DOKK Library

Special values of trigonometric functions

Authors Dara Adib

License CC-BY-SA-3.0


                                          CHSN REVIEW PROJECT

                    30◦    60◦    45◦        0◦          90◦          180◦         270◦
                           √      √
                     1       3      2
              sin                             0           1            0            −1
                     2      2      2
                     √            √
                       3    1       2
              cos                             1           0           −1             0
                     2      2      2
                       3   √
              tan            3     1          0       undefined        0        undefined
                     √       3
              cot      3           1      undefined       0        undefined         0
                    2 3           √
              sec           2         2       1       undefined       −1        undefined
                           2 3    √
              csc    2                2   undefined       1        undefined        −1

This review guide was written by Dara Adib.
This review guide and other review material are developed by the CHSN Review Project.
Copyright © 2008-2009 Dara Adib. This is a freely licensed work, as explained in the Definition of Free
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org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite
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