DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / alliancebanner.3.en

alliancebanner - display the standardized Alliance banner

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "mut.h"
void alliancebanner(tool, tv, comment, date, av)
char ∗tool, ∗tv, ∗comment, ∗date, ∗av;

Name of the tool. This is what will be displayed as banner.
Tool version.
Indicates the tool's usefulness.
Copyright dates.
Alliance version.

alliancebanner ouputs on stdout a standardized banner with the name of the tool in large letters, and a cartouche containing some informations about the Alliance CAD system. This function is to be used by all the Alliance tools, and expect a display 80 columns wide.

#include "ba315n.h"
#define nfloptitle(name) \

alliancebanner("nFloP", VERSION,\
"not a FloorPlan router", "92, 93",\


alliancebanner: Error: Resulting size bigger than 80 columns not allowed

The tool argument must be such that its resulting size isn't wider that 80 culumns. This means, since the character set is proportional, that the longest name to be output is about 8 characters long.
alliancebanner: Error: Character out of [0-9A-Za-z] range
The tool parameter has a non allowed character in it. For simplicity purposes, only numbers and letters are accepted.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6