DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / incatalogdelete.3.en

incatalogdelete - test if cell belongs to the catalog file

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "mut.h"
int incatalogdelete(figname)
char ∗figname;

Name of the cell to be checked

incatalogdelete checks a cell represented by its figname beeing present in the catalog file with the 'D' attribut. This means that the cell is to be deleted from the catalog. incatalogdelete returns 0 if the cell does not belong to the catalog with the 'D' attribut, 1 if it does.
The catalog is the sum of all the catalogs of the cells libraries specified in the MBK_CATA_LIB(1) and MBK_WORK_LIB(1). The catalogs of the MBK_CATA_LIB(1) are the files called CATAL, and the MBK_WORK_LIB(1) is by default CATAL but can be changed to MBK_CATAL_NAME(1).

incatalogdelete returns 0 if the cell does not belong to the catalog with the 'D' attribut, a value different from 0 if it does.

#include "mut.h"
char ∗tell_if_incatalogdelete(name)
char ∗name;
	return incatalogdelete(name) ? "Not checked for catalog" : "Checked";

mbk(1), incatalog(3), incatalogfeed(3). incataloggds(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6