International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
Web - Based Game Development Proposal
Shahbaj Ahmad
Abstract: In this report, a web-based game is proposed which would involve graphical entertainment in the form of puzzles, to be
solved by the students at the university. An online game with interactive learning will satisfy the basic needs of the learning
environment and will offer an engaging learning experience to the university’s students. A web-based game is an excellent way to
achieve students’ attention and create learning situations and techniques to engage them. It would be education and entertainment
combined with advanced technology available on various platforms like tablets, PCs, smartphones, etc. Students can easily utilize it as a
digital platform to gain supplemental knowledge through entertainment.
Keywords: Language, Java, Functionality, JavaScript, Web Format, HTML, Web Server, University Database, JavaScript enabled web
browser, Web audio, full screen API input, Logical system architecture
1. Introduction Legal Constraints
The proposed game may require further analysis on
In this report, a web - based game is proposed which would copyright (Weebly, n.d.), licensing agreement, patent, and
involve graphical entertainment in the form of puzzles, to be trademark. It would be essential to perform a freedom - to -
solved by the students at the university. An online game operate search within the vicinity of the university where it
with interactive learning will satisfy the basic needs of the would be offered to the students for playing. Copyrighting
learning environment and will offer an engaging learning the idea of the game will prevent it from being copied by
experience to the university’s students. A web - based game others which may otherwise lead to legal issues for the
is an excellent way to achieve students’ attention and create copiers. The idea of the game may be patented if it is new
learning situations and techniques to engage them. It would and does not already exist in the market in any form.
be education and entertainment combined with advanced
technology available on various platforms like tablets, PCs, Economic feasibility
smartphones, etc. Students can easily utilize it as a digital This feasibility shall include the overall cost of all the
platform to gain supplemental knowledge through resources required to build the game. This will include the
entertainment. cost of each employee dedicated to the game development,
and the amount to be charged from the client (university in
The following sections discuss the feasibility of the web - this case) for developing and maintaining the online game.
based game for the students at the university in question.
The legal and social aspect, economic feasibility, and The technical team will include a programmer cum manager
technical feasibility is discussed in detail. The cost who would be proficient in 2 languages, another
estimation including technical team expenses, the cost of programmer having expertise in one programming language,
game development, and the total cost recommendation are a graphic specialist, a narrative designer, and a software
further discussed. The technology proposed in the report for tester.
developing the game is the waterfall model. The use cases
justifying the design along with the sequence diagram of The client has specified that the delivery of the game project
playing the game are covered. The game’s system is is required within 6 months approximately. Therefore, the
depicted in a simple block diagram. In the end, a reflection salaries of each employee are considered for 6 months
on the learning from the report preparation is provided along instead of the annual salary. The cost is estimated on the
with references. game design, game project development, and testing. The
hardware required for the project is already available at the
Feasibility study client’s facility. The costs have been estimated as shown
The feasibility study in the following subsections assesses below
the technical, social, legal, and economic challenges of the
proposed web - based game. Team Manager with expert programming skills in 2
languages: £50, 000
Social feasibility
The social constraints for the target web - based puzzle Programmer with skills in 1 language: £28, 000
include fear among the user, students in this case, of not
achieving the score levels as self - expected or as expected Graphics Specialist: £40, 000
among the peers. It may lead to fear related to losing status
or getting disapproved by social groups to which the student Narrative Designer to focus on game system design and
belongs owing to playing online games. Overuse of such an narrative design: £25, 000
online platform may cause adverse effects physical and
mental on the students such as backbone issues, and eyesight Tester: £25, 000
issues, thus affecting their health and safety. Therefore,
social constraints may be taken as negatively impacting Office Space Cost: £15, 000
online gaming continuance intention.
Proposal Fee (additional): £7, 000
Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR221025224232 DOI: 10.21275/SR221025224232 1203
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
The chart shows the budget allocation clearly as per the JavaScript should be enabled in the chosen browser.
intended proposal with approximately Cookies and pop - up windows should be enabled.
Adobe Flash or Real Player for graphics and animation.
Design cost: 40% (Interface - 17%; Game: 23%) Dashboard interaction through Java
Project cost: 11% Development methodology
The waterfall Product Development model is selected for
Programming: 26% developing the web - based game for the client. This model
is commonly used in traditional software development
Testing cost: 11% (Aalto, 2015). It will involve the collection of the gaming
requirements as expected in the end product. Based on those
Maintenance: 10% requirements the technical team shall create a project plan
and schedule. The professionals in the team would follow
Proposal Fee: 2% the project plan and proceed to develop the game through a
series of well - defined project stages following the
scheduled deadlines of each stage. Each stage has a specific
set of tasks and deliverables which are required to be
completed before proceeding to the subsequent stage. Each
stage puts more complexity into the project. During the last
stage, all the parts of the game developed in the previous
stages are assembled and tested if the overall game fulfilled
the expected requirements.
The pre - production stage(Saiqa Aleem, 2016) involves
requirement specifications, description language of the game
system, and its reusability. A game design document is
developed at the end of this stage which has a rational
description of the components of the game, interrelations,
and vocabulary for productive development. This document
The company shall incur double the actual cost of the is very crucial to the final game developed, as a poor design
employee’s salary because of on costs. Subsequently, the document may lead to the failure of the entire project. A
additional cost involves the project proposal fee of 2 % of game prototype is developed during this phase to understand
the total cost. Therefore, the total cost is recommended to be the play mechanics of the game and to assess the user’s
£358, 000. The employees in the technical team have experience. Game design tools may further be used in this
expertise in their tasks and shall deliver three completely stage to create game events without requiring any
functional scenarios in the game. programming skills.
Technical feasibility After the pre - production stage, the production stage tasks
are performed in a waterfall manner. The requirement team
The hardware and software specifications that would plays a crucial role in defining functionalities and front - end
accomplish the user requirements are mentioned below. tasks which may result in a longer duration in implementing
the game. Assets like interface design, etc. are created, and
Language: Java storyboard production is done involving game scenarios
Functionality: JavaScript through flowcharts or other planning techniques. The formal
Web Format: HTML language description includes the semantics to gain insight
into the programming language for developing the game,
Web Server
Java in this case. Java is among the most widely used
University’s Database
programming languages which make it easy to increase the
JavaScript - enabled web browser
complexity of the game, in terms of involving complex
Web audio and full - screen API input stages of puzzles. The efficiency can further be improved by
integrating development artifacts into the puzzles through
The hardware and software components to make up the programming. The functionalities like sound engineering,
game system are available to the client. The list of scripting, animations, graphs, networking, and memory
components in a basic device to run the game is stated management are all managed in the production stage.
The post - production stage involves the stages of quality
2GHz Processor, 20 GB of the hard disk assurance and testing stages of the waterfall model. To
Monitor’s minimum resolution of 1024 X 768 maintain the quality of the game, it is important to validate
Windows 7 Operating System or higher or MacOS the game implemented in the production stage. In the
Headphone, sound card, keyboard, touchpad waterfall model, this validation is not possible at each stage
High - speed broadband internet connection of the project lifecycle. Therefore, this stage decides whether
Supporting browsers to avoid unpleasant gaming the overall game development project is a good quality game
experiences (Chrome* 36+, Safari 6+, Mozilla Firefox 31) in its final shape or not. The testing stage involves the public
Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR221025224232 DOI: 10.21275/SR221025224232 1204
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
release of the final product so that bugs can be identified by A student chooses login into the system from the menu
the game players. This is still not the final release of the through the browser.
game. Any missing feature or functionality of the game is The system requests that the actor enter his/her name and
identified and appended during this stage. It would be wise password.
to choose the testing process for the game as it will be The actor enters his/her name and password.
expensive to rectify errors if detected in it after the The system validates the entered name and password and
implementation stage, which may further impact the logs the actor into the system.
schedule of the project. If the use case is successful, the student is now logged
into the system. If not, the system state is unchanged.
The waterfall model is apt for this project as this model The system displays an error message if the student
enforces structured organization of each of its stages and is enters an invalid name and/or password.
best suited for development focused on achieving
milestones. It allows early design changes in game b) Play Game:
development. Student chooses to play a game from the menu.
Start level is displayed.
2. Modeling, Design, and Implementation Student reads history.
Student provides text entries and solves the puzzle.
Use cases Student earns score in high - score table.
The use case involves actors, their roles that need to be
accomplished in the system, and the basic course of action c) In - Line Chat: The student chooses to chat with other
for the use case. This technique is popularly used to students.
document and understand the system requirements. The
Server Use Case
major steps to apply the use case to this system will include
Admin Use Case
identifying the actors and documenting the use cases and
o Add/block Users
their course of events. The actors involved in the target
o Check Progress
game are students/players, admin, server, and accounts. The
o Edit/upload Content
use cases for developing a web - based game for the
university are given below. Accounts System
Student Use Cases Sequence diagram
The sequence diagram for playing the puzzle game is given
a) Login: below
Logical system architecture and the scores of the games played will be stored in the
The logical model of the gaming system is shown below. database. Interaction with other users (Chat in) will also take
The web server shall host the game and the students playing place through HTML pages
it. The users will request login/play games using a web
server. They will receive a response through HTML pages
Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR221025224232 DOI: 10.21275/SR221025224232 1205
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
The sections of the report which required maximum time
were the technical team formation to achieve the project
completed within the expected period and the development
methodology for game development. The former part
contributed to optimizing the cost estimations. Once the
profiles were outlined, the total cost was estimated including
the additional costs. The chosen methodology offers to delve
into the design development of the game. The maximum
man - hours would be spent on the design phase in the
waterfall model to ensure correct results since the method
reflects non - adaptive design constraints and there is no
feedback system after every stage which may be taken from
the client to ensure that the project is on the right track.
The project development was an enriching experience and
offered an excellent platform to understand the strategy of
web - based game development.
[1] (Saiqa Aleem, 2016) Saiqa Aleem, Luiz Fernando
Capretz& Faheem Ahmed. “Game development
software engineering process life cycle: a systematic
review”. Journal of Software Engineering Research and
Development volume 4, Article number: 6 (2016) https:
//jserd. springeropen. com/articles/10.1186/s40411 - 016
- 0032 - 7
[2] (Aalto, 2015) Oskari Aalto. “Mobile Game Product
Development Models”. Thesis on Business Information
Technology. November 2015.
[3] (Weebly, n.d.)The Legal and Ethical Constraints Of
Video Game Production. Understanding the Creative
Media Sector - Computer Games https:
//jackcurwenunit7. weebly. com/task - 2 - - - legal - and
- ethical - constraints. html
Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR221025224232 DOI: 10.21275/SR221025224232 1206