DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / delbddnodeassoc.3.en

delbddnodeassoc - deletes a bdd node in a variable association.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "bdd101.h"
int delbddnodeassoc( BddSystem, BddAssoc, Variable )

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
bddassoc ∗BddAssoc;
bddvar Variable;

The bdd system.
The variable association.
The variable number.

delbddnodeassoc deletes the bdd node associated to the variable number Variable, in the variable association BddAssoc, in the bdd system BddSystem. If a null pointer is given, the default bdd system is used. The number of external reference of the associated bdd node is incremented.

delbddnodeassoc returns 1 if the variable is found, 0 otherwise.

"variable xxx out of range, error !"

The Variable parameter must be less or equal to the BddSystem->NUMBER_VAR field.

#include "bdd101.h"

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
bddcircuit ∗BddCircuit;
bddnode ∗BddNode;
bddnode ∗BddSubst;
bddnode ∗BddVariable;
bddassoc ∗Assoc;
chain_list ∗Expr;
bddvar Variable;
BddSystem = createbddsystem( 100, 1000, 100, 50000 );
BddCircuit = createbddcircuit( "hello_world", 10, 10, BddSystem );
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_AND,
createablatom( "i0" ),
createablatom( "i1" ) );
BddNode = addbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, Expr );
freeablexpr( Expr );
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_OR,
createablatom( "i2" ),
createablatom( "i3" ) );
BddSubst = addbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, Expr );
freeablexpr( Expr );
BddVariable = searchbddcircuitin( (bddcircuit ∗)0, "i0" );
Variable = getbddvarbyindex( (bddsystem ∗)0, BddVariable->INDEX );
Assoc = addbddassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
addbddnodeassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0, Assoc, Variable, BddSubst );
BddNode = substbddnodeassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0, BddSubst, Assoc );
delbddnodeassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0, Assoc, Variable );
Expr = convertbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, BddNode );
/* displays ((i3 or i2) and i1) */
viewablexpr( Expr, ABL_VIEW_VHDL );
freeablexpr( Expr );
destroybddassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
destroybddsystem( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
destroybddcircuit( (bddcircuit ∗)0 );


See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6