (b. 1868 Königsberg, d. 1951 Munich) was a central figure in the spread of special and
                   general relativity, of quantum theory, and of their applications. A professor in Munich, an excellent teacher
                   and text book writer, he worked on atomic theory, on the theory of metals and on electrodynamics, and
                   was the first to understand the importance and the mystery around ‘Sommerfeld’s famous fine structure
                   *** Signals not only carry energy, they also carry negative entropy (‘information’). The entropy of a trans-
                   mitter increases during transmission. The receiver decreases in entropy (but less than the increase at the
         Ref. 92   transmitter, of course).
                      Note that the negative group velocity implies energy transport against the propagation velocity of light.
         Ref. 93   This is possible only in energy loaded materials.
                  136                                                                          3 what is light?

Challenge 138 s   even more clearly from Sommerfeld’s case, the forerunner velocity. It is simply given by

                                                          𝑣fr = lim     .                                        (75)
                                                                𝜔→∞   𝑘
                  The forerunner velocity is never greater than the speed of light in a vacuum, even in
                  materials. In fact it is precisely 𝑐 because, for extremely high frequencies, the ratio 𝜔/𝑘
                  is independent of the material, and vacuum properties take over.

                     ⊳ The forerunner velocity is the true signal velocity or the true velocity of light.

                  Using the forerunner speed, all discussions on light speed become clear and unambigu-
                     To end this section, here are two challenges for you. Which of all the velocities of light
Challenge 139 s   is measured in experiments determining the velocity of light, e.g. when light is sent to

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the Moon and reflected back? And now a more difficult one: why is the signal speed of
Challenge 140 s   light inside matter less than the speed in vacuum, as all experiments show?

                  Signals and predictions
                  When one person reads a text over the phone to a neighbour who listens to it and maybe
                  repeats it, we speak of communication. For any third person, the speed of communica-
                  tion is always less than the speed of light. But if the neighbour already knows the text,
                  he can recite it without having heard the readers’ voice. To the third observer such a
                  situation appears to imply motion that is faster than light. Prediction can thus mimic

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  communication and, in particular, it can mimic faster-than-light (superluminal) com-
                  munication. Such a situation was demonstrated most spectacularly in 1994 by Günter
        Ref. 91   Nimtz, who seemingly transported music – all music is predictable for short time scales
                  – through a ‘faster-than-light’ system. To distinguish between the two situations, we note
                  that in the case of prediction, no transport of energy takes place, in contrast to the case
                  of communication. In other words, the definition of a signal as a transporter of informa-
                  tion is not as useful and clear-cut as the definition of a signal as a transporter of energy. In
                  the above-mentioned experiment, no energy was transported faster than light. The same
                  distinction between prediction on the one hand and signal or energy propagation on the
                  other will be used later to clarify some famous experiments in quantum mechanics.

                                                                 If the rate at which physics papers are being
                                                                 published continues to increase, physics
                                                                 journals will soon be filling library shelves
                                                                 faster than the speed of light. This does not
                                                                 violate relativity since no useful information is

                                                                 being transmitted.
                                                                                                     David Mermin

                  Aether go od-bye
                  Gamma rays, X-rays, light and radio waves are moving electromagnetic waves. All ex-
                  ist in empty space. What is oscillating when light travels? Maxwell himself called the
                  what is light?                                                                                             137

                                      TA B L E 15 Experimental properties of flat, classical vacuum, thus
                                      neglecting all quantum effects and all effects of general relativity.

                                      P h y s i c a l p r o p e r t y E x p e r i m e n t a l va l u e

                                      Permeability                       𝜇0 =1.3 μH/m
                                      Permittivity                       𝜀0 =8.9 pF/m
                                      Wave impedance/resistance          𝑍0 = 376.7 Ω
                                      Conformal invariance               applies
                                      Spatial dimensionality             3
                                      Topology                           R3
                                      Friction on moving bodies          none
                                      Components                         none
                                      Mass and energy content            none
                                      Motion                             none

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  oscillating ‘medium’ the aether. The properties of the oscillating medium that are meas-
                  ured in experiments are listed in Table 15. The strange numerical values are due to the
      Page 353    definition of the units henry and farad.
        Ref. 94      The last item of Table 15 is the most important: despite intensive efforts, nobody has
                  been able to detect any motion of the so-called aether. In particular, there is no motion
                  of the aether relative to the vacuum. In other words, even though the aether supposedly
                  oscillates, it does not move. Together with the other data, all these results can be summed
Challenge 141 e   up in one sentence: there is no way to distinguish the aether from the vacuum.

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     Sometimes one hears that certain experiments or even the theory of relativity show
                  that the aether does not exist. There is a lot of truth in this statement; in fact, experiments
                  show something even more important:

                      ⊳ The aether is indistinguishable from the vacuum.

                  This statement is true in all cases. For example, we found out in the section on general
                  relativity that a curved vacuum can move; but the aether still remains indistinguishable
                  from it.* Also quantum field theory confirms the identity of aether and vacuum.
                      What then is oscillating in the case of electromagnetic waves? We now have a simple
                  answer to this old question: the vacuum. The vacuum is the carrier, or carrier medium, of
                  electromagnetic waves. The flat, Lorentz-invariant vacuum carries waves, even though
                  it cannot move and it does not provide a favourite coordinate system. Flat vacuum is
                  thus something special, and it is also acceptable to avoid the terms ‘carrier’ or ‘medium’
                  altogether. In some bizarre clubs it is even compulsory to do so. However, this avoidance

        Ref. 95   * Historically, the term ‘aether’ has been used as an expression for several different ideas, depending on the
                  author. First of all it was used for the idea that a vacuum is not empty, but full; secondly, that this fullness
                  can be described by mechanical models, such as gears, little spheres, vortices, etc.; thirdly, it was imagined
                  that the aether is a substance, similar to matter. All these ideas are put to rest by relativity. Nevertheless,
                  these issues will reappear in the last part of our mountain ascent, when the description of the vacuum itself
                  is explored.
                  138                                                                                  3 what is light?

                  is impossible in general relativity, as we have seen, and is equally impossible in quantum
                  field theory, as we will find out.*
                      In short, experiments in the domain of special relativity have abolished the aether: it
                  is a superfluous concept; the physical vacuum has many of the properties that were once
        Ref. 95   ascribed to the aether. From now on, we will drop the concept of aether from our vocab-
                  ulary. On the other hand, we have not yet finished the study of the vacuum; vacuum will
                  keep us busy for the rest of our walk, starting with the part of our adventure that fol-
                  lows, the part on quantum physics. In fact, quantum physics shows that all experimental
Challenge 142 d   values in Table 15 require amendments.

                  Challenges and fun curiosities ab ou t light, polarization and
                  the geometric phase
                  Since light is a wave, something must happen if it is directed to a hole less than its
Challenge 143 s   wavelength in diameter. What exactly happens?

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  On a sunny day at moderate latitudes on the Earth, sunlight has a power density of
                  1 kW/m2 . What is the corresponding energy density and what are the average electric
Challenge 144 s   and magnetic fields?
Challenge 145 s   Spectrally pure light is often called ‘monochromatic’. Why is this a misnomer?

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Electrodynamics shows that light beams always push; they never pull. Can you confirm
Challenge 146 e   that ‘tractor beams’ are impossible in nature?
                  It is well known that the glowing material in light bulbs is tungsten wire in an inert
                  gas. This was the result of a series of experiments that began with the grandmother of
                  all lamps, namely the cucumber. The older generation knows that a pickled cucumber,
                  when attached to the 230 V of the mains, glows with a bright green light. (Be careful; the
                  experiment is dirty and dangerous.)
                  Light beams have an effective temperature and entropy. Though not often discussed
                  nowadays, the thermodynamics of light has been explored in great detail by Max von
                  Laue (b. 1879 Koblenz, d. 1960 Berlin) in the years between 1900 and 1906. Von Laue
        Ref. 96   showed that usual light propagation in empty space is a reversible process and that
                  the entropy of a beam indeed remains constant in this case. When light is diffracted,
                  scattered or reflected diffusively, the effective temperature decreases and the entropy in-
                  creases. The most interesting case is interference, where entropy usually increases, but

                  * In 2013, the German Physical Society published an official expert opinion stating that “electromagnetic
                  waves do not need vacuum as carrier.” The society also wants all physics teachers to tell this false statement
                  to their pupils. Physicists all over the world are still laughing.
                  what is light?                                                                               139

                  sometimes decreases.
                  We saw that light has energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, entropy, temper-
                  ature, pressure, chemical potential and, as we will see in the next volume, consists of
                  quantons. It makes thus sense to state:
                    ⊳ Light is a substance.
Challenge 147 s   Enjoy exploring this conclusion.
                  The wave impedance of the vacuum of 376.7 Ω has practical consequences. If an electro-
                  magnetic wave impinges on a large, thin, resistive film along the normal direction, the
                  numerical value of the film resistance determines what happens. If the film resistance
                  is much larger than 376.7 Ω per square, the film is essentially transparent, and the wave

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  will be transmitted. If the film resistance is much lower than 376.7 Ω per square, the film
                  is essentially a short circuit for the wave, and the wave will be reflected. Finally, if the film
                  resistance is comparable to 376.7 Ω per square, the film is impedance-matched and the
                  wave will be absorbed.
                  If the light emitted by the headlights of cars were polarized from the bottom left to the
                  upper right (as seen from the car’s driver) one could vastly improve the quality of driving
                  at night: one could add a polarizer to the wind shield oriented in the same direction. As

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  a result, a driver would see the reflection of his own light, but the light from cars coming
Challenge 148 s   towards him would be considerably dampened. Why is this not done in modern cars?
                  Could light have a tiny mass, and move with a speed just below the maximal speed pos-
        Ref. 97   sible in nature? The question has been studied extensively. If light had mass, Maxwell’s
                  equations would have to be modified, the speed of light would depend on the frequency
                  and on the source and detector speed, and longitudinal electromagnetic radiation would
                  exist. Despite a promise for eternal fame, no such effect has been observed.
                  A beam of light can be polarized. The direction of polarization can be changed by
                  sending the light through materials that are birefringent, such as liquid crystals, cal-
                  cite or stressed polymers. But polarization can also be changed with the help of mir-
                  rors. To achieve such a polarization change, the path of light has to be genuinely three-
                  dimensional; the path must not lie in a plane.
                     To understand the rotation of polarization with mirrors, the best tool is the so-called
                  geometric phase. The geometric phase is an angle that occurs in three-dimensional paths
                  of any polarized wave. The geometric phase is a general phenomenon that appears both
                  for light wave, for wave functions, and even for transverse mechanical oscillations. To
                  visualize geometric phase, we look at the Figure 89.
                     The left image of Figure 89 can be seen as paper strip or a leather belt folded in space,
          140                                                                                 3 what is light?

                       source                                                                   detectors
                                        beam                                 beam
                                        splitter                             splitter
                                                    two identical                        light
                                                    photons                              paths

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          F I G U R E 88 A conventional two-dimensional (Mach–Zehnder) interferometer, with sides of equal
          lengths, and its outputs A and B. Light exits in direction A, the direction of constructive interference
          (photo © Félix Dieu and Gaël Osowiecki).

          with a bright and a dark coloured side. It is not a surprise that the orientation of the strip
Ref. 98   at the end differs from the start. Imagine to follow the strip with the palm of your hand
          flat on it, along its three-dimensional path. At the end of the path, your arm is twisted.
          This twist angle is the geometric phase induced by the path.
              Instead of a hand following the paper strip, we now imagine that a polarized light
          beam follows the path defined by the centre of the strip. At the bends, mirrors change
          the motion of the light, but at each tiny advance, the polarization remains parallel to the
          polarization just before. One speaks of parallel transport. The result for light is the same
          as for the belt: At the end of the path, the polarization of the light beam has been rotated.
          In short, parallel transport in three dimensions results in a geometric phase. In particular,
          it is thus possible to rotate the polarization of a beam of light with the help of mirrors
                    what is light?                                                                                             141

                        An object moving along the path A 1 B 2 C 3 D that is always oriented
                        perpendicular to the path (thus undergoing parallel transport) acquires a
                        rotation if the path is three-dimensional: the geometric phase.
                        The same happens with polarized light.


                                                               final position
                                                               and final
                                                               orientation                                1
                                                                                        2          Ω                  A, D

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                        initial position
                                                                                                      3                and
                        and initial
                        orientation                                                 C                          orientation

                                               A                                x

                    F I G U R E 89 Left: a three-dimensional path traced by a pointed object that behaves like the polarization

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    of light. The bends 1, 2 and 3 could be induced by mirrors. Right: the rotation angle of the polarization
                    is given by the solid angle Ω, the geometric phase, enclosed by the path.

                        Also transverse mechanical oscillations work in this way. When a Foucault pendulum
 Vol. I, page 140   oscillates, its path – a segment of a circle due to the rotation of the Earth – is three-
                    dimensional. The direction of oscillation – akin to the polarization of the light or the
                    orientation of the paper strip – changes along the path.
                        Since wave functions in quantum mechanics are also described by a transverse phase,
                    they show similar effects when they follow three-dimensional paths. The Aharonov-
 Vol. IV, page 97   Bohm effect is an example for a situation where a three-dimensional path leads to phase
                        The other, right-hand drawing in Figure 89, illustrating the so-called sphere of direc-
                    tions, shows how to calculate the angle of rotation due to a specific path. The geometric
Challenge 149 ny    phase turns out to be the solid angle enclosed by the path. In short, the geometric phase
                    angle is given by the enclosed solid angle. With this result, the geometric phase has no
                    mysteries any more. (For paths that are not closed on the sphere of directions, the cal-
                    culation can still be carried out by suitably closing the path on the sphere.) A pretty case
                    is the experiment in which polarized light is fed into a helically coiled optical fibre. In
                    this case, the geometric phase is fixed by the length of the fibre and the pitch length of
                   142                                                                    3 what is light?

                   the helix. Effects of the geometric phase have also been observed in molecules, in nuclei,
                   neutron beams, in interferometers of all kind, in particle accelerators, in gyroscopes, in
         Ref. 99   general relativity and in many other settings.
                      Historically, the geometric phase has been discovered independently by many people
                   in different fields of physics. The researcher who understood its general importance in
                   quantum physics was Michael Berry in 1983, but the phase was known in quantum
                   physics, optics and mechanics long before, among others through the work in nuclear
                   physics by Christopher Longuet-Higgins in the 1950s, through the work on light by the
                   young genius Shivaramakrishnan Pancharatnam also in the 1950s, through the work on
                   molecules by Alden Mead in the 1970s, and, of course, through the mentioned Fou-
Vol. I, page 244   cault pendulum from 1851. But also the errors in the south-pointing carriage, which we
Vol. I, page 206   mentioned before, are due to the geometric phase. Following Michael Berry, the phe-
                   nomenon is now called the geometric phase. Older expressions, such as adiabatic phase,
                   topological phase, quantal phase, Berry’s phase and various other terms are not used any

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      After this excursion, here is a challenge of the real world. What is the smallest number
                   of mirrors needed in a device to change the polarization of a light beam that exits the
Challenge 150 s    device in the same direction as it came in?
                   In many optical systems – including laser systems and cameras – the polarization of light
                   is controlled with the help of waveplates. They are made from a birefringent materials.
                   A half-wave waveplate allows to rotate the polarization of a linearly polarized beam. If
                   the waveplate is rotated by an angle 𝛼, the polarization of the beam is rotated by an angle

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   2𝛼. A quarter-wave waveplate transforms linear polarization into circular polarization –
                   and vice versa.
                   Vikings had no magnetic compass and no clocks. Still, they were able to navigate pre-
                   cisely across the Atlantic Ocean over long times and distances. It seems that they used
                   ‘sunstones’ as navigation devices, which most probably were birefringent crystals, such
                   as calcite, cordierite or tourmaline. The Vikings probably had an orientable crystal
                   mounted on their ship. With the crystal, a navigator could determine the position of
                   the Sun and steer his ship accordingly. The exact method used is still matter of dispute;
                   it might have been similar to the method used by bees or certain spiders, thus allowing
      Page 113     to determine the position of the Sun also in cloudy weather or during twilight. This al-
                   lowed to navigate along constant latitude with sufficient precision, even for three weeks
       Ref. 100    of travel. The resulting uncertainties have been simulated numerically; but the method
                   has yet to be tested on a real ship.
                   An interferometer is a device that uses the interference of light to study the properties
                   of a light beam. A common interferometer, the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, is shown
                   in Figure 88. If all sides have equal length, light interferes constructively in the output
                   direction A and destructively in the other output direction B. Thus light exits in direction
                  what is light?                                                                                             143


                   Beam                                                    Beam
                   in                                             A        in                                            A

                   Polari-                                                 Polari-
                   zation                                                  zation

                      To simplify the exploration, the mirrors and beam splitters used above conserve handedness :

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 90 Two different three-dimensional interferometers, with all edges of equal lengths, the
                  mirrors/beam splitters used, and their outputs A and B. Where does the light exit?

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 101      Only in the 1990s people started asking what would happen in three-dimensional in-
                  terferometers, such as the one shown in Figure 90. To clarify the situation, a few points
                  are necessary. First, we need to specify the polarization of the light used, and recall that
                  only light of the same polarization can interfere. Secondly, to simplify the discussion, we
                  assume that the mirrors are of a special type (namely corner cubes based on total refrac-
                  tion) so that, in contrast to usual mirrors, they conserve polarization. Thirdly, we assume
                  that all edges have equal length. Can you deduce which exits are bright in the two cases
Challenge 151 s   of Figure 90?
                  It is possible to build a glass device that allows realizing the optical analog of the Stern-
                  Gerlach experiment. The so-called Fresnel triprism separates a light beam into its left-
                  and right-polarized components. To achieve this, three double refracting prisms of dif-
       Ref. 103   ferent handedness are glued together in a suitable geometric arrangement.
                  In regions of destructive interference one finds so-called phase singularities. If the in-
                  terfering light is white, such regions are not black but show, if the intensity is amplified,
       Ref. 102   fascinating colour patterns. These colours, predicted in the 1970s, were found experi-
                  mentally a few decades later. They follow an universal blue-orange pattern.
           144                                                                   3 what is light?

           Maxwell’s equations of the electromagnetic field are 150 years old. Is all about them
           known? Probably not. For example, only in the 1990s Antonio Rañada discovered that
           the equations have solutions with knotted field lines. The most spectacular solutions so
Ref. 104   far have been published by Arrayás and Trueba. More such surprising results are prob-
           ably waiting to be found.
           Light can bleach hair. Many women turn their hair blond by using chemicals. Light
           can do this much better, if the wavelength is between 500 and 1100 nm, and if the pulse
           length is under 10 ps. Such short pulses, if powerful enough, destroy the melanin in the
           hair without destroying the keratin. In a not too distant future, we might see picosecond
           lasers at hair dressers.

           Summary on light

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Radio waves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays are
           electromagnetic waves. Their dispersion relation in vacuum is 𝜔 = 𝑐𝑘, where the phase
           velocity 𝑐 = 299 792 458 m/s is a universal constant, an invariant. Electromagnetic waves
           carry energy, linear momentum and angular momentum. In vacuum, the phase velocity
           is also the group and the signal velocity. In addition, the speed of electromagnetic waves
           𝑐 is the (local) limit energy speed in nature: Electromagnetic waves in vacuum move
           faster than any material object.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Chapter 4

           I M AG E S A N D T H E EY E – OP T IC S

                   ptics is the field that explores the production of images. In particular,
                   ptics is the study and use of light generation, of light transport, and
                   f light and image detection. With this definition of optics, we note directly
           that classical electrodynamics can describe only the transport of light. The generation

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           and the detection of light are always quantum effects. Every lamp is a device based
           on quantum physics. Every detector of light, including the eye, is based on quantum
           physics. Therefore, in this chapter we mainly explore the motion of light and the way it
Ref. 105   forms images, and give only a short introduction into light sources and the eye. Light
           generation will be explored in more detail in the volumes on quantum physics.

           Ways to acquire images
           Acquiring images is an important part of modern society. The quality of images depends
           on the smart use of optics, electronics, computers and materials science. Despite the

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           long history of optics, there are still new results in the field. Images, i.e., two or three-
           dimensional reproductions of a physical situation, can be taken by at least six groups of
           — Photography uses a light source, lenses and film – or another large area detector in-
             side a camera. Photography can be used in reflection, in transmission, with phase-
             dependence, with various illuminations, and with light sources and detectors for vari-
             ous wavelengths.
           — Optical microscopy uses a light source, magnifying lens systems and film (or another
             large area detector). If the illumination is through the sample, in transmission, one
             speaks of bright-field microscopy. (Variations use coloured or polarizing filters.) If
             the illumination is from the side, one speaks of oblique microscopy. If the illumin-
             ation is confined to an outer ring of light, one speaks of dark-field microscopy. An
             even more elaborate illumination system, using plane waves, allows phase-contrast
Ref. 106     microscopy. (It was invented by Frits Zernike in the 1930s and earned him the No-
             bel Prize in Physics in 1953.) If one splits a polarized illumination beam into two
             components that pass the sample at close (but not identical) locations, and then re-
             combines them afterwards, one speaks of differential interference contrast microscopy.
             If a sample is treated with a fluorescent dye, the illuminating light is filtered out, and
             only the fluorescence is observed, one speaks of fluorescence microscopy. The image
             quality of expensive microscopes can be further improved with the help of a com-
             puter, using deconvolution techniques.
           146                                                     4 images and the eye – optics

                                                F I G U R E 91 An X-ray photographic image of a ten-year old
                                                boy with polydactyly (© Drgnu23).

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           — Telescopy is used most of all in geodesy and astronomy. Since over a hundred years,
             telescopes are so powerful that, at large magnification, stars can be observed during
Page 163     the day. We will explore telescopes below. The most advanced astronomical tele-
             scopes can compensate star images for the effects of the turbulence of the atmo-
             sphere; they can also take images at various wavelengths, ranging from radio fre-
             quencies, infrared, visible, ultraviolet to X-rays. Simple telescopes are lens-based;
             high-performance telescopes are usually mirror-based. Telescopes also exists for
             non-visible wavelengths. Infrared telescopes can be ground-based, balloon-based,

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             aeroplane-based or satellite-based. UV and X-ray telescopes have to be operated out-
             side the atmosphere, to avoid absorption by air, for example on rockets, satellites or
             high-altitude balloons. They are all mirror based.
           — Scanning techniques acquire images point by point through the motion of the detector,
             the light source or both. There are numerous scanning microscopy techniques: con-
             focal laser scanning microscopy, the fibre-based near-field scanning optical microscopy,
             and combinations of them with fluorescence techniques or various deconvolution
             techniques. Many of these scanning microscopy techniques allow resolutions much
             lower than the wavelength of light, a feat that is impossible with conventional micro-
             scopic techniques. Scanning techniques are also used in special fields of photography.
           — Tomography, usually performed in transmission, uses a source and a detector that are
             rotated together around an object. This technique, effectively a specialized scanning
             technique, allows imaging cross sections of physical bodies. For example, light tomo-
             graphy is a promising technique, without any health risk, for breast cancer detection.
           — Holography uses lasers and large area detectors and allows taking three-dimensional
             images of objects. Such images seem to float in space. Holography can be used in
             reflection or in transmission.
           Each image acquisition method can be used with radio waves, infrared light, visible light,
           ultraviolet light, X-rays or with gamma rays. In fact, these techniques can even be used
           with electron beams; one then speaks of electron optics. In all imaging methods, the
           race is twofold: progress aims for images with the highest resolution possible and for
light sources                                                                               147

                                                           F I G U R E 92 A film taken with a
                                                           special ultrafast camera showing a
                                                           short light pulse that bounces off a
                                                           mirror (QuickTime film © Wang
                                                           Lihong and Washington University
                                                           at St. Louis).

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
images with the shortest shutter times possible. The shorter the shutter time, the more
informative is the resulting film. An impressive example is the film of a moving light
pulse shown in Figure 92. We start our overview of imaging techniques with the most
important tool: light sources.

light sources

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Without radiation sources, there would be no images. All imaging techniques need
sources of radiation. In the domain of visible light optics, the most common light sources
of visible and infrared light are hot objects, such as candles, the Sun or flashlamps. Phys-
ically speaking, these light sources are approximations of black bodies. Let us see why
they are used. Cold light sources, such as light emitting semiconductor diodes, fireflies
or lasers, are explored later on.

Why can we see each other? Black b odies and the temperature of
Physicists have a strange use of the term ‘black’. A body that glows perfectly is called a
black body. In this domain, ‘perfect’ means that the surface of the body has no effect on
its colour.

   ⊳ A black body is a body that absorbs all radiation impinging on it.

In other words, a black body is a body without reflection or transmission of radiation.
Black bodies are an idealization; above all, they are only black at low temperature. With
increasing temperature, black bodies glow or shine in black, brown, red, orange, yellow,
white or light blue.
   The essence of black bodies is that the colour they have, i.e., the light they radiate,
                   148                                                                                        4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                         Solar Radiation Spectrum

                                                   2.00                                        AM0 Direct normal (black body at 5780 K)
                         Irradiance (W m-2 nm-1)                                               AM0 Direct normal (Gueymard 2004)
                                                                                               AM1.5 Direct normal (ASTM G 173)
                                                   1.50                O3

                                                   0.50                            H2O
                                                                O3                                 H2O, CO2
                                                                                                                  H2O, CO2        H2O, CO2

                                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                          200    400    600       800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
                                                                                             Wavelength (nm)

                   F I G U R E 93 A black body spectrum at 5780 K, the solar spectrum above the atmosphere in direction of
                   the Sun, with 1350 W/m2 , and the spectrum with 1.5 air masses, or atmospheric thicknesses, in
                   between, with 844 W/m2 . The latter roughly describes the spectrum of a typical sunny day at sea level.
                   The gases responsible for the absorption bands are also shown (© Chris Gueymard).

                                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   is independent of the surface. Black bodies are thus ideal in this sense. Real bodies,
                   which do show surface effects, can be classified by their emissivity. The emissivity gives
                   the degree to which a body approaches a black body. Mirrors have emissivities of around
                   0.02, whereas black soot can have values as high as 0.95. Practically all bodies at everyday
                   temperature are not black bodies: their colour is not determined by emission, but mostly
                   by the absorption and reflection of light at their surface.
                       Black bodies, as the section on quantum theory will show, have smooth light emission
                   spectra. An example for a spectrum of a black body, and for a spectrum of a real body –
                   in this case, the Sun – is shown in Figure 93.
                       Black bodies are also used to define the colour white. What we commonly call pure
                   white is the colour emitted by the Sun. The sun is not a good black body, as Figure 93
                   shows (its effective temperature is 5780 K). Because of these problems, pure white is now
                   defined as the colour of a black body of 6500 K, e.g. by the Commission Internationale
       Ref. 107    d’Eclairage. As mentioned, hotter black bodies are bluish, colder ones are yellow, orange,
Vol. I, page 261   red, brown or black. The stars in the sky are classified in this way.
                       Black bodies are thus bodies that glow perfectly. Most real bodies are only rough ap-
                   proximations of black bodies, even at temperatures at which they shine yellow light. For
                   example, the tungsten in incandescent light bulbs, at around 2000 K, has an emissivity of
                   around 0.4 for most wavelengths, so that its spectrum is a corresponding fraction of that
                   of black body. (However, the glass of the light bulb then absorbs much of the ultraviolet
                   and infrared components, so that the final spectrum is not at all that of a black body.)
                    light sources                                                                                           149

                       Black body radiation has two important properties: first, the emitted light power in-
                    creases with the fourth power of the temperature. With this relation alone you can check
                    the temperature of the Sun, mentioned above, simply by comparing the size of the Sun
                    with the width of your thumb when your arm is stretched out in front of you. Are you
Challenge 152 d     able to do this? (Hint: use the excellent approximation that the Earth’s average temper-
        Ref. 108    ature of about 14.0°C is due to the Sun’s irradiation.)
                       The precise expression for the energy density 𝑢 per frequency 𝜈 emitted a temperature
                    𝑇 can be deduced from the radiation ‘law’ for black bodies discovered by Max Planck*

                                                                       8πℎ     𝜈3
                                                           𝑢(𝜈, 𝑇) =                  .                                    (76)
                                                                        𝑐3 eℎ𝜈/𝑘𝑇 − 1

                    He made this important discovery, which we will discuss in more detail in the quantum
                    part of our mountain ascent, simply by comparing this curve with experiment. The new
                    constant ℎ is called the quantum of action or Planck’s constant and turns out to have the

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
 Vol. IV, page 17   value 6.6 ⋅ 10−34 Js, and is central to all quantum theory, as we will find out. The other
                    constant Planck introduced, the Boltzmann constant 𝑘, appears as a prefactor of tem-
                    perature all over thermodynamics, as it acts as a conversion unit from temperature to
 Challenge 153 e       The radiation ‘law’ gives for the total emitted energy density the expression

                                                                             8π5 𝑘4
                                                              𝑢(𝑇) = 𝑇4              .                                     (77)
                                                                             15𝑐3 ℎ3
                    Below, we will deduce from it the expression for the intensity 𝐼 of thermal radiation. That

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              ny    expression, equation (85), is deduced using 𝐼 = 𝑢𝑐/4. (Why?)
                       The second property of black body radiation is the value of the peak wavelength, i.e.,
                    the wavelength emitted with the highest intensity. This wavelength determines the colour
Challenge 155 ny    of a black body; it is deduced from equation (76) to be

                               1 ℎ𝑐        2.90 mm K
                     𝜆 max =             =                     but     ℏ𝜈max = 𝑇 ⋅ 2.82 𝑘/ℎ = 𝑇 ⋅ 5.9 ⋅ 1010 Hz/K .(78)
                               𝑇 4.956 𝑘        𝑇
                    Either of these expressions is called Wien’s colour displacement rule after its discoverer.**
                    The colour change with temperature is used in optical thermometers; this is also the way

                    * Max Planck (b. 1858 Kile, d. 1947 Göttingen), professor of physics in Berlin, was a central figure in ther-
                    modynamics. He discovered and named the Boltzmann constant 𝑘 and the quantum of action ℎ, often called
                    Planck’s constant. His introduction of the quantum hypothesis gave birth to quantum theory. He also made
                    the works of Einstein known in the physical community, and later organized a job for him in Berlin. He
                    received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. He was an important figure in the German scientific estab-
                    lishment; he also was one of the very few who had the courage to tell Adolf Hitler face to face that it was a
        Ref. 109    bad idea to fire Jewish professors. (He got an outburst of anger as answer.) Famously modest, with many
                    tragedies in his personal life, he was esteemed by everybody who knew him.
                    ** Wilhelm Wien (b. 1864 Gaffken, d. 1928 Munich) received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 for the
                    discovery of this relation. The value of the constant appearing in Wien’s rule can be uniquely calculated
                    from equation (76), but cannot be expressed as a formula. Indeed, Wien’s constant contains the solution of
                    the equation 𝑥 = 5(1 − e−𝑥 ).
                   150                                                            4 images and the eye – optics

                               Figure to be inserted

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 94 Bodies inside an oven at room temperature differ in colour, in contrast to bodies at high
                   temperature (photo © Wolfgang Rueckner).

                   the temperatures of stars are measured. For 37°C, human body temperature, it gives a
                   peak wavelength of 9.3 μm or 115 THz, which is therefore the colour of the bulk of the
                   radiation emitted by every human being. (The peak wavelength does not correspond to
 Challenge 156 s   the peak frequency. Why?) On the other hand, following the telecommunication laws of

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   many countries, any radiation emitter needs a licence to operate; it follows that strictly
                   in Germany only dead people are legal, and only if their bodies are at absolute zero tem-
                      We saw that a black body – or a star – can be blue, white, yellow, orange, red or brown.
 Challenge 157 e   A black body is never green. Can you explain why?
                      Above, we predicted that any material made of charges emits radiation. Are you able
                   to find a simple argument showing whether heat radiation is or is not this classically
Challenge 158 ny   predicted radiation?
                      But let us come back to the question in the section title. The existence of thermal radi-
                   ation implies that any hot body will cool, even if it is left in the most insulating medium
                   there is, namely in vacuum. More precisely, if the vacuum is surrounded by a wall, the
                   temperature of a body in the vacuum will gradually approach that of the wall.
                      Interestingly, when the temperature of the wall and of the body inside have become
                   the same, something strange happens. The effect is difficult to check at home, but im-
        Ref. 110   pressive photographs exist in the literature.
                      One arrangement in which walls and the objects inside them are at the same temper-
                   ature is an oven. It turns out that it is impossible to see objects in an oven using the light
                   coming from thermal radiation. For example, if an oven and all its contents are red hot,
                   taking a picture of the inside of the oven (without a flash!) does not reveal anything; no
                   contrast nor brightness changes exist that allow one to distinguish the objects from the
 Challenge 159 s   walls or their surroundings. Can you explain the finding?
                      In short, we are able to see each other only because the light sources we use are at
                  light sources                                                                                     151

                                                                F I G U R E 95 The last mirror of the solar furnace at
                                                                Odeillo, in the French Pyrenees (© Gerhard

                  a different temperature from us. We can see each other only because we do not live in
                  thermal equilibrium with our environment.

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Limits to the concentration of light
                  Light sources should be as bright as possible. Are there any limits? Interestingly, for
                  black body radiation there is an important and instructive limitation.
                      If we build a large lens or a large curved mirror, we can collect the light of the Sun and
                  focus it on a tiny spot. Everybody has used a converging lens as a child to burn black
                  spots on newspapers – or ants – in this way. In Odeillo, in Spain, wealthier researchers
                  have built a curved mirror as large as a house, in order to study solar energy use and
                  material behaviour at high temperature. Essentially, the mirror provides a cheap way to
                  fire an oven in its focus. (And ‘focus’ is the Latin word for ‘hearth’.)

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      Kids find out quite rapidly that large lenses or mirrors allow them to burn things or
                  paper more easily than small ones. The Odeillo site shown in Figure 95 is the record
                  holder in the quest for the larges possible collection area. Interstingly, building a larger
                  mirror does not make much sense. Whatever its size may be, the temperature in such a
       Ref. 111   set-up is limited:

                     ⊳ The effective temperature of the light in a focus cannot exceed the temper-
                       ature of the original light source.

                  In all practical situations, the temperature of the light source is much higher than in
                  the focus. The surface temperature of the Sun is about 5780 K; the highest temperature
                  reached so far in Odeillo is about 4000 K. Are you able to show that this limitation is
                  equivalent to the second principle of thermodynamics, as Hemholtz, Clausius and Airy
Challenge 160 s   showed?
                     In short, nature provides a limit to the concentration of light energy. More precisely,
                  we can say: thermodynamics limits what can be achieved through heating with thermal
                  light sources.
                     The thermodynamic limit on heating with light does not prevent people to use light
                  concentration to gather solar energy. Experimental power plants such as the one shown
                  in Figure 96 are one promising way to supply energy to households when fossil fuel prices
                  rise too much.
                  152                                                             4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 96 The solar power plant at Sanlucar la Mayor, near Seville, in Spain (© Wikimedia).

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      As we just saw, a beam of thermal light has entropy. In contrast, a laser beam only has
                  a tiny entropy. We can also ascribe a temperature value to either beam: the temperature
                  of a thermal beam is the temperature of the light source; the temperature of a laser beam
                  is a ‘negative’ number. This makes some sense intuitively, because a laser beam is able to
                  cool gases; more precisely, a laser beam is a non-equilibrium situation, and temperature
                  is not defined for such cases.
                      In several countries, taxpayer’s money is wasted in so-called inertial confinement fu-
                  sion centres. In those centres, several powerful lasers are focused on a small sphere of
                  material, typically, 1 mm in size; a target temperature of around 3 MK (or, equivalently,
Challenge 161 s   300 eV) has been achieved. Why is this possible?

                  Measuring light intensit y
                  Light sources differ in brightness. Measuring what we call ‘dark’ and ‘bright’ is some-
                  what involved, because light can be diffuse or directed. To achieve proper measurements,
      Page 352    the SI, the international system of units, defines a specific base unit, the candela:
                      ‘The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits
                  monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ⋅ 1012 hertz and has a radiant intensity in that
                  direction of (1/683) watt per steradian.’
                  The candela is thus a unit for light power per (solid) angle, usually called luminous intens-
                  light sources                                                                            153

                             TA B L E 16 Some measured illuminance values.

                             O b s e r va t i o n                                 Illumin-
                             Brightness of the human body                         1 plx
                             Faint star                                           0.1 nlx
                             Sirius                                               10 μlx
                             phot (old illuminance unit)                          10 μlx
                             Jupiter                                              20 μlx
                             Dark, moonless night                                 1 mlx
                             Full moon                                            0.01 to 0.24 lx
                             Street at night, low traffic, poor lighting          0.1 to 3 lx
                             Street at night, high traffic                        10 to 30 lx
                             For reading                                          50 to 100 lx
                             Cinema screen                                        100 lx

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                             Workplace                                            0.2 to 5 klx
                             Cloudy day                                           1 klx
                             Brightest lamps, used for surgery                    120 klx
                             Sunny day                                            120 klx
                             Film in cinema projector                             5 Mlx
                             Painful to the eye                                   100 Mlx

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  ity, except that it is corrected for the eye’s sensitivity: the candela measures only visible
                  power per angle. The definition of the candela simply says that 683 cd = 683 lm/sr cor-
                  responds to 1 W/sr. For example, a glow worm produces 0.01 cd, a candle indeed pro-
                  duces around 1 cd, a car light around 100 cd, and a lighthouse around 2 Mcd. Another
                  way to look at the candela is the following: watching a source with 1 cd from a distance
                  of 1 m is a just bit brighter than the full moon.
                      Total light power, irrespective of its direction, is measured in lumen. Therefore,
                  683 lm = 683 cd sr corresponds to 1 W. In other words, both the lumen and the watt
                  measure power, or energy flux, but the lumen measures only the visible part of the power
                  or energy flux. This difference is expressed by adding ‘luminous’ or ‘radiant’: thus, the
                  lumen measures luminous flux, whereas the Watt measures radiant flux.
                      The factor 683 appearing in the definitions is historical. An ordinary candle emits a
                  luminous intensity of about a candela. To put this into perspective: at night, a candle
Challenge 162 e   can be seen up to a distance of 10 or 20 kilometres. A 100 W incandescent light bulb pro-
                  duces 1700 lm, and the brightest commercial light emitting diodes about 20 lm, though
                  laboratory devices exceed 1000 lm. Cinema projectors produce around 2 Mlm, and the
                  brightest flashes, like lightning, 100 Mlm.
                      The irradiance of sunlight is about 1300 W/m2 on a sunny day; on the other hand,
                  the illuminance is only 120 klm/m2 = 120 klx or 170 W/m2 . A cloud-covered summer
                  day or a clear winter day produces about 10 klx. These numbers show that most of the
                  energy from the Sun that reaches the Earth is outside the visible spectrum.
                      Illuminance is essentially what we call ‘brightness’ in everyday life. On a glacier, near
                    154                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                    the sea shore, on the top of a mountain, or in particular weather condition the bright-
                    ness can reach 150 klx. Museums are often kept dark because water-based paintings are
        Ref. 112    degraded by light above 100 lx, and oil paintings by light above 200 lx. The eyes lose their
                    ability to distinguish colours somewhere between 0.1 lx and 0.01 lx; the eye stops to work
                    below 1 nlx. Technical devices to produce images in the dark, such as night goggles, start
                    to work at 1 μlx. By the way, the human body itself shines with about 1 plx, a value too
                    small to be detected with the eye, but easily measured with specialized apparatus. The
                    origin of this emission is still a topic of research.
                       The highest achieved light intensities, produced with high-power lasers, are in excess
                    of 1018 W/m2 , more than 15 orders of magnitude higher than the intensity of sunlight.
Challenge 163 e     (How much is that in lux?) Such intensities are produced by tight focusing of pulsed laser
                    beams. The electric field in such light pulses is of the same order as the field inside atoms;
        Ref. 113    such a laser beam therefore ionizes all matter it encounters, including the air.
                       The luminous density is a quantity often used by light technicians. Its unit is 1 cd/m2 ,
                    unofficially called 1 Nit and abbreviated 1 nt. Human eyes see using rods only from

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    0.1 μcd/m2 to 1 mcd/m2 ; they see with cones only above 5 cd/m2 . Eyes see best between
                    100 and 50 000 cd/m2 , and they get completely overloaded above 10 Mcd/m2 : a total
                    range of 15 orders of magnitude. Very few technical detectors achieve this range.

                    Other light and radiation sources
                    Apart from black bodies, many other types of light sources exist. Cold sources of light
                    range from glowing fish to high-power lasers. They range in size from an atom to a
                    building, in cost from a fraction of an Euro to hundreds of millions of Euros, and in
                    lifetime from a fraction of a second to hundreds of years.

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        Lasers are important light sources for industry, medicine and research. Lasers can
                    emit visible, infrared and ultraviolet light, continuously or as light pulses, with various
Vol. V, page 108    powers, polarizations and beam shapes; they are explored later on in our adventure. In
                    the domain of imaging, lasers are used in many microscopy techniques, in scanning ima-
                    ging systems, in tomography and in holography.
                        Sources of radio waves are common in everyday life: mobile phones, radio transmit-
                    ters, tv transmitters and walkie-talkies are all sources of radio waves. They are used for
Vol. V, page 162    imaging in magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to image the interior of the hu-
                    man body, and in astronomy: Since many stars are radio emitters, one can image the sky
Vol. II, page 211   at radio wavelengths. Nowadays, radio astronomy is an important part of modern as-
                    tronomy and has led to many discoveries. Radio astronomy has also been an important
                    tool for the precision testing and confirmation of general relativity.
                        On the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum, light sources that emit X-rays and
                    gamma rays are also common. They are routinely used in medicine and materials sci-
                    ence, also for various imaging techniques.
                        All sources of electromagnetic radiation are potentially dangerous to humans, so that
                    special care has to be taken when using them. This has also led to various unfortunate
light sources                                                                           155

                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                F I G U R E 97 A modern
                                                                picosecond pulse laser and
                                                                an industrial X-ray source,
                                                                both about 700 mm in size

                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                (© Time-Bandwidth, SPECS).

R adiation as weapon
High-intensity electromagnetic radiation is dangerous. In many countries, more money
is available to study assault weapons than to increase the education and wealth of their
citizen. Several types of assault weapons using electromagnetic radiation are being re-
searched. Two are particularly advanced.
    The first weapon using electromagnetic radiation is a truck with a movable parabolic
antenna on its roof, about 1 m in size, that emits a high power – a few kW – microwave
beam at 95 GHz. The beam, like all microwave beams, is invisible; depending on power
and beam shape, it is painful or lethal, up to a distance of 100 m and more. This terrible
device, officially called active denial system, with which the operator can make many
victims even by mistake, was ready in 2006. Some extreme politicians want to give it to
the police. (Who expects that a parabolic antenna is dangerous?) Efforts to ban it across
the world are slowly gathering momentum.
    The second weapon under development is the so-called pulsed impulse kill laser. The
idea is to take a laser that emits radiation that is not absorbed by air, steam or similar
obstacles. An example is a pulsed deuterium fluoride laser that emits at 3.5 μm. This
laser burns every material it hits; in addition, the evaporation of the plasma produced
by the burn produces a strong hit, so that people hit by such a laser are hurt and hit at
156                                                   4 images and the eye – optics

                                                         F I G U R E 98 The spookfish
                                                         Dolichopteryx longipes has orange
                                                         mirrors that help him make sharp
                                                         images also from the dim light
                                                         coming upwards from
                                                         bioluminescent lifeforms below it
                                                         (© Tamara Frank).

                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
the same time. Fortunately, it is still difficult to make such a device rugged enough for
practical mobile use. Nevertheless, experts expect battle lasers, mounted on trucks, to
appear soon – after a number of Potemkin’s versions.
   In short, it is probable that radiation weapons will appear in the coming years. What
the men working on such developments tell their children when they come home in the
evening is not clear, though.

                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
images – transp orting light
Every image is formed by transporting light in a useful manner along known paths. The
simplest possible path is the straight line.

Making images with mirrors
Since light moves in a straight line, a flat mirror produces an image of the same size
than the original. Curved mirrors can be used to enlarge, reduce and distort images. For
example, expensive bed room mirrors are often slightly curved, in order to make people
appear thinner.
    Most human-made mirrors are made of metal, usually evaporated onto a glass sub-
strate; in contrast, living systems cannot produce pure metals. On the other hand, in
living systems, mirrors abound: they are found as the tapetum in the eyes, on fish scales,
on bugs, etc. How does nature produce mirrors, despite lacking the ability to use pure
metals? It turns out that sandwiches of different thin transparent materials – one of which
is typically crystalline guanine – can produce mirrors that are almost as good as metal
mirrors. Such mirrors are based on interference effects and are called dielectric mirrors.
Dielectric mirrors are also used to make laser mirrors.
    Image-forming mirrors are used in large telescopes, in systems for X-rays, and in
medical devices used by physicians. Interestingly, also some living beings use mirrors
for imaging. The most famous example is the spookfish shown in Figure 98. It is able to
                   images – transporting light                                                                    157

                                                                      F I G U R E 99 A Wolter-type grazing incidence
                                                                      collector for 13.5 nm radiation built with the
                                                                      help of concentric mirrors (© Media Lario

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                   look up and down at the same time, and does so using mirrors attached to his eyes.
Challenge 164 s        By the way, why are mirrors frequently used in telescopes, but not in microscopes?
                       In illumination systems, mirrors are used for the shaping of light beams in cars, in
                   pocket lamps and in LED lamps. It might be that some deep water creatures use mirrors
                   for similar uses – but no example is known to the author.
                       The most involved mirror systems to date are used in the extreme ultraviolet mask

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   lithography systems that will be used in the future production of integrated circuits.
                   These systems use a wavelength of 13.5 nm, at which lenses are not available. Collim-
                   ating an expanding beam thus requires many concentric mirrors, as shown in Figure 99.
                   These optical systems are the very best that modern technology can provide; for example,
                   the mirrors have a surface roughness below 0.4 nm. Similar optical mirror systems are
                   also used in X-ray satellite telescopes.

                   Does light always travel in a straight line? – R efraction
                   Usually light moves in straight lines. A laser in a misty night shows this most clearly,
                   as illustrated in Figure 100. But any laser pointer in the mist is equally fascinating. In-
                   deed, we use light to define ‘straightness’, as we explained in the exploration of relativity.
       Page 15     However, there are a number of situations in which light does not travel in a straight line,
       Ref. 114    and every expert on motion should know them.
                      In diluted sugar syrup, light beams curve, as shown in Figure 101. The reason is that in
                   such an experiment, the sugar concentration changes with depth. Are you able to explain
Challenge 165 s    the syrup effect?
                      More detailed observation show that a light beam is bent at every material change it
                   encounters on its path. This effect, called refraction, is quite common. Refraction changes
                   the appearance of the shape of our feet when we are in the bath tub; refraction also makes
                   aquaria seem less deep than they actually are and produces effects such as those shown in
Vol. I, page 263   Figure 102 and Figure 103. Refraction is a consequence of the change of the phase velocity
                  158                                                              4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                F I G U R E 100 Light usually travels in a
                                                                                straight line. In the figure, a sodium
                                                                                frequency laser beam is used as laser guide
                                                                                star to provide a signal for adaptive optics in
                                                                                large telescopes. The laser illuminates a layer
                                                                                of sodium found in the atmosphere at
                                                                                around 90 km of altitude, thus providing an
                                                                                artificial star. The artificial star is used to
                                                                                improve the image quality of the telescope
                                                                                through adaptive optics. In the photograph,
                                                                                the images of the real stars are blurred
                                                                                because of the long exposure time of 3 min

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                (photo by Paul Hirst).



                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                              sugar and water

                  F I G U R E 101 Diluted sugar syrup bends light (© Jennifer Nierer).

                  of light from material to material; all refraction effects are thus explained by Figure 104.
                      Refraction can also be seen to follow from the minimization principle for the motion
                  of light:

                      ⊳ Light always takes the path that requires the shortest travel time.

                  For example, light moves more slowly in water than in air; that is the reason for the bend
                  illustrated in Figure 105.
                      The speed ratio between air and water is called the refractive index of water. The re-
                  fractive index, usually abbreviated 𝑛, is material-dependent. The value for water is about
                  1.3. This speed ratio, together with the minimum-time principle, leads to the ‘law’ of re-
                  fraction, a simple relation between the sines of the two angles shown in Figure 105.Snell’s
Challenge 167 s   ‘law’ Can you deduce the relation? In fact, the exact definition of the refractive index of
                  a material is with respect to vacuum, not to air. But the difference is negligible, because
                  images – transporting light                                                                            159

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 102 Realistic computer graphics showing the refraction in water and in diluted sugar syrup
Challenge 166 e   (graphics © Robin Wood). Can you tell which one is which?

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 103 A pretty effect of refraction at the water–air interface that you can repeat at home
                  (© Maric Vladimir).

                                                                                         F I G U R E 104 A visualisation of
                                                                                         refraction (QuickTime film © ISVR,
                                                                                         University of Southampton).
            160                                                         4 images and the eye – optics

                     𝛼            air


                                          F I G U R E 105 Refraction of light is due to travel-time optimization.

            gases are mainly made of vacuum and their index of refraction is close to one.
                In many fluids and solids, light signals move more slowly than in vacuum; also the
            (different) phase and group velocities of light inside materials are regularly lower than 𝑐,
            the light speed in vacuum. We discussed the difference between these speeds above. For

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Page 133
            such ‘normal’ materials, the refractive index 𝑛, the ratio of 𝑐 to the phase velocity inside
            the material, is larger than 1. The refractive index is an important material property for
            the description of optical effects. For example, the value for visible light in water is about
            1.3, for glasses it is around 1.5, and for diamond 2.4. The high value is one reason for the
            sparkle of diamonds cut with the 57-face brilliant cut.
                The refractive index also depends on wavelength; this effect, called dispersion, appears
            in most materials. Prisms make use of dispersion in glass to split white or other light
            into its constituent colours. Also diamond, and in particular the brilliant cut, works as a
            prism, and this is the second reason for their sparkle.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                In contrast to ‘normal’ materials, various materials have refractive indices that are
            lower than 1, and thus phase velocities larger than 𝑐. For example, gold has a refractive
            index of around 0.2 for visible light, and thus a phase velocity of around 5𝑐 for such waves.
            In fact, almost all materials have refractive indices below 1 for some wave frequencies,
 Ref. 115   including table salt.
                In short, refraction of light, the change of the direction of light motion, is due to
            different phase velocities of light in different materials. Material changes bend light paths.
            Refraction is so common because it is extremely rare to have different adjacent materials
            with the same refractive index.
                Gases have refractive indices close to the vacuum value 1. Nevertheless, also gases
            lead to refraction – including the air around us.

            From atmospheric refraction to mirages
            If light travels a long distance through air, the refraction can be considerable. For ex-
            ample, one we look at distant mountains, light does not follow a straight line; there is a
            deviation of several minutes of arc. This terrestrial refraction is a big problem for geodesy.
                Light coming from the stars also gets refracted when it enters the terrestrial atmo-
            sphere. This astronomic refraction is about one minute of arc at an elevation of 45 degrees
            and usually 30 minutes of arc at the horizon. Therefore we can say that when we see the
            Sun touching the horizon, in reality it has already set! The exact value of the bending de-
            pends on the temperature gradients; they are often particularly strong at high latitudes.
                  images – transporting light                                                                                161

                                                         The (inverted) superior mirage, neglecting Earth’s curvature:

                                                         hot air
                                                         cold air

                                                         The (inverted) inferior mirage, neglecting Earth’s curvature:

                                                         cold air
                                                         hot air

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 106 The basis of mirages is an effective reflection due to refraction in a hot air layer; it can lead
                  to spectacular effects, such as the inverted superior mirage (top left and right) and the inferior image
                  (bottom left and right) (photographs © Thomas Hogan and Andy Barson).

                  Sometimes the bending can be as high as 2 degrees; in these exceptional cases, the Sun
     Page 205     can be visible when it should not be; this is now called the Novaya Zemlya effect.
                      The refractive index of all gases depends on temperature; the temperature gradient
                  is usually proportional to the density gradient. In air of varying temperature, terrestrial

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  refraction leads to curved light paths and produces many effects.
                      The twinkling of the stars is due to the varying refraction induced by air turbulence.
Vol. I, page 88   It was presented in the first volume.
                      Refraction by the atmosphere can make objects at the horizon float in the air – an
                  effect called looming – or disappear below the horizon – an effect called sinking. If the
                  images are stretched or compressed instead, the effects are called towering and stooping.
                      By far the most well-known effect due to refraction is the mirage. Mirages are – despite
                  their name – due to the refraction of light rays in a horizontal layer of air that is warmer
      Ref. 116    than the adjacent layers, as shown in Figure 106. Mirages always appear near the horizon,
                  in a stripe narrower than the width of a finger at an arms’s length.
                      If the layer is below the observer, for example on the ground, an inferior mirage can
                  appear, in which an additional inverted image appears below the direct image. Inferior
                  mirages are regularly seen on hot highways. But they also appear in deserts, as shown in
                  Figure 107, over snow and ice.
                      If the hotter layer is up in the air, one speaks of an inversion layer. If the observer
                  is below the inversion layer, many kinds of mirages can appear: the superior mirage,
                  in which a inverted mirror image is added above the direct image, or more complex
                  mirages, in which several additional images appear. This latter mirage, but sometimes
                  also any kind of mirage, is called fata morgana. All mirage types are due to refraction;
                  their detailed appearance depends on the given temperature profile in the air, and the
                  relative heights of the observer, the inversion layer and the observed object. Often, the
                  curvature of the Earth also plays a role.
162                                                          4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 107 Two inferior mirages: one at the place were the term ‘fata morgana’ comes from, the
Strait of Messina (top) and another in a desert (photographs © Nicola Petrolino and Mila Zinkova).

From refraction to lenses
Above all, refraction is used in the design of lenses. With glass one can produce precisely
curved surfaces that allow us to focus light. All focusing devices, such as lenses, can be
used to produce images. The two main types of lenses, with their focal points and the
images they produce, are shown in Figure 109; they are called converging lenses and diver-
                  images – transporting light                                                                       163

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 108 Two inferior mirages producing looming (photographs © Olaf Schneider and Gerold

                  gent lenses. When an object is more distant from a single converging lens than its focus,
                  the lens produces a real image, i.e., an image that can be projected onto a screen. In all
                  other cases single converging or diverging lenses produce so-called virtual images: such
                  images can be seen with the eye but not be projected onto a screen. For example, when
                  an object is put between a converging lens and its focus, the lens works as a magnifying
                  glass. Figure 109 also allows one to deduce the thin lens formula that connects the lengths
Challenge 168 s   𝑑o , 𝑑i and 𝑓. What is it?
                      Even though glasses and lenses have been known since antiquity, the Middle Ages had
                  to pass by before two lenses were combined to make more elaborate optical instruments.
                  164                                                                    4 images and the eye – optics



                   object and                                                 real
                   light departing                                            image
                   from it                                                    with

                                         do                      di


                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   object and        focus    virtual
                   light departing            image
                   from it                                                                 F I G U R E 109 A real image produced
                                                                                           by a converging lens (if used in the
                                                                                           way shown) and the virtual image
                                                                                           produced by a diverging lens.

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 117   The various effects that can be observed with one or two lenses are shown in Figure 110.
                  The telescope was invented – after a partial success in Italy by Giambattista della Porta –
                  just before 1608 in the Netherlands. The most well-known of at least three simultaneous
                  inventors was the lens grinder Johannes Lipperhey (b. c. 1570 Wesel, d. 1619 Middelburg)
                  who made a fortune by selling his telescopes to the Dutch military. When Galileo heard
                  about the discovery, he quickly took it over and improved it. Already in 1609, Galileo
                  performed the first astronomical observations; they made him world-famous. The Dutch
                  telescope design has a short tube yielding a bright and upright image, and its magnific-
Challenge 169 e   ation is the ratio of the focal distances of the two lenses. It is still used today in opera
                  glasses. Over the years, many other ways of building telescopes have been developed;
       Ref. 118   nowadays, high-performance telescopes use mirrors instead of lenses; they are not as
                  heavy and they allow the use of adaptive optics.
                      By the way, telescopes also exist in living beings. Most spiders have several types of
                  eyes, and some spiders have up to 6 different pairs. In particular, the jumping spider
                  genus Portia (Salticidae) has two especially large eyes, made to see distant objects, which
                  have two lenses behind each other; the second lens and the retina behind it can be moved
                  with muscles, so that such spiders can effectively point their telescope in different dir-
                  ections without moving their head. In order to process the input from all their eyes,
                  jumping spiders need a large brain. In fact, about 50 % of the body mass of jumping
                  spiders is brain mass.
                      Another way to combine two lenses leads to the microscope. Can you explain to a non-
Challenge 170 s   physicist how a microscope works? Werner Heisenberg almost failed his Ph.D. exam
                   images – transporting light                                                                            165

                                          d (cm) :                 5         15         35          35        45           85


                   Two equal

                   Two different
                   converging lenses
                   (astronomical telescope)

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   A converging and
                   a diverging lens
                   (the Dutch telescope)

                   The Dutch telescope                                                final,
                                      common                                          image
                                      of both

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   real image
                   (if ocular
                   missing)                                                                                            object
                             to the       ocular:                        objective:
                             eye          diverging                      converging
                                          lens                           lens
                   F I G U R E 110 Lens refraction is the basis of the telescope: above, the experiments with lenses that lead
                   to the development of the telescope: the object to watch compared with the images produced by a
                   single converging lens, by two equal converging lenses, by two different converging lenses in the
                   astronomical telescope, and by a diverging and a converging lens in the Dutch telescope, at various
                   distances from the eye; below, the explanation of the Dutch telescope (photographs © Eric Kirchner).

                   because he could not. The problem is not difficult, though. Indeed, the inventor of the
                   microscope was an autodidact of the seventeenth century: the technician Antoni van
                   Leeuwenhoek (b. 1632 Delft, d. 1723 Delft) made a living by selling over five hundred of
                   his microscopes to his contemporaries. (This is a somewhat nasty remark: Van Leeuwen-
                   hoek only used one lens, not two, as in the modern microscope.)
                      No ray tracing diagram, be it that of a simple lens, of a telescope or of a microscope, is
                   really complete if the eye, with its lens and retina, is missing. Can you add it and convince
Challenge 171 ny   yourself that these devices really work?
            166                                                   4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                               F I G U R E 111
                                                                                               The glory
                                                                                               produced by
                                                                                               the droplets
                                                                                               in a cloud

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                               (© Brocken

                         Eye lens dispersion

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                     F I G U R E 112 Watching this graphic at
                                                                     higher magnification shows the
                                                                     dispersion of the human eye: the
                                                                     letters float at different depths.

               As mentioned, refraction is almost always colour-dependent; it shows dispersion. Be-
            cause of dispersion, lenses produce chromatic aberrations; they are visible as coloured
            borders of images. To avoid this, microscopes or photographic cameras have several
            lenses made of different types of glass. (They also contain several lenses of the same glass
            type in order to compensate the geometric lens imaging errors called Seidel aberrations
            that are independent of colour.) The different glass types compensate dispersion and
            thus avoid the coloured image borders. The colour dependence of refraction in water
Page 125    droplets is also the basis of the rainbow, as shown below; the rainbow can be thought of
            as the coloured border of a white disk produced by the water droplets acting as lenses.
            Refraction in ice crystals – sometimes with dispersion and sometimes without – in the
            atmosphere is at the basis of the halos, the Sun pillars and the many other light patterns
 Ref. 119   often seen around the Sun or the Moon in cold weather.
               Also the human eye shows colour-dependent refraction, i.e., dispersion. Fortunately,
            the effect is small. Indeed, for the working of the eye, the curved shape of the cornea is
            more important than the refractive power of the lens, because the lens is embedded in
                  images – transporting light                                                                         167

                  Light in a multimode fibre

                  Light in a monomode fibre

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 113 Optical fibres: the working principle of the two extreme fibre types, the astonishing
                  marine sponge Euplectella aspergillum (height about 30 cm) that contains silica optical fibres with lenses
                  at the end and synthesized at water temperature to help symbiotic algae, a modern fibre laser used in
                  material processing and in medicine, and, glued together in large numbers, fibre tapers to change

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  image sizes (maximum diameter about 20 cm) (© NOAA, Hochschule Mittweida, Schott).

                  a medium with nearly the same index of refraction, thus limiting the effects of refrac-
                  tion. The small effects of colour-dependent refraction is not corrected in the eye, but in
                  the brain. Therefore, the dispersion of the eye lens can be noticed if this correction by
                  the brain is prevented, for example when red or blue letters are printed on a black back-
                  ground, as shown in Figure 112. We get the impression that the red letters float in front
Challenge 172 s   of the blue letters. Can you explain how dispersion leads to this floating effect?

                  Bending light with tubes – fibre optics
                  Another way to bend light, also based on refraction, is used by many animals and by
                  many technical devices: the optical fibre. Optical fibres are based on total internal reflec-
                  tion; an overview of their uses is given in Figure 113.
                     In nature, optical fibres appear in at least three systems. In insect eyes, such as the eyes
      Page 195    of the house fly or the eye of a honey bee, the light for each image pixel is transported
                  along a structure that works as a conical optical fibre. In certain sea animals, such as the
       Ref. 120   glass sponge Euplectella aspergillum and a number of other sponges, actual silica fibres
                  are used to provide structural stability and to transport light signals to photodetectors.
                  Finally, all vertebrate eyes, including the human eye, contain a large number of optical
                  fibres above the retina, to avoid the image problems that might be caused by the blood
           168                                                     4 images and the eye – optics

                       𝛼          air                      𝛼          air
                                  n≈1                                 n≈1

                                  water                               left-handed
                                  n>1                                 material
                           𝛽                               𝛽
                                                                                      F I G U R E 114 Positive
                                                                                      and negative indices
                                                                                      of refraction n.

Ref. 121   vessels, which lie above the retina in all vertebrate eyes. By the way, the frequently heard
           claim that the white hair of polar bears works as optical fibres for UV light is false.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Ref. 122
              In technical applications, optical fibres are essential for the working of the telephone
           network and the internet, for signal distribution inside aeroplanes and cars, for the trans-
           port of laser light for medical uses, for high-power lasers and in many other settings.
           Hollow glass fibres are successfully used for the guiding of X-rays in X-ray imaging sys-

           200 years to o late – negative refraction indices
           In 1967 Victor Veselago made a strange prediction: the index of refraction could have

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           negative values without invalidating any known ‘law’ of physics. A negative index means
           that a beam is refracted to the same side of the vertical, as shown in Figure 114. As a result,
           concave lenses made of such materials focus parallel beams and convex lenses disperse
           them, in contrast to usual lens materials.
              In 1996, John Pendry and his group proposed ways of realizing such materials. In
           2000, a first experimental confirmation for microwave refraction was published, but it
Ref. 123   met with strong disbelief. In 2002 the debate was in full swing. It was argued that neg-
           ative refraction indices imply speeds greater than that of light and are only possible for
           either phase velocity or group velocity, but not for the energy or true signal velocity. The
           conceptual problems would arise only because in some physical systems the refraction
           angle for phase motion and for energy motion differ.
              In the meantime, the debate is over. Negative indices of refraction have indeed been
           observed frequently; the corresponding systems are being extensively explored all over
Ref. 124   the world. Systems with negative index of refraction do exist. Following Veselago, the
           materials showing this property are called left-handed. The reason is that the vectors
           of the electric field, the magnetic field and the wave vector form a left-handed triplet,
           in contrast to vacuum and usual materials, where the triplet is right-handed. All left-
           handed materials have negative magnetic permeability 𝜇r and negative dielectric coeffi-
Ref. 125   cient, i.e., negative permittivity 𝜀r . However, in actual systems, these properties are only
           realized for a narrow range of frequencies, usually in the microwave range.
              Apart from the unusual refraction properties, left-handed materials have negative
           phase velocities, i.e., a phase velocity opposed to the energy velocity and show a reversed
           images – transporting light                                                                  169

                                              F I G U R E 115 An example of an isotropic metamaterial
                                              (M. Zedler et al., © 2007 IEEE).

           Doppler effect. These properties have been confirmed by experiment. Left-handed ma-
           terials should also yield obtuse angles in the Vavilov–Çerenkov effect, thus emitting

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Vavilov–Çerenkov radiation in the backward instead of in the forward direction, they
           are predicted to have an inverted Goos-Hänchen effect and to show a repulsive Casimir
           effect. However, these predictions have not been verified yet.
              Most intriguing, negative index materials are predicted to allow constructing lenses
Ref. 126   that are completely flat. In addition, in the year 2000, John Pendry gained the attention
           of the whole physics community world-wide by predicting that lenses made with such
           materials, in particular for a refractive index 𝑛 = −1, would be perfect, thus beating the
           usual diffraction limit. This would happen because such a perfect lens would also image
           the evanescent parts of the waves – i.e., the exponentially decaying ones – by amplifying

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 125   them accordingly. First experiments claim to confirm the prediction. Exploration of the
           topic is still in full swing.
              So far, left-handed materials have been realized only for microwave and terahertz fre-
           quencies. First claims in the visible domain have been published, but have to be taken
           with care. It should be mentioned that one type of negative refraction systems have been
           known since a long time: diffraction gratings. We could argue that left-handed materials
           are gratings that attempt to work in all spatial directions. And indeed, all left-handed
           materials realized so far are periodic arrangements of electromagnetic circuits.

           The simplest realization of left-handed systems are metamaterials. Metamaterials are en-
           gineered metal-insulator structures with a periodicity below the wavelength of the ra-
           diation for which they are designed, so that the structure behaves like a homogeneous
           material. Metamaterials have negative or otherwise unusual permittivity or permeab-
           ility properties in a certain wavelength range, usually in the microwave domain; some
           metamaterials are left-handed.
Ref. 127       Currently, there are two basic approaches to realize metamaterials. The first is to build
           a metamaterial from a large array of compact resonant substructures, such as inductor-
           capacitor (LC-) circuits or dielectric spheres. The second approach is to build a metama-
Ref. 128   terial from transmission lines. The latter approach has lower losses and a wider spectral
           range; an example for this type is shown in Figure 115. Comparing and exploring differ-
                  170                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                  ent realizations is subject of intense research.
                     Most metamaterials are conceived for microwaves or terahertz waves. Industrial ap-
                  plications of metamaterials are expected for antenna design; for example, an antenna
                  dipole could be located just above a metamaterial and thus allowing to build flat direc-
                  tional antennas. Applications in terahertz technology might also arise.
                     Less serious workers in the field claim that invisibility cloaks can be realized with
                  metamaterials. While this is a good marketing slogan to attract funding and get into
                  newspapers, the dream is not realistic, due to inevitable signal losses in the materials,
                  dispersion, refraction, finite cell size, the need for windows to observe the outside from
                  inside and the impossibility to achieve invisibility for all wavelengths. So far, all aero-
                  planes that were claimed to be invisible even only for specific radar frequencies have
                  turned out to be visible to radar after all. But sources of military funding are known to
                  have only a distant relation to reality.
                     Metamaterials for sound and lower-frequency waves are also subject of research. Such
                  acoustic or mechanical metamaterials have not found a technical application yet.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Light around corners – diffraction
                  Light goes around corners. This effect was called diffraction by Francesco Grimaldi, in his
       Ref. 129   text Physico-mathesis de lumine, published in 1665. Grimaldi studied shadows very care-
                  fully. He found out what everybody now learns in secondary school: light goes around
                  corners in the same way that sound does, and light diffraction is due to the wave nature
                  of light. (Newton got interested in optics after he read Grimaldi; Newton then wrongly
                  dismissed Grimaldi’s conclusions.)
                      Because of diffraction, it is impossible to produce strictly parallel light beams. For

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  example, every laser beam diverges by a certain minimum amount, called the diffraction
                  limit. Maybe you know that the world’s most expensive Cat’s-eyes are on the Moon,
       Ref. 130   where they have been deposited by the Lunokhod and the Apollo missions. Can you
                  determine how wide a laser beam with minimum divergence has become when it arrives
                  at the Moon and returns back to Earth, assuming that it was 1 m wide when it left Earth?
Challenge 173 s   How wide would it be on its return if it had been 1 mm wide at the start? In short, both
                  diffraction and the impossibility of non-diverging beams confirm that light is a wave.
                      Diffraction implies that there are no perfectly sharp images: there exists a limit on
                  resolution. This is true for every optical instrument, including the eye. The resolution
                  of the eye is between one and two minutes of arc, i.e., between 0.3 and 0.6 mrad. The
                  limit is partly due to the finite size of the pupil. (That is why squinting helps to see more
                  sharply.) In practice, the resolution of the eye is often limited by chromatic aberrations
                  and shape imperfections of the cornea and lens. (Can you check the numbers and their
Challenge 174 d   interpretation by calculation? Is it true that the number of rods in the eye is tuned exactly
                  to its resolution?) Therefore, for example, there is a maximum distance at which humans
Challenge 175 s   can distinguish the two headlights of a car. Can you estimate it?
                      Resolution limits also make it impossible to see the Great Wall in northern China
                  from the Moon, contrary to what is often claimed. In the few parts that are not yet in
                  ruins, the wall is about 6 metres wide, and even if it casts a wide shadow during the
                  morning or the evening, the angle it subtends is way below a second of arc, so that it is
                  completely invisible to the human eye. In fact, three different cosmonauts who travelled
                   images – transporting light                                                                           171

                             Naive prediction                          Observation


                                                   circular plate

                                                   screen with
                                                     shadow          Poisson’s spot

                   F I G U R E 116 Shadows show that light is a wave: the naive expectation (left), neglecting the wave idea,
                   and the actual observation (middle and right) of the shadow of a circular object (photo © Christopher

        Ref. 131   to the Moon performed careful searches and confirmed that the claim is absurd. The

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   story is one of the most tenacious urban legends. (Is it possible to see the Wall from
Challenge 176 ny   the space shuttle?) The largest human-made objects are the polders of reclaimed land in
                   the Netherlands; they are visible from outer space. So are most large cities as well as the
                   highways in Belgium at night; their bright illumination makes them stand out clearly
                   from the dark side of the Earth.
                       Diffraction has a strange consequence. The shadow of a small illuminated ball from
                   a ball bearing, shows, against expectations, a bright spot at its centre. The effect is illus-
                   trated in Figure 116. This ‘hole’ in the shadow was predicted in 1819 by Denis Poisson
                   (b. 1781 Pithiviers, d. 1840 Paris) in order to show to what absurd consequences the wave
                   theory of light would lead. He had just read the mathematical description of diffrac-

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   tion developed by Augustin Fresnel* on the basis of the wave description of light. But
                   shortly afterwards, François Arago actually observed Poisson’s spot, converting Poisson,
                   making Fresnel famous and accelerating the general acceptance of the wave properties
                   of light.
                       Diffraction can also be used, in certain special applications, to produce images. A few
                   examples of the use of diffraction in optics are shown in Figure 117. Of these, acousto-
                   optic modulators are used in many laser systems, for example in laser shows. Also holo-
       Page 175    grams, to be discussed in detail below, can be considered a special kind of diffractive
                       In summary, diffraction is sometimes used to form or to influence images; but above
                   all, in every image, diffraction determines the resolution, i.e., the image quality.

                   Beating the diffraction limit
                   In all imaging methods, the race is for images with the highest resolution possible. The
       Page 168    perfect lens mentioned above has not been realized for visible light. However, other

                   * Augustin Jean Fresnel (b. 1788 Broglie, d. 1827 Ville d’Avray), engineer and part time physicist. The ‘s’
                   in his name is silent. In 1818, he published his great paper on wave theory for which he got the prize of
                   the French Academy of Sciences in 1819. To improve his finances, he worked in the commission respons-
                   ible for lighthouses, for which he developed the well-known Fresnel lens. He died prematurely, partly of
                   tuberculosis and partly of exhaustion due to overwork.
172                                                               4 images and the eye – optics

F I G U R E 117 Examples of diffractive optics: a diffractive aspherical lens, the result shining a red laser
through of a plastic sheet with a diffractive cross generator, and an acousto-optic modulator used to
modulate laser beams that are transmitted through the built-in crystal (© Jenoptik, Wikimedia, Jeff

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                   F I G U R E 118 Sub-wavelength optical
                                                                   microscopy using stimulated emission
                                                                   depletion (right) compared to
                                                                   conventional confocal microscopy (left)
                                                                   (© MPI für biophysikalische
                                                                   Chemie/Stefan Hell).

techniques of producing images with resolutions less than the wavelength of light have
made great progress in recent years.
   Nowadays, extraordinary images can be produced with modified commercial light
microscopes. The conventional diffraction limit for microscopes is

                                               𝑑⩾             ,                                            (79)
                                                     2𝑛 sin 𝛼

where 𝜆 is the wavelength, 𝑛 the index of refraction and 𝛼 is the angle of observation.
There are three main ways to circumvent this limit. The first is to work in the ‘near field’,
where the diffraction limit is not valid, the second way is to observe and measure the
diffraction effects and then to use computers to reduce the effects via image processing,
                    images – transporting light                                                              173

                    the third way is to use effects that produces light emission from the sample that is smaller
                    than the wavelength of light, and the fourth way is to use resolution in time to increase
                    resolution in time.
                        A well-known near-field technique is the near-field scanning optical microscope.
                    Light is sent through a tapered glass fibre with a small transparent hole at the end, down
                    to 15 nm; the tip is scanned over the sample, so that the image is acquired point by point.
                    These microscopes achieve the highest resolution of all optical microscopes. However, it
                    is hard to get a practical amount of light through the small hole at the end of the tip.
                        Many computational techniques can achieve images that achieve resolutions below
                    the diffraction limit. The simpler types of these deconvolution microscopy techniques
                    are already commercially available.
                        One of the first techniques that beat the diffraction limit by a substantial amount using
                    a conventional microscope is stimulated emission depletion microscopy. Using a clever
                    illumination system based on two laser beams, the technique allows spot sizes of almost
                    molecular size. The new technique, a special type of fluorescence microscopy developed

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    by Stefan Hell, uses an illuminating laser beam with a circular spot and a second laser
                    beam with a ring-like shape. As a result of this combination, the techniques modifies the
                    diffraction limit to
                                                         𝑑⩾                     ,                            (80)
                                                             2𝑛 sin 𝛼 √𝐼/𝐼sat

                    so that a properly chosen saturation intensity 𝐼sat allows one to reduce the diffraction
                    limit to arbitrary low values. So far, light microscopy with a resolution of 16 nm has
        Ref. 132    been performed. An example image is shown in Figure 118. This and similar techniques
                    have galvanized the microscopy field; they are now commonplace in materials science,

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    medicine and biology. In 2014, Stefan Hell received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his
                       Research in new microscopy techniques is still ongoing, also in the numerous at-
                    tempts to transfer resolution in time to resolution in space. Another important domain
                    of research is the development of microscopes that can be included in endoscopes, so
                    that physicians can explore the human body without the need of large operations. Mi-
                    croscopy is still a field in full swing.

                    Other ways to bend light
                    Optical technology can be defined as the science of bending light. Reflection, refraction
                    and diffraction are the most important methods to achieve this. But it makes sense to
                    explore the question more generally: what other ways can be used to bend light beams?
Vol. I, page 201       A further way to bend light is gravity, as discussed already in the chapters on universal
Vol. II, page 161   gravity and those on general relativity. Since the effect of gravity is weak, it is only of
                    importance in astronomy. Gravitational lensing is used in various projects to measure
                    the size, mass and distance of galaxies and galaxy groups. The usually negligible effect of
Vol. II, page 260   gravity between two light beams was also discussed earlier on.
                       In practice, there are thus no laboratory-scale methods to bend light beams apart from
                    reflection, refraction and diffraction. All known methods are specialized cases of these
                    three options.
                   174                                                     4 images and the eye – optics



                   F I G U R E 119 In certain materials, light beams   F I G U R E 120 Masses bend light.
                   can spiral around each other.

                       An important way in which materials can be used to bend light are acousto-optic de-
      Page 171     flectors. They work like acousto-optic modulators, i.e., a sound wave travelling through
                   a crystal generates a diffraction grating that is used to deflect a laser beam. Such modu-

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   lators thus use diffraction to bend light.
                       Additional electromagnetic fields usually do not influence light directly, since light has
                   no charge and since Maxwell’s equations are linear. But in some materials the effective
                   equations are non-linear, and the story changes. For example, in certain photorefractive
                   materials, two nearby light beams can even twist around each other, as was shown by
       Ref. 133    Segev and coworkers in 1997. This is illustrated in Figure 119. This effect is thus a form of
                       Another common way to deflect light uses its polarization. Many materials, for ex-
                   ample liquid crystals or electro-optic materials, bend light beams depending on their

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   polarization. These materials can be used to steer or even to block laser beams. Liquid
                   crystal modulators and electro-optic modulators are thus based in refraction.
                       Scattered light also changes direction. It is debatable whether it is appropriate to call
Vol. IV, page 70   this process an example of bending of light. In any case, scattering is important: without
                   it, we would not see almost anything around us. After all, everyday seeing is detection
                   of scattered light. And of course, scattering is a case of diffraction.
                       The next question is: what methods exist to move light beams? Even though photons
                   have zero mass and electrons have non-zero mass, scanning electron beams is easily
                   achieved with more than 1 GHz frequency, whereas scanning powerful light beams is
                   hard for more than 10 kHz.
                       Moving light beams – and laser beams in particular – is important: solutions are the
                   basis of a sizeable industry. Moving laser beams are used for laser treatments of the
                   eye, for laser marking, for laser shows, for laser cutting, for barcode reading in super-
                   markets, for rapid prototyping, for laser sintering three-dimensional parts, for laser dis-
      Page 146     tance measurements, for lidar, for the mentioned microscopy techniques, and for various
                   industrial processes in the production of electronic printed circuits, of semiconductor
                   products, and of displays for mobile phones. Most laser scanners are based on mov-
                   ing mirrors, prisms or lenses, though acousto-optic scanners and electro-optic scanners,
                   which achieve a few MHz scanning rate for low power beams, are also used in special
                   applications. Many applications are eagerly waiting for inventions that allow faster laser
                       In summary, moving light beams requires to move matter, usually in the form of mir-
                  images – transporting light                                                                        175

                  F I G U R E 121 Three types of X-ray images of a thumb: the conventional image (left) and two images
                  taken using interference effects (© Momose Atsushi).

                  ror or lenses. Light travels in straight line only if it travels far from matter. In everyday
                  life, ‘far’ simply means more than a few millimetres, because electromagnetic effects are
                  negligible at these distances, mainly due to light’s truly supersonic speed. However, as
                  we have seen, in some cases that involve gravitation, larger distances from matter are
                  necessary to ensure undisturbed motion of light.

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Using interference for imaging
      Page 104    As we saw above for the case of the guitar, images produced by interference can be useful.
                  Above all, interference effects can be used to measure the deformation and the motion
                  of objects.
                     Interference can also be used to enhance images. Figure 121 show the improvement
                  that is possible when a special case of interferometer, a so-called Talbot-Lau interfero-
       Ref. 134   meter, is used with X-rays. In particular, the technique increases the sensitivity of X-rays
                  for soft tissue.

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     Interference is also at the basis of holography, an important technique to produce
                  three-dimensional images.

                  How d oes one make holo grams and other three-dimensional
                  Our sense of sight gives us an image of the world around us that includes the impression
                  of depth. We constantly experience our environment as three-dimensional. Stereopsis,
                  the experience of depth, occurs because of three main effects. First, the two eyes see
                  different images. Second, the images formed in each eye are position dependent: when
                  we move the head, we observe parallax effects between the bodies near and far from us.
                  Third, for different distances, our eyes needs to focus differently and to converge more or
                  less strongly, depending on the position of the object.
                      A usual paper photograph does not capture any of these three-dimensional effects: a
                  paper photograph corresponds to the picture taken by one eye, from one particular spot
Challenge 177 e   and at one particular focus. In fact, all photographic cameras are essentially copies of a
                  single, static eye with fixed focus.
                      Any system trying to produce the perception of depth for the observer must include
                  at least one of the three three-dimensional effects just mentioned. In fact, the third effect,
                  varying focus with distance, is the weakest one, so that most systems concentrate on the
                  other two effects, different images for the two eyes, and an image that depends on the
                  position of the head.
176                                                            4 images and the eye – optics

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F I G U R E 122 The highest-quality holograms available in the world at present are produced by Yves
Gentet and can be found on his website They are Denisjuk holograms.
The viewer is tricked into thinking that there are real butterflies behind the glass pane. (© Yves Gentet).
images – transporting light                                                                             177

    Hologram recording:                             Hologram observation:

                       holographic plate                                    developed
                                                       virtual              film
                                                       object                                   observer
       object                                          image

                           reference                                        reconstruction
                           beam                                             beam

             laser illumination                              laser or point-like light source

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 123 The recording (left) and the observation (right) of a monochromatic hologram (in this
case, in transmission). True colour holograms use three lasers, for red, green and blue.

   Stereo photography and stereo films extensively use the first effect, sending different
images to different eyes, by various technical tricks. A common trick is to use coloured
glasses. Also certain post cards and computer screens are covered by thin cylindrical
lenses that allow sending two different images to the two eyes, thus generating an im-

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
pression of depth. It is well known that at large object distances, the two images in the
two human eyes do not differ any more. This limit distance is called the stereoscopic
radius and lies somewhere between 200 m and 500 m.
   But obviously the most spectacular depth effect is the second, obtained whenever
head-position-dependent images can be created. Modern virtual reality systems take
films using a number of cameras in all directions. The use up to 12 cameras, for example
with two cameras at eye distance pointing along each coordinate axis. In this way they
include also the first depth effect. Using a goggle with direction sensors attached to the
head, these systems interpolate the taken film in the actual head direction of the viewer
or generate a computer-calculated film that depends on the head orientation. Such vir-
tual reality systems allow anybody to experience in a surprisingly realistic way a ride on
the back of an eagle flying through the mountains or a dive among sharks in the deep
   So far, the only method that achieves all three depth effects is holography. The res-
ulting images are called holograms. An example of a hologram is shown in Figure 122.
Even though a hologram is only a film with a thickness of a fraction of a millimetre, the
observer has the impression that there are objects behind it. Depending on the details of
the geometry, objects can also seem to float in front of the film.
   A hologram reproduces all data that is seen from any point of a region of space. A
hologram is thus a stored set of position-dependent pictures of an object. In a first step,
a hologram is captured by storing amplitude and phase of the light emitted or scattered
by an object, as shown in Figure 123 and Figure 125. To achieve this storage of the whole
178                                                             4 images and the eye – optics

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F I G U R E 124 A hologram of a train and the reflection hologram on a Euro bill (© Anonymous,
Hans-Ulrich Pötsch).

light field, the object is illuminated by coherent light,* such as light from a laser, and the
interference pattern between the illumination and the scattered light is stored; usually
it is stored in a photographic film. The procedure is shown schematically in Figure 123.
In a second step, illuminating the developed film by coherent light – from a laser or a
lamp that is as point-like as possible – allows one to see a full three-dimensional image.
In particular, due to the reproduction of the situation, the image appears to float in free
    A few examples of holograms are shown in Figure 124. Holograms were developed
in 1947 by the famous physicist Dennis Gabor (b. 1900 Budapest, d. 1979 London), who
* Generally speaking, two light beams or two parts of one light beam – or other waves – are called coherent
if they have constant phase difference and frequency. In practice, due to ubiquitous disturbances, this only
happens over a certain finite volume, which is then called the volume of coherence. Coherence enables and
is required for interference.
images – transporting light                                                                             179


                               reference                   ob-
                             beam source                   ject


                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 125 Different types of holograms arise through different relative position of object (green),
holographic plate (blue) and reference beam (red). Situation A denotes a thin inline transmission
hologram as proposed by Gabor, B a thin offline transmission hologram following Leith and Upatnieks,
C a thick reflection hologram, or white light hologram, following Denisyuk, D a Fourier hologram at
large distance, E a Fraunhofer hologram at infinite distance and F a two-dimensional hologram with
inverted wave train (© DGH).

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 126 A virtual reality camera proposed for a trip to the International Space Station and a
headset to experience the resulting videos (© SpaceVR and Zeiss)

received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics for this work. The beauty of Gabor’s invention
is that it was mainly theoretical, since lasers were not yet available at the time.
    Holograms can be transmission holograms, like those in seen in museums, or reflec-
tion holograms, like those found on credit cards or currency bills. Holograms can be laser
holograms and white light holograms. Most coloured holograms are rainbow holograms,
showing false colours that are unrelated to the original objects. Real colour holograms,
made and rendered with three different lasers, are possible but expensive.
    Holograms are based on interference. Interference images can also be used in other
ways. By a double illumination at two different times, one obtains a so-called interfero-
                  180                                                         4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 127 Interferograms of a guitar (© Wikimedia).

                  gram, which allows visualizing and measuring the deformation of an object. Interfero-
                  grams are used to observe and measure deformation, oscillation or temperature effects.
                      Is it possible to make moving holograms? Yes; however, the technical set-ups are still
                  subject of research. So far, such systems exist only in a few laboratories (for example,

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         and are expensive. By the way, can you de-
                  scribe how you would distinguish a high quality moving hologram from a real body
Challenge 178 s   without touching it?
                      In the beginning of the computer industry, the aim of display makers was to produce
                  photo-realistic displays, i.e., displays that could not be distinguished from a photograph.
                  This aim has become reality. In 2012, a technology visionary proposed that the next
                  aim of the industry should be to produce window-realistic displays, i.e., displays that
                  cannot be distingusihed from a window. This should include the three-dimensionality
Challenge 179 d   of everything that is shown inside such a display. Will such a display ever be possible?
                      Not all three-dimensional images are holograms. Using rotating displays, rotating
                  mirrors or rotating screens, it is possible to produce stunning three-dimensional images.
                  An impressive example of such technology demonstrators is presented in Figure 128. Can
Challenge 180 e   you deduce why it was not a commercial success?
                      A well-known toy that make floating images with two stacked parabolic mirrors is
                  shown in Figure 129. It is sometimes called a ‘mirascope’, but this awful term mixes
                  latin and greek and like all such awful terms, including ‘automobile’, should never be
Challenge 181 e   used. Can you find out how the parabolic mirrors produce this astonishing effect?

                  Images through scanning
                  When images are produced using lenses or mirrors, all the pixels of an image are pro-
                  duced in parallel. In contrast, in scanning techniques, images are constructed seri-
images – transporting light                                                                           181

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 128 A three-dimensional image system based on a rotating mirror, from the University of
Southern California, at (© USC Stevens Institute for Innovation).

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 129 A floating Lego brick displayed by two stacked parabolic mirrors, the upper one with a
hole. The right picture shows both the brick lying at the bottom and the floating image. (© Christoph

ally, pixels after pixels. Even though scanning is intrinsically slower than any parallel
technique, it has its own advantages: scanning allows imaging in three dimensions and
achieving resolutions higher than the diffraction limit. Scanning techniques are mainly
used in microscopy.
    The most famous scanning technique does not use light rays, but electrons: the scan-
ning electron microscope. As shown in Figure 131, such microscopes can produce stunning
images. However, the images produced are two-dimensional. In special cases, ion micro-
scopes are also used. All microscopes that use charged particles exist both as scanning
and as transmission microscopes.
    A typical example for a modern three-dimensional imaging technique based on light
182                                                        4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 130 Two scanning imaging techniques: confocal laser scanning microscopy and multiphoton
microscopy (© Nikon, Carl Zeiss).
images – transporting light                                                                       183

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F I G U R E 131 A modern scanning electron microscope, and an image of pollen – field size about 0.3 mm
– showing the resolution and the depth of field achievable with the technique (© Zeiss, Wikimedia).
                   184                                                         4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 132 A scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) combined with an optical microscope,
                   the details of the scanning probe, and an image of a liver cell nucleus produced with it (© WITec).

                   is confocal laser scanning microscopy. The technique is based on eliminating all light sig-
                   nals that are outside the focus of the microscope. The technique allows taking a picture
                   of a more or less transparent specimen at a specified depth below its surface, up to a

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   maximum depth of about 500 μm. Confocal microscopes are now available from vari-
                   ous manufacturers.
                       An example of a technique for high-resolution is multiphoton microscopy. In this tech-
                   nique, the fluorescence of a specimen is excited using two or three photons of longer
                   wavelengths. Like all fluorescence techniques, the image is produced from the fluores-
                   cent light emitted by certain chemical substances found in living organisms. In contrast
                   to usual fluorescence microscopy, multiphoton imaging is based on a nonlinear effect, so
                   that the emission region is extremely narrow and therefore high resolution is achieved.
                       For the highest possible optical resolution, scanning near-field optical microscopy is
                   unsurpassed. Usually, a tiny optical probe is scanned across the surface, as shown in Fig-
                   ure 132. By working in the near field, the diffraction limit is circumvented, and resolution
                   in the nanometre range becomes possible.
                       Another group of scanning microscopes also use electromagnetism to produce
                   highest resolution images, though they do not use light. The most famous examples are
Vol. I, page 345   the scanning tunnelling microscope or STM, the atomic force microscope or AFM and the
                   magnetic force microscope or MFM. These instruments, though small and easy to build,
                   have revolutionized material science in the last decades, because they allow to achieve
                   atomic resolution in air on a normal laboratory table.
                       In summary, technological advances nowadays allow sophisticated imaging systems
                   based on scanning, in particular in the field of microscopy. Since the field is still in flux,
                   scanning techniques are expected to yield even more impressive results in the coming
                   years. This progress in scanning techniques reminds one of the past progress of a fur-
images – transporting light                                                                        185


                     computer                 detector

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
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F I G U R E 133 A set-up for high-resolution X-ray tomography, and two examples of images produced
with it: a cross-section of a coffee bean (lower left) with a size of 8 mm, and a three-dimensional
reconstruction of the exoskeleton of a foraminiferan, with a diameter of only 0.5 mm (© Manuel Dierick).

ther type of imaging principle that reconstructs images in an even more involved way:

Tomo graphy
A spectacular type of imaging has become possible only after high-speed computers be-
came cheap: tomography. In tomography, a radiation source rotates around the object to
be imaged; the radiation that is scattered and/or transmitted is detected, and with soph-
isticated computer programming, a cross section of the object is reconstructed. Three-
dimensional reconstructions are also possible. Tomography can be performed with any
type of radiation that can be emitted in sufficiently well-defined beams, such as gamma
rays, X-rays, light, radio waves, electron beams, neutron beams, sound and even earth-
quakes. X-ray tomography is a standard method in health care; visible light tomography,
which has no side effects on humans, is being developed for breast tumour detection.
Additional specialized techniques are electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic induc-
tion tomography and cryo-electron tomography.
    In several types of tomography, the resolution achieved is breath-taking. An example
                   186                                                          4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 134 An X-ray CT image of a modern passenger car, with a resolution of less than 1 mm
                   (© Fraunhofer IIS).

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                               F I G U R E 135 An OCT film
                                                                                               of the heartbeat of a
                                                                                               mouse embryo taken by
                                                                                               Kyrill Larin. The three views
                                                                                               correspond to the three
                                                                                               coordinate axes.
                                                                                               (QuickTime film © Kyrill

                   for modern high-resolution X-ray tomography of really small objects is shown in Fig-
                   ure 133. An example of X-ray tomography of a large object is shown in Figure 134. Build-
                   ing a set-up that produces such images is a large project and an impressive feat. Also
                   magnetic resonance imaging, widely used in health care to image the interior of the hu-
                   man body, is a type of tomography, based on radio waves; it will be presented later on
Vol. V, page 162   in our journey. Various types of tomographic systems – including opto-acoustic tomo-
                   graphy based on sound produced by pulsed light, positron emission tomography, optical
                   coherence tomography and the common sonography – also allow the production of film
                  the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 187

                      An example of a technique that allows both three-dimensional imaging and high-
                  resolution is optical coherence tomography. The technique is free of danger for the patient
                  or specimen, allows a depth of a few millimetres in animal or human tissue, and allows
                  resolutions down to 500 nm. Modern systems allow imaging of 10 GVoxel/s and more,
                  so that films of biological processes can be produced in vivo, such as the blood flow
                  in a human finger. Using the Doppler effect, the direction of the blood flow can also
                  be determined. Another fascinating example is given in Figure 135. OCT is commonly
      Page 196    used in ophthalmology; OCT is also being researched for applications in dermatology.
                  Endoscopic OCT, i.e., performing OCT through a small catheter inserted into the human
                  body, will become an important tool in oncology and cardiology in the near future. OCT
                  is also being used in material research to image turbid media or to produce topographic
                      An unusual imaging method is muon tomography, an imaging method that uses the
                  muons in cosmic rays to detect heavy metals in boxes, luggage and trucks. This method is
                  particularly interesting for searching for hidden heavy metals, such as plutonium, which

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  scatter muons much more strongly than other materials such as iron.

                  the eye and the brain: biol o gical image
                  ac quisition and pro cessing
                  Image processing systems acquire images and then exctract information from them. In
                  technical image processing systems, the acquisition occurs with a camera and the extrac-
                  tion is realized with software running on a computer. An interesting image processing

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  system is built into each of us: the combination of eye and brain. The eye and the brain
                  are involved devices. We start by exploring the construction and performance of our

                  Do we see what exists?
                  Sometimes we see less than there is. Close your left eye, look at the white spot in Fig-
                  ure 136, bring the page slowly towards your right eye, and pay attention to the middle
Challenge 182 s   lines. At a distance of about 15 to 20 cm the middle line will seem uninterrupted. Why?
                     Look with one eye at a full computer screen that is blinking blue and black, at a rate
       Ref. 135   of once or twice a second. Now look at the same blinking screen through a blue filter (a
Challenge 183 s   Balzers K45 or a Kodak BG12 filter). You will see a spot. Why?
                     Sometimes we see more than there is, as Figures 137 and 138 show. The first figure
                  shows that parallel lines can look skewed, and the second show a so-called Hermann
                  lattice, named after its discoverer.* The Hermann lattice of Figure 138, discovered by
                  Elke Lingelbach in 1995, is especially striking. Variations of these lattices are now used
       Ref. 136   to understand the mechanisms at the basis of human vision. For example, they can be
                  used to determine how many light sensitive cells in the retina are united to one signal
                  pathway towards the brain. The illusions are angle dependent because this number is
                  also angle dependent.

                  * Ludimar Hermann (b. 1838 Berlin, d. 1914 Königsberg) was an important physiologist. The lattices are
188                                                           4 images and the eye – optics

F I G U R E 136 A limitation of the eye (see text).

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F I G U R E 137 What is the angle between the thin lines between the squares?

    Our eyes also ‘see’ things differently: the retina sees an inverted image of the world.
There is a simple method to show this, due to Helmholtz.* You need only a needle and
a piece of paper, e.g. this page of text. Use the needle to make two holes inside the two
letters ‘oo’. Then keep the page as close to your eye as possible, look through the two
holes towards the wall, keeping the needle vertical, a few centimetres behind the paper.
You will see two images of the needle. If you now cover the left hole with your finger, the

often falsely called ‘Hering lattices’ after the man who made Hermann’s discovery famous.
* See Hermann von Helmholtz, Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, 1867. This famous classic is
available in English as Handbook of Physiological Optics, Dover, 1962. Physician, physicist and science
politician, born as Hermann Helmholtz (b. 1821 Potsdam, d. 1894 Charlottenburg), was famous for his
works on optics, acoustics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, epistemology and geometry. He founded
several physics institutions across Germany. He was one of the first to propagate the idea of conservation
of energy. His other important book, Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, published in 1863, describes the
basis of acoustics and, like the Handbook, is still worth reading.
                   the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 189

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 138 The Lingelbach lattice: do you see white, grey, or black dots at the crossings?

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   F I G U R E 139 An example of an infrared photograph, slightly mixed with a colour image (© Serge

                   right needle will disappear, and vice versa. This shows that the image inside the eye, on
Challenge 184 ny   the retina, is inverted. Are you able to complete the proof?
                      An urban legend, spread by many medical doctors and midwives to this day, claims
                   that newborn babies see everything upside down. Can you explain why this idea is
 Challenge 185 s   wrong?
                      Two additional experiments can show that retinas acquire inverted images. If you
                   push very lightly on the inside of your eye (careful!), you will see a dark spot appear on
                   the outside of your vision field. And if you stand in a dark room and ask a friend to look
                   at a burning candle, explore his eye: you will see three reflections: two upright ones,
                   reflected from the cornea and from the lens, and a dim third one, upside-down, reflected
           190                                                       4 images and the eye – optics

           F I G U R E 140 How the appearance of a sunflower changes with wavelength: how it looks to the human
           eye, how it might look to a bird, and how it looks in the ultraviolet (© Andrew Davidhazy).

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           from the retina.
              Our eyes do not produce a faithful image of nature: they have a limited wavelength
           sensitivity. This sensitivity peaks around 560 nm; outside the red and the violet, our
           eyes does not detect radiation. We thus see only part of nature. As a result, infrared
           photographs of nature, such as the one shown in Figure 139, are interesting because they
           show us something different from what we see usually. The same happens to ultraviolet
Ref. 137   photographs, as shown in Figure 140. Also images of the sky differ with wavelength; the
           website shows this in detail.
              The eye sees most sharply in the region of the fovea. But the highest light sensitivity

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           is not in that region. As a result, we often do not see faint stars at night when we look
           directly at them, but see them when we look next to them. This effect is due to the
           peculiar distribution of rods, which has its peak density 20°away from the axis of sharpest
              Several other optical illusions are found throughout this text. In summary, we have
           to be careful whenever we maintain that seeing means observing. Our sense of vision is
           limited. Are there other limitations of our senses which are less evident? Our adventure
           will indeed uncover several of them. But let us now turn to see what the eye can do.

           The human eye
           The eye is the part that moves most frequently in the human body – more than the heart.
           It is estimated that the eye performs 200 million saccades every year. Therefore the mo-
           tion and lubrication mechanisms of the eye are especially involved. Eye movements exist
           in various types: apart from saccades, the eye shows pursuit movements, motions that
           compensate head rotation, called the vestibulo-ocular reflex, and ocular microtremor.
               The human eye is a so-called camera eye. Like a photographic camera, and in contrast
           to insect eyes and other compound eyes, the vertebrate camera eye works by producing
           an image of the outer world on a surface consisting of light sensors, the retina. The
           retina covers more than half of the inside of the eye ball, whose typical diameter in an
           adult is about 16.7 mm. The pupil has a diameter between 2 mm – below which one gets
           problems with diffraction – and 7 mm – for which lens aberrations are just acceptable.
the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 191

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F I G U R E 141 Top: a simplified cross section of the human eye; bottom: the comparison of the optical
imaging for a healthy eye and for the most common eye problems, myopia, hyperopia and presbyopia
(© NEI at NIH).
           192                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

           The image on the retina has low image distortion, low chromatic aberrations (about 1
           dioptre between red and blue) and low coma; the eye achieves this performance by using
           an deformable aspheric gradient-index lens and a cornea whose shape is always near the
           ideal shape within 30 μm – an extremely good value for a deformable body. The eye,
           together with the brain, also has a powerful autofocus – still not fully understood – and
           an excellent motion compensation and image stabilization system built in. A section of
           this amazing device is shown in Figure 141.
               The retina is an outgrowth of the brain. It contains 120 million rods, or black and
           white pixels, and 6 million cones, or colour pixels. Each pixel can detect around 300
           to 500 intensity levels (9 bit). The eye works over an intensity range of 8 to 10 orders of
           magnitude; the involved mechanism is incredibly complex, takes place already inside the
           receptors, involves calcium ions, and is fully known only since a few years. The region
           of highest resolution, the fovea, has an angular size of about 1°. The resolution of the
           eye is about 1 󸀠 . The integration time of the retina is about 100 ms – despite this vale,
           no artefacts are noticed during the saccades. The retina itself is 200 μm thick and is

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           transparent: this means that all cables leading to the receptors are transparent as well.
               The retina has very low energy consumption and uses a different type of neurons than
           usual nerves: the neurons in the retina use electrotonic potentials, not the action poten-
           tials or spikes used in most other nerves, which would generate interferences that would
           make seeing impossible. In the fovea, every pixel has a connection to the brain. At the
           borders of the retina, around 10 000 pixels are combined to one signal channel. (If all
           pixels were connected 1 to 1 to the brain, the brain would need to be as large as a typ-
           ical classroom.) As a result, the signals of the fovea, whose area is only about 0.3 % of
           the retina, use about 50 % of the processing in the brain’s cortex. To avoid chromatic

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           aberrations, the fovea has no blue receptors. The retina is also a graphic preprocessor: it
           contains three neuronal layers that end up as 1.3 million channels to the cortex, where
           they feed 5 million axons that in turn connect to 500 million neurons.
               The compression methods between the 125 million pixel in the retina and the 1.3 mil-
           lion channels to the cortex is still subject of research. It is known that the signals do
           not transport pixel data, but data streams processed in about a dozen different ways. The
           streams do not carry brightness values, but only contrasts, and they do not transmit RGB
           values, but colour differences. The streams carry motion signals in a compressed way
           and the spatial frequency data is simplified. Explorations have shown how the gangli-
Ref. 138   ons in the retina provide a navigational horizon, how they detect objects moving against
           the background of the visual field, and how they subtract the motion of the head. The
           coming years and decades will provide many additional results; several data channels
           between the eye and the brain are still unknown.
               Apart from rods and cones, human eyes also contain a third type of receptor. This re-
           ceptor type, the photosensitive ganglion cell or intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion
Ref. 139   cell, has only been discovered in the early 1990s, sparking a whole new research field.
           Photosensitive ganglion cells are sensitive mainly to blue light, use melanopsin as pho-
           topigment and are extremely slow. They are connected to the suprachiasmatic nucleus
           in the brain, a small structure of the size of a grain of rice that controls our circadian
           hormone cycle. For this reason you should walk a lot outside, where a lot of blue light is
           available, in order to reset the body’s clock and get rid of jet-lag. Photosensitive ganglion
           cells also produce the signals that control the diameter of the pupil.
the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 193

   It is worth recalling that drawings such as the one of Figure 141 are simplified. They do
not show the structures in the transparent part of the eye, the vitreous body, such as the
hyaloid canal, which plays an important role during the growth of the eye in the embryo
stage. In fact, the growth of the eye inside the womb is even more amazing than its actual
function – but this story is outside the scope of this text.

Human versus other eyes
The human eye and many other animal eyes are better devices than most modern pho-
tographic or video cameras. Not only does it have more pixels than most cameras, it is
also insensitive to pixel errors, to the blood vessels in front of the sensors. No camera
covers the same range of intensity variation. No human-made camera has a lens system
of comparable quality or capabilities: the large viewing angle, the low field distortions
– also due to the spherical shape of the retina – and the low chromatic aberrations. No
technical autofocus system, image stabilizer or motion compensation system matches
that of the eye.

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    One limitation of the eye is its speed. The human eye produces an effective number of
30 images per second and up to 120 images per second under the most ideal conditions;
dogs and birds achieve twice the basic rate and insects about ten times as much. Mod-
ern video cameras can produce more than 10 000 images per second. When developing
the eye, evolution has traded speed for resolution. To achieve high resolution, the eye
continuously performs small movements, called micronystagmus. In detail, the eye con-
tinuously oscillates around the direction of vision with around 40 to 50 Hz; it constantly
averages an image pixel over 30 to 50 receptors, but the exact sharpening mechanism
is not clear yet. This motion increases the effective number of pixels, avoids issues with

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
dead pixels and also allows the rods and cones to recharge.
    All vertebrate eyes have rods, the pixel types that produce black and white images at
night. Additionally, the retina of the human eye contains three types of cones, for the
colours red, green and blue. As mentioned, much better eyes are found in birds, many
reptiles and fish: they have four or more types of cones, built-in colour filters and an
ultraviolet-transparent lens. The fourth type of cones and the special eye lens make the
eyes of birds and reptiles sensitive to near-ultraviolet light; birds use their ultraviolet
sense to find food and to distinguish males from females. Indeed, most birds whose
males and females look the same to humans differ markedly in the ultraviolet.
    Birds and reptiles also have coloured oil droplets built into the top of their cones, with
each cone type containing a different oil colour. These droplets act as colour filters. In
this way, the spectral resolution of their cones is much sharper than in mammals. The
sense of colour in birds is much more evolved than in humans – it would be fascinating
to watch the world with a bird’s eye. Birds are the best colour seers overall. They have
cone receptors for red, blue, green, ultraviolet, and, depending on the bird, for up to
three more sets of colours.
    Eagles and a number of other birds (but not many) also have a better eye resolution
than humans. They achieve this in two ways. First, their photoreceptors are small; in
other words, their pixel size is the smallest known with respect to the eye diameter, with
only 1.6 μm. Secondly, the eye includes bones. These bones fix the relative position of
lens and retina, like a rigid camera body. With these technical solutions, the eye of the
           194                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

           eagle is clearly better than that of humans.
               In the course of evolution, the eye of mammals lost two types of cones that were part
           of the vertebrate heritage, and were left with only two types of cones. The (Old-World)
           primates later regained one type, in order to distinguish more clearly tree fruit, which
           are so important as food for the primate brain, from the surrounding leaves. But despite
           this change, primates never reached the capability of the best bird’s eyes. Thus, of all
           mammals, only primates can see full colours as human do. Bulls for example, don’t; they
           cannot distinguish red from blue.
               Usual humans are thus trichromatic: they have three types of cones that detect red,
           green and blue. However, around 1 % of women are (somewhat) tetrachromatic. This is
           possible because humans can have two different red pigments. The red pigment details
           are encoded on the X chromosome. Now, in some women, the two X chromosomes
           code for two different red pigments. In a part of these women, both pigments are found
           in the cones of their eyes. These women thus seem to have something like RR’GB eyes.
Ref. 140   Tests showed that they can distinguish more red shades than men and than most other

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               Every expert of motion should also know that the highest sensitivity of the human eye
Ref. 141   does not correspond to the brightest part of sunlight. This myth has been spread around
           the world by the numerous textbooks that have copied from each other. Depending on
           whether frequency or wavelength or wavelength logarithm is used, the solar spectrum
           peaks at 500 nm, 880 nm or 720 nm. The human eye’s spectral sensitivity, like the com-
           pletely different sensitivity of birds or frogs, is due to the chemicals used for detection.
           In short, the human eye can only be understood by a careful analysis of its particular
           evolutionary history.

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               Camera eyes are found in all vertebrates. Mammals have eyes similar to ours, with a
           flexible lens; in contrast, snakes have eyes with rigid lenses that are moved with respect to
           the retina in order to put images into focus. Camera eyes evolved independently several
           times in other animal groups. Most known are the cephalopods, such as the octopus,
           and indeed, the largest eyes known, up to 30 cm in diameter, are from animals of this
           group. Camera eyes are also found in some spiders, in snails and in a number of other
               By the way, the human eye–brain system processes colours mainly around the direc-
           tion of gaze. This allows a fun trick: if a vision system follows the direction of your gaze,
           it can command a computer display to show colours only in the display region at which
           you are looking to, and to leave the rest of the picture in black and white. If the command
           system is fast enough, you get the impression that the whole picture is coloured, whereas
           every bystander sees that the picture is mainly black and white, and just shows colours
           in a spot that is constantly moving around.
               The most common eyes in nature are not camera eyes, but compound eyes, as found
           in bees, dragonflies or house flies. Compound eyes have one lens for each axon. These
           units are usually hexagonal in shape are called ommatidia and typically contain a handful
           of photoreceptors that are connected to the outgoing axon. An ommatidium is a tiny
           eye; depending on the species, a compound eyes consist of at least a hundred and at
           most 30 000 ommatidia (for some dragonflies). Many compound eyes are also tetra- or
           pentachromatic. Compound eyes have low resolution – it is suspected that no insect can
           see the stars – but such eyes have a number of advantages. Compound eyes need no
           the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 195

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 142 Compound eyes: the apposition compound eye found in bees and dragonflies, the
           refraction superposition eye of moths, the reflection superposition eye of lobsters, (not shown: the
           parabolic superposition eye of certain crabs) and the neural superposition eye of the house fly
           (© Watcher, from

           F I G U R E 143 A flat microscope based on stacked microlens arrays – in front of a conventional objective   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           – and an image it produces (© Frank Wippermann).

           focussing mechanism, can cover a large field of view, and above all, they are extremely
           fast. These advantages are so interesting that compound-eye-style electronic cameras are
           also being explored as alternatives to usual, one-lens-plus-one-sensor cameras.
              Using ideas from insect eyes is also interesting for other uses. For example, modern
           technology provides the possibilities to think anew how a microscope should look like.
           Figure 143 shows a microscope that is in fact an array of thousands of tiny microscopes.
Ref. 142   The lenses produce images on a CMOS imaging chip with 16 megapixel.
              In summary, the microscopic structures inside the eye are important and fascinating.
           But here we face a question.
                  196                                                   4 images and the eye – optics

                  How can we make pictures of the inside of the eye?
                  When we look through a small hole towards a bright surface, we can see the blood vessels
                  in our eye. In particular, we can see that the fovea has no blood vessels at all. But how
                  can we observe other people’s microscopic eye structure?
                      Imaging the details inside of a living eye is not easy. The retina is far away from the
                  surface of the eye, so that a normal microscope cannot be used. In addition, the con-
                  tinuous motions of the lens and of the eye itself disturb any imaging system. Finally, two
                  separate developments changed the situation in the 1990s.
      Page 187        The first breakthrough in eye imaging was the technique, mentioned above, of optical
                  coherence tomography. This imaging method uses a scanned low-power laser beam and
                  allows imaging scattering media up to a depth of a few millimetres with a resolution
                  of the order of a few μm. This microscopy technique, developed in the 1990s, allows
                  observing in detail the retina of the human eye and the region below it; it also allows
                  cross sections of the cornea and the lens. Through the detailed pictures it provides in a
                  few milliseconds, shown in Figure 144, optical coherence tomography allows extremely

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  precise diagnoses; it has profoundly changed modern ophthalmology. The fascinating
                  pictures from the research group on optical coherence tomography at the University of
                  Vienna are shown in Figure 145.
                      Optical coherence tomography also allows imaging the skin to a depth of about 8 mm;
                  this is already improving skin cancer diagnosis. In the future, the technique will also
                  simplify cancer diagnosis for gynaecologists and otolaryngologists. Endoscopic systems
                  are also being developed. Optical coherence tomography is becoming standard also in
                  various industrial applications.
                      The second breakthrough in eye imaging was the technique of adaptive optics, a tech-

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  nique, also used in astronomy, that continuously and quickly changes the shape of the
                  imaging lens. The most beautiful pictures so far of a living human retina, such as that of
                  Figure 146, were made by the group of David Williams and Austin Roorda at the Univer-
       Ref. 143   sity at Rochester in New York using this modern technique. They used adaptive optics
                  in order to compensate for the shape variations of the lens in the eye of the patient.
                      The human eye produces the sensation of colour by averaging the intensity arriving at
                  the red, blue and green sensitive cones. This explains the possibility, mentioned above,
      Page 125    of getting the same impression of colour, e.g. yellow, either by a pure yellow laser beam,
                  or by a suitable mixture of red and green light.
                      But if the light is focused on to one cone only, the eye makes mistakes. Using adaptive
                  optics it is possible to focus a red laser beam such that it hits a green cone only. In this
                  case, something strange happens: even though the light is red, the eye sees green colour!
                      Incidentally, Figure 146 is quite puzzling. In the human eye, as in all vertebrate eyes,
                  the blood vessels are located in front of the cones. Why don’t they appear in the picture?
Challenge 186 s   And why don’t they disturb us in everyday life? (The picture does not show the other
                  type of sensitive light cells, the rods, because the subject was in daylight; rods come to
                  the front of the retina only in the dark, and then produce black and white pictures.)
                      In 2016, the technique of optical coherence tomography (OCT) allowed to make an
                  even more astonishing measurement, shown in Figure 147. Observing the retina of a
       Ref. 144   living human allows seeing what a person is watching. The exact details for this possibil-
                  ity are not yet understood; somehow, illuminated photoreceptors have a different optical
the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 197

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F I G U R E 144 Top: an image of the front of the human eye acquired by optical coherence tomography,
showing the cornea, the iris and the lens. Bottom: a typical apparatus used by ophthalmologues.
Heidelberg Engineering)
198                                                            4 images and the eye – optics

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F I G U R E 145 Images of the live human retina taken with adaptive optics optical coherence
tomography. Top: Cross section of the human eye indicating a special region of the retina, the fovea, at
the back of the eye; histology of this area indicating the outer segment (OS) of the photoreceptor cells;
enlarged histology of the OS; in vivo cellular resolution OCT of living photoreceptor cells; Ell indicates
the ellipsoid of photoreceptors; RPE the retinal pigment epithelium. Bottom: OCT tomograms of the
inner/outer junction of human photoreecptors (a), their outer segment tips (c) with enlarged field of
view (b). The bright spots in the dashed circles indicate single photoreceptors cells. The representation
(d) at different depths reveals intraretinal microstructures at cellular resolution. (© www.zmpbmt.
           the eye and the brain: biological image acquisition and processing 199

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 146 Left: a high quality photograph of a living human retina taken with adaptive optics; right:
           same image with a superimposed measured indication of the sensitivity of each cone cell (© Austin

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           F I G U R E 147 Using optical coherence tomography to image the live retina 247 ms after the eye stopped
           watching at the pattern in the lower left. The afterimage on the retina can be observed (© PNAS).

           path length than receptors in the dark.
Ref. 145      In summary, evolution has provided us with an observations system that has amazing
           properties. Take good care of your eyes.
                  200                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                   grass   dew                head                           Sun
                           (not to

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                   F I G U R E 148 The path of light
                                                                                   for the dew on grass that is
                                                                                   responsible for the aureole or
                                                                                   Heiligenschein, and a photo
                                                                                   showing that it is seen only
                                                                                   around one’s own head
                                                                                   (© Bernt Rostad).

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  How to prove you ’ re holy
                  Light reflection and refraction are responsible for many striking effects. The originally
                  Indian symbol for a holy person, now used throughout most of the world, is the aureole,
                  also called halo or Heiligenschein: a ring of light surrounding the head. You can easily
                  observe it around your own head. You need only to get up early in the morning and look
                  into the wet grass while turning your back to the Sun. You will see an aureole around
                  your shadow. The effect is due to the morning dew on the grass, which reflects the light
                  back predominantly in the direction of the light source, as shown in Figure 148. The fun
       Ref. 146   part is that if you do this in a group, you will see the aureole around only your own head.
                     Retroreflective paint works in the same way: it contains tiny glass spheres that play
                  the role of the dew. A large surface of retroreflective paint, a traffic sign for example, can
       Ref. 147   also show your halo if the light source is sufficiently far away. Also the so-called ‘glow’
                  of the eyes of a cat at night is due to the same effect; it is visible only if you look at the
Challenge 187 s   cat with a light source behind you. By the way, do Cat’s-eyes work like a cat’s eyes?
displaying images                                                                             201

                                                       F I G U R E 149 A cathode ray tube in older
                                                       televisions: the first way – now obsolete –
                                                       to produce changing colour images using
                                                       electric signals. Television tubes emit an
                                                       electron beam, deflect it, and generate
                                                       light by electroluminescence on a
                                                       coloured screen covered with patterned

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

displ aying images
Systems that display images are of importance in technical devices and, to a smaller de-
gree, in nature. In nature, these displays are of two types: The first type is used by squids
living in shallow water: they are able to produce moving colour patterns on their skin,
and they use these patterns to confuse prey. The second type is found in the deep sea,

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
where there is no ambient light: there, many living beings produce moving light displays
to attract prey or to confuse predators.
    In short, images can be generated by changing surface colours – passive displays – or
by emitting light. Also human-made systems can divided into these two classes.
    At present, the most common passive displays are liquid crystal displays – or LCDs
– and electronic ink displays. The former are used in watches and mobile phones, the
latter in electronic book readers.
    The most common light emitting displays are the dated cathode ray tube, plasma dis-
plays, the light emitting diode displays and projection displays. These displays are used
mostly in entertainment devices.

Hopping electrons and the biggest disappointment of the
television industry
It is well known that when an electric field in a vacuum points along a glass surface, elec-
trons can hop along the glass surface. The general effect is shown in Figure 150; usually,
the effect is unwelcome. Among others, the hopping effect is responsible for sparks in
vacuum systems that contain high voltage. To avoid the effect, the glass insulators on
high voltage lines have complex shapes.
    When this effect was studied in more detail, it turned out that reasonably low elec-
tric fields are sufficient to create sizeable electric hopping currents in hollow glass tubes
with an internal diameter around a millimetre. The low elctric field can also lead elec-
           202                                                           4 images and the eye – optics


                                                        electric field         hopping


           F I G U R E 150 Free electrons can hop along a glass wall.

           tron around bends and corners. Furthermore, electric switches that change the hopping

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           direction can be constructed. In short, the hopping effect can be used to make extremely
           cheap flat television displays of high image quality. The idea is to put an array of elec-
           tron sources – essentially sharp metal tips – at the start of many closeby glass channels.
           Each channel transports the emitted electrons along a line of the display. Making use
           of suitable switches at each pixel, the electrons are made to hit phosphorescent colour
Ref. 148   emitters. These are the same pixels that were used in the then common – bulky and heavy
           – television tubes and that are used in flat plasma displays. Since the hopping effect also
           works around bends and corners, and since it only needs glass and a bit of metal, the
           whole system can be made extremely thin, and lightweight; moreover, the machines are

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           cheap, the yield is high and the production cost is low. Already in the early 1990s, the
           laboratory samples of the electron hopping displays were spectacularly good: the small
           displays were brighter, sharper and cheaper than liquid crystal displays, and the large
           ones brighter, sharper and cheaper than plasma displays. Affordable flat television was
           on the horizon.
              Then came the disappointment. The lifetime of the displays was only of the order of
           a few hundred hours. The limitation was due to the necessity to use helium inside the
           display, which cannot be contained inside a vacuum system for a long time. Despite the
           most intense material research, achieving a higher lifetime turned out to be impossible.
           All tricks that were tried did not help. Despite all their fantastic properties, despite huge
           investments in the technology, despite the best material researchers working on the issue,
           electron hopping displays could not be brought to market. Not a single display was ever

           Challenges and fun curiosities ab ou t images and the eye
           An image sensor does not need a lens. The temple viper (or Wagler’s pit viper) has two
           infrared sensors – one is shown in Figure 151 – with a resolution of 40 times 40 pixels
           each, and it just has a hole instead of a lens. The pit viper uses these sensors to catch mice
           even in the dark. The working of this infrared sensor has been explored and simulated
           by several research groups. It is now known how the sensor acquires the data, how the
Ref. 149   snake brain reconstructs the image, and how it achieves the high resolution.
displaying images                                                                                        203

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F I G U R E 151 A collection of image sensors – thus of pixel systems: A cat’s retina, a CCD sensor still on a
wafer, the eye of a house fly, a CMOS sensor, a human retina, a multichannel plate, and a temple viper’s
infrared pit (© Wikimedia, Austin Roorda, Hamamatsu Photonics, Guido Westhoff/Leo van Hemmen).
                   204                                                     4 images and the eye – optics

                   The simplest imaging system are eye glasses. A child that has no proper glasses misses
                   an important experience: seeing the stars. Such a child will not understand the famous
                   statement by Immanuel Kant: ‘Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing
                   admiration and awe, the more often and persistently thought considers them: the starred
                   sky above me and the moral law inside me.’ Always be sure that children can see the stars.
                      Two lenses of 40 cents each are sufficient to change the life of a child or that of an
                   adult. See the website for an effective way to do it across the
                   Among the most impressive nature photographs are those found on www.
         ; they show beetles to an extremely high resolution. Each beetle
                   photograph is a composition of many thousands of usual high-resolution photographs.
 Challenge 188 e   They provide a stunning sight – enjoy it.

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 189 ny   How does the eye correct pixel (photoreceptor) failure? How many pixels are bad in a
                   typical eye?
                   Infrared light can be seen, if it is of sufficient intensity. (Never try this yourself!) People
                   who observed such light sources – semiconductor lasers, for example – saw it as a white
                   spot with some red borders. In other cases, it is also possible to see short infrared pulses

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   through double-photon absorption in the retina; in this way, infrared of 1000 nm pro-
                   duces a green flash inside the eye.
                   Among vertebrates, the largest eye is the eye of the blue whale; it has a diameter of
                   150 mm. (Only squids have larger eyes.) The smallest vertebrate eye seems to be that
                   of juvenile Brookesia micra, a small chameleon whose head is half the size of the head of
                   a match and whose eye is around 0.3 mm in diameter. The eye is a wonderful organ. To
                   learn more about it, read the beautiful book Simon Ings, The Eye – A Natural History,
                   Bloomsbury, 2007.
                   In many applications, it is important to avoid reflections. Anti-reflection coatings are
                   used on the glass of shop-windows and in lens systems that need to work in dim con-
                   ditions, when light is scarce. Such coatings usually are interference coatings made of
                   various layers of transparent materials deposited on the surface. Also living beings have
                   anti-reflection coatings; the eyes of moths are famous for appearing black also in bright
                   daylight. They are black because they do not reflect any light, and thus keep the moths
                   hidden from their predators. However, moth eyes use a different effect to avoid reflec-
                   tions: their surface is covered with a hexagonal pattern of pillars of about 200 nm height.
                   A similar effect is achieved by the glasswing butterfly, Greta oto, whose wings are as trans-
                   parent as glass, but without any reflections. Various companies are trying to reproduce
                  displaying images                                                                         205

                  this so-called moth-eye effect in commercial applications, for example to improve photo-
                  voltaic cells.
                  Modern technology allows producing microscopes at low cost. For a fascinating ex-
       Ref. 150   ample, see the 1 Euro microscope that can be folded from a sheet of paper, embedded
                  with some additional devices, and shown in Figure 152. The device is used by holding it
                  in front of the eye or by holding it in front of a lamp and observing the projected image
                  on a screen.
                  If a sufficient number of images is available, it is possible to identify the camera that pro-
                  duced them. Every camera has a specific image noise pattern; by extracting it through
                  clever averaging, computer software that processes camera images is able to support po-
                  lice investigations.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Mirages often have surprising effects. In 1597, a group of sailors were stranded on
       Ref. 151   Novaya Zemlya during the winter. On 24 January they saw the Sun – roughly two weeks
                  before it should be visible there. Such an unusual sighting of the Sun is now called a
                  Novaya Zemlya effect.
Challenge 190 s   It is possible to measure the width of a hair with a laser pointer. How?

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Modern imaging techniques allow high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. As shown
       Ref. 152   in Figure 153, using a Fresnel lens, a cooled CCD sensor and a laser as a light source, it
                  is even possible to photograph the shadow of a single floating ion.
                  An important device in medicine is the endoscope. An endoscope, shown in Figure 154,
                  allows looking into a body cavity through a very small hole. It is a metal tube, typically
                  with a diameter of around 5 mm and a length of 300 mm. How would you build one?
Challenge 191 e   (The device must resist at least 150 disinfection cycles in an autoclave; each cycle implies
                  staying at 134°C and 3 bar for three hours.) Made of a sequence of carefully designed
                  cylinder lenses, endoscopes allow surgeons to watch the inside of a human body through
                  a tiny hole, thus avoiding large cuts and dangerous operations. Endoscopes have saved
                  many lives, and their production and development employs a large industry.
Challenge 192 s   The Sun is visible to the naked eye only up to a distance of 50 light years. Is this true?
       Ref. 153   Grass is usually greener on the other side of the fence. Can you give an explanation based
Challenge 193 s   on observations for this statement?
206                                                           4 images and the eye – optics

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F I G U R E 152 Top: the production and the parts of a flat microscope for medical use in developing
countries made from sheet paper; bottom: the images it produces (© Foldscope team at www.
                  displaying images                                                                            207

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                  F I G U R E 153 The shadow of a
                                                                                  single ytterbium ion levitated in
                                                                                  an ion trap and illuminated
                                                                                  with a laser; picture size is
                                                                                  about 16 μm in both directions
                                                                                  (© Dave Kielpinski).


                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  It is said that astronomers have telescopes so powerful that they could see whether some-
Challenge 194 s   body would be lighting a match on the Moon. Can this be true?
                  Total refraction is an interesting phenomenon it itself; but its details are even more fas-
                  cinating. In 1943 Fritz Goos and Hilda Hänchen showed that the reflected beam is
                  slightly shifted; in other words, the reflected beam is effectively reflected by a plane that
                  lies slightly behind the material interface. This so-called Goos-Hänchen shift can be as
                  large as a few wavelengths and is due to travelling evanescent waves in the thinner me-
       Ref. 154       In fact, recent research into this topic discovered something even more interesting.
                  When reflection is explored with high precision, one discovers that no reflected light
                  ray is exactly on the position one expects them: there is also a lateral shift, the Imbert–
                  Fedorov shift, and even the angle of the reflected ray can deviate from the expected one.
                  The fascinating details depend on the polarization of the beam, on the divergence of
                  the beam and on the material properties of the reflecting layer. These observations can
                  be seen as higher-order effects of quantum field theory; their details are still a topic of
                  Materials that absorb light strongly also emit strongly. Why then does a door with dark
                  paint in the sun get hotter than a door that is painted white? The reason is that the
                  208                                                          4 images and the eye – optics

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                  F I G U R E 154 The endoscope invented by Hopkins, in which rod lenses allow large field of view and
                  high brightness – the more so the higher the glass/air ratio is (© Karl Storz).

                  emission takes place at a much lower wavelength than that of visible light; for everyday
                  situations and temperatures, emission is around 10 μm. And at that wavelength, almost
                  all paints are effectively black, with emissivities of the order of 0.9, irrespective of their
                  colour. And for the same reason, when you paint your home radiator, the colour is not
       Ref. 155   When two laser beams cross at a small angle, they can form light pulses that seem to
Challenge 195 s   move faster than light. Does this contradict special relativity?
displaying images                                                                                      209

The Goos–Hänchen shift                                  The Goos-Hänchen shift and angular deviation
                                                        in metallic reflection
                       path predicted                      incoming,           observed
  incoming             by geometric optics                 polarized           reflection
  ray                                                      ray

                                  reflection                                       path predicted
                                                           air                     by geometric optics
  air                                                      metal

The Imbert–Fedorov shift

        incoming,       path predicted

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        polarized       by geometric optics



F I G U R E 155 The Goos-Hänchen shift and other deviations from geometric reflection: in total reflection,
the reflected light beam is slightly displaced from its naively expected position; in metallic reflection,

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
even more deviations are observed.

F I G U R E 156 How natural colours (top) change for three types of colour blind: deutan, protan and
tritan (© Michael Douma).
                  210                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                  Colour blindness was discovered by the great scientist John Dalton (b. 1766 Eaglesfield,
Challenge 196 s   d. 1844 Manchester) – on himself. Can you imagine how he found out? It affects, in all its
                  forms, one in 20 men. In many languages, a man who is colour blind is called daltonic.
                  Women are almost never daltonic or colour blind, as the property is linked to defects on
       Ref. 156   the X chromosome. If you are colour blind, you can check to which type you belong with
      Page 194    the help of Figure 156. (The X chromosome is also at the origin of the rare tetrachromatic
                  women mentioned above.)
                  Artificial colour blindness is induced by certain types of illumination. For example, violet
                  light is used to reduce intravenous drug consumption, because violet light does not allow
                  finding veins under the skin.
                     Artificial contrast enhancement with illumination is also useful. Pink light is used by
                  beauticians to highlight blemishes, so that the skin can be cleaned as well as possible. In

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  2007, the police officer Mike Powis in Nottingham discovered that this ‘acne light’ could
                  be used to reduce the crime rate; since acne is not fashionable, pink light deters youth
                  from gathering in groups, and thus calms the environment where it is installed.
                     Yellowish light is used by by supermarkets to increase their sales of fruit and veget-
                  ables. In yellow light, tomatoes look redder and salad looks greener. Check by yourself:
Challenge 197 e   you will not find a single supermarket without these lights installed over fruit and veget-

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Light beams, such as those emitted from lasers, are usually thought of as thin lines. How-
                  ever, light beams can also be tubes, with the light intensity lower in the centre than on the
                  rim. Tubular laser beams, i.e., Bessel beams of high order, are used in modern research
                  experiments to guide plasma channels and sparks.
                  Is it possible to see stars from the bottom of a deep pit or of a well, even during the day,
Challenge 198 s   as is often stated?
       Ref. 157   Humans are the only primates that have white eyes. All apes have brown eyes, so that it
                  is impossible to see in which direction they are looking. Apes make extensive use of this
                  impossibility: they often turn their head in one direction, pretending to look somewhere,
                  but turn their eyes in another. In other words, brown eyes are useful for deception. The
                  same effect is achieved in humans by wearing dark sunglasses. So if you see somebody
                  with sunglasses in a situation where there is no sunlight, you know that he or she is
                  behaving like an ape.
                      Apes use this type of deception to flirt with the opposite sex without their steady part-
                  ner noticing. Sunglasses are tools for the unfaithful.
Challenge 199 s   How can you measure the power of the Sun with your eyes closed?
                  displaying images                                                                            211

                  F I G U R E 157 Ames rooms in Paris and in San Francisco (© Sergio Davini, David Darling).


                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Even in a dark, moonless and starless night, a forest is not dark. You can see luminescent
                  mushrooms (of which there are over 70 different species), luminescent moulds, you can
                  see sparks when you take off your pullover or when your friend bites a mint bonbon or
                  when you unroll a roll of adhesive tape or open a letter.
Challenge 200 d   How do you produce X-rays with a roll of adhesive tape?

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The number of optical illusions is enormous, and there are many time-wasting websites
                  devoted to the topic. Films often use the so-called Ames room to transform actors into
                  dwarfs. It is shown in Figure 157.
                  The brain is important in many aspects of vision. It happens that the brain, together
                  with the eye, makes colours disappear, as shown in Figure 158. (The effect only works
                  with a colour version of the figure.) The example is taken from the beautiful collection
                  of visual illusions at Several related il-
                  lusions, based on this one, use moving coloured dots.
                     The brain is also able to correct, in a matter of minutes, deformations of the field of
                  view, such as those generated by glasses, for example. Even more impressive is the ability
                  of the brain to compensate cyclotorsion; cyclotorsion is the rotation of the eyes along the
                  front-back axis; when we lie down, this rotation has a value between 2 and 14 degrees,
                  compared to the orientation while standing. The value of the angle depends on age and
                  stress; it rotates each eye into opposite directions.
                  If you want to experience how essential the brain is for stereopsis, build and then look
                  through a so-called pseudoscope. It uses 4 mirrors or two prisms to switch the images
                  between the left and the right eyes. An example is shown in Figure 159. You will see
Challenge 201 e   concave things as convex, and your sense of depth gets utterly confused. Enjoy it.
212                                               4 images and the eye – optics

                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                               F I G U R E 158 Look at the
                                                               central dot for twenty
                                                               seconds: the colours will
                                                               disappear (© Kitaoka

                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                                                                   F I G U R E 159 Looking
                                                                   through a
                                                                   changes our
                                                                   perception of depth
                                                                   (© Joshua Foer).

Even more astonishing are devices that turn upside down all what you see. They can
be made with mirrors or with two Dove prisms. Interestingly, after wearing them for a
                  displaying images                                                                                         213

                  F I G U R E 160 The beauty of X-rays: X-ray images of a person (taken with a corpse) and of a sea shell

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  (© Nick Veasey).

                  while, the brain switches the images back to the correct orientation.
                  X-ray imaging is so impressive that it has become a form of art. One of the foremost X-
                  ray artists is Nick Veasey, and two of his works are shown in Figure 160. Among many

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  examples, he has even taken X-ray images of complete buses and aeroplanes.
                  Lenses are important components in most optical systems. Approximately, the distance
                  of the lens focus 𝑓, the distance of the object to be imaged 𝑜, and the distance of its image
                  𝑖 are related by the thin lens formula

                                                                 1 1 1
                                                                  = + .                                                 (81)
                                                                 𝑓 𝑜 𝑖

Challenge 202 e   It is not hard to deduce it with the help of raytracing.
                      If you ever are in the situation to design a lens, you will want to know the relation
                  between the shape of a lens and its focal distance. It turns out that there are two types
                  of lenses: The first type are spherical lenses which are easy and thus cheap to make, but
                  whose images are not perfect. The second lens type are aspherical lenses, which are hard
                  to fabricate, more expensive, but provide much better image quality. High-quality optical
                  systems always contain aspherical lenses.
                      For historical reasons, most books on optics teach readers the approximate relation
                  between the geometric radii of a thin spherical lens, its refractive index 𝑛 and its focal
Challenge 203 e   distance:
                                                     1             1     1
                                                        = (𝑛 − 1)( + ) .                                (82)
                                                     𝑓            𝑅1 𝑅2
                   214                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                   This is called the lensmaker formula. Most aspherical lenses are approximately spherical,
                   so that the formula helps as a rough first estimate also in these cases.
                   Imaging is an important part of modern industry. Without laser printers, photocopying
                   machines, CD players, DVD players, microscopes, digital photographic cameras, film
                   and video cameras, lithography machines for integrated circuit production, telescopes,
                   film projectors, our world would look much more boring. Nowadays, designing optical
                   systems is done with the help of dedicated software packages. They allow to calculate im-
                   age quality, temperature effects and mechanical tolerances with high precision. Despite
                   the beauty of optical design, there is a shortage of experts on this fascinating field, across
       Ref. 111    the world.
                   Additional types of videos cameras are still being developed. Examples are time-of-flight

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   cameras, laser scanning cameras, ultraviolet video cameras, video cameras that measure
                   polarization and infrared video cameras. The latter cameras will soon appear in cars,
                   in order to recognize people and animals from the heat radiation they emit and help
                   avoiding accidents.
                   What are the best colour images one can produce today? At present, affordable images
                   on paper have about 400 dots/mm, or dots of about 2.5 μm. What is the theoretical max-
Challenge 204 e    imum? You will find that several unserious research groups claim to have produced col-

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   our images with a resolution that is higher than the theoretical maximum.
                   Ultrasound imaging is regularly used in medical applications. As mentioned earlier on,
Vol. I, page 313   unfortunately it is not safe for imaging pregnancies. Is ultrasound imaging, though not
Challenge 205 e    an optical imaging method, a type of tomography?
                   CMOS cameras, batteries and radio transmitters have become so small that they can be
                   made into a package with the size of a pill. Such a camera can be swallowed, and with
                   electrodes attached to the belly of a person, one can record movies of the intestine while
                   the person is continuing its daily activities.
                   The most common optical systems are those found inside CD and DVD drives. If you ever
                   have the opportunity to take one apart, do it. They are fascinating pieces of technology,
                   in which every cubic millimetre has been optimized by hundreds of engineers. Can you
                   imagine how a CD or DVD player works, starting from the photographs of Figure 161?
                   The most expensive optical systems are not those found on espionage satellites – which
                   can read the headlines of a newspaper from space – but those found in wafer steppers.
                  displaying images                                                                                   215

                  CD                                 DVD                       Blue Ray Disk
                  track pitch 1.6 μm                 track pitch 0.74 μm       track pitch 0.32 μm
                  minimum pit length 0.8 μm          minimum pit length 0.4 μm minimum pit length 0.15μm

                  F I G U R E 161 Composed image of the tracks and the laser spot in a drive reading a CD, a DVD and a
                  blue ray disc (© Wikimedia).

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                                                                        F I G U R E 162 One of the many kinds of
                                                                        Benham’s wheels. Rotating it with a top, a CD
                                                                        player or a drill is the simplest way to produce
                                                                        Fechner colours, i.e., false colours that appear
                                                                        from intermittent black and white patterns.

                  Wafer steppers are machines used for the production of electronic integrated circuits. In
                  such steppers, a metal mask is imaged, using light from a UV laser at 193 nm, onto a
                  photo-resist covered silicon wafer. The optical systems used have the size of an average
                  human, are precise within a few nanometres, and cost more than six million Euro a piece.
                  Objectives for extreme UV will be at least ten times more expensive. EUV steppers are
                  probably the most daring industrial systems ever conceived.
                  You can buy transparent window panes that can be switched to translucent and back –
                  thus from a clear glass to milk glass and back – by toggling an electrical switch. How do
Challenge 206 e   they work?
                  A rotating wheel coloured in a specific black and white pattern, such as Benham’s wheel,
                   216                                                    4 images and the eye – optics

                   will produce false colour effects in the eye. Unfortunately, a video of the effect does
                   not work inside a pdf file such as the one of this book; instead, have a look at Kenneth
                   Brecher’s website at or lite.bu.
                   edu/vision-flash10/applets/Color/Benham/Benham.html. False colours can also be in-
                   duced by flickering monochromatic images on computer screens. All these false colours
                   are mainly due to the different response times of red, green and blue cones.
                   The size of the eye in mammals depends on their maximum running speed. This de-
        Ref. 158   pendence has been verified for 50 different species. Interestingly, the correlation does
                   not hold for the flying speed of birds.
                   Children swimming a lot under water can learn to see sharply in about 10 sessions – in
                   contrast to adults. The children of the Moken people in Thailand were studied for this

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   feat. The study confirmed that all children have this ability, but most children do not
                   spend enough time in the sea.
 Challenge 207 e   Did you ever see a shadow on a mirror or on a flat water surface? Why not?
                   Can you use lasers to produce images floating in mid-air? Yes, and there are at least three

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      With a laser tuned to the orange sodium resonance, one can write a simulated star in
                   the sky, at a height of about 80 km. If you would move that laser, you could write a text
                   in the night sky. Alas, the brightness of a few watts of light at that distance is not visible
                   with the naked eye. And there are no lasers with more power at present.
                      During the day, a laser with short pulses (nanoseconds) is able to write simple moving
                   shapes at a height of a few metres. Demonstrations can be found on the internet, e.g., at
                      During the day, a laser with ultrashort pulses (picoseconds or femtoseconds) of
                   sufficient power, together with a fast scanning system, is able to write moving three-
                   dimensional shapes of a few cubic centimetres with high resolution. There is a race across
                   the world to be the first to demonstrate this.
Challenge 208 ny      Will you be the first to show one of these systems?

                   Summary on applied optics
                   The art and science of making images is central to modern health care, industry, science,
                   entertainment and telecommunications. Acquiring images is in large part the result of
                   bending light beams in predefined ways and then detecting them. All image acquisi-
                   tion systems, biological or human-made, are based on reflection, refraction or diffrac-
                   tion, combined with pixel detectors. All imaging systems that acquire or display high-
                   quality images – biological or human-made – use clever combinations of materials sci-
                   ence, sensors, actuators and signal processing. This fascinating field is still evolving rap-
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displaying images

           Chapter 5

           E L E C T ROM AG N ET IC E F F E C T S

                  ooking carefully, the atmosphere is full of electrical effects. The most impressive,
Ref. 159          ightning, is now reasonably well understood. However, it took decades and a
                  arge number of researchers to discover and put together all the parts of the puzzle.
           Also below our feet there is something important going on: the hot magma below the

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           continental crust produces the magnetic field of the Earth and other planets. Strong
           magnetic fields are fascinating for a third reason: they can be used for levitation. We
           first explore these three topics, then give an overview about the many effects that electro-
           magnetic fields produce and conclude with some curiosities and challenges about electric

           Is lightning a discharge? – Electricit y in the atmosphere
           Inside thunderstorm clouds, especially inside tall cumulonimbus clouds,** charges are
           separated by collision between the large ‘graupel’ ice crystals falling due to their weight

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 161   and the small ‘hail’ ice crystallites rising due to thermal upwinds. Since the collision
           takes part in an electric field, charges are separated in a way similar to the mechanism
Page 20    in the Kelvin generator. Discharge takes place when the electric field becomes too high,
           taking a strange path influenced by ions created in the air by cosmic rays. (There are
Ref. 162   however, at least ten other competing explanations for charge separation in clouds.) It
           seems that cosmic rays are at least partly responsible for the zigzag shape of lightning.
           For a striking example, see Figure 163.
               A lightning flash typically transports 20 to 30 C of charge, with a peak current of up to
           20 kA. But lightning flashes have also strange properties. First, lightnings appear at fields
           around 200 kV/m (at low altitude) instead of the 2 MV/m of normal sparks. Second,
           lightning emits radio pulses. Third, lightning emits X-rays and gamma rays. Russian re-
Ref. 163   searchers, from 1992 onwards explained all three effects by a newly discovered discharge
           mechanism. At length scales of 50 m and more, cosmic rays can trigger the appearance of

           ** Clouds have Latin names. They were introduced in 1802 by the explorer Luke Howard (b. 1772 London,
           d. 1864 Tottenham), who found that all clouds could be seen as variations of three types, which he called
           cirrus, cumulus and stratus. He called the combination of all three, the rain cloud, nimbus (from the Latin
Ref. 160   ‘big cloud’). Today’s internationally agreed system has been slightly adjusted and distinguishes clouds by
           the height of their lower edge. The clouds starting above a height of 6 km are the cirrus, the cirrocumulus
           and the cirrostratus; those starting at heights of between 2 and 4 km are the altocumulus, the altostratus
           and the nimbostratus; clouds starting below a height of 2 km are the stratocumulus, the stratus and the
           cumulus. The rain or thunder cloud, which crosses all heights, is today called cumulonimbus. For beautiful
           views of clouds, see the and websites.
electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                        219

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F I G U R E 163 A rare photograph of a lightning stroke hitting a tree (© Niklas Montonen).

F I G U R E 164 Cumulonimbus clouds from ground and from space (NASA).

lightning; the relativistic energy of these rays allows for a discharge mechanism that does
not exist for low energy electrons. At relativistic energy, so-called runaway breakdown
leads to discharges at much lower fields than usual laboratory sparks. The multiplication
220                                                                5 electromagnetic effects

                   – – –           –
  electric        –          –     ++
                      ++ ++


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F I G U R E 165 The charging and discharging of clouds: the most probable microscopic mechanism,
namely charging of graupel particles by collision with ice particles, the cloud charge distribution, the
three-dimensional structure and the large scale processes discovered in the past decades from
aeroplanes (© nordique, NASA, NOAA).
                  electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                             221

                  of these relativistic electrons also leads to the observed radio and gamma ray emissions.
                      In the 1990s more electrical details about thunderstorms became known. Airline pi-
                  lots and passengers sometime see weak and coloured light emissions spreading from the
                  top of thunderclouds. There are various types of such emissions: blue jets and mostly
                  red sprites and elves, which are somehow due to electric fields between the cloud top and
                  the ionosphere. The details are still under investigation, and the mechanisms are not yet
       Ref. 166       The emission of X-rays by lightning dates from the early twentieth century. The ex-
                  perimental confirmation was not easy though; it is necessary to put a detector near the
                  lightning flash. To achieve this, the lightning has to be directed into a given region, where
                  the detector is located. This is possible using a missile pulling a metal wire, the other end
                  of which is attached to the ground. These experimental results are now being collated
                  into a new description of lightning which also explains the red-blue sprites above thun-
                  derclouds. In particular, the processes also imply that inside clouds, electrons can be
       Ref. 167   accelerated up to energies of a few MeV. Thunderclouds are electron accelerators.

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      Incidentally, you have a 75 % chance of survival after being hit by lightning, especially
                  if you are completely wet, as in that case the current will mainly flow outside the skin.
                  Usually, wet people who are hit lose all their clothes, as the evaporating water tears them
                  off. Rapid resuscitation is essential to help somebody to recover after a hit. If you are
                  ever hit by lightning and survive, go to the hospital! Many people died three days later
                  having failed to do so. A lightning strike often leads to coagulation effects in the blood.
                  These substances block the kidneys, and one can die three days later because of kidney
                  failure. The simply remedy is to have dialysis treatment.
                      As a note, you might know how to measure the distance of a lightning by counting

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  the seconds between the lightning and the thunder and multiplying this by the speed of
                  sound, 340 m/s; it is less well known that one can estimate the length of the lightning
                  bolt by measuring the duration of the thunder, and multiplying it by the same factor.
                      Lightning is part of the electrical circuit around the Earth. This fascinating part of
                  geophysics would lead us too far from the aim of our adventure. But every physicist
                  should know that there is a vertical electric field of between 100 and 300 V/m on a clear
                  day, as discovered already in 1752. (Can you guess why it is not noticeable in everyday
                  life? And why despite its value it cannot be used to extract large amounts of energy?)
Challenge 209 s   The field is directed from the ionosphere down towards the ground; in fact the Earth
                  is permanently negatively charged, and in clear weather current flows downwards (elec-
                  trons flow upwards) through the clear atmosphere, trying to discharge our planet. The
                  current of about 1 to 2 kA is spread over the whole planet; it is possibly due to the ions
                  formed by cosmic radiation. (The resistance between the ground and the ionosphere
                  is about 200 Ω, so the total voltage drop is about 200 kV.) At the same time, the Earth
                  is constantly being charged by several effects: there is a dynamo effect due to the tides
                  of the atmosphere and there are currents induced by the magnetosphere. But the most
                  important charging effect is lightning.
                      In other words, contrary to what one may think, lightning does not discharge the
       Ref. 164   ground, it actually charges it up! Indeed, the Earth is charged to about −1 MC. Can you

                  * For images, have a look at the interesting, and
                  222                                                        5 electromagnetic effects

Challenge 210 s   confirm this? Of course, lightning does discharge the cloud to ground potential differ-
                  ence; but by doing so, it actually sends (usually) a negative charge down to the Earth
                  as a whole. Thunderclouds are batteries; the energy from the batteries comes from the
                  thermal uplifts mentioned above, which transport charge against the global ambient elec-
                  trical field.
                      Using a few electrical measurement stations that measure the variations of the elec-
                  trical field of the Earth it is possible to locate the position of all the lightning that comes
                  down towards the Earth at a given moment. Distributed around the world, there are
       Ref. 165   about a hundred lightning flashes per second. Present research also aims at measuring the
                  activity of the related electrical sprites and elves in this way.
                      The ions in air play a role in the charging of thunderclouds via the charging of ice
                  crystals and rain drops. In general, all small particles in the air are electrically charged.
                  When aeroplanes and helicopters fly, they usually hit more particles of one charge than
                  of the other. As a result, aeroplanes and helicopters are charged up during flight. When
                  a helicopter is used to rescue people from a raft in high seas, the rope pulling the people

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  upwards must first be earthed by hanging it in the water; if this is not done, the people
                  on the raft could die from an electrical shock when they touch the rope, as has happened
                  a few times in the past.
                      Why are sparks and lightning blue? This turns out to be a material property: the
                  colour comes from the material that happens to be excited by the energy of the discharge,
                  usually air. This excitation is due to the temperature of 30 kK inside the channel of a
                  typical lightning flash. For everyday sparks, the temperature is much lower. Depending
                  on the situation, the colour may arise from the gas between the two electrodes, such as
                  oxygen or nitrogen, or it may due to the material evaporated from the electrodes by the

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  discharge. For an explanation of such colours, as for the explanation of all colours due
                  to materials, we need to wait for the next part of our walk, on quantum theory.

                  Does ball lightning exist?
                  For hundreds of years, people have reported sightings of so-called ball lightning. The
                  sightings are rare but recurrent. Usually ball lightning was reported during a thunder-
       Ref. 168   storm, often after a usual lightning had struck. With a few exceptions, nobody took these
                  reports seriously, because no reproducible data existed.
                      When microwave ovens become popular, several methods to produce ball-shaped dis-
                  charges became known. To observe one, just stick a toothpick into a candle, light the
                  toothpick, and put it into (somebody else’s) microwave oven at maximum power. This
                  set-up produces a beautiful ball-like discharge. However, humans do not live in a mi-
                  crowave oven; therefore, this mechanism is not related to ball lightning.
                      The experimental situation changed completely in the years 1999 to 2001. In those
       Ref. 169   years the Russian physicists Anton Egorov and Gennady Shabanov discovered a way to
                  produce plasma clouds, or plasmoids, floating in air, using three main ingredients: wa-
                  ter, metal and high voltage. If high voltage is applied to submerged metal electrodes of
                  the proper shape and make, plasma clouds emerge from the water, about 10 to 20 cm
                  in size, float above the surface, and disappear after about half a second. Two examples
                  can be seen in Figure 166. The phenomenon of floating plasmoids is still being explored.
                  There are variations in shape, colour, size and lifetime. The spectrum of observations
           electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                               223

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 166 A floating plasma cloud produced in the laboratory (© Sergei Emelin and Alexei Pirozerski).

           and techniques will surely evolve in the coming years.
              An even more astonishing effect was published in 2007. A Brazilian research team
Ref. 170   found a way to make golf-ball sized discharges that seem to roll along the floor for as
           long as 8 s. Their method was beautifully simple: with the help of a 25 V power supply,

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           they passed a current of 140 A through an arc at the surface of a silicon wafer. They
           discovered that small silicon particles detach and move away, while being surrounded
           by a luminous glow. These luminous clouds can wander around the table and floor of
           the laboratory, until they extinguish.
              It seems that these phenomena could explain a number of ball lightning observations.
           But it is equally possible that additional effects will be discovered in the future.

           Planetary magnetic fields
           The classical description of electrodynamics is consistent and complete; nevertheless
           there are still many subjects of research. A fascinating example is the origin of the mag-
           netic fields of the Earth, the other planets, the Sun and the galaxies.
              The magnetic field on the Earth that determines the direction of a compass has eight
           1. The main component of the magnetic field is the geodynamo in the fluid core of the
           2. A further component, the lithospheric field, is due to the magnetisation of the rocks.
           3. The tidal fields are due to the induction by the main field via the moving, electrically
              conductive ocean currents.
           4. The Sq fields are due to the solar irradiation of the ionosphere.
           5. The magnetospheric fields are due to the distribution and drift of the charged particles
              it contains.
          224                                                              5 electromagnetic effects



                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                             liquid core

                              solid core

          F I G U R E 167 The structure of our planet (© MPI-Chemie, Mainz/GEO).

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          6. Polar and equatorial electrojets are induced by specific ionospheric conductivity dis-
          7. Magnetic storms are induced by the solar wind.
          8. Human sources of all kinds.
          The main magnetic field is due to the convection of the liquid outer core deep inside
          the Earth, which is made mainly of liquid iron. The convection is mainly due to the ra-
          dial gradient of composition in the outer core – but also to the temperature gradient –
          and leads to motions of the liquid iron with speeds of up to 30 km/a. The Coriolis force
          strongly influences these motions. The motion of the conductive iron in the already ex-
          isting magnetic field in turn generates, like in a dynamo, an additional magnetic field.
          The mechanism at the basis of the geodynamo is not easy to picture, as it is intrinsically
          three-dimensional. An impression is given by Figure 168. The influences of turbulence,
          non-linearities and chaos make this a surprisingly complex phenomenon. Similar pro-
          cesses occur inside the other planets and the stars.
              The details of the generation of the magnetic field of the Earth, usually called the
          geodynamo, began to appear only in the second half of the twentieth century, when the
Ref. 33   knowledge of the Earth’s interior reached a sufficient level. The Earth’s interior starts
          below the Earth’s crust. The crust is typically 30 to 40 km thick (under the contin-
          ents), though it is thicker under high mountains and thinner near volcanoes or under
                  electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                                 225

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 168 Left: an impression of the magnetic field lines inside and outside the rotating Earth, up to
                  a distance of two Earth radii, calculated with a computer simulation. North is up, south is down. Field
                  lines directed inwards are blue, directed outwards are yellow. Inside the fluid core, the field is complex
                  and strong. Outside the Earth’s core, it is a much weaker, smooth and mainly dipolar field. Right: the
                  field lines inside the solid inner core of the Earth (yellow) and the liquid outer core (blue); the relative
                  rotation between the two is central for the geodynamo. The computer model was developed and run
                  by Gary A. Glatzmaier (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Paul H. Roberts (University of California,
                  Los Angeles) (© Gary Glatzmaier)

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  the oceans. As already mentioned, the crust consists of large segments, the plates, that
                  float on magma and move with respect to one another. The Earth’s interior is divided
                  into the mantle – the first 2900 km from the surface – and the core. The core is made
                  up of a liquid outer core, 2210 km thick, and a solid inner core of 1280 km radius. (The
                  temperature of the core is not well known; it is believed to be in the range of 6 ± 1 kK.
Challenge 211 d   Can you find a way to determine it? The temperature might even have decreased a few
                  hundred kelvin during the last 3000 million years.)
                     The Earth’s core consists mainly of iron that has been collected from the asteroids that
                  collided with the Earth during its youth. The liquid and electrically conducting outer
                  core acts as a dynamo that keeps the magnetic field going. This is possible because the
                  liquid core not only rotates, but also convects from deep inside the Earth to more shallow
                  depths. As mentioned, the convection is driven by the radial gradient of its composition
                  and, probably a bit less, by the temperature gradient between the hot inner core and
                  the cooler mantle. Due to the convection, rotation and the Coriolis effect, the average
                  fluid motion near the inner core is helical. Huge electric currents flow in complex ways
                  through the liquid. The liquid motion, maintained by friction, creates the magnetic field.
                  At present, the surface magnetic field has an intensity between 20 and 70 μT, depending
                  on the location; inside the core, the values are about 50 times higher.
                     The magnetic energy of the Earth thus comes from the kinetic energy of the liquid
                  outer core, which in turn is due to buoyancy. The convection is due to what happens
                  in the core, which is finally due to the radioactive decays that keeps the core hot. (The
                   226                                                        5 electromagnetic effects

Vol. V, page 184   radioactive processes are explained later on.) The detailed story is fascinating. The liquid
                   in the outer core rotates with respect to the Earth’s surface; but this motion cannot be
                   measured. Geodynamo simulations by Gary Glatzmaier and his team predicted in 1995
                   that as a consequence, the solid inner core of the Earth is dragged along by the liquid
                   outer core and thus should also rotate faster than the Earth’s crust. Experimental evid-
                   ence for this effect appeared from 1996 onwards. In 2005, it has been definitely reported
        Ref. 173   that the inner core of the Earth rotates faster than the Earth’s crust by up to half a degree
                   per year.
                       The magnetic field of the Earth switches orientation at irregular intervals of between
                   a few tens of thousands and a few million years. Understanding this process is one of the
                   central subjects of research. This is not easy; experiments are not yet possible, 150 years
                   of measurements is a short time when compared with the last transition – about 730 000
                   years ago – and computer simulations are extremely involved. In fact, since the field
                   measurements started, the dipole moment of the magnetic field has steadily diminished,
                   presently by 5 % a year, and the quadrupole moment has steadily increased. Maybe we

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   are heading towards a surprise.
                       Also in stars, the magnetic field is due to convection. The moving fluid is the plasma.
                   Because of its low viscosity and the lack of solid material, the processes and motions in
                   the solar dynamo differ from those in the geodynamo. For example, the rotation period
                   of the solar surface depends on the latitude; it is 24.5 days at the equator and 38 days at the
                   poles. Due to the low viscosity of the plasma, the solar magnetic field switches polarity
                   rapidly and regularly, every 11 years. The switch has important effects on the number of
                   sunspots and on the intensity of the solar wind that arrives on Earth. The typical surface
                   solar magnetic field is 0.1 to 0.2 mT, a few times that of the Earth; in sunspots it can be

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   as high as 0.3 T.
                       The study of galactic magnetic fields is even more complex, and still in its infancy.
                   Many measurements are available, showing typical intensities of a few nT. The origin of
                   the galactic fields is not yet understood.

                   We have seen that it is possible to move certain objects without touching them, using a
                   magnetic or electric field or, of course, using gravity. Is it also possible, without touching
                   an object, to keep it fixed, floating in mid-air? Does this type of rest exist?
                       It turns out that there are several methods of levitating objects. These are commonly
        Ref. 174   divided into two groups: levitation methods that consume energy and those who do not.
                   Among the methods that consume energy is the floating of objects on a jet of air or of
                   water, the floating of objects through sound waves, e.g. on top of a siren, or through a
                   laser beam coming from below, and the floating of conducting material, even of liquids,
                   in strong radio-frequency fields. Presently, levitation of liquids or solids by strong ul-
        Ref. 175   trasound waves is becoming popular in research laboratories. All these methods give
                   stationary levitation. (Self-propelled objects like drones do not count as example of lev-
                       Another group of energy-consuming levitation methods sense the way a body is fall-
                   ing and kick it up again in the right way via a feedback loop; these methods are non-
                   stationary and usually use magnetic fields to keep the objects from falling. The magnetic
                    electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                                     227

        Ref. 176    train being built in Shanghai by a German consortium is levitated this way. The whole
                    train, including the passengers, is levitated and then moved forward using electromag-
                    nets. It is thus possible, using magnets, to levitate many tens of tonnes of material.
                        For levitation methods that do not consume energy – all such methods are necessar-
                    ily stationary – a well-known limitation can be found by studying Coulomb’s ‘law’ of

                        ⊳ No static arrangement of electric fields can levitate a charged object in free
                          space or in air.

                    The same result is valid for gravitational fields and massive objects:*

                        ⊳ No static arrangement of masses can levitate a massive object.

                    In other words, we cannot produce a local minimum of potential energy in the middle

                                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    of a box using electric or gravitational fields. This impossibility is called Earnshaw’s
        Ref. 177    theorem. Speaking mathematically, the solutions of the Laplace equation Δ𝜑 = 0, the
                    so-called harmonic functions, have minima or maxima only at the border, and never in-
                    side the domain of definition. (You proved this yourself on page 188 in volume I.) Earn-
                    shaw’s theorem can also be proved by noting that given a potential minimum in free
                    space, Gauss’ theorem for a sphere around that minimum requires that a source of the
                    field be present inside, which is in contradiction with the original assumption.
                        We can deduce that it is also impossible to use electric fields to levitate an electrically
                    neutral body in air: the potential energy 𝑈 of such a body, with volume 𝑉 and dielectric

                                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    constant 𝜀, in an environment of dielectric constant 𝜀0 , is given by

                                                               𝑈    1
                                                                 = − (𝜀 − 𝜀0 ) 𝐸2 .                                           (83)
                                                               𝑉    2

Challenge 212 ny    Since the electric field 𝐸 never has a maximum in the absence of space charge, and since
                    for all materials 𝜀 > 𝜀0 , there cannot be a minimum of potential energy in free space for
                    a neutral body.**
                       To sum up, using static electric or static gravitational fields it is impossible to keep an
                    object from falling; neither quantum mechanics, which incorporates phenomena such
                    as antimatter, nor general relativity, including phenomena such as black holes, change
                    this basic result.
                       For static magnetic fields, the discussion is analogous to electrical fields: the potential
                    energy 𝑈 of a magnetizable body of volume 𝑉 and permeability 𝜇 in a medium with

                    * To the disappointment of many science-fiction addicts, this would even be true if a negative mass existed.
 Vol. I, page 106   And even though gravity is not really due to a field, but to space-time curvature, the result still holds in
                    general relativity.
        Ref. 178    ** It is possible, however, to ‘levitate’ gas bubbles in liquids – ‘trap’ them to prevent them from rising would
                    be a better expression – because in such a case the dielectric constant of the environment is higher than that
Challenge 213 ny    of the gas. Can you find a liquid–gas combination where bubbles fall instead of rise?
                   228                                                        5 electromagnetic effects

Challenge 214 ny   permeability 𝜇0 containing no current is given by

                                                      𝑈    1 1 1
                                                        = − ( − ) 𝐵2 .                                      (84)
                                                      𝑉    2 𝜇 𝜇0

                   Due to the inequality Δ𝐵2 ⩾ 0 for the magnetic field, isolated maxima of a static mag-
                   netic field 𝐵 are not possible, only isolated minima. Therefore, it is impossible to levitate
                   paramagnetic (𝜇 > 𝜇o ) or ferromagnetic (𝜇 ≫ 𝜇0 ) materials such as steel, including bar
 Challenge 215 e   magnets, which are all attracted, and not repelled to magnetic field maxima.
                       Two ways to realize magnetic levitation are possible: levitating a diamagnet or using
                   a time-dependent magnetic field.
        Page 39        Diamagnetic materials (𝜇 < 𝜇0 , or 𝜇r = 𝜇/𝜇0 < 1) were discovered shortly after
                   Earnshaw published his theorem, and allow circumventing it. Indeed, diamagnetic ma-
                   terials, such as graphite or water, can be levitated by static magnetic fields because they
                   are attracted to magnetic field minima. In fact, it is possible to levitate magnets if one

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Ref. 180   uses a combination containing diamagnets. A few cases that can easily be replicated on
        Ref. 179   a kitchen table – together with a few other ones – are shown in Figure 169.
                       Another well-known example of diamagnetic levitation is the levitation of super-
                   conductors. Indeed, superconductors, at least those of type I, are perfects diamagnets
                   (𝜇 = 0). In some cases, superconductors can even be suspended in mid-air, below a
                   magnet. Also single atoms with a magnetic moment are diamagnets; they are routinely
        Ref. 181   levitated this way and have also been photographed in this state. Single neutrons, which
                   have a magnetic dipole moment, have been kept in magnetic bottles through magnetic
                   levitation, until they decay.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       Diamagnets levitate if ∇𝐵2 > 2𝜇0 𝜌𝑔/𝜒, where 𝜌 is the mass density of the object and
Challenge 216 ny   𝜒 = 1 − 𝜇/𝜇0 its magnetic susceptibility. Since 𝜒 is typically about 10−5 and 𝜌 of order
                   1000 kg/m3 , field gradients of about 1000 T2 /m are needed. In other words, levitation
                   requires fields changes of 10 T over 10 cm, which is nowadays common for high field
                   laboratory magnets.
                       Recently, scientists have levitated pieces of wood and of plastic, strawberries, water
                   droplets, liquid helium droplets as large as 2 cm, grasshoppers, fish and frogs (all alive
                   and without any harm) using magnetic levitation. Indeed, animals, like humans, are all
        Ref. 182   made of diamagnetic material. Humans themselves have not yet been levitated, but the
                   feat, expected to require 40 T and large amounts of electrical power, is being planned
                   and worked on. In fact, a similar feat has already been achieved: diamagnetic levitation
        Ref. 176   is being explored for the levitation of passenger trains, especially in Japan, though with
                   little commercial success.
                       Time-dependent electrical or magnetic fields, e.g. periodic fields, can lead to levitation
        Ref. 174   in many different ways without any consumption of energy. This is one of the methods
                   used in the magnetic bearings of turbomolecular vacuum pumps. Also single charged
                   particles, such as ions and electrons, are now regularly levitated with Paul traps and Pen-
        Ref. 174   ning traps. The mechanical analogy is shown in Figure 170.
        Ref. 183       Figure 171 shows a toy that allows you to personally levitate a spinning top or a spin-
                   ning magnetic sphere in mid-air above a ring magnet, a quite impressive demonstration
                   of levitation for anybody looking at it. The photo shows that is not hard to build such a
electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                              229

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
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F I G U R E 169 Stable diamagnetic levitation. Left: a living frog in a 16 T magnet, a graphite bar over
rectangular permanent magnets, and a brass-coloured magnet over a superconducting ring. Right: two
levitating graphite plates, one seen from above and another from the side; below, levitation of a 4 mm
diameter NdFeB permanent magnet, above a graphite plate and between two graphite plates, near a
large ring magnet that is not shown (© Lijnis Nelemans, Peter Nussbaumer, and Joachim Schlichting
from Ref. 179).
                   230                                                                 5 electromagnetic effects

                                                          F I G U R E 170 Trapping a metal sphere using a variable speed drill
                                                          and a plastic saddle.

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   F I G U R E 171 Floating ‘magic’ nowadays available in toy shops, left, with a spinning top and, right, with
                   a spinning magnetic sphere levitating above a large ring magnet (© Kay Kublenz).

        Ref. 184   device yourself.
                       Even free electrons can be levitated, letting them float above the surface of fluid he-
        Ref. 185   lium. In the most recent twist of the science of levitation, in 1995 Stephen Haley pre-
                   dicted that the suspension height of small magnetic particles above a superconducting
                   ring should be quantized. However, the prediction has not been verified by experiment
                       For the sake of completeness we mention that nuclear forces cannot be used for lev-
                   itation in everyday life, as their range is limited to a few femtometres. However, we will
Vol. V, page 209   see later that the surface matter of the Sun is prevented from falling into the centre by
                   these interactions; we could thus say that it is indeed levitated by nuclear interactions.

                   Does gravit y make charges radiate?
                   We learned in the section on general relativity that gravitation has the same effects as
                   acceleration. This means that a charge kept fixed at a certain height is equivalent to a
                   charge accelerated by 9.8 m/s2 , which would imply that it radiates electromagnetically,
                   since all accelerated charges radiate. However, the world around us is full of charges at
                   fixed heights, and there is no such radiation. How is this possible?
        Ref. 171      The question has been a pet topic for many years. Generally speaking, the concept of
                    electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                                 231

                    radiation is not observer invariant: If one observer detects radiation, a second one does
                    not necessarily do so as well. The exact way a radiation field changes from one observer
                    to the other depends on the type of relative motion and on the field itself.
                        A detailed exploration of the problem shows that for a uniformly accelerated charge,
                    an observer undergoing the same acceleration only detects an electrostatic field. In con-
         Ref. 172   trast, an inertial observer detects a radiation field. Since gravity is (to a high precision)
                    equivalent to uniform acceleration, we get a simple result: gravity does not make elec-
                    trical charges radiate for an observer at rest with respect to the charge – as is indeed
                    observed. The results holds true also in the quantum theoretical description.

                    Mat ter, levitation and electromagnetic effects
                    The levitation used by magicians mostly falls into another class. When David Copper-
                    field, a magician performing for young girls at the end of the twentieth century, ‘flies’
                    during his performances, he does so by being suspended on thin fishing lines that are
                    rendered invisible by clever lighting arrangements. (How could one check this?) In fact,

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
 Challenge 217 s
                    if we want to be precise, we should count fishing lines, plastic bags, as well as every table
                    and chair as levitation devices. (Tabloid journalists would even call them ‘anti-gravity’
                    devices.) Contrary to our impression, a hanging or lying object is not really in contact
                    with the suspension, if we look at the critical points with a microscope. The proof about
                    lack of contact will arise in the quantum part of our walk.*
                        But if a lying object is not in contact with its support, why don’t we fall through a table
                    or through the floor? We started the study of mechanics by stating that a key property of
                    matter its solidity, i.e., the impossibility of having more than one body at the same place
                    at the same time. But what is the origin of solidity? Solidity is due to electricity inside

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    matter. Again, we will be discover the details only in the forthcoming, quantum part of
  Vol. V, page 67   our adventure, but we can already collect the first clues at this point.
                        Not only solidity is due to electricity. Many other – in fact all – experiments show that
                    matter is constituted of charged particles. Indeed, matter can be moved and influenced
                    by electromagnetic fields in many ways. Over the years, material scientists have produced
         Ref. 186   a long list of such effects, all of which are based on the existence of charged constituents
 Challenge 219 r    in matter. An overview is given in Table 17. Can you find or imagine a new effect? For
                    example, can electric charge change the colour of objects?

                    TA B L E 17 Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism, showing among other things the
                    role it plays in the constitution of matter; at the same time a short overview of atomic, solid state, fluid
                    and business physics.

                    Propert y                       Example                    Definition

                    thermal radiation, heat    every object                    temperature-dependent radiation emitted
                    radiation or incandescence                                 by any macroscopic amount of matter
                    emissivity                 all bodies                      ability to emit thermal light
                    Interactions with charges and currents (transport-related effects)

Challenge 218 ny    * The issue is far from simple: which one of the levitation methods described above is used by tables or
232                                                              5 electromagnetic effects

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                      Example                   Definition

electrification                separating metals from    spontaneous charging
triboelectricity               glass rubbed on cat fur   charging through rubbing
barometer light                mercury slipping along    gas discharge due to triboelectricity Ref. 187
insulation                     air                       no current flow below critical voltage drop
semiconductivity               diamond, silicon or       current flows only when material is impure
                               gallium arsenide          (‘doped’)
conductivity                   copper, metals            current flows easily
superconductivity              niobium below 9 K         current flows indefinitely
ionization                     fire flames               current flows easily
localization (weak,            disordered solids         resistance of disordered solids

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
resistivity, Joule effect      graphite, W               heating due to current flow
thermoelectric effects at      ZnSb, PbTe, PbSe,         current flow due to temperature difference,
contacts: Seebeck effect,      BiSeTe, Bi2 Te3 , etc.    cooling due to current flow
Peltier effect
thermoelectric effect in the
                           Fe, Bi, Co, Sb, Cu, Ag, cooling due to temperature gradients
bulk: Thomson effect       etc.
acousto-electric effect    CdS                     sound generation by currents, and vice

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
magnetoresistance (several permalloy, perovskites, electrical resistance changes with applied
different effects)         metal multilayers       magnetic field Ref. 188
recombination              smoke detector          charge carriers combine to make neutral
                                                   atoms or molecules
annihilation               positron tomography particle and antiparticle, e.g. electron and
                                                   positron, disappear into photons
Penning effect             H, Ne, Ar               neutral metastable excited atoms ionize
                                                   other atoms through collisions
Richardson effect, thermal BaO2 , W, Mo, used in emission of electrons from hot metals
emission                   tv and electron
skin effect                Cu, all conductors      high current density on exterior of wire at
                                                   high frequency
pinch effect               InSb, plasmas           high current density on interior of wire
Josephson effect           Nb-Oxide-Nb             tunnel current flows through insulator
                                                   between two superconductors
Sasaki–Shibuya effect      n-Ge, n-Si              anisotropy of conductivity due to applied
                                                   electric field
switchable magnetism       InAs:Mn                 voltage switchable magnetization Ref. 189
electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                       233

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

Hall effect                   silicon and other    voltage perpendicular to current flow in
                              semiconductors; used applied magnetic field
                              for magnetic field
Ettingshausen–Nernst          Bi                   appearance of electric field in materials
effect                                             with temperature gradients in magnetic
optogalvanic effect           plasmas              change of discharge current due to light
Interactions with magnetic fields
ferromagnetism                Fe, Ni, Co, Gd            spontaneous magnetization; material
                                                        strongly attracted by magnetic fields

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
paramagnetism                 Fe, Al, Mg, Mn, Cr        induced magnetization parallel to applied
                                                        field; attracted by magnetic fields
diamagnetism                  water, Au, graphite,      induced magnetization opposed to applied
                              NaCl                      field; repelled by magnetic fields
magnetostriction (and the CeB6 , CePd2 Al3 ,            change of shape or volume by applied
related Joule effect, Villari TbDyFe                    magnetic field
effect, Wiedemann effect,
Matteucci effect, Barret
effect and Nagaoka-Honda

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
magnetoelastic effect         Fe, Ni                 change of magnetization by tension or
acousto-magnetic effect     metal alloys, anti-theft excitation of mechanical oscillations
                            stickers                 through magnetic field
spin valve effect           metal multilayers        electrical resistance depends on spin
                                                     direction of electrons with respect to
                                                     applied magnetic field
Zeeman effect               atoms, e.g., Cd          change of emission frequency with
                                                     magnetic field
optical orientation         paramagnetic gases       circularly polarized light and magnetic
                                                     field align atomic spins due to Zeeman
Hanle effect                Hg, paramagnetic         change of polarization of fluorescence with
                            gases                    magnetic field
Paschen–Back effect,        atomic gases             change of emission frequency in strong
Back–Goudsmit effect,                                magnetic fields
magneto-optical activity or flint glass              polarization angle is rotated with magnetic
Faraday effect or Faraday                            field; different refraction index for right
rotation                                             and left circularly polarized light, as in
                                                     magneto-optic (MO) recording
234                                                             5 electromagnetic effects

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

magnetic circular             gases                     different absorption for right- and
dichroism                                               left-circularly polarized light; essentially
                                                        the same as the previous one
Majorana effect               colloids                  specific magneto-optic effect
photoelectromagnetic          InSb                      current flow due to light irradiation of
effect                                                  semiconductor in a magnetic field
inverse Faraday effect        GdFeCo                    switch of magnetisation by a femtosecond
                                                        laser pulse
Voigt effect                  vapours                   birefringence induced by applied magnetic
Cotton–Mouton effect          liquids                   birefringence induced by applied magnetic

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Shubnikov–de Haas effect Bi                             periodic change of resistance with applied
                                                        magnetic field
thermomagnetic effects:    BiSb alloys                  relation between temperature, applied
Ettingshausen effect,                                   fields and electric current
Righi–Leduc effect, Nernst
effect, magneto–Seebeck
photonic Hall effect       CeF3                         transverse light intensity depends on the
                                                        applied magnetic field Ref. 190
magnetocaloric effect    gadolinium, GdSiGe             material cools when magnetic field is

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                         alloys                         switched off Ref. 191
cyclotron resonance      semiconductors,                selective absorption of radio waves in
                         metals                         magnetic fields
magnetoacoustic effect   semiconductors,                selective absorption of sound waves in
                         metals                         magnetic fields
magnetic resonance (many most materials, used           selective absorption of radio waves in
types)                   for imaging in                 magnetic fields; includes NMR, EPR, etc.
                         medicine for structure
                         determination of
magnetorheologic effect  liquids, used in               change of viscosity with applied magnetic
                         advanced car                   fields
Meissner effect          type 1                         expulsion of magnetic field from
                         superconductors, used          superconductors
                         for levitation
Interactions with electric fields
polarizability                all matter                polarization changes with applied electric
ionization, field emission, all matter, tv              charges are extracted at high fields
Schottky effect
electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                              235

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

paraelectricity               BaTiO3                    applied field leads to polarization in same
dielectricity                 deionized water,          in opposite direction
ferroelectricity              BaTiO3                  spontaneous polarization below critical
piezoelectricity              the quartz lighter used polarization appears with tension, stress,
                              in the kitchen, human or pressure
                              bones, LiNbO3
electrostriction              platinum sponges in shape change with applied voltage Ref. 192
pyroelectricity               CsNO3 , tourmaline,     change of temperature produces charge

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                              crystals with polar     separation
                              axes; used for infrared
electro-osmosis or            many ionic liquids      liquid moves under applied electric field
electrokinetic effect                                   Ref. 193
electrowetting                salt solutions on gold    wetting of surface depends on applied
electrolytic activity         sulphuric acid            charge transport through liquid
liquid crystal effect         watch displays            molecules turn with applied electric field
electro-optical activity:     crystalline solids        electric field rotates light polarization, i.e.,

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Pockels effect, Kerr effect   (LiNbO3 ), liquids        produces birefringence
                              (e.g. oil)
Freederichsz effect,          nematic liquid crystals electrically induced birefringence
Schadt–Helfrichs effect
Stark effect                  hydrogen, mercury         colour change of emitted light in electric
field ionization              helium near tungsten      ionization of gas atoms in strong electric
                              tips in field ion         fields
Zener effect                  Si                        energy-free transfer of electrons into
                                                        conduction band at high fields
field evaporation             W                         evaporation under strong applied electric
Linear interactions with light
absorption                    coal, graphite            transformation of light into heat or other
                                                        energy forms (which ones?)Challenge 220 s
blackness                     coal, graphite            complete absorption in visible range
colour                        ruby                      absorption depending on light frequency
metallic shine                metal, doped crystals     ability to act as ‘good’ mirror
236                                                             5 electromagnetic effects

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

chromatic dispersion          all materials           phase speed of light depends on
photostriction                PbLaZrTi                light induced piezoelectricity
photography                   AgBr, AgI               light precipitates metallic silver
photoelectricity,             Cs                      current flows into vacuum due to light
photoeffect                                           irradiation
internal photoelectric effect Si p–n junctions, solar voltage generation and current flow due to
                              cells                   light irradiation
photon drag effect            p-Ge                    current induced by photon momentum
transparency                  glass, quartz, diamond low reflection, low absorption, low
reflectivity                  metals                  light bounces on surface

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
polarization                  elongated silver        light transmission depending on
                              nanoparticles in glass polarization angle
optical activity              sugar dissolved in      rotation of polarization
                              water, quartz
birefringence, linear         calcite, cornea, thin   refraction index depends on linear
dichroism                     polymer sheets          polarization direction, light beams are split
                                                      into two beams
circular dichroism            aminoacids, andalusite absorption depends on circular

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
optically induced             AgCl                    optically induced birefringence and
anisotropy, Weigert effect                            dichroism
Compton effect                momentum                change of wavelength of X-rays and
                              measurements            gamma radiation colliding with electrons
electrochromicity             wolframates             colour change with applied electric field
scattering                    gases, liquids          light changes direction
Mie scattering                dust in gases           light changes direction
Raleigh scattering            sky                     light changes direction, sky is blue
Raman effect or               molecular gases         scattered light changes frequency
Smekal–Raman effect
switchable mirror             LaH                     voltage controlled change from reflection
                                                      to transparency Ref. 194
radiometer effect             bi-coloured windmills irradiation turns mill (see page 122)
luminous pressure             idem                    irradiation turns mill directly
solar sail effect             future satellites       motion due to solar wind
acousto-optic effect          TeO2 , LiNbO3           diffraction of light by sound in transparent
photorefractive materials Bi12 SiO20 , LiNbO3 ,       light irradiation changes refractive index
                              GaAs, InP
Auger effect                  Auger electron          electron emission due to atomic
                              spectroscopy            reorganization after ionization by X-rays
electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                           237

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

Bragg reflection              crystal structure         X-ray diffraction by atomic planes
Mößbauer effect                  Fe, used for           recoil-free resonant absorption of gamma
                              spectroscopy              radiation
pair creation                 Pb                        transformation of a photon in a charged
                                                        particle–antiparticle pair
photoconductivity             Se, CdS                   change of resistivity with light irradiation
optoacoustic effect,          gases, solids             creation of sound due to absorption of
photoacoustic effect                                    pulsed light; used for imaging of animal
                                                        and human tissue
Light emission

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
luminescence: general term GaAs, tv                     light emission by cold matter
for opposite of
fluorescence               CaF2 , X-ray                 light emission during and after light
                           production, light            absorption or other energy input
                           tubes, cathode ray
                           tubes, television tubes,
                           dyes, coloured
                           polymers, doped

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phosphorescence            TbCl3 , crystals doped       light emission due to light, electrical or
                           with heavy metals            chemical energy input, continuing long
                                                        after stimulation
semiconductor                 light-emitting diodes emission of light due to electron hole
luminescence                  (LEDs), pointer lasers recombination at p-n junctions
electroluminescence           ZnS powder                emission of light due to alternating
                                                        electrical field
photoluminescence             ZnS : Cu,                 light emission triggered by UV light, used
                              SrAlO4 : Eu, Dy,          in safety signs
chemoluminescence             H2 O2 , phenyl oxalate chemically excited cold light emission,
                              ester, dye solutions      used in light sticks for divers and fun
bioluminescence               glow-worm, deep sea cold light emission in animals, special type
                              fish                      of chemoluminescence
triboluminescence             sugar                     light emission during friction or crushing,
                                                        not practical for lighting
thermoluminescence            quartz, feldspar,         light emission during heating, often shows
                              metastable ion dopants irradiation memory, used e.g. for
                              in crystals               archaeological dating of pottery Ref. 195
sonoluminescence              air in water              light emission during cavitation
gravitoluminescence           does not exist; Challenge
                              221 s why?
238                                                             5 electromagnetic effects

TA B L E 17 (Continued) Selected matter properties related to electromagnetism.

Propert y                     Example                   Definition

bremsstrahlung                X-ray generation        radiation emission through fast
                                                      deceleration of electrons
Čerenkov effect               water, polymer particle light emission in a medium due to
                              detectors               particles, e.g. emitted by radioactive
                                                      processes, moving faster than the speed of
                                                      light in that medium
transition radiation          any material            light emission due to fast particles moving
                                                      from one medium to a second with
                                                      different refractive index
Non-linear interactions with light
laser activity,               beer, ruby, He–Ne, etc. emission of stimulated radiation

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
quantum cascade laser         semiconductor         emission of stimulated infrared radiation
                              multilayers           through intersubband transitions
second, third 𝑛-th            LiNbO3 , KH2 PO4      light partially transformed to double,
harmonic generation                                 threefold, 𝑛-fold frequency
phase conjugating mirror gaseous CS2 , solid        reflection of light with locally opposite
activity                    Bi12 SiO20              phase
additional optical nonlinear effects: parametric amplification, frequency mixing, saturable ab-
sorption, 𝑛-th harmonic generation, optical Kerr effect, Raman amplification, stimulated Bril-
louin scattering, etc.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Interactions with vacuum
Casimir effect                metals                    attraction of uncharged, conducting bodies
General mechanical and thermal material properties
solidity, impenetrability     floors, columns, ropes,   at most one object per place at a given time
plasticity                    metals                    permanent deformation under stress
elasticity                    solids                    reversible deformation under stress
ferroelasticity               Ni-Ti alloys              spontaneous strain
viscosity                     liquids, solids           deformation under stress due to
                                                        component motion
heat capacity and heat        silver, marble, air       ability to store and to transport disordered
conductivity                                            atomic motion
Any other everyday            every material
material property

   All matter properties given in the list can be influenced by electromagnetic fields or
directly depend on them. This shows in detail:

   ⊳ The nature of all everyday material properties is electromagnetic.
                  electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                                239

                  In other words, electric charges and their interactions are an essential and fundamental
                  part of the structure of objects. The table shows so many different electromagnetic prop-
                  erties that the motion of charges inside each material must be complex indeed. Most
                  effects are the topic of solid state physics,* fluid physics or plasma physics.
                     Solid state physics is by far the most important part of physics, when measured by the
                  impact it has on society. Almost all its effects have applications in technical products,
                  and give employment to many people. Can you name a product or business application
Challenge 222 e   for any randomly chosen effect from the table?
                     In our mountain ascent however, we look at only one example from the above list:
                  thermal radiation, the emission of light by hot bodies.

                  All b odies emit radiation
                  Earnshaw’s theorem about the impossibility of a stable equilibrium for charged particles
                  at rest implies that the charges inside matter must be moving. For any charged particle
                  in motion, Maxwell’s equations for the electromagnetic field show that it radiates en-

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  ergy by emitting electromagnetic waves. In short, we predict that all matter must radiate
                  electromagnetic energy.
                      Interestingly, we know from experience that this is indeed the case. Hot bodies light
                  up depending on their temperature; the working of light bulbs thus proves that metals are
                  made of charged particles. Incandescence, as it is called, requires charges. Actually, every
                  body emits radiation, even at room temperature. This radiation is called thermal radi-
                  ation; at room temperature it lies in the infrared. Its intensity is rather weak in everyday
       Ref. 196   life; it is given by the general expression

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                             2π5 𝑘4
                             𝐼(𝑇) = 𝑓𝑇4                  or 𝐼(𝑇) = 𝑓𝜎𝑇4          with 𝜎 = 56.7 nW/K4 m2 ,              (85)
                                             15𝑐2 ℎ3
                  where 𝑓 is a material-, shape- and temperature-dependent factor, with a value between
                  zero and one, and is called the emissivity. The constant 𝜎 is called the Stefan–Boltzmann
                  black body radiation constant or black body radiation constant. A body whose emissivity
                  is given by the ideal case 𝑓 = 1 is called a black body, because at room temperature such a
                  body also has an ideal absorption coefficient and thus appears black. (Can you see why?)
Challenge 223 s   The heat radiation such a body emits is called black body radiation. In the expression, ℎ
                  is Planck’s constant; ℎ is nature’s quantum of action. The emission of thermal radiation
                  is thus a quantum effect.
       Ref. 197       By the way, which object radiates more energy: a human body or an average piece of
Challenge 224 s   the Sun of the same mass? Guess first!

                  Challenges and curiosities ab ou t electromagnetic effects
                  The vertical electric field of the atmosphere, about 200 V/m, was already mentioned
                  a few times. Incredibly, certain spiders use this field to fly! Can you imagine how
Challenge 225 e   this might work? After you tried, watch the video at

                  * Probably the best and surely the most entertaining introductory English language book on the topic is the
                  one by Neil Ashcroft & David Mermin, Solid State Physics, Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1976.
                  240                                                        5 electromagnetic effects

                  v=JrS0igctMi0 to learn about the details.
                  ‘Inside a conductor there is no electric field.’ This statement is often found. In fact the
                  truth is not that simple. Indeed, a static field or a static charge on the metal surface of a
                  body does not influence fields and charges inside it. A closed metal surface thus forms a
Challenge 226 s   shield against an electric field. Can you give an explanation? In fact, a tight metal layer
                  is not required to get the effect; a cage is sufficient. One speaks of a Faraday cage.
                      The detailed mechanism allows you to answer the following question: do Faraday
                  cages for gravity exist? Why?
                      For moving external fields or charges, the issue is more complex. Fields due to accel-
                  erated external charges – radiation fields – decay exponentially through a shield. Fields
                  due to external charges moving at constant speed are strongly reduced, but do not disap-
                  pear. The reduction depends on the thickness and the resistivity of the metal enclosure
                  used. For sheet metal, the field suppression is very high; it is not necessarily high for

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  metal sprayed plastic. Plastic shields will not necessarily protect a device from a close
       Ref. 198   lightning stroke.
                      In practice, there is no danger if lightning hits an aeroplane or a car, as long they are
                  made of metal. (There is one film on the internet of a car hit by lightning; the driver does
                  not even notice.) However, if your car is hit by lightning in dry weather, you should wait
                  a few minutes before getting out of it. Can you imagine why?
                      Faraday cages also work the other way round. (Slowly) changing electric fields that
                  are inside a Faraday cage are not felt outside. For this reason, radios, mobile phones and
                  computers are surrounded by boxes made of metal or metal-sprayed plastics. The metal

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  keeps the so-called electromagnetic smog to a minimum.
                      There are thus three reasons to surround electric appliances by a grounded shield:
                  to protect the appliance from outside fields, to protect people and other machines from
                  electromagnetic smog, and to protect people against the mains voltage accidentally being
                  fed into the box (for example, when the insulation fails). In high precision experiments,
                  these three functions can be realized by three separate cages.
                      For purely magnetic fields, the situation is more complex. It is quite difficult to shield
                  the inside of a machine from outside magnetic fields. How would you do it? In practice
Challenge 227 s   one often uses layers of so-called mu-metal; can you guess what this material does?
                  Not only electric fields are dangerous. Also time-varying electromagnetic fields can be.
                  In 1997, in beautiful calm weather, a Dutch hot air balloon approached the powerful
                  radio transmitter in Hilversum. After travelling for a few minutes near to the antenna,
                  the gondola suddenly detached from the balloon, killing all the passengers inside.
                     An investigation team reconstructed the facts a few weeks later. In modern gas bal-
                  loons the gondola is suspended by high quality nylon ropes. To avoid damage by light-
                  ning and in order to avoid electrostatic charging problems all these nylon ropes contain
                  thin metal wires which form a large equipotential surface around the whole balloon.
                  Unfortunately, in the face of the radio transmitter, these thin metal wires absorbed radio
                  energy from the transmitter, became red hot, and melted the nylon wires. It was the first
                  time that this had ever been observed.
                   electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                             241

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                   F I G U R E 172 Floating water bridges sustained by high voltage between water containers and an
                   example of the length that can be achieved in this way (© Elmar Fuchs).

        Ref. 200   Some researchers are trying to detect tooth decay with the help of electric currents, using
                   the observation that healthy teeth are bad conductors, in contrast to teeth with decay.
Challenge 228 ny   How would you make use of this effect in this case? (By the way, it might be that the
                   totally unrelated techniques of imaging with terahertz waves or with optical coherence
                   tomography could yield similar results.)
                  242                                                      5 electromagnetic effects

                  Something interesting occurs when high voltage, about 25 kV, is applied to two touching
                  glasses filled with purified water and the glasses are then pulled apart. A floating water
                  bridge appears. Examples are shown in Figure 172. The high voltage – it is dangerous,
                  thus do not do this at home – makes the water flow from one glass to the other in a tube
       Ref. 199   hanging in the air. For a complete introduction to this electrohydrodynamic effect see
                  the beautiful website
       Ref. 201   Human bone is piezoelectric: it produces electric signals when stressed. When we move
                  and grow, the electric signals are used by the body to reinforce the bones in the regions
                  that are in need. The piezoelectricity of the bones thus controls and guides their growth.
                  This connection is also used to make fractured bones heal more rapidly: by applying
                  pulsed magnetic fields to a broken bone, the healing is stimulated and accelerated. (Static
                  magnetic fields obviously do not work for this aim.) Also teeth are piezoelectric, and the

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  effect plays also a role in their growth.
                  In shops, one can buy piezoelectric devices – similar to a gas lighter – that are applied to
                  mosquito bites and are said to reduce itching and even swelling. (Some product names
Challenge 229 e   are ‘zanza click’ and ‘skeeter click’) Can these claims be true?
                  A team of camera men in the middle of the Sahara were using battery-driven electrical

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  equipment to make sound recordings. Whenever the microphone cable was a few tens
                  of metres long, they also heard a 50 Hz power supply noise, even though the next power
                  supply was hundreds of kilometres away. An investigation revealed that the high voltage
                  lines in Europe lose a considerable amount of power by irradiation; these 50 Hz waves
                  are reflected by the ionosphere around the Earth and thus can disturb recording in the
                  middle of the desert. Can you estimate whether this observation implies that living dir-
Challenge 230 s   ectly near a high voltage line is dangerous?
                  When solar plasma storms are seen on the Sun, astronomers first phone the electricity
                  company. They know that about 24 to 48 hours later, the charged particles ejected by the
                  storms will arrive on Earth, making the magnetic field on the surface fluctuate. Since
                  power grids often have closed loops of several thousands of kilometres, additional elec-
                  tric currents are induced, which can make transformers in the grid overheat and then
                  switch off. Other transformers then have to take over the additional power, which can
                  lead to their overheating, etc. On several occasions in the past, millions of people have
                  been left without electrical power due to solar storms. Today, the electricity companies
                  avoid the problems by disconnecting the various grid sections, by avoiding large loops,
                  by reducing the supply voltage to avoid saturation of the transformers and by disallowing
                  load transfer from failed circuits to others.
                   electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                 243

                   If the electric field is described as a sum of components of different frequencies, its so-
       Ref. 202    called Fourier components, the amplitudes are given by

                                               ̂ 𝑡) =
                                              𝐸(𝑘,               ∫ 𝐸(𝑥, 𝑡)e−𝑖𝑘𝑥 d3 𝑥                     (86)
                                                        (2π)3 /2

                   and similarly for the magnetic field. It then turns out that a Lorentz invariant quantity
                   𝑁, describing the energy per circular frequency 𝜔, can be defined:

                                                    1 |𝐸(𝑘, 𝑡)|2 + |𝐵(𝑘, 𝑡)|2 3
                                              𝑁=      ∫                      d 𝑘.                        (87)
                                                   8π           𝑐|𝑘|

Challenge 231 s    Can you guess what 𝑁 is physically? (Hint: think about quantum theory.)

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       Page 48     Faraday discovered, as told above, how to change magnetism into electricity, knowing
                   that electricity could be transformed into magnetism. The issue is subtle. Faraday’s law
                   is not the dual of Ampère’s, as that would imply the use of magnetic monopoles; neither
                   is it the reciprocal, as that would imply the displacement current. But he was looking for
                   a link and he found a way to relate the two observations – in a novel way, as it turned
                       Faraday also discovered how to transform electricity into light and into chemistry. He
Challenge 232 s    then tried to change gravitation into electricity. But he was not successful. Why not?

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   At high altitudes (60 km to 1000 km) above the Earth, gases are partly or completely
Vol. I, page 366   ionized; no atom is neutral. One speaks of the ionosphere, as space is full of positive
                   ions and free electrons. Even though both charges appear in exactly the same number, a
Challenge 233 s    satellite moving through the ionosphere acquires a negative charge. Why? How does the
                   charging stop?
                   A capacitor of capacity 𝐶 is charged with a voltage 𝑈. The stored electrostatic energy
                   is 𝐸 = 𝐶𝑈2 /2. The capacitor is then detached from the power supply and branched on
                   to an empty capacitor of the same capacity. After a while, the voltage obviously drops to
                   𝑈/2. However, the stored energy now is 𝐶(𝑈/2)2 , which is half the original value. Where
Challenge 234 s    did the energy go?
Challenge 235 s    How can you give somebody an electric shock using a 4.5 V battery and some wire?
                   An old puzzle about electricity results from the equivalence of mass and energy. It is
       Ref. 203    known from experiments that the size 𝑑 of electrons is surely smaller than 10−22 m. This
                  244                                                      5 electromagnetic effects

Challenge 236 e   means that the electric field surrounding it has an energy content 𝐸 given by at least

                                          1                        1    ∞
                                                                            1 𝑞 2
                                 𝐸nergy = 𝜀0 ∫ 𝐸2lectric field d𝑉 = 𝜀0 ∫ (         ) 4π𝑟2 d𝑟
                                          2                        2    𝑑  4π𝜀𝑜 𝑟2
                                           𝑞2 1
                                        =        > 1.2 μJ .                                              (88)
                                          8π𝜀𝑜 𝑑

                  On the other hand, the mass of an electron, usually given as 511 keV/c2 , corresponds
                  to an energy of only 82 fJ, ten million times less than the value just calculated. In other
                  words, classical electrodynamics has considerable difficulty describing electrons.
                     In fact, a consistent description of charged point particles within classical electrody-
       Ref. 204   namics is impossible. This topic receives only a rare – but then often passionate – interest
                  nowadays, because the puzzle is solved in a different way in the quantum parts of our ad-

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Even though the golden days of materials science are over, the various electromagnetic
                  properties of matter and their applications in devices do not seem to be completely ex-
                  plored yet. About once a year a new effect is discovered that merits inclusion in the list
      Page 231    of electromagnetic matter properties of Table 17. Among others, some newer semicon-
                  ductor technologies will still have an impact on electronics, such as the recent introduc-
                  tion of low cost light detecting integrated circuits built in CMOS (complementary metal
                  oxide silicon) technology.

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The building of light sources of high quality has been a challenge for many centuries
                  and remains one for the future. Light sources that are intense, tunable and with large
                  coherence length or sources that emit extreme wavelengths are central to many research
                  pursuits. As one example of many, the first X-ray lasers have recently been built; how-
                  ever, they are several hundred metres in size and use modified particle accelerators. The
                  construction of compact X-ray lasers is still many years off – if it is possible at all.
                  In many materials, left and right circularly polarized light is absorbed differently. The
                  effect, called circular dichroism, was discovered by Aimé Cotton in 1896. Since circu-
                  lar dichroism appears in optically active chiral molecules, the measurement of circular
                  dichroism spectra is a simple and important method for the structure determination of
                  biological molecules.
                  Effects of atmospheric electricity are also observed around waterfalls. Various studies
                  have shown that large waterfalls produce negatively charged water droplets in the air
                  around them. It even seems that inhaling these droplets is healthy, especially for people
                  with asthma.
                  electromagnetic effects and challenges                                                  245

                  But maybe the biggest challenge imaginable in classical electrodynamics is to decode
                  the currents inside the brain. Will it be possible to read our thoughts with an apparatus
                  placed outside the head?
Challenge 237 r       One could start with a simpler challenge: Would it be possible to distinguish the
                  thought ‘yes’ from the thought ‘no’ by measuring electrical or magnetic fields around
                  the head? In other words, is simple mind-reading possible? The answer is yes, as the
                  feat has already been achieved. Even more, using brain imaging, it is already possible to
       Ref. 205   distinguish between simple concepts that a person has in mind.
       Page 94        As we have seen above, partial mind-reading is also possible already for motion-
                  related tasks, including some video games.
                      In fact, it is now possible to use a cap with electrical contacts and use passwords that
                  you simply think about to secure computer systems. The advantage of such a password
Challenge 238 s   is that it is hard to steal. (Is this system secure?)
                      The twenty-first century will surely bring many new results also for the mind reading

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  of cognitive tasks. The team first performing such a feat will become instantly famous.

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          Chapter 6

          SUM M A RY A N D L I M I T S OF
          C L A S SIC A L E L E C T RODY NA M IC S

               ll of classical electrodynamics can be summarized in three principles. Every
                dventurer should know them, because they will help us later on, when we
                  pproach the top of Motion Mountain, the goal of our adventure. We will dis-
          cover that we can reach the top only if we express things as simply as possible. The three

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          principles of classical electrodynamics are:

                ⊳ Definition: Electric charges exert forces on other charges; for charges at
                rest, the force falls off as the inverse square of the distance. Equivalently,
                charges are surrounded by an electromagnetic field.
                ⊳ Conservation: Electric charges are conserved.
                ⊳ Invaraince of 𝑐: Charges move more slowly than light. Equivalently, all
                charged particles have mass.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 39   From these three principles we can deduce all of electrodynamics. In particular, we can
          deduce the following basic statements:
          — The electromagnetic field is a physical observable, as shown e.g. by compass needles.
          — The sources of the electromagnetic field are the (moving) charges, as shown by amber,
            lodestone or mobile phones.
          — The electromagnetic field changes the motion of electrically charged objects via the
            Lorentz expression as shown, for example, by electric motors.
          — The electromagnetic field can exist in empty space and moves in it as a wave, as
            shown, for example, by the light from the stars.
          — The electromagnetic field behaves like a continuous quantity and is described by Max-
            well’s evolution equations, as shown, for example, by radio, the internet and electric
          More precisely, the motion of the electric field E and the magnetic field B is described by
          the Lagrangian density
                                                   𝜀         1 2
                                             L = 0 𝐸2 −         𝐵 .                              (89)
                                                   2        2𝜇0

          Like for any motion described by a Lagrangian, the motion of the electromagnetic field
          is reversible, continuous, conserved and deterministic. However, there is quite some fun
          in the offing; even though this description is correct in everyday life, during the rest of
                     summary and limits                                                                       247

                     our mountain ascent we will find that the last basic statement must be wrong: fields do
                     not always follow Maxwell’s equations. A simple example shows this.
                        At a temperature of zero kelvin, when matter does not radiate thermally, we have the
                     paradoxical situation that the charges inside matter cannot be moving, since no emitted
                     radiation is observed, but they cannot be at rest either, due to Earnshaw’s theorem. In
                     short, the simple existence of matter – with its charged constituents – shows that classical
                     electrodynamics is wrong.
                        In fact, the overview of the numerous material properties and electromagnetic effects
        Page 231     given in Table 17 makes the same point even more strongly; classical electrodynamics can
                     describe many of the effects listed, but it cannot explain the origin and numerical values
                     of any of them. Even though few of the effects will be studied in our walk – they are not
                     essential for our adventure – the general concepts necessary for their description will be
                     the topic of the upcoming part of this mountain ascent, that on quantum physics.
                        In fact, classical electrodynamics fails in two domains.

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Space is curved, not flat
                     First of all, classical electrodynamics fails in regions with extremely strong fields. When
                     electromagnetic fields are extremely strong, their energy density will curve space-time.
                     Classical electrodynamics, which assumes flat space-time, is not valid in such situations.
                         The failure of classical electrodynamics is most evident in the most extreme case of
                     all: when the fields are extremely strong, they will lead to the formation of black holes.
                     The existence of black holes, together with the discreteness of charge, imply maximum
         Page 26     electric and magnetic field values. These upper limits were already mentioned in Table 3,
         Page 37     which lists various electric field values found in nature, and in Table 8, which lists pos-

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
 Challenge 239 s     sible magnetic field values. Can you deduce the values of these so-called Planck fields?
                     The precise argument that limits electric and magnetic fields values in nature is not
                     simple; and there are still many physicists who – mistakenly – deny the limits.
                         The interplay between curvature of space and electrodynamics has many aspects. For
 Vol. II, page 107   example, the maximum force in nature limits the maximum charge that a black hole
Challenge 240 ny     can carry. Can you find the relation? As another example, it seems that magnetic fields
                     effectively increase the stiffness of empty space, i.e., they increase the difficulty to bend
         Ref. 206    empty space. Not all interactions between gravity and electrodynamics have been studied
                     up to now; more examples should appear in the future.
                         In summary, classical electrodynamics does not work for extremely high field values,
                     when general relativity plays a role.

                     Charge values are discrete, not continuous
                     Classical electrodynamics fails to describe nature correctly also for extremely weak fields.
                     This happens also in flat space-time and is due to a reason already mentioned a number of
                     times: electric charges are discrete. Electric charges do not vary continuously, but change
 Vol. I, page 399    in fixed steps. Not only does nature show a smallest value of entropy – as we found in
 Vol. I, page 400    our exploration of heat, – and smallest amounts of matter; nature also shows a smallest

                        ⊳ Electric charge values are quantized.
                    248                                                      6 classical electrodynamics

                    In metals, the quantization of charge is noticeable in the flow of electrons. In electro-
                    lytes, i.e., electrically conducting liquids, the quantization of charge appears in the flow
                    of charged atoms, usually called ions. All batteries have electrolytes inside; also water
                    is an electrolyte, though a poorly conducting one. In plasmas, like fire or fluorescent
                    lamps, both ions and electrons move and show the discreteness of charge. Also in all
                    known types of particle radiation – from the electron beams inside cathode ray tubes in
                    televisions, the channel rays formed in special low-pressure glass tubes, the cosmic radi-
                    ation hitting us all the time, up to the omnipresent radioactivity – charges are quantized.
                        In all known experiments, the same smallest value 𝑒 for electric charge has been found.
                    The most precise result is

                                                    𝑒 = 0.160 217 656 5(35) aC ,                               (90)

                    around a sixth of an attocoulomb. All observed electric charges in nature are multiples
                    of this so-called elementary charge.

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       In short, like all flows in nature, also the flow of electricity is due to a flow of discrete
                    particles. In fact, the nature of the charged particles differs from situation to situation:
                    they may be electrons, ions, muons or various other kinds of particles. However, the
                    charge steps are always exactly the same. In fact, at this point of our adventure, the
                    equality of the elementary charge for all matter particles is unexplained. We will discover
                    the reason at the very end of our adventure.
                       Above all, a smallest charge change has a simple implication:

                       ⊳ Classical electrodynamics is wrong.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Classical electrodynamics is just a good approximation for medium-sized field values.
                    Indeed, a smallest charge implies that no infinitely small test charges exist. But such
        Page 25     infinitely small test charges are necessary to define electric and magnetic fields. For a finite
                    test charge, the disturbance of the field introduced by the test charge itself makes a precise
                    field measurement – and thus a precise field definition – impossible. As a consequence,
                    the values of electric and magnetic field measured with finite test charges are always
                    somewhat fuzzy. This fuzziness is most apparent for low field values. For example, for
                    low intensities of light, experiments detect photons, discrete light particles. All low light
                    intensities are time-averages of low photon numbers; they are not continuous fields.
                        The lower limit on charge magnitude also implies that there is no fully correct way
                    of defining an instantaneous electric current in classical electrodynamics. Indeed, the
Vol. IV, page 171   position and the momentum of a charge are always somewhat fuzzy, as we will find out.
                        In summary,

                       ⊳ Maxwell’s evolution equations are only approximate.

                    Classical electrodynamics does not work for extremely low field values, when quantum
                    effects play a role, and does not work for extremely high field values, when gravity plays
                    a role. We will explore these two extreme cases in the remaining legs of our adventure,
                    those on quantum theory and those on unification. Only some effects of the discreteness
                    of charge can be treated in classical physics; a few instructive examples follow.
                  summary and limits                                                                          249

                  How fast d o charges move?
                  In a vacuum, such as inside a colour television tube or inside an electron microscope,
                  charged particles accelerated by a voltage of 30 kV move with a third of the speed of
Challenge 241 s   light. At higher voltage, the speed is even higher. In modern particle accelerators charges
                  move so rapidly that their speed is indistinguishable from that of light for all practical
                      Inside a metal, electric signals move with speeds of the order of the speed of light. The
                  precise value depends on the capacity and impedance of the cable and is usually in the
                  range 0.3𝑐 to 0.5𝑐. This high speed is due to the ability of metals to easily take in arriving
                  charges and to let others depart. The ability for rapid reaction is due to the high mobility
                  of the charges inside metals, which in turn is due to the properties of metallic bonds and
                  to the small mass and size of the involved charges, the electrons.
                      The high signal speed in metals appears to contradict another determination. The drift
                  speed 𝑣 of the electrons in a metal wire, i.e., the average speed of the charges, obviously

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                            𝑣=         ,                                    (91)
                  where 𝐼 is the current, 𝐴 the cross-section of the wire, 𝑒 the charge of a single electron
                  and 𝑛 the number density of electrons. The electron density in copper is 8.5 ⋅ 1028 m−3 .
                  Using a typical current of 0.5 A and a typical cross-section of a square millimetre, we get
                  a drift speed of 0.37 μm/s. In other words, electrons move a thousand times slower than
                  ketchup inside its bottle. Worse, if a room lamp used direct current instead of alternate
                  current, the electrons would take several days to get from the switch to the bulb! Never-

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  theless, the lamp goes on or off almost immediately after the switch is activated. Similarly,
                  the electrons from an email transported with direct current would arrive much later than
                  a paper letter sent at the same time; nevertheless, the email arrives quickly. Why?
                      Water pipes show a similar effect. A long hose provides water almost in the same
                  instant as the tap is opened, even if the water takes a long time to arrive from the tap
                  to the end of the hose. The speed with which the water reacts, the signal speed, is given
                  by the speed for pressure waves, or sound waves, in water. For water hoses, the signal
                  speed is much higher than the speed of the water flow, much higher than the speed of
                  the molecules.
                      Also everyday life provides us with a similar effect. Imagine a long queue of cars
                  (representing electrons) waiting in front of a red traffic light. In an ideal world, all drivers
                  look at the light. As soon as the light turns green, everybody starts driving. Even though
                  the driving speed might be only 10 m/s, the speed of traffic flow onset was that of light.
                  It is this latter speed which is the signal speed. The signal speed is much higher than the
                  speed of the cars.
                      In short, inside a metal, the electrons move slowly; the speed of electrical signals is
                  not given by the electron speed, but by the speed of electron density waves, which in turn
                  is due to the electromagnetic field. In fact, a typical house has only an alternating current
                  supply. In this typical case, the electrons inside the copper wires only vibrate back and
Challenge 242 e   forwards by a tiny distance, as you might want to check.
                      Inside liquids, charges move with a different speed from that inside metals, and their
                    250                                                   6 classical electrodynamics

                    charge to mass ratio is also different. We all know this from direct experience. Our nerves
                    work by using electric signals and take a few milliseconds to respond to a stimulus, even
                    though they are (only) metres long. A similar speed is observed inside batteries. In all
                    these systems, moving charge is transported by ions. Ions are charged atoms. Ions, like
                    atoms, are large, composed and heavy entities, in contrast to the tiny and light electrons.
                    As a result, ions move much more slowly than electrons do. Our limited reaction time is
                    a consequence of ion motion.
                       In still other matter systems, charges move both as electrons and as ions. Examples
                    are neon lamps, fire, plasmas and the Sun. This leads us to ask:

                    What motion o ccurs inside atoms?
                    Inside atoms, electrons behave strangely. We tend to imagine that electrons orbit the
                    nucleus (as we will see later) at a rather high speed, as the orbital radius is so small.
                    However, it turns out that in most atoms many electrons do not orbit the nucleus at all:
                    many electrons have no orbital angular momentum around the nucleus. How can this

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       Worse, some electrons do have orbital momentum. But if these electrons were or-
                    biting the atomic nucleus like planets orbit the Sun, they would move under constant
                    acceleration. Thus they would emit electromagnetic radiation until they would fall into
                    the nucleus. But this is not the case: atoms are stable! How can this be?
                       And why are all atoms of the same size anyway? Atom size should depend on the an-
                    gular momentum of the electrons inside it. But what determines the orbital momentum
                    of electrons around the nucleus?
                       We will discover soon that in nature there is a smallest angular momentum value. This

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    value fixes the size of atoms. And we will discover that moving electrons, in contrast to
                    everyday objects, are not described by trajectories in space, thus allowing atoms to be
                    stable. The strange story of atoms and their structure will be told in the quantum legs of
Vol. IV, page 181   our adventure, in the volumes following this one.

                    Challenges and curiosities ab ou t charge discreteness
 Challenge 243 s    How would you show experimentally that electrical charge comes in smallest chunks?
                    The discreteness of charge implies that we can estimate the size of atoms by observing
Challenge 244 ny    galvanic deposition of metals. How?
                    Classical electrodynamics implies that point-like charges cannot exist. Can you explain
 Challenge 245 s    the argument? Then, can you answer whether the reasoning applies also to nature?
                    Cosmic radiation consists of charged particles hitting the Earth. (We will discuss this
 Vol. V, page 162   in more detail later.) Astrophysicists explain that these particles are accelerated by the
         Ref. 207   magnetic fields around the Galaxy. However, the expression of the Lorentz acceleration
                    shows that magnetic fields can only change the direction of the velocity of a charge, not
                   summary and limits                                                                                    251

Challenge 246 ny   its magnitude. How can nature get acceleration nevertheless?
                   What would be the potential of the Earth in volt if we could take far away all the electrons
 Challenge 247 s   of a drop of water?
                   When a voltage is applied to a resistor, how long does it take until the end value of the
                   current, given by Ohm’s ‘law’, is reached? The first to answer this question was Paul
                   Drude* in the years around 1900. He reasoned that when the current is switched on,
                   the speed 𝑣 of an electron increases as 𝑣 = (𝑒𝐸/𝑚)𝑡, where 𝐸 is the electrical field, 𝑒
                   the charge and 𝑚 the mass of the electron. Drude’s model assumes that the increase of
                   electron speed stops when the electron hits an atom, loses its energy and begins to be
                   accelerated again. Drude deduced that the average time 𝜏 up to the collision is related to
                   the specific resistance by

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                         𝐸     𝐸     2𝑚
                                                    𝜌= =          = 2 ,                                  (92)
                                                         𝑗 𝑒𝑛𝑣 𝜏𝑒 𝑛

                   with 𝑛 being the electron number density. The right side does not depend on 𝐸 any
                   more; it is a constant. Drude had thus explained Ohm’s ‘law’ 𝑈 = 𝑅𝐼 (or 𝐸 = 𝑗𝜌) from
                   material properties, by assuming that resistance is due to moving electrons that continu-
                   ously collide and speed up again. Inserting numbers for copper (𝑛 = 8.5 ⋅ 1028 /m−3 and
                   𝜌 = 0.16 ⋅ 10−7 Ωm), we get a time 𝜏 = 51 ps. This time is so short that the switch-on
                   process can usually be neglected.

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Does it make sense to write Maxwell’s equations in vacuum? Both electrical and mag-
                   netic fields require charges in order to be measured. But in vacuum there are no charges
                   at all. And fields are defined by using infinitesimally small test charges. But, as we men-
                   tioned already, infinitesimally small charges do not exist. In fact, only quantum theory
Challenge 248 d    solves this issue. Are you able to imagine how?
                   We have seen that in cases of fields of medium values, classical electrodynamics is a good
                   approximation, despite charge discreteness. One useful system makes use of discrete
                   charge but can nevertheless be described in many of its aspects with classical electrody-
                   namics. It merits a separate discussion: our brain.

                   * Paul Karl Ludwig Drude (b. 1863 Braunschweig, d. 1906 Berlin), physicist, predicted with his electron gas
                   model of metals – that the ratio between the thermal conductivity and the electric conductivity at a given
                   temperature should be the same for all metals; this is roughly correct. Drude also conceived ellipsometry
                   and introduced 𝑐 as the symbol for the speed of light.
                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
6 classical electrodynamics
                  Chapter 7

                  T H E STORY OF T H E BR A I N

                                                                        Alles was überhaupt gedacht werden kann,

                                                                        kann klar gedacht werden.**
                                                                                   Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 4.116

                      n our quest for increased precision in the description of all motion around us, it

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      s time to take a break, sit down and look back. In our walk so far, which has led us to
                      nvestigate mechanics, general relativity and electrodynamics, we used several con-
                  cepts without defining them. Examples are ‘information’, ‘memory’, ‘measurement’,
                  ‘set’, ‘number’, ‘infinity’, ‘existence’, ‘universe’ and ‘explanation’. Each of these is a
                  common and important term. In this intermezzo, we take a look at these concepts and
                  try to give some simple, but sufficiently precise definitions, keeping them as provocat-
                  ive and entertaining as possible. For example, can you explain to your parents what a
Challenge 249 e   concept is?
                     We need to study the definitions of concepts in order to get to the top of Motion

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Mountain, i.e., to the full description of motion. In the past, many have lost their way
                  because of lack of clear concepts. In order to avoid these difficulties, physics has a special
                  guiding role. All sciences share one result: every type of change observed in nature is a
                  form of motion. In this sense, but in this sense only, physics, focusing on motion itself,
                  forms the basis for all the other sciences. In other words, the search for the famed ‘theory
                  of everything’ is an arrogant and misleading expression for the search for a final theory
                  of motion. Even though the knowledge of motion is basic, its precise description does
                  not imply a description of ‘everything’: just try to solve a marriage problem using the
                  Schrödinger equation to note the difference.
                     Given the basic importance of motion, it is necessary that in physics all statements on
                  observations be as precise as possible. For this reason, many thinkers have investigated
                  physical statements with particular care, using all criteria imaginable. Physics is precise
                  prattle by curious people about moving things. What does precision mean? The meaning
                  appears once we ask: which abilities does such prattle require? You might want to fill in
Challenge 250 e   the list yourself before reading on.
                     The abilities necessary for talking are a topic of research even today. The way that
                  the human species acquired the ability to chat about motion is studied by evolutionary
                  biologists. Child psychologists study how the ability develops in a single human being.

                  ** ‘Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly.’ This and other quotes of Ludwig Wittgen-
                  stein are from the equally short and famous Tractatus logico-philosophicus, written in 1918, first published
                  in 1921; it has now been translated into many other languages.
                    254                                                                7 the story of the brain

                                         F I G U R E 173 Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951).

                    Physiologists, neurologists and computer scientists are concerned with the way the brain
                    and the senses make this possible; linguists focus on the properties of the language we
                    use, while logicians, mathematicians and philosophers of science study the general prop-
                    erties of correct statements about nature. All these fields investigate tools that are essen-
                    tial for the development of physics, the understanding of motion and the specification of
                    the undefined concepts listed above. The fields structure the following exploration.

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Evolu tion

                                                                     A hen is only an egg’s way of making another

                                                                                       Samuel Butler, Life and Habit.

                    The evolution of the human species is the result of a long story that has been told in
        Ref. 208    many excellent books. A summarizing table on the history of the universe that includes
Vol. II, page 230   evolution was given in the exploration of general relativity. The almost incredible chain

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    of events that has lead to one’s own existence includes the formation of nuclei, atoms,
                    galaxies, stars, the planets, the Moon, the atmosphere, the oceans, the first cells, the water
                    animals, the land animals, the mammals, the hominids, the humans, the ancestors, the
        Ref. 209    family and finally, oneself.
                       The way that the atoms we are made of moved during this sequence, being blown
                    through space, being collected on Earth, becoming organized to form organic matter
                    and then people, is one of the most awe-inspiring examples of motion. Remembering
                    and meditating about this cosmic sequence of motion every now and then can be an
Challenge 251 e     enriching experience.
                       In particular, without biological evolution, we would not be able to talk about motion
                    at all; only moving bodies can study moving bodies. Without evolution, we would have
                    no muscles, no senses, no nerves and no brains. And without a brain, we would not be
                    able to think or talk. Evolution was also the fount of childhood and curiosity. Indeed, in
                    the present and the next chapters we will discover that most concepts of classical physics
                    are already introduced by every little child, in the experiences it has while growing up.

                    Children, laws and physics

                                                                     Physicists also have a shared reality. Other than
                                                                     that, there isn’t really a lot of difference between

                                                                     being a physicist and being a schizophrenic.
        Ref. 210                                                                                         Richard Bandler
                   the story of the brain                                                                                 255

                   During childhood, everybody is a physicist. When we follow our own memories back-
       Ref. 211    wards in time as far as we can, we reach a certain stage, situated before birth, which forms
                   the starting point of human experience. In that magic moment, we sensed somehow that
                   apart from ourselves, there is something else. The first observation we make about the
                   world, during the time in the womb, is thus the recognition that we can distinguish two
                   parts: ourselves and the rest of the world. This distinction is an example – perhaps the
                   first – of a large number of ‘laws’ of nature that we stumble upon in our lifetime. Being
                   a physicist started back then. And it continued. By discovering more and more distinc-
                   tions we bring structure in the chaos of experience. We quickly find out that the world
                   is made of related parts, such as mama, papa, milk, earth, toys, etc. We divide the parts
                   in objects and images.
                       Later, when we learn to speak, we enjoy using more difficult words and we call the sur-
 Vol. I, page 27   roundings the environment. Depending on the context, we call the whole formed by one-
                   self and the environment together the (physical) world, the (physical) universe, nature,
                   or the cosmos. These concepts are not distinguished from each other in this walk;* they

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   are all taken to designate the sum of all parts and their relations. They are simply taken
                   here to designate the whole.
                       The discovery of the first distinction in nature starts a chain of similar discoveries that
                   continue throughout our life. We extract the numerous distinctions that are possible in
                   the environment, in our own body and in the various types of interactions between them.
                   The ability to distinguish is the central ability that allows us to change our view from that
                   of the world as chaos, i.e., as a big mess, to that of the world as a system, i.e., a structured
Challenge 252 s    set, in which parts are related in specific ways. (If you like precision, you may ponder
                   whether the two choices of ‘chaos’ and ‘system’ are the only possible ones.)

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       In particular, the observation of the differences between oneself and the environment
                   goes hand in hand with the recognition that not only are we not independent of the
                   environment, but we are firmly tied to it in various inescapable ways: we can fall, get
                   hurt, feel warm, cold, etc. Such relations are called interactions. Interactions express the
                   observation that even though the parts of nature can be distinguished, they cannot be
      Page 322     isolated. In other words,

                       ⊳ Interactions describe the difference between the whole and the sum of its

Challenge 253 e    No part can be defined without its relation to its environment. (Do you agree?)
                      Interactions are not arbitrary; just take touch, smell or sight as examples. They differ
                   in reach, strength and consequences. We call the characteristic aspects of interactions
                   patterns of nature, or properties of nature, or rules of nature or, equivalently, with their
                   historical but unfortunate name, ‘laws’ of nature. The term ‘law’ stresses their general
                   validity; unfortunately, it also implies design, aim, coercion and punishment for infringe-
                   ment. However, no design, aim or coercion is implied in the properties of nature, nor is
                   * The differences in their usage can be deduced from their linguistic origins. ‘World’ is derived from old
                   Germanic ‘wer’ – person – and ‘ald’ – old – and originally means ‘lifetime’. ‘Universe’ is from the Latin,
                   and designates the one – ‘unum’ – which one sees turning – ‘vertere’, and refers to the starred sky at night
                   which turns around the polar star. ‘Nature’ comes also from the Latin, and means ‘what is born’. ‘Cosmos’
                   is from Greek κόσμος and originally means ‘order’.
                    256                                                                     7 the story of the brain

                    infringement possible. The ambiguous term ‘law of nature’ was made popular by René
                    Descartes (b. 1596 La Haye en Touraine, d. 1650 Stockholm) and has been adopted en-
                    thusiastically because it gave weight to the laws of the state – which were far from perfect
                    at that time – and to those of other organizations – which rarely are. The expression is
                    an anthropomorphism coined by an authoritarian world view, suggesting that nature is
                    ‘governed’. We will therefore use the term as rarely as possible in our walk and it will,
                    if we do, be always between ‘ironical’ parentheses. Nature cannot be forced in any way.
                    The ‘laws’ of nature are not obligations for nature or its parts, they are obligations only
                    for physicists and all other people: the patterns of nature oblige us to use certain descrip-
                    tions and to discard others. Whenever one says that ‘laws govern nature’ one is talking
                    nonsense (or asking for money); the correct expression is rules describe nature.
                        During childhood we learn to distinguish between interactions with the environment,
                    or perceptions: some are shared with others and called observations, others are uniquely
                    personal and are called sensations.* A still stricter criterion of ‘sharedness’ is used to
                    divide the world into ‘reality’ and ‘imagination’ (or ‘dreams’). Our walk will show –

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    at the very end – that this distinction is not essential, provided that we stay faithful to
                    the quest for ever increasing precision: we will find, surprisingly, that the description
                    of motion that we are looking for does not depend on whether the world is ‘real’ or
Vol. VI, page 431   ‘imagined’, ‘personal’ or ‘public’. The fundamental principles of motion in reality and
                    in dreams are the same. Nevertheless, these same principles allow us to distinguish the
                        Humans enjoy their ability to distinguish parts, which in other contexts they also call
                    details, aspects or entities, and enjoy their ability to associate them or to observe the re-
        Ref. 213    lations between them. Humans call this activity classification. Colours, shapes, objects,

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    mother, places, people and ideas are some of the entities that humans discover first.
                        Our anatomy provides a handy tool to make efficient use of these discoveries: memory.
                    It stores a large amount of input that is called experience afterwards. Memory is a tool
                    used by both young and old children to organize their world and to achieve a certain
                    security in the chaos of life.
                        Memorized classifications are called concepts. Jean Piaget was the first researcher to
                    describe the influence of the environment on the concepts that every child forms. Step by
                    step, children learn that objects are localized in space, that space has three dimensions,
                    that objects fall, that collisions produce noise, etc. In particular, Piaget showed that space
                    and time are not a priori concepts, but result from the interactions of every child with
                    its environment.**

                    * A child that is unable to make this distinction among perceptions – and who is thus unable to lie – almost
        Ref. 212    surely develops or already suffers from autism, as recent psychological research has shown.
                    ** An overview of the origin of developmental psychology is given by J. H. Flavell, The Developmental
                    Psychology of Jean Piaget, 1963. This work summarizes the observations by the Jean Piaget (b. 1896
                    Neuchâtel, d. 1980 Geneva), the central figure in the field. He was one of the first researchers to look at
                    child development in the same way that a physicist looks at nature: carefully observing, taking notes, mak-
                    ing experiments, extracting hypotheses, testing them, deducing theories. His astonishingly numerous pub-
                    lications, based on his extensive observations, cover almost all stages of child development. His central
                    contribution is the detailed description of the stages of development of the cognitive abilities of humans.
                    He showed that all cognitive abilities of children, the formation of basic concepts, their way of thinking,
                    their ability to talk, etc., result from the continuous interaction between the child and the environment.
                        In particular, Piaget described the way in which children first learn that they are different from the ex-
           the story of the brain                                                                                   257

               Around the time that a child goes to school, it starts to understand the idea of per-
           manence of substances, e.g. liquids, and the concept of contrary. Only at that stage does
Ref. 215   its subjective experience becomes objective, with abstract comprehension. Still later, the
           child’s description of the world stops to be animistic: before this step, the Sun, a brook
           or a cloud are alive. In short, only after puberty does a human become ready for physics,
           the science of motion.
               Even though everyone has been a physicist in their youth, most people stop at Ga-
           lilean physics, where matter is approximated to be continuous and space to be flat. In the
           present adventure we go much further, by using all the possibilities of a toy with which
           nature provides us: the brain.

                                                                  Experience is the name everyone gives to their

                                                                            Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan.

           Polymer electronics

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           TA B L E 18 Some aspects of the human brain.

           Aspect                                  D e ta i l s                             Computer
                                                                                            e q u i va l e n t
           Ultrashort term memory                  5 to 9 concepts                          cache
           Hippocampus                             novelty detector, spatial                RAM and Flash
                                                   memory, learning                         memory

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Amygdala                                emotions, learning                       priority scheduler of
                                                                                            operating system
           Ventral striatum, dopamine              rewards system                           priority scheduler of
           and opioid provider                                                              operating system
           Suprachiasmatic nucleus                 day-night control                        sleep controller

           ternal environment, and how they then learn about the physical properties of the world. Of his many books
           related to physical concepts, two especially related to the topic of this walk are J. P iaget, Les notions de
           mouvement et de vitesse chez l’enfant, Presses Universitaires de France, 1972 and Le developpement de la no-
           tion de temps chez l’enfant, Presses Universitaires de France, 1981, this last book being born from a sugges-
           tion by Albert Einstein. These texts should be part of the reading of every physicist and science philosopher
           interested in these questions.
              Piaget also describes how in children the mathematical and verbal intelligence derives from sensomo-
           torial, practical intelligence, which itself stems from habits and acquired associations to construct new con-
           cepts. Practical intelligence requires the system of reflexes provided by the anatomical and morphological
           structure of our organism. Thus his work shows in detail that our faculty for mathematical description of
           the world is based, albeit indirectly, on the physical interaction of our organism with the world.
              Some of his opinions on the importance of language in development are now being revised, notably
Ref. 214   through the rediscovery of the work of Lev Vigotsky, who argues that all higher mental abilities, emotions,
           recollective memory, rational thought, voluntary attention and self-awareness, are not innate, but learned.
           This learning takes place through language and culture, and in particular through the process of talking to
              At you can find the website maintained by the Jean Piaget Society.
258                                                                  7 the story of the brain

TA B L E 18 (Continued) Some aspects of the human brain.

Aspect                               D e ta i l s                         Computer
                                                                          e q u i va l e n t
Neurons in human brain               86(8) ⋅ 109                          storage and access
Neurons in cortex                    women c. 19(2) ⋅ 109 , men           hard disk and
                                     22(2) ⋅ 109                          processor
Glial cells in brain                 about as many as neurons             power supply,
Neuron number decay                  women: e3.05−0.00145⋅age/𝑎 ⋅ 109 ,   hard disk scratching
                                     men: e3.2−0.00145⋅age/𝑎 ⋅ 109
Pulses exchanged between both        4 ⋅ 109 /𝑠                           internal bus speed
brain halves
Synapses per neuron                  104

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Total synapse connections            c. 2 ⋅ 1014                          memory cells
Input pathways from the eye          c. 2 ⋅ 106                           camera wire
Input pathways from the ear          c. 2 ⋅ 3000                          microphone line,
                                                                          inclination sensor
Input pathways from skin,            c. 0.5 ⋅ 106                         sensor interfaces
mouth, and nose
Input signal capacity (total, 300    c. 100 MB/s                          input bandwidth
pulses/s per pathway)
                                     c. 1.5 ⋅ 106

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Output pathways (muscles,                                                 actuator and motor
organs)                                                                   interfaces
Output signal capacity (total,       c. 50 MB/s                           output bandwidth
300 pulses/s per pathway)
Non-serious – probably too low       10 PFlop                             several dozens of
– estimate of the processing                                              supercomputers
Typical mass (Einstein’s brain)      1.230 kg; varies between 0.7         0.001 to 5000 kg
                                     and 2.0 kg
Power consumption (average)          1600 to 2200 kJ/d or 18 to 25 W      1 W to 20 kW
                                     (with 750 ml/min blood
Lifetime                             130 years                            2 years or more
Size                                 0.14 m 0.17 m0.09 m                  from a few cm3 to
                                                                          1 m3
Software and processing
Learning                             changing synapse strength            activate, classify,
                                     through long-term                    store
Deep sleep and learning storage      structured writing from              clean-up and
                                     hippocampus to cortex                back-up to hard disk
           the story of the brain                                                                                    259

           TA B L E 18 (Continued) Some aspects of the human brain.

           Aspect                                  D e ta i l s                             Computer
                                                                                            e q u i va l e n t
           REM (rapid eye movement, or             offline processing                       data compression in
           dream) sleep                                                                     batch process

           The brain is an electrical device. This was definitely shown in 1924, when the neurologist
           Hans Berger (b. 1873 Neuses, d. 1941 Jena) recorded and named the first electroenceph-
           alogram. A modern electroencephalogram is shown in Figure 176.* In more detail, the
           brain is a flexible, metal-free, short-lived, sensitive, unreliable, electronic polymer device.
           Incidentally, all these properties are shared by all electronic polymer devices, whether
           alive or not. Higher reliability is the main reason that commercial electronics is usually
           silicon-based instead of polymer-based.
               The polymer electronics that forms the brain is organized like a computer. Some de-

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Ref. 216   tails of its organization are shown in Table 18, Figure 174 and Figure 175. Though the
           functional blocks of a brain and of a computer are astonishingly similar, the specific
           mechanisms they use are usually completely different.
Ref. 217       Like a computer, a brain consists of numerous parts dedicated to specific tasks and of
           a general computing part, the grey matter. The division between dedicated and specific
           is almost fifty–fifty. Also the computing power in a modern computer is divided in this
           way; for example, graphics cards are often as powerful as the central processing unit.
               In a generation or two, this section could be entitled ‘how to build a brain’. Unfortu-
           nately, there is not enough knowledge yet to realize this aim. Maybe you can help in this

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

           Why a brain?

                                                             “                                                     ”
                                                                  Denken ist bereits Plastik.**
Ref. 218                                                                                             Joseph Beuys.

           The brain exists to control the motion of an organism. The more complex the motions of
           an organism are, the larger its brain is. Living beings that do not move around, such as
           trees or dandelions, do not have a brain. Living beings that stop moving around, such as
           sea squirts (Ascidiae or Ascidiacea) digest their own brain when they attach themselves
           to a rock in the sea.
              The brain – together with some parts of the central nervous system – controls motion
           by processing the input provided by the various senses and sending the results of the
           processing to the various muscles in the body. Numerous observations show that sense
           input is processed, i.e., classified, stored and retrieved in the brain. Notably, lesions of

           * In the electric signals generated by the brain one distinguishes, irregular signals during data processing,
           beta waves, mainly during attention, with a frequency between 14 and 30 Hz, alpha waves, during relaxation,
           with a frequency between 8 and 13 Hz, theta waves, during early sleep and during rapid eye movement
           (REM) sleep, with a frequency between 3 and 7 Hz, and delta waves, during deep sleep, with a frequency
           between 0.5 and 2 Hz.
           ** ‘Thinking is already sculpture.’ Joseph Beuys (b. 1920 Krefeld, d. 1986 Düsseldorf ) was a famous sculptor.
           260                                                                  7 the story of the brain

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           F I G U R E 174 Sections and side view of the human brain, all in false colours (images WikiCommons).

Ref. 219   the brain can lead to the loss of part or all of these functions. Among the important
           consequences of these basic abilities of the brain are thought and language. All brain
Ref. 220   abilities result from the construction, i.e., from the ‘hardware’ of the brain.
              Systems with the ability to deduce classifications from the input they receive are called
Ref. 221   classifiers, and are said to be able to learn. Our brain shares this property with many com-
           plex systems; the brain of many animals, but also certain computer algorithms, such as
           the so-called ‘neural networks’, are examples of classifiers. Classifiers are studied in sev-
Ref. 222   eral fields, from biology to neurology, mathematics and computer science. All classifiers
           have the double ability to discriminate and to associate; and both abilities are funda-
           mental to thinking.
              Machine classifiers have a lot in common with the brain. As an example, following
Ref. 223   an important recent hypothesis in evolutionary biology, the necessity to cool the brain
           in an effective way is one reason for the upright, bipedal walk of humans. The brain,
           which uses around a quarter of all energy burned in the human body, needs a powerful
           cooling system to work well. In this, brains resemble modern computers, which usually
           have powerful fans or even water cooling systems built into them. It turns out that the
           the story of the brain                                                                               261

                                                        priority scheduler
                                                        prediction calculator
                                                        motion control

                                         Sensor-                                Actuator-
                                         specific                               specific
                                         hardware                               hardware

                                         Sensor-                                Actuator-
                                         specific                               specific
                                         hardware                               hardware

                                         Sensor-                                Actuator-

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                         specific                               specific
                                         hardware                               hardware

                                                               feedback         Actuator e.g. muscle or
                                         Sensor and
                                         signal generator                                chemical factory

           F I G U R E 175 The general structure of the nervous system, with some typical feedback loops it contains
           and an example of its sensor-specific hardware.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           human species has the most powerful cooling system of all mammals. An upright pos-
           ture allowed the air to cool the body most effectively in the tropical environment where
           humans evolved. For even better cooling, humans have also no body hair, except on their
           head, where it protects the brain from direct heating by the Sun. The upright posture in
           turn allowed humans to take breath independently of their steps, a feat that many anim-
           als cannot perform. This ability increased the cooling again, and in turn allowed humans
           to develop speech. Speech in turn developed the brain further.
               All classifiers are built from smallest classifying units, sometimes large numbers of
           them. Usually, the smallest units can classify input into only two different groups. The
           larger the number of these units, often called ‘neurons’ by analogy to the brain, the more
Ref. 224   sophisticated classifications can be produced by the classifier. Classifiers thus work by ap-
           plying more or less sophisticated combinations of ‘same’ and ‘different’. The distinction
           by a child of red and blue objects is such a classification; the distinction of compact and
           non-compact gauge symmetry groups in quantum theory is a more elaborate classifica-
           tion, but relies on the same fundamental ability.

           Neurons and net works
           In the brain, the classifying units are the neurons. Neurons are specialised cells that pro-
           cess, produce and transport electrical signals. In the brain, the main classifying units are
           the multipolar neurons. Like every classifying unit, they have input and output channels.
           And like every classifying unit, such neurons produce just two different output signals:
                   262                                                                7 the story of the brain

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 176 A modern electroencephalogram, taken at a number of positions at the head. The

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   measured voltages are around 0.1 mV (© Wikimedia).

                   an electrical spike of fixed height and duration or no spike at all.
                       In all classifiers, the smallest classifying units interact with each other. Usually, but not
                   always, these interactions are channelled via connections. For neurons, the connections
                   are the dendrites and the axions. The full configuration of classifiers thus forms a net-
                   work. In these connections, signals are exchanged, via moving objects, such as electrons
                   or photons. Thus we arrive at the conclusion that the ability of the brain to classify the
                   physical world – for example to distinguish moving objects interacting with each other
                   – arises because the brain itself consists of moving objects interacting with each other.
                   Humans would not have become such a successful animal species without our built-in
                   powerful classifier. And only the motion inside our brain allows us to talk about motion
                   in general.
                       Numerous researchers are identifying the parts of the brain used when different in-
                   tellectual tasks are performed. Such experiments are possible using magnetic resonance
Vol. V, page 162   imaging and similar imaging techniques. Other researchers are studying how thought
                   processes can be modelled from the brain structure. Modern neurology is still making
                   regular progress. In particular, neurologists have destroyed the belief that thinking is
                   more than a physical process. This false belief results from various personal fears, as you
                   might want to test by introspection. The fears and the belief will disappear as time goes
Challenge 254 s    by. How would you argue that thought is just a physical process?
the story of the brain                                                                               263

 Unipolar                       Bipolar                    Multipolar neuron: structure and function
 neuron                         neuron
 (sends signals                 (e.g. in visual           Nucleus
 to spine)                      cortex)                   (growth
                                                          and                               Dendrites
                                                          repair                            (data
                                                          control)                          input)
                                                                     Axon             Cell body
                                                                     (signal          (energy
 Multipolar                                                          path)            supply)
 neuron                                                   sheath
 (controls                 Pseudounipolar                 (protection,
 muscle; also              neuron                                                     Node of
                                                          speed                       Ranvier
 in brain)                 (sends                         enhancement)
                                                                       Schwann              Axon
                                                                       cell                 terminal

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                                100 μm

F I G U R E 177 An overview of the four main types of neurons, a schematic diagram of a multipolar
neuron, and two photographs of stained brain tissue (© Wikimedia, Wikimedia, MethoxyRoxy,
Wei-Chung Allen Lee & al.)

   Evolution developed the brain, with all its capabilities, as a tool that helps every per-
son to find her way through the challenges that life poses. The human brain is so large
because of two reasons: the sensory input is vast, and the processing is complex. More
concretely, the brain is so large in order to process what we see. The amount of inform-
ation provided by the eyes to the brain is indeed huge.
                  264                                                              7 the story of the brain

                  What is information?

                                                                  These thoughts did not come in any verbal
                                                                  formulation. I rarely think in words at all. A
                                                                  thought comes, and I may try to express it in

                                                                  words afterward.
       Ref. 225                                                                                    Albert Einstein

                  We started our adventure by stating that studying physics means to talk about motion.
                  To talk is to transmit information. Can information be measured? Can we measure the
                  progress of physics in this way? Is the universe made of information? To answer these
                  questions, we start with the definition.

                     ⊳ Information is the result of classification.

                  A classification is the answer to one or to several yes–no questions. Such yes–no ques-

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  tions are the simplest classifications possible; they provide the basic units of classification,
                  from which all others can be built. Therefore,

                     ⊳ Information is measured by counting the implied yes–no questions, the
                       number of bits, leading to it.

                  Examples of information values are given in Table 19.
                     Are you able to say how many bits are necessary to define the place where you live?
                  Obviously, the number of bits depends on the set of questions with which we start; that
                  could be the names of all streets in a city, the set of all coordinates on the surface of the

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Earth, the names of all galaxies in the universe, the set of all letter combinations in the
Challenge 255 s   address. What is the most efficient method you can think of? A variation of the com-
                  bination method is used in computers. For example, the story of the present adventure
                  required about nine thousand million bits of information. But since the amount of in-
                  formation in a story depends on the set of questions with which we start, it is impossible
                  to define a precise measure for information in this way.

                  TA B L E 19 Some measures of information.

                  K i n d o f i n f o r m at i o n                                               Amount
                  Words spoken on an average day by a man                                        c. 5000
                  Words spoken on an average day by a woman                                      c. 7000
                  Bits processed by the ears                                                     1 to 10 Mbit/s
                  Light sensitive cells per retina (120 million rods and 6 million cones)        126 ⋅ 106
                  Bits processed by the eyes                                                     1 to 10 Gbit/s
                  Words spoken during a lifetime (2/3 time awake, 30 words per minute)           3 ⋅ 108
                  Words heard and read during a lifetime                                         109
                  Letters (base pairs) in haploid human DNA                                      3 ⋅ 109
                  Pulses exchanged between both brain halves every second                        4 ⋅ 109
                  Bits in a compact disc                                                         6.1 ⋅ 109
                  Neurons in the human brain                                                     86(8) ⋅ 109
                   the story of the brain                                                                             265

                   TA B L E 19 (Continued) Some measures of information.

                   K i n d o f i n f o r m at i o n                                                 Amount
                   Printed words available in (different) books around the world (c. 100 ⋅ 10       c. 5 ⋅ 1012
                   books consisting of 50 000 words)
                   Memory bits in the human brain                                                   > 1016
                   Image pixels seen in a lifetime: 3 ⋅ 109 s (lifetime) ⋅2/3 (awake) ⋅106 (con-    1017
                   nections to the brain) /15 ms (eye speed) Ref. 258
                   Bits of information processed in a lifetime (the above times c. 32)              1019

                       The only way to measure information precisely is to take the largest possible set of
                   questions that can be asked about a system, and to compare it with what is known about
                   the system. In this case, the amount of unknown information is called entropy, a concept
Vol. I, page 395   that we have already encountered. With this concept you should able to deduce yourself,

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 256 s    for example, whether it is really possible to measure the advance of physics.
                       Since classification or categorization is an activity of the brain and other, similar clas-
                   sifiers, information as defined here is a concept that applies to the result of activities by
                   people and by other classifiers. In short, information is produced when talking about the
                       Information is the result of classification. This implies that the universe itself is not the
                   same as information. There is a growing number of publications based on the opposite
                   of this view; however, this is a conceptual short circuit. Any transmission of information
                   implies an interaction; physically speaking, this means that any information needs energy
                   for transmission and matter for storage. Without either of these, there is no information.

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   In other words, the universe, with its matter and energy, has to exist before transmission
                   of information is possible. Saying that the universe is made of information, or that it
                   is information, is as meaningful and as correct as saying that the universe is made of
                       The aim of physics is to give a complete classification of all types and examples of
                   motion, in other words, to know everything about motion. Is this possible? Or are you
Challenge 257 s    able to find an argument against this endeavour?

                   What is memory?

                                                                “                                                     ”
                                                                     The brain is my second favorite organ.
                                                                                                        Woody Allen

                   Memory is the collection of records of perceptions. The production of such records is
                   the essential aspect of observation. Records can be stored in human memory, i.e., in the
                   brain, or in machine memory, as in computers, or in object memory, such as notes on
                   paper. Without memory, there is no science, no life – since life is based on the records
                   inside the DNA – and especially, no fun, as proven by the sad life of those who lose their
       Ref. 219    memory.
                      Many animals and people have a memory, because a memory helps to move in a way
                   that maximises reproduction and survival. Memory is found in all mammals, but also in
                   insects and snails. The well-known sea snail Aplysia californica has memory – it shows
           266                                                                      7 the story of the brain

                                                                   F I G U R E 178 Photograph of stained pyramidal
                                                                   neurons in the cerebral cortex of the human
                                                                   cortex, showing their interconnections (© Medlat.

           conditioning, like Pawlow’s dogs – even though it has only 20 000 neurons. Experiments

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           confirm that individual long-time memory is stored in the strength of neuron connec-
           tions, the synapses. This statement was made already in 1949 by the Canadian psycholo-
           gist Donald Hebb. In that year Hebb specified the physical embodiment of the observa-
           tions of the psychologists Sigmund Freud and William James from the 1890s, who had
           already deduced that memory is about the strengthening and weakening of connections
           inside the brain. In short, observations and learning, everything we call memories, are
           recorded in the synapses.*
               Obviously every record is an object. But under which conditions does an object qual-
           ify as a record? A signature can be the record of the agreement on a commercial transac-

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           tion. A single small dot of ink is not a record, because it could have appeared by mistake,
           for example by an accidental blot. In contrast, it is improbable that ink should fall on
           paper exactly in the shape of a signature. (The simple signatures of physicians are obvi-
           ously exceptions.) Simply speaking, a record is any object, which, in order to be copied,
           has to be forged. More precisely, a record is an object or a situation that cannot arise nor
           disappear by mistake or by chance. Our personal memories, be they images or voices,
           have the same property; we can usually trust them, because they are so detailed that they
           cannot have arisen by chance or by uncontrolled processes in our brain.
               Can we estimate the probability for a record to appear or disappear by chance? Yes, we
           can. Every record is made of a characteristic number 𝑁 of small entities, for example the

           * The brain has various modes of learning, i.e., of storing in long-time memory, that depend on its hard-
           ware. Long-time learning always relies on changing synapse strengths or on growing new synapses. In a
           traumatic event, the brain learns within a few seconds to avoid similar situations for the rest of its life. In
           contrast, learning at school can take many months for a simple idea. In fact everybody can influence the
           ease and speed of learning; by mentally attaching images, voices, emotions, fantasies or memories to a topic
           or situation, one can speed up learning and reduce learning effort considerably.
Ref. 226      Research has shown that in the amygdala, where emotions and memory are combined, the enzyme cal-
           cineurin and the gene regulator Zif268 are important for traumatic memory: low calcineurin levels lead to
           increased expression of the gene regulator and to longer-lasting traumatic memory, high levels reduce the
           traumatic effect.
              For usual long-time learning, the CPEB proteins, in particular Orb2A and Orb2B, seem to decide which
           synapses increase in strength.
                    the story of the brain                                                                       267

                    number of the possible ink dots on paper, the number of iron crystals in a cassette tape,
                    the electrons in a bit of computer memory, the silver iodide grains in a photographic neg-
                    ative, etc. The chance disturbances in any memory are due to internal fluctuations, also
                    called noise. Noise makes the record unreadable; it can be dirt on a signature, thermal
                    magnetization changes in iron crystals, electromagnetic noise inside a solid state mem-
                    ory, etc. Noise is found in all classifiers, since it is inherent in all interactions and thus in
                    all information processing.
                        It is a general property that internal fluctuations due to noise decrease when the size,
                    i.e., the number of components of the record is increased. In fact, the probability 𝑝mis
Challenge 258 ny    for a misreading or miswriting of a record changes as

                                                            𝑝mis ∼ 1/√𝑁 ,                                       (93)

                    where 𝑁 is the number of particles or subsystems used for storing it. This relation ap-
                    pears because, for large numbers, the so-called normal distribution is a good approxim-

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    ation of almost any process. In particular, the width of the normal distribution, which
                    determines the probability of record errors, grows less rapidly than its integral when the
                    number of entities is increased; for large numbers, such statements become more and
                    more precise.
                       We conclude that any good record must be made from a large number of entities. The
                    larger the number, the less sensitive the memory is to fluctuations. Now, a system of large
                    size with small fluctuations is called a (physical) bath. Only baths make memories pos-
                    sible. In other words, every record contains a bath. We conclude that any observation of a
                    system is the interaction of that system with a bath. This connection will be used several

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    times in the following, in particular in quantum theory. When a record is produced by
                    a machine, the ‘observation’ is usually called a (generalized) measurement. Are you able
 Challenge 259 s    to specify the bath in the case of a person looking at a landscape?
                       From the preceding discussion we can deduce a powerful conclusion: since we have
                    such a good memory at our disposition, we can deduce that we are made of many small
                    parts. And since records exist, the world must also be made of a large number of small
                    parts. No microscope of any kind is needed to confirm the existence of molecules or
                    similar small entities; such a tool is only needed to determine the sizes of these particles.
                    Their existence can be deduced simply from the observation that we have memory. (Of
                    course, another argument proving that matter is made of small parts is the ubiquity of
 Vol. I, page 340   noise.)
                       A second conclusion was popularized in the late 1920s by Leo Szilard. Writing a mem-
                    ory does not necessarily produce entropy; it is possible to store information into a mem-
                    ory without increasing entropy. However, entropy is produced in every case that the
                    memory is erased. It turns out that the (minimum) entropy created by erasing one bit is
 Challenge 260 e    given by
                                                       𝑆per erased bit = 𝑘 ln 2 ,                           (94)

                    and the number ln 2 ≈ 0.69 is the natural logarithm of 2. Erasing thus on the one hand
                    reduces the disorder of the data – the local entropy–, but on the other hand increases
                    the total entropy. As is well known, energy is needed to reduce the entropy of a local
                     268                                                                     7 the story of the brain

                     system. In short, any system that erases memory requires energy. For example, a logical
                     AND gate effectively erases one bit per operation. Logical thinking thus requires energy.
                         It is also known that dreaming is connected with the erasing and reorganization of
                     information. Could that be the reason that, when we are very tired, without any energy
 Challenge 261 s     left, we do not dream as much as usual? In dreams, the brain reorganizes the experi-
                     ences made in the past. Dreams tell us what keeps our unconscious busy. Every person
                     must decide by herself what to do with dreams that we recall. In short, dreams have no
                     meaning – we give them meaning. In any case, dreams are one of the brain’s ways to use
                     memory efficiently.
                         Entropy is thus necessarily created when we forget. This is evident when we remind
         Ref. 227    ourselves that forgetting is similar to the deterioration of an ancient manuscript. Entropy
                     increases when the manuscript is not readable any more, since the process is irreversible
                     and dissipative.* Another way to see this is to recognize that to clear a memory, e.g. a
                     magnetic tape, we have to put energy into it, and thus increase its entropy. Conversely,
                     writing into a memory can often reduce entropy; we remember that signals, the entities

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     that write memories, carry negative entropy. For example, the writing of magnetic tapes
                     usually reduces their entropy.

                     The capacit y of the brain

                                                                           Computers are boring. They can give only

                                                                                    (Wrongly) attributed to Pablo Picasso

                     The human brain is built in such a way that its fluctuations cannot destroy its contents.
                     The brain is well protected by the skull for exactly this reason. In addition, the brain

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     literally grows connections, called synapses, between its various neurons, which are the
                     cells doing the signal processing. The neuron is the basic processing element of the brain,
                     performing the basic classification. It can only do two things: to fire and not to fire. (It
                     is possible that the time at which a neuron fires also carries information; this question is
Ref. 230, Ref. 231   not yet settled.) The neuron fires depending on its input, which comes via the synapses
                     from hundreds of other neurons. A neuron is thus an element that can distinguish the
                     inputs it receives into two cases: those leading to firing and those that do not. Neurons
                     are thus classifiers of the simplest type, able only to distinguish between two situations.
                         Every time we store something in our long term memory, such as a phone number,
                     the connection strength of existing synapses is changed or new synapses are grown. The
                     connections between the neurons are much stronger than the fluctuations in the brain.
                     Only strong disturbances, such as a blocked blood vessel or a brain lesion, can destroy
                     neurons and lead to loss of memory.

         Ref. 228    * As Wojciech Zurek clearly explains, the entropy created inside the memory is the main reason that even
                     Maxwell’s demon cannot reduce the entropy of two volumes of gases by opening a door between them
                     in such a way that fast molecules accumulate on one side and slow molecules accumulate on the other.
                     (Maxwell had introduced the ‘demon’ in 1871, to clarify the limits posed by nature to the gods.) This is just
                     another way to rephrase the old result of Leo Szilard, who showed that the measurements by the demon
         Ref. 229    create more entropy than they can save. And every measurement apparatus contains a memory.
                        To play being Maxwell’s demon, look for one of the many computer game implementations around the
                  the story of the brain                                                                                269

                     As a whole, the brain provides an extremely efficient memory. Despite intense efforts,
                  engineers have not yet been able to build a memory with the capacity of the brain in
                  the same volume. Let us estimated this memory capacity. By multiplying the number of
                  neurons, about 1011 ,* by the average number of synapses per neuron, about 100, and also
                  by the estimated average number of bits stored in every synapse, about 10**, we arrive at
                  a conservative estimate for the storage capacity of the brain of about

                                                     𝑀rewritable ≈ 1014 bit ≈ 104 GB .                                 (95)

                  (One byte, abbreviated B, is the usual name for eight bits of information.) Note that
                  evolution has managed to put as many neurons in the brain as there are stars in the
                  galaxy, and that if we add all the dendrite lengths, we get a total length of about 1011 m,
                  which corresponds to the distance to from the Earth to the Sun. Our brain truly is astro-
                  nomically complex.
                      However, this standard estimate of 1014 bits is not really correct! It assumes that the

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  only component storing information in the brain is the synapse strength. Therefore it
                  only measures the erasable storage capacity of the brain. In fact, information is also
                  stored in the structure of the brain, i.e., in the exact configuration in which every cell
                  is connected to other cells. Most of this structure is fixed at the age of about two years,
                  but it continues to develop at a lower level for the rest of human life. Assuming that
                  for each of the 𝑁 cells with 𝑛 connections there are 𝑓 𝑛 connection possibilities, this
Challenge 262 e   write once capacity of the brain can be estimated as roughly 𝑁√𝑓𝑛 𝑓𝑛 log 𝑓𝑛 bits. For
                  𝑁 = 1011 , 𝑛 = 102 , 𝑓 = 6, this gives

                                                     𝑀writeonce ≈ 1016 bit ≈ 106 GB .

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

       Ref. 232   Structural brain changes are measurable. Recent measurements confirmed that bilingual
                  persons, especially early bilinguals, have a higher density of grey mass in the small pari-
                  etal cortex on the left hemisphere of the brain. This is a region mainly concerned with
                  language processing. The brain thus makes also use of structural changes for optimized
                  storage and processing. Structure changes are also known for other populations, such
                  as autistics, homophiles and hyperactive children. Intense and prolonged experiences
                  during pregnancy or childhood seem to induce such structural developments.
                     Sometimes it is claimed that people use only between 5 % or 10 % of their brain ca-
                  pacity. This myth, which goes back to the nineteenth century, would imply that it is
                  possible to measure the actual data stored in the brain and compare it with its available
                  maximum. Alternatively, the myth implies that the processing capacity can be measured
                  and compared with an available maximum capacity. The myth also implies that nature
                  would develop and maintain an organ with 90 % overcapacity, wasting all the energy
                  and material to build, repair and maintain it. The myth is wrong. At present, the storage
                  capacity and the processing capacity of a brain cannot be measured, but only estimated.

                  * The number of neurons seems to be constant, and fixed at birth. The growth of interconnections is highest
                  between age one and three, when it is said to reach up to 107 new connections per second.
                  ** This is an average. Some types of synapses in the brain, in the hippocampus, are known to store only one
           270                                                                  7 the story of the brain

              The large storage capacity of the brain also shows that human memory is filled by
           the environment and is not inborn: one human ovule plus one sperm have a mass of
           about 1 mg, which corresponds to about 3 ⋅ 1016 atoms. Obviously, fluctuations make it
           impossible to store 1016 bits in these systems. In fact, nature stores only about 6⋅109 DNA
           base pairs or 12 ⋅ 109 bits in the genes of a fecundated ovule, using 3 ⋅ 106 atoms per bit.
           In contrast, a typical brain has a mass of 1.5 to 2 kg and contains about 5 to 7 ⋅ 1025 atoms,
           which makes it as efficient a memory as an ovule. The difference between the number of
           bits in human DNA and those in the brain nicely shows that almost all information stored
           in the brain is taken from the environment; it cannot be of genetic origin, even allowing
           for smart decompression of stored information.
              In total, all the tricks used by nature result in the most powerful classifier yet known.*
           Are there any limits to the brain’s capacity to memorize and to classify? With the tools
           that humans have developed to expand the possibilities of the brain, such as paper, writ-
           ing and printing to support memory, and the numerous tools available to simplify and
           to abbreviate classifications explored by mathematicians, brain classification is only lim-

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Ref. 233   ited by the time spent practising it. Without tools, there are strict limits, of course. The
           two-millimetre thick cerebral cortex of humans has a surface of about four sheets of A4
           paper, a chimpanzee’s yields one sheet, and a monkey’s is the size of a postcard. It is
           estimated that the total intellectually accessible memory is of the order of

                                                    𝑀intellectual ≈ 1 GB ,                                     (97)

           though with a large experimental error.
              The brain is also unparalleled in its processing capacity. This is most clearly demon-

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           strated by the most important consequence deriving from memory and classification:
           thought and language. Indeed, the many types of thinking or language we use, such
           as comparing, distinguishing, remembering, recognizing, connecting, describing, de-
           ducing, explaining, imagining, etc., all describe different ways to classify memories or
           perceptions. In the end, every type of thinking or talking directly or indirectly classifies
           observations. But how far are computers from achieving this! The first attempt, in 1966,
           was a programming joke by Joseph Weizenbaum: the famous chatterbot program Eliza
           (try it at is a parody of a psychoanalyst.
           Even today, over 40 years later, conversation with a computer program, such as Friendbot
           (found at, is still a disappointing experience. The huge capacity of
           the brain is the main reason for this disappointment.
              Incidentally, even though the brains of sperm whales and of elephants can be five to
           six times as heavy as those of humans, the number of neurons and connections, and
           thus the capacity, is lower than for humans. Snails, ants, small fish have neuron numbers
           of the order of 10 000; the well-studied nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has only 302,
           though other animals have even fewer.

           * Also the power consumption of the brain is important: even though it contains only about 2 % of the
           body’s mass, it uses 25 % of the energy taken in by food. The brain is the reason that humans like eating
           the story of the brain                                                                    271

           Curiosities ab ou t the brain and memory
           Teachers and learners should all be brain experts. The brain learns best when it has an
           aim. Without an aim, both the lecture preparation and the lecture performance will
           lose most of its possible effects. How many teachers state the aim of their class at its
           beginning? How many learners formulate learning aims?
               The brain also learns best when it is motivated. Different students need different mo-
           tivations: potential applications, curiosity, competition, activation of already acquired
           knowledge, impressing the opposite sex, or exploring the unknown. And students need
           motivations on different levels of difficulty. Which teacher provides this mix?
               Finally, brains in students and learners have different ways to create concepts: using
           words, sounds, images, emotions, body sensations, etc. Which teacher addresses them
           all in his lessons?
           The brain plays strange games on the people that carry it. For example, the brain is always

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           on the search for something to do. Many habits and many addictions grow in this way.
           The brain often commands the person that carry it. Modern research has shown that
Ref. 234   school pupils can be distinguished into five separate groups.
            1. Smart students
            2. Uninterested students
            3. Students who overestimate themselves (often, but not always, boys)
            4. Students who underestimate themselves (often, but not always, girls)

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            5. Struggling/weak students
           This has to be kept in mind when teaching classes. To which group do/did you belong?
           Many cognitive activities of the brain are located in specific regions of the cerebral cortex,
           also called grey matter (see Figure 174). It is known that all grey matter is built of a large
           number of parallel, but largely independent structures, the so-called neocortical columns;
           they are similar to microprocessors. Each neocortical column has input and outputs, but
           works independently of the others; it is about 2 mm in height, 0.5 mm in diameter, and
           contains about 1000 neurons of various types. (See
           for a list.) The human cortex contains several millions of these columns, arranged in
           six layers. At present, researchers are able to simulate one neocortical column with one
           supercomputer. For more details, see the website. In short, your brain
           corresponds to several million supercomputers. Take good care of it.
           A beautiful atlas of the brain can be found at On this website, re-
Ref. 235   searchers from across the world collect the best images of the brain that modern research
           272                                                            7 the story of the brain

           The brain has many interesting sides. The technique of neurofeedback is an example. A
           few electrodes are attached to the skin of the head, and a feedback loop is created with
           the help of a visualization on a screen. Such a visualisation helps to put oneself into high-
           theta state – corresponding to deep relaxation –, or into the SMR state – corresponding to
           rest and concentration –, or into alpha-dominated states – corresponding to relaxation
           with closed eyes. Learning to switch rapidly between these states is helping athletes,
           surgeons, dancers, musicians, singers and children with attention deficit syndrome. After
           a few sessions, the effects stay for over a year. For attention deficit syndrome, the results
Ref. 236   are as good as with medication.
           One interesting side of the human brain is the wide range of passions it produces. For
           example, there are people whose passion drives them to dedicate all their life to singing.
           There are people whose life-long passion is to invent languages; John Ronald Tolkien is
           the most famous example. There are other people whose passion is to help murderers

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           to find peace of mind. Some people dedicate their life to raising handicapped children
           unwanted by their parents. Other people dedicate their life to implementing rapid solu-
           tions for infrastructure problems – water, gas and electricity supplies – in cities under
           war. The examples one can find are fascinating.
           Many functions in the brain are not performed by the programmable part of the brain,
           the cortex, but by specialized hardware. The list of known specialized hardware parts of
           the brain is still growing, as discoveries are still being made.

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 237      Figure 174 only shows the basic regions. Researchers have discovered dedicated neur-
           ons that control the walking process in each leg, dedicated neurons – the so-called mirror
           neurons – that re-enact what people we see are feeling or acting, and dedicated neurons
           from the eye to the brain that control the day–night cycle. These recent discoveries com-
           plement the older ones that there is specialized hardware for every sense in the neural
           system, from touch to smell to proprioception. In short, many basic functions of the
           neural system are wired in, and many advanced functions are as well. The full list of
           wired-in systems is not known yet. For example, only future research will help us to un-
           derstand how much of our subconscious is due to hardware, and how much is due to the
           software in the cortex.
           Cats are smart animals, and everybody who interacts with them knows how elaborate
           their behaviour and the spectrum of their activities is. All this is organized by a brain of
           the size of a walnut, with about 300 million neurons.
              Interestingly, every human has roughly the same number of neurons that are found
           in a cat’s brain in a place outside the brain: the belly. This group of neurons is called the
           enteric nervous system. This large collection of neurons, over 100 millions of them, con-
           trols the behaviour of the gut cells – in particular, the first layer of gut cells that comes in
           contact with food – and controls the production of many enzymes and neurotransmit-
           ters, which in turn influence our mood. 95 % of the serotonin produced in the body are
           produced by the intestine. It may well turn out that treating depression requires treating
                  the story of the brain                                                                  273

Vol. V, page 54   the intestine first. The enteric nervous system also determines whether vomiting is neces-
                  sary or not, it triggers constipation and diarrhea, influences stress levels, regulates our
                  immune system and controls numerous other processes. In short, the enteric nervous
       Ref. 238   system is the anatomical basis for our ‘gut feelings’ and probably for our general well-
                  being. Research on these topics is still ongoing.
                  We learn better if we recall what we learned. Experiments show that remembering
                  strengthens synapses, and thus strengthens our memory. We learn better if we know
                  the reasons for the things we are learning. Experiments show that causality strengthens
                  We learn while sleeping. The brain stores most things we experience during the day in a
                  region called the hippocampus. During deep sleep, i.e., in the sleep time without dreams,

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the brain selects which of those experiences need to be stored in its long-time memory,
                  the neocortex. The selection is based on the emotions attached to the memory, especially
                  excitement, fear or anger. But also the expectation of a reward – such as a present or the
                  possibility to make good impression when asked about the topic – is extremely effective
                  in transferring content into the neocortex, as research by Jan Born has shown. If this rule
                  is followed, sleeping just after learning, and in particular, deep sleep, is the best way to
                  study. The most effective way to learn a language, to learn a new topic, or to memorize a
                  presentation is to sleep just after study or training.
                      Deep sleep helps learning. Deep sleep can be promoted in many ways. Effort, sport,

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  and even electric stimulation increases deep sleep. The pharmaceutic industry is now
                  trying to develop sleeping pills that increase deep sleep. Alcohol, most sleeping pills,
                  television, the internet and traumatic events decrease deep sleep. Jan Born states that
                  most probably, sleep exists in order to enable us to learn; no other explanation for the
                  loss of consciousness during deep sleep is convincing.
                      How do we sleep? When we are awake, all sense input is sent to the thalamus, which
                  filters it and sends it to the neocortex. During sleep the neocortex effectively switches
                  off large parts of the thalamus, so that almost no sense input arrives to the neocortex.
                  Modelling these processes even allows understanding how sleep starts and to reproduce
       Ref. 239   the brain waves seen during the beginning of sleep.
                  Many modern research results on animal and human brains can be found at the Brain
                  Map website, available at
                  Brains and computers differ markedly in the way they work. Brains are analog, com-
                  puters are digital. How exactly do computers work? The general answer is: computers
                  are a smart and organized collection of electrical switches. To make matters as easy as
                  possible, the calculation engine inside a computer – the so-called central processing unit,
                  the heart of the computer – calculates using binary numbers. The ‘on’ and ‘off’ states
                  of a switch are associated to the digits ‘1’ and ‘0’. Can you devise a simple collection of
                  274                                                           7 the story of the brain

                  switches that allows adding two binary numbers of one digit? Of many digits? And to
                  multiply two numbers? Try it – it is an interesting exercise.
                     Computers are called digital because they are based on switches. Indeed, all integ-
                  rated circuits inside a pocket calculator or inside a laptop are just collections of electrical
                  switches; modern specimen can contain several millions of them, each switch with a
                  specific function.
                  During pregnancy, the brain of the embryo grows at a rate of 250 000 neurons per minute.
                  The rate shows how fascinating a process life is.
                  The signal communication between the brain and the arms differs from the signal com-
                  munication between the brain and the legs. When the brain sends a command for some
                  arm or leg movement to the spine, the spine then in turn sends it to the arms or to the

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  legs. For the arms (and hands) – but not for the legs – the spine sends a copy of the
                  command it is sending there back to the brain. This feedback seems to allow the brain
                  to specify its next motion command more precisely. Thus the body and the brain are
                  hard-wired for the fine motor skills that help us to use our fingers and hands as precisely
                  as possible. The importance of the fine motor skills was already known to the ancient
                  Greeks; Anaxagoras said that humans are the most clever living beings because they have

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Epilepsy is a group of brain disorders that affects a large percentage of the human pop-
                  ulation. Epilepsy is an electric malfunction of the brain. It leads to regular electrical
                  oscillations inside the brain, during which the person loses awareness or even gets fits.
                  Epilepsy is also one of the reasons for autistic behaviour. Epilepsy can be triggered by
                  genetic defects, by injuries and by other causes. Research in epilepsy is a vast field.
                     Many genetic types of epilepsy are due to mutations in genes that code ion channels.
                  When ion channels do not work properly, the concentration of cations such as sodium
                  does not behave properly, leading to the electric malfunctions. Research into the origin
                  of epilepsy has shown that some genetic mutations are not inherited from the parents,
                  but are de novo: they appear only in the child.
                  Researchers have tentatively linked gene defects to the propensity to forget things in
                  everyday life. However, one can question whether an error in the DRD2 gene is really
                  the cause for forgetting where the car keys are.
                  Many switches has three states; one could call them ‘-1’, ‘0’, ‘1’. Thus, building com-
                  puters based on ‘trits’ instead of ‘bits’ is a realistic option. Why are there no 27-trit
Challenge 263 s   computers?
                   the story of the brain                                                                  275

                   Does water have memory? Certain people make a living from this statement. However,
Challenge 264 e    the molecules in water have an average speed of 590 m/s at room temperature. The liquid
                   state, together with this high speed, prevents the formation of stable aggregates beyond
                   a length scale of a handful of molecules. Experiments trying to look for memory effects
        Ref. 240   are all negative, apart those from crooks. Water has no memory.
                   The neurotransmitters that influence moods are still a topic of intense research. Such
                   research has shown that a specific peptide called hypocretin or also orexin leads to high
                   alertness, to increases appetite and above all to good mood. Whether this really is the
                   ‘happiness hormone’, as is sometimes claimed, still has to be tested.
                   In 2015, for the first time, lymphatic vessels have been discovered in the brain: both
                   an entry and an exit of lymphatic liquid exist. This astonishing discovery by Antoine

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Ref. 241   Louveau and his collaborators might well change the way researchers tackle Alzheimer’s
                   disease, autism, multiple sclerosis and many other neuro-immune diseases.
                   In 2015, ‘speed cells’ have been discovered inside brains. These cells are part of the nav-
                   igation system of the brain, and fire with a frequency that is proportional to the proper
        Ref. 242   speed of the organism. These cells thus have the same role as the speedometer in a car.
                   Completing the understanding the navigation system of the brain is one of the present
                   challenges of the neurosciences.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   A fascinating aspect of the brain is the way it controls motion. Many research groups are
                   exploring how arm, leg and body motion is learned, structured, stored and controlled in
                   the brain. The brain controls motion by constructing its commands to muscles from a
                   small set of motion primitives.
                       Other research groups are exploring how the brain coordinates the motion of lips,
                   tongue, jaws and larynx during speech. Also in this case it seems that speech motion is
                   controlled as a sequence of learned motion primitives; these primitives seem similar or
                   at least closely related to syllables.
                   The aim to read someone’s thoughts is still distant. But reading someone’s emotions is
Vol. V, page 162   already possible with magnetic resonance machines. A glimpse of the approach is shown
                   in Figure 179. By properly weighing the neural activity of certain areas of the brain it
        Ref. 243   became possible to distinguish anger, disgust, envy, fear, happiness, lust, pride, sadness
                   and shame – though with an accuracy of the order of 85 %.
                   Can one influence the brain without chemicals or touch, i.e., without the subject noti-
                   cing? It seems so. Recent research on monkeys has shown that focussed ultrasound can
        Ref. 244   influence the decisions of the brain . The effect is small and new. Future will tell if this
276                                                                 7 the story of the brain

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 179 Brain scans with functional magnetic resonance superimposed on a brain picture allow to

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
determine the emotion felt, if the shown locations are properly weighted (© Karim S. Kassan).

stays so.
Recent research has show that by far the best way to keep the brain healthy is regular
movement. For example, regular movement is more effective than any known medicine
in preventing both arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.
           Chapter 8

           L A NG UAG E A N D C ONC E P T S

                                                                  Reserve your right to think, for even to think

                                                                  wrongly is better than not to think at all.
                                                                                            Hypatia of Alexandria

                 anguage possibly is the most wonderful gift of human nature. We have all

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 earned it from somebody who cared about us. Nevertheless, the origins of
                 anguage are hidden in the distant past of humanity. Language is produced and
           transmitted from one brain to another. Because we have repeatedly stated that phys-
           ics is talking about motion, we have to explore language also in our adventure. Physics
           is a precise language specialized for the description of motion. We will find out in our
           walk that this specific definition of language is not restrictive, because everything in the
           world is in motion. Thus, physics is a precise language for everything. And our quest for
           precision demands that we explore the meaning, use and limits of language.

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           What is language?

                                                                  Ein Satz kann nur sagen, wie ein Ding ist, nicht

                                                                  was es ist.**
                                                                              Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 3.221

           Using the ability to produce sounds and to put ink on paper, people attach certain sym-
           bols,*** also called words or terms in this context, to the many partitions they specify with
           the help of their thinking. Such a categorization is then said to define a concept or notion,
           and is set in italic typeface in this text. A standard set of concepts forms a language.****
Ref. 245   In other words, we have:

           ** ‘A proposition can only say how a thing is, not what it is.’
           *** A symbol is a type of sign, i.e., an entity associated by some convention to the object it refers. Following
           Charles Peirce (b. 1839 Cambridge, d. 1914 Milford) – see – the most original philosopher
           born in the United States, a symbol differs from an icon (or image) and from an index, which are also
           attached to objects by convention, in that it does not resemble the object, as does an icon, and in that it has
           no contact with the object, as is the case for an index.
           **** The recognition that language is based on a partition of ideas, using the various differences
           between them to distinguish them from each other, goes back to Ferdinand de Saussure (b. 1857 Geneva,
           d. 1913 Vufflens), who is regarded as the founder of linguistics. His textbook Cours de linguistique générale,
           Editions Payot, 1985, has been the reference work of the field for over half a century. Note that Saussure,
           in contrast to Peirce, prefers the term ‘sign’ to ‘symbol’, and that his definition of the term ‘sign’ includes
           also the object to which it refers.
278                                                           8 language and concepts

          TA B L E 20 Language basics.

          Aspect                                                   Va l u e

          Human phonemes                                           c. 70
          English phonemes                                         44
          German phonemes                                          40
          Italian phonemes                                         30
          Words of the English language (more than all             c. 350 000
          other languages, with the possible exception of
          Number of languages on Earth in the year 2000            c. 6000

   ⊳ A (human) language is a standard way of symbolic interaction between

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
There are human languages based on facial expressions, on gestures, on spoken words,
on whistles, on written words, and more. The use of spoken language is considerably
younger than the human species; it seems that it appeared only about one hundred thou-
sand years ago. Written language is even younger, namely only about six thousand years
old. The set of concepts used in language, the vocabulary, is still expanding. For hu-
mans, the understanding of language begins soon after birth (perhaps even before), the
active use begins at around a year of age, the ability to read can start as early as two, and
personal vocabulary continues to grow as long as curiosity is alive.

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    Evolutionary biologists like to stress a further point that is necessary for the definition
of language:

   ⊳ Only a symbolic interaction system that allows communication about what
     is not present – not here and not now – forms a language.

Pointing at an object or a place is a sign that is understood and used by many animals.
But the ability to use signs to talk about the past, about the future and about a differ-
ent location is required to transform a symbol collection into a language. It is not clear
whether an animal species with this ability exists; the great apes are obvious candidates.
   Physics being a lazy way to chat about motion, it needs language as an essential tool.
Of the many aspects of language, from literature to poetry, from jokes to military or-
ders, from expressions of encouragement, dreams, love and emotions, physics uses only
a small and rather special segment. This segment is defined by the inherent restriction
to talk about motion. Since motion is an observation, i.e., an interaction with the en-
vironment that several people experience in the same way, this choice puts a number of
restrictions on the contents – the vocabulary – and on the form – the grammar – of such
   For example, from the definition that observations are shared by others, we get the

   ⊳ Statements describing observations must be translatable into all languages.
                  language and concepts                                                                                          279

                  But when can a statement be translated? On this question two extreme points of view are
                  possible: the first maintains that all statements can be translated, since it follows from the
                  properties of human languages that each of them can express every possible statement.
                  In this view, we can say:

                      ⊳ Only sign systems that allow expressing the complete spectrum of human
                        messages form a human language.

                  This definition of language distinguishes human spoken and sign language from animal
                  languages, such as the signs used by apes, birds or honey bees, and also from computer
                  languages, such as Pascal or C. With this meaning of language, all statements can be
                  translated by definition.
                     It is more challenging for a discussion to follow the opposing view, namely that pre-
                  cise translation is possible only for those statements which use terms, word types and
                  grammatical structures found in all languages. Linguistic research has invested consid-

                                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  erable effort in the distillation of phonological, grammatical and semantic universals, as
                  they are called, from the 6000 or so languages thought to exist today.*

                  L anguage components and their hierarchy

                                                                      “                                                         ”
                                                                            Jedes Wort ist ein Vorurteil.
                                                                                                       Friedrich Nietzsche**

                  The investigations into the phonological aspect of language showed for example that every
                  human language has at least two consonants and two vowels and that the number of

                                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  phonemes in the world is limited. However, such studies do not provide any material for
                  the discussion of translation.***
                      Studies of the grammatical (or syntactic) aspect showed that all languages use smallest
                  elements, called ‘words’, which they group into sentences. They all have pronouns for the
                  first and second person, ‘I’ and ‘you’, and always contain nouns and verbs. All languages
                  use subjects and predicates or, as one usually says, the three entities subject, verb and
Challenge 265 e   object, though not always in this order. Just check the languages you know.
                      Exploring the semantic aspect of language, the long list of lexical universals, i.e., words
                  that appear in all languages, such as ‘mother’ or ‘Sun’, has recently been given a struc-

                  * A professional database by the linguist Merritt Ruhlen with 5700 languages and many details on each
                  language can be found at A long but unprofessional list with 6 900 languages
                  (and with 39 000 language and dialect names) can be found on the website Beware,
                  it is edited by a fringe religious group that aims to increase the number of languages as much as possible.
                       It is estimated that 15 000 ± 5 000 languages have existed in the past.
                       Nevertheless, in today’s world, and surely in the sciences, it is often sufficient to know one’s own lan-
                  guage plus English. Since English is the language with the largest number of words, learning it well is a
       Ref. 246   greater challenge than learning most other languages.
                  ** ‘Every word is a prejudice.’ Friedrich Nietzsche (b. 1844 Röcken, d. 1900 Weimar) was an influential
                  philologist and philosopher.
                  *** Phonological studies also explore topics such as the observation that in many languages the word for
                  ‘little’ contains an ‘i’ (or high pitched ‘e’) sound: petit, piccolo, klein, tiny, pequeño, chiisai; exceptions are:
                  small, parvus. Other researchers have shown that languages in regions that are warm and have many trees
                  have more vowels and fewer consonants.
           280                                                                      8 language and concepts

                        TA B L E 21 The universal semantic primitives, following Anna Wierzbicka.

                        I, you, someone, something, people         [substantives]
                        this, the same, one, two, all, much/many [determiners and quantifiers]
                        know, want, think, feel, say               [mental predicates]
                        do, happen                                 [agent, patient]
                        good, bad                                  [evaluative]
                        big, small                                 [descriptors]
                        very                                       [intensifier]
                        can, if (would)                            [modality, irrealis]
                        because                                    [causation]
                        no (not)                                   [negation]
                        when, where, after (before), under (above) [time and place]
                        kind of, part of                           [taxonomy, partonomy]
                        like                                       [hedge/prototype]

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           ture. The linguist Anna Wierzbicka performed a search for the building blocks from
           which all concepts can be built. She looked for the definition of every concept with the
           help of simpler ones, and continued doing so until a fundamental level was reached that
           cannot be further reduced. The set of concepts that are left over are the semantic prim-
           itives. By repeating this exercise in many languages, Wierzbicka found that the list is the
           same in all cases. She thus had discovered universal semantic primitives. In 1992, the list
           contained the terms given in Table 21.

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               Following the life-long research of Anna Wierzbicka and her research school, all these
           concepts exist in all languages of the world studied so far.* They have defined the mean-
           ing of each primitive in detail, performed consistency checks and eliminated alternative
           approaches. They have checked this list in languages from all language groups, in lan-
           guages from all continents, thus showing that the result is valid everywhere. In every
Ref. 247   language all other concepts can be defined with the help of the semantic primitives.
               Simply stated, learning to speak means learning these basic terms, learning how to
           combine them and learning the names of these composites. The definition of language
           given above, namely as a means of communication that allows one to express everything
           one wants to say, also about other places and other times, can thus be refined:

               ⊳ Only a set of concepts that includes the universal semantic primitives forms
                 a human language.

           For physicists – who aim to talk in as few words as possible – the list of semantic prim-
           itives has three facets. First, the approach is similar to physics’ own aim: the idea of
           primitives gives a structured summary of everything that can be said, just as the atomic
           * It is easy to imagine that this research steps on the toes of many people. A list that maintains that we only
           have about thirty basic concepts in our heads is taken to be offensive by many small minds. In addition, a list
           that maintains that ‘true’, ‘creation’, ‘life’, ‘mother’ and ‘god’, are composite will elicit intense reactions,
           despite the correctness of the statements. Also the terms ‘light’ and ‘motion’ are missing. Indeed, some of
           these terms were added in later version of the list.
                  language and concepts                                                                           281

                                                                      F I G U R E 180 One goal of physics is to
                                                                      describe all of nature like a smurf: using only a
                                                                      single concept. (© Peyo 2016, licensed

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                      through I.M.P.S., Brussels,

                  elements structure all material objects that can be touched. Second, the list of primit-
Challenge 266 e   ives can be divided into two groups: one group contains all terms describing motion (do,
                  happen, when, where, feel, small, etc. – probably a term from the semantic field around
                  light or colour should be added) and the other group contains all terms necessary to
                  talk about abstract sets and relations (this, all, kind of, no, if, etc.). Even for linguistics,
                  aspects of motion and logical concepts are the basic entities of human experience and

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  human thinking. To bring the issue to a point,

                     ⊳ The semantic primitives contain the basic elements of physics and the basic
                       elements of mathematics.

                  All humans are thus both physicists and mathematicians.
                      The third facet about Wierzbicka’s list of semantic primitives is that for a physicist
                  it is too long. The division of the list into two groups directly suggests shorter lists; we
                  just have to ask physicists and mathematicians for concise summaries of their respective
                  fields. To appreciate this aim, try to define what ‘if’ means, or what ‘no’ or an ‘opposite’
Challenge 267 d   is – and explore your own ways of reducing the list.
                      Reducing the list of primitives is also one of our aims in this adventure. Indeed, we
                  will explore the mathematical group of primitives in this chapter. The physical group
                  will occupy us in the rest of our adventure. However, a shorter list of primitives is not

                     ⊳ Physics’ (and our) goal is to arrive at a description of nature consisting of
                       only one basic concept.

                  Physicists want to speak like smurfs: using just a single term. Reaching this goal is not
                  simple, though. On the one hand, we need to check whether the set of classical physical
                    282                                                                8 language and concepts

                    concepts that we have discovered so far is complete. For example, can classical physical
 Vol. IV, page 15   concepts describe all observations – with precision? The volume on quantum physics is
                    devoted to this question. On the other hand, we need to reduce the list. This task is not
                    straightforward; we have already discovered that physics is based on a circular definition:
 Vol. I, page 438   in Galilean physics, space and time are defined using matter, and matter is defined using
                    space and time. We will need quite some effort to overcome this obstacle. The final part
                    of this text tells the precise story on how to reduce the list. After various adventures we
Vol. VI, page 148   will indeed discover a basic concept on which all other concepts can be based.
                       We can summarize all the above-mentioned results of linguistics in the following way.
                    If we construct a statement consisting of nouns, verbs and a few other concepts built
                    from the semantic primitives, we are sure that it can be translated into all languages.
                    This might explain why physics textbooks are often so boring: the authors are often too
                    afraid to depart from this basic scheme of telling things. On the other hand, research has
                    shown that such simple and straightforward statements are not restrictive. Exaggerating
                    somewhat: With a few nouns and verbs we can say everything that can be said.

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                  “                                                        ”
                                                                       Every word was once a poem.
                                                                                              Ralph Waldo Emerson*

                    Is mathematics a language?

                                                                       Die Sätze der Mathematik sind Gleichungen,
                                                                       also Scheinsätze. Der Satz der Mathematik

                                                                       drückt keinen Gedanken aus.**
                                                                               Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 6.2, 6.21

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    There is a group of people that has taken the strict view on translation and on precision
                    to the extreme. They build all concepts from an even smaller set of primitives, namely
                    only two: ‘set’ and ‘relation’, and explore the various possible combinations of these two
                    concepts, studying their various classifications. Step by step, this radical group, com-
                    monly called mathematicians, came to define with full precision concepts such as num-
                    bers, points, curves, equations, symmetry groups and more. The construction of these
                    concepts is summarized partly in the following and partly in the next volume of this
Vol. IV, page 223   adventure.
                       Mathematics is a vocabulary that helps us to talk with precision. Mathematics can
                    be seen as the exploration of all possible concepts that can be constructed from the two
                    fundamental bricks ‘set’ and ‘relation’ (or some alternative, but equivalent pair).

                       ⊳ Mathematics is the science of symbolic necessities.

                    Rephrased again, mathematics is the exploration of all possible types of classifications.
                    Or, less humorously: mathematics is the exploration of tautologies. These aspects explain
                    the usefulness of mathematics in all situations where complex, yet precise classifications
                    of observations are necessary, such as in physics.

                    * Ralph Waldo Emerson (b. 1803 Boston, d. 1882 Concord) was an influential essayist and philosopher.
                    ** ‘The propositions of mathematics are equations, and therefore pseudo-propositions. A proposition of
                    mathematics does not express a thought.’
                    language and concepts                                                                                     283

                        However, mathematics cannot express everything that humans want to communicate,
                    such as wishes, ideas or feelings. Just try to express the fun of swimming using mathem-
                    atics. Indeed, mathematics is the science of symbolic necessities; thus mathematics is not
                    a language, nor does it contain one. Mathematical concepts, being based on abstract sets
                    and relations, do not pertain to nature. Despite its beauty, mathematics does not allow
                    us to talk about nature or the observation of motion. Mathematics does not tell what to
                    say about nature; it does tell us how to say it.
                        In short, the precision of mathematics, in particular, its axiomatic structure, has an
                    unwanted consequence: no mathematical concept talks about nature or about observa-

                        ⊳ Mathematics is not a language.

                    Therefore, the study of motion needs other, more useful concepts.
                        In his famous 1900 lecture in Paris, the important mathematician David Hilbert**

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    gave a list of 23 great challenges facing mathematics. The sixth of Hilbert’s problems
                    was to find a mathematical treatment of the axioms of physics. Our adventure so far has
                    shown that physics started with a circular definition that has not yet been eliminated after
 Vol. I, page 438   2500 years of investigations: space-time is defined with the help of objects and objects
                    are defined with the help of space and time. Being based on a circular definition, physics
                    is thus not modelled after mathematics, even if many physicists and mathematicians,
        Ref. 262    including Hilbert, would like it to be so. Physicists must live with logical problems and
                    must walk on unsure ground in order to achieve progress. In fact, they have done so for
                    2500 years.

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        In summary, mathematics is not a language; physics is. Mathematics is an axiomatic
                    system. Physics is not. If physics were an axiomatic system, it would not contain circular
                    definitions; in that case, it would cease to be a language and would cease to describe

                    * Insofar as we can say that mathematics is based on the concepts of ‘set’ and ‘relation’, which are based on
                    experience, we can say that mathematics explores a section of reality, and that its concepts are derived from
                    experience. This and similar views of mathematics are called platonism. More concretely, platonism is the
                    view that the concepts of mathematics exist independently of people, and that they are discovered, and not
                    created, by mathematicians.
                        In fact, since mathematics makes use of the brain, which is a physical system, actually mathematics is
                    applied physics.
                        However, we will discover that the concept of ‘set’ does not apply to nature; this changes the discussion
Vol. VI, page 106   in completely.
                    ** David Hilbert (b. 1862 Königsberg, d. 1943 Göttingen) was professor of mathematics in Göttingen and the
                    greatest mathematician of his time. He was a central figure to many parts of mathematics, and also played an
                    important role both in the birth of general relativity and of quantum theory. His textbooks are still in print.
                    His famous personal credo was: ‘Wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen.’ (We must know, we will know.)
                    His famous Paris lecture is published e.g. in Die Hilbertschen Probleme, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft
                    Geest & Portig, 1983. The lecture galvanized all of mathematics. (Despite efforts and promises of similar
                    fame, nobody in the world had a similar overview of mathematics that allowed him or her to repeat the
                    feat in the year 2000.) In his last decade he suffered the persecution of the Nazi regime; the persecution
                    eliminated Göttingen from the list of important science universities, without recovering its place up to this
                    284                                                                     8 language and concepts

                        ⊳ Physics is a language because it is not an axiomatic system.

Vol. VI, page 110   We will return to this central issue in the last part of our adventure. We noted that the
                    concepts needed for the precise description of motion must be physical, as mathematical
                    concepts are not sufficient.

                                                                           Insofern sich die Sätze der Mathematik auf die
                                                                           Wirklichkeit beziehen, sind sie nicht sicher, und
                                                                           sofern sie sicher sind, beziehen sie sich nicht auf

                                                                           die Wirklichkeit.*
                                                                                                              Albert Einstein

                    What is a concept?

                                                                           Concepts are merely the results, rendered
                                                                           permanent by language, of a previous process of

                                                                                                        William Hamilton

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    What properties must a useful concept have? For example, what is ‘passion’ and what
                    is a ‘cotton bud’? Obviously, a useful concept implies a list of its parts, its aspects and
                    their internal relations, as well as their relation to the exterior world. Therfore thinkers
                    in all fields, from mathematics to physics, even from philosophy to politics, agree that
                    the definition is:

                        ⊳ A concept has
                             1. explicit and fixed content,
                             2. explicit and fixed limits,

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                             3. explicit and fixed domain of application.

                    The inability to state these properties or to keep them fixed is often the easiest way to
                    distinguish crackpots from more reliable thinkers. Unclearly defined terms, which thus
                    do not qualify as concepts, regularly appear in myths, e.g. ‘dragon’ or ‘sphinx’, or in
                    ideologies, e.g. ‘worker’, ‘soul’ or ‘paradigm’. Even physics is not immune. For example,
                    we will discover later that neither ‘universe’ nor ‘creation’ are concepts. Are you able to
Challenge 268 s     argue the case?
                        But the three defining properties of any concept are interesting in their own right.
                    Explicit content means that concepts are built one onto another. In particular, the most
                    fundamental concepts appear to be those that have no parts and no external relations,
Challenge 269 s     but only internal ones. Can you think of one?
                        The requirements of explicit limits and explicit contents also imply that all concepts
                    describing nature are sets or relations or both – since sets and relations obey the re-
                    quirements for concepts.** Since mathematics is based on the concepts of ‘set’ and of
                    ‘relation’, we follow directly that mathematics can provide the form for any concept, es-
                    pecially whenever high precision is required, as in the study of motion. Obviously, the
                    * ‘In so far as mathematical statements describe reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain,
                    they are not a description of reality.’
                    ** We see that every physical concept is an example of a (mathematical) category, i.e., a combination of
                    objects and mappings/relations. For more details about categories, with a precise definition of the term, see
                    page 290.
language and concepts                                                                                    285

content of the description is only provided by the study of nature itself; only then do
concepts become useful.
    Physics is the precise description of motion. In physics, the search for sufficiently
precise concepts can be seen as the single theme structuring the long history of the field.
Regularly, new concepts have been proposed, explored in all their properties, and tested.
Finally, concepts are rejected or adopted, in the same way that children reject or adopt
a new toy. Children do this unconsciously, scientists do it consciously, using language.*
For this reason, physical concepts, and thus all concepts, are universally intelligible.
    Note that the concept ‘concept’ itself is not definable independently of experience;
a concept is something that helps us to act and react to the world in which we live.
Moreover, concepts do not live in a world separate from the physical one: every concept
requires memory from its user, since the user has to remember the way in which it was
formed; therefore every concept needs a material support for its use and application.
Thus all thinking and all science is fundamentally based on experience.
    In conclusion, all concepts are based on the idea that nature is made of related

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
parts. This idea leads to complementing couples such as ‘noun–verb’ in linguistics,
‘set–relation’ or ‘definition–theorem’ in mathematics, and ‘aspect of nature–pattern of
nature’ in physics. These couples constantly guide human thinking, from childhood on-
wards, as developmental psychology can testify. We now explore some specific concepts
of importance in our adventure.

What are sets? What are relations?

                                                      Alles, was wir sehen, könnte auch anders sein.
                                                      Alles, was wir überhaupt beschreiben können,

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                      könnte auch anders sein. Es gibt keine Ordnung

                                                      der Dinge a priori.**
                                                                 Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 5.634

Defining sets and defining relations are the two fundamental acts of our thinking. This
can be seen most clearly in any book about mathematics; such a book is usually di-
vided into paragraphs labelled ‘definition’ on the one hand, and ‘theorem’, ‘lemma’ and
‘corollary’ on the other hand. The first type of paragraph introduces some set, and the
other types of paragraphs express relations, i.e., connections between these sets or their
elements. Mathematics is thus the exploration of the possible symbolic concepts and
their relations. As we said above, mathematics is the science of symbolic necessities.
   Sets and relations are tools of classification; that is why they are also the tools of any
bureaucrat. (See Figure 181.) This class of humans is characterized by heavy use of pa-
per clips, files, metal closets, archives – which all define various types of sets – and by
the extensive use of numbers, such as reference numbers, customer numbers, passport
* Concepts formed unconsciously in our early youth are the most difficult to define precisely, i.e., with lan-
guage. Some who were unable to define them, such as the influential philosopher Immanuel Kant (b. 1724
Königsberg, d. 1804 Königsberg), used to call them ‘a priori’ concepts (such as ‘space’ and ‘time’) to con-
trast them with the more clearly defined ‘a posteriori’ concepts. Today, this distinction has been shown to
be unfounded both by the study of child psychology (see the footnote on page 256) and by physics itself, so
that these qualifiers are therefore not used in our walk.
** ‘Everything we see could also be otherwise. Everything we describe at all could also be otherwise. There
is no order of things a priori.’
                  286                                                                    8 language and concepts

                                                                     F I G U R E 181 Devices for the definition of sets (left)
                                                                     and of relations (right).

                  TA B L E 22 The defining properties of a set – the ZFC axioms.

                  The axi o ms of Z e r me l o– Fr a e nk e l – C s e t t he o ry
                  – Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements. (Axiom of extensionality)
                  – The empty set is a set. (Axiom of the null set)
                  – If 𝑥 and 𝑦 are sets, then the unordered pair {𝑥, 𝑦} is a set. (Axiom of unordered pairs)
                  – If 𝑥 is a set of sets, the union of all its members is a set. (Union or sum set axiom)
                  – The entity { ⌀ , { ⌀ }, {{ ⌀ }}, {{{ ⌀ }}}, ...} is a set 𝑎 – in other words, infinite collections, such as

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the natural numbers, are sets. (Axiom of infinity)
                  – An entity defined by all elements having a given property is a set, provided this property is
                  reasonable; some important technicalities defining ‘reasonable’ are necessary. (Axiom of separ-
                  – If the domain of a function is a set, so is its range. (Axiom of replacement)
                  – The entity 𝑦 of all subsets of 𝑥 is also a set, called the power set. (Axiom of the power set)
                  – A set is not an element of itself – plus some technicalities. (Axiom of regularity)
                  – The product of a family of non-empty sets is non-empty. Equivalently, picking elements from
                  a list of sets allows one to construct a new set – plus technicalities. (Axiom of choice, C)

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  𝑎.      The more common formulation (though equivalent to the above) is this:                     The entity
                  { ⌀ , { ⌀ }, { ⌀ , { ⌀ }}, { ⌀ , { ⌀ }, { ⌀ , { ⌀ }}}, ...} is a set.

                  numbers, account numbers, law article numbers – which define various types of relations
                  between the items, i.e., between the elements of the sets.
                      In short, mathematics, at its worst, is the bureaucracy of physics. Mathematics, at its
                  best, leads our thoughts to new knowledge.
                      Both the concepts of set and of relation express, in different ways, the fact that nature
                  can be described, i.e., that it can be classified into parts that form a whole. The act of
                  grouping together aspects of experience, i.e., the act of classifying them, is expressed in
                  formal language by saying that a set is defined. In other words, a set is a collection of
                  elements of our thinking. Every set distinguishes the elements from each other and from
                  the set itself. This definition of ‘set’ is called the naive definition. For physics, the defin-
                  ition is sufficient, but you won’t find many who will admit this. In fact, mathematicians
                  have refined the definition of the concept ‘set’ several times, because the naive definition
                  does not work well for infinite sets. A famous example is the story about sets which do
                  not contain themselves. Obviously, any set is of two sorts: either it contains itself or it
                  does not. If we take the set of all sets that do not contain themselves, to which sort does
Challenge 270 s   it belong?
                      To avoid problems with the concept of ‘set’, mathematics requires a precise definition.
                  language and concepts                                                                                  287

                  The first such definition was given by the mathematicians Ernst Zermelo (b. 1871 Berlin,
                  d. 1951 Freiburg i.B.) and Adolf/Abraham Fraenkel (b. 1891 München, d. 1965 Jerusalem).
                  Later, the so-called axiom of choice was added, in order to make it possible to manipulate
                  a wider class of infinite sets. The result of these efforts is called the ZFC set definition
                  and is given in Table 22.* From this basic definition we can construct all mathematical
                  concepts used in physics. From a practical point of view, it is sufficient to keep in mind
                  that for the whole of physics, the naive definition of a set is equivalent to the precise ZFC
                  definition, actually even to the simpler ZF definition. Subtleties appear only for some
                  special types of infinite sets, but these are not used in physics. In short, from the basic,
                  naive set definition we can construct all concepts used in physics.
       Ref. 249       The naive set definition is far from boring. To satisfy two people when dividing a
                  cake, we follow the rule: I cut, you choose. The method has two properties: it is just,
                  as everybody thinks that they have the share that they deserve, and it is fully satisfying,
                  as everybody has the feeling that they have at least as much as the other. What rule is
Challenge 272 d   needed for three people? And for four?

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      Apart from defining sets, every child and every brain creates links between the dif-
                  ferent aspects of experience. For example, when it hears a voice, it automatically makes
                  the connection that a human is present. In formal language, connections of this type
                  are called relations. Relations connect and differentiate elements along other lines than
                  sets: the two form a complementing couple. Defining a set unifies many objects and at
                  the same time divides them into two: those belonging to the set and those that do not;
                  defining a (binary) relation unifies elements two by two and divides them into many,
                  namely into the many couples it defines.
                      Sets and relations are closely interrelated concepts. Indeed, one can define (mathem-

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  atical) relations with the help of sets. A (binary) relation between two sets 𝑋 and 𝑌 is a
                  subset of the product set, where the product set or Cartesian product 𝑋 × 𝑌 is the set of all
                  ordered pairs (𝑥, 𝑦) with 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 and 𝑦 ∈ 𝑌. An ordered pair (𝑥, 𝑦) can easily be defined
Challenge 273 s   with the help of sets. Can you find out how? For example, in the case of the relation ‘is
                  wife of’, the set 𝑋 is the set of all women and the set 𝑌 that of all men; the relation is given
                  by the list all the appropriate ordered pairs, which is much smaller than the product set,
                  i.e., the set of all possible woman–man combinations.
                      It should be noted that the definition of relation just given is not really complete, since
                  every construction of the concept ‘set’ already contains certain relations, such as the re-
                  lation ‘is element of.’ It does not seem to be possible to reduce either one of the concepts
                  ‘set’ or ‘relation’ completely to the other one. This situation is reflected in the physical
                  cases of sets and relations, such as space (as a set of points) and distance, which also

                  * A global overview of axiomatic set theory is given by Paul J. Cohen & Reuben Hersch, Non-
                  Cantorian set theory, Scientific American 217, pp. 104–116, 1967. Those were the times when Scientific
                  American was a quality magazine.
                     For a good introduction to the axiom of choice, see the
                  html website.
       Ref. 248      Other types of entities, more general than standard sets, obeying other properties, can also be defined,
                  and are also subject of (comparatively little) mathematical research. To find an example, see the section
      Page 289    on cardinals later on. Such more general entities are called classes whenever they contain at least one set.
Challenge 271 s   Can you give an example? In the final part of our mountain ascent we will meet physical concepts that are
                  described neither by sets nor by classes, containing no set at all. That is where the real fun starts.
                   288                                                                      8 language and concepts

                   seem impossible to separate completely from each other. In other words, even though
                   mathematics does not pertain to nature, its two basic concepts, sets and relations, are
                   taken from nature. In addition, the two concepts, like those of space-time and particles,
                   are each defined with the other.

                   Infinit y – and its properties
                   Mathematicians soon discovered that the concept of ‘set’ is only useful if one can also
                   call collections such as {0, 1, 2, 3...}, i.e., of the number 0 and all its successors, a ‘set’. To
                   achieve this, one property in the Zermelo–Fraenkel list defining the term ‘set’ – given
                   in Table 22 – explicitly specifies that this infinite collection can be called a set. (In fact,
                   also the axiom of replacement states that sets may be infinite.) Infinity is thus put into
                   mathematics and added to the tools of our thinking right at the very beginning, in the
                   definition of the term ‘set’. When describing nature, with or without mathematics, we
                   should never forget this fact. A few additional points about infinity should be of general
                   knowledge to any expert on motion.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       A set is infinite if there is a function from it into itself that is injective (i.e., different
                   elements map to different results) but not onto (i.e., some elements do not appear as
                   images of the map); e.g. the map 𝑛 󳨃→ 2𝑛 shows that the set of integers is infinite. Infinity
                   also can be checked in another way: a set is infinite if it remains so also after removing
                   one element, even repeatedly. We just need to remember that the empty set is finite.
                       Only sets can be infinite. And sets have parts, namely their elements. When a thing or
                   a concept is called ‘infinite’ one can always ask and specify what its parts are: for space
                   the parts are the points, for time the instants, for the set of integers the integers, etc. An
                   indivisible or a finitely divisible entity cannot be called infinite.*

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       There are many types of infinities, all of different sizes.** This important result was
                   discovered by the important mathematician Georg Cantor (b. 1845 Saint Petersburg,
                   d. 1918 Halle an der Saale). He showed that from the countable set of natural numbers
                   one can construct other infinite sets which are not countable. He did this by showing
                   that the power set 𝑃(𝜔), namely the set of all subsets, of a countably infinite set is infin-
                   ite, but not countably infinite. Sloppily speaking, the power set is ‘more infinite’ than the
                   original set. The real numbers ℝ, to be defined shortly, are an example of an uncount-
                   ably infinite set; there are many more of them than there are natural numbers. (Can
Challenge 274 s    you show this?) However, any type of infinite set contains at least one subset which is
                   countably infinite.
                       Even for an infinite set we can define size as the number of its elements. Cantor called
                   this concept of size the cardinality of a set. The cardinality of a finite set is simply given by
                   the number of its elements. The cardinality of a power set is 2 exponentiated by the car-
                   dinality of the set. The cardinality of the set of integers is called ℵ0 , pronounced ‘aleph
Vol. I, page 445   zero’, after the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The smallest uncountable cardinal is
                   called ℵ1 . The next cardinal is called ℵ2 etc. A whole branch of mathematics is con-

                   * Therefore, most gods, being concepts and thus sets, are either finite or, in the case where they are infinite,
                   they are divisible. It seems that only polytheistic and pantheistic world views are not disturbed by this
                   ** In fact, there is such a huge number of types of infinities that none of these infinities itself actually de-
                   scribes this number. Technically speaking, there are as many infinities as there are ordinals.
                  language and concepts                                                                   289

                  cerned with the manipulation of these infinite ‘numbers’; addition, multiplication, ex-
       Ref. 250   ponentiation are easily defined. For some of them, even logarithms and other functions
                  make sense.
                     The cardinals defined using power sets, including ℵ𝑛 , ℵ𝜔 and ℵℵℵ , are called ac-
                  cessible, because since Cantor, people have defined even larger types of infinities, called
                  inaccessible. These numbers (inaccessible cardinals, measurable cardinals, supercompact
                  cardinals, etc.) need additional set axioms, extending the ZFC system. Like the ordinals
                  and the cardinals, they form examples of what are called transfinite numbers.
                     The real numbers have the cardinality of the power set of the integers, namely 2ℵ0 .
Challenge 275 s   Can you show this? The result leads to the famous question: Is ℵ1 = 2ℵ0 or not? The
                  statement that this be so is called the continuum hypothesis and was unproven for several
                  generations. The surprising answer came in 1963: the usual definition of the concept
       Ref. 251   of set is not specific enough to fix the answer. By specifying the concept of set in more
                  detail, with additional axioms – remember that axioms are defining properties – you can
                  make the continuum hypothesis come out either right or wrong, as you prefer.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Another result of research into transfinites is important: for every definition of a type
                  of infinite cardinal, it seems to be possible to find a larger one. In everyday life, the
                  idea of infinity is often used to stop discussions about size: ‘My big brother is stronger
                  than yours.’ ‘But mine is infinitely stronger than yours!’ Mathematics has shown that
                  questions on size do continue afterwards: ‘The strength of my brother is the power set of
       Ref. 250   that of yours!’ Rucker reports that mathematicians conjecture that there is no possible
                  nor any conceivable end to these discussions.
                     For physicists, a simple question appears directly. Do infinite quantities exist in
                  nature? Or better, is it necessary to use infinite quantities to describe nature? You might

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 276 e   want to clarify your own opinion on the issue. The question will be settled during the
                  rest of our adventure.

                  Functions and structures
                  Which relations are useful to describe patterns in nature? A typical example is ‘larger
                  stones are heavier’. Such a relation is of a specific type: it relates one specific value of
                  an observable ‘volume’ to one specific value of the observable ‘weight’. Such a one-
                  to-one relation is called a (mathematical) function or mapping. Functions are the most
                  specific types of relations; thus they convey a maximum of information. In the same way
                  as numbers are used for observables, functions allow easy and precise communication
                  of relations between observations. All physical rules and ‘laws’ are therefore expressed
                  with the help of functions and, since physical ‘laws’ are about measurements, functions
                  of numbers are their main building blocks.
                     A function 𝑓, or mapping, is a thus binary relation, i.e., a set 𝑓 = {(𝑥, 𝑦)} of ordered
                  pairs, where for every value of the first element 𝑥, called the argument, there is only one
                  pair (𝑥, 𝑦). The second element 𝑦 is called the value of the function at the argument 𝑥.
                  The set 𝑋 of all arguments 𝑥 is called the domain of definition and the set 𝑌 of all second
                  arguments 𝑦 is called the range of the function. Instead of 𝑓 = {(𝑥, 𝑦)} one writes

                                       𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌      and 𝑓 : 𝑥 󳨃→ 𝑦 or 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥) ,                        (98)
                    290                                                                      8 language and concepts

                    where the type of arrow – with initial bar or not – shows whether we are speaking about
                    sets or about elements.
                       We note that it is also possible to use the couple ‘set’ and ‘mapping’ to define all
                    mathematical concepts; in this case a relation is defined with the help of mappings. A
                    modern school of mathematical thought formalized this approach by the use of (math-
                    ematical) categories, a concept that includes both sets and mappings on an equal footing
                    in its definition.*
                       To think and talk more clearly about nature, we need to define more specialized con-
                    cepts than sets, relations and functions, because these basic terms are too general. The
                    most important concepts derived from them are operations, algebraic structures and
                       A (binary) operation is a function that maps the Cartesian product of two copies of a
                    set 𝑋 into itself. In other words, an operation 𝑤 takes an ordered couple of arguments
                    𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 and assigns to it a value 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋:

                                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                   𝑤 : 𝑋 × 𝑋 → 𝑋 and 𝑤 : (𝑥, 𝑥) 󳨃→ 𝑦 .                                          (99)

Challenge 277 s     Is division of numbers an operation in the sense just defined?
                        Now we are ready to define the first of three basic concepts of mathematics. An al-
                    gebraic structure, also called an algebraic system, is (in the most restricted sense) a set
                    together with certain operations. The most important algebraic structures appearing in
Vol. IV, page 235   physics are groups, vector spaces, and algebras.
                        In addition to algebraic structures, mathematics is based on order structures and on
                    topological structures. Order structures are building blocks of numbers and necessary

                                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    to define comparisons of any sort. Topological structures are built, via subsets, on the
                    concept of neighbourhood. They are necessary to define continuity, limits, dimension-
Vol. V, page 363    ality, topological spaces and manifolds.
                        Obviously, most mathematical structures are combinations of various examples of
                    these three basic structure types. For example, the system of real numbers is given by
                    the set of real numbers with the operations of addition and multiplication, the order re-
                    lation ‘is larger than’ and a continuity property. They are thus built by combining an
        Ref. 253    algebraic structure, an order structure and a topological structure. Let us delve a bit into
                    the details.


                                                                            Which numbers are multiplied by six when
                                                                            their last digit is taken away and transferred to

Challenge 278 s                                                             the front?

                    * A (mathematical) category is defined as a collection of objects and a collection of ‘morphisms’, or map-
                    pings. Morphisms can be composed; the composition is associative and there is an identity morphism.
        Ref. 252    More details can be found in the literature.
                       Note that every category contains a set; since it is unclear whether nature contains sets, as we will discuss
       Page 328     below,, it is questionable whether categories will be useful in the unification of physics, despite their intense
                    and abstract charm.
                    language and concepts                                                                                291

                    Numbers are the oldest mathematical concept and are found in all cultures. The notion
                    of number, in Greek ἀριθμός, has been changed several times. Each time the aim was to
                    include wider classes of objects, but always retaining the general idea that numbers are
                    entities that can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.
                        The modern way to write numbers, as e.g. in 12 345 679 ⋅ 54 = 666 666 666, is essential
                    for science.* It can be argued that the lack of a good system for writing down and for
                    calculating with numbers delayed the progress of science by several centuries. By the way,
                    the same delay can be claimed for the lack of affordable mass reproduction of written
                        The simplest numbers, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., are usually seen as being taken directly from ex-
                    perience. However, they can also be constructed from the notions of ‘relation’ and ‘set’.
Challenge 279 s     One of the many possible ways to do this (can you find another?) is by identifying a nat-
                    ural number with the set of its predecessors. With the relation ‘successor of’, abbreviated
                    𝑆, this definition can be written as

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                       0 := ⌀      ,   1 := 𝑆 0 = {0} = { ⌀ } ,
                                     2 := 𝑆 1 = {0, 1} = { ⌀ , { ⌀ }} and 𝑛 + 1 := 𝑆 𝑛 = {0, ..., 𝑛} .                 (100)

                    This set, together with the binary operations ‘addition’ and ‘multiplication,’ constitutes
                    the algebraic system 𝑁 = (𝑁, +, ⋅, 1) of the natural numbers. For all number systems
                    the algebraic system and the set are often sloppily designated by the same symbol. The
Vol. IV, page 223   algebraic system 𝑁 is what mathematician call a semi-ring. (Some authors prefer not to
                    count the number zero as a natural number.) Natural numbers are fairly useful.

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    TA B L E 23 Some large numbers.

                    Number                E x a m p l e i n nat u r e
                    Around us
                    1                     number of angels that can be in one place at the same time, following
                                          Thomas Aquinas Ref. 255
                    8                     number of times a newspaper can be folded in alternate perpendicular dir-
                    12                    largest number of times a paper strip has been folded in the same direction
                                          Ref. 256
                    20                    number of digits in precision measurements that will probably never be
                    21, 34, 55, 89        petals of common types of daisy and sunflower Ref. 257
                    57                    faces of a diamond with brilliant cut
                    2000 to 6000          stars visible in the night sky
                    15 000                average number of objects in a European household
                    105                   leaves of a tree (10 m beech)
                    6 to 7 ⋅109           humans in the year 2000

                    * However, there is no need for written numbers for doing mathematics, as shown in the interesting book by
                    Marcia Ascher, Ethnomathematics – A Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas, Brooks/Cole, 1991.
292                                                                8 language and concepts

Number                E x a m p l e i n nat u r e
1017                  ants in the world
c. 1020               number of snowflakes falling on the Earth per year
c. 1024               grains of sand in the Sahara desert
1022                  stars in the universe
1025±1                cells on Earth
1.1 ⋅ 1050            atoms making up the Earth (63703 km3 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3.14/3 ⋅ 5500 kg/m3 ⋅ 30 mol/kg ⋅
                      6 ⋅ 1023 /mol)
1081                  atoms in the visible universe
1090                  photons in the visible universe
10169                 number of atoms fitting in the visible universe
10244                 number of space-time points inside the visible universe
51                    record number of languages spoken by one person

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
c. 5000               words spoken on an average day by a man
c. 7000               words spoken on an average day by a woman
c. 2 000 000          number of scientists on Earth around the year 2000
3 ⋅ 108               words spoken during a lifetime (2/3 time awake, 30 words per minute)
109                   words heard and read during a lifetime
4 ⋅ 109               pulses exchanged between both brain halves every second
3 ⋅ 1012              number of trees on Earth
1017                  image pixels seen in a lifetime (3 ⋅ 109 s ⋅ (1/15 ms) ⋅ 2/3 (awake) ⋅106 (nerves

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      to the brain) Ref. 258
1019                  bits of information processed in a lifetime (the above times 32)
c. 5 ⋅ 1012           printed words available in (different) books around the world (c. 100 ⋅ 106
                      books consisting of 50 000 words)
210 ⋅ 37 ⋅ 8! ⋅ 12!
 = 4.3 ⋅ 1019         possible positions of the 3 × 3 × 3 Rubik’s Cube Ref. 259
5.8 ⋅ 1078            possible positions of the 4 × 4 × 4 Rubik-like cube
5.6 ⋅ 10117           possible positions of the 5 × 5 × 5 Rubik-like cube
c. 10200              possible games of chess
c. 10800              possible games of go
c. 1010               possible states in a personal computer
Parts of us
600                   numbers of muscles in the human body, of which about half are in the face
150 000 ± 50 000      hairs on a healthy head
900 000               neurons in the brain of a grasshopper
126 ⋅ 106             light sensitive cells per retina (120 million rods and 6 million cones)
86(8) ⋅ 109           neurons in the human brain
500 ⋅ 106             blinks of the eye during a lifetime (about once every four seconds when
300 ⋅ 106             breaths taken during human life
                    language and concepts                                                                                293

                    Number                E x a m p l e i n nat u r e
                    3 ⋅ 109               heart beats during a human life
                    3 ⋅ 109               letters (base pairs) in haploid human DNA
                    1015±1                cells in the human body
                    1016±1                bacteria carried in the human body

                    The system of integers 𝑍 = (..., −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, ..., +, ⋅, 0, 1) is the minimal ring that is an
                    extension of the natural numbers. The system of rational numbers 𝑄 = (𝑄, +, ⋅, 0, 1)
                    is the minimal field that is an extension of the ring of the integers. (The terms ‘ring’
Vol. IV, page 223   and ‘field’ are defined in all details in the next volume.) The system of real numbers
                    𝑅 = (𝑅, +, ⋅, 0, 1, >) is the minimal extension of the rationals that is continuous and
                    totally ordered. (For the definition of continuity, see volume IV, page 224, and volume V,
                    page 364.) Equivalently, the reals are the minimal extension of the rationals forming a

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    complete, totally strictly-Archimedean ordered field. This is the historical construction
                    – or definition – of the integer, rational and real numbers from the natural numbers.
                    However, it is not the only one construction possible. The most beautiful definition of
                    all these types of numbers is the one discovered in 1969 by John Conway, and popularized
        Ref. 260    by him, Donald Knuth and Martin Kruskal.

                        ⊳ A number is a sequence of bits.

                    The two bits are usually called ‘up’ and ‘down’. Examples of numbers and the way to

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    write them are given in Figure 182.
                        The empty sequence is the number zero. A finite sequence of 𝑛 ups is the integer num-
                    ber 𝑛, and a finite sequence of 𝑛 downs is the integer −𝑛. Finite sequences of mixed ups
                    and downs give the dyadic rational numbers. Examples are 1, 2, 3, −7, 19/4, 37/256, etc.
                    They all have denominators with a power of 2. The other rational numbers are those that
                    end in an infinitely repeating string of ups and downs, such as the reals, the infinitesim-
                    als and simple infinite numbers. Longer countably infinite series give even more crazy
                        The complete class of numbers that is defined by a sequence of bits is called the class
                    of surreal numbers.*
                        There is a second way to write surreal numbers. The first is the just mentioned se-
                    quence of bits. But in order to define addition and multiplication, another notation is
                    usually used, deduced from Figure 182. A surreal 𝛼 is defined as the earliest number of
                    all those between two series of earlier surreals, the left and the right series:

                                        𝛼 = {𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, ...|𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶, ...}   with 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, < 𝛼 < 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 .                (101)

                    * The surreal numbers do not form a set since they contain all ordinal numbers, which themselves do not
                    form a set, even though they of course contain sets. In short, ordinals and surreals are classes which are
                    larger than sets.
294                                                                             8 language and concepts


                                                        𝜔 = simplest infinite                            1     1=1
                                                                           11111       11
                                                        1=1111 ...                                       𝜔2     e𝜔
                                                                           𝜔+4         2𝜔
                                          1111          𝜔
                                                                               1111        1        11
                                111                     π                  1           1       1
                                           4                     1                                    1
                                                        111                𝜔−4         𝜔/2      𝜔/4 1
                  11             3                                                                  √𝜔
                                   1                    8/3
                  2                                                                     1 1
         1                      3/2                         1                          1 1
                                 1                      1
                      1         1 1
                  1                                                                     2/3 + 2𝜄/3
                                3/4                     2/3
                  1/2           1
                                1/4                          1             1 1111         1
                                                        1                               1 1    √𝜄
 0                                                                         4𝜄
                                                        𝜄                               1
                  –1/2                                   1     1               𝜄 = 1/𝜔 = simplest infinitesimal

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         –1       1             –3/4                    –1/3
                                                        1 11
         1                                               1 1
                  –2                                    –4/5
                  11                                    11 11 1 1     1
                                –3                        11 1 1 11111 11 ...
                                111       –4             −√2                           1
      smaller                             1111           −𝜔                              −𝜔/2
                                                                                       −2𝜔               −𝜔2
                      earlier                            1=1111
                                                                     ...                                       −e𝜔

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 182 The surreal numbers in conventional and in bit notation.

For example, we have

             {0|} = 1 , {0, 1 |} = 2 , {|0} = −1 , {| − 1, 0} = −2 , {0 |1} = 1/2 ,
             {0 |1/2, 1/4} = 1 , {0, 1, 3/2, 25/16 | 41/16, 13/8, 7/4, 2} = 1 + 37/64 ,                        (102)

showing that the finite surreals are the dyadic numbers 𝑚/2𝑛 (𝑛 and 𝑚 being integers).
Given two surreals 𝛼 = {..., 𝑎, ...|..., 𝐴, ...} with 𝑎 < 𝛼 < 𝐴 and 𝛽 = {..., 𝑏, ...|..., 𝐵, ...} with
𝑏 < 𝛽 < 𝐵, addition is defined recursively, using earlier, already defined numbers, as

                           𝛼 + 𝛽 = {..., 𝑎 + 𝛽, ..., 𝛼 + 𝑏, ...|..., 𝐴 + 𝛽, ..., 𝛼 + 𝐵, ...} .                 (103)

This definition is used simply because it gives the same results as usual addition for in-
tegers and reals. Can you confirm this? By the way, addition is not always commut-
ative. Are you able to find the exceptions, and to find the definition for subtraction?
                    language and concepts                                                                                     295

Challenge 280 s     Multiplication is also defined recursively, namely by the expression

                                               𝛼𝛽 ={..., 𝑎𝛽 + 𝛼𝑏 − 𝑎𝑏, ..., 𝐴𝛽 + 𝛼𝐵 − 𝐴𝐵, ...|
                                                   ..., 𝑎𝛽 + 𝛼𝐵 − 𝑎𝐵, ..., 𝐴𝛽 + 𝛼𝑏 − 𝐴𝑏, ...} .                          (104)

                    These definitions allow us to write 𝜄 = 1/𝜔, and to talk about numbers such as √𝜔 , the
                    square root of infinity, about 𝜔 + 4, 𝜔 − 1, 2𝜔, e𝜔 and about other strange numbers shown
        Ref. 260    in Figure 182. However, the surreal numbers are not commonly used. More common is
                    one of their subsets.
                       The real numbers are those surreals whose decimal expansion is not larger than in-
                    finity and in addition, equate numbers such as 0.999999... and 1.000000..., as well as all
                    similar cases. In other words, the surreals distinguish the number 0.999999... from the
                    number 1, whereas the reals do not. Indeed, between these two surreal numbers there
Challenge 281 s     are infinitely many other surreals. Can you name a few?
                       Reals are more useful for describing nature than surreals, first because they form a

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    set – which the surreals do not – and secondly because they allow the definition of in-
                    tegration. Other numbers defined with the help of reals, e.g. the complex numbers ℂ,
                    the quaternions ℍand a few more elaborate number systems, are presented in the next
Vol. IV, page 223   volume.
                       To conclude, in physics it is usual to call numbers the elements of any set that is a
                    semi-ring (e.g. ℕ), a ring (e.g. ℤ) or a field (ℚ, ℝ, ℂ or ℍ). Since numbers allow us
                    to compare magnitudes and thus to measure, these numbers play a central role in the
                    description of observations.

                                                                         A series of equal balls is packed in such a way

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        Ref. 261                                                         that the area of needed wrapping paper is
                                                                         minimal. For small numbers of balls the linear
                                                                         package, with all balls in one row, is the most
                                                                         efficient. For which number of balls is the linear

Challenge 282 s                                                          package no longer a minimum?

                    Is mathematics always useful?

                                                                         Die Forderung der Möglichkeit der einfachen
                                                                         Zeichen ist die Forderung der Bestimmtheit des

                                                                                     Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 3.23

                    Numbers, as well as most other mathematical concepts, were developed precisely with
                    the aim of describing nature.

                       ⊳ Numbers and mathematical concepts were developed right from the start to
                         provide as succinct a description as possible.

                    This property is one consequence of mathematics being the science of symbolic neces-
                    sities. Mathematical concepts are tools that help our thinking. This is the reason that
                    * ‘The requirement that simple signs be possible is the requirement that sense be determinate.’
           296                                                                     8 language and concepts

           mathematics is used in physics, the science of motion.
              Several well-known physicists have repeatedly asked why mathematics is so useful.
Ref. 263   For example, Niels Bohr is quoted as having said: ‘We do not know why the language
           of mathematics has been so effective in formulating those laws in their most succinct
           form.’ Eugene Wigner wrote an often cited paper entitled ‘The unreasonable effective-
Ref. 264   ness of mathematics.’ At the start of science, many centuries earlier, Pythagoras and his
           contemporaries were so overwhelmed by the usefulness of numbers in describing nature
           that Pythagoras was able to organize a sect based on this connection. The members of
           the inner circle of this sect were called ‘learned people,’ in Greek ‘mathematicians’, from
           the Greek μάθημα ‘teaching’. This sect title then became the name of the modern profes-
           sion. But wondering about the effectiveness of mathematics is akin to wondering about
           the effectiveness of carpenter tools.
              Perhaps we are being too dismissive. Perhaps the mentioned thinkers mainly wanted
           to express their feeling of wonder when experiencing that language works, that thinking
           and our brain works, and that life and nature are so beautiful. This would put the accent

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           nearer to the well-known statement by Albert Einstein: ‘The most incomprehensible fact
           about the universe is that it is comprehensible.’ Comprehension is another word for
           description, i.e., for classification. Obviously, any separable system is comprehensible,
           and there is nothing strange about it. But is the universe separable?
              The basic assumption we made at our start was the separability of nature and the
           universe. This is the central idea that Pythagoras’ sect expressed in their core belief

               ⊳ Everything in nature is numbers.

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           As long as the universe is described as being made of particles and vacuum, the belief is
           correct. But Pythagoras and his sect were wrong. Like for so many beliefs, observation
           will show the opposite. Numbers are indeed useful in everyday life; but numbers are not
           at the basis of nature. We reach this conclusion in the last part of our adventure. Indeed,
           the assumption that observations in nature can be separated is an approximation. In

               ⊳ Counting is always an approximation.

           Even the counting of apples is an approximation; it is valid only for low energies and low
           curvatures. Physics is built on sand. We need a better foundation. In fact, mathematics is
           not useful for achieving a unified description of nature. With the better foundation, the
           quoted ‘incomprehensibility’ of nature then becomes the amazement at the precision of
           the counting approximation. This experience will be the high point of our adventure.

                                                               “                                                       ”
                                                                   Die Physik ist für Physiker viel zu schwer.*
                                                                                                       David Hilbert

           * ‘Physics is much too difficult for physicists.’
                  language and concepts                                                                  297

                  Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t mathematics
Challenge 283 s   What is the largest number that can be written with four digits of 2 and no other sign?
                  And with four 4s?
                  Pythagorean triplets are integers that obey 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 = 𝑐2 . Give at least ten examples. Then
Challenge 284 e   show the following three properties: at least one number in a triplet is a multiple of 3;
                  at least one number in a triplet is a multiple of 4; at least one number in a triplet is a
                  multiple of 5.
                  Here is how to multiply numbers between 5 and 10 using your hands, without multi-
                  plication table. Take 8 and 7 as an example. In each hand, extend as many finger as the
                  excess above 5. In the example that implies to extend 3 fingers in one hand and 2 in the
                  other. The sum of the extended fingers gives the tens, the product of the remaining bent

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  fingers the units. In the example 5 tens and 6 units, thus 56.
Challenge 285 e   How many zeroes are there at the end of 1000! ?
                  A mother is 21 years older than her child, and in 6 years the child will be 5 times younger
Challenge 286 s   than the mother. Where is the father? This is the young mother puzzle.

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The number 1/𝑛, when written in decimal notation, has a periodic sequence of digits.
                  The period is at most 𝑛 − 1 digits long, as for 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 1428.... Which
Challenge 287 d   other numbers 1/𝑛 have periods of length 𝑛 − 1?
                  Felix Klein was a famous professor of mathematics at Göttingen University. There were
                  two types of mathematicians in his department: those who did research on whatever
                  they wanted and those for which Klein provided the topic of research. To which type did
Challenge 288 s   Klein belong?
                     Obviously, this is a variation of another famous puzzle. A barber shaves all those
Challenge 289 s   people who do not shave themselves. Does the barber shave himself?
                  Everybody knows what a magic square is: a square array of numbers, in the simplest case
                  from 1 to 9, that are distributed in such a way that the sum of all rows, columns (and
                  possibly all diagonals) give the same sum. Can you write down the simplest 3 × 3 × 3
Challenge 290 s   magic cube?
                  In the history of recreational mathematics, several people have independently found the
                   298                                                            8 language and concepts

                              14        13
                         9         8         10
                              6         4
                         11        5         12
                              1         2
                         18        7         16
                              17        19

                                                       F I G U R E 183 The only magic hexagon starting with the number
                                                       1 (up to reflections and rotations).

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   well-known magic hexagon shown in Figure 183. The discoverer was, in 1887, Ernst von
                   Hasselberg. The hexagon is called magic because all lines add up to the same number, 38.
                   Hasselberg also proved the almost incredible result that no other magic hexagon exists.
Challenge 291 d    Can you confirm this?
                   The digits 0 to 9 are found on keyboards in two different ways. Calculators and keyboards
                   have the 7 at the top left, whereas telephones and automatic teller machines have the
                   digit 1 at the top left. The two standards, respectively by the International Standards

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Organization (ISO) and by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU, formerly
       Ref. 265    CCITT), evolved separately and have never managed to merge.

Challenge 292 e    Can you devise a machine that counts the hair on the head of a person?
                   Leonhard Euler in his notebooks sometimes wrote down equations like

                                                  1 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 28 + ... = − .                            (105)

Challenge 293 d    Can this make sense?
                   In many flowers, numbers from the Fibonacci series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc., appear. Fig-
Vol. I, page 246   ure 190 gives a few examples. It is often suggested that this is a result of some deep sense
       Ref. 257    of beauty in nature. This is not the case, as Figure 184 shows. Mark a spot on a surface,
                   and put washers around it in by hand in a spiral manner; you will find the same spir-
                   als that you find in many flowers, and thus, at their border, the same Fibonacci numbers.
                   This argument by Donald Simanek shows that there is nothing deep, complicated or even
                   mysterious in the appearance of Fibonacci numbers in plants. For an opposite point of
                  language and concepts                                                                       299

                                                                     F I G U R E 184 Fibonacci numbers and spirals
                                                                     from washers (© Donald Simanek).

                  view, see reference Ref. 257 and many publications about the patterns in sunflowers.

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Prime numbers are a favourite playground for mathematicians. A famous result on all
                  prime numbers 𝑝𝑖 states
                                                           1     6
                                                    ∏(1 − 2 ) = 2                              (106)
                                                    𝑖=1   𝑝𝑖    π

Challenge 294 s   Can you imagine how this result is proven?

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Digits owe their name to the latin word ‘digitum’ or finger. In times when writing on pa-
                  per was expensive, it was already possible to count up to 9999 using the two hands, with
                  a system developed by Beda Venerabilis and popularized, for example, by Luca Pacioli.
Challenge 295 e   Can you develop a similar system?
           Chapter 9

           OB SE RVAT ION S , L I E S A N D PAT T E R N S
           OF NAT U R E

                                                                   Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die

                                                                   Grenzen meiner Welt.**
                                                                              Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 5.6

                                                                   Der Satz ist ein Bild der Wirklichkeit. Der Satz
                                                                   ist ein Modell der Wirklichkeit, so wie wir sie

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                   uns denken.***
                                                                               Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 4.01

Ref. 266       n contrast to mathematics, physics does aim at being a language. But
               t is ambitious: it aims to express everything, with complete precision, and,
               n particular, all examples and possibilities of change. All observations are about
           change. Now, physics is the study of motion. But because all change is due to motion,
           we can also call physics the study of change.
              Physics is the language of change. Like any language, physics consists of concepts and

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           sentences. In order to be able to express everything, it must aim to use few words for
           a lot of facts.**** Physicists are essentially lazy people: they try to minimize the effort
           in everything they do. The concepts in use today have been optimized by the combined
           effort of many people to be as practical, i.e., as powerful as possible. A concept is called
           powerful when it allows one to express in a compact way a large amount of information,
           meaning that it can rapidly convey a large number of details about observations.
              General statements about many examples of motion are called rules or patterns. In the
           past, it was often said that ‘laws govern nature’, using an old and inappropriate ideology.
           A physical ‘law’ is only a way of saying as much as possible with as few words as pos-
           sible. When saying ‘laws govern nature’ we actually mean to say ‘being lazy, we describe
           observations with patterns’. Laws are the epitome of laziness. Formulating laws is pure
           sloth. In fact, the correct expression is

           ** ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world.’
           *** ‘A proposition is a picture of reality. A proposition is a model of reality as we imagine it.’
           **** A particular, specific observation, i.e., a specific example of input shared by others, is called a fact, or
           in other contexts, an event. A striking and regularly observed fact is called a phenomenon, and a general
           observation made in many different situations is called a (physical) principle. (Often, when a concept is in-
           troduced that is used with other meaning in other fields, in this walk it is preceded by the qualifier ‘physical’
           or ‘mathematical’ in parentheses.) Actions performed towards the aim of collecting observations are called
           experiments. The concept of experiment became established in the sixteenth century; in the evolution of a
           child, it can best be compared to that activity that has the same aim of collecting experiences: play.
           observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                             301

              ⊳ Patterns describe nature.

           Physicists have written about the laziness necessary to find patterns in much detail. In
           order to become a master of laziness, we need to distinguish lazy patterns from those
           which are not, such as lies, beliefs, and other statements that are not about observations
Page 304   or motion at all. We do this below.
              The quest for laziness is the origin, among others, of the use of numbers in physics.
           Observables are often best described with the help of numbers, because numbers allow
           easy and precise communication and classification. Length, velocity, angles, temperat-
           ure, voltage or field strength are of this type. The notion of ‘number’, used in every meas-
           urement, is constructed, often unconsciously, from the notions of ‘set’ and ‘relation’, as
           shown above. Apart from the notion of number, other concepts are regularly defined to
           allow fast and compact communication of the ‘laws’ of nature; all are ‘abbreviation tools.’
           In this sense, the statement ‘the level of the Kac–Moody algebra of the Lagrangian of the
           heterotic superstring model is equal to one’ contains precise information, explainable

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           to everybody; however, it would take dozens of pages to express it using only the terms
           ‘set’ and ‘relation.’ In short, the precision common in physics results from its quest for

                                                              Es ist besser, daß die Leute nicht wissen, wie
                                                              Gesetze und Wurst zustande kommen. Sonst

                                                              könnten sie nachts nicht ruhig schlafen.*
                                                                                            Bismarck, Otto von

           Are physical concepts discovered or created?

                                                              Das logische Bild der Tatsachen ist der

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                            Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 3

           The title question is often rephrased as: are physical concepts free of beliefs, taste or
           personal choices? The question has been discussed so much that it even appears in Hol-
           lywood films. We give a short summary that can help you to distinguish honest from
           dishonest teachers.
              If concepts were created, instead of discovered, would imply that there is free choice
           between many alternative possibilities. The chosen alternative for the definition of a
           concept would then be due to the beliefs or tastes used. But in physics (in obvious con-
           trast to other, more ideological fields of enquiry), we know that different physical de-
           scriptions of observations are either equivalent or, in the opposite case, imprecise or even
           wrong. A physical description of observations is thus essentially unique: any choices of
           concepts are only apparent. There is no real freedom in the definition of physical concepts.
           In this property, physics is in strong contrast to artistic activity.
              If two different physical concepts can be used to describe the same aspect of obser-
           vations, they must be equivalent, even if the relation that leads to the equivalence is not
           immediately clear. In fact, the requirement that people with different standpoints and

           * ‘It is better that people do not know how laws and sausages are made. Otherwise they would not sleep
           well at night.’ Otto von Bismarck (b. 1815 Schönhausen, d. 1898 Friedrichsruh) was Prussian Chancellor.
           ** ‘A logical picture of facts is a thought.’
                    302                                       9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                    observing the same event deduce equivalent descriptions lies at the very basis of phys-
                    ics. It expresses the requirement that observations are observer-independent. In short,
                    the strong requirement of viewpoint independence makes the free choice of concepts a
                    logical impossibility.
                        The conclusion that concepts describing observations are discovered rather than cre-
                    ated is also reached independently in the field of linguistics by the above-mentioned
                    research on semantic primitives,* in the field of psychology by the observations on the
                    formation of the concepts in the development of young children, and in the field of eth-
                    ology by the observations of animal development, especially in the case of mammals. In
                    all three fields detailed observations have been made of how the interactions between
                    an individual and its environment lead to concepts, of which the most basic ones, such
                    as space, time, object or interaction, are common across the sexes, cultures, races and
                    across many animal species populating the world. Curiosity and the way that nature
                    works leads to the same concepts for all people and even for all animals. The world
                    offers only one possibility, without room for imagination. Imagining that physical con-

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    cepts can be created at your leisure is a mistaken belief – or a useful exercise – but never
                        Physical concepts are classifications of observations. The activity of classification itself
                    follows the patterns of nature; it is a mechanical process that machines can also perform.
                    This means that any distinction, i.e., any statement that A is different from B, is a theory-
                    free statement. No belief system is necessary to distinguish different entities in nature.
                    Cats and pigs can also do so. Physicists can be replaced by animals, even by machines.
                    Our mountain ascent will repeatedly confirm this point.
                        As already mentioned, the most popular physical concepts allow us to describe ob-

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    servations as succinctly and as accurately as possible. They are formed with the aim of
                    having the largest possible amount of understanding with the smallest possible amount
Vol. VI, page 129   of effort. Both Occam’s razor – the requirement not to introduce unnecessary concepts
                    – and the drive for unification automatically reduce the number and the type of concepts
                    used in physics. In other words, the progress of physical science was and is based on a
                    programme that reduces the possible choice of concepts as drastically as possible.
                        In summary, we found that physical concepts are the same for everybody and are
                    free of beliefs and personal choices: they are, first of, all boring: they are correct and
                    accurate. Moreover, as they could stem from machines instead of people, concepts are
                    born of laziness: they are as efficient as possible. These human analogies – not meant to be
                    taken too seriously – confirm that physical concepts are not created; they are discovered.
                    If a teacher tells you the opposite, he is lying. Unfortunately, there are many liars of this
                        Having handled the case of physical concepts, let us now turn to physical statements.
                    The situation is somewhat similar: physical statements must be correct, boring, lazy and
                    arrogant. Let us see why.

                    * Anna Wierzbicka concludes that her research clearly indicates that semantic primitives are discovered, in
        Ref. 247    particular that they are deduced from the fundamentals of human experience, and not invented.
observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                                 303

TA B L E 24 The ‘scientific method’.

Normal description                                                 Lobbyist description
Curiosity                                                          Scientific method
1. look around a lot                                               1. interact with the world
2. don’t believe anything told                                     2. forget unproven statements
3. choose something interesting and explore it                     3. observe and measure
4. make up your own mind and describe precisely                    4. use reason, build hypothesis
what you saw
5. check if you can also describe similar situations in            5. analyse hypothesis
the same way
6. increase the precision of observation until the                 6. perform experiments to check
checks either fail or are complete                                 hypothesis
7. depending on the case, continue with step 4 or 1                7. ask authority for more money

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                      Wo der Glaube anfängt, hört die Wissenschaft

                                                       Ernst Haeckel, Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte,

How d o we find physical concepts, pat terns and rules?

                                                      Grau, theurer Freund, ist alle Theorie,

                                                      Und grün des Lebens goldner Baum.**

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                 J.W. v. Goethe, Faust.

                                                      Physics is usually presented as an objective
                                                      science, but I notice that physics changes and
                                                      the world stays the same, so there must be

                                                      something subjective about physics.
                                                                                       Richard Bandler

Progressing through the exploration of motion reflects a young child’s attitude towards
life: a child is driven by curiosity. The progress follows the simple programme on the left
of Table 24. Adult scientists do the same, except that they use more fashionable terms,
given on the right of the table. Adults also have specialized professions to make money
from their curiosity. The experts of step 7, who request more money, are variously called
lobbyists or fund raisers; instead of calling this program curiosity, they call it the scientific
    Physics being the talk about motion,*** and motion being a vast topic, a lot can be
explored and told. The experts of step 6, those who check hypotheses, are called exper-
* ‘Where belief starts, science ends.’
** ‘Grey, dear friend, is all theory, and green the golden tree of life.’ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (b. 1749
Frankfurt am Main, d. 1832 Weimar), the influential German poet.
*** Several sciences have the term ‘talk’ as part of their name, namely all those whose name finishes in
‘-logy’, such as e.g. biology. The ending stems from ancient Greek and is deduced from λήγηιν meaning
‘to say, to talk’. Physics as the science of motion could thus be called ‘kinesiology’ from κίνησις, meaning
‘motion’; but for historical reasons this term has a different meaning, namely the study of human muscular
304                                        9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

imental physicists or simply experimentalists, a term derived from the Latin ‘experiri’,
meaning ‘to try out’. Most of them are part of the category ‘graduate students’. The
experts of steps 5 and 4, those who build and analyse hypotheses, are called theoretical
physicists or simply theoreticians.* This is a rather modern term; the first professors of
theoretical physics were appointed around the start of the twentieth century. The term
‘theory’ is derived from the Greek θεωρία meaning ‘observation, contemplation’. Fi-
nally, there are the people who focus on steps 1 to 4, and who induce others to work on
steps 5 and 6; they are called geniuses. The geniuses are those people who introduce the
concepts that best help to describe nature.
   Obviously an important point is hidden in step 6: how do all these people know
whether their checks fail? How do they know if a concept or statement applies to nature?
How do they recognize truth?

                                                 “                                                        ”
                                                      All professions are conspiracies against laymen.
                                                                                 George Bernard Shaw

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
What is a lie?

                                                      Get your facts straight, and then you can distort

                                                      them at your leisure.
                                                                                          Mark Twain

In most countries, every person must know what ‘truth’ is, since in a law court for ex-
ample, telling an untruth can lead to a prison sentence. And the courts are full of experts
in lie detection. **
   In court, a lie is a statement that knowingly contrasts with observations.*** The truth

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
of a statement is thus checked by observation. The check itself is sometimes called the
proof of the statement. For law courts, and for physics, we thus have

    ⊳ Truth is the correspondence with facts.
    ⊳ Facts are observations shared with other people or machines.

Therefore, also in science, we have

    ⊳ A lie is a statement in contrast with facts.

activity – and also, unfortunately, a lot of esoteric nonsense. The term ‘physics’ is either derived from the
Greek φύσικη (τέχνη is understood) meaning ‘(the art of) nature’, or from the title of Aristotle’ works τά
φυσικά meaning ‘natural things’. Both expressions are derived from φύσις, meaning ‘nature’.
* If you like theoretical physics, have a look at the refreshingly candid web page by Nobel Prize winner
Gerard ‘t Hooft with the title How to become a good theoretical physicist. It can be found at www.phys.uu.
** Some scholars have spent most of their research career on lies and lying. A well-known example is Paul
Ekman, whose fascinating website at tells how to spot lies from the behaviour of the
person telling it.
*** Statements not yet checked with observations are variously called speculations, conjectures, hypotheses,
or – wrongly – simply theses. Statements that are in correspondence with observations are called correct or
true; statements that contrast with observations are called wrong or false.
           observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                                    305

           Except in court, lies are fun statements, because we can draw any imaginable conclusion
           from them. A well-known discussion between two Cambridge professors early in the
           twentieth century makes the point. McTaggart asked: ‘If 2 + 2 = 5, how can you prove
           that I am the pope?’ Godfrey Hardy: ‘If 2 + 2 = 5, then 4 = 5; subtract 3; then 1 = 2; but
           McTaggart and the pope are two; therefore McTaggart and the pope are one.’ As noted
           long ago, ex falso quodlibet; from what is wrong, anything imaginable can be deduced.
           Therefore, in our mountain ascent we need to build on previously deduced results and
           our trip could not be completed if we had a false statement somewhere in our chain of
              Nevertheless, lying is such an important activity that one should learn to perform it
           well – in order to learn to discover it in others. The art of lying has three stages: the
           animal stage, the child stage and the adult stage. Many animals have been shown to
Ref. 212   deceive their kin. Children start lying just before their third birthday, by hiding exper-
           iences. Psychological research has even shown that children who lack the ability to lie
           cannot complete their personal development towards a healthy human being.

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
              Adults are habitual liars. Many adults cheat on taxes. Others lie to cover up their
           wrongdoings. The worst examples of liars are those violent contemporaries – often politi-
           cians or intellectuals – who claim that truth “does not exist”. If you ever lie in court, you
           better do it well; indeed, experience shows that you might get away with many criminal

           What is a go od lie?

                                                              “                                                         ”
                                                                   The pure truth is always a lie.
                                                                                                       Bert Hellinger

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Since a lie is a statement in contrast with facts – or shared observations – a good lie is a
           lie whose contrast with facts is hard to discover. In contrast, a successful lie is a statement
           that lets you earn money. We do not explore this type of lie here; we will just explore the
           art of good lies.
               The first way of lying is to put an emphasis on the sharedness only. Populists and
           polemics do this regularly. (‘Every foreigner is a danger for the values of our country.’)
           Since almost any imaginable opinion, however weird, is held by some group – and thus
           shared – one can always claim it as true.* Unfortunately, it is no secret that ideas also get
           shared because they are fashionable, imposed or opposed to somebody who is generally
           disliked. Often a sibling in a family has this role – remember Cassandra.** For a good
           lie we thus need more than sharedness, more than intersubjectivity alone.
               A good lie should be, like a true statement, really independent of the listener and the
           observer and, in particular, independent of their age, their sex, their education, their

           * The work of the sociologist Gabriel Tarde (b. 1843 Sarlat, d. 1903 Paris), especially his concepts of imitation
           and group mind, already connects to this fact.
           ** The implications of birth order on creativity in science and on acceptance of new ideas has been studied
           in the fascinating book by Frank J. Sulloway, Born to Rebel – Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Cre-
           ative Lives, Panthon Books, 1996. This exceptional book tells the result of a life-long study correlating the
           personal situations in the families of thousands of people and their receptivity to about twenty revolutions
           in the recent history. The book also includes a test in which the reader can deduce their own propensity to
           rebel, on a scale from 0 to 100 %. Darwin scores 96 % on this scale.
                    306                                         9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                    civilization or the group to which they belong. For example, it is especially hard – but
                    not impossible – to lie with mathematics. The reason is that the basic concepts of math-
                    ematics, be they ‘set’, ‘relation’ or ‘number’, are taken from observation and are inter-
                    subjective, so that statements about them are easily checked. Therefore, good lies avoid
                       Thirdly, a ‘good’ lie should avoid statements about observations and use interpreta-
                    tions instead. For example, some people like to talk about other universes, which implies
                    talking about fantasies, not about observations. However, a really good lie has to avoid
                    to make statements which are meaningless; the most destructive comment that can be
Vol. IV, page 105   made about a statement is the one used by the great physicist Wolfgang Pauli: ‘That is
                    not even wrong.’
                       Fourthly, a good lie avoids talking about observations, but focuses on imagination.
                    Only truth needs to be empirical; speculative statements differ from truth by not caring
                    about observations. If you want to lie ‘well’ even with empirical statements, you need to
                    pay attention. There are two types of empirical statements: specific statements and uni-

                                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    versal statements. For example, ‘On the 2nd of June 1960 I saw a green swan swimming
                    on the northern shore of the lake of Varese’ is specific, whereas ‘All ravens are black’ is
                    universal, since it contains the term ‘all’. There is a well-known difference between the
                    two, which is important for lying well:

                        ⊳ Specific statements cannot be falsified, they are only verifiable.
                        ⊳ Universal statements cannot be verified, they are only falsifiable.

        Ref. 267    Let us explore the reason.

                                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        Universal statements, such as ‘the speed of light is constant’, cannot be tested for all
                    possible cases. (Note that if they could, they would not be universal statements, but just
                    a list of specific ones.) However, they can be reversed by a counter-example. Another
                    example of the universal type is: ‘Apples fall upwards.’ Since it is falsified by an observa-
                    tion conducted by Newton several centuries ago, or by everyday experience, it qualifies
                    as an (easily detectable) lie. In general therefore, lying by stating the opposite of a theory
                    is usually unsuccessful. If somebody insists on doing so, the lie becomes a superstition,
                    a belief, a prejudice or a doctrine. These are the low points in the art of lying. A famous
                    case of insistence on a lie is that of the colleagues of Galileo, who are said to have refused
                    to look through his telescope to be convinced that Jupiter has moons, an observation
                    that would have shaken their belief that everything turns around the Earth. Obviously
                    these astronomers were amateurs in the art of lying. A good universal lie is one whose
                    counter-example is not so easily spotted.
                        There should be no insistence on lies in physics. Unfortunately, classical physics is full
                    of lies. We will dispel them during the rest of our walk.
                        Lying by giving specific instead of universal statements is much easier. (‘I can’t re-
                    member.’) Even a specific statement such as ‘yesterday the Moon was green, cubic and

                    * In mathematics, ‘true’ is usually specified as ‘deducible’ or ‘provable’; this is in fact a special case of the
                    usual definition of truth, namely ‘correspondence with facts’, if one remembers that mathematics studies
                    the properties of classifications.
           observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                                307

           smelled of cheese’ can never be completely falsified: there is no way to show with ab-
           solute certainty that this is wrong. The only thing that we can do is to check whether
           the statement is compatible with other observations, such as whether the different shape
           affected the tides as expected, whether the smell can be found in air collected that day,
           etc. A good specific lie is thus not in evident contrast with other observations.*
               Incidentally, universal and specific statements are connected: the opposite of a uni-
           versal statement is always a specific statement, and vice versa. For example, the opposite
           of the general statement ‘apples fall upwards’, namely ‘some apples fall downwards’, is
           specific. Similarly, the specific statement ‘the Moon is made of green cheese’ is in oppos-
           ition to the universal statement ‘the Moon is solid for millions of years and has almost
           no smell or atmosphere.’
               In other words, law courts and philosophers disagree. Law courts have no problem
           with calling theories true, and specific statements lies. Many philosophers avoid this.
           For example, the statement ‘ill-tempered gaseous vertebrates do not exist’ is a statement
           of the universal type. If a universal statement is in agreement with observations, and if

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           it is falsifiable, law courts call it true. The opposite, namely the statement: ‘ill-tempered
           gaseous vertebrates do exist’, is of the specific type, since it means ‘Person X has observed
           an ill-tempered gaseous vertebrate in some place Y at some time Z’. To verify this, we
           need a record of the event. If such a record, for example a photographs or testimony does
           not exist, and if the statement can be falsified by other observations, law courts call the
           specific statement a lie. Even though these are the rules for everyday life and for the law,
           there is no agreement among philosophers and scientists that this is acceptable. Why?
           Intellectuals are a careful lot, because many of them have lost their lives as a result of
           exposing lies too openly.

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               In short, specific lies, like all specific statements, can never be falsified with certainty.
           This is what makes them so popular. Children learn specific lies first. (‘I haven’t eaten
           the jam.’) General lies, like all general statements, can always be corroborated by ex-
           amples. This is the reason for the success of ideologies. But the criteria for recognizing
           lies, even general lies, have become so commonplace that beliefs and lies try to keep up
           with them. It became fashionable to use expressions such as ‘scientific fact’ – there are
           no non-scientific facts –, or ‘scientifically proven’ – observations cannot be proven oth-
           erwise – and similar empty phrases. These are not ‘good’ lies; whenever we encounter a
           sentence beginning with ‘science says ...’ or ‘science and religion do ...’ we just need to

           * It is often difficult or tedious to verify statements concerning the past, and the difficulty increases with
           the distance in time. That is why people can insist on the occurrence of events which are supposed to be
           exceptions to the patterns of nature (‘miracles’). Since the advent of rapid means of communication these
           checks are becoming increasingly easy, and no miracles are left over. This can be seen in Lourdes in France,
           where even though today the number of visitors is much higher than in the past, no miracles have been seen
           in decades. (In fact there is one exception that has with several witnesses. In 1998, a man in a wheelchair
           was pushed into the holy water. When he came out again, miraculously, his wheelchair had new tires.)
               In fact, all modern so-called ‘miracles’ are kept alive only by consciously eschewing checks, such as the
           supposed yearly liquefaction of blood in Napoli, the milk supposedly drunk by statues in temples, the sup-
Ref. 268   posed healers in television evangelism, etc. Most miracles only remain because many organizations make
           money out of the difficulty of falsifying specific statements. For example, when the British princess Diana
           died in a car crash in 1997, even though the events were investigated in extreme detail, the scandal press
           could go on almost without end about the ‘mysteries’ of the accident.
308                                         9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

replace ‘science’ by ‘knowledge’ or ‘experience’ to check whether such a sentence are to
be taken seriously or not.*
    Lies differ from true statements in their emotional aspect. Specific statements are usu-
ally boring and fragile, whereas specific lies are often sensational and violent. In contrast,
general statements are often daring and fragile whereas general lies are usually boring
and violent. The truth is fragile. True statements require the author to stick his neck
out to criticism. Researchers know that if one doesn’t stick the neck out, it can’t be an
observation or a theory. (A theory is another name for one or several connected, not yet
falsified universal statements about observations.)** Telling the truth does make vulner-
able. For this reason, theories are often daring, arrogant or provoking; at the same time
they have to be fragile and vulnerable. For many men, theories thus resemble what they
think about women. Darwin’s The origin of species illustrates the stark contrast between
the numerous boring and solid facts that Darwin collected and the daring theory that he
deduced. Boredom of facts is a sign of truth.
    In contrast, the witch-hunters propagating ‘creationism’ or so-called ‘intelligent

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
design’ are examples of liars. The specific lies they propagate, such as ‘the world was
created in October 4004 b ce’, are sensational, whereas the general lies they propagate,
such as ‘there have not been big changes in the past’, are boring. This is in full contrast
with common sense. Moreover, lies, in contrast to true statements, make people violent.
The worse the lie, the more violent the people. This connection can be observed regu-
larly in the news. In other words, ‘creationism’ and ‘intelligent design’ are not only lies,
they are bad lies. A ‘good’ general lie, like a good physical theory, seems crazy and seems
vulnerable, such as ‘people have free will’. A ‘good’ specific lie is boring, such as ‘this
looks like bread, but for the next ten minutes it is not’. Good lies do not induce violence.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Feelings can thus be a criterion to judge the quality of lies, if we pay careful attention to
the type of statement. A number of common lies are discussed later in this chapter.
    An important aspect of any ‘good’ lie is to make as few public statements as possible,
so that critics can check as little as possible. (For anybody sending corrections of mis-
takes in this text, I provide a small reward.) To detect lies, public scrutiny is important,
though not always reliable. Sometimes, even scientists make statements which are not
based on observations. However, a ‘good’ lie is always well prepared and told on pur-
pose; accidental lies are frowned upon by experts. Examples of good lies in science are
‘aether’, ‘UFOs’, ‘creation science’, or ‘cold fusion’. Sometimes it took many decades to

* To clarify the vocabulary usage of this text: religion is spirituality plus a varying degree of beliefs and
power abuse. The mixture depends on each person’s history, background and environment. Spirituality
is the open participation in the whole of nature. Most, maybe all, people with a passion for physics are
spiritual. Most are not religious.
** In other words, a set of not yet falsified patterns of observations on the same topic is called a (physical)
theory. The term ‘theory’ will always be used in this sense in this walk, i.e., with the meaning ‘set of correct
general statements’. This use results from its Greek origin: ‘theoria’ means ‘observation’; its original mean-
ing, ‘passionate and emphatic contemplation’, summarizes the whole of physics in a single word. (‘Theory’,
like ‘theatre’, is formed from the root θέ, meaning ‘the act of contemplating’.) Sometimes, however, the
term ‘theory’ is used – being confused with ‘hypothesis’ – with the meaning of ‘conjecture’, as in ‘your
theory is wrong’, sometimes with the meaning of ‘model’, as in ‘Chern–Simons’ theory and sometimes
with the meaning of ‘standard procedure’, as in ‘perturbation theory’. These incorrect uses are avoided
here. To bring the issue to a point: the theory of evolution is not a conjecture, but a set of correct statements
based on observation.
           observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                         309

           detect the lies in these domains.
               To sum up, the central points of the art of lying without being caught are two: do not
           divulge details, and allow some select group to earn money with your lies. Be vague. All
           the methods used to verify a statement ask for details, for precision. For any statement,
           its degree of precision allows one to gauge the degree to which the author is sticking his
           neck out. The more precision that is demanded, the weaker a statement becomes, and
           the more likely a fault will be found, if there is one. This is the main reason that we
           chose an increase in precision as a guide for our mountain ascent: we want to avoid lies
           completely. (And, besides, we do not look for money in this trip either.) By the way,
           the same method is used in criminal trials. To discover the truth, investigators typically
           ask all the witnesses a large number of questions, allowing as many details as possible to
           come to light. When sufficient details are collected, and the precision is high enough, the
           situation becomes clear. Telling ‘good’ lies is much more difficult than telling the truth;
           it requires an excellent imagination.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                    “                                                        ”
                                                        Truth is an abyss.

                                                        To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible

                                                                     Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 355–415)

                                                        [Absolute truth:] It is what scientists say it is

                                                        when they come to the end of their labors.
Ref. 269                                                                                    Charles Peirce

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Is this statement true? – A bit ab ou t nonsense

                                                        There are three types of people: those who
                                                        believe in Father Christmas, those who do not
                                                        believe in Father Christmas, and those who are

                                                        Father Christmas.

                                                    “                                                        ”
                                                        Truth is a rhetorical concept.
                                                                                         Paul Feyerabend

           Feyerabend’s statement is nonsense. Everybody should be able to spot nonsense. Here
           is how to do so.
               Not all statements can be categorized as true or false. There is a third option: state-
           ments can simply make no sense. There are even such statements in mathematics, where
           they are called undecidable. Indeed,

                                     ⊳ ‘𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒󸀠 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠‘𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒󸀠 .                                  (107)

           An example is the continuum hypothesis. This hypothesis is undecidable because it
           makes a statement that depends on the precise meaning of the term ‘set’. In standard
           mathematical usage the term ‘set’ is not defined with sufficient precision: therefore a
           truth value cannot be assigned to the continuum hypothesis. In short, statements can
           be undecidable, i.e., can be nonsensical, because the concepts contained in them are not
                  310                                        9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                  sharply defined.
                      Statements can also be undecidable for other reasons. Phrases such as ‘This statement
                  is not true’ illustrate the situation. The phrase is undecidable because it references to
                  itself. Kurt Gödel* has even devised a general way of constructing such undecidable
                  statements in the domain of logic and mathematics. The different variations of these self-
                  referential statements, especially popular both in the field of logic and computer science,
                  have captured a large public.** Similarly undecidable statements can be constructed with
       Ref. 270   terms such as ‘calculable’, ‘provable’ and ‘deducible’.
                      In fact, self-referential statements are undecidable because they are meaningless. If the
                  usual definition of ‘true’, namely corresponding to facts, is substituted into the sentence
                  ‘This statement is not true’, we quickly see that it has no meaningful content. A famous
                  meaningless sentence was constructed by the linguist Noam Chomsky:

                                                  Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.                                 (108)

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       Ref. 220   It is often used as an example for the language processing properties of the brain, but
                  nobody sensible elevates it to the status of a paradox and writes philosophical discussions
                  about it. To do that with the title of this section is a similar waste of energy.
                      The main reason for the popular success of self-reference is the difficulty in perceiving
                  the lack of meaning.*** A good example is the statement:

                                               This statement is false or you are an angel.                              (109)

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 297 s   We can actually deduce from it that ‘you are an angel.’ Can you see how? If you want,
                  you can change the second half and get even more interesting statements. Such examples
                  show that statements referring to themselves have to be ignored. In short, whenever you
                  meet somebody who tries to use the self-referential construction by Kurt Gödel to de-
                  duce another statement, take a step back, or better, a few more. Self-reference, especially
                  the type defined by Gödel, is a hard but common path – especially amongst wannabe-
                  intellectuals – to think, tell and write nonsense.

                      ⊳ Self-reference is a form of nonsense.
                  * Kurt Gödel (b. 1906 Brünn, d. 1978 Princeton), famous logician.
                  ** A general introduction is given in the beautiful books by R aymond Smullyan: Satan, Cantor and
                  Infinity and Other Mind-boggling Puzzles, Knopf, 1992; What is the Name of This Book? The Riddle of Dracula
                  and Other Logical Puzzles, Touchstone, 1986, and The Lady or the Tiger? And Other Puzzles, Times Books,
                  1982. Also definitions can have no content, such as David Hilbert’s ‘smallest number that has not been
                  mentioned this century’ or ‘the smallest sequence of numbers that is described by more signs than this
                  *** A well-known victim of this difficulty is Paulus of Tarsus. The paradox of the Cretan poet Epimenedes
                  (6th century bce) who said ‘All Cretans lie’ is too difficult for the notoriously humour-impaired Paulus,
                  who in his letter to Titus (chapter 1, verses 12 and 13, in the christian bible) calls Epimenedes a ‘prophet’,
                  adds some racist comments, and states that this ‘testimony’ is true. But wait! There is a final twist to this
       Ref. 271   story. The statement ‘All Cretans lie’ is not a paradox at all; a truth value can actually be ascribed to it,
Challenge 296 s   because the statement is not really self-referential. Can you confirm this? The only genuine paradox is ‘I am
                  lying’, to which it is indeed impossible to ascribe a truth value.
                  observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                               311

                  Nothing useful can be deduced from nonsense. Well, not entirely; it does help to meet a
                  psychiatrist on a regular basis.*
                     In physics, in the other natural sciences and in legal trials self-referential statements
                  are not used. Therefore there are no problems.** In fact, the work of logicians confirms,
                  often rather spectacularly, that there is no way to extend the term ‘truth’ beyond the
                  definition of ‘correspondence with facts.’

                                                                     Ein Satz kann unmöglich von sich selbst

                                                                     aussagen, daß er wahr ist.***
                                                                               Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 4.442

                  Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t lies and nonsense

                                                                     A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he
                                                                     wishes to be true he generally believes to be

                                                                                             Demosthenes, 349 bce.

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       Ref. 272

                                                                     Quator vero sunt maxima comprehendendae
                                                                     veritatis offendicula, quae omnem
                                                                     quemcumque sapientem impediunt, et vix
                                                                     aliquem permittunt ad verum titulum
                                                                     sapientiae pervenire: videlicet fragilis et
                                                                     indignae auctoritatis exemplum, consuetudinis
                                                                     diurnitatis, vulgi sensus imperiti, et propriae
                                                                     ignorantiae occultatio cum ostentatione

                                                                     sapientiae apparentis.****
                                                                                       Roger Bacon, Opus majus, 1267.

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                     Es ist ja nicht alles, was ich den Bürgern sage,

                                                                                Konrad Adenauer, 1962, West German

                  Some lies are entertaining and funny – and are better called jokes –, some are signs of
                  psychic disturbance, and some are made with criminal intent. Some statements are not
                  lies, but simply nonsense. Have fun distinguishing them.
                  During a church sermon, a man fell asleep. He dreamt about the French revolution:
                  he was being brought to the guillotine. At that moment, his wife noticed that he was
                  sleeping. In the same moment in which the man dreamt that the knife was hitting him,
                  his wife gave him a tap on his neck with her fan. The shock instantly killed the man. –
Challenge 299 e   Is this story true or false?

                  * Also Gödel had therapy.
Challenge 298 s   ** Why are circular definitions, like those at the basis of Galilean physics, not self-referential?
                  *** ‘It is quite impossible for a proposition to state that it itself is true.’
                  **** ‘There are four stumbling blocks to truth and knowledge: weak and unworthy authority, custom, pop-
                  ular prejudice, and the concealment of ignorance with apparent knowledge.’
                  ***** ‘Indeed, not everything that I tell the people is a lie.’
                  312                                 9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                  A well-known bad lie: ‘Yesterday I drowned.’
                  Starting in the 1990s, so-called crop circles are regularly produced by people walking with
                  stilts, a piece of wood and some rope into fields of crops. Nevertheless, many pretended
                  and even more believed that these circles were made by extraterrestrial beings. Can you
Challenge 300 s   provide some reasons why this is impossible?
                  Often one hears or reads statements like: ‘mind (or spirit or soul) is stronger than matter.’
                  Beware of anybody who says this; he wants something from you. Can you show that such
Challenge 301 e   statements are all and always wrong?

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  In certain countries, two lies were particularly frequent in the early twenty-first century.
                  The first: global warming does not exist. The second: global warming is not due to hu-
Challenge 302 s   man causes. Are these good or bad lies?
                  Sometimes it is heard that a person whose skin is completely covered with finest metal
                  powder will die, due to the impossibility of the skin to breathe. Can you show from you
Challenge 303 s   own observation that this is wrong?

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  A famous mixture of hoax and belief premises that the Earth was created about six thou-
                  sand years ago. (Some believers even use this lie as justification for violence against non-
Challenge 304 s   believers.) Can you explain why the number is wrong?
                  A famous provocation: the world has been created last Saturday. Can you decide whether
Challenge 305 s   this is wrong?
                  Hundreds of hoaxes are found on the website. It gives an
                  excellent introduction into the art of lying; of course it exposes only those who have
                  been caught. Enjoy the science stories, especially those about archaeology. Several other
                  sites with similar content can be found on the internet.
                  In the 1990s, many so-called ‘healers’ in the Philippines earned large amounts of money
                  by suggesting patients that they were able to extract objects from their bodies without
Challenge 306 e   operating. Why is this not possible? (For more information on health lies, see the www.
                  observations, lies and patterns of nature                                                   313

Challenge 307 s   Is homoeopathy a lie?
                  ‘Amber helps against tooth ache.’ ‘A marriage partner should have the correct blood
                  group/zodiacal sign.’ ‘Opening an umbrella inside a house brings bad luck.’ ‘The num-
                  ber 8 brings good luck.’ These are common statements of nonsense around the world.
                  Since the 1980s, certain persons have claimed that it is possible to acquire knowledge
                  simply from somebody 1000 km away, without any communication between the two
                  people. However, the assumed ‘morphogenetic fields’ realizing this feat cannot exist.
Challenge 308 e   Why not?
                  It is claimed that a Fire Brigade building in a city in the US hosts a light bulb that has

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  been burning without interruption since 1901 (at least this was the case in 2005). Can
Challenge 309 s   this be true? Hundreds of such stories, often called ‘urban legends,’ can be found on the
         website. However, some of the stories are not urban legends, but true,
                  as the site shows.
                  A common lie in science and business is the promise of free energy. False proofs of
                  this lie often use electromagnetism. On the other hand, electromagnetism is based on
                  relativity, and relativity is often sufficient to show that the claims are false. Train yourself

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  to do it whenever the occasion arises.
                      For people who want funding for free energy devices the answer should always be the
                  same as that given in the Middle Age to the alchemists seeking funding for making gold:
                  if you were right, you would earn the money yourself.
                  ‘This statement has been translated from French into English.’ Is the statement true, false
                  or neither?
                  Aeroplanes have no seat row 13. Many tall hotels have no floor 13. What is the lie behind
Challenge 310 s   this habit? What is the truth behind it? Once the author asked a singer in Napoli to sing
                  ‘Fenesta ca lucive’, a beautiful song performed by Enrico Caruso and many others since.
                  The singer refused, explaining that the local public would run out in rage, and that the
                  owners of the place would be forced to clean the whole place with salt, to get rid of bad
                  luck. Many superstitions are found across the world.
                  For about a thousand years, certain people pretend that they have been stigmatized, i.e.,
                  that they have ‘miraculously’ suffered wounds that are similar to those of Jesus’s cruci-
                  fixion. How can one prove by a one-second observation that all of these people, without
Challenge 311 s   exception, produced the wounds by themselves?
                  314                                 9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                  ‘In the middle age and in antiquity, people believed in the flat Earth.’ This is a famous lie
                  that is rarely questioned. The historian Reinhard Krüger has shown that the lie is most
                  of all due to the writers Thomas Paine (1794) and Washington Irving (1928). Fact is that
                  since Aristotle, everybody believed in a spherical Earth.
Challenge 312 s   Is the term ‘multiverse’, a claimed opposite to ‘universe’, a lie or a belief?
                  The following is not a lie. A good way to suppress curiosity in children is used in many
                  environments: let the child watch television whenever it wants. Do it for a few weeks and
                  you will not recognize the child any more. Do it for a few years, and its curiosity will not
                  come back at all. The internet and smartphones have the same effect.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 313 e   How would you show that ‘Earth rays’ are a lie?
                  How would you show that the statement ‘the laws of nature could change any time’ is a
Challenge 314 s   lie?
Challenge 315 e   ‘I can generate energy from the vacuum.’ Show that this is a lie.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  ‘Not everything that exists can be measured.’ ‘There are things that cannot be measured.’
Challenge 316 e   Show that these frequent statements are lies – without exception.
                  ‘Not everything is known.’ This statement is quite interesting: modern physics indeed
                  claims the opposite in several domains. For example, all forms of energy are known; so
                  are all forms of moving entities. In short, even though this statement is correct – indeed,
                  not everything is known, especially in medicine – it is often used by liars. Be careful
                  when you hear it; if the statement is made without evidence, it is made by a crook.
                  Here is a lie that uses mathematics, from a journalist: ‘Your university exams treat wo-
                  men applicants worse than men; your statistics show that only 41 % of all female, but
                  57 % of all male applicants are admitted.’ The university is small and has only two fac-
                  ulties; so it checks its numbers.
                     Faculty 1 admitted 60 % of all males (60 of 100 applicants) and 65 % of all applicant
                  females (13 of 20 applicants). Faculty 2 admitted 30 % of all males (3 of 10 applicants)
                  and 32 % of all females (16 of 50 applicants).
                     In total, the university thus admitted 63 of 110 male applicants (or 57 %) and 29 of 70
                  female applicants (or 41 %). In other words, even though in each faculty the percentage
                  observations, lies and patterns of nature                                               315

                  of admitted females was higher, the total admission percentage for females was lower.
Challenge 317 e   Why? In fact, this is a true story; in this version, the numbers are simplified, to make the
                  situation as clear as possible. But a large university once got in trouble with journalists
                  in this way, despite preferring women in each of its departments. Some journalists are
                  excellent liars.
                  Many lies consist of just one concept, sometimes just a single word. Examples are ‘laser
                  sword’, ‘aether’, ‘transubstantiation’ or ‘spaceship’. Long time ago, every word was a
      Page 282    poem – nowadays, many words are lies. In fact, science fiction is a common source of
                  Another domain in which lies are common is the food industry. It is now possible to
                  buy artificial eggs, artificial tomato, or artificial shrimps. But also usual products are

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  not immune. Many products contain cysteine; for decades, cysteine was extracted from
                  human hair. In Europe, most food products also do not tell the country of origin or the
                  content of genetic engineering. Most Bavarian pretzels are made in China, for example.
                  A famous lie: genetically engineered crops are good for the food supply. In fact, they
                  increase the use of pesticides, have reduced fertility, cost more and increased food prob-
                  lems. Biofuel for cars has produced the same disastrous effects.

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  ‘X is the oldest science.’ Such statements, with X variously taken to be metallurgy, as-
                  tronomy, geography, mathematics or some other field, are regularly heard. Obviously, all
                  are both lies and nonsense.
                  Physicists have helped to reveal that many common statements are lies. Examples are:
                  “astrology holds” – “creation did occur” – “perpetua mobilia are possible” – “vacuum
                  is an energy source” – “lightning is thrown by Zeus” – “certain actions bring bad luck”
                  – “energy speeds faster than light exist” – “telepathy is possible” – “more than three
                  spatial dimensions exist” – “there are things that cannot be measured” – “miracles con-
                  tradict the laws or rules of nature” – “exceptions to the rules of nature exist” – “quantum
                  theory implies many worlds” – “there are no measurement limits” – “infinite quantities
                  exist in nature” – “supersymmetry is valid” – “particles are membranes” – “a multi-
                  verse exists” – “mind is stronger than matter”. Other lies and many funny prejudices
                  and superstitions are mentioned throughout our adventure.
                  The British Broadcasting Corporation is famous for its April 1st pranks. One of the best
                  ever is its documentary on flying penguins. Simply search on the internet for the beau-
Challenge 318 e   tiful film showing how a species of penguins takes off and flies.
                     316                                       9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                     observations and their collection

                                                                          Knowledge is a sophisticated statement of

                                                                                               Attributed to Karl Popper

                     The collection of a large number of true statements about a type of observations, i.e.,
                     of a large number of facts, is called knowledge. Where the domain of observations is
         Ref. 273    sufficiently extended, one speaks of a science. A scientist is thus somebody who collects
                     knowledge.* We found above that an observation is classified input in the memory of
                     several people. Since there is motion everywhere around us, describing all these obser-
                     vations is a mammoth task. As for every large task, to a large extent the use of appropriate
                     tools determines the degree of success that can be achieved. These tools, in physics and
                     in all other sciences, fall in three groups: tools for the collection of observations, tools
                     to communicate observations and tools to communicate relations between observations.
                     The latter group has been already discussed in the section on language and on mathem-

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     atics. We just touch on the other two.

                     Did instruments collect enough observations?

                                                                          Measure what is measurable; make measurable

                                                                          what is not.
         Ref. 278                                                         Often attributed, though incorrectly, to Galileo.

                     Physics is an experimental science; it rests on the collection of observations. To realize
                     this task effectively, all sorts of instruments, i.e., tools that facilitate observations, have

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     been developed and built. Microscopes, telescopes, oscilloscopes, as well as thermomet-
                     ers, hygrometers, manometers, pyrometers, spectrometers amongst others are familiar
                     examples. The precision of many of these tools is being continuously improved even
                     today; their production is a sizeable part of modern industrial activity, examples being
                     electrical measuring apparatus and diagnostic tools for medicine, chemistry and biology.
                     Instruments can be as small as a tip of a few tungsten atoms to produce an electron beam
                     of a few volts, and as large as 27 km in circumference, producing an proton beam with
                     more than 13 TV effective accelerating voltage at CERN in Geneva. Instruments have
                     been built that contain and measure the coldest known matter in the universe. Other
                     instruments can measure length variations of far less than a proton diameter over kilo-
                     metre long distances. Instruments have been put deep inside the Earth, on the Moon,
                     on several planets, and have been sent outside the solar system.
                        Every day, better, cheaper and more precise measurement instruments are being de-
                     veloped and invented. Despite the interest of these activities, in this walk, instruments
Ref. 275, Ref. 276   are only described in passing; many good textbooks on the topic are available. Also most
                     observations collected by instruments are not mentioned in our adventure; they are only
                     * The term ‘scientist’ is a misnomer peculiar to the English language. Properly speaking, a ‘scientist’ is a
                     follower of scientism, an extremist philosophical school that tried to resolve all problems through science.
                     For this reason, some religious sects have the term in their name. Since the English language did not have
                     a shorter term to designate ‘scientific persons’, as they used to be called, the term ‘scientist’ started to
                     appear in the United States, from the eighteenth century onwards. Nowadays the term is used in all English-
                     speaking countries – but not outside them, fortunately.
                   observations and their collection                                                                        317

                   summarized or cited. The most important measurement results in physics are recorded
       Ref. 277    in standard publications, such as the Landolt–Börnstein series and the physics journals.
Vol. I, page 469   Appendix C gives a general overview of reliable information sources.
                      Will there be significant new future observations in the domain of the foundations
                   of motion? At present, in this specific domain, even though the number of physicists
                   and publications is at an all-time high, the number of new experimental discoveries has
                   been steadily diminishing for many years and is now fairly small. The sophistication and
                   investment necessary to obtain new results has become extremely high. In many cases,
                   measuring instruments have reached the limits of technology, of budgets or even those of
                   nature, as CERN shows. The number of new experiments that produce results showing
                   no deviation from theoretical predictions is increasing steadily. The number of historical
                   papers that try to enliven stalled or even dull fields of enquiry are increasing. Claims
                   of new effects and discoveries which turn out to be due to measurement errors, self-
                   deceit or even fraud have become so frequent that scepticism to new results has become
                   a common response.

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      Most importantly, no difference between observations and the present fundamental
                   theories of motion – general relativity and quantum field theory – are known, as we
                   will discover in the next two volumes. Although in many domains of science, including
                   physics, discoveries are still expected, new observations on the foundations of motion
                   are only a remote possibility.
                      In short, the task of collecting observations on the foundations of motion – though
                   not on other topics of physics – seems to be fairly complete. Indeed, the vast majority of
                   observations described in this adventure were obtained before the end of the twentieth
                   century. We are not too early with our walk.

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                         Every generation is inclined to define ‘the end
                                                                         of physics’ as coincident with the end of their

                                                                         scientific contributions.
                                                                                                        Julian Schwinger*

                   Are all physical observables known?

                                                                         Scientists have odious manners, except when
                                                                         you prop up their theory; then you can borrow

                                                                         money from them.
                                                                                                            Mark Twain

                   The most practical way to communicate observations was developed a long time ago:
                   by measurements. A measurement allows effective communication of an observation
                   to other times and places. This is not always as trivial as it sounds; for example, in the
                   Middle Ages people were unable to compare with precision the ‘coldness’ of the winters
                   of two different years! The invention of the thermometer provided a reliable solution

                   * Julian Seymour Schwinger (b. 1918 New York City, d. 1994 Los Angeles), child prodigy and physicist, was
                   famous for his clear thinking and his excellent lectures. He worked on waveguides and synchroton radi-
                   ation, made contributions to nuclear physics and developed quantum electrodynamics. For the latter he
                   received the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics together with Tomonaga and Feynman. He was a thesis advisor
       Ref. 274    to many famous physicists and wrote several excellent and influential textbooks. Nevertheless, at the end of
                   his life, he became strangely interested in a hoax turned sour: cold fusion.
318                                      9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

to this requirement. A measurement is thus the classification of an observation into a
standard set of observations. To put it simply:

   ⊳ A measurement is a comparison with a standard.

This definition of a measurement is precise and practical, and has therefore been univer-
sally adopted. For example, when the length of a house is measured, this aspect of the
house is classified into a certain set of standard lengths, namely the set of lengths defined
by multiples of a unit. A unit is the abstract name of the standard for a certain observ-
able. Numbers and units allow the most precise and most effective communication of
measurement results.
   For all measurable quantities, practical standard units and measurement methods
have been defined; the main ones are listed and defined in Appendix A. All units are
derived from a few fundamental ones; this is ultimately due to our limited number of
senses: length, time and mass are related to sight, hearing and touch. Our limited num-

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
ber of senses is, in turn, due to the small number of observables of nature. Animals and
machines share the same fundamental senses.
   We call observables the different measurable aspects of a system. Most observables,
such as size, speed, position, etc. can be described by numbers, and in this case they are
quantities, i.e., multiples of some standard unit. Observables are usually abbreviated by
(mathematical) symbols, usually letters from some alphabet. For example, the symbol 𝑐
commonly specifies the velocity of light. For most observables, standard symbols have
been defined by international bodies.* The symbols for the observables that describe the
state of an object are also called variables. Variables on which other observables depend

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
are often called parameters. (Remember: a parameter is a variable constant.) For ex-
ample, the speed of light is a constant, the position a variable, and the temperature is
often a parameter, on which the length of an object, for example, can depend. Note that
not all observables are quantities; in particular, parities are not multiples of any unit.
   Physical observables are tools to communicate observations. Is it possible to talk
about observations at all? Yes, as we do it every day. But it is many a philosopher’s
hobby to pretend otherwise. Thy discuss whether there actually is an example for an
‘Elementarsatz’ – an atomic fact – mentioned by Wittgenstein in his Tractatus. Physi-
cists have at least one that fits: Differences exist. It is a simple statement; in the final part
of our walk, it will play a central role.
   Today, all physical observables are known. The task of defining tools for the commu-
nication of observations can thus be considered complete. This is a simple and strong
statement. It shows that the understanding of the fundamentals of motion is near com-
   Indeed, the BIPM, the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, has stopped adding
new units. The last unit, the katal, was introduced in 1999 as an abrreviation of or mol/s.

* All mathematical symbols used in this walk, together with the alphabets from which they are taken, are
listed in Appendix A on notation. They follow international standards whenever they are defined. The
standard symbols of the physical quantities, as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO),
the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), can be found for example in the bible, i.e., the CRC Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics, CRC Press, 1992.
observations and their collection                                                       319

The full list of physical units is presented in Appendix A.
    No new observables are expected to be found. In the past, the importance of a phys-
icist could be ranked by the number of observables he or she had discovered. Discover-
ing obervables had always been less common than discovering new patterns, or ‘laws’
of nature. Even a great scientist such as Einstein, who discovered several pattern of
nature, only introduced one new observable, namely the metric tensor for the descrip-
tion of gravity. Following this criterion – as well as several others – Maxwell might be
the most important physicist, having introduced several material dependent observables.
For Schrödinger, the wave function describing electron motion could be counted as an
observable (even though it is a quantity necessary to calculate measurement results, and
not itself an observable). Incidentally, the introduction of any term that is taken up by
others is a rare event; ‘gas’, ‘entropy’ or ‘kinetic energy’ are such examples. Usually,
observables were developed by many people cooperating together. Indeed, almost no
observables bear people’s names, whereas many ‘laws’ do.
    Given that the list of observables necessary to describe nature is complete, does this

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
mean that all the patterns or rules of nature are known? Not necessarily; in the history of
physics, observables were usually defined and measured long before the precise rules con-
necting them were found. For example, all observables used in the description of motion
itself – such as time, position and its derivatives, momentum, energy and all the ther-
modynamic quantities – were defined before or during the nineteenth century, whereas
the most precise versions of the patterns or ‘laws’ of nature connecting them, special
relativity and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, have been found only in the twentieth
century. The same is true for all observables connected to electromagnetic interaction.
The correct patterns of nature, quantum electrodynamics, was discovered long after the

                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
corresponding observables. The observables that were discovered last were the fields of
the strong and the weak nuclear interactions. Also, in this case, the patterns of nature
were formulated much later.
    In summary, all observables about the fundamentals of motion have been discovered.
We are, at this moment of history, in a fortunate situation: we can talk with precision
about all motion observed in nature. The last part of our adventure will explore the tiny
possibility for errors or loopholes in this statement.

Do observations take time?
An observation is an interaction with some part of nature leading to the production of
a record, such as a memory in the brain, data on a tape, ink on paper, or any other fixed
pattern applied to a support. The necessary irreversible interaction process is often called
writing the record. Obviously, writing takes a certain amount of time; zero interaction
time would give no record at all. Therefore any recording device, including our brain,
always records some time average of the observation, however short it may be.
   In summary, what we call a fixed image, be it a mental image or a photograph, is
always the time average of a moving situation. Without time averaging, we would have
no fixed memories. On the other hand, any time averaging introduces a blur that hides
certain details; and in our quest for precision, at a certain moment, these details are
bound to become important. The discovery of these details will begin in the upcoming
part of the walk, the volume that explores quantum theory.
                   320                                        9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                      In the final part of our mountain ascent we will discover that there is a shortest pos-
                   sible averaging time. Observations of that short duration show so many details that even
                   the distinction between particles and empty space is lost. In contrast, our concepts of
                   everyday life appear only after relatively long time averages. The search for an average-
                   free description of nature is one of the big challenges of our adventure.

                   Is induction a problem in physics?

                                                                          Nur gesetzmäßige Zusammenhänge sind

                                                                                    Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 6.361

                                                                          There is a tradition of opposition between
                                                                          adherents of induction and of deduction. In my
                                                                          view it would be just as sensible for the two

                                                                          ends of a worm to quarrel.
                                                                                                   Alfred North Whitehead

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   Induction is the usual term used for the act of making, from a small and finite number
                   of experiments, general conclusions about the outcome of all possible experiments per-
                   formed in other places, or at other times. In a sense, it is the technical term for sticking
                   out one’s neck, which is necessary in every scientific statement. Universal statements,
                   including the so-called ‘laws’ and patterns of nature, rely on induction. Induction has
                   been a major topic of discussion for science commentators. Frequently one finds the
                   remark that knowledge in general, and physics in particular, relies on induction for its
                   statements. According to some, induction is a type of hidden belief that underlies all
                   sciences but at the same time contrasts with them.

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       To avoid wasting energy, we make only a few remarks. The first can be deduced from
                   a simple experiment. Try to convince a critic of induction to put their hand into a fire.
                   Nobody who honestly calls induction a belief should conclude from a few unfortunate
                   experiences in the past that such an act would also be dangerous in the future... In short,
                   somehow induction works.
                       A second point is that physical universal statements are always openly stated; they are
                   never hidden. The refusal to put one’s hand into a fire is a consequence of the invariance
                   of observations under time and space translations. Indeed, general statements of this
                   type form the very basis of physics. However, no physical statement is a belief only be-
                   cause it is universal; it always remains open to experimental checks. Physical induction is
                   not a hidden method of argumentation, it is an explicit part of experimental statements.
Vol. I, page 281   In fact, the complete list of ‘inductive’ statements used in physics is well known: we gave
                   it in the first part of our adventure. These statements are so important that they have
                   been given a special name: they are called symmetries. The list of all known symmetries
                   of nature is the list of all inductive statements used in physics.
                       Perhaps the best argument for the use of induction is that there is no way to avoid it
                   when one is thinking. There is no way to think, to talk or to remember without using
                   concepts, i.e., without assuming that most objects or entities or processes have the same
                   properties over time. There is also no way to communicate with others without assuming
                   that the observations made from the other’s viewpoint are similar to one’s own. There
                   * ‘Only connexions that are subject to law are thinkable.’
                  the quest for precision and its implications                                                              321

                  is no way to think without symmetry and induction. Indeed, the concepts related to
                  symmetry and induction, such as space and time, belong to the fundamental concepts
      Page 280    of language. In fact, the only sentences which do not use induction, the sentences of
       Ref. 273   logic, do not have any content (Tractatus, 6.11). Without induction, we cannot classify
Challenge 319 s   observations at all! Evolution has given us memory and a brain because induction works.
                  To criticize induction is not to criticize natural sciences, it is to criticize the use of thought
                  in general. We should never take too seriously people who themselves do what they
                  criticize in others; sporadically pointing out the ridicule of this endeavour is just the
                  right amount of attention they deserve.
                     The topic could be concluded here, were it not for some interesting developments in
                  modern physics that put two additional nails in the coffin of arguments against induc-
                  tion. First, in physics whenever we make statements about all experiments, all times
                  or all velocities, such statements are actually about a finite number of cases. We know –
                  today more than ever – that infinities, both in size and in number, do not occur in nature.
                  The infinite number of cases appearing in statements in classical physics and in quantum

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  mechanics are apparent, not real, and due to human simplifications and approximations.
                  Statements that a certain experiment gives the same result ‘everywhere’ or that a given
                  equation is correct for ‘all times’, always encompass only a finite number of examples. A
                  great deal of otherwise often instinctive repulsion to such statements is avoided in this
                  way. In the sciences, as well as in this book, ‘all’ never means an infinite number of cases.
                     Secondly, it is well known that extrapolating from a few cases to many is false when
                  the few cases are independent of each other. However, this conclusion is correct if the
                  cases are interdependent. From the observation that somebody found a penny on the
                  street on two subsequent months, cannot follow that he will find one the coming month.

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Induction is only correct if we know that all cases have similar behaviour, e.g. because
                  they follow from the same origin. For example, if a neighbour with a hole in his pocket
                  carries his salary across that street once a month, and the hole always opens at that point
                  because of the beginning of stairs, then the conclusion would be correct.
                     The results of modern physics encountered in the final part of our walk show that all
                  situations in nature are indeed interdependent, and thus we will prove that what is called
                  ‘induction’ is in fact a logically correct conclusion.

                                                                          In the progress of physics, the exception often

                                                                          turned out to be the general case.

                  the quest for precision and its implications

                                                                          Der Zweck der Philosophie ist die logische

                                                                          Klärung der Gedanken.*
                                                                                    Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 4.112

                  To talk well about motion means to talk precisely. Precision requires avoiding three com-
                  mon mistakes in the description of nature.

                  * ‘The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts.’
           322                                 9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

              First, concepts must be consistent. Concepts should never have a contradiction built
           into their definition. For example, any phenomenon occurring in nature evidently is
           a ‘natural’ phenomenon; therefore, to talk about either ‘supernatural’ phenomena or
           ‘unnatural’ phenomena is a mistake that nobody interested in motion should let go un-
           challenged; such terms contain a logical contradiction. Naturally, all observations are
Ref. 279   natural. Incidentally, there is a reward of more than a million dollars for anybody prov-
           ing the opposite. In over twenty years, despite many attempts, nobody has yet been able
           to collect it.
              Second, concepts must be fixed. Concepts should not have unclear or constantly chan-
           ging definitions. Their content and their limits must be kept constant and explicit. The
Ref. 280   opposite of this is often encountered in crackpots or populist politicians; it distinguishes
           them from more reliable thinkers. Physicists also fall into the trap; for example, there is,
           of course, only one single (physical) universe, as even the name says. To talk about more
           than one universe is an increasingly frequent error.
              Third, concepts must be used as defined. Concepts should not be used outside their

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           domain of application. It is easy to succumb to the temptation to transfer results from
           physics to philosophy without checking the content. An example is the question: ‘Why
           do particles follow the laws of nature?’ The flaw in the question is due to a misunder-
           standing of the term ‘laws of nature’ and to a confusion with the laws of the state.

                    If nature were governed by ‘laws’, they could be changed by parliament.

           We must remember that ‘laws of nature’ simply means ‘pattern’, ‘property’ or
           ‘description of behaviour’. Then we can rephrase the question correctly as ‘Why do

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           particles behave in the way we describe their behaviour?’ and we can recognize its
              In the course of our walk, we will often be tempted by these three mistakes. A few
           such situations follow, with the ways of avoiding them.

                                                        Consistency is the last refuge of the

                                                                                                Oscar Wilde

           What are interactions? – No emergence

                                                        The whole is always more than the sum of its

                                                                      Aristotle, Metaphysica, 10f–1045a.

           In the physical description of nature, the whole is always more than the sum of its parts.
           Actually, the difference has a special name:

              ⊳ The difference between a whole and the sum of its parts is called the inter-
                action between the parts.

           For example, the energy of the whole minus the sum of the energies of its parts is called
           the energy of interaction. The study of interactions is the main topic of physics. In
           other words, physics is concerned primarily with the difference between the parts and
                    the quest for precision and its implications                                             323

                    the whole. This is contrary to what is often suggested by bad journalists or other sloppy
                       Note that the term ‘interaction’ is based on the general observation that anything that
                    affects anything else is, in turn, affected by it:

                       ⊳ Interactions are reciprocal.

                    For example, if one body changes the momentum of another, then the second changes the
                    momentum of the first by the same (negative) amount. The reciprocity of interactions is a
                    result of conservation ‘laws’. The reciprocity is also the reason that somebody who uses
                    the term ‘interaction’ is considered a heretic by monotheistic religions, as theologians
        Ref. 281    regularly point out. These belief experts regularly stress that such a reciprocity implicitly
Challenge 320 s     denies the immutability of the deity. (Are they correct?)
                       The simple definition of interaction given above sounds elementary, but it leads to

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    surprising conclusions. Take the atomic idea of Democritus in its modern form: nature
                    is made of vacuum and of particles. The first consequence is the paradox of incomplete
                    description: experiments show that there are interactions between vacuum and particles.
                    However, interactions are differences between parts and the whole, in this case between
                    vacuum and particles on the one hand, and the whole on the other. We thus have deduced
                    that nature is not made of vacuum and particles alone.
                       The second consequence is the paradox of overcomplete description. It starts from the
Vol. IV, page 198   result that is deduced later on:

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       ⊳ Experiments show that interactions happen through exchange of particles.

                    However, we have counted particles already as basic building blocks of nature. Does
Challenge 321 s     this mean that the description of nature by vacuum and particles is an overdescription,
 Vol. VI, page 85   counting things twice? We will resolve both paradoxes in the last part of our mountain
                        The application of the definition of interaction also settles the frequently heard ques-
                    tion of whether in nature there are ‘emergent’ properties, i.e., properties of systems that
                    cannot be deduced from the properties of their parts and interactions. By the defini-
                    tion of interaction, there are no emergent properties. ‘Emergent’ properties can only
                    appear if interactions are approximated or neglected. The idea of ‘emergent’ properties
 Vol. I, page 426   is a product of minds with restricted horizons, unable to see or admit the richness of
        Ref. 282    consequences that general principles can produce. In defending the idea of emergence,
                    one belittles the importance of interactions, working, in a seemingly innocuous, maybe
                    unconscious, but in fact sneaky way, against the use of reason in the study of nature.
                    ‘Emergence’ is a superstition.

                    What is existence?

                                                                  You know what I like most? Rhetorical

                  324                                       9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

       Ref. 283   Assume a friend tells you ‘I have seen a grampus today!’ You would naturally ask what
                  it looks like. What answer do we expect? We expect something like ‘It’s an animal with
                  a certain number of heads similar to a 𝑋, attached to a body like a 𝑌, with wings like a
                  𝑍, it make noises like a 𝑈 and it felt like a 𝑉’ – the letters denoting some other animal
                  or object. Generally speaking, in the case of an object, this scene from Darwin’s voyage
                  to South America shows that in order to talk to each other, we first need certain basic,
                  common concepts (‘animal’, ‘head’, ‘wing’, etc.).* In addition, for the definition of a
                  new entity we need a characterization of its parts (‘size’, ‘colour’), of the way these parts
                  relate to each other, and of the way that the whole interacts with the outside world (‘feel’,
                  ‘sound’). In other words, for an object to exist, we must be able to give a list of relations
                  with the outside world.

                     ⊳ An object exists if we can interact with it.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 322 s   Is observation sufficient to determine existence?
                     For an abstract concept, such as ‘time’ or ‘superstring’, the definition of existence has
                  to be refined only marginally:

                     ⊳ (Physical) existence is the effectiveness to describe interactions accurately.

                  This definition applies to trees, time, virtual particles, imaginary numbers, entropy and
                  so on. It is thus pointless to discuss whether a physical concept ‘exists’ or whether it is
                  ‘only’ an abstraction used as a tool for descriptions of observations. The two possibilities

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  coincide. The point of dispute can only be whether the description provided by a concept
                  is or is not precise.
                      For mathematical concepts, existence has a somewhat different meaning: a mathem-
                  atical concept is said to exist if it has no built-in contradictions. This is a much weaker
                  requirement than physical existence. It is thus incorrect to deduce physical existence
                  from mathematical existence. This is a frequent error; from Pythagoras’ times onwards
                  it was often stated that since mathematical concepts exist, they must therefore also exist
                  in nature. Historically, this error occurred in the statements that planet orbits ‘must’ be
                  circles, that planet shapes ‘must’ be spheres or that physical space ‘must’ be Euclidean.
                  Today this is still happening with the statements that space and time ‘must’ be con-
                  tinuous and that nature ‘must’ be described by sets. In all these cases, the reasoning is
                  wrong. In fact, the continuous attempts to deduce physical existence from mathematical
                  existence hide that the opposite is correct: a short reflection shows that mathematical
Challenge 323 s   existence is a special case of physical existence.
                      We note that there is also a different type of existence, namely psychological existence.
                  A concept can be said to exist psychologically if it describes human internal experience.
                  Thus a concept can exist psychologically even if it does not exist physically. It is easy
                  to find examples from the religions or from systems that describe inner experiences.
Challenge 324 s   Also myths, legends and comic strips define concepts that only exist psychologically, not

                  * By the way, a grampus was the old name for what is called an ‘orca’ today.
                  the quest for precision and its implications                                                            325

                  physically. In our walk, whenever we talk about existence, we mean physical existence

                  Do things exist?

                                                                        Wer Wissenschaft und Kunst besitzt,
                                                                        Hat auch Religion;
                                                                        Wer jene beiden nicht besitzt,

                                                                        Der habe Religion.*
                                                                         Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Zahme Xenien,

                  Using the above definition of existence, the question becomes either trivial or imprecise.
                  It is trivial in the sense that things necessarily exist if they describe observations, since
                  they were defined that way. But perhaps the questioner meant to ask: Does reality exist
                  independently of the observer?
                      Using the above, this question can be rephrased: ‘Do the things we observe exist in-

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  dependently of observation?’ After thousands of years of extensive discussion by profes-
                  sional philosophers, logicians, sophists and amateurs the answer is the same: it is ‘Yes’,
                  because the world did not change after great-grandmother died. The disappearance of
                  observers does not seem to change the universe. These experimental findings can be
                  corroborated by inserting the definition of ‘existence’ into the question, which then be-
                  comes: ‘Do the things we observe interact with other aspects of nature when they do not
                  interact with people?’ The answer is evident. Several popular books on quantum mech-
                  anics fantasize about the importance of the ‘mind’ of observers – whatever this term
                  may mean; they provide pretty examples of authors who see themselves as irreplaceable,

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  seemingly having lost the ability to see themselves as part of a larger entity.
                      Of course there are other opinions about the existence of things. The most famous is
                  that of the unmarried George Berkeley (b. 1685 Kilkennys, d. 1753 Oxford) who rightly
                  understood that thoughts based on observation alone, if spread, would undermine the
                  basis of the religious organization of which he was one of the top managers. To coun-
                  teract this tendency, in 1710 he published A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human
                  Knowledge, a book denying the existence of the material world. This reactionary book
                  became widely known in like-minded circles (it was a time when few books were writ-
                  ten) even though it is based on a fundamentally flawed idea: it assumes that the concept
                  of ‘existence’ and that of ‘world’ can be defined independently. (You may be curious to
Challenge 325 e   try the feat.)
                      Berkeley had two aims when he wrote his book. First, he tried to deny the capacity of
                  people to arrive at judgements on nature or on any other matter from their own experi-
                  ence. Second, he also tried to deny the ontological reach of science, i.e., the conclusions
                  one can draw from experience on the questions about human existence. (Later, a uni-
                  versity was not ashamed to use his name.) Even though Berkeley is generally despised
                  nowadays, he actually achieved his main aim: he was the originator of the statement that
                  science and religion do not contradict, but complement each other. By religion, Berkeley
                  did not mean either morality or spirituality; every scientist is a friend of both of these.
                  By religion, Berkeley meant that the standard set of beliefs for which he stood is above

                  * He who possesses science and art, also has religion; he who does not possess the two, better have religion.
                  326                                       9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                  the deductions of reason. The widely cited statement about the compatibility of science
                  and religion, itself a belief, is still held dearly by many even to this day.
                      Another mistake is to ask why things exist. The question makes no sense. It is a waste
                  of time due to bizarre beliefs. When searching for the origin of motion, all beliefs stand
                  in the way. Carrying beliefs is like carrying oversized baggage: doing so prevents us from
                  reaching the goal of our adventure.

                  Does the void exist?

                                                                       Teacher: ‘What is found between the nucleus
                                                                       and the electrons?’

                                                                       Student: ‘Nothing, only air.’

                  In philosophical discussions ‘void’ is usually defined as ‘non-existence’. It then becomes
                  a game of words to ask for a yes or no answer to the question ‘Does the void exist?’ The
                  expression ‘the existence of non-existence’ is either a contradiction of terms or is at least

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  unclearly defined; the topic would not seem to be of great interest. However, similar
                  questions do appear in physics, and a physicist should be prepared to notice the differ-
                  ence of this from the previous one. Does a vacuum exist? Does empty space exist? Or is
                  the world ‘full’ everywhere, as the more conservative biologist Aristotle maintained? In
                  the past, people have been killed for giving an answer that was unacceptable to author-
                      It is not obvious, but it is nevertheless important, that the modern physical concepts
                  of ‘vacuum’ and ‘empty space’ are not the same as the philosophical concept of ‘void’.
                  ‘Vacuum’ is not defined as ‘non-existence’; on the contrary, it is defined as the absence of

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  matter and radiation. Vacuum is an entity with specific observable properties, such as its
                  number of dimensions, its electromagnetic constants, its curvature, its vanishing mass,
                  its interaction with matter through curvature and through its influence on decay, etc. A
                  table of the properties of a physical vacuum is given on page 137. Historically, it took a
                  long time to clarify the distinction between a physical vacuum and a philosophical void.
                  People confused the two concepts and debated the existence of the vacuum for more
                  than two thousand years. The first to state that it existed, with the courage to try to look
                  through the logical contradiction at the underlying physical reality, were Leucippus and
                  Democritus, the most daring thinkers of antiquity. Their speculations in turn elicited the
                  reactionary response of Aristotle, who rejected the concept of vacuum. Aristotle and his
                  disciples propagated the belief about nature’s horror of the vacuum.
                      The discussion changed completely in the seventeenth century, when the first experi-
                  mental method to realize a vacuum was devised by Torricelli.* Using mercury in a glass
Challenge 326 s   tube, he produced the first laboratory vacuum. Can you guess how? Arguments against
                  the existence of the vacuum again appeared around 1900, when it was argued that light
                  needed ‘aether’ for its propagation, using almost the same arguments that had been used
                  two hundred years earlier, but in different words. However, experiments failed to detect
                  any of the supposed properties of this unclearly defined concept. Experiments in the field
                  of general relativity showed that a vacuum can move – though in a completely different
                  * Evangelista Torricelli (b. 1608 Faenza, d. 1647 Florence), physicist, pupil and successor to Galileo. The
                  (non-SI) pressure unit ‘torr’ is named after him.
                   the quest for precision and its implications                                                      327

                   way from the way in which the aether was expected to move – that the vacuum can be
                   bent, but it then tends to return to its shape. Then, in the late twentieth century, quantum
                   field theory again argued against the existence of a true vacuum and in favour of a space
                   full of virtual particle–antiparticle pairs. The issue culminated in the discussions around
Vol. VI, page 58   the cosmological constant.
                       In short, the vacuum exists. The question ‘Does the void exist?’ is settled conclusively
Vol. VI, page 87   only in the last part of this walk, in a rather surprising way.

                                                            “                                                      ”
                                                                Natura abhorret vacuum.

                   Is nature infinite?

                                                                It is certain and evident to our senses, that in
                                                                the world some things are in motion. Now
                                                                whatever is moved is moved by another... If that

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                by which it is moved be itself moved, then this
                                                                also needs to be to be moved by another, and
                                                                that by another again. But this cannot go on to
                                                                infinity, because then there would be no first
                                                                mover and consequently, no other mover,
                                                                seeing that subsequent movers move only
                                                                inasmuch as they are moved by the first mover,
                                                                as the staff moves only because it is moved by
                                                                the hand. Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a
                                                                first mover, moved by no other; and this

                                                                everyone understands to be god.

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                               Thomas Aquinas (b. c. 1225 Aquino,
                                                                    d. 1274 Fossanova) Summa Theologiae, I, q. 2.

                   Most of the modern discussions about set theory centre on ways to defining the term ‘set’
                   for various types of infinite collections. For the description of motion this leads to two
                   questions: Is the universe infinite? Is it a set? We begin with the first one. Illuminating
                   the question from various viewpoints, we will quickly discover that it is both simple and
                      Do we need infinite quantities to describe nature? Certainly, in classical and quantum
                   physics we do, e.g. in the case of space-time. Is this necessary? We can say already a few
                      Any set can be finite in one aspect and infinite in another. For example, it is possible
                   to proceed along a finite mathematical distance in an infinite amount of time. It is also
                   possible to travel along any distance whatsoever in a given amount of mathematical time,
                   making infinite speed an option, even if relativity is taken into account, as was explained
Vol. II, page 48   earlier.
                      Despite the use of infinities, scientists are still limited. We saw above that many types
      Page 288     of infinities exist. However, no infinity larger than the cardinality of the real numbers
                   plays a role in physics. No space of functions or phase space in classical physics and no
       Ref. 284    Hilbert space in quantum theory has higher cardinality. Despite the ability of mathem-
                   aticians to define much larger kinds of infinities, the description of nature does not need
                   them. Even the most elaborate descriptions of motion use only the infinity of the real
                  328                                     9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                      But is it possible at all to say of nature or of one of its aspects that it is indeed infin-
Challenge 327 s   ite? Can such a statement be compatible with observations? No. It is evident that every
                  statement that claims that something in nature is infinite is a belief, and is not backed by
                  observations. We shall patiently eliminate this belief in the following.
                      The possibility of introducing false infinities make any discussion on whether human-
       Ref. 269   ity is near the ‘end of science’ rather difficult. The amount of knowledge and the time
                  required to discover it are unrelated. Depending on the speed with which one advances
                  through it, the end of science can be near or unreachable. In practice, scientists have
                  thus the power to make science infinite or not, e.g. by reducing the speed of progress. As
                  scientists need funding for their work, one can guess the stand that they usually take.
                      In short, the universe cannot be proven to be infinite. But can it be finite? At first
                  sight, this would be the only possibility left. (It is not, as we shall see.) But even though
                  many have tried to describe the universe as finite in all its aspects, no one has yet been
                  successful. In order to understand the problems that they encountered, we continue with

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the other question mentioned above:

                  Is the universe a set?
                  A simple observation leads us to question whether the universe is a set. For 2500 years
       Ref. 285   it has been said that the universe is made of vacuum and particles. This implies that the
                  universe is made of a certain number of particles. Perhaps the only person to have taken
                  this conclusion to the limit was the astrophysicist Arthur Eddington (b. 1882 Kendal,
                  d. 1944 Cambridge), who wrote:

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 286          I believe there are 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468,044,
                         717,914,527,116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,296 protons in the universe
                         and the same number of electrons.

                  Eddington was ridiculed over and over again for this statement and for his beliefs that
                  lead up to it. His arguments were indeed based on his personal preferences for certain
                  pet numbers. However, we should not laugh too loudly. In fact, for 2500 years almost all
                  scientists have thought along the same line, the only difference being that they have left
                  the precise number unspecified! In fact, any other number put into the above sentence
                  would be equally ridiculous. Avoiding specifying it is just a coward’s way of avoiding
                  looking at this foggy aspect of the particle description of nature.
                     Is there a particle number at all in nature? If you smiled at Eddington’s statement,
                  or if you shook your head over it, it may mean that you instinctively believe that nature
                  is not a set. Is this so? Whenever we define the universe as the totality of events, or as
                  the totality of all space-time points and objects, we imply that space-time points can be
                  distinguished, that objects can be distinguished and that both can be distinguished from
                  each other. We thus assume that nature is separable and a set. But is this correct? The
                  question is important. The ability to distinguish space-time points and particles from
                  each other is often called locality. Thus the universe is separable or is a set if and only if
                  our description of it is local.* And in everyday life, locality is observed without exception.
                  * In quantum mechanics also other, more detailed definitions of locality are used. We will mention them
                    the quest for precision and its implications                                                        329

                        In daily life we also observe that nature is separable and a whole at the same time.
                    It is a ‘many that can be thought as one’: in daily life nature is a set. Indeed, the basic
                    characteristic of nature is its diversity. In the world around us we observe changes and
                    differences; we observe that nature is separable. Furthermore, all aspects of nature belong
                    together: there are relations between these aspects, often called ‘laws,’ stating that the
                    different aspects of nature form a whole, usually called the universe.
                        In other words, the possibility of describing observations with the help of ‘laws’ fol-
                    lows from our experience of the separability of nature. The more precisely the separab-
                    ility is specified, the more precisely the ‘laws’ can be formulated. Indeed, if nature were
                    not separable or were not a unity, we could not explain why stones fall downwards. Thus
                    we are led to speculate that we should be able to deduce all ‘laws’ from the observation
                    that nature is separable.
                        In addition, only the separability allows us to describe nature at all. A description is a
                    classification, that is, a mapping between certain aspects of nature and certain concepts.
                    All concepts are sets and relations. Since the universe is separable, it can be described

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    with the help of sets and relations. Both are separable entities with distinguishable parts.
                    A precise description is commonly called an understanding. In short, the universe is
                    comprehensible only because it is separable.
                        Moreover, only the separability of the universe makes our brain such a good instru-
                    ment. The brain is built from a large number of connected components, and only the
                    brain’s separability allows it to function. In other words, thinking is only possible be-
                    cause nature is separable.
                        Finally, only the separability of the universe allows us to distinguish reference frames,
                    and thus to define all symmetries at the basis of physical descriptions. And in the same

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    way that separability is thus necessary for covariant descriptions, the unity of nature is
                    necessary for invariant descriptions. In other words, the so-called ‘laws’ of nature are
                    based on the experience that nature is both separable and unifiable – that it is a set.
                        These arguments seem overwhelmingly to prove that the universe is a set. However,
                    these arguments apply only to everyday experience, everyday dimensions and everyday
                    energies. Is nature a set also outside the domains of daily life? Are objects different at all
                    energies, even when they are looked at with the highest precision possible?
                        We have three open issues left: the issue of the number of particles in the universe;
                    the circular definition of space, time and matter; and the issue as to whether describ-
                    ing nature as made of particles and void is an overdescription, an underdescription, or
                    neither. These three issues make us doubt whether objects are countable at all energies.
Vol. VI, page 106   We will discover in the final part of our mountain ascent that indeed, objects in nature
                    cannot be counted at high energy. The consequences will be extensive and fascinating.
                    As an example, try to answer the following: if the universe is not a set, what does that
Challenge 328 s     mean for space and time?

Vol. IV, page 153   in the quantum part of this text. The issue mentioned here is a different, more fundamental one, and not
                    connected with that of quantum theory.
                    330                                     9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                    Does the universe exist?

                                                                       Each progressive spirit is opposed by a

                                                                       thousand men appointed to guard the past.
                                                                                                    Maurice Maeterlink

                    Following the definition above, existence of a concept means its usefulness to describe
                    interactions. Now, there are two common definitions of the concept of ‘universe’. The
                    first is the totality of all matter, energy, space and time. But this usage results in a strange
                    consequence: since nothing can interact with this totality, we cannot claim that the uni-
                    verse exists.
                        So let us take the second, more restricted view, namely that the universe is only the
                    totality of all matter and energy. But also in this case it is impossible to interact with the
Challenge 329 s     universe. Can you give a few arguments to support this?
                        In short, we arrive at the conclusion that the universe does not exist. We will indeed
Vol. VI, page 111   confirm this result in more detail later on in our walk. In particular, since the universe

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    does not exist, it does not make sense to even try to answer why it exists. The best answer
        Ref. 220    might be: because of furiously sleeping, colourless green ideas.

                    What is creation?

                                                                       (Gigni) De nihilo nihilum, in nihilum nil posse

        Ref. 287                                                                           Persius, Satira, III, v. 83-84.

                                                                       Anaxagoras, discovering the ancient theory that
                                                                       nothing comes from nothing, decided to
                                                                       abolish the concept of creation and introduced

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                       in its place that of discrimination; he did not
                                                                       hesitate to state, in effect, that all things are
                                                                       mixed to the others and that discrimination

                                                                       produces their growth.
        Ref. 288                                                                     Anonymous fragment, Middle Ages.

                    The term ‘creation’ is often heard when talking about nature. It is used in various con-
                    texts with different meanings.
                        One speaks of creation as the characterization of human actions, such as observed
                    in an artist painting or a secretary typing. Obviously, this is one type of change. In the
                    classification of change introduced at the beginning of our walk, the changes cited are
                    movements of objects, such as the electrons in the brain, the molecules in the muscles,
                    the material of the paint, or the electrons inside the computer. This type of creation is
                    thus a special case of motion.
                        One also speaks of creation in the biological or social sense, such as in ‘the creation
                    of life’, or ‘creation of a business’, or ‘the creation of civilization’. These events are forms
                    of growth or of self-organization; again, they are special cases of motion.
                        Physicists often say that a lamp ‘creates’ light or that a stone falling into a pond
                    ‘creates’ water ripples. Similarly, they talk of ‘pair creation’ of matter and antimatter. It
Vol. IV, page 192   was one of the important discoveries of physics that all these processes are special types

                    * Nothing (can appear) from nothing, nothing can disappear into nothing.
                    the quest for precision and its implications                                           331

Vol. V, page 113    of motion, namely excitation of fields.
                        In popular writing on cosmology, ‘creation’ is also a term commonly applied, or better
                    misapplied, to the big bang. However, the expansion of the universe is a pure example
                    of motion, and contrary to a frequent misunderstanding, the description of the big bang
                    contains only processes that fall into one of the previous three categories, as shown in
Vol. II, page 248   the relevant chapter in general relativity. The big bang is not an example of creation.
                    Quantum cosmology provides more reasons that show why the naive term ‘creation’ is
Vol. II, page 248   not applicable to the big bang. First, it turns out that the big bang was not an event.
                    Second, it was not a beginning. Third, it did not provide a choice from a large set of
                    possibilities. The big bang does not have any properties attributed to the term ‘creation’.
                        In summary, we conclude that in all cases, creation is a type of motion. (The same
                    applies to the notions of ‘disappearance’ and ‘annihilation’.) No other type of creation
                    is observed in nature. In particular, the naive sense of ‘creation’, namely ‘appearance
                    from nothing’ – ex nihilo in Latin – is never observed in nature. All observed types of
                    ‘creation’ require space, time, forces, energy and matter for their realization. Creation

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    requires something to exist already, in order to take place. In addition, precise explor-
                    ation shows that no physical process and no example of motion has a beginning. Our
                    walk will show us that nature does not allow us to pinpoint beginnings. This property
                    alone is sufficient to show that ‘creation’ is not a concept applicable to what happens in
                    nature. Worse still, creation is applied only to physical systems; we will discover that
                    nature is not a system and worse, that systems do not exist at all.
                        The opposite of creation is conservation. The central statements of physics are con-
                    servation theorems: for energy, mass, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge,
                    etc. In fact, every conservation ‘law’ is a detailed and accurate rejection of the concept

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    of creation. The ancient Greek idea of atoms already contains this rejection. Atomists
                    stated that there is no creation and no disappearance, but only motion of atoms. Every
                    transformation of matter is a motion of atoms. In other words, the idea of the atom was a
                    direct consequence of the negation of creation. It took humanity over 2000 years before
Vol. I, page 335    it stopped locking people in jail for talking about atoms, as had happened to Galileo.
                        However, there is one exception in which the naive concept of creation does apply:
                    it describes what magicians do on stage. When a magician makes a rabbit appear from
                    nowhere, we indeed experience ‘creation’ from nothing. At its best such magic is a form
                    of entertainment, at its worst, a misuse of gullibility. The idea that the universe results
                    from either of these two does not seem appealing; on second thought though, maybe
                    looking at the universe as the ultimate entertainment could open up a fresh and more
                    productive approach to life.
                        Voltaire (b. 1694 Paris, d. 1778 Paris) popularized an argument against creation often
                    used in the past: we do not know whether creation has taken place or not. Today the
                    situation is different: we do know that it has not taken place, because creation is a type
                    of motion and, as we will see in the concluding part of our mountain ascent, motion did
                    not exist near the big bang.
                        Have you ever heard the expression ‘creation of the laws of nature’? It is one of the
                    most common examples of disinformation. First of all, this expression confuses the
                    ‘laws’ with nature itself. A description is not the same as the thing itself; everybody
                    knows that giving their beloved a description of a rose is different from giving an actual
                    rose. Second, the expression implies that nature is the way it is because it is somehow
                   332                                9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                   ‘forced’ to follow the ‘laws’ – a rather childish and, what is more, incorrect view. And
                   third, the expression assumes that it is possible to ‘create’ descriptions of nature. But a
                   ‘law’ is a description, and a description by definition cannot be created: so the expres-
                   sion makes no sense at all. The expression ‘creation of the laws of nature’ is the epitome
                   of confused thinking.
                       It may well be that calling a great artist ‘creative’ or ‘divine’, as was common during
                   the Renaissance, is not blasphemous, but simply an encouragement to the gods to try to
                   do as well. In fact, whenever one uses the term ‘creation’ to mean anything other than
                   some form of motion, one is discarding both observations and human reason. ‘Creation’
                   is one of the last pseudo-concepts of our modern time; no expert on motion should forget
                   this. It is impossible to complete our adventure without getting rid of ‘creation’. This is
                   not easy. We will encounter several attempts to bring back creation, among them in the
Vol. V, page 320   study of entropy, in the study of biological evolution and in quantum theory.

                                                                Every act of creation is first of all an act of


                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                       Pablo Picasso

                   Is nature designed?

                                                                In the beginning the universe was created. This
                                                                has made a lot of people very angry and has

                                                                been widely regarded as a bad move.
                                                                   Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of
                                                                                                   the Universe.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   The tendency to infer the intentional creation of an object from its simple existence is
                   widespread. Some people jump to this conclusion every time they see a beautiful land-
                   scape. This habit stems from the triple prejudice that a beautiful scene implies a complex
                   description, in turn implying complex building instructions, and therefore pointing to
                   an underlying design.
                      This chain of thought contains several mistakes. First, in general, beauty is not a
                   consequence of complexity. Usually it is the opposite: indeed, the study of chaos and
        Ref. 289   of self-organization demonstrates how beautifully complex shapes and patterns can be
Vol. I, page 415   generated with extremely simple descriptions.
                      True, for most human artefacts, complex descriptions indeed imply complex building
                   processes; a personal computer is a good example of a complex object with a complex
                   production process. But in nature, this connection does not apply. We have seen above
                   that even the amount of information needed to construct a human body is about a mil-
                   lion times smaller than the information stored in the brain alone. Similar results have
                   been found for plant architecture and for many other examples of patterns in nature. The
                   simple descriptions behind the apparent complexities of nature have been and are still
                   being uncovered by the study of self-organization, chaos, turbulence and fractal shapes.
                   In nature, complex structures derive from simple processes. Beware of anyone who says
                   that nature has ‘infinite’ or ‘high complexity’: first of all, complexity is not a measur-
                   able entity, despite many attempts to quantify it. In addition, all known complex system
                   can be described by (relatively) few parameters and simple equations. Finally, nothing
                   in nature is infinite.
                   the quest for precision and its implications                                                                333

                       The second mistake in the argument for design is to link a description with an
                   ‘instruction’, and maybe even to imagine that some unknown ‘intelligence’ is somehow
                   pulling the strings of the world’s stage. The study of nature has consistently shown that
                   there is no hidden intelligence and no instruction behind the processes of nature. An
                   instruction is a list of orders to an executioner. But there are no orders in nature, and
                   no executioners. There are no ‘laws’ of nature, only descriptions of processes. Nobody is
                   building a tree; the tree is an outcome of the motion of molecules making it up. The genes
                   in the tree do contain information; but no molecule is given any instructions. What seem
                   to be instructions to us are just natural movements of molecules and energy, described
                   by the same patterns taking place in non-living systems. The whole idea of instruction
                   – like that of ‘law’ of nature – is an ideology, born from an analogy with monarchy or
                   even tyranny, and a typical anthropomorphism.
                       The third mistake in the argument for design is the suggestion that a complex descrip-
                   tion for a system implies an underlying design. This is not correct. A complex descrip-
                   tion only implies that the system has a long evolution behind it. The correct deduction is:

                                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   something of large complexity exists; therefore it has grown, i.e., it has been transformed
                   through input of (moderate) energy over time. This deduction applies to flowers, moun-
                   tains, stars, life, people, watches, books, personal computers and works of art; in fact it
                   applies to all objects in the universe. The complexity of our environment thus points out
                   the considerable age of our environment and reminds us of the shortness of our own life.
                       The lack of basic complexity and the lack of instructions in nature confirm a simple
                   result: there is not a single observation in nature that implies or requires design or cre-
                   ation. On the other hand, the variety and intensity of nature’s phenomena fills us with
                   deep awe. The wild beauty of nature shows us how small a part of nature we actually

                                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Vol. V, page 320   are, both in space and in time.* We shall explore this experience in detail. And we shall
                   find that remaining open to nature’s phenomena in all their overwhelming intensity is
                   central to the rest of our adventure.

                                                                           There is a separation between state and church,

                                                                           but not yet between state and science.
                                                                                                           Paul Feyerabend

                   What is a description?

                                                                           In theory, there is no difference between theory

                                                                           and practice. In practice, there is.

                   Following standard vocabulary usage, a description of an observation is a list of the de-
      Page 324     tails. The above example of the grampus showed this clearly. In other words, a descrip-
                   tion of an observation is the act of categorizing it, i.e., of comparing, by identifying or
                   distinguishing, the observation with all the other observations already made.

                       ⊳ A description is a classification.

                   In short, to describe means to see as an element of a larger set.
                   * The search for a ‘sense’ in life or in nature is a complicated, and necessary, way to try to face the smallness
                   of human existence.
334                                      9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

   A description can be compared to the ‘you are here’ sign on a city tourist map. Out
of a set of possible positions, the ‘you are here’ sign gives the actual one. Similarly, a
description highlights the given situation in comparison with all other possibilities. For
example, the formula 𝑎 = 𝐺𝑀/𝑟2 is a description of the observations relating motion
to gravity, because it classifies the observed accelerations 𝑎 according to distance to the
central body 𝑟 and to its mass 𝑀; indeed such a description sees each specific case as
an example of a general pattern. The habit of generalizing is one reason for the often
disturbing dismissiveness of scientists: when they observe something, their professional
training usually makes them classify it as a special case of a known phenomenon and
thus keeps them from being surprised or from being exited about it.
   A description is thus the opposite of a metaphor; the latter is an analogy relating an
observation with another special case; a description relates an observation with a general
case, such as a physical theory.

                                                     Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas,
                                                     atque metus omnis et inexorabile fatum

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                     subjecit pedibus strepitumque acherontis avari.

R eason, purpose and explanation

                                                     Der ganzen modernen Weltanschauung liegt
                                                     die Täuschung zugrunde, daß die sogenannten
                                                     Naturgesetze die Erklärungen der

                                                     Naturerscheinungen seien.**
                                                               Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 6.371

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Compare the following two types of questions and answers:
1. Why are the leaves of most trees green? Because they absorb red and blue light.
   Why do they absorb those colours? Because they contain chlorophyll. Why is
   chlorophyll green? Because all chlorophyll types contain magnesium between four
   pyrrole groups, and this chemical combination gives the green colour, as a result of
   its quantum mechanical energy levels. Why do plants contain chlorophyll? Because
   this is what land plants can synthesize. Why only this? Because all land plants ori-
   ginally evolved from the green algae, who are only able to synthesize this compound,
   and not the compounds found in the blue or in the red algae, which are also found
   in the sea.
2. Why do children climb trees, and why do some people climb mountains? Because of
   the sensations they experience during their activity: the feelings of achievement, the
   symbolic act to go upwards, the wish to get a wider view of the world are part of this
   type of adventure.

* ‘Happy he who can know the causes of things and who, free of all fears, can lay the inexorable fate and
the noise of Acheron to his feet.’ Georgica, book II, verses 490 ss. Publius Vergilius Maro (b. 70 Mantua,
d. 19 bce Brindisi), the great Roman poet, is author of the Aeneid. Acheron was the river crossed by those
who had just died and were on their way to the Hades.
** ‘The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature
are the explanations of natural phenomena.’
                  the quest for precision and its implications                                                                  335

                  The two types of ‘why’-questions show the general difference between reasons and pur-
                  poses (although the details of these two terms are not defined in the same way by every-
                  body). A purpose or intention is a classification applied to the actions of humans or an-
                  imals; strictly speaking, it specifies the quest for a feeling, namely for achieving some
                  type of satisfaction after completion of the action. On the other hand, a reason is a spe-
                  cific relation of a fact with the rest of the universe, usually its past. What we call a reason
                  always rests outside the observation itself, whereas a purpose is always internal to it.
                      Reasons and purposes are the two possibilities of explanations, i.e., the two possible
                  answers to questions starting with ‘why’. Usually, physics is not concerned with purpose
                  or with people’s feeling, mainly because its original aim, to talk about motion with pre-
                  cision, does not seem to be achievable in this domain. Therefore, physical explanations
                  of facts are never purposes, but are always reasons.

                      ⊳ A physical explanation of an observation is always the description of its re-
       Ref. 290         lation with the rest of nature.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  We note that purposes are not put aside because they pertain to the future, but because
                  they are inadmissible anthropomorphisms. In fact, for deterministic systems, we can
                  equally say that the future is actually a reason for the present and the past, a fact often
                      A question starting with ‘why’ is thus accessible to physical investigation as long as it
                  asks for a reason and not for a purpose. In particular, questions such as ‘why do stones
                  fall downwards and not upwards?’ or ‘why do electrons have that value of mass, and why
                  do they have mass at all?’ or ‘why does space have three dimensions and not thirty-six?’

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  can be answered, as these ask for the connection between specific observations and more
                  general ones. Of course, not all demands for explanation have been answered yet, and
                  there are still problems to be solved. Our present trail only leads from a few answers to
                  some of the more fundamental questions about motion.
                      The most general quest for an explanation derives from the question: why is the uni-
                  verse the way it is? The topic is covered in our mountain ascent using two usual ap-

                  Unification and demarcation

                                                                         Tout sujet est un; et, quelque vaste qu’il soit, il

                                                                         peut être renfermé dans un seul discours.*
                                                                                               Buffon, Discours sur le style.

                  Studying the properties of motion, constantly paying attention to increase the accuracy
                  of description, we find that explanations are generally of two types:**
                  1. ‘It is like all such cases; also this one is described by ...’ The situation is recognized as
                     a special case of a general behaviour.
                  2. ‘If the situation were different, we would have a conclusion in contrast with observa-

                  * Every subject is one and, however vast it is, it can be comprised in a single discourse.
Challenge 330 s   ** Are these the only possible ones?
                  336                                        9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

                        tions.’ The situation is recognized as the only possible case.*
                  In other words, the first procedure to find explanations is to formulate patterns, rules or
                  ‘laws’ that describe larger and larger numbers of observations, and compare the obser-
                  vation with them. This endeavour is called the unification of physics – by those who like
                  it; those who don’t like it, call it ‘reductionism’. For example, the same rule describes
                  the flight of a tennis ball, the motion of the tides at the sea shore, the timing of ice ages,
                  and the time at which the planet Venus ceases to be the evening star and starts to be the
                  morning star. These processes are all consequences of universal gravitation. Similarly, it
                  is not evident that the same rule describes the origin of the colour of the eyes, the form-
                  ation of lightning, the digestion of food and the working of the brain. These processes
                  are described by quantum electrodynamics.
                      Unification has its most impressive successes when it predicts an observation that
                  has not been made before. A famous example is the existence of antimatter, predicted
                  by Dirac when he investigated the solutions of an equation that describes the precise
                  behaviour of common matter.

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      The second procedure in the search for explanations is to eliminate all other imagin-
                  able alternatives in favour of the actually correct one. This endeavour has no commonly
                  accepted name: it could be called the demarcation of the ‘laws’ of physics – by those who
                  like it; others call it ‘anthropocentrism’, or simply ‘arrogance’.
                      When we discover that light travels in such a way that it takes the shortest possible
                  time to its destination, when we describe motion by a principle of least action, or when
                  we discover that trees are branched in such a way that they achieve the largest effect with
                  the smallest effort, we are using a demarcation viewpoint.
                      In summary, unification, answering ‘why’ questions, and demarcation, answering

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  ‘why not’ questions, are typical for the progress throughout the history of physics. We
                  can say that the dual aspects of unification and demarcation form the composing and
                  the opposing traits of physics. They stand for the desire to know everything.
                      However, neither demarcation nor unification can explain the universe as a whole.
Challenge 331 s   Can you see why? In fact, apart from unification and demarcation, there is a third pos-
                  sibility that merges the two and allows one to say more about the universe. Can you find
Challenge 332 s   it? Our walk will automatically lead to it later.

                  Pigs, apes and the anthropic principle

                                                                        Das wichtigste Hilfsmittel des Wissenschaftlers

                                                                        ist der Papierkorb.**
                                                                                                        Several authors

                  * These two cases have not to be confused with similar sentences that seem to be explanations, but that
                  — ‘It is like the case of ...’ A similarity with another single case is not an explanation.
                  — ‘If it were different, it would contradict the idea that ...’ A contradiction with an idea or with a theory
                    is not an explanation.

                  ** ‘The most important instrument of a scientist is the waste paper basket.’
           the quest for precision and its implications                                                         337

           The wish to achieve demarcation of the patterns of nature is most interesting when we
           follow the consequences of different possible rules of nature until we find them in con-
           tradiction with the most striking observation: our own human existence. In this special
           case the program of demarcation is often called the anthropic principle – from the Greek
           ἄνθρωπος, meaning ‘man’. Is it really possible to deduce all the properties of nature
           from our own existence?
               For example, if the Sun–Earth distance were different from what it is, the resulting
           temperature change on the Earth would have made impossible the appearance of life,
           which needs liquid water. Similarly, our brain would not work if the Moon did not circle
           the Earth. It is also well-known that if there were fewer large planets in the solar sys-
           tem, the evolution of humans would have been impossible. The large planets divert large
           numbers of comets, preventing them from hitting the Earth. The spectacular collision
           of comet Shoemaker–Levy-9 with Jupiter, the astronomical event of July 1994, was an
           example of this diversion of a comet.*
               Also the anthropic principle has its most impressive successes when it predicts un-

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           known observations. The most famous example stems from the study of stars. Carbon
           atoms, like all other atoms except most hydrogen, helium or lithium atoms, are formed in
           stars through fusion. While studying the mechanisms of fusion in 1953, the well-known
           astrophysicist Fred Hoyle** found that carbon nuclei could not be formed from the al-
           pha particles present inside stars at reasonable temperatures, unless they had an excited
           state with an increased cross-section. From the fact of our existence, which is based on
           carbon, Hoyle thus predicted the existence of a previously unknown excited state of the
Ref. 291   carbon nucleus. And, indeed, the excited state was found a few months later by Willy

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 292       In the serious form, we have:

              ⊳ The anthropic principle is the quest to deduce the complete description of
                nature from the experimental fact of human existence.

           The anthropic principle is thus not a principle. It is better called the anthropic quest or
           the anthropic conjecture.
              Unfortunately, in the popular literature the anthropic principle is often changed from
           a quest to a perverted form, a melting pot of absurd metaphysical ideas in which every-
           body mixes up their favourite beliefs. Most frequently, the experimental observation
           of our own existence has been perverted to reintroduce the idea of ‘design’, i.e., that
           the universe has been constructed with the aim of producing humans. Often it is even
           suggested that the anthropic principle is an explanation of the rules of nature – a gross

           * For a collection of pictures of this event, see e.g. the website.
           ** Fred Hoyle (b. 1915 Bingley, d. 2001 Bournemouth), important astronomer and astrophysicist, was the
           first and maybe only physicist who ever made a specific prediction – namely the existence of an excited
           state of the carbon nucleus – from the simple fact that humans exist. A permanent maverick, he coined the
           term ‘big bang’ even though he did not accept the evidence for it, and proposed another model, the ‘steady
           state’. His most important and well-known research was on the formation of atoms inside stars. He also
           propagated the belief that life was brought to Earth from extraterrestrial microbes.
           *** William A. Fowler (b. 1911 Pittsbrugh, d. 1995 Pasadena) shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics with
           Subramanyan Chandrasekhar for this and related discoveries.
           338                                      9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

           example of disinformation.
               How can we distinguish between the serious and the perverted form? We start with
           an observation. We would get exactly the same rules and patterns of nature if we used
           the existence of pigs or monkeys as a starting point. In other words, if we would reach
           different conclusions by using the porcine principle or the simian principle, we are using
           the perverted form of the anthropic principle, otherwise we are using the serious form.
           (The carbon-12 story is thus an example of the serious form.) This test is effective because
           there is no known pattern or ‘law’ of nature that is particular to humans but unnecessary
           for apes or pigs.*
               It might even be that one day a computer will start to talk about the ‘computer prin-
           ciple’. That would be another example of the perverted form.

                                                                Er wunderte sich, daß den Katzen genau an den
                                                                Stellen Löcher in den Pelz geschnitten wären,

                                                                wo sie Augen hätten.**
                                                                                   Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Do we need cause and effect in explanations?

                                                                There are in nature neither rewards nor

                                                                punishments – there are only consequences.
                                                                                                Robert Ingersoll

                                                           “                                                       ”
                                                                The world owes you nothing. It was there first.
                                                                                                   Mark Twain

                                                                No matter how cruel and nasty and evil you

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                may be, every time you take a breath you make

                                                                a flower happy.
                                                                                                      Mort Sahl

           Historically, the two terms ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ have played an important role in philo-
           sophical discussions. The terms were attached to certain processes or observations. In
Ref. 293   particular, during the birth of modern mechanics, it was important to point out that
           every effect has a cause, in order to distinguish precise thought from thought based on
           beliefs, such as ‘miracles’, ‘divine surprises’ or ‘evolution from nothing’. It was equally
           essential to stress that effects are different from causes; this distinction avoids pseudo-
           explanations such as the famous example by Molière where the doctor explains to his
           patient in elaborate terms that sleeping pills work because they contain a ‘dormitive vir-
              But in physics, the concepts of cause and effect are not used at all. That miracles do
           not appear is expressed every time we use symmetries, conservation theorems or rules
           of nature. The observation that cause and effect differ from each other is inherent in any

           * Though apes do not seem to be good physicists, as described in the text by D. J. Povinelli, Folk Physics
           for Apes: the Chimpanzee’s Theory of How the World Works, Oxford University Press, 2000.
           ** ‘He was amazed that cats had holes cut into their fur precisely in those places where they had eyes.’
           Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (b. 1742 Ober-Ramstadt, d. 1799 Göttingen), physicist and intellectual, pro-
           fessor in Göttingen, still famous today for his extremely numerous and witty aphorisms and satires. Among
           others of his time, Lichtenberg made fun of all those who maintained that the universe was made exactly
           to the measure of man, a frequently encountered idea in the foggy world of the anthropic principle.
                    the quest for precision and its implications                                                             339

                    evolution equation. Moreover, the concepts of cause and effect are not clearly defined;
                    for example, it is especially difficult to define what is meant by one cause or one effect as
                    opposed to several of them. Both terms are also impossible to quantify and to measure.
                    In other words, useful as ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ may be in personal and everyday life, they
                    are not necessary in physics. In the exploration of motion, cause and effect play no role.

                                                                     “                                                       ”
                                                                          Ὰγαθον καὶ ξαξόν ⋅ ἔν καὶ ταὐτό.*

                                                                          Wenn ein Arzt hinter dem Sarg seines Patienten
                                                                          geht, so folgt manchmal tatsächlich die Ursache

                                                                          der Wirkung.**
                                                                                                             Robert Koch

                    Is consciousness required?

                                                                     “                                                       ”
                                                                          Variatio delectat.***

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                    A lot of mediocre discussions are going on about consciousness, and we will skip them
        Ref. 294    here. What is consciousness? Most simply and concretely, consciousness means the pos-
                    session of a small part of oneself that is watching what the rest of oneself is perceiving,
                    feeling, thinking and doing. In short, consciousness is the ability to observe oneself, and
                    in particular one’s inner mechanisms and motivations.

                        ⊳ Consciousness is the ability of introspection.

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    The definition of consciousness explains why it is so difficult to grasp precisely. Indeed,
                    observing our own consciousness would mean to observe the part inside us that observes
                    the rest of ourselves. This seems an almost impossible task, independently of whether
                    consciousness is a hardware or a software aspect of our brain. This impossibility is the
                    basis of the fascination and the mystery of our consciousness and of our human nature.
                       The definition of consciousness tells us that it is not a prerequisite for studying mo-
                    tion. Indeed, animals, plants or machines are also able to observe motion, because they
                    contain sensors, i.e., measurement devices. For the same reason, consciousness is not ne-
Vol. IV, page 143   cessary to observe quantum mechanical motion, though measurement is. On the other
                    hand, the exploration of motion and the exploration of oneself have a lot in common: the
                    need to observe carefully, to overcome preconceptions, to overcome fear and the pleasure
                    of doing so.
                       For the time being, we have put enough emphasis on the precision of concepts. Talk-
                    ing about motion is something to be deeply enjoyed. Let us see why.

                                                                          Precision and clarity obey the indeterminacy

                                                                          relation: their product is constant.
                                                                                                                Niels Bohr

                    * ‘Good and bad – one and the same.’
                    ** ‘When a physician walks behind the coffin of his patient, indeed the cause sometimes follows the effect.’
                    *** ‘Change pleases.’ Marcus Tullius Cicero (b. 106 Arpinum, d. 43 bce Formiae), important lawyer, orator
                    and politician at the end of the Roman republic.
           340                                        9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

           Curiosit y

                                                            “                                                     ”
                                                                 Precision is the child of curiosity.

           Like the history of every person, also the history of mankind charts a long struggle to
           avoid the pitfalls of accepting the statements of authorities as truth, without checking
           the facts. Indeed, whenever curiosity leads us to formulate a question, there are always
           two general ways to proceed. One is to check the facts personally, the other is to ask
           somebody. However, the last way is dangerous: it means to give up a part of oneself.
           Healthy people, children whose curiosity is still alive, as well as scientists, choose the
           first way. After all, science is due to adult curiosity.
               Curiosity, also called the exploratory drive, plays strange games with people. Starting
           with the original experience of the world as a big ‘soup’ of interacting parts, curiosity
           can drive one to find all the parts and all the interactions. It drives not only people.
           It has been observed that when rats show curious behaviour, certain brain cells in the

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           hypothalamus get active and secrete hormones that produce positive feelings and emo-
           tions. If a rat has the possibility, via some implanted electrodes, to excite these same cells
           by pressing a switch, it does so voluntarily: rats get addicted to the feelings connected
Ref. 295   with curiosity. Like rats, humans are curious because they enjoy it. They do so in at least
           four ways: because they are artists, because they are fond of pleasure, because they are
           adventurers and because they are dreamers. Let us see how.
               Originally, curiosity stems from the desire to interact in a positive way with the envir-
           onment. Young children provide good examples: curiosity is a natural ingredient of their
           life, in the same way that it is for other mammals and a few bird species; incidentally, the

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           same taxonomic distribution is found for play behaviour. In short, all animals that play
           are curious, and vice versa. Curiosity provides the basis for learning, for creativity and
           thus for every human activity that leaves a legacy, such as art or science. The sculptor
           and art theoretician Joseph Beuys had as his own guiding principle that every creative
Ref. 296   act is a form of art. Humans, and especially children, enjoy curiosity because they feel its
           importance for creativity, and for growth in general.
               Curiosity regularly leads one to exclaim: ‘Oh!’, an experience that leads to the second
           reason to be curious: relishing feelings of wonder and surprise. Epicurus (Epikuros)
           (b. 341 Samos, d. 271 b ce Athens) maintained that this experience, θαυμάζειν, is the ori-
           gin of philosophy. These feelings, which nowadays are variously called religious, spir-
           itual, numinous, etc., are the same as those to which rats can become addicted. Among
           these feelings, Rudolf Otto has introduced the now classical distinction into the fascinat-
           ing and the frightening. He named the corresponding experiences ‘mysterium fascinans’
           and ‘mysterium tremendum’.* Within these distinctions, physicists, scientists, children
           and connoisseurs take a clear stand: they choose the fascinans as the starting point for
           their actions and for their approach to the world. Such feelings of fascination induce
           some children who look at the night sky to dream about becoming astronomers, some

           * This distinction is the basis of Rudolf Otto, Das Heilige – Über das Irrationale in der Idee des Göttlichen
           und sein Verhältnis zum Rationalen, Beck 1991. This is a new edition of the epoch-making work originally
           published at the beginning of the twentieth century. Rudolf Otto (b. 1869 Peine, d. 1937 Marburg) was one
           of the most important theologians of his time.
           the quest for precision and its implications                                                          341

           who look through a microscope to become biologists or physicists, and so on. (It could
Ref. 297   also be that genetics plays a role in this pleasure of novelty seeking.)
               Perhaps the most beautiful moments in the study of physics are those appearing after
           new observations have shaken our previously held thinking habits, have forced us to give
           up a previously held conviction, and have engendered the feeling of being lost. When, in
           this moment of crisis, we finally discover a more adequate and precise description of the
           observations, which provide a better insight into the world, we are struck by a feeling
           usually called illumination. Anyone who has kept alive the memory and the taste for
           these magic moments knows that in these situations one is pervaded by a feeling of union
           between oneself and the world.* The pleasure of these moments, the adventures of the
           change of thought structures connected with them, and the joy of insight following them
           provides the drive for many scientists. Little talk and lots of pleasure is their common
           denominator. In this spirit, the important physicist Victor Weisskopf (b. 1908 Vienna,
           d. 2002 Newton) liked to say jokingly: ‘There are two things that make life worth living:
           Mozart and quantum mechanics.’

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               The choice of moving away from the tremendum towards the fascinans stems from an
           innate desire, most obvious in children, to reduce uncertainty and fear. This drive is the
           father of all adventures. It has a well-known parallel in ancient Greece, where the first
           men studying observations, such as Epicurus, stated explicitly that their aim was to free
           people from unnecessary fear by deepening knowledge and transforming people from
           frightened passive victims into fascinated, active and responsible beings. Those ancient
           thinkers started to popularize the idea that, like the common events in our life, the rarer
           events also follow rules. For example, Epicurus underlined that lightning is a natural
           phenomenon caused by interactions between clouds, and stressed that it was a natural

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           process, i.e., a process that followed rules, in the same way as the falling of a stone or any
           other familiar process of everyday life.
               Investigating the phenomena around them, philosophers and later scientists suc-
           ceeded in freeing people from most of their fears caused by uncertainty and a lack of
           knowledge about nature. This liberation played an important role in the history of hu-
           man culture and still pervades in the personal history of many scientists. The aim to
           arrive at stable, rock-bottom truths has inspired (but also hindered) many of them; Al-
           bert Einstein is a well-known example for this, discovering relativity, helping to start up
           but then denying quantum mechanics.
               Interestingly, in the experience and in the development of every human being, curios-
           ity, and therefore the sciences, appears before magic and superstition. Magic needs deceit
           to be effective, and superstition needs indoctrination; curiosity doesn’t need either. Con-
           flicts of curiosity with superstitions, ideologies, authorities or the rest of society are thus
               Curiosity is the exploration of limits. For every limit, there are two possibilities: the
           limit can turn out to be real or apparent. If the limit is real, the most productive attitude is
           that of acceptance. Approaching the limit then gives strength. If the limit is only apparent

           * Several researchers have studied the situations leading to these magic moments in more detail, notably
           the physician and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (b. 1821 Potsdam, d. 1894 Charlottenburg) and the
           mathematician Henri Poincaré (b. 1854 Nancy, d. 1912 Paris). They distinguish four stages in the conception
Ref. 298   of an idea at the basis of such a magic moment: saturation, incubation, illumination and verification.
           342                                     9 observations, lies and patterns of nature

           and in fact non-existent, the most productive attitude is to re-evaluate the mistaken view,
           extract the positive role it performed, and then cross the limit. Distinguishing between
           real and apparent limits is only possible when the limit is investigated with great care,
           openness and unintentionality. Most of all, exploring limits need courage.

                                                         “                                                       ”
                                                             Das gelüftete Geheimnis rächt sich.*
                                                                                              Bert Hellinger

           C ourage

                                                             Il est dangereux d’avoir raison dans des choses

                                                             où des hommes accrédités ont tort.**

                                                             Manche suchen Sicherheit, wo Mut gefragt ist,
                                                             und suchen Freiheit, wo das Richtige keine

                                                             Wahl läßt.***
                                                                                              Bert Hellinger

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Most of the material in this chapter is necessary to complete our adventure. But we need
Ref. 301   more. Like any enterprise, curiosity also requires courage, and complete curiosity, as
           aimed for in our quest, requires complete courage. In fact, it is easy to get discouraged
           on this journey. The quest is often dismissed by others as useless, uninteresting, child-
           ish, confusing, damaging, crazy or even evil and deserving punishment. For example,
           between the death of Socrates in 399 b ce and Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d’Holbach, in
           1770, no book was published with the statement ‘gods do not exist’, because of the threats
           to the life of anyone who dared to make the point. Even today, this type of attitude still

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           abounds, as the newspapers show.
               Curiosity and scientific activity are implicitly opposed to any idea, person or organiz-
           ation that tries to avoid the comparison of statements with observations. These ‘avoiders’
           demand to live with superstitions and beliefs. But superstitions and beliefs produce un-
           necessary fear. And fear is the basis of all unjust authorities. One gets into a vicious
           circle: avoiding comparison with observation produces fear – fear keeps unjust author-
           ity in place – unjust authority avoids comparison with observation – etc.
               Curiosity and science are fundamentally opposed to unjust authority, a connection
           that made life difficult for people such as Anaxagoras in ancient Greece, Hypatia in the
           christian Roman Empire, Galileo Galilei in the former Papal States, Antoine Lavoisier in
           revolutionary France and Albert Einstein (and many others) in Nazi Germany. In the
           second half of the twentieth century, victims were Robert Oppenheimer, Melba Phillips
           and Chandler Davis in the United States, and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. Each
           of them tell a horrible but instructive story, as have, more recently, Fang Lizhi, Xu Li-
           angying, Liu Gang and Wang Juntao in China, Kim Song-Man in South Corea, Otanazar
           Aripov in Uzbekistan, Ramadan al-Hadi al-Hush in Libya, Bo Bo Htun in Burma, Sami
           Kilani and Salman Salman in Palestine, Abdus Salam in Pakistan, as well as many hun-
           dreds of others. In many authoritarian societies the antagonism between curiosity and
           * ‘The unveiled secret takes revenge.’
Ref. 299   ** ‘It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.’
           *** ‘Some look for security where courage is required and look for freedom where the right way doesn’t
Ref. 300   leave any choice.’
the quest for precision and its implications                                                    343

injustice has hindered or even completely suppressed the development of physics, other
natural sciences and engineering, with extremely negative economic, social and cultural
    When embarking on the adventure to understand motion, we need to be conscious
of what we are doing. In fact, we can avoid external obstacles or at least largely reduce
them by keeping the project to ourselves. Other difficulties still remain, this time of per-
sonal nature. Curiosity often leads us to face painful discoveries. Many have tried to
embark on the adventure of motion with some hidden or explicit intention, usually of
an ideological nature, and then have got entangled before reaching the end. Some have
not been prepared to accept the humility required for such an endeavour. Others were
not prepared for the openness and honesty required, which can shatter deeply held be-
liefs. Still others were not ready to turn towards the unclear, the dark and the unknown,
confronting them at every occasion.
    On the other hand, the dangers of curiosity are worth it. By taking curiosity as a
maxim, facing disinformation and fear with all our courage, we achieve freedom from

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
all beliefs. In exchange, we come to savour some among the fullest pleasures and the
deepest satisfaction that life has to offer.
    In summary: we continue our hike. At this point, the trail towards the top of Motion
Mountain is leading us towards the next adventure: discovering the origin of sizes, shapes
and colours in nature.

                                             And the gods said to man: ‘Take what you want,

                                             and pay the price.’
                                                                             Popular saying

                                             It is difficult to make a man miserable while he

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                             feels he is worthy of himself.
                                                                            Abraham Lincoln
         C h a p t e r 10

         C L A S SIC A L PH YSIC S I N A N U T SH E L L

                 lassical electrodynamics, with mechanics, thermodynamics and relativity,
                 ompletes our walk through classical physics. In the structure of physics,
                 lassical physics encompasses four of the eight points that make up all of physics,
         the science of motion. As a whole, classical physics describes the motion of everyday

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Page 8   bodies, the motion of heat, the motion of extremely fast objects, the motion of empty
         space, and the motion of light and electric charge. By completing classical physics, we
         have covered the first half of our adventure. Let us summarize what we have found out
         about motion so far – and what we did not.

         What can move?
         In nature, four entities can move: objects, radiation, space-time and horizons. In all cases,
         their motion happens in such a way as to minimize change. Change is also called (phys-
         ical) action. In short, all motion in nature minimizes action.

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            In all cases of motion, we distinguish the permanent or intrinsic properties from the
         varying state. We learned to distinguish and to characterize the possible intrinsic prop-
         erties and the possible states of each moving entity.
            About objects, we found that in everyday life, all sufficiently small objects or particles
         are described completely by their mass and their electric charge. There is no magnetic
         charge. Mass and electric charge are thus the only localized intrinsic properties of clas-
         sical, everyday objects. Both mass and electric charge are defined by the accelerations
         they produce around them. Both quantities are conserved; thus they can be added (with
         certain precautions). Mass, in contrast to charge, is always positive, i.e., always attract-
         ive. Mass describes the interaction of objects in collisions and in gravitation, charge the
         interaction with electromagnetic fields.
            All varying aspects of objects, i.e., their state, can be described using momentum and
         position, as well as angular momentum and orientation. These four quantities can vary
         continuously in amount and direction. Therefore the set of all possible states forms a
         space, the so-called phase space. The state of extended, shape-changing objects is given by
         the states of all its constituent particles. These particles make up all objects by interacting
            The Lagrangian determines the action, or total change, of any kind of motion. Action,
         or change, is independent of the observer; the state is not. The states found by different
         observers are related: the relations are called the ‘laws’ or properties of motion. For
         different times they are called evolution equations, for different places and orientations
classical physics in a nutshell                                                         345

they are called transformation relations, and for different gauges they are called gauge
transformations. Motion of each everyday objects is fully described by the principle of
least action: motion minimizes action.
    Radiation also moves. Everyday types of radiation, such as light, radio waves and
their related forms, are travelling electromagnetic waves. They are described by same
equations that describe the interaction of charged or magnetic objects. Electromagnetic
fields have no mass; their speed in vacuum is the maximum possible energy speed in
nature and is the same for all observers. The motion of radiation describes the motion
of images. The intrinsic properties of radiation are its dispersion relation and its energy–
angular momentum relation. The state of radiation is described by its electromagnetic
field strength, its phase, its polarization and its coupling to matter. The motion of elec-
tromagnetic fields and waves minimizes action and change.
    Space-time is also able to move, by changing its curvature. The state of space-time is
given by the metric, which describes distances and curvature, and thus the local warped-
ness. The warpedness can oscillate and propagate, so that empty space can move like a

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
wave. Also the motion of space-time minimizes change. The principle of least action is
valid. The intrinsic properties of space-time are the number of dimensions, its metric
signature and its topology. Experiments show that space-time has 3+1 dimensions, its
metric signature is + + +− and the topology of space-time is simple.
    Horizons can be seen as limit cases of either space-time or matter-radiation. They
share the same intrinsic and state properties. The dark night sky, the boundary of the
universe, is the most important example of a horizon. Other examples are the boundaries
of black holes. The universe, both its space-time and its matter content, shows maximum
age and distance values. The history of the universe is long, about three times as long as

                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
the history of the Earth. On large scales, all matter in the universe moves away from all
other matter: the universe, and its horizon, is expanding.

Properties of classical motion
Around us, we observe motion for objects, radiation, space-time and horizons. In our
exploration of classical physics, we distilled six specific properties of all classical – or
everyday – motion.
1. Everyday motion is continuous. Continuous motion allows defining space and time.
   All energy moves in the way space-time dictates it, and space moves the way energy
   dictates it. This relation describes the motion of the stars, of thrown stones, of light
   beams and of the tides. Rest and free fall are the same, and gravity is curved space-
   time. Mass breaks conformal symmetry and thus distinguishes space from time.
       The continuity of motion is limited: The (local) speed of energy, mass and charge
   is bound from above by a universal constant 𝑐, and (local) energy change per time
   is bound from above by a universal constant 𝑐5 /4𝐺. The speed value 𝑐 is realized for
   the motion of massless particles. It also relates space to time. The power value 𝑐5 /4𝐺
   is realized by horizons. Horizons are found around black holes and at the border of
   the universe. The maximum power value also relates space-time curvature to energy
   flow and thus describes the elasticity of space-time.
       The continuity of motion is limited in a second way: No two objects can be at the
                  346                                                 10 classical physics in a nutshell

                        same spot at the same time. This is the first statement that humans encounter about
                        electromagnetism. The statement is due to the repulsion of charges of the same sign
                        found in matter. More detailed investigation shows that electric charges accelerate
                        other charges, that charges are necessary to define length and time intervals, and that
                        charges are the source of electromagnetic fields. Also light is such a field. Light travels
                        at the maximum possible velocity 𝑐. In contrast to objects, light and electromagnetic
                        fields can interpenetrate.
                  2.    Everyday motion conserves mass, electric charge, energy, linear momentum and an-
                        gular momentum. For these quantities, nothing appears out of nothing. Conservation
                        applies to all kinds of motion: to linear motion, to rotational motion, and to motion
                        of matter, radiation, space-time and horizons. Energy and momentum are similar
                        to continuous substances: they are never destroyed, never created, but always redis-
                        tributed. Not even heat, growth, transformations, biological evolution or friction are
                        exceptions to conservation.
                  3.    Everyday motion is relative: motion depends on the observer. Not even the firm floor

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                        below our feet contradicts relativity.
                  4.    Everyday motion is reversible: everyday motion can occur backwards. Not even fric-
                        tion, the breaking of objects or death are exceptions to reversibility.
                  5.    Everyday motion is mirror-invariant: everyday motion can occur in a mirror-
                        reversed way. In short, we found that the classical motion of objects, radiation and
                        space-time is right–left symmetric. Human-made objects, such as writing, are no
                        exceptions to mirror-invariance.
                  6.    Everyday motion is lazy: motion happens in a way that minimizes change, i.e., phys-
                        ical action. In Galilean physics and electrodynamics, action is the time average of

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        the difference between kinetic and potential energy. In general relativity, action takes
                        into account the curvature and elasticity of space-time. The principle of least action
                        – or cosmic laziness – hold for all cases.

                  In short, our exploration of classical physics showed us:

                       ⊳ Motion is lazy: it is predictable and limited.

                  In other terms, nature follows patterns and rules. Motion is deterministic. There are no
                  surprises in nature. Nature cannot do whatever it likes to do.
                      We will discover later that some rare examples of non-everyday motion violate revers-
                  ibility and mirror-invariance in a subtle way. The subtle violations disappear if the terms
                  are properly extended in their meaning. Also mass conservation is violated separately,
                  but becomes, in relativity, part of energy conservation. In short, the general statements
                  about motion, suitably corrected, remain valid across all of nature.
                      Above all, we saw that motion minimizes action. Also this deep result remains valid
                  throughout our adventure. In other terms, the universe has no freedom to determine
                  what occurs inside it.
                      After completing the classical parts of this adventure, you might think that
Challenge 333 e   you know classical physics well. If you do so, read the excellent collection by
                  Friedrich Herrmann, Historical Burdens on Physics, available for free download,
                  at If the topics presented there –
           classical physics in a nutshell                                                                   347

           all simple to understand – are clear to you – even if you disagree – you have become a
           real expert on classical physics.

           The fu ture of planet E arth
           Maybe nature shows no surprises, but it still provides many adventures. On the 2nd
           of March 2009, a small asteroid ‘almost’ hit the Earth. It passed at a distance of only
           63 500 km from our planet. On impact, it would have destroyed a region the size of
           London. Such events occur regularly.* Several other adventures can be predicted by
           classical physics; they are listed in Table 25. Several items are problems facing humanity
           in the distant future, but some, such as volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts, could
Ref. 302   happen at any time. All are research topics.

           TA B L E 25 Examples of disastrous motion of possible future importance.

           C r i t i c a l s i t uat i o n                                        Ye a r s f r o m n o w

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Giant tsunami from volcanic eruption at Canary islands                 c. 10-200
           End of fundamental physics, with a definite proof that nature is       c. 20 (around year 2030)
           Major nuclear material accident or weapon use                          unknown
           Explosion of volcano in Greenland, Italy or elsewhere, leading         unknown
           to long darkening of sky
           Explosion of Yellowstone or other giant volcano leading to year-       0 to 100 000
           long volcanic winter
           Earth’s mantle instability leading to massive volcanic activity        unknown

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Mini ice age due to collapse of gulf stream                            unknown
           Ozone shield reduction                                                 c. 100
           Rising ocean levels due to greenhouse warming                          > 100
           Several magnetic north and south poles appear, allowing solar          c. 800
           storms to disturb radio and telecommunications, to interrupt
           electricity supplies, to increase animal mutations and to disor-
           ient migrating animals such as wales, birds and tortoises
           Our interstellar gas cloud detaches from the solar system, chan-       c. 3 000
           ging the size of the heliosphere, and thus expose us more to au-
           rorae and solar magnetic fields
           Reversal of Earth’s magnetic field, implying a time with almost        unknown
           no magnetic field, with increased cosmic radiation levels and
           thus more skin cancers and miscarriages
           Atmospheric oxygen depletion due to forest reduction and ex-           > 1000
           aggerated fuel consumption
           Upcoming ice age                                                       c. 15 000
           Possible collision with interstellar gas cloud assumed to be           c. 50 000
           crossed by the Earth every 60 million years, maybe causing mass

           * The web pages around provide more information on
           such close encounters.
348                                                   10 classical physics in a nutshell

TA B L E 25 (Continued) Examples of disastrous motion of possible future importance.

C r i t i c a l s i t uat i o n                                       Ye a r s f r o m n o w

Possible genetic degeneration of homo sapiens due to Y chromo-        c. 200 000
some reduction
Africa collides with Europe, transforming the Mediterranean           around 3 ⋅ 106
into a lake that starts evaporating
Gamma-ray burst from within our own galaxy, causing radiation         between 0 and 5 ⋅ 106
damage to many living beings
Asteroid hitting the Earth, generating tsunamis, storms, darken-      between 0 and 50 ⋅ 106
ing sunlight, etc.
Neighbouring star approaching, starting comet shower through          > 106
destabilization of Oort cloud and thus risk for life on Earth
American continent collides with Asia                                 > 100 ⋅ 106
Molecular cloud engulfs the solar system                              unknown

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Instability of solar system                                           > 100 ⋅ 106
Low atmospheric CO2 content stops photosynthesis                      > 100 ⋅ 106
Collision of Milky Way with star cluster or other galaxy              > 150 ⋅ 106
Sun ages and gets hotter, evaporating seas                            > 250 ⋅ 106
Ocean level increase due to Earth rotation slowing/stopping (if       > 109
not evaporated before)
Temperature rise/fall (depending on location) due to Earth ro-        > 109
tation stop
Sun runs out of fuel, becomes red giant, engulfs Earth                5.0 ⋅ 109

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Sun stops burning, becomes white dwarf                                5.2 ⋅ 109
Earth core solidifies, removing magnetic field and thus Earth’s       10.0 ⋅ 109
cosmic radiation shield
Nearby nova (e.g. Betelgeuse) bathes Earth in annihilation radi-      unknown
Nearby supernova (e.g. Eta Carinae) blasts over solar system          unknown
Galaxy centre destabilizes rest of galaxy                             unknown
Universe recollapses – if ever (see page 136, volume II)              > 20 ⋅ 109
Matter decays into radiation – if ever (see Appendix B in vol. V)     > 1033
Problems with naked singularities                                     only in science fiction
Vacuum becomes unstable                                               only in science fiction
End of applied physics                                                never

Despite the fascination of the predictions – all made in the year 2000 – we leave aside
these literally tremendous issues and continue on our adventure.

                                                   I’m an old man and I’ve known many troubles.

                                                   Most of them never happened.
                                                                             Anonymous wisdom
classical physics in a nutshell                                                               349

The essence of classical physics – the infinitely small and the
lack of surprises
In the first three parts of our walk, on classical physics, we found that motion minimizes
change. Every type of motion around us confirms that nature is lazy. The ‘laziness’ of
the classical description of nature is based on an important statement.

   ⊳ Classical physics is the description of motion using the concept of the infin-
     itely small.

All concepts used so far, be they for space, time or other observables, assume that the in-
finitely small exists. Special relativity, despite the speed limit, still allows infinitely small
velocities; general relativity, despite its black hole limits, still allows infinitely small force
and power values. Similarly, in the description of electrodynamics and gravitation, both
integrals and derivatives are abbreviations of mathematical processes that use and as-

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
sume infinitely small distances and time intervals. In other words, the classical descrip-
tion of nature introduces and is based on the infinitely small in the description of motion.
   Using the infinitely small as a research tool, the classical description of motion dis-
covers that energy, momentum, angular momentum and electric charge are conserved.
They are conserved also for infinitely small dimensions or time intervals. The detailed
exploration of conservation at infinitely small scale has led us to a strong conclusion:

   ⊳ Motion has no surprises. Motion is deterministic, predictable and limited.

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     Motion has no choices and no options.

Experiments confirm all these properties. Experiments thus imply

   ⊳ Nature provides no miracles.

In this statement, a ‘miracle’ is a term used for a process against the rules of nature.
Some people argue that infinity is the necessary ingredient needed to perform miracles.
Classical physics shows the opposite: the existence of the infinitely small prevents miracles.
    Laziness, conservation and the lack of surprises also imply that motion and nature are
not described by concepts such as ‘punishment’ or ‘reward’ or ‘fairness’. This is also the
case for disasters, catastrophes, luck or happy occurrences. Laziness, conservation and
the lack of surprises also imply that motion and nature are not designed and have no aim.
Various people claim the opposite; they are mistaken.
    Classical physics implies the absence of surprises. As reassuring as this result may be,
it leaves us with a doubt. Both special and general relativity have eliminated the existence
of the infinitely large. There is no infinitely large force, power, size, age or speed. Why
should the infinitely small exist, but the infinitely large not? And if the infinitely small
is also eliminated, can miracles occur again? In fact, there are still more open questions
about motion.
           350                                                    10 classical physics in a nutshell

           Summary: Why have we not yet reached the top of the mountain?

                                                               The more important fundamental laws and facts
                                                               of physical science have all been discovered,
                                                               and these are now so firmly established that the
                                                               possibility of their ever being supplanted in
                                                               consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly
                                                               remote... Our future discoveries must be looked

                                                               for in the sixth place of decimals.
                                                                                        Albert Michelson, 1894.*

           We might think that we know nature now, as did Albert Michelson at the end of the
           nineteenth century. He claimed that electrodynamics and Galilean physics implied that
           the major laws of physics were well known. The statement is often quoted as an example
           of flawed predictions, since it reflects an incredible mental closure to the world around
           him. Not only did Michelson overlook the need for understanding the darkness of the
           sky and general relativity.

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
              Michelson – in contrast to many physicists of his time – had also overlooked three
           contradictions between electrodynamics and nature for which he had no excuse. First
           of all, we found above that clocks and metre bars are necessarily made of matter and
Page 250   necessarily based on electromagnetism. But as we saw, classical electrodynamics does
           not explain the stability and properties of matter and atoms. Matter is made of small
           particles, but the relation between these particles, electricity and the smallest charges is
           not clear.

              ⊳ We do not understand matter.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           If we do not understand matter, we do not yet fully understand space and time, because
           we defined space and time using measurement devices made of matter.
              Secondly, Michelson knew that the origin of not a single colour observed in nature is
           described by classical electrodynamics.

              ⊳ We do not understand colour.

           Classical electrodynamics can only explain colour differences and colour changes, but it
           cannot describe absolute colour values.
              Worse, Michelson overlooked a third limitation of the classical description of nature:

              ⊳ We do not understand life.

           The abilities of living beings – growing, seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, being healthy
           or sick, reproducing and dying – are all unexplained by classical physics. In fact, all these
           abilities contradict classical physics. Nevertheless, Michelson received the Nobel Prize in
           Physics many years after his speech.

           * From his address at the dedication ceremony for the Ryerson Physical Laboratory at the University of
           Chicago. Michelson (b. 1852 Strelno, d. 1931 Pasadena) was an important and influential physicist; he was
           awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1907 for his experiments on the invariance of the speed of light.
classical physics in a nutshell                                                          351

   At the end of the nineteenth century, the progress in technology due to the use of
electricity, chemistry and vacuum technology allowed better and better machines and
apparatuses to be built. All were built with classical physics in mind. In the years between
1890 and 1920, these classical machines completely destroyed the foundations of classical
physics. Experiments with these apparatuses showed that matter is made of atoms of
finite and constant size, that electrical charge comes in smallest amounts, that there is a
smallest entropy value, a smallest angular momentum value and a smallest action value
in nature, and that both matter particles and light behave randomly.
   In short, precise experiments show that in nature, the existence of the infinitely small
is wrong in many cases: many observables come in quanta. Like an old empire, classical
physics collapsed. Classical physics does not describe nature correctly at small scales.
Quantum physics is needed.
   In summary, understanding light, matter and its interactions, including life itself, is
the aim of the upcoming parts of our adventure. And to understand life we need to
understand the size, shape, colour and material properties of all things – including atoms.

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
This understanding takes place at small scales. More specifically, in order to understand
matter, colour and life, we need to study particles. A lot is still left to explore. And this
exploration will lead us from wonder to wonder.

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Appendix A

           U N I T S , M E A SU R E M E N T S A N D
           C ON STA N T S

                     easurements are comparisons with standards. Standards are based on units.
                     any different systems of units have been used throughout the world.
                     ost of these standards confer power to the organization in charge of them.
           Such power can be misused; this is the case today, for example in the computer in-

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           dustry, and was so in the distant past. The solution is the same in both cases: organize
           an independent and global standard. For measurement units, this happened in the
           eighteenth century: in order to avoid misuse by authoritarian institutions, to eliminate
           problems with differing, changing and irreproducible standards, and – this is not a joke
           – to simplify tax collection and to make it more just, a group of scientists, politicians
           and economists agreed on a set of units. It is called the Système International d’Unités,
           abbreviated SI, and is defined by an international treaty, the ‘Convention du Mètre’.
           The units are maintained by an international organization, the ‘Conférence Générale
           des Poids et Mesures’, and its daughter organizations, the ‘Commission Internationale
           des Poids et Mesures’ and the ‘Bureau International des Poids et Mesures’ (BIPM). All

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 303   originated in the times just before the French revolution.

           SI units
           All SI units are built from seven base units. Their simplest definitions, translated from
           French into English, are the following ones, together with the dates of their formulation
           and a few comments:
                ‘The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding
           to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133
           atom.’ (1967) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but much less clear.*
                ‘The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time inter-
           val of 1/299 792 458 of a second.’ (1983) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but much less
                ‘The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed
           numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 15 ⋅ 10−34 when expressed in the
           unit J ⋅ s, which is equal to kg ⋅ m2 ⋅ s−1 .’ (2019)*
                ‘The ampere, symbol A, is the SI unit of electric current. It is defined by taking
           the fixed numerical value of the elementary charge e to be 1.602 176 634 ⋅ 10−19 when
           expressed in the unit C, which is equal to A ⋅ s.’ (2019)* This definition is equivalent to:
           One ampere is 6.241 509 074... ⋅ 1018 elementary charges per second.
                ‘The kelvin, symbol K, is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature. It is defined
           a units, measurements and constants                                                                      353

           by taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant 𝑘 to be 1.380649 ⋅ 10−23
           when expressed in the unit J ⋅ K−1 .’ (2019)*
                ‘The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance. One mole contains
           exactly 6.02214076 ⋅ 1023 elementary entities.’ (2019)*
                ‘The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits
           monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ⋅ 1012 hertz and has a radiant intensity in
           that direction of (1/683) watt per steradian.’ (1979) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but
           much less clear.*
           We note that both time and length units are defined as certain properties of a standard
           example of motion, namely light. In other words, also the Conférence Générale des Poids
           et Mesures makes the point that the observation of motion is a prerequisite for the defin-
           ition and construction of time and space. Motion is the fundament of every observation
           and of all measurement. By the way, the use of light in the definitions had been proposed
           already in 1827 by Jacques Babinet.**

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               From these basic units, all other units are defined by multiplication and division.
           Thus, all SI units have the following properties:
                SI units form a system with state-of-the-art precision: all units are defined with a
           precision that is higher than the precision of commonly used measurements. Moreover,
           the precision of the definitions is regularly being improved. The present relative uncer-
           tainty of the definition of the second is around 10−14 , for the metre about 10−10 , for the
           kilogram about 10−9 , for the ampere 10−7 , for the mole less than 10−6 , for the kelvin 10−6
           and for the candela 10−3 .
                SI units form an absolute system: all units are defined in such a way that they can

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           be reproduced in every suitably equipped laboratory, independently, and with high pre-
           cision. This avoids as much as possible any error or misuse by the standard-setting or-
           ganization. In fact, the SI units are as now as near as possible to Planck’s natural units,
           which are presented below. In practice, the SI is now an international standard defining
           the numerical values of the seven constants Δ𝜈Cs , 𝑐, ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘, 𝑁A and 𝐾cd . After over 200
           years of discussions, the CGPM has little left to do.
                SI units form a practical system: the base units are quantities of everyday magnitude.
           Frequently used units have standard names and abbreviations. The complete list includes
           the seven base units just given, the supplementary units, the derived units and the ad-
           mitted units.
              The supplementary SI units are two: the unit for (plane) angle, defined as the ratio
           of arc length to radius, is the radian (rad). For solid angle, defined as the ratio of the
           subtended area to the square of the radius, the unit is the steradian (sr).
              The derived units with special names, in their official English spelling, i.e., without
           capital letters and accents, are:

           * The symbols of the seven units are s, m, kg, A, K, mol and cd. The full offical definitions are found at
Ref. 304 For more details about the levels of the caesium atom, consult a book on atomic physics.
           The Celsius scale of temperature 𝜃 is defined as: 𝜃/°C = 𝑇/K − 273.15; note the small difference with the
           number appearing in the definition of the kelvin. In the definition of the candela, the frequency of the light
           corresponds to 555.5 nm, i.e., green colour, around the wavelength to which the eye is most sensitive.
           ** Jacques Babinet (1794–1874), French physicist who published important work in optics.
                  354                                                 a units, measurements and constants

                  Name         A bbre v iat i o n                       Name               A b b r e v i at i o n

                  hertz        Hz = 1/s                                 newton            N = kg m/s2
                  pascal       Pa = N/m2 = kg/m s2                      joule             J = Nm = kg m2 /s2
                  watt         W = kg m2 /s3                            coulomb           C = As
                  volt         V = kg m2 /As3                           farad             F = As/V = A2 s4 /kg m2
                  ohm          Ω = V/A = kg m2 /A2 s3                   siemens           S = 1/Ω
                  weber        Wb = Vs = kg m2 /As2                     tesla             T = Wb/m2 = kg/As2 = kg/Cs
                  henry        H = Vs/A = kg m2 /A2 s2                  degree Celsius    °C (see definition of kelvin)
                  lumen        lm = cd sr                               lux               lx = lm/m2 = cd sr/m2
                  becquerel    Bq = 1/s                                 gray              Gy = J/kg = m2 /s2
                  sievert      Sv = J/kg = m2 /s2                       katal             kat = mol/s

                     We note that in all definitions of units, the kilogram only appears to the powers of 1,

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 334 s   0 and −1. Can you try to formulate the reason?
                     The admitted non-SI units are minute, hour, day (for time), degree 1° = π/180 rad,
                  minute 1 󸀠 = π/10 800 rad, second 1 󸀠󸀠 = π/648 000 rad (for angles), litre, and tonne. All
                  other units are to be avoided.
                     All SI units are made more practical by the introduction of standard names and ab-
                  breviations for the powers of ten, the so-called prefixes:*

                  Power Name               Power Name                   Power Name                  Power Name
                  101    deca da           10−1     deci     d          1018 Exa             E      10−18      atto       a

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  102    hecto h           10−2     centi    c          1021 Zetta           Z      10−21      zepto      z
                  103    kilo k            10−3     milli    m          1024 Yotta           Y      10−24      yocto      y
                  106    Mega M            10−6     micro    μ          unofficial:                 Ref. 305
                  109    Giga G            10−9     nano     n          1027 Xenta           X      10−27      xenno      x
                  1012   Tera T            10−12    pico     p          1030 Wekta           W      10−30      weko       w
                  1015   Peta P            10−15    femto    f          1033 Vendekta        V      10−33      vendeko    v
                                                                        1036 Udekta          U      10−36      udeko      u

                      SI units form a complete system: they cover in a systematic way the full set of ob-
                  servables of physics. Moreover, they fix the units of measurement for all other sciences
                  as well.

                  * Some of these names are invented (yocto to sound similar to Latin octo ‘eight’, zepto to sound similar
                  to Latin septem, yotta and zetta to resemble them, exa and peta to sound like the Greek words ἑξάκις and
                  πεντάκις for ‘six times’ and ‘five times’, the unofficial ones to sound similar to the Greek words for nine,
                  ten, eleven and twelve); some are from Danish/Norwegian (atto from atten ‘eighteen’, femto from femten
                  ‘fifteen’); some are from Latin (from mille ‘thousand’, from centum ‘hundred’, from decem ‘ten’, from
                  nanus ‘dwarf’); some are from Italian (from piccolo ‘small’); some are Greek (micro is from μικρός ‘small’,
                  deca/deka from δέκα ‘ten’, hecto from ἑκατόν ‘hundred’, kilo from χίλιοι ‘thousand’, mega from μέγας
                  ‘large’, giga from γίγας ‘giant’, tera from τέρας ‘monster’).
                      Translate: I was caught in such a traffic jam that I needed a microcentury for a picoparsec and that my
Challenge 335 e   car’s fuel consumption was two tenths of a square millimetre.
                  a units, measurements and constants                                                                         355

                       SI units form a universal system: they can be used in trade, in industry, in commerce,
                  at home, in education and in research. They could even be used by extraterrestrial civil-
                  izations, if they existed.
                       SI units form a self-consistent system: the product or quotient of two SI units is also
                  an SI unit. This means that in principle, the same abbreviation, e.g. ‘SI’, could be used
                  for every unit.
                  The SI units are not the only possible set that could fulfil all these requirements, but they
                  are the only existing system that does so.*

                  The meaning of measurement
                  Every measurement is a comparison with a standard. Therefore, any measurement re-
Challenge 336 e   quires matter to realize the standard (even for a speed standard), and radiation to achieve
                  the comparison. The concept of measurement thus assumes that matter and radiation
                  exist and can be clearly separated from each other.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Every measurement is a comparison. Measuring thus implies that space and time
                  exist, and that they differ from each other.
                     Every measurement produces a measurement result. Therefore, every measurement
                  implies the storage of the result. The process of measurement thus implies that the situ-
                  ation before and after the measurement can be distinguished. In other terms, every meas-
                  urement is an irreversible process.
                     Every measurement is a process. Thus every measurement takes a certain amount of
                  time and a certain amount of space.
                     All these properties of measurements are simple but important. Beware of anybody

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  who denies them.

                  Precision and accuracy of measurements
                  Measurements are the basis of physics. Every measurement has an error. Errors are due
                  to lack of precision or to lack of accuracy. Precision means how well a result is reproduced
                  when the measurement is repeated; accuracy is the degree to which a measurement cor-
                  responds to the actual value.
                      Lack of precision is due to accidental or random errors; they are best measured by the
                  standard deviation, usually abbreviated 𝜎; it is defined through

                                                                     1 𝑛
                                                           𝜎2 =          ∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)̄ 2 ,                                      (110)
                                                                   𝑛 − 1 𝑖=1 𝑖

                  * Apart from international units, there are also provincial units. Most provincial units still in use are of
                  Roman origin. The mile comes from milia passum, which used to be one thousand (double) strides of
                  about 1480 mm each; today a nautical mile, once defined as minute of arc on the Earth’s surface, is defined
                  as exactly 1852 m. The inch comes from uncia/onzia (a twelfth – now of a foot). The pound (from pondere
                  ‘to weigh’) is used as a translation of libra – balance – which is the origin of its abbreviation lb. Even the
                  habit of counting in dozens instead of tens is Roman in origin. These and all other similarly funny units –
                  like the system in which all units start with ‘f’, and which uses furlong/fortnight as its unit of velocity – are
                  now officially defined as multiples of SI units.
                  356                                                a units, measurements and constants

                          number of measurements

                                                                                      standard deviation

                                                                                      full width at half maximum

                                                                                               limit curve for a large number
                                                                                                    of measurements: the
                                                                                                    Gaussian distribution

                                                              x                                            x
                                                        average value                                measured values

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 185 A precision experiment and its measurement distribution. The precision is high if the
                  width of the distribution is narrow; the accuracy is high if the centre of the distribution agrees with the
                  actual value.

                  where 𝑥̄ is the average of the measurements 𝑥𝑖 . (Can you imagine why 𝑛 − 1 is used in
Challenge 337 s   the formula instead of 𝑛?)
                     For most experiments, the distribution of measurement values tends towards a nor-
                  mal distribution, also called Gaussian distribution, whenever the number of measure-

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  ments is increased. The distribution, shown in Figure 185, is described by the expression

                                                                           (𝑥−𝑥)̄ 2
                                                              𝑁(𝑥) ≈ e−      2𝜎2       .                                  (111)

                  The square 𝜎2 of the standard deviation is also called the variance. For a Gaussian dis-
Challenge 338 e   tribution of measurement values, 2.35𝜎 is the full width at half maximum.
                     Lack of accuracy is due to systematic errors; usually these can only be estimated. This
                  estimate is often added to the random errors to produce a total experimental error, some-
       Ref. 306   times also called total uncertainty. The relative error or uncertainty is the ratio between
                  the error and the measured value.
                     For example, a professional measurement will give a result such as 0.312(6) m. The
                  number between the parentheses is the standard deviation 𝜎, in units of the last digits.
                  As above, a Gaussian distribution for the measurement results is assumed. Therefore, a
Challenge 339 e   value of 0.312(6) m implies that the actual value is expected to lie

                  —     within 1𝜎 with 68.3 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.006 m;
                  —     within 2𝜎 with 95.4 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.012 m;
                  —     within 3𝜎 with 99.73 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.018 m;
                  —     within 4𝜎 with 99.9937 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.024 m;
                  —     within 5𝜎 with 99.999 943 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.030 m;
                  —     within 6𝜎 with 99.999 999 80 % probability, thus within 0.312 ± 0.036 m;
                   a units, measurements and constants                                                     357

                   — within 7𝜎 with 99.999 999 999 74 % probability, thus within 0.312 ± 0.041 m.
Challenge 340 s    (Do the latter numbers make sense?)
                       Note that standard deviations have one digit; you must be a world expert to use two,
                   and a fool to use more. If no standard deviation is given, a (1) is assumed. As a result,
                   among professionals, 1 km and 1000 m are not the same length!
                       What happens to the errors when two measured values 𝐴 and 𝐵 are added or subtrac-
                   ted? If the all measurements are independent – or uncorrelated – the standard deviation
                   of the sum and that of difference is given by 𝜎 = √𝜎𝐴2 + 𝜎𝐵2 . For both the product or ratio
                   of two measured and uncorrelated values 𝐶 and 𝐷, the result is 𝜌 = √𝜌𝐶2 + 𝜌𝐷2 , where the
                   𝜌 terms are the relative standard deviations.
Challenge 341 s        Assume you measure that an object moves 1 m in 3 s: what is the measured speed

                   Limits to precision

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   What are the limits to accuracy and precision? There is no way, even in principle, to
                   measure a length 𝑥 to a precision higher than about 61 digits, because in nature, the ratio
                   between the largest and the smallest measurable length is Δ𝑥/𝑥 > 𝑙Pl/𝑑horizon = 10−61 .
Challenge 342 e    (Is this ratio valid also for force or for volume?) In the final volume of our text, studies
Vol. VI, page 94   of clocks and metre bars strengthen this theoretical limit.
                       But it is not difficult to deduce more stringent practical limits. No imaginable ma-
                   chine can measure quantities with a higher precision than measuring the diameter of
                   the Earth within the smallest length ever measured, about 10−19 m; that is about 26 di-
                   gits of precision. Using a more realistic limit of a 1000 m sized machine implies a limit of

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   22 digits. If, as predicted above, time measurements really achieve 17 digits of precision,
                   then they are nearing the practical limit, because apart from size, there is an additional
                   practical restriction: cost. Indeed, an additional digit in measurement precision often
                   means an additional digit in equipment cost.

                   Physical constants
                   In physics, general observations are deduced from more fundamental ones. As a con-
                   sequence, many measurements can be deduced from more fundamental ones. The most
                   fundamental measurements are those of the physical constants.
                       The following tables give the world’s best values of the most important physical con-
                   stants and particle properties – in SI units and in a few other common units – as pub-
        Ref. 307   lished in the standard references. The values are the world averages of the best measure-
                   ments made up to the present. As usual, experimental errors, including both random
                   and estimated systematic errors, are expressed by giving the standard deviation in the
                   last digits. In fact, behind each of the numbers in the following tables there is a long
        Ref. 308   story which is worth telling, but for which there is not enough room here.
                       In principle, all quantitative properties of matter can be calculated with quantum the-
Vol. V, page 261   ory – more precisely, equations of the standard model of particle – and a set of basic
                   physical constants that are given in the next table. For example, the colour, density and
                   elastic properties of any material can be predicted, in principle, in this way.
358                                               a units, measurements and constants

TA B L E 27 Basic physical constants.

Q ua nt i t y                     Symbol               Va l u e i n S I u n i t s     U n c e r t. 𝑎

Constants that define the SI measurement units
Vacuum speed of light 𝑐      𝑐                299 792 458 m/s                         0
Original Planck constant     ℎ                6.626 070 15 ⋅ 10−34 Js                 0
Reduced Planck constant,     ℏ                1.054 571 817 ... ⋅ 10−34 Js            0
quantum of action
Positron charge 𝑐            𝑒                0.160 217 6634 aC                       0
Boltzmann constant           𝑘                1.380 649 ⋅ 10−23 J/K                   0
Avogadro’s number            𝑁A               6.022 140 76 ⋅ 1023 1/mol               0
Constant that should define the SI measurement units
Gravitational constant       𝐺               6.674 30(15) ⋅ 10−11 Nm2 /kg2 2.2 ⋅ 10−5

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Other fundamental constants
Number of space-time dimensions                        3+1                            0𝑏
Fine-structure constant 𝑑 or 𝛼 = 4π𝜀𝑒 ℏ𝑐               1/137.035 999 084(21)          1.5 ⋅ 10−10

  e.m. coupling constant            = 𝑔em (𝑚2e 𝑐2 )      = 0.007 297 352 5693(11)     1.5 ⋅ 10−10
Fermi coupling constant 𝑑 or      𝐺F /(ℏ𝑐)3            1.166 3787(6) ⋅ 10−5 GeV−2     5.1 ⋅ 10−7
  weak coupling constant          𝛼w (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔w2 /4π   1/30.1(3)                      1 ⋅ 10−2
Strong coupling constant 𝑑        𝛼s (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔s2 /4π   0.1179(10)                     8.5 ⋅ 10−3
Weak mixing angle                 sin2 𝜃W (𝑀𝑆)         0.231 22(4)                    1.7 ⋅ 10−4
                                  sin2 𝜃W (on shell)   0.222 90(30)                   1.3 ⋅ 10−3

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                  = 1 − (𝑚W /𝑚Z )2
                                                     0.97383(24) 0.2272(10)       0.00396(9)
CKM quark mixing matrix           |𝑉|              ( 0.2271(10) 0.97296(24) 0.04221(80) )
                                                     0.00814(64) 0.04161(78) 0.999100(34)
Jarlskog invariant                𝐽                 3.08(18) ⋅ 10−5
                                                      0.82(2) 0.55(4) 0.150(7)
PMNS neutrino mixing m.           |𝑃|              (0.37(13) 0.57(11) 0.71(7) )
                                                     0.41(13) 0.59(10) 0.69(7)
Electron mass                     𝑚e                9.109 383 7015(28) ⋅ 10−31 kg 3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                                    5.485 799 090 65(16) ⋅ 10−4 u 2.9 ⋅ 10−11
                                                    0.510 998 950 00(15) MeV      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Muon mass                         𝑚μ                1.883 531 627(42) ⋅ 10 kg     2.2 ⋅ 10−8
                                                       105.658 3755(23) MeV           2.2 ⋅ 10−8
Tau mass                          𝑚𝜏                   1.776 82(12) GeV/𝑐2 6.8 ⋅ 10−5
El. neutrino mass                 𝑚𝜈e                  < 2 eV/𝑐2
Muon neutrino mass                𝑚𝜈𝜇                  < 2 eV/𝑐2
Tau neutrino mass                 𝑚𝜈𝜏                  < 2 eV/𝑐2
Up quark mass                     𝑢                    21.6(+0.49/ − 0.26) MeV/𝑐2
Down quark mass                   𝑑                    4.67(+0.48/ − 0.17) MeV/𝑐2
                    a units, measurements and constants                                                                 359

                    TA B L E 27 (Continued) Basic physical constants.

                    Q ua nt i t y                    Symbol              Va l u e i n S I u n i t s        U n c e r t. 𝑎

                    Strange quark mass               𝑠                   93(+11/ − 5) MeV/𝑐2
                    Charm quark mass                 𝑐                   1.27(2) GeV/𝑐2
                    Bottom quark mass                𝑏                   4.18(3) GeV/𝑐2
                    Top quark mass                   𝑡                   172.9(0.4) GeV/𝑐2
                    Photon mass                      γ                   < 2 ⋅ 10−54 kg
                    W boson mass                     𝑊±                  80.379(12) GeV/𝑐2
                    Z boson mass                     𝑍0                  1 91.1876(21) GeV/𝑐2
                    Higgs mass                       H                   125.10(14) GeV/𝑐2
                    Gluon mass                       g1...8              c. 0 MeV/𝑐2

                    𝑎. Uncertainty: standard deviation of measurement errors.

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    𝑏. Measured from to 10−19 m to 1026 m.
                    𝑐. Defining constant.
                    𝑑. All coupling constants depend on the 4-momentum transfer, as explained in the section on
       Page 131     renormalization. Fine-structure constant is the traditional name for the electromagnetic coup-
                    ling constant 𝑔em in the case of a 4-momentum transfer of 𝑄2 = 𝑚2e 𝑐2 , which is the smallest
                    one possible. At higher momentum transfers it has larger values, e.g., 𝑔em (𝑄2 = 𝑀W
                                                                                                      2 2
                                                                                                        𝑐 ) ≈ 1/128.
                    In contrast, the strong coupling constant has lover values at higher momentum transfers; e.g.,
                    𝛼s (34 GeV) = 0.14(2).

                       Why do all these basic constants have the values they have? For any basic constant
                    with a dimension, such as the quantum of action ℏ, the numerical value has only historical

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    meaning. It is 1.054 ⋅ 10−34 Js because of the SI definition of the joule and the second.
                    The question why the value of a dimensional constant is not larger or smaller therefore
                    always requires one to understand the origin of some dimensionless number giving the
                    ratio between the constant and the corresponding natural unit that is defined with 𝑐, 𝐺,
Vol. IV, page 208   𝑘, 𝑁A and ℏ. Details and values for the natural units are given in the dedicated section.
                       In other words, understanding the sizes of atoms, people, trees and stars, the duration
                    of molecular and atomic processes, or the mass of nuclei and mountains, implies under-
                    standing the ratios between these values and the corresponding natural units. The key to
                    understanding nature is thus the understanding of all measurement ratios, and thus of all
                    dimensionless constants. This quest, including the understanding of the fine-structure
                    constant 𝛼 itself, is completed only in the final volume of our adventure.
                       The basic constants yield the following useful high-precision observations.

                    TA B L E 28 Derived physical constants.

                    Q ua nt i t y                         Symbol            Va l u e i n S I u n i t s         U n c e r t.

                    Vacuum permeability                   𝜇0                1.256 637 062 12(19) μH/m          1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Vacuum permittivity                   𝜀0 = 1/𝜇0 𝑐2      8.854 187 8128(13) pF/m            1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Vacuum impedance                      𝑍0 = √𝜇0 /𝜀0      376.730 313 668(57) Ω              1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Loschmidt’s number                    𝑁L                2.686 780 111... ⋅ 1025 1/m3       0
                     at 273.15 K and 101 325 Pa
360                                               a units, measurements and constants

TA B L E 28 (Continued) Derived physical constants.

Q ua nt i t y                       Symbol            Va l u e i n S I u n i t s       U n c e r t.

Faraday’s constant                  𝐹 = 𝑁A 𝑒          96 485.332 12... C/mol           0
Universal gas constant              𝑅 = 𝑁A 𝑘          8.314 462 618... J/(mol K)       0
Molar volume of an ideal gas        𝑉 = 𝑅𝑇/𝑝          22.413 969 54... l/mol           0
  at 273.15 K and 101 325 Pa
Rydberg constant 𝑎                  𝑅∞ = 𝑚e 𝑐𝛼2 /2ℎ 10 973 731.568 160(21) m−1         1.9 ⋅ 10−12
Conductance quantum                 𝐺0 = 2𝑒2 /ℎ         77.480 917 29... μS            0
Magnetic flux quantum               𝜑0 = ℎ/2𝑒           2.067 833 848... fWb           0
Josephson frequency ratio           2𝑒/ℎ                483.597 8484... THz/V          0
Von Klitzing constant               ℎ/𝑒2 = 𝜇0 𝑐/2𝛼      25 812.807 45... Ω             0
Bohr magneton                       𝜇B = 𝑒ℏ/2𝑚e         9.274 010 0783(28) yJ/T        3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Classical electron radius           𝑟e = 𝑒2 /4π𝜀0 𝑚e 𝑐2 2.817 940 3262(13) f m         4.5 ⋅ 10−10

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Compton wavelength                  𝜆 C = ℎ/𝑚e 𝑐        2.426 310 238 67(73) pm        3.0 ⋅ 10−10
  of the electron                   𝜆c = ℏ/𝑚e 𝑐 = 𝑟e /𝛼 0.386 159 267 96(12) pm        3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Bohr radius 𝑎                       𝑎∞ = 𝑟e /𝛼2         52.917 721 0903(80) pm         1.5 ⋅ 10−10
Quantum of circulation              ℎ/2𝑚e               3.636 947 5516(11) cm2 /s      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Specific positron charge            𝑒/𝑚e                175.882 001 076(55) GC/kg      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Cyclotron frequency                 𝑓c /𝐵 = 𝑒/2π𝑚e      27.992 489 872(9) GHz/T        3.0 ⋅ 10−10
  of the electron
Electron magnetic moment            𝜇e                −9.284 764 7043(28) yJ/T         3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                    𝜇e /𝜇B            −1.001 159 652 181 28(18)        1.7 ⋅ 10−13

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                    𝜇e /𝜇N            −1 838.281 971 88(11) ⋅ 103      6.0 ⋅ 10−11
Electron g-factor                   𝑔e                −2.002 319 304 362 56(35)        1.7 ⋅ 10−13
Muon–electron mass ratio            𝑚μ /𝑚e            206.768 2830(46)                 2.2 ⋅ 10−8
Muon magnetic moment                𝜇μ                −4.490 448 30(10) ⋅ 10−26 J/T    2.2 ⋅ 10−8
Muon g-factor                       𝑔μ                −2.002 331 8418(13)              6.3 ⋅ 10−10
Atomic mass unit                    1 u = 𝑚12C /12    1.660 539 066 60(50) ⋅ 10−27 kg 3.0 ⋅ 10−10
Proton mass                         𝑚p                1.672 621 923 69(51) ⋅ 10−27 kg 3.1 ⋅ 10−10
                                                      1.007 276 466 621(53) u          5.3 ⋅ 10−11
                                                      938.272 088 16(29) MeV           3.1 ⋅ 10−10
Proton–electron mass ratio          𝑚p /𝑚e            1 836.152 673 43(11)             6.0 ⋅ 10−11
Specific proton charge              𝑒/𝑚p              9.578 833 1560(29) ⋅ 10 C/kg 3.1 ⋅ 10−10

Proton Compton wavelength           𝜆 C,p = ℎ/𝑚p 𝑐    1.321 409 855 39(40) f m         3.1 ⋅ 10−10
Nuclear magneton                    𝜇N = 𝑒ℏ/2𝑚p       5.050 783 7461(15) ⋅ 10−27 J/T 3.1 ⋅ 10−10
Proton magnetic moment              𝜇p                1.410 606 797 36(60) ⋅ 10−26 J/T 4.2 ⋅ 10−10
                                    𝜇p /𝜇B            1.521 032 202 30(46) ⋅ 10−3      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                    𝜇p /𝜇N            2.792 847 344 63(82)             2.9 ⋅ 10−10
Proton gyromagnetic ratio           𝛾p = 2𝜇𝑝 /ℎ       42.577 478 518(18) MHz/T         4.2 ⋅ 10−10
Proton g factor                     𝑔p                5.585 694 6893(16)               2.9 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron mass                        𝑚n                1.674 927 498 04(95) ⋅ 10 kg 5.7 ⋅ 10−10
a units, measurements and constants                                                                 361

TA B L E 28 (Continued) Derived physical constants.

Q ua nt i t y                         Symbol               Va l u e i n S I u n i t s      U n c e r t.

                                                           1.008 664 915 95(43) u          4.8 ⋅ 10−10
                                                           939.565 420 52(54) MeV          5.7 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron–electron mass ratio           𝑚n /𝑚e               1 838.683 661 73(89)            4.8 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron–proton mass ratio             𝑚n /𝑚p               1.001 378 419 31(49)            4.9 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron Compton wavelength            𝜆 C,n = ℎ/𝑚n 𝑐       1.319 590 905 81(75) f m        5.7 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron magnetic moment               𝜇n                   −0.966 236 51(23) ⋅ 10−26 J/T   2.4 ⋅ 10−7
                                      𝜇n /𝜇B               −1.041 875 63(25) ⋅ 10−3        2.4 ⋅ 10−7
                                      𝜇n /𝜇N               −1.913 042 73(45)               2.4 ⋅ 10−7
Stefan–Boltzmann constant             𝜎 = π2 𝑘4 /60ℏ3 𝑐2   56.703 744 19... nW/m2 K4       0
Wien’s displacement constant          𝑏 = 𝜆 max 𝑇          2.897 771 955... mmK            0
                                                           58.789 257 57... GHz/K          0

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Electron volt                     eV                       0.160 217 6634... aJ            0
Bits to entropy conversion const. 𝑘 ln 2                   1023 bit = 0.956 994... J/K     0
TNT energy content                                         3.7 to 4.0 MJ/kg                4 ⋅ 10−2

𝑎. For infinite mass of the nucleus.

Some useful properties of our local environment are given in the following table.

TA B L E 29 Astronomical constants.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Q ua nt it y                               Symbol          Va l u e

Tropical year 1900 𝑎                       𝑎           31 556 925.974 7 s
Tropical year 1994                         𝑎           31 556 925.2 s
Mean sidereal day                          𝑑           23ℎ 56󸀠 4.090 53󸀠󸀠
Average distance Earth–Sun 𝑏                           149 597 870.691(30) km
Astronomical unit 𝑏                        AU          149 597 870 691 m
Light year, based on Julian year 𝑏         al          9.460 730 472 5808 Pm
Parsec                                     pc          30.856 775 806 Pm = 3.261 634 al
Earth’s mass                               𝑀♁          5.973(1) ⋅ 1024 kg
Geocentric gravitational constant          𝐺𝑀          3.986 004 418(8) ⋅ 1014 m3 /s2
Earth’s gravitational length               𝑙♁ = 2𝐺𝑀/𝑐2 8.870 056 078(16) mm
Earth’s equatorial radius 𝑐                𝑅♁eq        6378.1366(1) km
Earth’s polar radius 𝑐                     𝑅♁p         6356.752(1) km
Equator–pole distance 𝑐                                    10 001.966 km (average)
Earth’s flattening 𝑐                       𝑒♁              1/298.25642(1)
Earth’s av. density                        𝜌♁              5.5 Mg/m3
Earth’s age                                𝑇♁              4.50(4) Ga = 142(2) Ps
Earth’s normal gravity                     𝑔               9.806 65 m/s2
Earth’s standard atmospher. pressure       𝑝0              101 325 Pa
362                                               a units, measurements and constants

TA B L E 29 (Continued) Astronomical constants.

Q ua nt it y                             Symbol       Va l u e

Moon’s radius                            𝑅v          1738 km in direction of Earth
Moon’s radius                            𝑅h          1737.4 km in other two directions
Moon’s mass                              𝑀           7.35 ⋅ 1022 kg
Moon’s mean distance 𝑑                   𝑑           384 401 km
Moon’s distance at perigee 𝑑                          typically 363 Mm, historical minimum
                                                      359 861 km
Moon’s distance at apogee 𝑑                           typically 404 Mm, historical maximum
                                                      406 720 km
Moon’s angular size 𝑒                                 average 0.5181° = 31.08 󸀠 , minimum
                                                      0.49°, maximum 0.55°
Moon’s average density                   𝜌           3.3 Mg/m3
Moon’s surface gravity                   𝑔           1.62 m/s2

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Moon’s atmospheric pressure              𝑝           from 10−10 Pa (night) to 10−7 Pa (day)
Jupiter’s mass                           𝑀           1.90 ⋅ 1027 kg
Jupiter’s radius, equatorial             𝑅           71.398 Mm
Jupiter’s radius, polar                  𝑅           67.1(1) Mm
Jupiter’s average distance from Sun      𝐷           778 412 020 km
Jupiter’s surface gravity                𝑔           24.9 m/s2
Jupiter’s atmospheric pressure           𝑝           from 20 kPa to 200 kPa
Sun’s mass                               𝑀⊙           1.988 43(3) ⋅ 1030 kg
                                         2𝐺𝑀⊙ /𝑐2

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Sun’s gravitational length                            2.953 250 08(5) km
Heliocentric gravitational constant      𝐺𝑀⊙          132.712 440 018(8) ⋅ 1018 m3 /s2
Sun’s luminosity                         𝐿⊙           384.6 YW
Solar equatorial radius                  𝑅⊙           695.98(7) Mm
Sun’s angular size                                    0.53∘ average; minimum on fourth of July
                                                      (aphelion) 1888 󸀠󸀠 , maximum on fourth of
                                                      January (perihelion) 1952 󸀠󸀠
Sun’s average density                    𝜌⊙           1.4 Mg/m3
Sun’s average distance                   AU           149 597 870.691(30) km
Sun’s age                                𝑇⊙           4.6 Ga
Solar velocity                           𝑣⊙g          220(20) km/s
 around centre of galaxy
Solar velocity                           𝑣⊙b          370.6(5) km/s
 against cosmic background
Sun’s surface gravity                    𝑔⊙           274 m/s2
Sun’s lower photospheric pressure        𝑝⊙           15 kPa
Distance to Milky Way’s centre                        8.0(5) kpc = 26.1(1.6) kal
Milky Way’s age                                       13.6 Ga
Milky Way’s size                                      c. 1021 m or 100 kal
Milky Way’s mass                                      1012 solar masses, c. 2 ⋅ 1042 kg
                  a units, measurements and constants                                                              363

                  TA B L E 29 (Continued) Astronomical constants.

                  Q ua nt it y                             Symbol        Va l u e

                  Most distant galaxy cluster known        SXDF-XCLJ 9.6 ⋅ 109 al

                  𝑎. Defining constant, from vernal equinox to vernal equinox; it was once used to define the
                  second. (Remember: π seconds is about a nanocentury.) The value for 1990 is about 0.7 s less,
Challenge 343 s   corresponding to a slowdown of roughly 0.2 ms/a. (Watch out: why?) There is even an empirical
       Ref. 309   formula for the change of the length of the year over time.
                  𝑏. The truly amazing precision in the average distance Earth–Sun of only 30 m results from time
                  averages of signals sent from Viking orbiters and Mars landers taken over a period of over twenty
                  years. Note that the International Astronomical Union distinguishes the average distance Earth–
                  Sun from the astronomical unit itself; the latter is defined as a fixed and exact length. Also the
                  light year is a unit defined as an exact number by the IAU. For more details, see

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  𝑐. The shape of the Earth is described most precisely with the World Geodetic System. The last
                  edition dates from 1984. For an extensive presentation of its background and its details, see the
         website. The International Geodesic Union refined the data in 2000. The radii
                  and the flattening given here are those for the ‘mean tide system’. They differ from those of the
                  ‘zero tide system’ and other systems by about 0.7 m. The details constitute a science in itself.
                  𝑑. Measured centre to centre. To find the precise position of the Moon at a given date, see
                  the page. For the planets, see the page www.
         and the other pages on the same site.
                  𝑒. Angles are defined as follows: 1 degree = 1∘ = π/180 rad, 1 (first) minute = 1 󸀠 = 1°/60, 1 second

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  (minute) = 1 󸀠󸀠 = 1 󸀠 /60. The ancient units ‘third minute’ and ‘fourth minute’, each 1/60th of the
                  preceding, are not in use any more. (‘Minute’ originally means ‘very small’, as it still does in
                  modern English.)

                  Some properties of nature at large are listed in the following table. (If you want a chal-
Challenge 344 s   lenge, can you determine whether any property of the universe itself is listed?)

                  TA B L E 30 Cosmological constants.

                  Q ua nt it y                             Symbol              Va l u e

                  Cosmological constant                Λ                   c. 1 ⋅ 10−52 m−2
                  Age of the universe 𝑎                𝑡0                  4.333(53) ⋅ 1017 s = 13.8(0.1) ⋅ 109 a
                   (determined from space-time, via expansion, using general relativity)
                  Age of the universe 𝑎                𝑡0                  over 3.5(4) ⋅ 1017 s = 11.5(1.5) ⋅ 109 a
                   (determined from matter, via galaxies and stars, using quantum theory)
                  Hubble parameter 𝑎                   𝐻0                  2.3(2) ⋅ 10−18 s−1 = 0.73(4) ⋅ 10−10 a−1
                                                       = ℎ0 ⋅ 100 km/s Mpc = ℎ0 ⋅ 1.0227 ⋅ 10−10 a−1
                  Reduced Hubble parameter 𝑎           ℎ0                  0.71(4)
                  Deceleration parameter 𝑎                      ̈ 0 /𝐻02 −0.66(10)
                                                       𝑞0 = −(𝑎/𝑎)
                  Universe’s horizon distance 𝑎        𝑑0 = 3𝑐𝑡0           40.0(6) ⋅ 1026 m = 13.0(2) Gpc
                  Universe’s topology                                      trivial up to 1026 m
                    364                                               a units, measurements and constants

                    TA B L E 30 (Continued) Cosmological constants.

                    Q ua nt it y                             Symbol               Va l u e

                    Number of space dimensions                                 3, for distances up to 1026 m
                    Critical density                         𝜌c = 3𝐻02 /8π𝐺    ℎ20 ⋅ 1.878 82(24) ⋅ 10−26 kg/m3
                      of the universe                                          = 0.95(12) ⋅ 10−26 kg/m3
                    (Total) density parameter 𝑎              Ω0 = 𝜌0 /𝜌c       1.02(2)
                    Baryon density parameter 𝑎               ΩB0 = 𝜌B0 /𝜌c     0.044(4)
                    Cold dark matter density parameter 𝑎     ΩCDM0 = 𝜌CDM0 /𝜌c 0.23(4)
                    Neutrino density parameter 𝑎             Ω𝜈0 = 𝜌𝜈0 /𝜌c     0.001 to 0.05
                    Dark energy density parameter 𝑎          ΩX0 = 𝜌X0 /𝜌c     0.73(4)
                    Dark energy state parameter              𝑤 = 𝑝X /𝜌X        −1.0(2)
                    Baryon mass                              𝑚b                1.67 ⋅ 10−27 kg
                    Baryon number density                                      0.25(1) /m3

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Luminous matter density                                    3.8(2) ⋅ 10−28 kg/m3
                    Stars in the universe                    𝑛s                1022±1
                    Baryons in the universe                  𝑛b                1081±1
                    Microwave background temperature 𝑏       𝑇0                2.725(1) K
                    Photons in the universe                  𝑛𝛾                1089
                    Photon energy density                    𝜌𝛾 = π2 𝑘4 /15𝑇04 4.6 ⋅ 10−31 kg/m3
                    Photon number density                                      410.89 /cm3 or 400 /cm3 (𝑇0 /2.7 K)3
                    Density perturbation amplitude           √𝑆                5.6(1.5) ⋅ 10−6
                    Gravity wave amplitude                   √𝑇                < 0.71√𝑆

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Mass fluctuations on 8 Mpc               𝜎8                0.84(4)
                    Scalar index                             𝑛                 0.93(3)
                    Running of scalar index                  d𝑛/d ln 𝑘         −0.03(2)
                    Planck length                            𝑙Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3         1.62 ⋅ 10−35 m
                    Planck time                              𝑡Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐5         5.39 ⋅ 10−44 s
                    Planck mass                              𝑚Pl = √ℏ𝑐/𝐺          21.8 μg
                    Instants in history                      𝑡0 /𝑡Pl              8.7(2.8) ⋅ 1060
                    Space-time points                        𝑁0 = (𝑅0 /𝑙Pl )3 ⋅   10244±1
                      inside the horizon 𝑎                    (𝑡0 /𝑡Pl )
                    Mass inside horizon                      𝑀                    1054±1 kg

                    𝑎. The index 0 indicates present-day values.
                    𝑏. The radiation originated when the universe was 380 000 years old and had a temperature of
                    about 3000 K; the fluctuations Δ𝑇0 which led to galaxy formation are today about 16 ± 4 μK =
Vol. II, page 231   6(2) ⋅ 10−6 𝑇0 .
           a units, measurements and constants                                      365

           Useful numbers
           π       3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 375105
           e       2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71352 66249 77572 47093 699959
           γ       0.57721 56649 01532 86060 65120 90082 40243 10421 59335 939923
Ref. 310
           ln 2    0.69314 71805 59945 30941 72321 21458 17656 80755 00134 360255
           ln 10   2.30258 50929 94045 68401 79914 54684 36420 76011 01488 628772
           √10     3.16227 76601 68379 33199 88935 44432 71853 37195 55139 325216

                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          C HA L L E NG E H I N T S A N D S OLU T ION S

          Challenge 1, page 10: Do not hesitate to be demanding and strict. The next edition of the text
          will benefit from it.
          Challenge 3, page 17: The electric field distorts the flame towards and against the comb. A pho-
          tograph of the effect is shown in Figure 187. A video of a similar effect in stronger fields is found

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          Challenge 4, page 20: The water drops have to detach from the flow inside the metal counter-
          electrodes. There is always a tiny charge somewhere on the metal structures (due to cosmic rays,
          rubbing, previous charging, etc.). In Figure 186, this initial charge is the positive charge drawn
          on the lower left and upper right metal structure. When the water droplets form, they get a
          charge that is opposite to that of the metal surrounding the region where they form. The negative
          droplets fall into the other metal structure. Through the negative charge accumulating there, the
          positive charge in the first structure increases. When the charge on the metal structure increases,
          the charge separation in the droplets is more efficient. In other words, water droplet formation
          inside the metal structures amplifies any initial charge. After a while, the charge value and the
          associated voltage are so high that it leads to a loud bang (if everything is dry, including the air.)

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          Then the process starts again. In fact, a vaguely similar charge separation mechanism leads to
          cloud charging and to lightning. If you want to build a Kelvin generator at home, have a look at
          the web page, or search for other internet sites on the
              To avoid the sparks in the fuel tanks of its cars, Opel simply earthed the metal tube at the tank
          inlet; they had forgotten to ensure electric contact between the tube and the rest of the car.
              The explosion of fuel can also occur if you pour fuel into your car from a metal container.
          Several times, fuel thieves were ‘punished’ by an explosion triggered by static electricity when
          they tried to pour stolen fuel into their own car. You can see on every airport how to avoid the
          problem: before even attaching the fuel tube to an aeroplane, the worker attaches a conducting
          cable to connect the truck (or the tank) to the aeroplane.
          Challenge 5, page 21: We look at the two sparks through a rapidly rotating mirror. In this way,
          small timing differences lead to position differences of the two sparks. In the 19th century, the
          speed values measured in this way varied between 6000 km/s and way over 100 000 km/s, because
          the speed depends on the effective capacitance and inductance of wire and set-up. Only if these
          effects can be neglected is the measured speed the same as that of light in vacuum, namely around
Page 32   300 000 km/s. In modern cables, the speed is typically around a third of this value.
          Challenge 6, page 22: A lot of noise appeared while the metal pendulum banged wildly between
          the two fixed bells.
          Challenge 8, page 26: No.
          Challenge 9, page 26: The field at a distance of 1 m from an electron is 1.4 nV/m.
          Challenge 10, page 27: The inverse square law is a simple geometrical effect: anything flowing
          out homogeneously from a sphere diminishes with the square of the distance.
challenge hints and solutions                                                                                   367

nylon ropes             pipe           nylon ropes

                  metal cylinders   + __ __ +
  _           _                     + _ _ +
      _   _                         +       +
                                      + +

                     metal wires
 +              +
 +             +
  +           +      metal cans                      F I G U R E 186 The key process in the Kelvin generator:
      ++ +                             _ _ _
                                                     charge separation during droplet formation.

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 187 The way a flame reacts to a rubbed comb (© Shubham Das and Rakesh Kumar).

Challenge 11, page 28: One gets 𝐹 = 𝛼ℏ𝑐𝑁𝐴2 /4𝑅2 = 3 ⋅ 1012 N, an enormous force, correspond-
ing to the weight of 300 million tons. It shows the enormous forces that keep matter together.
Obviously, there is no imaginable way to keep 1 g of positive charge together in a box, as the
repulsive forces among the charges would be even larger.
368                                                              challenge hints and solutions

Challenge 13, page 28: To show the full equivalence of Coulomb’s and Gauss’s ‘laws’, first show
that it holds for a single point charge. Then expand the result for more than one point charge.
That gives Gauss’s ‘law’ in integral form, as given just before this challenge.
    To deduce the integral form of Gauss’s ‘law’ for a single point charge, we have to integrate
over the closed surface. The essential point here is to note that the integration can be carried out
for an inverse square dependence only. This dependence allows transforming the scalar product
between the local field and the area element into a normal product between the charge and the
solid angle Ω:
                                             𝑞d𝐴 cos 𝜃 𝑞dΩ
                                    𝐸 d𝐴 =               =       .                             (112)
                                               4π𝜀0 𝑟2     4π𝜀0
In case that the surface is closed the integration is then straightforward.
   To deduce the differential form of (the static) Gauss’s ‘law’, namely
                                                  ∇𝐸 =       ,                                 (113)
we make use of the definition of the charge density 𝜌 and of the purely mathematical relation

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                            ∮                  𝐸 d𝐴 = ∫                    ∇𝐸 d𝑉 .             (114)
                              closed surface             enclosed volume

This mathematical relation, valid for any vector field 𝐸, is called Gauss’s theorem. It simply states
that the flux is the volume integral of the divergence.
    To deduce the full form of Gauss’s law, including the time-derivative of the magnetic field,
we need to include relativistic effects by changing viewpoint to a moving observer.
Challenge 15, page 29: Uncharged bodies can attract each other if they are made of charged con-
stituents neutralizing each other, and if the charges are constrained in their mobility. The charge
fluctuations then lead to attraction. Most molecules interact among each other in this way; such

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
forces are also at the basis of surface tension in liquids and thus of droplet formation.
Challenge 16, page 30: No; batteries only separate charges and pump them around.
Challenge 18, page 31: The ratio 𝑞/𝑚 of electrons and that of the free charges inside metals is
not exactly the same.
Challenge 20, page 34: Find out a way to test the issue, perform the experiment, and publish it!
Challenge 21, page 41: If you can, publish the result. Researchers have tried to put people on the
ocean during clouded days, have tried experiments in dark rooms, but nothing has been found
so far. Also the experiences of people in magnetic resonance imaging equipment is inconclusive
so far.
Challenge 23, page 47: No.
Challenge 25, page 47: The correct version of Ampère’s ‘law’ is

                                                    1 ∂𝐸
                                         ∇×𝐵−             = 𝜇0 𝑗                               (115)
                                                    𝑐2 ∂𝑡
whereas the expression mentioned in the text misses the term ∂𝐸  ∂𝑡
   For another way to state the difference between the correct and the wrong version of Ampère’s
‘law’, see Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton & Matthew Sands, The Feyn-
man Lectures on Physics, volume II, Addison Wesley, p. 21-1, 1977. They can be read online for
free at
Challenge 26, page 48: Only boosts with relativistic speeds mix magnetic and electric fields to
an appreciable amount.
           challenge hints and solutions                                                                369

           Challenge 28, page 50: The dual field ∗𝐹 is defined on page 78.
           Challenge 29, page 50: Scalar products of four vectors are always, by construction, Lorentz in-
           variant quantities.
           Challenge 30, page 51: X-rays production needs high concentration of energy; such levels are
           impossible in biological systems.
           Challenge 31, page 51: Electric waves of low frequency are produced in nervous systems, and
           in brains in particular. As mentioned above, various fish communicate via time-varying electric
 Ref. 16   dipole fields. But no communication via radio waves has ever been found. In fact, there is little
           hope that such systems exist. Why? (Hint: ponder the involved frequencies, their generation,
           and the physical properties of water and air.)
           Challenge 34, page 54: Almost all neutral particles are made of charged ones. So the speed limit
           holds for them as well. There is only one exception: neutrinos. For them, this argument is not
           valid. However, even neutrinos have charged virtual particles around them, so that the maximum
           speed also applies to them.
Page 54    Challenge 35, page 55: As explained earlier on, for an observer who flies along the wire, the en-

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           trance and exit events for charges at the two ends events do not occur simultaneously any more;
           the wire is charged for a moving observer. Thus there is a magnetic field around a wire for any
           moving observer.
           Challenge 36, page 57: The illumination of the sun changes the ionization in the upper atmo-
           sphere and provokes convection in the ionosphere. The tides move the ions in the ocean and in
Page 64    the atmosphere. These currents lead to magnetic fields which can be seen in sensitive compass
           Challenge 37, page 57: If you find such an effect and are able to demonstrate it, publish it in a
           didactic journal.

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Challenge 38, page 57: Usually, the cables of high voltage lines are too warm to be comfortable.
           Challenge 39, page 57: Move them to form a T shape.
           Challenge 40, page 57: Hint: a shining bulb is hot.
           Challenge 41, page 57: For three and more switches, one uses inverters; an inverter is a switch
           with two inputs and two outputs which in one position, connects first and second input to first
           and second output respectively, and in the other position connects the first input to the second
           output and vice versa. (There are other possibilities, though; wires can be saved using electro-
           magnetic relay switches.)
           Challenge 43, page 58: They behave differently: a full alkaline battery contains a gel that
           dampens the rebound. An empty battery has no gel and bounces.
           Challenge 44, page 58: Blond children tend to have the thinnest hair, thus giving the greatest
           effect. Dry weather is needed to avoid that the moisture in the air discharges the head thus pre-
           venting the hair to raise at all.
           Challenge 45, page 58: Wireless electrical power transport via waves is possible; however, the
           systems so far are usually large, expensive and are dangerous for human health.
              The idea to collect solar power in deep space and then beam it to the Earth as microwaves has
           often been aired. Finances and dangers have blocked it so far.
              The inductive systems that are found more and more in recent years do not use waves for
           transport, even though they are wireless. The development towards higher power transfers, such
           as needed for charging electric cars, will surely continue for many years to come.
           Challenge 47, page 60: Glue two mirrors together at a right angle. Or watch yourself on TV
           using a video camera.
370                                                    challenge hints and solutions

Challenge 48, page 60: This is again an example of combined triboluminescence and triboelec-
tricity. See also the websites and
Challenge 51, page 63: Pepper is lighter than salt, and thus reacts to the spoon before the salt
Challenge 52, page 64: For a wavelength of 546.1 nm (standard green), that is a bit over 18
Challenge 53, page 66: The angular size of the Sun is too large; diffraction plays no role here.
Challenge 54, page 66: Just use a high speed camera.
Challenge 55, page 67: The current flows perpendicularly to the magnetic field and is thus de-
flected. It pulls the whole magnet with it.
Challenge 56, page 67: The most simple equivalent to a coil is a rotating mass being put into
rotation by the flowing water. A transformer would then be made of two such masses connected
through their axis.
Challenge 57, page 67: Light makes seven turns of the Earth in one second.

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 61, page 69: There are no permanent magnets in nature that fit in a floor and that are
strong enough to achieve a floating height of 50 to 80 cm. (Note that in one image the floating
height is so large that the legs of the woman do not touch the floor.) And anybody who has tried
this with an electromagnet knows that such a device would be larger than a complete room.
    Looking carefully at the images, you will also note that they are not photographs: there are
errors with the shadow and with the reflected image of the woman. And most of all, nobody
would cut half the bed out of an image with a woman on the bed. Finally, nobody has ever seen
the floating bed shown in the images.
Challenge 63, page 70: The mathematics required to find the solution is fascinating. Explore it!

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 64, page 71: The charged layer has the effect that almost only ions of one charge pass
the channels. As a result, charges are separated on the two sides of the liquid, and a current is
Challenge 65, page 71: The attraction at low distances is due to the ‘image force’, the attraction
of a charge to any conducting surface. Measuring the distance 𝑑 from the centre of the sphere,
the repulsion of the point charge starts for values 𝑑 > 1.618𝑅.
Challenge 66, page 72: Leakage currents change the picture. The long term voltage ratio is given
by the leakage resistance ratio 𝑉1 /𝑉2 = 𝑅1 /𝑅2 , as can be easily verified in experiments.
Challenge 67, page 72: The wire parallel to the high voltage line forms a capacitor. The voltage
difference that appears is sufficient to trigger the neon lamp.
Challenge 68, page 72: The water disrupts the small discharge sparks, called aigrettes. When a
new one appears, it makes a small noise. Then, with the arrival of new water, they are disrupted
again, and the process repeats. Aigrettes are a form of corona discharge; the also lead to power
losses and to radio interference.
Challenge 69, page 72: See above, in the section on invariants.
Challenge 72, page 74: The model does not work in three dimensions. An attempt to correct this
is F. De Flaviis, M. Noro & N. G. Alexopoulos, Diaz-Fitzgerald time domain (D-FTD)
method applied to dielectric and lossy materials, preprint available online at www.researchgate.
Challenge 73, page 75: Search on the web, for example on the pages blog.biodiversitylibrary.
org/2012/06/narwhal-oceans-one-toothed-wonder.html or
challenge hints and solutions                                                                          371

                                     Poynting vector field

                         forward                               current



                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                     Poynting vector field


                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 188 The Poynting vector field for a cable without electrical resistance and the situation a long
transformer without losses.

Challenge 78, page 81: Some momentum, usually a very small part, is carried away by the elec-
tromagnetic field. Given that the electromagnetic momentum is given by the vector potential,
are you able to check whether everything comes out right?
Challenge 79, page 82: Field lines and equipotential surfaces are always orthogonal to each
other. Thus a field line cannot cross an equipotential surface twice.
Challenge 91, page 89: See Figure 188. If the cable is resistance-free, most of the energy flows
just outside the two conductors and parallel to them. If the cable does have resistance, the Poyn-
ting vectors point slightly towards the conductors. For the case of a transformer, which can be
deduced from the case of the cable via the analogy sketched in the picture, see the beautiful pa-
per by F. Herrmann & G. B. Schmid, The Poynting vector field and the energy flow within a
transformer, American Journal of Physics 54, pp. 528–531, 1986.
Challenge 90, page 89: The argument is the same as for the increase in entropy: reverse pro-
cesses are possible, but the probability is so low that they do not appear in practice. The extremely
low probability is due to the fluctuations induced by the environment.
                   372                                                      challenge hints and solutions

                   Challenge 93, page 90: Just draw a current through a coil with its magnetic field, then draw the
                   mirror image of the current and redraw the magnetic field.
                   Challenge 94, page 90: Other asymmetries in nature include the helicity of the DNA molecules
                   making up the chromosomes and many other molecules in living systems, the right hand pref-
                   erence of most humans, the asymmetry of fish species which usually stay flat on the bottom of
                   the seas.
                   Challenge 95, page 91: Explaining the difference of left and right is not possible at all using grav-
                   itational or electromagnetic systems or effects. The only way is to use the weak nuclear interac-
Vol. V, page 240   tion, as shown in the chapter on the nucleus.
                   Challenge 96, page 91: The Lagrangian does not change if one of the three coordinates is
                   changed by its negative value.
                   Challenge 97, page 91: The image flips up: a 90 degree rotation turns the image by 180 degrees.
                   Challenge 98, page 92: Imagine 𝐸 and 𝐵 as the unit vectors of two axes in complex space. Then
                   any rotation of these axes is also a generalized duality symmetry.
                   Challenge 100, page 95: The angular momentum was put into the system when it was formed.

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   If we bring a point charge from infinity along a straight line to its final position close to a mag-
                   netic dipole, the magnetic force acting on the charge is not directed along the line of motion.
                   It therefore creates a non-vanishing torque about the origin. See J. M. Aguirregabiria &
                   A. Hernandez, The Feynman paradox revisited, European Journal of Physics 2, pp. 168–170,
                   Challenge 101, page 95: Show that even though the radial magnetic field of a spherical wave is
                   vanishing by definition, Maxwell’s equations would require it to be different from zero. Since
                   electromagnetic waves are transversal, it is also sufficient to show that it is impossible to comb a
                   hairy sphere without having a (double) vortex or two simple vortices. Despite these statements,
                   quantum theory changes the picture somewhat: the emission probability of a photon from an

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   excited atom in a degenerate state is spherically symmetric exactly.
                   Challenge 102, page 95: If the conservation of linear and angular momentum are taken into ac-
                   count, there is no ambiguity of the Poynting vector. See, for example, W. H. Furry, Examples of
                   momentum distributions in the electromagnetic field and in matter, American Journal of Physics
                   37, pp. 621–636, 1969.
                   Challenge 103, page 96: The emitted radiation is strongly suppressed because the size of the di-
                   pole (the plug) is much smaller than the wavelength of the field.
                   Challenge 105, page 96: No. Neither electromagnetic motors nor coils have been found in any
                   living system. Muscles, the most powerful actuators in biology, are mainly made of large num-
                   bers of electrostatic motors. The fundamental reason for this difference is the low efficiency of
                   microscopic electromagnetic motors, which contrasts with the high efficiency of microscopic elec-
                   trostatic motors. At macroscopic sizes, the efficiency advantages switches.
                   Challenge 107, page 102: In every case of interference, the energy is redistributed into other dir-
                   ections. This is the general rule; sometimes it is quite tricky to discover this other direction.
                   Challenge 108, page 102: The author regularly sees about 7 lines; assuming that the distance is
                   around 20 𝜇m, this makes about 3 𝜇m per line. The wavelength must be smaller than this value
                   and the frequency thus larger than 100 THz. The actual values for various colours are given in
                   the table of the electromagnetic spectrum.
                   Challenge 110, page 104: The distance 𝑙 between the lines of an interference pattern is given by
                   𝑙 = 𝜆𝑑/𝑠, where 𝑑 is the distance to the screen, and 𝑠 is the source separation.
                       To learn more about interference and the conditions for its appearance, explore the concept
                   of Fresnel number. For example, the Fresnel number allows to distinguish the ‘far field’ from the
challenge hints and solutions                                                                          373

                                 𝑅 = 𝑐𝑇
                                       𝐸         with
                                   𝜃             kink
                      𝑣0 𝑇                 𝑐𝑡0

                                                          F I G U R E 189 Calculating the transverse

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                          field 𝐸 of a briefly accelerated charge.

‘near field’, two situations that occur in many wave phenomena.
Challenge 111, page 105: He noted that when a prism produces a rainbow, a thermometer
placed in the region after the colour red shows a temperature rise.
Challenge 114, page 112: Birefringence appears when the refraction depends on polarization.
Only two linear independent polarizations are possible, thus there is no trirefringence in nature.
This holds true also for crystals which have three different indices of refraction in three direc-

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 115, page 113: Light reflected form a water surface is partly polarized. Mirages are
Challenge 116, page 116: Figure 189 shows electrical field lines. We assume that the charge
moves at a initial velocity 𝑣0 that is small compared to 𝑐 and that it decelerates to zero velocity
during a time 𝑡0 . After a time 𝑇 has elapsed, the radiation pulse has travelled a distance 𝑅 = 𝑐𝑇,
where 𝑇 ≫ 𝑡0 . The figure shows that at a given kink, drawn in red, the ratio of the transverse
field 𝐸t and of the radial field 𝐸r is given by the steepness of the of the kink. (Why?) Geometry
then leads to
                                      𝐸t 𝑣0 𝑇 sin 𝜃 𝑎𝑅 sin 𝜃
                                          =           =           .                           (116)
                                      𝐸r       𝑐𝑡0         𝑐2
Inserting Coulomb’s expression for the radial field we get

                                                 1 𝑎 sin 𝜃
                                        𝐸t =               .                                      (117)
                                               4π𝜀0 𝑐2 𝑅

The magnitude of the transversal field thus decreases with 1/𝑅. In addition, the field depends on
the angle 𝜃; this is clearly visible both in Figure 189 and in Figure 69 on page 117. In other words,
transmitter antennas have a preferred direction of power emission, namely perpendicularly to
the direction of acceleration.
Challenge 117, page 119: Such an observer would experience a wavy but static field, which can-
not exist, as the equations for the electromagnetic field show.
Challenge 118, page 119: You would never die. Could you reach the end of the universe?
           374                                                      challenge hints and solutions

           Challenge 121, page 121: A surface of 1 m2 perpendicular to the light receives about 1 kW of
           radiation. It generates the same pressure as the weight of about 0.3 mg of matter. That generates
           3 μPa for black surfaces, and the double for mirrors.
           Challenge 123, page 122: The shine side gets twice the momentum transfer as the black side, and
           thus should be pushed backwards.
           Challenge 126, page 124: Rotation of light can be understood in two ways: rotating the intens-
           ity pattern around the direction of propagation, or rotating the polarization pattern around the
           propagation. Both are possible: a Dove prism rotates intensity (and polarization) and a half-wave
           waveplate just rotates polarization, for a fixed wavelength. Both aspects can also be rotated with
Page 139   the mirror arrangements explained above.
           Challenge 129, page 125: The interference patterns change when colours are changed. Rainbows
           also appear because different colours are due to different frequencies.
           Challenge 132, page 126: Ternary and quaternary rainbows form a bow around the Sun. To see
           them, typically one has to be behind a building or tree that covers the direct view to the Sun. In
           2011, there were only a handful of photographs of a ternary rainbow and only a single photograph

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           of a quaternary rainbow, world-wide.
           Challenge 133, page 126: The full rainbow is round like a circle. You can produce one with a
           garden hose, if you keep the hose in your hand while you stand on a chair, with your back to
           the evening Sun. (Well, one small part is missing; can you imagine which part?) The circle is
           due to the spherical shape of droplets. If the droplets were of different shape, and if they were all
           aligned, the rainbow would have a different shape than a simple circle.
           Challenge 136, page 133: Take a film of a distant supernova explosion, or better, an optical or
           gamma-ray burst, and check whether the outburst occurs at the same time for each colour separ-
           ately. This has been done extensively, and no differences have been detected within experimental

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Challenge 138, page 136: The first part of the forerunner is a feature with the shortest possible
           effective wavelength; thus it is given by taking the limit for infinite frequency.
           Challenge 139, page 136: The light is pulsed; thus it is the energy velocity.
           Challenge 140, page 136: Inside matter, the energy is transferred to atoms, then back to light,
           then to the next atoms, etc. That takes time and slows down the propagation.
           Challenge 142, page 138: For single photons, permeability, permittivity and the wave imped-
           ance are not well-defined. Conformal invariance, dimensionality and topology are not are not
           valid at the tiny Planck scales. Near black holes, if quantum effects are taken into account, there
           is friction on moving bodies. Quantum field theory shows that vacuum contains and consists
           of virtual particle–antiparticle pairs. Cosmology shows that the vacuum has non-zero energy
           content, and the same is suggested by quantum field theory. General relativity shows that curved
           vacuum can move, and so does quantum gravity. In summary, one can say that vacuum has all
           the properties that were once ascribed to the aether, but in a way that differs fundamentally from
           what was discussed by its proponents.
           Challenge 143, page 138: Almost no light passes; the intensity of the little light that is transmit-
           ted depends exponentially on the ratio between wavelength and hole diameter. One also says
           that after the hole there is an evanescent wave.
           Challenge 144, page 138: The energy density is 1 kW/m2 /𝑐 = 3.3 μJ/m3 . Assuming sinusoidal
           waves, the (root mean square) electric field is √3.3 μJ/m3 /𝜀0 = 610 V/m – quite a high value.
           The (root mean square) magnetic field is 610 V/m/𝑐 = 2.1 μT – a rather low value.
           Challenge 145, page 138: Any example of light has only one colour.
          challenge hints and solutions                                                                          375



              Input and output beams are antiparallel,               Input and output beams are parallel,
              β determines the polarization rotation.                the length ratios a : b : c determine the

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                     polarization rotation.

          F I G U R E 190 Two mirror arrangements that rotate the polarization of a light beam by a predetermined

          Challenge 147, page 139: Describing light as a substance helps in understanding light beams.
          On the other hand, light is quite a special substance: it has no everyday permanence – it can be
          absorbed – and it has no mass.
          Challenge 148, page 139: Too much light is wasted, the wind shields are too expensive, and there

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          is no reason to do something if nobody else does.
          Challenge 150, page 142: Three mirrors is the minimum. Two such mirror arrangements are
          shown in Figure 190. There is also a three-mirror arrangement with parallel input and output
Ref. 98   beams; can you find it? The ideas behind these arrangements are well explained in the papers by
          Enrique Galvez and his collaborators.
          Challenge 151, page 143: In the left interferometer, light exits in direction B, in the right one,
          in direction A. The problem can also be generalized to arbitrary interferometer shapes. The way
          to solve it in this case is the use of Berry’s phase. If you are interested, explore this interesting
          concept with the help of your favourite library.
          Challenge 152, page 149: The average temperature of the Earth is thus 287 K. The energy from
          the Sun is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature. The energy is spread (roughly)
          over half the Earth’s surface. The same energy, at the Sun’s surface, comes from a much smaller
          surface, given by the same angle as the Earth subtends there. We thus have 𝐸 ∼ 2π𝑅2Earth 𝑇Earth
            4   2      2
          𝑇Sun 𝑅Earth 𝛼 , where 𝛼 is half the angle subtended by the Sun. As a result, the temperature of the
          Sun is estimated to be 𝑇Sun = (𝑇Earth  /𝛼2 )0.25 = 4 kK.
          Challenge 156, page 150: Because the maximum of a spectrum in wavelengths and in frequen-
          cies is not the same, thus does cannot and does not follow 𝑐 = 𝑓𝜆.
          Challenge 159, page 150: At high temperature, all bodies approach black bodies. The colour is
          more important than other colour effects. The oven and the objects have the same temperature.
          Thus they cannot be distinguished from each other. To do so nevertheless, illuminate the scene
          with powerful light and then take a picture with small sensitivity. Thus one always needs bright
          light to take pictures of what happens inside fires.
376                                                         challenge hints and solutions

Challenge 160, page 151: Achieving a higher temperature would allow to break the second prin-
ciple of thermodynamics. To explore this question further, read in textbooks about the so-called
Kirchhoff laws.
Challenge 161, page 152: The effective temperature of laser light can also be described as higher
than infinite; this allows also to heat targets to extremely high temperatures.
Challenge 164, page 157: For small mirrors or lenses, like those used in microscopes, mass pro-
duction is easier for lenses. In contrast, large mirrors are much easier and cheaper to fabricate,
mount and use than large lenses, because mirrors use less glass, are lighter, and allow changing
their shape with actuators.
Challenge 165, page 157: Syrup shows an even more beautiful effect in the following setting.
Take a long transparent tube closed at one end and fill it with syrup. Shine a red helium–neon
laser into the tube from the bottom. Then introduce a linear polarizer into the beam: the light
seen in the tube will form a spiral. By rotating the polarizer you can make the spiral advance or
retract. This effect, called the optical activity of sugar, is due to the ability of sugar to rotate light
polarization and to a special property of plants: they make only one of the two mirror forms of

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 167, page 158: The relation, the so-called ‘law’ of refraction is
                                              𝑐1 sin 𝛼1
                                                =       .                                           (118)
                                              𝑐2 sin 𝛼2
The particular speed ratio between vacuum (or air, which is almost the same) and a material
gives the index of refraction 𝑛 of that material:
                                                 𝑐1 sin 𝛼1
                                            𝑛=     =                                                (119)
                                                 𝑐0 sin 𝛼0

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Many incorrectly call the ‘law’ of refraction ‘Snell’s law’, or ‘Descartes’ law’ even though many
others found it before them (and even though the family name is ‘Snel’).
Challenge 168, page 163: The thin lens formula is
                                              1   1  1
                                                +   = .                                             (120)
                                              𝑑o 𝑑i 𝑓
It is valid for diverging and converging lenses, as long as their own thickness is negligible. The
strength of a lens can thus be measured with the quantity 1/𝑓. The unit 1 m−1 is called a diopter; it
is used especially for reading glasses. Converging lenses have positive, diverging lenses negative
    However, the thin lens formula is only an approximation, and is never used in lens design. It is
a relic of old textbooks. Modern lens designers always use Gaussian optics for calculations. See,
for example, Francis A. Jenkins & Harvey E. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw-
Hill, 1957.
Challenge 170, page 164: A light microscope is basically made of two converging lenses. One
lens – or lens system – produces an enlarged real image and the second one produces an en-
larged virtual image of the previous real image. Figure 191 also shows that microscopes always
turn images upside down. Due to the wavelength of light, light microscopes have a maximum
resolution of about 1 μm. Note that the magnification of microscopes is unlimited; what is lim-
ited is their resolution. This is exactly the same behaviour shown by digital images. The resolution
is simply the size of the smallest possible pixel that makes sense.
    The microscope seems to have been invented by Girolamo Fracastro in 1538. The first viable
microscopes were built in the Netherlands around 1590. Progress in microscopes was so slow
challenge hints and solutions                                                                                 377



                                                                                         real intermediate




                                                           virtual image

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 191 One lens made the oldest commercial microscope, from 1680 (length c. 8 cm, to be held
close to the eye), but two converging lenses make a modern microscope (photo WikiCommons).

because glass and lens production was extremely difficult at those times, especially for small
lenses. Therefore, David Brewster proposed in 1819 to build a microscope using the lens of a
fish eye; when this idea was realized with the lens of an eel, it resulted in a microscope with

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
astonishing performance. To learn more about microscopes, read the beautiful text by Eliza-
beth M. Slater & Henry S. Slater, Light and Electron Microscopy, Cambridge University
Press, 1993, or explore dedicated websites, such as or micro.
Challenge 172, page 167: The dispersion at the lens leads to different apparent image positions,
as shown in Figure 192. For more details on the dispersion in the human eye and the ways of using
it to create three-dimensional effects, see the article by C. Ucke & R. Wolf, Durch Farbe in die
dritte Dimension, Physik in unserer Zeit 30, pp. 50–53, 1999.
Challenge 173, page 170: The 1 mm beam would return 1000 times as wide as the 1 m beam. A
perfect 1 m-wide beam of green light would be 209 m wide on the Moon; can you deduce this
result from the (important) formula that involves distance, wavelength, initial diameter and final
diameter? Try to guess this beautiful formula first, and then deduce it. In reality, the values are
a few times larger than the theoretical minimum thus calculated. See the
mlrs and websites.
Challenge 174, page 170: It is often said that evolution tuned the number of cones in the eye to
the maximum theoretical resolution possible with open pupil and its aberrations; the experts on
the subject however maintain that there are somewhat larger numbers of cones, as a reservoir.
Challenge 175, page 170: The answer should lie between one or two dozen kilometres, assuming
ideal atmospheric circumstances.
Challenge 178, page 180: In fact, there is no way that a hologram of a person can walk around
and frighten a real person. A hologram is always transparent; one can always see the background
through the hologram. A hologram thus always gives an impression similar to what moving
378                                                      challenge hints and solutions

            Eye lens dispersion

                           apparent blue position
                           apparent red position

                           real position

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                     F I G U R E 192 The relation between the colour
                                                     depth effect and the lens dispersion of the
                                                     human eye.

pictures usually show as ghosts. If the background is black, shine with a torch onto it to find out.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 179, page 180: The small wavelength of light probably prevents achieving this dream.
For a true holographic display, the pixels need to be smaller than the wavelength of light and must
be able to reproduce phase information. Thus the next question is: how much of the dream can
be realized? If you find a solution, you will become rich and famous.
Challenge 182, page 187: There is a blind spot in the eye; that is a region in which images are not
perceived. The brain than assumes that the image at that place is the same than at its borders. If
a spot falls exactly inside it, it disappears.
Challenge 183, page 187: The mechanism that compensates the missing blue receptors in the
fovea does not work so rapidly: you will see a spot due to the fovea.
Challenge 185, page 189: The eye and brain surely do not switch the up and the down direction
at a certain age. Besides, where does the idea come from that babies see upside-down?
Challenge 186, page 196: The eye and vision system subtract patterns that are constant in time.
Challenge 187, page 200: Not really; a Cat’s-eye uses two reflections at the sides of a cube. A
living cat’s eye has a large number of reflections. The end effect is the same though: light returns
back to the direction it came from.
Challenge 190, page 205: Use diffraction; watch the pattern on a wall a few metres behind the
Challenge 192, page 205: At 10 pc=32.6 al, the Sun would have apparent magnitude 4.7. At
20 pc=65.2 al, it would appear 4 times fainter, thus about 1.5 magnitudes more, therefore with
an apparent visual magnitude of about 6.2. This is near the limit magnitude of the eye. The ac-
tual limiting magnitude of the eye is neither constant nor universal, so the distance of 50 light
years is not a sharp limit. The limiting magnitude, – like the night vision, or scotopic sensitvity
challenge hints and solutions                                                                    379

– depends on the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere the observer is breathing, on the
clarity of the air, on the zenith distance, and, above all, on the degree of dark adaptation. An eye
exposed to the full brightness of the night sky in a very dark location far from light pollution is
still not completely dark-adapted. You can easily see 7th-magnitude stars by blocking off most
of the sky and just looking at a little patch of it. Some observers, under ideal conditions, have
reliably reported seeing stars near 8th magnitude.
Challenge 193, page 205: The green surface seen at a low high angle is larger than when seen
vertically, where the soil is also seen; the soil is covered by the green grass in low angle observa-
Challenge 194, page 207: It is indeed true. Modern telescopes have a large surface collecting
light (up to 50 m2 ) and have extremely sensitive detectors. The number of photons emitted by a
match lit on the moon into the direction of a large telescope (how many?) is sufficient to trigger
the detector.
Challenge 195, page 208: Of course not, as the group velocity is not limited by special relativity.
The energy velocity is limited, but is not changed in this experiments.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 196, page 210: He bought clothes for his mother and for himself whose colours were
Challenge 198, page 210: The Prussian explorer Alexander von Humboldt extensively checked
this myth in the nineteenth century. He visited many mine pits and asked countless mine workers
in Mexico, Peru and Siberia about their experiences. He also asked numerous chimney-sweeps.
Neither him nor anybody else has ever seen the stars during the day.
Challenge 199, page 210: Watch the Sun with closed eyes, and remember the shade of red you
see. Go into a closed room, turn a light bulb on, and watch it with closed eyes. Choose the
distance from the bulb that yields the same shade of red. Then deduce the power of the Sun from
the power of the light bulb and the inverse square dependence.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 200, page 211: If you unroll a roll of adhesive tape, in addition to light, also X-rays
are emitted. This is an example of triboluminescence. See the experiment live in the film at www.
Challenge 209, page 221: The human body is slightly conducting and changes the shape of the
field and thus effectively short circuits it. Usually, the field cannot be used to generate energy,
as the currents involved are much too small. (Lightning bolts are a different story, of course.
They are due – very indirectly – to the field of the Earth, but they are too irregular to be used
consistently. Franklin’s lightning rod is such an example.) The fair weather field cannot be used
as a power source because its internal resistance is 3 GΩ/m.
Challenge 210, page 222: The field at the surface of a sphere of radius 𝑟 is given by 𝐸 = 𝑄/4π𝜀0 𝑟2 .
Inserting 𝐸 = 200 V/m, we get 𝑄 = 0.9 MC.
Challenge 211, page 225: If you find a method that is different from the known estimates, pub-
lish it.
Challenge 217, page 231: All the illusions of the flying act look as if the magician is hanging
on lines, as observed by many, including myself. (Photographic flashes are forbidden, a shim-
mery background is set up to render the observation of the lines difficult, no ring is ever actually
pulled over the magician, the aquarium in which he floats is kept open to let the fishing lines pass
through, always the same partner is ‘randomly’ chosen from the public, etc.) Information from
eyewitnesses who have actually seen the fishing lines used by David Copperfield explains the
reasons for these set-ups. The usenet news group alt.magic.secrets, in particular Tilman Haush-
err, was central in clearing up this issue in all its details, including the name of the company that
made the suspension mechanism.
                    380                                                        challenge hints and solutions

                    Challenge 219, page 231: Any new one is worth a publication.
                    Challenge 220, page 235: Sound energy is also possible, as is mechanical work.
                    Challenge 221, page 237: Space-time deformation is not related to electricity; at least at every-
                    day energies. Near Planck energies, this might be different, but nothing has been predicted yet.
                    Challenge 223, page 239: Ideal absorption is blackness (though it can be redness or whiteness
                    at higher temperatures).
                    Challenge 224, page 239: Indeed, the Sun emits about 4 ⋅ 1026 W from its mass of 2 ⋅ 1030 kg,
                    about 0.2 mW/kg. The adult human body (at rest) emits about 100 W (you can check this in bed
                    at night), thus about 1.2 W/kg. This is about 6000 times more than the Sun. The reason: only
                    the very centre of the Sun actually emits energy. If that energy amount is then divided by the
                    full mass, including all the mass that does not emit energy at all, one gets a small average value.
                    By the way, any candle or, better, any laser pointer emits even more light per mass, for similar
                    Challenge 226, page 240: The charges on a metal box rearrange so that the field inside remains
                    vanishing. This makes cars and aeroplanes safe against lightning. Of course, if the outside field

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    varies so quickly that the rearrangement cannot follow, fields can enter the Faraday cage. (By the
                    way, also fields with long wavelengths penetrate metals; specialized remote controls for opening
                    security doors regularly use frequencies of 25 kHz to achieve this.) However, one should wait a
                    bit before stepping out of a car after lightning has hit, as the car is on rubber wheels with low
                    conduction; waiting gives the charge time to flow into the ground.
                        For gravity and solid cages, mass rearrangement is not possible, so that there is no gravity
                    Challenge 227, page 240: Mu-metal is a nickel-iron alloy, often containing traces of other
                    metals, that has a high relative permeability 𝜇r in the range of 50 000 to 140 000; it is aston-
                    ishingly ductile. The high permeability value effectively concentrates the magnetic fields inside

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    the alloy and thus leads applied magnetic fields through the mu-metal and around the enclosed
                    volume, which therefore is shielded as a result.
                    Challenge 230, page 242: This is a touchy topic. It is not clear whether 50 Hz fields are dangerous
                    to humans. There is a high probability that they are not; but the issue is not settled.
                    Challenge 231, page 243: The number of photons times the quantum of action ℏ.
                    Challenge 232, page 243: First, Faraday could have found a superficial link using the mentioned
        Page 31     tube experiment. But he was looking for a possible deep connection. However, gravitation and
                    electricity are not at all connected, as one is due to mass, the other due to charge. Much after
                    Faraday, people discovered that gravity also includes gravitomagnetism, i.e., measurable effects
Vol. II, page 170   due to moving masses – but still no relation to electromagnetism. A distant connection between
                    gravitation and electricity will only appear in the last part of this adventure.
                    Challenge 233, page 243: The charging stops because a negatively charged satellite repels elec-
                    trons and thus stops any electron collecting mechanism. Electrons are captured more frequently
                    than ions because it is easier for them than for ions to have an inelastic collision with the satellite,
                    due to their larger speed at a given temperature.
                    Challenge 234, page 243: Any loss mechanism will explain the loss of energy, such as electrical
                    resistance or electromagnetic radiation. After a fraction of a second, the energy will be lost. This
                    little problem is often discussed on the internet.
                    Challenge 235, page 243: Use the wire as shown in Figure 193. If the oscillation is properly tuned
                    in frequency, and if the contact detaches properly at the tip, and if you touch the two contacts
                    with a strong grip, you will get a stronger shock than you can stand.
                    challenge hints and solutions                                                                     381

                                    4.5 V

                                                                              F I G U R E 193 How to get electrical shocks
                                                                              from a 4.5 V pocket battery.

                    Challenge 237, page 245: This should be possible in the near future; but both the experiment,
                    which will probably measure brain magnetic field details, and the precise check of its seriousness
                    will not be simple.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Challenge 238, page 245: No, the system is not secure. In any system, the security is given by the
                    weakest spot. And in any password system, the weakest spots are the transport of the raw data –
                    in this case the signals from the electric cap to the computer – and the password checking system.
                    Both are as vulnerable as any other password system. (If you want to learn about security, read
                    the writings of Bruce Schneier, most of which are available on the internet.)
Vol. II, page 107   Challenge 239, page 247: The maximum electric and magnetic field values are those that exert
        Page 26     the maximum possible force 𝑐4 /4𝐺 on an elementary charge 𝑒. Table 3 gives the maximum elec-
        Page 37     tric field value and Table 8 the maximum magnetic field value.
                    Challenge 241, page 249: See challenge 29.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Challenge 243, page 250: One can measure many tony charges and show that they are always
                    multiples of the same unit. This method was used by Millikan in his famous experiment. One
                    can also measure current fluctuations, and show that they follow from shot noise, i.e., from the
                    flow of discrete charges of the same value.
                    Challenge 245, page 250: Point-like charges would imply an infinite energy density. This is im-
                    possible. Whether this argument applies only to classical electrodynamics or to nature is a heated
                    debate. The majority opinion is that quantum theory allows point-like charges, because quantum
                    particles never are at rest, so that an infinite energy density is effectively avoided.
                    Challenge 247, page 251: Earth’s potential would be 𝑈 = −𝑞/(4π𝜀𝑜 𝑅) = 60 MV, where the num-
                    ber of electrons in water must be taken into account.
                    Challenge 248, page 251: There is always a measurement error when measuring field values,
                    even when measuring a ‘vanishing’ electromagnetic field. In addition, quantum theory leads
                    to arbitrary small charge density values through the probability density due to wave functions.
                    Challenge 252, page 255: The issue is: is the ‘universe’ a concept? In the last part of this adven-
Vol. VI, page 111   ture we will show that it is not.
                    Challenge 254, page 262: When thinking, physical energy, momentum and angular momentum
                    are conserved, and thermodynamic entropy is not destroyed. Any experiment showing anything
                    different would point to unknown processes. However, there is no evidence for such processes.
                    Challenge 255, page 264: The best method cannot be much shorter than what is needed to de-
                    scribe 1 in 6000 million, or 33 bits. The Dutch and UK post code systems (including the letters
                    NL or UK) are not far from this value and thus can claim to be very efficient.
                    Challenge 256, page 265: For complex systems, when the unknowns are numerous, the advance
                    382                                                       challenge hints and solutions

                    is thus simply given by the increase in answers. For the universe as a whole, the number of open
Vol. V, page 316    issues is quite low, as shown later on; in this topic there has not been much advance in the past
                    years. But the advance is clearly measurable in this case as well.
                    Challenge 257, page 265: Is it possible to use the term ‘complete’ when describing nature? Yes,
                    it is. In fact, humanity is not far from a complete description of motion. For a clear-cut survey,
 Vol. VI, page 20   see the last volume of our adventure.
                    Challenge 259, page 267: There are many baths in series: thermal baths in each light-sensitive
                    cell of the eyes, thermal baths inside the nerves towards the brain and thermal baths inside brain
                    Challenge 261, page 268: Yes.
                    Challenge 263, page 274: Chips based on trits would have to be redesigned from scratch. This
                    would be a waste of resources and of previous work.
                    Challenge 267, page 281: Reducing the list of semantic primitives is not hard; you will easily find
                    ways to do so, both for the mathematical and for the physical concepts. But is the list of semantic
                    primitives really complete? For the mathematical primitives this is the case. But physicists might

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    claim that the properties of objects, of space-time and of interactions form their smallest list
                    possible. However, this list of properties is longer than the one found by linguists! One reason
                    is that physicists have found ‘physical primitives’ that do not appear in everyday life. The other
                    reason is that physicists have not achieved unification. In a sense, the aim of physicists is limited,
Vol. V, page 316    at present, by the list of unexplained questions about nature. That list is given later on; it forms
                    the starting point of the last part of this adventure.
                         By the way, it can be argued that the list of primitives indeed is already complete, as it allows
                    to talk about everything. This implies that the average person already has, without knowing it, a
                    theory of everything. Therefore, physicists just need to catch up with the average person...
                    Challenge 268, page 284: Neither has a defined content, clearly stated limits or a domain of ap-

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Challenge 269, page 284: Impossible! That would not be a concept, as it has no content. The
Vol. VI, page 148   solution to the issue must be and will be different. The last part of this walk will propose one.
                    Challenge 270, page 286: To neither. This paradox shows that such a ‘set of all sets’ does not
                    Challenge 271, page 287: The most famous is the class of all sets that do not contain themselves.
                    This is not a set, but a class.
                    Challenge 272, page 287: Dividing cakes is difficult. A simple method that solves many – but
                    not all – problems among N persons P1 ... PN is the following:
                    —     P1 cuts the cake into N pieces.
                    —     P2 to PN choose a piece.
                    —     P1 keeps the last part.
                    —     P2 ... PN assemble their parts back into one.
                    —     Then P2 ... PN repeat the algorithm for one person less.
                    The problem is much more complex if the reassembly is not allowed. A just method (in finite
                    many steps) for 3 people, using nine steps, was published in 1944 by Steinhaus, and a fully satis-
                    factory method in the 1960s by John Conway. A fully satisfactory method for four persons was
                    found only in 1995; it has 20 steps.
                    Challenge 273, page 287: (𝑥, 𝑦) := {𝑥, {𝑥, 𝑦}}.
                    Challenge 274, page 288: Hint: show that any countable list of reals misses at least one number.
                    This was proven for the first time by Cantor. His way was to write the list in decimal expansion
challenge hints and solutions                                                                   383

and then find a number that is surely not in the list. Second hint: his world-famous trick is called
the diagonal argument.
Challenge 275, page 289: Hint: all reals are limits of series of rationals.
Challenge 277, page 290: Yes, but only provided division by zero is not allowed, and numbers
are restricted to the rationals and reals.
Challenge 278, page 290: There are infinitely many of these so-called parasitic numbers. The
smallest is already large: 1016949152542372881355932203389830508474576271186440677966.
If the number 6 is changed in the puzzle, one finds that the smallest solution for 1 is
1, for 4 is 102564, for 5 is 142857, for 8 is 1012658227848, for 2 is 105263157894736842,
for 7 is 1014492753623188405797, for 3 is 1034482758620689655172413793, and for 9 is
10112359550561797752808988764044943820224719. The smallest solution for the number 6
is by far the largest of this list.
Challenge 279, page 291: One way was given above: 0 := ⌀ , 1 := { ⌀ } , 2 := {{ ⌀ }} etc.
Challenge 280, page 294: Subtraction is easy. Addition is not commutative only for cases when
infinite numbers are involved: 𝜔 + 2 ≠ 2 + 𝜔.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 281, page 295: Examples are 1 − 𝜀 or 1 − 4𝜀2 − 3𝜀3 .
Challenge 282, page 295: The answer is 57; the cited reference gives the details.
                              22       44
Challenge 283, page 297: 22 and 44 .
Challenge 286, page 297: The child is minus 0.75 years old, or minus 9 months old; the father is
thus very near the mother.
Challenge 287, page 297: This is not an easy question. The first non-trivial numbers are 7, 23,
47, 59, 167 and 179. See Robert Matthews, Maximally periodic reciprocals, Bulletin of the
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 28, pp. 147–148, 1992. Matthews shows that a num-

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
ber 𝑛 for which 1/𝑛 generates the maximum of 𝑛 − 1 decimal digits in the decimal expansion is a
special sort of prime number that can be deduced from the so-called Sophie Germain primes 𝑆;
one must have 𝑛 = 2𝑆 + 1, where both 𝑆 and 2𝑆 + 1 must be prime and where 𝑆 mod 20 must be
3, 9, or 11.
    Thus the first numbers 𝑛 are 7, 23, 47, 59, 167 and 179, corresponding to values for 𝑆 of 3, 11,
23, 29, 83 and 89. In 1992, the largest known 𝑆 that meets the criteria was

                                      𝑆 = (39051 ⋅ 26002 ) − 1 ,                              (121)

a 1812-digit long Sophie Germain prime number that is 3 mod 20. It was discovered by Wilfred
Keller. This Sophie Germain prime leads to a prime 𝑛 with a decimal expansion that is around
101812 digits long before it starts repeating itself. Read your favourite book on number theory to
find out more. Interestingly, the solution to this challenge is also connected to that of challenge
278. Can you find out more?
Challenge 288, page 297: Klein did not belong to either group. As a result, some of his nastier
students concluded that he was not a mathematician at all.
Challenge 289, page 297: A barber cannot belong to either group; the definition of the barber is
thus contradictory and has to be rejected.
Challenge 290, page 297: See the web page for
more information on magic cubes.
Challenge 293, page 298: Such an expression is derived with the intermediate result (1 − 22 )−1 .
The handling of divergent series seems absurd, but mathematicians know how to give the expres-
sion a defined content. (See Godfrey H. Hardy, Divergent Series, Oxford University Press,
                    384                                                        challenge hints and solutions

                    1949.) Physicists often use similar expressions without thinking about them, in quantum field
                    Challenge 291, page 298: Try to find another magic hexagon and then prove the uniqueness of
                    the known one.
                    Challenge 294, page 299: The result is related to Riemann’s zeta function. For an introduction,
                    Challenge 296, page 310: ‘All Cretans lie’ is false, since the opposite, namely ‘some Cretans say
                    the truth’ is true in the case given. The trap is that the opposite of the original sentence is usually,
                    but falsely, assumed to be ‘all Cretans say the truth’.
                    Challenge 297, page 310: The statement cannot be false, due to the first half and the ‘or’ con-
                    struction. Since it is true, the second half must be true and thus you are an angel.
                    Challenge 298, page 311: The terms ‘circular’ and ‘self-referential’ describe two different con-
                    Challenge 300, page 312: Extraterrestrials cannot be at the origin of crop circles because, like
                    Father Christmas or ghosts, they do not exist on Earth.

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Challenge 302, page 312: This can be debated; in any case it is definitely known that both state-
 Vol. V, page 93    ments are lies indeed, as shown in detail later on..
                    Challenge 303, page 312: If this false statement were true, swimmers or divers would also die,
                    as their skin cannot breathe either.
                    Challenge 304, page 312: It is equally correct to claim that the Earth was created a hundred ago,
                    and that our environment and our memories were created in our brain to make us believe that the
                    Earth is older. It is hard to disprove such nonsense, but it is possible. See also the next challenge.
                    Challenge 305, page 312: It is surprisingly hard to disprove such nonsense, if well thought
                    through. The reason for the particular date (or for any other date) is not obvious. Neither is

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    obvious what is meant by the term ‘creation’.
                    Challenge 307, page 313: No. As many experiments demonstrate, homoeopathy is a set of nu-
                    merous lies. For example, the internet provides films of people swallowing – without any harm –
                    hundreds of homoeopathic pills at a time that are labelled as ‘extremely dangerous when over-
                    dosed’. By the way, many of the homoeopathy lies have been generated by a single person. As
                    always, the most sucessful lies are those that allow a select group of people to earn a lot of money.
                    Challenge 309, page 313: The light bulb story seems to be correct. The bulb is very weak, so that
                    the wire is not evaporating.
                    Challenge 310, page 313: The origin might be the number of people present in the last supper in
                    the New Testament; or the forgotten 13th sign of the Zodiac. There is no truth in this superstition.
                    In fact, every superstition is a lie. However, beware of people who are jealous of those who do not
                    care about superstitions, and who get violent as a reaction.
                    Challenge 311, page 313: Without exception so far, all those who pretend to have been stigmat-
                    ized have wounds in the palms of their hands. However, in crucifixion, the nails are driven
                    through the wrist, because nails driven through the palms cannot carry the weight of a human
                    body: the palms would tear open.
                    Challenge 312, page 314: The term ‘multiverse’ is both a superstition and a lie. Above of all, it
Vol. II, page 258   is nonsense. It is akin to attempting to produce a plural for the word ‘everything’.
                    Challenge 314, page 314: In which frame of reference? How? Beware of anybody making that
                    statement: he is a crook.
                    Challenge 319, page 321: Only induction allows us to make use of similarities and thus to define
                    challenge hints and solutions                                                                    385

                    Challenge 320, page 323: This depends on the definition (of the concept) of deity used. Panthe-
                    ism does not have the issue, for example.
Vol. VI, page 106   Challenge 321, page 323: Yes, as we shall find out.
                    Challenge 322, page 324: Yes, as observation implies interaction.
                    Challenge 323, page 324: Lack of internal contradictions means that a concept is valid as a
                    thinking tool; as we use our thoughts to describe nature, mathematical existence is a special-
                    ized version of physical existence, as thinking is itself a natural process. Indeed, mathematical
                    concepts are also useful for the description of the working of computers and the like.
                        Another way to make the point is to stress that all mathematical concepts are built from sets
                    and relations, or some suitable generalizations of them. These basic building blocks are taken
                    from our physical environment. Sometimes the idea is expressed differently; many mathem-
                    aticians have acknowledged that certain mathematical concepts, such as natural numbers, are
                    taken directly from experience.
                    Challenge 324, page 324: Examples are Achilles, Odysseus, Mickey Mouse, the gods of polythe-
                    ism and spirits.

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Challenge 326, page 326: Torricelli made vacuum in a U-shaped glass tube, using mercury, the
                    same liquid metal used in thermometers. Can you imagine how? A more difficult question:
                    where did he get mercury from?
                    Challenge 327, page 328: Stating that something is infinite are not beliefs if the statement is
                    falsifiable. An example is the statement ‘There are infinitely many mosquitoes.’ Such a state-
                    ment is just wrong. Other statements are not falsifiable, such as ‘The universe continue without
                    limit behind the horizon.’ Such a statement is a belief. Both cases of statements on infinities are
                    not facts.
                    Challenge 328, page 329: They are not sets either and thus not collections of points.

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Challenge 329, page 330: There is still no possibility to interact with all matter and energy, as
                    this includes oneself.
                    Challenge 330, page 335: No. There is only a generalization encompassing the two.
                    Challenge 331, page 336: An explanation of the universe is not possible, as the term explanation
                    require the possibility to talk about systems outside the one under consideration. The universe
                    is not part of a larger set.
                    Challenge 332, page 336: Both can in fact be seen as two sides of the same argument: There is no
                    other choice; there is only one possibility. Equivalently, the rest of nature shows that observations
                    have to be the way they are, because everything depends on everything.
                    Challenge 334, page 354: Mass is a measure of the amount of energy. The ‘square of mass’ makes
                    no sense.
                    Challenge 337, page 356: The formula with 𝑛 − 1 is a better fit. Why?
                    Challenge 340, page 357: No! They are much too precise to make sense. They are only given as
                    an illustration for the behaviour of the Gaussian distribution. Real measurement distributions
                    are not Gaussian to the precision implied in these numbers.
                    Challenge 341, page 357: About 0.3 m/s. It is not 0.33 m/s, it is not 0.333 m/s and it is not any
                    longer strings of threes!
                    Challenge 343, page 363: The slowdown goes quadratically with time, because every new slow-
                    down adds to the old one!
                    Challenge 344, page 363: No, only properties of parts of the universe are listed. The universe
Vol. VI, page 112   itself has no properties, as shown in the final volume.
                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
challenge hints and solutions

                                                         [...] moi, qui trouve toujours tous les livres trop

                                                         longs, et surtout les miens [...]
                                                                            Voltaire, Lettre à M. Cideville.*

1     Julian Schwinger, L. L. DeRaad, K. A. Milton & W. Y. Tsai, Classical Electro-
      dynamics, Perseus, 1998. An excellent text on the topic by one of its greatest masters.

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         See also the beautiful problem book by André Butoli & Jean-Marc Lév y-
      Leblond, La physique en questions – électricité et magnétisme, Vuibert, 1999. Cited on
      pages 16 and 82.
2     A pretty book about the history of magnetism and the excitement it generates is
      James D. Livingston, Driving Force – the Natural Magic of Magnets, Harvard Uni-
      versity Press, 1996. Cited on page 17.
3     R. Edwards, Filling station fires spark cars’ recall, New Scientist, pp. 4–5, 4 March 1995.
      Cited on page 19.
4     S. Desmet, F. Orban & F. Grandjean, On the Kelvin electrostatic generator, European

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Journal of Physics 10, pp. 118–122, 1989. You can also find construction plans for it in various
      places on the internet. Cited on page 20.
5     F. Steinle, Exploratives Experimentieren – Georges Dufay und die Entdeckung der zwei
      Elektrizitäten, Physik Journal 3, pp. 47–52, 2004. Cited on page 21.
6     For an etching of Franklin’s original ringing rod, see E. P. Krider, Benjamin Franklin and
      lightning rods, Physics Today 59, pp. 42–48, 2006. Cited on page 22.
7     W. Rueckner, An improved demonstration of charge conservation, American Journal of
      Physics 75, pp. 861–863, 2007. Cited on page 23.
8     For more details on various electromagnetic units, see the standard text by J. D. Jackson,
      Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1998. Cited on pages 27 and 390.
9     See the old but beautiful papers by Richard C. Tolman & T. Dale Stewart, The
      electromotive force produced by the acceleration of metals, Physical Review 8, pp. 97–116,
      1916, Richard C. Tolman & T. Dale Stewart, The mass of the electric carrier in cop-
      per, silver and aluminium, Physical Review 9, pp. 164–167, 1917, and the later but much more
      precise experiment by C. F. Kettering & G. G. Scott, Inertia of the carrier of electri-
      city in copper and aluminum, Physical Review 66, pp. 257–267, 1944. (Obviously the Amer-
      ican language dropped the ‘i’ from aluminium during that period.) The first of these papers
      is also a review of the preceding attempts, and explains the experiment in detail. The last
      paper shows what had to be taken into consideration to achieve sufficient precision. Cited
      on page 30.

* ‘[...] me, who always finds all books too long, first of all my own [...]’.
388                                                                               bibliography

10    This effect has first been measured by S. J. Barnett, A new electron-inertia effect and the
      determination of m/e for the free electron in copper, Philosophical Magazine 12, p. 349, 1931.
      Cited on page 30.
11    See for example C. Schiller, A. A. Koomans, T.L. van Rooy, C. Schönenberger
      & H. B. Elswijk, Decapitation of tungsten field emitter tips during sputter sharpening, Sur-
      face Science Letters 339, pp. L925–L930, 1996. Cited on page 30.
12    L. I. Schiff & M. V. Barnhill, Gravitational-induced electric field near a metal, Phys-
      ical Review 151, pp. 1067–1071, 1966. F. C. Witteborn & W. M. Fairbank, Experi-
      mental comparison of the gravitational force on freely falling electrons and metallic electrons,
      Physical Review Letters 19, pp. 1049–1052, 1967. Cited on page 31.
13    J. Lepak & M. Crescimanno, Speed of light measurement using ping, electronic pre-
      print available at Cited on page 32.
14    This story was printed on its fron page by the Wall Street Journal on 15 December 2006
      under the title Firms seek edge through speed as computer trading expands. Cited on page

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
15    J. D. Pettigrew, Electroreception in monotremes, Journal of Experimental Biology 202,
      pp. 1447–1454, 1999. Cited on page 34.
16    For an excellent review article on the fascinating field of electric fish, see C. D. Hopkins,
      Electrical Perception and Communication, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 3, pp. 813–831,
      2009. Hopkin’s research laboratory can be found at Cited on pages
      34 and 369.
17    On the search for magnetic monopoles, see the website of the Particle Data Group, the
      world’s reference, at See also H. Jeon & M. Longo, Search for mag-
      netic monopoles trapped in matter, Physical Review Letters 75, pp. 1443–1447, 1995. See also
      A. S. Goldhaber & W. P. Trower, Resource letter MM-1: magnetic monopoles, Amer-

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      ican Journal of Physics 58, pp. 429–439, 1990. Cited on page 36.
18    Pierre de Maricourt, Tractatus de magnete, 1269. Cited on page 37.
19    R. Wiltschko & W. Wiltschko, Magnetic Orientation in Animals, Springer, 1995.
      Cited on page 40.
20    M. Lauwers & al., An iron-rich organelle in the cuticular plate of avian hair cells, Current
      biology 23, pp. 924–929, 2013. This paper presets the newest candidate for the location of
      the basic magnetic sensor in birds. Cited on page 41.
21    I. A. Solov ’ yov, K. Schulten & W. Greiner, Nur dem Schnabel nach?, Physik
      Journal 9, pp. 23–28, 2010. Cited on page 41.
22    The ratio of angular 𝐿 to magnetic 𝑀 moment is
                                              𝐿   2𝑚 1
                                                =    ⋅ ,                                       (122)
                                              𝑀    𝑒 𝑔
      where 𝑒 is the electron charge and 𝑚 its mass. Both 𝐿 and 𝑀 are measurable. The first
      measurements were published with a 𝑔-value of 1, most probably because the authors ex-
      pected the value. In later experiments, de Haas found other values. Measurements by other
      researchers gave values nearer to 2 than to 1, an observation that was only understood
      with the discovery of spin. The original publications are A. Einstein & W. J. de Haas,
      Proefondervinderlijk bewijs voor het bestaan der moleculaire stroomen van Ampère, Kon-
      ninklijke Akademie der Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Verslagen 23, p. 1449, 1915, and
      A. Einstein & W. J. de Haas, Experimental proof of the existence of Ampère’s molecu-
      lar currents, Konninklijke Akademie der Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Proceedings 18,
      p. 696, 1916. Cited on page 44.
bibliography                                                                                   389

23   S. J. Barnett, Magnetization by rotation, Physical Review 6, pp. 171–172, 1915, and
     S. J. Barnett, Magnetization by rotation, Physical Review 6, pp. 239–270, 1915. Cited
     on page 45.
24   See J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1998, or also
     R. F. Harrington, Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields, McGraw–Hill, 1961. Cited
     on pages 49 and 82.
25   The best available book on the brain is the one by Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz
     & Thomas M. Jessell, Principles of Neural Science, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
     The website gives an introduc-
     tion into brain physiology. Cited on page 49.
26   N. Salingaros, Invariants of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves, Amer-
     ican Journal of Physics 53, pp. 361–363, 1985. Cited on page 50.
27   A. L. Hodgkin & A. F. Huxley, A quantitative description of membrane current and its
     application to conduction and excitation in nerve, Journal of Physiology 117, pp. 500–544,
     1952. This famous paper of theoretical biology earned the authors the Nobel Prize in Medi-

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     cine in 1963. Cited on page 51.
28   See the excellent overview article by T. Heimburg, Die Physik von Nerven, Physik Journal
     8, pp. 33–39, 2009. See also S. S. L. Andersen, A. D. Jackson & T. Heimburg, To-
     wards a thermodynamic theory of nerve pule propagation, Progress in Neurobiology 88,
     pp. 104–113, 2009, the website, and the text Thomas Heimburg,
     Thermal Biophysics of Membranes, Wiley-VCH, 2007. Cited on page 52.
29   A.C. de la Torre, v ⩽ c in 1820?, European Journal of Physics 20, pp. L23–L24, March
     1999. Cited on page 53.
30   See U. Fantz & A. Lotter, Blitze zum Anfassen, Physik in unserer Zeit 33, pp. 16–19,

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     2002. More information is available on Cited on page
31   R. H. Tyler, S. Maus & H. Lühr, Magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow identified in
     satellite observations, Science 299, pp. 239–241, 2003. The films derived from the data can be
     found on the web-
     site. Cited on page 63.
32   H. Montgomery, Unipolar induction: a neglected topic in the teaching of electromagnet-
     ism, European Journal of Physics 20, pp. 271–280, 1999. Cited on page 66.
33   On the geodynamo status, see the articles G. A. Glatzmaier & P. H. Roberts,
     Rotation and magnetism of Earth’s inner core, Science 274, pp. 1887–1891, 1996, and
     P. H. Roberts & G. A. Glatzmaier, Geodynamo theory and simulations, Re-
     views of Modern Physics 72, pp. 1081–1123, 2000. An older article is R. Jeanloz &
     B. Romanowicz, Geophysical dynamics at the center of the Earth, Physics Today pp. 22–
     27, August 1997. Cited on pages 67 and 224.
34   A. Yazdani, D. M. Eigler & N. D. Lang, Off-resonance conduction through atomic
     wires, Science 272, pp. 1921–1924, 28 June 1996. For aluminium, gold, lead, niobium, as
     well as the influence of chemical properties, see Elke Scheer, The signature of chemical
     valence in the electric conduction through a single-atom contact, Nature 394, pp. 154–157, 9
     July 1998. Cited on page 70.
35   J. Yang, F. Lu, L. W. Kostiuk & D. Y. Kwok, Electrokinetic microchannel battery by
     means of electrokinetic and microfluidic phenomena, Journal of Micromechanics and Mi-
     croengineering 13, pp. 963–970, 2003. Cited on page 70.
390                                                                                bibliography

36    See L. Kowalski, A myth about capacitors in series, The Physics Teacher 26, pp. 286–
      287, 1988, and A. P. French, Are the textbook writers wrong about capacitors?, The Physics
      Teacher 31, pp. 156–159, 1993. Cited on page 71.
37    A discussion of a different electrical indeterminacy relation, between current and charge,
      can be found in Y-Q. Li & B. Chen, Quantum theory for mesoscopic electronic circuits and
      its applications, preprint at Cited on page 73.
38    A sober but optimistic evaluation, free of the cheap optimism of tabloid journalism, is
      R. W. Keyes, Miniaturization of electronics and its limits, IBM Jounal of Research and De-
      velopment 32, pp. 84–88, 1988. In its last figure, it predicted that the lower limit 𝑘𝑇 for the
      energy dissipated by a logical operation would be reached around 2015. Cited on page 74.
39    J. A. Heras, Can Maxwell’s equations be obtained from the continuity equation?, American
      Journal of Physics 75, pp. 652–657, 2007, preprint at The point is
      made even more clearly in J. A. Heras, How to obtain the covariant form of Maxwell’s
      equations from the continuity equation, European Journal of Physics 30, pp. 845–854, 2009,
      and in J. A. Heras, An axiomatic approach to Maxwell’s equations, European Journal of
      Physics 37, p. 055204, 2016, preprint at See also L. Burns, Max-

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      well’s equations are universal for locally conserved quantities, Advances in Applied Clifford
      Algebras 29, p. 62, 2019, preprint at Cited on pages 75, 80, 92,
      and 246.
40    A similar summary is the basis of Friedrich W. Hehl & Yuri N. Obukov, Found-
      ations of Classical Electrodynamics – Charge, Flux and Metric, Birkhäuser 2003. Cited on
      page 75.
41    On the non-existence of closed magnetic field lines in the general case, see J. Slepian,
      Lines of force in electric and magnetic fields, American Journal of Physics 19, pp. 87–90, 1951,
      M. Lieberherr, The magnetic field lines of a helical coil are not simple loops, American

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Journal of Physics 78, pp. 1117–1119, 2010, F. Herrmann & R. von Baltz, Altlasten der
      Physik (128): Geschlossene magnetische Feldlinien, Praxis der Naturwissenschaften: Physik
      in der Schule 60, pp. 48–49, 2011. Cited on page 79.
42    Oleg D. Jefimenko, A relativistic paradox seemingly violating conservation of mo-
      mentum law in electromagnetic systems, European Journal of Physics 20, pp. 39–44, 1999.
      Cited on page 81.
43    H. Van Dam & E. P. Wigner, Classical relativistic mechanics of interacting point
      particles, Physical Review 136B, pp. 1576–1582, 1965. Cited on page 81.
44    Mark D. Semon & John R. Taylor, Thoughts on the magnetic vector potential, Amer-
      ican Journal of Physics 64, pp. 1361–1369, 1996. Cited on pages 83 and 85.
45    Jean Sivardière, Simple derivation of magnetic vector potentials, European Journal of
      Physics 14, pp. 251–254, 1993. Cited on page 83.
46    T. T. Wu & C. N. Yang, 1975, Concept of nonintegrable phase factors and global formula-
      tion of gauge fields, Physical Review D 12, pp. 3845–3857, Cited on page 86.
47    See reference Ref. 8 or A. M. Stewart, Angular momentum of the electromagnetic field:
      the plane wave paradox explained, European Journal of Physics 26, pp. 635–641, 2005. Cited
      on page 89.
48    An electrodynamics text completely written with (mathematical) forms is Kurt Meetz &
      Walter L. Engl, Elektromagnetische Felder – mathematische und physikalische Grundla-
      gen, Springer, 1980. Cited on page 87.
49    See for example the discussion by M. C. Corballis & I. L. Beale, On telling left from
      right, Scientific American 224, pp. 96–104, March 1971. Cited on page 91.
bibliography                                                                                   391

50   In 1977, Claus Montonen and David Olive showed that quantum theory allows duality trans-
     formations even with the inclusion of matter, if specific types of magnetic monopoles, the
     so-called dyons, exist. The fundamental paper is D. Olive & C. Montonen, Magnetic
     monopoles as gauge particles, Physics Letters 72B, pp. 117–120, 1977. Many other papers built
     on this one; however, no experimental support for the approach has ever appeared. Cited
     on page 92.
51   Wolf gang Rindler, Essential Relativity – Special, General, and Cosmological, re-
     vised 2nd edition, Springer Verlag, 1977, page 247. There is also the beautiful paper by
     M. Le Bellac & J. -M. Lév y-Leblond, Galilean electrodynamics, Nuovo Cimento B
     14, p. 217, 1973, that explains the possibilities but also the problems appearing when trying
     to define the theory non-relativistically. Cited on page 93.
52   L. -C. Tu, J. Luo & G. T. Gilles, The mass of the photon, Reports on Progress of Physics
     68, pp. 77–130, 2005. Cited on page 93.
53   The system for typing by thought alone is described in many papers, such as
     B. Blankertz, F. Losch, M. Krauledat, G. Dornhege, G. Curio & K. -
     R. Müller, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: accurate performance from first session

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     in BCI-naïve subjects, IEEE Transactions on biomedial engineering 55, pp. 2452–2462,
     2008. See the website for more information. Cited on page 94.
54   See, for example, the paper by I. Martinovic, D. Davies, M. Frank, D. Perito,
     T. Ros & D. Song, On the feasibility of side-channel attacks with brain-computer in-
     terfaces, presented at USENIX Security, 2012, found at
     usenixsecurity12. Cited on page 95.
55   D. Singleton, Electromagnetic angular momentum and quantum mechanics, American
     Journal of Physics 66, pp. 697–701, 1998, Cited on page 95.
56   The magnetic pole strength is discussed in the textbooks by J.C. Maxwell, A. Sommerfeld,

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     J.D. Jackson and others. Cited on page 96.
57   C. Hoyos, N. Sircar & J. Sonnenschein, New knotted solutions of Maxwell’s equa-
     tions, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, p. 255204, 2015, preprint at The
     paper also provides a short review of recent research. Cited on page 96.
58   For a captivating account on the history of the ideas on light, see David Park, The
     Fire Within the Eye: a Historical Essay on the Nature and Meaning of Light, Princeton
     University Press, 1997. For an example of the complex history of optics, see the famous
     text by Alhazen or Ibn al-Haytham, Book of Optics 1021. However, no Arabic website al-
     lows reading the text, and the Arabic Wikipedia articles on the topic are much shorter
     than the French or English ones. Indeed, like most ancient Middle-East thinkers, Alhazen
     (b. c. 965 Basra, d. 1039 Cairo) is better known in Europe than in his home region. A
     Latin translation of the Book of Optics can be read at the
     displayimage.php?album=44&pos=0 website of the Université de Strasbourg. Around the
     year 1000, Alhazen performed many experiments on refraction of light, as did Ptolemy al-
     most nine hundred years before him. The measurement results of Ptolemy are still known.
     But neither researcher found the Snell–Descartes expression for refraction. Alhazen even
     knew the sine function; despite this knowledge, he did not find the expression. For more
     details, see E. Kirchner, Wie ontdekte de wet van Snellius?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor
     Natuurkunde 81, pp. 198–201, 2015. Cited on page 97.
59   See the text by Raymond L. Lee & Alistair B. Fraser, The Rainbow Bridge: Rain-
     bows in Art, Myth, and Science, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. A chapter can be
     found at the website.
     Cited on page 103.
392                                                                              bibliography

60    For a detailed explanation of supernumerary rainbows, see
      For a beautiful picture collection, see
      An excellent article on rainbows and on the effects of drop shapes, with beautiful pho-
      tographs, graphics and drawings, is I. Sadeghi, A. Munoz, P. Laven, W. Jarosz,
      F. Seron, D. Gutierrez & H. W. Jensen, Physically-based simulation of rainbows,
      ACM Transactions on Graphics 31, pp. 1–6, 2011. They show, among others, how flattened
      water drops yield flattened bows. Cited on pages 103 and 131.
61    The beautiful slit experiment was published by E. A. Montie, E. C. Cosman,
      G. W. ’ t Hooft, M.B. van der Mark & C. W. J. Beenakker, Observation of the
      optical analogue of quantized conductance of a point contact, Nature 350, pp. 594–595, 18
      April 1991, and in the longer version E. A. Montie, E. C. Cosman, G. W. ’ t Hooft,
      M.B. van der Mark & C. W. J. Beenakker, Observation of the optical analogue of
      the quantised conductance of a point contact, Physica B 175, pp. 149–152, 1991. The result
      was also publicized in numerous other scientific magazines. Cited on page 103.
62    A recent measurement of the frequency of light is presented in Th. Udem, A. Huber,
      B. Gross, J. Reichert, M. Prevedelli, M. Weitz & T. W. Hausch, Phase-

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      coherent measurement of the hydrogen 1S–2S transition frequency with an optical fre-
      quency interval divider chain, Physical Review Letters 79, pp. 2646–2649, 1997. Another
      is C. Schwob, L. Jozefowski, B. de Beauvoir, L. Hilico, F. Nez, L. Julien,
      F. Biraben, O. Acef & A. Clairon, Optical frequency measurement of the 2S-12D
      transitions in hydrogen and deuterium: Rydberg constant and Lamb shift determinations,
      Physical Review Letters 82, pp. 4960–4963, 21 June 1999. Cited on page 105.
63    The discoverors of such a method, the frequency comb, Theodor Hänsch and John
      Hall were awarded, together with Roy Glauber, the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics. See
      John L. Hall & Theodor W. Hänsch, History of optical comb development, in

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Jun Ye & Steven T. Cundiff, editors, Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Prin-
      ciple, Operation, and Applications, Springer, 2004. Cited on page 105.
64    M. Burresi, D. van Osten, T. Kampfrath, H. Schoenmaker, R. Heideman,
      A. Leinse & L. Kuipers, Probing the magnetic field of light at optical frequencies, Science
      Express October 2009. Cited on page 106.
65    K. L. Kelly, Color designations for colored lights, Journal of the Optical Society of America
      33, pp. 627–632, 1943. Cited on page 109.
66    About the polarization pattern and its use by insects, see K. Pfeiffer & U. Homberg,
      Coding of azimuthal directions via time-compensated combination of celestial compass cues,
      Current Biology 17, pp. 960–965, 2007. Cited on pages 112 and 418.
67    The best introduction to mirages are the web pages by Andrew Young at
      mirages/mirintro.html. See also the pages and aty. He explains the many types that exist: inferior mirages, super-
      ior mirages, fata morganas, mock mirages, Wegener-type mirages, Nachspiegelung, and
      also gives many references, clearly distinguishing which ones give correct and which one
      give incorrect explanations. He also simulates mirages, as explained on the page aty.sdsu.
      edu/mirages/mirsims/mirsimintro.html. There is no modern review article on the topic
      yet. See also A. T. Young, G. W. Kattawar & P. Parviainen, Sunset science I – the
      mock mirage, Applied Optics 36, pp. 2689–2700, 1997. For a further aspect of mirages,
      see G. Horváth, J. Gál & R. Wehner, Why are water-seeking insects not attracted by
      mirages? The polarization pattern of mirages, Naturwissenschaften 83, pp. 300–303, 1997.
      Cited on page 113.
bibliography                                                                                    393

68   W. K. Haidinger, Über das direkte Erkennen des polarisierten Lichts, Poggendorf’s
     Annalen 63, pp. 29–39, 1844, W. K. Haidinger, Beobachtung des Lichtpolarisations-
     büschels in geradlinig polarisiertem Lichte, Poggendorf’s Annalen 68, pp. 73–87, 1846,
     W. K. Haidinger, Dauer des Eindrucks der Polarisationsbüschel auf der Netzhaut, Pog-
     gendorf’s Annalen 93, pp. 318–320, 1854. Cited on page 114.
69   See the chapter on polarization brushes in Marcel G. J. Minnaert, Light and Colour in
     the Outdoors, Springer, 1993, or the original book series, Marcel G. J. Minnaert, De
     natuurkunde van ‘t vrije veld, Thieme & Cie, 1937. For more details, see G. P. Mission,
     Form and behaviour of Haidinger’s brushes, Ophthalmology and Physiological Optics
     137, pp. 392–396, 1993, or J. Grebe-Ellis, Zum Haidinger-Büschel, 2002, at didaktik. On the
     birefringence of the eye, see L. B our, Een eigenaardige speling der natuur, Nederlands tijd-
     schrift voor natuurkunde 67, pp. 362–364, December 2001. In particular, a photograph of
     the eye using linear polarized illumination and taken through an analyser shows a black
     cross inside the pupil. Cited on page 114.
70   T. W. Cronin & J. Marshall, Patterns and properties of polarized light in air and wa-

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     ter, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366, pp. 619–626, 2011, available free
     online at Cited on page 115.
71   Edward M. Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism – Berkeley Physics Course Volume 2,
     McGraw–Hill, 1984. Cited on page 116.
72   This was the book series in twenty volumes by Aaron Bernstein, Naturwissenschaft-
     liche Volksbücher, Duncker, 1873-1874. The young Einstein read them, between 1892 and
     1894, with ‘breathless attention’, as he wrote later on. They can still be read in many librar-
     ies. Cited on page 119.
73   On the ways to levitate and manipulate small glass beads with lasers, see the article

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     D. McGloin, Optical tweezers: 20 years on, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
     Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 364, pp. 3521–3537, 2006.
     The photographs shown on page 120 are from T. Li, S. Kheifets, D. Medellin &
     M. G. Raizen, Measurement of the instantaneous velocity of a Brownian particle, Science
     328, pp. 1673–1675, 2010, and T. Li, S. Kheifets & M. G. Raizen, Millikelvin cooling of
     an optically trapped microsphere in vacuum, Nature Physics 7, pp. 527–530, 2011. Cited on
     page 120.
74   The first correct explanation of the light mill was given by Osborne Reynolds, On cer-
     tain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state, Royal Society Philosophical Trans-
     actions Part 2, 1879. The best discussion is the one given on the web by Phil Gibbs, in the
     frequently asked question list of the usenet news group sci.physics; it is available at the website. A film of a
     rotating radiometer is found in Cited on page 122.
75   P. Lebedew, Untersuchungen über die Druckkräfte des Lichtes, Annalen der Physik 6,
     pp. 307–458, 1901. Lebedew confirmed Kepler’s result that light pressure is the basis for
     the change of direction of the tails of comet when they circle around the Sun. Cited on
     page 122.
76   P. Galajda & P. Ormos, Applied Physics Letters 78, p. 249, 2001. Cited on page 122.
77   A short overview is given by Miles Padgett & Les Allen, Optical tweezers and span-
     ners, Physics World pp. 35–38, September 1997. The original papers by Ashkin’s group are
     A. Ashkin, J. M. Dziedzic, J. E. Bjorkholm & S. Chu, Observation of a gradient
     force optical trap for dielectric particles, Optics Letters 11, p. 288, 1986, and A. Askin,
394                                                                              bibliography

      J. M. Dziedzic & T. Yamane, Optical trapping and manipulation of single cells using in-
      frared laser beams, Nature 330, p. 769, 1987. A pedagogical explanation on optical span-
      ners, together with a way to build one, can be found in D. N. Moothoo, J. Arlt,
      R. S. Conroy, F. Akerboom, A. Voit & K. Dholakia, Beth’s experiment using op-
      tical tweezers, American Journal of Physics 69, pp. 271–276, 2001, and in S. P. Smith,
      S. R. Bhalotra, A. L. Brody, B. L. Brown, E. K. B oyda & M. Prentiss, Inex-
      pensive optical tweezers for undergraduate laboratories, American Journal of Physics 67,
      pp. 26–35, 1999. Cited on pages 122 and 123.
78    R. A. Beth, Mechanical detection and measurement of the angular momentum of light,
      Physical Review 50, p. 115, 1936. For modern measurements, see N. B. Simpson,
      K. Dholakia, L. Allen & M. J. Padgett, Mechanical equivalence of spin and or-
      bital angular momentum of light: an optical spanner, Optics Letters 22, pp. 52–54, 1997,
      and M. E. J. Friese, T. A. Nieminen, N. R. Heckenberg & H. Rubinsztein-
      Dunlop, Optical torque controlled by elliptical polarization, Optics Letters 23, pp. 1–3,
      1998. See also J. H. Poynting, The wave motion of a revolving shaft, and a suggestion as
      to the angular momentum in a beam of circularly polarised light, Proceedings of the Royal

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Society London A 82, pp. 560–567, 1908. Cited on page 124.
79    The photographs are from P. H. Jones, F. Palmisano, F. B onaccorso,
      P. G. Gucciardi, G. Calogero, A. C. Ferrari & O. M. Marago, Rotation de-
      tection in light-driven nanorotors, ACS Nano 3, pp. 3077–3084, 2009. Cited on pages 124
      and 418.
80    A. Valenzuela, G. Haerendel, H. Föppl, F. Melzner, H. Neuss, E. Rieger,
      J. Stöcker, O. Bauer, H. Höfner & J. Loidl, The AMPTE artificial comet experi-
      ments, Nature 320, pp. 700–703, 1986. Cited on page 124.
81    See the Latin text by Dietrich von Freiberg, De iride et radialibus impressionibus,
      c. 1315. Cited on page 126.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
82    J. Walker, Multiple rainbows from single drops of water and other liquids, American
      Journal of Physics 44, pp. 421–433, 1976, and his How to create and observe a dozen rainbows
      in a single drop of water, Scientific American 237, pp. 138–144, 1977. See also K. Sassen,
      Angular scattering and rainbow formation in pendant drops, Journal of the Optical Society
      of America 69, pp. 1083–1089, 1979. A beautiful paper with the formulae of the angles of all
      rainbows is E. Willerding, Zur Theorie von Regenbögen, Glorien und Halos, 2003, pre-
      print on the internet. It also provides sources for programs that allow to simulate rainbows
      on a personal computer. Cited on page 126.
83    There are also other ways to see the green ray, for longer times, namely when a mirage
      appears at sunset. An explanation with colour photograph is contained in M. Vollmer,
      Gespiegelt in besonderen Düften ...– Oasen, Seeungeheuer und weitere Spielereien der Fata
      Morgana, Physikalische Blätter 54, pp. 903–909, 1998. Cited on page 127.
84    The resulting colouring of the Sun’s rim is shown clearly on Andrew Young’s web page His website
      GF offers the best explanation of the green flash, including the various types that exist (ex-
      plained at, how to observe it, and the nu-
      merous physical effects involved. Detailed simulations and extensive material is available.
      See also his paper A. T. Young, Sunset science – III. Visual adaptation and green flashes,
      Journal of the Optical Society of America A 17, pp. 2129–2139, 2000. Cited on pages 126
      and 127.
85    See the wonderful website by Les Cowley on atmospheric optics,
      Or the book David K. Lynch & William Livingston, Color and Light in Nature,
                  bibliography                                                                                    395

                       second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2001. They updated and expanded the fas-
                       cination for colours in nature – such as, for example, the halos around the Moon and
                       the Sun, or the colour of shadows – that was started by the beautiful and classic book
Vol. I, page 98        already mentioned earlier on: Marcel G. J. Minnaert, Light and Colour in the Out-
                       doors, Springer, 1993, an updated version based on the wonderful original book series
                       Marcel G. J. Minnaert, De natuurkunde van ‘t vrije veld, Thieme & Cie, 1937. Cited
                       on page 127.
                  86   About the colour of the ozone layer seen at dawn and the colour of the sky in general,
                       see G. Hoeppe, Die blaue Stunde des Ozons, Sterne und Weltraum pp. 632–639, Au-
                       gust 2001, and also his extensive book Götz Hoeppe, Blau: Die Farbe des Himmels,
                       Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1999, also available in English as the extended revision
                       Götz Hoeppe, Why the Sky is Blue: Discovering the Color of Life, Princeton University
                       Press, 2007, This beautiful text also tells why bacteria were essential to produce the colour
                       of the sky. Cited on page 128.
                  87   The beautiful RGB Color Atlas from 2011 by Tauba Auerbach is presented on her aston-
                       ishing website at The books were produced

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       together with Daniel E. Kelm. In fact, they produced three such books, with spines in dif-
                       ferent directions, as shown on the website. Cited on page 129.
                  88   This famous discovery is by Brent Berlin & Paul Kay, Basic Color Terms: Their Uni-
                       versality and Evolution, University of California Press, 1969. The status of their decades-long
                       world colour survey is summarized on Of course there are also
                       ongoing studies to find possible exceptions; but the basic structure is solid, as shown in
                       the conference proceedings C. L. Hardin & Luisa Maffi, Colour Categories in Thought
                       and Language, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Cited on page 130.
                  89   For a thorough discussion of the various velocities connected to wave trains, see the clas-

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       sic text by Louis Brillouin, Wave Propagation and Group Velocity, Academic Press,
                       New York, 1960. It expands in detail the theme discussed by Arnold Sommerfeld,
                       Über die Fortpflanzung des Lichtes in dispergierenden Medien, Annalen der Physik,
                       4th series, 44, pp. 177–202, 1914. See also Arnold Sommerfeld, Optik, Diet-
                       richssche Verlagsbuchandlung, Wiesbaden 1950, section 22. An English translation
                       Arnold Sommerfeld, Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Optics, 1954, is also available.
                       Cited on pages 133 and 135.
                  90   Changing the group velocity in fibres is now even possible on demand, as shown by
                       M. González-Herráez, K. -Y. Song & L. Thévenaz, Optically controlled slow and
                       fast light in optical fibers using stimulated Brillouin scattering, Applied Physics Letters 87,
                       p. 081113, 2005. They demonstrate group velocities from 0.24𝑐 to plus infinity and beyond,
                       to negative values.
                           Another experiment was carried out by S. Chu & S. Wong, Linear pulse propagation
                       in an absorbing medium, Physical Review Letters 48, pp. 738–741, 1982. See also S. Chu
                       & D. Styer, Answer to question #52. Group velocity and energy propagation, American
                       Journal of Physics 66, pp. 659–661, 1998. Another example was described in 1993 by
                       the group of Raymond Chiao for the case of certain nonlinear materials in R. Chiao,
                       P. G. Kwait & A. M. Steinberg, Faster than light?, Scientific American 269, p. 52, Au-
                       gust 1993, and R. Y. Chiao, A. E. Kozhekin & G. Kurizki, Tachyonlike excitations
                       in inverted two-level media, Physical Review Letters 77, pp. 1254–1257, 1996. On still an-
                       other experimental set-up using anomalous dispersion in caesium gas, see L. J. Wang,
                       A. Kuzmich & A. Dogarin, Gain-assisted superluminal light propagation, Nature 406,
                       pp. 277–279, 20 July 2000. Cited on page 135.
396                                                                               bibliography

91    G. Nimtz, A. Enders & H. Spieker, Journal de Physique I (Paris) 4, p. 565, 1994.
      Unfortunately, Nimtz himself seems to believe that he transported energy or signals
      faster than light; he is aided by the often badly prepared critics of his quite sophisticated
      experiments. See A. Enders & G. Nimtz, Physikalische Blätter 49, p. 1119, Dezem-
      ber 1993, and the weak replies in Physikalische Blätter 50, p. 313, April 1994. See also
      A. M. Steinberg, Journal de Physique I (Paris) 4, p. 1813, 1994, A. M. Steinberg,
      P. G. Kwiat & R. Y. Chiao, Physical Review Letters 71, pp. 708–711, 1993, and
      A. Ranfagni, P. Fabeni, G. P. Pazzi & D. Mugnai, Physical Review E 48, p. 1453,
      1993. Cited on page 136.
92    Y. P. Terletskii, Paradoxes in the Theory of Relativity, Plenum Press, 1968. Cited on page
93    See the excellent explanation by Kirk T. McDonald, Negative group velocity, American
      Journal of Physics 69, pp. 607–614, 2001. Cited on page 135.
94    A summary of all evidence about the motion of the aether is given by R. S. Shankland,
      S. W. McCuskey, F. C. Leone & G. Kuerti, New analysis of the interferometer obser-
      vations of Dayton C. Miller, Review of Modern Physics 27, pp. 167–178, 1955. An older text

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      is H. Witte, Annalen der Physik 26, p. 235, 1908. Cited on page 137.
95    The history of the concept of vacuum can be found in the book by E. Grant, Much Ado
      About Nothing, Cambridge University Press, 1981, and in the extensive reference text by Ed-
      mund T. Whittaker, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume 1: The
      Classical Theories, Volume 2: The Modern Theories, Tomash Publishers, American Institute
      of Physics 1951, 1987.
          The various aether models – gears, tubes, vortices – proposed in the nineteenth century
      were dropped for various reasons. Since many models used to explain electric and magnetic
      fields as motion of some entities, it was concluded that the speed of light would depend
      on electric or magnetic fields. One type of field was usually described by linear motion of

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      the entities, the other by rotatory or twisting motion; both assignments are possible. As a
      consequence, aether must be a somewhat strange fluid that flows perfectly, but that resists
      rotation of volume elements, as McCullogh deduced in 1839. However, experiments show
      that the speed of light in vacuum does not depend on electromagnetic field intensity. Vor-
      tices were dropped because real world vortices were found out to be unstable. All models
      received their final blow when they failed to meet the requirements of special relativity.
      Cited on pages 137 and 138.
96    M. von Laue, Zur Thermodynamik der Interferenzerscheinungen, Annalen der Physik 20,
      pp. 365–378, 1906. Cited on page 138.
97    See, for example, the review by L. C. Tu, J. Luo & G. T. Gillies, The mass of the photon,
      Reports on Progress in Physics 68, pp. 77–130, 2005. Cited on page 139.
98    To learn about the geometric phase in optics, see E. J. Galvez & P. M. Koch, Use of
      four mirrors to rotate linear polarization but preserve input-ouput collinearity II, Journal of
      the Optical Society of America 14, pp. 3410–3414, 1999, E. J. Galvez & C. D. Holmes,
      Geometric physe of optical rotators, Journal of the Optical Society of America 16, pp. 1981–
      1985, 1999, as well as various other papers by Enrique Galvez. See also the paper by
      R. Bhandari, Geometric phase in interference experiments, Current Science 67, pp. 224–
      -230, 1994. Cited on pages 140 and 375.
99    A useful collection of historical papers is Frank Wilczek & Alfred Shapere, eds.,
      Geometric Phases in Physics, World Scientific, 1989. See also the vivid paper M. Berry,
      Pancharatnam, virtuoso of the Poincaré sphere: an appreciation, Current Science 67, pp. 220–
      223, 1994. Cited on page 142.
bibliography                                                                                     397

100 Dénes Száz & Gábor Horváth, Success of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation: reveal-
     ing the chance Viking sailors could reach Greenland from Norway, Royal Society Open Sci-
     ence 5, p. 172187, 2018. Cited on page 142.
101 Stephen G. Lipson, David S. Tannhauser & Henry S. Lipson, Optical Physics,
     Cambridge University Press, 1995. Cited on page 143.
102 The original paper is J. F. Nye & M. V. Berry, Dislocations in wave trains, Proceedings
     of the Royal Society A 336, pp. 165–190, 1974. A new summary is M. V. Berry, Exploring
     the colours of dark light, New Journal of Physics 4, pp. 74.1–74.14, 2002, free online at www. Cited on page 143.
103 O. Arteaga, E. Garcia-Caurel & R. Ossikovski, Stern-Gerlach experiment with
     light: separating photons by spin with the method of A. Fresnel, Optics Express 27, pp. 4758–
     4768, 2019. Cited on page 143.
104 M. Arrayás & J. L. Trueba, Electromagnetic torus knots, preprint at
     1122. Cited on page 144.
105 There are many good introductions to optics in every library. A good introduction that

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     explains the fundamental concepts step by step is the relevant chapter in the physics book
     by Eric Mazur, available on the internet; one day it will be published by Prentice Hall.
     Cited on page 145.
106 A good overview of the invention and the life of Frits Zernike is given by
     Menno van Dijk, Ken uw klassieken: hoe Frits Zernike fasecontrast ontdekte, Neder-
     lands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde 71, pp. 194–196, June 2005. Cited on page 145.
107 See its website. Cited on page 148.
108 P. D. Jones, M. New, D. E. Parker, S. Martin & I. G. Rigor, Surface air temper-
     ature and its changes over the past 150 years, Reviews of Geophysics 37, pp. 173–199, May

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     1999. Cited on page 149.
109 He recalls this episode from 1933 in M. Planck, Mein Besuch bei Adolf Hitler, Physikalis-
     che Blätter p. 143, 1947. Cited on page 149.
110 Pictures of objects in a red hot oven and at room temperature are also shown in
     C. H. Bennett, Demons, engines and the second law, Scientific American 255, pp. 108–
     117, November 1987. Cited on page 150.
111 If you want to read more on the topic, have a look at the classic text by Warren J. Smith,
     Modern Optical Engineering : the Design of Optical Systems, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
     The main historic reference is R. Clausius, Über die Concentration von Wärme und Licht-
     strahlen und die Gränzen ihrer Wirkung, Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik 121, pp. 1–44,
     1864. Cited on pages 151 and 214.
112 Measured values and ranges for physical quantities are collected in Horst Völz &
     Peter Ackermann, Die Welt in Zahlen, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1996. Cited
     on page 154.
113 See, for example, K. Codling & L. J. Frasinski, Coulomb explosion of simple molecules
     in intense laser fields, Contemporary Physics 35, pp. 243–255, 1994. Cited on page 154.
114 The standard reference on the propagation of light is Max B orn & Emil Wolf, Prin-
     ciples of Optics – Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light,
     Pergamon Press, 6th edition, 1998. Cited on page 157.
115 E. D. Palik, Handbook of optical constants of solids, Academic Publishing, 1998. Cited on
     page 160.
398                                                                              bibliography

116 More mirage photographs, even mirage films, can be found on
      mirages.htm and
      Cited on page 161.
117 E. J. J. Kirchner, De uitvinding van het telescoop in 1608: gewoon twee lenzen, Neder-
      lands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde 74, pp. 356–361, 2008. Cited on page 164.
118 A fascinating overview about what people have achieved in this domain up to now is given
      in the classic reference text by Rolf Riehker, Fernrohre und ihre Meister, VEB Verlag
      Technik, second edition, 1990. See also by Peter Manly, Unusual Telescopes, Cambridge
      University Press, 1991, and Henry C. King, The History of the Telescope, Dover, 2003.
      Cited on page 164.
119 An introduction to the topic of the 22° halo, the 46° halo, Sun dogs, and the many other
      arcs and bows that can be seen around the Sun, see the beautifully illustrated paper
      by R. Greenler, Lichterscheinungen, Eiskristalle und Himmelsarchäologie, Physikalische
      Blätter 54, pp. 133–139, 1998, or the book Robert Greenler, Rainbows, Halos, and Glor-
      ies, Cambridge University Press, 1980. Cited on page 166.

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
120 J. Aizenberg, V. C. Sundar, A. D. Yablon, J. C. Weaver & G. Chen, Biological
      glass fibers: Correlation between optical and structural properties, Proceedings of the Na-
      tional Academy of Sciences 101, pp. 3358–3363, 2004, also available online for free at www. Cited on page 167.
121 K. Franz & al., Müller cells are living optical fibers in the vertebrate retina, Proceedings of
      the National Academy of Sciences 104, pp. 8287–8292, 2007. Cited on page 168.
122 A complete list of data and arguments showing that the hair of polar bears have no fibre
      function is found on the pages and
      polar.html. Cited on page 168.

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
123 The prediction of negative refraction is due to V. G. Veselago, The electrodynamics of
      substances with simultaneously negative values of 𝜀 and 𝜇, Soviet Physics Uspekhi 10, p. 509,
      1968. (The original paper in Russian is from 1967.) The explanation with different refraction
      directions was published by P. M. Valanju, R. M. Walser & A. P. Valanju, Wave
      refraction in negative-index media: always positive and very inhomogeneous, Physical Re-
      view Letters 88, p. 187401, 8 May 2002. Also Fermat’s principle is corrected, as explained
      in V. G. Veselago, About the wording of Fermat’s principle for light propagation in media
      with negative refraction index, Cited on page 168.
124 The first example of material system with a negative refraction index were presented by
      David Smith and his team. R. A. Schelby, D. R. Smith & S. Schultz, Experimental
      verification of a negative index of refraction, Science 292, p. 77-79, 2001. More recent ex-
      amples are A. A. Houck, J. B. Brock & I. L. Chuang, Experimental observations of
      a left-handed material that obeys Snell’s law, Physical Review Letters 90, p. 137401, 2003,
      C. G. Parazzoli, R. B. Greegor, K. Li, B. E. C. Koltenbah & M. Tanielian,
      Experimental verification and simulation of negative index of refraction using Snell’s law,
      Physical Review Letters 90, p. 107401, 2003. S. Foteinopoulou, E. N. Economou &
      C. M. Soukoulis, Refraction in media with a negative refractive index, Physical Review
      Letters 90, p. 107402, 2003. Cited on page 168.
125 S. A. Ramakrishna, Physics of negative refractive index materials, Reorts on Progress of
      Physics 68, pp. 449–521, 2005. Cited on pages 168 and 169.
126 J. Pendry, Negegative refraction makes a perfect lens, Physical Review Letters 85, p. 3966,
      2000. See also J. B. Pendry, D. Schurig & D. R. Smith, Controlling electromagnetic
      fields, Science 312, pp. 1780–1782, 2006, and D. Schurig, J. J. Mock, B. J. Justice,
bibliography                                                                                     399

      S. A. Cummer, J. B. Pendry, A. F. Starr & D. R. Smith, Metamaterial electromag-
      netic cloak at microwave frequencies, Science 314, pp. 977–980, 2006. Cited on page 169.
127   On metamaterials, see A. Lai, C. Caloz & T. Itoh, Composite rightleft-handed trans-
      mission metamaterials, IEEE Microwave Magazine 5, pp. 34–50, September 2004. Cited on
      page 169.
128   M. Zedler & P. Russer, Investigation on the Dispersion Relation of a 3D LC-based
      Metamaterial with an Omnidirectional Left-Handed Frequency Band, 2006 Interna-
      tional Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco pp. 1477–1479, 2006. M. Zedler,
      C. Caloz & P. Russer, A 3D Isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated
      transmission line matrix (TLM) scheme, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
      Techniques 55, pp. 2930–2941, 2007. Cited on page 169.
129   Read Grimaldi’s text online at Cited
      on page 170.
130   James E. Faller & E. Joseph Wampler, The lunar laser reflector, Scientific American
      pp. 38–49, March 1970. Cited on page 170.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
131   Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11, Jim Lovell of Apollo 8 and Apollo 13, and Jim Irwin of Apollo
      15 extensively searched for it and then made negative statements, as told in Science News
      p. 423, 24 & 31 December 1994. From the space shuttle however, which circles only a few
      hundred kilometres above the Earth, the wall can be seen when the Sun is low enough such
      that the wall appears wider through its own shadow, as explained in Science News 149,
      p. 301, 1996. Cited on page 171.
132   S. W. Hell, Strategy for far-field optical imaging and writing without diffraction limit, Phys-
      ics Letters A 326, pp. 140–145, 2004, see also V. Westphal & S. W. Hell, Nanoscale res-
      olution in the focal plane of an optical microscope, Physical Review Letters 94, p. 143903,
      2005, and V. Westphal, J. Seeger, T. Salditt & S. W. Hell, Stimulated emission

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      depletion microscopy on lithographic microstructures, Journal of Physics B 38, pp. S695–
      S705, 2005. Cited on page 173.
133   M. Shih, M. Segev & G. Salamo, Three-dimensional spiraling of interacting spatial
      solitons, Physical Review Letters 78, pp. 2551–2554, 1997. See also the more readable pa-
      per by M. Segev & G. Stegeman, Self-trapping of optical beams: spatial solitons, Physics
      Today 51, pp. 42–48, August 1998. Cited on page 174.
134   On Talbot-Lau imaging with X-rays, see for example the paper A. Momose & al., X-
      ray phase imaging: from synchrotron to hospital, Philosophical Transanactions of the Royal
      Society A 372, p. 20130023, 2014, free to read at Cited on
      page 175.
135   See the wonderful summary by Frank Schaeffel, Processing of information in the hu-
      man visual system, pp. 1–33, in Alexander Hornberg, editor, Handbook of Machine
      Vision, Wiley-VCH, 2006. Cited on page 187.
136   W. H. Ehrenstein & B. Lingelbach, Das Hermann–Gitter, Physik in unserer Zeit 6,
      pp. 263–268, 2002. The journal also shows a colour variation of these lattices. Cited on page
137   To enjoy many other flowers under ultraviolet illumination, go to the extensive collection
      at Cited on page 190.
138   For an example of such research, see S. A. Baccus, B. P. Olveczky, M. Manu &
      M. Meister, A retinal circuit that computes object motion, Journal of Neuroscience 28,
      pp. 6807–6817, 2008. For an older review, see M. Meister & M. J. Berry, The neural
      code of the retina, Neuron 22, pp. 435–450, 1999. Cited on page 192.
400                                                                              bibliography

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                          F I G U R E 194 The Ouchi illusion of

139 See for example, the summary by D. M. Berson, Strange vision: ganglion cells as circadian
      photoreceptors, Trends in Neurosciences 26, pp. 314–320, 2003. Cited on page 192.
140   This amazing story is from the wonderful blog
      11/mountain-biking-moonlight-color-vision.html – a blog that shows what passion for
      nature is. Cited on page 194.

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
141   The eye sensitivity myth is debunked in detail by B. H. Soffer & D. K. Lynch, Some
      paradoxes, errors, and resolutions concerning the spectral optimization of human vision,
      American Journal of Physics 67, pp. 946–953, 1999. Cited on page 194.
142   A. Brückner, J. Duparré, F. Wippermann, R. Leitel, P. Dannberg &
      A. Bräuer, Ultra-compact close-up microoptical imaging system, Proceedings of the
      SPIE, 7786, p. 77860A, 2010. Cited on page 195.
143   David R. Williams, Supernormal Vision, Science News 152, pp. 312–313, 15 Novem-
      ber 1997. See also as well as the photographs at of the interior of living human eyes. Their last publication is
      A. Roorda, A. Metha, P. Lennie & D. R. Williams, Packing arrangement of the
      three cone classes in the primate retina, Vision Research 41, pp. 1291–1306, 2001. Cited on
      page 196.
144   D. Hillmann, H. Spahr, C. Pf äffle, H. Sudkamp, G. Franke & G. Hüttmann,
      In vivo optical imaging of physiological responses to photostimulation in human photorecept-
      ors, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 113, pp. 13138–13143, 2016.
      Cited on page 196.
145   See, for example, the beautiful book by Simon Ings, Das Auge - Meisterstück der Evolution,
      Hoffmann & Campe, 2008. On the limitations of the eye, see Thomas Ditzinger, Illu-
      sionen des Sehens: Eine Reise in die Welt der visuellen Wahrnehmung, Südwest, 1998, which
      includes the fascinating Ouchi illusion shown in Figure 194. Cited on page 199.
146   This happened to Giovanni Bellini (b. c. 1430 Venice, d. 1516 Venice) the great Renaissance
      painter, who even put this experience into writing, thus producing one of the greatest
bibliography                                                                                    401

      ‘gaffes’ ever. If you take a photograph of the effect with a remotely controlled camera, you
      can prove that your camera is holy as well. Cited on page 200.
147   S. R. Wilk, How retroreflectors really work, Optics & Photonics News, pp. 6–7, December
      1993. Cited on page 200.
148   G. G. P. van Gorkum, Introduction to Zeus displays, Philips Journal of Research
      50, pp. 269–280, 1996. See also N. Lambert, E. A. Montie, T. S. Baller,
      G. G. P. van Gorkum, B. H. Hendriks, P. H. Trompenaars & S. T. de Zwart,
      Transport and extraction in Zeus displays, Philips Journal of Research 50, pp. 295–305,
      1996. Cited on page 202.
149   Among the many papers on pit vipers, see the excellent summary by B. Schwarzschild,
      Neural-network model may explain the surprisingly good infrared vision of snakes, Physics
      Today pp. 18–20, September 2006; it is based on the fascinating results by A. B. Sichert,
      P. Friedel & J. L. van Hemmen, Snake’s perspective on heat: reconstruction of input us-
      ing an imperfect detection system, Physical Review Letters 97, p. 068105, 2006. Cited on
      page 202.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
150   J. Cybulski, J. Clements & M. Prakash, Foldscope: Origami-based paper micro-
      scope, preprint at Cited on page 205.
151   For an explanation, see S. Y. van der Werf, G. P. Können & W. H. Lehn, Novaya
      Zemlya effect and sunsets, Applied Optics 42, pp. 367–378, 2003. Cited on page 205.
152   E. W. Streed, A. Jechow, B. G. Norton & D. Kielpinski, Absorption imaging of a
      single atom, Nature Communications, 3, p. 933, 2012, preprint at
      Cited on page 205.
153   This problem was suggested by Vladimir Surdin. Cited on page 205.
154   For deviations from the geometric ‘law’ of reflection see M. Merano, A. Aiello,
      M. P. van Exter & J. P. Woerdman, Observing angular deviations in the specular re-

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      flection of a light beam, Nature Photonics 3, pp. 337 – 340, 2009. See also M. Merano,
      A. Aiello, G. W. ’ t Hooft, M. P. van Exter, E. R. Eliel & J. P. Woerdman,
      Observation of Goos-Hänchen shifts in metallic reflection, Optics Express 15, pp. 15928–
      15934, 2007. This beautiful research field is in need of a good review article. For a meas-
      urement of the time delay in total reflection, around 28 fs, see D. Chauvat & al., Timing
      the total reflection of light, Physics Letters A 336, pp. 271–273, 2005. Cited on page 207.
155   Such a claim was implicitly made by D. Mugnai, A. Ranfagni & R. Ruggieri,
      Observation of superluminal behaviors in wave propagation, Physical Review Letters 84,
      p. 4830, 2000. An excellent explanation and rebuttal was given by W. A. Rodrigues,
      D. S. Thober & A. L. Xavier, Causal explanation for observed superluminal behavior
      of microwave propagation in free space, preprint at Cited on
      page 208.
156   If you want to see more on how the world looks for the different types of colour blind, have a
      look at the or the web
      pages. Cited on page 210.
157   H. Kobayashi & S. Kohshima, Unique morphology of the human eye, Nature 387,
      pp. 767–768, 1997. They explored 88 primate species. Cited on page 210.
158   A. N. Heard-B ooth & E. C. Kirk, The influence of maximum running speed on eye
      size: a test of Leuckart’s law in mammals, The Anatomical Record 295, pp. 1053–1062, 2012.
      Cited on page 216.
159   Most of the world’s experts in lightning are Russian. Two good books are Vladi-
      mir A. Rakov & Martin A. Uman, Lightning: Physics and Effects, Cambridge Univer-
402                                                                              bibliography

      sity Press, 2003, and Eduard M. Bazelyon & Yuri P. Raizer, Lightning Physics and
      Lightning Protection, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2000. For a simple introduction, see
      also the lightning section of the webiste Cited on page 218.
160 On the life-long passion that drove Luke Howard, see the book by Richard Hamblyn,
      The Invention of Clouds, Macmillan 2001. Cited on page 218.
161 See J. Latham, The electrification of thunderstorms, Quartely Journal of the Royal
      Meteorological Society 107, pp. 277–289, 1981. For a more recent and wider re-
      view, see Earle R. Williams, The tripole structure of thunderstorms, Journal
      of Geophysical Research 94, pp. 13151–13167, 1989. See also the book by the Na-
      tional Research Council Staff, The Earth’s Electrical Environment, Studies in
      Geophysics, National Academy Press, 1986. Cited on page 218.
162 The exploration of how charges are separated in clouds is a research field in its own. See, for
      example, the overview and literature list at
      html. The precise atomic scale mechanism is not fully settled. There are two main reasons:
      experiments are difficult, and electrification is not fully understood in most known material

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      systems, including the well-known process of rubbing glass rods with a fur. Cited on page
163 A. V. Gurevich & K. P. Zybin, Runaway breakdown and the mysteries of lightning,
      Physics Today 58, pp. 37–43, May 2005. Cited on page 218.
164 To learn more about atmospheric currents, you may want to have a look at the populariz-
      ing review of the US work by E. A. Bering, A. A. Few & J. R. Benbrook, The global
      electric circuit, Physics Today 51, pp. 24–30, October 1998, or the more technical overview
      by E. Bering, Reviews of Geophysics (supplement) 33, p. 845, 1995. Cited on page 221.
165 The use of Schumann resonances in the Earth–ionosphere capacitor for this research field

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      is explained in K. Schlegel & M. Füllerkrug, Weltweite Ortung von Blitzen, Physik
      in unserer Zeit 33, pp. 257–261, 2002. Cited on page 222.
166 J. R. Dw yer,      M. A. Uman, H. K. Rassoul, M. Al-Dayeh, E. L. Caraway,
      J. Jerauld, V. A. Rakov, D. M. Jordan, K. J. Rambo, V. Corbin & B. Wright,
      Energetic radiation produced by rocket-triggered lightning, Science 299, pp. 694–697, 2003.
      Cited on page 221.
167 J. R. Dw yer, A fundamental limit on electric fields in air, Geophysical Research Letters 30,
      p. 2055, 2003. Cited on page 221.
168 B. M. Smirnov, Physics of ball lightning, Physics Reports 224, pp. 151–236, 1993. See also
      D. Finkelstein & J. Rubinstein, Ball lightning, Physical Review 135, pp. 390–396,
      1964. For more folklore on the topic, just search the world wide web. Cited on page 222.
169 G. D. Shabanov, The optical properties of long-lived luminous formations, Technical
      Physics Letters 28, pp. 164–166, 2002, A. I. Egorov & S. I. Stepanov, Long-lived plas-
      moids produced in humid air as analogues of ball lightning, Technical Physics 47, pp. 1584–
      1586, 2002, A. E. Egorov, S. I. Stepanov & G. D. Shabanov, Physics Uspekhi
      Laboratory demonstration of ball lightning, 47, pp. 99–101, 2004, and G. D. Shabanov
      & B. Yu. Sokolovskii, Macroscopic separation of charges in a pulsed electric discharge,
      Plasma Physics Reports 31, pp. 512–518, 2005. (All these are English translations of earl-
      ier Russian papers.) See the websites, and
      eng/presse/pi/05_06_pi.html, for more details and more spectacular films. Cited on page
bibliography                                                                                      403

170 G. Silva Paiva,           A. C. Pavão, E. Alpes de Vasconcelos, O. Mendes &
      E. F. da Silva, Production of ball-lightning-like luminous balls by electrical discharges
      in silicon, Physics Review Letters 98, p. 048501, 2007. Cited on page 223.
171   For a recent summary, see S. Parrott, See also
      T. A. Abbott & D. J. Griffiths, Acceleration without radiation, American Journal
      of Physics 53, pp. 1203–1211, 1985. See also A. Kovetz & G. E. Tauber, Radiation from
      an accelerated charge and the principle of equivalence, American Journal of Physics 37,
      pp. 382–385, 1969. Cited on page 230.
172   C. de Almeida & A. Saa, The radiation of a uniformly accelerated charge is beyond the
      horizon: a simple derivation, American Journal of Physics 74, pp. 154–158, 2006. Cited on
      page 231.
173   A summary on these well-known simulations is G. A. Glatzmaier, Geodynamo sim-
      ulations - how realistic are they?, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 30, pp. 237–257, 2002. A
      central experimental confirmation is J. Zhang, X. D. Song, Y. C. Li, P. G. Richards,
      X. L. Sun & F. Waldhauser, Inner core differential motion confirmed by earthquake
      doublet waveform doublets, Science 309, pp. 1357–1360, 2005. Cited on page 226.

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
174   An excellent review is E. H. Brandt, Levitation in Physics, Science 243, pp. 349–355, 1989.
      Cited on pages 226 and 228.
175   See the article by R. Tuckermann, S. Bauerecker & B. Neidhart, Levitation in
      Ultraschallfeldern – Schwebende Tröpfchen, Physik in unserer Zeit 32, pp. 69–75, February
      2001. Liquid drops up to 1 g have been levitated in this way. Cited on page 226.
176   F. C. Moon & P. Z. Chang, Superconducting Levitation – Applications to Bearings and
      Magnetic Transportation, Wiley & Sons, 1994. Cited on pages 227 and 228.
177   W. T. Scott, Who was Earnshaw?, American Journal of Physics 27, pp. 418–419, 1959.
      Cited on page 227.

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
178   The trick is to show that div 𝐸 = 0, curl 𝐸 = 0, thus 𝐸∇2 𝐸 = 0 and, from this, ∇2 𝐸2 ⩾ 0;
      there are thus no local electric field maxima in the absence of free charges. The same proof
      works for the magnetic field. However, bodies with dielectric constants lower than their
      environment can be levitated in static electric fields. An example is gas bubbles in liquids, as
      shown by T. B. Jones & G. W. Bliss, Bubble dielectrophoresis, Journal of Applied Physics
      48, pp. 1412–1417, 1977. Cited on page 227.
179   B. Scharlau, V. Nordmeier & H. J. Schlichting, Magnetische Levitation,
      in Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, (editor) Didaktik der Physik,
      Lehmanns, 2003. Cited on pages 228 and 229.
180   See A. K. Geim, M. D. Simon, M. I. B oamfa & L. O. Heflinger, Magnet levitation
      at your fingertips, Nature 400, pp. 323–324, 1999. Cited on page 228.
181   The first photographs of a single ion were in W. Neuhauser, M. Hohenstatt,
      P. E. Toschek & H. Dehmelt, Localized visible Ba+ mono-ion oscillator, Physical Re-
      view A 22, pp. 1137–1140, 1980. See also D. J. Wineland & W. M. Itano, Physics Letters
      A 82, p. 75, 1981, as well as F. Dietrich & H. Walter, Physical Review Letters 58,
      p. 203, 1987.
          For single atoms, see photographs in Z. Hu & H. J. Kimble, Optics Letters 1, p. 1888,
      1994, F. Ruschewitz, D. Bettermann, J. L. Peng & W. Ertmer, Europhysics Let-
      ters 34, p. 651, 1996, D. Haubrich, H. Schadwinkel, F. Strauch, B. Ueberholz,
      R. Wynands & D. Meschede, Europhysics Letters 34, p. 663, 1996. Cited on page 228.
182   See for example Mark Buchanan, And God said...let there be levitating strawberries,
      flying frogs and humans that hover over Seattle, New Scientist pp. 42–43, 26 July 1997, or
404                                                                               bibliography

      C. Wu, Floating frogs, Science News 152, pp. 632–363, 6 December 1997, and C. Wu,
      Molecular magnetism takes off, Physics World April 1997, page 28. The experiments by
      Andre Geim, Jan Kees Maan, Humberto Carmona and Peter Main were made public
      by P. Rodgers, Physics World 10, p. 28, 1997. Some of the results can be found in
      M. V. Berry & A. K. Geim, Of flying frogs and levitrons, European Journal of Physics
      18, pp. 307–313, 1997. See also their website. Cited on
      page 228.
183   The well-known toy allows levitation without the use of any energy source and is called
      the ‘Levitron’. It was not invented by Bill Hones of Fascination Toys & Gifts in Seattle,
      as the website explains. The toy is discussed by Ron Edge, Levit-
      ation using only permanent magnets, Physics Teacher 33, p. 252, April 1995. It is also
      discussed in M. V. Berry, The LevitronTM : an adiabatic trap for spins, Proceedings of
      the Royal Society A 452, pp. 1207–1220, 1996, (of Berry’s phase fame) as well as by
      M. D. Simon, L. O. Heflinger & S. L. Ridgeway, Spin stabilized magnetic levitation,
      American Journal of Physics 65, pp. 286–92, 1997, and by T. B. Jones, M. Washizu &
      R. Gans, Simple theory for the Levitron, Journal of Applied Physics 82, pp. 883–889, 1997.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Cited on page 228.
184   The drill trick and the building of a Levitron are described in the beautiful lecture script by
      Josef Zweck, Physik im Alltag, Skript zur Vorlesung im WS 1999/2000 der Universität
      Regensburg. Cited on page 230.
185   The prediction about quantized levitation is by Stephen B. Haley, Length quant-
      ization in levitation of magnetic microparticles by a mesoscopic superconducting ring,
      Physical Review Letters 74, pp. 3261–3264, 1995. The topic is discussed in more de-
      tail in Stephen B. Haley, Magnetic levitation, suspension, and superconductivity: mac-
      roscopic and mesoscopic, Physical Review B 53, p. 3506, 1996, reversed in order with
      Stephen B. Haley, Quantized levitation of superconducting multiple-ring systems, Phys-

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      ical Review B 53, p. 3497, 1996, as well as Stephen B. Haley, Quantized levitation by
      multiply-connected superconductors, LT-21 Proceedings, in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
      46, p. 2331, 1996. In 1998, there was not yet an experimental confirmation (Stephen Haley,
      private communication). Cited on page 230.
186   Detailed descriptions of many of these effects can be found in the excellent overview edited
      by Manfred von Ardenne, Gerhard Musiol & Siegfried Reball, Effekte der
      Physik und ihre Anwendungen, Harri Deutsch, 2004. Cited on page 231.
187   R. Buddakian, K. Weninger, R. A. Hiller & Seth J. Putterman, Picosecond
      discharges and stick–slip friction at a moving meniscus of mercury in glass, Nature 391,
      pp. 266–268, 15 January 1998. See also Science News 153, p. 53, 24 January 1998. Cited
      on page 232.
188   Henk Swagten & Reinder Coehoorn, Magnetische tunneljuncties, Nederlands tijd-
      schrift voor natuurkunde 64, pp. 279–283, November 1998. Cited on page 232.
189   H. Ohno, D. Chiba, F. Matsukura, T. Omiya, E. Abe, T. Dietl, Y. Ohno &
      K. Ohtani, Electric-field control of ferromagnetism, Nature 408, pp. 944–946, 21-28
      December 2000. Cited on page 232.
190   This effect was discovered by G. Rikken, B. van Tiggelen & A. Sparenberg,
      Lichtverstrooiing in een magneetveld, Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde 63, pp. 67–
      70, maart 1998. Cited on page 234.
191   Vitalij Pecharsky & Karl A. Gschneidner, Giant magnetocaloric effect in
      Gd5(Si2Ge2), Physical Review Letters 78, pp. 4494–4497, 1995, and, from the same au-
      thors, Tunable magnetic regenerator alloys with a giant magnetocaloric effect for magnetic
bibliography                                                                                     405

      refrigeration from ∼20 to ∼2990 K, Applied Physics Letters 70, p. 3299, 1997. Cited on page
192   J. Weissmüller, R. N. Viswanath, D. Kramer, P. Zimmer, R. Würschum &
      H. Gleiter, Charge-induced reversible strain in a metal, Science 300, pp. 312–315, 11 April
      2003. Cited on page 235.
193   A. Ajdari, Electro-osmosis on inhomogeneously charged surfaces, Physical Review Letters
      75, pp. 755–758, 1995. Cited on page 235.
194   This effect was discovered by J. N. Huiberts, R. Griessen, J. H. Rector,
      R. J. Wijngarden, J. P. Dekker, D. G. de Groot & N. J. Koeman, Yttrium and
      lanthanum hydride films with switchable optical properties, Nature 380, pp. 231–234, 1996.
      A good introduction is R. Griessen, Schaltbare Spiegel aus Metallhydriden, Physikalische
      Blätter 53, pp. 1207–1209, 1997. Cited on page 236.
195   M. J. Aitken, Thermoluminescence Dating, Academic Press, 1985. The precision of the
      method is far worse that C14 dating, however, as shown by H. Huppertz, Thermolu-
      mineszenzdatierung: eine methodologische Analyse aufgrund gesicherter Befunde, Peter Lang

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Verlag, 2000. Cited on page 237.
196   See any book on thermostatics, such as Linda Reichl, A Modern Course in Statistical
      Physics, Wiley, 2nd edition, 1998. Cited on page 239.
197   The Sun emits about 4 ⋅ 1026 W from its mass of 2 ⋅ 1030 kg, about 0.2 mW/kg; a person with
      an average mass of 75 kg emits about 100 W (you can check this in bed at night), i.e., about
      500 times more. Cited on page 239.
198   See for example, J. M. Aguirregabiria, A. Hernandez & M. Rivas, Velocity fields
      inside a conducting sphere near a slowly moving charge, American Journal of Physics 62,
      pp. 462–466, 1994. Cited on page 240.
199   This example of electrohydrodynamics was discovered in the 1890s and was explored in

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      detail since. Numerous videos about the phenomenon can be found on the internet, in-
      cluding on the beautiful page at, which also includes a lit-
      erature list. Recent papers are E. C. Fuchs, M. Sammer, A. D. Wexler, P. Kuntke
      & J. Woisetschläger, A floating water bridge produces water with excess charge, Journal
      of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, p. 125502, 2016, and A. G. Marín & D. Lohse, Build-
      ing water bridges in air: electrohydrodynamics of the floating water bridge, preprint at arxiv.
      org/abs/1010.4019. Cited on page 242.
200   Philip Cohen, Open wide, this won’t hurt a bit, New Scientist p. 5, 3 February 1996. Cited
      on page 241.
201   For a reference list on bone piezoelectricity, see the website
      BoneElectr.html. Cited on page 242.
202   J. E. Avron, E. Berg, D. Goldsmith & A. Gordon, Is the number of photons a clas-
      sical invariant?, European Journal of Physics 20, pp. 153–159, 1999. Cited on page 243.
203   This is deduced from the 𝑔 − 2 measurements, as explained in his Nobel Prize talk by
      Hans Dehmelt, Experiments with an isolated subatomic particle at rest, Reviews of Mod-
      ern Physics 62, pp. 525–530, 1990, and in Hans Dehmelt, Is the electron a composite
      particle?, Hyperfine Interactions 81, pp. 1–3, 1993. Cited on page 243.
204   A good and short introduction is the paper F. Rohrlich, The self-force and radiation re-
      action, American Journal of Physics 68, pp. 1109–1112, 2000. Cited on page 244.
205   Distinguishing between the thought ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is already possible with a simple electro-
      encephalogram. For a video demonstration of the differentaiation of concepts using brain
      imaging techniques, see Cited on page 245.
406                                                                               bibliography

206 C. G. Tsagas, Magnetic tension and the geometry of the universe, Physical Review Letters
      86, pp. 5421–5424, 2001. An overview of the topic is C. G. Tsagas, Geometrical aspects of
      cosmic magnetic fields, Cited on page 247.
207 A. D. Erlykin & A. W. Wolfendale, The origin of cosmic rays, European Journal of
      Physics 20, pp. 409–418, 1999, Cited on page 250.
208 See for example the beautiful textbook Stephen C. Stearns & Rolf F. Hoekstra,
      Evolution: An Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2000. For a fascinating story of evolu-
      tion for non-specialists, see Richard Fortey, Life – An Unauthorized Biography, Harper
      Collins, 1997, or also Menno Schilthuizen, Frogs, Flies & Dandelions – the Making of
      Species, Oxford University Press, 2001. See also Stephen J. Gould, The Panda’s thumb,
      W.W. Norton & Co., 1980, one of the several interesting and informative books on evolu-
      tionary biology by the best writer in the field. An informative overview over the results of
      evolution, with the many-branched family tree that it produced, is given on the phylogeny. website. About the results of evolution for human beings, see the inform-
      ative text by K. Kusch & S. Kusch, Der Mensch in Zahlen, Spektrum Akademischer Ver-
      lag, 2nd edn., 2000. The epochal work by Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species, can

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      be found on the web, e.g. on on the websites. Cited on page 254.
209 A simple description is Malcolm Ross Macdonald, The Origin of Johnny, Jonathan
      Cape, 1976. See also Bas Haring, Kaas en de evolutietheorie, Houtekiet, 2001. Cited on
      page 254.
210 Richard Bandler, Using Your Brain for a Change, Real People Press, p. 18, 1985. Cited
      on page 254.
211 There is disagreement among experts about the precise timing of this experience. Some say
      that only birth itself is that moment. However, there are several standard methods to recall
      memories of early life, even of the time before birth. One is by Norbert J. Mayer, Der

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Kainkomplex – neue Wege der systemischen Familientherapie, Integral Verlag, 1998. Cited
      on page 255.
212 Sanjida O ’ Connell, Mindreading – How We Learn to Love and Lie, Arrow, 1998. This
      interesting book describes the importance of lying in the development of a human being,
      and explains the troubles of those people who cannot read other minds and thus cannot lie,
      such as autists. Cited on pages 256 and 305.
213 The approach to describe observations as related parts is called structuralism; the starting
      point for this movement was de Saussure’s Cours de linguistique générale (see the footnote
      on page 277). A number of thinkers have tried to use the same approach in philosophy,
      mythology and literature theory, though with little success. An overview of the (modest)
      success of structuralism in linguistics and its failure in other fields is given by L. Jackson,
      The Poverty of Structuralism: Literature and Structuralist Theory, Longman, 1991. The author
      argues that when one reduces systems to interactions, one neglects the specific content and
      properties of the elements of the system, and this approach prevents a full understanding
      of the system under discussion. Cited on page 256.
214 For a view of the mental abilities different from that of Piaget (described on page 256),
      a presently much discussed author is the Soviet experimental psychologist Lev Vigotsky,
      whose path-breaking ideas and complicated life are described, e.g., in Lev Vigotsky,
      Mind in Society, Harvard University Press, 1978, or in René van der Veer &
      Jaan Valsiner, Understanding Vigotsky: a Quest for Synthesis, Blackwell Publish-
      ers, 1994. More extensive material can be found in the extensive work by René van
      der Veer & Jaan Valsinger, The Vigotsky Reader, Blackwell, 1994. Cited on page 257.
bibliography                                                                                  407

215 A somewhat unconventional source for more details is the beautiful text by
      Bruno Bettelheim, The Uses of Enchantment: the Meaning and Importance of Fairy
      Tales, Knopf, 1976. Cited on page 257.
216   A simple introduction is Manfred Spitzer, Lernen – Gehirnforschung und Schule des
      Lebens, Elsevier, 2007. Cited on page 259.
217   See the beautiful textbook by Martin Trepel, Neuroanatomie: Struktur und Funktion,
      Urban & Fischer, 5th edition, 2012. It also shows the parts of the brain dedicated to motion
      planing and control. Cited on page 259.
218   Quoted in V. Harlen, R. Rappmann & P. Schata, Soziale Plastik – Materialien zu
      Joseph Beuys, Achberger Verlag, 1984, p. 61. Cited on page 259.
219   The problems appearing when one loses the ability to classify or to memorise are told in
      the beautiful book by the neurologist Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for
      a Hat, Picador, 1985, which collects many case studies he encountered in his work. More
      astonishing cases are collected in his equally impressive text An Anthropologist on Mars,
      Picador, 1995.

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          See also the beautiful text Donald D. Hoffman, Visual Intelligence – How We Cre-
      ate What We See, W.W. Norton & Co., 1998, and the website
      associated to it. Cited on pages 260 and 265.
220   For a passionate introduction to the connections between language and the brain from a
      Chomskian perspective, see the bestselling book by Steven Pinker, The Language In-
      stinct – How the Mind Creates Language, Harper Perennial, 1994. The green idea sentence
      is discussed in a chapter of the book. Cited on pages 260, 310, and 330.
221   An introduction to neurology is Joseph Ledoux, Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become
      Who We Are, Viking Press, 2002. Cited on page 260.
222   Another good introduction into the study of classifiers is James A. Anderson, An In-

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      troduction to Neural Networks, MIT Press, 1995. An introduction to computer science is
      given in J. Glenn Brookshear, Computer Science, An Overview, 6th edition, Addison
      Wesley, 2000, or in Rick Decker & Stuart Hirshfield, The Analytical Engine: An
      Introduction to Computer Science Using the Internet, Brooks/Cole Publishers, 1998. Cited
      on page 260.
223   An overview of the status of the research into the origin of bipedalism is given by B. Wood,
      Four legs good, two legs better, Nature 363, pp. 587–588, 17 June 1983. Cited on page 260.
224   A good introduction to neural nets is J. Hertz, A. Krogh & R. Palmer, Introduction
      to the Theory of Neural Computation, Addison Wesley, 1991. Cited on page 261.
225   Quoted from H. Eves, Mathematical Circles Squared, Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1972.
      Cited on page 264.
226   K. Baumgärtel, D. Genoux, H. Welzl, R. Y. Tweedie-Cullen, K. Koshibu,
      M. Livingstone-Z atchej, C. Mamie & I. M. Mansuy, Control of the establishment
      of aversive memory by calcineurin and Zif268, Nature Neuroscience 11, pp. 572–578, 2008.
      Cited on page 266.
227   More about the connection between entropy and computers can be found in the clas-
      sic paper by R. Landauer, Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process,
      IBM Journal of Research and Development 5, pp. 183–191, 1961, and in C. H. Bennett &
      R. Landauer, The fundamental physical limits of computation, Scientific American 253,
      pp. 48–56, 1985. Cited on page 268.
228   W. H. Zurek, Thermodynamic cost of computation, algorithmic complexity and the inform-
      ation metric, Nature 341, pp. 119–124, 14 August 1989. Cited on page 268.
408                                                                                 bibliography

229 L. Szilard, Über die Entropieverminderung in einem thermodynamischen System bei Ein-
      griffen intelligenter Wesen, Zeitschrift für Physik 53, p. 840, 1929. This classic paper can also
      be found in English translation in the collected works by Leo Szilard. Cited on page 268.
230 J. J. Hopfield, Nature 376, pp. 33–36, 1995. This paper by one of the fathers of the field
      presents one possibility by which the timing of nerve signals, instead of the usually assumed
      firing frequency, could also carry information. Cited on page 268.
231 The details of the properties of the firing patterns of neurons are nicely described in the
      article by M. Mahowald & R. Douglas, A silicon neuron, Nature 354, pp. 515–518,
      19/26 December 1991, in which they show how to simulate a neuron’s electrical behaviour
      using a silicon circuit. Cited on page 268.
232 A. Mechelli, J. T. Crinion, U. Noppeney, J. O ’ Doberty,             J. Ashburner,
      R. S. Frackowiak & C. J. Price, Neurolinguistics: structural plasticity in the bilin-
      gual brain, Nature 431, p. 757, 2004. Cited on page 269.
233 The discussion whether the brain is or is not superior to a computer is nicely summarised by
      G. Vollmer, Algorithmen, Gehirne, Computer – Was sie können und was sie nicht können,

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Teil I und Teil II, Naturwissenschaften 78, p. 481, 1991, and 78, pp. 533–542, 1991. Cited on
      page 270.
234 T. Seidel, The role of student characteristics in studying micro teaching-learning environ-
      ments, Learning Environments Research 9, pp. 253–257, 2006. Cited on page 271.
235 For an introduction, see K. Amunts & al., BigBrain: an ultrahigh-resolution 3d human
      brain model, Science 340, pp. 1472–1475, 2013. Cited on page 271.
236 The results with children are due to Niels Birbaumer, those for stage performers to Boris
      Kleber, both at the Universität Tübingen. More information is found on and
      on Cited on page 272.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
237 J. T. Choi & A. J. Bastian, Adaptation reveals independent control networks for human
      walking, Nature Neuroscience 10, pp. 1055–1062, 2007. Cited on page 272.
238 An entertaining introduction into the importance of the intestine and the enteric nervous
      system is Giulia Enders, Darm mit Charme, Ullstein, 2014. It is well worth reading and
      contains many interesting references. Cited on page 273.
239 On this aspect of sleep research, see J. Mayer, H. G. Schuster, J. Ch. Claussen &
      M. Mölle, Corticothalamic projections control synchronization in locally coupled bistable
      thalamic oscillators, Physical Review Letters 99, p. 068102, 2007. Cited on page 273.
240 The most famous discussion on the topic is the one summarized by J. Maddox, J. Randi
      & W. W. Stewart, "High-dilution" experiments a delusion, Nature 334, pp. 287–290, 1988.
      In particular, it was shown that two researchers on the team were paid by a company with
      interest in spreading the delusion.
         The clear animations at
      water_dynamics/ visualize the structure of liquid water and the motion of its molecules.
      Cited on page 275.
241 A. Louveau, I. Smirnov, T. J. Keyes, J. D. Eccles, S. J. Rouhani, J. D. Peske,
      N. C. Derecki, D. Castle, J. W. Mandell, K. S. Lee, T. H. Harris & J. Kipnis,
      Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels, Nature 523,
      pp. 337–341, 2015. Cited on page 275.
242 E. Kropff, J. E. Carmichael, M. -B. Moser & E. I. Moser, Speed cells in the me-
      dial entorhinal cortex, Nature 523, pp. 419–424, 2015. Cited on page 275.
                    bibliography                                                                                 409

                    243 K. S. Kassam,         A. R. Markey,      V. L. Cherkassky,         G. Loewenstein        &
                         M. A. Just, Identifying emotions on the basis of neural activation, PLoS One 8, p. e66032,
                         2013, freely available at Cited on page 275.
                    244 A pretty study is J. Kubanek, J. Brown, P. Ye, K. Butts Pauly, T. Moore &
                         W. Newsome, Remote, brain region–specific control of choice behavior with ultrasonic
                         waves, Science Advances 6, p. eaaz4193, 2020. Cited on page 275.
                    245 For slightly different definitions and a wealth of other interesting information about lan-
                         guage, see the beautiful book by David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Lan-
                         guage, Cambridge University Press, 1987. Cited on page 277.
                    246 However, the language with the largest available dictionary is Dutch, with the 40 volumes
                         of the Wordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, which appeared between 1864 and 1998. It has
                         almost 400 000 entries. Cited on page 279.
                    247 The list and the remark on discovery on concepts is due to a personal communication from
                         Anna Wierzbicka. A longer list is published in her book Semantics, Primes and Universals,
                         Oxford University Press, 1996. Cited on pages 280 and 302.

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    248 W. S. Hatcher, Foundations of Mathematics, W.B. Saunders Co., 1968. There is also the
                         article by P. J. Cohen & R. Hersch, Non-Cantorian set theory, Scientific American 217,
                         pp. 104–116, 1967. Cohen was the mathematician who in 1963 proved that the negation of
                         the continuum hypothesis could be added to the axioms of set theory and still produce a
                         consistent theory; he calls such sets non-Cantorian. Cited on page 287.
                    249 See the beautiful article by I. Stewart, Fair shares for all, New Scientist, pp. 42–46, 17
                         June 1995. Cited on page 287.
                    250 Many results on infinity are summarized in the excellent and delightful paperback by
                         Rudy Rucker, Infinity and the Mind – the Science and Philosophy of the Infinite, Bantam,

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                         1983. Cited on page 289.
                    251 The proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis came in two parts. First, Kurt
                         Gödel proved in 1940 that an axiom can be consistently added to ZFC set theory so that the
                         continuum hypothesis is correct. Then, in 1963, Paul Cohen proved that an axiom can be
                         consistently added to ZFC set theory so that the continuum hypothesis is false. Cited on
                         page 289.
                    252 The strange world of category theory, sometimes called the abstraction of all abstractions,
                         is presented in F. William Law vere & Stephen H. Schanuel, Conceptual Math-
                         ematics: a First Introduction to Categories, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Cited on page
                    253 This general division of mathematics is nicely explained in the text by Pierre Basieux,
                         Die Architektur der Mathematik – Denken in Strukturen, Rororo, 2000. Cited on page 290.
                    254 Umberto Pelizzari, L’homme et la mer, Flammarion, 1994. No citations.
                    255 The issue is treated in Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, in question 52 of the first
                         part. The complete text, several thousand pages, can be found on the
                         website. We come back to it in the part on quantum theory, in the section on the Pauli ex-
Vol. IV, page 136        clusion principle. It seems that the whole question goes back to Peter (the) Lombard,
                         Liber Sententiarum c. 1150. Cited on page 291.
                    256 B. C. Gallivan, How to fold paper in half twelve times: an “impossible challenge” solved
                         and explained, Histrical Society of Pomona Valley, 2002, also found at
                         Pomona/12times.htm. See also Cited on
                         page 291.
410                                                                              bibliography

257 I. Stewart, Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do, Scientific American, pp. 76–79, January
      1995. This pedagogical article explains how the growth of plants usually leads to flowers
      whose number of petals is from the Fibonacci series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
      144, etc. (The figure on page 246 gives a few examples.) Deviations from this ideal case
      are also explained. The original work are two articles by S. Douady & Y. Couder, La
      physique des spirales végétales, La Recherche 24, pp. 26–36, 1993, and Phyllotaxis as a self-
      organized growth process, in Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and Biology, edited by J.M.
      Garcia-Ruiz & al., Plenum Press, 1993. Despite this and many other publications on the
      Fibonacci series, the argument on page 298 shows that most of these papers are based on
      sand. Cited on pages 291, 298, and 299.
258 H. Davson, The Eye, Academic Press, 1962. Cited on pages 265 and 292.
259 See the website. Cited on page 292.
260 An introduction to the surreal numbers is given by the article by Polly Shulman, Infin-
    ity plus one, and other surreal numbers, Discover, pp. 99–105, December 1995. There is also
    the text by D. Knuth, Surreal Numbers: How two ex-Students Turned on to Pure Mathem-

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    atics and Found Total Happiness, Addison Wesley, 1974, or
    ~knuth/sn.html. The usually quoted references on the topic include John H. Conway,
    On Numbers and Games, Academic Press, 1976, E. R. Berlekamp, J. H. Conway &
    R. K. Guy, Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Volume I: Games in General, Aca-
    demic Press, 1982, and H. Gonshor, An Introduction to Surreal Numbers, Cambridge
    University Press, 1986. Cited on pages 293 and 295.
261 This beautiful problem is discussed by Ian Stewart, A bundling fool beats the wrap, Sci-
    entific American, pp. 109–111, June 1993. In four dimensions, the answer is known to lie
    somewhere between 50 000 and 100 000, whereas the five-dimensional answer is conjec-
    tured to be ‘never’. Cited on page 295.

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
262 Alfred Tarski, Introduction to Modern Logic, Dover, 1946. See also the famous chil-
      dren’s book by the mathematician and photographer Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonder-
      land. Cited on page 283.
263 A. Pais, Niels Bohr’s Times: in Physics, Philosophy, and Polity, Oxford University Press,
      1991, page 176. Cited on page 296.
264 Eugene Wigner, Symmetries and Reflections, Indiana University Press, 1962. Cited on
      page 296.
265 Göran Wikell, The layout of digits on pushbutton telephones – a review of the literature,
      Tele 34, pp. 34–42, 1982. Cited on page 298.
266 A clear overview of philosophy of science, often called epistemology, without unnecessary
      detail, is given by Robert Blanché, L’Epistémologie, Presses Universitaires de France,
      1972. Cited on page 300.
267 About the different aspects of falsifiability of general statements it is commonplace to cite
      the work by the epitemologist Karl Popper (b. 1902 Vienna, d. 1994 London), especially
      his long and boring book Logik der Forschung, first published in 1934. The reason for this
      boredom is that Popper’s work is simply a warming-up of Pierre Duhem’s ideas. Cited on
      page 306.
268 For a good way of making blood that liquefies, see L. Garlaschelli, F. Ramaccini
      & S. Della Scala, Working bloody miracles, Nature 353, p. 507, 1991. The Grand dic-
      tionnaire universel du XIXe siècle, by Pierre Larousse, also contains a recipe; it was
      again shown to the public in the 1980s by Henri Broch. A wonderful and classic text is
      Harry Houdini, Miracle Mongers and their Methods, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, 1981.
bibliography                                                                                   411

      The original, written in 1920, by the world famous magician named ‘The Great Houdini’,
      is also available on the website.
      The milk drinking Indian statues were common around the world in 1994 and 1995. About
      healers, see James Randi, Flim-flam!, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, 1987, and
      the exquisite book by Hans Conrad Zander, Warum ich Jesus nicht leiden kann, Ro-
      wohlt, 1994. Cited on page 307.
269   John Horgan, The End of Science – Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the
      Scientific Age, Broadway Books, 1997, pp. 31–32, and chapter 2, note 2. Cited on pages 309
      and 328.
270   For an opinion completely contrary to the one described here, see the book by
      Gregory J. Chaitin, The Limits of Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 1997, which can
      also be found on the author’s website at
      html, along with his other works. Chaitin has devoted most of his life to the questions
      discussed in the section, especially on computability. Cited on page 310.
271   See the book by J. Barwise & J. Etchemendy, The Liar, Oxford University Press, New
      York, 1987. Cited on page 310.

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
272   Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac, section 19. Cited on page 311.
273   This definition (statement 4.11) and many other statements about science are in the beauti-
      ful and rightly famous text by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus,
      Edition Suhrkamp, 1963. It gives a condensed summary of the basis of science, thought and
      language in a collection of highly structured and numbered sentences. Cited on pages 316
      and 321.
274   See M. Dresden, The Klopsteg memorial lecture, American Journal of Physics 66, pp. 468–
      482, 1998. Cited on page 317.
275   Well-known books are e.g. Friedrich Kohlrausch, Praktische Physik, Teubner, 24.

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Auflage, 1996. Cited on page 316.
276   Results are described e.g. in L. Bergmann & C. Schäfer, Lehrbuch der Experimental-
      physik, Band I, II, III und IV, W. de Gruyter. Cited on page 316.
277   Landolt-B örnstein, edited by K. -H. Hellwege & O. Madelung, Zahlenwerte
      und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
      1984. This series of more than one hundred volumes contains all important observations in
      the domain of physics. Cited on page 317.
278   The origin of this incorrect attribution is the book by Gerhard Szczesny, Brecht, Leben
      des Galilei – Dichtung und Wirklichkeit, Ullstein, Berlin 1966, p. 6. The statement has never
      been made by Galilei; this issue has been discussed at length in specialist circles, e.g. by
      F. Kleinert, “Messen was meßbar ist” - Über ein angebliches Galilei-Zitat, Berichte zur
      Wissenschaftgeschichte 11, p. 221, 1988, or on the internet by Peter Jaencke. Cited on page
279   The strange and sometimes dangerous consequences of beliefs can be found e.g. in Mar-
      tin Gardner, Fads and Fallacies, Dover, 1957, and in James Randi, Faith Healers, Pro-
      metheus Books, 1989. The million dollar prize for showing any paranormal or supernormal
      effect is available from his website. Cited on page 322.
280   See the nice collection of cranks on the website. Cited on page 322.
281   It is interesting to observe that most modern theologians, in the age of the internet, avoid
      to repeat these old and incorrect beliefs and to put them online. Cited on page 323.
282   The opposite view on the emergence of properties is strongly defended in the book by
      Robert Laughlin, A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Botton Down Ba-
412                                                                             bibliography

      sic Books, 2005, or by P. Jensen, Particle physics and our everyday world, Physics Today
      pp. 58–59, July 1998. Their convictions are worth being pondered. Cited on page 323.
283 See page 133 of the bibliography by John B owlby, Charles Darwin, Pimlico, 1991. Cited
      on page 324.
284 Roger Penrose, The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe,
      Jonathan Cape, 2004, page 378. Cited on page 327.
285 A beautiful introduction to Greek philosophy is Eduard Zeller, Outlines of the History
      of Greek Philosophy, Dover, 1980, a reprint of a book published in 1928. Among others, it
      gives a clear exposition of the philosophy of Democritus and the other presocratics. Cited
      on page 328.
286 The famous quote is found at the beginning of chapter XI, ‘The Physical Universe’, in Ar-
    thur Eddington, The Philosophy of Physical Science, Cambridge, 1939. Cited on page
287 Giuseppe Fumagalli, Chi l’ha detto?, Hoepli, Milano, 1983. Cited on page 330.
288 See Jean-Paul Dumont, Les écoles présocratiques, Folio Essais, Gallimard, p. 653, 1991.

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    Cited on page 330.
289 For a beautiful text on fractals, see Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut Jürgens & Di-
    etmar Saupe, Fractals for the Classroom, Springer Verlag, 1992, pp. 232–245. It is also
    available in several other languages. Cited on page 332.
290 As has been pointed out by René Descartes. Cited on page 335.
291 The famous carbon      C resonance was found by Willy Fowler, as described in E. Mar-
    garet Burbridge, G. R. Burbridge, W. A. Fowler & F. Hoyle, Synthesis of the
    elements in stars, Reviews of Modern Physics 29, pp. 547–560, 1957. Cited on page 337.
292 An extensive overview of the topic is given in the thick book by John D. Barrow &

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press, 1986.
    The term itself is due to Brandon Carter, who coined it in 1973 and presented it in a sym-
    posium devoted to the 500th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus. For more literature, see
    Yuri I. Balashov, Resource Letter AP-1: the anthropic principle, American Journal of
    Physics 59, pp. 1069–1076, 1991. Cited on page 337.
293 Voltaire, Candide ou l’optimisme, 1759. See also the footnote on page 255 in volume I.
    The book is so good that it was still being seized by the US customs in 1930, and the US
    post office refused to transport it as late as 1944. For more details, search for ‘banned books
    online’ on the world-wide web. Cited on page 338.
294 The number of books on consciousness is large and the contents not always interesting, and
    often not based on fact, as shown by Karl R. Popper & John Eccles, The Self and its
    Brain – an Argument for Interactionism, Rutledge, 1993. Cited on page 339.
295 See e.g. the Encyclopedia Britannica, Macropaedia, in the entry on animal behaviour. Cited
    on page 340.
296 A straight and informative introduction to the work and ideas of Joseph Beuys (in German)
    is by Renate Georgi, Joseph Beuys, RAAbits Kunst, Raabe Fachverlag, September 1996.
    Cited on page 340.
297 Two studies, one by R.P. Ebstein & al., Dopamine D4 receptor (D4DR) exon III poly-
      morphism associated with human personality trait of novelty seeking, Nature Genetics 12,
      pp. 78–80, January 1996, and another study by J. Benjamin & al., Population and fa-
      milial association between the D4 dopamine receptor gene and measures of novelty seeking,
      Nature Genetics 12, pp. 81–84, January 1996, found that people with a special form of the
bibliography                                                                                       413

      D4 dopamine receptor gene, or D4DR, are more prone to novelty seeking than people with
      the usual form. The D4DR gene regulates the formation of dopamine receptors, a chemical
      messenger in the brain that has been a candidate for some time for a substance involved in
      the propensity for novelty seeking. Cited on page 341.
298   See Jacques Hadamard, The Mathematician’s Mind – The Psychology of Invention in the
      Mathematical Field, Princeton Science Library, 1996. For a modern perspective, see Pierre
      de Gennes, Fragile Objects: Soft Matter, Hard Science, and the Thrill of Discovery, Springer,
      1996. where de Gennes criticizes certain educational systems that put too much stress on
      mathematics, thus destroying creativity. Cited on page 341.
299   Voltaire writes this in his Catalogue pour la plupart des écrivains français qui ont paru dans
      Le Siècle de Louis XIV, pour servir à l’histoire littéraire de ce temps (1752). Cited on page 342.
300   This is from the beautiful booklet by Bert Hellinger, Verdichtetes, Carl-Auer Systeme
      Verlag, 1996. Cited on page 342.
301   For example, one needs the courage to face envy. About this topic see the classic text by
      Helmut Schoeck, Der Neid, 1966, published in English as Envy: A Theory of Social Be-
      havior, 1969. It is the standard work in the field. Cited on page 342.

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
302   Bill McGuire, A Guide to the End of the World: Everything You Never Wanted to Know,
      Oxford University Press, 2002. On past disasters, see introduction by Tony Hallam,
      Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities – the Causes of Mass Extinctions, Oxford University
      Press, 2004. Cited on page 347.
303   Le Système International d’Unités, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Pavillon de
      Breteuil, Parc de Saint Cloud, 92310 Sèvres, France. All new developments concerning SI
      units are published in the journal Metrologia, edited by the same body. Showing the slow
      pace of an old institution, the BIPM launched a website only in 1998; it is now reachable at See also the website; this

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      includes the biographies of people who gave their names to various units. The site of its
      British equivalent,, is much better; it provides many details
      as well as the English-language version of the SI unit definitions. Cited on page 352.
304   The bible in the field of time measurement is the two-volume work by J. Vanier &
      C. Audoin, The Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards, Adam Hilge, 1989. A
      popular account is Tony Jones, Splitting the Second, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2000.
          The site gives a glossary of terms used in the field.
      For precision length measurements, the tools of choice are special lasers, such as mode-
      locked lasers and frequency combs. There is a huge literature on these topics. Equally large
      is the literature on precision electric current measurements; there is a race going on for the
      best way to do this: counting charges or measuring magnetic forces. The issue is still open.
      On mass and atomic mass measurements, see Volume II, page 71. On high-precision tem-
      perature measurements, see Volume I, page 548. Cited on page 353.
305   The unofficial SI prefixes were first proposed in the 1990s by Jeff K. Aronson of the Uni-
      versity of Oxford, and might come into general usage in the future. See New Scientist 144,
      p. 81, 3 December 1994. Other, less serious proposals also exist. Cited on page 354.
306   The various concepts are even the topic of a separate international standard, ISO 5725, with
      the title Accuracy and precision of measurement methods and results. A good introduction is
      John R. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis: the Study of Uncertainties in Physical
      Measurements, 2nd edition, University Science Books, Sausalito, 1997. Cited on page 356.
307   P. J. Mohr & B. N. Taylor, CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical
      constants: 1998, Reviews of Modern Physics 59, p. 351, 2000. This is the set of constants res-
      ulting from an international adjustment and recommended for international use by the
414                                                                       bibliography

    Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), a body in the International
    Council of Scientific Unions, which brings together the International Union of Pure and
    Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
    and other organizations. The website of IUPAC is Cited on page 357.
308 Some of the stories can be found in the text by N. W. Wise, The Values of Precision,
    Princeton University Press, 1994. The field of high-precision measurements, from which
    the results on these pages stem, is a world on its own. A beautiful introduction to it
    is J. D. Fairbanks, B. S. Deaver, C. W. Everitt & P. F. Michaelson, eds., Near
    Zero: Frontiers of Physics, Freeman, 1988. Cited on page 357.
309 For details see the well-known astronomical reference, P. Kenneth Seidelmann, Ex-
    planatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, 1992. Cited on page 363.
310 See the corresponding reference in the first volume. Cited on page 365.

                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

Acknowled gements
Many people who have kept their gift of curiosity alive have helped to make this project come
true. Most of all, Peter Rudolph and Saverio Pascazio have been – present or not – a constant
reference for this project. Fernand Mayné, Ata Masafumi, Roberto Crespi, Serge Pahaut, Luca
Bombelli, Herman Elswijk, Marcel Krijn, Marc de Jong, Martin van der Mark, Kim Jalink, my

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
parents Peter and Isabella Schiller, Mike van Wijk, Renate Georgi, Paul Tegelaar, Barbara and
Edgar Augel, M. Jamil, Ron Murdock, Carol Pritchard, Richard Hoffman, Stephan Schiller, Franz
Aichinger and, most of all, my wife Britta have all provided valuable advice and encouragement.
    Many people have helped with the project and the collection of material. Most useful was the
help of Mikael Johansson, Bruno Barberi Gnecco, Lothar Beyer, the numerous improvements
by Bert Sierra, the detailed suggestions by Claudio Farinati, the many improvements by Eric
Sheldon, the detailed suggestions by Andrew Young – see also his large, informative and no-frills
website – the continuous help and advice of Jonatan Kelu, the corrections
of Elmar Bartel, and in particular the extensive, passionate and conscientious help of Adrian

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    Important material was provided by Bert Peeters, Anna Wierzbicka, William Beaty, Jim Carr,
John Merrit, John Baez, Frank DiFilippo, Jonathan Scott, Jon Thaler, Luca Bombelli, Douglas
Singleton, George McQuarry, Tilman Hausherr, Brian Oberquell, Peer Zalm, Martin van der
Mark, Vladimir Surdin, Julia Simon, Antonio Fermani, Don Page, Stephen Haley, Peter Mayr,
Allan Hayes, Norbert Dragon, Igor Ivanov, Doug Renselle, Wim de Muynck, Steve Carlip, Tom
Bruce, Ryan Budney, Gary Ruben, Chris Hillman, Olivier Glassey, Jochen Greiner, squark, Mar-
tin Hardcastle, Mark Biggar, Pavel Kuzin, Douglas Brebner, Luciano Lombardi, Franco Bagnoli,
Lukas Fabian Moser, Dejan Corovic, Paul Vannoni, John Haber, Saverio Pascazio, Klaus Finken-
zeller, Leo Volin, Jeff Aronson, Roggie Boone, Lawrence Tuppen, Quentin David Jones, Arnaldo
Uguzzoni, Frans van Nieuwpoort, Alan Mahoney, Britta Schiller, Petr Danecek, Ingo Thies, Vi-
taliy Solomatin, Carl Offner, Nuno Proença, Elena Colazingari, Paula Henderson, Daniel Darre,
Wolfgang Rankl, John Heumann, Joseph Kiss, Martha Weiss, Antonio González, Antonio Mar-
tos, André Slabber, Ferdinand Bautista, Zoltán Gácsi, Pat Furrie, Michael Reppisch, Enrico Pasi,
Thomas Köppe, Martin Rivas, Herman Beeksma, Tom Helmond, John Brandes, Vlad Tarko, Na-
dia Murillo, Ciprian Dobra, Romano Perini, Harald van Lintel, Andrea Conti, François Belfort,
Dirk Van de Moortel, Heinrich Neumaier, Jarosław Królikowski, John Dahlman, Fathi Namouni,
Paul Townsend, Sergei Emelin, Freeman Dyson, S.R. Madhu Rao, David Parks, Jürgen Janek,
Daniel Huber, Alfons Buchmann, William Purves, Pietro Redondi, Andrew Young, Damoon
Saghian, Zach Joseph Espiritu, Wladimir Egorov, Markus Zecherle, Miles Mutka, plus a number
of people who wanted to remain unnamed.
    The software tools were refined with extensive help on fonts and typesetting by Michael Zedler
and Achim Blumensath and with the repeated and valuable support of Donald Arseneau; help
came also from Ulrike Fischer, Piet van Oostrum, Gerben Wierda, Klaus Böhncke, Craig Up-
416                                                                                    credits

right, Herbert Voss, Andrew Trevorrow, Danie Els, Heiko Oberdiek, Sebastian Rahtz, Don Story,
Vincent Darley, Johan Linde, Joseph Hertzlinger, Rick Zaccone, John Warkentin, Ulrich Diez,
Uwe Siart, Will Robertson, Joseph Wright, Enrico Gregorio, Rolf Niepraschk and Alexander
   The typesetting and book design is due to the professional consulting of Ulrich Dirr. The
typography was much improved with the help of Johannes Küster and his Minion Math font.
The design of the book and its website also owe much to the suggestions and support of my wife
   I also thank the lawmakers and the taxpayers in Germany, who, in contrast to most other
countries in the world, allow residents to use the local university libraries.
   From 2007 to 2011, the electronic edition and distribution of the Motion Mountain text was
generously supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

Film credits
The animations of a plane electromagnetic wave on page 99 are copyright and courtesy by
Thomas Weiland and taken from on his website at the Technische Universität

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Darmstadt. The animations of a polarized wave on page 116 are copyright and courtesy by José
Antonio Díaz Navas. The animation of the electromagnetic field emitted by an oscillating charge
on page 117 is copyright and courtesy by Daniel Schroeder. He will post it on his website physics. one day. The animation of the electromagnetic field
emitted by an oscillating dipole on page 118 is copyright and courtesy by Daniel Weiskopf and
can be found on his website The animation of group velo-
city on page 134 and of refraction on page 159 are copyright of the ISVR, University of Southamp-
ton, and courtesy of Steve Elliot. They can be found on the website The
astonishing film of a light pulse bouncing of a mirror on page 147 – also found in volume II – is
copyright and courtesy of Wang Lihong and Washington University at St. Louis. The fascinating

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
film of the herat beat of a mouse embryo on page 186 is copyright and courtesy of Kyrill Larin
and found on his website at

Image credits
The photograph of the east side of the Langtang Lirung peak in the Nepalese Himalayas, shown
on the front cover, is courtesy and copyright by Kevin Hite and found on his blog thegettingthere.
com. The rare photograph of a circular rainbow on page 14 is copyright and courtesy of Oat Vaiy-
aboon, and taken from his flickr collection; his website is The photographs of
objects on page 16 are courtesy of Wikimedia and Royal Philips Electronics. The photograph of a
rubbed comb’s effect on water on page 16 is copyright and courtesy of Robert Fritzius and found
on his website The photographs of electric field lines
on page 18 are copyright and courtesy of Eli Sidman, from the Technical Service Group of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and found on the group website on
The ground-breaking computer graphics of electric fields on page 18 are copyright and courtesy
of the TEAL group at MIT, and found on their website
visualizations/guidedtour/Tour.htm. The photograph of lightning on page 19 is copyright Steven
Horsburgh (see and used with his permission. The photograph of the
Kelvin generator on page 20 is courtesy and copyright of Harald Chmela and taken from his
website The picture of the charge conservation experiment on page 23 is copyright
and courtesy of Wolfgang Rueckner. On page 24, the photograph of the jam pot electrometer is
courtesy and copyright of Harald Chmela and taken from his website; the photo-
graph of a white shark is copyright and courtesy of Klaus Jost and found on his beautiful website
credits                                                                                      417

at; the photograph of the digital electrometer is courtesy and copyright of
Advantest. On page 29, all photographs except one are courtesy Wikimedia; the photograph of
the solar cell is copyright and courtesy of Q-Cells. On page 35, most photographs are courtesy of
Wikimedia; the photograph of the galaxies is courtesy and copyright Anthony Ayiomamitis, the
photograph of the Sun is courtesy NASA. On page 36, the photographs of magnetic field lines are
courtesy of Wikimedia; the computer graphics are courtesy and copyright of MIT. On page 41,
the pigeon cell photograph is courtesy and copyright of the Institute of Molecular Pathology in
Vienna. The photograph of M. bavaricum on page 41 is copyright by Marianne Hanzlik and is
courtesy of Nicolai Petersen. On page 43, the photographs of electric motors and of the gal-
vanometer are courtesy of Wikimedia; the photographs of the modern electric motor is courtesy
and copyright of Honda. The pictures of the Tesla coil on page 56 are courtesy and copyright of
Robert Billon, and found on his website The photograph of the electrified hair on
the playground, on page 58, is courtesy and copyright of Evan Keller and found on his website The magnetic storage visualizations shown on page 59 are
copyright and courtesy of Hendryk Richert and found on his company website at www.matesy.
de. The Gauss rifle on page 60 is courtesy and copyright Simon Quellen Field and found on

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
his website On page 61, the photo of Robert Krampf is courtesy Wikime-
dia. On page 62, the photograph of the plasma globe is courtesy and copyright of Philip Evans.
The photograph of a lifter on page 63 is courtesy and copyright of Jean-Louis Naudin; more in-
formation can be found on his website The ocean figure on page 64 is courtesy
of Stefan Maus, and taken from his
website. On page 65, the images on the magnetic environment of the Earth are courtesy NASA.
The simple motor photograph on page 66 is courtesy and copyright of Stefan Kluge. The photo-
graph of the floating bed model on page 69 and the computer graphics of the imagined full-size
floating bed are courtesy and copyright Janjaap Ruissenaars at
The comic on page 73 is copyright and courtesy of Randall Munroe, and found on his website

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at On page 73, the permittivity images are copyright of Kenneth Mauritz and courtesy of
Wikimedia. On page 53, the graphics of nerves are copyright and courtesy of Thomas Heimburg
and Wiley-VCH. The picture of the rainbow on page 90 is from the NOAA website. On page 94, the
photograph of thought control are copyright and courtesy of Fraunhofer FIRST. The prism pho-
tograph on pages 98 and on 125 is by Susan Schwartzenberg and courtesy and copyright of the Ex-
ploratorium, found at On page 100, the photograph of Heinrich Hertz
is courtesy of Wikimedia. On page 100, the photograph of the reconstructed transmitters and re-
ceivers are copyright and courtesy of the Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi. The photographs of the
beautifully simple remote control shown on page 101 are copyright and courtesy of Guido Pegna,
and found on his website The finger image on page 102 is copyright and cour-
tesy of Chuck Bueter and found on his instructive astronomy website The
secondary rainbow picture on page 102 is courtesy and copyright of Antonio Martos. The super-
numerary rainbow picture on page 102 is courtesy and copyright of Wolfgang Hinz and from his
website On page 103, the measurement graph is courtesy and copyright of the
Nature Publishing Group. The guitar interference image on page 104 is copyright and courtesy
of Bernard Richardson at Cardiff University. The telescope mirror interference image is copy-
right and courtesy of Mel Bartels and found on his site The speckle
pattern image is copyright and courtesy of Epzcaw and found on Wikimedia Commons. The
images of the patterns produced by the double slit are copyright and courtesy of Dietrich Zawis-
cha and found on his website on beauty and science at The
combined infrared and visible rainbow picture on page 105 is courtesy and copyright of Stefan
Zeiger collection at On
page 111, the antenna photographs are copy Martin Abegglen and K. Krallis and are courtesy
418                                                                                    credits

Wikimedia. The photographs of birefringence on page 112 are copyright and courtesy of Roger
Weller, from his website, Brad Amos,
from his website’sWebsite, and Martin Pietralla,
from his lecture material. The sky polarization pattern on page 113 is due to Keram Pfeiffer and
courtesy of Elsevier; it can be found in Ref. 66. The image of the field measurement on light
on page 107 is courtesy and copyright of L. (Kobus) Kuipers. The photographs of levitated glass
beads shown on page 120 are courtesy and copyright by Mark Raizen and Tongcang Li. The pho-
tograph of comet McNaught on page 121 is courtesy and copyright of Flagstaffotos. The photo-
graph of rotating carbon nanotubes on page 123 is courtesy of A.C. Ferrari and taken from the pa-
per Ref. 79. On page 123, the photograph on how umbrellas decompose white light is courtesy of
Wikimedia. The photograph of the solar green flash on page 127 is copyright and courtesy of An-
drew Young and part of his extensive and fascinating website at; the lunar
green flash photograph is copyright and courtesy of Laurent Laveder and taken from his beauti-
ful site at The picture of milky water on page 127 was made for this text and
is copyright by Antonio Martos. On page 128, the colour space graphs are copyright and courtesy
of SharkD. The colour book on page 129 is copyright and courtesy of Tauba Auerbach; it can be

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found on her beautiful website The rainbow on page 130 is copyright and
courtesy of Denis Betsch and can be found at The fogbow photo-
graph on page 131 is courtesy and copyright of Michel Tournay, and can be found on his website The photograph of a split rainbow on page 131 is cour-
tesy and copyright of Eva Seidenfaden, and can be found on her website The
photograph of the sixfold rainbow on page 131 is courtesy and copyright of Terje Nordvik, and can
be found on The photograph of the red rainbow on
page 131 is courtesy and copyright of Zhu XiaoJin, and can be found on his collection at www.cs. The photograph of the moon rainbow on page 131 is courtesy and copy-
right of Laurent Laveder, and can be found on his collection at The photo-

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graph of parhelia on page 132 is courtesy and copyright of Phil Appleton and found on the website The photograph of the
circumzenithal arc on page 132 is courtesy and copyright of Paul Gitto. The photograph of the
Mach–Zehnder interferometer on page 140 is copyright and courtesy of Félix Dieu and Gaël Os-
owiecki and found on their websites
and The X-ray image of the hand on
page 146 is copyright of Drgnu23 and courtesy of Wikimedia. On page 148, the solar spectrum is
courtesy and copyright of Chris Gueymard, the world’s leading expert on solar spectra. The pic-
ture of the red hot oven on page 150 is copyright and courtesy of Wolfgang Rueckner. The solar
furnace photograph on page 151 is courtesy and copyright of Gerhard Weinrebe. On page 152,
the photograph of the solar power plant is courtesy of Wikimedia. On page 155, the photographs
of a laser and of an X-ray source are courtesy and copyright Time-Bandwidth and SPECS. The
spookfish photograph on page 156 is courtesy and copyright of Tamara Frank, and found on
her website On page 157, the photograph of concentric mir-
rors is courtesy and copyright of Media Lario Technologies. The bent light beam photograph on
page 158 is courtesy and copyright 2003 of Jennifer Nierer. The water glass graphics on page 159
are courtesy and copyright 2003 of Robin Wood, and found on his website www.robinwood.
com. The images of the arrow illusion on page 159 are courtesy and copyright by Maric Vladi-
mir; they are taken from a short film found on his youtube channel at
maricv84/videos. The photograph of a superior mirage on page 161 is courtesy and copyright by
Thomas Hogan and found on his website The pho-
tograph of an inferior mirage on page 161 is courtesy and copyright by Andy Barson and found
on his website The mirage images on page 162 are copyright and cour-
credits                                                                                         419

tesy by Nicola Petrolino and by Mila Zinkova, the mirage images on page 163 are copyright
and courtesy of Olaf Schneider, found at, and by Gerold Pren-
ger and found at The
images formed by lenses on page 165 are copyright and courtesy of Eric Kirchner and found in
his paper cited in the text. The photo of a glory on page 166 is copyright of Brocken Inaglory and
courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. The photographs about optical fibres on page 167 are copy-
right and courtesy of NOAA, Hochschule Mittweida and Schott. The drawing of a metamaterial
on page 169 is copyright and courtesy of the IEEE and Michael Zedler. The photo of Poisson’s
spot on page 171 is courtesy and copyright of Christopher Jones, and taken from his website www. On page 172, the images are cour-
tesy and copyright of Jenoptik, Wikimedia and Jeff Sherman. The microscope picture on page 172
is copyright and courtesy of Stefan Hell. The X-ray images of a thumb on page 175 are courtesy
and copyright of Momose Atsushi. The photo of a hologram on page 176 is copyright and cour-
tesy of Yves Gentet and can be found on his website On page 178,
the euro hologram is courtesy and copyright of Hans-Ulrich Pötsch and found on his website at The drawing on page 179 is from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für

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Holographie, courtesy of Niklas Möller and can be found at their excellent and informative web-
site On page 180, the interferogram of a guitar is courtesy of Wikimedia. On
page 181, the photograph of a three-dimensional image system is courtesy and copyright of the
USC Stevens Institute for Innovation. On page 182, the images are courtesy and copyright of
Nikon andCarl Zeiss. On page 183, the photograph of the electron microscope is courtesy and
copyright of Carl Zeiss; the image itself is courtesy of Wikimedia. The scanning near-field optical
microscope images of page 184 are copyright and courtesy of WITec GmbH and found on their
website The X-ray tomographs on page 185 are copyright and courtesy of Manuel
Dierick and his research group at the University of Ghent and found on his website at www.ugct. On page 186, the X-ray image is copyright and courtesy of Fraunhofer IIS. The in-

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frared photograph on page 189 is copyright and courtesy of Serge Augustin. The photograph of
the sunflower on page 190 is copyright and courtesy of Andrew Davidhazy and found on his web-
site The eye images of page 191 are courtesy and copyright of the National
Eye Institute at the National Institute of Health in the USA. The pictures of retinas on page 199 are
courtesy and copyright of Austin Roorda. The picture of the aureole on page 200 is copyright and
courtesy of Bernt Rostad and found on his website
sizes/l/. On page 203, the photographs of image sensors are courtesy and copyright of Wikime-
dia, Austin Roorda, Hamamatsu Photonics and Guido Westhoff/Leo van Hemmen. On page 195,
the illustrations are courtesy and copyright of Watcher; they are taken from his wonderful and
beautiful blog at, full of passion for the nature around
us. The photographs about the flat microscope based on a microlens array shown on page 195
are courtesy and copyright by Frank Wippermann. The photographs about the microscope made
by folding a paper sheet on page 206 are courtesy and copyright by the Foldscope team at www. The image of a single ion on page 207 is courtesy and copyright by Dave Kiel-
pinski; possibly also MacMillan Publishing has some copyrights; they also allowed its use. On
page 208, the endoscope figures are copyright and courtesy of Karl Storz. The pictures showing
colour blindness on page 209 are courtesy and copyright of Michael Douma, from his splendid
website at The photographs of Ames rooms on page 211
are courtesy and copyright of Sergio Davini, taken from his website
mosso, and courtesy and copyright of David Darling, taken from his encyclopedic website www. On page 212, the colour illusion if courtesy and copyright of Kitaoka Akiyoshi,
and taken from his wonderful website at The pseudoscope photo
on page 212 is copyright and courtesy of Joshua Foer. The photograph on page 213 is courtesy
420                                                                                  credits

and copyright Nick Veasey; his wonderful collection of stunning X-ray images can be found at On page 215, the disk pit images are courtesy of Wikimedia. The spectacular
photograph of a lightning stroke on page 220 is copyright and courtesy of Niklas Montonen. The
cloud photographs on page 219 are courtesy of NASA. On page 220, the images are courtesy and
copyright of nordique, NASA and NOAA. The pictures of laboratory plasma clouds that resemble
ball lightning on page 223 are courtesy and copyright by Sergei Emelin and Alexei Pirozerski
and taken from their website The drawings of the interior of the Earth
on page 224 are copyright and courtesy of MPI-Chemie, Mainz/GEO and can be found in the
brochure at They were kindly provided
by Mirjana Kotowski. The computer graphics on page 225 are copyright and courtesy of Gary
Glatzmaier; they can be found on his web page The
photographs of diamagnetic levitation on page 229 are copyright and courtesy of Joachim Sch-
lichting and can be found on his website The photographs of
the levitation of a rotating sphere on page 230 are copyright and courtesy of Kay Kublenz and
can be found on his website On page 262, the electroencephalogram is
courtesy of Wikimedia. On page 266, the neuron photograph is copyright of Medlat and cour-

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tesy of Wikimedia. The photograph of Fibonacci washers on page 299 is copyright and courtesy
of Donald Simanek and can be found on his website The image of a
smurf on page 281 is copyright 2016 by Peyo and licensed by I.M.P.S. in Brussels, found at www. The photograph of the flame on page 367 is courtesy and copyright by Shubham Das
and was made for this book by him and Rakesh Kumar. The photograph on the back cover, of
a basilisk running over water, is courtesy and copyright by the Belgian group TERRA vzw and
found on their website All drawings are copyright by Christoph Schiller. If
you suspect that your copyright is not correctly given or obtained, this has not been done on
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           NA M E I N DE X

A          A                               Appleton, Phil 132, 418        Balashov, Yuri I. 412
Abb ot t   Abbott, T.A. 403                Aquinas, Thomas 327, 409       Baller, T.S. 401
           Abe, E. 404                     Arago, Dominique-François      Baltz, R. von 390
           Abegglen, Martin 111, 417          171                         Bandler, Richard 254, 303, 406

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Acef, O. 392                       life 42                     Barberi Gnecco, Bruno 415
           Ackermann, Peter 397            Ardenne, Manfred von 404       Barnett, S.J. 388, 389
           Adams, Douglas 332              Aripov, Otanazar 342           Barnhill, M.V. 388
           Adenauer, Konrad 311            Aristotle 322, 326             Barrow, John D. 412
           Advantest 24, 417               Arlt, J. 394                   Barson, Andy 161, 418
           Aguirregabiria, J.M. 372, 405   Armstrong, Neil 399            Bartel, Elmar 415
           Aiello, A. 401                  Aronson, Jeff K. 413, 415      Bartels, Mel 104, 417
           Aitken, M.J. 405                Arrayás, M. 397                Barwise, J. 411
           Aizenberg, J. 398               Arseneau, Donald 415           Basieux, Pierre 409
           Ajdari, A. 405                  Arteaga, O. 397                Bastian, A.J. 408

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Akerboom, F. 394                Ascher, Marcia 291             Bauer, O. 394
           Al-Dayeh, M. 402                Ashburner, J. 408              Bauerecker, S. 403
           al-Farisi, Kamal al-Din 126     Ashcroft, Neil 239             Baumgärtel, K. 407
           al-Hadi al-Hush, Ramadan        Ashkin, A. 393                 Bautista, Ferdinand 415
              342                          Ashkin, Arthur 122             Bazelyon, Eduard M. 402
           Albert Einstein                 Askin, A. 393                  BBC 315
              teenager 119                 Ata Masafumi 415               Beale, I.L. 390
           Alexopoulos, N.G. 370           Audoin, C. 413                 Beaty, William 415
           Alhazen 391                     Auerbach, Tauba 129, 418       Beauvoir, B. de 392
           Allen, L. 394                   Augel, Barbara 415             Beda Venerabilis 299
           Allen, Les 393                  Augel, Edgar 415               Beeksma, Herman 415
           Allen Lee, Wei-Chung 263        Augustin, Serge 189, 419       Beenakker, C.W.J. 392
           Almeida, C. de 403              Augustine of Hippo 56          Belfort, François 415
           Amos, Brad 112, 418             Avron, J.E. 405                Bellac, M. Le 391
           Ampère, André-Marie 54          Ayiomamitis, Anthony 35, 417   Bellini, Giovanni 400
              life 43                                                     Benbrook, J.R. 402
           Amunts, K. 408                  B                              Benjamin, J. 412
           Anaxagoras 274, 330, 342        Babinet, Jacques               Bennett, C.H. 397, 407
           Andersen, S.S.L. 389              life 353                     Berg, E. 405
           Anderson, James A. 407          Baccus, S.A. 399               Berger, Hans 259
           Anonymous 178, 348              Bacon, Roger 311               Bergmann, L. 411
           Antonio Díaz Navas, José 116,   Baez, John 415                 Bering, E. 402
              416                          Bagnoli, Franco 415            Bering, E.A. 402
           422                                                                      name index

           Berkeley, George 325          Bronshtein, Matvei 8         Christian Oersted, Hans 42
           Berlekamp, E.R. 410           Brookshear, J. Glenn 407     Chu, S. 393, 395
           Berlin, Brent 395             Brown, B.L. 394              Chuang, I.L. 398
           Bernstein, Aaron 119, 393     Brown, J. 409                Cicero, Marcus Tullius 339
           Berry, M. 396                 Bruce, Tom 415               Clairon, A. 392
           Berry, M.J. 399               Bräuer, A. 400               Clausius, R. 397
           Berry, M.V. 397, 404          Brückner, A. 400             Claussen, J.Ch. 408
           Berry, Michael 142            Buchanan, Mark 403           Clements, J. 401
           Berson, D.M. 400              Buchmann, Alfons 415         Clerk Maxwell, James
           Beth, R.A. 394                Buddakian, R. 404               life 76
           Betsch, Denis 130, 418        Budney, Ryan 415             Codling, K. 397
B          Bettelheim, Bruno 407
           Bettermann, D. 403
                                         Bueter, Chuck 102, 417
                                         Burbridge, G.R. 412
                                                                      Coehoorn, Reinder 404
                                                                      Cohen, P.J. 409
           Beuys, Joseph 259, 340, 412   Burbridge, E. Margaret 412   Cohen, Paul 409
Berkeley   Beyer, Lothar 415             Burns, L. 390                Cohen, Paul J. 287
           Bhalotra, S.R. 394            Burresi, M. 392              Cohen, Philip 405

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Bhandari, R. 396              Butler, Samuel 254           Colazingari, Elena 415
           Biggar, Mark 415              Butoli, André 387            Conroy, R.S. 394
           Billon, Robert 56, 417        Böhncke, Klaus 415           Conti, Andrea 415
           Biraben, F. 392                                            Conway, J.H. 410
           Birbaumer, Niels 408          C                            Conway, John 293, 382
           Bismarck, Otto von 301        Calogero, G. 394             Conway, John H. 410
           Bjorkholm, J.E. 393           Caloz, C. 399                Copernicus, Nicolaus 412
           Blanché, Robert 410           Cantor, Georg                Copperfield, David 231, 379
           Blankertz, B. 391                life 288                  Corballis, M.C. 390
           Bliss, G.W. 403               Caraway, E.L. 402            Corbin, V. 402

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Blumensath, Achim 415         Carl Zeiss 182, 419          Corovic, Dejan 415
           Boamfa, M.I. 403              Carlip, Steve 415            Cosman, E.C. 392
           Bohr, Niels 296, 339          Carmichael, J.E. 408         Cotton, Aimé 244
           Boltzmann, Ludwig 80          Carmona, Humberto 404        Couder, Y. 410
           Bombelli, Luca 415            Carr, Jim 415                Coulomb, Charles-Augustin
           Bonaccorso, F. 394            Carroll, Lewis 410              de
           Boone, Roggie 415             Carter, Brandon 412             life 26
           Born, Jan 273                 Castle, D. 408               Cowley, Les 394
           Born, Max 397                 Chaitin, Gregory J. 411      Crescimanno, M. 388
           Bose, Georg 21                Chandrasekhar,               Crespi, Roberto 415
           Bour, L. 393                     Subramanyan 337           Crinion, J.T. 408
           Bowlby, John 412              Chang, P.Z. 403              Cronin, T.W. 393
           Boyda, E.K. 394               Chaplin, Charlie 90          Crookes, William
           Brandes, John 415             Chauvat, D. 401                 life 122
           Brandt, E.H. 403              Chen, B. 390                 Crystal, David 409
           Brebner, Douglas 415          Chen, G. 398                 Cummer, S.A. 399
           Brecher, Kenneth 216          Cherkassky, V.L. 409         Cundiff, Steven T. 392
           Brewster, David 112, 377      Chiao, R. 395                Curio, G. 391
           Brillouin, Louis 395          Chiao, R.Y. 395, 396         Cybulski, J. 401
           Broch, Henri 410              Chiba, D. 404
           Brock, J.B. 398               Chmela, Harald 20, 24, 416   D
           Brocken Inaglory 166, 419     Choi, J.T. 408               Dahlman, John 415
           Brody, A.L. 394               Chomsky, Noam 310            Dalton, John
      name index                                                                                    423

         life 210                     Dragon, Norbert 415              Espiritu, Zach Joseph 415
      Dam, H. Van 390                 Dresden, M. 411                  Etchemendy, J. 411
      Danecek, Petr 415               Drgnu23 146, 418                 Euler, Leonhard 298
      Dannberg, P. 400                Drude, Paul                      Evans, Philip 62, 417
      Darley, Vincent 416               life 251                       Everitt, C.W. 414
      Darling, David 211, 419         Dufay, Charles 20                Eves, H. 407
      Darre, Daniel 415               Duhem, Pierre 410                Exploratorium 98, 125, 417
      Darwin 305, 308, 324            Dumont, Jean-Paul 412            Exter, M.P. van 401
      Darwin, Charles 406             Duparré, J. 400
      Das, Shubham 367, 420           Dwyer, J.R. 402                  F
      Davidhazy, Andrew 190, 419      Dyson, Freeman 415               Fabeni, P. 396
D     Davies, D. 391
      Davini, Sergio 211, 419
                                      Dziedzic, J.M. 393, 394          Fairbank, W.M. 388
                                                                       Fairbanks, J.D. 414
      Davis, Chandler 342             E                                Faller, James E. 399
Dam   Davson, H. 410                  E. Kelm, Daniel 395              Fang Lizhi 342
      Davy, Humphry 42                Ebstein, R.P. 412                Fantz, U. 389

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      de Maricourt, Pierre 37         Eccles, J.D. 408                 Faraday, Michael 17, 48, 53,
      Deaver, B.S. 414                Eccles, John 412                    64, 66
      Decker, Rick 407                Economou, E.N. 398                  life 42
      Dehmelt, H. 403                 Eddington, Arthur 328, 412       Farinati, Claudio 415
      Dehmelt, Hans 405               Edge, Ron 404                    Fermani, Antonio 415
      Dekker, J.P. 405                Edwards, R. 387                  Ferrari, A. C. 394
      Della Scala, S. 410             Egorov, A.E. 402                 Ferrari, A.C. 123, 418
      Democritus 309, 323, 326, 412   Egorov, A.I. 402                 Few, A.A. 402
      Demosthenes 311, 411            Egorov, Anton 222                Feyerabend, Paul 309, 333
      DeRaad, L.L. 387                Egorov, Wladimir 415             Feynman, Richard 95

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Derecki, N.C. 408               Ehrenstein, W.H. 399             Feynman, Richard P. 317, 368
      Descartes, René 256, 412        Eigler, D.M. 389                 Field, Simon Quellen 417
      Desmet, S. 387                  Einstein, A. 388                 Finkelstein, D. 402
      DGH 179                         Einstein, Albert 90, 264, 296,   Finkenzeller, Klaus 415
      Dholakia, K. 394                    319, 342                     Fischer, Ulrike 415
      Diana, princess of Wales 307        on mathematics 284           Flagstaffotos 121, 418
      Dierick, Manuel 185, 419        Ekman, Paul 304                  Flavell, J.H. 256
      Dietl, T. 404                   Eliel, E.R. 401                  Flaviis, F. De 370
      Dietrich, F. 403                Elliot, Steve 416                Foer, Joshua 212, 419
      Dietrich von Freiberg 394       Els, Danie 416                   Foldscope team 206, 419
      Dieu, Félix 140, 418            Elsevier 113, 418                Fortey, Richard 406
      Diez, Ulrich 416                Elswijk, H.B. 388                Foteinopoulou, S. 398
      DiFilippo, Frank 415            Elswijk, Herman B. 415           Fowler, W.A. 412
      Dijk, Menno van 397             Emelin, Sergei 223, 415, 420     Fowler, Willy 412
      Dirac 336                       Emerson, Ralph Waldo 282            life 337
      Dirr, Ulrich 416                Enders, A. 396                   Fracastro, Girolamo 376
      Ditzinger, Thomas 400           Enders, Giulia 408               Frackowiak, R.S. 408
      Dobra, Ciprian 415              Engl, Walter L. 390              Fraenkel, Adolf/Abraham 287
      Dogarin, A. 395                 Epicurus 340, 341                Frank, M. 391
      Dornhege, G. 391                Epikuros 340                     Frank, Tamara 156, 418
      Douady, S. 410                  Epzcaw 104, 417                  Franke, G. 400
      Douglas, R. 408                 Erlykin, A.D. 406                Franklin, Benjamin 21
      Douma, Michael 209, 419         Ertmer, W. 403                      life 21
        424                                                                            name index

        Franz, K. 398                        life 17                   H
        Fraser, Alistair B. 391           Gilles, G.T. 391             Haas, W.J. de 388
        Frasinski, L.J. 397               Gillies, G.T. 396            Haber, John 415
        Fraunhofer FIRST 94, 417          Gitto, Paul 132, 418         Hadamard, Jacques 413
        Fraunhofer IIS 186                Glassey, Olivier 415         Haeckel, Ernst 303
        Fraunhofer, Joseph 103            Glatzmaier, G.A. 389, 403    Haerendel, G. 394
        French, A.P. 390                  Glatzmaier, Gary 225, 226,   Haidinger, W.K. 392, 393
        Fresnel, Augustin Jean 103           420                       Haidinger, Wilhelm 113
        Freud, Sigmund 266                Glauber, Roy 392             Haley, Stephen 230, 415
        Friedel, P. 401                   Gleiter, H. 405              Haley, Stephen B. 404
        Friese, M.E.J. 394                Goethe, Johann Wolfgang      Hall, John 392
F       Fritzius, Robert 16, 416
        Fuchs, E.C. 405
                                             von 303, 325
                                          Goldhaber, A.S. 388
                                                                       Hall, John L. 392
                                                                       Hallam, Tony 413
        Fuchs, Elmar 241                  Goldsmith, D. 405            Hamamatsu Photonics 203,
Franz   Fumagalli, Giuseppe 412           Gonshor, H. 410                419
        Furrie, Pat 415                   González, Antonio 415        Hamblyn, Richard 402

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Furry, W.H. 372                   González-Herráez, M. 395     Hamilton, William 284
        Föppl, H. 394                     Goos, Fritz 207              Hanzlik, Marianne 41, 417
        Füllerkrug, M. 402                Gordon, A. 405               Hardcastle, Martin 415
                                          Gordon, Andrew 22            Hardin, C.L. 395
        G                                 Gorkum, G.G.P. van 401       Hardy, Godfrey H. 305, 383
        Gabor, Dennis 178                 Gould, Stephen J. 406        Haring, Bas 406
        Galajda, P. 393                   Graham, George 57            Harlen, V. 407
        Galilei, Galileo 164, 326, 331,   Grahn, Alexander 416         Harrington, R.F. 389
           342                            Grandjean, F. 387            Harris, T.H. 408
        Galileo Galilei 316               Grant, E. 396                Hasselberg, Ernst von 298

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        Gallivan, B.C. 409                Grebe-Ellis, J. 393          Hatcher, W.S. 409
        Galvani, Luigi 51                 Greegor, R.B. 398            Haubrich, D. 403
           life 32                        Greenler, R. 398             Hausch, T.W. 392
        Galvez, E.J. 396                  Greenler, Robert 398         Hausherr, Tilman 379, 415
        Galvez, Enrique 375               Gregorio, Enrico 416         Hayes, Allan 415
        Gans, R. 404                      Greiner, Jochen 415          Heard-Booth, A.N. 401
        Garcia-Caurel, E. 397             Greiner, W. 388              Heaviside 76
        Garcia-Ruiz, J.M. 410             Griessen, R. 405             Heaviside, Oliver 97
        Gardner, Martin 411               Griffiths, D.J. 403          Hebb, Donald 266
        Garlaschelli, L. 410              Grimaldi, Francesco 170      Heckenberg, N.R. 394
        Gauß, Carl-Friedrich              Groot, D.G. de 405           Heflinger, L.O. 403, 404
           life 28                        Gross, B. 392                Hehl, Friedrich W. 390
        Geim, A.K. 403, 404               Gschneidner, Karl A. 404     Heidelberg Engineering 197
        Geim, Andre 404                   Gucciardi, P. G. 394         Heideman, R. 392
        Gennes, Pierre de 413             Gueymard, Chris 148, 418     Heimburg, T. 389
        Genoux, D. 407                    Guglielmo Marconi,           Heimburg, Thomas 52, 53,
        Gentet, Yves 176, 419                Fondazione 100, 417         389, 417
        GEO 224, 420                      Gurevich, A.V. 402           Heisenberg, Werner 164
        Georgi, Renate 412, 415           Gutierrez, D. 392            Hell, S.W. 399
        Gesellschaft, Deutsche            Guy, R.K. 410                Hell, Stefan 172, 173, 419
           Physikalische 403              Gácsi, Zoltán 415            Hellinger, Bert 305, 342, 413
        Gibbs, Phil 393                   Gál, J. 392                  Hellwege, K.-H. 411
        Gilbert, William                  Gödel, Kurt 310, 409         Helmholtz 103
            name index                                                                             425

            Helmholtz, Hermann von 188    Hopfield, J.J. 408             Jackson, J.D. 387, 389
               life 188                   Hopkins, C.D. 388              Jackson, L. 406
            Helmholtz, Hermann von 341    Horgan, John 411               Jaencke, Peter 411
            Helmond, Tom 415              Hornberg, Alexander 399        Jalink, Kim 415
            Hemmen, J.L. van 401          Horsburgh, Steven 19, 416      James, William 266
            Henderson, Paula 415          Horváth, G. 392                Jamil, M. 415
            Hendriks, B.H. 401            Horváth, Gábor 397             Janek, Jürgen 415
            Henry Poynting, John 89       Houck, A.A. 398                Jarosz, W. 392
            Heras, J.A. 390               Houdini, Harry 410             Jean Fresnel, Augustin
            Hermann, Ludimar 187          Howard, Luke 218                   life 171
            Hernandez, A. 372, 405        Hoyle, F. 412                  Jeanloz, R. 389
H           Herrmann, F. 371, 390
            Herrmann, Friedrich 346
                                          Hoyle, Fred 337
                                            life 337
                                                                         Jechow, A. 401
                                                                         Jeff Sherman 172, 419
            Hersch, R. 409                Hoyos, C. 391                  Jefimenko, Oleg D. 390
Helmholtz   Hersch, Reuben 287            Htun, Bo Bo 342                Jenkins, Francis A. 376
            Herschel, William 104         Hu, Z. 403                     Jenoptik 172, 419

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            Hertz 76                      Huber, A. 392                  Jensen, H.W. 392
            Hertz, Heinrich 80, 97, 100   Huber, Daniel 415              Jensen, P. 412
            Hertz, J. 407                 Huiberts, J.N. 405             Jeon, H. 388
            Hertzlinger, Joseph 416       Humboldt, Alexander von 379    Jerauld, J. 402
            Heumann, John 415             Huppertz, H. 405               Jessell, Thomas M. 389
            Hilbert, David 296, 310       Huxley, A.F. 51, 389           Johannes de Haas, Wander
               life 283                   Huygens, Christiaan                life 44
            Hilico, L. 392                  life 101                     Johansson, Mikael 415
            Hiller, R.A. 404              Hypatia 277, 309, 342          Jones, Christopher 171, 419
            Hillman, Chris 415            Hänchen, Hilda 207             Jones, P. H. 394

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            Hillmann, D. 400              Hänsch, Theodor 392            Jones, P.D. 397
            Hinz, Wolfgang 102, 417       Hänsch, Theodor W. 392         Jones, Quentin David 415
            Hirshfield, Stuart 407        Höfner, H. 394                 Jones, T.B. 403, 404
            Hirst, Paul 158               Hüttmann, G. 400               Jones, Tony 413
            Hite, Kevin 416                                              Jong, Marc de 415
            Hitler, Adolf 149             I                              Jordan, D.M. 402
            Hochschule Mittweida 167,     Ibn al-Haytham 391             Jost, Klaus 24, 416
               419                        IEEE 169, 419                  Jozefowski, L. 392
            Hodgkin, A.L. 51, 389         IIS, Fraunhofer 419            Julien, L. 392
            Hoekstra, Rolf F. 406         Ingersoll, Robert 338          Just, M.A. 409
            Hoeppe, G. 395                Ings, Simon 204, 400           Justice, B.J. 398
            Hoeppe, Götz 395              Institute of Molecular         Jürgens, Hartmut 412
            Hoffman, Donald D. 407           Pathology 41, 417
            Hoffman, Richard 415          Irving, Washington 314         K
            Hogan, Thomas 161, 418        Irwin, Jim 399                 Köppe, Thomas 415
            Hohenstatt, M. 403            ISVR, University of            Kampfrath, T. 392
            Holmes, C.D. 396                 Southampton 134, 159, 416   Kandel, Eric R. 389
            Homberg, U. 392               Itano, W.M. 403                Kant, Immanuel 204, 285
            Honda 43, 417                 Itoh, T. 399                   Karl Storz 208, 419
            Hones, Bill 404               Ivanov, Igor 415               Kassam, K.S. 408
            Hooft, Gerard ’t 304                                         Kattawar, G.W. 392
            Hooft, G.W. ’t 392            J                              Kay, Paul 395
            Hooft, G.W. ’t 401            Jackson, A.D. 389              Keller, Evan 58, 417
         426                                                                           name index

         Keller, Wilfred 383            Krider, E.P. 387                 Lehn, W.H. 401
         Kelly, K.L. 392                Krijn, Marcel 415                Leighton, Robert B. 368
         Kelu, Jonatan 415              Krogh, A. 407                    Leinse, A. 392
         Kepler, Johannes 121           Kropff, E. 408                   Leitel, R. 400
         Kerr, John                     Kruskal, Martin 293              Lenin 42
            life 107                    Królikowski, Jarosław 415        Lennie, P. 400
         Kettering, C.F. 387            Krüger, Reinhard 314             Leone, F.C. 396
         Keyes, R.W. 390                Kubala, Adrian 415               Lepak, J. 388
         Keyes, T.J. 408                Kubanek, J. 409                  Leucippus 326
         Kheifets, S. 393               Kublenz, Kay 230, 420            Li, K. 398
         Kielpinski, D. 401             Kuerti, G. 396                   Li, T. 393
K        Kielpinski, Dave 207, 419
         Kim Song-Man 342
                                        Kuipers, Kobus 106
                                        Kuipers, L. 392
                                                                         Li, Tongcang 120, 418
                                                                         Li, Y-Q. 390
         Kimble, H.J. 403               Kuipers, L. (Kobus) 107, 418     Li, Y.C. 403
Keller   King, Henry C. 398             Kumar, Rakesh 367, 420           Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
         Kipnis, J. 408                 Kuntke, P. 405                       life 338

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         Kirchhoff, Gustav 97, 118      Kurizki, G. 395                  Lieberherr, M. 390
         Kirchner, E. 391               Kusch, K. 406                    Lincoln, Abraham 343
         Kirchner, E.J.J. 398           Kusch, S. 406                    Linde, Johan 416
         Kirchner, Eric 165, 419        Kuzin, Pavel 415                 Lingelbach, B. 399
         Kirk, E.C. 401                 Kuzmich, A. 395                  Lingelbach, Elke 187
         Kiss, Joseph 415               Kwait, P.G. 395                  Lintel, Harald van 415
         Kitaoka Akiyoshi 212, 419      Kwiat, P.G. 396                  Lipperhey, Johannes
         Klaus Tschira Foundation 416   Kwok, D.Y. 389                       life 164
         Kleber, Boris 408              Können, G.P. 401                 Lipson, Henry S. 397
         Klein, Felix 297               Küster, Johannes 416             Lipson, Stephen G. 397

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         Kleinert, F. 411                                                Liu Gang 342
         Kluge, Stefan 66, 417          L                                Livingston, James D. 387
         Knuth, D. 410                  Lai, A. 399                      Livingston, William 394
         Knuth, Donald 293              Lambert, N. 401                  Livingstone-Zatchej, M. 407
         Kobayashi, H. 401              Landauer, R. 407                 Loewenstein, G. 409
         Koch, P.M. 396                 Landolt-Börnstein 411            Lohse, D. 405
         Koch, Robert 339               Lang, N.D. 389                   Loidl, J. 394
         Koeman, N.J. 405               Larin, Kyrill 186, 416           Lombard, Peter (the) 409
         Kohlrausch, Friedrich 411      Larousse, Pierre 410             Lombardi, Luciano 415
         Kohshima, S. 401               Latham, J. 402                   Longo, M. 388
         Koltenbah, B.E.C. 398          Laue, Max von 138                Longuet-Higgins,
         Koomans, A.A. 388              Laue, M. von 396                     Christopher 142
         Koshibu, K. 407                Laughlin, Robert 411             Lorentz, Hendrik A.
         Kostiuk, L.W. 389              Lauwers, M. 388                      life 46
         Kostiuk, Larry 70              Laveder, Laurent 127, 131, 418   Losch, F. 391
         Kotowski, Mirjana 420          Laven, P. 392                    Lotter, A. 389
         Kovetz, A. 403                 Lavoisier, Antoine 342           Louveau, A. 408
         Kowalski, L. 390               Lawvere, F. William 409          Louveau, Antoine 275
         Kozhekin, A.E. 395             Lebedew, P. 393                  Lovell, Jim 399
         Krallis, K. 111, 417           Lebedew, Pyotr 122               Lu, F. 389
         Kramer, D. 405                 Ledoux, Joseph 407               Luo, J. 391, 396
         Krampf, Robert 61, 417         Lee, K.S. 408                    Lynch, D.K. 400
         Krauledat, M. 391              Lee, Raymond L. 391              Lynch, David K. 394
                name index                                                                                  427

                Lévy-Leblond, J.-M. 391          McGuire, Bill 413                Murdock, Ron 415
                Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc 387      McQuarry, George 415             Murillo, Nadia 415
                Lühr, H. 389                     McTaggart 305                    Musiol, Gerhard 404
                                                 Mead, Alden 142                  Mutka, Miles 415
                M                                Mechelli, A. 408                 Muynck, Wim de 415
                Maan, Jan Kees 404               Medellin, D. 393                 Mölle, M. 408
                Macdonald, Malcolm Ross          Media Lario Technologies 157,    Möller, Niklas 419
                  406                              418                            Müller, K.-R. 391
                MacMillan Publishing 419         Medlat 266, 420
                Maddox, J. 408                   Meetz, Kurt 390                  N
                Madelung, O. 411                 Meister, M. 399                  Namouni, Fathi 415
L               Maeterlink, Maurice 330
                Maffi, Luisa 395
                                                 Melzner, F. 394
                                                 Mendes, O. 403
                                                                                  NASA 35, 65, 66, 220, 417, 420
                                                                                  Nature 103, 417
                Mahoney, Alan 415                Merano, M. 401                   Naudin, Jean-Louis 63, 417
Lév y-Leblond   Mahowald, M. 408                 Mermin, David 136, 239           NEI at NIH 191
                Main, Peter 404                  Merrit, John 415                 Neidhart, B. 403

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                Malus, Louis 111                 Meschede, D. 403                 Nelemans, Lijnis 229
                Mamie, C. 407                    Metha, A. 400                    Neuhauser, W. 403
                Mandell, J.W. 408                MethoxyRoxy 263                  Neumaier, Heinrich 415
                Manly, Peter 398                 Michaelson, P.F. 414             Neuss, H. 394
                Mansuy, I.M. 407                 Michelson, Albert                New, M. 397
                Manu, M. 399                       on the end of physics 350      Newsome, W. 409
                Marago, O. M. 394                Millikan 381                     Nez, F. 392
                Maricourt, Pierre de 388         Milton, K.A. 387                 Nieminen, T.A. 394
                Mark, Martin van der 415         Minnaert, Marcel G.J. 393, 395   Niepraschk, Rolf 416
                Mark, M.B. van der 392           Mission, G.P. 393                Nierer, Jennifer 158, 418

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                Markey, A.R. 409                 MIT 18, 36, 416, 417             Nietzsche, Friedrich 279
                Marshall, J. 393                 Mock, J.J. 398                   Nieuwpoort, Frans van 415
                Martin, S. 397                   Mohr, P.J. 413                   Nikon 182, 419
                Martinovic, I. 391               Molière 338                      Nimtz, G. 395, 396
                Martos, Antonio 102, 127, 415,   Momose Atsushi 175, 419          Nimtz, Günter 136
                  417, 418                       Momose, A. 399                   NOAA 90, 167, 220, 419, 420
                Marín, A.G. 405                  Montgomery, H. 389               Noppeney, U. 408
                Matesy 59                        Montie, E.A. 392, 401            nordique 220, 420
                Matsukura, F. 404                Montonen, C. 391                 Nordmeier, V. 403
                Matthews, Robert 383             Montonen, Claus 391              Nordvik, Terje 131, 418
                Mauritz, Kenneth 73, 417         Montonen, Niklas 219, 420        Noro, M. 370
                Maus, S. 389                     Moon, F.C. 403                   Norton, B.G. 401
                Maus, Stefan 64, 417             Moore, T. 409                    Nussbaumer, Peter 229
                Maxwell 319                      Moortel, Dirk Van de 415         Nye, J.F. 397
                Mayer, J. 408                    Moothoo, D.N. 394
                Mayer, Norbert J. 406            Moser, E.I. 408                  O
                Mayné, Fernand 415               Moser, Lukas Fabian 415          O’Connell, Sanjida 406
                Mayr, Peter 415                  Moser, M.-B. 408                 O’Doberty, J. 408
                Mazur, Eric 397                  Mozart 341                       Oberdiek, Heiko 416
                McCullogh 396                    MPI-Chemie, Mainz 224, 420       Oberquell, Brian 415
                McCuskey, S.W. 396               Mugnai, D. 396, 401              Obukov, Yuri N. 390
                McDonald, Kirk T. 396            Munoz, A. 392                    Odysseus 385
                McGloin, D. 393                  Munroe, Randall 73, 417          Offner, Carl 415
       428                                                                       name index

       Ohno, H. 404                  life 277                     Purves, William 415
       Ohno, Y. 404               Peitgen, Heinz-Otto 412         Putterman, Seth J. 404
       Ohtani, K. 404             Pelizzari, Umberto 409          Pythagoras 296
       Olive, D. 391              Pendry, J. 398                  Pötsch, Hans-Ulrich 178, 419
       Olive, David 391           Pendry, J.B. 398, 399
       Olveczky, B.P. 399         Pendry, John 168, 169           Q
       Omiya, T. 404              Peng, J.L. 403                  Q-Cells 29, 417
       Oostrum, Piet van 415      Penrose, Roger 412              Quellen Field, Simon 60
       Oppenheimer, Robert 342    Perini, Romano 415
       Orban, F. 387              Perito, D. 391                  R
       Ormos, P. 393              Persius 330                     Rahtz, Sebastian 416
O      Osowiecki, Gaël 140, 418
       Ossikovski, R. 397
                                  Peske, J.D. 408
                                  Petersen, Nicolai 417
                                                                  Raizen, M.G. 393
                                                                  Raizen, Mark 120, 418
       Osten, D. van 392          Petrolino, Nicola 162, 419      Raizer, Yuri P. 402
Ohno   Osterle, Fletcher 70       Pettigrew, J.D. 388             Rakov, V.A. 402
       Otto, Rudolf 340           Peyo 281, 420                   Rakov, Vladimir A. 401

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          life 340                Pfeiffer, K. 392                Ramaccini, F. 410
                                  Pfeiffer, Keram 113, 418        Ramakrishna, S.A. 398
       P                          Pfäffle, C. 400                 Rambo, K.J. 402
       Pacioli, Luca 299          Philips 16                      Randi, J. 408
       Padgett, M.J. 394          Phillips, Melba 342             Randi, James 411
       Padgett, Miles 393         Piaget, J. 257                  Ranfagni, A. 396, 401
       Page, Don 415              Piaget, Jean 256                Rankl, Wolfgang 415
       Pahaut, Serge 415             life 256                     Rappmann, R. 407
       Paine, Thomas 314          Picasso, Pablo 90, 268, 332     Rassoul, H.K. 402
       Pais, A. 410               Pietralla, Martin 112, 418      Rañada, Antonio 144

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Paiva, G. Silva 402        Pinker, Steven 407              Reball, Siegfried 404
       Palik, E.D. 397            Pirozerski, Alexei 223, 420     Rector, J.H. 405
       Palmer, R. 407    127               Redondi, Pietro 415
       Palmisano, F. 394          Planck, M. 397                  Reichert, J. 392
       Pancharatnam,              Planck, Max 149                 Reichl, Linda 405
          Shivaramakrishnan 142      life 149                     Renselle, Doug 415
       Parazzoli, C.G. 398        Poincaré, Henri 341             Reppisch, Michael 415
       Park, David 391            Poisson, Denis                  Reynolds, Osborne 393
       Parker, D.E. 397              life 171                     Richards, P.G. 403
       Parks, David 415           Popper, Karl 316, 410           Richardson, Bernard 104, 417
       Parrott, S. 403            Popper, Karl R. 412             Richert, Hendryk 59, 417
       Parviainen, P. 392         Porta, Giambattista della 164   Ridgeway, S.L. 404
       Pascazio, Saverio 415      Povinelli, D.J. 338             Rieger, E. 394
       Pasi, Enrico 415           Powis, Mike 210                 Riehker, Rolf 398
       Pauli, Wolfgang 306        Poynting, J.H. 394              Riemann, Bernhard 118
       Paulus of Tarsus 310       Prakash, M. 401                    life 97
       Pauly, K. Butts 409        Prenger, Gerold 163, 419        Rigor, I.G. 397
       Pavão, A.C. 403            Prentiss, M. 394                Rikken, G. 404
       Pazzi, G.P. 396            Prevedelli, M. 392              Rindler, Wolfgang 391
       Pecharsky, Vitalij 404     Price, C.J. 408                 Rivas, M. 405
       Peeters, Bert 415          Pritchard, Carol 415            Rivas, Martin 415
       Pegna, Guido 101, 417      Proença, Nuno 415               Roberts, P.H. 389
       Peirce, Charles 309        Purcell, Edward M. 393          Robertson, Will 416
           name index                                                                              429

           Rodgers, P. 404                 Schadwinkel, H. 403             Semon, Mark D. 390
           Rodrigues, W.A. 401             Schaeffel, Frank 399            Seron, F. 392
           Rohrlich, F. 405                Schanuel, Stephen H. 409        Shabanov, G.D. 402
           Romanowicz, B. 389              Scharlau, B. 403                Shabanov, Gennady 222
           Roorda, A. 400                  Schata, P. 407                  Shambhavi 35
           Roorda, Austin 196, 199, 203,   Scheer, Elke 389                Shankland, R.S. 396
             419                           Schelby, R.A. 398               Shapere, Alfred 396
           Rooy, T.L. van 388              Schiff, L.I. 388                SharkD 128, 418
           Ros, T. 391                     Schiller, Britta 415, 416       Shaw, George Bernard 304
           Rostad, Bernt 200, 419          Schiller, C. 388                Sheldon, Eric 415
           Rouhani, S.J. 408               Schiller, Christoph 181, 420    Shih, M. 399
R          Royal Philips Electronics 416
           Ruben, Gary 415
                                           Schiller, Isabella 415
                                           Schiller, Peter 415
                                                                           Shulman, Polly 410
                                                                           Siart, Uwe 416
           Rubinstein, J. 402              Schiller, Stephan 415           Sichert, A.B. 401
Rod gers   Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H. 394      Schilthuizen, Menno 406         Sidman, Eli 18, 416
           Rucker, Rudy 289, 409           Schlegel, K. 402                Sierra, Bert 415

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Rudolf Hertz, Heinrich          Schlichting, H.J. 403           Silva, E.F. da 403
             life 99                       Schlichting, Joachim 229, 420   Simanek, Donald 298, 299,
           Rudolph, Peter 415              Schmid, G.B. 371                    420
           Rueckner, W. 387                Schneider, Olaf 163, 419        Simon Ohm, Georg
           Rueckner, Wolfgang 23, 150,     Schneier, Bruce 381                 life 70
             416, 418                      Schoeck, Helmut 413             Simon, Julia 415
           Ruggieri, R. 401                Schoenmaker, H. 392             Simon, M.D. 403, 404
           Ruhlen, Merritt 279             Schott 167, 419                 Simpson, N.B. 394
           Ruissenaars, Janjaap 69, 417    Schroeder, Daniel 117, 416      Singleton, D. 391
           Ruschewitz, F. 403              Schrödinger 319                 Singleton, Douglas 415

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Russer, P. 399                  Schrödinger, Erwin 135          Sircar, N. 391
                                           Schulten, K. 388                Sivardière, Jean 390
           S                               Schultz, S. 398                 Slabber, André 415
           S. Kassan, Karim 276            Schurig, D. 398                 Slater, Elizabeth M. 377
           S.R. Madhu Rao 415              Schuster, H.G. 408              Slater, Henry S. 377
           Saa, A. 403                     Schwartz, James H. 389          Slepian, J. 390
           Sacks, Oliver 407               Schwartzenberg, Susan 98,       Smirnov, B.M. 402
           Sadeghi, I. 392                    125, 417                     Smirnov, I. 408
           Saghian, Damoon 415             Schwarzschild, B. 401           Smith, D.R. 398, 399
           Sahl, Mort 338                  Schwinger, Julian 387           Smith, David 398
           Sakharov, Andrei 342               life 317                     Smith, S.P. 394
           Salam, Abdus 342                Schwob, C. 392                  Smith, Warren J. 397
           Salamo, G. 399                  Schäfer, C. 411                 Smullyan, Raymond 310
           Salditt, T. 399                 Schönenberger, C. 388           Soffer, B.H. 400
           Salingaros, N. 389              Scott, G.G. 387                 Sokolovskii, B.Yu. 402
           Salman Salman 342               Scott, Jonathan 415             Solomatin, Vitaliy 415
           Sami Kilani 342                 Scott, W.T. 403                 Solov’yov, I.A. 388
           Sammer, M. 405                  Seeger, J. 399                  Sommerfeld, Arnold 395
           Sands, Matthew 368              Segev 174                           life 135
           Sassen, K. 394                  Segev, M. 399                   Song, D. 391
           Saupe, Dietmar 412              Seidel, T. 408                  Song, K.-Y. 395
           Saussure, Ferdinand de          Seidelmann, P. Kenneth 414      Song, X.D. 403
              life 277                     Seidenfaden, Eva 131, 418       Sonnenschein, J. 391
             430                                                                    name index

             Soukoulis, C.M. 398         Taylor, B.N. 413            Udem, Th. 392
             Spahr, H. 400               Taylor, John R. 390, 413    Ueberholz, B. 403
             Sparenberg, A. 404          Tegelaar, Paul 415          Uguzzoni, Arnaldo 415
             SPECS 155, 418              Terletskii, Y.P. 396        Uman, M.A. 402
             Spieker, H. 396             Tesla, Nikola               Uman, Martin A. 401
             Spitzer, Manfred 407           life 56                  Upright, Craig 415
             squark 415                  Thaler, Jon 415             USC Stevens Institute for
             Staff, National Research    Thales of Miletus 16           Innovation 181, 419
                Council 402              Theodoricus Teutonicus de   Ustinov, Peter 90
             Starr, A.F. 399                Vriberg 126
             Stearns, Stephen C. 406     Thidé, Bo 82                V
S            Stegeman, G. 399
             Steinberg, A.M. 395, 396
                                         Thies, Ingo 415
                                         Thiry, Paul-Henri 342
                                                                     Vaiyaboon, Oat 15, 416
                                                                     Valanju, A.P. 398
             Steinhaus 382               Thober, D.S. 401            Valanju, P.M. 398
S oukoulis   Steinle, F. 387             Thomas Aquinas 291          Valenzuela, A. 394
             Stepanov, S. I. 402         Thomson (Kelvin), William   Valsiner, Jaan 406

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
             Stepanov, S.I. 402             life 19                  Valsinger, Jaan 406
             steppers, wafer 74          Thomson, Joseph John 31     van der Pauw, J.L. 70
             Stewart, A.M. 390           Thévenaz, L. 395            van Hemmen, Leo 203, 419
             Stewart, I. 409, 410        Tiggelen, B. van 404        van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni
             Stewart, Ian 410            Time-Bandwidth 155, 418        life 165
             Stewart, T. Dale 387        Tipler, Frank J. 412        Vanier, J. 413
             Stewart, W.W. 408           Tolkien, John Ronald 272    Vannoni, Paul 415
             Stoney, George              Tolman, Richard C. 387      Vasconcelos, E. Alpes de 403
                life 31                  Tomonaga 317                Veasey, Nick 213, 420
             Story, Don 416              Torre, A.C. de la 389       Veer, René van der 406

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             Strauch, F. 403             Torricelli, Evangelista     Vergilius 334
             Streed, E.W. 401               life 326                 Verne, Jules 127
             Styer, D. 395               Toschek, P.E. 403           Veselago, V.G. 398
             Stöcker, J. 394             Tournay, Michel 131, 418    Veselago, Victor 168
             Sudkamp, H. 400             Townsend, Paul 415          Vigotsky, Lev 257, 406
             Sulloway, Frank J. 305      Trepel, Martin 407          Viswanath, R.N. 405
             Sun, X.L. 403               Trevorrow, Andrew 416       Vladimir, Maric 159, 418
             Sundar, V.C. 398            Trompenaars, P.H. 401       Voit, A. 394
             Surdin, Vladimir 401, 415   Trower, W.P. 388            Volin, Leo 415
             Swagten, Henk 404           Trueba, J.L. 397            Vollmer, G. 408
             Szczesny, Gerhard 411       Tsagas, C.G. 406            Vollmer, M. 394
             Szilard, L. 408             Tsai, W.Y. 387              Volta, Alessandro
             Szilard, Leo 267, 268       Tschira, Klaus 416             life 57
             Száz, Dénes 397             Tu, L.-C. 391               Voltaire 331, 342, 387, 412
                                         Tu, L.C. 396                Voss, Herbert 416
             T                           Tuckermann, R. 403          Völz, Horst 397
             Tanielian, M. 398           Tuppen, Lawrence 415
             Tannhauser, David S. 397    Twain, Mark 304, 317, 338   W
             Tarde, Gabriel              Tweedie-Cullen, R.Y. 407    Waldhauser, F. 403
                life 305                 Tyler, R.H. 389             Walker, J. 394
             Tarko, Vlad 415                                         Walser, R.M. 398
             Tarski, Alfred 410          U                           Walter, H. 403
             Tauber, G.E. 403            Ucke, C. 377                Wampler, E. Joseph 399
       name index                                                                                 431

       Wang Juntao 342                Wikell, Göran 410                 X
       Wang Lihong 147, 416           WikiCommons 260, 377              Xavier, A.L. 401
       Wang, L.J. 395                 Wikimedia 16, 29, 35, 36, 43,     Xu Liangying 342
       Warkentin, John 416              61, 152, 172, 180, 183, 203,
       Washington University at St.     215, 262, 263, 416–420          Y
         Louis 147, 416               Wilczek, Frank 396                Yablon, A.D. 398
       Washizu, M. 404                Wilde, Oscar 257, 322             Yamane, T. 394
       Watcher 195, 419               Wiley-VCH 53, 417                 Yang, C.N. 390
       Weaver, J.C. 398               Wilhelm Ritter, Johann 105        Yang, J. 389
       Wehner, R. 392                 Wilk, S.R. 401                    Yazdani, A. 389
       Weiland, Thomas 99, 416        Willerding, E. 394                Ye, Jun 392
W      Weinrebe, Gerhard 151, 418
       Weiskopf, Daniel 118, 416
                                      Williams, D.R. 400
                                      Williams, David 196
                                                                        Ye, P. 409
                                                                        Young, A.T. 392, 394
       Weiss, Martha 415              Williams, David R. 400            Young, Andrew 127, 392, 394,
Wang   Weisskopf, Victor              Williams, Earle R. 402               415, 418
         life 341                     Wiltschko, R. 388                 Young, Thomas 103, 111

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       Weissmüller, J. 405            Wiltschko, W. 388                    life 103
       Weitz, M. 392                  Wineland, D.J. 403
       Weizenbaum, Joseph 270         Wippermann, F. 400                Z
       Weller, Roger 112, 418         Wippermann, Frank 195, 419        Zaccone, Rick 416
       Welzl, H. 407                  Wise, N.W. 414                    Zalm, Peer 415
       Weninger, K. 404               WITec 184                         Zander, Hans Conrad 411
       Werf, S.Y. van der 401         Witte, H. 396                     Zawischa, Dietrich 104, 417
       Westhoff, Guido 203, 419       Witteborn, F.C. 388               Zecherle, Markus 415
       Westphal, V. 399               Wittgenstein, Ludwig 253,         Zedler, M. 399
       Wexler, A.D. 405                 277, 282, 285, 295, 300, 301,   Zedler, Michael 415, 419

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Wheatstone, Charles 32           311, 320, 321, 334, 411         Zeiger, Stefan 105, 417
       Whewell, William 64            Woerdman, J.P. 401                Zeiss 183
       White, Harvey E. 376           Woisetschläger, J. 405            Zeller, Eduard 412
       Whitehead, Alfred North 320    Wolf, Emil 397                    Zermelo, Ernst
       Whittaker, Edmund T. 396       Wolf, R. 377                         life 287
       Wiechert, Johann Emil 31       Wolfendale, A.W. 406              Zernike, Frits 145
       Wien, Wilhelm                  Wong, S. 395                      Zhang, J. 403
         life 149                     Wood, B. 407                      Zhu XiaoJin 131, 418
       Wierda, Gerben 415             Wood, Robin 159, 418              Zimmer, P. 405
       Wierzbicka, Anna 280, 302,     Wright, B. 402                    Zinkova, Mila 162, 419
         409, 415                     Wright, Joseph 416                Zurek, W.H. 407
       Wigner, E.P. 390               Wu, C. 404                        Zurek, Wojciech 268
       Wigner, Eugene 296, 410        Wu, T.T. 390                      Zwart, S.T. de 401
       Wijk, Mike van 415             Wynands, R. 403                   Zweck, Josef 404
       Wijngarden, R.J. 405           Würschum, R. 405                  Zybin, K.P. 402

Symbols                       action                             and nonsense 313
4-force 88                        describes all motion 344    Ames room 211
4-potential 85                    electromagnetic 86             photographs 211
                                  Lagrangian 86               aminoacids 236

                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
A                             action, quantum of, ℏ           ampere 70
a posteriori 285                  physics and 8                  definition 352
a priori 285                  active denial system 155        amplitude 98
   concept 256                activity                        Ampullae of Lorenzini 24, 33
aberration                        optical 236                 Ampère
   chromatic 126              actuator 51                        cats of 43
   Seidel lens 166            additivity 23, 28, 46           Ampère’s ‘law’ 47, 77
absorption                    adventures, future 347          amygdala 266
   black body and 239         Aeneid 334                      anaesthesia 52
   colour and 235             aether 396                      anaesthetics 52

                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
   cyclotron resonance and        as lie 308                  AND gate
   234                            model 396                      logical 268
   group velocity and 134         none 137–138                andalusite 236
   metal 91                       table of properties 137     angel
   of light 235                   vacuum and 137–138, 326        are you one? 310
   of radio waves 234         Africa                             on pin 291
   of sound waves 234             collision with Europe 348   angle
   phase velocity and 133     Ag 232                             critical 115
   saturable 238              AgBr 236                        angular frequency 98
   solar spectrum and 148     AgCl 105, 236                   angular momentum 45, 124
abstraction                   AgI 236                            of light 123
   of all abstractions 409    aigrettes 370                   animism 257
accident                      air                             anisotropy
   nuclear 347                    as insulator 232               optically induced 236
accumulability of charge 23   airbag sensors 36               annihilation 232
accuracy 355                  Al 233                          anode 64
   limits to 357              albedo 120                      antenna
acne light 210                algebraic structure 290            and metamaterials 170
acousto-electric effect 232   algebraic system 290               as weapon 155
acousto-magnetic effect 233   Allen, Woody 265                   danger of 240
acousto-optic                 alpha waves 259                    GSM 26
   deflector 174              aluminium 387                      metal in 115
   effect 236                 amber 16                           photographs of 111
            subject index                                                                             433

               polarization and 111        awe 333                         beer 238
               simplest 116                axiom                           Belgium 171
               transmitter 118, 373           of choice 286, 287           beliefs 342
            anthropic conjecture 337       axioms                              against facts 306
            anthropic principle 337           additional, of set theory        in physical concepts 301
            anthropic quest 337               289                          belt 139
            anti-gravity devices 231          and physics 283              Benham’s wheel 215
            anti-theft stickers 233           limits of 283                    illustration 215
            apes                              of set theory 286            Berry’s phase 142, 375
               and sunglasses 210             ZFC of set theory 286        beta waves 259
            aphelion 362                                                   Betelgeuse 348
A           Aplysia californica 265
            apogee 362
                                           Back–Goudsmit effect 233
                                                                           Bi 232–234
                                                                           Bi12 SiO20 236, 238
            Apollo 170                     bacterium                       bible 310, 318
anthropic   apple                             figure of magnetic 41        big bang
               as battery 57               bad luck 313                        and Fred Hoyle 337

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               fall of 306, 307            bag                             big brother 289
            Ar 232                            as antigravity device 231    biofuel 315
            argument 289                   balisor 72                      bioluminescence 237
               diagonal 383                ball lightning 222              BIPM 318, 352
            arrow                          balloon                         bird
               direction and water trick      rubber, and wool 16              migration 40
               159                         BaO2 232                            on power line 57
            artefact 332                   barber paradox 297                  see polarization 113
            Ascidiacea 259                 Barlow’s wheel 67               birefringence 111, 236
            Ascidiae 259                   Barnett effect 45                   and Viking navigation 142

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            aspects                        barometer light 232                 photograph of 112
               of nature 256               Barret effect 233               BiSb 234
            asteroid                       baryon number density 364       BiSeTe 232
               hitting the Earth 348       base units 352                  bit
            astronaut see cosmonaut        bath, physical 267                  definition 264
            astronomical unit 363          BaTiO3 235                          to entropy conversion 361
            atheism                        battery 30, 57                  Bi2 Te3 232
               dangers of 342                 and electric shock 243       black body 147–151, 239
            atmosphere                        and motor 67                     and Sun 148
               as prism 126                   in a thundercloud 222            as light source 147
               pressure 361                   long lasting 64                  definition 147
            atom                              shocking, illustration 381       radiation 239
               single 70                   beam, tractor 138                   radiation constant 239
            atomic mass unit 360           bear                            blackness 235
            atto 354                          polar 168                        definition 147
            Au 233                         beauty                          blinks 292
            Auger effect 236                  sleeping, effect 119         blood group
            aureole 200                    becquerel 354                       and nonsense 313
               illustrations of 200        bed                             blue 110
            autism 256, 269, 406              floating 69                  body
            automobile 180                 bee 40                              electrically charged 20
            average 319                       and electric field 34            neutral 22
            Avogadro’s number 358             honey 113                        neutral, and electrostatic
        434                                                                         subject index

           attraction 29               bull                                definition 290
        Bohr magneton 360                 vision 194                   cathode 64
        Bohr radius 360                Bureau International des            rays 30
        Boltzmann constant 𝑘 358          Poids et Mesures 352         cathode ray tube 17, 30, 49, 55
           physics and 8               bureaucracy                         fluorescence in 237
        Boltzmann constant𝑘 149           and mathematics 286              image of 201
        bone                           byte 269                        cats
           material is piezoelectric                                       of Ampère 43
           242                         C                               causality 339
        boredom as sign of truth 308   C14 dating 405                  cause
        boring physics 282             cable, eliminating power 58         and effect 339
B       bottom quark
           mass 359
                                       CaCO3 111
                                       Caenorhabditis elegans 270
                                                                           drive 214
        Bragg reflection 237           CaF2 237                            track illustration 215
B ohr   brain 264, 292                 calcineurin 266                 Cd 233
           and fruit 270               calcite 111, 112, 142, 236      CdS 232, 237

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           and Moon 337                camera                          CeB6 233
           and vision 211                  eye 190                     CeF3 234
           best book about 389             holy 401                    celeritas 97
           capacity 268–270                pill-sized 214              cell
           cooling 260                 canal                               number of 292
           cuiosities 271                  hyaloid 193                     primary 57
           energy consumption 260,     Canary islands 347                  secondary 57
           270                         candela 152                         voltaic 57
           hardware 272                    definition 353              centi 354
           illustrations 260           candle 153, 222                 central processing unit 273

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           motion control with 259     capacitor 243                   cerebral cortex 271
           of cat 272                      charge ‘law’ 58             Čerenkov effect 238
           of whale 270                    charge puzzle 243           CGPM 353
           properties, table of 257        indeterminacy relation 73   challenge
           reading thoughts 245            serial circuit 71               classification 9
           reason for size 263         capacity                            toughest of science 94
           similar to computer 259         indeterminacy of 73         chameleon 204
           speech and 261              cardinality 288                 change
           speed cells in 275          cardinals                           quantum of, precise value
           storage capacity 269            inaccessible 289                358
           waves 259                   cars and sparks 19              channel proteins 52
        brain–computer interface 94    cars, polarizers in 139         charge
        bread                          Cartesian product 287               (almost) no magnetic 55
           and lies 315                Casimir effect 238                  amount of 22
        breaths 292                    Cassandra 305                       basic results 75
        bremsstrahlung 238             cat                                 colliding with other charge
        Brewster angle 114                 brain 272                       81
        bridge                         cat eyes                            collision, illustration of 81
           floating water 241, 242         glowing 200                     discreteness 247
        brightness 128, 153            catastrophes 347                    elementary 248
        brilliant 291                      table of future 347             elementary 𝑒, physics and
        Bronshtein cube 8              category                            8
        Brookesia micra 204                and concepts 284                experiment on
        subject index                                                                                 435

           conservation 23                classifier 260                    comparison with a standard
           flow consequences 31           classifying units 261                318
           minimum value 248              cloak, invisibility 170           compass needle 57
           negative 21                    clothes, seeing through 109       completeness 23
           point-like 250                 cloud                             complex numbers 295
           positive 21                       charging, illustration 220     complexity
           positron or electron, value       floating plasma 222               high 332
           of 358                            interstellar gas 347              infinite 332
           pump 30                           molecular 348                  comprehensibility
           pump photographs 29               photographs 219                   of universe 329
           radiation due to               CMOS 244                          Compton effect 236
C          acceleration 230
           radiation due to gravity
                                          CO2 348
                                          Co 232, 233
                                                                            Compton wavelength 360
           230                            coal 235                             digital 274
charm      resinous 21                    coating                              scientists 254
           table of properties 23            anti-reflection 204               similar to brain 259

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           table of values in nature 25   cobalt 17                            working of 273
           test 25, 47, 248               CODATA 414                        computer principle 338
           vitreous 21                    coherence                         concept 277, 285
        charm quark                          definition 178                    a priori 256
           mass 359                       coherer 100                          definition 253, 256, 284
        chatterbot 270                    coil guns 61                         discovery of physical 302
        cheese                            cold fusion                          mathematical, existence of
           and the speed of light 101        as lie 308                        324
        chemoluminescence 237             colour 105, 235                   conditions
        children                             as mixture 125–130                boundary 87

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           as physicists 255                 blindness 210                     initial 87
           psychology of 253                 blindness, illustrations 209   conductance quantum 360
        chime, electric 22                   displacement, Wien’s 149       conductivity 232
        chirality 60                         has three dimensions 128       cones
        chlorophyll 334                      space, illustrations of 128       in retina 192
        chocolate                            world survey 395               cones in retina 264, 292
           and the speed of light 101     colours in nature 395             Conférence Générale des
        choice, lack of                   comb                                 Poids et Mesures 352
           at big bang 331                   and electricity 16             confocal laser scanning
        chromatic dispersion 236             frequency 392                     microscopy 146
        chromosome 348                    comet 121                         conformal symmetry 89
        chromosome X                         artificial 124                 Conférence Générale des
           and colour blindness 210          shower 348                        Poids et Mesures 353
           and tetrachromatic                tail 124, 393                  conjecture
           women 194                         tail photograph 121               anthropic 337
        cirrus 218                        commas                               definition 304
        Clarendon Dry Cell 64                inverted 256                   consciousness 93, 339
        class 287                         Commission Internationale            definition 339
        classical physics                    des Poids et Mesures 352       conservation 23, 331
           end of 350                     communication                     constants
           essence of 349                    faster than light 136             table of astronomical 361
           summary of 344–351             communism 42                         table of basic physical 358
        classification 256                compact disc 264                     table of cosmological 363
          436                                                                       subject index

             table of derived physical   crystal                        degree Celsius 354
             359                            liquid 174                  deity 323
          contact 15                     Cs 236                         delta waves 259
             and levitation 231          CsNO3 235                      demarcation 336
             does not exist 82           Cu 232                         demon
          continuity                     cube                               Maxwell’s 268
             of charge 23                   Bronshtein 8                depression
          continuum 28, 46                  magic 297, 383                  treatment 272
          continuum hypothesis 289,         physics 8                   description 333
             309                         cucumber as lamp 138               definition 333
          Convention du Mètre 352        cumulonimbus 218               design 332
C         copper 22, 232, 249, 251
          cordierite 142
                                         cumulus 218
                                         curiosity 340–342
                                                                            intelligent 333
                                                                            is not intelligent 349
          core                              definition 340              details
contact      Earth’s 225                    steps 303                       and lies 309
          cornea 114, 236                curl 83                            of nature 256

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          correctness                       illustration of 84          deutan 210
             definition 304                 visualization of 83         deviation
          cosmic rays 218, 221, 347      current                            standard, illustration 356
          cosmological constant 363         electric 22                 diamagnetic materials 38, 228
          cosmonaut 170                     indeterminacy 73            diamagnetism 38, 233
          cosmos 255                        rotates metals 44           diamond 160, 232, 236
          Cotton–Mouton effect 234          table of sensors 33             dispersion in 160
          coulomb 23, 354                   table of values 33          dichroism 234, 236
          Coulomb force 27               cyclotorsion 211                   circular 244
          Coulomb’s ‘law’ 77             cyclotron frequency 360        dielectric mirrors 156

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          Coulomb’s and Gauss’s          cyclotron resonance 234        dielectricity 235
             ‘laws’, equivalence of 28   cysteine 315                   dielectrics 22
          Coulomb’s formula                                             differential interference
             illustration 27             D                                  contrast microscopy 145
          countability 288               D4DR gene 413                  diffraction 170–173
          counting                       daisy 291                          at fingers, photograph of
             as approximation 296        daltonism 210                      102
          courage 342–343                dark-field microscopy 145          limit 170, 172
          covariance                     day                            digit
             and separability 329           sidereal 361                    origin of 299
          Cr 233                            time unit 354               digital computer 274
          crackpot 322                   de Haas–van Alphen effect 45   dimensionality 28, 46
             challenges for 284          dead alone are legal 150           spatial 137
          creation 330–333               deca 354                       dimensionless 359
             and the big bang 331        deci 354                       diopter 376
             as a type of motion 331     decimal expansion, periodic    dipole
             belief 312                     297                             magnetic 38
             science, as lie 308         deep sea fish 237                  strength 67
          creationism 308                deflector                      direction 28, 46
          crop circles 312                  acousto-optic 174           disasters
          crust                             electro-optic 174               table of future 347
             Earth’s 224                 degree                         disasters, future 347
          cryptochromes 41                  angle unit 354              discovery
             subject index                                                                               437

                of physical concepts 302         white 37                          photographs of types 43
             dispersion 160                   dyadic number 294                 electric neutrality 22
                anomalous 395                 dynamo 30, 43                     electric potential 85
                in eye, illustration of 166      principle of 48                electricity
                in the eye 166                dyons 391                            definition 30
                relation 98                                                        liquid 30–32
             display 201–202                  E                                    summary of 75
                3-dimensional,                𝜀0 27                             electrification 72, 232
                photograph of 181             Earnshaw’s theorem 227            electro-optic
                classes of 201                Earth                                deflector 174
                photo-realistic 180               age 361                       electro-optical activity 235
D               window-realistic 180
             distinguishability 23, 28, 46
                                                  average density 361
                                                  charge of 25
                                                                                electro-osmosis 235
                                                                                electrochromicity 236
             distribution                         core solidification 348       electrode 64
dispersion      Gaussian 356                      crust of 224                  electrodynamics
                normal 267, 356                   equatorial radius 361            changes to 92–93

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
             divine surprises 338                 flattening 361                   definition 49
             DNA 110                              gravitational length 361         failure of 247–248
             DNA 264, 265, 270, 293               mantle instability 347           summary 246–247
             doctrine 306                         mass 361                      electroencephalogram 259
             dodecachromaticity 129               normal gravity 361               illustration 262
             Dolichopteryx longipes 156           radius 361                    electrohydrodynamics 242
             dolphin 33                           rays 314                      electrokinetic effect 235
             domain                               rotation slowing 348          electroluminescence 237
                definition 289                    structure, illustration 224   electrolyte 64
             donate                           echydna 33                        electrolytes 248

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                to this book 10               eel                               electrolytic activity 235
             dopamine 413                         electric 34                   electromagnetic
             Doppler effect                   eel lens 377                         weapons 156
                reversed 169                  effect                            electromagnetic effects 51
             Dove prism 212, 374                  thermomagnetic 234            electromagnetic field 17, 86,
             down quark                           and cause 339                    246
                mass 358                          optical nonlinear 238            action of 50
             dragging of vector potential         skin 232                         angular momentum of 89
                by currents 84                    thermoelectric 232               energy of 89
             dream 256                        EHF, extremely high                  energy–momentum tensor
                energy in 268                     frequency 109                    88
                riddle 311                    Einstein, Albert                     evolution of 76–96
             drift speed 249                      on mathematics 284               invariants of 49
             dual field tensor 78             Einstein–de Haas effect 44           Lagrangian of 50
             duality                          elasticity 238                       linearity 98
                electromagnetic 92            electrets 17                         momentum of 89
                transformation 78             electric charge 20                   motion of 76–96
             dust 236                         electric field 17, 25                tensor 49
             Dutch telescope 164                  communication in fish 34      electromagnetic smog 240
             DVD                                  lines 18                      electromagnetic spectrum
                drive 214                         table of properties 28           table of 108
             dwarf                                table of values 26            electromagnetic unit system
                fake human 211                electric motors 44                   27
                   438                                                                       subject index

              electromagnetic wave 115          end of science 328                 of the universe 330
                 generation 116                 endoscope 173, 205                 of things 325
              electromagnetism 48                  illustration 208                psychological 324
                 as proof of special            energy 20                       existence, physical 324
                 relativity 119                    flux 89, 153                 experience 256, 257
                 limits 73                         free, is a lie 313           experimental physicists 303
                 summary of 75                     solar 151                    experimentalists 304
              electrometer 23                      velocity 135                 experiments 300
                 photographs of types 24        energy conservation 188         explanation 338
              electromotive field 79            energy–momentum tensor             physical 335
              electron                             of the electromagnetic       exploratory drive 340
E                classical radius 360
                 definition 32
                                                   field 88
                                                English language 279
                                                                                   of Yellowstone 347
                 g-factor 360                      size of 278                  eye 187–216
electromagnetic hopping 201                     enteric nervous system 272         camera 190
                 hopping over glass,            entities 256                       compound 194

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 illustration 202               entropy 265                        construction 190
                 magnetic moment 360               to bit conversion 361           cornea image 197
                 mass 358                       envelope, glowing 60               dispersion, illustration of
                 moving in metals 249           environment 151, 255               166
                 optics 146                     epilepsy 274                       human 114, 167
                 speed 135, 249                 epistemology 410                   insect 167
              electron volt                     equipotential lines 82             limitation, illustration of
                 value 361                      erasing                            188
              electronics                          memory 267                      limitations 187–190
                 and water flow 68              error                              measuring with closed 210

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 polymer 259                       in measurements 355             most moving body part
              Electrophorus electricus 33, 34      random 355                      190
              electroreception 32                  relative 356                    of insects, illustration of
              electroscope                         systematic 356                  195
                 capacitor 58                      total 356                       of mammals 194
              electrostatic machines 61         Eta Carinae 348                    of primates 194
              electrostatic unit system 27      Ettingshausen effect 234           pixels 190
              electrostatics 27                 Ettingshausen–Nernst effect        properties 190
              electrostriction 235                 233                             section drawing 191
              electrowetting 235                Euclidean vector space 28, 46      white in 210
              element                           Euplectella aspergillum 167     eye glasses 204
                 thermoelectric 30              EUV 110                         eye sensitivity 194
              element of set 23, 28, 46, 286    event                           eye, human 393
              elephants 270                        definition 300               eyes
              Eliza 270                         evolution 254, 269                 of birds 193
              elves 221, 222                       from nothing 338
              ELW, extremely long waves         evolution equations 344         F
                 108                            evolutionary biologists 253     fact
              emergence 322–323, 411            ex nihilo 331                       definition 300, 304
                 of properties 323              Exa 354                         false
              emissivity 231, 239               existence 324–327                   definition 304
                 definition 148                    of mathematical concepts     fame
              Encyclopédie 43                      324                              way to reach 245
        subject index                                                                                 439

        farad 354                             near 373                      forgetting
        Faraday cage 240                      objects surrounded by a 16        and entropy 268
        Faraday effect 233                    of accelerating charge,       form, mathematical 87
            inverse 234                       illustration 373              formula
        Faraday rotation 233                  physical 17                       lensmaker 214
        Faraday’s ‘law’ 78                    properties of electric 27     Foucault pendulum 141
        Faraday’s constant 360                radio 17                      Fourier components 243
        fata morgana see mirage               seeing the magnetic 59        fovea
        Fe 232, 233, 237                      strength of electric 25           definition 192
        feelings and lies 308                 theory 82                     Franz Aichinger 415
        feldspar 111, 237                     visualizing 17                Freederichsz effect 235
F       Felis silvestris catus 272
        femto 354
                                              visualizing the electric 18
                                              visualizing the magnetic 36
                                                                                comb 392
        Fermi coupling constant 358       field lines, magnetic 79          frequency mixing 238
farad   ferroelasticity 238               field, electric                   Fresnel number 372
        ferroelectricity 235                  in atmosphere 34, 221, 239    Fresnel triprism 143

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        ferromagnetism 233                fields                            Friendbot 270
            materials 38                      quasistatic 108               frog
        Fibonacci series 410              film 147                              levitating 228, 229
            nonsense about 298            fine structure constant 135       frog legs 32
        fibre                             fine-structure constant 358,      front velocity 135
            optical 167                       359                           fuel
            uses, photographs of 167      finger                                pouring 366
        field                                 diffraction at, photograph        thieves 366
            comb and water 16                 of 102                        full width at half maximum
            difference between electric       proves the wave properties        356

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            and magnetic 91                   of light 101–102              function
            electric of bouncing          finite 288, 328                       definition 289
            particle 117                  finite number 321                     harmonic 227
            electromagnetic 17            fire 232                              mathematical 289
            electromagnetic, definition   firefly 115                       fund raisers 303
            48, 49                        fish                              furnace
            emission 234                      weakly-electric 34                solar, photograph of 151
            equation, first Maxwell’s     flame 232                         fusion
            76–77                             and comb, photograph 367          inertial confinement 152
            equation, second              flash                             future
            Maxwell’s 78–79                   green, over Sun 127               and present 335
            evaporation 235               fluorescence 237
            far 372                       fluorescence microscopy 145       G
            ionization 235                flux 368                          γ-rays 110
            lines 82                          electric 28                   GaAs 236, 237
            magnetic 38                   fogbow 131                        gadolinium 234
            magnetic, and tides 64        food                              Galilean telescope 164
            magnetic, as relativistic         lie 315                       gallium arsenide 232
            effect 54                     foraminiferan 185                 galvanometer 43
            magnetic, definition 46       forerunner velocity 136           gamma-ray bursts 348
            morphogenetic, lie 313        forest                            ganglion cell
            motion of electromagnetic         what glows in a 211              photosensitive 192
            76–96                         forgery 266                       garnet
      440                                                                          subject index

         yttrium iron 59                gold 160, 235                  Hall effect 233
      gas constant, universal 360       Gonodyctylus smithii 129          photonic 234
      gas lighter 100                   Goos-Hänchen effect 169        halo 166, 200, 395, 398
      gate                              Goos-Hänchen shift 207         halobacteria 58
         logical AND 268                   illustration 209            hand
      gauge field 82, 86                grampus 324, 333                  X-ray image of 146
      gauge invariance 85               graphite 228, 232, 233, 235    handedness 90
      gauge symmetry 85                 gratings                       Hanle effect 233
      gauge transformation 86, 345         diffraction 169             hardware
      Gauss rifle 60                    gravitational constant            brain 272
      Gauss’s ‘law’ 28                     geocentric 361              harmonic
G     Gauss’s theorem 368
      Gaussian distribution 356
                                           heliocentric 362
                                        gravitational constant 𝐺 358
                                                                          generation, second 238
                                                                       harmonic generation 238
      Gaussian unit system 27              physics and 8               He–Ne 238
gas   Gd 233                            gravitoluminescence 237        healer
      GdFeCo 234                        gravity                           Philippine 312

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      GdSiGe 234                           Faraday-like cages 240      heart beats 293
      gender                            gravity waves 124              heat capacity 238
         lie 314                        gray 354                       heat conductivity 238
      gene, D4DR 413                    Great Wall 170                 heat radiation 231
      genius 304                        Great Wall in China 399        Heaviside formula 81
      geodynamo 224                     green 110                      Heaviside–Lorentz unit
      geometric phase 139–143              flash 127                      system 27
         mirror rotation,                  seeing 196                  hecto 354
         illustration 375                  star 150                    Heiligenschein 200
      Germany, illegality of life 150   green flash 394                helicopter 222

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      ghosts 378                        green ideas 310                helium 230, 235, 337
      Giga 354                          green ray 394                  henry 354
      glass 232, 233, 236               Greta oto 204                  Hering lattices 188
      glasses                           grey matter 259, 271           Hermann lattice 187
         eye 204                        group mind 305                 hertz 354
      glasswing butterfly 204           group velocity 133             hexagon
      glory 398                            can be infinite 134            magic 298
         photograph of 166                 negative 135                   magic, illustration 298
      glow-worm 237                     Grus canadensis 40             Hg 233
      gluon 359                         guitar                         Higgs mass 359
      Gnathonemus petersii 34              interferogram, photograph   high-voltage line 72
      gods                                 of 180                      Hilbert problems 283
         and art 332                                                   Hilversum 240
         and infinity 349               H                              hippocampus 273
         and interactions 323           H 232                          hoax
         and motion 327                 Haidinger’s brush 114             collection 312
         cannot surprise 346               illustration of 113         hobby
         definition 307                 hair                              dangerous 61
         divisibility 288                  bleaching 144               Hollywood films 301
         existence 342                     number 292                  hologram 175–180
         have no free will 346             puzzle 58                      Denisjuk 176, 179
         limits of 268                     stand up on playground 58      moving 180
      goggles, night 154                   whirl 90                       photographs of 178
             subject index                                                                                  441

                production, illustration of        as part 255                    insect eye 167
                177                                floating, with laser 216       instruments
                reflection 179                     formation 156                     for measurements 316
                transmission 179                   pixel 167                      insulation 232
             holograms 177                         real 163                       insulators 22
             holography 146, 175–180               touching an 120                integers 293
             homoeopathy 313                       virtual 163                    integrated circuits 67
             honey 84                          imagination 256                    intelligent design 308, 333
             hops 90                           imaging                            intensity
             horizon 345                           through scanning 180              luminous 153
             horror vacui 326                      ultrasound 214                 intention 335
H            hot air balloons 108, 240
             hour 354
                                                   with mirrors 156
                                               Imbert–Fedorov shift 207
                                                                                     definition 255, 322, 323
             Hubble parameter 363              imitation 305                         is reciprocal 323
holo grams   hue 128                           impenetrability 238                interference 99, 102, 103, 143
             human body                        InAs:Mn 232                           and images 175

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                light emission of 154          incandescence 231, 239                figures of patterns 104
             human eye 167                     incubation 341                     interferogram 180
                and polarization 114           indeterminacy relation                photograph of 180
             human language 279, 280               for capacitors 73              interferometer
             hydrogen 235, 337                     for current 73                    3-dimensional, illustration
             hypocretin 275                    index 277                             of 143
             hypothesis                            negative refraction 168           photograph of 140
                definition 304                 index finger 102                   International Astronomical
                                               indigo 110                            Union 363
             I                                 induction 320–321, 369             International Geodesic Union

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             ice age 336, 347                  inferior mirage 161                   363
             ice in air                        infinite 328                       interstellar gas cloud 347
                 photograph of effect 132      infinitely small                   intersubjectivity 305
             icon 277                              does not exist in nature 351   introspection
             ideas, green 310                  infinitesimals 293                    and consciousness 339
             if                                infinity 28, 46, 288–289           invariance 23
                 definition 281                    does not appear in nature         and separability 329
             ill-tempered gaseous                  321                               conformal 137
                 vertebrates 307                   in nature 327–328              invariants
             illuminance 153                   information                           of the electromagnetic
                 table of values 153               definition 264                    field 49
             illumination 341                      definition of 264              inversion layer 161
             illusion                              measurement of 264             invisibility cloak 170
                 colour depth 378                  table of values 264            ion 64
                 colour disappearing 212       Infrared 109                          and reaction time 250
                 of motion, illustration 400   infrared                              definition 32
                 on crossings 189                  light 104                         shadow photograph 207
                 on parallelism 188                observation with eye 204       ionization 232, 234
                 optical 211                       photograph 189                 ionosphere 67, 242, 243
             image 277                         injective 288                         as radio mirror 95
                 acquisition 145–147           InP 236                               illustration of 65
                 and focussing devices 162     InSb 232, 234                      ions 51, 248
                 and interference 175          insect 113                         IRA or near infrared 109
      442                                                                       subject index

      IRB or medium infrared 109    LaH 236                            without screens 9
      IRC or far infrared 109       lamp                           left-handed material 168
      iron 17                           on high voltage line 72    left-handers 90
      irradiance 153                Landolt–Börnstein series 317   legend
      ISO 318                       language 254, 277–299              urban 313
      italic typeface 277               and mathematics 281        lemon
      IUPAC 318, 414                    and physics 281                as battery 57
      IUPAP 318, 414                    grammar 279                lens 162, 213
                                        human 278                      aberration 126
      J                                 of smurfs 281                  and images, illustration of
      Jarlskog invariant 358            spoken 278                     164
I     jets 221
      Josephson effect 232
                                        syntax 279
                                        written 278
                                                                       aspherical 213
                                                                       convergent 162
      Josephson frequency ratio 360 languages spoken by one            divergent 162
IRB   joule 354                         person 292                     eel 377
      Joule effect 232, 233         Laplace acceleration 46            focal distance 213

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Jupiter                       Larmor formula 118                 focus 213
          properties 362            laser 154, 178                     perfect 169
                                        activity 238                   spherical 213
      K                                 and glass beads 120            thin, formula 213
      KalSi3O8 111                      and Moon 170               lens formula
      katal 318                         as guide star 158              thin 163, 213
      kelvin                            as weapon 155              lensmaker
          definition 352                deuterium fluoride 155         formula 213, 214
      Kelvin generator 19, 30, 366      photograph of 155          Lenz’s rule 79
          illustration 367              pulsed impulse kill 155    levitation 120, 226–231, 234

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          photo of 20                   scanning 174                   bead with laser 120
      Kerr effect 235                   X-ray 244                      diamagnetic 228
          optical 238               laser beam                         energy-consuming 226
      ketchup motion 249                feeling 124                    energy-less 227
      keyboard                          tubular 210                    laser 120
          different types of 298    laser levitation 120               non-stationary 226
      KH2 PO4 238                   lateralization 90, 91              of a bed 69
      kilo 354                      law                                of a frog 228, 229
      kilogram                          and sausage 301                of human 228
          definition 352                from laziness 300              optical 120, 393
      kinesiology 303                   of nature 255                  photographs 229, 230
      Kirchhoff laws 376                of thought 320                 stationary 226
      Kirlian effect 67             law of nature 322                  ultrasound 226
      Klitzing, von – constant 360      cannot be created 331          with electric field 63
      knowledge                         first 255                  Levitron 404
          definition of 316         layer                          lexical universals 279
          lie 314                       electric resistance 71     liar’s paradox 310
      Kramers-Kronig relations 74   laziness                       library 136
                                        in physical concepts 302   lie 304–309
      L                                 of physics 300–301             about light 124
      Lagrangian                    learning 260                       debunked by physics 315
          of the electromagnetic        best method for 9              definition 304
          field 246                     without markers 9              examples of 311–315
       subject index                                                                                    443

           general 308                   light beam                         Loschmidt’s number 359
           specific 308                      gravitational bending,         Lourdes 307
       lies 307                              illustration of 174            Lower frequency limit 108
       life                                  spiralling 174                 luck
           sense of 333                      twisting 174                       bad 313
       lifters 62                        light bulb                         lumen 354
       light 109                             puzzle 57                      luminescence 237
           and Hertz’s experiment        light decomposition                luminous density 154
           107                               examples 125                   luminous intensity 152
           angular momentum of 123       light microscope 376               luminous pressure 236
           as substance 139              light mill 122                     Lunokhod 170
L          bending of 173
           bulb 138, 148
                                             photograph 122
                                         light polarization 111
                                                                            lux 153, 354
                                                                            LW, long waves 108
           concentration limit 151–152   light pressure 121                 lx 153
lies       detection is a quantum        light year 361, 363
           effect 145                    lightning 19, 25, 153, 218–223     M

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           detection of oscillations         ball 222                       𝜇0 47
           105                               danger of surviving 221        macula lutea 114
           entropy of 151–152                first aid 221                  magic 331, 341
           feeling 124                       hitting tree                      cubes and squares 297
           generation is a quantum           photograph 219                    hexagon 298
           effect 145                        photo of multiple 19           magic moments 341
           intensity measurements            rod 22                         magnet 67
           152–154                           rod, illustration of strange      currents inside 44
           invariant speed in                22                                for climbing 69
           electromagnetism 118              zigzag shape of 218               illustrations of types 35

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           is a wave 101–105             limit                                 puzzle 57
           is electromagnetic 106–108        on resolution 170              magnetar 37, 69
           massive 139                       to precision 357               magnetic charge
           mixture of 125                LiNbO3 235, 236, 238                  (almost) no such 55
           monochromatic 125             line                                  and pole strength 96
           nature of 97                      high voltage 57                magnetic field 17, 45, 46
           partially polarized 115           high-voltage 72                   critical 37
           polarization change 139       linearity of electromagnetic          feeling it 40
           seeing infrared 204               field 98                          mirror behaviour 45
           sources 147–156               linguists 254                         table of properties 46
           summary on 144                liquid crystal 235                    table of sensors 47
           takes shortest paths,             effect 235                        table of values 37
           illustration of 160           lithium 337                        magnetic flux 79
           temperature and entropy       litre 354                          magnetic flux density 45
           of 138                        lobbyists 303                      magnetic flux quantum 360
           temperature of 151–152        locality 328                       magnetic Gauss ‘law’ 79
           through small hole 138        localization (weak, Anderson)      magnetic induction 45
           transmission shows wave           232                            magnetic monopole 91
           character 103                 logicians 254                         no such 55
           transport 145                 looming 161                        magnetic pole
           unpolarized 115               Lorentz acceleration 46               in a mirror 90
           white 126                     Lorentz gauge 50                   magnetic resonance 234
           width of light beam 105       Lorentz relation 49                magnetic vector potential 82
            444                                                                        subject index

            magnetism                          properties 40                  erasing 267
              as relativistic effect 53–55     table of electromagnetic       not inborn 270
              plant 60                         properties 231                 of water 275
              related to electricity 42        table of magnetic              storage 266
            magneto–Seebeck effect 234         properties 39                  synapses and 265
            magneto-optical activity 233       visualizing magnetic           write once 269
            magnetoacoustic effect 234         behaviour 38                 Mercedes Benz 115
            Magnetobacterium bavaricum       mathematicians 254, 282, 296   mercury 232, 235
              41                             mathematics                    meson 32
            magnetocaloric effect 234          and concepts 283             metal alloys 233
            magnetoelastic effect 233          and language 281             metal multilayers 232, 233
M           magnetoencephalography 94
            magneton, nuclear 360
                                               as guide 286
                                               as tool collection 295
                                                                            metallic shine 235
                                                                            metals 238
            magnetoreception 40–41             defintion of 282             metamaterial 169–170
magnetism   magnetoresistance 232              is applied physics 283         illustration of 169
            magnetorheologic effect 234        science of symbolic            resonant 169

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            magnetosomes 41                    necessities 285                transmission-type 169
            magnetostriction 233             matter                         metaphor 334
            magnets 17, 36–39, 228             grey 259                     method
            magnifying glass 163               stronger than mind 312         scientific, steps of 303
            Majorana effect 234                transformation 331           method, scientific
            Manhattan as copper mine 22      Matteucci effect 233             table of steps 303
            mantis shrimp 115                Maxwell’s addition 77          metre
            mantle                           Maxwell’s demon 268              definition 352
              Earth’s 225                    Maxwell’s equation             metricity 23, 28, 46
            mapping                            illustration of 77, 78       Mg 233

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              definition 289                 Maxwell’s field equations      Michelson, Albert
              mathematical 289                 first 76–77                    on the end of physics 350
            marker                             second 78–79                 micro 354
              bad for learning 9             Maxwell’s field equations of   micronystagmus 193
            marriage 253                       electrodynamics 50           microscope 164
            maser 124                        measurability 28, 46             atomic force 184
            mass                               of charge 23                   flat 195
              negative 227                   measurement                      flat, photographs 195
            mass ratio                         and standards 318              light 376
              muon–electron 360                as classification 318          magnetic force 184
              neutron–electron 361             baths and 267                  modern types, photograph
              neutron–proton 361               comparison 355                 of 182
              proton–electron 360              definition 318, 352, 355       near field scanning 173
            match                              error definition 355           of paper, photographs 206
              on Moon 379                      irreversibility 355            oldest, photograph 377
            material                           meaning 355                    paper folding 205
              electro-optic 174                process 355                    resolution, photographs of
              left-handed 168–170            Mega 354                         172
              magnetic 36–39                 Meissner effect 234              scanning electron 181
              negative index 169             memory 256                       scanning near-field 184
              negative refraction              and time average 319           scanning tunnelling 184
              168–170                          definition 265               microscopy 145
              table of dielectric              erasable 269                   bright-field 145
            subject index                                                                               445

               confocal laser scanning 184     dielectric 156                  is fundamental 353
               fluorescence 173, 184           emissivity 148                  of images 345
               multiphoton 184                 fields for solar energy 151     predictability of 347
               near field 146                  for imaging 156                 summary of properties
               scanning 180, 181               in telescope 146                345–347
               scanning near-field optical     landscape 90                    the four entities that show
               184                             magnetic poles and 90           344–345
               stimulated emission             metal 91                      Motion Mountain
               depletion 173                   no image 119                    aims of book series 7
            microwave 108                      parabolic, stacked 181          helping the project 10
               oven 222                        phase conjugation 238           supporting the project 10
M              power station 369
            microwave background
                                               puzzle 60
                                               rotating, for 3-dim.
                                                                             motion primitives 275
               temperature 364                 imaging 180                     of students 271
microwave   midwife 189                        switchable 236                motor
            Mie scattering 236               mirror symmetry 91                electric and relativity 53–55

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            migration of birds 40            mixing matrix                     simplest 66
            mile 355                           CKM quark 358                   unipolar 66
            military                           PMNS neutrino 358             mountains
               and science fiction 124       Mn 233                            blue colour 127
            milk 127, 307, 411               Mo 232                          mu-metal 240, 380
            Milky Way 348                    mobile phone 17                 multiverse
               age 362                       modulator                         is nonsense 306, 314, 322
               mass 362                        acousto-optic 171             muon 32
               size 362                      molar volume 360                  g-factor 360
            milli 354                        moment                          muon magnetic moment 360

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            million dollars 322                magic 255, 341                muon mass 358
            mimetic discretizations 67       momentum density 89             muon tomography 187
            mind                             monopole 78                     muscles 292
               weaker than matter 312          magnetic 93                   MW, middle waves 108
            mind reading 94, 245               no magnetic 55                mysteries 307
               photo of experiment 94          table of searches 36          Mößbauer effect 237
            Minion Math font 416             Moon
            minute 354                         and brain 337                 N
               definition 363                  as radio mirror 95            n-Ge 232
            miracle 307, 338                   density 362                   n-Si 232
               definition 349                  match on 379                  NaCl 233
            mirage 161, 392                    properties 362                Nagaoka-Honda effect 233
               photographs and               Moon and laser 170              nano 354
               illustration of 161           Moore’s ‘law’ 74                NASA 124
               Sun 205                       morgana, fata see mirage        natural numbers 291
            mirascope 180                    moth-eye effect 205             natural unit 359
            mirror 90                        motion                          nature 255
               and magnetic field 45           and measurement units 353        cannot surprise 346
               and polarization change         control with brain 259           has no free will 346
               139                             final theory 253                 not designed 332
               biological 156                  has no surprises 349             sense of 333
               concave, puzzle 91              inside atoms 250              Nb-Oxide-Nb 232
               definition 90–91                inversion 88                  Ne 232
       446                                                                           subject index

       near field 172                  north pole 38                     ophthalmology 196
       necessities                        magnetic 44                    opposite 281, 307
          science of symbolic 282      notion 277                        optical activity 376
       needle                          nova 348                          optical coherence
          and inverted images on the   Novaya Zemlya effect 161, 205        tomography 196
          retina 188                   novelty seeking 341               optics
       neocortex 273                   nuclear magneton 360                 adaptive 196, 198, 199
       neocortical column 271          nucleus                              definition 145
       Nernst effect 234                  suprachiasmatic 192               diffractive, photographs of
       nerve                           number 23, 293                       172
          graph of signals in 52          dyadic, rational 293              summary 216
N         illustration of structure
          and signals 53
                                          parasitic 383
                                          prime 299
                                                                         opto-acoustic tomography 186
                                                                         optoacoustic effect 237
          signal 408                      real 293                       optogalvanic effect 233
near      speed 250                       surreal 293                    orange 109
          working of 51–53                surreal, illustration 294      order 23

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       nervous system                     transfinite 289                order structures 290
          enteric 272                  number of particle 328            ordered pair 287
          photographs 261              numbers 295                       ordinal numbers 293
       network 262                        large, table of examples 291   orexin 275
       neural networks 260                                               orientation
       neurologists 254                O                                    optical 233
       neuron                          object 279                        Ornithorhyncus anatinus 33
          in the retina 192                as part 255                   Ouchi illusion 400
          mirror 272                       levitation 227                oven 150
          photograph 266               oblique microscopy 145               colours inside 150

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       neurons 261, 268, 292           observable                        overdescription 86
       neutrality                          definition 318                oxygen depletion 347
          electric 22                  observation 267                   ozone shield
       neutrino                            definition 256, 319              reduction 347
          masses 358                       time taken by 319–320
          PMNS mixing matrix 358       Occam’s razor 302                 P
       neutron                         ocean                             p-Ge 236
          Compton wavelength 361           level 347                     paint, heat and 207
          magnetic moment 361          ocean levels 348                  pair creation 237
          mass 360                     OCT 186, 187, 241                 paradox
       neutron star 37                     mouse embryo 186                 of incomplete description
       Newton 170                      OCT 187                              323
       newton 354                      ohm 70, 354                          of overcomplete
       Ni 233                          Ohm’s ‘law’ 69, 251                  description 323
       nickel 17                       oil 235                           paradox, liar’s 310
       night goggles 154               oil tanker 63                     paraelectricity 235
       niobium 232                     ommatidia 194                     parallel transport 140
       Nit 154                         onset 249                         paramagnetic 38
       NOAA 417                        onto 288                          paramagnetism 38, 233
       node 90                         ontological reach 325             parameter
       noise 267                       Oort cloud 348                       definition 318
       nonsense 309–311                Opel cars 19                      parametric amplification 238
          examples of 311–315          operation, (binary) 290           parhelia 132
          subject index                                                                              447

             photograph 132               phase conjugating mirror            solid state 239
          parity invariance 91               activity 238                  physics cube 8
          parsec 361                      phase space 344                  physiologists 254
          particle number 328             phase-contrast microscopy        pico 354
          parts, sum of 322                  145                           piezoelectricity 235
          pascal 354                      phenomenon                       pigeon ear
          Paschen–Back effect 233            definition 300                   photograph of magnetic
          passions 272                       supernatural 322                 particles 41
          patter                             unnatural 322                 pile 57
             of nature 255                philosophers of science 254      pinch effect 232
          patterns 300                    phosphorescence 237              ping command
P         Paul traps 228
          Pauli exclusion principle 409
                                          phot 153
                                          photoacoustic effect 237
                                                                              to measure light speed 32
                                                                           pink 210
          Pauw, method of Van der 70      photoconductivity 237            pixel systems 167, 203
parit y   Pb 237                          photoeffect 236                  Planck constant
          PbLaZrTi 236                    photoelectric effect 236            value of 358

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          PbSe 232                        photoelectricity 236             Planck electric current 33
          PbTe 232                        photoelectromagnetic effect      Planck electric field 26
          Peltier effect 232                 234                           Planck fields 247
          penguin                         photography 145, 236             Planck limit 110
             flying 315                   photoluminescence 237            Planck magnetic field 37
          Penning effect 232              photon                           Planck voltage 55
          Penning traps 228                  contradicts Maxwell’s         Planck’s constant 149
          perception                         equations 248                 plant
             definition 256                  drag effect 236                  and electric field 34
          perigee 362                        mass 93, 139, 359                solar, photograph of 152

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          perihelion 362                     number density 364            plant sensors
          permanence 344                  photorefractive materials 174,      for electric and magnetic
          permeability 137                   236                              fields 95
             vacuum 47, 359               photostriction 236               plasma cloud
          permittivity 137                physicists                          floating 222
             graph of 73                     children 255                     photographs 223
             of free space 26             physics 304                      plasma globe 61, 62
             of materials 74                 and language 281              plasmas 232, 233, 248
             vacuum 359                      as basic science 253          plasmoids 222
          person 405                         as the study of change 300    plasticity 238
          Peta 354                           boring 282                    plates 225
          phase 98                           classical, summary of         platonism 283
             adiabatic 142                   344–351                       platypus 33
             Berry’s 142                     end of 317                    play 300
             factor 86                       end of applied physics 348    PNAS 199
             geometric 139–143               end of fundamental 347        Pockels effect 235
             geometric, definition 142       etymology of 304              point
             geometric, illustration of      foundation 296                   contact 71
             141                             is talking about motion 253   Poisson’s spot 171
             quantal 142                     map of 8                      polarizability 234
             singularities 143               papers joke 136                  electric 72
             topological 142                 publications 136              polarization 111, 236
             velocity 98, 133                slow progress of 118             brush 114
             448                                                                          subject index

                detection with the unaided       321                          public 308
                eye 114                       predicate 279                   pupils
                electrical 24                 predictability of motion 347       kinds of 271
                electromagnetic wave          prefixes 354, 413               purpose 335
                111–115                          SI, table 354                puzzle
                in the sky, illustration of   prefixes, SI 354                   hard, on resistance 73
                113                           prejudice 306                      puzzle of reflected 90
                linear 115                    presocratics 412                   young mother 297
                magnetic 38                   pressure of light 121           pyroelectricity 235
                of light 111–115              primary blue 110
             polarizers in car lights and     primary green 110               Q
P               windscreens 139
             polders 171
                                              primary red 109
                                                                              quanta 351
             pole                                Sophie Germain 383              definition 318
polarizers      magnetic 37, 45               primitive                       quantum
                magnetic, in a mirror 90         semantic, table of 280          cascade laser 238

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                magnetic, many Earth 347         universal semantic 280          dot 71
                magnetic, strength 96         principle                       quantum of action 149
             pollen 183                          anthropic 337                   precise value 358
             polymath 103                        anthropic, testing the 338   quantum of circulation 360
             polymer 238                         computer 338                 quantum physics 351
             polymer electronics 259             of least action 50           quark
             Portia (Salticidae) 164             physical, definition 300        mixing matrix 358
             positive 21                         porcine 338                  quartz 235–237
             positive or negative 23             simian 338                   quaternions 97, 295
             positron charge                  printed words 292               quest

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                specific 360                  prism 160                          anthropic 337
                value of 358                     atmosphere as 126            quotation marks 256
             potassium 51                        photograph of working 98
             potato                           Proca Lagrangian 93             R
                as battery 57                 product set 287                 radian 353
             potential                        proof                           radiation 100, 345
                electric                         definition of 304               black body 239
                indeterminacy 73              properties                         cosmic 250
                energy 60                        emergent 323                    is observer dependent 231
                vector, illustration of 83    property                           particle 248
             power                               of nature 255                   thermal 239
                electric 70                   protan 210                         weapons 156
                light 153                     proton                          radiator
                lines 57                         Compton wavelength 360          colour of heat 208
                set 288                          g factor 360                 radio
                set axiom 286                    gyromagnetic ratio 360          astronomy 154
                supply noise 242                 magnetic moment 360             control, simplest possible
             Poynting vector 88, 89, 95          mass 360                        100
                field 89                         specific charge 360             field 17
                illustration 371              pseudoscope 211, 212               photograph of Hertz’ first
             precision 309, 355               pseudovector 45                    100
                limits to 357                 psychiatrist 311                   simple self-built 101
                three errors that prevent     psychological existence 324        transmitters 154
        subject index                                                                                      449

            waves 108                       ‘law’ of 376                   rods in retina 154, 192, 193,
        radio transmitter                   astronomic 160                    196, 264, 292
            simplest possible 100           and aureoles 200               rose 331
        radio wave 100                      definition 157                 rotation 83
            1/𝑟 dependence 116              explanation 158                   induced by light 123
            range of 115                    in the eye 166                 Rubik’s Cube 292
        radiometer 122                      index of 376                   ruby 235, 238
        radius                              index, illustration of 168     rule
            stereoscopic 177                index, negative 168               of nature 255, 300
        rail guns 61                        terrestrial 160                runaway breakdown 219
        rainbow 103, 166                    total 207                      rutile 112
R           as edge of white disc 126
            explanation 126
                                        refractive index 158
                                        relation 256, 284, 287
                                                                           Rydberg constant 360

            infrared 105                    binary 287                     S
radio       irregular 131                   definition 285–288             sages, seven 16
            origin of 126                   definition, illustration 286   Sahara 292

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            photograph of 102           religion                               50 Hz signal in middle of
            polarization 131                definition 308                     242
            polarization of 112         remote control                     salamander 33
            primary 126                     simplest possible 100          salt 235
            quaternary 126              repression 93                      sand 292
            rare types of 131           repulsion                          Sasaki–Shibuya effect 232
            secondary 126                   of charges 346                 saturable absorption 238
            supernumerary 103           resin 16                           saturation 128, 341
            ternary 126                 resistance                         Sb 232
            twinned 131                     electrical 70                  scanning

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            width 130                       hard puzzle on 73                  for imaging 146
        Raleigh scattering 236              of single atoms 70             Scarabeus 113
        Raman amplification 238         resistivity 232                    scattering 127, 174, 236
        Raman effect 236                resolution 376                     Schadt–Helfrichs effect 235
        range                               limit 170                      Schottky effect 234
            definition 289                  maximum print 214              Schumann resonances 402
        rational numbers 293            retina 196                         science 316
        Rayleigh scattering 127             and neurons 192                    end of 328
        rays                                details 192                        of symbolic necessities 282
            cosmic 250                      imaging of 196, 199                oldest 315
        reaction time                       introduction 190               science fiction 315
            and ions 250                    photograph 199                 scientific method
        real numbers 293, 295               with inverted image 188            steps 303
        reality 256                     retroreflecting paint 200          scientism 316
        reason 335                      reversal                           scientist 316
        recoil 30                           of Earth’s magnetic field          misnomer 316
        recombination 232                   347                            scotopic sensitvity 378
        record                          Richardson effect 232              Se 237
            definition 266              rifle                              second 354
        red 109, 196                        Gauss 60                           definition 352, 363
        reductionism 336                Righi–Leduc effect 234             Seebeck effect 232
        reflectivity 120, 121, 236      right hand rule 77                 seeing 150, 174
        refraction 157–170, 233, 236    right-handers 90                   self-referential 310
            450                                                                                subject index

            semi-ring 291                      signal                              solenoid 44
            semiconductivity 232                    cannot move faster than        solid state physics 239
            semiconductor luminescence              light 136                         in society 239
                237                                 definition details 136         solidity 231, 238
            semiconductors 234                      is energy transport 136        sonography 186
            sensation                               physical 133                   sonoluminescence 237
                definition 256                      speed 133–136                  Sotalia guianensis 33
            sense                                   speed, electric 249            sound 170
                brain and 272                  silicon 232, 233                    south pole 38
                of life 333                    silver 22                              magnetic 44
            sensor 51                          singularity, naked 348              south-pointing carriage 142
S           separability 23, 329
                of the universe 329
                                               sinking 161
                                               skin 109
                                                                                   soviets 42
            sequence 23                             depth imaging 196                 optical 123
semi-ring   set 284, 286                            effect 232                     spark
                definition 285–288                  riddle 312                        field 26

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                definition, illustration 286   sky 236                                generation 19
                definition, table of 286            blue colour of 127             spectrometers 125
                non-Cantorian 409                   evening, milk simulation       spectrum
                useful to describe the              127                               definition 99
                universe? 328                  sleep                                  solar, graph of 148
            shadow                                  learning and 273                  table of electromagnetic
                and wave effects,                   reason for 273                    108
                illustrations of 171           sleeping beauty effect 119          speculation
                colour of 395                  slit                                   definition 304
                of cables 66                        graph of transmission 103      speed

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                of Great Wall in China 170,    sloth in physics 300                   cells in brain 275
                399                            small, infinitely                      electron drift 68
                with halo or aureole 200            does not exist in nature 351      limit 144
                with hole 171                  smartphone 314                         of electric signals 249
            shark 24, 33                            bad for learning 9                of electrons 249–250
            SHF, super high frequency          Smekal–Raman effect 236                of light 𝑐
                109                            smog                                   physics and 8
            shrimp 113, 115                         electromagnetic 240               of lightning bolt tip 66
                and vision 129                 smurf language 281                     of water in a hose 249
            Shubnikov–de Haas effect 45,       Snell’s ‘law’ 158, 376              speed of light 249
                234                            SNOM                                   and chocolate 101
            SI                                      photograph 184                    and satellite phone call 101
                prefixes                       snowflakes 292                         is invariant 118–119
                table of 354                   sodium 51, 52                          observer motion is
                units 352, 357                 sodium vanadate 112                    impossible 119
            Si – silicon 235                   soft gamma repeater 37                 true 136
            SI system 27, 152                  solar cells 30, 236                    types of 133–136
            SI units                           solar energy 151                    sphere, hairy 372
                definition 352                 solar sail effect 236               spider 113
                supplementary 353              solar storms 242                       jumping 164
            siemens 354                        solar system                        spin 45
            sievert 354                             instability 348                   electron 45
            sign 277                           solar wind 37, 64, 67, 124, 236     spin 1 particles 124
       subject index                                                                                  451

       spin 2 particles 124                  mass 359                     superradiation 238
       spin valve effect 233             stratus 218                      superstition 306, 313, 341, 384
       spirals 298                       strike with a field 81           superstitions 342
       spirituality                      strong coupling constant 358     support
           definition 308                structuralism 406                   this book 10
       sponsor                           structure                        surprises
           this book 10                      algebraic 290                   divine 338
       spookfish 156                         order 290                       none in nature 346
       sprites 221, 222                      topological 290              surreal numbers 410
       square                            stun gun 55                         illustration 294
           inverse radius dependence     subject 279                      SW, short waves 108
S          27
           magic 297
                                         sugar 236, 237, 376
                                             syrup 157
                                                                             electrical 57
       squinting 170                     sulphuric acid 235                  puzzle 57
spin   SrAlO4 237                        sum of parts 322                 switch, inverter 369
       standard deviation 355            Sun 380, 405                     switchable magnetism 232

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           illustration 356                  aging of 348                 switchable mirror 236
       star                                  dogs 132, 398                symbol
           approach 348                      evening 126                     definition 277
           green 150                     Sun pillars 166                     mathematical 318
           number 292                    Sun’s age 362                    symbolic necessities
           observed during the day       Sun’s heat emission 380, 405        science of 282
           146                           Sun’s lower photospheric         symmetries
       Stark effect 235                      pressure 362                    as inductive statements
       statements                        Sun’s luminosity 362, 380, 405      320
           boring 308                    Sun’s mass 362                   synapses 266, 268

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           empirical 306                 Sun’s power 210                  syrup 376
           speculative 306               Sun’s surface gravity 362           bends light, photograph
           undecidable 309               sunflower 291                       158
           without sense 309–311             Fibonacci pattern 299           refraction illustration 159
       steel 38                          sunglasses                       Système International
       Stefan–Boltzmann black body           and apes 210                    d’Unités (SI) 352
           radiation constant 239, 361   sunlight
       steppers                              measures of 138              T
           wafer 214                     sunny day 153                    table
       steradian 353                     sunset 126, 127                     as antigravity device 231
       stereopsis 175                        and refraction 160           tachymeter 74
           fooling 211                   sunstone                         Talbot-Lau interferometer 175
       stigmata 313                          and navigation 142           tanker
       stilts 312                        supercomputer 271                   oil, sinking 63
       stimulated Brillouin              superconductivity 232            tap water 16
           scattering 238                superconductors 234              tape
       stock exchange 32                 superlens 169                       adhesive 211
       stones 289, 330, 335, 341         superluminal 136                    adhesive, dangers of 60
           strange 15                    supermarkets 210                    adhesive, X-rays from 379
       stooping 161                      supernatural phenomena 322       tapetum 156
       storage, magnetic 59              supernovae 348                   tau mass 358
       storms, solar 242                 supernumerary rainbows 103       tax collection 352
       strange quark                     superposition 98                 TbCl3 237
         452                                                                            subject index

         TbDyFe 233                           definition 304                transmitter
         teacher                           theta waves 259                      simplest possible 100
             honesty of 301                Thomson effect 232               transparency 236
         teaching                          thought reading 94               transsubstantiation 308
             best method for 9             thundercloud                     trap
             with aims 271                    as accelerator 221                rotating, photograph 230
         teeth 241                            is a battery 222              tree 291
             are piezoelectric 242         thunderstorms 218                trees and electricity 16
             growth 242                    tide                             triboelectricity 232
         telecommunication 150                and magnetic fields 64        triboluminescence 237, 379
         telescope 164                        and magnetism 63              trichromaticity 129
T            living 164
             types, photographs of 165
                                           time inversion 88
                                           TNT energy content 361
                                                                                Pythagorean 297
         telescopy 146                     TOE 253                          trirefringence 112
TbDyFe   television                        tomography 146, 185–187          trit 274
             greatest disappointment of       cryo-electron 185             tritan 210

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
             the industry 201                 electrical resistivity 185    tropical year 361
             image of cathode ray tube        magnetic induction 185        true 307
             201                              muon 187                      truth
             killing curiosity 314            optical coherence 187, 196        definition 304
             tube 202, 237                    opto-acoustic 186                 is empirical 306
         temperature                          positron emission 186             pure 305
             negative 152                     X-ray 185                     tsunami
         tensor 48                         tonne, or ton 354                    from Canary islands 347
             antisymmetric 46              tooth decay 241                  tubular laser beam 210
             energy–momentum 88            toothpaste 265                   tungsten 138

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         TeO2 236                          toothpick 222                    tusk
         Tera 354                          top quark                            of narwhale 75
         terahertz waves 109, 241             mass 359                      tv 237
         terms 277                         topological structures 290       tweezers
         tesla 46, 354                     topology 137                         optical 122
         Tesla coil 56, 61                 torque 45
         tetrachromaticity 129             tourmaline 142, 235              U
         thallium 122                      towering 161                     udeko 354
         theoretical physicists 304        trace                            Udekta 354
         theoreticians 304                    of matrix 50                  UFOs as lie 308
         theory 308                        tractor beam 138                 UHF, ultra high frequency 108
             of everything 253             traffic light 249                ultrasound imaging 214
             origin of term 304            transformation                   Ultraviolet 110
         theory of everything 382             of matter 331                 ultraviolet
         theory of evolution 308              relations 345                    light 105
         theory of motion                  transformer                         photograph 190
             final 253                        Maxwell equation and 77,      umbrella
         theory, physical 308                 79                               and nonsense 313
         thermal emission 232                 Poynting vector field of 89      decomposes light 123
         thermal equilibrium 151              solar storm and 242           unboundedness 28, 46
         thermal radiation 150, 231, 239      water correspondence 67       uncertainty
         thermoluminescence 237            transistor 67                       relative 356
         thesis                            transition radiation 238            total 356
                  subject index                                                                         453

              uncountability 288               variance 356                   waterfall
              unification 336                  vector                            and charge 244
              unit                                axial 45                    watt 354
                 astronomical 361              vector potential               wave
                 definition 318                   dragging by charges 84         angular momentum 124
                 natural 359                      magnetic 82                    circularly polarized 115
                 system 27                     velocity                          definition 98
              units 352                           energy 135                     electromagnetic 98, 99, 115
                 non-SI 355                    vendeko 354                       electromagnetic,
                 provincial 355                Vendekta 354                      illustrations of 99
                 SI, definition 352            verb 279                          equation 98
U             universal
                 grammatical 279
                                               verification 341
                                               VHF, very high frequency 108
                                                                                 evanescent 169, 207, 374
                                                                                 harmonic 98, 99
                 lexical 279                   video                             range of 115
uncountability semantic 279                       bad for learning 9             speeds, films of types 134
              universe 255                     Villari effect 233                speeds, illustration of 134

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 existence of 330              violet 110, 210                   spherical electromagnetic
                 is comprehensible 329         viper                             95
                 is it a set? 328–329             pit 202                        terahertz 109, 241
                 is not information 265           temple 202, 203                vector 98
                 not designed 332              virtual reality systems 177    wavelength 103
                 only one 322                  viscosity 238                  waveplate 374
                 other 306                     vocabulary 278, 282            waveplates 142
                 recollapse 348                void 326–327                   weak mixing angle 358
              UNIX 32                          Voigt effect 234               weapons
              unnatural phenomena 322          volcano                           electromagnetic 155

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              up quark                            explosion 347                  with light 155
                 mass 358                         giant 347                   weber 354
              urban legends 171, 313           volt 70, 354                   Weigert effect 236
              UVA 110                          voltage 30                     weko 354
              UVB 110                             indeterminacy 73            Wekta 354
              UVC 110                             table of values 55          whale brain 270
                                               voltaic cell 30                whale, blue 204
                  V                            vortex lines 82                whales 270
                  vacuum 137, 326–327          VUV 110                        whirl, hair 90
                     as carrier 137                                           white 148
                     as medium 137             W                                 pure 148
                     impedance 359             W 232, 235                     whole, the 255
                     Maxwell’s unsuccessful    W boson                        Wiedemann effect 233
                     model 74                    mass 359                     Wien’s colour displacement
                     permeability 359          wafer steppers 214                149
                     permittivity 359          walking 407                    Wien’s displacement constant
                     table of properties 137     on two legs 260                 361
                     unstable 348              wall plug 96                   wind
                     wave impedance 137, 139   warming, global 312               solar 64
                  value 289                    water 233, 238                 wire
                  vampire 119                    floating bridge 241, 242        and nerve 51
                  variable                       flow and electronics 68         and relativity 53–55
                     definition 318              memory of 275                wolframates 236
        454                                                                    subject index

        woman                          CT, illustrations 186       Y
           tetrachromatic 194          emission by lightning 221   yellow 109, 210
        words 277                      image of hand 146           yocto 354
           heard 264, 292              images, beauty of 213       Yotta 354
           printed 265                 laser 244
           spoken 264, 292             optics, photograph of 157   Z
        world 255                      source, photograph of 155   Z boson
           chaos or system 255         telescope 146                  mass 359
           colour survey 395           tomography 186              Zeeman effect 233
        World Geodetic System 363      tomography, illustrations   Zener effect 235
        worlds                         185                         zepto 354
W          many, nonsense 315
        writing 319
                                    X-rays 110
                                       from adhesive tape 379
                                                                   zero 291
                                                                   Zetta 354
        wrong                          hard 110                    ZFC 287
woman      definition 304              soft 110                    ZFC axioms. 286
                                    xenno 354                      ZnS 237

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        X                           Xenta 354                      ZnSb 232
        X-ray                                                      Zodiac
           and arts 213                                               and nonsense 313

                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
The Adventure of Physics – Vol. III
Light, Charges and Brains

What are electricity and magnetism?
How does a rainbow form?
What is the most fantastic voyage possible?
What is light?
How can one levitate things?
What can lasers do?
What is the difference between the brain and a computer?
What are the largest catastrophes expected in the future?
Which problems in physics are unsolved?

      Answering these and other questions on motion,
      this series gives an entertaining and mind-twisting
      introduction into modern physics – one that is
      surprising and challenging on every page.
      Starting from everyday life, the adventure provides
      an overview of modern results in mechanics,
      heat, electromagnetism, relativity,
      quantum physics and unification.

Christoph Schiller, PhD Université Libre de Bruxelles,
is a physicist and physics popularizer. He wrote this
book for his children and for all students, teachers and
readers interested in physics, the science of motion.

Pdf file available free of charge at