DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / anorack / anorack.1.en

anorack - “a” vs “an” checker

anorack [option...] [file...]

The English language has two indefinite articles:

  • a: used before words that begin with a consonant sound (e.g., a program, a host, a user);
  • an: used before words that begin with a vowel sound (e.g., an example, an hour, an undefined variable).

anorack is a specialized spell-checker that finds incorrect indefinite articles.

Show the help message and exit.
Show the program's version information and exit.
Print phonemes using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) instead of ASCII phoneme mnemonics.

$ cat test
a Ubuntu user
a 8-byte word
an username
$ anorack test
test:1: a Ubuntu -> an Ubuntu /u:b'u:ntu:/
test:2: a 8 -> an 8 /'eIt/
test:3: an username -> a username /j'u:z3n,eIm/


2017-10-04 anorack 0.2.4