DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / applyBdd.3.en

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

applyBdd - applies an operator to a list of BDD.

#include "logmmm.h"
pNode applyBdd(oper,pt)
short oper;
chain_list *pt;

operator number to apply (OR,AND,XOR,NAND,NOR,NXOR,NOT)
chain_list of BDD.

applyBdd() applies oper to a list of Bdd. This list can be created by addListBdd() function. This function provides the basic method for creating the representation of a function according to the operators in a boolean expression.

#include "mutnnn.h"		/* mbk utilities */
#include "logmmm.h"
pNode nodeA,nodeB,nodeC;
pNode res;
chain_list *pt;
nodeA = createNodeTermBdd(3);
nodeB = createNodeTermBdd(3);
nodeC = createNodeTermBdd(4);
pt = NULL;
pt = addListBdd(pt,nodeA);
pt = addListBdd(pt,nodeB);
pt = addListBdd(pt,nodeC);
res = applyBdd(OR,pt);
/* it will display 
@res    INDEX = 4   LOW = @inter   HIGH = ONE
@inter  INDEX = 3   LOW = @nodeA   HIGH = ONE
@nodeA  INDEX = 2   LOW = ZERO	   HIGH = ONE

"applyBdd : error - unknown operator"
the operator number must be in (OR,AND,XOR,NAND,NOR,NXOR,NOT)
"applyBdd : error - chained list is empty"
chained list pointer pt = NULL.
"applyBdd : error - bad operator"
The number of arguments is 1 and the operator is distinct from NOT.
chained list pointer pt = NULL.

log(1), bdd(1), addListBdd(3), applyBinBdd(3), notBdd(3), constraintBdd(3), composeBdd(3), displayBdd(3), createNodeTermBdd(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6