DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / phseg.3.en

phseg - mbk physical segment

The phseg structure is used to describe a segment belonging to a symbolic layout model, see phfig(3) for details. Transistors are segments of a particular layer.

The declarations needed to work on phseg are available in the header file "/labo/include/mph402.h", where '402' is the actual mbk version.

The following C structure supports the description of the segment :

typedef struct phseg {
	struct phseg	∗NEXT;
	char	∗NAME;
	long	X1,Y1,X2,Y2;
	long	WIDTH;
	char	TYPE;
	char	LAYER;
	struct ptype	∗USER;
} phseg_list;
Pointer to the next segment in the list.
Name of the segment. The name is not an identifier, and a name is present only if the designer used one for debug purposes.
Coordinates of each end of the segment. Since it's a symbolic segment, one alway has either X1 = X2 or Y1 = Y2. Furthermore, by construction, it is warranty, if one accesses the data structure through the legal functions, that X1 <= X2 and Y1 <= Y2.
This caracter can take four values :
if Y1 = Y2. The exact value is chosen by addphseg, depending upon X1 and X2 relations.
if X1 = X2
Symbolic layer used for the segment. The legal values are :
N bulk
P bulk
N implant in P bulk
P implant in N bulk
N diffusion
P diffusion
N transistor
P transistor
first metal
second metal
third metal
polysilicum through route
first metal through route
second metal through route
third metal through route
Width of the segment. The physical extension of a segment is perpendicular to its direction.
Pointer to a ptype list, see ptype for details, that is a general purpose pointer used to share informations on the segment.

mbk(1), addphseg(3), getphseg(3), delphseg(3), phfig(3), ptype(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6