DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / mbksetautoackchld.3.en

mbksetautoackchld - Tells Alliance to automatically handle terminaison of child process.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "mut.h"
void mbksetautoackchld( pid )
int pid;

Process pid to automatically handle.

mbksetautoackchld provide a centralised way to catch terminated child process. Because some Alliance library can create a child process, and user application can do so, there must be a centralized way to get the exit status of process. If the programmer don't want to know the state of a child process, or if he don't want to know what is the terminaison code of such process, he must tells it to Alliance with this call. The programmer should never modify the handler of SIGCHLD.

mbksetautoackchld don't return value.

mbk(1), mbkwaitpid(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

November 20, 2000 ASIM/LIP6