DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / mapabloperexpr.3.en

mapabloperexpr - applies a function to all operands.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "abl101.h"
chain_list ∗mapabloperexpr( Function, Oper, Expr )

chain_list ∗ (∗Function)();
long Oper;
chain_list ∗Expr;

Function name to apply to all operands.
Operator number.
Expression to scan.

mapabloperexpr applies Function to all operands of Expr. mapabloperexpr creates a head of an operator expression having Oper as operator and adds the arguments calculated by applying Function to each arguments of Expr. Function must return an expression and must have a unique expression as argument.

mapabloperexpr returns a new expression by applying Function to all the arguments of the operator expression Expr.

#include "abl101.h"

chain_list ∗MapFunction( MapExpr )
chain_list ∗MapExpr;
return( createablnotexpr( dupablexpr( MapExpr ) ) );
chain_list ∗Expr;
chain_list ∗Expr1;
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_NOR,
createablatom( "a" ),
createablatom( "b" ) );
Expr1 = mapabloperexpr( MapFunction, ABL_AND, Expr );
/* displays ((not a) and (not b)) */
viewablexpr( Expr1, ABL_VIEW_VHDL );


See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6