DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / phcon.3.en

phcon - mbk physical connector

The phcon structure is used to describe a connector belonging to a symbolic layout model, see phfig(3) for details. A strong convention on the mbk data structure is that two connector internally wired have the same name, the 'logical' name.

The declarations needed to work on phcon are available in the header file "/labo/include/mph402.h", where '402' is the actual mbk version.

The following C structure supports the description of the connector :

typedef struct phcon {
	struct phcon	∗NEXT;
	char	∗NAME;
	long	INDEX;
	long	XCON, YCON;
	long	WIDTH;
	char	ORIENT;
	char	LAYER;
	struct ptype	∗USER;
} phcon_list;
Pointer to the next connector of the model.
Name of the connector. A model may posseses more than one connector with a given name, if they are internally wired.
Index of the connector. Since a model may have many connectors with the same name, it is needed to be able to point out one of them. The index allows to distinguish every connector using a topological order. This field is filled by the addphcon function, and shall not be modified otherwise.
Connector coordinates. the point (XCON, YCON) must be placed on or inside of the abutment box of the model.
Caracter indicating the face of the model on the which the connector is placed. It may take four values :
connector placed on top of cell
connector placed on bottom of cell
connector placed on right of cell
connector placed on left of cell
Symbolic layer used for the connector. The legal values are :
N bulk
P bulk
N implant in P bulk
P implant in N bulk
N diffusion
P diffusion
N transistor
P transistor
first metal
second metal
third metal
polysilicum through route
first metal through route
second metal through route
third metal through route
Width of the connector. The physical extension, concerning the width, of a connector is paralell to its face.
Pointer to a ptype list, see ptype for details, that is a general purpose pointer used to share informations on the connector.

mbk(1), addphcon(3), getphcon(3), delphcon(3), phfig(3), phref(3), locon(3), ptype(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6