DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / addhtitem.3.en

addhtitem - adds a new item in a hash table.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "mut.h"
void addhtitem(table, key, value)
ht ∗table;
void ∗key;
int value;

Hash table pointer
Key used by the hash coding function to add the item
Value associated with the key

addhtitem() adds a new item in the hash table pointed to by table. If the key already exists, the old value is changed to the new one. Value must be distinct from EMPTYHT and DELETEHT. The length of the table increases automatically when the length given in addht() leads to a performance shut down.

#include "mut.h"
#include "mlo.h"
void conHenter(h, ptfig)
ht ∗h;
lofig_list ∗ptfig;
locon_list ∗ptcon;
	/∗ since connector names are unique, add them without check ∗/
	for (ptcon = p->LOCON; ptcon; ptcon = ptcon->NEXT)
		addhtitem(h, ptcon->NAME, 0);

"∗∗∗ mbk error ∗∗∗ addhtitem impossible : value is EMPTYHT or DELETEHT"

The values EMPTYHT, -1, and DELETEHT, -2, are reserved for internal use, sorry.

The value must be distinct from -1 and -2.

mbk(1), addht(3), delht(3), gethtitem(3), sethtitem(3), delhtitem(3), viewht(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6