DOKK Library

The Argo software perspective. A multicore programming exercise.

Authors Rasmus Bo Sørensen

License CC-BY-SA-4.0

The Argo software perspective
     A multicore programming exercise

         Rasmus Bo Sørensen
          Updated by Luca Pezzarossa

              April 4, 2018
Copyright © 2017 Technical University of Denmark
               This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This exercise manual is written for the course ‘02211 Advanced Computer Architecture’ at the Technical Univer-
sity of Denmark, but is intended as a stand-alone document for anybody interested in learning about multicore
programming with the Argo Network-on-Chip.
   This document is subject to continuous development along with the platform it describes. In case you have sug-
gestions for improvement or find that the text is unclear and needs to be elaborated, please write to
or The latest version of this document is contained as LaTeX source in the Patmos repository in
directory patmos/doc and can be built with make noc.



Preface                                                                                                                                                                                                iii

1. Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                         1

2. The Architecture of Argo                                                                                                                                                                             3

3. Application Programming Interface                                                                                                                                                                    5
   3.1. Corethread Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                          5
   3.2. NoC Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                          5
   3.3. Message Passing Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                           6

4. Exercises                                                                                                                                                                                            9
   4.1. Circulating tokens .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    9
        4.1.1. Task 1 . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    9
        4.1.2. Task 2 . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   10
        4.1.3. Task 3 . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   11
        4.1.4. Task 4 . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   11
        4.1.5. Extensions      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   11

A. Build And Execute Instructions                                                                                                                                                                      13
   A.1. Build and configure the hardware platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   A.2. Compile and execute a multicore program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Bibliography                                                                                                                                                                                           15

1. Introduction
This document presents the background required to write a multicore program utilizing the Argo NoC [1] for
intercore communication in the T-CREST plaform [2]. The exercises should give the reader a good understanding
of how the Argo NoC can be utilized in a multicore application. The reader will get experience in how to write a
multicore application that uses message passing. In the exercises, we assume that the reader is familiar with the
C programming language and multi-threaded programming in general. Furthermore, we assume that the reader
has already run a single core application on a Patmos processor in an FPGA, refer to the Patmos handbook [3] for
details on the Patmos processor.
   An example of the multicore platform is shown in Fig. 1.1. Core P0 is referred to as the master core, and the
rest of the cores are referred to as slave cores. The reason that P0 is the master core is that when an application is
downloaded to the platform, the application starts executing main() on the master core; also the serial console is
connected to the master core. All cores are connected to the shared external memory, but the bandwidth towards
the external memory is quite low. Therefore, the programmer should utilize the NoC as much as possible for
core-to-core communication.

                    Processor core
         Config. IF                            Data IF

                                               SPM                        P0                  P1
                                               R     W


                                                                                     R             N      R
           TDM          Sch.        DMA
           cnt.         table       table

                  Network interface                                       P2                  P3



                                                                                     R                    R

Figure 1.1.: The Patmos multicore platform with the Argo NoC for intercore communication. The core with id 0
             is referred to as the master core, and the rest of the cores are referred to as the slave cores.

   Chapter 2 presents the architecture of the Argo Network-on-Chip. Chapter 3 describes the programming in-
terface of the multicore platform, including the thread library and the high-level message passing. Chapter 4
contains the practical exercises to give the reader a practical introduction to the platform. Finally, Appendix A
describes the practical aspects of loading the program into the platform running in an FPGA.

1. Introduction

2. The Architecture of Argo
The Argo network-on-chip (NoC) is a time-predictable core-to-core interconnect. Argo can provide communi-
cation channels that have a guaranteed minimum bandwidth and maximum latency. Argo uses direct memory
access (DMA) controllers to perform write transactions through the NoC that is interleaved with the TDM sched-
ule. When Argo performs a write transaction through the NoC, it moves a block of data from the local scratchpad
memory (SPM) to the SPM of another core in the network.
   The guarantees on bandwidth and latency are enforced by a static time division multiplexing (TDM) schedule,
where the network resources are allocated to communication channels. A TDM schedule is generated by the
Poseidon TDM scheduler, based on some bandwidth requirements that are given in XML format. The statically
allocated TDM schedule is loaded into hardware tables in the network interface when the platform boots. It is
possible to reconfigure a new schedule at runtime with the reconfiguration capabilities of the Argo NoC, but since
the reconfiguration capabilities are not needed for these exercises, they are not described in this document. In
these exercises, we assume the default all-to-all schedule where all cores have communication channels to all
other cores.
   Figure 2.1 shows the architecture of the Argo NoC. The DMA block in the figure contains a table of DMA
entries, each entry describes a DMA controller that can send to a remote processor. Each DMA controller is

                              Processor core                                                      Processor core

                  Processor                                                           Processor

      IM/I$       DM/D$                                                   IM/I$       DM/D$

                          CDC        SPM                                                      CDC        SPM

                          DMA                                                                 DMA
              Network                                                             Network
              Interface                                                           Interface

         Router                    Router              . . .                 Router

Figure 2.1.: The Argo architecture from a software perspective. A DMA write transaction moves the specified
             block of data from the communication SPM of the processor on the left to the specified location in
             the communication SPM of the processor on the right.

2. The Architecture of Argo

paired with a communication channel when the network is configured. To transfer a block of data from a local
SPM to a remote SPM, there are 2 steps:
    1. Store the block of data in the local SPM
    2. Through the network interface set up the DMA controller that is paired with the correct communication
       channel by:
          • Writing the local address of the block of data and the remote address to which the block of data should
            be moved
          • Writing the size of the block of data
          • Setting the ‘active’ bit in the DMA entry to 1
After step 2 the DMA will start to transfer data in each TDM slot that is allocated to the specified communication
channel. When the DMA has transferred all packets through the network the ‘active’ bit is reset by the NI for that
DMA entry. The ‘active’ bit can be pooled to wait for the DMA to finish.
  Conflicts of reading and writing to the same addresses in the dual ported SPMs has to be handled by software;
there is no protection in hardware.

3. Application Programming Interface
This chapter describes the Argo application programming interface (API). The Argo API is made up of three
libraries, the thread library libcorethread, the NoC Driver library libnoc, and the message passing library
libmp. In the following three sections, we give an overview of the three libraries.

3.1. Corethread Library
When an application starts executing on the platform, main() is executed only on the master core with core ID
0. From the main() function the programmer can start the execution of a function on the slave cores using the
functions in the libcorethread library. The functions of the libcorethread library are:
int corethread_create( int core_id, void(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg ) )
     The create function will start the execution of the start_routine function on the core specified by
     core_id, an argument can be given to the started function via the arg pointer. The start function should
      only be called by the master core during the initialization phase of the application.
void corethread_exit( void * retval )
     The exit function can be called in the start_routine functions if they need to return a value to the master
      core. The exit function should be called as the last thing before the return statement.
int corethread_join( int core_id, void ** retval )
      The join function will join the program flow of the master core with the program flow of the core specified
      by core_id, and the join function should only be called from the master core. The join function will point
      the retval pointer to the return value allocated by the thread on the slave core. Be aware, the return value
      should not be allocated on the stack of the slave core!

3.2. NoC Driver
The NoC driver libnoc provides direct access to the hardware functionality and only abstracts the low-level
accesses to hardware registers away. There are driver functions for initialization of the NoC and for setting up
DMA transfers. The libnoc library is linked together with the auto-generated c file from the Poseidon scheduler.
The auto-generated c file contains the schedule data. The initialization of the NoC is done automatically before
the main() function starts executing, if the compiler sees that the application uses any functions from the NoC
driver. If the application requires direct control over data movement through the NoC the following functions can
be used, but it is very advisable to use the message passing library presented in Section 3.3 to reduce the amount
of manual memory allocation.

int noc_dma_done( unsigned dma_id )
      The done function is used to tell whether a local DMA transfer has finished.
int noc_nbwrite( unsigned dma_id, volatile void _SPM *dst, volatile void _SPM *src,
size_t size )
     The nbwrite function is a non-blocking function for writing a block of data at the address src of size size
     to the core with the core id dma_id and the remote address dst. The nbwrite function will fail if the DMA
      controller is still sending the previous block of data.
void noc_write( unsigned dma_id, volatile void _SPM *dst, volatile void _SPM *src, size_t
size )
      The write function is calling the nbwrite in a while loop until it returns success.

3. Application Programming Interface

3.3. Message Passing Library
The libmp adds flow control, buffering and memory management on top of the libnoc. libmp implements
two different concepts of message passing, queuing message passing and sampling message passing. Queuing
message passing implements a first-in-first-out queue where all messages have to be consumed by the receiver.
Sampling message passing implements atomic updated of a sample value, this sample value can be read multiple
times or not read at all before the next update.
   To communicate from one core to another, each core must create a port of the same type, either sampling or
queuing. There must be one source port and one sink port. Furthermore, the unique channel identifier for the two
ports must be the same.

void _SPM * mp_alloc( coreid_t id, unsigned size )
      The alloc function will allocate a block of memory of size size in the SPM local to the core with the id id.
      The alloc function can only be called from the master core executing main() and once the memory block
      is allocated, it cannot be freed. In the current version of the software, the alloc function will not give an
      out of memory error, so the programmer should be aware to not allocate more local memory than what is
qpd_t * mp_create_qport( unsigned int chan_id, direction_t direction_type, size_t
msg_size, size_t num_buf)
      The create_qport function allocates the static buffer structures of a communication channel and initializes
      the queuing port descriptor qpd_ptr. The communication channel is set up between the sending core
      sender and the receiving core receiver. The communication channel will transfer messages of size
      msg_size and buffer a number of num_buf messages in the receiver SPM.

int mp_nbsend( mpd_t* mpd_ptr )
      The nbsend function checks if there is a free buffer in the receiver and if the DMA controller for the given
      communication channel is free. If both are free, it will set up the DMA to transfer the new block of data.
      The nbsend function assumes that the user/application already wrote the data to be sent to the write_buf
void mp_send( mpd_t* mpd_ptr, const unsigned int timeout_usecs )
      The send function calls the nb_send function in a loop until it returns success. Put timeout_usecs at 0 if
      not used.
int mp_nbrecv( mpd_t* mpd_ptr )
      The nbrecv function checks if the next buffer, in the buffer queue, has received a complete message. If
      a message is received, it will move the read_buf pointer to the beginning of the message, such that the
      user/application can read the received data.
void mp_recv( mpd_t* mpd_ptr, const unsigned int timeout_usecs )
      The recv function calls the nb_recv function in a loop until it returns success. Put timeout_usecs at 0 if
      not used.
int mp_nback( mpd_t* mpd_ptr )
      The nback function increment the number of messages that has been acknowledged and sends the updated
      value to the sender core, if the send does not succeed the number of acknowledged messages is decre-
void mp_ack( mpd_t* mpd_ptr, const unsigned int timeout_usecs )
      The ack function calls the nb_ack function in a loop until it returns success. Put timeout_usecs at 0 if not
spd_t * mp_create_sport(unsigned int chan_id, direction_t direction_type, size_t
      The create_sport function allocates the static buffer structures of a communication channel and initializes
      the sampling port descriptor spd_ptr. The communication channel is set up between the writer core and
      the reader core. The communication channel will transfer messages of size sample_size.

                                                                                     3.3. Message Passing Library

int mp_write(spd_t * sport, volatile void _SPM * sample)
    The write function writes the sample to the specified sampling port.
int mp_read(spd_t * sport, volatile void _SPM * sample)
    The read function reads a sample from the specified sampling port and places the sample according to the
    sample pointer.
int mp_init_ports()
    The init_ports function initializes all the created ports. All ports shall be created in the initialization phase
    of the program, and all cores need to call the init_ports function to initialize its local ports.

3. Application Programming Interface

4. Exercises
The following exercises are made to run on the default 9 core platform for the Altera DE2-115 board. Please refer
to the Appendix A.1 for instructions on how to build an up-to-date hardware platform.

4.1. Circulating tokens
By creating an application that mimics streaming behavior between a number of processors, this exercise will
illustrate to the reader how the basics of message passing work on Argo. In this exercise, we will make an
application that circulates a number of tokens in a ring of 8 slave processors. The number of tokens should be
configurable, but always less than the number of processors. Each of the processors in the ring shall repeatedly
execute the following 4 steps:

     1. Receive a token from the previous processor

     2. Turn on the processor LED to indicate that the token is being processed
     3. Wait for a random amount of time in the interval [100 ms; 1 s]
     4. Send the token to the next processor, when the send is complete Turn off the processor LED to indicate
        the token has been processed

Looking at the LEDs when the application runs, the reader should see tokens move from one LED to the other.
This behavior should be easy to observe with only a few tokens. This exercise is split into 4 tasks:

     1. Create a function that blinks an LED and create a thread on each slave core that executes the blink
     2. Extend the blink function to turn the LED on and off at random times
     3. Extend the blink function to receive a message from the previous core in the ring and send a message
        to the next core in the ring

     4. Change the blink function such that it sends the random seed value along with the token

In each task you should verify that your program is working as expected by compiling and downloading it to the
platform. Figure 4.1 shows the libraries to include in your program and the definition of the NoC master core as
core 0. Moreover, it shows some useful functions to get information related to the multicore platform.

4.1.1. Task 1
In this task, you should create a function that blinks the LED and execute the function on the slave processors.
The frequency of blinking the LED should be in the order of 1 - 10 Hz so that it is visible to the eye. Figure 4.2
shows an example of how to blink an LED, where the frequency of the blinking is set through a parameter of the
blinking function. To turn the LED on and off, write a 1 and 0, respectively to the hardware address of the LED.

4. Exercises

         const int NOC_MASTER = 0;
         #include <stdio.h>
         #include <string.h>
         #include <stdlib.h>
         #include <machine/patmos.h>
         #include "libcorethread/corethread.h"
         #include "libmp/mp.h"

         get_cpucnt(); // returns the number of cores
         get_cpuid(); // returns the core ID

             Figure 4.1.: Libraries to include, definition of the NoC master, and some useful functions.

         //blink function, period=0 -> ~10Hz, period=255 -> ~1Hz
         void blink(int period) {
             // The hardware address of the LED
             #define LED ( *( ( volatile _IODEV unsigned * ) 0xF0090000 ) )

               for (;;)
                   for (int i=400000+14117*period; i!=0; --i){LED = 1;}
                   for (int i=400000+14117*period; i!=0; --i){LED = 0;}

                Figure 4.2.: An example of a function to blink a LED with the period as parameter.

  To execute the blink() function on the slave core there is an example of how to call the corethread_create()
function in Figure 4.3. Section 3.1 explains in further detail, how corethreads are started on slave processors and
how a parameter can be passed to the function.

Expected output      The 8 LEDs on the board should all blink with the specified frequency.

4.1.2. Task 2

In task 2 you shall extend the blink function from task 1 to turn the LED on and off at random times. We suggest
to use the rand_r() function to generate a random number, rand_r() takes a pointer to a seed value in order to
generate a random number. Do not use the rand() function as it is not thread-safe. The seed value in each core
should be different; otherwise, all cores have the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
   Use the lower bits of the random number to generate a number on the desired range. The get_cpu_usecs()
function returns the value of the microsecond counter as an unsigned long long.

Expected output      The 8 LEDs should now independently blink with random varying frequencies.

                                                                                           4.1. Circulating tokens

             void loop(void* arg) {
               int num_tokens = *((int*)arg);
                 Write code in the slave loop

             int main() {
               int worker_id = 1; // The core ID
               int parameter = 42;
               corethread_create( worker_id, &loop, (void*) &parameter );

                 int* res;
                 corethread_join( worker_id, &res ); // No return value is returned

                 return *res;

                                Figure 4.3.: An example of how to create a corethread.

4.1.3. Task 3
In this task, you will start sending messages in order to move the tokens between the slave cores. The use of the
message passing function is described in Section 3.3. The initialization of the message passing channels shall be
done in the slave threads, and before messages can be sent or received, each slave needs to initialize the message
passing channels with the mp_chan_init() function. Figure 4.4 shows an example of how slave core 1 opens a
source port (to send) towards core 2 and how slave core 2 opens a sink port (to receive) form core 1, creating a
communication channel identified by the id 1 (first parameter in the function).

Expected output        It should now be observable that the tokens move between cores.

4.1.4. Task 4
For the sake of the example, you should now pair a seed value to each token. To send the seed value along with
the message, you need to write the seed value into the write_buf before sending the message, and read out the
seed value from the read_buf after receiving a message. Figure 4.5 shows an example of how to receive, send,
acknowledge reception, read, and write message data.

Expected output        It should now be observable that the tokens move between cores, like task 3 but with random

4.1.5. Extensions
If you have more time left or just can not get enough of programming message passing applications, you can
extend your application in several ways:
    • Move the calculation of random numbers to core 0. Core 0 shall act like a server replying with a new
      random number when it receives a message from any of the slave cores.
    • Create a mechanism that terminates the execution of the blink function on the slaves when the master is
      signaled to stop thought the terminal.

4. Exercises

         #define MP_CHAN_NUM_BUF 2
         #define MP_CHAN_BUF_SIZE 40


         // Slave function running on core 1
         void slave1(void* param) {
             // Create the port for channel 1
             qpd_t * chan1 = mp_create_qport(1, SOURCE,

               // Do something

         // Slave function running on core 2
         void slave2(void* param) {
             // Create the port for channel 1
             qpd_t * chan1 = mp_create_qport(1, SINK,

               // Do something

                      Figure 4.4.: An example of how to create a communication channel.

         // Receiving, reading and acknowledge reception of
         // an unsigned integer value from the channel read buffer
         seed = *(( volatile int _SPM * ) ( chan->read_buf ));

         // Writing an unsigned integer value to the channel
         // write buffer and sending it.
         *( volatile int _SPM * ) ( chan->write_buf ) = seed;

     Figure 4.5.: An example of how to receive, send, acknowledge reception, read, and write message data.

A. Build And Execute Instructions
In this chapter, we present the details on how to build and configure the hardware platform and compile and
execute a multicore program on the platform.

A.1. Build and configure the hardware platform
The Aegean framework generates a hardware description from an XML description. The default XML description
for the Altera DE2-115 board with 9 cores has an external shared memory and an Argo network-on-chip. To build
the platform run the following commands:

cd ~/t-crest/aegean
make AEGEAN_PLATFORM=altde2-115-9core platform synth

The make command will generate a platform as described in the config/altde2-115-9core.xml file. When
the platform description is generated, then it will be synthesised. When the synthesis is finished the multicore
platform can be configured into the FPGA using the following commands:

cd ~/t-crest
make -C aegean AEGEAN_PLATFORM=altde2-115-9core config

   If you experience problems in building the multicore platform, you may need to update your T-CREST reposito-
ries to the newest version and re-build the project with the following commands before re-executing the commands
listed above:

cd ~/t-crest/
./misc/gitall pull
cd ~/t-crest/argo/
git pull
cd ~/t-crest/
./misc/ -c

  If you still experience problems, please send an email to (Luca Pezzarossa).

A.2. Compile and execute a multicore program
There is no difference between compiling a single core program and a multicore program. Furthermore, a single
core program can execute in a multicore platform without any modifications. To compile a multicore program,
place it in the patmos/c/ directory and run the following commands:

cd ~/t-crest
make -C patmos APP=${APP_NAME} comp

  The comp target will compile the C program in the file patmos/c/${APP_NAME}.c and output an .elf file
patmos/tmp/${APP_NAME}.elf. When compiling a program that includes either “libmp/mp.h” or “libnoc/noc.h”,
the nocinit.c, generated by the Aegean framework, is included needed, as this contains the configuration data
for the Argo NoC. To download the program to the configured FPGA, run the following commands:

cd ~/t-crest
make -C patmos APP=${APP_NAME} download

A. Build And Execute Instructions

  The download target of the Makefile depends on the comp target, therefore it is not necessary to execute the
comp target before every download. Also, it is not strictly necessary to configure the FPGA with the hardware
platform between each download of a program, but we advise you to do so. This will ensure that the hardware
platform is probably initialized before you download a program.

[1] E. Kasapaki, M. Schoeberl, R. B. Sørensen, C. T. Müller, K. Goossens, and J. Sparsø. Argo: A real-time
    network-on-chip architecture with an efficient GALS implementation. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
    Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 24:479–492, 2016.

[2] M. Schoeberl, S. Abbaspour, B. Akesson, N. Audsley, R. Capasso, J. Garside, K. Goossens, S. Goossens,
    S. Hansen, R. Heckmann, S. Hepp, B. Huber, A. Jordan, E. Kasapaki, J. Knoop, Y. Li, D. Prokesch,
    W. Puffitsch, P. Puschner, A. Rocha, C. Silva, J. Sparsø, and A. Tocchi. T-CREST: Time-predictable multi-
    core architecture for embedded systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 61(9):449–471, 2015.
[3] M. Schoeberl, F. Brandner, S. Hepp, W. Puffitsch, and D. Prokesch. Patmos reference handbook. Technical
    report, 2014.
