Authors Delia Arrieta Díaz Eduardo Lopez Dominguez Ismael Everardo Bárcenas Patiño Jorge de la Calleja Mora María Auxilio Medina Nieto Mireya Tovar Vidal Paulo Daniel Vázquez Mora
License CC-BY-4.0
Received August 17, 2020, accepted September 7, 2020, date of publication September 18, 2020, date of current version September 30, 2020. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3024614 Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets for Theses From Open Educational Repositories MARÍA AUXILIO MEDINA NIETO 1 , PAULO DANIEL VÁZQUEZ MORA2 , JORGE DE LA CALLEJA MORA 1 , MIREYA TOVAR VIDAL3 , EDUARDO LÓPEZ DOMÍNGUEZ 4 , (Member, IEEE), DELIA ARRIETA DÍAZ5 , AND ISMAEL EVERARDO BÁRCENAS PATIÑO6 1 Postgraduate Department, Polytechnic University of Puebla, Puebla 72640, Mexico 2 Information Technologies Department, Technological University of Puebla, Puebla 72300, Mexico 3 Faculty of Computer Science, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla 72570, Mexico 4 Department of Computer Science, Laboratorio Nacional de Informática Avanzada (LANIA), Xalapa 91090, Mexico 5 Faculty of Economics, Accountability and Management, Juarez University of the State of Durango, Durango 34000, Mexico 6 Computing Engineering Department, National University of Mexico, Coyoacan 04510, Mexico Corresponding author: María Auxilio Medina Nieto ( ABSTRACT The paper describes the design and implementation of a semantic web service that retrieves theses and extends the keyword based-search of a DSpace repository taking into account the roles of advisors and steering committee members formally represented into a custom-made ontology. The service uses SPARQL queries and the serialization module of RDF DSpace, this links the item submission process and the ontology, thus the more theses are added into a repository, the more instances are inserted into the ontology. The paper provides empirical insights about how to reuse theses metadata and includes the results of an exploratory and self-management survey of usability heuristic evaluation of a web site that enables to access the proposed service. Heuristics were estimated with a purposive sample of students, teachers, and managers, the results indicated a high satisfaction level and showed that the service increased theses accessibility in the web environment. The service also generates semantically enriched datasets that coexist with the repository, they are of utility and value to educational organizations as they give institutional visibility. INDEX TERMS Educational technology, semantic web, web services, information retrieval. I. INTRODUCTION impact of these organizations. Detailed information about this Scientific and academic communities use repositories, they protocol is described in [2]. are technological platforms designed to store and preserve The impact of OERs is known and reported in the digital documents, a dissemination medium (green path) literature and databases such as the Directory of Open or a medium to publish the produced contents (golden Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) [3], where the percent- path); [1]. An open educational repository (OER) or institu- age of technological platforms for OERs is as follows: tional repository (IR) is a set of services offered by educa- DSpace (40%) [7], EPrints (11%) [6], WEKO (8%), this tional organizations rendered to the community to gather and platform has been developed by the National Institute of manage digital documents of any type through the creation Informatics (NII), Japan (more information about WEKO of an open, interoperable, and organized collections that use is available at:, Digi- the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvest- tal Commons (5%), a cloud-hosted institutional repository ing (OAI-PMH protocol) intending to ensure visibility and software ( gital-commons/), islandora (3%), a free open-source software framework designed to manage and discover digital The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and assets (, CONTENTdm (2%), approving it for publication was Farhana Jabeen Jabeen . a ‘‘software as a service’’ (SaaS) platform to manage digital This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see VOLUME 8, 2020 171933 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 1. Context for SW001 web service. collections ( example, what kind of information is expected for the contrib- dm.html), Open Publication Systems (OPUS) (2%), utor element and 3) the interpretation of exported data from an open-source software package to create reposito- repositories is subject to final users and this depends on each ries that are compliant with the OAI-PMH protocol, educational organization. (, Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL) Previously, at the Polytechnic University of Puebla (1%), an open archive where authors upload scholarly (UPPue), an ontology called Onto4AIR had been designed documents (, dLibra software to formally represent domain and operative knowledge for (1%), a software used to build repositories of digital obj- Mexican OERs focusing on documents, users, and their rela- ects ( tionships, [9] and a newer version called Onto4UPPue is dlibra-funkcje-en/), while the remaining percentage used for the semantic web service described in this paper, correspond to tailored software. These platforms have specia- from now on, called SW001. This service has been designed lized Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), information retrieval to tackle the previous problematic and extends the key- services and the majority use relational models to store word based-search taking into account the roles of advisors, metadata [4], [5]. other steering committee members, and semantic information EPrints [6] and DSpace [7] have an open license, so they stored in Onto4UPPue ontology and generates semantically are widely used in libraries, universities, and cultural heritage enriched datasets that are downloaded for further analysis. organizations, both support the management of digital docu- The definition of the ontology concept is adopted from [10]. ments such as master and Ph.D. theses. In Mexico, from the Figure 1 illustrates the context of SW001. date of writing this paper, the National Repository [8] collect The feasibility of the service is justified by applying data from 105 open repositories, more than the 90% of them and testing it in the repository of the UPPue university use a version of DSpace. (UPPUe-IR) that is supported in the 6.2 version of DSpace, From the authors’ point of view, this paper identifies the the adaptation to other DSpace repositories will be possible following problems related with the management of theses: with simple updates. The paper contributions lie in the design 1) information retrieval only distinguish between the creator of a web site that allows users to access SW001 and a web and contributors, that is, this is not possible to establish a role application to gather data for a heuristic usability testing. for authors such as the first author, advisor or steering com- We expect that the development methodology for SW001 to mittee members, 2) there is ambiguity in the use of descriptive be, directly or with slight modifications, reusable by OER data (or metadata) during the item submission process, for managers that seek ways to exploit RDF data enriched with 171934 VOLUME 8, 2020 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets ontologies; detailed information about RDF is presented common interests. The ontology obtained from the OER in [11]. This is especially true for repositories where the and ontologies of other systems is integrated by means of application of metadata schema is kept to a minimum. semantic correspondence between entities. The paper is organized as follows. Section II contains In [17], authors report three methods for exporting data related work that offers similar or alternative solutions. about scientific activity stored in the Current Research Infor- Section III describes an in-detail view of SW001. Section IV mation System (CRIS) at the University of Novi Sad; this presents the results of a heuristic usability testing. Finally, system implements the Common European Research Infor- we conclude in Section V with a summary of the current work mation Format (CERIF). One of these methods involves the along with further research perspectives. OAI-PMH protocol and the OAICat library. The exported data generate datasets that enable the creation of graphs that II. RELATED WORK show links between departments, faculties, and researchers, Web data integration and extraction using semantic tech- these links are useful to find research leaders and com- nologies are extended to many knowledge areas as is illus- mon research areas. Reference [18] authors propose a trated in [12], where ecological data from the Guanabara user-centered approach and the information of a learning Bay ecosystem are stored in distinct relational databases, management system to customize ontology web language thus there is the heterogeneity, lack of metadata stan- ontologies (OWL) to attend specific needs of disabled stu- dardization, and reduced interoperability. To tackle these dents, ontologies are used to access, index, and retrieve problems, a four-level architecture is proposed to integrate, heterogeneous items stored in a DSpace repository. More publish and retrieve ecological data from repositories using information about OWL is available in [34]. linked data; data are published as RDF triples using a Reference [19] describes an ontology that models students, relational-Resource Description Format mapping language teachers, monographs, graduated documents student-advisor, and an application ontology to integrate a common vocab- student-topic, and student-assessment committee relation- ulary and a global view of the generated datasets. Data ships with a domain, range, and cardinality restrictions. views are related to queries over data sources, they associate Through interviews with the staff of different universities, mappings and query answering to represent workflows for the ontology integrates a set of rules that formally models the scientists. two stages of the student’s graduation process. In the domain of OERs, the use of metadata and ontolo- To manage a huge amount of data and web services, [35] gies has been studied since different perspectives, for exam- presents a model that uses multithreading technology with ple, [13] analyzes relationships between collection-level and dataset parameters to combine web services with parallel pro- item-level metadata and proposes a general method for trans- cessing of computers that form a wide area network. A frame- lating them into a set of statements in first-order logic work to automatic semantic web service composition that also and formal knowledge representation languages using log- uses parallel execution of processes during the preprocessing ical inference rules, while [14] proposed an agile method is also described in [36]. that minimizes the need of expertise when semi-structured In [20] scholarly resources are harvested from various fed- data are used, they analyze ontology-based methodologies erated repositories, then a common learning object ontology for integrating and reconciling information due to ontolo- is used for subject classification to automatically annotated gies deal with syntactic and semantic heterogeneity. Ref- learning objects using keyword expansion, inferences, and erence [15] proposes a standards-compliant approach than standard taxonomic vocabularies expressed in SKOS. Ref- involves a set of mappings between domain vocabularies erence [21] presents a literature review about applications to transform data in a DSpace repository into linked open of semantic technologies in bibliographic databases such as datasets. the definition of semantic models for bibliographic descrip- Reference [16] applied semantic searching techniques on tions, approaches to transform existing bibliographic data digital repositories supported by the DSpace and their results into machine-readable datasets, data enrichment to facilitate showed that this type of search is useful to expert and web search and information extraction as well as the construc- novice users and that it enabled new alternatives for content tion of knowledge repositories. browsing and retrieval in comparison with the keyword-based Finally, another application that takes into account seman- search. Reference [4] propose an ontology-facilitated sharing tic search is the Arabic semantic search engine based on a of data as an alternative to integrate different IRs metadata; domain-specific ontological graph for Colleges of Applied their method consists of transforming data from relational Science, Sultanate of Oman (CASOnto) described in [22], databases of OERs into ontologies that are queried by users this engine supports the factorial question answering and from a unique web page. The specialization of this pro- uses keyword-based search and semantic-based search in posed is reported in [5], where authors describe a system Arabic and English languages. A comparative study showed that transforms the DSpace metadata database supported by that the second search is better than the first search in both the DSpace into an intermediate database with a normal- simple and complex queries, the performance and efficiency ized schema that is then transformed into an ontology; the of this engine are compared with Kngine, Wolfram Alpha, aim is to share information with other systems to discover and Google. VOLUME 8, 2020 171935 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 2. Modules of DSpace. FIGURE 3. High level design for SW001 web service. III. DESCRIPTION OF SEMANTIC WEB SERVICE modules related to these requirements are showed in Figure 2; Some behaviors and Technical Recommendations of the Con- it is worth to notice that the RDF module is not enabled in the federation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Next Gener- default DSpace installation. ation Repositories are the following [23]: expose identifiers, declare licenses at the level of resources, discover informa- B. DESIGN tion through browsing, and expose standardized metrics of Figure 3 shows the high-level design for SW001, its cases of use (COAR, 2017). This section describes an in-detail view use, and its class diagram are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5, of the SW001 service that was developed according to the detailed information about these classes and their attributes cascade model is in the baseline, then an excerpt of the is described in [24]. By reusing the information of these incremental model referred to small modules, fast tests of figures similar services can be constructed. functionality, feedback, correction, release, or scaling is used until the implementation stage is finished; the last stage refers to maintenance. C. IMPLEMENTATION SW001 is a REST-type service, its implementation, and its feasibility is explained in a scenario that uses a test set of A. BASIC REQUIREMENTS theses described using the Dublin Core metadata format, [25], The main requirements for SW001, the proposed semantic the Java Server Pages (JSP) Interface of DSpace to export the web service, are the following: a) store RDF tuples, b) query following metadata: id, collection, author, accessioned, avail- of semantic information, c) export data in open formats, able, issued, abstract, provenance, sponsorship, description, and d) integrate data from OERs. The installation of a local citation, URI, iso, publisher, subject, alternative title, title, instance of the 6.2 version of DSpace that emulates the and type. These metadata are stored in a Comma Separated technical requirements of the UPPue repository, the Dspace Values file. 171936 VOLUME 8, 2020 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 4. Cases of use for SW001 web service. FIGURE 5. Class diagram for SW001 web service. By using the Jena-Fuseki version 1.6.0 server and the to verify that the metadata from DSpace was corrected RDFizer service, SW001 transforms metadata into RDF doc- included in the RDF documents. Data of these documents uments that form a triplestore. On one hand, Jena-Fuseki is are semantically enriched and modeled as instances of integrated with TBD, a component that supports a layer of Onto4UPPue ontology that represents documents, users, persistent storage, queries, and transactions in RDF docu- and their relationships for OERs, its intended use is the ments (Apache Software Foundations, 2020). On the other establishment of a common vocabulary that provides the hand, RDFizer implements extraction, transformation, and foundations for the deployment of semantic web services. load. The RDF document for each thesis is accessible using A review of the correct insertion of instances into the ontol- a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) such as the following: ogy required of the version 5.2 of Protégé editor [27], Figure 6 shows the instances of the test set and some data properties for a thesis identified as instance T24, note that /rdf/handle/123456789/100/ttl instances are associated with DataPropertyAssertion prop- A software module in the Python language uses the erties and thus they model DSpace metadata. The man- RDFlib, library that works with XML and RDF files [26] ager of the OER at the UPPUE validated the insertion VOLUME 8, 2020 171937 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 6. Modeling theses as instances of Onto4UPPue ontology. FIGURE 7. Home page to access SW001 service. process, the plug-ins for Hermit version 1.3.8 and Pellet fact that the management of huge datasets will speed up the version 2.3.0 were used for automatic verification of logical response times, hence new solutions using parallel processing consistency. will be required as well as different alternatives to manage The instances for theses are linked with other instances that collections. represent students, advisors, and steering committee mem- At present, SW001 service is accessible from a web site bers by using the object properties of the Onto4UPPUE ontol- composed of six pages in the Spanish language described as ogy. As a result, the implementation of the SW001 service follows: offers benefits like the following ones: 1) this new seman- • Home. The initial web page that includes a welcoming tically enriched dataset is used in a web site that extends message and the goal of the service as is illustrated the keyword-based search of DSpace and allows users to in Figure 7 retrieve information about the elaboration process of theses, • Semantic search. The initial web page that includes a 2) the logical consistency of this dataset has been automat- welcoming message and the goal of the service as is ically validated, the use of a common vocabulary reduces illustrated in Figure 8 the ambiguity of the Spanish language and 4) this dataset is • Test UX. Displays a test that uses usability heuristics to exported into OWL or JSON formats with XML syntax for allow users to evaluate the Semantic search page, see further analysis. However, there is some drawback such as the Figure 10 171938 VOLUME 8, 2020 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 8. The web page for the semantic search of SW001 service. FIGURE 9. Display of a result set for a semantic search in tabular form. • Export data. Enables users to export the ontology with To add other relationships from Onto4UPPue ontology instances in JSON and OWL formats developers need to implement simple modifications to the • Frequent questions. Shows frequent questions and source code. In summary, the SW001 service exports and answers to support knowledge acquisition of the OERs enrich bibliographic metadata of the UPPue repository as domain open linked data. • Contact. Contains contact information of developers The technologies used to implement SW001 are illus- A personal computer and the Google Chrome web browser trated in Figure 12; some versions are 3.6 for Python, were used to display Figures 7 to 10. Due to the web site was 4.2.2 for RDFLib library (RDFlib team, 2013), and 2.4.15 for designed to be responsive, this also can be accessed from a AdminLTE. The information of Onto4UPPue ontology mobile device as is illustrated in Figure 11. was extracted with xml.etree.ElementTree (available at VOLUME 8, 2020 171939 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 10. Display of a UX test to evaluate the semantic search page. FIGURE 11. Access to SW001 from a mobile device. while the insertion of IV. USABILITY HEURISTIC EVALUATION new instances was supported by the OWLReady2 version An exploratory and self-management survey was conducted 0.19 [29], OWLReady2 is compatible with RDFLib and can to evaluate the usability of the web site that allows users to be linked with Hermit reasoner. The Flask framework (avail- access the SW001 service, this survey adopted the heuristics able at was used to imple- Torres-Budiel template [30], the application of these heuris- ment the Model-View-Controller design pattern whereas tics is reported in [31]–[33], they are the following: gener- the dashboard for the front end is provided by AdminLTE alities, identity, and information, language and readability, version 2.4.15. labels, the structure and browsing, structure of the web pages, Section IV presents the preliminary results of a survey to searching, multimedia elements, help, accessibility, control, evaluates the usability of the described web site. and feedback. 171940 VOLUME 8, 2020 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets FIGURE 12. Technologies for the front-end and back-end of SW001 service. FIGURE 13. Participants of the usability testing. Each heuristic is associated with a set of questions, for included in the TestUX page according to the following Likert example, the questions for the heuristic of language are the scale: following [30]: • It is not applicable (0) 1) Does the web site is in the same language than the • Strongly disagree (1) language of users? • Disagree (2) 2) Are the language and wording concise and clear? • Neither agree or disagree (3) 3) Are the language and wording friendly, familiar and • Agree (4) close? • Strongly agree (5) 4) Each paragraph has an idea? Table 1 shows the average for each heuristic, note that Those heuristics were estimated with a purposive sample the heuristic with the maximum value is accessibility. The of 16 undergraduate students from a group of 30 computer questions related to accessibility are the following [30]: science students who participated in the survey, teachers, 1) Do the images include the ‘alt’ attribute that describes and managers, these students are frequent users of the their content? UPPue repository, 10 men and 6 women, they are between 2) Is the web site compatible with different browsers? 21 and 24 years old. Students accessed the web site by Is it visible with different screen resolutions? using personal computers during a face-to-face session of 3) Can the users browse for all the web site without down- about 30 minutes. Two teachers and two repository managers loading any plug-in? participated in the analysis of results. Students expressed a 4) Does the weight of the web site has been controlled? level of satisfaction for each heuristics using the questionary 5) Can the web site be printed without any problems? VOLUME 8, 2020 171941 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets TABLE 1. Results for each usability heuristic. quent users of the UPPUE repository participated in the test- ing, the information of 11 usability heuristics was gathered, the results were presented by heuristic and they indicated that students reported a high level of satisfaction. After the testing, some support elements were added into the web site due to the help heuristic had gotten the minimum value. Since the web site, users can download the ontology in JSON and OWL formats, thus this can be reused by other semantic web applications. Furthermore, reasoning will enable intelligent application development and further exploitation of the generated datasets, for instance, to infer The average of the 11 heuristics was 4.02, this value is implicit information. very close to the agreed value of the Likert scale, as a con- The paper provides the basis for the development of seman- clusion, the students reported that they were very satisfied tic services, this contributes to spread the benefits of open with the usability of the web site. For the heuristic with the access and the construction of semantically enriched data lowest value, that is, help, a section for frequently asked sets. The current work is focused on the integration of any questions (FAQs) was added as well as links to the help type of document store in the repository to be considered as an section were added after the usability test. ontology instance. 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Next Generation rently a part-time Professor with the Information Repositories: Behaviors and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Technologies Department, Technological Univer- Next Generation Repositories Working Group. Accessed: Jul. 20, 2018. sity of Puebla (UTP), Puebla. His research inter- [Online]. Available: Formatted-Report-cc.pdf ests include open access, information exchange, [24] D. Vázquez, M. A. Medina, J. De la Calleja, A. Benitez, T. M. Vidal, and web services, and open educational repositories. D. Alanís, ‘‘Diseño de un servicio Web para la recuperación de información He received several certifications from the National Council of Normaliza- semántica del repositorio institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de tion and the Certification of Working Skills. Puebla,’’ in Proc. 33rd Congreso de Instrumentación (SOMI), 2018, vol. 5, no. 1. [25] Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. (2014). DCMI Metadata Terms. [Online]. Available: terms/ [26] RDFLib Team. (2020). RDFLib 5.0.0. [Online]. Available: JORGE DE LA CALLEJA MORA received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the National [27] M. A. Musen, ‘‘The protégé project: A look back and a look forward,’’ AI Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics Matters, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 4–12, 2015, doi: 10.1145/2757001.2757003. (INAOE), Mexico. He has been a full-time Profes- [28] E. Prud’Hommeauxd and A. Seaborne. (2007). SPARQL Query Language for RDF: W3C Recommendation 15 January 2008. [Online]. Available: sor with the Computer Science Department, Poly- technic University of Puebla (UPPuebla), Mexico, [29] L. Jean-Baptiste. (2019). Owlready2 Version 0.24. Python Package Index. since 2008. His research interests include machine [Online]. Available: learning, computer vision, and data mining with [30] Torres Burriel Estudio. (2008). Test Heurístico De Torres Burriel. [Online]. applications in medicine, education, and astron- Available: omy. He is a member of the National System of para-hacer-analisis-heuristicos-de-usabilidad/ Researchers (SNI) Level 1. [31] G. E. C. Golondrino, D. P. Oliveros, and M. Y. C. Muñoz, ‘‘Automa- tion of usability inspections for websites,’’ in Human-Computer Interac- tion (Communications in Computer and Information Science), vol. 1114, H. P. Ruiz and V. Agredo-Delgado, Eds. Puebla, Mexico: Springer, 2019. [32] O. D. Pérez, G. E. Chanchi, and M. I. Vidal, ‘‘Propuesta de un test heurístico de accesibilidad para sitios Web basados en la norma NTC 5854,’’ Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, vol. 17, MIREYA TOVAR VIDAL received the Ph.D. no. 1, pp. 170–182, 2019. degree in computer science from CENIDET, [33] E. Serna, Desarrollo e innovación en ingeniería. Instituto Antioqueño de Mexico, in 2015. She is currently a full-time investigación, 2018. Professor with the Faculty of Computer Science, [34] P. F. Patel-Scheneider, P. Hayes, and I. Horrocks. OWL Web Ontology Lan- Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla guage Semantics and Abstract Syntax. Accessed: Jun. 13, 2019. [Online]. (BUAP). Her research interests include ontology, Available: clustering, information retrieval, computational [35] A. Kut and D. Birant, ‘‘An approach for parallel execution of Web ser- linguistics, logic, and natural language process- vices,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Web Services, Jul. 2004, pp. 812–813, ing. She is a member of the National System of doi: 10.1109/ICWS.2004.1314831. Researchers (SNI) Level 1 in 2016. VOLUME 8, 2020 171943 M. A. Medina Nieto et al.: Web Service to Retrieve and Semantically Enrich Datasets EDUARDO LÓPEZ DOMÍNGUEZ (Member, ISMAEL EVERARDO BÁRCENAS PATIÑO IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree from the National received the Ph.D. degree in computer science Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electron- from the University of Grenoble. He is currently an ics (INAOE), Mexico, in 2010. He is currently Assistant Professor with the Computing Engineer- a Researcher with the Department of Computer ing Department, National University of Mexico. Science, Laboratorio Nacional de Informática His main research interests include the theory of Avanzada (LANIA), Mexico. His research inter- automated reasoning and its application in areas, ests include mobile distributed systems, partial such as knowledge representation and formal ver- order algorithms, and multimedia synchroniza- ification. He is a member of the National System tion. He is a member of the National System of of Researchers (SNI) Level 1. Researchers (SNI) Level 1. DELIA ARRIETA DÍAZ received the master’s degree in quality of public management, the mas- ter’s degree in gestalt therapy, and the Ph.D. degree in government and public management. She is currently a full-time Teacher of bachelor’s and master’s degrees with the Faculty of Economics, Accountability, and Management, Juarez Univer- sity of the State of Durango (UJED). She has coor- dinates the academic group called Management and Development of Organizations. She has higher profile recognition (PRODEP). She received the Teacher Certification from the National Association of Faculties and Schools of Accountability and Management (ANFECA). 171944 VOLUME 8, 2020