DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / substbddnodeassoc.3.en

substbddnodeassoc - substitutes a set of variables with a set of bdd node.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "bdd101.h"
bddnode ∗substbddnodeassoc( BddSystem, BddNode, BddAssoc )

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
bddnode ∗BddNode;
bddassoc ∗BddAssoc;

The bdd system.
The bdd node to treat.
The variable association.

substbddnodeassoc substitutes in the bdd node BddNode all the variables associated to something in the variable association BddAssoc, with the corresponding bdd node, in the bdd system BddSystem. If a null pointer is given, the default bdd system is used.

substbddnodeassoc returns the computed bdd node.

"variable xxx out of range, error !"

The Variable parameter must be less or equal to the BddSystem->NUMBER_VAR field.
"bad variable association xxx, error !"
The BddAssoc parameter must a valid variable association.

#include "bdd101.h"

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
bddcircuit ∗BddCircuit;
bddnode ∗BddNode;
bddnode ∗BddSubst;
bddnode ∗BddVariable;
bddassoc ∗Assoc;
chain_list ∗Expr;
bddvar Variable;
BddSystem = createbddsystem( 100, 1000, 100, 50000 );
BddCircuit = createbddcircuit( "hello_world", 10, 10, BddSystem );
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_AND,
createablatom( "i0" ),
createablatom( "i1" ) );
BddNode = addbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, Expr );
freeablexpr( Expr );
Expr = createablbinexpr( ABL_OR,
createablatom( "i2" ),
createablatom( "i3" ) );
BddSubst = addbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, Expr );
freeablexpr( Expr );
BddVariable = searchbddcircuitin( (bddcircuit ∗)0, "i0" );
Variable = getbddvarbyindex( (bddsystem ∗)0, BddVariable->INDEX );
Assoc = addbddassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
addbddnodeassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0, Assoc, Variable, BddSubst );
BddNode = substbddnodeassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0, BddSubst, Assoc );
Expr = convertbddcircuitabl( BddCircuit, BddNode );
/* displays ((i3 or i2) and i1) */
viewablexpr( Expr, ABL_VIEW_VHDL );
freeablexpr( Expr );
destroybddassoc( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
destroybddsystem( (bddsystem ∗)0 );
destroybddcircuit( (bddcircuit ∗)0 );


See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6