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The Cycle of Change

Authors Ignacio Pacheco

License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0

The Cycle of Change                                                                             Pre-
Prochaska & DiClemente                                                                     No intention on
• Precontemplation: A logical starting
  point for the model, where there is                                                        behavior.
  no intention of changing behavior;
                                                        Relapse                                                        Contemplation
  the person may be unaware that a                  Fall back to                                                        Aware problem
  problem exists
• Contemplation: The person becomes
                                                   old patterns of                                                     exists but with no
  aware that there is a problem, but has              behavior                                                          commitment to
  made no commitment to change                                                                                               action.
• Preparation: The person is intent on
  taking action to correct the problem;
  usually requires buy-in from the client
  (i.e. the client is convinced that the
  change is good) and increased self-
  efficacy (i.e. the client believes s/he
  can make change)
                                                                                        Upward Spiral
• Action: The person is in active
                                                                                  Learn from each relapse
  modification of behavior                         Maintenance                                                          Preparation
• Maintenance: Sustained change
                                                 Sustained change.                                                      Intent on taking
  occurs and new behavior(s) replaces
  old ones. Per this model, this stage is         New behavior                                                         action to address
  also transitional
                                                   replaces old.                                                          the problem.
• Relapse: The person falls back into
  old patterns of behavior
• Upward Spiral: Each time a person                                                               Action
  goes through the cycle, they learn
  from each relapse and (hopefully) grow
                                                                                         Active modification
  stronger so that relapse is shorter or                                                    of behavior.
  less devastating.
             The Cycle of Change
             Adapted from a work by Prochaska and DiClemente (1983) | Ignacio Pacheco
             This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
             Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
             Version 3.4 Updated 09 September 2018