DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / addbddcircuitout.3.en

addbddcircuitout - adds an output in a bdd circuit.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "bdd101.h"
bddnode ∗addbddcircuitout( BddCircuit, OutputName, BddNode )

bddcircuit ∗BddCircuit;
char ∗OutputName;
bddnode ∗BddNode;

The bdd circuit.
The name of the output.
The bdd node of the output.

addbddcircuitout adds BddNode as an output OutputName in the bdd circuit BddCircuit. If a null pointer is given, the default bdd circuit is used. If the output OutputName exists already, the number of external reference of the old node is decremented, and the output node is replaced by the new one.

addbddcircuitout returns the node BddNode with its number of external reference incremented.

#include "bdd101.h"

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
bddcircuit ∗BddCircuit;
bddnode ∗BddNode;
BddSystem = createbddsystem( 100, 1000, 100, 50000 );
BddCircuit = createbddcircuit( "hello_world", 10, 10, BddSystem );
addbddcircuitout( (bddcircuit ∗)0, "Out0", BddNode );
BddNode = searchbddcircuitout( (bddcircuit ∗)0, "Out0" );
destroybddsystem( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
destroybddcircuit( (bddcircuit ∗)0 );

bdd(1) searchbddcircuitout(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6