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Splunk® Search Head Clustering (SHC) Cheat Sheet (v2.0)

Authors Aplura LLC.

License CC-BY-SA-4.0

   Splunk                     Search Head Clustering (SHC) Cheat Sheet (v2.0)                                                                                   

                                                                       Search Head Clustering
       A Search Head Cluster is a group of Search Heads that work together to create high availability and
       horizontal scaling by sharing configurations, job schedules, and search artifacts

              Captain is the Member whom delegates any                                                                        Deployer is the instances that pushes apps,
              activity on the Members that is not an ad-hoc                                                                   user data, and configurations to the members
              search through out the SHC effectively
              spreading the work load. This includes                                                                          Members are the instances which searches
              controlling replication and pushing knowledge                                                                   and jobs are preformed on
              bundles to Search Peers (Indexers.)
                        The Captain is a roll that rotates between                                                          Note: It is always recommended to use a load
                        Members using an election process. To win the
                        election the Member must receive majority votes
                                                                                                                            balancer with “sticky sessions” enabled to allow for
                        from all the other Members                                                                          continuity of which system a user is using
                        The Captain election process starts when either                                                     Note: Enterprise Security should only be used on a
                        the current Captain restarts, some of the                                                           SHC if the number of concurrent users and/or
                        Members are separated on the network, and/or                                                        concurrent searches exceeds the capacity of a
                        the current Captain steps down due to missing a                                                     maximum speced stand alone instance.
                        majority of the other Members

                                                                                    Deployment Steps
   1 Create the                                       To create a Deployer configure server.conf                                                               Conf   [shclustering]
              Deployer                                                                                                                                                pass4SymmKey = YurPwd
                                                      Restart the Member after this command                                                                           shcluster_label = YurName

                                                      To Initialize the Search Heads run the follow command after you modify it with your chosen
   2 Initialize the                                   information on each Search Head Member
              Members                                                 /splunk init shcluster-config -mgmt_uri https://
                                                                      <LocalSearchheadAddress>:8089 -replication_port <yourPort> -
                                                                      conf_deploy_fetch_url https://<DeployerAddressHere>:8089 -secret
                                                                      shc1node -shcluster_label shcluster1

   3 Boot-Strap                                       Boot-strapping initializes the Captain role for the SHC joining the Members
              the Members                             together. Only run this command on 1 Member
                                                                 /splunk bootstrap shcluster-captain -servers_list "https://spl-
                                                      Restart the member after this command

   4 Apply the                                        It does not matter which Member is used in the command
              First Search                            Always add the “preserve-lookups true” flag
              Head Cluster                               CLI
                                                                      /splunk apply shcluster-bundle --answer-yes -target https://
              Bundle                                                  <AnyMemberNameInSHC>:8089 -preserve-lookups true

                                       The “boot-strap” command and the first “apply shcluster-bundle” command will take a short while to run
       TIPS                            Their will be a different version of the initialize command for each Member.
                                       The order of initializing Members does not matter
                                       Always build a SHC from a new install of Splunk                                                                         CLI     Splunk CLI command

                                                                                                                                                               Conf    Splunk .conf file configuration

   Provided by Aplura, LLC. Splunk Consulting and Application Development Services •
   Splunk is a registered trademark of Splunk, Inc.       This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Many Solutions, One Goal.
                             Management Tricks                                                                                                                 Gotchas
          You have the option to remotely load the                                                                       The setup guide on back is meant for a new SHC
                                                                                                                         deployment only. A SHC migration involves more steps
          Deployer from another Splunk Server.                                                                           and is more complicated.
       CLI      /splunk apply shcluster-bundle --                                                                      The “Deployer” is != the “Deployment Server”
                answer-yes -target https://
                                                                                                                       The “KV store replication” is != the “SHC replication”
                <Any1MemberNameInSHC>:8089 -preserve-
                lookups true -uri https://                                                                             A SHC has a limit of 5000 active and/or unexpired alerts
                <deployeraddress>:8089                                                                                 Once the SHC is created, avoid modifying conf files
                                                                                                                       directly on the members themselves. The SHC will not
                                       This link discusses how you can run                                             replicate changes made directly to any conf file.
        TIPS                           most other Splunk commands remotely                                             The Captain role is chosen by election and will not always
                                                                                                                       be the same server. Use the Monitoring Console or Splunk
                                Troubleshooting                                                                        command “show shcluster-status” to find the Captain
                                                                                                                       The majority of the SHC Members must be online for
        Replication errors: If a Seach Head failes to sync more
                                                                                                                       dynamic Captain selection (Captain election) to occur.
        than 20 consecutive times then it becomes an Error and
        requires a forced sync.                                                                                        Make sure to have necessary network ports for the KV
                                                                                                                       store, SHC replication, and management open before you
       CLI        /splunk resync shcluster-replicated-config
                                                                                                                       initialize the SHC Members
        Replication errors: Make sure the Replication Factor is the
        same on all Search Head Cluster Members.
        Replication errors: Check the Members to see if an
        extremely large Lookup file exists or if the members are
        timing out while pushing/pulling configurations.
                                                                                                                              What causes SHC Replication?
                                                                                                                           Changes made through: Splunk Web, Splunk CLI
        If a SHC looses its majority members for a prolonged                                                               commands, and REST API
        period of time and can not elect a Captain by itself.
        Manually set a temporary Captain as static. Revert the
        SHC to dynamic after the majority of Members are
        restored. Do not leave the SHC in a static Captain state.
                                                                                                                         What gets Replicated (by Default)?
                                                                                                                      alert_actions    manager      searchscripts
                                                KV store                                                             authentication    models        segmenters
       Once the SHC is created the Members also                                                                         authorize       multikv           tags
       cluster the KV store. A single instance assumes                                                                datamodels         nav             times
       the role KV store Captain.                                                                                   event_renderers     panels        transforms
        The KV store Captain handles all write requests for the                                                        eventtypes      passwd     transactiontypes
        cluster’s KV store. Any other KV store request is handled                                                          fields     passwords         ui-prefs
        locally on the instance.                                                                                            html        props         user-prefs
        All instances in the SHC sync from the KV store Captain.                                                          literals    quickstart         views
                                                                                                                         lookups    savedsearches     viewstates
       To view the KV store status:                                                                                      macros       searchbnf   workflow_actions
       CLI                          /splunk show kvstore-status
       If the KV store becomes out of sync you can resync the KV                                                     lookup table, datamodel JSON, nav XML, meta files
       store manually from the SHC Captain:
       CLI              /splunk rsync kvstore
                                                                                                                          Change what is replicated in the SHC by modifying the
        Add the flag below to the command above if you wish to                                                            replication whitelist in server.conf on all members
        use a different Member as the source for the sync instead
        of the SHC Captain
       CLI              -source sourceId                                                                                                 CLI               Splunk CLI command

                                                                                                                                        Conf               Splunk .conf file configuration

   Provided by Aplura, LLC. Splunk Consulting and Application Development Services •
   Splunk is a registered trademark of Splunk, Inc.   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
                                                                                                                                                                                Many Solutions, One Goal.