CERTMAP.CONF(5) | File Formats Manual | CERTMAP.CONF(5) |
/etc/dirsrv/config/certmap.conf - Configuration file for TLS client authentication in 389 Directory Server.
This file configures how a certificate is mapped to an LDAP entry. See the documentation for more information on this file: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/10/html/configuration_command_and_file_reference/configuration_file_reference#certmap_conf
The format of this file is as follows:
certmap <name> <issuerDN>
<name>:<prop1> [<val1>]
<name>:<prop2> [<val2>]
1. Mapping can be defined per issuer of a certificate. If mapping doesn't
exists for a particular 'issuerDN' then the server uses the default
2. There must be an entry for <name>=default and issuerDN
This mapping is the default mapping.
3. '#' can be used to comment out a line.
4. DNComps & FilterComps are used to form the base DN and filter
responsible for
performing an LDAP search while mapping the certificate to a user entry.
Comment out or do not set this parameter, if either the subject field of the certificate matches exactly the DN of the user in Directory Server or if you want to use the setting from the CmapLdapAttr parameter.
If the value is empty, it will search the entire LDAP tree by using the FilterComps parameter.
Set this parameter to a comma-separated list of attributes used in the certificate's subject. Directory Server will use these attributes in an AND operation in the filter.
Note - Certificate Subjects use the e attribute for the email address, which does not exist in the default Directory Server schema. For this reason, Directory Server automatically maps this attribute to the mail attribute. This means, if you use the mail attribute in the FilterComps parameter, Directory Server reads the value of the e attribute from the subject of the certificate.
For example, if the subject of a certificate is "e=user_name@example.com,cn=user_name,dc=example,dc=com,o=Example Inc.,c=US" and you want to dynamically generate the "(&(mail=username@domain)(cn=user_name))" filter, set the FilterComps parameter to "mail, cn".
If the parameter is commented out or set to an empty value, the (objectclass=*) filter will be used.
If you do not set this parameter, verifycert is disabled
certmap default default
default:DNComps cn, o, c
#default:FilterComps e, uid
#default:verifycert on
#default:CmapLdapAttr certSubjectDN
certmap example o=Example Inc.,c=US
certmap.conf was written by the 389 Project.
Report bugs to https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/new_issue
Copyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
June 26, 2018 |