DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / addrdsfigrec.3.en

addrdsfigrec - adds a rectangle to a figure

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "rdsnnn.h"
rdsrec_list ∗addrdsfigrec( Figure, Name, Layer, X, Y, Dx, Dy )

rdsfig_list ∗Figure;
char ∗Name;
char Layer;
long X;
long Y;
long Dx;
long Dy;

figure which contains the rectangle to add.
name of the rectangle to add.
Layer of the rectangle to add.
Dimensions of the rectangle to add.

addrdsfigrec creates an adds a rectangle in the figure called Figure. The size of the user structure to add next to the structure rdsrec_list (if it exists) is defined by the field SIZE of the figure who has to contain the rectangle. The rectangle is added in front of the list, and becomes itself the list head associated to the defined layer in parameters of the function. The fields of the rectangle structure are modified as follows :
The field NAME is set to Name.
The field X is set to X.
The field Y is set to Y.
The field DX is set to Dx.
The field DY is set to Dy.
The field FLAGS is modified with the value Layer.

addrdsfigrec returns a pointer to the newly added rectangle.

"Rds202: rdsalloc error, can't continue !"

it's impossible to allocate the memory size desired

#include "mutnnn.h"
#include "rdsnnn.h"
#include "rtlnnn.h"

typedef struct UserStruct
char ∗STRING;
void ∗USER1;
} UserStruct;
# define POINTER_STRING(R) \
(((UserStruct ∗)((char ∗)(R)+sizeof(rdsrec_list)))->STRING )
rdsfig_list ∗RdsFigure;
rdsrec_list ∗Rectangle;
char Layer;
rdsrec_list ∗ScanRec;
RdsFigure = addrdsfig ("core",sizeof ( UserStruct ) );
Rectangle = addrdsfigrec (RdsFigure,
POINTER_STRING(Rectangle) = namealloc ("rectangle_alu1");
print caracteristics of all rectangles of the Rds figure
for ( Layer = 0 ; Layer < RDS_MAX_LAYER ; Layer ++ )
for (
ScanRec = RdsFigure->LAYERTAB[Layer] ;
ScanRec != (rdsrec_list ∗) NULL ;
ScanRec = ScanRec->NEXT
printf("Rectangle->LAYER = %s\n",
printf("Rectangle->NAME = %s\n",ScanRec->NAME);
printf("Rectangle->X = %ld\n",ScanRec->X);
printf("Rectangle->Y = %ld\n",ScanRec->Y);
printf("Rectangle->DX = %ld\n",ScanRec->DX);
printf("Rectangle->DY = %ld\n",ScanRec->DY);
printf("Rectangle->STRING = %s\n",POINTER_STRING(ScanRec));

librds, delrdsfigrec, viewrdsfig

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6