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Why Internet Censorship Does Not Work

Authors Ben Tasker

License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0


Why Internet Censorship Does Not Work
By Ben Tasker | 17 June 11


Click the titles to jump to the relevant section

     •   Introduction
     •   Bypassing The Most Common Methods

            o DNS Based Filtering
            o Content Filtering

     •   More Effective Solutions

            o The Walled Garden Approach
            o The Traditional Method

     •   More Information on

            o    Browser Based Technologies
            o    Government Intervention
            o    The Internet Watch Foundation
            o    Current Censorship Attempts
            o    Green Dam Filtering Software

     •   Conclusion


There are often calls in the UK for the Government to regulate and ‘protect’ children
from pornography (and other adult material) on the Internet. In the past, I’ve
recounted the basic reasons why it doesn’t work but let’s take a more practical
approach this time.

We’ll be looking at some of the means of filtering (at both the wide-scale and the
home user level) and the technical issues with them, including how easily they can be
bypassed. Rest assured that if there is a way to bypass a control, a child will find it –
especially if they are actively seeking out pornography!

This document looks at the issue of pornography in particular, but applies to most
materials that may be censored.

I’ve tried to avoid jargon where possible, as this document is actually aimed at those
who have an interest in preventing their children from accessing certain materials (and
who generally speaking, are not techies!).
                                Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Bypassing The Most Common Methods
DNS Filtering

This is perhaps the easiest means for a home user to configure, and is one of the tools
often used by larger censorship projects.

The DNS system is (simply put) much like an address book, networks deal with IP
addresses (i.e. but we often deal in URL’s (i.e. DNS
translates our URL to an IP.

So the way DNS filtering works, is it ‘lies’ about the address for a blocked site, often
leading the user to a page warning them the requested resource was filtered.

So for example, although may have an IP of the
DNS server might return to prevent access to the site.

This option is available to home users through services such as (free
to use) and offers a range of filtering categories (porn, gambling etc.) but it’s not a
magic bullet, and here’s why;

If we slip into teenager mode, we want to access but it’s been
blocked using DNS filtering. Here are the steps to bypass (and don’t think a teenager
can’t work it out!);

    1. Access (or run a web-search for “IP Address lookup”)
    2. Enter into the “DNS Record Query” box (use if you want to test it)
    3. Hit query
    4. We now have the IP address for the site we want to access
    5. Copy that IP into the address bar and browse to your heart’s content.

Now for some sites, this won’t work because links are coded to force use of the URL
(web address). There is however a way around this too;

    1. Open your computers HOSTS file in a text editor
    2. Enter the IP address we retrieved earlier followed by a tab and the web

Problem solved!

There’s not a huge amount you can do to prevent this, you can make sure your kid
doesn’t have the permissions to write to the hosts file but that just means they need to
do everything manually.

Content-filtering is needed to catch the pages that get past the DNS filtering, or
indeed are forced past the DNS filtering by your kid!

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Content Filtering

Beloved of the Chinese Government, content filtering examines the page as/before it
loads and searches for keywords that might trigger a block.

You can either run content-filtering software on the PC your child is using (the
common home approach), or run all connections through dedicated hardware (the
corporate approach).

Generally content-filters suffer from two main problems;

    •   They miss things
    •   They get bypassed

When dedicated hardware is used, simply using an encrypted connection is sufficient
to bypass the filter (i.e. using https instead of http). Of course, the hardware can be
configured to allow it to see encrypted streams but no-one would want an Internet
Service Provider or the Government to actually do this!

If it were to happen, the ISP/Government would be able to more effectively filter porn
etc. but they (and all their employees) would also have the capability to see your
passwords, Internet banking and all the other things you might like to keep secure.

This actually happens already in the criminal world and is known as a Man In The
Middle Attack.

So, on the national censorship level accessing
instead of is likely to remain a viable way to bypass
the filters for the foreseeable future.

Software installed on the users PC can be very effective, but it does also put it in
reach of those who have an interest in disabling it. Most of this software is unaffected
by the use of an encrypted connection, but can instead be more readily tampered with.

This becomes even more apparent if you choose to use the same password for it’s
settings as you do anything else – Kids aren’t stupid, they will try every one of the
passwords that they know you use.

If you make the mistake of letting your kid have an Administrator account, they may
also choose to just completely disable the software. They don’t necessarily need to
access the software itself to achieve this - in Windows simply disabling the service is
often sufficient;

   1. Control Panel
   2. Administrative Tools
   3. Services

So again, whilst it may seem effective content-filtering can quite easily be
circumvented with very little research.

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


More effective solutions

Both of the solutions below need to take place on a local scale and can’t or shouldn’t
be regulated/implemented by the Government – you must implement them yourself;

The walled-garden approach

There are two main ways of restricting internet access using web-addresses –
blacklisting and whitelisting. The DNS filtering we discussed above generally uses a
blacklist of ‘banned’ sites.

The problem with blacklisting is that there are just too many sites to add, it would
take years of research just to get a basic list. Even then you’d probably miss more
than you’d catch.

A whitelist is more restrictive but uses a more sensible question – which sites do you
want to allow access to?

Any site not listed on the whitelist is blocked by default, which can be really annoying
but does ensure that your kid only sees content approved by you.

Setting up a whitelist can be achieved in a number of ways, including within the
browser itself. You need to choose the technology you use carefully to ensure your
kid doesn’t have the ability to disable/bypass it.

You could opt to use dedicated hardware to manage your whitelist, which would
make it harder to tamper with. There are also companies that provide a service similar
to OpenDNS but utilising a whitelist based system.

It should be reasonably clear why the Government shouldn’t be allowed to implement
a whitelist based system; to do so without infringing freedom of speech would be

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Cold Hard Parenting

The tried and tested method to date is to be sat near your kid when they are on the
Internet. Don’t give them access in their room, and ensure they PC is in a very public

Talk to them about the dangers of the internet; warn them that certain areas are far
from savoury and that you don’t want them actively seeking these things out. Follow
up on your rules, and don’t undermine them by having your own porn stash on the

Monitor their usage (you can even get software to keep a log of what they view), but
understand that ultimately if they want to find it, there is nothing that either you, the
Government or your Internet Service Provider can do to stop it.

Not talking to your kids about this issue is one of the worst things you can do, sooner
or later it’s likely they’ll either develop an interest or manage to stumble upon just the
kind of material you were trying to shield them from. Recently there was a story about
a teenager researching his chemistry homework; quite naively (as he didn’t know any
better) he ran a websearch on the word bondage from a school computer!

You very rarely stumble on pornography by accident, but because of the naivety of
childhood kids don’t realise that some of these phrases are double entendres. Talking
to them about these issues is the only thing you can do, because pornography is never
going to go away.

Ultimately, the Internet is an adult area and children need to be supervised when
entering that world. Whatever your feelings on pornography as a whole, a lot of the
technology you take for granted came about because the porn companies were the
only ones so see a commercial advantage in pursuing development – In the days when
the Internet was still a hobbyists playground, porn sites were some of the few
commercial entities that had a web presence.

How many of those reading this saw porn before the Internet? People used to leave
their magazines lying around at bus stops and similar places, it may be more readily
available but it’s always been there. Only good parenting can counteract any
perceived damage that exposure may cause.

                              Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


More Information
Browser Based Technologies

One word of warning about any browser based filtering solution; it really doesn’t take
much effort to bypass these measures. Your kid could, for example, choose to use a
portable Firefox install or the really determined could achieve things manually
( admittedly, not many are likely to be determined enough);

   1.   Start Menu
   2.   Run
   3.   Cmd
   4.   telnet 80
   5.   GET / HTTP/1.1

They can then copy and paste the output into notepad, save as a HTML file and open
in the browser. Not exactly graceful, especially if you want to browse an entire site,
but still entirely possible.

Despite this, however, many browsers do incorporate basic filtering methods. These
can be effective, but are reliant on sites conforming to certain standards.
Unfortunately, the sites you are likely to want to block are the very ones likely to
ignore these!

The adult industry appears to have no interest in serving their content to minors, and
already incorporate robust mechanisms to prevent access by minors. The sites that
pose a perceived risk are those that do not care who they serve their content to, who
by their very definition aren’t going to worry about including meta-tags to identify
their content as adult.

Government Intervention

Most people do not want Government Intervention for a number of reasons, but
primarily because it just doesn’t work. The Chinese Government have implemented
the worlds biggest censorship mechanism, and yet it is still bypassed by multiple

The Chinese, in fact, have an advantage because they have managed to convince their
populace that the censorship is for their own good. Many of those who may otherwise
bypass don’t purely because they believe the Government must be acting in their best

It seems unlikely that this culture of faith will ever form in the UK, especially as each
of us is able to read exactly what the consequences of it are in China.

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Government Intervention/Regulation will also cost a lot of money, the hardware
required does not come cheaply and every taxpayer (or Internet subscriber) will bear
part of the cost, whether they have children or not.

A cost that will be needlessly spent on an intrusive and ineffective solution, we’ve
already shown above how easily the two main mechanisms can be bypassed. We
certainly don’t want the Government to give their censorship hardware the ability to
read our encrypted connections as all pretence of privacy can be abandoned at that

The experiment with the Great Australian Firewall has shown just what a slippery
slope Government mandated censorship is. The GAF was implemented to block
‘illegal’ content such as Child pornography and the more extreme adult pornography.
It soon came out, however, that ministers had been misusing the system leading to the
blocking of

    •   A Queensland Dentist
    •   A Kennel Operator
    •   A tuckshop
    •   A Photographers website (all images were rated PG by the Australian rating
    •   A site relating to Euthanasia
    •   An Encyclopedia Dramatica article titled “Aboriginal”

The Internet Watch Foundation

The IWF is the UK’s blacklist based filtering system for child-abuse material. It is
voluntarily implemented by the Internet Service Providers (i.e. BT, Virgin etc) and is
often held up as an example of how censorship can work.

However those who would hold the IWF as a shining light often neglect to mention
it’s spotty history, or the concerns relating to due process;

    •   The IWF reported a site to the UK Police for containing fictitious erotic
        material of an extreme nature, this led to the unsuccessful prosecution of the
        site operator (the prosecution offered no evidence)

    •   In 2008, all UK users were blocked from editing Wikipedia articles after the
        IWF added a Wikipedia page to the blacklist, forcing all users to appear to
        originate from the same IP address. The IWF later rescinded the block (more
        info below).

    •   In 2009 the IWF blocked the Internet Archive in it’s entirety despite their
        policy to only block the specific content. It was blamed on a ‘technical hitch’
        but the content causing the issue never became publicly known

                            Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Concerns regarding due process have arisen because the IWF does not just block
illegal content, it also blocks content which it believes may be illegal under UK law.
The blocking of Wikipedia is a prime example of the difficulties this introduces, the
image blocked was the cover art from the 1976 album Virgin killer by the Scorpions.
You can still legally buy the album, with that cover, from high-street stores and
Internet music stores alike. The IWF, however, decided that the image was potentially
illegal and without judicial oversight proceeded to block the relevant Wikipedia page.

Repeatedly criticised for blocking legal websites and not telling the website operator
about the block, the IWF keeps it’s blacklist secret and is self-regulated which means
there is absolutely no oversight over their actions.

Current Censorship Projects

If you’ve purchased a new SIM card for your mobile phone recently, you’ll know that
the mobile networks are now blocking adult material by default. This provides a great
example of how filtering

   a) Is Worked around
   b) Inconveniences Everyone

Usually to lift the block, you either need to go in-store with ID or provide a credit
card number. Most kids are unable to do either of these, and yet are still able to access
porn on their phone! Why? Because the enterprising ones have started posting it on
Facebook! So already the expense of implementing the filter (which ultimately the
customer pays for) is already wasted because the kids have found a simple solution. In
response to the blocking of Facebook, kids have moved onto other medium such as
Multimedia Messaging.

On the other hand, if you happen to be trying to access something innocent like a
forum, you may struggle. A lot of the operators have begun blocking forums purely
because of the content that can be posted there!

Try loading a page even loosely related to a blocked term and you’re stuck. It doesn’t
matter that the page you’re trying to access contains nothing adult, if it appears to do
so it will be blocked.

This broad-brush approach not only inconveniences adults, but can prevent kids from
using the internet for their homework. Try researching basic human biology on a
device with this filter enabled and you’ll understand the difficulties caused by such a
“one-size-fits-all” approach.

Anything the Independent Mobile Classification Body rates as adult will also be
blocked, but given that they only rate ‘commercial’ content a lot of content will still
be missed.

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Green Dam Filtering Software

The Chinese Government used an image-scanning technique to aid their censorship
efforts. The attempt came about partially as the result of site operators posting
pornographic images on pages with neutral text (so that the filter wouldn’t pick up on
‘banned’ phrases).

The software scans images to try and ascertain how much skin was on display in the
image, although it correctly identifies some images it suffers from a number of
technical issues;

    •   It does not recognise images of people with darker skin (or in the case of
        cartoons – red skin)
    •   Some very graphic sexual acts are missed because not much skin is visible

It also generates a lot of false positives, which led to the automatic filtering of a lot of
non-adult content including;

    •   Images of the cartoon cat Garfield
    •   Images of Roast Pork
    •   Images of Johnny Depp’s face

Green Dam also includes a content-filter, which drew scepticism about the Chinese
Government’s claim that it was to “protect the growth of young people” when it was
discovered that 85% of the pre-programmed keywords were related to political
matters and just 15% related to pornography.

Not only does Green Dam filter internet use, but also monitors applications such as
Microsoft Word for ‘inappropriate’ phrases. Should something inappropriate be
detected (in the browser or otherwise) all windows are closed without notifying the

Multiple security vulnerabilities have also been found, allowing attackers to access
personal data, remotely compromise (‘hack’) or use the machine to send SPAM.

The filter is actually a piece of software called Green Dam Youth Escort, which was
originally mandated on all new PC’s by the Chinese Government. However, it was
then made voluntary and the deadline has repeatedly slipped.

At time of writing, the company behind Green Dam is on the brink of collapse having
received no further funding from the People’s Republic of China. It appears that the
Chinese Government may have abandoned plans to use Green Dam in their
censorship programme.

                              Copyright © 2011 B Tasker



Hopefully this article has given you an insight into why government mandated
filtering cannot work, the methods of circumvention I’ve given are some of the most
simple and yet they work.

Far more advanced methods can be used, and are harder to mitigate. Do you really
want everyone to foot the bill for a system that will never work quite as well as you
hope and may even give some a false sense of security?

Pornography has been available since the earliest days of man, and there’s no reason
to believe it’s going to go away anytime soon. If you are truly worried about the affect
it may have on your children you need to stop expecting others to act, and take
matters into your own hands.

You may need to search the net and read a more detailed guide than this to find the
solution that fits you best, but as a parent it’s your responsibility to do so. There are
not many other areas where we expect to be allowed to remain uneducated in how to
work something we use regularly. Even the Car driving test now expects drivers to
have some knowledge of maintenance, why should your PC be any different?

There is a perception that local measures are easily circumvented, I hope this article
has shown that wider scale controls are just as easy to circumvent. If a teenager is able
to circumvent something that you have installed and configured, it’s quite likely
they’ll be able to figure out how to bypass anything the Government might choose to
put in place.

Not only are wide-scale solutions ineffective, history has shown that once a
mechanism of censorship is implemented it is often abused by those in power.
Removing elected officials ability to abuse the system leads to a self regulating body
such as the Internet Watch Foundation, whose record is less than clean.

It seems clear then, that when discussing suitability of material for children, those best
placed to decide are not elected officials or corporate bodies but the parents of each

“Parental responsibility cannot and should not be abrogated to government - if it is, our
society will only become weaker ...” - Cory Bernardi , Australian Liberal Senator

“We believe in parental responsibility, and that you should take care of what your children
are reading. But it's not your responsibility to tell a whole class of kids what they should
read.” - Michael Gorman, Writer

                               Copyright © 2011 B Tasker


Distributing this Document

This document is Copyright © Ben Tasker 2011

It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unported License.

You may copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions;

    •   Attribution – You must attribute the work to Ben Tasker (but not in any way
        that suggests he endorses you or your use of the work)

    •   NonCommercial – You may not use this work for commercial purposes

    •   No Derivative Works – You may not alter, transform or build upon this work

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Your fair dealing or fair use rights are unaffected, but when reusing or redistributing
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More whitepapers and other resources available at

                             Copyright © 2011 B Tasker
