DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / alliance / viewbddsysteminfo.3.en

viewbddsysteminfo - displays statistical informations.

See the file buster/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz.

#include "bdd101.h"
void viewbddsysteminfo( BddSystem )

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;

The bdd system to examines.

viewbddsysteminfo provides statistical informations on the bdd system BddSystem, for example the perfomance of the different caches. If a null pointer is given, the default bdd system is used.

viewbddsysteminfo returns nothing.

#include "bdd101.h"

bddsystem ∗BddSystem;
BddSystem = createbddsystem( 100, 1000, 100, 50000 );
viewbddsysteminfo( BddSystem );
destroybddsystem( BddSystem );

bdd(1) viewbddsystem(3).

See the file buster/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz.

October 1, 1997 ASIM/LIP6