DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / allegro5-doc / al_perspective_transform.3alleg5.en
al_perspective_transform(3alleg5) al_perspective_transform(3alleg5)

al_perspective_transform - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
void al_perspective_transform(ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *trans,
   float left, float top, float n,
   float right, float bottom, float f)

Like al_orthographic_transform(3alleg5) but honors perspective. If everything is at a z-position of -near it will look the same as with an orthographic transformation.

To use a specific horizontal field of view you can use the relation:

tan(hfov / 2) = (right - left) / 2 / near


al_use_projection_transform(3alleg5), al_orthographic_transform(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual