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Multi-Hop Network With Multiple Decision Centers Under Expected-Rate Constraints

Authors Michèle Wigger Mireille Sarkiss Mustapha Hamad

License CC-BY-4.0

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023                                                                                    4255

           Multi-Hop Network With Multiple Decision
            Centers Under Expected-Rate Constraints
                       Mustapha Hamad , Member, IEEE, Michèle Wigger , Senior Member, IEEE,
                                        and Mireille Sarkiss , Member, IEEE

   Abstract— We consider a multi-hop distributed hypothesis                  aim at accurately detecting hazardous events or anomalies
testing problem with multiple decision centers (DCs) for testing             at the decision centers (DCs) by collecting data about the
against independence and where the observations obey some                    measurements at the various sensors. The different events
Markov chain. For this system, we characterize the fundamental
type-II error exponents region, i.e., the type-II error exponents            can be considered as different hypotheses and are assumed
that the various DCs can achieve simultaneously, under expected-             to determine the joint probability distribution underlying the
rate constraints. Our results show that this fundamental expo-               data observed at all the terminals. Our focus will be on binary
nents region is boosted compared to the region under maximum-                hypothesis testing, i.e., situations with only two possible
rate constraints, and that it depends on the permissible type-I              events, with one of the two events corresponding to the normal
error probabilities. When all DCs have equal permissible type-I
error probabilities, the exponents region is rectangular and                 situation, the so called null hypothesis and the other to an
all DCs can simultaneously achieve their optimal type-II error               alert situation the so called alternative hypothesis. There are
exponents. When the DCs have different permissible type-I error              two types of errors to distinguish here: type-I error and type-II
probabilities, a tradeoff between the type-II error exponents                error. Type-I error corresponds to a false alarm where the deci-
at the different DCs arises. New achievability and converse                  sion center decides on the alternative hypothesis when the true
proofs are presented. For the achievability, a new multiplexing
and rate-sharing strategy is proposed. The converse proof is                 hypothesis is the null hypothesis. Type-II error corresponds to
based on applying different change of measure arguments in                   a missed detection where the decision center decides on the
parallel and on proving asymptotic Markov chains. For the                    null hypothesis when the true one is the alternative hypothesis.
special cases K ∈ {2, 3}, and for arbitrary K ≥ 2 when                       Since our interest is in alert systems where a missed detection
all permissible type-I error probabilities at the various DCs are            is more critical, we aim at maximizing the exponential decay
equal, we provide simplified expressions for the exponents region;
a similar simplification is conjectured for the general case.                of the type-II error probability (called error exponent) while
                                                                             only requiring the type-I error probability to stay below a given
  Index Terms— Multi-hop, distributed hypothesis testing, error              threshold.
exponents, expected-rate constraints, variable-length coding.
                                                                                Most of the information theoretic works studied the dis-
                       I. I NTRODUCTION                                      tributed binary hypothesis testing problem with a single sensor
                                                                             that communicates with a single distant DC over a noise-free
F    UTURE wireless systems are driven by the exponential
     growth of IoT networks and applications with various
requirements in terms of rate, reliability, and energy consump-
                                                                             link with a constraint on the maximum allowed communica-
                                                                             tion rate [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. These results
tion. In applications such as health monitoring, security alert-             were also extended to setups with noisy communication links
ing or automotive car control, the sensing and decision systems              [11], [12], [13], to setups with privacy and secrecy constraints
                                                                             [14], [15], and to more complicated networks with either
  Manuscript received 5 July 2022; revised 1 December 2022; accepted         interactive communication [16], [17], [18], [19], multiple sen-
30 December 2022. Date of publication 23 January 2023; date of current
version 16 June 2023. The work of Mustapha Hamad and Michèle Wig-            sors [8], [20], [21], multiple decision centers [22], [23], [24],
ger was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the           [25], [26], or both of them [27], [28], [29]. The works most
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under        closely related to this paper are [28] and [29] which considered
Grant 715111. An earlier version of this paper was presented in
part at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2021 [DOI:               a multi-hop setup with K sensors and K DCs. Multi-hop
10.1109/ITW48936.2021.9611470] and in part at the IEEE Globe-                setups are motivated by the stringent energy constraints of IoT
com Conference, 2021 [DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685750].              devices requiring short-range communication only between
(Corresponding author: Mustapha Hamad.)
  Mustapha Hamad was with LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut Polytech-            neighbouring sensors.
nique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France. He is now with the Huawei              Specifically, [28] characterized a set of type-II error expo-
Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Laboratory, Paris Research Center,     nent tuples that are simultaneously achievable at the various
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France (e-mail:
  Michèle Wigger is with LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de      DCs in a multi-hop network with K sensors and K DCs. For
Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France (e-mail:    the special case of testing against independence and when
  Mireille Sarkiss is with SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Poly-         the type-I error probabilities at all the DCs are required to
technique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France (e-mail: mireille.sarkiss@                                                        vanish asymptotically, this set of exponents coincides with the
  Communicated by P.-N. Chen, Associate Editor for Shannon Theory and        fundamental exponents region, which means that in this special
Information Measures.                                                        case no other exponent tuples are achievable. Testing against
  Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at                                    independence refers to a hypothesis test where under the
  Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2023.3238339                         alternative hypothesis the observations at the various terminals
     This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
4256                                                                  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

follow the product of the marginal distributions that they            coding and testing scheme when the maximum rates are
experience under the null hypothesis. The result in [28] further      limited by the chosen rate-tuple. For K = 2 and K =
required that the joint distribution of the various observations      3, we explicitly characterize the multiplexing probabilities
under the null hypothesis satisfies certain Markov chains from        in function of the type-I error probability thresholds at the
one relay to the other. Interestingly, in this case, the set of       various DCs and we show that one can restrict to only
exponent tuples that are simultaneously achievable at the K           K +1 subschemes, instead of 2K . We conjecture that a similar
decision centers is a K-dimensional hypercube, implying that          simplification holds for arbitrary K ≥ 2.
no tradeoff between the exponents arises and each DC can                 Our converse proofs apply several instances of the change
achieve the optimal exponent as if it was the only DC in              of measure arguments in [34], [35], and [36] in parallel,
the system. When K = 2, [29] proved the strong converse               where we also restrict to jointly typical source sequences as
result that the optimal exponent region does not depend on            in [35]. In contrast to the related strong converse proofs in [29]
the permissible type-I error probabilities. (The work in [29]         and [34] no variational characterizations, or hypercontractivity
presents different expressions for the sets of achievable type-II     arguments [37] are required to prove our desired results.
error exponents depending on whether the sum of the two               Instead, we rely on arguments showing that certain Markov
admissible type-I error probabilities exceeds 1 or not. It can        chains hold in an asymptotic regime of infinite blocklengths.
however be shown that the two expressions coincide, as we             Notice that our method to circumvent variational characteri-
argue in Remark 1.)                                                   zations, or hypercontractivity, or blowing-up arguments [38],
   Above works all focused on maximum-rate constraint where           seems to extend also to other converse proofs, see for example
the length of any message sent over the communication link            the simplified proof of the well-known strong converses for
is limited. In this paper, we consider expected-rate constraints      lossless and lossy compression with side-information at the
as in [10], [30], [31], and [32], where the expected length of        decoder [39], [40] presented in [41].
the message sent over the communication link is constrained.             We summarize our main contributions for the K ≥ 2-hop
Most closely related are the works in [30] and [33] which             network with K DCs that test against independence and when
showed that under an expected-rate constraint R, the optimal          the observations at the terminals obey a specific Markov chain:
type-II error exponent for testing against independence in
                                                                        •   We provide an exact characterization of the general
the single-sensor and single-DC setup coincides with the
                                                                            fundamental exponents region under expected-rate con-
optimal type-II error exponent under a maximum-rate con-
                                                                            straints. This result shows rate-boosts on all the links in
straint R/(1 − ϵ), for ϵ denoting the permissible type-I error
                                                                            the system, and illustrates a tradeoff between the expo-
constraint. In other words, the relaxed expected-rate constraint
                                                                            nents at all DCs with different type-I error thresholds.
seems to allow to boost the rate by a factor (1−ϵ)−1 compared
                                                                        •   To prove achievability, we propose a new coding scheme
to the same setup under a maximum-rate constraint.
                                                                            based on multiplexing and rate-sharing strategy.
   We show that the same conclusion holds for the K-hop
                                                                        •   Converses are proved by several parallel change of mea-
network with K decision centers considered in [28] when
                                                                            sure arguments and by showing certain Markov chains in
all DCs obey the same type-I error constraint ϵ. In this case,
                                                                            the asymptotic regime of infinite blocklengths.
the fundamental exponents region is a K-dimensional hyper-
                                                                        •   We prove that our results simplify for the special cases
cube where all DCs can simultaneously achieve their optimal
                                                                            of K = 2 or K = 3 hops or when all K DCs have
type-II error exponents as if they were the only DC in the
                                                                            same admissible type-I error probabilities ϵ. For equal
system, and this exponent coincides with the exponent under a
                                                                            type-I error probabilities, the optimal scheme multiplexes
maximum-rate constraint but where the rates of all links in the
                                                                            only two subschemes instead of 2K . For general type-I
system are boosted by a factor (1−ϵ)−1 . In contrast, when the
                                                                            error probabilities and when there are only K = 2 or
various DCs have different type-I error probability thresholds,
                                                                            K = 3 hops, then at most K + 1 subschemes need to be
a tradeoff arises between the type-II error exponents that are
                                                                            multiplexed. Multiplexing probabilities in these special
simultaneously achievable at the different DCs. This tradeoff,
                                                                            cases can directly be obtained from the permissible type-I
which depends on the type-I error thresholds at the different
                                                                            error probabilities at the various DCs. Similar simplifica-
DCs, is the first of its kind and we exactly characterize it
                                                                            tions are conjectured for arbitrary K ≥ 2 and arbitrary
for the studied multi-hop setup. We notice hence that under
                                                                            type-I error probabilities.
expected-rate constraint a strong converse does not hold, since
the optimal type-II error exponents depend on the admissible             Paper organization: The remainder of this paper is divided
type-I error probabilities. We show this for arbitrary K ≥ 2          into two main parts, one focusing on the two-hop network
and arbitrary admissible type-I error probabilities ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK   (Sections II–VI) and one considering the general K-hop
by fully characterizing the fundamental type-II error exponents       network (Sections VII–VIII). For the first part, Section II
region.                                                               describes the two-hop system model, and Section III presents
   To prove our achievability results under expected-rate con-        the related previous results under maximum-rate constraints.
straints, we propose a new multiplexing and rate-sharing              Section IV explains and analyses our proposed optimal cod-
strategy that generalizes the degenerate multiplexing scheme          ing schemes for the setup under expected-rate constraints.
in [30]. Specifically, we multiplex different coding schemes of       Section V contains our main results, discussion, and numerical
different sets of rates on the various links and with different       analysis for the two-hop network. In Section VI, we provide
probabilities, where each multiplexed subscheme is an optimal         our converse proof. For the second part, Section VII introduces

the system model for K hops, presents the related previous
results on maximum-rate constraints. It also describes our new
optimal coding scheme and the fundamental exponents region
under expected-rate constraints, and simplifications on them.
The converse for K-Hops is presented in Section VIII.
   Notation: We follow the notation in [30]. In particular,
we use sans serif font for bit-strings: e.g., m for a deterministic       Fig. 1.   Cascaded two-hop setup with two decision centers.
and M for a random bit-string. We let bin(m) denote the
shortest bit-string representation of a positive integer m, and           for given pmfs PY0 Y1 and PY2 |Y1 and where PY0 , PY1 , and PY2
for any bit-string m we let len(m) and dec(m) denote its length           denote the marginals of the joint pmf PY0 Y1 Y2 := PY0 Y1 PY2 |Y1 .
and its corresponding positive integer. The set of all bit-strings           In this two-hop setup, the transmitter T0 observes the source
is denoted by {0, 1}⋆ .                                                   sequence Y0n and sends its bit-string message M1 = ϕ0 (Y0n )
   Random variables are typically written with upper case                                                                     (n)
                                                                          to R1 , where the encoding function is of the form ϕ0 : Y0n →
symbols, e.g., A, and realizations in lower case, e.g., a.                {0, 1}⋆ and satisfies the expected-rate constraint
Sets show in calligraphic symbols, for example A, and An
denotes the n-fold Cartesian product of A, for any positive                                        E [len (M1 )] ≤ nR1 .                   (4)
integer n. We further abbreviate the random and deterministic             The relay R1 observes the source sequence             Y1n
                                                                                                                         and with the
n-tuples (A1 , . . . , An ) and (a1 , . . . , an ) by An and an . For     message M1 received from T0 , it produces a guess Ĥ1 of the
given integer K, we use P(K) to denote the power set of                                                           (n)
                                                                          hypothesis H using a decision function g1 : Y1n × {0, 1}⋆ →
{1, . . . , K}, i.e., the set of all possible subsets of {1, . . . , K}   {0, 1}:
including the set {1, . . . , K} itself, but excluding the emptyset                             (n)
                                                                                        Ĥ1 = g1 (Y1n , M1 ) ∈ {0, 1}.             (5)
∅. In addition, Tµ (PXY ) denotes the strongly typical set
as defined in [42, Definition 2.8]. That means, for any small             Relay R1 also computes a bit-string message M2 =
                                                                           (n)                                             (n)
positive number µ a pair (xn , y n ) lies in Tµ (PXY ) if, and            ϕ1 (Y1n , M1 ) using some encoding function ϕ1 : Y1n ×
                                                                                ⋆         ⋆
only if,                                                                  {0, 1} → {0, 1} that satisfies the expected-rate constraint

   |{t : (xt , yt )}|                                                                              E [len (M2 )] ≤ nR2 .                   (6)
                      − PXY (a, b) ≤ µ,      ∀(a, b) ∈ X × Y, (1)
          n                                                               Then it sends M2 to the receiver R2 , which guesses hypothesis
                                                                          H using its observation Y2n and the received message M2 ,
and for all pairs (a, b) of 0 probability (xt , yt ) ̸= (a, b) for all                                     (n)
                                                                          i.e., using a decision function g2 : Y2n × {0, 1}⋆ → {0, 1},
t ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
                                                                          it produces the guess:
   Throughout this manuscript, hb (·) denotes the binary
entropy function, and D(·∥·) the Kullback-Leibler divergence                                 Ĥ2 = g2 (Y2n , M2 ) ∈ {0, 1}.                (7)
between two probability mass functions on the same alpha-
                                                                            The goal is to design encoding and decision functions such
bet. Entropy, conditional entropy, and mutual information of
                                                                          that their type-I error probabilities
random variables are denoted by H(·), H(·|·), and I(·; ·).
When the probability mass functions of the involved random                                     α1,n ≜ Pr[Ĥ1 = 1|H = 0]                    (8)
variables are not clear from the context, we add them as a                                     α2,n ≜ Pr[Ĥ2 = 1|H = 0]                    (9)
subscript and write for example HP (·), HP (·|·), and IP (·; ·).
We use the symbols lim and lim to denote the limsup and the               stay below given thresholds ϵ1 > 0 and ϵ2 > 0 and the type-II
liminf of sequences. 1{·} denotes the indicator function and              error probabilities
for any real value x we write [x]+ for max{0, x}.                                              β1,n ≜ Pr[Ĥ1 = 0|H = 1]                   (10)
   Finally, we abbreviate the terms independent and identically
                                                                                               β2,n ≜ Pr[Ĥ2 = 0|H = 1]                   (11)
distributed by i.i.d. and probability mass function by pmf.
                                                                          decay to 0 with largest possible exponential decay.
             II. T HE T WO -H OP S YSTEM M ODEL                              Definition 1: Fix maximum type-I error probabilities
                                                                          (ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) ∈ [0, 1)2 and nonnegative rates (R1 , R2 ). The
  Consider the distributed hypothesis testing problem in                  exponent pair (θ1 , θ2 ) is called (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 )-achievable if
Figure 1 with a transmitter T0 , a relay R1 and a receiver R2             there exists a sequence of encoding and decision functions
observing sequences Y0n , Y1n and Y2n respectively, forming the              (n)    (n) (n) (n)
                                                                          {ϕ0 , ϕ1 , g1 , g2 }n≥1 satisfying ∀i ∈ {1, 2}:
Markov chain
                     Y0n → Y1n → Y2n                        (2)                                         E[len(Mi )] ≤ nRi ,              (12a)
                                                                                                              lim αi,n ≤ ϵi ,            (12b)
In the special case of testing against independence, i.e.,                                                n→∞
depending on the binary hypothesis H ∈ {0, 1}, the tuple                                             1      1
                                                                                                  lim  log       ≥ θi .                  (12c)
(Y0n , Y1n , Y2n ) is distributed as:                                                            n→∞ n     β i,n

                                                                             Definition 2: The closure of the set of all (ϵ1 , ϵ2 )-
 under H = 0 : (Y0n , Y1n , Y2n ) i.i.d. ∼ PY0 Y1 · PY2 |Y1 ;     (3a)
                                                                          achievable exponent pairs (θ1 , θ2 ) is called the fundamental
 under H = 1 : (Y0n , Y1n , Y2n ) i.i.d. ∼ PY0 · PY1 · PY2        (3b)    (ϵ1 , ϵ2 )-exponents region and is denoted E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ).
4258                                                                   IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

         III. P REVIOUS R ESULTS ON M AXIMUM -R ATE                    where T0 is not present [3]. In the studied two-hop setup, R2
                 C ONSTRAINTS FOR T WO H OPS                           thus accumulates the optimal exponents achieved over the two
A. The Setup                                                           links. Since the exponents region is a rectangle, each of the
                                                                       two decision centers, R1 and R2 , can simultaneously achieve
  The multi-hop hypothesis testing setup of Figure 1 and
                                                                       their optimal exponents, no tradeoff occurrs between the two
Equations (3) was also considered in [27] and [29], but under
                                                                       exponents. We shall see that this is not always the case under
maximum-rate constraints:
                                                                       expected-rate constraints.
                    len(Mi ) ≤ nRi ,           i ∈ {1, 2},     (13)
                                                                           IV. O PTIMAL T WO -H OP C ODING S CHEME U NDER
instead of the expected-rate constraints (12a). The fun-                            E XPECTED -R ATE C ONSTRAINTS
damental exponents region Emax         (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) for this
                                                                          The optimal coding scheme under expected-rate constraints
maximum-rate setup is defined analogously to Definition (2),
                                                                       depends on whether ϵ1 = ϵ2 , ϵ1 < ϵ2 , or ϵ1 > ϵ2 . The general
but with (12a) replaced by (13).
                                                                       idea of all the three schemes is that the three terminals T0 ,
   In the following subsection, we report the fundamental
                   ∗                                                   R1 , R2 multiplex two or three different subschemes, and the
exponents region Emax (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) derived in [29].
                                                                       choice of which subscheme to use depends on the transmitter
                                                                       T0 ’s observations y0n . To inform all terminals about the choice
B. The Exponents Region                                                of the subscheme, T0 adds one or two flag bits to its message,
   Define the two functions                                            which the relay R1 forwards to the receiver R2 .
                                                                          The main distinguishing feature of the different subschemes
               η1 (R1 ) :=       max          I (U1 ; Y1 )     (14)
                               PU1 |Y0 :                               is the choice of the subset of terminals—no terminal, both
                             R1 ≥I(U1 ;Y0 )                            terminals, only R1 or only R2 –that exploit the information
               η2 (R2 ) :=       max          I (U2 ; Y2 ) ,   (15)    in the transmitted messages to produce a guess of hypothesis
                               PU2 |Y1 :
                             R2 ≥I(U2 ;Y1 )                            H. The other terminals ignore this communication and simply
                                                                       declare Ĥ = 1. The different subschemes occupy different
where the mutual information quantities are calculated with
                                                                       communication rates, and as we shall see in the following
respect to the joint pmfs PU1 Y0 Y1 := PU1 |Y0 PY0 Y1 and
                                                                       Section V, the allocation of the rates has to be chosen in func-
PU2 Y1 Y2 := PU2 |Y1 PY1 Y2 , respectively. As stated in [3],
                                                                       tion of the desired tradeoff between the exponents θ1 and θ2 .
in the above maximization problems it suffices to consider
                                                                       In this section, we formulate the subschemes based on generic
auxiliary random variables U1 and U2 over alphabets of sizes
                                                                       hypothesis testing schemes for the two-hop network and the
|Y0 | + 1 and |Y1 | + 1.
                                                                       single-hop network with vanishing type-I error probabilities
   Lemma 1: The functions η1 and η2 are continuous, concave
                                                                       and respecting given rate constraints. Replacing these generic
and monotonically non-decreasing on their entire domain R+   0.        schemes by the optimal schemes under maximum-rate con-
    Proof: Appendix A proves the desired properties for η1 .
                                                                       straints [4], [27] attains the optimal error exponents presented
The proof for η2 is analogous and omitted.
                                                                       in Theorem 2 ahead.
   The exponents region of the two-hop setup under maximum-
rate constraints was determined in [29] for the case ϵ1 + ϵ2 ̸=
                                                                       A. The Case ϵ1 = ϵ2 = ϵ
1 and in [41] for the case ϵ1 + ϵ2 = 1. Achievability was first
established in [27].                                                      We combine two subschemes, where in one subscheme both
   Theorem 1 ( [29], [41]): Fix (ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) ∈ [0, 1)2 . The fun-        R1 and R2 attempt to correctly guess the hypothesis H and
damental exponents region under the maximum-rate con-                  in the other subscheme both simply declare Ĥ = 1. To this
straints (13) is:                                                      end, we partition the set Y0n into subsets D∅ , D{1,2} ⊆ Y0n so
                                                                       that under PYn0 the probability of subset D{1,2} is as large as
Emax (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 )                                              possible but satisfies
       = {(θ1 , θ2 ) : θ1 ≤ η1 (R1 ) , θ2 ≤ η1 (R1 )+η2 (R2 )}. (16)
                                                                                       Pr Y0n ∈ D{1,2} ≤ 1 − ϵ.
We notice that the fundamental exponents region does not
                                                                       Notice that as n → ∞ the inequality turns into an equality.
depend on the permissible type-I error probabilities ϵ1 and
                                        ∗                                 Depending on whether Y0n lies in D∅ or D{1,2} , the three
ϵ2 . We will therefore abbreviate Emax     (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) by
  ∗                                                                    terminals follow a different subscheme.
Emax (R1 , R2 ).
                                                                          If Y0n ∈ D∅ : In this case, none of the terminals attempts to
    Remark 1: When ϵ1 +ϵ2 > 1, the work in [29] characterizes
  ∗                                                                    correctly guess the hypothesis H. Specifically, T0 and R1 both
Emax (R1 , R2 ) in form of an optimization problem over three
auxiliary random variables U1 , U2 , V , see [29, Eq. (33)].
                                                                                                M1 = M2 = [0]                     (18)
It can however be verified that without loss of optimality
this optimization can be restricted to auxiliaries U1 = U2 ,           and R1 and R2 simply declare
in which case the characterisation in [29, Eq. (33)] reduces to
                                                                                                Ĥ1 = Ĥ2 = 1.                      (19)
the expression in (16).
    Notice that η1 (R1 ) determines the optimal exponent in a            If Y0n    ∈ D{1,2} : In this case, both R1 and R2 attempt to
point-to-point system where R2 is not present, and η2 (R2 )            correctly guess H based on the transmitted messages. Specifi-
determines the optimal exponent in a point-to-point system             cally, T0 , R1 , R2 all apply the encoding/decision functions of a

given two-hop hypothesis testing scheme with vanishing type-                      forwards this flag at the beginning of its message M2 to
I error probabilities and respecting maximum-rate constraints                     inform R2 .
R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 on the two links,1 where these rates are                       If Y0n ∈ D∅ : T0 and R1 send only the flag-bits
chosen to satisfy
                                                                                                         M1 = M2 = [0, 0]                     (23)
                         (1 − ϵ)R{1,2},1 ≤ R1                           (20a)
                                                                                  and R1 and R2 decide on
                         (1 − ϵ)R{1,2},2 ≤ R2 .                         (20b)

To inform all the terminals about the event Y0 ∈ D{1,2}                                                   Ĥ1 = Ĥ2 = 1.                      (24)
and consequently about the employed scheme, T0 and R1                                If Y0n ∈ D{1} : T0 and R1 apply a given single-hop hypothe-
append the [1]-flag at the beginning of their messages                            sis testing scheme with vanishing type-I error probability and
M1 and M2 .                                                                       expected-rate constraint R{1},1 for message M1 . Moreover,
   Analysis: By (17) and (20), and because transmission of                        message M1 is preceded by flag-bits [1, 0], and the relay R1
single bits hardly changes the communication rate for large                       forwards these flag-bits to R2 :
blocklengths, the overall scheme satisfies the expected-rate
constraints R1 and R2 on the two links. Appendix B proves                                                   M2 = [1, 0].                      (25)
that when the optimal two-hop hypothesis testing scheme
with vanishing type-I error probability [27] is employed for                      Upon reception of these flag-bits, R2 declares
Y0n ∈ D{1,2} , then the overall scheme meets the permissible
                                                                                                              Ĥ2 = 1.                        (26)
type-I error probability ϵ and achieves the error exponent given
by Equation (31) of Theorem 2.                                                       We observe that, as indicated by the subscript {1} of set
                                                                                  D{1} , only terminal R1 attempts to correctly guess H. Receiver
B. The Case ϵ1 < ϵ2                                                               R2 produces the trivial guess in (26) because of its higher
                                                                                  admissible type-I error probability ϵ2 > ϵ1 . Notice also that
   We combine three subschemes, where in each subscheme
                                                                                  no communication rate is required for message M2 in the limit
either no terminal, only R1 , or both R1 and R2 attempt to
                                                                                  as n → ∞.
correctly guess H. To this end, we partition the set Y0n
                                                                                     If Y0n ∈ D{1,2} : T0 , R1 , R2 apply a given two-hop
into three disjoint subsets D∅ , D{1} , D{1,2} ⊆ Y0n so that
                                                                                  hypothesis testing scheme with vanishing type-I error probabil-
under PY0 the two sets D{1} and D{1,2} have largest possible
                                                                                  ities and satisfying the expected-rate constraints R{1,2},1 and
probabilities but limited by
                                                                                  R{1,2},2 .
                    Pr Y0n ∈ D{1} ≤ ϵ2 − ϵ1                                          Analysis: By (21) and (22), and because transmission of two
                      n                                                         bits hardly changes the rate for sufficiently large blocklengths,
                 Pr Y0 ∈ D{1,2} ≤ 1 − ϵ2 .             (21b)
                                                                                  the proposed overall scheme respects the expected-rate con-
As a consequence,                                                                 straints R1 and R2 for large values of n. Appendix C proves
                                                                                  that when the optimal single-hop and two-hop hypothesis
                        Pr [Y0n ∈ D∅ ] ≥ ϵ1 .                           (21c)     testing schemes under maximum-rate constraints R{1},1 and
                                                                                  (R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2 ) with vanishing type-I error probability
Notice that as n → ∞, the three inequalities (21) can hold
                                                                                  [4], [27] are used, then the overall scheme satisfies the type-I
with equality.
                                                                                  error constraints ϵ1 and ϵ2 and achieves the error exponents
   Choose also nonnegative rates R{1},1 , R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2
                                                                                  in Equation (32) of Theorem 2.

         (ϵ2 − ϵ1 )R{1},1 + (1 − ϵ2 )R{1,2},1 ≤ R1                      (22a)
                                                                                  C. The Case ϵ1 > ϵ2
                                 (1 − ϵ2 )R{1,2},2 ≤ R2 .               (22b)
                                                                                     We combine three subschemes, where in each subscheme
   Depending on whether Y0n lies in D∅ , D{1} , or D{1,2} ,                       either no terminal, only R2 , or both R1 and R2 attempt to
the three terminals apply a different subscheme satisfying a                      correctly guess H. To this end, we partition the set Y0n
different pair of maximum-rate constraints, where the sub-                        into three disjoint subsets D∅ , D{2} , D{1,2} ⊆ Y0n so that
script I of set DI indicates the set of relays that attempt                       under PY0n the two sets D{2} and D{1,2} have largest possible
to correctly guess H in the event Y0n ∈ DI . To commu-                            probabilities but limited by
nicate which of the three subschemes is used, T0 adds a
                                                                                                      Pr Y0n ∈ D{2} ≤ ϵ1 − ϵ2
two-bit flag at the beginning of its message M1 to R1 , which                                                                            (27a)
                                                                                                   Pr Y0 ∈ D{1,2} ≤ 1 − ϵ1 .             (27b)
   1 As it will become clear in the subsequent analysis, for the overall scheme
to respect rate constraints (4) and (6), it suffices that the two-hop scheme      As a consequence,
respects the rate constraints R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 on expectation. However,
as a consequence of our main result in Theorem 2, under vanishing type-I                              Pr [Y0n ∈ D∅ ] ≥ ϵ2 .                  (27c)
error probabilities, the same type-II error exponents are achievable under
both expected- and maximum-rate constraints. There is thus no benefit in
considering schemes with expected rates R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 , but possibly      Notice that as n → ∞, the three inequalities (27) hold with
larger maximum rates.                                                             equality.
4260                                                                 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

  Choose also nonnegative rates R{2},1 , R{1,2},1 , R{2},2 , and       Theorem 2: Given ϵ1 , ϵ2 , R1 , R2 ≥ 0.
R{1,2},2 satisfying                                                    If ϵ1 = ϵ2 = ϵ, then E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ, ϵ) is the set of all
                                                                     nonnegative (θ1 , θ2 ) pairs satisfying
          (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R{1},1 + (1 − ϵ1 )R{1,2},1 ≤ R1          (28)
          (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R{2},2 + (1 − ϵ1 )R{1,2},2 ≤ R2 .        (29)                θ1 ≤ η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ))                                (31a)
                                                                                 θ2 ≤ η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ)) + η2 (R2 /(1 − ϵ)).           (31b)
   Depending on whether Y0n lies in D∅ , D{2} , or D{1,2} , the
three terminals apply a different subscheme. The subscript I            If ϵ1 < ϵ2 , then E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) is the set of all nonneg-
of set DI again indicates the set of terminals that attempt          ative (θ1 , θ2 ) pairs satisfying
to correctly guess H in the event Y0n ∈ DI , and RI,1 , RI,2                                                                
                                                                                  θ1 ≤ min η1 R{1},1 , η1 R{1,2},1                     (32a)
indicate the maximum rates of the subscheme employed under                                            
Y0n ∈ DI . (An exception is the event Y0n ∈ D∅ , where                            θ2 ≤ η1 R{1,2},1 + η2 (R2 /(1 − ϵ2 )) ,              (32b)
both rates are 0.) Flag-bits are used at the beginning of the        for some rates R{1},1 , R{1,2},1 ≥ 0 so that
messages M1 and M2 to inform R1 and R2 about which of
the subschemes is employed.                                                   R1 ≥ (ϵ2 − ϵ1 )R{1},1 + (1 − ϵ2 )R{1,2},1 .             (32c)
   If Y0n ∈ D∅ : All three terminals, T0 , R1 , and R2 apply the        If ϵ1 > ϵ2 , then E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) is the set of all nonneg-
degenerate scheme in (23)–(24).                                      ative (θ1 , θ2 ) pairs satisfying
   If Y0n ∈ D{2} : As indicated by the subscript of set D{2} ,
only R2 makes a serious attempt to correctly guess H, while                 θ1 ≤ η1 (R{1,2},1 )                                       (33a)
R1 always declares                                                          θ2 ≤ min η1 (R{1,2},1 ) + η2 R{1,2},2 ,
                            Ĥ1 = 1,                        (30)                                     
                                                                                            η1 R{2},1 + η2 R{2},2
irrespective of the received message and its observations.           for some rates R{1,2},1 , R{2},1 , R{1,2},2 , R{2},2 ≥ 0, so that
This implies that under this subscheme, α1,n = 1 and
β1,n = 0. Besides this decision, T0 , R1 , and R2 apply a given              R1 ≥ (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R{2},1 + (1 − ϵ1 )R{1,2},1                (33c)
two-hop distributed hypothesis testing scheme with vanishing                 R2 ≥ (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R{2},2 + (1 − ϵ1 )R{1,2},2 .             (33d)
type-I error probabilities and respecting the maximum-rate
constraints R{2},1 and R{2},2 for messages M1 and M2 .                    Proof:       Achievability is based on the schemes in
Moreover, both T0 and R1 append the two-bit flag [0,1] at the        Section IV, see Appendices B and C for their analyses. The
beginning of these two messages to inform all the terminals          converse is proved in Section VI.
about the employed scheme.                                              Remark 2 (Discussion for ϵ1 = ϵ2 ): By above theorem, for
   Notice that in the optimal two-hop hypothesis testing             ϵ1 = ϵ2 = ϵ, the fundamental exponents region
scheme [27], the relay R1 computes a tentative decision              E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ, ϵ) is a rectangle. Also, compared to the fun-
based on M1 and Y1n , which influences the message M2                damental exponents region under maximum-rate constraints,
sent to R2 and allows the latter to improve its type-I error         here the rates are boosted by a factor (1 − ϵ)−1 :
probability. Here we propose that R1 itself ignores its tentative               ∗                     ∗      R1      R2
                                                                               E (R1 , R2 , ϵ, ϵ) = Emax          ,          .  (34)
decision, because the naive decision (30) is sufficient to satisfy                                         (1 − ϵ) (1 − ϵ)
the constraint ϵ1 on its type-I error probability and is also        In particular, for ϵ1 = ϵ2 = 0 the fundamental expo-
the most-favorable decision to maximize the type-II error            nents regions under maximum- and expected-rate constraints
exponent.                                                            coincide:
   If Y0n ∈ D{1,2} : Both decision centers R1 and R2 attempt                       E ∗ (R1 , R2 , 0, 0) = Emax
                                                                                                               (R1 , R2 ). (35)
to correctly guess H. Specifically, T0 , R1 , and R2 apply
a given two-hop hypothesis testing scheme with vanishing               Remark 3 (Discussion for ϵ1 < ϵ2 ): For ϵ1 ̸= ϵ2 , the fun-
type-I error probabilities and respecting the maximum-rate           damental exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) is not a rect-
constraints R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 for messages M1 and M2 .           angle, as can be verified by the numerical results in
Moreover, both T0 and R1 append the two-bit flag [1,1] at the        Figures 2, 3, and 4 in the next subsection. In fact, one
beginning of these two messages to inform all the terminals          observes a tradeoff between the two exponents θ1 and θ2 ,
about the employed scheme.                                           which is driven by the choice of the rates RI,1 , RI,2 for
   Analysis: Similarly to the case ϵ1 < ϵ2 , it can be shown that    I ∈ P(2), where P(2) is the power set of all subsets of {1, 2}
the described scheme respects the expected-rate constraints (4)      excluding the emptyset, i.e. P(2) = {{1}, {2}, {1, 2}}. More
and (6) on both links, and that when the optimal two-hop             specifically, for ϵ1 < ϵ2 the choice
scheme [27] is employed, then the described scheme achieves
                                                                                          R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1 − ϵ2 )                    (36a)
the error exponents in Equation (33) of Theorem 2.
                                                                                            R{1},1 = 0                               (36b)
  V. E XPONENTS R EGION FOR THE T WO -H OP N ETWORK                  maximizes exponent θ2 , which then evaluates to
                                                                       θ2 = θ2,max := η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ2 )) + η2 (R2 /(1 − ϵ2 )) , (37)
   The fundamental exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) has a
different form, depending on the three cases ϵ1 = ϵ2 , ϵ1 < ϵ2 ,     but completely degrades θ1 to θ1 = 0. (Notice that for large
or ϵ1 > ϵ2 .                                                         R1 /(1 − ϵ2 ) above choice (36) might not be the unique

optimizer and other optimizers will still allow to attain a          the two exponents θ1 and θ2 . In this view, notice that when the
positive η1 .)                                                       focus is on maximizing θ2 , then for ϵ1 < ϵ2 one has to entirely
  On the other hand, the choice                                      sacrifice θ1 , whereas for ϵ1 > ϵ2 positive θ1 -exponents are
                                                                     possible but the rate-boost experienced by θ1 is reduced from
               R{1},1 = R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1 − ϵ1 )              (38)
                                                                     (1 − ϵ1 )−1 , which is the boost experienced for its maximum
maximizes exponent θ1 , which then evaluates to                      θ1,max , to the smaller factor (1 − ϵ2 )−1 .

              θ1 = θ1,max := η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ1 )) ,             (39)
                                                                     A. Numerical Simulations
but it degrades θ2 to                                                   In this section, we illustrate the benefits of exploiting the
 θ2 = θ2,deg := η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ1 ))+η2 (R2 /(1 − ϵ2 )) < θ2,max .     relaxed expected-rate constraints in (4) and (6) compared to
                                                                     the more stringent maximum-rate constraints (13) at hand
                                                                     of some examples. We also show for ϵ1 < ϵ2 the benefits
Varying the rate R{1,2},1 between the choices in (36) and (38),      of “Rate-sharing” on the first link and the corresponding
(and accordingly varying also rate R{1},1 to meet (32c))             tradeoff, where the rate R1 is split into (ϵ2 − ϵ1 )R{1},1
achieves the entire Pareto-optimal boundary of the fundamen-         and (1 − ϵ2 )R{1,2},1 as in (32), instead of restricting to a
tal exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ).                       single rate choice for the communication on the first link
   Remark 4 (Discussion for ϵ1 > ϵ2 ): For ϵ1 > ϵ2 the choice        R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1 − ϵ1 ). For the case ϵ1 < ϵ2 , “Rate-sharing”
                                                                     on the second link does not have any added value. However,
                                                                     for the case ϵ1 > ϵ2 , we illustrate the benefits of “Rate-
                    R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1 − ϵ1 )                 (41a)   sharing” on both links and the resulting tradeoff from varying
                     R{2},1 = 0                              (41b)   the choices of the rates R{1,2},1 , R{2},1 , R{1,2},2 and R{2},2
                                                                     that satisfy (33). This tradeoff stems from multiplexing three
maximizes exponent θ1 , which then evaluates to
                                                                     coding subschemes among which we have two full versions
                          θ1 = θ1,max                         (42)   of the basic two-hop scheme and one degraded subscheme as
                                                                     explained in Subsection IV-C.
and degrades θ2 to
                                                                        Throughout this section we consider the following example.
  θ2 = θ2,deg := min η1 (R1 /(1−ϵ1 ))+η2 (R{1,2},2 ),                   Example 1: Let Y0 , S, T be independent Bernoulli random
                                            η2 (R{2},2 ) ,    (43)   variables of parameters pY0 = 0.4, pS = 0.8, pT = 0.8 and set
                                                                     Y1 = Y0 ⊕ T and Y2 = Y1 ⊕ S.
for R{2},2 and R{1,2},2 satisfying (33d). (Notice again that for        We first consider the case ϵ1 = 0.05 < ϵ2 = 0.15,
large values of R1 /(1 − ϵ1 ) the optimizer in (41) might not        and plot the optimal exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) in
be unique and other optimizers might lead to a larger value of       Figure 2 for symmetric rates R1 = R2 = 0.5. We note a
θ2 .)                                                                tradeoff between the type-II error exponents θ1 and θ2 , which
   On the other hand, the choice                                     is not present neither for the case ϵ1 = ϵ2 , nor for the same
                                                                     setup under maximum-rate constraints. (This tradeoff occurs
              R{2},1 = R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1 − ϵ2 )              (44a)
                                                                     because both exponents have to be optimized over the same
              R{2},2 = R{1,2},2 = R2 /(1 − ϵ2 )              (44b)   choices of rates R{1},1 , R{1,2},1 .) The figure also shows a
maximizes exponent θ2 , which then evaluates to θ2 = θ2,max ,        sub-optimal version of the exponents region in Theorem 2,
but it degrades θ1 to                                                where we set R{1},1 = R{1,2},1 = R1 /(1−ϵ1 ) and thus obtain
                                                                     Emax  (R1 /(1−ϵ1 ), R2 /(1−ϵ2 )). Comparing these two regions,
                θ1 = θ1,deg := η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ2 ))             (45)   we observe that using two different rates R{1},1 and R{1,2},1
                                                                     (i.e., two different versions of the basic two-hop scheme)
Varying the rate R{1,2},1 between the choices in (41) and (44)
                                                                     allows to obtain a better tradeoff between the two exponents.
(and varying the rates R{1},1 , R{1,2},2 , R{1},2 accordingly),
                                                                     For futher comparison, Figure 2 also shows the exponents
achieves the entire Pareto-optimal boundary of the fundamen-                   ∗
                                                                     region Emax   (R1 , R2 ) under maximum-rate constraints, so as to
tal exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ).
                                                                     illustrate the gain provided by having the relaxed expected-rate
   Remark 5 (Rate-boosts when ϵ1 ̸= ϵ2 ): Notice that in our
                                                                     constraints instead of maximum-rate constraints.
two-hop system with expected-rate constraints, exponents
                                                                        We then consider the case ϵ1 = 0.15 > ϵ2 = 0.05. Here we
θ1,max and θ2,max defined in (39) and (37), are the largest
                                                                     consider three sub-cases for the rates: symmetric rates R1 =
possible exponents achievable at the two decision centers,
                                                                     R2 = 0.5 or asymmetric rates R1 = 0.75 > R2 = 0.25 or
irrespective of the ordering of ϵ1 and ϵ2 . By Theorem 3,
                                                                     R1 = 0.25 > R2 = 0.75.
they coincide with the optimal exponents under maximum-rate
                                                                        In Figure 3 we plot the optimal exponents region
constraints R1 /(1 − ϵ1 ) and R2 /(1 − ϵ1 ) for the two links in
                                                                     E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) in Theorem 2 for the first sub-case R1 =
case of (39), and maximum-rate constraints R1 /(1 − ϵ2 ) and
                                                                     R2 = 0.5, and we compare it with the exponents region under
R2 /(1 − ϵ2 ) in case of (37). We thus observe that whenever                                          ∗
                                                                     maximum-rate constraints Emax      (R1 , R2 ) and with sub-optimal
ϵ1 ̸= ϵ2 , the rate-boosts that expected-rate constraints allow to
obtain over maximum-rate constraints depend on the permissi-
                                                                     versions of Theorem 3 where we         either set R{1,2},1 =
                                                                                                   ∗         R1        R2
ble type-I error probabilities and also on the tradeoff between      R{2},1 , for which we obtain Emax     (1−ϵ2 ) , (1−ϵ2 )   , or we set
4262                                                                     IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

Fig. 2. Exponents regions for Example 1 when ϵ1 = 0.05 < ϵ2 = 0.15 and   Fig. 3. Exponents regions under expected- and maximum-rate constraints
R1 = R2 = 0.5.                                                           for Example 1 when ϵ1 = 0.15 > ϵ2 = 0.05 and R1 = R2 = 0.5.

R{1,2},2 = R{2},2 , for which we have a tradeoff between
the type-II error exponents due to rate-sharing on the first
link. Comparing all these regions, we see that rate-sharing
on the first link allows to obtain a smooth tradeoff between
the exponents, while rate-sharing on both links (i.e., having
two full versions of the basic two-hop scheme) yields an even
improved tradeoff.
    Figure 4 compares the exponents regions under expected-
rate constraints for all three sub-cases. Clearly, θ1 is increasing
in R1 , but θ2 is not necessarily increasing in R2 , since it also
depends on R1 . In fact, exponents region E ∗ (0.25, 0.75, ϵ1 , ϵ2 )
is completely included in exponents region E ∗ (0.5, 0.5, ϵ1 , ϵ2 ).
    To understand these phenomena, notice that the maxi-
mum achievable exponents on each communication link are                  Fig. 4. Exponents regions under symmetric and asymmetric expected-rate
η1∗ (R1 ) = I(Y0 ; Y1 ) = 0.26766 and η2∗ (R2 ) = I(Y1 ; Y2 ) =          constraints for Example 1 and when ϵ1 = 0.15 > ϵ2 = 0.05 and R = 1.
0.27433. Recall also that the θ2 -error exponent is an accu-
mulation of the error exponents given by both functions
                                                                         each of the four subsets and thus combined by means of
η1 (·) + η2 (·). The similar behaviours of the two functions
                                                                         the law of total expectation to obtain a bound on the total
η1 (r) ≈ η2 (r) (r ∈ [0, 1]), together with the concavity and
                                                                         expected message length. The derived upper bounds on the
monotonicity of these functions, induce that to obtain the
                                                                         error exponents are not conditioned on the subsets but hold in
largest θ2 values in this example, the total rate should be
                                                                         an unconditional sense. The final bound on the type-II error
distributed almost equally between both links. In contrast,
                                                                         exponent is then simply obtained by considering the tightest
since the θ1 -error exponent depends only on rate R1 , the
                                                                         of the derived bounds, which explains the minimizations in
largest value is achieved by putting all available rate to R1 .
                                                                         Theorem 2.
All of the above explains the superiority of the error exponent
                                                                            To match the so-obtained bounds on the message lengths
region obtained when R1 = R2 = 0.5 over the one obtained
                                                                         and the type-II error exponents with our achievability result
when R1 = 0.25, R2 = 0.75, and the tradeoff between the
                                                                         (see the scheme in Section IV) two final steps are needed:
exponents regions for the sub-cases R1 = R2 = 0.5 and
                                                                         1) Show that the introduced auxiliary random variables satisfy
R1 = 0.75, R2 = 0.25.
                                                                         certain Markov chains in the asymptotic regime of infinite
                                                                         blocklengths;2 and 2) Show that depending on the ordering
           VI. C ONVERSE P ROOF TO T HEOREM 2                            ϵ1 = ϵ2 , ϵ1 < ϵ2 , or ϵ1 > ϵ2 , there exists an optimal
A. Outline of the Converse Proof                                         scheme that under H = 0 assigns asymptotically 0 probability
                                                                         to specific subsets of the introduced partition. For example,
   The main idea of the proof is to divide the set of strongly
                     (n)                                                 if ϵ1 ≤ ϵ2 the probability under H = 0 that R2 decides on
typical sequences Tµn (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) into four subsets according
                                                                         H = 0 but R1 does not should vanish, and if ϵ1 ≥ ϵ2 the
to the decisions taken at the two DCs, see Figure 5. Parallel
                                                                         probability that R1 decides on H = 0 but R2 does not should
change of measure arguments are then applied to each subset
and different lower bounds on the expected message lengths
and upper bounds on the error exponents are derived. The                   2 In the weak converse proofs that do not have to apply a change of measure
(implicit) lower bounds on the expected message lengths are              argument these Markov chains are naturally true for all blocklengths because
actually lower bounds on the conditional expectations given              of the i.i.d.-ness of the source sequences.
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                       4263

                                                                                     Moreover, if the decision center Rk decides on the null
                                                                                   hypothesis Ĥk = 0 for all tuples (y0n , y1n , y2n ) ∈ D, then
                                                                                       1            X               k+1
                                                                                   −     log βk,n ≤   I(Uℓ ; Ỹℓ )−     log PY0n Y1n Y2n (D). (53)
                                                                                       n                             n

                                                                                       Proof: The lemma is essentially a special case of Lemma 4
                                                                                   ahead, which is proved in Appendix VIII-C. The slightly
                                                                                   stronger statement in (51) can easily be verified at hand of
                                                                                   the proof in Appendix VIII-C.
                                                                                      Remark 6 (Discussion of Lemma 2): Inequalities                 (50)
                                                                                   and (53) provide bounds on the entropy of a message and on
                                                                                   the error exponent in case the set D is well chosen.
Fig. 5. Sketch of partitioning Tµn (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) and applying parallel change          Inequalities (51) and (52) state that when the probability
of measure arguments in the converse proof to Theorem 2.                           PY0n Y1n Y2n (D) does not vanish exponentially fast in n and
                                                                                   the set D is a subset of the typical set (in which case
                                                                                   the divergence D(PỸ0 Ỹ1 Ỹ2 ∥PY0 Y1 Y2 ) is arbitrarily small), then
   Technically, the main part of the proof is contained in the                     for large blocklengths the pmfs PUk Ỹk Ỹk−1 are close to the
subsequent Proposition 3, which states the converse bound                          product pmfs PUk |Ỹk PỸk−1 Ỹk indicating the Markov chain
before the mentioned simplification depending on the ordering
                                                                                   Ỹk−1 → Ỹk → Uk . Equivalent Markov chains show up in
of ϵ1 and ϵ2 , which is proved in Appendix D. The proof
                                                                                   the achievability result and thus have to be recovered for the
of Proposition 3 applies Lemma 2 ahead to each of the
                                                                                   converse to be tight.
four subsets introduced in Figure 5 to obtain bounds on the
                                                                                      With this lemma, we can prove the desired general outer
expected message length and the error exponents, and to prove
                                                                                   bound on the exponents region.
the desired Markov chains asymptotically.
                                                                                      Proposition 3: Given R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 , ≥ 0, the fundamental
                                                                                   exponents region E ∗ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ) is included in the set of
B. The Converse Proof                                                              all (θ1 , θ2 ) pairs satisfying
   Consider a sequence (in n) of encoding and decision func-                            θ1 ≤ min{η1 (R{1},1 ), η1 (R{1,2},1 )},                    (54a)
         (n)  (n) (n) (n)
tions {(ϕ1 , ϕ2 , g1 , g2 )} satisfying the constraints on the                                  
                                                                                        θ2 ≤ min η1 (R{1,2},1 ) + η2 (R{1,2},2 ),
rates and error probabilities in (12). The converse proof is
                                                                                                           η1 (R{2},1 ) + η2 (R{2},2 ) ,          (54b)
based on the following lemma.
   Lemma 2: Consider an arbitrary blocklength n and a subset                       for rates R{1},1 , R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2 , R{2},1 , R{2},2 ≥ 0 and
D ⊆ Y0n × Y1n × Y2n . Let the tuple (M̃1 , M̃2 , Ỹ0n , Ỹ1n , Ỹ2n )              numbers σ{1} , σ{2} , σ{1,2} ≥ 0 so that σ{1} + σ{2} + σ{1,2} ≤
follow the pmf                                                                     1 and
PM̃1 M̃2 Ỹ n Ỹ n Ỹ n (m1 , m2 , y0n , y1n , y2n ) ≜                                          σ{1} + σ{1,2} ≥ 1 − ϵ1                             (54c)
           0    1     2

                                            1{(y0n , y1n , y2n ) ∈ D}                           σ{2} + σ{1,2} ≥ 1 − ϵ2                            (54d)
         PY0n Y1n Y2n (y0n , y1n , y2n )·
                                                PY0n Y1n Y2n (D)                                          σ{1,2} ≥ max{1 − ϵ1 − ϵ2 , 0},           (54e)
               ·1                        1
                      (n)                      (n) n
                    {ϕ1 (y0n ) = m1 }·       {ϕ2 (y1 , ϕ1 (y0n )) = m2 }.   (46)   and so that the following rate constraints are satisfied:
Further, define                                                                     R1 ≥ σ{1} R{1},1 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},1 + σ{2} R{2},1 ,             (54f)
                                                                                    R2 ≥ σ{1,2} R{1,2},2 + σ{2} R{2},2 .                          (54g)
                      U1 ≜ (M̃1 , Ỹ0T −1 , Ỹ1T −1 , Ỹ2T −1 , T )         (47)
                      U2 ≜ (M̃2 , Ỹ0T −1 , Ỹ1T −1 , Ỹ2T −1 , T )         (48)      In Appendix D we show that the fundamental exponents
                                                                                   region presented in this proposition is contained in the simpler
                      Ỹk ≜ Ỹk,T ,     k ∈ {0, 1, 2},                      (49)   region in Theorem 2, which concludes the proof. (Actually the
where T is uniform over {1, . . . , n} and independent of all                      region in Proposition 3 coincides with the simpler region of
previously defined random variables.                                               Theorem 2 but coincides with it. The proof of the reverse
  The following (in)equalities hold:                                               direction, i.e., inclusion of the region in Theorem 2 in the
                                                                                   region of Proposition 3, is however trivial because Proposi-
   1                               1                                               tion 3 is a converse result and the region in Theorem 2 is
     H(M̃k )≥ I(Uk ; Ỹk−1 ) + log PY0n Y1n Y2n (D),
   n                              n                                                achievable.)
                      k ∈ {1, 2},                                (50)                  Proof: [Proof of Proposition 3] Choose µn as a sequence
                    1                                                              satisfying
I(U1 ; Ỹ1 |Ỹ0 )≤ − log PY0n Y1n Y2n (D),                       (51)
                    2                                                                                           lim µn = 0                          (55)
I(U2 ; Ỹ2 |Ỹ1 )≤ − log PY0n Y1n Y2n (D) + D(PỸ0 Ỹ1 Ỹ2 ∥PY0 Y1 Y2 ).                                       n→∞
                    n                                                                                          lim µ2n n = ∞                        (56)
                                                                 (52)                                         n→∞
4264                                                                         IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

and define for each blocklenth n the sets                                    (in)equalities

       B1,n ≜ {(y0n , y1n , y2n ) ∈ Tµ(n) (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) :                                  H(M̃I,1 ) ≥ nI(UI,1 ; ỸI,0 )+log ∆I,n ,         (69)
                                (n)         (n)                                          H(M̃I,2 ) ≥ nI(UI,2 ; ỸI,1 )+log ∆I,n ,          (70)
                              g1 (y1n , ϕ0 (y0n )) = 0},            (57)
       B2,n ≜ {(y0n , y1n , y2n ) ∈ Tµ(n) (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) :                              − log ∆I,n ≥ I(UI,1 ; ỸI,1 |ỸI,0 ),                (71)
                                       n                                               n
                          (n)       (n)       (n)                                  2
                         g2 (y2n , ϕ1 (y1n , ϕ0 (y0n )))     = 0}, (58)        −     log ∆I,n +D(PỸ0 Ỹ1 Ỹ2 ∥PY0 Y1 Y2 )
 D{1,2},n ≜ B1,n ∩ B2,n ,                                           (59)           n
                                                                                                  ≥ I(UI,2 ; ỸI,2 |ỸI,1 )                (72)
   D{1},n ≜ B1,n \D{1,2},n ,                                        (60)
   D{2},n ≜ B2,n \D{1,2},n .                                        (61)     and
                                                                                1                              2
                                                                               −  log β1,n ≤ I(UI,1 ; ỸI,1 ) − log ∆I ,
Define also the set                                                             n                              n
                                                                                                 if I ∈ {{1}, {1, 2}},                 (73)
  D∅,n = Tµ(n) (PY0 Y1 Y2 )\(D{1},n ∪ D{2},n ∪ D{1,2},n ). (62)                 1                                                3
                                                                               − log β2,n ≤ I(UI,1 ; ỸI,1 ) + I(UI,2 ; ỸI,2 ) − log ∆I ,
                                                                                n                                                n
Notice that the sets D∅,n , D{1},n , D{2},n , D{1,2},n partition the                            if I ∈ {{2}, {1, 2}}.                  (74)
strongly typical set Tµn (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) and in each set DI,n only
                                                                               Define the following random variables
the terminals Rk with k ∈ I declare Ĥk = 0, while terminals
Rk with k ∈ / I declare Ĥk = 1.                                                        L̃I,j ≜ len(M̃I,j ),       j ∈ {1, 2}, I ∈ P(2).   (75)
   Define the probabilities
                                                                             By the rate constraints (4) and (6), and the definition of
                                                                             the random variables L̃I,j , we obtain by the total law of
            ∆I,n ≜ PY0n Y1n Y2n (DI,n ),            I ∈ P(2),       (63)
and notice that by the laws of probability                                                        nR1 ≥ E[L1 ]                             (76)
 ∆{1,2} + ∆{1} = PY0n Y1n Y2n (B1 )                                 (64)                              ≥        E[L̃I,1 ]∆I,n .             (77)
 ∆{1,2} + ∆{2} = PY0n Y1n Y2n (B2 )                                 (65)
            ∆{1,2} ≥ PY0n Y1n Y2n (B1 )+PY0n Y1n Y2n (B2 )−1.
                                                                    (66)           H(M̃I,1 ) = H(M̃I,1 , L̃I,1 )                        (78)
   Notice further that by the type-I error probability con-                                  =     Pr[L̃I,1 = lI ]H(M̃I,1 |L̃I,1 = lI )
straints (12b) and by [42, Remark to Lemma 2.12] and basic                                         lI =1
laws of probability:                                                                                  + H(L̃I,1 )                          (79)
                                      |Y0 ||Y1 ||Y2 |                                              X
PY0n Y1n Y2n (Bk ) ≥ 1 − ϵk −                         ,   k ∈ {1, 2}, (67)                    ≤            Pr[L̃I,1 = lI ]lI + H(L̃I,1 )   (80)
                                          4µ2n n                                                   lI =1

so that we conclude that:                                                                     = E[L̃I,1 ] + H(L̃I,1 ),                     (81)
                                                                             which combined with (69) and (77) and the nonnegativity of
  lim (∆{1,2},n + ∆{1},n ) ≥ 1−ϵ1                                  (68a)     entropy establishes
   lim (∆{1,2},n +∆{2},n ) ≥ 1−ϵ2                                  (68b)
                                                                                X                             1
  n→∞                                                                                 ∆I,n I(UI,1 ; ỸI,0 ) + log ∆I,n
                lim ∆{1,2},n ≥ max{1 − ϵ1 −ϵ2 , 0}                 (68c)                                      n
                   X                                                                     X       1                1
            lim       ∆I,n ≤ 1,                                    (68d)            ≤              ∆I,n E[L̃I,1 ]+ ∆I,n H(L̃I,1 )
           n→∞                                                                                   n                n
                 I∈P(2)                                                                   I∈P(2)
where (68d) holds (for any blocklength) by the basic laws of                                  
probability because the sets DI,n are disjoint.
                                                                                                      X                ∆I,n 
                                                                                      ≤ R1 1+                hb              ,            (83)
   To simplify exposition, we assume that for any blocklength                                                          nR1
n the probabilities ∆I,n > 0 for all sets I ∈ P(2). (Other-
wise a corresponding subsequence of blocklengths should be                   where (83) holds by (77) and because the entropy of the
considered if it exists. And if no such subsequence exists,                                                                meanE[L̃I,1 ] ≤
                                                                             discrete and positive random variable L̃I,1 of
                                                                              nR1                               nR1         ∆I,n
the corresponding sets should be discarded. Details of the                   ∆I,n  is bounded   by  H(L̃I,1 ) ≤ ∆I,n · hb   nR1 , which is
proofs in these other cases are omitted for brevity.) Applying               easily seen by the following two facts: 1) The KL-divergence
Lemma 2 to the four subsets allows to conclude that for                      D(P ∥Q) between an arbitrary pmf P (x) over the positive
any I ∈ P(2) there exists a pair (UI,1 , UI,2 ) satisfying the               integers of mean s and the geometric distribution of mean s
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                                     4265

equals −HP (X) + HQ (X) and is nonnegative; and 2) The                                   for some nonnegative numbers {σI }I∈P satisfying
entropy of a geometric distribution of mean s is HQ (X) =                                                X
s · hb ( 1s ).                                                                                               σI ≤ 1                                               (90e)
   In a similar way, we obtain                                                                             X
                                               +                                                                  σ I ≥ 1 − ϵ1 ,                                (90f)
     X                                1                                                                I∈P : 1∈I
               ∆I,n I(UI,1 ; ỸI,0 ) + log ∆I,n
                                      n                                                                         σ{1,2} ≥ max{1 − ϵ1 − ϵ2 , 0},                    (90g)
 {{1,2},{2}}                                                                                               X
                                                                                                                  σ I ≥ 1 − ϵ2 .                                (90h)
                                                                                                     I∈P : 2∈I
                                                 X                ∆I 
                       ≤ nR2 
                             1 +                         hb           . (84)
                                                                                         Notice further that since for any I ∈ P(2) and any
                                                                   R2 
                                                   I∈                                                          (n )   (n ) (n )
                                               {{1,2},{2}}                               i the triple (ỸI,0i , ỸI,1i , ỸI,2i ) lies in the jointly typi-
                                                                                                      (ni )
   The proof then follows from (71)–(74) and from (83)                                   cal set Tµni (PY0 Y1 Y2 ) we have |PỸI,0 ỸI,1 ỸI,2 (y0 , y1 , y2 ) −
and (84) and by letting n → ∞. Details are as follows.                                   PY0 Y1 Y2 (y0 , y1 , y2 )| ≤ µni and since and µni → 0 as
By Carathéodory’s theorem, we can replace above auxiliary                                i → ∞, the limiting pmfs satisfy PY∗I,0 YI,1 YI,2 = PY0 Y1 Y2 .
random variables {(UI,1 , UI,2 )}I , which are of increasing                             Finally, by continuity considerations, by (89), and by (71)
alphabet sizes, by random variables over constant alphabets                              the following Markov chains must hold for all I ∈ P under
UI,1 and UI,2 of sizes                                                                   PY∗I,0 YI,1 YI,2 UI,1 UI,2 :
  |UI,1 | ≤ |Y0 | · |Y1 | + 2,                 I ∈ P(2),                          (85)                          UI,1 → YI,0 → YI,1 ,                               (91)
  |UI,2 | ≤ |UI,1 | · |Y0 | · |Y1 | + 1,          I ∈ {{1, 2}, {2}}, (86)                                       UI,2 → YI,1 → YI,2 .                               (92)
while still preserving inequalities (71)–(74), (83), and (84).                              Notice that at this point and when P ⊊ P(2), one can
  Let PỸ Ỹ Ỹ U U denote the pmf of these new tuples                                   trivially add dummy random variables (namely UI,j = YI,j−1
          I,0   I,1   I,2    I,1   I,2

(ỸI,0 , ỸI,1 , ỸI,2 , UI,1 , UI,2 ) at blocklength n, and abbreviate                  combined with σI = 0 for all I ∈ P(2)\P) to extend
it as PI∗ . We invoke the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and                                conditions (90) to all subsets I ∈ P(2). The desired result
consider an increasing subsequence of positive blocklengths                              in Proposition 3 is then obtained by plugging the definitions
{ni }∞                                                                                   of the functions η1 (·) and η2 (·) into above expressions (90)
      i=1 such that for all I ∈ P(2) the subsequences of
                                           (n )                                          and by relaxing some constraints (because any element is no
probabilities ∆I,ni and pmfs PỸ i Ỹ Ỹ U U                    converge.
                                            I,0 I,1 I,2 I,1 I,2                          larger than the maximum).
Define the convergence points as:
                            σI ≜ lim ∆I,ni ,              I ∈ P(2),               (87)                    VII. A S YSTEM W ITH K-H OPS
                                                (n)                                         We generalize our setup and results to K hops, i.e., to K − 1
  PỸ∗I,0 ỸI,1 ỸI,2 UI,1 UI,2 ≜ lim PỸ                                    .    (88)
                                         i→∞     I,0 ỸI,1 ỸI,2 UI,1 UI,2               relays.
   Notice next that the right-hand sides of (83) and (84) tend
to R1 and R2 , respectively as n → ∞. Moreover, the terms                                A. System Model
n ∆I,n log ∆I,n on the left-hand sides of these inequalities                                Consider a system with a transmitter T0 observing the
vanish as n → ∞ because t 7→ t log t is bounded over the                                 source sequence Y0n , K − 1 relays labeled R1 , . . . , RK−1
interval [0, 1]. Restrict then attention to subsets I ∈ P(2) for                         and observing sequences Y1n , . . . , YK−1
                                                                                                                                      , respectively, and a
which σI > 0, which implies that                                                         receiver RK observing sequence YK .   n

                             1                                                              The source sequences (Y0n , Y1n , . . . , YKn ) are distributed
                        lim     log ∆I,n = 0,               (89)
                       n→∞ n                                                             according to one of two distributions depending on a binary
We denote the set of these subsets I satisfying (89) by P ⊆                              hypothesis H ∈ {0, 1}:
P(2), and also notice that inequalities (83) and (84) remain                               if H = 0 : (Y0n , Y1n , . . . , YKn ) i.i.d. ∼ PY0 Y1 · PY2 |Y1 · · ·
valid if summation is only over sets in P because all terms are
nonnegative. For subsets in P the last terms in (73) and (74)                              PYK |YK−1 ;                                                            (93a)
vanish in the asymptotic regime ni → ∞.                                                    if H = 1 :    (Y0n , Y1n , . . . , YKn )   i.i.d. ∼ PY0 · PY1 · · · PYK .
   By all these considerations, by (68), (71)–(74), (83),                                                                                                         (93b)
and (84), in the limit i → ∞:
           X                                                                                Communication takes place over K hops as illustrated
    R1 ≥         σI · IPI∗ (UI,1 ; YI,0 )                  (90a)                         in Figure 6. The transmitter T0 sends a message M1 =
                X                                                                        ϕ0 (Y0n ) to the first relay R1 , which sends a message
   R2 ≥                     σI · IPI∗ (UI,2 ; YI,1 )                             (90b)   M2 = ϕ1 (Y1n , M1 ) to the second relay and so on. The
           I∈P : 2∈I
                                                                                        communication is thus described by encoding functions
    θ1 ≤ min IPI∗ (UI,1 ; YI,1 )                                                 (90c)       (n)
                                                                                          ϕ0 : Y0n → {0, 1}⋆                                                      (94)
   θ2 ≤ ! min IPI∗ (UI,1 ; YI,1 ) + IPI∗ (UI,2 ; YI,2 ) .                                   (n)
                                                                                           ϕk :    Ykn ×{0, 1}⋆ → {0, 1}⋆ ,              k ∈ {1, . . . , K −1},
                                                                                 (90d)                                                                             (95)
4266                                                                            IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

                                                                                maximum-rate setup is defined analogously to Definition 4,
                                                                                but with (98) replaced by (104).
                                                                                  Definition 5: For any ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , K}, define the function
                                                                                                    η ℓ : R+    +
                                                                                                           0 → R0                                            (105)
Fig. 6.    Cascaded K-hop setup with K decision centers.                                                    R 7→            max       I (U ; Yℓ ) .          (106)
                                                                                                                       PU |Yℓ−1 :
                                                                                                                      R≥I(U ;Yℓ−1 )
so that the produced message strings
                                                                                   The functions η1 , . . . , ηK are concave and monotonically
            M1 = ϕ0 (Y0n )                                             (96)     non-decreasing. The proof is analogous to the proof of
          Mk+1 = ϕk (Ykn , Mk ),        k ∈ {1, . . . , K −1},         (97)     Lemma 1 presented in Appendix A, and omitted for brevity.
                                                                                Notice further that in the maximization determining ηℓ (R) it
satisfy the expected-rate constraints                                           suffices to consider distributions PU |Yℓ−1 on alphabets of sizes
                                                                                |Yℓ−1 | + 1, see [3].
               E [len (Mk )] ≤ nRk ,      k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.          (98)
                                                                                   Theorem 4 [41]: Given (ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) ∈ [0, 1)K , the fun-
  Each relay R1 , . . . , RK−1 as well as the receiver RK ,                     damental exponents region under the maximum-rate con-
produces a guess of the hypothesis H. These guesses are                         straints (104) and vanishing type-I error constraints satisfies
described by guessing functions                                                  ∗
                                                                                Emax (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK )
       gk :   Ykn           ⋆
                    × {0, 1} → {0, 1},        k ∈ {1, . . . , K},      (99)
                                                                                        (                             k
                                                                                  =       (θ1 , . . . , θK ): θk ≤           ηℓ (Rℓ ), k ∈ {1, . . . , K}     (107)
where we request that the guesses                                                                                     ℓ=1
            Ĥk,n = gk (Ykn , Mk ),      k ∈ {1, . . . , K},          (100)     Notice that in this K-hop setup, each decision center accu-
                                                                                mulates all the error exponents on the various links from the
have type-I error probabilities
                                                                                transmitter to this decision center. The fundamental exponents
       αk,n ≜ Pr[Ĥk = 1|H = 0],            k ∈ {1, . . . , K},       (101)     region is thus given by a K-dimensional hyperrectangle. That
                                                                                means, each decision center can simultaneously achieve its
not exceeding given thresholds ϵ1 , ϵ2 , . . . , ϵK > 0, and type-II            optimal error exponent as if the other decision centers were
error probabilities                                                             not present in the system.
          βk,n ≜ Pr[Ĥk = 0|H = 1],         k ∈ {1, . . . , K},       (102)        We       abbreviate     Emax (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) by
                                                                                Emax (R1 , . . . , RK ).
decaying to 0 exponentially fast with largest possible expo-
    Definition 3: Given maximum type-I error probabilities                      C. Optimal Coding Scheme for K Hops Under
ϵ1 , ϵ2 , . . . , ϵK ∈ [0, 1) and rates R1 , R2 , . . . , RK ≥ 0.               Expected-Rate Constraints
The exponent tuple (θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θK ) is called (ϵ1 , ϵ2 , . . . , ϵK )-      Similarly to the two-hop scheme, the terminals multiplex
achievable if there   (n)exists a sequence of encoding and deci-               different subschemes depending on the sequence Y0n observed
                             (n)       (n)     (n) (n)           (n)
sion functions ϕ0 , ϕ1 , . . . , ϕK−1 , g1 , g2 , · · · gK n≥1                  at the transmitter T0 . To this end, partition the set Y0n into
satisfying for each k ∈ {1, . . . , K}:                                         disjoint subsets D∅ and {DI }I∈P(K) so that the probabilities
                                E[len(Mk )] ≤ nRk ,                  (103a)                                    σI := Pr[Y0n ∈ DI ]                           (108)
                                 lim αk,n ≤ ϵk ,                    (103b)      satisfy
                            1       1                                                     X                 X
                        lim   log       ≥ θk .                       (103c)         1−          ϵk ≤                  σI ,      S ⊆ {1, . . . , K},         (109a)
                       n→∞  n     β k,n
                                                                                          k∈S           I∈P(K) :
   Definition 4: The              fundamental           exponents     region                              S⊆I
E ∗ (R1 , R2 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , ϵ2 , . . . , ϵK ) is defined as the closure
                                                                                              σI ≤ 1.                                                       (109b)
of the set of all (ϵ1 , ϵ2 , . . . , ϵK )-achievable exponent pairs                I∈P(K)
(θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θK ) for given rates R1 , . . . , RK ≥ 0.
                                                                                   In our multiplexed schemes, the index I of DI indicates that
                                                                                if T0 ’s observation Y0n lies in DI , then all decision centers
B. Previous Results Under Maximum-Rate Constraints                              Rk , for k ∈ I, attempt to correctly guess hypothesis H, while
   The K-hop hypothesis testing setup of Figure 6 and Equa-                     all decision centers Rk , for k ∈/ I, simply declare Ĥk = 1.
tions (93) was also considered in [28], but under maximum-                      If Y0n ∈ D∅ , then all decision centers R1 , . . . , RK simply
rate constraints:                                                               declare Ĥ = 1.
                                                                                   The transmitter T0 adds K flag-bits to its message M1 to
                len(Mi ) ≤ nRi ,         i ∈ {1, . . . , K},          (104)
                                                                                inform R1 about the set DI containing its observation Y0n ,
instead of the expected-rate constraints (98). The fundamen-                    and thus about the choice of the employed coding scheme.
tal exponents region Emax  (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) for this        These flag-bits are forwarded by all relays R1 , . . . , RK−1 at
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                         4267

the beginning of their messages M2 , . . . , MK so as to pass the        constraints R1 , . . . , RK on the K links for large values of n.
information to all terminals in the network.                             Appendix E proves that when the optimal multi-hop hypothesis
   We describe the different multiplexed coding schemes in               testing schemes with vanishing type-I error probability [28]
more detail. Let ℓ∗I be the largest index in set I:                      are used as the various subschemes, then the overall scheme
                                                                         satisfies the type-I error constraints ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK and achieves
                           ℓ∗I := max k,                       (110)
                                   k∈I                                   the error exponents in the following Theorem 5.
and chooses a set of rates
             {RI,ℓ :    I ∈ P(K), ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ∗I }}       (111)     D. Results on the Exponents Region

satisfying                                                                 Theorem 5: The fundamental exponents region E ∗ (R1 , . . . ,
                       X                                                 RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) is equal to the set of all nonnegative tuples
        Rℓ >                 σI · RI,ℓ ,   ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , K}. (112)     (θ1 , . . . , θK ) satisfying
                  I∈P(K) :
                     I ≥ℓ
                                                                                          θk ≤       min             ηℓ (RI,ℓ ),                 (116a)
We will see that the choice of the various rates determines                                      I∈P(K) :
                                                                                                   k∈I    ℓ=1
the tradeoff between the different exponents θ1 , . . . , θK . Rates
{RIℓ : ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ∗I }} are used in the subscheme employed         for some nonnegative rates {RI,1 , . . . , RI,ℓ∗I }I∈P(K) and
when Y0n ∈ DI , where under this event only the messages                 nonnegative numbers {σI }I∈P(K) satisfying
on the first ℓ∗I links have positive rates, while messages on
the last K − Iℓ∗ links are of zero rate. The reason is that
                                                                                          Rk ≥         σI RI,k , k ∈ {1, . . . , K},
decision center RIℓ∗ +1 , . . . , RK simply declare Ĥ = 1 and thus                                            I∈P(K) :
messages Mℓ∗I +1 , . . . , MK only have to convey the zero-rate                                                  k≤ℓ∗

information that Y0n ∈ DI .                                                                                                                      (116b)
   Subscheme for Y0n ∈ D∅ : All terminals T0 and R1 , . . . ,                   (
RK−1 send the length-K all-zero bit string over the respective            max 0, 1−             ϵk       ≤                σI ,   S ⊆ {1, . . . , K},
communication links:                                                                      k∈S                  I∈P(K) :
                M1 = · · · = MK = [0, 0, . . . , 0].           (113)
Upon receiving this all-zero flag, relays R1 , . . . , RK−1 and
                                                                                                 σI ≤ 1.                                         (116d)
receiver RK all declare                                                                I∈P(K)

                       Ĥ1 = · · · = ĤK = 1.                  (114)          Proof: Achievability is based on the coding scheme pre-
Communication is thus only used to inform the relays and the             sented in the previous subsection and analyzed in Appendix E.
receiver about the scheme to employ, or equivalently the event           The converse is proved in the next Section VIII.
Y0n ∈ D∅ , without providing any further information about the              We conjecture that similarly to the case of K = 2 hops,
correct hypothesis.                                                      the optimal exponents region E ∗ (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) in
   Subscheme for Y0n ∈ DI , for I ∈ P(K): In this case, only             Theorem 5 can be simplified depending on the ordering of
decision centers Rk , for k ∈ I, attempt to correctly guess              the ϵ-values. To state our conjecture, we define a permutation
hypothesis H; all other decision centers Rk , for k ∈    / I, directly   π : {1, . . . , K} → {1, . . . , K} that orders the ϵ-values in
declare Ĥk = 1.                                                         decreasing order:
   Terminals T0 , R1 , . . . , Rℓ∗I apply a given ℓ∗I -hop hypothesis
testing scheme with vanishing type-I error probabilities and                                 ϵπ(1) ≥ ϵπ(2) ≥ · · · ≥ ϵπ(K) ,                      (117)
respecting the maximum-rate constraints RI,1 , . . . , RI,ℓ∗I on
                                                                         and sets ϵπ(0) := 1. We conjecture then that in Theorem 5
the first ℓ∗I links. To inform all relays and the receiver about
                                                                         without loss of optimality one can set
the scheme to use, terminals T0 , R1 , . . . ,RK−1 append a K-
length flag sequence describing set I at the beginning of their          σ{π(i),···,π(K)} = ϵπ(i−1) − ϵπ(i) ,              i ∈ {1, . . . , K},     (118)
messages. We propose that this flag sequence shows bit 1 at
all positions k ∈ I and bit 0 at all positions k ∈    / I. Notice that   and all other σ-values to 0. Renaming rates R{π(i),···,π(K)},ℓ
Messages Mℓ∗I +1 , . . . , MK consist of only the flag sequence.         to Ri,ℓ and ℓ∗{π(i),···,π(K)} to ℓ∗i , with the choice in (118)
   All decision centers Rk with k ∈ I declare the hypoth-                Theorem 5 evaluates to the following region:
esis indicated by the employed multi-hop hypothesis testing                 Conjecture 6: The                 fundamental     exponents         region
scheme. The remaining decision centers Rk with k ∈         / I simply    E ∗ (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) is the set of all exponent
declare                                                                  tuples (θ1 , . . . , , θK ) that satisfy
                          Ĥk = 1, k ∈    / I.                   (115)                                " k                #
   Analysis: By (108) and (112), and because transmission of                  θk ≤         min                 ηℓ (Ri,ℓ ) , k ∈ {1, . . . , K},
K bits hardly changes the rate for sufficiently large block-                                             ℓ=1
lengths, the proposed overall scheme respects the expected-rate                                                                                  (119a)
4268                                                                        IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

for some nonnegative rates {Ri,ℓ } satisfying                               so that for this exponent all rates are boosted by (1 − ϵk )−1 .
           X                                                               In fact, θk = θk,max is achieved by choosing the first k rates
   Rℓ ≥            ϵπ(i−1) −ϵπ(i) Ri,ℓ , ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , K},                as:3
         i∈{1,...,K} :
             i ≥ℓ
                                                                                  RI,ℓ =              ,       k ∈ I, ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , k}.                      (124)
                                                                 (119b)                        1 − ϵk
                                                                              This choice imposes that σI RI,ℓ = 0 for all I not
                                                                            containing k and all ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , k}. As a consequence, the
          ℓ∗i := max{ℓ : ℓ ∈ {π(i), . . . , π(K)}}.              (119c)     optimal performance for a decision center Rk′ , for k ′ < k, is
The importance of this conjecture lies in proving that the                                             X                Rℓ
optimal coding scheme in the previous Subsection VII-C only                               θ   k′   =         ηℓ                    ,     if ϵk′ > ϵk          (125)
                                                                                                                      1 − ϵk
has to multiplex K + 1 subschemes, where the choice of the
subschemes depends on the permutation π that orders the ϵ-                                θk′ = 0,            if ϵk′ < ϵk ,                                   (126)
values. Moreover, no optimization over the probabilities of the             where the performance in (125) is obtained by setting σI =
various subschemes is required anymore, as the probability of               0 for all I containing an index k ′ < k with ϵ′k > ϵk and
each subscheme is determined by the ϵ-values and the ordering               by setting the corresponding rates to infinity. Notice that σI
permutation π. More specifically, if the conjecture is correct,             cannot be chosen equal to 0 for all sets I containing index k ′ <
the optimal scheme multiplexes K + 1 schemes, where the                     k when ϵk′ < ϵk because Constraint (116c) implies that at least
i-th scheme is applied with probability ϵπ(i−1) − ϵπ(i) and                 one of these σ-values is positive, which by σI RI,ℓ = 0 implies
serves only the DCs with (K − i + 1)-th smallest type-I error               that the corresponding rates RI,ℓ = 0, for all ℓ = 1, . . . , k,
constraints, while all other DCs directly declare H = 1.                    causing θk′ to degrade to 0. We conclude that under (123), for
   While a general proof of the conjecture is still missing,                any k ′ < k, when ϵ′k ≥ ϵk then exponent θk′ is degraded from
we can prove it in two special cases.                                       its maximum value because all rates are only boosted by the
   Proposition 7: Conjecture 6 holds when                                   factor (1 − ϵk )−1 and not by the larger factor (1 − ϵk′ )−1 , and
                             K ∈ {2, 3}                           (120)     when ϵ′k < ϵk the exponent θk′ completely degrades to 0.
                                                                               With appropriate choices for the rates on the last (K − k)
or when                                                                     links, different tradeoffs between the exponents θk+1 , . . . , θK
                           ϵ1 = · · · = ϵK .                      (121)     can be achieved. In particular, it is possible that an exponent
                                                                            θk′ , for k ′ > k, experiences its maximum rate-boost (1 −
In particular, for ϵ1 = . . . = ϵK = ϵ, the exponents region                ϵk′ )−1 on some of these links. On the first k links, any
E ∗ (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ, . . . , ϵ) is the set of all nonnegative tuples   exponent θk+1 , . . . , θK experiences a rate-boost of (1 − ϵk )−1
(θ1 , . . . , θK ) satisfying                                               if the corresponding ϵk′ > ϵk , whereas the contributions of
                   k                                                      the first k links completely degrade to 0 if ϵk′ < ϵk .
                  X             Rℓ                                             The following lemma indicates that in the evaluation of the
           θk ≤        ηℓ               , k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.     (122a)
                              1−ϵ                                           fundamental exponents region E ∗ (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ) in
                                                                            Theorem 5 one can restrict to sets of parameters {σI } that
     Proof: Achievability of the region in (119) for any value
                                                                            satisfy some of the constraints (116c) with equality and
of K follows by specializing the region in Theorem 5 to the
                                                                            set certain σ-values to 0. It is a first step towards proving
parameter choice in (118) and setting all other σ-values to 0,
                                                                            Conjecture 6 in the general case or at least towards simplifying
and by renaming rates R{π(i),···,π(K)},ℓ as Ri,ℓ . For K = 2 the
                                                                            the evaluation of the exponents region in Theorem 5.
result recovers Theorem 2. The converse for K = 3 is proved
                                                                               Lemma 3: Consider a set of nonnegative numbers
in Appendix G. The converse for ϵ1 = · · · = ϵK is proved in
                                                                            {RI,1 , . . . , RI,ℓ∗I }I∈P(K) and {σI }I∈P(K) satisfying (116)
Appendix H.
                                                                            for exponents (θ1 , . . . , θK ). Let I ′ , I ′′ ∈ P(K) and
   As we discuss next, similar observations apply for the
                                                                            Γ ∈ [0, σI ′′ ] be so that
general case K ≥ 2 as we have presented for K = 2 in
Remarks 2–5.                                                                                                          I ′ ⊆ I ′′                              (127)
     Remark: [Discussion for ϵ1 = · · · = ϵK ] For equal type-I
error probabilities ϵ1 = · · · = ϵK = ϵ, there is a rate-boost              and
on each link of (1 − ϵ)−1 compared to the scenario with                            (                    )
maximum-rate constraints.
                                                                                               X                           X
                                                                            max 0, 1−                  ϵk +Γ ≤                         σI ,   S ⊆ I ′′ , S ⊈ I ′ .
     Remark: [Discussion for the General Case] In the general                                  k∈S                      I∈P(K) :
case, irrespective of the ordering of the permissible type-I error                                                        S⊆I
probabilities, the largest exponent achievable at a decision                                                                                                  (128)
center k is given by
                                                                               3 This choice assumes that the ordering (117) is strict, i.e., no two ϵ-
                                                                            values coincide. Moreover, when some of the available rates R1 , . . . , Rk are
                             X           Rℓ
                  θk,max :=      ηℓ             ,           (123)           sufficiently large so as to saturate the functions ηℓ (Rℓ ), then other choices
                                       1 − ϵk                               are possible.
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                                     4269

  Then, the new nonnegative numbers                                             changed measure on each set converges to a distribution whose
                                                                                (Y0 , . . . , YK )-marginal equals PY0 ···YK and satisfies desired
                 σ̃I ′ = σI ′ + Γ                                       (129)
                                                                                Markov properties with the auxiliary random variables defined
                 σ̃I ′′ = σI ′′ − Γ                                     (130)   by Lemma 4.
                                                      ′        ′′
                  σ̃I = σI ,        I ∈ P(K)\{I , I },                  (131)
                                                                                B. Converse Proof
and rates, for ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , K},
                                                                                   Fix        an        exponent-tuple                (θ1 , . . . , θK ) in the
                            σI ′ · RI ′ ,ℓ + Γ · RI ′′ ,ℓ
                 R̃I ′ ,ℓ =                               ,             (132)   exponents region E ∗ (R1 , . . . , RK , ϵ1 , . . . , ϵK ), and a
                                         σ̃I ′                                  sequence (in n) of encoding and decision functions
                  R̃I,ℓ   = RI,ℓ , I ∈ P(K)\{I ′ }.                     (133)       (n)     (n)            (n) (n)                 (n)
                                                                                {(ϕ0 , ϕ1 , . . . , ϕK , g1 , . . . , gK )}n≥1 achieving this
also satisfy (116) for exponents (θ1 , . . . , θK ).                            tuple, i.e., satisfying constraints (103).
      Proof: Above rate-definitions essentially only shift the                     Our proof relies on the following lemma:
term Γ · RI ′′ ,ℓ from σI ′′ RI ′′ ,ℓ to σ̃I ′ RI ′ ,ℓ , and therefore the         Lemma 4: Fix a blocklength n and a set D ⊆ Y0n ×
                                                                                  n                    n
rate constraints (116b) remain valid also for the new numbers.                  Y1 × · · · × YK           of positive probability, and let the tuple
Similarly, constraint (116d) remains valid since the sum of                     (M̃1 , M̃2 , . . . , M̃K , Ỹ0n , Ỹ1n , . . . , ỸKn ) follow the pmf
all σ-values is preserved. Notice further that the σ-values                     PM̃1 M̃2 ···M̃K Ỹ n Ỹ n ···Ỹ n (m1 , m2 , . . . , mK , y0n , y1n , . . . , yK
included in Constraint (116c) for S ⊈ I ′′ remain unchanged                                       0   1      K

by (131) and for S ⊆ I ′ their sum is preserved by (129)
                                                                                                                                       1{(y0n , y1n , . . . , yK
                                                                                                                                                                 ) ∈ D}
                                                                                       PY0n Y1n ···YKn (y0n , y1n , . . . , yK
                                                                                                                               )   ·
and (130). For S ⊈ I ′ but S ⊆ I ′′ , Constraint (116c) is                                                                     PY0n Y1n ...YKn (D)
satisfied by Assumption (128). It remains to check the validity                      ·1{ϕ1 (y0n ) = m1 } · 1{ϕ2 (y1n , ϕ1 (y0n )) = m2 } · · · ·
of (116a) for the new rate-values. By (133) the constraint                           ·1{ϕK (yK−1
                                                                                             n            n
                                                                                                 , ϕK−1 (yK−2 , ϕK−2 (· · · , ϕ1 (y0n ))) = mK }.
remains unchanged for all k ∈         / I ′ . For k ∈ I ′ , we notice                                                                                            (136)
that by (127) the minimum in (116a) includes both sets I ′
and I ′′ and this minimum cannot be smaller for the new rates                   Further, define the auxiliary random variables
because:                                                                           Uk ≜ (M̃k , Ỹ0T −1 Ỹ1T −1 , . . . , ỸKT −1 , T ),
         ( k                    k
           X                    X                                                                                            k ∈ {1, . . . , K},                 (137)
    min         ηℓ (RI ′ ,ℓ ) ,    ηℓ (RI ′′ ,ℓ )
           ℓ=1                  ℓ=1                                                 Ỹk ≜ Ỹk,T ,         k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , K},                                 (138)
            ( k                                                 
             X σI ′                           Γ                                 where T is uniform over {1, . . . , n} and independent of the
   ≤ min                     ηℓ (RI ′ ,ℓ ) +       ηℓ (RI ′′ ,ℓ ) ,
                       σ̃I ′                 σ̃I ′                              tuple (M̃1 , M̃2 , . . . , M̃K , Ỹ0n , Ỹ1n , . . . , ỸKn ).
                                                            )                     For any k ∈ {1, . . . , K} the following (in)equalities hold:
                                             ηℓ (RI ′′ ,ℓ )             (134)             1                                           1
                                                                                            H(M̃k ) ≥ I(Uk ; Ỹk−1 ) + log PY0n Y1n ...YKn (D),
                                       ℓ=1                                                n                                           n
            ( k                       k
             X                      X                   
   ≤ min             ηℓ R̃I ′ ,ℓ ,          ηℓ R̃I ′′ ,ℓ            ,   (135)                                    1
               ℓ=1                    ℓ=1                                          I(Uk ; Ỹk |Ỹk−1 ) ≤ − log PY0n Y1n ...YKn (D)
where the first inequality holds because the minimum of                                                      + D(PỸ0 ···ỸK ∥PY0 ···YK ).     (140)
two numbers cannot exceed any convex combination of the
                                                                                  If further for some k ∈ {1, . . . , K}, decision center Rk
numbers, and the second inequality holds by the concavity
                                                                                decides on the null hypothesis for all tuples (y0n , . . . , yK
and monotonicity of the functions {ηℓ (·)}ℓ .                                      4
           VIII. C ONVERSE P ROOF TO T HEOREM 5                                                                    Ĥk = 0,                                      (141)
A. Proof Outline                                                                then
   The converse proof is similar as for K = 2 users.                                       k
                                                                                           X                       (k + 1)
We partition the strongly typical set Tµ (PY0 ···YK ) into 2K                   βk,n ≤           I(Uℓ ; Ỹℓ ) +            log PY0n Y1n ...YKn (D).               (142)
subsets according to the decisions taken at the various DCs.                                                          n
A change of measure argument is then applied in parallel to                            Proof: See Subsection VIII-C at the end of this section.
each of these subsets and based on this change of measure,
by applying Lemma 4 ahead, bounds on the conditionally                             We continue to prove Theorem 5. Let µn be a sequence
expected message lengths and on the overall type-II error                       satisfying
exponent are derived, as well as a bound on the proximity of
the new measure with some Markov pmf. The desired converse                                                          lim µn = 0                                   (143)
proof can then be derived by combining the bounds for the                                                         lim µ2n n = ∞.                                 (144)
different subsets (either through the law of total expectation or                                                n→∞

simply by considering the most stringent one) and by proving                      4 Notice that once we fix the realizations of all observed sequences

that there exists a subsequence of blocklengths for which the                   Y0n , . . . , YK
                                                                                               n , the decision Ĥ is either determinstically 0 or 1.
4270                                                                               IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

  For each blocklength n, define for each index k ∈                                and, similarly to (84), we obtain with (151a) and the nonneg-
{1, . . . , K} the set                                                             ativity of entropy:
Bk,n ≜ {(y0n , . . . , yK
                          ) ∈ Tµ(n) (PY0 ···YK ):          Ĥk = 0}      (145)
                                                                                       X                              1
                                 n                                                            ∆I,n I(UI,k ; Ỹk−1 ) + log ∆I,n
                                                                                    I∈P(K) :
and for each subset I ∈ P(K) the set                                                  ℓ∗
                                                                                       I ≥k
                                                                                                                                                             
   DI,n ≜                                                                                                                                                
         n                                                                                                                         X                 ∆I,n 
          (y0n , . . . , yK
                            ) ∈ Tµ(n) (PY0 ···YK ) :                                                       ≤ Rk 
                                                                                                                1 +                         hb             . (154)
                                   n                                                                                                                  nRk 
                                                                                                                                 I∈P(K) :
                 Ĥk = 0     ∀k ∈ I     and Ĥk = 1       ∀k ∈
                                                             / I}.       (146)                                                     ℓ∗
                                                                                                                                    I ≥k

                                                                                     The desired converse can then be concluded based on
Notice that the sets {DI,n }I are disjoint and
                                                                                   (151b), (151c), and (154), in a similar way as we did for
                                                                                   K = 2. Details are omitted.
                             DI,n = Bk,n .                               (147)
                           I∈P(K) :
                                                                                   C. Proof of Lemma 4
Moreover, by [42, Remark to Lemma 2.12] and the type-I error                         Note first that by (136):
probability constraints in (103b), for any k ∈ {1, . . . , K}:
                                                                                     D(PỸ n ···Ỹ n ∥PYn0 ···YK ) =− log ∆                                       (155)
                                                                                            0       K
                                          |Y0 | · · · |YK |
       PY0n Y1n ···YKn (Bk,n ) ≥ 1 − ϵk −                   .            (148)                           PỸ n (ykn )   ≤PYkn (ykn ),
                                              4µ2n n                                                        k

                                                                                                                         k ∈ {1, . . . , K}, ykn ∈ Ykn ,          (156)
                                                                                   where we defined ∆ ≜ PY0n ···YKn (D). Further define Ũk,t ≜
                       ∆I,n := PY0n Y1n ···YKn (DI,n ),                  (149)
                                                                                   (M̃k , Ỹ0t−1 , . . . , ỸKt−1 ) for k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.
we conclude by (147), by standard laws of probability, and the                           Proof of (139):
disjointness of the sets {DI,n }I , that in the limit as n → ∞,                       Similarly to [34] we introduce the divergence
for any subset S ⊆ {1, . . . , K}:                                                 D(PỸ n ···Ỹ n ∥PYn0 ···YK ), which is bounded by log ∆ as help in
                                                                                           0    K
                                   (                 )                             the single-letterization of H(M̃k ). For each i ∈ {1, . . . , K},
                     ∆I,n ≥ max 1 −
                                               ϵk , 0 .    (150)                   we have:
                I∈P(K) :                           k∈S                              H(M̃k ) ≥ I(M̃k ; Ỹ0n · · · ỸKn )
                                                                                                    + D(PỸ n ···Ỹ n ∥PYn0 ···YK ) + log ∆                       (157)
                                                                                                                0       K
   We now assume that for every blocklength n and every
subset I ∈ P(K) we have ∆I,n > 0. (Otherwise we restrict                                        =   H(Ỹ0n    · · · ỸKn )   +   D(PỸ n ···Ỹ n ∥PYn0 ···YK )
                                                                                                                                      0       K

to an appropriate subsequence of blocklengths or eliminate sets                                     − H(Ỹ0n · · · ỸKn |M̃k ) + log ∆                            (158)
I ∈ P(K) alltogether.) By Lemma 2 we can then conclude
                                                                                                ≥ n[H(Ỹ0,T · · · ỸK,T )
that for any I: for any k ∈ {1, . . . , K} the (in)equalities
                                                                                                        + D(PỸ0,T ···ỸK,T ∥PY0 ···YK )]
             1                                1
               H(M̃I,k )≥ I(UI,k ; Ỹk−1 ) + log ∆I,n ,                (151a)                           n
             n                                n
                              1                                                                     −         H(Ỹ0,t · · · ỸK,t |Ũk,t ) + log ∆                (159)
 I(UI,k ; ỸI,k |ỸI,k−1 )= − log ∆I,n                                                                  t=1
                            + D(PỸ0 ···Ỹ ∥PY0 ···YK )
                                                                       (151b)                   = n[H(Ỹ0,T · · · ỸK,T )
                                                                   n       n                            + D(PỸ0,T ···ỸK,T ∥PY0 ···YK )
where {UI,1 , . . . , UI,ℓ∗I , M̃I,1 , M̃I,2 , . . . , M̃I,ℓ∗I , ỸI,0 , ỸI,1 ,
. . . , ỸI,K } are defined in the lemma. Moreover, for indices                                         −H(Ỹ0,T · · · ỸK,T |Ũk,T , T )] + log ∆                (160)
k ∈ I:                                                                                          ≥ n[H(Ỹ0,T · · · ỸK,T )
                         X                     (k + 1)                                                  − H(Ỹ0,T · · · ỸK,T |Ũk,T , T )] + log ∆
       −     log βk,n ≤     I(UI,ℓ ; ỸI,ℓ ) +         log ∆I,n .      (151c)                                                                                     (161)
           n            ℓ=1
                                                                                                = n[I(Ỹ0 · · · ỸK ; Uk )] + log ∆n                              (162)
  We define the following random variables for I ∈ P(K)                                                                           
and k ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ∗I }:                                                                      ≥ n I(Ỹk−1 ; Uk ) + log ∆n .                                     (163)
                             L̃I,k ≜ len(M̃I,k ).                        (152)     Here, (157) holds by (155); (159) holds by the super-additivity
                                                                                   property in [34, Proposition 1], by the chain rule, by the defi-
By the rate constraints (98) and the total law of expectations:
                                                                                   nition of Ũk,t and by defining T uniform over {1, . . . , n} inde-
                                                                                   pendent of the previously defined random variables; and (162)
             nRk ≥             E[L̃I,k ]∆I,n ,           (153)
                             I∈P(K) :
                                                                                   by the definitions of Uk , Ỹk , Ỹk−1 in the lemma. This proves
                                I ≥k                                               Inequality (139) in the lemma.
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                              4271

   Proof of (140):                                                                 Consider an index k satisfying Condition (141), i.e., satisfying
   We start by noticing the Markov chain M̃1 → Ỹ0n →                              D ⊆ Ak . Obviously,
(Ỹ1n , · · · , ỸKn ), and thus similar to the analysis in [43,
                                                                                                                     PM̃k Ỹ n (Ak ) = 1.                  (179)
Section V.C]:                                                                                                                k

                                                                                   Define for any k ∈ {1, . . . , K} the pmfs
 0 = I(M̃k ; Ỹkn · · · ỸKn |Ỹ0n · · · Ỹk−1
                                               )                           (164)
                                                                                   QM̃k (mk )
   ≥ H(Ỹkn · · · ỸKn |Ỹ0n · · · Ỹk−1
                                         )                                                             X
                                                                                      ≜                              PỸ n (y0n ) · · · PỸ n (yk−1
       −   H(Ỹkn · · · ỸKn |Ỹ0n · · · Ỹk−1
                                               M̃k )                                           y0n ,y1n ,...,yk−1
                                                                                                                         0                k−1

       +   D(PỸ n ···Ỹ n ∥PY0 ···YK ) + log ∆                            (165)                   ·1{mk = ϕk (ϕk−1 (· · · (ϕ1 (y0n ) · · · )), yk−1
                                                                                                                                                     )}, (180)
                0       K

   ≥ n[H(Ỹk,T · · · ỸK,T |Ỹ0,T · · · Ỹk−1,T )
           + D(PỸ0,T ···ỸK,T ∥PY0 ···YK )] + log ∆
                                                                                    QMk (mK )
       − H(Ỹkn · · · ỸKn |Ỹ0n · · · Ỹk−1
                                             M̃k )                         (166)                       X
                                                                                      ≜                              PY0n (y0n ) · · · PYk−1
                                                                                                                                             (yk−1 )
   ≥ n[H(Ỹk,T · · · ỸK,T |Ỹ0,T · · · Ỹk−1,T )                                               y0n ,y1n ,...,yk−1

       + D(PỸ0,T ···ỸK,T ∥PY0 ···YK )] + log ∆                                                   ·1{mk = ϕk (ϕk−1 (· · · (ϕ1 (y0n ) · · · )), yk−1
                                                                                                                                                     )}. (181)
                                                                                   and notice that by the definitions of PM̃k Ỹ n , QM̃k and
       −         H(Ỹk,t · · · ỸK,t |Ỹ0,t · · · Ỹk−1,t                                                                       k
           t=1                                                                     by (156):
                    Ỹ0t−1 · · · ỸKt−1 Ỹ0,t+1
                                           n             n
                                                · · · Ỹk−1,t+1 M̃k )                            QM̃k PỸ n (Ak ) ≤ QMk PYkn (Ak ) ∆−(k+1) .               (182)
                                                                                   By (179) and (182) and the definition of βk,n we have:
   ≥ nH(Ỹk,T · · · ỸK,T |Ỹ0,T · · · Ỹk−1,T ) + log ∆
       −nH(Ỹk,T · · · ỸK,T |Ỹ0,T · · · Ỹk−1,T                                     −    log βk,n
                 Ỹ0T −1 · · · ỸKT −1 Ỹ0,T
                                          n              n
                                             +1 · · · Ỹk−1,T +1 M̃k T )                     1
                                                                                      = − log QMk PYnk (Ak )                                (183)
                                                                           (168)             n
                                                                                             1                     (k+1)
   ≥   nI(Ỹk,T · · ·ỸK,T ; Ỹ0T −1 · · ·ỸKT −1 M̃k T |Ỹ0,T · · ·Ỹk−1,T )         = − log QM̃k PỸ n (Ak ) −              log ∆         (184)
                                                                                             n           k              n
                  + log ∆n                                                 (169)         1                                     (k+1)
                                                                                      = D PM̃k Ỹ n (Ak ) ∥ QM̃k PỸ n (Ak ) −         log ∆
   = nI(Ỹk · · · ỸK ; Uk |Ỹ0 · · · Ỹk−1 ) + log ∆                      (170)         n           k               k             n
   ≥ nI(Ỹk ; Uk |Ỹ0 · · · Ỹk−1 ) + log ∆                                (171)                                                            (185)
                                                                                         1                          (k + 1)
   ≥ nI(Ỹk ; Uk |Ỹk−1 ) − nI(Ỹk ; Ỹ0 · · · Ỹk−2 |Ỹk−1 )                         ≤ D(PM̃k Ỹ n ∥QM̃k PỸ n ) −          log ∆,         (186)
                                                                                         n          k        k         n
                  + log ∆.                                                 (172)
                                                                                   where the inequality holds by the data processing inequality
                                                                                   for KL-divergence.
where (166) holds by the super-additivity property in
                                                                                      We continue to upper bound the divergence term as
[34, Proposition 1]; (167) by the chain rule; (168) by the
nonnegativity of the Kullback-Leibler divergence.                                   D(PM̃k Ỹ n ∥QM̃k PỸ n )
                                                                                                   k                 k
  The desired inequality (140) is then obtained by combin-
                                                                                         = I(M̃k ; Ỹkn ) + D(PM̃k ∥QM̃k )                                 (187)
ing (172) with the following lower bound:
                                                                                         ≤     I(M̃k ; Ỹkn )   + D(PỸ n                ∥PỸ n QM̃k−1 )   (188)
                                                                                                                             k−1 M̃k−1       k−1
         D(PỸ0 ···ỸK ∥PY0 ···YK )                                                      ≤ I(M̃k ; Ỹkn ) + I(M̃k−1 ; Ỹk−1
                   ≥ D(PỸ0 ···Ỹk ∥PY0 ···Yk )                            (173)                                + D(PỸ n                ∥PỸ n QM̃k−2 )   (189)
                                                                                                                             k−2 M̃k−2      k−2
                   = D(PỸ0 ···Ỹk ∥PY0 ···Yk−1 PYk |Yk−1 )                (174)          ..
                   = D(PỸ0 ···Ỹk−1 ∥PỸ0 ···Ỹk−1 PỸk |Ỹk−1 )                          .
                                  h                               i                            k
                     + EPỸ        D(PỸk |Ỹk−1 ∥PYk |Yk−1 )                            ≤           I(M̃i ; Ỹin )                                        (190)
                              + D(PỸ0 ···Ỹk−1 ∥PY0 ···Yk−1 )             (175)
                                                                                               Xk Xn
                   ≥ D(PỸ0 ···Ỹk ∥PỸ0 ···Ỹk−1 PỸk |Ỹk−1 )            (176)         =                 I(M̃i ; Ỹi,t |Ỹit−1 )                         (191)
                   ≥ I(Ỹ0 · · · Ỹk−2 ; Ỹk |Ỹk−1 ).                     (177)               i=1 t=1
                                                                                               Xk X n
                                                                                         ≤                 I(M̃i Ỹ0t−1 · · · ỸKt−1 ; Ỹi,t )             (192)
  Proof of (142): For each k ∈ {1, . . . , K}, define Rk ’s
                                                                                               i=1 t=1
acceptance region                                                                               k X n
                                                                                         =                 I(Ũi,t ; Ỹi,t )                               (193)
                 Ak ≜ {(mk , ykn ) : gk (mk , ykn ) = 0}.                  (178)               i=1 t=1
4272                                                               IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

           X                                                       each of them. Moreover, we prove the desired Markov chains
       =       nI(Ũi,T ; Ỹi,T |T )                      (194)
                                                                   of the auxiliary random variables that arise in the typical
                                                                   single-letterization steps, in the asymptotic regimes of infinite
                  I(Ui ; Ỹi ).                           (195)    blocklengths. The proof technique of using asymptotic Markov
                                                                   chains in connection with change of measure arguments can
                                                                   also be used to prove strong converse results of source coding
Here (188) is obtained by the data processing inequality for
                                                                   and channel coding theorems, see [41] for first results.
KL-divergence; (191) by the chain rule; and (193)–(195) by
                                                                      Interesting future research directions include results for
the definitions of Ũi,t , Ui , Ỹi and T .
                                                                   other types of hypothesis testing, not necessarily testing
   Combined with (183), Inequality (195) establishes Inequal-
                                                                   against independence or not assuming a Markov chain under
ity (142) for k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.
                                                                   the null hypothesis. Other network structures are also of
                                                                   practical importance. Intriguing following-up questions exist
                   IX. D ISCUSSION AND O UTLOOK                    also from an optimization perspective. For example, finding
   We derived the optimal type-II exponents region under           the optimal rate-distribution across the various links so as to
expected-rate constraints for the K-hop network with K             maximize a weighted sum of the exponents.
decision centers (DC) for testing against independence and
when the observations at the sensors respect some Markov                                   A PPENDIX A
chain. Equivalent simplified expressions were proved for K ∈                  P ROOF OF L EMMA 1: C ONCAVITY AND
{2, 3} and when all DCs have same admissible type-I error                     M ONOTONICITY OF THE F UNCTION η1
probabilities. Similar simplifications are conjectured to hold        The function η1 (R) is monotonically non-decreasing
also in the general case. When the various DCs have different      because larger values of R imply larger optimization domains.
permissible type-I errors, then the derived exponents region       Continuity follows simply by the continuity of mutual
illustrates a tradeoff between the error exponents that are        information.
simultaneously achievable at the various DCs. In general,             The concavity of η1 (R) follows by the following arguments.
an increase in exponents region is observed compared to the        Consider rates R and R̃, and let U ∗ and Ũ ∗ be the corre-
setup with maximum-rate constraints. When all DCs have             sponding solutions to the optimizations in the definition of
equal permissible type-I error probability ϵ, then the exponents   η1 . Pick any λ ∈ [0, 1], define Q ∼ Bern(λ) independent of
region degenerates to a K-dimensional hypercube meaning            (Y0 , Y1 , U ∗ , Ũ ∗ ), and set
that all DCs can simultaneously achieve their optimal error                                         (
exponents. This optimal exponent coincides with the optimal                                   ∗      U ∗ if Q = 0
                                                                                             UQ =                           (196)
exponent under maximum-rate constraint where the rates have                                          Ũ ∗ if Q = 1.
to be boosted by the factor (1 − ϵ)−1 .                                                                ∗
                                                                   Defining the random variable V := (UQ , Q), we obtain
   To achieve the optimal tradeoff, a novel coding and test-
ing scheme based on multiplexing and rate-sharing is pro-              λ · η1 (R) + (1 − λ) · η1 (R̃)
posed. The idea is that the transmitter chooses one of 2K                      = λI(U ∗ ; Y1 ) + (1 − λ)I(Ũ ∗ ; Y1 )          (197)
subschemes with appropriate probabilities and applies each                          ∗
subscheme with a well-chosen rate tuple. Notice that the                       = I(UQ ; Y1 |Q)                                 (198)
various rate-tuples determine the error exponents achieved at                  = I(UQ , Q; Y1 )                                (199)
the various DCs, and thus steer the tradeoff between the error                 = I(V ; Y1 )                                    (200)
exponents at the different DCs. We multiplex schemes in a way                  ≤ η1 (I(V ; Y0 ))                               (201)
that each of the subschemes is meant to help only a subset of
the DCs in their decision; all other DCs simply raise an alarm                 ≤ η1 (λR + (1 − λ)R̃)                           (202)
so as not to compromise their type-II error exponents. The         where (199) holds because Q is independent of Y1 , (201)
probabilities of the various subschemes then have to be chosen     holds by the definition of the function η1 , and (202) holds
such that the probability of each DC raising an alarm does not     by the monotonicity of the function η1 and the following set
exceed its permissible type-I error probability. We conjecture     of (in)equalities:
that it suffices to multiplex only K + 1 subschemes and that                             ∗                ∗
they should be chosen with probabilities determined by the               I(V ; Y0 ) = I(UQ , Q; Y0 ) = I(UQ ; Y0 |Q)           (203)
                                                                                              ∗                    ∗
type-I error probabilities. We managed to prove this conjecture                    = λI(U ; Y0 ) + (1 − λ)I(Ũ ; Y0 )          (204)
for K ∈ {2, 3} and when all DCs have same permissible                              ≤ λR + (1 − λ)R̃.                           (205)
type-I error probabilities, but proofs for the general case seem
cumbersome.                                                                                                                       ■
   Notice that the proposed multiplexing and rate-sharing
strategy is also optimal for other multi-terminal hypothesis                              A PPENDIX B
testing setups, as we show in [44].                                           A NALYSIS OF THE C ODING S CHEME IN
   Our converse proof methods rely on applying 2K change                        S UBSECTION IV-A FOR ϵ1 = ϵ2 = ϵ
of measure arguments in parallel, and to separately bound            Consider the two-hop scheme employed when Y0n ∈ D{1,2} ,
the achievable error exponents and the required rates for          and let Ĥ{1,2},1 and Ĥ{1,2},2 denote the guesses produced at

R1 and R2 when employing this scheme for any Y0n ∈ Y0n .                Notice that for Y0n ∈ D∅ both R1 and R2 decide on Ĥ1 =
Notice that by assumption the type-I error probabilities of this      Ĥ2 = 1. Applying the total law of probability, we can write
scheme tend to 0 as n → ∞:
                                                                         α1,n = Pr[Ĥ1 = 1|H = 0]                                (218)
    lim Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k = 1|H = 0] = 0,           k ∈ {1, 2}.    (206)            = Pr[Ĥ1 =     1, Y0n   ∈ D∅ |H = 0]

  Noticing that when Y0n ∈ D∅ , then Ĥ1 = Ĥ2 = 1, and                            + Pr[Ĥ1 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1} |H = 0]
applying the total law of probability, we can write for k ∈                        + Pr[Ĥ1 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]            (219)
{1, 2}:                                                                        = Pr[Y0n ∈ D∅ |H = 0]
   αk,n = Pr[Ĥk = 1|H = 0]                                   (207)                + Pr[Ĥ{1},1 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1} |H = 0]
         = Pr[Ĥk = 1, Y0n ∈ D∅ |H = 0]                                            + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},1 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]      (220)
             + Pr[Ĥk =   1, Y0n   ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]           (208)            ≤   Pr[Y0n   ∈ D∅ |H = 0]
         =   Pr[Y0n   ∈ D∅ |H = 0]                                                 + Pr[Ĥ{1},1 = 1|H = 0]
             + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k =   1, Y0n   ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]     (209)                + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},1 = 1|H = 0]                     (221)
         ≤   Pr[Y0n   ∈ D∅ |H = 0]                                    Combining this inequality with (217), and because in the limit
             + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k = 1|H = 0]                        (210)   n → ∞ Inequality (128) turns into an equality, we conclude
                                                                      that the overall scheme satisfies the type-I error constraint:
   Combining these inequalities with (206), and because in
the limit n → ∞ Inequality (17) turns into an equality,                                         lim α1,n ≤ ϵ1 .                  (222)
we conclude that the overall scheme satisfies the type-I error
constraints:                                                            Similarly we have:

                lim αk,n ≤ ϵ,            k ∈ {1, 2}.          (211)      α2,n = Pr[Ĥ2 = 1|H = 0]                                (223)
                                                                               = Pr[Ĥ2 =     1, Y0n   ∈ (D∅ ∪ D{1} )|H = 0]
  For the type-II error probabilities of the overall scheme we
observe for k ∈ {1, 2}:                                                            + Pr[Ĥ2 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]            (224)
                                                                               =   Pr[Y0n   ∈ (D∅ ∪ D{1} )|H = 0]
     β1,n = Pr[Ĥk = 0|H = 1]                                 (212)
                                                                                   + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},2 = 1, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 0]      (225)
          = Pr[Ĥk = 0, Y0n ∈ D∅ |H = 1]
                                                                               ≤ Pr[Y0n ∈ (D∅ ∪ D{1} )|H = 0]                    (226)
              + Pr[Ĥk = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]              (213)
                                                                                   + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},2 = 1|H = 0].                    (227)
          = Pr[Ĥk = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]                  (214)
                                                                      Combining this inequality with (217), and because in the limit
          = Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]            (215)   n → ∞ Inequalities (21a) and (128) turn into equalities,
          ≤ Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k = 0|H = 1].                          (216)   we conclude that the overall scheme satisfies the type-I error
   The type-II error exponents of the overall scheme are thus
                                                                                             lim α2,n ≤ ϵ2 .                  (228)
given by the error exponents of the two-hop scheme employed                                    n→∞
under Y0n ∈ D{1,2} . By [27] and because the two-hop scheme             For the relay’s type-II error probability in the overall scheme
has to have vanishing type-I error probabilities and respect the      we observe:
rate constraints R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 , the exponents in (31)
are proved achievable.                                                    β1,n = Pr[Ĥ1 = 0|H = 1]                               (229)
                                                                               = Pr[Ĥ1 =     0, Y0n   ∈ D∅ |H = 1]
                      A PPENDIX C                                                  + Pr[Ĥ1 = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1} |H = 1]
                                                                                   + Pr[Ĥ1 = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]            (230)
              S UBSECTION IV-B FOR ϵ2 > ϵ1
   Consider the two-hop scheme employed when Y0n ∈ D{1,2} ,                    = Pr[Ĥ1 =     0, Y0n   ∈ D{1} |H = 1]
and let Ĥ{1,2},1 and Ĥ{1,2},2 denote the guesses produced at                     + Pr[Ĥ1 = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]            (231)
R1 and R2 when employing this scheme for any y0n ∈ Y0n .                       = Pr[Ĥ{1},1 =     0, Y0n   ∈ D{1} |H = 1]
Similarly, let Ĥ{1},1 and Ĥ{1},2 denote the guesses produced
                                                                                   + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},1 = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]      (232)
at R1 and R2 when employing the scheme for Y0n ∈ D{1} ,
where we again extend the scheme to the entire set Y0 .                        ≤ Pr[Ĥ{1},1 = 0|H = 1]
   By assumption, the type-I error probabilities of these                          + Pr[Ĥ{1,2},1 = 0|H = 1].                    (233)
schemes tend to 0 as n → ∞:
                                                                      The relay’s type-II error exponent of the overall scheme is thus
     lim Pr[Ĥ{1},k = 1|H = 0] = 0,           k ∈ {1, 2}     (217a)   given by the minimum of the error exponents of the single-hop
    lim Pr[Ĥ{1,2},k = 1|H = 0] = 0,          k ∈ {1, 2}.    (217b)   scheme employed under Y0n ∈ D{1} and of two-hop scheme
   n→∞                                                                employed under Y0n ∈ D{1,2} . By [4] and [27] and because
4274                                                                      IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

these schemes have vanishing type-I error probabilities and               where (244) holds again because the minimum is never larger
respect the rate constraints R{1},1 and (R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2 ),           than any linear combination; (245) holds by the concavity of
respectively, the exponent θ1 in (32) is proved achievable.               the functions η1 (·) and η2 (·); and (246) holds because by (54)
   It remains to analyze the receiver’s type-II error exponent:           we have σ{2} R{2},i + σ{1,2} R{1,2},i ≤ Ri , for i ∈ {1, 2}, and
                                                                          σ{2} + σ{1,2} ≥ 1 − ϵ.
       β2,n = Pr[Ĥ2 = 0|H = 1]                                 (234)
                                                                             This concludes the converse proof to (31).
           = Pr[Ĥ2 =     0, Y0n   ∈ (D∅ ∪ D{1} )|H = 1]                     2) The Case ϵ1 < ϵ2 : Choose nonnegative numbers
               + Pr[Ĥ2 = 0, Y0n ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]               (235)     a1 , a1,2 , b1 , b1,2 , c1,2 satisfying
           = Pr[Ĥ2 =     0, Y0n   ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]             (236)                                   a1 + a1,2 ≤ σ{1}             (247a)
           = Pr[Ĥ{1,2},2 =     0, Y0n   ∈ D{1,2} |H = 1]       (237)                                    b1 + b1,2 ≤ σ{1,2}          (247b)
           ≤ Pr[Ĥ{1,2},2 = 0|H = 1].                           (238)                                         c1,2 ≤ σ{2}            (247c)
                                                                                       a1,2 + b1,2 = b1,2 + c1,2 = 1 − ϵ2            (247d)
The receiver’s type-II error exponent of the overall scheme
is thus given by the error exponent of the two-hop scheme                                                 a1 + b1 = ϵ2 − ϵ1 .        (247e)
employed under Y0n ∈ D{1,2} . By [27] and because this                    Notice that this set of (in)equalities is equivalent to the two
scheme has vanishing type-I error probabilities and respects              equalities a1,2 = c1,2 = 1−ϵ2 −b1,2 and a1 = ϵ2 −ϵ1 −b1 and
the rate constraints (R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2 ), the exponent θ2              the three inequalities:
in (32) is proved achievable.
                                                                                            1 − ϵ1 − b1,2 − b1 ≤ σ{1}                (248a)
                     A PPENDIX D                                                                       b1 + b1,2 ≤ σ{1,2}            (248b)
S IMPLIFICATION OF THE O UTER B OUND IN P ROPOSITION 3                                             1 − ϵ2 − b1,2 ≤ σ{2} .            (248c)
  We proceed to simplify the outer bound in Proposition 3
                                                                          Through the Fourier-Motzkin Elimination (FME) Algorithm,
depending on the cases ϵ1 = ϵ2 , ϵ1 < ϵ2 , or ϵ1 > ϵ2 . To this
                                                                          it can be verified that above three inequalities (248) have
end, fix an exponent pair (θ1 , θ2 ) in E ⋆ (R1 , R2 , ϵ1 , ϵ2 ), rates
                                                                          a nonnegative solution pair (b1 , b1,2 ), with corresponding
R{1},1 , R{1,2},1 , R{1,2},2 , R{2},1 , R{2},2 ≥ 0 and numbers
                                                                          nonnegative values for a1,2 , c1,2 , a1 , whenever
σ{1} , σ{2} , σ{1,2} ≥ 0 summing to less than 1 and satisfying
constraints (54).                                                                       0 ≤ σI ,                I ∈ P(2),            (249a)
  1) The Case ϵ1 = ϵ2 : By (54):                                                   1 − ϵi ≤ σ{i} + σ{1,2} ,     i ∈ {1, 2},          (249b)
        θ1 ≤ min{η1 (R{1},1 ), η1 (R{1,2},1 )}                  (239)                   0 ≤ ϵ2 − ϵ1 ,                                (249c)
             σ{1} η1 (R{1},1 ) + σ{1,2} η1 (R{1,2},1 )                    which hold by assumption, see (54). The existence of the
           ≤                                                    (240)
                         σ{1} + σ{1,2}                                    desired nonnegative numbers a1 , a1,2 , b1 , b1,2 , c1,2 satisfy-
                  σ{1} R{1},1 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},1                           ing (247) is thus established.
           ≤ η1                                                 (241)
                         σ{1} + σ{1,2}                                      With the chosen numbers, we form
           ≤ η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ)) ,                                 (242)                             a1,2 R{1},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1
                                                                             R̃{1,2},1 := max                                 ,
                                                                                                            1 − ϵ2
where (240) holds because the minimum is never larger than                                                                      
                                                                                                   b1,2 R{1,2},1 + c1,2 R{2},1
any linear combination; (241) holds by the concavity of the                                                                       ,
function η1 (·); and (242) holds by the monotonicity of the                                                  1 − ϵ2
function η1 (·) and because by (54) we have σ{1} R{1},1 +                                                                           (250a)
σ{1,2} R{1,2},1 ≤ R1 and σ{1} + σ{1,2} ≥ 1 − ϵ.                                           b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2
                                                                             R̃{1,2},2 :=                             ,             (250b)
  Following similar steps, one can prove that                                                       1 − ϵ2
              n                                                                         a1 R{1},1 + b1 R{1,2},1
   θ2 ≤ min η1 R{1,2},1 + η2 R{1,2},2 ,                                        R̃{1},1 :=                         .                 (250c)
                                                                                                  ϵ2 − ϵ1
                    η1 R{2},1 + η2 R{2},2             (243)               We show that exponents (θ1 , θ2 ) and rates R̃{1},1 , R̃{1,2},1
         σ{2} η1 R{2},1 + σ{2} η2 R{2},2
                                                                         and R̃{1,2},2 satisfy constraints (32). To this end, notice that
                    σ{2} + σ{1,2}                                                    θ1 ≤ min{η1 (R{1},1 ), η1 (R{1,2},1 )}           (251)
            σ{1,2} η1 R{1,2},1 + σ{1,2} η2 R{1,2},2                                       a1 η1 (R{1},1 ) + b1 η1 (R{1,2},1 )
         +                                            (244)                             ≤                                             (252)
                          σ{2} + σ{1,2}                                                               ϵ2 − ϵ1          
              σ{2} R{2},1 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},1
                                                                                              a1 R{1},1 + b1 R{1,2},1
      ≤ η1                                                                              ≤ η1                                          (253)
                     σ{2} + σ{1,2}                                                                     ϵ − ϵ1
                 σ{2} R{2},2 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},2                                          ≤ η1 R̃{1},1 ,                                (254)
         + η2                                         (245)
                        σ{2} + σ{1,2}
                                                                          where (252) holds because the minimum is smaller than any
      ≤ η1 (R1 /(1 − ϵ)) + η2 (R2 /(1 − ϵ)) ,         (246)               linear combination and because a1 + b1 = ϵ2 − ϵ1 ; (253) holds

by the concavity of the function η1 (·); and (254) holds   by the    where inequalities (265) and (269) hold because a1 + a1,2 ≤
definition of rate R{1},1 . In a similar way we have:                σ{1} , c1,2 ≤ σ{2} , and b1 +b1,2 ≤ σ{1,2} , see (247); and (267)
                                                                  and (271) hold by the definitions of rates R̃{1},1 , R̃{1,2},1 , and
        θ1 ≤ min η1 R{1},1 , η1 R{1,2},1                    (255)
                                                                   R̃{1,2},2 and because
              a1,2 η1 R{1},1 + b1,2 η1 R{1,2},1
           ≤                                                (256)
                              1 − ϵ2                                      a1,2 R{1},1 + c1,2 R{2},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1
                   a1,2 R{1},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1                                        ≥ max{a1,2 R{1},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1 ;
           ≤ η1                                             (257)
                              1 − ϵ2                                                               b1,2 R{1,2},1 + c1,2 R{2},1 }.     (272)
           ≤ η1 R̃{1,2},1 ,                                 (258)
                                                                         The desired converse result to (32) then follows by com-
where the last step holds by the monotonicity of the                 bining (259), (263), (267), and (271), and by noticing that
function η1 (·) and because by definition R̃{1,2},1 ≥                by the monotonicity of the function η2 (·) there is no loss in
a1,2 R{1},1 +b1,2 R{1,2},1                                           optimality to restrict to rates R̃{1,2},2 = R2 /(1 − ϵ2 ).
          1−ϵ2             . Thus, by (254) and (258):
                           n                        o                3) The Case ϵ1 > ϵ2 : The proof is similar to the case ϵ1 <
          θ1 ≤ min η1 R̃{1},1 , η1 R̃{1,2},1 . (259)                 ϵ2 . We present it here for completeness.
                                                                         Choose    nonnegative       numbers     a1,2 , b2 , b1,2 , c2 , c1,2
  We continue to notice                                              satisfying
    θ2 ≤ min η1 R{1,2},1 + η2 R{1,2},2 ,                                                                    a1,2 ≤ σ{1}              (273a)
                                                                                                       b2 + b1,2 ≤ σ{1,2}            (273b)
                       η1 R{2},1 + η2 R{2},2                (260)
                                                                                                     c2 + c1,2 ≤ σ{2}              (273c)
          b1,2 η1 R{1,2},1 + b1,2 η2 R{1,2},2
       ≤                                                                             a1,2 + b1,2 = b1,2 + c1,2 = 1 − ϵ1              (273d)
                            1− ϵ2
                                                                                                         b2 + c2 = ϵ1 − ϵ2 ,         (273e)
             c1,2 η1 R{2},1 + c1,2 η2 R{2},2
          +                                                 (261)
                              1 − ϵ2
                                                                   which is equivalent to the three equalities a1,2 = c1,2 = 1 −
                b1,2 R{1,2},1 + c1,2 R{2},1
       ≤ η1                                                          ϵ1 − b1,2 and c2 = ϵ1 − ϵ2 − b2 and the three inequalities
                          1 − ϵ2
                   b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2                                                   1 − ϵ1 − b1,2 ≤ σ{1}                (274a)
          + η2                                              (262)
                              1 − ϵ2                                                                 b2 + b1,2 ≤ σ{1,2}              (274b)
       ≤ η1 R̃{1,2},1 + η2 R̃{1,2},2 ,                      (263)                        1 − ϵ2 − b2 − b1,2 ≤ σ{2} .                 (274c)

where (261) holds because the minimum is smaller than any            Through FME it can be shown that a nonnegative pair
linear combination and because b1,2 + c1,2 = 1 − ϵ2 ; (262)          (b2 , b1,2 ) satisfying (274) exists and the corresponding values
holds concavity of the functions η1 (·) and η2 (·); and (263)        for a1,2 , c1,2 , c2 are nonnegative whenever
holds by the definitions of rates R{1,2},1 and R{1,2},2 and by
the monotonicity of the function η1 (·).                                              0 ≤ σI ,                 I ∈ P(2),             (275a)
   From the rate constraints in (54), we further obtain                        1 − ϵi ≤ σ{i} + σ{1,2} ,        i ∈ {1, 2},           (275b)
R1 ≥ σ{1} R{1},1 + σ{2} R{2},1 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},1            (264)                     0 ≤ ϵ1 − ϵ2 ,                                  (275c)
      ≥ (a1 + a1,2 )R{1},1 + c1,2 R{2},1 + (b1 + b1,2 )R{1,2},1
                                                                     which hold by assumption, see (54).
                                                            (265)      Define the new rates
                     a1 R{1},1 + b1 R{1,2},1
      = (ϵ2 − ϵ1 )
                                                                                           a1,2 R{1},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1
                             ϵ2 − ϵ1                                   R̃{1,2},1 := max                                ,
                       a1,2 R{1},1 + c1,2 R{2},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1
                                                                                                    1 − ϵ1
         + (1 − ϵ2 )
                                                                                            b1,2 R{1,2},1 + c1,2 R{2},1
                                        1 − ϵ2                                                                             ,
                                                                                                      1 − ϵ1
      ≥ (ϵ2 − ϵ1 )R̃{1},1 + (1 − ϵ2 )R̃{1,2},1              (267)                      b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2
                                                                        R̃{1,2},2   :=                             ,                  (277)
and                                                                                              1 − ϵ1
                                                                                       b2 R{1,2},i + c2 R{2},i
        R2 ≥ σ{1,2} R{1,2},2 + σ{2} R{2},2                  (268)         R̃{2},i   :=                         ,     i ∈ {1, 2}
                                                                                               ϵ1 − ϵ2
           ≥ b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2                    (269)                                                                     (278)
                         b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2
           = (1 − ϵ2 )                                      (270)    We show that the exponents θ1 , θ2 and the rates R̃{2},1 ,R̃{2},2 ,
                                   1 − ϵ2
                                                                     R̃{1,2},1 and R̃{1,2},2 satisfy constraints (33). To this end,
           = (1 − ϵ2 )R̃{1,2},2 ,                           (271)    notice that by similar arguments as in the preceding
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subsections:                                                               and
          θ1 ≤ min η1 R{1},1 , η1 R{1,2},1                       (279)           R2 ≥ σ{1,2} R{1,2},2 + σ{2} R{2},2                        (295)
               a1,2 η1 R{1},1 + b1,2 η1 R{1,2},1                                    ≥ (b2 + b1,2 )R{1,2},2 + (c2 + c1,2 )R{2},2            (296)
             ≤                                                   (280)                                                        
                              1 − ϵ1                                                              b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2
                                                                                  = (1 − ϵ1 )
                    a1,2 R{1},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1                                                             1 − ϵ1
             ≤ η1                                                (281)                                                        
                              1 − ϵ1                                                                   b2 R{1,2},2 + c2 R{2},2
                                                                                     + (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )                                        (297)
             ≤ η1 R̃{1,2},1 .                                    (282)                                         1 − ϵ1
                                                                                    = (1 − ϵ1 )R̃{1,2},2 + (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R̃{2},2 .             (298)
                                                                        Combining (282), (290), (294), and (298) establishes the
          θ2 ≤ min η1 R{1,2},1 + η2 R{1,2},2 ,                             desired converse result in (33).
                         η1 R{2},1 ) + η2 (R{2},2 )              (283)                           A PPENDIX E
               b1,2 η1 R{1,2},1 + b1,2 η2 R{1,2},2                           A NALYSIS OF THE C ODING S CHEME IN S ECTION VII-C
                                1−  ϵ1                                      Consider the ℓ∗I -hop hypothesis testing scheme employed
                  c1,2 η1 R{2},1 + c1,2 η2 R{2},2                          when Y0n ∈ DI , for I ∈ P(K). For any I ∈ P(K),
               +                                                 (284)
                                  1 − ϵ1                                   let ĤI,1 , . . . , ĤI,ℓ∗I denote the guesses produced at terminals
                                                                           1, . . . , ℓ∗I when employing this scheme.
                     b1,2 R{1,2},1 + c1,2 R{2},1
             ≤ η1                                                             By assumption, the type-I error probabilities of these deci-
                               1 − ϵ1
                        b1,2 R{1,2},2 + c1,2 R{2},2
                                                                          sions tend to 0 as n → ∞ for any I ∈ P(K):
               + η2                                              (285)
                                   1 − ϵ1                                        lim Pr[ĤI,k = 1|H = 0, Y0n ∈ DI ] = 0,               k ∈ I.
             ≤ η1 R̃{1,2},1 + η2 R̃{1,2},2                       (286)                                                                     (299)

and                                                                        Recalling that decision center k declares Ĥk = 1 whenever
                                                                         Y0n ∈ D∅ or Y0n ∈ DI for a set I not containing k, and
                   b2 η1 R{1,2},1 + b2 η2 R{1,2},2
              θ2 ≤                                                         applying the total law of probability, we can write
                                  ϵ1 − ϵ2
                                                                             αk,n = Pr[Ĥk = 1|H = 0]                                      (300)
                       c2 η1 R{2},1 + c2 η2 R{2},2
                   +                                             (287)                  X
                                  ϵ1 − ϵ2                                       =            Pr[Ĥk = 1, Y0n ∈ DI |H = 0]                (301)
                        b2 R{1,2},1 + c2 R{2},1                                          I∈(P(K)∪∅)
                 ≤ η1
                                 ϵ1 − ϵ2
                                                                                 = Pr[Y0n ∈ D∅ |H = 0]+                    Pr[Y0n ∈ DI |H = 0]
                            b2 R{1,2},2 + c2 R{2},2                                                               I∈P(K) :
                   + η2                                          (288)                                              k∈I
                                    ϵ1 − ϵ2                                                    X
                                                                                         +              Pr[Ĥk = 1, Y0n ∈ DI |H = 0]       (302)
                 ≤ η1 R̃{2},1 + η2 R̃{2},2 .                     (289)
                                                                                             I∈P(K) :
Combining (286) and (289) we obtain:                                                                                 X
                                                                              ≤ Pr[Y0n ∈ D∅ |H = 0]+                    Pr[Y0n ∈ DI |H = 0]
   θ2 ≤ min η1 R̃{1,2},1 + η1 R̃{1,2},2 ,                                                                         I∈P(K) :
                                                                                    +              Pr[ĤI,k = 1|H = 0, Y0n ∈ DI ]. (303)
                     η1 R̃{2},1 + η1 R̃{2},2    .                (290)
                                                                                             I∈P(K) :
   From the rate constraints in (54), inequalities (273), and              Combining this inequality with (299), and by Inequali-
the definitions of the rates R̃{2},1 , R̃{2},2 , R̃{1,2},1 , R̃{1,2},2 ,   ties (109), we conclude that the overall scheme satisfies the
we obtain:                                                                 type-I error constraints:
R1 ≥ σ{1} R{1},1 + σ{1,2} R{1,2},1 + σ{2} R{2},1                 (291)                       lim αk,n ≤ ϵk ,     k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.       (304)
       ≥ a1,2 R{1},1 + (c2 + c1,2 )R{2},1 + (b2 + b1,2 )R{1,2},1
                                                                             For the type-II error exponent at a decision center k we
                      b2 R{1,2},1 + c2 R{2},1
       = (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )                                                           βk,n = Pr[Ĥk = 0|H = 1]                                     (305)
                               ϵ1 − ϵ2                                                   X
                                                                                                Pr[Ĥk = 0, Y0n ∈ DI |H = 1]
                         a1,2 R{1},1 + c1,2 R{2},1 + b1,2 R{1,2},1                 =                                                       (306)
          + (1 − ϵ1 )
                                          1 − ϵ1                                          I∈(P(K)∪∅)
                                                               (293)                 =               Pr[ĤI,k = 0, Y0n ∈ DI |H = 1]        (307)
       ≥ (ϵ1 − ϵ2 )R̃{2},1 + (1 − ϵ1 )R̃{1,2},1                  (294)                    I∈P(K) :
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                        4277

         ≤              Pr[ĤI,k = 0|H = 1, Y0n ∈ DI ].         (308)        We next show that one can further restrict to nonnegative
             I∈P(K) :                                                     numbers satisfying also (369). To this end, assume that (369)
                                                                          is violated and define
                                                                                a := σ̃{π(1),π(3)} − σ̃{π(2)} − σ̃{π(1),π(2)} > 0.                   (321)
 θk,I := lim − log Pr[ĤI,k = 0|H = 1, Y0n ∈ DI ],              (309)     Define also the new parameters
        n→∞ n
we conclude by (308) that the exponent                                                             σ{1,2,3} := σ̃{1,2,3} + a                         (322)
                           min      θk,I                        (310)                              σ{π(3)}    := σ̃{π(3)} + a                        (323)
                         I∈P(K) :                                                             ′
                           k∈I                                                               σ{π(1),π(3)}     := σ̃{π(1),π(3)} − a                   (324)
is achievable at decision center k. This proves in particular that                           σ{π(2),π(3)}     := σ̃{π(2),π(3)} − a                   (325)
when applying an instance of the multi-hop scheme in [28] for                                         σI′     := σ̃I ,     π(3) ∈
                                                                                                                                / I,                 (326)
each set I ∈ P(K), the exponents θ1 , . . . , θK in (5) are proved
achievable.                                                               and the new rates
                                                                                         a λℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ + (1 − λℓ )R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                            A PPENDIX F                                      ′
                                                                            R{1,2,3},ℓ =                      ′
                        P ROOF OF L EMMA 5                                                                   σ{1,2,3}
  To show sufficiency of (368), start by fixing                                                  σ̃{1,2,3} R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
                                                                                             +           ′             ,           ℓ ∈ {1, 2, 3},
any set of nonnegative numbers {σI }I∈P(3) , and                                                       σ{1,2,3}
{RI,1 , . . . , RI,ℓ∗I }I∈P(3) satisfying (116) for K = 3,
(and possibly violating (368)). Choose new nonnegative                                                                                                
numbers σ̃{1,2,3} , σ̃{π(1),π(2)} , σ̃{π(1),π(3)} , σ̃{π(1)} satisfying                      a (1 − λℓ )R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ + λℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                                                                            R{π(3)},ℓ =                                   ′
                            σ̃I ≤ σI ,     ∀I : π(1) ∈ I,       (311)                                                    σ{π(3)}
      σ̃{1,2,3} + σ̃{π(1),π(2)} ≥ 1 − ϵπ(1) − ϵπ(2)             (312)                            σ̃{π(3)} R̃{π(3)},ℓ
                                                                                             +          ′            ,         ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , π(3)}
      σ̃{1,2,3} + σ̃{π(1),π(3)} ≥ 1 − ϵπ(1) − ϵπ(3)             (313)                                 σ{π(3)}
and                                                                                                                                                 (327b)
σ̃{1,2,3} + σ̃{π(1),π(2)} + σ̃{π(1),π(3)} + σ̃{π(1)} = 1−ϵπ(1) .                   RI,ℓ   = R̃I,ℓ ,    I ∈ P(3)\{{1, 2, 3}, {π(3)}}. (327c)
                                                                (314)     Notice that by the definition of a and by (320), the parameters
                                                                          {σI′ } are all nonnegative, and it is easily verified that they
The existence of the desired numbers can be checked by                    continue to satisfy (116) for any choice of λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ∈ [0, 1].
applying the Fourier-Motzkin Elimination algorithm [45] and                  We next choose the parameters λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ∈ [0, 1] in
by noting Constraints (116). Further choose for any set I                 function of the rates {R̃I,ℓ } and the ordering π(·), and show
containing π(1) and ℓ ∈ {1, 2, 3} the rate:                               that for the proposed choice of rates in (327), the exponents
                           R̃I,ℓ := RI,ℓ ,                      (315)     θ1 , θ2 , θ3 are only increased. We distinguish three cases.
                                                                             For notational simplicity we assume π(1) < π(2). (The
and for any set I not containing π(1) and ℓ ∈ {1, 2, 3}:                  proof for π(1) > π(2) is analogous.) This implies that
     σ̃I := σI + σIπ(1) − σ̃Iπ(1)                               (316)        1 = π(1) < π(3)             or          1 = π(3) < π(2) = 2             (328)
            σI         σIπ(1) − σ̃Iπ(1)
   R̃I,ℓ :=     RI,ℓ +                  RIπ(1) ,ℓ ,             (317)     and
            σ̃I              σ̃I
where we defined Iπ(1) := I ∪ {π(1)}.                                       2 = π(2) < π(3) = 3                 or        π(3) < π(2) = 3.           (329)
   By Lemma 3, the new set of numbers {σ̃I }I∈P(3) ,                        Case 1: If
and {R̃I,1 , . . . , R̃I,ℓ∗I }I∈P(3) also satisfies Constraints (116),                                              
which proves that one can restrict to numbers {σI }I∈P(3)                       η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1 ≤ η1 R̃{π(2),π(3)},1 ,                            (330)
satisfying (368). Since ϵπ(1) ≥ ϵπ(2) and                                 choose
  σ{1,2,3} +σ{π(1),π(2)} +σ{π(2),π(3)} +σ{π(2)} ≥ 1 − ϵπ(2) ,                   λℓ = 0,                    ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , π(3)},                    (331)
                                                                (318)                  n                                  o
                                                                                λℓ = 1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ≥ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
this further implies that one can restrict to numbers
                                                                                                                     ℓ ∈ {π(3) + 1, . . . , 3}.
{σI }I∈P(3) satisfying
      σ{π(2),π(3)} ≥ σ{π(1),π(3)} + σ{π(1)} − σ{π(2)}       (319)
                                                                          Using the same proof steps as in Lemma 3, it can be shown
                   ≥ σ{π(1),π(3)} − σ{π(2)} − σ{π(1),π(2)} .
                                                                          that for this choice of the λs the new rates in (327) still satisfy
                                                                (320)     Constraint (116a) for θπ(3) because λ1 = · · · = λπ(3) .
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 To see that they satisfy (116a) also for θπ(1) , notice that:                                                          a           X        n                 
                                                                                                               +    ′                     max ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,
                                                                                                                 σ{1,2,3}
      π(1)                     π(1)                                                                                        ℓ=π(3)+1
        X                        X                                                                                                                           o
  min       ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,      ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                                                                                         ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                                                      
        ℓ=1                       ℓ=1                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                   π(2)
      π(1)                                                                                                             σ̃{1,2,3}   X                  
        X                                                                                                          +                    ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
≤ min        ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                                                         ′
                                                                                                                        σ{1,2,3}                         
                                                                                                                                   ℓ=1
                            π(1)                                                                                                                        (337)
                  a         X                                                                                                                         
             ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ                                                π(2)                        π(2)
                                                                                                                                     X                
                                                                                                                    ′                        ′
                            ℓ=1                                                            ≤ min                ηℓ R{π(2),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ     ,
                                                                                                                                                       
                                           π(1)                                                          ℓ=1                                 ℓ=1
                        σ̃{1,2,3} X                                  
                       + ′         ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                               (333)                                                                         (338)
                        σ{1,2,3}                  
                                                                                       where notice that the sum in the second line of (337) is empty
          X                                                                           when π(2) ≤ π(3). Here, the last inequality holds by the
≤ min             ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                                             ′
                                                                                        definitions of the rates {R{1,2,3},ℓ } and by the choice of the λs
                                                                                        and the concavity and monotonicity of the functions {ηℓ (·)}ℓ .
             ′             η1 R̃{π(2),π(3)},1                                             Case 2: If
            σ{1,2,3}                                                                         2                           2
                   a                                                                       X                      X                         
            + ′         1 {π(1) = 2}                                                            ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ≤         ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ , (339)
               σ{1,2,3}                                                                    ℓ=1                                      ℓ=1
                     n                                       o
             · max η2 R̃{π(1),π(3)},2 , η2 R̃{π(2),π(3)},2                              choose
                                            π(1)                                            λℓ = 1,      ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , max{2, π(3)}},                       (340)
                                  σ̃{1,2,3} X                                                   n                                o
                                + ′
                                                 ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
                                                                                           λℓ = 1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ≥ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
                                                                                                                     ℓ ∈ {max{2, π(3)} + 1, . . . , 3}.       (341)
                                                                           
          X                                       π(1)
                                                     X                               Using similar arguments as in the previous case, one can
                            ′                                ′                          conclude that the new rates in (327) still satisfy (116a). More
≤ min             ηℓ       R{π(1),π(3)},ℓ          ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ          .
            ℓ=1                                       ℓ=1
                                                                                       specifically, since λ1 = · · · = λπ(3) = 1 by (340), similar
                                                                                (335)   proof steps as in Lemma 3 can be used to show that (116a)
                                                                                        holds for θπ(3) .
where the second inequality holds by Assumption (330) and                                 To see that (116a) holds for θπ(2) , recall that π(2) ≥ 2 and
the third inequality holds by the definitions of the rates                              notice:
                                                                                                                                               
{R{1,2,3},ℓ } and by the concavity and monotonicity of the                                      π(2)
                                                                                                  X                      π(2)
                                                                                                                            X                 
functions {ηℓ (·)}.                                                                        min         ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,     ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
   Similarly, we notice for θπ(2) :
                                                                                                                                               
                                                                                                   ℓ=1                      ℓ=1
                                                                                              π(2)
           π(2)                     π(2)                                                         X                    
             X                        X                                             ≤ min          ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
      min         ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,     ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                                       
                                                                                                   ℓ=1
              ℓ=1                      ℓ=1
                                                                                                      ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
   ≤ min          ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                               σ{1,2,3}
                ℓ=1                                                                                                                                  
                                π(2)                                                                           σ̃{1,2,3}     X                     
                       a        X                                                                        +     ′                 ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ             (342)
                                       ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ                                                      σ{1,2,3}                             
                  σ{1,2,3}                                                                                                   ℓ=1
                           ℓ=1                                                                   
                                                                                                π(2)
                        σ̃{1,2,3} X                                                  ≤ min              ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
                       + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                           (336)            
                        σ{1,2,3}                                                                    ℓ=1
            π(2)                                                                                          a        X                         
                                                                                                      ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ
   ≤ min               ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                          σ{1,2,3}
                                                                                                               a
                                                                                                                        1{π(2) = 3}
                                                                                                     +      ′
                                min{π(2),π(3)}                                                             σ{1,2,3}
                       a               X                                  
                   ′                                  ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ                                   n                                     o
                  σ{1,2,3}                                                                            · max η3 R̃{π(1),π(3)},3 , η3 R̃{π(2),π(3)},3
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                          4279

                            σ̃{1,2,3} X                                      because of Assumption (347). For λ = 1, relation (352) holds
                           + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ               (343)   with a < sign because of Assumption (348). By the continuity
                            σ{1,2,3}                       
                                             ℓ=1                                of the functions {ηℓ (·)} and the intermediate value theorem,
                                                                   
              X                               π(2)
                                                 X                           there is thus a value λ ∈ (0, 1) such that (352) holds with
                                ′                        ′
≤ min                 ηℓ       R{π(2),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ    ,         equality. Let λ be this value and notice that by the concavity
                                                                                of the functions {ηℓ (·)}:
                                                                   
                ℓ=1                                   ℓ=1

                                                                                η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1 +η2 R̄{π(1),π(3)},2
where the second inequality holds by our assumption (339)                                                                        
and since π(2) ≥ 2.                                                                      +η1 R̃{π(2),π(3)},1 + η2 R̄{π(2),π(3)},2
  Finally, (116a) holds for θπ(1) , because:                                            2
                                                                                        X                       X2                  
                                                                                  ≥         ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ +   ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ , (354)
             X                      π(1)
                                        X                                            ℓ=1                                 ℓ=1
      min         ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,      ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                      which combined with (352) implies (353).
                                                           
             ℓ=1                        ℓ=1
                                                                                  Now that we established the existence of the desired value
              X                                                               λ, we continue to show that for the choice in (349), Con-
   ≤ min          ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,                                          straints (116a) remain valid. For θπ(1) this can be verified
                      ℓ=1                                                       through the following steps, where recall that π(1) ≤ 2:
                                      π(1)                                                                                               
                            a         X                                                 π(1)
                                                                                            X                      π(1)
                                                                                                                      X                 
                       ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ                       min        ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,     ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
                                      ℓ=1                                                                                                
                                                                                           ℓ=1                       ℓ=1
                                       π(1)                                                
                             σ̃{1,2,3} X                  
                            + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ              (345)                X                    
                             σ{1,2,3}                                             ≤ min         ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,
                                             ℓ=1                                           
                                                                                            ℓ=1
                   X                                π(1)
                                                       X                                                   π(1)
                                      ′                        ′                                    a
      ≤ min                 ηℓ       R{π(1),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ    .                                 X                        
                                                                                               ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ
                                                                         
                      ℓ=1                                   ℓ=1
                                                                                                     σ̃{1,2,3} X                  
where the second inequality holds by the assumption π(1) <                                          + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                 (355)
                                                                                                     σ{1,2,3}                       
π(2) and thus π(1) ≤ 2.                                                                                              ℓ=1
  Case 3: Else, i.e., if                                                                  π(1)
                                                                              = min             ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,
       η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1 > η1 R̃{π(2),π(3)},1       (347)                                

and                                                                                                 a                             
                                                                                               ′                 η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1
      2                       X2                                                          σ{1,2,3}
                                                                                                                   1 {π(1) = 2} · η2 R̄{π(1),π(3)},2
            ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ <   ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ .                 (348)                                 +
      ℓ=1                                       ℓ=1
                                                                                                     σ̃{1,2,3} X                  
Choose                                                                                              + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                 (356)
                      λ1 = 1,          λ2 = λ,        and    λ3 = 0,    (349)                        σ{1,2,3}                       
                                                                                                                                                 
for a value of λ ∈ [0, 1] so that the auxiliary rates                                     π(1)
                                                                                            X                               π(1)
                                                                                                                               X                
                                                                                                              ′                        ′
                                                                                  ≤ min             ηℓ       R{π(1),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ    ,
  R̄{π(1),π(3)},2 := λR{π(1),π(3)},2 + (1 − λ)R{π(2),π(3)},2            (350)             
                                                                                              ℓ=1                                 ℓ=1
  R̄{π(2),π(3)},2 := (1 − λ)R{π(1),π(3)},2 + λR{π(2),π(3)},2            (351)                                                                      (357)
satisfy                                                                         where the second inequality holds since π(1) ≤ 2, and
                                                                                by (348) and (352), and the last inequality holds by the
                η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1 + η2 R̄{π(1),π(3)},2                                                    ′
                                                                                definitions of the rates {R{1,2,3},ℓ }, the choice of the λs, and
                                     X                                        the concavity and monotonicity of the functions {ηℓ (·)}.
                             =             ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ           (352)      To verify that Constraint (116a) remains valid for θπ(2) ,
                                     ℓ=1                                        recall that π(2) ≥ 2 and notice:
                η1 R̃{π(2),π(3)},1 + η2 R̄{π(2),π(3)},2                                    
                                                                                           π(2)                      π(2)
                                                                                             X                          X 
                                     X                                              min         ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,       ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
                             ≥             ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ .         (353)
                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                             ℓ=1                         ℓ=1
Existence of the desired choice of λ can be seen as follows.                        ≤ min         ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
Notice first that for λ = 0, relation (352) holds with a > sign
4280                                                                                 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

                                       π(2)                                                                        a                                 
                           a           X                                                                 +    ′       η2     R̄{π(1),π(3)},2
                      ′                       ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ                                               σ{1,2,3}
                                       ℓ=1                                                                         a                                                  
                                                                                                          +    ′         1{π(3) = 3} . ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                               σ̃{1,2,3} X                                                                  σ{1,2,3}
                           +     ′            ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                 (358)                                                            π(3)
                               σ{1,2,3}                                                                                          σ̃{1,2,3}                          
                                                                                                                              +     ′                ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
                   X                                                                                                                        ℓ=1
   = min                   ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
                                                                                                                                                     (363)
                     ℓ=1                                                                                                                              
                                       2                                                          π(3)                          π(3)
                                                                                                                                    X                
                                                                                                                 ′                        ′
                                                                                        ≤ min                  ηℓ R{π(2),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ    ,
                      ′                       ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                     σ{1,2,3}                                                                     
                                                                                                       ℓ=1                                    ℓ=1
                      + ′          1 {π(2) = 3} · η3 R̃{π(2),π(3)},3                                                                                               (364)
                                      π(2)                                           where the equality holds by Assumption (352).
                            σ̃{1,2,3} X                   
                         + ′               ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ         (359)                Notice further that
                            σ{1,2,3}                        
                                                ℓ=1                                                                                      
                                                                                           π(3)                    π(3)
                 π(2)                                                                        X                       X                
                                                                                       min        ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,     ηℓ R̃{π(3)},ℓ
   = min                   ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                                                          
                                                                                             ℓ=1                      ℓ=1
                     ℓ=1                                                                    
                     a                                                                 π(3)
               ′                   η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1 +η2 R̄{π(1),π(3)},2            ≤ min        ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,
              σ{1,2,3}                                                                      
                       +    ′             1 {π(2) = 3} · η3 R̃{π(2),π(3)},3                                     π(3)
                           σ{1,2,3}                                                                    a        X                        
                                                                                                 ′                    ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ
                                      π(2)                                                       σ{π(3)}
                            σ̃{1,2,3} X                                                                      ℓ=1
                           + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                    (360)                               π(3)
                            σ{1,2,3}                                                                   σ̃{π(3)} X                 
                                                                                                       + ′            ηℓ R̃{π(3)},ℓ                                (365)
                                                                                                       σ{π(3)}
                   X                                 X                                                              ℓ=1
                                     ′                        ′
   ≤ min                   ηℓ       R{π(2),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{1,2,3},ℓ    .                 
                                                                                             X
                     ℓ=1                                    ℓ=1
                                                                                     ≤ min             ηℓ R̃{π(1),π(3)},ℓ ,
                                                                             (361)           
                                                                                                  ′      η1            R̃{π(2),π(3)},1
Here, the second equality holds by (352).                                                        σ{π(3)}
  Finally, to see that Constraint (116a) is also satisfied for                                                 a                               
                                                                                                   +        ′      η2      R̄{π(2),π(3)},2
θπ(3) , we distinguish two cases. If π(3) = 1, the proof is                                                σ{π(3)}
similar to the proof of Lemma 3 because λ1 = 1. For the                                                        a                                                
proof in the case π(3) ≥ 2, notice first:                                                          +        ′          1{π(3) = 3} . η3 R̃{π(1),π(3)},3
                                                                                                                           σ̃{π(3)} X 
                                                                                                                                                      
               X                         π(3)
                                            X                                                                          + ′            ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ
       min             ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,     ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                                                             σ{π(3)}                       
                                                                                                                                       ℓ=1
                 ℓ=1                                      ℓ=1
                                                                                                                                                                  (366)
                 π(3)                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                             π(3)                        π(3)
       ≤ min               ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,                                                X                           X                                
                                                                                                           ′                        ′
                                                                                    ≤ min             ηℓ R{π(1),π(3)},ℓ  ,     ηℓ R{π(3)},ℓ                       ,
                     ℓ=1                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                 ℓ=1                                   ℓ=1
                           a           X                                                                                                                         (367)
                        ′                     ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ
                                                                                    where the second inequality holds by (353).
                            σ̃{1,2,3} X                  
                           + ′             ηℓ R̃{1,2,3},ℓ                    (362)
                            σ{1,2,3}                       
                                                                                                           A PPENDIX G
                   X                                                                           C ONVERSE P ROVE TO P ROPOSITION 7
       = min               ηℓ R̃{π(2),π(3)},ℓ ,
                     ℓ=1                                                                We start with two auxiliary lemmas.
                                                                                        Lemma 5: Let     K        =       3.  In    Theorem                             5
                      ′             η1 R̃{π(1),π(3)},1
                     σ{1,2,3}                                                        it   suffices   to    consider    values   {σI }I∈P(3)                            so
HAMAD et al.: MULTI-HOP NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE DECISION CENTERS UNDER EXPECTED-RATE CONSTRAINTS                                                             4281

                                                                                                                                  
that                                                                                          k
                                                                                              X           X        δI,J        
σ{1,2,3} + σ{π(1),π(2)} + σ{π(1),π(3)} + σ{π(1)} = 1 − ϵπ(1)                             ≤          ηℓ                  · RI,ℓ                          (380)
                                                                                                                    cJ         
                                                                                              ℓ=1       I∈P(K) :
                                                                            (368)                         k∈I
                                    σ{π(1),π(2)} +σ{π(2)} ≥ σ{π(1),π(3)}                      X             
                                                                                         ≤          ηℓ R̃J ,ℓ ,                                           (381)
                                                                            (369)             ℓ=1

     Proof: See Appendix F.
  We thus continue with nonnegative numbers {σI }I∈P(3) ,                           where (378) holds because the minimum of a set of numbers
and {RI,1 , . . . , RI,ℓ∗I }I∈P(3) satisfying (116) for K = 3 as                    is never larger than any convex combination of these numbers;
well as (369). The proof of the desired proposition follows                         (379) holds by the concavity of the functions η1 (·), . . . , ηk (·);
by the next lemma (which holds for any positive integer K)                          (380) holds by assumption (373) and by the monotonicity of
and by an appropriate choice of parameters {cJ }, see (390)                         the functions η1 (·), . . . , ηk (·); and (381) holds by the definition
ahead.                                                                              of R̃J ,k in (374) because k ≥ ℓ and k ∈ J thus ℓ ≤ ℓ∗J .
  Lemma 6: Let                                                                         To prove (376), fix k ∈ {1, . . . , K} and for each subset
                                                                                    J ⊆ P(K) with ℓ∗J ≥ k pick an index jJ ∈ J so that
                                      {cJ : J ∈ P(K)},                      (370)   jJ ≥ k. Then, by (116b):
            {δI,J : I, J ∈ P(K) and I ∩ J =
                                          ̸ ∅}                              (371)
be sets of nonnegative integers satisfying                                                 Rk ≥                  σI · RI,k ,                              (382)
                                                                                                     I∈P(K) :
                  δI,J ≤ σI , I ∈ P(K),                                     (372)                      X  I
            J ∈P(K) :                                                                           ≥                            δI,J · RI,k                  (383)
             I∩J ̸=∅
                                                                                                     I∈P(K) : J ∈P(K) :
                                                                                                       k≤ℓ∗    I∩J ̸=∅
and                                                                                                    X  I
           X                                                                                    =                           δI,J · RI,k                   (384)
                    δI,J ≥ cJ ,             ∀k ∈ J , J ∈ P(K).              (373)
                                                                                                     J ∈P(K) I∈P(K) :
       I∈P(K) :                                                                                                k≤ℓ∗I
         k∈I                                                                                                  I∩J ̸=∅
                                                                                                        X            X
Then, the rates                                                                                 ≥                              δI,J · RI,k                (385)
                            X         δI,J                                                           J ∈P(K) :    I∈P(K) :
R̃J ,k :=        max                       RI,k ,                                                      k≤ℓ∗
                                                                                                          J         k≤ℓ∗I
                 j∈J :                 cJ                                                                          I∩J ̸=∅
                  j≥k I∈P(K) :                                                                          X           X
                                                                                                ≥                            δI,J RI,k                    (386)
                                                k≤        ℓ∗J , J   ∈ P(K). (374)                    J ∈P(K) : I∈P(K) :
                                                                                                          J      k≤ℓ∗I
satisfy the following inequalities:                                                                              jJ ∈I
                                                                                                        X           X
                        X                                                                     =                            δI,J RI,k                    (387)
  θk ≤        min            ηℓ R̃J ,ℓ ,             k ∈ {1, . . . , K}, (375)                       J ∈P(K) : I∈P(K) :
           J ∈P(K) :                                                                                   k≤ℓ∗      jJ ∈I
                     ℓ=1                                                                                  J
              k∈J                                                                                                       P
                                                                                                                         I∈P(K) :       δI,J RI,k
and                                                                                                     X                  jJ ∈I
                                                                                                =                cJ ·                               ,     (388)
                  X                                                                                                                cJ
       Rk ≥                 cJ · R̃J ,k ,       k ∈ {1, . . . , K}.         (376)                    J ∈P(K) :
              J ∈P(K) :

    Proof: We start by proving (375). By (116a), for any                            where (383) holds by Assumption (372); inequalities (385)
k ∈ {1, . . . , K} and any set J ⊆ P(K) containing index k:                         and (386) hold because we consider less summands and each
                                                                                    summand is nonnegative (recall that jJ ∈ J ); and finally (g)
                        X                                                           holds because the two conditions jJ ≥ k and jJ ∈ I imply
 θk ≤         min           ηℓ (RI,ℓ )                                      (377)   that ℓ∗I ≥ k.
           I∈P(K) :
             k∈I    ℓ=1                                                                The proof of the lemma is concluded by recalling the defi-
                                                    k                               nition of rate R̃J ,k in (374) and noting that Inequality (381)
              X                δI,J                 X
       ≤                P                       ·         ηℓ (RI,ℓ )        (378)   holds for any set J containing k whereas Inequality (388)
                          I∈P(K) :      δI,J
           I∈P(K) :
                                                    ℓ=1                             holds for any index jJ ∈ J larger than k.
                                                                                     To obtain the desired simplification in Proposition 7 from
           k                                                                        Theorem 5, define the subsets
           X           X                    δI,J                   
       ≤         ηℓ                P                        · RI,ℓ 
                                       I∈P(K) :    δI,J            
           ℓ=1        I∈P(K) :
                                          k∈I                                                Jk := {π(k), . . . , π(K)},            k ∈ {1, . . . , K},
                                                                            (379)                                                                         (389)
4282                                                                IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 69, NO. 7, JULY 2023

and the values π(0) := 0 and ϵ0 := 1. Applying above                                         X              Rℓ
                                                                                         ≤         ηℓ                                        (397)
Lemma 6 to the choice                                                                                       ϕk
                (                                                                            ℓ=1
                  ϵπ(k−1) − ϵπ(k) , J = Jk ,                                                  k         
         cJ :=                                 (390)
                  0,                otherwise,                                           ≤         ηℓ                    ,                   (398)
establishes the converse to Conjecture 6 for general values of      where (395) holds because the minimum of a set of numbers
K, if one renames rates R̃Jk ,ℓ as R̃k,ℓ . The proof is concluded   is smaller than any convex combination thereof; (396) holds
by showing that above parameter choice is permissible, i.e.,        by the concavity of the functions ηℓ (·); (397) holds by the
that there exist nonnegative numbers {δI,J } satisfying condi-      rate constraints (116b); and (398) holds by (393). This estab-
tions (372) and (373) for {cJ } in (390). For general values        lishes the desired converse. Achievability follows by setting
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[23] S. Salehkalaibar, M. Wigger, and R. Timo, “On hypothesis testing            [44] M. Hamad, M. Sarkiss, and M. Wigger, “Benefits of rate-sharing for
     against conditional independence with multiple decision centers,” IEEE           distributed hypothesis testing,” 2022, arXiv:2202.02282.
     Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2409–2420, Jun. 2018.                   [45] I. B. Gattegno, Z. Goldfeld, and H. H. Permuter, “Fourier–Motzkin
[24] P. Escamilla, M. Wigger, and A. Zaidi, “Distributed hypothesis testing           elimination software for information theoretic inequalities,” 2016,
     with concurrent detection,” in Proc. ISIT, Jun. 2018, pp. 166–170.               arXiv:1610.03990.
[25] P. Escamilla, A. Zaidi, and M. Wigger, “Distributed hypothesis testing
     with collaborative detection,” in Proc. 56th Annu. Allerton Conf. Com-
     mun., Control, Comput. (Allerton), Oct. 2018, pp. 512–518.
[26] P. Escamilla, M. Wigger, and A. Zaidi, “Distributed hypothesis testing:     Mustapha Hamad (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree in computer
     Cooperation and concurrent detection,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 66,    engineering and the M.Sc. degree (Hons.) in computer and communication
     no. 12, pp. 7550–7564, Dec. 2020.                                           engineering from Lebanese American University (LAU), Byblos, Lebanon, in
[27] S. Salehkalaibar, M. Wigger, and L. Wang, “Hypothesis testing over          2015 and 2018, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in networks, information,
     the two-hop relay network,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 65, no. 7,        and communications from Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris,
     pp. 4411–4433, Jul. 2019.                                                   France, in 2022. Between 2016 and 2019, he was a Systems and Security
[28] S. Salehkalaibar, M. Wigger, and L. Wang, “Hypothesis testing over the      Engineer at Computer Business Machines (CBM), a Partner Company of IBM,
     two-hop relay network,” 2017, arXiv:1708.05198.                             Lebanon, and a Research Assistant at LAU. Since November 2022, he has
[29] D. Cao, L. Zhou, and V. Y. F. Tan, “Strong converse for hypothesis          been a Senior Research Engineer at the Huawei Mathematical and Algorithmic
     testing against independence over a two-hop network,” Entropy, vol. 21,     Sciences Laboratory, Paris Research Center, France. His research interests
     no. 12, p. 1171, Nov. 2019.                                                 are information theory, mainly distributed hypothesis testing, communication
                                                                                 theory, semantic communications, and explainable machine learning.
[30] S. Salehkalaibar and M. Wigger, “Distributed hypothesis testing with
     variable-length coding,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Inf. Theory, vol. 1, no. 3,
     pp. 681–694, Nov. 2020.
[31] S. Salehkalaibar and V. Y. F. Tan, “Distributed sequential hypothesis
     testing with zero-rate compression,” in Proc. IEEE Inf. Theory Workshop     Michèle Wigger (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree (Hons.)
     (ITW), Oct. 2021, pp. 1–5.                                                  in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
                                                                                 ETH Zurich in 2003 and 2008, respectively. In 2009, she was a Post-Doctoral
[32] Y. Inan, M. Kayaalp, A. H. Sayed, and E. Telatar, “A fundamental
                                                                                 Fellow at the University of California at San Diego, San Diego, USA, and
     limit of distributed hypothesis testing under memoryless quantization,”
                                                                                 then joined Télécom Paris, France, where she is currently a Full Professor.
     in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., May 2021, p. 8.
                                                                                 She has held a visiting professor appointments at the Technion–Israel Institute
[33] S. Salehkalaibar and M. Wigger, “Distributed hypothesis testing with        of Technology, University of Zurich, and ETH Zurich. Her research interests
     variable-length coding,” in Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Model. Optim. Mobile,     are in multi-terminal information theory, in particular in distributed source
     Ad Hoc, Wireless Netw. (WiOPT), 2020, pp. 1–5.                              coding and in capacities of networks and in the limits of distributed hypothesis
[34] H. Tyagi and S. Watanabe, “Strong converse using change of measure          testing. Previously, she has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE
     arguments,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 689–703,           C OMMUNICATION L ETTERS and is currently serving as an Associate Editor
     Feb. 2020.                                                                  for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NFORMATION T HEORY (Shannon Theory).
[35] W. Gu and M. Effros, “A strong converse for a collection of net-            During 2016 to 2019, she also served on the Board of Governors of the IEEE
     work source coding problems,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory,         Information Theory Society.
     Jun. 2009, pp. 2316–2320.
[36] W. Gu and M. Effros, “A strong converse in source coding for super-
     source networks,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory Proc., Jul. 2011,
     pp. 395–399.                                                                Mireille Sarkiss (Member, IEEE) received the Engineering degree in telecom-
[37] J. Liu, R. van Handel, and S. Verdu, “Beyond the blowing-up lemma:          munications and computer science from the Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese
     Sharp converses via reverse hypercontractivity,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.   University, Lebanon, in 2003, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in communi-
     Inf. Theory (ISIT), Jun. 2017, pp. 943–947.                                 cations and electronics from Télécom Paris, France, in 2004 and 2009, respec-
[38] K. Marton, “A simple proof of the blowing-up lemma,” IEEE Trans. Inf.       tively. She was a Doctoral Researcher at the Orange Laboratories from 2004 to
     Theory, vol. IT-32, no. 3, pp. 445–446, May 1986.                           2007 and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Télécom Paris from 2009 to 2010.
[39] A. D. Wyner and J. Ziv, “The rate-distortion function for source coding     From 2010 to 2018, she was a Researcher at the Communicating Systems
     with side information at the decoder,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. IT-    Laboratory, CEA LIST, France. Since December 2018, she has been an
     22, no. 1, pp. 1–10, Jan. 1976.                                             Associate Professor at Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris,
[40] Y. Oohama, “Exponential strong converse for source coding with side         France. Her research interests are in communication theory and information
     information at the decoder,” Entropy, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 352, May 2018.     theory, including resource allocation, optimization and reinforcement learning
[41] M. Hamad, M. Wigger, and M. Sarkiss, “Strong converses using change         for mobile-edge computing and energy-efficient wireless networks, physical
     of measure and asymptotic Markov chains,” 2022, arXiv:2205.08910.           layer security, and distributed hypothesis testing.