DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / 389-ds-base / ds-replcheck.1.en
DS-REPLCHECK(1) General Commands Manual DS-REPLCHECK(1)


ds-replcheck [-h] [-v] {online,offline,state} ...

Replication Comparison Tool (v2.0). This script can be used to compare two
replicas to see if they are in sync.


Compare two online replicas for differences
Compare two replication LDIF files for differences (LDIF file generated by 'db2ldif -r')
Get the general state of replication between two replicas

usage: ds-replcheck online [-h] -m MURL -r RURL -b SUFFIX -D BINDDN

The LDAP URL for the Master server

The LDAP URL for the Replica server

Replicated suffix

The Bind DN

The Bind password

Prompt for the bind DN password

A text file containing the clear text password for the bind dn

The certificate database directory for secure connections

usage: ds-replcheck online [-h] -m MURL -r RURL --rid RID -b SUFFIX -D BINDDN
[-w BINDPW] [-W] [-y PASS_FILE] [-l LAG] [-c]

The LDAP URL for the Master server

The LDAP URL for the Replica server

Replicated suffix

The Bind DN

The Bind password

Prompt for the bind DN password

A text file containing the clear text password for the bind dn

The amount of time to ignore inconsistencies (default 300 seconds)

Display verbose conflict entry information

The certificate database directory for secure connections

Comma separated list of attributes to ignore

The paged-search result grouping size (default 500 entries)

The output file

usage: ds-replcheck offline [-h] -m MLDIF -r RLDIF --rid RID -b SUFFIX [-c]
[-i IGNORE] [-o FILE]

Master LDIF file

Replica LDIF file

The Replica Identifier (rid) for the "Master" server

Replicated suffix

Display verbose conflict entry information

Comma separated list of attributes to ignore

The output file

Verbose output

ds-replcheck was written by the 389 Project.

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Copyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc.

November 26, 2018