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The Woodnotes Guide to Emacs for Writers

Authors Randall Wood

License CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5

      The Woodnotes Guide to Emacs for Writers
                      Randall Wood (

                                      March 31, 2011

1 Introduction                                                                                    2
  1.1 License and Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          2
  1.2 Introduction: Why a Text Editor instead of a Word Processor? . . . . . . . .                 3

2 Setting Up                                                                                      4
  2.1 Emacs on Linux/Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  4
  2.2 X or Console? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4

3 The Basics                                                                                      5
  3.1 Some Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5
  3.2 Emacs Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           6
  3.3 Files (Opening, Saving, Printing, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        7
  3.4 Navigating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7
  3.5 Scrolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    8
  3.6 Bookmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        8
  3.7 Selecting Text (“Regions”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       8
  3.8 Cutting and Pasting (Killing and Yanking) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            9
  3.9 Searching and Replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         10

4 Foreign Languages and Foreign Characters                                                        11
  4.1 Occasional Diacriticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       11
  4.2 Writing in a Foreign Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         12
  4.3 Inserting Special Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12

2                                                                                1   INTRODUCTION

5 Formatting Your Text                                                                                 13
     5.1 Word wrap       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
     5.2 Reformatting Hard Wrapped Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 13
     5.3 Transposing Letters/Words/Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             14
     5.4 Cleaning Up Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           14
     5.5 Changing Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         15
     5.6 End of Line Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          16

6 Multiple Windows, Buffers, and Frames                                                                16

7 Spell Checking                                                                                       18

8 Customizing your Environment                                                                         18
     8.1 Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      18
     8.2 Keyboard Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          19
     8.3 Fonts and Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        19
     8.4 Default Window Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             20
     8.5 Menus and Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          20
     8.6 Other Environment Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            21

9 Next Steps                                                                                           21
     9.1 Learning more about emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             21
     9.2 Emacs and LATEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         22

10 Acknowledgments                                                                                     22

1      Introduction

1.1     License and Version History

This document is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 2.5 license.1 Please send comments, criticisms, and corrections to me at the
email address found at my website. Enjoy this guide; I enjoyed creating it.
1.2   Introduction: Why a Text Editor instead of a Word Processor?                                         3

   • 31 March 2011: Added Typing Special Characters, clarified keybindings, minor

   • 25 December 2010: Major rewrite and reorganization, much more concise. Also
     improved readability, updated information to reflect improvements made in emacs
     versions 22 and 23, added transposition and and case changing.

   • 4 July 2007: Added info on changing colors and font display

   • 6 October 2006: Added licensing information and this version history. Over 2000
     people have downloaded this guide!

   • 2 March 2006: second update incorporating comments

   • 1 January 2005: Original version, courtesy of a cold spell in Washington DC

1.2     Introduction: Why a Text Editor instead of a Word Processor?

For many kinds of documents word processors are not the best tool for the job: long
documents, documents like academic works that require careful organization, fiction and
other long works of text all suffer at the hands of word processors. For that matter, only
plain text can assure total compatibility between systems, as it is the lowest common

If you write fiction, poems, lengthy emails, or organized, long works, you may be well
served by a text editor over a word processor. Word processors distract you with usually
unnecessary options. Because your publisher is going to do the formatting, you will
probably be requested to send in a document devoid of any mark up (bold, italics, etc.).
And word processors can be distracting in their incessant highlighting of misspelled
words that beg to be corrected before moving on – thus interrupting your train of thought.
Word processors make you focus too much on the document as a document and distract
you from what you should be doing, writing – being creative – producing text. Why
worry about page breaks during the writing process? You should be dealing with that
at the end, or not at all. In sum, text editors allow you to concentrate on writing, not

Because text is so important to Unix, a tremendous number of powerful text editors are
available to you, nearly always without charge. This document describes how to use
one of them – emacs – to write. Its power in the hands of computer programmers is
legendary. But it’s a valuable ally for authors as well.

  2 If you truly need formatting for a long and complex document, you will probably be better off with a more

powerful publishing tool than your typical word processor anyway.
4                                                                           2   SETTING UP

2     Setting Up

2.1     Emacs on Linux/Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows

On Linux and Unix emacs is either already installed on your machine, or available via
your software manager. It consists of several interlocking components though, and it’s
possible to install only the console version, missing the GUI (graphical) version. There’s
also xemacs, which for a time was far ahead of emacs in usability but has since fallen
somewhat out of favor. Its menus make a lot more sense than emacs’, in my opinion,
but it’s no longer very good looking, and the instructions here won’t fully apply.

Mac OSX is Unix under the hood, so it runs emacs natively, and the console version, not
the GUI version, is even provided free with new Macs. Open a new Terminal window (look
in your applications folder) and enter the command emacs at the prompt, and emacs will
start. There are other options as well. Enrico Franconi3 has developed a fully carbonized
version of emacs which provides the best of all possible unions between emacs and the
Mac OSX operating system. The Mac menubar overhead takes the emacs menu, the
program interacts perfectly with the Mac clipboard, and you can launch it directly from
the OSX Dock. Moreover, the Apple Command key (“flower”) serves as “Alt” (shown as M-
in this document), which is far more convenient than reaching for the Escape key as you
have to do otherwise.

There’s also Aquamacs, a version of emacs that tries to reach a compromise with Apple’s
desktop, using Macintosh native file dialogs and more. It’s comfortable software in a lot
of ways, and the first application I reach for on Mac OSX when I want emacs.

For Windows, There is a native version of emacs available from GNU’s Savannah server.4

2.2     X or Console?

This is a question for Unix/Linux users, and you probably already know the answer
because it’s a matter of personal preference, but it’s worth looking into. Emacs was a
console application for years, but developed an optional graphical interface (GUI) because
users demanded one, and now you can use whichever you like best, or both.

If the graphical emacs has been installed, emacs will run with clickable menus and lots
of mouse support; in the console version you will access the menus through keystrokes,
not by clicking, but all the same functionality will be there. If you are working in a virtual
terminal and want to specify the emacs you launch to be the console version, launch it
with emacs -nw. This is actually my favorite way, as I can run emacs in a transparent
terminal with a cool background, and I don’t want or like the mouse support much

3      The Basics

3.1     Some Vocabulary

Emacsen5 have a steeper learning curve than your average software because they don’t
use the vocabulary words you’d expect them to and therefore it takes a longer time to
find what you’re looking for in the manual or learn the options you’d like to understand.
You may very well know what you want but not know how to find it. A simple vocabulary
lesson will set you a long way forward in your effort to learn to use emacs.

Frames are what any other program would call “windows.” An emacs frame can be
    simply another view of the same document or show different documents.
Buffers: When you load a document into memory, your work resides in a memory buffer,
     while the file remains unchanged on the disk. Then when you save your work, the
     buffer is written to that file.
Window: You can divide your screen into sections called “windows,” each of which can
    view a different buffer or different parts of the same buffer.
Filling is what other programs call “word wrap,” sort of. To get a paragraph of text to
      “wrap” you must essentially insert a return character at the end of every line at a
      certain position, say every 80th character or so to have paragraphs formatted 80
      characters wide.
Kill means to remove text. Everyone else calls it “cut.”
Yank means to insert previously removed text, i.e “paste.”
Copy to Kill Ring is the equivalent of “copying” text in other applications.

Figure 1 shows a summary of emacs lingo and their equivalents for other software pack-

 Other Software                       Emacs
 Window                               Frame
 File                                 Buffer
 Tab/Pane                             Window
 Paste                                Yank
 Formatting/Justification             Filling
 Cut/Paste                            Kill/Yank

                               Figure 1: Emacs Vocabulary and meaning

First of all, a word about notation: emacs commands all start with the control key or
the alt key. The command Control-X is shown as follows: C-x and the command alt-X
    5 Emacs   and its variants (see, you’re using new vocabulary already!)
6                                                                          3   THE BASICS

is shown as follows: M-x (the M stands for “meta” and goes back to the days before the
alt-key). Some commands involve several steps, like the following, which sets the margin
to 20 characters: C-u 20 C-x f. So hit control-u, type the number 20, then hit control-
x, release, and strike the f key. The status bar at the bottom of the screen shows your
progress. If you screw up half way, hit control-g to cancel the command (you can’t edit
the command half way, you have to start over). Now that you understand the notation,
you’ll understand C-x C-c, which means “exit emacs.”
You’ll feel more comfortable exploring emacs once you know how to undo mistakes. The
command is C-x u and emacs remembers a long history of your previous commands so
it can undo a lot of mistakes. Figure 2 summarizes these basic commands.

 Command       Key Sequence
 Cancel        C-g
 Quit emacs    C-x C-c
 Undo          C-x u

                                   Figure 2: The Basics

3.2   Emacs Commands

The “mac” in “emacs” came from the word “macros.” Every single command available
to you, and commands you write yourself (see Section 8.1: Macros below) is a func-
tion written in a programming language called emacs-lisp. They all have names like
canonically-space-region or indent-region or ispell-buffer. Many of those commands are
associated with keyboard shortcuts like C-n (to move the cursor down one line) but they
also have a long name as well (in this case C-n is the command next-line). Not all of the
commands available to you have a keyboard shortcut; those that don’t are accessed by
hitting M-x and their long name. For example, type M-x ispell-buffer to begin spell
checking the entire document. Once you hit M-x you can type just isp and hit tab, and
emacs will try to complete the command with the options available to it. In this case
it will get as far as ispell- because there are several commands whose names start with
that sequence of letters. Continue by typing bu and hitting tab. Emacs will now complete
the command: ispell-buffer. Hit return and the spell checking will begin.
In the rest of this document, remember that commands that don’t have a shortcut like
C-t (transpose characters) can be accessed by typing M-x plus the long name of the
command, so M-x transpose-characters and hitting return.
You’ll notice as you get more familiar with emacs that commands come in basically
three flavors: those that begin with C-x, those that begin with C-c, and those that begin
with M-x. C-x is reserved for the most common commands and particularly those that
involve reading in and saving buffers, so C-x C-f to “find” a file, C-x C-c to quit, and so
on. Commands that are less frequently used get relegated to C-c, which you’ll notice is a
little more of a stretch for your finger to reach. M-x, as explained above, is used to access
commands by their long names. While there are a couple of other key combinations, like
C-h for commands related to the help system, these are few in number.
3.3   Files (Opening, Saving, Printing, etc.)                                             7

3.3    Files (Opening, Saving, Printing, etc.)

Remember, a file is what’s stored on disk. Once you read it into emacs to begin editing,
we refer to it as a buffer, because it’s been stored in memory. In general, opening, saving,
and printing files is straightforward. A couple of notes: To “open” a file and to create a
new file are the same thing: emacs will try to find the file you request and if it doesn’t
exist it will simply create a new, empty file for you. When you “save as” by typing C-x
C-w, emacs will save the file under a new name and then continue to edit the newly-
renamed file. This is what most programs do, but it’s worth mentioning because there
are some programs that simply save your current work to disk under a new name but
continue to edit the original file (called “save a copy as”).
Inserting a file at the present cursor position is extremely useful. I use it to send tem-
plated emails. I start off with a personalized introduction, then insert a file which con-
tains one of several templates, edit as necessary, and send. You’ll find other uses for this
feature as you go.
The basic commands are shown in Figure 3.

 Keystroke    Command/Function
 C-x C-f      Open (“Find”) a file
 C-x C-s      Save
 C-x s        Save some or all files to disk
 C-x C-w      Save as
 C-x i        Insert another file into current buffer
 C-x C-v      Replace this buffer with another file

                                 Figure 3: File Commands

Finally, there are several ways to print, but one of the nicest is M-x ps-print-buffer-with-faces,
which will print your text buffer to the printer with fonts, syntax highlighting, and all. It
generates very attractive print-outs of your work.

3.4    Navigating

Once you learn the keyboard shortcuts, you’ll find they are far quicker than reaching for
the mouse. Press C-f to move forward and C-b to move backward; C-n to move down to
the next line and C-p to move up to the previous.
You can repeat any number of times by prefixing an argument with the command
Control-u as follows. Let’s say you want to move forward 8 characters. Enter control-u
8 control-f all in a row. We’ll see the control-u command later in this document for
other commands that require a number, like setting margins to a certain number or
characters wide and so on. Emacs has commands to move the cursor by other units
as well: by a word, to the beginning or end of the current line, by a sentence, and by a
paragraph, as shown in Figure 4:
8                                                                       3   THE BASICS

 Entity to Move Over        Backward       Forward
 Character                    C-b            C-f
 Word                         M-b            M-f
 Line                         C-p            C-n
 Sentence                     M-a            M-e
 Paragraph                     M-{           M-}
 Page                         C-x           C-x ]
 Beginning/End of Line         C-a           C-e
 Beginning/End of Buffer      M-<            M->

                              Figure 4: Cursor Movement

3.5   Scrolling

The two most important commands are C-v to scroll down one screenful and M-v to
scroll up one screenful. The cursor moves with you. And no matter where your cursor
is in the document you can scroll that point up to the center of the screen by with C-l.
Together they are an easy way to navigate quickly up and down through the document.
But there’s a quicker way still to get where you’re going: incremental searching. We’ll
look at that trick in section 3.9.

 Scroll Direction                           Backward Forward
 Previous/Next Screen                          M-v         C-v
 Scroll Left/Right                            C-x <       C-x >
 Scroll Current Line to Center of Screen       C-u C-l or C-l
 Scroll Other Window                               M-C v

                                   Figure 5: Scrolling


As you write, you may find it convenient to place a bookmark at certain points in your
text so you can conveniently return at some future point. Emacs allows you to set,
remove, and name bookmarks.
If you’re using the graphical (GUI) version of emacs, the bookmarks functions are avail-
able to you under the Edit–>Bookmarks menu. Otherwise, remember the following com-
mands (the lisp-function is available to you by hitting M-x and the name of the function,
i.e M-x bookmark-jump).

3.7   Selecting Text (“Regions”)

Most anything you do, including cutting and pasting (see section 3.8 below) involves
selecting or highlighting an area of text. To do so, you position the cursor somewhere
3.8   Cutting and Pasting (Killing and Yanking)                                               9

 Action                  Keystroke    Lisp Function
 Set Bookmark            C-x r m      (bookmark-set)
 Jump to Bookmark                     (bookmark-jump)
 Delete Bookmark                      (bookmark-delete)

                                     Figure 6: Bookmarks

and set a mark, then move to somewhere else and define everything between the mark
and your current position as the region. Once you’ve selected the region you can go on
to cut it, format it, etc.
So, put the cursor somewhere and press C-space. The status bar at the bottom of
the screen should indicate “mark set.” Now using the scrolling and cursor movement
commands described in section 3.4 to get to where you want. Everything between your
current position and the mark should be highlighted and is now considered the region.
The next command will affect the entire region. Two quick shortcuts: M-< and M-> will
select from the cursor point to the beginning/end of the buffer, respectively.
If for some reason, the region does not get highlighted as you select it, it means transient-
mark-mode has been toggled off. Toggle it back on by entering M-x transient-mark-mode.
Apparently, not everyone likes to see the highlighting, though I certainly do.

3.8    Cutting and Pasting (Killing and Yanking)

This is the most obvious example of how emacs doesn’t follow naming conventions used
by most other software. Killing and Yanking, once you get used to the new vocabulary,
does what you’d expect it to, but emacs provides some other tricks that are useful to
writers. First of all, emacs remembers more than one thing cut (“killed”) and keeps them
in a list called the kill ring. You can later paste (“yank”) not just the most recent thing
killed but previous things as well. Simply hit C-w to “kill” something (i.e. “cut” it). To
“yank” it, hit C-y (i.e. “paste”). To copy something to the kill ring (i.e. “copy”), use the Alt
key instead of the Control key, that is M-w. The basics are shown in Figures 7 and 8.

 Entity to Kill   Backward Forward
 Character          DEL           C-d
 Word              M-DEL         M-d
 To end of line            C-k
 Sentence          C-x Del       M-k
 Entire line       M-x kill-entire-line

                                  Figure 7: Killing (cutting)

Let’s look for a moment at how the kill ring works. Imagine an immense list of everything
you’ve killed during this session that you can cycle through. When you “yank” some
text, the most recent item is what you get. But if you immediately hit M-y, that text is
replaced with the previous item. Hit M-y again to replace that with the item previous
10                                                                             3   THE BASICS

to that, and so on until you get what you want. It’s called a kill ring because you cycle
through all the items, eventually returning to the most recent item killed.

 Keystroke    Command/Function
 C-w          Kill (“cut”)
 M-w          Copy to Kill ring (“copy”)
 C-y          Yank (“paste”)

                                Figure 8: Killing and Yanking

Lastly, you can also kill things selectively – a word here, a sentence there – and accumu-
late them as you go, kind of like a selective harvest of your text. You may not use these
tricks frequently, but they’re highly convenient when you need them:

 Command               Purpose
 append-to-buffer      append region to particular buffer
 prepend-to-buffer     add the region to the beginning of a particular buffer
 copy-to-buffer        replace specified buffer with contents of region
 append-to-file        append region to contents of a specified file

                          Figure 9: Accumulating Text in Buffers

3.9    Searching and Replacing
Searching for text is important all throughout the processing of writing, but it’s also a
useful way to navigate a document too, if you can think of words specific to certain areas
of your text that will allow you to pinpoint it. Emacs provides a very powerful way to
search your document, and several additional search and replace mechanisms of use to
The one you’ll use most frequently is called incremental searching. When you press C-s
emacs will prompt you for what you want to search for. It will then search as you type
from the cursor position to the end of the document. But as you continue typing it will
add those letters to the search. An example is worth a thousand words. Let’s say you’re
searching for the word “iconoclastic” in your document. Hit C-s and start typing “i-c-o-.”
As you type “i” emacs will highlight the next word that starts with “i,” but as you type
“ico” it will highlight the first word that starts with “ico,” building as you type until finally
you’ve typed in the whole word and emacs is highlighting the next occurrence of the word
“iconoclastic.” If that’s the position in the buffer you want to skip to, press enter at this
point, or C-g to remain where you were when you started the search. C-r performs an
incremental search backwards from the cursor.
Type M-% to begin the query replace process. This is the equivalent of search and replace
in other software. Emacs will ask you at each word if you’d like to replace that occurrence
of the word or no, and you can answer yes, no, yes from now on, cancel, and so on.
One limitation of regular searches in documents that have been formatted (filled) is that
if the two words are separated by a newline, the incremental search function won’t find

them. For these cases, use the word search command:                        M-s w. It will find a phrase
regardless of punctuation or spaces between the words.

 Command/Function                          Keystroke
 Incremental search forward                   C-s
 Incremental search backward                  C-r
 Query replace                               M-%
 Word search forward                        M-s w

                                   Figure 10: Searching and Replacing

4      Foreign Languages and Foreign Characters

4.1      Occasional Diacriticals

It’s not immediately obvious how to insert characters from foreign alphabets and symbols
into your text, but emacs is more linguistically-aware than a lot of software, so it should
come as no surprise that it’s possible.6 In fact, you can use emacs to compose texts in
Asian alphabets (e.g. Chinese, Korean), right-to-left alphabets (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew), and
insert any character in the unicode definition.

If you are mostly writing English, with the occasional odd foreign character, it’s easiest
to use C-x 8. For example C-x 8 Y produces the Yen symbol (¥), C-x 8 L produces the
pound symbol (£), and C-x 8 o produces the degree symbol (°). There are about two dozen
characters easily available through this method. Type C-x 8 C-h for a list of them (or
type C-h b for a list of all keybindings).

 Keystroke         Produces       Meaning                         Keystroke      Produces
 C-x 8 Y              ¥           Yen                             C-x 8 ´ e          é
 C-x 8 L              £           Pounds                          C-x 8 ` o          ò
 C-x 8 o               °          Degrees                         C-x 8 ˆ o          ô
 C-x 8 R              ®           Registered                      C-x 8 ˜ n         ñ
 C-x 8 C              ©           Copyright                       C-x 8 , c          ç
 C-x 8 c              ¢           Cents                           C-x 8 / o          ø
 C-x 8 S               §          Section                         C-x 8 ”u          ü
 C-x 8 P               ¶          Paragraph                       C-x 8 ”s          ß
 C-x 8 1 2              2         One Half                        C-x 8 /e          æ

                        Figure 11: Some Commonly Used Special Characters

    6 Many   thanks to Xah Lee ( for excellent base material for this section.
12                                      4   FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND FOREIGN CHARACTERS

4.2       Writing in a Foreign Alphabet

If however, you are going to write a text in Spanish, French, Turkish, or some alpha-
bet that makes regular use of diacritical marks, you are better off changing the input
method. The easiest way to do this is either C-x RETURN C-\ or M-x set-input-method.
Hit tab to see the full gamut of input methods available to you, from Georgian to Tibetan
to Dvorak and beyond. In these cases, emacs will assume you’re using a keyboard where
certain keys correspond to certain particular characters in that alphabet.7 Assuming
you just want to type some French or Turkish, something like latin1-postfix or latin1-
prefix should do the trick. In both cases, you create a character like à by using the ‘
and a keys on your keyboard: for latin-1-prefix you type the symbol before the letter and
in latin-1-postfix you type the symbol after the letter. This is equivalent to the “dead
keys” keyboard layouts provided by the keyboard settings in most Linux desktops (KDE,
Gnome, XFCE).

If you are going to switch between two input methods (i.e. keyboard layouts), use C-x
RETURN C-\ the first time to make the first switch. Subsequently, toggle back and forth
between the two layouts by using C-\.

4.3       Inserting Special Characters

Emacs uses unicode internally, and can produce any character in the unicode definition.
You may, however, not be able to see that character on your screen because your Linux
distribution doesn’t have the proper font to show it. If you know the character by its
unicode name, you can insert it that way. Type C-x 8 RETURN and then begin typing
its name. Emacs will load the list of known unicode characters and try to guess. For
example, C-x 8 RETURN BLACK CLUB SUIT will produce ♣.

If you know the character’s code, you can enter it the same way. The double dagger (‡) is
unicode U+2021, so C-x RETURN 2021 RETURN will produce it. Wikipedia has a decent
but incomplete list of unicode characters by number8 but the source9 is more complete,
and affords you a sense of the awesome breadth of the unicode standard.

A much more cumbersome method is to change to the ‘ucs’ input-method before in-
putting a string of characters by their unicode number. Type C-x RET C-\ and when
prompted, choose the ‘ucs’ (direct unicode) method. Now type u plus the number of the
character (u2021 in this example of the double dagger); repeat for the next characters.

If you make use of some unusual symbols fairly regularly, it is worthwhile to bind those
characters to a keystroke. See section 8.2 for details on how to do so.

  7I   haven’t got a Georgian or Tibetan keyboard to test this on, sadly, so can’t confirm this hypothesis.

5     Formatting Your Text

5.1     Word wrap

Before version 22 word wrap was a bit of a hassle, but things are much better now,
so upgrade if you can.10 Word wrap comes in two forms: soft wrap and hard wrap.
Hard wrap means that at the end of every line a “newline” character is inserted. Most
plain text email is sent this way. If you have 80 character wide paragraphs and want
them to be 120 characters wide, you have to reformat. Soft wrap means the program
recognizes the width of the window on your screen and reformats the words to fit the
window, without inserting any newline characters. If you resize the window, the words
adjust automatically.
Unless you tell it do otherwise, emacs will let lines wrap around the screen, but make
no effort to break the line between words; you’ll see a little arrow right in the middle of
a word. This is annoying. Better is to enable “long lines” mode (M-x long-lines-mode,
which permits emacs to leave words intact. The lines will wrap at the margin set with
the C-x f command. C-u 80 C-x f sets the width to 80 characters, for example of your
paragraph but does not reformat the paragraph. M-q reformats the paragraph.
For hard-wrapped lines (useful, for example, if you’re writing a LATEX document), hit C-u
120 C-x f to set the margin, and type M-x auto-fill-mode to toggle auto-fill mode
on (check the status bar at the bottom of the screen to see if it’s on: look for the word
“fill” in the mode line). Now start typing. Your paragraphs will be hard wrapped at 120
characters, the width of your screen. Now if you go back to edit your work, the paragraph
will be out of whack. Hit M-q to reformat the paragraph. If you later decide you want
the paragraph to be 72 characters wide again, you can hit C-u 72 C-x f to set the new
margin and M-q to reformat it.
There are two other useful commands available to you if you’ve selected a region you’d
like to format. The command fill-individual paragraphs reformats each paragraph
in the region. This is probably what you want if you want to globally change all the
paragraphs in your document from 72 to 85 characters wide, for example. The command
fill-region-as-paragraph will take all the fragments of text in your region and make
them into a single paragraph, removing extraneous blank lines and double spaces, etc.
– a very handy way to reformat hacked-up text.

5.2     Reformatting Hard Wrapped Documents

If you have a document that has already been hard-wrapped, getting rid of all those new-
line characters and going back to soft wrapping is not quite intuitive either. One place
  10 For versions prior to 22 you’ll have to find the package on the Internet and install it with the rest of the

lisp code on your system. Where you install it might not be obvious. On my Linux system it was a matter
of copying the file to /usr/share/emacs/21.2/site-lisp/ and setting the permissions to -rw-r–r–. I added the
following line to my .emacs file: (autoload ’longlines-mode "longlines.el" "Minor mode for editing
long lines." t) Then when you need it, simply issue the command M-x longlines-mode
14                                                                    5   FORMATTING YOUR TEXT

where you’ll run into this is reformatting plain text email for use in another program.
Before you can do much with the text you need to get rid of the carriage return at the
end of each line. There are two easy ways to do this.
The first way is the most simple: First, set your fill-column variable to some huge num-
ber greater than the probable maximum number of characters in a single paragraph,
like 10,000. Then select the whole document and invoke “fill-individual-paragraphs.”
Remember, to set your fill-paragraph variable the key binding is C-x f. So to set it to
10,000 you’d hit C-u 10000 C-x f.
The second way is easier, but may only work if you’re working on Linux or Unix, which
has the following tool available. Simply highlight the area or the whole document, and
type M-1 M-| fmt -w2000 This pipes the text to the GNU fmt (“format”) command with
a paragraph width of 2000 characters. If you can remember the keystroke, this is the
most elegant way to do it.11
If you’re going to use this command frequently it may make sense to define it as a macro
and bind a keystroke to it so you can evoke this function with a single keystroke (see
section 8.1 for more info on macros and section 8.2 for more info on binding keys). This
is the code you would add to your .emacs file:

(defun fix-screwed-up-paragraphs(beg end)
   (interactive "r")
   (shell-command-on-region beg end "fmt -w2000" nil t))

5.3     Transposing Letters/Words/Lines

C-t will transpose your current character with the character previous and M-t will do
the same with words. C-x C-t will do the same with lines (remember a line is not the
same as a sentence). M-T will transpose your current line with the line above it. Emacs
offers other transpose commands but I rarely use any of them; find them by typing M-x
apropos, hitting return, and then typing “transpose.”

 Keystroke      Command/Function
 C-t            Transpose two characters
 M-t            Transpose two words
 C-x C-t        Transpose two lines

                                       Figure 12: Transposing

5.4     Cleaning Up Spacing

The commands presented here complement the filling techniques described above and
provide some additional functionality as well that’s useful for writers. C-o is one of the
 11 Thanks to Jerry Sievers for the first technique, and Rod (author of Linux for Non-Geeks – Clear-eyed An-

swers for Practical Consumers) for the second technique. Thanks to Marc Girod for the lisp function
5.5      Changing Case                                                                                         15

commands I’m most grateful for. It inserts a blank line beneath the cursor and forces all
the rest of the text down from the position of the cursor. In other programs you have to
hit return and then arrow your way back up to do this. C-M-o does the same, above the
Just as useful is the opposite: say you’ve got several blank lines between two paragraphs
and you want to clean it up. Rather than manually deleting each line, just hit C-x C-o
to remove all blank lines except one.
Two additional commands, M-backslash and M-space clean up space between words,
the former removing all spaces and tabs thereby juxtaposing the two words, and the
latter removing all spaces but one. Finally, invoke M-x canonically-space-region
after selecting some text. It will remove all extraneous spaces so that there’s one space
between words and two after a period. If you’ve seriously mashed up your text, this is
a quick way to put it back together. Shortcuts like these are the ones that give you the
advantage over word processor-users. M-ˆ will join your current line to the previous.12

 Keystroke          Command/Function
 C-o                Insert blank line
 C-x C-o            Remove all blank lines above and below but one
 M-\                Concatenate text to left and right of point
 M-space            Remove all spaces except one
 M-ˆ                Join this line with the previous

                           Figure 13: Transposing, Joining, and Formatting

5.5        Changing Case

It’s easy to select text and make it upper case, lower case, or title case. M-l converts
to lower case the rest of the word starting at the cursor; M-u converts the rest of the
word to upper case. C-x C-l and C-x C-u do the same thing, but for a region. The
upcase-initials-region command is what word processors call title case, in which
the first letter in each word is capitalized. Note that because the M-a keystroke navigates
to the first word in a sentence, you can use it effectively in a macro that goes backward
through a text, capitalizing the first word of each sentence.

 Keystroke            Command/Function
 M-l                  downcase-word
 M-u                  upcase-word
 C-x C-l              downcase region
 C-x C-u              upcase region
 (not bound)          upcase-initials-region

                                          Figure 14: Changing Case

 12 I   find this key combination cumbersome and use it a lot, so I like to bind it to another key, like M-j
16                                   6   MULTIPLE WINDOWS, BUFFERS, AND FRAMES

5.6     End of Line Characters
If you frequently deal with text files created by Windows users, you will no doubt en-
counter the frustrating \M character littered throughout the text. Remember that Unix,
Windows, and Macs prior to OS X all deal with the end of lines differently. Windows
marks the end of a line with two characters – an end of line (\ n) and a carriage return
(\ r). Unix just uses the end of line (\ n), and Macintosh just uses the carriage return (\
r). When you open a text file originally created in Windows, the \M characters represent
left-over carriage returns emacs didn’t know what to do with.
There is an easy way to get rid of them by just searching and replacing. Navigate to one
of them, select it the way you would any other character or expression, and copy it using
M-w. Then Hit M-% to begin a search and replace session. When emacs asks what to
replace, hit C-y (yank). When emacs asks with what to replace the character, just hit
return. Emacs will then remove all those \M characters. You can also type C-q (“enter
a literal”) followed by C-m to enter the end-of-line character directly, when asked.

6     Multiple Windows, Buffers, and Frames
Remember that what you would call “files” in other programs are “buffers” to emacs.
That distinction becomes important when we start dealing with multiple buffers and
introduce the concept of windows and frames (for a quick review look at figure 1).
First of all, let’s say you begin working on a file called one.txt. But you want to work
on two.txt as well, maybe because you’re going to cut and paste text from one file to the
other. So once you’ve got one.txt on your screen, type C-x C-f two.txt. The second file
should be loaded into a buffer and that buffer should be the active one. What happened
to one.txt? It’s still in memory, but your window/frame is only presenting you one buffer,
and it’s two.txt. You can switch between the two buffers by hitting C-x b. Emacs will
ask you “Switch to buffer (default one.txt). By simply pressing enter emacs will switch
to one.txt. Alternatively, you can hit the tab key, and emacs will divide into an upper
and lower section, and one section will show a list of all possible buffers. Some are
special emacs buffers like logs. *Messages* is an example of one. You can type the first
few letters of the buffer you want to switch to and emacs will auto-complete for you.
When you’ve chosen the buffer you want to work on, press enter. By default emacs
will assume you want to work on the buffer you were dealing with last, which means it’s
easy to switch between two buffers simply by hitting C-x b and return, accepting the
If you want to see a list of all buffers currently in use, type C-x C-b. You’ll see a window
listing all current buffers in use.
Once you’ve got two windows open though, how do you get rid of the second one? There
are several ways.

     • Make your current window the only one by hitting C-x 1 (mnemonic: “one win-
       dow”). The other window will disappear, though the buffer will still be open, just
       not displayed.

   • Switch to the other window and kill the window. Switch by hitting C-x o (mnemonic:
     “other window”). The cursor will now be in the other buffer. Now kill it with C-x 0.
     The current window will disappear and the other one will occupy the full screen.

Let’s look at some other ways you can deal with multiple buffers and windows. Hit C-x
2 to divide the current window in two pieces, one upper and one lower (two vertical
windows). Because emacs doesn’t know what else to do, both windows will at first show
the same buffer, so if you’re currently working on one.txt and split the window, you’ll
have one.txt in both the top and the bottom windows, and both will reflect changes made
in the other (think of them as viewports looking onto the same area of memory). This
can be very useful when you want to have on the screen at the same time two different
areas of your text.
Hit C-x 3 to divide a window into two side-by-side (horizontal) windows. This can be
handy to view side by side two buffers, for example to compare them or look for changes
in one. But if you enable follow-mode the two side-by-side buffers will show consecutive
sections of the same buffer, and scroll together as you move up and down. On modern,
wide screen monitors, this is a great way to maximize how much of your text you can see
at once.
Needless to say, you can have different buffers in each window. Start with one window
and then using C-x 2 divide it into two windows. Now switch to the other window with
C-x o and then open up a new buffer with C-x f (to deal with a new file) or C-x b
(to deal with an already opened file). Use C-x k to “kill” a buffer (close it permanently;
emacs will ask if you want to save changes first) or C-x 0 to close a window without
closing the buffer. Now is it clear why it’s important to understand the difference between
files, buffers, and windows?
A frame is what other programs call a window so be careful to distinguish with your
vocabulary. An emacs frame is like a detached window, and like windows, just provide
a viewport to a buffer, so you can add and delete additional frames without affecting
buffers at all. Needless to say, the concept of a frame only works if you’re using emacs in
a graphical environment. If you’re working at a virtual console, frames are not available
to you.
Type M-x find-file-other-frame. Emacs will ask you for the name of the file and
then open it up in a new frame. Or type M-x new-frame to display the current buffer in
a new frame.

 Keystroke    Command/Function
 C-x b        Switch to other buffer
 C-x C-b      Show the list of active buffers
 C-x 2        Split the window vertically
 C-x 3        Split the window horizontally
 C-x k        Kill buffer (close the file)

                          Figure 15: Windows/Buffers/Frames
18                                                8   CUSTOMIZING YOUR ENVIRONMENT

7     Spell Checking

Spell checking is one of several ways emacs interfaces well with other software to expand
the tools available to you. Emacs spell checks via the ispell program, available on all
Unix/Linux systems and on both Windows and Mac OSX as well (though note Mac OSX
uses its own spell checking mechanism, and your ispell dictionary is separate from the
To spell check a word, simply hit M-$ while the cursor is somewhere in or at the end
of the word. Ispell will check the word and allow you to correct it, if necessary. To
spell check the entire document, enter M-x ispell-buffer. You can add words to your
dictionary as necessary as you go.
Flyspell mode is the equivalent of that check-as-you-go spell checking that some word
processors use, and is one of the features that proves you can have in a text edi-
tor the same features you have in expensive, proprietary word processors. Enter M-x
flyspell-mode to toggle the mode on or off. Flyspell mode uses the ispell program to
spellcheck your document as you type and changes to a different color all the words that
appear to be misspelled. It only checks what you type from the moment you toggle the
mode on, however. If you’ve already typed quite a bit and would like to flyspell all the
existing text, once you’ve toggled on flyspell-mode, enter M-x flyspell-buffer to have
ispell look over your entire buffer for spelling errors. If you get tired of the distraction of
misspelled words (it’s often better to just do all your spell checking at the end of the day
instead of as you go, so you don’t get distracted) you can toggle flyspell mode back off
again with the same command.
Lots of good dictionaries have been developed for ispell, all of which you can download for
free via your Linux system’s package manager. Enter M-x ispell-change-dictionary
and change the dictionary ispell will use for the next command. This is very handy if you
use emacs for email and find yourself communicating in more than one language.

8     Customizing your Environment

8.1    Macros

Macros are a great way to take the burden out of repetitive, annoying tasks. As men-
tioned above, the “mac” in emacs stands for “macros” and it’s something emacs does very
well. Simply hit C-x ( to begin recording a macro, and C-x ) when you’re done. The sta-
tus bar at the bottom of the screen will read “defining keyboard macro” as you type. Once
the keyboard macro has been defined, it’s an easy matter to invoke that macro through-
out your typing session by typing C-x e and to re-invoke it by just striking e again as
necessary. Or you can select a region and use M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines to
edit only a certain portion of your text with the macro (C-x C-k r).
If you want to keep the macro available to you, save it and give it a name: Type M-x
name-last-kbd-macro or C-x C-k n. You can edit that same macro by typing M-x
8.2   Keyboard Shortcuts                                                                 19

edit-kbd-macro. A new buffer will open with the commands that make up your macro
for editing.

8.2    Keyboard Shortcuts

Emacsen are most frequently derided for difficult key combinations using one or more
of shift/alt/control etc. You can create easier keystroke combinations to suit your needs
by editing the .emacs file in your home directory. Add lines like the following:

(global-set-key [f1] ’goto-line)
(global-set-key[?\M-\l] ’next-line)
(global-set-key [?\C-x ?\w] ’beginning-of-buffer)
(add-hook ’text-mode-hook ’longlines-mode)
(global-unset-key (kbd "M-j") )
(global-set-key (kbd "M-j") ’join-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-*") "dookie")

The first three lines above set the F1 key to the command “goto-line,” Alt-l to “next line”
and C-x w to “beginning of buffer.” Type C-h b to get a listing of all current key bindings.
The fourth line instructs emacs to load the longlines.el package whenever it edits in text
mode. The fifth and sixth lines remove the previous keybinding for Alt-J and reassign
it to the command join-line. The seventh is an example of how you can bind a key
stroke to a character you wouldn’t normally find on your keyboard or a whole word you
don’t want to have to retype each time.
Note the many different styles for representing keystrokes. I find that in earlier versions
of emacs the ?\M notation was necessary, while in versions 22 and up the (kbd) notation
works better.

8.3    Fonts and Colors

It should come as no surprise that you can change many aspects of the emacs user
interface. Here are some commands that help you customize your work environment:
The default emacs frame or window might be good enough for some, but you may get tired
of black on white or simply prefer another layout like yellow on blue (like the good old
Wordperfect for DOS days), or white on grey (for writing at night in low light conditions)
to give your eyes a rest.
Set the foreground color and background colors with M-x set-background-color and
M-x set-foreground-color respectively. As you press return, a buffer window will
open up requesting you input the color you like. If you’re working in X (as opposed to at
a console) you have dozens of colors at your disposal, while on a console you have just
eight. Start typing ’bl’ for blue and then press tab and note how many blues are available.
Same goes for most colors. For that matter, you can choose the cursor color and mouse
color in the same way, namely M-x set-cursor-color and M-x set-mouse-color.
20                                            8   CUSTOMIZING YOUR ENVIRONMENT

If you decide to make these your defaults, it’s a matter of adding something like the
following to your .emacs preferences file:

(set-foreground-color "white")
(set-cursor-color "red")
(set-mouse-color "goldenrod")
(set-background-color "black")

I have never had much of a problem with emacs’ default font, and since writers of long
works don’t have much need for font changing, once you’ve chosen a good font you
can stick with it. Remember, since this is a text file the font is only used for display
on the screen anyway, not printing. As of emacs 22 you can select your font using
the cool GTK+ font chooser dialog. But if you want to do it the old/difficult way, type
M-x set-default-font, and when emacs prompts you for a font, hit tab to see what’s
available. Note which one works the best for you, and then add it to your .emacs file
with something like the following:


8.4   Default Window Parameters

Add the following to your .emacs file to set a default new window size if you constntly
find yourself resizing them as they appear.

(setq default-frame-alist
; frame width and height
   (width   . 80)
   (height  . 40)

8.5   Menus and Toolbars

You might be interested in the menubar and icon toolbar at the top of an emacs win-
dow, but personally I find the emacs menus unintuitive and the icon toolbar kind of
superfluous, and use neither. Fortunately you can turn both off if you like using M-x
menu-bar-mode (it’s a toggle) and M-x tool-bar-mode.
To make these preferences permanent, add (tool-bar-mode -1) and (menu-bar-mode
-1) to your emacs file, respectively.
8.6   Other Environment Settings                                                     21

8.6    Other Environment Settings

You’ll be amazed by just how many aspects of emacs’ behavior are customizable. But you
just want to write, not spend all day customizing. In a nutshell, here are some aspects
you might want to ensure are set to your liking and then never touch again. Add these
to your .emacs file to set them and forget about them.

 Put this in your .emacs            To achieve this effect
 (setq inhibit-startup-message t)   Disables the splash screen
 (global-hl-line-mode 1)            Highlights the current line
 (show-paren-mode t)                Toggles emacs’ showing matching parentheses
 (setq transient-mark-mode t)       Highlights the selected region

                        Figure 16: Misc. Environment Settings

9     Next Steps

9.1    Learning more about emacs

This Woodnotes guide doesn’t even scratch the surface of the power of emacs, but for the
writer or author interested in getting down to work, this should be more than enough to
allow you to find and use the commands that you need most. There is far, far more about
emacs than what’s covered here. For example, emacs includes calendar functionality
(even the Mayan calendar!), games (even Tetris!), a calculator, a datebook/planner, a
fun psychiatrist, and more. If you want to, you can use emacs to read and compose
your email, surf newsgroups, and so on. These things may not be immediately useful to
writers, but if you decide you like emacs dive in and explore: it’s a powerful tool.

Help Menus: If you’re interested in learning more about this powerful software pack-
age, there are lots of options available to you. Of course, the program has its own help
manuals and documentation available on screen. C-h ? will give you a list of all help
commands and you can choose from there: I’d recommend you start with C-h t, “Read
the Emacs manual.” Scroll down to ‘Text’ for the parameters of most use to writers. In
the GUI version of emacs, simply navigate the Help menu (on consoles, hit M-‘ to do the
same thing). For example, as shown in the help menus, the command C-h k allows you
to find out what command a particular key sequence is bound to, that is “what does C-x
C-o do?” C-h b will show you all keybindings presently in use.
You can find new commands by using emacs’ “apropos” utility. Enter M-x apropos and
hit return. When emacs asks you for an expression, enter what you’d like to know
more about, and it will present you a list of all commands that use that expression.
For example hit M-x apropos, return, and then enter ispell. You will see a list of a
half a dozen commands, variables, and functions that include the word ispell, including
check-ispell-version, checkdoc-ispell, and ispell-change-dictionary. All items shown as
22                                                             10   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

commands are available to you by entering M-x and the command name. Functions
and variables are not very useful to anyone but emacs lisp programmers, for whom this
document is not intended.

On the web: On the web, check out the GNU website:, and the
emacs wiki, a collaborative website with tips, tricks, and more:
Just Googling for emacs will net you a plethora of websites where emacs fans share their

Books: Start with the O’Reilly Guide Learning GNU Emacs by Debra Cameron, James
Elliott, and Marc Loy, available in the computer section of your favorite bookstore or on
line at O’Reilly also produces a useful pocket reference guide (also by
Debra Cameron) with less explanation but a good list of the most-used commands and
settings. Purchase of the books helps support the programmers that work on emacs.
The best way to learn about emacs is simply to start using it. You’ll quickly find solutions
to your own problems, and the enormous emacs user community is usually more than
happy to support you in your effort to learn it. Brace yourself, and come on board.
Happy writing!

9.2   Emacs and LATEX

This Woodnotes guide won’t get into the details of LATEX but let it be said that if you
intend to develop documents using TEX or LATEX software, you could hope for no better
text editor than emacs. Find the Auctex package for emacs – it probably came with your
distribution anyway – and install it. Auctex will be loaded immediately whenever you
open or begin a file with the extension .tex. It makes a whole host of commands available
to you at a keystroke and has good documentation that will help you get familiar with its
capabilities. It’s very convenient to simply hit C-c C-c to run LATEX on your document and
again to view the DVI output file. Auctex also contains provisions to help you organize
and create your Bibtex files, and lots more.

10     Acknowledgments

Thanks to Bill Harris, Kai Grossjohann, Chong Yidong (one of the authors of longlines.el),
Johann “Myrkraverk” Oskarsson, Jerry Sievers, Marc Girod, Aidan Kehoe, Xah Lee, and
everyone else that supplied recommendations and additional resources for this docu-
A companion reference card is available for this document at