DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / allocrdsrec.3.en

allocrdsrec - allocates memory for a rectangle

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

rdsrec_list ∗allocrdsrec( Size )

unsigned int Size;

Size of the added structure to the rdsrec_list structure.

Allocates a memory block for rdsrec_list structure and an added structure defined by the user. Fields contained in the two structures are set to NULL for pointers and 0L for numbers.

NOTE: Allocation by heap ( see rdsalloc function ).

The pointer to the rectangle structure allocated.

"Rds202: rdsalloc error, can't continue !"

it's impossible to allocate the memory size desired.

# include "mutnnn.h"
# include "rdsnnn.h"
# include "rtlnnn.h" /∗ Name and fields of UserStruct are defined by the user ∗/ typedef struct UserStruct { char ∗STRING; void ∗USER1; } UserStruct; # define POINTER_STRING(R) \
\ (((UserStruct ∗)((char ∗)(R)+sizeof(rdsrec_list)))->STRING ) # define POINTER_USER1(R) \
\ (((UserStruct ∗)((char ∗)(R)+sizeof(rdsrec_list)))->USER1 ) main() { rdsfig_list ∗Figure; rdsrec_list ∗Rectangle;
loadrdsparam(); Rectangle = allocrdsrec ( sizeof ( UserStruct ) ); Rectangle->X = 20; Rectangle->Y = 20; Rectangle->DX = 48; Rectangle->DY = 8; POINTER_STRING (Rectangle) = (char ∗) malloc (strlen ("Alu1")+1); strcpy(POINTER_STRING(Rectangle),"Alu1"); POINTER_USER1 (Rectangle) = (void ∗) Figure; ... }

librds, freerdsrec, rdsalloc, rdsfree

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6