DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3.en
GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3(October 1, 1997) GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3(October 1, 1997)

GENLIB_PLACE_TOP - place a physical instance in the current figure on the top of the "reference instance"

#include <genlib.h>
void GENLIB_PLACE_TOP(modelname, insname, symetry)
char ∗modelname, ∗insname;
char symetry;

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

Name of the layout figure to be instanciated
Name to be given to the instance on the model
Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance before beeing placed

PLACE_TOP add an instance of model modelname in the current layout cell. The bottom left corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed, after beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the top left corner of the abutment box of the "reference instance". The newly placed instance becomes the "reference instance".
The insname is the name given to the instance and must be unique at a given hierarchy level.
The symetry argument can take eight legal values :

no geometrical operation is performed
Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
a positive 90 degrees rotation take place
a negative 90 degrees rotation take place
Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation take place
becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation take place

The model of the figure to be placed must be available, on disk or in memory. The path to the library is specified in the MBK_CATA_LIB (1) and MBK_WORK_LIB (1) environment variables, and its format is given by the MBK_IN_PH (1) environment variable.

"GENLIB_PLACE_TOP impossible : missing GENLIB_DEF_PHFIG"

No figure has been yet specified by a call to DEF_PHFIG. So it isn't possible to place an instance inside it. you must call DEF_PHFIG before any other layout action.
"GENLIB_PLACE_TOP impossible : No previous instance"
There are no instances placed in the current layout cell, so it's impossible to know where to place from. Use a PLACE call before.
"illegal addphins : transformation is x in insname"
The symetry parameter is not one of the define given, but has the integer value x.

#include <genlib.h>
	/∗ Create a figure to work on  ∗/
	/∗ Place two instances ∗/
	GENLIB_PLACE("dgl", "ins1", ROT_P, 0L, 0L);
	GENLIB_PLACE_TOP("idv", "ins2", SY_RP);
	/∗ Save all that on disk ∗/


See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.