DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / addresses-goodies-for-gnustep / addresstool.1.en
ADDRESSTOOL(1) General Commands Manual ADDRESSTOOL(1)

ADDRESSTOOL - Command-line utility for the Addresses framework

addresstool [options] command [parameters]

addresstool is a command-line utility for the Addresses framework for manipulating the address book

Note: addresstool is named adtool in the upstream distribution, but was renamed in Debian to avoid conflicting with the adtool package.

turn on localization of property names
turn off printing of header

Show all people (ID and name)
Show a person's complete record
Mark the given person as the 'me' record
Export a person's image
Export a person's image

Show toplevel groups
Display the members of the given group
Add a person to a group
Remove a person from a group
Show a group's subgroups
Add a group to toplevel or the given supergroup
Remove a group from toplevel or the given supergroup
Show a record's parent group(s)

Show a tree view of all members and groups
Show the current address book configuration
Merge file(s) with the database. Supported file types: vcf, mfaddr

Addresses for GNUstep was written by Bjoern Giesler.

This manual page was written by Hubert Chan for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

November 16, 2006