DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / loadrdsfig.3.en

loadrdsfig - give back a pointer to a figure

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "rtlnnn.h"

void loadrdsfig( Figure, Name, Mode )
rdsfig_list ∗Figure;
char ∗Name;
char Mode;

Pointer to the RDS Figure created.
Name of the model of the figure.
Caracter indicating the status of the figure in memory.

This field can take three values :

All the cell is loaded in ram (The figure, its rectangles and its instances empty).
Only information concerning the model interface is present, that means : connectors, the abutment box and through routes of the figure.
Visualization mode : all is loaded in RAM : The figure, its rectangles, its instances and the rectangles of its instances.

The loadrdsfig function loads in memory a cell model from disk. The loadrdsfig function in fact performs a call to a parser ,chosen by the RDS_IN environment variable.

The pointer to the created figure. (it's the parameter ´Figure´ of the loadrdsfig function).

"Rtl103.h: Unknown rds input format"

The input format defined by the unix environment variable RDS_IN is not supported by the driver (supported formats are "cif" and "gds").

Other errors can appear because the loadrdsfig function calls cif and gds parsers.

#include "mutnnn.h"
#include "rdsnnn.h"
#include "rtlnnn.h"
rdsfig_list ∗RdsFigure;
/∗ ∗/ loadrdsfig (RdsFigure, "core", 'A');
viewrdsfig( Figure );

librtl, getrdsfig, rdsenv, RDS_IN

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6