DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / segmbkrds.3.en

segmbkrds - adds to RDS figure a segment from a MBK figure

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "rfmnnn.h"

rdsrec_list ∗segmbkrds( Figure, Segment, Lynx )
rdsfig_list ∗Figure;
phseg_list ∗Segment;
char Lynx;

The RDS figure which has to receive the converted segment.
MBK segment to convert to RDS rectangle.
Flag used for the segment conversion. If the parameter Lynx is set to 0 then this is the normal conversion mode. If the parameter Lynx is set to 1 then the rds structure generated permits to extract equipotentials rectangles.

The segmbkrds function converts and creates a RDS segment from a MBK segment. The segment is attached to the RDS figure in parameter of the segmbkrds function. See the rdsfig_list structure in librds.

Pointer to the newly created RDS segment.

"Rds202: rdsalloc error, can't continue !"

it's impossible to allocate the memory size desired

#include "mphnnn.h"
#include "mutnnn.h"
#include "rdsnnn.h"
#include "rfmnnn.h"
#include "rtlnnn.h"
typedef struct UserStruct
char ∗STRING;
void ∗USER1;
} UserStruct;
phfig_list ∗MbkFigure;
rdsfig_list ∗RdsFigure;
rdsrec_list ∗Segment;
RdsFigure =
addrdsfig ("core",sizeof ( UserStruct ) );
MbkFigure->PHSEG =
addphseg ( MbkFigure, ALU1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 12, "seg_alu1");
Segment = segmbkrds (RdsFigure, MbkFigure->PHSEG, 0);
viewrdsrec ( Segment );

librds, librfm, viewrfmseg, loadrdsparam

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6