DOKK Library

Succeeding on the Bleeding Edge

Authors Allan McRae

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

     Succeeding on the
       Bleeding Edge

Allan McRae

    Arch Linux

    Development process

    Involvement of the community

    Future plans
    About Me...

    Not a “computer person” by day...

    Arch Linux developer for 5 years

    Responsible for the GNU Toolchain and
    related packages

    One of the primary Pacman package
    manager developers
    Arch Linux – Overview

    From the website:

     “Arch Linux is a versatile, and simple
      distribution designed to fit the needs
      of the competent Linux user.”

     “A lightweight and flexible Linux
      distribution that tries to Keep It
    Linux Distributions

    Distrowatch tracks 319 active
    Linux distributions (with 340
    more on the waiting list)

    Many are variants of another

    GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline
        480 distributions
        Major clusters starting at
        Debian, Slackware, Red Hat
Linux Distributions – Arch Based
    What Separates Linux Distros?

    Target audience

    CPU architecture

    Software selection

    Software management
    What Separates Linux Distros?

    Target audience
       Beginner or experienced users?
       Desktop or server usage?
       Live distro?
       Specialist purpose (rescue, audio, ...)

    CPU architecture
      i686, x86-64, ARM, PPC, SPARC, ...
    What Separates Linux Distros?

    Software selection
         Desktop environment
            (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDM, …)

         Specialist software
            (audio, scientific, gaming, …)

         Proprietary software availability

         Default filesystem

    What Separates Linux Distros?

    Software management

    From a distributions point of view:
       How often are packages updated?
       When are new releases made?
       How long are releases supported for?

    From a users point of view:
       How do I find and install software?
       How do I keep my system up-to-date?
    The Standard Release Model

    Most Linux distributions make a release
    then only provide security updates for
    software until their next major release

    Requires a major update, typically every six

    Can be easier to re-install...

    Requires waiting for the latest software
    (or installing from unsupported sources)
    The Rolling Release Model

    (There are six kinds of rolling release
    according to Wikipedia...)

    Software is continuously updated as newer
    versions are released

    No major distribution releases are made, as
    users continuously are upgrading to the
    “new version”

    Can be less stable...
    Rolling Release and Arch Linux

    Arch Linux is on the extreme of rolling
    release systems

    Packages are typically updated within a few
    days of release (sometimes within minutes!)

    Only keep latest version of software in our
    Software Management

    How a user deals with software installation
    and updates is one of the most important
    aspects of a Linux distribution

    There are two main package management
    systems in Linux:
       RPM – use by Red Hat, openSUSE, …
            (rpm → yum → ...)
       deb – used by Debian and its derivatives
            (dpkg → apt → synaptics)
       many others...
    Arch Linux Package Manager

    Uses the “pacman” package manager

    Combines a simple binary package format
    with easy to use build system

    Fast! - according to Linux Format it beats
    the competition by a wide margin

    Does everything you expect from a package
    manager (update system, resolve
    dependencies, ...)
    Package Creation

    Very simple scripts required to create a

    If you can build the software manually, then
    you can create a package for it

    Tool provided to build packages called

    Build script is placed in a file called a
    Package Creation

    Start with how you would normally install a

    $   tar -xf <pkgname>-<pkgver>
    $   cd <pkgname>-<pkgver>
    $   ./configure
    $   make
    $   sudo make install
    Package Creation

    Separate out the parts run as a user and
    root into separate functions:

    $ tar -xf <pkgname>-<pkgver>
    $ cd <pkgname>-<pkgver>

    build() {

    package() {
      make install
    Package Creation

    makepkg will automatically handle source
    extraction into “$srcdir”

    build() {
      cd $srcdir/<pkgname>-<pkgver>

    package() {
      cd $srcdir/<pkgname>-<pkgver>
      make install
    Package Creation

    Files need to be installed in “$pkgdir”,
    which is compressed to make the package:

    build() {
      cd $srcdir-<pkgname>-<pkgver>
      ./configure –prefix=/usr

    package() {
      cd $srcdir-<pkgname>-<pkgver>
      make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
    Package Creation

    Add some information about the package at
    the top of the file:

    pkgdesc="Example software"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    Package Creation

    makepkg automates many common
    packaging tasks:
      Stripping debugging symbols from
      Compressing man and info pages
      Setting compiler/linker options
      Removing common unwanted files
          (libtool, infodir, …)
    Package Creation

    A single file is placed in the $pkgdir
    directory with all the needed package

    Then a (compressed) tar archive of the
    $pkgdir directory is created

    Package Creation

    PKGBUILDs are written in Bash
       Easy to create
       Easy to interpret

    Makes contributing PKGBUILDs for your
    favourite software simple!

    Working on simplifying PKGBUILDs further
    without losing simplicity
       VCS source URLs
       Common packaging functions?
    Arch Linux Development

    “Community based” distribution
       (No-one gets paid)

    Relatively small team
       33 Developers (many inactive...)
       37 Trusted Users
       + Forum Moderators, IRC Ops, Wiki
           Maintainers, Bug Wranglers, …

    Lots of involvement from users

    Maintain the core of the distribution

    Make global decisions on that effect the
    entire distribution

    Maintain packages in the two primary
    repositories – [core] and [extra]

    [core] - ~200 packages
       Everything critical to boot-up and
       software packaging
       All packages go through a testing and
       sign-off procedure

    [extra] - ~2,800 packages
       Widely used (>5%) software
       Desktop environments, multimedia,
       programming language interpreters,
       office, ...
    Trusted Users

    “Independently” governed group

    Provide popular software(>1% usage) in the
    [community] repository to supplement the
    [extra] repository

    ~2,900 packages
    Becoming a Developer

    Actively contribute to the community
       Provide PKGBUILDs for unpackaged
       Fixing bugs
       Contributing code to our projects

    Apply to become a Trusted User
         Sponsoring and voting process...

    Be invited onto the Developer team
    How Is Development Co-ordinated?

    Mostly... it is not...

    Developers typically maintain a set of

    Within that set of packages they have
    complete control

    Give other developers a “heads-up” if
    changes are going to have wider
    consequences to the distribution
My Packages

     gcc       Core Utilities
 Autotools           sed
   autoconf         gawk
  automake           tar
      m4           texinfo
    libtool           ...
    Co-ordination Between Developers

    We have a TODO list system for when a
    package update is going to require other
    developers adjusting their package(s)
    Decision Making Process

    A discussion is started on the mailing lists
    for major changes that have effects beyond
    the developers set of packages

    Focus on technical reasons of why the
    proposed change is better

    No formal voting – decisions are made by
    lack of objection to a proposal
    Example - systemd

    systemd is a Linux init system

    First process to get started during boot-up

    Starts all other processes

       Parallel start-up
       Service start-up determined by simple
       configuration file
       Service dependency management
       Common configuration mechanism
    Example - systemd

    First packages for system were placed in
    AUR in 2010

    Lots of work was required to make it work
    with Arch

    “I'm highly dubious that Arch's kernel
     will ever natively support systemd, but
     I'm willing to give that a try as well
     once 2.6.36 hits.”
    Example - systemd

    Over the next two years...

    Moving to a standardised way of configuring
    aspects a system was seen as an advantage

    Changes were made to the Arch Linux init
    system to use these configuration files

    Started using systemd tools to do the
    Example - systemd

          systemd was considered stable

          Bugs in the old Arch init system were
          being fixed using more and more
          systemd tools

          systemd service files began to be
          supplied by upstream projects

          Decision was made to switch init
    Example - systemd

    This decision caused A LOT of controversy...

    The old system was seen as more simple:
       Shell script – easier to debug?
       Single configuration file

    However, “keeping it simple” as used by
    Arch has a different meaning:
         Minimise Arch specific changes to
    How Does It All Fit Together?

    Software developers write code that is
    supposed to work...

    By minimising Arch Linux specific changes
    to software, we ensure software fits
    together as its developer intended
    Vanilla Packages

    Means packaging the software as the
    upstream developer intended

    Minimise patching – preferably only to fix
    build issues

    Result in any bug we find is (probably) not
    distribution specific

    Allows us to work more closely with
    software developers to fix bugs
    Working With Software Developers

    All bug fix patches in Arch must be approved
    by the software developer

    That means that the Arch developers and
    community have become regular code

    Many Arch developers also have commit
    access to upstream projects
    Working With Software Developers

    Increasingly common choice for software
    Community Involvement

    Users are strongly encouraged to contribute
    toward Arch Linux in may ways:
         Help on the forums / IRC / mailing lists

         Contribute PKGBUILDs

         Documentation on the wiki

         Provide specialist package repositories

    AUR – Arch User Repository

    Collection of user submitted PKGBUILDs that
    supplement software available from the
    official repositories
       >40,000 packages
       170 new packages in last 7 days
       820 updated in last 7 days
       ~16,000 updated in the last year...

    Some software represented multiple times
       Developmental versions
       Specific configure options
    AUR – Arch User Repository

    Anyone can submit packages

    Entirely community supported and reviewed

    Completely unsupported officially
      (use at your own risk...)

    Surprisingly high quality

    Many tools that allow installing from the
    AUR as simply as installing from official
    Arch Linux Wiki

    Rapidly becoming one of the premier
    sources of Linux information

    Vanilla packages mean the information
    provided probably works on other
    Arch Linux ARM

    Non-official spin-off for the ARM

    One of the distros recommended for the
    Raspberry Pi
    Future Directions for Arch Linux

    Majority response...

      “Keep updating packages”

    Add more focus on a particular areas

    Add more architectures

    Simplify the system further
    Keeping Packages Updated

    One of Arch Linux's greatest contributions
    to the Linux community

    Arch gets packages in their stable
    repositories before some major distributions
    get it in their developmental versions

    The Arch community will identify bugs early
    and report the issue to the software

    Fixes benefit all Linux distributions
    Add More Architectures

    Currently we support x86 in 32bit (i686) and
    64bit (x86-64) varieties

    There are community projects supporting
    other architectures
        ARM (v5, v6, v7)

    Would be good to provide a way for these
    ports to become official (like x86-64 did)
    Simplifying the Filesystem

    Usual filesystem layout has a lot of

    Simplifying the Filesystem


    /lib        (essential libraries)
        /lib    (rest of libraries)
    Simplifying the Filesystem

    Keep all libraries in one place

    /lib -> /usr/lib
    Simplifying the Filesystem

    Executables – distinction between
    directories is vague...

    /bin       (essential user commands)
    /lib -> /usr/lib
    /sbin      (system commands)
        /bin   (most commands)
        /sbin  (non-essential system)
    Simplifying the Filesystem

    Keep all libraries in one place

    /bin -> /usr/bin
    /lib -> /usr/lib
    /sbin -> /usr/bin
        /sbin -> bin
    Simplifying the Filesystem

    /etc directory holds all configuration files

    Beginning to have these placed in
    /usr/lib/<pkgname> with files in /etc
    overriding the default settings

    Would be very helpful for a rolling release

    Requires substantial work with upstream
    projects to achieve...
    Simplifying the Packaging System

    Many packaging task are overly repetitive...

       Many packages use simple “cmmi”
       all Perl module packages look the same
       Any time a font is installed, the font cache
       needs updated
       Updated info packages need added to the
       info index

    Want to remove the repitition without
    adding complexity to packaging system
    Automating More Packaging

    Task like rebuilds for library soname
    changes are typically trivial

    Would save a lot of time if we could
    automate (most of) this

    Most packages do not require architecture
    specific changes – build for one and
    automate the rest

    Would allow us to focus more on improving
    other areas of the distribution

    The SINFO organisers for flying me over to
    talk about Arch Linux

    To every who responded to my request for
    information about what they planned to do
    with Arch Linux     (even if I did not use much of it...)

    The Arch Linux community for everything
    that they contribute!

    This material is made available under the
    terms of the “Creative Commons Attribution
    – Share Alike 3.0 License”
