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Principles of Programming Languages (H)

Authors Matteo Pradella

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

       Principles of Programming Languages (H)

                         Matteo Pradella

                       November 19, 2019

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1   Introduction on purity and evaluation

2   Basic Haskell

3   More advanced concepts

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A bridge toward Haskell

   We will consider now some basic concepts of Haskell, by implementing them
   in Scheme:
   What is a pure functional language?
   Non-strict evaluation strategies

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What is a functional language?

   In mathematics, functions do not have side-effects
   e.g. if f : N → N, f (5) is a fixed value in N, and do not depend on time (also
   called referential transparency)
   this is clearly not true in conventional programming languages, Scheme
   Scheme is mainly functional, as programs are expressions, and computation
   is evaluation of such expressions
   but some expressions have side-effects, e.g. vector-set!
   Haskell is pure, so we will see later how to manage inherently side-effectful
   computations (e.g. those with I/O)

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Evaluation of functions

   We have already seen that, in absence of side effects (purely functional
   computations) from the point of view of the result the order in which
   functions are applied does not matter (almost).
   However, it matters in other aspects, consider e.g. this function:
   ( define ( sum-square x y )
         (+ (* x x )
            (* y y )))

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Evaluation of functions (Scheme)

   A possible evaluation:
   ( sum-square (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3))
   ; ; applying the first +
   = ( sum-square 3 (+ 2 3))
   ; ; applying +
   = ( sum-square 3 5)
   ; ; applying sum-square
   = (+ (* 3 3)(* 5 5))
   = 34

   is it that of Scheme?

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Evaluation of functions (alio modo)

( sum-square (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3))
; ; applying sum-square
= (+ (* (+ 1 2)(+ 1 2))(* (+ 2 3)(+ 2 3)))
; ; evaluating the first (+ 1 2)
= (+ (* 3 (+ 1 2))(* (+ 2 3)(+ 2 3)))
= (+ (* 3 3)(* 5 5))
= 34

   The two evaluations differ in the order in which function applications are
   A function application ready to be performed is called a reducible
   expression (or redex)

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Evaluation strategies: call-by-value

   in the first example of evaluation of mult, redexes are evaluated according to
   a (leftmost) innermost strategy
   i.e., when there is more than one redex, the leftmost one that does not
   contain other redexes is evaluated
   e.g. in (sum-square (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3)) there are 3 redexes: (sum-square
   (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3))), (+ 1 2) and (+ 2 3) the innermost that is also
   leftmost is (+ 1 2), which is applied, giving expression (sum-square 3 (+
   2 3))
   in this strategy, arguments of functions are always evaluated before
   evaluating the function itself - this corresponds to passing arguments by
   note that Scheme does not require that we take the leftmost, but this is very
   common in mainstream languages

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Evaluation strategies: call-by-name

   a dual evaluation strategy: redexes are evaluated in an outermost fashion
   we start with the redex that is not contained in any other redex, i.e. in
   the example above, with (sum-square (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3)), which yields (+
   (* (+ 1 2)(+ 1 2))(* (+ 2 3)(+ 2 3)))
   in the outermost strategy, functions are always applied before their
   arguments, this corresponds to passing arguments by name (like in Algol

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Termination and call-by-name

   e.g. first we define the following two simple functions:
   ( define ( infinity )
      (+ 1 ( infinity )))

   ( define ( fst x y ) x )

   consider the expression (fst 3 (infinity)):
        Call-by-value: (fst 3 (infinity)) = (fst 3 (+ 1 (infinity))) = (fst 3 (+ 1 (+ 1
        (infinity)))) = . . .
        Call-by-name: (fst 3 (infinity)) = 3
   if there is an evaluation for an expression that terminates, call-by-name
   terminates, and produces the same result (Church-Rosser confluence)

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Haskell is lazy: call-by-need

   In call-by-name, if the argument is not used, it is never evaluated; if the
   argument is used several times, it is re-evaluated each time
   Call-by-need is a memoized version of call-by-name where, if the function
   argument is evaluated, that value is stored for subsequent uses
   In a “pure” (effect-free) setting, this produces the same results as
   call-by-name, and it is usually faster

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Call-by-need implementation: macros and thunks

   we saw that macros are different from function, as they do not evaluate and
   are expanded at compile time
   a possible idea to overcome the nontermination of (fst 3 (infinity)),
   could be to use thunks to prevent evaluation, and then force it with an
   explicit call
   indeed, there is already an implementation in Racket based on delay and
   we’ll see how to implement them with macros and thunks

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Delay and force: call-by-name and by-need

   Delay is used to return a promise to execute a computation (implements
   moreover, it caches the result (memoization) of the computation on its first
   evaluation and returns that value on subsequent calls (implements

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( struct promise
         ( proc    ; thunk or value
           value ? ; already evaluated ?
           ) #: mutable )

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Delay (code)

( define-syntax delay
    ( syntax-rules ()
       (( _ ( expr ...))
        ( promise ( lambda ()
                       ( expr ...)) ; a thunk
                   # f )))) ; still to be evaluated

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Force (code)

   force is used to force the evaluation of a promise:
   ( define ( force prom )
      ( cond
         ; is it already a value ?
         (( not ( promise ? prom )) prom )
         ; is it an evaluated promise ?
         (( promise-value ? prom ) ( promise-proc prom ))
         ( else
            ( set-promise-proc ! prom
                                   (( promise-proc prom )))
            ( set-pro mise-valu e ?! prom # t )
            ( promise-proc prom ))))

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( define x ( delay (+ 2 5))) ; a promise
( force x ) ; ; = > 7

( define lazy-infinity ( delay ( infinity )))
( force ( fst 3 lazy-infinity ))          ; => 3
( fst 3 lazy-infinity )                   ; => 3
( force ( delay ( fst 3 lazy-infinity ))) ; = > 3

   here we have call-by-need only if we make every function call a promise
   in Haskell call-by-need is the default: if we need call-by-value, we need to
   force the evaluation (we’ll see how)

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   in Haskell, functions have only one argument!
   this is not a limitation, because functions with more arguments are curried
   we see here in Scheme what it means. Consider the function:
   ( define ( sum-square x y )
         (+ (* x x )
            (* y y )))

   it has signature sum-square : C2 → C, if we consider the most general kind
   of numbers in Scheme, i.e. the complex field

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Currying (cont.)

   curried version:
   ( define ( sum-square x )
        ( lambda ( y )
           (+ (* x x )
              (* y y ))))

   ; ; shorter version :
   ( define (( sum-square x ) y )
        (+ (* x x )
           (* y y )))

   it can be used almost as the usual version: ((sum-square 3) 5)
   the curried version has signature sum-square : C → (C → C)
   i.e. C → C → C (→ is right associative)

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Currying in Haskell

   in Haskell every function is automatically curried and consequently managed
   the name currying, coined by Christopher Strachey in 1967, is a reference to
   logician Haskell Curry
   the alternative name Schönfinkelisation has been proposed as a reference to
   Moses Schönfinkel but didn’t catch on

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   Born in 1990, designed by committee to be:
          purely functional
          call-by-need (sometimes called lazy evaluation)
          strong polymorphic and static typing
   Standards: Haskell ’98 and ’10
   Motto: "Avoid success at all costs"
          ex. usage: Google’s Ganeti cluster virtual server management tool
   Beware! There are many bad tutorials on Haskell and monads, in particular,
   available online

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A taste of Haskell’s syntax

   more complex and "human" than Scheme: parentheses are optional!
   function call is similar, though: f x y stands for f(x,y)
   there are infix operators and are made of non-alphabetic characters (e.g. *,
   +, but also <++>)
   elem is ∈. If you want to use it infix, just use ‘elem‘
   - - this is a comment
   lambdas: (lambda (x y) (+ 1 x y)) is written \x y -> 1+x+y

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   Haskell has static typing, i.e. the type of everything must be known at
   compile time
   there is type inference, so usually we do not need to explicitly declare types
   has type is written :: instead of : (the latter is cons)
          5 :: Integer
          ’a’ :: Char
          inc :: Integer -> Integer
          [1, 2, 3] :: [Integer] – equivalent to 1:(2:(3:[]))
          (’b’, 4) :: (Char, Integer)
          strings are lists of characters

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Function definition

   functions are declared through a sequence of equations
   inc n = n + 1

   length :: [ Integer ] -> Integer
   length []         = 0
   length ( x : xs ) = 1 + length xs

   this is also an example of pattern matching
   arguments are matched with the right parts of equations, top to bottom
   if the match succeeds, the function body is called

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Parametric Polymorphism

   the previous definition of length could work with any kind of lists, not just
   those made of integers
   indeed, if we omit its type declaration, it is inferred by Haskell as having type
   length :: [ a ] -> Integer

   lower case letters are type variables, so [a] stands for a list of elements of
   type a, for any a

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Main characteristics of Haskell’s type system

   every well-typed expression is guaranteed to have a unique principal type
        it is (roughly) the least general type that contains all the instances of the
        e.g. length :: a -> Integer is too general, while length :: [Integer] -> a is too
   Haskell adopts a variant of the Hindley-Milner type system
   (used also in ML variants, e.g. F#)
   and the principal type can be inferred automatically
   Ref. paper: L. Cardelli, Type Systems, 1997

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User-defined types

   are based on data declarations
   -- a " sum " type ( union in C )
   data Bool = False | True

   Bool is the (nullary) type constructor, while False and True are data
   constructors (nullary as well)
   data and type constructors live in separate name-spaces, so it is possible (and
   common) to use the same name for both:
   -- a " product " type ( struct in C )
   data Pnt a = Pnt a a

   if we apply a data constructor we obtain a value (e.g. Pnt 2.3 5.7), while
   with a type constructor we obtain a type (e.g. Pnt Bool)

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Recursive types

   classical recursive type example:
   data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch ( Tree a ) ( Tree a )

   e.g. data constructor Branch has type:
   Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a

   An example tree:
   aTree = Branch ( Leaf ’a ’)
                  ( Branch ( Leaf ’b ’) ( Leaf ’c ’))

   in this case aTree has type Tree Char

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Lists are recursive types

   Of course, also lists are recursive. Using Scheme jargon, they could be
   defined by:
    data List a = Null | Cons a ( List a )

   but Haskell has special syntax for them; in "pseudo-Haskell":
    data [ a ] = [] | a : [ a ]

   [] is a data and type constructor, while : is an infix data constructor

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An example function on Trees

fringe :: Tree a -> [ a ]

fringe ( Leaf x ) = [ x ]
fringe ( Branch left right ) = fringe left ++
                               fringe right

   (++) denotes list concatenation, what is its type?

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Syntax for fields

   as we saw, product types (e.g. data Point = Point Float Float) are like
   struct in C or in Scheme (analogously, sum types are like union)
   the access is positional, for instance we may define accessors:
   pointx Point x _ = x
   pointy Point _ y = y
   there is a C-like syntax to have named fields:
   data Point = Point {pointx, pointy :: Float}

   this declaration automatically defines two field names pointx, pointy
   and their corresponding selector functions

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Type synonyms

   are defined with the keyword type
   some examples
   type String = [ Char ]

   type Assoc a b = [( a , b )]

   usually for readability or shortness

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More on functions and currying

   Haskell has map, and it can be defined as:
   map f []         = []
   map f ( x : xs ) = f x : map f xs

   we can partially apply also infix operators, by using parentheses:
   (+ 1) or (1 +) or (+)
   map (1 +) [1 ,2 ,3]            -- = > [2 ,3 ,4]

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  :t at the prompt is used for getting type, e.g.
  Prelude > : t (+1)
  (+1) :: Num a = > a -> a
  Prelude > : t +
  < interactive >:1:1: parse error on input ‘+ ’
  Prelude > : t (+)

  (+) :: Num a = > a -> a -> a

  Prelude is the standard library
  we’ll see later the exact meaning of Num a => with type classes. Its
  meaning here is that a must be a numerical type

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Function composition and $

   (.) is used for composing functions (i.e. (f.g)(x) is f(g(x)))
   Prelude > let dd = (*2) . (1+)
   Prelude > dd 6
   Prelude > : t (.)
   (.) :: ( b -> c ) -> ( a -> b ) -> a -> c

   $ syntax for avoiding parentheses, e.g. (10*) (5+3) = (10*) $ 5+3

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Infinite computations

   call-by-need is very convenient for dealing with never-ending computations
   that provide data
   here are some simple example functions:
   ones = 1 : ones

   numsFrom n = n : numsFrom ( n +1)

   squares = map (^2) ( numsFrom 0)

   clearly, we cannot evaluate them (why?), but there is take to get finite slices
   from them
   take 5 squares = [0 ,1 ,4 ,9 ,16]

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Infinite lists

    Convenient syntax for creating infinite lists:
    e.g. ones before can be also written as [1,1..]
    numsFrom 6 is the same as [6..]
    zip is a useful function having type
    zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
    zip [1 ,2 ,3] " ciao "
    -- = > [(1 , ’ c ’) ,(2 , ’ i ’) ,(3 , ’ a ’)]

    list comprehensions
    [( x , y ) | x <- [1 ,2] , y <- " ciao " ]
    -- = > [(1 , ’ c ’) ,(1 , ’ i ’) ,(1 , ’ a ’) ,(1 , ’ o ’) ,
               (2 , ’c ’) ,(2 , ’ i ’) ,(2 , ’ a ’) ,(2 , ’ o ’)]

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Infinite lists (cont.)

    a list with all the Fibonacci numbers
    (note: tail is cdr, while head is car)
    fib = 1 : 1 :
          [ a + b | (a , b ) <- zip fib ( tail fib )]

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   bottom (aka ⊥) is defined as bot = bot
   all errors have value bot, a value shared by all types
   error ::               String -> a is strange because is polymorphic only in the
   the reason is that it returns bot (in practice, an exception is raised)

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Pattern matching

   the matching process proceeds top-down, left-to-right
   patterns may have boolean guards
   sign x | x > 0 = 1
          | x == 0 = 0
          | x < 0 = -1

   _ stands for don’t care
   e.g. definition of take
   take 0 _ = []
   take _ [] = []
   take n ( x : xs ) = x : take (n -1) xs

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Take and definition

   the order of definitions matters:
   Prelude> :t bot
   bot :: t
   Prelude> take 0 bot
   on the other hand, take bot [] does not terminate
   what does it change, if we swap the first two defining equations?

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   take with case:
   take m ys = case (m , ys ) of
                 (0 , _ ) -> []
                 (_ ,[]) -> []
                 (n , x : xs ) -> x : take (n -1) xs

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let and where

   let is like Scheme’s letrec*:
   let x = 3
        y = 12
   in x + y -- = > 15

   where can be convenient to scope binding over equations, e.g.:
   powset set = powset ’ set [[]] where
     powset ’ [] out = out
     powset ’ ( e : set ) out = powset ’ set ( out ++
                                  [ e : x | x <- out ])

   layout is like in Python, with meaningful whitespaces, but we can also use a
   C-like syntax:
    let { x = 3 ; y = 12} in x + y

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Call-by-need and memory usage

   fold-left is efficient in Scheme, because its definition is naturally
   foldl f z []         = z
   foldl f z ( x : xs ) = foldl f ( f z x ) xs

   note: in Racket it is defined with (f x z)
   this is not as efficient in Haskell, because of call-by-need:
        foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3]
        foldl (+) (0 + 1) [2,3]
        foldl (+) ((0 + 1) + 2) [ 3 ]
        foldl (+) (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) []
        (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) = 6

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Haskell is too lazy: an interlude on strictness

   There are various ways to enforce strictness in Haskell (analogously there are
   classical approaches to introduce laziness in strict languages)
   e.g. on data with bang patterns (a datum marked with ! is considered
     data Complex = Complex ! Float ! Float

   there are extensions for using ! also in function parameters

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Forcing evaluation

   Canonical operator to force evaluation is seq :: a -> t -> t
   seq x y returns y , only if the evaluation of x terminates (i.e. it performs x
   then returns y )
   a strict version of foldl (available in Data.List)
   foldl ’ f z []         = z
   foldl ’ f z ( x : xs ) = let z ’ = f z x
                            in seq z ’ ( foldl ’ f z ’ xs )

   strict versions of standard functions are usually primed

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Special syntax for seq

   There is a convenient strict variant of $ (function application) called $!
   here is its definition:
   ( $ !) :: ( a -> b ) -> a -> b
   f $ ! x = seq x ( f x )

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   not much to be said: Haskell has a simple module system, with import,
   export and namespaces
   a very simple example
   module CartProd where -- - export everything
   infixr 9 -* -
   -- right associative
   -- precedence goes from 0 to 9 , the strongest
   x -* - y = [( i , j ) | i <- x , j <- y ]

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Modules (cont.)

   module Tree ( Tree ( Leaf , Branch ) , fringe ) where
   data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch ( Tree a ) ( Tree a )
   fringe :: Tree a -> [ a ] ...

   module Main ( main ) where
   import Tree ( Tree ( Leaf , Branch ) )
   main = print ( Branch ( Leaf ’a ’) ( Leaf ’b ’))

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Modules and Abstract Data Types

   modules provide the only way to build abstract data types (ADT)
   the characteristic feature of an ADT is that the representation type is hidden:
   all operations on the ADT are done at an abstract level which does not
   depend on the representation
   e.g. a suitable ADT for binary trees might include the following operations:
   data Tree a         --   just      the type name
   leaf                ::   a ->      Tree a
   branch              ::   Tree      a -> Tree a -> Tree a
   cell                ::   Tree      a -> a
   left , right        ::   Tree      a -> Tree a
   isLeaf              ::   Tree      a -> Bool

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ADT implementation

module TreeADT ( Tree ,        leaf , branch , cell ,
                   left ,      right , isLeaf ) where
data Tree a             =      Leaf a | Branch ( Tree a ) ( Tree a )
leaf                    =      Leaf
branch                  =      Branch
cell ( Leaf a )         =      a
left ( Branch l r ) =          l
right ( Branch l r ) =         r
isLeaf    ( Leaf _ )    =      True
isLeaf    _             =      False

    in the export list the type name Tree appears without its constructors
         so the only way to build or take apart trees outside of the module is by using
         the various (abstract) operations
         the advantage of this information hiding is that at a later time we could
         change the representation type without affecting users of the type

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Type classes and overloading

   we already saw parametric polymorphism in Haskell (e.g. in length)
   type classes are the mechanism provided by Haskell for ad hoc
   polymorphism (aka overloading)
   the first, natural example is that of numbers: 6 can represent an integer, a
   rational, a floating point number. . .
   Prelude >           6 :: Float
   Prelude >           6 :: Integer -- unlimited
   Prelude >           6 :: Int      -- fixed precision
   Prelude >           6 :: Rational
   6 % 1

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Type classes: equality

   also numeric operators and equality work with different kinds of numbers
   let’s start with equality: it is natural to define equality for many types (but
   not every one, e.g. functions - it’s undecidable)
   we consider here only value equality, not pointer equality (like Java’s ==
   or Scheme’s eq?), because pointer equality is clearly not referentially
   let us consider elem
   x ‘ elem ‘ []                              = False
   x ‘ elem ‘ ( y : ys )                      = x == y || ( x ‘ elem ‘ ys )

   its type should be: a -> [a] -> Bool. But this means that (==) :: a -> a ->
   Bool, even though equality is not defined for every type

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class Eq

   type classes are used for overloading: a class is a "container" of overloaded
   we can declare a type to be an instance of a type class, meaning that it
   implements its operations
   e.g. class Eq
   class Eq a where
     (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

   now the type of (==) is
   (==)          :: ( Eq a ) = > a -> a -> Bool

   Eq a is a constraint on type a, it means that a must be an instance of Eq

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Defining instances

   e.g. elem has type (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
   we can define instances like this:
   instance (Eq a) => Eq (Tree a) where
   -- type a must support equality as well
    Leaf a == Leaf b = a == b
    (Branch l1 r1) == (Branch l2 r2) = (l1==l2) && (r1==r2)
     _ == _ = False
   an implementation of (==) is called a method
   CAVEAT do not confuse all these concepts with the homonymous concepts in
   OO programming: there are similarities but also big differences

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Haskell vs Java concepts

     Haskell        Java
      Class       Interface
      Type          Class
      Value        Object
     Method        Method
   in Java, an    Object is an instance of a Class
   in Haskell, a Type is an instance of a Class

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Eq and Ord in the Prelude

   Eq offers also a standard definition of 6=, derived from (==):
   class Eq a where
     (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
     x /= y = not (x == y)
   we can also extend Eq with comparison operations:
   class (Eq a) => Ord a        where
     (<), (<=), (>=), (>)       :: a -> a -> Bool
     max, min                   :: a -> a -> a
   Ord is also called a subclass of Eq
   it is possible to have multiple inheritance: class (X a, Y a) => Z a

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Another important class: Show

   it is used for showing: to have an instance we must implement show
   e.g., functions do not have a standard representation:
   Prelude> (+)
       No instance for (Show (a0 -> a0 -> a0))
         arising from a use of ‘print’
       Possible fix:
         add an instance declaration for (Show (a0 -> a0 -> a0))
   well, we can just use a trivial one:
   instance Show (a -> b) where
     show f = "<< a function >>"

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Showing Trees

   we can also represent binary trees:
   instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
     show (Leaf a) = show a
     show (Branch x y) = "<" ++ show x ++ " | " ++ show y ++ ">"
         (Leaf ’a’) (Branch (Leaf ’b’) (Leaf ’c’)))
           (Leaf ’d’) (Leaf ’e’))
   is represented as
   <<’a’ | <’b’ | ’c’>> | <’d’ | ’e’>>

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   usually it is not necessary to explicitly define instances of some classes, e.g.
   Eq and Show
   Haskell can be quite smart and do it automatically, by using deriving
   for example we may define binary trees using an infix syntax and automatic
   Eq, Show like this:
   infixr 5 :^:
   data Tr a = Lf a | Tr a :^: Tr a
                deriving (Show, Eq)
   *Main> let x = Lf 3 :^: Lf 5 :^: Lf 2
   *Main> let y = (Lf 3 :^: Lf 5) :^: Lf 2
   *Main> x == y
   *Main> x
   Lf 3 :^: (Lf 5 :^: Lf 2)

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An example with class Ord

   Rock-paper-scissors in Haskell
   data RPS = Rock | Paper | Scissors deriving (Show, Eq)

   instance Ord RPS where
     x <= y | x == y         =   True
     Rock     <= Paper       =   True
     Paper    <= Scissors    =   True
     Scissors <= Rock        =   True
     _        <= _           =   False
   note that we only needed to define (<=) to have the instance

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An example with class Num

   a simple re-implementation of rational numbers
   data Rat = Rat !Integer !Integer deriving Eq

   simplify (Rat x y) = let g = gcd x y
                        in Rat (x ‘div‘ g) (y ‘div‘ g)
   makeRat x y = simplify (Rat x y)

   instance Num Rat where
     (Rat x y) + (Rat x’ y’)      =   makeRat     (x*y’+x’*y) (y*y’)
     (Rat x y) - (Rat x’ y’)      =   makeRat     (x*y’-x’*y) (y*y’)
     (Rat x y) * (Rat x’ y’)      =   makeRat     (x*x’) (y*y’)
     abs (Rat x y)                =   makeRat     (abs x) (abs y)
     signum (Rat x y)             =   makeRat     (signum x * signum y) 1
     fromInteger x                =   makeRat     x 1

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An example with class Num (cont.)

   instance Ord Rat where
     (Rat x y) <= (Rat x’ y’) = x*y’ <= x’*y
   a better show:
   instance Show Rat where
     show (Rat x y) = show x ++ "/" ++ show y
   note: Rationals are in the Prelude!
   moreover, there is class Fractional for / (not covered here)
   but we could define our version of division as follows:
   x // (Rat x’ y’) = x * (Rat y’ x’)

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Input/Output is dysfunctional

   what is the type of the standard function getChar, that gets a character
   from the user? getChar :: theUser -> Char?
   first of all, it is not referentially transparent: two different calls of getChar
   could return different characters
   In general, IO computation is based on state change (e.g. of a file), hence if
   we perform a sequence of operations, they must be performed in order
   (and this is not easy with call-by-need)

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Input/Output is dysfunctional (cont.)

   getChar can be seen as a function :: Time -> Char.
   indeed, it is an IO action (in this case for Input):
   getChar :: IO Char
   quite naturally, to print a character we use putChar, that has type:
   putChar :: Char -> IO ()
   IO is an instance of the monad class, and in Haskell it is considered as an
   indelible stain of impurity

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A very simple example of an IO program

   main is the default entry point of the program (like in C)
   main = do {
     putStr "Please, tell me something>";
     thing <- getLine;
     putStrLn $ "You told me \"" ++ thing ++ "\".";
   special syntax for working with IO: do, <-
   we will see its real semantics later, used to define an IO action as an ordered
   sequence of IO actions
   "<-" (note: not =) is used to obtain a value from an IO action
   main    :: IO ()
   putStr :: String -> IO ()
   getLine :: IO String

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Command line arguments and IO with files

   compile with e.g. ghc readfile.hs
   import System.IO
   import System.Environment

   readfile = do {
     args <- getArgs; -- command line arguments
     handle <- openFile (head args) ReadMode;
     contents <- hGetContents handle; -- note: lazy
     putStr contents;
     hClose handle;
   main = readfile
   readfile stuff.txt reads "stuff.txt" and shows it on the screen
   hGetContents reads lazily the contents of the file

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Exceptions and IO

   Of course, purely functional Haskell code can raise exceptions: head [], 3 ‘div‘
   0, . . .
   but if we want to catch them, we need an IO action:
   handle :: Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a;
   the 1st argument is the handler
   Example: we catch the errors of readfile
   import Control.Exception
   import System.IO.Error
   main = handle handler readfile
          where handler e
                  | isDoesNotExistError e =
                    putStrLn "This file does not exist."
                  | otherwise =
                    putStrLn "Something is wrong."

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Other classical data structures

   What about usual, practical data structures (e.g. arrays, hash-tables)?
   Traditional versions are imperative! If really needed, there are libraries with
   imperative implementations living in the IO monad
   Idiomatic approach: use immutable arrays (Data.Array), and maps
   (Data.Map, implemented with balanced binary trees)
   find are respectively O(1) and O(log n); update O(n) for arrays, O(log n) for
   of course, the update operations copy the structure, do not change it

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Example code: Maps

import Data.Map

exmap = let m     =     fromList [("nose", 11), ("emerald", 27)]
            n     =     insert "rug" 98 m
            o     =     insert "nose" 9 n
        in (m     !     "emerald", n ! "rug", o ! "nose")

    exmap evaluates to (27,98,9)

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Example code: Arrays

   (//) is used for update/insert
   listArray’s first argument is the range of indexing (in the following case,
   indexes are from 1 to 3)
   import Data.Array

   exarr = let m       =   listArray (1,3) ["alpha","beta","gamma"]
               n       =   m // [(2,"Beta")]
               o       =   n // [(1,"Alpha"), (3,"Gamma")]
           in (m       !   1, n ! 2, o ! 1)
   exarr evaluates to ("alpha","Beta","Alpha")

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How to reach Monads

   We saw that IO is a type constructor, instance of Monad
   But we still do not know what a Monad is
   Recent versions of GHC make the trip a bit longer, because we need first to
   introduce the following classes:
        Foldable (not required, but useful)
        Applicative (Functor)

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Class Foldable

   Foldable is a class used for folding, of course
   The main idea is the one we know from foldl and foldr for lists:
   we have a container, a binary operation f , and we want to apply f to all the
   elements in the container, starting from a value z.
   Recall their definitions:
     1   foldr    f    z   []        =   z
         foldr    f    z   (x:xs)    =   f x (foldr f z xs)
     2   foldl    f    z   []        =   z
         foldl    f    z   (x:xs)    =   foldl f (f z x) xs

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foldl vs foldr in Haskell

    A minimal implementation of Foldable requires foldr
    foldl can be expressed in term of foldr (id is the identity function):
    foldl f a bs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) id bs a
    the converse is not true, since foldr may work on infinite lists, unlike foldl:
         in the presence of call-by-need evaluation, foldr will immediately return the
         application of f to the recursive case of folding over the rest of the list
         if f is able to produce some part of its result without reference to the recursive
         case, then the recursion will stop
         on the other hand, foldl will immediately call itself with new parameters until
         it reaches the end of the list.

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Example: foldable binary trees

   Let’s go back to our binary trees
   data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
   we can easily define a foldr for them
   tfoldr f z Empty = z
   tfoldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
   tfoldr f z (Node l r) = tfoldr f (tfoldr f z r) l

   instance Foldable Tree where
       foldr = tfoldr

   > foldr (+) 0 (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 5))

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  Maybe is used to represent computations that may fail: we either have
  Just v , if we are lucky, or Nothing .
  It is basically a simple "conditional container"
  data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
  It is adopted in many recent languages, to avoid NULL and limit exceptions
  Examples are Scala (basically the ML family approach): Option[T], with
  values None or Some(v); Swift, with Optional<T>.
  It is quite simple, so we will use it in our examples with Functors & C.

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Of course, Maybe is foldable

instance Foldable Maybe where
    foldr _ z Nothing = z
    foldr f z (Just x) = f x z

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   Functor is the class of all the types that offer a map operation
   (so there is an analogy with Foldable vs folds)
   the map operation of functors is called fmap and has type:
   fmap ::        (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
   it is quite natural to define map for a container, e.g.:
   instance Functor Maybe              where
       fmap _ Nothing                  = Nothing
       fmap f (Just a)                 = Just (f a)

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Functor laws

   Well-defined functors should obey the following laws:
   fmap id = id        (where id is the identity function)
   fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g              (homomorphism)
   You can try, as an exercise, to check if the functors we are defining obey the

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Trees can be functors, too

   First, let us define a suitable map for trees:
   tmap f Empty = Empty
   tmap f (Leaf x) = Leaf $ f x
   tmap f (Node l r) = Node (tmap f l) (tmap f r)
   That’s all we need:
   instance Functor Tree where
       fmap = tmap

   -- example
   > fmap (+1) (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3))
   Node (Node (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 4)

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Applicative Functors

   In our voyage toward monads, we must consider also an extended version of
   functors, i.e. Applicative functors
   The definition looks indeed exotic:
   class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
       pure :: a -> f a
       (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
   note that f is a type constructor, and f a is a Functor type
   moreover, f must be parametric with one parameter
   if f is a container, the idea is not too complex:
        pure takes a value and returns an f containing it
        <*> is like fmap, but instead of taking a function, takes an f containing a
        function, to apply it to a suitable container of the same kind

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Maybe is an Applicative Functor

   Here is its definition:
   instance Applicative Maybe where
       pure = Just

         Just f <*> m                  = fmap f m
         Nothing <*> _                 = Nothing

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    Of course, lists are instances of Foldable and Functor. What about
    For that, it is first useful to introduce concat
    concat ::             Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
    So we start from a container of lists, and get a list with the concatenation of
    concat [[1,2],[3],[4,5]] is [1,2,3,4,5]
    it can be defined as: concat l = foldr (++) [] l
    its composition with map is called concatMap
    concatMap f l = concat $ map f l
    > concatMap (\x -> [x, x+1]) [1,2,3]

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Lists are instances of Applicative

   With concatMap, we get the standard implementation of <*> for lists:
   instance Applicative [] where
       pure x    = [x]
       fs <*> xs = concatMap (\f -> map f xs) fs
   What can we do with it? For instance we can apply list of operations to lists:
   > [(+1),(*2)] <*> [1,2,3]
   Note that we map the operations in sequence, then we concatenate the
   resulting lists

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Trees and Applicative

   Following the list approach, we can make our binary trees an instance of
   Applicative Functors
   First, we need to define what we mean by tree concatenation:
   tconc Empty t = t
   tconc t Empty = t
   tconc t1 t2 = Node t1 t2
   now, concat and concatMap (here tconcmap for short) are like those of lists:
   tconcat t = tfoldr tconc Empty t
   tconcmap f t = tconcat $ tmap f t

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Applicative Trees

   Here is the natural definition (practically the same of lists):
   instance Applicative Tree where
     pure = Leaf
     fs <*> xs = tconcmap (\f -> tmap f xs) fs
   Let’s try it:
   > (Node (Leaf (+1))(Leaf (*2))) <*>
      Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3)

   Node (Node (Node      (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3))
              (Leaf      4))
        (Node (Node      (Leaf 2) (Leaf 4))
              (Leaf      6))

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A peculiar type class: Monad

   introduced by Eugenio Moggi in 1991, a monad is a kind of algebraic data
   type used to represent computations (instead of data in the domain model) -
   we will often call these computations actions
   monads allow the programmer to chain actions together to build an ordered
   sequence, in which each action is decorated with additional processing
   rules provided by the monad and performed automatically
   monads are flexible and abstract. This makes some of their applications a
   bit hard to understand.

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A peculiar type class: Monad (cont.)

   monads can also be used to make imperative programming easier in a pure
   functional language
   in practice, through them it is possible to define an imperative
   sub-language on top of a purely functional one
   there are many examples of monads and tutorials (many of them quite bad)
   available in the Internet

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The Monad Class

class Applicative m => Monad m where
    -- Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced
    -- by the first as an argument to the second.
    (>>=)       :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    -- Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced
    -- by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon)
    -- in imperative languages.
    (>>)        :: m a -> m b -> m b
    m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
    -- Inject a value into the monadic type.
    return      :: a -> m a
    return      = pure
    -- Fail with a message.
    fail        :: String -> m a
    fail s      = error s

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The Monad Class (cont.)

   Note that only >>= is required, all the other methods have standard
   >>= and >> are called bind
   m a is a computation (or action) resulting in a value of type a
   return is by default pure, so it is used to create a single monadic action.
   E.g. return 5 is an action containing the value 5.
   bind operators are used to compose actions
        x >>= y performs the computation x, takes the resulting value and passes it
        to y; then performs y.
        x >> y is analogous, but "throws away" the value obtained by x

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Maybe is a Monad

   Its definition is straightforward
   instance Monad Maybe            where
       (Just x) >>= k               = k x
       Nothing >>= _                = Nothing
       fail _                       = Nothing

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Examples with Maybe

   The information managed automatically by the monad is the “bit” which
   encodes the success (i.e. Just) or failure (i.e. Nothing) of the action
   e.g. Just 4 >> Just 5 >> Nothing >> Just 6 evaluates to Nothing
   a variant: Just 4 >>= Just >> Nothing >> Just 6
   another: Just 4 >> Just 1 >>= Just (what is the result in this case?)

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The monadic laws

   for a monad to behave correctly, method definitions must obey the following
   1) return is the identity element:
         (return x) >>= f        <=>     f x
         m >>= return            <=>     m
   2) associativity for binds:
     (m >>= f) >>= g         <=>         m >>= (\x -> (f x >>= g))
   (monads are analogous to monoids, with return = 1 and >>= = ·)

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Example: monadic laws application with Maybe

   > (return 4 :: Maybe Integer) >>= \x -> Just (x+1)
   Just 5
   > Just 5 >>= return
   Just 5
   > (return 4 >>= \x -> Just (x+1))
               >>= \x -> Just (x*2)
   Just 10
   > return 4 >>= (\y ->
                     ((\x -> Just (x+1)) y)
                   >>= \x -> Just (x*2))
   Just 10

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Syntactic sugar: the do notation

   The do syntax is used to avoid the explicit use of >>= and >>
   The essential translation of do is captured by the following two rules:
     do e1 ; e2            <=>          e1 >> e2
     do p <- e1 ; e2       <=>          e1 >>= \p -> e2
   note that they can also be written as:
     do e1                               do p <- e1
        e2                                  e2
     do { e1 ;                           do { p <- e1 ;
          e2 }                                e2 }

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Caveat: return does not return

   IO is a build-in monad in Haskell: indeed, we used the do notation for
   performing IO
   there are some catches, though – it looks like an imperative sub-language,
   but its semantics is based on bind and pure
   For example:
   esp :: IO Integer
   esp = do x <- return 4
            return (x+1)

   > esp

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The List Monad

   List: monadic binding involves joining together a set of calculations for each
   value in the list
   In practice, bind is concatMap
   instance Monad [] where
       xs >>= f = concatMap f xs
       fail _ = []
   The underlying idea is to represent non-deterministic computations

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Lists: do vs comprehensions

   list comprehensions can be expressed in do notation
   e.g. this comprehension
    [(x,y) | x <- [1,2,3], y <- [1,2,3]]
   is equivalent to:
    do x <- [1,2,3]
       y <- [1,2,3]
       return (x,y)

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the List monad (cont.)

   we can rewrite our example:
     do x <- [1,2,3]
        y <- [1,2,3]
        return (x,y)
   following the monad definition:
     [1,2,3] >>= (\x -> [1,2,3] >>=
                        (\y ->
                          return (x,y)))
   that is:
     concatMap f0 [1,2,3]
     where f0 x = concatMap f1 [1,2,3]
                  where f1 y = [(x,y)]

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Monadic Trees

   We can now to define our own monad with binary trees
   Knowing about lists, it is not too hard:
   instance Monad Tree where
       xs >>= f = tconcmap f xs
       fail _   = Empty

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Now some examples

   Monads are abstract, so monadic code is very flexible, because it can work
   with any instance of Monad
   A simple monadic comprehension:
   exmon :: (Monad m, Num r) => m r -> m r -> m r
   exmon m1 m2 = do x <- m1
                    y <- m2
                    return $ x-y

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Let’s apply it to lists and trees

    First, we try with lists:
    > exmon [10, 11] [1, 7]
    on trees is not much different
    > exmon (Node (Leaf 10) (Leaf 11))                          (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 7))
    Node (Node (Leaf 9) (Leaf 3))
         (Node (Leaf 10) (Leaf 4))

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Not just simple containers

   Monads can be used to implement parsers, continuations, . . .
   and, of course, IO
   Let’s try exmon with IO Int:
   -- read is like in Scheme, here is used to parse the number
   exmon (do putStr "?> "
             x <- getLine;
             return (read x :: Int))
         (return 10)
   What is the result, if we enter 12?

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The State monad

 1   we saw that monads are useful to automatically manage state
 2   (e.g. think about the IO monad)
 3   we now define a general monad to do it – btw it is already available in the
     libraries (see Control.Monad.State)
 4   first of all, we define a type to represent our state:
     data State st a = State (st -> (st, a))
 5   the idea is having a type that represent a computation with a state
 6   remember that we need unary type constructors! The “container” has now
     type constructor State st, because State has two parameters

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State as a functor

 1   First, we know that we need to make State an instance of Functor:
     instance Functor (State st) where
       fmap f (State g) = State (\s -> let (s’, x) = g s
                                       in (s’, f x))
 2   the idea is quite simple: in a value of type State st a we apply f to the
     value of type a (like in all the other examples)

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State as an applicative functor

 1   Then, we need to make State an instance of Applicative:
     instance Applicative (State st) where
       pure x = State (\t -> (t, x))

       (State f) <*> (State g) =
         State (\state -> let (s, f’) = f state
                              (s’, x) = g s
                          in (s’, f’ x))
 2   the idea is similar to the previous one: we apply f :: State st (a -> b) to the
     data part of the monad

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The State monad

 1   The same approach can be used for the monad definition:
     instance Monad (State state) where
       State f >>= g = State (\olds ->
                               let (news, value) = f olds
                                   State f’ = g value
                               in f’ news)

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Running the State monad

 1   An important aspect of this monad is that monadic code does not get
     evaluated to data, but to a function! (Note that State is a function and bind
     is function composition)
 2   In particular, we obtain a function of the initial state
 3   To get a value out of it, we need to call it:
     runStateM :: State state a -> state -> (state, a)
     runStateM (State f) st = f st

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A first toy example

 1   this is an old one, but it was in a different monad
     ex = runStateM
          (do x <- return 5
              return (x+1))
 2   what is the result of evaluating ex?

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  1   Also after the example, it should be clear that, as it is, the state is not really
      used in a computation: it is only passed around unchanged
  2   the point is to move the state to the data part and back, if we want to access
      and modify it in the program
  3   this is easily done with these two utilities:
      getState = State (\state -> (state, state))
      putState new = State (\_ -> (new, ()))

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Another toy example

 1   let’s go back and change a little bit our ex code:
     ex’ = runStateM
           (do x <- getState
               return (x+1))
 2   what is its evaluation?

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Yet another toy example

 1   another variant with putState:
     ex’’ = runStateM
            (do x <- getState
                putState (x+1)
                x <- getState
                return x)
 2   again, what is its evaluation?

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Application: back to trees

 1   the idea is to visit a tree and to give a number (e.g. a unique identifier) to
     each leaf
 2   it is of course possible to do it directly, but we need to define functions
     passing the current value of the current id value around, to be assigned and
     then incremented for the next leaf
 3   but we can also see this id as a state, and obtain we a more elegant and
     general definition by using our State monad

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A monadic map for trees

 1   first we need a monadic map for trees:
     mapTreeM f (Leaf a) = do
       b <- f a
       return (Leaf b)
     mapTreeM f (Branch lhs rhs) = do
       lhs’ <- mapTreeM f lhs
       rhs’ <- mapTreeM f rhs
       return (Branch lhs’ rhs’)

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 1   as far as its type is concerned, we could declare it to be:
     mapTreeM :: (a -> State state b) -> Tree a ->
                 State state (Tree b)
 2   on the other hand, if we omit the declaration, it is inferred by the compiler as:
     mapTreeM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Tree a -> m (Tree b)
 3   this is clearly more general, and means that mapTreeM could work with
     every monad

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Assigning numbers to leaves

 1   It is now easy to do our job:
     numberTree tree = runStateM (mapTreeM number tree) 1
         where number v = do cur <- getState
                             putState (cur+1)
                             return (v,cur)

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 1   Let’s try it with an example tree:
     testTree = Branch (Branch
                        (Leaf ’a’)
                         (Leaf ’b’)
                         (Leaf ’c’)))
                         (Leaf ’d’)
                         (Leaf ’e’))
     snd $ numberTree testTree
 2   we obtain:
     Branch (Branch (Leaf (’a’,1))
                    (Branch (Leaf (’b’,2))
                            (Leaf (’c’,3))))
            (Branch (Leaf (’d’,4)) (Leaf (’e’,5)))

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Another application: logging

 1   In this case, instead of changing the tree, we want to implement a logger,
     that, while visiting the data structure, keeps track of the found data
 2   this is quite easy, if we see the log text as the state of the computation:
     logTree tree = runStateM (mapTreeM collectLog tree) "Log\n"
         where collectLog v = do
                 cur <- getState
                 putState (cur ++ "Found node: " ++ [v] ++ "\n")
                 return v

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 1   Let’s try it with our example tree:
     putStr $ fst $ logTree testTree

     Found   node:       a
     Found   node:       b
     Found   node:       c
     Found   node:       d
     Found   node:       e

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Licensed under Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
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