DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / lotrs.3.en

lotrs - mbk logical transistor

The lotrs is used to describe a logical transistor. It is mostly used to describe leaf cells in terms of transistors interconnections, and as a result of layout extractions. Since the only target technology is CMOS, only NMOS and PMOS transistors are used.

The declarations needed to work on lotrs are available in the header file "/labo/include/mlo.h".

The following C structure supports the description of the logical transistor :

typedef struct lotrs {
	struct lotrs	∗NEXT; 
	struct locon	∗DRAIN;
	struct locon	∗GRID; 
	struct locon	∗SOURCE;
	struct locon	∗BULK;
	char	∗TRNAME;
	long	X,Y;
	unsigned short	WIDTH, LENGTH;
	unsigned short	PS, PD;
	unsigned short	XS, XD;
	char	TYPE;
	struct ptype	∗USER;
} lotrs_list;
Pointer to the next lotrs of the list.
Pointer to the drain connector of the transistor. This connector is, of course unique. See locon(3) for details.
Pointer to the grid connector of the transistor. This connector is, of course unique. See locon(3) for details.
Pointer to the source connector of the transistor. This connector is, of course unique. See locon(3) for details.
Pointer to the bulk connector of the transistor. This connector is, of course unique. See locon(3) for details.
Transistor instance name
Coordinates of the transistor in a layout. These informations have sens only if the transistor netlist is the result of a layout extraction. They are otherwise set to zero. These coordinates are given in micron times the scale factor SCALE_X, since the extracted view is technology dependant.
Respectivly width and length of the transistor grid.
Respectivly perimeter of the source and drain, in micron times the scale factor SCALE_X.
These values are needed to compute respectivly the source and drain areas. Let As be the source area in square microns, and Width be the transistor grid width in micron, then lotrs->XS = As / Width * SCALE_X
Canal type of the transistor. Six legal values are available :
N type MOS transistor
P type MOS transistor
High speed N type MOS transistor
High speed P type MOS transistor
Low Leakage N type MOS transistor
Low Leakage P type MOS transistor
Pointer to a ptype list, see ptype(3) for details, that is a general purpose pointer used to share informations on the transistor.
In integrated techniques, NMOS transistor bulk for digital circuits is always set to ground, and PMOS transistor bulk for digital circuits is always set to positive supply.

mbk(1), addlotrs(3), dellotrs(3), locon(3), lofig(3), ptype(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

August 6, 2002 ASIM/LIP6