DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / addchain.3.en

addchain - create a chain and add it to a list

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "mut.h"
chain_list ∗addchain(pthead, ptdata)
chain_list ∗pthead;
void ∗ptdata;

Pointer to a chain_list
Generic pointer to any kind of information

addchain creates a new chain element and adds it to the front of the list pointed to by pthead, and becomes itself the list head.
The chain_lists are mosty used to create temporary lists of homogeneous elements, for binary trees, and so on.
The ptdata points to any kind of list or may itself be a value, if proper cast is performed at compilation time, and fills the DATA field of the chain structure. For details on the structure, see chain(3).

addchain returns a pointer to the new head of list.

#include "mut.h"
#include "mlo.h"
chain_list ∗get_external_connectors(ptfig)
lofig_list ∗ptfig;
locon_list ∗pt = ptfig->LOCON;
chain_list ∗c = NULL; /∗ initialized for regularity ∗/
	while (pt) {
		if (pt->TYPE == EXTERNAL)
			c = addchain(c, (void ∗)pt)
		pt = pt->NEXT;
	return c;

mbk(1), chain(3), freechain(3), delchain(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6