‘s Self-Assessment
Why Complete a Self-Assessment?
Completing a self-assessment Personal Financial
takes a snapshot of your life, Responsibilities Responsibilities
where you are at right now, and
helps you to determine what’s
important to you at this moment.
Skills Values
In each space, reflect on what’s
going on in your life in each of
these parts of your life. Write a
few words or phrases that capture
Goals and
what it is happening or needs to
Spirituality Priorities
Measuring Progress Needs Date of Interests
In a few months (and without Assessment
looking at previous self-
assessments) complete another
one to see where you are at. What
changed? How are things the Motivations
same or different? What do you
want to work on? Leisure
Activities Health
Self-Assessment by Unknown. Adapted by Social Work Tech (2014) | Ignacio Pacheco
Social This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Work Based on a work by Lazarus, A. (1996). Behavior therapy & beyond. New York, NY: Jason Aronson, Inc.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at