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Motion Mountain Physics Textbook Volume 5 - Motion Inside Matter – Pleasure, Technology and Stars

Authors Christoph Schiller

License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0

Christoph Schiller

the adventure of physics – vol.v
motion inside matter –
pleasure, technology and stars
                  Christoph Schiller

Motion Mountain

                  The Adventure of Physics
                  Volume V

                  Motion Inside Matter –
                  Pleasure, Technology
                  and Stars

                  Edition 31, available as free pdf
                  with films at
Editio trigesima prima.

Proprietas scriptoris © Chrestophori Schiller
primo anno Olympiadis trigesimae secundae.

Omnia proprietatis iura reservantur et vindicantur.
Imitatio prohibita sine auctoris permissione.
Non licet pecuniam expetere pro aliqua, quae
partem horum verborum continet; liber
pro omnibus semper gratuitus erat et manet.

Thirty-first edition.

Copyright © 1990–2021 by Christoph Schiller,
from the third year of the 24th Olympiad
to the first year of the 32nd Olympiad.

This pdf file is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
Licence, whose full text can be found on the website,
with the additional restriction that reproduction, distribution and use,
in whole or in part, in any product or service, be it
commercial or not, is not allowed without the written consent of
the copyright owner. The pdf file was and remains free for everybody
to read, store and print for personal use, and to distribute
electronically, but only in unmodified form and only at no charge.
To Britta, Esther and Justus Aaron

         τῷ ἐμοὶ δαὶμονι
Die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären.

                                                “                                                      ”
                                                     Primum movere, deinde docere.*

        his book series is for anybody who is curious about motion in nature. How do
        hings, people, animals, images and empty space move? The answer leads

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        o many adventures, and this volume presents those about motion inside everyday
matter, inside people and animals, and inside stars and nuclei.
    Motion inside bodies – dead or alive – is tiny: thus it is described by quantum theory.
Quantum theory describes all motion with the quantum of action ℏ, the smallest change
observed in nature. Building on this basic idea, the text first shows how to describe life,
death and pleasure. Then, the text explains the observations of chemistry, materials sci-
ence, astrophysics and particle physics. In the structure of physics, these topics corres-
pond to the three ‘quantum’ points in Figure 1. The story of motion found inside living
cells, inside the coldest gases and throughout the hottest stars is told here in a way that
is simple, up to date and captivating.

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the
necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over
using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.
    In order to be up to date, the text is enriched by the many gems – both theoretical and
empirical – that are scattered throughout the scientific literature.
    In order to be captivating, the text tries to startle the reader as much as possible. Read-
ing a book on general physics should be like going to a magic show. We watch, we are
astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick.
When we look at nature, we often have the same experience. Indeed, every page presents
at least one surprise or provocation for the reader to think about. Numerous interesting
challenges are proposed.
    The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement
on pedagogy, translates as: ‘To fortify people, to clarify things.’ Clarifying things – and
adhering only to the truth – requires courage, as changing the habits of thought produces
fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we grow in strength. And we
experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and
exploring motion is one of them. Enjoy it.

                                                              Christoph Schiller
* ‘First move, then teach.’ In modern languages, the mentioned type of moving (the heart) is called motiv-
ating; both terms go back to the same Latin root.
8                                                                                           preface

                             Complete, unified description of motion
                             Adventures: describing precisely all motion, understanding
                             the origin of colours, space -time and particles, enjoying
                             extreme thinking, calculating masses and couplings,
                             catching a further, tiny glimpse of bliss (vol. VI).

PHYSICS:                                                                       An arrow indicates an
Describing motion with precision,                                              increase in precision by
i.e., using the least action principle.                                        adding a motion limit.

                                                 Quantum theory
General relativity                               with classical gravity        Quantum field theory
Adventures: the                                   Adventures: bouncing         (the ‘standard model’)
                                                     neutrons, under-          Adventures: building

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
night sky, measu-
ring curved and                                         standing tree          accelerators, under-
wobbling space,                                            growth (vol. V).    standing quarks, stars,
exploring black                                                                bombs and the basis of
holes and the                                                                  life, matter & radiation
universe, space                                                                (vol. V).
and time (vol. II).

Classical gravity                              Special relativity              Quantum theory
Adventures:                                   Adventures: light,               Adventures: biology,
climbing, skiing,                             magnetism, length                birth, love, death,
                                           c contraction, time

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
space travel,                                                                  chemistry, evolution,
the wonders of                         limits dilation and                     enjoying colours, art,
astronomy and               G            fast E0 = mc2        h, e, k          paradoxes, medicine
geology (vol. I).           limits    motion (vol. II).    limit               and high-tech business
                             uniform                    tiny                   (vol. IV and vol. V).
                                 motion             motion

                             Galilean physics, heat and electricity
                             The world of everyday motion: human scale, slow and weak.
                             Adventures: sport, music, sailing, cooking, describing
                             beauty and understanding its origin (vol. I);
                             using electricity, light and computers,
                             understanding the brain and people (vol. III).

F I G U R E 1 A complete map of physics, the science of motion, as first proposed by Matvei Bronshtein
(b. 1907 Vinnytsia, d. 1938 Leningrad). The Bronshtein cube starts at the bottom with everyday motion,
and shows the connections to the fields of modern physics. Each connection increases the precision of
the description and is due to a limit to motion that is taken into account. The limits are given for
uniform motion by the gravitational constant G, for fast motion by the speed of light c, and for tiny
motion by the Planck constant h, the elementary charge e and the Boltzmann constant k.
preface                                                                                    9

Using this b o ok
Marginal notes refer to bibliographic references, to other pages or to challenge solutions.
In the colour edition, marginal notes, pointers to footnotes and links to websites are
typeset in green. Over time, links on the internet tend to disappear. Most links can be
recovered via, which keeps a copy of old internet pages. In the free
pdf edition of this book, available at, all green pointers and
links are clickable. The pdf edition also contains all films; they can be watched directly
in Adobe Reader.
   Solutions and hints for challenges are given in the appendix. Challenges are classified
as easy (e), standard student level (s), difficult (d) and research level (r). Challenges for
which no solution has yet been included in the book are marked (ny).

Advice for learners
Learning allows us to discover what kind of person we can be. Learning widens know-

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
ledge, improves intelligence and provides a sense of achievement. Therefore, learning
from a book, especially one about nature, should be efficient and enjoyable. Avoid bad
learning methods like the plague! Do not use a marker, a pen or a pencil to highlight or
underline text on paper. It is a waste of time, provides false comfort and makes the text
unreadable. And do not learn from a screen. In particular, never, ever, learn from the in-
ternet, from videos, from games or from a smartphone. Most of the internet, almost all
videos and all games are poisons and drugs for the brain. Smartphones are dispensers of
drugs that make people addicted and prevent learning. Nobody putting marks on paper
or looking at a screen is learning efficiently or is enjoying doing so.

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
   In my experience as a pupil and teacher, one learning method never failed to trans-
form unsuccessful pupils into successful ones: if you read a text for study, summarize
every section you read, in your own words and images, aloud. If you are unable to do
so, read the section again. Repeat this until you can clearly summarize what you read in
your own words and images, aloud. And enjoy the telling aloud! You can do this alone
or with friends, in a room or while walking. If you do this with everything you read, you
will reduce your learning and reading time significantly; you will enjoy learning from
good texts much more and hate bad texts much less. Masters of the method can use it
even while listening to a lecture, in a low voice, thus avoiding to ever take notes.

Advice for teachers
A teacher likes pupils and likes to lead them into exploring the field he or she chose. His
or her enthusiasm is the key to job satisfaction. If you are a teacher, before the start of a
lesson, picture, feel and tell yourself how you enjoy the topic of the lesson; then picture,
feel and tell yourself how you will lead each of your pupils into enjoying that topic as
much as you do. Do this exercise consciously, every day. You will minimize trouble in
your class and maximize your teaching success.
   This book is not written with exams in mind; it is written to make teachers and stu-
dents understand and enjoy physics, the science of motion.
                10                                                                                preface

                The latest pdf edition of this text is and will remain free to download from the internet.
                I would be delighted to receive an email from you at, especially
                on the following issues:
Challenge 1 s   — What was unclear and should be improved?
                — What story, topic, riddle, picture or film did you miss?
                Also help on the specific points listed on the web
                page is welcome. All feedback will be used to improve the next edition. You are welcome
                to send feedback by mail or by sending in a pdf with added yellow notes, to provide
                illustrations or photographs, or to contribute to the errata wiki on the website. If you
                would like to translate a chapter of the book in your language, please let me know.
                    On behalf of all readers, thank you in advance for your input. For a particularly useful
                contribution you will be mentioned – if you want – in the acknowledgements, receive a

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                reward, or both.

                Your donation to the charitable, tax-exempt non-profit organisation that produces, trans-
                lates and publishes this book series is welcome. For details, see the web page www.
       The German tax office checks the proper use of
                your donation. If you want, your name will be included in the sponsor list. Thank you in
                advance for your help, on behalf of all readers across the world.
                   The paper edition of this book is available, either in colour or in black and white,

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                from, in English and in certain other languages. And now, enjoy the

7     Preface
           Using this book 9 • Advice for learners 9 • Advice for teachers 9 • Feedback 10 •
           Support 10
11    Contents
15    1   Motion for enjoying life

                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
15        From quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization
             Reproduction 18 • Quantum machines 19 • How do we move? – Molecular mo-
             tors 21 • Linear molecular motors 23 • A rotational molecular motor: ATP syn-
             thase 25 • Rotational motors and parity breaking 27 • Curiosities and fun chal-
             lenges about biology 29
37        The physics of pleasure
             The nerves and the brain 41 • Living clocks 42       • When do clocks exist? 44
              • The precision of clocks 45 • Why are predictions so difficult, especially of the
             future? 46 • Decay and the golden rule 47 • The present in quantum theory 48
              • Why can we observe motion? 49 • Rest and the quantum Zeno effect 50 • Con-

                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             sciousness – a result of the quantum of action 51 • Why can we observe motion?
             – Again 51 • Curiosities and fun challenges about quantum experience 52 • Sum-
             mary on biology and pleasure 57
58    2   Changing the world with quantum effects
58        Chemistry – from atoms to DNA
            Atomic bonds 59 • Ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid 62 • Curiosities
            and fun challenges about chemistry 63
67        Materials science
            Why does the floor not fall? 67 • Rocks and stones 69 • Crystal formation 72 •
            Some interesting crystals 75 • How can we look through matter? 83 • What is ne-
            cessary to make matter invisible? 85 • What moves inside matter? 86 • Curiosities
            and fun challenges about materials science 87
100       Quantum technology
            Transistors 100 • Motion without friction – superconductivity and superfluid-
            ity 103 • The fractional quantum Hall effect 107 • How does matter behave at
            the lowest temperatures? 108 • Lasers and other spin-one vector boson launch-
            ers 108 • From lamps to lasers 113 • The three lightbulb scams 114 • Applications
            of lasers 115 • Challenges, dreams and curiosities about quantum technology 116 •
            Summary on changing the world with quantum effects 120
122   3   Quantum electrodynamics – the origin of virtual reality
            Ships, mirrors and the Casimir effect 122 • The Lamb shift 125 • The QED Lag-
            rangian and its symmetries 126 • Interactions and virtual particles 127 • Va-
12                                                                                contents

            cuum energy: infinite or zero? 128 • Moving mirrors 128 • Photons hitting
            photons 130 • Is the vacuum a bath? 131 • Renormalization – why is an electron
            so light? 131 • Curiosities and fun challenges of quantum electrodynamics 132 •
            How can one move on perfect ice? – The ultimate physics test 134 • A summary
            of quantum electrodynamics 135 • Open questions in QED 137
140   4   Quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps
            Falling atoms 140 • Playing table tennis with neutrons 140 • The gravitational
            phase of wave functions 142 • The gravitational Bohr atom 143 • Curiosities
            about quantum theory and gravity 143 • Gravitation and limits to disorder 145
             • Measuring acceleration with a thermometer: Fulling–Davies–Unruh radi-
            ation 146 • Black holes aren’t black 147 • The lifetime of black holes 150 • Black
            holes are all over the place 151 • Fascinating gamma-ray bursts 151 • Material
            properties of black holes 154 • How do black holes evaporate? 155 • The inform-
            ation paradox of black holes 155 • More paradoxes 156 • Quantum mechanics of
            gravitation 157 • Do gravitons exist? 157 • Space-time foam 158 • Decoherence
            of space-time 159 • Quantum theory as the enemy of science fiction 159 • No

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            vacuum means no particles 160 • Summary on quantum theory and gravity 161
162   5   The structure of the nucleus – the densest clouds
            A physical wonder – magnetic resonance imaging 162 • The size of nuclei and
            the discovery of radioactivity 164 • Nuclei are composed 169 • Nuclei can move
            alone – cosmic rays 172 • Nuclei decay – more on radioactivity 180 • Radiometric
            dating 182 • Why is hell hot? 184 • Nuclei can form composites 185 • Nuclei have
            colours and shapes 186 • The four types of motion in the nuclear domain 187 •
            Nuclei react 188 • Bombs and nuclear reactors 191 • Curiosities and challenges
            on nuclei and radioactivity 192 • Summary on nuclei 199

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
200   6   The sun, the stars and the birth of matter
            The Sun 200 • Motion in and on the Sun 203 • Why do the stars shine? 208 • Why
            are fusion reactors not common yet? 211 • Where do our atoms come from? 213
             • Curiosities about the Sun and the stars 216 • Summary on stars and nucleosyn-
            thesis 218
219   7   The strong interaction – inside nuclei and nucleons
            The feeble side of the strong interaction 219 • Bound motion, the particle zoo
            and the quark model 220 • The essence of quantum chromodynamics 223 • The
            Lagrangian of quantum chromodynamics 225 • Experimental consequences of the
            quark model 227 • Confinement of quarks – and elephants 229 • Asymptotic free-
            dom 231 • The sizes and masses of quarks 233 • The mass, shape and colour of
            protons 234 • Curiosities about the strong interaction 235 • A summary of QCD
            and its open issues 238
240   8   The weak nuclear interaction and the handedness of nature
            Transformation of elementary particles 240 • The weakness of the weak nuclear in-
            teraction 241 • Distinguishing left from right 245 • Distinguishing particles and
            antiparticles, CP violation 248 • Weak charge and mixings 250 • Symmetry break-
            ing – and the lack of electroweak unification 252 • The Lagrangian of the weak and
            electromagnetic interactions 253 • Curiosities about the weak interaction 255 •
            A summary of the weak interaction 259
261   9   The standard model of particle physics – as seen on television
            Summary and open questions 265
contents                                                                                  13

268   10 Dreams of unification
           Grand unification 268 • Comparing predictions and data 269 • The state of
           grand unification 270 • Searching for higher symmetries 271 • Supersym-
           metry 271 • Other attempts 273 • Dualities – the most incredible symmetries
           of nature 273 • Collective aspects of quantum field theory 274 • Curiosities about
           unification 275 • A summary on unification, mathematics and higher symmet-
           ries 276
278   11 Bacteria, flies and knots
           Bumblebees and other miniature flying systems 278 • Swimming 282 • Rotation,
           falling cats and the theory of shape change 287 • Swimming in curved space 291 •
           Turning a sphere inside out 292 • Clouds 293 • Vortices and the Schrödinger
           equation 294 • Fluid space-time 298 • Dislocations and solid space-time 298 •
           Polymers 300 • Knots and links 302 • The hardest open problems that you can
           tell your grandmother 304 • Curiosities and fun challenges on knots and wobbly
           entities 305 • Summary on wobbly objects 309

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
311   12 Quantum physics in a nutshell – again
           Quantum field theory in a few sentences 311 • Achievements in precision 314 •
           What is unexplained by quantum theory and general relativity? 316 • The physics
           cube 318 • The intense emotions due to quantum field theory and general relativ-
           ity 320 • What awaits us? 323
325   a Units, measurements and constants
          SI units 325 • The meaning of measurement 328 • Planck’s natural units 328 •
          Other unit systems 330 • Curiosities and fun challenges about units 331 • Preci-
          sion and accuracy of measurements 332 • Limits to precision 333 • Physical con-
          stants 334 • Useful numbers 341

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
342   b Composite particle properties
358   c Algebras, shapes and groups
358     Algebras
          Lie algebras 361 • Classification of Lie algebras 362
363     Topology – what shapes exist?
          Topological spaces 364 • Manifolds 365 • Holes, homotopy and homology 367
368     Types and classification of groups
          Lie groups 369 • Connectedness 370 • Compactness 370
375     Mathematical curiosities and fun challenges
377   Challenge hints and solutions
386   Bibliography
412   Credits
          Acknowledgements 412 • Film credits 413 • Image credits 413
417   Subject index

Motion Inside Matter –
Pleasure, Technology and Stars

In our quest to understand how things move
as a result of a smallest change value in nature, we discover
how pleasure appears,
why the floor does not fall but keeps on carrying us,
that interactions are exchanges of radiation particles,
that matter is not permanent,
how quantum effects increase human wealth and health,
why empty space pulls mirrors together,
why the stars shine,
where the atoms inside us come from,
how quantum particles make up the world,
and why swimming and flying is not so easy.
                   Chapter 1

                   MOT ION F OR E N JOY I NG L I F E

                                                                  “                                                   ”
                                                                       Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto.**

                         ince we have explored quantum effects in the previous volume, let us now have

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                         ome serious fun with applied quantum physics. The quantum of action ℏ has
                         ignificant consequences for medicine, biology, chemistry, materials science, engin-
                   eering and the light emitted by stars. Also art, the colours and materials it uses, and the
                   creative process in the artist, are based on the quantum of action. From a physics stand-
                   point, all these domains study motion inside matter.
                       Inside matter, we observe, above all, tiny motions of quantum particles.*** Therefore
                   the understanding and the precise description of matter requires quantum physics. In the
                   following, we will only explore a cross-section, but it will be worth it. We start our ex-
                   ploration of motion inside matter with three special forms that are of special importance
Vol. IV, page 15   to us: life, reproduction and death. We mentioned at the start of quantum physics that

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   none of these forms of motion can be described by classical physics. Indeed, life, repro-
                   duction and death are quantum effects. In addition, every perception, every sense, and
                   thus every kind of pleasure is a quantum effect. The same is true for all our actions. Let
                   us find out why.

                   from quantum physics to biol o gical machines and
                   We know that all of quantum theory can be resumed in one sentence:

                          ⊳ In nature, action or change below ℏ = 1.1 ⋅ 10−34 Js is not observed.

                   In the following, we want to understand how this observation explains life, pleasure and
                   death. An important consequence of the quantum of action is well-known.

                          ⊳ If it moves, it is made of quantons, or quantum particles.

                   ** ‘I am a man and nothing human is alien to me.’ Terence is Publius Terentius Afer (b. c. 190 Carthago,
                   d. 159 bce Greece), the important roman poet. He writes this in his play Heauton Timorumenos, verse 77.
                   *** The photograph on page 14 shows a soap bubble, the motion of the fluid in it, and the interference
                   colours; it was taken and is copyright by Jason Tozer for Creative Review/Sony.
16                                                                 1 motion for enjoying life

Starting size: the dot on the letter i – final size:

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 2 Metabolic growth can lead from single cells, about 0.1 mm in diameter, to living beings of
25 m in size, such as the baobab or the blue whale (© Ferdinand Reus, NOAA).
                     from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                         17

                     Step by step we will discover how these statements are reflected in the behaviour of living
                     beings. But what are living beings?
                        Living beings are physical systems that show metabolism, information processing,
                     information exchange, reproduction and motion. All these properties can be condensed
                     in a single statement:

                           ⊳ A living being is a collection of machines that is able to self-reproduce.

                     By self -reproduction, we mean that a system uses its own metabolism to reproduce.
                     There are examples of objects which reproduce and which nobody would call living. Can
   Challenge 2 s     you find some examples? To avoid misunderstandings, whenever we say ‘reproduction’
                     in the following, we always mean ‘self-reproduction’.
                         Before we explore the definition of living beings in more detail, we stress that self-
                     reproduction is simplified if the system is miniaturized. Therefore, most living beings
                     are extremely small machines for the tasks they perform. This is especially clear when

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     living beings are compared to human-made machines. The smallness of living beings is
                     often astonishing, because the design and construction of human-made machines has
                     considerably fewer requirements.
                     1. Human-made machines do not need to be able to reproduce; as a result, they can be
                        made of many parts and can include rotating macroscopic parts. This is in contrast
                        to living beings, who are all made of a single piece of matter, and cannot use wheels,
                        propellers, gearwheels or even screws.
                     2. Human made machines can make use of metals, ceramics, poisonous compounds
                        and many other materials that living beings cannot use.

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     3. Human machines do not need to self-assemble and grow; in contrast, living beings
                        always need to carry a built-in chemical factory with them.
                     4. Human machines can be assembled and can operate at various temperatures, in
                        strong contrast to living beings.
                     Despite these extreme engineering restrictions, living beings hold many miniaturization
                     world records for machines:
                     — The brain has the highest processing power per volume of any calculating device so
                       far. Just look at the size of chess champion Gary Kasparov and the size of the computer
                       against which he played and lost. Or look at the size of any computer that attempts
                       to speak.
                     — The brain has the densest and fastest memory of any device so far. The set of com-
                       pact discs (CDs) or digital versatile discs (DVDs) that compare with the brain is many
Vol. III, page 268     thousand times larger in volume.
                     — Motors in living beings are several orders of magnitude smaller than human-built
                       ones. Just think about the muscles in the legs of an ant.
                     — The motion of living beings beats the acceleration of any human-built machine by
                       orders of magnitude. No machine achieves the movement changes of a grasshopper,
                       a fly or a tadpole.
                     — Living beings that fly, swim or crawl – such as fruit flies, plankton or amoebas – are
                       still thousands of times smaller than anything comparable that is built by humans.
                    18                                                              1 motion for enjoying life

                      In particular, already the navigation systems built by nature are far smaller than any-
                      thing built by human technology.
                    — Living being’s sensor performance, such as that of the eye or the ear, has been sur-
                      passed by human machines only recently. For the nose, this feat is still far in the fu-
                      ture. Nevertheless, the sensor sizes developed by evolution – think also about the ears
                      or eyes of a common fly – are still unbeaten.
   Challenge 3 s    — Can you spot more examples?
                    The superior miniaturization of living beings – compared to human-built machines –
                    is due to their continuous strife for efficient construction. The efficiency has three main
                    aspects. First of all, in the structure of living beings, everything is connected to everything.
                    Each part influences many others. Indeed, the four basic processes in life, namely meta-
                    bolic, mechanical, hormonal and electric, are intertwined in space and time. For ex-
                    ample, in humans, breathing helps digestion; head movements pump liquid through the
                    spine; a single hormone influences many chemical processes. Secondly, all parts in living
                    systems have more than one function. For example, bones provide structure and produce

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
  Challenge 4 e
                    blood; fingernails are tools and shed chemical waste. Living systems use many such op-
  Challenge 5 e     timizations. Last but not least, living machines are well miniaturized because they make
                    efficient use of quantum effects. Indeed, every single function in living beings relies on
                    the quantum of action. And every such function is extremely well miniaturized. We ex-
                    plore a few important cases.

                    R eproduction

                                                                 “                                                         ”
                                                                     Finding a mate is life’s biggest prize.
                                                                                                 The view of biologists.

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    All the astonishing complexity of life is geared towards reproduction. Reproduction, more
                    precisely, self-reproduction, is the ability of an object to build other objects similar to itself.
Vol. IV, page 122   Quantum theory told us that it is only possible to build a similar object, since an exact
                    copy would contradict the quantum of action. But this limitation is not a disadvantage:
                    an imperfect copy is required for life; indeed, a similar, thus imperfect copy is essential
                    for biological evolution, and thus for change and specialization.
                       Reproduction is characterized by random changes, called mutations, that distinguish
                    one generation from the next. The statistics of mutations, for example Mendel’s ‘laws’ of
                    heredity, and the lack of intermediate states, are direct consequences of quantum theory.
                    In other words, reproduction and heredity are quantum effects.
                       Reproduction requires growth, and growth needs metabolism. Metabolism is a chem-
                    ical process, and thus a quantum process, to harness energy, harness materials, realize
        Page 58     growth, heal injuries and realize reproduction.
                       Since reproduction requires an increase in mass, as shown in Figure 2, all reproducing
                    objects show both metabolism and growth. In order that growth can lead to an object
                    similar to the original, a construction plan is necessary. This plan must be similar to the
                    plan used by the previous generation. Organizing growth with a construction plan is only
                    possible if nature is made of smallest entities which can be assembled following that plan.
                       We thus deduce that reproduction and growth implies that matter is made of smallest
                    entities. If matter were not made of smallest entities, there would be no way to realize
                   from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                         19

                                                                              F I G U R E 3 A quantum machine (© Elmar

                   reproduction. The observation of reproduction thus implies the existence of atoms and

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   the necessity of quantum theory! Indeed, without the quantum of action there would be
                   no DNA molecules and there would be no way to inherit our own properties – our own
                   construction plan – to children.
                       Passing on a plan from generation to generation requires that living beings have ways
                   to store information. Living beings must have some built-in memory storage. We know
Vol. I, page 404   already that a system with memory must be made of many particles: there is no other
                   way to store information and secure its stability over time. The large number of particles
                   is necessary to protect the information from the influences of the outside world.
                       Our own construction plan is stored in DNA molecules in the nucleus and the mi-

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   tochondria of each of the millions of cells inside our body. We will explore some details
       Page 62     below. The plan is thus indeed stored and secured with the help of many particles. There-
                   fore, reproduction is first of all a transfer of parent’s DNA to the next generation. The
                   transfer is an example of motion. It turns out that this and all other examples of motion
                   in our bodies occur in the same way, namely with the help of molecular machines.

                   Q uantum machines
                   Living beings move. In order to reproduce, living beings must be able to move in self-
                   directed ways.

                      ⊳ A system able to perform self-directed motion is called a machine.

                   All self-reproducing beings, such as the one of Figure 3, are thus machines. Even ma-
                   chines that do not grow still need fuel, and thus need a metabolism. All machines, living
                   or not, are based on quantum effects.
                      How do living machines work? From a fundamental physics point of view, we need
                   only a few sections of our walk so far to describe them: we need QED and sometimes
                   universal gravity. Simply stated, life is an electromagnetic process taking place in weak
                   gravity.* But the details of this statement are tricky and interesting.

                   * In fact, also the nuclear interactions play some role for life: cosmic radiation is one source for random
20                                                                 1 motion for enjoying life

TA B L E 1 Motion and molecular machines found in living beings.

Motion type Examples                                               I n vo lv e d m o t o r s

Growth               collective molecular processes in             linear molecular motors, ion
                     cell growth, cell shape change, cell          pumps
                     gene turn-on and turn-off                     linear molecular motors
                     ageing                                        linear molecular motors
Construction         material transport                            muscles, linear molecular motors
                     (polysaccharides, lipids, proteins,
                     nucleic acids, others)
                     forces and interactions between               pumps in cell membranes
                     biomolecules and cells
Functioning          metabolism (respiration,                      muscles, ATP synthase, ion pumps

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     muscle working                                linear molecular motors, ion
                     thermodynamics of whole living                muscles
                     system and of its parts
                     nerve signalling                              ion motion, ion pumps
                     brain working, thinking                       ion motion, ion pumps
                     memory: long-term potentiation                chemical pumps
                     memory: synapse growth                        linear molecular motors

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     hormone production                            chemical pumps
                     illnesses                                     cell motility, chemical pumps
                     viral infection of a cell                     rotational molecular motors for
                                                                   RNA transport

Defence              the immune system                             cell motility, linear molecular
                     blood clotting                                chemical pumps
                     bronchial cleaning                            cilial motors
Sensing              eye                                           chemical pumps, ion pumps
                     ear                                           hair motion sensors, ion pumps,
                                                                   rotary molecular motors
                     smell                                         ion pumps
                     touch                                         ion pumps
Reproduction         information storage and retrieval             linear and rotational molecular
                                                                   motors inside nuclei
                     cell division, organelle motion               linear molecular motors,
                     sperm motion                                  linear molecular motors
                     courting, using brain and muscles             linear molecular motors, ion
         from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                               21

            We can say that living beings are systems that move against their environment faster
Ref. 2   than molecules do. Observation shows that living systems move faster the bigger they
         are. Observation also shows that living beings achieve this speed by making use of a
         huge number of tiny machines, often made of one or only a few molecules, that work
         together. These machines realize the numerous processes that are part of life.
            An overview of processes taking place in living beings is given in Table 1. Above all,
         the table shows that the processes are due to molecular machines.

             ⊳ A living being is a collection of a huge number of specialized molecular ma-

         Molecular machines are among the most fascinating devices found in nature. Table 1 also
         shows that nature only needs a few such devices to realize all the motion types used by
         humans and by all other living beings: molecular pumps and molecular motors. Given

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         the long time that living systems have been around, these devices are extremely efficient.
         They are found in every cell, including those of Figure 5. The specialized molecular ma-
         chines in living beings are ion pumps, chemical pumps and rotational and linear mo-
         lecular motors. Ion and chemical pumps are found in membranes and transport matter
Ref. 3   across membranes. Rotational and linear motors move structures against membranes.
         Even though there is still a lot to be learned about molecular machines, the little that is
         known is already spectacular enough.

         How d o we move? – Molecular motors

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         How do our muscles work? What is the underlying motor? One of the beautiful results
         of modern biology is the elucidation of this issue.

             ⊳ Muscles work because they contain molecules which change shape when
               supplied with energy.

         This shape change is repeatable. A clever combination and repetition of these molecular
         shape changes is then used to generate macroscopic motion.

             ⊳ Each shape-changing molecule is a molecular motor.

         There are three basic classes of molecular motors in nature: linear motors, rotational
         motors and pumps.
         mutations, which are so important in evolution. Plant growers often use radioactive sources to increase
Ref. 1   mutation rates. Radioactivity can also terminate life or be of use in medicine.
             The nuclear interactions are also implicitly involved in life in several other ways. The nuclear interactions
         were necessary to form the atoms – carbon, oxygen, etc. – required for life. Nuclear interactions are behind
         the main mechanism for the burning of the Sun, which provides the energy for plants, for humans and for
         all other living beings (except a few bacteria in inaccessible places).
             Summing up, the nuclear interactions occasionally play a role in the appearance and in the destruction
         of life; but they usually play no role for the actions or functioning of particular living beings.
                  22                                                                 1 motion for enjoying life

                  F I G U R E 4 Left: myosin and actin are the two protein molecules that realize the most important linear
                  molecular motor in living beings, including the motion in muscles. Right: the resulting motion step is

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  5.5 nm long; it has been slowed down by about a factor of ten (image and QuickTime film © San Diego
                  State University, Jeff Sale and Roger Sabbadini).

                     1. Linear molecular motors are at the basis of muscle motion; an example is given in
                  Figure 4. Other linear motors separate genes during cell division. Linear motors also
                  move organelles inside cells and displace cells through the body during embryo growth,
                  when wounds heal, and in all other cases of cell motility. Also assembler molecules, for
                  example those that replicate DNA, can be seen as linear motors.
                     A typical molecular motor consumes around 100 to 1000 ATP molecules per second,

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  thus about 10 to 100 aW. The numbers are small; there are more astonishing if we take
Challenge 6 s     into account that the power due to the white noise of the surrounding water is 10 nW. In
                  other words, in every molecular motor, the power of the environmental noise is eight to
                  nine orders of magnitude higher than the power consumed by the motor! The ratio shows
                  what a fantastic piece of machinery such a molecular motor is. At our scale, this would
                  correspond to a car that drives, all the time, through an ongoing storm and earthquake.
Vol. I, page 92      2. We encountered rotational motors already earlier on; nature uses them to rotate
         Ref. 4   the cilia of many bacteria as well as sperm tails. Researchers have also discovered that
                  evolution produced molecular motors which turn around DNA helices like a motorized
                  bolt would turn around a screw. Such motors are attached at the end of some viruses and
                  insert the DNA into virus bodies when they are being built by infected cells, or extract
         Ref. 5   the DNA from the virus after it has infected a cell. The most important rotational motor,
      Page 25     and the smallest known so far – 10 nm across and 8 nm high – is ATP synthase, a protein
                  that synthesizes most ATP in cells.
                     3. Molecular pumps are equally essential to life. They pump chemicals, such as ions
                  or specific molecules, into every cell or out of it, using energy. They do so even if the
                  concentration gradient tries to do the opposite. Molecular pumps are thus essential in
                  ensuring that life is a process far from equilibrium. Malfunctioning molecular pumps are
                  responsible for many health problems, for example for the water loss in cholera infection.
                  In the following, we explore a few specific molecular motors found in cells. How mo-
         Ref. 6   lecules produce movement in linear motors was uncovered during the 1980s. The results
         from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                       23

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         F I G U R E 5 A sea urchin egg surrounded by sperm, or molecular motors in action: molecular motors
         make sperm move, make fecundation happen, and make cell division occur (photo by Kristina Yu,
         © Exploratorium

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         started a wave of research on all other molecular motors found in nature. The research
         showed that molecular motors differ from most everyday motors: molecular motors do
         not involve temperature gradients, as car engines do, they do not involve electrical cur-
         rents, as electrical motors do, and they do not rely on concentration gradients, as chem-
         ically induced motion, such as the rising of a cake, does.

         Linear molecular motors
         The central element of the most important linear molecular motor is a combination of
         two protein molecules, namely myosin and actin. Myosin changes between two shapes
         and literally walks along actin. It moves in regular small steps, as shown in Figure 4. The
         motion step size has been measured, with the help of some beautiful experiments, to al-
Ref. 6   ways be an integer multiple of 5.5 nm. A step, usually forward, but sometimes backwards,
         results whenever an ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecule, the standard biological fuel,
         hydrolyses to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and releases the energy contained in the
         chemical bond. The force generated is about 3 to 4 pN; the steps can be repeated several
         times a second. Muscle motion is the result of thousand of millions of such elementary
         steps taking place in concert.
            Why does this molecular motor work? The molecular motor is so small that the noise
         due to the Brownian motion of the molecules of the liquid around it is extremely intense.
         Indeed, the transformation of disordered molecular motion into ordered macroscopic
                24                                                                    1 motion for enjoying life

                                                                     Fixed position

                     U(t 1 )

                     U(t 2 )
                                                                   Brownian motion
                                                                     can take place

                     U(t 3 )

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                            Most probable next fixed position
                                                                    if particle moved

                F I G U R E 6 Two types of Brownian motors: switching potential (left) and tilting potential (right).

                motion is one of the great wonders of nature.
                   Evolution is smart: with three tricks it takes advantage of Brownian motion and trans-
                forms it into macroscopic motion. (Molecular motors are therefore also called Brownian
                motors.) The first trick of evolution is the use of an asymmetric, but periodic potential, a

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                so-called ratchet.* The second trick of evolution is a temporal variation of the potential
                of the ratchet, together with an energy input to make it happen. The two most import-
       Ref. 7   ant realizations are shown in Figure 6. Molecular motors thus work away from thermal
                equilibrium. The third trick is to take a large number of these molecular motors and to
                add their effects.
                   The periodic potential variation in a molecular motor ensures that for a short, recur-
                ring time interval the free Brownian motion of the moving molecule – typically 1 μm/s
                – affects its position. Subsequently, the molecule is fixed again. In most of the short time
                intervals of free Brownian motion, the position will not change. But if the position does
                change, the intrinsic asymmetry of the ratchet shape ensures that with high probability
                the molecule advances in the preferred direction. (The animation of Figure 4 lacks this
                irregularity.) Then the molecule is fixed again, waiting for the next potential change. On
                average, the myosin molecule will thus move in one direction. Nowadays the motion
                of single molecules can be followed in special experimental set-ups. These experiments
                confirm that muscles use such a ratchet mechanism. The ATP molecule adds energy to
                the system and triggers the potential variation through the shape change it induces in
                the myosin molecule. Nature then takes millions of these ratchets together: that is how
                our muscles work.
                   Engineering and evolution took different choices. A moped contains one motor. An
Challenge 7 e   expensive car contains about 100 motors. A human contains at least 1016 motors.

                * It was named after Ratchet Gearloose, the famous inventor from Duckburg.
                   from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                          25

                                                       F I G U R E 7 A classical ratchet, here of the piezoelectric kind,
                                                       moves like a linear molecular motor (© PiezoMotor).

                      Another well-studied linear molecular motor is the kinesin–microtubule system that
                   carries organelles from one place to the other within a cell. Like in the previous example,
                   also in this case chemical energy is converted into unidirectional motion. Researchers
                   were able to attach small silica beads to single molecules and to follow their motion.
                   Using laser beams, they could even apply forces to these single molecules. Kinesin was
                   found to move with around 800 nm/s, in steps lengths which are multiples of 8 nm, using

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   one ATP molecule at a time, and exerting a force of about 6 pN.
                      Quantum ratchet motors do not exist only in living systems; they also exist as human-
                   built systems. Examples are electrical ratchets that move single electrons and optical
                   ratchets that drive small particles. These applications are pursued in various experi-
                   mental research programmes.
                      Also classical ratchets exist. One example is found in every mechanical clock; also
                   many ballpoint pens contain one. Another example of ratchet with asymmetric of mech-
                   anical steps uses the Leidenfrost effect to rapidly move liquid droplets, as shown in the
Vol. I, page 377   video A further example is shown in Fig-

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   ure 7; indeed, many piezoelectric actuators work as ratchets and the internet is full of
                   videos that show how they work. Piezoelectric ratchets, also called ultrasound motors,
                   are found in precision stages for probe motion and inside certain automatic zoom ob-
                   jectives in expensive photographic cameras. Also many atomic force microscopes and
                   scanning electron microscopes use ratchet actuators.
                      Molecular motors are essential for the growth and the working of nerves and the
          Ref. 8   brain. A nerve contains large numbers of dozens of molecular motors types from all three
                   main families: dynein, myosin and kinesin. These motors transport chemicals, called
                   ‘cargos’, along axons and all have loading and unloading mechanisms at their ends. They
                   are necessary to realize the growth of nerves, for example from the spine to the tip of
                   the toes. Other motors control the growth of synapses, and thus ensure that we have
                   long-term memory. Malfunctioning molecular motors are responsible for Alzheimer dis-
                   ease, Huntington disease, multiple sclerosis, certain cancers and many other diseases due
                   either to genetic defects or to environmental poisons.
                      In short, without molecular motors, we could neither move nor think.

                   A rotational molecular motor: ATP synthase
                   In cells, the usual fuel for most chemical reactions is adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
                   In plants, most ATP is produced on the membranes of cell organelles called chloroplasts,
                   and in animal cells, in the so-called mitochondria. These are the power plants in most
                   cells. ATP also powers most bacteria. It turns out that ATP is synthesized by a protein
         26                                                               1 motion for enjoying life

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         F I G U R E 8 The structure of ATP synthase (© Joachim Weber).

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         located in membranes. The protein is itself powered by protons, H+ , which form the
         basic fuel of the human body, whereas ATP is the high-level fuel. For example, most other
         molecular motors are powered by ATP. ATP releases its energy by being changed into
         to adenosine diphosphate, or ADP. The importance of ATP is simple to illustrate: every
         human synthesizes, during a typical day, an amount of ATP that is roughly equal to his
         or her body mass.
            The protein that synthesizes ATP is simply called ATP synthase. In fact, ATP synthase
         differs slightly from organism to organism; however, the differences are so small that
         they can be neglected in most cases. (An important variation are those pumps where
         Na+ ions replace protons.) Even though ATP synthase is a highly complex protein, its
         function it easy to describe: it works like a paddle wheel that is powered by a proton
Ref. 9   gradient across the membrane. Figure 8 gives an illustration of the structure and the
         process. The research that led to these discoveries was rewarded with the 1997 Nobel
         Prize in Chemistry.
            In fact, ATP synthase also works in the reverse: if there is a large ATP gradient, it pumps
         protons out of the cell. In short, ATP synthase is a rotational motor and molecular pump at
         the same time. It resembles the electric starter motor, powered by the battery, found in the
         older cars; in those cars, during driving, the electric motor worked as a dynamo charging
         the battery. (The internet also contains animations of the rotation of ATP synthase.) ATP
from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                            27

 A                                                                B                       C

                                                                  D                     E

 F             A                G                             H

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     R                  L                                     I


F I G U R E 9 A: The asymmetric arrangement of internal organs in the human body: Normal arrangement,

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
situs solitus, as common in most humans, and the mirrored arrangement, situs inversus. Images B to E
are scanning electron micrographs of mouse embryos. B: Healthy embryos at this stage already show a
right-sided tail. C: In contrast, mutant embryos with defective cilial motors remain unturned, and the
heart loop is inverted, as shown by the arrow. D: Higher-magnification images and schematic
representations of a normal heart loop. E: Similar image showing an inverted loop in a mutant embryo.
Images F to I are scanning electron micrographs of a mouse node. F: A low-magnification view of a 7.5
day-old mouse embryo observed from the ventral side, with the black rectangle indicating the node.
The orientation is indicated with the letters A for anterior, P for posterior, L for left and R for right; the
scale bar is 100 μm. G: A higher-magnification image of the mouse node; the scale bar is 20 μm. H: A
still higher-magnification view of healthy nodal cilia, indicated by arrows, and of the nodal pit cells; the
scale bar is 5 μm. I: The nodal pit cells of mutant embryos lacking cilia. J: Illustration of the molecular
transport inside a healthy flagellum (© Hirokawa Nobutaka).

synthase has been studied in great detail. For example, it is known that it produces three
ATP molecules per rotation, that it produces a torque of around 20𝑘𝑇/2π, where 𝑘𝑇 is
the kinetic energy of a molecule at temperature 𝑇. There are at least 1016 such motors in
an adult body. The ATP synthase paddle wheel is one of the central building blocks of life.

Rotational motors and parit y breaking
Why is our heart on the left side and our liver on the right side? The answer of this old
question is known only since a few years. The left-right asymmetry, or chirality, of human
bodies must be connected to the chirality of the molecules that make up life. In all living
          28                                                                 1 motion for enjoying life

          A                 0    B                                     C

               R        L




                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Nodal flow           Microvillum



                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          R                                                                                                       L

          F I G U R E 10 A: Optical microscope images of flowing nodal vesicular parcels (NVPs). L and R indicate the
          orientation. The NVPs, indicated by arrowheads, are transported to the left side by the nodal flow. The
          scale bar is 10 μm. B: A scanning electron micrograph of the ventral surface of nodal pit cells. The red
          arrowheads indicate NVP precursors. The scale bar is 2 μm. C and D: Transmission electron micrographs
          of nodal pit cells. The scale bar is 1 μm. E: A schematic illustration of NVP flow induced by the cilia. The
          NVPs are released from dynamic microvilli, are transported to the left side by the nodal flow due to the
          cilia, and finally are fragmented with the aid of cilia at the left periphery of the node. The green halos
          indicate high calcium concentration – a sign of cell activation that subsequently starts organ formation
          (© Hirokawa Nobutaka).

          beings, sugars, proteins and DNS/DNA are chiral molecules, and in all living beings, only
          one of the two molecular mirror types is actually used. But how does nature translate the
          chirality of molecules into the chirality of a body? The answer was deduced only recently
          by Hirokawa Nobutaka and his team; and surprisingly, rotational molecular motors are
Ref. 10   the key to the puzzle.
             The position of the internal organs is fixed during the early development of the em-
          bryo. At an early stage, a central part of the embryo, the so-called node, is covered with
          rotational cilia, i.e., rotating little hairs. They are shown in Figure 9. In fact, all verteb-
                    from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                                    29

                    rates have a node at some stage of embryo development. The nodal cilia are powered by
                    a molecular motor; they all rotate in the same (clockwise) direction about ten times per
                    second. The rotation direction is a consequence of the chirality of the molecules that are
                    contained in the motors. However, since the cilia are inclined with respect to the surface
                    – towards the tail end of the embryo – the rotating cilia effectively move the fluid above
                    the node towards the left body side of the embryo. The fluid of this newly discovered
                    nodal flow contains substances – nodal vesicular parcels – that accumulate on the left
                    side of the node and subsequently trigger processes that determine the position of the
                    heart. If the cilia do not rotate due to a genetic defect, or if the flow is reversed by external
                    means, the heart and other organs get misplaced. This connection also explains all the
                    other consequences of such genetic defects or interventions.
                       In other words, through the rotation of the cilia and the mentioned mechanism, the
                    chirality of molecules is mapped to the chirality of the whole vertebrate organism. It
                    might even be that similar processes occur also elsewhere in nature, for example in the
                    development of the brain asymmetry. This is still a field of intense research. In summary,

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    molecular motors are truly central to our well-being and life.

                    Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t biolo gy

                                                                      Una pelliccia è una pelle che ha cambiato

                                                                                        Girolamo Borgogelli Avveduti

                    With modern microscopic methods it is possible to film, in all three dimensions, the
                    evolution of the eye of a fruit fly until it walks away as a larva. Such a film allows to follow
                    every single cell that occurs during the 20 hours: the film shows how cells move around

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    during development and show every single cell division. Watch this amazing film, taken
                    at the EMBL in Heidelberg, at
                    Biological evolution can be summarized in three principles:
                    1. All living beings are different – also in a species.
                    2. All living beings have a tough life – due to competition.
                    3. Living beings with an advantage will survive and reproduce.
                    The last principle is often called the ‘survival of the fittest’. As a result of these three
                    principles, with each generation, species and living beings can change. The result of ac-
                    cumulated generational change is called biological evolution. In particular, these three
                    principles explain the change from unicellular to multicellular life, from fish to land an-
                    imals, and from animals to people.
                        Quantum effects are fundamental in all three principles of evolution. Of course, life
                    and metabolism are quantum effects. The differences mentioned in the first principle
Vol. IV, page 122   are due to quantum physics: perfect copies of macroscopic systems are impossible. The
                    second principle mentions competition; that is a kind of measurement, which, as we saw,
 Vol. IV, page 20   is only possible due to the existence of a quantum of action. The third principle mentions

                    * ‘A fur is a skin that has changed beast.’
                 30                                                         1 motion for enjoying life

                 reproduction: that is again a quantum effect, based on the copying of genes, which are
      Page 18    quantum structures. In short, biological evolution is a process due to the quantum of
Challenge 8 d    How would you determine which of two identical twins is the father of a baby?
                 Can you give at least five arguments to show that a human clone, if there will ever be one,
 Challenge 9 s   is a completely different person than the original?
                     It is well known that the first ever cloned cat, copycat, born in 2002, looked completely
                 different from the ‘original’ (in fact, its mother). The fur colour and its patch pattern were
                 completely different from that of the mother. Analogously, identical human twins have
                 different finger prints, iris scans, blood vessel networks and intrauterine experiences,
                 among others.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Many properties of a mammal are not determined by genes, but by the environment
                 of the pregnancy, in particular by the womb and the birth experience. Womb influences
                 include fur patches, skin fold shapes, but also character traits. The influence of the birth
                 experience on the character is well-known and has been studied by many psychologists.
                 Discuss the following argument: If nature were classical instead of quantum, there would
                 not be just two sexes – nor any other discrete number of them, as in some lower animals
                 – but there would be a continuous range of them. In a sense, there would be an infinite

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 10 s   number of sexes. True?
                 Here is a well-known unanswered question on evolution: how did the first kefir grains
                 form? Kefir grains produce the kefir drink when covered with milk for about 8 to 12
                 hours. The grains consist of a balanced mixture of about 40 types of bacteria and yeasts.
                 All kefir grains in the world are related. But how did the first ones form, about 1000 years
Challenge 11 r   ago?
                 Molecular motors are quite capable. The molecular motors in the sooty shearwater
                 (Puffinus griseus), a 45 cm long bird, allow it to fly 74 000 km in a year, with a measured
                 record of 1094 km a day.
                 When the ciliary motors that clear the nose are overwhelmed and cannot work any more,
                 they send a distress signal. When enough such signals are sent, the human body triggers
                 the sneezing reaction. The sneeze is a reaction to blocked molecular motors.
                 The growth of human embryos is one of the wonders of the world. The website embryo.
        provides extensive data, photos, animations and magnetic resonance
                 from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                             31

                 images on the growth process.
Challenge 12 s   Do birds have a navel?
                 All animals with the possibility of regenerating themselves from a small piece, such as
                 Planaria, reproduce asexually, by dividing. All animals that reproduce sexually are un-
                 able to regenerating the whole animal from a small part.
Challenge 13 s   All animals that move with limbs are left-right symmetric. Why?
                 Many molecules found in living beings, such as sugar, have mirror molecules. However,

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 in all living beings only one of the two sorts is found. Life is intrinsically asymmetric.
Challenge 14 s   How can this be?
                 How is it possible that the genetic difference between man and chimpanzee is regularly
                 given as about 1 %, whereas the difference between man and woman is one chromosome
Challenge 15 s   in 46, in other words, about 2.2 %?

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 What is the longest time a single bacterium has survived? It is more than the 5000 years
                 of the bacteria found in Egyptian mummies. For many years, the survival time was es-
       Ref. 11   timated to lie at over 25 million years, a value claimed for the bacteria spores resurrected
                 from the intestines in insects enclosed in amber. Then it was claimed to lie at over 250
                 million years, the time estimated that certain bacteria discovered in the 1960s by Heinz
                 Dombrowski in (low-radioactivity) salt deposits in Fulda, in Germany, have hibernated
                 there before being brought back to life in the laboratory. A similar result has been re-
                 cently claimed by the discovery of another bacterium in a North-American salt deposit
       Ref. 12   in the Salado formation.
                     However, these values are now disputed, as DNA sequencing has shown that these
                 bacteria were probably due to sample contamination in the laboratory, and were not part
       Ref. 13   of the original sample. So the question of the longest survival time of bacteria is still open.
                 In 1967, a TV camera was deposited on the Moon. Unknown to everybody, it contained
                 a small patch of Streptococcus mitis. Three years later, the camera was brought back to
                 Earth. The bacteria were still alive. They had survived for three years without food, water
                 or air. Life can be resilient indeed. This widely quoted story is so unbelievable that it was
       Ref. 15   checked again in 2011. The conclusion: the story is false; the bacteria were added by
                 mistake in the laboratory after the return of the camera.
          32                                                                   1 motion for enjoying life

                TA B L E 2 Approximate numbers of living species.

                Life group                   Described species                   E s t i m at e d s p e c i e s
                                                                                 min.                  max.
                Viruses                                        4 ⋅ 103            50 ⋅ 103                      1 ⋅ 106
                Prokaryotes (‘bacteria’)                       4 ⋅ 103            50 ⋅ 103                      3 ⋅ 106
                Fungi                                         72 ⋅ 103           200 ⋅ 103                    2.7 ⋅ 106
                Protozoa                                      40 ⋅ 103            60 ⋅ 103                   200 ⋅ 103
                Algae                                         40 ⋅ 103           150 ⋅ 103                      1 ⋅ 106
                Plants                                       270 ⋅ 103           300 ⋅ 103                   500 ⋅ 103
                Nematodes                                     25 ⋅ 103           100 ⋅ 103                      1 ⋅ 106
                Crustaceans                                   40 ⋅ 103            75 ⋅ 103                   200 ⋅ 103
                Arachnids                                     75 ⋅ 103           300 ⋅ 103                      1 ⋅ 106
                Insects                                      950 ⋅ 103             2 ⋅ 106                   100 ⋅ 106
                                                              70 ⋅ 103           100 ⋅ 103                   200 ⋅ 103

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                Vertebrates                                   45 ⋅ 103            50 ⋅ 103                    55 ⋅ 103
                Others                                       115 ⋅ 103           200 ⋅ 103                   800 ⋅ 103
                Total                                       1.75 ⋅ 106           3.6 ⋅ 106                   112 ⋅ 106

                    Bacteria                                Archaea                              Eucarya
                                      non-sulfur                                       Animals    Ciliates
                                      bacteria                                                               Green plants

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                           Gram-positive                Methano- microbiales   extreme
                                  bacteria              bacteriales                                               Flagellates
                   Purple bacteria                 Thermo-
                  Cyanobacteria                                                                                 Microsporidia
          Flavobacteria                            Pyro-
                                                   dictum            Methanococcales
          and relatives                                            Thermococcales


          F I G U R E 11 A modern version of the evolutionary tree.

          In biology, classifications are extremely useful. (This is similar to the situation in astro-
          physics, but in full contrast to the situation in physics.) Table 2 gives an overview of the
Ref. 16   magnitude of the task. This wealth of material can be summarized in one graph, shown
          in Figure 11. Newer research seems to suggest some slight changes to the picture. So far
          however, there still is only a single root to the tree.
                 from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                            33

                 Muscles produce motion through electrical stimulation. Can technical systems do the
                 same? Candidate are appearing: so-called electroactive polymers change shape when they
                 are activated with electrical current or with chemicals. They are lightweight, quiet and
                 simple to manufacture. However, the first arm wrestling contest between human and
                 artificial muscles, held in 2005, was won by a teenage girl. The race to do better is ongoing.
                 Life is not a clearly defined concept. The definition used above, the ability to self-
                 reproduce, has its limits. Can it be applied to old animals, to a hand cut off by mistake, to
                 sperm, to ovules or to the first embryonal stages of a mammal? The definition of life also
                 gives problems when trying to apply it to single cells. Can you find a better definition? Is
Challenge 16 e   the definition of living beings as ‘what is made of cells’ useful?
                 Every example of growth is a type of motion. Some examples are extremely complex. Take

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 the growth of acne. It requires a lack of zinc, a weak immune system, several bacteria, as
                 well as the help of Demodex brevis, a mite (a small insect) that lives in skin pores. With
                 a size of 0.3 mm, somewhat smaller than the full stop at the end of this sentence, this
                 and other animals living on the human face can be observed with the help of a strong
                 magnifying glass.
                 Humans have many living beings on board. For example, humans need bacteria to live.
                 It is estimated that 90 % of the bacteria in the human mouth alone are not known yet;

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 only about 1000 species have been isolated so far.
                     Bacteria are essential for our life: they help us to digest and they defend us against
       Ref. 17   illnesses due to dangerous bacteria. In fact, the number of bacteria in a human body is
                 estimated to be 3.8(2.0) ∗ 1013 , more than 99 % of which are in the gut. The number of
                 cells in a adult, average human body is estimated to be 3.0(0.3) ∗ 1013 – of which 70 to
                 85 % are red blood cells. In short, a human body contains more bacteria than own cells!
                 Nevertheless, the combined mass of all bacteria in a human body is estimated to be only
                 around 0.2 kg, because gut bacteria are much smaller than human cells.
                     Of the around 100 groups of bacteria in nature, the human body mainly contains
                 species from four of them: actinobacteria, bacteroidetes, firmicutes and proteobacteria.
                 They play a role in obesity, malnutrition, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, aut-
                 ism and many other conditions. These connections are an important domain of present
                 How do trees grow? When a tree – biologically speaking, a monopodal phanerophyte –
                 grows and produces leaves, between 40 % and 60 % of the mass it consists of, namely the
                 water and the minerals, has to be lifted upwards from the ground. (The rest of the mass
                 comes from the CO2 in the air.) How does this happen? The materials are pulled upwards
                 by the water columns inside the tree; the pull is due to the negative pressure that is created
                 when the top of the column evaporates. This is called the transpiration-cohesion-tension
                 34                                                        1 motion for enjoying life

                 model. (This summary is the result of many experiments.) In other words, no energy is
                 needed for the tree to pump its materials upwards.
                    Trees do not need energy to transport water. As a consequence, a tree grows purely
                 by adding material to its surface. This implies that when a tree grows, a branch that is
                 formed at a given height is also found at that same height during the rest of the life of
Challenge 17 e   that tree. Just check this observation with the trees in your garden.
                 Mammals have a narrow operating temperature. In contrast to machines, humans func-
Challenge 18 d   tion only if the internal temperature is within a narrow range. Why? And does this re-
                 quirement also apply to extraterrestrials – provided they exist?
Challenge 19 r   How did the first cell arise? This important question is still open. As a possible step to-
                 wards the answer, researchers have found several substances that spontaneously form

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 closed membranes in water. Such substances also form foams. It might well be that life
                 formed in foam. Other options discussed are that life formed underwater, at the places
                 where magma rises into the ocean. Elucidating the origins of cells is one of the great open
                 riddles of biology – though the answer will not be of much use.
Challenge 20 s   Could life have arrived to Earth from outer space?

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Is there life elsewhere in the universe? The answer is clear. First of all, there might be
                 life elsewhere, though the probability is extremely small, due to the long times involved
                 and the requirements for a stable stellar system, a stable planetary system, and a stable
                 geological system. In addition, so far, all statements that claim to have detected an ex-
                 ample were lies. Not mistakes, but actual lies. The fantasy of extraterrestrial life poses an
                 interesting challenge to everybody: Why would an extraterrestrial being be of interest to
Challenge 21 e   you? If you can answer, realize the motivation in some other way, now, without waiting.
                 If you cannot answer, do something else.
                 What could holistic medicine mean to a scientist, i.e., avoiding nonsense and false beliefs?
                 Holistic medicine means treating illness with view on the whole person. That translates
                 to four domains:
                 — physical support, to aid mechanical or thermal healing processes in the body;
                 — chemical support, with nutrients or vitamins;
                 — signalling support, with electrical or chemical means, to support the signalling system
                     of the body;
                 — psychological support, to help all above processes.
                 When all theses aspects are taken care of, healing is as rapid and complete as possible.
                 However, one main rule remains: medicus curat, natura sanat.*

                 * ‘The physician helps, but nature heals.’
           from quantum physics to biological machines and miniaturization                            35

           Life is, above all, beautiful. For example, the book by Claire Nouvian, The Deep:
           The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss, presented at
           nouvian/index.html allows one to savour the beauty of life deep in the ocean.
           What are the effects of environmental pollution on life? Answering this question is an
           intense field of modern research. Here are some famous stories.
           — Herbicides and many genetically altered organisms kill bees. For this reason, bees are
             dying (since 2007) in the United States; as a result, many crops – such as almonds
             and oranges – are endangered there. In countries where the worst herbicides and
             genetically modified crops have been banned, bees have no problems. An example is
             France, where the lack of bees posed a threat to the wine industry.
           — Chemical pollution leads to malformed babies. In mainland China, one out of 16
             children is malformed for this reason (in 2007). In Japan, malformations have been

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
             much reduced – though not completely – since strict anti-pollution laws have been
           — Radioactive pollution kills. In Russia, the famous Lake Karachay had to be partly
Page 195     filled with concrete because its high radioactivity killed anybody that walked along it
             for an hour.
           — Smoking kills – though slowly. Countries that have lower smoking rates or that have
             curbed smoking have reduced rates for cancer and several other illnesses.
           — Eating tuna is dangerous for your health, because of the heavy metals it contains.
           — Cork trees are disappearing. The wine industry has started large research programs

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             to cope with this problem.
           — Even arctic and antarctic animals have livers full of human-produced chemical pois-
           — Burning fossil fuels raises the CO2 level of the atmosphere. This leads to many effects
             for the Earth’s climate, including a slow rise of average temperature and sea level.
           Ecological research is uncovering many additional connections. Let us hope that the
           awareness for these issues increases across the world.
           Some researchers prefer to define living beings as self-reproducing systems, others prefer
           to define them as metabolic systems. Among the latter, Mike Russell and Eric Smith pro-
           pose the following definition of life: ‘The purpose of life is to hydrogenate carbon dioxide.’
           In other terms, the aim of life is to realize the reaction

                                          CO2 + 4 H2 → CH4 + 2 H2 O .                                (1)

           This beautifully dry description is worth pondering – and numerous researchers are in-
           deed exploring the consequences of this view.
                 36                                                          1 motion for enjoying life

                 Not only is death a quantum process, also aging is one. Research in the details of this vast
                 field is ongoing. A beautiful example is the loss of leaves in autumn. The loss is triggered
                 by ethene, a simple gas. You can trigger leave loss yourself, for example by putting cut
                 apples – a strong source of ethene – together with a rose branch in a plastic bag: the roses
                 will lose their leaves.
                 The reanimation of somebody whose heart and breathing stopped is an useful movement
                 sequence, called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Do learn it.
                 New research has shown that motion is important to staying healthy. In particular, it is
                 important to do sports, but it is even more important to reduce the time of being seated.
                 People who sit many hours per day have increased risk to get diabetes, breast cancer,
                 white mass reduction in the brain, dementia, and various other diseases. Research into

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 the dangerous effects of sitting is still in its infancy. For example, research has shown
                 that sitting in front of a tv, in front of a PC or in a car for many hours a day cannot be
                 compensated by doing sport.
                 To stay fit and to ensure that you feel fit, enjoy life and enjoy the books by Mark Verstegen.
                 Are there living beings that contain metal parts? Or is every metal object automatically

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 22 e   not part of a living being? Astonishingly, there are exceptions. Enjoy the search.
                 Which species of living being is the most successful, if we measure success as the spe-
                 cies’ biomass? This simple question has no known answer. Among animals, cattle (Bos
                 taurus), humans (Homo sapiens) and Antarctic krill (Euphasia superba) have similar bio-
                 mass values, but it is not clear whether these are the highest values. No good data seem to
                 exist for plants – except for crops. It is almost sure that several species of bacteria, such as
                 from the marine genus Prochlorococcus or some other bacteria species found in soil, and
                 several species of fungi achieve much higher biomass values. But no reliable overview is
                 Trees move in many interesting ways. For example, trees fight with their neighbours
                 over space and access to light and nutrients. This occurs with most vehemence if the
                 neighbour is of another species. Most trees do not like to be touched by other trees –
                 but there are exceptions, such as beeches. For example, when beeches fight with oaks,
                 after a few years, the oak is left with little space and light, and the beech has taken over
                 most of it. But trees also help neighbours, for example in case of sickness, by provid-
                 ing nutrients and water. Many more fascinating stories about trees – including the way
                 the communicate via aiborne chemical signals such as ethylene (ethene) – are told by
                 Peter Wohlleben, Das geheime Leben der Bäume: Was sie fühlen, wie sie kommun-
          the physics of pleasure                                                                                 37

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          F I G U R E 12 Branch and leaf position of a birch at the end of the day (black) and in the early morning
          (red), with magnified sections shown on the right (© Eetu Puttonen et al.).

          izieren – die Entdeckung einer verborgenen Welt, Ludwig Verlag, 2015.
          Trees sleep at night and get up in the morning. The observation is known since centur-
          ies; a beautiful measurement of the effect, using a laser scanner, was performed by Eetu
Ref. 18   Puttonen and his group. Their results, shown in Figure 12, show that the height of a typ-
          ical birch branch and its leaves in the early morning is up to 10 cm lower than during the
          day. The measurements also show that the trees move most in the early morning, when
          they wake up. The origin of these effects seems to be the difference of water intake during
          day and night.

          the physics of pleasure

                                                               What is mind but motion in the intellectual

                                                                             Oscar Wilde, The Critic as Artist.
                     38                                                          1 motion for enjoying life

                     Pleasure is a quantum effect. The reason is simple. Pleasure comes from the senses. All
                     senses measure. And all measurements rely on quantum theory.
                        The human body, like an expensive car, is full of sensors. Evolution has built these
                     sensors in such a way that they trigger pleasure sensations whenever we do with our
                     body what we are made for. Of course, no researcher will admit that he studies pleasure.
                     Therefore the researcher will say that he or she studies the senses, and that he or she is
                     doing perception research. But pleasure and all human sensors exist to let life continue.
                     Pleasure is highest when life is made to continue. In the distant past, the appearance of
                     new sensors in living systems has always had important effects of evolution, for example
                     during the Cambrian explosion.
                        Research into pleasure and biological sensors is a fascinating field that is still evolving;
                     here we can only have a quick tour of the present knowledge.
                         The ear is so sensitive and at the same time so robust against large signals that the
                     experts are still studying how it works. No known sound sensor can cover an energy

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     range of 1013 ; indeed, the detected sound intensities range from 1 pW/m2 (some say
                     50 pW/m2 ) to 10 W/m2 , the corresponding air pressures vary from 20 𝜇Pa to 60 Pa. The
                     lowest intensity that can be heard is that of a 20 W sound source heard at a distance of
                     10 000 km, if no sound is lost in between. Audible sound wavelengths span from 17 m
                     (for 20 Hz) to 17 mm (for 20 kHz). In this range, the ear, with its 16 000 to 20 000 hair
                     cells and 30 000 cochlear neurons, is able to distinguish at least 1500 pitches. But the ear
                     is also able to distinguish nearby frequencies, such as 400 and 401 Hz, using a special
                     pitch sharpening mechanism.
                          The eye is a position dependent photon detector. Each eye contains around 126 million

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     separate detectors on the retina. Their spatial density is the highest possible that makes
                     sense, given the diameter of the lens of the eye. They give the eye a resolving power of
                     1 󸀠 , or 0.29 mrad, and the capacity to consciously detect down to 60 incident photons in
                     0.15 s, or 4 absorbed photons in the same time interval.
                          Each eye contains 120 million highly sensitive general light intensity detectors, the
                     rods. They are responsible for the mentioned high sensitivity. Rods cannot distinguish
                     colours. Before the late twentieth century, human built light sensors with the same sens-
                     itivity as rods had to be helium cooled, because technology was not able to build sensors
                     at room temperature that were as sensitive as the human eye.
Vol. III, page 199        The human eye contains about 6 million not so sensitive colour detectors, the cones,
                     whose distribution we have seen earlier on. The different chemicals in the three cone
                     types (red, green, blue) lead to different sensor speeds; this can be checked with the
          Ref. 19    simple test shown in Figure 13. The sensitivity difference between the colour-detecting
                     cones and the colour-blind rods is the reason that at night all cats are grey.
                          The images of the eye are only sharp if the eye constantly moves in small random
                     motions. If this motion is stopped, for example with chemicals, the images produced by
                     the eye become unsharp.
                          The eye also contains about 1 million retinal ganglion cells. All signals from the eye
                     are transmitted through 1 million optical nerve fibres to a brain region, the virtual cortex,
                     that contains over 500 million cells.
                          Human touch sensors are distributed over the skin, with a surface density which varies
the physics of pleasure                                                                             39

                                                                              F I G U R E 13 The
                                                                              different speed of the
                                                                              eye’s colour sensors, the
                                                                              cones, lead to a strange
                                                                              effect when this picture
                                                                              (in colour version) is
                                                                              shaken right to left in
                                                                              weak light.

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 14 The five sensors of touch in humans, from the most to the least common ones: Meissner’s
corpuscles, Merkel cells, Ruffini corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles and hair receptors.

from one region to the other. The density is lowest on the back and highest in the face
and on the tongue. The hand has about 17 000 tactile receptors, most of them at the fin-
ger tips. There are separate sensors for light touch (Meissner’s corpuscles) and pressure
(Merkel cells), for deformation (Ruffini corpuscles), for vibration (Pacinian corpuscles),
and for tickling (unmyelinated fibers); there are additional separate sensors for heat, for
coldness,* and for pain. Some of the sensors, whose general appearance is shown in Fig-

* There are four sensors for heat; one is triggered above 27°C, one above 31°C, one above 42°C, and one
                  40                                                                     1 motion for enjoying life

                  ure 14, react proportionally to the stimulus intensity, some differentially, giving signals
                  only when the stimulus changes. Many of these sensors are also found inside the body
                  – for example on the tongue. The sensors are triggered when external pressure deforms
                  them; this leads to release of Na+ and K+ ions through their membranes, which then
                  leads to an electric signal that is sent via nerves to the brain.
                    The human body also contains orientation sensors in the ear, extension sensors in each
                  muscle, and pain sensors distributed with varying density over the skin and inside the
                      The taste sensor mechanisms of tongue are only partially known. The tongue is known
                  to produce six taste signals* – sweet, salty, bitter, sour, proteic and fatty – and the mech-
                  anisms are just being unravelled. The sense for proteic, also called umami, has been dis-
        Ref. 20   covered in 1907, by Ikeda Kikunae; the sense for ‘fat’ has been discovered only in 2005.
                  The tongue, palate and cheeks have about 10 000 taste buds, 90 % of which are on the
                  tongue. Each taste bud has between 50 and 150 receptors; their diameter is around 10 μm.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      In ancient Greece, Democritus imagined that taste depends on the shape of atoms.
                  Today it is known that sweet taste is connected with certain shape of molecules. Modern
                  research is still unravelling the various taste receptors in the tongue. At least three differ-
                  ent sweetness receptors, dozens of bitterness receptors, and one proteic and one fattiness
                  receptor are known. In contrast, the sour and salty taste sensation are known to be due
                  to ion channels. Despite all this knowledge, no sensor with a distinguishing ability of the
                  same degree as the tongue has yet been built by humans. A good taste sensor would have
                  great commercial value for the food industry. Research is also ongoing to find substances
                  to block taste receptors; one aim is to reduce the bitterness of medicines or of food.

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      The nose has about 350 different smell receptors and a total of about 40 million re-
                  ceptor cells. (Dogs have 25 times more.) Through the possible combinations it is estim-
                  ated that the nose can detect about 10 000 different smells.** Together with the six signals
                  that the sense of taste can produce, the nose also produces a vast range of taste sensations.
                  It protects against chemical poisons, such as smoke, and against biological poisons, such
                  as faecal matter. In contrast, artificial gas sensors exist only for a small range of gases.
                  Good artificial taste and smell sensors would allow checking wine or cheese during their
Challenge 24 ny   production, thus making their inventor extremely rich. At the moment, humans, with all
                  their technology at their disposal, are not even capable of producing sensors as good as
                  those of a bacterium; it is known that Escherichia coli can sense at least 30 substances in
                  its environment.

                  above 52°C. The sensor for temperatures above 42°C, TRPV1, is also triggered by capsaicin, the sharp
                  chemical in chilli peppers.
                      There seems to be only one sensor for coldness, the ion channel TRPM8, triggered between 8 and 26°C.
                  It is also triggered by menthol, a chemical contained in mojito and mint. Coldness neurons, i.e., neurons
                  with TRPM8 at their tips, can be seen with special techniques using fluorescence and are known to arrive
                  into the teeth; they provide the sensation you get at the dentist when he applies his compressed air test.
                  * Taste sensitivity is not separated on the tongue into distinct regions; this is an incorrect idea that has been
                  copied from book to book for over a hundred years. You can perform a falsification by yourself, using sugar
 Challenge 23 s   or salt grains.
                  ** Linda Buck and Richard Axel received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their unrav-
                  elling of the working of the sense of smell.
                     the physics of pleasure                                                                                   41

 Vol. III, page 32       Other animals feature additional types of sensors. Sharks can feel electrical fields. Many
                     snakes have sensors for infrared light, such as the pit viper or vampire bats. These sensors
                     are used to locate prey or food sources. Some beetles, such as Melanophila acuminata,
                     can also detect infrared; they use this sense to locate the wildfires they need to make
                     their eggs hatch. Also other insects have such organs. Pigeons, trout and sharks can feel
                     magnetic fields, and use this sense for navigation. Many birds and certain insects can see
                     UV light. Bats and dolphins are able to hear ultrasound up to 100 kHz and more. Whales
 Vol. I, page 325    and elephants can detect and localize infrasound signals.
                         In summary, the sensors with which nature provides us are state of the art; their sens-
                     itivity and ease of use is the highest possible. Since all sensors trigger pleasure or help
                     to avoid pain, nature obviously wants us to enjoy life with the most intense pleasure
          Ref. 21    possible. Studying physics is one way to do this.

                                                                          There are two things that make life worth living:

                                                                          Mozart and quantum mechanics.
                                                                                                       Victor Weisskopf*

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     The nerves and the brain

                                                                          There is no such thing as perpetual tranquillity
                                                                          of mind while we live here; because life itself is
                                                                          but motion, and can never be without desire,

                                                                          nor without fear, no more than without sense.
                                                                                              Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan.

                     The main unit processing all the signals arriving from the sensors, the brain, is essential
                     for all feelings of pleasure. The human brain has the highest complexity of all brains

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     known.** In addition, the processing power and speed of the human brain is still larger
                     than any device build by man.
                        We saw already earlier on how electrical signals from the sensors are transported into
 Vol. I, page 315    the brain. In the brain itself, the arriving signals are classified and stored, sometimes for a
                     short time, sometimes for a long time. Most storage mechanisms take place in the struc-
Vol. III, page 265   ture and the connection strength between brain cells, the synapses, as we have seen. The
                     process remaining to understand is the classification, a process we usually call thinking.
                     For certain low level classifications, such as geometrical shapes for the eye or sound har-
                     monies for the ear, the mechanisms are known. But for high-level classifications, such
                     as the ones used in conceptual thinking, the aim is not yet achieved. It is not yet known
                     how to describe the processes of reading or understanding in terms of signal motions.

                     * Victor Friedrich Weisskopf (b. 1908 Vienna, d. 2002 Cambridge), acclaimed theoretical physicist who
                     worked with Einstein, Born, Bohr, Schrödinger and Pauli. He catalysed the development of quantum elec-
                     trodynamics and nuclear physics. He worked on the Manhattan project but later in life intensely cam-
                     paigned against the use of nuclear weapons. During the cold war he accepted the membership in the Soviet
                     Academy of Sciences. He was professor at MIT and for many years director of CERN, in Geneva. He wrote
                     several successful physics textbooks. The author heard him making the above statement in 1982, during one
                     of his lectures.
                     ** This is not in contrast with the fact that a few whale species have brains with a larger mass. The larger
                     mass is due to the protection these brains require against the high pressures which appear when whales
                     dive (some dive to depths of 1 km). The number of neurons in whale brains is considerably smaller than in
                     human brains.
                  42                                                         1 motion for enjoying life

                  Research is still in full swing and will probably remain so for a large part of the twenty-
                  first century.
                      In the following we look at a few abilities of our brain, of our body and of other bodies
                  that are important for the types of pleasure that we experience when we study motion.

                  Living clo cks

                                                            “                                                     ”
                                                                L’horologe fait de la réclame pour le temps.*
                                                                                                 Georges Perros

Vol. I, page 44   We have given an overview of living clocks already at the beginning of our adventure.
                  They are common in bacteria, plants and animals. And as Table 3 shows, without biolo-
                  gical clocks, neither life nor pleasure would exist.
                     When we sing a musical note that we just heard we are able to reproduce the original
                  frequency with high accuracy. We also know from everyday experience that humans are
       Ref. 22    able to keep the beat to within a few per cent for a long time. When doing sport or when

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  dancing, we are able to keep the timing to high accuracy. (For shorter or longer times,
                  the internal clocks are not so precise.) All these clocks are located in the brain.
                     Brains process information. Also computers do this, and like computers, all brains
                  need a clock to work well. Every clock is made up of the same components. It needs an
                  oscillator determining the rhythm and a mechanism to feed the oscillator with energy.
                  In addition, every clock needs an oscillation counter, i.e., a mechanism that reads out
                  the clock signal, and a means of signal distribution throughout the system is required,
                  synchronizing the processes attached to it. Finally, a clock needs a reset mechanism. If the
                  clock has to cover many time scales, it needs several oscillators with different oscillation

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  frequencies and a way to reset their relative phases.
                     Even though physicists know fairly well how to build good clocks, we still do not know
                  many aspects of biological clocks. Most biological oscillators are chemical systems; some,
       Ref. 23    like the heart muscle or the timers in the brain, are electrical systems. The general elu-
                  cidation of chemical oscillators is due to Ilya Prigogine; it has earned him a Nobel Prize
                  for chemistry in 1977. But not all the chemical oscillators in the human body are known
                  yet, not to speak of the counter mechanisms. For example, a 24-minute cycle inside each
                  human cell has been discovered only in 2003, and the oscillation mechanism is not yet
                  fully clear. (It is known that a cell fed with heavy water ticks with 27–minute instead of
       Ref. 24    24–minute rhythm.) It might be that the daily rhythm, the circadian clock, is made up
                  of or reset by 60 of these 24–minute cycles, triggered by some master cells in the human
                  body. The clock reset mechanism for the circadian clock is also known to be triggered by
                  daylight; the cells in the eye who perform this resetting action have been pinpointed only
                  in 2002. The light signal from these cells is processed by the superchiasmatic nuclei, two
                  dedicated structures in the brain’s hypothalamus. The various cells in the human body
                  act differently depending on the phase of this clock.
                     The clocks with the longest cycle in the human body control ageing. One of the more
                  famous ageing clock limits the number of divisions that a cell can undergo. Indeed, the
                  number of cell divisions is finite for most cell types of the human body and typically lies
                  between 50 and 200. (An exception are reproductory cells – we would not exist if they
                  * ‘Clocks are ads for time.’
the physics of pleasure                                                                         43

TA B L E 3 Examples of biological rhythms and clocks.

Living being                            O s c i l l at i n g s ys t e m           Period
Sand hopper (Talitrus saltator)         knows in which direction to flee from     circadian
                                        the position of the Sun or Moon
Human (Homo sapiens)                    gamma waves in the brain                  0.023 to 0.03 s
                                        alpha waves in the brain                  0.08 to 0.13 s
                                        heart beat                                0.3 to 1.5 s
                                        delta waves in the brain                  0.3 to 10 s
                                        blood circulation                         30 s
                                        cellular circahoral rhythms               1 to 2 ks
                                        rapid-eye-movement sleep period           5.4 ks
                                        nasal cycle                               4 to 14 ks
                                        growth hormone cycle                      11 ks
                                        suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN),            90 ks

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                        circadian hormone concentration,
                                        temperature, etc.; leads to jet lag
                                        skin clock                                circadian
                                        monthly period                            2.4(4) Ms
                                        built-in aging                            3.2(3) Gs
Common fly (Musca domestica)            wing beat                                 30 ms
Fruit fly (Drosophila                   wing beat for courting                    34 ms
Most insects (e.g. wasps, fruit         winter approach detection (diapause) by   yearly

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
flies)                                  length of day measurement; triggers
                                        metabolism changes
Algae (Acetabularia)                    Adenosinetriphosphate (ATP)
Moulds (e.g. Neurospora crassa)         conidia formation                         circadian
Many flowering plants                   flower opening and closing                circadian
Tobacco plant                           flower opening clock (photoperiodism);    annual
                                        triggered by length of days, discovered
                                        in 1920 by Garner and Allard
Arabidopsis                             circumnutation                            circadian
                                        growth                                    a few hours
Telegraph plant (Desmodium              side leaf rotation                        200 s
Forsythia europaea, F. suspensa,        Flower petal oscillation, discovered by   5.1 ks
F. viridissima, F. spectabilis          Van Gooch in 2002

would not be able to divide endlessly.) The cell division counter has been identified; it
is embodied in the telomeres, special structures of DNA and proteins found at both ends
of each chromosome. These structures are reduced by a small amount during each cell
division. When the structures are too short, cell division stops. The purely theoretical
                    44                                                                    1 motion for enjoying life

                    prediction of this mechanism by Alexei Olovnikov in 1971 was later proven by a number
                    of researchers. (Only the latter received the Nobel Prize in medicine, in 2009, for this
                    confirmation.) Research into the mechanisms and the exceptions to this process, such as
                    cancer and sexual cells, is ongoing.
                        Not all clocks in human bodies have been identified, and not all mechanisms are
                    known. For example, basis of the monthly period in women is interesting, complex, and
                        Other fascinating clocks are those at the basis of conscious time. Of these, the brain’s
                    stopwatch or interval timer has been most intensely studied. Only recently was its mech-
                    anism uncovered by combining data on human illnesses, human lesions, magnetic res-
         Ref. 25    onance studies and effects of specific drugs. The basic interval timing mechanism takes
                    place in the striatum in the basal ganglia of the brain. The striatum contains thousands
                    of timer cells with different periods. They can be triggered by a ‘start’ signal. Due to their
                    large number, for small times of the order of one second, every time interval has a differ-
                    ent pattern across these cells. The brain can read these patterns and learn them. In this

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    way we can time music or specific tasks to be performed, for example, one second after
                    a signal.
                        Even though not all the clock mechanisms in humans are known, biological clocks
                    share a property with all human-built and all non-living clocks: they are limited by
                    quantum mechanics. Even the simple pendulum is limited by quantum theory. Let us
                    explore the topic.

                    When d o clo cks exist?

                                                                      “                                                      ”
                                                                           Die Zukunft war früher auch besser.*

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                                           Karl Valentin.

                    When we explored general relativity we found out that purely gravitational clocks do not
Vol. II, page 282   exist, because there is no unit of time that can be formed using the constants 𝑐 and 𝐺.
                    Clocks, like any measurement standard, need matter and non-gravitational interactions
                    to work. This is the domain of quantum theory. Let us see what the situation is in this
         Ref. 26       First of all, in quantum theory, the time is not an observable. Indeed, the time oper-
                    ator is not Hermitean. In other words, quantum theory states that there is no physical
                    observable whose value is proportional to time. On the other hand, clocks are quite com-
                    mon; for example, the Sun or Big Ben work to most people’s satisfaction. Observations
                    thus encourages us to look for an operator describing the position of the hands of a clock.
                    However, if we look for such an operator we find a strange result. Any quantum system
                    having a Hamiltonian bounded from below – having a lowest energy – lacks a Hermitean
                    operator whose expectation value increases monotonically with time. This result can be
Challenge 25 ny     proven rigorously, as a mathematical theorem.
                       Take a mechanical pendulum clock. In all such clocks the weight has to stop when
                    the chain end is reached. More generally, all clocks have to stop when the battery or the
                    energy source is empty. In other words, in all real clocks the Hamiltonian is bounded

                    * ‘Also the future used to be better in the past.’ Karl Valentin (b. 1882 Munich, d. 1948 Planegg), playwright,
                    writer and comedian.
                  the physics of pleasure                                                                   45

                  from below. And the above theorem from quantum theory then states that such a clock
                  cannot really work.
                     In short, quantum theory shows that exact clocks do not exist in nature. Quantum
                  theory states that any clock can only be approximate. Time cannot be measured exactly;
                  time can only be measured approximately. Obviously, this result is of importance for high
                  precision clocks. What happens if we try to increase the precision of a clock as much as
                     High precision implies high sensitivity to fluctuations. Now, all clocks have an oscil-
                  lator inside, e.g., a motor, that makes them work. A high precision clock thus needs a high
                  precision oscillator. In all clocks, the position of this oscillator is read out and shown on
                  the dial. Now, the quantum of action implies that even the most precise clock oscillator
                  has a position indeterminacy. The precision of any clock is thus limited.
                     Worse, like any quantum system, any clock oscillator even has a small, but finite prob-
                  ability to stop or to run backwards for a while. You can check this conclusion yourself.
                  Just have a look at a clock when its battery is almost empty, or when the weight driving

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the pendulum has almost reached the bottom position. The clock will start doing funny
                  things, like going backwards a bit or jumping back and forward. When the clock works
                  normally, this behaviour is strongly suppressed; however, it is still possible, though with
 Challenge 26 e   low probability. This is true even for a sundial.
                     In summary, clocks necessarily have to be macroscopic in order to work properly. A
                  clock must be as large as possible, in order to average out its fluctuations. Astronom-
                  ical systems are good examples. A good clock must also be well-isolated from the en-
                  vironment, such as a freely flying object whose coordinate is used as time variable. For
                  example, this is regularly done in atomic optical clocks.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The precision of clo cks
                  Given the limitations due to quantum theory, what is the ultimate accuracy 𝜏 of a clock?
                  To start with, the indeterminacy relation provides the limit on the mass of a clock. The
Challenge 27 ny   clock mass 𝑀 must obey
                                                          𝑀> 2                                          (2)

 Challenge 28 e   which is obviously always fulfilled in everyday life. But we can do better. Like for a pen-
                  dulum, we can relate the accuracy 𝜏 of the clock to its maximum reading time 𝑇. The
        Ref. 27   idea was first published by Salecker and Wigner. They argued that

                                                                 ℏ 𝑇
                                                          𝑀>                                               (3)
                                                                𝑐2 𝜏 𝜏
                  where 𝑇 is the time to be measured. You might check that this condition directly requires
 Challenge 29 e   that any clock must be macroscopic.
                     Let us play with the formula by Salecker and Wigner. It can be rephrased in the fol-
                  lowing way. For a clock that can measure a time 𝑡, the size 𝑙 is connected to the mass 𝑚
                   46                                                          1 motion for enjoying life

                                                             𝑙>√      .                                             (4)

         Ref. 28   How close can this limit be achieved? It turns out that the smallest clocks known, as well
                   as the clocks with most closely approach this limit, are bacteria. The smallest bacteria,
                   the mycoplasmas, have a mass of about 8 ⋅ 10−17 kg, and reproduce every 100 min, with a
                   precision of about 1 min. The size predicted from expression (4) is between 0.09 μm and
                   0.009 μm. The observed size of the smallest mycoplasmas is 0.3 μm. The fact that bacteria
                   can come so close to the clock limit shows us again what a good engineer evolution has
                       Note that the requirement by Salecker and Wigner is not in contrast with the possib-
                   ility to make the oscillator of the clock very small; researchers have built oscillators made
         Ref. 29   of a single atom. In fact, such oscillations promise to be the most precise human built
       Page 42     clocks. But the oscillator is only one part of any clock, as explained above.

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       In the real world, the clock limit can be tightened even more. The whole mass 𝑀
                   cannot be used in the above limit. For clocks made of atoms, only the binding energy
                   between atoms can be used. This leads to the so-called standard quantum limit for clocks;
                   it limits the accuracy of their frequency 𝜈 by

                                                           𝛿𝜈    Δ𝐸
                                                              =√                                                    (5)
                                                            𝜈    𝐸tot

                   where Δ𝐸 = ℏ/𝑇 is the energy indeterminacy stemming from the finite measuring time

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   𝑇 and 𝐸tot = 𝑁𝐸bind is the total binding energy of the atoms in the metre bar. So far,
                   the quantum limit has not yet been achieved for any clock, even though experiments are
                   getting close to it.
                       In summary, clocks exist only in the limit of ℏ being negligible. In practice, the errors
                   made by using clocks and metre bars can be made as small as required; it suffices to make
                   the clocks large enough. Clock built into human brains comply with this requirement.
                   We can thus continue our investigation into the details of matter without much worry,
                   at least for a while. Only in the last part of our mountain ascent, where the requirements
                   for precision will be even higher and where general relativity will limit the size of phys-
                   ical systems, trouble will appear again: the impossibility to build precise clocks will then
Vol. VI, page 65   become a central issue.

                   Why are predictions so difficult, especially of the fu ture?

                                                                 Future: that period of time in which our affairs
                                                                 prosper, our friends are true, and our happiness

                                                                 is assured.
                                                                                                  Ambrose Bierce

                   Nature limits predictions in four ways:
                   1. We have seen that quantum theory, through the uncertainty relations, limits the pre-
                      cision of measurements, and of clocks and time measurements in particular. Thus,
                    the physics of pleasure                                                                          47

                         the quantum of action makes it hard to determine initial states to full precision –
                         even for a single particle.
 Vol. I, page 239   2.   We have seen that high numbers of particles make it difficult to predict the future due
                         to the often statistical nature of their initial conditions.
                    3.   We have found in our adventure that predictions of the future are made difficult by
 Vol. I, page 424        non-linearities and by the divergence from nearby initial conditions.
Vol. II, page 110   4.   We have seen that a non-trivial space-time topology can limit predictability. For ex-
                         ample, we will discover that black hole and horizons can limit predictability due to
                         their one-way inclusion of energy, mass and signals.
 Vol. VI, page 40   5.   We will find out in the last pat of our adventure that quantum gravity effects even
                         make a precise definition of time and space impossible.
                    Measurements and practical predictability are thus limited. The central reason for this
                    limitation is the quantum of action. But if the quantum of action makes perfect clocks
                    impossible, is determinism still the correct description of nature? And does time exist
                    after all? The answer is clear: yes and no. We learned that all the mentioned limitations

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    of clocks can be overcome for limited time intervals; in practice, these time intervals can
                    be made so large that the limitations do not play a role in everyday life. As a result,

                         ⊳ In practice, in all quantum systems both determinism and the concept of
                           time remain applicable.

                    This conclusion is valid even though theory says otherwise. Our ability to enjoy the pleas-
                    ures due to the flow of time remains intact.
                       However, when extremely large momentum flows or extremely large dimensions need

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    to be taken into account, quantum theory cannot be applied alone; in those cases, gen-
                    eral relativity needs to be taken into account. The fascinating effects that occur in those
 Vol. VI, page 57   situations will be explored in detail later on.

                    Decay and the golden rule

                                                              “                                                      ”
                                                                  I prefer most of all to remember the future.
                                                                                                     Salvador Dalì

                    All pleasure only makes sense in the face of death. And death is a form of decay. Decay
                    is any spontaneous change. Like the wave aspect of matter, decay is a process with no
                    classical counterpart. Of course, any decay – including the emission of light by a lamp,
                    the triggering of a camera sensor, radioactivity or the ageing of humans – can be observed
                    classically; however, the origin of decay is a pure quantum effect.
                        In any decay of unstable systems or particles, the decoherence of superpositions of
Vol. IV, page 143   macroscopically distinct states plays an important role. Indeed, experiments confirm that
                    the prediction of decay for a specific system, like a scattering of a particle, is only pos-
                    sible on average, for a large number of particles or systems, and never for a single one.
                    These observations confirm the quantum origin of decay. In every decay process, the su-
                    perposition of macroscopically distinct states – in this case those of a decayed and an
                    undecayed particle – is made to decohere rapidly by the interaction with the environ-
                    ment. Usually the ‘environment’ vacuum, with its fluctuations of the electromagnetic,
                 48                                                                  1 motion for enjoying life

                 weak and strong fields, is sufficient to induce decoherence. As usual, the details of the
                 involved environment states are unknown for a single system and make any prediction
                 for a specific system impossible.
                    What is the origin of decay? Decay is always due to tunnelling. With the language of
                 quantum electrodynamics, we can say that decay is motion induced by the vacuum fluc-
                 tuations. Vacuum fluctuations are random. The experiment between the plates confirms
                 the importance of the environment fluctuations for the decay process.
                    Quantum theory gives a simple description of decay. For a system consisting of a large
                 number 𝑁 of decaying identical particles, any decay is described by

                                               𝑁                 1 2π 󵄨󵄨                          󵄨2
                                        𝑁̇ = −        where        =   󵄨󵄨⟨𝜓initial|𝐻int|𝜓final ⟩󵄨󵄨󵄨 .                    (6)
                                               𝜏                 𝜏   ℏ

                 This result for 𝑁̇ = d𝑁/d𝑡 was named the golden rule by Fermi,* because it works so well
                 despite being an approximation whose domain of applicability is not easy to specify. The

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 30 e   golden rule leads to

                                                             𝑁(𝑡) = 𝑁0 e−𝑡/𝜏 .                                           (7)

                 Decay is thus predicted to follow an exponential behaviour, independently of the details
                 of the physical process. In addition, the decay time 𝜏 depends on the interaction and on
                 the square modulus of the transition matrix element. For almost a century, all experi-
                 ments confirmed that quantum decay is exponential.
                     On the other hand, when quantum theory is used to derive the golden rule, it is found

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 30   that decay is exponential only in certain special systems. A calculation that takes into ac-
                 count higher order terms predicts two deviations from exponential decay for completely
                 isolated systems: for short times, the decay rate should vanish; for long times, the de-
                 cay rate should follow an algebraic – not an exponential – dependence on time, in some
       Ref. 31   cases even with superimposed oscillations. After an intense experimental search, devi-
                 ations for short times have been observed. The observation of deviations at long times are
                 rendered impossible by the ubiquity of thermal noise. In summary, it turns out that decay
                 is exponential only when the environment is noisy, the system made of many weakly in-
                 teracting particles, or both. Since this is usually the case, the mathematically exceptional
                 exponential decrease becomes the (golden) rule in the description of decay.
                     Can you explain why human life, despite being a quantum effect, is not observed to
Challenge 31 s   follow an exponential decay?

                 The present in quantum theory

                                                                  “                                                      ”
                                                                       Utere temporibus.**

                 * Originally, the golden rule is a statement from the christian bible, (Matthew 7,12) namely the precept ‘Do
                 to others whatever you would like them to do to you.’
                 ** ‘Use the occasions.’ Tristia 4, 3, 83
           the physics of pleasure                                                                                49

           Many sages advise to enjoy the present. As shown by perception research, what humans
 Ref. 32   call ‘present’ has a duration of between 20 and 70 milliseconds. This result on the biolo-
           gical present leads us to ask whether the physical present might have a duration as well.
               In everyday life, we are used to imagine that shortening the time taken to measure the
           position of a point object as much as possible will approach the ideal of a particle fixed
           at a given point in space. When Zeno discussed the flight of an arrow, he assumed that
           this is possible. However, quantum theory changes the situation.
               Can we really say that a moving system is at a given spot at a given time? In order to
           find an answer through experiment, we could use a photographic camera whose shutter
           time can be reduced at will. What would we find? When the shutter time approaches the
           oscillation period of light, the sharpness of the image would decrease; in addition, the
           colour of the light would be influenced by the shutter motion. We can increase the energy
           of the light used, but the smaller wavelengths only shift the problem, they do not solve it.
           Worse, at extremely small wavelengths, matter becomes transparent, and shutters cannot
           be realized any more. All such investigations confirm: Whenever we reduce shutter times

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           as much as possible, observations become unsharp. The lack of sharpness is due to the
           quantum of action. Quantum theory thus does not confirm the naive expectation that
           shorter shutter times lead to sharper images. In contrast, the quantum aspects of nature
           show us that there is no way in principle to approach the limit that Zeno was discussing.
               In summary, the indeterminacy relation and the smallest action value prevent that
           moving objects are at a fixed position at a given time. Zeno’s discussion was based on
           an extrapolation of classical concepts into domains where it is not valid any more. Every
           observation, like every photograph, implies a time average:

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      Observations average interactions over a given time span.

           For a photograph, the duration is given by the shutter time; for a measurement, the aver-
           age is defined by the details of the set-up. Whatever this set-up might be, the averaging
           time is never zero. * There is no ‘point-like’ instant of time that describes the present. The
           observed, physical present is always an average over a non-vanishing interval of time. In
           nature, the present has a finite duration. To give a rough value that guides our thought,
           in most situations the length of the present will be less than a yoctosecond, so that it can
           usually be neglected.

           Why can we observe motion?
           Zeno of Elea was thus wrong in assuming that motion is a sequence of specific positions
           in space. Quantum theory implies that motion is only approximately the change of pos-
           ition with time.
               Why then can we observe and describe motion in quantum theory? Quantum the-
           ory shows that motion is the low energy approximation of quantum evolution. Quantum
           evolution assumes that space and time measurements of sufficient precision can be per-
           formed. We know that for any given observation energy, we can build clocks and metre
           bars with much higher accuracy than required, so that in practice, quantum evolution

Page 50    * Also the discussion of the quantum Zeno effect, below, does not change the conclusions of this section.
                   50                                                        1 motion for enjoying life

                   is applicable in all cases. As long as energy and time have no limits, all problems are
                   avoided, and motion is a time sequence of quantum states.
                      In summary, we can observe motion because for any known observation energy we
                   can find a still higher energy and a still longer averaging time that can be used by the
                   measurement instruments to define space and time with higher precision than for the
Vol. VI, page 46   system under observation. In the final part of our mountain ascent, we will discover that
                   there is a maximum energy in nature, so that we will need to change our description in
                   those situations. However, this energy value is so huge that it does not bother us at all at
                   the present point of our exploration.

                   R est and the quantum Z eno effect
                   The quantum of action implies that there is no rest in nature. Rest is thus always either
                   an approximation or a time average. For example, if an electron is bound in an atom, not
                   freely moving, the probability cloud, or density distribution, is stationary in time. But
                   there is another apparent case of rest in quantum theory, the quantum Zeno effect. Usu-

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   ally, observation changes the state of a system. However, for certain systems, observation
                   can have the opposite effect, and fix a system.
                       Quantum mechanics predicts that an unstable particle can be prevented from decay-
                   ing if it is continuously observed. The reason is that an observation, i.e., the interaction
                   with the observing device, yields a non-zero probability that the system does not evolve.
                   If the frequency of observations is increased, the probability that the system does not
                   decay at all approaches 1. Three research groups – Alan Turing by himself in 1954, the
                   group of A. Degasperis, L. Fonda and G.C. Ghirardi in 1974, and George Sudarshan and
                   Baidyanath Misra in 1977 – have independently predicted this effect, today called the

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   quantum Zeno effect. In sloppy words, the quantum Zeno effect states: if you look at a
                   system all the time, nothing happens.
                       The quantum Zeno effect is a natural consequence of quantum theory; nevertheless,
                   its strange circumstances make it especially fascinating. After the prediction, the race for
                   the first observation began. The effect was partially observed by David Wineland and his
         Ref. 33   group in 1990, and definitively observed by Mark Raizen and his group in 2001. In the
                   meantime, other groups have confirmed the measurements. Thus, quantum theory has
                   been confirmed also in this surprising aspect.
                       The quantum Zeno effect is also connected to the deviations from exponential decay
                   – due to the golden rule – that are predicted by quantum theory. Indeed, quantum theory
                   predicts that every decay is exponential only for intermediate times, and quadratic for
                   short times and polynomial for extremely long times. These issues are research topics to
                   this day.
         Ref. 34       In a fascinating twist, in 2002, Saverio Pascazio and his team have predicted that the
                   quantum Zeno effect can be used to realize X-ray tomography of objects with the lowest
                   radiation levels imaginable.
                       In summary, the quantum Zeno effect does not contradict the statement that there
                   is no rest in nature; in situations showing the effect, there is an non-negligible interac-
                   tion between the system and its environment. The details of the interaction are import-
         Ref. 35   ant: in certain cases, frequent observation can actually accelerate the decay or evolution.
                   Quantum physics still remains a rich source of fascinating effects.
                     the physics of pleasure                                                                 51

                     C onsciousness – a result of the quantum of action
                     In the pleasures of life, consciousness plays an essential role.

Vol. III, page 339      ⊳ Consciousness is our ability to observe what is going on in our mind.

                     This activity, like any type of change, can itself be observed and studied. Though it is
                     hard and probably impossible to do so by introspection, we can study consciousness in
                     others. Obviously, consciousness takes place in the brain. If it were not, there would be
                     no way to keep it connected with a given person. Simply said, we know that each brain
                     located on Earth moves with over one million kilometres per hour through the cosmic
                     background radiation; we also observe that consciousness moves along with it.
                        The brain is a quantum system: it is based on molecules and electrical currents. The
                     changes in consciousness that appear when matter is taken away from the brain – in
                     operations or accidents – or when currents are injected into the brain – in accidents, ex-

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     periments or misguided treatments – have been described in great detail by the medical
                     profession. Also the observed influence of chemicals on the brain – from alcohol to hard
                     drugs – makes the same point. The brain is a quantum system.
                        Modern imaging machines can detect which parts of the brain work when sensing,
                     remembering or thinking. Not only is sight, noise and thought processed in the brain; we
                     can follow these processes with measurement apparatus. The best imaging machines are
       Page 162      based on magnetic resonance, as described below. Another, more questionable imaging
                     technique, positron tomography, works by letting people swallow radioactive sugar. Both
                     techniques confirm the findings on the location of thought and on its dependence on
                     chemical fuel. In addition, we already know that memory depends on the particle nature

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     of matter. All these observations depend on the quantum of action.
                        Today, we are thus in the same situation as material scientists were a century ago: they
                     knew that matter is made of charged particles, but they could not say how matter is built
                     up. Similarly, we know today that consciousness is made from the signal propagation
                     and signal processing in the brain; we know that consciousness is an electrochemical
                     process. But we do not know yet the details of how the signals make up consciousness.
                     Unravelling the workings of this fascinating quantum system is the aim of neurology.
                     This is one of the great challenges of twenty-first century science.
                        Can you add a few arguments to the ones given here, showing that consciousness is a
                     physical process? Can you show in particular that not only the consciousness of others,
                     but also your own consciousness is a quantum process? Can you show, in addition, that
 Challenge 32 s      despite being a quantum process, coherence plays no essential role in consciousness?
                        In short, our consciousness is a consequence of the matter that makes us up. Con-
                     sciousness and pleasure depend on matter, its interactions and the quantum of action.

                     Why can we observe motion? – Again
                     Studying nature can be one of the most intense pleasures of life. All pleasures are based
                     on our ability to observe or detect motion. And our human condition is central to this
                     ability. In particular, in our adventure so far we found the following connections: We

                     experience motion
                  52                                                        1 motion for enjoying life

                  — only because we are of finite size, and in particular, because we are large compared
                    to our quantum mechanical wavelength (so that we do not experience wave effects in
                    everyday life),
                  — only because we are large compared to a black hole of our same mass (so that we have
                    useful interactions with our environment),
                  — only because we are made of a large but finite number of atoms (to produce memory
                    and enable observations),
                  — only because we have a limited memory (so that we can clear it),
                  — only because we have a finite but moderate temperature (finite so that we have a life-
                    time, not zero so that we can be working machines),
                  — only because we are a mixture of liquids and solids (enabling us to move and thus to
                  — only because we are approximately electrically neutral (thus avoiding that our sensors
                    get swamped),
                  — only because our brain forces us to approximate space and time by continuous entities

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    (otherwise we would not form these concepts),
                  — only because our brain cannot avoid describing nature as made of different parts (oth-
                    erwise we would not be able to talk or think),
                  — only because our ancestors reproduced,
                  — only because we are animals (and thus have a brain),
                  — only because life evolved here on Earth,
                  — only because we live in a relatively quiet region of our galaxy (which allowed evolu-
                    tion), and
                  — only because the human species evolved long after the big bang (when the conditions

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    were more friendly to life).
                  If any of these conditions – and many others – were not fulfilled, we would not observe
                  motion; we would have no fun studying physics. In fact, we can also say: if any of these
                  conditions were not fulfilled, motion would not exist. In many ways motion is thus an
Vol. I, page 15   illusion, as Zeno of Elea had claimed a long time ago. Of course, motion is a inevitable
                  illusion, one that is shared by many other animals and machines. To say the least, the
                  observation and the concept of motion is a result of the properties and limitations of the
                  human condition. A complete description of motion and nature must take this connec-
                  tion into account. Before we attempt that in the last volume of this adventure, we explore
                  a few additional details.

                  Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t quantum experience
                  Most clocks used in everyday life, those built inside the human body and those made by
                  humans, are electromagnetic. Any clock on the wall, be it mechanical, quartz controlled,
                  radio or solar controlled, is based on electromagnetic effects. Do you know an exception?
Challenge 33 s

                  The sense of smell is quite complex. For example, the substance that smells most badly to
                  humans is skatole, also called, with his other name, 3-methylindole. This is the molecule
                  to which the human nose is most sensitive. Skatole makes faeces smell bad; it is a result of
                 the physics of pleasure                                                                      53

                 haemoglobin entering the digestive tract through the bile. Skatole does not smell bad to
                 all animals; in contrast to humans, flies are attracted by its smell. Skatole is also produced
                 by some plants for this reason.
                     On the other hand, small levels of skatole do not smell bad to humans. Skatole is also
                 used by the food industry in small quantities to give smell and taste to vanilla ice cream
                 – though under the other name.
                 It is worth noting that human senses detect energies of quite different magnitudes. The
                 eyes can detect light energies of about 1 aJ, whereas the sense of touch can detect only
Challenge 34 s   energies as small as about 10 μJ. Is one of the two systems relativistic?
                 The human construction plan is stored in the DNA. The DNA is structured into 20 000
                 genes, which make up about 2 % of the DNA, and 98 % non-coding DNA, once called

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 ‘junk DNA’. Humans have as many genes as worms; plants have many more. Only
                 around 2010 it became definitely clear, through the international ‘Encode’ project, what
                 the additional 98 % of the DNA do: they switch genes on and off. They form the admin-
                 istration of the genes and work mostly by binding to specific proteins.
                     Research suggests that most genetic defects, and thus of genetic diseases, are not due
                 to errors in genes, but in errors of the control switches. All this is an ongoing research

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Even at perfect darkness, the eye does not yield a black impression, but a slightly brighter
                 one, called eigengrau. This is a result of noise created inside the eye, probably triggered
                 by spontaneous decay of rhodopsin, or alternatively, by spontaneous release of neuro-
                 The high sensitivity of the ear can be used to hear light. To do this, take an empty 750 ml
                 jam glass. Keeping its axis horizontal, blacken the upper half of the inside with a candle.
                 The lower half should remain transparent. After doing this, close the jam glass with its
                 lid, and drill a 2 to 3 mm hole into it. If you now hold the closed jam glass with the hole
                 to your ear, keeping the black side up, and shining into it from below with a 50 W light
Challenge 35 s   bulb, something strange happens: you hear a 100 Hz sound. Why?
                 Most senses work already before birth. It is well-known since many centuries that playing
                 the violin to a pregnant mother every day during the pregnancy has an interesting effect.
                 Even if nothing is told about it to the child, it will become a violin player later on. In fact,
                 most musicians are ‘made’ in this way.
                 There is ample evidence that not using the senses is damaging. People have studied what
                 happens when in the first years of life the vestibular sense – the one used for motion
          54                                                                  1 motion for enjoying life

          detection and balance restoration – is not used enough. Lack of rocking is extremely hard
          to compensate later in life. Equally dangerous is the lack of use of the sense of touch.
          Babies, like all small mammals, that are generally and systematically deprived of these
Ref. 37   experiences tend to violent behaviour during the rest of their life.
          The importance of ion channels in the human body can not be overstressed. Ion chan-
          nels malfunctions are responsible for many infections, for certain types of diabetes and
Ref. 38   for many effects of poisons. But above all, ion channels, and electricity in general, are
          essential for life.
          Our body contains many systems that avoid unpleasant outcomes. For example, it
          was discovered in 2006 that saliva contains a strong pain killer, much stronger than
          morphine; it is now called opiorphin. It prevents that small bruises inside the mouth

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          disturb us too much. Opiorphine also acts as an antidepressant. Future research has to
          show whether food addiction is related to this chemical.
          It is still unknown why people – and other mammals – yawn. This is still a topic of re-
          Nature has invented the senses to increase pleasure and avoid pain. But neurologists have

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          found out that nature has gone even further; there is a dedicated pleasure system in the
          brain, shown in Figure 16, whose function is to decide which experiences are pleasurable
          and which not. The main parts of the pleasure system are the ventral tegmental area in
          the midbrain and the nucleus accumbens in the forebrain. The two parts regulate each
          other mainly through dopamine and GABA, two important neurotransmitters. Research
          has shown that dopamine is produced whenever pleasure exceeds expectations. Nature
          has thus developed a special signal for this situation.
             In fact, well-being and pleasure are controlled by a large number of neurotransmitters
          and by many additional regulation circuits. Researchers are trying to model the pleasure
          system with hundreds of coupled differential equations, with the distant aim being to
          understand addiction and depression, for example. On the other side, also simple mod-
          els of the pleasure system are possible. One, shown in Figure 15, is the ‘neurochemical
Ref. 39   mobile’ model of the brain. In this model, well-being is achieved whenever the six most
          important neurotransmitters* are in relative equilibrium. The different possible depar-
          tures from equilibrium, at each joint of the mobile, can be used to describe depression,
          schizophrenia, psychosis, the effect of nicotine or alcohol intake, alcohol dependency,
          delirium, drug addiction, detoxication, epilepsy and more.
          * Neurotransmitters come in many types. They can be grouped into mono- and diamines – such as dopam-
          ine, serotonin, histamine, adrenaline – acetylcholine, amino acids – such as glycine, GABA and glutamate
          – polypeptides – such as oxytocin, vasopressin, gastrin, the opiods, the neuropetides etc. – gases – such as
          NO and CO – and a number of molecules that do not fit into the previous classes – such as anandamide or
                 the physics of pleasure                                                                                55

                  Ideal state:
                                 Sympathetic                      brain                           Parasympathetic
                                 or ergotrope                                                     or trophotrope
                                 system                                                           system

                                                  noradrenaline           acetylcholine

                         serotonin         dopamine                                 glutamate              GABA
                                                                                     excitatory           inhibitory

                  Psychosis/intoxication:                         brain

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                                                  noradrenaline                     glutamate


                         serotonin         dopamine

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 F I G U R E 15 The ‘neurochemical mobile’ model of well-being, with one of the way it can get out of

                 The pleasure system in the brain is not only responsible for addiction. It is also respons-
       Ref. 40   ible, as Helen Fisher showed through MRI brain scans, for romantic love. Romantic love,
                 directed to one single other person, is a state that is created in the ventral tegmental area
                 and in the nucleus accumbens. Romantic love is thus a part of the reptilian brain; in-
                 deed, romantic love is found in many animal species. Romantic love is a kind of positive
                 addiction, and works like cocaine. In short, in life, we can all choose between addiction
                 and love.
                 An important aspect of life is death. When we die, conserved quantities like our energy,
                 momentum, angular momentum and several other quantum numbers are redistributed.
                 They are redistributed because conservation means that nothing is lost. What does all
Challenge 36 s   this imply for what happens after death?
56                                                               1 motion for enjoying life

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 16 The location of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) in
the brain. The other regions involved in pleasure and addiction are Amy, the amygdala, Hip, the
hippocampus, Thal, the thalamus, rACC, the rostral anterior cingulate cortex, mPFC, the medial
prefrontal cortex, Ins, the insula, and LN, the lentiform nucleus (courtesy NIH).

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
We all know the smell that appears in the open field at the start of a summer rainfall, or
the smell of fresh earth. It is due to a substance called geosmin, a bicyclic alcohol that is
produced by bacteria in the soil. The bacteria produce it when it rains. For reasons not
fully understood, the human nose is especially sensitive to the smell of geosmin: we are
able to smell it at concentrations below 10−10 .
Also plants have sensors. Plants can sense light, touch, gravity, chemicals, as well as elec-
tric fields and currents. Many plants grow differently when touched; roots sense and con-
duct electric signals and then grow accordingly; obviously, plants grow against gravity
and towards light. Above all, plants are known to be able to distinguish many different
chemicals in the air, above all, ethene (ethylene), which is also an important plant hor-
Many plants have built-in sensors and clocks that measure the length of the day. For ex-
ample, spinach does not grow in the tropics, because in order to flower, spinach must
sense for at least fourteen days in a row that the day is at least 14 hours long – and this
never happens in the tropics. This property of plants, called photoperiodism, was dis-
the physics of pleasure                                                                                      57

covered in 1920 by Wightman Garner and Harry Allard while walking across tobacco
fields. They discovered – and proved experimentally – that tobacco plants and soya plants
only flower when the length of the day gets sufficiently short, thus around September.
Garner and Allard found that plants could be divided into species that flower when days
are short – such as chrysanthemum or coffee – others that flower when days are long
– such as carnation or clover – and still others that do not care about the length of the
day at all – such as roses or tomatoes. The measurement precision for the length of the
day is around 10 min. The day length sensor itself was discovered only much later; it is
located in the leaves of the plant, is called the phytochrome system and is based on spe-
cialised proteins. The proteins are able to measure the ratio between bright red and dark
red light and control the moment of flower opening in such plants.

Summary on biolo gy and pleasure
To ensure the successful reproduction of living beings, evolution has pursued miniatur-
ization as much as possible. Molecular motors, including molecular pumps, are the smal-

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
lest motors known so far; they work as quantum ratchets. Molecular motors are found
in huge numbers in every living cell. In short:

    ⊳ Every human consists of trillions of machines.

   To increase pleasure and avoid pain, evolution has also supplied the human body also
with numerous sensors, sensor mechanisms, and a pleasure system deep inside the brain.
In short, nature has invented pleasure as a guide for behaviour. Neurologists have thus
proven what Epicurus said 23 centuries ago and Sigmund Freud repeated one century

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

    ⊳ Pleasure controls human life.*

All biological pleasure sensors and pleasure systems are based on quantum motion, in
particular on chemistry and materials science. We therefore explore both fields in the

* But Epicurus also said: ‘It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and honourably and
justly, and it is impossible to live wisely and honourably and justly without living pleasantly.’ This is one of
his Principal Doctrines.
          Chapter 2

          C HA NG I NG T H E WOR L D W I T H
          QUA N T UM E F F E C T S

                 he discovery of quantum effects has changed everyday life. It has allowed
                 he distribution of speech, music and films. The numerous possibilities of
                 elecommunications and of the internet, the progress in chemistry, materials
          science, electronics and medicine would not have been possible without quantum ef-

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          fects. Many other improvements of our everyday life are due to quantum physics, and
          many are still expected. In the following, we give a short overview of this vast field.

          chemistry – from atoms to dna

                                                    “                                                   ”
                                                        Bier macht dumm.**
                                                                                      Albert Einstein

          It is an old truth that Schrödinger’s equation contains all of chemistry. With quantum

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          theory, for the first time people were able to calculate the strengths of chemical bonds,
          and what is more important, the angle between them. Quantum theory thus explains
          the shape of molecules and thus indirectly, the shape of all matter. In fact, the correct
          statement is: the Dirac equation contains all of chemistry. The relativistic effects that
Ref. 41   distinguish the two equations are necessary, for example, to understand why gold is yel-
          low and does not rust or why mercury is liquid.
              To understand molecules and everyday matter, the first step is to understand atoms.
          The early quantum theorists, lead by Niels Bohr, dedicated their life to understanding
          their atoms and their detailed structure. The main result of their efforts is what you learn
          in secondary school: in atoms with more than one electron, the various electron clouds
          form spherical layers around the nucleus. The electron layers can be grouped into groups
          of related clouds that are called shells. For electrons outside the last fully occupied shell,
          the nucleus and the inner shells, the atomic core, can often be approximated as a single
          charged entity.
              Shells are numbered from the inside out. This principal quantum number, usually writ-
          ten 𝑛, is deduced and related to the quantum number that identifies the states in the
          hydrogen atom. The relation is shown in Figure 17.
              Quantum theory shows that the first atomic shell has room for two electrons, the
          second for 8, the third for 18, and the general n-th shell for 2𝑛2 electrons. The (neutral)

          ** ‘Beer makes stupid.’
          chemistry – from atoms to dna                                                            59

                     Continuum of
          Energy     ionized states




                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   (Bohr) levels
                                      F I G U R E 17 The principal quantum numbers in hydrogen.

          atom with one electron is hydrogen, the atom with two electrons is called helium. Every
          chemical element has a specific number of electrons (and the same number of protons,
          as we will see). A way to picture this connection is shown in Figure 18. It is called the

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 42   periodic table of the elements. The standard way to show the table is found on page 345
          and, more vividly, in Figure 19. (For a periodic table with a video about each element,
             Experiments show that different atoms that share the same number of electrons in
          their outermost shell show similar chemical behaviour. Chemists know that the chemical
          behaviour of an element is decided by the ability of its atoms to from bonds. For example,
          the elements with one electron in their outer s shell are the alkali metals lithium, sodium,
          potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium; hydrogen, the exception, is conjectured to
          be metallic at high pressures. The elements with filled outermost shells are the noble gases
          helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon and ununoctium.

          Atomic b onds
          When two atoms approach each other, their electron clouds are deformed and mixed.
          The reason for these changes is the combined influence of the two nuclei. These cloud
          changes are highest for the outermost electrons: they form chemical bonds.
             Bonds can be pictured, in the simplest approximation, as cloud overlaps that fill the
          outermost shell of both atoms. These overlaps lead to a gain in energy. The energy gain is
          the reason that fire is hot. In wood fire, chemical reactions between carbon and oxygen
          atoms lead to a large release of energy. After the energy has been released, the atomic
          bond produces a fixed distance between the atoms, as shown in Figure 20. This distance
          is due to an energy minimum: a lower distance would lead to electrostatic repulsion
                 60                                          2 changing the world with quantum effects

                 n=1                                                 1H            2 He

                                                                7N               8O
                 n=2                                 6C              3 Li             4 Be          9F
                                                                            5B           10 Ne

                                                          25 Mn         26 Fe
                                                24 Cr         15 P           16 S         27 Co
                 n=3                 23 V           14 Si         11 Na         12 Mg         17 Cl             28 Ni
                                                        22 Ti         13 Al         18 Ar        29 Cu
                                                                          21 Sc        30 Zn

                                                     64 Gd         65 Tb
                 n=4                       63 Eu         43 Tc         44 Ru         66 Dy
                                 62 Sm         42 Mo         33 As         34 Se          45 Rh          67 Ho
                       61 Pm         41 Nb         32 Ge         19 K          20 Ca          35 Br          46 Pd          68 Er
                                         60 Nd         40 Zr        31 Ga          36 Kr          47 Ag          69 Tm
                                                           59 Pr         39 Y          48 Cd          70 Yb
                                                                             58 Ce         71 Lu

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                      96 Cm          97 Bk
                 n=5                        95 Am         75 Re          76 Os           98 Cf
                                  94 Pu         74 W          51 Sb          52 Te           77 Ir          99 Es
                       93 Np          73 Ta         50 Sn         37 Rb           38 Sr          53 I           78 Pt      100 Fm
                                          92 U          72 Hf          49 In          54 Xe          79 Au        101 Md
                                                            91 Pa          57 La          80 Hg         102 No
                                                                               90 Th         103 Lr

                                                          107 Bh        108 Hs
                                               106 Sg          83 Bi         84 Po        109 Mt
                 n=6                105 Db          82 Pb          55 Cs         56 Ba         85 At           110 Ds
                                                        104 Rf         81 Tl         86 Rn        111 Rg

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                           89 Ac        112 Cn

                                                            115 Mc       116 Lv
                 n=7                               114 Fl        87 Fr        88 Ra              117 Ts
                                                                   113 Nh       118 Og

                 n=8                                            119 Uun          120 Udn

                        s        p         d        f
                                                                                                          shell electron number
                               shell of last electron                                                     increases clockwise
                 F I G U R E 18 An unusual form of the periodic table of the elements.

                 between the atomic cores, a higher distance would increase the electron cloud energy.
                    Many atoms can bind to more than one neighbours. In this case, energy minimization
                 also leads to specific bond angles, as shown in Figure 21. Maybe you remember those
       Ref. 43   funny pictures of school chemistry about orbitals and dangling bonds. Such dangling
                 bonds can now be measured and observed. Several groups were able to image them using
       Ref. 44   scanning force or scanning tunnelling microscopes, as shown in Figure 22.
                    The repulsion between the clouds of each bond explains why angle values near that of
Challenge 37 e   tetrahedral skeletons (2 arctan√2 = 109.47°) are so common in molecules. For example,
chemistry – from atoms to dna                                                                       61

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 19 A modern periodic table of the elements (© Theodore Gray, for sale at www.theodoregray.

                                                   potential energy [in eV≈100 kJ/mol]


        nucleus                                    2

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at


                                                  -4                             nuclear
                      bond length                               length           separation [pm]
                                                       0           100            200

F I G U R E 20 The forming of a chemical bond between two atoms, and the related energy minimum
(left hand image ©

the H–O–H angle in water molecules is 107°.
   Atoms can also be connected by multiple bonds. Double bonds appear in carbon di-
oxide, or CO2 , which is therefore often written as O = C = O, triple bonds appear in
carbon monoxide, CO, which is often written as C ≡ O. Both double and triple bonds are
common in organic compounds. (In addition, the well-known hexagonal benzene ring
molecule 𝐶6 𝐻6 , like many other compounds, has a one-and-a-half-fold bond.) Higher
bonds are rare but do exist; quadruple bonds occur among transition metal atoms such
          62                                2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                         F I G U R E 21 An artistic
                                                                         illustration of chemical bond
                                                                         angles when several atoms are
                                                                         involved: in a water molecule,
                                                                         with its charge distribution
                                                                         due to its covalent bonds,
                                                                         blue colour at the two ends
                                                                         indicates positive charge, and
                                                                         the red colour in upper vertex
                                                                         indicates negative charge. The
                                                                         central drawing shows a

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                         typical structural rendering of
                                                                         the water molecule
                                                                         (© Benjah-bmm27).

          as rhenium or tungsten. Research also confirmed that the uranium U2 molecule, among
Ref. 45   others, has a quintuple bond, and that the tungsten W2 molecule has a hextuple bond.

          R ib onucleic acid and deox yrib onucleic acid

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          Probably the most fascinating molecule of all is human deoxyribonucleic acid, better
          known with its abbreviation DNA. The nucleic acids where discovered in 1869 by the
          physician Friedrich Miescher (b. 1844 Basel, d. 1895 Davos) in white blood cells. He also
          found it in cell nuclei, and thus called the substance ‘Nuklein’. In 1874 he published an
          important study showing that the molecule is contained in spermatozoa, and discussed
          the question if this substance could be related to heredity. With his work, Miescher paved
          the way to a research field that earned many colleagues Nobel Prizes (though not for
          himself, as he died before they were established). They changed the name to ‘nucleic
              DNA is, as shown in Figure 23, a polymer. A polymer is a molecule built of many sim-
          ilar units. In fact, DNA is among the longest molecules known. Human DNA molecules,
          for example, can be up to 5 cm in length. Inside each human cell there are 46 chromo-
          somes. In other words, inside each human cell there are molecules with a total length of
          2 m. The way nature keeps them without tangling up and knotting is a fascinating topic
          in itself. All DNA molecules consist of a double helix of sugar derivates, to which four
          nuclei acids are attached in irregular order. Nowadays, it is possible to make images of
Ref. 46   single DNA molecules; an example is shown in Figure 24.
              At the start of the twentieth century it became clear that Desoxyribonukleinsäure
          (DNS) – translated as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into English – was precisely what
          Erwin Schrödinger had predicted to exist in his book What Is Life? As central part of
          the chromosomes contained the cell nuclei, DNA is responsible for the storage and re-
          production of the information on the construction and functioning of Eukaryotes. The
chemistry – from atoms to dna                                                                     63

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                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 22 Top two rows: measured chemical bonds in the pentacene molecule, using different
techniques; bottom row: textbook calculations and illustrations of the same experiment (© IBM).

information is coded in the ordering of the four nucleic acids. DNA is the carrier of hered-
itary information. DNA determines in great part how the single cell we all once have been
grows into the complex human machine we are as adults. For example, DNA determines
the hair colour, predisposes for certain illnesses, determines the maximum size one can
grow to, and much more. Of all known molecules, human DNA is thus most intimately
related to human existence. The large size of the molecules is the reason that understand-
ing its full structure and its full contents is a task that will occupy scientists for several
generations to come.
   To experience the wonders of DNA, have a look at the animations of DNA copying and
of other molecular processes at the unique website

Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t chemistry
Among the fascinating topics of chemistry are the studies of substances that influence
humans: toxicology explores poisons, pharmacology explores medicines (pharmaceutical
drugs) and endocrinology explores hormones.
  Over 50 000 poisons are known, starting with water (usually kills when drunk in
amounts larger than about 10 l) and table salt (can kill when 100 g are ingested) up to
                 64                                2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                F I G U R E 23 Several ways to
                                                                                picture B-DNA, all in false
                                                                                colours (© David Deerfield).

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 polonium 210 (kills in doses as low as 5 ng, far less than a spec of dust). Most countries
                 have publicly accessible poison databases; see for example
                     Can you imagine why ‘toxicology’, the science of poisons, actually means ‘bow sci-
Challenge 38 e   ence’ in Greek? In fact, not all poisons are chemical. Paraffin and oil for lamps, for ex-
                 ample, regularly kill children who taste it because some oil enters the lung and forms
                 a thin film over the alveoles, preventing oxygen intake. This so-called lipoid pneumonia
                 can be deadly even when only a single drop of oil is in the mouth and then inhaled by a
                 child. Paraffin should never be present in homes with children.
                     In the 1990s, the biologist Binie Ver Lipps discovered a substance, a simple poly-
                 peptide, that helps against venoms of snakes and other poisonous animals. The medical
                 industry worldwide refuses to sell the substance – it could save many lives – because it
                 is too cheap.
                 Whether a substance is a poison depends on the animal ingesting it. Chocolate is poison
                 for dogs, but not for children. Poisonous mushrooms are edible for snails; bitten mush-
                 rooms are thus not a sign of edibility.
                 Hormones are internal signalling substances produced by the human body. Chemically,
                  chemistry – from atoms to dna                                                                      65

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 24 Two ways to image single DNA molecules: by holography with electrons emitted from
                  atomically sharp tips (top) and by fluorescence microscopy, with a commercial optical microscope
                  (bottom) (© Hans-Werner Fink/Wiley VCH).

                  they can be peptides, lipids or monoamines. Hormones induce mood swings, organize
                  the fight, flight or freeze responses, stimulate growth, start puberty, control cell death
                  and ageing, activate or inhibit the immune system, regulate the reproductive cycle and
                  activate thirst, hunger and sexual arousal.
                  When one mixes 50 ml of distilled water and 50 ml of ethanol (alcohol), the volume of
 Challenge 39 s   the mixture has less than 100 ml. Why?
                  Why do organic materials, i.e., materials that contain several carbon atoms, usually burn
                  at much lower temperature than inorganic materials, such as aluminium or magnesium?
Challenge 40 ny

                  66                                 2 changing the world with quantum effects

                  A cube of sugar does not burn. However, if you put some cigarette ash on top of it, it
Challenge 41 ny   burns. Why?
                  Sugars are essential for life. One of the simplest sugars is glucose, also called dextrose or
                  grape sugar. Glucose is a so-called monosaccharide, in contrast to cane sugar, which is a
                  disaccharide, or starch, which is a polysaccharide.
                     The digestion of glucose and the burning, or combustion, of glucose follow the same
                  chemical reaction:

                                        C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2 O + 2808 kJ                        (8)

                  This is the simplest and main reaction that fuels the muscle and brain activities in our
                  body. The reaction is the reason we have to eat even if we do not grow in size any more.
                  The required oxygen, 𝑂2 , is the reason that we breathe in, and the resulting carbon di-

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  oxide, 𝐶𝑂2 , is the reason that we breathe out. Life, in contrast to fire, is thus able to
                  ‘burn’ sugar at 37°. That is one of the great wonders of nature. Inside cells, the energy
                  gained from the digestion of sugars is converted into adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) and
                  then converted into motion of molecules.
                  Chemical reactions can be slow but still dangerous. Spilling mercury on aluminium will
                  lead to an amalgam that reduces the strength of the aluminium part after some time. That
                  is the reason that bringing mercury thermometers on aeroplanes is strictly forbidden.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Two atoms can form bound states by a number of effects that are weaker than electron
                  bonds. A famous one is the bound state formed by two sodium atoms at a distance of
        Ref. 47   around 60 Bohr radii, thus much larger than usual bond distances. The bond appears
                  due to the continuous exchange of a photon between the two atoms.
                  What happens if you take the white powder potassium iodide – KJ – and the white
 Challenge 42 s   powder lead nitrate – Pb(NO3 )2 – and mix them with a masher? (This needs to be done
                  with proper protection and supervision.)
                  Writing on paper with a pen filled with lemon juice instead of ink produces invisible
                  writing. Later on, the secret writing can be made visible by carefully heating the paper
                  on top of a candle flame.
                  How is the concentration of ozone, with the chemical composition O3 , maintained in
                  the high atmosphere? It took many years of research to show that the coolants used in
                  refrigerators, the so-called fluoro-chloro-hydrocarbons or FCHCs, slowly destroyed this
                  important layer. The reduction of ozone has increased the rate of skin cancer all across
                    materials science                                                                             67

                    the world. By forbidding the most dangerous refrigerator coolants all over the world, it
                    is hoped that the ozone concentration can recover. The first results are encouraging. In
                    1995, Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland received the Nobel Price for
                    Chemistry for the research that led to these results and policy changes.
                    In 2008, it was shown that perispinal infusion of a single substance, etanercept, reduced
                    Alzheimer’s symptoms in a patient with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, within a few
                    minutes. Curing Alzheimer’s disease is one of the great open challenges for modern
                    medicine. In 2013, Jens Pahnke found that an extract of Hypericum has positive effects
                    on the cognition and memory of Alzheimer patients. The extract is already available as
                    prescription-free medication, for other uses, with the name LAIF900.
                    Cyanoacrylate is a fascinating substance. It is the main ingredient of instant glue, the glue

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    that starts to harden after a few seconds of exposure to moisture. The smell of evaporating
          Ref. 48   cyanoacrylate glue is strong and known to everybody who has used this kind of adhesive.
                    The vapour also has another use: they make finger prints visible. You can try this at home!
 Challenge 43 e

                    Fireworks fascinate many. A great challenge of firework technology is to produce forest
                    green and greenish blue colours. Producers are still seeking to solve the problem. For
                    more information about fireworks, see the website.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    materials science

                                                                  Did you know that one cannot use a boiled egg

                                                                  as a toothpick?
                                                                                                  Karl Valentin

                    We mentioned several times that the quantum of action explains all properties of matter.
                    Many researchers in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, engineering, mathematics and bio-
                    logy have cooperated in the proof of this statement. In our mountain ascent we have only
                    a little time to explore this vast but fascinating topic. Let us walk through a selection.

                    Why d oes the flo or not fall?
                    We do not fall through the mountain we are walking on. Some interaction keeps us from
                    falling through. In turn, the continents keep the mountains from falling through them.
                    Also the liquid magma in the Earth’s interior keeps the continents from sinking. All
                    these statements can be summarized in two ideas: First, atoms do not penetrate each
                    other: despite being mostly empty clouds, atoms keep a distance. Secondly, atoms cannot
                    be compressed in size. Both properties are due to Pauli’s exclusion principle between
Vol. IV, page 136   electrons. The fermion character of electrons avoids that atoms shrink or interpenetrate
                    – on Earth.
68                                        2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 25 A comparison of star sizes (© Dave Jarvis).

    In fact, not all floors keep up due to the fermion character of electrons. Atoms are

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
not impenetrable at all pressures. At sufficiently large pressures, atoms can collapse, and
form new types of floors. Such floors do not exist on Earth. Some people have spent their
whole life to understand why such other floors, namely surfaces of stars, do not fall, or
when they do, how it happens.
    The floors and the sizes of all astronomic objects are due to quantum effects. Fig-
ure 25 illustrates the range of sizes that are found in astronomic objects. In each object,
a quantum effect leads to an internal pressure which fixes the floor, and thus the size of
the object.
    In solid or liquid planets, the size is given by the incompressibility of condensed mat-
ter, which in turn is due to Pauli’s exclusion principle. The effective internal pressure of
condensed matter is often called the Pauli pressure. In gaseous planets, such as Jupiter,
and in usual stars, such as in the Sun, the gas pressure takes the role that the incompress-
ibility of solids and liquids has for smaller planets. The gas pressure is due to the heat
stored in them; the heat is usually released by internal nuclear reactions.
    Light pressure does play a role in determining the size of red giants, such as Betelgeuse;
but for average stars, light pressure is negligible.
    Other quantum effects appear in dense stars. Whenever light pressure, gas pressure
and the electronic Pauli pressure cannot keep atoms from interpenetrating, atoms are
compressed until all electrons are pushed into the protons. Protons then become neut-
rons, and the whole star has the same mass density of atomic nuclei, namely about
2.3 ⋅ 1017 kg/m3 . A drop weighs about 200 000 tons. In these so-called neutron stars, the
floor – or better, the size – is also determined by Pauli pressure; however, it is the Pauli
                    materials science                                                                         69

       Page 186     pressure between neutrons, triggered by the nuclear interactions. These neutron stars are
                    all around 10 km in radius.
                        If the pressure increases still further, the star becomes a black hole, and never stops
Vol. II, page 262   collapsing. Black holes have no floor at all; they still have a constant size though, determ-
                    ined by the horizon curvature.
                        The question whether other star types exist in nature, with other floor forming mech-
                    anisms – such as the conjectured quark stars – is still a topic of research.

                    Ro cks and stones
                    If a geologist takes a stone in his hands, he is usually able to give the age of the stone,
                    within an error of a few per cent, simply by looking at it. The full story behind this as-
                    tonishing ability forms a large part of geology, but the general lines should also be known
                    to every physicist.
                        Generally speaking, the mass density of the Earth decreases from the centre towards
                    the surface. The upper mantle, below the solid crust of the Earth, is mostly composed

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    of peridotite, a dense, obviously igneous rock with a density of around 3.3 g/cm3 . The
                    oceanic crust, with a thickness between 5 and 10 km, is mainly composed of igneous rocks
                    such as basalt, diabase and gabbro. These rocks are somewhat less dense, around 3 g/cm3 ,
                    and are typically 200 million years old. The continental crust has a depth of 30 to 50 km,
                    consists of lighter rocks, around 2.7 g/cm3 , such as granite. The age of the continental
                    crust varies strongly; on average it is 2000 million years old, with a range from extremely
                    young rocks to some older than 4300 million years. The continental crust contains most
                    of the incompatible elements.
                        Every stone arrives in our hand through the rock cycle(s). The main rock cycle is a

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    process that transforms magma from the interior of the Earth into igneous (or magmatic)
                    rocks through cooling and crystallization. Igneous rocks, such as basalt, can transform
                    through erosion, transport and deposition into sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone.
                    (Sedimentary rocks can also form from biogenic base materials.) Either of these two
                    rock types can be transformed through high pressures or temperatures into metamorphic
                    rocks, such as marble. Finally, most rocks are generally – but not always – transformed
                    back into magma.
                        The main rock cycle takes around 110 to 170 million years. For this reason, rocks that
                    are older than this age are less common on Earth. Any stone that we collect during a
                    walk is the product of erosion of one of the rock types. A geologist can usually tell, just
                    by looking at the stone, the type of rock it belongs to; if he sees or knows the original
                    environment, he can also give the age and often tell the story of the formation, without
                    any laboratory.
                        In the course of millions of years, minerals float upwards from the mantle or are
                    pushed down the crust, they are transformed under heat and pressure, they dissolve or
                    precipitate, and they get enriched in certain locations. These captivating stories about
                    minerals are explored in detail by geologists. Geologists can tell where to find beaches
                    with green sand (made of olivine); they can tell how contact between sedimentary lime-
                    stone with molten igneous rocks leads to marble, ruby and other gemstones, and under
         Ref. 49    which precise conditions; they can also tell from small crystals of quartz that enclose
                    coesite that in earlier times the rock has been under extremely high pressure – either
70                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
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F I G U R E 26 Igneous rocks (top three rows): gabbro, andesite, permatite, basalt, pumice, porphyry,
obsidian, granite, tuff; sedimentary rocks (centre): clay, limestone, sandstone; and (below) two specimen
of a metamorphic rock: marble (© Siim Sepp at, Wikimedia).
          materials science                                                                                71

          TA B L E 4 The types of rocks and stones.

          Type                     Properties              Subtype                 Example

          Igneous rocks            formed from             volcanic or extrusive   basalt (ocean floors,
          (magmatites)             magma, 95 % of all                              Giant’s Causeway),
                                   rocks                                           andesite, obsidian
                                                           plutonic or intrusive   granite, gabbro
          Sedimentary rocks        often with fossils, a   clastic                 shale, siltstone,
          (sedimentites)           few %                                           sandstone
                                                           biogenic                limestone, chalk,
                                                           precipitate             halite, gypsum
          Metamorphic rocks        transformed by          foliated                slate, schist, gneiss
          (metamorphites)          heat and pressure, a                            (Himalayas)

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                   few %
                                                           non-foliated            marble, skarn, quartzite
                                                           (grandoblastic or
          Meteorites               from the solar          rock meteorites
                                                           iron meteorites

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          because it once was at a depth of the order of 70 km, or because of an asteroid impact, or
          because of an atomic bomb explosion.
              From the point of view of materials science, rocks are mixtures of minerals. Even
          though more than 5000 minerals are known, only about 200 form rocks. These rock-
          forming minerals can be grouped in a few general types. The main group are the silica-
          based rocks. They contain SiO4 tetrahedra and form around 92 % of all rocks. The re-
          maining 8 % of rocks are of different composition, such as carbonates or oxides. Table 5
          gives more details. The table covers the minerals found on the Earth’s crust. However, the
          most common mineral in absolute is Bridgmanite, a form of MgSiO3 . About one third of
          the Earth is made of Bridgmanite, a silicate perovskite; it is formed in the lower mantle,
          at temperatures of around 1800°C and pressures above 24 GPa. The mineral never ap-
          pears on the Earth’s crust. Recent research suggests that some forms of Bridgmanite may
Ref. 50   even have contributed, when it rose to the surface by convection, to the oxygen in the
              From the point of view of chemistry, rocks are even more uniform. 99 % of all rocks
          are made of only nine elements. Table 6 shows the details.
              Almost all minerals are crystals. Crystals are solids with a regular arrangement of
          atoms and are a fascinating topic by themselves.
72                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

TA B L E 5 The mineralogic composition of rocks and stones in the Earth’s crust.

Group                                Mineral                                       Vo l u m e
Inosilicates                         single chain silicates:                       11(2) %
                                     pyroxenes, e.g., diopside
                                     double chain silicates:                       5(1) %
                                     e.g., tremolite
Phyllosilicates                      sheet silicates:                              10 (2) %
                                     clays, e.g., kaolinite, talc                  5(1) %
                                     mica-based minerals, e.g.,                    5(1) %
                                     biotite, muscovite
Tectosilicates                       volume silicates:                             65(5) %
                                     quartz, tridymite,                            11(1) %

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                     cristobalite, coesite
                                     the plagioclase feldspar                      43(4) %
                                     series, e.g., albite
                                     the alkali feldspars, e.g.,                   14(2) %
Other silicates                      with isolated, double or                      3(1) %
                                     cyclic silica groups, e.g.,
                                     olivine, beryl and garnets,
                                     or amorphous silicates,
                                     e.g., opal

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Oxide-based rocks                    e.g., magnetite, hematite,                    5(1) %
Carbonate-based                      e.g., calcite, dolomite
Sulfate-based rocks                  e.g., gypsum, anhydrite
Halide-based rocks                   e.g., rock salt or halite,
Other rocks
                                     phosphates, e.g., apatite                     1(0.5) %
                                     sulfides, e.g., pyrite
                                     native metals, e.g., gold
                                     borates, e.g.,
                                     and many others.

Crystal formation
Have you ever admired a quartz crystal or some other crystalline material? The beautiful
shape and atomic arrangement has formed spontaneously, as a result of the motion of
atoms under high temperature and pressure, during the time that the material was deep
under the Earth’s surface. The details of crystal formation are complex and interesting.
                 materials science                                                                             73

                 TA B L E 6 The chemical composition of rocks and stones in the Earth’s crust.

                 Element                                                                         Vo l u m e
                 Oxygen                                                                          46.7(1.0) %
                 Silicon                                                                         27.6(0.6) %
                 Aluminium                                                                       8.1(0.1) %
                 Iron                                                                            5(1) %
                 Calcium                                                                         4.3(0.7) %
                 Sodium                                                                          2.5(0.2) %
                 Potassium                                                                       2.0(0.5) %
                 Magnesium                                                                       2.5(0.4) %
                 Titanium                                                                        0.5(0.1) %
                 Other elements                                                                  0.8(0.8) %

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Are regular crystal lattices energetically optimal? This simple question leads to a wealth
                 of problems. We might start with the much simpler question whether a regular dense
                 packing of spheres is the most dense packing possible. Its density is π/√18 , i.e., a bit
Challenge 44 s   over 74 %. Even though this was conjectured to be the maximum possible value already
       Ref. 51   in 1609 by Johannes Kepler, the statement was proven only in 1998 by Tom Hales. The
                 proof is difficult because in small volumes it is possible to pack spheres up to almost
                 78 %. To show that over large volumes the lower value is correct is a tricky business.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Next, does a regular crystal of solid spheres, in which the spheres do not touch, really
                 have the highest possible entropy? This simple problem has been the subject of research
                 only from the 1990s onwards. Interestingly, for low temperatures, regular sphere arrange-
                 ments indeed show the largest possible entropy. At low temperatures, spheres in a crystal
                 can oscillate around their average position and be thus more disordered than if they were
                 in a liquid; in the liquid state the spheres would block each other’s motion and would
                 not allow reaching the entropy values of a solid.
                    Many similar results deduced from the research into these so-called entropic forces
                 show that the transition from solid to liquid is – at least in part – simply a geometrical
                 effect. For the same reason, one gets the surprising result that even slightly repulsing
       Ref. 52   spheres (or atoms) can form crystals and melt at higher temperatures. These are beautiful
                 examples of how classical thinking can explain certain material properties, using from
                 quantum theory only the particle model of matter.
                    But the energetic side of crystal formation provides other interesting questions.
                 Quantum theory shows that it is possible that two atoms repel each other, while three
                 attract each other. This beautiful effect was discovered and explained by Hans-Werner
       Ref. 53   Fink in 1984. He studied rhenium atoms on tungsten surfaces and showed, as observed,
                 that they cannot form dimers – two atoms moving together – but readily form trimers.
                 This is an example contradicting classical physics; the effect is impossible if one pictures
                 atoms as immutable spheres, but becomes possible when one remembers that the elec-
                 tron clouds around the atoms rearrange depending on their environment.
                    For an exact study of crystal energy, the interactions between all atoms have to be
                   74                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

                   F I G U R E 27 On tungsten tips, rhenium atoms, visible at the centre of the images, do not form dimers
                   (left) but do form trimers (right) (© Hans-Werner Fink/APS, from Ref. 53).

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   F I G U R E 28 Some snow flakes (© Furukawa Yoshinori).

                   included. The simplest question about crystal energy is to determine whether a regular
                   array of alternatively charged spheres has lower energy than some irregular collection.
                   Already such simple questions are still topic of research; the answer is still open.
                       The previous topics concerned bulk crystals. The next topic is the face formation in
                   crystals. Can you confirm that crystal faces are those planes with the slowest growth
Challenge 45 s     speed, because all fast growing planes are eliminated? The finer details of the process
        Ref. 54    form a complete research field in itself.
                       However, not always the slowest growing planes win out during crystal growth. Fig-
                   ure 28 shows some well-known exceptions: snow flakes. Explaining the shapes of snow
                   flakes is possible today. Furukawa Yoshinori is one of the experts in the field, heading a
        Ref. 55    dedicated research team. These explanations also settle the question of symmetry: why
                   are crystals often symmetric, instead of asymmetric? This is a topic of self-organization,
Vol. I, page 415   as mentioned already in the section of classical physics. It turns out that the symmetry
                   is an automatic result of the way molecular systems grow under the combined influence
                   of diffusion and non-linear growth processes. But as usual, the details are still a topic of
                 materials science                                                                                      75

                 S ome interesting crystals
                 Every crystal, like every structure in nature, is the result of growth. Every crystal is thus
                 the result of motion. To form a crystal whose regularity is as high as possible and whose
                 shape is as symmetric as possible, the required motion is a slow growth of facets from the
                 liquid (or gaseous) basic ingredients. The growth requires a certain pressure, temperat-
                 ure and temperature gradient for a certain time. For the most impressive crystals, the
                 gemstones, the conditions are usually quite extreme; this is the reason for their durabil-
                 ity. The conditions are realized in specific rocks deep inside the Earth, where the growth
                 process can take thousands of years. Mineral crystals can form in all three types of rocks:
      Page 69    igneous (magmatic), metamorphic, and sedimentary. Other crystals can be made in the
                 laboratory in minutes, hours or days and have led to a dedicated industry. Only a few
                 crystals grow from liquids at standard conditions; examples are gypsum and several other
                 sulfates, which can be crystallized at home, potassium bitartrate, which appears in the
                 making of wine, and the crystals grown inside plants or animals, such as teeth, bones or
                 magnetosensitive crystallites.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Growing, cutting, treating and polishing crystals is an important industry. Especially
                 the growth of crystals is a science in itself. Can you show with pencil and paper that
Challenge 46 e   only the slowest growing facets are found in crystals? In the following, a few important
                 crystals are presented.

                       F I G U R E 29 Quartz found     F I G U R E 30 Citrine   F I G U R E 31 Amethystine and orange        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       at St. Gotthard, Switzerland,   found on                 quartz found in the Orange River,
                       picture size 12 cm (© Rob       Magaliesberg,            Namibia, picture size 6 cm (© Rob
                       Lavinsky).                      South Africa,            Lavinsky).
                                                       crystal height 9 cm
                                                       (© Rob Lavinsky).


                 Quartz, amethyst (whose colour is due to radiation and iron Fe4+ impurities), citrine
                 (whose colour is due to Fe3+ impurities), smoky quartz (with colour centres induced by
                 radioactivity), agate and onyx are all forms of crystalline silicon dioxide or SiO2 . Quartz
                 forms in igneous and in magmatic rocks; crystals are also found in many sedimentary
                 rocks. Quartz crystals can sometimes be larger than humans. By the way, most amethysts
                   76                                   2 changing the world with quantum effects

                   lose their colour with time, so do not waste money buying them.
                      Quartz is the most common crystal on Earth’s crust and is also grown synthetically
                   for many high-purity applications. The structure is rombohedral, and the ideal shape is a
                   six-sided prism with six-sided pyramids at its ends. Quartz melts at 1986 K and is piezo-
                   and pyroelectric. Its piezoelectricity makes it useful as electric oscillator and filter. A film
Vol. I, page 291   of an oscillating clock quartz is found in the first volume. Quartz is also used for glass
                   production, in communication fibres, for coating of polymers, in gas lighters, as source
                   of silicon and for many other applications.

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                              F I G U R E 32 Corundum found in     F I G U R E 33 Ruby    F I G U R E 34
                              Laacher See, Germany, picture size   found in Jagdalak,     Sapphire
                              4 mm (© Stephan Wolfsried).          Afghanistan, picture   found in
                                                                   height 2 cm (© Rob     Ratnapura, Sri

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                   Lavinsky).             Lanka, size
                                                                                          1.6 cm (© Rob

                   Corundum, ruby and sapphire are crystalline variations of alumina, or Al2 O3 . Corundum
                   is pure and colourless crystalline alumina, ruby is Cr doped and blue sapphire is Ti or Fe
                   doped. They have trigonal crystal structure and melt at 2320 K. Natural gems are formed
                   in metamorphic rocks. Yellow, green, purple, pink, brown, grey and salmon-coloured
                   sapphires also exist, when doped with other impurities. The colours of natural sapphires,
                   like that of many other gemstones, are often changed by baking and other treatments.
                       Corundum, ruby and sapphire are used in jewellery, as heat sink and growth substrate,
                   and for lasers. Corundum is the second-hardest material known, just after diamond, and
                   is therefore used as scratch-resistant ‘glass’ in watches and, since a short time, in mobile
                   phones. Ruby was the first gemstone that was grown synthetically in gem quality, in 1892
                   by Auguste Verneuil (1856-1913), who made his fortune in this way. Modern synthetic
                   single crystals of corundum can weigh 30 kg and more. Also alumina ceramics, which
                   can be white or even transparent, are important in industrial and medical systems.
                   Tourmaline is a frequently found mineral and can be red, green, blue, orange, yellow,
materials science                                                                                          77

F I G U R E 35 Left: raw crystals, or boules, of synthetic corundum, picture size c. 50 cm. Right: a modern,
115 kg corundum single crystal, size c. 50 cm (© Morion Company, GT Advanced).

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
pink or black, depending on its composition. The chemical formula is astonishingly com-
plex and varies from type to type. Tourmaline has trigonal structure and usually forms
columnar crystals that have triangular cross-section. It is only used in jewellery. Paraiba
tourmalines, a very rare type of green or blue tourmaline, are among the most beautiful
gemstones and can be, if natural and untreated, more expensive than diamonds.

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                    F I G U R E 36 Natural F I G U R E 37 Cut Paraiba tourmaline from
                    bicoloured             Brazil, picture size 3 cm (© Manfred Fuchs).
                    tourmaline found in
                    Paprok, Afghanistan,
                    picture size 9 cm
                    (© Rob Lavinsky).

Garnets are a family of compounds of the type X2 Y3 (SiO4 )3 . They have cubic crystal
structure. They can have any colour, depending on composition. They show no cleavage
and their common shape is a rhombic dodecahedron. Some rare garnets differ in col-
78                                        2 changing the world with quantum effects

our when looked at in daylight or in incandescent light. Natural garnets form in meta-
morphic rocks and are used in jewellery, as abrasive and for water filtration. Synthetic
garnets are used in many important laser types.

F I G U R E 38 Red garnet with     F I G U R E 39 Green        F I G U R E 40 Synthetic Cr,Tm,Ho:YAG, a
smoky quartz found in              demantoid, a garnet         doped yttrium aluminium garnet, picture
Lechang, China, picture size       owing its colour to         size 25 cm (© Northrop Grumman).
9 cm (© Rob Lavinsky).             chromium doping,
                                   found in Tubussis,

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                   Namibia, picture size
                                   5 cm (© Rob Lavinsky).

Alexandrite, a chromium-doped variety of chrysoberyl, is used in jewellery and in lasers.
Its composition is BeAl2 O4 ; the crystal structure is orthorhombic. Chrysoberyl melts at
2140 K. Alexandrite is famous for its colour-changing property: it is green in daylight or
fluorescent light but amethystine in incandescent light, as shown in Figure 41. The effect
is due to its chromium content: the ligand field is just between that of chromium in red

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
ruby and that in green emerald. A few other gems also show this effect, in particular the
rare blue garnet and some Paraiba tourmalines.

F I G U R E 41 Alexandrite found in the Setubal river,    F I G U R E 42 Synthetic alexandrite, picture size
Brazil, crystal height 1.4 cm, illuminated with           20 cm (© Northrop Grumman).
daylight (left) and with incandescent light (right)
(© Trinity Mineral).

Perovskites are a large class of cubic crystals used in jewellery and in tunable lasers. Their
general composition is XYO3 , XYF3 or XYCl3 .
materials science                                                                           79

         F I G U R E 43 Perovskite found in   F I G U R E 44 Synthetic PZT, or lead
         Hillesheim, Germany. Picture width   zirconium titanate, is a perovskite used in
         3 mm (© Stephan Wolfsried).          numerous products. Picture width 20 cm

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                              (© Ceramtec).

Diamond is a metastable variety of graphite, thus pure carbon. Theory says that graph-
ite is the stable form; practice says that diamond is still more expensive. In contrast to
graphite, diamond has face-centred cubic structure, is a large band gap semiconductor
and typically has octahedral shape. Diamond burns at 1070 K; in the absence of oxygen
it converts to graphite at around 1950 K. Diamond can be formed in magmatic and in
metamorphic rocks. Diamonds can be synthesized in reasonable quality, though gem-

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
stones of large size and highest quality are not yet possible. Diamond can be coloured
and be doped to achieve electrical conductivity in a variety of ways. Diamond is mainly
used in jewellery, for hardness measurements and as abrasive.
Silicon, Si, is not found in nature in pure form; all crystals are synthetic. The structure
is face-centred cubic, thus diamond-like. It is moderately brittle, and can be cut in thin
wafers which can be further thinned by grinding or chemical etching, even down to
a thickness of 10 μm. Being a semiconductor, the band structure determines its black
colour, its metallic shine and its brittleness. Silicon is widely used for silicon chips and
electronic semiconductors. Today, human-sized silicon crystals can be grown free of dis-
locations and other line defects. (They will still contain some point defects.)
Teeth are the structures that allowed animals to be so successful in populating the Earth.
They are composed of several materials; the outer layer, the enamel, is 97 % hydroxylapat-
ite, mixed with a small percentage of two proteins groups, the amelogenins and the
enamelins. The growth of teeth is still not fully understood; neither the molecular level
nor the shape-forming mechanisms are completely clarified. Hydroxylapatite is soluble
in acids; addition of fluorine ions changes the hydroxylapatite to fluorapatite and greatly
reduces the solubility. This is the reason for the use of fluorine in tooth paste.
    Hydroxylapatite (or hydroxyapatite) has the chemical formula Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 , pos-
80                                     2 changing the world with quantum effects

            F I G U R E 45 Natural diamond from        F I G U R E 46 Synthetic diamond,
            Saha republic, Russia, picture size 4 cm   picture size 20 cm (© Diamond
            (© Rob Lavinsky).                          Materials GmbH).

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                 F I G U R E 47 Ophthalmic diamond

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                 knife, picture size 1 cm (© Diamatrix

sesses hexagonal crystal structure, is hard (more than steel) but relatively brittle. It occurs
as mineral in sedimentary rocks (see Figure 49), in bones, renal stones, bladders tones,
bile stones, atheromatic plaque, cartilage arthritis and teeth. Hydroxylapatite is mined
as a phosphorus ore for the chemical industry, is used in genetics to separate single and
double-stranded DNA, and is used to coat implants in bones.
Pure metals, such as gold, silver and even copper, are found in nature, usually in magmatic
rocks. But only a few metallic compounds form crystals, such as pyrite. Monocrystal-
line pure metal crystals are all synthetic. Monocrystalline metals, for example iron, alu-
minium, gold or copper, are extremely soft and ductile. Either bending them repeatedly
– a process called cold working – or adding impurities, or forming alloys makes them
hard and strong. Stainless steel, a carbon-rich iron alloy, is an example that uses all three
In 2009, Luca Bindi of the Museum of Natural History in Florence, Italy, made headlines
          materials science                                                                                      81

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

          F I G U R E 48 A silicon crystal growing machine and two resulting crystals, with a length of c. 2 m

Ref. 56   across the world with his discovery of the first natural quasicrystal. Quasicrystals are ma-
          terials that show non-crystallographic symmetries. Until 2009, only synthetic materials
          were known. Then, in 2009, after years of searching, Bindi discovered a specimen in his
          collection whose grains clearly show fivefold symmetry.
          There are about 4000 known mineral types. On the other hand, there are ten times as
          many obsolete mineral names, namely around 40 000. An official list can be found in
82                                       2 changing the world with quantum effects

          F I G U R E 49 Hydroxylapatite found in      F I G U R E 50 The main and the reserve
          Oxsoykollen, Snarum, Norway, length          teeth on the jaw bone of a shark, all
          65 mm (© Aksel Österlöf).                    covered in hydroxylapatite, picture size
                                                       15 cm (© Peter Doe).

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
  F I G U R E 51 Pyrite, found in F I G U R E 52 Silver from          F I G U R E 53 Synthetic copper
  Navajún, Spain, picture width Colquechaca, Bolivia, picture         single crystal, picture width
  5.7 cm (© Rob Lavinsky).        width 2.5 cm (© Rob Lavinsky).      30 cm (© Lachlan Cranswick).

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 54 The specimen, found in the Koryak Mountains in Russia, is part of a triassic mineral, about
220 million years old; the black material is mostly khatyrkite (CuAl2 ) and cupalite (CuAl2 ) but also
contains quasicrystal grains with composition Al63 Cu24 Fe13 that have fivefold symmetry, as clearly
shown in the X-ray diffraction pattern and in the transmission electron image. (© Luca Bindi).

various places on the internet, including or
To explore the world of crystal shapes, see the website. Around 40 new
minerals are discovered each year. Searching for minerals and collecting them is a fas-
cinating pastime.
                   materials science                                                                              83

                   How can we lo ok through mat ter?
                   The quantum of action tells us that all obstacles have only finite potential heights. The
Vol. IV, page 28   quantum of action implies that matter is penetrable. That leads to a question: Is it possible
                   to look through solid matter? For example, can we see what is hidden inside a mountain?
                   To achieve this, we need a signal which fulfils two conditions: the signal must be able to
                   penetrate the mountain, and it must be scattered in a material-dependent way. Indeed,
                   such signals exist, and various techniques use them. Table 7 gives an overview of the

                   TA B L E 7 Signals penetrating mountains and other matter.

                   Signal                Penet-         Achie-          Ma-    Use
                                         r at i o n     ved             terial
                                         depth          resolu -        de-
                                         in stone       tion            pend-

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   Fluid signals
                   Diffusion of gases, c. 5 km          c. 100 m        medium   exploring vacuum systems and
                   such as helium                                                tube systems
                   Diffusion of water c. 5 km           c. 100 m        medium   mapping hydrosystems
                   or liquid chemicals
                   Sound signals
                   Infrasound and      100 000 km 100 km                high     mapping of Earth crust and
                   earthquakes                                                   mantle

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Sound, explosions, 0.1 − 10 m c. 𝜆/100               high     oil and ore search, structure
                   short seismic waves                                           mapping in rocks, searching for
                                                                                 underwater treasures in sunken
                                                                                 ship with sub-bottom-profilers
                   Ultrasound                           1 mm            high     medical imaging, acoustic
                                                                                 microscopy, sonar, echo systems
                   Acousto-optic or                     1 mm            medium   blood stream imaging, mouse
                   photoacoustic                                                 imaging
                   Electromagnetic signals
                   Static magnetic field                                medium   cable search, cable fault
                   variations                                                    localization, search for structures
                                                                                 and metal inside soil, rocks and
                                                                                 the seabed
                   Electrical currents                                           soil and rock investigations,
                                                                                 search for tooth decay
                   Electromagnetic                                               soil and rock investigations in
                   sounding,                                                     deep water and on land
                   0.2 − 5 Hz
                   Radio waves           10 m           30 m to 1 mm small       soil radar (up to 10 MW),
                                                                                 magnetic resonance imaging,
                                                                                 research into solar interior
                 84                                    2 changing the world with quantum effects

                 TA B L E 7 (Continued) Signals penetrating mountains and other matter.

                 Signal                Penet-         Achie-          Ma-    Use
                                       r at i o n     ved             terial
                                       depth          resolu -        de-
                                       in stone       tion            pend-
                 Ultra-wide band  10 cm      1 mm                     sufficient searching for wires and tubes in
                 radio                                                           walls, breast cancer detection
                 THz and mm waves below 1 mm 1 mm                                see through clothes, envelopes
                                                                                 and teeth Ref. 57
                 Infrared              c. 1 m         0.1 m           medium mapping of soil over 100 m
                 Visible light         c. 1 cm        0.1 μm          medium imaging of many sorts, including
                                                                                 breast tumour screening
                 X-rays                a few metres 5 μm              high       medicine, material analysis,

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                 airports, food production check
                 γ-rays                a few metres 1 mm              high       medicine
                 Matter particle signals
                 Neutrons from a      up to c. 1 m 1 mm               medium      tomography of metal structures,
                 reactor                                                          e.g., archaeologic statues or car
                 Muons created by      up to          0.1 m           small       finding caves in pyramids,
                 cosmic radiation or   c. 300 m                                   imaging interior of trucks
                 technical sources

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Positrons             up to c. 1 m 2 mm              high      brain tomography
                 Electrons             up to c. 1 μm 10 nm            small     transmission electron
                 Neutrino beams        light years none               very weak studies of Sun
                 Radioactivity         1 mm to 1 m                              airport security checks
                 Variation of 𝑔                       50 m            low         oil and ore search

                    We see that many signals are able to penetrate a mountain, and even more signals
                 are able to penetrate other condensed matter. To distinguish different materials, or to
                 distinguish solids from liquids and from air, sound and radio waves are the best choice.
                 In addition, any useful method requires a large number of signal sources and of signal
                 receptors, and thus a large amount of money. Will there ever be a simple method that
                 allows looking into mountains as precisely as X-rays allow looking into human bodies?
                 For example, is it possible to map the interior of the pyramids? A motion expert should
Challenge 47 s   be able to give a definite answer.
                    One of the high points of twentieth century physics was the development of the best
                 method so far to look into matter with dimensions of about a metre or less: magnetic
     Page 162    resonance imaging. We will discuss it later on.
                    Various modern imaging techniques, such as X-rays, ultrasound imaging and several
                   materials science                                                                           85

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 55 A switchable Mg-Gd mirror (© Ronald Griessen).

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Vol. I, page 313   future ones, are useful in medicine. As mentioned before, the use of ultrasound imaging
Vol. I, page 313   for prenatal diagnostics of embryos is not recommended. Studies have found that ultra-
                   sound produces extremely high levels of audible sound to the embryo, especially when
                   the ultrasound is repeatedly switched on and off, and that babies react negatively to this
                   loud noise.
                       Looking into the ground is important for another reason. It can help in locating land
                   mines. Detecting land mines, especially metal-free mines, buried in the ground is a big
                   technological challenge that is still unsolved. Many technologies have been tested: X-
                   ray backscatter devices working at 350 to 450 keV, ground-penetrating radar and ultra-
                   wideband radar, infrared detection, thermal or fast neutron bombardment and analysis,
                   acoustic and sonar detection, electric impedance tomography, radio-frequency bom-
                   bardment, nuclear quadrupole resonance, millimetre waves, visual detection, ion mo-
                   bility spectrometers, using dogs, using rats, and explosive vapour detection with dedic-
                   ated sensors. (And of course, for metallic mines, magnetometers and metal detectors are
                   used.) But so far, the is still no solution in sight. Can you find one? If you do, get in touch

                   What is necessary to make mat ter invisible?
                   You might have already imagined what adventures would be possible if you could be
                   invisible for a while. In 1996, a team of Dutch scientists found a material, yttrium hydride
                   or YH3 , that can be switched from mirror mode to transparent mode using an electrical
                     86                                  2 changing the world with quantum effects

          Ref. 58    signal. A number of other materials were also discovered. An example of the effect for
                     Mg-Gd layers is shown in Figure 55.
                         Switchable mirrors might seem a first step to realize the dream to become invisible
                     and visible at will. In 2006, and repeatedly since then, researchers made the headlines in
                     the popular press by claiming that they could build a cloak of invisibility. This is a blatant
                     lie. This lie is frequently used to get funding from gullible people, such as buyers of bad
                     science fiction books or the military. For example, it is often claimed that objects can be
                     made invisible by covering them with metamaterials. The impossibility of this aim has
Vol. III, page 169   been already shown earlier on. But we now can say more.
                         Nature shows us how to realize invisibility. An object is invisible if it has no surface, no
                     absorption and small size. In short, invisible objects are either small clouds or composed
                     of them. Most atoms and molecules are examples. Homogeneous non-absorbing gases
                     also realize these conditions. That is the reason that air is (usually) invisible. When air is
                     not homogeneous, it can be visible, e.g. above hot surfaces.
                         In contrast to gases, solids or liquids do have surfaces. Surfaces are usually visible,

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     even if the body is transparent, because the refractive index changes there. For example,
                     quartz can be made so transparent that one can look through 1 000 km of it; pure quartz
                     is thus more transparent than usual air. Still, objects made of pure quartz are visible to
                     the eye, due to their refractive index. Quartz can be invisible only when submerged in
                     liquids with the same refractive index.
                         In short, anything that has a shape cannot be invisible. If we want to become invisible,
                     we must transform ourselves into a diffuse gas cloud of non-absorbing atoms. On the way
                     to become invisible, we would lose all memory and all genes, in short, we would lose all
                     our individuality, because an individual cannot be made of gas. An individual is defined

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     through its boundary. There is no way that we can be invisible and alive at the same time;
                     a way to switch back to visibility is even less likely. In summary, quantum theory shows
                     that only the dead can be invisible. Quantum theory has a reassuring side: we already
Vol. IV, page 136    found that quantum theory forbids ghosts; we now find that it also forbids any invisible

                     What moves inside mat ter?
                     All matter properties are due to the motion of the components of matter. Therefore, we
                     can correctly argue that understanding the motion of electrons and nuclei implies under-
                     standing all properties of matter. Sometimes, however, it is more practical to explore the
                     motion of collections of electrons or nuclei as a whole. Here is a selection of such col-
                     lective motions. Collective motions that appear to behave like single particles are called
                        In crystalline solids, sound waves can be described as the motion of phonons. For ex-
                     ample, transverse phonons and longitudinal phonons describe many processes in semi-
                     conductors, in solid state lasers and in ultrasound systems. Phonons approximately be-
                     have as bosons.
       Page 298         In metals, the motion of crystal defects, the so-called dislocations and disclinations, is
                     central to understand their hardening and their breaking.
                        Also in metals, the charge waves of the conductive electron plasma, can be seen as
                     composed of so-called plasmons. Plasmons are also important in the behaviour of high-
                   materials science                                                                          87

                   speed electronics.
                       In magnetic materials, the motion of spin orientation is often best described with
                   the help of magnons. Understanding the motion of magnons and that of magnetic do-
                   main walls is useful to understand the magnetic properties of magnetic material, e.g.,
                   in permanent magnets, magnetic storage devices, or electric motors. Magnons behave
                   approximately like bosons.
                       In semiconductors and insulators, the motion of conduction electrons and electron
                   holes, is central for the description and design of most electronic devices. They behave
                   as fermions with spin 1/2, elementary electric charge, and a mass that depends on the
                   material, on the specific conduction band and on the specific direction of motion. The
                   bound system of a conduction electron and a hole is called an exciton. It can have spin 0
                   or spin 1.
                       In polar materials, the motion of light through the material is often best described
                   in terms of polaritons, i.e., the coupled motion of photons and dipole carrying material
                   excitations. Polaritons are approximate bosons.

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       In dielectric crystals, such as in many inorganic ionic crystals, the motion of an elec-
                   tron is often best described in terms of polarons, the coupled motion of the electron with
                   the coupled polarization region that surrounds it. Polarons are fermions.
                       In fluids, the motion of vortices is central in understanding turbulence or air hoses.
                   Especially in superfluids, vortex motion is quantized in terms of rotons which determ-
                   ines flow properties. Also in fluids, bubble motion is often useful to describe mixing
                       In superconductors, not only the motion of Cooper pairs, but also the motion of mag-
                   netic flux tubes determines the temperature behaviour. Especially in thin and flat super-

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   conductors – so-called ‘two-dimensional’ systems – such tubes have particle-like prop-
                       In all condensed matter systems, the motion of surface states – such as surface
                   magnons, surface phonons, surface plasmons, surface vortices – has also to be taken
                   into account.
                       Many other, more exotic quasiparticles exist in matter. Each quasiparticle in itself is an
                   important research field where quantum physics and material science come together. To
                   clarify the concepts, we mention that a soliton is not, in general, a quasiparticle. ‘Soliton’
                   is a mathematical concept; it applies to macroscopic waves with only one crest that re-
Vol. I, page 316   main unaltered after collisions. Many domain walls can be seen as solitons. But quasi-
                   particles are concepts that describe physical observations similar to quantum particles.
                       In summary, all the mentioned examples of collective motion inside matter, both mac-
                   roscopic and quantized, are of importance in electronics, photonics, engineering and
                   medical applications. Many are quantized and their motion can be studied like the mo-
                   tion of real quantum particles.

                   Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t materials science
                   What is the maximum height of a mountain? This question is of course of interest to all
        Ref. 59    climbers. Many effects limit the height. The most important is that under heavy pressure,
                   solids become liquid. For example, on Earth this happens for a mountain with a height
Challenge 48 ny    of about 27 km. This is quite a bit more than the highest mountain known, which is
                 88                                  2 changing the world with quantum effects

                 the volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii, whose top is about 9.45 km above the base. On Mars
                 gravity is weaker, so that mountains can be higher. Indeed the highest mountain on Mars,
                 Olympus mons, is 80 km high. Can you find a few other effects limiting mountain height?
Challenge 49 s

                 Do you want to become rich? Just invent something that can be produced in the factory, is
                 cheap and can fully substitute duck feathers in bed covers, sleeping bags or in badminton
Challenge 50 r   shuttlecocks. Another industrial challenge is to find an artificial substitute for latex, and a
                 third one is to find a substitute for a material that is rapidly disappearing due to pollution:
                 Materials differ in density, in elasticity, in strength, stiffness, toughness, melting temper-
                 ature, heat insulation, electric resistivity, and many other parameters. To get an overview,

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 the so-called Ashby charts are most useful, of which Figure 56 shows an example. The race
                 to find materials that are lighter and stiffer than wood, in particular balsa wood, is still
                 How much does the Eiffel tower change in height over a year due to thermal expansion
Challenge 51 s   and contraction?

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 What is the difference between the makers of bronze age knifes and the builders of the
                 Eiffel tower? Only their control of defect distributions. The main defects in metals are
                 disclinations and dislocations. Disclinations are crystal defects in form of surfaces; they
                 are the microscopic aspect of grain boundaries. Dislocations are crystal defects in form
                 of curved lines; above all, their distribution and their motion in a metal determines the
     Page 298    stiffness. For a picture of dislocations, see below.
Challenge 52 e   What is the difference between solids, liquids and gases?
                 One subject of materials science is the way a solid object breaks. The main distinction
                 is between brittle fraction and ductile fraction. In brittle fraction, as in a breaking of
                 a glass pane, the resulting edges are sharp and irregular; in ductile fraction, as occurs
                 in hot glass, the edges are rounded and regular. The two fraction types also differ in
                 their mechanisms, i.e., in the motion of the involved defects and atoms. This difference
                 is important: when a car accident occurs at night, looking at the shapes of the fraction
                 surface of the tungsten wire inside the car lamps with a microscope, it is easy to decide
                 whether the car lamps were on or off at the time of the accident.
                 Material science can also help to make erased information visible again. Many laborat-
                 materials science                                                                                                                                                          89

                                                                                                                                                Diamond Engineering                 WC-Co
                                                          Modulus - Density                                                                  B SIC Sl 2N 4 ceramics

                                                            Youngs modulus E                                                   Be                        Aluminas
                                                                                                                                                                        Mo W-Alloys
                                                             (G = 3E/8 ; K = E)                                                     Sialons           ZrO 2             Alloys
                                                                                                                                    Si             BeO                  Ni Alloys
                                                                                    MFA : 88-91                        CFRP    Glasses              Steels
                                                                                                                      UNI-P LY                    3e         Cu Alloys
                                                                                                                                  Pottery Ti Alloys
                                           100                                                                                                       Zn Alloys
                                                                                                                       KFRP                Al Alloys
                                                                                                                       CFRP               Rock, stone       Tin Alloys
                                                                                     Engineering                   Laminates                       Cement, concrete
                                                    ) )
                                                    ρ (m/s)                          composites                       GFRP                                            Lead alloys
                 Young’s Modulus E (GPa)

                                                      104                                           Ash
                                                                                                  Oak                            Alloys
                                                                                                 Pine                                         ceramics
                                            10                                Parallel
                                                                              to grain                            MEL                                       alloys
                                                                 Balsa                                                Epoxies
                                                                                                    Wood       PS

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                          Woods                                       Nylon
                                                    3x10                                         Ash          PP          Polyesters                 polymers
                                           1.0                                               Pine
                                                    Lower E limit              Perpendicular
                                                    for true solids              to grain                                                                                     Guide lines for
                                                                                                                           PTFE                                               minimum weight
                                                                                                               LDPE                           E
                                                                      Balsa                                                                   ρ =C                            design
                                                                                                           Hard                  Elastomers

                                                                                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                                          BUTYL PU
                                                                                            2                                       1
                                                                                   3x10                                          E 2
                                                                                                                                 ρ =C
                                                          Cork                                                      Silicone
                                                                                                           Soft                          1
                                                                              Polymer foams                                             E 3
                                                                                                                                        ρ =C
                                              0.1                      0.3                                    1.0                              3                         10                 30
                                                                                                          Density ρ (Mg /m 3)

                 F I G U R E 56 An overview of the elastic modulus and the density of materials. For structures that need to
                 be light and stiff, a high ratio E / 𝜌3 is required; the graph shows that wood is well optimized for this
                 task. (© Carol Livermore/Michael Ashby).

                 ories are now able to recover data from erased magnetic hard disks. Other laboratories
                 can make erased serial numbers in cars bodies visible again, either by heating the metal
                 part or by using magnetic microscopy.
Challenge 53 s   Quantum theory shows that tight walls do not exist. Every material is penetrable. Why?
                 Quantum theory shows that even if tight walls would exist, the lid of a box made of such
                   90                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

                   F I G U R E 57 Insects and geckos stick to glass and other surfaces using the van der Waals force at the
                   ends of a high number of spatulae (© Max Planck Gesellschaft).

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
 Challenge 54 s    walls can never be tightly shut. Can you provide the argument?
                   In 1936, Henry Eyring proposed that the shear viscosity of a liquid 𝜂 obeys

                                                                    𝜂 ⩾ 𝜌ℏ ,                                              (9)

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 55 ny    where 𝜌 is the density of the fluid. Is the lower limit valid?
                   Heat can flow. Like for all flows, quantum theory predicts that heat transport quantized.
                   This implied that thermal conductance is quantized. And indeed, in the year 2000, ex-
        Ref. 60    periments have confirmed the prediction. Can you guess the smallest unit of thermal
 Challenge 56 s    conductance?
        Ref. 61    Robert Full has shown that van der Waals forces are responsible for the way that geckos
 Vol. I, page 91   walk on walls and ceilings. (A picture is found in Figure 56.) The gecko, a small reptile
                   with a mass of about 100 g, uses an elaborate structure on its feet to perform the trick.
                   Each foot has 500 000 hairs or setae, each split in up to 1000 small spatulae, and each
                   spatula uses the van der Waals force (or alternatively, capillary forces) to stick to the
                   surface. As a result of these 500 million sticking points, the gecko can walk on vertical
                   glass walls or even on glass ceilings; the sticking force can be as high as 100 N per foot.
                   The adhesion forces are so high that detaching the foot requires a special technique. The
                   internet has slow-motion videos showing how geckos perform the feat, in each step they
                      Hairy feet as adhesion method are also used by jumping spiders (Salticidae). For ex-
                   ample, Evarcha arcuata have hairs at their feet which are covered by hundred of thou-
                 materials science                                                                         91

       Ref. 62   sands of setulae. Again, the van der Waals force in each setula helps the spider to stick
                 on surfaces. Also many insects use small hairs for the same aim. Figure 57 shows a
       Ref. 63   comparison. Researchers have shown that the hairs – or setae – are finer the more
                 massive the animal is. Eduard Arzt likes to explain that small flies and beetles have
                 simple, spherical setae with a diameter of a few micrometers whereas the considerably
                 bigger and heavier geckos have branched nanohairs with diameters of 200 nm.
                    Researchers have copied the hairy adhesion mechanism for the first time in 2003,
                 using microlithography on polyimide, and they hope to make durable sticky materials –
                 without using any glue – in the future.
                 One of the most fascinating materials in nature are bones. Bones are light, stiff, and can
       Ref. 64   heal after fractures. If you are interested in composite materials, read more about bones:
                 their structure, shown in Figure 58, and their material properties are fascinating and
                 complex, and so are their healing and growth mechanisms. All these aspects are still

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 subject of research.
                 A cereal stalk has a height-to-width ratio of about 300. No human-built tower or mast
Challenge 57 s   achieves this. Why?
                 Millimetre waves or terahertz waves are emitted by all bodies at room temperature. Mod-
                 ern camera systems allow producing images with them. In this way, it is possible to see

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 through clothes, as shown by Figure 59. (Caution is needed; there is the widespread sus-
                 picion that the image is a fake produced to receive more development funding.) This
                 ability could be used in future to detect hidden weapons in airports. But the develop-
                 ment of a practical and affordable detector which can be handled as easily as a binocular
                 is still under way. The waves can also be used to see through paper, thus making it unne-
                 cessary to open letters in order to read them. Secret services are exploiting this technique.
                 A third application of terahertz waves might be in medical diagnostic, for example for the
                 search of tooth decay. Terahertz waves are almost without side effects, and thus superior
                 to X-rays. The lack of low-priced quality sources is still an obstacle to their application.
                 Does the melting point of water depend on the magnetic field? This surprising claim was
       Ref. 65   made in 2004 by Inaba Hideaki and colleagues. They found a change of 0.9 mK/T. It is
                 known that the refractive index and the near infrared spectrum of water is affected by
                 magnetic fields. Indeed, not everything about water might be known yet.
                 Plasmas, or ionized gases, are useful for many applications. A few are shown in Figure 60.
                 Not only can plasmas be used for heating or cooking and generated by chemical means
                 (such plasmas are variously called fire or flames) but they can also be generated electric-
                 ally and used for lighting or deposition of materials. Electrically generated plasmas are
                 even being studied for the disinfection of dental cavities.
                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                                                                                                                    F I G U R E 58 The structure of bones, shown for a human vertebra (© Peter Fratzl and Physik Journal).
                 materials science                                                                                93

                                                                       F I G U R E 59 An alleged image acquired
                                                                       with terahertz waves. Can you explain
                                                                       why it is a fake? (© Jefferson Lab)

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 It is known that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere between 1800 and 2005
       Ref. 66   has increased from 280 to 380 parts per million, as shown in Figure 61. (In 2016, the
Challenge 58 s   value was already 403 ppm. How would you measure this?) It is known without doubt
                 that this increase is due to human burning of fossil fuels, and not to natural sources such
                 as the oceans or volcanoes. There are three arguments. First of all, there was a parallel
                 decline of the 14 C/12 C ratio. Second, there was a parallel decline of the 13 C/12 C ratio.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Finally, there was a parallel decline of the oxygen concentration. All three measurements
                 independently imply that the CO2 increase is due to the burning of fuels, which are low
                 in 14 C and in 13 C, and at the same time decrease the oxygen ratio. Natural sources do
                 not have these three effects. Since CO2 is a major greenhouse gas, the data implies that
                 humans are also responsible for a large part of the temperature increase during the same
                 period. Global warming exists and is mainly due to humans. On average, the Earth has
                 cooled over the past 10 million years; since a few thousand years, the temperature has,
                 however, slowly risen; together with the fast rise during the last decades the temperature
       Ref. 67   is now at the same level as 3 million years ago. How do the decade global warming trend,
                 the thousand year warming trend and the million year cooling trend interact? This is a
                 topic of intense research.
                 Making crystals can make one rich. The first man who did so, the Frenchman Auguste
                 Verneuil (b. 1856 Dunkerque, d. 1913 Paris), sold rubies grown in his laboratory for many
                 years without telling anybody. Many companies now produce synthetic gems with ma-
                 chines that are kept secret. An example is given in Figure 62.
                    Synthetic diamonds have now displaced natural diamonds in almost all applications.
                 In the last years, methods to produce large, white, jewel-quality diamonds of ten carats
       Ref. 68   and more are being developed. These advances will lead to a big change in all the domains
                 that depend on these stones, such as the production of the special surgical knives used
                 in eye lens operation.
                 94                                    2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 F I G U R E 60 Some plasma machines: a machine for coating metal parts, a machine for cleaning polymer
                 parts and a device for healing wounds (©,, Max Planck Gesellschaft).

                 The technologies to produce perfect crystals, without grain boundaries or dislocations,
                 are an important part of modern industry. Perfectly regular crystals are at the basis of
                 the integrated circuits used in electronic appliances, are central to many laser and tele-
                 communication systems and are used to produce synthetic jewels.
Challenge 59 s   How can a small plant pierce through tarmac?
                 materials science                                                                                                                          95

                   CO2 (ppmv)


                                                                                                                       Temperature relative to 1900-2000 (°C)
                                200                                                                             6
                                180                                                                             4

                                                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                -1 0

                                      800   700   600        500        400         300   200    100        0

                                                        Age (1000 years before present)

                 F I G U R E 61 The concentration of CO2 and the change of average atmospheric temperature in the past
                 0.8 million years (© Dieter Lüthi).

                                                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 If you like abstract colour images, do not miss looking at liquid crystals through a mi-
                 croscope. You will discover a wonderful world. The best introduction is the text by Ingo
       Ref. 69   Dierking.
                 The Lorentz force leads to an interesting effect inside materials. If a current flows along
                 a conducting strip that is in a (non-parallel) magnetic field, a voltage builds up between
                 two edges of the conductor, because the charge carriers are deflected in their flow. This ef-
                 fect is called the (classical) Hall effect after the US-American physicist Edwin Hall (b. 1855
                 Great Falls, d. 1938 Cambridge), who discovered it in 1879, during his PhD. The effect,
                 shown in Figure 63, is regularly used, in so-called Hall probes, to measure magnetic fields;
                 the effect is also used to read data from magnetic storage media or to measure electric
                 currents (of the order of 1 A or more) in a wire without cutting it. Typical Hall probes
                 have sizes of around 1 cm down to 1 μm and less. The Hall voltage 𝑉 turns out to be given
                                                              𝑉=        ,                                  (10)
                 where 𝑛 is the electron number density, 𝑒 the electron charge, and 𝑑 is the thickness of
                 the probe, as shown in Figure 63. Deducing the equation is a secondary school exercise.
Challenge 60 e   The Hall effect is a material effect, and the material parameter 𝑛 determines the Hall
                 voltage. The sign of the voltage also tells whether the material has positive or negative
                 96                                     2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 F I G U R E 62 Four crystal and synthetic gemstone growing methods. Top: the hydrothermal technique,
                 used to grow emeralds, quartz, rock crystal and amethyst, and Czochralski’s pulling technique, used for
                 growing ruby, sapphire, spinel, yttrium-aluminium-garnet, gadolinium-gallium-garnet and alexandrite.
                 Bottom: Verneuil’s flame fusion technique, used for growing corundum, sapphire, ruby and spinel
                 boules, and the flux process, used for chrysoberyl (© Ivan Golota).

                 charge carriers; indeed, for metal strips the voltage polarity is opposite to the one shown
Challenge 61 e   in the figure.
                    Many variations of the Hall effect have been studied. For example, the quantum Hall
     Page 107    effect and the fractional quantum Hall effect will be explored below.
                    In 1998, Geert Rikken and his coworkers found that in certain materials photons can
       Ref. 70   also be deflected by a magnetic field; this is the photonic Hall effect.
                    In 2005, again Geert Rikken and his coworkers found a material, a terbium gallium
                 garnet, in which a flow of phonons in a magnetic field leads to temperature difference on
          materials science                                                                                   97

                                                             Lorentz deflection of probe
                                       magnetic              current (if due to positive
                                       field B               carriers, as in certain

                               probe of                        -
                               thickness d           -
                                                 -                          +
             wire with                       -                         +
                                        -                          +
             probe current I                                  +             resulting
             (opposite to                            +                      edge charges
             electron flow)                                                 lead to a Hall
                                                                            voltage V

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                             F I G U R E 63
                                                                                             Top: the
                                                                                             (classical) Hall
                                                                                             effect. Bottom:
                                                                                             a modern
                                                                                             miniature Hall
                                                                                             probe using the
                                                                                             effect to
                                                                                             magnetic fields

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                             (© Metrolab).

Ref. 71   the two sides. They called this the phonon Hall effect.
          Do magnetic fields influence the crystallization of calcium carbonate in water? This issue
Ref. 72   is topic of intense debates. It might be, or it might not be, that magnetic fields change the
          crystallization seeds from calcite to aragonite, thus influencing whether water tubes are
          covered on the inside with carbonates or not. The industrial consequences of reduction
          in scaling, as this process is called, would be enormous. But the issue is still open, as are
          convincing data sets.
Ref. 73   It has recently become possible to make the thinnest possible sheets of graphite and other
          materials (such as BN, MoS2 , NbSe2 , Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 Ox ): these crystal sheets are precisely
          one atom thick! The production of graphene – that is the name of a monoatomic graphite
          layer – is extremely complicated: you need graphite from a pencil and a roll of adhesive
          tape. That is probably why it was necessary to wait until 2004 for the development of the
          technique. (In fact, the stability of monoatomic sheets was questioned for many years be-
          fore that. Some issues in physics cannot be decided with paper and pencil; sometimes you
98                                 2 changing the world with quantum effects

                   1μm                             1μm

                                                             F I G U R E 64 Single atom sheets,
                                                             mapped by atomic force microscopy,
                                                             of a: NbSe2 , b: of graphite or
                                                             graphene, d: a single atom sheet of
                                                             MoS2 imaged by optical microscopy,
                                                             and c: a single atom sheet of

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                             Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 Ox on a holey carbon
                                                             film imaged by scanning electron
                     1μm                            1μm      microscopy (from Ref. 73, © 2005
                                                             National Academy of Sciences).

                                     10 μm

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        air      one          two
                 graphene     graphene
                 mono-        mono-
                 layer        layers              F I G U R E 65 A microscope photograph shows the
                                                  absorption of a single and of a double layer of
                                                  graphene – and thus provides a way to see the
                                                  fine structure constant. (© Andre Geim).

need adhesive tape as well.) Graphene and the other so-called two-dimensional crystals
(this is, of course, a tabloid-style exaggeration) are studied for their electronic and mech-
anical properties; in the future, they might even have applications in high-performance
A monolayer of graphene has an astonishing optical property. Its optical absorption over
the full optical spectrum is π𝛼, where 𝛼 is the fine structure constant. (The exact expres-
                  materials science                                                                                         99

                  F I G U R E 66 The beauty of materials science: the surface of a lotus leaf leads to almost spherical water
                  droplets; plasma-deposited PTFE, or teflon, on cotton leads to the same effect for the coloured water
                  droplets on it (© tapperboy, Diener Electronics).

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  sion for the absorption is 𝐴 = 1 − (1 + π𝛼/2)−2 .) The expression for the absorption is the
                  consequence of the electric conductivity 𝐺 = 𝑒2 /4ℏ for every monolayer of graphene. The
                  numeric value of the absorption is about 2.3 %. This value is visible by the naked eye, as
       Ref. 74    shown in Figure 65. Graphene thus yields a way to ‘see’ the fine structure constant.
                  Gold absorbs light. Therefore it is used, in expensive books, to colour the edges of pages.
                  Apart from protecting the book from dust, it also prevents that sunlight lets the pages
                  turn yellow near the edges.

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Like trees, crystals can have growth rings. Smoke quartz is known for these so-called
                  phantoms, but also fluorite and calcite.
                  The science and art of surface treatment is still in full swing, as Figure 66 shows. Mak-
                  ing hydrophobic surfaces is an important part of modern materials science, that copies
                  what the lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, does in nature. Hydrophobic surfaces allow that wa-
Vol. I, page 40   ter droplets bounce on them, like table tennis balls on a table. The lotus surface uses
                  this property to clean itself, hence the name lotus effect. This is also the reason that lotus
                  plants have become a symbol of purity.
                  Sometimes research produces bizarre materials. An example are the so-called aerogels,
                  highly porous solids, shown in Figure 67. Aerogels have a density of a few g/l, thus a
                  few hundred times lower than water and only a few times that of air. Like any porous
                  material, aerogels are good insulators; however, they are easily destroyed and therefore
                  have not found important applications up to now.
                  Where do the minerals in the Amazonian rainforest come from? The Amazonas river
100                               2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                         F I G U R E 67 A piece of aerogel, a solid that is so porous
                                         that it is translucent (courtesy NASA).

washes many nutrient minerals into the Atlantic Ocean. How does the rainforest get
its minerals back? It was a long search until it became clear that the largest supply of

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
minerals is airborne: from the Sahara. Winds blow dust from the Sahara desert to the
Amazonas basin, across the Atlantic Ocean. It is estimated that 40 million tons of dust
are moved from the Sahara to the Amazonas rainforest every year.
Some materials undergo almost unbelievable transformations. What is the final state of
moss? Large amounts of moss often become peat (turf). Old turf becomes lignite, or
brown coal. Old lignite becomes black coal (bituminous coal). Old black coal can be-
come diamond. In short, diamonds can be the final state of moss.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
In materials science, there is a dream: to make a material that is harder than diamond. It
is not clear whether this dream can be realized. The coming years will tell.

quantum technol o gy

                                             I were better to be eaten to death with a rust
                                             than to be scoured to nothing with perpetual

                                                         William Shakespeare King Henry IV.

Quantum effects do not appear only in microscopic systems or in material properties.
Also applied quantum effects are important in modern life: technologies such as tran-
sistors, lasers, superconductivity and other effects and systems have deeply affected our

Transistors are found in almost all devices that improve health, as well as in almost all
devices for telecommunication. A transistor, shown in Figure 68 is a device that allows
controlling a large electric current with the help of a small one; therefore it can play
quantum technology                                                                                      101






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F I G U R E 68 Top: examples of packaged single transistors. Right: the basic semiconductor structure, the
equivalent water structure, and the technical drawing of an NPN transistor. Bottom: a typical integrated
circuit for smart cards incorporating a large number of transistors. (© Benedikt Seidl,

the role of an electrically controlled switch or of an amplifier. Transistors are made from
silicon and can be as small as a 2 by 2 μm and as large as 10 by 10 cm. Transistors are used
to control the signals in pacemakers for the heart and the current of electric train engines.
Amplifying transistors are central to the transmitter in mobile phones and switching
transistors are central to computers and their displays.
    Transistors are (almost exclusively) based on semiconductors, i.e., on materials where
the electrons that are responsible for electric conductivity are almost free. The devices
   102                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

MOSFET                                                  Bipolar transistor

Off state

water hose

On state

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
water hose

Off state

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
On state
             S            G               D

             N                          N   +

   F I G U R E 69 The working and construction of a metal-oxide silicon field effect transistor (left) and of a
   bipolar transistor (right). The ‘off’ and ‘on’ states are shown (© Leifi Physik, Wikimedia).

   are built in such a way that applying an electric signal changes the conductivity. Every
   explanation of a transistor makes use of potentials and tunnelling; transistors are applied
   quantum devices.
          quantum technology                                                                                    103

             The transistor is just one of a family of semiconductor devices that includes the field-
          effect transistor (FET), the metal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistor (MOSFET), the
          junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET), the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
          and the unijunction transistor (UJT), but also the memristors, diode, the PIN diode, the
          Zener diode, the avalanche diode, the light-emitting diode (LED), the photodiode, the
          photovoltaic cell, the diac, the triac, the thyristor and finally, the integrated circuit (IC).
          These are important in industrial applications: the semiconductor industry has at least
          300 thousand million Euro sales every year (2010 value) and employ millions of people
          across the world.

          Motion withou t friction – superconductivit y and superfluidity
          We are used to thinking that friction is inevitable. We even learned that friction was an
          inevitable result of the particle structure of matter. It should come to the surprise of every
          physicist that motion without friction is indeed possible.
             In 1911 Gilles Holst and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered that at low temperatures,

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          electric currents can flow with no resistance, i.e., with no friction, through lead. The
          observation is called superconductivity. In the century after that, many metals, alloys and
          ceramics have been found to show the same behaviour.
             The condition for the observation of motion without friction is that quantum effects
          play an essential role. To ensure this, low temperature is usually needed. Despite a large
          amount of data, it took over 40 years to reach a full understanding of superconductivity.
Ref. 75   This happened in 1957, when Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer published their results. At
          low temperatures, electron behaviour in certain materials is dominated by an attractive
          interaction that makes them form pairs. These so-called Cooper pairs are effective bosons.

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          And bosons can all be in the same state, and can thus effectively move without friction.
             In superconductivity, the attractive interaction between electrons is due to the de-
          formation of the lattice. At low temperature, two electrons attract each other in the same
          way as two masses attract each other due to deformation of the space-time mattress.
          However, in the case of solids, these deformations are quantized. With this approach,
          Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer explained the lack of electric resistance of supercon-
          ducting materials, their complete diamagnetism (𝜇𝑟 = 0), the existence of an energy gap,
          the second-order transition to normal conductivity at a specific temperature, and the de-
          pendence of this temperature on the mass of the isotopes. As a result, they received the
          Nobel Prize in 1972.*
             Another type of motion without friction is superfluidity. In 1937, Pyotr Kapitsa had
          understood that usual liquid helium, i.e., 4 He, below a transition observed at the tem-
          perature of 2.17 K, is a superfluid: the liquid effectively moves without friction through

          * For John Bardeen (b. 1908 Madison, d. 1991 Boston), this was his second, after he had got the first Nobel
          Prize in Physics in 1956, shared with William Shockley and Walter Brattain, for the discovery of the tran-
          sistor. The first Nobel Prize was a problem for Bardeen, as he needed time to work on superconductivity.
          In an example to many, he reduced the tam-tam around himself to a minimum, so that he could work as
          much as possible on the problem of superconductivity. By the way, Bardeen is topped by Frederick Sanger
          and by Marie Curie. Sanger first won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1958 by himself and then won a second
          one shared with Walter Gilbert in 1980; Marie Curie first won one with her husband and a second one by
          herself, though in two different fields.
104                                        2 changing the world with quantum effects

 The situation before
 the heat is switched on:



                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           plug with
          tiny pores,
      or `superleak’

                        helium reservoir

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 70 The superfluidity of helium 4 can be used to produce the fountain effect above a disc with
very small pores, through which superfluid helium can pass, but normal fluid cannot. Superfluid helium
4 has a large thermal conductivity and flows towards a heated region trying to cool it down again,
whereas the normal liquid cannot return back through the pores. This thermomechanical effect leads to
the fountain (© Pacific Institute of Theoretical Physics).

devices, tubes, etc. More precisely, liquid helium remains a mixture of a superfluid com-
ponent and a normal component; only the superfluid component moves without friction.
Superfluid helium is even able, after an initial kick, to flow over obstacles, such as glass
walls, or to flow out of bottles. A well-known effect of superfluidity is shown in Figure 70.
Superfluidity occurs because the 4 He atom is a boson. Therefore no pairing is necessary
for it to move without friction. This research earned Kapitsa a Nobel Prize in 1978.
   In 1972, Richardson, Lee and Osheroff found that even 3 He is superfluid, provided that
the temperature is lowered below 2.7 mK. 3 He is a fermion, and requires pairing to be-
come superfluid. In fact, below 2.2 mK, 3 He is even superfluid in two different ways; one
speaks of phase A and phase B. They received the Nobel Prize in 1996 for this discovery.
   In the case of 3 He, the theoreticians had been faster than the experimentalists. The
theory for superconductivity through pairing had been adapted to superfluids already
in 1958 – before any data were available – by Bohr, Mottelson and Pines. This theory
was then adapted and expanded by Anthony Leggett.* The attractive interaction between

* Aage Bohr, son of Niels Bohr, and Ben Mottelson received the Nobel Prize in 1975, Anthony Leggett in
          quantum technology                                                                                      105

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          F I G U R E 71 A vortex lattice in cold lithium gas, showing their quantized structure (© Andre Schirotzek).


                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           He atoms, the basic mechanism that leads to superfluidity, turns out to be the spin-spin
              Superfluidity has also been observed in a number of gases, though at much lower tem-
          peratures. Studying the behaviour of gases at lowest temperatures has become popular
          in recent years. When the temperature is so low that the de Broglie wavelength is com-
          parable to the atom-atom distance, bosonic gases form a Bose–Einstein condensate. The
          first such states were realized in 1995 by several groups; the group around Eric Cornell
          and Carl Wieman used 87 Rb, Rand Hulet and his group used 7 Li and Wolfgang Ketterle
          and his group used 23 Na. For fermionic gases, the first degenerate gas, 40 K, was observed
          in 1999 by the group around Deborah Jin. In 2004, the same group observed the first
          gaseous Fermi condensate, after the potassium atoms paired up. All these condensates
          show superfluidity.
              Superfluids are fascinating substances. Vortices also exist in them. But in superfluids,
          be they gases or liquids, vortices have properties that do not appear in normal fluids.
          In the superfluid 3 He-B phase, vortices are quantized: vortices only exist in integer mul-
          tiples of the elementary circulation ℎ/2𝑚3 He . (This is also the case in superconductors.)
          Vortices in superfluids have quantized angular momentum. An effect of the quantiza-
          tion can be seen in Figure 71. In superfluids, these quantized vortices flow forever! Like
          in ordinary fluids, also in superfluids one can distinguish between laminar and turbulent
          flow. The transition between the two regimes is mediated by the behaviour the vortices
Ref. 76   in the fluid. Present research is studying how these vortices behave and how they induce
          the transition.
106                                    2 changing the world with quantum effects

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F I G U R E 72 The quantum Hall effect (above) and the fractional quantum Hall effect (below): each graph
yielded a Nobel prize. The graphs show how the Hall resistance and the Ohmic resistance vary with the
applied magnetic field at very low temperature. The step height is quantized in integer or simple
fractions of ℎ/𝑒2 = 25.812 807 557(18) kΩ. Quantum Hall experiments allow the most precise
determination known to date of this constant of nature.
           quantum technology                                                                      107

           The fractional quantum Hall effect
           The fractional quantum Hall effect is one of the most intriguing discoveries of materials
           science, and possibly, of physics as a whole. The effect concerns the flow of electrons in
 Ref. 77   a two-dimensional surface. In 1982, Robert Laughlin predicted that in this system one
           should be able to observe objects with electrical charge 𝑒/3. This strange and fascinating
 Ref. 78   prediction was indeed verified in 1997.
Page 97       We encountered the (classical) Hall effect above. The story continues with the dis-
           covery by Klaus von Klitzing of the quantum Hall effect. In 1980, Klitzing and his
 Ref. 79   collaborators found that in two-dimensional systems at low temperatures – about 1 K –
           the electrical conductance 𝑆, also called the Hall conductance, is quantized in multiples
           of the quantum of conductance
                                                    𝑆=𝑛       .                                  (11)
           The explanation is straightforward: it is the quantum analogue of the classical Hall effect,

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           which describes how conductance varies with applied magnetic field. The corresponding
           resistance values are
                                          1ℎ      1
                                     𝑅=      2
                                               = 25, 812 807 557(18) kΩ .                         (12)
                                          𝑛𝑒      𝑛
           The values are independent of material, temperature, or magnetic field. They are con-
           stants of nature. Von Klitzing received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery, be-
           cause the effect was unexpected, allows a highly precise measurement of the fine struc-
           ture constant, and also allows one to build detectors for the smallest voltage variations
           measurable so far. His discovery started a large wave of subsequent research.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              Only two years later, in 1982, it was found that in extremely strong magnetic fields
           and at extremely low temperatures, the conductance could vary in steps one third that
 Ref. 80   size. Shortly afterwards, even stranger numerical fractions were also found. In fact, all
           fractions of the form 𝑚/(2𝑚 + 1) or of the form (𝑚 + 1)/(2𝑚 + 1), 𝑚 being an integer, are
           possible. This is the fractional quantum Hall effect. In a landmark paper, Robert Laughlin
 Ref. 77   explained all these results by assuming that the electron gas could form collective states
           showing quasiparticle excitations with a charge 𝑒/3. This was confirmed experimentally
           15 years later and earned him a Nobel Prize as well. We have seen in several occasions
           that quantization is best discovered through noise measurements; also in this case, the
           clearest confirmation came from electrical current noise measurements.
              Subsequent experiments confirmed Laughlin’s deduction. He had predicted the ap-
           pearance of a new form of a composite quasi-particle, built of electrons and of one or
           several magnetic flux quanta. If an electron bonds with an even number of quanta, the
           composite is a fermion, and leads to Klitzing’s integral quantum Hall effect. If the elec-
           tron bonds with an odd number of quanta, the composite is a boson, and the fractional
           quantum Hall effect appears. The experimental and theoretical details of these quasi-
           particles might well be the most complex and fascinating aspects of physics, but explor-
           ing them would lead us too far from the aim of our adventure.
 Ref. 81      In 2007, a new chapter in the story was opened by Andre Geim and his team, and a

           108                                    2 changing the world with quantum effects

           TA B L E 8 Matter at lowest temperatures.

           Phase         Type              L o w t e m p e r at u r e               Example
                                           b e h av i o u r
           Solid         conductor         superconductivity                      lead, MgB2 (40 K)
                                           antiferromagnet                        chromium, MnO
                                           ferromagnet                            iron
                         insulator         diamagnet
           Liquid        bosonic           Bose–Einstein condensation, i.e.,        He
                         fermionic         pairing, then BEC, i.e., superfluidity 3 He
           Gas           bosonic           Bose–Einstein condensation                Rb, 7 Li, 23 Na, H, 4 He, 41 K
                         fermionic         pairing, then Bose–Einstein               K, 6 Li

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           second team, when they discovered a new type of quantum Hall effect at room temper-
Page 98    ature. They used graphene, i.e., single-atom layers of graphite, and found a relativistic
           analogue of the quantum Hall effect. This effect was even more unexpected than the pre-
           vious ones, is equally interesting, and can be performed on a table top. The groups are
           good candidates for a trip to Stockholm.*
               What do we learn from these results? Systems in two dimensions have states which
           follow different rules than systems in three dimensions. The fractional charges in super-
           conductors have no relation to quarks. Quarks, the constituents of protons and neutrons,
           have charges 𝑒/3 and 2𝑒/3. Might the quarks have something to do with a mechanism

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           similar to superconductivity? At this point we need to stand the suspense, as no answer
           is possible; we come back to this issue in the last part of this adventure.

           How d oes mat ter behave at the lowest temperatures?
           The low-temperature behaviour of matter has numerous experimental and theoretical
           aspects. The first issue is whether matter is always solid at low temperatures. The answer
           is no: all phases exist at low temperatures, as shown in Table 8.
               Concerning the electric properties of matter at lowest temperatures, the present status
           is that matter is either insulating or superconducting. Finally, one can ask about the mag-
           netic properties of matter at low temperatures. We know already that matter can not be
           paramagnetic at lowest temperatures. It seems that matter is either ferromagnetic, dia-
           magnetic or antiferromagnetic at lowest temperatures.

           L asers and other spin-one vector b oson launchers
           Photons are vector bosons; a lamp is thus a vector boson launcher. All existing lamps fall
 Ref. 82   into one of three classes. Incandescent lamps use emission from a hot solid, gas discharge
           lamps use excitation of atoms, ions or molecules through collision, and recombination
           lamps generate (cold) light through recombination of charges in semiconductors or li-

           * This prediction from the December 2008 edition became reality in December 2010.
quantum technology                                                                                   109

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 73 The beauty of lasers: the fine mesh created by a green laser delay line (© Laser Zentrum

quids. The latter are the only lamp types found in living systems. The other main sources
of light are lasers. All light sources are based on quantum effects, but for lasers the con-
nection is especially obvious. The following table gives an overview of the main types
and their uses.
TA B L E 9 A selection of lamps and lasers.

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
L a m p t y p e , a p p l i c a t i o n Wa v e -          Bright -         Cost             Life-
                                        length            ness or                           time
Incandescent lamps
Oil lamps, candles, for illumination white                up to 500 lm     1 cent/lm        5h
Tungsten wire light bulbs, halogen 300 to 800 nm 5 to 25 lm/W 0.1 cent/lm                   700 h
lamps, for illumination
Stars, for production of heavy     full spectrum up to 1044 W free                          up to
elements                                                                                    thousands
                                                                                            of millions
                                                                                            of years
Gas discharge lamps
Neon lamps, for advertising              red                                                up to 30 kh
Mercury lamps, for illumination          UV plus          45 to            0.05 cent/lm     3000 to
                                         spectrum         110 lm/W                          24 000 h
Metal halogenide lamps (ScI3 or          white            110 lm/W         1 cent/lm        up to 20 kh
‘xenon light’, NaI, DyI3 , HoI3 , TmI5 )
for car headlights and illumination
Sodium low pressure lamps for            589 nm yellow 200 lm/W            0.2 cent/lm      up to 18 kh
street illumination
110                                      2 changing the world with quantum effects

TA B L E 9 A selection of lamps and lasers (continued).

L a m p t y p e , a p p l i c a t i o n Wa v e -          Bright -       Cost           Life-
                                        length            ness or                       time
Sodium high pressure lamps for           broad yellow     120 lm/W       0.2 cent/lm    up to 24 kh
street illumination
Xenon arc lamps, for cinemas             white            30 to                         100 to
                                                          150 lm/W, up                  2500 h
                                                          to 15 kW
Stars, for production of heavy           many lines       up to 1020 W free             up to
elements                                                                                thousands
                                                                                        of millions
                                                                                        of years
Recombination lamps

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Foxfire in forests, e.g. due to          green            just visible   free           years
Armillaria mellea, Neonothopanus
gardneri or other bioluminescent
Firefly, to attract mates                green-yellow                    free           c. 10 h
Large deep sea squid, Taningia           red              c. 1 W         free           years
danae, producing light flashes, to
confuse prey
Deep-sea fish, such as angler fish, to   white            c. 1 μW        free           years

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
attract prey or find mates
Deep-sea medusae, to produce             blue and all                    free           years
attention so that predators of           other colours
predators are attracted
Light emitting diodes, for               red, green,      up to        10 cent/lm       15k to
measurement, illumination and            blue, UV         150 lm/W, up                  100 kh
communication                                             to 5 W
Synchrotron radiation sources
Electron synchroton source               X-rays to radio pulsed          many MEuro years
Maybe some stars                         broad                           free           thousands
                                         spectrum                                       of years
Ideal white lamp or laser                visible          c. 300 lm/W    0              ∞
Ideal coloured lamp or laser             green            683 lm/W       0              ∞
Gas lasers
He-Ne laser (obsolete), for school 632.8 nm        550 lm/W              2000 cent/lm   300 h
Argon laser, for pumping and laser several blue    up to 100 W           10 kEuro
shows, now obsolete                and green lines
quantum technology                                                                                111

TA B L E 9 A selection of lamps and lasers (continued).

L a m p t y p e , a p p l i c a t i o n Wa v e -          Bright -       Cost           Life-
                                        length            ness or                       time
Krypton laser, for pumping and           several blue, 50 W
laser shows, now obsolete                green, red lines
Xenon laser                              many lines in 20 W
                                         the IR, visible
                                         and near UV
Nitrogen (or ‘air’) laser, for           337.1 nm         pulsed up to   down to a few limited by
pumping of other lasers, for                              1 MW           hundred Euro metal
hobbyists                                                                              electrode
Water vapour laser, for research,      many lines         CW 0.5 W,      a few kEuro
now obsolete                           between 7 and      pulsed much

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                       220 μm, often      higher
                                       118 μm
CO2 laser, for cutting, welding, glass 10.6 μm          CW up to       c. 100 Euro/W 1500 h
welding and surgery                                     100 kW, pulsed
                                                        up to 10 TW
Excimer laser, for lithography in        193 nm (ArF), 100 W           10 to 500 kEuroyears
silicon chip manufacturing, eye          248 nm (KrF),
surgery, laser pumping, psoriasis        308 nm (XeCl),
treatment, laser deposition              353 nm (XeF)

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Metal vapour lasers (Cu, Cd, Se, Ca,
Ag, Au, Mn, Tl, In, Hg)
Copper vapour laser, for pumping, 248 nm,                 pulses up to   10 kEuro       1 khour
photography, dermatology, laser     511 nm and            5 MW
cutting, hobby constructions and 578 nm
explorative research
Cadmium vapour laser, for printing, 325 nm and            up to 200 mW 12 kEuro         10 kh
typesetting and recognition of      442 nm
forged US dollar notes
Gold vapour laser, for explorative 627 nm                 pulses up to   from a few
research, dermatology                                     1 MW           hundred Euro
Chemical gas lasers
HF, DF and oxygen-iodine laser,          1.3 to 4.2 μm    up to MW in    over 10 MEuro unknown
used as weapons, pumped by                                CW mode
chemical reactions, all obsolete
Liquid dye lasers
112                                     2 changing the world with quantum effects

TA B L E 9 A selection of lamps and lasers (continued).

L a m p t y p e , a p p l i c a t i o n Wa v e -          Bright -   Cost         Life-
                                        length            ness or                 time

Rhodamine, stilbene, coumarin            tunable, range up to 10 W   10 kEuro     dye-
etc. lasers, for spectroscopy and        depends on                               dependent
medical uses                             dye in 300 to
                                         1100 nm range
Beer, vodka, whiskey, diluted            IR, visible    usually mW   1 kEuro      a few
marmelade and many other liquids                                                  minutes
work as laser material
Solid state lasers
Ruby laser (obsolete), for           694 nm                        1 kEuro

                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
holography and tattoo removal
Nd:YAG (neodymium:yttrium            1064 nm         CW 10 kW,     50 to          1000 h
aluminium granate) laser, for                        pulsed        500 kEuro
material processing, surgery,                        300 MW
pumping, range finding,
velocimetry, also used with doubled
frequency (532 nm), with tripled
frequency (355 nm) and with
quadrupled frequency (266 nm),
also used as slab laser

                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Er:YAG laser, for dermatology        2940 nm
Ti:sapphire laser, for ultrashort    650 to 1200 nm CW 1 W,        from 5 kEuro
pulses for spectroscopy, LIDAR, and                  pulsed 300 TW upwards
Alexandrite laser, for laser         700 to 840 nm
machining, dermatology, LIDAR
Cr:LiSAF laser                                       pulsed 10 TW,
                                                     down to 30 fs
Cr:YAG laser                         1.35 to 1.6 μm pulsed, down
                                                     to 100 fs
Cr:Forsterite laser, optical         1200 to         pulsed, below
tomography                           1300 nm         100 fs
Erbium doped glass fibre laser, used 1.53 to 1.56 μm                              years
in optical communications
(undersea cables) and optical
Perovskite laser, such as Co:KZnF3 , NIR tunable, 100 mW           2 kEuro
for research                         1650 to
                                     2070 nm
F-centre laser, for spectroscopy     tuning ranges 100 mW          20 kEuro
(NaCl:OH-, KI:Li, LiF)               between 1.2
                                     and 6 μm
                 quantum technology                                                                               113

                 TA B L E 9 A selection of lamps and lasers (continued).

                 L a m p t y p e , a p p l i c a t i o n Wa v e -          Bright -      Cost             Life-
                                                         length            ness or                        time

                 Semiconductor lasers
                 GaN laser diode, for optical             355 to 500 nm, up to 150 mW    a few Euro to 5 c. 10 000 h
                 recording                                depending on                   kEuro
                 AlGaAs laser diode, for optical          620 to 900 nm, up to 1 W       below 1 Euro to c. 10 000 h
                 recording, pointers, data                depending on                   100 Euro
                 communication, laser fences, bar         doping
                 code readers (normal or vertical
                 InGaAsP laser diode, for fiberoptic 1 to 2.5 μm           up to 100 W   below 1 Euro     up to

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 communication, laser pumping,                                           up to a few k    20 000 h
                 material processing, medical uses                                       Euro
                 (normal and vertical cavity or
                 Lead salt (PbS/PbSe) laser diode, for 3 to 25 μm          0.1 W         a few 100 Euro
                 spectroscopy and gas detection
                 Quantum cascade laser, for research 2.7 to 350 μm         up to 4 W     c. 10 kEuro      c. 1 000 h
                 and spectroscopy
                 Hybrid silicon lasers, for research IR                    nW            0.1 MEuro

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Free electron lasers
                 Used for materials science               5 nm to 1 mm CW 20 kW,    10 MEuro              years
                                                                       pulsed in GW
                 Nuclear-reaction pumped lasers
                 Have uses only in science fiction and for getting money from gullible military

                 From lamps to lasers
                 Most solid state lamps are light emitting diodes. The large progress in brightness of light
                 emitting diodes could lead to a drastic reduction in future energy consumption, if their
                 cost is lowered sufficiently. Many engineers are working on this task. Since the cost is a
                 good estimate for the energy needed for production, can you estimate which lamp is the
Challenge 62 s   most friendly to the environment?
                    Nobody thought much about lamps, until Albert Einstein and a few other great physi-
                 cists came along, such as Theodore Maiman and Hermann Haken. Many other research-
                 ers later received Nobel Prizes by building on their work. In 1916, Einstein showed that
                 there are two types of sources of light – or of electromagnetic radiation in general – both
                 of which actually ‘create’ light. He showed that every lamp whose brightness is turned
                 up high enough will change behaviour when a certain intensity threshold is passed. The
          114                                2 changing the world with quantum effects

          main mechanism of light emission then changes from spontaneous emission to stimu-
          lated emission. Nowadays such a special lamp is called a laser. (The letters ‘se’ in laser are
          an abbreviation of ‘stimulated emission’.) After a passionate worldwide research race, in
          1960 Maiman was the first to build a laser emitting visible light. (So-called masers emit-
          ting microwaves were already known for several decades.) In summary, Einstein and
          the other physicists showed that whenever a lamp is sufficiently turned up, it becomes
          a laser. Lasers consist of some light producing and amplifying material together with a
          mechanism to pump energy into it. The material can be a gas, a liquid or a solid; the
          pumping process can use electrical current or light. Usually, the material is put between
          two mirrors, in order to improve the efficiency of the light production. Common lasers
          are semiconductor lasers (essentially strongly pumped LEDs or light emitting diodes),
          He–Ne lasers (strongly pumped neon lamps), liquid lasers (essentially strongly pumped
          fire flies) and ruby lasers (strongly pumped luminescent crystals). Most materials can be
          used to make lasers for fun, including water, beer and vodka.
              Lasers produce radiation in the range from microwaves and extreme ultraviolet. They

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          have the special property of emitting coherent light, usually in a collimated beam. There-
          fore lasers achieve much higher light intensities than lamps, allowing their use as tools.
          In modern lasers, the coherence length, i.e., the length over which interference can be
          observed, can be thousands of kilometres. Such high quality light is used e.g. in gravita-
          tional wave detectors.
              People have become pretty good at building lasers. Lasers are used to cut metal sheets
          up to 10 cm thickness, others are used instead of knives in surgery, others increase surface
          hardness of metals or clean stones from car exhaust pollution. Other lasers drill holes in
          teeth, measure distances, image biological tissue or grab living cells.

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              Some materials amplify light so much that end mirrors are not necessary. This is the
          case for nitrogen lasers, in which nitrogen, or simply air, is used to produce a UV beam.
          Even a laser made of a single atom (and two mirrors) has been built; in this example, only
Ref. 83   eleven photons on average were moving between the two mirrors. Quite a small lamp.
          Also lasers emitting light in two dimensions have been built. They produce a light plane
          instead of a light beam.

          The three lightbulb scams
          In the 1990s, all major light bulb producers in the world were fined large sums because
          they had agreed to keep the lifetimes of light bulbs constant. It is no technical problem to
          make light bulbs that last 2000 hours; however, the producers agreed not to increase the
          lifetime above 700 hours, thus effectively making every lightbulb three times as expensive
          as it should. This was the first world-wide light bulb scam.
              Despite the fines, the crooks in the light bulb industry did not give up. In 2012, a large
          German light bulb maker explained in its advertising that its new light sources were
          much longer living than its conventional light bulbs, which, they explained on their ads,
          lasted only 500 hours. In other words, not only did the fines not help, the light bulb
          industry even reduced the lifetimes of the light bulbs from the 1990s to 2012. This was
          the second light bulb scam.
              Parallel to the second scam, in the years around 2000, the light bulb industry star-
          ted lobbying politics with the false statement that light bulbs were expensive and would
                   quantum technology                                                                     115

                   waste energy. As a result of the false data provided from the other two scams, light bulbs
                   were forbidden in Europe, with the result that consumers in Europe are now forced to
                   buy other, much more expensive means of illumination. On top of this, many of these
                   more expensive light sources are bad for the eyes. Indeed, flickering mercury or flick-
                   ering LED lamps, together with their reduced colour spectrum, force the human visual
                   system in overload mode, a situation that does not occur with the constantly glowing
                   light bulbs. In other words, with this third scam, the light bulb industry increased their
                   profits even more, while ruining the health of consumers at the same time. One day,
                   maybe, parliaments will be less corrupt and more sensible. The situation will then again

                   Applications of lasers
                   As shown in Figure 74, lasers can be used to make beautiful parts – including good violins
                   and personalized bicycle parts – via sintering of polymer or metal powders. Lasers are
                   used in rapid prototyping machines and to build architectural models. Lasers can cut

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   paper, metal, plastics and flesh.
                       Lasers are used to read out data from compact discs (CDs) and digital versatile discs
                   (DVDs), are used in the production of silicon integrated circuits and for the transport
                   telephone signals through optical fibres. In our adventure, we already encountered lasers
Vol. I, page 408   that work as loudspeakers. Important advances in recent years came from the applica-
                   tions of femtosecond laser pulses. Femtosecond pulses generate high-temperature plas-
                   mas in the materials they propagate through; this happens even in air, if the pulses are
                   focused. The effect has been used to create luminous three-dimensional displays floating
                   in mid-air, as shown in Figure 74, or in liquids. Such short pulses can also be used to

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   cut material without heating it, for example to cut bones in skull operations. The lack of
                   heating is so complete that femtosecond lasers can be used to engrave matches and even
                   dynamite without triggering a reaction. Femtosecond lasers have been used to make high
                   resolution holograms of human heads within a single flash. Recently such lasers have
                   been used to guide lightning along a predetermined path; they seem promising candid-
        Ref. 84    ates for laser ligtning rods. A curious demonstration application of femtosecond lasers
                   is the storage of information in fingernails (up to 5 Mbit for a few months), in a way not
        Ref. 85    unlike that used in recordable compact discs (CD-R).
                       Lasers are used in ophthalmology, with a technique called optical coherence tomo-
                   graphy, to diagnose eye and heart illnesses. Around 2025, there will finally be laser-based
                   breast screening devices that use laser light to search for cancer without any danger to
                   the patient. The race to produce the first working system is already ongoing since the
                   1990s. Additional medical laser applications will appear in the coming years.
                       Lasers have been used in recent demonstrations, together with image processing soft-
                   ware, to kill mosquitos in flight; other lasers are burning weeds while the laser is moved
                   over a field of crops. One day, such combined laser and vision systems will be used to
                   evaporate falling rain drops one by one; as soon as the first such laser umbrella will be
        Ref. 86    available, it will be presented here. The feat should be possible before the year 2022.
116                                     2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 74 Some laser applications. Top: a violin, with excellent sound quality, made of a single piece
of polymer (except for the chords and the black parts) through laser sintering of PEEK by EOS from
Krailling, in Germany. Bottom: a display floating in mid-air produced with a galvanometer scanner and a
fast focus shifter (© Franz Aichinger, Burton).

Challenges, dreams and curiosities ab ou t quantum technolo gy
Nowadays, we carry many electronic devices in our jacket or trousers. Almost all use bat-
teries. In the future, there is a high chance that some of these devices will extract energy
from the human body. There are several options. One can extract thermal energy with
thermoelements, or one can extract vibrational energy with piezoelectric, electrostatic or
electromagnetic transducers. The challenge is to make these elements small and cheap.
It will be interesting to find out which technology will arrive to the market first.
          quantum technology                                                                                  117

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          F I G U R E 75 The most expensive laser pointer: a yellow 10 W laser that is frequency-stabilized at the
          wavelength of sodium lamps allows astronomers to improve the image quality of terrestrial telescopes.
          By exciting sodium atoms found at a height of 80 to 90 km, the laser provides an artificial guide star
          that is used to compensate for atmospheric turbulence, using the adaptive optics built into the
          telescope. (© ESO/Babak Tafreshi).

          In 2007, Humphrey Maris and his student Wei Guo performed an astonishing experi-
Ref. 87   ment: they filmed single electrons with a video camera. Actually the truth is a bit more
          complicated, but it is not a lie to summarize it in this way.
             Maris is an expert on superfluid helium. For many years he knew that free electrons
          in superfluid helium repel helium atoms, and can move, surrounded by a small vacuum
          bubble, about 2 nm across, through the fluid. He also discovered that under negative
          pressure, these bubbles can grow and finally explode. When they explode, they are able
          to scatter light. With his student Wei Guo, he then injected electrons into superfluid
          helium through a tungsten needle under negative voltage, produced negative pressure
          by focussing waves from two piezoelectric transducers in the bulk of the helium, and
                 118                                             2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                           QuickTime™ and a
                                       Photo - JPEG decompressor
                                     are needed to see this picture.

                                                                                   F I G U R E 76 How to image single
                                                                                   electrons with a video camera:
                                                                                   isolated electrons surrounded by
                                                                                   bubbles that explode in liquid
                                                                                   helium under negative pressure
                                                                                   produce white spots (mpg film ©
                                                                                   Humphrey Maris).

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 shone light through the helium. When the pressure became negative enough they saw
                 the explosions of the bubbles. Figure 76 shows the video. The experiment is one of the
                 highlights of experimental physics in the last decade.
                 Is it possible to make A4-size flexible colour displays for an affordable price and with
Challenge 63 d   print-like quality?

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 Will there ever be rechargeable batteries with an energy content per mass that is com-
                 parable to diesel oil? How long will it take, from 2014 onwards, until the last company
                 producing electric cars powered by batteries stops production?
                 How many companies promising free energy, engineers promising cars powered by wa-
                 ter, politicians promising fusion energy or quacks promising food additives or sugar pills
                 that cure cancer will we see every year?
Challenge 64 r   Will there ever be room-temperature superconductivity?
Challenge 65 r   Will there ever be desktop laser engravers for 1000 euro?
Challenge 66 s   Will there ever be teleportation of everyday objects?
                 One process that quantum physics does not allow is telepathy. An unnamed space agency
                 quantum technology                                                                              119

                                                                    pickup loop
                                                                                                 z               Ω
                                                                                                             λ   N
                                                                                    x                            β
                                                                    inlet port                                   y
                                                                    weak link

                                                                    parallel coil


                                                                                                                     1 cm
                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 F I G U R E 77 The interior of a gyroscope that uses superfluid helium (© Eric Varoquaux).

                 found this out during the Apollo 14 mission, when, during the flight to the moon, cosmo-
                 naut Edgar Mitchell tested telepathy as communication means. Unsurprisingly, he found
       Ref. 88   that telepathy was useless. (This not a joke.) It is unclear why the space agency spent so
                 much money for a useless experiment – an experiment that could have been performed,
                 at a cost of a phone call, also down here on earth.
Challenge 67 d   Will there ever be applied quantum cryptology?
                 Will there ever be printable polymer electronic circuits, instead of lithographically pat-
Challenge 68 d   terned silicon electronics as is common now?
Challenge 69 r   Will there ever be radio-controlled flying toys in the size of insects?
      Ref. 107   By shining an invisible and harmless laser onto cars driving by, it is now possible to
                 120                                2 changing the world with quantum effects

                                                                                F I G U R E 78 These colours were
                                                                                produced on steel using just an
                                                                                infrared laser shining on it.
                                                                                (© Trotec Laser at www.

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 detect whether the persons inside have drunk alcohol. Will this method ever become
Challenge 70 s   widespread?
                 In 1997, Eric Varoquaux and his group built a quantum version of the Foucault pendu-
      Ref. 108   lum, using the superfluidity of helium. In this beautiful piece of research, they cooled
                 a small ring of fluid helium below the temperature of 0.28 K, below which the helium
                 moves without friction. In such situations helium can behave like a Foucault pendulum.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 With a clever arrangement, shown in Figure 77, they were able to measure the rotation
                 of the helium in the ring using phonon signals, and, finally, to detect the rotation of the
                 Lasers are quantum devices that can be used for many applications. Figure 78 shows
                 a way to produce colours on steel by scanning a focused infrared laser beam over the
Challenge 71 e   surface. Why and how do the colours appear?

                 Summary on changing the world with quantum effects
                 Atoms form bonds. Quantum effects thus produce molecules, gases, liquids and solids,
                 as well as all effects and properties of all materials. In the past, quantum effects have been
                 used to develop numerous materials with desired properties, such as new steel types, new
                 carbon fibre composites, new colourants, new magnetic materials and new polymers.
                    Quantum effects have been used to develop modern electronics, lasers, light detect-
                 ors, data storage devices, superconducting magnets, new measurement systems and new
                 production machines. Magnetic resonance imaging, computers, polymers, telecommu-
                 nication and the internet resulted from applying quantum effects to technology.
                    Quantum effects will continue to be used to design new materials and systems: new
                 nanoparticles to deliver drugs inside the body, new polymers, new crystals, new envir-
                 onmentally friendly production processes and new medical devices, among others.
                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
quantum technology
          Chapter 3

          QUA N T UM E L E C T RODY NA M IC S
          – T H E OR IG I N OF V I RT UA L R E A L I T Y

                 he central concept that quantum field theory adds to the description of nature is
                 he idea of virtual particles. Virtual particles are short-lived particles; they owe
                 heir existence exclusively to the quantum of action. Because of the quantum of
          action, they do not need to follow the energy-mass relation that special relativity re-

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          quires of usual, real particles. Virtual particles can move faster than light and can move
          backward in time. Despite these strange properties, they have many observable effects.
          We explore the most spectacular ones.

          Ships, mirrors and the C asimir effect
          When two parallel ships roll in a big swell, without even the slightest wind blowing, they
          will attract each other. The situation is illustrated in Figure 79. It might be that this effect
          was known before the nineteenth century, when many places still lacked harbours.**
              Waves induce oscillations of ships because a ship absorbs energy from the waves.

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          When oscillating, the ship also emits waves. This happens mainly towards the two sides
          of the ship. As a result, for a single ship, the wave emission has no net effect on its pos-
          ition. Now imagine that two parallel ships oscillate in a long swell, with a wavelength
          much larger than the distance between the ships. Due to the long wavelength, the two
          ships will oscillate in phase. The ships will thus not be able to absorb energy from each
          other. As a result, the energy they radiate towards the outside will push them towards
          each other.
              The effect is not difficult to calculate. The energy of a rolling ship is

                                                     𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ 𝛼2 /2                                            (13)

          where 𝛼 is the roll angle amplitude, 𝑚 the mass of the ship and 𝑔 = 9, 8 m/s2 the acce-
          leration due to gravity. The metacentric height ℎ is the main parameter characterizing a
          ship, especially a sailing ship; it tells with what torque the ship returns to the vertical
          when inclined by an angle 𝛼. Typically, one has ℎ =1.5 m.
             When a ship is inclined, it will return to the vertical by a damped oscillation. A
          damped oscillation is characterized by a period 𝑇 and a quality factor 𝑄. The quality
          factor is the number of oscillations the system takes to reduce its amplitude by a factor

          ** Sipko Boersma published a paper in which he gave his reading of shipping manuals, advising captains to
Ref. 89   let the ships be pulled apart using a well-manned rowing boat. This reading has been put into question by
Ref. 90   subsequent research, however.
                     the origin of virtual reality                                                                        123

                           Left: parallel objects                        Right: parallel objects
                           in quiet evironment                           surrounded by waves
                                                                         or noise
                           ships on water
                           in a harbour
                                                                                                        waves on
                                                                                                        lead to
                                                                                                        of the ships

                           rigid plates in air

                                                                                                        noise or

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                        in air
                                               air                              air
                                                                                                        leads to
                                                                                                        of the

                           mirrors in vacuum

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                               not possible                                                             in vacuum
                                                                                                        lead to
                                                                                                        force between

                     F I G U R E 79 The analogy between ships in a harbour, metal plates in air and metal mirrors in vacuum.

                     𝑒 = 2.718. If the quality factor 𝑄 of an oscillating ship and its oscillation period 𝑇 are
                     given, the radiated power 𝑊 is
                                                            𝑊 = 2π       .                                 (14)

Vol. III, page 120   We saw above that radiation force (radiation pressure times area) is 𝑊/𝑐, where 𝑐 is
                     the wave propagation velocity. For gravity water waves in deep water, we have the well-
Vol. III, page 295   known relation
                                                             𝑐=      .                                 (15)
                   124                                                      3 quantum electrodynamics

                   Assuming that for two nearby ships each one completely absorbs the power emitted from
                   the other, we find that the two ships are attracted towards each other following

                                                       𝑚𝑎 = 𝑚2π2        .                                (16)

                   Inserting typical values such as 𝑄 = 2.5, 𝑇 =10 s, 𝛼 =0.14 rad and a ship mass of 700
                   tons, we get about 1.9 kN. Long swells thus make ships attract each other. The strength
                   of the attraction is comparatively small and could be overcome with a rowing boat. On
                   the other hand, even the slightest wind will damp the oscillation amplitude and have
                   other effects that will hide or overshadow this attraction.
                       Sound waves or noise in air show the same effect. It is sufficient to suspend two metal
        Ref. 91    plates in air and surround them by loudspeakers. The sound will induce attraction (or
                   repulsion) of the plates, depending on whether the sound wavelength cannot (or can) be
                   taken up by the other plate.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       In 1948, the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir made one of the most spectacular pre-
                   dictions of quantum theory: he predicted a similar effect for metal plates in vacuum.
                   Casimir, who worked at the Dutch Electronics company Philips, wanted to understand
                   why it was so difficult to build television tubes. The light-emitting surface in a cath-
                   ode ray tube – or today, in a plasma display – of a television, the phosphor, is made
                   by deposing small neutral, but conductive particles on glass. Casimir observed that the
                   particles somehow attracted each other. Casimir got interested in understanding how
                   neutral particles interact. During these theoretical studies he discovered that two neutral
                   metal plates (or metal mirrors) would attract each other even in complete vacuum. This

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   is the famous Casimir effect. Casimir also determined the attraction strength between a
                   sphere and a plate, and between two spheres. In fact, all conducting neutral bodies attract
Ref. 92, Ref. 93   each other in vacuum, with a force depending on their geometry.
                       In all these situations, the role of the sea is taken by the zero-point fluctuations of
                   the electromagnetic field, the role of the ships by the conducting bodies. Casimir under-
                   stood that the space between two parallel conducting mirrors, due to the geometrical
                   constraints, had different zero-point fluctuations than the free vacuum. Like in the case
                   of two ships, the result would be the attraction of the two mirrors.
                       Casimir predicted that the attraction for two mirrors of mass 𝑚 and surface 𝐴at dis-
                   tance 𝑑 is given by
                                                           𝑚𝑎      π3 ℏ𝑐
                                                               =           .                              (17)
                                                            𝐴     120 𝑑4
                   The effect is a pure quantum effect; in classical electrodynamics, two neutral bodies
                   do not attract. The effect is small; it takes some dexterity to detect it. The first exper-
        Ref. 94    imental confirmation was by Derjaguin, Abrikosova and Lifshitz in 1956; the second
                   experimental confirmation was by Marcus Sparnaay, Casimir’s colleague at Philips, in
        Ref. 95    1958. Two beautiful high-precision measurements of the Casimir effect were performed
        Ref. 96    in 1997 by Lamoreaux and in 1998 by Mohideen and Roy; they confirmed Casimir’s pre-
                   diction with a precision of 5 % and 1 % respectively. (Note that at very small distances,
        Ref. 97    the dependence is not 1/𝑑4 , but 1/𝑑3 .) In summary, uncharged bodies attract through
                   electromagnetic field fluctuations.
                    the origin of virtual reality                                                            125

                        The Casimir effect thus confirms the existence of the zero-point fluctuations of the
                    electromagnetic field. It confirms that quantum theory is valid also for electromagnetism.
                        The Casimir effect between two spheres is proportional to 1/𝑟7 and thus is much
                    weaker than between two parallel plates. Despite this strange dependence, the fascin-
                    ation of the Casimir effect led many amateur scientists to speculate that a mechanism
                    similar to the Casimir effect might explain gravitational attraction. Can you give at least
                    three arguments why this is impossible, even if the effect had the correct distance de-
 Challenge 72 s     pendence?
                        Like the case of sound, the Casimir effect can also produce repulsion instead of at-
                    traction. It is sufficient that one of the two materials be perfectly permeable, the other a
                    perfect conductor. Such combinations repel each other, as Timothy Boyer discovered in
          Ref. 98   1974.
                        In a cavity, spontaneous emission is suppressed, if it is smaller than the wavelength
                    of the emitted light! This effect has also been observed. It confirms that spontaneous
                    emission is emission stimulated by the zero point fluctuations.

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          Ref. 99       The Casimir effect bears another surprise: between two metal plates, the speed of light
                    changes and can be larger than 𝑐. Can you imagine what exactly is meant by ‘speed of
 Challenge 73 s     light’ in this context?
                        In 2006, the Casimir effect provided another surprise. The ship story just presented
                    is beautiful, interesting and helps understanding the effect; but it seems that the story
                    is based on a misunderstanding. Alas, the interpretation of the old naval text given by
          Ref. 90   Sipko Boersma seems to be wishful thinking. There might be such an effect for ships, but
                    it has never been observed nor put into writing by seamen, as Fabrizio Pinto has pointed
                    out after carefully researching naval sources. As an analogy however, it remains valid.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    The L amb shift
                    In the old days, it was common that a person receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for
                    observing the colour of a lamp – if the observation was sufficiently careful. In 1947, Willis
                    Lamb (b. 1913 Los Angeles, d. 2008 Tucson) performed such a careful measurement of
                    the spectrum of hydrogen. He found that the 2𝑆1/2 energy level in atomic hydrogen lies
                    slightly above the 2𝑃1/2 level. This observation is in contrast to the calculation performed
Vol. IV, page 188   earlier on, where the two levels are predicted to have the same energy. In contrast, the
                    measured energy difference is 1057.864 MHz, or 4.3 μeV. This discovery had important
                    consequences for the description of quantum theory and yielded Lamb a share of the
                    1955 Nobel Prize in Physics. Why?
                        The reason for contrast between calculation and observation is an approximation per-
                    formed in the relativistic calculation of the hydrogen levels that took over twenty years to
                    clarify. There are two equivalent explanations. One explanation is to say that the relativ-
                    istic calculation neglects the coupling terms between the Dirac equation and the Maxwell
                    equations. This explanation lead to the first calculations of the Lamb shift, around the
                    year 1950. The other, equivalent explanation is to say that the calculation neglects virtual
                    particles. In particular, the calculation neglects the virtual photons emitted and absorbed
                    during the motion of the electron around the nucleus. This second explanation is in line
                    with the modern vocabulary of quantum electrodynamics. Quantum electrodynamics,
                    or QED, is the (perturbative) approach to solve the coupled Dirac and Maxwell equations.
           126                                                       3 quantum electrodynamics

              In short, Lamb discovered the first effect due to virtual particles. In fact, Lamb used
           microwaves for his experiments; only in the 1970 it became possible to see the Lamb shift
           with optical means. For this and similar feats Arthur Schawlow received the Nobel Prize
           in Physics in 1981.

           The QED L agrangian and its symmetries
           In simplified terms, quantum electrodynamics is the description of electron motion. This
           implies that the description is fixed by the effects of mass and charge, and by the quantum
           of action. The QED Lagrangian density is given by:

                  LQED = 𝜓(𝑖ℏ𝑐∂/ − 𝑐2 𝑚𝑘 )𝜓       } the matter term
                            1 𝐹 𝐹𝜇𝜈
                         − 4𝜇                     } the electromagnetic field term
                                 𝜇𝜈                                                                  (18)
                         + 𝑒ℏ𝑐𝐴 𝜇 𝜓𝛾𝜇 𝜓 .         } the electromagnetic interaction

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           We know the matter term from the Dirac equation for free particles; it describes the
           kinetic energy of free electrons. We know the term of the electromagnetic field from the
           Maxwell’s equations; it describes the kinetic energy of photons. The interaction term is
           the term that encodes the gauge symmetry of electromagnetism, also called ‘minimal
           coupling’; it encodes the potential energy. In other words, the Lagrangian describes the
           motion of electrons and photons.
              All experiments ever performed agree with the prediction by this Lagrangian. In other
           words, this Lagrangian is the final and correct description of the motion of electrons and

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           photons. In particular, the Lagrangian describes the size, shape and colour of atoms, the
           size, shape and colour of molecules, as well as all interactions of molecules. In short, the
           Lagrangian describes all of materials science, all of chemistry and all of biology. Exag-
           gerating a bit, this is the Lagrangian that describes life. (In fact, the description of atomic
Page 162   nuclei must be added; we will explore it below.)
              All electromagnetic effects, including the growth of the coloured spots on butterfly
           wings, the functioning of the transistor or the cutting of paper with scissors, are com-
           pletely described by the QED Lagrangian. In fact, the Lagrangian also describes the mo-
           tion of muons, tau leptons and all other charged particles. Since the Lagrangian is part
           of the final description of motion, it is worth thinking about it in more detail.
              Which requirements are necessary to deduce the QED Lagrangian? This issue has been
           explored in great detail. The answer is given by the following list:
           — compliance with the observer-invariant quantum of action for the motion of elec-
             trons and photons,
           — symmetry under the permutation group among many electrons, i.e., fermion beha-
             viour of electrons,
           — compliance with the invariance of the speed of light, i.e., symmetry under transform-
             ations of special relativity,
           — symmetry under U(1) gauge transformations for the motion of photons and of
             charged electrons,
           — symmetry under renormalization group,
                   the origin of virtual reality                                                                         127

                   — low-energy interaction strength described by the fine structure constant, the electro-
                     magnetic coupling constant, 𝛼 ≈ 1/137.036.
                   The last two points require some comments. As in all cases of motion, the action is the
                   time-volume integral of the Lagrangian density. All fields, be they matter and radiation,
                   move in such a way that this action remains minimal. In fact there are no known differ-
                   ences between the prediction of the least action principle based on the QED Lagrangian
                   density and observations. Even though the Lagrangian density is known since 1926, it
                   took another twenty years to learn how to calculate with it. Only in the years around 1947
                   it became clear, through the method of renormalization, that the Lagrangian density of
                   QED is the final description of all motion of matter due to electromagnetic interaction in
                   flat space-time. The details were developed independently by Julian Schwinger, Freeman
                   Dyson, Richard Feynman and Tomonaga Shin’ichiro, four among the smartest physicists
                   ever. *
                       The QED Lagrangian density contains the strength of the electromagnetic interaction
                   in the form of the fine structure constant 𝛼 = 𝑒2 /(4π𝜀0 ℏ𝑐) ≈ 1/137.036(1). This number

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   is part of the Lagrangian; no explanation for its value is given, and the explanation was
                   still unknown in the year 2016. It is one of the hardest puzzles of physics. Also the U(1)
                   gauge group is specific to electromagnetism. All others requirements are valid for every
                   type of interaction. Indeed, the search for the Lagrangians of the two nuclear interactions
                   became really focused and finally successful only when the necessary requirements were
                   clearly spelled out, as we will discover in the rest of this volume.
Vol. I, page 435       The Lagrangian density retains all symmetries that we know from classical physics.
Challenge 74 e     Motion is continuous, it conserves energy–momentum and angular momentum, it is
                   relative, it is right–left symmetric, it is reversible, i.e., symmetric under change of velo-

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   city sign, and it is lazy, i.e., it minimizes action. In short, within the limits given by the
                   quantum of action, also motion due to QED remains predictable.

                   Interactions and virtual particles
                   The electromagnetic interaction is exchange of virtual photons. So how can the interac-
                   tion be attractive? At first sight, any exchange of virtual photons should drive the elec-
                   trons from each other. However, this is not correct. The momentum of virtual photons
                   does not have to be in the direction of its energy flow; it can also be in opposite direc-
                   tion.** Obviously, this is only possible within the limits provided by the indeterminacy
                      But virtual particles have also other surprising properties: virtual photons for ex-
                   ample, cannot be counted.

                   * Tomonaga Shin’ichiro (b. 1906 Tokio, d. 1979 Tokio) developed quantum electrodynamics and won the
                   1965 Nobel Prize in Physics together with Feynman and Schwinger. Later he became an important figure of
                   science politics; together with his class mate from secondary school and fellow physics Nobel Prize winner,
                   Yukawa Hidei, he was an example to many scientists in Japan.
                   ** One of the most beautiful booklets on quantum electrodynamics which makes this point remains the
                   text by Richard Feynman, QED: the Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Penguin Books, 1990.
                   128                                                               3 quantum electrodynamics

                   Vacuum energy: infinite or zero?
                   The strangest result of quantum field theory is the energy density of the vacuum. On one
                   side, the vacuum has, to an excellent approximation, no mass and no energy content. The
                   vacuum energy of vacuum is thus measured and expected to be zero (or at least extremely
                      On the other side, the energy density of the zero-point fluctuations of the electromag-
                   netic field is given by
                                                       𝐸 4πℎ ∞ 3
                                                          = 3 ∫ 𝜈 d𝜈 .                                   (19)
                                                       𝑉     𝑐    0

                   The result of this integration is infinite. Quantum field theory thus predicts an infinite
                   energy density of the vacuum.
                      We can try to moderate the problem in the following way. As we will discover in the
Vol. VI, page 40   last part of our adventure, there are good arguments that a smallest measurable distance
                   exists in nature; this smallest length appears when gravity is taken into account. The

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   minimal distance is of the order of the Planck length

                                                       𝑙Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3 ≈ 1.6 ⋅ 10−35 m .                                     (20)

Vol. VI, page 40   A minimal distance leads to a maximum cut-off frequency. But even in this case the
                   vacuum density that follows is still a huge number, and is much larger than observed
                   by over 100 orders of magnitude. In other words, QED seems to predict an infinite, or,
                   when gravity is taken into account, a huge vacuum energy. But measurements show a
                   tiny value. What exactly is wrong in this simple calculation? The answer cannot be given

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   at this point; it will become clear in the last volume of our adventure.

                   Moving mirrors
                   Mirrors also work when they or the light source is in motion. In contrast, walls, i.e.,
                   sound mirrors, do not produce echoes for every sound source or for every wall speed.
                   For example, experiments show that walls do not produce echoes if the wall or the sound
                   source moves faster than sound. Walls do not produce echoes even if the sound source
                   moves with them, if both objects move faster than sound. On the other hand, light mir-
                   rors always produce an image, whatever the involved speed of the light source or the
                   mirror may be. These observations confirm that the speed of light is the same for all ob-
Challenge 75 s     servers: it is invariant and a limit speed. (Can you detail the argument?) In contrast, the
                   speed of sound in air depends on the observer; it is not invariant.
                      Light mirrors also differ from tennis rackets. (Rackets are tennis ball mirrors, to con-
Vol. II, page 22   tinue the previous analogy.) We have seen that light mirrors cannot be used to change
                   the speed of the light they hit, in contrast to what tennis rackets can do with balls. This
                   observation shows that the speed of light is a limit speed. In short, the simple existence
                   of mirrors and of their properties are sufficient to derive special relativity.

                   * In 1998, this side of the issue was confused even further. Astrophysical measurements, confirmed in the
                   subsequent years, have found that the vacuum energy has a small, but non-zero value, of the order of
                   0.5 nJ/m3 . The reason for this value is not yet understood, and is one of the open issues of modern physics.
                 the origin of virtual reality                                                               129


                                                                                            no echo
                                                                                            from wall

                                  faster than                     slower or
                                  sound                           faster than

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                                                                                            mirror image
                                                                                            always appears

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                    any speed                      any speed

                 F I G U R E 80 A fast wall does not produce an echo; a fast mirror does.

                    But there are more interesting things to be learned from mirrors. We only have to
                 ask whether mirrors work when they undergo accelerated motion. This issue yields a
                 surprising result.
                    In the 1970s, quite a number of researchers independently found that there is no va-
                 cuum for accelerated observers. This effect is called Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect. (The
                 incorrect and rarely used term dynamical Casimir effect has been abandoned.) For an ac-
                 celerated observer, the vacuum is full of heat radiation. We will discuss this below. This
                 fact has an interesting consequence for accelerated mirrors: a mirror in accelerated mo-
                 tion reflects the heat radiation it encounters. In short, an accelerated mirror emits light!
                 Unfortunately, the intensity of this so-called Unruh radiation is so weak that it has not
     Page 146    been measured directly, up to now. We will explore the issue in more detail below. (Can
Challenge 76 s   you explain why accelerated mirrors emit light, but not matter?)
                 130                                                     3 quantum electrodynamics

                 Photons hit ting photons
                 Usually, light can cross light undisturbed: interference is the proof and the result of this
                 basic property of light. But there is an exception. When virtual particles are taken into
                 account, light beams can ‘bang’ onto each other – though only slightly. This result is in
                 full contrast to classical electrodynamics.
                    Indeed, QED shows that the appearance of virtual electron-positron pairs allow
                 photons to hit each other. And such pairs are found in any light beam. However, the
                 cross-section for photons banging onto each other is small. In other words, the bang is
                 extremely weak. When two light beams cross, most photons will pass undisturbed. The
                 cross-section 𝐴 is approximately

                                                    973         ℏ 2 ℏ𝜔 6
                                            𝐴≈            𝛼4 (      ) (       )                         (21)
                                                  10 125π      𝑚e 𝑐     𝑚e 𝑐2

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 for the everyday case that the energy ℏ𝜔 of the photon is much smaller than the rest en-
                 ergy 𝑚e 𝑐2 of the electron. This low-energy value is about 18 orders of magnitude smaller
                 than what was measurable in 1999; the future will show whether the effect will ever be
                 observable for visible light. However, for high energy photons these effects are observed
                 daily in particle accelerators. In these settings one observes not only interaction through
                 virtual electron–antielectron pairs, but also through virtual muon–antimuon pairs, vir-
                 tual quark–antiquark pairs, and much more.
                    Everybody who consumes science fiction knows that matter and antimatter annihilate
                 and transform into pure light. More precisely, a matter particle and an antimatter particle
                 annihilate into two or more photons. Interestingly, quantum theory predicts that the op-

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 posite process is also possible: photons hitting photons can produce matter! In 1997, this
      Ref. 100   prediction was also confirmed experimentally.
                    At the Stanford particle accelerator, photons from a high energy laser pulse were
                 bounced off very fast electrons. In this way, the reflected photons acquired a large energy,
                 when seen in the inertial frame of the experimenter. The green laser pulse, of 527 nm
                 wavelength or 2.4 eV photon energy, had a peak power density of 1022 W/m2 , about the
                 highest achievable so far. That is a photon density of 1034 /m3 and an electric field of
                 1012 V/m, both of which were record values at the time. When this green laser pulse was
                 reflected off a 46.6 GeV electron beam, the returning photons had an energy of 29.2 GeV
Challenge 77 e   and thus had become high-energy gamma rays. These gamma rays then collided with
                 other, still incoming green photons and produced electron–positron pairs through the
                                                  γ29.2GeV + 𝑛 γgreen → e+ + e−                          (22)

                 for which both final particles were detected by special apparatuses. The experiment thus
                 showed that light can hit light in nature, and above all, that doing so can produce matter.
                 This is the nearest we can get to the science fiction fantasy of light swords or of laser
                 swords banging onto each other.
                     the origin of virtual reality                                                           131

                     Is the vacuum a bath?
                     If the vacuum is a sea of virtual photons and particle–antiparticle pairs, vacuum could
                     be suspected to act as a bath. In general, the answer is negative. Quantum field theory
                     works because the vacuum is not a bath for single particles. However, there is always an
                     exception. For dissipative systems made of many particles, such as electrical conductors,
         Ref. 101    the vacuum can act as a viscous fluid. Irregularly shaped, neutral, but conducting bodies
                     can emit photons when accelerated, thus damping such type of motion. This is due to the
                     Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect, as described above. The damping depends on the shape
                     and thus also on the direction of the body’s motion.
 Vol. I, page 391        In 1998, Gour and Sriramkumar even predicted that Brownian motion should also
                     appear for an imperfect, i.e., partly absorbing mirror placed in vacuum. The fluctuations
         Ref. 102    of the vacuum should produce a mean square displacement

                                                             ⟨𝑑2 ⟩ =     𝑡                                  (23)

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     that increases linearly with time; however, the extremely small displacement produced
                     in this way is out of experimental reach so far. But the result is not a surprise. Are you
Challenge 78 ny      able to give another, less complicated explanation for it?

                     R enormalization – why is an electron so light?
                     In classical physics, the field energy of a point-like charged particle, and hence its mass,
Vol. III, page 243   was predicted to be infinite. QED effectively smears out the charge of the electron over its
                     Compton wavelength; as a result, the field energy contributes only a small correction to

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
 Challenge 79 s      its total mass. Can you confirm this?
                         QED is a perturbative description. This means, that any predicted result 𝑅 is found as
                     a Taylor series of powers of a small parameter:

                                             𝑅 = 𝑅0 + 𝑅1 𝛼 + 𝑅2 𝛼2 + 𝑅3 𝛼3 + 𝑅4 𝛼4 + ...                    (24)

                     In QED, the small parameter is the fine structure constant 𝛼 = 1/137.036(1). With the
                     help of the perturbation series, the exact result 𝑅 is approximated more and more pre-
                        Now, in QED, many intermediate results in the perturbation expansion are divergent
                     integrals, i.e., integrals with infinite value. The divergence is due to the assumption that
                     infinitely small distances are possible in nature. The divergences thus are artefacts that
                     can be eliminated; the elimination procedure is called renormalization.
                        Sometimes it is claimed that the infinities appearing in quantum electrodynamics in
                     the intermediate steps of the calculation show that the theory is incomplete or wrong.
                     However, this type of statement would imply that classical physics is also incomplete or
                     wrong, on the ground that in the definition of the velocity 𝑣 with space 𝑥 and time 𝑡,
                                                        d𝑥          Δ𝑥            1
                                                   𝑣=       = lim       = lim Δ𝑥 ,                           (25)
                                                         d𝑡 Δ𝑡→0 Δ𝑡 Δ𝑡→0 Δ𝑡
                   132                                                        3 quantum electrodynamics

                                        bricks       l



                                                           F I G U R E 81 What is the maximum possible value of h/l?

                   one gets an infinity as intermediate step. Indeed, d𝑡 being vanishingly small, one could

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   argue that one is dividing by zero. Both arguments show the difficulty to accept that the
                   result of a limit process can be a finite quantity even if infinite quantities appear in the
                   calculation. The parallel between electron mass and velocity is closer than it seems; both
                   intermediate ‘infinities’ stem from the assumption that space-time is continuous, i.e., in-
                   finitely divisible. The infinities necessary in limit processes for the definition of differen-
                   tiation, integration or for renormalization appear only when space-time is approximated,
                   as physicists say, as a ‘continuous’ set, or as mathematicians say, as a ‘complete’ set.
                       On the other hand, the conviction that the appearance of an infinity might be a sign
                   of incompleteness of a theory was an interesting development in physics. It shows how

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   uncomfortable many physicists had become with the use of infinity in our description
       Ref. 103    of nature. Notably, this was the case for Paul Dirac himself, who, after having laid in his
                   youth the basis of quantum electrodynamics, has tried for the rest of his life to find a way,
                   without success, to change the theory so that intermediate infinities are avoided.
                       Renormalization is a procedure that follows from the requirement that continuous
                   space-time and gauge theories must work together. In particular, renormalization fol-
                   lows form the requirement that the particle concept is consistent, i.e., that perturbation
                   expansions are possible. Intermediate infinities are not an issue. In a bizarre twist, a few
                   decades after Dirac’s death, his wish has been fulfilled after all, although in a different
                   manner than he envisaged. The final part of this mountain ascent will show the way out
Vol. VI, page 37   of the issue.

                   Curiosities and fun challenges of quantum electrodynamics
                   Motion is an interesting topic, and when a curious person asks a question about it, most
                   of the time quantum electrodynamics is needed for the answer. Together with gravity,
                   quantum electrodynamics explains almost all of our everyday experience, including nu-
                   merous surprises. Let us have a look at some of them.
                   A famous riddle, illustrated in Figure 81, asks how far the last card (or the last brick) of
                   a stack can hang over the edge of a table. Of course, only gravity, no glue nor any other
                  the origin of virtual reality                                                                133

                  means is allowed to keep the cards on the table. After you solved the riddle, can you give
 Challenge 80 s   the solution in case that the quantum of action is taken into account?
                  Quantum electrodynamics explains why there are only a finite number of different
       Ref. 104   atom types. In fact, it takes only two lines to prove that pair production of electron–
                  antielectron pairs make it impossible that a nucleus has more than about 137 protons.
 Challenge 81 s   Can you show this? In short, the fine structure constant limits the number of chemical
                  elements in nature. The effect at the basis of this limit, the polarization of the vacuum,
      Page 153    also plays a role in much larger systems, such as charged black holes, as we will see shortly.
                  Stripping 91 of the 92 electrons off an uranium atom allows researchers to check with
                  high precision whether the innermost electron still is described by QED. The electric field
                  near the uranium nucleus, 1 EV/m, is the highest achievable in the laboratory; the field

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  value is near the threshold for spontaneous pair production. The field is the highest con-
                  stant field producible in the laboratory, and an ideal testing ground for precision QED
                  experiments. The effect of virtual photons is to produce a Lamb shift; but even for these
       Ref. 105   extremely high fields, the value matches the calculation.
                  Is there a critical magnetic field in nature, like there is a critical electric field, limited by
Challenge 82 ny   spontaneous pair production?

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Microscopic evolution can be pretty slow. Light, especially when emitted by single atoms,
                  is always emitted by some metastable state. Usually, the decay times, being induced by
                  the vacuum fluctuations, are much shorter than a microsecond. However, there are meta-
                  stable atomic states with a lifetime of ten years: for example, an ytterbium ion in the 2 𝐹7/2
                  state achieves this value, because the emission of light requires an octupole transition, in
       Ref. 106   which the angular momentum changes by 3ℏ; this is an extremely unlikely process.
                      In radioactive decay, the slowness record is held by 209 Bi, with over 1019 years of half-
      Page 342    life.
                  Microscopic evolution can be pretty fast. Can you imagine how to deduce or to measure
 Challenge 83 s   the speed of electrons inside atoms? And inside metals?
                  If an electrical wire is sufficiently narrow, its electrical conductance is quantized in steps
                  of 2𝑒2 /ℏ. The wider the wire, the more such steps are added to its conductance. Can you
 Challenge 84 s   explain the effect? By the way, quantized conductance has also been observed for light
       Ref. 109   and for phonons.
                 134                                                    3 quantum electrodynamics

                 The Casimir effect, as well as other experiments, imply that there is a specific and finite
                 energy density that can be ascribed to the vacuum. Does this mean that we can apply the
Challenge 85 d   Banach–Tarski effect to pieces of vacuum?
Challenge 86 s   Can you explain why mud is not clear?
                 The instability of the vacuum also yields a (trivial) limit on the fine structure constant.
                 The fine structure constant value of around 1/137.036 cannot be explained by quantum
      Ref. 201   electrodynamics. However, it can be deduced that it must be lower than 1 to lead to
                 a consistent theory. Indeed, if its value were larger than 1, the vacuum would become
                 unstable and would spontaneously generate electron-positron pairs.

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 87 s   Can the universe ever have been smaller than its own Compton wavelength?
                 In the past, the description of motion with formulae was taken rather seriously. Before
                 computers appeared, only those examples of motion were studied that could be described
                 with simple formulae. But this narrow-minded approach turns out to be too restrictive.
                 Indeed, mathematicians showed that Galilean mechanics cannot solve the three-body
                 problem, special relativity cannot solve the two-body problem, general relativity the one-
                 body problem and quantum field theory the zero-body problem. It took some time to the

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 community of physicists to appreciate that understanding motion does not depend on
                 the description by formulae, but on the description by clear equations based on space
                 and time.
                 In fact, quantum electrodynamics, or QED, provides a vast number of curiosities and
                 every year there is at least one interesting new discovery. We now conclude the theme
                 with a more general approach.

                 How can one move on perfect ice? – The ultimate physics test
                 In our quest, we have encountered motion of many sorts. Therefore, the following test –
                 not to be taken too seriously – is the ultimate physics test, allowing you to check your
                 understanding and to compare it with that of others.
                    Imagine that you are on a perfectly frictionless surface and that you want to move
                 to its border. How many methods can you find to achieve this? Any method, so tiny its
                 effect may be, is allowed.
                    Classical physics provided quite a number of methods. We saw that for rotating
                 ourselves, we just need to turn our arm above the head. For translation motion, throwing
                 a shoe or inhaling vertically and exhaling horizontally are the simplest possibilities. Can
Challenge 88 s   you list at least six additional methods, maybe some making use of the location of the
                 surface on Earth? What would you do in space?
                 the origin of virtual reality                                                           135

                     Electrodynamics and thermodynamics taught us that in vacuum, heating one side of
                 the body more than the other will work as motor; the imbalance of heat radiation will
                 push you, albeit rather slowly. Are you able to find at least four other methods from these
Challenge 89 s   two domains?
                     General relativity showed that turning one arm will emit gravitational radiation un-
Challenge 90 s   symmetrically, leading to motion as well. Can you find at least two better methods?
                     Quantum theory offers a wealth of methods. Of course, quantum mechanics shows
                 that we actually are always moving, since the indeterminacy relation makes rest an im-
                 possibility. However, the average motion can be zero even if the spread increases with
                 time. Are you able to find at least four methods of moving on perfect ice due to quantum
Challenge 91 s   effects?
                     Materials science, geophysics, atmospheric physics and astrophysics also provide ways
Challenge 92 s   to move, such as cosmic rays or solar neutrinos. Can you find four additional methods?
                     Self-organization, chaos theory and biophysics also provide ways to move, when the
                 inner workings of the human body are taken into account. Can you find at least two

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 93 s   methods?
                     Assuming that you read already the section following the present one, on the effects
                 of semiclassical quantum gravity, here is an additional puzzle: is it possible to move by
Challenge 94 s   accelerating a pocket mirror, using the emitted Unruh radiation? Can you find at least
                 two other methods to move yourself using quantum gravity effects? Can you find one
                 from string theory?
                     If you want points for the test, the marking is simple. For students, every working
                 method gives one point. Eight points is ok, twelve points is good, sixteen points is very
                 good, and twenty points or more is excellent. For graduated physicists, the point is given

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 only when a back-of-the-envelope estimate for the ensuing momentum or acceleration
                 is provided.

                 A summary of quantum electrodynamics
                 The shortest possible summary of quantum electrodynamics is the following:

                    ⊳ Everyday matter is made of charged elementary particles that interact
                      through photon exchange in the way described by Figure 82.

                 No additional information is necessary. In a bit more detail, quantum electrodynamics
                 starts with elementary particles – characterized by their mass, spin, charge, and parities –
                 and with the vacuum, essentially a sea of virtual particle–antiparticle pairs. Interactions
                 between charged particles are described as the exchange of virtual photons, and electro-
                 magnetic decay is described as the interaction with the virtual photons of the vacuum.

                    ⊳ The Feynman diagram of Figure 82 provides an exact description of all elec-
                      tromagnetic phenomena and processes.

                 No contradiction between observation and calculation are known. In particular, the
     Page 126    Feynman diagram is equivalent to the QED Lagrangian of equation (18). Because QED
                 is a perturbative theory, the Feynman diagram directly describes the first order effects;
136                                                       3 quantum electrodynamics

                                      γ (photon), i.e.
                                      el.m. radiation:
      charged                         spin S=1
      matter, i.e.
      lepton or
      spin S = 1/2,
      m>0                  interaction:
                           √α = 1/11.7062...
                           1/α = 137.0359...
                           Σ E = const
                           Σ p = const
                           Σ S = const                      F I G U R E 82 The basis of QED; more

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                           Σ q = const                      precisely, the fundamental diagram
                                                            of QED as a perturbation theory in

its composite diagrams describe effects of higher order. QED is a perturbative theory.
    QED describes all everyday properties of matter and radiation. It describes the divis-
ibility down to the smallest constituents, the isolability from the environment and the

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
impenetrability of matter. It also describes the penetrability of radiation. All these prop-
erties are due to electromagnetic interactions of constituents and follow from Figure 82.
Matter is divisible because the interactions are of finite strength, matter is also divisible
because the interactions are of finite range, and matter is impenetrable because inter-
actions among the constituents increase in intensity when they approach each other, in
particular because matter constituents are fermions. Radiation is divisible into photons,
and is penetrable because photons are bosons and first order photon-photon interactions
do not exist.
    Both matter and radiation are made of elementary constituents. These elementary
constituents, whether bosons or fermions, are indivisible, isolable, indistinguishable, and
    It is necessary to use quantum electrodynamics in all those situations for which the
characteristic dimensions 𝑑 are of the order of the Compton wavelength

                                       𝑑 ≈ 𝜆C =       .                                     (26)
In situations where the dimensions are of the order of the de Broglie wavelength, or equi-
valently, where the action is of the order of the Planck value, simple quantum mechanics
is sufficient:
                                       𝑑 ≈ 𝜆 dB =      .                              (27)
           the origin of virtual reality                                                                       137

           For even larger dimensions, classical physics will do.
              Together with gravity, quantum electrodynamics explains almost all observations of
           motion on Earth; QED unifies the description of matter and electromagnetic radiation
           in daily life. All everyday objects and all images are described, including their prop-
           erties, their shape, their transformations and their other changes. This includes self-
           organization and chemical or biological processes. In other words, QED gives us full grasp
           of the effects and the variety of motion due to electromagnetism.

           Open questions in QED
           Even though QED describes motion due to electromagnetism without any discrepancy
           from experiment, that does not mean that we understand every detail of every example
           of such motion. For example, nobody has described the motion of an animal with QED
           yet.* In fact, there is beautiful and fascinating research going on in many branches of
               Atmospheric physics still provides many puzzles and regularly delivers new, previ-

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Ref. 111   ously unknown phenomena. For example, the detailed mechanisms at the origin of au-
           rorae are still controversial; and the recent unexplained discoveries of discharges above
Ref. 112   clouds should not make one forget that even the precise mechanism of charge separation
           inside clouds, which leads to lightning, is not completely clarified. In fact, all examples
           of electrification, such as the charging of amber through rubbing, the experiment which
           gave electricity its name, are still poorly understood.
               Materials science in all its breadth, including the study of solids, fluids, and plasmas,
           as well as biology and medicine, still provides many topics of research. In particular, the
           twenty-first century will undoubtedly be the century of the life sciences.

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               The study of the interaction of atoms with intense light is an example of present re-
           search in atomic physics. Strong lasers can strip atoms of many of their electrons; for
           such phenomena, there are not yet precise descriptions, since they do not comply to the
           weak field approximations usually assumed in physical experiments. In strong fields, new
Ref. 113   effects take place, such as the so-called Coulomb explosion.
               But also the skies have their mysteries. In the topic of cosmic rays, it is still not clear
Ref. 114   how rays with energies of 1022 eV are produced outside the galaxy. Researchers are in-
           tensely trying to locate the electromagnetic fields necessary for their acceleration and to
           understand their origin and mechanisms.
               In the theory of quantum electrodynamics, discoveries are expected by all those who
Ref. 115   study it in sufficient detail. For example, Dirk Kreimer has discovered that higher order
           interaction diagrams built using the fundamental diagram of Figure 82 contain relations
           to the theory of knots. This research topic will provide even more interesting results in the
           near future. Relations to knot theory appear because QED is a perturbative description,
           with the vast richness of its non-perturbative effects still hidden. Studies of QED at high
           energies, where perturbation is not a good approximation and where particle numbers
           are not conserved, promise a wealth of new insights.

           * On the other hand, outside QED, there is beautiful work going on how humans move their limbs; it seems
           that any general human movement is constructed in the brain by combining a small set of fundamental
Ref. 110   movements.
           138                                                              3 quantum electrodynamics

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                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

           F I G U R E 83 The rainbow can only be explained fully if the fine structure constant 𝛼 can be calculated
           (© ed g2s, Christophe Afonso).

              If we want to be very strict, we need to add that we do not fully understand any colour,
           because we still do not know the origin of the fine structure constant. In particular, the
Ref. 116   fine structure constant determines the refractive index of water, and thus the formation
           of a rainbow, as pictured in Figure 83.
              Many other open issues of more practical nature have not been mentioned. Indeed,
           by far the largest numbers of physicists get paid for some form of applied QED. In our
the origin of virtual reality                                                           139

adventure however, our quest is the description of the fundamentals of motion. And so
far, we have not achieved it. In particular, we still need to understand motion in the realm
of atomic nuclei and the effect of the quantum of action in the domain of gravitation. We
start with the latter topic.

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Chapter 4

                   QUA N T UM M E C HA N IC S W I T H
                   G R AV I TAT ION – F I R ST ST E P S

                            ravitation is a weak effect. Indeed, every seaman knows that storms, not
                            ravity, cause the worst accidents. Despite its weakness, the inclusion of
                            ravity into quantum theory raises a number of issues. We must solve them
                   all in order to complete our mountain ascent.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       Gravity acts on quantum systems: in the chapter on general relativity we already men-
                   tioned that light frequency changes with height. Thus gravity has a simple and measur-
                   able effect on photons. But gravity also acts on all other quantum systems, such as atoms
                   and neutrons, as we will see. And the quantum of action plays an important role in the
                   behaviour of black holes. We explore these topics now.

                   Falling atoms
                   In 2004 it finally became possible to repeat Galileo’s leaning tower experiment with
                   single atoms instead of steel balls. This is not an easy experiment because even the smal-

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 117    lest effects disturb the motion. The result is as expected: single atoms do fall like stones.
                   In particular, atoms of different mass fall with the same acceleration, within the experi-
                   mental precision of one part in 6 million.
                       The experiment was difficult to perform, but the result is not surprising, because all
                   falling everyday objects are made of atoms. Indeed, Galileo himself had predicted that
                   atoms fall like stones, because parts of a body have to fall with the same acceleration
Vol. I, page 202   as the complete body. But what is the precise effect of gravity on wave functions? This
                   question is best explored with the help of neutrons.

                   Playing table tennis with neu trons
                   The gravitational potential also has directly measurable effects on quantum particles.
                   Classically, a table tennis ball follows a parabolic path when bouncing over a table tennis
                   table, as long as friction can be neglected. The general layout of the experiment is shown
                   in Figure 84. How does a quantum particle behave in the same setting?
                      In the gravitational field, a bouncing quantum particle is still described by a wave
                   function. In contrast to the classical case however, the possible energy values of a falling
                   quantum particle are discrete. Indeed, the quantization of the action implies that for a
                 4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                               141

                                                                                                       can be
                                                    sticky ceiling / neutron absorber                  lowered

                                                path of table tennis ball / neutron

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                   table tennis table / neutron mirror
                                                     (wooden plate / silicon crystal)

                                                                                         Figure to be completed

                 F I G U R E 84 Table tennis and neutrons.

Challenge 95 e   bounce of energy 𝐸𝑛 and duration 𝑡𝑛 ,

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                             𝑛ℏ ∼ 𝐸𝑛 𝑡𝑛 ∼ 𝑛1/2 .                                  (28)

                 In other words, only discrete bounce heights, distinguished by the number 𝑛, are pos-
                 sible in the quantum case. The discreteness leads to an expected probability density that
                 changes with height in discrete steps, as shown in Figure 84.
                     The best way to realize the experiment with quantum particles is to produce an in-
                 tense beam of neutral particles, because neutral particles are not affected by the stray
                 electromagnetic fields that are present in every laboratory. Neutrons are ideal, as they are
                 produced in large quantities by nuclear reactors. The experiment was first performed in
      Ref. 118   2002, by Hartmut Abele and his group, after years of preparations. Using several clever
                 tricks, they managed to slow down neutrons from a nuclear reactor to the incredibly
                 small value of 8 m/s, comparable to the speed of a table tennis ball. (The equivalent tem-
                 perature of these ultracold neutrons is 1 mK, or 100 neV.) They then directed the neut-
                 rons onto a neutron mirror made of polished glass – the analogue of the table tennis table
                 – and observed the neutrons bouncing back up. To detect the bouncing, they lowered an
                 absorber – the equivalent of a sticky ceiling – towards the table tennis table, i.e., towards
                 the neutron mirror, and measured how many neutrons still reached the other end of the
                 table. (Both the absorber and the mirror were about 20 cm in length.)
                     Why did the experiment take so many years of work? The lowest energy levels for
                 neutrons due to gravity are 2.3 ⋅ 10−31 J, or 1.4 peV, followed by 2.5 peV,3.3 peV, 4.1 peV,
                  142                          4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                                                                                                       length l

                                                                                                beam II
                                                                                    height h

                                                                                                          beam I

                                                                            neutron         silicon               silicon
                                                                            beam            beam                  mirror

                  F I G U R E 85 The weakness of gravitation. A neutron interferometer made of a silicon single crystal (with
                  the two neutron beams I and II) can be used to detect the effects of gravitation on the phase of wave
                  functions (photo © Helmut Rauch and Erwin Seidl).

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  and so forth. To get an impression of the smallness of these values, we can compare it
                  to the value of 2.2 ⋅ 10−18 J or 13.6 eV for the lowest state in the hydrogen atom. Despite
                  these small energy values, the team managed to measure the first few discrete energy
                  levels. The results confirmed the prediction of the Schrödinger equation, with the grav-
                  itational potential included, to the achievable measurement precision.
                      In short, gravity influences wave functions. In particular, gravity changes the phase of
                  wave functions, and does so as expected.

                  The gravitational phase of wave functions

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Not only does gravity change the shape of wave functions; it also changes their phase. Can
 Challenge 96 s   you imagine why? The prediction was first confirmed in 1975, using a device invented
       Ref. 119   by Helmut Rauch and his team. Rauch had developed neutron interferometers based
                  on single silicon crystals, shown in Figure 85, in which a neutron beam – again from a
                  nuclear reactor – is split into two beams and the two beams are then recombined and
                  brought to interference.
                     By rotating the interferometer mainly around the horizontal axis, Samuel Werner and
                  his group let the two neutron beams interfere after having climbed a small height ℎ at
       Ref. 120   two different locations. The experiment is shown schematically on the right of Figure 85.
                  The neutron beam is split; the two beams are deflected upwards, one directly, one a few
                  centimetres further on, and then recombined.
                     For such a experiment in gravity, quantum theory predicts a phase difference Δ𝜑
Challenge 97 ny   between the two beams given by

                                                               Δ𝜑 =        ,                                                (29)
                  where 𝑙 is the horizontal distance between the two climbs and 𝑣 and 𝑚 are the speed and
                  mass of the neutrons. All experiments – together with several others of similar simple
                  elegance – have confirmed the prediction by quantum theory within experimental errors.
       Ref. 121      In the 1990s, similar experiments have even been performed with complete atoms.
                     4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                       143

                     These atom interferometers are so sensitive that local gravity 𝑔 can be measured with a
                     precision of more than eight significant digits.
                         In short, neutrons, atoms and photons show no surprises in gravitational fields. Grav-
                     ity can be included into all quantum systems of everyday life. By including gravity in the
                     potential, the Schrödinger and Dirac equations can thus be used, for example, to describe
                     the growth and the processes inside trees. Trees can mostly be described with quantum
                     electrodynamics in weak gravity.

                     The gravitational B ohr atom
                     Can gravity lead to bound quantum systems? A short calculation shows that an electron
                     circling a proton due to gravity alone, without electrostatic attraction, would do so at a
 Challenge 98 ny     gravitational Bohr radius of

                                                   𝑟gr.B. =            = 1.1 ⋅ 1029 m                        (30)

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                              𝐺 𝑚2e 𝑚p

                     which is about a thousand times the distance to the cosmic horizon. A gravitational Bohr
                     atom would be larger than the universe. This enormous size is the reason that in a nor-
                     mal hydrogen atom there is not a single way to measure gravitational effects between its
  Challenge 99 e     components. (Are you able to confirm this?)
                        But why is gravity so weak? Or equivalently, why are the universe and normal atoms
                     so much smaller than a gravitational Bohr atom? At the present point of our quest these
                     questions cannot be answered. Worse, the weakness of gravity even means that with
                     high probability, future experiments will provide little additional data helping to decide

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     among competing answers. The only help is careful thought.
                        We might conclude from all this that gravity does not require a quantum description.
                     Indeed, we stumbled onto quantum effects because classical electrodynamics implies,
                     in stark contrast with reality, that atoms decay in about 0.1 ns. Classically, an orbiting
                     electron would emit radiation until it falls into the nucleus. Quantum theory is thus ne-
                     cessary to explain the existence of matter.
                        When the same stability calculation is performed for the emission of gravitational
Challenge 100 ny     radiation by orbiting electrons, one finds a decay time of around 1037 s. (True?) This
                     extremely large value, trillions of times longer than the age of the universe, is a result of
 Vol. II, page 179   the low emission of gravitational radiation by rotating masses. Therefore, the existence
                     of normal atoms does not require a quantum theory of gravity.

                     Curiosities ab ou t quantum theory and gravit y
                     Due to the influence of gravity on phases of wave functions, some people who do not
                     believe in bath induced decoherence have even studied the influence of gravity on the
         Ref. 145    decoherence process of usual quantum systems in flat space-time. Predictably, the calcu-
                     lated results do not reproduce experiments.
                     Despite its weakness, gravitation provides many puzzles. Most famous are a number of
                    144                          4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                    curious coincidences that can be found when quantum mechanics and gravitation are
                    combined. They are usually called ‘large number hypotheses’ because they usually in-
                    volve large dimensionless numbers. A pretty, but less well known version connects the
        Ref. 146    Planck length, the cosmic horizon 𝑅0 , and the number of baryons 𝑁b :

                                                          3  𝑅0 4  𝑡0 4
                                                    (𝑁b ) ≈ ( ) = ( ) ≈ 10244                                            (31)
                                                             𝑙Pl   𝑡Pl

                    in which 𝑁b = 1081 and 𝑡0 = 1.2 ⋅ 1010 a were used. There is no known reason why the
                    number of baryons and the horizon size 𝑅0 should be related in this way. This coincid-
                    ence is equivalent to the one originally stated by Dirac,* namely

                                                                     𝑚3p ≈         .                                     (33)

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    where 𝑚p is the proton mass. This approximate equality seems to suggest that certain
                    microscopic properties, namely the mass of the proton, is connected to some general
                    properties of the universe as a whole. This has lead to numerous speculations, especially
                    since the time dependence of the two sides differs. Some people even speculate whether
                    relations (31) or (33) express some long-sought relation between local and global topo-
        Ref. 148    logical properties of nature. Up to this day, the only correct statement seems to be that
                    they are coincidences connected to the time at which we happen to live, and that they
                    should not be taken too seriously.

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Photons not travelling parallel to each other attract each other through gravitation and
                    thus deflect each other. Could two such photons form a bound state, a sort of atom of
                    light, in which they would circle each other, provided there were enough empty space
Challenge 101 s     for this to happen?

                    In summary, quantum gravity is unnecessary in every single domain of everyday life.
                    However, we will see now that quantum gravity is necessary in domains which are more
                    remote, but also more fascinating.

        Ref. 147    * The equivalence can be deduced using 𝐺𝑛b 𝑚p = 1/𝑡20 , which, as Weinberg explains, is required by several
Vol. VI, page 104   cosmological models. Indeed, this can be rewritten simply as

                                                              𝑚20 /𝑅20 ≈ 𝑚2Pl /𝑅2Pl = 𝑐4 /𝐺2 .                            (32)

                    Together with the definition of the baryon density 𝑛b = 𝑁b /𝑅30 one gets Dirac’s large number hypothesis,
                    substituting protons for pions. Note that the Planck time and length are defined as √ℏ𝐺/𝑐5 and √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3
                    and are the natural units of length and time. We will study them in detail in the last part of the mountain
                   4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                                   145

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                   F I G U R E 86 A simplified simulated image – not a photograph – of how a black hole of ten solar masses,
                   with Schwarzschild radius of 30 km, seen from a constant distance of 600 km, will distort an image of
                   the Milky Way in the background (image © Ute Kraus at

                   Gravitation and limits to disorder

                                                                  Die Energie der Welt ist constant.

                                                                  Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu.*
                                                                                                     Rudolph Clausius

                   We have already encountered the famous statement by Clausius, the father of the term
Vol. I, page 256   ‘entropy’. We have also found that the Boltzmann constant 𝑘 is the smallest entropy value
                   found in nature.
                      What is the influence of gravitation on entropy, and on thermodynamics in general?
                   For a long time, nobody was interested in this question. In parallel, for many decades
                   nobody asked whether there also exists a theoretical maximum for entropy. The situ-
                   ations changed dramatically in 1973, when Jacob Bekenstein discovered that the two is-
                   sues are related.
       Ref. 122       Bekenstein was investigating the consequences gravity has for quantum physics. He

                   * ‘The energy of the universe is constant. Its entropy tends towards a maximum.’
                    146                            4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                    found that the entropy 𝑆 of an object of energy 𝐸 and size 𝐿 is bound by

                                                                       𝑆 ⩽ 𝐸𝐿                                                     (34)
                    for all physical systems, where 𝑘 is the Boltzmann constant. In particular, he deduced that
                    (nonrotating) black holes saturate the bound. We recall that black holes are the densest
Vol. II, page 262   systems for a given mass. They occur when matter collapses completely. Figure 86 shows
                    an artist’s impression.
Challenge 102 s        Bekenstein found that black holes have an entropy given by

                                                                      𝑘𝑐3      4π𝑘𝐺
                                                             𝑆=𝐴          = 𝑀2                                                    (35)
                                                                      4𝐺ℏ       ℏ𝑐

                    where 𝐴 is now the area of the horizon of the black hole. It is given by 𝐴 = 4π𝑅2 =

                                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    4π(2𝐺𝑀/𝑐2 )2 . In particular, the result implies that every black hole has an entropy. Black
                    holes are thus disordered systems described by thermodynamics. In fact, black holes are
                    the most disordered systems known.*
                       As an interesting note, the maximum entropy also implies an upper memory limit for
Challenge 103 s     memory chips. Can you find out how?
                       Black hole entropy is somewhat mysterious. What are the different microstates leading
                    to this macroscopic entropy? It took many years to convince physicists that the micro-
                    states are due to the various possible states of the black hole horizon itself, and that they
        Ref. 124    are somehow due to the diffeomorphism invariance at this boundary. As Gerard ’t Hooft
                    explains, the entropy expression implies that the number of degrees of freedom of a black

                                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 104 s     hole is about (but not exactly) one per Planck area of the horizon.
                       If black holes have entropy, they must have a temperature. What does this temper-
                    ature mean? In fact, nobody believed this conclusion until two unrelated developments
                    confirmed it within a short time.
                    Measuring acceleration with a thermometer:
                    Fulling–Davies–Unruh radiation
                    Independently, Stephen Fulling in 1973, Paul Davies in 1975 and William Unruh in 1976
        Ref. 125    made the same theoretical discovery while studying quantum theory: if an inertial ob-
                    server observes that he is surrounded by vacuum, a second observer accelerated with
                    respect to the first does not: he observes black body radiation. The appearance of radi-
                    ation for an accelerated observer in vacuum is called the Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect. All

                    * The precise discussion that black holes are the most disordered systems in nature is quite subtle. The issue
        Ref. 123    is summarized by Bousso. Bousso claims that the area appearing in the maximum entropy formula cannot
                    be taken naively as the area at a given time, and gives four arguments why this should be not allowed.
                    However, all four arguments are wrong in some way, in particular because they assume that lengths smaller
                    than the Planck length or larger than the universe’s size can be measured. Ironically, he brushes aside some
                    of the arguments himself later in the paper, and then deduces an improved formula, which is exactly the
                    same as the one he criticizes first, just with a different interpretation of the area 𝐴. Later in his career, Bousso
                    revised his conclusions; he now supports the maximum entropy bound. In short, the expression of black
                    hole entropy is indeed the maximum entropy for a physical system with surface 𝐴.
                   4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                         147

                   these results about black holes were waiting to be discovered since the 1930s; incredibly,
                   nobody had thought about them for the subsequent 40 years.
                      The radiation has a spectrum corresponding to the temperature

                                                          𝑇=         𝑎,                                      (36)
                   where 𝑎 is the magnitude of the acceleration. The result means that there is no vacuum
                   on Earth, because any observer on its surface can maintain that he is accelerated with
                   9.8 m/s2 , thus leading to 𝑇 = 40 zK! We can thus measure gravity, at least in principle,
                   using a thermometer. However, even for the largest practical accelerations the temperat-
                   ure values are so small that it is questionable whether the effect will ever be confirmed
       Ref. 126    experimentally in this precise way. But if it will, it will be a beautiful experimental result.
                       When this effect was predicted, people explored all possible aspects of the argument.
                   For example, also an observer in rotational motion detects radiation following expression

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   (36). But that was not all. It was found that the simple acceleration of a mirror leads to
                   radiation emission! Mirrors are thus harder to accelerate than other bodies of the same
                       When the acceleration is high enough, also matter particles can be emitted and de-
                   tected. If a particle counter is accelerated sufficiently strongly across the vacuum, it will
                   start counting particles! We see that the difference between vacuum and matter becomes
                   fuzzy at large accelerations. This result will play an important role in the search for uni-
Vol. VI, page 65   fication, as we will discover later on.
                       Surprisingly, at the end of the twentieth century it became clear that the Fulling–
                   Davies–Unruh effect possibly had already been observed before it was predicted! The

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect turned out be related to a well-established observation: the
       Ref. 127    so-called Sokolov–Ternov effect. In 1963, the Russian physicist Igor Ternov, together with
                   Arsenji Sokolov, had used the Dirac equation to predict that electrons in circular accel-
                   erators and in storage rings that circulate at high energy would automatically polarize.
                   The prediction was first confirmed by experiments at the Russian Budker Institute of
                   Nuclear Physics in 1971, and then confirmed by experiments in Orsay, in Stanford and
                   in Hamburg. Nowadays, the effect is used routinely in many accelerator experiments. In
                   the 1980s, Bell and Leinaas realized that the Sokolov–Ternov effect is the same effect as
       Ref. 127    the Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect, but seen from a different reference frame! The equival-
                   ence is somewhat surprising. In charges moving in a storage ring, the emitted radiation
                   is not thermal, so that the analogy is not obvious or simple. But the effect that polarizes
                   the beam – namely the difference in photon emission for spins that are parallel and anti-
                   parallel to the magnetic field – is the same as the Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect. We thus
                   have another case of a theoretical discovery that was made much later than necessary. In
       Ref. 127    2006 however, this equivalence was put into question again. The issue is not closed.

                   Black holes aren ’ t black
                   In 1973 and 1974, Jacob Bekenstein, and independently, Stephen Hawking, famous for the
                   intensity with which he fights a disease which forces him into the wheelchair, surprised
                   the world of general relativity with a fundamental theoretical discovery. They found that
           148                       4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                                        space station
                                        with dynamo

                                             box filled
                                             with light

                                     black         horizon


                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                      F I G U R E 87 A thought experiment
                                                                      allowing you to deduce the existence
                                                                      of black hole radiation.

           if a virtual particle–antiparticle pair appeared in the vacuum near the horizon, there is
           a finite chance that one particle escapes as a real particle, while the virtual antiparticle is
           captured by the black hole. The virtual antiparticle is thus of negative energy, and reduces

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           the mass of the black hole. The mechanism applies both to fermions and bosons. From far
           away this effect looks like the emission of a particle. A detailed investigation showed that
           the effect is most pronounced for photon emission. In short, Bekenstein and Hawking
           showed that black holes radiate as black bodies.
               Black hole radiation confirms both the result on black hole entropy by Bekenstein
           and the effect for observers accelerated in vacuum found by Fulling, Davies and Unruh.
           When all this became clear, a beautiful thought experiment was published by William
Ref. 128   Unruh and Robert Wald, showing that the whole result could have been deduced already
           50 years earlier!
               Shameful as this delay of the discovery is for the community of theoretical physicists,
           the story itself remains beautiful. It starts in the early 1970s, when Robert Geroch stud-
           ied the issue shown in Figure 87. Imagine a mirror box full of heat radiation, thus full of
           light. The mass of the box is assumed to be negligible, such as a box made of thin alu-
           minium paper. We lower the box, with all its contained radiation, from a space station
           towards a black hole. On the space station, lowering the weight of the heat radiation al-
           lows generating energy. Obviously, when the box reaches the black hole horizon, the heat
           radiation is red-shifted to infinite wavelength. At that point, the full amount of energy
           originally contained in the heat radiation has been provided to the space station. We can
           now do the following: we can open the box on the horizon, let drop out whatever is still
           inside, and wind the empty and massless box back up again. As a result, we have com-
           pletely converted heat radiation into mechanical energy. Nothing else has changed: the
           black hole has the same mass as beforehand.
                   4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                     149

                       But the lack of change contradicts the second principle of thermodynamics! Geroch
                   concluded that something must be wrong. We must have forgotten an effect which makes
                   this process impossible.
                       In the 1980s, William Unruh and Robert Wald showed that black hole radiation is
                   precisely the forgotten effect that puts everything right. Because of black hole radiation,
                   the box feels buoyancy, so that it cannot be lowered down to the horizon completely.
                   The box floats somewhat above the horizon, so that the heat radiation inside the box
                   has not yet zero energy when it falls out of the opened box. As a result, the black hole
                   does increase in mass and thus in entropy when the box is opened. In summary, when
                   the empty box is pulled up again, the final situation is thus the following: only part of
                   the energy of the heat radiation has been converted into mechanical energy, part of the
                   energy went into the increase of mass and thus of entropy of the black hole. The second
                   principle of thermodynamics is saved.
                       Well, the second principle of thermodynamics is only saved if the heat radiation has
                   precisely the right energy density at the horizon and above. Let us have a look. The centre

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   of the box can only be lowered up to a hovering distance 𝑑 above the horizon. At the ho-
                   rizon, the acceleration due to gravity is 𝑔surf = 𝑐4 /4𝐺𝑀. The energy 𝐸 gained by lowering
                   the box is
                                                                𝑑               𝑑𝑐2
                                            𝐸 = 𝑐2 𝑚 − 𝑚𝑔surf = 𝑐2 𝑚 (1 −           ) .                   (37)
                                                                2              8𝐺𝑀

                   The efficiency of the process is 𝜂 = 𝐸/𝑐2 𝑚. To be consistent with the second principle of
                   thermodynamics, this efficiency must obey

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                           𝐸        𝑇
                                                     𝜂=        = 1 − BH ,                                (38)
                                                          𝑐2 𝑚       𝑇
                   where 𝑇 is the temperature of the radiation inside the box. We thus find a black hole
                   temperature 𝑇BH that is determined by the hovering distance 𝑑. The hovering distance is
                   roughly given by the size of the box. The box size in turn must be at least the wavelength
                   of the thermal radiation; in first approximation, Wien’s relation gives 𝑑 ≈ ℏ𝑐/𝑘𝑇. A
                   precise calculation introduces a factor π, giving the result

                                          ℏ𝑐3   ℏ𝑐 1   ℏ                                    𝑐4
                                𝑇BH =         =      =   𝑔                  with 𝑔surf =       ,         (39)
                                        8π𝑘𝐺𝑀 4π𝑘 𝑅 2π𝑘𝑐 surf                              4𝐺𝑀
                   where 𝑅 and 𝑀 are the radius and the mass of the black hole. The quantity 𝑇BH is either
                   called the black-hole temperature or the Bekenstein–Hawking temperature. As an example,
                   a black hole with the mass of the Sun would have the rather small temperature of 62 nK,
                   whereas a smaller black hole with the mass of a mountain, say 1012 kg, would have a
                   temperature of 123 GK. That would make quite a good oven. All known black hole can-
                   didates have masses in the range from a few to a few million solar masses. The radiation
                   is thus extremely weak – much too weak to be detectable.
                       The reason for the weakness of black hole radiation is that the emitted wavelength is
Challenge 105 ny   of the order of the black hole radius, as you might want to check. The radiation emitted
        Ref. 129   by black holes is often also called Bekenstein–Hawking radiation.
                     150                          4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                     TA B L E 10 The principles of thermodynamics and those of horizon mechanics.

                               Principle            Thermody nam i c s            Horizons

                               Zeroth principle     the temperature 𝑇 is the      the surface gravity 𝑎 is the
                                                    same across a body at equi-   same across the horizon
                               First principle      energy is conserved: d𝐸 =energy        is      con-
                                                    𝑇d𝑆 − 𝑝d𝑉 + 𝜇d𝑁          served: d(𝑐2 𝑚)           =
                                                                                  d𝐴 + Ωd𝐽 +  Φd𝑞
                               Second principle     entropy never decreases: surface area never de-
                                                    d𝑆 ⩾ 0                   creases: d𝐴 ⩾ 0 (except for
                                                                             black hole radiation)
                               Third principle      𝑇 = 0 cannot be achieved 𝑎 = 0 cannot be achieved

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                        All thermodynamic principles are valid for black holes, of course. A summary of the
                     meaning of each thermodynamic principle in the case of black holes is given in Table 10.
                        Black hole radiation is thus so weak that we must speak of an academic effect! It leads
Challenge 106 ny     to a luminosity that increases with decreasing mass or size as

                                                 1     1                               𝑛       𝑐6 ℏ
                                         𝐿∼        2
                                                     ∼ 2      or 𝐿 = 𝑛𝐴𝜎𝑇4 =                                     (40)
                                                 𝑀    𝑅                            15 ⋅ 211 π 𝐺2 𝑀2

Vol. III, page 239   where 𝜎 is the Stefan–Boltzmann or black body radiation constant, 𝑛 is the number of

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     particle degrees of freedom that can be radiated; as long as only photons are radiated –
         Ref. 130    the only case of practical importance – we have 𝑛 = 2.
                        Black holes thus shine, and the more the smaller they are. For example, a solar-mass
                     black holes emits less than 0.1 xW. This is a genuine quantum effect, since classically,
                     black holes, as the name says, cannot emit any light at all. Even though the effect is aca-
                     demically weak, it will be of importance later on. In actual systems, many other effects
                     around black holes increase the luminosity far above the Bekenstein–Hawking value; in-
                     deed, black holes are usually brighter than normal stars, due to the radiation emitted by
                     the matter falling into them. But that is another story. Here we are treating isolated black
                     holes, surrounded only by pure vacuum.

                     The lifetime of black holes
                     Due to the emitted radiation, black holes gradually lose mass. Therefore their theoretical
Challenge 107 ny     lifetime is finite. A calculation shows that the lifetime is given by

                                                          20 480 π 𝐺2
                                                 𝑡 = 𝑀3               ≈ 𝑀3 3.4 ⋅ 10−16 s/kg3                     (41)
                     as function of their initial mass 𝑀. For example, a black hole with mass of 1 g would
                     have a lifetime of 3.4 ⋅ 10−25 s, whereas a black hole of the mass of the Sun, 2.0 ⋅ 1030 kg,
                     would have a lifetime of about 1068 years. Again, these numbers are purely academic.
                    4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                       151

                    The important point is that black holes evaporate. However, this extremely slow process
                    for usual black holes determines their lifetime only if no other, faster process comes into
                    play. We will present a few such processes shortly. Bekenstein–Hawking radiation is the
                    weakest of all known effects. It is not masked by stronger effects only if the black hole is
                    non-rotating, electrically neutral and with no matter falling into it from the surround-
                       So far, none of these quantum gravity effects has been confirmed experimentally, as
                    the values are much too small to be detected. However, the deduction of a Hawking tem-
        Ref. 131    perature has been beautifully confirmed by a theoretical discovery of William Unruh,
                    who found that there are configurations of fluids in which sound waves cannot escape,
                    so-called ‘silent holes’. Consequently, these silent holes radiate sound waves with a tem-
                    perature satisfying the same formula as real black holes. A second type of analogue sys-
        Ref. 132    tem, namely optical black holes, are also being investigated.

                    Black holes are all over the place

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Around the year 2000, astronomers amassed a large body of evidence that showed some-
                    thing surprising: there seems to be a supermassive black hole at the centre of almost all
                    galaxies. The most famous of all is of course the black hole at the centre of our own
                    galaxy. Also quasars, active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursters seem to be due to
                    supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies. The masses of these black holes are
                    typically higher than a million solar masses.
                        Astronomers also think that many other, smaller astrophysical objects contain black
                    holes: ultraluminous X-ray sources and x-ray binary stars are candidates for black holes
                    of intermediate mass.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        Finally, one candidate explanation for dark matter on the outskirts of galaxies is a
                    hypothetical cloud of small black holes.
                        In short, black holes seem to be quite common across the universe. Whenever astro-
                    nomers observe a new class of objects, two questions arise directly: how do the objects
                    form? And how do they disappear? We have seen that quantum mechanics puts an upper
                    limit to the life time of a black hole. The upper limit is academic, but that is not import-
                    ant. The main point is that it exists. Indeed, astronomers think that most black holes
                    disappear in other ways, and much before the Bekenstein–Hawking limit, for example
                    through mergers. All this is still a topic of research. The detectors of gravitational waves
Vol. II, page 174   might clarify these processes in the future.
                        How are black holes born? It turns out that the birth of black holes can actually be

                    Fascinating gamma-ray bursts
                    Nuclear explosions produce flashes of γ rays, or gamma rays. In the 1960s, several coun-
                    tries thought that detecting γ ray flashes, or better, their absence, using satellites, would
                    be the best way to ensure that nobody was detonating nuclear bombs above ground. But
                    when the military sent satellites into the sky to check for such flashes, they discovered
                    something surprising. They observed about two γ flashes every day. For fear of being
                    laughed at, the military kept this result secret for many years.
                        It took the military six years to understand what an astronomer could have told
                    152                              4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps


                    +180                                                          -180


                                     10 –10        10 –9         10 –8    10 –7
                                      Fluence, 50-300 keV ( J m -2 )

                    F I G U R E 88 The location and energy of the 2704 γ ray bursts observed in the sky between 1991 and
                    2000 by the BATSE experiment on board of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, a large satellite
                    deployed by the space shuttle after over 20 years of planning and construction. The Milky Way is
                    located around the horizontal line running from +180 to −180 (NASA).

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    them in five minutes: the flashes, today called gamma-ray bursts, were coming from
        Ref. 134    outer space. Finally, the results were published; this is probably the only discovery about
                    nature that was made by the military. Another satellite, this time built by scientists, the
                    Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, confirmed that the bursts were extragalactic in ori-
                    gin, as proven by the map of Figure 88.
                        Measurements of gamma-ray bursts are done by satellites because most gamma rays
                    do not penetrate the atmosphere. In 1996, the Italian-Dutch BeppoSAX satellite started
                    mapping and measuring gamma-ray bursts systematically. It discovered that they were

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    followed by an afterglow in the X-ray domain, lasting many hours, sometimes even days.
                    In 1997, afterglow was discovered also in the optical domain. The satellite also allowed
                    researchers to find the corresponding X-ray, optical and radio sources for each burst.
                    These measurements in turn allowed determining the distance of the burst sources; red-
        Ref. 135    shifts between 0.0085 and 4.5 were measured. In 1999 it finally became possible to detect
                    the optical bursts corresponding to gamma-ray bursts.*
                        All this data together showed that gamma-ray bursts have durations between milli-
                    seconds and about an hour. Gamma-ray bursts seem to fall into (at least) two classes:
                    the short bursts, usually below 3 s in duration and emitted from closer sources, and the
                    long bursts, emitted from distant galaxies, typically with a duration of 30 s and more, and
        Ref. 137    with a softer energy spectrum. The long bursts produce luminosities estimated to be up
                    to 1045 W. This is about one hundredth of the brightness all stars of the whole visible
Challenge 108 s     universe taken together! Put differently, it is the same amount of energy that is released
                    when converting several solar masses into radiation within a few seconds.
                        In fact, the measured luminosity of long bursts is near the theoretical maximum lu-
Vol. II, page 108   minosity a body can have. This limit is given by

                                                            𝐿 < 𝐿 Pl =      = 0.9 ⋅ 1052 W ,                             (42)

                    * For more detail about this fascinating topic, see the website by Jochen Greiner.
                    4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                       153

Challenge 109 e     as you might want to check yourself. In short, the sources of gamma ray bursts are the
                    biggest bombs found in the universe. The are explosions of almost unimaginable pro-
                    portions. Recent research seems to suggest that long gamma-ray bursts are not isotropic,
                    but that they are beamed, so that the huge luminosity values just mentioned might need
                    to be divided by a factor of 1000.
                        However, the mechanism that leads to the emission of gamma rays is still unclear.
                    It is often speculated that short bursts are due to merging neutron stars, whereas long
        Ref. 135    bursts are emitted when a black hole is formed in a supernova or hypernova explosion. In
                    this case, long gamma-ray bursts would be ‘primal screams’ of black holes in formation.
                    However, a competing explanation states that long gamma-ray bursts are due to the death
                    of black holes.
                        Indeed, already 1975, a powerful radiation emission mechanism was predicted for dy-
        Ref. 133    ing charged black holes by Damour and Ruffini. Charged black holes have a much shorter
                    lifetime than neutral black holes, because during their formation a second process takes
                    place. In a region surrounding them, the electric field is larger than the so-called vacuum

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    polarization value, so that large numbers of electron-positron pairs are produced, which
                    then almost all annihilate. This process effectively reduces the charge of the black hole to
                    a value for which the field is below critical everywhere, while emitting large amounts of
                    high energy light. It turns out that the mass is reduced by up to 30 % in a time of the order
                    of seconds. That is quite shorter than the 1068 years predicted by Bekenstein–Hawking
                    radiation! This process thus produces an extremely intense gamma-ray burst.
                        Ruffini took up his 1975 model again in 1997 and with his collaborators showed that
                    the gamma-ray bursts generated by the annihilation of electron-positrons pairs created
                    by vacuum polarization, in the region they called the dyadosphere, have a luminosity and

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    a duration exactly as measured, if a black hole of about a few up to 30 solar masses is as-
                    sumed. Charged black holes therefore reduce their charge and mass through the vacuum
                    polarization and electron positron pair creation process. (The process reduces the mass
                    because it is one of the few processes which is reversible; in contrast, most other attempts
                    to reduce charge on a black hole, e.g. by throwing in a particle with the opposite charge,
                    increase the mass of the black hole and are thus irreversible.) The left over remnant then
                    can lose energy in various ways and also turns out to be responsible for the afterglow
                    discovered by the BeppoSAX satellite. Among others, Ruffini’s team speculates that the
                    remnants are the sources for the high energy cosmic rays, whose origin had not been
        Ref. 136    localized so far. All these exciting studies are still ongoing.
                        Understanding long gamma-ray bursts is one of the most fascinating open questions
                    in astrophysics. The relation to black holes is generally accepted. But many processes
                    leading to emission of radiation from black holes are possible. Examples are matter fall-
                    ing into the black hole and heating up, or matter being ejected from rotating black holes
Vol. II, page 271   through the Penrose process, or charged particles falling into a black hole. These mech-
                    anisms are known; they are at the origin of quasars, the extremely bright quasi-stellar
                    sources found all over the sky. They are assumed to be black holes surrounded by mat-
                    ter, in the development stage following gamma-ray bursters. But even the details of what
                    happens in quasars, the enormous voltages (up to 1020 V) and magnetic fields generated,
                    as well as their effects on the surrounding matter are still object of intense research in
                   154                      4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                   Material properties of black holes
                   Once the concept of entropy of a black hole was established, people started to think about
                   black holes like about any other material object. For example, black holes have a matter
                   density, which can be defined by relating their mass to a fictitious volume defined by
                   4π𝑅3 /3, where 𝑅 is their radius. This density is then given by

                                                              1   3𝑐6
                                                         𝜌=                                                 (43)
                                                              𝑀2 32π𝐺3
                   and can be quite low for large black holes. For the largest black holes known, with 1000
 Challenge 110 e   million solar masses or more, the density is of the order of the density of air. Nevertheless,
                   even in this case, the density is the highest possible in nature for that mass.
                      By the way, the gravitational acceleration at the horizon is still appreciable, as it is
                   given by
                                                               1 𝑐4       𝑐2

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                       𝑔surf =         =                                    (44)
                                                               𝑀 4𝐺 2𝑅

 Challenge 111 e   which is still 15 km/s2 for an air density black hole.
                     Obviously, the black hole temperature is related to the entropy 𝑆 by its usual definition

                                                     1   ∂𝑆 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨    ∂𝑆 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨
                                                       =       󵄨󵄨 =       󵄨                                 (45)
                                                     𝑇 ∂𝐸 󵄨󵄨𝜌 ∂(𝑐2 𝑀) 󵄨󵄨󵄨𝜌

                   All other thermal properties can be deduced by the standard relations from thermostat-

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       In particular, black holes are the systems in nature with the largest possible entropy.
 Challenge 112 e   Can you confirm this statement?
                       It also turns out that black holes have a negative heat capacity: when heat is added,
                   they cool down. In other words, black holes cannot achieve equilibrium with a bath.
                   This is not a real surprise, since any gravitationally bound material system has negative
                   specific heat. Indeed, it takes only a bit of thinking to see that any gas or matter system
Challenge 113 ny   collapsing under gravity follows 𝑑𝐸/𝑑𝑅 > 0 and 𝑑𝑆/𝑑𝑅 > 0. That means that while
                   collapsing, the energy and the entropy of the system shrink. (Can you find out where
 Challenge 114 s   they go?) Since temperature is defined as 1/𝑇 = 𝑑𝑆/𝑑𝐸, temperature is always positive;
                   from the temperature increase 𝑑𝑇/𝑑𝑅 < 0 during collapse one deduces that the specific
        Ref. 138   heat 𝑑𝐸/𝑑𝑇 is negative.
                       Black holes, like any object, oscillate when slightly perturbed. These vibrations have
        Ref. 139   also been studied; their frequency is proportional to the mass of the black hole.
                       Nonrotating black holes have no magnetic field, as was established already in the 1960s
        Ref. 130   by Russian physicists. On the other hand, black holes have something akin to a finite elec-
                   trical conductivity and a finite viscosity. Some of these properties can be understood if
        Ref. 140   the horizon is described as a membrane, even though this model is not always applicable.
                   In any case, we can study and describe isolated macroscopic black holes like any other
                   macroscopic material body. The topic is not closed.
                  4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                        155

                  How d o black holes evaporate?
                  When a nonrotating and uncharged black hole loses mass by radiating Hawking radi-
                  ation, eventually its mass reaches values approaching the Planck mass, namely a few mi-
                  crograms. Expression (41) for the lifetime, applied to a black hole of Planck mass, yields
                  a value of over sixty thousand Planck times. A surprising large value. What happens in
                  those last instants of evaporation?
                     A black hole approaching the Planck mass at some time will get smaller than its own
                  Compton wavelength; that means that it behaves like an elementary particle, and in par-
                  ticular, that quantum effects have to be taken into account. It is still unknown how these
                  final evaporation steps take place, whether the mass continues to diminish smoothly or
                  in steps (e.g. with mass values decreasing as √𝑛 when 𝑛 approaches zero), how its in-
                  ternal structure changes, whether a stationary black hole starts to rotate (as the author
                  predicts), or how the emitted radiation deviates from black body radiation. There is still
                  enough to study. However, one important issue has been settled.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  The information parad ox of black holes
                  When the thermal radiation of black holes was discovered, one question was hotly de-
                  bated for many years. The matter forming a black hole can contain lots of information;
                  e.g., we can imagine the black hole being formed by a large number of books collapsing
                  onto each other. On the other hand, a black hole radiates thermally until it evaporates.
                  Since thermal radiation carries no information, it seems that information somehow dis-
                  appears, or equivalently, that entropy increases.
                     An incredible number of papers have been written about this problem, some even

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  claiming that this example shows that physics as we know it is incorrect and needs to
                  be changed. As usual, to settle the issue, we need to look at it with precision, laying all
                  prejudice aside. Three intermediate questions can help us finding the answer.
                  — What happens when a book is thrown into the Sun? When and how is the information
                      radiated away?
                  — How precise is the sentence that black hole radiate thermal radiation? Could there be
                      a slight deviation?
                  — Could the deviation be measured? In what way would black holes radiate informa-
Challenge 115 e   You might want to make up your own mind before reading on.
                     Let us walk through a short summary. When a book or any other highly complex – or
                  low entropy – object is thrown into the Sun, the information contained is radiated away.
                  The information is contained in some slight deviations from black hole radiation, namely
                  in slight correlations between the emitted radiation emitted over the burning time of the
                  Sun. A short calculation, comparing the entropy of a room temperature book and the
                  information contained in it, shows that these effects are extremely small and difficult to
       Ref. 141      A clear exposition of the topic was given by Don Page. He calculated what information
                  would be measured in the radiation if the system of black hole and radiation together
                  would be in a pure state, i.e., a state containing specific information. The result is simple.
                  Even if a system is large – consisting of many degrees of freedom – and in pure state,
                  any smaller subsystem nevertheless looks almost perfectly thermal. More specifically, if
                     156                       4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                     a total system has a Hilbert space dimension 𝑁 = 𝑛𝑚, where 𝑛 and 𝑚 ⩽ 𝑛 are the
                     dimensions of two subsystems, and if the total system is in a pure state, the subsystem 𝑚
Challenge 116 ny     would have an entropy 𝑆𝑚 given by

                                                               1−𝑚        1
                                                        𝑆𝑚 =       + ∑                                         (46)
                                                                2𝑛  𝑘=𝑛+1

                     which is approximately given by
                                                    𝑆𝑚 = ln 𝑚 −        for 𝑚 ≫ 1 .                             (47)
                     To discuss the result, let us think of 𝑛 and 𝑚 as counting degrees of freedom, instead of
                     Hilbert space dimensions. The first term in equation (47) is the usual entropy of a mixed
                     state. The second term is a small deviation and describes the amount of specific informa-

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     tion contained in the original pure state; inserting numbers, one finds that it is extremely
                     small compared to the first. In other words, the subsystem 𝑚 is almost indistinguishable
                     from a mixed state; it looks like a thermal system even though it is not.
                         A calculation shows that the second, small term on the right of equation (47) is indeed
                     sufficient to radiate away, during the lifetime of the black hole, any information contained
                     in it. Page then goes on to show that the second term is so small that not only it is lost in
                     measurements; it is also lost in the usual, perturbative calculations for physical systems.
                         The question whether any radiated information could be measured can now be
                     answered directly. As Don Page showed, even measuring half of the system only gives
                     about one half of a bit of the radiated information. It is thus necessary to measure al-

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         Ref. 142
                     most the complete radiation to obtain a sizeable chunk of the radiated information. In
                     other words, it is extremely hard to determine the information contained in black hole
                         In summary, at any given instant, the amount of information radiated by a black
                     hole is negligible when compared with the total black hole radiation; it is practically
                     impossible to obtain valuable information through measurements or even through cal-
                     culations that use usual approximations.

                     More parad oxes
                     A black hole is a macroscopic object, similar to a star. Like all objects, it can interact with
                     its environment. It has the special property to swallow everything that falls into them.
                     This immediately leads us to ask if we can use this property to cheat around the usual
                     everyday ‘laws’ of nature. Some attempts have been studied in the section on general
 Vol. II, page 275   relativity and above; here we explore a few additional ones.
                     Apart from the questions of entropy, we can look for methods to cheat around conser-
Challenge 117 ny     vation of energy, angular momentum, or charge. But every thought experiment comes
                     to the same conclusions. No cheats are possible. Every reasoning confirms that the max-
                     imum number of degrees of freedom in a region is proportional to the surface area of
                   4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                       157

                   the region, and not to its volume. This intriguing result will keep us busy for quite some
                   A black hole transforms matter into antimatter with a certain efficiency. Indeed, a black
                   hole formed by collapsing matter also radiates antimatter. Thus one might look for de-
Challenge 118 ny   partures from particle number conservation. Are you able to find an example?
                   Black holes deflect light. Is the effect polarization dependent? Gravity itself makes no
                   difference of polarization; however, if virtual particle effects of QED are included, the
        Ref. 143   story might change. First calculations seem to show that such an effect exists, so that
                   gravitation might produce rainbows. Stay tuned.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   If lightweight boxes made of mirrors can float in radiation, one might deduce a strange
                   consequence: such a box could self-accelerate in free space. In a sense, an accelerated box
                   could float on the Fulling–Davies–Unruh radiation it creates by its own acceleration. Are
                   you able to show the that this situation is impossible because of a small but significant
Challenge 119 ny   difference between gravity and acceleration, namely the absence of tidal effects? (Other
                   reasons, such as the lack of perfect mirrors, also make the effect impossible.)
                   In 2003, Michael Kuchiev has made the spectacular prediction that matter and radiation

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   with a wavelength larger than the diameter of a black hole is partly reflected when it hits
        Ref. 144   a black hole. The longer the wavelength, the more efficient the reflection would be. For
                   stellar or even larger black holes, he predicts that only photons or gravitons are reflected.
                   Black holes would thus not be complete trash cans. Is the effect real? The discussion is
                   still ongoing.

                   Q uantum mechanics of gravitation
                   Let us take a conceptual step at this stage. So far, we looked at quantum theory with
                   gravitation; now we have a glimpse at quantum theory of gravitation.
                       If we bring to our mind the similarity between the electromagnetic field and the grav-
                   itational ‘field,’ our next step should be to find the quantum description of the gravit-
                   ational field. However, despite attempts by many brilliant minds for almost a century,
                   this search was not successful. Indeed, modern searches take another direction, as will
                   be explained in the last part of our adventure. But let us see what was achieved and why
                   the results are not sufficient.

                   Do gravitons exist?
                   Quantum theory says that everything that moves is made of particles. What kind of
                   particles are gravitational waves made of? If the gravitational field is to be treated
                   quantum mechanically like the electromagnetic field, its waves should be quantized.
                   Most properties of these quanta of gravitation can be derived in a straightforward way.
                   158                       4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                       The 1/𝑟2 dependence of universal gravity, like that of electricity, implies that the
                   quanta of the gravitational field have vanishing mass and move at light speed. The in-
                   dependence of gravity from electromagnetic effects implies a vanishing electric charge.
                       We observe that gravity is always attractive and never repulsive. This means that the
                   field quanta have integer and even spin. Vanishing spin is ruled out, since it implies no
        Ref. 149   coupling to energy. To comply with the property that ‘all energy has gravity’, spin 𝑆 = 2
                   is needed. In fact, it can be shown that only the exchange of a massless spin 2 particle
                   leads, in the classical limit, to general relativity.
                       The coupling strength of gravity, corresponding to the fine structure constant of elec-
                   tromagnetism, is given either by

                                 𝐺                                         𝐺𝑚𝑚    𝑚 2     𝐸 2
                         𝛼G1 =      = 2.2 ⋅ 10−15 kg−2    or by 𝛼G2 =          =(     ) =( ) .                  (48)
                                 ℏ𝑐                                         ℏ𝑐    𝑚Pl     𝐸Pl

                   However, the first expression is not a pure number; the second expression is, but de-

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   pends on the mass we insert. These difficulties reflect the fact that gravity is not properly
                   speaking an interaction, as became clear in the section on general relativity. It is often
                   argued that 𝑚 should be taken as the value corresponding to the energy of the system
                   in question. For everyday life, typical energies are 1 eV, leading to a value 𝛼G2 ≈ 1/1056 .
                   Gravity is indeed weak compared to electromagnetism, for which 𝛼em = 1/137.036.
                       If all this is correct, virtual field quanta would also have to exist, to explain static grav-
                   itational fields. However, up to this day, the so-called graviton has not yet been detected,
                   and there is in fact little hope that it ever will. On the experimental side, nobody knows
 Challenge 120 s   yet how to build a graviton detector. Just try! On the theoretical side, the problems with

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   the coupling constant probably make it impossible to construct a renormalizable theory
                   of gravity; the lack of renormalization means the impossibility to define a perturbation
                   expansion, and thus to define particles, including the graviton. It might thus be that re-
                   lations such as 𝐸 = ℏ𝜔 or 𝑝 = ℏ/2π𝜆 are not applicable to gravitational waves. In short,
                   it may be that the particle concept has to be changed before applying quantum theory to
                   gravity. The issue is still open at this point.

                   Space-time foam
                   The indeterminacy relation for momentum and position also applies to the gravitational
                   field. As a result, it leads to an expression for the indeterminacy of the metric tensor 𝑔
                   in a region of size 𝑙, which is given by

                                                             Δ𝑔 ≈ 2        ,                                    (49)

Challenge 121 ny   where 𝑙Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3 is the Planck length. Can you deduce the result? Quantum theory
                   thus shows that like the momentum or the position of a particle, also the metric tensor
                   𝑔 is a fuzzy observable.
                      But that is not all. Quantum theory is based on the principle that actions below ℏ
                   cannot be observed. This implies that the observable values for the metric 𝑔 in a region
                    4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                      159

                    of size 𝐿 are bound by
                                                                  2ℏ𝐺 1
                                                             𝑔⩾          .                                 (50)
                                                                   𝑐3 𝐿2
                    Can you confirm this? The result has far-reaching consequences. A minimum value for
                    the metric depending inversely on the region size implies that it is impossible to say
                    what happens to the shape of space-time at extremely small dimensions. In other words,
                    at extremely high energies, the concept of space-time itself becomes fuzzy. John Wheeler
                    introduced the term space-time foam to describe this situation. The term makes clear
                    that space-time is not continuous nor a manifold in those domains. But this was the
                    basis on which we built our description of nature so far! We are forced to deduce that
                    our description of nature is built on sand. This issue will be essential in the last volume
 Vol. VI, page 59   of our mountain ascent.

                    Decoherence of space-time

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    General relativity taught us that the gravitational field and space-time are the same. If
                    the gravitational field evolves like a quantum system, we may ask why no superpositions
                    of different macroscopic space-times are observed.
        Ref. 150       The discussion is simplified for the simplest case of all, namely the superposition, in a
                    vacuum region of size 𝑙, of a homogeneous gravitational field with value 𝑔 and one with
Vol. IV, page 148   value 𝑔󸀠 . As in the case of a superposition of macroscopic distinct wave functions, such
                    a superposition decays. In particular, it decays when particles cross the volume. A short
Challenge 122 ny    calculation yields a decay time given by

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                             2𝑘𝑇 3/2    𝑛𝑙4
                                                    𝑡d = (      )               ,                          (51)
                                                             π𝑚      (𝑔 − 𝑔󸀠 )2

                    where 𝑛 is the particle number density, 𝑘𝑇 their kinetic energy and 𝑚 their mass. In-
                    serting typical numbers, we find that the variations in gravitational field strength are
 Challenge 123 e    extremely small. In fact, the numbers are so small that we can deduce that the gravita-
                    tional field is the first variable which behaves classically in the history of the universe.
                    Quantum gravity effects for space-time will thus be extremely hard to detect.
                       In short, matter not only tells space-time how to curve, it also tells it to behave with

                    Q uantum theory as the enemy of science fiction
                    How does quantum theory change our ideas of space-time? The end of the twentieth cen-
                    tury has brought several unexpected but strong results in semiclassical quantum gravity.
        Ref. 151        In 1995 Ford and Roman found that worm holes, which are imaginable in general re-
                    lativity, cannot exist if quantum effects are taken into account. They showed that macro-
                    scopic worm holes require unrealistically large negative energies. (For microscopic worm
                    holes the issue is still unclear.)
        Ref. 152        In 1996 Kay, Radzikowski and Wald showed that closed time-like curves do not exist
                    in semiclassical quantum gravity; there are thus no time machines in nature.
        Ref. 153        In 1997 Pfenning and Ford showed that warp drive situations, which are also imagin-
                    160                      4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                         F I G U R E 89 Every tree, such as this
                                                                         beautiful Madagascar baobab (Adansonia
                                                                         grandidieri), shows that nature, in contrast
                                                                         to physicists, is able to combine quantum
                                                                         theory and gravity (© Bernard Gagnon).

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    able in general relativity, cannot exist if quantum effects are taken into account. Such
                    situations require unrealistically large negative energies.
                       In short, the inclusion of quantum effects destroys all those fantasies which were star-
                    ted by general relativity.

                    No vacuum means no particles
                    Gravity has an important consequence for quantum theory. To count and define
Vol. IV, page 115   particles, quantum theory needs a defined vacuum state. However, the vacuum state can-
                    not be defined when the curvature radius of space-time, instead of being larger than
                    the Compton wavelength, becomes comparable to it. In such highly curved space-times,
                    particles cannot be defined. The reason is the impossibility to distinguish the environ-
                    ment from the particle in these situations: in the presence of strong curvatures, the va-
                    cuum is full of spontaneously generated matter, as black holes show. Now we just saw that
                    at small dimensions, space-time fluctuates wildly; in other words, space-time is highly
                    curved at small dimensions or high energies. In other words, strictly speaking particles
                    cannot be defined; the particle concept is only a low energy approximation! We will ex-
                    plore this strange conclusion in more detail in the final part of our mountain ascent.
                   4 quantum mechanics with gravitation – first steps                                     161

                   Summary on quantum theory and gravit y
                   Every tree tells us: everyday, weak gravitational fields can be included in quantum the-
                   ory. Weak gravitational fields have measurable and predictable effects on wave functions:
                   quantum particles fall and their phases change in gravitational fields. Conversely, the in-
                   clusion of quantum effects into general relativity leads to space-time foam, space-time
                   superpositions and gravitons. The inclusion of quantum effects into gravity prevents the
                   existence of wormholes, time-like curves and negative energy regions.
                       The inclusion of strong gravitational fields into quantum theory works for practical
                   situations but leads to problems with the particle concept. Conversely, the inclusion of
                   quantum effects into situations with high space-time curvature leads to problems with
                   the concept of space-time.
                       In summary, the combination of quantum theory and gravitation leads to problems
                   with both the particle concept and the space-time concept. The combination of quantum
                   theory and general relativity puts into question the foundations of the description of
                   nature that we used so far. As shown in Figure 89, nature is smarter than we are.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       In fact, up to now we hid a simple fact: conceptually, quantum theory and general re-
                   lativity contradict each other. This contradiction was one of the reasons that we stepped
                   back to special relativity before we started exploring quantum theory. By stepping back
                   we avoided many problems, because quantum theory does not contradict special relativ-
                   ity, but only general relativity. The issues are dramatic, changing everything from the
                   basis of classical physics to the results of quantum theory. There will be surprising con-
                   sequences for the nature of space-time, for the nature of particles, and for motion itself.
Vol. VI, page 17   Before we study these issues, however, we complete the theme of the present, quantum
                   part of the mountain ascent, namely exploring motion inside matter, and in particular

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   the motion of and in nuclei.
           Chapter 5

           T H E ST RU C T U R E OF T H E N U C L E U S
           – T H E DE N SE ST C LOU DS

                    uclear physics was born in 1896 in France, but is now a small activity.
                    ot many open issues are left. But in its golden past, researchers produced
                    ew ways for medical doctors to dramatically improve the healing rate of pa-
Ref. 154   tients. Researchers also discovered why stars shine, how powerful bombs work, and how

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           cosmic evolution produced the atoms we are made of. We will explore these topics now.
           A fascinating spin-off of nuclear physics, high energy particle physics, will keep us busy
           later on.

                                                   “                                                       ”
                                                       Nuclear physics is just low-density astrophysics.

           A physical wonder – magnetic resonance imaging
           Arguably, the most spectacular tool that physical research produced in the twentieth cen-

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           tury was magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI for short. This imaging technique allows
           one to image the interior of human bodies with a high resolution and with no damage
           or danger to the patient, in strong contrast to X-ray imaging. The technique is based on
           moving atomic nuclei. Though the machines are still expensive – costing up to several
           million euro – there is hope that they will become cheaper in the future. Such an MRI
           machine, shown in Figure 90, consists essentially of a large magnetic coil, a radio trans-
           mitter and a computer. Some results of putting part of a person into the coil are shown
           in Figure 91. The images allow detecting problems in bones, in the spine, in the beating
           heart and in general tissue. Many people owe their life and health to these machines; in
           many cases the machines allow making precise diagnoses and thus choosing the appro-
           priate treatment for patients.
              In MRI machines, a radio transmitter emits radio waves that are absorbed because
           hydrogen nuclei – protons – are small spinning magnets. The magnets can be parallel
           or antiparallel to the magnetic field produced by the coil. The transition energy 𝐸 is ab-
           sorbed from a radio wave whose frequency 𝜔 is tuned to the magnetic field 𝐵. The energy
           absorbed by a single hydrogen nucleus is given by

                                                𝐸 = ℏ𝜔 = ℏ𝛾𝐵                                               (52)

           The material constant 𝛾/2π has a value of 42.6 MHz/T for hydrogen nuclei; it results from
           the non-vanishing spin of the proton. The absorption of the radio wave is a pure quantum
           effect, as shown by the appearance of the quantum of action ℏ. Using some cleverly ap-
5 the densest clouds                                                                                 163

                                                                   F I G U R E 90 A commercial MRI

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                   machine (© Royal Philips

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 91 Sagittal images of the head and the spine (used with permission from Joseph P. Hornak,
The Basics of MRI,, Copyright 2003).

plied magnetic fields, typically with a strength between 0.3 and 7 T for commercial and
up to 21 T for experimental machines, the absorption for each volume element can be
measured separately. Interestingly, the precise absorption level depends on the chemical
compound the nucleus is built into. Thus the absorption value will depend on the chem-
ical substance. When the intensity of the absorption is plotted as grey scale, an image is
formed that retraces the different chemical compositions. Figure 91 shows two examples.
Using additional tricks, modern machines can picture blood flow in the heart or air flow
                    164                                                        5 the structure of the nucleus

                                                                                               F I G U R E 92 An image of the
                                                                                               first magnetic resonance
                                                                                               video of a human birth (© C.

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Ref. 155    in lungs; they now routinely make films of the heart beat. Other techniques show how
                    the location of sugar metabolism in the brain depends on what you are thinking about.*
                        Magnetic resonance imaging can even image the great wonders of nature. The first
        Ref. 156    video of a human birth, taken in 2010 and published in 2012, is shown in Figure 92. MRI
                    scans are loud, but otherwise harmless for unborn children. The first scan of a married
        Ref. 157    couple making love has been taken by Willibrord Weijmar Schultz and his group in 1999.
                    It is shown on page 399.

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        Every magnetic resonance image thus proves that

                       ⊳ Many – but not all – atoms have nuclei that spin.

                    Like any other object, nuclei have size, shape, colour, composition and interactions. Let
                    us explore them.

                    The size of nuclei and the discovery of radioactivity
                    The magnetic resonance signal shows that hydrogen nuclei spin with high speed. Thus
                    they must be small. Indeed, the 𝑔-factor of protons, defined using the magnetic moment
                    𝜇, their mass 𝑚 and charge 𝑒, is found to be
                                                               𝑔 = 𝜇4      ≈ 5.6 .                                      (53)

Vol. IV, page 107   This is a small value. Using the expression that relates the 𝑔-factor and the radius of a
                    composite object, we deduce that the radius of the proton is about 0.9 fm; this value

                    * The website by Joseph P. Hornak gives an excellent introduction to magnetic
                    resonance imaging, both in English and Russian, including the physical basis, the working of the machines,
                    and numerous beautiful pictures. The method of studying nuclei by putting them at the same time into
                    magnetic and radio fields is also called nuclear magnetic resonance.
5 the densest clouds                                                                                       165

                         F I G U R E 93 Henri Becquerel (1852–1908)

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                 F I G U R E 94 Marie Curie (1867 –1934)

is confirmed by many experiments and other measurement methods. Protons are thus

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
about 30 000 times smaller than hydrogen atoms, whose radius is about 30 pm. The pro-
ton is the smallest of all nuclei; the largest known nuclei have radii about 7 times as large.
    The small size of nuclei is no news. It is known since the beginning of the twentieth
century. The story starts on the first of March in 1896, when Henri Becquerel* discovered
a puzzling phenomenon: minerals of uranium potassium sulphate blacken photographic
plates. Becquerel had heard that the material is strongly fluorescent; he conjectured that
fluorescence might have some connection to the X-rays discovered by Conrad Rönt-
gen the year before. His conjecture was wrong; nevertheless it led him to an important
new discovery. Investigating the reason for the effect of uranium on photographic plates,
Becquerel found that these minerals emit an undiscovered type of radiation, different
from anything known at that time; in addition, the radiation is emitted by any substance
containing uranium. In 1898, Gustave Bémont named the property of these minerals ra-
    Radioactive rays are also emitted from many elements other than uranium. This ra-
diation can be ‘seen’: it can be detected by the tiny flashes of light that appear when the
rays hit a scintillation screen. The light flashes are tiny even at a distance of several metres
from the source; thus the rays must be emitted from point-like sources. In short, radio-

* Henri Becquerel (b. 1852 Paris, d. 1908 Le Croisic), important physicist; his primary research topic was the
study of radioactivity. He was the thesis adviser of Marie Curie, the wife of Pierre Curie, and was central to
bringing her to fame. The SI unit for radioactivity is named after Becquerel. For his discovery of radioactivity
he received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics; he shared it with the Curies.
                   166                                                         5 the structure of the nucleus

                   TA B L E 11 The main types of radioactivity and rays emitted by matter.

                   Type            Pa r t -    Example                Range         Dan-                 Use
                                   icle                                             ger       Shield
                   𝛼 rays          helium            U, 238 U, 238 Pu, a few cm in when       any        thickness
                   3 to 10 MeV     nuclei            Pu, 241 Am        air         eaten,     material, measurement
                                                                                   inhaled,   e.g. paper
                   𝛽 rays          electrons        C, 40 K, 3 H,     < 1 mm in     serious   metals     cancer
                   0 to 5 MeV      and               Tc               metal                              treatment
                                   antineu-                           light years   none      none       research
                   𝛽+ rays         positrons   40
                                                    K, 11 C, 11 C,    less than β   medium any           tomography
                                   and              N, 15 O                                material
                                   neutrinos                          light years   none   none          research

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   𝛾 rays          high              Ag               several m in high       thick lead preservation
                                   energy                             air                                of herbs,
                                   photons                                                               disinfection
                   n reactions     neutrons       Cf, Po-Li           many m in     high      0.3 m of   nuclear
                   c. 1 MeV                    (α,n), 38 Cl-Be        air                     paraffin   power,
                                               (γ,n)                                                     quantum

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   n emission      neutrons        He, 24 N, 254 Cf   many m in     high      0.3 m of   research
                   typ. 40 MeV                                        air                     paraffin   experiments
                   p emission      protons         Be, 161 Re         like α rays   small     solids
                   typ. 20 MeV
                   spontaneous nuclei                Cm, 263 Rf       like α rays   small     solids     detection
                   fission                                                                               of new
                   typ. 100 MeV                                                                          elements

                   activity has to be emitted from single atoms. Thus radioactivity confirmed unambigu-
                   ously that atoms do exist. In fact, radioactivity even allows counting atoms: in a diluted
                   radioactive substance, the flashes can be counted, either with the help of a photographic
Vol. IV, page 42   film or with a photon counting system.
                       The intensity of radioactivity cannot be influenced by magnetic or electric fields; and
                   it does not depend on temperature or light irradiation. In short, radioactivity does not
                   depend on electromagnetism and is not related to it. Also the high energy of the emitted
                   radiation cannot be explained by electromagnetic effects. Radioactivity must thus be due
                   to another, new type of force. In fact, it took 30 years and a dozen of Nobel Prizes to fully
                   understand the details. It turns out that several types of radioactivity exist; the types
                   of emitted radiation behave differently when they fly through a magnetic field or when
                   they encounter matter. The types of radiation are listed in Table 11. In the meantime, all
                  5 the densest clouds                                                                                     167

                                                                      Fluorescent screen
                                                                      (or rotating particle detector)

                                            Particle                  Slit
                                                                                    Gold foil

                           Drilled lead                                                                    Undeflected
                           shielding block                                                                 α - particles
                           with a radioactive
                           substance inside

                                                       Backward scattered,                 Forward scattered
                                                       `reflected’ particle                particle

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 95 The schematics of the Rutherford–Geiger scattering experiment. The gold foil is about a
                  square centimetre in size.

                  these rays have been studied in great detail, with the aim to understand the nature of the
                  emitted entity and its interaction with matter.
                     In 1909, radioactivity inspired the 37 year old physicist Ernest Rutherford,* who had
                  won the Nobel Prize just the year before, to another of his smart experiments. He asked
                  his collaborator Hans Geiger to take an emitter of α radiation – a type of radioactivity
                  which Rutherford had identified and named 10 years earlier – and to point the radiation

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  at a thin metal foil. The quest was to find out where the α rays would end up. The ex-
                  periment is shown in Figure 95. The research group followed the path of the particles by
                  using scintillation screens; later on they used an invention by Charles Wilson: the cloud
                  chamber. A cloud chamber, like its successor, the bubble chamber, produces white traces
                  along the path of charged particles; the mechanism is the same as the one than leads to
                  the white lines in the sky when an aeroplane flies by. Both cloud chambers and bubble
                  chambers thus allow seeing radioactivity, as shown in the examples of Figure 96.
                     The radiation detectors around the thin gold foil give a consistent, but strange result:
                  most α particles pass through the foil undisturbed, whereas a few are scattered and a few
                  are reflected. In addition, those few which are reflected are not reflected by the surface,
Challenge 124 s   but in the inside of the foil. (Can you imagine how to show this?) Rutherford and Geiger
                  deduced from their scattering experiment that first of all, the atoms in the metal foil are
                  mainly transparent. Only transparency of atoms explains why most α particles pass the

                  * Ernest Rutherford (b. 1871 Brightwater, d. 1937 Cambridge), important physicist. He emigrated to Britain
                  and became professor at the University of Manchester. He coined the terms α particle, β particle, proton
                  and neutron. A gifted experimentalist, he discovered that radioactivity transmutes the elements, explained
                  the nature of α rays, discovered the nucleus, measured its size and performed the first nuclear reactions.
                  Ironically, in 1908 he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, much to the amusement of himself and of
                  the world-wide physics community; this was necessary as it was impossible to give enough physics prizes
                  to the numerous discoverers of the time. He founded a successful research school of nuclear physics and
                  many famous physicists spent some time at his institute. Ever an experimentalist, Rutherford deeply disliked
                  quantum theory, even though it was and is the only possible explanation for his discoveries.
168                                                          5 the structure of the nucleus

F I G U R E 96 The ‘Big European Bubble Chamber’ – the biggest bubble chamber ever built – and an

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
example of tracks of relativistic particles it produced, with the momentum values deduced from the
photograph (© CERN).

       Illustrating a free atom in its ground state

       (1) in an acceptable way:                           (2) in an unacceptable way:

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                 nucleus                                               nucleus

       Correct: the electron                                Correct: almost nothing!
       cloud has a spherical
       and blurred shape.                                   Wrong: nuclei are ten to one hundred
                                                            thousand times smaller than atoms,
       Wrong: the cloud and                                 electrons do not move on paths, electrons
       the nucleus have no                                  are not extended, free atoms are not flat
       visible colour, nucleus                              but always spherical, neither atoms nor
       is still too large by far.                           nucleons have a sharp border, no particle
                                                            involved has a visible colour.

F I G U R E 97 A reasonably realistic (left) and a misleading illustration of an atom (right) as is regularly
found in school books. Atoms in the ground state are spherical electron clouds with a tiny nucleus, itself a
cloud, at its centre. Interacting atoms, chemically bound atoms and some, but not all excited atoms have
electron clouds of different shapes.

foil without disturbance, even though it was over 2000 atoms thick. But some particles
were scattered by large angles or even reflected. Rutherford showed that the reflections
must be due to a single scattering point. By counting the particles that were reflected
(about 1 in 20000 for his 0.4 μm gold foil), Rutherford was also able to deduce the size
                  5 the densest clouds                                                                                 169

                  F I G U R E 98 Left: a modern Wilson cloud chamber, diameter c. 100 mm. Right: one of the first pictures of
                  α rays taken with a cloud chamber in the 1920s by Patrick Blackett, showing also a collision with an
                  atom in the chamber (© Wiemann Lehrmittel, Royal Society)

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  of the reflecting entity and to estimate its mass. (This calculation is now a standard exer-
                  cise in the study of physics at universities.) He found that the reflecting entity contains
                  practically all of the mass of the atom in a diameter of a few fm. Rutherford named this
                  concentrated mass the atomic nucleus.
                      Using the knowledge that atoms contain electrons, Rutherford then deduced from this
                  experiment that atoms consist of an electron cloud that determines the size of atoms –
                  of the order of 0.1 nm – and of a tiny but heavy nucleus at the centre. If an atom had the
                  size of a basketball, its nucleus would have the size of a dust particle, yet contain 99.9 %

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  of the basketball’s mass. Thus

                     ⊳ Atoms resemble candy floss around a heavy dust particle.

                  Even though the candy floss – the electron cloud – around the nucleus is extremely thin
                  and light, it is strong enough to avoid that two atoms interpenetrate. In solids, the candy
                  floss, i.e., the electron cloud, keeps the neighbouring nuclei at constant distance. Fig-
                  ure 97 shows the more and less correct ways to picture an atom. Candy floss explains the
                  Rutherford–Geiger experiment: for the tiny and massive α particles however, the candy
                  floss is essentially empty space, so that they simply fly through the electron clouds until
                  they either exit on the other side of the foil or hit a nucleus.
                     The density of the nucleus is impressive: about 5.5 ⋅ 1017 kg/m3 . At that density, the
                  mass of the Earth would fit in a sphere of 137 m radius and a grain of sand would have a
Challenge 125 e   mass larger than the largest oil tanker. (Can you confirm this?)

                                                                  “                                                    ”
                                                                       I now know how an atom looks like!
                                                                                                 Ernest Rutherford

                  Nuclei are composed
                  Magnetic resonance images also show that nuclei are composed. Indeed, images can also
                  be taken using heavier nuclei instead of hydrogen, such as certain fluorine or oxygen
                    170                                                             5 the structure of the nucleus

                            Illustrating an atomic nucleus

                            (1) in an acceptable way                              (2) in an misleading way

                            Correct: blurred and usually                           Correct: only the composition.
                            ellipsoidal shape of nucleus.
                                                                                   Wrong: nucleons are not at fixed positions
                            Wrong: nucleus does not have                           with respect to each other, nucleons have
                            visible colour; some nuclei                            no sharp borders, nucleons do not have
                            have other shapes.                                     visible colours.

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    F I G U R E 99 A reasonably realistic (left) and a misleading illustration of a nucleus (right) as is regularly
                    found in school books. Nuclei are spherical nucleon clouds.

                    nuclei. Also the 𝑔-factors of these nuclei depart from the value 2 characteristic of point
                    particles; the more massive the nuclei are, the bigger the departure. Therefore, all nuclei
Vol. IV, page 107   have a finite size. The size of nuclei can actually be measured; the Rutherford–Geiger
                    experiment and many other scattering experiments allow to do so. The measured values

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    confirm the values predicted by the 𝑔-factor. In short, both the values of the 𝑔-factor and
                    the non-vanishing sizes show that nuclei are composed.
                        Interestingly, the idea that nuclei are composed is older than the concept of nucleus
                    itself. Already in 1815, after the first mass measurements of atoms by John Dalton and
                    others, researchers noted that the mass of the various chemical elements seem to be al-
                    most perfect multiples of the weight of the hydrogen atom. William Prout then formu-
                    lated the hypothesis that all elements are composed of hydrogen. When the nucleus was
                    discovered, knowing that it contains almost all mass of the atom, it was therefore first
                    thought that all nuclei are made of hydrogen nuclei. Being at the origin of the list of con-
                    stituents, the hydrogen nucleus was named proton, from the greek term for ‘first’ and
                    reminding the name of Prout at the same time. Protons carry a positive unit of electric
                    charge, just the opposite of that of electrons, but are about 1836 times as heavy. More
                    details on the proton are listed in Table 12.
                        However, the charge multiples and the mass multiples for the heavier nuclei do not
                    match. On average, a nucleus that has 𝑛 times the charge of a proton, has a mass that is
                    about 2.6 𝑛 times than of the proton. Additional experiments confirmed an idea formu-
                    lated by Werner Heisenberg: all nuclei heavier than hydrogen nuclei are made of pos-
                    itively charged protons and of neutral neutrons. Neutrons are particles a tiny bit more
                    massive than protons (the difference is less than a part in 700, as shown in Table 12), but
                    without any electrical charge. Since the mass is almost the same, the mass of nuclei –
                    and thus that of atoms – is still an (almost perfect) integer multiple of the proton mass.
                    But since neutrons are neutral, the mass and the charge number of nuclei differ. Being
5 the densest clouds                                                                        171

        TA B L E 12 The properties of the nucleons: proton and neutron (source: pdg.web.

        Propert y           Proton                           Neutron

        Mass                1.672 621 777(74) ⋅ 10−27 kg     1.674 927 351(74) ⋅ 10−27 kg
                            0.150 327 7484(66) nJ            0.150 534 9631(66) nJ
                            938, 272 046(21) MeV             939, 565 379(21) MeV
                            1.007 276 466 812(90) u          1.008 664 916 00(43) u
                            1836.152 6675(39)⋅ 𝑚e            1838.683 6605(11)⋅ 𝑚e
        Spin                1/2                              1/2
        P parity            +1                               +1
        Antiparticle        antiproton p                     antineutron n
        Quark content       uud                              udd
        Electric charge     1e                               0
        Charge radius       0.88(1) f m                      0.12(1) f m2

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        Electric dipole     < 5.4 ⋅ 10−26 e ⋅ m              < 2.9 ⋅ 10−28 e ⋅ m
        Electric            1.20(6) ⋅ 10−3 f m3              1.16(15) ⋅ 10−3 f m3
        Magnetic            1.410 606 743(33) ⋅ 10−26 J/T −0.966 236 47(23) ⋅ 10−26 J/T
        g-factor            5.585 694 713(46)                −3.826 085 45(90)
                            2.792 847 356 (23) ⋅ μN          −1.913 042 72(45) ⋅ μN
        Gyromagnetic        0.267 522 2005(63) 1/nsT

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        Magnetic            1.9(5) ⋅ 10−4 f m3               3.7(2.0) ⋅ 10−4 f m3
        Mean life (free     > 2.1 ⋅ 1029 a                   880.1(1.1) s
        Shape               oblate                           oblate
        Excited states      more than ten                    more than ten

neutral, neutrons do not leave tracks in clouds chambers and are more difficult to de-
tect than protons, charged hadrons or charged leptons. For this reason, the neutron was
discovered later than several other, more exotic subatomic particles.
   Today, it is possible to keep single neutrons suspended between suitably shaped coils,
with the aid of teflon ‘windows’. Such traps were proposed in 1951 by Wolfgang Paul.
They work because neutrons, though they have no charge, do have a small magnetic
moment. (By the way, this implies that neutrons are themselves composed of charged
particles.) With a suitable arrangement of magnetic fields, neutrons can be kept in place,
in other words, they can be levitated. Obviously, a trap only makes sense if the trapped
particle can be observed. In case of neutrons, this is achieved by the radio waves absorbed
                    172                                                          5 the structure of the nucleus

                    when the magnetic moment switches direction with respect to an applied magnetic field.
                    The result of these experiments is simple: the lifetime of free neutrons is 885.7(8) s. Nev-
                    ertheless, we all know that inside most nuclei we are made of, neutrons do not decay for
                    millions of years, because the decay products do not lead to a state of lower energy. (Why
Challenge 126 s     not?)
                        Magnetic resonance images also show that most elements have different types of
                    atoms. These elements have atoms with the same number of protons, but with differ-
                    ent numbers of neutrons. One says that these elements have several isotopes.* This result
                    also explains why some elements radiate with a mixture of different decay times. Though
                    chemically isotopes are (almost) indistinguishable, they can differ strongly in their nuc-
                    lear properties. Some elements, such as tin, caesium, or polonium, have over thirty iso-
                    topes each. Together, the 118 known elements have over 2000 isotopes. They are shown
                    in Figure 100. (Isotopes without electrons, i.e., specific nuclei with a given number of
                    neutrons and protons, are called nuclides.)
                        Because nuclei are so extremely dense despite containing numerous positively

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    charged protons, there must be a force that keeps everything together against the
                    electrostatic repulsion. We saw that the force is not influenced by electromagnetic or
                    gravitational fields; it must be something different. The force must be short range; oth-
                    erwise nuclei would not decay by emitting high energy α rays. The additional force is
      Page 219      called the strong nuclear interaction. We shall study it in detail shortly.
                        The strong nuclear interaction binds protons and neutrons in the nucleus. It is essen-
                    tial to recall that inside a nucleus, the protons and neutrons – they are often collectively
                    called nucleons – move in a similar way to the electrons moving in atoms. Figure 99 il-
                    lustrates this. The motion of protons and neutrons inside nuclei allows us to understand

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    the shape, the spin and the magnetic moment of nuclei.

                    Nuclei can move alone – cosmic rays
                    In everyday life, nuclei are mostly found inside atoms. But in some situations, they move
                    all by themselves, without surrounding electron clouds. The first to discover an example
                    was Rutherford; with a clever experiment he showed that the α particles emitted by many
                    radioactive substance are helium nuclei. Like all nuclei, α particles are small, so that they
                    are quite useful as projectiles.
                        Then, in 1912, Viktor Heß** made a completely unexpected discovery. Heß was in-
Vol. III, page 23   trigued by electroscopes (also called electrometers). These are the simplest possible de-
                    tectors of electric charge. They mainly consist of two hanging, thin metal foils, such
                    as two strips of aluminium foil taken from a chocolate bar. When the electroscope is

                    * The name is derived from the Greek words for ‘same’ and ‘spot’, as the atoms are on the same spot in the
                    periodic table of the elements.
                    ** Viktor Franz Heß, (b. 1883 Waldstein, d. 1964 Mount Vernon), nuclear physicist, received the Nobel Prize
                    in Physics in 1936 for his discovery of cosmic radiation. Heß was one of the pioneers of research into radio-
                    activity. Heß’ discovery also explained why the atmosphere is always somewhat charged, a result important
                    for the formation and behaviour of clouds. Twenty years after the discovery of cosmic radiation, in 1932
                    Carl Anderson discovered the first antiparticle, the positron, in cosmic radiation; in 1937 Seth Nedder-
                    meyer and Carl Anderson discovered the muon; in 1947 a team led by Cecil Powell discovered the pion; in
                    1951, the Λ0 and the kaon 𝐾0 are discovered. All discoveries used cosmic rays and most of these discoveries
                    led to Nobel Prizes.
5 the densest clouds                                                                                      173


                                                                                 > 10+15 s             10-1 s
                                                                                 10+10 s               10-2 s
                                                                                 10+7 s                10-3 s
                                                                                 10+5 s                10-4 s
                                                                                 10+4 s                10-5 s
                                                                                 10+3 s                10-6 s
                                                                                 10+2 s              10-7 s
                                                                                 10+1 s             10-15 s
                                                                                 10+0 s            <10-15 s

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                            Decay type

                                                                                 el. capture (beta+)
                                                                                 beta - emission
                                                                                 alpha emission

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                                 proton emission
                                                                                 neutron emission
                                                                                 spontaneous fission

F I G U R E 100 All known nuclides with their lifetimes (above) and main decay modes (below). The data
are from

                                                     metal wire
                                                     (e.g. paper clip)

                                                                                  F I G U R E 101 An
                                                     thin                         electroscope (or
                                                     aluminium                    electrometer)
                                                     foils                        (© Harald Chmela) and
                                                                                  its charged (middle)
                                                                                  and uncharged state

charged, the strips repel each other and move apart, as shown in Figure 101. (You can
                  174                                                           5 the structure of the nucleus

                                            F I G U R E 102 Viktor Heß (1883–1964)

                  build one easily yourself by covering an empty glass with some transparent cellophane
                  foil and suspending a paper clip and the aluminium strips from the foil. You can charge
Challenge 127 e   the electroscope with the help of a rubber balloon and a woollen pullover.) An electro-

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  scope thus measures electrical charge. Like many before him, Heß noted that even for a
                  completely isolated electroscope, the charge disappears after a while. He asked: why? By
                  careful study he eliminated one explanation after the other. Heß (and others) were left
                  with only one possibility: that the discharge could be due to charged rays, such as those
                  of the recently discovered radioactivity, emitted from the environment. To increase the
                  distance to the environment, Heß prepared a sensitive electrometer and took it with him
                  on a balloon flight.
                     As expected, the balloon flight showed that the discharge effect diminished with
                  height, due to the larger distance from the radioactive substances on the Earth’s surface.
                  But above about 1000 m of height, the discharge effect increased again, and the higher he

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  flew, the stronger it became. Risking his health and life, he continued upwards to more
                  than 5000 m; there the discharge was several times faster than on the surface of the Earth.
                  This result is exactly what is expected from a radiation coming from outer space and ab-
                  sorbed by the atmosphere. In one of his most important flights, performed during an
                  (almost total) solar eclipse, Heß showed that most of the ‘height radiation’ did not come
                  from the Sun, but from further away. He thus called the radiation cosmic rays. One also
                  speaks of cosmic radiation. During the last few centuries, many people have drunk from
                  a glass and eaten chocolate covered by aluminium foil; but only Heß combined these
                  activities with such careful observation and deduction that he earned a Nobel Prize.*
                     Today, the most common detectors for cosmic rays are Geiger–Müller counters and
                  spark chambers. Both share the same idea; a high voltage is applied between two metal
                  parts kept in a thin and suitably chosen gas (a wire and a cylindrical mesh for the Geiger-
                  Müller counter, two plates or wire meshes in the spark chambers). When a high energy
                  ionizing particle crosses the counter, a spark is generated, which can either be observed
                  through the generated spark (as you can do yourself by watching the spark chamber in
                  the entrance hall of the CERN main building), or detected by the sudden current flow. His-
                  torically, the current was first amplified and sent to a loudspeaker, so that the particles
                  can be heard by a ‘click’ noise. In short, with a Geiger counter one cannot see ions or
                  particles, but one can hear them. Later on, with the advances in electronics, ionized

                  * In fact, Hess used gold foils in his electrometer, not aluminium foils.
5 the densest clouds                                                                               175

TA B L E 13 The main types of cosmic radiation.

Pa r t i c l e         Energy             Origin                      Detector          Shield

At high altitude, the primary particles:
Protons (90 %)         109 to 1022 eV     stars, supernovae,          scintillator      in mines
α rays (9 %)           typ. 5 ⋅ 106 eV    stars, galaxy               ZnS, counters     1 mm of any
Other nuclei, such     109 to 1019 eV     stars, novae                counters, films   1 mm of any
as Le, Be, B, Fe                                                                        material
(1 %)
Neutrinos              MeV, GeV           Sun, stars                  chlorine,         none
                                                                      gallium, water

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Electrons (0.1 %)      106 to             supernova remnants
                       > 1012 eV
Gammas (10−6 )         1 eV to 50 TeV     stars, pulsars, galactic,   semiconductor     in mines
                                          extragalactic               detectors
At sea level, secondary particles are produced in the atmosphere:
Muons                  3 GeV,             protons hit                 drift chamber,    15 m of
                       150/ m2 s          atmosphere, produce         bubble            water or
                                          pions which decay into      chamber,          2.5 m of soil

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                          muons                       scintillation
Oxygen,                varies             e.g., 𝑛 + 16 O → p + 14 C   counters          soil
radiocarbon and
other nuclei
Positrons              varies                                         counters          soil
Neutrons               varies         reaction product when           counters          soil
                                      proton hits 16 O
Pions                 varies          reaction product when           counters          soil
                                      proton hits 16 O
In addition, there are slowed down primary beam particles.

atoms or particles could be counted.
   Finding the right gas mixture for a Geiger–Müller counter is tricky; it is the reason
that the counter has a double name. One needs a gas that extinguishes the spark after a
while, to make the detector ready for the next particle. Müller was Geiger’s assistant; he
made the best counters by adding the right percentage of alcohol to the gas in the cham-
ber. Nasty rumours maintained that this was discovered when another assistant tried,
176                                                       5 the structure of the nucleus

                                                                   cylindrical metal mesh


                                                                            high            current
                                                                            voltage         meter
                                                                            source          (and often,
                                                                                            a beeper)

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 103 A Geiger–Müller counter with the detachable detection tube, the connection cable to the
counter electronics, and, for this model, the built-in music player (© Joseph Reinhardt).

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 104 A modern spark chamber showing the cosmic rays that constantly arrive on Earth
(QuickTime film © Wolfgang Rueckner).

without success, to build counters while Müller was absent. When Müller, supposedly a
heavy drinker, came back, everything worked again. However, the story is apocryphal.
Today, Geiger–Müller counters are used around the world to detect radioactivity; the
            5 the densest clouds                                                                                 177

            F I G U R E 105 The cosmic ray moon shadow, observed with the L3 detector at CERN. The shadow is
            shifted with respect of the position of the moon, indicated by a white circle, because the Earth’s

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            magnetic field deflects the charged particles making up cosmic rays (© CERN Courier).

            smallest versions fit in mobile phones and inside wrist watches. An example is shown in
            Figure 103.
                If you can ever watch a working spark chamber, do so. The one in the CERN entrance
            hall is about 0.5 m3 in size. A few times per minute, you can see the pink sparks showing
            the traces of cosmic rays. The rays appear in groups, called showers. And they hit us all
            the time.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                Various particle detectors also allow measuring the energy of particles. The particle
            energy in cosmic rays spans a range between 103 eV and at least 1020 eV; the latter is the
            same energy as a tennis ball after serve, but for a single ion. This is a huge range in energy.
            Understanding the origin of cosmic rays is a research field on its own. Some cosmic rays
            are galactic in origin, some are extragalactic. For most energies, supernova remnants –
            pulsars and the like – seem the best candidates. However, the source of the highest energy
            particles is still unknown; black holes might be involved in their formation.
                Cosmic rays are probably the only type of radiation discovered without the help of
            shadows. But in the meantime, such shadows have been found. In a beautiful experi-
            ment performed in 1994, the shadow thrown by the Moon on high energy cosmic rays
            (about 10 TeV) was measured, as shown in Figure 105. When the position of the shadow
            is compared with the actual position of the Moon, a shift is found. And indeed, due to
            the magnetic field of the Earth, the cosmic ray Moon shadow is expected to be shifted
            westwards for protons and eastwards for antiprotons. The data are consistent with a ratio
 Ref. 158   of antiprotons in cosmic rays between 0 % and 30 %. By studying the shadow’s position,
            the experiment thus showed that high energy cosmic rays are mainly positively charged
            and thus consist mainly of matter, and only in small part, if at all, of antimatter.
                Detailed observations showed that cosmic rays arrive on the surface of the Earth as
Page 175    a mixture of many types of particles, as shown in Table 13. They arrive from outside
            the atmosphere as a mixture of which the largest fraction are protons, followed by α
            particles, iron and other nuclei. And, as mentioned above, most rays do not originate
            from the Sun. In other words, nuclei can thus travel alone over large distances. In fact,
                     178                                                5 the structure of the nucleus

                                                                                         F I G U R E 106 An aurora
                                                                                         borealis, produced by

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                         charged particles in the
                                                                                         night sky (© Jan Curtis).

                     the distribution of the incoming direction of cosmic rays shows that many rays must be
                     extragalactic in origin. Indeed, the typical nuclei of cosmic radiation are ejected from
                     stars and accelerated by supernova explosions. When they arrive on Earth, they interact
                     with the atmosphere before they reach the surface of the Earth. The detailed acceleration
                     mechanisms at the origin of cosmic rays are still a topic of research.

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        The flux of charged cosmic rays arriving at the surface of the Earth depends on their
                     energy. At the lowest energies, charged cosmic rays hit the human body many times a
                     second. Measurements also show that the rays arrive in irregular groups, called showers.
                     In fact, the neutrino flux is many orders of magnitude higher than the flux of charged
       Page 256      rays, but does not have any effect on human bodies.
Vol. III, page 218      Cosmic rays have several effects on everyday life. Through the charges they pro-
                     duce in the atmosphere, they are probably responsible for the start and for the jagged,
                     non-straight propagation of lightning. (Lightning advances in pulses, alternating fast
                     propagation for about 30 m with slow propagation, until they hit connect. The direction
                     they take at the slow spots depends on the wind and the charge distribution in the at-
                     mosphere.) Cosmic rays are also important in the creation of rain drops and ice particles
                     inside clouds, and thus indirectly in the charging of the clouds. Cosmic rays, together
 Vol. III, page 19   with ambient radioactivity, also start the Kelvin generator.
                        If the magnetic field of the Earth would not exist, we might get sick from cosmic rays.
                     The magnetic field diverts most rays towards the magnetic poles. Also both the upper and
                     lower atmosphere help animal life to survive, by shielding life from the harmful effects of
                     cosmic rays. Indeed, aeroplane pilots and airline employees have a strong radiation ex-
                     posure that is not favourable to their health. Cosmic rays are also one of several reasons
                     that long space travel, such as a trip to Mars, is not an option for humans. When cosmo-
                     nauts get too much radiation exposure, the body weakens and eventually they die. Space
                     heroes, including those of science fiction, would not survive much longer than two or
                     three years.
                     5 the densest clouds                                                                            179

                     F I G U R E 107 Two aurorae australes on Earth, seen from space (a composed image with superimposed
                     UV intensity, and a view in the X-ray domain) and a double aurora on Saturn (all NASA).

                         Cosmic rays also produce beautifully coloured flashes inside the eyes of cosmonauts;

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     they regularly enjoy these events in their trips. (And they all develop cataracts as a con-
                     sequence.) But cosmic rays are not only dangerous and beautiful. They are also useful. If
                     cosmic rays would not exist, we would not exist either. Cosmic rays are responsible for
                     mutations of life forms and thus are one of the causes of biological evolution. Today, this
                     effect is even used artificially; putting cells into a radioactive environment yields new
                     strains. Breeders regularly derive new mutants in this way.
                         Cosmic rays cannot be seen directly, but their cousins, the ‘solar’ rays, can. This is
                     most spectacular when they arrive in high numbers. In such cases, the particles are in-
                     evitably deviated to the poles by the magnetic field of the Earth and form a so-called au-

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     rora borealis (at the North Pole) or an aurora australis (at the South pole). These slowly
                     moving and variously coloured curtains of light belong to the most spectacular effects
                     in the night sky. (See Figure 106 or
                     mov.) Visible light and X-rays are emitted at altitudes between 60 and 1000 km. Seen
                     from space, the aurora curtains typically form a circle with a few thousand kilometres
                     diameter around the magnetic poles. Aurorae are also seen in the rest of the solar sys-
                     tem. Aurorae due to core magnetic fields have been observed on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
                     Neptune, Earth, Io and Ganymede. For an example, see Figure 107. Aurorae due to other
                     mechanisms have been seen on Venus and Mars.
                         Cosmic rays are mainly free nuclei. With time, researchers found that nuclei appear
                     without electron clouds also in other situations. In fact, the vast majority of nuclei in the
                     universe have no electron clouds at all: in the inside of stars, no nucleus is surrounded
                     by bound electrons; similarly, a large part of intergalactic matter is made of protons. It
                     is known today that most of the matter in the universe is found as protons or α particles
                     inside stars and as thin gas between the galaxies. In other words, in contrast to what the
                     Greeks said, matter is not usually made of atoms; it is mostly made of bare nuclei. Our
                     everyday environment is an exception when seen on cosmic scales. In nature, atoms are
                     rare, bare nuclei are common.
                         Incidentally, nuclei are in no way forced to move; nuclei can also be stored with almost
                     no motion. There are methods – now commonly used in research groups – to superpose
                     electric and magnetic fields in such a way that a single nucleus can be kept floating in
Vol. III, page 226   mid-air; we discussed this possibility in the section on levitation earlier on.
                   180                                                   5 the structure of the nucleus

                   Nuclei decay – more on radioactivit y
                   Not all nuclei are stable over time. The first measurement that provided a hint was the
                   decrease of radioactivity with time. It is observed that the number 𝑁 of emitted rays
                   decreases. More precisely, radioactivity follows an exponential decay with time 𝑡:

                                                         𝑁(𝑡) = 𝑁(0) e−𝑡/𝜏 .                                   (54)

                   The parameter 𝜏, the so-called life time or decay time, depends on the type of nucleus
                   emitting the rays. Life times can vary from far less than a microsecond to millions of mil-
                   lions of years. The expression has been checked for as long as 34 multiples of the duration
                   𝜏; its validity and precision is well-established by experiments. Obviously, formula (54)
                   is an approximation for large numbers of atoms, as it assumes that 𝑁(𝑡) is a continuous
                   variable. Despite this approximation, deriving this expression from quantum theory is
       Page 48     not a simple exercise, as we saw above. Though in principle, the quantum Zeno effect

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   could appear for small times 𝑡, for the case of radioactivity it has not yet been observed.
                       Instead of the life-time, often the half-life is used. The half-life is the time during which
                   radioactivity decreases to half the starting value. Can you deduce how the two times are
Challenge 128 s    related?
                       Radioactivity is the decay of unstable nuclei. Most of all, radioactivity allows us to
                   count the number of atoms in a given mass of material. Imagine to have measured the
                   mass of radioactive material at the beginning of your experiment; you have chosen an
                   element that has a lifetime of about a day. Then you put the material inside a scintillation
                   box. After a few weeks the number of flashes has become so low that you can count them;
                   using expression (54) you can then determine how many atoms have been in the mass

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   to begin with. Radioactivity thus allows us to determine the number of atoms, and thus
                   their size, in addition to the size of nuclei.
                       The exponential decay (54) and the release of energy is typical of metastable systems.
                   In 1903, Rutherford and Soddy discovered what the state of lower energy is for α and
                   β emitters. In these cases, radioactivity changes the emitting atom; it is a spontaneous
                   transmutation of the atom. An atom emitting α or β rays changes its chemical nature.
                   Radioactivity thus implies, for the case of nuclei, the same result that statistical mech-
Vol. I, page 406   anics of gases implies for the case of atoms: they are quantum particles with a structure
                   that can change over time.

                   — In α decay – or alpha decay – the radiating nucleus emits a (doubly charged) helium
                     nucleus, also called an α particle. The kinetic energy is typically a handful of MeV.
                     After the emission, the nucleus has changed to a nucleus situated two places earlier
                     in the periodic system of the elements. α decay occurs mainly for nuclei that are rich
                     in protons. An example of α decay is the decay of the 238 U isotope of uranium.
                   — In β decay – or beta decay – a neutron transforms itself into a proton, emitting an elec-
                     tron – also called a β particle – and an antineutrino. Also β decay changes the chemical
                     nature of the atom, but to the place following the original atom in the periodic table
                     of the elements. Example of β emitters are radiocarbon, 14 C, 38 Cl, and 137 Cs, the iso-
      Page 240       tope expelled by damaged nuclear reactors. We will explore β decay below. A variant
                     is the β+ decay, in which a proton changes into a neutron and emits a neutrino and
                    5 the densest clouds                                                                     181

                        a positron. It occurs in proton-rich nuclei. An example is 22 Na. Another variant is
                        electron capture; a nucleus sometimes captures an orbital electron, a proton is trans-
                        formed into a neutron and a neutrino is emitted. This happens in 7 Be. Also bound β
                        decay, as seen in 187 Re, is a variant of β decay.
                    —   In γ decay – or gamma decay – the nucleus changes from an excited to a lower energy
                        state by emitting a high energy photon, or γ particle. In this case, the chemical nature
                        is not changed. Typical energies are in the MeV range. Due to the high energy, γ rays
                        ionize the material they encounter; since they are not charged, they are not well ab-
                        sorbed by matter and penetrate deep into materials. γ radiation is thus by far the most
                        dangerous type of (environmental) radioactivity. An example of γ decay is 99𝑚 Tc. A
                        variant of γ decay is isomeric transition. Still another variant is internal conversion,
                        observed, for example, in 137𝑚 Ba.
                    —   In neutron emission the nucleus emits a neutron. The decay is rare on Earth, but
                        occurs in the stellar explosions. Most neutron emitters have half-lives below a few
                        seconds. Examples of neutron emitters are 5 He and 17 N.

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    —   The process of spontaneous fission was discovered in 1940. The decay products vary,
                        even for the same starting nucleus. But 239 Pu and 235 U can decay through spontan-
                        eous fission, though with a small probability.
                    —   In proton emission the nucleus emits a proton. This decay is comparatively rare, and
                        occurs only for about a hundred nuclides, for example for 53𝑚 Co and 4 Li. The first
                        example was discovered only in 1970. Around 2000, the simultaneous emission of
                        two protons was also observed for the first time.
                    —   In 1984, cluster emission or heavy ion emission was discovered. A small fraction of
                            Ra nuclei decay by emitting a 14 C nucleus. This decay occurs for half a dozen nuc-
                        lides. Emission of 18 O has also been observed.

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        Ref. 159    Many combined and mixed decays also exist. These decays are studied by nuclear phys-
                    icists. Radioactivity is a common process. As an example, in every human body about
                    nine thousand radioactive decays take place every second, mainly 4.5 kBq (0.2 mSv/a)
Challenge 129 s     from 40 K and 4 kBq from 14 C (0.01 mSv/a). Why is this not dangerous?
                        All radioactivity is accompanied by emission of energy. The energy emitted by an
                    atom through radioactive decay or reactions is regularly a million times larger than that
                    emitted by a chemical process. More than a decay, a radioactive process is thus a micro-
                    scopic explosion. A highly radioactive material thus emits a large amount of energy. That
                    is the reason for the danger of nuclear weapons.
                        What distinguishes those atoms that decay from those which do not? An exponential
Challenge 130 e     decay law implies that the probability of decay is independent of the age of the atom. Age
Vol. IV, page 113   or time plays no role. We also know from thermodynamics, that all atoms have exactly
                    identical properties. So how is the decaying atom singled out? It took around 30 years
                    to discover that radioactive decays, like all decays, are quantum effects. All decays are
                    triggered by the statistical fluctuations of the vacuum, more precisely, by the quantum
                    fluctuations of the vacuum. Indeed, radioactivity is one of the clearest observations that
                    classical physics is not sufficient to describe nature.
                        Radioactivity, like all decays, is a pure quantum effect. Only a finite quantum of action
                    makes it possible that a system remains unchanged until it suddenly decays. Indeed, in
                    1928 George Gamow explained α decay with the tunnelling effect. He found that the
            182                                                      5 the structure of the nucleus

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            F I G U R E 108 A modern accelerator mass spectrometer for radiocarbon dating, at the Hungarian
            Academy of Sciences (© HAS).

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            tunnelling effect explains the relation between the lifetime and the range of the rays,
            as well as the measured variation of lifetimes – between 10 ns and 1017 years – as the
            consequence of the varying potentials to be overcome in different nuclei.

            R adiometric dating
            As a result of the chemical effects of radioactivity, the composition ratio of certain ele-
            ments in minerals allows us to determine the age of the mineral. Using radioactive decay
            to deduce the age of a sample is called radiometric dating. With this technique, geologists
            determined the age of mountains, the age of sediments and the age of the continents.
            They determined the time that continents moved apart, the time that mountains formed
            when the continents collided and the time when igneous rocks were formed. Where there
            surprises? No. The times found with radiometric dating are consistent with the relative
            time scale that geologists had defined independently for centuries before the technique
            appeared. Radiometric dating confirmed what had been deduced before.
 Ref. 161      Radiometric dating is a science of its own. An overview of the isotopes used, together
Page 183    with their specific applications in dating of specimen, is given in Table 14. The table shows
            how the technique of radiometric dating has deeply impacted astronomy, geology, evol-
            utionary biology, archaeology and history. (And it has reduced the number of violent
 Ref. 160   believers.) Radioactive life times can usually be measured to within one or two per cent
5 the densest clouds                                                                       183

TA B L E 14 The main natural isotopes used in radiometric dating.

Isotope        D e c ay Half- life Method using it Examples
147            143
      Sm             Nd       106 Ga             samarium–neodymium   rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 method               meteorites
87             87
     Rb             Sr        48.8 Ga            rubidium–strontium   rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 method               meteorites
187            187
      Re             Os       42 Ga              rhenium–osmium       rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 method               meteorites
176            176
      Lu             Hf       37 Ga              lutetium–hafnium     rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 method               meteorites
40             40
     K              Ar        1.25 Ga            potassium–argon &    rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 argon–argon method   meteorites
40             40
     K              Ca        1.25 Ga            potassium–calcium    granite dating, not

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                 method               precise
232            208
      Th             Pb       14 Ga              thorium–lead method, rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 lead–lead method     meteorites
238            206
      U              Pb       4.5 Ga             uranium–lead method, rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 lead–lead method     meteorites
235            207
      U              Pb       0.7 Ga             uranium–lead method, rocks, lunar soil,
                                                 lead–lead method     meteorites
234            230
      U              Th       248 ka             uranium–thorium      corals, stalagmites,
                                                 method               bones, teeth
230            226
      Th            Ra        75.4 ka            thorium-radon method plant dating

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
26             26
     Al             Mg        0.72 Ma            supernova debris dating,
                                                                      checking that
                                                 cosmogenic           nucleosynthesis still
                                                                      takes place in the galaxy
10             10
     Be             B         1.52 Ma         cosmogenic radiometric ice cores
60             60
     Fe             Ni        2.6 Ma (not 1.5 supernova debris dating deep sea crust
36             36
     Cl             Ar        0.3 Ma          cosmogenic radiometric ice cores
53             53
     Mn             Cr        3.7 Ma          cosmogenic radiometric meteorites, K/T
                                              dating                  boundary
182            182
      Hf             W        9 Ma            cosmogenic radiometric meteorites, sediments
14             14
     C              N         5730 a          radiocarbon method,     wood, clothing, bones,
                                              cosmogenic              organic material, wine
137            137
      Cs             Ba       30 a            γ-ray counting          dating food and wine
                                                                      after nuclear accidents
     Pb                       22 a            γ-ray counting          dating wine
3              3
    H              He         12.3 a          γ-ray counting          dating wine
                  184                                                       5 the structure of the nucleus

                  of accuracy, and they are known both experimentally and theoretically not to change
                  over geological time scales. As a result, radiometric dating methods can be surprisingly
                  precise. Can you imagine how to measure half-lives of thousands of millions of years to
Challenge 131 s   high precision?
                      Radiometric dating was even more successful in the field of ancient history. With
                  the radiocarbon dating method historians determined the age of civilizations and the age
                  of human artefacts.* Many false beliefs were shattered. In some belief communities the
                  shock is still not over, even though over hundred years have passed since these results
       Ref. 160   became known.
                      Radiocarbon dating uses the β decay of the radioactive carbon isotope 14 C, which has
                  a decay time of 5730 a. This isotope is continually created in the atmosphere through the
                  influence of cosmic rays. This happens through the reaction 14 N + n → p + 14 C. As a res-
                  ult, the concentration of radiocarbon in air is relatively constant over time. Inside living
                  plants, the metabolism thus (unknowingly) maintains the same concentration. In dead
                  plants, the decay sets in. The life time value of a few thousand years is particularly useful

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  to date historic material. Therefore, radiocarbon dating has been used to determine the
                  age of mummies, the age of prehistoric tools and the age of religious relics. The original
                  version of the technique measured the radiocarbon content through its radioactive decay
                  and the scintillations it produced. A quality jump was achieved when accelerator mass
                  spectroscopy became commonplace. It was not necessary any more to wait for decays:
                  it is now possible to determine the 14 C content directly. As a result, only a tiny amount
                  of carbon, as low as 0.2 mg, is necessary for a precise dating. Such small amounts can
                  be detached from most specimen without big damage. Accelerator mass spectroscopy
                  showed that numerous religious relics are forgeries, such as a cloth in Turin, and that, in

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  addition, several of their wardens are crooks.
                      Researchers have even developed an additional method to date stones that uses ra-
                  dioactivity. Whenever an α ray is emitted, the emitting atom gets a recoil. If the atom is
                  part of a crystal, the crystal is damaged by the recoil. In many materials, the damage can
                  be seen under the microscope. By counting the damaged regions it is possible to date the
                  time at which rocks have been crystallized. In this way it has been possible to determine
                  when the liquid material from volcanic eruptions has become rock.
                      With the advent of radiometric dating, for the first time it became possible to reliably
                  date the age of rocks, to compare it with the age of meteorites and, when space travel
                  became fashionable, with the age of the Moon. The result was beyond all previous estim-
                  ates and expectations: the oldest rocks and the oldest meteorites, studied independently
       Ref. 162   using different dating methods, are 4570(10) million years old. From this data, the age of
                  the Earth is estimated to be 4540(50) million years. The Earth is indeed old.
                      But if the Earth is so old, why did it not cool down in its core in the meantime?

                  Why is hell hot?
                  The lava seas and streams found in and around volcanoes are the origin of the imagery
                  that many cultures ascribe to hell: fire and suffering. Because of the high temperature of
                  lava, hell is inevitably depicted as a hot place located at the centre of the Earth. A striking
                  * In 1960, the developer of the radiocarbon dating technique, Willard Libby, received the Nobel Prize in
                   5 the densest clouds                                                                     185

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 109 The lava sea in the volcano Erta Ale in Ethiopia (© Marco Fulle).

                   example is the volcano Erta Ale, shown in Figure 109. But why is lava still hot, after so

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   many million years?
                       A straightforward calculation shows that if the Earth had been a hot sphere in the
Challenge 132 ny   beginning, it should have cooled down and solidified already long time ago. The Earth
                   should be a solid object, like the moon: the Earth should not contain any magma nor
                   eject any lava; hell would not be hot.
                       The solution to the riddle is provided by radioactivity: the centre of the Earth contains
                   an oven that is fuelled with an estimated 8 to 10 TW by radioactive uranium 235 U and
                       U, with 8 to 10 TW by radioactive thorium 232 Th and with around 4 TW by radio-
        Ref. 163   active potassium 40 K. The radioactivity of these elements, and a few others to a minor
                   degree, keeps the centre of the Earth glowing. More precise investigations, taking into
       Page 183    account the decay times and measured material concentrations, show that this mechan-
                   ism indeed explains the internal heat of the Earth. (In addition, the decay of radioactive
                   potassium is the origin for the 1 % of argon found in the Earth’s atmosphere.)
                       In short, radioactivity keeps lava hot. Radioactivity is the reason that we depict hell
                   as hot. This brings up a challenge: why is the radioactivity of lava and of the Earth in
 Challenge 133 s   general not dangerous to humans?

                   Nuclei can form composites
                   Nuclei are highly unstable when they contain more than about 280 nucleons. Nuclei with
                   higher number of nucleons inevitably decay into smaller fragments. In short, heavy nuc-
                   lei are unstable. But when the mass is above 1057 nucleons, they are stable again: such sys-
           186                                                 5 the structure of the nucleus

           tems are called neutron stars. This is the most extreme example of pure nuclear matter
           found in nature. Neutron stars are left overs of (type II) supernova explosions. They do
           not run any fusion reactions any more, as other stars do; in first approximation neutron
           stars are simply large nuclei.
              Neutron stars are made of degenerate matter. Their density of 1018 kg/m3 is a few
           times that of a nucleus, as gravity compresses the star. This density value means that a
           tea spoon of such a star has a mass of several hundred million tons. Neutron stars are
           about 10 km in diameter. They are never much smaller, as such smaller stars are unstable.
           They are never much larger, because much larger neutron stars turn into black holes.

           Nuclei have colours and shapes
           In everyday life, the colour of objects is determined by the wavelength of light that is
           least absorbed, or, if they shine, by the wavelength that is emitted. Also nuclei can ab-
           sorb photons of suitably tuned energies and get into an excited state. In this case, the
           photon energy is converted into a higher energy of one or several of the nucleons whirl-

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           ing around inside the nucleus. Many radioactive nuclei also emit high energy photons,
           which then are called γ rays, in the range between 1 keV (or 0.2 fJ) and more than 20 MeV
           (or 3.3 pJ). The emission of γ rays by nuclei is similar to the emission of light by electrons
           in atoms. From the energy, the number and the lifetime of the excited states – they range
           from 1 ps to 300 d – researchers can deduce how the nucleons move inside the nucleus.
              In short, the energies of the emitted and absorbed γ ray photons define the ‘colour’ of
           the nucleus. The γ ray spectrum can be used, like all colours, to distinguish nuclei from
           each other and to study their motion. In particular, the spectrum of the γ rays emitted by
           excited nuclei can be used to determine the chemical composition of a piece of matter.

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Some of these transition lines are so narrow that they can been used to study the change
           due to the chemical environment of the nucleus, to measure nuclear motion inside solids
           or to detect the gravitational Doppler effect.
              The study of γ-rays also allows us to determine the shape of nuclei. Many nuclei are
           spherical; but many are prolate or oblate ellipsoids. Ellipsoids are favoured if the reduc-
           tion in average electrostatic repulsion is larger than the increase in surface energy. All
           nuclei – except the lightest ones such as helium, lithium and beryllium – have a constant
           mass density at their centre, given by about 0.17 nucleons per fm3 , and a skin thickness
           of about 2.4 fm, where their density decreases. Nuclei are thus small clouds, as illustrated
           in Figure 110.
              We know that molecules can be of extremely involved shape. In contrast, nuclei are
           mostly spheres, ellipsoids or small variations of these. The reason is the short range, or
           better, the fast spatial decay of nuclear interactions. To get interesting shapes like in mo-
           lecules, one needs, apart from nearest neighbour interactions, also next neighbour inter-
           actions and next next neighbour interactions. The strong nuclear interaction is too short
           ranged to make this possible. Or does it? It might be that future studies will discover that
           some nuclei are of more unusual shape, such as smoothed pyramids. Some predictions
Ref. 164   have been made in this direction; however, the experiments have not been performed
              The shape of nuclei does not have to be fixed; nuclei can also oscillate in shape. Such
           oscillations have been studied in great detail. The two simplest cases, the quadrupole and
           5 the densest clouds                                                                                      187

                          Fixed nuclear shapes                                Oscillating nuclear shapes

                             6Li          17O,           2H,                    64Zn              122Te
                                          28Si,          20Ne,
                                          36Ar,          57Fe,
                                          63Cu,          59Co,
                                          115Sb,         161Dy,

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                          129I,          177Lu

           F I G U R E 110 Various nuclear shapes – fixed: spherical, oblate, prolate (left) and oscillating (right), shown
           realistically as clouds (above) and simplified as geometric shapes (below).

           octupole oscillations, are shown in Figure 110. In addition, non-spherical nuclei can also
           rotate. Several rapidly spinning nuclei, with a spin of up to 60ℏ and more, are known.
           They usually slow down step by step, emitting a photon and reducing their angular mo-

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           mentum at each step. Recently it was even discovered that nuclei can also have bulges
Ref. 165   that rotate around a fixed core, a bit like the tides that rotate around the Earth.

           The four t ypes of motion in the nuclear d omain
           Nuclei are small because the nuclear interactions are short-ranged. Due to this short
           range, nuclear interactions play a role only in four types of motion:
           —   scattering,
           —   bound motion,
           —   decay and
           —   a combination of these three called nuclear reactions.
           The history of nuclear physics has shown that the whole range of observed phenomena
           can be reduced to these four fundamental processes. Each process is a type of motion.
           And in each process, the main interest is the comparison of the start and the end situ-
           ations; the intermediate situations are less interesting. Nuclear interactions thus lack the
           complex types of motion which characterize everyday life. That is also the main reason
           for the shortness of this chapter.
              Scattering is performed in all accelerator experiments. Such experiments repeat for
           nuclei what we do when we look at an object. Eye observation, or seeing something, is a
           scattering experiment, as eye observation is the detection of scattered light. Scattering of
           X-rays was used to see atoms for the first time; scattering of high energy alpha particles
                    188                                                  5 the structure of the nucleus

                    was used to discover and study the nucleus, and later the scattering of electrons with
                    even higher energy was used to discover and study the components of the proton.
                       Bound motion is the motion of protons and neutrons inside nuclei or the motion of
                    quarks inside mesons and baryons. In particular, bound motion determines shape and
                    changes of shape of compounds: hadrons and nuclei.
                       Decay is obviously the basis of radioactivity. Nuclear decay can be due to the elec-
                    tromagnetic, the strong or the weak nuclear interaction. Decay allows studying the con-
                    served quantities of nuclear interactions.
                       Nuclear reactions are combinations of scattering, decay and possibly bound motion.
                    Nuclear reactions are for nuclei what the touching of objects is in everyday life. Touch-
                    ing an object we can take it apart, break it, solder two objects together, throw it away,
                    and much more. The same can be done with nuclei. In particular, nuclear reactions are
                    responsible for the burning of the Sun and the other stars; they also tell the history of the
                    nuclei inside our bodies.
                       Quantum theory showed that all four types of nuclear motion can be described in the

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    same way. Each type of motion is due to the exchange of virtual particles. For example,
                    scattering due to charge repulsion is due to exchange of virtual photons, the bound mo-
                    tion inside nuclei due to the strong nuclear interaction is due to exchange of virtual
                    gluons, β decay is due to the exchange of virtual W bosons, and neutrino reactions are
                    due to the exchange of virtual Z bosons. The rest of this chapter explains these mechan-
                    isms in more details.

                    Nuclei react
                    The first man thought to have made transuranic elements, the physics genius Enrico

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Vol. IV, page 118   Fermi, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery. Shortly afterwards, Otto
                    Hahn and his collaborators Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann showed that Fermi was
                    wrong, and that his prize was based on a mistake. Fermi was allowed to keep his prize,
                    the Nobel committee gave Hahn and Strassmann the Nobel Prize as well, and to make
                    the matter unclear to everybody and to women physicists in particular, the prize was not
                    given to Lise Meitner. (After her death though, a new chemical element was named after
                       When protons or neutrons are shot into nuclei, they usually remained stuck inside
                    them, and usually lead to the transformation of an element into a heavier one. After hav-
                    ing done this with all elements, Fermi used uranium; he found that bombarding it with
                    neutrons, a new element appeared, and concluded that he had created a transuranic ele-
                    ment. Alas, Hahn and his collaborators found that the element formed was well-known:
                    it was barium, a nucleus with less than half the mass of uranium. Instead of remaining
                    stuck as in the previous 91 elements, the neutrons had split the uranium nucleus. In short,
                    Fermi, Hahn, Meitner and Strassmann had observed reactions such as:
                                                  U + n → 143 Ba + 90 Kr + 3𝑛 + 170 MeV .                   (55)

                    Meitner called the splitting process nuclear fission. The amount of energy liberated in
                    fission is unusually large, millions of times larger than in a chemical interaction of an
                    atom. In addition, several neutrons are emitted, which in turn can lead to the same pro-
5 the densest clouds                                                                     189

cess; fission can thus start a chain reaction. Later, and (of course) against the will of the
team, the discovery would be used to make nuclear bombs.
    Nuclear reactions are typically triggered by neutrons, protons, deuterons or γ
particles. Apart from triggering fission, neutrons are used to transform lithium into
tritium, which is used as (one type of) fuel in fusion reactors; and neutrons from
(secondary) cosmic rays produce radiocarbon from the nitrogen in the atmosphere.
Deuterons impinging on tritium produce helium in fusion reactors. Protons can trigger
the transformation of lithium into beryllium. Photons can knock alpha particles or
neutrons out of nuclei.
    All nuclear reactions and decays are transformations. In each transformation, already
the ancient Greek taught us to search, first of all, for conserved quantities. Besides the
well-known cases of energy, momentum, electric charge and angular momentum conser-
vation, the results of nuclear physics lead to several new conserved quantities. The beha-
viour is quite constrained. Quantum field theory implies that particles and antiparticles
(commonly denoted by a bar) must behave in compatible ways. Both experiment and

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
quantum field theory show for example that every reaction of the type

                                      A+B→ C+D                                          (56)

implies that the reactions
                                      A+C →B+D                                          (57)

                                      C+D →A+B                                          (58)

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
or, if energy is sufficient,
                                     A→C+D+B,                                           (59)

are also possible. Particles thus behave like conserved mathematical entities.
   Experiments show that antineutrinos differ from neutrinos. In fact, all reactions con-
firm that the so-called lepton number is conserved in nature. The lepton number 𝐿 is zero
for nucleons or quarks, is 1 for the electron and the neutrino, and is −1 for the positron
and the antineutrino.
   In addition, all reactions conserve the so-called baryon number. The baryon number
𝐵 for protons and neutrons is 1 (and 1/3 for quarks), and −1 for antiprotons and anti-
neutrons (and thus −1/3 for antiquarks). So far, no process with baryon number viola-
tion has ever been observed. Baryon number conservation is one reason for the danger
of radioactivity, fission and fusion. The concept of baryon number was introduced by
Ernst Stückelberg (b. 1905 Basel, d. 1984 Geneva), an important physicist who discovered
several other concepts of particle physics, including Feynman diagrams before Feyn-
man himself. Baryon number was renamed when Abraham Pais (b. 1918 Amsterdam,
d. 2000 Copenhagen) introduced the terms ‘lepton’ and ‘baryon’.
190                                                        5 the structure of the nucleus

F I G U R E 111 The destruction of four nuclear reactors in 2011 in Fukushima, in Japan, which rendered

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
life impossible at a distance of 30 km around it (courtesy Digital Globe).

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 112 The explosion of a nuclear bomb: an involved method of killing many children in the
country where it explodes and ruining the economic future of many children in the country that built it.
            5 the densest clouds                                                                                  191

            B ombs and nuclear reactors
            Uranium fission is triggered by a neutron, liberates energy and produces several addi-
            tional neutrons. Therefore, uranium fission can trigger a chain reaction that can lead
            either to an explosion or to a controlled generation of heat. Once upon a time, in the
            middle of the twentieth century, these processes were studied by quite a number of re-
            searchers. Most of them were interested in making weapons or in using nuclear energy,
            despite the high toll these activities place on the economy, on human health and on the
               Most stories around the development of nuclear weapons are almost incredibly ab-
            surd. The first such weapons were built during the Second World War, with the help of
            the smartest physicists that could be found. Everything was ready, including the most
            complex physical models, several huge factories and an organization of incredible size.
            There was just one little problem: there was no uranium of sufficient quality. The mighty
            United States thus had to go around the world to shop for good uranium. They found it
            in the (then) Belgian colony of Congo, in central Africa. In short, without the support

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            of Belgium, which sold the Congolese uranium to the USA, there would have been no
            nuclear bomb, no early war end and no superpower status.
               Congo paid a high price for this important status. It was ruled by a long chain of
            military dictators up to this day. But the highest price was paid by the countries that
            actually built nuclear weapons. Some went bankrupt, others remained underdeveloped;
            even the richest countries have amassed huge debts and a large underprivileged popula-
            tion. There is no exception. The price of nuclear weapons has also been that some regions
            of our planet became uninhabitable, such as numerous islands, deserts, rivers, lakes and
            marine environments. But it could have been worse. When the most violent physicist

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            ever, Edward Teller, made his first calculations about the hydrogen bomb, he predicted
            that the bomb would set the atmosphere into fire. Nobel Prize winner Hans Bethe* cor-
            rected the mistake and showed that nothing of this sort would happen. Nevertheless, the
            military preferred to explode the hydrogen bomb in the Bikini atoll, the most distant
 Ref. 166   place from their homeland they could find. The place is so radioactive that today it is
            even dangerous simply to fly over that island!
               It was then noticed that nuclear test explosions increased ambient radioactivity in the
            atmosphere all over the world. Of the produced radioactive elements, 3 H is absorbed by
            humans in drinking water, 14 C and 90 Sr through food, and 137 Cs in both ways. Fortu-
            nately, in the meantime, all countries have agreed to perform their nuclear tests under-
               Radioactivity is dangerous to humans, because it disrupts the processes inside living
            cells. Details on how radioactivity is measured and what effects on health it produces are
Page 194    provided below.
               Not only nuclear bombs, also peaceful nuclear reactors are dangerous. The reason was

            * Hans Bethe (b. 1906 Strasbourg, d. 2005) was one of the great physicists of the twentieth century, even
            though he was head of the theory department that lead to the construction of the first atomic bombs. He
            worked on nuclear physics and astrophysics, helped Richard Feynman in developing quantum electrody-
            namics, and worked on solid state physics. When he got older and wiser, he became a strong advocate of
            arms control; he also was essential in persuading the world to stop atmospheric nuclear test explosions and
            saved many humans from cancer in doing so.
           192                                                      5 the structure of the nucleus

                     TA B L E 15 Some radioactivity measurements.

                      M at e r i a l                                        Activity in
                                                                            B q/kg
                      Air                                                   c. 10−2
                      Sea water                                             101
                      Human body                                            c. 102
                      Cow milk                                              max. 103
                      Pure 238 U metal                                      c. 107
                      Highly radioactive α emitters                         > 107
                      Radiocarbon: 14 C (β emitter)                         108
                      Highly radioactive β and γ emitters                   > 109
                      Main nuclear fallout: 137 Cs, 90 Sr (α emitter)       2 ⋅ 109
                      Polonium, one of the most radioactive materials (α)   1024

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           discovered in 1934 by Frédéric Joliot and his wife Irène, the daughter of Pierre and Marie
           Curie: artificial radioactivity. The Joliot–Curies discovered that materials irradiated by
           α rays become radioactive in turn. They found that α rays transformed aluminium into
           radioactive phosphorus:
                                               27      4     30     1
                                               13 Al + 2 𝛼 → 15 P + 0 n .                        (60)

           In fact, almost all materials become radioactive when irradiated with alpha particles,
           neutrons or γ rays. As a result, radioactivity itself can only be contained with difficulty.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           After a time span that depends on the material and the radiation, any box that contains
           radioactive material has itself become radioactive. The ‘contagion’ stops only for very
           small amounts of radioactive material.
              The dangers of natural and artificial radioactivity are the reason for the high costs of
           nuclear reactors. After about thirty years of operation, reactors have to be dismantled.
           The radioactive pieces have to be stored in specially chosen, inaccessible places, and at
           the same time the workers’ health must not be put in danger. The world over, many
           reactors now need to be dismantled. The companies performing the job sell the service
           at high price. All operate in a region not far from the border to criminal activity, and
           since radioactivity cannot be detected by the human senses, many companies cross that
              In fact, one important nuclear reactor is (usually) not dangerous to humans: the Sun.
Page 200   We explore it shortly.

           Curiosities and challenges on nuclei and radioactivity
           Nowadays, nuclear magnetic resonance is also used to check the quality of food. For
           example, modern machines can detect whether orange juice is contaminated with juice
           from other fruit and can check whether the fruit were ripe when pressed. Other machines
           can check whether wine was made from the correct grapes and how it aged.
           5 the densest clouds                                                                             193

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                           F I G U R E 113 A machine to test fruit quality with
                                                           the help of nuclear magnetic resonance
                                                           (© Bruker).

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Magnetic resonance machines pose no danger; but they do have some biological effects,
Ref. 171   as Peter Mansfield, one of the inventors of the technique, explains. The first effect is due
           to the conductivity of blood. When blood in the aorta passes through a magnetic field,
           a voltage is induced. This effect has been measured and it might interfere with cardiac
           functioning at 7 T; usual machines have 1.5 T and pose no risk. The second effect is due to
           the switching of the magnetic field. Some people sense the switching in the thorax and in
           the shoulders. Not much is known about the details of such peripheral nerve stimulation
           The amount of radioactive radiation is called the dose. The unit for the radioactive dose
           is one gray: it is the amount of radioactivity that deposits the energy 1 J on 1 kg of matter:
           1 Gy = 1 J/kg. A sievert, or 1 Sv, is the unit of radioactive dose equivalent; it is adjusted
           to humans by weighting each type of human tissue with a factor representing the impact
           of radiation deposition on it. Three to five sievert are a lethal dose to humans. In com-
           parison, the natural radioactivity present inside human bodies leads to a dose of 0.2 mSv
Ref. 167   per year. An average X-ray image implies an irradiation of 1 mSv; a CAT scan 8 mSv. For
           other measurement examples, see Table 15.
               The amount of radioactive material is measured by the number of nuclear decays
           per second. One decay per second is called one becquerel, or 1 Bq. An adult human
           body typically contains 9 kBq, the European limit for food, in 2011, varies between 370
194                                                     5 the structure of the nucleus

TA B L E 16 Human exposure to radioactivity and the corresponding doses.

Exposure                                                      Dose

Daily human exposure:
Average exposure to cosmic radiation in Europe
   at sea level                                               0.3 mSv/a
   at a height of 3 km                                        1.2 mSv/a
Average (and maximum) exposure from the soil,                 0.4 mSv/a (2 mSv/a)
   not counting radon effects
Average (and maximum) inhalation of radon                     1 mSv/a (100 mSv/a)
Average exposure due to internal radionuclides                0.3 mSv/a
   natural content of 40 K in human muscles                   10−4 Gy and 4500 Bq
   natural content of Ra in human bones                       2 ⋅ 10−5 Gy and 4000 Bq
   natural content of 14 C in humans                          10−5 Gy

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Total average (and maximum) human exposure                    2 mSv/a (100 mSv/a)
Common situations:
Dental X-ray                                                  c. 10 mSv equivalent dose
Lung X-ray                                                    c. 0.5 mSv equivalent dose
Short one hour flight (see                 c. 1 μSv
Transatlantic flight                                          c. 0.04 mSv
Maximum allowed dose at work                                  30 mSv/a
Smoking 60 cigarettes a day                                   26 to 120 mSv/a

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Deadly exposures:
Ionization                                                    0.05 C/kg can be deadly
Dose                                                          100 Gy=100 J/kg is deadly in 1 to 3
Equivalent dose                                               more than 3 Sv leads to death for
                                                              50 % of untreated patients

and 600 Bq/kg. The amount released by the Hiroshima bomb is estimated to have been
between 4 PBq and 60 PBq, the amount released by the Chernobyl disaster was between
2 and 12 EBq, thus between 200 and 500 times larger. The numbers for the various Rus-
sian radioactive disasters in the 1960s and 1970 are similarly high. The release for the
Fukushima reactor disaster in March 2011 is estimated to have been 370 to 630 PBq,
which would put it at somewhere between 10 and 90 Hiroshima bombs.
   The SI units for radioactivity are now common around the world; in the old days,
1 sievert was called 100 rem or ‘Röntgen equivalent man’; the SI unit for dose, 1 gray,
replaces what used to be called 100 rd or Rad. The SI unit for exposure, 1 C/kg, replaces
the older unit ‘röntgen’, with the relation 1 R = 2.58 ⋅ 10−4 C/kg. The SI unit becquerel
replaces the curie (Ci), for which 1 Ci = 37 GBq.
           5 the densest clouds                                                                                  195

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 114 A dated image of Lake Karachay and the nuclear plant that was filling it with radioactivity
           (© Unknown).

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           Not all γ-rays are due to radioactivity. In the year 2000, an Italian group discovered that
Ref. 168   thunderstorms also emit γ rays, of energies up to 10 MeV. The mechanisms are still being
           investigated; they seem to be related to the formation process of lightning.
           Chain reactions are quite common in nature, and are not limited to the nuclear domain.
           Fire is a chemical chain reaction, as are exploding fireworks. In both cases, material needs
           heat to burn; this heat is supplied by a neighbouring region that is already burning.
           Radioactivity can be extremely dangerous to humans. The best example is plutonium.
           Only 1 μg of this α emitter inside the human body are sufficient to cause lung cancer. An-
           other example is polonium. Polonium 210 is present in tobacco leaves that were grown
           with artificial fertilizers. In addition, tobacco leaves filter other radioactive substances
           from the air. Polonium, lead, potassium and the other radioactive nuclei found in to-
           bacco are the main reason that smoking produces cancer. Table 16 shows that the dose is
           considerable and that it is by far the largest dose absorbed in everyday life.
           Why is nuclear power a dangerous endeavour? The best argument is Lake Karachay near
           Mayak, in the Urals in Russia. In less than a decade, the nuclear plants of the region have
           transformed it into the most radioactive place on Earth. In the 1970s, walking on the
           196                                                   5 the structure of the nucleus

           shore of the lake for an hour led to death on the shore. The radioactive material in the lake
           was distributed over large areas in several catastrophic explosions in the 1950s and 1960s,
           leading to widespread death and illness. Several of these accidents were comparable to
           the Chernobyl accident of 1986; they were kept secret. Today, in contrast to Figure 114,
Ref. 169   the lake is partly filled with concrete – but not covered with it, as is often assumed.
           All lead is slightly radioactive, because it contains the 210 Pb isotope, a β emitter. This lead
           isotope is produced by the uranium and thorium contained in the rock from where the
           lead is extracted. For sensitive experiments, such as for neutrino experiments, one needs
           radioactivity shields. The best shield material is lead, but obviously it has to be lead with
           a low radioactivity level. Since the isotope 210 Pb has a half-life of 22 years, one way to
           do it is to use old lead. In a precision neutrino experiment in the Gran Sasso in Italy,
           the research team uses lead mined during Roman times, thus 2000 years old, in order to
           reduce spurious signals.

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Not all nuclear reactors are human made. The occurrence of natural nuclear reactors
           have been predicted in 1956 by Paul Kuroda. In 1972, the first such example was found.
           In Oklo, in the African country of Gabon, there is a now famous geological formation
           where uranium is so common that two thousand million years ago a natural nuclear
           reactor has formed spontaneously – albeit a small one, with an estimated power gener-
           ation of 100 kW. It has been burning for over 150 000 years, during the time when the
           uranium 235 percentage was 3 % or more, as required for chain reaction. (Nowadays,

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           the uranium 235 content on Earth is 0.7 %.) The water of a nearby river was periodically
           heated to steam during an estimated 30 minutes; then the reactor cooled down again for
           an estimated 2.5 hours, since water is necessary to moderate the neutrons and sustain the
           chain reaction. The system has been studied in great detail, from its geological history
           up to the statements it makes about the constancy of the ‘laws’ of nature. The studies
           showed that 2000 million years ago the mechanisms were the same as those used today.
           Nuclear reactors exist in many sizes. The largest are used in power plants and can produce
           over 1000 MW in electrical power; the smallest are used in satellites, and usually produce
           around 10 kW. All work without refuelling for between one and thirty years.
           Radioactivity also has forensic uses. On many surfaces, it is hard to make finger prints
           visible. One method is to put the object in question in an atmosphere of radioactive
           iodine or radioactive sulphur dioxide. The gases react with the substances in finger prints.
           The fingerprints have thus become radioactive. Looking at the scintillation signals of the
           prints – a method called autoradiography – then allows imaging the fingerprint simply
           by laying a photographic film or an equivalent detector over the object in question.
           In contrast to massive particles, massless particles cannot decay at all. There is a simple
                  5 the densest clouds                                                                       197

                  reason for it: massless particles do not experience time, as their paths are ‘null’. A particle
                  that does not experience time cannot have a half-life. (Can you find another argument?)
Challenge 134 s

                  High energy radiation is dangerous to humans. In the 1950s, when nuclear tests were still
                  made above ground by the large armies in the world, the generals overruled the orders
                  of the medical doctors. They positioned many soldiers nearby to watch the explosion,
                  and worse, even ordered them to walk to the explosion site as soon as possible after the
                  explosion. One does not need to comment on the orders of these generals. Several of
                  these unlucky soldiers made a strange observation: during the flash of the explosion,
Challenge 135 s   they were able to see the bones in their own hand and arms. How can this be?
                  In 1958, six nuclear bombs were made to explode in the stratosphere by a vast group

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  of criminals. A competing criminal group performed similar experiments in 1961, fol-
                  lowed by even more explosions by both groups in 1962. (For reports and films, see en.
         As a result of most of these ex-
                  plosions, an artificial aurora was triggered the night following each of them. In addi-
                  tion, the electromagnetic pulse from the blasts destroyed satellites, destroyed electronics
                  on Earth, disturbed radio communications, injured people on the surface of the Earth,
                  caused problems with power plants, and distributed large amounts of radioactive mater-
                  ial over the Earth – during at least 14 years following the blasts. The van Allen radiation
                  belts around the Earth were strongly affected; it is expected that the lower van Allen belt

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  will recover from the blasts only in a few hundred years. Fortunately for the human race,
                  after 1962, this activity was stopped by international treaties.
                  Nuclear bombs are terrible weapons. To experience their violence but also the criminal
       Ref. 170   actions of many military people during the tests, have a look at the pictures of explosions.
                  In the 1950s and 60s, nuclear tests were performed by generals who refused to listen to
                  doctors and scientists. Generals ordered to explode these weapons in the air, making the
                  complete atmosphere of the world radioactive, hurting all mankind in doing so; worse,
                  they even obliged soldiers to visit the radioactive explosion site a few minutes after the
                  explosion, thus doing their best to let their own soldiers die from cancer and leukaemia.
                  Generals are people to avoid.
                  Several radioactive dating methods are used to date wine, and more are in development.
      Page 183    A few are included in Table 14.
                  A few rare radioactive decay times can be changed by external influence. Electron cap-
                  ture, as observed in beryllium-7, is one of the rare examples were the decay time can
                  change, by up to 1.5 %, depending on the chemical environment. The decay time for the
                  same isotope has also been found to change by a fraction of a per cent under pressures
            198                                                         5 the structure of the nucleus

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            F I G U R E 115 Potatoes being irradiated at the Shihorocho Agricultural Cooperative Isotope Irradiation
            Center in Japan. Good appetite!

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            of 27 GPa. On the other hand, these effects are predicted (and measured) to be negligible
 Ref. 159   for nuclei of larger mass. A few additional nuclides show similar, but smaller effects.
               The most interesting effect on nuclei is laser-induced fissioning of 238 U, which occurs
Page 259    for very high laser intensities.
            Both γ radiation and neutron radiation can be used to image objects without destroying
            them. γ rays have been used to image the interior of the Tutankhamun mask. Neutron
            radiation, which penetrates metals as easily as other materials, has been used to image,
            even at film speed, the processes inside car engines.
            γ rays are used in Asia to irradiate food. This is forbidden other countries, such as Ger-
            many. For example, γ rays are used to irradiate potatoes, in order to prevent sprouting.
            An example is given in Figure 115. It is better not to work there. In fact, over 30 countries
            allowed the food industry to irradiate food. For example, almost all spice in the world are
            treated with γ rays, to increase their shelf life. However, the consumer is rarely informed
            about such treatments.
            β rays with 10 MeV and γ rays are used in many large factories across the world to sterilize
                    5 the densest clouds                                                                   199

                    medical equipment, medical devices, toys, furniture and also to kill moulds in books and
                    in animal food. (See for an example.)
                    The non-radioactive isotopes 2 H – often written simply D – and 18 O can be used for
                    measuring energy production in humans in an easy way. Give a person a glass of doubly
                    labelled water to drink and collect his urine samples for a few weeks. Using a mass
                    spectrometer one can determine his energy consumption. Why? Doubly labelled wa-
                    ter 2 H2 18 O is processed by the body in three main ways. The oxygen isotope is expired
                    as C18 O2 or eliminated as H2 18 O; the hydrogen isotope is eliminated as 2 H2 O. Meas-
                    urements on the urine allow one to determine carbon dioxide production, therefore to
                    determine how much has food been metabolized, and thus to determine energy produc-
                       Human energy consumption is usually given in joule per day. Measurements showed
                    that high altitude climbers with 20 000 kJ/d and bicycle riders with up to 30 000 kJ/d are

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    the most extreme sportsmen. Average humans produce 6 000 kJ/d.
                    The percentage of the O isotope in the water of the Earth’s oceans can be used to deduce
 Vol. I, page 370   where the water came from. This was told in the first volume of our adventure.
                    Many nuclei oscillate in shape. The calculation of these shape oscillations is a research
                    subject in itself. For example, when a spherical nucleus oscillates, it can do so in three

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    mutually orthogonal axes. A spherical nucleus, when oscillating at small amplitudes, thus
                    behaves like a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Interestingly, the symmetry of the
                    three-dimensional harmonic oscillator is SU(3), the same symmetry that characterizes
                    the strong nuclear interaction. However, the two symmetries are unrelated – at least fol-
Vol. VI, page 275   lowing present knowledge. A relation might appear in the future, though.

                    Summary on nuclei
                    Atomic nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons. Their diameter is between one
                    and a few femtometres, and they have angular momentum. Their angular momentum, if
                    larger than zero, allows us to produce magnetic resonance images. Nuclei can be spher-
                    ical or ellipsoidal, they can be excited to higher energy states, and they can oscillate in
                    shape. Nuclei have colours that are determined by their spectra. Nuclei can decay, can
                    scatter, can break up and can react among each other. Nuclear reactions can be used
                    to make bombs, power plants, generate biological mutations and to explore the human
                    body. And as we will discover in the following, nuclear reactions are at the basis of the
                    working of the Sun and of our own existence.
                  Chapter 6

                  T H E SU N , T H E STA R S A N D T H E
                  BI RT H OF M AT T E R

                                                                     “                                                       ”
                                                                         Lernen ist Vorfreude auf sich selbst.**
                                                                                                          Peter Sloterdijk

                          uclear physics is the most violent part of physics. But despite this bad image,

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                          uclear physics has also something fascinating to offer: by exploring
                          uclei, we learn to understand the Sun, the stars, the early universe, the birth
       Ref. 172   of matter and our own history.
                     Nuclei consist of protons and neutrons. Since protons are positively charged, they re-
                  pel each other. Inside nuclei, protons must be bound by a force strong enough to keep
                  them together against their electromagnetic repulsion. This is the strong nuclear inter-
                  action; it is needed to avoid that nuclei explode. The strong nuclear interaction is the
                  strongest of the four interactions in nature – the others being gravitation, electromag-
                  netism and the weak nuclear interaction. Despite its strength, we do not experience the
                  strong nuclear interaction in everyday life, because its range is limited to distances of a

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  few femtometres, i.e., to a few proton diameters. Despite this limitation, the strong in-
                  teraction tells a good story about the burning of the Sun and about the flesh and blood
                  we are made of.

                  The Sun
                  At present, the Sun emits 385 YW of light. The amount was first measured by Claude
                  Pouillet at the start of the nineteenth century. The power would be sufficient to melt
Challenge 136 e   away, every year, a volume of ice 500 times larger than the volume of the Earth.
                      Where does the huge energy emitted by the Sun come from? If it came from burning
                  coal, the Sun would stop burning after a few thousands of years. When radioactivity was
                  discovered, researchers tested the possibility that this process might be at the heart of
                  the Sun’s shining. However, even though radioactivity – or the process of fission that was
                  discovered later – is able to release more energy than chemical burning, the composition
                  of the Sun – mostly hydrogen and helium – makes this impossible.
                      The origin of the energy radiated by the Sun was clarified in 1929 by Fritz Houtermans,
       Ref. 173   Carl Friedrich von Weiszäcker, and Hans Bethe: the Sun burns by hydrogen fusion. Fusion
                  is the composition of a large nucleus from smaller ones. In the Sun, the central fusion
                                                4 1 H → 4 He + 2 𝑒+ + 2 𝜈 + 4.4 pJ                       (61)

                  ** ‘Learning is anticipated joy about yourself.’
and the birth of matter                                                                                201

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 116 The Sun emits radiation at different wavelengths. Note that almost all images are shown in
a single, false colour selected just for visual appeal. The collections does not show the radio wave

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
images, which also show the solar spots, but with much lower resolution. (Courtesy NASA)

converts hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. The reaction is called the hydrogen–
hydrogen cycle or p–p cycle. The hydrogen cycle is the result of a continuous cycle of
three separate nuclear reactions:

               p + p → d + 𝑒+ + 𝜈          (a weak nuclear reaction involving the deuteron)
               d + p → He + 𝛾 (a strong nuclear reaction)
           He + 3 He → 𝛼 + 2 p + 𝛾 .                                                                   (62)

We can also write the p-p cycle as
                             H + 1 H → 2 H + 𝑒+ + 𝜈    (a weak nuclear reaction)
                         2       1     3
                             H + H → He + 𝛾 (a strong nuclear reaction)
                        He + 3 He → 4 He + 2 1 H + 𝛾 .                                                 (63)

In total, four protons are thus fused to one helium nucleus, or alpha particle; if we include
the electrons, we can say that four hydrogen atoms are fused to one helium atom. The
fusion process emits neutrinos and light with a total energy of 4.4 pJ (26.7 MeV). This is
                  202                                                                6 the sun, the stars

                                                                                  F I G U R E 117 The Sun also emits
                                                                                  neutrinos. Their intensities are
                                                                                  shown here in a false colour
                                                                                  image, taken through the whole
                                                                                  Earth from an underground
                                                                                  experiment, with a 503-day

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                  exposure, at energies from 7 to
                                                                                  25 MeV. However, due to
                                                                                  scattering processes, the bright
                                                                                  spot is several times the size of
                                                                                  the Sun. (© Robert Svoboda)

                  the energy that makes the Sun shine. Most of the energy is emitted as light; around 10 %
                  is carried away by neutrinos. The latter part is illustrated in Figure 117.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      The first of the three reactions of equation (62) is due to the weak nuclear interaction.
                  This transmutation and the normal β decay have the same first-order Feynman diagram.
Challenge 137 e   The weak interaction avoids that fusion happens too rapidly and ensures that the Sun
                  will shine still for some time. Indeed, in the Sun, with a luminosity of 385 YW, there are
       Ref. 174   thus only 1038 fusions per second. This allows us to deduce that the Sun will last another
                  handful of Ga (Gigayears) before it runs out of fuel.
                      The simplicity of the hydrogen-hydrogen cycle does not fully purvey the fascination
                  of the process. On average, protons in the Sun’s centre move with 600 km/s. Only if
                  they hit each other precisely head-on can a nuclear reaction occur; in all other cases, the
                  electrostatic repulsion between the protons keeps them apart. For an average proton, a
                  head-on collision happens once every 7 thousand million years! Nevertheless, there are
                  so many proton collisions in the Sun that every second four million tons of hydrogen are
                  burned to helium. The second reaction of the proton cycle takes a few seconds and the
                  third about one million years.
                      The fusion reaction (62) takes place in the centre of the Sun, in the so-called core.
                  Fortunately for us, the high energy γ photons generated in the Sun’s centre are ‘slowed’
                  down by the outer layers of the Sun, namely the radiation zone, the convection zone with
                  its involved internal motion, and the so-called photosphere, the thin layer we actually see.
                  The last layer, the atmosphere, is not visible during a day, but only during an eclipse, as
                  shown in Figure 120. More precisely, the solar atmosphere consists of the temperature
                  minimum, the chromosphere, the transition region, the corona and the heliosphere.
                      During the elaborate slowing-down process inside the Sun, the γ photons are pro-
                     and the birth of matter                                                                           203

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     F I G U R E 118 A photograph of the Sun at a visible wavelength of around 677 nm, by the SOHO space
                     probe, showing a few sunspots (ESA and NASA).

                     gressively converted to visible photons, mainly through scattering. Scattering takes time.
                     In the Sun, it takes along time: the sunlight of today was in fact generated at the time of
         Ref. 175    the Neandertals: a typical estimate is about 170 000 years ago. In other words, the average
                     effective speed of light inside the Sun is estimated to be around 300 km/year! After these
                     one hundred and seventy thousand years, the photons take another 8.3 minutes to reach
                     the Earth and to sustain the life of all plants and animals.

                     Motion in and on the Sun
Vol. III, page 148   In its core, the Sun has a temperature of around 15 MK. At its surface, the temperature
Challenge 138 e      is around 5.8 kK. (Why is it cooler?) Since the Sun is cooler on its surface than in its
                     centre, the Sun is not a homogeneous ball, but an inhomogeneous structure. If you want
                     to experience the majestic beauty of the Sun, watch the stunning video
204                                                                                6 the sun, the stars

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 119 A photograph of the Sun at the extreme ultraviolet wavelength of 30.4 nm, thus in false
colour, again by the SOHO space probe, showing solar prominences (ESA and NASA).

com/watch?v=ipvfwPqh3V4 that shows the Sun’s surface over a two-week period. The
inhomogeneity of the Sun’s structure and surface is due to the convection processes in-
duced by the temperature gradient. The convection, together with the rotation of the Sun
around its axis, leads to fascinating structures that are shown in Figure 119 and the fol-
lowing ones: solar eruptions, including flares and coronal mass ejections, and solar spots.
   In short, the Sun is not a static object. The matter in the Sun is in constant motion. An
impressive way to experience the violent processes it contains is to watch the film shown
in Figure 122, which shows the evolution of a so-called solar flare. Many solar eruptions,
such as those shown in the lower left corner in Figure 119 or in Figure 123, eject matter
far into space. When this matter reaches the Earth,* after being diluted by the journey, it
affects our everyday environment. Such solar storms can deplete the higher atmosphere

* It might also be that the planets affect the solar wind; the issue is not settled and is still under study.
and the birth of matter                                                                           205

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 120 The complex details of the corona of the Sun during the 2008 eclipse in Bor Udzuur in
Mongolia and the 2009 eclipse on the Marshall Islands. The images are digital compositions of several
dozen photographs chosen to reproduce the experience of looking at the eclipse through a small
telescope. The structures also allow to locate the solar poles. The top image includes protuberances.
(Top image © Miloslav Druckmüller, Martin Dietzel, Peter Aniol, Vojtech Rušin; bottom image © Miloslav
Druckmüller, Peter Aniol, Vojtech Rušin, L’ubomír Klocok, Karel Martišek and Martin Dietzel)
206                                                                         6 the sun, the stars

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 121 A drawing of the interior of the Sun (courtesy NASA).

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 122 The evolution of a solar flare observed by the TRACE satellite (QuickTime film courtesy

and can thus possibly even trigger usual Earth storms. Other effects of solar storms are
the formation of auroras and the loss of orientation of birds during their migration; this
happens during exceptionally strong solar storms, because the magnetic field of the Earth
and the birth of matter                                                                             207

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
F I G U R E 123 A spectacular coronal mass ejection observed on June 7, 2011 by the Solar Dynamic
Observatory satellite (QuickTime film courtesy NASA).
           208                                                                         6 the sun, the stars

           is disturbed in these situations. A famous effect of a solar storm was the loss of electricity
           in large parts of Canada in March of 1989. The flow of charged solar particles triggered
           large induced currents in the power lines, blew fuses and destroyed parts of the network,
           shutting down the power system. Millions of Canadians had no electricity, and in the
           most remote places it took two weeks to restore the electricity supply. Due to the coldness
           of the winter and a train accident resulting from the power loss, over 80 people died. In
           the meantime, the power network has been redesigned to withstand such events.
               How can the Sun’s surface have a temperature of 6 kK, whereas the Sun’s corona –
           the thin gas emanating from and surrounding the Sun that is visible during a total solar
           eclipse, as shown in Figure 120 – reaches one to three million Kelvin on average, with
           localized peaks inside a flare of up to 100 MK? In the latter part of the twentieth century
           it was shown, using satellites, that the magnetic field of the Sun is the cause; through
           the violent flows in the Sun’s matter, magnetic energy is transferred to the corona in
           those places were flux tubes form knots, above the bright spots in the left of Figure 119 or
           above the dark spots in Figure 118. As a result, the particles of the corona are accelerated

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           and heat the corona to temperatures that are a thousand times higher than those at the
           surface of the Sun.

           Why d o the stars shine?

                                                               Don’t the stars shine beautifully? I am the only

                                                               person in the world who knows why they do.
                                                                                Friedrich (Fritz) Houtermans *

           All stars shine because of fusion. When two light nuclei are fused to a heavier one, some
           energy is set free, as the average nucleon is bound more strongly. This energy gain is

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           possible until nuclei of iron 56 Fe are produced. For nuclei beyond this nucleus, as shown
           in Figure 124, the binding energies per nucleon then decrease again; thus fusion is not
           energetically possible. It turns out that the heavier nuclei found on Earth and across the
           universe were formed through neutron capture. In short, nuclei below iron are made
           through fusion, nuclei above iron are made through neutron capture. And for the same
           reason, nuclei release energy through fusion when the result is lighter than iron, and
           release energy through fission when the starting point is above iron.
              The different stars observed in the sky** can be distinguished by the type of fusion
           nuclear reaction that dominates them. Most stars, in particular young or light stars, run
           hydrogen fusion. But that is not all. There are several types of hydrogen fusion: the direct
           hydrogen–hydrogen (p–p) cycle, as found in the Sun and in many other stars, and the
           various CNO cycle(s) or Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle(s).
Page 200      The hydrogen cycle was described above and can be summarized as

                                           4 1 H → 4 He + 2 𝑒+ + 2 𝜈 + 4.4 pJ                                  (64)

           * Friedrich Houtermans (1903–1966) was one of the most colourful physicists of his time. He lived in Aus-
           tria, England, the Soviet Union, Germany and the United States. He was analyzed by Sigmund Freud, im-
           prisoned and tortured by the NKWD in Russia, then imprisoned by the Gestapo in Germany, then worked
           on nuclear fission. He worked with George Gamow and Robert Atkinson.
           ** To find out which stars are in the sky above you at present, see the
                  and the birth of matter                                                                               209

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 124 Measured values of the binding energy per nucleon in nuclei. The region on the left of the
                  maximum, located at 58 Fe, is the region where fusion is energetically possible; the right region is where
                  fission is possible (© Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics).

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  or, equivalently,
                                                   4 p → 𝛼 + 2 𝑒+ + 2 𝜈 + 26.7 MeV .                                   (65)

                  But this is not the only way for a star to burn. If a star has heavier elements inside it,
                  the hydrogen fusion uses these elements as catalysts. This happens through the so-called
                  Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle or CNO cycle, which runs as
                                                            C + 1 H → 13 N + 𝛾
                                                                    N → 13 C + e+ + 𝜈
                                                            C + 1 H → 14 N + 𝛾
                                                            N + 1 H → 15 O + 𝛾
                                                                    O → 15 N + e+ + 𝜈
                                                            N + 1 H → 12 C + 4 He                                      (66)

                  The end result of the cycle is the same as that of the hydrogen cycle, both in nuclei and in
                  energy. The Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle is faster than hydrogen fusion, but requires higher
                  temperatures, as the protons must overcome a higher energy barrier before reacting with
Challenge 139 s   carbon or nitrogen than when they react with another proton. (Why?) Inside the Sun,
                  due to the comparatively low temperature of a few tens of million kelvin, the Bethe-
                  Weizsäcker cycle (and its variations) is not as important as the hydrogen cycle.
                     210                                                                 6 the sun, the stars

                        The proton cycle and the Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle are not the only options for the burn-
                     ing of stars. Heavier and older stars than the Sun can also shine through other fusion re-
                     actions. In particular, when no hydrogen is available any more, stars run helium burning:

                                                             3 4 He → 12 C .                                   (67)

                     This fusion reaction, also called the triple-α process, is of low probability, since it depends
                     on three particles being at the same point in space at the same time. In addition, small
                     amounts of carbon disappear rapidly via the reaction 𝛼 + 12 C → 16 O. Nevertheless, since
                       Be is unstable, the reaction with 3 alpha particles is the only way for the universe to
                     produce carbon. All these negative odds are countered only by one feature: carbon has an
                     excited state at 7.65 MeV, which is 0.3 MeV above the sum of the alpha particle masses;
                     the excited state resonantly enhances the low probability of the three particle reaction.
                     Only in this way the universe is able to produce the atoms necessary for apes, pigs and
                     people. The prediction of this resonance by Fred Hoyle is one of the few predictions in

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     physics made from the simple experimental observation that humans exist. The story
Vol. III, page 337   has lead to a huge outflow of metaphysical speculations, most of which are unworthy of
                     being even mentioned.
                         The studies of star burning processes also explain why the Sun and the stars do not
                     collapse. In fact, the Sun and most stars are balls of hot gas, and the gas pressure due to
                     the high temperature of its constituents prevents their concentration into a small volume.
                     For other types of stars – especially those of high mass such as red giants – the radiation
                     pressure of the emitted photons prevents collapse; for still other stars, such as neutron
                     stars, the role is taken by the Pauli pressure.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                         The nuclear reaction rates at the interior of a star are extremely sensitive to its tem-
                     perature 𝑇. The carbon cycle reaction rate is proportional to between 𝑇13 for hot massive
                     O stars and 𝑇20 for stars like the Sun. In red giants and supergiants, the triple-α reaction
                     rate is proportional to 𝑇40 ; these strong dependencies imply that stars usually shine with
                     constancy over long times, often thousands and millions of years, because any change in
                     temperature would be damped by a very efficient feedback mechanism. Of course, there
                     are exceptions: variable stars get brighter and darker with periods of a few days; some
                     stars change in brightness every few years. And even the Sun shows such effects. In the
                     1960s, it was discovered that the Sun pulsates with a frequency of 5 minutes. The amp-
                     litude is small, only 3 kilometres out of 1.4 million; nevertheless, it is measurable. In the
                     meantime, helioseismologists have discovered numerous additional oscillations of the
                     Sun, and in 1993, even on other stars. Such oscillations allow studying what is happening
                     inside stars, even separately in each of the layers they consist of.
                         By the way, it is still not clear how much the radiation of the Sun changes over long
                     time scales. There is an 11 year periodicity, the famous solar cycle, but the long term trend
                     is still unknown. Precise measurements cover only the years from 1978 onwards, which
                     makes only about 3 cycles. A possible variation of the intensity of the Suns, the so-called
                     solar constant might have important consequences for climate research; however, the is-
                     sue is still open.
           and the birth of matter                                                                     211

                                                                     F I G U R E 125 A simplified drawing of

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                     the Joint European Torus in
                                                                     operation at Culham, showing the
                                                                     large toroidal chamber and the
                                                                     magnets for the plasma confinement
                                                                     (© EFDA-JET).

           Why are fusion reactors not common yet?
           Across the world, for over 50 years, a large number of physicists and engineers have tried
           to build fusion reactors. Fusion reactors try to copy the mechanism of energy release

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           used by the Sun. The first machine that realized macroscopic energy production through
           fusion was, in 1991, the Joint European Torus* (JET for short) located in Culham in the
           United Kingdom. Despite this success, the produced power was still somewhat smaller
           than the power needed for heating.
Ref. 176       The idea of JET is to produce an extremely hot plasma that is as dense as possible.
           At high enough temperature and density, fusion takes place; the energy is released as a
           particle flux that is transformed (like in a fission reactor) into heat and then into elec-
           tricity. To achieve ignition, JET used the fusion between deuterium and tritium, because
           this reaction has the largest cross section and energy gain:

                                        D + T → He4 + n + 17.6 MeV .                                  (68)

           Because tritium is radioactive, most research experiments are performed with the far less
           efficient deuterium–deuterium reactions, which have a lower cross section and a lower
           energy gain:

                                         D + D → T + H + 4 MeV
                                         D + D → He + n + 3.3 MeV .                                   (69)

           * See
           212                                                                 6 the sun, the stars

           Fusion takes place when deuterium and tritium (or deuterium) collide at high energy.
           The high energy is necessary to overcome the electrostatic repulsion of the nuclei. In
           other words, the material has to be hot. To release energy from deuterium and tritium,
           one therefore first needs energy to heat it up. This is akin to the ignition of wood: in order
           to use wood as a fuel, one first has to heat it with a match.
              Following the so-called Lawson criterion, rediscovered in 1957 by the English engineer
Ref. 177   John Lawson, after its discovery by Russian researchers, a fusion reaction releases energy
           only if the triple product of density 𝑛, reaction (or containment) time 𝜏 and temperature
           𝑇 exceeds a certain value. Nowadays this criterion is written as

                                              𝑛𝜏𝑇 > 3 ⋅ 1028 s K/m3 .                                (70)

           In order to realize the Lawson criterion, JET uses temperatures of 100 to 200 MK, particle
           densities of 2 to 3 ⋅ 1020 m−3 , and confinement times of 1 s. The temperature in JET is
           thus much higher than the 15 MK at the centre of the Sun, because the densities and the

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           confinement times are much lower.
               Matter at these temperatures is in form of a plasma: nuclei and electrons are com-
           pletely separated. Obviously, it is impossible to pour a 100 MK plasma into a container:
           the walls would instantaneously evaporate. The only option is to make the plasma float in
           a vacuum, and to avoid that the plasma touches the container wall. The main challenge of
           fusion research in the past has been to find a way to keep a hot gas mixture of deuterium
           and tritium suspended in a chamber so that the gas never touches the chamber walls. The
           best way is to suspend the gas using a magnetic field. This works because in the fusion
           plasma, charges are separated, so that they react to magnetic fields. The most success-

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           ful geometric arrangement was invented by the famous Russian physicists Igor Tamm
           and Andrei Sakharov: the tokamak. Of the numerous tokamaks around the world, JET
           is the largest and most successful. Its concrete realization is shown in Figure 125. JET
           manages to keep the plasma from touching the walls for about a second; then the situ-
           ation becomes unstable: the plasma touches the wall and is absorbed there. After such
           a disruption, the cycle consisting of gas injection, plasma heating and fusion has to be
           restarted. As mentioned, JET has already achieved ignition, that is the state were more
           energy is released than is added for plasma heating. However, so far, no sustained com-
           mercial energy production is planned or possible, because JET has no attached electrical
           power generator.
               The successor project, ITER, an international tokamak built with European, Japanese,
           US-American and Russian funding, aims to pave the way for commercial energy gen-
           eration. Its linear reactor size will be twice that of JET; more importantly, ITER plans
           to achieve 30 s containment time. ITER will use superconducting magnets, so that it
           will have extremely cold matter at 4 K only a few metres from extremely hot matter at
           100 MK. In other words, ITER will be a high point of engineering. The facility is being
           built in Cadarache in France. Due to its lack of economic sense, ITER has a good chance
           to be a modern version of the tower of Babylon; but maybe one day, it will start operation.
               Like many large projects, fusion started with a dream: scientists spread the idea that
           fusion energy is safe, clean and inexhaustible. These three statements are still found on
           every fusion website across the world. In particular, it is stated that fusion reactors are not
           dangerous, produce much lower radioactive contamination than fission reactors, and use
                    and the birth of matter                                                                        213

                    water as basic fuel. ‘Solar fusion energy would be as clean, safe and limitless as the Sun.’
                    In reality, the only reason that we do not feel the radioactivity of the Sun is that we are far
                    away from it. Fusion reactors, like the Sun, are highly radioactive. The management of
                    radioactive fusion reactors is much more complex than the management of radioactive
                    fission reactors.
                        It is true that fusion fuels are almost inexhaustible: deuterium is extracted from water
                    and the tritium – a short-lived radioactive element not found in nature in large quantit-
                    ies – is produced from lithium. The lithium must be enriched, but since material is not
                    radioactive, this is not problematic. However, the production of tritium from lithium is
                    a dirty process that produces large amounts of radioactivity. Fusion energy is thus inex-
                    haustible, but not safe and clean.
                        In summary, of all technical projects ever started by mankind, fusion is by far the
                    most challenging and ambitious. Whether fusion will ever be successful – or whether it
                    ever should be successful – is another issue.

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Where d o our atoms come from?

                                                                   The elements were made in less time than you

                                                                   could cook a dish of duck and roast potatoes.
                                                                                                   George Gamow

                    People consist of electrons and various nuclei. Where did the nucleosynthesis take place?
        Ref. 178    Many researchers contributed to answering this question.
                        About three minutes after the big bang, when temperature was around 0.1 MeV, pro-
                    tons and neutrons formed. About seven times as many protons as neutrons were formed,
                    mainly due to their mass difference. Due to the high densities, the neutrons were cap-

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    tured, through the intermediate step of deuterium nuclei, in α particles. The process
                    stopped around 20 minutes after the big bang, when temperatures became too low to al-
                    low fusion. After these seventeen minutes, the mass of the universe was split into 75 % of
                    hydrogen, 25 % of helium (both percentages result from the factor 7 between the number
                    of protons and neutrons), and traces of deuterium, lithium and beryllium. This process
                    is called primordial nucleosynthesis. No heavier elements were formed, because the tem-
                    perature fall prevented their accumulation in measurable quantities, and because there
                    are no stable nuclei with 5 or 8 nucleons.
                        Simulations of primordial nucleosynthesis agree well with the element abundances
                    found in extremely distant, thus extremely old stars. The abundances are deduced from
                    the spectra of these stars. In short, hydrogen, helium, lithium and beryllium nuclei are
Vol. II, page 246   formed shortly after (‘during’) the big bang. These are the so-called primordial elements.
                        All other nuclei are formed many millions of years after the big bang. In particu-
                    lar, other light nuclei are formed in stars. Young stars run hydrogen burning or helium
        Ref. 179    burning; heavier and older stars run neon-burning or even silicon-burning. These latter
                    processes require high temperatures and pressures, which are found only in stars with a
                    mass at least eight times that of the Sun. All these fusion processes are limited by photo-
                    dissociation and thus will only lead to nuclei up to 56 Fe.
                        Nuclei heavier than iron can only be made by neutron capture. There are two main
                    neutron capture processes. The first process is the so-called s-process – for ‘slow’. The
                    process occurs inside stars, and gradually builds up heavy elements – including the most
214                                                                         6 the sun, the stars

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

F I G U R E 126 Two examples of how exploding stars shoot matter into interstellar space: the Crab nebula
M1 and the Dumbbell nebula M27 (courtesy NASA and ESA, © Bill Snyder).
           and the birth of matter                                                                                                215

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                                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                               a r t b y n ond


                                                                                        a n u c e ts b

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                                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           F I G U R E 127 The measured nuclide abundances in the solar system and their main production
           processes (from Ref. 180).

           heavy stable nucleus, lead – from neutrons flying around. The second neutron capture
           process is the rapid r-process. For a long time, its was unknown where it occurred; for
Ref. 181   many decades, it was thought that it takes place in stellar explosions. Recent research
           points to neutron star mergers as the more likely place for the r-process. Such collisions
           emit material into space. The high neutron flux produces heavy elements. For example,
           it seems that most gold nuclei are synthesized in this way. (The first clear neutron star
           merger was observed in 2013 with the Hubble space telescope, after it had been detected
           as a gamma ray burst with the name GRB 130603B. Such an event is also called a kilonova,
           because the emitted energy is between that of a nova and of a supernova. In October 2017,
           a further, well-publicized neutron star merger was observed with the help of gravitational
           wave detectors, of gamma ray burst detectors and of over 70 optical telescopes. It took
           place at a distance of 130 million light years.) The abundances of the heavy elements in the
           solar system can be measured with precision, a shown in Figure 127. These data points
           correspond well with what is expected from the material synthesized by neutron star
                    216                                                                      6 the sun, the stars


                                                     Solar                           1.35-1.35M NS
                                           10-                                                        o
                                                                                     1.20-1.50M NS
                                           10-                                                        o
                           Mass fraction





                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                 0    50          100            150            200           250
                    F I G U R E 128 The comparison between measured nuclide abundances (dotted circles) in the solar
                    system and the calculated values (red squares, blue diamonds) predicted by neutron star mergers (from
                    reference Ref. 181).

                    mergers, the most likely candidate for the r-process at present, as illustrated by Figure 128.
                        A number of other processes, such as proton capture and the so-called equilibrium

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    process, contributed to the formation of the elements.
                        In summary, the electrons and protons in our body were made during the big bang;
                    the lighter nuclei, such as carbon or oxygen, in stars; the heavier nuclei in star explosions
                    and neutron star mergers. But how did those nuclei arrive on Earth?
                        At a certain stage of their life, many stars explode. An exploding star is called a su-
                    pernova. Such a supernova has an important effect: it distributes most of the matter of
                    the star, such as carbon, nitrogen or oxygen, into space. This happens mostly in the form
                    of neutral atoms. (Some elements are also synthesized during the explosion.) Exploding
                    supernovae are thus essential for distributing material into space.
                        The Sun is a second generation star – as so-called ‘population I’ star. and the solar
                    system formed from the remnants of a supernova, as did, somewhat later, life on Earth.
                    We all are made of recycled atoms.
                        We are recycled stardust. This is the short summary of the extended study by astro-
                    physicists of all the types of stars found in the universe, including their birth, growth,
Vol. II, page 211   mergers and explosions. The exploration of how stars evolve and then move in galaxies
                    is a fascinating research field, and many aspects are still unknown.

                    Curiosities ab ou t the Sun and the stars
                    What would happen if the Sun suddenly stopped shining? Obviously, temperatures
                    would fall by several tens of degrees within a few hours. It would rain, and then all water
                    would freeze. After four or five days, all animal life would stop. After a few weeks, the
                  and the birth of matter                                                                  217

                  oceans would freeze; after a few months, air would liquefy. Fortunately, this will never
                  Not everything about the Sun is known. For example, the neutrino flux from the Sun
                  oscillates with a period of 28.4 days. That is the same period with which the magnetic
                  field of the Sun oscillates. The connection is still being explored.
                  The Sun is a fusion reactor. But its effects are numerous. If the Sun were less brighter
                  than it is, evolution would have taken a different course. We would not have eyelids, we
                  would still have more hair, and would have a brighter skin. Can you find more examples?
Challenge 140 e


                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Some stars shine like a police siren: their luminosity increases and decreases regularly.
                  Such stars, called Cepheids, are important because their period depends on their average
                  (absolute) brightness. Therefore, measuring their period and their brightness on Earth
                  thus allows astronomers to determine their distance.
                  The first human-made hydrogen bomb explosion took place the Bikini atoll. Fortunately,
                  none has ever been used on people.
                     But nature is much better at building bombs. The most powerful nuclear explosions

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  known take place on the surface of neutron stars in X-ray binaries. The matter falling
                  into such a neutron star from the companion star, mostly hydrogen, will heat up until
                  the temperature allows fusion. The resulting explosions can be observed in telescopes as
                  light or X-ray flashes of about 10 s duration; the explosions are millions of times more
                  powerful that those of human-made hydrogen bombs.
                  In the 1960s, it was discovered that surface of the Sun oscillates. The surface is covered
                  with standing waves. The amplitude is a few hundred kilometres, the wavelength can be
                  hundred times larger; the typical frequency of the famous p-modes, or trapped acoustic
                  waves, is between 2 and 4 mHz, thus roughly between 8 and 3 minutes. The oscillations
                  are also visible as diameter oscillations of the Sun. This research field is now called heli-
                  Lithium, beryllium and boron are rare inside stars, because they like to capture protons,
                  and thus change identity. For the same reason, these elements are rare on Earth.
                  By chance, the composition ratios between carbon, nitrogen and oxygen inside the Sun
                  are the same as inside the human body.
                  218                                                               6 the sun, the stars

                  Nucleosynthesis is mainly regulated by the strong interaction. However, if the electro-
                  magnetic interaction would be much stronger or much weaker, stars would either pro-
                  duce too little oxygen or too little carbon, and we would not exist. This famous argument
Challenge 141 d   is due to Fred Hoyle. Can you fill in the details?

                  Summary on stars and nucleosynthesis

                                                               All humans are brothers. We came from the

                                                               same supernova.
                                                                                              Allan Sandage

                  Stars and the Sun burn because of nuclear fusion. The energy liberated in nuclear fusion
                  is due to the strong nuclear interaction that acts between nucleons. When stars have used
                  up their nuclear fuel, they usually explode. In such a supernova explosion, they distribute
                  nuclei into space in the form of dust. Already in the distant past, such dust recollected

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  because of gravity and then formed the Sun, the Earth and, later on, humans.
                      The nuclear reaction processes behind nucleosynthesis have been studied in great de-
                  tail. Nucleosynthesis during the big bang formed hydrogen and helium, nucleosynthesis
                  in stars formed the light nuclei, and nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers and super-
                  novae explosions formed the heavy nuclei.

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Chapter 7

           T H E ST RONG I N T E R AC T ION
           – I N SI DE N U C L E I A N D N U C L E ON S

                  oth radioactivity and medical images show that nuclei are composed systems.
                  ut quantum theory predicts even more: also protons and neutrons must
                  e composed. There are two reasons: first, nucleons have a finite size, and second,
           their magnetic moments do not match the value predicted for point particles.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
              The prediction of components inside protons was confirmed in the late 1960s when
Ref. 182   Kendall, Friedman and Taylor shot high energy electrons into hydrogen atoms. They
           found that a proton contains three constituents with spin 1/2. The experiment was able
           to ‘see’ the constituents through large angle scattering of electrons, in the same way that
           we see objects through large angle scattering of photons. These constituents correspond
Ref. 183   in number and (most) properties to the so-called quarks predicted in 1964 by George
           Zweig and also by Murray Gell-Mann.**
              Why are there three quarks inside a proton? And how do they interact? The answers
           are deep and fascinating.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           The feeble side of the strong interaction
           The mentioned deep inelastic scattering experiments show that the interaction keeping
           the protons together in a nucleus, which was first described by Yukawa Hideki,*** is

           ** The physicist George Zweig (b. 1937 Moscow ) proposed the quark idea – he called them aces – in 1963,
           with more clarity than Gell-Mann. Zweig stressed the reality of aces, whereas Gell-Mann, in the beginning,
           did not believe in the existence of quarks. Zweig later moved on to a more difficult field: neurobiology.
               Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929 New York ) received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969. He is the originator
           of the term ‘quark’. The term has two origins: officially, it is said to be taken from Finnegans Wake, a novel
           by James Joyce; in reality, Gell-Mann took it from a Yiddish and German term meaning ‘lean soft cheese’
Ref. 184   and used figuratively in those languages to mean ‘silly idea’.
               Gell-Mann was the central figure of particle physics in the 20th century; he introduced the concept of
           strangeness, the renormalization group, the flavour SU(3) symmetry and quantum chromodynamics itself.
           A disturbing story is that he took the idea, the data, the knowledge, the concepts and even the name of the
           V−A theory of the weak interaction from the bright physics student George Sudarshan and published it,
           together with Richard Feynman, as his own. The wrong attribution is still found in many textbooks.
               Gell-Mann is also known for his constant battle with Feynman about who deserved to be called the most
           arrogant physicist of their university. A famous anecdote is the following. Newton’s once used a common
           saying of his time in a letter to Hooke: ‘If I have seen further than you and Descartes, it is by standing upon
           the shoulders of giants.’ Gell-Mann is known for saying: ‘If I have seen further than others, it is because I
           am surrounded by dwarfs.’
           *** Yukawa Hideki (b. 1907 Azabu, d. 1981 Kyoto), important physicist specialized in nuclear and particle
           physics. He received the 1949 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory of mesons. Yukawa founded the journal
220                                                                  7 the strong interaction

      The proton :

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 129 Top: SLAC, the electron linear collider, and the detectors used for the deep inelastic
electron scattering experiment. Bottom: an artistic illustration of the final result, showing the three
scattering centres observed inside the proton.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
only a feeble shadow of the interaction that keeps quarks together in a proton. Both
interactions are called by the same name. The two cases correspond somewhat to the
two cases of electromagnetism found in atomic matter. The clearest example is provided
by neon atoms: the strongest and ‘purest’ aspect of electromagnetism is responsible for
the attraction of the electrons to the neon nuclei; its feeble ‘shadow’, the Van-der-Waals
interaction, is responsible for the attraction of neon atoms in liquid neon and for pro-
cesses like its evaporation and condensation. Both attractions are electromagnetic, but
the strengths differ markedly. Similarly, the strongest and ‘purest’ aspect of the strong
interaction leads to the formation of the proton and the neutron through the binding of
quarks; the feeble, ‘shadow’ aspect leads to the formation of nuclei and to α decay. Ob-
viously, most information can be gathered by studying the strongest and ‘purest’ aspect.

B ound motion, the particle zo o and the quark model
Deep electron scattering showed that protons are made of interacting constituents. How
can one study these constituents?
   Physicists are simple people. To understand the constituents of matter, and of protons
in particular, they had no better idea than to take all particles they could get hold of and
Progress of Theoretical Physics and together with his class mate Tomonaga Shin’ichiro, who also won the
prize, he was an example to many scientists in Japan.
                  7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                                                            221

                                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 130 A typical experiment used to study the quark model: the Proton Synchroton at CERN in
                  Geneva (© CERN).

                           Spin 1/2 baryons                                                 Spin 3/2 baryons

                                                                                                       Ω ++
                                                                                                         ccc        Omccpp3
                    +                                                                      +

                                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Ξ cc       dcc ucc    Ξ cc
                                                      ++                                 Ξ cc    dcc ucc
                                                                                                                   Ξ cc        Xiccpp3
                               scc Omccp                                                           scc
                            +                                                                    +
                           Ωcc                                                                  Ωcc
                                                                                                      Σ c+
                                 Λ+c, Σ c+                                     Σc  0
           Σc                                                                                                             Σ c++
             0                                                 Scpp                                                                      Scpp3
                    ddc     udc     uuc                     Σc++                          ddc       udc     uuc
                                                                                          0 dsc        usc
                            Ωc0 usc   Xicp                                             Ξc                  Ξ c+
                  Ξ c0 n ssc      Ξ c+                 p
                                                                        Δ−                  Δ0
                                                                                                      Ω 0
                                                                                                               Δ                     ++
                     n                            p                             ddd      udd                    uud        uuu
         Σ − Sndds
                                        uud                     Charm C
                                   Λ ,Σ 0                                        Σ−
                                                                                     dds     uds      Σ   0       uus
                         dss          uss
                                                 uus       ΣSp+                          dss              uss
                     −            LSo                               Hypercharge
                                                                                      Ξ − sss                  Ξ   0
                   Ξ Xin                Ξ
                                              0 Xio                 Y= - C/3 + S + B
                                                                             Isospin I

                  F I G U R E 131 The family diagrams for the least massive baryons that can be built as qqq composites of
                  the first four quark types (from Ref. 186).

       Ref. 185   to smash them into each other. Many researchers played this game for decades. Obvi-
                  ously, this is a facetious comment; in fact, quantum theory forbids any other method.
Challenge 142 s   Can you explain why?
                     Understanding the structure of particles by smashing them into each other is not
                  simple. Imagine that you want to study how cars are built just by crashing them into
            222                                                                          7 the strong interaction

               Spin 0 pseudoscalar mesons                                              Spin 1 vector mesons
                              𝐷+s   (cs)                                                           𝐷∗+
                                                                                                    s (cs)

            𝐷0 (cu)                                                             𝐷∗0 (cu)
                                                 𝐷+ (cd)                                                          𝐷∗+ (cd)

                  𝐾0 (ds)                        𝐾+ (us)                                𝐾∗0 (ds)                      𝐾∗+ (us)

                        π0          etal                                                      𝜌0       Aetal

  π− (du)             etanc         etabar                            𝜌− (du)              Aetanc     Aetabar
                                                           π+ (ud)                                                                𝜌+ (ud)
              𝐾− (us)                        0
                                           𝐾 (ds)                                    𝐾∗− (us)                𝐾
                                                            Charm C
             𝐷− (cd)                              0
                                                 𝐷 (cu)                            𝐷∗− (cd)                       𝐷

                                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                Y= - C/3 + S + B
                             𝐷−s (cs)                                                              𝐷∗−
                                                                                                    s (cs)

                                                                         Isospin I

            F I G U R E 132 The family diagram for the least massive pseudoscalar and vector mesons that can be
            built as 𝑞𝑞 ̄ composites of the first four quark flavours.

            each other. Before you get a list of all components, you must perform and study a non-

                                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            negligible number of crashes. Most give the same result, and if you are looking for a
            particular part, you might have to wait for a long time. If the part is tightly attached to
            others, the crashes have to be especially energetic. In addition, the part most likely will
            be deformed. Compared to car crashes, quantum theory adds the possibility for debris
            to transform, to react, to bind and to get excited. Therefore the required diligence and
            patience is even greater for particle crashes than for car crashes. Despite these difficulties,
            for many decades, researchers have collected an ever increasing number of proton debris,
Page 342    also called hadrons. The list, a small part of which is given in Appendix B, is overwhelm-
            ingly long; the official full list, several hundred pages of fine print, is found at pdg.web.
   and contains hundreds of hadrons. Hadrons come in two main types: integer
            spin hadrons are called mesons, half-integer spin hadrons are called baryons. The proton
            and the neutron themselves are thus baryons.
               Then came the quark model. Using the ingenuity of many experimentalists and the-
            oreticians, the quark model explained the whole meson and baryon catalogue as a con-
            sequence of only 6 types of bound quarks. Typically, a large part of the catalogue can be
            structured in graphs such as the ones given in Figure 132 and Figure 131. These graphs
            were the beginning of the end of high energy physics. The quark model explained all
            quantum numbers of the debris, and allowed understanding their mass ratios as well as
            their decays.
               The quark model explained why debris come into two types: all mesons consist of a
            quark and an antiquark and thus have integer spin; all baryons consist of three quarks,
            and thus have half-integer spin. In particular, the proton and the neutron are seen as
           7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                                    223

           TA B L E 17 The quarks.

           Q ua rk M as s 𝑚                Spin 𝐽 Possible              C h a r g e 𝑄,             L epton
                   (see text)              pa r i t y c o l o u r s ;   i s o s p i n 𝐼,           number
                                           𝑃          possible          s t r a n g eness 𝑆,       𝐿,
                                                      weak be -         charm 𝐶, beauty            baryon
                                                      h av i o u r      𝐵󸀠 , topness 𝑇             number
           Down 𝑑      4.5 to 5.5 MeV/𝑐2   2
                                                       red, green,      − 13 , − 21 , 0, 0, 0, 0   0, 13
                                                       blue; singlet,
           Up 𝑢        1.8 to 3.0 MeV/𝑐2   2
                                                       red, green,      + 23 , + 21 , 0, 0, 0, 0   0, 13
                                                       blue; singlet,
           Strange 𝑠 95(5) MeV/𝑐2          2
                                                       red, green,      − 13 , 0, −1, 0, 0, 0      0, 13

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                       blue; singlet,
           Charm 𝑐 1.275(25) GeV/𝑐2        2
                                                       red, green,      + 23 , 0, 0, +1, 0, 0      0, 13
                                                       blue; singlet,
           Bottom 𝑏 4.18(3) GeV/𝑐2         2
                                                       red, green,      − 13 , 0, 0, 0, −1, 0      0, 13
                                                       blue; singlet,
           Top 𝑡       173.5(1.4) GeV/𝑐2   2
                                                       red, green,      + 23 , 0, 0, 0, 0, +1      0, 13
                                                       blue; singlet,

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

           combinations of two quark types, called up (u) and down (d): the proton is a 𝑢𝑢𝑑 state,
           the neutron a 𝑢𝑑𝑑 state. The discovery of other hadrons lead to the addition of four
           additional types of quarks. The quark names are somewhat confusing: they are called
           strange (s), charm (c), bottom (b) – also called ‘beauty’ in the old days – and top (t) –
           called ‘truth’ in the past. The quark types are called flavours; in total, there are thus 6
           quark flavours in nature.
               All quarks have spin one half; they are fermions. Their electric charges are multiples
           of 1/3 of the electron charge. In addition, quarks carry a strong charge, called, again
           confusingly, colour. In contrast to electromagnetism, which has only positive, negative,
           and neutral charges, the strong interaction has red, blue, green quarks on one side, and
           anti-red, anti-blue and anti-green on the other. The neutral state is called ‘white’. All
           baryons, including proton and neutrons, and all mesons are white, in the same way that
           all atoms are neutral.

           The essence of quantum chromodynamics
           The theory describing the bound states of quarks is called quantum chromodynamics, or
Ref. 187   QCD. It was formulated in its final form in 1973 by Fritzsch, Gell-Mann and Leutwyler. In
           the same way that in atoms, electrons and protons are held together by the exchange of
           224                                                                      7 the strong interaction

                      gluon                       gluon               gluon
                      (e.g. red-                  (e.g. green-        (e.g. red-
                      antiblue)                   antired)            antired)
                                                                                          quark (e.g. green)

                                   (e.g. green-                                                      gluon (e.g.
                 gs                antired)                                                          red-antigreen)

                      (e.g. green-                                                         quark (e.g. red)
                      antiblue)                   gluon               gluon
                                                  (e.g. green-        (e.g. blue-
                                                  antiblue)           antired)

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 133 The essence of the QCD Lagrangian: the Feynman diagrams of the strong interaction.

           virtual photons, in protons, quarks are held together by the exchange of virtual gluons.
           Gluons are the quanta of the strong interaction, and correspond to photons, the quanta

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           of the electromagnetic interactions.
Ref. 188   Quantum chromodynamics describes all motion due to the strong interaction with the
           three fundamental processes shown in Figure 133: two gluons can scatter, a gluon can
           emit or absorb another, and a quark can emit or absorb a gluon. In electrodynamics,
           only the last diagram is possible; in the strong interaction, the first two appear as well.
           Among others, the first two diagrams are responsible for the confinement of quarks, and
           thus for the lack of free quarks in nature.
              QCD is a gauge theory: the fields of the strong interaction show gauge invariance
           under the Lie group SU(3). We recall that in the case of electrodynamics, the gauge
           group is U(1), and Abelian, or commutative. In contrast, SU(3) is non-Abelian; QCD is a
           non-Abelian gauge theory. Non-Abelian gauge theory was invented and popularized by
           Wolfgang Pauli. It is often incorrectly called Yang–Mills theory after the first two physi-
           cists who wrote down Pauli’s ideas.
              Due to the SU(3) gauge symmetry, there are 8 gluons; they are called red-antigreen,
           blue-antired, etc. Since SU(3) is non-Abelian, gluons interact among themselves, as
           shown in the first two processes in Figure 133. Out of the three combinations red-antired,
           blue-antiblue and green-antigreen, only two gluons are linearly independent, thus giving
           a total of 32 − 1 = 8 gluons.
              The coupling strength of the strong interaction, its three fundamental processes in
           Figure 133, together with its SU(3) gauge symmetry and the observed number of six
           quarks, completely determine the behaviour of the strong interaction. In particular, they
           completely determine its Lagrangian density.
                    7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                               225

                    The L agrangian of quantum chromodynamics*
                    The Lagrangian density of the strong interaction can be seen as a complicated formula-
                    tion of the Feynman diagrams of Figure 133. Indeed, the Lagrangian density of quantum
                    chromodynamics is

                                                 (𝑎) (𝑎)𝜇𝜈                       𝑘                   𝑘
                                    L𝑄𝐶𝐷 = − 14 𝐹𝜇𝜈 𝐹      − 𝑐2 ∑ 𝑚𝑞 𝜓𝑞 𝜓𝑞𝑘 + 𝑖ℏ𝑐 ∑ 𝜓𝑞 𝛾𝜇 (𝐷𝜇 )𝑘𝑙 𝜓𝑞𝑙         (71)
                                                                       𝑞                        𝑞

                                           where the gluon field strength and the gauge covariant derivative are
                                           𝐹𝜇𝜈  = ∂𝜇 𝐴𝑎𝜈 − ∂𝜈 𝐴𝑎𝜇 + 𝑔s 𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐𝐴𝑏𝜇 𝐴𝑐𝜈
                                           (𝐷𝜇 )𝑘𝑙 = 𝛿𝑘𝑙 ∂𝜇 − 𝑖 s ∑ 𝜆𝑎𝑘,𝑙 𝐴𝑎𝜇 .
                                                               2 𝑎

                    We remember from the section on the principle of least action that Lagrangians are al-
 Vol. I, page 279   ways sums of scalar products; this is clearly seen in expression (71). The index 𝑎 = 1 . . . 8

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    numbers the eight types of gluons and the index 𝑘 = 1, 2, 3 numbers the three colours, all
                    due to SU(3). The index 𝑞 = 1 . . . 6 numbers the six quark flavours. The fields 𝐴𝑎𝜇 (𝑥) are
                    the eight gluon fields, represented by the coiled lines in Figure 133. The fields 𝜓𝑞𝑘 (𝑥) are
                    those of the quarks of flavour 𝑞 and colour 𝑘, represented by the straight line in the figure.
                    The six times three quark fields, like those of any elementary fermion, are 4-component
                    Dirac spinors with masses 𝑚𝑞 .**
                        The Lagrangian (71) is that of a local field theory: observables are functions of position.
                    In other words, QCD is similar to quantum electrodynamics and can be compared to
                    experiment in the same way.

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        The first term of the Lagrangian (71) represents the kinetic energy of the radiation (the
                    gluons), the second or mass term the kinetic energy of the matter particles (the quarks)
                    and the third term the interaction between the two.
                        The mass term in the Lagrangian is the only term that spoils or breaks flavour sym-
                    metry, i.e., the symmetry under exchange of quark types. (In particle physics, this sym-
                    metry is also called chiral symmetry, for historical reasons.) Obviously, the mass term
                    also breaks space-time conformal symmetry.
                        The interaction term in the Lagrangian thus corresponds to the third diagram in Fig-
                    ure 133. The strength of the strong interaction is described by the strong coupling con-
                    stant 𝑔s . The constant is independent of flavour and colour, as observed in experiment.
                    The Interaction term does not mix different quarks; as observed in experiments, flavour
                    is conserved in the strong interaction, as is baryon number. The strong interaction also
                    conserves spatial parity P and charge conjugation parity C. The strong interaction does
                    not transform matter.

                    * This section can be skipped at first reading.
                    ** In their simplest form, the matrices 𝛾𝜇 can be written as

                                                   𝐼    0                       0    𝜎𝑖
                                            𝛾0 = (       )      and   𝛾𝑛 = (            )   for 𝑛 = 1, 2, 3    (72)
                                                  0    −𝐼                      −𝜎𝑖   0

Vol. IV, page 231   where the 𝜎𝑖 are the Pauli spin matrices.
                   226                                                             7 the strong interaction

                        In QCD, the eight gluons are massless; also this property is taken from experiment.
                   Therefore no gluon mass term appears in the Lagrangian. It is easy to see that massive
Challenge 143 ny   gluons would spoil gauge invariance. As mentioned above, in contrast to electromagnet-
                   ism, where the gauge group U(1) is Abelian, the gauge group SU(3) of the strong inter-
                   actions is non-Abelian. As a consequence, the colour field itself is charged, i.e., carries
                   colour, and thus the index 𝑎 appears on the fields 𝐴 and 𝐹. As a result, gluons can inter-
                   act with each other, in contrast to photons, which pass each other undisturbed. The first
                   two diagrams of Figure 133 are thus reflected in the somewhat complicated definition
                   of the field 𝐹𝜇𝜈     . In contrast to electrodynamics, the definition has an extra term that is
                   quadratic in the fields 𝐴; it is described by the so-called structure constants 𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐 and the
       Page 361    interaction strength 𝑔s . The numbers 𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐 are the structure constants of the SU(3).
                        The behaviour of the gauge transformations and of the gluon field is described by
                   the eight matrices 𝜆𝑎𝑘,𝑙 . They are a fundamental, 3-dimensional representation of the
                   generators of the SU(3) algebra and correspond to the eight gluon types. The matrices
                   𝜆 𝑎 , 𝑎 = 1...8, and the structure constants 𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐 obey the relations

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                   [𝜆 𝑎 , 𝜆 𝑏 ] = 2𝑖𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐𝜆 𝑐
                                                   {𝜆 𝑎 , 𝜆 𝑏 } = 4/3𝛿𝑎𝑏 𝐼 + 2𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑐𝜆 𝑐                        (73)

                   where 𝐼 is the unit matrix. The structure constants 𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐 of SU(3), which are odd under
                   permutation of any pair of indices, and 𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑐, which are even, have the values

                          𝑎𝑏𝑐         𝑓𝑎𝑏𝑐              𝑎𝑏𝑐      𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑐                   𝑎𝑏𝑐    𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑐

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                          123           1               118  1/√3                       355    1/2
                          147         1/2               146  1/2                        366   −1/2
                          156        −1/2               157  1/2                        377   −1/2
                          246         1/2               228  1/√3                       448   −1/(2√3   )    (74)
                          257         1/2               247 −1/2                        558   −1/(2√3   )
                          345         1/2               256  1/2                        668   −1/(2√3   )
                          367        −1/2               338  1/√3                       778   −1/(2√3   )
                          458       √3 /2               344  1/2                        888   −1/√3
                          678       √3 /2

                   All other elements vanish. Physically, the structure constants of SU(3) describe the details
                   of the interaction between quarks and gluons and of the interaction between the gluons
                      A fundamental 3-dimensional representation of the eight generators 𝜆 𝑎 – correspond-
                  7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                            227

                  ing to the eight gluon types – is given, for example, by the set of the Gell-Mann matrices

                                 0      1    0                 0 −𝑖        0         1 0             0
                          𝜆 1 = (1     0    0 ) 𝜆2 =          (𝑖 0        0 ) 𝜆 3 = (0 −1           0)
                                 0     0    0                  0 0        0          0 0            0
                                 0      0    1                 0      0 −𝑖        0             0    0
                          𝜆 4 = (0     0    0 ) 𝜆5 =          (0     0 0 ) 𝜆 6 = (0            0    1)
                                 1     0    0                  𝑖     0 0          0            1    0
                                  0     0 0                                         1           0 0
                           𝜆 7 = (0    0 −𝑖) 𝜆 8 =                                 (0          1 0) .    (75)
                                  0    𝑖  0                                     √3 0           0 −2

                  There are eight matrices, one for each gluon type, with 3×3 elements, due to the 3 colours
                  of the strong interaction. There is no ninth gluon, because that gluon would be colourless,
                  or ‘white’.

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      The Lagrangian is complete only when the 6 quark masses and the coupling constant
                  𝑔s are included. These values, like the symmetry group SU(3), are not explained by QCD,
                  of course.
                      Only quarks and gluons appear in the Lagrangian of QCD, because only quarks and
                  gluons interact via the strong force. This can be also expressed by saying that only quarks
                  and gluons carry colour; colour is the source of the strong force in the same way that elec-
                  tric charge is the source of the electromagnetic field. In the same way as electric charge,
                  colour charge is conserved in all interactions. Electric charge comes in two types, pos-
                  itive and negative; in contrast, colour comes in three types, called red, green and blue.

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  The neutral state, with no colour charge, is called white. Protons and neutrons, but also
                  electrons or neutrinos, are thus ‘white’, thus neutral for the strong interaction.
                      In summary, the six quark types interact by exchanging eight gluon types. The in-
                  teraction is described by the Feynman diagrams of Figure 133, or, equivalently, by the
                  Lagrangian (71). Both descriptions follow from the requirements that the gauge group
                  is SU(3) and that the masses and coupling constants are given. It was a huge amount
                  of work to confirm that all experiments indeed agree with the QCD Lagrangian; various
                  competing descriptions were discarded.

                  Experimental consequences of the quark model
                  How can we pretend that quarks and gluons exist, even though they are never found
                  alone? There are a number of arguments in favour.
                  The quark model explains the non-vanishing magnetic moment of the neutron and ex-
                  plains the magnetic moments 𝜇 of the baryons. By describing the proton as a 𝑢𝑢𝑑 state
                  and the neutron a 𝑢𝑑𝑑 state with no orbital angular momentum and using the precise
Challenge 144 e   wave functions, we get

                                      𝜇𝑢 = 15 (4𝜇𝑝 + 𝜇𝑛)     and       𝜇𝑑 = 15 (4𝜇𝑛 + 𝜇𝑝 ) .             (76)
                  228                                                        7 the strong interaction

                  Assuming that 𝑚𝑢 = 𝑚𝑑 and that the quark magnetic moment is proportional to their
                  charge, the quark model predicts a ratio of the magnetic moments of the proton and the
                  neutron of
                                                          𝜇𝑝      3
                                                              =− .                                  (77)
                                                          𝜇𝑛      2

                  This prediction differs from measurements only by 3 %. Furthermore, using the same val-
                  ues for the magnetic moment of the quarks, magnetic moment values of over half a dozen
                  of other baryons can be predicted. The results typically deviate from measurements only
                  by around 10 %. In particular, the sign of the resulting baryon magnetic moment is al-
                  ways correctly calculated.
                  The quark model describes all quantum numbers of mesons and baryons. P-parity, C-
                  parity, and the absence of certain meson parities are all reproduced. The observed con-

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  servation of electric charge, baryon number, isospin, strangeness etc. is reproduced. Had-
                  ron family diagrams such as those shown in Figure 131 and in Figure 132 describe all
                  existing hadron states (of lowest angular momentum) completely; the states not listed are
                  not observed. The quark model thus produces a complete and correct classification of all
                  hadrons as bound states of quarks.
                  The quark model also explains the mass spectrum of hadrons. The best predictions are
                  made by QCD lattice calculations. With months of computer time, researchers were able
       Ref. 189   to reproduce the masses of proton and neutron to within a few per cent. Interestingly,

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  if one sets the 𝑢 and 𝑑 quark masses to zero, the resulting proton and neutron mass
       Ref. 190   differ from experimental values only by 10 %. The mass of protons and neutrons is almost
      Page 233    completely due to the binding, not to the constituents. More details are given below.
                  The number of colours of quarks must be taken into account to get correspondence of
                  theory and calculation. For example, the measured decay time of the neutral pion is 83 as.
                  The calculation without colour gives 750 as; if each quark is assumed to appear in 3 col-
                  ours the value must be divided by 9, and then matches the measurement.
                  In particle colliders, collisions of electrons and positrons sometimes lead to the produc-
                  tion of hadrons. The calculated production rates also fit experiments only if quarks have
                  three colours. In more detail, if one compares the ratio of muon–antimuon production
Challenge 145 s   and of hadron production, a simple estimate relates them to their charges:

                                                             ∑ 𝑞hadrons
                                                        𝑅=                                               (78)
                                                             ∑ 𝑞muons

                  Between 2 and 4 GeV, when only three quarks can appear, this argument thus predicts
                  𝑅 = 2 if colours exist, or 𝑅 = 2/3 if they don’t. Experiments yield a value of 𝑅 = 2.2, thus
7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                                                229

                                                      potential V [GeV]

                                                      2            − 34 𝛼sc𝑟ℏ𝑐 + 𝑘𝑟
                     Δ hadrons                                                        linear potential
                                                                                      above 1 fm
   15/2                                               0

   11/2                                                           inverse
                                                     -1           distance
    7/2                                                           potential
    3/2                                                           1 fm
                                                                                            separation r [fm]
           0             5             10

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                   m2 [GeV2]              0                   1               2

               A baryon approximated                             A meson approximated
               as three quarks connected                         as a bag containing
               by elastic strings:                               a quark and an antiquark:

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F I G U R E 134 Top left: a Regge trajectory, or Chew–Frautschi plot, due to the confinement of quarks.
Top right: the quark confinement potential. Bottom: two approximate ways to describe quark
confinement: the string model and the bag model of hadrons.

confirming the number of colours. Many other such branching ratios can be calculated
in this way. They agree with experiments only if the number of colours is three.

C onfinement of quarks – and elephants
Many of the observed hadrons are not part of the diagrams of Figure 131 and Figure 132;
these additional hadrons can be explained as rotational excitations of the fundamental
mesons from those diagrams. As shown by Tullio Regge in 1957, the idea of rotational
excitations leads to quantitative predictions. Regge assumed that mesons and baryons are
quarks connected by strings, like rubber bands – illustrated in Figure 134 and Figure 135
– and that the force or tension 𝑘 between the quarks is thus constant over distance.
   We assume that the strings, whose length we call 2𝑟0 , rotate around their centre of
mass as rapidly as possible, as shown in Figure 135. Then we have
                                               𝑣(𝑟) = 𝑐      .                                             (79)
           230                                                                7 the strong interaction

                 An excited meson approximated as two
                 quarks rotating around each other
                 connected by elastic strings:

                 v (r0) = c

                                               v (r0) = c

                              r0   0      r0
                                                                 F I G U R E 135 Calculating masses of excited

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           The quark masses are assumed negligible. For the total energy this implies the relation
                                       𝐸 = 𝑐2 𝑚 = 2 ∫                       d𝑟 = 𝑘𝑟0 π                           (80)
                                                       0     √1 − 𝑣(𝑟)/𝑐2

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           and for angular momentum the relation

                                            2 𝑟0    𝑘𝑟𝑣(𝑟)         𝑘𝑟02
                                         𝐽= 2∫                d𝑟 =      .                                        (81)
                                           ℏ𝑐 0 √                  2ℏ𝑐
                                                  1 − 𝑣(𝑟)/𝑐2

           Including the spin of the quarks, we thus get

                                         𝐽 = 𝛼0 + 𝛼󸀠 𝑚2       where 𝛼󸀠 =           .                             (82)
           Regge thus deduced a simple expression that relates the mass 𝑚 of excited hadrons to
           their total spin 𝐽. For bizarre historical reasons, this relation is called a Regge trajectory.
              The value of the constant 𝛼󸀠 is predicted to be independent of the quark–antiquark
           pairing. A few years later, as shown in Figure 134, such linear relations were found in
           experiments: the Chew-Frautschi plots. For example, the three lowest lying states of Δ
           are the spin 3/2 Δ(1232) with 𝑚2 of 1.5 GeV2 , the spin 7/2 Δ(1950) with 𝑚2 of 3.8 GeV2 ,
           and the spin 11/2 Δ(2420) with 𝑚2 of 5.9 GeV2 . The value of the constant 𝛼󸀠 is found
           experimentally to be around 0.93 GeV−2 for almost all mesons and baryons, whereas the
Ref. 188   value for 𝛼0 varies from particle to particle. The quark string tension is thus found to be

                                            𝑘 = 0.87 GeV/fm = 0.14 MN .                                          (83)
           7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                            231

           In other words, two quarks in a hadron attract each other with a force equal to the weight
           of two elephants: about 14 tons.
              Experiments are thus clear: the observed Chew-Frautschi plots, as well as several
           other observations not discussed here, are best described by a quark–quark potential that
           grows, above 1 fm, linearly with distance. The slope of the linear potential, the force, has
           a value equal to the force with which the Earth attracts two elephants. As a result, quarks
           never appear as free particles: quarks are always confined in hadrons. This situation is
           in contrast with QED, where the force between charges goes to zero for large distances;
           electric charges are thus not confined, but can exist as free particles. At large distances,
           the electric potential decreases in the well-known way, with the inverse of the distance.
Ref. 185   In contrast, for the strong interaction, experiments lead to a quark potential given by

                                                     4 𝛼sc ℏ𝑐
                                               𝑉=−            + 𝑘𝑟                                (84)
                                                     3 𝑟

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           where 𝑘 is the mentioned 0.87 GeV/fm, 𝛼sc is 0.2, and ℏ𝑐 is 0.1975 GeV/fm. The quark
           potential is illustrated in Figure 134.
               Even though experiments are clear, theoreticians face a problem. So far, neither
           the quark-quark potential nor the quark bound states can be deduced from the QCD
           Lagrangian with a simple approximation method. Nevertheless, complicated non-
           perturbative calculations show that the QCD Lagrangian does predict a force between
           two coloured particles that levels off at a constant value (corresponding to a linearly
           increasing potential). These calculations show that the old empirical approximations
           of hadrons as quarks connected by strings or a quarks in bags, shown in Figure 134,
           can indeed be deduced from the QCD Lagrangian. However, the calculations are too

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           complex to be summarized in a few lines. Independently, the constant force value has
           also been reproduced in computer calculations in which one simplifies space-time to a
           lattice and then approximates QCD by so-called lattice QCD or lattice gauge theory. Lat-
           tice calculations have further reproduced the masses of most mesons and baryons with
           reasonable accuracy. Using the most powerful computers available, these calculations
           have given predictions of the mass of the proton and other baryons within a few per
Ref. 192   cent. Discussing these complex and fascinating calculations lies outside the scope of this
           text, however.
               In fact, the challenge of explaining confinement in simple terms is so difficult that
           the brightest minds have been unable to solve it yet. This is not a surprise, as its solu-
           tion probably requires the unification of the interactions and, most probably, also the
           unification with gravity. We therefore leave this issue for the last part of our adventure.

           Asymptotic freed om
           QCD has another property that sets it apart form QED: the behaviour of its coupling with
           energy. In fact, there are three equivalent ways to describe the strong coupling strength.
           The first way is the quantity appearing in the QCD Lagrangian, 𝑔s . The second way is
           often used to define the equivalent quantity 𝛼𝑠 = 𝑔s2 /4π. Both 𝛼𝑠 and 𝑔s depend on the
           energy 𝑄 of the experiment. If they are known for one energy, they are known for all of
           them. Presently, the best experimental value is 𝛼𝑠 (𝑀𝑍 ) = 0.1185 ± 0.0010.
                     232                                                                 7 the strong interaction

                                                                        February 2007

                      α s(Q)
                                                     Deep inelastic scattering
                           0.4                       e+e– annihilation
                                                     Hadron collisions
                                                     Heavy quarkonia
                                                     QCD calculation


                           0.2                                                                  F I G U R E 136 The measured
                                                                                                and the calculated variation
                                                                                                of the strong coupling with

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                energy, showing the
                                                                                                precision of the QCD
                           0.1                                                                  Lagrangian and the
                                     α s ( M Z ) = 0.1185 ± 0.0010                              asymptotic freedom of the
                                                                                                strong interaction
                                 1                   10                     100                 (© Siegfried Bethke, updated
                                                          Q [G eV ]                             from Ref. 193).

                        The energy dependence of the strong coupling can be calculated with the standard
                     renormalization procedures and is expected to be

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 186, Ref. 188

                                       12π 1         (918 − 114𝑛𝑓 ) ln 𝐿                                     𝑄2
                        𝛼𝑠 (𝑄2 ) =              (1 −                     + ...)          where 𝐿 = ln                    (85)
                                     33 − 2𝑛𝑓 𝐿         (33 − 2𝑛𝑓 )2 𝐿                                      Λ2 (𝑛𝑓 )

                     where 𝑛𝑓 is the number of quarks with mass below the energy scale 𝑄, thus a number
                     between 3 and 6. (The expression has been expanded to many additional terms with the
                     help of computer algebra.)
                        The third way to describe the strong coupling is thus the energy parameter Λ(𝑛𝑓 ).
                     Experiments yield Λ(3) =230(60) GeV, Λ(4) =180(50) GeV and Λ(5) =120(30) GeV.
                        The accelerator experiments that measure the coupling are extremely involved, and
                     hundreds of people across the world have worked for many years to gather the relevant
                     data. The comparison of QCD and experiment, shown in Figure 136, does not show any
                     contradiction between the two.
                        Figure 136 and expression (85) illustrate what is called asymptotic freedom: 𝛼𝑠 de-
                     creases at high energies. In other words, at high energies quarks are freed from the strong
                     interaction; they behave as free particles.* As a result of asymptotic freedom, in QCD, a
                     perturbation expansion can be used only at energies much larger than Λ. Historically,

                     * Asymptotic freedom was discovered in 1972 by Gerard ’t Hooft; since he had received the Nobel Prize
                     already, the 2004 Prize was then given to the next people who highlighted it: David Gross, David Politzer
                     and Frank Wilczek, who studied it extensively in 1973.
           7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                               233

           the discovery of asymptotic freedom was essential to establish QCD as a theory of the
           strong interaction.
              Asymptotic freedom can be understood qualitatively if the situation is compared to
           QED. The electron coupling increases at small distances, because the screening due to the
           virtual electron-positron pairs has less and less effect. In QCD, the effective colour coup-
           ling also changes at small distances, due to the smaller number of virtual quark-antiquark
           pairs. However, the gluon properties lead to the opposite effect, an antiscreening that is
           even stronger: in total, the effective strong coupling decreases at small distances.

           The sizes and masses of quarks
           The size of quarks, like that of all elementary particles, is predicted to vanish by QCD, as in
           all quantum field theory. So far, no experiment has found any effect due to a finite quark
Ref. 194   size. Measurements show that quarks are surely smaller than 10−19 m. No size conjecture
           has been given by any hypothetical theory. Quarks are assumed point-like, or at most
           Planck-sized, in all descriptions so far.

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               We noted in several places that a neutral compound of charged particles is always
           less massive than its components. But if you look up the mass values for quarks in most
           tables, the masses of 𝑢 and 𝑑 quarks are only of the order of a few MeV/𝑐2 , whereas the
           proton’s mass is 938 MeV/c2 . What is the story here?
               It turns out that the definition of the mass is more involved for quarks than for other
           particles. Quarks are never found as free particles, but only in bound states. As a result,
           the concept of quark mass depends on the calculation framework one is using.
               Due to asymptotic freedom, quarks behave almost like free particles only at high ener-
           gies. The mass of such a ‘free’ quark is called the current quark mass; for the light quarks

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           it is only a few MeV/c2 , as shown in Table 17.
               At low energy, for example inside a proton, quarks are not free, but must carry along
           a large amount of energy due to the confinement process. As a result, bound quarks
           have a much larger effective, so-called constituent quark mass, which takes into account
           this confinement energy. To give an idea of the values, take a proton; the indeterminacy
           relation for a particle inside a sphere of radius 0.9 fm gives a momentum indeterminacy
           of around 190 MeV/c. In three dimensions this gives an energy of √3 times that value, or
           an effective, constituent quark mass of about 330 MeV/c2 . Three confined quarks are thus
           heavier than a proton, whose mass is 938 MeV/c2 ; we can thus still say that a compound
           proton is less massive than its constituents.
               In short, the mass of the proton and the neutron is (almost exclusively) the kinetic
Ref. 195   energy of the quarks inside them, as their rest mass is almost negligible. As Frank Wilczek
           says, some people put on weight even though they never eat anything heavy.
               But also the small current quark mass values for the up, down, strange and charmed
           quarks that appear in the QCD Lagrangian depend on the calculation framework that is
           used. The values of Table 17 are those for a renormalization scale of 2 GeV. For half that
Ref. 186   energy, the mass values increase by 35 %. The heavy quark masses are those used in the
           so-called 𝑀𝑆 scheme, a particular way to perform perturbation expansions.
            234                                                         7 the strong interaction

                                                                 F I G U R E 137 An illustration of a prolate
                                                                 (left) and an oblate (right) ellipsoidal shape
                                                                 (© Sam Derbyshire).

            The mass, shape and colour of protons
 Ref. 195   Frank Wilczek mentions that one of the main results of QCD, the theory of strong inter-
            actions, is to explain mass relations such as

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                             𝑚proton ∼ e−𝑘/𝛼 𝑚Planck   and 𝑘 = 11/2π , 𝛼unif = 1/25 .                     (86)

            Here, the value of the coupling constant 𝛼unif is taken at the grand unifying energy, a
Page 268    factor of 1000 below the Planck energy. (See the section of grand unification below.) In
            other words, a general understanding of masses of bound states of the strong interaction,
            such as the proton, requires almost purely a knowledge of the unification energy and the
            coupling constant at that energy. The approximate value 𝛼unif = 1/25 is an extrapolation
            from the low energy value, using experimental data. The proportionality factor 𝑘 in ex-

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            pression (86) is not easy to calculate. It is usually determined on computers using lattice
                But the mass is not the only property of the proton. Being a cloud of quarks and
            gluons, it also has a shape. Surprisingly, it took a long time before people started to be-
            come interested in this aspect. The proton, being made of two up quarks and one down
            quark, resembles a ionized 𝐻2+ molecule, where one electron forms a cloud around two
            protons. Obviously, the 𝐻2+ molecule is elongated, or prolate, as shown in Figure 137.
                Is the proton prolate? There is no spectroscopically measurable asphericity – or quad-
            rupole moment – of the proton. However, the proton has an intrinsic quadrupole mo-
            ment. The quadrupole moments of the proton and of the neutron are predicted to be
 Ref. 196   positive in all known calculation methods, implying an prolate shape. Recent measure-
            ments at Jefferson Laboratories confirm this prediction. A prolate shape is predicted for
            all 𝐽 = 1/2 baryons, in contrast to the oblate shape predicted for the 𝐽 = 3/2 baryons.
            The spin 0 pseudoscalar mesons are predicted to be prolate, whereas the spin 1 vector
            mesons are expected to be oblate.
                The shape of any molecule will depend on whether other molecules surround it. Re-
            cent research showed that similarly, both the size and the shape of the proton in nuclei
 Ref. 197   is slightly variable; both seem to depend on the nucleus in which the proton is built-in.
                Apart from shapes, molecules also have a colour. The colour of a molecule, like that
            of any object, is due to the energy absorbed when it is irradiated. For example, the 𝐻2+
            molecule can absorb certain light frequencies by changing to an excited state. Molecules
            change mass when they absorb light; the excited state is heavier than the ground state.
           7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                                                 235

                                        N (I=1/2)            Mass/(MeV/c2)             Δ (I=3/2)
                                  Experiment        Calculation          Calculation       Experiment
                                                                                                        H 3,11 (2420)
                                                                  2400                                  F 37 (2390)
                    G 19 (2250)                                                                         D 35 (2350)
                    H 19 (2220)                                                                         H 39 (2300)
                    D 15 (2200)
                    G 17 (2190)                                   2200
                    P 11 (2100)                                                                         S 31 (2150)
                    S 11 (2090)                                                                         F 35 (2000)
                    D 13 (2080)                                                                         F 37 (1950)
                    F 15 (2000)                                                                         D 33 (1940)
                                                                  2000                                  D 35 (1930)
                    F 17 (1990)
                                                                                                        P 33 (1920)
                    P 13 (1900)                                                                         P 31 (1910)
                    P 13 (1720)                                                                         F 35 (1905)
                    P 11 (1710)                                   1800                                  S 31 (1900)
                    D 13 (1700)                                                                         P 31 (1750)
                    F 15 (1680)                                                                         D 33 (1700)
                    D 15 (1675)
                    S 11 (1650)                                                                         S 31 (1620)
                                                                  1600                                  P 33 (1600)
                    S 11 (1535)
                    D 13 (1520)

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    P 11 (1440)

                                                                                                        P 33 (1232)

                    P 11 (939)

           F I G U R E 138 The mass spectrum of the excited states of the proton: experimental and calculated values
           (from Ref. 186).

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           In the same way, protons and neutrons can be excited. In fact, their excited states have
Ref. 186   been studied in detail; a summary, also showing the limitation of the approach, is shown
           in Figure 138. Many excitations can be explained as excited quarks states, but many more
           are predicted. The calculated masses agree with observations to within 10 %. The quark
           model and QCD thus structure and explain a large part of the baryon spectrum; but the
           agreement is not yet perfect.
              Obviously, in our everyday environment the energies necessary to excite nucleons do
           not appear – in fact, they do not even appear inside the Sun – and these excited states
           can be neglected. They only appear in particle accelerators and in cosmic rays. In a sense,
           we can say that in our corner of the universe, the colour of protons usually is not visible.

           Curiosities ab ou t the strong interaction
           In a well-known analogy, QCD can be compared to superconductivity. Table 18 gives an
           overview of the correspondence.
           The computer calculations necessary to extract particle data from the Lagrangian of
           quantum chromodynamics are among the most complex calculations ever performed.
           They beat weather forecasts, fluid simulations and the like by orders of magnitude.
           236                                                             7 the strong interaction

           TA B L E 18 Correspondence between QCD and superconductivity.

           QCD                                              Superconductivity

           Quark                                            magnetic monopole
           Colour force non-linearities                     Electron–lattice interaction
           Chromoelectric flux tube                         magnetic flux tube
           Gluon-gluon attraction                           electron–electron attraction
           Glueballs                                        Cooper pairs
           Instability of bare vacuum                       instability of bare Fermi surface
           Discrete centre symmetry                         continuous U(1) symmetry
           High temperature breaks symmetry                 low temperature breaks symmetry

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                                                                            F I G U R E 139 A three jet event
                                                                            observed at the PETRA collider in
                                                                            Hamburg in Germany. The event,
                                                                            triggered by an electron-positron
                                                                            collision, allowed detecting the
                                                                            decay of a gluon and measuring
                                                                            its spin (© DESY).

           Nobody knows whether this will be necessary also in the future: the race for a simple
           approximation method for finding solutions is still open.
           Even though gluons are massless, like photons and gravitons are, there is no colour ra-
           diation in nature. Gluons carry colour and couple to themselves; as a result, free gluons
           were predicted to directly decay into quark–antiquark pairs.
              In 1979, the first clear decays of gluons have been observed at the PETRA particle col-
Ref. 191   lider in Hamburg. The occurrence of certain events, called gluon jets, are due to the de-
           cay of high-energy gluons into narrow beams of particles. Gluon jets appear in coplanar
                  7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                            237

                  three-jet events. The observed rate and the other properties of these events confirmed
                  the predictions of QCD. Experiments at PETRA also determined the spin 𝑆 = 1 of the
                  gluon and the running of the strong coupling constant. The hero of those times was the
                  project manager Gustav-Adolf Voss, who completed the accelerator on budget and six
                  months ahead of schedule.
                  Something similar to colour radiation, but still stranger, might have been found in 1997.
                  It might be that a scalar meson with a mass of 1.5 GeV/c2 is a glueball. This is a hypothet-
                  ical meson composed of gluons only. Numerical results from lattice gauge theory seem
       Ref. 198   to confirm the possibility of a glueball in that mass range. The existence of glueballs is
                  hotly debated and still open.
                  There is a growing consensus that most light scalar mesons below 1 GeV/c2 , are

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
       Ref. 199   tetraquarks. In 2003, experiments provided also candidates for heavier tetraquarks,
                  namely the X(3872), Ds(2317) and Ds(2460). The coming years will show whether this
                  interpretation is correct.
                  Do particles made of five quarks, so-called pentaquarks, exist? So far, they seem to exist
                  only in a few laboratories in Japan, whereas in other laboratories across the world they
       Ref. 200   are not seen. Most researchers do not believe the results any more.

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Whenever we look at a periodic table of the elements, we look at a manifestation of the
                  strong interaction. The Lagrangian of the strong interaction describes the origin and
                  properties of the presently known 115 elements.
                      Nevertheless one central aspect of nuclei is determined by the electromagnetic in-
                  teraction. Why are there around 115 different elements? Because the electromagnetic
                  coupling constant 𝛼 is around 1/137.036. In more detail, the answer is the following. If
                  the charge of a nucleus were much higher than around 137, the electric field around nuc-
                  lei would lead to spontaneous electron–positron pair generation; the generated electron
                  would fall into the nucleus and transform one proton into a neutron, thus inhibiting a
                  larger proton number. The finite number of the elements is thus due to the electromag-
                  netic interaction.
                  To know more about radioactivity, its effects, its dangers and what a government can do
                  about it, see the English and German language site of the Federal Office for Radiation
                  Protection at
                  From the years 1990 onwards, it has regularly been claimed that extremely poor countries
Challenge 146 s   are building nuclear weapons. Why is this highly unlikely?
238                                                            7 the strong interaction

Historically, nuclear reactions provided the first test of the relation 𝐸 = 𝑐2 𝛾𝑚. This was
achieved in 1932 by Cockcroft and Walton. They showed that by shooting protons into
lithium one gets the reaction
                         3 Li   + 11 H → 84 Be → 42 He + 42 He + 17 MeV .               (87)

The measured energy on the right is exactly the same value that is derived from the dif-
ferences in total mass of the nuclei on both sides.
A large fraction of researchers say that QCD is defined by two parameters. Apart from the
coupling constant, they count also the strong CP parameter. Indeed, it might be that the
strong interaction violates CP invariance. This violation would be described by a second
term in the Lagrangian; its strength would be described by a second parameter, a phase

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
usually called 𝜃𝐶𝑃 . However, many high-precision experiments have been performed to
search for this effect, and no CP violation in the strong interaction has ever been detected.

A summary of QCD and its open issues
Quantum chromodynamics, the non-Abelian gauge theory based on the Lagrangian with
SU(3) symmetry, describes the properties of gluons and quarks, the properties of the
proton, the neutron and all other hadrons, the properties of atomic nuclei, the working
of the stars and the origin of the atoms inside us and around us. Without the strong
interaction, we would not have flesh and blood. And all these aspects of nature follow

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
from a single number, the strong coupling constant, and the SU(3) gauge symmetry.
   The strong interaction acts only on quarks and gluons. It conserves particle type, col-
our, electric charge, weak charge, spin, as well as C, P and T parity.
   QCD and experiment agree wherever comparisons have been made. QCD is a perfect
description of the strong interaction. The limitations of QCD are only conceptual. Like
in all of quantum field theory, also in the case of QCD the mathematical form of the
Lagrangian is almost uniquely defined by requiring renormalizability, Lorentz invari-
ance and gauge invariance – SU(3) in this case. We say ‘almost’, because the Lagrangian,
despite describing correctly all experiments, contains a few parameters that remain un-
— The number, 6, and the masses 𝑚𝑞 of the quarks are not explained by QCD.
— The coupling constant of the strong interaction 𝑔s , or equivalently, 𝛼𝑠 or Λ, is unex-
  plained. QCD predicts its energy dependence, but not its absolute value.
— Experimentally, the strong interaction is found to be CP conserving. This is not obvi-
  ous; the QCD Lagrangian assumes that any possible CP-violating term vanishes, even
  though there exist CP-violating Lagrangian terms that are Lorentz-invariant, gauge-
  invariant and renormalizable.
— The properties of space-time, in particular its Lorentz invariance, its continuity and
  the number of its dimensions are assumed from the outset and are obviously all un-
  explained in QCD.
7 inside nuclei and nucleons                                                       239

— It is also not known how QCD has to be modified in strong gravity, thus in strongly
  curved space-time.
We will explore ways to overcome these limits in the last part of our adventure. Before
we do that, we have a look at the other nuclear interaction observed in nature.

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Chapter 8


      he weirdest interaction in nature is the weak interaction. The weak interaction
      ransforms elementary particles into each other, has radiation particles
      hat have mass, violates parity and treats right and left differently. Fortunately,
we do not experience the weak interaction in our everyday life, as its properties violate

                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
much of what we normally experience. This contrast makes the weak interaction the
most fascinating of the four interactions in nature.

Transformation of elementary particles
Radioactivity, in particular the so-called β decay, is a bizarre phenomenon. Experiments
in the 1910s showed that when β sources emit electrons, atoms are transformed from one
chemical element to another. For example, experiments such as those of Figure 140 show
that tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, decays into helium as

                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                  1H   → 32 He + 𝑒− + 𝜈e .                            (88)

In fact, new elements appear in all β decays. In the 1930s it became clear that the trans-
formation process is due to a neutron in the nucleus changing into a proton (and more):

                                     𝑛 → 𝑝 + 𝑒− + 𝜈 e .                               (89)

This reaction explains all β decays. In the 1960s, the quark model showed that β decay is
in fact due to a down quark changing to an up quark:

                                     𝑑 → 𝑢 + 𝑒− + 𝜈 e .                               (90)

This reaction explains the transformation of a neutron – a 𝑢𝑑𝑑 state – into a proton –
a 𝑢𝑢𝑑 state. In short, matter particles can transform into each other. We note that this
transformation differs from what occurs in other nuclear processes. In fusion, fission or α
decay, even though nuclei change, every neutron and every proton retains its nature. In β
decay, elementary particles are not immutable. The dream of Democritus and Leucippus
about immutable basic building blocks is definitely not realized in nature.
   Experiments show that quark transformations cannot be achieved with the help of
electromagnetic fields, nor with the help of gluon fields, nor with the help of gravita-
tion. There must be another type of radiation in nature, and thus another, fourth in-
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                                                      241


                                       Count rate (arbitrary units)
                                                                      1.0                             neutron          proton
                                                                                                      u d                u d
                                                                                                       d                  u
                                                                                                                 W         e

                                                                       0                                        time
                                                                            0   5     10    15   20
                                                                                 Energy (keV)

           F I G U R E 140 β decay (beta decay) in tritium: a modern, tritium-powered illuminated watch, the
           measured continuous energy spectrum of the emitted electrons from tritium, and the process occurring
           in the tritium nucleus (© Traser, Katrin collaboration).

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           teraction. Chemical transformations are also rare, otherwise we would not be running
           around with a constant chemical composition. The fourth interaction is therefore weak.
           Since the transformation processes were observed in the nucleus first, the interaction
           was named the weak nuclear interaction.
              In β decay, the weak nuclear interaction transforms quarks into each other. In fact,
           the weak nuclear interaction can also transform leptons into each other, such as muons
           into electrons. But where does the energy released in β decay go to? Measurements in
           1911 showed that the energy spectrum of the emitted electron is continuous. This is il-

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           lustrated in Figure 140. How can this be? In 1930, Wolfgang Pauli had the courage and
           genius to explain this observation with a daring hypothesis: the energy of the decay is
           split between the electron and a new, truly astonishing particle, the neutrino – more pre-
           cisely, the electron anti-neutrino 𝜈ē . In order to agree with data, the neutrino must be
           uncharged, cannot interact strongly, and must be of very low mass. As a result, neut-
           rinos interact with ordinary matter only extremely rarely, and usually fly through the
           Earth without being affected. This property makes their detection very difficult, but not
           impossible; the first neutrino was finally detected in 1952. Later on, it was discovered that
           there are three types of neutrinos, now called the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino
           and the tau neutrino, each with its own antiparticle. For the summary of these experi-
Page 242   mental efforts, see Table 19.

           The weakness of the weak nuclear interaction
           From the observation of β decay, and helped by the quark model, physicists quickly con-
           cluded that there must be an intermediate particle that carries the weak nuclear interac-
           tion, similar to the photon that carries the electromagnetic interaction. This ‘weak radi-
           ation’, in contrast to all other types of radiation, consists of massive particles.

              ⊳ There are two types of weak radiation particles: the neutral Z boson with
                a mass of 91.2 GeV – that is the roughly mass of a silver atom – and the
                electrically charged W boson with a mass of 80.4 GeV.
242                                                      8 the weak nuclear interaction

TA B L E 19 The leptons: the three neutrinos and the three charged leptons (antiparticles have opposite
charge Q and parity P).

Neutrino Mass 𝑚                      Spin 𝐽 Colour;                C h a r g e 𝑄,          L epton
         a n d d e c ay              pa r i t y p o s s i b l e    i s o s p i n 𝐼,        number
         (see text)                  𝑃          weak be -          s t r a n g eness 𝑆,    𝐿,
                                                h av i o u r       charm 𝐶, beauty         baryon
                                                                   𝐵󸀠 , topness 𝑇          number
Electron        < 2 eV/𝑐2 ,           2
                                                  white; singlet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0         1, 0
neutrino 𝜈𝑒     oscillates                        doublet
Muon            < 2 eV/𝑐2 ,           2
                                                  white; singlet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0         1, 0
neutrino 𝜈𝑒     oscillates                        doublet
Tau             < 2 eV/𝑐2 ,           2
                                                  white; singlet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0         1, 0
neutrino 𝜈𝑒     oscillates                        doublet

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Electron 𝑒                            2
                                                  white; singlet, −1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0        1, 0
                0.510 998 928(11)                 doublet
                   MeV/𝑐2 , stable
Muon 𝜇          105.658 3715(35)      2
                                                  white; singlet, −1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0        1, 0
                   MeV/𝑐2 ,                       doublet
                c. 99 % 𝑒𝜈𝑒 𝜈𝜇
Tau 𝜏           1.776 82(16)          2
                                                  white; singlet, −1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0        1, 0
                   GeV/𝑐2 ,                       doublet
                c. 17 % 𝜇𝜈𝜇 𝜈𝜏 ,
                c. 18 % 𝑒𝜈𝑒 𝜈𝜏

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Together, the W and Z bosons are also called the weak vector bosons, or the weak inter-
mediate bosons.
    The masses of the weak vector bosons are so large that free weak radiation exists only
for an extremely short time, about 0.1 ys; then the bosons decay. The large mass is the
reason that the weak interaction is extremely short range and thus extremely weak. In-
deed, any exchange of virtual carrier particles scales with the negative exponential of the
intermediate particle’s mass. A few additional properties are given in Table 20. In fact,
the weak interaction is so weak that neutrinos, particles which interact only weakly, have
a large probability to fly through the Sun without any interaction.
    The existence of a massive charged intermediate vector boson, today called the W, was
already deduced and predicted in the 1940s; but theoretical physicists did not accept the
idea until the Dutch physicists Martin Veltman and Gerard ’t Hooft proved that it was
possible to have such a mass without having problems in the rest of the theory. For this
proof they later received the Nobel Prize in Physics – after experiments confirmed their
    The existence of an additional massive neutral intermediate vector boson, the Z boson,
was predicted only much after the W boson, by Salam, Weinberg and Glashow. Experi-
mentally, the Z boson was first observed as a virtual particle in 1973 at CERN in Geneva.
The discovery was made by looking, one by one, at over 700 000 photographs made at
8 and the handedness of nature                                                                         243

TA B L E 20 The intermediate vector bosons of the weak interaction (the Z boson is its own antiparticle;
the W boson has an antiparticle of opposite charge).

Boson           Mass 𝑚                Spin 𝐽       C o l o u r ; C h a r g e 𝑄,               L epton
                                                   w e a k b e - i s o s p i n 𝐼,             number
                                                   h a v i o u r s t r a n g eness 𝑆,         𝐿,
                                                                 charm 𝐶, beauty              baryon
                                                                 𝐵󸀠 , topness 𝑇               number

Z boson         91.1876(21)           1            white;           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0          0, 0
                  GeV/𝑐2                           ‘triplet’
W boson         80.398(25)            1            white;           1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0          0, 0
                  GeV/𝑐2                           ‘triplet’

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F I G U R E 141 The first observation of a virtual Z boson: only neutral weak currents allow that a neutrino
collides with an electron in the bubble chamber and leaves again (© CERN).

the Gargamelle bubble chamber. Only a few interesting pictures were found; the most
famous one is shown in Figure 141.
   In 1983, CERN groups produced and detected the first real W and Z bosons. This ex-
periment was a five-year effort by thousands of people working together. The results are
244                                                     8 the weak nuclear interaction

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F I G U R E 142 Top: the SPS, the proton–antiproton accelerator and collider at CERN, with 7 km
circumference, that was used to make the first observations of real W and Z bosons. Bottom: the
beautifully simple Z observation made with LEP, the successor machine (© CERN)
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                                       245

           F I G U R E 143 A measurement of the W boson mass at LEP (© CERN)

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           summarized in Table 20. The energetic manager of the project, Carlo Rubbia, whose bad
           temper made his secretaries leave, on average, after three weeks, and the chief technolo-
           gist, Simon van der Meer, received the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery. This
           again confirmed the ‘law’ of nature that bosons are discovered in Europe and fermions
           in America. The simplest data that show the Z and W bosons is shown in Figure 142 and
           Figure 143; both results are deduced from the cross section of electron-positron collisions
           at LEP, a decade after the original discovery.
              In the same way that photons are emitted by accelerated electric charges, W and Z

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           bosons are emitted by accelerated weak charges. Due to the high mass of the W and Z
           bosons, the required accelerations are very high, so that they are only found in certain
           nuclear decays and in particle collisions. Nevertheless, the W and Z bosons are, apart
           from their mass and their weak charge, similar to the photon in most other aspects. In
           particular, the W and the Z are observed to be elementary. For example, the W gyromag-
Ref. 186   netic ratio has the value predicted for elementary particles.

           Distinguishing left from right
           Another weird characteristic of the weak interaction is the non-conservation of parity
           P under spatial inversion. The weak interaction distinguishes between mirror systems;
           this is in contrast to everyday life, to gravitation, to electromagnetism, and to the strong
           interaction. The non-conservation of parity by the weak interaction had been predicted
           by 1956 by Lee Tsung-Dao and Yang Chen Ning in order to explain the ability of 𝐾0
           mesons to decay sometimes into 2 pions, which have even parity, and sometimes into 3
Ref. 202   pions, which have odd parity.
              Lee and Yang suggested an experiment to Wu Chien-Shiung* The experiment she
           performed with her team is shown schematically in Figure 144. A few months after the

           * Wu Chien-Shiung (b. 1912 Shanghai, d. 1997 New York) was called ‘madame Wu’ by her colleagues. She
           was a bright and driven physicist born in China. She worked also on nuclear weapons; later in life she was
           president of the American Physical Society.
           246                                                      8 the weak nuclear interaction

            Observed situation :                                 Situation after spatial inversion P,
                                                                 not observed:

                                          ν spin S=1/2

                                          most ν momenta                                  most e

                                         J=5 (Co), then 4 (Ni)
            Mag-                                                 Mag-
            netic                   nucleus                      netic                 nucleus
            field                                                field
            B           then              virtual W– spin S=1    B

                                          most el. momenta                                most ν

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                          electron spin S=1/2

                            Magnetic field                                     Magnetic field
                            and most electron                                  and most electron
                            motion are                                         motion would
                            antiparallel                                       be parallel

           F I G U R E 144 The measured behaviour of β decay, and its imagined, but unobserved behaviour under
           spatial inversion P (corresponding to a mirror reflection plus subsequent rotation by π around an axis
           perpendicular to the mirror plane).

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           first meetings with Lee and Yang, Wu and her team found that in the β decay of cobalt
           nuclei aligned along a magnetic field, the electrons are emitted mostly against the spin of
           the nuclei. In the experiment with inversed parity, the electrons would be emitted along
           the spin direction; however, this case is not observed. Parity is violated. This earned Lee
           and Yang a Nobel Prize in 1957.
               Parity is thus violated in the weak interaction. Parity violation does not only occur in
           β decay. Parity violation has been found in muon decay and in every other weak process
           studied so far. In particular, when two electrons collide, those collisions that are medi-
           ated by the weak interaction behave differently in a mirror experiment. The number of
Ref. 203   experiments showing this increases from year to year. In 2004, two polarized beams of
           electrons – one left-handed and one right-handed – were shot at a matter target and the
           reflected electrons were counted. The difference was 0.175 parts per million – small, but
           measurable. The experiment also confirmed the predicted weak charge of −0.046 of the
               A beautiful consequence of parity violation is its influence on the colour of certain
Ref. 204   atoms. This prediction was made in 1974 by Bouchiat and Bouchiat. The weak interac-
           tion is triggered by the weak charge of electrons and nuclei; therefore, electrons in atoms
           do not exchange only virtual photons with the nucleus, but also virtual Z particles. The
           chance for this latter process is extremely small, around 10−11 times smaller than for ex-
                  8 and the handedness of nature                                                            247

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                         F I G U R E 145 Wu Chien-Shiung (1912
                                                                         –1997) at her parity-violation

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                  change of virtual photons. But since the weak interaction is not parity conserving, this
                  process allows electron transitions which are impossible by purely electromagnetic ef-
                  fects. In 1984, measurements confirmed that certain optical transitions of caesium atoms
                  that are impossible via the electromagnetic interaction, are allowed when the weak inter-
       Ref. 205   action is taken into account. Several groups have improved these results and have been
                  able to confirm the calculations based on the weak interaction properties, including the
       Ref. 206   weak charge of the nucleus, to within a few per cent.
                     The weak interaction thus allows one to distinguish left from right. Nature contains
                  processes that differ from their mirror version. In short, particle physics has shown that
                  nature is (weakly) left-handed.
                     The left-handedness of nature is to be taken literally. All experiments confirmed two
Challenge 147 e   central statements on the weak interaction that can be already guessed from Figure 144.

                     ⊳ The weak interaction only couples to left-handed particles and to right-
                       handed antiparticles. Parity is maximally violated in the weak interaction.

                     ⊳ All neutrinos observed so far are left-handed, and all antineutrinos are right-

                  This result can only hold if neutrino masses vanish or are negligibly small. These two
                  experimental results fix several aspects of the Lagrangian of the weak interaction.
                  248                                                       8 the weak nuclear interaction

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 146 A map of the intensity distribution of the 3(2) ⋅ 1025 antineutrinos between 0 and 11 MeV
                  radiated every second from the Earth. Around 99 % of the flux is from natural sources and around 1 %
                  from civil and military nuclear processing plants and reactors. The map is from, thus
                  cannot be completely trusted about the human sources.

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Distinguishing particles and antiparticles, CP violation
                  In the weak interaction, the observation that only right-handed particles and left-handed
                  antiparticles are affected has an important consequence: it implies a violation of charge
Challenge 148 e   conjugation parity C. Observations of muons into electrons shows this most clearly: anti-
                  muon decay differs from muon decay. The weak interaction distinguishes particles from

                     ⊳ Experiments show that C parity, like P parity, is maximally violated in the
                       weak interaction.

                  Also this effect has been confirmed in all subsequent observations ever performed on
                  the weak interaction. But that is not all. In 1964, a now famous observation was made by
                  Val Fitch and James Cronin in the decay of the neutral K mesons.

                     ⊳ The weak interaction also violates the combination of parity inversion with
                       particle-antiparticle symmetry, the so-called CP invariance. In contrast to P
                       violation and C violation, which are maximal, CP violation is a tiny effect.

                  The experiment, shown in Figure 147 earned them the Nobel Prize in 1980. CP violation
8 and the handedness of nature                                                                       249

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F I G U R E 147 Top: the experimental set-up for measuring the behaviour of neutral K meson decay.
Bottom: the measured angular dependence; the middle graph shows a peak at the right side that
would not appear if CP symmetry would not be violated (© Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nobel
250                                                       8 the weak nuclear interaction

      The electroweak Feynman diagrams (without the Higgs boson)

             q‘          W or Z or γ      W             Z or γ           W   Z or γ or Z

                    q‘                             W                     W   Z or γ or γ
             l‘            Z or γ         ν             W                W   W

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    l‘                             l                     W   W

      q’ and l’ indicate quark and lepton mixing

F I G U R E 148 The essence of the electroweak interaction Lagrangian.

has also been observed in neutral B mesons, in several different processes and reactions.
The search for other manifestations of CP violation, such as in non-vanishing electric

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dipole moments of elementary particles, is an intense research field. The search is not
simple because CP violation is a small effect in an already very weak interaction; this
tends to makes experiments large and expensive.
   Since the weak interaction violates CP invariance, it also violates motion (or time)
reversal T.

   ⊳ But like all gauge theories, the weak interaction does not violate the com-
     bined CPT symmetry: it is CPT invariant.

If CPT would be violated, the masses, lifetimes and magnetic moments of particles and
antiparticles would differ. That is not observed.

Weak charge and mixings
All weak interaction processes can be described by the Feynman diagrams of Figure 148.
But a few remarks are necessary. First of all, the W and Z act only on left-handed fermion
and on right-handed anti-fermions. Secondly, the weak interaction conserves a so-called
weak charge 𝑇3 , also called weak isospin. The three quarks u, c and t, as well as the three
neutrinos, have weak isospin 𝑇3 = 1/2; the other three quarks and the charged leptons
have weak isospin 𝑇3 = −1/2. In an idealized, SU(2)-symmetric world, the three vec-
tor bosons 𝑊+ , 𝑊0 , 𝑊− would have weak isospin values 1, 0 and −1 and be massless.
However, a few aspects complicate the issue.
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                             251

              First of all, it turns out that the quarks appearing in Figure 148 are not those of the
           strong interaction: there is a slight difference, due to quark mixing. Secondly, also neut-
           rinos mix. And thirdly, the vector bosons are massive and break the SU(2) symmetry of
           the imagined idealized world; the Lie group SU(2) is not an exact symmetry of the weak
           interaction, and the famous Higgs boson has mass. We now explore these aspects in this
              Surprisingly, the weak interaction eigenstates of the quarks are not the same as
           the mass eigenstates. This discovery by Nicola Cabibbo is described by the so-called
           Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa or CKM mixing matrix. The matrix is defined by

                                                  𝑑󸀠             𝑑
                                                 ( 𝑠󸀠 ) = (𝑉𝑖𝑗) ( 𝑠 ) .                              (91)
                                                  𝑏󸀠             𝑏

           where, by convention, the states of the +2/3 quarks (𝑢, 𝑐, 𝑡) are unmixed. In its standard

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           parametrization, the CKM matrix reads

                                     𝑐12 𝑐13                       𝑠12 𝑐13              𝑠13 e−𝑖𝛿13
                       𝑉 = (−𝑠12 𝑐23 − 𝑐12 𝑠23 𝑠13 e𝑖𝛿13  𝑐12 𝑐23 − 𝑠12 𝑠23 𝑠13 e𝑖𝛿13    𝑠23 𝑐13 )   (92)
                             𝑠12 𝑠23 − 𝑐12 𝑐23 𝑠13 e𝑖𝛿13 −𝑐12 𝑠23 − 𝑠12 𝑐23 𝑠13 e𝑖𝛿13    𝑐23 𝑐13

           where 𝑐𝑖𝑗 = cos 𝜃𝑖𝑗 , 𝑠𝑖𝑗 = sin 𝜃𝑖𝑗 and 𝑖 and 𝑗 label the generation (1 ⩽ 𝑖, 𝑗 ⩽ 3). In the
           limit 𝜃23 = 𝜃13 = 0, i.e., when only two generations mix, the only remaining parameter
           is the angle 𝜃12 , called the Cabibbo angle, which was introduced when only the first two

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           generations of fermions were known. The phase 𝛿13 , lying between 0 and 2π, is different
           from zero in nature, and expresses the fact that CP invariance is violated in the case of the
           weak interactions. It appears in the third column and shows that CP violation is related
           to the existence of (at least) three generations.
               The CP violating phase 𝛿13 is usually expressed with the Jarlskog invariant, defined
           as 𝐽 = sin 𝜃12 sin 𝜃13 sin 𝜃23 cos 𝜃12 cos 𝜃13 cos 𝜃23 sin 𝛿13 . This expression is independent
           of the definition of the phase angles; it was discovered by Cecilia Jarlskog, an important
Ref. 207   Swedish particle physicist. Its measured value is 𝐽 = 2.96(20) ⋅ 10−5 .
               The CKM mixing matrix is predicted to be unitary. The unitarity has been confirmed
Ref. 186   by all experiments so far. The 90 % confidence upper and lower limits for the magnitude
           of the complex CKM matrix 𝑉 are given by

                                     0.97428(15) 0.2253(7)  0.00347(16)
                              |𝑉| = ( 0.2252(7) 0.97345(16) 0.0410(11) ) .                           (93)
                                     0.00862(26) 0.0403(11) 0.999152(45)

           The values have been determined in dozens of experiments by thousands of physicists.
              Also neutrinos mix, in the same way as the d, s and b quarks. The determination of the
           matrix elements is not as complete as for the quark case. This is an intense research field.
           Like for quarks, also for neutrinos the mass eigenstates and the flavour eigenstates differ.
           There is a dedicated neutrino mixing matrix, called the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–
           252                                              8 the weak nuclear interaction

           Sakata mixing matrix or PMNS mixing matrix, with 4 angles for massive neutrinos (it
           would have 6 angles if neutrinos were massless). In 2012, the measured matrix values
                                     0.82           0.55        −0.15 + 0.038𝑖
                         𝑃 = (−0.36 + 0.020𝑖 0.70 + 0.013𝑖            0.61    ) .          (94)
                                 0.44 + 0.026𝑖 −0.45 + 0.017𝑖         0.77

           Many experiments are trying to measure these parameters with higher precision.

           Symmetry breaking – and the lack of electroweak unification
           The intermediate W and Z bosons are massive and their masses differ. Thus, the weak
           interaction does not show a SU(2) symmetry. In addition, electromagnetic and weak
           processes mix.
              Beautiful research in the 1960s showed that the mixing of the electromagnetic and the
           weak interactions can be described by an ‘electroweak’ coupling constant 𝑔 and a weak

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Ref. 186   mixing angle 𝜃𝑊 . The mixing angle describes the strength of the breaking of the SU(2)
              It needs to be stressed that in contrast to what is usually said and written, the weak
           and the electromagnetic interactions do not unify. They have never been unified. Despite
           the incessant use of the term ‘electroweak unification’ since several decades, the term is
           wrong. The electromagnetic and the weak interactions are two independent interactions,
           with two coupling constants, that mix. But they do not unify. Even though the Nobel
           Prize committee used the term ‘unification’, the relevant Nobel Prize winners confirm
           that the term is not correct.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              ⊳ The electromagnetic and the weak interaction have not been unified. Their
                mixing has been elucidated.

              The usual electromagnetic coupling constant 𝑒 is related to the ‘electroweak’ coupling
           𝑔 and the mixing angle 𝜃w by
                                                𝑒 = 𝑔 sin 𝜃w ,                                  (95)

           which at low four-momentum transfers is the fine structure constant with the value
           1/137.036. The electroweak coupling constant 𝑔 also defines the historically defined Fermi
           constant 𝐺F by
                                                      𝑔2 √2
                                                 𝐺F =      2
                                                              .                                  (96)

           The broken SU(2) symmetry implies that in the real world, in contrast to the ideal SU(2)
           world, the intermediate vector bosons are

           — the massless, neutral photon, given as 𝐴 = 𝐵 cos 𝜃𝑊 + 𝑊3 sin 𝜃𝑊 ;
           — the massive neutral Z boson, given as 𝑍 = −𝐵 sin 𝜃𝑊 + 𝑊3 cos 𝜃𝑊 ;
           — the massive charged W bosons, given as 𝑊± = (𝑊1 ∓ 𝑖𝑊2 )/√2 .

           Together, the mixing of the electromagnetic and weak interactions as well as the breaking
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                             253

           of the SU(2) symmetry imply that the electromagnetic coupling 𝑒, the weak coupling 𝑔
           and the intermediate boson masses by the impressive relation

                                                   𝑚𝑊 2   𝑒 2
                                               (      ) +( ) =1.                                    (97)
                                                   𝑚𝑍     𝑔

           The relation is well verified by experiments.
              The mixing of the electromagnetic and weak interactions also suggests the existence
           of a scalar, elementary Higgs boson. This prediction, from the year 1963, was made by
Ref. 208   Peter Higgs and a number of other particles physicists, who borrowed ideas that Yoichiro
           Nambu and, above all, Philip Anderson introduced in solid state physics. The Higgs bo-
           son maintains the unitarity of longitudinal boson scattering at energies of a few TeV and
           influences the mass of all other elementary particles. In 2012, the Higgs boson has finally
           been observed in two large experiments at CERN.

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           The L agrangian of the weak and electromagnetic interactions
           If we combine the observed properties of the weak interaction mentioned above, namely
           its observed Feynman diagrams, its particle transforming ability, P and C violation, quark
           mixing, neutrino mixing and symmetry breaking, we arrive at the full Lagrangian dens-
           ity. It is given by:

                                           𝑔𝑚𝑘 𝐻
            LE&W = ∑𝑘 𝜓𝑘 (𝑖∂/ − 𝑚𝑘 −        2𝑚𝑊
                                                 )𝜓𝑘                       } 1. fermion mass terms
                        −𝑒 ∑𝑘 𝑞𝑘 𝜓𝑘 𝛾 𝜓𝑘 𝐴 𝜇                               } 2. e.m. interaction

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        −         ∑𝑘 𝜓𝑘 𝛾𝜇 (1 − 𝛾5 )(𝑇+ 𝑊𝜇+ + 𝑇− 𝑊𝜇− )𝜓𝑘   } 3. charged weak currents
                        − 2 cos 𝜃 ∑𝑘 𝜓𝑘 𝛾𝜇 (𝑔𝑉𝑘 − 𝑔𝐴𝑘 𝛾5 )𝜓𝑘 𝑍𝜇            } 4. neutral weak currents

                        − 14 𝐹𝜇𝜈 𝐹𝜇𝜈                                       } 5. electromagnetic field
                        − 12 𝑊𝜇𝜈+
                                  𝑊−𝜇𝜈 − 14 𝑍𝜇𝜈 𝑍𝜇𝜈                        } 6. weak W and Z fields
                        +𝑚2𝑊 𝑊+ 𝑊− + 12 𝑚2𝑍 𝑍2                             } 7. W and Z mass terms
                        −𝑔𝑊𝑊𝐴 − 𝑔𝑊𝑊𝑍                                       } 8. cubic interaction
                        − 4 (𝑊4 + 𝑍4 + 𝑊2 𝐹2 + 𝑍2 𝐹2 )                     } 9. quartic interaction
                        + 12 (∂𝜇 𝐻)(∂𝜇 𝐻) − 12 𝑚2𝐻 𝐻2                      } 10. Higgs boson mass
                           𝑔𝑚2       𝑔2 𝑚2
                        − 4𝑚 𝐻 𝐻3 − 32𝑚2𝐻 𝐻4                               } 11. Higgs self-interaction
                              𝑊           𝑊
                        +(𝑔𝑚𝑊𝐻 + 4 𝐻2 )(𝑊𝜇+ 𝑊−𝜇 + 2 cos12 𝜃 𝑍𝜇 𝑍𝜇 )    } 12. Higgs–W and Z int.
           The terms in the Lagrangian are easily associated to the Feynman diagrams of Figure 148:
           1. this term describes the inertia of every object around us, yields the motion of fermi-
              ons, and represents the kinetic energy of the quarks and leptons, as it appears in the
              usual Dirac equation, modified by the so-called Yukawa coupling to the Higgs field
              𝐻 and possibly by a Majorana term for the neutrinos (not shown);
254                                                 8 the weak nuclear interaction

2. the second term describes the well-known interaction of matter and electromagnetic
   radiation, and explains practically all material properties and colours observed in
   daily life;
3. the term is the so-called charged weak current interaction, due to exchange of virtual
   W bosons, that is responsible for the β decay and for the fact that the Sun is shining;
4. this term is the neutral weak current interaction, the ‘𝑉 − 𝐴 theory’ of George Sudar-
   shan, that explains the elastic scattering of neutrinos in matter;
5. this term represents the kinetic energy of photons and yields the evolution of the
   electromagnetic field in vacuum, thus the basic Maxwell equations;
6. this term represents the kinetic energy of the weak radiation field and gives the evolu-
   tion of the intermediate W and Z bosons of the weak interaction;
7. this term is the kinetic energy of the vector bosons;
8. this term represents the triple vertex of the self-interaction of the vector boson;
9. this term represents the quadruple vertex of the self-interaction of the vector boson;
10. this term is the kinetic energy of Higgs boson;

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
11. this term is the self-interaction of the Higgs boson;
12. the last term is expected to represent the interaction of the vector bosons with the
   Higgs boson that restore unitarity at high energies.
Let us look into the formal details. The quantities appearing in the Lagrangian are:
— The wave functions 𝜓𝑘 = (𝜈𝑘󸀠 𝑙𝑘− ) for leptons and (𝑢𝑘 𝑑󸀠𝑘 ) for quarks are the left-handed
  fermion fields of the 𝑘-th fermion generation; every component is a spinor. The index
  𝑘 = 1, 2, 3 numbers the generation: the value 1 corresponds to (u d 𝜈𝑒 𝑒− ), the second
  generation is (c s 𝜈𝜇 𝜇− ) and the third (t b 𝜈𝜏 𝜏− ). The 𝜓𝑘 transform as doublets under
  SU(2); the right handed fields are SU(2) singlets.

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     In the doublets, one has
                                         𝑑󸀠𝑘 = ∑ 𝑉𝑘𝑙 𝑑𝑙 ,                                 (99)

      where 𝑉𝑘𝑙 is the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa mixing matrix, 𝑑󸀠𝑘 are the quark fla-
      vour eigenstates and 𝑑𝑘 are the quark mass eigenstates. A similar expression holds for
      the mixing of the neutrinos:
                                          𝜈𝑘󸀠 = ∑ 𝑃𝑘𝑙 𝜈𝑙 ,                            (100)

  where 𝑃𝑘𝑙 is the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata mixing matrix, 𝜈𝑙󸀠 the neutrino
  flavour eigenstates and 𝜈𝑙 the neutrino mass eigenstates.
— For radiation, 𝐴𝜇 and 𝐹𝜇𝜈 is the field of the massless vector boson of the electromag-
  netic field, the photon γ.
      𝑊𝜇± are the massive charged gauge vector bosons of the weak interaction; the cor-
  responding particles, 𝑊+ and 𝑊− , are each other’s antiparticles.
      𝑍𝜇 is the field of the massive neutral gauge vector boson of the weak interactions;
  the neutral vector boson itself is usually called Z0 .
— 𝐻 is the field of the neutral scalar Higgs boson H0 , the only elementary scalar particle
  in the standard model.
— Two charges appear, one for each interaction. The number 𝑞𝑘 is the well-known elec-
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                          255

              tric charge of the particle 𝜓𝑘 in units of the positron charge. The number 𝑡3𝐿 (𝑘) is the
              weak isospin, or weak charge, of fermion 𝑘, whose value is +1/2 for 𝑢𝑘 and 𝜈𝑘 and is
              −1/2 for 𝑑𝑘 and 𝑙𝑘 . These two charges together define the so-called vector coupling

                                             𝑔𝑉𝑘 = 𝑡3𝐿 (𝑘) − 2𝑞𝑘 sin2 𝜃𝑊                         (101)

              and the axial coupling
                                                    𝑔𝐴𝑘 = 𝑡3𝐿 (𝑘) .                              (102)

             The combination 𝑔𝑉𝑘 − 𝑔𝐴𝑘 , or 𝑉 − 𝐴 for short, expresses the maximal violation of P
             and C parity in the weak interaction.
           — The operators 𝑇+ and 𝑇− are the weak isospin raising and lowering operators. Their
             action on a field is given e.g. by 𝑇+ 𝑙𝑘− = 𝜈𝑘 and 𝑇− 𝑢𝑘 = 𝑑𝑘 .

           We see that the Lagrangian indeed contains all the ideas developed above. The elec-

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           troweak Lagrangian is essentially unique: it could not have a different mathematical form,
           because both the electromagnetic terms and the weak terms are fixed by the requirements
           of Lorentz invariance, U(1) and broken SU(2) gauge invariance, permutation symmetry
           and renormalizability.
              The Lagrangian of the weak interaction has been checked and confirmed by thou-
           sands of experiments. Many experiments have been designed specifically to probe it to
           the highest precision possible. In all these cases, no contradictions between observation
Ref. 186   and theory has ever been found. Even though the last three terms of the Lagrangian are
           not fully confirmed, this is – most probably – the exact Lagrangian of the weak interac-

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           Curiosities ab ou t the weak interaction
           The weak interaction, with its breaking of parity and its elusive neutrino, exerts a deep
Ref. 209   fascination on all those who have explored it. Let us explore this fascination a bit more.
           The weak interaction is required to have an excess of matter over antimatter. Without the
           parity violation of the weak interactions, there would be no matter at all in the universe,
           because all matter and antimatter that appeared in the big bang would have annihilated.
           The weak interaction prevents the symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is
           required to have an excess of one over the other in the universe. In short, the parity
           violation of the weak interaction is a necessary condition for our own existence.
           The weak interaction is also responsible for the heat produced inside the Earth. This
           heat keeps the magma liquid. As a result, the weak interaction, despite its weakness, is
           responsible for most earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
           The Lagrangian of the weak interaction was clarified by Steven Weinberg, Sheldon
            256                                                  8 the weak nuclear interaction

            Glashow and Abdus Salam. They received the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics for their work.
                Abdus Salam (b. 1926 Santokdas, d. 1996 Oxford) was a physics genius, the greatest
            Pakistani scientist by far, an example to many scientists across the world, the first muslim
            science Nobel-Prize winner, and a deeply spiritual man. In his Nobel banquet speech he
            explained: ‘This, in effect, is the faith of all physicists: the deeper we seek, the more is our
            wonder excited, the more is the dazzlement for our gaze.’ Salam often connected his re-
            search to the spiritual aspects of Islam. Once he was asked in Pakistani television why he
            believed in unification of physics. He answered: ‘Because god is one!’ When the parlia-
            ment of Pakistan, in one of the great injustices of the twentieth century, declared Ahmadi
            Muslims to be non-Muslims and thus effectively started a religious persecution, Salam
            left Pakistan and never returned. The religious persecution continues to this day: on his
            tombstone in Pakistan, the word ‘muslim’ has been hammered away, and the internet
            is full of offensive comments about him by other muslims, even on Wikipedia. Salam
            was also an important science manager. With support of UNESCO, Salam founded the
            International Centre for Theoretical Physics and the Third World Academy of Sciences,

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            both in Trieste, in Italy, and attracted there the best scientists from developing countries.
            β decay, due to the weak interaction, separates electrons and protons. Finally, in 2005,
            people have proposed to use this effect to build long-life batteries that could be used in
            satellites. Future will tell whether the proposals will be successful.
 Ref. 211   Every second around 10 neutrinos fly through our body. They have five sources:

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            — Solar neutrinos arrive on Earth at 6 ⋅ 1014 /m2 s, with an energy from 0 to 0.42 MeV;
              they are due to the p-p reaction in the sun; a tiny is due to the 8 B reaction and has
              energies up to 15 MeV.
            — Atmospheric neutrinos are products of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere, consist of
              2/3 of muon neutrinos and one third of electron neutrinos, and have energies mainly
              between 100 MeV and 5 GeV.
Page 184    — Earth neutrinos from the radioactivity that keeps the Earth warm form a flux of
              6 ⋅ 1010 /m2 s.
            — Fossil neutrinos from the big bang, with a temperature of 1.95 K are found in the
              universe with a density of 300 cm−3 , corresponding to a flux of 1015 /m2 s.
            — Man-made neutrinos are produced in nuclear reactors (at 4 MeV) and as neutrino
              beams in accelerators, using pion and kaon decay. A standard nuclear plant produces
              5 ⋅ 1020 neutrinos per second. Neutrino beams are produced, for example, at the CERN
              in Geneva. They are routinely sent 700 km across the Earth to the Gran Sasso labor-
              atory in central Italy, where they are detected. (In 2011, a famous measurement er-
              ror led some people to believe, incorrectly, that these neutrinos travelled faster than
                   Neutrinos are mainly created in the atmosphere by cosmic radiation, but also com-
              ing directly from the background radiation and from the centre of the Sun. Never-
              theless, during our own life – around 3 thousand million seconds – we have only a
              10 % chance that one of these neutrinos interacts with one of the 3 ⋅ 1027 atoms of
8 and the handedness of nature                                                             257

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                      F I G U R E 149 A typical
                                                                      experiment to observe
                                                                      neutrino oscillations:
                                                                      the Sudbury Neutrino
                                                                      Observatory in Canada
                                                                      (© Sudbury Neutrino

   our body. The reason is, as usual, that the weak interaction is felt only over distances
   less than 10−17 m, about 1/100th of the diameter of a proton. The weak interaction is
   indeed weak.
Already in 1957, the great physicist Bruno Pontecorvo imagined that travelling neutri-
nos could spontaneously change into their own antiparticles. Today, it is known exper-
imentally that travelling neutrinos can change generation, and one speaks of neutrino
oscillations. Such experiments are carried out in large deep underground caves; the most
famous one is shown in Figure 149. In short, experiments show that the weak interaction
mixes neutrino types in the same way that it mixes quark types.
                   258                                                         8 the weak nuclear interaction

                   Only one type of particles interacts (almost) only weakly: neutrinos. Neutrinos carry no
                   electric charge, no colour charge and almost no gravitational charge (mass). To get an
                   impression of the weakness of the weak interaction, it is usually said that the probability
                   of a neutrino to be absorbed by a lead screen of the thickness of one light-year is less than
                   50 %. The universe is thus essentially empty for neutrinos. Is there room for bound states
                   of neutrinos circling masses? How large would such a bound state be? Can we imagine
                   bound states, which would be called neutrinium, of neutrinos and antineutrinos circling
                   each other? The answer depends on the mass of the neutrino. Bound states of massless
                   particles do not exist. They could and would decay into two free massless particles.*
                      Since neutrinos are massive, a neutrino–antineutrino bound state is possible in prin-
                   ciple. How large would it be? Does it have excited states? Can they ever be detected?
Challenge 149 ny   These issues are still open.
                      The weak interaction is so weak that a neutrino–antineutrino annihilation – which is
                   only possible by producing a massive intermediate Z boson – has never been observed

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   up to this day.
                   Exploring the mixing of the weak and the electromagnetic interaction led to the predic-
                   tion of the Higgs boson. The fascination of the Higgs boson is underlined by the fact that
                   it is the only fundamental particle that bears the name of a physicist. By the way, the pa-
        Ref. 210   per by Peter Higgs on the boson named after him is only 79 lines long, and has only five

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   In the years 1993 and 1994 an intense marketing campaign was carried out across the
                   United States of America by numerous particle physicists. They sought funding for the
                   ‘superconducting supercollider’, a particle accelerator with a circumference of 80 km.
                   This should have been the largest machine ever built, with a planned cost of more than
                   twelve thousand million dollars, aiming at finding the Higgs boson before the Europeans
                   would do so at a fraction of that cost. The central argument brought forward was the fol-
                   lowing: since the Higgs boson is the basis of particle masses, it was central to US science
                   to know about it first. Apart from the issue of the relevance of the conclusion, the worst
                   is that the premise is wrong.
       Page 233        We have seen above that 99 % of the mass of protons, and thus of the universe, is due
                   to quark confinement; this part of mass appears even if the quarks are approximated as
                   massless. The Higgs boson is not responsible for the origin of mass itself; it just might
        Ref. 195   shed some light on the issue. In particular, the Higgs boson does not allow calculating
                   or understanding the mass of any particle. The whole campaign was a classic case of
                   disinformation, and many people involved have shown their lack of honesty.** In the
                   end, the project was stopped, mainly for financial reasons.
                   * In particular, this is valid for photons bound by gravitation; this state is not possible.
                   ** We should not be hypocrites. The supercollider lie is negligible when compared to other lies. The biggest
                   lie in the world is probably the one that states that to ensure its survival, the USA government need to spend
                   more on the military than all other countries in the world combined. This lie is, every single year, around 40
                   times as big as the once-only supercollider lie. Many other governments devote even larger percentages of
           8 and the handedness of nature                                                                               259

                                                             “                                                       ”
                                                                   Difficile est saturam non scribere.*
                                                                                              Juvenal, Saturae 1, 30.

           There is no generally accepted name for the quantum field theory of the weak interaction.
           The expression quantum asthenodynamics (QAD) – from the Greek word for ‘weak’ – has
           not been universally adopted.
           Do ruminating cows move their jaws equally often in clockwise and anticlockwise direc-
           tion? In 1927, the theoretical physicists Pascual Jordan and Ralph de Laer Kronig pub-
Ref. 212   lished a study showing that in Denmark the two directions are almost equally distributed.
           The rumination direction of cows is thus not related to the weak interaction.

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Of course, the weak interaction is responsible for radioactive β decay, and thus for part
           of the radiation background that leads to mutations and thus to biological evolution.
           Due to the large toll it placed on society, research in nuclear physics, has almost disap-
           peared from the planet, like poliomyelitis has. Like poliomyelitis, nuclear research is kept
           alive only in a few highly guarded laboratories around the world, mostly by questionable
           figures, in order to build dangerous weapons. Only a small number of experiments car-
           ried on by a few researchers are able to avoid this involvement and continue to advance

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           the topic.
           Interesting aspects of nuclear physics appear when powerful lasers are used. In 1999, a
           British team led by Ken Ledingham observed laser induced uranium fission in 238 U nuc-
           lei. In the meantime, this has even be achieved with table-top lasers. The latest feat, in
           2003, was the transmutation of 129 I to 128 I with a laser. This was achieved by focussing
Ref. 213   a 360 J laser pulse onto a gold foil; the ensuing plasma accelerates electrons to relativ-
           istic speed, which hit the gold and produce high energy γ rays that can be used for the

           A summary of the weak interaction
           The weak interaction is described by a non-Abelian gauge theory based on a broken
           SU(2) gauge group for weak processes. The weak interaction mixes with the unbroken
           U(1) gauge group of the electrodynamic interaction. This description matches the ob-
           served properties of β decay, of particle transformations, of neutrinos and their mixing,
           of the massive intermediate W and Z bosons, of maximal parity violation, of the heat

           their gross national product to their own version of this lie. As a result, the defence spending lie is directly
           responsible for most of the poverty in all the countries that use it.
           * ‘It is hard not to be satirical.’
           260                                               8 the weak nuclear interaction

           production inside the Earth, of several important reactions in the Sun and of the origin
           of matter in the universe. Even though the weak interaction is weak, it is a bit everywhere.
               The weak interaction is described by a Lagrangian. After a century of intense research,
           the Lagrangian is known in all its details, including, since 2012, the Higgs boson. Theory
           and experiment agree whenever comparisons have been made.
               All remaining limitations of the gauge theory of the weak interaction are only con-
           ceptual. Like in all of quantum field theory, also in the case of the weak interaction the
           mathematical form of the Lagrangian is almost uniquely defined by requiring renormal-
           izability, Lorentz invariance, and (broken) gauge invariance – SU(2) in this case. We say
Page 238   again ‘almost’, as we did for the case of the strong interaction, because the Lagrangian
           of the weak and electromagnetic interactions contains a few parameters that remain un-
           — The two coupling constants 𝑔 and 𝑔󸀠 of the weak and the electromagnetic interaction
             are unexplained. (They define weak mixing angle 𝜃w = arctan(𝑔󸀠 /𝑔).)
           — The mass 𝑀𝑍 = 91 GeV/𝑐2 of the neutral Z boson is unexplained.

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           — The number 𝑛 = 3 of generations is unexplained.
           — The masses of the six leptons and the six quarks are unexplained.
           — The four parameters of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa quark mixing matrix and
             the six parameters of the neutrino mixing matrix are unexplained, including the re-
             spective CP violating phases.
           — The properties of space-time, in particular its Lorentz invariance, its continuity and
             the number of its dimensions are assumed from the outset and are obviously all un-
           — It is also not known how the weak interaction behaves in strong gravity, thus in

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             strongly curved space-time.
           Before exploring how to overcome these limitations, we summarize all results found so
           far in the so-called standard model of particle physics.
Chapter 9


       he expression standard model of elementary particle physics stands for
       he summary of all knowledge about the motion of quantum particles in nature.
       he standard model can be explained in four tables: the table of the elementary
particles, the table of their properties, the table of possible Feynman diagrams and the

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
table of fundamental constants.
   The following table lists the known elementary particles found in nature.

TA B L E 21 The elementary particles.

       Radiation                    electromagnetic             weak                 strong
                                             γ              𝑊   +
                                                                    , 𝑊   −
                                                                                   𝑔1 ... 𝑔8


                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                          photon           weak bosons               gluons

                                   Radiation particles are intermediate vector bosons, thus
                                   with spin 1. 𝑊− is the antiparticle of 𝑊+ ; the photons
                                   and the 𝑍0 are their own antiparticles. Only the 𝑊± and
                                   𝑍0 are massive.

       Matter                           generation 1       generation 2           generation 3
       Leptons                               𝑒                      𝜇                   𝜏
                                            𝜈𝑒                      𝜈𝜇                 𝜈𝜏

       Quarks                                𝑑                      𝑠                   𝑡
       (each in three colours)               𝑢                      𝑐                   𝑏

                                   Matter particles are fermions with spin 1/2; all have a cor-
                                   responding antiparticle. Leptons mix among themselves;
                                   so do quarks. All fermions are massive.

       Vacuum state
       Higgs boson                          𝐻            Has spin 0 and a mass of 126 GeV.
                  262                                     9 the standard model – as seen on television

                      The table has not changed much since the mid-1970s, except for the Higgs boson,
                  which has been found in 2012. Assuming that the table is complete, it contains all con-
                  stituents that make up all matter and all radiation in nature. Thus the table lists all con-
                  stituents – the real ‘uncuttables’ or ‘atoms’, as the Greek called them – of material ob-
                  jects and beams of radiation. The elementary particles are the basis for materials science,
                  geology, astronomy, engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine, the neurosciences and
                  psychology. For this reason, the table regularly features in mass tabloids, on television
                  and on the internet.
                      The full list of elementary particles allows us to put together a full table of particle
                  properties, shown in Table 22. It lists all properties of the elementary particles. To save
                  space, colour and weak isospin are not mentioned explicitly. Also the decay modes of the
      Ref. 186    unstable particles are not given in detail; they are found in the standard references.
                      The Table 22 on particle properties is fascinating. It allows us to give a complete char-
                  acterization of the intrinsic properties of any composed object or image. At the beginning
Vol. I, page 29   of our study of motion, we were looking for a complete list of the permanent, intrinsic

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  properties of moving entities. Now we have it.

                  TA B L E 22 Elementary particle properties.

                  Particle        Mass 𝑚 𝑎                 Lifetime 𝜏 or Isospin 𝐼,             Charge,    Lepton
                                                           energy        spin 𝐽, 𝑐              isospin,   &
                                                           width, main parity 𝑃,                strange-   baryon
                                                           decay modes charge                   ness, 𝑐    num-
                                                                         parity 𝐶               charm,     bers
                                                                                                beauty,    𝐿𝐵

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                  Elementary radiation (bosons)
                  photon γ        0 (< 2 ⋅ 10−54 kg)       stable             𝐼(𝐽𝑃𝐶 ) =         000000     0, 0
                                                                              0, 1(1−− )
                  𝑊±              80.385(15) GeV/𝑐2        2.085(42) GeV 𝐽 = 1                  ±100000    0, 0
                                                           67.60(27) % hadrons,
                                                           32.40(27) % 𝑙+ 𝜈
                  𝑍               91.1876(21) GeV/𝑐2       0.265(1) ys        𝐽=1               000000     0, 0
                                                           = 2.4952(23) GeV/𝑐2
                                                           69.91(6) % hadrons
                                                           10.0974(69) % 𝑙+ 𝑙−
                  gluon           0                        stable             𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 0(1− )   000000     0, 0
                  Elementary matter (fermions): leptons
                  electron 𝑒      9.109 382 91(40) ⋅     > 13 ⋅ 1030 s    𝐽 = 12        −100 000           1, 0
                                     −31                          2
                                  10 kg = 81.871 0506(36) pJ/𝑐
                                  = 0.510 998 928(11) MeV/𝑐2 = 0.000 548 579 909 46(22) u
                                  gyromagnetic ratio 𝜇𝑒 /𝜇B = −1.001 159 652 180 76(27)
                                  electric dipole moment 𝑒 𝑑 =< 0.87 ⋅ 10−30 𝑒 m
9 the standard model – as seen on television                                                             263

Particle       Mass 𝑚 𝑎                 Lifetime 𝜏 or Isospin 𝐼,                Charge,          Lepton
                                        energy        spin 𝐽, 𝑐                 isospin,         &
                                        width, main parity 𝑃,                   strange-         baryon
                                        decay modes charge                      ness, 𝑐          num-
                                                      parity 𝐶                  charm,           bers
                                                                                beauty,          𝐿𝐵
muon 𝜇         0.188 353 109(16) yg   2.196 9811(22) μs 𝐽 = 12       −100000                     1, 0
                                      99 % 𝑒 𝜈𝑒̄ 𝜈𝜇
               = 105.658 3715(35) MeV/𝑐2 = 0.113 428 9267(29) u
               gyromagnetic ratio 𝜇𝜇 /(𝑒ℏ/2𝑚𝜇 ) = −1.001 165 9209(6)
               electric dipole moment 𝑑 = (−0.1 ± 0.9) ⋅ 10−21 𝑒 m
tau 𝜏          1.776 82(16) GeV/𝑐2 290.6(1.0) fs           𝐽=   2
                                                                                −100000          1, 0

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
el. neutrino < 2 eV/𝑐2                                     𝐽=   2
                                                                                                 1, 0
muon         < 2 eV/𝑐2                                     𝐽=   2
                                                                                                 1, 0
neutrino 𝜈𝜇
tau neutrino < 2 eV/𝑐2                                     𝐽=   2
                                                                                                 1, 0
Elementary matter (fermions): quarks 𝑓
up 𝑢           1.8 to 3.0 MeV/𝑐2        see proton         𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 12 ( 21 )   + 23 + 12 0000   0, 13

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
down 𝑑         4.5 to 5.5 MeV/𝑐2        see proton         𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 12 ( 21 )   − 13 − 12 0000   0, 13
strange 𝑠      95(5) MeV/𝑐2                                𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 0( 12 )     − 13 0−1000      0, 13
charm 𝑐        1.275(25) GeV/𝑐2                            𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 0( 12 )     + 23 00+100      0, 13
bottom 𝑏       4.18(17) GeV/𝑐2          𝜏 = 1.33(11) ps    𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 0( 12 )     − 13 000−10      0, 13
top 𝑡          173.5(1.4) GeV/𝑐2                           𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 0( 12 )     + 23 0000+1      0, 13
Elementary boson
Higgs H        126(1) GeV/𝑐2            not measured       𝐽=0

𝑎. See also the table of SI prefixes on page 326. About the eV/𝑐2 mass unit, see page 330.
𝑏. The energy width Γ of a particle is related to its lifetime 𝜏 by the indeterminacy relation Γ𝜏 = ℏ.
There is a difference between the half-life 𝑡1/2 and the lifetime 𝜏 of a particle: they are related by
𝑡1/2 = 𝜏 ln 2, where ln 2 ≈ 0.693 147 18; the half-life is thus shorter than the lifetime. The unified
atomic mass unit u is defined as 1/12 of the mass of a carbon 12 atom at rest and in its ground
state. One has 1 u = 12  𝑚(12 C) = 1.660 5402(10) yg.
𝑐. To keep the table short, the header does not explicitly mention colour, the charge of the strong
interactions. This has to be added to the list of basic object properties. Quantum numbers con-
taining the word ‘parity’ are multiplicative; all others are additive. Time parity 𝑇 (not to be con-
fused with topness 𝑇), better called motion inversion parity, is equal to CP. The isospin 𝐼 (or 𝐼Z ) is
defined only for up and down quarks and their composites, such as the proton and the neutron.
In the literature one also sees references to the so-called 𝐺-parity, defined as 𝐺 = (−1)𝐼𝐶 .
                     264                                       9 the standard model – as seen on television

                       The table also does not mention the weak charge of the particles. The details on weak charge
                     𝑔, or, more precisely, on the weak isospin, a quantum number assigned to all left-handed fer-
                     mions (and right-handed anti-fermions), but to no right-handed fermion (and no left-handed
        Page 245     antifermion), are given in the section on the weak interactions.
                     𝑑. ‘Beauty’ is now commonly called bottomness; similarly, ‘truth’ is now commonly called top-
                     ness. The signs of the quantum numbers 𝑆, 𝐼, 𝐶, 𝐵, 𝑇 can be defined in different ways. In the
                     standard assignment shown here, the sign of each of the non-vanishing quantum numbers is
                     given by the sign of the charge of the corresponding quark.
Ref. 214, Ref. 215   𝑒. The electron radius is observed to be less than 10−22 m. It is possible to store single electrons
                     in traps for many months.
                     𝑓. See page 233 for the precise definition and meaning of the quark masses.

                        The other aim that we formulated at the beginning of our adventure was to find the
                     complete list of all state properties. This aim is also achieved, namely by the wave function
                     and the field values due to the various bosons. Were it not for the possibility of space-time
                     curvature, we would be at the end of our exploration.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                        The main ingredient of the standard model are the Lagrangians of the electromag-
                     netic, the weak and the strong interactions. The combination of the Lagrangians, based
                     on the U(1), SU(3) and broken SU(2) gauge groups, is possible only in one specific way.
                     The Lagrangian can be summarized by the Feynman diagram of Figure 150.
                        To complete the standard model, we need the coupling constants of the three gauge
                     interactions, the masses of all the particles, and the values of the mixing among quarks
                     and among leptons. Together with all those constants of nature that define the SI system
                     and the number of space-time dimensions, the following table therefore completes the
                     standard model.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     TA B L E 23 Basic physical constants.

                     Q ua nt i t y                       Symbol                Va l u e i n S I u n i t s   U n c e r t. 𝑎

                     Constants that define the SI measurement units
                     Vacuum speed of light𝑐         𝑐               299 792 458 m/s               0
                                          𝑐                                −7
                     Vacuum permeability            𝜇0              4π ⋅ 10 H/m                   0
                                                                    = 1.256 637 061 435 ... μH/m0
                     Vacuum permittivity𝑐           𝜀0 = 1/𝜇0 𝑐2    8.854 187 817 620 ... pF/m 0
                     Original Planck constant       ℎ               6.626 069 57(52) ⋅ 10−34 Js   4.4 ⋅ 10−8
                     Reduced Planck constant,       ℏ               1.054 571 726(47) ⋅ 10−34 Js 4.4 ⋅ 10−8
                     quantum of action
                     Positron charge                𝑒               0.160 217 656 5(35) aC        2.2 ⋅ 10−8
                     Boltzmann constant             𝑘               1.380 6488(13) ⋅ 10 J/K 9.1 ⋅ 10−7

                     Gravitational constant         𝐺               6.673 84(80) ⋅ 10−11 Nm2 /kg2 1.2 ⋅ 10−4
                     Gravitational coupling constant𝜅 = 8π𝐺/𝑐       2.076 50(25) ⋅ 10−43 s2 /kg m 1.2 ⋅ 10−4
                     Fundamental constants (of unknown origin)
                     Number of space-time dimensions                           3+1                          0𝑏
                     Fine-structure constant𝑑 or  𝛼 = 4π𝜀𝑒 ℏ𝑐                  1/137.035 999 074(44)        3.2 ⋅ 10−10

                      e.m. coupling constant                 = 𝑔em (𝑚2e 𝑐2 )    = 0.007 297 352 5698(24)    3.2 ⋅ 10−10
           9 the standard model – as seen on television                                                       265

           TA B L E 23 (Continued) Basic physical constants.

           Q ua nt i t y                      Symbol           Va l u e i n S I u n i t s    U n c e r t. 𝑎

           Fermi coupling constant𝑑 or        𝐺F /(ℏ𝑐)3          1.166 364(5) ⋅ 10−5 GeV−2   4.3 ⋅ 10−6
            weak coupling constant            𝛼w (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔w /4π 1/30.1(3)                    1 ⋅ 10−2
           Weak mixing angle                  sin2 𝜃W (𝑀𝑆)       0.231 24(24)                1.0 ⋅ 10−3
                                              sin2 𝜃W (on shell)0.2224(19)                   8.7 ⋅ 10−3
                                              = 1 − (𝑚W /𝑚Z )2
           Strong coupling constant𝑑          𝛼s (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔s2 /4π 0.118(3)                    25 ⋅ 10−3
                                                                   0.97428(15) 0.2253(7)       0.00347(16)
           CKM quark mixing matrix            |𝑉|                ( 0.2252(7) 0.97345(16)       0.0410(11) )
                                                                   0.00862(26) 0.0403(11)     0.999152(45)
           Jarlskog invariant                 𝐽                  2.96(20) ⋅ 10−5
                                                                  0.82             0.55      −0.15 + 0.038𝑖

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           PMNS neutrino mixing m.            𝑃           (−0.36 + 0.020𝑖 0.70 + 0.013𝑖           0.61     )
                                                              0.44 + 0.026𝑖 −0.45 + 0.017𝑖        0.77
           Particle masses: see previous table

           𝑎. Uncertainty: standard deviation of measurement errors.
           𝑏. Only measured from to 10−19 m to 1026 m.
           𝑐. Defining constant.
           𝑑. All coupling constants depend on the 4-momentum transfer, as explained in the section on
Page 131   renormalization. Fine-structure constant is the traditional name for the electromagnetic coup-

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           ling constant 𝑔em in the case of a 4-momentum transfer of 𝑄2 = 𝑚2e 𝑐2 , which is the smallest
           one possible. At higher momentum transfers it has larger values, e.g., 𝑔em (𝑄2 = 𝑀W
                                                                                             2 2
                                                                                               𝑐 ) ≈ 1/128.
           In contrast, the strong coupling constant has lower values at higher momentum transfers; e.g.,
           𝛼s (34 GeV) = 0.14(2).

              In short, with the three tables and the figure, the standard model describes every ob-
           servation ever made in flat space-time. In particular, the standard model includes a min-
           imum action, a maximum speed, electric charge quantization and the least action prin-

           Summary and open questions
           The standard model of particle physics clearly distinguishes elementary from composed
           particles. The standard model provides the full list of properties that characterizes a
           particle – and thus any moving object and image. These properties are: mass, spin, charge,
           colour, weak isospin, parity, charge parity, isospin, strangeness, charm, topness, beauty,
           lepton number and baryon number.
              The standard model describes electromagnetic and nuclear interactions as as ex-
           changes of virtual radiation particles. In particular, the standard model describes the
           three types of radiation that are observed in nature with full precision, using gauge
           groups. The standard model is based on quantization and conservation of electric charge,
           weak charge and colour, as well as on a smallest action value ℏ and a maximum energy
           speed 𝑐. As a result, the standard model describes the structure of the atoms, their form-
266                                      9 the standard model – as seen on television

   QED, describing the electromagnetic interaction
           charged      photon

                 charged particle
   QCD, describing the strong nuclear interaction
           quark           gluon           gluon           gluon         gluon   gluon

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   quark                           gluon                 gluon       gluon

   QAD, describing the weak nuclear interaction
   q’ and l’ indicate quark and lepton mixing.
            q‘             W or Z         W                 Z or γ       W            Z or γ or Z

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     q‘                             W                    W            Z or γ or γ
            l‘              Z              ν                W            W            W

                     l‘                              l                   W            W
   Higgs couplings
                   H            H              H            H            H       H                  H
      or boson

      fermion or boson          W or Z         W or Z                H           H                  H

F I G U R E 150 The Feynman diagrams of the standard model.
9 the standard model – as seen on television                                          267

ation in the history of the universe, the properties of matter and the mechanisms of life.
Despite the prospect of fame and riches, not one deviation between experiment and the
standard model has been found.
    In short, the standard model realizes the dream of Leucippus and Democritus, plus a
bit more: we know the bricks that compose all of matter and radiation, and in addition we
know how they move, interact and transform, in flat space-time, with perfect accuracy.
    Despite this perfect accuracy, we also know what we still do not know:
—   We do not know the origin of the coupling constants.
—   We do not know why positrons and protons have the same charge.
—   We do not know the origin of the masses of the particles.
—   We do not know the origin of the mixing and CP violation parameters.
—   We do not know the origin of the gauge groups.
—   We do not know the origin of the three particle generations.
—   We do not know whether the particle concept survives at high energy.
—   We do not know what happens in curved space-time.

                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
To study these issues, the simplest way is to explore nature at particle energies that are
as high as possible. There are two methods: building large experiments and exploring
hypothetical models. Both are useful.

                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  C h a p t e r 10

                  DR E A M S OF U N I F IC AT ION

                                                                 “                                                   ”
                                                                      Materie ist geronnenes Licht.**
                                                                                                     Albertus Magnus

                      s there a common origin to the three particle interactions? We have seen

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      n the preceding chapters that the Lagrangian densities of the three gauge
                      nteractions are determined almost uniquely by two types of requirements: to possess
                  a certain gauge symmetry, and to be consistent with space-time, through Lorentz invari-
                  ance and renormalizability. The search for unification of the interactions thus seems to
Challenge 150 s   require the identification of the one, unified symmetry of nature. (Do you agree?)
                      Between 1970 and 2015, several conjectures have fuelled the hope to achieve unific-
                  ation through higher symmetry. The most popular were grand unification, supersym-
                  metry, conformal field theory, coupling constant duality and mathematical quantum field
                  theory. We give a short summary of these efforts; we start with the first candidate, which
                  is conceptually the simplest.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Grand unification
                  At all measured energies up to the year 2016, thus below about 3 TeV, there are no con-
                  tradictions between the Lagrangian of the standard model and observation. On the other
                  hand, the Lagrangian itself can be conjectured to be a low energy approximation to the
                  unified theory. It should thus be possible – attention, this a belief – to find a unifying
                  symmetry that contains the symmetries of the electroweak and strong interactions as
                  subgroups. In this way, the three gauge interactions would be different aspects of a single,
                  ‘unified’ interaction. We can then examine the physical properties that follow from this
                  unifying symmetry and compare them with observation. This approach, called grand
                  unification, attempts the unified description of all types of matter. All known elementary
                  particles are seen as fields which appear in a Lagrangian determined by a single gauge
                  symmetry group.
                     Like for each gauge theory described so far, also the grand unified Lagrangian is fixed
                  by the symmetry group, the representation assignments for each particle, and the cor-
                  responding coupling constant. A general search for the grand symmetry group starts
       Ref. 216   with all those (semisimple) Lie groups which contain 𝑈(1) × 𝑆𝑈(2) × 𝑆𝑈(3). The smallest
                  groups with these properties are SU(5), SO(10) and E(6); they are defined in Appendix C.

                  ** ‘Matter is coagulated light.’ Albertus Magnus (b. c. 1192 Lauingen, d. 1280 Cologne) was the most im-
                  portant thinker of his time.
           10 dreams of unification                                                                            269

           For each of these candidate groups, the predicted consequences of the model can be stud-
Ref. 217   ied and compared with experiment.

           C omparing predictions and data
           Grand unification models – also incorrectly called GUTs or grand unified theories – make
           several predictions that can be matched with experiment. First of all, any grand unified
           model predicts relations between the quantum numbers of quarks and those of leptons.
           In particular, grand unification explains why the electron charge is exactly the opposite
           of the proton charge.
              Grand unification models predict a value for the weak mixing angle 𝜃w ; this angle is
Ref. 216   not fixed by the standard model. The most frequently predicted value,

                                                      sin2 𝜃w,th = 0.2                                       (103)

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           is close to the measured value of

                                                   sin2 𝜃w,ex = 0.231(1) ,                                   (104)

           which is not a good match, but might be correct, in view of the approximations in the
               All grand unified models predict the existence of magnetic monopoles, as was shown
Ref. 218   by Gerard ’t Hooft. However, despite extensive searches, no such particles have been
           found yet. Monopoles are important even if there is only one of them in the whole uni-
Ref. 219   verse: the existence of a single monopole would imply that electric charge is quantized.

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           If monopoles were found, grand unification would explain why electric charge appears
           in multiples of a smallest unit.
               Grand unification predicts the existence of heavy intermediate vector bosons, called
           X bosons. Interactions involving these bosons do not conserve baryon or lepton number,
           but only the difference 𝐵 − 𝐿 between baryon and lepton number. To be consistent with
           data, the X bosons must have a mass of the order of 1016 GeV. However, this mass is and
           always will be outside the range of experiments, so that the prediction cannot be tested
               Most spectacularly, the X bosons of grand unification imply that the proton decays.
           This prediction was first made by Pati and Abdus Salam in 1974. If protons decay, means
           that neither coal nor diamond* – nor any other material – would be for ever. Depending
           on the precise symmetry group, grand unification predicts that protons decay into pions,
           electrons, kaons or other particles. Obviously, we know ‘in our bones’ that the proton
           lifetime is rather high, otherwise we would die of leukaemia; in other words, the low
           level of cancer in the world already implies that the lifetime of the proton is larger than
           about 1016 years.
               Detailed calculations for the proton lifetime 𝜏𝑝 using the gauge group SU(5) yield the

           * As is well known, diamond is not stable, but metastable; thus diamonds are not for ever, but coal might
           be, as long as protons do not decay.
            270                                                            10 dreams of unification

 Ref. 216   expression
                                                       1    𝑀X4
                                            𝜏p ≈    2         5
                                                                ≈ 1031±1 a                           (105)
                                                   𝛼𝐺 (𝑀X ) 𝑀p

            where the uncertainty is due to the uncertainty of the mass 𝑀X of the gauge bosons
            involved and to the exact decay mechanism. Several large experiments have tried and
            are still trying to measure this lifetime. So far, the result is simple but clear. Not a single
 Ref. 220   proton decay has ever been observed. The data can be summarized by

                                             𝜏(p → 𝑒+ π0 ) > 5 ⋅ 1033 a
                                             𝜏(p → 𝐾+ 𝜈)̄ > 1.6 ⋅ 1033 a
                                            𝜏(n → 𝑒+ π− ) > 5 ⋅ 1033 a
                                             𝜏(n → 𝐾0 𝜈)̄ > 1.7 ⋅ 1032 a                             (106)

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            These values are higher than the prediction by SU(5) – and SO(10) – models. For other
            gauge group candidates proton decay measurements require more time.

            The state of grand unification
            To settle the issue of grand unification definitively, one last prediction of grand unific-
            ation remains to be checked: the unification of the coupling constants. Most estimates
            of the grand unification energy are near the Planck energy, the energy at which gravit-
            ation starts to play a role even between elementary particles. As grand unification does

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            not take gravity into account, for a long time there was a doubt whether something was
            lacking in the approach. This doubt changed into certainty when the precision measure-
 Ref. 221   ments of the coupling constants became available, in 1991, and were put into the diagram
            of Figure 151. The GUT prediction of the way the constants evolve with energy implies
            that the three constants do not meet at one energy. Simple grand unification by SU(5),
            SU(10) or E6 is thus ruled out by experiment.
                This state of affairs is changed if supersymmetry is taken into account. Supersymmetry
            is a conjecture on the way to take into account low-energy effects of gravitation in the
Page 271    particle world. Supersymmetry conjectures new elementary particles that change the
            curves at intermediate energies, so that they all meet at a grand unification energy of
            about 1016 GeV. (The line thicknesses in Figure 151 represent the experimental errors.)
            The inclusion of supersymmetry also puts the proton lifetime prediction back to a value
            higher (but not by much) than the present experimental bound and predicts the correct
            value of the mixing angle. With supersymmetry, one can thus retain the advantages of
            grand unification (charge quantization, one coupling constant) without being in contra-
            diction with experiments.
                In summary, pure grand unification is in contradiction with experiments. This is not
            a surprise, as its goal, to unify the description of matter, cannot been achieved in this
            way. Indeed, the unifying gauge group must be introduced, i.e., added, at the very begin-
            ning. Adding the group is necessary because grand unification cannot deduce the gauge
            group from a general principle. Neither does pure grand unification tell us completely
           10 dreams of unification                                                                            271

           1/α i                                               1/α i
             60                                                  60
                     1/α1              SM                               1/α1               MSSM
             50                                                  50

             40                                                  40
             30                                                  30

             20                                                  20
             10                                                  10

              0                                                   0
                0            5      10       15                     0         5         10       15
              10        10        10        10       Q/GeV        10        10        10        10       Q/GeV

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 151 The behaviour of the three coupling constants with energy, for simple grand unification
           (left) and for the minimal supersymmetric model (right); the graph shows the constants
           𝛼1 = 53 𝛼em / cos2 𝜃W for the electromagnetic interaction (the factor 5/3 appears in GUTs),
           𝛼2 = 𝛼em / sin2 𝜃W for the weak interaction and the strong coupling constant 𝛼3 = 𝛼s (© W. de Boer).

           which elementary particles exist in nature. In other words, grand unification only shifts
           the open questions of the standard model to the next level, while keeping most of the
           open questions unanswered. The name ‘grand unification’ was wrong from the begin-

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           ning. We definitively need to continue our adventure.

           Searching for higher symmetries
           Since we want to reach the top of Motion Mountain, we go on. We have seen in the
           preceding sections that the main ingredients of the Lagrangian that describes motion are
           the symmetry properties. We recall that a Lagrangian is just the mathematical name for
           the concept that measures change. The discovery of the correct symmetry, together with
           mathematical consistency, usually restricts the possible choices for a Lagrangian down
           to a limited number, and to one in the best case. This Lagrangian then allows making
           experimental predictions.
              The history of particle physics from 1920 to 1965 has shown that progress was always
           coupled to the discovery of larger symmetries, in the sense that the newly discovered
           symmetries always included the old ones as a subgroup. Therefore, in the twentieth cen-
           tury, researchers searched for the largest possible symmetry that is consistent with exper-
           iments on the one hand and with gauge theories on the other hand. Since grand unific-
           ation failed, a better approach is to search directly for a symmetry that includes gravity.

           In the search for possible symmetries of a Lagrangian describing a gauge theory and
           gravity, one way to proceed is to find general mathematical theorems which restrict the
Ref. 222   symmetries that a Lagrangian can possibly have.
            272                                                        10 dreams of unification

 Ref. 223      A well-known theorem by Coleman and Mandula states that if the symmetry trans-
            formations transform fermions into fermions and bosons into bosons, no quantities
            other than the following can be conserved:
                 the energy momentum tensor 𝑇𝜇𝜈 , a consequence of the external Poincaré space-
            time symmetry, and
                 the internal quantum numbers, all scalars, associated with each gauge group gener-
            ator – such as electric charge, colour, etc. – and consequences of the internal symmetries
            of the Lagrangian.
            But, and here comes a way out, if transformations that mix fermions and bosons are con-
            sidered, new conserved quantities become possible. This family of symmetries includes
            gravity and came to be known as supersymmetry. Its conserved quantities are not scalars
            but spinors. Therefore, classical supersymmetry does not exist; it is a purely quantum-
            mechanical symmetry. The study of supersymmetry has been a vast research field. For
            example, supersymmetry generalizes gauge theory to super-gauge theory. The possible

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            super-gauge groups have been completely classified.
               Supersymmetry can be extended to incorporate gravitation by changing it into a local
            gauge theory; in that case one speaks of supergravity. Supergravity is based on the idea
            that coordinates can be fermionic as well as bosonic. Supergravity thus makes specific
            statements on the behaviour of space-time at small distances. Supergravity predicts 𝑁
            additional conserved, spinorial charges. The number 𝑁 lies between 1 and 8; each value
            leads to a different candidate Lagrangian. The simplest case is called 𝑁 = 1 supergravity.
               In short, supersymmetry is a conjecture to unify matter and radiation at low energies.
            Many researchers conjectured that supersymmetry, and in particular 𝑁 = 1 supergravity,
            might be an approximation to reality.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               Supersymmetric models have around 100 fundamental constants, in comparison to
            around 25 for the standard model of particle physics. The precise experimental predic-
            tions depend on the values of these constants. Nevertheless, a number of general predic-
            tions are possible and can be tested by experiment.
            — Supersymmetry predicts partners to the usual elementary particles, called sparticles.
              Fermions are predicted to have boson partners, and vice versa. For example, super-
              symmetry predicts a photino as fermionic partner of the photon, gluinos as partner of
              the gluons, a selectron as partner of the electron, etc. However, none of these particles
              have been observed yet.
            — Supersymmetry allows for the unification of the coupling constants in a way compat-
Page 270      ible with the data, as shown already above.
            — Supersymmetry slows down the proton decay rates predicted by grand unified the-
              ories. The slowed-down rates are compatible with observation.
            — Supersymmetry predicts electric dipole moments for the neutron and other element-
              ary particles. The largest predicted values for the neutron, 10−30 𝑒 m, are in contra-
              diction with observations; the smallest predictions have not yet been reached by ex-
              periment. In comparison, the values expected from the standard model are at most
              10−33 𝑒 m. This is a vibrant experimental research field that can save tax payers from
              financing an additional large particle accelerator.
            However, up to the time of this writing, the year 2016, there was no experimental evid-
                    10 dreams of unification                                                                273

                    ence for supersymmetry. In particular, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva
                    has not found any hint of supersymmetry. In fact, experiments excluded almost all su-
                    persymmetric particle models proposed in the past.
                       Is supersymmetry an ingredient of the unified theory? The safe answer is: this is un-
                    clear. The optimistic answer is: there is still a small chance that supersymmetry can hold
                    in nature. The pessimistic answer is: supersymmetry is a belief system contradicting ob-
                    servations and made up to correct the failings of grand unified theories. The last volume
                    of this adventure will tell which answer is correct.

                    Other at tempts
                    If supersymmetry is not successful, it might be that even higher symmetries are required
                    for unification. Therefore, researchers have explored quantum groups, non-commutative
                    space-time, conformal symmetry, topological quantum field theory, and other abstract
                    symmetries. None of these approaches led to useful results; neither experimental pre-
                    dictions nor progress towards unification. But two further approaches deserve special

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    mention: duality symmetries and extensions to renormalization.

                    D ualities – the most incredible symmetries of nature
                    An important discovery of mathematical physics took place in 1977, when Claus Mon-
                    tonen and David Olive proved that the standard concept of symmetry could be expanded
                    dramatically in a different and new way.
                       The standard class of symmetry transformations, which turns out to be only the first
                    class, acts on fields. This class encompasses gauge symmetries, space-time symmetries,

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    motion reversal, parities, flavour symmetries and supersymmetry.
                       The second, new class is quite different. If we take the coupling constants of nature,
                    we can imagine that they are members of a continuous space of all possible coupling
                    constants, called the parameter space.* Montonen and Olive showed that there are trans-
                    formations in parameter space that leave nature invariant. These transformations thus
                    form a new, second class of symmetries of nature.
                       In fact, we already encountered a member of this class: renormalization symmetry.
                    But Olive and Montonen expanded the symmetry class considerably by the discovery of
Vol. III, page 91   electromagnetic duality. Electromagnetic duality is a discrete symmetry exchanging

                                                                    𝑒↔                                     (107)
                    where the right hand side turns out to be the unit of magnetic charge. Electro-magnetic
                    duality thus relates the electric charge 𝑒 and the magnetic charge 𝑚

                                                   𝑄el = 𝑚𝑒      and 𝑄mag = 𝑛𝑔 = 2πℏ𝑐/𝑒                    (108)

                    * The space of solutions for all value of the parameters is called the moduli space.
                    274                                                                  10 dreams of unification

                    and puts them on equal footing. In other words, the transformation exchanges

                                                            1            1
                                                      𝛼↔         or           ↔ 137.04 ,                                (109)
                                                            𝛼          137.04
                    and thus exchanges weak and strong coupling. In other words, electromagnetic duality
                    relates a regime where particles make sense (the low coupling regime) with one where
                    particles do not make sense (the strong coupling regime). It is the most mind-boggling
                    symmetry ever conceived.
                        Dualities are among the deepest connections of physics. They contain ℏ and are
                    thus intrinsically quantum. They do not exist in classical physics and thus confirm that
                    quantum theory is more fundamental than classical physics. More clearly stated, dual-
                    ities are intrinsically non-classical symmetries. Dualities confirm that quantum theory
                    stands on its own.
                        If one wants to understand the values of unexplained parameters such as coupling

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    constants, an obvious thing to do is to study all possible symmetries in parameter space,
                    thus all possible symmetries of the second class, possibly combining them with those
                    of the first symmetry class. Indeed, the combination of duality with supersymmetry is
Vol. VI, page 141   studied in superstring theory.
                        These investigations showed that there are several types of dualities, which all are non-
        Ref. 224    perturbative symmetries:
                    — S duality, the generalization of electromagnetic duality for all interactions;
                    — T duality, also called space-time duality, a mapping between small and large lengths
                         and times following 𝑙 ↔ 𝑙Pl /𝑙;*
                    — infrared dualities.

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Despite the fascination of the idea, research into dualities has not led to any experimental
                    prediction. However, the results highlighted a different way to approach quantum field
                    theory. Dualities play an important role in superstring theory, which we will explore later
Vol. VI, page 141   on.

                    C ollective aspects of quantum field theory
                    For many decades, mathematicians asked physicists: What is the essence of quantum
                    field theory? Despite intensive research, this question has yet to be answered precisely.
                        Half of the answer is given by the usual definition found in physics textbooks: QFT
                    is the most general known way to describe quantum mechanically continuous systems
                    with a finite number of types of quanta but with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
                    For example, this definition implies that the Lagrangian must be relativistically invariant
                    and must be described by a gauge theory. However, this half of the answer is already
 Vol. VI, page 40   sufficient to spell trouble. We will show in the next part of our ascent that space and time
                    have a minimal distance scale and that nature does not have infinite numbers of degrees
                    of freedom. In other words, quantum field theory is an effective theory; this is the modern

                    * Space-time duality, the transformation between large and small sizes, leads one to ask whether there is
Vol. IV, page 112   an inside and an outside to particles. We encountered this question already in our study of gloves. We will
         Page 292   encounter the issue again below, when we explore eversion and inversion. The issue will be fully clarified
                    only in the last volume of our adventure.
                   10 dreams of unification                                                                 275

                   way to say that it is approximate, or more bluntly, that it is wrong. But let us put these
                   issues aside for the time being.
                       The second, still partly unknown half of the answer would specify which (mathemat-
                   ical) conditions a physical system, i.e., a Lagrangian, actually needs to realize in order to
                   become a quantum field theory. Despite the work of many mathematicians, no complete
                   list of conditions is known yet. But it is known that the list includes at least two condi-
                   tions. First of all, a quantum field theory must be renormalizable. Secondly, a quantum
                   field theory must be asymptotically free; in other words, the coupling must go to zero
                   when the energy goes to infinity. This condition ensures that interactions are defined
                   properly. Only a subset of renormalizable Lagrangians obey this condition.
                       In four dimensions, the only known quantum field theories with these two proper-
                   ties are the non-Abelian gauge theories. These Lagrangians have several general aspects
                   which are not directly evident when we arrive at them through the usual way, i.e., by
                   generalizing naive wave quantum mechanics. This standard approach, the historical one,
                   emphasizes the perturbative aspects: we think of elementary fermions as field quanta and

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   of interactions as exchanges of virtual bosons, to various orders of perturbation.
                       On the other hand, all field theory Lagrangians also show two other configurations,
                   apart from particles, which play an important role. These mathematical solutions appear
                   when a non-perturbative point of view is taken; they are collective configurations.
                   — Quantum field theories show solutions which are static and of finite energy, created
                        by non-local field combinations, called solitons. In quantum field theories, solitons
                        are usually magnetic monopoles and dyons; also the famous skyrmions are solitons.
                        In this approach to quantum field theory, it is assumed that the actual equations of
Vol. I, page 316        nature are non-linear at high energy. Like in liquids, one then expects stable, local-

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        ized and propagating solutions, the solitons. These solitons could be related to the
                        observed particles.
                   — Quantum field theories show self-dual or anti-self dual solutions, called instantons.
                        Instantons play a role in QCD, and could also play a role in the fundamental Lag-
                        rangian of nature.
                   — Quantum field theory defines particles and interactions using perturbation expan-
                        sions. Do particles exist non-perturbatively? When does the perturbation expansion
                        break down? What happens in this case? Despite these pressing issues, no answer has
                        ever been found.
       Ref. 225    All these fascinating topics have been explored in great detail by mathematical physicists.
                   This research has deepened the understanding of gauge theories. However, none of the
                   available results has yet helped to approach unification.

                   Curiosities ab ou t unification
                   From the 1970s onwards, it became popular to draw graphs such as the one of Figure 152.
                   They are found in many books. This approach towards the final theory of motion was
                   inspired by the experimental success of electroweak unification and to the success among
                   theoreticians of the idea of grand unification.
                      Unfortunately, grand unification contradicts experiment. In fact, as explained above,
      Page 252     not even the electromagnetic and the weak interactions have been unified. (It took about
                   a decade to brainwash people into believing the contrary; this was achieved by intro-
276                                                                   10 dreams of unification

                     false beliefs,                                        correct
                     common from                                           descriptions
                     c. 1975 to c. 2015

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 152 Blue and black: a typical graph on unification, as found for years in publications on the
topic (© CERN). Red and green: its correct and incorrect parts.

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
ducing the incorrect term ‘electroweak unification’ instead of a correct term akin to
‘electroweak compatibility’ or ‘electroweak mixing’.) In other words, the larger part of
Figure 152 is not correct. Unfortunately, the graph and the story behind it has led most
researchers along the wrong path for several decades.
Over the years, the length of this chapter became shorter and shorter. This was due to
the large number of unification attempts that were found to be in contradiction with
experiment. It is hard to describe the vast amount of effort that has been invested, usually
in vain, in the quest for unification of the description of motion.
For a professional and up-to-date introduction into modern particle research, see the
summer student lectures that are given at CERN every year. They can be found at cdsweb.

A summary on unification, mathematics and higher symmetries
The decades of theoretical research since the 1970s have shown:

       ⊳ Mathematical physics is not the way to search for unification of the de-
10 dreams of unification                                                                277

      scription of motion.

All the searches for unification that were guided by mathematical ideas – by mathematical
theorems or by mathematical generalizations – have failed. Mathematics is not helpful in
this quest. The standard model of particle physics and general relativity remain separate.
In addition, the research effort has led to a much more concrete result:

      ⊳ The search for a higher symmetry in nature has failed.

Despite thousands of extremely smart people exploring many possible higher symmet-
ries of nature, their efforts have not been successful.
    Symmetry considerations are not helpful in the search for unification. Symmetry sim-
plifies the description of nature; but symmetry does not specify the description. It seems
that researchers have fallen into the trap of music theory. Anybody who has learned to

                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
play an instrument has heard the statement that ‘mathematics is at the basis of music’.
Of course, this is nonsense; emotions are at the basis of music. But the incorrect state-
ment about mathematics lurks in the head of every musician. Looking back to research
in the twentieth century, it seems that the same has happened to researchers in the field
of unification. From these failures we conclude:

      ⊳ Unification requires to extract an underlying physical principle.

                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
On the other hand, in the twentieth century, researchers have failed to find such a prin-
ciple. This failure leads to two questions. In the quest for unification, is there really an
alternative to the search for higher symmetry? And did researchers rely on implicit, in-
correct assumptions about the structure of particles or of space-time? Before we explore
these fascinating issues, we take a break to inspire us.
                    C h a p t e r 11

                    BAC T E R IA , F L I E S A N D K NOT S

                                                                     La première et la plus belle qualité de la nature est le
                                                                     mouvement qui l’agite sans cesse ; mais ce
                                                                     mouvement n’est qu’une suite perpétuelle de crimes ;

                                                                     ce n’est que par des crimes qu’elle le conserve.
                                                                      Donatien de Sade, Justine, ou les malheurs de la

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics

                                obbly entities, in particular jellyfish or amoebas, open up a fresh vision of the
                               orld of motion, if we allow being led by the curiosity to study them in detail.
                              e have missed many delightful insights by leaving them aside up to now. In fact,
                    wobbly entities yield surprising connections between shape change and motion that will
                    be of great use in the last part of our mountain ascent. Instead of continuing to look at the
                    smaller and smaller, we now take a second look at everyday motion and its mathematical
                       To enjoy this chapter, we change a dear habit. So far, we always described any general

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    example of motion as composed of the motion of point particles. This worked well in
                    classical physics, in general relativity and in quantum theory; we based the approach on
                    the silent assumption that during motion, each point of a complex system can be followed
                    separately. We will soon discover that this assumption is not realized at smallest scales.
                    Therefore the most useful description of motion of extended bodies uses methods that
                    do not require that body parts be followed piece by piece. We explore these methods in
                    this chapter; doing so is a lot of fun in its own right.
Vol. VI, page 117      If we describe elementary particles as extended entities – as we soon will have to –
                    a particle moving through space is similar to a dolphin swimming through water, or to
                    a bee flying through air, or to a vortex advancing in a liquid. Therefore we explore how
                    this happens.

                    Bumblebees and other miniature flying systems
                    If a butterfly passes by during our mountain ascent, we can stop a moment to appreciate a
                    simple fact: a butterfly flies, and it is rather small. If we leave some cut fruit in the kitchen
                    until it rots, we observe the even smaller fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), just about

                    ** ‘The primary and most beautiful of nature’s qualities is motion, which agitates her at all times; but this
                    motion is simply a perpetual consequence of crimes; she conserves it by means of crimes only.’ Donatien Al-
                    phonse François de Sade (b. 1740 Paris, d. 1814 Charenton-Saint-Maurice) is the intense writer from whom
                    the term ‘sadism’ was deduced.
                   11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                          279

                                                             F I G U R E 153 A flying fruit fly, tethered to a force-measuring
                                                             microelectromechanical system (© Bradley Nelson).

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 154 Vortices around a butterfly wing (© Robert Srygley/Adrian Thomas).

                   two millimetres in size. Figure 153 shows a fruit fly in flight. If you have ever tried to build

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   small model aeroplanes, or if you even only compare these insects to paper aeroplanes
                   – possibly the smallest man-made flying thing you might have seen – you start to get a
                   feeling for how well evolution has optimized flying insects.
                      Compared to paper planes, insects also have engines, flapping wings, sensors, naviga-
                   tion systems, gyroscopic stabilizers, landing gear and of course all the features due to life,
                   reproduction and metabolism, built into an incredibly small volume. Evolution really is
                   an excellent engineering team. The most incredible flyers, such as the common house fly
                   (Musca domestica), can change flying direction in only 30 ms, using the stabilizers that
                   nature has given them by reshaping the original second pair of wings. Human engineers
                   are getting more and more interested in the technical solutions evolution has developed;
       Ref. 226    many engineers are trying to achieve similar miniaturization. The topic of miniature fly-
                   ing systems is extremely vast, so that we will pick out only a few examples.
                      How does a bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) fly? The lift 𝑚𝑔 generated by a fixed wing
Vol. I, page 363   (as explained before) follows the empirical relation

                                                              𝑚𝑔 = 𝑓 𝐴 𝑣2 𝜌                                           (110)

                   where 𝐴 is the surface of the wing, 𝑣 is the speed of the wing in the fluid of density 𝜌.
                   The factor 𝑓 is a pure number, usually with a value between 0.2 and 0.4, that depends
       Ref. 227    on the angle of the wing and its shape; here we use the average value 0.3. For a Boeing
 Vol. I, page 38   747, the surface is 511 m2 , the top speed at sea level is 250 m/s; at an altitude of 12 km the
                  280                                                                 11 bacteria, flies and knots

                  density of air is only a quarter of that on the ground, thus only 0.31 kg/m3 . We deduce
Challenge 151 e   (correctly) that a Boeing 747 has a mass of about 300 ton. For bumblebees with a speed
                  of 3 m/s and a wing surface of 1 cm2 , we get a lifted mass of about 35 mg, far less than the
                  weight of the bee, namely about 1 g. The mismatch is even larger for fruit flies. In other
                  words, an insect cannot fly if it keeps its wings fixed. It could not fly with fixed wings
                  even if it had tiny propellers attached to them!
                     Due to the limitations of fixed wings at small dimensions, insects and small birds
                  must move their wings, in contrast to aeroplanes. They must do so not only to take off
                  or to gain height, but also to simply remain airborne in horizontal flight. In contrast,
                  aeroplanes generate enough lift with fixed wings. Indeed, if you look at flying animals,
                  such as the ones shown in Figure 155, you note that the larger they are, the less they need
                  to move their wings (at cruising speed).
                     Can you deduce from equation (110) that birds or insects can fly but people cannot?
Challenge 152 s   Conversely, the formula also (partly) explains why human-powered aeroplanes must be
                  so large.*

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     But how do insects, small birds, flying fish or bats have to move their wings in order to
                  fly? This is a tricky question and the answer has been uncovered only recently. The main
       Ref. 228   point is that insect wings move in a way to produce eddies at the front edge which in
       Ref. 229   turn thrust the insect upwards. Aerodynamic studies of butterflies – shown in Figure 154
                  – and studies of enlarged insect models moving in oil instead of in air are exploring the
                  precise way insects make use of vortices. At the same time, more and more ‘mechanical
                  birds’ and ‘model aeroplanes’ that use flapping wings for their propulsion are being built
                  around the world. The field is literally in full swing.** Researchers are especially inter-
                  ested in understanding how vortices allow change of flight direction at the small dimen-

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  sions typical for insects. Another aim is to reduce the size of flying machines.
                     The expression (110) for the lift of fixed wings also shows what is necessary for safe
                  take-off and landing. The lift of all wings decreases for smaller speeds. Thus both animals
                  and aeroplanes increase their wing surface in these occasions. Many birds also vigorously
                  increase the flapping of wings in these situations. But even strongly flapping, enlarged
                  wings often are insufficient for take-off. Many flying animals, such as swallows, therefore
                  avoid landing completely. For flying animals which do take off from the ground, nature
                  most commonly makes them hit the wings against each other, over their back, so that
                  when the wings separate again, the low pressure between them provides the first lift.
                  This method is used by insects and many birds, including pheasants. As bird watchers

                  * Another part of the explanation requires some aerodynamics, which we will not study here. Aerodynamics
                  shows that the power consumption, and thus the resistance of a wing with given mass and given cruise
                  speed, is inversely proportional to the square of the wingspan. Large wingspans with long slender wings are
                  thus of advantage in (subsonic) flying, especially when energy is scarce.
                      One issue is mentioned here only in passing: why does an aircraft fly? The correct general answer is:
                  because it deflects air downwards. How does an aeroplane achieve this? It can do so with the help of a tilted
                  plank, a rotor, flapping wings, or a fixed wing. And when does a fixed wing deflect air downwards? First of
                  all, the wing has to be tilted with respect to the air flow; in addition, the specific cross section of the wing
                  can increase the downward flow. The relation between wing shape and downward flow is a central topic of
                  applied aerodynamics.
                  ** The website presents a typical research approach and the sites and www.
         give introductions into the way to build such systems for hobbyists.
                   11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                                 281

                   F I G U R E 155 Examples of the three larger wing types in nature, all optimized for rapid flows: turkey
                   vulture (Cathartes aura), ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) and a dragonfly (© S.L.
                   Brown, Pennsylvania Game Commission/Joe Kosack and nobodythere).

                   know, pheasants make a loud ‘clap’ when they take off. The clap is due to the low pressure
                   region thus created.
                      Both wing use and wing construction depend on size. In fact, there are four types of
                   wings in nature.

                                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   1. First of all, all large flying objects, such aeroplanes and large birds, fly using fixed
                      wings, except during take-off and landing. This wing type is shown on the left-hand
                      side of Figure 155.
                   2. Second, common size birds use flapping wings. (Hummingbirds can have over 50
                      wing beats per second.) These first two types of wings have a thickness of about 10 to
                      15 % of the wing depth. This wing type is shown in the centre of Figure 155.
                   3. At smaller dimensions, a third wing type appears, the membrane wing. It is found
                      in dragonflies and most everyday insects. At these scales, at Reynolds numbers of
                      around 1000 and below, thin membrane wings are the most efficient. The Reynolds

                                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      number measures the ratio between inertial and viscous effects in a fluid. It is defined
                                                               Re =                                      (111)

                       where 𝑙 is a typical length of the system, 𝑣 the speed, 𝜌 the density and 𝜂 the dynamic
                       viscosity of the fluid.* A Reynolds number much larger than one is typical for rapid air
                       flow and fast moving water. In fact, the value of the Reynolds number distinguishes
                       a ‘rapid’ or ‘turbulent’ flow on the one hand, and a ‘slow’, ‘laminar’ or ‘viscous’
                       flow on the other. An example of membrane wing is shown on the right-hand side of
                       Figure 155. All the first three wing types are designed for turbulent flows.
                   * The viscosity is the resistance to flow a fluid poses. It is defined by the force 𝐹 necessary to move a layer of
                   surface 𝐴 with respect to a second, parallel one at distance 𝑑; in short, the (coefficient of) dynamic viscosity
                   is defined as 𝜂 = 𝑑 𝐹/𝐴 𝑣. The unit is 1 kg/s m or 1 Pa s or 1 N s/m2 , once also called 10 P or 10 poise. In
                   other words, given a horizontal tube, the viscosity determines how strong the pump needs to be to pump
                   the fluid through the tube at a given speed. The viscosity of air 20°C is 1.8 × 10−5 kg/s m or 18 μPa s and
Challenge 153 ny   increases with temperature. In contrast, the viscosity of liquids decreases with temperature. (Why?) The
                   viscosity of water at 0°C is 1.8 mPa s, at 20°C it is 1.0 mPa s (or 1 cP), and at 40°C is 0.66 mPa s. Hydrogen
                   has a viscosity smaller than 10 μPa s, whereas honey has 25 Pa s and pitch 30 MPa s.
                       Physicists also use a quantity 𝜈 called the kinematic viscosity. It is defined with the help of the mass
                   density of the fluid as 𝜈 = 𝜂/𝜌 and is measured in m2 /s, once called 104 stokes. The kinematic viscosity of
                   water at 20°C is 1 mm2 /s (or 1 cSt). One of the smallest values is that of acetone, with 0.3 mm2 /s; a larger
                   one is glycerine, with 2000 mm2 /s. Gases range between 3 mm2 /s and 100 mm2 /s.
           282                                                     11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                     F I G U R E 156 The wings of a few types
                                                                     of insects smaller than 1 mm (thrips,
                                                                     Encarsia, Anagrus, Dicomorpha)

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           4. The fourth type of wings is found at the smallest possible dimensions, for insects
              smaller than one millimetre; their wings are not membranes at all, but are optimized
              for viscous air flow. Typical are the cases of thrips and of parasitic wasps, which can
              be as small as 0.3 mm. All these small insects have wings which consist of a central
              stalk surrounded by hair. In fact, Figure 156 shows that some species of thrips have
              wings which look like miniature toilet brushes.
           5. At even smaller dimensions, corresponding to Reynolds number below 10, nature

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
              does not use wings any more, though it still makes use of air transport. In principle,
              at the smallest Reynolds numbers gravity plays no role any more, and the process of
              flying merges with that of swimming. However, air currents are too strong compared
              with the speeds that such a tiny system could realize. No active navigation is then
              possible any more. At these small dimensions, which are important for the transport
              through air of spores and pollen, nature uses the air currents for passive transport,
              making use of special, but fixed shapes.
           We summarize: active flying is only possible through shape change. Only two types of
           shape changes are possible for active flying: that of wings and that of propellers (including
Ref. 230   turbines). Engineers are studying with intensity how these shape changes have to take
Ref. 231   place in order to make flying most effective. Interestingly, a similar challenge is posed by

           Swimming is a fascinating phenomenon. The Greeks argued that the ability of fish to
           swim is a proof that water is made of atoms. If atoms would not exist, a fish could not
           advance through it. Indeed, swimming is an activity that shows that matter cannot be
           continuous. Studying swimming can thus be quite enlightening. But how exactly do fish
              Whenever dolphins, jellyfish, submarines or humans swim, they take water with their
           fins, body, propellers, hands or feet and push it backwards. Due to momentum conser-
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                        283

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 157 A selection of animals using undulatory swimming and the main variables that describe it.
      Ref. 232    (© L. Mahadevan/Macmillan from )

                  vation they then move forward.*
                     Most fish and aquatic mammals swim by bending their bodies and alternating
                  between two extreme deformations. An overview of animals that use this type of swim-
      Ref. 232    ming – experts call it undulatory gait – is given in Figure 157. For all such swimming,
                  the Reynolds number obeys Re = 𝑣𝐿/𝜈 >> 1; here 𝑣 is the swimming speed, 𝐿 the
                  body length and 𝜈 the kinematic viscocity. The wide range of Reynolds number values
                  observed for swimming living beings is shown in the graph. The swimming motion is
                  best described by the so-called swimming number Sw = 𝜔𝐴𝐿/𝜈, where 𝜔 and 𝐴 are the
                  circular beat frequency and amplitude. The next graph, Figure 158, shows that for tur-

Vol. I, page 89   * Fish could use propellers, as the arguments against wheels we collected at the beginning of our walk do
                  not apply for swimming. But propellers with blood supply would be a weak point in the construction, and
                  thus make fish vulnerable. Therefore, nature has not developed fish with propellers.
                  284                                                           11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  F I G U R E 158 Undulatory swimming follows simple scaling rules for organisms that range from a few
                  mm to 30 m in length. The Reynolds number Re describes the ratio between inertial effects (the water
                  thrown behind) and the disspiative effects (the friction of the water). The swimming number Sw
       Ref. 232   describes the body kinematics. (© L. Mahadevan/Macmillan from )

                  bulent swimming, the swimming speed 𝑣 almost exclusively depends on the amplitude
Challenge 154 e   and frequency of the undulatory motion; for smaller organisms that swim in the laminar
                  regime, the swimming speed also depends on the length of the organism.
                     In short, fish, dolphins, submarines and people swim in the same way that fireworks
                  or rockets fly: by throwing matter behind them, through lift. Lift-based propulsion is the
       Ref. 234   main type of macroscopic swimming. Do all organisms swim in this way? No. Several
                  organisms swim by expelling water jets, for example cephalopods such as squids. And
                  above all, small organisms advancing through the molecules of a liquid use a completely
                  different, microscopic way of swimming.
                     Small organisms such as bacteria do not have the capacity to propel or accelerate water
                  against their surroundings. Indeed, the water remains attached around a microorganism
                  without ever moving away from it. Physically speaking, in these cases of swimming the
                  kinetic energy of the water is negligible. In order to swim, unicellular beings thus need to
                   11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                             285

                                                                                       F I G U R E 159 A swimming scallop
                                                                                       (here from the genus Chlamys)
                                                                                       (© Dave Colwell).

                   use other effects. In fact, their only possibility is to change their body shape in controlled

                                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   ways. Seen from far away, the swimming of microorganisms thus resembles the motion
                   of particles through vacuum: like microorganisms, also particles have nothing to throw
                   behind* them.
                      A good way to distinguish macroscopic from microscopic swimming is provided by
                   scallops. Scallops are molluscs up to a few cm in size; an example is shown in Figure 159.
                   Scallops have a double shell connected by a hinge that they can open and close. If they
                   close it rapidly, water is expelled and the mollusc is accelerated; the scallop then can
                   glide for a while through the water. Then the scallop opens the shell again, this time
                   slowly, and repeats the feat. When swimming, the larger scallops look like clockwork

                                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   false teeth. Scallops thus use a macroscopic swimming process.
                      If we reduce the size of the scallop by a thousand times to the size of a single cell we
                   get a simple result: such a tiny scallop cannot swim. The lack of scalability of swimming
                   methods is due to the changing ratio between inertial and dissipative effects at different
Vol. I, page 429   scales. This ratio is measured by the Reynolds number 𝑅𝑒. For the scallop the Reynolds
                   number, is defined as 𝑅𝑒 = 𝑣𝐿/𝜂, where 𝑣 is the relative speed between swimmer and
                   water, 𝐿 the length of the swimmer and 𝜂 is the kinematic viscosity of the water, around
                   1 mm2 /s.
                      For the scallop, the Reynolds number is about 100, which shows that when it swims,
                   inertial effects are much more important than dissipative, viscous effects. For a bacterium
                   the Reynolds number is much smaller than 1, so that inertial effects effectively play no
                   role. There is no way to accelerate water away from a bacterial-sized scallop, and thus
                   no way to glide. Bacteria cannot swim like scallops or people do; bacteria cannot throw
                   water behind them. And this is not the only problem microorganism face when they
                   want to swim.
                      A well-known mathematical theorem states that no cell-sized being can move if the
                   shape change is the same in the two halves of the motion, i.e., when opening and closing
       Ref. 233    are just the inverse of each other. Such a shape change would simply make it move back
                   and forward. Another mathematical theorem, the so-called scallop theorem, that states

                   * There is an exception: gliding bacteria move by secreting slime, even though it is still not fully clear why
                   this leads to motion.
                  286                                                                11 bacteria, flies and knots

                  that no microscopic system can swim if it uses movable parts with only one degree of
                  freedom. Thus it is impossible to move, at cell dimensions, using the method that the
                  scallop uses on centimetre scale.
                      In order to swim, microorganisms thus need to use a more evolved, two-dimensional
                  motion of their shape. Indeed, biologists found that all microorganisms use one of the
                  following four swimming styles:
                  1. Microorganisms of compact shape of diameter between 20 μm and about 20 mm, use
                     cilia. Cilia are hundreds of little hairs on the surface of the organism. Some organisms
                     have cilia across their full surface, other only on part of it. These organisms move
                     the cilia in waves wandering around their surface, and these surface waves make the
                     body advance through the fluid. All children watch with wonder Paramecium, the
                     unicellular animal they find under the microscope when they explore the water in
                     which some grass has been left for a few hours. Paramecium, which is between 100 μm
                     and 300 μm in size, as well as many plankton species* use cilia for its motion. The cilia
                     and their motion are clearly visible in the microscope. A similar swimming method

                                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     is even used by some large animals; you might have seen similar waves on the borders
                     of certain ink fish; even the motion of the manta (partially) belongs into this class.
      Ref. 235       Ciliate motion is an efficient way to change the shape of a body making use of two
                     dimensions and thus avoiding the scallop theorem.
                  2. Sperm and eukaryote microorganisms whose sizes are in the range between 1 μm
                     and 50 μm swim using an (eukaryote) flagellum.** Flagella, Latin for ‘small whips’,
                     work like flexible oars. Even though their motion sometimes appears to be just an
                     oscillation, flagella get a kick only during one half of their motion, e.g. at every swing
                     to the left. Flagella are indeed used by the cells like miniature oars. Some cells even

                                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     twist their flagellum in a similar way that people rotate an arm. Some microorgan-
                     isms, such as Chlamydomonas, even have two flagella which move in the same way
      Ref. 237       as people move their legs when they perform the breast stroke. Most cells can also
                     change the sense in which the flagellum is kicked, thus allowing them to move either
      Ref. 238       forward or backward. Through their twisted oar motion, bacterial flagella avoid re-
                     tracing the same path when going back and forward. As a result, the bacteria avoid
                     the scallop theorem and manage to swim despite their small dimensions. The flex-
                     ible oar motion they use is an example of a non-adiabatic mechanism; an important
                     fraction of the energy is dissipated.
                  3. The smallest swimming organisms, bacteria with sizes between 0.2 μm and 5 μm,
      Ref. 239       swim using bacterial flagella. These flagella, also called prokaryote flagella, are dif-
                     ferent from the ones just mentioned. Bacterial flagella move like turning corkscrews.
                     They are used by the famous Escherichia coli bacterium and by all bacteria of the
                     genus Salmonella. This type of motion is one of the prominent exceptions to the
                     non-existence of wheels in nature; we mentioned it in the beginning of our walk.
Vol. I, page 89      Corkscrew motion is an example of an adiabatic mechanism.
                         A Coli bacterium typically has a handful of flagella, each about 30 nm thick and of
                     corkscrew shape, with up to six turns; the turns have a ‘wavelength’ of 2.3 μm. Each

                  * See the website for an overview.
      Ref. 236    ** The largest sperm, of 5.8 cm length, are produced by the 1.5 mm sized Drosophila bifurca fly, a relative of
                  the famous Drosophila melanogaster.
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                              287

                     flagellum is turned by a sophisticated rotation motor built into the cell, which the cell
                     can control both in rotation direction and in angular velocity. For Coli bacteria, the
       Ref. 240      range is between 0 and about 300 Hz.
                        A turning flagellum does not propel a bacterium like a propeller; as mentioned, the
                     velocities involved are much too small, the Reynolds number being only about 10−4 .
                     At these dimensions and velocities, the effect is better described by a corkscrew turn-
                     ing in honey or in cork: a turning corkscrew produces a motion against the material
                     around it, in the direction of the corkscrew axis. The flagellum moves the bacterium
                     in the same way that a corkscrew moves the turning hand with respect to the cork.
                  4. One group of bacteria, the spirochaetes, move as a whole like a cork-screw through
                     water. An example is Rhodospirillum rubrum, whose motion can be followed
                     in the video on These bacteria
                     have an internal motor round an axial filament, that changes the cell shape in a
                     non-symmetrical fashion and yield cork-screw motion. A different bacterium is
       Ref. 241      Spiroplasma, a helical bacterium – but not a spirochaete – that changes the cell shape,

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     again in a non-symmetrical fashion, by propagating kink pairs along its body surface.
                     Various other microorganisms move by changing their body shape.
                  To test your intuition, you may try the following puzzle: is microscopic swimming pos-
Challenge 155 s   sible in two spatial dimensions? In four?
                     By the way, still smaller bacteria do not swim at all. Indeed, each bacterium faces a
                  minimum swimming speed requirement: it must outpace diffusion in the liquid it lives
       Ref. 242   in. Slow swimming capability makes no sense; numerous microorganisms therefore do
                  not manage or do not swim at all. Some microorganisms are specialized to move along
                  liquid–air interfaces. In fact, there are many types of interfacial swimming, including

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  macroscopic types, but we do not cover them here. Other microorganisms attach them-
                  selves to solid bodies they find in the liquid. Some of them are able to move along these
                  solids. The amoeba is an example for a microorganism moving in this way. Also the smal-
                  lest active motion mechanisms known, namely the motion of molecules in muscles and
       Page 21    in cell membranes, work this way.
                     Let us summarize these observations. All known active motion, or self-propulsion,
                  (in flat space) takes place in fluids – be it air or liquids. All active motion requires shape
                  change. Macroscopic swimming works by accelerating the fluid in the direction opposite
                  to the direction of motion. Microscopic swimming works through smart shape change
                  that makes the swimmer advance through the fluid. In order that shape change leads
                  to motion, the environment, e.g. the fluid, must itself consist of moving components
                  always pushing onto the swimming entity. The motion of the swimming entity can then
                  be deduced from the particular shape change it performs. The mathematics of swimming
                  through shape change is fascinating; it deserves to be explored.

                  Rotation, falling cats and the theory of shape change
                  At small dimensions, flying and swimming takes place through shape change. In the
                  last decades, the description of shape change has changed from a fashionable piece of
                  research to a topic whose results are both appealing and useful. There are many studies,
                  both experimental and theoretical, about the exact way small systems move in water and
288                                                        11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                   F I G U R E 160 Cats can turn
                                                                   themselves, even with no initial
                                                                   angular momentum
                                                                   (photographs by Etienne-Jules
                                                                   Marey, 1894).

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                        F I G U R E 161 Humans can turn themselves in mid air like
                                        cats: see the second, lateral rotation of Artem Silchenko, at
                                        the 2006 cliff diving world championship (© World High
                                        Diving Federation).

air, about the achievable and achieved efficiency, and much more.
    It is not a surprise that organized shape change can lead to translational motion.
Amoebas, earthworms, caterpillars, snakes, and even human themselves move though
shape change.
    But shape change can also lead to a rotation of a body. In this case, the ideas are not
restricted to microscopic systems, but apply at all scales. In particular, the theory of shape
change is useful in explaining how falling cats manage to fall always on their feet. Cats
are not born with this ability; they have to learn it. But the feat has fascinated people for
                   11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                           289

                                𝑡1                 𝑡2                𝑡3                   𝑡4                     𝑡5

                        𝑎              centre
                                     of mass

                   F I G U R E 162 The square cat: in free space, or also on perfect ice, a deformable body in the shape of a
                   parallelogram made of four masses and rods that is able to change the body angle 𝜃 and two rod
                   lengths 𝑎 is able to rotate itself around the centre of mass without outside help. One mass and the
                   length-changing rods are coloured to illustrate the motion.

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   centuries, as shown in the old photograph given in Figure 160. In fact, cats confirm in
Vol. I, page 120   three dimensions what we already knew for two dimensions:

                       ⊳ A deformable body can change its own orientation in space without outside

                   This is in strong contrast to translation, for which outside help is always needed.
                   Archimedes famously said: Give me a place to stand, and I’ll move the Earth. But to

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   rotate the Earth, a place to stand is not needed!
                      Not only cats, also humans can perform the feat: simply observe the second, lateral
                   rotation of the diver in Figure 161. Cosmonauts in space stations and passengers of para-
                   bolic ‘zero-gravity’ flights regularly do the same, as do many artificial satellites sent into
                      In the 1980s, the work by Berry, Wilczek, Zee and ShapereBerry, MichaelWilczek,
                   FrankZee, AnthonyShapere, Alfred showed that all motion due to shape change is de-
       Ref. 243    scribed by a gauge theory. The equivalence between the two situations is detailed in
                   Table 24. A simple and beautiful example for these ideas has been given by Putterman
       Ref. 244    and Raz and is illustrated in Figure 162. Imagine four spheres on perfect ice, all of the
                   same mass and size, connected by four rods forming a parallelogram. Now imagine that
                   this parallelogram, using some built-in motors, can change length along one side, called
                   𝑎, and that it can also change the angle 𝜃 between the sides. Putterman and Raz call this
                   the square cat. The figure shows that the square cat can change its own orientation on
                   the ice while, obviously, keeping its centre of mass at rest. The figure also shows that the
                   change of orientation only works because the two motions that the cat can perform, the
                   stretching and the angle change, do not commute. The order in which these deformations
                   occur is essential for achieving the desired rotation.
                      The rotation of the square cat occurs in strokes; large rotations are achieved by repeat-
                   ing strokes, similar to the situation of swimmers. If the square cat would be swimming
                   in a liquid, the cat could thus rotate itself – though it could not advance.
                      When the cat rotates itself, each stroke results in a rotation angle that is independent
                  290                                                          11 bacteria, flies and knots

                  TA B L E 24 The correspondence between shape change and gauge theory.

                  Concept                Shape change                           G au ge t he ory

                  System                 deformable body                        matter–field combination
                  Gauge freedom          freedom of description of body         freedom to define vector potential
                                         orientation and position
                  Gauge-dependent        shape’s angular orientation and        vector potential, phase
                  quantity               position
                                         orientation and position change        vector potential and phase change
                                         along an open path                     along open path
                  Gauge                  changes angular orientation and        changes vector potential
                  transformation         position
                  Gauge-independent      orientation and position after full    phase difference on closed path,
                  quantities             stroke                                 integral of vector potential along a
                                                                                closed path

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                         deformations                           field strengths
                  Gauge group            e.g. possible rotations SO(3) or       U(1), SU(2), SU(3)
                                         motions E(3)

                  of the speed of the stroke. The same experience can be made when rotating oneself on an

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  office chair by rotating the arm above the head: the chair rotation angle after arm turn is
                  independent of the arm speed. Stroke motion leads to a puzzle: what is the largest angle
Challenge 156 d   that a cat can turn in one stroke?
                      Rotation in strokes has a number of important implications. First of all, the number
                  of strokes is a quantity that all observers agree upon: it is observer-invariant. Secondly,
                  the orientation change after a complete stroke is also observer-invariant. Thirdly, the ori-
                  entation change for incomplete strokes is observer-dependent: it depends on the way that
                  orientation is defined. For example, if orientation is defined by the direction of the body
                  diagonal through the black mass (see Figure 162), it changes in a certain way during a
                  stroke. If the orientation is defined by the direction of the fixed bar attached to the black
                  mass, it changes in a different way during a stroke. Only when a full stroke is completed
                  do the two values coincide. Mathematicians say that the choice of the definition and
                  thus the value of the orientation is gauge-dependent, but that the value of the orientation
                  change at a full stroke is gauge-invariant.
                      In summary, the square cat shows three interesting points. First, already rather simple
                  deformable bodies can change their orientation in space. Secondly, the orientation of a
                  deformable body can only change if the deformations it can perform are non-commuting.
                  Thirdly, such deformable bodies are described by gauge theories: certain aspects of the
                  bodies are gauge-invariant, others are gauge-dependent. This summary leads to a ques-
                  tion: Can we use these ideas to increase our understanding of the gauge theories of the
                  electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction? Shapere and Wilczek say no. We will ex-
                  plore this issue in the next volume. In fact, shape change bears even more surprises.
                   11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                  291


                          𝜓            𝜃

                                                        F I G U R E 163 Swimming on a curved surface using two discs.

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   Swimming in curved space
                   In flat space it is not possible to produce translation through shape change. Only orient-
                   ation changes are possible. Surprisingly, if space is curved, motion does become possible.
        Ref. 245   A simple example was published in 2003 by Jack Wisdom. He found that cyclic changes
                   in the shape of a body can lead to net translation, a rotation of the body, or both.
                      Indeed, we know from Galilean physics that on a frictionless surface we cannot move,
                   but that we can change orientation. This is true only for a flat surface. On a curved sur-

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   face, we can use the ability to turn and translate it into motion.
                      Take two massive discs that lie on the surface of a frictionless, spherical planet, as
                   shown in Figure 163. Consider the following four steps: 1. the disc separation 𝜑 is in-
                   creased by the angle Δ𝜑, 2. the discs are rotated oppositely about their centres by the
                   angle Δ𝜃, 3. their separation is decreased by −Δ𝜑, and 4. they are rotated back by −Δ𝜃.
                   Due to the conservation of angular momentum, the two-disc system changes its longit-
Challenge 157 ny   ude Δ𝜓 as
                                                          Δ𝜓 = 𝛾2 Δ𝜃Δ𝜑 ,                                (112)
                   where 𝛾 is the angular radius of the discs. This cycle can be repeated over and over. The
                   cycle allows a body, located on the surface of the Earth, to swim along the surface. Un-
                   fortunately, for a body of size of one metre, the motion for each swimming cycle is only
                   around 10−27 m.
                       Wisdom showed that the same procedure also works in curved space, thus in the
                   presence of gravitation. The mechanism thus allows a falling body to swim away from
                   the path of free fall. Unfortunately, the achievable distances for everyday objects are neg-
                   ligibly small. Nevertheless, the effect exists.
                       In other words, there is a way to swim through curved space that looks similar to
                   swimming at low Reynolds numbers, where swimming results of simple shape change.
                   Does this tell us something about fundamental descriptions of motion? The last part of
                   our ascent will tell.
                     292                                                      11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                 F I G U R E 164 A way to
                                                                                                 turn a sphere inside
                                                                                                 out, with intermediate
                                                                                                 steps ordered
                                                                                                 clockwise (© John

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     Turning a sphere inside ou t

                                                                   A text should be like a lady’s dress; long enough
                                                                   to cover the subject, yet short enough to keep it


                     Exploring the theme of motion of wobbly entities, a famous example cannot be avoided.
         Ref. 246    In 1957, the mathematician Stephen Smale proved that a sphere can be turned inside out.
                     The discovery brought him the Fields medal in 1966, the highest prize for discoveries in
                     mathematics. Mathematicians call his discovery the eversion of the sphere.
                         To understand the result, we need to describe more clearly the rules of mathematical
                     eversion. First of all, it is assumed that the sphere is made of a thin membrane which has
                     the ability to stretch and bend without limits. Secondly, the membrane is assumed to be
                     able to intersect itself. Of course, such a ghostly material does not exist in everyday life;
                     but in mathematics, it can be imagined. A third rule requires that the membrane must
                     be deformed in such a way that the membrane is not punctured, ripped nor creased;
                     in short, everything must happen smoothly (or differentiably, as mathematicians like to
                         Even though Smale proved that eversion is possible, the first way to actually perform
Ref. 247, Ref. 248   it was discovered by the blind topologist Bernard Morin in 1961, based on ideas of Arnold
                     Shapiro. After him, several additional methods have been discovered.
                     11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                       293

         Ref. 249       Several computer videos of sphere eversions are now available.* The most famous ones
                     are Outside in, which shows an eversion due to William P. Thurston, and The Optiverse,
                     which shows the most efficient method known so far, discovered by a team led by John
                     Sullivan and shown in Figure 164.
                        Why is sphere eversion of interest to physicists? If elementary particles were extended
                     and at the same time were of spherical shape, eversion might be a particle symmetry. To
                     see why, we summarize the effects of eversion on the whole surrounding space, not only
                     on the sphere itself. The final effect of eversion is the transformation

                                                                        (𝑥, 𝑦, −𝑧) 𝑅2
                                                          (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) →                                                (113)
                     where 𝑅 is the radius of the sphere and 𝑟 is the length of the coordinate vector (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧),
                     thus 𝑟 = √𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 . Due to the minus sign in the 𝑧-coordinate, eversion differs from
                     inversion, but not by too much. As we will find out in the last part of our adventure, a

                                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     transformation similar to eversion, space-time duality, is a fundamental symmetry of
Vol. VI, page 114    nature.

                     Clouds are another important class of wobbly objects. The lack of a definite boundary
                     makes them even more fascinating than amoebas, bacteria or falling cats. We can observe
                     the varieties of clouds from any aeroplane.
Vol. III, page 218      The common cumulus or cumulonimbus in the sky, like all the other meteorological
                     clouds, are vapour and water droplet clouds. Galaxies are clouds of stars. Stars are clouds

                                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     of plasma. The atmosphere is a gas cloud. Atoms are clouds of electrons. Nuclei are clouds
                     of protons and neutrons, which in turn are clouds of quarks. Comparing different cloud
                     types is illuminating and fun.
                        Clouds of all types can be described by a shape and a size, even though in theory they
                     have no bound. An effective shape and size can be defined by that region in which the
                     cloud density is only, say, 1 % of the maximum density; slightly different procedures can
                     also be used. All clouds are described by probability densities of the components making
                     up the cloud. All clouds show conservation of the number of their constituents.
                        Whenever we see a cloud, we can ask why it does not collapse. Every cloud is an
 Vol. I, page 257    aggregate; all aggregates are kept from collapse in only three ways: through rotation,
                     through pressure, or through the Pauli principle, i.e., the quantum of action. For example,
                     galaxies are kept from collapsing by rotation. Most stars, the atmosphere and rain clouds
                     are kept from collapsing by gas pressure. Neutron stars, the Earth, atomic nuclei, protons
                     or the electron clouds of atoms are kept apart by the quantum of action.
                        A rain cloud is a method to keep several thousand tons of water suspended in the air.
                     Can you explain what keeps it afloat, and what else keeps it from continuously diffusing

                     * Summaries of the videos can be seen at the website, which also
                     has a good pedagogical introduction. Another simple eversion and explanation is given by Erik de Neve
                     on his website It is even possible to run the eversion film software
                     at home; see the website Figure 164 is from the website new.
                    294                                                                 11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    F I G U R E 165 A vortex in nature: a waterspout (© Zé Nogueira).

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Challenge 158 s     into a thinner and thinner structure?
                        Two rain clouds can merge. So can two atomic electron clouds. So can galaxies. But
                    only atomic clouds are able to cross each other. We remember that a normal atom can be
Vol. IV, page 186   inside a Rydberg atom and leave it again without change. In contrast, rain clouds, stars,
                    galaxies or other macroscopic clouds cannot cross each other. When their paths cross,
                    they can only merge or be ripped into pieces. Due to this lack of crossing ability, only
                    microscopic clouds can be counted. In the macroscopic cases, there is no real way to
                    define a ‘single’ cloud in an accurate way. If we aim for full precision, we are unable to
                    claim that there is more than one rain cloud, as there is no clear-cut boundary between
                    them. Electronic clouds are different. True, in a piece of solid matter we can argue that
                    there is only a single electronic cloud throughout the object; however, when the object
                    is divided, the cloud is divided in a way that makes the original atomic clouds reappear.
                    We thus can speak of ‘single’ electronic clouds.
                        If one wants to be strict, galaxies, stars and rain clouds can be seen as made of localized
                    particles. Their cloudiness is only apparent. Could the same be true for electron clouds?
                    And what about space itself? Let us explore some aspects of these questions.

                    Vortices and the S chrödinger equation
                    Fluid dynamics is a topic with many interesting aspects. Take the vortex that can be ob-
                    served in any deep, emptying bath tub: it is an extended, one-dimensional ‘object’, it is
            11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                   295

                                          𝑤      𝑣



                                                           F I G U R E 166 The mutually perpendicular tangent 𝑒,
                                                           normal 𝑛, torsion 𝑤 and velocity 𝑣 of a vortex in a
                                                           rotating fluid.

            deformable, and it is observed to wriggle around. Larger vortices appear as tornadoes
            on Earth and on other planets, as waterspouts, and at the ends of wings or propellers of

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Page 105    all kinds. Smaller, quantized vortices appear in superfluids. An example is shown in Fig-
            ure 165; also the spectacular fire whirls and fire tornados observed every now and then
            are vortices.
                Vortices, also called vortex tubes or vortex filaments, are thus wobbly entities. Now,
 Ref. 250   a beautiful result from the 1960s states that a vortex filament in a rotating liquid is de-
            scribed by the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation. Let us see how this is possible.
                Any deformable linear vortex, as illustrated in Figure 166, is described by a continuous
            set of position vectors 𝑟(𝑡, 𝑠) that depend on time 𝑡 and on a single parameter 𝑠. The
            parameter 𝑠 specifies the relative position along the vortex. At each point on the vortex,

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            there is a unit tangent vector 𝑒(𝑡, 𝑠), a unit normal curvature vector 𝑛(𝑡, 𝑠) and a unit
            torsion vector 𝑤(𝑡, 𝑠). The three vectors, shown in Figure 166, are defined as usual as

                                                      𝑒=  ,
                                                 𝜅𝑛 =     ,
                                                        ∂(𝑒 × 𝑛)
                                                 𝜏𝑤 = −          ,                                       (114)
            where 𝜅 specifies the value of the curvature and 𝜏 specifies the value of the torsion. In
            general, both numbers depend on time and on the position along the line.
               In the simplest possible case the rotating environment induces a local velocity 𝑣 for
            the vortex that is proportional to the curvature 𝜅, perpendicular to the tangent vector 𝑒
            and perpendicular to the normal curvature vector 𝑛:

                                                     𝑣 = 𝜂𝜅(𝑒 × 𝑛) ,                                     (115)

 Ref. 250   where 𝜂 is the so-called coefficient of local self-induction that describes the coupling
            between the liquid and the vortex motion. This is the evolution equation of the vortex.
               We now assume that the vortex is deformed only slightly from the straight configura-
            tion. Technically, we are thus in the linear regime. For such a linear vortex, directed along
           296                                                              11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           F I G U R E 167 Motion of a vortex: the fundamental helical solution and a moving helical ‘wave packet’.

           the 𝑥-axis, we can write
                                                    𝑟 = (𝑥, 𝑦(𝑥, 𝑡), 𝑧(𝑥, 𝑡)) .                               (116)

           Slight deformations imply ∂𝑠 ≈ ∂𝑥 and therefore

                                                       ∂𝑦 ∂𝑧
                                                   𝑒 = (1, , ) ≈ (1, 0, 0) ,

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                       ∂𝑥 ∂𝑥
                                                       ∂2 𝑦 ∂2 𝑧
                                               𝜅𝑛 ≈ (0, 2 , 2 ) , and
                                                       ∂𝑥 ∂𝑥
                                                       ∂𝑦 ∂𝑧
                                                𝑣 = (0, , ) .                                                 (117)
                                                       ∂𝑡 ∂𝑡
           We can thus rewrite the evolution equation (115) as

                                                   ∂𝑦 ∂𝑧          ∂2 𝑧 ∂2 𝑦
                                             (0,     , ) = 𝜂 (0, − 2 , 2 ) .                                  (118)
                                                   ∂𝑡 ∂𝑡          ∂𝑥 ∂𝑥
           This equation is well known; if we drop the first coordinate and introduce complex num-
           bers by setting Φ = 𝑦 + 𝑖𝑧, we can rewrite it as

                                                         ∂Φ     ∂2 Φ
                                                            = 𝑖𝜂 2 .                                          (119)
                                                         ∂𝑡     ∂𝑥
           This is the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the evolution of a free wave func-
Ref. 251   tion! The complex function Φ specifies the transverse deformation of the vortex. In other
           words, we can say that the Schrödinger equation in one dimension describes the evolu-
           tion of the deformation for an almost linear vortex in a rotating liquid. We note that there
           is no constant ℏ in the equation, as we are exploring a classical system.
                    11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                             297

                       Schrödinger’s equation is linear in Φ. Therefore the fundamental solution is

                                      Φ(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑡) = 𝑎 e𝑖(𝜏𝑥−𝜔𝑡)       with 𝜔 = 𝜂𝜏2          and    𝜅 = 𝑎𝜏2 .             (120)

                    The amplitude 𝑎 and the wavelength or pitch 𝑏 = 1/𝜏 can be freely chosen, as long as
                    the approximation of small deviation is fulfilled; this condition translates as 𝑎 ≪ 𝑏.* In
                    the present interpretation, the fundamental solution corresponds to a vortex line that is
                    deformed into a helix, as shown in Figure 167. The angular speed 𝜔 is the rotation speed
                    around the axis of the helix.
Challenge 159 ny       A helix moves along the axis with a speed given by

                                                              𝑣helix along axis = 2𝜂𝜏 .                                    (121)

                    In other words, for extended entities following evolution equation (115), rotation and
                    translation are coupled.** The momentum 𝑝 can be defined using ∂Φ/∂𝑥, leading to

                                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                     𝑝=𝜏=        .                                         (122)
                    Momentum is thus inversely proportional to the helix wavelength or pitch, as expected.
                    The energy 𝐸 is defined using ∂Φ/∂𝑡, leading to
                                                                  𝐸 = 𝜂𝜏2 =        .                                       (123)

                                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Energy and momentum are connected by

                                                                𝑝2                     1
                                                          𝐸=           where 𝜇 =          .                                (124)
                                                                2𝜇                     2𝜂

                    In other words, a vortex with a coefficient 𝜂 – describing the coupling between environ-
       Page 295     ment and vortex – is thus described by a number 𝜇 that behaves like an effective mass. We
                    can also define the (real) quantity |Φ| = 𝑎; it describes the amplitude of the deformation.
                       In the Schrödinger equation (119), the second derivative implies that the deforma-
                    tion ‘wave packet’ has tendency to spread out over space. Can you confirm that the
                    wavelength–frequency relation for a vortex wave group leads to something like the in-
Challenge 161 ny    determinacy relation (however, without a ℏ appearing explicitly)?
                       In summary, the complex amplitude Φ for a linear vortex in a rotating liquid behaves
                    like the one-dimensional wave function of a non-relativistic free particle. In addition,
                    we found a suggestion for the reason that complex numbers appear in the Schrödinger
                    equation of quantum theory: they could be due to the intrinsic rotation of an underlying
Vol. VI, page 174   substrate. Is this suggestion correct? We will find out in the last part of our adventure.

                    * The curvature is given by 𝜅 = 𝑎/𝑏2 , the torsion by 𝜏 = 1/𝑏. Instead of 𝑎 ≪ 𝑏 one can thus also write 𝜅 ≪ 𝜏.
Challenge 160 ny    ** A wave packet moves along the axis with a speed given by 𝑣packet = 2𝜂𝜏0 , where 𝜏0 is the torsion of the
                    helix of central wavelength.
                    298                                                             11 bacteria, flies and knots



                            screw                                edge                                       effective size
                            dislocation                          dislocation                                Burgers vector

                    F I G U R E 168 The two pure dislocation types, edge and screw dislocations, seen from the outside of a

                                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    cubic crystal (left) and the mixed dislocation – a quarter of a dislocation loop – joining them in a
                    horizontal section of the same crystal (right) (© Ulrich Kolberg).

                    Fluid space-time
                    General relativity shows that space can move and oscillate: space is a wobbly entity. Is
                    space more similar to clouds, to fluids, or to solids?
                        An intriguing approach to space-time as a fluid was published in 1995 by Ted
        Ref. 252    Jacobson. He explored what happens if space-time, instead of assumed to be continuous,
                    is assumed to be the statistical average of numerous components moving in a disordered

                                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        The standard description of general relativity describes space-time as an entity similar
Vol. II, page 144   to a flexible mattress. Jacobson studied what happens if the mattress is assumed to be
                    made of a fluid. A fluid is a collection of (undefined) components moving randomly and
                    described by a temperature varying from place to place.
       Page 129         Jacobson started from the Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect and assumed that the local
                    fluid temperature is given by a multiple of the local gravitational acceleration. He also
                    used the proportionality – correct on horizons – between area and entropy. Since the
                    energy flowing through a horizon can be called heat, one can thus translate the expres-
                    sion 𝛿𝑄 = 𝑇𝛿𝑆 into the expression 𝛿𝐸 = 𝑎𝛿𝐴(𝑐2 /4𝐺), which describes the behaviour
Vol. VI, page 33    of space-time at horizons. As we have seen, this expression is fully equivalent to general
                        In other words, imagining space-time as a fluid is a powerful analogy that allows de-
                    ducing general relativity. Does this mean that space-time actually is similar to a fluid?
                    So far, the analogy is not sufficient to answer the question and we have to wait for the
                    last part of our adventure to settle it. In fact, just to confuse us a bit more, there is an old
                    argument for the opposite statement.

                    Dislo cations and solid space-time
                    General relativity tells us that space behaves like a deformable mattress; space thus be-
                    haves like a solid. There is a second argument that underlines this point and that exerts a
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                    299

                  continuing fascination. This argument is connected to a famous property of the motion
                  of dislocations.
                      Dislocations are one-dimensional construction faults in crystals, as shown in Fig-
                  ure 168. A general dislocation is a mixture of the two pure dislocation types: edge dis-
                  locations and screw dislocations. Both are shown in Figure 168.
                      If one explores how the atoms involved in dislocations can rearrange themselves, one
Challenge 162 e   finds that edge dislocations can only move perpendicularly to the added plane. In con-
                  trast, screw dislocations can move in all directions.* An important case of general, mixed
                  dislocations, i.e., of mixtures of edge and screw dislocations, are closed dislocation rings.
                  On such a dislocation ring, the degree of mixture changes continuously from place to
                      Any dislocation is described by its strength and by its effective size; they are shown,
                  respectively, in red and blue in Figure 168. The strength of a dislocation is measured by
                  the so-called Burgers vector; it measures the misfits of the crystal around the dislocation.
                  More precisely, the Burgers vector specifies by how much a section of perfect crystal

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  needs to be displaced, after it has been cut open, to produce the dislocation. Obviously,
                  the strength of a dislocation is quantized in multiples of a minimal Burgers vector. In
                  fact, dislocations with large Burgers vectors can be seen as composed of dislocations of
                  minimal Burgers vector, so that one usually studies only the latter.
                      The size or width of a dislocation is measured by an effective width 𝑤. Also the width
                  is a multiple of the lattice vector. The width measures the size of the deformed region of
                  the crystal around the dislocation. Obviously, the size of the dislocation depends on the
                  elastic properties of the crystal, can take continuous values and is direction-dependent.
                  The width is thus related to the energy content of a dislocation.

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      A general dislocation can move, though only in directions which are both perpendic-
                  ular to its own orientation and to its Burgers vector. Screw dislocations are simpler: they
                  can move in any direction. Now, the motion of screw dislocations has a peculiar prop-
                  erty. We call 𝑐 the speed of sound in a pure (say, cubic) crystal. As Frenkel and Kontorowa
       Ref. 253   found in 1938, when a screw dislocation moves with velocity 𝑣, its width 𝑤 changes as

                                                          𝑤=                  .                                (125)
                                                                √1 − 𝑣2 /𝑐2

                  In addition, the energy of the moving dislocation obeys

                                                          𝐸=                  .                                (126)
                                                               √1 − 𝑣2 /𝑐2

                  A screw dislocation thus cannot move faster than the speed of sound 𝑐 in a crystal and its
                  width shows a speed-dependent contraction. (Edge dislocations have similar, but more
                  complex behaviour.) The motion of screw dislocations in solids is thus described by the
                  same effects and formulae that describe the motion of bodies in special relativity; the

                  * See the, and
                  pk/dmems/mixed_dislocation.htm web pages to watch a moving dislocation.
                   300                                                          11 bacteria, flies and knots

                               contracted state                                     stretched state
                               (high entropy)                                       (low entropy)



                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 169 An illustration of the relation between polymer configurations and elasticity. The
                   molecules in the stretched situation have fewer possible shape configurations and thus lower entropy;
                   therefore, the material tends back to the contracted situation.

                   speed of sound is the limit speed for dislocations in the same way that the speed of light
                   is the limit speed for objects.
                       Does this mean that elementary particles are dislocations of space or even of space-

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   time, maybe even dislocation rings? The speculation is appealing, even though it sup-
                   poses that space-time is a solid crystal, and thus contradicts the model of space or space-
Vol. VI, page 76   time as a fluid. Worse, we will soon encounter other reasons to reject modelling space-
Challenge 163 s    time as a lattice; maybe you can find a few arguments already by yourself. Still, expres-
                   sions (125) and (126) for dislocations continue to fascinate.
                       At this point, we are confused. Space-time seems to be solid and liquid at the same
                   time. Despite this contrast, the discussion somehow gives the impression that there is
                   something waiting to be discovered. But what? We will find out in the last part of our

       Ref. 254    The study of polymers is both economically important and theoretically fascinating.
                   Polymers are materials built of long and flexible macromolecules that are sequences of
                   many (‘poly’ in Greek) similar monomers. These macromolecules are thus wobbly en-
                       Polymers form solids, like rubber or plexiglas, melts, like those used to cure teeth, and
                   many kinds of solutions, like glues, paints, eggs, or people. Polymer gases are of lesser
                       All the material properties of polymers, such as their elasticity, their viscosity,
                   their electric conductivity or their unsharp melting point, depend on the number of
                   monomers and the topology of their constituent molecules. In many cases, this depend-
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                           301

                  ence can be calculated. Let us explore an example.
                    If 𝐿 is the contour length of a free, ideal, unbranched polymer molecule, the average
                  end-to-end distance 𝑅 is proportional to the square root of the length 𝐿:

                                              𝑅 = √𝐿𝑙 ∼ √𝐿        or 𝑅 ∼ √𝑁                            (127)

                  where 𝑁 is the number of monomers and 𝑙 is an effective monomer length describing the
                  scale at which the polymer molecule is effectively stiff. 𝑅 is usually much smaller than 𝐿;
                  this means that free, ideal polymer molecules are usually in a coiled state.
                     Obviously, the end-to-end distance 𝑅 varies from molecule to molecule, and follows
                  a Gaussian distribution for the probability 𝑃 of a end-to-end distance 𝑅:

                                                         𝑃(𝑅) ∼ e 2𝑁𝑙2 .                               (128)

                  The average end-to-end distance mentioned above is the root-mean-square of this distri-

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  bution. Non-ideal polymers are polymers which have, like non-ideal gases, interactions
                  with neighbouring molecules or with solvents. In practice, polymers follow the ideal be-
                  haviour quite rarely: polymers are ideal only in certain solvents and in melts.
                     If a polymer is stretched, the molecules must rearrange. This changes their entropy
                  and produces an elastic force 𝑓 that tries to inhibit the stretching. For an ideal polymer,
                  the force is not due to molecular interactions, but is entropic in nature. Therefore the
                  force can be deduced from the free energy

                                                       𝐹 ∼ −𝑇 ln 𝑃(𝑅)                                  (129)

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  of the polymer: the force is then simply given as 𝑓 = ∂𝐹(𝑅)/∂𝑅. For an ideal polymer,
                  using its probability distribution, the force turns out to be proportional to the stretched
Challenge 164 e   length. Thus the spring constant 𝑘 can be introduced, given by

                                                             𝑓 3𝑇
                                                        𝑘=     =    .                                  (130)
                                                             𝑅   𝐿𝑙
                  We thus deduced a material property, the spring constant 𝑘, from the simple idea that
                  polymers are made of long, flexible molecules. The proportionality to temperature 𝑇 is
                  a result of the entropic nature of the force; the dependence on 𝐿 shows that longer mo-
                  lecules are more easy to stretch. For a real, non-ideal polymer, the calculation is more
                  complex, but the procedure is the same. Indeed, this is the mechanism at the basis of the
                  elasticity of rubber.
                     Using the free energy of polymer conformations, we can calculate the material proper-
                  ties of macromolecules in many other situations, such as their reaction to compression,
                  their volume change in the melt, their interactions in solutions, the effect of branched
                  molecules, etc. This is a vast field of knowledge on its own, which we do not pursue here.
                  Modern research topics include the study of knotted polymers and the study of polymer
                  mixtures. Extensive computer calculations and experiments are regularly compared.
                     Do polymers have some relation to the structure of physical space? The issue is open.
           302                                                             11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           F I G U R E 170 The knot diagrams for the simplest prime knots (© Robert Scharein).

           It is sure, however, that polymers are often knotted and linked.

           Knots and links

                                                               Don’t touch this, or I shall tie your fingers into

                                                                         (Nasty, but surprisingly efficient child
                                                                                          education technique.)

           Knots and their generalization are central to the study of wobbly object motion. A (math-
           ematical) knot is a closed piece of rubber string, i.e., a string whose ends have been glued
           together, which cannot be deformed into a circle or a simple loop. The simple loop is also
           called the trivial knot.
              Knots are of importance in the context of this chapter as they visualize the limitations
           of the motion of wobbly entities. In addition, we will discover other reasons to study
Ref. 255   knots later on. In this section, we just have a bit of fun.*

           * Beautiful illustrations and detailed information about knots can be found on the Knot Atlas website at
  and at the KnotPlot website at
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                   303

                      In 1949, Schubert proved that every knot can be decomposed in a unique way as sum
       Ref. 256   of prime knots. Knots thus behave similarly to integers.
                      If prime knots are ordered by their crossing numbers, as shown in Figure 170, the
                  trivial knot (01 ) is followed by the trefoil knot (31 ) and by the figure-eight knot (41 ). The
                  figure only shows prime knots, i.e., knots that cannot be decomposed into two knots that
                  are connected by two parallel strands. In addition, the figure only shows one of the often
                  possible two mirror versions.
                      Together with the search for invariants, the tabulation of knots – a result of their clas-
                  sification – is a modern mathematical sport. Flat knot diagrams are usually ordered by
                  the minimal number of crossings as done in Figure 170. There is 1 knot with zero, 1 with
       Ref. 256   three and 1 with four crossings (not counting mirror knots); there are 2 knots with five
                  and 3 with six crossings, 7 knots with seven, 21 knots with eight, 41 with nine, 165 with
                  ten, 552 with eleven, 2176 with twelve, 9988 with thirteen, 46 972 with fourteen, 253 293
                  with fifteen and 1 388 705 knots with sixteen crossings.
                      The mirror image of a knot usually, but not always, is different from the original. If

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  you want a challenge, try to show that the trefoil knot, the knot with three crossings, is
                  different from its mirror image. The first mathematical proof was by Max Dehn in 1914.
                      Antiknots do not exist. An antiknot would be a knot on a rope that cancels out the
                  corresponding knot when the two are made to meet along the rope. It is easy to prove
                  that this is impossible. We take an infinite sequence of knots and antiknots on a string,
       Ref. 257   𝐾 − 𝐾 + 𝐾 − 𝐾 + 𝐾 − 𝐾.... On the one hand, we could make them disappear in this way
                  𝐾−𝐾+𝐾−𝐾+𝐾−𝐾... = (𝐾−𝐾)+(𝐾−𝐾)+(𝐾−𝐾)... = 0. On the other hand, we could do
                  the same thing using 𝐾−𝐾+𝐾−𝐾+𝐾−𝐾... = 𝐾+(−𝐾+𝐾)+(−𝐾+𝐾)+(−𝐾+𝐾)... = 𝐾.
                  The only knot 𝐾 with an antiknot is thus the unknot 𝐾 = 0.*

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      How do we describe such a knot through the telephone? Mathematicians have spent
                  a lot of time to figure out smart ways to achieve it. The obvious way is to flatten the
                  knot onto a plane and to list the position and the type (below or above) of the crossings.
                  (See Figure 171.) But what is the simplest way to describe knots by the telephone? The
                  task is not completely finished, but the end is in sight. Mathematicians do not talk about
                  ‘telephone messages’, they talk about knot invariants, i.e., about quantities that do not
                  depend on the precise shape of the knot. At present, the best description of knots use
                  polynomial invariants. Most of them are based on a discovery by Vaughan Jones in 1984.
                  However, though the Jones polynomial allows us to uniquely describe most simple knots,
                  it fails to do so for more complex ones. But the Jones polynomial finally allowed mathem-
                  aticians to prove that a diagram which is alternating and eliminates nugatory crossings
                  (i.e., if it is ‘reduced’) is indeed one which has minimal number of crossings. The poly-
                  nomial also allows showing that any two reduced alternating diagrams are related by a
                  sequence of flypes.
                      In short, the simplest way to describe a knot through the telephone is to give its Kauff-
                  man polynomial, together with a few other polynomials.
                      Since knots are stable in time, a knotted line in three dimensions is equivalent to a
                  knotted surface in space-time. When thinking in higher dimensions, we need to be care-
                  ful. Every knot (or knotted line) can be untied in four or more dimensions. However,

                  * This proof does not work when performed with numbers; we would be able to deduce 1 = 0 by setting
Challenge 165 s   K=1. Why is this proof valid with knots but not with numbers?
                  304                                                             11 bacteria, flies and knots

                                                           Reidemeister       Reidemeister             Reidemeister
                  right-hand          left-hand            move I             move II                  move III
                  crossing +1         crossing -1          (untwist)          (unpoke)                 (slide)

                                                                                     the flype
                        a nugatory crossing                               R
                  F I G U R E 171 Crossing types           F I G U R E 172 The Reidemeister moves and the flype.
                  in knots.

                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 173 A tight open overhand knot and a tight open figure-eight knot (© Piotr Pieranski)

                  there is no surface embedded in four dimensions which has as 𝑡 = 0 slice a knot, and as
                  𝑡 = 1 slice the circle. Such a surface embedding needs at least five dimensions.

                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     In higher dimensions, knots are thus possible only if n-spheres are tied instead of
                  circles; for example, as just said, 2-spheres can be tied into knots in 4 dimensions, 3-
                  spheres in 5 dimensions and so forth.

                  The hardest open problems that you can tell your grandmother
                  Even though mathematicians have achieved good progress in the classification of knots,
                  surprisingly, they know next to nothing about the shapes of knots. Here are a few prob-
                  lems that are still open today:
                  — This is the simplest unsolved knot problem: Imagine an ideally wobbly rope, that is,
                    a rope that has the same radius everywhere, but whose curvature can be changed as
                    one prefers. Tie a trefoil knot into the rope. By how much do the ends of the rope get
Challenge 166 r     nearer? In 2006, there are only numerical estimates for the answer: about 10.1 radi-
                    uses. There is no formula yielding the number 10.1. Alternatively, solve the following
                    problem: what is the rope length of a closed trefoil knot? Also in this case, only nu-
                    merical values are known – about 16.33 radiuses – but no exact formula. The same is
                    valid for any other knot, of course.

                  — For mathematical knots, i.e., closed knots, the problem is equally unsolved. For ex-
                    ample: the ropelength of the tight trefoil knot is known to be around 16.33 diameters,
       Ref. 259     and that of the figure-eight knot about 21.04 diameters. For beautiful visualizations of
                  11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                       305

                  F I G U R E 174 The ropelength problem for the simple clasp, and the candidate configuration that
                  probably minimizes ropelength, leaving a gap between the two ropes (© Jason Cantarella).

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                      the tightening process, see the animations on the website
                      movs. But what is the formula giving the ropelength values? Nobody knows, because
                      the precise shape of the trefoil knot – or of any other knot – is unknown. Lou Kauff-
                      man has a simple comment for the situation: ‘It is a scandal of mathematics!’
                  — Mathematicians also study more general structures than knots. Links are the gener-
                    alization of knots to several closed strands. Braids and long links are the generaliza-
                    tion of links to open strands. Now comes the next surprise, illustrated in Figure 174.
                    Even for two ropes that form a simple clasp, i.e., two linked letters ‘U’, the ropelength

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
       Ref. 260     problem is unsolved – and there is not even a knot involved! In fact, in 2004, Jason
                    Cantarella and his colleagues have presented a candidate for the shape that minimizes
                    ropelength. Astonishingly, the candidate configuration leaves a small gap between the
                    two ropes, as shown in Figure 174.

                  In short, the shape of knots is a research topic that has barely taken off. Therefore we
                  have to leave these questions for a future occasion.

                  Curiosities and fun challenges on knots and wobbly entities
                  Knots appear rarely in nature. For example, tree branches or roots do not seem to grow
Challenge 167 r   many knots during the lifetime of a plant. How do plants avoid this? In other words, why
                  are there no knotted bananas or knotted flower stems in nature?
                     Recent research has also explored how octopusses avoid knots in their arms. It was
                  found that the arms secrete a chemical substance that prevents arms or parts of the arms
                  from sticking together.
                  Not only knot, also links can be classified. The simplest links, i.e., the links for which the
                  simplest configuration has the smallest number of crossings, are shown in Figure 175.
           306                                                            11 bacteria, flies and knots

           F I G U R E 175 The diagrams for the simplest links with two and three components (© Robert Scharein).

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           F I G U R E 176 A hagfish tied into a knot                             F I G U R E 177 How apparent
           (© Christine Ortlepp).                                                order for long rope coils (left)
                                                                                 changes over time when shaking
                                                                                 the container (right) (© 2007

           The physics of human swimming is fascinating. To learn the details on how to move in
           order to swim as rapidly as possible, explore the wonderful website
           swim by Brent Rushall. He tells how to move the arms, the trunk and the legs and he
           shows how champions perform these movements. Rushall also tells about the bizarre
           theories that are aired in the field of swimming, such as the mistaken idea that lift plays
           a role in human swimming.
           A famous type of eel, the knot fish Myxine glutinosa, also called hagfish or slime eel, is
Ref. 262   able to make a knot in his body and move this knot from head to tail. Figure 176 shows
           11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                              307

           an example. The hagfish uses this motion to cover its body with a slime that prevents
           predators from grabbing it; it also uses this motion to escape the grip of predators, to get
           rid of the slime after the danger is over, and to push against a prey it is biting in order to
           extract a piece of meat. All studied knot fish form only left handed trefoil knots, by the
           way; this is another example of chirality in nature.
           Proteins, the molecules that make up many cell structures, are chains of aminoacids.
Ref. 261   It seems that very few proteins are knotted, and that most of these form trefoil knots.
           However, a figure-eight knotted protein has been discovered in 2000 by William Taylor.
           One of the most incredible discoveries of recent years is related to knots in DNA mo-
           lecules. The DNA molecules inside cell nuclei can be hundreds of millions of base pairs
           long; they regularly need to be packed and unpacked. When this is done, often the same

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           happens as when a long piece of rope or a long cable is taken out of a closet.
               It is well known that you can roll up a rope and put it into a closet in such a way
           that it looks orderly stored, but when it is pulled out at one end, a large number of knots
Ref. 263   is suddenly found. In 2007, this effects was finally explored in detail. Strings of a few
           metres in length were put into square boxes and shaken, in order to speed up the effect.
           The result, shown partly in Figure 177, was astonishing: almost every imaginable knot –
           up to a certain complexity that depends on the length and flexibility of the string – was
           formed in this way.
               To make a long story short, the tangling also happens to nature when it unpacks DNA

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           in cell nuclei. Life requires that DNA molecules move inside the cell nucleus without
           hindrance. So what does nature do? Nature takes a simpler approach: when there are
           unwanted crossings, it cuts the DNA, moves it over and puts the ends together again. In
           cell nuclei, there are special enzymes, the so-called topoisomerases, which perform this
           process. The details of this fascinating process are still object of modern research.
           The great mathematician Carl-Friedrich Gauß – often written as ‘Gauss’ in English –
           was the first person to ask what happens when an electrical current 𝐼 flows along a wire
Ref. 264   𝐴 that is linked with a wire 𝐵. He discovered a beautiful result by calculating the effect of
           the magnetic field of one wire onto the other:

                             1               1                (𝑥 − 𝑥𝐵 )
                               ∫ d𝑥𝐴 ⋅ 𝐵𝐵 =    ∫ d𝑥𝐴 ⋅ ∫ d𝑥𝐵 × 𝐴          =𝑛,                      (131)
                            4π𝐼 𝐴           4π 𝐴        𝐵     |𝑥𝐴 − 𝑥𝐵 |3

           where the integrals are performed along the wires. Gauss found that the number 𝑛 does
           not depend on the precise shape of the wires, but only on the way they are linked. De-
           forming the wires does not change the resulting number 𝑛. Mathematicians call such a
           number a topological invariant. In short, Gauss discovered a physical method to calculate
           a mathematical invariant for links; the research race to do the same for other invariants,
           and in particular for knots and braids, is still going on today.
              In the 1980s, Edward Witten was able to generalize this approach to include the nuc-
                     308                                                    11 bacteria, flies and knots

                     F I G U R E 178 A large raindrop falling                F I G U R E 179 Is this possible?

                     lear interactions, and to define more elaborate knot invariants, a discovery that brought
                     him the Fields medal.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     If we move along a knot and count the crossings where we stay above and subtract the
                     number of crossings where we pass below, we get a number called the writhe of the knot.
                     It is not an invariant, but usually a tool in building them. Indeed, the writhe is not ne-
                     cessarily invariant under one of the three Reidemeister moves. Can you see which one,
Challenge 168 e      using Figure 172? However, the writhe is invariant under flypes.
                     Modern knot research is still a topic with many open questions. A recent discovery is the
         Ref. 265    quasi-quantization of three-dimensional writhe in tight knots. Many discoveries are still

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     expected in the domain of geometric knot theory.
Challenge 169 e      There are two ways to tie your shoes. Can you find them?
Challenge 170 s      What is the shape of raindrops? Try to picture it. However, use your reason, not your
                     prejudice! By the way, it turns out that there is a maximum size for raindrops, with a
         Ref. 266    value of about 4 mm. The shape of such a large raindrop is shown in Figure 178. Can you
                     imagine where the limit comes from?
                         For comparison, the drops in clouds, fog or mist are in the range of 1 to 100 μm, with
Vol. III, page 166   a peak at 10 to 15 μm. In situations where all droplets are of similar size and where light
Vol. III, page 131   is scattered only once by the droplets, one can observe coronae, glories or fogbows.
Challenge 171 s      What is the entity shown in Figure 179 – a knot, a braid or a link?
Challenge 172 d      Can you find a way to classify tie knots?
Challenge 173 s      Are you able to find a way to classify the way shoe laces can be threaded?
                    11 bacteria, flies and knots                                                                           309

                    F I G U R E 180 A flying snake, Chrysopelea paradisii, performing the feat that gave it its name (QuickTime
                    film © Jake Socha).

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    A striking example of how wobbly entities can behave is given in Figure 180. There is
                    indeed a family of snakes that like to jump off a tree and sail through the air to a neigh-
                    bouring tree. Both the jump and the sailing technique have been studied in recent years.
                    The website by Jake Socha provides additional films. His fascinat-
        Ref. 267    ing publications tell more about these intriguing reptiles.

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
 Vol. I, page 327   When a plane moves at supersonic speed through humid air, sometimes a conical cloud
                    forms and moves with the plane. How does this cloud differ from the ones studied above?
 Challenge 174 e

Challenge 175 ny    One of the toughest challenges about clouds: is it possible to make rain on demand? So
                    far, there are almost no positive results. Inventing a method, possibly based on hygro-
                    scopic salt injection or with the help of lasers, will be a great help to mankind.
                    Do knots have a relation to elementary particles? The question is about 150 years old. It
                    was first investigated by William Thomson-Kelvin and Peter Tait in the late nineteenth
                    century. So far, no proof of a relation has been found. Knots might be of importance at
                    Planck scales, the smallest dimensions possible in nature. We will explore how knots and
                    the structure of elementary particles might be related in the last volume of this adventure.

                    Summary on wobbly objects
                    We can sum up the possible motions of extended systems in a few key themes. In earl-
 Vol. I, page 316   ier chapters we studied waves, solitons and interpenetration. These observations are de-
                    scribed by wave equations. In this chapter we explored the way to move through shape
                  310                                                    11 bacteria, flies and knots

                  change, explored eversion, studied vortices, fluids, polymers, knots and their rearrange-
                  ment, and explored the motion of dislocations in solids. We found that shape change
                  is described by gauge theory, eversion is described by space-duality, vortices follow the
                  Schrödinger equation, fluids and polymers resemble general relativity and black holes,
                  knot shapes are hard to calculate and dislocations behave relativistically.
                      The motion of wobbly objects is a neglected topic in textbooks on motion. Research
                  is progressing at full speed; it is expected that many beautiful analogies with traditional
                  physics will be discovered in the near future. For example, in this chapter we have not ex-
                  plored any possible analogy for the motion of light. Similarly, including quantum theory
Challenge 176 r   into the description of wobbly bodies’ motion remains a fascinating issue for anybody
                  aiming to publish in a new field.
                      In summary, we found that wobbly entities can reproduce most fields of modern phys-
                  ics. Are there wobbly entities that reproduce all of modern physics? We will explore the
                  question in the last volume.

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
C h a p t e r 12

– AG A I N

        ompared to classical physics, quantum theory is definitely more
        omplex. The basic idea however, is simple: in nature there is a smallest
        hange, or a smallest action, with the value ℏ = 1.1 ⋅ 10−34 Js. The smallest ac-
tion value leads to all the strange observations made in the microscopic domain, such

                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
as wave behaviour of matter, indeterminacy relations, decoherence, randomness in
measurements, indistinguishability, quantization of angular momentum, tunnelling,
pair creation, decay, particle reactions and virtual particle exchange.

Q uantum field theory in a few sentences

                                         “                                                   ”
                                             Deorum offensae diis curae.
                                                            Voltaire, Traité sur la tolérance.

All of quantum theory can be resumed in a few sentences.

                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      ⊳ In nature, actions smaller than ℏ = 1.1 ⋅ 10−34 Js are not observed.

The existence of a smallest action in nature directly leads to the main lesson we learned
about motion in the quantum part of our adventure:

      ⊳ If something moves, it is made of quantons, or quantum particles.
      ⊳ There are elementary quantum particles.

These statements apply to everything, thus to all objects and to all images, i.e., to mat-
ter and to radiation. Moving stuff is made of quantons. Stones, water waves, light, sound
waves, earthquakes, tooth paste and everything else we can interact with is made of mov-
ing quantum particles. Experiments show:

      ⊳ All intrinsic object properties observed in nature – such as electric charge,
      weak charge, colour charge, spin, parity, lepton number, etc., with the only
      exception of mass – appear as integer numbers of a smallest unit; in com-
      posed systems they either add or multiply.
                  312                                     12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

                        ⊳ An elementary quantum particle or elementary quanton is a countable
      Page 261          entity, smaller than its own Compton wavelength, described by energy–
                        momentum, mass, spin, C, P and T parity, electric charge, colour, weak
                        isospin, isospin, strangeness, charm, topness, beauty, lepton number and ba-
                        ryon number.

                  All moving entities are made of elementary quantum particles. To see how deep this
                  result is, you can apply it to all those moving entities for which it is usually forgotten,
                  such as ghosts, spirits, angels, nymphs, daemons, devils, gods, goddesses and souls. You
Challenge 177 e   can check yourself what happens when their particle nature is taken into account.
                     Quantum particles are never at rest, cannot be localized, move probabilistically, be-
                  have as particles or as waves, interfere, can be polarized, can tunnel, are indistinguishable,
                  have antiparticles, interact locally, define length and time scales and they limit measure-
                  ment precision.

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     Quantum particles come in two types:

                        ⊳ Matter is composed of fermions: quarks and leptons. There are 6 quarks
                        that make up nuclei, and 6 leptons – 3 charged leptons, including the elec-
                        tron, and 3 uncharged neutrinos. Elementary fermions have spin 1/2 and
                        obey the Pauli exclusion principle.
                        ⊳ Radiation is due to the three gauge interactions and is composed of bosons:
                        photons, the weak vector bosons and the 8 gluons. These elementary bosons
                        all have spin 1.

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  In our adventure, we wanted to know what matter and interactions are. Now we know:
                  they are due to elementary quantum particles. The exploration of motion inside matter,
                  including particle reactions and virtual particle exchange, showed us that matter is made
                  of a finite number of elementary quantum particles. Experiments show:

                        ⊳ In flat space, elementary particles interact in one of three ways: there is
                        the electromagnetic interaction, the strong nuclear interaction and the weak
                        nuclear interaction.
                        ⊳ The three interactions are exchanges of virtual bosons.
                        ⊳ The three interactions are described by the gauge symmetries U(1), SU(3)
                        and a broken, i.e., approximate SU(2) symmetry.

                  The three gauge symmetries fix the Lagrangian of every physical system in flat space-
                  time. The most simple description of the Lagrangians is with the help of Feynman dia-
                  grams and the gauge groups.

                        ⊳ In all interactions, energy, momentum, angular momentum, electric
                        charge, colour charge, CPT parity, lepton number and baryon number are

                  The list of conserved quantities implies:
                   12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                                313

                         ⊳ Quantum field theory is the part of quantum physics that includes the
                         description of particle transformations.

                   The possibility of particle transformations – including particle reactions, particle emis-
                   sion and particle absorption – results from the existence of a minimum action and of a
Vol. IV, page 31   maximum speed in nature. Emission of light, radioactivity, the burning of the Sun and
                   the history of the composite matter we are made of are due to particle transformations.
                      Due to the possibility of particle transformations, quantum field theory introduces a
                   limit for the localization of particles. In fact, any object of mass 𝑚 can be localized only
                   within intervals of the Compton wavelength

                                                              ℎ    2πℏ
                                                       𝜆C =      =     ,                                 (132)
                                                              𝑚𝑐   𝑚𝑐
                   where 𝑐 is the speed of light. At the latest at this distance we have to abandon the clas-

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   sical description and use quantum field theory. If we approach the Compton wavelength,
                   particle transformations become so important that classical physics and even simple
                   quantum theory are not sufficient.
                      Quantum electrodynamics is the quantum field description of electromagnetism. It
                   includes and explains all particle transformations that involve photons. The Lagrangian
                   of QED is determined by the electromagnetic gauge group U(1), the requirements of
                   space-time (Poincaré) symmetry, permutation symmetry and renormalizability. The lat-
                   ter requirement follows from the continuity of space-time. Through the effects of virtual
                   particles, QED describes electromagnetic decay, lamps, lasers, pair creation, Unruh radi-
                   ation for accelerating observers, vacuum energy and the Casimir effect, i.e., the attrac-

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   tion of neutral conducting bodies. Particle transformations due to quantum electrody-
                   namics also introduce corrections to classical electrodynamics; among others, particle
                   transformations produce small departures from the superposition principle for electro-
                   magnetic fields, including the possibility of photon-photon scattering.
                      The theory of weak nuclear interaction describes parity violation, quark mixings, neut-
                   rino mixings, massive vector bosons and the Higgs field for the breaking of the weak
                   SU(2) gauge symmetry. The weak interaction explains a large part of radioactivity, in-
                   cluding the heat production inside the Earth, and describes processes that make the Sun
                      Quantum chromodynamics, the field theory of the strong nuclear interaction, de-
                   scribes all particle transformations that involve gluons. At fundamental scales, the strong
                   interaction is mediated by eight elementary gluons. At larger, femtometre scales, the
                   strong interaction effectively acts through the exchange of spin 0 pions, is strongly at-
                   tractive, and leads to the formation of atomic nuclei. The strong interaction determines
                   nuclear fusion and fission. Quantum chromodynamics, or QCD, explains the masses of
      Page 200     mesons and baryons through their description as bound quark states.
                      By including particle transformations, quantum field theory provides a common basis
                   of concepts and descriptions to materials science, nuclear physics, chemistry, biology,
                   medicine and to most of astronomy. For example, the same concepts allow us to answer
                   questions such as why water is liquid at room temperature, why copper is red, why the
                   rainbow is coloured, why the Sun and the stars continue to shine, why there are about
314                                       12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

110 elements, where a tree takes the material to make its wood and why we are able to
move our right hand at our own will. Quantum theory explains the origin of material
properties and the origin of the properties of life.
    Quantum field theory describes all material properties, be they mechanical, optical,
electric or magnetic. It describes all waves that occur in materials, such as sound and
phonons, magnetic waves and magnons, light, plasmons, and all localized excitations.
Quantum field theory also describes collective effects in matter, such as superconduct-
ivity, semiconductor effects and superfluidity. Finally, quantum field theory describes all
interactions between matter and radiation, from colour to antimatter creation.
    Quantum field theory also clarifies that the particle description of nature, including
the conservation of particle number – defined as the difference between particles and
antiparticles – follows from the possibility to describe interactions perturbatively. A per-
turbative description of nature is possible only at low energies. At extremely high ener-
gies, higher than those observed in experiments, the situation is expected to change and
non-perturbative effects should come into play. These situations will be explored in the

                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
next volume.

Achievements in precision
Classical physics is unable to predict any property of matter. Quantum field theory pre-
dicts all properties of matter, and to the full number of digits – sometimes thirteen –
that can be measured today. The precision is usually not limited by the inaccuracy of the-
ory, it is limited by the measurement accuracy. In other words, the agreement between
quantum field theory and experiment is only limited by the amount of money one is
willing to spend. Table 25 shows some predictions of classical physics and of quantum

                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
field theory. The predictions are deduced from the properties of nature collected in the
millennium list, which is given in the next section.

TA B L E 25 Selected comparisons between classical physics, quantum theory and experiment.

O b s e r va b l e           Clas -   Prediction of                   Measure -         Cost
                             sical    qua ntu m                       ment              esti-
                             predic - theory𝑎                                           m at e𝑏
Simple motion of bodies
Indeterminacy                0            Δ𝑥Δ𝑝 ⩾ ℏ/2                  (1 ± 10−2 ) ℏ/2   10 k€
Matter wavelength            none         𝜆𝑝 = 2πℏ                    (1 ± 10−2 ) ℏ     10 k€
Tunnelling rate in α decay   0            1/𝜏 is finite               (1 ± 10−2 ) 𝜏     5 k€
Compton wavelength           none         𝜆 c = ℎ/𝑚e 𝑐                (1 ± 10−3 ) 𝜆     20 k€
Pair creation rate           0            𝜎𝐸                          agrees            100 k€
Radiative decay time in      none         𝜏 ∼ 1/𝑛3                    (1 ± 10−2 )       5 k€
Smallest angular             0            ℏ/2                         (1 ± 10−6 ) ℏ/2   10 k€
Casimir effect/pressure      0            𝑝 = (π2 ℏ𝑐)/(240𝑟4 )        (1 ± 10−3 )       30 k€
12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                                           315

TA B L E 25 (Continued) Selected comparisons between classical physics, quantum theory and

O b s e r va b l e           Clas -   Prediction of                   Measure -           Cost
                             sical    qua ntu m                       ment                esti-
                             predic - theory𝑎                                             m at e𝑏

Colours of objects
Spectrum of hot objects      diverges      𝜆 max = ℎ𝑐/(4.956 𝑘𝑇)      (1 ± 10−4 ) Δ𝜆      10 k€
Lamb shift                   none          Δ𝜆 = 1057.86(1) MHz        (1 ± 10−6 ) Δ𝜆      50 k€
Rydberg constant             none          𝑅∞ = 𝑚e 𝑐𝛼2 /2ℎ            (1 ± 10−9 ) 𝑅∞      50 k€
Stefan–Boltzmann             none          𝜎 = π2 𝑘4 /60ℏ3 𝑐2         (1 ± 3 ⋅ 10−8 ) 𝜎   20 k€
Wien’s displacement          none          𝑏 = 𝜆 max 𝑇                (1 ± 10−5 ) 𝑏       20 k€

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Refractive index of water    none          1.34                       a few %             1 k€
Photon-photon scattering     0             from QED: finite           agrees              50 M€
Laser radiation exists       no            yes                        agrees              10€
Particle and interaction properties
Electron gyromagnetic        1 or 2        2.002 319 304 3(1)         2.002 319 304       30 M€
ratio                                                                 3737(82)
Z boson mass                 none          𝑚2𝑍 = 𝑚2𝑊 (1 + sin 𝜃𝑊
                                                                 )    (1 ± 10−3 ) 𝑚𝑍      100 M€
Proton mass                  none          (1 ± 5 %) 𝑚p               𝑚p =1.67 yg         1 M€

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Proton lifetime              ≈ 1 μs        ∞                          > 1035 a            100 M€
Chemical reaction rate       0             from QED                   correct within      2 k€
Composite matter properties
Atom lifetime                ≈ 1 μs        ∞                          > 1020 a            1€
Molecular size               none          from QED                   within 10−3         20 k€
Von Klitzing constant        ∞             ℎ/𝑒2 = 𝜇0 𝑐/2𝛼             (1 ± 10−7 ) ℎ/𝑒2    1 M€
AC Josephson constant        0             2𝑒/ℎ                       (1 ± 10−6 ) 2𝑒/ℎ    5 M€
Heat capacity of metals at   25 J/K        0                          < 10−3 J/K          10 k€
Heat capacity of diatomic    25 J/K        0                          < 10−3 J/K          10 k€
gas at 0 K
Water density                none          1000.00 kg/m3 at 4°C       agrees              10 k€
Minimum electr.              0             𝐺 = 2𝑒2 /ℏ                 G(1 ± 10−3 )        3 k€
Ferromagnetism               none          exists                     exists              2€
Superfluidity                none          exists                     exists              200 k€
Bose–Einsein                 none          exists                     exists              2 M€
                    316                                           12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

                    TA B L E 25 (Continued) Selected comparisons between classical physics, quantum theory and

                    O b s e r va b l e             Clas -   Prediction of                      Measure -           Cost
                                                   sical    qua ntu m                          ment                esti-
                                                   predic - theory𝑎                                                m at e𝑏
                    Superconductivity              none           exists                       exists              100 k€
                    Superconductivity (high        none           none yet                     exists              100 k€

                    𝑎. All these predictions are calculated from the fundamental quantities given in the millennium
                    𝑏. Sometimes the cost for the calculation of the prediction is higher than that of the experimental

                                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Challenge 178 s     observation. (Can you spot the examples?) The sum of the two is given.

                    We notice that the values predicted by quantum theory do not differ from the measured
                    ones. In contrast, classical physics does not allow us to calculate any of the observed
                    values. This shows the progress that quantum physics has brought in the description of
                       In short, in the microscopic domain quantum theory is in perfect correspondence
                    with nature; despite prospects of fame and riches, despite the largest number of research-
                    ers ever, no contradiction with observation has been found yet. But despite this impress-
                    ive agreement, there still are unexplained observations; they form the so-called millen-

                                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    nium list.

                    What is unexplained by quantum theory and general relativity?
                    The material gathered in this quantum part of our mountain ascent, together with the
Vol. II, page 287   earlier summary of general relativity, allows us to describe all observed phenomena con-
                    nected to motion. For the first time, there are no known differences between theory and
                       Despite the precision of the description of nature, some things are missing. Whenever
                    we ask ‘why?’ about an observation and continue doing so after each answer, we arrive
                    at one of the unexplained properties of nature listed in Table 26. The table lists all issues
                    about fundamental motion that were unexplained in the year 2000, so that we can call it
                    the millennium list of open problems.

                    TA B L E 26 The millennium list: everything the standard model and general relativity cannot explain;
                    thus, also the list of the only experimental data available to test the final, unified description of motion.

                    O b s e r va b l e P r o p e r t y u n e x p l a i n e d s i n c e t h e y e a r 2 0 0 0

                    Local quantities unexplained by the standard model: particle properties
                    𝛼 = 1/137.036(1) the low energy value of the electromagnetic coupling or fine structure con-
                    𝛼w or 𝜃w         the low energy value of the weak coupling constant or the value of the weak
                                     mixing angle
12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                                                317

TA B L E 26 (Continued) Everything the standard model and general relativity cannot explain.

O b s e r va b l e P r o p e r t y u n e x p l a i n e d s i n c e t h e y e a r 2 0 0 0

𝛼s                      the value of the strong coupling constant at one specific energy value
𝑚q                      the values of the 6 quark masses
𝑚l                      the values of 6 lepton masses
𝑚W                      the value of the mass of the 𝑊 vector boson
𝑚H                      the value of the mass of the scalar Higgs boson
𝜃12 , 𝜃13 , 𝜃23         the value of the three quark mixing angles
𝛿                       the value of the CP violating phase for quarks
  𝜈    𝜈     𝜈
𝜃12 , 𝜃13 , 𝜃23         the value of the three neutrino mixing angles
𝛿𝜈 , 𝛼1 , 𝛼2            the value of the three CP violating phases for neutrinos
3⋅4                     the number of fermion generations and of particles in each generation
J, P, C, etc.           the origin of all quantum numbers of each fermion and each boson

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Concepts unexplained by the standard model
𝑐, ℏ, 𝑘                 the origin of the invariant Planck units of quantum field theory
3+1                     the number of dimensions of physical space and time
SO(3,1)                 the origin of Poincaré symmetry, i.e., of spin, position, energy, momentum
Ψ                       the origin and nature of wave functions
𝑆(𝑛)                    the origin of particle identity, i.e., of permutation symmetry
Gauge symmetry          the origin of the gauge groups, in particular:
U(1)                    the origin of the electromagnetic gauge group, i.e., of the quantization of elec-

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                        tric charge, of the vanishing of magnetic charge, and of minimal coupling
SU(2)                   the origin of weak interaction gauge group, its breaking and P violation
SU(3)                   the origin of strong interaction gauge group and its CP conservation
Renorm. group           the origin of renormalization properties
𝛿𝑊 = 0                  the origin of the least action principle in quantum theory
𝑊 = ∫𝐿 SM d𝑡            the origin of the Lagrangian of the standard model of particle physics
Global quantities unexplained by general relativity and cosmology
0                       the observed flatness, i.e., vanishing curvature, of the universe
1.2(1) ⋅ 1026 m         the distance of the horizon, i.e., the ‘size’ of the universe (if it makes sense)
𝜌de = Λ𝑐4 /(8π𝐺)        the value and nature of the observed vacuum energy density, dark energy or
≈ 0.5 nJ/m3             cosmological constant
(5 ± 4) ⋅ 1079          the number of baryons in the universe (if it makes sense), i.e., the average
                        visible matter density in the universe
𝜌dm                     the density and nature of dark matter
𝑓0 (1, ..., c. 1090 )   the initial conditions for c. 1090 particle fields in the universe (if or as long as
                        they make sense), including the homogeneity and isotropy of matter distri-
                        bution, and the density fluctuations at the origin of galaxies
Concepts unexplained by general relativity and cosmology
𝑐, 𝐺                    the origin of the invariant Planck units of general relativity
                  318                                          12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

                  TA B L E 26 (Continued) Everything the standard model and general relativity cannot explain.

                  O b s e r va b l e P r o p e r t y u n e x p l a i n e d s i n c e t h e y e a r 2 0 0 0

                  R × S3               the observed topology of the universe
                  𝐺𝜇𝜈                  the origin and nature of curvature, the metric and horizons
                  𝛿𝑊 = 0               the origin of the least action principle in general relativity
                  𝑊 = ∫𝐿 GR d𝑡         the origin of the Lagrangian of general relativity

                  The millennium list has several notable aspects. First of all, neither quantum mechanics
                  nor general relativity explain any property unexplained in the other field. The two theor-
                  ies do not help each other; the unexplained parts of both fields simply add up. Secondly,
                  both in quantum theory and in general relativity, motion still remains the change of pos-
                  ition with time. In short, so far, we did not achieve our goal: we still do not understand
                  motion! We are able to describe motion with full precision, but we still do not know what
                  it is. Our basic questions remain: What are time and space? What is mass? What is charge

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  and what are the other properties of objects? What are fields? Why are all the electrons
                  the same?
      Page 316        We also note that the millennium list of open questions, Table 26, contains extremely
                  different concepts. This means that at this point of our walk there is a lot we do not
                  understand. Finding the answers will require effort.
                      On the other hand, the millennium list of unexplained properties of nature is also
                  short. The description of nature that our adventure has produced so far is concise and
                  precise. No discrepancies from experiments are known. In other words, we have a good
                  description of motion in practice. Going further is unnecessary if we only want to im-

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  prove measurement precision. Simplifying the above list is mainly important from the
                  conceptual point of view. For this reason, the study of physics at university often stops
                  at this point. However, as the millennium list shows, even though we have no known
                  discrepancies with experiments, we are not at the top of Motion Mountain.

                  The physics cube
        Page 8    Another review of the progress and of the open issues of physics, already given in the
                  introduction, is shown in Figure 181: the physics cube. From the lowest corner of the
                  cube, representing Galilean physics and related topics from everyday life, three edges –
                  labelled 𝑐, 𝐺 and ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘 – lead to classical gravity, special relativity and quantum theory.
                  Each constant implies a limit to motion; in the corresponding theory, this one limit is
                  taken into account, thus improving the precision of the description. From these second
                  level theories, similar edges lead upwards to general relativity, quantum field theory and
                  quantum theory with gravity. Each of these third level theories takes into account two of
                  the limits and thus improves precision even more.* The present volume completes the
                  third level of precision. We stress that each theory in the second and third level is exact,
                  * Of course, Figure 181 gives a simplified view of the history of physics. A more precise diagram might
                  use different arrows for ℏ (with 𝑘) and 𝑒, making the figure a four-dimensional cube. However, not all of
Challenge 179 e   its corners would have dedicated theories (can you confirm this?). Also the weak and the strong coupling
                  constants might have to be added. The diagram would be far less appealing. And most of all, the conclusions
                  mentioned in the text would not change.
12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                                                  319

  PHYSICS:                              Final, unified theory of motion                     Final level
  Describing motion with                   2020?                                            of precision
  precision, i.e., with the
  principle of least action.

                   ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘                𝑐                     𝐺
  General                                 Quantum                   Quantum                 Third level
  relativity                              theory with               field theory
  1915                                      gravity                 1926-1950
                                               c. 1950

               𝑐      ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘       𝐺       ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘         𝐺       𝑐

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
  Classical                                Special relativity       Quantum theory          Second level
  gravitation                              1905                     1900-1923
  c. 1680

                                𝐺         𝑐           ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘

  An arrow indicates an                    Galilean physics,                                First level
  increase in precision by                 heat, electricity                                of precision

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
  adding a motion limit.                   1650-1900

F I G U R E 181 A simplified history of the description of motion in physics, by giving the limits to motion
included in each description. The arrows show which constant of nature needs to be added and taken
into account to reach the next level of precision. (The electric charge 𝑒 is taken to represent all three
discrete gauge charges.)

though only in its domain. And even though the limits of each domain are obvious, no
differences between experiment and theory are known.
   From the third level theories, the edges lead to the last missing corner: the (unified)
theory of motion that takes into account all limits of nature. Only this theory is a com-
plete and unified description of nature. Since we already know all limits to motion, in
order to arrive at the last level, we do not need new experiments. We do not need new
knowledge. We only have to advance, in the right direction, with careful thinking. And
we can start from three different points. This is the topic of the last volume of our adven-
            320                                           12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

            The intense emotions due to quantum field theory and general
            It is sometimes deemed chic to pretend that the adventure is over at the stage we have
            just reached,* the third level of Figure 181. The reasoning given is as follows. If we change
Page 316    the values of the unexplained constants in the millennium list of Table 26 only ever so
 Ref. 270   slightly, nature would look completely different from what it does. Indeed, these con-
            sequences have been studied in great detail; an overview of the connections is given in
            the following table.

            TA B L E 27 A selection of the consequences of changing the properties of nature.

            O b s e r va b l e    Change               R e s u lt

            Local quantities, from quantum theory
            𝛼em                   smaller:             Only short lived, smaller and hotter stars; no Sun.

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                  larger:              Darker Sun, animals die of electromagnetic radiation,
                                                       too much proton decay, no planets, no stellar
                                                       explosions, no star formation, no galaxy formation.
                                  +60 %:               Quarks decay into leptons.
                                  +200 %:              Proton-proton repulsion makes nuclei impossible.
            𝛼w                    −50 %:               Carbon nucleus unstable.
                                  very weak:           No hydrogen, no p-p cycle in stars, no C-N-O cycle.
                                  +2 %:                No protons from quarks.
                                  𝐺𝐹 𝑚2𝑒 ≉            Either no or only helium in the universe.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                  √𝐺𝑚2𝑒 :
                                  much larger:         No stellar explosions, faster stellar burning.
            𝛼s                    −9 %:                No deuteron, stars far less bright.
                                  −1 %:                No C resonance, no life.
                                  +3.4 %:              Diproton stable, faster star burning.
                                  much larger:         Carbon unstable, heavy nuclei unstable, widespread
            n-p mass              larger:              Neutron decays in proton inside nuclei; no elements.
                                  smaller:             Free neutron not unstable, all protons into neutrons
                                                       during big bang; no elements.
                                  smaller than         Protons would capture electrons, no hydrogen atoms,
                                  𝑚𝑒 :                 star life much shorter.
            𝑚l changes:
            * Actually this attitude is not new. Only the arguments have changed. Maybe the greatest physicist ever,
 Ref. 269   James Clerk Maxwell, already fought against this attitude over a hundred years ago: ‘The opinion seems to
            have got abroad that, in a few years, all great physical constants will have been approximately estimated, and
            that the only occupation which will be left to men of science will be to carry these measurements to another
            place of decimals. [...] The history of science shows that even during that phase of her progress in which
            she devotes herself to improving the accuracy of the numerical measurement of quantities with which she
            has long been familiar, she is preparing the materials for the subjugation of new regions, which would have
            remained unknown if she had been contented with the rough methods of her early pioneers.’
12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                                        321

TA B L E 27 (Continued) A selection of the consequences of changing the properties of nature.

O b s e r va b l e   Change             R e s u lt

e-p mass ratio       much               No molecules.
                     much smaller:      No solids.
3 generations        6-8:               Only helium in nature.
                     >8:                No asymptotic freedom and confinement.
Global quantities, from general relativity
horizon size        much smaller:       No people.
baryon number       very different:     No smoothness .
                    much higher:        No solar system.
Initial condition changes:
Moon mass           smaller:            Small Earth magnetic field; too much cosmic radiation;

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                        widespread child skin cancer.
Moon mass            larger:            Large Earth magnetic field; too little cosmic radiation;
                                        no evolution into humans.
Sun’s mass           smaller:           Too cold for the evolution of life.
Sun’s mass           larger:            Sun too short lived for the evolution of life.
Jupiter mass         smaller:           Too many comet impacts on Earth; extinction of
                                        animal life.
Jupiter mass         larger:            Too little comet impacts on Earth; no Moon; no
                                        dinosaur extinction.

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Oort cloud           smaller:           No comets; no irregular asteroids; no Moon; still
object number                           dinosaurs.
galaxy centre        smaller:           Irregular planet motion; supernova dangers.
initial cosmic       +0.1 %:            1000 times faster universe expansion.
                     −0.0001 %:         Universe recollapses after 10 000 years.
vacuum energy        change by          No flatness.
density              10−55 :
3 + 1 dimensions     different:         No atoms, no planetary systems.
Local structures, from quantum theory
permutation          none:              No matter.
Lorentz symmetry     none:              No communication possible.
U(1)                 different:         No Huygens principle, no way to see anything.
SU(2)                different:         No radioactivity, no Sun, no life.
SU(3)                different:         No stable quarks and nuclei.
Global structures, from general relativity
                     322                                         12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

                     TA B L E 27 (Continued) A selection of the consequences of changing the properties of nature.

                     O b s e r va b l e   Change             R e s u lt

                     topology             other:             Unknown; possibly correlated γ ray bursts or star
                                                             images at the antipodes.

                     Note. Some researchers speculate that the whole of Table 27 can be condensed into a single sen-
         Ref. 271    tence: if any parameter in nature is changed, the universe would either have too many or too
Challenge 180 r      few black holes. However, the proof of this condensed summary is not complete yet. But it is a
                     beautiful hypothesis.

                        The effects of changing nature that are listed in Table 27 lead us to a profound ex-
                     perience: even the tiniest changes in the properties of nature are incompatible with our
                     existence. What does this experience mean? Answering this question too rapidly is dan-
                     gerous. Many have fallen into one of several traps:

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     — The first trap is to deduce, incorrectly, that the unexplained numbers and other prop-
                       erties from the millennium list do not need to or even cannot be explained, i.e., de-
                       duced from more general principles.
                     — The second trap is to deduce, incorrectly, that the universe has been created or de-
                     — The third trap is to deduce, incorrectly, that the universe is designed for people.
                     — The fourth trap is to deduce, incorrectly, that the universe is one of many.
                     All these traps are irrational and incorrect beliefs. All these beliefs have in common that

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                     they have no factual basis, that they discourage further search and that they sell many
                        The first trap is due to a combination of pessimism and envy; it is a type of wish-
                     ful thinking. But wishful thinking has no place in the study of motion. The second trap
Vol. VI, page 374    works because many physicists incorrectly speak of fine tuning in nature. Many research-
                     ers succumb to the belief in ‘creation’ and are unable to steer clear from the logical errors
Vol. III, page 330   contained in it. We discussed them earlier on. The third trap, is often, again incorrectly,
                     called the anthropic principle. The name is a mistake, because we saw that the anthropic
Vol. III, page 337   principle is indistinguishable both from the simian principle and from the simple request
                     that statements be based on observations. Around 2000, the third trap has even become
                     fashionable among frustrated particle theorists. The fourth trap, the belief in multiple
                     universes, is a minority view, but sells many books. Most people that hold this view are
                     found in institutions. And that is indeed where they belong.
                        Stopping our adventure, our mountain ascent, with an incorrect belief at the present
                     stage is not different from doing so directly at the beginning. Such a choice has been
                     taken in various societies that lacked the passion for rational investigation, and still is
                     taken in circles that discourage the use of reason among their members. Looking for
                     beliefs instead of looking for answers means to give up our ascent while pretending to
                     have reached the top. Every such case is a tragedy, sometimes a small one, sometimes a
                     larger one.
                        In fact, Table 27 purveys only one message: all evidence implies that we are only a tiny
                     part of the universe, but that we are linked with all other aspects of it. Due to our small
                  12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again                                               323

                  size and due to all the connections with our environment, any imagined tiny change
                  would make us disappear, like a water droplet is swept away by large wave. Our walk has
                  repeatedly reminded us of this smallness and dependence, and overwhelmingly does so
                  again at this point.
                      In our adventure, accepting the powerful message of Table 27 is one of the most awe-
                  inspiring, touching and motivating moments. It shows clearly how vast the universe is. It
                  also shows how much we are dependent on many different and distant aspects of nature.
                  Having faced this powerful experience, everybody has to make up his or her own mind
Challenge 181 s   on whether to proceed with the adventure or not. Of course, there is no obligation to do

                  What awaits us?
                  Assuming that you have decided to continue the adventure, it is natural to ask what
                  awaits you. The shortness of the millennium list of unexplained aspects of nature, given
                  in Table 26, means that no additional experimental data are available as check of the final

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Page 316
                  description of nature. Everything we need to arrive at the final description of motion will
                  be deduced from the experimental data given in the millennium list, and from nothing
                  else. In other words, future experiments will not help us – except if they change some-
                  thing in the millennium list. Accelerator experiments might do this with the particle list
                  or astronomical experiments with the topology issue. Fantasy provides no limits; fortu-
                  nately, nature does.
                     The lack of new experimental data means that to continue the walk is a conceptual
                  adventure only. Nevertheless, storms rage near the top of Motion Mountain. We have to
                  walk keeping our eyes open, without any other guidance except our reason. This is not an

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  adventure of action, but an adventure of the mind. And it is a fascinating one, as we shall
                  soon find out. To provide an impression of what awaits us, we rephrase the remaining
                  issues in five simple challenges.
                     1 – What determines colours? In other words, what relations of nature fix the famous
                  fine structure constant? Like the hero of Douglas Adams’ books, physicists know the
                  answer to the greatest of questions: it is 137.036. But they do not know the question.
                    2 – What fixes the contents of a teapot? It is given by its size to the third power. But
                  why are there only three dimensions? Why is the tea content limited in this way?
                     3 – Was Democritus right? Our adventure has confirmed his statement up to this
                  point: nature is indeed well described by the concepts of particle and of vacuum. At
                  large scales, relativity has added a horizon, and at small scales, quantum field theory
                  added vacuum energy and pair creation. Nevertheless, both theories assume the exist-
                  ence of particles and the existence of space-time, and neither predicts them. Even worse,
                  both theories completely fail to predict the existence of any of the properties either of
                  space-time – such as its dimensionality – or of particles – such as their masses and other
                  quantum numbers. A lot is missing.
                     4 – Was Democritus wrong? It is often said that the standard model has only about
                  twenty unknown parameters; this common mistake negates about 1093 initial conditions!
                  To get an idea of the problem, we simply estimate the number 𝑁 of possible states of all
                    324                                    12 quantum physics in a nutshell – again

                    particles in the universe by
                                                          𝑁=𝑛𝑣𝑑𝑝𝑓                                               (133)

                    where 𝑛 is the number of particles, 𝑣 is the number of variables (position, momentum,
                    spin), 𝑑 is the number of different values each of them can take (limited by the maximum
                    of 61 decimal digits), 𝑝 is the number of visible space-time points (about 10183 ) and 𝑓
                    is a factor expressing how many of all these initial conditions are actually independent
                    of each other. We thus get the following number of possible states of all particles in the
                                             𝑁 = 1092 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 1061 ⋅ 10183 ⋅ 𝑓 = 10336 ⋅ 𝑓                 (134)

                    from which the 1093 initial conditions have to be explained. But no explanation is known.
                    Worse, there is also the additional problem that we know nothing whatsoever about 𝑓.
                    Its value could be 0, if all data were interdependent, or 1, if none were. Even worse, above
Vol. IV, page 169   we noted that initial conditions cannot be defined for the universe at all; thus 𝑓 should

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    be undefined and not be a number at all! Whatever the case, we need to understand how
                    all the visible particles acquire their present 1093 states.
 Vol. I, page 438       5 – Were our efforts up to this point in vain? Quite at the beginning of our walk we
                    noted that in classical physics, space and time are defined using matter, whereas matter
                    is defined using space-time. Hundred years of general relativity and of quantum theory,
                    including dozens of geniuses, have not solved this oldest paradox of all. The issue is still
Challenge 182 e     open at this point of our walk, as you might want to check by yourself.
                    The answers to these five challenges define the goal of our adventure: the top of Motion
                    Mountain. Answering the five challenges means to know everything about motion. It

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    means to find, finally, the answer to the question that drove us here:

                       ⊳ What is motion?

                    In short, our quest for the unravelling of the essence of motion gets really interesting
                    from this point onwards!

                                                                 That is why Leucippus and Democritus, who
                                                                 say that the atoms move always in the void and
                                                                 the unlimited, must say what movement is, and

                                                                 in what their natural motion consists.
        Ref. 272                                                                   Aristotle, Treaty of the Heaven
           Appendix A

           U N I T S , M E A SU R E M E N T S A N D
           C ON STA N T S

                     easurements are comparisons with standards. Standards are based on units.
                     any different systems of units have been used throughout the world.
                     ost of these standards confer power to the organization in charge of them.
           Such power can be misused; this is the case today, for example in the computer in-

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           dustry, and was so in the distant past. The solution is the same in both cases: organize
           an independent and global standard. For measurement units, this happened in the
           eighteenth century: in order to avoid misuse by authoritarian institutions, to eliminate
           problems with differing, changing and irreproducible standards, and – this is not a joke
           – to simplify tax collection and to make it more just, a group of scientists, politicians
           and economists agreed on a set of units. It is called the Système International d’Unités,
           abbreviated SI, and is defined by an international treaty, the ‘Convention du Mètre’.
           The units are maintained by an international organization, the ‘Conférence Générale
           des Poids et Mesures’, and its daughter organizations, the ‘Commission Internationale
           des Poids et Mesures’ and the ‘Bureau International des Poids et Mesures’ (BIPM). All

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 273   originated in the times just before the French revolution.

           SI units
           All SI units are built from seven base units. Their simplest definitions, translated from
           French into English, are the following ones, together with the dates of their formulation
           and a few comments:
                ‘The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding
           to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133
           atom.’ (1967) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but much less clear.*
                ‘The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time inter-
           val of 1/299 792 458 of a second.’ (1983) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but much less
                ‘The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed
           numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 15 ⋅ 10−34 when expressed in the
           unit J ⋅ s, which is equal to kg ⋅ m2 ⋅ s−1 .’ (2019)*
                ‘The ampere, symbol A, is the SI unit of electric current. It is defined by taking the
           fixed numerical value of the elementary charge e to be 1.602 176 634 ⋅ 10−19 when ex-
           pressed in the unit C, which is equal to A ⋅ s.’ (2019)* This definition is equivalent to:
           One ampere is 6.241 509 074... ⋅ 1018 elementary charges per second.
                ‘The kelvin, symbol K, is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature. It is defined by
           326                                                  a units, measurements and constants

           taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant 𝑘 to be 1.380649 ⋅10−23 when
           expressed in the unit J ⋅ K−1 .’ (2019)*
                ‘The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance. One mole contains
           exactly 6.02214076 ⋅ 1023 elementary entities.’ (2019)*
                ‘The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits
           monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ⋅ 1012 hertz and has a radiant intensity in
           that direction of (1/683) watt per steradian.’ (1979) The 2019 definition is equivalent, but
           much less clear.*
           We note that both time and length units are defined as certain properties of a standard
           example of motion, namely light. In other words, also the Conférence Générale des Poids
           et Mesures makes the point that the observation of motion is a prerequisite for the defin-
           ition and construction of time and space. Motion is the fundament of every observation
           and of all measurement. By the way, the use of light in the definitions had been proposed
           already in 1827 by Jacques Babinet.**

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               From these basic units, all other units are defined by multiplication and division. Thus,
           all SI units have the following properties:
                SI units form a system with state-of-the-art precision: all units are defined with a pre-
           cision that is higher than the precision of commonly used measurements. Moreover, the
           precision of the definitions is regularly being improved. The present relative uncertainty
           of the definition of the second is around 10−14 , for the metre about 10−10 , for the kilo-
           gram about 10−9 , for the ampere 10−7 , for the mole less than 10−6 , for the kelvin 10−6 and
           for the candela 10−3 .
                SI units form an absolute system: all units are defined in such a way that they can

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           be reproduced in every suitably equipped laboratory, independently, and with high pre-
           cision. This avoids as much as possible any error or misuse by the standard-setting or-
           ganization. In fact, the SI units are as now as near as possible to Planck’s natural units,
           which are presented below. In practice, the SI is now an international standard defining
           the numerical values of the seven constants Δ𝜈Cs , 𝑐, ℏ, 𝑒, 𝑘, 𝑁A and 𝐾cd . After over 200
           years of discussions, the CGPM has little left to do.
                SI units form a practical system: the base units are quantities of everyday magnitude.
           Frequently used units have standard names and abbreviations. The complete list includes
           the seven base units just given, the supplementary units, the derived units and the ad-
           mitted units.
              The supplementary SI units are two: the unit for (plane) angle, defined as the ratio
           of arc length to radius, is the radian (rad). For solid angle, defined as the ratio of the
           subtended area to the square of the radius, the unit is the steradian (sr).
              The derived units with special names, in their official English spelling, i.e., without
           capital letters and accents, are:

           * The symbols of the seven units are s, m, kg, A, K, mol and cd. The full offical definitions are found at
Ref. 274 For more details about the levels of the caesium atom, consult a book on atomic physics.
           The Celsius scale of temperature 𝜃 is defined as: 𝜃/°C = 𝑇/K − 273.15; note the small difference with the
           number appearing in the definition of the kelvin. In the definition of the candela, the frequency of the light
           corresponds to 555.5 nm, i.e., green colour, around the wavelength to which the eye is most sensitive.
           ** Jacques Babinet (1794–1874), French physicist who published important work in optics.
                  a units, measurements and constants                                                                    327

                  Name         A bbre v iat i o n                       Name               A b b r e v i at i o n

                  hertz        Hz = 1/s                                 newton            N = kg m/s2
                  pascal       Pa = N/m2 = kg/m s2                      joule             J = Nm = kg m2 /s2
                  watt         W = kg m2 /s3                            coulomb           C = As
                  volt         V = kg m2 /As3                           farad             F = As/V = A2 s4 /kg m2
                  ohm          Ω = V/A = kg m2 /A2 s3                   siemens           S = 1/Ω
                  weber        Wb = Vs = kg m2 /As2                     tesla             T = Wb/m2 = kg/As2 = kg/Cs
                  henry        H = Vs/A = kg m2 /A2 s2                  degree Celsius    °C (see definition of kelvin)
                  lumen        lm = cd sr                               lux               lx = lm/m2 = cd sr/m2
                  becquerel    Bq = 1/s                                 gray              Gy = J/kg = m2 /s2
                  sievert      Sv = J/kg = m2 /s2                       katal             kat = mol/s

                     The admitted non-SI units are minute, hour, day (for time), degree 1° = π/180 rad,
                  minute 1 󸀠 = π/10 800 rad, second 1 󸀠󸀠 = π/648 000 rad (for angles), litre, and tonne. All

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  other units are to be avoided.
                     All SI units are made more practical by the introduction of standard names and ab-
                  breviations for the powers of ten, the so-called prefixes:*

                  Power Name               Power Name                   Power Name                  Power Name
                    1                        −1                            18
                  10     deca da           10       deci     d          10      Exa          E      10−18      atto       a
                  102    hecto h           10−2     centi    c          1021 Zetta           Z      10−21      zepto      z
                  103    kilo k            10−3     milli    m          1024 Yotta           Y      10−24      yocto      y

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  106    Mega M            10−6     micro    μ          unofficial:                 Ref. 275
                  109    Giga G            10−9     nano     n          1027 Xenta           X      10−27      xenno      x
                  1012   Tera T            10−12    pico     p          1030 Wekta           W      10−30      weko       w
                  1015   Peta P            10−15    femto    f          1033 Vendekta        V      10−33      vendeko    v
                                                                        1036 Udekta          U      10−36      udeko      u

                      SI units form a complete system: they cover in a systematic way the full set of ob-
                  servables of physics. Moreover, they fix the units of measurement for all other sciences
                  as well.
                      SI units form a universal system: they can be used in trade, in industry, in commerce,

                  * Some of these names are invented (yocto to sound similar to Latin octo ‘eight’, zepto to sound similar
                  to Latin septem, yotta and zetta to resemble them, exa and peta to sound like the Greek words ἑξάκις and
                  πεντάκις for ‘six times’ and ‘five times’, the unofficial ones to sound similar to the Greek words for nine,
                  ten, eleven and twelve); some are from Danish/Norwegian (atto from atten ‘eighteen’, femto from femten
                  ‘fifteen’); some are from Latin (from mille ‘thousand’, from centum ‘hundred’, from decem ‘ten’, from
                  nanus ‘dwarf’); some are from Italian (from piccolo ‘small’); some are Greek (micro is from μικρός ‘small’,
                  deca/deka from δέκα ‘ten’, hecto from ἑκατόν ‘hundred’, kilo from χίλιοι ‘thousand’, mega from μέγας
                  ‘large’, giga from γίγας ‘giant’, tera from τέρας ‘monster’).
                      Translate: I was caught in such a traffic jam that I needed a microcentury for a picoparsec and that my
Challenge 183 e   car’s fuel consumption was two tenths of a square millimetre.
                    328                                                   a units, measurements and constants

                    at home, in education and in research. They could even be used by extraterrestrial civil-
                    izations, if they existed.
                         SI units form a self-consistent system: the product or quotient of two SI units is also
                    an SI unit. This means that in principle, the same abbreviation, e.g. ‘SI’, could be used
                    for every unit.
                    The SI units are not the only possible set that could fulfil all these requirements, but they
                    are the only existing system that does so.*

                    The meaning of measurement
                    Every measurement is a comparison with a standard. Therefore, any measurement re-
Challenge 184 e     quires matter to realize the standard (even for a speed standard), and radiation to achieve
                    the comparison. The concept of measurement thus assumes that matter and radiation ex-
                    ist and can be clearly separated from each other.
                        Every measurement is a comparison. Measuring thus implies that space and time ex-

                                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    ist, and that they differ from each other.
                        Every measurement produces a measurement result. Therefore, every measurement
                    implies the storage of the result. The process of measurement thus implies that the situ-
                    ation before and after the measurement can be distinguished. In other terms, every meas-
                    urement is an irreversible process.
                        Every measurement is a process. Thus every measurement takes a certain amount of
                    time and a certain amount of space.
                        All these properties of measurements are simple but important. Beware of anybody
                    who denies them.

                                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Planck ’ s natural units
                    Since the exact form of many equations depends on the system of units used, theoretical
                    physicists often use unit systems optimized for producing simple equations. The chosen
                    units and the values of the constants of nature are related. In microscopic physics, the
                    system of Planck’s natural units is frequently used. They are defined by setting 𝑐 = 1, ℏ =
                    1, 𝐺 = 1, 𝑘 = 1, 𝜀0 = 1/4π and 𝜇0 = 4π. Planck units are thus defined from combinations
                    of fundamental constants; those corresponding to the fundamental SI units are given in
                    Table 29.** The table is also useful for converting equations written in natural units back
Challenge 185 e     to SI units: just substitute every quantity 𝑋 by 𝑋/𝑋Pl.

                    * Apart from international units, there are also provincial units. Most provincial units still in use are of
                    Roman origin. The mile comes from milia passum, which used to be one thousand (double) strides of about
                    1480 mm each; today a nautical mile, once defined as minute of arc on the Earth’s surface, is defined as
                    exactly 1852 m. The inch comes from uncia/onzia (a twelfth – now of a foot). The pound (from pondere ‘to
                    weigh’) is used as a translation of libra – balance – which is the origin of its abbreviation lb. Even the habit
                    of counting in dozens instead of tens is Roman in origin. These and all other similarly funny units – like
                    the system in which all units start with ‘f’, and which uses furlong/fortnight as its unit of velocity – are now
                    officially defined as multiples of SI units.
                    ** The natural units 𝑥Pl given here are those commonly used today, i.e., those defined using the constant
                    ℏ, and not, as Planck originally did, by using the constant ℎ = 2πℏ. The electromagnetic units can also be
                    defined with other factors than 4π𝜀0 in the expressions: for example, using 4π𝜀0 𝛼, with the fine-structure
Vol. IV, page 196   constant 𝛼, gives 𝑞Pl = 𝑒. For the explanation of the numbers between brackets, see below.
                   a units, measurements and constants                                                               329

                   TA B L E 29 Planck’s (uncorrected) natural units.

                   Name                                     Definition                        Va l u e

                   Basic units
                   the Planck length                        𝑙Pl        =   √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3             =   1.616 0(12) ⋅ 10−35 m
                   the Planck time                          𝑡Pl        =   √ℏ𝐺/𝑐5             =   5.390 6(40) ⋅ 10−44 s
                   the Planck mass                          𝑚Pl        =   √ℏ𝑐/𝐺              =   21.767(16) μg
                   the Planck current                       𝐼Pl        =   √4π𝜀0 𝑐 /𝐺         =   3.479 3(22) ⋅ 1025 A
                   the Planck temperature                   𝑇Pl        =   √ℏ𝑐5 /𝐺𝑘2          =   1.417 1(91) ⋅ 1032 K

                   Trivial units
                   the Planck velocity                      𝑣Pl        =   𝑐                  =   0.3 Gm/s
                   the Planck angular momentum              𝐿 Pl       =   ℏ                  =   1.1 ⋅ 10−34 Js

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   the Planck action                        𝑆aPl       =   ℏ                  =   1.1 ⋅ 10−34 Js
                   the Planck entropy                       𝑆ePl       =   𝑘                  =   13.8 yJ/K
                   Composed units
                   the Planck mass density                  𝜌Pl        =   𝑐5 /𝐺2 ℏ           =   5.2 ⋅ 1096 kg/m3
                   the Planck energy                        𝐸Pl        =   √ℏ𝑐5 /𝐺            =   2.0 GJ = 1.2 ⋅ 1028 eV
                   the Planck momentum                      𝑝Pl        =   √ℏ𝑐3 /𝐺            =   6.5 Ns
                   the Planck power                         𝑃Pl        =   𝑐 /𝐺               =   3.6 ⋅ 1052 W
                   the Planck force                         𝐹Pl        =   𝑐4 /𝐺              =   1.2 ⋅ 1044 N

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   the Planck pressure                      𝑝Pl        =   𝑐7 /𝐺ℏ             =   4.6 ⋅ 10113 Pa
                   the Planck acceleration                  𝑎Pl        =   √𝑐7 /ℏ𝐺            =   5.6 ⋅ 1051 m/s2
                   the Planck frequency                     𝑓Pl        =   √𝑐5 /ℏ𝐺            =   1.9 ⋅ 1043 Hz
                   the Planck electric charge               𝑞Pl        =   √4π𝜀0 𝑐ℏ           =   1.9 aC = 11.7 e
                   the Planck voltage                       𝑈Pl        =   √𝑐 /4π𝜀0 𝐺         =   1.0 ⋅ 1027 V
                   the Planck resistance                    𝑅Pl        =   1/4π𝜀0 𝑐           =   30.0 Ω
                   the Planck capacitance                   𝐶Pl        =   4π𝜀0 √ℏ𝐺/𝑐         =   1.8 ⋅ 10−45 F
                   the Planck inductance                    𝐿 Pl       =   (1/4π𝜀0 )√ℏ𝐺/𝑐7    =   1.6 ⋅ 10−42 H
                   the Planck electric field                𝐸Pl        =   √𝑐7 /4π𝜀0 ℏ𝐺2      =   6.5 ⋅ 1061 V/m
                   the Planck magnetic flux density         𝐵Pl        =   √𝑐5 /4π𝜀0 ℏ𝐺2      =   2.2 ⋅ 1053 T

                   The natural units are important for another reason: whenever a quantity is sloppily called
                   ‘infinitely small (or large)’, the correct expression is ‘as small (or as large) as the corres-
                   ponding corrected Planck unit’. As explained throughout the text, and especially in the
Vol. VI, page 37   final part, this substitution is possible because almost all Planck units provide, within
                   a correction factor of order 1, the extremal value for the corresponding observable –
                   some an upper and some a lower limit. Unfortunately, these correction factors are not
                   yet widely known. The exact extremal value for each observable in nature is obtained
                  330                                                    a units, measurements and constants

                  when 𝐺 is substituted by 4𝐺 and 4π𝜀0 by 4π𝜀0 𝛼 in all Planck quantities. These extremal
                  values, or corrected Planck units, are the true natural units. To exceed the extremal values
Challenge 186 s   is possible only for some extensive quantities. (Can you find out which ones?)

                  Other unit systems
                  A central aim of research in high-energy physics is the calculation of the strengths of
                  all interactions; therefore it is not practical to set the gravitational constant 𝐺 to unity,
                  as in the Planck system of units. For this reason, high-energy physicists often only set
                  𝑐 = ℏ = 𝑘 = 1 and 𝜇0 = 1/𝜀0 = 4π,* leaving only the gravitational constant 𝐺 in the
                      In this system, only one fundamental unit exists, but its choice is free. Often a stand-
                  ard length is chosen as the fundamental unit, length being the archetype of a measured
                  quantity. The most important physical observables are then related by

                     1/[𝑙2 ] = [𝐸]2 = [𝐹] = [𝐵] = [𝐸electric] ,

                                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     1/[𝑙] = [𝐸] = [𝑚] = [𝑝] = [𝑎] = [𝑓] = [𝐼] = [𝑈] = [𝑇] ,
                                1 = [𝑣] = [𝑞] = [𝑒] = [𝑅] = [𝑆action] = [𝑆entropy ] = ℏ = 𝑐 = 𝑘 = [𝛼] , (135)
                       [𝑙] = 1/[𝐸] = [𝑡] = [𝐶] = [𝐿] and
                      [𝑙]2 =1/[𝐸]2 = [𝐺] = [𝑃]

                  where we write [𝑥] for the unit of quantity 𝑥. Using the same unit for time, capacitance
                  and inductance is not to everybody’s taste, however, and therefore electricians do not
                  use this system.**
                     Often, in order to get an impression of the energies needed to observe an effect un-

                                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  der study, a standard energy is chosen as fundamental unit. In particle physics the most
                  common energy unit is the electronvolt (eV), defined as the kinetic energy acquired by
                  an electron when accelerated by an electrical potential difference of 1 volt (‘protonvolt’
                  would be a better name). Therefore one has 1 eV = 1.6 ⋅ 10−19 J, or roughly
                                                                    1 eV ≈    6
                                                                                  aJ                                          (136)

                  which is easily remembered. The simplification 𝑐 = ℏ = 1 yields 𝐺 = 6.9 ⋅ 10−57 eV−2 and
                  allows one to use the unit eV also for mass, momentum, temperature, frequency, time
Challenge 187 e   and length, with the respective correspondences 1 eV ≡ 1.8 ⋅ 10−36 kg ≡ 5.4 ⋅ 10−28 Ns
                  ≡ 242 THz ≡ 11.6 kK and 1 eV−1 ≡ 4.1 fs ≡ 1.2 μm.

                  * Other definitions for the proportionality constants in electrodynamics lead to the Gaussian unit system
                  often used in theoretical calculations, the Heaviside–Lorentz unit system, the electrostatic unit system, and
       Ref. 276   the electromagnetic unit system, among others.
                  ** In the list, 𝑙 is length, 𝐸 energy, 𝐹 force, 𝐸electric the electric and 𝐵 the magnetic field, 𝑚 mass, 𝑝 momentum,
                  𝑎 acceleration, 𝑓 frequency, 𝐼 electric current, 𝑈 voltage, 𝑇 temperature, 𝑣 speed, 𝑞 charge, 𝑅 resistance, 𝑃
                  power, 𝐺 the gravitational constant.
                      The web page provides a tool to convert
                  various units into each other.
                      Researchers in general relativity often use another system, in which the Schwarzschild radius 𝑟s =
                  2𝐺𝑚/𝑐2 is used to measure masses, by setting 𝑐 = 𝐺 = 1. In this case, mass and length have the same
                  dimension, and ℏ has the dimension of an area.
           a units, measurements and constants                                                     331

              To get some feeling for the unit eV, the following relations are useful. Room temper-
           ature, usually taken as 20°C or 293 K, corresponds to a kinetic energy per particle of
           0.025 eV or 4.0 zJ. The highest particle energy measured so far belongs to a cosmic ray
Ref. 277   with an energy of 3 ⋅ 1020 eV or 48 J. Down here on the Earth, an accelerator able to pro-
           duce an energy of about 105 GeV or 17 nJ for electrons and antielectrons has been built,
           and one able to produce an energy of 14 TeV or 2.2 μJ for protons will be finished soon.
           Both are owned by CERN in Geneva and have a circumference of 27 km.
              The lowest temperature measured up to now is 280 pK, in a system of rhodium
Ref. 278   nuclei held inside a special cooling system. The interior of that cryostat may even be
           the coolest point in the whole universe. The kinetic energy per particle correspond-
           ing to that temperature is also the smallest ever measured: it corresponds to 24 feV or
           3.8 vJ = 3.8 ⋅ 10−33 J. For isolated particles, the record seems to be for neutrons: kinetic
           energies as low as 10−7 eV have been achieved, corresponding to de Broglie wavelengths
           of 60 nm.

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Curiosities and fun challenges ab ou t units
           The Planck length is roughly the de Broglie wavelength 𝜆 B = ℎ/𝑚𝑣 of a man walking
Ref. 279   comfortably (𝑚 = 80 kg, 𝑣 = 0.5 m/s); this motion is therefore aptly called the ‘Planck
           The Planck mass is equal to the mass of about 1019 protons. This is roughly the mass of
           a human embryo at about ten days of age.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           The most precisely measured quantities in nature are the frequencies of certain milli-
Ref. 280   second pulsars, the frequency of certain narrow atomic transitions, and the Rydberg
           constant of atomic hydrogen, which can all be measured as precisely as the second is
           defined. The caesium transition that defines the second has a finite line width that limits
           the achievable precision: the limit is about 14 digits.
           The most precise clock ever built, using microwaves, had a stability of 10−16 during a
Ref. 281   running time of 500 s. For longer time periods, the record in 1997 was about 10−15 ; but
Ref. 282   values around 10−17 seem within technological reach. The precision of clocks is limited
           for short measuring times by noise, and for long measuring times by drifts, i.e., by sys-
           tematic effects. The region of highest stability depends on the clock type; it usually lies
           between 1 ms for optical clocks and 5000 s for masers. Pulsars are the only type of clock
           for which this region is not known yet; it certainly lies at more than 20 years, the time
           elapsed at the time of writing since their discovery.
           The shortest times measured are the lifetimes of certain ‘elementary’ particles. In par-
Ref. 283   ticular, the lifetime of certain D mesons have been measured at less than 10−23 s. Such
           times are measured using a bubble chamber, where the track is photographed. Can you
                  332                                          a units, measurements and constants

Challenge 188 s   estimate how long the track is? (This is a trick question – if your length cannot be ob-
                  served with an optical microscope, you have made a mistake in your calculation.)
                  The longest times encountered in nature are the lifetimes of certain radioisotopes, over
                  1015 years, and the lower limit of certain proton decays, over 1032 years. These times are
                  thus much larger than the age of the universe, estimated to be fourteen thousand million
       Ref. 284   years.
                  There is a unit for the spicy heat of chili peppers, officially called the pungency. The pun-
                  gency is due to an organic compound called capsaicin. If you multiply by 16 the capsaicin
                  concentration in parts per million, you get the Scoville heat unit for chili peppers. A few
                  extreme chili varieties exceed the value of 2 million Scoville units.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Precision and accuracy of measurements
                  Measurements are the basis of physics. Every measurement has an error. Errors are due
                  to lack of precision or to lack of accuracy. Precision means how well a result is reproduced
                  when the measurement is repeated; accuracy is the degree to which a measurement cor-
                  responds to the actual value.
                      Lack of precision is due to accidental or random errors; they are best measured by the
                  standard deviation, usually abbreviated 𝜎; it is defined through

                                                             1 𝑛
                                                    𝜎2 =         ∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)̄ 2 ,

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                           𝑛 − 1 𝑖=1 𝑖

                  where 𝑥̄ is the average of the measurements 𝑥𝑖 . (Can you imagine why 𝑛 − 1 is used in
Challenge 189 s   the formula instead of 𝑛?)
                     For most experiments, the distribution of measurement values tends towards a nor-
                  mal distribution, also called Gaussian distribution, whenever the number of measure-
                  ments is increased. The distribution, shown in Figure 182, is described by the expression

                                                                    (𝑥−𝑥)̄ 2
                                                        𝑁(𝑥) ≈ e−     2𝜎2      .                         (138)

                  The square 𝜎2 of the standard deviation is also called the variance. For a Gaussian distri-
Challenge 190 e   bution of measurement values, 2.35𝜎 is the full width at half maximum.
                     Lack of accuracy is due to systematic errors; usually these can only be estimated. This
                  estimate is often added to the random errors to produce a total experimental error, some-
       Ref. 285   times also called total uncertainty. The relative error or uncertainty is the ratio between
                  the error and the measured value.
                     For example, a professional measurement will give a result such as 0.312(6) m. The
                  number between the parentheses is the standard deviation 𝜎, in units of the last digits.
                  As above, a Gaussian distribution for the measurement results is assumed. Therefore, a
Challenge 191 e   value of 0.312(6) m implies that the actual value is expected to lie
                   a units, measurements and constants                                                                    333

                         number of measurements

                                                                                 standard deviation

                                                                                 full width at half maximum

                                                                                           limit curve for a large number
                                                                                                of measurements: the
                                                                                                Gaussian distribution

                                                               x                                        x
                                                         average value                            measured values

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   F I G U R E 182 A precision experiment and its measurement distribution. The precision is high if the
                   width of the distribution is narrow; the accuracy is high if the centre of the distribution agrees with the
                   actual value.

                   —   within 1𝜎 with 68.3 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.006 m;
                   —   within 2𝜎 with 95.4 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.012 m;
                   —   within 3𝜎 with 99.73 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.018 m;
                   —   within 4𝜎 with 99.9937 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.024 m;

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   —   within 5𝜎 with 99.999 943 % probability, thus in this example within 0.312 ± 0.030 m;
                   —   within 6𝜎 with 99.999 999 80 % probability, thus within 0.312 ± 0.036 m;
                   —   within 7𝜎 with 99.999 999 999 74 % probability, thus within 0.312 ± 0.041 m.

                   However, these numbers are much too precise and should be taken with a grain of salt.
                       Note that standard deviations have one digit; you must be a world expert to use two,
                   and a fool to use more. If no standard deviation is given, a (1) is assumed. As a result,
                   among professionals, 1 km and 1000 m are not the same length!
                       What happens to the errors when two measured values 𝐴 and 𝐵 are added or subtrac-
                   ted? If the all measurements are independent – or uncorrelated – the standard deviation
                   of the sum and that of difference is given by 𝜎 = √𝜎𝐴2 + 𝜎𝐵2 . For both the product or ratio
                   of two measured and uncorrelated values 𝐶 and 𝐷, the result is 𝜌 = √𝜌𝐶2 + 𝜌𝐷2 , where the
                   𝜌 terms are the relative standard deviations.

                   Limits to precision
                   What are the limits to accuracy and precision? There is no way, even in principle, to
                   measure a length 𝑥 to a precision higher than about 61 digits, because in nature, the ratio
                   between the largest and the smallest measurable length is Δ𝑥/𝑥 > 𝑙Pl/𝑑horizon = 10−61 .
Challenge 192 e    (Is this ratio valid also for force or for volume?) In the final volume of our text, studies
Vol. VI, page 94   of clocks and metre bars strengthen this theoretical limit.
                       But it is not difficult to deduce more stringent practical limits. No imaginable machine
            334                                           a units, measurements and constants

            can measure quantities with a higher precision than measuring the diameter of the Earth
            within the smallest length ever measured, about 10−19 m; that is about 26 digits of preci-
            sion. Using a more realistic limit of a 1000 m sized machine implies a limit of 22 digits.
            If, as predicted above, time measurements really achieve 17 digits of precision, then they
            are nearing the practical limit, because apart from size, there is an additional practical
            restriction: cost. Indeed, an additional digit in measurement precision often means an
            additional digit in equipment cost.

            Physical constants
            In physics, general observations are deduced from more fundamental ones. As a con-
            sequence, many measurements can be deduced from more fundamental ones. The most
            fundamental measurements are those of the physical constants.
                The following tables give the world’s best values of the most important physical con-
            stants and particle properties – in SI units and in a few other common units – as pub-
            lished in the standard references. The values are the world averages of the best measure-

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
 Ref. 286
            ments made up to the present. As usual, experimental errors, including both random
            and estimated systematic errors, are expressed by giving the standard deviation in the
            last digits. In fact, behind each of the numbers in the following tables there is a long
 Ref. 287   story which is worth telling, but for which there is not enough room here.
                In principle, all quantitative properties of matter can be calculated with quantum the-
Page 261    ory – more precisely, equations of the standard model of particle – and a set of basic
            physical constants that are given in the next table. For example, the colour, density and
            elastic properties of any material can be predicted, in principle, in this way.

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            TA B L E 30 Basic physical constants.

            Q ua nt i t y                    Symbol         Va l u e i n S I u n i t s   U n c e r t. 𝑎

            Constants that define the SI measurement units
            Vacuum speed of light 𝑐      𝑐               299 792 458 m/s                 0
            Original Planck constant 𝑐 ℎ                 6.626 070 15 ⋅ 10−34 Js         0
            Reduced Planck constant,     ℏ               1.054 571 817 ... ⋅ 10−34 Js    0
            quantum of action
            Positron charge 𝑐            𝑒               0.160 217 6634 aC               0
            Boltzmann constant 𝑐         𝑘               1.380 649 ⋅ 10−23 J/K           0
            Avogadro’s number            𝑁A              6.022 140 76 ⋅ 1023 1/mol       0
            Constant that should define the SI measurement units
            Gravitational constant       𝐺               6.674 30(15) ⋅ 10−11 Nm2 /kg2 2.2 ⋅ 10−5
            Other fundamental constants
            Number of space-time dimensions                 3+1                          0𝑏
            Fine-structure constant 𝑑 or 𝛼 = 4π𝜀𝑒 ℏ𝑐        1/137.035 999 084(21)        1.5 ⋅ 10−10

             e.m. coupling constant       = 𝑔em (𝑚2e 𝑐2 )     = 0.007 297 352 5693(11)   1.5 ⋅ 10−10
            Fermi coupling constant 𝑑 or 𝐺F /(ℏ𝑐)3          1.166 3787(6) ⋅ 10−5 GeV−2   5.1 ⋅ 10−7
             weak coupling constant      𝛼w (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔w2 /4π 1/30.1(3)                    1 ⋅ 10−2
           a units, measurements and constants                                                                 335

           TA B L E 30 (Continued) Basic physical constants.

           Q ua nt i t y                    Symbol             Va l u e i n S I u n i t s     U n c e r t. 𝑎

           Strong coupling constant 𝑑       𝛼s (𝑀Z ) = 𝑔s2 /4π 0.1179(10)                     8.5 ⋅ 10−3
           Weak mixing angle                sin 𝜃W (𝑀𝑆)         0.231 22(4)                   1.7 ⋅ 10−4
                                            sin2 𝜃W (on shell) 0.222 90(30)                   1.3 ⋅ 10−3
                                            = 1 − (𝑚W /𝑚Z )
                                                                  0.97383(24) 0.2272(10)       0.00396(9)
           CKM quark mixing matrix          |𝑉|                 ( 0.2271(10) 0.97296(24) 0.04221(80) )
                                                                  0.00814(64) 0.04161(78) 0.999100(34)
           Jarlskog invariant               𝐽                   3.08(18) ⋅ 10−5
                                                                  0.82(2) 0.55(4) 0.150(7)
           PMNS neutrino mixing m.          |𝑃|                 (0.37(13) 0.57(11) 0.71(7) )
                                                                  0.41(13) 0.59(10) 0.69(7)

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Electron mass                    𝑚e                  9.109 383 7015(28) ⋅ 10−31 kg 3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                                                5.485 799 090 65(16) ⋅ 10−4 u 2.9 ⋅ 10−11
                                                                0.510 998 950 00(15) MeV      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
           Muon mass                        𝑚μ                  1.883 531 627(42) ⋅ 10 kg 2.2 ⋅ 10−8

                                                               105.658 3755(23) MeV           2.2 ⋅ 10−8
           Tau mass                         𝑚𝜏                 1.776 82(12) GeV/𝑐2 6.8 ⋅ 10−5
           El. neutrino mass                𝑚𝜈e                < 2 eV/𝑐2
           Muon neutrino mass               𝑚𝜈𝜇                < 2 eV/𝑐2
           Tau neutrino mass                𝑚𝜈𝜏                < 2 eV/𝑐2

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           Up quark mass                    𝑢                  21.6(+0.49/ − 0.26) MeV/𝑐2
           Down quark mass                  𝑑                  4.67(+0.48/ − 0.17) MeV/𝑐2
           Strange quark mass               𝑠                  93(+11/ − 5) MeV/𝑐2
           Charm quark mass                 𝑐                  1.27(2) GeV/𝑐2
           Bottom quark mass                𝑏                  4.18(3) GeV/𝑐2
           Top quark mass                   𝑡                  172.9(0.4) GeV/𝑐2
           Photon mass                      γ                  < 2 ⋅ 10−54 kg
           W boson mass                     𝑊±                 80.379(12) GeV/𝑐2
           Z boson mass                     𝑍0                 91.1876(21) GeV/𝑐2
           Higgs mass                       H                  125.10(14) GeV/𝑐2
           Gluon mass                       g1...8             c. 0 MeV/𝑐2

           𝑎. Uncertainty: standard deviation of measurement errors.
           𝑏. Measured from to 10−19 m to 1026 m.
           𝑐. Defining constant.
           𝑑. All coupling constants depend on the 4-momentum transfer, as explained in the section on
Page 131   renormalization. Fine-structure constant is the traditional name for the electromagnetic coup-
           ling constant 𝑔em in the case of a 4-momentum transfer of 𝑄2 = 𝑚2e 𝑐2 , which is the smallest
           one possible. At higher momentum transfers it has larger values, e.g., 𝑔em (𝑄2 = 𝑀W
                                                                                             2 2
                                                                                               𝑐 ) ≈ 1/128.
           In contrast, the strong coupling constant has lover values at higher momentum transfers; e.g.,
           𝛼s (34 GeV) = 0.14(2).
                    336                                                 a units, measurements and constants

                        Why do all these basic constants have the values they have? For any basic constant with
                    a dimension, such as the quantum of action ℏ, the numerical value has only historical
                    meaning. It is 1.054 ⋅ 10−34 Js because of the SI definition of the joule and the second.
                    The question why the value of a dimensional constant is not larger or smaller therefore
                    always requires one to understand the origin of some dimensionless number giving the
                    ratio between the constant and the corresponding natural unit that is defined with 𝑐, 𝐺,
Vol. IV, page 328   𝑘, 𝑁A and ℏ. Details and values for the natural units are given in the dedicated section.
                        In other words, understanding the sizes of atoms, people, trees and stars, the duration
                    of molecular and atomic processes, or the mass of nuclei and mountains, implies under-
                    standing the ratios between these values and the corresponding natural units. The key to
                    understanding nature is thus the understanding of all measurement ratios, and thus of
                    all dimensionless constants. This quest, including the understanding of the fine-structure
                    constant 𝛼 itself, is completed only in the final volume of our adventure.
                        The basic constants yield the following useful high-precision observations.

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    TA B L E 31 Derived physical constants.

                    Q ua nt i t y                        Symbol             Va l u e i n S I u n i t s     U n c e r t.

                    Vacuum permeability                  𝜇0                 1.256 637 062 12(19) μH/m      1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Vacuum permittivity                  𝜀0 = 1/𝜇0 𝑐2       8.854 187 8128(13) pF/m        1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Vacuum impedance                     𝑍0 = √𝜇0 /𝜀0       376.730 313 668(57) Ω          1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Loschmidt’s number                   𝑁L                 2.686 780 111... ⋅ 1025 1/m3   0
                      at 273.15 K and 101 325 Pa
                    Faraday’s constant                   𝐹 = 𝑁A 𝑒           96 485.332 12... C/mol         0

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    Universal gas constant               𝑅 = 𝑁A 𝑘           8.314 462 618... J/(mol K)     0
                    Molar volume of an ideal gas         𝑉 = 𝑅𝑇/𝑝           22.413 969 54... l/mol         0
                      at 273.15 K and 101 325 Pa
                    Rydberg constant 𝑎                   𝑅∞ = 𝑚e 𝑐𝛼2 /2ℎ 10 973 731.568 160(21) m−1        1.9 ⋅ 10−12
                    Conductance quantum                  𝐺0 = 2𝑒2 /ℎ         77.480 917 29... μS           0
                    Magnetic flux quantum                𝜑0 = ℎ/2𝑒           2.067 833 848... fWb          0
                    Josephson frequency ratio            2𝑒/ℎ                483.597 8484... THz/V         0
                    Von Klitzing constant                ℎ/𝑒2 = 𝜇0 𝑐/2𝛼      25 812.807 45... Ω            0
                    Bohr magneton                        𝜇B = 𝑒ℏ/2𝑚e         9.274 010 0783(28) yJ/T       3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                    Classical electron radius            𝑟e = 𝑒2 /4π𝜀0 𝑚e 𝑐2 2.817 940 3262(13) f m        4.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Compton wavelength                   𝜆 C = ℎ/𝑚e 𝑐        2.426 310 238 67(73) pm       3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                      of the electron                    𝜆c = ℏ/𝑚e 𝑐 = 𝑟e /𝛼 0.386 159 267 96(12) pm       3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                    Bohr radius 𝑎                        𝑎∞ = 𝑟e /𝛼2         52.917 721 0903(80) pm        1.5 ⋅ 10−10
                    Quantum of circulation               ℎ/2𝑚e               3.636 947 5516(11) cm2 /s     3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                    Specific positron charge             𝑒/𝑚e                175.882 001 076(55) GC/kg     3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                    Cyclotron frequency                  𝑓c /𝐵 = 𝑒/2π𝑚e      27.992 489 872(9) GHz/T       3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                      of the electron
                    Electron magnetic moment             𝜇e                 −9.284 764 7043(28) yJ/T       3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                                         𝜇e /𝜇B             −1.001 159 652 181 28(18)      1.7 ⋅ 10−13
                                                         𝜇e /𝜇N             −1 838.281 971 88(11) ⋅ 103    6.0 ⋅ 10−11
a units, measurements and constants                                                                337

TA B L E 31 (Continued) Derived physical constants.

Q ua nt i t y                       Symbol               Va l u e i n S I u n i t s       U n c e r t.

Electron g-factor                   𝑔e                   −2.002 319 304 362 56(35)        1.7 ⋅ 10−13
Muon–electron mass ratio            𝑚μ /𝑚e               206.768 2830(46)                 2.2 ⋅ 10−8
Muon magnetic moment                𝜇μ                   −4.490 448 30(10) ⋅ 10−26 J/T    2.2 ⋅ 10−8
Muon g-factor                       𝑔μ                   −2.002 331 8418(13)              6.3 ⋅ 10−10
Atomic mass unit                    1 u = 𝑚12C /12       1.660 539 066 60(50) ⋅ 10 kg 3.0 ⋅ 10−10

Proton mass                         𝑚p                   1.672 621 923 69(51) ⋅ 10−27 kg 3.1 ⋅ 10−10
                                                         1.007 276 466 621(53) u          5.3 ⋅ 10−11
                                                         938.272 088 16(29) MeV           3.1 ⋅ 10−10
Proton–electron mass ratio          𝑚p /𝑚e               1 836.152 673 43(11)             6.0 ⋅ 10−11
Specific proton charge              𝑒/𝑚p                 9.578 833 1560(29) ⋅ 10 C/kg 3.1 ⋅ 10−10

Proton Compton wavelength           𝜆 C,p = ℎ/𝑚p 𝑐       1.321 409 855 39(40) f m         3.1 ⋅ 10−10

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Nuclear magneton                    𝜇N = 𝑒ℏ/2𝑚p          5.050 783 7461(15) ⋅ 10 J/T 3.1 ⋅ 10−10

Proton magnetic moment              𝜇p                   1.410 606 797 36(60) ⋅ 10−26 J/T 4.2 ⋅ 10−10
                                    𝜇p /𝜇B               1.521 032 202 30(46) ⋅ 10−3      3.0 ⋅ 10−10
                                    𝜇p /𝜇N               2.792 847 344 63(82)             2.9 ⋅ 10−10
Proton gyromagnetic ratio           𝛾p = 2𝜇𝑝 /ℎ          42.577 478 518(18) MHz/T         4.2 ⋅ 10−10
Proton g factor                     𝑔p                   5.585 694 6893(16)               2.9 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron mass                        𝑚n                   1.674 927 498 04(95) ⋅ 10−27 kg 5.7 ⋅ 10−10
                                                         1.008 664 915 95(43) u           4.8 ⋅ 10−10

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                         939.565 420 52(54) MeV           5.7 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron–electron mass ratio         𝑚n /𝑚e               1 838.683 661 73(89)             4.8 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron–proton mass ratio           𝑚n /𝑚p               1.001 378 419 31(49)             4.9 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron Compton wavelength          𝜆 C,n = ℎ/𝑚n 𝑐       1.319 590 905 81(75) f m         5.7 ⋅ 10−10
Neutron magnetic moment             𝜇n                   −0.966 236 51(23) ⋅ 10−26 J/T 2.4 ⋅ 10−7
                                    𝜇n /𝜇B               −1.041 875 63(25) ⋅ 10−3         2.4 ⋅ 10−7
                                    𝜇n /𝜇N               −1.913 042 73(45)                2.4 ⋅ 10−7
Stefan–Boltzmann constant           𝜎 = π2 𝑘4 /60ℏ3 𝑐2   56.703 744 19... nW/m K  2 4
Wien’s displacement constant        𝑏 = 𝜆 max 𝑇          2.897 771 955... mmK             0
                                                         58.789 257 57... GHz/K           0
Electron volt                     eV                     0.160 217 6634... aJ             0
Bits to entropy conversion const. 𝑘 ln 2                 1023 bit = 0.956 994... J/K      0
TNT energy content                                       3.7 to 4.0 MJ/kg                 4 ⋅ 10−2

𝑎. For infinite mass of the nucleus.

Some useful properties of our local environment are given in the following table.
338                                           a units, measurements and constants

TA B L E 32 Astronomical constants.

Q ua nt it y                           Symbol       Va l u e

Tropical year 1900 𝑎                   𝑎           31 556 925.974 7 s
Tropical year 1994                     𝑎           31 556 925.2 s
Mean sidereal day                      𝑑           23ℎ 56󸀠 4.090 53󸀠󸀠
Average distance Earth–Sun 𝑏                       149 597 870.691(30) km
Astronomical unit 𝑏                    AU          149 597 870 691 m
Light year, based on Julian year 𝑏     al          9.460 730 472 5808 Pm
Parsec                                 pc          30.856 775 806 Pm = 3.261 634 al
Earth’s mass                           𝑀♁          5.973(1) ⋅ 1024 kg
Geocentric gravitational constant      𝐺𝑀          3.986 004 418(8) ⋅ 1014 m3 /s2
Earth’s gravitational length           𝑙♁ = 2𝐺𝑀/𝑐 8.870 056 078(16) mm
Earth’s equatorial radius 𝑐            𝑅♁eq        6378.1366(1) km

                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Earth’s polar radius 𝑐                 𝑅♁p         6356.752(1) km
Equator–pole distance 𝑐                             10 001.966 km (average)
Earth’s flattening 𝑐                   𝑒♁           1/298.25642(1)
Earth’s av. density                    𝜌♁           5.5 Mg/m3
Earth’s age                            𝑇♁           4.54(5) Ga = 143(2) Ps
Earth’s normal gravity                 𝑔            9.806 65 m/s2
Earth’s standard atmospher. pressure   𝑝0           101 325 Pa
Moon’s radius                          𝑅v          1738 km in direction of Earth
Moon’s radius                          𝑅h          1737.4 km in other two directions

                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Moon’s mass                            𝑀           7.35 ⋅ 1022 kg
Moon’s mean distance 𝑑                 𝑑           384 401 km
Moon’s distance at perigee 𝑑                        typically 363 Mm, historical minimum
                                                    359 861 km
Moon’s distance at apogee 𝑑                         typically 404 Mm, historical maximum
                                                    406 720 km
Moon’s angular size 𝑒                               average 0.5181° = 31.08 󸀠 , minimum
                                                    0.49°, maximum 0.55°
Moon’s average density                 𝜌           3.3 Mg/m3
Moon’s surface gravity                 𝑔           1.62 m/s2
Moon’s atmospheric pressure            𝑝           from 10−10 Pa (night) to 10−7 Pa (day)
Jupiter’s mass                         𝑀           1.90 ⋅ 1027 kg
Jupiter’s radius, equatorial           𝑅           71.398 Mm
Jupiter’s radius, polar                𝑅           67.1(1) Mm
Jupiter’s average distance from Sun    𝐷           778 412 020 km
Jupiter’s surface gravity              𝑔           24.9 m/s2
Jupiter’s atmospheric pressure         𝑝           from 20 kPa to 200 kPa
Sun’s mass                             𝑀⊙           1.988 43(3) ⋅ 1030 kg
Sun’s gravitational length             2𝐺𝑀⊙ /𝑐2     2.953 250 08(5) km
Heliocentric gravitational constant    𝐺𝑀⊙          132.712 440 018(8) ⋅ 1018 m3 /s2
                  a units, measurements and constants                                                              339

                  TA B L E 32 (Continued) Astronomical constants.

                  Q ua nt it y                             Symbol        Va l u e

                  Sun’s luminosity                         𝐿⊙            384.6 YW
                  Solar equatorial radius                  𝑅⊙            695.98(7) Mm
                  Sun’s angular size                                     0.53∘ average; minimum on fourth of July
                                                                         (aphelion) 1888 󸀠󸀠 , maximum on fourth of
                                                                         January (perihelion) 1952 󸀠󸀠
                  Sun’s average density                    𝜌⊙            1.4 Mg/m3
                  Sun’s average distance                   AU            149 597 870.691(30) km
                  Sun’s age                                𝑇⊙            4.6 Ga
                  Solar velocity                           𝑣⊙g           220(20) km/s
                   around centre of galaxy
                  Solar velocity                           𝑣⊙b           370.6(5) km/s

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   against cosmic background
                  Sun’s surface gravity                    𝑔⊙        274 m/s2
                  Sun’s lower photospheric pressure        𝑝⊙        15 kPa
                  Distance to Milky Way’s centre                     8.0(5) kpc = 26.1(1.6) kal
                  Milky Way’s age                                    13.6 Ga
                  Milky Way’s size                                   c. 1021 m or 100 kal
                  Milky Way’s mass                                   1012 solar masses, c. 2 ⋅ 1042 kg
                  Most distant galaxy cluster known        SXDF-XCLJ 9.6 ⋅ 109 al

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  𝑎. Defining constant, from vernal equinox to vernal equinox; it was once used to define the
                  second. (Remember: π seconds is about a nanocentury.) The value for 1990 is about 0.7 s less,
Challenge 193 s   corresponding to a slowdown of roughly 0.2 ms/a. (Watch out: why?) There is even an empirical
       Ref. 288   formula for the change of the length of the year over time.
                  𝑏. The truly amazing precision in the average distance Earth–Sun of only 30 m results from time
                  averages of signals sent from Viking orbiters and Mars landers taken over a period of over twenty
                  years. Note that the International Astronomical Union distinguishes the average distance Earth–
                  Sun from the astronomical unit itself; the latter is defined as a fixed and exact length. Also the
                  light year is a unit defined as an exact number by the IAU. For more details, see
                  𝑐. The shape of the Earth is described most precisely with the World Geodetic System. The last
                  edition dates from 1984. For an extensive presentation of its background and its details, see the
         website. The International Geodesic Union refined the data in 2000. The radii
                  and the flattening given here are those for the ‘mean tide system’. They differ from those of the
                  ‘zero tide system’ and other systems by about 0.7 m. The details constitute a science in itself.
                  𝑑. Measured centre to centre. To find the precise position of the Moon at a given date, see
                  the page. For the planets, see the page www.
         and the other pages on the same site.
                  𝑒. Angles are defined as follows: 1 degree = 1∘ = π/180 rad, 1 (first) minute = 1 󸀠 = 1°/60, 1 second
                  (minute) = 1 󸀠󸀠 = 1 󸀠 /60. The ancient units ‘third minute’ and ‘fourth minute’, each 1/60th of the
                  preceding, are not in use any more. (‘Minute’ originally means ‘very small’, as it still does in
                  340                                            a units, measurements and constants

                  modern English.)

                  Some properties of nature at large are listed in the following table. (If you want a chal-
Challenge 194 s   lenge, can you determine whether any property of the universe itself is listed?)

                  TA B L E 33 Cosmological constants.

                  Q ua nt it y                           Symbol               Va l u e

                  Cosmological constant                 Λ                   c. 1 ⋅ 10−52 m−2
                  Age of the universe                   𝑡0                  4.333(53) ⋅ 1017 s = 13.8(0.1) ⋅ 109 a
                    (determined from space-time, via expansion, using general relativity)
                  Age of the universe 𝑎                 𝑡0                  over 3.5(4) ⋅ 1017 s = 11.5(1.5) ⋅ 109 a
                    (determined from matter, via galaxies and stars, using quantum theory)
                  Hubble parameter 𝑎                    𝐻0                  2.3(2) ⋅ 10−18 s−1 = 0.73(4) ⋅ 10−10 a−1
                                                        = ℎ0 ⋅ 100 km/s Mpc = ℎ0 ⋅ 1.0227 ⋅ 10−10 a−1

                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  Reduced Hubble parameter              ℎ0                  0.71(4)
                                          𝑎                               2
                  Deceleration parameter                         ̈ 0 /𝐻0 −0.66(10)
                                                        𝑞0 = −(𝑎/𝑎)
                  Universe’s horizon distance 𝑎         𝑑0 = 3𝑐𝑡0           40.0(6) ⋅ 1026 m = 13.0(2) Gpc
                  Universe’s topology                                       trivial up to 1026 m
                  Number of space dimensions                                3, for distances up to 1026 m
                  Critical density                      𝜌c = 3𝐻02 /8π𝐺      ℎ20 ⋅ 1.878 82(24) ⋅ 10−26 kg/m3
                    of the universe                                         = 0.95(12) ⋅ 10−26 kg/m3
                  (Total) density parameter 𝑎           Ω0 = 𝜌0 /𝜌c         1.02(2)
                  Baryon density parameter 𝑎            ΩB0 = 𝜌B0 /𝜌c       0.044(4)

                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Cold dark matter density parameter ΩCDM0 = 𝜌CDM0 /𝜌c 0.23(4)
                  Neutrino density parameter 𝑎          Ω𝜈0 = 𝜌𝜈0 /𝜌c       0.001 to 0.05
                  Dark energy density parameter         ΩX0 = 𝜌X0 /𝜌c       0.73(4)
                  Dark energy state parameter           𝑤 = 𝑝X /𝜌X          −1.0(2)
                  Baryon mass                           𝑚b                  1.67 ⋅ 10−27 kg
                  Baryon number density                                     0.25(1) /m3
                  Luminous matter density                                   3.8(2) ⋅ 10−28 kg/m3
                  Stars in the universe                 𝑛s                  1022±1
                  Baryons in the universe               𝑛b                  1081±1
                  Microwave background temperature 𝑇0                       2.725(1) K
                  Photons in the universe               𝑛𝛾                  1089
                                                               2 4      4
                  Photon energy density                 𝜌𝛾 = π 𝑘 /15𝑇0      4.6 ⋅ 10−31 kg/m3
                  Photon number density                                     410.89 /cm3 or 400 /cm3 (𝑇0 /2.7 K)3
                  Density perturbation amplitude        √𝑆                  5.6(1.5) ⋅ 10−6
                  Gravity wave amplitude                √𝑇                  < 0.71√𝑆
                  Mass fluctuations on 8 Mpc            𝜎8                  0.84(4)
                  Scalar index                          𝑛                   0.93(3)
                  Running of scalar index               d𝑛/d ln 𝑘           −0.03(2)
                  Planck length                          𝑙Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐3         1.62 ⋅ 10−35 m
                    a units, measurements and constants                                                     341

                    TA B L E 33 (Continued) Cosmological constants.

                    Q ua nt it y                             Symbol               Va l u e

                    Planck time                              𝑡Pl = √ℏ𝐺/𝑐5         5.39 ⋅ 10−44 s
                    Planck mass                              𝑚Pl = √ℏ𝑐/𝐺          21.8 μg
                    Instants in history                      𝑡0 /𝑡Pl              8.7(2.8) ⋅ 1060
                    Space-time points                        𝑁0 = (𝑅0 /𝑙Pl )3 ⋅   10244±1
                      inside the horizon 𝑎                    (𝑡0 /𝑡Pl )
                    Mass inside horizon                      𝑀                    1054±1 kg

                    𝑎. The index 0 indicates present-day values.
                    𝑏. The radiation originated when the universe was 380 000 years old and had a temperature of
                    about 3000 K; the fluctuations Δ𝑇0 which led to galaxy formation are today about 16 ± 4 μK =
                    6(2) ⋅ 10−6 𝑇0 .

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Vol. II, page 231

                    Useful numbers

                    π       3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 375105
                    e       2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71352 66249 77572 47093 699959
                    γ       0.57721 56649 01532 86060 65120 90082 40243 10421 59335 939923
        Ref. 289
                    ln 2    0.69314 71805 59945 30941 72321 21458 17656 80755 00134 360255
                    ln 10   2.30258 50929 94045 68401 79914 54684 36420 76011 01488 628772
                    √10     3.16227 76601 68379 33199 88935 44432 71853 37195 55139 325216

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  Appendix B

                  C OM P O SI T E PA RT IC L E PROPE RT I E S

                           he following table lists the most important composite particles.
                           he list has not changed much recently, mainly because of the vast progress
                           hat was achieved already in the middle of the twentieth century. In principle,
      Page 261    using the standard model of particle physics, all properties of composite matter and ra-

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  diation can be deduced. In particular, all properties of objects encountered in everyday
                  life follow. (Can you explain how the size of an apple follows from the standard model?)
Challenge 195 s   The most important examples of composites are grouped in the following table.

                  TA B L E 34 Properties of selected composites.

                  Composite                         M a s s 𝑚, q ua n t u m L i f e t i m e 𝜏, m a i n     Size
                                                    numbers𝑎                d e c ay m o d e s             (diam.)
                  Mesons (hadrons, bosons) (selected from over 130 known types)
                                   ̄ √2
                  Pion π0 (𝑢𝑢̄ − 𝑑𝑑)/        134.976 4(6) MeV/𝑐2

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                                       84(6) as, 2𝛾 98.798(32) %           ∼ 1 fm
                                                    𝐼𝐺 (𝐽𝑃𝐶 ) = 1− (0−+ ), 𝑆 = 𝐶 = 𝐵 = 0
                  Pion π+ (𝑢𝑑)̄                     139.569 95(35) MeV/𝑐2         26.030(5) ns,            ∼ 1 fm
                                                                                  𝜇+ 𝜈𝜇 99.987 7(4) %
                                                    𝐼𝐺 (𝐽𝑃 ) = 1− (0− ), 𝑆 = 𝐶 = 𝐵 = 0
                  Kaon 𝐾𝑆0                          𝑚𝐾𝑆0                          89.27(9) ps              ∼ 1 fm
                  Kaon   𝐾𝐿0                        𝑚𝐾𝑆0 + 3.491(9) μeV/𝑐    2
                                                                                 51.7(4) ns                ∼ 1 fm
                           ±                                             2
                  Kaon 𝐾 (𝑢𝑠,̄ 𝑢𝑠)
                                ̄                   493.677(16) MeV/𝑐            12.386(24) ns,            ∼ 1 fm
                                                                                 𝜇+ 𝜈𝜇 63.51(18) %
                                                                                 π+ π0 21.16(14) %
                  Kaon 𝐾0 (ds̄) (50 % 𝐾𝑆 ,          497.672(31) MeV/𝑐2           n.a.                      ∼ 1 fm
                  50 % 𝐾𝐿 )
                  All kaons 𝐾± , 𝐾0 , 𝐾𝑆0 , 𝐾𝐿0 :   𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 12 (0− ), 𝑆 = ±1, 𝐵 = 𝐶 = 0
                  Baryons (hadrons, fermions) (selected from over 100 known types)
                  Proton 𝑝 or 𝑁+ (𝑢𝑢𝑑)              1.672 621 58(13) yg       𝜏total > 1.6 ⋅ 1025 a,       0.89(1) f m
                                                    = 1.007 276 466 88(13) u 𝜏(𝑝 → 𝑒+ π0 ) >5.5 ⋅ 1032 a   Ref. 290
                                                    = 938.271 998(38) MeV/𝑐2
                                                    𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 12 ( 12 ), 𝑆 = 0
                                                    gyromagnetic ratio 𝜇𝑝 /𝜇𝑁 = 2.792 847 337(29)
                                                    electric dipole moment 𝑑 = (−4 ± 6) ⋅ 10−26 𝑒 m
b composite particle properties                                                                       343

TA B L E 34 (Continued) Properties of selected composites.

Composite                      M a s s 𝑚, q ua n t u m L i f e t i m e 𝜏, m a i n           Size
                               numbers𝑎                d e c ay m o d e s                   (diam.)
                               electric polarizability 𝛼e = 12.1(0.9) ⋅ 10−4 f m3
                               magnetic polarizability 𝛼m = 2.1(0.9) ⋅ 10−4 f m3
Neutron𝑏 𝑛 or 𝑁0 (𝑢𝑑𝑑)         1.674 927 16(13) yg          887.0(2.0) s, 𝑝𝑒− 𝜈𝑒̄ 100 %     ∼ 1 fm
                               = 1.008 664 915 78(55) u = 939.565 330(38) MeV/𝑐2
                               𝐼(𝐽𝑃 ) = 12 ( 12 ), 𝑆 = 0
                               gyromagnetic ratio 𝜇𝑛 /𝜇𝑁 = −1.913 042 72(45)
                               electric dipole moment 𝑑𝑛 = (−3.3 ± 4.3) ⋅ 10−28 𝑒 m
                               electric polarizability 𝛼 = 0.98(23) ⋅ 10−3 f m3
Omega Ω− (𝑠𝑠𝑠)                 1672.43(32) MeV/𝑐2           82.2(1.2) ps,                   ∼ 1 fm
                                                            Λ𝐾− 67.8(7) %,

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                            Ξ0 π− 23.6(7) %
                               gyromagnetic ratio 𝜇Ω /𝜇𝑁 = −1.94(22)
composite radiation: glueballs
glueball candidate 𝑓0 (1500), 1503(11) MeV                   full width 120(19) MeV         ∼ 1 fm
status unclear
                              𝐼𝐺 (𝐽𝑃𝐶 ) = 0+ (0++ )
Atoms (selected from 114 known elements with over 2000 known nuclides)               Ref. 291
Hydrogen ( H) [lightest]       1.007 825 032(1) u = 1.6735 yg                               2 ⋅ 53 pm

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Antihydrogen𝑐                  1.007 u = 1.67 yg                                            2 ⋅ 53 pm
Helium (4 He) [smallest]       4.002 603250(1) u = 6.6465 yg                                2 ⋅ 31 pm
Carbon (12 C)                  12 u = 19.926 482(12) yg                                     2 ⋅ 77 pm
Bismuth (209 Bi∗ ) [shortest   209 u                      0.1 ps        Ref. 292
living and rarest]
Tantalum (180𝑚 Ta) [second     180 u                         > 1015 a     Ref. 293
longest living radioactive]
Bismuth (209 Bi) [longest      209 u                         1.9(2)1019 a Ref. 292
living radioactive]
Francium (223 Fr) [largest]    223 u                         22 min                         2 ⋅ 0.28 nm
Oganesson (289 Og)             294 u                         0.9 ms
Molecules𝑑 (selected from over 107 known types)
Hydrogen (H2 )                 ∼ 2u                          > 1025 a
Water (H2 O)                   ∼ 18 u                        > 1025 a
ATP                            507 u                         > 1010 a                       c. 3 nm
Human Y chromosome             70 ⋅ 106 base pairs           > 106 a                        c. 50 mm
            344                                                          b composite particle properties

            TA B L E 34 (Continued) Properties of selected composites.

            Composite                      M a s s 𝑚, q ua n t u m L i f e t i m e 𝜏, m a i n           Size
                                           numbers𝑎                d e c ay m o d e s                   (diam.)

            Other composites
            Blue whale nerve cell          ∼ 1 kg                          ∼ 50 a                       20 m
            Cell (red blood)               0.1 ng                          7 plus 120 days              ∼ 10 μm
            Cell (sperm)                   10 pg                           not fecundated: ∼ 5 d        length
                                                                                                        60 μm,
                                                                                                        3 μm ×
                                                                                                        5 μm
            Cell (ovule)                   1 μg                            fecundated: over             ∼ 120 μm
                                                                           4000 million years

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            Cell (E. coli)                 1 pg                            4000 million years           body: 2 μm
            Apple                          0.1 kg                          4 weeks                      0.1 m
            Adult human                    35 kg < 𝑚 < 350 kg              𝜏 ≈ 2.5 ⋅ 109 s Ref. 294     ∼ 1.7 m
                                                                           ≈ 600 million breaths
                                                                           ≈ 2 500 million heartbeats
                                                                           < 122 a,
                                                                           60 % H2 O and 40 % dust
            Heaviest living thing:         6.6 ⋅ 106 kg                    > 130 a                      > 4 km
            colony of aspen trees

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            Larger composites              See the table on page 260 in volume I.

Page 263    Notes (see also the notes of Table 9):
            𝑎. The charge parity 𝐶 is defined only for certain neutral particles, namely those that are different
            from their antiparticles. For neutral mesons, the charge parity is given by 𝐶 = (−1)𝐿+𝑆, where 𝐿
            is the orbital angular momentum.
            𝑃 is the parity under space inversion 𝑟 → −𝑟. For mesons, it is related to the orbital angular
            momentum 𝐿 through 𝑃 = (−1)𝐿+1 .
            The electric polarizability, defined on page 72 in volume III, is predicted to vanish for all ele-
            mentary particles.
            𝐺-parity is defined only for mesons and given by 𝐺 = (−1)𝐿+𝑆+𝐼 = (−1)𝐼 𝐶.
            𝑏. Neutrons bound in nuclei have a lifetime of at least 1020 years.
            𝑐. The first anti-atoms, made of antielectrons and antiprotons, were made in January 1996 at CERN
 Ref. 296   in Geneva. All properties of antimatter checked so far are consistent with theoretical predictions.
            𝑑. The number of existing molecules is several orders of magnitude larger than the number of
            molecules that have been analysed and named.

            The most important matter composites are the atoms. Their size, structure and interac-
            tions determine the properties and colour of everyday objects. Atom types, also called
            elements in chemistry, are most usefully set out in the so-called periodic table, which
            groups together atoms with similar properties in rows and columns. It is given in Table 35
            and results from the various ways in which protons, neutrons and electrons can combine
b composite particle properties                                                                           345

to form aggregates.
   Comparable to the periodic table of the atoms, there are tables for the mesons (made
of two quarks) and the baryons (made of three quarks). Neither the meson nor the ba-
ryon table is included here; they can both be found in the Review of Particle Physics at In fact, the baryon table still has a number of vacant spots. The miss-
ing baryons are extremely heavy and short-lived (which means expensive to make and
detect), and their discovery is not expected to yield deep new insights.

TA B L E 35 The periodic table of the elements, with their atomic numbers. Light blue: nonmetals,
orange: alkali metals, green: alkaline earth metals, grey: transition metals, dark blue: basic metals, light
orange: semimetals, yellow: halogens, brown: noble gases, red: lanthanoids, dark red: actinoids, black:
no data.

    1       2     3    4  5   6   7            8     9 10       11    12    13    14    15    16    17 18

                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    I       II   IIIa IVa Va VIa VIIa               VIIIa       Ia    IIa   III   IV    V     VI    VII VIII


     1                                                                                                     2
     H                                                                                                    He

     3      4                                                                5     6    7      8     9    10
     Li   Be                                                                B     C     N     O     F     Ne

     11     12                                                              13    14    15    16    17    18

                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    Na Mg                                                                   Al    Si    P     S     Cl    Ar

     19     20   21    22    23    24   25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36
    K     Ca     Sc   Ti    V     Cr Mn Fe Co             Ni    Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se                   Br    Kr

     37     38   39    40    41    42   43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50    51    52    53    54
    Rb    Sr     Y    Zr Nb Mo Tc             Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd                In    Sn Sb       Te    I     Xe

     55     56         72    73    74   75    76    77    78    79    80    81    82    83    84    85    86
6                ∗
    Cs Ba             Hf    Ta    W     Re Os       Ir    Pt Au Hg          Tl    Pb    Bi    Po    At Rn

     87     88        104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118
7                ∗∗
    Fr    Ra          Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh                               Fl    Mc Lv       Ts Og

                       57    58    59   60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71
Lanthanoids ∗
                      La    Ce    Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

                       89    90    91   92    93    94    95    96    97    98    99    100   101   102   103
Actinoids        ∗∗
                      Ac Th Pa          U     Np Pu Am Cm Bk                Cf    Es Fm Md No             Lr

More elaborate periodic tables can be found on the
website. The most beautiful of them all can be found on page 60. The atomic number gives
                     346                                                          b composite particle properties

                     the number of protons (and electrons) found in an atom of a given element. This number
                     determines the chemical behaviour of an element. Most – but not all – elements up to
                     92 are found on Earth; the others can be produced in laboratories. The highest element
                     discovered is element 118. In a famous case of research fraud, a scientist in the 1990s
                     tricked two whole research groups into claiming to have made and observed elements
                     116 and 118. Both elements were independently made and observed later on.
         Ref. 297        Nowadays, extensive physical and chemical data are available for every element. Pho-
         Page 61     tographs of the pure elements are shown in Figure 19. Elements in the same group behave
                     similarly in chemical reactions. The periods define the repetition of these similarities.
                         The elements of group 1 are the alkali metals (though the exceptional hydrogen is a
                     gas), those of group 2 are the alkaline earth metals. Also actinoids, lanthanoids are metals,
                     as are the elements of groups 3 to 12, which are called transition or heavy metals. The ele-
                     ments of group 16 are called chalkogens, i.e., ore-formers; group 17 are the halogens, i.e.,
                     the salt-formers, and group 18 are the inert noble gases, which form (almost) no chem-
                     ical compounds. The groups 13, 14 and 15 contain metals, semimetals, the only room-

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                     temperature liquid – bromine – and a few gases and non-metals; these groups have no
                     special name. Groups 1 and 13 to 17 are central for the chemistry of life; in fact, 96 % of
                     living matter is made of C, O, N, H;* almost 4 % of P, S, Ca, K, Na, Cl; trace elements
                     such as Mg, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Sn, Li, Mo, Se, Si, I, F, As, B form the
                     rest. Over 30 elements are known to be essential for animal life. The full list is not yet
                     known; candidate elements to extend this list are Al, Br, Ge and W.
                         Many elements exist in versions with different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus,
                     and thus with different mass; these various isotopes – so called because they are found at
                     the same place in the periodic table – behave identically in chemical reactions. There are

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Ref. 291, Ref. 298   over 2000 of them.

                     TA B L E 36 The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main properties.

                     Name               Sym- At.      Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                                        bol n.        in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                                                      longest       ra-
                                                      lifetime      dius
                                                                    in pm
                     Actinium𝑏          Ac     89     (227.0277(1))       (188)       Highly radioactive metallic rare Earth
                                                      21.77(2) a                      (Greek aktis ray) 1899, used as alpha-
                                                                                      emitting source.
                     Aluminium          Al     13     26.981 538 (8)      118c,       Light metal (Latin alumen alum) 1827,
                                                      stable              143m        used in machine construction and living
                     Americium𝑏         Am     95     (243.0614(1))       (184)       Radioactive metal (Italian America from
                                                      7.37(2) ka                      Amerigo) 1945, used in smoke detectors.

                     * The ‘average formula’ of life is approximately C5 H40 O18 N.
b composite particle properties                                                                 347

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Antimony         Sb     51    121.760(1)𝑓       137c, Toxic semimetal (via Arabic from Latin
                              stable            159m, stibium, itself from Greek, Egyptian for
                                                205v one of its minerals) antiquity, colours
                                                      rubber, used in medicines, constituent of
Argon            Ar     18    39.948(1)𝑓        (71n) Noble gas (Greek argos inactive, from an-
                              stable                  ergos without energy) 1894, third com-
                                                      ponent of air, used for welding and in

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Arsenic          As     33    74.921 60(2)      120c, Poisonous semimetal (Greek arsenikon
                              stable            185v  tamer of males) antiquity, for poisoning
                                                      pigeons and doping semiconductors.
Astatine𝑏        At     85    (209.9871(1))     (140) Radioactive halogen (Greek astatos un-
                              8.1(4) h                stable) 1940, no use.
Barium           Ba     56    137.327(7)        224m Earth-alkali metal (Greek bary heavy)
                              stable                  1808, used in vacuum tubes, paint, oil in-
                                                      dustry, pyrotechnics and X-ray diagnosis.
Berkelium𝑏       Bk     97    (247.0703(1))     n.a.  Made in lab, probably metallic (Berkeley,

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                              1.4(3) ka               US town) 1949, no use because rare.
Beryllium        Be     4     9.012 182(3)      106c, Toxic Earth-alkali metal (Greek beryllos,
                              stable            113m a mineral) 1797, used in light alloys, in
                                                      nuclear industry as moderator.
Bismuth          Bi     83    208.980 40(1)     170m, Diamagnetic metal (Latin via German
                              stable            215v  weisse Masse white mass) 1753, used in
                                                      magnets, alloys, fire safety, cosmetics, as
                                                      catalyst, nuclear industry.
Bohrium𝑏         Bh     107   (264.12(1))       n.a.  Made in lab, probably metallic (after
                              0.44 s𝑔                 Niels Bohr) 1981, found in nuclear reac-
                                                      tions, no use.
Boron            B      5     10.811(7)𝑓        83c   Semimetal, semiconductor (Latin borax,
                              stable                  from Arabic and Persian for brilliant)
                                                      1808, used in glass, bleach, pyrotechnics,
                                                      rocket fuel, medicine.
Bromine          Br     35    79.904(1)         120c, Red-brown liquid (Greek bromos strong
                              stable            185v  odour) 1826, fumigants, photography,
                                                      water purification, dyes, medicines.
348                                                     b composite particle properties

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Cadmium          Cd     48    112.411(8)𝑓       157m     Heavy metal, cuttable and screaming
                              stable                     (Greek kadmeia, a zinc carbonate mineral
                                                         where it was discovered) 1817, electro-
                                                         plating, solder, batteries, TV phosphors,
Caesium          Cs     55    132.905 4519(2) 273m       Alkali metal (Latin caesius sky blue) 1860,
                              stable                     getter in vacuum tubes, photoelectric
                                                         cells, ion propulsion, atomic clocks.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Calcium          Ca     20    40.078(4)𝑓        197m     Earth-alkali metal (Latin calcis chalk) an-
                              stable                     tiquity, pure in 1880, found in stones and
                                                         bones, reducing agent, alloying.
Californium𝑏     Cf     98    (251.0796(1))     n.a.     Made in lab, probably metallic, strong
                              0.90(5) ka                 neutron emitter (Latin calor heat and for-
                                                         nicare have sex, the land of hot sex :-)
                                                         1950, used as neutron source, for well log-
Carbon           C      6     12.0107(8)𝑓       77c      Makes up coal and diamond (Latin carbo
                              stable                     coal) antiquity, used to build most life

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Cerium           Ce     58    140.116(1)𝑓       183m     Rare Earth metal (after asteroid Ceres,
                              stable                     Roman goddess) 1803, cigarette lighters,
                                                         incandescent gas mantles, glass manu-
                                                         facturing, self-cleaning ovens, carbon-arc
                                                         lighting in the motion picture industry,
                                                         catalyst, metallurgy.
Chlorine         Cl     17    35.453(2)𝑓        102c,    Green gas (Greek chloros yellow-green)
                              stable            175v     1774, drinking water, polymers, paper,
                                                         dyes, textiles, medicines, insecticides,
                                                         solvents, paints, rubber.
Chromium         Cr     24    51.9961(6)        128m     Transition metal (Greek chromos colour)
                              stable                     1797, hardens steel, makes steel stainless,
                                                         alloys, electroplating, green glass dye,
Cobalt           Co     27    58.933 195(5)     125m     Ferromagnetic transition metal (German
                              stable                     Kobold goblin) 1694, part of vitamin
                                                         B12 , magnetic alloys, heavy-duty alloys,
                                                         enamel dyes, ink, animal nutrition.
Copernicium𝑏     Cn     112   (285) 34 s𝑔       n.a.     Made in lab, 1996, no use.
b composite particle properties                                                                 349

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Copper           Cu     29    63.546(3)𝑓        128m     Red metal (Latin cuprum from Cyprus is-
                              stable                     land) antiquity, part of many enzymes,
                                                         electrical conductors, bronze, brass and
                                                         other alloys, algicides, etc.
Curium𝑏          Cm     96    (247.0704(1))     n.a.     Highly radioactive, silver-coloured (after
                              15.6(5) Ma                 Pierre and Marie Curie) 1944, used as ra-
                                                         dioactivity source.
Darmstadtium𝑏 Ds        110   (271) 1.6 min𝑔    n.a.     Made in lab (after the German city) 1994,

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                         no use.
Dubnium𝑏         Db     105   (262.1141(1))     n.a.     Made in lab in small quantities, radio-
                              34(5) s                    active (Dubna, Russian city) 1967, no use
                                                         (once known as hahnium).
Dysprosium       Dy     66    162.500(1)𝑓       177m     Rare Earth metal (Greek dysprositos dif-
                              stable                     ficult to obtain) 1886, used in laser ma-
                                                         terials, as infrared source material, and in
                                                         nuclear industry.
Einsteinium𝑏     Es     99    (252.0830(1))     n.a.     Made in lab, radioactive (after Albert
                              472(2) d                   Einstein) 1952, no use.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Erbium           Er     68    167.259(3)𝑓       176m     Rare Earth metal (Ytterby, Swedish town)
                              stable                     1843, used in metallurgy and optical
Europium         Eu     63    151.964(1)𝑓       204m     Rare Earth metal (named after the con-
                              stable                     tinent) 1901, used in red screen phosphor
                                                         for TV tubes.
Fermium𝑏         Fm     100   (257.0901(1))     n.a.     Made in lab (after Enrico Fermi) 1952, no
                              100.5(2) d                 use.
Flerovium𝑏       Fl     114   (289)             2.7 s𝑔   1999, no use.
Fluorine         F      9     18.998 4032(5)    62c,     Gaseous halogen (from fluorine, a min-
                              stable            147v     eral, from Greek fluo flow) 1886, used in
                                                         polymers and toothpaste.
Francium𝑏        Fr     87    (223.0197(1))     (278)    Radioactive metal (from France) 1939, no
                              22.0(1) min                use.
Gadolinium       Gd     64    157.25(3)𝑓        180m     Rare-earth metal (after Johan Gadolin)
                              stable                     1880, used in lasers and phosphors.
Gallium          Ga     31    69.723(1)         125c,    Almost liquid metal (Latin for both the
                              stable            141m     discoverer’s name and his nation, France)
                                                         1875, used in optoelectronics.
350                                                      b composite particle properties

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Germanium        Ge     32    72.64(1)           122c,   Semiconductor (from Germania, as op-
                              stable             195v    posed to gallium) 1886, used in electron-
Gold             Au     79    196.966 569(4) 144m        Heavy noble metal (Sanskrit jval to shine,
                              stable                     Latin aurum) antiquity, electronics, jew-
Hafnium          Hf     72    178.49(2)𝑐      158m       Metal (Latin for Copenhagen) 1923, al-
                              stable                     loys, incandescent wire.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Hassium𝑏         Hs     108   (277) 16.5 min𝑔 n.a.       Radioactive element (Latin form of Ger-
                                                         man state Hessen) 1984, no use .
Helium           He     2     4.002 602(2)𝑓      (31n)   Noble gas (Greek helios Sun) where it was
                              stable                     discovered 1895, used in balloons, stars,
                                                         diver’s gas and cryogenics.
Holmium          Ho     67    164.930 32(2)      177m    Metal (Stockholm, Swedish capital) 1878,
                              stable                     alloys.
Hydrogen         H      1     1.007 94(7)𝑓       30c     Reactive gas (Greek for water-former)
                              stable                     1766, used in building stars and universe.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Indium           In     49    114.818(3)         141c,   Soft metal (Greek indikon indigo) 1863,
                              stable             166m    used in solders and photocells.
Iodine           I      53    126.904 47(3)      140c,   Blue-black solid (Greek iodes violet) 1811,
                              stable             198v    used in photography.
Iridium          Ir     77    192.217(3)         136m    Precious metal (Greek iris rainbow) 1804,
                              stable                     electrical contact layers.
Iron             Fe     26    55.845(2)          127m    Metal (Indo-European ayos metal, Latin
                              stable                     ferrum) antiquity, used in metallurgy.
Krypton          Kr     36    83.798(2)𝑓         (88n)   Noble gas (Greek kryptos hidden) 1898,
                              stable                     used in lasers.
Lanthanum        La     57    138.905 47(7)𝑐,𝑓   188m    Reactive rare Earth metal (Greek
                              stable                     lanthanein to be hidden) 1839, used in
                                                         lamps and in special glasses.
Lawrencium𝑏      Lr     103   (262.110 97(1))    n.a.    Appears in reactions (after Ernest
                              3.6(3) h                   Lawrence) 1961, no use.
Lead             Pb     82    207.2(1)𝑐,𝑓        175m    Poisonous, malleable heavy metal (Latin
                              stable                     plumbum) antiquity, used in car batteries,
                                                         radioactivity shields, paints.
Lithium          Li     3     6.941(2)𝑓          156m    Light alkali metal with high specific heat
                              stable                     (Greek lithos stone) 1817, used in batter-
                                                         ies, anti-depressants, alloys, nuclear fu-
                                                         sion and many chemicals.
b composite particle properties                                                                   351

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Livermorium𝑏     Lv     116   (293)             61 ms𝑔 False discovery claim from 1999, correct
                                                        claim from 2000, no use.
Lutetium         Lu     71    174.967(1)𝑓       173m Rare-earth metal (Latin Lutetia for Paris)
                              stable                    1907, used as catalyst.
Magnesium        Mg     12    24.3050(6)        160m Light common alkaline Earth metal
                              stable                    (from Magnesia, a Greek district in Thes-
                                                        salia) 1755, used in alloys, pyrotechnics,
                                                        chemical synthesis and medicine, found

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                        in chlorophyll.
Manganese        Mn     25    54.938 045(5)     126m Brittle metal (Italian manganese, a
                              stable                    mineral) 1774, used in alloys, colours
                                                        amethyst and permanganate.
Meitnerium𝑏      Mt     109   (268.1388(1))     n.a.    Appears in nuclear reactions (after Lise
                              0.070 s𝑔                  Meitner) 1982, no use.
Mendelevium𝑏 Md         101   (258.0984(1))     n.a.    Appears in nuclear reactions (after
                              51.5(3) d                 Дмитрии         Иванович          Менделеев
                                                        Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleyev) 1955, no

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Mercury          Hg     80    200.59(2)         157m Liquid heavy metal (Latin god Mer-
                              stable                    curius, Greek hydrargyrum liquid sil-
                                                        ver) antiquity, used in switches, batteries,
                                                        lamps, amalgam alloys.
Molybdenum       Mo     42    95.94(2)𝑓         140m Metal (Greek molybdos lead) 1788, used
                              stable                    in alloys, as catalyst, in enzymes and lub-
Moscovium𝑏       Mc     115   (288)             8 ms 𝑔
                                                        2004 (Moscow), no use.
Neodymium        Nd     60    144.242(3)𝑐,𝑓     182m (Greek neos and didymos new twin) 1885,
                              stable                    used in magnets.
Neon             Ne     10    20.1797(6)𝑓       (36n) Noble gas (Greek neos new) 1898, used in
                              stable                    lamps, lasers and cryogenics.
Neptunium𝑏       Np     93    (237.0482(1))     n.a.    Radioactive metal (planet Neptune, after
                              2.14(1) Ma                Uranus in the solar system) 1940, appears
                                                        in nuclear reactors, used in neutron de-
                                                        tection and by the military.
Nickel           Ni     28    58.6934(2)        125m Metal (German Nickel goblin) 1751, used
                              stable                    in coins, stainless steels, batteries, as cata-
Nihonium𝑏        Nh     113   (284)             0.48 s𝑔 2003 (Nihon is Japan in Japanese), no use.
352                                                     b composite particle properties

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Niobium          Nb     41    92.906 38(2)      147m     Ductile metal (Greek Niobe, mythical
                              stable                     daughter of Tantalos) 1801, used in arc
                                                         welding, alloys, jewellery, superconduct-
Nitrogen         N      7     14.0067(2)𝑓       70c,     Diatomic gas (Greek for nitre-former)
                              stable            155v     1772, found in air, in living organisms,
                                                         Viagra, fertilizers, explosives.
Nobelium𝑏        No     102   (259.1010(1))     n.a.     (after Alfred Nobel) 1958, no use.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                              58(5) min
Oganesson𝑏       Og     118   (294)             0.9 ms𝑔 False discovery claim in 1999, correct
                                                        claim from 2006 (after Yuri Oganessian),
                                                        no use.
Osmium           Os     76    190.23(3)𝑓        135m Heavy metal (from Greek osme odour)
                              stable                    1804, used for fingerprint detection and
                                                        in very hard alloys.
Oxygen           O      8     15.9994(3)𝑓       66c,    Transparent, diatomic gas (formed from
                              stable            152v    Greek to mean ‘acid former’) 1774, used
                                                        for combustion, blood regeneration, to

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                        make most rocks and stones, in countless
                                                        compounds, colours auroras red.
Palladium        Pd     46    106.42(1)𝑓        138m Heavy metal (from asteroid Pallas, after
                              stable                    the Greek goddess) 1802, used in alloys,
                                                        white gold, catalysts, for hydride storage.
Phosphorus       P      15    30.973 762(2)     109c, Poisonous, waxy, white solid (Greek
                              stable            180v    phosphoros light bearer) 1669, fertilizers,
                                                        glasses, porcelain, steels and alloys, living
                                                        organisms, bones.
Platinum         Pt     78    195.084(9)        139m Silvery-white, ductile, noble heavy
                              stable                    metal (Spanish platina little silver)
                                                        pre-Columbian, again in 1735, used
                                                        in corrosion-resistant alloys, magnets,
                                                        furnaces, catalysts, fuel cells, cathodic
                                                        protection systems for large ships and
                                                        pipelines; being a catalyst, a fine plat-
                                                        inum wire glows red hot when placed in
                                                        vapour of methyl alcohol, an effect used
                                                        in hand warmers.
b composite particle properties                                                                     353

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Plutonium        Pu     94    (244.0642(1))     n.a.     Extremely toxic alpha-emitting metal
                              80.0(9) Ma                 (after the planet) synthesized 1940, found
                                                         in nature 1971, used as nuclear explosive,
                                                         and to power space equipment, such as
                                                         satellites and the measurement equip-
                                                         ment brought to the Moon by the Apollo
Polonium         Po     84    (208.9824(1))     (140)    Alpha-emitting, volatile metal (from Po-

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                              102(5) a                   land) 1898, used as thermoelectric power
                                                         source in space satellites, as neutron
                                                         source when mixed with beryllium; used
                                                         in the past to eliminate static charges in
                                                         factories, and on brushes for removing
                                                         dust from photographic films.
Potassium        K      19    39.0983(1)        238m     Reactive, cuttable light metal (German
                              stable                     Pottasche, Latin kalium from Arabic
                                                         quilyi, a plant used to produce potash)
                                                         1807, part of many salts and rocks, essen-

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                         tial for life, used in fertilizers, essential to
                                                         chemical industry.
Praeseodymium Pr        59    140.907 65(2)     183m     White, malleable rare Earth metal (Greek
                              stable                     praesos didymos green twin) 1885, used in
                                                         cigarette lighters, material for carbon arcs
                                                         used by the motion picture industry for
                                                         studio lighting and projection, glass and
                                                         enamel dye, darkens welder’s goggles.
Promethium𝑏      Pm     61    (144.9127(1))     181m     Radioactive rare Earth metal (from the
                              17.7(4) a                  Greek mythical figure of Prometheus)
                                                         1945, used as β source and to excite phos-
Protactinium     Pa     91    (231.035 88(2)) n.a.       Radioactive metal (Greek protos first, as
                              32.5(1) ka                 it decays into actinium) 1917, found in
                                                         nature, no use.
Radium           Ra     88    (226.0254(1))     (223)    Highly radioactive metal (Latin radius
                              1599(4) a                  ray) 1898, no use any more; once used
                                                         in luminous paints and as radioactive
                                                         source and in medicine.
354                                                     b composite particle properties

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Radon            Rn     86    (222.0176(1))     (130n) Radioactive noble gas (from its old name
                              3.823(4) d               ‘radium emanation’) 1900, no use (any
                                                       more), found in soil, produces lung can-
                                                       cer .
Rhenium          Re     75    186.207(1)𝑐       138m TRansition metal (Latin rhenus for Rhine
                              stable                   river) 1925, used in filaments for mass
                                                       spectrographs and ion gauges, supercon-
                                                       ductors, thermocouples, flash lamps, and

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                       as catalyst.
Rhodium          Rh     45    102.905 50(2)     135m White metal (Greek rhodon rose) 1803,
                              stable                   used to harden platinum and palladium
                                                       alloys, for electroplating, and as catalyst.
Roentgenium𝑏 Rg         111   (272.1535(1))     n.a.   Made in lab (after Conrad Roentgen)
                              1.5 ms𝑔                  1994, no use.
Rubidium         Rb     37    85.4678(3)𝑓       255m Silvery-white, reactive alkali metal (Latin
                              stable                   rubidus red) 1861, used in photocells, op-
                                                       tical glasses, solid electrolytes.
Ruthenium        Ru     44    101.107(2)𝑓       134m White metal (Latin Rhuthenia for Rus-

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                              stable                   sia) 1844, used in platinum and palla-
                                                       dium alloys, superconductors, as catalyst;
                                                       the tetroxide is toxic and explosive.
Rutherfordium𝑏 Rf       104   (261.1088(1))     n.a.   Radioactive transactinide (after Ernest
                              1.3 min𝑔                 Rutherford) 1964, no use.
Samarium         Sm     62    150.36(2)𝑐,𝑓      180m Silver-white rare Earth metal (from
                              stable                   the mineral samarskite, after Wassily
                                                       Samarski) 1879, used in magnets, optical
                                                       glasses, as laser dopant, in phosphors, in
                                                       high-power light sources.
Scandium         Sc     21    44.955 912(6)     164m Silver-white metal (from Latin Scansia
                              stable                   Sweden) 1879, the oxide is used in high-
                                                       intensity mercury vapour lamps, a radio-
                                                       active isotope is used as tracer.
Seaborgium𝑏      Sg     106   266.1219(1)       n.a.   Radioactive transurane (after Glenn
                              21 s𝑔                    Seaborg) 1974, no use.
Selenium         Se     34    78.96(3)𝑓         120c, Red or black or grey semiconductor
                              stable            190v   (Greek selene Moon) 1818, used in xer-
                                                       ography, glass production, photographic
                                                       toners, as enamel dye.
b composite particle properties                                                                 355

TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                 bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                              longest       ra-
                              lifetime      dius
                                            in pm
Silicon          Si     14    28.0855(3)𝑓       105c,    Grey, shiny semiconductor (Latin silex
                              stable            210v     pebble) 1823, Earth’s crust, electronics,
                                                         sand, concrete, bricks, glass, polymers,
                                                         solar cells, essential for life.
Silver           Ag     47    107.8682(2)𝑓      145m     White metal with highest thermal and
                              stable                     electrical conductivity (Latin argentum,
                                                         Greek argyros) antiquity, used in photo-
                                                         graphy, alloys, to make rain.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Sodium           Na     11    22.989 769 28(2) 191m      Light, reactive metal (Arabic souwad
                                                         soda, Egyptian and Arabic natrium) com-
                              stable                     ponent of many salts, soap, paper, soda,
                                                         salpeter, borax, and essential for life.
Strontium        Sr     38    87.62(1)𝑓         215m     Silvery, spontaneously igniting light
                              stable                     metal (Strontian, Scottish town) 1790,
                                                         used in TV tube glass, in magnets, and
                                                         in optical materials.
Sulphur          S      16    32.065(5)𝑓        105c,    Yellow solid (Latin) antiquity, used in
                              stable            180v     gunpowder, in sulphuric acid, rubber vul-

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                         canization, as fungicide in wine produc-
                                                         tion, and is essential for life; some bac-
                                                         teria use sulphur instead of oxygen in
                                                         their chemistry.
Tantalum         Ta     73    180.947 88(2)     147m     Heavy metal (Greek Tantalos, a mythical
                              stable                     figure) 1802, used for alloys, surgical in-
                                                         struments, capacitors, vacuum furnaces,
Technetium𝑏      Tc     43    (97.9072(1))      136m     Radioactive (Greek technetos artificial)
                              6.6(10) Ma                 1939, used as radioactive tracer and in
                                                         nuclear technology.
Tellurium        Te     52    127.60(3)𝑓        139c,    Brittle, garlic-smelling semiconductor
                              stable            206v     (Latin tellus Earth) 1783, used in alloys
                                                         and as glass component.
Tennessine𝑏      Ts     117   (294)             78 ms𝑔   2010 (Tennessee), no use.
Terbium          Tb     65    158.925 35(2)     178m     Malleable rare Earth metal (Ytterby,
                              stable                     Swedish town) 1843, used as dopant in
                                                         optical material.
Thallium         Tl     81    204.3833(2)       172m     Soft, poisonous heavy metal (Greek thal-
                              stable                     los branch) 1861, used as poison and for
                                                         infrared detection.
           356                                                     b composite particle properties

           TA B L E 36 (Continued) The elements, with their atomic number, average mass, atomic radius and main

           Name             Sym- At.     Aver. mass 𝑎 Ato- Main properties, (naming) ℎ dis-
                            bol n.       in u (error), mic 𝑒 covery date and use
                                         longest       ra-
                                         lifetime      dius
                                                       in pm
           Thorium          Th     90    232.038 06(2)𝑑,𝑓 180m   Radioactive (Nordic god Thor, as in
                                         14.0(1) Ga              ‘Thursday’) 1828, found in nature, heats
                                                                 Earth, used as oxide in gas mantles for
                                                                 campers, in alloys, as coating, and in nuc-
                                                                 lear energy.
           Thulium          Tm     69    168.934 21(2)    175m Rare Earth metal (Thule, mythical name
                                         stable                  for Scandinavia) 1879, found in monazite,
                                                                 used in lasers and radiation detectors.

                                                                                                                  Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Tin              Sn     50    118.710(7)       139c, Grey metal that, when bent, allows one
                                         stable           210v, to hear the ‘tin cry’ (Latin stannum) an-
                                                          162m tiquity, used in paint, bronze and super-
           Titanium         Ti     22    47.867(1)        146m Metal (Greek hero Titanos) 1791, alloys,
                                         stable                  fake diamonds.
           Tungsten         W      74    183.84(1)        141m Heavy, highest-melting metal (Swedish
                                         stable                  tung sten heavy stone, German name
                                                                 Wolfram) 1783, lightbulbs.
           Uranium          U      92    238.028 91(3)𝑑,𝑓 156m Radioactive and of high density (planet

                                                                                                                  copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                         4.468(3) ⋅ 109 a        Uranus, after the Greek sky god) 1789,
                                                                 found in pechblende and other minerals,
                                                                 used for nuclear energy.
           Vanadium         V      23    50.9415(1)       135m Metal (Vanadis, scandinavian goddess of
                                         stable                  beauty) 1830, used in steel.
           Xenon            Xe     54    131.293(6)𝑓      (103n) Noble gas (Greek xenos foreign) 1898,
                                         stable           200v used in lamps and lasers.
           Ytterbium        Yb     70    173.04(3)        174m Malleable heavy metal (Ytterby, Swedish
                                         stable                  town) 1878, used in superconductors.
           Yttrium          Y      39    88.905 85(2)     180m Malleable light metal (Ytterby, Swedish
                                         stable                  town) 1794, used in lasers.
           Zinc             Zn     30    65.409(4)        139m Heavy metal (German Zinke protuber-
                                         stable                  ance) antiquity, iron rust protection.
           Zirconium        Zr     40    91.224(2)𝑓       160m Heavy metal (from the mineral zircon,
                                         stable                  after Arabic zargum golden colour) 1789,
                                                                 chemical and surgical instruments, nuc-
                                                                 lear industry.

           𝑎. The atomic mass unit is defined as 1 u = 12      𝑚(12 C), making 1 u = 1.660 5402(10) yg. For
           elements found on Earth, the average atomic mass for the naturally occurring isotope mixture is
Ref. 298   given, with the error in the last digit in brackets. For elements not found on Earth, the mass of
                  b composite particle properties                                                                    357

                  the longest living isotope is given; as it is not an average, it is written in brackets, as is customary
                  in this domain.
                  𝑏. The element is not found on Earth because of its short lifetime.
                  𝑐. The element has at least one radioactive isotope.
                  𝑑. The element has no stable isotopes.
                  𝑒. Strictly speaking, the atomic radius does not exist. Because atoms are clouds, they have no
                  boundary. Several approximate definitions of the ‘size’ of atoms are possible. Usually, the radius is
                  defined in such a way as to be useful for the estimation of distances between atoms. This distance
       Ref. 299   is different for different bond types. In the table, radii for metallic bonds are labelled m, radii
       Ref. 299   for (single) covalent bonds with carbon c, and Van der Waals radii v. Noble gas radii are labelled
                  n. Note that values found in the literature vary by about 10 %; values in brackets lack literature
                      The covalent radius can be up to 0.1 nm smaller than the metallic radius for elements on the
                  (lower) left of the periodic table; on the (whole) right side it is essentially equal to the metallic
                  radius. In between, the difference between the two decreases towards the right. Can you explain
Challenge 196 s   why? By the way, ionic radii differ considerably from atomic ones, and depend both on the ionic

                                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  charge and the element itself.
                      All these values are for atoms in their ground state. Excited atoms can be hundreds of times
                  larger than atoms in the ground state; however, excited atoms do not form solids or chemical
                  𝑓. The isotopic composition, and thus the average atomic mass, of the element varies depending
                  on the place where it was mined or on subsequent human treatment, and can lie outside the
                  values given. For example, the atomic mass of commercial lithium ranges between 6.939 and
       Ref. 291   6.996 u. The masses of isotopes are known in atomic mass units to nine or more significant digits,
                  and usually with one or two fewer digits in kilograms. The errors in the atomic mass are thus
       Ref. 298   mainly due to the variations in isotopic composition.

                                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  𝑔. The lifetime errors are asymmetric or not well known.
                  ℎ. Extensive details on element names can be found on
                    Appendix C

                    A L G E BR A S , SHA PE S A N D G ROU P S

                              athematicians are fond of generalizing concepts. One of the
                              ost generalized concepts of all is the concept of space. Understanding
                              athematical definitions and generalizations means learning to think with
                    precision. The appendix of the previous, fourth volume provided a simple introduc-

                                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    tion to the types of spaces that are of importance in physics; this appendix provides an
                    introduction to the algebras that are of importance in physics.

                    al gebras
                    The term algebra is used in mathematics with three different, but loosely related, mean-
                    ings. First, it denotes a part of mathematics, as in ‘I hated algebra at school’. Secondly,
                    it denotes a set of formal rules that are obeyed by abstract objects, as in the expression
                    ‘tensor algebra’. Finally – and this is the only meaning used here – an algebra denotes a

                                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    specific type of mathematical structure.
                        Intuitively, an algebra is a set of vectors with a vector multiplication defined on it.
                    More precisely, a (unital, associative) algebra is a vector space (over a field 𝐾) that is also a
                    (unital) ring. (The concept is due to Benjamin Peirce (b. 1809 Salem, d. 1880 Cambridge),
                    father of Charles Sanders Peirce.) A ring is a set for which an addition and a multiplic-
Vol. IV, page 223   ation is defined – like the integers. Thus, in an algebra, there are (often) three types of
                    — the (main) algebraic multiplication: the product of two vectors 𝑥 and 𝑦 is another
                      vector 𝑧 = 𝑥𝑦;
                    — the scalar multiplication: the 𝑐-fold multiple of a vector 𝑥 is another vector 𝑦 = 𝑐𝑥;
                    — if the vector space is a inner product space, the scalar product: the scalar product of
                      two algebra elements (vectors) 𝑥 and 𝑦 is a scalar 𝑐 = 𝑥 ⋅ 𝑦;
                    A precise definition of an algebra thus only needs to define properties of the (main) mul-
                    tiplication and to specify the number field 𝐾. An algebra is defined by the following ax-

                          𝑥(𝑦 + 𝑧) = 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑥𝑧      , (𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑧 = 𝑥𝑧 + 𝑦𝑧       distributivity of multiplication
                                                  𝑐(𝑥𝑦) = (𝑐𝑥)𝑦 = 𝑥(𝑐𝑦)      bilinearity                      (139)
                    algebras                                                                                                       359

                    for all vectors 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 and all scalars 𝑐 ∈ K. To stress their properties, algebras are also
                    called linear algebras.
                       For example, the set of all linear transformations of an 𝑛-dimensional linear space
                    (such as the translations on a plane, in space or in time) is a linear algebra, if the com-
                    position is taken as multiplication. So is the set of observables of a quantum mechanical
                       An associative algebra is an algebra whose multiplication has the additional property
                                                    𝑥(𝑦𝑧) = (𝑥𝑦)𝑧 associativity .                          (141)

                    Most algebras that arise in physics are associative** and unital. Therefore, in mathemat-
                    ical physics, a linear unital associative algebra is often simply called an algebra.
                       The set of multiples of the unit 1 of the algebra is called the field of scalars scal(A) of
                    the algebra A. The field of scalars is also a subalgebra of A. The field of scalars and the
                    scalars themselves behave in the same way.

                                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                       We explore a few examples. The set of all polynomials in one variable (or in several
 Challenge 198 e    variables) forms an algebra. It is commutative and infinite-dimensional. The constant
                    polynomials form the field of scalars.
                       The set of 𝑛 × 𝑛 matrices, with the usual operations, also forms an algebra. It is 𝑛2 -
                    dimensional. Those diagonal matrices (matrices with all off-diagonal elements equal to
                    zero) whose diagonal elements all have the same value form the field of scalars. How is
Challenge 199 ny    the scalar product of two matrices defined?
                       The set of all real-valued functions over a set also forms an algebra. Can you specify
 Challenge 200 s    the multiplication? The constant functions form the field of scalars.

                                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       A star algebra, also written ∗-algebra, is an algebra over the complex numbers for

                    * Linear transformations are mappings from the vector space to itself, with the property that sums and scalar
                    multiples of vectors are transformed into the corresponding sums and scalar multiples of the transformed
 Challenge 197 s    vectors. Can you specify the set of all linear transformations of the plane? And of three-dimensional space?
                    And of Minkowski space?
                       All linear transformations transform some special vectors, called eigenvectors (from the German word
                    eigen meaning ‘self’) into multiples of themselves. In other words, if 𝑇 is a transformation, 𝑒 a vector, and

                                                                        𝑇(𝑒) = 𝜆𝑒                                                 (140)

                    where 𝜆 is a scalar, then the vector 𝑒 is called an eigenvector of 𝑇, and 𝜆 is associated eigenvalue. The set of all
                    eigenvalues of a transformation 𝑇 is called the spectrum of 𝑇. Physicists did not pay much attention to these
 Vol. IV, page 88   mathematical concepts until they discovered quantum theory. Quantum theory showed that observables are
                    transformations in Hilbert space, because any measurement interacts with a system and thus transforms it.
                    Quantum-mechanical experiments also showed that a measurement result for an observable must be an
                    eigenvalue of the corresponding transformation. The state of the system after the measurement is given by
Vol. IV, page 157   the eigenvector corresponding to the measured eigenvalue. Therefore every expert on motion must know
                    what an eigenvalue is.
                    ** Note that a non-associative algebra does not possess a matrix representation.
                  360                                                    c algebras, shapes and groups

                  which there is a mapping ∗ : 𝐴 → 𝐴, 𝑥 󳨃→ 𝑥∗ , called an involution, with the properties

                                                   (𝑥∗ )∗   =𝑥
                                                (𝑥 + 𝑦)∗    = 𝑥∗ + 𝑦∗
                                                   (𝑐𝑥)∗    = 𝑐𝑥∗ for all    𝑐∈ℂ
                                                   (𝑥𝑦)∗    = 𝑦∗ 𝑥∗                                         (142)

                  valid for all elements 𝑥, 𝑦 of the algebra 𝐴. The element 𝑥∗ is called the adjoint of 𝑥.
                  Star algebras are the main type of algebra used in quantum mechanics, since quantum-
                  mechanical observables form a ∗-algebra.
                     A C∗-algebra is a Banach algebra over the complex numbers with an involution ∗ (a
                  function that is its own inverse) such that the norm ‖𝑥‖ of an element 𝑥 satisfies

                                                            ‖𝑥‖2 = 𝑥∗ 𝑥 .                                   (143)

                                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  (A Banach algebra is a complete normed algebra; an algebra is complete if all Cauchy se-
                  quences converge.) In short, C∗-algebra is a nicely behaved algebra whose elements form
                  a continuous set and a complex vector space. The name C comes from ‘continuous func-
                  tions’. Indeed, the bounded continuous functions form such an algebra, with a properly
Challenge 201 s   defined norm. Can you find it?
                      Every C∗-algebra (pronounced ‘Cee-star’) contains a space of Hermitean elements
                  (which have a real spectrum), a set of normal elements, a multiplicative group of unitary
                  elements and a set of positive elements (with non-negative spectrum). In quantum the-
                  ory, a physical system is described by a C∗-algebra, and its Hermitean elements are the

                                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                      We should mention one important type of algebra used in mathematics. A division
                  algebra is an algebra for which the equations 𝑎𝑥 = 𝑏 and 𝑦𝑎 = 𝑏 are uniquely solvable in
                  𝑥 or 𝑦 for all 𝑏 and all 𝑎 ≠ 0. Obviously, all type of continuous numbers must be division
                  algebras. Division algebras are thus one way to generalize the concept of a number. One
                  of the important results of modern mathematics states that (finite-dimensional) division
                  algebras can only have dimension 1, like the reals, dimension 2, like the complex numbers,
                  dimension 4, like the quaternions, or dimension 8, like the octonions. There is thus no
                  way to generalize the concept of (continuous) ‘number’ to other dimensions.
                      And now for some fun. Imagine a ring A which contains a number field K as a subring
                  (or ‘field of scalars’). If the ring multiplication is defined in such a way that a general ring
                  element multiplied with an element of K is the same as the scalar multiplication, then A
                  is a vector space, and thus an algebra – provided that every element of K commutes with
                  every element of A. (In other words, the subring K must be central.)
                      For example, the quaternions ℍ are a four-dimensional real division algebra, but al-
                  though ℍ is a two-dimensional complex vector space, it is not a complex algebra, because
                  𝑖 does not commute with 𝑗 (one has 𝑖𝑗 = −𝑗𝑖 = 𝑘). In fact, there are no finite-dimensional
                  complex division algebras, and the only finite-dimensional real associative division al-
                  gebras are ℝ, ℂ and ℍ.
                      Now, if you are not afraid of getting a headache, think about this remark: every K-
                  algebra is also an algebra over its field of scalars. For this reason, some mathematicians
                   algebras                                                                                             361

                   prefer to define an (associative) K-algebra simply as a ring which contains K as a central
                      In physics, it is the algebras related to symmetries which play the most important role.
                   We study them next.

                   Lie algebras
                   A Lie algebra is special type of algebra (and thus of vector space). Lie algebras are the
                   most important type of non-associative algebras. A vector space 𝐿 over the field ℝ (or
                   ℂ) with an additional binary operation [ , ], called Lie multiplication or the commutator,
                   is called a real (or complex) Lie algebra if this operation satisfies

                                                              [𝑋, 𝑌] = −[𝑌, 𝑋] antisymmetry
                                             [𝑎𝑋 + 𝑏𝑌, 𝑍] = 𝑎[𝑋, 𝑍] + 𝑏[𝑌, 𝑍] (left-)linearity
                                     [𝑋, [𝑌,𝑍]] + [𝑌, [𝑍, 𝑋]] + [𝑍, [𝑋, 𝑌]] = 0 Jacobi identity                       (144)

                                                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   for all elements 𝑋, 𝑌, 𝑍 ∈ 𝐿 and for all 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ ℝ (or ℂ). (Lie algebras are named after
 Challenge 202 e   Sophus Lie.) The first two conditions together imply bilinearity. A Lie algebra is called
                   commutative if [𝑋, 𝑌] = 0 for all elements 𝑋 and 𝑌. The dimension of the Lie algebra is
                   the dimension of the vector space. A subspace 𝑁 of a Lie algebra 𝐿 is called an ideal* if
                   [𝐿, 𝑁] ⊂ 𝑁; any ideal is also a subalgebra. A maximal ideal 𝑀 which satisfies [𝐿, 𝑀] = 0
                   is called the centre of 𝐿.
                       A Lie algebra is called a linear Lie algebra if its elements are linear transformations of
                   another vector space 𝑉 (intuitively, if they are ‘matrices’). It turns out that every finite-
                   dimensional Lie algebra is isomorphic to a linear Lie algebra. Therefore, there is no loss

                                                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   of generality in picturing the elements of finite-dimensional Lie algebras as matrices.
                       The name ‘Lie algebra’ was chosen because the generators, i.e., the infinitesimal ele-
       Page 371    ments of every Lie group, form a Lie algebra. Since all important symmetries in nature
                   form Lie groups, Lie algebras appear very frequently in physics. In mathematics, Lie al-
                   gebras arise frequently because from any associative finite-dimensional algebra (in which
                   the symbol ⋅ stands for its multiplication) a Lie algebra appears when we define the com-
                   mutator by
                                                       [𝑋, 𝑌] = 𝑋 ⋅ 𝑌 − 𝑌 ⋅ 𝑋 .                             (145)

                   (This fact gave the commutator its name.) Lie algebras are non-associative in general;
                   but the above definition of the commutator shows how to build one from an associative
                      Since Lie algebras are vector spaces, the elements 𝑇𝑖 of a basis of the Lie algebra always
                   obey a relation of the form:
                                                        [𝑇𝑖 , 𝑇𝑗 ] = ∑ 𝑐𝑖𝑗𝑘 𝑇𝑘 .                           (146)

                   The numbers 𝑐𝑖𝑗𝑘 are called the structure constants of the Lie algebra. They depend on

Challenge 203 ny   * Can you explain the notation [𝐿, 𝑁]? Can you define what a maximal ideal is and prove that there is only
                    362                                                                     c algebras, shapes and groups

                    the choice of basis. The structure constants determine the Lie algebra completely. For
                    example, the algebra of the Lie group SU(2), with the three generators defined by 𝑇𝑎 =
Vol. IV, page 231   𝜎𝑎 /2𝑖, where the 𝜎𝑎 are the Pauli spin matrices, has the structure constants 𝐶𝑎𝑏𝑐 = 𝜀𝑎𝑏𝑐 .*

                    Classification of Lie algebras
                    Finite-dimensional Lie algebras are classified as follows. Every finite-dimensional Lie al-
                    gebra is the (semidirect) sum of a semisimple and a solvable Lie algebra.
                       A Lie algebra is called solvable if, well, if it is not semisimple. Solvable Lie algebras
                    have not yet been classified completely. They are not important in physics.
                       A semisimple Lie algebra is a Lie algebra which has no non-zero solvable ideal. Other
                    equivalent definitions are possible, depending on your taste:
                    — a semisimple Lie algebra does not contain non-zero Abelian ideals;
                    — its Killing form is non-singular, i.e., non-degenerate;
                    — it splits into the direct sum of non-Abelian simple ideals (this decomposition is

                                                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    — every finite-dimensional linear representation is completely reducible;
                    — the one-dimensional cohomology of 𝑔 with values in an arbitrary finite-dimensional
                      𝑔-module is trivial.
                    Finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras have been completely classified. They de-
                    compose uniquely into a direct sum of simple Lie algebras. Simple Lie algebras can be
                    complex or real.
                       The simple finite-dimensional complex Lie algebras all belong to four infinite classes
                    and to five exceptional cases. The infinite classes are also called classical, and are: 𝐴 𝑛 for

                                                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    𝑛 ⩾ 1, corresponding to the Lie groups SL(𝑛 + 1) and their compact ‘cousins’ SU(𝑛 + 1);
                    𝐵𝑛 for 𝑛 ⩾ 1, corresponding to the Lie groups SO(2𝑛 + 1); 𝐶𝑛 for 𝑛 ⩾ 1, corresponding
                    to the Lie groups Sp(2𝑛); and 𝐷𝑛 for 𝑛 ⩾ 4, corresponding to the Lie groups SO(2𝑛).
                    Thus 𝐴 𝑛 is the algebra of all skew-Hermitean matrices; 𝐵𝑛 and 𝐷𝑛 are the algebras of the

                    * Like groups, Lie algebras can be represented by matrices, i.e., by linear operators. Representations of Lie
                    algebras are important in physics because many continuous symmetry groups are Lie groups.
                       The adjoint representation of a Lie algebra with basis 𝑎1 ...𝑎𝑛 is the set of matrices ad(𝑎) defined for each
                    element 𝑎 by
                                                                [𝑎, 𝑎𝑗 ] = ∑ ad(𝑎)𝑐𝑗 𝑎𝑐 .                                      (147)

                    The definition implies that ad(𝑎𝑖 )𝑗𝑘 =    𝑐𝑖𝑗𝑘 ,         𝑐𝑖𝑗𝑘
                                                                where are the structure constants of the Lie algebra. For a real
                    Lie algebra, all elements of ad(𝑎) are real for all 𝑎 ∈ 𝐿.
                       Note that for any Lie algebra, a scalar product can be defined by setting

                                                                        𝑋 ⋅ 𝑌 = Tr( ad𝑋 ⋅ ad𝑌 ) .                             (148)

                    This scalar product is symmetric and bilinear. (Can you show that it is independent of the representation?)
                    The corresponding bilinear form is also called the Killing form, after the mathematician Wilhelm Killing
                    (b. 1847 Burbach, d. 1923 Münster), the discoverer of the ‘exceptional’ Lie groups. The Killing form is in-
                    variant under the action of any automorphism of the Lie algebra L. In a given basis, one has

                                                     𝑋 ⋅ 𝑌 = Tr( (ad𝑋) ⋅ (ad𝑌)) = 𝑐𝑙𝑘𝑖 𝑐𝑠𝑖𝑘 𝑥𝑙 𝑦𝑠 = 𝑔𝑙𝑠 𝑥𝑙 𝑦𝑠                 (149)

                    where 𝑔𝑙𝑠 = 𝑐𝑙𝑘𝑖 𝑐𝑠𝑖𝑘 is called the Cartan metric tensor of L.
                  topology – what shapes exist?                                                                       363

                  F I G U R E 183 Which of the two situations can be untied without cutting?

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  symmetric matrices; and 𝐶𝑛 is the algebra of the traceless matrices.
                      The exceptional Lie algebras are 𝐺2 , 𝐹4 , 𝐸6 , 𝐸7 , 𝐸8 . In all cases, the index gives the
                  number of so-called roots of the algebra. The dimensions of these algebras are 𝐴 𝑛 : 𝑛(𝑛 +
                  2); 𝐵𝑛 and 𝐶𝑛 : 𝑛(2𝑛 + 1); 𝐷𝑛 : 𝑛(2𝑛 − 1); 𝐺2 : 14; 𝐹4 : 32; 𝐸6 : 78; 𝐸7 : 133; 𝐸8 : 248.
                      The simple and finite-dimensional real Lie algebras are more numerous; their classi-
                  fication follows from that of the complex Lie algebras. Moreover, corresponding to each
       Ref. 300   complex Lie group, there is always one compact real one. Real Lie algebras are not so

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  important in fundamental physics.
                      Of the large number of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, only one is important in
                  physics, the Poincaré algebra. A few other such algebras only appeared in failed attempts
                  for unification.

                  top ol o gy – what shapes exist?

                                                                 “                                                    ”
                                                                      Topology is group theory.
                                                                                               The Erlangen program

                  In a simplified view of topology that is sufficient for physicists, only one type of entity
                  can possess shape: manifolds. Manifolds are generalized examples of pullovers: they are
                  locally flat, can have holes and boundaries, and can often be turned inside out.
                     Pullovers are subtle entities. For example, can you turn your pullover inside out while
Challenge 204 s   your hands are tied together? (A friend may help you.) By the way, the same feat is also
                  possible with your trousers, while your feet are tied together. Certain professors like to
                  demonstrate this during topology lectures – of course with a carefully selected pair of
       Ref. 301      Another good topological puzzle, the handcuff puzzle, is shown in Figure 183. Which
Challenge 205 s   of the two situations can be untied without cutting the ropes?
                     For a mathematician, pullovers and ropes are everyday examples of manifolds, and
                  364                                                           c algebras, shapes and groups

                  the operations that are performed on them are examples of deformations. Let us look
                  at some more precise definitions. In order to define what a manifold is, we first need to
                  define the concept of topological space.

                  Topolo gical spaces

                                                                        En Australie, une mouche qui marche au
                                                                        plafond se trouve dans le même sens qu’une

                                                                        vache chez nous.
                                                                                    Philippe Geluck, La marque du chat.

       Ref. 302   The study of shapes requires a good definition of a set made of ‘points’. To be able to talk
                  about shape, these sets must be structured in such a way as to admit a useful concept
                  of ‘neighbourhood’ or ‘closeness’ between the elements of the set. The search for the
                  most general type of set which allows a useful definition of neighbourhood has led to
                  the concept of topological space. There are two ways to define a topology: one can define

                                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  the concept of open set and then define the concept of neighbourhood with their help, or
                  the other way round. We use the second option, which is somewhat more intuitive.
                     A topological space is a finite or infinite set 𝑋 of elements, called points, together with
                  the neighbourhoods for each point. A neighbourhood 𝑁 of a point 𝑥 is a collection of
                  subsets 𝑌𝑥 of 𝑋 with the properties that
                  — 𝑥 is in every 𝑌𝑥 ;
                  — if 𝑁 and 𝑀 are neighbourhoods of 𝑥, so is 𝑁 ∩ 𝑀;
                  — anything containing a neighbourhood of 𝑥 is itself a neighbourhood of 𝑥.
                  The choice of the subsets 𝑌𝑥 is free. The subsets 𝑌𝑥 for all points 𝑥, chosen in a particular

                                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  definition, contain a neighbourhood for each of their points; they are called open sets. (A
                  neighbourhood and an open set usually differ, but all open sets are also neighbourhoods.
                  Neighbourhoods of 𝑥 can also be described as subsets of 𝑋 that contain an open set that
                  contains 𝑥.)
                      One also calls a topological space a ‘set with a topology’. In effect, a topology specifies
                  the systems of ‘neighbourhoods’ of every point of the set. ‘Topology’ is also the name of
                  the branch of mathematics that studies topological spaces.
                      For example, the real numbers together with all open intervals form the usual topo-
                  logy of ℝ. Mathematicians have generalized this procedure. If one takes all subsets of ℝ
                  – or any other basis set – as open sets, one speaks of the discrete topology. If one takes
                  only the full basis set and the empty set as open sets, one speaks of the trivial or indiscrete
                      The concept of topological space allows us to define continuity. A mapping from one
                  topological space 𝑋 to another topological space 𝑌 is continuous if the inverse image
                  of every open set in 𝑌 is an open set in 𝑋. You may verify that this condition is not
Challenge 206 e   satisfied by a real function that makes a jump. You may also check that the term ‘inverse’
                  is necessary in the definition; otherwise a function with a jump would be continuous, as
                  such a function may still map open sets to open sets.*

                  * The Cauchy–Weierstass definition of continuity says that a real function 𝑓(𝑥) is continuous at a point 𝑎
                  if (1) 𝑓 is defined on an open interval containing 𝑎, (2) 𝑓(𝑥) tends to a limit as 𝑥 tends to 𝑎, and (3) the
                   topology – what shapes exist?                                                                              365

                                                                    F I G U R E 184 Examples of orientable and non-orientable
                                                                    manifolds of two dimensions: a disc, a Möbius strip, a
                                                                    sphere and a Klein bottle.

                      We thus need the concept of topological space, or of neighbourhood, if we want to ex-

                                                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   press the idea that there are no jumps in nature. We also need the concept of topological
                   space in order to be able to define limits.
                      Of the many special kinds of topological spaces that have been studied, one type is par-
                   ticularly important. A Hausdorff space is a topological space in which for any two points
                   𝑥 and 𝑦 there are disjoint open sets 𝑈 and 𝑉 such that 𝑥 is in 𝑈 and 𝑦 is in 𝑉. A Haus-
                   dorff space is thus a space where, no matter how ‘close’ two points are, they can always
                   be separated by open sets. This seems like a desirable property; indeed, non-Hausdorff
                   spaces are rather tricky mathematical objects. (At Planck energy, it seems that vacuum
                   appears to behave like a non-Hausdorff space; however, at Planck energy, vacuum is not

                                                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   really a space at all. So non-Hausdorff spaces play no role in physics.) A special case of
                   Hausdorff space is well-known: the manifold.

                   In physics, the most important topological spaces are differential manifolds. Loosely
                   speaking, a differential manifold – physicists simply speak of a manifold – is a set of points
                   that looks like ℝ𝑛 under the microscope – at small distances. For example, a sphere and
                   a torus are both two-dimensional differential manifolds, since they look locally like a
                   plane. Not all differential manifolds are that simple, as the examples of Figure 184 show.
                      A differential manifold is called connected if any two points can be joined by a path
                   lying in the manifold. (The term has a more general meaning in topological spaces. But
                   the notions of connectedness and pathwise connectedness coincide for differential mani-
                   folds.) We focus on connected manifolds in the following discussion. A manifold is called
                   simply connected if every loop lying in the manifold can be contracted to a point. For
                   example, a sphere is simply connected. A connected manifold which is not simply con-
                   nected is called multiply connected. A torus is multiply connected.
                      Manifolds can be non-orientable, as the well-known Möbius strip illustrates. Non-
                   orientable manifolds have only one surface: they do not admit a distinction between

                   limit is 𝑓(𝑎). In this definition, the continuity of 𝑓 is defined using the intuitive idea that the real numbers
                   form the basic model of a set that has no gaps. Can you see the connection with the general definition given
Challenge 207 ny    above?
                  366                                                         c algebras, shapes and groups

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  F I G U R E 185 Compact (left) and non-compact (right) manifolds of various dimensions.

Challenge 208 e   front and back. If you want to have fun, cut a paper Möbius strip into two along a centre
                  line. You can also try this with paper strips with different twist values, and investigate the
                     In two dimensions, closed manifolds (or surfaces), i.e., surfaces that are compact and

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  without boundary, are always of one of three types:
                  — The simplest type are spheres with 𝑛 attached handles; they are called n-tori or surfaces
                    of genus 𝑛. They are orientable surfaces with Euler characteristic 2 − 2𝑛.
                  — The projective planes with 𝑛 handles attached are non-orientable surfaces with Euler
                    characteristic 1 − 2𝑛.
                  — The Klein bottles with 𝑛 attached handles are non-orientable surfaces with Euler char-
                    acteristic −2𝑛.
                     Therefore Euler characteristic and orientability describe compact surfaces up
                  to homeomorphism (and if surfaces are smooth, then up to diffeomorphism).
      Page 366    Homeomorphisms are defined below.
                     The two-dimensional compact manifolds or surfaces with boundary are found by re-
                  moving one or more discs from a surface in this list. A compact surface can be embedded
                  in ℝ3 if it is orientable or if it has non-empty boundary.
                     In physics, the most important manifolds are space-time and Lie groups of observ-
                  ables. We study Lie groups below. Strangely enough, the topology of space-time is not
                  known. For example, it is unclear whether or not it is simply connected. Obviously, the
                  reason is that it is difficult to observe what happens at large distances form the Earth.
                  However, a similar difficulty appears near Planck scales.
                     If a manifold is imagined to consist of rubber, connectedness and similar global prop-
                  erties are not changed when the manifold is deformed. This fact is formalized by saying
topology – what shapes exist?                                                                        367

F I G U R E 186 Simply connected (left), multiply connected (centre) and disconnected (right) manifolds of
one (above) and two (below) dimensions.

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                                    F I G U R E 187 Examples of homeomorphic pairs of

that two manifolds are homeomorphic (from the Greek words for ‘same’ and ‘shape’) if
between them there is a continuous, one-to-one and onto mapping with a continuous
inverse. The concept of homeomorphism is somewhat more general than that of rub-
ber deformation, as can be seen from Figure 187. If the mapping and the manifolds are
differentiable, one says that the two manifolds are diffeomorphic.

Holes, homotopy and homolo gy
Only ‘well-behaved’ manifolds play a role in physics: namely those which are orient-
able and connected. In addition, the manifolds associated with observables, are always
compact. The main non-trivial characteristic of connected compact orientable mani-
folds is that they contain ‘holes’ (see Figure 188). It turns out that a proper descrip-
tion of the holes of manifolds allows us to distinguish between all different, i.e., non-
homeomorphic, types of manifold.
   There are three main tools to describe holes of manifolds and the relations among
them: homotopy, homology and cohomology. These tools play an important role in the
study of gauge groups, because any gauge group defines a manifold.
   In other words, through homotopy and homology theory, mathematicians can clas-
                   368                                                         c algebras, shapes and groups

                   F I G U R E 188 The first four two-dimensional compact connected orientable manifolds: 0-, 1-, 2- and

                   sify manifolds. Given two manifolds, the properties of the holes in them thus determine
                   whether they can be deformed into each other.
                       Physicists are now extending these results of standard topology. Deformation is a clas-
                   sical idea which assumes continuous space and time, as well as arbitrarily small action.
                   In nature, however, quantum effects cannot be neglected. It is speculated that quantum
                   effects can transform a physical manifold into one with a different topology: for example,
Challenge 209 d    a torus into a sphere. Can you find out how this can be achieved?
                       Topological changes of physical manifolds happen via objects that are generalizations
                   of manifolds. An orbifold is a space that is locally modelled by ℝ𝑛 modulo a finite group.

                                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   Examples are the tear-drop or the half-plane. Orbifolds were introduced by Satake Ichiro
                   in 1956; the name was coined by William Thurston. Orbifolds are heavily studied in string

                   t ypes and cl assification of groups
Vol. I, page 272   We introduced mathematical groups early on because groups, especially symmetry
                   groups, play an important role in many parts of physics, from the description of solids,

                                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   molecules, atoms, nuclei, elementary particles and forces up to the study of shapes, cycles
                   and patterns in growth processes.
                       Group theory is also one of the most important branches of modern mathematics, and
                   is still an active area of research. One of the aims of group theory is the classification of all
                   groups. This has been achieved only for a few special types. In general, one distinguishes
                   between finite and infinite groups. Finite groups are better understood.
                       Every finite group is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group 𝑆𝑁 , for some
                   number 𝑁. Examples of finite groups are the crystalline groups, used to classify crystal
                   structures, or the groups used to classify wallpaper patterns in terms of their symmetries.
                   The symmetry groups of Platonic and many other regular solids are also finite groups.
                       Finite groups are a complex family. Roughly speaking, a general (finite) group can be
                   seen as built from some fundamental bricks, which are groups themselves. These fun-
                   damental bricks are called simple (finite) groups. One of the high points of twentieth-
                   century mathematics was the classification of the finite simple groups. It was a collab-
                   orative effort that took around 30 years, roughly from 1950 to 1980. The complete list of
       Ref. 303    finite simple groups consists of
                       1) the cyclic groups Z𝑝 of prime group order;
                       2) the alternating groups A𝑛 of degree 𝑛 at least five;
                       3) the classical linear groups, PSL(𝑛; 𝑞), PSU(𝑛; 𝑞), PSp(2𝑛; 𝑞) and PΩ𝜀 (𝑛; 𝑞);
                       4) the exceptional or twisted groups of Lie type 3 D4 (𝑞), E6 (𝑞), 2 E6 (𝑞), E7 (𝑞), E8 (𝑞),
                   F4 (𝑞), 2 F4 (2𝑛), G2 (𝑞), 2 G2 (3𝑛 ) and 2 B2 (2𝑛);
                       5) the 26 sporadic groups, namely M11 , M12 , M22 , M23 , M24 (the Mathieu groups), J1 ,
types and classification of groups                                                              369

J2 , J3 , J4 (the Janko groups), Co1 , Co2 , Co3 (the Conway groups), HS, Mc, Suz (the Co1
‘babies’), Fi22 , Fi23 , Fi󸀠24 (the Fischer groups), F1 = M (the Monster), F2 , F3 , F5 , He (= F7 )
(the Monster ‘babies’), Ru, Ly, and ON.
     The classification was finished in the 1980s after over 10 000 pages of publications.
The proof is so vast that a special series of books has been started to summarize and ex-
plain it. The first three families are infinite. The last family, that of the sporadic groups,
is the most peculiar; it consists of those finite simple groups which do not fit into the
other families. Some of these sporadic groups might have a role in particle physics: pos-
sibly even the largest of them all, the so-called Monster group. This is still a topic of
research. (The Monster group has about 8.1 ⋅ 1053 elements; more precisely, its order is
808 017 424 794 512 875 886 459 904 961 710 757 005 754 368 000 000 000 or 246 ⋅ 320 ⋅ 59 ⋅
76 ⋅ 112 ⋅ 133 ⋅ 17 ⋅ 19 ⋅ 23 ⋅ 29 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 41 ⋅ 47 ⋅ 59 ⋅ 71.)
     Of the infinite groups, only those with some finiteness condition have been studied.
It is only such groups that are of interest in the description of nature. Infinite groups
are divided into discrete groups and continuous groups. Discrete groups are an active

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
area of mathematical research, having connections with number theory and topology.
Continuous groups are divided into finitely generated and infinitely generated groups.
Finitely generated groups can be finite-dimensional or infinite-dimensional.
     The most important class of finitely generated continuous groups are the Lie groups.

Lie groups
In nature, the Lagrangians of the fundamental forces are invariant under gauge trans-
formations and under continuous space-time transformations. These symmetry groups
are examples of Lie groups, which are a special type of infinite continuous group.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
They are named after the great mathematician Sophus Lie (b. 1842 Nordfjordeid,
d. 1899 Kristiania). His name is pronounced like ‘Lee’.
    A (real) Lie group is an infinite symmetry group, i.e., a group with infinitely many
elements, which is also an analytic manifold. Roughly speaking, this means that the ele-
ments of the group can be seen as points on a smooth (hyper-) surface whose shape
can be described by an analytic function, i.e., by a function so smooth that it can be ex-
pressed as a power series in the neighbourhood of every point where it is defined. The
points of the Lie group can be multiplied according to the group multiplication. Further-
more, the coordinates of the product have to be analytic functions of the coordinates of
the factors, and the coordinates of the inverse of an element have to be analytic func-
tions of the coordinates of the element. In fact, this definition is unnecessarily strict: it
can be proved that a Lie group is just a topological group whose underlying space is a
finite-dimensional, locally Euclidean manifold.
    A complex Lie group is a group whose manifold is complex and whose group opera-
tions are holomorphic (instead of analytical) functions in the coordinates.
    In short, a Lie group is a well-behaved manifold in which points can be multiplied
(and technicalities). For example, the circle 𝑇 = {𝑧 ∈ ℂ : |𝑧| = 1}, with the usual complex
multiplication, is a real Lie group. It is Abelian. This group is also called S , as it is the one-
dimensional sphere, or U(1), which means ‘unitary group of one dimension’. The other
one-dimensional Lie groups are the multiplicative group of non-zero real numbers and
its subgroup, the multiplicative group of positive real numbers.
                  370                                                   c algebras, shapes and groups

                     So far, in physics, only linear Lie groups have played a role – that is, Lie groups which
                  act as linear transformations on some vector space. (The cover of SL(2,ℝ) or the complex
                  compact torus are examples of non-linear Lie groups.) The important linear Lie groups
                  for physics are the Lie subgroups of the general linear group GL(N,K), where 𝐾 is a num-
                  ber field. This is defined as the set of all non-singular, i.e., invertible, N×N real, complex
                  or quaternionic matrices. All the Lie groups discussed below are of this type.
                     Every complex invertible matrix 𝐴 can be written in a unique way in terms of a unitary
                  matrix 𝑈 and a Hermitean matrix 𝐻:

                                                            𝐴 = 𝑈e𝐻 .                                     (150)

Challenge 210 s   (𝐻 is given by 𝐻 = 12 ln 𝐴† 𝐴, and 𝑈 is given by 𝑈 = 𝐴e−𝐻 .)
                     The simple Lie groups U(1) and SO(2,ℝ) and the Lie groups based on the real and
                  complex numbers are Abelian (see Table 37); all others are non-Abelian.
                     Lie groups are manifolds. Therefore, in a Lie group one can define the distance

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                  between two points, the tangent plane (or tangent space) at a point, and the notions of
                  integration and differentiations. Because Lie groups are manifolds, Lie groups have the
                  same kind of structure as the objects of Figures 184, 185 and 186. Lie groups can have any
                  number of dimensions. Like for any manifold, their global structure contains important
                  information; let us explore it.

                  C onnectedness
                  It is not hard to see that the Lie groups SU(N) are simply connected for all N = 2, 3 . . . ;
                  they have the topology of a 2N-dimensional sphere. The Lie group U(1), having the to-

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  pology of the 1-dimensional sphere, or circle, is multiply connected.
                      The Lie groups SO(N) are not simply connected for any N = 2, 3 . . . . In gen-
                  eral, SO(N,K) is connected, and GL(N,ℂ) is connected. All the Lie groups SL(N,K) are
                  connected; and SL(N,ℂ) is simply connected. The Lie groups Sp(N,K) are connected;
                  Sp(2N,ℂ) is simply connected. Generally, all semi-simple Lie groups are connected.
                      The Lie groups O(N,K), SO(N,M,K) and GL(N,ℝ) are not connected; they contain
                  two connected components.
                      Note that the Lorentz group is not connected: it consists of four separate pieces. Like
                  the Poincaré group, it is not compact, and neither is any of its four pieces. Broadly speak-
                  ing, the non-compactness of the group of space-time symmetries is a consequence of the
                  non-compactness of space-time.

                  C ompactness
                  A Lie group is compact if it is closed and bounded when seen as a manifold. For a given
                  parametrization of the group elements, the Lie group is compact if all parameter ranges
                  are closed and finite intervals. Otherwise, the group is called non-compact. Both compact
                  and non-compact groups play a role in physics. The distinction between the two cases
                  is important, because representations of compact groups can be constructed in the same
                  simple way as for finite groups, whereas for non-compact groups other methods have
                  to be used. As a result, physical observables, which always belong to a representation of
                  a symmetry group, have different properties in the two cases: if the symmetry group is
           types and classification of groups                                                              371

           compact, observables have discrete spectra; otherwise they do not.
               All groups of internal gauge transformations, such as U(1) and SU(𝑛), form compact
           groups. In fact, field theory requires compact Lie groups for gauge transformations. The
           only compact Lie groups are the torus groups T𝑛 , O(𝑛), U(𝑛), SO(𝑛) and SU(𝑛), their
           double cover Spin(𝑛) and the Sp(𝑛). In contrast, SL(𝑛,ℝ), GL(𝑛,ℝ), GL(𝑛,ℂ) and all oth-
           ers are not compact.
               Besides being manifolds, Lie groups are obviously also groups. It turns out that most
           of their group properties are revealed by the behaviour of the elements which are very
           close (as points on the manifold) to the identity.
               Every element of a compact and connected Lie group has the form exp(𝐴) for some 𝐴.
           The elements 𝐴 arising in this way form an algebra, called the corresponding Lie algebra.
           For any linear Lie group, every element of the connected subgroup can be expressed as
           a finite product of exponentials of elements of the corresponding Lie algebra. Mathem-
           atically, the vector space defined by the Lie algebra is tangent to the manifold defined
           by the Lie group, at the location of the unit element. In short, Lie algebras express the

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           local properties of Lie groups near the identity. That is the reason for their importance
Page 361   in physics.

           TA B L E 37 Properties of the most important real and complex Lie groups.

           Lie         Descrip-         Properties 𝑎            Lie al-     Description of          Dimen-
           group       tion                                     gebra       Lie algebra             sion
           1. Real groups                                                                           real
            𝑛                                                       𝑛
           ℝ           Euclidean        Abelian, simply         ℝ           Abelian, thus Lie       𝑛

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                       space with       connected, not                      bracket is zero; not
                       addition         compact;                            simple
                                        π0 = π1 = 0
           ℝ×          non-zero real    Abelian, not            ℝ           Abelian, thus Lie       1
                       numbers with     connected, not                      bracket is zero
                       multiplica-      compact; π0 = ℤ2 ,
                       tion             no π1
           ℝ>0         positive real    Abelian, simply         ℝ           Abelian, thus Lie       1
                       numbers with     connected, not                      bracket is zero
                       multiplica-      compact;
                       tion             π0 = π1 = 0
           S1 = ℝ/ℤ    complex          Abelian, connected,     ℝ           Abelian, thus Lie       1
           = U(1) =    numbers of       not simply                          bracket is zero
           T = SO(2)   absolute value   connected,
           = Spin(2)   1, with multi-   compact; π0 = 0,
                       plication        π1 = ℤ
           ℍ×          non-zero         simply connected,       ℍ           quaternions, with Lie   4
                       quaternions      not compact;                        bracket the
                       with multi-      π0 = π1 = 0                         commutator
372                                                        c algebras, shapes and groups

TA B L E 37 (Continued) Properties of the most important real and complex Lie groups.

Lie         Descrip-        Properties 𝑎             Lie al-     Description of          Dimen-
group       tion                                     gebra       Lie algebra             sion
S3          quaternions     simply connected,        Im(ℍ)       quaternions with zero 3
            of absolute     compact;                             real part, with Lie
            value 1, with   isomorphic to                        bracket the
            multiplica-     SU(2), Spin(3) and                   commutator; simple
            tion, also      to double cover of                   and semi-simple;
            known as        SO(3); π0 = π1 = 0                   isomorphic to real
            Sp(1);                                               3-vectors, with Lie
            topologically                                        bracket the cross
            a 3-sphere                                           product; also
                                                                 isomorphic to su(2)
                                                                 and to so(3)
GL(𝑛, ℝ)   general linear   not connected, not       M(𝑛, ℝ)     𝑛-by-𝑛 matrices, with 𝑛2

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           group:           compact; π0 = ℤ2 ,                   Lie bracket the
           invertible       no π1                                commutator
           𝑛-by-𝑛 real
GL+ (𝑛, ℝ) 𝑛-by-𝑛 real     simply connected,         M(𝑛, ℝ)     𝑛-by-𝑛 matrices, with   𝑛2
           matrices with   not compact;                          Lie bracket the
           positive        π0 = 0, for 𝑛 = 2:                    commutator
           determinant     π1 = ℤ, for 𝑛 ≥ 2:
                           π1 = ℤ2 ; GL+ (1, ℝ)
                           isomorphic to ℝ>0

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
SL(𝑛, ℝ)    special linear simply connected,         sl(𝑛, ℝ)    𝑛-by-𝑛 matrices with    𝑛2 − 1
            group: real    not compact if            = A𝑛−1      trace 0, with Lie
            matrices with 𝑛 > 1; π0 = 0, for                     bracket the
            determinant 1 𝑛 = 2: π1 = ℤ, for                     commutator
                           𝑛 ≥ 2: π1 = ℤ2 ;
                           SL(1, ℝ) is a single
                           point, SL(2, ℝ) is
                           isomorphic to
                           SU(1, 1) and
                           Sp(2, ℝ)
O(𝑛, ℝ)     orthogonal     not connected,            so(𝑛, ℝ)    skew-symmetric         𝑛(𝑛 − 1)/2
= O(𝑛)      group: real    compact; π0 = ℤ2 ,                    𝑛-by-𝑛 real matrices,
            orthogonal     no π1                                 with Lie bracket the
            matrices;                                            commutator; so(3, ℝ)
            symmetry of                                          is isomorphic to su(2)
            hypersphere                                          and to ℝ3 with the
                                                                 cross product
types and classification of groups                                                               373

TA B L E 37 (Continued) Properties of the most important real and complex Lie groups.

Lie         Descrip-        Properties 𝑎             Lie al-     Description of         Dimen-
group       tion                                     gebra       Lie algebra            sion
SO(𝑛, ℝ)    special         connected,               so(𝑛, ℝ) skew-symmetric          𝑛(𝑛 − 1)/2
= SO(𝑛)     orthogonal      compact; for 𝑛 ⩾ 2       = B 𝑛−1 or 𝑛-by-𝑛 real matrices,
            group: real     not simply               D𝑛         with Lie bracket the
            orthogonal      connected; π0 = 0,                  commutator; for 𝑛 = 3
            matrices with   for 𝑛 = 2: π1 = ℤ,                  and 𝑛 ⩾ 5 simple and
            determinant 1   for 𝑛 ≥ 2: π1 = ℤ2                  semisimple; SO(4) is
                                                                semisimple but not
Spin(𝑛)   spin group;       simply connected         so(𝑛, ℝ) skew-symmetric          𝑛(𝑛 − 1)/2
          double cover      for 𝑛 ⩾ 3, compact;                 𝑛-by-𝑛 real matrices,
          of SO(𝑛);         for 𝑛 = 3 and 𝑛 ⩾ 5                 with Lie bracket the
          Spin(1) is        simple and                          commutator

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          isomorphic to     semisimple; for
          ℚ2 , Spin(2) to   𝑛 > 1: π0 = 0, for
          S1                𝑛 > 2: π1 = 0
Sp(2𝑛, ℝ) symplectic        not compact;             sp(2𝑛, ℝ) real matrices 𝐴 that     𝑛(2𝑛 + 1)
          group: real       π0 = 0, π1 = ℤ           = C𝑛      satisfy 𝐽𝐴 + 𝐴𝑇 𝐽 = 0
          symplectic                                           where 𝐽 is the
          matrices                                             standard
                                                               matrix;𝑏 simple and

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Sp(𝑛) for   compact         compact, simply          sp(𝑛)     𝑛-by-𝑛 quaternionic      𝑛(2𝑛 + 1)
𝑛⩾3         symplectic      connected;                         matrices 𝐴 satisfying
            group:          π0 = π1 = 0                        𝐴 = −𝐴∗ , with Lie
            quaternionic                                       bracket the
            𝑛 × 𝑛 unitary                                      commutator; simple
            matrices                                           and semisimple
U(𝑛)        unitary       not simply                 u(𝑛)      𝑛-by-𝑛 complex           𝑛2
            group:        connected,                           matrices 𝐴 satisfying
            complex 𝑛 × 𝑛 compact; it is not a                 𝐴 = −𝐴∗ , with Lie
            unitary       complex Lie                          bracket the
            matrices      group/algebra;                       commutator
                          π0 = 0, π1 = ℤ;
                          isomorphic to 𝑆1 for
SU(𝑛)       special       simply connected,    su(𝑛)             𝑛-by-𝑛 complex         𝑛2 − 1
            unitary       compact; it is not a                   matrices 𝐴 with trace
            group:        complex Lie                            0 satisfying 𝐴 = −𝐴∗ ,
            complex 𝑛 × 𝑛 group/algebra;                         with Lie bracket the
            unitary       π0 = π1 = 0                            commutator; for 𝑛 ⩾ 2
            matrices with                                        simple and
            determinant 1                                        semisimple
2. Complex groups𝑐                                                                      complex
374                                                        c algebras, shapes and groups

TA B L E 37 (Continued) Properties of the most important real and complex Lie groups.

Lie         Descrip-        Properties 𝑎             Lie al-     Description of          Dimen-
group       tion                                     gebra       Lie algebra             sion
ℂ𝑛          group        Abelian, simply             ℂ𝑛          Abelian, thus Lie       𝑛
            operation is connected, not                          bracket is zero
            addition     compact;
                         π0 = π1 = 0
ℂ         non-zero       Abelian, not simply         ℂ           Abelian, thus Lie       1
          complex        connected, not                          bracket is zero
          numbers with compact; π0 = 0,
          multiplica-    π1 = ℤ
GL(𝑛, ℂ) general linear simply connected,            M(𝑛, ℂ)     𝑛-by-𝑛 matrices, with   𝑛2
          group:         not compact; π0 = 0,                    Lie bracket the
          invertible     π1 = ℤ; for 𝑛 = 1                       commutator

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          𝑛-by-𝑛         isomorphic to ℂ×
SL(𝑛, ℂ) special linear simply connected;            sl(𝑛, ℂ)    𝑛-by-𝑛 matrices with 𝑛2 − 1
          group:         for 𝑛 ⩾ 2 not                           trace 0, with Lie
          complex        compact;                                bracket the
          matrices with π0 = π1 = 0;                             commutator; simple,
          determinant 1 SL(2, ℂ) is                              semisimple; sl(2, ℂ) is
                         isomorphic to                           isomorphic to
                         Spin(3, ℂ) and                          su(2, ℂ) ⊗ ℂ

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                         Sp(2, ℂ)
PSL(2, ℂ) projective     not compact;                sl(2, ℂ)    2-by-2 matrices with    3
          special linear π0 = 0, π1 = ℤ2                         trace 0, with Lie
          group;                                                 bracket the
          isomorphic to                                          commutator; sl(2, ℂ)
          the Möbius                                             is isomorphic to
          group, to the                                          su(2, ℂ) ⊗ ℂ
          SO+ (3, 1, ℝ)
          and to
          SO(3, ℂ)
O(𝑛, ℂ)   orthogonal     not connected; for          so(𝑛, ℂ)    skew-symmetric          𝑛(𝑛 − 1)/2
          group:         𝑛 ⩾ 2 not compact;                      𝑛-by-𝑛 complex
          complex        π0 = ℤ2 , no π1                         matrices, with Lie
          orthogonal                                             bracket the
          matrices                                               commutator
                   mathematical curiosities and fun challenges                                                      375

                   TA B L E 37 (Continued) Properties of the most important real and complex Lie groups.

                   Lie         Descrip-        Properties 𝑎             Lie al-     Description of          Dimen-
                   group       tion                                     gebra       Lie algebra             sion
                   SO(𝑛, ℂ)    special         for 𝑛 ⩾ 2 not        so(𝑛, ℂ) skew-symmetric         𝑛(𝑛 − 1)/2
                               orthogonal      compact; not simply            𝑛-by-𝑛 complex
                               group:          connected; π0 = 0,             matrices, with Lie
                               complex         for 𝑛 = 2: π1 = ℤ,             bracket the
                               orthogonal      for 𝑛 ≥ 2: π1 = ℤ2 ;           commutator; for 𝑛 = 3
                               matrices with   non-Abelian for                and 𝑛 ⩾ 5 simple and
                               determinant 1   𝑛 > 2, SO(2, ℂ) is             semisimple
                                               Abelian and
                                               isomorphic to ℂ×
                   Sp(2𝑛, ℂ) symplectic        not compact;         sp(2𝑛, ℂ) complex matrices that 𝑛(2𝑛 + 1)
                             group:            π0 = π1 = 0                    satisfy 𝐽𝐴 + 𝐴𝑇 𝐽 = 0
                             complex                                          where 𝐽 is the

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                             symplectic                                       standard
                             matrices                                         skew-symmetric
                                                                              matrix;𝑏 simple and

                   𝑎. The group of components π0 of a Lie group is given; the order of π0 is the number of components
                   of the Lie group. If the group is trivial (0), the Lie group is connected. The fundamental group π1
                   of a connected Lie group is given. If the group π1 is trivial (0), the Lie group is simply connected.
                   This table is based on that in the Wikipedia, at

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   𝑏. The standard skew-symmetric matrix 𝐽 of rank 2𝑛 is 𝐽𝑘𝑙 = 𝛿𝑘,𝑛+𝑙 − 𝛿𝑘+𝑛,𝑙 .
                   𝑐. Complex Lie groups and Lie algebras can be viewed as real Lie groups and real Lie algebras of
                   twice the dimension.

                   mathematical curiosities and fun challenges
Challenge 211 ny   A theorem of topology says: you cannot comb a hairy football. Can you prove it?
                   Topology is fun. If you want to laugh for half an hour, fix a modified pencil, as shown in
                   Figure 189, to a button hole and let people figure out how to get it off again.
                   There are at least six ways to earn a million dollars with mathematical research. The Clay
                   Mathematics Institute at offered such a prize for major advances in
                   seven topics:
                   — proving the Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture about algebraic equations;
                   — proving the Poincaré conjecture about topological manifolds;
                   — solving the Navier–Stokes equations for fluids;
                    376                                                         c algebras, shapes and groups

                          loop is                dinner                                  final result
                          shorter                jacket
                          than the               with
                          pencil                 button hole


                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    F I G U R E 189 A well-known magic dexterity trick: make your friend go mad by adding a pencil to his
                    dinner jacket.

                    — finding criteria distinguishing P and NP numerical problems;
                    — proving the Riemann hypothesis stating that the non-trivial zeros of the zeta function
                      lie on a line;
                    — proving the Hodge conjectures;
                    — proving the connection between Yang–Mills theories and a mass gap in quantum field

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Vol. VI, page 345     theory.
                    The Poincaré conjecture was solved in 2002 by Grigori Perelman; on each of the other
                    six topics, substantial progress can buy you a house.

Challenge 1, page 10: Do not hesitate to be demanding and strict. The next edition of the text
will benefit from it.
Challenge 2, page 17: A virus is an example. It has no own metabolism. By the way, the ability
of some viruses to form crystals is not a proof that they are not living beings, in contrast to what
is often said. Apart from viruses, also prions, viroids and virusoids are examples of non-living

                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
systems that can reproduce. Another, quite different border example between life and non-living
matter is provided by the tardigrades. These little animals, about 1 mm in size, can loose all their
water, remain in this dry – or ‘‘dead’’ – state for years, and then start living again when a drop
of water is added to them.
Challenge 3, page 18: The navigation systems used by flies are an example.
Challenge 6, page 22: The thermal energy 𝑘𝑇 is about 4 zJ and a typical relaxation time is 0.1 ps.
Challenge 10, page 30: The argument is correct.
Challenge 8, page 30: This is not possible at present. If you know a way, publish it. It would help
a sad single mother who has to live without financial help from the father, despite a lawsuit, as it

                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
was yet impossible to decide which of the two candidates is the right one.
Challenge 9, page 30: Also identical twins count as different persons and have different fates.
Imprinting in the womb is different, so that their temperament will be different. The birth exper-
ience will be different; this is the most intense experience of every human, strongly determining
his fears and thus his character. A person with an old father is also quite different from that with a
young father. If the womb is not that of his biological mother, a further distinction of the earliest
and most intensive experiences is given.
Challenge 11, page 30: Be sure to publish your results.
Challenge 12, page 31: Yes, but only very young ones. Why?
Challenge 13, page 31: The reason of animal symmetry is simple: without symmetry, they would
not be able to move in a straight line.
Challenge 14, page 31: Life’s chemicals are synthesized inside the body; the asymmetry has
been inherited along the generations. The common asymmetry thus shows that all life has a com-
mon origin.
Challenge 15, page 31: Well, men are more similar to chimpanzees than to women. More seri-
ously, the above data, even though often quoted, are wrong. Newer measurements by Roy Britten
in 2002 have shown that the difference in genome between humans and chimpanzees is about
5 % (See R. J. Britten, Divergence between samples of chimpanzee and human DNA sequences is
5 %, counting indels, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99, pp. 13633–13635, 15th
of October, 2002.) In addition, though the difference between man and woman is smaller than
one whole chromosome, the large size of the X chromosome, compared with the small size of the
Y chromosome, implies that men have about 3 % less genetic material than women. However, all
           378                                                     challenge hints and solutions

           men have an X chromosome as well. That explains that still other measurements suggest that all
           humans share a pool of at least 99.9 % of common genes.
           Challenge 18, page 34: Chemical processes, including diffusion and reaction rates, are strongly
           temperature dependent. They affect the speed of motion of the individual and thus its chance of
           survival. Keeping temperature in the correct range is thus important for evolved life forms.
           Challenge 19, page 34: The first steps are not known at all. Subsequent processes that added the
           complexity of cells are better understood.
           Challenge 20, page 34: Since all the atoms we are made of originate from outer space, the answer
           is yes. But if one means that biological cells came to Earth from space, the answer is no, as most
           cells do not like vacuum. The same is true for DNA.
               In fact, life and reproduction are properties of complex systems. In other words, asking
           whether life comes from outer space is like asking: ‘Could car insurance have originated in outer
           Challenge 23, page 40: Haven’t you tried yet? Physics is an experimental science.
           Challenge 31, page 48: Exponential decays occur when the probability of decay is constant over

                                                                                                                 Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           time. For humans, this is not the case. Why not?
           Challenge 32, page 51: There are no non-physical processes: anything that can be observed is a
           physical process. Consciousness is due to processes in the brain, thus inside matter; thus it is a
           quantum process. At body temperature, coherence has lifetimes much smaller than the typical
           thought process.
           Challenge 33, page 52: Radioactive dating methods can be said to be based on the nuclear in-
           teractions, even though the detection is again electromagnetic.
           Challenge 34, page 53: All detectors of light can be called relativistic, as light moves with max-
           imal speed. Touch sensors are not relativistic following the usual sense of the word, as the speeds
           involved are too small. The energies are small compared to the rest energies; this is the case even

                                                                                                                 copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           if the signal energies are attributed to electrons only.
           Challenge 35, page 53: The noise is due to the photoacoustic effect; the periodic light period-
           ically heats the air in the jam glass at the blackened surface and thus produces sound. See
           M. Euler, Kann man Licht hören?, Physik in unserer Zeit 32, pp. 180–182, 2001.
           Challenge 36, page 55: It implies that neither resurrection nor reincarnation nor eternal life are
           Challenge 39, page 65: The ethanol disrupts the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules
           so that, on average, they can get closer together. A video of the experiment is found at www.
           Challenge 42, page 66: You get an intense yellow colour due to the formation of lead iodide
           (PbI2 ).
           Challenge 44, page 73: The usual way to pack oranges on a table is the densest way to pack
           Challenge 45, page 74: Just use a paper drawing. Draw a polygon and draw it again at latter
           times, taking into account how the sides grow over time. You will see by yourself how the faster
           growing sides disappear over time.
           Challenge 47, page 84: With a combination of the methods of Table 7, this is indeed possible. In
           fact, using cosmic rays to search for unknown chambers in the pyramids has been already done
Ref. 304   in the 1960s. The result was that no additional chambers exist.
           Challenge 49, page 88: For example, a heavy mountain will push down the Earth’s crust into
           the mantle, makes it melt on the bottom side, and thus lowers the position of the top.
challenge hints and solutions                                                                    379

Challenge 50, page 88: These developments are just starting; the results are still far from the ori-
ginal one is trying to copy, as they have to fulfil a second condition, in addition to being a ‘copy’
of original feathers or of latex: the copy has to be cheaper than the original. That is often a much
tougher request than the first.
Challenge 51, page 88: About 0.2 m.
Challenge 53, page 89: Since the height of the potential is always finite, walls can always be over-
come by tunnelling.
Challenge 54, page 90: The lid of a box can never be at rest, as is required for a tight closure, but
is always in motion, due to the quantum of action.
Challenge 56, page 90: The unit of thermal conductance is 𝑇π2 𝑘2 /3ℏ, where 𝑇 is temperature
and 𝑘 is the Boltzmann constant.
Challenge 57, page 91: Extremely slender structures are not possible for two reasons: First, be-
cause structures built of homogeneous materials do not to achieve such ratios; secondly, the
bending behaviour of plants is usually not acceptable in human-built structures.
Challenge 58, page 93: The concentrations and can be measured from polar ice caps, by measur-

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
ing how the isotope concentration changes over depth. Both in evaporation and in condensation
of water, the isotope ratio depends on the temperature. The measurements in Antarctica and in
Greenland coincide, which is a good sign of their trustworthiness.
Challenge 59, page 94: In the summer, tarmac is soft.
Challenge 62, page 113: The one somebody else has thrown away. Energy costs about
10 cents/kWh. For new lamps, the fluorescent lamp is the best for the environment, even
though it is the least friendly to the eye and the brain, due to its flickering.
Challenge 63, page 118: This old dream depends on the precise conditions. How flexible does
the display have to be? What lifetime should it have? The newspaper like display is many years

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
away and maybe not even possible.
Challenge 64, page 118: There is only speculation on the answer; the tendency of most research-
ers is to say no.
Challenge 65, page 118: The challenge here is to find a cheap way to deflect laser beams in a
controlled way. Cheap lasers are already available.
Challenge 66, page 118: No, as it is impossible because of momentum conservation and because
of the no-cloning theorem.
Challenge 67, page 119: There are companies trying to sell systems based on quantum crypto-
logy; but despite the technical interest, the commercial success is questionable.
Challenge 68, page 119: I predicted since the year 2000 that mass-produced goods using this
technology (at least 1 million pieces sold) will not be available before 2025.
Challenge 69, page 119: Maybe, but for extremely high prices.
Challenge 70, page 120: The set-up is affordable: it uses a laser at 3.39 μm, a detector and some
optics on a tripod. Sensitivity to alcohol absorption is excellent. Only future will tell.
Challenge 72, page 125: For example, you could change gravity between two mirrors.
Challenge 73, page 125: As usual in such statements, either group or phase velocity is cited, but
not the corresponding energy velocity, which is always below 𝑐.
Challenge 75, page 128: Echoes do not work once the speed of sound is reached and do not work
well when it is approached. Both the speed of light and that of sound have a finite value. Moving
with a mirror still gives a mirror image. This means that the speed of light cannot be reached. If
it cannot be reached, it must be the same for all observers.
                   380                                                      challenge hints and solutions

                   Challenge 76, page 129: Mirrors do not usually work for matter; in addition, if they did, matter,
                   because of its rest energy, would require much higher acceleration values.
                   Challenge 79, page 131: The classical radius of the electron, which is the size at which the field
                   energy would make up the full electron mass, is about 137 times smaller, thus much smaller, than
                   the Compton wavelength of the electron.
                   Challenge 80, page 133: The overhang can have any value whatsoever. There is no limit. Taking
                   the indeterminacy relation into account introduces a limit as the last brick or card must not allow
                   the centre of gravity, through its indeterminacy, to be over the edge of the table.
                   Challenge 81, page 133: A larger charge would lead to a field that spontaneously generates elec-
                   tron positron pairs, the electron would fall into the nucleus and reduce its charge by one unit.
                   Challenge 83, page 133: The Hall effect results from the deviation of electrons in a metal due to
                   an applied magnetic field. Therefore it depends on their speed. One gets values around 1 mm.
                   Inside atoms, one can use Bohr’s atomic model as approximation.
                   Challenge 84, page 133: The steps are due to the particle nature of electricity and all other mov-
                   ing entities.

                                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                   Challenge 85, page 134: If we could apply the Banach–Tarski paradox to vacuum, it seems that
 Vol. I, page 57   we could split, without any problem, one ball of vacuum into two balls of vacuum, each with
                   the same volume as the original. In other words, one ball with vacuum energy 𝐸 could not be
                   distinguished from two balls of vacuum energy 2𝐸.
                        We used the Banach–Tarski paradox in this way to show that chocolate (or any other matter)
Vol. I, page 333   possesses an intrinsic length. But it is not clear that we can now deduce that the vacuum has an
                   intrinsic length. Indeed, the paradox cannot be applied to vacuum for two reasons. First, there
                   indeed is a maximum energy and minimum length in nature. Secondly, there is no place in nature
                   without vacuum energy; so there is no place were we could put the second ball. We thus do not
                   know why the Banach–Tarski paradox for vacuum cannot be applied, and thus cannot use it to

                                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                   deduce the existence of a minimum length in vacuum.
                        It is better to argue in the following way for a minimum length in vacuum. If there were no
                   intrinsic length cut-off, the vacuum energy would be infinite. Experiments however, show that it
                   is finite.
                   Challenge 86, page 134: Mud is a suspension of sand; sand is not transparent, even if made of
                   clear quartz, because of the scattering of light at the irregular surface of its grains. A suspension
                   cannot be transparent if the index of refraction of the liquid and the suspended particles is differ-
                   ent. It is never transparent if the particles, as in most sand types, are themselves not transparent.
                   Challenge 87, page 134: The first answer is probably no, as composed systems cannot be smaller
                   than their own compton wavelength; only elementary systems can. However, the universe is not
                   a system, as it has no environment. As such, its length is not a precisely defined concept, as
                   an environment is needed to measure and to define it. (In addition, gravity must be taken into
                   account in those domains.) Thus the answer is: in those domains, the question makes no sense.
                   Challenge 88, page 134: Methods to move on perfect ice from mechanics:

                   — if the ice is perfectly flat, rest is possible only in one point – otherwise you oscillate around
                     that point, as shown in challenge 26;
                   — do nothing, just wait that the higher centrifugal acceleration at body height pulls you away;
                   — to rotate yourself, just rotate your arm above your head;
                   — throw a shoe or any other object away;
                   — breathe in vertically, breathing out (or talking) horizontally (or vice versa);
                   — wait to be moved by the centrifugal acceleration due to the rotation of the Earth (and its
challenge hints and solutions                                                                 381

— jump vertically repeatedly: the Coriolis acceleration will lead to horizontal motion;
— wait to be moved by the Sun or the Moon, like the tides are;
— ‘swim’ in the air using hands and feet;
— wait to be hit by a bird, a flying wasp, inclined rain, wind, lava, earthquake, plate tectonics,
  or any other macroscopic object (all objects pushing count only as one solution);
— wait to be moved by the change in gravity due to convection in Earth’s mantle;
— wait to be moved by the gravitation of some comet passing by;
— counts only for kids: spit, sneeze, cough, fart, pee; or move your ears and use them as wings.
Note that gluing your tongue is not possible on perfect ice.
Challenge 89, page 135: Methods to move on perfect ice using thermodynamics and electrody-
—   use the radio/TV stations nearby to push you around;
—   use your portable phone and a mirror;
—   switch on a pocket lamp, letting the light push you;
—   wait to be pushed around by Brownian motion in air;

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
—   heat up one side of your body: black body radiation will push you;
—   heat up one side of your body, e.g. by muscle work: the changing airflow or the evaporation
    will push you;
—   wait for one part of the body to be cooler than the other and for the corresponding black
    body radiation effects;
—   wait for the magnetic field of the Earth to pull on some ferromagnetic or paramagnetic metal
    piece in your clothing or in your body;
—   wait to be pushed by the light pressure, i.e. by the photons, from the Sun or from the stars,
    maybe using a pocket mirror to increase the efficiency;
—   rub some polymer object to charge it electrically and then move it in circles, thus creating a

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
    magnetic field that interacts with the one of the Earth.
Note that perfect frictionless surfaces do not melt.
Challenge 90, page 135: Methods to move on perfect ice using general relativity:

—   move an arm to emit gravitational radiation;
—   deviate the cosmic background radiation with a pocket mirror;
—   wait to be pushed by gravitational radiation from star collapses;
—   wait for the universe to contract.

Challenge 91, page 135: Methods to move on perfect ice using quantum effects:

— wait for your wave function to spread out and collapse at the end of the ice surface;
— wait for the pieces of metal in the clothing to attract to the metal in the surrounding through
  the Casimir effect;
— wait to be pushed around by radioactive decays in your body.

Challenge 92, page 135: Methods to move on perfect ice using materials science, geophysics and
— be pushed by the radio waves emitted by thunderstorms and absorbed in painful human
— wait to be pushed around by cosmic rays;
— wait to be pushed around by the solar wind;
— wait to be pushed around by solar neutrinos;
382                                                    challenge hints and solutions

— wait to be pushed by the transformation of the Sun into a red giant;
— wait to be hit by a meteorite.

Challenge 93, page 135: A method to move on perfect ice using self-organization, chaos theory,
and biophysics:
— wait that the currents in the brain interact with the magnetic field of the Earth by controlling
  your thoughts.

Challenge 94, page 135: Methods to move on perfect ice using quantum gravity:

— accelerate your pocket mirror with your hand;
— deviate the Unruh radiation of the Earth with a pocket mirror;
— wait for proton decay to push you through the recoil.

Challenge 96, page 142: This is a trick question: if you can say why, you can directly move to
the last volume of this adventure and check your answer. The gravitational potential changes the
phase of a wave function, like any other potential does; but the reason why this is the case will

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
only become clear in the last volume of this series.
Challenge 101, page 144: No. Bound states of massless particles are always unstable.
Challenge 102, page 146: This is easy only if the black hole size is inserted into the entropy
bound by Bekenstein. A simple deduction of the black hole entropy that includes the factor 1/4
is not yet at hand; more on this in the last volume.
Challenge 103, page 146: An entropy limit implies an information limit; only a given informa-
tion can be present in a given region of nature. This results in a memory limit.
Challenge 104, page 146: In natural units, the exact expression for entropy is 𝑆 = 0.25𝐴. If each
Planck area carried one bit (degree of freedom), the entropy would be 𝑆 = ln 𝑊 = ln(2𝐴 ) =

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
𝐴 ln 2 = 0.693𝐴. This close to the exact value.
Challenge 108, page 152: The universe has about 1022 stars; the Sun has a luminosity of about
1026 W; the total luminosity of the visible matter in the universe is thus about 1048 W. A gamma-
ray burster emits up to 3 ⋅ 1047 W.
Challenge 114, page 154: They are carried away by the gravitational radiation.
Challenge 120, page 158: No system is known in nature which emits or absorbs only one grav-
iton at a time. This is another point speaking against the existence of gravitons.
Challenge 124, page 167: Two stacked foils show the same effect as one foil of the same total
thickness. Thus the surface plays no role.
Challenge 126, page 172: The electron is held back by the positive charge of the nucleus, if the
number of protons in the nucleus is sufficient, as is the case for those nuclei we are made of.
Challenge 128, page 180: The half-time 𝑡1/2 is related to the life-time 𝜏 by 𝑡1/2 = 𝜏 ln 2.
Challenge 129, page 181: The number is small compared with the number of cells. However, it
is possible that the decays are related to human ageing.
Challenge 131, page 184: By counting decays and counting atoms to sufficient precision.
Challenge 133, page 185: The radioactivity necessary to keep the Earth warm is low; lava is only
slightly more radioactive than usual soil.
Challenge 134, page 197: There is no way to conserve both energy and momentum in such a
Challenge 135, page 197: The combination of high intensity X-rays and UV rays led to this ef-
challenge hints and solutions                                                                 383

Challenge 139, page 209: The nuclei of nitrogen and carbon have a high electric charge which
strongly repels the protons.
Challenge 141, page 218: See the paper by C.J. Hogan mentioned in Ref. 270.
Challenge 142, page 221: Touching something requires getting near it; getting near means a
small time and position indeterminacy; this implies a small wavelength of the probe that is used
for touching; this implies a large energy.
Challenge 145, page 228: The processes are electromagnetic in nature, thus electric charges give
the frequency with which they occur.
Challenge 146, page 237: Designing a nuclear weapon is not difficult. University students can do
it, and even have done so a few times. The first students who did so were two physics graduates in
1964, as told on It is not hard to conceive a
design and even to build it. By far the hardest problem is getting or making the nuclear mater-
ial. That requires either an extensive criminal activity or a vast technical effort, with numerous
large factories, extensive development, and coordination of many technological activities. Most
importantly, such a project requires a large financial investment, which poor countries cannot

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
afford without great sacrifices for all the population. The problems are thus not technical, but
Challenge 150, page 268: In 2008, an estimated 98 % of all physicists agreed. Time will tell
whether they are right.
Challenge 152, page 280: A mass of 100 kg and a speed of 8 m/s require 43 m2 of wing surface.
Challenge 155, page 287: The issue is a red herring. The world has three dimensions.
Challenge 156, page 290: The largest rotation angle Δ𝜑 that can be achieved in one stroke 𝐶 is
found by maximizing the integral


                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                                      Δ𝜑 = − ∫                   d𝜃                         (151)
                                                     𝐶   𝑎2 + 𝑏2
Since the path 𝐶 in shape space is closed, we can use Stokes’ theorem to transform the line in-
tegral to a surface integral over the surface 𝑆 enclosed by 𝐶 in shape space:

                                    Δ𝜑 = ∫                   d𝑎 d𝜃 .                        (152)
                                             𝑆   (𝑎2 + 𝑏2 )2
The maximum angle is found by noting that 𝜃 can vary at most between 0 and π, and that 𝑎 can
vary at most between 0 and ∞. This yields
                                         π       ∞
                             Δ𝜑max = ∫       ∫                   d𝑎 d𝜃 = π .                (153)
                                       𝜃=0 𝑎=0       (𝑎2 + 𝑏2 )2

Challenge 158, page 294: A cloud is kept afloat and compact by convection currents. Clouds
without convection can often be seen in the summer: they diffuse and disappear. The details of
the internal and external air currents depend on the cloud type and are a research field on its
Challenge 163, page 300: Lattices are not isotropic, lattices are not Lorentz invariant.
Challenge 165, page 303: The infinite sum is not defined for numbers; however, it is defined for
a knotted string.
Challenge 166, page 304: The research race for the solution is ongoing, but the goal is still far.
Challenge 167, page 305: This is a simple but hard question. Find out!
                    384                                                         challenge hints and solutions

                    Challenge 170, page 308: Large raindrops are pancakes with a massive border bulge. When the
                    size increases, e.g. when a large drop falls through vapour, the drop splits, as the central mem-
                    brane is then torn apart.
                    Challenge 171, page 308: It is a drawing; if it is interpreted as an image of a three-dimensional
                    object, it either does not exist, or is not closed, or is an optical illusion of a torus.
                    Challenge 172, page 308: See T. Fink & Y. Mao, The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie, Broadway Books,
                    Challenge 173, page 308: See T. Clarke, Laces high, Nature Science Update 5th of December,
                    2002, or
                    Challenge 176, page 310: In fact, nobody has even tried to do so yet. It may also be that the
                    problem makes no sense.
                    Challenge 178, page 316: Most macroscopic matter properties fall in this class, such as the
                    change of water density with temperature.
                    Challenge 180, page 322: Before the speculation can be fully tested, the relation between
                    particles and black holes has to be clarified first.

                                                                                                                         Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                    Challenge 181, page 323: Never expect a correct solution for personal choices. Do what you
                    yourself think and feel is correct.
                    Challenge 186, page 330: Planck limits can be exceeded for extensive observables for which
                    many particle systems can exceed single particle limits, such as mass, momentum, energy or
                    electrical resistance.
                    Challenge 188, page 332: Do not forget the relativistic time dilation.
                    Challenge 189, page 332: The formula with 𝑛 − 1 is a better fit. Why?
                    Challenge 193, page 339: The slowdown goes quadratically with time, because every new slow-

                                                                                                                         copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                    down adds to the old one!
                    Challenge 194, page 340: No, only properties of parts of the universe are listed. The universe
Vol. VI, page 112   itself has no properties, as shown in the last volume.
                    Challenge 195, page 342: The gauge coupling constants, via the Planck length, determine the
                    size of atoms, the strength of chemical bonds and thus the size of all things.
                    Challenge 196, page 357: Covalent bonds tend to produce full shells; this is a smaller change on
                    the right side of the periodic table.
                    Challenge 197, page 359: The solution is the set of all two by two matrices, as each two by two
                    matrix specifies a linear transformation, if one defines a transformed point as the product of the
                    point and this matrix. (Only multiplication with a fixed matrix can give a linear transformation.)
                    Can you recognize from a matrix whether it is a rotation, a reflection, a dilation, a shear, or a
                    stretch along two axes? What are the remaining possibilities?
                    Challenge 200, page 359: The (simplest) product of two functions is taken by point-by-point
                    Challenge 201, page 360: The norm ‖𝑓‖ of a real function 𝑓 is defined as the supremum of its
                    absolute value:
                                                               ‖𝑓‖ = sup |𝑓(𝑥)| .                               (154)

                    In simple terms: the maximum value taken by the absolute of the function is its norm. It is also
                    called ‘sup’-norm. Since it contains a supremum, this norm is only defined on the subspace of
                    bounded continuous functions on a space X, or, if X is compact, on the space of all continuous
                    functions (because a continuous function on a compact space must be bounded).
challenge hints and solutions                                                                385

Challenge 204, page 363: Take out your head, then pull one side of your pullover over the cor-
responding arm, continue pulling it over the over arm; then pull the other side, under the first,
to the other arm as well. Put your head back in. Your pullover (or your trousers) will be inside
Challenge 205, page 363: Both can be untied.
Challenge 209, page 368: The transformation from one manifold to another with different topo-
logy can be done with a tiny change, at a so-called singular point. Since nature shows a minimum
action, such a tiny change cannot be avoided.
Challenge 210, page 370: The product 𝑀† 𝑀 is Hermitean, and has positive eigenvalues. Thus
𝐻 is uniquely defined and Hermitean. 𝑈 is unitary because 𝑈† 𝑈 is the unit matrix.

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

                                                    Gedanken sind nicht stets parat. Man schreibt

                                                    auch, wenn man keine hat.*
                                                           Wilhelm Busch, Aphorismen und Reime.

1    The use of radioactivity for breeding of new sorts of wheat, rice, cotton, roses, pineapple and
     many more is described by B. S. Ahloowalia & M. Maluszynski, Induced mutations

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     – a new paradigm in plant breeding, Euphytica 11, pp. 167–173, 2004. Cited on page 21.
2    See John T. B onner, Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales, Princeton Uni-
     versity Press, 2011. Cited on page 21.
3    See the book by Peter Läuger, Electrogenic Ion Pumps, Sinauer, 1991. Cited on page 21.
4    The motorized screw used by viruses was described by A.A. Simpson & al., Structure
     of the bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging motor, Nature 408, pp. 745–750, 2000. Cited on
     page 22.
5    S. M. Block, Real engines of creation, Nature 386, pp. 217–219, 1997. Cited on page 22.
6    Early results and ideas on molecular motors are summarised by B. Goss Levi, Measured

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     steps advance the understanding of molecular motors, Physics Today pp. 17–19, April 1995.
     Newer results are described in R. D. Astumian, Making molecules into motors, Scientific
     American pp. 57–64, July 2001. Cited on pages 22 and 23.
7    R. Bartussek & P. Hänggi, Brownsche Motoren, Physikalische Blätter 51, pp. 506–507,
     1995. See also R. Alt-Haddou & W. Herzog, Force and motion generation of myosin
     motors: muscle contraction, Journal of Electromyography and kinesiology 12, pp. 435–445,
     2002. Cited on page 24.
8    N. Hirokawa, S. Niwa & Y. Tanaka, Molecular motors in neurons: transport mechan-
     isms and roles in brain function, development, and disease, Neuron 68, pp. 610–638, 2010.
     Cited on page 25.
9    J. Weber & A. E. Senior, ATP synthesis driven by proton transport in F1Fo-ATP synthase,
     FEBS letters 545, pp. 61–70, 2003. Cited on page 26.
10   This truly fascinating research result, worth a Nobel Prize, is summarized in
     N. Hirokawa, Y. Tanaka & Y. Okada, Left-right determination: involvement of
     molecular motor KIF3, cilia, and nodal flow, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Bio-
     logy 1, p. a000802, 2009, also available at The website also
     links to numerous captivating films of the involved microscopic processes, found at beta. Cited on page 28.
11   R. J. Cano & M. K. B orucki, Revival and identification of bacterial spores in 25- to 40-
     million-year-old Dominican amber, Science 26, pp. 1060–1064, 1995. Cited on page 31.

* ‘Thoughts are not always available. Many write even without them.’
bibliography                                                                                   387

12   The first papers on bacteria from salt deposits were V. R. Ott & H. J. Dombrwoski,
     Mikrofossilien in den Mineralquellen zu Bad Nauheim, Notizblatt des Hessischen Landes-
     amtes für Bodenforschung 87, pp. 415–416, 1959, H. J. Dombrowski, Bacteria from Pa-
     leozoic salt deposits, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 108, pp. 453–460, 1963. A
     recent confirmation is R. H. Vreeland, W. D. Rosenzweig & D. W. Powers, Isola-
     tion of a 250 million-year-old halotolerant bacterium from a primary salt crystal, Nature 407,
     pp. 897–899, 2000. Cited on page 31.
13   This is explained in D. Graur & T. Pupko, The permian bacterium that isn’t, Mo-
     lecular Biology and Evolution 18, pp. 1143–1146, 2001, and also in M. B. Hebsgaard,
     M. J. Phillips & E. Willerslev, Geologically ancient DNA: fact or artefact?, Trends
     in Microbiology 13, pp. 212–220, 2005. Cited on page 31.
14   Gabriele Walker, Snowball Earth – The Story of the Great Global Catastrophe That
     Spawned Life as We Know It, Crown Publishing, 2003. No citations.
15   J. D. Rummel, J. H. Allton & D. Morrison, A microbe on the moon? Surveyor III and
     lessons learned for future sample return missions, preprint at

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     sssr2011/pdf/5023.pdf. Cited on page 31.
16   The table and the evolutionary tree are taken from J. O. McInerney, M. Mullarkey,
     M. E. Wernecke & R. Powell, Bacteria and archaea: molecular techniques reveal as-
     tonishing diversity, Biodiversity 3, pp. 3–10, 2002. The evolutionary tree might still change
     a little in the coming years. Cited on page 32.
17   The newest estimate is by R. Sender, S. Fuchs & R. Milo, Revised estimates for the
     number of human and bacteria cells in the body, PLOS Biology 14, p. e1002533, 2016, free pre-
     print at The first professional estimate was by
     E. Bianconi, A. Piovesan, F. Facchin, A. Beraudi, R. Casadei, F. Frabetti,
     L. Vitale, M. C. Pelleri, S. Tassani, F. Piva, S. Perez-Amodio, P. Strippoli

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     & S. Canaider, An estimation of the number of cells in the human body, Annals of Hu-
     man Biology 40, pp. 463–471, 2013, also available for free online. A typical older and
     more optimistic estimate is E. K. Costello, C. L. Lauber, M. Hamady, N. Fierer,
     J. I. Gordon & R. Knight, Bacterial community variation in human body habitats across
     space and time, Science Express 5 November 2009. Cited on page 33.
18   E. Puttonen, C. Briese, G. Mandlburger, M. Wieser, M. Pfennigbauer,
     A. Zlinsky & N. Pfeifer, Quantification of overnight movement of birch (Betula pen-
     dula) branches and foliage with short interval terrestrial laser scanning, Frontiers in Plant
     Science 7, 2016, free download at A video of the tree motion is also
     available there. Cited on page 37.
19   This is taken from the delightful children text Hans J. Press, Spiel das Wissen schafft,
     Ravensburger Buchverlag 1964, 2004. Cited on page 38.
20   The discovery of a specific taste for fat was published by F. Laugerette, P. Passilly-
     Degrace, B. Patris, I. Niot, M. Febbraio, J. P. Montmayeur & P. Besnard,
     CD36 involvement in orosensory detection of dietary lipids, spontaneous fat preference, and
     digestive secretions, Journal of Clinical Investigation 115, pp. 3177–3184, 2005. Cited on
     page 40.
21   There is no standard procedure to learn to enjoy life to the maximum. A good foundation
     can be found in those books which teach the ability to those which have lost it.
        The best experts are those who help others to overcome traumas. Peter A. Levine
     & Ann Frederick, Waking the Tiger – Healing Trauma – The Innate Capacity to Trans-
     form Overwhelming Experiences, North Atlantic Books, 1997. Geoff Graham, How to
388                                                                               bibliography

      Become the Parent You Never Had - a Treatment for Extremes of Fear, Anger and Guilt,
      Real Options Press, 1986. A good complement to these texts is the approach presen-
      ted by Bert Hellinger, Zweierlei Glück, Carl Auer Verlag, 1997. Some of his books
      are also available in English. The author presents a simple and efficient technique for
      reducing entanglement with one’s family past. Another good book is Phil Stutz &
      Barry Michels, The Tools – Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and
      Creativity, Random House, 2012.
          The next step, namely full mastery in the enjoyment of life, can be found in any book
      written by somebody who has achieved mastery in any one topic. The topic itself is not
      important, only the passion is. A few examples:
           A. de la Garanderie, Le dialogue pédagogique avec l’élève, Centurion, 1984,
      A. de la Garanderie, Pour une pédagogie de l’intelligence, Centurion, 1990,
      A. de la Garanderie, Réussir ça s’apprend, Bayard, 1994. De la Garanderie explains
      how the results of teaching and learning depend in particular on the importance of evoca-
      tion, imagination and motivation.
          Plato, Phaedrus, Athens, 380 bce.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Françoise Dolto, La cause des enfants, Laffont, 1985, and her other books. Dolto
      (b. 1908 Paris, d. 1988 Paris), a child psychiatrist, is one of the world experts on the growth
      of the child; her main theme was that growth is only possible by giving the highest possible
      responsibility to every child during its development.
          In the domain of art, many had the passion to achieve full pleasure. A good piece
      of music, a beautiful painting, an expressive statue or a good film can show it. On a
      smaller scale, the art to typeset beautiful books, so different from what many computer
      programs do by default, the best introduction are the works by Jan Tschichold (b. 1902
      Leipzig, d. 1974 Locarno), the undisputed master of the field. Among the many books he
      designed are the beautiful Penguin books of the late 1940s; he also was a type designer,

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      e.g. of the Sabon typeface. A beautiful summary of his views is the short but condensed
      text Jan Tschichold, Ausgewählte Aufsätze über Fragen der Gestalt des Buches und der
      Typographie, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1993. An extensive and beautiful textbook on the
      topic is Hans Peter Willberg & Friedrich Forssman, Lesetypographie, Verlag
      Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, 1997. See also Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typo-
      graphic Style, Hartley & Marks, 2004.
          Many scientists passionately enjoyed their occupation. Any biography of Charles Dar-
      win will purvey his fascination for biology, of Friedrich Bessel for astronomy, of Albert
      Einstein for physics and of Linus Pauling for chemistry. Cited on page 41.
22    The group of John Wearden in Manchester has shown by experiments with humans that the
      accuracy of a few per cent is possible for any action with a duration between a tenth of a
      second and a minute. See J. McCrone, When a second lasts forever, New Scientist pp. 53–
      56, 1 November 1997. Cited on page 42.
23    The chemical clocks in our body are described in John D. Palmer, The Living Clock,
      Oxford University Press, 2002, or in A. Ahlgren & F. Halberg, Cycles of Nature: An
      Introduction to Biological Rhythms, National Science Teachers Association, 1990. See also
      the website. Cited on page 42.
24    D.J Morré & al., Biochemical basis for the biological clock, Biochemistry 41, pp. 11941–
      11945, 2002. Cited on page 42.
25    An introduction to the sense of time as result of clocks in the brain is found in R. B. Ivry
      & R. Spencer, The neural representation of time, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14,
      pp. 225–232, 2004. The interval timer is explain in simple words in K. Wright, Times
      in our lives, Scientific American pp. 40–47, September 2002. The MRI research used is
bibliography                                                                                     389

     S. M. Rao, A. R. Mayer & D. L. Harrington, The evolution of brain activation dur-
     ing temporal processing, Nature Neuroscience 4, pp. 317–323, 2001. Cited on page 44.
26   See, for example, Jan Hilgevoord, Time in quantum mechanics, American Journal of
     Physics 70, pp. 301–306, 2002. Cited on page 44.
27   E. J. Zimmerman, The macroscopic nature of space-time, American Journal of Physics 30,
     pp. 97–105, 1962. Cited on page 45.
28   See P.D. Peşić, The smallest clock, European Journal of Physics 14, pp. 90–92, 1993. Cited
     on page 46.
29   The possibilities for precision timing using single-ion clocks are shown in W.H. Oskay &
     al., Single-atom clock with high accuracy, Physical Review Letters 97, p. 020801, 2006. Cited
     on page 46.
30   A pretty example of a quantum mechanical system showing exponential behaviour at all
     times is given by H. Nakazato, M. Namiki & S. Pascazio, Exponential behaviour
     of a quantum system in a macroscopic medium, Physical Review Letters 73, pp. 1063–1066,
     1994. Cited on page 48.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
31   See the delightful book about the topic by Paolo Facchi & Saverio Pascazio,
     La regola d’oro di Fermi, Bibliopolis, 1999. An experiment observing deviations at short
     times is S. R. Wilkinson, C. F. Bharucha, M. C. Fischer, K. W. Madison,
     P. R. Morrow, Q. Niu, B. Sundaram & M. G. Raizen, Nature 387, p. 575, 1997.
     Cited on page 48.
32   See, for example, R. Efron, The duration of the present, Annals of the New York Academy
     of Sciences 138, pp. 713–729, 1967. Cited on page 49.
33   W. M. Itano, D. J. Heinzen, J. J. B ollinger & D. J. Wineland, Quantum Zeno
     effect, Physical Review A 41, pp. 2295–2300, 1990. M. C. Fischer, B. Gutiérrez-

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     Medina & M. G. Raizen, Observation of the Quantum Zeno and Anti-Zeno effects in
     an unstable system, Physical Review Letters 87, p. 040402, 2001, also
     quant-ph/0104035. Cited on page 50.
34   See P. Facchi, Z. Hradil, G. Krenn, S. Pascazio & J. Řeháček Quantum
     Zeno tomography, Physical Review A 66, p. 012110, 2002. Cited on page 50.
35   See P. Facchi, H. Nakazato & S. Pascazio From the quantum Zeno to the inverse
     quantum Zeno effect, Physical Review Letters 86, pp. 2699–2702, 2001. Cited on page 50.
36   H. Kobayashi & S. Kohshima, Unique morphology of the human eye, Nature 387,
     pp. 767–768, 1997. No citations.
37   James W. Prescott, Body pleasure and the origins of violence, The Futurist Bethseda,
     1975, also available at Cited on page 54.
38   Frances Ashcroft, The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body, Allen Lane, 2012.
     Cited on page 54.
39   Felix Tretter & Margot Albus, Einführung in die Psychopharmakotherapie –
     Grundlagen, Praxis, Anwendungen, Thieme, 2004. Cited on page 54.
40   See the talk on these experiments by Helen Fisher on and the information on Cited on page 55.
41   See for example P. Py ykkö, Relativity, gold, closed-shell interactions, and CsAu.NH3, An-
     gewandte Chemie, International Edition 41, pp. 3573–3578, 2002, or L. J. Norrby, Why
     is mercury liquid? Or, why do relativistic effects not get into chemistry textbooks?, Journal of
     Chemical Education 68, pp. 110–113, 1991. Cited on page 58.
390                                                                              bibliography

42    On the internet, the ‘spherical’ periodic table is credited to Timothy Stowe; but there is no
      reference for that claim, except an obscure calendar from a small chemical company. The
      original table (containing a number errors) used to be found at the chemlab.pc.maricopa.
      edu/periodic/stowetable.html website; it is now best found by searching for images called
      ‘stowetable’ with any internet search engine. Cited on page 59.
43    For good figures of atomic orbitals, take any modern chemistry text. Or go to csi.chemie. Cited on page 60.
44    For experimentally determined pictures of the orbitals of dangling bonds, see for example
      F. Giessibl & al., Subatomic features on the silicon (111)-(7x7) surface observed by atomic
      force microscopy, Science 289, pp. 422–425, 2000. Cited on page 60.
45    L. Gagliardi & B. O. Roos, Quantum chemical calculations show that the uranium mo-
      lecule U2 has a quintuple bond, Nature 433, pp. 848–851, 2005. B. O. Roos, A. C. B orin
      & L. Gagliardi, Reaching the maximum multiplicity of the covalent chemical bond, An-
      gewandte Chemie, International Edition 46, pp. 1469–1472, 2007. Cited on page 62.
46    H. -W. Fink & C. Escher, Zupfen am Lebensfaden – Experimente mit einzelnen DNS-

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Molekülen, Physik in unserer Zeit 38, pp. 190–196, 2007. Cited on page 62.
47    This type of atomic bond became well-known through the introduction by D. Kleppner,
      The most tenuous of molecules, Physics Today 48, pp. 11–12, 1995. Cited on page 66.
48    Exploring the uses of physics and chemistry in forensic science is fascinating. For a beau-
      tiful introduction to this field with many stories and a lot of physics, see the book by
      Patrick Voss-de Haan, Physik auf der Spur, Wiley-VCH, 2005. Cited on page 67.
49    See, for example, the extensive explanations by Rafal Swiecki on his informatvie website Cited on page 69.
50    T. Gu, M. Li, C. McCammon & K. K. M. Lee, Redox-induced lower mantle density con-
      trast and effect on mantle structure and primitive oxygen, Nature Geoscience 9, pp. 723–727,

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      2016. Cited on page 71.
51    See the website by Tom Hales on An earlier
      book on the issue is the delightful text by Max Leppmaier, Kugelpackungen von Kepler
      bis heute, Vieweg Verlag, 1997. Cited on page 73.
52    For a short overview, also covering binary systems, see C. Bechinger, H. -
      H. von Grünberg & P. Leiderer, Entropische Kräfte - warum sich repulsiv wech-
      selwirkende Teilchen anziehen können, Physikalische Blätter 55, pp. 53–56, 1999. Cited on
      page 73.
53    H. -W. Fink & G. Ehrlich, Direct observation of three-body interactions in adsorbed lay-
      ers: Re on W(110), Physical Review Letters 52, pp. 1532–1534, 1984, and H. -W. Fink &
      G. Ehrlich, Pair and trio interactions between adatoms: Re on W(110), Journal of Chem-
      ical Physics 61, pp. 4657–4665, 1984. Cited on pages 73 and 74.
54    See for example the textbook by A. Pimpinelli & J. Villain, Physics of Crystal Growth,
      Cambridge University Press, 1998. Cited on page 74.
55    Y. Furukawa, Faszination der Schneekristalle - wie ihre bezaubernden Formen entstehen,
      Chemie in unserer Zeit 31, pp. 58–65, 1997. His website
      index_e.html gives more information on the topic of snow crystals. Cited on page 74.
56    L. Bindi, P. J. Steinhardt, N. Yai & P. J. Lu, Natural Quasicrystal, Science 324,
      pp. 1306–1309, 2009. Cited on page 81.
57    The present attempts to build cheap THz wave sensors – which allow seeing through clothes
      – is described by D. Clery, Brainstorming their way to an imaging revolution, Science 297,
      pp. 761–763, 2002. Cited on page 84.
bibliography                                                                                    391

58   The switchable mirror effect was discovered by J. N. Huiberts, R. Griessen,
     J. H. Rector, R. J. Wijngarden, J. P. Dekker, D. G. de Groot & N. J. Koeman,
     Yttrium and lanthanum hydride films with switchable optical properties, Nature 380, pp. 231–
     234, 1996. A good introduction is R. Griessen, Schaltbare Spiegel aus Metallhydriden,
     Physikalische Blätter 53, pp. 1207–1209, 1997. Cited on page 86.
59   V. F. Weisskopf, Of atoms, mountains and stars: a study in qualitative physics, Science
     187, p. 605, 1975. Cited on page 87.
60   K. Schwab, E. A. Henriksen, J. M. Worlock & M. L. Roukes, Measurement of
     the quantum of thermal conductance, Nature 404, pp. 974–977, 2000. Cited on page 90.
61   K. Autumn, Y. Liang, T. Hsich, W. Zwaxh, W. P. Chan, T. Kenny, R. Fearing
     & R. J. Full, Adhesive force of a single gecko foot-hair, Nature 405, pp. 681–685, 2000. Cited
     on page 90.
62   A. B. Kesel, A. Martin & T. Seidl, Getting a grip on spider attachment: an AFM ap-
     proach to microstructure adhesion in arthropods, Smart Materials and Structures 13, pp. 512–
     518, 2004. Cited on page 91.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
63   See the article on
     lang=en&artikelid=/artikel/03049/index.html. Cited on page 91.
64   See the beautiful article by R. Ritchie, M. J. Buehler & P. Hansma, Plasticity and
     toughness in bones, Physics Today 82, pp. 41–47, 2009. See also the fascinating review art-
     icles P. Fratzl, Von Knochen, Holz und Zähnen, Physik Journal 1, pp. 49–55, 2002, and
     P. Fratzl & R. Weinkamer, Nature’s hierarchical materials, Progress in Material Sci-
     ence 52, pp. 1263–1334, 2007. Cited on page 91.
65   H. Inaba, T. Saitou, K. -I. Tozaki & H. Hayashi, Effect of the magnetic field on the
     melting transition of H2O and D2O measured by a high resolution and supersensitive differ-

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     ential scanning calorimeter, Journal of Applied Physics 96, pp. 6127–6132, 2004. Cited on
     page 91.
66   The graph for temperature is taken from J. Jouzel & al., Orbital and millennial Antarctic
     climate variability over the past 800,000 years, Science 317, pp. 793–796, 2007. The graph for
     CO2 is combined from six publications: D.M. Etheridge & al., Natural and anthropo-
     genic changes in atmospheric CO2 over the last 1000 years from air in Antarctic ice and firm,
     Journal of Geophysical Research 101, pp. 4115–4128, 1996, J.R. Petit & al., Climate and
     atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica, Nature 399,
     pp. 429–436, 1999, A. Indermühle & al., Atmospheric CO2 concentration from 60 to 20
     kyr BP from the Taylor Dome ic cores, Antarctica, Geophysical Research Letters 27, pp. 735–
     738, 2000, E. Monnin & al., Atmospheric CO2 concentration over the last glacial termina-
     tion, Science 291, pp. 112–114, 2001, U. Siegenthaler & al., Stable carbon cycle-climate
     relationship during the late pleistocene, Science 310, pp. 1313–1317, 2005, D. Lüthi & al.,
     High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000-800,000 years before present,
     Nature 453, pp. 379–382, 2008. Cited on page 93.
67   H. Oerlemans, De afkoeling van de aarde, Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde
     pp. 230–234, 2004. This excellent paper by one of the experts of the field also explains that
     the Earth has two states, namely today’s tropical state and the snowball state, when it is
     covered with ice. And there is hysteresis for the switch between the two states. Cited on
     page 93.
68   R. Hemley & al., presented these results at the International Conference on New
     Diamond Science in Tsukuba (Japan) 2005. See figures at
     diamond-13may2005. Cited on page 93.
392                                                                             bibliography

69    Ingo Dierking, Textures of Liquid Crystals, Wiley-VCH, 2003. Cited on page 95.
70    The photon hall effect was discovered by Geert Rikken, Bart van Tiggelen &
      Anja Sparenberg, Lichtverstrooiing in een magneetveld, Nederlands tijdschrift voor
      natuurkunde 63, pp. 67–70, maart 1998. Cited on page 96.
71    C. Strohm, G. L. J. A. Rikken & P. Wyder, Phenomenological evidence for the phonon
      Hall effect, Physical Review Letters 95, p. 155901, 2005. Cited on page 97.
72    E. Chibowski, L. Hołysz, K. Terpiłowski, Effect of magnetic field on deposition and
      adhesion of calcium carbonate particles on different substrates, Journal of Adhesion Science
      and Technology 17, pp. 2005–2021, 2003, and references therein. Cited on page 97.
73    K. S. Novoselov, D. Jiang, F. Schedin, T. B ooth, V. V. Khotkevich,
      S. V. Morozov & A. K. Geim, Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals, Proceedings of the Na-
      tional Academy of Sciences 102, pp. 10451–10453, 2005. See also the talk by Andre Geim,
      QED in a pencil trace, to be downloaded at
      geim/ or A. C. Neto, F. Guinea & N. M. Peres, Drawing conclusions from graphene,
      Physics World November 2006. Cited on pages 97, 98, and 414.

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
74    R.R. Nair & al., Fine structure constant defines visual transparency of graphene, Science
      320, p. 1308, 2008. Cited on page 99.
75    The first paper was J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper & J. R. Schrieffer, Microscopic
      Theory of Superconductivity, Physical Review 106, pp. 162–164, 1957. The full, so-
      called BCS theory, is then given in the masterly paper J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper &
      J. R. Schrieffer, Theory of Superconductivity, Physical Review 108, pp. 1175–1204, 1957.
      Cited on page 103.
76    A. P. Finne, T. Araki, R. Blaauwgeers, V. B. Eltsov, N. B. Kopnin,
      M. Krusius, L. Skrbek, M. Tsubota & G. E. Volovik, An intrinsic velocity-
      independent criterion for superfluid turbulence, Nature 424, pp. 1022–1025, 2003. Cited

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      on page 105.
77    The original prediction, which earned Laughlin a Nobel Prize in Physics, is in
      R. B. Laughlin, Anomalous quantum Hall effect: an incompressible quantum fluid with
      fractionally charged excitations, Physical Review Letters 50, pp. 1395–1398, 1983. Cited on
      page 107.
78    The first experimental evidence is by V. J. Goldman & B. Su, Resonance tunnelling
      in the fractional quantum Hall regime: measurement of fractional charge, Science 267,
      pp. 1010–1012, 1995. The first unambiguous measurements are by R. de Picciotto
      & al., Direct observation of a fractional charge, Nature 389, pp. 162–164, 1997, and
      L. Saminadayar, D. C. Glattli, Y. Jin & B. Etienne, Observation of the e,3 frac-
      tionally charged Laughlin quasiparticle/ Physical Review Letters 79, pp. 2526–2529, 1997.
      or Cited on page 107.
79    The discovery of the original quantum Hall effect, which earned von Klitzing the Nobel
      Prize in Physics, was published as K. von Klitzing, G. Dorda & M. Pepper, New
      method for high-accuracy determination of the fine-structure constant based on quantised
      Hall resistance, Physical Review Letters 45, pp. 494–497, 1980. Cited on page 107.
80    The fractional quantum Hall effect was discovered by D. C. Tsui, H. L. Stormer &
      A. C. Gossard, Two-dimensional magnetotransport in the extreme quantum limit, Phys-
      ical Review Letters 48, pp. 1559–1562, 1982. Tsui and Stormer won the Nobel Prize in Physics
      with this paper. Cited on page 107.
81    K. S. Novoselov, Z. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Morozov, H. L. Stormer,
      U. Zeitler, J. C. Mann, G. S. B oebinger, P. Kim & A. K. Geim, Room-
bibliography                                                                                     393

     temperature quantum Hall effect in graphene, Science 315, p. 1379, 2007. Cited on page
82   See for example the overview by M. B orn & T. Jüstel, Umweltfreundliche Lichtquellen,
     Physik Journal 2, pp. 43–49, 2003. Cited on page 108.
83   K. An, J. J. Childs, R. R. Desari & M. S. Field, Microlaser: a laser with one atom in
     an optical resonator, Physical Review Letters 73, pp. 3375–3378, 19 December 1994. Cited
     on page 114.
84   J. Kasparian, Les lasers femtosecondes : applications atmosphériques, La Recherche
     pp. RE14 1–7, February 2004/ See also the website. Cited on page 115.
85   A. Takita, H. Yamamoto, Y. Hayasaki, N. Nishida & H. Misawa, Three-
     dimensional optical memory using a human fingernail, Optics Express 13, pp. 4560–
     4567, 2005. They used a Ti:sapphire oscillator and a Ti:sapphire amplifier. Cited on page
86   The author predicted laser umbrellas in 2011. Cited on page 115.
87   W. Guo & H. Maris, Observations of the motion of single electrons in liquid helium,

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     Journal of Low Temperature Physics 148, pp. 199–206, 2007. Cited on page 117.
88   The story is found on many places in the internet. Cited on page 119.
89   S. L. B oersma, Aantrekkende kracht tussen schepen, Nederlands tidschrift voor
     natuuurkunde 67, pp. 244–246, Augustus 2001. See also his paper S. L. B oersma, A
     maritime analogy of the Casimir effect, American Journal of Physics 64, pp. 539–541, 1996.
     Cited on page 122.
90   P. Ball, Popular physics myth is all at sea – does the ghostly Casimir effect really cause ships
     to attract each other?, online at
     html. Cited on pages 122 and 125.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
91   A. Larraza & B. Denardo, An acoustic Casimir effect, Physics Letters A 248, pp. 151–
     155, 1998. See also A. Larraza, A demonstration apparatus for an acoustic analog of the
     Casimir effect, American Journal of Physics 67, pp. 1028–1030, 1999. Cited on page 124.
92   H. B. G. Casimir, On the attraction between two perfectly conducting bodies, Proceedings
     of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 51, pp. 793–795, 1948. Cited
     on page 124.
93   H. B. G. Casimir & D. Polder, The influence of retardation on the London–Van der
     Waals forces, Physical Review 73, pp. 360–372, 1948. Cited on page 124.
94   B. W. Derjaguin, I. I. Abrikosova & E. M. Lif shitz, Direct measurement of mo-
     lecular attraction between solids separated by a narrow gap, Quaterly Review of the Chem-
     ical Society (London) 10, pp. 295–329, 1956. Cited on page 124.
95   M. J. Sparnaay, Attractive forces between flat plates, Nature 180, pp. 334–335, 1957.
     M. J. Sparnaay, Measurements of attractive forces between flat plates, Physica (Utrecht)
     24, pp. 751–764, 1958. Cited on page 124.
96   S. K. Lamoreaux, Demonstration of the Casimir force in the 0.6 to 6 𝜇m range, Physical
     Review Letters 78, pp. 5–8, 1997. U. Mohideen & A. Roy, Precision measurement of the
     Casimir force from 0.1 to 0.9 μm, Physical Review Letters 81, pp. 4549–4552, 1998. Cited on
     page 124.
97   A. Lambrecht, Das Vakuum kommt zu Kräften, Physik in unserer Zeit 36, pp. 85–91,
     2005. Cited on page 124.
98   T. H. B oyer, Van der Waals forces and zero-point energy for dielectric and permeable ma-
     terials, Physical Review A 9, pp. 2078–2084, 1974. This was taken up again in O. Kenneth,
394                                                                               bibliography

      I. Klich, A. Mann & M. Revzen, Repulsive Casimir forces, Physical Review Letters 89,
      p. 033001, 2002. However, none of these effects has been verified yet. Cited on page 125.
99    The effect was discovered by K. Scharnhorst, On propagation of light in the vacuum
      between plates, Physics Letters B 236, pp. 354–359, 1990. See also G. Barton, Faster-
      than-c light between parallel mirrors: the Scharnhorst effect rederived, Physics Letters B 237,
      pp. 559–562, 1990, and P. W. Milonni & K. Svozil, Impossibility of measuring faster-
      than-c signalling by the Scharnhorst effect, Physics Letters B 248, pp. 437–438, 1990. The
      latter corrects an error in the first paper. Cited on page 125.
100 D.L. Burke & al., Positron production in multiphoton light-by-light scattering, Phys-
      ical Review Letters 79, pp. 1626–1629, 1997. A simple summary is given in Ber-
      tram Schwarzschild, Gamma rays create matter just by plowing into laser light,
      Physics Today 51, pp. 17–18, February 1998. Cited on page 130.
101 M. Kardar & R. Golestanian, The ‘friction’ of the vacuum, and other fluctuation-
    induced forces, Reviews of Modern Physics 71, pp. 1233–1245, 1999. Cited on page 131.
102 G. Gour & L. Sriramkumar, Will small particles exhibit Brownian motion in the

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    quantum vacuum?, Cited on page 131.
103 P. A. M. Dirac, The requirements of fundamental physical theory, European Journal of
    Physics 5, pp. 65–67, 1984. This article transcribes a speech by Paul Dirac just before his
    death. Disturbed by the infinities of quantum electrodynamics, he rejects as wrong the the-
    ory which he himself found, even though it correctly describes all experiments. The humil-
    ity of a great man who is so dismissive of his main and great achievement was impressive
    when hearing him, and still is impressive when reading the talk. Cited on page 132.
104 H. Euler & B. Kockel, Naturwissenschaften 23, p. 246, 1935, H. Euler, Annalen der
      Physik 26, p. 398, 1936, W. Heisenberg & H. Euler, Folgerung aus der Diracschen The-
      orie des Electrons, Zeitschrift für Physik 98, pp. 714–722, 1936. Cited on page 133.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
105 Th. Stoehlker & al., The 1s Lamb shift in hydrogenlike uranium measured on cooled,
      decelerated ions beams, Physical Review Letters 85, p. 3109, 2000. Cited on page 133.
106 M. Roberts & al., Observation of an electric octupole transition in a single ion, Physical
      Review Letters 78, pp. 1876–1879, 1997. A lifetime of 3700 days was determined. Cited on
      page 133.
107 See the instructive paper by J. Młyńczak, J. Kubicki & K. Kopczyński Stand-off
    detection of alcohol in car cabins, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8, p. 083627, 2014.
    Cited on page 119.
108 The fluid helium based quantum gyroscope was first used to measure the rotation of
    the Earth by the French research group O. Avenel & E. Varoquaux, Detection of
    the Earth rotation with a superfluid double-hole resonator, Czechoslovak Journal of Phys-
    ics (Supplement S6) 48, pp. 3319–3320, 1996. The description of the set-up is found in
    Yu. Mukharsky, O. Avenel & E. Varoquaux, Observation of half-quantum defects
    in superfluid 3 He − B, Physical Review Letters 92, p. 210402, 2004. The gyro experiment
    was later repeated by the Berkeley group, K. Schwab, N. Bruckner & R. E. Packard,
    Detection of the Earth’s rotation using superfluid phase coherence, Nature 386, pp. 585–587,
    1997. For an review of this topic, see O. Avenel, Yu. Mukharsky & E. Varoquaux,
    Superfluid gyrometers, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 135, p. 745, 2004. Cited on page
109 K. Schwab, E. A. Henriksen, J. M. Worlock & M. L. Roukes, Measurement
    of the quantum of thermal conductance, Nature 404, p. 974, 2000. For the optical ana-
    log of the experiment, see the beautiful paper by E. A. Montie, E. C. Cosman,
bibliography                                                                                      395

     G. W. ’ t Hooft, M. B. van der Mark & C. W. J. Beenakker, Observation of the
     optical analogue of quantized conductance of a point contact, Nature 350, pp. 594–595, 18
     April 1991, and the longer version E. A. Montie, E. C. Cosman, G. W. ’ t Hooft,
     M. B. van der Mark & C. W. J. Beenakker, Observation of the optical analogue of
     the quantised conductance of a point contact, Physica B 175, pp. 149–152, 1991. For more de-
     tails on this experiment, see the volume Light, Charges and Brains of the Motion Mountain
     series. Cited on page 133.
110 Research on how humans move is published in the journals Human Movement Science and
     also in Human Movement. Cited on page 137.
111 See, for example, the paper by D. A. Bryant, Electron acceleration in the aurora, Con-
     temporary Physics 35, pp. 165–179, 1994. A recent development is D. L. Chandler,
     Mysterious electron acceleration explained, found at
     plasma-phenomenon-explained-0227.html; it explains the results of the paper by
     J. Egedal, W. Daughton & A. Le, Large-scale acceleration by parallel electric fields
     during magnetic reconnection, Nature Physics 2012. Cited on page 137.

                                                                                                          Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
112 The is a recent research field; discharges above clouds are described, e.g., on www. and on See also eurosprite. Cited on page 137.
113 About Coulomb explosions and their importance for material processing with lasers, see
     for example D. Müller, Picosecond lasers for high-quality industrial micromachining,
     Photonics Spectra pp. 46–47, November 2009. Cited on page 137.
114 See, e.g., L.O ’ C. Drury, Acceleration of cosmic rays, Contemporary Physics 35, pp. 231–
     242, 1994. Cited on page 137.
115 See Dirk Kreimer, New mathematical structures in renormalizable quantum field the-
     ories, or Annals of Physics 303, pp. 179–202, 2003, and the

                                                                                                          copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     erratum ibid., 305, p. 79, 2003. Cited on page 137.
116 See, for example, the paper by M. Urban, A particle mechanism for the index of refraction,
     preprint at Cited on page 138.
117 S. Fray, C. Alvarez Diez, T. W. Hänsch & M. Weitz, Atomic interferometer with
     amplitude gratings of light and its applications to atom based tests of the equivalence principle,
     Physical Review Letters 93, p. 240404, 2004, preprint at The
     idea for the experiment is old and can be traced back to the proposal, made in the 1950s, to
     build an atomic fountain. Cited on page 140.
118 The original papers on neutron behaviour in the gravitational field are all worth
     reading. The original feat was reported in V. V. Nesvizhevsky, H. G. B oerner,
     A. K. Petoukhov, H. Abele, S. Baessler, F. Ruess, Th. Stoeferle,
     A. Westphal, A. M. Gagarski, G. A. Petrov & A. V. Strelkov, Quantum
     states of neutrons in the Earth’s gravitational field, Nature 415, pp. 297–299, 17 Janu-
     ary 2002. Longer explanations are found in V. V. Nesvizhevsky, H. G. B oerner,
     A. M. Gagarsky, A. K. Petoukhov, G. A. Petrov, H. Abele, S. Baessler,
     G. Divkovic, F. J. Ruess, Th. Stoeferle, A. Westphal, A. V. Strelkov,
     K. V. Protasov & A. Yu. Voronin, Measurement of quantum states of neutrons in the
     Earth’s gravitational field, Physical Review D 67, p. 102002, 2003, preprint at
     hep-ph/0306198, and in V. V. Nesvizhevsky, A. K. Petukhov, H. G. B oerner,
     T. A. Baranova, A. M. Gagarski, G. A. Petrov, K. V. Protasov, A. Yu. Voronin,
     S. Baessler, H. Abele, A. Westphal & L. Lucovac, Study of the neutron quantum
     states in the gravity field, European Physical Journal C 40, pp. 479–491, 2005, preprint
396                                                                              bibliography

      at and A. Yu. Voronin, H. Abele, S. Baessler,
      V. V. Nesvizhevsky, A. K. Petukhov, K. V. Protasov & A. Westphal,
      Quantum motion of a neutron in a wave-guide in the gravitational field, Physical Re-
      view D 73, p. 044029, 2006, preprint at Cited on page
119 H. Rauch, W. Treimer & U. B onse, Test of a single crystal neutron interferometer,
      Physics Letters A 47, pp. 369–371, 1974. Cited on page 142.
120 R. Colella, A. W. Overhauser & S. A. Werner, Observation of gravitationally in-
      duced quantum mechanics, Physical Review Letters 34, pp. 1472–1475, 1975. This experiment
      is usually called the COW experiment. Cited on page 142.
121 Ch. J. B ordé & C. Lämmerzahl, Atominterferometrie und Gravitation, Physikalische
      Blätter 52, pp. 238–240, 1996. See also A. Peters, K. Y. Chung & S. Chu, Observation
      of gravitational acceleration by dropping atoms, Nature 400, pp. 849–852, 26 August 1999.
      Cited on page 142.
122 J. D. Bekenstein, Black holes and entropy, Physical Review D 7, pp. 2333–2346, 1973.

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      Cited on page 145.
123 R. B ousso, The holographic principle, Review of Modern Physics 74, pp. 825–874, 2002,
      also available as The paper is an excellent review; however, it
      has some argumentation errors, as explained on page 146. Cited on page 146.
124 This is clearly argued by S. Carlip, Black hole entropy from horizon conformal field theory,
      Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 88, pp. 10–16, 2000. Cited on page 146.
125 S. A. Fulling, Nonuniqueness of canonical field quantization in Riemannian space-time,
      Physical Review D 7, pp. 2850–2862, 1973, P. Davies, Scalar particle production in Schwar-
      zchild and Rindler metrics, Journal of Physics A: General Physics 8, pp. 609–616, 1975,

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      W. G. Unruh, Notes on black hole evaporation, Physical Review D 14, pp. 870–892, 1976.
      Cited on page 146.
126 About the possibility to measure Fulling–Davies–Unruh radiation directly, see for example
      the paper by H. Rosu, On the estimates to measure Hawking effect und Unruh effect in the
      laboratory, International Journal of Modern Physics D3 p. 545, 1994.
      9605032 or the paper P. Chen & T. Tajima, Testing Unruh radiation with ultra-intense
      lasers, Physical Review Letters 83, pp. 256–259, 1999. Cited on page 147.
127 E. T. Akhmedov & D. Singleton, On the relation between Unruh and Sokolov–
      Ternov effects, preprint at; see also E. T. Akhmedov &
      D. Singleton, On the physical meaning of the Unruh effect, preprint at
      0705.2525. Unfortunately, as Bell and Leinaas mention, the Sokolov–Ternov effect cannot
      be used to confirm the expression of the black hole entropy, because the radiation is not
      thermal, and so a temperature of the radiation is hard to define. Nevertheless, C. Schiller
      predicts (October 2009) that careful analysis of the spectrum could be used (1) to check the
      proportionality of entropy and area in black holes, and (2) to check the transformation of
      temperature in special relativity. Cited on page 147.
128 W. G. Unruh & R. M. Wald, Acceleration radiation and the generalised second law of
      thermodynamics, Physical Review D 25, pp. 942–958 , 1982. Cited on page 148.
129 R. M. Wald, The thermodynamics of black holes, Living Reviews of Relativity 2001, Cited on page 149.
130 For example, if neutrinos were massless, they would be emitted by black holes more fre-
      quently than photons. For a delightful popular account from a black hole expert, see
bibliography                                                                                 397

     Igor Novikov, Black Holes and the Universe, Cambridge University Press 1990. Cited
     on pages 150 and 154.
131 The original paper is W. G. Unruh, Experimental black hole evaporation?, Physical Review
     Letters 46, pp. 1351–1353, 1981. A good explanation with good literature overview is the
     one by Matt Visser, Acoustical black holes: horizons, ergospheres and Hawking radiation, Cited on page 151.
132 Optical black holes are explored in W. G. Unruh & R. Schützhold, On slow light as a
     black hole analogue, Physical Review D 68, p. 024008, 2003, preprint at
     0303028. Cited on page 151.
133 T. Damour & R. Ruffini, Quantum electrodynamical effects in Kerr–Newman geomet-
     ries, Physical Review Letters 35, pp. 463–466, 1975. Cited on page 153.
134 These were the Vela satellites; their existence and results were announced officially only in
     1974, even though they were working already for many years. Cited on page 152.
135 An excellent general introduction into the topic of gamma ray bursts is S. Klose,
     J. Greiner & D. Hartmann, Kosmische Gammastrahlenausbrüche – Beobachtungen

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     und Modelle, Teil I und II, Sterne und Weltraum March and April 2001. Cited on pages
     152 and 153.
136 When the gamma-ray burst encounters the matter around the black hole, it is broadened.
     The larger the amount of matter, the broader the pulse is. See G. Preparata, R. Ruffini
     & S. -S. Xue, The dyadosphere of black holes and gamma-ray bursts, Astronomy and As-
     trophysics 338, pp. L87–L90, 1998, R. Ruffini, J. D. Salmonson, J. R. Wilson & S. -
     S. Xue, On the pair electromagnetic pulse of a black hole with electromagnetic structure,
     Astronomy and Astrophysics 350, pp. 334–343, 1999, R. Ruffini, J. D. Salmonson,
     J. R. Wilson & S. -S. Xue, On the pair electromagnetic pulse from an electromagnetic

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     black hole surrounded by a baryonic remnant, Astronomy and Astrophysics 359, pp. 855–
     864, 2000, and C. L. Bianco, R. Ruffini & S. -S. Xue, The elementary spike produced
     by a pure e+ e− pair-electromagnetic pulse from a black hole: the PEM pulse, Astronomy and
     Astrophysics 368, pp. 377–390, 2001. For a very personal account by Ruffini on his involve-
     ment in gamma-ray bursts, see his paper Black hole formation and gamma ray bursts, arxiv.
     org/abs/astro-ph/0001425. Cited on page 153.
137 See the publication by D.W. Fox & al., Early optical emission from the γ-ray burst of 4 Oc-
     tober 2002, Nature 422, pp. 284–286, 2003. See also, arxiv.
     org/abs/astro-ph/0301262 and Cited on page 152.
138 Negative heat capacity has also been found in atom clusters and in nuclei. See, e.g., M.
     Schmidt & al., Negative heat capacity for a cluster of 147 sodium atoms, Physical Review
     Letters 86, pp. 1191–1194, 2001. Cited on page 154.
139 H. -P. Nollert, Quasinormal modes: the characteristic ‘sound’ of black holes and neutron
     stars, Classical and Quantum Gravity 16, pp. R159–R216, 1999. Cited on page 154.
140 On the membrane description of black holes, see Kip S. Thorne, Richard H. Price
     & Douglas A. MacDonald, editors, Black Holes: the Membrane Paradigm, Yale Uni-
     versity Press, 1986. Cited on page 154.
141 Page wrote a series of papers on the topic; a beautiful summary is Don N. Page, How fast
     does a black hole radiate information?, International Journal of Modern Physics 3, pp. 93–
     106, 1994, which is based on his earlier papers, such as Information in black hole radi-
     ation, Physical Review Letters 71, pp. 3743–3746, 1993. See also his preprint at
     abs/hep-th/9305040. Cited on page 155.
398                                                                               bibliography

142 See Don N. Page, Average entropy of a subsystem, Physical Review Letters 71, pp. 1291–
      1294, 1993. The entropy formula of this paper, used above, was proven by S. K. Foong &
      S. Kanno, Proof of Page’s conjecture on the average entropy of a subsystem, Physical Review
      Letters 72, pp. 1148–1151, 1994. Cited on page 156.
143   R. Lafrance & R. C. Myers, Gravity’s rainbow: limits for the applicability of the equi-
      valence principle, Physical Review D 51, pp. 2584–2590, 1995,
      Cited on page 157.
144   M. Yu. Kuchiev & V. V. Flambaum, Scattering of scalar particles by a black hole, arxiv.
      org/abs/gr-qc/0312065. See also M. Yu. Kuchiev & V. V. Flambaum, Reflection on
      event horizon and escape of particles from confinement inside black holes,
      gr-qc/0407077. Cited on page 157.
145   See the widely cited but wrong paper by G. C. Ghirardi, A. Rimini & T. Weber, Uni-
      fied dynamics for microscopic and macroscopic systems, Physical Review D 34, pp. 470–491,
      1986. Cited on page 143.
146   I speculate that this version of the coincidences could be original; I have not found it in the

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      literature. Cited on page 144.
147   Steven Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, Wiley, 1972. See equation 16.4.3 on page
      619 and also page 620. Cited on page 144.
148   It could be that knot theory provides a relation between a local knot invariant, related to
      particles, and a global one. Cited on page 144.
149   This point was made repeatedly by Steven Weinberg, namely in Derivation of gauge
      invariance and the equivalence principle from Lorentz invariance of the S-matrix , Phys-
      ics Letters 9, pp. 357–359, 1964, in Photons and gravitons in S-matrix theory: derivation
      of charge conservation and equality of gravitational and inertial mass, Physical Review B
      135, pp. 1049–1056, 1964, and in Photons and gravitons in perturbation theory: derivation

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      of Maxwell’s and Einstein’s equations, Physical Review B 138, pp. 988–1002, 1965. Cited on
      page 158.
150   E. Joos, Why do we observe a classical space-time?, Physics Letters A 116, pp. 6–8, 1986.
      Cited on page 159.
151   L. H. Ford & T. A. Roman, Quantum field theory constrains traversable wormhole geo-
      metries, or Physical Review D 53, pp. 5496–5507, 1996. Cited
      on page 159.
152   B. S. Kay, M. Radzikowski & R. M. Wald, Quantum field theory on spacetimes with
      a compactly generated Cauchy horizon, or Communications in
      Mathematical Physics 183 pp. 533–556, 1997. Cited on page 159.
153   M. J. Pfenning & L. H. Ford, The unphysical nature of ‘warp drive’, Classical and
      Quantum Gravity 14, pp. 1743–1751, 1997. Cited on page 159.
154   A excellent technical introduction to nuclear physics is B ogdan Povh, Klaus Rith,
      Christoph Scholz & Frank Zetsche, Teilchen und Kerne, Springer, 5th edition,
      1999. It is also available in English translation. Cited on page 162.
155   For magnetic resonance imaging films of the heart beat, search for ‘cardiac MRI’ on the
      internet. See for example Cited on page 164.
156   See the truly unique paper by C. Bamberg, G. Rademacher, F. Güttler,
      U. Teichgräber, M. Cremer, C. Bührer, C. Spies, L. Hinkson, W. Henrich,
      K. D. Kalache & J. W. Dudenhausen, Human birth observed in real-time open mag-
      netic resonance imaging, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 206, p. 505e1-505e6,
      2012. Cited on page 164.
bibliography                                                                                   399

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
F I G U R E 190 The wonderful origin of human life (© W.C.M. Weijmar Schultz).

157 W.C.M. Weijmar Schultz & al., Magnetic resonance imaging of male and female gen-
     itals during coitus and female sexual arousal, British Medical Journal 319, pp. 1596–1600,
     December 18, 1999, available online as Cited
     on page 164.
158 M. Chantell, T. C. Weekes, X. Sarazin & M. Urban, Antimatter and the moon,

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     Nature 367, p. 25, 1994. M. Amenomori & al., Cosmic ray shadow by the moon observed
     with the Tibet air shower array, Proceedings of the 23rd International Cosmic Ray Confer-
     ence, Calgary 4, pp. 351–354, 1993. M. Urban, P. Fleury, R. Lestienne & F. Plouin,
     Can we detect antimatter from other galaxies by the use of the Earth’s magnetic field and the
     Moon as an absorber?, Nuclear Physics, Proceedings Supplement 14B, pp. 223–236, 1990.
     Cited on page 177.
159 Joseph Magill & Jean Galy, Radioactivity Radionuclides Radiation, Springer, 2005.
     This dry but dense book contains most data about the topic, including much data on all the
     known nuclides. Cited on pages 181 and 198.
160 An good summary on radiometric dating is by R. Wiens, Radiometric dating – a christian
     perpective, The absurd title is due to the habit in
     many religious circles to put into question radiometric dating results. Putting apart the few
     religious statements in the review, the content is well explained. Cited on pages 182 and 184.
161 See for example the excellent and free lecture notes by Heinz-Günther Stosch, Ein-
     führung in die Isotopengeochemie, 2004, available on the internet. Cited on page 182.
162 G. B. Dalrymple, The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: a problem (mostly) solved,
     Special Publications, Geological Society of London 190, pp. 205–221, 2001. Cited on page
163 A good overview is given by A. N. Halliday, Radioactivity, the discovery of time and the
     earliest history of the Earth, Contemporary Physics 38, pp. 103–114, 1997. Cited on page 185.
164 J. Dudek, A. God, N. Schunck & M. Mikiewicz, Nuclear tetrahedral symmetry:
     possibly present throughout the periodic table, Physical Review Letters 88, p. 252502, 24 June
400                                                                               bibliography

      2002. Cited on page 186.
165   A good introduction is R. Clark & B. Wodsworth, A new spin on nuclei, Physics
      World pp. 25–28, July 1998. Cited on page 187.
166   John Horgan, The End of Science – Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the
      Scientific Age, Broadway Books, 1997, chapter 3, note 1. Cited on page 191.
167   G. Charpak & R. L. Garwin, The DARI, Europhysics News 33, pp. 14–17, Janu-
      ary/February 2002. Cited on page 193.
168   M. Brunetti, S. Cecchini, M. Galli, G. Giovannini & A. Pagliarin,
      Gamma-ray bursts of atmospheric origin in the MeV energy range, Geophysical Research
      Letters 27, p. 1599, 2000. Cited on page 195.
169   For a recent image of Lake Karachay, see,60.796688,
      3519m/data=!3m1!1e3. Cited on page 196.
170   A book with nuclear explosion photographs is Michael Light, 100 Suns, Jonathan
      Cape, 2003. Cited on page 197.
171   A conversation with Peter Mansfield, Europhysics Letters 37, p. 26, 2006. Cited on page 193.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
172   An older but still fascinating summary of solar physics is R. Kippenhahn, Hundert Mil-
      liarden Sonnen, Piper, 1980. It was a famous bestseller and is available also in English trans-
      lation. Cited on page 200.
173   H. Bethe, On the formation of deuterons by proton combination, Physical Review 54,
      pp. 862–862, 1938, and H. Bethe, Energy production in stars, Physical Review 55, pp. 434–
      456, 1939. Cited on page 200.
174   M. Nauenberg & V. F. Weisskopf, Why does the sun shine?, American Journal of
      Physics 46, pp. 23–31, 1978. Cited on page 202.
175   The slowness of the speed of light inside the Sun is due to the frequent scattering of photons

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      by solar matter. The most serious estimate is by R. Mitalas & K. R. Sills, On the photon
      diffusion time scale for the Sun, The Astrophysical Journal 401, pp. 759–760, 1992. They
      give a photon escape time of 0.17 Ma, an average photon free mean path of 0.9 mm and an
      average speed of 0.97 cm/s. See also the interesting paper by M. Stix, On the time scale of
      energy transport in the sun, Solar Physics 212, pp. 3–6, 2003, which comes to the conclusion
      that the speed of energy transport is 30 Ma, two orders of magnitude higher than the photon
      diffusion time. Cited on page 203.
176   See the freely downloadable book by John Wesson, The Science of JET - The Achievements
      of the Scientists and Engineers Who Worked on the Joint European Torus 1973-1999, JET Joint
      Undertaking, 2000, available at Cited
      on page 211.
177   J. D. Lawson, Some criteria for a power producing thermonuclear reactor, Proceedings of
      the Physical Society, London B 70, pp. 6–10, 1957. The paper had been kept secret for two
      years. However, the result was already known, before Lawson, to all Russian nuclear phys-
      icists several years earlier. Cited on page 212.
178   The classic paper is R. A. Alpher, H. Bethe & G. Gamow, The Origin of Chemical
      Elements, Physical Review 73, pp. 803–804, 1948. Cited on page 213.
179   The famous overview of nucleosyntehis, over 100 pages long, is the so-called B2 FH paper
      by M. Burbidge, G. Burbidge, W. Fowler & F. Hoyle, Synthesis of the elements in
      stars, Reviews of Modern Physics 29, pp. 547–650, 1957. Cited on page 213.
180   The standard reference is E. Anders & N. Grevesse, Abundances of the elements – met-
      eoritic and solar, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, pp. 197–214, 1989. Cited on page
bibliography                                                                                    401

181 S. Goriely, A. Bauswein & H. T. Janka, R-process nucleosynthesis in dynamically
      ejected matter of neutron star mergers, Astrophysical Journal 738, p. L38, 2011, preprint at Cited on pages 215 and 216.
182   Kendall, Friedman and Taylor received the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics for a series of ex-
      periments they conducted in the years 1967 to 1973. The story is told in the three Nobel
      lectures R. E. Taylor, Deep inelastic scattering: the early years, Review of Modern Phys-
      ics 63, pp. 573–596, 1991, H. W. Kendall, Deep inelastic scattering: Experiments on the
      proton and the observation of scaling, Review of Modern Physics 63, pp. 597–614, 1991, and
      J. I. Friedman, Deep inelastic scattering: Comparisons with the quark model, Review of
      Modern Physics 63, pp. 615–620, 1991. Cited on page 219.
183   G. Zweig, An SU3 model for strong interaction symmetry and its breaking II, CERN Report
      No. 8419TH. 412, February 21, 1964. Cited on page 219.
184   About the strange genius of Gell-Mann, see the beautiful book by George Johnson,
      Murray Gell-Mann and the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics, Knopf, 1999. Cited on
      page 219.

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
185   The best introduction might be the wonderfully clear text by Donald H. Perkins, In-
      troduction to High Energy Physics, Cambridge University Press, fourth edition, 2008. Also
      beautiful, with more emphasis on the history and more detail, is Kurt Gottfried &
      Victor F. Weisskopf, Concepts of Particle Physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984. Vic-
      tor Weisskopf was one of the heroes of the field, both in theoretical research and in the
      management of CERN, the European organization for particle research. Cited on pages 221,
      231, and 401.
186   The official reference for all particle data, worth a look for every physicist, is the massive
      collection of information compiled by the Particle Data Group, with the website pdg.web. containing the most recent information. A printed review is published about every

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      two years in one of the major journals on elementary particle physics. See for example C.
      Amsler & al., The Review of Particle Physics, Physics Letters B 667, p. 1, 2008. For some
      measured properties of these particles, the official reference is the set of so-called CODATA
      values given in reference Ref. 286. Cited on pages 221, 232, 233, 235, 245, 251, 252, 255,
      and 262.
187   H. Fritsch, M. Gell-Mann & H. Leutw yler, Advantages of the color octet picture,
      Physics Letters B 47, pp. 365–368, 1973. Cited on page 223.
188   Quantum chromodynamics can be explored in books of several levels. For the first, pop-
      ular level, see the clear longseller by one of its founders, Harald Fritzsch, Quarks –
      Urstoff unserer Welt, Piper Verlag, 2006, or, in English language, Quarks: the Stuff of Mat-
      ter, Penguin Books, 1983. At the second level, the field can be explored in texts on high
      energy physics, as those of Ref. 185. The third level contains books like Kerson Huang,
      Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields, World Scientific, 1992, or Felix J. Ynduráin, The
      Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions, Springer Verlag, 1992, or Walter Greiner &
      Andreas Schäfer, Quantum Chromodynamics, Springer Verlag, 1995, or the modern
      and detailed text by Stephan Narison, QCD as a Theory of Hadrons, Cambridge Uni-
      versity Press, 2004. As always, a student has to discover by himself or herself which text is
      most valuable. Cited on pages 224, 230, and 232.
189   S. Dürr & al., Ab initio determination of the light hadron masses, Science 322, pp. 1224–
      1227, 2008. Cited on page 228.
190   See for example C. Bernard & al., Light hadron spectrum with Kogut–Susskind quarks,
      Nuclear Physics, Proceedings Supplement 73, p. 198, 1999, and references therein. Cited on
      page 228.
402                                                                               bibliography

191 R. Brandelik & al., Evidence for planar events in 𝑒+ 𝑒− annihilation at high energies, Phys-
      ics Letters B 86, pp. 243–249, 1979. Cited on page 236.
192 For a pedagogical introduction to lattice QCD calculations, see R. Gupta, Introduction to
      Lattice QCD, preprint at, or the clear introduction by Mi-
      chael Creutz, Quarks, Gluons and Lattices, Cambridge University Press, 1983. Cited
      on page 231.
193 S. Bethke, Experimental tests of asymptotic freedom, Progress in Particle and Nuclear
      Physics 58, pp. 351–368, 2007, preprint at Cited on page
194 F. Abe & al., Measurement of dijet angular distributions by the collider detector at Fermilab,
      Physical Review Letters 77, pp. 5336–5341, 1996. Cited on page 233.
195 The approximation of QCD with zero mass quarks is described by F. Wilczek, Getting its
      from bits, Nature 397, pp. 303–306, 1999. It is also explained in F. Wilczek, Asymptotic
      freedom, Nobel lecture 2004. The proton’s mass is set by the energy scale at which the strong
      coupling, coming from its value at Planck energy, becomes of order unity. Cited on pages

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      233, 234, and 258.
196 A. J. Buchmann & E. M. Henley, Intrinsic quadrupole moment of the nucleon, Physical
      Review C 63, p. 015202, 2000. Alfons Buchmann also predicts that the quadrupole moment
      of the other, strange 𝐽 = 1/2 octet baryons is positive, and predicts a prolate structure for
      all of them (private communication). For the decuplet baryons, with 𝐽 = 3/2, the quadru-
      pole moment can often be measured spectroscopically, and is always negative. The four Δ
      baryons are thus predicted to have a negative intrinsic quadrupole moment and thus an ob-
      late shape. This explained in A. J. Buchmann & E. M. Henley, Quadrupole moments of
      baryons, Physical Review D 65, p. 073017, 2002. For recent updates, see A. J. Buchmann,
      Charge form factors and nucleon shape, pp. 110–125, in the Shape of Hadrons Workshop

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Conference, Athens Greece, 27-29 April 2006, AIP Conference Proceedings 904, Eds. C.N.
      Papanicolas, Aron Bernstein. For updates on other baryons, see A. J. Buchmann, Struc-
      ture of strange baryons, Hyp 2006, International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange
      Particle Physics, Oct.10-14, Mainz, Germany, to be published in European Physics Journal
      A 2007. The topic is an active field of research; for example, results on magnetic octupole
      moments are expected soon. Cited on page 234.
197 S. Strauch & al., Polarization transfer in the 4 He (e,e’p) 3 H reaction up to 𝑄2 = 2.6(GeV/
      c)2 , Physical Review Letters 91, p. 052301, 2003. Cited on page 234.
198 F. Close, Glueballs and hybrids: new states of matter, Contemporary Physics 38, pp. 1–12,
      1997. See also the next reference. Cited on page 237.
199 A tetraquark is thought to be the best explanation for the f0 (980) resonance at 980 MeV.
      The original proposal of this explanation is due to R. L. Jaffe, Multiquark hadrons I: phe-
      nomenology of 𝑄2 𝑄 mesons, Physical Review D 15, pp. 267–280, 1977, R. L. Jaffe, Mul-
      tiquark hadrons II: methods, Physical Review D 15, pp. 281–289, 1977, and R. L. Jaffe,
      Physical Review D 𝑄2 𝑄 resonances in the baryon-antibaryon system,17, pp. 1444–1458,
      1978. For a clear and detailed modern summary, see the excellent review by E. Klempt
      & A. Zaitsev, Glueballs, hybrids, multiquarks: experimental facts versus QCD inspired
      concepts, Physics Reports 454, pp. 1–202, 2007, preprint at See
      also F. Giacosa, Light scalars as tetraquarks, preprint at, and
      V. Crede & C. A. Meyer, The experimental status of glueballs, preprint at
      0812.0600. However, other researchers argue against this possibility; see, e.g.,
      1404.5673v2. The issue is not closed. Cited on page 237.
bibliography                                                                                 403

200 Pentaquarks were first predicted by Maxim Polyakov, Dmitri Diakonov, and Victor Petrov
     in 1997. Two experimental groups in 2003 claimed to confirm their existence, with a mass
     of 1540 MeV; see K. Hicks, An experimental review of the Θ+ pentaquark,
     hep-ex/0412048. Results from 2005 and later, however, ruled out that the 1540 MeV particle
     is a pentaquark. Cited on page 237.
201 See, for example, Ya. B. Zel ’ dovich & V. S. Popov, Electronic structure of superheavy
     atoms, Soviet Physics Uspekhi 17, pp. 673–694, 2004 in the English translation. Cited on
     page 134.
202 J. Tran Thanh Van, editor, CP violation in Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Proc. Conf.
     Chateau de Bois, France, May 1989, Editions Frontières, 1990. Cited on page 245.
203 P.L. Anthony & al., Observation of parity nonconservation in Møller scattering, Physical
     Review Letters 92, p. 181602, 2004. Cited on page 246.
204 M. A. B ouchiat & C. C. B ouchiat, Weak neutral currents in atomic physics, Physics
     Letters B 48, pp. 111–114, 1974. U. Amaldi, A. B öhm, L. S. Durkin, P. Langacker,
     A. K. Mann, W. J. Marciano, A. Sirlin & H. H. Williams, Comprehensive analy-

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     sis of data pertaining to the weak neutral current and the intermediate-vector-boson masses,
     Physical Review D 36, pp. 1385–1407, 1987. Cited on page 246.
205 M. C. Noecker, B. P. Masterson & C. E. Wiemann, Precision measurement of par-
     ity nonconservation in atomic cesium: a low-energy test of electroweak theory, Physical Re-
     view Letters 61, pp. 310–313, 1988. See also D.M. Meekhof & al., High-precision meas-
     urement of parity nonconserving optical rotation in atomic lead, Physical Review Letters 71,
     pp. 3442–3445, 1993. Cited on page 247.
206 S. C. Bennet & C. E. Wiemann, Measurement of the 6S – 7S transition polarizability
     in atomic cesium and an improved test of the standard model, Physical Review Letters 82,
     pp. 2484–2487, 1999. The group has also measured the spatial distribution of the weak

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
     charge, the so-called the anapole moment; see C.S. Wood & al., Measurement of parity
     nonconservation and an anapole moment in cesium, Science 275, pp. 1759–1763, 1997. Cited
     on page 247.
207 C. Jarlskog, Commutator of the quark mass matrices in the standard electroweak model
     and a measure of maximal CP nonconservation, Physical Review Letters 55, pp. 1039–1042,
     1985. Cited on page 251.
208 The correct list of citations is a topic of intense debate. It surely includes Y. Nambu &
     G. Jona–Lasinio, Dynamical model of the elementary particles based on an analogy with
     superconductivity - I, Physical Review 122, p. 345-358, 1961, P. W. Anderson, Plasmons,
     gauge invariance, and mass, Physical Review 130, pp. 439–442, 1963, The list then continues
     with reference Ref. 210. Cited on pages 253 and 404.
209 K. Grotz & H. V. Klapdor, Die schwache Wechselwirkung in Kern-, Teilchen- und As-
     trophysik, Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1989. Also available in English and in several other
     languages. Cited on page 255.
210 P. W. Higgs, Broken symmetries, massless particles and gauge fields, Physics Letters 12,
     pp. 132–133, 1964, P. W. Higgs, Broken symmetries and the masses of the gauge bosons,
     Physics Letters 13, pp. 508–509, 1964. He then expanded the story in P. W. Higgs, Spon-
     taneous symmetry breakdown without massless bosons, Physical Review 145, pp. 1156–1163,
     1966. Higgs gives most credit to Anderson, instead of to himself; he also mentions Brout
     and Englert, Guralnik, Hagen, Kibble and ’t Hooft. These papers are F. Englert &
     R. Brout, Broken symmetry and the mass of the gauge vector mesons, Physics Review Let-
     ters 13, pp. 321–323, 1964, G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen & T. W. B. Kibble, Global
404                                                                               bibliography

      conservations laws and massless particles, Physical Review Letters 13, pp. 585–587, 1964,
      T. W. B. Kibble, Symmetry breaking in non-Abelian gauge theories, Physical Review 155,
      pp. 1554–1561, 1967. For the ideas that inspired all these publications, see Ref. 208. Cited on
      pages 258 and 403.
211   D. Treille, Particle physics from the Earth and from the sky: Part II, Europhysics News
      35, no. 4, 2004. Cited on page 256.
212   Rumination is studied in P. Jordan & de Laer Kronig, in Nature 120, p. 807, 1927.
      Cited on page 259.
213   K.W.D. Ledingham & al., Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse inter-
      acts with solid targets, Physical Review Letters 84, pp. 899–902, 2000. K.W.D. Leding-
      ham & al., Laser-driven photo-transmutation of Iodine-129 – a long lived nuclear waste
      product, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36, pp. L79–L82, 2003. R. P. Singhal,
      K. W. D. Ledingham & P. McKenna, Nuclear physics with ultra-intense lasers – present
      status and future prospects, Recent Research Developments in Nuclear Physics 1, pp. 147–
      169, 2004. Cited on page 259.

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
214   The electron radius limit is deduced from the 𝑔 − 2 measurements, as explained in the No-
      bel Prize talk by Hans Dehmelt, Experiments with an isolated subatomic particle at rest,
      Reviews of Modern Physics 62, pp. 525–530, 1990, or in Hans Dehmelt, Is the electron
      a composite particle?, Hyperfine Interactions 81, pp. 1–3, 1993. Cited on page 264.
215   G. Gabrielse, H. Dehmelt & W. Kells, Observation of a relativistic, bistable hyster-
      esis in the cyclotron motion of a single electron, Physical Review Letters 54, pp. 537–540,
      1985. Cited on page 264.
216   For the bibliographic details of the latest print version of the Review of Particle Physics,
      see Appendix B. The online version can be found at The present status
      on grand unification can also be found in the respective section of the overview. Cited on

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      pages 268, 269, and 270.
217   Slides of a very personal review talk by H. Georgi, The future of grand unification, can
      be found at A modern
      research approach is S. Raby, Grand unified theories, Cited
      on page 269.
218   H. Jeon & M. Longo, Search for magnetic monopoles trapped in matter, Physical Review
      Letters 75, pp. 1443–1447, 1995. Cited on page 269.
219   The quantization of charge as a consequence of the existence of magnetic monopoles is due
      to P. Dirac, Quantised singularities in the electromagnetic Field, Proceedings of the Royal
      Society (London) A 133, pp. 60–72, 1931. Cited on page 269.
220   On proton decay rates, see the latest data of the Particle Data Group, at
      Cited on page 270.
221   U. Amaldi, de B oer & H. Fürstenau, Comparison of grand unified theories with elec-
      troweak and strong coupling constants measured at LEP, Physics Letters 260, pp. 447–455,
      1991. This widely cited paper is the standard reference for this issue. An update is found
      in de B oer & C. Sander, Global electroweak fits and gauge coupling unification, Phys-
      ics Letters B 585 pp. 276–286, 2004, or preprint at The
      figure is taken with permission from the home page of Wim de Boer www-ekp.physik. Cited on page 270.
222   Peter G. O. Freund, Introduction to Supersymmetry, Cambridge 1988. Julius Wess &
      Jonathan Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton University Press, 1992.
      This widely cited book contains a lot of mathematics but little physics. Cited on page 271.
bibliography                                                                                  405

223 S. Coleman & J. Mandula, All possible symmetries of the S matrix, Physical Review
     159, pp. 1251–1256, 1967. Cited on page 272.
224 P. C. Argyres, Dualities in supersymmetric field theories, Nuclear Physics Proceedings
     Supplement 61A, pp. 149–157, 1998, preprint available at
     Cited on page 274.
225 Michael Stone editor, Bosonization, World Scientific, 1994. R. Rajaraman, Solitons
     and Instantons, North Holland, 1987. However, the hope of explaining the existence of fer-
     mions as the result of an infinite number of interacting bosons – this is what ‘bosonization’
     means – has not been successful. Cited on page 275.
226 In 1997, the smallest human-made flying object was the helicopter built by a group of the
     Institut für Mikrotechnik in Mainz, in Germany. A picture is available at their web page, to
     be found at The helicopter is 24 mm
     long, weighs 400 mg and flies (though not freely) using two built-in electric motors driv-
     ing two rotors, running at between 40 000 and 100 000 revolutions per minute. See also
     the helicopter from Stanford University at

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     mesicopter/mesicopter.html, with an explanation of its battery problems. Cited on page
227 Henk Tennekes, De wetten van de vliegkunst – over stijgen, dalen, vliegen en zweven,
     Aramith Uitgevers, 1992. This clear and interesting text is also available in English. Cited
     on page 279.
228 The most recent computational models of lift still describe only two-dimensional wing mo-
     tion, e.g., Z. J. Wang, Two dimensional mechanism for insect hovering, Physical Review
     Letters 85 pp. 2216–2219, 2000. A first example of a mechanical bird has been constructed
     by Wolfgang Send; it can be studied on the website. See also W. Send,
     Physik des Fliegens, Physikalische Blätter 57, pp. 51–58, June 2001. Cited on page 280.

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
229 R. B. Srygley & A. L. R. Thomas, Unconventional lift-generating mechanisms in free-
     flying butterflies, Nature 420, pp. 660–664, 2002. Cited on page 280.
230 The book by John Brackenbury, Insects in Flight, 1992. is a wonderful introduction
     into the biomechanics of insects, combining interesting science and beautiful photographs.
     Cited on page 282.
231 The simulation of insect flight using enlarged wing models flapping in oil instead of air
     is described for example in The higher
     viscosity of oil allows achieving the same Reynolds number with larger sizes and lower
     frequencies than in air. See also the 2013 video of the talk on insect flight at
     talks/michael_dickinson_how_a_fly_flies.html. Cited on page 282.
232 A summary of undulatory swimming that includes the two beautiful illustrations in-
     cluded in the text, Figure 157 and Figure 158, is M. Gazzola, M. Argentina &
     L. Mahadevan, Scaling macroscopic aquatic locomotion, Nature Physics 10, pp. 758–761,
     2014. Cited on pages 283 and 284.
233 E. Purcell, Life at low Reynolds number, American Journal of Physics 45, p. 3, 1977. See
     also the review E. Lauga & T. R. Powers, The hydrodynamics of swimming microorgan-
     isms, Reports on Progress in Physics 72, p. 096601, 2009, preprint at
     2887. Cited on page 285.
234 A short but informative review is by S. Vogel, Modes and scaling in aquatic loco-
     motion, Integrative and Comparative Biology 48, pp. 702–712, 2008, available online at icb. Cited on page 284.
406                                                                            bibliography

235 Most bacteria are flattened, ellipsoidal sacks kept in shape by the membrane enclosing the
      cytoplasma. But there are exceptions; in salt water, quadratic and triangular bacteria have
      been found. More is told in the corresponding section in the interesting book by Bern-
      ard Dixon, Power Unseen – How Microbes Rule the World, W.H. Freeman, New York,
      1994. Cited on page 286.
236 S. Pitnick, G. Spicer & T. A. Markow, How long is a giant sperm?, Nature 375, p. 109,
      1995. Cited on page 286.
237 M. Kawamura, A. Sugamoto & S. Nojiri, Swimming of microorganisms viewed from
      string and membrane theories, Modern Journal of Physics Letters A 9, pp. 1159–1174, 1994.
      Also available as Cited on page 286.
238 W. Nutsch & U. Rüffer, Die Orientierung freibeweglicher Organismen zum Licht,
      dargestellt am Beispiel des Flagellaten Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Naturwissenschaften 81,
      pp. 164–174, 1994. Cited on page 286.
239 They are also called prokaryote flagella. See for example S. C. Schuster & S. Khan,
      The bacterial flagellar motor, Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      23, pp. 509–539, 1994, or S. R. Caplan & M. Kara-Ivanov, The bacterial flagellar
      motor, International Review of Cytology 147, pp. 97–164, 1993. See also the information
      on the topic that can be found on the website
      graphics-captions/flagellum.html. Cited on page 286.
240 For an overview of the construction and the motion of coli bacteria, see H. C. Berg, Motile
      behavior of bacteria, Physics Today 53, pp. 24–29, January 2000. Cited on page 287.
241 J. W. Shaevitz, J. Y. Lee & D. A. Fletcher, Spiroplasma swim by a processive change
      in body helicity, Cell 122, pp. 941–945, 2005. Cited on page 287.
242 This is from the book by David Dusenbery, Life at a Small Scale, Scientific American

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      Library, 1996. Cited on page 287.
243 F. Wilczek & A. Zee, Appearance of gauge structures in simple dynamical systems, Phys-
      ical Review Letters 52, pp. 2111–2114, 1984, A. Shapere & F. Wilczek, Self-propulsion
      at low Reynold number, Physical Review Letters 58, pp. 2051–2054, 1987, A. Shapere
      & F. Wilczek, Gauge kinematics of deformable bodies, American Journal of Physics
      57, pp. 514–518, 1989, A. Shapere & F. Wilczek, Geometry of self-propulsion at low
      Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 198, pp. 557–585, 1989, A. Shapere &
      F. Wilczek, Efficiencies of self-propulsion at low Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mech-
      anics 198, pp. 587–599, 1989. See also R. Montgomery, Gauge theory of the falling cat,
      Field Institute Communications 1, pp. 75–111, 1993. Cited on page 289.
244 E. Putterman & O. Raz, The square cat, American Journal of Physics 76, pp. 1040–
      1045, 2008. Cited on page 289.
245 J. Wisdom, Swimming in spacetime: motion by cyclic changes in body shape, Science 299,
      pp. 1865–1869, 21st of March, 2003. A similar effect was discovered later on by E. Guéron
      & R. A. Mosna, The relativistic glider, Physical Review D 75, p. 081501(R), 2007, preprint
      at Cited on page 291.
246 S. Smale, A classification of immersions of the two-sphere, Transactions of the American
      Mathematical Society 90, pp. 281–290, 1958. Cited on page 292.
247 G. K. Francis & B. Morin, Arnold Shapiro’s Eversion of the Sphere, Mathematical
      Intelligencer pp. 200–203, 1979. See also the unique manual for drawing manifolds by
      George Francis, The Topological Picturebook, Springer Verlag, 1987. It also contains a
      chapter on sphere eversion. Cited on page 292.
bibliography                                                                                    407

248 B. Morin & J. -P. Petit, Le retournement de la sphere, Pour la Science 15, pp. 34–41, 1979.
      See also the clear article by A. Phillips, Turning a surface inside out, Scientific American
      pp. 112–120, May 1966. Cited on page 292.
249   S. Lev y, D. Maxwell & T. Munzner, Making Waves – a Guide to the Ideas Behind
      Outside In, Peters, 1995. Cited on page 293.
250   George K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University
      Press, 1967, and H. Hashimoto, A soliton on a vortex filament, Journal of Fluid Mech-
      anics 51, pp. 477–485, 1972. A summary is found in H. Zhou, On the motion of slender
      vortex filaments, Physics of Fluids 9, p. 970-981, 1997. Cited on page 295.
251   V. P. Dmitriyev, Helical waves on a vortex filament, American Journal of Physics 73,
      pp. 563–565, 2005, and V. P. Dmitriyev, Mechanical analogy for the wave-particle: helix
      on a vortex filament, Cited on page 296.
252   T. Jacobson, Thermodynamics of spacetime: the Einstein equation of state, Physical Re-
      view Letters 75, pp. 1260–1263, 1995, or Cited on page 298.
253   J. Frenkel & T. Kontorowa, Über die Theorie der plastischen Verformung, Physikalis-

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      che Zeitschrift der Sowietunion 13, pp. 1–10, 1938. F. C. Frank, On the equations
      of motion of crystal dislocations, Proceedings of the Physical Society A 62, pp. 131–
      134, 1949, J. Eshelby, Uniformly moving dislocations, Proceedings of the Physical
      Society A 62, pp. 307–314, 1949. See also G. Leibfried & H. Dietze, Zeitschrift
      für Physik 126, p. 790, 1949. A general introduction can be found in A. Seeger &
      P. Schiller, Kinks in dislocations lines and their effects in internal friction in crystals,
      Physical Acoustics 3A, W. P. Mason, ed., Academic Press, 1966. See also the textbooks by
      Frank R. N. Nabarro, Theory of Crystal Dislocations, Oxford University Press, 1967,
      or J. P. Hirth & J. Lothe, Theory of Dislocations, McGraw Hills Book Company, 1968.
      Cited on page 299.

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
254   Enthusiastic introductions into the theoretical aspects of polymers are the books by Alex-
      ander Yu. Grosberg & Alexei R. Khokhlov, Statistical Physics of Macromolec-
      ules, AIP, 1994, and Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics,
      Cornell University Press, 1979. See also the review by P. -G. de Gennes, Soft matter, Re-
      views of Modern Physics 63, p. 645, 1992. Cited on page 300.
255   The master of combining research and enjoyment in mathematics is Louis Kauffman. An
      example is his art is the beautiful text Louis H. Kauffman, Knots and Physics, World
      Scientific, third edition, 2001. It gives a clear introduction to the mathematics of knots and
      their applications. Cited on page 302.
256   A good introduction to knot tabulation is the paper by J. Hoste, M. Thistlethwaite
      & J. Weeks, The first 1,701,936 knots, The Mathematical Intelligencer 20, pp. 33–47, 1998.
      Cited on page 303.
257   I. Stewart, Game, Set and Math, Penguin Books, 1989, pp. 58–67. Cited on page 303.
258   P. Pieranski, S. Przybyl & A. Stasiak, Tight open knots,
      0103016. No citations.
259   T. Ashton, J. Cantarella, M. Piatek & E. Rawdon, Self-contact sets for 50 tightly
      knotted and linked tubes, Cited on page 304.
260   J. Cantarella, J. H. G. Fu, R. Kusner, J. M. Sullivan & N. C. Wrinkle, Critic-
      ality for the Gehring link problem, Geometry and Topology 10, pp. 2055–2116, 2006, preprint
      at Cited on page 305.
261   W. R. Taylor, A deeply knotted protein structure and how it might fold, Nature 406,
      pp. 916–919, 2000. Cited on page 307.
408                                                                               bibliography

262 Alexei Sossinsky, Nœuds – histoire d’une théorie mathématique, Editions du Seuil,
      1999. D. Jensen, Le poisson noué, Pour la science, dossier hors série, pp. 14–15, April 1997.
      Cited on page 306.
263 D. M. Raymer & D. E. Smith, Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string, Proceedings
      of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 104, pp. 16432–16437, 2007, or
      cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0611320104. This work won the humorous Ignobel Prize in Physics in
      2008; Cited on page 307.
264 A. C. Hirshfeld, Knots and physics: Old wine in new bottles, American Journal of Physics
      66, pp. 1060–1066, 1998. Cited on page 307.
265 For some modern knot research, see P. Holdin, R. B. Kusner & A. Stasiak, Quant-
      ization of energy and writhe in self-repelling knots, New Journal of Physics 4, pp. 20.1–20.11,
      2002. Cited on page 308.
266 H. R. Pruppacher & J. D. Klett, Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation, Reidel,
      1978, pp. 316–319. Falling drops are flattened and look like a pill, due to the interplay
      between surface tension and air flow. See also U. Thiele, Weine nicht, wenn der Regen

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      zerfällt, Physik Journal 8, pp. 16–17, 2009. Cited on page 308.
267 J. J. Socha, Becoming airborne without legs: the kinematics of take-off in a flying
      snake, Chrysopelea paradisi, Journal of Experimental Biology 209, pp. 3358–3369, 2006,
      J. J. Socha, T. O ’ Dempsey & M. LaBarbera, A three-dimensional kinematic analy-
      sis of gliding in a flying snake, Chrysopelea paradisi, Journal of Experimental Biology 208,
      pp. 1817–1833, 2005, J. J. Socha & M. LaBarbera, Effects of size and behavior on aerial
      performance of two species of flying snakes (Chrysopelea), Journal of Experimental Biology
      208, pp. 1835–1847, 2005. A full literature list on flying snakes can be found on the website Cited on page 309.

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
268 An informative account of the world of psychokinesis and the paranormal is given by
      the famous professional magician James Randi, Flim-flam!, Prometheus Books, Buffalo
      1987, as well as in several of his other books. See also the website. No cita-
269 James Clerk Maxwell, Scientific Papers, 2, p. 244, October 1871. Cited on page 320.
270 A good introduction is C. J. Hogan, Why the universe is just so, Reviews of Modern Phys-
      ics 72, pp. 1149–1161, 2000. Most of the material of Table 27 is from the mighty book by
      John D. Barrow & Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford
      University Press, 1986. Discarding unrealistic options is also an interesting pastime. See
      for example the reasons why life can only be carbon-based, as explained in the essay by
      I. Asimov, The one and only, in his book The Tragedy of the Moon, Doubleday, Garden
      City, New York, 1973. Cited on pages 320 and 383.
271 L. Smolin, The fate of black hole singularities and the parameters of the standard models of
      particle physics and cosmology, Cited on page 322.
272 Aristotle, Treaty of the heaven, III, II, 300 b 8. See Jean-Paul Dumont, Les écoles
      présocratiques, Folio Essais, Gallimard, p. 392, 1991. Cited on page 324.
273 Le Système International d’Unités, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Pavillon de
      Breteuil, Parc de Saint Cloud, 92310 Sèvres, France. All new developments concerning SI
      units are published in the journal Metrologia, edited by the same body. Showing the slow
      pace of an old institution, the BIPM launched a website only in 1998; it is now reachable at See also the website; this
      includes the biographies of people who gave their names to various units. The site of its
                  bibliography                                                                                       409

                        British equivalent,, is much better; it provides many details
                        as well as the English-language version of the SI unit definitions. Cited on page 325.
                  274   The bible in the field of time measurement is the two-volume work by J. Vanier &
                        C. Audoin, The Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards, Adam Hilge, 1989. A
                        popular account is Tony Jones, Splitting the Second, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2000.
                             The site gives a glossary of terms used in the field.
                        For precision length measurements, the tools of choice are special lasers, such as mode-
                        locked lasers and frequency combs. There is a huge literature on these topics. Equally large
                        is the literature on precision electric current measurements; there is a race going on for the
                        best way to do this: counting charges or measuring magnetic forces. The issue is still open.
                        On mass and atomic mass measurements, see page 71 in volume II. On high-precision tem-
                        perature measurements, see page 548 in volume I. Cited on page 326.
                  275   The unofficial SI prefixes were first proposed in the 1990s by Jeff K. Aronson of the Uni-
                        versity of Oxford, and might come into general usage in the future. See New Scientist 144,
                        p. 81, 3 December 1994. Other, less serious proposals also exist. Cited on page 327.
                  276   For more details on electromagnetic unit systems, see the standard text by John

                                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                        David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1998. Cited on page
                  277   D.J. Bird & al., Evidence for correlated changes in the spectrum and composition of cosmic
                        rays at extremely high energies, Physical Review Letters 71, pp. 3401–3404, 1993. Cited on
                        page 331.
                  278   P. J. Hakonen, R. T. Vuorinen & J. E. Martikainen, Nuclear antiferromagnetism
                        in rhodium metal at positive and negative nanokelvin temperatures, Physical Review Letters
                        70, pp. 2818–2821, 1993. See also his article in Scientific American, January 1994. Cited on
                        page 331.

                                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
                  279   A. Zeilinger, The Planck stroll, American Journal of Physics 58, p. 103, 1990. Can you
Challenge 212 e         find another similar example? Cited on page 331.
                  280   An overview of this fascinating work is given by J. H. Taylor, Pulsar timing and relativ-
                        istic gravity, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London A 341, pp. 117–134,
                        1992. Cited on page 331.
                  281   The most precise clock built in 2004, a caesium fountain clock, had a precision of one
                        part in 1015 . Higher precision has been predicted to be possible soon, among others
                        by M. Takamoto, F. -L. Hong, R. Higashi & H. Katori, An optical lattice clock,
                        Nature 435, pp. 321–324, 2005. Cited on page 331.
                  282   J. Bergquist, ed., Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Frequency Standards and Met-
                        rology, World Scientific, 1997. Cited on page 331.
                  283   See the information on D±𝑠 mesons from the particle data group at
                        Cited on page 331.
                  284   About the long life of tantalum 180, see D. Belic & al., Photoactivation of 180 Tam and
                        its implications for the nucleosynthesis of nature’s rarest naturally occurring isotope, Physical
                        Review Letters 83, pp. 5242–5245, 20 December 1999. Cited on page 332.
                  285   The various concepts are even the topic of a separate international standard, ISO 5725, with
                        the title Accuracy and precision of measurement methods and results. A good introduction is
                        John R. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis: the Study of Uncertainties in Physical
                        Measurements, 2nd edition, University Science Books, Sausalito, 1997. Cited on page 332.
                  286   P. J. Mohr, B. N. Taylor & D. B. Newell, CODATA recommended values of the fun-
                        damental physical constants: 2010, preprint at This is the set of
410                                                                               bibliography

    constants resulting from an international adjustment and recommended for international
    use by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), a body in the In-
    ternational Council of Scientific Unions, which brings together the International Union of
    Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
    (IUPAC) and other organizations. The website of IUPAC is Cited on pages
    334 and 401.
287 Some of the stories can be found in the text by N. W. Wise, The Values of Precision,
    Princeton University Press, 1994. The field of high-precision measurements, from which
    the results on these pages stem, is a world on its own. A beautiful introduction to it
    is J. D. Fairbanks, B. S. Deaver, C. W. Everitt & P. F. Michaelson, eds., Near
    Zero: Frontiers of Physics, Freeman, 1988. Cited on page 334.
288 For details see the well-known astronomical reference, P. Kenneth Seidelmann, Ex-
    planatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, 1992. Cited on page 339.
289 See the corresponding reference in the first volume. Cited on page 341.
290 The proton charge radius was determined by measuring the frequency of light emitted by

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
    hydrogen atoms to high precision by T. Udem, A. Huber, B. Gross, J. Reichert,
    M. Prevedelli, M. Weitz & T. W. Hausch, Phase-coherent measurement of the hy-
    drogen 1S–2S transition frequency with an optical frequency interval divider chain, Physical
    Review Letters 79, pp. 2646–2649, 1997. Cited on page 342.
291 For a full list of isotopes, see R. B. Firestone, Table of Isotopes, Eighth Edition, 1999 Up-
    date, with CD-ROM, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. For a list of isotopes on the web, see the Corean
    website by J. Chang, For a list of precise isotope masses, see the csnwww. website. Cited on pages 343, 346, and 357.
292 The ground state of bismuth 209 was thought to be stable until early 2003. It was
      then discovered that it was radioactive, though with a record lifetime, as reported by

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
      P. de Marcillac, N. Coron, G. Dambier, J. Leblanc & J. -P. Moalic, Exper-
      imental detection of α-particles from the radioactive decay of natural bismuth, Nature 422,
      pp. 876–878, 2003. By coincidence, the excited state 83 MeV above the ground state of the
      same bismuth 209 nucleus is the shortest known radioactive nuclear state. Cited on page
293 For information on the long life of tantalum 180, see D. Belic & al., Photoactivation of
         Tam and its implications for the nucleosynthesis of nature’s rarest naturally occurring iso-
      tope, Physical Review Letters 83, pp. 5242–5245, 20 December 1999. Cited on page 343.
294 Stephen J. Gould, The Panda’s Thumb, W.W. Norton & Co., 1980. This is one of several
    interesting and informative books on evolutionary biology by the best writer in the field.
    Cited on page 344.
295 F. Marques & al., Detection of neutron clusters, Physical Review C 65, p. 044006,
    2002. Opposite results have been obtained by B. M. Sherrill & C. A. Bertulani,
    Proton-tetraneutron elastic scattering, Physical Review C 69, p. 027601, 2004, and D.V.
    Aleksandrov & al., Search for resonances in the three- and four-neutron systems in the
    7Li(7Li, 11C)3n and 7Li(7Li, 10C)4n reactions, JETP Letters 81, p. 43, 2005. No citations.
296 For a good review, see the article by P. T. Greenland, Antimatter, Contemporary Physics
    38, pp. 181–203, 1997. Cited on page 344.
297 Almost everything known about each element and its chemistry can be found in the en-
      cyclopaedic Gmelin, Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, published from 1817 onwards.
      There are over 500 volumes, now all published in English under the title Handbook of Inor-
      ganic and Organometallic Chemistry, with at least one volume dedicated to each chemical
bibliography                                                                                 411

     element. On the same topic, an incredibly expensive book with an equally bad layout is
     Per Enhag, Encyclopedia of the Elements, Wiley–VCH, 2004. Cited on page 346.
298 The atomic masses, as given by IUPAC, can be found in Pure and Applied Chemistry 73,
     pp. 667–683, 2001, or on the website. For an isotope mass list, see the website. Cited on pages 346, 356, and 357.
299 The metallic, covalent and Van der Waals radii are from Nathaniel W. Alcock, Bond-
    ing and Structure, Ellis Horwood, 1999. This text also explains in detail how the radii are
    defined and measured. Cited on page 357.
300 M. Flato, P. Sally & G. Zuckerman (editors), Applications of Group Theory in Phys-
    ics and Mathematical Physics, Lectures in applied mathematics, volume 21, American Math-
    ematical Society, 1985. This interesting and excellent book is well worth reading. Cited on
    page 363.
301 For more puzzles, see the excellent book James Tanton, Solve This – Math Activities for
     Studends and Clubs, Mathematical Association of America, 2001. Cited on page 363.
302 For an introduction to topology, see for example Mikio Nakahara, Geometry, Topology

                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
     and Physics, IOP Publishing, 1990. Cited on page 364.
303 An introduction to the classification theorem is R. Solomon, On finite simple groups and
     their classification, Notices of the AMS 42, pp. 231–239, 1995, also available on the web as Cited on page 368.
304 A pedagogical explanation is given by C. G. Wohl, Scientist as detective: Luis Alvarez and
     the pyramid burial chambers, the JFK assassination, and the end of the dinosaurs, American
     Journal of Physics 75, pp. 968–977, 2007. Cited on page 378.

                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at

Acknowled gements
Many people who have kept their gift of curiosity alive have helped to make this project come
true. Most of all, Peter Rudolph and Saverio Pascazio have been – present or not – a constant
reference for this project. Fernand Mayné, Ata Masafumi, Roberto Crespi, Serge Pahaut, Luca
Bombelli, Herman Elswijk, Marcel Krijn, Marc de Jong, Martin van der Mark, Kim Jalink, my

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
parents Peter and Isabella Schiller, Mike van Wijk, Renate Georgi, Paul Tegelaar, Barbara and
Edgar Augel, M. Jamil, Ron Murdock, Carol Pritchard, Richard Hoffman, Stephan Schiller, Franz
Aichinger and, most of all, my wife Britta have all provided valuable advice and encouragement.
    Many people have helped with the project and the collection of material. Most useful was the
help of Mikael Johansson, Bruno Barberi Gnecco, Lothar Beyer, the numerous improvements by
Bert Sierra, the detailed suggestions by Claudio Farinati, the many improvements by Eric Shel-
don, the detailed suggestions by Andrew Young, the continuous help and advice of Jonatan Kelu,
the corrections of Elmar Bartel, and in particular the extensive, passionate and conscientious
help of Adrian Kubala.
    Important material was provided by Bert Peeters, Anna Wierzbicka, William Beaty, Jim Carr,

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
John Merrit, John Baez, Frank DiFilippo, Jonathan Scott, Jon Thaler, Luca Bombelli, Douglas
Singleton, George McQuarry, Tilman Hausherr, Brian Oberquell, Peer Zalm, Martin van der
Mark, Vladimir Surdin, Julia Simon, Antonio Fermani, Don Page, Stephen Haley, Peter Mayr,
Allan Hayes, Norbert Dragon, Igor Ivanov, Doug Renselle, Wim de Muynck, Steve Carlip, Tom
Bruce, Ryan Budney, Gary Ruben, Chris Hillman, Olivier Glassey, Jochen Greiner, squark, Mar-
tin Hardcastle, Mark Biggar, Pavel Kuzin, Douglas Brebner, Luciano Lombardi, Franco Bagnoli,
Lukas Fabian Moser, Dejan Corovic, Paul Vannoni, John Haber, Saverio Pascazio, Klaus Finken-
zeller, Leo Volin, Jeff Aronson, Roggie Boone, Lawrence Tuppen, Quentin David Jones, Arnaldo
Uguzzoni, Frans van Nieuwpoort, Alan Mahoney, Britta Schiller, Petr Danecek, Ingo Thies, Vi-
taliy Solomatin, Carl Offner, Nuno Proença, Elena Colazingari, Paula Henderson, Daniel Darre,
Wolfgang Rankl, John Heumann, Joseph Kiss, Martha Weiss, Antonio González, Antonio Mar-
tos, André Slabber, Ferdinand Bautista, Zoltán Gácsi, Pat Furrie, Michael Reppisch, Enrico Pasi,
Thomas Köppe, Martin Rivas, Herman Beeksma, Tom Helmond, John Brandes, Vlad Tarko, Na-
dia Murillo, Ciprian Dobra, Romano Perini, Harald van Lintel, Andrea Conti, François Belfort,
Dirk Van de Moortel, Heinrich Neumaier, Jarosław Królikowski, John Dahlman, Fathi Namouni,
Paul Townsend, Sergei Emelin, Freeman Dyson, S.R. Madhu Rao, David Parks, Jürgen Janek,
Daniel Huber, Alfons Buchmann, William Purves, Pietro Redondi, Douglas Singleton, Emil
Akhmedov Damoon Saghian, Zach Joseph Espiritu, Miles Mutka, plus a number of people who
wanted to remain unnamed.
    The software tools were refined with extensive help on fonts and typesetting by Michael Zedler
and Achim Blumensath and with the repeated and valuable support of Donald Arseneau; help
came also from Ulrike Fischer, Piet van Oostrum, Gerben Wierda, Klaus Böhncke, Craig Up-
right, Herbert Voss, Andrew Trevorrow, Danie Els, Heiko Oberdiek, Sebastian Rahtz, Don Story,
credits                                                                                       413

Vincent Darley, Johan Linde, Joseph Hertzlinger, Rick Zaccone, John Warkentin, Ulrich Diez,
Uwe Siart, Will Robertson, Joseph Wright, Enrico Gregorio, Rolf Niepraschk, Alexander Grahn
and Paul Townsend.
   The typesetting and book design is due to the professional consulting of Ulrich Dirr. The
typography was much improved with the help of Johannes Küster and his Minion Math font.
The design of the book and its website also owe much to the suggestions and support of my wife
   I also thank the lawmakers and the taxpayers in Germany, who, in contrast to most other
countries in the world, allow residents to use the local university libraries.
   From 2007 to 2011, the electronic edition and distribution of the Motion Mountain text was
generously supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

Film credits
The animation of the actin–myosin system on page 22 is copyright and courtesy by San Diego
State University, Jeff Sale and Roger Sabbadini. It can be found on the website www.sci.sdsu.
edu/movies/actin_myosin.html. The film on page 118, showing single electrons moving through

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
liquid helium, is copyright and courtesy of Humphrey Maris; it can be found on his website The film of the spark chamber showing
the cosmic rays on page 176 is courtesy and copyright of Wolfgang Rueckner and Allen Crockett
and found on The film of the solar flare on page 206 was taken by NASA’s
TRACE satellite, whose website is The film of a flying snake on page 309 is copy-
right and courtesy by Jake Socha. It can be found on his website

Image credits
The photograph of the east side of the Langtang Lirung peak in the Nepalese Himalayas, shown

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
on the front cover, is courtesy and copyright by Kevin Hite and found on his blog thegettingthere.
com. The photograph of a soap bubble on page 14 is courtesy and copyright of Jason Tozer for
Creative Review/Sony; its making is described on The whale photo-
graph on page 16 is courtesy by the NOAA in the USA. The photograph of a baobab with elephant
is courtesy and copyright by Ferdinand Reus. The picture of the orchid on page 19 is courtesy
and copyright of Elmar Bartel. The sea urchin photograph on page 23 was taken by Kristina
Yu, and is copyright and courtesy of the Exploratorium, found at The
photograph of the piezoelectric motor on page 25 is courtesy and copyright of Piezomotor AB
and is found on their website The beautiful illustration of ATP synthase on
page 26 is courtesy and copyright of Joachim Weber and is found on his website www.depts.ttu.
edu/chemistry/Faculty/weber. The images of embronic nodes on page 27 are courtesy and copy-
right by Hirokawa Nobutaka and found in the cited paper. The illustration of the pleasure system
in the human brain on page 56 is courtesy of the NIH and can be found, e.g., on the website irp. The wonderful table of the elements on page 61 is
courtesy and copyright of Theodore Gray and is for sale at The image of
the water molecule on page 62 is copyright of Benjah-bmm27 and is found on Wikimedia. The
illustrations of DNA on page 64 are copyright and courtesy by David Deerfield and dedicated
to his memory. They are taken from his website
html. The images of DNA molecules on page 65 are copyright and courtesy by Hans-Werner
Fink and used with permission of Wiley VCH. The beautiful illustration of star sizes on page 68
is courtesy and copyright of Dave Jarvis and found on Wikimedia. The photographs of rocks
on page 70 are copyright and courtesy of Siim Sepp; they can be found on his wonderful web-
site The photograph of the marble is a detail of the Rape of Proserpina by
414                                                                                    credits

Gian Lorenzo Bernini and is courtesy of Wikimedia; the marble can be admired in the Gal-
leria Borghese in Rome. The rhenium photographs on page 74 are courtesy of Hans-Werner Fink
and copyright and courtesy of the American Physical Society; they are found at journals.aps.
org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.1532. The pictures of snow flakes on page 74 are courtesy
and copyright of Furukawa Yoshinori; his website is
html. The mineral photographs on page 75 onwards are copyright and courtesy of Rob Lavin-
sky at, and taken from his large and beautiful collection there and at www.mindat.
org/photo-49529.html. The photograph of natural corundum on page 76, the malachite photo-
graph on page 173 and the magnetite photograph on page page 175 are copyright and courtesy
of Stephan Wolfsried and taken from his beautiful collection of microcrystals at www.mindat.
org/user-1664.html. The photograph of synthetic corundum on page 77 is copyright of the Mor-
ion Company at and courtesy of Uriah Prichard. The photograph of
Paraiba tourmalines on page page 77 is copyright and courtesy of Manfred Fuchs and found on
his website at The photograph of the large corundum single crystal,
usually falsely called ‘sapphire’, is cortesy and copyright of GT Advanced and found on www. The synthetic crystals photographs on page 78 and later are copyright of Northrop

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
Grumman and courtesy of Scott Griffin. The alexandrite photographs on page 78 are copyright
and courtesy of John Veevaert and Trinity Mineral Co., The photograph of
PZT – lead zirconium titanate – products on page 79 is copyright and courtesy of Ceramtec. The
photograph of synthetic diamond on page 80 is copyright and courtesy of Diamond Materials
GmbH. The photograph of a diamond knife on page 80 is copyright and courtesy of Diamat-
rix. The photographs of the silicon crystal growing machines and of the resulting silicon crystals
on page 81 are copyright of PVATePla at, and are used by kind permission
of Gert Fisahn. The photograph of hydroxylapatite on page 82 is copyright and courtesy of Ak-
sel Österlöf. The shark teeth photograph on page 82 is courtesy and copyright of Peter Doe and
found at The photograph of a copper single crystal on page 82

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is courtesy and copyright of Lachlan Cranswick. The photographs of the natural quasicrystal
and its propeties on page 82 are copyright and courtesy of Luca Bindi and Paul Steinhardt. The
photograph and drawings of a switchable mirror on page 85 are courtesy and copyright Ronald
Griessen and found on his website The drawing of an Ashby chart on
page 89 is courtesy and copyright of Carol Livermore; it is found in the MIT OpenCourseWare
course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication. The insect leg images on page 90
are copyright and courtesy of the Max Planck Gesellschaft and found in the cited article. The
photographs of bone structure on page 92 is courtesy of Peter Fratzl and copyright of him and
Physik Journal. The photograph of a bystander with light and terahertz waves on page 93 are
courtesy of the Jefferson Lab. The climate graph on page 95 is copyright and courtesy of Dieter
Lüthi. The images of crystal growth techniques on page 96 are copyright of the Ivan Golota and
used with his permission and that of Andrey Vesselovsky. The photograph of a Hall probe on
page 97 is courtesy and copyright Metrolab, and found on their website at
The collection of images of single atom sheets on page 98 is taken from Ref. 73, copyright of
the National Academy of Sciences, and are courtesy of the authors and of Tiffany Millerd. The
graphene photograph on page 98 is copyright and courtesy of Andre Geim. The photographs on
page 99 are copyright and courtesy of tapperboy and Diener Electronics. The photograph of a
piece of aerogel on page 100 is courtesy of NASA. The photograph of transistors on page 101 is
copyright and courtesy of Benedikt Seidl and found on Wikimedia; the chip image is copyright
and courtesy of the Ioactive blog at The photograph of the fountain effect on
page 104 is courtesy and copyright of the Pacific Institute of Theoretical Physics. The photograph
of a vortex lattice on page 105 is copyright of Andre Schirotzek, courtesy of Wolfgang Ketterle,
and found on their research website at The photograph of a laser
credits                                                                                     415

delay line on page 109 is courtesy and copyright of the Laser Zentrum Hannover. The photo-
graph of the violin on page 116 is copyright Franz Aichinger and courtesy of EOS. The figure of
the floating display is copyright and courtesy of Burton Inc. and found on
The photograph of the guide star laser on page 117 is courtesy and copyright of ESO and Babak
Tafreshi. The photograph of the helium gyroscope on page 119 is courtesy and copyright of Eric
Varoquaux. The pictures of rainbows on page 138 are courtesy and copyright of ed g2s, found
on Wikimedia, and of Christophe Afonso, found on his beautiful site
chrisafonso21. The picture of neutron interferometers on page 142 is courtesy and copyright of
Helmut Rauch and Erwin Seidl, and found on the website of the Atominstitut in Vienna at www. The simulated view of a black hole on page 145 is copyright and courtesy of Ute Kraus
and can be found on her splendid website The map
with the γ ray bursts on page 152 is courtesy of NASA and taken from the BATSE website at The baobab photograph on page 160 is copyright and courtesy
of Bernard Gagnon and found on Wikimedia. The photograph of the MRI machine on page 163
is courtesy and copyright of Royal Philips Electronics. The MRI images of the head and the spine
on page 163 are courtesy and copyright of Joseph Hornak and taken from his website www.cis.

                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics The image of the birth on page 164is courtesy and copyright of C. Bamberg.
The photograph of the Big European Bubble Chamber on page 168 is courtesy and copyright of
CERN. On page 169, the photograph of the Wilson cloud chamber is courtesy and copyright of
Wiemann Lehrmittel; the picture of α rays taken by Patrick Blackett is courtesy and copyright of
the Royal Society. The electroscope photograph on page 173 is courtesy and copyright of Harald
Chmela and taken from his website The photograph of Vicor Hess on page 174 has
no known copyright. The photograph of the Geigerpod on page 176 is courtesy and copyright of
Joseph Reinhardt, and found on his website The photograph of the
Moon shadow on page 177 is courtesy and copyright of CERN and found on
cws/article/cern/28658. The photograph of an aurora on page 178 is courtesy and copyright of

                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
Jan Curtis and taken from his website The photograph
of the spectrometer on page 182 is courtesy and copyright of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
and found at The figure of the Erta Ale vol-
cano on page 185 is courtesy and copyright of Marco Fulle and part of the wonderful photograph
collection at The photograph of the NMR machine on page 193 is courtesy
and copyright of Bruker and found on their website The stunning photographs
of the solar corona on page 205 are copyright of Miloslav Druckmüller and his team, including
Peter Aniol, Vojtech Rušin, Ľubomír Klocok, Karel Martišek and Martin Dietzel. The images are
part of the fascinating site and used here with
the permission of Miloslav Druckmüller. The drawing on nucleic binding energies on page 209is
courtesy and copyright of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. The drawing of the
JET reactor on page 211 is courtesy and copyright of EFDA-JET. On page 214, the photograph of
the Crab nebula is courtesy NASA and ESA; the photograph of the Dumbbell nebula is courtesy
and copyright Bill Snyder and was featured on The graph of
the nuclide abundances on page 216 is courtesy and copyright of Thomas Janka. The photograph
of the Proton Synchroton on page 221 is copyright and courtesy of CERN. The drawing of the
strong coupling constant on page page 232 is courtesy and copyright of Siegfried Bethke. The
photograph of the quark jet on page 236 is courtesy and copyright of DESY. On page 241, the
photograph of the watch is courtesy and copyright of Traser and found at; the
spectrum is courtesy of the Katrin collaboration. The photographs of the neutrino collision on
page 243 and of the W and Z boson experiments on page 244 and page 245 are courtesy and copy-
right ofCERN. On page 249, the photograph of the experimental set-up is copyright and cour-
tesy of the Brookhaven National Laboratory; the measurement result is copyright and courtesy
416                                                                                    credits

of the Nobel Foundation. The photograph of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory on page 257 is
courtesy and copyright SNO, and found on their website at
The unification graph on page 271 is courtesy and copyright of W. de Boer and taken from his
home page at The graph on unification on page 276
is courtesy and copyright of CERN. The picture of the butterfly in a wind tunnel on page 279 is
courtesy and copyright of Robert Srygley and Adrian Thomas. On page 281, the picture of the
vulture is courtesy and copyright of S.L. Brown from the website; the pic-
ture of the hummingbird is courtesy and copyright of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and
Joe Kosack and taken from the website; the picture of the dragonfly is cour-
tesy and copyright of nobodythere and found on his website
The pictures of feathers insects on page 282 are material used with kind permission of Hort-
NET, a product of The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand. The figures on
page 283 and page 284 are copyright of L. Mahadevan and courtesy of Macmillan. The picture
of the scallop on page 285 is courtesy and copyright of Dave Colwell. The historical cat photo-
graphs on page 288 are by Etienne-Jules Marey and have no copyright. The picture of cliff diver
Artem Silchenko on page 288 is copyright of the World High Diving Federation, found at the web

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
site, and courtesy of Frederic Weill. The picture of the eversion of the sphere on
page 292 is courtesy and copyright of John Sullivan and found on his Optiverse website on new. The photograph of a waterspout on page 294 is copyright and cour-
tesy of Zé Nogueira and found on his website at The drawing of
a mixed dislocation on page 298 has been produced especially for this text and is copyright and
courtesy of Ulrich Kolberg. The knot and link diagrams on pages 302 and 306 are courtesy and
copyright of Robert Scharein and taken from his website on The images of
the tight knots on page 304 are copyright and courtesy of Piotr Pieranski. The clasp images on
page 305 is courtesy and copyright of Jason Cantarella. The photograph of a hagfish on page 306 is
courtesy and copyright of Christine Ortlepp; it is also found on the web page www.lemonodor.

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
com/scruz-2003-01-24/17m.shtml. The disordered knot images on page 306 are courtesy and
copyright of PNAS. The MRI image on page 399 of a married couple is courtesy and copyright of
Willibrord Weijmar Schultz. The photograph on the back cover, of a basilisk running over wa-
ter, is courtesy and copyright by the Belgian group TERRA vzw and found on their website www. All drawings are copyright by Christoph Schiller. If you suspect that your copyright
is not correctly given or obtained, this has not been done on purpose; please contact me in this

Symbols                         agate 75                        antihydrogen
*-algebra 359                   age determination 182–184          properties 343
MRI, dangers of 193             ageing 42                       antiknot 303
α decay 180                     aging 36                        antimony 347

                                                                                                Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
α particle 180                  aircraft                        antiscreening 233
α particles 172                    why does it fly? 280         antisymmetry 361
β decay 180                     alexandrite 78                  apes 210
β particle 180                  AlGaAs laser 113                aphelion 339
γ decay 181                     algebra 358, 359                apogee 338
γ particle 181                  algebra, linear 359             apple 344
                                alkali metals 59, 346           APS 414
A                               alkaline earth metals 346       Arabidopsis 43
α-ray dating 184                Allen belt, van 197             Archilochus colubris 281
acceleration                    alpha decay see 𝛼 decay         argon 185, 347

                                                                                                copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
   Planck 329                      definition 180               Armillaria mellea 110
accelerator mass spectroscopy   alpha particle see 𝛼 particle   arsenic 347
   184                          alpha rays see 𝛼 rays           Ashby chart 88, 89
accuracy 332                    alumina 76                      associative algebra 359
   limits to 333                aluminium 346                   astatine 347
aces 219                        aluminium amalgam 66            astronaut see cosmonaut
Acetabularia 43                 Alzheimer patients 67           astronomical unit 339
acne 33                         Alzheimer’s disease 67          astronomy 262
actin 23                        amalgam 351                     asymmetry
actinium 346                    americium 346                      right-left of human body
actinoids 346                   amethyst 75                        27
action                          amoeba 287                      asymptotic freedom 232, 233
   Planck 329                   amount of radioactive           atmosphere
action, quantum of, ℏ              material 193                    pressure 338
   physics and 8                ampere                          atom
Adansonia grandidieri 160          definition 325                  discovery of its structure
adenosine triphosphate 23, 25   amphiboles 72                      169
adjoint representation 362      Anagrus 282                        falling 140
aerodynamics 280                anapole moment 403              atom interferometers 143
aerogels 99                     angels 312                      atomic 331
aeroplane                       angler fish 110                 atomic mass unit 263, 337
   why does it fly? 280         angular momentum 314            atomic number 345
aeroplane, model 279            anti-atoms 344                  atomic radius 357
        418                                                                          subject index

        atoms                          bats 41                          black holes die 151
           and elementary particles    battery                          black-hole temperature 149
           262                             using the weak interaction   blood 193
           history of 213                  256                          BN 97
        atoms and reproduction 19      BCS theory 392                   body
        atoms and swimming 282         beauty 264                          human, asymmetry of 27
        atoms are rare 179             beauty quark 223                 Bohr atom, gravitational 143
        atoms, matter is not made of   becquerel 327                    Bohr magneton 336
           179                         becquerel (SI unit) 193          Bohr radius 336
        ATP 23, 25, 343                beech, fighting 36               bohrium 347
        ATP consumption of             beer 114                         Boltzmann constant 264
A          molecular motors 22
        ATP synthase 22
                                       being, living 15
                                                                        Boltzmann constant 𝑘 334
                                                                           physics and 8
           structure of 26                 temperature 149              bomb
atoms   ATP synthase 26                beliefs 322                         Hiroshima 194
        atto 327                       BeppoSAX satellite 152           bomb, nuclear 191

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        aurora australis 179           berkelium 347                    bombs 153
        aurora borealis 179            beryllium 347                       in nature 217
        aurora, artificial 197         beta decay see 𝛽 decay           Bombus terrestris 279
        aurum 350                          definition 180               bond
        autoradiography 196            beta particle see electron          angle of 62
        Avogadro’s number 334          beta rays see 𝛽 rays                chemical, illustration of 61,
        awe 323                        Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle 208,         62
                                           209                             chemical, measurement of
        B                              Bikini atoll 217                    63
        β decay 240                    biology 262                      bonds, chemical 59

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        bacteria 33, 46                biomass                          bones
           gliding 285                     of species 36                   seeing own 197
           number of 33                biotite 72                       books 99
        bacterium                      BIPM 325                         boron 347
           lifetime 31                 bird                             Bos taurus 36
           swimming 284                    navel 31                     Bose–Einsein condensation
        badminton 88                   birds 206                           315
        balsa wood 88                  birth                            Bose–Einstein condensate
        Banach–Tarski paradox or           video of 164                    105, 108
           theorem 134                 bismuth 347, 410                 bosonization 405
        bananas, knotted 305               properties 343               bottom quark 223, 263
        barium 347                     Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 Ox 97                 mass 335
        baryon                         bit                              bottomness 264
           diagram 221                     to entropy conversion 337    box tightness 90
           observed number of 317      bitartrate 75                    braid 305
        baryon number                  black body radiation constant    brain 41
           definition 189                  150                             and molecular motors 25
        baryon number density 340      black hole 69, 146                  size, in whales 41
        baryon table 345                   illustration of 145          brain’s interval timer 44
        baryons 222                    black hole observations 151      brain, clock in 44
        base units 325                 black hole radiation 147         branching ratios 229
        basis 361                      black holes 322                  Bridgmanite 71
        bath, vacuum as 131            black holes are born 151         bromine 347
             subject index                                                                           419

             Bronshtein cube 8           CERN 174, 242,   256, 273, 331    climate change 93
             Brownian motors 24          CGPM 326                          cloak of invisibility 86
             bubble chamber 167          chain reaction 189                clock
             bulb                            in everyday life 195             biological 42–44
                light, scams 114–115         in fission 189                   does not exist 45
             bumblebee 279                   in nuclear devices 191           living 42–44
             Bureau International des    chalkogens 346                    clock in brain 44
                Poids et Mesures 325     challenge                         clock oscillator 46
             Burgers vector 299              classification 9              clocks 44, 52
             butterfly 278               change                            clone
                                             quantum of, precise value        human 30
B            C
             C violation 248
                                             264, 334
                                                                              see through 390
             C*-algebra 360                  elementary 𝑒, physics and     clothes, seeing through 91
Bronshtein   Cabibbo angle 251               8                             cloud chamber 167
             Cabibbo–Kobayashi–              positron or electron, value   clouds 293, 357

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                 Maskawa mixing matrix       of 264, 334                   cluster emission 181
                 254                     charge conjugation violation      CNO cycle 208, 209
             cadmium 348                     248                           cobalt 348
             caesium 348                 charged weak current              CODATA 410
             caesium and parity              interaction 254               CODATA 401
                 non-conservation 247    charm quark 223, 263              coefficient of local
             calcium 348                     mass 335                         self-induction 295
             californium 348             chemistry 262                     coherent 114
             candela                     Chernobyl disaster 194            cold working 80
                 definition 326          Chew-Frautschi plots 230, 231     Coleman–Mandula theorem

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             candle 109                  chiral symmetry 225                  272
             candy floss 169             chirality in nature 307           colour 263
             capsaicin 40, 332           chirality of knots in nature         as source of the strong
             carbon 348                      307                              interaction 227
                 properties 343          Chlamydomonas 286                    strong charge 223
             cardiopulmonary             Chlamys 285                          unknown origin of 323
                 resuscitation 36        chlorine 348                      colour, evidence for three 228
             Cartan metric tensor 362    chloroplasts 25                   Commission Internationale
             Casimir effect 124, 314     cholera 22                           des Poids et Mesures 325
             cat                         chromium 348                      commutative 361
                 cloned 30               chromosome 31, 343                commutator 361
                 falling 287             chrysoberyl 78                    compact discs 17
                 square 289              Chrysopelea paradisii 309         compactness 370
             Cathartes aura 281          cilia 286                         completeness 360
             cats 38                     cilia, nodal 29                   complex Lie group 369
             cell 344                    citrine 75                        complex numbers 360
                 first biological 34     CKM matrix 251                    Compton Gamma Ray
             cell motility 22            clasp 305                            Observatory 152
             centi 327                   classical 362                     Compton wavelength 314, 336
             centre 361                  classifications                   conductance 133
             Cepheids 217                    in biology 32                 conductance quantum 336
             ceramics 76                 Clay Mathematics Institute        conduction electrons 87
             cerium 348                      375                           conductivity, electrical 315
        420                                                                           subject index

        cones 38                          cosmonaut 119                   dating, radiometric 182–184
        Conférence Générale des              and body rotation 289        day
           Poids et Mesures 325              and cosmic rays 178              length measurement by
        confinement of quarks 224,           eye flashes 179                  plants 56
           231                               lifetime of 178                  sidereal 338
        conformal field theory 268        coulomb 327                         time unit 327
        conformal symmetry 225, 273       Coulomb explosion 137           death 55, 86
        Conférence Générale des           counter 42                      deca 327
           Poids et Mesures 326           coupling constant unification   decay 47, 48
        connected manifold 365               270                              as nuclear motion 188
        consciousness 51                  cows, ruminating 259            decay time
C          definition 51
                                          CP violation 248
                                          CPT invariance 250
                                                                              definition 180
                                                                          decay, alpha see 𝛼 decay
           table of astronomical 338      creation                        decay, beta see 𝛽 decay
cones      table of basic physical 264,      none in nature 322           deci 327
           334                            creation of light 113           degenerate matter 186

                                                                                                            Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           table of cosmological 340      cromosome, human Y 343          degree
           table of derived physical      crystal                             angle unit 327
           336                               face formation 74            degree Celsius 327
        constituent quark mass 233           formation of 72              delusion
        continuity 364                       maximum density 73               about unification 320
        Convention du Mètre 325              maximum entropy 73           Demodex brevis 33
        Conway groups 369                    virus 377                    density
        Cooper pairs 87, 103              crystal database 82                 Planck 329
        copernicium 348                   crystal shapes 82               deoxyribonucleic acid 62
        copper 80, 349                    crystallization dating 184      Desmodium gyrans 43

                                                                                                            copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        copper single crystal 80          crystals 71–82                  Desoxyribonukleinsäure 62
        copycat 30                        Cu 80                           deuterium 211
        core 58                           cube                            deviation
        cork 88                              Bronshtein 8                     standard, illustration 333
        corona 202, 208                      physics 8                    devils 312
           photograph of solar 205           the physics 318              dextrose 66
           temperature of 208             cumulonimbus 293                diamond 79, 269
        corrected Planck units 330        cuprum 349                          from moss 100
        corundum 76                       curie (unit) 194                    harder than 100
        cosmic radiation 174              curium 349                      diamonds 93
           neutrinos 256                  current                         Dicomorpha 282
        cosmic rays 153, 174                 Planck 329                   diffeomorphism
           composition 175, 177           current quark mass 233              definition 367
           cosmonauts and 178             curve                           difference
           danger for cosmonauts 178         closed time-like 159             man and chimpanzee 31
           discovery 172                  cyclotron frequency 336         differential manifold 365
           evolution and 179                                              diffusion 287
           extragalactic origin 178       D                               digital versatile discs, or DVD
           lightning 178                  daemons 312                         17
           types of 175                   dangers of MRI 193              dimension 361
        cosmological constant 340         dark energy 317                 dimensionless 336
        cosmological constant Λ           darmstadtium 349                Dirac equation 253
           as millennium issue 317        dating, radiocarbon 184             and Sokolov–Ternov effect
        subject index                                                                                421

           147                              flattening 338                   lack of 252
        Dirac equation and chemistry        gravitational length 338      element, adjoint 360
           58                               mass 338                      elementary particle
        disclinations 86, 88                normal gravity 338               properties 262
        dislocation loop 298                radius 338                       table 262
        dislocations 86, 88, 299            rotation, and superfluidity   elementary particles, electric
        distribution                        120                              polarizability 344
           Gaussian 332                     snowball 391                  elements 344, 345
           normal 332                   earthquakes 83                    embryo 22
        division algebra 360            echo 128                          emission
        DNA                             eddies 280                           spontaneous 125
D          and genes 53
           illustrations of 64
                                        edge dislocations 299
                                        effective width 299
                                                                             inspired by quantum field
           images of 65                 egg                                  theory 320
Dirac   DNA 62, 63                          picture of 23                 Encarsia 282
        DNA molecules 307               Eiffel tower 88                   energy

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        DNS 62                          eigengrau 53                         Planck 329
        dolphins 41, 282                eigenvalue 359                    energy of the universe 145
        donate                          eigenvector 359                   energy width 263
           to this book 10              einsteinium 349                   engineering 262
        dopamine 54                     electric field, critical 133      entity
        dose                            electrical conductance 133           wobbly 309, 310
           radioactive 193              electricity                       entropy
        down quark 223, 263                 solar storms and 208             Planck 329
           mass 335                     electrification 137                  to bit conversion 337
        Drosophila bifurca 286          electromagnetic unit system       entropy, state of highest 154

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        Drosophila melanogaster 43,         330                           enzymes 349
           278, 286                     electrometer 172                  erbium 349
        duality 273–274                 electron 242, 262                 error
           electromagnetic 273              classical radius 336             in measurements 332
        duality of coupling constants       filming a single 117             random 332
           268                              g-factor 337                     relative 332
        dubnium 349                         magnetic moment 336              systematic 332
        Duckburg 24                         mass 335                         total 332
        DVD 17                          electron holes 87                 Erta Ale 185
        dyadosphere 153                 electron neutrino 242             Escherichia coli 40, 286
        DyI3 109                        electron radius 264               etanercept 67
        dynamical Casimir effect 129    electron volt                     ethene 36, 56
        dyons 275                           value 337                     Ethiopia 185
        dysprosium 349                  electron, weak charge 246         Euler characteristic 366
                                        electrons 84                      Euphasia superba 36
        E                               electronvolt 330                  europium 349
        E. coli 344                     electroscope 172                  evaporation 155
        ear 38                          electrostatic unit system 330     Evarcha arcuata 90
        Earth                           electroweak coupling 252          eversion 292
            age 338                     electroweak interaction           evolution 46
            age of 184                      does not exist 252               biological 29
            average density 338         electroweak mixing 252               three principles of 29
            equatorial radius 338       electroweak unification              tree of 32
      422                                                                           subject index

      Exa 327                          fire 195                         francium 349
      exciton 87                       fire tornados 295                    properties 343
      explosions 153                   fire whirls 295                  Franz Aichinger 412
      exposure                         firefly 110                      fraud 346
         radiation 194                 fireworks 195                    free energy 301
      extension sensors 40             Fischer groups 369               freedom
      extraterrestrial life 34         fish                                 asymptotic 275
      extraterrestrials 34                 and propellers 283           fruit flies 278
      eye 38                           fission                          fruit fly 17
      eye sensitivity 38                   nuclear 188                  full width at half maximum
                                           Sun and 200                      332
E     F
      F. spectabilis 43
                                           prokaryote 286, 406
                                                                        Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect
                                                                            129, 146, 298
      F. suspensa 43                   flagellum 286                    Fulling–Davies–Unruh
Exa   F. viridissima 43                flavour symmetry 225                 radiation 157
      faeces 52                        flavours 223                     fundamental group 375

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
      farad 327                        flerovium 349                    fur 29
      Faraday’s constant 336           floor                            fusion
      Fe                                   stability of 67                  challenge of confined 213
          fission and 208              flow                                 confined 211
          fusion and 208                   nodal 29                         in stars 208
      feathers 88                          turbulent 281                    inside Sun 200
      femto 327                        flower stems 305                     reactors 211
      femtosecond laser 115            fluctuations
      Fermi constant 252                   zero-point 124               G
      Fermi coupling constant 265,     fluorine 349                     γ ray burst 152

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
          334                          fly                              G-parity 263
      fermion, composite 107               common Musca domestica       GABA 54
      fermium 349                          18                           gadolinium 349
      ferromagnetism 315               flying systems 278               gait
      ferrum 350                       foam                                undulatory swimming 283
      Feynman diagram 135                  as origin of life 34         galaxies as clouds 293
      field of scalars 359             food quality 192                 Galileo Galilei 140
      field theory, conformal 268      football, hairy 375              gallium 349
      Fields medal 292                 force                            gamma ray burst 152
      figure-eight 303                     entropic 73                  gamma ray bursts 397
      fine structure constant 107,         van der Waals, at feet of    gamma-ray burst
          127                              geckos and spiders 90           locations of 152
          graphene and 98              formula of life 346              gamma-ray bursts 153, 397
          limits number of chemical    formulae 134                     GaN laser 113
          elements 133                 Forsythia europaea 43            garlic-smelling
          rainbow and 138              Foucault pendulum 120               semiconductor 355
      fine structure constant, limit   fountain effect 104              garnet 77
          on 134                       foxfire 110                      gas constant, universal 336
      fine tuning 322                  fraction                         gauge
      fine-structure constant 264,         brittle 88                      symmetry 317
          265, 328, 334, 335               ductile 88                   gauge groups 268
      finger print 67                  fractional quantum Hall effect   gauge symmetry 369
          and radioactivity 196            107                          gauge theory
        subject index                                                                            423

           and shape change 289       graphene 97, 98, 108            hassium 350
           from falling cats 287      grasshopper 17                  Hausdorff space 365
        gauge transformations 371     gravitational Bohr radius 143   heart
        gauge-dependent 290           gravitational constant 264         position 27
        gauge-invariant 290              geocentric 338               heat capacity of diatomic gas
        Gaussian distribution 332        heliocentric 338                315
        Gaussian unit system 330      gravitational constant 𝐺 334    heat capacity of metals 315
        gecko 90                         physics and 8                Heaviside–Lorentz unit
        Geiger–Müller counters 174    gravitational coupling             system 330
        Geigerpod 176                    constant 264                 heavy ion emission 181
        Gell-Mann matrices 227        graviton                        hecto 327
G       gemstones 75
        general relativity
                                         definition of 158
                                      gravity measurement with a
                                                                      helioseismology 210, 217
                                                                      helium 120, 320, 321, 343, 350
           millennium issues and         thermometer 147              helium burning 210
gauge      317–318                    gray 327                        helix 297
           open quastions 316         gray (SI unit) 193              hell

                                                                                                       Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        generators 361                greenhouse effect 93               hotness of 184
        genes 22, 53                  group of components 375         henry 327
        geologist 69                  group, monster 369              hertz 327
        geology 69, 262               group, simple 368               Higgs 263
        geosmin 56                    groups                          Higgs boson 253, 258
        germanium 350                    gauge and Lie 268            Higgs mass 335
        ghosts 312                    growth                          Hiroshima bomb 194
        Giant’s Causeway 71              in living beings 16          history
        giant, red 68                 growth of trees 34                 of matter 200
        Giga 327                      growth rings 99                 HoI3 109

                                                                                                       copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        global warming 93             GUT 269                         holes in manifolds 368
        glucose 66                    gypsum 75                       holmium 350
        glueball 236, 343             gyromagnetic ratio of the       homeomorphism
           definition 237                electron 315                    definition 367
        gluinos 272                                                   Homo sapiens 36, 43
        gluon 262, 335                H                               horizon 143
           absorption 224             hadron                          hormones 63
           definition 224                large number of 222          hornblende 72
           emission 224               hadrons 222                     hour 327
           scattering 224             hafnium 350                     Hubble parameter 340
        gluon jets 236                hagfish 306                     human
        goblin 348, 351               hahnium 349                        properties 344
        god 356                       half-life                       human energy consumption
        goddess 312, 348, 352, 356       definition 180                  199
        gods 312                         relation to lifetime 263     hummingbirds 281
        gold 80, 99, 350              Hall effect 95, 380             hydrargyrum 351
        gold foil experiment 167      Hall effect, fractional         hydrodynamics 279
        golden rule 48                   quantum 107                  hydrogen 350
        grand unification 268–271     Hall effect, phonon 97             properties 343
        grand unified theory 269      Hall effect, photonic 96        hydrogen–hydrogen cycle
        grandmother: a hard problem   Hall probes 95                     201, 208
           304                        halogens 346                    hydroxylapatite 79
        grape sugar 66                handcuff puzzle 363             Hypericum 67
            424                                                                               subject index

            hypernova 153                    IUPAC 410                          krypton 350
                                             IUPAC 411
            I                                IUPAP 410                          L
            ideal 361                                                           lady’s dress 292
            igneous rocks 69                 J                                  Lagrangian,QED 126
            ignition 212                     Jacobi identity 361                Lamb shift 125–126, 133, 315
            illusion                         Janko groups 369                   lamp 108
                of motion 39                 Jarlskog invariant 251, 265, 335   lamp, ideal 110
            imaging                          JET, Joint European Torus 211      lamps 109
                magnetic resonance 51, 162   Joint European Torus 211               gas discharge 108
            indium 350                       Josephson constant 315                 incandescent 108
H           infinite-dimensional 363
            infrasound 41
                                             Josephson frequency ratio 336
                                             joule 327
                                                                                    recombination 108
                                                                                lamps, sodium 110
            InGaAsP laser 113                junk DNA 53                        lamps, xenon 110
hypernova   ink fish 286                     Jupiter 68                         land mines, detection of 85
            insects 279                          properties 338                 lanthanoids 346

                                                                                                                   Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            inside 167                                                          lanthanum 350
            instanton 275                    K                                  large number hypothesis 144
            interaction                      kaon 172                           laser 114, 315
                strong nuclear 200              properties 342                      list of types 109
                weak 240–260                 Karachay, Lake 35, 195             laser mosquito killers 115
                weak, curiosities 255        kefir grains 30                    laser sword 130
                weak, summary 259            kelvin                             laser umbrella 115
            interference 130                    definition 325                  laser weapon 111
            interferometer, neutron 142      Killing form 362                   laser, CO2 111
            interferometers 142              kilo 327                           laser, argon 110

                                                                                                                   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            internal conversion 181          kilogram                           laser, beer 112
            International Astronomical          definition 325                  laser, cadmium 111
                Union 339                    kilonova 215                       laser, copper 111
            International Geodesic Union     kinesin 25                         laser, gold 111
                339                          KJ 66                              laser, helium-neon 110
            intrinsic properties 312         Klein bottles 366                  laser, krypton 111
            invariant, link 307              Klitzing, von – constant 315,      laser, lead salt 113
            invariant, topological 307          336                             laser, nitrogen 111
            inversion 293                    knot                               laser, quantum cascade 113
            invisibility 85–86                  and particles 309               laser, semiconductor 113
            invisibility cloak 85               in plants 305                   laser, vodka 112
            involution 360                      no in octopus arms 305          laser, water 111
            iodine 350                          tight                           laser, xenon 111
            ion channel 54                      illustration of 304             latex 88
            ionic radii 357                  Knot Atlas 302                     lattice QCD 231
            iridium 350                      knot fish 306                      lattice gauge theory 231
            iron 350                         knot invariants 303                lava 184
                fission and 208              knot problem, simplest 304             radioactivity of 185
                fusion and 208               knot shapes 304                    lawrencium 350
            isomeric transition 181          knot theory 137                    Lawson criterion 212
            isotope                          knot, mathematical 302             lead 350
                definition 172               KnotPlot 302                           from Roman times 196
            isotopes 346, 410                knotted protein 307                    radioactivity of natural 196
           subject index                                                                              425

           learning                        linear motors 22                 manifolds 363
               best method for 9           link 305                         manta 286
               without markers 9               classification 305           marble 69
               without screens 9           links, long 305                  marker
           length                          lipoid pneumonia 64                bad for learning 9
               Planck 329                  liquid crystals, colours in 95   Mars 88
           lepton number                   lithium 213, 350, 357            Mars trip 178
               definition 189              litre 327                        masers 114
           levitation                      livermorium 351                  mass
               neutron 171                 living being 15                    Planck 329
           lie                                 construction plan 18         mass ratio
L              on invisibility 86
           Lie algebra 361, 371
                                               definition of 17
                                           living thing, heaviest 344
                                                                              muon–electron 337
                                                                              neutron–electron 337
           Lie algebra,                    localization                       neutron–proton 337
learning       finite-dimensional 362          limits to particle 313         proton–electron 337
           Lie algebra, solvable 362       looking through matter 83        materials science 262

                                                                                                             Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           Lie algebras 371                Lorentz group 370                Mathieu groups 368
           Lie group 369                   Loschmidt’s number 336           matter
           Lie group, compactness of 370   lotus effect 99                    birth of 200
           Lie group, connectedness of     love                               history of 213
               370                             romantic 55                    looking through 83
           Lie group, linear 370           love, making 164                 matter is not made of atoms
           Lie groups 268                  lumen 327                          179
           Lie multiplication 361          lung cancer 195                  matter, composite 342
           lie, biggest in the world 258   lutetium 351                     Mauna Kea 88
           life 15, 19                     lux 327                          maximal ideal 361

                                                                                                             copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
               definition of 17                                             Maxwell equations 254
           life time                       M                                Mayak 195
               definition 180              machine                          measurement
           life’s basic processes 18         definition of 19                 comparison 328
           life’s chemical formula 346       molecular 21                     definition 325, 328
           lifetime                        machines, quantum 19               error definition 332
               relation to half-life 263   magma                              irreversibility 328
           lifetime, atomic 315              radioactivity of 185             meaning 328
           light                           magmatites 71                      process 328
               speed inside the Sun 203    magnesium 351                    medicine 262
           light bulb                      magnetic charge 273                holistic 34
               scams 114–115               magnetic domain walls 87         medicines 63
           light can hit light 130         magnetic field, critical 133     Mega 327
           light emitting diodes 110       magnetic flux quantum 336        meitnerium 351
           light swords 130                magnetic monopoles 275           Melanophila acuminata 41
           light year 338, 339             magnetic resonance imaging       memory
           lightning                         51, 84, 162                      and reproduction 19
               cosmic rays and 178         magneton, nuclear 337            Mendel’s ‘laws’ of heredity 18
           lightning rods, laser 115       magnons 87                       mendelevium 351
           limit, definition of 365        manganese 351                    menthol 40
           limits                          manifold 365                     mercury 66, 351
               to precision 333              analytic 369                   mercury lamps 109
           line 303                        manifold, connected 365          meson
        426                                                                        subject index

           diagram 222                   of quarks 251                    molecular 21
        meson table 345                mixing matrix                      ultrasound 25
        mesons 222                       CKM quark 265, 335             motors, molecular 19
        metabolism 18                    PMNS neutrino 252, 265,        MRI 162
        metacentric height 122           335                            multiverse 322
        metal halogenide lamps 109     MnO 108                          muon 172, 242, 263
        metals 346                     mobile                             g-factor 337
           heavy 346                     neurochemical 55               muon magnetic moment 337
           transition 346              moduli space 273                 muon mass 335
        metamaterials 86               molar volume 336                 muon neutrino 242, 263
        metamorphic rocks 69           molecular motors 23              muons 84
M       metamorphites 71
        metastability 180
                                       molecular pumps 22
                                                                        Musca domestica 43, 279
        metre                            mirror 31                        working of 21
meson      definition 325                most tenuous 66                muscle motion 21
        micro 327                      molecule size 315                muscovite 72

                                                                                                     Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        microorganism                  molybdenum 351                   music and mathematics 277
           swimming 285–287            momentum                         mycoplasmas 46
        microwave background             Planck 329                     myosin 23
           temperature 340             monopole, magnetic 269           Myxine glutinosa 306
        migration 206                  Monster group 369                Möbius strip 365
        mile 328                       monster group 369
        military 151                   Moon                             N
        Milky Way                        density 338                    Na 109, 110
           age 339                       properties 338                 NaI 109
           mass 339                    MoS2 97                          nano 327

                                                                                                     copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           size 339                    moscovium 351                    NASA 119
        millennium list 316            moss 100                         natural unit 336
           of open issues 316          motion                           navel
        milli 327                        and measurement units             in birds 31
        mineral                          326                            NbSe2 97
           rock-forming 71               as illusion 52                 neighbourhood 364
        minerals 71                      is fundamental 326             Nelumbo nucifera 99
        mines, detection of 85           reasons for existence 51       neodymium 351
        miniaturization                  reasons for observability 51   neon 351
           feats of living beings 17     symmetry 31                    Neonothopanus gardneri 110
        Minion Math font 413             through strokes 289            neptunium 351
        minute 327                       with limbs 31                  nerve cell
           definition 339                wobbly 309, 310                   blue whale 344
        mirror 147                     motion inversion violation       neurology 51
           accelerated 129               250                            neurosciences 262
           light emission from 129     Motion Mountain                  Neurospora crassa 43
        mirror and source                aims of book series 7          neurotransmitters
           motion of 128                 helping the project 10            important types 54
        mirror molecules 31              supporting the project 10      neutral weak current
        mirrors 124, 128                 top of 324                        interaction 254
        mitochondria 25                motor                            neutrinium 258
        mixing                           ciliary 30                     neutrino 196, 258
           of neutrinos 251              linear, film of 22                atmospheric 256
            subject index                                                                                427

               cosmic 256                   nova 215                              takes time 49
               Earth 256                    nuclear magnetic resonance        ocean floors 71
               fossil 256                     162, 164                        octonions 360
               man-made 256                 nuclear magneton 337              octopus
               masses 335                   nuclear motion                        and knots 305
               PMNS mixing matrix 252,        bound 188                       Oganesson 343
               265, 335                     nuclear physics 162               oganesson 352
               prediction 241               nuclear reaction 238              ohm 327
               solar 256                    nuclear reactor                   oil tanker 169
            neutrino flux on Earth 256        as power plant 196              Oklo 196
            neutrino mixing                   natural 196                     olivine 72
N              definition 251
            neutrino oscillations 257
                                              history of 200
                                                                              Olympus mons 88
            neutrino, electron 263          nucleon                               properties 343
neu trino   neutrinos 84, 396                 definition 172                  one million dollar prize 375
            neutron                           is composed 219                 one-body problem 134

                                                                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
               Compton wavelength 337       nucleosynthesis 213–216           onyx 75
               is composed 219                primordial 213                  open questions
               levitation 171               nucleus                               in quantum theory and
               magnetic moment 337            colour of 186                       general relativity 316
               mass 337                       discovery of 169                open questions in QED 137
               properties 171, 343            fission 188                     open set 364
               quark content 222              free motion of 172              opiorphin 54
            neutron capture 208, 213          in cosmic rays 172              optical black holes 151
            neutron emission 181              is usually composed 169         optical coherence
            neutron interferomtry 142         mass limit 185                      tomography 115

                                                                                                               copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            neutron mass 233                  shape of 186–187                orbifold 368
            neutron star 68, 185–186          shape oscillations 199          orchid 19
               size of 186                    size of 164                     ore-formers 346
            neutron star mergers 215          spin 172                        organelles 22
            neutron stars 210                 spin of 164                     orientation sensors 40
            neutron trap 171                  strong force in 172             orthoclase 72
            neutron, magnetic moment          tranformation with lasers       oscillator 42
               227                            259                             osmium 352
            neutrons 84, 170                nucleus accumbens 54, 55          ovule
               and table tennis 140–142     nuclide                               picture of 23
            newton 327                        definition 172                  oxygen 352
            nickel 351                      nuclides 343
            nihonium 351                    nymphs 312                        P
            niobium 352                                                       P violation 245
            nitrogen 352                    O                                 p–p cycle 201, 208
            NMR 162                         oak, fighting 36                  packing of spheres 73
            Nobel Prizes, scientists with   object                            paddle wheel 26
               two 103                         wobbly 309, 310                pain sensors 40
            nobelium 352                    object, full list of properties   pair creation 314
            noble gases 59, 346                262                            palladium 352
            node, on embryo 28              objects are made of particles     paraffin
            non-singular matrix 370            311                               dangers of 64
            nose 40                         observation                       Paramecium 286
            428                                                                          subject index

            parameter space 273                 314                           pleasure system 54
            parity 263                          definition 131                   illustration of 56
            parity violation 245, 246        Peta 327                         plumbum 350
            parity violation in electrons    PETRA collider 236               plutonium 195, 353
               246                           phanerophyte, monopodal 33       Poincaré algebra 363
            parsec 338                       phase of wave function in        points 364
            particle                            gravity 142                   poise 281
               elementary, definition 312    pheasants 280                    poisons 63
               limit to localization 313     Philips 124                      polaritons 87
               transformation 240            phonon Hall effect 97            polarons 87
               virtual, and Lamb shift 125   phonons 86                       poliomyelitis 259
P              zoo 220
            Particle Data Group 401
                                             phosphorus 352
                                             photino 272
                                                                              pollen 282
                                                                              polonium 64, 195, 353
            particle pairs                   photoacoustic effect 378         polymer
parameter      virtual 130                   photon 254, 262                     electroactive 33
            particle reactions 313              hitting photon 130            polymer, DNA as 62

                                                                                                              Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
            particle transformations 313        mass 335                      Pontecorvo–Maki–
            particle, alpha see 𝛼 particle      number density 340               Nakagawa–Sakata mixing
            particle, beta see electron      photon hall effect 392              matrix 251, 254
            particle, virtual                photon-photon scattering 315     positron charge
               in nuclear physics 188        photonic Hall effect 96             specific 336
            particles, virtual 122           photoperiodism 43, 56               value of 264, 334
            pascal 327                       physics                          positron tomography 51
            Pauli pressure 68, 210              map of 8                      positrons 84
            Pauli spin matrices 225             mathematical, limits of 277   potassium 185, 353
            Pauli’s exclusion principle 67      nuclear 162                   potatoes irradiation 198

                                                                                                              copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
            PbNO 66                          physics cube 8, 318              praeseodymium 353
            PbI 378                          phytochrome system 57            precision 332
            pencil 375                       pico 327                            limits to 333
            pencils 98                       pigeons 41                       predictions
            Penrose process 153              pigs 210                            difficulties for 46
            pentaquarks 237, 403             pion 172                         prefixes 327, 409
            people 210                          properties 342                   SI, table 327
            perception research 38           plagioclase 72                   prefixes, SI 327
            perigee 338                      Planaria 31                      present
            perihelion 339                   Planck constant                     takes time 49
            periodic table 344                  value of 264, 334                Zeno and the absence of
               with videos 59                Planck length 128                   the 49
            periodic table of the elements   Planck stroll 331                pressure, negative
               59, 345                       Planck time 144                     in trees 117
            permeability                     Planck units                     primal scream of a black hole
               vacuum 336                       as limits 329                    153
            permeability, vacuum 264            table of 329                  prime knots 303
            permittivity                     Planck units, corrected 330      principal quantum number 58
               vacuum 336                    Planck’s natural units 328       principle
            permittivity, vacuum 264         plankton 286                        anthropic 322
            perovskite 78                    plasma 91, 212                      simian 322
            perturbation theory 136          plasmons 86                      prions 377
               and quantum field theory      platinum 352                     Prochlorococcus 36
             subject index                                                                                    429

             projective planes 366               essence 313                     quartz 72, 75
             promethium 353                      essence of 224                  quartz, transparency of 86
             propeller 282                       Lagrangian 224                  quasars 153
                fish have none 283            quantum electrodynamics 126        quasicrystal, natural 81
             protactinium 353                    essence 313                     quasiparticle 86–87
             proton 170                       quantum field theory                  definition of 86
                Compton wavelength 337           collective aspects 274–275      quaternions 360
                g factor 337                     definition 313
                gyromagnetic ratio 337           emotions of 320                 R
                in magnetic resonance            essence of 274                  r-process 215
                imaging 162                      intensity of 320                Rad (unit) 194
P               is composed 219
                lifetime 315
                                                 perturbative aspect of 314
                                                 topological 273
                                                                                 radian 326
                                                                                 radiation 342
                magnetic moment 337           quantum groups 273                    cosmic see grand
projective      mass 315, 337                 quantum Hall effect 107               unification, 174
                properties 171, 342           quantum machines 19                radiation exposure 178

                                                                                                                    Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
                quark content 222             quantum number                     radiation pressure 210
                specific charge 337              principal, illustration of 59   radiative decay 314
             proton decay 269                 quantum numbers                    radioactive dose 193
             proton emission 181                 list of 263                     radioactive material
             proton lifetime 269              quantum of action                     amount of 193
             proton mass 233                     precise value 264, 334          radioactivity 165, 180, 193
             proton shape, variation of 234   quantum of circulation 336            and hell 185
             proton, magnetic moment 227      quantum particle                      dangers of 195, 197
             protons 170                         elementary 312                     discovery of 165
             protonvolt 330                   quantum physics                       measurement of 193

                                                                                                                    copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             psychology 262                      in a nutshell 311–324              of Earth 185
             Puffinus griseus 30              quantum systems in gravity            of human body 181
             pullovers 363                       140                                of lava 185
             pump                             quantum theory                        types of 166
                molecular 21                     in three sentences 311             units 194
             pungency 332                        millennium issues and           radioactivity, artificial 192
             puzzle                              316–317                         Radiocarbon dating 184
                animal symmetry 31               open questions 316              radiocarbon dating 184
             pyrite 80                           precision of 314                radiocarbon dating method
             pyroxenes 72                     quantum Zeno effect                   184
                                                 radioactivity and 180           radiometric dating 182–184
             Q                                quark                              radium 353
             QAD  259                            mixing matrix 265, 335          radius, covalent 357
             QED 126                             table of 223                    radius, ionic 357
             QED, open questions in 137          types 223                       radon 354
             quality factor 122               quark confinement 224, 229         rain on demand 309
             quanton, elementary 312          quark mass 233                     rainbow
             quantons 311                     quark masses 233                      and fine structure constant
             quantum asthenodynamics          quark mixing                          138
               259                               definition 251                     photograph of 138
               essence 313                    quark model 220–223                rainbow due to gravity 157
             quantum chromodynamics           quark stars 69                     raindrops 308
               223                            quarks 108, 219, 223               rainforest 99
          430                                                                        subject index

          ratchet 24                       S                            sense of taste 40
             classical 25                  S duality 274                sensors
             picture of 24                 s-process                        of touch, illustration of 39
          ratchet, quantum 25                  definition 213           sensors, animal 40
          rays, alpha see 𝛼 rays           Salmonella 286               sexes, number of 30
          rays, beta see 𝛽 rays            salt-formers 346             shadow of the Moon by
          rays, cosmic see cosmic rays     Salticidae 90                    cosmic rays 177
          reaction                         samarium 354                 sharks 41
             nuclear 188                   sand 380                     sheets, thinnest, in nature 97
          reaction rate                    sapphire 76                  shells 58
             chemical 315                  satellites 151               shoe laces 308
R         reactor
             for nuclear power 196
                                           scaling 97
                                                                            cosmic ray 178
             natural nuclear 196               swimming 285             shroud, Turin 184
ratchet   reactor, nuclear 191             scallop theorem 285          shuttlecocks 88
          red giants 68                    scandium 354                 SI

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
          red-shift values 152             scattering                       prefixes
          Regge trajectory 230                 nuclear 187                  table of 327
          relativity, special, and         scattering experiment 167        units 325, 334
             dislocations 299              Schrödinger equation,        SI units
          rem (unit) 194                       complex numbers in 297       definition 325
          renormalization 127              Schrödinger equation, for        prefixes 327
             of quantum field theory           extended entities 296        supplementary 326
             275                           Schrödinger’s equation 58    siemens 327
          reproduction 18                  Schwarzschild radius as      sievert 194, 327
          reproduction as proof of             length unit 330          sievert (SI unit) 193

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
             existence of atoms 19         ScI3 109                     signal distribution 42
          research fraud 346               science fiction, not in      silent holes 151
          reset mechanism 42                   quantum gravity 159      silica 71
          Reynolds number 281, 405         Scoville heat unit 332       silicon 79, 355
             definition 285                screw dislocations 299       silver 80, 355
          rhenium 62, 73, 354              seaborgium 354               simple 362
          rhodium 354                      second 327                   simply connected 365
          Rhodospirillum rubrum 287            definition 325, 339      single atom 46, 114
          rock cycle 69                    second principle of          singular point 385
          rock types 71                        thermodynamics 149       skatole 52
          rocks 69                         secret service 91            skyrmions 275
          rods 38                          sedimentary rocks 69         slime eel 306
          roentgenium 354                  sedimentites 71              smartphone
          rotational motors 22             see                              bad for learning 9
          rotons 87                            through clothes 390      smell
          rubber 301                       selectron 272                    sense of 52
          rubidium 354                     selenium 354                 smoking
          ruby 76                          self-acceleration 157            cancer due to radioactivity
          ruthenium 354                    self-reproduction 18             194, 195
          rutherfordium 354                semiconductor                smoky quartz 75
          Rydberg atom 294                     garlic-smelling 355      snakes 41
          Rydberg constant 315, 331, 336   semisimple 362               sneeze 30
          röntgen (unit) 194               sense of smell 40            snow flakes 74
         subject index                                                                               431

         sodium 355                     standard model                        collapse of 210
         sodium lamps 109                   open questions 265                convection inside the 204
         Sokolov–Ternov effect 147,         summary 261–265                   corona photograph 205
            396                         standard quantum limit for            energy source in 200
         solar constant                     clocks 46                         formation 216
            variation 210               stannum 356                           images at different
         solar cycle 210                star                                  wavelengths 201
         solar flare 204                    collapse of 210                   lifetime remaining 202
         solar storms 204                   neutron 68, 69                    motion in 204
         soliton 87                         pressure in 210                   neutrino flux 217
         solitons 275                       quark 69                          pressure 68
S        soul 312
                                            shining of 208
                                            size 68
                                                                           Sun’s age 339
                                                                           Sun’s lower photospheric
            non-commutative 273             surface 68                        pressure 339
sodium   space-time duality 274             temperature sensitivity 210    Sun’s luminosity 339
         space-time foam 159            star algebra 359                   Sun’s mass 338

                                                                                                           Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
         space-time, fluid 298          stardust 216                       Sun’s surface gravity 339
         space-time, solid 299          stars 109, 110                     superconducting
         space-time, swimming           Stefan–Boltzmann black body           supercollider 258
            through curved 291              radiation constant 150, 315,   superconductivity 103, 235,
         spark chambers 174                 337                               316
         sparticles 272                 steradian 326                      superfluidity 103, 120, 315
         special relativity 128         stibium 347                        supergravity 272
         special relativity and         stimulated emission 114            supernova 153, 215
            dislocations 299            stokes (unit) 281                     cosmic radiation and 175,
         spectrum 359                   stone                                 177, 178

                                                                                                           copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
         spectrum of hot objects 315        age of a 69                       debris dating 183
         speed                          stone formation 69                    definition 216
            of light 𝑐                  stones 311                            matter distribution and
            physics and 8               strange quark 223, 263                216
         speed of light                     mass 335                          neutron star and 186
            inside the Sun 203          Streptococcus mitis 31                Sun, Earth and 216
         sperm 286                      striatum 44                        supersymmetry 268, 270–273
         sphere packing 73              stroke                             support
         spinach 56                         motion 289                        this book 10
         spinor                         strong coupling constant 225,      surface 303
            as conserved quantity 272       265, 335                          of a star 68
         spirits 312                    strong CP problem 238              surface, compact 366
         spirochaetes 287               strong interaction                 surfaces of genus 𝑛 366
         Spiroplasma 287                    feeble side 219                swimming 282–287
         sponsor                            introduction 219                  and atoms 282
            this book 10                strontium 355                         interfacial 287
         spontaneous fission 181        structure constants 226, 361          lift-based 284
         spores 282                     SU(3)                                 macroscopic 284
         squark 412                         in nuclei 199                     microscopic 284
         squid 110                      subalgebra 361                        science of human 306
         stalk 91                       sulfates 75                        swimming through curved
         standard deviation 332         sulphur 355                           space-time 291
            illustration 333            Sun 200–208                        swords in science fiction 130
           432                                                                        subject index

           symmetry                         terahertz                         33
              and unification 268               waves 390                 tree 344
              beyond the standard           terahertz waves 84, 91            definition 33
              model 271–277                 terbium 355                       fighting 36
           symmetry, conformal 273          tesla 327                         growth 33
           symmetry, external 272           tetrahedral skeletons 60          image of 160
           symmetry, internal 272           tetraquark 402                    motion of 36, 37
           synapses 41                      tetraquarks 237               tree growth 34
           Système International            thallium 355                  trees
              d’Unités (SI) 325             thermometer 147                   and gravity 143
           system                           thorium 185, 356              trefoil knot 303
S             metastable 180                three-body problem 134
                                            thrips 282
                                                                          triple-α process 210
                                                                          tritium 211, 240
           T                                thulium 356                   trivial knot 302
symmetry   T duality 274                    thunderstorms 195             tropical year 338
           T violation 250                  Ti:sapphire laser 393         trousers 363

                                                                                                        Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
           table                            tie knots 308                 trout 41
               periodic, illustration of 60 time                          truth 264
               periodic, with                   of observation 49         truth quark 223
               photographs 61                   Planck 329                tungsten 62, 73, 109, 356
           table tennis with neutrons 140 time inversion violation 250        atoms, images of 74
           Talitrus saltator 43             time machines 159             tuning, fine 322
           Taningia danae 110               tin 356                       tunnelling rate 314
           tantalum 355, 410                titanium 356                  Turin shroud 184
               properties 343               TmI5 109                      twins as father(s) 30
           tape, adhesive 97                TNT energy content 337        two-body problem 134

                                                                                                        copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
           tape, sticky 97                  toilet brushes 282            two-dimensional crystals 98
           tardigrade 377                   tokamak 212
           taste 40                         tongue 40                     U
           tau 242, 263                     tonne, or ton 327             udeko 327
           tau mass 335                     tooth decay 83                Udekta 327
           tau neutrino 242, 263            tooth paste 311               ultrasound 41
           tax collection 325               top quark 223, 263            ultrasound imaging 84
           teaching                             mass 335                  umami 40
               best method for 9            topness 264                   uncertainty
           teapot, unknown properties       topoisomerases 307               relative 332
               of 323                       topological invariant 307        total 332
           technetium 355                   topological space 364         unification
           teeth 79                         topology 364                     delusions about 320
               and plasmas 91               tornado 295                      incorrect graph on 275
           telepathy 118                    torus, 𝑛- 366                    lack of electroweak 252
           teleportation 118                touch sensors 38                 search for 268
           tellurium 355                    tourmaline 76                    the dreom of 268–277
           telomeres 43                     transformation                   what for 323
           temperature                          of particles 240          unit
               Planck 329                   transformations, linear 359      astronomical 338
           temperature, human 34            transistor 100                   natural 336
           tennessine 355                   transpiration-cohesion-       units 325
           Tera 327                             tension model                natural 328
        subject index                                                                          433

           non-SI 328                   virus crystallization 377      whale brain size 41
           Planck’s 328                 virusoids 377                  whales 41
           provincial 328               viscosity 281                  wheel, paddle 26
           SI, definition 325              kinematic 285               wheels and propellers 283
        units, true natural 330         viscosity, kinematic 281       Wien’s displacement constant
        universe 134                    viscosity,dynamic 281             315, 337
           multiple 322                 vitamin B12 348                Wikipedia 375
        unpredictability                vodka 114                      wine 75
           practical 46                 volt 327                       wine, dating of 197
        Unruh effect 146                vortex 294                     wing
        Unruh radiation 129                in superfluids 105             membrane 281
U          illustration about 148
        up quark 223, 263
                                        vortex evolution 295
                                        vortex filaments 295
                                                                          fixed 281
           mass 335                     vortex tubes 295                  flapping 281
units   uranium 165, 185, 356                                          wood 88
                                        W                              World Geodetic System 339

                                                                                                      Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics
        V                               W boson 243, 262               worm holes 159
        vacuum                            introduction 241             wound healing 22
           energy density 317             mass 335                     writhe
           impedance 336                Waals, van der                    definition 308
           permeability 336               force in living being 90        quasi quantization 308
           permittivity 336             warming, global 93
        vacuum as bath 131              warp drive 159                 X
        vacuum permeability 264         water                          X bosons 269
        vacuum permittivity 264           properties 343               X-ray binaries 217
        vacuum polarization 133         water density 315              X-rays 84

                                                                                                      copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
        vacuum temperature 146          water drops and droplets 308   Xe 110
        vacuum, swimming through        water waves 123                xenno 327
           291                          waterspout 295                 xenon 109, 356
        Van-der-Waals interaction       watt 327                       Xenta 327
           220                          wave
        vanadium 356                      terahertz 390                Y
        vanilla ice cream 53            wave function phase in         Yang–Mills theory 224
        variance 332                      gravity 142                  yawning 54
        vector boson                    waves, terahertz 84, 91        yocto 327
           weak, introduction 241       weak charge 250, 255, 264      Yotta 327
        vector coupling 255             weak interaction               ytterbium 356
        Vela satellites 397               curiosities 255              yttrium 356
        velocity                          weakness of 241              Yukawa coupling 253
           Planck 329                   weak intermediate bosons 242
        vendeko 327                     weak isospin 250, 255, 264     Z
        Vendekta 327                    weak mixing angle 252, 265,    Z boson 243, 262
        ventral tegmental area 54, 55     269, 335                        introduction 241
        Viagra 352                      weak vector bosons 242            mass 335
        video                           weapons                        Z boson mass 315
           bad for learning 9             nuclear 197                  Zeno effect
        viroids 377                     weber 327                         quantum 50
        virtual particles 122           weko 327                       zepto 327
        virus 17                        Wekta 327                      zero-body problem 134
                                                               Motion Mountain – The Adventure of Physics   copyright © Christoph Schiller June 1990–September 2021 free pdf file available at
subject index

                   particle 220
                zirconium 356
                zinc 356
                zero-point fluctuations 124
                Zetta 327

The Adventure of Physics – Vol. V
Motion inside Matter –
Pleasure, Technology and Stars

Which quantum effects are at the basis of life?
How many motors does a human contain?
How do our senses work?
What crystals are used in everyday life?
What is vacuum energy?
How does magnetic resonance work?
Where do the atoms in our body come from?
Why do stars shine?
Which problems in physics are unsolved?

      Answering these and other questions on motion,
      this series gives an entertaining and mind-twisting
      introduction into modern physics – one that is
      surprising and challenging on every page.
      Starting from everyday life, the adventure provides
      an overview of modern results in mechanics,
      heat, electromagnetism, relativity,
      quantum physics and unification.

Christoph Schiller, PhD Université Libre de Bruxelles,
is a physicist and physics popularizer. He wrote this
book for his children and for all students, teachers and
readers interested in physics, the science of motion.

Pdf file available free of charge at