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Open VOices - Applying open source principles to government


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                                                Open Visions Issue Three

Open Voices
Applying open source principles to government

A collection of articles from

3    Open government, what is it really?
     Pia Waugh, Adviser to Senator Kate Lundy

9    The U.S. Government promotes open innovation — Is it now mainstream?
     Mark Bohannon, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Global Public Policy at Red Hat

13   How Consumer Finance made open source both a policy and a mission
     John Scott, Technologist Technologist in the Department of Defense and US Government

15   History of open source in government
     Gunnar Hellekson, Chief Technology Strategist for Red Hat's US Public Sector group,
     Chief Technology Strategist for Red Hat's US Public Sector group

21   Building a Civic Commons
     Abhi Nemani, Director of Strategy and Communications at Code for America

23   Creating legislation the open source way
     Marek Mahut, System Engineer for Red Hat Czech

25   How federal agencies can implement and benefit from transparency
     Tom Moritz, Project Director at Sonoma Valley Heritage Coalition

27   Five essential elements of an open government unconference
     Jason Hibbets, Project Manager in Corporate Marketing at Red Hat
                                                                                 Introduction 1

Governments are increasingly embracing         We’ve been able to build a community
openness through policy and practice. In       that highlights the best–and sometimes
recent years, that means adopting and          worst–of those principles. Inside you’ll find
releasing new technologies–from open data      a sampling of stories we collected in the first
bus schedules to websites built using open     two years of They illustrate
source tools. Some governments are even        the impact of open source on government
building and cultivating open source com-      and vice versa.
munities of their own. With unprecedented
                                               There is still a long journey left before we
government interest in open source, we
                                               reach truly open government everywhere
wonder: “Why would open source be of spe-
                                               around the world. We hope you continue on
cial interest to government?”, “What is the
                                               that journey, and that you’ll share your story
role of government in open source communi-
                                               with us.
ties?”, and, perhaps most important, “How is
open source transforming governments and
their interactions with citizens?”
At, we look at the intersec-
tion of open source and government, with
a special focus on the ways government
can cultivate open source communities.
We document the way that open source
principles–participation, transparency, col-
laboration, sharing, meritocracy, community,
and rapid prototyping–have enormous value
beyond the technology sector. Citizen move-
ments around open voting, the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request tracking, and
even crowdsourced legislation, represent
a growing trend of open source principles
within government.
Open Voices
Applying open source principles to government

                                                           Open government, what is it really? 3

Open government,
what is it really?
Pia Waugh, Adviser to Senator Kate Lundy (originally published November 2011)

Below are my notes from the talk I gave at       ment, this makes it a tool of the people, an
OSDC (Open Source Developers Conference)         entity accountable to its citizens.
2011 on open government, where I tried to
                                                 The proliferation of and now mainstream
go into some of the practicalities of open
                                                 usage of the Internet, brings citizens closer
government implementation and projects. I
                                                 to governments than ever. It also makes
had a great response from the packed room,
                                                 governments more accountable and trans-
so thanks everyone for attending (and for
                                                 parent (whether intentionally or not). So the
encouraging me to blog)
                                                 government is now more a tool of the citizen,
The changing relationship between                and as such we need, as citizens, to engage
citizens and government                          with governments.
Most citizens have a very limited relationship   As citizens we are more empowered than
to government. We tend to see government         ever. We can research, make public comment,
as an amorphous body that removes our            self-organise into clusters of interest and
garbage, provides our hospital and local         advocacy, cross check facts, hold people to
school, and makes us pay taxes. Politi-          their word, develop new ways to do things
cians tend to get a pretty bad rap, and are      and much more. The line has blurred be-
assumed to be simultaneously stupid and          tween governments and citizens. Indeed, we
extremely strategic.                             are starting to even properly accept the idea
                                                 that people who work in government are,
But “government” in Australia is a large and
                                                 themselves, citizens.
complex entity run by a democratic Parlia-
4 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

  Citizens have much to contribute to govern-        accessibility, open data, mobile development,
  ment policy, implementation and vision, and        public engagement and much more.
  governments are just starting to understand
                                                     It is a community driven by the ideals of
  and engage with that opportunity.
                                                     open government, and a really inspiring
  Gov 2.0 is about using the new technologies        and exciting community to be involved in. I
  at our disposal, primarily the Internet, to        highly recommend to any of you interested
  co-design the next era of democracy in             in following or getting involved in Gov 2.0 to
  collaboration with citizens. It is about a more    check out the following:
  transparent, accountable, engaged, partici-
                                                     · T he Gov 2.0 Google Group mailing list1
  patory and responsive government approach
  to serving the needs of citizens.                  · GovCamp’s–a great opportunity for Gov
                                                       2.0 practitioners to get together, share
  Open Government and Gov 2.0 are often
                                                          knowledge, and find ways to collabo-
  used interchangeably, but “open gov-
                                                          rate. They are starting to run all around
  ernment” has been used for many years,
                                                       Australia after I ran the first one in October.
  usually to relate to things like Freedom of
                                                       The next one is this weekend in Sydney
  Information (FoI) laws and transparency in
  legislative processes, whereas Gov 2.0 is
  more specifically looking at how we can use        · Follow the #gov2au hashtag on Twitter,
  modern technologies and communications                  and some notable Twitter users in this
  to make government more open, engaged                space are @CraigThomler, @trib, @chieft-
  with, relevant to and ultimately co-created             ech, @davidjeade, @gov2qld, @sherro58 &
  with citizens.                                       @lisa_cornish from AGIMO, @FCTweedie &
                                                       @OAICgov from OAIC, and many more in-
  “There’s a clear vision from the top, not only
                                                          cluding me @piawaugh. I’ve got a far more
   in the US and the UK, but in many other
                                                          complete Gov 2.0 list on Twitter that I’m
   countries, that now is the time for govern-
                                                          continually adding to that may be useful.3
   ment to reinvent itself, to take the old idea
   of government “for the people, by the people,     · T here is a Gov 2.0 Ning group4 and OzLo-
   and of the people” to a new level.”–Tim                op5 Ning. Craig Thomler also runs a good
   O’Reilly                                               blog6 worth subscribing to. Craig and Kate
                                                          Carruthers put together a website on Gov
  In Australia we have a strong, highly skilled
                                                       2.07 and the Centre for Policy Development
  and completely awesome Gov 2.0 com-
                                                          did a great collection of essays8 by people
  munity. These are people who work in, for
                                                          in the community on Gov 2.0 in 2009
  or with government to implement Gov 2.0.
                                                          which is available online.
  This community has people who are into
  software/web development, user experience,

  1        5
     fromgroups#!forum/gov20canberra                 6
  2                           7
  3   8
  4                     grading-democracy/
                                                              Open government, what is it really? 5

What is Gov 2.0                                       the data set is making followup hard. This
                                                      stage is however, extremely important to
Most elements of what we call Gov 2.0 can
                                                      encourage as it is where every organi-
be boiled down to three concepts:
                                                      sation must begin and build upon. It is
1. Open data                                         also important because to achieve quality
2. Citizen
         centric services                           open data, major changes often need to
                                                      be made to systems, workflows, technol-
3. P ublic engagement                                ogies and organisational culture. Access
Open data                                             to imperfect data in the short term is far
                                                      better than waiting for perfection.
Open data is about taking the vast majority
of government datasets and information              2. H
                                                        igh quality data. This is the stage where
which doesn’t have privacy or security issues,         issues around quality publishing of data
and putting it all online in the most useful           have been teased out, and an organisa-
way possible. In a practical sense, for data to        tion can start to publish quality data. It is
be most useful (both to the public but equal-          hopefully the point at which the systems,
ly important for other parts of governments            culture, workflows and technologies used
to be able to leverage the data), it needs to          within the organisation all facilitates open
have permissive copyright (such as Creative            data publishing, whilst also facilitating
Commons BY), be machine readable, time                 appropriate settings for secure data (such
stamped, subscribable, available in an openly          as sensitive privacy or security informa-
documented format (open standard), have                tion). This stage takes a lot of work to
useful metadata and wherever possible have             achieve, but also means a far lower cost
good geospatial information available.                 of publishing data, which helps amongst
                                                       other things, keep the cost of FoI compli-
This last point about geospatial informa-
                                                       ance down.
tion is vital for making data interactive and
personalised to a citizen’s needs, as it helps      3. Collaborative data. This final stage of
aggregate and map information relevant to               open data is where an organisation can
where a citizen is.                                     figure out ways to integrate and verify
                                                        input from the public to data sets to
Achieving open data is a difficult process.
                                                        improve them, to capture historical and
There are three key steps to take, each with
                                                        cultural context and to keep information
its own challenges:
                                                        up to date. This is also a challenging step
1. Just get it online. This stage is where an          but where government departments and
    organisation just tries to get online what-         agencies can engage the public collabo-
    ever they can. It often means the licensing         ratively, we will see better data sets and
    is not entirely clear or permissive, the data       greater innovation.
    format is whatever the organisation uses
    (which may or may not be useful to oth-
    ers), the data may be slightly out of date
    and it often isn’t clear who the contact for
6 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

  There are examples of each of these stages,            personal lives, their hobbies. So expecting
  but it is important to remember that they are          them to take time to really understand
  stages, not static. Some good examples of              complex issues is not only unrealistic, it
  open data initiatives in Australia include:            is unreasonable. Presenting information
                                                         visually is a great way to lower the barrier
   ·, the Office of Spatial Data
                                                         to understanding and then engaging in
       Management10, the BoM climate data11, the
                                                         an informed public debate. People will
       Living Atlas of Australia12, Mapping our
                                                         understand in seconds the information
     ANZACs13, the Powerhouse museum online
                                                         from a well constructed visualisation, but
       collection database14 and the GovHack
                                                         to glean the same information from papers
                                                         and spreadsheets takes a lot longer.
  It is also important to consider the broad
                                                       · Policy development & load testing–inter-
  ramifications of open data. One can think
                                                            active data visualisation tools such as Spa-
  of many positive case studies for open data.
                                                            tialKey16, Tableau17 or one of the many great
  Examples of transparency or innovation
                                                            FOSS (free and open source software) tools
  or a strong public record. But there can be
                                                            available create a new way to engage with
  unforeseen negative consequences. For ex-
                                                            and glean new knowledge from data. By
  ample, I heard of a case where the mapping
                                                            being able to pull together many different
  of the ocean above Australia was made
                                                            data sets into a single space, one can then
  public, and within a very short period of time
                                                            explore, test and experiment with policy
  a particular species of fish was driven almost
                                                            ideas to determine the effectiveness of a
  to extinction by fishers who used the data to
                                                            policy to meet its goals.
  plan their fishing season.
                                                       Citizen centric services
  This is not a reason to not pursue open data,
  but rather a reminder to always consider             Citizen centric services is about putting the
  things critically and thoughtfully.                  user experience first to create a personalised
                                                       and unique experience for citizens. It is bet-
  Data visualisation
                                                       ter for citizens as it makes their experience
  Nowadays I can’t overemphasise the impor-            better and more seamless, and it is better for
  tance of data visualisation. As a technical          government who can more effectively serve
  person I was quite cynical in the value of           the needs of citizens. Citizen centric services
  data visualisation. It seemed a waste of time        requires good data and metadata, especially
  when you can just read the data. But using           good geospatial data as location information
  data visualisation tools effectively can create      is an extremely effective way to personalise
  two core benefits:                                   government services, information and proj-
   · Informed public narrative–most people          ects for citizens.
        are really busy. Busy with their jobs, their

  9                                14
  10                                database/menu.php	

  11               15

  12                            16

  13               17
                                                             Open government, what is it really? 7

Constant feedback loops that engage the           deploy resources in disaster management),
input and ideas from citizens are extreme-        the Census 2011 social media strategy, the
ly important to establish effective citizen       growing number of public consultations on
centric services, and to ensure the iterative     government policy and strategy such as from
improvements over time to keep services rel-      the Gov 2.0 Taskforce and much more. The
evant and responsive to the changing needs        need for public engagement has also been
of the population.                                pushed in several recent policy agendas. The
                                                  GovHack events last year were also great
Some examples of citizen centric services
                                                  as they showed how effective engagement
                                                  with the general public can result in highly
· A, MyRegion19, MyChild20,   innovative and rapidly developed new appli-
     MySchool21 and there are some good com-      cations and knowledge when open data is
     munity examples including OpenAustralia22,   made available and when usage of that data
     GotGasto23, and Know Where You Live24.       is encouraged.
Public engagement                                 FOSS and government
Effective, constructive, and collaborative        FOSS has provided a natural fit for a lot of
public engagement greatly improves the ca-        open government initiatives, due to the
pacity of government to build the knowledge       widespread use of open standards, the
and experience of citizens into policy and        ability to rapidly deploy, the large developer
projects. Public engagement strategies work       and support communities around mature
best when they are underpinned by strong          FOSS projects such as Drupal and WordPress,
community development, a clear and collab-        the competitive and thus reliably sustainable
oratively developed goal, a genuine interest      nature of commercial support around mature
in the inputs of others, and a process that       FOSS projects, and, most relevantly, the cross
is as low a barrier to entry to engage in as      over of values and practices between open
possible.                                         government and FOSS.
Basically we are moving towards an era of         In January 2011 AGIMO released the Aus-
democratic and governmental co-design.            tralian Government Open Source Software
There are some great examples of public           Policy which has three principles:
engagement out there, including our Public        1. Principle 1: Australian Government ICT
Sphere consultations25, the Queensland                procurement processes must actively
Police use of Facebook 26 throughout the              and fairly consider all types of available
natural disasters a year ago (which showed           software.
how social media is great for timely updates,
but also for managing misinformation quickly
and crowdsourcing to help most effectively

18                       23
19                        24
20                         25
21                            speech-at-cebit-gov-2-0-conference/#public-
8 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   2. Principle 2: Suppliers must consider all       of Open Public Sector Information and other
       types of available software when dealing       resources30, the Attorney General’s Principles
       with Australian Government agencies.           of IP31 (which explicitly encourages Creative
                                                      Commons), and the various useful web
   3. Principle 3: Australian Government
                                                      policies provided by AGIMO32 including the
       agencies will actively participate in open
                                                      Gov 2.0 Primer.
      source software communities and con-
       tribute back where appropriate.                Conclusion
  The third principle in particular represents a      Open government and Gov 2.0 both repre-
  fundamental shift in how government sees            sent an ideal.
  and engages with FOSS, technology and
                                                      They represent a goal for us to be continually
  the community. It is very exciting! It clearly
                                                      aiming for but they are not achieved with a
  demonstrates the value of collaboration so
                                                      single switch of policy. Achieving true open
  prevalent in the open government agenda.
                                                      government is necessarily a constant and
  In July 2011, after six months consultation,        evolving challenge, and given I am here
  AGIMO also released the Australian Gov-             speaking at an Open Source Developer’s
  ernment Open Source Software Guide V2, a            conference, we all understand the difference
  really useful document for departments and          between an ideal, and striving for the ideal
  agencies to help them comply to the policy          whilst operating within reality.
  directive where they must consider open
                                                      Government won’t get it exactly right all the
  source in their procurement processes.
                                                      time every time, but we are in an extremely
  Both the Open Source Policy and the Guide           exciting time for open culture, and with a
  are available along with other information.27       government position in Australia that firmly
                                                      supports openness through policy, in legis-
  Open government policies
                                                      lation and in implementation of projects, we
  The open government or Gov 2.0 agenda               need to continue to encourage and support
  is nicely encapsulated in the two major             progress.
  policy documents, Ahead of the Game28 and
                                                      Originally posted at what are we doing today,
  the Gov 2.0 Taskforce Report 29. These two
                                                      brain?33 
  reports form the blueprint of Gov 2.0 for the
  Australian public service.
  It is also worth looking at the Office of the
  Information Commissioner paper Principles

  27   31
      structure/open-source-software.html                 ernment-2-0-update-%E2%80%93-amended-ip-
  28         principles-released/
      form/aga_reform_blueprint/index.cfm             32
  29                           primer/

  30                          33
                         The U.S. Government promotes open innovation –Is it now mainstream? 9

The U.S. Government
promotes open
innovation—Is it
now mainstream?
Mark Bohannon, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Global Public Policy at Red Hat
(originally published March 2012)

“We live in an open source world.”              in Washington (the Center for American
                                                Progress), gives them a different context.
For many readers of, those
words are probably a part of your daily life;   The event was a look at “Open Innovation:
in all likelihood, you take them for granted.   Tools to Solve Problems and Grow the Econ-
They reflect the commonality of how many of     omy.”34 U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh
you work, and engage publicly.                  Chopra shared (on his last day in government
                                                service) the ‘half’-time’ assessment of the
But I heard those words last month from a
                                                Administration’s work on this important area
former member of Congress. Tom Perriello,
                                                of policy work. Joined by innovative govern-
the moderator of a panel on ‘open innova-
                                                ment leaders–Todd Park, Chief Technology
tion’ held at a mainstream think tank here
                                                Officer, U.S. Department of Health and
                                                Human Services; Peter Levin, Senior Advisor

10 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   to the Secretary and Chief Technology Officer,       is ‘open innovation’ tangibly different than
   U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and             the older models of innovation?
   Chris Vein, Deputy U.S. Chief Technology
                                                        It’s not a simple question to answer, and
   Officer for Government Innovation, White
                                                        I think our collective understanding is
   House Office of Science and Technology
                                                        evolving–evolving as quickly as innovation
   Policy–Aneesh released an open innovator’s
                                                        is manifesting itself in so many sectors and
   toolkit 35.
                                                        areas (geographic, as well as technology).
   As Aneesh explains, rather than pursue
                                                        When I was in the US Government working
   traditional ’top-down’ models to spur
                                                        on technology issues, I recall a conversation
   breakthroughs in these areas of national
                                                        with a mentor, then Under Secretary Mary L.
   importance, the Administration’s ‘open
                                                        Good–a former tenured professor of chem-
   innovation’ policy has sought to “emphasize
                                                        istry, Chair of the National Science Board,
   a ’bottom-up’ philosophy that taps into the
                                                        holder of patents, and senior executive in
   expertise of the American people.” In his
                                                        industry who was responsible for product
   view, it has already delivered tangible results
                                                        development in a global marketplace–about
   in areas like health IT, learning technologies,
                                                        her experience in innovation. This was more
   and smart grid–and “has surfaced new
                                                        than 15 years ago, and the specific words
   or improved policy tools deployed by our
                                                        she used have faded. But the gist of what
   government to achieve them.” The memo
                                                        she learned is that innovation is, at its core,
   catalogs “20 leading practices that an ‘open
                                                        a contact sport: it emerges from putting
   innovator’ should consider when confronting
                                                        dedicated minds together, mashing it up, and
   any policy challenge–at any level of govern-
                                                        seeing what emerges.
   ment.” These are focused on innovators in
   government, and can be summarized as:                This was the old model of innovation, before
                                                        the commercialization of the Internet. Open
    · Moving beyond data ’by request’ to ’com-
                                                        innovation appears to embody these known
         puter-friendly by default’
                                                        processes and expands them beyond any-
    · Engaging not just as ’regulator’ but as        thing that earlier innovators could imagine.
      ’impatient convener’                              It seems that open innovation differs in the
                                                        following respects:
    · Adding the ability to pay for outcomes
         through ’prizes’ not just ’procurements’       · It is inherently tied to our networked,
                                                             Internet-powered world. What used to take
    · Attracting ’top talent’ including ’entrepre-
                                                             place in a physical lab now takes place
                                                             online, in collaborative settings, in what
   I won’t delve into the particulars here; you              might be called a virtual contact sport. This
   can check them out at on the White House                  has a number of implications, which were
   OSTP blog36.                                              important themes at the Chopra event last
   Rather, the question that kept coming up for              week.
   me after listening to these leaders is: How

   35   36
       microsites/ostp/openinnovatortoolkit_nstcmemo.       open-innovation-toolbox
                          The U.S. Government promotes open innovation –Is it now mainstream? 11

· New ideas and solutions can come from             ment. In the newer model, this may be less
     any place in the world and from any level         so, and in some environments, there is a
     of expertise or discipline. This was often a      conscious attempt to avoid locking up the
     challenge in the old model where finding          results. In my view, open innovation seems
     expertise that might be relevant to a par-        to be characterized, where intellectual
     ticular inquiry was a laborious, time-con-        property is concerned, by efforts to more
  suming and often expensive proposition.              widely distribute the results that allows
                                                       further use and innovation, whether incre-
· For some, this dynamic has been encap-
                                                       mental or otherwise.
  sulated as ‘crowd-sourcing’, but I think this
     only begins to describe the changed model.      · T he demands of users drive a more rapid
     I think a supercharged skunk works37                 time frame in which open innovation op-
     probably captures it better.                         erates. VA’s CTO Peter Levin described how
                                                          he is often implementing solutions within
· Prospective solutions have many more
                                                       30 minutes that previously took days or
     eyes that review and critique the on-going
                                                          hours to find and develop. Open innovation
     work and improve the overall result, a
                                                          is a reflection of the fast-paced dynamics
     factor that is too often understated in
                                                          we face.
     describing the bottom-up aspect of open
     innovation. Peer review that used to            · Management of the research and develop-
     take weeks, even months, now happens                 ment process has been turned on its head.
     instantaneously.                                  This is a point that Red Hat CEO Jim White-
                                                          hurst has made on several occasions.38 As
There are several other aspects that I believe
                                                       Tim O’Reilly has said, “Sustained innovation
are different:
                                                          is no longer just about who has the most
· T he older models of innovation were heav-           gifted scientists or the best equipped labs.
     ily focused on the production of intellectu-         It’s about who has the most compelling
     al property as a primary output. This was            architecture of participation.”
     certainly the case when I was in govern-

37   38
12 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   For some, open innovation may sound vaguely familiar to the concepts laid out by Henry
   Chesborough39, author of the book Open Innovation. Chesborough focused on the contrasts
   between the open and closed innovation models, described in the chart below:

   Source: Table I-1, page xxvi of the Introduction–“Open Innovation: The New Imperative for
   creating and Profiting from Technology”40 (Harvard Business School Press, 2003)

   I find that collaborative innovation resonates     described the work they are engaged in.
   as a term for this new model described by          It also showed up as a fundamental input
   Chopra. But I understand the open theme of         in the variety of areas where the forum
   the Administration's initiative–open govern-       indicated open innovation is taking off. CTO
   ment, open innovation, open participation.         Levin indicated the goal of open innovation
   As was clear from the CAP event, open              in his agency was the ability to reuse, to
   innovation and collaborative innovation have       have modularity and interoperability in his
   unique characteristics for different sectors       agency's IT infrastructure. Others referred to
   and technologies.                                  it as a tool that is regularly used.
   What was also clear was the importance of          We do, indeed, live in an open source world.
   open source software in the open innovation        I'd like to hear other readers thoughts on this
   model. At one level, it was almost taken           topic. Let me know what you think is unique
   for granted as the quintessential example          about the open collaborative innovation
   of open innovation success. Each of the            model.
   panelists referred to it in some way as they
                                                      More on open innovation41 

   39   41
   40       er_embedded&v=OU3lrwLr3VA
                            How Consumer Finance made open source both a policy and a mission 13

How Consumer
Finance made open
source both a policy
and a mission
John Scott, Technologist Technologist in the Department of Defense and US Government
(originally published April 2012)

For the first time a U.S. Federal Agency,          confusing to consumers and certain regu-
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau           lations burdensome for businesses. We've
(CFPB), has come out with a policy that            also been able to launch the CFPB with a
clearly delineates how taxpayer investments        state-of-the-art technical infrastructure
in technology should be handled. Since they        that’s more stable and more cost-effective
say it best:42                                     than an equivalent system was just ten
                                                   years ago.
	The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  was fortunate to be born in the digital         	Good internal technology policies can help,
  era. We’ve been able to rethink many of           especially the policy that governs our use of
  the practices that make financial products        software source code.

14 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   	Some software lets users modify its source           	We use open source software, and we
     code, so that they can tweak the code to               do so because it helps us fulfill our
     achieve their own goals if the software                mission.
     doesn't specifically do what users want.
                                                          	Open source software works because it
     Source code that can be freely modified
                                                            enables people from around the world to
     and redistributed is known as "open source
                                                            share their contributions with each other.
     software," and it has been instrumental
                                                           The CFPB has benefited tremendously from
     to the CFPB's innovation efforts for a few
                                                            other people's efforts, so it’s only right that
                                                            we give back to the community by sharing
   	 · It is usually very easy to acquire, as there     our work with others.
           are no ongoing licensing fees. Just pay
                                                          	This brings us to the second part of our
           once, and the product is yours.
     · It keeps our data open. If we decide one
                                                          	When we build our own software or
          day to move our website to another
                                                            contract with a third party to build it
          platform, we don’t have to worry about
                                                            for us, we will share the code with the
          whether the current platform is going to
                                                            public at no charge.
          keep us from exporting all of our data.
          (Only some proprietary software keeps its       	Exceptions will be made when source code
          data open, but all open source software           exposes sensitive details that would put the
          does so.)                                         Bureau at risk for security breaches; but we
                                                            believe that, in general, hiding source code
     · It lets us use tailor-made tools without
                                                            does not make the software safer.
          having to build those tools from scratch.
       This lets us do things that nobody else            Read more about the policy at:
          has ever done, and do them quickly.             · T he CFPB's source code policy:
   	Until recently, the federal government was              open and shared43
     hesitant to adopt open source software               · Source Code Policy44
     due to a perceived ambiguity around its
     legal status as a commercial good. In 2009,
     however, the Department of Defense made
     it clear that open source software products
     are on equal footing with their proprietary

   43        44
       pbs-source-code-policy-open-and-shared/                sourcecodepolicy/
                                                           History of open source in government 15

History of
open source in
Gunnar Hellekson, Chief Technology Strategist for Red Hat's US Public Sector group
(originally published May 2012)

It is difficult to imagine the Federal govern-    are only just now bringing open source
ment moving in one well-coordinated direc-        software into their operations. With this in
tion on any matter, and so it has been with       mind, the history of open source in the US
the adoption of open source software. Some        government is best understood as a series
agencies were early adopters, especially the      of individual stories that have collectively led
academic and research communities. As it          to the pervasive adoption of open source we
did in universities, open source adoption in      see today.
the US government originated in research
                                                  It was in 1997 that open source as an
settings, where sharing and collaboration
                                                  enterprise computing trend emerged, and
were already part of the culture of pedagogy.
                                                  the US government was there. While Eric
In this way, the government had been using
                                                  Raymond was writing his seminal treatise on
and creating open source software even
                                                  open source, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar
before it was called "open source." Other         45
                                                     ," a Major in the US Air Force named Justin
agencies and departments have been more
                                                  Seiferth published "Intranet Hallways Sys-
conservative, for a variety of reasons, and
                                                  tems Based on Linux"46 in the Linux Gazette.

45   46
16 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   This article described a simple web-based           network security toolkits. As a more recent
   explorer for Windows file servers built on          example, within the last year the National
   the Linux operating system. This may be             Air and Space Agency has debuted several
   the first public acknowledgment of the US           inexpensive supercomputers. Open licensed
   Government’s use of open source software            operating systems and applications allowed
   as we know it today.                                the scaling of inexpensive pentium-based
                                                       machines into an integrated hardware/
   For the next several years, advocates in the
                                                       software system. In addition to being
   private sector and cautious staff in govern-
                                                       inexpensive, these machines are among the
   ment began to engage the questions that
                                                       most powerful available."
   still confront open source today: Is it ready?
   Is it secure? How do we use it? In 1999, Mitch     Seiferth, like Stoltz, makes a number of
   Stoltz of NetAction wrote the first persuasive     familiar arguments for open source, but his
   essay on the topic, "The Case for Govern-          greatest insight is that open source is ”Com-
   ment Promotion of Open Source Software."           mercial Off-the-Shelf” (COTS) software. This
      Stoltz invokes many arguments that are          is significant, because it means that open
   still being used today: lower cost, increased      source would be able to use the existing
   flexibility, and better security. That same        policy and regulations that had already been
   year, the President’s National Coordinator         created for software more generally, rather
   for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and       than being treated as a special case and
   Counter-Terrorism convened a multi-agency          thus hampering its adoption. This will later
   working group to produce "Open Source              become the explicit policy of the Office of
   Code and the Security of Federal Systems."         Management and Budget, as well as the
   That report is the first official study of open    Department of Defense.
   source by the federal government.
                                                      The very next year brings an explosion of
   While at the Air Command and Staff College,        open source activity in government. In the
   Major Seiferth returns to our history again,       private sector, IBM announced that they are
   this time publishing a research report on the      investing one billion dollars49 in the Linux
   potential benefits of open source specifically     project. The Open Source Software Insti-
   in the DOD. Seiferth notes ironically that the     tute50 was founded to aid the adoption of
   US Government is at once reluctant to use          open source in the Federal government.
   open source, and a great creator of open
                                                      Meanwhile, government adoption continues
   source projects:48
                                                      apace. We begin to see the procurement
   	"Within the Department of Defense,               apparatus wrestle with open source licensing
     the National Laboratories and Defense            in procurements. The US Air Force Scientific
     Advanced Research Agency have been               Advisory Board’s “Ensuring Successful Imple-
     the most visible users and producers of          mentation of Commercial Items in Air Force
     open licensed systems. They’ve released          Systems”51 is the first procurement guidance
     such advances as the original firewall and       to explicitly mention open source.

   47   49
       html                                           50
   48     51
       tion=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA398898              tion=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA411926
                                                           History of open source in government 17

Some agencies aren’t waiting, though. The         The next major milestone is in 2003, with the
National Security Agency–to the aston-            release of the "Stenbit Memo."56 On May 28,
ishment of its peers and the open source          the DOD CIO John Stenbit released the first
community–releases SELinux52, which               DOD-wide guidance on open source soft-
provided a set of strong security controls to     ware, which implicitly permits its acquisition,
the Linux operating system. In doing so, the      development, and use. Meanwhile, the Army
NSA was taking technology that had been           begins to deploy the "Blue Force Tracker,"
useful to a very small set of customers, and      running on open source software, to over
was therefore very expensive, and made            80,000 tactical vehicles. Famously, General
it freely available to the general public.        Nicholas Justice proclaims, “When we rolled
Innovation quickened, the software improved,      into Baghdad, we did it using open source.”
and SELinux is still used in Linux today. Most    Nine months later, in July of 2004, the OMB
recently, SELinux was ported to the Android       issues a memo similar to the Stenbit Memo
system53, where it provides mobile phone          that covers the government as a whole. At
users protections against hostile applications.   approximately the same time, NASA releases
This wasn’t the first time the US government      the very popular World Wind57 geospatial
has released software, but it made headlines      visualization project under the newly-mint-
because it was an implicit endorsement of         ed "NASA Open Source Agreement."58 Six
the open source process by arguably the           months later, Red Hat, the world’s largest
most security-conscious intelligence agency.      open source company at the time, creates a
                                                  US Government division61 and the first Gov-
This flurry of activity continues into 2001,
                                                  ernment Open Source Conference61 (GOSCON)
with MITRE releasing "Making the Business
                                                  is held in Portland, Oregon.
Case for Open Source Software."54 This docu-
ment, the most comprehensive treatment of         In 2006, Sue Peyton, the Air Force Assis-
open source to that point, was published as       tant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
part of the larger “Open Source Software in       commissioned the "Open Technology De-
Military Systems” study which the US Army         velopment Roadmap,"59 which goes beyond
had commissioned from MITRE. The report           the simple benefits of open source, and
concludes: “Open source will benefit the          describes how it can be put to productive
government by improving interoperability,         use in the context of the DOD’s Net-Centric
long term access to data, and the ability to      doctrine, which was in fashion at the time.
incorporate new technology.” Here, we see         This is the first effort to align the princi-
the US Army, who is later to become one of        ples of open source with an overall agency
the largest open source users in the world,       strategy, demonstrating how savvy open
taking its first exploratory steps.               source advocates inside the government
                                                  have become.

52      56
53      57
54   58
    papers_01/kenwood_software/kenwood_soft-      59
    ware.pdf                                          mapFinal.pdf
18 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   In 2007, the US Navy commissioned Ray-             at the federal, state and local level. NASA,
   theon, IBM, and Red Hat to add “real-time”         in particular, made open source software
   features to the Linux kernel60, which it           and the open source development process a
   required for the new destroyer it was build-       cornerstone of their open government plan65.
   ing. Significantly, the Navy ensured that the      In the private sector, Open Source for Amer-
   software is released into the open source          ica66 was founded. This coalition of industry,
   community. Shortly thereafter, the US Navy         advocates, and individuals is meant to be
   CIO Robert Carey releases the Navy Open            a central resource for advocates of open
   Source Memo61, which explicitly classifies         source software in government. That August,
   open source as COTS software. This is a            Macon Phillips, the White House New Media
   significant change in tone from the Stenbit        Director who would later release portions
   memo and OMB memos of 2004, which only             of the software for, called
   implicitly provide this same guidance.             open source “…the most concrete form of
                                                      civic participation67.” Clearly, open source
   Open source use subsequently explodes. By
                                                      and open government became inextricably
   September of 2008, the Microsoft-funded
   Open Source Census62 was reporting that
   open source use in government was higher           In October of 2009, the “DOD Open Source
   than any other industry. The Federal Open          Memo68” is released by David Wennergren,
   Source Alliance’s Federal Open Source Refer-       the DOD CIO. This memo got headlines
   endum63 study reported that, 71% of agency         around the world, and remains the single
   executives believed they could benefit from        most influential government policy document
   open source and 58% said they were likely          on open source today. The memo itself is
   to consider open source.                           simple, and following the Navy’s declaration
                                                      two years earlier, reminds procurement offi-
   The Obama Administration’s first act on tak-
                                                      cials that open source software is COTS. The
    ing office was to issue the Open Government
                                                      appendices to the memo, however, go into
    Memo64, which articulated a general policy of
                                                      much more detail about the potential ad-
   "transparency, collaboration, and participa-
                                                      vantages and risks of open source software.
    tion." Subsequent agency initiatives prom-
                                                      The memo specifically encourages the DOD
    inently featured open source software as a
                                                      to take advantage of its ability to modify
    means to achieve those goals. Open source
                                                      software to suit a mission’s need.
    policies began to pour out of governments

   60     64
       lease/21033.wss                                    TransparencyandOpenGovernment
   61   65
       ?ID=789                                        66
   62     67
       open-source-census-more-numbers-on-open-           obama-s-new-media-director-backs-open-
       source-adoption.html                               source-government_news
   63             68
       source/2008/10/22/goscon-gives-government-         ment-of-Defense
                                                              History of open source in government 19

Later in 2009, CENDI, an organization of             of that very popular open source license
government managers, issues a FAQ69 on               in the context of government procurement
copyright and open source to help agency             regulations. Clearly, the government’s
lawyers understand open source licensing             understanding of open source had grown
and the sometimes confusing intellectual             more sophisticated since its first tentative
property questions that they pose. A few             forays a decade before. A survey conducted
months later, for the first time since 2004,         by Lockheed Martin73 at this time found that
OMB refreshes its open source guidance with          69% of government contractors and 40%
the “Technology Neutrality” memo, remind-            of federal agency respondents were already
ing agencies that competition in software is         using open source. The survey also found
important, and that they are forbidden from          that 66% of all respondents said that they
discriminating against software based on             would be using more open source in the next
its development method. Once this memo               12-18 months.
was published, most of the barriers to open
                                                     With this increased comfort, 2011 also saw
source adoption had been diminished or
                                                     the release of more open source software
eliminated in the US government.
                                                     from the government than ever before. The
Unburdened, open source continued its                White House released portions of the code
growth in 2011. Sue Peyton’s Open Tech-              for, the code for the Federal
nology Development Roadmap from 2006                 CIO’s IT Dashboard, and the plat-
receives a “Lessons Learned70” sequel, which         form. At the end of 2011, the Federal CIO an-
makes recommendations to DOD programs                nounced a draft “Shared First” policy, which
interested in releasing their own software.          mandates re-use and sharing of IT resources
Eben Moglen, one of the most prominent               amongst civilian agencies, and specifically
open source lawyers in the country, and              mentions that agencies should collaborate
head of the Software Freedom Law Center71,           on software development. Also, NASA
releases “Government Computer Software               releases, a landmark project
Acquisition and the GNU General Public               to centralize all the source code released by
License72,” which explains the provisions            NASA in one citizen-friendly web site74.

69       72
    OpenSourceSoftware_FINAL_110109.pdf                  file/60698/OSS%20White%20Paper%2010-11.pdf
70   73
    AP-region3.pdf                                       intersection-of-open-source-and-the-cloud.html
71                      74
20 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   So we see the adoption of open source in            get, and other agencies are not just using
   the Federal government as an evolution: the         open source, but creating and releasing open
   first furtive steps in the late 1990s and early     source software of their own.
   2000s, manifested in persuasive essays and
                                                       Did I miss a major event? A major code
   studies. From there, certain organizations
                                                       release? Let me know in the comments.
   like NASA and the Army take leadership
   roles in open source adoptions. From 2003           [This is a writeup I did as a companion to the
   to 2009, a series of policies institutionalize      History of Open Source in Government Time-
   its use throughout the government. By the           line75. Karl Fogel76 and I will be presenting
   close of the first decade, the White House,         more findings77 from the timeline at OSCON78
   NASA, the Office of Management and Bud-             this year.] 

   75    77
       building-a-timeline-of-open-source-in-the-us-       con-2012/
       government/                                     78
                                                                            Building a Civic
                                                                                                   Title 21

Building a Civic
Abhi Nemani, Director of Strategy and Communications at Code for America
(originally published August 2011)

Amid the last two decades' astounding                cies and innovative services in our lives
advances in consumer and enterprise tech-            as citizens and consumers. In a digitally
nologies, governments at the city and county         interconnected world, governments don’t
level–ones that are responsible for delivering       have to operate in isolation. They can pool
public services every day–have largely been          their resources, their talents, and their
standing on the sidelines. Civic Commons79 is        ever-shrinking budgets to build shared tech-
a new non-profit initiative that’s dedicated         nologies, save money, and innovate.
to helping government embrace the trans-
                                                     Some80 of81 this82 is already happening, but
formative potential of shared technologies
                                                     there are still technical, political, and cultural
and collaborative development techniques
                                                     barriers in place that are inhibiting wide-
that have been pioneered and proven in the
                                                     spread collaboration. And it’s those barriers
private sector.
                                                     that Civic Commons is hoping to bring down.
We believe that governments can now take
advantage of the same technologies that
have generated such enormous efficien-

79               81
80       open-sourced/
    it-dashboard-goes-open-source                    82
22 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   Here’s how:                                            roadmap to share what they have. We aim to
                                                          change that.
    · Helping governments open their code.   83

         We work directly with government entities        Enter the Commons Project: this project
         to turn the applications they’re developing      will foster the creation and growth of a
         into shareable public goods.                     community of civic technologists sharing not
                                                          only information about the applications they
    · Documenting technologies, practices, and
                                                          use and their experiences with them, but
         policies.84 Our wiki is one of the most com-
                                                          also the very application code. Think of it like
         prehensive sources on open data, open
                                                          a community-driven civic app store. By con-
      source software, and open government.
                                                          necting the nation’s best civic innovators, we
    · Building community.85 We are working to          will stimulate better IT decision making and
      strengthen and connect the worldwide                the reuse of civic code across the country.
         network of government and civic technol-
                                                          We’re just getting started on the project, and
                                                          you can help us make it successful. We need
   Finally, we’re also building the technology            to inventory the civic technology currently
   infrastructure needed to help governments              being deployed by governments across the
   share technology: the "commons." Civic tech-           country to seed the commons. That’s where
   nology experts have recognized the benefits            you come in. As active members of the open
   of sharing technology among governments                source community, you have the insight into
   and institutions. However, instances of suc-           what technology is being used where. Please
   cessful collaboration and sharing are still few        share your knowledge here, and you can help
   and far between, in part because there is              us build the Civic Commons.86 
   no easy, structured way to share knowledge
   about this software, let alone the software
   itself. There is no one place to go to look
   for civic software that cities need, and no

   83   85
       sistance/                                          86
   84                          viewform?formkey=dE8xdktjQVQ5bXVZMEk5OGh-
                                                       Creating legislation the open Article
                                                                                     source Title
                                                                                             way 23

Creating legislation
the open source way
Marek Mahut, System Engineer for Red Hat Czech (originally published September 2012)

In recent weeks we've seen a number              islative staff with the help of a few lobbyists
of projects in the area of collaborative         and subject matter experts. With advances in
legislation that operate similarly to open       technology, bills introduced into a legisla-
source software. Today, you can find French87,   tive body are now often posted online, but
German88, and Swiss89 proposals in git           changes are submitted by other legislators,
repositories. If you're a developer familiar     or can be suggested via email, letters, or
with these tools, it's easy for you to review    phone calls from citizens. It isn't the most
the patches (bills), submit your own, and        efficient or transparent process.
collaborate around the code (law). These
                                                 Governments, with help from legal academia
are exciting projects undertaken by people
                                                 and ordinary citizens, could be pushing
in many different countries, but very few
                                                 forward systems that could make the
governing bodies appear to be harnessing
                                                 democratic process easier, more effective,
their citizens' input.
                                                 and cheaper–as we know, democracy is not
Under a traditional 'democratic' system, bills   cheap! So, why not utilize technology to help
are often drafted behind closed doors by leg-    us with it?

87             89
24 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   There are now a few government-sponsored                 software may come from LEOS91, Legisla-
   projects aiming at this problem, such as the             tion Editing Open Software, an open source
   legislation portal90 of the Slovak Republic's            project funded by the ISA92 for the European
   Ministry of Justice, where you can comment               Union expected to be completed in 2015.
   on laws in the making. Sadly, because this
                                                            I think this is the question for discussion: Is
   portal is closed source, it cannot expand
                                                            legislative collaboration one of the essential
   due to vendor lock-in and the lack of public
                                                            parts of eGovernment? 
   access to the source code. More interesting

   90   92
                              How federal agencies can implement and benefit from transparency
                                                                                    Article Title 25

How federal agen-
cies can implement
and benefit from
Tom Moritz, Project Director at Sonoma Valley Heritage Coalition
(originally published October 2011)

The publication, Guide to Owning Transpar-          an essential democratic value irrespective
ency: How Federal Agencies Can Implement            of whether data originates in the private or
and Benefit from Transparency 93, was               public sectors. It includes both primary sci-
released earlier this month and is the result       entific data, as well as data and information
of an extended collaboration. The guide was         about organizational practice.
sponsored by the US Office of Personnel
                                                    Open source, specifically, has an important
Management (formerly the US Civil Service
                                                    part to play in the open government move-
Commission)–which is the "human resourc-
                                                    ment. Open source software is, by definition,
es" agency for the US Government.
                                                    transparent. It is developed by a democratic
Transparency–as in the free and open                community of users and shared in an egali-
sharing of scientific information and data–is       tarian way.

26 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   Moreover, when budgetary constraints are          sector, open government seeks to improve
   imposing severe limits on government's            the transparency of government operations
   ability to adapt to a dynamically changing        so that both the government and the public
   technical environment, open source software       can make well-informed judgments about
   minimizes the transaction costs associated        the relative efficiency and effectiveness of
   with adaptation and use.                          government, about the success of govern-
                                                     ment programs in meeting their intended
    Some of key legal, technical, and budget-
                                                     missions. Thomas Jefferson argued that
    ary challenges are outlined in Chapter 4,
                                                     such transparency would enable "every
   "Constraints on Transparency." In the interest
                                                     member of Congress, and every man of any
    of transparency (and disclosure), I authored
                                                     mind in the Union... to comprehend..., to
    Chapter 4 as a volunteer.
                                                     investigate abuses, and consequently to
   	In the private sector, transparency focuses     control them..." (Jefferson, 1802, as quoted
     on disclosures of information and data          in Rawson and Miner, 2006).
     essential to the informed evaluation of the
                                                    What are your thoughts on these issues and
     performance of for-profit corporations and
                                                    on transparency in government? 
     not-for-profit organizations. In the public
                                    Five essential elements of an open government unconference
                                                                                    Article Title 27

Five essential
elements of an
open government
Jason Hibbets, Project Manager in Corporate Marketing at Red Hat
(originally published January 2012)

Joining the open source (and CityCamp)             I interned at Red Hat in 2000, which
movement has been one of the best expe-            introduced me to the open source way 94. I
riences of my life. I've been involved with        joined the company full-time in 2003. I've
open source for over a decade, but I never         come across a lot of open source projects,
got involved in a community project in any         but nothing grabbed my attention quite like
significant way–until I found CityCamp. I ha-      CityCamp. I got involved with the movement
ven't submitted a single line of code, but I'm     earlier this year and it has allowed me to
able to bring my project management and            blend my open source experience and com-
community-building skills to the table. That's     munity management skills with my passion
important because it highlights the fact that      for participatory government.
there is more to open source contributions
than writing code.

28 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   I jumped right into the thick of things and           1. Generate ideas before the camp. Partici-
   helped organize CityCamp Raleigh95. I was                 pating in an unconference like CityCamp is
   able to attend CityCamp Colorado96 and City-              new to many people. Especially when you
   Camp Honolulu97. I was bummed to miss out                 include many varied participants: citizens,
   on CityCamp Minnesota98. I learned a great                municipal workers, developers, designers,
   deal by participating in other camps and                  elected officials, and anyone else inter-
   from following the ones I couldn't attend.                ested in participating. You can overcome
                                                             these barriers by gathering problems citi-
   I really liked how the CityCamp movement
                                                            zens face and generating ideas for solving
   took an open source approach, especially
                                                             them before your conference starts.
   for the brand99. Any city or community,
                                                            This helps people make the connection
   worldwide, that has people who want to
                                                             between open government and how they
   organize and advance their local open
                                                             can participate. It also gives people a
   government movement is free to adapt the
                                                             reason to attend and allows the organiz-
   CityCamp framework and brand for their
                                                             ers to invite key stakeholders from their
   mission–as long as it's in-line with the goals
                                                             local government. Most groups are doing
   of CityCamp100.
                                                             this online using technology such as User
   I've met a lot of great people along the way             Voice, which includes a voting feature. The
   and seen some amazing things happen in                    key here is to make sure there are ideas
   the course of a weekend. In the spirit of                 populated on the forum when people
   giving back, I gathered some of the docu-                 visit. Have your planning group generate
   mentation101 used for CityCamp Raleigh and                at least 3-5 ideas before you announce it.
   shared it with other planning groups. Now I              Also, make sure users who visit can build
   want to share some of the observations and                on those ideas.
   lessons learned from all my 2011 CityCamp
                                                         2. P
                                                             air municipal staff with ideas. Now that
                                                            you've got some ideas before your camp,
   Five organizing tips for a successful                    invite key stakeholders to participate. If
   CityCamp                                                 you have an idea with community interest
   If you're thinking about planning a CityCamp,            and a high number of votes, show this
   you've probably already discovered the 'start            momentum to a department or agency
   a camp'102 page. Based on my experience                  that can foster the idea and make real
   attending several events, planning one event,            progress. It is important to have access
   and mentoring other planners, there are                  to data or internal knowledge that can
   a few best practices that can improve the                help municipal staff identify barriers that
   outcome of a CityCamp significantly.                     will need to be worked out, or other plans

    95       99 h ttp://
            citycamp-raleigh-creating-citizen-move-         citycamp-became-open-source-brand
            ment-open-government                         100
    96   101 h ttp://
          er-shift-effect-open-government                    start-your-citycamp-planning/
   97 h ttp://   102 h ttp://
   98 h ttp://
                                      Five essential elements of an open government unconference 29

   that need to be considered. The staff             4. Bring in an outside perspective. At each
   often wants to help out, and is happy to              camp that I've attended, there have been
   engage with CityCampers because you                   attendees from out-of-town. This was
   are working together towards a common                 extremely valuable for CityCamp Raleigh
   goal. As a team working towards the                   (my hometown), because it helped gen-
   same goals, any 'us versus them' men-                 erate different ideas and build on what's
   tality goes away. It also helps to create             happening at other camps in other cities.
   accountability on the government side, as            This cross-pollination of ideas is powerful
   well as a level of excitement–new people              and, as more camps start up, this will be
   working on something new to them, with                more important. At CityCamp Honolulu, I
   (hopefully) new and creative approaches.              was one of a handful of people providing
   I have found that if you don't have access            that outside perspective. I found myself
   to municipal staff, your ideas can poten-             helping the organizers, brainstorming
   tially stall and progress will take longer.           with attendees, moderating sessions, and
                                                        sitting for a panel. If you're attending
3. Document. Document. Document. It may
                                                         a CityCamp–whether near or far–be
   sound like an easy thing to do, but pulling
                                                         prepared to play multiple roles.
    it off with all the other things happening
    may be more difficult than you'd expect.         5. H
                                                         ave an action plan after the camp.
    My number one piece of advice: Don't let            You'll have a great time at your CityCamp
    documentation become an afterthought.               event. It will be even better if attendees
   At CityCamp Honolulu, they hooked up                 have something to look forward to at the
    with University of Hawaii journalism                end. Whatever you decide to do, I think
   students who helped to document each                 it's important to establish a cadence–a
    breakout session. These summaries are               regular repeated event or engagement–
    now posted on their wiki103. This has two           that keeps the community coming back
    major benefits. First, ideas and sessions           together. There are a variety of ways to
    are documented for people that cannot               do this.
    attend camp in person. This lets them
                                                     · Before the end of your camp, host a
    participate later and serves as a reference
                                                       session to organize the next steps. Get
    for those who were there. Second, the in-
                                                          folks who want to help advance your local
    volvement of students helps boost energy
                                                          movement generate ideas to keep things
    and increases the familiarity with a lot of
                                                          moving. This will help you get new folks on
    the technologies, tools, and processes.
                                                          your planning committee and, in the long-
    In most major universities, students are
                                                          term, prevent burnout.
    coming in contact with some form of
    open source. Students are more likely to         · CityCamp San Francisco participates in
    be users of social media and web-based             Third Thursdays, a monthly meet-up. They
    collaboration tools. They are tomorrow's              recently held a hackathon104 that brought
    leaders–and it's important to invite and              together developers and other creative
    include them in your camp.                            professionals. The goals were to build

103             104 h ttp://
30 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

      applications that deliver valuable resources        Burt Lum have also committed to monthly
      to the community.                                   meet-ups. Having a road map is important
                                                          to show campers the journey you plan on
    · CityCamp Colorado helped create a local
         Open Government Directive105 at their first
         camp. At this years camp, they explored        Those are some key lesson learned from my
         ways to help further the adoption of the       2011 CityCamp experiences. Did you attend
         directive. In other words, have your camp      a CityCamp and learn something new? I
         work on a project that extends beyond          welcome those ideas and other thoughts in
         your unconference to keep campers moti-        the comments. 
         vated and engaged.
    · CityCamp Raleigh has been hosting
         quarterly meet-ups and is looking at
         having a forum/hackathon in early 2012.
         CityCampers have also started a local wiki
         project106 that allows both developers and
         citizens to contribute to a common knowl-
         edge platform. A wiki project is a great way
         to get non-developers involved.
    · CityCamp Honolulu laid out a timeline
         at the start of their camp. They have a
         hackathon planned for January 2012 and
         a Code for America project coming in Feb-
         ruary 2012. Organizers Forest Frizzell and

    105   106 http://www.midtownraleighnews.
         ernment-directive/                                  com/2011/11/15/10051/something-wiki-this-
Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government 31
32 Open Voices: Applying open source principles to government

   image credits
   All imagery in this booklet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
   Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0).

                              Cover image

                              Open government, what is it really?

                             The U.S. Government promotes open innovation–
                             Is it now mainstream?

                              How Consumer Finance made
                              open source both a policy and a mission

                              History of open source in government
                                                Image Credits 33

Building a Civic Commons

Creating legislation the open source way

How federal agencies can implement
and benefit from transparency

Five essential elements of an open government unconference
Written content is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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